#i need to write or draw shit about this LMAOOO
sunthyme · 8 months
Ah... welcome to another instalment of my headcanons. I lowkey lied again but I think my prefect will be the last of the headcanons to come out. Tyty for all the love, as always, and now...
🪶The NRC Staff🪶
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Trying to find characters I hadn't already twisted for my student ocs to make my staff ones was such a pain 😭😭😭 but here they are!!
🐦‍⬛Dire Crowley🐦‍⬛
(he/it) - Bisexual
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The most USELESS HEADMASTER EVER!!! God, I know his SSR card looks great but I won't pull for it istg this bitch. We could have had Sam or Crewel but nooooo...
- I wanted him to look a bit older but since we don't know his age, I didn't push it too much. No spoilers for book 7 but I assume he's probably fae or smth idk.
- You'll notice I honestly didn't change much about the staff in general but I do like most of their design already. Kept his sclera dark cause it looked cool and made the gold eyes pop.
- He talks in a weird mix of old language that literally no one uses, like hella old-fashioned, and poorly used teen lingo. He's trying... A for effort, ig.
- His house and office are super cluttered with a ton of stuff he's found throughout the years but knows exactly where things are. His memory's actually incredibly good, he's just lazy. He likes to collect teaspoons.
- Later in the story, when he starts kinda view the prefect as his kid of sorts, it starts dropping off little trinkets at Ramshackle. Various things from old photos to books with old annotations to pretty rocks. He just wants the prefect to make the dorm 'more homey'.
- I'll get into this more with my prefect design but when Crowley attended NRC (in my headcanon idk if he actually did), he was a Ramshackle student. As such, my MC is using his old uniform as he didn't have any extra ones.
- He really likes cats but they just fcuking hate him. Lucius hisses everything he see Crowley. This is why he cries himself to sleep.
Enough of my dead-beat dad, onto the good dad!
🐕Divus Crewel🐕
(he/they) Transmasc - Panasexual
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The good father-figure!! I love Crewel. Also, ignore me misspelling his name in the big one, I thought it had two 'l's...
- He is my Mexican father. Idk they give like simultaneously abuelita and Mexican mom vibes and I am so here for it. (Apparently also Jewish grandma vibes according to @thearchiveofalexandria but I wouldn't know lol).
- I also think he'd be older, like late 40s/early 50s but because of those anti-ageing Mexican genes, they look like 30. (Literally, my mom gets mistaken for being that young, she's in her 50s) Gave him some gray hair at the back but don't be fooled, that's just from putting up with Crowley's bullshit. The shit that goes down in-game for sure results in a couple grey hairs for poor Crewel.
- Is the father figure I never knew I needed, well, my prefect anyway. I know my MC would go to him for anything ranging from 'Crowley's threatening to cut off my water supply!' to 'Can you help me make a Halloween costume?' and his ass always helps. Stan Papa Crewel.
Oh god, this next one was HELL ON EARTH I hate drawing masculine men...
🏈Ashton Vargas🏈
(he/him) - Heterosexual
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God, I hate Vargas' og design. The worst part is it does it's job, I couldn't find much to change. Also, didn't even know he had a first name lmaooo.
- I gave him more of a beard because it looked so fcuking bad without it ong 😭😭😭 I hated this... that's pretty much all I did.
- That being said, I do think Vargas wants the best for his students. Wait. Dad-bod Vargas. Guys, I just had an epiphany.
- He's got a wife, kids in like elementary school, and like two dogs idk. I feel like he's older thirties. He's giving total family man and likes to cheer on his students like they're his kids too.
- I feel like he's got mad ADHD and it's one of the reasons he became a gym teacher, just to be constantly moving and doing stuff.
My opinion of Vargas has increased while writing this. Onto my funky uncle...
🏷️Sam Cecil🏷️
(he/they/it) Genderqueer - Asexual Aromantic
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- They're like mid-twenties, I don't know if they went to college but if they did, they were a business major. I gave him a last name too, idk the fact that he didn't have one made me mad. Cecil cause Dr. Facilier had a daughter named Cecilia apparently.
- I tossed in a couple more piercings and I love the idea that he has tattoos too.
- He's like the fun uncle that occasionally sponsor your weird ideas. Wanna make cookies at 3am? His store's still open. Need some Nerf guns? He's got 'em. If he says it's in stock, he will literally have anything. Don't ask, he won't answer you anyway.
- Also has crazy good like and low-key knows the future but typically drops hints in a joking manner. He's also very good at communing with the dead, sales for sessions are discounted in October.
- Incredibly rich. Probably canon given his store branches and the crazy shit he has in his shop but I felt the need to reaffirm it.
- Also supplies Ramshackle with snacks and groceries. My MC works at its shop part time in return but I firmly believe that it'd refuse to let the MC starve.
Now for the gramps,
📚Mozus Trein📚
(he/him) Transmasc - Heterosexual
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- Trans old man, idk. He is to me. Also, he's both the history and literature teacher.
- Also changed pretty much nothing lol, he's just an old trans man whose sick of Crowley's bullshit (you'll notice a running theme).
- All the grandpa memes and stereotypes are so true for him. His drinks tea every afternoon, plays chess with Crewel (that's canon btw), and squints whenever you try to show him something, especially on a phone.
- He uses a flip phone mobile-y but his house has a rotary one. His daughters keep telling him to replace it but he refuses, saying modern one are too complicated. His daughters also went to Royal Blade as he originally worked there before recently transferring to NRC.
- Hates pumpkin-flavoured anything so doesn't care much for fall. Winter is his favourite season though as he loves sitting with Lucius by the window on snowy days and reading. Very academiacore, gramps.
- He totally advocated for NRC to allow students to use preferred names.
Onto the ocs!!
🪐Mèng yáo Yuan🪐
(she/they/it) Agender - Biromantic Demisexual
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- First up is Mèng yáo, twisted from the Horned King from The Black Cauldron. Never seen it personally but @thearchiveofalexandria has and recommended I use its villain.
- She's Chinese and a fae of sorts so she's likely quite old, though she looks in her twenties.
- She's the astrology and philosophy teacher because I thought it would make for a good course since it's mentioned in passing in Book 4.
- She's also skilled in potionology and she and Crewel test out potions for Crewel to teach in class. She is intrigued by the concept of immortality but it's more of a passive study for her.
- She's really bad at getting jokes, though she tries. She's generally not too familiar with modern human concepts but does her best to learn.
💎Kore Gorgon💎
(she/her) - Sapphic
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- Kore is based on Madame Medusa from The Rescuers, which, fair warning, I ALSO haven't seen. I really needed villains though lol. I read the wiki page and prayed tbh.
- She's around her mid-fifties and is the Math and Physics teacher. She works to integrate known magical physics with standard math and physics and teaches such.
- Her wife is named Crystal (based on an inspo character for Madame Medusa) and they're Kyra's adoptive parents. This is a small nod to Madame Medusa having two pet crocodiles. Kyra kept her parent's names as a sort of way to remember them but likes her adoptive moms a lot too.
- Kore's name is a reference to another name for Persephone and is associated with not only 'the maiden' with the underworld as well.
- She loves shiny things and adores being dressed to the nines all the time. She has a small collect of pretty rocks and tends to decorate her classroom with various trinkets.
- She and Crewel get along super well as their personalities are rather similar. (Fun fact: Madame Medusa not only was heavily inspired by Cruella De Vil, but also served as an origin for Ursula's design.)
- She has bipolar disorder and does her best to work around it, sometimes having pre-recorded lectures if she's not able to be in person.
I'll be sharing my designs for some side and family characters tomorrow so stay tuned! Love y'all!🩷🩷🩷
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bioethicists · 11 months
hii! i saw your tags on the post about calculus and im really curious what you meant about calculus helping you better understand what it means to be a person, if you feel like elaborating!!
lmaooo ty for enabling me but please forgive me in advance this is by far my most meta theory + it's definitely a drug fueled one
basically, one of the foundational aspects of my view of the world + knowledge production (this is p standard anthropologist shit, to be clear, not something unique to me) is that our understanding of the 'real' is culturally constructed + the boundaries which separate one thing from another are illusions, not unquestionable facts. this isn't some insidious, horrible project we need to abandon- it's often necessary in order to communicate + function. for example, a hand- people designated what constitutes a hand because they had to in order to communicate effectively + accomplish important functions like healing, creating clothing, etc. (you can see how this becomes standard anthropology shit bcuz anthropologists look at how different groups of people construct these "truths" differently, entirely uninterested in the project of deciding which groups of people are "right")
but 1) "hands" as we understand them- the borders we draw around what is + is not one, for instance- are products of collective cultural understanding. the concept of the 'hand' does not exist as separate from the arm or more broad than the fingers until we designate it as such. 2) the "hand" is fundamentally inseparable from the arm, which is inseparable from the body, which is inseparable from the world etc. everything is a part of everything else + we are choosing to refer to it in isolation out of utility, not because it can truly be separated from everything else. obviously a hand is 'real' in that it impacts the world around us, but the idea of what it is has been created + now the fact that this idea was created (not obvious or innate) is forgotten, ignored, or obscured.
this might seem kind of obvious/pedantic because i picked a deliberately easy example (i think nietzsche used the example of a flower, which now that i think about it might have been a better choice on my part), but a lot of harm in science + the greater world is caused by the deliberate or unintentional ignoring that everything, even 'scientific fact', is produced via these pretend separations. this doesn't mean that the separations don't produce meaningful, useful things! it just means acknowledging that those things are a product of specific cultural understandings + relationships + not unquestionably superior or definitively settled. lefty ppl may be familiar with viewing some things through this lens, like race, gender, class, the state, but most ppl hold a belief that some things are Real + culture's influence on these things is supplementary + not defining of our understandings of what those things are.
euclid writes in "the elements", probably the most influential geometry text of all time, "a point is that which has no part". a point is meaningless until it comes into contact with other points. the paradox of geometry becomes, how does a constellation of nothingness (points) become something? how do we come to understand that something as having an identity + properties all its own, distinctive from other somethings? when euclid is writing this, he is absolutely reveling in this, as math was once a deeply philosophical pursuit intrinsically tied to metaphysics. calculus illustrates this particularly poignantly because calculus primarily deals in derivatives.
