#i need my gay videogames
rielzero · 1 year
Baldur’s Gate and why Europeans should do all our RPGs
Europeans aren’t shy of fruity stuff, but one thing that’s really annoyed me out of fantasy and rpg games, is that at times you feel like you can’t customize your character’s sexuality. I want to be able to play a gay dude and capable of rejecting the women, its really peeving when a character flirts with me and I have no way of saying no thank you I’m not into you.
Or that I can’t romance the men, that too. Like this is a fantasy world?? Lemme have my good time. Most game publishers are too shy, them AAA game studios can’t have our satanic fun time. Nope everything has to be boring, and romance stale. LET SOME HOT DUDE FLIRT WITH MY TWINK CHARACTER. PLEASE. EAT ME UP IN THEIR EYES.
Ugh and so much bad writing too, like sometimes its just too easy.
I’m so fucking hyped for this game that I can finally just play a character that's gay as hell. Thanks game. I cannot stop thinking about you and it ain’t 3rd of august yet. LET ME HAVE MY VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND PLEASE.
No more puritan or crap stale badly written romance, give me the good shit that AAA’s won’t do.
Friendly reminder that Straight-Locking is a thing in games, and it happens. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Straight-Locking
I am going to be so gay in baldur’s gate 3.
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give me
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localgremlinboy · 2 years
some more silly rogues’ headcannons I thought of! Thank you everyone for the validation on the last ones, it made me smile! :D
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- they all have a Minecraft server together that's utter madness! Riddler has perfected redstone and he makes puzzle riddle traps in game, it drives Joker INSANE. Ivy goes around planting giant trees and flowers without asking. And Bane has a nice little house and no one dares ruin it, it brings him so much joy.
- Scarecrow always has chapstick on him, it's mango flavored
- Riddler has a tamagotchi, he will cry if it dies. If you're the goon that has to watch it while he's in Arkham, be scared.
- Harvey still posts on his Twitter, Twoface has an invite only after dark account. He just reposts memes everyone else has already seen and overshares random personal information and middle school level poetry. Also Harvey & Twoface are currently in a four year long tweet war about an episode of Law and order
- Out of all the rogues, Joker owns the most shoes. He has a storage unit full of racks of different tailored costumes, shoes, and makeup. He wears an expensive french brand of makeup he has to ship to Gotham, and he doesn't do any crimes without wearing his lucky lipstick brand
- Scarecrow loves animal crossing, his island is decked out and Halloween themed. He hosts parties with the rogues on his island
- Riddler set up a VPN & free cable/wifi for all the rogues to use so they can stream whatever, but you have to answer a riddle to get the password. Joker hates it but he also needs to watch the new criminal minds reboot before Harley spoils it
- one time during a party, the rogues managed to convince a very drunk Harvey & Twoface to sing/reinact songs from phantom of the opera and later jekyll and hyde (Twoface is emotionally a theater kid)
- Harley and Twoface get really into murder podcasts together one time while in Arkham. Even after they all break out, they video call after new episodes drop to talk about it. One time they tried to do a podcast but it turned out Joker did the crime so like it wasn't much of a plot twist
- Harley streams her crimes sometimes & actually makes some sick side cash off it! Half the time her chat is just obsessing over her interactions with Ivy. Also Ivy is one of her top donors
- Catwoman is TikTok famous, she posts story times, how to do simple parkour and pick locks, and hauls from crimes. All of her money from sponsorships and stuff goes to charity (she gets sent a bunch of free cat food for her cats, it's awesome!)
- Joker scrapbooks, he did it for a gag originally but low key got into it and now he may or may not have a scrapbooking room. He tries to go to Michael’s incognito but like, everyone knows.. The employees are like “yo, the Joker is at the help desk asking about if we have batman scrapbooking decals? Do.. Do I ask if he wants to sign up for the rewards program? Is he allowed to sign up?” Yes he signed up for the rewards program
- Joker also often signs up for various rewards programs but when he doesn’t want their emails, he gives them scarecrow’s email. Scarecrow has a bounty for whoever stops the man signing up ALL his emails for the Chilies newsletter
- the rogues throw Harley a roller skating lasertag party, where they also learn Harvey can't skate to save his life. He's the dedicated party mom that's standing at the railing about to fall down while he cheers on the others doing tricks and he's in charge of everyone's coat at the table. Joker uses all of his tickets to buy bouncy balls and sticky hands. Catwoman is a god at laser tag, she nearly gave Scarecrow a heart attack when she dropped form the vents to snip him. At the end of the party, they all steal Harley the go kart that's worth like 10,000 tickets. Batman shows up to Harley doing donuts in the parking lot while all the other villains are fighting with sticky hands and bouncy balls
- Bane likes camping and takes all the rogues in hopes to get camping buddies, they all almost die out in the woods because it's a disaster but also he had a great time! The Joker brings a camera and the whole time is making dated Blair Witch jokes with Scarecrow, which Harvey doesn't find funny and not because he's scared of the Blair witch.. Riddler screams running off into the woods because of a bee "chasing" him, no one sees him until three weeks later when they remember that they forgot him in the woods. Clayface uses a survivalist persona/character the whole time they're out there but he knows nothing about survivalism, eating poisonous berries and telling them poison ivy is a healing herb. Ivy is probably the only one suited for camping and she has to make sure most of them don't die
- Harley collects pins! She has a pin board in her hideout. The other rogues give her pins they find/obtain around Gotham
- The Joker has spent 3 years trying to perfect confetti smoke bombs
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emita-ita · 7 months
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canmom · 5 months
So a little over a month ago I was reached out to by @peterkats, a gay refugee currently living in a camp with a small group of other gay and trans refugees.
