#i need to actually Write that fic i have mostly outlined one day
rindomness · 2 years
you know what idk if any tone shift is gonna get me quite like the first 30 or so minutes of promare. masterfully done
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: Wormdebut! Wormdebut has published 18 fics on AO3 all in the steddie tag!
@thefreakandthehair recommends the following works by @wormdebut:
Tell Eddie He Looks Sexy With His Hair Pushed Back
Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face)
Hell Bent For Leather
All You Have Is Your Fire
It Feels Like Fourteen Carats But No Clarity (When I Look At The Man Who Would Be King)
Worm is incredible! For a humble worm, they sure know how to write fanfiction. ;) But seriously, Worm has a way of exploring different dynamics in such depth with an immense amount of care that's so obvious in the finish products! -- @thefreakandthehair
Below the cut, Wormdebut answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
These two idiots inspire me. I mean look at them. I think the thing I love about Steve and Eddie is that to me they are destined to be together. Post-Canon, Alternate Universe. It doesn’t matter. They are meant to be together in any scenario. I could and will write about these two forever.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Rockstar Eddie, baby. I love some good sex, drugs and rock and roll.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Is safe (mostly)sane and consensual BDSM a trope? I like to write that. 😂
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
Tuesday’s Gone With The Wind - Thisapplepielife there is nothing quite like reading this for the first time. I truly thought I was going to explode as it was being updated.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Omegaverse! I have a fic in the worm vault that will come out eventually. Wormegaverse. It’s coming. I’m fucking stoked for it.
What is your writing process like?
Hoooboy. It’s a mess. I cannot write an outline to save my life. (I’m looking at you King of Hell Eddie fic. I know you need an outline okay?) I tend to write in order, but if I get stuck I will skip a scene or two ahead so I can figure out how to squish two pieces of a story together OR I will write little notes about my intentions and skip it and come back. (My favorite note of all time is when I wrote “spit kink shit.” So I could remember my very pure intentions)
Do you have any writing quirks?
Boy do I! I tend to go into like writing fugue states where I will just bust out thousands of words in a sitting and if I am not doing that I am thinking and over thinking about when im gonna fugue out again. I also get really stressed when it actually comes time to write a sex scene? Weird, I know. But every single one is super important to me and I want to make sure they read well. My friends can attest that I am an absolute basket case when it comes to me writing Steve and Eddie getting down and dirty.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
God when I’m done. I am NOT great at posting chaptered fics but I am trying to get better with it? I prefer writing larger pieces though. I am an over-thinker to a fault and for some reason I stress less with one-shots.
Which fic are you most proud of?
It’s gotta be Kiss Your Knuckles. That fic is everything to me. But my Boys Who Kiss series is also so fucking important to me. Those two have so much more to tell y’all and I can’t wait to share their lives with you. I’m a musician so any of my fics that are heavily laced with performance and song are very special.
How did you get the idea for Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face)?
I remember listening to Twin Size Mattress one day and I was like—Holy Shit, this is so Steddie-Coded it hurts. And it’s post-canon AND Rockstar Eddie? Incredible. The words just screamed Eddie Behavior and I knew Steve had to write a one-hit wonder about how he felt.
When writing Kiss Your Knuckles (Before You Punch Me In The Face), what was something you didn’t expect?
Oh I sobbed when I finished it. I couldn’t believe that I had actually finished it. It truly means the world to me and I wanted to share it with you all so badly. I cried for like an hour.
What inspired It Feels Like Fourteen Carats But No Clarity (When I Look At The Man Who Would Be King)?
Honestly? Tumblr user @ghosttotheparty had made a post about the scenario that Fourteen Carats is about and I messaged them and was like hey listen I want to take a shot at this, if that’s okay. Fourteen Carats is the first fully formed fic that I have ever posted aside from tumblr Drabbles and while I personally don’t love it I keep it up just in case someone somewhere does. 😂
What was your favorite part to write from All You Have Is Your Fire?
OH. Absolutely just eluding to Tattoo Legend and Icon, Jim Hopper. God he so fucking hot neat.
How do/did you feel writing Tell Eddie He Looks Sexy With His Hair Pushed Back?
I felt some type of a way, clearly. I think this is my favorite Eddie that I have ever written (My favorite Steve is Kiss Your Knuckles Steve) and he just kept getting more and more interesting. Like who the hell fucks you and speaks French while they do it? Tell Eddie Eddie does. And thank god for that guy.
What was the most difficult part of writing Hellbent For Leather?
Writing sub/bottom Eddie! I did this fic as a gift for tumblr user @gorgeousgreymatter-x (love you bitch) and it was hard because I don’t often write that dynamic, but god damn I loved these two Steddies.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Ah— “It is, and I do.” Something about French chef Eddie, really—yeah. I am proud of everything I have written but if I can be honest with you I rarely remember what I have done. I often joke that it’s simply Steve and Eddie in my brain just writing what they want, because people will quote my work or talk to me about a scene and I’m like—‘I wrote that?? Nice.’
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
WELL. Once I can break myself out of this accidental hiatus I am so excited to share more of For Your Entertainment with yall. I am also so fucking excited to share King Of Hell Eddie with the world. I can’t fucking wait. I am working on a ‘Came Back Wrong’ fic that is less scary and more comedic and I am stoked for that. I have quite a few things that are happening and I am just so fucking excited to share them all with you. 
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Just thank you. Thank you for reading and thanks for letting me be a part of all of this. I have not felt this inspired and loved in a long fucking time and I’m not going anywhere so I hope yall will stick around for the wild ride. Fucking love you.
Thank you to our author, Wormdebut, and our nominator, @thefreakandthehair! See more of Wormdebut's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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hippolotamus · 2 months
You wanna talk fic?
tagged by lovely @spotsandsocks (rescuer of wayward bees) @inell @tizniz @kitteneddiediaz thank you 💞
1. How many WIPs do you have currently?
*laughs in Distracted Author while shoving a bunch of docs under a rug that now looks like it's hiding a body* I'm going to try sticking to the ones I'm "serious" about, but... yeah, take a seat, friends
watch my shattered edges glisten, with my heart in my lap (Twylexis), you can plan for a change in the weather and time, all my days i'll know your face, Bi Buck, home is where you love me (Twylexis), lights camera bitch smile, if this love is pain sequel, come close (let me be home), you're where I wanna go, run to the water, the darkest fairytale, a new religion, Buddie kid date fic, this is the part (OG work)
so let's see that's 1, 2... (runs out of fingers (fuck!)) 15! (not nearly as bad as I thought actually)
2. Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is?
