#i might've gone more in depth then
What do you think of the theory that Sophie’s dad is actually a human? I think it fits the bill in regards to “shaking up the foundation of the elf world,” as said by Forkle. It would also make sense because of her brown eyes (although that could also just be from the alicorn) and I can’t remember if Forkle said Sophie’s parents weren’t human, but Forkle has been proven to be a sneaky little guy so he could just be lying. I think it would be quite interesting from a narrative perspective.
I've spoken to this theory before! I don't know where the post is, but my general consensus: I do think it makes a fair amount of sense, though there are some holes that make me lean more towards a no.
It would 100% shake the foundation of their world, make them question the "purity" of their species, their separation from humans, whether they truly are as different (read: superior) as they like to claim. Sophie would be the very first human-elf mix (as the story intends, anyway, though I'd argue that realistically she wouldn't be), a living bridge between worlds that shouldn't exist in their society. A black swan of sorts
However, Forkle did say that she was "100% elf" in Exile when he revealed he'd modeled her DNA off alicorn DNA. So if we believe him, then her father's an elf. But! Like you said, he's a sneaky little guy, so it's possible he lied to her about that since he was specifically trying to tell her she was not part alicorn. I feel like he's usually more of a lie of omission kinda person and not an outright lie person though.
Plus, that would make Sophie the subject of even more scrutiny, judgment, and conversation than she already is; I'm not sure the Black Swan would willingly subject her to that. They've generally tried to make her life as easy as possible, and this would Not Do That. However, there are things they do even though they'll make her life difficult because they find them necessary (multiple abilities, enhanced abilities, living with humans) so it could still be possible. But I don't know what she'd gain by being born of elf and humans that she wouldn't get from being an elf raised by humans. The different perspective and ties to humanity exist in her as an elf now, how would the human/elf mix add anything, especially when she's unaware of it?
I do think it would be incredibly interesting story wise to have a human/elf Sophie, but I think it might be too complex given the time we have left, especially since it doesn't add much more to Sophie's purpose and journey for the effort that would take. She's already got her tie to humans--maybe she'd feel better about it knowing her genetic ties, but we don't have the chance to really explore what this could mean because the story is focused on so many other more pressing things.
Essentially: fits some things, not others, and while rich in potential, I don't think the story has time to live up to that potential, so I don't think it'll happen. Would be fine being proven wrong though!
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yan-critter · 4 months
Can you do more of Yandere Childe fics? And your art, it’s so delicious like 😍😍🫵👌👌
Do take requests? How about a yandere husband Childe with a childhood friend darling. The darling hasn’t seen him for a long time, and when they do, childe straight up proposed to her or have an arranged marriage of sorts, hehe
Take rest and drink water everyday for good health 🤭🤭
I like writing for Childe because of how versatile he can be! A lapdog one moment, a wolfhound the next. Glad you liked my art too! I wasn't sure about posting it but so far it's been well received so maybe I'll post more in the future. Anyways, I loved your request, it was such a fun scenario I might've gone a little overboard lol
Childe, who returns to his hometown after years of absence as a newly crowned harbinger, enveloped in the nostalgia of a familiar place. Amidst the tranquil snow-covered streets, he stumbles upon you, his childhood sweetheart.
Now a fully grown adult, you’ve become a prominent figure in the village, obvious by the way the local children tug at your clothing for attention. He approaches you, all smiles, and you recognize him immediately. His tawny hair is as bright as ever, and it’s all the more beautiful in the snowy landscape of your home. You’re elated to see him, his presence stirring up old memories of laughter and innocence.
But something about him seemed different now, almost…
Before you could even offer a greeting, Childe was already prattling off about what he had been up to, and how much he had missed. You laughed, amused by how little he had changed from the energetic child you knew back then. His cerulean eyes twinkled at your laughter, a light blush coating his face in response. You’ve gotten so lovely since he last saw you, a vision of beauty perfect to Childe’s tastes.
After a few minutes, you invite him into your home, hoping to continue the conversation away from biting winds and prying eyes. He readily accepts, and you falter for a moment as you notice the odd yearning in his tone. But you brush it off, assuming he just wants to get out of the cold as fast as possible.
Offering him a cup of tea, you sit together at a small table and begin catching up. Hearing about his difficulties rising within the ranks of the fatui, you begin airing out your own complaints. The town’s resources, your finances, your parents declining health as they grew older, the list goes on. His face lights up, offering a solution in the form of an arranged marriage, a proposition veiled under the guise of providing for your family. He was a harbinger now after all, with immense power and wealth, truly lacking nothing. He could make you happy!
Plus, he could finally fulfill the promise you two had made as children.
Taken aback by the suddenness, you politely declined. It had been so long since you had last seen him, and with how much time had passed you were both different people now. You hardly knew this version of Childe, the 11th harbinger of all things, and he had missed so much of your life as well. Besides, you were only children then! Making silly vows by the lakeside that didn’t actually mean anything. The man's face dropped, frozen in his seat as he absorbed your words.
“Didn’t… mean anything?”
In an instant, Childe's demeanor shifted, his once-charming smile contorting into a mask of desperation and resentment as he slams his hands down onto the table. The dam breaks, angry tears forming as he confesses his undying infatuation with you, revealing the depths of an obsession that had festered over the years. Adamant that you were being heartless, to deny him so easily when he was being so so kind. You were the only thing keeping him sane during his time in the abyss, pushing forward with the hope of marrying you once he escaped, and now you do this?
You want to be cruel? He can show you true cruelty.
Your heart pounded with fear as his tone turned sinister, threatening to use his connections as the newest lord harbinger to ensure the village would never receive supplies from the mainland ever again.
The sincerity in his voice makes you flinch, throat constricting with terror. He wouldn’t do that, would he? Doom all the people he once loved over, what, some old flame he hadn’t seen in nearly a decade? But as you look up and see his form looming over you like a predator, eyes glinting with a ferocity you’ve only seen from abyssal beasts, you’re certain he’s not bluffing.
The innocent, bright-eyed boy of your childhood now seemed like a distant dream, shattered by Childe's twisted desires. Every word he uttered dripped with malice, his possessiveness morphing into a chilling display of dominance. His power a dark shadow looming over the safety of everyone you love. You shiver, the realization of how easily he could have your entire town wiped out being nightmarish.
As the snowfall blanketed the peaceful village, you knew that escaping Childe's grasp wouldn't be without its victims. Who were you to say your life was more valuable than an entire community? A life with Childe would not be peaceful, a prisoner within his domain where the line between love and obsession blurred into a chilling reality. But he would take care of you, and you would be sheltered and safe within his grasp. They would be safe too. Your gaze is downcast as you compose yourself, silently mourning the freedom of the countryside you took for granted all these years. You couldn’t let them suffer, not for this. Not by him. Resigning yourself to your fate, you reach forward and embrace him, the venom in his expression melting away as he sighs. 
And as you stand there held against him, the spitting image of two lovers reunited, a thought occurs to you both.
You had to be his.
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rafesapologist · 1 year
the set up — rafe cameron; part five
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀): cussing, depictions of violence, TENSION, angst, tw: topper
author's note: hi baby loves, i've been working on some stuff for you guys in the midst of uploading this chapter. i appreciate and love all of your kind words that you have given me during this series thus far ♡ had to cut this one a lil shorter than others as you will see why at the end, but y'all are going to be FED in the next chapter. here's to chapter 5!!
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You felt a massive lump in your throat, swearing to yourself that it might've killed you from suffocation if it hadn't gone away. You stood a few feet away from JJ and Pope with your back facing the direction of where the adenoidal voice was coming from behind you. You quite literally felt like a deer in the headlights while you stood there, frozen by the fear that came over you as you looked to your friends with pure panic in your eyes. You knew immediately that trouble had approached you by the irate look in JJ's sapphire colored eyes and the horror in Pope's. You felt a miniscule sense of relief when you realized that the voice adressing the three of you was not that of Rafe Cameron's. You could recognize Rafe's gruff, low-toned voice from a mile away and the one you had heard was not nearly as deep as his.
"Y/n, what are you doing with these duds?" Topper taunted with evident intentions to rile up your friends, more specifically, JJ.
"Top," you turned around swiftly, a painfully forced smile plastered onto your face, "I ran into them while I was in line. I just stopped to say hi before I came back over." You prevaricated the loathsome Kook, putting on a euphonious tone to try and impel him by toying with his weak spot for you.
However to your dismay, Topper shook his head at you as he inched closer, "I get that, but you see, we don't really fuck with them, y/n. Especially not Rafe." The blond forewarned of the conflict that was brewing, causing your mouth to go dry and your breath to stagger. It wasn't often you were left speechless, seeing how you always seemed to have an opinion about something, but for once you were utterly tongue-tied under Topper's stare.
"I know, but they're my friends and Rafe knows tha-"
"Whats going on- Y/n? What are you doing?" A thick voice rang throughout your ears, followed by the vision of Rafe coming into your view, a sight that made your heart skip a beat.
"I ran into JJ and Pope while I was in line. I just wanted to say hi." You admitted and your articulation subdued. Heat had began rising to your flushed cheeks, only to be made worse by the scorching heat of the mid-july temperatures and Rafe's daunting glare.
You wanted to crumble into a million pieces at the sound of Rafe's hauntingly dry chuckle emerging from the depths of his throat, almost ominous. You kept your eyes glued up at him as he approached you as the beating of your heart inside your chest sped up faster than ever. It wasn't necessarily for the fact that you were scared of Rafe, but that he was unpredictable and arbitrary at times. The only ones who truly needed to be afraid in that moment was JJ and Pope, which had you on edge.
"Hey Top," Rafe motioned towards his blond acquaintance with a subtle head nod before wrapping an arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side swiftly, "y/n and I are going to head back over to our seats. You think you got it from here?" His question alerting your attention immediately, causing you to furrow your brows at the lanky boy next to you.
"Yeah I think so, actually Kelce and Ryan are on their way." Topper flashed a small smirk in Rafe's direction, illiciting a nearly sadistic grin to form onto his face. After getting the confirmation from his friend, Rafe began to guide the two of you back over to the spot you were sat at previously, passing by the two Kooks Topper had just mentioned while on the walk back.
"Rafe, what are they doing?" You inquired wearily, shaming yourself for the way your voice cracked when trying to speak.
"They're just talking things out, y/n. Nothing to worry about." Rafe's words sounded sincere but you could tell by that familiar smug smirk on his face that he was being anything but that. You knew his attempt to soothe your nerves was merely half-hearted, not because he didn't care about you, but rather due to the fact that the talk about your fellow Pogue coevals left a sour taste in his mouth.
You kept walking in compliance with Rafe's request to remove you from the situation that was fermenting at the concession stand, but your mind was still racing at the thought of what was happening back there. You knew that if it involved Topper, or any of the Kooks for that matter, JJ and Pope would be in for it. You pondered on the reoccuring thought that those fiendish Kooks might actually end up hurting your friends, and you shivered at the thought of any of them laying a hand on the two boys.
You fought with the notion that they were up to no good for a few moments, however, you feared Rafe would catch onto where your head was at and grow frustrated with you. But nevertheless, you couldn't fight the thoughts that plagued every part of your encephalon. Therefore, just before you lost complete sight of the group of boys a few feet behind, you turned your head over your shoulder to sneak a peek at what was truly unfolding.
Once you had finally got a glimpse of what was going on, you couldn't help but scream.
"JJ! Pope!" You hollered with an unalloyed terror that captured Rafe's attention immediately.
"Shh, hey, hey, y/n?" Rafe placed his hands firmly on your shoulders, blocking your view of the altercation taking place by standing directly in front of you.
"Rafe- I, they're hurting my friends!" You pointed at the sight of both Pope and JJ lying on the ground while a trio of Kooks took turns throwing punches and kicks at their defenseless bodies. You winced as you watched Topper mercilessly send his foot right into the side of JJ's ribcage with force, causing your heart to break internally at the visual once you realized somewhere in that same area a previous bruise lingered there from JJ's dad a week before.
Rafe surveyed your piteous expression as tears began to brim in your eyes that were written over with a dolorous countenance that struck him deeply. Although it had amused him to watch his enemies in such a defenseless state, his merriment was soon erased by the way your hands began to shake and your tumefied lips trembled. He had never seen you in such a state of distress before, a vastly different version of the girl who was always giving him mordant comments and a insouciant demeanor. It began to settle within him that it really did hurt you to see your friends that way.
"Topper! That's enough." Rafe called out, bringing his friends to a fault in unison.
"But Rafe you-"
"I said cut the shit. You've made your point, now lets go." Rafe reaffirmed his position with his demand, causing the rest of the Kooks to remove themselves from your, now, battered friends as they groaned in agony. Rafe's sudden shift in demeanor left you both confused and speechless, wondering why he so suddenly had a change of heart in your friends' fate. But regardless, you were thankful there was some humanity inside of him left.
"Thank you." You whispered barely audibly as you looked up at Rafe as he sent daggers at his friends as they headed back over towards the two of you. You noticed that Rafe's rancorous impression began to soften as his eyes trailed down to meet yours. He huffed in a sense of defeat, a rather sincere appearance taking over his features. His azure eyes flickered between both of yours, looking as if he was in deep thought. You didn't dare to break eye contact with him, however, instead you kept your gaze locked onto him as you awaited his next response.