a derivative takes a series of points + turns them into one point (which can then be combined with other points + turned into another point again, ad infinitum). take a speeding car- "velocity" (you can just think of this as speed) is the first derivative of the position of an object with respect to time. it is a single point (60 mph, for example) which encapsulates a bunch of different points- the position of the car at 1sec, 2 sec, 3 sec, 4 sec etc. obviously, creating this point can be extremely useful, but all this number represents is a collection of observations or "points"- it is a 'real' thing which is comprised of a bunch of other 'real' things but it only holds meaning in the way that it captures the relationship between things. a derivative takes movement + renders it static, but its very identity as a derivative prevents us from looking away from the fact that it is a manufactured stasis + that underneath/within the derivative, a great deal of movement/change is occurring. the thousands of instances which created that derivative are not hidden by the derivative, they constitute it.
so, on a philosophical level, i see calculus as this act of moving between unstable, constructed relationships between things, treating them as still objects as far as that is necessary or useful, but never forgetting what lies beneath them. this goes hand in hand with my fondness for dialectics in knowledge production (please note that a lot of Hegelian scholars would vehemently disagree with me on this), actor-network theory, rhizomes/striation. it underlies my theological views, my academic work, my relationship to my body (rejection of cartesian dualism), my views on the spiritual/paranormal, basically everything in my life. everything is in constant relationship with everything else + only exists as far as it is defined by these relationships (which is a delightful paradox; that which has no part only becomes real through interfacing with other things which have no part) + naming these relations is identifying a temporary/narrow snapshot, not identifying or even creating a "truth". science/academic knowledge's insistence on maintaining a monopoly on the "real" (where science is a linear march towards increasing Truth + eventually we will "know" everything, towards the secular + modernity) is deeply destructive. looking at knowledge production/metaphysics as a practice of calculus allows me to move through the world understanding that everything is constructed without losing the ability to act or formulate thought + to generate academic work with this in mind.
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
here is my review of bridgerton season 3 part one, episodes three and four
my review of the first two episodes is here, in case you want to read them.
obvious spoilers ahead for part one and the books
episode three - forces of nature
ngl this episode is a little bit of slogfest for me. like the first half is good, but then you get to the second half, and it's just one ball, and it's the whole entire thing for the rest of the episode. and it's just a wee bit boring. but the polin moments in this episode are top notch so it's still a good ep lol
the dream itself also being just him wishing that she would feel the same as him is honestly so romantic and sweet and god i am DYING
colin fucked his way thru 17 cities and ONE KISS from pen has completely altered his brain chemistry. i love LOVE
the scene of him in the drawing room with his family is honestly my favorite scene out of the entire show. i'm not joking. seeing him so uncomfortable and acting weird bc he doesn't know how to navigate hiding his feelings for her (even at just the mere mention of her name)… i love hopelessly in love men and i'm so serious
also awkward colin is the cutest so there's that lol
that pen and el scene…. how dare you shonda. first time i watched it, cried. writing my review rn, cried again. that shit fucking HURTS
polin's scene under the willow tree, fucking top notch. so funny for no reason other than bc nic and luke are amazing actors. 10/10
i just love that he needs to know why she's ending their lessons. like… cmon now colin lol
her saying we can't be around one another for a while and his "of course :\" i'm cackling my GOD
"i talked to pene-" "whatdidshesay???" that man is a love sick puppy and i'm loving every second of it
i love lady danbury. i feel like i haven't said that yet but i really do love her lol
i wish colin would have seen his shitty friends make their snide remarks at pen. i know we see him later stand up to them but god that would have been sort hot to see now…
lady mondrich… gorgeous dress omg
colin being told that his actions will help pen find a husband, and his absolute face of disappointment… the range luke has is staggering !!
colin's nasty look at pen and debling HOW'S IT FEEL NOW BITCH
finding out that the balloon is cgi was crazy to me. like???? what the hell do you mean that's not real?????
walk him like a dog pen !!
side note, his eyes are absolutely fucking gorgeous like… wow.
the whole scene under that tent, him fidgeting with his hands the whole time, him looking so annoyed at her enjoying her time with debling, STARING AT HER MOUTH WHEN SHE LICKS HER FINGERS !!!! 14/10 i love it here
also here is something i need to note: i don't personally think he bought the cake (or whatever he ate) after she bought one so that he could taste what her mouth tasted like, which is what twitter has been saying. i personally believe that pen gave him the cake she bought when she said "wish me luck". bc we never see her eat, but we see him eat. and we never see him buy something. so… i personally believe she gave him the cake, as a sort of thank you, and he just watched her and ate it. which honestly would be weirdly hotter than him just buying the same cake as her and eating one.
the entire interaction between cressida, el, pen, and debling is so awkward i have to skip thru it. genuinely cannot watch it the secondhand embarrassment is killing me lol
why does he pull such a blue steel look after saying "it's good to be back" sksksk
ben and tilly… don't care. so sorry.
fran and samadani… also don't care lol
it's good to be back…………. but what about the debling guy? he seems weird right? lmaooo
colin springing into action seeing that pen could get hurt? HOT
pen basically almost getting hit bc she was staring too much at colin being hot? HYSTERICAL
danbury's brother is FINE holy shit
side note, claudia looks so much like my aunt it's actually a little bit scary lol
pen and cressida racing to debling…. sweetie you had no chance. cressida is built like a gazelle. take it from this short person here, you were never gonna make it sksks
fran and john meeting for the first time. so sweet.
the scene where colin talks about courage, i wonder if the heartbeat is supposed to be his or hers. i think it's her listening in on him and his words and then when she snaps out of it, that's when she goes to speak to debling.
debling's voice… smooth like BUTTER bb. just thought i would say it
el really gets on my nerves with her saying "it's probably for the best" shit. like i get why she's saying it, but again, it comes from such a place of privilege since she's a bridgerton. some of us have to get with a good match, el. god, you're making me feel sorry for cressida???? fuck me
colin and violet's scene together was just adorable. and her realizing he's in love with pen?? OMG I COULD CRY
i also love that the actress that plays violet wanted to be in the background when colin goes up to tell pen how he feels bc she thought violet would want to watch her son do that. these actors are pulling at my heart strings.
colin genuinely was about to kiss her, in front of everyone, and confess his love. WHY CAN'T MEN BE LIKE THIS
that whole scene was so intense and crazy i love it so much 12/10
i kinda feel like pen wanted colin to say something about his feelings. i don't think she had a clue how he really felt, but i think part of her hoped, even for a split second, that he felt the same about her as she did for him.
again, the english audio descriptor coming in clutch: (watching pen and debling dance) "colin's jaw tightens, he looks away… colin's eyes glistens as he watches, enraptured. helpless." LIKE?????????????
episode four: old friends
we all know why this episode is amazing. but we gotta go thru everything else too lol
her sisters literally not believing she could pull debling and she had to blackmail him… they are the worst and i genuinely hope (and know) that when her and colin get married she will have such a happier life without them in it. truly.
colin going back thru his journal, i wonder if we will get to hear more about what he has written, especially in regards to pen.
him wanting to be recluse bc he's heartbroken… my god colin, pull yourself together and go get your girl!
john really is mister steal your girl lol
for all of portia's faults, her speech on men wanting to explain shit to us otherwise they feel useless… she is 100% correct
colin immediately finding pen in any room he walks into I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT
him being jealous of debling and pen together i could fucking cackle
colin watching her thru a mirror GOD KILL ME NOW
i thought it was sweet the way debling asked pen how he should ask to propose to her. while i don't think he's a perfect match for pen, he's a good man regardless.
i want pen to have a love match, and i'm so happy she has it with colin in the end
you know what song would have been great to use? thinking of you by katy perry. such a gorgeous song and perfect for this whole love triangle going on.
i love that colin tries to get over pen but it's just not happening. he is so in love it's hurting ME lol
what i find fascinating about the scene at mondrich's club is that colin's friends are talking about all the women they have had sex with, right? and they ask him, and he brings up the contessa again, but they go on to explain "yeah but you didn't go into detail"… which basically means that even when he's supposed to be a rake and gross about women, he still couldn't commit to the bit. at most he explained that something happened, but then never went on to talk about her in a gross manner or be un-gentlemen like. god i love colin bridgerton with all of my heart.
his whole speech is so sweet and genuine, it's just a shame that so many men that would learn something from it aren't watching this show. that's just a sad fact.
portia is straight up mother gothel. all she wants is power and what good pen can give her by marrying debling. ew.
colin being fussy and not wanting to outright say he was feeling bad… what a baby lol
violet's speech to him just absolutely pulled at my heart. bc that's the thing, while anthony took the burden of being the man of the house and almost resenting his family for having to grow up so fast, colin was the peacekeeper. he was the one that wanted to make sure everyone was okay and happy. and that's what she means by never putting himself first. he doesn't care if he's in a bad mood or not, it only matters how his love ones feel, which is why he does whatever he can to make them happy and proud. and it's just a shame that so many ppl didn't understand that when they first watched and heard this speech.
pen looked so heartbroken watching the ballet. i think that was her accepting that she would never have that.
i love that in the trailer the candle sparks up, meaning that the love for pen is igniting within him. but in the show, it's blowing out, meaning that he's running out of time to confess his feelings. GOD I LOVE CINEMA
colin pushing past his "friends" THAT'S RIGHT BABY GO GET YOUR GIRL
god my heart breaks for pen. i don't get how anyone could say "debling is the better match" for pen when he literally admits that he doesn't think he'll ever love her. pen DESERVES love. so many ppl in her life have never cared or loved her, not in the way she deserves. and yall want her to continue to feel that emptiness? no way.
colin breaking all the rules to talk to pen when he easily could have waited to speak to her after the dance lmaoooo i love a crazy in love man
eros and psyche battling it OUTTTTT
debling realizing why she's at the window all the time. wow.
