#i need to remember to change my ''(oc) name'' formula back to just my ocs names plain and simple
pulsedemonremastered · 4 months
found the root of my artblock (& killed it with post-its &a good ol #2 pencil)
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ft. @ittybittybumblebee 's new guy (its super fun to draw)
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colie-nne · 11 months
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pairings: formula 1 grid x fem driver!oc
warnings: none
a/n: sorry for being inactive, the hunt for a new apt isn't going well. should've done this weeks ago, but i'm back at it with another part of my driver series hope you like this as much as my other ones!!😌
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“Lando!” Valentina screams his name for the second time since her stream had started.
Rushed steps are heard from the hallway leading to her room, “What is it?” He asks, hair disheveled making it clear to the viewers he just got up from where ever he was just a minute ago.
“There you are, well if you’ve been answering your phone in the past minute you should know what I was asking for,” she grumble before pulling Lando by the shirt.
“You’re streaming?” Asking as he takes in her current desk set up. “Yup, I mean a cancelled race wasn’t on my to-do list today so why not make an appearance, yeah?” Val answers before showing her phone to him.
Giving her a confused look, he takes the phone only for him to stand there silent. “What am I supposed to do with this?” Lando gesturing to the app shown on screen. “And why the hell are you sitting like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to jump off of the chair.”
“Ok ok, first of all, I was cross sitting for quite a while before you came in,” she said as a matter of factly before sitting up properly. “And last of all, I need your help for the address.”
Holding back a laugh, “You need help with what?.”
“No, don’t laugh. I forgot ok, it’s too much for me to be able to remember that shit,” reasoning out, she looks up at him, who by the way is clearly entertained.
“Valentina, you’ve been living here for about two years now and you still don’t know the address?” His tone changes into a somewhat disapproving yet shocked one.
“Yeah but it’s not like I write my address all the time.”
User why is forgetting their address a very Val thing to do User my favorite pair is back!!! User  now we know why lando has to pick val up from literally everywhere.
After the subtle confession, the room turned silent. The two drivers staring at each others expression, one who’s clearly entertained while one is quite the opposite.
Val slowly points her finger to Lando, as if threatening him would stop the high pitched laugh that’s now escaping his mouth. Covering the lower half of his face he slowly tumbles out of frame. 
“Lando, come on. I need it now, like asap, right now, like immediately,” she said pulling him back before making him sit on the bean bag next to her.
“Fine, fine. But you’re still not pardon you shrimp.”
“Shrimp my ass, your comebacks are the reason you haven’t gone through puberty yet” she says pushing his face to the side as he began typing on the phone. Looking back to her screen, she read a few comments from her viewers.
“Hello chat! Sorry for the wait, I was having some difficulty a while ago. That is if you just came in and you don’t know.” Waving to the camera before leaning in closer to the camera.
Lando’s ass subscribed
Her laugh rung out suddenly, making Lando flinch beside her, “What the hell, mate.”
She leans back on her chair before pointing at the latest subscription, “Landoooo” exaggerating, “I didn’t know your flat ass liked me that much.”
“Mate, none of me likes your bottom.” He teases her before passing back the phone.
“Oh, thank you!” She says softly, before reaching out for something behind her.
“You’re good,” he whispers back. Focusing on the stream who’s now screaming out his name in the chat.
User LANDOOOOOOOO User What does Valentina think of the beard User ARGENTINA SAYS HI User I LOVE YOUR MIAMI HELMET
“Hey, someone asking what you think of my lovely beard,” he touches the hair on his chin as soon as she turns to look.
“ I mean it isn’t that bad, it-“
“Bad? You just told me it looks good a couple hours ago,” Lando places his hand on top of her head, forcing her attention to him.
Huffing out a breathe she turns her head to read some messages before turning back to him. Reaching up to poke his chin, Val pulls some of the hair before smirking.
“What I mean, is that it isn’t that bad for someone who’s just starting puberty. It honestly looks like you have a scruffy little thing on your chin. Don’t you agree chat?” She grins to the camera, happy that some in the chat agrees with her.
User Yeah User it looks fine, honestly User lando growing facial hair was not on my ’23 bucket list but I’ll take it User I like vali’s way of thinking, it feels like I’ll have hundreds of ideas to share everyday
“Oi! do you know what else it looks like?” Mischievously she gesture him to come closer. The brit slowly tilts his head in order for her to whisper it to him. Widening his eyes he shakes his head in disbelief as Val once again falls back on her chair, laughing her ass off.
“Mate! No, you little!” he grabs her by the shoulder before jokingly putting her in a headlock. Val, who’s still having a laughing fit was now resting her head on his shoulder as she tries to escape his grip. Even though it was light, she can’t seem to move.
The chat goes crazy in curiosity about what their one and only favorite female driver had said that made Lando man-handle her. Knowing that their banter would take sometime before it tames down, all they can do is watch as the scene unfolds in front of them, like usual.
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oneweek-mkg · 5 months
“Hello, to all of those listening to this. My name is unimportant, and what is lies in what it is that I do. One week ago today, the world was met with a flurry…of cards.“ 
“Every man, woman, non-binary individual, and seemingly sentient soul upon this earth was given what we’ve elected to refer to as ‘Tarrow Cards’, with a title on the front and a single word on its back.”
“Regardless of age, your card appears to have given you a new fascinating ability, most of which the world has never seen before. The world is changing quickly, it seems. No matter your belief on the state of the world before that day, it is now impossible to deny the supernatural state of this landscape we all live within.”
“Over the past ten years, you’ve likely read about the experimental city being built over international waters in the Atlantic Ocean. In this past week, due to the abilities of certain individuals involved, we’re able to now announce the opening of said city, in one month’s time.“ 
“We will require no passports, and no qualifications for citizenship. We have food, shelter, optional employment, and anything else you may wish to find.”
“I’ve been studying these cards, and the changes humanity has gone through very carefully. And I can state now, without a shadow of a doubt…this is a change for the better.”
An announcement that all throughout the world heard. Through the radio, through the papers. You heard or read it. The world is changing. It’s for the better, then…? 
Followed by an announcement that all throughout the world heard, but none remembered.
The voice echoed throughout the world, seemingly without a source, heard both everywhere and nowhere. Somewhere within all that nowhere, this voice reached a room, lit by a single computer monitor. And in that room, something listened.
One Week: Brand New Life is a discord based 20+ Danganronpa OC roleplay, featuring discord submission trials and an active, plot-relevant deadzone, allowing dead characters to continue to freely interact with the living if they wish. Our cast will be exploring their recently developed powers in an ever expanding city over international waters that you yourself will help define and build. Twenty characters from across the world will get to experience a unique, extended prologue that will cover one year of in-game time, before the actual MKG begins. We aim to bring you a potentially lighter, relaxed environment, both in and out of character; while still being following the typical killing game formula.
The game will feature a flexible 4 to 5 week schedule over 5 chapters, as well as a prologue and endgame, with trials that last several days to accommodate varying timezones and schedules. Our trial system will be submission-based over discord, allowing players to submit their trial posts directly to the server’s trial channel, while still managing a flexible queue. The game will allow for supernatural, alien, robotic, and fantastical characters, as well as normal humans - although no matter your character’s initial status, everyone will be experiencing a new power set, to spread the love! The game will not feature a mistrial system, but will pledge itself into working dutifully with its murder teams to create cases that are both satisfyingly difficult, as well as ultimately solvable, without pushing cast nor killer unnecessarily far.  APPS OPEN / APPS CLOSE 3/10!
About | Hopeful | Hopefuls Discord | Mods | FAQ | Rules | Application
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knives-out20 · 4 years
Magnetic Push - Erik Lehnsherr x Male!OC - Part 1
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Fandom: X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)
Pairing: Karmel Rosenstein (OC) x Erik Lehnsherr
Warnings: Swearing, Spoilers for Days Of Future Past, Magnetic Pull spoilers,
Notes: Hi! Welcome to the sequel of Magnetic Pull, titled ‘Magnetic Push’, it is advised you DO NOT READ this if you have NOT finished Magnetic Pull. But that is an obvious given. Grimm, as you all may remember, is an OC of mine. Enjoy!
Logan and Hank sat in front of Charles' desk in his office.
Charles bent over sluggishly, looking at Logan under a big desk lamp. "So, you're saying...that they took Raven's power, and, what? They weaponized it?"
"Yep." Logan nodded.
"She is unique" Hank commented.
"Yea, she is, Hank" Charles agreed, standing up properly.
"In the beginning, Sentinels were just targeting mutants. Then they began to identify the genetics in non-mutants, who would eventually have mutant children, and grandchildren" Logan explained, watching Charles walk over to sit on a big couch at the side of the room. "Many of the humans tried to help us, but it was a slaughter. Leaving only the worst of humanity in charge. I've been in a lot of wars...I've never seen anything like this. And it all starts with her."
"Now, let's just say that, for the sake of...the sake, that I- I choose to believe you, that I choose to help you, Raven won't listen to me" Charles sighed, smiling sadly. "Her soul belongs to someone else, now. Hers isn't the only one."
"I know" Logan admitted, standing up. "That's why we're gonna need Magneto, too. And Climber."
Hank looked up, as if he hadn't heard those names in ages. "Erik? A-And Karmel? You do know where they are?"
Charles grinned in disbelief, laughing to himself. "Could you give me that one more time, please?" He rhetorically asked.
"You heard me" Logan replied, promptly standing his ground.
Charles continued to laugh as he stood up. "He's where he belongs. Him and Karmel both" he told, facial expression rapidly changing to one of disdain as he passed by Logan.
"Well, that's it? You're just gonna walk out?"
"Ooh, top marks" Charles raised his eyebrows, sassing Logan. "Like I said, you are perceptive" he pointed at Logan, walking backwards towards the staircase.
"The Professor I know would never turn his back on someone who lost their path" Hank noted, watching Charles walk away. "Especially someone he loved."
Charles stopped at the foot of the stairs. He took a step back, then one more before speaking again. "You know...I think I do remember you now" Charles said, walking back over to Logan. "Yea. Tall, angry fellow with the contentious hair. We came to you a long time ago, Erik, Karmel, and I, seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you, what you said to us then..." he leaned in, getting right up in Logan's face. "'Go fuck yourself'."
"Listen to me, you little shit" Logan growled, grabbing Charles' shirt. "I've come a long way, and I've watched a lot of people die. Good people. Friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing, you understand?"
Charles searched Logan's eyes, confused at the audacity this man had.
Logan let go of Charles.
"We all have to die sometime" Charles walked away, for real this time.
"I told you there was no professor here" Hank reminded.
"What the hell happened to him?" Logan asked, turning around.
"He lost everything. Erik, Karmel, Raven, his legs" Hank sighed. "We built the school, the labs, this whole place, then, just after the first semester, the war in Vietnam got worse. Many of the teachers and older students were drafted. It broke him. He retreated into himself, I...I wanted to help, do something, so I designed a serum to treat his spine, derived from the same formula that helps me control my mutation" he shook his head. "I take just enough to keep myself balanced, but...he takes too much. I tried easing him back, as did Grimm, but he just couldn't bear the pain. The voices. Grimm tried countless times to- to help Charles, to slow him down to the dosage I take, but like I said, Charles, he...couldn't be helped."
"Grimm, uh...blue-haired guy, talks to and controls the dead?" Logan arched a brow.
"Yea. Grimm didn't want to waste away trying to help someone who couldn't be helped, so, he broke it off with Charles, and thus, Charles lost him. The treatment gives Charles his legs, but it's not enough. He's...He's just lost too much" Hank concluded.
Charles lay on his bed, eyes shining on the brink of tears. He looked over at his bedside table, specifically at a framed photo of Raven. Charles' chest went up and down with his restrained breathing, thinking back to the first time Raven and him met, as kids. His vision glided over the photo of Raven, to a tie. Not any tie of his own, or Hank's, but...an old friend's tie. 
Karmel's tie. He had forgotten it at the X-Mansion back when he resided in it, and Charles kept it with the underlying hope of seeing Karmel again and returning it to him.
Charles knew how much Karmel's ties meant to him, and why they meant to much to him; all of Karmel's ties belonged to his father. He groaned softy, thinking back to when he first met Karmel.
"Uh, Karmel" Karmel repeated, outstretching his hand, "Karmel Rosenstein."
"Charles Xavier. Friend of Moira's?"
Karmel shrugged.
"Acquaintances, actually? Mutual friend" Charles corrected.
Karmel furrowed his eyebrows. "Yea...How did you- never mind- you?"
"Very recently acquainted. She brought me here to meet you."
Karmel's eyes went wide. "Uh- w-why? Why'd you need to meet me? What's happening? Moira, I- I don't like boys, but it's fine if you do Charles, but I-"
Moira raised a hand, putting back the book she was holding and cutting Karmel short. "I didn't bring Charles here to set him up with you, I know you like girls. I brought him here because I feel that you both have something in common."
"An obvious interest in girls?" Karmel insisted, hands on his hips.
Charles held back a chuckle. He knew Karmel had been locked up in Erik's heart for the past ten years or so- and vice versa. Charles thought that surely, today, Karmel was more embracing of his sexuality than he had been back then, when he used to live in fear of it.
"Karmel, Karmel-" Charles called, putting a hand on Karmel's shoulder. "It's okay."
Karmel slowly dropped his hands, raising an eyebrow. His vine art of Erik grew purple flowers, which bloomed quickly. Karmel's breath hitched at that.
"It's okay now, remember? I know, you know, we both know here. And I'm a hundred percent okay with what I know. As of our quick trip to Russia, so are you. It's okay, you're safe here. You can be who you truly are."
Karmel took slow, deep breaths, nodding. "Yea, I- I just...I guess I'm gonna forget sometimes, that it's okay. But it's hard to forget that on a scale of one to ten, he's a certified twenty. I'm...I love Erik, man."
"Which is okay" Charles cracked a comforting smile. "I'll be around to remind you. It's a slow process."
Charles could still vividly remember the way Karmel's vines looped around the wall of the mansion to form Erik's face, the pure detail of it all- Karmel had Erik's entire being memorized. He moaned in annoyance, getting out of bed and passing right by the tie and framed photo.
Back downstairs, Hank was organizing the study while Logan tried thinking of what to do next.
"I'll help you get her" Charles stood right outside the study. "Not for any of your future shite, but for her."
"Fair enough" Logan quickly replied.
"But I'll tell you this, you don't know Erik, and you definitely don’t know Karmel. No one knows them like they know each other. Karmel follows in Erik’s footsteps, his pain and anger pushing him to go faster and faster. Erik, that man is a monster, a murderer. You think you can convince Raven to change? To come home? That's splendid. But what makes you think you can change him?" Charles scowled.
"Because you and Erik sent me back here, together."
Charles stared deep into Logan's eyes, determined. "And- And what about Karmel, huh?"
"Listen, Professor. What Karmel does or doesn't do in the future isn't important. What's important is that we can change Erik, and that means him, too. Y'just gotta believe me."
"The room they're holding Erik and Karmel in was built during the Second World War, when there was a shortage of steel. So the foundation is pure concrete and sand. No metal. The walls are too thick for Karmel to grow vines out of, and the glass ceiling, he isn't strong enough to break his vines through" Hank described.
"They're being held a hundred floors beneath the most heavily-guarded building on the planet" Charles added, the three men looking over an aerial map of the Pentagon.
"Why are they in there?" Logan inquired.
Charles looked up at Hank, then over at Logan. "What, Erik forgot to mention?" He snickered.
"Uh, JFK" Hank timidly answered.
"...They killed-" Charles cut Logan off.
"What else explains a bullet miraculously curving through the air? At the perfect level from around some trees? Erik's always had a way with guns, and Karmel's always had a way, for the way Erik has a way with guns" Charles chuckled.
"Or just, Karmel's always had a way with Erik" Hank shortened what Charles said, down to its bare minimum.
"Are you sure you want to carry on with this?"
"This is your plan, not mine" Logan reminded.
"We don't have any resources to get us in" Hank complained, Charles chiming in by chirping "or out. It's just me and Hank."
"I knew a guy. Yea, he'd be a young man now. Grew up outside of DC" Logan giggled, shaking his head. "He could get into anywhere, I just don't know how the hell we're gonna find him."
Hank tore his gaze from Logan, to Charles. "Is Cerebro out of the question?" He whispered, Charles silently hanging his head as an answer.
"If only you guys had internet."
Charles looked up at Logan, eyebrows raised in interest.
"What's 'internet'?" Hank furrowed his eyebrows.
Logan sighed, shifting where he stood and turning back down to the map.
"We have a phone book" Hank then suggested.
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
The Walking Dead / Supernatural: A World Changed
Hii so this is gonna be a story about a crossover but also not really a crossover from the walking dead and supernatural.
Summary: Y/N is from Boston and moved to Los Angeles to be a nanny, she’s been doing it for a while now and loves the two, soon to be three, children like they were her own. One day she goes to work and it seems like the world around her is falling apart. People are dying, unbeknownst to her they are coming back to live. She is trying to find a way so she stays alive and the people around her too and she needs help, but she’d rather does it on her own.
This part will talk more about what happened before y/n met the Winchesters. This will tell us why y/n has a hard time trusting people and staying in one place. There will be flashbacks and they are all written in italics.
Characters: Y/N, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Claire Novak, OC Clark Cattaneo, OC Jayden Cattaneo OC Alice Cattaneo,  OC Mark Cattaneo , OC Birdy Cattaneo
Warnings: DEATH, angst, language, violence. I think that is it.
Music: Serpents - Sharon van Etten
Part 6 Serpents
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“We stayed in Wyoming for over a year. The first four months we stayed in the same house. It was really hard to find formula for Jayden. But after about six months things were randomly being left somewhere I could find them. Food, water, clothes and milk. I didn’t touch it at first, but after a while I really needed what ever I could find. And all those supplies kept coming the whole time I was in Wyoming, but I never saw anybody. And then I made the mistake of leaving Wyoming and going to Nebraska.”
Day 562
I had packed all the things we needed. It was time to leave and go on and see where we could go next now. I had found a car a couple of weeks ago and enough gas to get as far as it would take us. 
“Alright guys it’s time to go somewhere else.” I said in a happy tone to Clark and Jayden. “Why do we have to leave?” Clark asked. “Because more monsters are coming and if we leave now we won’t have to see them.” I explained. I was walking Clark and Jayden to the car. Jayden had just learned how to walk, but he still liked to be carried around and just held all the time. We walked to the passenger side of the car. Clark had to sit there. Didn’t exactly have a special seat for the car for him, but there also isn’t any police here anymore to stop me.
“Ok hop in Clark.” I said as I held the door open for Clark. When he was sitting down I buckled his seatbelt. “Where are we going?” Clark asked. It was a good question. For now the plan was just going away, because I started coming across more and more dead. “I don’t know Clark. Where do you wanna go?” I asked wondering if he had a plan for me. “I wanna go to where the pyramids are or, or the Eiffel tower.” He said almost jumping up and down in his seat. I had shown him pictures in books about those places, he loved looking at them. “Well, that’s all very far away and we can’t really get there. How about something a little closer. Likee.. Boston? That’s where I’m from. Or the White house where the president used to live.. Maybe Nashville, Chicago??”  I wondered out loud. “Oh oh! I wanna go to the president. Aaandd then we go to Boston!!” Clark said really excited. I mean maybe we could if it was still there. I wonder if the president is still there or if he’s in some kind of bunker. Maybe he’s just dead. wouldn’t be surprised, because he kinda sucked. “We can go to the White House and then we’ll go to Boston.” Clark smiled at that. “Maybe we can also go to all those other place.” He stated. “Maybe.” I would love to go, but they’re so little it would be so dangerous. Maybe some day.