"You have no idea what you do to me." He muttered out quietly without even blinking. His declaration making your breath hitch in your throat as you stared up at him blankly, rendering yourself speechless once again.
"I don't understand." You voiced in a tremulous manner, one that you mentally cursed yourself for since you seemed so vulnerable against Rafe.
"Did you not see what I just did for you back there?" He retorted, a dry laugh escaping his rose-colored lips.
"For me?" You repeated.
"You really think I gave a shit if they hurt your little Pogue friends? I would've let them finish both of them off if it wasn't for that damn look on your face." Rafe sighed. For once, he had finally broke eye contact with you, leaving you to feel even more confused than you were before. You couldn't entirely wrap your head around why he was doing this, whether this was just some sick game to him or that seeing you so upset genuinely did bother him. Either ways, it was evident that he was uncomfortable discussing whatever it was that he was feeling in that moment, but you were curious, and desired a reason why.
"What are you talking about? I didn't make you do anything, Rafe." You attested, folding your arms in defense.
"You didn't have to," Rafe shook his head, looking down at you with pleading eyes that made goosebumps rise along your skin , "You have this thing about you, y/n. You walk around this island with this attitude that nothing can get to you, like nobody can say shit to you. But when it's just you and me, I see the way you become so fragile, like I'm gonna break you or something." His voice lowered as he closed in the proximity between your bodies, allowing you to feel the heat of his begin to warm yours.
"There's a part of you that's so naive. You take in the world with so much hope, like everything and everyone is fixable, like it's your job to fix them. I bet that's why you cling onto those Pogues of yours, cause you know they're damaged and you relate to it. You wanna fix them like you wish someone did for you." The blue-eyed boy continued, only for his presence to grow increasingly more intimidating than ever before. You picked up on how his voice deepend and his irises began to darken as he looked down on you, a hunger-filled glimmer in his eyes.
"You're wrong." You rejected his accusation although you weren't the least bit convincing. You hung your head low and refused to look up at him while his stare endlessly bored into your soul.
"You know I'm not," Rafe avowed, placing his index finger below your chin gently, forcing you to look up at him as he spoke, "you just don't want to admit it to yourself. You can lie all you want, but I see right through it."
"Even if it were true, what does it matter to you?" You scoffed, feeling a sense of defensiveness as though he was ridiculing you.
"Relax princess, I'm not judging." He chuckled lowly, "I'm saying that I see you for who you are. I mean, I get why you do it, trust me. But for once, why don't you let that wall down? Let me take care of you, instead of you taking care of everyone else for a change." His warm hands began to ghost up your forearms, trailing the places that made your ears ring.
"I don't know, I-"
"I'd make you forget about all that shit in your past," Rafe came down to whisper in your ear, his lips a mere centimeters from touching your skin, "make you feel good for once." He cooed.
You were strong. So very strong in a world filled with gawking men and empty promises. But when you saw that look on Rafe Cameron's face, looking down at you as though he was drunk off your presence, you could've swore your knees were going to buckle right there. You had never felt such an intensity before as you did under the gaze of the blue-eyed Kook, despite having plenty of experience prior to him. But he had much more conviction with his words than anyone else had ever shown you, a credence that you couldn't even deny yourself. You wanted to shove him off and do what your mind was telling you to, but your body and heart said otherwise. You froze right before him, allowing him to take you under his magnetizing spell while his fingers danced along your soft skin. You fought in desperation with your indecorous thoughts with hope that if you ignored them that they would go away, but you for unfortunately mistaken as the feeling of Rafe's touch became more persuasive than the voices in your head telling you to run.
"Can we get out of here?" You asked abruptly, your body full of heat.
"I thought you'd never ask."
taglist (if i forgot u please let me know, i'm trying to keep a list of everyone!):  @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d
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general-cyno · 7 months
I sort of rambled about this in the tags of a post, but I wanted to make a proper one myself since I find it very fascinating (law backstory flashback you will always be famous). so one of my favorite scenes is this one:
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it is a very meaningful moment for these two, a very clear turning point to their dynamic at that time, and it's made even clearer by how law starts referring to rocinante as cora-san afterwards.
now, there are several instances throughout dressrosa arc where the similarities between doflamingo and law are mentioned, with the former going as far as to call them both birds of a feather. and as it's shown in the flashbacks, reading about flevance was enough to trigger doflamingo's traumatizing memories of his and rocinante's childhood, which seems to motivate him to bring law into the family. the way law seeks to lash out at everything then is reminiscent of doflamingo's own worldview and experiences, at least from his pov:
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rocinante noticed those similarities as well and though he tried to (questionably) discourage all kids from joining the DQ pirates by scaring them away, law's case in particular prompted him to bring up the topic with sengoku at some point, as seen during sengoku's conversation with law.
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sengoku repeats what everyone says about the amber lead disease, that it's incurable, and warns rocinante not to favor law much for it could jeopardize his mission. whether rocinante's agreement here was reluctant or not ig is up to each reader but learning of law's real/full name (his relation to the D clan) reignites his initial worries and some more, considering the historic opposition/threat the D represents wrt celestial dragons and how this could endanger him if doflamingo were to find out.
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so there's even bigger reasons for rocinante to not want law to become doflamingo 2.0. though as he later admits amidst his drunken speech, the will of D no longer matters to him when it comes to saving law, as rocinante's journey to cure his disease ends up making him feel genuine sympathy for law beyond that. he's forced to witness first hand how much discrimination and dehumanization law's subjected to time and time again, because of his disease and ties to flevance. before all this, law's mentioned his imminent death more than a few times and does it after too. and during the first disastrous hospital visit, he tells rocinante: see? I'm not even human anymore!
which brings me to this bit of dialogue:
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for all of law's similarities and/or parallels to doflamingo, it's worth noting that rocinante experienced the same things his brother did and due to his younger age probably understood even less of what was happening or why they were being targeted in the first place. compared to doflamingo, rocinante also has way less dialogue in their backstory but one he does have is this:
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this happens in the part where rocinante, doflamingo and their father are strung up on a wall and shot at with arrows. the villagers all express their anger, grief, the violence and suffering they've gone through because of celestial dragons like the donquixotes. albeit different in nature, along with doflamingo, rocinante experienced a kind of dehumanization as well.
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so, again: for all that law might resemble doflamingo the most, I do wonder... how much of himself did rocinante see in law, though subconsciously? a kid who lost his family, subjected to the kind of violence that led him to resign himself to death (seek it, even) and was treated by others as inhuman because of circumstances out of his control? it might've not been what rocinante believed to be his own motivations to help law, likely never actually saw or realized the similarities they shared, but imo it adds some more depth to his kindness and sympathy towards law.
this also marks a stark difference between the donquixote brothers. whereas doflamingo got caught up in a very vicious cycle (which traces back to the existence of celestial dragons as a whole and was further enabled by others like trebol) that he planned to continue with law, rocinante was able to see past law's rage and acknowledge the pain beneath. after all, rocinante knows too what it's like to be hurt by others who've been terribly hurt first and became someone who wasn't exactly keen on returning the sentiment, unlike doflamingo, regardless of whether it was in his nature to be so or if it's something that was nurtured as he grew up. that's not to say rocinante was an endlessly kind saint (he had his own biased views) or that he wasn't capable of violence (he did beat up all those medical staff and burn down hospitals for example), but those incidents weren't caused by a sense of entitlement on his part or such. he didn't blame law for stabbing him or in general for seeking revenge against the world, ultimately chose to protect and save him instead - which, indeed, changed law's life. as law presently insists, he owes cora not just that very life but his heart as well.
lastly - law himself might not disagree with doflamingo insisting they're of the same sort, but law is also the kid who couldn't fathom leaving his dying little sister behind. who softened and lowered his guard after receiving genuine kindness/love/sympathy for the first time in years. who saved a little mink and risked his own neck later on to save a boy who'd just lost his brother in the worst way possible. who didn't even consider putting his crew in danger when he knew (and expected) he might die and his whole revenge plan against doflamingo was rooted in love and grief to begin with, the same upon which the foundation of his crew was built and is a tribute to. last we saw of him, law orders bepo to go back in winner island because can't leave the crew behind, etc etc, so there's that too. how much of it is law's own nature and personality? how much is due to the impact cora had on him? both? would've doflamingo turned out differently or made different choices if his parents had tried harder to school him out of those CD views or if he'd had more positive influences aside from them, instead of the people he ended up surrounded by? would he have become the same kind of person he is rn no matter what? interesting stuff to think about.
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pieroulette · 2 years
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2023 | 16+ | 7k | ONESHOT × KIM SUNOO (ENHYPEN)
WARNING emotionally independent! and extremely manipulative! sunoo, soft yandere! sunoo, toxic relationship, mild cursing, graphic scenes of self harming, violence here and there, jealousy, kidnapping, suggestive scenes: kissing scenes, implied smut O_O... threatening, usage of knives and more. ANON I MIGHT'VE GONE OVERBOARD IDK BUT I HOPE U LIKE IT??
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Like honey, he was.
Foxy eyes of his pulling you towards its spiraling depths of honey
Orange lips of his blooming honey flowers
His touches overflowing like a dripping honey on your skin.
Every single piece of him is like honey over pouring on your entire existence.
Drowning you were and yet it was the least of your concern as he was sweet like honey.
Kim Sunoo. The fox like boy that never fails to capture your heart within his affectionate grasp.
His eyes beaming with vibrant echoes of yellow, akin to honey, had never failed to sweeten up your dull heart — your boyfriend.
Those faint orange lips of his tugging upwards to kiss his rosy cheeks as he stood under the grace of the sky and sun. Fox eyes slithered upwards screaming intimidation and coldness, yet the beholder within those pupils held an undying comfort and affection.
— for you.
Everything of him was undoubtedly comforting—somewhat odd but you wanted to bathe in his scent and everything of him even more.
He made you feel as if you were a princess, treated you like one and often at sight as soon as you called for him, not even an ounce of complaint ever left his sugary lips, his eyes often holding great affection inside it.
With him, you're at the top of the world because just like he often said; he was your everything, and so do you.
This wonderful relationship you had with Sunoo,never will you trade anything to such a perfection like this.
The very first time you met him back then was when you bumped into him while fighting with someone inside a bakery, more like competing on who gets the bread first. He made his appearance by getting it for you despite all the trouble, handing it to you with his usual shy demeanour.
Your heart skipped a beat over how adorable this fox boy was, his simple gesture towards you started as a simple normal friendship until he confessed to you one day just like any other day.
Sunoo did in somewhat a very nonchalant way and straightforward—a complete contrast to how you perceive him from the beginning—he brought you a pack of honey, placing it on the table where you were at for cafeteria, asking you out for a date. He didn't expect much to be honest like he explained it to you.
"I don't know if you like honey, but.. if you do, then let's meet sometime if you want more—"
Though as much as he tried to keep on his brave and courageous demeanour, it all fails as he started to stutter, inaudible words form on the tip of his tongue.
You observed as on how rosy his cheeks grew when he confessed to you, dilated pupils darting around as if to avoid your intense gaze, his wet tongue lapping on his faint orange lips every once in awhile, dainty fingers of his fiddling with hems of his sleeves.
So fucking adorable.
He was painfully shy, kind hearted, and someone you feel like you want to protect.
Though, there's a series of events where it's difficult to handle Sunoo.
Why, you may wonder?
For the first few months in relationship with Sunoo, everything was perfectly fine and normal until it all went downhill for no reason—his clinginess and his downright dependence growing overtime—as flattered as you were to his never ending attention towards you, and the fact it made you feel at ease that his eyes would never linger on no one else but you — has sooner drained you down.
The first time he begged you to stay for the night, expressing his wishes to stay more closer with you, you felt so loved. Second time, he did that—you couldn't help but be over the moon for getting a perfect jackpot like him. Third and so on, you were sure you and Sunoo was really for each other.
Bearable it was, yet it grew worser—his words begin to sound demanding and annoying—often growing whiny each passing day which had given you the thought of—what the actual fuck is wrong with him?
One turns to two, two turns to four, four turns to six and it was a never-ending cycle of him begging you to let him go with you.
It was as if you had a child whose little tiny yet tight grips tugging your sleeves down, preventing you from doing anything.
You begin to have the thought that he was emotionally fragile; requiring constant attention and support.
He constantly phone and text you—leading to multiple texts in an absolute short duration and it overwhelmed you to the point it gave you headache.
[3:09PM] Sunsun<3: where r u?
[3:09PM] Sunsun<3: answer me.
[3:09PM] Sunsun<3: (Name)! Why aren't u answering???
[3:10PM] Sunsun<3: it sucks here without u :(
His smothering alone is enough to drain you.
"Sunoo, I have to go to work." Your protests fell into deaf ears as the grip on your tightens even more.
"(Name).. One more hour? Pleaseee! Or maybe I can follow you?"
"Oh fucking god, do you hear yourself?" You couldn't help but feel amused, his clinginess does feed your ego and of course made you felt fucking loved.
However it truly starts to get annoying every single time.
"I gotta work, Sunoo. Heck I even got studies to finish soon!" You tried to pry off his wrapped arms around your waist—as here you were laying on his bed after staying for the night. "Sunoo!"