Peter has, to put it mildly, had a fucking time of it. In his home country, Uganda, his partner was murdered for being trans. He stayed for some time in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya with a group of gay and trans people (pictured above), but violence from police forced them to move, and they're currently in a refugee camp run by the UNHCR. (I've been asked not to explicitly name the country but you can probably figure it out.)
Unfortunately this has not in any way been a reprieve. They've managed to flee right into an impending famine, and if that's not enough, they're still facing violence from police and other refugees, and general indifference from the UNHCR medical staff - who are also facing supply shortages. But it's not completely hopeless. When Peter contacted me, he needed money for food - I sent him some via an intermediary and he was able to get quite a bit (the exchange rate seems to be favourable). With help, things can be quite different.
We've stayed in touch since then, talking about our respective lives, the lgbtq situation in different countries, even videogames and music. He's a really sweet guy, despite it all still trying to find a place he can live free. For real, I would not survive any of this shit.
Recently a couple of people in Peter's group have caught malaria. They are currently sleeping on bare mats without mosquito nets. There seems to be some confusion about the exchange rates but as far as I have been able to gather, about €150 (~20,000ssp) gets a mattress and €10(~1000ssp) a malaria net. The UNHCR have not been able to provide any medication except paracetamol, and it's raining which promotes mosquito activity, so this is kind of an emergency.
I would very much prefer if the new friend I've made doesn't die of starvation or malaria. Unfortunately, I do not have the money to support Peter and his group alone. I've sent him money for one mattress (via PayPal for expediency, it won't show up on GFM), and I would be immensely grateful if you would be able to contribute a bit to getting them another (which would be just about enough to keep six people safe from mosquitoes if sleeping three to a mattress).
Beyond that, these guys are prohibited from working so they would definitely benefit from food money. And if anyone has an idea for a long term plan to get them somewhere safer where they're less likely to get bashed, I am sure Peter would appreciate hearing about it. We talked a bit about the UK asylum process but getting everyone here would be very difficult (passports, flights etc.).
But still like, I can only do so much on my own, and I want to give these guys a fighting chance. So if you could pass this around and donate if you can spare a bit? I'd be insanely grateful.
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2024 commission pages time babeyyy!!!!
long list of things i won't draw under cut!!!
no pedophilia, incest, queerphobia, racism, ableism, or any other similar kind of disgusting and/or illegal topics
this also means i won't draw any ships involving related characters or a minor and an adult. i don't care if they're fictional, i don't care if you age them up, i don't care if it's a 400 years old in a 10 years old body, i don't care if they're step-sibilings
fandoms i won't draw:
all are censored so this doesn't show up in the tags. thanks tumblr
H.arry P.otter or anything else written by Joanne
V.ivziepop's works
A.ttack on T.itans
H.etalia and C.ountryhumans
and generally "controversial" fandoms tbh
ships i won't draw:
i can't stress it enough i'm not drawing any pedo shit or zoophilia or incest Go Away
anything involving IRL people, unless i have proof it's you and your partner
canonically gay characters in hetero ships
everything else is more than okay. canon ships? crossovers? oc x canon? ocs smoochin??? pppspspss
i love ocs i love oc x canon i love oc x oc please let me draw your ocs BUT REMEMBER THAT I WON'T DRAW:
OCs of fandoms I already said I don't draw
redesigns of OCs you don't own. I also need proof
also i'll always need a reference for your OCs if you want me to draw them. I'm not making them from scratch. I also accept picrews, videogame character creations and actual pictures of clothes, hairstyles and whathaveyou as references!!
no noncon. Ever
no NSFW or gore art involving IRL people, animals or children
i generally have no problems drawing gore stuff but let's discuss beforehand to see if I would be comfortable with your ideas or not
NO FETISHES. don't try to sneak in feet stuff or diapers or whatever you're into either. i've been on deviantart i know better. just ask someone else for crying out loud
artistic nudity counts as NSFW; some blood and beaten up characters don't count as gore
Know that I'm allowed to always deny your request before getting paid, depending on my comfort on the topic or your behavior when requesting it.
don't push me too much, don't try to sneakily ask for fetishes, don't request a fandom that might involve loli crap.
if you're in doubt, ask before requesting anything!!
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andy-888 · 10 months
You know, seeing the Marvel situation in which they cut a quote where they confirmed Carol and Valkyrie used to date, made me think that the day where studios and big franchises realize, just for their own greedy interests, that the ppl that create most engagement are queer folk, they'll have to put more care in canonically queer characters and in queer stories.
Queer folks are the ones who: make fanart, make edits, write fanfiction, make blogs about it, make fandoms out of it, or just simply tweet or engage with official accounts. They are the ones who give you free publicity and you mistreat that public so much. You know how many shows/movies I decided to watch, how many videogames I decided to play, just bc I saw 1 cute gay fanart? Edit? And then I loved the product as a whole? A LOT.
Why do they think good omens s2 had such a good engagement? And it was so fun for the public? I need these franchises to wake tf up. This also comes bc these days I see a lot of transphobia in the Star Trek fandom bc of a trans trill. A TRILL. I'm not trans, but that scene in DS9 where Jadzia meets a long last klingon friend who knew her as Curzon and then called her Jadzia with the same love made me so happy, bc I have trans friends and i saw how hard it is. Star Trek has ALWAYS been woke and having to see those comments made my blood boil.
