#im simping for this vampire dont @ me
cestacruz · 8 months
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Anyway since i dont think i actually posted these, have this
Bitches from a Monster AU theyre all gay
Uhh more in the tags cuz i dont wanna type here
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alucardsathomewife · 1 year
You should watch Hellsing
Tw red liquid
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Alucard as a character is pretty op in itself, but even towards the ending of part 8 ultimate, he still has humanity for Alexander to be human. In a way, it's wholesome but sad, and he shows a side that is not really seen much.
It's another feeling entirely when Alucard is being shown as genuinely anger / upset / or facing trauma. How he even interacts with others is like a line built-up string for how he'll eventually fight with said each character is awesome.
To end my short off, I thank Kouta Hirano every single day he gave Alucard a long tongue.
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rielzero · 1 year
Baldur’s Gate and why Europeans should do all our RPGs
Europeans aren’t shy of fruity stuff, but one thing that’s really annoyed me out of fantasy and rpg games, is that at times you feel like you can’t customize your character’s sexuality. I want to be able to play a gay dude and capable of rejecting the women, its really peeving when a character flirts with me and I have no way of saying no thank you I’m not into you.
Or that I can’t romance the men, that too. Like this is a fantasy world?? Lemme have my good time. Most game publishers are too shy, them AAA game studios can’t have our satanic fun time. Nope everything has to be boring, and romance stale. LET SOME HOT DUDE FLIRT WITH MY TWINK CHARACTER. PLEASE. EAT ME UP IN THEIR EYES.
Ugh and so much bad writing too, like sometimes its just too easy.
I’m so fucking hyped for this game that I can finally just play a character that's gay as hell. Thanks game. I cannot stop thinking about you and it ain’t 3rd of august yet. LET ME HAVE MY VAMPIRE BOYFRIEND PLEASE.
No more puritan or crap stale badly written romance, give me the good shit that AAA’s won’t do.
Friendly reminder that Straight-Locking is a thing in games, and it happens. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Straight-Locking
I am going to be so gay in baldur’s gate 3.
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give me
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chambers003 · 6 months
im reading venom in your blood by paranoid pug and i think i hauve covid real bad
everyone should read this
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 months
i’ve been listening to this song on repeat and can’t get shiggy out of my head. can you please write something along these lines, cause oh my god would this be so hot🥵
porn star dancing shigaraki pov x stripper reader
summary: dabi drags shigaraki to a "titty bar" for his 21st birthday, because "being a virgin at 21 is like a dog who's never had a biscuit". 
cw: quirkless au! dabi and shiggy are best friends, drinking, strip club setting, shiggy's pov, alt!reader, oral virginity loss, language, nudity, oral (male rec), groping, whining, pining, slightsub!tomura, virgin!tomura, slightlydom!reader, teasing, private lap dance, happy ending lol, handjob, headshoving, dirty talk, basically just shiggy being an epic simp loser. wc: ~4230 words
this is from tomura's pov. i felt it would convey his sluttiness best :)
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
"GET OFF THE GAME, DUMBASS. WE'RE GOING OUT". dabi's voice shouts from down the hall. i sigh and roll my eyes, yanking my headset off my head. usually, i'd ignore him, but i knew he wouldn't leave me alone today. i tried not to make a big deal about it, but he's been making a stink about my birthday for months now, as if drinking legally at a bar would feel any different than drinking illegally in my room. but, hell, if it gets him to shut up, i guess.
i groan and stretch myself out of my gaming chair, giving my prized possession a solemn goodbye, and trod out of my room. dabi is waiting in the hallway, leaning against the wall. "there you are, freak. you ready to go get wasted with a bunch of topless bitches?" he looks me up and down, smiling sadistically. i shrug, and he pats my shoulder.
"come on, lets get trashed." i know i can't argue with him, so i follow him out the door, thinking about how badly i'd rather go back to my room and play league. whatever.
---------------------------------------------------- the club is sketchy, to say the least. a dark grey exterior with no windows, just one neon sign above that reads "the silk iris" in flashy pink lettering. at least it's not named some weird shit like "vixen den".
i suck air in through my teeth as dabi lights a cigarette next to me. "can we go home?" i say miserably next to him. he chuckles, taking a long drag.
"fuck no, shigs. we're goin' in, and i'm gonna tell those pretty girlies in there that it's your birthday" he flashes his teeth at me and instead of a smile, i see a predator baring its fangs in warning. fuck my life. i try to beg him not to, but he's unreceptive.
"please, dabi, i'll go in, fine, but dont tell them shit, please" i clasp my hands together and shake them at him, as if im praying. but if dabi was a god, he was a cruel and evil one, who doesn't answer prayers.