"Why you gotta be so busy all the time? It fucking hurts." Sunoo mumbles on the back of your shoulder causing a wave of vibrations which somehow turns you on along with those words of his, once again.
Why are you so weak for him?
As much as annoyed you were though, you couldn't find the courage to stop him from doing so or even strike a so called healthy conversation with him as the moment you were in his presence, all starts to flow along as soon as his hands were on yours and soon you're falling for it all over again.
As clingy as he was though, he had never accuse you of cheating on him. So maybe, it given you a second thought that maybe you should just compromise with him. That this is just the way he is. That you should only try your best to lessen your annoyance for him.
Though, it didn't last long unfortunately as everything turns upside down and a whole of it started to creeps you out.
Your seemingly normal daily life, a peaceful one somehow had turn to something you were sure wasn't a good news—as you particularly notice that whenever you were on your daily errands, there's this unusual vibe hovering on your back as if someone had their eyes glued on you every minute and when you turned back, there's no one but the sound of your breathe puffing into the empty air.
Everywhere from when you were at the library, school, the place you work at, or even simply hanging out with your friends—those nonexistent eyes was always boring on your back to the point you think that you might had gone insane.
Creep slithered down your veins.
Nowadays, you tried to ignore it but you had this unwavering dread that it must be none other than him, Sunoo.
However when you voiced out this bold question of yours, you were met with an outburst of cry and disbelief splattered on his beautiful face.
"How can you accuse me of such thing, (Name)?!"
Regret burned you down and it had you thinking, what the fuck were you even thinking to accuse him?
A week had passed without Sunoo's presence in your home and it had you completely drained. You loved him. You really do. You just need some time away from him but it had you thinking if it was this even normal without a week of interaction?
A fit of sigh escapes your lips as you lazily plopped on the couch you did and when your hands brushes down the soft material of the couch, you couldn't think of anything but him.
Missing his touch and all, his kiss and his hair. Every morning. Every single day. Those honey like words of his. Everything of him.
"...Fuck, this won't do." You groaned after letting out an exasperated sigh, getting out from the comfort of your blankets.
"Hm... I wonder which brand of honey does he like?" here you are looking for some honey to buy to reconcile with Sunoo upon the idea of doing the same thing he did when he confessed to you.
But as you were in your deep thought of deciding what to pick—you are completely unaware of the softened gaze hovering on your back from the reception counter where the beholder stood still; blonde hair and beauty marks on the top of his nose, tongue lapping below his faint cherry lips every once in awhile.
You went to the counter after getting not one but a bunch of honey pack, leading to an amusement expression over the the boy's face.
"Heya, Sunghoon!"
His usual and especially his favourite customer, the one he took meticulous note in his mind—memorising every feature, expressions, emotions of you.
"What's up with that crunchy face?"
You sigh, looking down. "What do you think?"
"Your boyfriend, again?" Sunghoon raised his eyebrow.
"You got that right, ugh. But it's a bit serious now and gotta admit it's my damn fault."
"Hey, you don't have to say that. What could've been possibly your fault?"
"Eh, try to consider that, dude. It's just that, ugh. I suddenly have this c-creepy vibes around me like someone's stalking over the past few weeks.. and it's freaking eerie—"
"Are you trying to imply that?"
You nodded with another low sigh, "Yeah, cuz' my boyfriend's hella clingy and it could be annoying at times so I just naturally had this thought that he might be the one.. But I guess karma is a bitch. What am I even thinking?"
You fiddling the hems of your sleeve, looking down.
"I wouldn't blame you," Sunghoon puts the honey pack inside the plastic. "It's okay to get mistaken, just try to settle it before your boyfriend get fed up."
Beaming up at his encouragement, you took the plastic. "Right?! That's why I bought this for him, he likes honey alot."
Sunghoon froze but regain his composure, "Oh, honey? He likes honey, I see.."
"So how's life, Sunghoon-ah?"
"Boring and tedious, gonna have exams soon so my life is a living hell now. It's a useless trial deciding my entire life."
"Nah, fighting! You're hella smart, so don't give up okay?" you gave him a small pat on his shoulder in which he looks back at you and froze. "Hm? Whats—"
"Your hair." He brushes his finger against your hair locks much to your surprise, "A bug."
"You know doing that could've won you a girl and not stick around here like a loner crying for your upcoming exam."
"Shut up. Bold of you to assume I don't have any chick on my bed." A lie. Sunghoon couldn't help but lie just so he can keep this friendship he treasures deeply.
Soft giggle escaped from your lips that Sunghoon simply adores which made him look down to prevent you from seeing his burning cheeks.
Sunghoon observes you as you walked away on your little hops, eyes brimming in fondness over how cute you are. However, he snapped himself out of those thoughts as it's eventually useless now—that he didn't bother to make the first move in the first place so now he had to deal with the consequences.
It just happens when you first appeared through the shop's entrance in your usual high school fit plus your ragged vibe had his heart strings pulled at once. Then you became his usual customer. Nice, beautiful and polite. You were everything. But he was painfully shy and so when you blurted out to him a few months later that you had a boyfriend, he couldn't help but be heartbroken over it.
So what's the point?
Sunghoon felt a tad bit uneasy on this particular day when you weren't making an appearance on what was supposed to be your usual day to visit and buy one pack of honey for yourself.
And it has been nearly two weeks.
So here he was standing in front of your house with a paper bag consisting of honey packs in his tight grasp, contemplating on whether to knock or not.
Like was he even doing the right thing?
Knock! Knock!
"Oh! Sunghoon. Why are you here?"
"The shop got a bunch of new packs of honey, and so I thought it would be nice to give you some in for free as a gratitude for being our loyal customer for months—" Sunghoon suppressed the need to roll his eyes over his dumb excuse but luckily you didn't seem to mind.
"There's no need to, actually!"
"No—no, it's my pleasure. Besides, I wouldn't mind since.." Sunghoon took a deep exhale, "I was also worried since today was supposed to be the day you buy honey so yea—"
"I'm flattered to hear that, I appreciate your concern however you don't have to worry though since I was just—"
Sunghoon was taken aback by the pair of arms wrapped itself around your waist much to your surprise, a slight pressure on your shoulder before you glance over noticing your boyfriend pouting.
"Huh? Who are you?" faint orange lips and puffy rosy cheeks, high bridge nose, black fluffy lush hair almost covering his eyes—those that held indifference in it.
Sunghoon couldn't help but feel intimidated by the shorter boy.
"Ah, this is my boyfriend Sunoo. Babe, this is Sunghoon."
"So.. what's your deal coming over here, to my girlfriend's house?" His voice was almost dripping as honey, deep and smooth but his aura was making Sunghoon fiddled his fingers. Like what the fuck?
"It's nothing, he was just worried besides we got a pack of—"
"Worried? What kind of relationship do you have to be concerned about her?"
"Why? Is there something wrong with that? I was just worried for (Name) so I don't think there's anything to be mad at." Sunghoon raise his eyebrow at the boy's attitude.
Blank, steady eyes boring a hole on Sunghoon's soul.
Your shirt were forcefully pulled down a tad bit exposing your collarbone much to your surprise, "Sunoo!"
Fresh hickeys covering down your collarbone had Sunghoon's mouth dropping a tad bit. "O-oh."
Wet lips latching onto your skin had you almost letting out a soft moan before the taller boy in his shock state in front of you having your cheeks burning red.
"I assume you got your answer, now?" Sunoo raises his cold eyes towards Sunghoon.
You pulled your collar immediately, eyes darting in panic before ushering Sunoo inside and apologising at Sunghoon.
"Thanks for these, by the way!" you exclaimed before closing the door.
You threw daggers at Sunoo's way who only shrugged at you. "God, why the heck you have to do that?"
"Just showing him who you belongs to."
"Sunoo. He's only a friend."
"Doesn't excuse the fact he had to bring himself before your house." Sunoo rolled his eyes.
"You're so immature for fuck's sake."
You let out a surprise yelp when a pair of strong arms wrapped around you, turning you to the owner himself.
"Why not?" Sunoo smiles as he brushed his nose against yours and that small gesture of his immediately made you melt. "I only act like one whenever I'm with you, a privilege only you have."
"You good for nothing, why you have to be so cute like this?" You pouted, playfully punching his chest before he leans down to enclosed the distance between his lips to yours, the small smile never faltering as his wet tongue lapped softly on your lips.
You couldn't help the small grin and when you opened your eyes—he, too mirrored your expression but continued his sugary sessions; marking you as his in his very own unique, special way.
Scented honey mixed with orange bubbling up in the air as your lips became one with his, tangled tongues, and teeth sinking into each others pinky gums.
A wet pop bubbles up when his honey like lips untangled from yours leaving you wanting for more, amusement adorned his face when you let out an audible whine.
"Aww darling, why you gotta be so fucking needy?" Dainty fingers of his stroked along your jaw, he was sickeningly affectionate, so loving, so devoted and everything he do was for you. Perfect, these moments with him was downright perfection.
Just like honey.
"Can I get this one pack of honey?" A beaming smile on the boy's face as he placed the product on the counter.
Sunghoon's mouth dropped at the sight of Sunoo standing before him. What? What is he doing here?
"A-ah, sure.." scanning the honey pack he did as he takes a brief glance at Sunoo's cheerful demeanour, that vibrant smile never faltering.
Silence echoes like waves through the shop as Sunghoon puts the product inside a plastic, wrapping it before giving it to the black haired boy.
"Say, I somehow noticed that you've taken an interest on my girlfriend." Deafening silence eats them up for a brief moment before the older boy spoke up.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Don't lie, I know what that gaze means."
Sunghoon slams the plastic on the counter, eyes disinterested at the whole situation. "I don't. So just quit it. And so what? It doesn't make any difference, I don't see any use for you to say it."
"I hope you respect our relationship enough to stay just an inch away. That's not very kind of you to plan such a thing, right?" Sunoo looks down, eyelashes fluttering in attempts to hold himself together.
“What I was saying was..” Sunoo clenches his fists as his head hangs down as if to avoid the older male’s intense gaze, "Please stop stalking her."
“The fuck you saying?—”
“I don't like the fact that you walked all the way to my girlfriend's house. You aren't even close with her so why bother? Unless you're planning something.."
Eyes shot wide open in such as if to devour Sunoo, "Are you trying to imply that I'm going to do anything to her? Fuck, we only met once and you're already accusing me. Just how low could you be, huh?" teeth seething with ferocious menace.
"N-no.. I'm sorry! I just really don't trust anyone nowadays—" Sunoo bit back his lips, eyebrows furrowed in an anxious manner. "I'm sorry if I had gone too far, it's not what I meant to say. I'm just really worried for her safety."
"Worried? Worried?" Sunghoon wanted to stop himself from talking but he was pissed enough that he wanted to spat it all out, "If you're really worried for her, then do you really think you're capable of protecting her? If I gotta be honest, I can protect her way more than you could."
"So you do like her." Sunoo slowly raises his head to gaze at his eyes. "I already expected that."
"Fuck, so what? You already knew then you must be really insecure to come all the way here then just to remind me."
Sunoo's eyes turns blank much to his suprise "Remind? Who says? I came here to warn you."
The black haired boy's sudden deep voice had Sunghoon stuttered. "H-huh?.."
"It's a warning. Keep your distance away from her. Don't speak to her or even look at her. You should know your boundaries.”
Sunghoon couldn't believe what he was seeing as the beaming smile on the black haired boy's face turns into a twisted sinister smile.
However, Sunghoon could only scoffed. "Don't you think a petite boy like you deserves to warn me like this? Like do you even know what you look like?" Sunghoon scoffed as he eyed the black haired boy all the way down.
"And I guess (Name) was right, you're really something.."
"This is not even close yet. Just stay away from her and we're good."
A fit of scoff and furrowed eyebrows contorted on Sunghoon’s face before his hands curled it’s fingers beneath the younger boy’s collar, pulling him forward to the counter.
"What if I don't? What you gonna do huh? As if you can do anything to me."
Sunoo's eyes widened in such a way as if to mock the older boy, "Why don't you try and see?"
Sunghoon gritted his teeth even further at the boy's bold challenge. What was he even thinking?
"—Maybe if you win, you'll be able to get her."
“Sunoo! Sunghoon!” Your abrupt appearance had Sunghoon in a fit of shock before his hands lets go off Sunoo’s collar.
“What are you guys doing?!”
"Nothing, (Name)! It's just a simple misunderstanding, right Sunghoon?" Sunoo's cheerful demeanor returns as he fixes his collar, faint orange lips tugging up in his usual beaming smile.
A fit of cackle emits from you, “Are you guys sure there isn't something?”
“H-huh? Uh, yeah.. it's nothing.” Sunghoon avoids your worried eyes, his mind still running over Sunoo's words.
And yet the view of you and your boyfriend storming off out of the shop had him fuming in anger. Sniffing a huge breathe in as he darted around the counter in hopes to cool himself down somehow was proven to fail when he couldn't help but slam his clenched fist on the counter.
"Fuck is this?!" A fit of choke bubbles up in the deafening silence. "What's his deal trying to insult me like that?!"
"Chill, Sunghoon."
"I guess he's trying to challenge you or something.."
"What he's going to gain from this then?"
"Fuck, just what does she see in that fucking fragile kid?" Sunghoon spats out as he ruffled his hair frantically. "You know what, fine. Get that fucker right here."
