#i need to hop on the AB writing train
ourpleferret · 2 years
Something in me is snapping. The brain worms. I'm losing my sanity it's unreal
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dcsr392 · 1 year
Fireworks (ShinRan comfort)
This idea has been nagging me these days and demanded itself be written, or else. You'll see I'm craving some major ShinRan comfort... Please, Aoyama, be gentle with our hearts, whenever Shinichi comes back! Also, this was majorly inspired by Clean Bandit's "Everything but you" song, and put on repeat while writing this! That song just feels ShinRan all the way!  
Read on AO3 if you prefer! 
"Can I sit here?"
Ran felt her heart skip a beat when hearing his voice. To find Shinichi on the same bus pointing to the empty seat next to hers had been the last thought on her mind. She even took her hand to her heart hoping it would calm down, which, truth be told, had been a rather difficult task these last few weeks...
"Shinichi! Mou, don't scare me like that!" she reprimanded with a little smile, happy to see him.
"Sorry, sorry! You were focused, my bad!" he laughed while sitting next to her. He sat rather close, their shoulders touching, but otherwise, he let himself slouch on the seat as if he was tired.
"Whatcha reading?" he asked after a minute of content silence, looking over her shoulder at her phone's screen.
"Another piece of news of the Syndicate downfall... They are saying you went abroad to USA and Singapur and just returned last month," she responded.
"Well, close enough..."
He sighed. He didn't know where these reporters got their crazy ideas, but he was surprised that they were still willing to discuss the Syndicate's bust after a whole month had gone by and it had already been discussed by everyone in the whole wide world. He understood that some people still had questions and wanted answers -since he had never disclosed the whole truth of the matter-, but he needed to close the chapter and go back to the life of Kudo Shinichi, a 17-years-old, extraordinary ordinary tantei-san.
"And you? How come you hopped on this bus?", Ran interrupted his train of thought, putting away her phone when she finished reading the article.
"I was going back home. I was just at the Metropolitan Police headquarters. Megure-keibu asked me to go over some notes on them and so on..." Shinichi said, avoiding her quizzical gaze.
"Business as usual?" she chuckled, amused.
"Business as usual indeed..." he sighed again.
Although they had been separated by an invisible wall for nearly a year, Ran still considered herself an expert on the expressions of Kudo Shinichi. He seemed sad, but inside was a forlornness that was eating at him. He sometimes laughed, sometimes for her sake, sometimes for the sake of others, but he was not okay yet. He was on his way, and had progressed so much in this last month... She was more than willing to help him get back on his feet. He was a strong one, her baka tantei-san.
"Ne..." she began, hoping that he opened himself to those feelings.
"Hey!" he interrupted, pointing to the window. "There are fireworks at that temple! Do you want to see them?"
"Oh?" she looked outside where he was pointing, watching a beautiful display of colours in the sky "Yes!"
Shinichi left his seat and pressed the stop button, while Ran collected her karate gi and joined him at the door. At the next stop, the couple went down and retraced their steps to get to the temple, until they found a balcony where they could easily see the fireworks without straining their necks too much.
It was indeed beautiful, and peaceful. Just being able to be there, with Ran by his side, feeling her warmth... Sometimes it seemed surreal, after everything that he had endured to return to his body. After all the lies, the tears and the hardships. And she was still there, with him, having forgiven for everything he put her through. His Conan days had been a nightmare, and sometimes it felt like it had been a dream he was desperate to wake up from, but other times it felt real, palpable. Nonetheless, in the dark of the night, he felt thankful for the life lesson.
"Ne, Shinichi..." Ran started, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "How do you feel?"
"About what?" he asked, even though he was sure what she was referring to.
"About everything... It mustn't be easy..." Ran responded, trailing off. Although she needed to hear the answer to appease her heart, she would let it go if he was not ready to answer yet.
He sighed. He knew Ran was bound to ask the question sooner or later, and she, more than anyone else, deserved an honest answer. He braced himself; he had never been good at opening his heart. But it was necessary, for him, for herself, for their blooming relationship. He owed that much to her.
"No," he began, grasping for the correct words while looking ahead at the fireworks. "It isn't. I'm... coping, I think is the word I want to use. Just one month ago we faced them... We both were injured, Hattori nearly doesn't make it out, and the FBI, and Haibara, and Vermouth..." He glanced at her for a moment, but returned his gaze to the fireworks display the next second. "It's constantly on my mind, how much everyone has sacrificed to end them, and I'll be forever grateful that I could return to my body in the end. I never lost hope, but seeing you cry and everyone worrying... I was terrified that they could do something to you or anyone..."
Ran's heart shattered while listening to him. She reached for his hand on the railing, squeezing it, while he smiled sadly. She knew he was grateful for the human contact, although he didn't express it, and it still took everything in himself to initiate contact, even when he needed it the most. She had always been the braver between the two.
"It must've been overwhelming, bearing such a heavy burden on just your shoulders...", she murmured, squeezing his hand again while looking through him into his soul.
"But they weren't just mine..." he interrupted, abruptly, refusing to look at her. "Everyone was involved, one way or another."
"I'm sorry," Ran said, returning her gaze to the fireworks. "I wish I could've done something more to help..."
The ghost of a smile touched his lips, and he allowed himself to look at her. It was just like her to give her everything and not hold back. Stubborn and sensitive. He drank in her pained expression and saw it morph into a more peaceful one while the display of colours in the sky illuminated her eyes, wondering if her tears were just on the way. He hoped she didn't feel the need to cry, but 13 years ago he had told her she could cry whenever she felt like it, so...
"Barou. You helped more than you know."
Indeed, a lone tear escaped her right eye at his words, but he wiped it away with tender fingers as soon as it touched her face. She was as beautiful as ever. He met her halfway, kissing her with all the tenderness and love he could muster. It was wonderfully sweet to be able to be there, with her, in that way. It reminded him of another special moment, in Kyoto, where his time was up and he hadn't been able to kiss her. He regretted having left her then, but it had been necessary to lead them right here and now. He embraced her tighter by the waist, while her hands found the back of his neck. When they opened their eyes, millimetres separating their lips, with only the sounds of the fireworks for company, he felt his eyes sting too. He touched her forehead with his to compose himself.
She sighed contently and let go of his neck, situating herself in front of him, taking his arms around her waist and putting her hands above his. She leant on his shoulder, touching her forehead with his cheek and closed her eyes, focusing on his steady heartbeat and thanking Kamisama for helping him return to her. He kissed her temple and armed himself with the courage to confess something he should have told her since he had come back.
"You were there to keep me sane," she smiled, feeling his heart rate pick up. "I love you".
It didn't happen often, that those words left his mouth. She didn't think it was possible to love him more than she already did, but every once in a while, with little gestures, he pulled the rug from under her feet.
"I'll be here," she responded, her eyes still closed and concentrating on feeling him, his needs, his mind, his heart. She knew he knew she loved him, but he may not know that she would continue to be there for him as long as he let her. Without words, he seemed to have understood.
"I just need to let go of everything..."
The words died in his mouth, but he trusted that she knew his soul inside and out. Indeed, just as he had understood before, Ran understood him all the same.
"You will," she promised.
"I'll pull through."
"You will."
"We'll be fine."
"We will."
Shinichi only pulled her closer, waiting for the fireworks display to reach its end. When it did, he never let go of her hand.
"Let me take you home."
She let him.
I just wanna let go of everything but you…
My, this just wrote itself! I hope you liked it! It felt good to write after 5 years... Perhaps I'm healing too and I could get back to Run... We'll see! Thanks for reading!
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I finally reclaimed my dream schedule, and I can't stress this enough: proper sleep is life fuckin' changing.
I was stuck between work and mommy duties for God knows how long. Don't get me wrong, I love my role in the household and the fact that I earn. I upskilled so hard in the past couple of years and it strengthened my financial freedom significantly, but I just needed my goddamn sleep. I was so determined to change my lifestyle that there would be no compensation big enough to change my mind. I'm not getting any younger and my work has always been sedentary—probably the only downside of working from home all these years.
Since the pandemic, my anxiety has skyrocketed so many times that it started to manifest physically. It's about time that I invested on things that really matter, like my health and overall well being.
Soooo, I set up a little workout corner in my office and bought the following equipment to help me jumpstart my fitness journey.
Walking pad (perfect for walking or light jogging).
Ab roller for core strength.
Smart watch.
Cute workout outfits to hype me up!!! - I just had to 😅
I've never really worked out, except maybe those couple of phases where I jogged with my family every morning for several months, and the time I did muay thai training with a friend. But those were short-lived. That's why I want to be realistic in setting this up. Instead of going for an outdoor run, I opted for an indoor walking pad and a few equipment to use for some routines at home.
To avoid drastic mood change and feeling dizzy throughout the day, I don't intend to reduce my food intake. Instead, I am looking into serving myself more proper meals and always eat on time. I don't want to compromise my health by hopping on extreme weight loss fads.
And honestly, potentially losing weight is probably just a bonus. All I wanted is to align my physical activities with the amount of sedentary work I do on the daily. I want my body to constantly crave enough sleep, especially because working without [enough] sleep had been my default for so long. I became heavily dependent on caffeine and sugar, this has to stop.
And why am I writing this here? I want to make myself accountable for the commitment I made.
I finally reclaimed my dream schedule, now I am reclaiming my mind and body, through living mindfully and with clear intentions.
Cheers! 🎉
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quindolyn · 3 years
giving james a rim job headcannons
Rim Job Headcanons || James Potter
Word Count: 1243
A/N: Hop you guys enjoy this! At least while i was writing it it felt different than my other headcanons and I formatted dialogue differently., get ready for a lot of sub James because I'm not in the mood to read and I miss writing about my baby
Warnings: anal fingering (male receiving), i believe this qualifies as oral the fuck do I know? degradation, praise, mommy!kink, dom reader, fem reader, mentions of pegging.
You guys use it as a way to prep him for pegging
Jamesie had no clue what pegging really was until you explained it to him one night when Sirius brought it up jokingly
You were sitting between his legs, pressed up against his chest when he leaned in so that his lips brushed the shell of your ear where he murmured, slurring his words
“(Y/N/N), what’s pegging?”
“We can talk about it later bubba, maybe I’ll give you a bit of a demonstration,” You mutter against the soft, warm skin of his neck, feeling him shiver under your lips, under your fingertips as they graze his carotid, “Would you like that pretty boy?”
“Yes,” He gulped under your touch, “Very much.”
Obviously once you explain what pegging is to the pretty baby he’s desperate to try it. He wants nothing more than to feel full, in fact he becomes obsessed with the idea nad spends every last minute begging for you to be inside of him
Poor baby doesn’t understand that you guys need to work on stretching him out before you can fuck him otherwise he’d get hurt.
When this concept is first explained to him he’s so fucking whiny
Almost whiny enough for you to threaten to completely take the option of pegging off the table entirely
And while you would enjoy torturing James like that you were looking forward to it too much for you to do that to yourself
Once James comes to know exactly what preparing for pegging entails he gets giddy
Explaining to him what a rim job is
And he gets all blushy like he did when you introduced him to the concept of pegging
When it comes time for it you get him on his hands and knees on the bed, he’s practically shaking with excitement and you have to smooth your palms over his hips
“S okay pretty boy, I know you’re excited but you gotta calm down for me, can you do that baby?” Your murmur gently as you smear delicate kisses along the curvature of his spine, the minute he took up his position on the bed he arched his spine, presenting his ass to you like the good slut you’d trained him to be.
Your request was met with frantic nods and you watched as James flexed the muscles in his back and legs, willing himself to stay still for you, to be good.
Once he finally stills you settle behind him on your knees with your your hands resting on the insides of his thighs, making sure they’re pushed apart enough so that you can comfortably position your head to line up with his hole
We need not get into the nitty gritty of prepping for the event because there’s magic for a reason: you're able to quickly and silently perform any number of cleaning and lubrication spells on he’s to make sure he’s clean and ready for you.
You smirk as you watch him struggle to contain himself, as he wiggles in his spot
But no matter how hard he tries he can’t help but arch his back just a little bit more, nonverbally begging you to touch him the way you promised him
Not exactly feeling benevolent you tease him because what’s more fun than teasing a needy baby?
Starting at his balls you work your way up to his ass, your licks teasing, pushing out only the tip of your tongue, providing only the most minimal of stimulation knowing it will drive him absolutely insane
Through his legs you can see his straining erection, begging to be touched, red, weeping head and distinct veins as beautiful as ever as his member twitches in accordance of each movement of your tongue
Like always James is so fucking whiny because he simultanesouly loves and loathes the teasing
But he’s determined to take the teasing like a good boy for you so the moans and whimpers and whines are muffled as he bites his lip and buries his face in the comforter
When you’ve decided he’s taken enough of the teasing you let your tongue start to breech his tight hole, gripping the globes of his ass
The novelty of it all accompanied by the feeling of James’ solid body under your hands and the noises emanating from those pretty lips of his send you into dom space
Everything arounds you seems to sharpen and come into focus but the most focused thing by far is James’ quivering body
He can only restrain himself for so long but as you begin to quicken your movements, swirling your tongue around his tight entrance before pushing deeper into him
Quickly his moans and whimpers accompanied by the occasional gasp as you adjust the movement of your tongue fill the room and they only serve to spur you on
You can’t help but squeeze his ass cheeks, one in each hand
The delight you take in the marks your fingernails leave on the soft skin is unmatched and you can’t help but hope that maybe those marks will sting just a little bit tomorrow when he sits down at the Great Hall for lunch and during Transfiguration against the unyielding wood benches
Quiet reminders of how good you can make him feel, remind him who he belongs to
The feeling of your tongue inside of him is unlike anything he’s ever felt
Occasionally when giving him a handjob you’d insert a finger or two but this is completely different
And so much fucking better
It doesn’t take long for you to get him achingly hard
He’s too overwhelmed by the pleasure you’re causing him by your tongue alone to ask for you to touch him but luckily for him you’re attuned to everything about him and you’re more than aware of his throbbing cock hanging between his legs
You reach around to grab his cock, squeezing his base before slowly working your hand up and down his shaft
Your pace agonizingly slow
But you’re finally touching him, he isn’t about to complain
It doesn’t take long before pleas are tumbling from James’ lips begging to cum
Telling you how good it feels
Pleading with you to take mercy on him and let him have his release
All the while pushing his ass back, needing more
“Please Mommy, need more, need your tongue, need to cum. Your tongue feels so good, please let me cum mommy, let me cum for you please.”
“Need more Jamie? Dirty little slut needs more?”