"fine fine, shigaraki. i'll be nice, i promise." he curls his lips and tosses the finished cigarette to the ground, crushing the filter under his boot. he grabs my shoulder and guides me with an iron grip to the door. "lets go!" he slaps my back hard and i grimace. no going back now.
the door pushes open and immediately, the smell of heavy smoke and cheap cologne rushes my sinuses. theres another door between the club and the entrance, and a part of me wishes i could just sit in the lobby all night. but dabi whips his id out, and i reluctantly follow. we flash them at the bouncer, who nods and grins wide when he sees mine. "happy birthday man. have fun". his voice is gruff and deep, his body towering over mine. i force a slight smile, and nod "thanks" before begrudgingly going through the door.
the lights are low, thank god. deep reds and purples accent the darkly-painted walls, and the carpet is patterned with some vampiric-looking textile, and i study it intently. the music is so loud, the bass shakes my eardrums, and i groan. if i'm gonna be here all night, i'm gonna need a drink. dabi knows this already, and he drags me over to the bar and nods to an empty stool. i slink onto the worn leather and he yanks my hood off my head before he sits next to me. i grumble but he ignores me, and flags down the bartender.
a tall, slender girl in a very tiny bikini top struts over, big pearly smile on her face. her red hair curls gently around her face, and she greets us with a very peppy voice. "hi boys! what can i get for ya?"
dabi eyes the girl up and down and leans back in his seat a bit, giant smirk plastered to his face. his piercings tug at his lips as he answers, "hey doll. it's actually my buddy's birthday today," he claps my shoulder again and i shrink into myself, "what do you recommend?"
the girl claps her hands together and jumps a bit. "happy birthday sweetheart!" those teeth smile at me again, somehow wider than last time. she turns back to dabi and asks, "is this his first time?"
dabi answers with a bellowing laugh, "ohhh yeah. shig's gonna turn into a man tonight" he nudges me and i force out a laugh.
"well, shig," the bartender drags my name out sleazily, "i have just the thing for you." she trots away from us for a few moments, returning with a shot glass full of a bright green substance. "you like fruity drinks?" she asks and nods at me. i shrug and reply "i'm not sure". she lets out a high-pitched giggle and looks to dabi.
"and for you?""whatever's on tap, sweetheart. and a shot of jameson." his voice is low and he's still grinning. she returns half a second later with a tall beer glass, and a little shot of whiskey. she nods at us and says as she tends to another customer now, "ill start a tab for you boys."
i hesitantly pick up the shot glass and dabi picks his up with me. he raises his brows and laughs. "take the shot, pussy". he clinks his glass against mine and i take a deep breath as we take the first shot. it goes down surprisingly easy, much easier than the cheap whiskeys and vodkas i'm used to. its...actually fucking delicious. the bartender notices us and claps. she brings me another one a minute later and i take it fearlessly, the liquid shooting down to my core, warming me up. "thats a green tea shot, love. just in case you wanna order some more" she winks at me as she slides another shot to dabi, "my shift ends in about 5 minutes, so you'll have to order them yourself from now on! happy birthday, sweetie!" i smile at her, feeling my nerves slowly melting away. i thank her and turn to dabi.
"this isn't so bad" i give him a thumbs-up, and he returns it. he picks up the tiny glass and shoots it back, chasing it with the remainder of his beer. he blinks away the burn and shakes his head. "bartender was cute, eh?" he stifles a belch into his fist and claps my back again. "lets go, emo boy." i slide off the stool and follow him.
he leads me to a couple of seats near the stage. i did my best to avoid looking before, but now it was right in front of me. a couple of girls, about six or seven, were twirling around poles, walking up and down the stage, as men greedily shove their hands to touch them, stroke their legs, grab their asses. some shove dollar bills into their waistbands, others hand them bigger bills: tens, twenties, even some fifties. i scoff and take a seat next to dabi, who's already got his wallet out. he hands me a wad of ones, and i sigh.
"i'm not gonna shove my hands into some poor girls panties," i say to him. he glares at me and rolls his eyes. "the more you shove in there, the closer you get to having it, shig. its like buying pussy, bro. come on, just watch." he stands and leans over the stage as a short blonde crawls over, and he beckons her with a finger. he slides his hand over her barely-clothed tits and shoves a couple bills between them. she blows a kiss at him and stands, spinning around a pole and waving at a few of the men before the girls rotate. this goes on for a few minutes, and i feel myself growing uncomfortable with myself.
i grit my teeth and stand next to dabi, and do my best to entice one of the girls over to me. however, once the girl comes over to me, i panic, and end up just handing her a few of the bills in my hand. i wave and immediately smack myself in the face. stupid idiot, what the fuck was that? dabi notices my folly and laughs at me and shakes his head.
"you dumbass, what the hell was THAT?" he raises his voice over the music and i purse my lips.
"i dont know" i say quietly. my head is spinning from the alcohol. i groan and sit back in my seat, afraid to embarrass myself further. suddenly, the music quiets down, and a voice rings through the speaker, announcing a solo act. "please welcome the beautiful, the terrifying, the eat-your-heart-out....calypso!" the group of men cheer as they hear the name. i look confused as the lights switch to a deep sanguine red, and the music switches over from the bass-boosted r&b and rap to metal. a few of the men get up and go to the bar, but watch as they order drinks.
dabi gets up and i call out for him, but he raises a hand and says, "im getting drinks, dude chill! you'll be fine for two minutes!!" the lights brighten again as a girl comes onto the stage. she, like the others, is dressed scantily, but...differently. my eyes widen as she approaches further. she grabs one of the poles and swings her leg around it, and i can't peel my eyes away. her thigh grips the metal, her fishnets so tight against her, i can see the soft skin poking through the holes. the material stretches thin over her ass, which is plump, with only a tiny g-string to cover it. she drops to the floor and lays on her back, her tits spreading in the top as men grab at her, and she slaps them away. they cheer and lay the bills onto the stage, and she gradually grabs the money, shoving it down her top herself.
dabi returns and hands me another shot. i swiftly take it, not taking my eyes off the dancer on the stage. she wraps her hands around another pole and spins a few times before dropping back down, onto her knees this time. i bite my lip and dabi nudges me with his elbow.