i kinda love that he was okay with colin being into pen but not pen reciprocating those feelings lol
portia yet again getting worst mom of the year award
the carriage scene…….. THE CARRIAGE SCENE
the first time i watched this scene, i was sweating SO MUCH by the end of it. genuinely it was obscene how hot i was (in more ways than one lmao)
also immediately after its airing, i watched it like 10-15 times. and i haven't seen it in probably over a week and i'm dying all over again for this review.
him running after the carriage, colin bridgerton the man that you are.
even while he is desperate and pleading, he is still kind and asking for permission GOD HE IS SO HOT WHY CAN'T HE BE REAL
his reasons for why pen shouldn't marry debling is laughable but i love it regardless.
his pleading face before he confesses… his EYES?????? you're fucking joking rn
his confession, hands down, is the best in the series. and hell, it's not even the last one he does omg i'm not gonna make it !!!!!
the fact that for a moment he legit thought she didn't love him back was nuts bro you are BLIND
genuinely anytime i watch this scene, i feel like i'm intruding lol like should i leave? maybe i should go sksks
every single shot of them kissing is hot and sexy and romantic and dear god in heaven i am LONELY
her running her fingers thru his hair…. god luke/colin has never looked hotter. he might as well as rolled his eyes back in head lol
it's titty season yall. TITTY SEASON BABY
i implore anyone reading this to find the clip of this scene without the music. not only bc nic and luke's moans are hot, but bc at one point he calls her beautiful and i think in that moment i died.
i think i could genuinely watch this scene 100 million times and notice something new every time
honest to god, one of the sexiest things about this scene is him watching her feel pleasure. like holy fucking shit, that is so hot.
moaning into each other's mouths??? you guys are absolute fucking FREAKS
colin saying the line about the carriage driver is so much better than pen lol
also in general show!colin is way better than book!colin. hands down.
the look colin gives her, both before their little kiss and than afterwards right before he gets out makes me fucking FERAL
him fixing her dress and hair is literally so cute i could cry
that once over he gives her when he gets out of the carriage…. why is he so hot?????
i just love how exhausted he is of her not understanding him sksksk
in conclusion i love love and i love polin. when part two comes out, no one talk to me bc i will in fact be an absolute wreck thank you and good night :)
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Random Tokyo Rev thoughts featuring other shows (these r gonna be hella chaotic and I have adhd):
- listen Baji playing volleyball/being with Karasuno…it suits him too well
- plus the Haitani brothers as the Miya twins 😳😳
- Mitsuya is literally Sugawara like come on
- idk y but I see Shion as Terushima
- Kazutora and Inui would be on Nekomata
- Senju and Takeomi r Daenerys and Viserys from Game of Thrones Oop- 🤷‍♀️
- would make it even spicier if Sanzu is Jon Snow but he’s very much Theon instead 🫣🫣
- tbh all of Brahman would suit Daenerys’ circle
- Kisaki is Littlefinger HOLY SHIT
- Shinchiro is so Robb Stark oh god
- Izana would lowkey be Margaery Tyrell
- Taiju and Hakkai r the Clegane brothers
- tbh I could also see Mikey and Senju as Jaime and Brienne like they very much have beauty and the beast vibes that if Wakui could write romance they would’ve been a good choice together (still a Sanzu and Mikey shipper LOL)
- Senju and Yuzuha as San and Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke (SOMEONE PLS DRAW THEM AS THIS 😭😭😭)
Kinda surprised there aren’t more Bnha and Tokyo Rev crossovers but here r some ideas:
- Himiko is one of my favs and she suits the TR universe wayyyy too well
- sis would totally be besties with Hanma and maybe Shion and would have a crush on Takemichy and Hina
- tbh I could see her joining Tenjiku and everyone seeing her as their little sister like imagine Mochi and Mucho doting on her
- they would totally annoy the Haitanis, Shigaraki, Dabi and Spinner together maybe Hawks too if they’re in the right mood
- Baji and Dabi wouldn’t get along but would set cars and Endeavour toys on fire together
- None of the TR characters would ever enter UA but if they did it they (Tenjiku let’s be honest) would bully everyone ESPECIALLY ALL MIGHT
-They would totally be hero haters/menaces and everyone would be lik: “y tf r all of u here then???” and TR cast would be lik: “for future connections?? Duh”
- Izana and Mikey in Gen Ed beating the shit out of everyone during the Sports Festival and laughing about it 😭😭
- Izana hanging out with Hawks simply bc Izana could instantly see thru his persona and Hawks genuinely being afraid of him but still wanting to hang out bc he feels like he could actually be himself for once
- Senju would be in the Hero course bc she actually wants to help, Ran would be in the Hero Course just for the fame and money. He would say it out loud too mans is shameless.
- Ironically enough: Ran would be the one to defeat Stain by throwing a BRICK at him while Rindou breaks his legs in the background LMAOOO
- Ran, Mt Lady and Midnight in the same room….that’s it.
- Rindou would be cool with Jirou, Denki and Shinso. OMG HE WOULD SO BE AN ERASERHEAD STAN TOO SJKSKSKKS
- tbh all of Bonten would totally be the MLA (or investors) and would just be staring tiredly at the League of Villains as they take over their army
- u cannot tell me Skeptic, Koko, and Re Destro wouldn’t get along (capitalists unite 😤😤)
- on the other hand I love the idea of Mikey being quirkless but still being the strongest person in the room like Mikey would totally body Re Destro and Geten for being annoying/quirkist
- Izuku would 100% be in Toman
- Draken and Mikey r Honey and Mori from Ouran High School Host Club
- Izana and Kakucho r Aki and Angel from Chainsaw Man ‼️‼️
- definition of out of touch, out of time energy (I cannot see snowball fights the same bc of these characters smhhhh)
- Bonten in a Chainsaw Man AU ✨chefs kiss✨ it’s fits the vibe and they already wear suits LOL
- OG Black Dragons would be the Cowboy Bebop crew idk everyone in that group lowkey has the same energy/nihilistic vibes as the Bebop crew (again someone pls draw this I’m not talented enough-)
- Shin is Spike, Faye is Takeomi, Benkei is Jett and Waka is Ed LOLLL
- Revy from Black Lagoon would BODY everyone in Bonten no ifs and/or buts (let’s not even start w/Roberta)
- Revy and Takeomi would have a one night stand and regret it instantly but still contact each other whenever they’re in the same area for drinks
- Balalaika would laugh at Bonten and bully Mikey (she would still lowkey respect him bc he built himself up but bully him bc he has depression and Mikey won’t do anything bc he’s lowkey afraid of her LOL 💀💀)
- Izana and Mikey r Sesshomaru and Inuyasha prove me wrong 😤😤😤
- Akatsuki would TERRORIZE Bonten simply bc their an anti-violence organization and they’re petty like that
- But Itachi and Mikey would get along purely bc Itachi looks like Shin and Mikey reminds Itachi of Sasuke (especially w/black hair). Idk I imagine Bonten!Mikey kidnapping Itachi bc he’s part of Akatsuki and looks like Shin but instead of fighting Itachi chooses to take over Bonten…..by being a good older brother to everyone. And the fic ends with Akatsuki and Bonten just fighting over Itachi LMAO
- Kakashi, Shisui and Wakasa would be friends like Wakasa would 100% be in Anbu
- Killer Bee, Benkei and South would be friends. Like Bee and South having sing offs in the middle of fights LOL
- Ino would force Draken, Mitsuya and Chifuyu to be her friends
- Sasuke would join Bonten for revenge and hate everyone except Kakucho and Mochi. This man will 100% leave once he’s reached his goal
- Someone pls write a fanfic w/Bonten entering Squid Game. Like Koko entering Bonten in Squid Game for money or Sanzu doing it for fun bc he didn’t think it was serious
- As much as I want this crossover: Realistically everyone in Assassination Classroom would HATE EVERYONE in TR. All the TR characters would just see AC cast as privileged rich kids and AC would see them as morons.
- Like Toman would DESPISE Karma Akabane (he’s my fav). I can’t even see any of the other gangs liking any of the AC cast past trying to recruit them
- MAYBE Kakucho, Rindou and Mitsuya would suit Class 3E but other than that….yeah no. I could see them getting along w/ Chiba, Kanzaki and Isogai tho simply bc they’re chill and play video games
- Koko would have an INTENSE crush on Yumeko Jabami from Kakeguri
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spicyraeman · 9 months
This week's batch of drawings will make you coo gentlepeople! Traumatised murder Bébé Lae'zel and happy Bébé Xan will make you melt like butter in a warm croissant! You never cared for kids? Now you do!
As a french speaker, the charisma check of a froggy frog Lae'zel would probably fail tbh. But it makes me laugh to imagine her accent being 100% harsher and the words mispronounced. They really missed a comical opportunity.
"What do you mean, wizard? Why can't I say 'I want to hit the beach' in front of the hatchlings? I had my hopes to see some phoques there. WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING SHADO-ART! We need to foc-us!"
Buuuuuut in french to say "my love / 🐸 my joy 🐸" you can say "mon cœur" which means "my heart". ( Coincidence? I think not!) I can almost imagine a scene where it's softly choked in a bloody pointy ear at camp after a scary fight. Almost. So just for that I can admit it can be cute. (Want more french lessons? Scream weewoo 🚑 at 3am and I'll appear on your bed, sleep-deprived with a complotist white board ! Special discount for fanfic writers and artists)
I saw briefly the translated version of the game, it's... an experience. They translated SH literally, it really brought out the cringe I probably should've felt in English but didn't. It's wayyy to close to "Shadowcunt" too, but we have Shart here so I can't really speak up. Poor girl is taking punches in every languages 😂
Also I love how everytime I send you something stuck in my brain, you come up with the most reasonable and obvious answers. Why do I forget these characters don't live in a bubble but in a society? Ofc there are gonna be pointy ears headphones 😂🤦‍♀️ All week I imagined some designs for those, then jewelries, then piercings, then I reaaally need to stop this brain. Qquipart is right too, Karlach is def a speaker user!