I closed his door and walked to the driver side with Jayden on my lap. Not very safe, but no police.
We just got into Nebraska and took a stop next to the side of the road. Jayden was sleeping against my chest and Clark was sleeping against the door. This world was tiring. I made sure the doors were locked and then I went to sleep as well.
Day 563
It was early in the morning. One thing I hated about Summer was that the sun would come up so early. Yawning and stretching I looked at Jayden who was also slowly waking up. Can’t say I slept comfortably because it was in a car and because Jayden was laying on me the whole time. “Mamma.” He said with a smile. And I smiled back. “Good morning buddy.” I said. Clark was still sound asleep, he was the best sleeper I’ve ever met. Then I looked out of the front window and saw supplies. “What the..” I looked around to see if there was anybody there, but I didn’t see anybody. I stepped out of the car and looked at the supplies. It was the same few things I had been getting for the past few months, but this time there was a note. 
‘I’ve been leaving supplies for you for a while now, now I see you finally decided to leave. Me and my family live on a farm five miles ahead in a big white house and on the other side there is a big red shed. If you’re looking for a new place to stay, you’re welcome to come.
By reading this my guess is that he had been following us. Maybe. I don’t know what to think. I don’t know if I can trust him. He has been giving me all these supplies for no reason all this time. But he never showed himself and now he is inviting me to go to his farm? It might be good to live with other people again after all this time. Maybe I’m just being skeptical, because I’ve been on my own this whole time. I think I should go.. safety in numbers.
So there we went. the five miles to meet this Johnny and his family.
It really wasn’t hard to miss the farm. the shed was enormous. I slowed the car down to see if I saw any people. And there where two men working on the farm. One older man who looked to be on the heavier side and a younger man, maybe his son?
Then I saw another guy waving at me. “Who is he?” Clarks asked and looked at me. “I think that’s Johnny.” I said. I stopped the car. I wasn’t really sure what to do, this was all very strange. I hoped for the best and stepped out while holding Jayden. “Hi there! I’m Johnny, I left you all those supplies for the last couple of moths.” Johnny said happily. He was not very old, he looked like he was about my age. “I uh- Thank you. But why did you leave all those supplies?” I looked around a older lady was walking up to us. “I thought you needed the extra help. Supplies are hard to come by these days.” I nodded at that. “Oh this is my mom Nancy over there you have my dad John and my little brother Rob. What’s you’re name?” “Y/n.” I said, something wasn’t sitting right with me but I couldn’t put my finger on what. The woman, Nancy, was smiling at me. Maybe it was her smile. It made me feel uneasy, it almost looked like there was no emotion behind it and it felt very forced. “Are you planning on staying dear? We have more than enough food and an extra room for you.” She said. “Uhm- I..” I looked at the car to see Clark he looked questionably, he didn’t know what was going on. I decided to ignore whatever feeling I had against this and say. “ Yes we would love to stay.” I said while smiling, but my smile was forced as well.
In the evening we were all sitting together for dinner. I had met John and Rob. They seemed nice enough, a little strange, but nice. It might have also been a while since they have seen other people besides their family, so who am I to judge, right? “It’s great seeing little kids again. Can’t remember when these two where that small and did all the idiotic things. Well they still do idiotic things from time to time.” John said looking at Clark and Jayden. I just laughed awkwardly. “Dad.” Johnny said quietly staring daggers at him. “It’s alright.” I said not really knowing what to say.
“Alrighty dinner can be served.” Nancy said while putting the food down on the table, ready to be served. “We got some potatoes, broccoli and ground pork. Here give me your plate.” Nancy held her hand out. I gave her my plate and then Clark and Jaydens’ plate. After that everybody took their share. It looked like so much food. where do they get all of this from? “Thank you for opening up your home for us.” I said to everybody at the table. They all smiled. I still felt a little uncomfortable, but again I decided to push it aside. And started eating. The pork looked kinda strange, like not what it was supposed to look like. But then again you can’t really buy it like you used to be able to. I looked at Clark, he seemed to like it. Jayden not so much, but he also never had any kind of meat before, so that’s not surprising. I decided to take a bit of the pork. It didn’t taste like what I remember and I couldn’t place what else it would taste like. “It’s good, right?” Rob said with a smile. I just nodded my head awkwardly. And to be polite I took a few more bites, but it was awful. 
After dinner Johnny showed me the room where Clark Jayden and I would be sleeping. It was on the second floor next to the stairs. It looked cozy.. and old. Curtains were covered in flowers, so were the blankets and pillows. All furniture was a light wooden color. It looked like this was a room for a grandma.
“It’s not great, but.. it’s a room.” Johnny laughed awkwardly. “It’s more than enough.” I smiled at him. I was grateful that I would have a normal night to sleep somewhere. “We got the stuff from your car and put it in here. Then your weapons we put in a closet next to the kitchen downstairs. We don’t like to hold weapons when were inside. I gotta ask... Where did you get a machine gun from?” He asked, he looked kinda impressed and he was giving me a smirk. “Uhm I guess I got lucky. I just found it, had to keep it.” Giving him a awkward answer. I suck at lying. What would he say if I said I killed another person and then got it. But I couldn’t tell him the truth. “Real lucky.” He stated and smirked again. “Well if you need anything, just give a yell. we’ll all be right here.” He said and then bid me goodnight. 
It was time to put Clark and Jayden down for night. They both fell asleep pretty quickly. But Clark kept saying that his belly hurt. Mine too if I’m being honest. Maybe it was the food or just the people. I didn’t trust them yet.
Before I went to bed I decided to lock the door, so if they were thinking of doing something, I’d know.
I woke up in the middle of the night with a bad stomach ache and I felt my food coming up. I quickly got out of bed and saw a trash can and threw up. Maybe it was because I hadn’t had meat in such a long time. I stood up and looked at Clark and Jayden who were still sound asleep on the bed. I wished so badly that they didn’t have to live this life. When they’re dreaming I always hope that there are no worries for them, just peacefulness. I sighed and got back in bed quietly to not wake them up and tried to go back to sleep. 
Day 571
We’ve been here over a week now. They have been so welcoming and open. I just needed time to get used to them I guess. They were all so happy to have Clark and Jayden around, only Rob couldn’t be bothered by them or me. 
Clark was playing catch with me outside, while Jayden was just walking around exploring. Since we’ve been here I haven’t seen any dead ones, which is great. It made me feel safe. Everybody else was doing some work. Nancy was always making food or cleaning and refused to have me help her. Rob was always practicing shooting, but did it far away enough to not attract any of the dead. And John and Johnny were working in the shed.
Jayden was going towards the shed when Johnny came out. He picked him up and walked towards me. “It might be a good idea to stay away from the shed. There are a lot of sharp things in there like knifes and other types of equipment, because we get the pigs ready there. Wouldn’t want any of you getting in there and hurting yourself.” He said with a smile.  And I nodded in understanding. “You guys playing catch? Can I join?” Johnny asked. “YESS!” Clark said in excitement. He really liked Johnny and really looked up to him. I appreciated that Johnny took the time almost everyday to play with Clark. It gave me the time to focus on Jayden. He still wouldn’t say much, but I knew he had it in him. I took Jayden and went to the porch with him, so were out of the hot sun. I still could keep an good eye on Clark from where I was sitting.
It was dinner time now and I was finally able to worm myself in to helping Nancy getting the table ready. She still refused to let me help her make dinner, but one thing at a time. I was putting all the food on the table. It was the same thing we basically have every night. Potatoes, broccoli and ground pork. I decided to stop eating the pork, because it kept making me feel sick every time I ate it, but Clark still seemed to like it which was good for him.
I was picking absentmindedly at my food until I got broken from my thoughts by John. “So what did you do.. you know before all this?” He asked. “I was a teacher before. Mostly for kids that are around Clark’s age.” I told them. It wasn’t a complete lie. I did have a degree, but I became a nanny first until I could find a secure job. I just never really got the chance to actually do that. “That’s a good job. Something we’ll always need. After this is all over you’ll be wanted everywhere.” John said with a reassuring smile. ‘after this is all over’ When would that be? I don’t even know if I can. After all I did. I killed people. I mean which parent would want a killer to teach their children. I didn’t know how to respond to John so I just gave him a smile and nodded. 
After that they just went back to normal conversation. I talked with them when ever I needed to. But besides that my focus was on Clark and Jayden. They both loved it here. Clark was always happily talking to Johnny, and Johnny loved it. You could see in his eyes that he already cared deeply for Clark and Jayden. That made me smile. He was always so kind. And he was honestly the only one I like spending time with here besides Clark and Jayden. He was always open to talking about anything. About things before, about things that could be after and about things now. He said he wanted to go to a house that was near to where his parents where and live there, it just needed fixing. This was because he kind of did not want to keep living with his parents even though the world ended. He asked me if I wanted to come with. I guess he could see I was not a hundred percent comfortable here, but I still needed to think about it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to stay here at all. But maybe it would be better to go with Johnny, he’s been out there obviously so he knows how to protect himself and others. Because I don’t know how long I could still do it by myself.
Day 597
I’ve been at the farm for over a month now. I told Johnny I wanted to go to another house wit him. He was very happy about that. He had secured everything and in the next day or two we would go to a different house. Right now I was already packing the few things I had to make sure when ever it was time to leave we could go. I got my backpack that I put under my bed and got all the necessary things I needed. A change of clothes for me and the kids. I was looking at their clothes. They were getting small, I needed to start looking for some more clothes for them soon. My clothes on the other hand got a bit baggy. I guess if your in apocalypse you lose some weight. When I was done packing I put the bed by the door and walked downstairs looking for Clark and Jayden. “Mamma.” Jayden said running over to me and almost tripping. I caught him and picked him up. “Watcha doing bubs?” I asked him and he pointed to John who was sitting outside on the porch smoking a cigar. “Hi.” I said walking over to him. “Hi. I was telling little Jayden some stories.” John said. “Plane.” I looked at Jayden. He never said that before. ”You learned a new word Jayden?” I was smiling at him now he knows about three words, mamma, bubba and plane. This was amazing. “I was talking to him about airplanes, seems like he learned a little more than I thought.” John was smiling. This was great news. I looked around and saw Clark playing with Johnny again. I smiled at that. It was not so bad here after all.
“I didn’t know you smoked.” I said to John, walking over to a bench that was on the porch. “Only special occasions. My son will be moving out soon. Don’t tell him but I’m kinda celebrating that.” He said slightly leaning over to me and laughing. I smiled and looked at his lighter. It was engraved with something. “What does it say on your lighter?” I asked. John gave it to me. to have me inspect it myself while Jayden was trying to get it from me. But I held it so he couldn’t get it. It said ‘W. Peters. “It was my fathers. William Peters. He gave it to me when I was about Johnnys age. Kept it ever since. When you guys leave, it will be his.” He explained. “He’s going to appreciate that.” John smiled at that.
Then from the corner of my eye I saw two people coming out from a wooded area in the distance. John stood up right away and walked inside. “HELP!” A young dark skinned woman shouted, she had a man slumped half over her shoulder.. They were running towards the house. Johnny picked up Clark and got him on the porch. “Take them inside.” I decided to listen and grabbed Clark by his hand and held Jayden. Just as I was about to walk inside, John came out with a shotgun. I abruptly stopped. “You’re not gonna hurt them are you?” I asked. “We don’t know who they are and can’t trust everybody. Now go inside where it is safe.” John said in a stern tone. And I decided to listen. I took them inside to the kitchen where Nancy was looking at John, Johnny and the strangers. 
John was pointing his shotgun at them and they came up with their hands up. They seemed harmless. It looked like the man that was hanging from the woman's shoulder was really hurt and if this was before, he really needed to go to the hospital asap. “Why are John and Johnny not helping them?” I asked Nancy. She could clearly see too that the man was really hurt. “We don’t know them. We can’t just trust strangers.” She said blandly. Like it was obvious. “You helped me.” I looked at her, but she didn’t seem faced. Then as I looked back out of the window I saw John loading his gun. I instantly put Jayden down and ran outside. 
“NO!” I yelled at them. A ran in-between them and putting my hand up at John. I was hoping he wouldn’t shoot me either. “We can help them.” I said quickly. “Like you helped me.” I tried. “We don’t know who they are.” Johnny said. “You didn’t know me either when you took me in.” I said with a pleading tone. “That was different.”  He stated like it was obvious. “Well it is really different now because he clearly needs help. He’s hurt.” I pointed at him. He didn’t look so good. I don’t think I have ever seen anybody that pale before. John and Johnny shared a look that I couldn’t quite place. It looked worried and slightly irritated, maybe? Then I saw Rob driving in. He abruptly stopped the car and jumped out with a gun up. My machine gun. What did he need that for. It’s definitely not a every day weapon. And I have looked in their ‘weapon’ closet, they have like three shotguns and five hand guns. But of all weapons they have he took the one that was mine.. without asking or telling me why. That made me angry. He was pointing at the strangers. “Hey, NO STOP!” Johnny yelled at Rob. Rob walked over with his gun still pointing at them. “Who are they?” He asked angerly. “We’re just gonna help them and let them go our separate ways.” Johnny said. But Rob didn’t seem convinced. 
“WHO ARE YOU!” He said again but now with more anger. They both looked very scared, so I stepped closer to them. “I- I’m Ezra and this is Noah.” She said. She sounded really scared, rightfully so. Why were they being like this. I decided to slowly step closer to them. “You know them y/n?” Rob asked. “No I don’t, but we can help them.” I was starting to get scared of Rob too. He had this angry crazy look in his eyes that looked terrifying. “Oh, just put the gun down!” John said irritated. “Well help them and then they can leave.” He said. I didn’t understand why they were acting like that. They were harmless. Finally Rob pointed the gun down, but kept his hands on it.
I looked back and the guy, Noah, was about to pass out. He had a lot of blood gusting out of his side. I got closer to them to take a look. “I’m y/n. What happened?” I asked. “He fell on a piece of metal as we were trying to get away from the dead.”  Ezra told me. “Let’s have a look. Dad can you get the medical supplies from inside? And y/n go to check on your children, alright. I got this.” He said giving me a smile. I trusted Johnny knew what to do. Well as much as any random person knew who wasn’t a doctor. He grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. Then I walked towards the house. When I came in Nancy was holding Jayden. “That was very brave.” Nancy said. But by the look in her eyes, she didn’t really mean that. I decided to ignore it and gave her a smile. I thought it was better if I occupy my mind with something else, so I’ll just put Clark and Jayden down for a nap.
After what took me about an hour to put the kids down, because it was too early to put them down for a nap, I got down stairs. Rob was sitting on the couch in the living room cleaning guns.
“Why did you take my gun?” I asked. That kinda startled him, he probably didn’t hear me coming downstairs. “It was catching dust in the closet.” He simply stated. “And it didn’t occur to you to ask something like that.. It’s my gun after all. Why would you even need a gun like that?” He decided to avoid the question. “Well, you were not using it.” He looked at me and narrowed his eyes. “That’s not what I asked. Why didn’t you ask and why do you need a gun like that?” I was getting a little irritated. I crossed my arms and waited for his answer. “It’s a good weapon to protect yourself. That’s why I took it.” Like that would make it ok. “Next time ask.” I stated and started walking away. “And what would you say if I asked?” “I would say no.” Then I went outside and slammed the door. 
I saw Johnny working on some crops that they had. “Where are Ezra and Noah?” I looked around and didn’t see them anywhere. “They already left.” He said as he stood up. “What already? Are they ok? Where’d they go?” That was really fast. I was just upstairs with the kids for an hour. And Noah sure didn’t seem like he was doing ok before. “Well the guy that was hurt, it ended up not being that bad after all. I don’t know where they went though.” He said shrugging. “Were did you fix him up?” Johnny looked at me questionably. “Just on the porch. Why?” I looked at the porch. I was sure that I didn’t see any blood there. And I don’t think you would be able to fix anybody up that fast and clean up. “I- I don’t know. That was just really fast right. And Noah really was ok?” I didn’t understand how it could be that fast. “Yeah, I mean Noah said he was doing fine after we applied bandages. So I don’t know what to tell you? Are you ok? I get it was a lot seeing all that this afternoon. Why don’t you go take a nap. Dare I say you look a little.. Tired.” He said carefully and took my hand and smiled. He was right. It was a lot that happened this afternoon. And I was a little tired. “You’re right. I’m just gonna go inside.” He gave me a short tight hug and then I walked back inside.
Dinner time and again we’re having potatoes, broccoli and ground pork. Everybody started eating dinner, but I was distracted by the thought of Noah and Ezra. I was hoping they were ok. As usual Clark and Jayden were eating well and finished their plates. I helped Nancy clean up and after I put Clark and Jayden down. 
After that I went to hang out down stairs. Again having small talk before Nancy and John said their goodnights and went to bed. Rob went upstairs too, not wanting to hang out with me and Johnny alone. “So how about we leave tomorrow afternoon to the other house? Everything is all set and ready to go. What do you say?” I smiled at that. I was more than ready to get out of here. “Yes that would be great. I packed everything for when we go already.” He smiled at that and sat a little closer to me on the couch. “I’m really happy that you want to go with me. It really means a lot, because..” He signed. “Because what?” I asked wanting to know what he was gonna say. “Because.. I.. Damn I’m just gonna say it. I. I like you. I really like you.” He breathed out a laugh. I had a feeling for a while that he did. I would lie if I said I didn’t. He has always been so kind to me and helped me. He always takes time out of his day to spend time with Clark and Jayden. “I like you too.” I said looking in his eyes. He inched closer to me and I closed my eyes. He kissed me. And it felt good, really good. It has been so long since I’ve kissed anybody. He put his on my back to pull me closer. But maybe this was all going too fast. I was desperate, but I didn’t want things to be confusing. So I slowly pulled back. “I don’t think we should do things too fast it..” “It’s ok I understand.” He gave me a smile and pulled me to his chest.
We started talking about random things to ignore the tension that was in the air. I appreciated that he was so understanding. After a while of us just talking he said. “Alright it is getting late. I’m just gonna do a few more things in the shed to get ready for tomorrow.” I sat up. “That’s a good idea. I’m getting tired too. Goodnight.” I stood up, but Johnny grabbed me by my arm before I could walk away and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Goodnight.” He whispered in my ear. I decided to quickly go upstairs so he wouldn’t see me blushing.
I got ready for bed and was about to get in something more comfortable to sleep in when I heard a loud scream. I quickly went downstairs to see what was going on. “AAAHHH!” I heard it coming from outside. I didn’t see anybody, but it sounded close. I walked in the driveway to see if I could see anybody outside, but it was pitch black. The only place it could really be coming from was the shed. Maybe Johnny hurt himself inside? I quickly ran towards the shed. The door was slightly open, but when I got in I saw something horrific.