"you like that one, shiggy?" he shouts over the heavy guitar solo. i nod slowly and watch her intently. he chuckles beside me and nods. calypso gets to the edge of the stage and i smack the rest of the ones i have in my hand right next to her tall, chunky boots. she notices me and stares down at me and licks her lips, and i feel myself melt. she bends over slowly and grabs the cash, and drags her long fingernail up my neck and jaw. i gulp as she winks at me and whispers something, but i cant hear her over the music.
i feel myself twitch in my pants. i smile weakly up at her and she turns away, collecting the rest of the money on the wooden floor. she then slowly grabs one of the strings of her top and pulls it, slowly unraveling the knot. she spins around as she pulls the top off completely, and tosses it haphazardly in my direction. i scramble up from my seat and grasp at it, unable to control my impulses. i greedily fist it and shove it into my hoodie pocket, hoping she doesn't notice who took it. i fling back in my seat and dabi high fives me.
"WOOOOO! ATTA BOY!" he shouts at me and downs the rest of his glass. i look back up to calypso on the stage, spinning around another pole sleazily. her movements are fluid and flawless, and i swallow the excess drool in my mouth as i watch her. the way her tits look, her supple curves, the jiggle of her ass against the metal and wood as she dances around the stage. none of the other women on the stage before had gotten my attention, but...she did. i cover my lap with my hands and spread my legs to hide the raging hard-on against my tight jeans.
the song ends after an excruciating few minutes and i let out the breath i didnt know i was holding. as she exists the stage, she drags a clawed hand against the mirror wall at the back of the stage. the whole crowd cheers, a few of the men going so far as to shout her name out. the next solo act comes out and i stand up, deciding to hide in the bathroom for a second. fuck, this doesnt look odd or anything.
i tap dabi's shoulder and tell him "i gotta piss, i'll be back" and he just nods as he stares intently at the next dancer.
i rush into the bathroom and slam the door behind me, locking the stall. i sigh and press myself against the shoddy stall door and yank the top i shoved into my pocket out. i press it to my face and inhale. my cock jumps in my pants as i do so, and i stifle a moan. it smells so sweet, and spicy, and just so fucking good. i palm at the front of my jeans as i inhale. fuck, her tits were in here. fuck. i rub my thumb over the soft material, imagining how it rubbed against her nipples, how the strings tugged at the weight of her tits. i shudder and shake my head, shoving the top back into my pocket. not here. i'll have all the time in the world to get off once i'm home, i remind myself. don't be the guy that jerks it in the public bathroom.
i gather myself as best as possible, splashing water on my face before exiting the bathroom. i shiver at the cold on my feverish face and push the heavy door open to see dabi standing outside, grinning maniacally.
"guess what, birthday bitch?" he tilts his head at me and chuckles. i stare with genuine fear as he points to one of the doors across from me.
"you see those doors, buddy?" i nod my head. "you know what's behind those doors?" i shake my head. the third door to the right opens and a man exits, looking absolutely blown away. a girl in a tight white bikini exists after him, looking distracted. fuck.
"dabi, nonononono, i do NOT want a private dance, nonono please" i tug at his jacket and he shakes me off.
"too bad, buddy. you're gettin' one." i whimper out in fear and clench my jaw. "come on, dumbass. youre 21 now. and youre still a virgin. it's kinda sad. at least get the experience of a lap dance, my god."
"dabi, i do not want a lap dance, i want to go-"
"shigaraki, a virgin at 21 is like a puppy who's never had a biscuit before. now go. second door. have fun!" he laughs evilly again and saunters off to the bar again, leaving me to my own devices.
i could run right now, or...
or i could man up and go get a fucking lap dance.
in private.
with a girl.
fuck it, i say to myself and go up to the second door. i take a deep breath and turn the knob, entering slowly. its empty.
what the fuck?
i take a seat on the giant plush....couch? futon? bed thing? i'm not quite sure, but it wraps around the room in a U-shape. the walls are made of all mirrors, with a sound system laid into the wall, and speakers next to the ceiling. i sit in the middle of the leather seats and scratch my neck anxiously. either dabi set me up real good, or...
a knock at the door startles me out of my thought and i look up. the door swings open and swiftly shuts. i recognize the body...the face...calypso walks in and raises her brows at me. every bit of my drunkenness dissipates at the sight.
"you're the birthday boy, huh? that's convenient. can i get my top back?" she says, her voice low and drawn out. she stares down at me and my eyes feel like they're going to fall out of my head. she's wearing something different now: a tight red top with a thong, pulled up around her hips, accentuating her curves. her boots are frighteningly large, thick leather straps and buckles crossing over her calves and thighs.
i fumble over my words as i pull the top out of my pocket, "i, how did you kn- i'm sorry" i wince at my own voice, and she laughs.
"giant mirror. the look on your face. i'm not dumb" she leans in and whispers the last lines into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.
"oh...okay" i choke out. "sorry" i repeat, and she stands.
"good boy" she nods, and presses a button on the stereo. "porn star dancing" begins to play. i bite my lip and look up at her nervously. she traces my jaw with her nail, just like she did earlier, and climbs into my lap.