Every time you pull away to speak, whether it be to tell him what a filthy, pathetic slut he is or praise him for taking your tongue so well you insert two fingers into his ass, scissoring them inside of him, watching the way he shivers from the stretch of them
You flip him onto his back before you let him cum, keeping your fingers inserted inside oh him, the other hand pumping his cock as you finally grant him release and allow him to cum
“That’s it, that’s a good boy,” You coo, mesmerized by the way the way his face twists and contorts as rope after rope of cum lands on the hard planes of his abs, “Look at that pretty boy, you made a sticky mess f’me didn’t you?”
And the poor baby is too fucked out to respond
But that’s how you like him, nice and fucked.
taglist: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @thatvenusbabe @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @Greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @msmb @marauderswhore07 @st0nesnglitter @miraclesoflove @shadesofvelma @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders @artemis1orion @skaratjung @ava-brooke-blog1 @fairyprettygirly @Ohwowimlonley @padfootswife @roonilwazlibswhore @swearingsolemnly @Teenwolfbitches28 @lilypad-55449 @jamespotterslover @lilytheally @mo-jean @jeannelupinblack @wh0reforthemarauders @myalupinblack @ashesandstars @daisyyy2516 @siriusmydeer @remugoodgirl @itzstacie @planet-wolfstar @steveharringtonswhore @saintlike78 @thatdummymarie @cedricisnotdead @pretty-pop-princess-hs @saggyb1lls @trashyvicks @randomthelily @sprucewoodlover @slut4drvc0 @1-800-amortentia @pagesbetweensheets @locnylupin
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Hey, if you take requests, can I ask Eric x Reader where he’s obsessed with her? Ps. "Stiff, huh?" Is so intense ... Eric is wow
I do take requests! Thank you for leaving this, it was fun to write! I hope this is alright! And I'm glad you enjoyed the other fic 😊💛💛
I'll Cover You.
Eric Coulter x reader
Warnings: swearing, injury, blood, violence, gun use
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A yelp inadvertently escapes me as a sharp bolt of pain goes through my right hand, my punch falling short as I flinch back in surprise. Biting my lip, I shake my hand, glancing around at the other initiates nearby, thankful that no one has noticed my brief moment of weakness. Discreetly, I unfold my fist and examine it, trying to discern exactly what caused the sudden discomfort, looking over the purple bruising dusting my knuckles, as well as the grazes adorning the same areas. I frown, unsure of what happened. Shaking it off, I simply get back into position and go to strike the punchbag again, tensing my core before I do anything.
A stern voice interrupts me, however, as a familiar figure steps up beside me.
"Take your thumb out of your fist, initiate." Eric commands, staring me down with his icy blue eyes.
"S-sorry?" I stutter, unsure of what he means as I look down at my fists.
He rolls his eyes and sighs, forming a fist with his own hand.
"Like this. It's not hard." He shows me, gesturing to my own hands.
Trying not to look at his bulging muscles, I observe his hand and copy it, only now realising what he meant.
"Never punch with your thumb in your fist, or you'll end up breaking it. Wouldn't be a great start, would it?" Are his only words before he stalks off, going to watch over some other initiate, leaving me blinking in his wake.
Keeping my hands as he showed me, I start beating the bag again, ignoring the slight stinging from the grazes as I work on the efficiency of my blows. With each punch, I make sure to hold my composure, stepping back from the bag as if my opponent were retaliating, keeping my eyes trained on it, so much so that I completely zone out the area around me. That is until I hear my name being called.
"(Y/n)! Kai! In the ring, now!" Eric orders us, voice resonating around the training area as it always does, his authority lacing his tone.
Swallowing nervously, I cautiously walk over to the raised platform, terrified at the thought of facing off with this particular initiate. People stare as I climb up, their eyes roaming over my body critically, comparing me with the hugely muscular boy across from me. Kai is massive in every sense of the word: bulging muscular arms, visibly toned torso, thighs like pillars and with a towering height that looms over the tallest of people. Surprisingly, however, his personality is much softer, the guy being relatively friendly with everyone, only really using his strength (gained from hard work in the Amity fields) for good use; he almost always apologizes for hurting someone. As I square up to him, I feel myself becoming more and more nervous by the minute, his fists easily the size of two of mine, but I ignore the rising sense of dread and wait for Eric to start us off.
"Go." The leader simply grunts, watching closely as we start circling each other.
Controlling my breathing, I move my weight onto the balls of my feet and hold my arms over my body, providing some protection from the oncoming onslaught of blows. Judging his step, I make eye contact with Kai briefly before suddenly ducking into his space and jabbing my fist out at his lower abdomen, striking his rock-hard abs with some force. Instantly, I recoil back out of reach, prepared for some form of retaliation in reaction to the blow, somewhat surprised when he shows minimal pain. Distracted by this, I quickly receive a blow to the stomach, having left it unguarded from my previous attack, the breath leaving me as his knuckles make contact. Grunting, I stumble backwards, ducking over my body to protect myself, only to accidentally make myself into an easier target as he grabs hold of my head and smashes my face into his lifted knee. Tears spring to my eyes as my nose audibly crunches, blood starting to pour from it as I begin to lose some focus, the pain raising in my face very disconcerting. 
With my head still in his hands, I feel him lift it again for yet another blow with his knee, my mind racing as I jerk out my arm and jab it into the space between his thighs. A grunt escapes him at this, instinctively releasing me as he goes to protect his intimate regions. Relieved, I slip out of his reach and readjust, taking note of his slightly hunched position. Moving swiftly, I get closer and swing my leg round in a sharp kick to his jaw, throwing his head to the side painfully, the muscular boy spitting out a mouthful of blood as he goes, one of his teeth coming loose from the sudden impact. Triumphant, I go to repeat the action, only to find my leg grabbed by him, his hand closing around my limb tightly. Smirking, he quickly uses this hold on my leg to pull my feet out from under me, easily throwing me over his shoulder and smashing me into the ground, pain blossoming in my chest as it collides. Winded, I lie there, only just managing to twist onto my back as he lifts a foot over my head, ready to kick me into unconsciousness.
"Stop." Eric's cool voice interrupts us both, breaking through the haze.
Both our heads snap round to look at him, my vision spinning as I do so, confused as I stare at our leader through blurry eyes.
"Go to the infirmary and get yourselves fixed up. Now." He commands us, turning away from us and going to stand a little way away.
As soon as his back is turned, Kai crouches down to my level and offers me a hand, grey eyes clouded with concern.
"You alright? I'm sorry, I went too far." He says, helping me upright, slipping his arm around my back and lending me his shoulder to get me walking.
"It's fine, Kai, don't worry. It's what we're supposed to do, after all. I'm sorry about hitting you...there." I apologise, wincing as my chest heaves slightly, my ribs clearly bruised.
"Don't worry about it, it's fine."
As we walk, neither of us notice Eric's eyes following us out of the room.
For once, I don't barely climb onto the train as I speeds by, my arms somehow managing to pull me inside with time to spare, a smile working its way onto my face in triumph. Usually, I seem to struggle with having the distance, but tonight I managed it with some ease, meaning I didn't have to embarrass myself under the watchful eyes of Eric, who stares down at me as I straighten again. As always, his face is blank, his arms folded tightly across his chest, his muscles straining under the fabric of his coat. Suppressing the smile on my face, I bite my lip and look away, ignoring the slight twitch of his brow as he looks me over, eyeing me carefully as I go to stand with Kai, who has quickly become a good friend of mine, the huge boy turning out to be very caring and enjoyable to have around. 
"Where do you think we're going?" The brunette asks me as I go to lean on the wall beside him.
Shrugging, I watch as the rest of the initiates join us, the Dauntless-born easily springing onto the moving train whilst the others, like Kai and I, struggle a little. Four is last to hop up, as always.
"I don't know." I inform my friend, looking to the bags at Eric's feet.
"Well, if you wait patiently, you might just find out." Eric suddenly bites out, his gaze fixed on the two of us.
Surprised, we both now, exchanging a glance between us.
"Oops." I mutter to him, falling silent as we watch the leader step forwards into the middle of the initiates.
"We're gonna play some Capture the Flag tonight. Four and I will each lead a team, each of which hides a flag and has to defend it. First team to get the opposing flag wins." He explains briefly, bending to unzip one of the bags at his feet, pulling out a type of gun I've never seen before, "You'll each get one of these. They're loaded with neurostim darts, which will simulate the pain of a gunshot wound without actually injuring you. They hurt like a bitch, so watch yourselves."
As he says this, Eric allows his eyes to fall on Kai and I, narrowing them as he finds my friend.
"Ok, Eric and I will now pick our teams. Eric will go first." Four chips in, gesturing for the leader to start.
"I'll take (Y/n)." He chooses, staring at me as I double take in surprise. Dumbfounded, I nod once, signifying that I heard him.
Four appears surprised momentarily, before he blinks and chooses one of the Dauntless-born.
Five minutes later and we've all been picked for a team, each of us sidling over towards our corresponding team leader as the train starts to come to a slowed pace. Kai was picked for Four's team, so I shoot him one last look before going to stand with the rest of Eric's team, taking one of the proffered guns and comfortably resting it against my hip, keeping the safety on for now. Looking up, I make eye contact with the stern leader, just catching his eye before he quickly glances away, saying something to Four as we prepare to leave the train, having been told to do so.
Without warning, Eric and Four throw themselves from the vehicle, landing somewhere in the darkness as the rest of us follow hastily, unwilling to be left on the train. Slinging the gun over my shoulder, I launch myself into the black night, my feet colliding with the ground seconds later, causing me to roll to absorb the shock, my hands scraping slightly on the uneven gravel. I'm quick to right myself, however, taking the gun off of my shoulder as I take out my torch and light it, easily locating Eric and going to stand with him. The rest of the team joins us and we leave the main area, walking for a few minutes until Eric stops.
"We'll need a tactic. Four is good at this, but I've beaten him most times so we need to make sure we don't lose to him tonight, got it?" The leader briefs us, holding out the luminescent flag to one of the Dauntless-born, "Go hide this in that old ticket booth over there. It's easy enough to defend and it's hard for them to find. The rest of you, find somewhere to hide around it. (Y/n), you're coming with me."
Surprised, I look at him but agree anyway, glad to have some alone time with the leader, watching as he elects one of the more experienced initiates to take charge of the defending team, before he signals for me to follow him. Taking the safety off my gun, I do so, keeping my footfall light and gentle, staying low to the ground to avoid being seen. Eric does the same, his movements calculated and practiced, his muscular frame somehow managing to step stealthily over the uneven ground.
"What did you want me for?" I hiss at him, keeping an eye out for any attackers.
"I need you to climb that tower and locate their flag. And you have the best aim, so I'm gonna need you to snipe out any guards if you can, so that you can then go in and get it." He whispers back, pointing to a nearby tower.
Frowning, I go to respond.
"And what about you?"
"I'll cover you, obviously." He replies matter-of-factly.
As we approach the tower, he breaks off and goes to hide behind a nearby dumpster, reinforcing his plan to me as he does so, expecting me to scale the riveted wall of the abandoned structure by hand. Swallowing, I replace the gun over my shoulders and look over the rough surface before me, wondering how the hell I'm ever going to pull this off. Finding a handhold, I start ascending, using the marks to my advantage as I hoist myself higher and higher, ignoring the aching protests of my arms. Grazes litter my fingertips, my muscles trembling with each pull up, the gun knocking gently against my lower back. 
It takes me a few minutes, but soon I'm high enough that I can see the area around us, my eyes roaming the dark area with scrutiny, looking out for the fluorescent flag. I spot it easily, the colourful fabric glowing brightly on top of another nearby tower, just a little way away, a figure guarding it alone, though there are most likely others at the base of the structure. 
A sudden cry of pain snaps my attention down to the ground again, my eyes swiftly finding the silhouette of a body lying on the floor, Eric swiftly moving out to make sure the threat stays down, his fun levelled in preparation. Upon seeing this, I start climbing back down, spotting another three oncoming opponents just a little way away from us, their voices somewhat raised. Taking note of this, I hasten down, managing to hop down in time to face off with the newcomers, who are faced with a swift barrage of darts. Two fall, clutching at their legs in pain, the third taking a little more to neutralize before he too drops to the floor, squirming in agony.
"You find it?" Eric questions me, secretly checking me over for any injury in the darkness, aware that he can't really see much 
"Yeah, it's this way." Turning, the two of us run in the direction of the other tower, thankfully staying clear of any enemies until we reach the low wall surrounding the structure. Circling it, we soon figure out why this particular tower was chosen.
"There's only one way into the tower past this wall, and they'll all be around that area." Eric muses, stopping with his back pressed against the offending architecture, "Any ideas?"
Thinking for a minute, I eye the wall carefully.
"I think so. We didn't get shot at as we approached it, which means they must all be at the other end, or not paying any attention, so one of us could climb over the wall  and get in that way, but they'd be vulnerable when they were climbing the tower." I suggest, tapping my weapon slightly.
"I said I'd cover you. You climb and I'll shoot the bastards, then I'll join you at the top." Eric confirms, gesturing for me to go.
Nodding, I make my way around to another part of the wall, starting to scale it in the darkness as I did before, hoping no one will catch me. Gritting my teeth, I haul myself over the structure and drop into the enclosed area, glad to hear the cries of alarm coming from a different part of the circle as I run over to the base of the tower. Thanking my aptitude for climbing, I start making my way up the building, trying to ignore the possibility of falling to my death as I start to get higher and higher off the ground. It takes me a little while, but I eventually manage to pull my aching limbs up and onto the balcony of the upper floor of the tower, somehow still out of sight of the guard, who is shooting at what I'm assuming is Eric down in the circle. Quietly, I slip into the shadows and ready my gun, shooting the unsuspecting initiate into the back, their sharp cry of surprise and pain resonating loudly around the room as I take up the flag and go to the open window. Leaning out, I scream out to the people below, waving it around triumphantly as a chorus of groans escapes the gathering of defenders, Eric already climbing the steps inside the tower. 
Ecstatic, I shake the flag around more, happy that I may have proved myself as capable for once, my face split into a proud grin. Behind me, Eric suddenly bursts in, coming over to me with a smirk of his own.
"Congratulations, (Y/n)." He says, seemingly considering something.
"Thank you." I murmur, fighting off the blush as he stares at me, his eyes concealing a different emotion to what I was expecting.
Suddenly, he leans in and presses his lips to mine, swallowing my squeak of surprise as he starts to move with me. Cupping my face in his hand, his other at my waist, pulling me closer, Eric continues to kiss me, the sensation stirring up butterflies in my stomach, my body craving his touch as he presses himself flush against me. Briefly pulling apart for air, he manages to say something before he closes the gap again.