I backed up against the wall and clasped my hand over my mouth. “Oh my God.” I whispered. My legs gave out and I dropped to the floor.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years
Fallen - Chapter 7
Summary: Sam thought he had found happiness, but now his past is back to haunt him. Lucifer has claimed the throne of heaven, and it is his intention that Sam should finally fulfill his destiny as King of Hell.
Characters: Sam x Reader; Marie, Solomon, court administrator (OCs)
Word Count: 2764
A/N: This chapter is based on the song “Meet Me on the Battlefield” by SVRCINA
Fallen Masterlist
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Reader’s POV
No time for rest...nowhere to run from this
It was by far the most lavish room you had ever seen in person. It was like something out of a movie about a handsome billionaire playboy making his hedonistic way around the world. In other circumstances, this room might have meant luxury or pleasure to you; but not here and not now. Expensive Persian rugs covered the stone floors, artwork fit for a museum covered the walls, and there was a large canopy bed in the center of the room with purple silk drapes that looked like something out of an Elizabethan castle. It was, after all, the bedchamber of a king.
The only thing it represented to you now was the possibility of losing Sam forever. What did it mean that he had agreed to be King of Hell? There was no time to think about that. You needed to take care of him. The way Lucifer tortured him to get him to agree was brutal, but even then he had refused. Sam only agreed when you asked him to because you couldn’t watch Lucifer torture him anymore.
Sam’s upper body was covered with wounds. Lucifer had used the hot poker mostly on his chest and shoulders, but there were also burns on his back and stomach. You helped Sam sit down in one of the velvet upholstered chairs. His breathing was labored, and he grabbed one of the chair arms to steady himself. His brow was covered with the sheen of sweat, and his eyes were partially glazed over from the lingering pain.
You needed to find something to clean Sam up and bandage his injuries. There were two large wooden doors in the room. Hopefully, something would be behind one of them that would be of use. The first door was the entrance to a walk in closet that was bigger than your bedroom back in the bunker. The shelves and racks inside it were filled with clothes, but you couldn’t imagine there was anything in there that would be of help.
The second door proved to be more promising. It led to the en suite bathroom. You headed for the medicine cabinet. There was a bottle of painkillers, and not the kind you got over the counter. That was the only useful thing you found. There wasn’t antiseptic or anything resembling burn ointment. It was probably a safe assumption that the King of Hell wouldn’t need anything like that because no one would be able to hurt him.
You grabbed the bottle of pills, ran a washcloth under some cool water, and returned to Sam. Your fingers tightened around the cloth you were holding when you saw the angry red marks on his body. His head was laid against the back of the chair, and he clutched the arm. You knelt beside him and put the materials you’d found on a nearby table.
“Sam?” You wanted to touch him, but decided maybe it wasn’t the best thing to do right now.
He raised his head and opened his eyes. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
You did take his hand then. “Oh, Sam. You’re the one who’s hurt.”
Sam gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. “It doesn’t matter about me.”
“Don’t say that.” You let go of his hand, opened the bottle of pills, and poured one out into your palm. You placed it in Sam’s hand. “Take this.”
He swallowed it dry. “This is all my fault.” You dabbed at his face with the washcloth, afraid to put it on his burns. The last thing you wanted to do was cause him anymore pain. “You wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for me. I brought you here.” His eyes were full of a pain worse than physical.
You stopped washing his face. “Sam, you didn’t bring me here. None of this is because of you. It’s Lucifer and his crazy obsession about you. I wouldn’t….”
Around the shadows creep
Your words were cut off by a knock at the door. Sam’s eyes caught yours, and he shifted in his chair. There was a flash of uncertainty and maybe fear in his eyes. He was still weak from the ordeal he’d been through. “Stay here, Sam. I’ll get it.”
You walked to the large double doors and opened the one on the right. A striking woman was standing before you. Her presence was such that you were surprised when she dropped a slight curtsy. “My lady, I am here to serve you.”
For a moment, you fumbled for words unsure how to respond. “We’re...there’s nothing you can do for us right now.” You held the door, conscious of Sam and the state he was in at present.
Her demeanor had been so subservient to this point, you were surprised when she pressed the issue. “Perhaps I could just freshen up your linens or offer you some refreshment.”
You faltered. Refreshment? What was she talking about? “It’s not the best time right now. Really, we’re fine.”
She continued. “It will only take a minute, ma’am. It is required of me to do my job.”
For someone who defined her purpose as one of service, she was persistent when you said no. Above the pleasant smile on her face, there was a solid and quietly determined look in her eyes. You opened the door and let her pass.
She started toward the bed, presumably to fluff the pillows or something else she considered important. By the time she got to the center of the room, her attitude had changed. The unknown woman turned to you and spoke with urgency in her voice, “We don’t have much time. They’re watching me.”
You went to Sam and stood by him protectively unsure where this was headed. She noticed your stance and took in Sam’s condition with a sweep of her eyes. “I’m not going to hurt him. I’m here to help you.” The woman moved quickly. She placed two fingers on Sam’s forehead the way you had seen Cas do it. Light glowed from her fingertips, and Sam’s wounds disappeared.
Healed, Sam jumped from the chair, placed his hands on your shoulders, and pulled you behind him. “Who are you? Why are you here?” The strength had returned to his voice. 
There was no hesitation on her part. “I believe I’m what you’d call a double agent.  I’m a fallen angel; I was formerly known as Mariel, but now my name is Marie. I have no loyalty to hell; they consider me a prize. An angel turned demon? There’s great power there, but I have no intention of turning my back on my angel nature.”
You took a step from behind Sam. “But why? Why do you want to help us?” 
“Heaven is in disarray. Hell is a vacuum. Disaster will come of that if something isn’t done.” She looked pointedly at Sam. “Your boyfriend has leadership potential, the kind that could get us out of this mess.”
Just want to lay me down and finally try to get some sleep
After Marie left, you sent Sam to the shower where he could properly clean up. While Sam was showering, you explored the closet. Everything you might ever need was in there along with many things you could never imagine yourself wearing. There was an entire section of expensive gowns, the kind of clothes you saw on red carpets. Queen of Hell. You took a deep breath. You’d think about that later. Right now, you needed to find some clothes that were suitable for sleep.
A few minutes later, Sam emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. You handed him a t-shirt and pajama pants you’d found. Sam dropped the towel and took the sleep clothes from you. You lowered your eyes to his testicles to make sure all of him had been healed from Lucifer’s torture. Sam saw you looking. He cupped your cheed in his hand. “I’m okay, Y/N.”
You reached up and grazed your fingertips over the now healed skin on his chest. Your lip started to tremble, and you fell against him. Sam let go of the clothes he was holding and caught you in his arms. “Sam, how are we going to get out of here?” 
He eased his hand into your hair and rested his chin on top of your head. “We’ll think of something, honey. We will.” You closed your eyes to block out where you were and just focused on the way Sam felt. He could still make you feel secure in his arms, hell or not. 
Sam kissed the edge of your forehead just beneath your hairline. He broke your embrace long enough to put on the nightclothes you’d found for him, then he wrapped his arm around you again and held you to his side. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”
You lay your head against his chest. “Okay.” Sam kept his arm around you on the walk over to that massive bed. When you got there, he pulled the covers back and settled you in beneath them. It was only a few seconds before you felt his weight dip the mattress and the warmth of his body beside you. You curled into him, and you each found comfort in the closeness of the other while you slept.
Remember what we’re fighting for
You woke up the next morning with Sam’s arms still close around you. It was quiet. Normally, that was something that would bring you peace, but now it just unnerved you. You thought about your baby back at the bunker. Would Dean know to buy formula for him now that you weren’t there to give him your milk? Tears flooded your eyes and spilled down your cheeks. How long would it be before you saw him again?
Quietly, you cried until you felt the pad of Sam’s thumb brushing away your tears. “You miss him.” Sam knew you well. “Me too. We’ll get back to him. I promise. Whatever I have to do we’ll get out of here and be with our son again.”
You wanted to be strong for him. Sam needed you too. You weren’t the only one who was separated from your baby, and Sam’s memories of hell had haunted him since the beginning of your relationship. Nightmares were a regular thing for him, and when he’d shared the contents of some of those nightmares with you, it had broken your heart. They were horrible, and you had a feeling Sam had kept the worst of it from you.
With that in mind, you pulled yourself together. “I know, Sam. And...you’re not alone. I’ll help you get us out of here.”
Sam looked at you; his eyes were a pool of amber in green. The expression on his face reminded you of the way he’d looked the first time he told you he loved you.
The moment was interrupted by a voice at the door. “Your Majesty?” The sound was startling and the words were strange. “Your Majesty, the court will be gathering in the throne room in twenty minutes to begin the day’s business.”
Meet me on the battlefield
Sam was dressed all in black to hold court. The suits in his wardrobe were of the finest quality, just like the dresses that had been chosen for you. He had foregone a tie and left the top two buttons of his shirt open. It could have been easy to focus on how handsome he looked if he wasn’t sitting on the throne of hell.
A smaller chair had been place next to Sam’s for you. It wasn’t nearly so throne like, but it was ornate denoting your rank and importance. You had chosen a wine colored gown that was simply cut and accented with lace. It was important that you play the part of queen and support Sam without drawing too much attention to yourself.
The room was filled with demons, all of them attentive to Sam’s every move. Marie’s was the only familiar face you saw, reminding you just how perilous your current situation was; everything was unknown. So far, Sam hadn’t said anything. One of the demons eventually stepped forward and addressed him, breaking the silence. “Your Majesty, the first petitioner of the day is the Crossroads Demon, Thaddeus. He wishes to plead his case by way of explanation for his declining numbers.”
Everything could stay the same, or we could change it all
When the announced demon entered, you were surprised. You hadn’t known that many crossroads demons, but he went completely against type. There was an air of aristocratic entitlement about him, and maybe that was part of the problem. 
Sam flipped through the clipboard filled with reports he had been given and came back to the one on top. He addressed the demon who had been brought before him. “It says here that the number of crossroads deals you finalized in the last quarter was down by 23% from the previous quarter.”
Thaddeus inclined his head toward Sam. It was a show of respect that didn’t appear to have much sincerity behind it. “Sire, if I may? Those numbers do not reflect the quality of the souls I have been acquiring for hell.”
Sam’s gaze was fixed on the demon, and his eyes narrowed. “Quality? What do you mean?.”
“The current emphasis on numbers does not take into account that many of the souls making deals were bound for hell anyway.” Thaddeus paused, and when Sam said nothing; he continued. “The true triumph is in acquiring a soul for hell we would have otherwise lost.”
Sam still didn’t say anything. In this type of situation one of two things could happen. He was definitely thinking; Sam was always thinking. He would either keep his conclusions to himself, which he figured was the wiser thing to do, or his convictions were such that he would make an unwavering proclamation. In this case, it was the latter.
“I don’t see a problem with these numbers. A silence fell over the court. “In fact, I think they should be lower. You should stop making deals altogether.”
The demon’s smooth facade slipped. “Excuse me, sire?”
Sam’s tone was resolute. “I said stop making deals.”
We count the sins again, out tainted history is playing on repeat
A rumble went up in the room, and a wave of shock and confusion spread over the faces of the gathered demons. Near the doors that entered the chamber, a tall demon leaned down to the court administrator and whispered something in his ear. He listened carefully then stood and without addressing Sam announced, “This morning’s audience is over. Everyone please clear the chamber.”
When the room was empty, the mysterious figure who had started this chain of events with his words approached the throne. There was no acknowledgement of Sam’s title; he just started speaking. “I am Ambassador Solomon.”
Sam reached for your hand and took it in his own before replying. “Ambassador?”
The man in front of Sam was almost as tall as he was and broad. He made an imposing figure. “Yes. Lord Lucifer has appointed a Corp of Ambassadors in Heaven. I am the ambassador to hell.” He paused for effect. “That means I am here to oversee your transition to power, Your...Majesty.”
Ambassador Solomon turned in the direction of the court administrator and snapped his fingers. The demon moved instantly to his side. Solomon waved his hand in the air, and a goblet appeared in his outstretched fingers. With his other hand, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a knife. He handed it to the subordinate demon beside him. The court administrator took it and sliced into his arm. Blood poured out, and Solomon caught it in the goblet.
After a substantial amount of blood filled the glass, Solomon walked toward Sam and held the cup aloft. You felt Sam’s fingers tighten over yours. Then the Ambassador extended the goblet toward him, waiting for Sam to take it. You squeezed Sam’s hand and heard him say, “No, I won’t.”
Solomon didn’t falter. “You will because this is what you agreed to.” He cast his eyes in your direction then back to Sam.
Sam released your hand and took the glass from him. He didn’t look at you, but you couldn’t take your eyes from him. You held your breath, and a wave of dread settled over you as you watched Sam lift the chalice to his lips and drink.
Everything Forever: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @ledzeppelinsbonzo @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @heycasbutt @jules-1999 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @mrs-meghan-winchester @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @gh0stgurl @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @lonewolf471 @sea040561 @dawnie1988 @volleyballer519 @maddiepants @outcastedangel @iknowwheremytowelis @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @oldfreakything 
Sam/Jared Love: @girl-next-door-writes @stunudo @feelmyroarrrr @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @idabbleincrazy​ @evansrogerskitten​ @focusonspn​ @i-joined-social-media-finally​ @wingledsam​ @autumninavonlea​ @spnxbsessed​ @durinsbride​ @deansyahtzee​ @wendibird​ @fantasy-shadows​ @team-free-will-you-idjiot​ @waywardnerd67​ @neii3n​ @fullmooner​ @supernatural-took-me-over​ @julesthequirky​ @songbird400
Fallen: @stephaniecanfield96us​ @petitegateau911
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20 Questions Tag
tagged by @homesteadchronicles !
I accidentally answered all of the ones Jake answered, before I saw he left questions for me at the end, and I didn’t want to waste all that time, so
This was originally a 10 Question tag, and I’m putting his questions first, but there’s 10 more below the cut because I say so.
1. When you find a book at the store, what about it makes you decide to buy it or put it back on the shelf?
Well, if it’s a book in a series or by an author I know and like, I’m going to get that. I barely look at the premise of new Stephen King books anymore.
But other than that, if the inside flap sounds like a good story, and if the first page sounds like something I can read and enjoy.
2. What would your book’s ideal cover look like, should you have access to any artist you’d want and any resources you would need to make it a reality?
I’ve already made mock covers, you can find them on the title slides of my comic sans presentations, so I guess they’d just look like those, but nicer?
Although, tbh, I’m a bigger fan of these SOLE fan covers by @writeouswriter. I think they capture the themes of the story better, and I might play around with remaking the SOLE cover soon, inspired by their work!
3. If you could rewrite one story - be it a book, game, movie, show, etc. - which would it be and why?
Two options:
One, the ending of Game of Thrones. I know that might be a cliche or expected answer, and I’m usually not one to critique works that I watch, but Jaime abandoning Brienne made literally no sense.
The other option is a book we’re reading for class: Phantoms, by Christian Kiefer. Inconsistent grammar, bad writing style, hardly any plot actually happening, fake deep sentences and weird descriptions... Ugh.
4. Have you ever given a story a second chance and liked it better the next time through? What caused your opinion to change?
Really, truly, changing the urban fantasy TREE Series to the high fantasy LORE Series was the best decision I’ve ever made. I went from feeling lukewarm about the story to feeling on fire, and it might be solely because of the opportunity to worldbuild so much.
5. What do you believe endears an audience to a character?
Relatability! A character has got to be relatable, at least in some capacity. That’s how you make good villains: you show that they are so far gone down whatever hole they’ve fallen into that they can’t be relatable anymore.
(Also what makes a good villain is making them just relatable and logical enough that you see where they came from. It’s a weird line that never appears in the first draft)
6. What kind of romances do you prefer to read about and/or watch unfold? (Soft and shy, hot and sexy, slow burn, enemies to lovers, etc.)
Soft and shy slowburn of best friends to lovers will get me EVERY TIME
Like do y’all remember Percy and Annabeth from Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series? That was the ULTIMATE romance of my childhood. I bet if I went back and read it, it would still hold up, too. Those two went to Tartarus and back with only each other. Peak Romance.
7. What type of AU’s are your guilty pleasures, be they for your stories or for others? (Modern, High School/University, Coffee Shop, Vampires, etc.)
I’ve never written a vampire story, but I think I’d like to try.
This was not the question, but I don’t really have any guilty pleasures! I write what I write and I write what I want and I hardly ever do AUs.
8. If only one age demographic would ever read your books, which would you choose and why?
“New Adult,” which I’m not even sure is a genre. Like, early 20 year olds.
9. If you could pay homage to one person in your life through your stories and/or characters, who would it be and why?
Probably myself?
These are my stories, and as much support as I’ve gotten from friends (and even the occasional family), at the end of the day, they’re most important to me, I’m the one who’s put the most work into them, and if I can represent and immortalize myself...
I think I’ll be happy.
10. If every reader walked away from your story having been changed in one significant way, what would you want it to be and why?
For the SOLE Project, I want readers to learn that isolating themselves will never solve anything, and will probably make things worse. Also, take action against climate change (but do it with other people).
For LiaHT, I want people to know it’s okay not to have all the answers, and be at peace with all parts of themselves.
For LORE, I want people to start treasuring the power of friendship and the power of hope.
1. What are your character’s favorite foods or snacks?
Christian will snack on anything he can get his hands on. Nora likes cookies. Zach likes fruits and pastries, especially fruity pastries. Dr. Agau and Beth are (shockingly) very practical people: nuts, berries, cheese, handfuls of those... think of trail mix.
2. What playlists do you listen to when writing?
I use video game playlists! They’re usually wordless and motivating, which is nice. I like to use this playlist on Spotify, or this website (you can’t skip songs, but there’s also some weird metal and screaming songs on the playlist so like. Pick your poison).
3. Which OC is/was your favorite to create?
Dr. Agau is still my favorite, I think. She’s just so... I don’t know, in control? Obviously, she uses her control and power to abuse children, so she’s an awful person, but come on. Who doesn’t long for a sense of absolute control over circumstances in their life.
A close second are Ash and Zach. It’s fun to think of all the ways they balance each other and differ from each other, and the few areas they are similar in.
4. What is the first book you read that made you cry?
The only book that’s ever made me cry is the ending of Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman.
5. Do you hide any secrets in your books as a way of foreshadowing?
Not intentionally? The things I hide are mostly references to old drafts, like when Beth finds a body in Agau’s laboratories that’s named Kati (an old character who I cut out of the story).
6. What is the most difficult part of your writing process?
Seriously, whether it’s starting a chapter, figuring out where to start the story as a whole, starting to resolve something, I just find beginnings... very difficult. I haven’t found a good formula for them yet.
7. Which of your characters would you like to meet or get to know irl?
I think Zach and I would get along fabulously! 
I also have trouble with Matt’s character, and Hans’s, so maybe I could get to know those boys a bit better.
8. Was there a situation in your writing that you took from your own life?
I don’t take exact situations as much as I take feelings. All the pieces of my writing that are Beth having panic attacks, of Zach not knowing where he’s going with his life, of Nora stressing over school... Our circumstances may be very different, but the feelings are usually pretty direct.
9. Do your characters have reoccurring symbolism in their dreams?
Weirdly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever written a dream sequence for a character. I’ve written a nightmare, but only one, in all of my writing.