"do you want a lap dance, pretty boy?" her voice is sweet and sultry in my ears. i grip her thighs instinctively as she grinds into me slightly and i nod furiously. any intention i had of resisting is gone, as i glance at her ass in the mirror across from us. her thighs are warm and plush, and as she stands back up, i have to stifle my whimper. she turns around and bends over, giving me the perfect view of her ass. i reach out to grab it, and she turns around.
"ah ah, no touching yet, pretty boy." i exhale hard at the way the nickname rolls off her tongue. she continues to bend and sway in front of me, and my desperation grows. my saliva builds rapidly at the sight of her supple body teasing me, and i swallow hard again.
she brings herself back to face me, pushing her soft tits against me. they smell the same as her top, soft and spicy and sweet. i moan and plant a kiss to the flesh and she lets out a soft "hmm". i take this as an okay to touch her, and i bring my hand down hard on her ass, gripping it tightly. she gasps and flashes her wild eyes at me. she sits fully in my lap, grinding her ass against me, bouncing and bending on me.
i cant help but harden back up, my cock beating against it's jean prison again. my breath quickens as she slides off, and suddenly drags a hand to my upper thigh, squeezing it hard. i gasp at the touch and she laughs, a sickeningly seductive smile painting her beautiful face. my eyes roll back as she palms the front of my jeans.
i look to her now as she licks her lips and bites her lip. she drops down to her knees, her eyes glassy and half-shut as she stares up at me. i look at her in the mirror again, seeing her boots pressing against her plump ass again. i groan and push my hair back, and she fiddles with the front of my pants.
"your friend out there said you were a virgin, is that right?" she draws out, wicked and teasing. i nod and my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "you want me to fix that?" she questions nonchalantly as she pops the button of my jeans.
"wait, what?" i stumble, and she chuckles softly.
"i don't do this for everyone, you know." she points a cruel finger at me, "but when i saw how desperate you got out there, i honestly wondered if i could break you. thank god your friend asked me for the dance, otherwise i'd have to come find you myself" she laughs lowly, and i shiver.
i cant find the words, so i just nod furiously. she smiles up at me and unzips the front of my jeans. i help her by pushing down my boxers, letting my cock spring free. she gives a soft surprised look, and i furrow my brows.
"you're much bigger than i expected" she whispers, and wraps a hand lazily around my shaft. if i wasn't so turned on right now, i might take that offensively. but as she wraps her pouty lips around the tip, i throw my head back, ignoring any cues that this might not be a part of the lap dance.
her tongue swirls luridly around my tip, causing me to gasp. i'm already overstimulated, my cock twitching and jumping at her touch. she takes me deeper down her throat until her nose buries into my skin, and she lets out a low hum against the throbbing appendage. as i moan, she wraps her hand back around, sliding it alongside where she sucks me off, the doubled sensation causing my hips to buck up. she giggles around my dick as she sucks it, and i tangle my pale fingers into her hair. its so soft, just like the rest of her. she moans softly at the sensation of me pulling it, and i whimper. she pulls off of me with a gentle "pop" and i groan.
"you sound so fucking pathetic, pretty boy" she whispers.
"t-tomura. call me tomura" i choke out in rushed breath, and she nods.
"tomura. pretty name for a pretty boy" she nods, and i cant help but moan again at how she says my name. she brings my cock back into her mouth and drags her tongue all the way up, wrapping her soft fingers around my balls and squeezing gently. my body feels like its on fire and i start to feel myself breaking.
"ah-ah, ha, fuck" my breaths tangle with the mantra of swears and incoherent noises spilling from my mouth. i make no effort to stifle myself, there's no point. i grip her hair harder and she presses her teeth ever so slightly into the flesh of my cock, and i tremble. the sensations are driving me wild, and i completely lose control. i watch as her mouth slides up and down, her spit dripping down my length, tangling with the mess of precum already spilling from me.
"hnng, fuck, agh, ah ah, ah, i'm gonna" i whimper out, and she only looks up at me, not stopping. her grip on my balls tightens as i twitch inside her warm mouth, and the sight sends me over the edge.
"god, FUCK, fuck, ah, fuck, i'm cumming, oh fuck, i'm cumming" i pant out, and shove her head all the way down as my cock sputters. she chokes slightly around me as i feel the thick ribbons shoot down her tight throat. i whimper and moan out unapologetically, and she keeps sucking even after i finish, sending volts of electricity through my entire body. she pulls off of me sloppily, a string of drool and cum dripping from her lips. i twitch as the aftershock rumbles through me, feeling the alcohol (and blood) rush back to my head. my breathing staggered. she wipes her mouth with the bottom of my hoodie, and stands.
"you did such a good job, tomura" her voice is slightly raspy as she praises me, and strokes my face. i smile weakly up at her.
"th-thank you, calypso" i breathe out, and she returns the soft smile.
"happy birthday, pretty boy" she turns the music down and heads for the door.
"wait" i bleat out, and she turns, "can we...can i see you again?" she laughs with an exhale, and grins.
"come back next weekend." she replies, and my heart seizes. i nod and look at the floor.
"can i have your number?" i ask quietly.
she chuckles and shakes her head no.
"do you want...the top back?" i hand it to her, and she shakes her head.
"consider it your birthday present." and she walks out the door before i can respond. i shove the top back in my pocket and fix my clothes, checking myself in the mirror before exiting a couple minutes after her.
as always, dabi is standing across from the door, unlit cigarette hanging from his lip. "how'd it go, buddy?" he chortles, and i look up at him.