"God, I'm obsessed with you."
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Short Snippet - Abestache - Lost in the Work
First attempt writing Abe, so I’m not making it too long!
Word Count: 830
After the fiasco with Wilford that had him doubting his memories and his sanity, Abe took time to refocus himself and rediscover a sense of purpose in the world that didn’t make sense. Once he was working on jobs that didn’t focus on the former Colonel, it was clear that his skills were as sharp as ever. He’d gotten back into private investigating and was thriving. The office he was renting was back to its usual chaos as the cork boards dotted around the room were filled up with various documents, photographs, and red string connecting trains of thought together. A whiteboard and a large chalkboard took up opposite walls: the former with the summary of the investigation, the latter with ideas, theories and brainstorms.
He leaned back against his desk, taking a slow puff of his nicotine inhaler (not quite ‘kicking the habit’, but a start) as he examined the whiteboard. There was an obvious factor in this case that he was missing.
“Miles clearly knows more than he’s letting on,” he murmured as he paced to the chalkboard, “and there’s no easy way to find out how to prove it. I’ll need to grab his ass - a-and put it in a chair for another interrogation. If I'm gonna get information on how he's a smelly bum bum, then I need to start by… Wait a minute." Abe cut off his monologue when he re-read the board. Sure enough, 'Is Miles a smelly bum bum??' was written on the list, but in a different handwriting. "What the-"
Giggling caught his attention, and Abe turned around in time to see a blur of pink duck behind his desk. He rolled his eyes and marched over, slamming his hands on the desk as he leaned over it.
The culprit looked up at him with bright eyes and a mischievous grin poking out under the moustache.
"Yer talkin' out loud again, liquorice."
"I'm working. And I thought I told you not to call me that."
"Nah, ya told me not ta call ya 'lollipop'. This is completely different!" Wilford hopped up and mirrored Abe's pose, though he stretched across the desk and pecked the detective on the nose. "I knew y'd be obsessin' over th' case again."
"Look, I appreciate the concern, but I've only been here three hours max. I'm fine."
"What day is it?"
"What day is it?"
"It's Monday. Like it was when I left this morning."
"It's Tuesday, sugar."
Abe frowned, knowing that one of them was wrong and both had issues with time keeping. However, his struggle only kicked in when… he was stressed about a job. His phone was whipped out. Sure enough, it was Tuesday. He hissed a curse under his breath as he pocketed his phone. He couldn't afford to fall behind. Who knows what problems could arise?
"Thanks. I didn't realise I -" Abe looked up, sighing and turning to see where Wilford had vanished to this time. "Wait wait, don't touch that!" Abe dashed to the whiteboard and snatched the marker off Wilford. He capped and pocketed it, only to hear the familiar squeaking of marker on board regardless. Wilford had claimed an empty corner with a spare marker and had begun to doodle flowers and a person. "Wilford!"
"Stop tarnishing my summary board with graffiti!"
"But ya look so cute." With his best puppy-dog eyes, Wilford pointed at the board. The cartoon figure was bald and had a tiny hint of a smile on his face. "I know I'm not gonna be able ta getcha outta here until ya solve th' mystery, but I can give ya a little somethin' ta keep yer spirits up." As Wilford set to work drawing a sun wearing sunglasses, Abe examined the notes around him. His mentor had always told him the importance of taking a step back from work to give the mind a break.
The sound of a pen uncapping snapped Wilford’s concentration away from drawing perfectly squiggly lines from his 'cool sun'. Abe was now crouching beside him, tongue poking out in concentration as he drew out a stick figure beside the one Wilford drew. Two eyes were drawn, then an 'L' shaped nose and a big smile, before it was topped off with a moustache.
"Baaabe, I look adorable!" Wilford cooed. When he leaned on Abe's shoulder, the Detective didn't try to push him off. Progress!
"Yeah, well, I never went to art college. I can't do anything better."
"Who cares? It's a very 'you' style! I love it," Wilford kissed Abe on the cheek, "an' we make a very handsome pair, y'know." Abe chortled. Yes, yes they were a rather handsome pair. 
The empty corner of the whiteboard gradually came to life with more scribbles to build up the scene. Abe even adjusted his drawing of Wilford so the pair were holding hands. 
For now, work was forgotten entirely as the pair focused on the here and now.
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trentaafcsblog · 3 years
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Writing Challenge - Fluff
“You did this all for me?” - Dominic Calvert-Lewin
Thank you to the gorgeous @footballxwrites for this one 🤍
Following the faint sound of mumbled words come from your boyfriend, you quietly tiptoed into the room to be met with a set up of blankets and pillows (way more than usual) laid out in an assortment on your king bed, paired with a few simple petals scattered around and a bowl of popcorn nestled in the middle. A slight breeze swept across your bare arm as you walked towards the balcony where the doors were pinned open, revealing the golden, amber glowing summer sunset of Liverpool where a few bottles of bubbly sat still in a bucket of ice beside the two clear wine glasses, a note lying in front of them reading, “you deserve this” in your boyfriend’s scribbly handwriting.
Noticing the bathroom light was on, you quietly slipped out of your hated work clothes before quickly shoving on a pair of joggers and a plain white T-shirt, courtesy of your boyfriend, that was hanging nicely in the wardrobe waiting to be worn. Fixing your head into the messiest bun ever seen, you let out a whispered giggle, still hearing your the constant string of grumbled words being spoken from the bathroom as you inched closer to the connected en-suite, only to find him rifling through the contents of the cabinet in search of something.
A soft grin found your lips as you caught a glimpse of him in the mirror, your eyes traced his body as his trackies hung dangerously low on his hips with his torso bare leaving his toned abs and trained muscles on full display while his chocolate curls, loose and messy, fell over his forehead as a few strands covered his mesmerising hazel eyes.
The look of slight frustration washed over his perfect facial features as he continued to pull apart the entire cupboard, emptying all your skincare products from each shelf and reading all the labels on them, still having no look in finding what he was after. A few curses leaving him as he let out a sigh of defeat, you biting your lip to hide your very much evident smirk.
“Surely they’re here somewhere, I just want the face masks” he whined, still unaware of your presence as he sat on the bath edge with a huff, “bottom shelf in the first basket” you laughed, making him jump slightly as his face lit up, turning to face you. “What are you up to Dominic?” you smiled as his arms found their way round your waist, resting comfortably on your hips as you looped yours over his shoulders, a hand automatically going to his hair, twirling your fingers through his irresistible twisted curls.
“You aren’t supposed to be home yet Mrs” he grinned as you shrugged, feeling kind of bad for ruining his surprised plan he had lined up for you, “I finished early for a change...I was expecting to come home to a night by the tv with some Netflix series, not all this” you said, tracing patterns along his veiny arms, him cutting you off with a small kiss to the lips, you sinking deeper and deeper into it and only pulling away to gain back a breath.
“so are you going to tell me why you’re after my face masks then? Finally admitting we need a skincare routine are we...” you joked as he just chuckled heartily, his eyes glistening with love, “me, never? My skin’s perfect, soft as a baby’s bum. No need for all these products” he proudly said, stroking his cheek, which was like he said, the softest, most gorgeous, glowing skin someone can have...are you jealous, very much so.
“Saying that, I do love a good face mask...especially if it’s those watermelon flavoured ones you buy” he hinted towards the tub as you jokingly rolled your eyes, going over to pick it before placing it on the counter. You hopped up to sit on the cool surface before reaching your arms out to him. Listening to your silent pleas, he stepped closer to stand between your thighs as his hands settled on you.
“Ahhh god you’d think it’d been in the fridge or something” he winced, feeling the liquid touch his skin as you pasted a thin layer across his cheek and little dab on his nose. “Bloody baby” your laughs faded through the air as he puckered his lips in a silly fashion, “stay still then” you placed a hand on his chest as your legs wrapped around his waist to stop him wriggling from your grip. “Right all done, now don’t you dare smudge it Calvert-Lewin, I’m watching” you narrowed your eyes to him in a joke form as he was quick to take your hand and lead you back through to your bedroom.
The cutest smile tugged at the corners of your lips seeing the heavenly scene once again, really taking in all the extra little details this time, your heart melting to trouble he went to all for you. With another kiss to the lips, he hooked his arms underneath your thighs to lift you onto the perfectly set up bed, the rose petals surrounding you as his body shadowed over yours, his iconic butterfly chain dangling down and the scent of his cologne strong against your nose
"I am madly in love with you, you know that right” you mumbled in between all his sweet kisses as he hummed a reply against your body, a playful smirk resting to your face as your hands worked magic, trailing over his abs, moving lower and lower till you hit the waistband of his pants. Shifting to take off your oversized tee, you soon stopped his actions and pushed him back slightly. “If you think I’m getting face mask all over this top and the clean sheets you can forget it” you giggled, leaving him frustrated as ever, “are you sure it isn’t time to take them off yet” he giggled in a hope as you shook your head, “afraid not love”.
“Ok then, while we wait...lay down” he smirked as you placed yourself comfortably on your back, your hands resting on your tummy as he shuffled to the bottom of the bed, “foot massage m’lady?” he asked as you eagerly nodded, feeling like all your prayers had been answered, “I know how much those heels kill your feet”
Instantly relaxing into his touch, your eyes closed as he kneaded your foot in the perfect way, all the stress leaving your tensed muscles as you enjoyed his hands and their magic feel roam to your legs before he began rubbing them in circles.
“And where did you learn to do that eh?” you softly spoke, shifting to sit up as he shrugged, “I have my ways...YouTube tutorials are also a great help” he laughed as you sat on his lap, an abundance of kisses coming your way as his hands slid up the back of you shirt and he pulled your closer. “I’m so lucky to have you” you smiled into his mouth, “no I’m the lucky one, thank you my darling” he relied in affection as yous once again took a breather, your foreheads resting against one another’s.
“You really did this all for me” you whispered to him as one of his hands left your thighs to push a strand of loose hair behind your ear, “it’s the least I could do for you...so should we go take these face masks off and crack open the bottle of champagne that’s screaming to be opened”
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This imagine is in collaboration with the Pink Ribbon Foundation 💗 please feel free to follow the link if you would like to donate, but as always, there is no obligation 🦋 if you have the time, then please have a little look at their website and check out the amazing work that they do 🤍 they also have an online shop where you can buy physical products (bags, candles, afternoon tea) in exchange for your money going directly to the charity, which is a nice alternative to donating ‘normally’ as you get something back too x
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
When Stars Ignite - Chapter 7
HPHM Rockstar AU
A/N: Can you believe it, that's already the final chapter of Part 1! Part 2 is already completely written but still needs editing. As soon as we will be done writing Part 3, we will start publishing Part 2.
General Warning: This whole fic has a general warning of being NSFW / 18+. We will give specific warnings for every chapter in itself, but several adult themes will be more or less present in every chapter, may it be explicitly or in mention. These include sexual topics, drug abuse, (ab)use of alcohol, smoking and a whole lot of cursing.
Specific Warning: Language
Find the masterpost here, the previous chapter here and the next one here. The songs featured before every chapter can be found on this pretty badass playlist here.
This work is a collaboration with @the-al-chemist
Taglist: @slytherindisaster @night-rhea @carewyncromwell
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Fascinating new thing
The scene-makin'
Want a temporary savior
Fascinating new thing
Don't betray them
By becoming familiar
~ Semisonic - F.N.T. ~
Everyone’s eyes flicked towards the entrance of the dressing room as the door opened and Charlie entered the crowded room, a petite looking woman trailing behind him.
Lizzie surely wasn’t one of the taller girls, but Charlie’s companion seemed to be even smaller than she was. She had olive toned skin and messy dark hair that ended a little bit beneath her shoulders. She was dressed casually, wearing black ripped jeans, sneakers and a simple white shirt beneath her denim jacket; Lizzie recognised several of the logo patches sewn onto the fabric as belonging to a few of her favourite bands. The girl carried large headphones around her neck, much like the ones Lizzie was using when she was drumming and didn’t want to bother with her in-ear monitor.
What struck her the most however, were the new girl's eyes. They were of an unusual colour, not quite brown, not quite green. As she moved to stand next to Charlie, their colour seemed to shift, never quite settling for one or the other. The expression in them wasn’t hostile, but still guarded as she looked around the room. After her gaze had swept the round, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket and looked down at her feet with an unreadable expression. The only thing Lizzie could say for sure was that it wasn’t a shy one.
Her attention was drawn from inspecting their crew’s newest addition when Charlie spoke up.
“Sorry to bother you.”
Despite the palpable tension, he smiled openly into the round of the faces staring at him. Glad to see his friendly, freckled face, Lizzie hopped down from the arm of the sofa and quickly made her way across the room.
“Not at all, it’s fantastic to see you, Charlie.”
Hugging her childhood friend, Lizzie stood on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear. “We’re having a bit of a situation at the moment, just so you know.”
Charlie’s brow furrowed before letting her go. His scowl was quickly replaced by another smile as he loosely draped his arm around her shoulder, nudging her playfully.
“I only saw you this morning, sunshine,” he laughed before inclining his head in his companion’s direction. “I just came in to introduce you all to my new assistant, Artemis Hexley. She’s hopefully going to take over from me properly once she’s completed her training.”
The girl called Artemis opened her mouth to say something to Charlie, and judging by her scowl it probably wasn’t something nice. Before the mood in the room could deteriorate again, Lizzie cut her off prematurely.
“That’s great! It’s really nice to meet you.”
She realised how overly enthusiastic she was sounding and if Artemis’ confused look was anything to go by, she was thinking the same thing. But Lizzie didn’t want her first impression of them to be that of a bunch of people sulking at each other; while they did have their low points sometimes, that generally just wasn’t them.
Taking a deep breath to tone herself down a notch, she flashed a smile at Artemis. “My name’s Lizzie, I’m the percussionist. I really like your jacket by the way, it’s so pretty. Where is it from?”
Lizzie noticed too late that she had cut off Artemis’ answer. The look on the new pyro tech’s face grew increasingly darker and Lizzie instantly felt sorry; that was not what she had been trying to achieve.
“I can’t believe that we’ve finally found someone to take over the pyros who’s actually suited for the job. Charlie here’s been working himself to the bone doing sound as well.” Lizzie’s smile turned into a smirk as she shot Charlie a brief side glance. “You just let me know if he gives you a hard time, okay?”
Charlie snorted. “Like I’d do a thing like that.”
Laughing his remark off, she playfully poked Charlie between his ribs.
“I mean it,” Lizzie continued more seriously, placing a hand on Artemis’ shoulder, “any problems, you tell me. I’ll deal with him for you.”