I live to give you cute drawing ideas. Doing the devil's work I'm sure, adding to the everlasting pile 😈
And take all the time you need to answer, obv. I'm sending a weekly rambling letter to a friend and finding an answer randomly in my mailbox ; waiting is part of the fun.
Yes! I had kids on the brain at the time! It's not something that happens often, but i couldn't resist baby Xan or Lil'zel
I find French accents incredibly endearing, not particularly attracted to them, but theres something about them i just love. An obscenely french Lae’zel would make me lose my shit, and honestly, it would fit her. I've always had the hc that lae'zels accent is waaayyy more prominent than in game and that she mispronounces words more frequently. I mean, shes probably never had to speak common to anyone before the nautiloid, how would she know how some words are pronounced?
Also bestie ya cant just drop an atomic bomb on me like that, thats too fuckin cute bro my heart 😭
As for reasonable and obvious answers, they're like that cuz ive got terminal worldbuilder disease, and as soon as you sent that ask, i took a whole day just researching headphones and IEMs. I really should draw up some designs for them 🤔 and yeaaa karlach is def bumping the speakers at full volume
It truly is an everlasting pile, i should probably actually start writing them down lmaooo
Trust me, im taking my time lol my brain works at a snails pace, but seeing an ask from you makes my week so ty <3
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Hawks freaking out lmaooo the man was totally not expecting that, "KILL HIM!!" was the first the came up at his mind, he's processing everything guys, calm down, let the man think for a moment lol
Anyway, I'm happy Twice's back, but I feel something's off, Idk how but...yea... thoughts?
It gave me the same energy as when I see a cockroach and I’m like “KILL IT KILL IT NOW“ lol. Like, the energy of “god no I don’t want to be anywhere near this get rid of it”.
Except in Hawks’s case, it’s “oh shit I killed him and it was pointless and I don’t know how to deal with this so I’m just going to do what I did the first time!”
I mean for fucks sake lmao. But!
Did we expect anything else? I think this is a wonderful starting point. And the set up is fantastic. Now only Twice, but Touya too, who watched him kill Twice and burned him for it. And Endeavor, who Hawks wants to support. But what does that look like when it’s Endeavor’s kid who is for all intents and purposes, crying for his dad? And what does that look like when the guy he considers a friend, admires as a person, and stabbed in the back, is there to distract him from helping Enji? Idk. Shits about to get crazy.
Idk if it seems off, but we don’t know everything we need to at the moment. So maybe that’s why.
Here’re my thoughts on this:
I’m excited. Because it needs to happen. And I am 0% worried about this heading in a positive direction. I’m not concerned at all that it won’t.
I am hoping Twice will be used to save people in the end. And that’s still what I think will happen. If this is the story of how everyone became heroes, then Twice is included. And I think, looking back, that’s the reasoning behind the title, and the overall meaning of chapter 341:
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The minus is Twice, because he isn’t there, but he is. If that makes sense. He isn’t there, but he still gets to be a hero in the end alongside his friends (who I think will be heroes in their own efforts too).
Something I’m relieved about—it seems like it’s Twice, with his personality and everything. Not Toga posing as Twice. I base this off of knowing that when Twice makes clones of other people, they have the personality of who they’re modeled after (looking back at MVA). So my thinking is Toga turned into him and made a clone, and that clone being Twice, made more.
The reason I’m relieved—I have always hated the Toga gets revenge theories. Hated them. I understood where they’re coming from, and I still can’t write it off as impossible even now. But I hate them. Because it doesn’t work for her character and it makes little sense seeing as how she has not once interacted with or even posed a thought toward Hawks. Not once.
Not only that, but what’s better: Twice, with his personality and everything facing Hawks? Or Toga? What do people think is more impactful on Hawks? It surely wouldn’t be Toga posing as Twice. The illusion is gone. But with it being his clone? It’s him. Nobody has to maintain character to play it off. And Hawks is justifiably freaked out.
And with that, Toga can stay with her fight. Because she needs to. We haven’t seen it at all, and I feel there is a reason for that. Toga has always felt like the game changer to me because of how open she is about wanting to change. Or rather, wanting someone to help her change. She voices it. She shows it. She looks for it. She chases after it.
I hope it’s not her, and currently I don’t think it is. So I’m good with that. Because I want to see her fight and see what it looks like when a villain is given what they want and need.
Sucks we have a break next week, but I know that Jump Festa is coming up and I’m excited for that color page, as well as the popularity poll results. Which means colored drawings! I’ve found that breaks usually come with some sort of special artwork following them. So I don’t complain too much lol.
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tuskicles · 11 months
i'm not into burping like that, but seeing as you are, thought i'd share a lil sumn😌
lately, as in like the last month or so, my bf has releasing absolute belches in my face whenever he feels like it, in like a jokey sort of way. i play along and pretend to be disgusted by it- i'm like indifferent to it lmao, maybe because i'm so attracted to him gross shit like that doesn't phase me? (pretty boys who are nasty>>>>)
but anyway, yeah the way he's been like shamelessly burping like an inch away from my face, even if we're in front of our friends he does it to me unapologetically lmaoo; even if it's a smaller burp he makes sure to push it out close to me to draw a reaction from me (but most of the time they are the loud thick ones)
oh might as well tell you ab him farting in front of me for the first time too lmaooo
the first time we were on facetime actually, he was in the middle of talking, explaining something to me i can't remember what and then i just heard this high pitched squeaky sound that lasted like 5 seconds. i just assumed it was something else, but when he stopped talking and like smiled slightly it was obvious it was a fart😭😭 it was pretty funny and he wasn't that embarrassed about it, as he continued speaking soon after like nothing happened.
the second time was at my house,, we were chilling on my bed a bit after eating dinner (which is why he was so gassy ig). we were watching some movie i think and then that same similar high pitched fart broke the silence. i then ofc laughed and teased him about it and he was also laughing but kinda shrugged it off like "what?? its just a fart" type of thing
anywayy sorry this ask is so long💀💀 hope you've enjoyed it though,, would love to be mutuals so we can dm about how hot gassy men are and talk about scenarios (which i might even write) bc i need to like rant with someone abt it lmaoo
If i had a man that pretty to do those things to me I'd probably be so happy 😭😭😭 like im starting to get more of into burps again and for some reason the thought of like- a guy burping in someones face just to annoy them is pretty damn hot to me and I don't know why.
Tho- I definitely understand that you aren't into that sort of thing. I'm kinda picky about it but 👁👄👁 man it's something else imo. Also any pretty boy that is nasty has my heart bc good god I love m e n that are attractive and gross HAHA
Normally if a guy I like or love (if we are like friends or dating) rips ass I'd get flustered or super blushy but I play it off by playfully ripping on him (not in a rude way ofc! Just jokin around kinda sense yknow)
And no ur asks can be as long as you want them to be!! Im all ears and im welcome to chat at almost anytime about gassy men and whatever in general 😭😭😭 i need more gas friends anyways so I honestly don't blame you LMAO
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metukika · 2 years
ok you needing a second to understand that tumbel in tumblr saved me from my embarrassment for having misread your message xD hell yeah haha
maybe you could write us a lil post about your favorite character & why they are that :D (soz for not doin it myself i‘m not feeling like putting anything out there today)
and don‘t decide that you won‘t ever contribute to a bigger project that touches people yet !!!!!! YOU‘RE SO YOUNG you‘ve got the whole world waiting for you and you‘re ALREADY so good at art though. your art is already touching people, no reason why that shouldn‘t work if you should ever work with others on a bigger project!!! GET OUT THEREEE i mean also take your time but IF YOU WANT THAT ABSOLUTELY SHOOT YOUR SHOT KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR OPPORTUNITIES i‘d personally love to see your work in something bigger :D nothing‘s set in stone <3 <3 <3 !!!
aww thank you so much anon! idk who you are but youre so kind to me... thats so nice!
about the whole future thing... i know i have a lot of time but i think because of some stuff coming up soon (when i leave school) im stressed about the future and my decisions in it entirely. idk what im gonna do if i need to go to the military lol like what job to take... i havent started driving and i dont understand shit about all the other stuff thats attached with going to the military im just stressed in general. i dont wanna end up staying in my parents house forever ig.
but i have a lot of time and i know that even if my connection with my friends fade away when they get recruited (which is... also something that could happen... oh god i dunno how to make irl friends) i still have my family, and probably the online world too. if i open commissions im pretty sure id get some work, but i dont think i could do that too much cuz i hate drawing things i dont wanna draw.
but, again, who knows what will happen. ill be fine haha, especially if there are people like you who care enough to write messages like these. most of my online friends are from twt so its always nice to see a tumblr fan <3 thank you anon.
(im realizing how depressed this is all making me sound like i promise its just my school hammering in the importance of the military signs up like i dont even know what part of the mess ill be in most of the time theyre teaching shit that doesnt concern me. im okay, im not dying!!)
now to actually talk about my favorite character! woohoo! happy topic change!
for the two people who read this and the one thats actually gonna read till the end, im putting a cut so this isnt annoying on ur dash (note to anon: this post is so so fucking long i know u prob asked me my fav character to cheer me up but dont force urself to read this whole thing just to be polite lmaooo but id appreciate it if anyone did cuz holy shit)
something that ive realized a while back is that usually when it comes to favorite characters of media, i have a type.