Other than all of them? I would say home is where you love me because it's for someone and I'm probably putting a lot of pressure on myself that doesn't need to be there.
3. What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Usually it comes from a song I've been listening to. Like a single line (or several) hit just right and make me think of a certain scenario. So then I go to my docs and tippity tap like hell so I don't lose whatever I'm thinking about. Then inevitably James will ask me a ton of questions that help me hash out what comes next.
4. Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
Not on purpose. The only current WIP with an intentional playlist is watch my shattered edges glisten. Some of these have acquired quite a few songs that carry the right vibe so they wind up getting a playlist.
5. Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised?
Mostly balls to the walls tbh. Longer WIPs, especially those that cross multiple years/decades do get an outline if only so I remember what happened when 😅
Any one want to share? Not sure who’s actively writing right now so if you do please tag me
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @a-noble-dragon @diazheartsbuckley @dangerpronebuddie @saybiwithme
mi amor @bidisasterevankinard @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @stereopticons
@your-catfish-friend @thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @wikiangela @steadfastsaturnsrings
@jesuisici33 @rmd-writes @dr-shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress
@bi-buckrights @lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus
@thewolvesof1998 @wildlife4life @welcometololaland @blackandwhiteandrose and anyone else who wants to 😘
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naffeclipse · 9 months
hi! sorry to bug you, but I has a question on how you make aus and stuff! (pls direct me to a post if you’ve already answered my questions :>)
how do you come up with your au concepts? and how do you not get burnt out on them super quick? does writing ever get really hard when making your fics? and how do you usually combat that? (as a writer I struggle with focusing on one project and hopping onto the next thing). I could use some tips on how you go about developing and going through the process of making fic and ideas without giving up in the beginning ^-^’
ty for your time, if you’re reading this! have a good day!
Heya! Okay, I'll answer these as best as I can!
how do you come up with your au concepts?
Mostly from inspiration, things I like, and things I would like to see cobbled together in a fic. It's just whatever strikes me! Keep creating and keep creating—it's like working out a muscle. The more you do it, the stronger you are at it. Though you should know that not all the au concepts I have are good or shareable, but all that matters is that I keep creating things I like and playing around with fun concepts.
how do you not get burnt out on them super quick?
Mostly by taking it slow and easy. I think it's simple to get burnt out on creative projects if you hit them too hard or fast like you're guzzling water—of course, you're gonna get sick of it super fast. If you sip at it slowly, bit by bit, it's easier to digest. I suppose I do that by stretching it out so it's much more manageable.
does writing ever get really hard when making your fics?
Absolutely. Writing is the hardest thing I've ever done and the most rewarding. Of course, I get discouraged, insecure, stuck, and lost in my writing. Sometimes I don't know what to do. I just keep going though, and don't stop.
and how do you usually combat that?
Mostly by taking a breather, stepping away, and asking for a second opinion. Usually, that hard place I'm stuck in isn't actually as bad as I thought it was the next day or after getting some feedback on it.
(as a writer I struggle with focusing on one project and hopping onto the next thing)
Something that helps is making sure the fic is something you're passionate about—make sure you're creating for yourself, out of your enjoyment. Also, having a set goal and outline is really helpful with completing projects, especially if it's a big fic. It keeps you on track and helps guide you when you get stuck or lost. Another thing is reminding yourself why you're writing it, whether it's for a specific scene at the end, you want to tell this story or any other motivation. Keep falling in love with it and keep working on it, bit by bit. I should also say it's okay if your attention slips. Usually, when I feel like I'm getting antsy and my focus is shifting to something else, I'll write a drabble or put that idea down on paper to get it out of my system, then return to whatever I need to complete. Stay dedicated and disciplined. You'll make it.
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theearlgreymage · 8 months
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I may have taken some mental health days this week and spent all of my free time writing.
Worked a lot on May Their Blood Boil -- I have officially finished the first arc of this beast of a fic!! It's sitting just shy of 80k (and now I have to edit it and I do not want to in the slightest.)
And a bunch of silly little one-shots. So I actually have WORDS for everyone today.
6 Sentence Excerpt from Chapter XXII of May Their Blood Boil
It didn’t work last time.  When I took the [redacted] down to the heart of Eldia - nothing happened.  It should have bound him to the palace. Tied him to the land. Let the soil feed off of [redacted] until it was sated.  But it didn’t work. 
6 Paragraph Excerpt from Untitled Reincarnation One-Shot
Things weren’t perfect. Levi still found himself suspended on occasion, mostly for fighting or being disrespectful to his teachers. But he got away with more than he should have as everyone in the school quickly learned that Levi would do anything for Erwin.  Most of his fights were over Erwin.  Smacking someone’s lunch tray out of their hand for calling Erwin a teacher’s pet. Kicking someone in the back of their knees for insinuating that Erwin was a nerd. Pushing someone against the chain link fence behind the school for stealing Erwin’s notebook.  It didn’t take long for Levi to gain a reputation as Erwin’s guard dog.  Erwin, meanwhile, was more discrete in his defense of Levi. Pinning a boy against the stall of the restroom and threatening him with a cold voice for spreading rumors about Levi. Quietly telling a teacher that someone who had tried to steal Levi’s jacket in gym that they were cheating on a test. Tripping someone and sending them flying down the stairs for insulting Levi while being sure to leave no witnesses.  By the end of Levi’s first year at Trost Middle School, the duo had a reputation for being an inseparable pair that shouldn’t be trifled with. 
6 Sentence Excerpt from Untitled PWP One-Shot that I fully blame @ic3-que3n for
Grabbing at the lapels of Erwin’s canvas jacket, Levi’s words are slurred as he tries to find feeling in his mouth. “Don’t talk to me like I’m some kid.”  Erwin spins them suddenly, pinning Levi against the edge of his desk with a tone that’s meant to be playful. “Then don’t act like one, boy.”  The tremble of pleasure that causes catches Levi entirely off guard. Never having thought about, considered even, the prospect of Erwin talking to him in such a way. 
However Many Words I Fucking Feel Like Excerpt from Untitled Client & Secretary One-Shot
My phone vibrates in my pocket. Three concise buzzes that tell me that it’s from the dark little app that I indulge in late at night.  Normally, I wouldn’t check it during the work day.  He’s too much of a distraction. But I need a distraction right now. And I did tell him to tell me about his job interview - which was … today.  No.  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I see the 1 Unread Message from Levi across the top of my screen.  It couldn’t be.  Pressing my thumb on the sensor to unlock my phone, I tap on the message notification.  Levi [3:42PM] : You said you wanted to hear how my interview went. I got the job on the spot.  It’s just a coincidence.   I type out my reply as I walk back to my desk. Not wanting to ignore the man that has captivated my every thought outside of work.  The Commander [3:43PM] : That’s wonderful news!  This could be terrible news.  Grabbing the folder that Hange left for me, I throw it open. Scanning the top of the page for the name of my new secretary.   Levi Ackerman.  Fuck. 