She had meant it as a friendly offer, to show the new girl she had someone to talk to in case Charlie would treat her the same as all the others who had tried out for the job; God knew, there had been a lot of them. But Artemis must have misunderstood her intention. She shook Lizzie’s hand from her shoulder with one pointed movement of her body and grimaced.
“Thanks, but I am perfectly capable of dealing with my own problems. I don’t need a babysitter,” she replied blankly. Her last words were directed just as much at her as they were at Charlie.
Surprised at being shot down like that, Lizzie exchanged a glance with Charlie, who pressed his lips together and averted his eyes. He gave Lizzie the tiniest of apologetic shrugs.
Artemis had turned her attention to examining the other members of the band and Lizzie used the moment to lean closer to Charlie.
“What a nice little ray of sunshine you got yourself there,” she muttered into his ear, shooting a quick glance at Artemis again. “Is she always that charming?”
Charlie shrugged. “Can’t really tell yet, but yeah, she might be rubbing people the wrong way. I hope that won’t be a problem.”
“Why take her on if you’re not sure she’ll fit in?”
Charlie shook his head. “That’s not what I said. I think she just needs a bit of time to open up. And believe me, that girl knows her stuff. The first one I really think capable of doing the job justice.”
Lizzie made a noncommittal noise. “Let’s hope you’re right then. The rest of the tour has to be perfect, Ethan made that very clear.”
Before Charlie could ask what she meant, Everett’s voice drew both their attention. It had this slightly condescending tone to it that he usually reserved for his more adoring fans.
“Smile, love, it might never happen.”
Lizzie felt her stomach twist as her eyes shot back to Artemis. She had narrowed her eyes and was glaring at Everett. He didn’t seem impressed in the slightest; he had his chair propped back on its hind legs and was leaning back against it with a cocky grin. He was sizing Artemis up with his eyes; it reminded Lizzie of a wolf deciding at which point to sink its teeth into his prey.
Thankfully, Orion disbanded the situation by briefly looking up from his notes. “A smile is not something that can be conjured on request, but is a blessing to be earned,” he said softly, his eyes resting not on Artemis but Everett. “For now, Artemis’ presence in itself must be a blessing for us all.”
“Are you taking the piss?”
Artemis was looking at Orion with a mixture of defiance and incredulity. Lizzie always forgot that people who had never spoken to him before needed a while to get used to his way of talking.
“I am not,” Orion answered levelly before turning his attention to his notes again. “We were in need of a pyrotechnician, and now, here you are.”
“And you were certainly blessed with much better looks than the last one,” Everett couldn’t help but add. “Nice work mate,” he grinned into Charlie’s direction.
Lizzie sighed inwardly; she stepped away from Charlie and into the line of sight between their singer and the new crewmate. There weren’t many ways in which they could have given Artemis a worse first impression of themselves.
Trying to steer the conversation onto safer grounds again, Lizzie forced herself to smile. “What Ev wants to say is, it really is great to meet you, Artemis.”
She had the impression Artemis wasn’t trying too hard not to roll her eyes. “You said that already.”
“Because it’s true. Isn’t that right?” Lizzie pointedly asked into the direction of Merula and Skye, who had taken themselves out of the conversation completely.
Much to her exasperation, Merula only gave the tiniest shrug while Skye didn’t seem to be listening at all. She was still engaged in a whispered conversation with Ethan; Lizzie could just imagine what about. Nonetheless, she cleared her throat to get Skye’s attention.
The blue haired bassist looked over to them for the first time now, a flicker of annoyance crossing her freckled face for the briefest moment. “Yeah, smashing, absolutely.”
She gave her father a last look before sharply clapping her hands together. “Right, sounds like we’ve got a lot of work to do. I say let’s crack on with it.”
“Skye’s right, we really need to get to work,” Ethan nodded into Charlie’s and Artemis’ direction, indicating it was time for them to go. “Pleasure to meet you, Alexis.”
Artemis tried correcting him but he had already turned his back on her and gone over to Everett, probably in an attempt to soothe the singer’s hurt pride.
Lizzie shook her head as Charlie and his new assistant left the room. So much for making a good impression.
As they were leaving the dressing room a little while later, Lizzie joined up with Orion, who was walking behind the rest. She waited until they were out of earshot before asking what had been bothering her ever since their discussion with Ethan.
“Why do you want to sing all of a sudden?”
Orion glanced at her for a moment and smirked. “Why did you fall over yourself to be friendly to Charlie’s new partner?”
Lizzie made a face. “Really? A question for a question again?”
Orion’s smirk turned into a melodic chuckle. “I’d call it an answer for an answer.”
“Fine then. I think Artemis only looks really tough and don’t-come-near-me on the outside. Charlie and I spend a lot of time together, me being friends with her would make things a lot easier for all of us. And besides,” she added with a shrug, “I didn’t want her to think we’re all idiots with an attitude.”
Orion had to laugh at that. “Sometimes I’m not sure any of us is too far from that. Don’t go all overboard with that poor girl though, drummer girl. You can’t force her to be friends with you. She didn’t seem to approve of your bright spirit.”
“I can’t force her, but I can certainly try to win her over,” Lizzie replied confidently. “I do know how to make people come out of their shell, don’t I?” she added with a not completely innocent flutter of her eyelashes.
“You most certainly do,” Orion smirked, a crooked smile tugging at the corners of his mouth that made Lizzie want to reach out and touch him.
Distracting herself, she held him to his end of the bargain. “That was my answer, what is yours? Why not let Everett sing? He has a point when he says you’ll be in the spotlight much more; I always thought you didn’t want that.”
The playful look on Orion’s face vanished, making way for a more contemplative one.
“There is a reason you are the only person to have heard the new songs so far. You understand my music, you know what I want to say even if they still need work. You get them. But the others often don’t, Everett in particular.”
Orion watched the frontman of their band, who was walking a little ahead of them. He was still arguing with Ethan about something, neither of them looking too happy.
“Your assumption that I don’t have the same wish to stand in the spotlight that he has is correct. Contrary to Everett, I play for the music, not the attention. But I’d rather have all eyes on me than having to see my music and my thoughts not being done justice.”
He furrowed his brow at the sheer idea of it. “There are so many nuances and little details about each and every one of them that I can’t quite put into words yet. So far, I - and I alone - know how they have to be presented to the world to carry their message.”
Lizzie thought about his words for a moment. “Doesn’t sound like either solution is a good one then.”
Orion sighed. “In this, you are right. Sometimes it is just a matter of choosing the lesser evil.”
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
writing session- art trade
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rating: 18+ [use of drugs and sexual intercourse]
word count: 2k 
for: @melanimed​ <3
a/n: this is for an art trade sweet tay and i decided to do today!! this is a musician au and some very filthy smutty smut under the cut :)) enjoy~
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“Are you sure this is a good idea?”  
“Tay, you haven’t shut up about this collaboration since the day he agreed.”  
Tay huffed, brown lashes fluttering down as she looked at her lap. Her knee bobbed in anticipation as she sat in the Uber beside her manager.  
“I know but, I’m still nervous.”  
“Just think of it as another step towards becoming the ultimate A-Lister, okay?” Her manager chirped, not once looking up from their phone, typing quickly. Tay sighed and nodded.  
As a singer who was set to perform at Madison Square Garden the next year, Tay, who went by the stage name Pisces, had made quite a name for herself in the R&B scene. So much, that Dabi, the modern-day prince of bedroom pop with R&B influence asked for her to collaborate on a song. While it seems like a simple career orientated step, Tay couldn’t believe her idol and celebrity crush knew she existed. As for Dabi, she was clueless to the fact that he was her biggest fan too. A guilty pleasure, so to speak.  
As the Uber came to a halt, Tay let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding.  
“Relax, you won’t get any good writing done with all that damn anxiety.”  
Tay rolled her eyes, gave her manager a thank you and hopped out of the Uber, which zoomed away quickly. The sun was setting, as Dabi specifically told her the best time to write music was at nightfall.  She walked to the large building, checking the street to make sure no paparazzi were following her, and stepped inside. A worker quickly greeted her, offered her water or tea (which she declined politely), and thus led her to the studio. Tay thanked the worker as she entered the studio room. It was dimly lit, the smell of incense filling her nostrils as she stepped inside.  
Sitting at an oval shaped table sat Dabi, a joint hanging from his lips as he scrolled lazily on his phone. He turned slowly, a smile creeping on his face as he saw her.  
“Pisces,” he said, almost like a purr, nearly sending a shiver down Tay’s spine.  
“O-oh, that’s just my stage name. You can call me Tay if you’d like.”  
He nodded, standing up and setting his joint down on the ash tray set in the middle of the table.  
“Guess that you shouldn’t have to call me Dabi then. The real name is Touya.”  
He extended a lazy hand out to her, his height looming over her stature.  
She gave a shy smile, shaking his hand, his palms practically engulfing her own. 
“Shall we get started then?”  
The night was spent with sheet music scattering the table, joints being passed between the two, and light laughter and cheers whenever a lyric was completed. As time passed and smoke filled the room, twirling between weed and incense, the two artists sat closer and closer together. The only thing in between them was Dabi’s guitar which sat on his lap.  
Dabi pinched the joint between his fingers and inhaled before blowing the smoke out his nostrils and turning to Tay with a proud smile. His eyes crinkled slightly, covering up the redness that came over them.  
“I think we’ve got a pretty good base for this song. We can edit it again next time we meet but for now I think it’s all set.”  
Tay grinned and raised her arms up happily, elated to have finished successfully. Dabi set his guitar down and stood up to stretch. He elevated his arms in the air, stretching up to the ceiling, his shirt lifting slightly to give a view of his toned abs. His eyes shut gently as he let out a soft groan while reaching up.  Tay blinked, watching his stance as he lowered his arms, his abs disappearing under his shirt. 
Dabi looked down at her, a small pout forming on her face. Dabi chuckled and leaned down over her, swiftly cupping her face in one hand. Before her pout could diminish into shock, he dragged his thumb over her bottom lip, a smirk covering his face. Tay froze, her heart starting to feel like it was going to beat out of her chest as Dabi continued to run his thumb over her lip, before giving it a gentile tug. Tay let out a small whimper, the unexpected pull causing her to pinch her legs together. Dabi let out a small chuckle before letting go of her lip and standing back up.  
“Such a filthy liar.”  
Tay blinked at his remark, taken aback from his words.  
“E-excuse me?”  
Dabi ran a hand through his hair before continuing, a sadistic smirk growing on his face.  
“You always act so innocent. For the cameras and media. You’ve been trained well.”  
Dabi stood before her, his gaze hovering over her figure, taking in and analyzing every curve. Tay crossed her arms over her chest.  
“I am not innocent.”  
“Oh yeah?”  
Dabi dropped to his knees in front of her, resting his head on her thighs before hissing out, “Let me break you.”  
If Tay didn’t think her heart was going to break through her rib cage, she was sure it would now.  
“Let me break that innocent façade of yours, babygirl,” Dabi said, his eyes full of lust as his words came out like velvet.  
Tay couldn’t believe what was happening. She had to be dreaming, or at least way too high for her own good. But with Dabi resting his head on her thighs, massaging them with his large hands as he batted his lashes, how could anyone say no? Unable to muster any words, she simply nodded and gulped. Dabi lifted his head from her lap and grinned, licking his lips hungrily and craning open her legs, pushing her skirt back.  
“Good girl,” He growled lowly before burying his face between Tay’s thighs, causing her to gasp.  
Dabi ran his tongue against the thing fabric of her panties, his piercing gliding over it smoothly. He pulled away after a few gentle licks, then tugged the fabric and letting it slap against Tay’s increasingly wet cunt, causing her to yelp.  
“Oh, I’m going to have fun with you,” Dabi said with a smirk as he removed her panties. Once the panties dropped to the floor, he paused and sucked his teeth in concentration. “Yeah, no,” he said before picking her up with ease and setting her on the table. Tay let out a small squeak of embarrassment after he plopped her on the cool wood, gripping her thighs firmly in his hands before spreading them apart. Dabi watched in sadistic glee as Tay’s pussy pulsed at nothing, desperate for attention.  
“You’ve got such a pretty little cunt there babygirl...I’m going to fucking wreck it.”  
Tay’s eyes widened as Dabi stared at the heat between her legs hungrily, but too scared to dive in, as if the girl he’d secretly been pining over for more than a year would dissipate into thin are if he did. Tay let out needy huff, bringing Dabi back down to earth.  
“If you’re going to wreck me, then just fuck me already Touya.”  
Dabi grinned once more before stepping closer to her, standing between her spread legs that hung over the table.  
“Such a desperate little brat hm?”  
He gripped a fistful of her curls, yanking her head back and exposing her neck, causing Tay to gasp softly. Dabi smirked before running his tongue up the side of her neck, the cold of his tongue ring causing her to hiss from the unknown sensation. Swiftly, he leeched his mouth onto her neck and sucked hard, nipping and biting at the sensitive crook of her neck every so often. Tay whimpered and gripped the edge of the table in pleasure, Dabi’s sharp teeth eliciting soft moans. He ran his tongue and gently kisses the new bruises before pulling away, towering over Tay as he licked his lips. With a firm grip, he cupped her face in one hand, placing a feather-like kiss on her lips, contrasting from his harsh hold on her. He gently dropped his hands before pushing her back onto the table. Tay propped herself on her elbows, watching Dabi’s every move with lustful eyes.  
Dabi pulled his hard lengths out of his black jeans, pumping it a few times in his hand before leaning down and spitting harshly on Tay’s cunt. She gasped and writhed at the sensation, knuckles white from gripping onto the table. Dabi chuckled darkly as pushed Tay’s legs open once again, exposing her wholly to him.  
“So pretty,” He mumbled to himself. He quickly pushed his hair out of his face before gripping unto his erect length and pressing it against Tay’s wet clit. Slowly, Dabi teasingly ran circles over her needy bud with his tip, moaning softly at the feeling. If he had to be honest, he could do this for hours, watching her squirm at the feeling of his cock rubbing her wet clit.  
“Touya,” Tay whimpered, looking up at him with desperation.  
“Beg for it slut. Beg for my cock to stuff you full and prove to me you're not an innocent little girl. Beg-”  
“Touya please! Please I need your cock so bad, I know you’d fill me up so good, please, I need you so badly!” Tay cried out, exhausted and taut from squirming under the pressure of his dick on her clit.  
Dabi nodded and without hesitation, plunged his hard cock into her tight cunt. They groaned together at the feeling, as Dabi slowly pushed more and more of his length into her tightness. He paused in concern and looked down at his cock only halfway inside.  
“Are you sure you want me to-”  
“Yes, please just stuff me Touya!” Tay pleaded, reaching out to grip his shoulders.  