"we're coming back next weekend" i say, and without another word, i head out the front doors. the bouncer nods at us as we exit, and dabi follows behind with a "fuck yes!".
when we return home, i fling myself into my bed and yank the top out of my pocket. i examine every speck of glitter, the tag, everything. i slip the padding out of it, just for shits, and notice in thin black ink:
"your lucky day.
hope u enjoyed! i finished this at 3:50am and poured my whole ass heart into it. i had a lot of fun writing this :D
lmk if i should write more from shigs pov, or if a reader pov would be better, i tried to be experimental ;-;
thank u for the request as always!!
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pr33tylul · 2 years
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Mother nature
(Just an imagine i had about harry)
Hp x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of smut. Swearing
Y/n buried herself deeply into the covers.
Saturday morning, meaning no school she closed her eyes again getting comfortable, finally finding the perfect spot to fall asleep into.
"Oh seriously" she groaned, pulling the covers off of her walking to her bathroom.
"SERIOUSLY!" She shouted this time, seems like mother nature decided to visit early.
Y/n stormed to her bed after her doing her business. She stayed in her pyjamas and watched the vampire diaries.
● ● ●
It was about 11:30. I was to lazy to get up and grab something to eat.
"Darling, you in there?" Her boyfriend called out. Opening the door and closing it behind him. "Whats wrong, you never stay in your dorm unless..."
"Her period" he thought to himself.
The the worst thing he hated.
"Why now, fuck sake" harry walked up to her spooning her from behind, taking a quick look at her screen. "Well at least im not pregnant, thats a good thing" y/n looked at harry as he looked back at her.
"You really gotta watch this for the 100th time?"
"Yes, if you dont like it fuck off" harry rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. Pausing the show and turning her on her back.
"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.
Harry bent down lifting up her shirt as he began laying little kisses on her lower stomach. "I really hate when your on your period" he said between kisses.
Y/n relaxed a little. "Why?" She said softly
"Well for one, i cant fuck you. Two, your always moody. Three, all you do is watch the vampire diaries and simp over men who are wayyy older than you"
I look down at harry and burst out laughing.
Harry gives me a look. "Hey its not funny!" He sits up crossing his arms. "Aww harrys jealous. " y/n giggles more. "I am not!" He looks at her again.
He shuts her up by kissing her lips. "OK maybe I am a little jealous" he admits as
y/n snuggles into him. "Well you dont need to be, im all yours"
"Yes, your mine. You'll always will be"
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h0ney-dames · 5 months
These are MY opinions, the “what I expected” was written before I listened to the audio.
Slight spoilers below <3
Gavin - what I expected: utter whiplash.
What I got- a love for Gavin. Seriously if you told me on April 1st that “you're gonna love Gavin” I would have said, “Haha april foolssss, you're insane.” BUT NO. MAN WAS SEXY?! Do I just love submissive men? Lasko Moore effect ig
James - what I expected: Huxley but higher and maybe cuddles
What I got- ???? The need to piss?? Why the fuck did he talk about water so much? Mans has a smooth brain. However, I did get i love for telepaths (fuck cutie tho) tbh I was half asleep when I listened to it. I have never listened to a James audio
Milo - what I expected: spoiled whiny 10-year-old at Sephero, and an ick
Anton - what i expected: asher the remake but softer??
What I got- SINCE WHEN THE FUCK WAS THERE A RUSSIAN CHARACTER??? (Or French?) SRSLY. Never touched Anton with a 10-foot pole, the man sounds like DR.hilbert from Wolf 359, also quite literally ashers audio I'm sorry
David - what i expected: pushover, down on his knees begging for kisses and being whiny, and also a bit of shifting cus the “this is omega shit” line in his shifting audio
What I got- NO DADDY ISSUES??? NO CAR TRAUMA?!?!? WHIMPERING?! I mean I predicted the whiny one… and begging for kisses… (beg harder oo oo~) ASHER AND DAVID STILL BEING BESTIES IS MY ROMAN EMPIRE. Swear to god its the lasko moore effect… genuinely forcing this man onto his knees jkjk unless I dont want the whimpers, BUT THE PARASITES- “however you want it… however you want me..” DAVEY GOD LEAVE SOME FOR THE BEDROOMMMMMM
Special mentions!
GUY?: omg guy in the anton audio O///o HE WAS SO UNETHASTIC! YES, GUY!! GIVE US NOTHING!!!!!!!
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HELLO BELOVED CKB!! I have been restraining myself for months (hypothetical since I have no sense of time) on the topic of fictional characters that remind people of Yves. Because Oh Boy do I have a big one.
Have you seen Vil Schoenheit from Twisted Wonderland? There are so many parallels it makes me go absolutely bonkers. I might get his character wrong but oh well.
- Vil is insanely rich & a model/actor. Very influential and worked his way to that spot. His skincare and makeup routine is fucking impertinent to him; he must look flawless at all times. He makes sure that he is in prime condition and pushes to make sure that the people in his dorm are of similar regimens.
- Vil is based off of the evil queen (he’s not related to her in any sense btw.) He, by nature, is very nitpicky and motherly towards the people that he cares about even though it can be seen by them as smothering and overwhelming sometimes.
- He specializes in making potions and specifically poisons.
- Oh My God he is so mother and honestly one of my favorite characters and so is Yves which honestly says a lot about me. I need help. Canonically calls his right hand man “dear/darling.”