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when i made this the character i had in mind where souda (danganronpa), aiura (saiki k) and teru (mp100).
after making the tweet i also thought of denji (csm) who fits right in, and also bakugou (mha) who doesnt, but he looks like half of the characters i did mention lol.
i think the whole social but nice thing came to because of all those shows and stories where the popular kid in school is the mean bully.. maybe i dislike this trope cuz i havent personally experienced any kind of bullying in my school, even as an observer so i cant relate to the experience of having this type of antagonist. the worst it ever got for me was when in fifth grade a girl made fun of me for crying and no one laughed. (shes still in my class over six years later and shes really nice not ufhduh were not friends but were friendly and i dont hold a grudge). maybe its just cuz im wholesome so i dislike any type of negative character. maybe.
that might sound stupid cuz i said i like bakugou, who i used to think of constantly, like for the entirety of 2021 he was in my mind it was annoying. but idk man not all my favs fit into this category ((shinguuji, saihara, yuuko, tweek (who also looks like them! what the fuck!) yuudai from sakana (why are they all blond?!? and men. more female characters what the fuck) barf bag (yes im an object show fan good morning)))
anyways. i like the popular but nice trope is what im saying. why are they all simps? i dont know honestly only one of the characters that i mentioned at the start is simping for someone i ship them with (terumob) (but the reason i even like teru in the first place might be cuz i saw terumob art, thought it was cute, and decided to search more art. i do that with a lot of characters when i dont watch the show (from the original list ive watched all of saiki k, watched playthroughs of the first 2 dr games, watched like a season of mp100 years ago and watched like 2 seasons of mha even before that. i get my filling of plot and character from meme videos, fanart, and fanfics. i understand enough.) and i get hooked on the ship (more examples include akiangel, kiribaku and the two gay boys from evangelion. a lot of homo happening. also whatever the fic version of this is but with denji and yoshida).
about the simping and the bakugou being mean-- i accept my character's flaws!!! i dont erase them!!! bakugou is an asshole and thats why i wanna see him get punished and learn from his mistakes, even if its a little hard! a great fic where this happens (but isnt the main storyline) is quirk: knife! which is probably my favorite non ship heavy fic, check it out!
my fav characters have flaws but just like how you need to embrace flaws in the people you love, whether that means helping them get better or accepting them, i embrace these flaws cuz it makes them who they are! souda, denji and auira wouldnt be themselves if they werent pushing the lines with their crushes and idk what the fuck bakugou would be if he wasnt what he was.
alright lets actually start talking about my favorite character now.
so, right now, my favorite character of all time is-- ding ding ding-- kazuichi souda! who i already mentioned.
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look at him! idk if the one and a half people who are reading this know him, but if u know denji, who is a more popular character atm, then imagine that but more wimpy.
the first time i encountered this character i was watching game grump's playthrough of the second game. i watched their first and enjoyed it but didnt really join the fandom. i didnt know anything about the second so i was going in blind like arin and dan, so theres a chance that whatever i thought about the characters was biased and connected to how they feel.
at first i really liked his design. a lot of the characters have small and complicated details but souda is probably the most simple design, not including hinata, but unlike him souda has a lot of bright colors that draw the eye in! i dont particularly prefer designs with sharp teeth but i think its a pretty nice quirk, since its another part of him that makes him look intimidating. theres a headcanon that he filed themselves but i honestly think he wouldnt do that, and prefer the headcanon that its genetic, even if it makes less sense. but danganronpa, and their designs, dont make sense. i think these little strange quirks are better when they arent thoughtout or have reason. he has sharp teeth becuz. just cuz.
if u dont know what happens in the game im just gonna say that the plot doesnt really matter, cuz really the only growth souda experiences is with his relationship to hinata (the main character) and his trust to his survivor friends that makes him stronger and convinces him to leave the virtual reality. im not gonna be talking about the plot in detail. i also havent watched the anime so im not gonna get into whatever he does there. i do know that he makes some cute faces in it, which is pretty awesome.
but, yeah, besides his design, at the start i truthfully didnt really like him lmaooo he was kind of stalkerish towards sonia (ill prob get into their relationship later), he is also a wimp but honestly... i get it hes stuck in a killing game i would be scared of anything too. i feel like of all of the cast, from all the games, souda is probably one of the best depictions of an actual teenager that might exist. of course he has his obnoxious moments, but in a way that a dumb teenager would have. i dont know when i started liking him, maybe after discovering soudam? hmm.
kazuichi is the ultimate mechanic, which is one of the talents in the game that actually gets used? he makes the communicators in chap 3 and fixes the elevator in chap 4. besides that, he is also important to the second chapter since he helped tie up komaeda and he also brought hinata to the diner, though that has nothing to do with his talent.
he learned to be a great mechanic from working at his dad's repair shop or garage or whatever its called. its mentioned that their family is pretty poor, and i think the concept of a character being at one point or another un-wealthy pretty interesting (did that come strange? sorry). he worked to help get their family money he is a good boy, he mentions being better than his dad too. he doesnt look like the typical mechanic, except from the greasy hair and jumpsuit (im talking specifically about his color scheme) and thats another one of those quirks that make no sense but i just like haha
speaking of his parents, lets talk about a popular headcanon that fans have of souda's dad (before we start i wanna state that my opinion on this topic and the topic of souda relationship towards sonia and his trust issues were all stem from an analysis video of him on youtube, if u know u know, so if i want someone more competent talking about it go there, but if u dont care enough to research it or ure only reading because u like me and wanna hear me talk about something i care about dw im gonna go into detail about these anyways
the hc is that souda's dad physically abuses him. i wanna talk about why dont agree (if u wanna skip this part ill put *** when it ends so just go there <3). this hc stems from a story he tells hinata in one of the free time events where he didnt go to his previous school trips because he wanted to save money for his family, even though he really wanted to go, and he says something along the lines of how his dad "beat the crap outta him" when he didnt go.
do i think his dad hit him? probably. i dont really know how common this type of discipline is in japan, or in places with more un-wealthy people so this might be normal to them. does that make that okay? obviously not. but if the only example we get for him hitting souda is after souda does something good for the family in his own expense, it wont make sense for his father to be mad about it, right? i think he was upset his son had to give up his happiness for them, even if it was to save money. the analysis vid said it might be souda just using more dramatized words for it. He was hesitant to tell hinata that he was picked on at school, i dont think hed just admit to being abused so casually. i think his dad might have smacked him from time to time when he was younger but probably stopped the more souda grew up. if his dad really hated him he wouldnt beat him after doing something that would benefit the dad, is what im saying.
also i think that the way souda acts doesnt reflect someone who would be regularly abused... its not like im an expert, but if we for example look at tsumiki, who was canonically abused and bullied regularly, we can see a great difference. yes, souda tends to be caught off guard or scared of stuff, but usually its less of other people and more about the situation around him. he was scared of monokuma and the monobeasts and the morning after the killing gama announcement. he's also generally not that apologist about his stupid behavior... for example he doesnt feel remorse for tying up komaeda, and even threatens to tie up kuzuryuu too. i also think he said something about wanting to punch one of the other guys? this might be cuz he tends to blurt out his thoughts stupidly and doesnt know how to hold his tongue (something that, if he was abused, would probably get him in trouble) but he never recoils from what he said. he whines about being judged, like after letting slip that he was thinking of sonia in a creepy way, but he never goes back and is afraid that someone might punish him or hurt him. like how tsumiki apologizes for the smallest thing at claims that she'll take any punishment.
it might also be because i generally dont like hcing characters with abusive parents haha. i know for a lot of characters its a part of what makes them who they are, but if thats not the case i feel like its always to excuse the character from some frowned upon trait they have.
its a bit difficult to explain so ill take an example from a different character from a different show. todoroki from mha was abused as a child, and its a part of what makes him him, and its a big part of his character, even if hes not in that situation anymore. i wont deny it. now, theres a hc that some people like to believe about bakugou's parents, specifically his mom, being abusive. this isnt canon. first of all everyone is entitled to hc what they want but a lot of the time i feel this is a way to explain his asshole behavior (also i just love mitsuki). i dont like excusing his fucked up actions and blaming his parents. i think that him being an asshole from the ideals that he himself made is kind of what made him interesting. he believes in what he learned from his own experiences that he and only he had. his stupid child thinking made him the gross person he is, and thats way more interesting than blaming his parents' behavior, like we can do with reason in todoroki's case. todoroki acts antagonistic at the start of the show because of the pressure his dad put on him.
now going back to souda, by making his dad abusive a lot of people linked that to him being a creep towards sonia. while i do see how his parents and their expectations might be a motivator, i prefer to blame souda himself for his wrong actions. i dont want to excuse his actions like that. its more interesting to see him grow from the ideals and reasonings he made himself.
now let's talk about his relationship with hinata! woo!
canonically, hinata is the person souda is closes to in the game, even though most of the time hinata is just tolerating his stupid behavior. except in his free time events maybe. their relationship is probably the biggest character development souda gets.
lets talk about his past a little more.
souda tells hinata that he used to be picked on for looking like a nerd. he had black hair (but i hc it more like dark brown, because reminder this is a post gushing about my fav character first and an canalization second), brown eyes (in hc world dull pale brown cuz a lot of the char's eyes are dull and pale colored) and glasses (hc: thin and rectangle shaped). he's not really a nerd... except that he's probably good at math and that type of things, since he builds machines and all. if i remember correctly, he says his bullied got away with what they did because he tends to be naive and trusts too easily. he was also used by his best friend that cheated off of his test, blamed souda for it (which he didnt really mind, showcasing how much not a nerd he is if he doesnt care about his studying and tests like that) and then kinda ghosted after feeling bad. but at the time souda was really heartbroken and felt betrayed, this whole situation gave him trust issues because that his naive heart cant tell when someone really wants to be his friend or if they'll drop him when they dont need him anymore.
souda and hinata start off being friends because souda didnt like any of the other guys enough (fair enough, hinata is the most normal one lol) and he tolerated him enough to go to the diner on the second island to spy on the girls with him. at the time kuzuryuu was still an asshole to everyone, but the two do get friendlier after the second trial (survivor boys bff agenda. i did say "bff coded" didnt i?)
souda tells hinata that after his ex best friend left him, he kinda went through something-- he dyed his hair, put in contacts, and pierced his ears (which i like to think was really scare to him) (and i assume this is when he started to wear bright colors, but i like to think he was always a fan of them (aiura and teru kinnie)) to make himself more intimidating (like i said in the list! remember the list?!) so that he wont be picked on. i assume the bullying he experienced was more emotional that physical, and he was probably called names for his nerdy appearance and was made to do tasks for toxic friends and somethings like that. tsumiki was physically bullied and she has bandages all over her design while souda rolls up all his sleeves and has his collar bone exposed while there is no marks on him. maybe he's have some scars from beginner's mechanical mistakes but thats hc territory.