Stop making content for cis straight men, make content for the girls and queer ppl bc they are the ones who carry the weight of lifting your bland ass product.
Edit: I want to also add neurodivergent ppl to the sack. God if hyperfixations don't move mountains. I hope you don't get more autism powers doctors as representation
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misctf · 1 year
Being Supportive
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Joe had known Tyler since they were kids, the two forming a close friendship with one another. Having grown up in the same small town, the two would often talk about their futures. Joe would had plans to join the military when he turned 20, while Tyler planned to pursue a political science degree. When Tyler did leave for college, Joe remained behind working in the family store and getting in shape for the military. The two talked less and less, but Joe heard a rumor while working in the store. Apparently, Tyler had come out to his parents. Joe was shocked to say the least, but when Tyler reached out asking to hangout, Joe wanted to be there for his friend. But as the two sat playing videogames in the back room of the store, Joe couldn’t help but feel awkward.
“So...” Joe said clearing his throat, watching the screen intently, “Uhhh...”
“So what’ve you heard?” Tyler asked, his eyes focused on the screen. It was a small town, and Tyler knew that nothing stays secret in a small town, “I’ll bail you out buddy, yeah I’m gay.”
Joe flinched, “Uh yeah I heard.” He replied awkwardly, “So everything okay? I know your parents aren’t exactly...”
Tyler replied, his voice lower, “It’s fine, I appreciate you still wanting to hang out, man. I needed this.”
Joe chuckled, “Yeah no worries bro! I just wanna be supportive. Besides, what do I care if you like dick in your face?” He asked with a grin, nudging his friend.
“I’m sure you’ll get plenty used to that army boy.” Tyler smirked. The two continued to play their videogame in silence before Tyler took a deep breath, “Ya know, I’m sure my parents would’ve been happier if I joined the army.” He chuckled, “But, I’m not exactly the type.”
Joe shrugged, planning to respond when the lights flickered and he felt a strange sensation shoot through his body, causing him to throw his controller to the ground. He heard a similar sound, as Tyler had done the same, the two looking at one another in confusion.
“What the hell was that?” Joe laughed awkwardly, “Felt like a shock.” It was raining pretty bad outside, so he figured lightning could’ve hit the house. Tyler just nodded, and Joe got up and looked out the window, taking in the violent storm outside. When he turned back to Tyler, his eyes widened, “Bro what the hell? Where’d your clothes go?” Joe asked turning away.
Tyler’s eyes widened, “Me? What about you?”
Joe looked down and found that he was also fully nude, quickly moving his hands to cover himself. Tyler blushed and went to cover himself, only to find he had a raging erection.
“What the fuck dude?” Joe yelled.
“Dude I don’t know what’s happ...” Tyler let out a moan as the feeling in his cock intensified, pleasure reverberating through his body. He stood, his eyes half open as his dick throbbed.
Joe knew something was wrong, and quickly scanned the ground for his clothes, finding nothing. But when he looked back over at his friend, another strange sensation shot through his toned body. Against his will, Joe slowly fell to his knees, his mouth forcing itself open.
“Dude, I need help.” Joe tried to force out, but Tyler barely registered him, still moaning. Joe’s eyes widened as Tyler suddenly walked forward, his erect dick approaching Joe’s face, “Wait dude, what are you...!” Joe felt Tyler’s dick enter his mouth, the feeling completely foreign to the young man.
Tyler meanwhile only moaned as he felt his friend’s mouth wrap around his dick. He knew this was wrong, that something was compelling him to do this. But he couldn’t help it. And when Joe started sucking on his dick, Tyler could only let out another moan. Since when did his friend get so good at this? And why did it feel like his dick was growing? Joe meanwhile felt tears fall from his eyes as his friend’s dick went further down his throat. And to his horror, he could swear that it was starting to grow, taking up more space in his throat. Against his will, Joe could feel his arms wrap around his friends waist, his hands clasping together, as he massaged his friends ass.
“Fuck dude...” Tyler moaned, his voice sounding somewhat deeper, more masculine. He threw his head back and Joe looked up, noticing Tyler’s hair begin to reshape itself into a standard military buzz cut.
Joe tried to say something, but with his friend’s dick deep in his throat, no words could come out. Both to the young man’s horror and relief, the discomfort of sucking on his friend’s member seemed to vanish and it became much easier to handle, as if his mouth was growing accustomed to it. Equally concerning to him, as he looked around, he noticed the muscles he’d been developing in his arms had seemingly disappeared. And maybe it was a trick of the light, but his arms seemed to be slightly discolored, having taken on an almost light green hue.
“What the fuck!?” He thought, tears falling from his eyes, “Please Tyler!” He felt a new sensation well up in his abdomen and chest. He looked down and to his horror, watched as his defined pecs and abs flattened and disappeared, the rest of his body taking on the greenish hue of his arms. He winced as his torso and legs shrunk and he felt his newly flat abdomen and legs curl upwards, following along his friend’s taint and connecting with his clasped hands.
“What’s happening to me!?” He thought, panic rising. He could no longer register his limbs as being separate, it all just felt like one piece of him. And what seemed to be worse was the sensation of Tyler’s ass filling his new body.