If I had to relate Yves to another TWST character it would be Malleus Draconia but only looks and obsessiveness and the whole “I want to be with you for eternity” thing.
- 🌷
Oh hell yeah i know Twisted wonderland, I follow a couple of blogs who specialized in making Yandere Fics about them, my favourite is Malleus Fuckin Draconia my man. Im pretty sure you can see my type (Long black hair, green eyes, calm, lithe and vampiric types)
I didn't know shit about twisted wonderland at first, I fr thought it was a yandere dating sim, but I had to learn everything bit by bit from the bits and bobs of canon those authors would sometimes post about, so it was like learning a language from scratch.
I was partially interested in Vil Schoenheit, but I guess most of the fics wrote him as mainly focused on his fanbase and not the reader- like he needs the world to have their eyes on him or he will throw up and die. So that kinda killed my yearning boner off for him because reader's attention is not enough and he requires love from the masses too.
Like fr i appreciate the maternalness of Vil, but it just feels... surface level since I doubt he would be interested in personally wiping reader's ass when they're incapable or cleaning up your puke on himself with a straight face without making a big deal out of it.
and IMO i think he's a little too loud, a little too naggy and his nitpicky comes from a place of self service, not really in the reader's best interest. Like Yves would listen to you and observe 100%, whereas its the other way round for Vil, where you gotta drink the yappuchino he serves. Dont come for me Vil simps i think he is swell despite this </3 I just don't think he would be the parallel of Yves </333
but for MALLEUS tho,,, mans a quiet, antisocial loner from what I saw, only yearning for the attention of the reader (or "yuu"), he's super calm, a recluse, and has like 4 friends. I have read fics that painted him in a maternal light that tickled my heartussy, and I guess thas why i like him more. Because to me, I headcannon he would take care of you himself as if you're paralyzed from the head neck down without complaints or feeling icky when he gotta handle with human bodily fluids. He would mostly listen and observe, maybe infodump about gargoyles but I think he would be a closer match to Yves than Vil in vibes and looks.
Though might wanna consider Jamil Viper from Scarabia, he hates standing out and mans was always depicted as the caretaker to Kalim. And I would like always have the biggest crush on him because,,, hehe caretaker
But he does so begrudgingly and like has a deep hatred for Kalim, I was like damn what if he loves caretaking for me,,, that isn't gonna happen because Jamil comes from a background of injustice and he isn't going to like being subjected to the role forced upon him since birth,,, aha ... unless...
and he's hella smart, but he's moving in silence just like Yves, gritting his teeth but keep on trucking no matter how angery he is. He is calm and quiet, and he listens because he need that information to succeed in his goals, but my delulu ass would be like omg he is so attentive
but theres that spite in Jamil that do be present in Yves though, ironically I would say that Yves is closer in character to Malleus and Jamil than Vil, but i could be just biased and say that because of both appearances are similar to that of Yves rn (Malleus and Jamil has like long, straightish dark hair and them sharp eyes)
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just-a-floofy-catt · 9 months
My Starlo and Corn yaoi obsession continues to grow
I couldnt sleep so i was up until 6am drawing them 👍
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Easier than i thought lmao
(Also dont mind Star simping in the corner)
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This is how they get engaged.
You cannot convince me otherwise.
It aint corn yaoi without the corn, after all XD
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I have no context for this its just cute lmao
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Ive seen people drawing Dalv in Starlos hat and so i just had to hop on the headcanon XD
Just Star giving him his hat for a while whilst theyre in the Wild East cus too much sun makes Dalv burn really easily because of being a lil vampire <3
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La full page
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Theyre on a date hanging out and Starlos bragging about being "the best gosh darned gunslinger the Wild East ever did see" because hes proud that he managed to do a shooting practice perfectly in front of his boyfriend crush friend.
Dalv is just happy hes happy and finds it kinda dorky and cute XD
Also im literally obsessed with the headcanon that he has a parasol
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Silly smol doodles
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Theyre so cute oml
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Whiteboard Star doodle :3
I couldnt get a good picture of it in class tho 🥲
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nixotinix · 1 year
Soso!! me and my best friend @brovotics-art recently finished watching every Monster High movie from generation one to three. In total, we watched 16 movies across three nights. And, me being the amazing best friend i am, made them give each movie a rank out of 10 and tell me their thoughts. We also came up with "morals" for each movie that we thought were neat. I'll go in chronological order, so here are our rankings!
Movie 1: New Ghoul At School
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My ranking: 4/10
Their ranking: 5/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a tryhard.
"I love Frankie but BITCH wtf were u doing here." - Brovotics
Movie 2: Fright On!
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6/10
Moral of the story: frankie stein ends racism
"Finally, someone as bitchy as Cleo....." - Brovotics
Movie 3: Why do Ghouls Fall in Love?