10. Which Hogwarts houses would you sort your characters into?
Slytherin: Dr. Agau, Beth, Ash, and Maluka
Ravenclaw: Michael
Hufflepuff: Hallie, Hans, Zach, Olufemi, Finnigan, Nora
Gryffindor: Christian, Matt
Apparently I have a type.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
we’ll be okay
Peter Parker x Lia Stark (oc) 
Warning: death, did not re-read srry, sadness 
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, comedy, one-shot, oc
People: ...everyone....
Words: 3,375
Requested: By @barnes-parker peter parker x stark!reader, if you accept ocs her name is Lia, please hehe. they both reunite in the battle after peter was gone for 5 years. they both miss each other then share a kiss before they go on with battle, thank you!!! <33
Authors Note: i actually cried so hard while writing this beauty of an oc(༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ). i love how it turned out regardless lol. if you havent seen endgame like pls do not read this cuz there is spoilers up in here. thank you for requesting if yall know me i love writing yalls ocs like so much so thanks and hope you peeps love this one!(ˇ⊖ˇ)
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All this time Lia spent fighting, convincing herself it wasn’t the end. Peter was not really dead. “I’ll use all that my father has taught me.” She would reason with herself over and over again. Trying every formula, every possible way and she always felt she was missing something. All the fails she has had just ended in sadness and loneliness. 
“Dad I’m back,” Lia entered into her father and Pepper’s house. It was cozy, a comforting feeling that actually felt normal. Lia never blamed her dad for leaving and trying to start a new life. He went through something traumatic and didn’t want to waste his life away trying to cure or fix a problem that was not fixable. Lia smiled, running her hands through the drawings Morgan put up. They were happy drawings, dolphins, rainbows, stars, unicorns. “At least someone has an imagination.”
“Lia?” Morgan ran down the stairs, jumping into Lia’s arms. 
“Hey sweetie,” she gushed over Morgan’s cuteness, it never got old. “Did you take down that evil pirate yet?”
Morgan squinted her eyes and went into her battle position. “I’m glad you asked. He’s been hiding all morning, I think I may need some back up.” Morgan lifted her arm up just like her father presenting a fake Iron Man arm. 
Lia set her purse down and got on her knees, ready to “fight”. She scanned the area. “Alright sport, so we gotta the evil land of Legos right in the living or dead room. In the cafeteria base we got a,” Lia gasped as she through her keys to make noise in the kitchen. “I think we found him Morgan.”
Morgan put on a brave face and they charged into the kitchen. Morgan impersonated Tony’s blast noise. The high pitch shriek probably waking the whole house up. Lia pretended to fight the pirate. Swinging back and forth, “I think I got him Morgan!”
“No wait! Mrs. Lavender is still on the battle field. She’s gonna get hurt. We’ll never make it!” Morgan pointed to a teddy bear lying in the middle of the hall. 
Lia as fast as she could ran and slid to pick up Mrs. Lavender, “got her!”
Morgan clapped her hands excitedly, “thank you Lia! You saved the day!”
Lia ruffled Morgan’s hair, “couldn’t have done it without you.” Lia picked Morgan up but was startled by a certain clapping. 
“Wow, my two girls are having fun without their dear, old, dad,” Tony grinned, a twinkle in his eyes making Lia feel calm about his safety and happiness. 
“Yeah daddy, you are old!” Morgan giggled as Tony scoffed. Lia sat Morgan on the counter, “sorry dad, did we wake you?”
“No not really. Beside’s I love to hear you guys laugh,” he went to Morgan and picked her up hugging his youngest tightly. He brought Lia in the group hug, loving both his girls. “So,” Tony clapped, “did you have breakfast yet?” Tony asked Lia. 
“No not yet, but I can make it.”
Tony set Morgan down. She jumped up and down raising her hand high up, “ooh ooh I know what I want! I would like a cheesy egg sandwich.”
“Then you shall get that my dear warrior princess Morgan,” Lia deepened her voice to sound high and mighty. As Lia got the items out Tony leaned against the counter, sipping his morning coffee. 
“So, how have you been doing?”
Lia put the eggs in the pan. The sizzle of the food was the only thing heard. Lia hated that question. She always wanted to breakdown and tell her dad how she truly felt but she didn’t want to pain her father or see him in distress, especially not in front of Morgan. Tony sensed the issue and called for Morgan, “hey baby, why don’t you go in the living room and watch some TV?”
Morgan nodded and sprinted off, following her dads orders.
“...Lia, you know you can tell me anything, right?”
Lia faked a smile, “I’m fine dad...I just miss him thats all.”
“I know sweetheart I know,” he embraced Lia, kissing the top of her head. “I do too. He was, he was something else that kid.”
Lia cried silently into her dad’s shoulder. 
“You know its okay not to be okay. Even though I have my family I still miss him.”
Lia wiped her tears in distraught, “yeah but how do you move on? I try to dad, I really do and it just feels like I never can. I see him all the time. I hear him. I miss holding his hand, his laugh, just everything about him. Its like I will never get over him...never.”
Tony bit his lip in thought. He wished he could take Lia’s pain away. To make her feel good again but after what happened he counted himself as one of the lucky ones, blessed that he still had the loves of his life with him. 
“Do you still try?”
Lia’s lips trembled as she watched the sprinklers turn on outside from the window. The heartache she felt was unimaginable. “All the time, dad...everyday.”
Tony was about to lecture his daughter but he was interrupted by a knock at his door. 
“Hold on.”
Tony went outside leaving a curious Lia. She could hear chattering quickly back and forth. She peaked through the window to see Natasha, Steve, and Scott. She gasped as her heart sped up. Could this be they found something?
“Hey who knocked?” Pepper asked, drying her hair as she just came out of the shower. 
Lia knew Pepper didn’t like discussing about what happened and frankly neither did Tony. “Oh its nothing Pep-”
“Mommy its the Avengers!”
Lia mentally slapped her self as she got a look from Pepper, “what? That is nothing to me.”
Pepper looked out the window, annoyed as well. “Hey honey why don’t you go save daddy.” Pepper told Morgan. 
Lia eyes widened as she heard the muffling voices of them. She heard about a Time Heist and going back in time to save all humanity and bring back all those who were snapped away. Morgan ran outside “saving” Tony. Tony walked back inside, looking distraught at remembering the past. 
“Hey dad are you o-”
“Yeah I’m fine I just need to think for a moment.” Tony walked to the backyard with Pepper going after him. 
Lia knew something was up. She couldn’t let this opportunity go. Opening the door she startled the others. “You think you can save them.”
They all looked shocked at one another, “Lia we told your dad already he didn’t want to-” Steve started. 
“Thats my dad, thats not me. I heard about all of it, the going back in time and all that my question is...do you think it will work?”
Scott smiled as he knew they had gotten Lia on their side. “We have a plan.”
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Lia had just helped put Morgan to sleep when she heard F.R.I.D.A.Y come on and could hear her dad downstairs. Sleepily, she wobbled to see what he was up to. To her amazement he was putting the plan Scott had talked about together. Tony almost looked as if he were about to cry as he saw it was possible. 
“Holy sh*t!” Lia broke her cover. 
“Hey young lady what are you doing up at this time?” Tony quickly took off the model. Acting like nothing happened. 
“No, no, no! Don’t pull that crap on me. I saw everything! I heard what they were talking about earlier. Dad if there is a way-”
“Sweetheart this is just a model, its not for sure that it will work.”
“Are you serious right now? So what? Dad if there is even a small chance that I might be able to bring Peter back, you da*n right I will. I will keep trying and trying until my very last breath.”
Tony was quiet, knowing this mattered a lot to Lia. 
“Dad I know you’re scared. I know you don’t trust Cap but we’re in the endgame. We are more than desperate. You have Morgan and Pepper and thats great an all but its sometimes not fair. I feel like I don’t have no one. There are people out there that have no one. I want to help, I want to go back and change what needs to be changed.”
Lia clenched her fist, “what?”
“You...you forgot about you. I have Morgan, Pepper and you. Baby, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should tell them or just keep it locked up in a box forever. Should I set it free?”
Lia placed a hand on her father’s face, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Dad I believe you will make the right decision.” Lia was about to go back to bed but Tony called out to her, “you want to help me work on it?”
Lia beamed as she embraced her father. Nearly suffocating him. “Thank you daddy. Thank you.”
All night Lia and Tony worked on the model to perfect it. Only donuts, cookies, candy and coffee keeping them up for the job. Until the morning, “its perfect dad. I can’t believe it, it might actually work.”
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Everyone got the stones back. A life was lost during that. Lia kept a remembrance of Natasha as she fought alongside her father. 
“I can’t let you do this Lia. You’re too young and you can’t fight with me.” Tony gripped your arms tightly as Thanos sat only a few feet away, waiting. 
“I have to kill that monster dad! He killed Peter!”
“No okay no! I can’t risk losing you too.”
They all fought with Thanos as Lia awaited behind some debris. Thanos punched her father and Lia flew to Thanos. She made a version of the Iron Man suit for herself just less technical. She always thanked her father for teaching her those things. Teaching her from when she was little about atoms to now saving all of humanity. She knew the great importance knew what was at stake and in the end all she wanted to do was bring back all those people. 
“How dare you touch my dad!” Lia screamed as she fought Thanos. Getting in a few good punches but Thanos caught her leg, swinging her, her hitting a piece of debris. 
“No!” Tony yelled as he flew to Lia’s body. “Baby, stay with me, baby?” He took his mask off to inspect his daughter further. “Sweetheart please talk to me.”
Lia took her mask off. Her nose dripping with blood as it seeped in between her teeth, she smiled, “I’m okay dad, just...thats gonna leave a bruise.” She looked to see Steve. He stood there seeming to wait. “Dad?” Lia pointed up into the sky and down came Thanos’s battle. 
“Holy sh*t,” Tony whispered in fear. They were only a few and this army was coming down from the sky. It was all over. Tony shook as he remembered the past. All the nightmares, panic attacks, they were all resurfacing, and Lia was not safe at home like last time...she was here, about to fight. 
Lia could sense her father’s fear, placing her small hand on his, “dad, its okay. At least I am with you.” Tony’s lips trembled as he accepted his and his daughter’s fate. 
“A voice...,” Lia shushed her father as she listened intently. She could hear a voice on Steve’s ear piece. “Dad?”
All of a sudden portals started to open up. Out came King T’Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. Lia held onto her dad, fearing this was all a dream. “Dad...whats going on?” Lia felt her heart beating rapidly. 
“Oh my god...,” Tony and Lia stood, amazed. 
The portals opened up, one by one. All those who had been snapped away were...there. Lia placed her hand on her mouth, shocked. Could it be? Planet Titan appeared and who swung by was no other than Peter Parker. 
“Oh my god dad look,” Lia looked to Tony and then Peter, sobbing uncontrollably. 
When Peter made instant contact with the ground his eyes searched for no other than his love, Lia. 
Lia stood, silent, breathless. She wanted to scream at him, call his name but it all felt so surreal, like a dream. Peter looked and looked until his brown, puppy eyes landed on Lia’s. His smile melted Lia’s heart as he looked at her full of love. 
“Oh Peter!” Lia flew to him, not even bothering to close the mask. With a loud thud she landed in front of him. “Oh my god Peter...is it really you?”
Peter chuckled, his eyes getting watery. His hands found themselves on her cheeks. Her smile never faltering. “It is Lia...it really is me. I’m,” he glanced around her, his head down, “I’m sorry Lia. I’m sorry for everything that I have put you through.”
Lia scooted her face to be under his. His eyes widened as he saw her beaming grin, tears falling effortlessly down her face. “Peter, you have nothing to be sorry of. It was not your fault. I’m so happy you’re here. You can’t believe how much I missed you-”
Peter picked her up in a embrace. Twirling her around as he giggled and cried, stuffing his face in her hair. “I felt so lost without you too. When Dr. Strange told me how long you had waited, I just, I cannot imagine.”
“But its okay now because you’re here with me and I’m never ever letting you go Peter,” Lia and Peter fell onto their knees. Peter inched closer and closer until finally kissing the love of his life. Lia closed her eyes, her lips moving slowly with Peter’s. Peter kissed all over her face making her chuckle. 
“I love you so much Lia,” Peter exclaimed as he held onto her tightly, not wanting to let go. 
“I love you 3,000 Peter.”
Peter stood alongside Lia, the two holding hands. “Are you ready?”
“Oh yeah Peter, I think I’m ready to kick some as*.”
Peter and Lia knelt down, giving their superhero landing. Peter covered his face and so did Lia.  
“AVENGERS...!” Steve shouted...”assemble.”
In that instant they were ready. Lia flew into the air alongside her father and Pepper. Blasting any of the enemy she can get her hands on. 
They gave Peter the gauntlet. Peter was saved but then he crashed leaving Lia worried, “Peter!” She quickly flew to him, forgetting about the battle and only about his safety. 
Carol swiftly took down one of Thanos’s ship. Peter lay against a piece of debris. “I don’t know how you’re gonna get through all that.”
Carol smirked, “don’t worry,” Wanda appeared. All of a sudden the women superheros appeared. 
“She’s got help,” Okoye held her head up high. 
Lia giggled as she landed beside Peter, “she will always have help.”
The ladies all shouted and proceeded to fight. 
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He held his gloved hand, all the Infinity Stones placed in their correct orders to be used. 
“And I...am...Ironman.”
One by one they started to disappear. They, the enemy, Thanos and his men, his army all started to wander about but only to poof away, their ashes swarming in the air. 
Until finally, the one and only Thanos disappeared himself. 
There laid Tony. His skin pale as a ghost. Some of his armor already broken off. Lia, everyone knew time was important. That there was not much time left. 
Rhodey, Peter, and Pepper said their goodbyes acknowledging the fate of Tony.
Lia knelt in front of her weak father. Peter stood beside her, consoling her. Lia kept her cries at bay not wanting her father to feel guilty. She held onto his hand. It took everything out of her to not want to scream for her father not to leave. She felt like she needed him, but she was okay. She had people there who loved her and would make sure that she was fine and happy. 
“Hey daddy,” she sniffled as she clutched his limp hand, “its okay. I’m okay. I’m gonna be okay. You can go to sleep. I’ll be alright...I’ll watch over them...I’ll watch over her you have nothing to worry about. Sweet dreams daddy...I love you.” As her tears hit the ground Tony Stark was not alive anymore. He made such incredible memories with everyone. He managed to make an impact on each soul and he left some amazing people that will forever keep his name going. 
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Lia sat on the couch, being there for Pepper and Morgan. Everyone watched as Tony gave his last recording. 
“Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back... it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back, in somewhat like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there ever was such a thing.
God, what a world. Universe now. If you told me 10 years ago that we weren't alone, let alone you know to this extent... I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised. But come on, you know. That epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse, that's the reality Morgan's going to find a way to grow up in. So I found a private area to record a little greeting in case of an untimely death on my part. Not that death at any time is ever timely.
This time travel thing that we are going to pull off tomorrow... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of all this. But then again that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I tripping for? Everything is going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to.
I love you all 3000.”
Lia smiled as she wiped her face with her sleeve, holding onto tightly Morgan’s hand. “I think its time.”
They all walked outside. As Lia was about to head outside as well she heard the recording still continue playing. 
“Hey Lia, you still there sweetheart.”
“Dad?” She turned around hastily. 
“Hey kiddo...I hope he’s there with you. I hope you continue growing and learning, and teach Morgan all the stuff I taught you. Don’t teach her the bad things though, Pepper would hate me.”
Lia chuckles as she stares longingly at her dad’s recording, wishing he was there.
“I’m proud of you Lia, I really am. You have grown into such an incredible woman and I’m proud to have you as my daughter but I left you something.”
Lia raises a brow.
“Its in the garage...remember me Lia, but most importantly live on. Live your life how you want it. Make your own story or however the saying goes. I thought if anything should happen to me, theres gotta be a new Iron Man and well I thought who would be better than my own daughter so go and save people ,” a tear cascaded down Tony’s cheek, “now...go get’em.” The recording ended with Tony’s hand laying flat against the recording. Lia held up her hand against his hologram one. She smiled as she ran to the garage. 
As she turned on the lights she gasped in shock, “no way dad!”
Standing in the garage having all the gadgets of the Iron Man suit stood Lia’s own Iron Man suit.
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(not mine! do not own!)
“Holy crap that thing is awesome!” Peter said in awe. 
Lia laughed as she saw the beautifully made suit. She saw something peeking from the bottom of the boot and looked to see, “I love you 3,000″ carved from Tony. “I love you too dad.”
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After the funeral Peter and Lia walked through the forest are of Tony’s house. 
“You think you’ll be okay babe?”
Lia wrapped her arms around Peter as she got on his back. Peter and her share a laugh as Lia kisses Peter’s cheek lovingly. 
“With you and my family by my side...I’ll always be okay.”
“So, what are you gonna name yourself now that you have the new suit?”
Lia grinned, taking in the setting of the trees, nature, and now knowing her responsibilities
“I am Iron Girl.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe 
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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hazza-bear-care · 5 years
Babie Crue (3/?)
A/N: This will be the second time I’m writing this because it accidentally got deleted when I went to add tags. I hope this one is more acceptable than the first draft, because guess who didn’t save the first draft.... ME!! I’m so sorry for not only leaving you guys waiting for the third part of this series, but also deleting it on accident. I FINALLY have a new laptop, so hopefully I’ll be able to update everything as soon as possible. Love ya!
Pairings: The Dirt! Motley Crue X OC, Eventual MGK! Tommy Lee X OC, Possible Douglas Booth! Nikki Sixx X OC
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drug use, smoking, and alcohol. Wowee I’m so pissed at myself for deleting this.
Description: I don’ t remember exactly what happened, but Tommy somehow convinced Doc to let Cam join the Ozzy Osbourne/ Motley Crue tour. 
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“Hey, Doc! This is Cam! She’s a friend of mine from high school!” Tommy screamed over the music blaring through the small apartment. 
“It’s lovely to meet you, Cam!” Doc responded holding his hand out for Cam to shake. 
“I actually have a question regarding Cam, Doc. I was actually wondering if she and her daughter could join us on tour.” Tommy questioned, ignoring the looks people were throwing in his direction. 
“You have a kid?!” Zutaut and Vince yelled, shocked at the revelation. 
“Tommy are you serious, man? Look around you! This is not the proper world to bring up a baby in!” Mick yelled. Tommy waved everyone off, staring at Doc and waiting for his reaction. The drummer could see the gears in the manager’s head grinding as he thought. 
“Tommy, Gracie and I are fine here. I have a steady job and your parents are angels. I agree with Mick on this,” Cam argued, suddenly feeling small under everyone’s scrutinous gaze.
“I’m sure Doc could give you a job. Hell, he could probably even pay you better than that shitty restaurant ever could! So, Doc, what do you say?” Tommy defended. The manager turned his attention to Cam, the 20 year old mother gnawing on her lip as her nerves began to get the best of her. 
“So you work at a restaurant. How old is your daughter?” Doc asked. 
“Grace is almost six months old, Doc.” Cam answered, a slight smile on her face as she thought about her daughter. 
“She’s so great, Doc. As low maintenance as babies get, Gracie’s probably the lowest of the low. She’s the cutest little bundle. You’re going to love her, Doc,” Tommy gushed. Cam smiled and furrowed her eyebrows, looking at the other Motley Crue guys in confusion. Nikki and Mick beamed, genuinely surprised with the words coming out of Tommy’s mouth while Vince mimicked vomiting behind Doc’s back. 