Meanwhile Tyler became aware of something soft covering his ass cheeks. And with a grunt, he felt his ass firm up and swell with muscle. Joe grunted as his new body was strained against his friend’s enlarging muscular ass. But Tyler’s ass wasn’t the only area that was experiencing this newfound growth. He felt a burning sensation in his legs as his calves packed on and toned with muscle, followed by his legs. He fell back onto the couch, taking Joe with him, and began to hump his cock deeper into his friend’s throat, which was starting to feel even softer to him, almost like cotton. Joe was forced to move with Tyler, watching as his friend seemingly packed on insane amounts of muscle in mere moments. Abs popped up along his abdomen, while his pecs grew out and firmed up. The newly muscular man happily squeezed his meaty pecs and ran a hand down his new abs, relishing in his new musculature.
“Fuck dude this feels so good.” Tyler moaned in a voice that sounded nothing like him. Deep, masculine, and dumb is how Joe could describe it. Tyler put his arms behind his head and took a deep breath as his pits filled with dense hair, which filled the room with his manly musk.
“Please stop dude!” Joe thought, “I can’t...” Joe could feel his face begin to rearrange and flatten, watching as his hair fell from his head. Joe felt panicked as his eyesight became worse, until he couldn’t see a thing. As his vision faltered, he felt as though the dick in his mouth was now pressed up against his entire face. And that’s when Joe became aware of it: he no longer had a throat, or a human body for that matter. Whatever his face had become was now pressed up against his friend’s tented cock. And while his vision was impaired, he could still process all the smells, sensations, and warmth radiating throughout his new body. He mentally moaned as he felt Tyler’s hand grab his fat cock through his new fabric body and begin to pump.
“Fuck...” Tyler breathed as his biceps and triceps exploded, while his shoulders and back expanded with muscle. He continued to jerk himself through his former friend, the pleasure coursing through both of them.
“Tyler... no...” Joe mentally begged, becoming fully aware of what he had become, “I can’t...” It was the strangest feeling for him. A new set of thoughts began to invade his mind- he was to provide support for his friend, absorb his sweat, cum, and protein farts. He was going to enjoy having his friend’s dick in his face... just as good underwear should do, “Not... underwear...” Joe did his best to resist, trying to remember he had a greater purpose in life. That he wanted to join the army. That he was human. But as Tyler continued to jerk himself off through his former friend, Joe became more and more accepting of his new role. So what if he always had a dick in his face? All he wanted to do was be supportive, right? Now he could be.
Tyler for that matter was going through his own mental rewrite. He never went to college- in fact he had no interest in college. Political science? No way. He didn’t have the brains for that. No, he was a soldier, having joined the army after high school. And so what if he was gay? With his new confidence, he didn’t care what anyone had to say. Tyler chuckled as his eyes dulled and he readily accepted his new reality. He quickened his pace, letting out a guttural moan as he filled his underwear with his seed. At this point, Joe’s resistance completely crumbled, the former young man happily absorbing his friend’s cum and accepting the idea of being this soldier stud’s favorite pair of underwear. Tyler breathed deeply as his underwear seemingly tightened around him. 
“Shit...” The new soldier whispered, “Gotta clean myself up.” He chuckled dumbly. He got up and posed in the bathroom mirror, taking in the sight, “Damn I look good.” He smirked, feeling his dick harden again.   And so Joe, now Tyler’s favorite pair of underwear, would always be there to support his friend. And Tyler for that matter, was happy to live his new life as a musculature soldier, always ensuring that his fellow soldiers were always taken care of.
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neo404 · 6 months
What about a nick x younger brother where the younger brother thinks he might be gay so he goes to big brother nick for advice ( p.s. i know this isn’t like any of your other stories but i cant stop thinking about it ) ( the younger brother is gay )
Proud of you, buddy.
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Summary: you think you have catched feeling for one of your classmates, unsure about these new feelings towards this boy, you decide to ask your older brother Nick for some advice.
Note: Nick, Matt and Chris call reader ‘Buddy’. Also a bit short, hope you like this.
The bell rang, I stood up grabbing my backpack and walking to the parking lot of the school. I was excited because my brothers were home for mom’s birthday which is on the weekend. As I check my phone to see if Matt was already outside to pick me up like he said he would I feel an arm resting on my shoulders.
‘’HEY! Why are you in a hurry?’’ Jackson is my friend since I entered this school, he’s outgoing and loves to do sports and play videogames. Recently, I have started to feel weird around him.
‘’I didn’t tell you? My brothers are here for mom’s birthday.’’ We walk side by side, his arm around me, my face red and my gaze focused in front of me, I didn’t want him to look at me like this.
‘’That’s so cool. That means I’ll finally meat them, right?’’
‘’Yeah, I almost forgot mom told me you could come to the dinner.’’
‘’Of course I can go, she loves me.’’
‘’Yep.’’ I try to not let out a sigh, I try to not run away. Why do I feel like this? ‘’Hey, I think that’s Matt there, so I need to go, bye, see you tomorrow.’’ I don’t give him time to reply and rush to the car.
‘’Hey, buddy. Everything okay? You are all red?’’ Matt looks at me while I put my seatbelt on.
‘’Yeah, all good. I’m glad you guys are here.’’
‘’Me too, buddy.’’
‘’Omg, you are actually taller. That’s amazing.’’ Chris hugs me as I entered the kitchen. ‘’I think you might be as tall as us one day.’’
‘’Soon, you’ll see.’’ I smirk, and punch him playfully.
‘’Careful ladies, my bro is not here to play.’’ I stop smiling, he doesn’t notice ‘cus he’s already sitting at the table with Matt.
‘’All right, Chrissy. Leave your brother alone.’’ Mom says while putting another plate with food on the table. ‘’Honey, can you call Nick?’’ she looks at me and I nod.