Hello's to all my online friends who I am terrible at staying in contact with below the cut.
And apologies for still being on my AOT bullshit. I swear I have outlines for CO fics. Swear. Promise. I'm just chasing the dopamine and serotonin lately.
@ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @artsyunderstudy @krisrix @stardustasincocaine @upuntil6am @buffy @raenestee @aristocratic-otter @aroace-genderfluid-snake @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @ebbpettier @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @foolofabookwyrm-activated @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @j-nipper-95 @larkral @martsonmars @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @skeedelvee @stitchyqueer @theimpossibledemon @wellbelesbian @whogaveyoupermission @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @thewholelemon @yellobb
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top 5 wips you’re most excited to write? :D
AH …. anon my beloved 🥺🥺🥺 tysm for giving me an excuse to talk about them!!!! i have a whole bunch but here are the ones i’m most excited for/planning to write soon :3 hopefully
TITLES ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION BTW but if you know where any of them are from you get a big gold star ⭐️
it’s your touch that i need
the best friend’s brother!satoru fic that i’m planning on posting next….. i’m . Unsure if i’ll have time to post it this week but :’3 i’ll get it done!!! honestly i just think bfb!toru is insanely attractive so this is mostly an outlet for that but . i have a plot mapped out kind of… the unrequited love trope is just perfect for him but it’s Me so it’ll probably be less angsty and more funny/bittersweet !!
here’s a snippet from it <3
”you’re a good kid,” he says, and his smile teeters on the edge of something apologetic. mostly, it’s pitying. ”there are lots of people out there for you.” the weight of his palm on your head is usually a comfort, but like this? it’s a specific kind of torture. he ruffles your hair, as affectionate as ever, the same as it’s always been. not a trace of any romantic intent. there are lots of people out there for you. (i know, you want to tell him, but your voice is raspy and your throat feels sort of dry. i know. but i want you.)
hunter, you were human
my neglected mer!sugu fic…… our beloved fish man….. one day. i’ll write it out. i’m having some trouble deciding the order of events + general formatting of the outline so 😭😭 i’m a bit stuck. i’ll get there though!!! this au has angst potential but it’s Me so trust that this will be fluffy and nothing else. lots of banter and cutesy moments. i have a lotttt of thoughts about this au and character/reader dynamic so….. i’m. really excited to eventually write it all out!!! i love him sm :cc
“i don’t really like freshwater.” … your eyes widen. his voice is silky, smooth, like a silver river running from the forked tip of his tongue; a melodic lilt that makes you think of the lullaby your mother used to sing you to sleep with. a long, slow moment passes you by, like the rocking of a rusty ship. silently, your tongue forms around a bundle of words, your mouth gaping like a fish out of water. staring at the merman in your bathtub. “you can talk?!”
consider the hairpin turn
THE BELOVEDEST OF THEM ALL …… my extremely neglected best friend’s brother!kenjaku fic T_T my magnum opus even . i started writing it out a while ago but had to stop bc i can’t decide how to format it …. i think it’d be best to tell the story through a lot of flashbacks but it’s difficult to decide where to put what flashbacks in a way that doesn’t disturb the flow, yk??? but i do have everything outlined and i’m super excited to finally post it :33 someday… bfb!kenny is the actual loml i have so much lore planned for him. this fic is just a whole bunch of yearning and tension… the tiniest tiniest bit suggestive bc he truly makes me ill.
nervously, your gaze trails towards the stairs. worried, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip. kenjaku notices. a large palm cradles your cheek; making sure your eyes stay locked onto his own. ”don't worry about him,” he soothes, a rough thumb smoothing down your skin. ”it’s just us here… just you and me. why don’t you take a deep breath for me, hm?” (you do. without thinking. as if your body was waiting for instructions, waiting to satiate this gnawing desire to impress him, make him proud. be good for him.)  “now,” he exhales, in tandem with you, molecules mingling together. “do you want this?” 
only in the next world
ANOTHER DEARLY BELOVED WIP that’s been rotting in my drafts for a while ….. 👉👈 i think that out of all of these fics this is the first one that i wrote the outline to?? probably even before i made this blog. it’s basically just a canon-aligned au where gojo navigates his maybe-possibly-feelings for you, a new teacher at jujutsu high!! sooo really just my attempt to write what i view as a more canon-aligned gojo and his feelings towards love :3 mostly character-centered fluff and slowburn… some office au vibes…. i’m very fond of this reader!! and i love this version of gojo so bad i really hope i can do him justice…
“they’re a softie, huh?” shoko exhales — smoke drifting past her lungs, mingling with the cold air, a stench of tobacco that makes him crinkle his nose. ”they are,” she hums, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. a dangerously knowing look. “it’s not often someone captures your attention.” gojo smiles. ”is that what it seems like?” he drawls, almost a chuckle. closing his eyes and thinking of you, the fading scent of your perfume. ”well, who knows.” (certainly not him.)
signs of affection
my sickeningly fluffy cult leader geto fic <333 bc i’m spreading the agenda that he is a puppy of a man towards his s/o. this one is just meant to be funny and sweet!! i adoreee the thought of him dating a retired sorcerer with a normal ass job so in this one the reader works at a preschool…. and they’re meant to attend some kind of event for the preschool + is offered to bring a plus one. mild chaos ensues (geto doesn’t want to be anywhere near your non-sorcerer colleagues but he also wants to support you so he’s having a bit of a crisis rn…..) i LOVE this one and i’m so excited to write it out <333333 i think this geto is the most endearing man alive.
suguru blinks, eyelashes fluttering, gleaming under the shallow light of the lamppost just behind him. illuminating the peach-dyed flush dusting his ears, those wide pupils. and his lips, glossy with something cherry-flavoured, soon to curl up into a smile — fond, fond, fond. melting into your touch, basking in your long-sought attention. if he were a cat, you’re sure he'd be purring. he places one big palm over yours, where it rests on his cheek, and he stares. silently, like you’re the only thing worth seeing; dreamy galaxies inside his eyes, all honey and star clusters, leaking adoration. a milky way of love. ”… another,” he pleads, nosing at your fingertips.