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My ranking: 9/10
Their ranking: 6.5/10
Moral of the story: Basketball is the key to true happiness
"I dont stereotype but that is a GAY MAN." - Brovotics
Movie 4: Escape from Skull Shores
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6.7/10
Moral of the story: be a simp
"I have a soft spot for purple himbos what can I say" - Brovotics
Movie 5: Ghouls Rule
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My ranking: 10/10
Their ranking: 10/10
Moral of the story: ACAB
"Jackson." - Brovotics
Movie 6: Friday Night Frights
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My ranking: 9/10
Their ranking: 8/10
Moral of the story: robecca steam ends sexism
"Robecca's hot." - Brovotics
Movie 7: Scaris, City of Frights
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My ranking: 7/10
Their ranking: 5/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a corporate sell-out and don't trust books
"French people." - Brovotics
Movie 8: 13 Wishes
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My ranking: 8/10
Their ranking: 7/10
Moral of the story: Don't be a cult leader
"Yea they had no business making gigi hot but ms fawn lady was SO CUTE" - Brovotics
Movie 9: Frights, Camera, Action
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 6/10
Moral of the story: vampires are white supremacists
"Plot twist was spotted from a mile away." - Brovotics
Movie 10: Freaky Fusion
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My ranking: 8/10
Their ranking: 6.9/10
Moral of the story: jackson should be in more movies
"Would've been a 9 had Jackson been in it." - Brovotics (we both really like jackson ok)
Movie 11: Haunted
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My ranking: 7.2/10
Their ranking: 7/10
Moral of the story: fuck around and find out
"Im a sucker for ghost pirates + the whole 'rebel bad boy falls in love' shit" - Brovotics
Movie 12: Boo York, Boo York
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My ranking: 10/10
Their ranking: 8/10
Moral of the story: rap music
"Yo Seth gets fucking SLEPT ON frfr" - Brovotics
Movie 13: Great Scarrier Reef
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My ranking: 2/10 (zzzzz)
Their ranking: 3/10
Moral of the story: that movie was fucking horrible just go watch boo york again
"worst,,,, cool designs but it was so BORING" - Brovotics
Movie 14: Welcome to Monster High (G2)
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My ranking: 4/10
Their ranking: 4.5/10
Moral of the story: Celebrities aren't human
"I,,, have mixed feelings. They made Dracula a DILF tho so thats cool." - Brovotics
Movie 15: Electrified (G2)
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My ranking: 4.5/10
Their ranking: 3.2/10
Moral of the story: normies are dumb
"Look G2 is simply..... incorrect in a lot of ways. and the main reason is the fucking sentient lint balls in this god forsaken movie" - Brovotics (they hate znap)
Movie 16: Monster High: The Movie (G3)
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My ranking: 6/10
Their ranking: 4.2/10
Moral of the story: something something jackson should've been the MC
and instead of putting a quote im just gonna share this screenshot
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chokkito · 1 year
NAWWWW I CANT RATE THEM I LOVE THEM ALL A LOT 💔💔💔 anyways here we go (if any of you guys see this thats just a joke ok i love yall a lot <3)
Hiyori - 0/10 (10/10 actually love you mwah)
Hate this bastard rat, made me want to bang a uglyass soldier from a game i never played 💔💔 also stinks a lot!!!!
Hiatus - 9/10
Love it a lot as well but its french so had to take a point down sorry 💔
Thy - 5/10
I love them a lot as well BUT they main embalmer so i cant really trust them and had to take 5 points down 😔💔
Mitty - 1/10
Only gets one point because i dont want to put her in the same spot as Hiyori, a bastard as well
Tae - 10/10
My dearest of my dear friends 💞 love becoming the stepparent of random askblogs of them!! Also accepts my insanity 😇
Sam - 10/10
My other dearest friend love them a lot as well + accepts my insanity 💞 also supports me in my quest to look for my wives even if they are a bit insane and want to kill me
Orange - 8/10
Kory - 3/10
Simps too much + thinks im too insane so i took points out 🙄/j
Klai - 8/10
Also a simp but i respect her so!!!!
Pins - 10/10
Love pins a lot, my dearest friend who draws very well mwah mwah
Beth - 10/10
Absolutely love Beth because she's a sweetheart (even if she likes aesop 🙄/j)
Yami - 10/10
Yami also sees me being insane sometimes and still accepts me so 😇😇 friend
Joe - 0/10
Doesn't let me kiss the cute vampire 💔
Emma - 10/10
Love Emma with all my heart!!!! Grrgrrrrrr!!!!!
Al - 10/10
Fifi - 10/10
We dont talk a lot but fifi is very nice so im putting them in here as well <3
Boris - 9/10
Fren :] love logan so much aueeueueueueueeueue
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streaminn · 1 year
hello its me again the anon pushing for Enid x JOC polycule
what if Enid rants about her love for each of them to Yoko but also her worries and fears abt it and how she cant decide between them
but like Wednesday, Tara and Phoebe overhear the conversation and theyre like over the moon like 'Enid loves me!!!' but then they look at each other like 'and you too >:(((('
so then they start fighting over who would be the better choice for Enid (insert cyndaquil's confrontation dialogue here)
and while theyre trying to tear each other's throats out (fight to the death for the hand of the maiden kinda thing), Yoko comes in like 'um wtf is happening'
Wednesday's like 'gtfo vampire' but Phoebe and Tara are like 'Yoko tell them that I'm clearly the better choice for Enid, you would know cuz ur her bestie'
and then they fight again but Yoko's like 'ok homosexuals shut the FUCK up'
then goes on and talks abt how each is good for Enid but also talks about how theyve hurt her too
and then is like 'My girl deserves nothing but the best love this world can offer, because she's been lacking it her whole goddamned life cuz of her stupid family! Even though she can settle for less (like wayyyy less) than the bare minimum, I won't! You three better get your shit together or else you can say bye-bye to your blood.'