"W-wait! Am I hearing you right?"
"Bro, then how are we supposed to get him then?"
"I'll be back from work soon, just stay right there okay?"
"Okay.. come home soon, (Name)." you frowned at Sunoo's solemn voice on the other line.
You sighed. "Now what's with that voice, didn't we already talk about this?"
"Uhm.. don't mind it, I'll wait for you here."
"You sure?"
"I'm sure, I'll be a good boy and wait for you."
Your cheeks grew red at his words before muttering how he kept teasing you before hanging up, speeding up your work so you can go back home soon and indulged yourself in his honey like touches.
The layers of the orange painted skies poured through the neighbourhood as Sunoo hums along the way through the street back home. The sound of motorcycles, cars and all sorts of vehicles passing through and the low volume of music from afar; a small cafe and people spilling in and out.
"Yah, Sunoo."
"Hm? AAAH—"
A hard push led Sunoo over the street which instantly had him losing consciousness much to their amusement, calling him weak and fragile as they covered his head in a sandbag and threw him inside the car.
It all happens so fast that when his eyes shot open, a ceiling and an unfamiliar living room was what his eyes met accelerating his darting glances all round him.
"W-WHERE AM I?!" Sunoo screams, thrashing in the group's caged arms.
"God, he's so fucking noisy."
"Do we have a tape?"
Another unfamiliar face bend down to Sunoo's curled form, "Sunghoon's house."
There, they yanked him on the ground surrounding the poor boy and punched him and locked him under the basement.
"Sunghoon! We got him." The guy cackles as he chews his gum, turning around to Sunoo's helpless form.
"Hey, stand up. We don't want you to get so messed up before Sunghoon arrives, yeah?"
Darkness engulfed the entire sky, the neighbourhood grows in a sea of vibrant lights. A ticking clock echoes inside the empty living room. The main entrance clicks open and there Sunghoon came back home in his usual fit, his eyes darting towards the direction of the basement.
He was caught off guard when he stumbles upon a faint stain of blood against his painted white walls, letting out a sigh. "Told them not to beat him too hard."
Unbeknownst to him, a dark silhouette moves in a swift speed behind him which alerted Sunghoon, eyebrows furrowing at this uneasy vibe surrounding his place.
"If you guys are planning to prank me then quit it." His words were met with death silence. "Guess they're in the basement then, ugh."
An approaching feet halts behind him as soon as he turns around landing a swift blow towards his head, loud thud echoes up in the air as he fell on the floor. Blood trickling down his forehead as the result of the blow.
Blink, blink.
Sunghoon's line of vision blurs, blinking multiple times when he finally realise where he is right now.
A dim lit room with the hanging lamp on the ceiling, patterned wallpapers, wooden floor, a small table against the wall before him, there was no window but a door just to his right side. It was by now clear to him, that this was his basement.
Creak! Creak! An approaching faint footsteps from behind the door alerted Sunghoon from his dazed.
Deafening silence engulfed the entire space when the door pulls open revealing the fragile looking boy with a tray on his hand—Sunoo.
Sunghoon's eyes shot open, getting up on his feet so quick he didn't notice the rusty metal chain on his leg.
Loud thud! Helpless he fell on the wooden floor back much to Sunoo's amusement.
A low giggle with a mixture of sigh emits from younger boy. "Ugh, chill a bit, will you?.. it's not like I could kill you that fast, wouldn't that be no fun?"
Sunoo's eyebrows furrowed, deep frown splattered on his face as eyes rolling on the back of his hand, his finger sticking inside his ear.
"Oh god, so worked up for nothing."
"What— what do you want, huh?!" Sunghoon couldn't sit still as the demeanour of this younger boy before him was too intimidating. "Where are they? Where's my friends!"
"Here, have some from honey I bought from your shop."
"I won't drink this shit! Who knows what could've you put in there?!" The chair rattles so loud due to the desperate boy's attempt to escape.
"Who knows? Probably left you for good."
A rattling sound that serves as a pure scratch; irritation, to the black haired boy's ear and yet, he took a deep sniff and poured it all out through a dejected sigh, the only sound heard in the dimly lit room.
"What?.. You're lying!!"
"Am I? Poor you, you don't realise that you're actually the scapegoat right here!"
"Fucking liar!"
"I see you're still in denial.. but it's okay, it's understandable because who could've guess that your friends aren't really your friends pfft."
Sunghoon suppressed his sobs. It can't be?!
"Now why don't you have a drink?"
"Eh? I's not like I can find something to put it in here? Aren't you dumb for such a brawn? Pfft. Suits you. Might as well die thirsty." With that, the boy walks off leaving Sunghoon all alone in the dim room. All alone by himself.
Tick, tock.
Tick, tock.
How many days has it been? One day? Two or three days? A week? Or maybe a month?
Time seems to stretched even further in this basement however it only has been a few hours since he had been locked inside this room—an excruciating few hours had passed since then and Sunghoon was dead thirsty; his throat dry and his line of vision blurring due to his dehydration.
Sunoo was really adamant in torturing him as the pack of honey on the table serving as a form of temptation before him as dozens of questions ran through his mind—what ifs—eyes blinking in an unstable pace as he can't decide what to do.
Sunghoon knew he could collapse anytime now and sooner and later—he will be at mercy in front of the younger boy—though he refuses to give in.
Whish! Sunghoon hesitates to put the straw in between his dry, chapped lips—going back and forth— fear engulfing his entire brain and body.
W-what if he put something in this?! A fit of scream echoes inside him, teeth gritting as he pushes the pack of honey away on the wooden floor.
But it didn't last long, unfortunately—as After taking a brief sip from the pack, Sunghoon finds himself falling into an empty void—excruciating pain hollowed all over him and he doesn't know where as he squirmed frantically on the wooden floor.
Burn. Everything was burning. Excruciating and slow pain.
The door pushes open revealing the giddy boy on his little hops and giggles before he was taken aback by the sight before him, suddenly bursting into a fit of laughter "My god! What a sight! Turns out you're really dumb."
Sunghoon's eyes rolled in utter red, tears messing up his once bedazzling face, mouth choking relentlessly.
"W-WHAT DID YOU G-GAVE ME?!" ear wrenching screech echoes as his nail dug on the dark, old wooden floor.
Sunoo bends over with his hands on his knees as to balance himself, maniacal eyes hovering on the poor boy as if he was a fresh raw meal. "Now.." an amused grin slowly forming on his pouting lips, "Does it hurt?"
"Where does it hurt? Does it feel like someone's tearing your throat apart? How does it feel? How do you feel? Does it feel wet? Is it red? Fuck, does it pains you so much to the point you want to die?"
Sunghoon's eyes rolled over to the back of his head, shoulder vigorously rattling and hands clasping his neck.
Burn. The pain grew to be even more excruciating as if someone was ripping the insides of his throat apart. Sunghoon looks down in pure agony only to see a pool of blood staining his.
The sight sent him into hysterical mode with a fit of gut wrenching scream emitting in the air.
"H-HELP!" Taking a huge gasp each time as he felt his throat exploded in dripping blood, a mess staining the wooden floor. Screaming vigorously and thrashing, holding his neck as he squirmed on the wooden floor like a maniac. Eyes rolling back and mouth bubbling foams. His neck growing thinner and thinner till his thyroid's structure pops out, blood dripping down to his shoulder and everything in an absolute mess of horror
Screech! Screech!
"Yah. Want a selfie?" His red blood shot eyes met the sight of Sunoo's mouth pouting downwards and chin resting on his left palm, and a phone within his right hands grasp—his eyes screaming downright mockery at the misery of the boy writhing on the ground. "you know, I was only fooling you back in the bakery and you were foolish enough to bite the trap pffft!"
"Oooh poor you, does it hurt that bad?" Sunoo cooed before his voice turns low and deep. "—Then you shouldn't have be the dumb bitch you are, you moron."
"Yah." Burning pain echoes in Sunghoon's insides as he got kicked in the stomach by the younger boy. "Yah. Answer me. Wait, I forgot you couldn't talk!"
“Bitch, want some more?”
Eyes shot in downright horror when the pack of honey were dangling in Sunoo’s dainty grasp and his menacing smirk weren’t doing any good.
“H-help—” standing before Sunghoon, there his eyes curled in half moons as it over flowed tears down to his cheek, sniffles here and there as his nose went red, lip trembling. “Help me..”
"Wanna know why it hurts so bad?" He stood near Sunghoon's squirming form, "Because this honey has an acid inside it, bastard." Sunoo pours the rest of the liquid down to the boy's form as gut wrenching scream surrounded the entire place—a pure melody to the younger boy.
"IT HURTS— I-I IT— H-HURTS H-HURTS! HELP! F-FUCK!— AGHHH—!!" Sunghoon banged his head on the floor on repeat whilst his hand clasping all over his neck, ears, head, body—eyes rolling to the back of his head as he felt his body burning in downright ashes, skin melting to liquid—his face, arms and everything into nothing.
"M-MY SKINNN! AR—GHH—" mouth bubbling in a mess of saliva as his head fell on the wooden floor in a loud thud.
Sunoo covers his mouth in attempts to stop his giggles but he couldn't—outburst of insanity finally echoes through the walls, waves vibrating and the insides emptying for a brief minute.
"Sunghoon-ah, bastard. Such a dumb, dumb fool."
Death silence.
Low sigh emits from Sunoo as he gets back on his foot, fixing his posture—bright screen shining on his face as he tapped all over his phone's screen.
Sunoo cleared his throat, sharp eyes softening as soon as the call got answered instantly.
"112, what's your emergency—"
"P-please help me! I- I don't have much t-time anymore — PLEASE!!"
Sunghoon's eyes fluttered open at the screams; his vision were met with the sight of Sunoo bursting into tears with phone on his ears, then around the ceiling, till his eyes fell on his hands.
Flipping his hand front and back as he did so— expecting an open bloody bare skin however his skin was intact as if nothing had happened.
"You have to calm down, tell us your location." The other line echoes through the deafening silence.
"I- I don't have much time—" whispering so low yet Sunoo's eyes screams mockery, "They gonna—.. come get me."
"Calm down, take a deep breathe. Do you remember where's the last time you've been at, any single clue?"
Sunghoon's eyes shot wide open as the realisation dawned on him, the emergency call and everything. His eyes fall upon the growing sinister smile on Sunoo's face.
Faint orange lips dropping open, rosy cheeks bubbling up in amusement in a complete contrast from his fragile voice, "Park Sunghoon.."
"YAHHH!!!" Sunghoon yelled at the top of his lungs, hands trembling on the wooden floor, wanting to beat the shit out of the younger boy yet his body were drowning in excruciating pain and weakness.
The sight made Sunoo giggle lowly.
"Who's there?"
"It—it's him.. Puh-please h-hurry!" Faking a choke on his throat, "He's c-coming!.."
“Hang on there!”
As the call hang up, Sunoo's went back to his usual maniacal expression as he looked down back at Sunghoon in his dazed reaction.
“How was that?! Was my acting good?” brushing his finger and poking it against his rosy cheek, “Ugh, could’ve done better, don’t you think?… But who cares when I had you right here, bitch?
Sunoo bends on his knees. “We still had time before those bitches came, so how about we talk a bit more hm?” a tiny tsk emits from how his tongue collides beneath his teeth, cheek popping out in such a leisurely manner.
"You're f-fucking insane." a voice so tiny as Sunghoon trembles in both fear and rage before his eyes widened at what the boy was holding.
A glint flashes through Sunoo's face, "Wanna see how more insane I could be?"
Wet liquid splattered on Sunghoon's face, leaving him on a deep trance over the play of horror before his blood shot eyes, downright speechless he was.
Swift! Swift! Swift!
"SEE? LOOK AT THIS! FUCKING LOOK AT ME!" Dripping mess one after another stained the entire room as Sunoo slits open his bare arms on repeat like a broken doll.
"F-fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Sunghoon trembles in utter fear with everything he had witnessed—the drugs soon pulling him into the labyrinth of darkness.
“Now let’s put this sweetheart in your fingers.” white handkerchief wrapped on the knife’s handle got laid on Sunghoon’s grasp.
“Hmm! Now where do I lay?” Sunoo won’t stop giggling. “Here? Or there? Nah, that’s too fucking dirty.”
He keeps pointing in all sorts of directions, thinking of a plausible way of being seen by the officers barging at any moment later.
A low, low sigh.
"You see, haven't you sticking your nose in our relationship.. you wouldn't have to end up in mess you.. created yourself." Sunoo's lips widened, letting out a fit of giggles. "But it's perfectly fine, atleast now you know when to judge someone. Fucking asshole."
That sight was the last thing Sunghoon ever saw before giving in to the drugs flowing through his veins, passing out on the floor in a low thud much to Sunoo's amusement.
A sigh of absolute relief emits up in the air.
"How long is it? Hm.. Two hours before I meet my pretty (Name)."
Blaring lights surrounding your line of vision.
Ambulance, police cars, reporters and passersby gathering, some of them spilling in and out of a particular house. Murmurs arises, gossips echoes everywhere around you as you tried to look for him.
"Where's Kim Sunoo?!"