I go to Nick’s old room and knock on the door. ‘’Come in.’’ I open the door and he is taking out some stuff from his backpack. ‘’Oh, Hi. How have you been?’’ I rush to him and hug him; he laughs and messes up my hair.
‘’Do you think… maybe, we can talk after lunch?’’
‘’Of course buddy, did something happened?’’ he looks down at me concerned.
‘’No, I mean, not really. I just wanted to talk to you about something.’’
‘’Okay, after we eat, we can talk about whatever you want.’’ After another quick hug we go downstairs to eat.
We talk about everything. How is it where they live, how’s school, old friends, about mom’s birthday, dad’s new hobby, Justin wanting a new car. Just a lot of chatting, and a small pit of anxiety grew on my stomach. I know Nick won���t say anything bad, he will be so supportive, understand me, but I’m not even sure if I’m gay, maybe I’m bisexual, I don’t know if I have ever liked a girl that way? What if I do some day?
‘’Buddy, lets go.’’ Nicks hand is on my shoulder. Matt and Chris were cleaning up the table. Mom and dad were picking up a movie to watch together. Nick and I went to the backyard.
‘’So, what is it that you wanted to tell me?’’ he sits on the cement floor, I sit besides him. The breeze messing our hairs.
‘’I like someone.’’ Nick looks at me and tilts his head. I think he know; I could tell anyone at this house, I can talk about girls with dad, Matt, Chris, Justin. Why would I be telling him about my crush if they weren’t a ‘he’.
‘’Okay, and?’’
‘’That someone is a boy… and I don’t know if I’m gay or I don’t know. Also, I don’t know what to do, because I want to be with him but what if he doesn’t want the same? And I’m freaking out, so I wanted to talk with you because maybe you could help me.’’ I cover my face with my hands.
‘’Wow, that’s a lot to take in… First of all, thank you for telling me. Second, you don’t need to know what you are, you don’t have to put a label to yourself yet, or ever, if you don’t feel like any sexualities define you, that’s okay.’’ My eyes start to water up a bit. ‘’So, about this boy. What is it that you like about him?’’ I let out a chuckle.
‘’What is it that I don’t like about him? he’s the best, so funny, kind, smart. I’m afraid because he’s my best friend, and I don’t know if he likes boys. I’m terrified to mess things up.’’
‘’Ow buddy.’’ He pats my back. ‘’It’s all right, you are still young, it’s okay to mess up and be in love. You can try to ask him out, I know it’s terrifying. But sometimes being afraid it’s better than regretting not doing it.’’
I nod and a few tears start to stream down my face. I feel Nicks hands wrap around me. This reminds me when he came out to me, he cried, and I cried because he was crying, we hugged and I told him I loved him. I bury my face in the crock of his neck I let myself go, all my fears, my anxiety, it went out in form of tears. After a while I stop, I back up a bit and clean my face with my hands.
‘’Want to get something to drink?’’ I nod.
‘’Don’t tell them yet. Please.’’ Nick gifts me a warm smile and nods. He knows what I’m experiencing, and I’m so glad to have him by my side to live this and learn about myself.
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Tumblr's favorite animated movie!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Pokémon Heroes:
The setting is SO magical I’m assuming it’s inspired by Venice and I’ve always thought Venice is so beautiful… the villains are hot and they made me gay (plus one of them had an espeon, one of my favorite Pokémon). Also the end always makes me cry, I can’t do this really to this day I’m still too emotional. I also love the sibling relationship between Latios and Latias, I always say we need more siblings in media. Their relationship is touching. Ash, Misty and Brock are their usual perfect selves, nothing much to add there. Basically this movie is charming, sad, fun, and so magical and epic and cool TO ME. so there you have it.
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva:
THE videogame movie. No videogame movie is better. An animated movie! With puzzles in it! And the original voice actors! And it's plot relevant! And it has the best mixture of nostalgic vs. new music for the soundtrack! Epic battles! Also, because it's a Layton thing, you cry at the end!!
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sourcreammachine · 7 months
playing P5R and got to my first romance option and i was like, ok lemme just google who all the options are so i don’t commit to someone i’m not happy with and –
i don’t think i’ve ever been sadder that you cannot gay in a videogame. literally i make the most atrocious noises when Akechi comes into shot i need him dripping in me so bad
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Honestly the biggest byler proof shouldn’t be the eyewitness parallel, or the little women parallel, or whatever, but just like, the fact than Will canonically is in love with mike
There’s no reason for him to have a crush on Mike if they’re not endgame. Lots of queer people (myself, for example) figured out they were queer before feeling romantic attraction for anyone for the first time. My first crush came after I discovered my queerness. Will has always felt different, always been different, always has been called homophobic slurs by both bullies and his own father.
The duffers could have easily said “Will realized he was gay when all of his friends began dating girls while he found no appeal for it, when the idea of mike kissing el and the fact than it was expected for him to eventually kiss a girl felt gross to him, when all his friends were growing up and becoming teenagers with hormones who liked girls while he just didn’t, when he realized he always liked looking at men more than women, when he thought a man was a hundred times more attractive than a woman, when he found himself not looking away from the men in bathing suits at the pool or the hot actors in tv,” but they didn’t.
There’s no need for him to have a crush in his straight best friend, specially because Will is one of the main characters, if not the main character. Specially because they said than he would have a happy ending in s5.