and theyre like 'yes ofc we know Enid deserves the best and more which is why I should be her partner'
but then Yoko's like 'since my girl deserves all the love possible, why don't you just like... go into a polyamorous relationship? That way, you can all have her and she gets to be showered in all the love and adoration everyday, you fucking simps'
im not sure what exactly the initial reaction would be, just that they would think it over and agree bc they want Enid to be happy and maybe she'll be happy if she gets love x3
i think Wednesday would at first be like 'thats stupid' but then she thinks more on it and is like 'ok fine anything for my sun'
as for Phoebe and Tara umm idk i've never seen the movies theyre in so i dont know how to write them or what the personality is outside of what ive read on ur blog but they'll agree
and then they all get together and live happily evr after the end
i was gonna say that getting into such a relationship isn't that easy but like
it lowkey is from experience 😭making it work is harder though so i wish them luck
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Call of Duty Modern Warfare (And Ghosts)
Naruto (Low key falling out but still) ONE PIECE
AND MOREEEE (Just ask, Y'know? Or check what I reblog/write abt.)
FAVS FROM FANDOMS! Kankuro, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Sakura (Naruto)
Cpt. John "Bravo 06" Price ,Lt. Simon "Ghost" Riley, Sargant Jonny "Soap" MacTavish, (in truth the whole Task Force 1-4-1---), Konig (Im on a laptop i cant put the true "I" used), Keegan "P" Russ (Call of Duty
JAKE!! Finn, Marceline "The Vampire Queen", Cake (From the genderbent ver.), Michal Lee "The Vampire King" (Also Genderbent ver.) (Adventure time)
Luffy <3, Zoro <33, LAWW <333333, Corazon <33, (One Piece)
OTHER PLATFORMS TO FIND ME ON! Pinterest! Tiktok: (one) (Two) X/Twitter
Simping over DILF men (#Daddy Issues), wishing I could move to another place (ok-mood-), Drawing, Writing, studding weird things like BUG ANATOMY <3 (Did you know butterflies can suck blood and tears??), eating (Chewing disorder and gum is EXPSENSIVE where i live.), Playing at the park with my besties (My puppies, Murphy and Lulu), and uhh...sleeping. Oh! I go to the shooting range with my uncles sometimes. There's that ig. *Shrug*
MEN, WOMAN, TRANS PEOPLE, FEM BOYS, TOM BOYS, DRAG QUEENS, WHATEVER YOU ARE, IM SURE YOU'LL HAVE ME FOLDING IN NO TIME OK???? Anywho-! Fanfiction, Fiction in general, VILOENT VIDEO GAMES <3, uhh, Bread. Any and all kinds of B R E A D. (Thank you for coming to my ted talk).
Love, Valley <3
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(enjoy Simon until i decide to exist on here again)
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borathae · 3 months
DONE WITH ANOTHER EXAM u know what that means???
Chapter 34
fuck where is yoongi 😭😭😭kook come to ur senses please
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
omg im so scared and nervous i wanna cry even tho its kook being scolded
“Thanks, but I can manage myself. I did so splendidly in the last two weeks” fr
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
Where are those goddamn band aids FUCKING REAL U CAN NEVER FIND IT WHEN U NEED IT and u will find it in the same room, same drawer a week later 🥲
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
“Stupid bathroom!” you yell, throwing another cabinet closed. #justiceforcabinet2024
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
Is that what Jungkook could have too? 😭😭 yoongi pls dont leave again, i wanna be extra proud of kook
oh kook is sleeping for now (wtf i felt like a mama bird for a second there)
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
Now that he is so close again, you have forgotten everything you had wanted to tell him. oh it wasnt just me lol
“Doesn’t matter, I’m back now”, OK THATS IT FOLKS HE IS GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN 😭😭😭
oh a new plant 😭
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Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
“Forget it. I didn’t want to do it anyway”, i was cackling until i remembered this is how i act with mom, oh mom im sorry
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
oh this time he answers her questions properly thats a difference hm
WTF OOF DAMN I - (did ever tell u that i love your writing and this bombastic story?)
It is not every day that you watch someone get beheaded or find out that someone wanted to fuck your dead body fr im still shivering and goosebumps are still there.
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
I’ve just lived long enough to have learned the skill.” Tae: 😃 ALSO IM SORRY YOONGI I LOVE THAT YOU CAME BACK but when is tae getting out?? 👉🏻👈🏻 great TAE MY BABY IM SORRY 😭😭 I CANT DO ANYTHING
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
fjasdjf no he was genuinely in the midst of coming back when he suddenly heard the noises and then just came running 😭
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
the way you can see the learned guilt in her and in everything she does :(
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
I feel like he is just really nervous and trying not to scare her away with too much movement :(((
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
of course it's the emotions heheh <3 he is in loveeee <3
oh a new plant 😭
Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
jfasdjf me fr fjadsjfa
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
no but I love him so much!!!!!!
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
100% :( gosh my boongie :(
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
same same same !!! I love him so much !!!!
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
lmaoa mine was like 2 and my dad 3 kfadkf
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
I genuinely love this chapter so much 😭😭
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
lmaooa me
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
I feel like she can JFAJDFJ he is way too smitten for her JFJADSFJ
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
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vamps-hmu · 1 year
U simp ass. Ofc it’s the porcelain looking vampire twink you’re obsessing over. I’m not angry just disappointed. Unbelievable.
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SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT BE MEAN TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM JUST A LITTLE GUY OKAY……….. :((((
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