#i need them and they need each other
jazzkrebber · 7 months
netflix I'm in your walls
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nouverx · 1 month
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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ronanlynchbf · 9 months
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mochipong · 5 months
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Your last prayer—ten thousand years late(r)
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bastart13 · 4 months
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Hazbin Hotel is a mess, pacing-wise, but I missed a good animated musical with just the Worst People so here are some of my Worsties :D
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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smoke break
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oh-gh0st · 5 months
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i heart these rivals so much. maybe they'll kill each other. maybe they'll kiss. maybe they'll make ou
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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He's a little silly but we support him all the same <3
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munchkin-witch · 9 months
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manifesting a hug. for s3
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tangledinink · 2 months
so you should go vote to tie the gemini w/ @cupcakeslushie's feral!leo because i think they'd be friends, actually, and here's why-
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the gems spend most of their time fighting in the nexus, slamming on the 'survival instinct' button, which happens to be right next to the 'animal instinct' button. as a result, they are far more Creechur than their typical posh personas would have you believe. so they got 🤝 solidarity
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... so long as no one else is around to see, i mean.
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shirmirart · 6 months
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after zahra finds out...
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tinartss · 3 months
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this guy…
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strangertheories · 9 months
I really despise the Marvelification of Stranger Things, because all the interviews nowadays are constantly referencing how fast paced and epic and big the finale will be but the reason people fell in love with the show wasn't special effects or long episodes; it was the plot, it was the characters, it was the mystery. Stranger Things 1 may have been a story about a government conspiracy and a monster, but that's not why we stuck around. The show can throw amazing CGI, Russians, a battle within the American army and an apocalypse at the audience with the biggest budget known to man but if they forget to ground it and keep it central, it'll just get lost amongst a plethora of other "epic" blockbusters. We want Steven King, not Avengers.
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yamisnuffles · 10 months
It's Crowley asking for holy water as protection and Aziraphale hearing suicide pill. It's Crowley wanting a way to fight for what they have, even if it means destroying everything around them, while Aziraphale fears Crowley will destroy himself for it. It's them both loving each other so much but being pushed apart by it all the same.
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voiider · 2 months
I need codependent Danny/Jason as a little treat (for me) and I love the idea of them having some sort of instant connection the moment they meet (bc ghost stuff idk)
Danny who's been dropped in Gotham with no way home (alt universe??) and he's been here for 36 hours and having a Very bad time senses a liminal being and immediately latches onto them heedless of the fact that his new best friend is shooting at some seedy guys in an alley and goes off about how stressed he is and how he can't make it back to the ghost zone and what a bad day he's been having (and it's important to note Danny is a littol ghost boy literally hanging off of Jason's neck as he floats aimlessly) and Jason is like "who are you??" And Danny is like "oh sorry I'm Danny lol" and then just continues lamenting his woes
And honestly ? This might as well happen. Nothing about this Danny guy(is he human?) gives Jason a bad vibe and tbh he's never felt more calm and level headed before so he just keeps up his usual Red Hood patrol and doesn't even think about it when he heads back to a safehouse and feeds Danny dinner (breakfast) before crashing for half the day
The only thing I actually need is Jason meeting up with the bats for some sort of Intel meeting and they're like "uhhh who's that" and Jason is like "that's Danny." And does not elaborate (very ".... What do you have there?" "A smoothie" vibes)
And it takes them a while to realize that these two have known each other for less than 12 hours and are literally attached at the hip
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coloursflyaway · 11 days
I kind of sort of maybe want to write a fic about some entity offering Edwin a chance to go back to his past and not be sacrificed as a reward of sorts. And he is shown how he would finish school and grow up, find a job, maybe a wife he never quite loves, maybe children he does love, and he grows old and he dies, and he goes into the blue light and it's heaven.
And Charles is standing next to him, and even if it only takes a minute - time works differently for visions - it feels like eternity, because he knows he cannot ask Edwin to stay. he knows hell, he has seen it, Edwin spent 70 years there, so how could Charles ever ask him to not give himself a chance to heal from that, once and for all? He can't ask for that, and even hoping for Edwin to say no feels horrible, because that is his best friend, his most important person, right there and shouldn’t Charles wish for Edwin to be free of this, even at the cost of his own happiness?
The vision ends, and Edwin’s eyes refocus and Charles looks at him and thinks, I love you the most, and I know you’ll forget me but I’ll never forget you, and thank you for letting me spend this time with you, even if it wasn’t forever.
„Go on, then“, he tells Edwin, because he cannot say goodbye instead. But Edwin doesn’t even look at him, just takes his hand (and that feels like a goodbye as well), squares his shoulders and tells the entity, „Thank you very much, but I’m not interested.“
And Charles isn’t even sure if he hears it, because Edwin cannot reject that offer, no one with half a mind would, and Charles knows Edwin’s mind inside out.
The entity just smiles, looks over at Charles, and asks, „Because of him?“
And Edwin nods, like it shouldn’t even need an explanation; for a moment he looks over at Charles and there is a love in his eyes that is so vast and so overwhelming and so eternal that Charles wouldn’t be able to recognise it, if he didn’t carry its twin in his chest.
And Edwin says, „Of course. Every bit of it was worth it, because of him.“
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