“I knew I liked you for a reason,” Dabi smirked as he snapped his hips, stuffing her full of his thick cock. The room soon filled with moans as a rhythm was found, Dabi harshly fucking deeply into Tay’s tight cunt. A series of praise falling from his lips...
“Oh, fuck you feel so good around me babygirl.  
Such a good dirty little whore for me, hm? You just loved being stuffed full of my fat cock.  
I’m going to fill you with my cum babygirl, paint your insides completely white.”  
That last phrase was more of a promise than a statement as Tay came to realize. With her cunt clenching tightly around Dabi’s swollen dick, they were both close.  
“Please Touya please cum in me!” Tay begged, her legs shaking at the impending high that was about to crash over her. Dabi grunted, snapping his hips into her roughly, trying not to get sloppy despite how close he was. He began to pant hard as Tay’s nails dug into his back, eliciting a blissful groan to vibrate from his chest. With one final hard thrust, he shot hot ropes of thick cum into her quivering pussy. Tay cried out blissfully as she came hard, shaking under neath Dabi as he continued to slowly thrust into her as they rode out their climax’s together.  
Dabi let out a light sigh as he pulled out, watching as Tay’s pussy pulsed with cum dribbling out.  
“Well that just won't do,” He hummed as he took thumb and pushed the juiced back inside of her. “Here,” he said while pressing a soft kiss on her forehead and picking up her panties, handing them to her. “You keep that cum inside of you so when we get to my place, I can fuck it further into you, got it babygirl?”  
Tay’s eyes widened as she nodded quickly, eager to have Dabi stuffing her full once more. He chuckled and pressed a kiss to her jawline, mumbling a “good girl” against her skin.  
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markleesthighs · 4 years
Hey! Could you do nct 127 Reaction to hearing their s.o sing for the first time 💞 love your writings so much!
-Aww, this one is so cute, and thank you!
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Taeil was recording a section of a song for the upcoming album, and you were in the studio with him. There was one part Taeil couldn’t quite get the grasp on, and it was taking him more tries than usual to nail it down. You can tell he was getting frustrated with himself. You decided to help him out.
You directed Taeil to come out of the recording booth to comfort him. You also had the idea to give him some advice. You kept hearing the melody, so you figured you could get the idea of what the producers were looking for. You asked him to try this and sang him the verse but in tempo with the melody.
Taeil was amazed at the fact that you secretly had been hiding this secret talent of singing from him and marveled at your voice. He thanked you for the advice and kissed your cheek. Once he got back into the studio he followed the exact melody you sang and it was perfect. He smiled at you when he finished and looked overjoyed that you helped him.
When he was finished he walked out to hug you and kiss you on the forehead
“You need to sing more often, you have a beautiful voice.”
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You never sang in front of Johnny, you typically did it when he was out of the house because it was a guilty pleasure. Johnny told you that night that he would be home late, and you shouldn’t wait up. You understood, and it meant you were home alone all day. You cleaned the house, washed his sheets, and reorganized his dorm room for the day.
You cooked some dinner while listening to some music, you didn’t mind eating alone because you enjoyed some independent time apart. But you were blasting the music so loud that you didn’t hear your phone ring seeing the call and texts from johnny telling you that he would be home early today because promotions for their newest album wrapped up quicker than expected. You were singing I Don’t Miss You by Eric Nam while you were cleaning up your dishes and dancing around the house.
Johnny could hear you singing despite the loud music and he couldn’t help but smile. Johnny thought you were so cute singing in the kitchen that he sang along with you. His singing startled you, scaring you. But then you started singing louder in excitement with Johnny. You turned down the music for a bit to be able to talk to him. Johnny danced up to you and gave you a kiss on your forehead
“I hope that I’ll never stop hearing you sing, it’s so cute.”
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Taeyong told you he was tired from training today, looking more exhausted than usual. You walked up to him, grabbing his bag, and taking off his coat. His eyes looked droopy and dead. You pouted at you, held his chin, and kissed his cheek. You decided it would be a relaxing Taeyong mission for the day.
First, you cooked for Taeyong his favorite meal, a Chinese hotpot filled with arrays of meats and vegetables. While you let Taeyong eat, you prepared him a warm bath. The bath smelled like strawberries and vanilla, in hopes it would relax his body. You also laid out nice warm towels for him to use once he was done. When he finished his dinner, you cleaned his dishes and told him to go to take a bath you had prepared for him. After you cleaned, you laid out pajamas on your shared bed for him to change into.
Once Taeyong got out, he put on his pajamas, and you offered him a massage. He kindly tried to decline, but you insisted, and you massaged his back, hearing an occasional moan from pressure on his tense muscles. After his massage, Taeyong felt sleepy and just wanted to cuddle up next to you before falling asleep. You both went under the covers, and Taeyong somehow ended up being the smaller spoon. His head was up against your chest, loving to be in your arms.  You started to sing a little lullaby to help lull him to sleep. Taeyong smiled as he kissed your neck.
“God, you are such an angel, and you sing like one too, how’d I get so lucky?”
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You and Yuta were taking a walk in the park while holding hands. You and Yuta both had a strong appreciation for nature, so these kinds of walks would be nice when both of you had time to go outside together. Yuta had heard your stomach growl, and you shyly apologized, but luckily there was a small cafe in the park and you both decided to stop to get something to eat.
You were in the mood for a croissant and Yuta just wanted some warm tea. You continued your walk with your food and drink, occasionally taking a few bites and sips. While you both were walking you dozed off a bit looking at all the trees around you. It was winter, so all the trees were naked but covered in blankets of snow.
While you were spacing out you began to hum Spring Day by BTS and eventually building up to you singing very quietly, but Yuta could still hear you. He turned and smiled as you sang, watching the snowfall down around the both of you. He giggled taking you out of your daze, and you asked him what was so funny.
“Nothing, you are just adorable when you sing.”
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Doyoung sometimes sang randomly around the house because as a singer, songs would constantly be flowing through his head. It started out as him humming a melody in the morning and later in the day, but it changed to him singing songs on the daily, while he was cooking or when he was busy. It led both of you to a game where Doyoung would sing a song, and you would have to guess the title of the song.
You started out rough not getting many right, but you eventually knew most of the songs Doyoung was singing. It got to a point to where you knew every song Doyoung sang. You wrote each one down and put them into a playlist, so when he was away, you’d listen to it. It made it seem like Doyoung was still with you singing every morning
But one time Doyoung sang a song that you knew all the lyrics to, and when he stopped singing, you continued the song singing along with him. He looked at you in awe that one, you could sing well, and two that you knew the song that he also loved. Then you both sang the song together and danced around in the living room. When the song was finished, Doyoung smiled and kissed you.
“I think one day, we need to record a duet together.”
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Jaehyun had spent his first night with you since coming back from tour, so it would be no shock that he would be more tired than usual. So you took this time to take a shower while Jaehyun got some extra rest. You delicately removed his body from yours and hopped into the shower.
You had gotten so used to Jaehyun not being home, that you got into the habit of singing in the shower.
The acoustics in the shower were perfect, along with the hot water hitting your body. Jaehyun woke up to the sound of the shower and you singing and he could not help but laugh in awe. Jaehyun slowly walked his way into the bathroom quietly opening the bathroom door to see you singing while washing the shampoo out of your hair.
Jaehyun coughed in the bathroom which almost scared you half to death almost making you fall in the shower. Jaehyun smiled, removing his clothes opening the shower door join you in the shower. Your face was extremely red, and it was not from the hot water.
“Hey beautiful, how about we make some music together, baby.”
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It would not be a surprise that Jungwoo would show off his aeygo for you constantly, wanted to get better at it and to get a reaction from you. You weren’t the type to do aegyo, but you enjoyed watching Jungwoo do it every now and then. Jungwoo had to practice his aegyo before an interview tomorrow.
He kept begging you to watch him while you were trying to work. You told him that you would in a minute finishing up a report for work. You got up and Jungwoo ran into the living room awaiting like a puppy. Jungwoo needed to play the songs in order to come up with perfect dancers to coordinate with the music.
You kept laughing and smiling at him, also giving him some critiques when he insisted. You did tell Jungwoo most of the time that nothing was wrong and he was naturally cute, but he wanted his aeygo to be the best. You eventually sang along with the music and he smiled at your encouragement and singing.
“This isn’t fair. You have more aegyo than me when you’re singing!”
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It was late and you were coming home, Mark knew you had to work overtime and was waiting for you to come home. You opened the door and you were greeted by a tired Mark coming to help you with your things and kiss you. You pouted, telling Mark that he didn’t need to wait up for you and that he needed more sleep than you.
You held his hand walking him to the bedroom letting him lie down while kissing his forehead telling him to go to bed while you took a shower. Once you got out you still saw Mark up and whined him to go to bed until you saw Mark with his guitar. Then you knew that Mark couldn’t sleep, he typically did this to soothe himself before going to bed.
You came up behind him after changing into pajamas and laid your chin on his shoulder giving him a few neck kisses. He was strumming the melody of 2002 by Anne-Marie. As he sang with his guitar you sang along with him occasionally giving each other loving looks, once mark finished he kissed you.
“I love you, you should sing with me more often.”
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Haechan came back from practice earlier than expected, so when he opened the door, he was met with your voice flowing through the house. He couldn’t really hear you, but he assumed you were on a conference call with someone, so it wasn’t weird. He took a shower in the bathroom but when he came out into the hallway from the bathroom he noticed your door was slightly open.
He peeked in just a little bit to find you on your laptop typing away, probably working on school work. He also noticed you had your headphones in jamming out to some music really loud, so there would be no way for you to tell he was home. You began to sing along with the music in your headphones when he was about to enter.
He then opened the door completely, hoping you would look up, but you didn’t. So he changed into some clean clothes and while you were still singing he jumped on the bed making you scream and hit him with a pillow. You asked how long he had been watching you and he said it was when you were singing. You put your head in your hands in embarrassment. He removed your hands and spoke
“Never be ashamed of that, you have an amazing voice.”
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sleepyhollands · 4 years
can u write a blurb where reader is self conscious and running or working out and tom (he nd reader have never met) is like wow she’s FIT and talks to her
tom had just scored a new role for an upcoming movie, and of course, needed to prepare for it. which in turn meant lots of working out.
he found himself at the gym every monday, wednesday, and friday, alternating between ab, arm, and leg routines.
he was in the middle of doing many sit-ups when he spotted y/n, running on a treadmill.
the first thing he noticed was how rigorous her regimen must have been, since she clearly worked out a lot. for one thing, the incline of the treadmill was pretty much on the highest setting, and he knew from personal experience how tough that was. screw you, jake gyllenhaal.
he could also tell by how she looked. clad in only a shorts bra and shorts, he was able to see her muscles, how they flexed and tensed. he noticed the shein of sweat that hugged her skin, how her chest rose and fell with controlled breaths.
and all he could think was wow, this girl is fit.
y/n, on the other hand, expected more girls to be at this gym. as she looked around the room, she noticed men eyeing her as she trained, and self-conscious thoughts began to cloud her mind.
but before she could read into them, y/n noticed a guy probably in his mid twenties hop onto the treadmill next to her. he had a mop of curly brown hair, wet from sweat, and deep chocolate eyes. he seemed really happy and content, unlike the other men here who all appeared so serious, like they weren’t enjoying themselves.
y/n offered him a small smile as she slowed down to a walking pace, taking a long swig from her water bottle.
curly next to her matched her pace, fiddling with the settings in front of him.
“how’s it going?”
y/n turned your head to look at him, realizing he was talking to her.
“oh, uh... it’s good, i guess. how’re you?”
“great, great. i just had to ask, how long have you been working out here? i’ve been coming to this place for a while now, and i don’t think i’ve ever seen you before.”
she sipped a little more water before responding. “yeah, i usually just go to the joint across town, but then i found this place which has way more equipment, so i figured i’d just try it out.”
he nodded, and y/n sighed. “i just didn’t know that apparently only guys show up here.”
tom noticed her slight discomfort, probably intimidated by the amount of men watching her move.
“yeah... i get that. it’s a good gym though, huh?”
y/n hummed, proceeding to jog, and he matched her pace yet again.
“you know,” he stated, “i could use a workout buddy. mine always bail on me.”
she glanced over at him, the hint of a smile on her face.
what’s the harm in that? they both liked to exercise, and he was definitely committed (she could just tell by his figure). plus, he seemed nice enough, not to mention it’d make y/n feel better if she had somebody else with her, to spot her and laugh with her. he could keep her motivated. and there was the added bonus— he was cute.
y/n tilted her head to the side, and said, “okay, deal.” tom grinned.
“just one thing though, what’s your name?”
he laughed, “i guess i should ask you the same question.”
“i asked you first.”
he narrowed his eyes playfully at her. “it’s tom. tom holland.” then he looked at her expectantly.
taglist: @definitely-not-black-cat @yoinkyourheart @quaksonhehe @hollandsamor @starkissedholland @caswinchester2000 @tokyodriift @joshuaparkers @lmaotshollandd @jackiehollanderr @howdyherron @screamholland @carmwncrawford @nervousdadmode @hypnotized-so-mesmerized @multifandomdoodles121 @hazmyheart
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
Idol Group: La Squadra di Esecuzione
have some headcanons of what la squadra as an idol group would be like. i really really like kpop so this au is really very close to my heart. i had so much fun conceptualizing what kind of boy group la squadra would be, researching. this is a little self - indulgent but i hope you all please enjoy uwu.  i also listened to the official soundtrack of part 5 to get a feel for what their ‘music’ would sound like and wow. i initially just gave it a cursory listening but i found myself replaying it over and over again. i recommend that everyone give the soundtrack a listen too bc its really good!!! 
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They’re one of the biggest boy groups out there, their fame is dampened only because Diavolo refuses to actually pay them any proper attention. Although their comebacks are few and far between, they supplement this with their insanely active social media presence.
Their YouTube channel mostly has vlogs of them, and they’re always promising their fans that they’ll release a new album soon. In line with this fans have trended, “Passione Let La Squadra Out of the Basement” to get Diavolo to let them have a comeback. 
Their concept is usually the edgy bad boy type. Though, they’ve been trying to branch out to other genres since they don’t want to be type cast. Their recent, boyfriend concept was really popular! 
They have super powerful and physically taxing dance moves. Each of their choreos must include at least an ab flash or hip thrust. It’s a crowd pleaser. 
They debuted with the song, ‘assassination,’ which had a hard hip hop vibe to it. It was a relative success and their first album sold a lot of copies too! 