“I don’t know what I can offer you job wise, but I can very clearly see how much you and Grace mean to Tommy and the rest of the guys. So, pack up your clothes and every diaper you own because you’re coming on tour!” Tommy whooped and wrapped Cam in a hug, spinning the girl around as the other guys joined, a group hug ensuing. 
Tour life was great so far. Having a baby around actually kept the band in check, much to the surprise of Doc and Tom. The raucous after parties halted past 2 am, Cam’s hotel rooms or bunks on the bus were put on lockdown, and late night booze runs had a few additions: diapers and formula. 
In terms of parties, Mick was the most considerate when thinking of Grace. The guitarist would usually opt for a bottle or two of vodka, take his pain meds for his back problems, and then pass out in his room. 
Tommy was a close second: the drummer would get buzzed enough to be annoying, add a few bumps of coke to keep his high going for a few hours, and he was done. He usually ended up passed out face down, ass up anywhere he lands when his buzz wears off. Cam found him after he broke his protocol one night, face planted in a pool of his own vomit. Trying not to puke herself, Cam got Tommy cleaned up and back on the bus all while he muttered about how sorry he was and if he woke up Grace at any point in the night. 
Nikki and Vince, on the other hand, were intolerable when it came to the parties. There were nights where Vince kept the mother and daughter awake with the screaming coming from his room due to the countless groupies he fucked. Nikki sometimes roped Tommy and Vince into trashing the hotel floors that were rented out for the entire band, banging on walls and doors, screaming “wake up assholes!” as the entire hotel was awoken from their slumber. 
There were other times where Nikki and Vince used Grace before and after the shows to rope in their chicks for the evening because according to Vince, “there’s nothing drunk chicks like more than a dude who can handle a baby”, to which Cam rolled her eyes and ripped the baby away from them. 
The one thing Cam was cautious about was Ozzy fucking Osbourne. Motley Crue had their sober moments, especially around Grace, but Ozzy could never be sober even if his liver and kidneys depended on it. She knew that Ozzy had children of his own, but she didn’t know how exactly he acted around his children. Cameo always made sure that if Ozzy was around, she or a trusted member of Motley Crue always had an eye on the baby, especially when the older rockstar somehow snatched Grace away from whoever she was with. 
Mick and Tommy bounced between watching Cam and Grace, because if at any point Ozzy’ s actions bothered Cam, they would swoop in and take Grace from the drunk singer, making up a bullshit excuse like she needed to be fed or changed. Cam knew she would be eternally grateful for the band and everything they had done for her and Grace, knowing 100% that there would be no way to ever repay them. 
“Tommy! Get your ass back in this chair!” Ruby, the hair stylist, yelled at Tommy’s retreating back. “Can anyone go get him? Cameo? Mick?” Ruby turned her attention back to Vince as Cam stood and handed Grace and her bottle off to Mick, the vampiric man adapting his demeanor instantly. 
Cam left the greenroom, heading in the direction she hoped Tommy had travelled down as well. As she ran down the hall, Tom greeted her. 
“Hey, Zutaut! Have you seen Tommy? He ran out before Ruby could do his hair.” Cam ran a hand through her hair, trying to regulate her breathing as she waited for an answer. 
“Yeah, actually. Keep going down the hall and head towards the stage. He said he wanted to ‘survey the crowd’. Hey, do you want to go do something with me later? I’m sure the guys wouldn’t mind watching Grace.” Cam rolled her eyes, holding her hand up to Tom’s mouth, ultimately shutting up the spineless record label rep. 
“Zutaut, have you ever wondered why I call you buy your last name? Or why I never let you hold my daughter? It’s because I don’t fucking like you. So, kindly stay away from my daughter and I and do your fucking job!” With that, Cam turned and ran towards the stage, leaving Tom stunned in the hall. 
Tommy was staring out from behind the curtain, the crowd growing anxious. Cam silently shuffled up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the drummer to jump. 
“You good?” Cam asked, silently chuckling at Tommy’s reaction. 
“Yeah. Fucking fantastic, Cam.” Tommy mumbled, brushing past her and sitting himself on a sound equipment trunk. Cam joined him and rubbed his back, trying to prevent a mental breakdown from happening. 
“What’s wrong, Tommy? You’ve never acted like this before a show.”
“This isn’t just another gig at Whisky, Cam. This is a fucking stadium full of people! What if they hate us? What if we fuck up this show, which will ultimately fuck up our career, and end up breaking up the fucking band?” Tommy muttered, scratching the back of his neck and holding his head in his hands. 
“Well, don’t fuck up,” Cam responded, trying to lighten the mood. 
“I’m serious, Cameo! This isn’t a fucking joke!” Tommy whisper-yelled. 
“So am I, Tommy! Look, this is what, your tenth show on this tour? Did you ever stop to consider that if Motley Crue was as shitty as you say, you wouldn’t still be here? Obviously you guys are doing something right, and you’re pretty amazing at it, so just give yourself a little break, okay? Now, come on back to the greenroom so Ruby can do your hair.” Cam stood and took Tommy’s hand, attempting to tug the man into a standing position. When the drummer didn’t move, Cam sighed and quickly sat down again. 
“Cam, I’m not too sure I can do this.” Cam kissed Tommy’s shoulder and laid her head on it, quite a scandalous idea popping into her head. 
“Hey Tommy? If you come back to the greenroom and patiently let Ruby finish your hair and makeup, I’ll flash you after the show.” With this promise, the drummer perked up and grabbed Cam’s hand, running back to the greenroom as quickly as he had run out of it. 
“Before we end our show tonight, we’d like to try something new. A couple months ago, a gorgeous friend of Tommy’s popped up with a beautiful baby in her arms. She is now responsible for rounding us up when we get crazy and fucked up, so we would like to end this show with a special song dedicated to our friend Cameo and her daughter Grace!” Vince came to where Cam was standing backstage and dragged her out into public view, the unforgettable chords of Elton John’s “Your Song” beginning to play in the background. 
Vince held her close as the band serenaded Cam, the mother a blubbering and sobbing mess. When the song ended, Cam hugged the singer, thanking him silently. 
“Don’t thank me sweetheart; thank Tommy. It was his idea.” Nodding, Vince escorted the young mother backstage as roadies began to disassemble what remained of Motley Crue’s set. They all ran to the greenroom, the party beginning instantly. 
“Thank you guys so much! It really meant a lot to me,” Cam whined happily, hugging each of them, spending a little extra time in her embrace with Tommy. 
“You’re very welcome, sweets. Now, don’t forget about what you promised me earlier, Cameo.” Tommy whispered seductively in Cam’s ear, causing a shiver to roll down her spine. This was going to be a long night.
A/N: Again, guys, I am so sorry that this part got deleted. I tried to piece as much of it back together as I could, and I’ m actually happier with this one than the original. I hope you enjoyed it!
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polar-stars · 5 years
💝, 💗, 💜 for Hiraku/Kaori (KaoRaku?)
And so folks, it’s been revealed by Emi the stabbing child that Kaori and Hiraku are in fact a ship (I don’t think I ever said that publicly on tumblr ahdhd, but yeah here you go 😌 It’s actually kind off funny I guess, because this is actually one of the oldest Next Gen ships I have. It’s actually older than ShigeChi)
Okay but thanks for the question, Emi ovo !
💝 What kinds of gifts does your OC recieve from their partner(s)? What kinds of gifts do they give in return?
For a good amount of time, Hiraku actually sends Kaori letters occasionally. Sometimes they have invitations attached to events or so that he’s been invited to. Kaori does not even open them, but when she doesn’t look Jun actually takes them and hides them somewhere in case she ever changes her mind about Hiraku. 
At some point Hiraku will also get a hint of the fact that Kaori loves flowers to death and bring her some of those here and there. 
He’ll continue on with bringing her flowers much later in life when their relationship is actually a good one. Additionally his formula of gifting Kaori (who’s kind off rather hard to shop for) is just “just buy things that scream her name” which for him translates to “things I would never buy for myself”. So he buys her vintage calendars or something, or painted mugs and all of that stuff. 
Once Kaori gifts him back (which is at a VERY LATE POINT at the story. Like, this ship is one of the ones with the most complications and trials and tribulations so) it will be a lot of stuff that she believes he desperately needs (too bad you can’t buy braincells), like…..yeah a calendar for him to keep track of things. Occasionally she will also grudgingly buy some nonsense though that she believes will make him super happy, she’s right. 
💗 Describe your OC’s partner(s) from their point of view! What do they really think about them?
Kaori from Hiraku’s POV
For some reason Hayama’s little sister doesn’t seem to like me. It is a mystery to me. From what I can tell pretty much every girl in her age group seems to like me. I receive a large amount of pink letters everyday that all of them are a proclamation how much they liked me. I am not all too familiar with the exact details because Hayama always reads the letters but from what I get they all have a positive message. Except for a few people in my generation and a few members of the Elite 10, I don’t feel I am confronted with much hostility on this school. But then there’s her. Her face always immediately darkens when she sees me. Her walking speed always immediately accelerates when she notes me approaching. Her voice always snarls when she talks to me. I really don’t get it. I wonder what my problem with me is. She seems….interesting.
Hiraku from Kaori’s POV
I can only roll my eyes at every fly brain on this school full of fly brains who instantly gushes their very soul out when Yukihira Hiraku only blinks. It is ridiculous! When he sneezes, one could bet that the very next second a billion of tissues would be offered to him from all different directions. Whenever he opened his mouth everyone was instantly glued to his lips and vigorously nodded alongside to whatever nonsense he would ramble on about. There are even some lunatics who bring squid to the school daily in hope they could offer it to him at some point at the day. It is nothing but sickening. What does everyone see in him? What does my brother see in him? I have to admit that his taste sense and his talent in cooking is….impressive. And….I have to admit that he’s not exactly bad-looking. But what good does that do when everything else about him is just…such a nuisance!
💜 Give a random fact about their daily life together!
You might remember Hiraku having a large problem with remembering names. At the very beginning when he just got to know Kaori he always called her “lavender”, because she more than often smells like lavender, which was for a little while the first thing he associated her with.
He’ll occasionally call her that much, much later. 
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raging-violets · 5 years
how was the jackson family created? and what's their backstory? :D
Thanks for the ask! We love talking about our babies. We could go on and on, so this is a decent lengthed post - and we did take a different route with answering your second question. Which is why it’s under a read more.
We’re just sorry we don’t do much with them on here, but are moving into doing more (and re-working our OC page), and answering questions and everything.
Let’s get started!
Tag: @dancerdramatic14, @foxesandmagic
So! The Jackson are the first OCs we ever created without really know what OCs were. Because, at the time, fifth grade, we were just writing separate stories for ourselves, very, very loosely based on ourselves, but our characters had our names - because duh. (And it’s fun to write about yourself in different situations.)
Anyway, first it started off as writing fanfics - though we didn’t know what fanfic was at the time and was introduced to it later - like with Pokemon or Digimon but with ourselves added into it, but at the same time we were also just writing original stories. When we talked to each other about the original stories, we came to find we wrote about the same family dynamic - two parents, older daughter and younger son. We both named the younger son, Patrick.
Then we decided to write the characters together. We made the two older daughters twins, kept Patrick and gave him a twin named Noah (because they’re both one of our favorite boys’ names), and then rounded out the family with a baby brother named Sydney - because it’s another of our favorite boys’ names and we really want to go to Australia one day.(As a side note: First it was just those five. Then later on (years later after writing a bunch of fanfics), we added an older brother named Julius. We don’t write him as often, a lot of the time explaining he’s more of a secondary character, but he’s just as important with the family and how we’ve written and changed these characters over the 10+ yeas we’ve had them.)+-+
Once we had these five characters established, and knew what fanfiction was, we decided to start putting them into our favorite fandoms. First it started with 3 Ninjas and branched out from there; putting in fandoms we thought they’d fit in: Mighty Ducks, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Hananh Montana, iCarly, Johnny Kapahala, Big Time Rush, Just My Luck/Busted/McBusted, and those are the ones I just remember. By doing so, they became our main multifandom OCs.
(Second side note: We’re cringing so hard, but we also have to acknowledge that at the time of creating our OCs, we were really into anime at the time, and would also write for fandoms like Yu-Gi-Oh, InuYasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. So when we first created our OCs, they went by: Rikku Hiroshima, Rumiku Hiroshima, Patrick “Sparky” Hiroshima, Noah “Physic” Hiroshima, and Sydney Hiroshima. They had red hair (Riley) and blue eyes, Silver hair (Rhuben) and violet eyes, Yellow hair (Patrick) and blue eyes, Silver hair (Noah) and violet eyes, and Blue hair (Sydney) and blue eyes. Depending on the fandom, they also had abilities they could weild, in a series we called “Elementals” - because who doesn’t love canon characters in an AU where they’re the chosen ones and weild powers - Riley’s was fire, Rhuben’s was darkness, Patrick’s was thunder, Noah’s was SilverWind, and Sydney’s was spirits).
As for their backstory, it really did start only as angst for angst sake. We needed a reason for them to move from Australia to America and have a reason for them to interact with the main canon characters of whatever fandom we put them in. Parents dying in a fire. Abusive parent. We really piled it on. However:
Around this time, a LOT of people (ourselves included) were doing song-fics or had songs as titles as fics. You know the ones “Welcome to My Life,” “Numb,” “Behind Blue Eyes,” those kinds of things. Listening to songs like that, (we’re big fans of LP and Simple Plan) we decided to give them the background of their parents dying in a house fire, being adopted (this was the original idea, we changed it to being put into foster care) by an abusive man who moved them to America - unsurprisingly, to whatever locale the fandom was set in - under the guise of being in a touring family band.
Plus, we love music and love finding new music and giving any excuse to write about music and bands, and meeting our favorite musicians (and maybe falling in love with our favorite musicians) was fun. With “bandfiction” fandoms like Big Time Rush, and Just My Luck, it was easy to keep that as an important part of the Jacksons as a whole.
Anyway, in our fics, the main canon characters would either be a fan of, or be introduced the to family band, meet them, slowly become friends with them, start to piece together something was wrong leading to a confrontation all the while having Riley and Rhuben fall in love with whichever two guys we liked the most from the show. For a while, this was the formula for whatever new fics we wrote/new fandoms we wrote in. And at the time, the “darkness” and “edgieness” and “badassness” and “I curse and am rude to you all the time” of our OCs was waaaaaay over the top, admittedly.
Our OCs, as mentioned above, were first introduced with their “japanese names” as we always knew thier mother was Japanese-American (and had the name Ruriko, choosing the American name Renee), and their father, was Australian (named Tate, but usually goes by his middle name Reed). We wised up, learned more about the Japanese culture and changed our OCs Japanese names to Seiji Himada/Sydney Jackson, Padi Himada/Patrick Jackson, Noburu Himada/Noah Jackson, Rikku Himada/Rilandon ‘Riley’ Jackson, and Rumiku Himada/Rhubella ‘Rhuben’ Jackson - though we don’t refer to them this way, anymore. Himada was their mother’s surname before marrying Reed. After a bit we just stuck with their English names, focusing more on the fact that they were Australian - because, again, we’ve always wanted to travel to Australia, and so we took the time to research, and watch videos, read blogs, etc etc as much as possible to learn as much as we could.
All in all, we like to say our “weeb-lite” and emo phases never manifested in real life because we put it all into our characters. (Thank god)
Basically, their backstory is this: Rocket Scientist Reed Jackson, and stay-at-home-mom/teacher/Reed’s assistant, Renee Jacksonmet in college at NYU and quickly fell in love with each other. They moved to Australia to start their family and had Julius. They used IVF to have Riley and Rhuben three years later (wanting a girl), Patrick and Noah three years after that (wanting to have another boy), and Sydney came naturally five years after that. Julius is 11/12, Riley and Rhuben are 9, Patrick and Noah are 6, and Sydney is a little over 1 year old when their house suddenly burst into flames one night. Whether it was an electrical fire, a flash over, arson, what have you, isn’t discovered until later. But their parents,  are killed in the fire. Julius was the one to lead his brothers and sisters out of the house, but went back in when he realized he couldn’t find his parents outside - because they were still in the house looking for their kids, not knowing they were safe outside. Julius manages to make it back outside, but in the resulting chaos, is hit by a car and taken to the hospital, separating himself from his brothers and sisters - and resulting in his lasting memory issues as he gets older. After the death of their parents, the Jacksons had the opportunity to go live with their grandparents on their dad’s side, who were older and only had the time/patience/ability to care for one child so they took Julius, or their Uncle on their father’s side, who was too distraught with grief and anger to want to take his nieces and nephews in. Family on Renee’s side couldn’t be reached, so they went into foster care. Robert was the only one who wanted to take all five of them and once he did, he moved them to America - though the stresses of being a single parent was too great for him and he took it out on his children.
Over the 10+ years we’ve had these characters, we toned down the more angsty (*Cough* over the top *cough*) things, turned up all of our OCs differing personalities and how they mesh with and pull against each other and canon characters, adding more lasting issues from their abuse such as bipolar disorder, selective mutism, eating disorder, their differing idea of what love is and how they go about getting it, and a whole lot more to make them more realistic characters.
Recently, we’ve also started thinking, “What would they be like if their parents were still alive?” “Would they still be this way?” “Would they still act like this?” and started deciding on which fandoms would still have their parents around (at the moment, it’s only the 3 Ninjas fandom).
But we love these characters to death. Characters who have their faults, but you want to root for, and who truly love their friends and family, and stumble and fall as they move to their goals of having a happy life. And we’re glad others like them and have been a part of thier journey and growth whether readers were there from the beginning or found out about them partway through.
We know they were once more popular characters we’ve had, and we have moved on to writing our more recent OCs, but that’s ok. We still love them. We’re insanely proud of how we’ve had them grow and change over the years. And we’re glad people like or have liked them.
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tuanyiems · 5 years
The Space Between Your Fingers 11
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Mark Tuan x OC Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life Words: 4.2k [Masterlist] [Series Masterlist] - [RECAP] “And Youngjae’s closet,” he remarked curtly. Ahnmi smiled sheepishly. “You really like stealing sweaters, huh?” “They feel better than my own,” she admitted, turning her head towards the sky. “It’s like carrying a hug with me wherever I go.” Mark smiled at this. Ahnmi wasn’t very loud but when she spoke, she sure had a way with her words. He tugged at the strings of her hoodie, making her look back down at him. “Return this back to Youngjae,” he uttered in a low tone. She tilted her head curiously. “My hugs are better.” - Ch. 11: Free Hugs Mark smiled as he watched Ahnmi scramble eggs in his kitchen. She had insisted on making breakfast since he was spending his weekend tutoring her. She had her hair pulled back into a high ponytail and a light blue apron over the black hoodie with his name on it. He smiled fondly, watching the morning sun shine over her face so that she looked like she was glowing. She had actually returned Youngjae’s hoodie. At the time, he had said it half-jokingly. He didn’t think she would actually listen to him but he was happy that she did. Getting up, he went into his bedroom in search of his own hoodie. He was sure he had a similar looking pink sweater too. He hadn’t worn it in a while since he had grown out of the style but he was positive he hadn’t thrown it away. Mark rummaged through his closet, digging in the back where a pile of his abandoned clothes lay neatly folded in a stack. “Ah, there it is,” he muttered to himself, pulling out a pale pink hoodie. It was simple and thin, suiting the spring weather perfectly. He smiled, taking his cologne bottle and spritzing a fresh layer of his scent over the sweater. He left the room with the garment in hand proudly. His cologne meshed well with the smell of apples.