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I've been feeling a little... well, awful, and to fix what I can of my mood, I've been writing something very atypical--for me, at least. mostly because my typical is working on whatever I already have going on and I have some thing on my plate already. It's outlined and advanced on writing, but I wanted to take a time before actually publishing it. However, it doesn't hurt to share a little something, right? So here you can see, the opening scene of A LADY'S TRADE, a regency gendrya fic:
Jon didn’t know quite well what to expect when he received a message from Arya calling him to talk business.
In all honesty, he simply could not predict much from his cousin—more like sister—of late. They had spent so long apart that now he could hardly recognize her. When they parted, she was a small girl and now she was a grown woman.
It was disturbing, to say the very least.
Admittedly, their whole lives had been disturbing thus far.
After all, they had all been split up from a young age, when it was too dangerous to be named Stark, after the Lannisters managed to usurp the Throne and persecuted all of them, and sent to each end of Westeros, disguised and, hopefully, safe.
It was only recently, when Daenerys Targaryen had taken her rightful crown, that the remaining Starks had been reunited again.
There were only five of them now. Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon, trying to get acquainted to each other once more after years apart with not one word of one another.
Bran and Rickon were off at school while Jon tried his best to manage everything that was left for them.
That’s why when Arya called him to talk business, he knew at least that she meant something related to inheritance.
What he did not expect was for her to say, “I want to get married”
Jon stares at her, waiting for the moment she’ll beam and say it’s all a jest with him, but she keeps solemn.
In a business expression.
Seven hells.
“I’m sorry?”
“I said I want to get married,” she repeats, unfazed. “I figured I’m already of marrying age and should take action on it”
“You’re younger than Sansa and she’s not wed yet,” Jon points without thinking. “And you might want to take one year or two to enjoy the comforts of our recent safety without feeling like you need to chase after a betrothal”
“There is no comfort I want and can enjoy as an eligible lady that I couldn’t take pleasure as a married one,” she says and Jon looks at her, really looks at her.
She’s still a small thing if compared to the rest of them, short and skinny, although now her presence fills the entire drawing room, commanding and determined. She’s all conviction, and he can see that she has really thought that through. It’s not an impulse, it’s not something she feels obliged to do.
Arya really and simply just wants to marry.
He never thought he’d live to see this day.
“Very well,” he concedes, sinking into an armchair, not knowing how to deal with the news standing. “So, you want to get married”
She sighs in exasperation, “Yes, Jon, for goodness’s sake, that is what I said”
“Forgive me if I wasn’t prepared!”
Arya sits in a three-placed sofa next to him and keeps silent for a moment, to which Jon is grateful, because his brain is trying to process what exactly this means.
It takes a while, but he revisits the whole process in his brain. When a young eligible lady wishes to be wed, she needs a dowry, which isn’t a problem, thanks to Arya’s parents, who organized the heritage of each of their children before passing.
She also needs permission from her family and from her legal tutor. For Arya, that meant him. Not that he was the heir of all the Stark estate, but he was the only member of the family alive, legal, and available to deal with such matters. He had spent the last months learning the letters and numbers required for such a job while Bran—the official heir to the House Stark, still too young to take his task in his hands— was still at university.
Having all of that already prepared, there was only one thing to be taken care of, and Jon realized that was probably the lead subject when the theme was planning to get married.
“I suppose we’ll have to discuss the best available suitors for you,” he suggests hesitantly, feeling the uncomfortableness of discussing such matters with someone he had thought a little child for so long. He never thought he would have such a conversation with Arya Stark of all ladies.
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that,” the girl smiles wolfishly and sinks into the sofa, completely relaxed, her crossed arms in not a very ladylike posture. “I already know who I want as my husband”
There should be no room for doubt in the way she speaks, and yet Jon thinks he never doubted so much his own beliefs until this moment.
It wasn’t even just because Arya was his little cousin anymore—but it was still a factor that would most probably plague him for a very long time yet—because he could put that aside for a moment to try and evaluate the subject.
It was that Arya Stark was a young woman who barely ever engaged in social events ever since they had been reunited. As a wealthy and infamous family that was recently involved in such an altercation, House Stark was in no short demand of invitations for social gatherings, and yet Arya avoided most of them, allegedly to avoid the whispers that followed them wherever they went. She did join Sansa once or twice, but the occasions were rare.
Jon never knew her to fed the attention of any men who might have courted her. And yet, she had already a suitor in mind.
“And who might he be, dare I ask?”
“Do you, by any chance, know the Heddle family?”
“I do,” he answers, thinking of the Crossroads Inn, known throughout Westeros and kept by the Heddles.
“And do you know that their eldest daughter, Jeyne, is engaged?”
Jon frowns, unsure where this is going, “Yes, I’ve seen the lady with her fiancé. I even met Mr. Waters on occasion.”
Arya smiles.
“He’s the man I want as my husband”
Jon blinks.
Now this for sure was the jest he thought was coming before because there’s no way in the Seven Hells this is really happening to him…
“I beg your pardon?”
Her smile doesn’t faulters for a second, “I have the entire ordeal already planned, Jon, so listen carefully and assist me, because my mind is made and will not waver”
When she explains, all Jon can think is how there was no letters or numbers who could have prepared him to deal with Arya Stark.
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20 Questions For Fic Writers
Tagged by @cactusdragon517 almost a month ago lol, I'm slow to get these done.
How many works do you have on ao3? 21
What's your total ao3 word count? 202,835
What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Call of Duty and I'm still hanging around the TOG fandom. But I've hardly posted anything in years lol. Someday when my toddler is a little older I'll get back into posting more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Share Your Address - Fencer!Joe/TA!Nicky College AU - Insta-love. So much texting. Everybody wants to punch Keane.
It Feels Like Flying - Joe/Pilot!Nicky AU - This is porn. Enjoy.
Brothers Fight - Joe & Booker working through their issues post movie.
Everything I Did to Get to You - Sequel to Share Your Address (my top fic by Kudos) - AU - A few years later Joe and Nicky spend the holidays with friends and family.
Collapsing Walls - Book of Nile!!!!! - Established Booker/Nile - Booker and Nile get caught in a building while trying to assist during an earthquake.
Do you respond to comments? Yes!! I try to respond to all comments for at least a few days after I post something.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't write a lot of angsty ENDINGS. I'll Never Love Another (Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky) has a fuck ton of angst in it, and I know some people thought the ending was bitter sweet bordering on sad.... but idk (spoilers?) no one died and they're together sooooo that's a happy ending in my book lol.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Gees, idk lol Share Your Address?? It's so sweet you'll get cavities.