You couldn't help yourself from tearing up from the horrible sight before your eyes. Cupping your mouth in attempts to suppressed and yet it was all deemed useless the longer your gaze sticks on the miserable fresh cuts on Sunoo's arms.
"Sunoo? Sunoo!" Rubbing his torso you did, trying to wake him up from his slumber.
"(Name)?. ."
"Sunoo! Are you— no.. Who did this to you? Fucking tell me!"
"Ahh.. (Name).. I miss you so much it hurts." Sunoo brushes his finger against your cheek and you indulged in his touch you loved so much. "I thought I could never m-meet you again."
"Fuck, you dare to die without me beside you? Don't you dare." You sniffed in your tears, mouth pouting downwards as you laid your head on his chest.
"Of course, why would I dare?"
Baffled Sunoo was, everything was baffling easy—too fucking easy. A few words of being pathetic here and there, a dose of tears, and the persona of a fragile boy in front of everyone was enough to fool the entire nation, doesn't it?
"Doesn't it?" Sunoo smiles before the blonde haired boy behind the screen.
A glare so deep in hatred, bangs covering his eyes as he tries to stop himself from tearing up with the thought of his future all thrown into the drain and the fact he had been manipulated by the boy over and over again.
That his friends were actually dead. Their corpses were laid on the carpeted floor in his home with their neck slit open, blood spilling from their open wounds and that he was the one who has been convicted of killing them under the influence of drugs.
"Fuck you. Fuck. Fuck. It's all your fucking fault." Sunghoon bares with his gritted teeth, fists clutching his dark blue pants.
"Think again, whose fault was it?" a satisfied sigh emits from the black haired boy behind the thick screen. His faint orange lips twisted in a maniacal manner.
Sunghoon couldn’t believe what he’s looking at right now, his pupils dilating into nothing and mouth falling apart as it dawned on him — he was messing with the wrong person. If only he didn't took the challenge—
"Your mother, your father, your piece of a shitty friends, your useless shop—which one could truly save you from the mess you put yourself in to?" Sunoo leans forward, eyes shot so wide and mouth dropped in a downright mockery. "Nothing."
Sunghoon slams his fists on the counter, baring his teeth.
"Sunghoon, Park Sunghoon-ssi. Fuck, that name is bound to be remembered as a druggie addict for—" Sunoo hums along, "The. Rest. Of. His. Life."
Those words echoes through Sunghoon's mind.
"Fuck you!" You screamed at him, "Turns out it was you, moron. How could you? How could you fool me like this and then do that to my boyfriend?! What have I done to you, huh?!"
"It wasn't me! I swear it wasn't me!—"
"And you're saying I'm blind? Park Sunghoon! You have no shame, do you? Stalking me, and doing all that disgusting things! You must be so fucking insane! Okay, I get it. But why the fuck you have to target Sunoo?!"
"That bitch is fucking messing with you! Us! He's not as innocent as you think he is!"
"Look at yourself in the mirror! You're the one fooling me!"
Despite how Sunghoon tried to convince you of your boyfriend's true nature, you only sit still watching him being dragged away by the officers in his desperate attempts to thrashed around.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you cupped your face in the hands, comforting yourself that it's alright now. That there will no longer someone like Sunghoon to mess up your life and especially your relationship with Sunoo.
No one.
"I couldn't believe it was him all this time." You kept going on and on ranting about Sunghoon to your boyfriend, absolute disbelief written on your face along with disgust surfacing every now and then while watching the news about him in the TV.
"A murderer. A stalker. And a druggie?" You shake your head, "This kind of person?— fuck, faces can fool."
Sunoo lets out a satisfied sigh as he listens to all your rants, squints his eyes against the sun over pouring on the wooden floor, resembling the sweet taste of a honey and yet nothing is comparable to the home like warmth emitting from his darling’s lap.
He couldn’t help his faint orange lips pulling into the slightest grins, burying his head deeper into the your lap in which it elicits a chuckle of amusement from you.
Your audible rants were interrupted at his tiny gesture, giggle escaped your mouth. “So needy, hm?” your hand ruffles his feathery like hair.
Sunoo shifts his position to look at you in the eyes, “Always for you.”
Ah, those foxy eyes that held absolute love for you. Just how could you resist it?
Orange sunsets never faltering from the sky—over dripping like honey against the edge of the couch, your hand on top of it being engulfed by the sun's warmth.
His lips finds it way through yours again as he gets on top of you—pushing you forward to the couch, sucking and nibbling on your lower lip. His hands wrapping round your neck to pull you even closer to him, you could feel the skip of his heart beat growing louder against your chest.
Growing impatient, his fingers hastily pulled your collars down and you could feel his breathe against your neck as his lips trailed further down to your exposed collarbone.
Sunoo lets out an audible giggle that sent waves of vibration against your skin serving as a ticklish sensation, "Seeing you under me is so fucking hot."
Before he leans forward to kiss you again, the pack of honey on the table took his attention and it leads to an idea popping up in his mind. Taking the pack in his hand, he took a long sip from the straw before he leans in closer to you—pushing his tongue melted in honey inside yours, swirling and tangling in utter sweetness.
A contented sigh escapes from Sunoo's lips as he took a brief inhale through his mouth, indulging himself in you—his darling.
Beads of sweat trailing down his forehead and neck, that lovestruck, intense foxy eyes of his never leaving yours as he pounded deep inside you with every hard thrust.
You and him perfectly mixing together in these sea like honey—that he built upon a corpses of those he despised from the bottom of his heart.
Bam! Bam!
Every single, slow and deep thrust serving as a declaration of love from him to you. Of course, anything for you—even if it means to snuck in a bunch more of those sharp taste honey down to some pests’ throats.
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🐾 AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry Sunghoon 🤡 and here I am again bringing a whole ass fic for a request ✋🏻time to drink some holy water and ofc to y'all lovely folks who reach the end, thank you for taking your time to read my stories, have a nice day! :)
📖 PERMANENT TAGLIST: @seungcheolswife
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bthump · 5 months
this has probably been asked here before but how likely do you think it is that the author actually truly intended for Griffith and guts relationship to be romantic? How likely do you think it is we’ll get a blatant confirmation (eg a confession of love beyond being friends or even a tragic kiss) and if it does happen do you think it’s likely we’ll get an explicit confirmation on both of their ends so we know the feeling is reciprocated (because I know guts feelings can be underestimated sometimes compared to griffiths). Likelihood as a percentage or on a scale from one to ten lol. I think it’s already pretty obvious enough for me to be satisfied whatever happens but it would be nice if there was an undeniable proof of mutual romantic love. because I think no matter what happens if it’s anything less than spelling it out word for word people would still make attempts to deny their feelings which is kind of sad to me. But I could be wrong of course and romance wasn’t intended by the author. Either way I want them to reveal their feelings for each other whether platonic or romantic.
I'm cynical, so I feel like the odds of something textually romantic happening are like, 2/10 at best. Might've gone up to 3/10 if Miura was stlil alive since it's getting more and more common to confirm gay subtext and that might've influenced him, but since it's being written now by someone determined to adhere to the plans Miura told him, whatever happens is frozen in amber circa Miura and Mori's last conversation, with no room to evolve.
That's all pretty much a moot point anyway because again, I think the odds were always gonna be pretty miniscule anyway.
That said, I think the odds that Miura intended the gay subtext are like 9.5/10 lol. I think the romantic undertones are almost certainly deliberate.
I guess I just don't think it necessarily follows that the point of the subtext was ever to eventually become text. I think it was probably there for a lot of potential other reasons: to add a sense of depth and complexity to their relationship; to add more chemistry; potentially to appeal to women; to suggest that their relationship had the potential for romance that will never be realized therefore making their relationship even more all-encompassing and adding to the tragedy; serving the theme of childhood trauma fucking up your relationships; etc.
Of course I'd be overjoyed if it was acknowledged eventually, and I think the story would ultimately be better for it, like I'm not gonna say it's ~deeper~ if it stays subtext lol. But I think that considering the main target audience for Berserk is horny straight dudes, and while it's getting more common it's still very rare to have textual gay romances between two leads, and almost unheard of in legacy media properties, I just don't think the odds are in griffguts' favour.
Oh, though I do want to add that I'd say the odds of getting an acknowledgement of intense feelings between them post-eclipse is very high. I don't think it'd likely be a romantic confession, but yeah I think it seems very likely that Griffith and Guts are going to acknowledge the intense emotional hold they still have over each other. And if that happens I'll be happy even if it's not textually romantic. I'm sure it'll at least be homoerotic enough for me lol.
Thanks for the ask!
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ominous-feychild · 2 months
I have a Problem in that I love to over-explain things even when I don't need to.
Especially when I don't need to. 😭
On that note! I'm working on my introduction post again (take a guess how many times I've gone to work on it and then stopped) and I went too in-depth when I should really be focusing on making it shorter, haha.
Except... I don't want to get rid of what I've written, and still want to share it.
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My Obsessions:
✦ Fantasy, horror, mystery, action, and exploration of realistic characters' reactions to the things they go through.
What I write tends to be a reflection of this. My main works are high fantasies placed in what I feel is a more realistic setting--not as in grimdark "realistic", but places that are very used to the existence of magic. Someone who's grown up in a place with magical basically-electricity shouldn't spend five pages fawning over the existence of teleporters. Maybe they'll be surprised. Maybe they'll even be impressed. But unless they have some kind of a special interest in the subject, they'll probably spend more time thinking about how convenient it'll be for them rather than how it works, what it means, and the long, long history of magic... which has been around them for their whole life.
✦ Fairy tales, mythology, and folklore
I called myself "ominous-feychild" for a reason, haha. I like horror, I love fantasy, I adore faeries, and dear god--am I in LOVE with putting them all together! In folklore, faeries weren't cute little pixies that helped everyone around them... or even tiny little pixies that annoyed everyone around them (most of the time). They were the things that went "bump" in the night, that you huddled in close with your loved ones when you thought you might've caught their attention... Or, they made you question if your sister's eyes were always that far apart. Wait, was your bedroom there before? Did... did you even have a sister??? Well, you do now. And you might want to start running.
✦ "Ye Olde History" and language
"Ye Olde" meaning "the further away from modern day, the better." I can appreciate steampunk and actually often implement it into my own writing, but I do not consider Victorian England to be old. Civilization has been tracked back to as early as 4000 BCE, and it's way too easy to google that to think history actually started when Jesus was put on the cross. (Note: I am a merciless agnostic and hate what Christianity did to our world's history. So much was erased just because some bigots thought "stupid people don't think and act exactly like me, they're clearly barbaric! Time to erase their entire culture, massacre their people, and/or destroy their creations! Empathy be damned!!!" Fuck Christianity. To any Christians reading this, I don't mean you--just your religion. But you have to admit, it really sucks.)
As I just alluded to, I love learning about things that are unlike me. And, even more than that, I love people feeling like they have a place they belong. I've gone most of my life feeling ostracized, I'm not just going to perpetrate that cycle myself. Besides! It gets exhausting being in echo chambers with the same-old white cishet stories all the time.
✦ Explorations of "evil-coded" characters and abilities--aka, not just showing them as evil. Show them as people (for characters) and tools (for abilities)!
This is actually kind of personal to me. Autism and other disabilities have historically most often been relegated to villains because we're somehow "worse" than everyone else. Even I fell into that trap in the past, accidentally making a villain autistic-coded before I got my diagnosis. Now, I love putting people with questionable traits, powers, and backstories on the good side while the typically "good" things end up as villains. Something something, humans want freedom and freedom is chaos, something something, order is forcing things into boxes they might not particularly fit in because "otherwise, where else would they go???"
✦ Learning!!!
This might be weird, but I have a genuine love for just learning! (Not school, just learning.) I go down rabbit holes researching things all the time--and not just for writing! Obviously two of my favorite subjects are history and language, but I also love earth science and the ways our planet regulates itself to try to maintain balance! (And then we humans screw it up but.) Even in general, I love learning about random things, so if you ever have a weird infodump you really want to share, feel free to tag me in it and I'll check it out!!!
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Yeah, by the way, this is linked to my actual intro post!
Divider by @cafekitsune
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
A Mad Queen for a Mad King - Chapter 6: Unwanted Guest
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Characters: King George, Queen Charlotte, Brimsley, Reynolds, Original Female Character
Summary: George reconnects with an old childhood friend, although him and Reynolds are excited to have her, Charlotte and Brimsley have other thoughts.
Word count: 1700+
Warnings: none
A/N: Hi guys! It's me again with another oneshot unhinged collection! Feel free to write down your requests, I have muse! and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! P.S. AI might've helped me writing the letters and some chapters are less edited than the rest.
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is Picsart
George had been on his nerves lately, he was pacing around, mumbling whenever Charlotte caught a glimpse of him, he preferred his solitude rather than her company, it began ever since he heard the news of his mother's illness, he had been quite distressed, regardless of what Charlotte said or did.
His odd behaviours caused Charlotte to feel anxious as well, at first, she thought he was going to have an episode, but it never came, she suspected that he was going through an episode but he seemed sane enough, then one day, she sneaked into his observatory and went through his papers and found letters, strange letter that seemed to be written by a woman.