“Ahnmi, you want this sweater? It doesn’t fit me anymore,” Mark asked nonchalantly, showing her the pink hoodie. She raised her head, looking at him with an excited glint in her eyes. “I can’t say no to a free hug,” she said softly, looking away shyly as she poured the eggs out of the pan and onto a plate. Mark smiled, putting the sweater on the back of a chair before helping her take out the toasted bread. “I have a stack of hugs just sitting in my closet. You can check them out later after our tutoring session,” he uttered before walking away to set the table. Ahnmi chuckled to herself as she placed the dirty utensils into the sink. Taking off the apron, she grabbed the plates of food and joined Mark at the table. He began eating immediately. Ahnmi watched in anticipation, nibbling at a piece of toast. “Is it okay?”
Mark looked up with his mouth full. He nodded happily, making Ahnmi giggle. “Thanks for agreeing to help me.” “Thanks for breakfast,” he countered with a grin. “Thanks for the free hugs,” she retorted with a giggle. “If they’re never enough, you can always ask for a real one,” he winked at her playfully, making her blush. “Th…They’re more than enough,” she responded shyly. “Aww,” Mark whined with his head down and focused on his plate of food. “I was hoping they weren’t.” Ahnmi smiled to herself. Even though she knew he was just being extra playful this morning, a part of her couldn’t help imagining what a hug from Mark would be like. Sure, he had given her an unintentional back hug during Jackson’s defense lesson, but she wondered how his arms would feel like holding her tightly, or how his chest would feel with her head against him… “What are you thinking about?” Mark asked with a cheeky grin, breaking her out of her trance. “Ah—N-nothing,” she stuttered, making him chuckle at her flustered expression. “You do that a lot.” She tilted her head curiously. “Daydream,” he explained. “Is that why you’re failing Calculus?” “I-I’m not failing!” she defended herself weakly. “I’m just…a little bit behind.” Mark took a forkful of scrambled eggs, gesturing it towards her lips. “Don’t worry, after today you’ll be at the top of your class.” With her mouth full of eggs, Ahnmi nodded her head confidently. … And then night fell. Mark sighed. “That’s…not how you do it. You keep forgetting to change the signs,” he explained again, trying to hold back his own frustrations. “Remember to keep referring back to the formula. Just remember to stick to the formula.” Ahnmi nodded her head silently, trying to hold in her tears. She could hear Mark’s tone gradually changing to that of exasperation and she couldn’t help feeling like such an annoyance. She was starting to regret asking for his help. Now he was going to think of her as a dumb, useless girl. Ahnmi moved onto the next problem, going slowly so as to not make any more mistakes. She could feel Mark’s eyes glaring down at her as she made her calculations. Hesitantly, she handed him the paper to check the results. He let out another sigh. “This is wrong again…and you made the same mistake. Are you sure you’re listening to me?” Ahnmi took the paper back quietly, looking over the red marks he had corrected. She tried to move onto the next question as another sigh slipped from Mark’s mouth. Ahnmi’s lips quivered as she kept her head down. Her eyes were filling with hot tears as she gripped her pencil tightly, trying to hold it in. Mark looked down at Ahnmi’s paper, tired. She hadn’t moved her pencil in a while and he was wondering if she was really thinking about how to solve the problem or daydreaming again. He was about to call her out when he saw two drops fall from her face and onto the paper. “A-Ahnmi?” he whispered, turning her shoulders so she would face him, but she kept her head down as he watched more tears fall, landing quietly on her nervous hands. He lifted her chin gently so she would look up at him. Ahnmi giggled nervously, wiping her face with the sleeves of her sweater. “Ah, sorry, Oppa.” Watching her force out a smile with tears swimming in her eyes, Mark’s heart broke. He pulled her towards him, wrapping her in a warm hug. “I’m sorry, Ahnmi. Please don’t cry,” he whispered, holding her even tighter. Ahnmi giggled in his embrace, feeling extremely embarrassed about being caught crying for such a stupid reason. “I’m not crying.” He pulled away slightly, looking at her with a pout on his face. “Yah, is this not crying?” He gently brushed at the tears falling down her face with his thumbs. Ahnmi brushed his hands away, trying to pull herself away but he held her even tighter. Ahnmi covered her face as she laughed with tears still streaming down her face. “I feel silly,” she whined, trying to hide further into his chest seeing as he wasn’t about to let her leave his embrace. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” “Was I too harsh? You need to tell me when you’re having a hard time or else I won’t know,” Mark muttered, patting her head gently. Ahnmi shook her head against his chest. “It’s not you, Mark,” she mumbled. “I just feel…stupid.” “Hey, don’t say that,” he said, taking his hand away from her head and back onto her back, holding her closely. “You’re good at other things like art. And me, I’m good at math but I sometimes forget how to spell my name still!” Ahnmi laughed into his chest at his exaggeration. “Thanks, Oppa,” Ahnmi whispered. Mark smiled, feeling her arms wrap around him in a mutual hug. He smiled, leaning his head on hers affectionately. “OH MY GOD!” Mark and Ahnmi looked up to see Yugyeom staring down at them with wide eyes. “I thought this was a tutoring session!” he yelled frantically. Ahnmi quickly shuffled out of Mark’s arms, looking at her cousin in alarm. “I-It’s not what you think Yugyeom ah!” Yugyeom shrieked even louder, running to Ahnmi’s side and pulling her into a hug, away from Mark. “You made Ahnmi cry?!” he shouted accusingly at Mark. “Ah~ No! Yugyeom ah, it’s a misunderstanding!” Ahnmi defended. Mark burst out into high pitched laughter, making the other two stare at him in surprise. He laughed even harder. He had never seen Yugyeom act so protectively. It was strange but amusing. “I’m sorry Yugyeom. I did make Ahnmi cry,” he finally admitted after his laughter subsided. He looked at the younger boy to watch his reaction. Ahnmi shook her head rigorously, standing in front of Mark protectively. “N-no. I just—I don’t know why I was crying…It was the math…I was just frustrated…and tired…” Yugyeom broke out into a smile at Ahnmi’s flustered explanation. “You cried over math? How old are you?” Ahnmi whined at Yugyeom’s teasing while Yugyeom laughed hysterically. “Mark hyung! You know she cried in primary school too?” Yugyeom laughed. “She didn’t understand subtraction for the longest time and would just cry until the end of the school day!” Mark laughed, glancing at Ahnmi’s embarrassed face. Yugyeom exhaled, wiping at his own tears from laughing too much. “Anyways, I just came to bring over dinner. Since it looks like you didn’t get very far with tutoring, I’ll leave you guys alone.” Yugyeom set the containers of food down before laughing as he left the house. Ahnmi sighed, plopping back down on the floor next to Mark. “It was division too,” she muttered quietly, making him laugh. He ruffled her hair playfully. “We did a lot today. How about we just have fun now and finish tomorrow?” Ahnmi looked at him with a grateful smile. “Wanna try on some hugs?” he suggested. At her excited nodding, Mark pulled her into another embrace, laughing when she gasped in surprise. “Sorry, I just had to.” - Ahnmi walked happily to school in a cozy purple pullover she had taken from Mark. After a few more hours of tutoring, she did eventually grasp an understanding over the topics. There was a test today but she was feeling confident. Mark had to leave early with Yugyeom to help with his class’s spring festival preparation, but she didn’t mind walking alone anymore. She smiled, holding the lengthy sleeves of his sweater to her face. The sweater smelled like Mark. With a spring in her step, Ahnmi opened her shoe locker. Her stomach immediately sunk with fear. Her shoes were filled with garbage again. This time, there were notes plastered all around the inside of her locker. “Slut!” “Bitch!” “Go Die!” Quickly, Ahnmi gathered the notes and garbage into her arms and tossed it into the garbage. She looked around, hoping no one was there to witness what had happened. The students that were there looked away, pretending to mind their business. Ahnmi went back to her locker, switching out her shoes as if nothing happened. “It’s okay,” she thought to herself. If she made no reaction, perhaps it would all disappear. Ahnmi walked to her classroom, quietly wondering what she had done to cause this to happen. Who had she hurt? What mistake did she make? “Morning Ahnmi,” Youngjae smiled cheerfully as she took a seat beside him. “M-morning,” she said, offering a weak smile. Hearing her tone, Youngjae gave her a pat on the back. “Worried about the test today? It’s okay, you’ll do just fine!” “Y…yeah,” she muttered back. She glanced around the classroom. Did she bother one of them? The rest of the school day, it was all Ahnmi could think about. She wasn’t even sure she did that well on the test despite understanding the material. All she could think about was what had happened between the time that she transferred in to now, that could have offended anyone. Perhaps, was it her art fundraising event? Was she too disruptive? Perhaps someone didn’t like how quiet she was. It did make her an easy target. Ahnmi walked to the art club space with one final sigh. She was determined not to think about it any further. Entering the classroom, Ahnmi smiled softly at the sight of their new member. “Sunbae,” the boy got up, greeting her formally. Ahnmi returned the bow, taking a seat next to him. “You’re coming here more often, I’m glad,” she smiled, taking out her sketchbook. She leaned forward towards the younger boy making him blush profusely. “What are you working on?” “Ah! J-Just doodles,” “Doodles?” she questioned. For a doodle, Ahnmi was truly impressed. Jungkook said he was just getting into art but from his color and composition, Ahnmi would have assumed he had been doing art for years. “I-It’s a field on my way to school,” he explained shyly. “A few days in spring the field blooms with flowers.” Her eyes curled into crescents as she stared at his painting. “It sounds beautiful,” she replied gently. Jungkook looked at Ahnmi who was still staring at his painting intently. Ahnmi was always soft-spoken but today felt different. She looked more tired. But he didn’t say anything as she turned back to her own sketchbook and began drawing. Jungkook watched Ahnmi sketch and erase, sketch and erase, sighing every now and then. Something was clearly wrong even though she was trying to pretend nothing was. Cleaning his paintbrush off, Jungkook tapped Ahnmi’s shoulder. “Do you want to see it?” he asked, pointing to his painting. “It’ll be gone in a few days. It’s not too far from here.” Ahnmi smiled gratefully, putting her pencil down. “I’d love to.” - Jungkook watched as a smile spread across Ahnmi’s face. In such a beautiful, blooming field of flowers, Ahnmi seemed to fit perfectly. Although it was a cool spring evening, he couldn’t help feeling his palms go sweaty. How did he end up alone in a field of flowers with Ahnmi? Meanwhile, Ahnmi was speechless. She didn’t think a place this beautiful could even exist. The sun was beginning to set, filling the sky with a soft pink and lavender hues. She felt like she was dreaming. It was exactly what she needed to get her mind off this morning’s mishap. The world was so big and beautifu, so she shouldn’t get stuck on the small moments that brought her down. No, Ahnmi took in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh scent of flowers. Everything was going to be okay. She’s a strong girl. She wasn’t going to let an anonymous person reign over her emotions. Ahnmi spun back around to look at Jungkook who was trailing behind her. Everything was going to be okay because she had kind friends and hoobaes like Jungkook to keep her spirits up. “Your painting captured this perfectly,” she said as they stood beside each other, taking the scene in. Jungkook blushed, glad he could make Ahnmi feel better. “You’re being too kind, Sunbae.” Ahnmi shook her head vigorously. “Your art is amazing. Never give up, Jungkook!” He chuckled, rubbing at the nape of his neck bashfully. “Sunbae,” “You know, you can call me Ahnmi, Jungkook. I’m not really a sunbae. Everyone else is always taking care of me.” “Noona,” he mumbled. He couldn’t count how many times she had said something along those lines. He wasn’t sure if he was just being overly cautious of her or maybe his mind was playing games with him, but she always sounded disappointed when she said this too. “You’re always giving me advice on my art. You’re my sunbae.” “Then, Noona,” Ahnmi grinned, sticking out her pinky for him to take. “No more Sunbae.” Jungkook blushed, gently interlocking his pinky with hers. “Noona.” “Ahnmi?” a voice called out. The two turned their heads to see Jinyoung walking over to them with a book in hand. Jungkook bowed slightly at the vice president, a bit disappointed to have his moment with Ahnmi disturbed. Ahnmi smiled at Jinyoung happily. “Are you guys going to draw here?” Jinyoung asked, looking at the sketchbooks in their hands. Ahnmi nodded her head. “We were taking a break from the classroom. Jungkook was just showing me this beautiful place.” “It is beautiful, isn’t it? I like to read here when I have time.” “It looks like a dream,” Ahnmi whispered, still in awe of the sight in front of her. The two boys looked at her with a loving smile. The three sat together on the grass, overlooking the field of flowers. Eventually, Jungkook had to head home but Ahnmi and Jinyoung stayed behind, as the night slowly settled over them. As it was too dark to read further, Jinyoung put his book away and took out his phone, playing relaxing acoustic tunes out loud. “A penny for your thoughts, Ahnmi?” Jinyoung asked, noticing how quiet she had been the entire time. “Ah…nothing much, Sunbae.” Jinyoung chuckled. “You know you can call me by my name. I think we’re close enough.” Ahnmi giggled shyly. Is this what she sounded like to Jungkook? “Are you ready for the festival next week?” he asked. Ahnmi smiled with a nod, glad for the change in subject. “I’m a little nervous to be honest.” He patted her back reassuringly. “When the day comes, you’ll have a lot of fun. Don’t worry.” “I hope everything goes smoothly.” “Well, even if it doesn’t, you’ll have your classmates to panic with,” Jinyoung laughed. Ahnmi smiled nervously. She wasn’t so sure if her classmates would still be including her. She had a sinking feeling in her gut that something bad was coming and it made her anxious. Even though she knew she had Youngjae on her side, did she want him in the line of fire when the bad things picked up? “It’s getting late. Shall we head home now?” Jinyoung asked, interrupting her thoughts. She smiled weakly, following behind him. She had to stop thinking about this morning’s incident. Just because it happened twice didn’t mean her whole world was going to come crashing down. She was being dramatic, right? - That night, Ahnmi couldn’t sleep. So much for trying not to think about the incident. It was the only thing that was running through her mind and keeping her up late into the night. A part of her was hoping this would make her sick by the morning. She didn’t know what she was going to do if she found her locker vandalized again. Memories of her first year of high school flashed before her. Torn books. Torn clothes. All the expletives and bad names running across her desk and locker in red. Ahnmi shook her head, closing her eyes to force sleep upon her but it only made the imagery more vivid. But at least then, she was totally alone. How would the boys look at her if they found out what had happened to her locker? What if Youngjae was forced to stop talking to her? Or worse, what if he stayed by her side and got the same treatment? She would never feel right about herself if she let that happen. Ahnmi sighed, staring at the wall between her and Yugyeom’s room. What would Yugyeom think of her if he found out? Her eyes trailed down the wall and to the scars across her arms. She lifted her arms above her, her long sleeves sliding down and revealing the full extent of abuse along her wrists and forearms. She touched the faded scars softly. If Yugyeom were to find out, she probably couldn’t look him in the eye any longer. She was ashamed of being so weak. She used to be the noona he always looked up to, but now she was nothing. She could barely speak up for herself, always hiding behind him. All she wanted was to find a space where she could comfortably be her own person. The past months were going so perfectly. She thought this place was it. But someone out there, maybe a whole group even, was telling her she didn’t belong. Ahnmi glanced back at the wall. Of all people, she didn’t want to hurt Yugyeom. She didn’t want to lose him. - When morning came, Ahnmi was, unfortunately, not sick. She groaned in defeat, applying extra concealer along her eyes to hide her dark circles. At the very least, she didn’t want the person who was torturing her to know that they were successful in their attacks. She was glad the boys were so busy with the spring festival though. It made cleaning up the vandalism discreetly, easier. But as if hearing her thoughts, a knock came at her door, opening shyly to reveal Mark. “Morning,” he smiled gently, entering her room. “Ah Oppa!” Ahnmi’s eyes widened in surprise as she rushed to finish the rest of her make up. Mark chuckled, sitting next to her to look at the many different bottles and bright containers. Mark picked up a pencil between his two fingers, investigating it like it was an alien object. “You do your eyebrows, Ahnmi? They look so natural.” Ahnmi giggled, taking the pencil away from him. “This is eyeliner, Mark, but yes, I do my eyebrows. Believe it or not, I always leave the house with makeup on. I just wear less some days.” “You took it all off when you slept over though.” “Oh…that’s true,” Ahnmi paused, blotting red lipstick across her lips softly, pressing them together until there was an even gradient. Mark blushed, catching himself looking at her lips a little too closely. “Y-you look pretty either way,” he muttered. Ahnmi smiled, feeling her cheeks warm up as well. “Thanks Oppa.” “You ready to go?” Mark asked as he got up and reached his hand out to help her up. Ahnmi smiled, grabbing his hand. “Do you like my outfit?” Mark laughed as she did a spin, showing off his pink sweater on her. She giggled with him, feeling silly but happy she could make him laugh. “It looks better on you than me,” he whispered, softly brushing her bangs back in place. “I like this color on you.” “You said the same thing about the blue.” He smiled, ushering her out of the room as he took hold of her school bag. “Well it can’t be helped. You look good in all colors.” “I like the smell of your cologne,” Ahnmi commented, changing the subject as they left the house. “Thanks, I guess,” he chuckled shyly. “I should thank my dad’s taste in colognes.” “Ah, your dad sent it to you?” “He bought it for me as a going away present before I came to Korea and it’s become my favorite smell ever since. He sends me a new bottle every spring.” “That’s sweet,” Ahnmi smiled, loving the way he looked as he talked about his dad. He must be missing his family so much. She could hear in the way his voice changed, how much he loved his family. “I like your perfume.” “Pfft,” Ahnmi covered her mouth with her hands, trying to hold in a laugh. Her eyes crinkled into happy lines as she grinned sheepishly at Mark. “I still use the same kid’s shampoo and body wash from when I was a baby.” Mark laughed turning red in the face. “Ah, well…I see…” his voice trailed off as he looked away bashfully. Giggling, Ahnmi walked closer to Mark, tilting her head right under his just to tease him about the pink hue that was spreading across his face. It had been a while since the two of them walked to school together. She missed their morning chats. Mark didn’t realize it but he was already making her feel better. Laughing the whole way, Ahnmi didn’t even realize it when the two stepped foot through the school gates. She paused for a second, debating how to get out of the situation, but Mark caught on quickly. “Is something wrong?” “Ah, no, it’s nothing,” Ahnmi smiled sheepishly, continuing the walk to the shoe lockers. Touching the handle to her locker, she glanced back at Mark. He was busy putting away his own shoes. Quickly, she opened her locker just a crack, and smiled. No trash today. But as she opened the door all the way, at the back of the locker, written in thick black sharpie was another message, “Stay Away or Go Die.” Shuffling out of her shoes quickly, Ahnmi slammed her locker door shut just in time as Mark walked back up to her. “Everything alright?” he asked again, seeing her nervousness. Ahnmi chuckled uneasily. “Yeah…shall we go to class?” Mark nodded his head, leading the way to the stairs, but her action didn’t go unnoticed. For a while, he felt like Ahnmi had been acting strange…like a deer caught in headlights. And though Ahnmi had laughed off her sudden crying during the tutoring session, he knew there was something more to her tears than just math. Mark walked Ahnmi to her classroom, slowing down his pace as they got closer. He wondered to himself if he should ask her what was bothering her. He knew she wouldn’t just tell him unless he asked. She was like him in that sense—always handling things on her own even when clearly, it was eating her up inside. “Ahnmi,” he called softly, before she could enter the classroom entirely. She tilted her head curiously, waiting for him to go on. Mark glanced at her before looking away. The timing wasn’t right. “Umm…are you free after school today?” Ahnmi looked up, thinking, before nodding her head. “You want to come with me somewhere?” Although she was curious as to where, it didn’t look like Mark was going to explain further. She smiled anyways, her eyes meeting Mark’s. “I’d love to.” - Thanks for reading! This series updates ever Friday and Saturday 8PM EST.