Do you get hate on fics? I never have. *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? Hardly ever. I mean I HAVE, and actually the most recent thing I posted was like straight up porn lol. But mostly if there is sex it is only hinted at/fade to black. Or buried in a 60k fic so you have to work for it!
Craziest crossover: Probably Book of Nile + Princess Bride (it's a WIP that I haven't touched in like 3 years *sweats nervously* I swear I will finish all my WIPs EVENTUALLY)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of???
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! A one shot I did was translated onto a Japanese website that I forget the name of lol. I've also had a podfic made of one of my one shots if that counts.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ashley and I tried at one point lol it was a modern AU DinLuke fic.... it kind of fizzled out eventually. @ashleyrguillory we should look at that again someday lol
All time favorite ship? Obligatory "Just one??!!" ok but idk Charlie/Claire (LOST), Korra/Asami (Legend of Korra) and Derek/Stiles (Teen Wolf) are the most important to me??? I read the most fic for Ghost/Soap, [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #1], and [redacted controversial ship that you could not pay me to reveal #2] lol
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I refuse to give up on any of my WIPS!!! I have 4, and all of them are planned/outlined to the end... I even have multiple completed chapters for two of them. I'm not a quitter... I do take my time though lol
What are your writing strengths? Oh gees... idk someone else who has read my stuff needs to tell me this... I think I've gotten a lot of comments complimenting me on keeping characters true to canon?? idk guys! someone else answer this!
What are your writing weaknesses? I really struggle with action and sex scenes. Where are they? I, the person writing this fic, certainly don't know. (come to think of it this might be part of the reason that I don't write a lot of smut)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Whatever floats the author's boat.
But I personally have done it a few ways. My favorite to both write and read is just to write what they say and then identify what language is being used if the POV character can understand the language. something like: "Oh no," he shouted in Italian.
OR if the POV character doesn't understand the language I would write something like: Nicky shouted something in what Joe thought was Italian. OR Nicky said something in a language Joe couldn't quite place.
First fandom you wrote in? Supernatural lol
Favorite fic you've written? One????? You're getting 2!
I'll Never Love Another - Prince!Joe/Knight!Nicky AU - SO MUCH LETTER WRITING - This was my Big Bang in 2021, and I love the FUCK out of it. It's my favorite fic I've ever written and I reread it kind of often because of how much I enjoy it lol
Impelled by the Persuasion of Love - Canon verse Joe/Nicky and Andy/Quynh - Takes place in France during the 100 years war. I have an obsession with courtly love/chivalry and figured I should shove it onto our favorite immortals <3 - I wrote this for a TOG zine that came out in early 2021
=== Truly, IDK if I've got 20 people to tag but I'll give it a go!!
@innerslumber, @alloutofgoddesses, @ashleyrguillory, @stevethehairington, @sindirimba, @disregardandfelicity and anybody else who wants to do this, consider this your tag!!!
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celardor12 · 15 days
Writer's meme. Thanks to @raitala for tagging me!
How many wips do you have currently?
Two: Love in Another Shape (my very long Bingliushen story) and a shorter piece I'm writing for the Bingliu server exchange. Unless you count various other pieces of ideas that I have in my drafts, in which case... a lot. For your entertainment, here are the working titles for several ideas that I currently have on the backburner, which may or may not ever actually get written:
Bingliushen Messy Lesbians
Wangxian Accidentally Arrange their own Marriage
Unhinged Bingqiu A/B/O
Liushen Reverse-Transmigration Kid Fic
Shen Yuan Transmigrates into Wu Yanzi
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Creatively, neither. My main writing challenge these days is just finding enough time for it! I have a heavy teaching load this semester, plus all the usual family chaos, so my writing has definitely slowed down a bit.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
When I am able, I'll sit down and write for hours. But mostly I get a good idea and then don't have time to actually work on it right away, so I just spend a lot of time turning it around in my head while I do other things.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
No, I never write with music. It's way too distracting for me. If I need to block out other noises, I put on one of those videos or albums that's just the sound of rain.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
I am a planner by nature lol. If I'm writing something short, I may just have a very basic outline. But for something long like Love in Another Shape I have... so many outlines, oh my god. Actually a whole folder of documents with everything from worldbuilding notes, to timelines of past and current events, broad story outlines and specific chapter outlines.
Tagging @nyoomerr @mikkeneko @antimonia if you'd like to do it too!
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gingerlegacy07 · 18 days
Writer Interview Game
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Thank you @morelikeravenbore for the tag! Everyone please check out her blog! She's a great writer with a beautiful MC!