anyways, because of his appearance change, he got some attention from flirtations girls and said that it had intimidated him. i imagine that while he was in his nerd looking mode, he didnt get much attention from the other sex so when they only started approaching him with the assumption he's some punk badass, that was probably a bit overwhelming for him and thats why he has a strained relationship with the female sex. he does kind of sexualize the girls, specifically in the second chapter, but honestly its not really that bad. it kind of even feels a little forced, like he said nanami had "huge jugs" and wonders if this "is what moe gap is" or something like that but he doesnt even say anything about wanting her lmao. the only girl he really shows any interest is sonia, and he mostly gushes about her beauty, instead of her body. not that thats really any better ofc.
he does get along with some of the girls or at least acts normal and not incel-y towards them, like whenever he's angry at saionji, when he felt awkward next to tsumiki or when he made minimaru for owari (though he did mainly do that to impress sonia). when alter ego enoshima suggest putting him between her boobs or whatever batshit crap she said he just yelled he's get crushed, so like. good for him for not being toooo bad. so yeah i do think there are reasons why souda's best friend woudlnt be a girl (for now, at least) and thats why it really is hinata.
and while hinata has other friends, his and souda's connection is special <3 some examples: he is friends with nanami, but they dont really get each other, or at least hinata doesn't feel too connected at her at times cuz shes like a robot and doesnt really get emotions to the full extent. canonically, his and komaeda's relationship is just not... bros, yknow? whatever it is its not "bros". he and souda are bros. i know that he and kuzuryuu consider each other brothers but i feel like while the friendship they have is great, hinata would be more comfortable just letting loose and being stupid with souda. they could connect by being stupid together and distracting one another from the bad in the world by being fun. cuz souda can be fun when he isnt stressed.
but since souda is an emotional character (i dunno if i mentioned this, if u didnt know souda beforehand hes emotional as shit and cries constantly, my beloved) they can get close the two of them emotionally and are empathetic enough to be able to comfort each other. that is, when souda trusts his enough to do that.
thats right. as much as id like to say souda is loyal like a dog, he doesnt really show that in the game lol. because of his experience with his ex friend, souda has trust issues, which i think i already touched upon (idk this is so fucking long im tryna go thru this one topic at a time but good god) and these issues come up in his and hinata's relationship, mainly chap 4. to put it simply cuz honestly the plot doesnt really matter in this context: souda suspects hinata to be a traitor, and because in chap 4 the characters are not allowed to eat, this probably makes him more stressed and causes him to think even more rationally. after the chap is over, in souda's last free time event, he invites hinata to the beach and order him to punch himself.
his actions are really silly here, but basically: hinata shows in souda trust, which makes souda feel like a bad friend, because he couldnt bring himself to trust hinata even though hinata didnt do anything wrong. he feels that their friendship is unfair and that he's the cause of this problem. so i guess he knows he'll get into an argument or a fight because of it, or maybe he wants to give hinata a reason to not trust him so he bring hinata to the beach so they could fist fight. but souda doesnt like to harm people cuz soda is a good boy tm so he asks hinata to do the work for him (which he does not do lol. they communicate and talk like normal friends). this is where souda tells hinata about his past being bullied, after in the last free time event hinata said he could see souda hanging out with the cool kids, so this is where he confides that hes not a cool kid. anyways souda comes to the conclusion that hes more scared of being a bad friend and a coward because of his trust issued that actually being betrayed, and tells hinata that he'll trust him. hooray!
in my mind they are suchhhh good friends. i dont mind shipping souda with a lot of the characters, but it think their friendship is the most important to me. i love them!
now lets get into his relationship with sonia!
i do, in fact, think that his crush on her is fake. i do think he believes in it. but he does not realize that the created a version of her brought on by her general politeness, her status as a princess and her beauty, in his mind that every day strays farther away from the real sonia. he denies her liking of the occult and other scary stuff that turns him off and he acts shocked when she admits to being a virgin (yikes. at least he doesnt really shame her. i think it just ruins his image of her-- again, yikes-- but he ignores it mostly. like he ignores her, the real her, most of the times)
i dont know why he needs a romantic relationship specifically so desperately, but i can think of why he wants that puppy love admiration that he has for her. she, or at least the way he makes her in his mind, is wildly out of her league. sure he wants a girlfriend, but deep down he knows hell never get her. thats why when she turns him down again and again he only gets hurt for like a minute. she even suggests she would rather he be the blackened in the 4th trial and he gets over it pretty quickly. this is the reason he wants to like someone out of his reach so much-- because he cant get hurt from her. he isnt being betrayed or heartbroken like his ex best friend did to him (yes this is about the trust issues again) because he never expected to be with her in the first place. by expecting failure by chasing a girl that is so so out of his league (a pretty perfect princess) he knows what he gets when hes turned down. to him, this is better than actually making an effort with someone he is genuinely attached to because in that case he might actually get his feelings hurt. we see this with his relationship with hinata, though it isnt in a romantic sense. sadly, after they become close friends, he still chases after sonia, but that might be because the player isnt guaranteed to play all of souda's free time events.
this stuff probably will take time for souda to understand. ofc this doesnt really justify his actions and creepy behavior towards her... i like to think that at some point (i constantly forget that dr is a game about killing each other and the apocalypse, but ig this can take place in here too since they both survive) he understands where his problem stem from, maybe with a conversation with hinata or kuzuryuu and he learns and he asks forgiveness from sonia and changes his behavior. the long and hard way!!! my boy did something stupid and he has to make up for it!!!! he will take responsibility because thats what good character writing is!!
itll probably be difficult to come to terms that the girl in his mind, that i do believe he actually fell in love with, is not real. he will cope <3
briefly i'd like to mention souda's and kuzuryuu's relationship i think they are bffs #2 honestly i feel that the both of them plus hinata could be the best trio they are such wholesome guys from all corners of the bro spectrum let the be friends<333 idk maybe even add owari. owari and souda sibling energy <3 this is just hc territory at this point. mioda and souda sibling energy!!!!! for more kuzuryuu and souda friendship read the fic Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi's Guide to Despair Disease: A How-To Take Care of Your Friends(?) Without Spiraling Out Of Control Story. still a wip.
hmmm that was a lot. lets talk about some hcs cuz believe it or not i dont just think of his as what he is canonically, but also what he could be!
ok lets talk about appearances (still canon atm:) he is short-- one of the shortest guys in the cast cuz fuyuhiko and teruteru dont count (thats a plus) and he is, sadly, pretty ripped. it makes since cuz he prob carries heavy stuff and moves his arms a lot for his talent of being a mechanic but when a (male) character is TOO ripped and not for a good reason (for example theres a good reason why nidai or oowada are physically strong cuz of their talents, and some characters are just himbos that deserve it like momota) i just look at them like :|. but it think souda deserves some strong arms <3 he is a cuddler. he would. i just dont think he's impressively ripped. like i think he could sprint fast, but not for long, and that girls wouldnt flawk him for his arms (if they already knew who he was) cuz all in all he is still a wimp loser and he will stay as such, please and thank you.
im a big fan of his narrow eyes. theyre just. dont make sense on him i love it. just like the sharp teeth, he is blessed with looking the opposite of his personality.
now lets talk about post canon appearances! in the world of canon, where the most tragic event in history happens and they were a part of the despair refinements and they live the neo world program (i always forget they dont live in my lil modern day normal aus, ugh), i think he would wake up still looking like how he did in his depair era. idk how long theyre like that but this is my personal hc: hair that reaches his chest, some ugly dulled down pink still sticking to the tips of his messy hair, no hat </3 but his hair is long enough that he doesnt have that hedgehog thing going on </3, no contacts, no glasses, probably scars over his arms and one over the side of his lips like that rio penguin from madagascar (also curse that show for making my tiny stupid child brain think there are penguins in the desert. at least there are such a thing as beach penguins... hmm). i think he would cut his hair to be shorter that it is in canon, a bit longer than hajime's and would resemble saihara's except brown, parted and no ahoge. he wold be dispensation by the length. he would also wear a cap (the normal way) and with his natural colors back, he would look very snuggble :)) he would hug everyone he would be the comfort giver at least to the survivors (this is the part where u realize how insame i am for him lol)
in a world where the end of it didnt happen, i feel like he would feel kind lonely for a while after school, and wouldnt care enough to wear contacts and would go back to glasses, and he wouldnt dye his hair (i just really like his naturality okay i know i said i liked him at first for his colors but this is character growth! he is learning that he doesnt need to be intimidating to get friends!!!) his hair would be a little longer than canon but not by much. i just have this au where he works in an office and there he meets kamukura (who, personality wise is just hinata but depressed) and they become bffs dont at me, and this is how he looks in that au, wearing a button down without the tie and the sleeves rolled up. i do think hed wear obnoxious colors in his free time tho <3
maybe i should get into ships a little? mostly i shipped him with tanaka because i love me some rivals to lovers that isnt angst filled and is mostly just petty. theys either be salty towards each other or tanaka would be very intense in his friendship and souda would be tsundere-ish, not the obnoxious type tho. imagine how denji acts towards yoshida. (denji and souda are actually really alike. before i knew anything about csm my twt mutual told me id prob like denji cuz i like souda and.. well he was right)
but recently i dont really focus on shipping souda with anyone as much as i focus on his friendship with hinata (am i the only one who watched gg compilations and put their faces behind the silly conversations? like i imagine their sprites laughing while the video plays. is that weird? them and also saihara&momota. cuz theyre the same relationship!!! tactful mc and their friendly dumb bro! they!!!). also if u recall i made that drawing of souda with a bunch of ships so its not like loyal lol.
also why are souda and tanaka together constantly in the anime... i think its the end song where theres a slide show of all the characters in class in places like a picnic and the beach and stuff and the two of them are almost together. theyre at the very least friends. that dynamic where they both look intimidating but theyre both so fucking stupid. frienemies. <333 they are so <333 theyd be friedns at least!!! thank you for the anime for realizing that.
i also like to imagine that he and tsumiki would be friends <3 they were both bullied, they both cry a lot and arent really taken seriosuly, at least when it comes to their emotions. i think theyd hug and cry together and be friends :) also as couple they could be very cute.
i dont really know what more to say... i think this is it! i dont know what about kazuichi souda makes me love him so much. he is flawed but not to the point of being unlikable. he is unique but can easily be related to! i care about him so much... the amount of aus i come up and put him in... i dont post so much about him, but know he is my love. ofc i dont have romantic feelings for him some ppl just thirst over their favs i wanna preface that aint the case. not cuz of his age (im close to him in age) but cuz i just... dont feel and romantic or thristy feelings towards anyone so istg if anyone says something stupid to me about that.
thats all! i think this is the longest post ive ever made? when i got this ask last night i thought id write about all those characters i mentioned at the start but then when i went to bed i thought about my answer and realized i have a lot to say lol.
to the one person who actually read until the end, if u even exist (who knows myabe this was for nothing, i still had fun), you're insane. and i hope u have a great rest of ur day. if u didnt know who souda was before this... well u certainly do now (also why did u read this?) sometimes i just gotta rant about something i adore haha. its been a while since i went all out cuz me and my irl dont watch the same shows. i hope i made whoever read this love souda! at least a little!