My dearest George,
Pray accept my humble salutations, and may this missive find you in the finest of spirits. I pen this epistle laden with heartfelt remorse, beseeching your gracious pardon for my untimely absence and regrettable inability to partake in the sacred union of your nuptials, as well as the subsequent array of festivities that ensued. Yet, tidings reached my ears of Princess Augusta's ailing constitution, for though her grace may not always have exuded warmth, her profound affection for you, akin to the depth of your devotion, remains indelibly etched in our collective hearts. Her regal maternal presence remains a cherished treasure to us all. I implore you, dear friend, how fares your own well-being amidst these tumultuous times? Undoubtedly, the weight of conflicting emotions and the shattering of your worlds must be an arduous burden to bear. Is there aught within my power to alleviate your distress?
With all the ardour of affection,
The trail of messages continued, the more Charlotte read the more threatened she felt, she asked many of Matilda, but no one seemed to know her, or perhaps they wished not to tell the Queen of her, she assigned Brimsley to learn of her but all he heard that she used to stay with George, she would come and go, until the news of his marriage to Charlotte, then she disappeared and she has been gone since.
Today at breakfast, George seemed odd, he was not his usual upset self, he was anxious but the good kind of anxious, the excited kind, when Charlotte asked of the reason, he told her he was expecting visitors.
Continue Reading
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reallylilyreally · 4 months
Hi! Could you share more about the 100th being for better or worse for Bucky -⭐️[“Douglass is over there by the big drapes,” he says, very quietly. “You give me the nod and I'll give him the signal and he'll set them on fire.”] how many plans do they have? When did they plan?
& ⭐️[Alright,” he says when he gets in the car. “How bad is it and is there any sort of plan in place?”] how hard did bucky and jack hug when he came back? Did bucky cry when they switched jackets again? Jack my beloved, so competent but so not ready for *all this*, in a way he also might've felt that he was in someone's else shoes, and so alone after losing so many of the original boys.
Am so in love with second string universe; thank you for sharing and giving us more about the boys and especially brady! 😍
Sorry this took me so long to get to, anon, curse life and responsibilities and shit.
1 - the 100th being for better or worse for Bucky.
So to start with I think it's v important to clarify that they are like this for both of them, it's not just Bucky, the bunch of them are 100% ride or die for both Majors. In the scene you mention it looks mostly like they're worried about Bucky, and to be fair that's a reasonable response for them because he's the one who would show outwards signs of falling apart, BUT the concern is for the two of them as a pair. You go through a whole war watching your twin leaders live in each other's pockets, hold each other up, hold each other back, ground and inspire each other, work as a perfect team, and youre not stupid, you can read between the lines, you can see that there is a depth of love there that is unparalleled. And you probably catch them at it once or twice, or nearly do. They are VITAL to each other, and then they come home and one of them marries someone else. It's going to feel like a bit of a gutpunch to your world view. I alluded to this in the call between B&B after Brady gets the wedding invite, the idea that something so important wouldn't last in peacetime. I think that's what's driving the concern from the 100th really, as well as concern that the marriage might be a mistake.
RE plans, there were probably So Many. This one was probably whittled down from a long list in the small hours of the morning over a LOT of whiskey after Douglass left some poor girl alone in bed, and it was probably carefully selected to have maximum impact and minimal damage. Bet you anything you like there were at least two other men involved with fire extinguishers. Bet you anything you like one of them is Blakely.
Sidebar - I have this rogue idea that the men who weren't in the Stalag sometimes see the POWs after the war and feel a little regretful at the way the bond has changed and the fact that they're now really two groups rather than just one 100th.
2 - Jack and Bucky's reunion
I firmly believe that when Buck returned to England first, and alone, Jack Kidd shook his hand and slapped him on the back and said welcome home etc etc and then went off into a supply closet somewhere quiet and lost his god damn mind.
I cannot even begin to imagine the depths of the grief that he would have gone through, in the war. Over and over again. Boys go up, boys go down. Counting forts over the horizon, never a high enough number. Nagging about bedsheets and babysitting batshit group navigators, never getting to fly and watching all his friends die. Being the person in charge of all that. Fucking terrible.
I know fandom generally has Jack give Buck the sheepskin when he gets back, but I agree with your implication, and I'm inclined to believe he kept it. I don't think he wore it once, I think he put it on the back of his office chair the day of Munster and didn't touch it until he got the call to go meet Bucky et al on the hardstand during Gale's milkrun with Rosie. And then I think he put it on, with the intention of meeting Bucky off the plane and demanding to swap back. He hands Bucky his sheepskin, and asks for his coat in return, and when Bucky hands him the disgusting filthy probably lice-ridden jacket he's been wearing for the last 18m, Jack takes it, and tells him very kindly that he is never ever putting this on his body and that he appreciates the gesture but it's going in the incinerator. And then he asks Bucky if he wants to go up to the tower, because in half an hour someone's gonna need to give his better half some landing instructions.
Thank you SO much for this ask. There's more second string in the pipeline.
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illarian-rambling · 7 months
Character Introduction: Izjik Meautammera, End-Made-Flesh
Above her, death crouched. Under the skylight and with the backing of that uncanny brilliance, Izjik’s form seemed to be the silhouette of a darker, older thing. Something waiting. Something cruel.
In the sky, in that blank, incalculable space between stars, that something moved.
Izjik was blind to this. All she saw in that moment was the prone form of her Chosen prey. No thoughts of vengeance filled her mind, nor anything of similar noble sentiment.
I hunger. No, we hunger.
Izjik cocked her head slightly, as if making a study of the terror beneath her. Almost gently, she brushed the hair from the panicking siren's face. Unfortunate abomination.
In one casual movement, she tore the woman’s throat out with her teeth.
And for a moment, in this little chunk of the cosmos, all was right. All was beautiful. All was empty.
All was gone.
Djek holds his title of unlucky close, but if there's anyone in the Outcast quartet to which that title truly belongs, it's Izjik. If she'd been born on any other night, in any other place, she might've lived a normal life as a hunter for her enclave. However, a fell star shone on the day she came into the world, and so the godeater being known as End was able to claim her as the latest in a long line of its mortal conduits. This unfortunate shift of fate would come to define Izjik’s life, as well as the life of Illaros as a whole.
Izjik was born in the halawemavar (scale selkie) enclave of Edeme’eneha, tucked away into a rural portion of the N'Diki swamp. Halawemavar raise their children communally, so she grew up surrounded by many caring figures and mischievous friends. Later, when she was old enough to apprentice under someone, she was taken in by an older hunter named Dzako, who taught her the ways of tracking, snare-setting, and combat. It was a good life and young Izjik took to hunting with ease. She had many friends, and many more ill-advised romances. She was perfectly content, until one fateful day during her sixteenth year.
It was during a party for a successful rainy season when Izjik first felt the pressure of the stars above. Being a curious and adventurous girl, she followed it, navigating alone to where the strange sensation felt the strongest. There, in a distant bend of the Jeshwin River, a horrific sight greeted her. A monster with backward joints and many faces tore into a human child. When it spotted Izjik, it sprang at her, heedless of her flimsy spear. It should've heeded that spear though, because when Izjik stabbed it through the chest, it died in a burst of black ichor.
The girl was terrified, of course. There was a human child dead in selkie territory and a monster on her spear that she'd never seen the like of before. She went to Edeme’eneha's shaman immediately and led the spiritual leader to where the monster's corpse bled black into the water. Instead of congratulating her on such a spectacular kill however, the shaman ordered Izjik to be locked away. As it turned out, unbeknownst to the young hunter, what she'd just killed was one of the swamp's many spirits. These spirits were immortal and unkillable, yet Izjik had killed it anyways. A few days later, merrow guards from the Trench came to take her away. Her only crime, as they said it, was being "End-Made-Flesh."
The Trench is where the people of Illaros throw two kinds of things; people who deserve worse than any execution a government can give, and monsters such governments are too afraid to try to kill. Izjik likely would've died down there in its twisting depths, except for the fact that she's just too damn good at making friends. Even such a suspicious, bitter siren as Sepo Kaiacynthus, imprisoned alone for two years before Izjik arrived, couldn’t resist her earnest charm. The pair stuck together for eight years before they were able to escape. After making it out, they found a little island to hide on, away from all the divine nonsense Izjik still barely understood. But, of course, such a mighty fate never stays away for long.
Honor's Outcasts picks up here and as the story unravels, more and more is revealed about End, Izjik’s mysterious overlord. But I'll save that for a later time.
Izjik herself is a down-to-earth woman with provincial manners and a crude sense of humor. She's very much a trades girl and has worked, over the course of three books, as a roofer, a longshoreman, a hunter, a delivery person, and a bouncer. She prefers physical pleasures to anything more highbrow and loves nothing more than punching a guy's teeth out in front of a bombshell babe. Despite this violent streak, she is very caring, even maternal, and functions as the peacekeeper within the group. She's very much everyone's stubborn, tough-as-nails big sister, and all of the other Outcasts know that if they have a problem, they should go to her first. Izjik might not be the cleverest of the bunch, but she's deeply emotionally intelligent and always tries her best to get a smile out of people. The one thing she'll never do, though, is burden someone else with her own struggles. Izjik prefers to ignore her problems, even the eldritch, godkilling ones, until they either go away or make themselves unignorable. This policy does not work well for her as the story progresses.
As for what she looks like, on land, Izjik stands at around 5'2" and is built like a brick shithouse. She's got strongman muscle and the fat to power it. Many scars crisscross her dusky, freckled skin, and her hair is a silver mop of curls. Her eyes are a dark slate when they aren't shining with unnatural starlight. Her teeth are pointed like a shark's and a cloak of silver scales always adorns her shoulders. She's 26 in the first book, 29 in the second two.
In the water, Izjik takes on a decidedly less human form. Her face turns flat and dun scales take the place of skin, barbles growing in place of hair. Fins spring up along her back and arms. Her tail is a dull silver and is built for dexterously maneuvering within a swamp. Picture a catfish mermaid, make it scarier, and you'll have a good picture of her aqueous form.
Now here are some fun facts!:
Izjik is illiterate. Halawemavar have no writing system, but instead rely on extensive oral records kept by their enclave's shaman
She fights with a washava, a rope weapon with a carved stone attached to one end, and a short spear. Her go-to move is to lasso someone with the washava, then stab them
End doesn't really give her any powers, just a divine vibe sense and the ability to kill things that shouldn't be able to die
She once made a bet that she could eat half a raw pufferfish, ate the entire fish because she was hungry, and then couldn't talk for a week because it made her lips so numb
She's an incredibly picky eater. Halawemavar are mainly carnivorous, so anything with gluten or lactose in it just doesn't agree with her. The rest of the quartet gives her a lot more shit about this than she probably deserves
She's a fantastic dancer
She's really, really butch and is pansexual, though she heavily prefers women
She's an awful liar, but can spot a lie told by someone else from a mile away
Given the very communal nature of halawemavar child rearing, she took easily to raising Twenari and saves every spare coin for the girl's education, even thought she doesn't know what in the hell a degree in 'runic engineering' is
And there we go! With the world's chillest harbinger of the apocalypse out of the way, we're done with the Honor's Outcasts quartet. Lmk if you have any questions! From here, I'll probably move on to the Mortal God folks or maybe do a few side characters from Honor's. I don't think I've even mentioned Daedryn yet, now that it comes to mind.
Anyways, hope you enjoy! Have a bitchin day <3
(Tag list: @amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks @bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast @goldxdarkness @the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff)
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ecklekecle · 16 days
when i listen to music i like to associate the songs (like the lyrics) to people/characters/times of my life (i also like to make lists), so here are some songs that lowkey remind me of Evan (probably specifically Adagio evan, (im sorry for making everything about adagio evan 😔)) and just like rosekiller in general idk. through it all - Sombr - honestly i think this reminds me more of barty (idk why) i think i might've just listened to this soo many times when I was reading Adagio
would've been you - Sombr - i think this is definitely Adagio Evan, for reasons i dont want to talk about. i heard this song before reading adagio, then after reading adagio, i was like, this song is so evan (to barty) skdjkjsdfhjk
Distractions - Wild Painting - this song, i think i've just subconsciously associated this song to rosekiller angst. Not even based on the lyrics or anything just on the vibe of the song, but i guess some of the lyrics work too
letting you in - awfultune - adagio barty... (after evan.. yk) (no cause the way this song actually makes me sad like what??? i dont even know what im doing with my life anymore sjfhkjdsf makes my heart feel heavy)
Paint -The Paper Kites - a little off track but with rosekiller there's also Regulus (and with regulus comes sirius) and this lowkey reminds me of them like i think some of the lyrics work with the Black brothers like: 'this house has never felt the same as before, it's never felt warm, never felt warm' and also 'I had to go back, had to go back' (works with regulus going voldemort i guess and sirius going to the potters idk) AND ALSO 'maybe we marry and we work out fine (with regulus or sirius comes James, this could work with jegulus).
Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons - again not rosekiller but I saw a tiktok saying this song and I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons is Jegulus like band au maybe i cant really remember and like they have a little situationship thingo and write each other one these songs.. something like that? I've just been thikning about it since. I cant remember which song is who tho
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol - is ' if i lay here, if i just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world' not rosekiller?? i heard this for the first time at work and i was like, huh, this could be so rosekiller and ngl i think it is
Sleeping Patterns - Merchant Ships - I know i said this list is based off rosekiller but this song i just feel like would've been something regulus would listen to, he seems like the type of guy who would write something like this too tbh (ik it's about 9/11 but the vibes and some of the wording i feel fits into like the vibes ig idk) i dont think this is even al the songs i've associated with these fictional characters but it's what i've got so far yippee i think i could've gone so much more in depth with lyrics and things but i didn't want this to be too long so i didnt but i just have so much to talk about i think
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petruchio · 5 months
It's so interesting that you bring up the parallel with the kiss by the beach in the second arena because yes!!! I think that might've been a pivotal moment for Peeta in the second book where he felt that "oh, I was right, she just did not allow herself to think about it before"
(I will also admit to have been influenced by igsygrace's description of it on ao3 lol)
Also, kind of backtracking but yes, when Peeta asks her on the train back home if all of it was fake he is frustrated (not for the first time) at the walls Katniss puts up. Specially after they've left the arena.
During the games, and specifically inside the cave, the Katniss he saw was caring, willing to die for him as much as he was for her, and (hopefully) starting to see him under a new light, maybe a possible future with him.
They win. They get separated. They only see each other briefly and every time Katniss is either a bit anxious (which he thinks is normal considering, well, everything) or acting lovey dovey with him (maybe playing it up a bit in front of the cameras, sure, they need to keep up the momentum but come on, Katniss is so comfortable around him, she can't be acting to this extent right?)
I think I'm losing the plot lol but yes! Both of those kisses are very important for both of them in terms of putting down walls and understanding each other
yes!! ugh and then the tragedy of the beach scene is that it's their last moment of reality before everything gets stripped away AGAIN by the hijacking!! so similar to how katniss rips away the "reality" from peeta at the end of book 1, the hijacking rips away the "reality" from katniss after the beach. it's all so tragic because every time they finally get close to admitting it, something or somebody rips it away. (and it's only with the final defeat of the capitol that they BOTH can finally be and feel safe enough to be together completely.)
i also think there's a parallel we can draw to peeta's "death" by forcefield in catching fire too -- because we know from finnick that it's the moment HE (and we can assume snow) also realized the depth of katniss' feelings for peeta -- and i think peeta himself does, too, because katniss is like literally losing her mind and he has to kind of calm her down about it despite the fact that he's the one that just literally died. so there's two catching fire parallels: one being that, when peeta's life is on the line, katniss CANNOT hide the fact that she's utterly and completely gone for him. when he's not really being threatened, she can delude herself into thinking it's all an act -- but when the other option is for him to die, that's when she really loses it. and literally everyone notices -- peeta is just the first to pick up on it in the cave, but by the time we get to an actual almost death in catching fire, "anyone paying attention could see how much you care about him." (peeta was just the first one "paying attention" -- which he literally SAYS: "i remember everything about you. you're the one who wasn't PAYING ATTENTION." what a connection there between those two lines!!)
i kind of lost the point i was making too but anyway it's all coming together!!! it's about what we can convince ourselves of and what others can see clearly -- peeta sees katniss more clearly than she sees herself at times, and yet she's so wrapped up in her own world that she often doesn't give him credit where credit is due for understanding her -- and yet, time and time again, it's peeta who points things out to katniss that demonstrate the depth of his understanding of her. and time and time again, katniss intentionally (or -- unintentionally, but like -- you know) misreads or misunderstands peeta because of her own defenses. it's only when she's faced with the reality of actually losing to him that she can admit the depth of her feelings for him.
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
I personally think none of the three pairings are in love love with each other the idea of said person is the primary draw for all of them. Ray wants someone to take care of him and give him the love and affection he lost via his mom dying and Sand fills that void he mothers him. Sand's savior complex has him wanting to be useful ergo he falls for someone who needs to be saved from themselves. The disconnect is ultimately Sand cannot save Ray because Ray doesn't see a problem in his behavior. Top is drawn to Mew's innocence and optimism and moments in which Mew fucks up he's quick to discredit it to Ray and himself not seeing Mew as flawed. Mew was interested in the fairytale trope of I can fix him with Top but is quick to dismiss any other facet of Top like his fire trauma and his drug addiction. Mew also just has no clue who he is. Nick is drawn to Boston because he's a free spirit sexually, verbally just 0 filter but ignores that Boston has boundaries within that he also deflects his own bad behavior with well you are filthy so i'm not so bad. Boston is drawn to Nick because he's the first person who genuinely sees him for more then just sex and he felt safe with but his trust in Nick's innocence is gone the moment he finds the wire tap.
The way each pairing is pulled to each other is very fascinating, because it does reflect a lot of what they crave most, in addition to the simplest want of just being loved honestly. For Mew, it's the satisfaction of having changed someone for the better; for Top, it’s a real chance at something serious; for Ray, it's being cared for and shown that he matters; for Sand, it’s having someone to care for; for Nick, it's finding someone who enjoys his company; for Boston, it's being cared for on an emotional level rather than a purely physical one.
…I realize I just pretty much reiterated your points, lol. But I really really like the thought of each character seeking something they are currently missing in their lives. For some characters, that's more obvious than others. But I think those desires were only the first step—I’d argue that we've moved into the "second stage" so to speak, where those initial attractions have been given much more depth. What might've drawn the characters together in the first place is still drawing them together now, but there are other emotions being built on top of it I believe most characters see their partner for more than what made them so desirable in the first place. And for some of them, that’s part of their conflict.
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noodles-n-soba · 2 years
The one who relived a divine nature
A Scaramouche draft~
A/N: The way Im inspired after the 3.0 update guys..! I've fallen in love with Scara all over again, but, I guess we all did..
CW: Didn't proofread..
A king was born, the day his eyes fell upon you.. Were you the last one to betray him?  Were you the healer that he needed, the one who would stitch his puppet heart back together. A materialized heart, yet this puppet possessed feelings, emotions and a heart.
Curiousity flickered in your eyes, your hands holding your blanket wrapped around your body as you gazed at the guy himself.. Could he be broken and shattered in pieces? Could he still feel something? Wasn't he a mere.. Puppet? A subject of Ei, the Inazuman guardian who's eyes were only set on eternity? "Drifting away once more, (Y/n)?" You blinked, gaze meeting with his still lively ones. Years later, these sparkling eyes would change into the deepest void you had ever seen, he wouldn't be alive again.. But at your current lifestage, you did not realize any of this.
Hopping off the stone wall covered with moss, you stretched with a smile on your face. "Of course not, I was simply resting my mind, but I am fully awake." While saying so, you placed a hat on top of Scaramouche's head to protect him from the sun. Once more his eyes glittered, shining brighter than the mid day sun.. Oh, how you missed seeing those eyes years later.. Right, you recalled being appointed by the archon's themselves to protect the land of Tevyat in the Archon war, but nobody truly knew your identity. What kind of monster were you? Would they tolerate such an existence? Feared to die, betrayal would follow, a painful revelation. "Let us continue, the road ahead is open." You encouraged, nudging over to the path leading to yet another place to discover and explore. You were always there for him, trying to distract his mind from every kind of evil or sadness, but how hard it was.. The poor guy.
Often you heard the question from Scaramouche himself. "Will you, too, leave me, like all the others? Won't you grow tired of me? Who am I in your eyesight, a monster? A puppet? An emotionless individual with no heart or inner appearance?" You reassured him every single time he asked you, you would not leave his side without any valid reason. If fire would once set aflame the branches you were climbing, in no way you would simply abandon him and leave him hanging on those threads. Earning an honest smile from him every time you calmed his storm like mind made you feel at rest too, but every year that genuine smile grew less and less lively.. Barely even mumbling a word to you once you said you wouldn't leave. If you had to be honest, you were gone more frequently.. Where had you been? When would you return? Would you someday perhaps, stay away for eternity?
"(Y/n), why are you gone so often." Up till this day, you never told him.. But you realized he had probably already noticed, you weren't aging.. Just like him. A case of immortality? It might've been. You shook your head, a comforting smile forming on your face as your eyes shone once again in the sun, shining on the land of Eternity. "A few cases I need to take care of once in a while, but rest assured now.. I will be here till the sun rises. If you open your eyes, you'll see me fighting off your strongest enemies, digging a way through forests and lightening up your ways through the darkness." And with that, cupping his cheek in your hand you tried making direct eye contact.. Heart almost being torn apart seeing that the guy from a hundred years ago had changed so much, not a single smile detectable on his blank face.. Resulting in hugging him tightly, hoping to forget his face once again today. You saw nothing but your Scaramouche completely sunken to the depths of his own sea, only to never see daylight again.. Why? Betrayal? Realization? Exactly those things that he had experienced in life made him feel so done with humans in general, but did you classify as 'human' in his archive? He himself didn't even knew.. If someone had asked him that question he wouldn't even know how to answer it.
But you, oh pathetic liar, were you the last straw? You meant no ill, but your movements and actions were exactly what he expected.. Betrayal. It was nothing to be ashamed of (Y/n), he expected it. His face, oh so priceless, the menacing grin on his face as he stared at you.. No love, no friendship, no feelings to begin with! How dare you even think such a thing. From siding with him to fighting against him because you were ordered to do so, no time to talk it through.. Hah, what a coincidence? Formidable! Truly! You were the one assigned to help this puppet out of its misery, and you messed up. But even by messing up, he noticed your true intentions. Living a lie, he told himself so many times you were just like the others, easily landing a hit on you without any struggle. Were you holding back? What kind of mockery was this..? How dare you?
The smile on your face, blood covering your arms and eye, but still even so.. Telling him you'd see him soon enough, falling on the ground afterwards and laying there without any signs of life.. How dare you..!? Who did you think you were..? You.. were.. Merely.. His best friend.
After decades, he got reminded that he too could in fact cry.. He hated it, but seeing you laying there so incredibly helpless, unconsciousness and bleeding to death. His heart that had been frozen over time, a layer of stone around it, it still beaten for you. His hands made quick work, wrapping your wounds in a bandage you carried with you, making sure you were hydrated well enough, even laying your head on his lap as he observed your youthful face.
"Scaramouche.." The harmony of your voice was enough to make him shudder, trying to catch back his new defined personality, but seeing you there.. He couldn't back out anymore, he never was that new Scaramouche when you were around. "... Sorry.." Lips barely moving, your hand tried finding his', squeezing it once you had found your way to it.. ".. I know." His pride didn't dare him to apologize for hurting you, though his eyes said enough. He couldn't afford to lose his last friend, squeezing your hand he bowed down in such a way your foreheads touched. "... Don't cause too much trouble, we won't venture off for quite a long time.." Your smile always lit up his darkened soul, but returning one would take so much more effort.. He just simply couldn't anymore. ".. I knew that from the start, promises can be made.. But keeping them is an entire other thing." Making sure you were laying comfortable against the stem of a Sakura tree in the shade, he stared once more in your eyes.. You never lost hope or happiness, how did you do it? He never stopped admiring you, his respect never grew less.. How could you? One last kiss, then he'd leave.. A kiss goodbye, what did it actually meant? He didn't question it.. Neither did you. Seeing his blurry figure walk towards the horizon, feeling the stinging pain in your chest of unsatisfactory as you realized you weren't supposed to protect him anymore.. Even better, you COULDNT. Where would he go next? Nobody knew.
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poppyseedfics · 2 years
hi!! can I ask for a hugs with Mika between classes at Yumenosaki garden, please?
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Hi hiii~
Thank you very much for requesting! This was such a cute idea 💕
You didn't specify HCs or ficlet, so I might've just ran with it,,, don't read into it I'm fine I swear 😳
Once again I have made like half the fic the setup, I don’t know how or why I keep doing this but uhhhh I hope you enjoy anyway?
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Hugs at the Yumenosaki Gardens
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Mika Kagehira
It was only the first class and already the day was shaping up to be one ending in shambles.
First you'd woken up 10 minutes late, eyes so heavy that it took a conscious effort to blink each one individually. Once you'd hauled yourself up you'd accidentally stubbed your toe on your desk, of which still currently hurt.
Your uniform was creased, your breakfast was bland, your earphones stopped working the moment you stepped out your door- not to mention you could feel the tag of your shirt scathing against your back and the seam of your sock was positioned positively perfectly in the wrong place.
 By the time you'd taken your seat, it felt as though you'd lived 10 days in the span of an hour. 
You took a moment to try and collect yourself. You just needed 20 seconds…
A tsunami of curse words crashed through your head at the sound of the classroom door rattling open. Like a wave the other students hushed. You took the chance to take a deep breath, pushing it out steadily to calm your flurry of thoughts. You could do this.
Attendance went smoothly. You said your name when called upon and nothing went wrong. Your first win of the day. Perhaps minor, but even this smallest light was a flicker of hope.
The teachers voice echoed across the room. You stared ahead, unmoving as the words processed in your head.
'Book' is what finally registered and you made haste to unzip your bag that was upon its perch on the side of your desk. A chorus of zippers indicated others were doing the same. You slid your hand into your bag to collect the required item…
Why didn't you feel it?
The panic began to bubble up in your chest, a constricting squeeze that made your breath wobble. Eyes darting around the room you could only watch as everyone else pulled out their books and began flipping quickly to a fresh page.
It had to be there. You couldn't have forgotten your book. Not today.