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When did you start writing? I was around 12/13 when I first wrote an actual little story. I loved doing it once for an assignment at school and from there on I kept writing. Mostly it was little love stories I made up, but when I was 15 I really got into Cinema Bizarre and wrote a (very bad, very cringey) chaptered story about them. I also wrote a pretty big Supernatural story in Dutch, but I never continued it after about 30 chapters. I stopped writing for a few years after that. I always loved reading fanfiction though and once I got into Kpop when I was 20, I started writing a little bit again. Mostly oneshots and all. After that I didn't write in over 8 years. Well, at one point I did try my hand on an orginal story, but I'm not even two chapters in so... Anyway, when HL came out I really got obsessed with it. And I started reading fanfiction about it. Before I knew it I was writing again and this time actually finished every story I started haha. Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write? The only trope rather than genre that I enjoy reading, but haven't written (yet lol) is enemies-to-lovers. I absolutely love that trope, but only if it's done well. And I have not yet dared to try it because I feel like I wouldn't make it good. But one day I do really want to try writing it. Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often? No. I'd rather have my own style and so far I haven't been compared to someone. Though I do admit that since I read most books in English, I've gotten some ideas of describing certain scenes or use certain wording in my writing. Can you tell me a bit about your writing space? Simple; on my bed, on my couch or sitting at my dinner table haha. I'll admit I've even wrote a bit at work lol. I don't really care for the space around me. All I need is my laptop and the inspiration/want to write and the words will come to me.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse? Listening to music, reading or watching a movie. Basically seeing or hearing anything that tells a story. A lot of times it either brings me ideas on how to proceed or it creates a vague outline for me which I want to expand and write a oneshot. I have a few stories written that are heavily based on a song. But sometimes I want to progress my WIP and want something to happen, just that I don't know what. Music, video's or book can help with that. Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you? Absolutely. Heartbreak, fluffiness, happy family life. With nsfw fics it's the aftercare scene and there's almost always some form of trauma. It doesn't surprise me as those themes are the ones I love to write and feel comfortable writing. Happy family life and aftercare is something I enjoy writing a lot and fluff is something I write because I'm a huge empath and need some fluff (especially after writing a very angsty scene or oneshot) to heal me. Heartbreak can make for the most delicious and soulcrushing angst and trauma does that too. They also help with character development; your character goes through something terrible and you'll need to write them dealing with it and moving on (or not) from it in their own way. What is your reason for writing? Because I want to read something that I haven't seen before or is hard to find and then I decide, well I can just write it myself. For example: with HL, I stuck to reading fanfiction until I started shipping Ominis and Poppy together. There were hardly any fics out there and the very few that were, only had them as a minor side couple. So I decided I wanted to write something with them, where they develop a friendship that turns into a relationship overtime. Very slowburn. At the same time I wanted people to read it or at least get interested and since I was sure just writing them as a main couple might not work (and honestly, I do love me some good SebastianxMC), I decided to make the main characters SebastianxReader (so whoever read it could insert either themselves, their own MC or someone they made up on the spot) with Ominis and Poppy as a pretty big side couple. So yeah, my main reason for writing is because I always got ideas in my head that I would love to read, but is hard to find. Thus I try writing it myself. Is their any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating? Honestly, any kind of positive comment is already motivating to me. But whenever someone takes their time to give a bit more details to their thoughts about my writing, it is extremely motivating for me to write more. It always helps to know someone likes it enough to leave a long comment and with giving their thoughts, I can get a bit of perspective on what my readers like/do not like. How do you want to be thought about by your readers? Good question. I don't necessarily want them to have a particular opinion about me, but I'd be flattered if, whenever they see my name besides a title, they think along the lines of: Oh I do like her stories. I dunno. It's always nice to know people enjoy your work, but as far as having an opinion about me, it doesn't matter really. What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer? I think understanding the characters I write and sticking to that while I develop their growth in my stories. How do you feel about your own writing? Not gonna lie, I always thought it was trash, but ever since I started writing for HL I actually like it now. Still, the first few chapters of my trilogy are a bit... icky to me, but overall I think I do a decent job at writing and it's pretty good. Most importantly; I love it!
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That was fun! Thank you for whoever made this :D NP tags: @writingannyred @polarisgreenley @zetadraconis11 @sallowslove @mspegasus17
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susiecarter · 4 months
hi!! hope you're doing well!! just wanted to check in as you haven't updated your projects page in a while (not that you have to! but you're one of my fav writers of all time so just got worried) also, if you're seeing this, how goes the arranged marriage au? (and if u can sprinkle in some writing advice, that'd be great, tho srsly i feel like i'm asking a little too many things lmao so feel free to ignore)
/o\ :D Hi, anon, and thank you so much for checking in! No need to worry—I'm absolutely fine, I've just been ludicrously busy (my job changed somewhat at the end of last year and I acquired New Responsibilities; figuring out how to handle those and still have as much time as I need to write and to reply to comments has taken me six months :'D but I think I've mostly gotten the hang of it, hence me finally starting to catch up on my inboxes both here and on the AO3).
AND, ngl, I am absolutely delighted to hear that you were looking at the Projects page! :D That was honestly three-quarters me experimenting with the new theme I set up, haha (and the reason I threw a "last updated" date on there was 100% because if I got busy, I knew I was definitely going to start forgetting to update that sucker). I've updated it today, and the good news/bad news breakdown on the arranged marriage AU is: good news, I am still working on it; bad news, it is super not done. :'D I've got some other shorter stuff that should be done sooner than that (including some Bruce/Clark!), but I'm hoping to make that this year's Big Long Bruce/Clark Fic. Obviously I also have not made a whole lot of progress on some other things on that list :D but here's hoping I can fix that this summer!
As for writing advice, I've written a few posts in the past about my process, how I approach managing character identity, and my tl;dr thoughts on characterization, pacing, dialogue, and prose rhythm, if you haven't seen one or another of those! Honestly, working on my writing has been a real process of self-discovery for me :'D so I'd say my bottom-line "if you do nothing else, do this" of writing advice is: try things! Try different techniques, try outlining and not outlining, try doing writing exercises and not doing writing exercises, try sitting down to write a few hundred words each day and try only writing when you feel inspired to do it ... Everybody is different, everybody's brains and subconscious creative sources are different, and stuff that works for other people might work for you or it might not, but you won't know if you don't try it all multiple ways and see which approach feels the best to you.
Personally, I used to not outline at all, and I wrote the scenes that came to me in my head first and then went back to fill in the gaps—and that worked okay, it was fine, but as it turns out I'm MUCH better off when I outline every! single! time! and also my odds of completing a story I'm working on increase about 5,000% if I write it straight through from start to finish. I thought I knew what worked the best for me! I was wrong! :'D But I wouldn't have found out I was wrong if I hadn't decided to try outlining, and then decided to ditch how other people outline and outline in the way that worked for me, and then tried writing straight through, tried writing every single day and sucked at it BUT trying to write every day is actually good for me, it's just I have to let myself not do it if it's not working, &c &c. So, yeah, try stuff, don't get too stuck on doing anything one specific way, and sooner or later you'll figure out how you work, what gets your brain doing its best writing, and you'll be able to get it to do its best writing more and more often. :D
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pfhwrittes · 6 months
Actually I know you said I wouldn’t wanna hear you bemoan your writing process, but I’m actually very interested in that tbh
What is your process for a longer fic? How do you format your outline? What does your research look like if you need to do that?
I’d love to see it! Maybe this is more of Talk Shop Tuesday question lol
tats you can have a little Talk Shop Tuesday as a treat!
so i briefly touched on my process (god i need a new way to phrase that it sounds so wanky) in this ask here where i admitted to kind of flying by the seat of my trousers/pants with writing ("live by the PWP sword, die by the PWP sword i guess" is probably one of my favourite sentences i've ever written).
but i'll expand further under the cut because i know i'm going to get long winded as hell.
firstly, i'm going to admit something slightly embarrassing. i'm not a planner, or a plotter, or a think further than the scene i'm writing writer. i'm just not. i write entirely on vibes or wherever the worms take me. i think that's pretty evident from the fact that most of my fics/drabbles for the fandom are shorter than my left leg. i consider it to be a minor miracle if i break 500 words, never mind 1000 words for my fics.
secondly, maybe mummies is my most rigidly outlined fic ever. i have a super rough outline for my festival fic (remember that? god those were the days) and for my bbc ghosts inspired thing (again, another blast from the past right there) but maybe mummies is the biggest document i have in my WIP folder right now and i'll use that as my example for my outlining process (and hopefully i won't spoil the fic too much).