The threat of disbanding was always on their heads since privately, you were aware that Diavolo didn’t particularly like them. Thankfully, the boys’ strong fanbase and insistent public demand always kept them far away from Diavolo’s threats. After all, he would be crazy to disband them, right? RIGHT?! 
Well after a nasty court battle regarding their poor pay, the La Squadra managed to get out of their contract with Passione Entertainment. They established their own company where they still promote and do their thing. (They managed to keep their names!) 
Recently they signed the popular idol duo they were close friends with in Passione Sorbet & Gelato. They regularly collaborate. 
Because of the dating scandal Sorbet & Gelato were involved in, they were kicked out of Passione Ent. and for a while they did most of their promotions by themselves. 
Risotto is the leader and is everyone’s bias. You scouted him yourself personally and convinced him to become an idol. He has a bit of a crush on you, but it’s not like he’ll ever confess.
As he continued to practice and train with the group, he found himself really getting into the idea of becoming an idol, as long as it was with the guys. He’s very protective and caring of his group, when they first started off and they’d get hate comments, he would report or delete them all so that his fellow members wouldn’t see it. 
Everyone fawned over his mysterious image but then as the group started doing more vlogs, everyone started to find out that deep down he’s a sweetheart and he got more fans because of it. 
Prosciutto proudly writes and produces most of the songs, sometimes, he lets Risotto or Melone help him. He’s the son of a big music producer so music has always been in his DNA or so he says. 
He wrote the group’s debut song which was originally called, “call me daddy,” you vetoed his suggestion. You only chuckled as you watched him all blushy as he tried to explain himself to you. 
You reassured him that it was a good song just that it didn’t sound like their song. You told him not to get too caught up in copying and following the trend, but rather to make their own unique sound. He took your advice to heart and after giving it a lot of careful thought, he came out with the debut song in about a week. 
Pesci was the center for the soft boyfriend concept and his popularity really started to pick up from there! Since Passione Ent. practically locked them into the edgy concept, they weren’t allowed to experiment much. 
You scouted him yourself and convinced him to become an idol. He joined the company when he was young, and mainly because he wanted to help provide for his family. Prosciutto basically raised hiim, taking him under his wing. 
He used to be very insecure, he wasn’t super talented at dancing and singing but he worked his hardest everyday and you could see that. He started gaining a personal passion for music after their debut and he saw all the smiles and cheers their group got from the people. Especially when his family gave him a call and told him how proud they were of him. 
He’s very sweet to his fans, his solo stans are very protective of him. He is their sweet baby boy and any antis that try to hate on him get ELIMINATED IMMEDIATELY. 
He gets homesick very easy and sometimes he thinks that he doesn’t belong in the group but you are always there to console him and you remind him that you scouted him for a reason. 
They don’t get to go to much variety shows but whenever they do go, Formaggio is king. He’s naturally charismatic and likable so variety shows are always begging him to guest. He usually likes to take some of the members with him if they’re available. 
He’s also the king of fan interaction, there are always videos of him during fansigns holding hands with fans, male and female alike, looking at them intently and calling them sweet nicknames. He’s also the one in charge of hyping up the crowd during live performances. 
The self-designated mood maker of the group. Whenever everyone is tired from a particularly harsh session of practice, he’s always there to cheer everyone up and to keep everyone from getting too stressed. Though with that on his shoulders, you’re always there to give him a headpat, “take care of yourself too, okay, Formaggio?” 
Illuso livestreams himself doing dance practice videos and he interacts with the fans whenever he does so. If he’s feeling particularly cheeky, he’ll give fans a flash of his abs. As the lead dancer, he takes up the job of teaching new choreographies to the other members. He’s a little mean of a teacher but he knows when to joke around and when to be serious. 
“Please show us your abs Illuso,” he reads aloud before chuckling. “As if~” 
Illuso works himself extremely hard, sometimes you’ll catch him in the dance studio still dancing and practicing. When he catches you, he just gives you a smug smirk, “like what you see, manager?” To which you smile and nod as you hand him a towel and a water bottle, “of course, you always dance so well Illuso, just make sure not to work yourself too hard, okay?” 
Melone has the sweetest dulcet tones; he does a lot of solo covers on the group’s YouTube channel, when he can he makes sure to try and rope some of the other guys in it.
Whenever the group is on tour, he’s in charge of posting a e s t h e t i c travel pictures, he also personally edits all of the group’s vlogs. He’s also super active on Twitter. His diligence in interacting with fans online has helped to get La Squadra as popular as it is. 
Melone is the most fashion forward of the group. He was the first of them all to get a clothing brand deal and it shows. His ootds always trend amongst the fans and whatever outfit or piece of clothing he wears always sells out. 
The final member that you had scouted yourself was Ghiaccio. He used to work at a frozen yogurt shop and when he served you your order, you took one good look at him and thought, “oh, I need to get this guy in an idol group, stat.”  
He trained for the longest in Passione Ent. and he was starting to get antsy about whether or not he was going to debut or not. Of them all, he also has the most professional experience as he used to be a backup dancer for some of the senior groups like Unita Speciale. 
He’s a little awkward with fan interaction, not really knowing what to do when he has tons of people telling him they love him. The fans find this side of him very endearing.
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Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader (Modern Domestic AU) (NSFWish warning)
300 followers hc!!!
Oh My, 300 followers!!! Yaaaaaay!!!! Thank you! Thank you so much, I'm really grateful that I got so many loves and supports from you all! I like the enthusiasms in my askbox, and I really appreciated it from my deepest heart!! I always read your replies and gaaaahhh it always made me happy!! 💮🌸🌺
Warning: Sexual abuse on train, and Trauma
You worked at laboratorium and Sanemi is a math teacher.
Sanemi will wake up first in the morning.
He glanced at your side, you still sleep peacefully. He stroke your hair one or two times and scratched his tummy while yawning. He went to the bathroom.
After some push-ups and sit-ups, he will back with full consciousness and energy
Ready to torture you.
"Wake up." He slapped your arm.
"Wake up." One poke on cheek
"Wake up, dummy." Two poke on cheek.
You groaned and covered yourself with blanket. "Shut up."
"Get rekt you little shit" He pulled out your blanket and started to tickling you
You were a little bit agitated but eventually laugh and beg for your mercy
Both of you fell down from the bed, but he put his palm under your head on time, so you didn't hit the floor
"Sanemi, that's dangerous!"
"Haha, nope." He bites your nose and stood up. "Morning, ugly."
After getting ready on your work suit, you cooked breakfast for both of you and Genya. Nothing really special, just some bread with sunny side on top
But for Sanemi, peeking you with your apron from his newspaper is a blessing in the morning.
"Morning, Nee-san, Aniki."
"Morning, Genya." He helped you pouring coffees. "You have exam today right?"
"Yeah." He grabbed the bread and put them on his mouth, about to dashed out. You hold his shoulder
"Ah, no running while eating. Sit down." Genya hesitated a bit but eventually sit down with Sanemi too. "Hm~ good boy." You patted his head
He blushed and chewed his bread fast before Sanemi noticed.
After Genya went to school, Sanemi and you finally finished the breakfast.
"Why don't you drop him off at school? Both of you work and study in the same place." You said as you locked out the door.
"Nah, he doesn't want to."
"Really? It must be fun if three of us went together."
You hopped into his car.
Sanemi won't let you go to work by train
Because one time, there was incident
You insisted to take the train. He was a little bit hesitating but eventually went with you too
It was really cramped, both of you didn't have choice but to stand. Sanemi nagged while grabbing your hand but his handgrip was slipped off, he seems didn't realize it yet. Now, you were behind him and faced his back with some distance aparting you.
That's okay, you thought. I'll reach him when we arrive to the next station.
Suddenly, a strange hand poked your back, stroking and touching you. That someone dragged his fingers down to your hip. You flinched
'Molester?!" You were panicked but didn't say or do anything. 'But... I'm wearing long skirt and it's not even tight today... So why..."
You tried to distance yourself with that somebody behind you by stepping forward a little, but it's too cramped.
No one seems noticed. You just want to cry
"Sa.." You tried to call Sanemi with your squeaky voice. "Ne..Mi... Help..."
Of course, he didn't hear that.
The molester continued his act and started groping your ass. Something risen and wet even poked your hip.
You felt disgusted but still froze on your stand, too scared to scream. 'Please, please no. Sanemi, please help me.' You squeezed your bag and looked down.
Meanwhile, the train almost arrived at next station. Sanemi felt like something missing from his hand and looked back
He finally saw you.
Your body trembled, your face was red and tears started to accumulated on your eyes.
Your eyes finally met his. You moved your lips
"Sane... Mi.... Help..."
Something burning inside his body. He bursted in to your place, didn't care if people groaned angrily when he accidentally stepped their shoes
He punched that guy right in the face. He even didn't give that guy rest or pulled his pants for awhile. He didn't care and beat him mercilessly
"Sanemi, Stop!! He will die!" You pulled his shirt but he seems didn't want to listen to you
"Hey! What are you doing there!!" The train officer suddenly came from afar.
The automatic door train opened.
"Hehe, next time." This fucking molester didn't regret his action.
Sanemi kicked his face once again and pulled your hand, getting out from there. Both of you ran from the station.
You stopped on a park.
"Sanemi... I'm sorry... I didn't-"
"Show me your back." You turned around.
There is a white stain on your skirt
"Fuck..." He wiped your lower hip with wet handkerchief. He took off his jacket, knelt down and wrapped it around your hip
"What? Did something hurt? Did he-"
You suddenly let out fat tears streaming down your face. You never felt disgusted for your entire life. Sanemi must be so upset.
"I'm scared, I'm sorry I didn't do nothing, I'm sorry if I-"
"It's okay, I'm here. You don't have to say sorry." He hugged you, gently caressed your back and kissed your cheek. "I promise there will be no 'next time'." He gritted his teeth. Until today, he always thought that he failed to protect you.
That's why, he will drive you up to place you wanted to go. No matter how busy he is, he'll try to drop and pick you up. Or at least, took taxi.
When you arrived, you will arrange his necktie before went off because he's so damn suck at it.
"Ok, handsome. You're good to go."
"Hey." He holds your arm. "Don't overdo your work. Call me at lunch."
"Will do!" You patted his head.
"Oi, I did my hair for hours."
"Haha, okay, sorry." You waved your hands. "Bye-bye!"
He secretly likes his 'now-kinda-messy' hair, and lets it be until he arrived at school
When he stressed out and angry at his workplace, he will sit at his table, and listen to your recorded voice (He secretly recorded it lol)
"Ok, guess what I draw on your back. Hehe. Nope, that's not it. I write 'I like you'."
"Nemi!" (Fyi, the only peope who could called him like this are you and Genya)
"Sa! Ne! Mi!"
"Sanemi. Hehehe, nothing! Just calling you"
This fucker of you will smile so bright, the teacher room blinded by the lights.
You called him on lunch, and praised the food he made for both of you.
"But why do you put the carrot again."
"In this house, we didn't acknowledge a picky eater."
The students were shocked to death when they found that killer teacher has wife.
"What?! That Shinazugawa-sensei? Really?! wtf this world gonna end soon."
"...but the real question is, did he called her dumb and started to throwing chalk when she can't answer his math question or what."
Okay, did he?
Yes, he did. Except the chalk part, it replaced with "Pinched her cheek"
He taught you how to do two math questions while you're about to cry and sniffled, that your tears started to wet your paper.
"All I ask is you're helping me to solve my work... *sobs*"
Both of you basically 'Genya Protecting Squad'
Random People: *complaining about his scary face and hair*
When it's cold, he likes to make you sit on his lap and.... Err... Put his hand inside your shirt and groping your boobs
"...what are you doing."
"My hands are cold."
"There's heater."
"No, the sensation is different."
Revision, both of you are pervert
You get into his shirt and stick your cheek onto his bare chest while tapping his abs
Him: I am what?
When you're sick because of overworking, he's the one who took care of you. He will 'guard' you 24/7 and will always ready in any case if you need him. Plus the scolding level will increase.
"Say aaah." He pushed a spoonful of soup he made to your lips. You shook your head and pushed back his hand. You sniffled, and coughed. You could feel your sore throat
"I'm sorry, but I can't-"
"Eat." He ordered you. You sniffled once again and make sad puppy face.
Not effective
"Look." He came closer to your face and sticked his forehead onto yours. "I won't leave until you eat this."
Your phone was ringing, it was from your boss. You are about to take the the call, but Sanemi turned off your smartphone.
"Rest." You pouted. "What's with that attitude." He frowned. Like it or not, you finally received his food
"Good girl." He caressed your cooling-pad on your forehead. Your half opened eyes-lid seems so weak, you just put your chin on his hand and mewled like a cat
CUTE SO CUTE, Sanemi holds his chest and hurriedly took a photo.
On day off, you usually went together to movies, parks, mall, book store, aquariums, etc. But mostly, you will invite Genya to go with you two
He didn't mind if you walked beside or in front/behind him on ordinary walking or shopping. He simply hold your hand when you walked beside him
When you walked in front of him, he could fully look at your figure, while you busy to look at behind for some time, in case he stopped
And it's cute because you look like a chick looking for its mother
Or, when you walked behind him, you grabbed his shirt or jacket fabric, afraid if you lose him
And it's.. still so fucking cute
This is funny, but you and Sanemi often showing disgusted face and judging when both of you saw an over limit lovey dovey couple
Random people you met on the way (especially waitress or shopkeepers) sometimes saying words like, "Is your boyfriend a model?"
You shook your head. "Ah, no. He's math teacher."
"And let me correct you." He suddenly popped out. "She's my ex."
You sighed. "Stop telling people I'm your ex." You smiled towards that person. "I'm his wife."
Or if Sanemi was lazy, both of you will stay in the house, being lazy all day. Sometimes you made Ohagi or he invited you to play UNO cards
"If you lose, you had to say goodbye to your favourite hoodie." You smirked while shuffling the cards,
"Fair enough." He calmly took the cards while chewing Ohagi. "If you lose, you had to wear that wireless vibra-"
He tend to kiss you on the lips deeply in a long time. No desire. Just simply a gesture of loving you.
Or kiss you quickly while throwing cheesy lines while doing Kabedon
He will make sudden move when you were casually walked in the house and BAM! His hand slapped on the wall, right beside your ear. He lets his two or three front-button opened
"Hello, single." He looked at your eyes and gave you a quick kiss on your lips, sticking his forehead onto yours
"What is it now?" You sighed.
"I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it."
"You are basically math teacher, Sanemi. And you know what?"
"Are you my math homework? You seem hard and ready to be done on my desk."
And that's when he loses it and you already know what happens next
He first discovered things called menstruation when he accidentally spotted tampons on the table
"What is this?"