In a blind panic you forced your hand to continue moving, grasping the textbook for a later class and sliding it over. Behind it was another, a different book. Thinner, a smooth cover-
You hadn't forgotten your book.
Relief flooded you. The feeling was welcome, it was as if a fresh wind right of the ocean had swept through your body, melting your worries away.
Hastily retrieving your hand from the heinous depths of your own bag, you set the book on your desk, flipping to a new page just as the teacher began speaking. You nodded along, the gift of relief intoxicating your system.
Today would be fine, it was just a bumpy start.
 You felt to the left of your desk, fingertips only finding the sheer edge of your desk.
You'd forgotten your pencil case.
In that moment, nothing felt more appealing then just letting your head fall into the desk and screaming.
 Class passed… You didn't want to think about it. Instead, you were occupied with the thought that because you were late, you hadn't gone to see Mika in the gardens before school like you usually did. You hoped he wasn't mad at you…
As soon as the teacher dismissed class you swept your books back into your bag and made a mad dash for the door. You swiped your phone from your pocket with the hope of asking Mika to meet you in the gardens now- you needed to see him if the rest of this cursed day was going to be anything like the previous 2 hours. You turned your phone on before quickly ducking around some students to keep your pace as you all but barrelled down the hall toward in the direction of the garden. You turned your phone on, prying your eyes away from it as you pushed the exit door open- the cool morning air was fresh and immediately worked through your body to give you at least a faux feeling of calm.
You turned your phone on… You turned your phone on-
Nothing but your own reflection peered back.
It was flat.
 Maybe it was out of frustration, perhaps just sheer desperation, but you just simply broke out into a mad sprint toward the gardens. You hoped against all hope that Mika would just be there.
Once the white lattice building came into view your eyes snapped to it, immediately working to see if you could spot anyone inside through the glare on the windows. Legs beginning to slow, your heart felt as though it was sinking into to incredulous depths. Your breaths rattled your chest as you recovered from the exertion of effort… you couldn’t blame him for not being here, but it really did not feel good.
Standing in the entrance, eyes glazed over you began to suppose you should begin heading to your next class… although no matter how logical it was, you just couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and stalk back the way you came. How much trouble would you be in if you skipped class? Probably a lot of trouble but-
Hearing your name, you snapped aware and frantically searched for the source.
Seeing Mika wander into the gardens, beautiful smile adorning his face, you swore you could collapse then and there. He waved as he approached you.
"I was hoping you'd be here! You didn’t come this morning and I was worried something had happened."
His voice alone was enough to revitalise your spirit and your legs dragged forward on their own, bringing you to him. He held out his hand for you to take, and once you were in range you did.
You didn't stop there, though. You took another few steps forward and walked straight into him, wrapping your free hand around his back as you smooshed your face into his shoulder.
Mika almost stumbled backward at the unexpected force, but he was quick to right himself and reciprocate. His arm wove around you.
Warmth, comfort and peace all exuded off him and you basked in it. It felt as though you melted in his embrace. The world fell away. It wasn't important right now, even all your troubles had vanished into the corners of your mind.
Mika leant his head back a little to try and get a glimpse at your face as he asked something, "Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" You simply shook your head against him and he hummed.
You stayed stood together for what felt like an eternity- by the time you parted you were already feeling much better. Looking up at him, he offered another charming smile- and you couldn’t help but return one.
 Taking a deep breath, you took his other hand in yours and simply stared down at them, willing yourself to go on- for him
"I have had an absolutely terrible morning."
Mika frowned at that, but you gave his hands a squeeze.
"But you've given me all the strength I need. I can handle anything the day throws at me!"
You shared another smile.
"Meet back here at break?"
"Of course."
Despite having said goodbye, neither of you were quite willing to move.
Finally you broke the standoff, pulling him into another hug and squeezing him once before letting go and turning on your heel. You yelled another goodbye, and you caught his on the wind as you headed back to class.
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gaystay · 2 years
Forget Me- Aomine Alternate Ending
Genre- angst
Warnings: none!
We pick up partway through the last chapter where Aomine has come knocking on your door.
''Y/N I swear to GOD LET ME IN!''
You ignored your ex boyfriend's yells. After all, you were pretending you weren't home. You had checked several times on your way home to make sure he wasn't following you, but once you realized he might still come to try to talk to you, you shut off all the lights and locked the door. So long as you stayed quiet, he'd eventually have to assume you decided to go somewhere else, right? And then he'd leave. 
Well, sort of. He was stubborn. He also wasn't an idiot. 
''Y/N please, I know you're in there, I just want to talk!'' He continued to plead with you. His voice tugged at your heart, but you resolutely shut him out. He carried on calling out to you, even after he stopped knocking. He clearly didn't buy the idea that you hadn't gone home. He sat outside your door for hours, occasionally calling your name and sobbing quietly. You curled up on the couch and pulled a pillow over your head, trying to block out the sounds of his whimpers before you started crying again too. 
A few hours later, you sat up, realizing the sounds outside had stopped. You sat still, listening tensely. Finally, after several minutes of uneasy silence, you carefully crept up to the door. Pushing up on your toes, you peered through the peep hole as stealthily as you could.  
He was gone. 
You let out a long breath. Finally. If he'd stayed any longer, you might've given in. Aomine wasn't the sort of person to let himself cry in front of anyone else, and he definitely wasn't the type to beg, no matter what, but the way he begged you to let him in... well. You probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. Thank goodness for winter break. So long as you stayed at home and didn't let him in if he came around again, you should be fine. Even when you went back to college in a week, you didn't have any actual classes together. Unfortunately, he knew full well where your dorm was and where your classes were. You'd have a hard time avoiding him then. You sighed. The only thing to do, it seemed, was to get some help from a friend. You tracked down your phone, which was hiding under a couch cushion, and called your high school best friend, who also happened to be an expert on your ex boyfriend. Kise Ryota. 
3 Weeks Later
The snow was melting, leaving campus slushy and slippery. Even 2 weeks back into classes, you still ran from class to class, hoping to avoid Aomine. He tried so many times to reach you, but you blocked him everywhere. As you expected, when classes started up again, he came around to your dorm looking for you. Your roommate, blessed girl that she was, patiently turned him away every time. You were too busy, you were taking a nap, you weren't back yet, or, when he'd had enough of excuses, you simply wouldn't see him. 
After that, he started trying to catch you before or after classes, but he was out of his depth there. He was used to you waiting at the front of the crowd for him, trying to make yourself seen. You hid at the back of the crowd, hiding in clumps of much taller, bigger people. You took alternate routes and used secondary entrances to lecture halls and any classrooms that had other doors. You had a couple awkward run ins with some of his friends, but while they wished you would talk to him, they agreed not to tell him where to find you. They knew that if you wanted to be found, you'd let him find you. Clearly you didn't.  
Your roommate was an angel, but she was tired of turning away the distraught boy, and often asked you to just talk to him and get it over with. Your closest friends supported you in your choices, but they had their own things going on, and didn't often have the time to talk about the Aomine situation.   
Kise was your rock. He always made time for you, checking in on you multiple times a day. He was always protective, but even more so now. He took care of you, helping you let out all of the emotions you had concerning your ex boyfriend. He even arranged for you to have a little closure, which at first had you feeling horribly guilty, but Kise was there for every second of it, helping you through it. He wasn't at the same college, but he was close enough that he came to visit you every weekend, taking you around town and hanging out with you so you didn't have to be lonely or sad. You hadn't been so alone in a long time, your days were filled with your interactions with Aomine, and now he wasn't a part of your life. You were the one who cut him out, but you still missed the time you spent together. Kise made up for it. He knew full well you needed contact. You needed people. And he was more than happy to be that person for you. 
A month went by, then two. You began to stop worrying about Aomine. He seemed to have gotten the message, since you hadn't seen him near your classes in ages. You still avoided places he might be out of habit, but it was no longer a priority. Your friends weren't as busy lately, and you spent many happy hours out with them, enjoying their company. Your roommate had been integrated into your little group, and the few of you made a cheerful party. Lately, you had developed a routine. You and the girls chose a restaurant in town to visit every wednesday, since none of you had morning classes the day after, and Kise came down to see you every friday, staying in your dorm for the weekend. Your roommate had family in town that she stayed with on weekends, so Kise was free to use your dorm when he came around. You had gotten much closer with him in the last two months. Friday was your favorite day of the week now, for more reasons than one. He was always so cheerful, so sweet, so happy to see you. Seeing him tended to make you forget about everyone else.      
6 Months Later
''Whew! That was a long act!'' You fanned yourself with the playbill. ''It's so damn hot in there.''  
''Oh sorry, I think that's me.'' Your boyfriend chuckled. You pushed him, grinning. 
''Shut the fuck up, Ryota.'' He smiled back, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. He was so adorable, you thought, so wonderful.   
''Ah, you know you love it.'' He winked. ''I'll grab us some drinks, 'kay babe?'' He pecked your cheek and slipped off through the crowd. You watched him go with a dopey smile. Man, you loved that idiot!  
''Y-Y/N? That you?''
You knew that voice. 
You turned. Slowly. Incredulously. He didn't like plays. He didn't know anybody who did theatre. What the HELL was he doing at the school production???
''H-hi.'' You managed a lame wave. He gave you a lopsided smile.
''Man, I haven't seen you in forever.'' 
''Ah, yeah...''
''So... how've you been?'' He rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable. You shuffled your feet, trying to think of what to say.
''I've been good, I guess. Pretty good, yeah.'' You tried for a smile.  
''Oh good, good. Was that Kise just now?''  
''Oh yeah, he just went for some drinks.'' You tried for a casual demeanor. You hoped it paid off. Aomine suddenly developed an interest in his shoes, eyes not leaving the ground.
 ''So... are you guys... like-'' he glanced up, catching your eye for a second before immediately looking away. He took a deep breath. ''You're with him now aren't you.''   
It wasn't a question. Instantly, all the blood came rushing to your cheeks, making you want to hide in a corner. You had to remind yourself to breathe. He was looking up at you now, emotions running rampant all over his face. He wasn't over you, that much was clear. You took a deep breath, finally finding the words you needed him to hear after months of ignoring him. 
''Daiki, I-''
''Wait,'' he cut in. ''I know what you're going to say. I'm not gonna ask for you back, Y/N, I can tell you love him. I still-'' his voice cracked, but he kept going. ''I still love you. But so does he. And you chose him. So I won't get in your way. I just want you to be happy.'' He sniffed a bit, and with a start, you realized his eyes were glistening. He really still loved you. His words tore at your heart, especially since he assumed you thought he would try to get in between you and Kise. You really had hurt him terribly. You should have spoken to him long ago, but you were always to scared. But now it was time.    
''Daiki... no. I never thought that of you. I need to tell you something.'' He looked up, surprised.  ''A few months ago... Kise realized who your friend was. The girl I saw you with. I didn't realize he knew her too. He brought her to come see me. She- she told me everything. How you asked her for help for our anniversary...'' You paused, breathing much faster than you should be. ''You never cheated on me Daiki. I should have listened to you. I should have let you explain. I'm sorry. I didn't give you a chance. It's all my fault. I should never have assumed the worst of you. Can you ever forgive me?'' 
Not quite silence. He was hiccuping quietly, and so now were you, both of you trying to hold back tears once again.  
''I- I don't know what- what to say to this.'' He managed. You nodded, looking anywhere but his face. 
''I know. I'm sorry Daiki, I really am.'' You whispered. 
''You could've told me when you found out. Why didn't you?'' 
''I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't know how to tell you! I thought it was too late. I thought you'd be angry!''
He straightened indignantly.
''Angry? At you? Fuck, Y/N, I would've just been glad you were talking to me again! I just wanted you back! And now- now you've moved on, huh?'' 
You nodded, avoiding his piercing gaze. 
''I have, Daiki. I'm sorry. I really did love you, you know. But now you need to forget me.''
''Forget me, Daiki! You''ll find someone else! A better girl! Someone who won't do what I did! You deserve better anyway.'' You turned, scanning the crowd for Kise. He sniffled behind you.  
''There won't be anyone better than you, Y/N.'' 
You waited for him to say something else. He never did. After a minute you turned, but there was no sign of him in the crowd. He was gone.  
Several minutes later, Kise popped up at your elbow. 
''Sorry baby, the line was crazy long!'' He handed you a cup. You took it wordlessly, still staring out at the sea of people, searching for signs of the blue haired boy, but he was nowhere to be found. Kise frowned, catching onto your faraway look. ''Babe, what's wrong? Something happen while I was gone?'' 
''I saw him.''
''He... still loves me.''  
''He might hate me now. I knew he didn't cheat and I never tried to apologize to him until now.''
''Oh baby-''
''I'm a horrible person, aren't I?''
The lights flickered, an indication that the second act was about to start. Kise sighed.
''Don't you worry about that. Let's go back in for now, then we'll go back to the dorms, ok?'' 
You nodded, but you were barely paying attention to him. It was all your fault all along. You threw away the most wonderful relationship. You took Aomine's love and trust and trashed it because you were stubborn. You didn't know just how badly you'd hurt him, but in retrospect, your foolishness was glaring. Once you knew, you should have reached out to him, even just to make amends. Even just to apologize. Instead, you let him suffer, believing that the girl he loved still thought he betrayed her.  
''Forget me,'' you had told him. Forget me, but would you ever forget him?
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