“Oh he doesn’t need a boyfriend for a happy ending, crushes aren’t forever, he can get over mike during the s5 time jump.” True, absolutely true, genuinely, so true. But what’s the point in having him have a crush on mike just to get over him in s5?
“Oh but they made the same thing with Dustin and Max.” It’s nowhere near comparable. Dustin didn’t know Max, max was new, the only thing he knew is than she was from California and really good at videogames, she even beat his record. He found her attractive and most importantly, interesting (a new girl from California, who played videogames and was even better than him??). Mike and Will had known each other for most part of their lives, they were best friends, they probably knew each other better than Dustin and Lucas knew them. It has been shown since the start than their relationship is different, Will doesn’t lie to Mike, Mike is able to tell when Will is quieter than usual, he’s always the one closest to him when he’s having an episode, he slept at the hospital while Will stayed there (we didn’t see Dustin or Lucas do that). And, did Dustin have a whole confession? Was Dustin’s crush built up for 4 seasons?
Plus, I think it really served a purpose. Both Dustin and Lucas being attracted to Max meant than half of the party wanted her to join. Will didn’t care, and Mike was against her joining. Majority won, Max hung out with them. If it was just Lucas who was interested, while Dustin and Will genuinely didn’t care, Mike probably would have won and she wouldn’t have spent big part of the season with them. Sure, Lucas still would have hung out with her because he is his own person, but she wouldn’t have joined the group, at least, initially.
There is no reason to have Will have a crush on mike, a crush building up for four seasons, just for it to get nowhere and for him to get over him during the time jump.
“Oh well, the painting helped mike and el’s relationship.” Debatable (the way they ended s4 was, well, something), but my own opinions aside, sure, yeah. Will used the painting to confess his own feelings which he disguised as El’s to help Mike become more confident in his relationship, and it kinda worked.
However let me ask you this, in what world is using a gay character’s (a gay character than has suffered probably more than everyone else in the story [except El], a gay character who is in love with his best friend, who has suffered homophobic bullying, who feels like a mistake for being different, like he will never be happy or find anyone like him because it is the 80s) feelings as a plot device to further a straight relationship than has supposedly been building up since season 1 (so they shouldn’t need anything else to further it) just to have this gay character’s feeling disappear once they have served their purpose, which is to further and help a straight relationship, something normal or okay to do?? What kind of representation is that?? That’s actually homophobic, and I mean it. Will ending up single isn’t homophobic of course not, but the way than the duffers have used his feelings as a plot device for a straight couple, specially if they are going to disappear after, is. And we know they’ll either disappear or Will will get a boyfriend (whether it’s Mike or some new guy, and we know there are no new male characters Will’s age) since I don’t know what kind of happy ending unrequited love is (and they have promised us a happy ending for Will).
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silly-mars · 3 months
I'm Silly Mars! Or just Mars. I think it's finally to me to present myself!!
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My name is Mars!
My pronouns are He/him ONLY (it's okay if you don't know my pronouns!! And you use they/them instead, but if you know please use my pronouns!!)
IM A MINOR. 16 to be exact. (Shocking i know, i even think to myself that i'm still in 2021). SO PLEASE!! don't be weird.
ENGLISH ISN'T MY FIRST LENGUAGE!! I'm spanish (hola tontos jaja) still! I will try my best for having a decent english!! And don't worry, i can understand English perfectly, the problem for me is talking it or writting it.
I like to use tone tags!! It makes it easier to me to understand stuff!! (Sometimes i'm a dummy. /Lh /hj)
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GUYS PLEASE! i'm super friendly!!/srs I LOVE when people send me messages for art or even talking!! Please never think that you're annoying or something!! I love having notifications of my moots!! If you want, i invite you to talk to me! For whatever reason, and i hope to be good mutuals or if it's the case good friends!!
My username on discord is "silly_mars." If you need to talk to me for something important!! Just wanting to chat with me and interact (guys, i don't bite.) or even for projects n stuff!!
I think it's kinda obvious THE LOVE i have for this movie!! I remember being in computer class and there was a piece called "resistence" and i was like "THE PIECE OF RESISTENCE!!"...and my friend was worried for me, but that's another story.
Team fortress 2!!
I KNOW, what a shock! I like things THAT AREN'T THE LEGO MOVIE!! Well yes! So don't be surprised if i upload something that isn't LEGO movie!! Anyways i love this videogame so much, Scout my wife and Spy my human pet.
Silly little Roblox Game!! My favorite gender.
I just love videogames or media that have a lot of silly characters, so that game is for me!! Also, im literally Mark./j
I don't consume the canon stuff like i used to, but the fandom still has a place in my heart!! Because THE ART IS SO GOOD and the fan stuff is way too good!! Also i love my baby longtail. He deserved better :(
The fact that these two are characters from the LEGO movie, but they have a special interest is so amazing to me. THE FACT that they only have 1-2 canon interaction and they're ALL OVER MY HEAD is so amazing to me...UGH anyways, i hope gay people were real/ref
Not really a fandom BUT I LOVE SPACE!! I can literally say 100 fun facts about space, PLEASE./hj
AAAAAND more stuff!! I have a lot of interests idk anymore guys:(
Just basic DNI, yk, if you're homophobic/transphobic don't try to be my friend or even mutual, this place is safe for LGBT community AND MYSELF.
Racist stuff, ableist stuff, just- any type of hate for a group of people isn't welcome here.
if you ship something weird don't expect me to follow you back or interact with you.
If i don't like something i just scroll away, or if it is more serious, i block it and scroll away again.