"AAAAAHHHH WAIT WAIT" You snatch that thing from his hand.
"??? What is that?"
"You- you don't know? It's for girls! On- on period!"
"What is period?"
"....are you even science."
You explained him about 'red day' and he nodded.
"Did it hurt your stomach? Because it's bleeding."
"Yeah, sometimes."
"You need warm tea?"
"Um, prob-"
"Is there anything that could reduce the pain?"
"I tend to-"
"Wait, lemme Google this."
After that, he treated you like a princess everytime you had period.
You usually went for coffees in the evening with him after works. Both of you like to sit together while telling each other stories even opinions
And you will never make up your mind for the coffees. So he usually took the role.
"Uh, I- I'll take-"
"I'll take Quad, Venti, 2 pumps, breve, extra-hot, no-whip, Toasted White Mocha. And she will take Solo, 1-pump, whole milk, light ice, Caramel Brulée Latte."
You just stand there like a dumb person
After coffees, both of you will shop together for dinner. He usually the one who decided the food.
"Kare, but I'm tired."
"I'll be the one who cook then."
"Hm, maybe... Shirt and apron only will be good on-"
Three of you will eat together on the dinner table. Genya loves your food, so he usually gave his bowl to you and asked for seconds.
Sometimes bathe together. You will scrub his back. He likes it when both of you dipped in bathtub and with you laid your back on his chest.
"I don't like your panda eyes." You looked up and poked his cheek.
"Don't mind that."
"I DO mind."
So after bathe, you will put Aloe Vera sheet-mask on his under eyes. He didn't really like it at first, but after you put off his mask, his face became relaxing and he liked it.
Both of you tend to go to your shared bedroom first than Genya, because he still wanted to watch TV.
"Sanemi, you haven't sleep yet?"
When you about to pulled your blanket, you saw him with his anti-radiation eyeglasses, still facing his laptop.
"No. Go first." Your eyes are settled at his cup
"Stop the caffeine, I'll make you tea."
You get up and go to the kitchen. You found Genya asleep on the couch.
You turned off the TV and woke Genya from his sleep, telling him to move to his room.
You came back to your room with two cups of Darjeeling tea and some cookies, putting the tray beside him
You opened a novel book and put your head on his shoulder
You didn't say anything but humming a slow song beside him.
And sometimes, if he knew the song, he will hum together with you.
You stayed with him until he finished, no matter how much hours he spended on his works.
"It's strange."
Both of you now under the blanket, intertwined your fingers and facing each other
"What is it?"
"I never dream of living with wife before, I always thought I'll just live with Genya, and being single for the rest of my life."
You chuckled. "Me too, never thought someone really picked me up because I'm a potato."
"Dummy." He kissed your forehead and nuzzled his nose on your neck.
"Sweet dreams."
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optionalmandatory · 3 years
I have a nice memory from my first time here of counting the public transit options available from the street corner I happened to be standing on: S-Bahn (mostly overground rail), U-Bahn (mostly underground rail), tram (on the street rail), bus (railfree), all right here for my delectation. Some form of transit seemed to touch every street corner. And now of course there’s more, low-cost rental bikes, kind of terrifying but fun-looking electric push scooters (usually being used by two teenagers at a time), and even the occasional full-on motorscooter, all scattered around wherever people have happened to have left them, unlockable with an app. In all, a quite amazing, first rate transit system. (You know it’s amazing because a Berliner told me very seriously that the East and West public transit systems developed separately and not in an integrated fashion, and this is why public transit is so hopelessly inadequate in Berlin. This riff definitely fits what I understand to be a proud Berliner reputation for dissatisfaction.)
For this amazing transit situation, the authorities also give you the opportunity to buy a year-long pass at a discounted rate, allowing you to spend your days hopping from one form of transit to another—even including the regional trains, which stop at some S-Bahn stations—which is about as delectable way to spend a day as there is. You can purchase such a pass either through an extremely complicated-looking form that you fill out by hand and take to a transit office (available in select S-Bahn stations), or by answering a series of fairly straightforward-feeling questions online and then paying with a quick, easy direct transfer from your bank.
Of course, a year-long pass must start on the first day of a month. (It would of course be absurd to have a year-long pass that started at some random point in the month, such as the day you happen to have gotten around to buying a year-long pass.) So if you happen to get around to buying your year-long pass on July 6th, the pass will start on August 1st. That’s just the way it is.
At the same time, it seems a shame to make you wait for your transit-hopping days. So, having plugged all your information into the series of relatively simple online screens, you can take the resulting receipt number and go in person to a transit office (available in select S-Bahn stations) and wait in a seemingly interminable line to talk to the person at the desk about getting your Startkahrte, an interim card that basically extends your year-long pass backwards to the random point in the month at which you’ve gotten around to it. It’s very convenient, in a slightly inconvenient kind of way.
The line turns out to be less interminable than it seems when the nice man behind us informs us that the interminable part is just for people who have business with the national train part of the office; the city transit part is handled by one man at the desk with the big S, invisible from outside the office where everyone is queuing with their masks. So we go to the man and present him with our receipt numbers and our passports, because although the transit pass is transferrable and not actually tied to our identities in any way, it definitely requires a passport.
Looking at our information on his computer screen, the man prints out documents relevant to the matter and then starts writing on them by hand. Because even though our information is already entered into the online system, a number of things need to be writte out by hand. He flips through our passports. What’s this? Where’s your apartment registration? Where’s your residence permit?
We start to expalin (appointments forthcoming!), but he’s impatient. He interrupts. What am I supposed to do with this? – Indicating the details page of the passport – Do you have an address? Where would we send the cards?
We need to convince him that even though we don’t have a registration, we will use the card, which we’ve already paid for, and that we do have an address, which we’ve already entered into the online system, and which he can presumably see on the screen in front of him. I have the address ready in my mouth and spit it out with a smile. He looks at me, looks at the uninformative and inadequate passport, and gives a little shrug. Apparently the registration in the passport is mandatory, but it’s optional mandatory.
We sign and pay and receive each a card, a piece of paper the size of a movie ticket, but on thinner paper that could easily get crumpled or washed out by the rain or flushed down a toilet. Have a nice day! We walk out. It seems another couple have been waiting a while for the city transit service desk and as the man walks past us into the office, the woman stands there and shouts Finally! Finally! not at us exactly but in our general direction, because of course the fact that there is one person employed here to deal with intra-city issues means that our doing our business gets in the way of her doing hers, and since she’s certainly not going to yell at the man at the desk about it—he might decide that something is mandatory mandatory—she might as well yet at us. To me it feels somehow very Soviet.
And then I go and hop on an S-Bahn, then on a tram—each there within a couple of minutes—to get dropped practically right to my door. It’s an honor system, no turnstyles, just a ticket-checker who pops up out of the blue in a bedraggeld t-shirt every once in a long while for a spot check, so you can really just hop on. And now I can hop on and off all day long, with my little toilet-bowl-ready movie ticket in my bag.
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metaldragoon · 4 years
2020 wasn’t that bad of a year for me.  I had to make a couple sacrifices; no basketball and no swimming, but otherwise my life was pretty un-disturbed.  I wasn’t able to visit my family but I don’t even have a good relationship with them so “missing holidays” with them also meant “not having extreme anxiety about not being a disappointment.”  I like going out to eat at restaurants and obviously couldn’t do that either, but it also meant “you have a lot of money saved up now.”  So I don’t even consider either of those negatives.  Swimming is a bummer though, I had a bit of an ambition to start triathlon training and I really suck at swimming.  My goal was 750m in 10 minutes, but it was a struggle to even swim 750m a day and it’d take me about 20 minutes.  I think I was down to like 17 or 18 minutes when the pool closed down but I still had a long, long way to go.  My best friend is a lifeguard and he said 10 minutes isn’t that hard, and while he’s obviously a little detached from what a normal swimming time is for an untrained swimmer, I was mind-blown by him doing 50m in 25 seconds with literally never trying to time himself once in his life.  750m 10 minutes is also the minimum requirement to be a lifeguard where he works he said, so that’s why I made it my goal.  But that will take a little while longer before I can ever get back in to it.  Transitioning to the subject of basketball, I used to play quite a lot in my youth and as a 6′5″ guy with some good athleticism you know I don’t need any sort of skill to still be good.  But having the knees of an 80 year old make it an issue with basketball being like the most loading-all-your-weight-directly-in-to-your-knees sport in the world.  I believe it was around 2014 when I stopped playing in leagues and this year I was planning on reuniting with my old high school friends to enter some tournaments this year and terrorize northern BC and AB.  I’m not as explosive any more so I was hoping to hit the gym and work on my outside shot ‘cause I at least know I will always be a good defender with my size and intelligence, and I went to one single pick up game this year, the same night Rudy Gobert tested positive for COVID.  It went okay, I had 0 stamina and even trying to rebound a basketball felt awkward much less lining up a jump shot, and then the guys I met up with were like “okay that’s the last game of the year” and I haven’t been able to ball since.   But there was a decent amount of positives.  I rolled through year 3 of my marriage and I think it’s going pretty swimmingly.  No children yet though I’d still like some, but every year I kind of keep thinking “wow I’m so much more knowledgeable and in a more stable position in my life, thank god I didn’t introduce a child in to my previous environment.”  Not that I’m a toxic shithead where no child can thrive, but I just think the more I wait the more super-father I can become.  It’s always been like a life ambition to be a parent for me, like it felt important that my life is incomplete if I’m not able to do this and a lot of that also meant procreating and y’know, my child being a tall white quarter scottish/norweigan infant, but I’ve definitely been coming around to adoption and now don’t really care about having a child who has the same genetic information as me.  I guess that’s all I have to say for now, wife and I are still discussing it and I’m sure it’ll be a few years, but, just a change of perspective I’ve had. I hopped back on to my Tetris grind recently as I’ve had four weeks off of holidays all packed in to the end of the year, I think it’ll be a trend that continues, but I don’t know for sure or anything.  I made sort of a break through in controls that helped optimize my play a lot, and just last week I was able to get PBs in APM and 20/40/1000 line sprints from about a year and a half ago, so I’ve already adjusted to the changes that took me a while to get used to.  My 20 and 40 line times are 30.626 and 60.708 seconds which is a little frustrating how close I am to clearing those rounded number milestones, but that’s a goal for 2021 I suppose.  I could probably break them right now but just haven’t gotten lucky.  I question if my fingers can really get any faster though, I think hand speed is a hard thing to develop as an old man, but world record is almost 4x faster so at the same time it’s a little foolish of me to think I’m near any sort of physical limit. My other last tangible success is running.  I haven’t run since mid November because of winter in Edmonton ain’t worth it to me, I literally took all my holidays in winter simply for the sake of not having to drive to work as often.  But yeah, I was definitely in the best running shape of my life.  I’d been tracking my PRs all year, I’ll just quickly list them 100m: 13.8 200m: 33.3 400m: 1:08 800m - 2:48 1000m - 3:31 1 mile - 6:19 2 mile - 13:23 5K - 21:12 10K - 43:36 15K - 1:13:58 10 mile - 1:19:29 20K - 1:38:54 Half Marathon - 1:44:04 A lot of these I didn’t particularly work on setting, they just happened to get recorded by my watch while I was running longer distances.  I’m not a sprinter at all as my times clearly indicate, I think anything under 1KM times are all pretty accomplishable by anyone who wants to work on them.  I used to be run low 12 for 100m but I think I’m too old for that these days, the 200m was literally the first time I ever ran it, I just was never interested back when I was in track as a kid, 400m is kind of disappointing too because I was running 1:21 when I was 10 years old and I’ve only managed to shave 13 seconds off.  800 was just on the way to some other run so I don’t even really count it as a time, I think I could have definitely been 2:35 if I tried.  3:31 for the 1KM I did once to try and pace my friend for 3:45 and then I sprinted the last 200m so I coulda been quicker there, 1 mile I never attempted to run but I really wanted to get sub 6 minutes, I think I could but I’m not sure why I never attempted to run one.  2 mile is something I actually did run a lot, my neighbourhood is 2.5 KM, 3.2 KM is 2 miles, so I would quite often run it in the morning.  My ultimate goal for a pace is 4:12/KM so once I hit that with my 2 mile run (4:10/KM pace) I didn’t push it further.  5KM and 10KM were both done on track where I actually spent the few surrounding days prepping for my run and are the two I’m proudest of, particularly the 10 KM, and the longer distances were all just set while I was trying to run a half marathon.  My goal is an hour and a half for the half marathon, so while 14 minutes doesn’t seem extremely far it still is quite tough for me, I need to shave 45 seconds every KM 21 times in a row.  I signed up for my first half marathon since 2014 for September 2021.  My official PB is only 1:51 so I’m already better than I ever was, but I hope to train all year to shave off that last 14 minutes.  My tangible improvement on a weekly basis with running was pretty comforting for my mental health.  29 has always been the age of physical peak for men, everything beyond is a decline until the end, but I never really felt plateaued throughout this year.  I ran over 1200 KM last year, the last half of the year I was going for 50KM a week which I’m hoping to keep up again this year while also pushing even further as long as my body can hold up.  I still get a lot of stingy injuries that cause me to miss a couple days here or there, but for the most part it went pretty well.   Uh, I don’t even know what the point of writing all this was I guess.  Just wanted to share that I continued to progress in life, which I guess is the only purpose I have in life, continue to better my life, and I can definitely say I’m better now than I was a year ago, and looking forward to continue an upward trajectory for 2021.  Happy New Years.
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kaylathekittykat225 · 5 years
Mama Drake // Tim Drake!Robin x Reader
Warning/s: Um...angst? Sorta? I don’t know
Word Count: 3,385
Back again, oh yeah, you know, writing this kinda stuff before a paper that I need to write, if we just pretend the paper doesn’t exist, I don’t have to write it, right? By the way, your last name in this will be Buteo, which is the Genus name for the Red-Tailed Hawk, just and FYI. 
Here’s my Masterlist.
You know, working with the Young Justice team was awesome: the training helped you in great leaps and bounds that especially with your training under Hawk Girl, your social life grew faster and stronger around the team than the people you knew as Y/N and you felt pretty cool running around with the alias Red-Tail.
But working with the Young Justice League was not so great. At least, Batman's sidekick wasn't so great.
Every move you made, he criticized you.
You jumped in front of a bullet for him, he'd yell at you.
You sweat a little less than he does, he'd scream at you.
You ate the wrong kind of cereal, he'd flip. Yeah that one happened before.
What the heck did you even do?! Every time you asked Hawk Girl, she always gave you some convoluted beating around the bush.