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themadlostgirl · 5 years
Not Dead Yet (Part 73)
*I will be uploading Not Dead Yet to AO3 after I finish it on tumblr. It is going to go through a bunch of editing, trimming and the reader is getting an OC name. Other than that same old story. Alright let’s do this!*
Pairing: Reader x Peter Pan
Warnings: Language
I was sitting in the kitchen going over some homework. It was numbing my brain. When am I going to need algebra in life? This is ridiculous. Why won’t senior year end?
My phone rang and I jumped at the chance for a distraction from the quadratic formula. It was Ms. Mills.
“Hello? Henry? No, I haven’t seen or heard from him all day. Has something happened? Missing? Oh well I know some boltholds of his I could check out. Yes, of course, I’ll call you if I hear anything. Bye.”
“Something wrong, Marigold?”
“Henry Mills is missing. I’m going to head out and see if I can find him. I promise I’ll be back by curfew.” I closed my textbook and started to tug on my shoes.
“You’ll be back by dinner.” mom corrected me, “Stay safe.”
“Always am.” I was already pulling on my jacket, “Bye.”
I stopped by his castle first. It was a little rusted playhouse on the beach that he always loved playing on. I knew that if he ever needed time away he would go there first. Unfortunately he didn’t seem to be there this time. This was a small town but there were a lot of hiding places. Dangerous hiding places. The woods alone could take days to search. I hope he hadn’t gone far.
The next couple of hours I spent wandering around town but Henry was AWOL. He’s ten, how far can a ten year old get in a couple hours? It was getting late and I headed home for dinner. Mom and dad asked whether Henry had been found but I was sad to say that no such progress had been made.
The next day before school I stopped by Ms.Mills office and asked if Henry had been found. She was glad to inform me that he had been safely returned late the night before. She also wanted to pay me to walk Henry from school. I could tell she was just worried about him since he had up and disappeared so I took the request in stride. Five extra bucks to walk him down main street? Done.
I waited outside the school for Henry’s class to exit. I watched the short heads stream out the doors but Henry’s was not among them. Where was he? Behind the kids Ms. Mills strutted out looking peeved. “Ms. Mills?”
“Marigold,” Ms. Mills stopped, “Have you seen Henry?”
“No. I was waiting to take him home like you asked. Is he missing again.”
“It would appear so.”
“I can go look for him again. It wouldn’t be a bother.”
“Don’t worry yourself. He couldn’t have gotten far. Go enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”
“Alright, I’ll tell you if I see him.”
“Thank you, Marigold. I’ll be sure to inform you when he’s been found.” She walked off again. A moment later another woman walked out of the school that I had never remembered seeing before. These past couple days are strange. I got a call an hour later telling me that Henry had been found...again. Keeping an eye on this boy may just be worth more than five dollars an hour.
As I was sat around the dinner table with mom and dad we had the same old small talk about work and school. The only real thing of interest was the woman that had come to Storybrooke, Henry’s birth mother. That was just lovely. No wonder things were all mucked up. Ms. Mills was an intimidating woman and a very protective mother. Throw in your adopted son’s birth mother and things just got even more complicated. At least there was something going on in this town for once.
Apparently I was right about things changing. Ever since Henry’s bio mom came to town things had started happening from the clocktower finally moving to the John Doe in the hospital coming out of his coma.
From then on things just kept getting stranger. Sheriff Graham died, Ms. Blanchard became the town harlot and was framed for murder just to be proven innocent. My schedule with Henry had gotten thrown all out of whack what with all the chaos. When I did get to watch him he was always antsy to get away. So to keep him in place I asked him about the one thing he could never shut up about, fairy tales. His fairy tales.
“So let’s go over the list shall we?” I pulled out my notebook. One of the things that kept him interested was figuring out who all the townspeople were in relation to his storybook. Ms. Blanchard was Snow White, the John Doe aka David was Prince Charming, Doctor Hopper was Jiminy Cricket. “Any new discoveries since we last met?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” he said with a smile, “Can I have the pencil?”
“Here ya go buddy.” I handed it to him. “Hey Henry, you never told me something.”
“If everyone in this town is a storybook character which one do you think I am?” I asked. This was something I had been curious to but never questioned.
“I don’t know.” he shrugged, “Who do you think you are?”
“I don’t know. I was hoping you had an idea.” I sighed.
“Don’t worry. Soon the curse will be broken and you’ll remember who you are again.” Henry assured me.
“Well that is a relief.” I peeked over his shoulder to see his new notes. “How are things going? I know things with your two moms have been hectic to say the least.”
“It’s all in plan with Operation Cobra.” Again with Operation Cobra. He never told me anything about that. I didn’t mind so much.
After he was done I packed everything back up. Ms. Mills came home later after I tucked Henry into bed. She paid me and I left. She didn’t look so good but I felt that it wasn’t my place to ask if anything was wrong. Ms. Mills has gotten a lot more sensitive since the arrival of Emma and I didn’t want to test my luck with her, even if it was well intentioned.
I was upstairs in my room doing even more homework when I got the sense that something was wrong. There was a certain uncomfortable tension that buzzed in the air and made it hard to focus.
“Marigold!” mom shouted up to my room, “Get down here!”
“What? What’s happened?” I rushed downstairs.
“That one boy you babysit, Henry, he’s in the hospital.” she said.
“The hospital?” I gasped, “What happened? Is he alright?”
“I was in the middle of a call with Francene from the hospital when Henry got rushed in. Apparently he was knocked out or poisoned or something and he’s not doing too well.”
“Oh my god,” I mumbled, “I need to get to the hospital. I need to check on him.”
“I’ll drive you.” mom and I rushed out to the car and we were at the hospital in minutes. I ran down to where the most commotion was and saw Henry being hooked up to all these machines and the doctors and nurses flying about looking for answers. Oh god…
“Nurse,” I stopped one of the nurses, “Is he alright? What happened to him?”
“We don’t know yet but we’re doing our best. Now please go to the waiting room, this area is overcrowded as it it.” she said and pushed past me.
Please let Henry be alright.
I sat in the waiting room along with some others as we waited for any news about Henry. The day grew longer and I felt like my brain had been dunked in one of Granny’s deep fryers. Please oh please just let Henry come out of this alive. He needed to live. Just let that little heart of his keep beating!
One of the nurses walked out to the waiting room and called Henry’s name. Everyone waiting in the vicinity stood. “Is he okay?” my throat clogged up.
She shook her head. “We did what we could but he didn’t make it. Whatever was afflicting him we were unable to find it before it was too late. He’s gone.”
“No…” I choked, “H-He can’t be. He has to live! There is so much more that he needs to do! He can’t be dead.”
“I’m so sorry. Would you like to come say goodbye?”
“No. No, I’m just going to go home. I need some time to process all this.” she gave me a nod and I walked out of the waiting room. Poor Henry. So young. So full of life. He didn’t deserve this.
“Mari, are you okay?” mom asked.
“I need a moment.” I walked out of the hospital tears streaming down my face.
This can’t be happening. Henry can’t be dead. If he’s dead then everything was ruined! Years of planning down the drain!
What? Years of planning what? A memory tickled in the back of my head but just like my dreams I couldn’t reach it. I felt like yelling at the sky and cursing everyone and everything for this horrid day.
A gust of wind pushed through me out of nowhere. What was…
“Y/N.” I breathed out as all my memories came flooding back, “My name is Y/N.”
Everything. I remember everything! My father, being a grave digger, Neverland, my brothers, Wendy, Tinkerbell, Tigerlily, Hook.
“Peter.” Peter Pan. My Peter Pan!
I ran back to my house--not my house--the house I had been trapped in and overturned the room I had called mine. How did I stand all this? Pastels and dresses and fluffy little cardigans? Where were my old bloody boots when I needed them? I ransacked the room for clothes that were sturdy and not entirely embarrassing as well as the best pair of tennis shoes I could find.
Twenty eight years. Twenty eight years of being stuck as a babysitter away from Neverland and Peter and all my friends. I was not going to go back dressed as some fairy princess.
I went to the window and threw it open. I don’t know if this will work during the day but hell I was gonna try. “I believe.”
Then I waited. A moment went by but nothing happened. I waited another minute and still there was no Shadow to fetch me. From out in the forest a dark purple smoke was cascading towards the town. I knew that. It was magic. “Of, fucking, course.”
I slammed the window shut again as the smoke reached the house and filtered in. I was blinded for a moment but just a moment before the smoke was gone. Magic is here. I don’t know how it happened but if Rumplestiltskin was here then I was positive it was him that did it.
Maybe with magic here now, I might be heard. I opened the window again and stared up at the cloudy sky. “I believe.” I stressed once more but like the first time nothing happened.
Okay. This...this is fine. It probably doesn’t work during the day since I can’t see the star. Not a problem, I can wait till tonight. I’ve been gone for a couple decades, what more was a few more hours? In the meantime I had some things I could sort out.
“Marigold--” my fake mom caught me leaving.
“Shut it, I have places to be old lady.” I rushed out of the house.
I was walking down mainstreet when an alarming thought popped into my head. My club. It had disappeared during the curse.
Rumplestiltskin. If anyone had it it was him. And I know exactly where he would keep it. I stomped towards the pawnshop and threw open the door. He wasn’t here. Probably for the best, if I saw that slimy little imp before I left I was going to slit his neck.
I saw my club resting along the wall next to some walking sticks. I was about to leave when something else caught my eye. Resting with some other antique looking knives in a glass case was my dagger. The one Rumplestiltskin had taken from me. I opened it and wrapped my hand around the worn leather grip. Was there anything else of mine in here? I scavenged around and found the cuff Peter had given me with the decorative amber. My dagger on my hip, club in hand and cuff on my wrist I was feeling more like my old self.
Now I was truly ready to go home. I left the shop and meandered down the street. I was going to go hang out in the woods until nightfall and try calling for the shadow again. As I was leaving the shop I saw a group heading down the street followed by an angry mob. I was content to let them go and do their thing when I noticed Henry among the group. A memory came back, a picture of a boy drawn on a piece of old parchment. The Truest Believer. It was Henry!
Looks like I’m going to be taking someone else with me to Neverland. First I had to get him away from the group.
I followed after the mob. The little party of heroes stopped Regina from getting herself killed and took her into custody. After they left the jail they started to talk about what they were gonna do with Henry. Now was my chance.
“Hey,” I approached the group, “I don’t think you guys really know me.”
“Hi Marigold,” Henry waved at me, “Do you remember who you are?”
“Yes I do. Looks like you were right, Henry.” I faked an overly sweet smile.
I liked Henry well enough and after being his babysitter for the past eleven years I had grown kinda fond of him. It would be hard handing him over to Peter after getting to know him but in the end he was just another means to an end and what can save Peter’s life. If he’s still alive.
“Who are you?” David, Prince Charming, whatever, asked me.
“Y/N. I was Henry’s babysitter, am still, I don’t know anymore.” I shrugged.
“Right,” Emma pointed at me, “You uh...you wanna make a couple more bucks and watch him while we figure out what we’re gonna do with Regina?”
“I can, no problem. Also you don’t need to pay me. This little dork was right and now I remember who I am and can be with my family again.” I ruffled Henry’s hair, “That’s all the payment I need.”
“Okay. Just to be safe we’re gonna send Ruby with you.” Snow White/Mary Margaret gestured to Ruby.
I knew it couldn’t be that easy. “Alright. Sounds like a plan.” Henry and I got into the car with Ruby.
We drove in leisure until a tremor shook the ground and the sky went dark. Something was out there. Something bad. I rolled down the window and saw a black mass streaking across the sky. For a moment I smiled thinking it was Peter’s shadow but it was quickly dashed. It was too big and it sent an unpleasant chill down my spine. A wraith.
“Where are we going?” I asked Ruby.
“Edge of town. No one out that way.”
“Is that really the safest option right now? Out in the open?”
“What do you suggest then?”
“Somewhere inside. That thing that went across the sky was a wraith. Probably sent to kill Regina.”
“What?!” Henry looked rightfully alarmed.
“How do you--”
“I’ve seen a lot of things.” Living with Peter you learned a lot about dark magical artifacts and beasts.
“We have to go back!” Henry pleaded, “We have to help my mom!”
“No! I need to keep you safe!” Ruby snapped.
“We should really turn back. I know how to get rid of the wraith.”
“Where did you learn to get rid of a wraith?”
“Long story.” Also incredibly fictional but if it could get us inside I didn’t care. I didn’t know much about wraiths outside of what they looked like and what they did but I did know it would only attack the one it marked. That most likely being Regina.
With a little more arguing and pleading Ruby turned us around. We hustled into city hall. There was some loud commotion coming from the main hall. As quickly as it started though it ended followed by stark silence. Carefully we walked toward the hall. There was some muffled shouting and then we came upon the scene.
Regina was alive and currently had David restrained against the wall. Certainly not what I had imagined. “Mom!” Henry rushed in.
“Henry, what are you doing here?” Regina left David alone and he dropped to the ground. Ruby went to check on him while I stayed with Henry.
Apparently Emma and Mary Margaret fell through a portal to someplace unknown. Henry started to tear up as he told Regina to get them back and to stay away from him until they were safe.
“Where will you go?” Regina knelt closer to her son.
“With me,” David had recovered and stood up. Henry, Ruby and him left while I stayed behind.
“Regina…” I turned to her after they were gone.
“What do you want?”
“I’ll keep an eye on him. I promise.”
“Who are you?” she scoffed, “Why aren’t you scared of me? I’m the Evil Queen.”
I felt like laughing. “Regina, I’m not from the Enchanted Forest. I was visiting it when I got sucked into your curse. I don’t know you, I don’t care about what your motivations are or who you want to kill. But I do know Henry. I’ll keep him safe.”
“How are you going to protect my son?”
I spun my club in hand, “Let’s just say, I’ve had to get myself out a worse scrapes than deadly wraiths and angry crowds. If you want someone to talk to my number is still on the fridge.”
I left. This was going to take more time than I thought. I need to play my cards right. If I can then I’ll have Henry and be on my way to Neverland in no time.
Outside I stared up at the sky. Second star to the right… “I’ll be home soon, Peter.”
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builder051 · 6 years
Nov(emeto)ber day 30: sick caretaker
Warnings: Emeto
Fandom: My OCs (Bostonians)
@xxx-cat-xxx This one’s for you.  Based on a prompt you sent a long time ago. 
Hildur is asleep when Pierce leaves for work.  If she was awake, she might’ve asked him to stay.  She tells herself she would’ve, but really she’s not sure.  The throb in her head and the feverish ache in her bones are of the sort that makes her more stubbornly wishy-washy than usual.  The idea of getting up, picking out clothes, even choosing a mug for her tea seems overwhelming.  She’d rather stay in bed.  
So she does, until the baby monitor on the bedside table rouses her with an echo of Lars’s vocalizations.  He’s not crying, and he’s still too little to really be babbling, but Hildur understands.  I’m awake, Mom.  Are you?
Hildur sits up against the pillows, and a slew of questions hits her along with an uncomfortable hitch in her gut.  She hasn’t considered how an illness, mild as it may be, could topple their fragile routine.  How strong is the immune system of an 8-week-old infant?  Can she pick him up without passing on her germs?  Can she breastfeed?  There’s no formula in the cupboards, and Hildur has yet to figure out the pump apparatus still in its box in her closet.  She feels woefully unprepared again.  Of course she’s destined to be a terrible mother.
Hildur reaches for her phone, wondering if she can find some answers with Google.  But how will she know if the results are accurate?  Most of the time she gets by with her limited computer skills, but today it’s just another failure.  
She should call Pierce.  If her own aching head and gurgling stomach were the only problems, Hildur wouldn’t bother.  But with their son’s health possibly at risk, she can’t stay quiet.  
“Ok…”  Hildur breathes.  Her throat burns, and she has to couch to burst a bubble of mucous somewhere between her lungs and her mouth.  She selects Pierce’s contact and holds the phone to her ear, the screen cold against her flushed cheek.  Hildur’s hair flickers to white-blonde around her shoulders, and the resulting swirl of anxiety leaves her head throbbing anew.  She presses the heel of her hand to her temple as she listens to the line ring out.
Hildur glances at the clock as the call goes to voicemail.  Pierce is in class, probably walking between the desks, giving kindly-phrased feedback as the students work on their final projects.  Hildur remembers the days when she was one of those students, simultaneously relishing and dreading the moments when he stopped beside her easel.  It had been a phone message that started their romance nearly two years ago.  Funny how things come full circle.  
“Um, hi, Pierce,” Hildur says quickly at the sound of the beep, “I’m ok, I, um, I think I have a cold or, uh, something…”  She draws in a slow inhale, willing herself to speak less frantically.  “I just don’t want Lars to get sick, and I don’t know if it’s ok to hold him, or, uh, feed him, or anything…  Or what meds I can take.  So, uh, don’t come home or anything.  Just, call me?  If you can?”  Now to sign off, the part she’s worst at.  “Sorry.  I don’t want to worry you.  Just, um.  Ok.  Love you.  Bye.”
Hildur’s out of breath by the time she hangs up and drops the phone into her lap.  Another ripple of nausea comes up from her stomach.  It’s impossible to tell whether illness or anxiety is the nexus; they combine in a vicious cycle that leaves her hair shimmering silver and her hands the color of paper.  
The sound coming from the baby monitor changes.  Lars is wailing now, and insistent.  Where are you, Mom?  A breathy hiccup punctuates the cries, and Hildur knows he’s hungry.  
“I’m sorry, my love,” she murmurs, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.  Maybe if she just holds him while she looks on the computer, she can figure out a plan.  
As soon as she’s on her feet, though, Hildur’s thoughts scatter.  The bedroom walls blur and spin around her as hot bitterness tears through her chest and bursts over her tongue.  She clutches her phone tightly in one hand and instinctively claps the other over her mouth as she bolts for the bathroom.  
It’s mostly acid that comes up, with a few dregs of last night’s dinner and strings of mucous that threaten to choke her.  Hildur wraps her arms around her stomach and sinks to her knees in front of the toilet.  She heaves again, and her head throbs so hard in response that her vision bursts into stars.  
Lars shrieks from his crib.  The sound echoes off the bathroom tile and makes Hildur feel as though she’s being assaulted from all sides, like the clapper in a church bell.  Guilt follows the pain.  It seems wrong to wish her son to be quiet.