What is your process for a longer fic? i always start every single one of my fics by dumping a synopsis of what i want the fic to be at the top of my document. first of all, it scares away the Fear of the Dreaded Blank Page (where The Blinking Cursor of Doom lingers), secondly it pulls me back on track when i start getting lost in the weeds as i always get lost in the weeds to some degree. thirdly, it's kind of silly and mostly vibes. i basically just talk to myself in the blurb and at some point that may translate to an author's note but sometimes it doesn't.
then i move onto notable tags i know i need to include. so that would be the general vibe of the fic ("Inspired by The Mummy (1999)"), the genre ("Action/Adventure", "Romance", "Comedy"), or notable triggers ("Bugs/Beetles", "Implied PTSD", "Implied Alcoholism"). the notable tag section is subject to change as i write but as soon as i pop something in my fic that i know could potentially trigger someone or make someone balk at bit at reading it, i update the tag list. as i work through the sections/scenes of my fic i list the tags/triggers that apply to that section and mark them with a star and match that star up to the notable tag section.
for maybe mummies, i started writing it chronologically while on my third(?) rewatch of The Mummy. i spat out the blurb during my first watch because the brain worms took me gently by my throat and calmly threatened me at knife point (no, i don't know where they got the knife either and at this point i'm too afraid to ask). then i yelled at @391780 over having an idea as i usually do and early enabled me like the Chief Worm Wrangler they are.
then i got bored of writing it chronologically on my fifth rewatch after blocking most of act 1 and act 2, so i went to the last scene of the fic, blocked that out with bullet points (and made myself laugh) before deciding that actually, an epilogue would really tie everything up wonderfully. so then i spat out the epilogue (and very shyly asked @syoddeye if the emotional beats hit right and they were kind enough to go "i love [this metaphor] and [this interaction]" which basically cemented the epilogue for me. so if you hate it, don't you dare blame sy, i'll come for your kneecaps with my makita drill if you do).
aside from that, i block everything roughly using bullet points. sometimes that's a badly worded sentence, sometimes that's a particular dialogue exchange that fits, sometimes thats just [JP and F!RC bicker] (anything in parentheses gets filled with more detail in at a later date), sometimes the worms wriggle and i spit out an entire scene.
if i'm struggling to write a scene i tend to either leave myself bullet points or break the scene into smaller chunks. it helps my brain to focus on the parts i want it to write better that way and it takes the pressure off so i don't get stuck in the mire of "oh god this needs to be the most perfect first draft that has ever existed".
How do you format your outline? so my heavily redacted outline for maybe mummies looks something like this:
Blurb (stream of consciousness babble/vibes/silliness)
Title (currently blank)
Notable Tags (all the current tags/triggers, and there are 23 currently!)
Characters notes - John "Johnny" MacTavish - Female! Reader Character (RC) - Captain John Price - Simon "The Ghost/Ghost" Riley - Kyle Garrick - Philip Graves (then some redacted characters)
Act One (the set up) - Scene 1 - Scene 2 - Scene 3 - Scene 4
Act Two (the rising action) - Scene 1, part a - Scene 1, part b - Scene 1, part c. (etc, etc. you get the idea)
Act Three (the crisis) (see act two and three for how that would look)
Act Four (the resolution) (heavily redacted bits go here) - Final Scene
Epilogue (this i have written out in full, but i can't share it with you because of spoilers).
Odds and Ends (this is where chunks of dialogue i want to add into the fic, or interactions i want to go live until they find a place in the fic. it's also where the parts i've "scrapped" go too. i never delete anything from my outline, it just gets moved to the odds and ends section).
What does your research look like if you need to do that? oooooh boy. okay, another embarrassing admission coming up. my research for maybe mummies has been my nigh on continuous rewatching of The Mummy. i'm on 13.5 watches right now (10 before my surgery date, 3 post surgery, and one time i started watching it and fell asleep about half way through while my brain was slowly stewing in the remnants of morphine and codeine). other than that, i've got about 5 or 6 tabs that i've shoved into a folder in firefox dutifully labeled "shit i don't know about 1920s eygpt".
in short, my research is more of a mess than my outline.
hopefully this answers your question and i'm so sorry i made you slog through what is essentially 1.1k of words that may be nonsense.
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sarasa-cat · 5 months
Turning the question back to you! Do you play Stardew Valley? Who are your favorite villagers/romance partners?
I am actually really new to playing SDV. It was recommended to me multiple times over the years as something Relevant To My Interests in addition to me already being interested in the game because of how it was developed, but I didn't start playing until earlier this year.
I currently have games going so far: one on my iPad mini which is still the 1.5 version of the game. I'm in my 2nd year, Spring on that version. My PC/Steamdeck has the 1.6 version but I'm not as far in that. Still end of summer first year, I think?
This means that I have only just gotten far enough to have a couple of character inch up to the 8 heart level, and that's only in the 1.5 version. Most of the villagers are in the 3-4 heart range in that game. Everyone (other than Sebastian) is a bit lower in hearts in my 1.6 game.
Am pleased that this game has characters I want to romance who actually are romanceable in the game. This is a rare thing for me!
Sebastian, for better or worse, is sugar coated in blorbo catnip as far as I'm concerned. I have been struck with ideas for an epic slice-of-life fanfic that will involve a farmer/Sebastian slowburn subplot while other things go on. But, I don't yet feel ready to start writing anything beyond notes and an outline because I still need to absorb more of this world and let canon inspire headcanon.
As for everyone else, Leah is adorable and I want to create a farmer just for her, probably with a forest farm. Elliott is growing on me, mostly thanks to his fandom and yes, he needs a beach farmer in his life. Both of those characters feel like they could potentially have a lot in common with the farmer given that they all made the choice to move to this town.
Given how relaxing I find this game --- it is just sooooooo calming and scratches all the right itches --- assuming that time allows I will probably end up creating unique farmers for each single villager even though I am slow playing games because my clock mocks me.
I find that fandom always opens my eyes to what makes each character interesting. Certain characters whom I normally wouldn't romance suddenly become perfect matches for Yet Another Farmer.
But all that said, Sebastian was served to me pre-coated in blorbo catnip. *facepalm*
Given how little free time I have these days, Sebastian will probably be the primary (if not only) character who ends up sparking my desire to write SDV fanfic. Although as far as flashfic and drabbles go, anyone or anything in the game provides ample spark. Which makes me realize that I should at least start writing quick mini-fic to get back into the swing of writing fanfic!