Right now you were just sitting happily on the kitchen counter in the base, this place being your home when Hawk Girl dropped you off to live here. You sat with a bowl of frosted flacks held in the center of your crossed legs, your eyes watching a fly fly around the kitchen, landing on random places and then flying off again.
A huge crash came from the main room, the fly jolting away to another room in the compound and you leaning over your bowl to see down the hallway.
"Get back here!" Nightwing's voice shouted down the hallway, his almost silent footsteps to your ears matched another pair at a much quicker pace.
"Wallace?" The younger flash had been a quick one to introduce himself when you first joined the team before he retired.
"Red-Tail! Grab him!" Hopping off the counter, you stepped into the doorway of the kitchen and looked down the hallway, not knowing what to expect until you were sliding backwards across the floor.
"Whoa! That was totally crash!" You finally caught a glimpse of the white and red blob that had run you over. His brown hair looked almost as red as Wally's, that is, it looked like a dog tried styling his hair with his tongue, shooting in twenty different directions. A yellow visor was slipped over his wide eyes, but they didn't block the surprise at seeing you.
"Yes, you did totally crash into me." It took some getting used to when you finally came here to understand everyone's slang, Nightwing was the worst, half of his words did were cut up ones of other words you barely knew already.
His face split into a happy grin, quickly standing up and using his speed to pull you up just as fast. "No, crash means...wait, Mama Dr-" His eyes widened and the next thing to you knew, you were back on your butt with a bleeding nose.
"Ow!" You screeched in pain, your cry causing the people in the room to recoil in pain.
"What have we said about you using that!" Robin's obviously annoyed voice screamed at you, his voice higher than normal, making it obvious he couldn't really hear himself speak with his pained ears.
As much as you wanted to shout back at him, you didn't.
You just didn't.
"Robin, Red-Tail, quit your bickering." You pinched your nose tightly as you looked over to Nightwing, he was holding onto the rouge speedster by the scruff of his uniform like a puppy.
"Here, Bart, you must have worked up a thirst coming from the future like that." You and Beast Boy looked away from the speedster to see your leader walking into a room with a glass of water in his hand.
Garfield, whom wasn't the brightest grape on the vine introduced himself to you by name the first time you met him, was helping you clean up the blood that was still dripping from your bruised nose.
And Robin had yet to apologize for smacking you in the face with his Bo Staff. But you couldn't really complain because he did manage to shut off the electrical current in the staff before it struck you.
"Oh, well thanks." The speedster, who you now knew was named Bartholomew Allen, similar to Garfield, wouldn't shut up about being Barry Allen's grandson, who was the Flash, another person you now knew the identity of. Give him five more minutes and you'll know who Batman was, and no one knew who he was.
As he was downing the water, his eyes opened once again quickly as he smiled cheekily up at Nightwing, who looked concerned by the speedster's smile. "Oh, I get it. DNA sample. And you need my spit." He then promptly spits back into the cup. "Ha, that is such a Dick Grayson move."
Robin next to you instantly tensed up and looked over to his mentor, the white lenses of his mask were wide with surprise. "How did--"
"See, I know stuff only a future boy would know! Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Garfield Logan," Bart paused and looked at you before he smiled even wider, almost happy to see you. "And Y/N Buteo, although it's been a long time since you've used that name!" Bart's voice sped by and quieted down before he could go on about you.
"Your name is Tim? And yours is...Dick?" Garfield almost cringed next to you as he said Nightwing's name.
"Opps, spoilers." Bart turned his head away, muttering to himself, "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you all in your fighting prime, now if you'll excuse me, buh bye!" He stood up with wave, his hands and feet now free of the hand restraints and sped over to you. "Bye Mama Drake! Love you!"
Your mouth dropped open, staring down at him with wide eyes, "Wh-what!" But he left the compound before you could ask him further.
Robin and Nightwing turned to the computer and began chattering about how to catch him, and calling up someone, leaving you in your own world.
Mama Drake??
You're not a duck, you were a Hawk, obviously since your mom was...
Looking over at Robin, you were replaying what Bart said over and over in your head.
Garfield Logan. You knew that one already.
Dick Grayson, name probably derived from Richard, but that's nothing clicking in your mind.
Tim...probably Timothy, but his last name, Timothy Dra...Drake.
If your mouth could drop any lower, it did.
You could feel the cereal slowly rising up your throat. "I think I'm going to be sick." Muttering with your hand pressed to your mouth, you ran from the main room and towards your own, running away from the sudden knowledge following you.
Mama Drake.
Mama Drake.
Mama Drake.
Mama, mama means mother figure.
Drake. Bird, duck. Robin's last name.
Tim Drake...
Mama Drake.
Oh gods of the Falcons, help me...
You have been curled up and leaning up against the wall for the past three hours, your hands pulling endlessly at your H/C hair. All that's been going through your mind was what Bart told you.
Wait. What if you were just over thinking this? He couldn't have meant that. Obviously, what were you thinking? What the heck could you be thinking? You were just jumping to assumptions, he seemed to have a fast mouth.
"I will just speak with him! That is what I will do!" Your confidence was wavering, but you still walked into the main compound room, searching for some sign of the newest speedster.
"Red-Tail," And your confidence was gone. You slowly turned to the voice, with a rosy hue running across your cheeks and the base of your neck.
"Ye-yes Robin?" You didn't want to have this conversation for a plethora of reasons, and yet here you were.
"Nightwing wants to see you in the kitchen." He barely looked at you and then turned away to the direction he came from. "Seemed pretty urgent."
After changing your course of direction as well as your confidence, you arrived in the kitchen and met the white lenses of your leader who was leaning up against the metal fridge. "Red-Tail, good to know you're alive. You kinda disappeared on us once Impulse left, thought you mighta gone after him."
"I...I was not feeling well so I returned to my room. But I am feeling much better now." You bowed your head in apology, thinking only of how you need to get to Bart...wherever he was.
"Hmm, well I needed to talk to you about you and Robin." Even hearing his name now made you a blushing mess. "We have a new mission and it's a duo mission. I'm opting for you and Robin to do this, since you seemed to be the most adept in this kind of mission."
"Um...Nightwing, you are a phenomenal leader and all, but...Robin and I do not appear to be very compatible with each other around the compound, much less so on a mission. I just do not want to jeopardize a mission if we do not appear to see eye to eye." The twiddling of your thumbs should have been a dead giveaway that the idea was an uncomfortable one for you.
"I know, Robin's already said basically the same thing, but we need your two levels of expertise in the arena." Sighing, you didn't answer right away, yes, you were going to say yes, but you mulled it over in your head whether this was a good idea. "Red-Tail I need-" Nightwing kept talking but something in your mind had shifted and you felt your body was no longer under your control.
Your mind screamed at you to talk, shout, scream for help, move, but you couldn't.
Your mind was shutting down.
Your body was falling, and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Red-Tail, Red-Tale wake up." Groaning, you slowly opened your eyes to be welcomed into a dark room.
As you looked around the room, you saw that you were not in a room, but somewhere what seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. Continuing to look around you finally saw the head that was hanging over you, "Robin?"
"Bout time you woke up."
"Well good morning to you too, sunshine." You sat up, groaning at the cramping of your stomach, it felt like you had spent ten hours doing only ab workouts. "Where are we?"
Robin shook his head in answer, his focus mostly on his watch that was telling him there was no connection where he was. "I would love to know that too." He grumbled back, throwing his hands in the air to emphasize his distaste for the current situation.
"Last thing I remember was...Nightwing was telling me the two of us were being sent in a mission, is this it?"
"Well why the heck would he send us on a mission is we don't have any clue what the mission is?!"
"Okay okay." You held your hand up in surrender, standing to your feet to try and find something out. "I will fly to see what I can." Large bird of prey wings materialized behind you, and you were then in the air, the large red tipped wings lifted you into the air and high above the ground below with a grumbling Robin.
Looking around in the dark wasn't as good an idea as you had thought, even with your night vision turned on. Before you could see anything, something shot at you. A red ball of light barrelled towards you, giving you enough time to stop it from hitting you directly. What it did hit was your wing.
Pain was everywhere.
Your wing was blackened and singed, the once brown feathers were now gone, showing the tender and raw skin beneath. Falling from the height you were at hurt your back, you were surprised it wasn't broken.
"Red-Tail!" A voice called out to you as you shakily stood up, their slippery footsteps to your right confirmed their movement towards you. "What happened up there?"
Robin began looking at your wing, his cool glove feeling both painful and soothing when he touched you. "I do not know, something shot me down before I could see anything."
Slowly and very painfully you pulled your wings flush to your back and they morphed back into the sleeves of your jacket where they hid during when your wings weren't needed. "Well I guess that confirms that we aren't alone here."
Nodding, you followed next to him as they walked forward, the both of you holding onto hope that there was a way out if this.
"Okay, next time Nightwing tells us we are going on a duo mission, just at no!" You were yelling at Robin while the two of you fought off wave after wave of oncoming clones.
The sun hadn't even risen and the two of you were as food as dead. The one thing, ONE thing you've been above to say you found out about this place is that there were clones of the Justice League everywhere you turned. You knew they were clones the minute you stabbed Superman's arm and circuits and wires crackled beneath the fake skin.
"I've taken down at least 3 Batmans so far, he would be proud of me." You heard Robin groan behind you, and you couldn't stop the chuckle slipping past your lips.
For a second you turned your eyes to look at him, seeing him masterfully fighting off a Wonder Woman and Green Lantern at the same time, while you had both Hawk Girl and Hawk Man on your tail.
You had tried many times to before to try reasoning with the clones, but they had no sense of who you were. They fought you as though the fate of the world depended on it. "We really need to ask Nightwing what kind of a mission he thought this was!"
"I second that! We deserve a raise or something!" You shouted back, grunting at the mace brushing your fore arm.
"I say burgers! I know a place!"
"It's a date!" A smile pulled at your lips at the thought of you calling it a date, Bart's words ringing one more time.
Mama Drake.
"Hey, Tim, I have to tell-" A sharp pain stopped your words, your ears slowly began to ring.
Dark eyes stared you down, the eyes of your mentor and best friend, Hawk Girl, a snarl present on her lips.
"No!" Another sharp pain sliced through your abdomen again, the slicing of your stomach the only prominent noise as she pulled a sword out of you. Where did the sword come from?
Your body began to sway back and forth before you feel down, your knees collapsing as you fell to meet the sand below. Warm arms pulled you close to an equally warm and slightly sweaty body before you could touch the ground.
"No, Red-Tail." Robin's voice was unusually soft towards you, it's been growing softer of the past few hours the two of you had been isolated together. "You're gonna be...wow that's really bad."
You chuckled at the young teenager's excuse at trying to comfort you, his own horror setting in before he could finish his thought. "Finish the mission, Tim." Your voice was hoarse as you said his name, glad you got to know the other half of the emotionless Robin, even if it was but his name.
"Not without you, Hawk Girl will kill me if I let you due."
"Looks like she got to me first." Your eyes grew heavy as your breathing shortened and quickened under the stress if your body.
"Hey, hey stay with me."
"Tim, turn arou-" Your voice gave out before you could tell Tim to fight off the Wonder Woman behind him, your eyes shutting down and your mind going dark.
Air suddenly filled your lungs and you sat up chocking on the influx of oxygen. "She's awake." A familiar motherly voice filled your ears before gentle hands found their way to your cheeks.
Looking up, you met familiar dark eyes as the eyes that had moments who sent a knife through your stomach. A frightened screech left your mouth, you were confused and scared as you scooted yourself away from your mentor, her warm hands leaving your face.
"Y/N, it's me." Her voice. The ones that belonged to the person who killed you.
But you weren't dead.
You were perfectly fine. It all was just...just a dream?
Slowly you looked up to the winged woman you know as your mentor and mother figure, your eyes finally met hers. This Hawk Girl was your Hawk Girl. "H-Hawk Girl?"
"It's me, Y/N. It's me." You released a shaky breath and rubbed your face harshly with your hands.
"How did...what just..."
"Y/N!" A third voice cried out, drawing you to notice that you weren't alone. Batman, Nightwing and M'gann were all crowded around a second metal table with a struggling Robin. "Where's Y/N?!"
"Tim." Whispering you slid your legs over the edge of the metal table and stepping over to the table. "Tim." You spoke with much more fervour and volume, your steps slow as you approached the other table.
"Y/N!" Tim met you in the middle, pulling your body close to his own. "I thought you were...I saw you...you were dead!" You tried pulling yourself away from him, but he wouldn't let go. He had you right where he needed you to be.
"Robin, Red-Tail. You need to know." M'gann floated to the two of you, you moved your head to see her, but your grip never loosened on the boy in your arms. "Nightwing, your mentors and I all agreed that you two needed to undergo one of the team training mind simulations. We just...I didn't think it would affect either of you. Robin...you...wait where are you two going?" Robin pulled you from the room, M'gann and the others calling behind you.
"Robin," Your voice meek as you watch him gently tug you behind him, leading you to a quieter part of the compound.
Once he pushed the door closed behind him, Tim turned back around and stared at you, or at least you think he was staring. He stared at you for a few seconds more before he pulled you close to him again, hugging you even tighter than when you last hugged him.
"I thought I lost you." He murmured into your hair, his fingers pulling through your H/C hair. You pulled away from where you kept your face hidden in his shoulder to stare up at him.
"Why...why are you being so nice to me?" You questioned his sudden change in demeanor, especially in such a short time. "I...I guess I don't mind? But really, why?"
"Honestly, it was watching you get shot out of the sky. I saw you falling and I just...something clicked. I don't know what it was, but I feel...so different." A shiver ran down your back as his hands moved to rest under your chin, gently tilting your head upwards, allowing him to see your face fully. "And watching you die...I snapped."
You didn't let him finish before you raised your height ever so slightly on your tiptoes to kiss him.
Tim kissed you back as soon as you began it, swiping his finger across your jaw. You left your arms around his waist, hooking your hands together as if to tether the two of you close. He said he was afraid of letting you go, but you couldn't stop the ache in your chest when you watch Winder Woman attack him from behind.
Pulling back, you hummed happily before smiling up at him. "You remember Bartholomew from this morning?"
He chuckled at your question, twirling a piece of hair around his finger, "Of course I do, he caused a heck of a lot of trouble over in Central City."
"Well, when he got loose he um...he said something to me. He told me as he was rushing out, 'Love you, Mama Drake'." Tim's eyes seemed to shrink as he mulled the words, either thinking of thanking or murdering the brunette speedster.
"As in..." Your smile was answer enough, "Well then, I'm glad the troublemaker showed up." The two of you started laughing before Tim leaned down again to capture your lips
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