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this post is 5787 words long... im not rereading this
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episode 24 B)
Okay so last episode was intense and I'm raring to find out what happens next, but I'm EXTRA excited because I've been curious what this episodes title is about since literally my very first listen. another so-while-drawing so if commentary is slightly unhinged/sparse you know why
and ajsrlfhadsjhfaskf Vellum gets THREE drinks. Circular snacks....
ALJJAFSDGL;AJSFD "is it a nice shot of his booty?" the good side is the backside ;)
"but she does touch her beak to your forhead" awhhhhhhh!!! Penumbra podcast has made me permanently associate bird-woman kisses with the most heart wrenching gestures of affection one has ever encountered
Diamond does not deserve any fucking donuts, everyone gets donuts BUT diamond. and yeah!! grey IS in town!!!
"no i successfully--" shut uuuuuup asdfjhasdlfasdf
"he brought back oolong" noooo!!!!
"I have never hated a person so much, i wanted to do violence just now :D!" ANYAAAA LMAOOOO
"spar looks relieved" awhhhhhh they're so precious!!! I'm gonna crush them in a vice
;asdfasldfasdf spar and jakub's eyebrow conversation is soooo good. god i adore them sm
"they're a flystander because it's high up"
I need to write a fic where, like, Ipswitch is visiting Vassa Natura and Jakub has him step inside briefly while he goes to grab his coat or something and then is like "wait lemme show him the closet he'll probably like that" and is confused as to why Ipswitch is treating this like he just handed him a copy of his key
These consecutive jokers are hilarious. Safety checks matter, Essay!!! XDDD
I'm SO excited for the quiet year series
I'm having so much fun :) I missed Grey
I think it's high time to upgrade diamond from "person of interest" to "suspect"
greggginnnnns <3<3
og course vellum and grey start tinkering kdlsjf;asdfjasdf they're so family. GREY HUH!!! :0 YAYYYYY
Grey and Diamond better not fucking be an item rn.
I need vellum and spar to hug so bad rn.
"wait...jack's missing?" asjdhf;ladsjkfa;sdjlk
i need them to hug SO SO BAD.
The forearm squeeze. WAH
spar was vulnerable for 2.5 seconds and then pulled back like he was burned al;dsjfa;lkdjf
"why were you scared?" "Spar looks at vellum like he's stupid" AWHHHHHH AWHHH THE QUICK LITTLE KISS IM. THATS SO CUUUTEEEE. your honor they love eachother!!!!
i NEED max and vellum to be friends so bad. I need them to have that friends-to-siblings arc i NEED this
"Hey uh. Max. I've been wanting to meet you--" "Sorry my mom killed your parents and then herself." "......uh. Yeah" LJSHDALG;AHSDGF LIKE IMAGINE THAT CONVERSATION-- FUCK.
I was kinda close about the werekid situation though!!! Max sure is a kid of a were!
Vellum and grey's relationship is something that can be SO precious in my heart <3
Vellum is gonna be such a good big brother he's gonna be SUCH a good brother he's gonna be SOOOOOOO THEY"RE A FUCKING FAMILY YOUR HONOR!!!!! YOUR HONOR!!!!!!!
"First i need to confess something" i am instantly so suspicious again. "none of this is gonna matter soon" THATS NOT A REASSURING THING
"What I want to do with the radiotower is unethical" I at least respect the self awareness
sometimes I forget that vellum got a little misery after drawing that card and I just keep laughing.
"some thing that providence is a god" HAHAHA BITCH IM BACK IN THE GAME
"how can we even control it to accomplish your goal?" You gotta sacrifice something messy and big, i think......If bridge is to be believed.
Spar is absolutely not gonna be on board with the providence thingg. However finding a way to contain it would be ideal. Though if providences IS a god that might not be possible at all.
Okay.....episode 25 is the last ep up and I'm gonna be kinda busy tomorrow so I think I might just....just go for it! Why not! I'm not scared at all hahahahhaha!!! having the bonus content to cushion my fall will be nice too. but god i just need to know what grey says to spar askjfl;asdjfa;sdf
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hey there! :DD
I saw your requests are open and I was wondering if I could get an (romantic or platonic, it’s up to you) Overwatch Matchup? Headcanons, or a small drabble if you prefer (cooking or shopping together?)
Sorry, this is gonna be all over the place, but:
I’m a demigirl and gay asf (women iykwim). A bit taller and kinda chubby? My hair is pretty short and I have a tendency to impulsively dye it with wash out colours. I’m also an audhd kid lmao. Born and raised in Austria, so I’m fluent in german as well as english (I know a tiny bit of spanish too!)
I live for cute things!!! It’s round and soft? I need it!But I come of as kinda scary because I dress more punk/alt, which is a shame because I’m touch starved and want a hug real bad. I also have a very strange sense of humor, which I’d need a partner who wouldn’t mind that.
I love vocaloids and goth music and I think that sums up my personality perfectly haha (my favorite musician rn is Shilpa Ray!!!) I listen to music pretty much 24/7.
Ideally, I’d like someone who’s fun to be around, yet still respecting of my boundaries. My love languages are gift-giving, parallel play and physical touch and I’d need a partner who would be excited about randomly getting leaves or just memes from me. I love baking and cooking for people I care about!! I also draw a lot, alongside other creative things like sculpting, photography, cosplay and writing. I tend to stim when really excited and if someone joined me in doing that, it’d actually make me want to marry them or keep them in a glass terrarium to observe their activities. I also just LOVE shopping, even if I don’t end up buying anything.
To sum it up: scary looking chubby girl with a love for cute things and way too many hobbies who makes too many jokes for their own good
I hope that’s alright? Also no pressure to write this at all!!
(Btw I love your writing style!!! <3)
hi there!!! this was perfect!! it was super easy for me to pick a character for you!! and seriously, thanks for asking for an overwatch matchup because i do not do enough overwatch requests lol. alright im rambling, now onto your character!
the character I chose for you is...
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like women you say??
this is the cutest woman in town!
plus y'all are both a lil chubby making cuddling THE BEST
like cuddles are the absolute best with this girl!
she will 100% help you dye your hair
round and soft you say???
here's your new girlfriend!!
she doesnt mind if you come off as a little scary, if anything, she's obsessed with the dynamic of the both of you
she's super cute and wears just soft outfits and you look all grunge and punk
it's awesome
she likes the music you listen to, but it definitely isn't her go to, so just know that she will be putting on lofi and you will be groaning in the background, waiting for the aux back lmaooo
she LOVES to laugh
she doesnt mind a weirder sense of humor because she definitely has a goofy one
like those really random gen z memes are her shit
send her those at 3am and she will be laughing for hours lmfao
i mean, she is cold all the time, so warm cuddles are what she needs the most
expect a lot of random hugs from out of nowhere
she loves baking and cooking just as much as you do (that's what your mini fic below is gonna be about tee hee)
please tell her about your hobbies
she loves to see you excited
and please ask about hers
she loves talking to you for hours <3
she thinks it is sweet when you stim, so she will grab your hands and jump in the air with you when you're both excited
definitely not bothered by your adhd at all
she will help you when you need it most
she will 10000% go shopping with you and even end up buying you stuff even when you say she doesnt have to
and you will do the same lmaooo
just know that she loves you with all her heart and couldnt ask for a better girlfriend/partner!! <333
You giggled and watched Mei as she was fully focused on icing the cake you two had made together. Her tongue was slightly sticking out to help her focus and she had a dot of white icing on her nose.
She pulled back for a second to look the cake over and you needed to help get rid of that icing that was annoying you so much. You kissed her on the nose and licked off the icing making her giggle. "Ew, don't lick me!" She said jokingly, lightly pushing you away.
"You had icing on your nose." You said, taking the piping tool from her to finish up the details on the cake.
"Did I really?" She asked, her face going a bit red.
"Yeah, but it was cute." You stopped icing for a second to give her a kiss on the cheek, making her smile.
"You know, I think this is the best cake we've made yet," she said, putting her hands on her hips proudly. "What do you think, babe?"
"Oh, definitely!" You finished icing the cake, satisfied with your work and stood to admire it for a moment before taking a picture.
"Are we gonna eat the crap outta this thing?" Mei asked, already grabbing a fork.
"Oh hell yeah we are!"
matchup rules --- pinned post
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hyperthinks · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals ^_^ i was tagged by @socialbunny!