“I’m so sorry,” she groans into the toilet bowl.  “I’m coming.  I’m coming…”  Hildur spits and wipes her mouth.  Every inch of her body trembles.  She squeezes her eyes shut, and when she opens them, her fingertips are sea-glass blue and only marginally opaque.  “No,” she complains.  “Oh, no, I can’t.  Not now.”
Hildur feels as if she’s stuck in quicksand.  If she stands up, she’ll fall.  If she goes to Lars, she’ll pass on this flu.  If she stays still, she’ll disappear.  She could call Pierce again, but it’s too soon.  He’ll still be in class.  She remembers the advice Kris gave her in the early stages of her pregnancy, about the importance of having relationships with family and friends.  A card sent to her brother had seemed good enough at the time, but when it comes down to it, Hildur’s failed.  Of course.  She always does.  
Her phone begins to slip out of her sweaty grip.  Hildur’s ready to drop it on the bathroom carpet, but on a whim she looks down at the smudged screen.  She has a number for Kris.  Or for the prenatal clinic, at least.  She’s not technically a patient anymore, and she doesn’t know if phone consults are part of their offerings, but she’s desperate.  She’ll try anything.
Hildur scrolls through her contacts and drops the pad of her thumb down on Kris’s name.  Vertigo flares, and she drops her forehead to the toilet seat, her heart pounding with anticipation.
“Prenatal care, Kristina Tyler speaking,” Kris answers in a rush.
Hildur’s so relieved she can barely speak.  “Hildur Gorisdottir,” she breathes.  “This is, I mean…”  
“Ok,” Kris says a bit more calmly. “What’s going on?”
“I...he…”  Hildur swallows the urge to gag.  “He’s crying, and I’m sick, and I don’t know if I’m allowed--”  A dry heave bursts from her chest.  “I’m so sorry.”
“Ok, Hildur,” Kris intones.  “I hear you.  I hear Lars.  I need you to breathe.  Is Pierce at home?”
“He’s at school.”  Hildur pulls in a shallow inhale.  “I mean, work.”
“Alright, we’re gonna figure this out.”  The sounds of shuffling papers and a chair scraping across the floor come over the line.  “Are you in a safe place?  You’re sitting down?”
“Good.  Thank god I have a lunch break today.  I’m gonna come get you sorted out, ok?  Is that ok with you?”
“Yes, but…”  Hildur fumbles with the words.  “Don’t leave work for me.”
“Un-uh.  My choice,” Kris says.  “I could be going through the drive-thru, but I’m choosing to do this.  Your address is still the same as what’s on your patient forms?”
“Ok.  Stay put,” Kris issues the gentle command.  “I’ll be there in 10 minutes.  We’ll see if we can get Mr. Pierce the rest of the day off.”
“Ok…”  sour saliva floods over Hildur’s back teeth.  “I’m just...sorry.”
“Hildur,” Kris says.  “You’re gonna be fine, ok?  I know it’s scary when this kind of stuff happens, but you gotta believe it.”
Hildur hesitates.  Swallows.  Then murmurs, “Ok.”
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mochiinet · 7 years
1) “Pull over.  Let me drive for awhile.” -- 100 Ways to Say I Love You
Characters: NCT’s Jaehyun & OC
Word Count: 1578 words
Summary: You and your co-worker are being brutally beaten by a case and when all the evidence that you’ve worked hard on for the past two weeks goes missing last minute, you need to come up with a backup plan to present to your boss.  So you decide to head back to the sight of the crime, but it’s two hours away by car…
“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Your co-worker looked at the now empty evidence room that you had both just walked into.  The once packed whiteboard had been completely cleaned, not a trace of black marker to be seen.  The overloaded and layered walls full of pictures, lists, notes, and documents had been stripped to reveal the foreign grey paint, no tape or pins anywhere.  "Are we even in the right room?“ He started frantically looking around the room, outside the room, down the hallway.  You just stood there, not wanting to take in the scene of the emptied room.  "This doesn’t make any sense.  Where did everything go?” You started to find your words again.  "SHIT!“ You heard him slam the wall in the hallway and you could almost feel the vibration going through your body.  
"Y-yah… Jaehyun… you’re going to hurt yourself.” You walked out of the room to where he was in the hallway.  There was a noticeable dent in the white wall, but you disregarded it and shook your head as he shook his hand and bit his lip, cringing from the pain.  You’d seen Jaehyun angry before, being a detective was a stressful and frustrating job.  But this was just unbelievable.  He had a bit of a short temper, and you were the calm one of the two.  But this was making you reach your limit.  And he could tell.  He looked at you and checked your blank expression as you thought of what to do.  "Call Yuta, ask him to check all the surveillance cameras here, I need to see what happened.“ You said to him as you pulled out your own phone and started looking through your contacts.  "I’m going to call Taeil and tell him to send all the medical docs he can find, and then I’ll see if we can get any of that photo evidence from Doyoung again.” You explained as you waited for the dial tone.  He nodded and pulled his phone out too, starting to dial Yuta’s line.  
The two of you spent the next hour and a half trying to recollect all of your evidence, writing down things you remembered, jotting down questions about things you were forgetting, and things you still needed answers to.  Your presentation in front of the precinct was the next morning, but at this rate nothing was working out.  Yuta had checked the videos but all of the surveillance videos were faulty and skipped, giving you nothing.  Taeil was busy with another case, but he said he’d get the documents to you ASAP.  Doyoung wouldn’t pick up his phone, and things were looking grim.  "I think I’m going to cry…" Jaehyun said dramatically, but you knew he really mean it.  You were frustrated too and everything was just not going your way.  "Let’s go back to the site.“ You said.  "Seriously?” He looked up at you from his desk separator across from you.  "Doyoung isn’t going to get back to us any time soon at this rate.  That’s the most important part, the photo evidence.“ You said, trying to prioritize.  
"I mean I guess, but you do remember the sight is like an hour away by train, it’d take us at least two hours to drive there.” He said.  You looked at the clock.  *9:48 PM….*  Your hands went straight to your head in frustration, trying to wager with yourself as to whether or not it was a good idea to go or to just wait for Doyoung.  "If we go we’ll get there around 12, then it’ll probably take around half an hour to get the pictures we need, and then another two hours to get back, and then the rest of the night to put together the presentation.“ You thought out loud, hands covering your face, slightly muffling your words.  "I’ll make some coffee, and then we’ll go.” He said.  You removed your hands from your face and looked at him, trying to read whether or not he was serious.  "Come on, get your stuff ready, we’re not sleeping tonight.“ He said, walking past you to go to the coffee machine.  You groaned at your own suggestion, but got up anyways and went to grab all the supplies you guys would need to get the evidence.  
It was all very confusing.  The situation you were in, not only in the context of the emptied evidence room.  You and Jaehyun had been friends and partners for years.  From attending and competing against each other in school, to the first few years at the precinct, you’d been through everything together.  And you guys made the perfect pair.  At the top of your class, you both graduated with the highest marks.  While you guys thought differently, you never failed to test each other and make each other better at what you did.  Solving case after case, bumps in the road never stopped you guys and that’s what made you different.  There were a few moments where you’d questioned if working with him was a good idea, and it wasn’t just because of a differing view on a case.  Both of you guys had felt a connection for a while, but neither wanted to admit anything because the stakes were too high to risk.  You needed 100% attention to the cases you worked on, nothing was to get in the way of your thinking.  But there were little things that he did, that showed that you weren’t the only one who noticed that connection.  Even if was simple things like making coffee, you appreciated it greatly.
After gathering all you needed it, was a little past 10 and you guys headed out in the van.  You drove while Jaehyun continuously tried to get Doyoung on the phone while writing up the presentation with the old notes he had on his laptop and yours.  The coffee really helped you stay awake, but Jaehyun started to doze off around one hour through the drive there and you let him nap since Doyoung wasn’t picking up and you could pick up the phone if Taeil called.  You couldn’t even think of sleeping anyways, the adrenaline from going back to the crime scene was scaring the shit out of you.  Of all the years and lessons you’d been through, this case was like no other.  You started to recognize the old and worn out street signs and the GPS was leading you through a small town in the mountains.  Your phone started to ring and you saw Taeil’s name pop up.  You picked up the phone and Jaehyun slowly reacted to the noise.  "I found what I could on the case, but there’s some stuff missing.  I don’t know what happened to it.” He sounded a little distressed.  "Thanks so much Taeil.  Which parts are missing?“ You asked.  "Just small pieces of formulas, it’s like someone handpicked small portions of the formulas and erased them.  This is so weird.” He said.  I heard clicking in the background and I could almost see him frowning at the computer with his glasses at the tip of his nose, trying to figure out what was missing.  
“What in the world is going on…” You sighed.  "I’ll send you what I have.  I finished with the other case, so I’ll just rack my brain until I can remember what parts they took out.“ He said.  "You’re a life saver.” Jaehyun’s groggy voice mumbled in agreement and Taeil laughed.  "Drive safe!“ Taeil said.  "Will do!” You hung up and pulled up to the abandoned building.  Jaehyun put all the stuff back in his bag and carried it with him while you took the camera and your bag as well.  You left the car empty and headed through the security tape into the building.  After taking pictures of what you needed, you headed back out and checked the van thoroughly before heading back out on the road.  You were driving again since Jaehyun was working on the presentation, but you kept yawning, the caffeine slowly wearing off, exhaustion washing over.  You hadn’t even gotten ten minutes out of the mountains yet but you were starting to lose to the exhaustion.  Jaehyun glanced at you through his peripherals and closed his laptop as you covered your mouth as you yawned again.  "Hey.“ He said, turning to you.  "Hm?” You asked, not looking at him, keeping your eyes on the road.  "Pull over.  Let me drive a while.“ He said.  "You’re exhausted _____.  I can drive.” He said.  You looked at him.  "Are you sure?“ You asked, immediately looking back at the road.  "Yeah, pull over right there.” He said, pointing to a curb.  
You silently pulled over and got out of the driver’s seat.  Jaehyun waited for you to come over to the passenger’s side and you sat down in the seat, reaching for the seatbelt.  But he got to it first.  He buckled your seatbelt and pat your head.  "Take a nap.“ He said, closing the door after him.  He walked over to the other side and got in the driver’s seat.  "Thanks Jae.” You said, smiling sleepily at him.  "We’ll have to stay up the rest of the night, so get what sleep you can now.“ He said, laughing a little before starting the engine back up.  You sighed and closed your eyes, drifting quickly to sleep as Jaehyun headed back out on the road back to the precinct.  
OOOOOO this actually came out pretty decently, I was writing it as a drabble but might make it into something?? any thoughts? LOL we’ll see!! :)  ALSO IMPORTANT NOTICE!!! I have changed my blog to MOCHII.NET!!! just a notice!!! & Thanks anon for checking my words!! haha
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iwillbeinmynest · 7 years
An Owed Debt- Bucky x May(oc)   Chapter 19
Authors notes: Okay guys, this it where it gets real. I hope you can still love me after this. Also, I’m sorry it took so long to get this out. Enjoy, If that’s possible…
Notes/Warnings: Angst, violence, blood, fear, manipulation, death and mentions of death. This one gets pretty dark, my sweet Nest Eggs.
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  The walk down to Travis’ cell was nothing short of terrifying. Each determined step Bucky took was a warning to anyone in his way which, after seeing the threat in his eyes, wasn’t very many people. His eyebrows were pulled down like a hood over his eyes, his jaw was squared and set, and his fists swayed at his sides. He had a mission and he was going to see it through.
 He pushed the door to Travis’ padded cell open wide and stood in the doorway, glaring at him. He stood there for a minute or two and no one would have known it but, Bucky was actually trying to calm himself down. He finally shut the door behind him and moved to stand directly in front of Travis.
 “Hello, Soldat.” Travis started to grin but Bucky kicked the smirk off his face. Travis was flung sideways and, with his arms strapped down, there was no way to catch himself.
 “Bucky grabbed fistfuls of his straight jacket and propped Travis upright against the padded walls. “Let that be your first warning.” He growled.
 Travis, who was bleeding from his lip and from a cut across his cheek, flashed a crimson grin. “You want her, don’t you?”
 “What have you done to her?” Bucky’s voice was low and even.
 Travis sighed and rolled his eyes. He spit blood onto the cushioned floor before answering. “You people keep asking me that and my answer is always the same. I’ve had her fixed.”
 “Be specific.” Bucky squatted to meet Travis’ eyes.
 “She was flawed, only half of her was enhanced so the Good Doctor fixed her, fused her DNA with a formula to complete her transformation. She’s perfect, now. Well, accept for her past. But I’m working on that, as we speak.” His mouth stung from his busted lip as a crocodile’s grin spread wide across his face.
 Bucky frowned and nodded his head. “You’re arrogant. I hate that.”
 Travis chuckled. “I bet you do. I bet you hate everything about me. But not more than you hate yourself for letting me take her, I’d wager.”
 “What did you do to Wanda?” Bucky demanded. He gripped Travis’ jacket a little tighter and pulled the fabric tight around the kid’s throat.
 “Which one is that again? The red head or the the dark one with the magic fingers?” Travis ran his tongue over the cut on his lip.
 “She’s the one who turned you into a sack of flesh before you woke up here.” Bucky clarified.
 “Right.” Travis nodded slightly before resting his head against the dirty white wall. “I just pushed her out that’s all. Well, that and I made sure she can’t get back in. Nasty side effects, though. How’s she holding up?”
 “Better than you.”
 Travis only had enough time to loose his smile before Bucky’s fist collided with his face. Bucky wailed on Travis like there was no tomorrow. Relentlessly, Bucky punched him into oblivion. Hit after hit until he got bored and added kicking, too. Every pent up emotion, every ounce of hate he had for himself, he took out on the boy beneath him.
 “Shouldn’t someone stop him?” Sam asked with a palm outstretched to the monitors in front of him. He stood with the rest of the team in the surveillance room down the hall. Everyone in the small room stood rigid at the sight of watching Bucky. They knew what he was capable of, they’d seen the reports, but to stand by and watch? That was truly unsettling.
 Nat raised an eyebrow. “You want to give it try?” She asked. Sam closed his mouth and crossed his arms.
 No. No one wanted to interfere with Bucky, right now. And everyone knew that if they tried they might end up sharing in Travis’ fate. It got to the point that, after about thirty seconds, Tony switched off the audio. Travis has started to scream and Bucky switched tactics and pulled out a knife.
 Before anyone could protest, Nat turned off the monitors. She squared her shoulders to the shocked team and spoke plainly. “I know him, I know how Hydra trained him, you don’t want to see this.”
 Steve shook his head and shifted his weight. “This isn’t who he is. Someone needs to stop him before he looses himself.” The air in the room shifted and a few of the team members cleared their throats or pulled at their clothes. Steve noticed the changed and looked around. “What?”
 Nat stepped up when no one else would. “You remember that mission to Florence, when you got captured and Bucky saved you a day later?”
 Steve nodded. “Yeah.”
 “How do you think he got your location so fast?” She asked him. “He didn’t exactly ask politely.”
 Steve finally understood; connecting the implied dots. He huffed and looked at his team. “And you all knew about this? And didn’t tell me?”
 “You were in recovery for a week.” Sam defended weakly. “Couldn’t really find the right time to tell you. You were all he had. He wasn’t about to loose you. And as much as no one likes to talk about it, that,” Sam pointed at the black screen. “That’s who he is when he’s scared.”
 May had been searching the halls for the stone room; the room with the chair. If she could find that room, maybe she could find something to fight off Travis with. She ran and ran and it felt like she had been running for hours until, finally, she burst through a set of double doors and found herself back in the very room where she had been strapped to the chair.
 But she didn’t find the peace she had hoped for. Instead, she found a screaming and bloodied Travis, writhing on the floor. He lay next to the Good Doctor and twisted in agony on the stones that were still soaked from the massacre that had happened in there.
 He reached out a shaky hand her way and screamed her name. “Please! Help me!”
 May stood perfectly still.
 “Please! He’s killing me!” Travis pleaded. When May still didn’t move his desperate request turned into vicious accusations. “You stupid girl! You have the ability to stop this! The Doctor gave you incredible powers and you choose to be a coward and do nothing! You can reach into his mind and snuff out the dull flicker of his life and still you stand there! You could kill him with the blink of an eye! I’ve done everything to make you whole and you betray me!”
 As Travis let out another mangled scream May made a choice. She walked closer to him, slowly and crouched down on to her knees and leaned in close to Travis, cradling his face. “Can I really do all of those things?”
 Travis managed a small grin and started bleeding form a new gash across his brow. He reached out to touch her face. “Yes, baby. You’re so powerful, you don’t even know.”
 “Tell me what to do.” She said in almost a whisper.
 Tears fell from Travis’ eyes in relief. “Place both of your hands on my head, reach into my mind and find my sight from there you can see his face. Then, take a deep breath and reach farther into his mind.” He smiled and rubbed a bloody thumb across her cheek.
 “Okay.” A smile ghosted across her lips as her hands slid up Travis’ face, her fingertips landing at his temples.
 She closed her eyes and focused. Travis’ mind came rushing into view and she saw the depths of who he was. She saw his past with Hydra. She saw her operation from all those days before; he had watched the whole thing. Then, she found his sight and her breath caught in her throat as she saw Bucky torturing the life out of Travis.
 The man she was seeing wasn’t the man she knew. He wasn’t her family, he wasn’t the one who had cared for her. The man she was seeing was full to the brim with rage and hate and she hardly recognized him. This was The Soldier, with eyes like a great white shark after smelling blood.
 She took a deep breath and pushed into Bucky’s mind. She found her voice and whispered to him with all the strength she had; which was more than she had anticipated.
 “End this.” She said to him. “End this with me.” May pulled out of Bucky’s mind and ripped through Travis like a black flood.
 She killed him.
 She killed every inch of him from within his brain. She shut down his organs and felt them wither away. She unplugged every wire in his brain and fried it. She burned through him and ripped out every twisted thought about her. She only spared a few things for last. She saved his heart so he could live through his death. She saved his nerves so he could feel everything Bucky did to him.
 Finally, when he was just a limp figure with a heart beat, she allowed him to hear again and whispered to the one part of his mind that wasn’t melted.
 “Thank you for fixing me.”
 Those were the last words Travis ever heard before she snuffed out his life and shut his heart down.
An Owed Debt Tags:
@17sullivan@themistsofmyavalon @chipilerendi @lostinspace33 @buckyappreciationsociety @blue1928 @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes
Forever Tags:
@heismyhunter @beccaanne814-blog @tatortot2701 @pickledmoon@whimsicalrebirth @marvel-lucy @thisisthelilith @james-bionic-barnes@thedreamingowl @poemwriter98 @kimistry27 @annie-lujan @buckyandsebsinbin @lilasiannerd @gypsy-storm-15 @cassiopeiassky @earinafae @the-stuttering-kiwi @obsessedwithatwell @shortiiqt16 @shifutheshihtzu @elaacreditava @nikkitia7 @theonewithallthemilkshakes @gallifreyansass @storytellingwanderer @palaiasaurus64 @iamwarrenspeace @engineeringgirlcve @magnolia-wanders @carameldaemoncakes @canumoveyourseatup-no @melconnor2007 @movingonto-betterthings @bxckytrxsh @fantasticmiraclehologram @kapolisradomthoughts
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