Well! I have a pair of links to get me know better!!
Pronoun page!!
My card!! (I don't know how to make good cards, but here is it, so you can find all my social media more easy, lol)
Uhhh that's everything i guess!! Still, if you have any questions my ask box and other social media are open!! I hope you like my blog, art and even fanfics or projects!! Have a good day!
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rpgchoices · 6 months
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game with a very particular description that CATER to my OWN SPECIFIC interests, so here we go.
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from THE SYMBIANT
Gay visual novel, male protagonist
Visual novel, not a lot of choices, dialogue is voiced (characters are voiced, narration is not voiced)
This is a mature and explicit game, tho most of the scenes are actually skipped/fade to black (on steam, the censored version)
To play the uncensored version you'll have to install the free adult patch from steam or from itch io (here)
There are only four characters in the whole game
The story is set in a future where humans and different aliens species live together in peace, and going to different planets is as simple and casual as going on holiday to the sea
You play as Danya, a cargo ship pilot who accepts Brahve (an alien) as a passenger
Both Danya and Brahve use he/him
The only three characters are Danya (you), Brahve (your love interest) and Juni (your friend and other crew member on the ship)
There is some nice dialogue that sets the world, with a lot about plants, foods, cultures, kink, polyamory, relationships etc.
Also Juni is a lesbian
And Brahve is canonically polyamorous
The story is mainly about Brahve's secret (he is hiding something) and the attraction between Danya and Brahve
Not much angst in the story
There are three endings: good, okay and very bad
I will add some more points under spoilers, as I will spoil Brahve's secret:
Brahve's species is weak to different diseases when they travel outside their planet, but Brahve (who is a scientist) has found a plant-like-tentacle creature who can help him. Him and this creature are in a symbiosis relationship
The creature (Oatith) communicates through feelings and is sustained by having sex (also Brahve uses he/him for him)
The main core plot of the game is that Danya (your character) needs to come to terms with Brahve having this symbiotic creature in his life, and accepting to be part of it
The game also talks about kink and d/s (ex. impact play and recognizing tentacles as an actual kink)
Be careful that in a route the game has a scene with consensual-non-consent
If you install the adult patch you will get extra nsfw skippable scenes, which are also voiced
plot? Brahve is a new passenger on Danya and Juni's ship but he is hiding some strange plant. The whole plot revolves around the attraction between Brahve and Danya and Brahve's mysterious symbiont. gameplay? Minimal choices, to be honest I felt like most of the choices had no consequences if not a few at the end. Visual novel. characters? 3, 4 if you count the symbiont but his personality is kind of hidden sadness level? low
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super summer sale bc i did a woopsies!! more rules under read more
no pedophilia, incest, queerphobia, racism, ableism, or any other similar kind of disgusting and/or illegal topics
this also means i won't draw any ships involving related characters or a minor and an adult. i don't care if they're fictional, i don't care if you age them up, i don't care if it's a 400 years old in a 10 years old body, i don't care if they're step-sibilings
fandoms i won't draw:
all are censored so this doesn't show up in the tags. thanks tumblr
H.arry P.otter or anything else written by Joanne
V.ivziepop's works
A.ttack on T.itans
H.etalia and C.ountryhumans
and generally "controversial" fandoms tbh
ships i won't draw:
i can't stress it enough i'm not drawing any pedo shit or zoophilia or incest Go Away
anything involving IRL people, unless i have proof it's you and your partner
canonically gay characters in hetero ships
everything else is more than okay. canon ships? crossovers? oc x canon? ocs smoochin??? pppspspss
i love ocs i love oc x canon i love oc x oc please let me draw your ocs BUT REMEMBER THAT I WON'T DRAW:
OCs of fandoms I already said I don't draw
redesigns of OCs you don't own. I also need proof
also i'll always need a reference for your OCs if you want me to draw them. I'm not making them from scratch. I also accept picrews, videogame character creations and actual pictures of clothes, hairstyles and whathaveyou as references!!
no noncon. Ever
no NSFW or gore art involving IRL people, animals or children
i generally have no problems drawing gore stuff but let's discuss beforehand to see if I would be comfortable with your ideas or not
NO FETISHES. don't try to sneak in feet stuff or diapers or whatever you're into either. i've been on deviantart i know better. just ask someone else for crying out loud
artistic nudity counts as NSFW; some blood and beaten up characters don't count as gore
Know that I'm allowed to always deny your request before getting paid, depending on my comfort on the topic or your behavior when requesting it.
don't push me too much, don't try to sneakily ask for fetishes, don't request a fandom that might involve loli crap.
if you're in doubt, ask before requesting anything!!
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maifazcomics · 9 months
After a little discussion i had about if the ARG is important to understand and appreciate Sea of Stars and the Saboverse as a whole, i have some thoughs
Mainly that: no, you don't need to read the ARG
It was always planned as something only for the most hardcore of fans, the ones actively searching for more stuff
There are only three informations that are at the moment ARG exclusive:
- the Demon King in The Messenger (AKA Dweller of Strife + the Acolytes) is a pale copy, and the real one's remnants are inside Clockwork Castle
- Resh'an and Aephorul were lovers, and created the Elixir of Life to escape until society accepted them
- the Shopkeeper is a woman, and she descended from The Watchmaker
The rest is just community fluff and Resh'an being incredibly emo, nothing essential
I feel like these informations are important, but they just weren't able to be explored yet.