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moodybluemood · 3 months
truly wild to me that i first got the idea for that fic about six-to-eight years ago
i really do want to finish it one day, even if it might be awhile
unfortunately, getting wrapped up in fandom burned me out pretty bad. vento fandom was wild. i got over-invested in stupid shit and probably was kind of flippant at times. it made me feel like a bug under glass. i don't do well in fandoms. i get burned out really easily. there seemed to be constant drama going on and that really drags things down, man.
more importantly, i'm also just not that into jjba anymore. idk. maybe i need to do a reread. i do reread jojolands when it comes out. i got into jjba during a really weird, very stressful part of my life to have a distraction that didn't require a lot of brain energy, but i'm older now, out of that stressful situation, and don't really have the same motivations to write. i got dogs to pet. i have a partner who i love very much. i'm busy playing little games and talking to my friends.
mostly, as mentioned, jjba was something i started getting into because i needed something kind of silly at the time (that's not an insult) but i don't need that anymore. i'm getting into series i like on their own merits. it turns out i don't really like shonen as a whole.
i kind of lost track of what i was doing with some parts of it tbh. my original notes have vanished into the aether. i need to do a big reread but it's a huge commitment, so i haven't done it. there's storylines in there that i wish didn't overcomplicate the plot and pairings that i started setting up that i'm kind of meh on now. too many characters. some story beats that i don't think i executed well and some i don't think i was actually the best qualified to handle. fundamentally it does seem like an inherently silly thing to write an introspective fic series about depression and cycles of abuse under the guise of the funny punchghost anime but also existence is fundamentally silly, so like, whatever man, i don't really regret that part. might not have chosen abbacchio as the protagonist if i was going to write the whole thing today.
maybe i'll release a broadstrokes outline of what i was planning on doing some day idk. the series has been in progress so long that honestly if anyone ever finds this post and wants to know the spoilers, i'll just tell them. parts of it may seem anticlimatic and that's because the whole death fic was originally just a setup for the part that i really wanted to write.
i miss geun and stefano, my not-OCs. they are very dear to me. i want to do something with them but they're ultimately so tied to the canon fates of sorbet and gelato that it's hard to adapt them to other settings. like, they're technically not my ocs but let's be honest, they're OCs in every way but design and name.
i have more thoughts and feelings on my forays into writing here but also then i will ramble for five pages, so let's cut it down now. we're writing this stream of conscious style baby and this brain is t i r e d.
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serenpedac · 3 months
Beloved Seren! ❤️ Hope you are doing okay! Some questions from that ask about other people's fics:
Terrible OC (In terms of, like, villains. We're being positive today!)
Fic(s) that inspired you to write
Specific Line that has stuck with you
PD!! Ah, I am mostly okay, thank you so much, wonderful friend <3 I hope you're also doing okay
2. Terrible OC (In terms of, like, villains. We're being positive today!)
Going into Dragon Age mode for this, because it is without a doubt CleverBlackCat's Elke Trevelyan. She’s mentioned only briefly in this one shot, but even here it’s clear how much of a negative influence she has had on the life of her daughter, Loryen. Cat has such a talent of bringing OCs to life, usually making them wonderfully nuanced, but Elke is simply a terrible person, yet still feels very vivid and realistic. She disapproves of Loryen for all that she is, for her just being, and it makes me want to hit Elke, tbh (as well as snatch Loryen away and tell her she’s a darling).
15. Fic(s) that inspired you to write
Like Glitter and Gold by @lykegenia inspired me in an indirect way. I really liked how the murder mystery was set up and how it was combined with the more relationship focused parts about Leah and Nate. This may seem very obvious, but it made me realise that I could just write my own (supernatural) issue that needs to be solved, instead of writing around canon events or focusing on relationships alone. Of course, there are more fics that do this, but for some reason this one made it click for me, maybe because of how embedded into the world of Wayhaven it felt, while also expanding on it. (I'm still in the process of thinking and writing snippets and outlining when it comes to my own work, but it was good realisation to have ^^)
7. Specific Line that has stuck with you
This was such a hard one, because there are so many talented writers in this fandom who have the most gorgeous prose, but then there’s the fact that I’m not all that good at actually remembering those lines haha. But here's one anyway:
“When the last golden rays of the setting sun disappears beneath the sea, so does Farah.”
I love this line from @rosejellyy's fic will you still love me?, because of how seemingly simple it is (not in a negative way!), yet it conveys so much. Mermaid/siren Farah leaving after a beautiful day with Isla, with whom she's falling in love, because the sea is calling to her…
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nesonkin · 6 months
i know its been years and you probably arent even into voltron anymore but let me tell u those rebel fighters are my roman empire with their total 5 minute screentime 😭😭😭😭 they couldve been so interesting like with olia and ozar killing off te-osh felt so lazy imo but it is what it is 😔 n-7 scenes were lingered on for so much only for nothing to happen 💀 i come back to your rebel coalition headcanon posts every now and then when i remember vld exists 😭 the relationship b/w the coalition and the bom i like to think theyve known abt the bom for a whileee but it was more of an unspoken thing rather than like an official talked throught sort of partnership? idkkkkkk plz ramble if u have thoughts 😭
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Omg, this ask was certainly unexpected! Thank you for coming back, I really do appreciate it. Sometimes I also get random vld rebels thoughts and then it goes on for a day until it fades away again.
They're mostly Matt x N-7 related too, because I love them still.
I really have nothing on the BoM & freedom fighters. I can't imagine the rebels even knowing about them pre-voltron era with how secretive they are. After S4? Fuck yeah. It would still likely be a sort of "we each do our own thing but if you guys need a hand we will give it to you" kind of partnership.
The Voltron Coalition consists of many different species. Most of them likely suffered under the Galra colonization. And I bet at least one third of them struggles to accept the BoMs as their allies.
Oh, and did we ever have a talk about BoM's beliefs and practices? All of them being exactly what the rebels are fighting against?
Yeah, there would be a lot of tension I imagine. ESPECIALLY with how I write Ozar as the one who would rather fail the mission than to lose another soldier. As opposed to BoM's "mission above all" rule.
The only time the two rebel factions ever fully agree with one another is taking a piss at the Voltron Show.
I hope this was satisfying enough of an answer. Honestly, you coming back in my inbox has actually inspired me to do something with all my headcanon lore. I'm thinking of writing a fic about Matt's journey with the rebels. Like, without outline or beta or anything. Super self-indulgent. I just want to write it for myself and maybe someone will enjoy it too.
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