Continued ramblings below:
About the DK, with Picnic Panic being part of a planned three-act DLC (Barma'thazël's Revenge) that they stopped working to prioritize Sea of Stars, and the final one presumably having you reach Clockwork Castle, this could have been explored there. Or maybe in another game. We still have 3 more books to go, in the end
Shoppy descending from the Watchmaker... with the DLC being called "Throes of the Watchmaker", this has the potencial to be explored there. Or not. They are characters so far apart, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS APART, knowing this information would change your whole perception about the games? This only happens because of the curse of knowing stuff lol, and as someone that knows I would like to see this being explored. But my point is that this isn't fundamental.
And Shoppy's gender... people misgendering her after playing The Messenger bothers me, but it isn't the devs fault IMO. They never use pronouns with her in the game for a reason (iirc Thierry said he didn't want anyone to assuming stuff about the Shopkeep, and that's one of the main reasons behind him writing first in English and having ENG as the only canon language), and people using he/him are taking that out of their asses. Just a one minute Google Search and you find that information, you don't need to read all the ARG logs
There are other stuff like Primals or Shoppy being the first Messenger, the Artificer giving the scroll to Monk that Bowman got because she got transformed into the Queen of Quills and then gave to Ninja, or the entirety of Void Logic being explained and still making us confused to this day, and this is all fluff. Like for real, all that was needed to be in The Messenger for the BIG LORE is already there, and for Sea of Stars too
And for the big elephant in the room, Resh'an and Aephorul being really gay for each other. This is something not even the ARG explored further! Resh'an said that at February 2019, when we didn't even knew who a Fleshmancer/Aephorul was, then when he got to tell the community about him Resh'an explicitely said that he didn't want to elaborate further on his personal past with Aephorul. And with Sea of Stars, we got a taste of that, but it was only their introduction to the world!!!
More like anything else, this feels like something to be explored on the next books (just explaining this better, Thierry Boulanger, aka Creative Director and Writer and some other stuff, has come and said that his dream is to tell this grand story in 5 arcs/books (books because Sabotage works directly with Resh'an, translating the books he writes into videogames) book 1 being TM and book 2 being SOS). This narrative, at least for me, feels like it is about them. About these "gods", the harm they created to this world, and how Resh'an wants to redeem Aephorul. It feels... like a slow burn. And that's why i think they didn't want to tell this right now
Like, Time Shards. We didn't have much lore about them in TM, then SOS comes and BOOM, Time Shards indicate the presence of a timeloop. And maybe Resh'an created them too?? This recontextualizes the nature of the Messenger narrative. And them being More Than Friends can be that too, both for the general public and the Lore Nerds. We still don't know about their society back then, or if the flashback cutscene was pre or post elixir, or why specifically Aephorul became evil, etc. This all feels intentional, ya know
The rest of the ARG is just a bunch of fun interactions the characters and the community had, and a buuuunch of foreshadowing to what we get to see in Sea of Stars. Either Clockwork Concierge (AI Core) hinting about his past with Caël and the Kids, Arty saying he was a robot, or Resh'an literally infodumping about the Guardian Gods, Dwellers and World Eaters. We see all of this in Sea of Stars, and that's amazing!!!! It's so cool to see all of that being real, and that makes me confident that all of this unresolved stuff is something thar Sabotage wants to make real too
/rant over
But would i recommend reading the ARG? oh sure i do. It's very fun. The narrative framing of the games being books written by The Archivist and SaboTeam working for him is so interesting. And also, we get tons of insight into Resh'an's mind and how he's just extremely depressed, how he misses Aephorul and yearns for being loved but doesn't know how to deal with that when people love him back
Also Clocko's adorable
EDIT: After chatting with someone, they pointed something about Shoppy's gender that is really relevant to bring out. Yeah yeah, Sabotage wrote the game with English in mind and in ENG they didn't pronoun her at all. But two things
First: in many languages got translated into, including Quebecóis which is a script Thierry himself wrote, since you need to gender stuff, the Shopkeeper got treated as male because of defaulting. So if you played the game on those languages, and didn't follow any stuff related to it, you just assumed Shoppy was a man and moved on with your life.
Which, by the way, is something I MYSELF made. I stopped following the ARG in 2019, so I didn't see the conclusion about her gender for years until some months before SOS came out. And as something I still haven't told, I come from the forbidden land of Brazil, and the PTBR translation of TM is one that suffers from that, so I defaulted her as a dude for years and years
And second: even if you played the game directly on english, if you speak a language that also does the male-defaulting, you probably did that too, and that is not your fault
In the end, this isn't anyone's fault. I may have been too mad at seeing native english speaking redditors calling her a dude? Yeah maybe. But yeahhhhh we live in a society in the end, and them being explicit on the text about her gender on the future would help that at lot
Thankfully on the easter egg she's referred as a woman on SOS in PTBR, which is GREAT
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I'm really getting tired of the purity police in this fandom constantly reminding me that characters are problematic and such. I'm a grown gay man in the medical profession living in a shitty backwoods state where me and my fiancé could get murdered. He teaches high school and there are now books he can't even teach due to shitty uneducated parents who think of school as a daycare center rather than a place to educate their children to help them become functioning adults. And they think censorship is protecting them.   We both play videogames to escape and relax. We don't need to be reminded that characters are problematic. And I know these games are not perfect but if I want to blow off steam by escaping to Thedas for an hour and  going on the occasional mission with Dorian, I'm going to fucking do it.  And next time somebody tries to tell me he or another character is 'problematic' I'm going to ask them what was the last book they burned and hope they learn to not bother me.    
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