1. are you named after anyone?
nope to both my birth name and chosen name! my motivation behind picking the name miles was that it 1. had the same first initial as my birth name and 2. PEOPLE COULD ACTUALLY SPELL IT LMAOOO
2. when was the last time you cried?
i graduated college last weekend and i dont know if id consider it a Full Cry because all i did was tear up but when i gave my favorite professor a hug after i went onstage i was screaming and crying and throwing up on the inside
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
yeah but in a lighthearted way! im a goofy guy but i dont ever want my jokes to come off as too mean spirited
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
HELP im so shit at sports 😭 my hand eye coordination and depth perception are both awful so im not good at any of them… when i was in the 3rd grade my mom put me in cheerleading and i had such bad social anxiety as a kid that when it was my turn to cheer i would just CRY. it makes for a funny story though
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
ooh this ones tough. uhhh it depends on the situation i first meet them in but generally their voice and speech patterns? when i was a kid i didnt inflect a lot (autism.) so i had to “study” other people… i think that’s kind of a holdover from that ?
7. eye color?
brown! ^_^
8. scary movies or happy endings?
hmmm. depends on what mood i’m in and also how well its written!
9. any special talents?
well i just graduated magna cum laude (CUM? 🤨) with a BFA in graphic design so i HOPE i’m good at that LMAOOOO
outside of that? im decently good at digging through code and messing with hex editing for someone who has no formal coding experience outside of HTML and CSS
10. where were you born?
the united states! i was born in missouri but i’ve lived in georgia most of my life
11. what are your hobbies?
ooh lets see. i like researching unused content and the effects of glitches in video games (lifelong special interest. teehee) in addition to, well. actually playing the games. i used to draw a lot more (if you’re reading this and you followed me from my furry twitter: I’m Sorry) but i’ve shifted a lot of my creative energy towards writing (check out my tycutio fanfiction) and graphic design (i need to post some of my stuff here… my senior project was sims 2 themed even)
12. do you have any pets?
i do! we got my dog daisy (lab mix) when i was really little, and she’s 15 now!
we also have a tortoise named tortimer (after the guy from animal crossing) but we just call him torti
13. how tall are you?
5’8” but i used to be 5’9” before scoliosis nerfed me (<- coping and seething)
14. fave subject in school?
in high school it was probably literature, but in college i’d say typography? i like letters. teehee
15. dream job?
please for the love of god i want a job making promotional materials for a game company SO BAD.
i tag… YOU!!! >:D nahhh jk but i AM gently tapping my mutuals on the shoulder if they want to do this . ^_^
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weirdlyfitting · 2 years
Hmmm long time no ramble abt myself so here i am lmaooo
I've been keeping these thoughts and problem to myself and it has affected my mental health tbh, just ignore this if y'all don't want to read some negativity cause this had a lot of it :(
So what happened???
Long story short i enjoy video essays so much (especially for mcu) but because they've been too critical these days that the contents made me uncomfortable in so many ways
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I love, LOVEEE video essays cause not only i learn something from a writing standpoint it's also about my favorite thing, it's like listening to a friend's story while i'm doing something or nothing, well mostly i did it when drawing tho
IF i watched these kinds of contents again again and againnnn, it's not enjoyable and i feel like it's too much. Kinda ironic considering one of the critics for phase 4 included having too many projects and simply being too much.
There are some points that i def agree on tho, but seriously when could these people talk about the good stuff that came out of phase 4? As in stuff like these
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Back then i watched the wandavision analysis video after i started to watch (well obvi) wandavision and it grew on me because as the show went on he kept uploading the analysis of each new episodes up to the finale :D
It's incredibly shocking for me to learn that trauma played a really important role on the whole story, pretty much the same with real life tho so it's (again shockingly for me) relatable
Some times later then i find this video i'm beyond sad, and i think i had a breakdown??? Idk my memory's a mess but yea it affected me til this day
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I hated the way she's handled in multiverse of madness like she's just having a solo story on her journey of 5 stages of grief and holy fuck she's a villain now??? But pre multiverse of madness she is a great hero to me
I feel like this guy didn't understand or acknowledge what psychosis is (NOT psychopath) when making the video tho (when talking abt pre mom wanda)
I've ever had a psychotic break and i relate to wanda a little by little as the episode went on, it's maddening because i couldn't control any of what i see, hear, or feel. God I just wish more people are kinder on mental health subject :(
I'm not a psychopath, i'm not a narcissist. I'm in need of serious help and by watching positive essays about my comfort characters, movies, or shows helped me understanding the why and what caused it (yes therapy is expensive). I needed comfort and i'd never do harm to others to get that comfort, the psychotic breakdown only happened to me and i've seen shits that i don't want to see anymore. It's a lot :(
Anyway back to it, i've rarely seen anyone who made a video essay talking and explaining about the good stuff that came from phase 4. As in like "the whole phase" yknow?
I mean this phase isn't perfect, maybe far from it tho, there were up and downs yes they exists, too many projects that made mcu feels like a homework and not an event.
But this phase was also one of the only thing that were there for me in dark times, reminder that in 2021 the pandemic still exist and i wasn't able to learn fully at school and all those stuff
Let's say i was still isolated from outside life, really is an introverted person and all i had was internet and comfy bedroom, not to mention my psychotic breakdown happened too for sometimes
When no way home came i feel like it's a movie made for me cause i was kinda in peter's place. I was too struggling to find a university, i didn't know where to go and watching this movie made me feel safe and keeping me to keep going to search on my uni
Then oh my god where do i even begin : moon knight
this show changes lives and i'm one of those life who's changed jagsjsgshsgs, i was in my darkest and i mean it, DARKEST mental state i've ever been on. But this show kept me going, this show was there for me, greeting itself as a friend then it grew on me as time changes. I'm forever grateful to watch this show when it's still aired from the first ep 🥺
I met a uni friend who loved moon knight and overall mcu and oscar too, plus the moots in here aaaa it's just so memorable!
So yeah, phase 4 may be messy and all but it's a good mess for me. I simply would not care anymore if i recieve negative essay reccommendations on my youtube, i'd only watch them when i feel like i want to
With now in phase 5 tho, i'm hoping the flaws from phase 4 can improove. I feel like quantumania is def an okay start for phase 5
there's always a room to grow
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
okay im giving you homework fr with this one . juice: 1, 5, 16, 27. angel: 3, 24, 30. AND because we've been talking about it, carm: 23, 26 & 5 (but in a.. what sort of OC would you put him with way). snorting because this is so much so dont feel like you have to answer all of them LMAO <3
Ohhh the way we are snatching up blorbos from every universe. We love to see it. 😌
1.) First impression of them?: The way I just instantly wanted to put Juice in my pocket and take him home with me. I stood no chance. I was doomed from the start.
5.) My favorite ship of them?: Juice x Happiness 😭 Lmaooo no but in all seriousness, I've got a couple OC ideas bouncing around in my brain for him that I've grown very attached to. Someone also randomly got me thinking about Juice x Happy Lowman and I must admit, I think about it frequently.
16.) A childhood headcanon: Juice was deeeeeefinitely the type to be immersed in comic books. I also personally have an HC that he liked to draw and was actually good at it. But I can easily see him with his nose buried in comics whenever he got the chance. 🥺
27.) If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc. who would be the most fun for them to meet?: The way I COOOOONSTANTLY think about him meeting the Mayans guys. It would be so good, MJ. It would be so fucking good I'm weeping.
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3.) A song that reminds me of them: okay this is 110% because I've been thinking about writing a fic inspired by it butttt I've been listening to the 1 by Taylor Swift and the way it's been putting me in my Reyes feelings is...unreal and unacceptable lmao
24.) What do you think is a secret that they have never told anyone?: I think that there have been a lot of things in life that Angel has tried to do or be because of how much he always feels he's falling short. But if it doesn't work out right away he bails on the idea, and then he just never fucking tells anyone because he doesn't want it to be another thing added to the list of what he's not good enough for. (pardon me choosing violence with this I'm just in that mode apparently lmao)
30.) Funniest scene they had?: Oh man. Angel has had so many golden moments??? But what we were just talking about the other day, all that shit with the Swole Boys, is always going to be some top-tier shit. Like it just doesn't get better than that lmao
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23.) Future headcanon: They way I know that the money from the end of the season is going to push the restaurant into a new era. And it's going to be great. And things are going to be going well. But I think that Carmy is going to get so wrapped up in all of that, that all of his trauma and all of that is going to get put on the backburner all over again. Because he's going to think that he's going to be fine because other things are fine. And that's not going to be the case. Like obviously there is still going to be chaos in the restaurant because it's a fucking restaurant but I really can't wait to get deeper into all the shit with Carmy and his brother. I can't wait to watch him rip those old scars open RAHHHHHH I'm losing my mind.
26.) When do you think they were being themselves the most?: I feel like his dynamic with Richie is really and truly what brings out some of the realest Carmy. Like not necessarily when they're screaming at each other (but that too) but also just. The jokes and the banter and the snark and the laughs. Like fuck, man, those two knew each other before all of the grief and they still have each other now and I think that's about as real as it gets.
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5.) My favorite ship of them?: I've been thinking a lot about what kind of OC I would put with him. (Because I have...ideas. Like the way I'm lowkey waiting for Whumptober to be over so I can invest more of my brainspace into my Thoughts about him and this mystery OC in my head). But he can't be with someone that's a pushover. Which I feel like putting him with someone soft and all that is a nice thought but he's got some bite and I think he needs to be with someone who can match that. Someone funny, and witty, and definitely someone with their own damage. He can't be with someone who is going into the relationship with the intent to "fix him" because that's gonna drive them to an early grave. He needs someone who is kind and loving but will also call him out on his bullshit because he gets so far into his own head and up his own ass sometimes that he gets lost. He needs someone who is going to pull him out of that. The way I'm rotating through careers in my head trying to see which one fits for a potential partner for him. Someone in the restaurant business, maybe, because they'd have that in common. But I also think that if his partner was someone in a completely different field, he could learn a lot from them and I think that he would appreciate that a lot too. Fuck me I've rambled for so long I'm so sorry 😂😂
MJ I'm kissing you on the mouth this was so cathartic.
Send me a character and some numbers!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 17 hours
LMAOO no wait that’s so real Karasu being like “maybe *I* need a ground type then I can compete with yuki and show him I’m the man”
Oh yeah huh I didn’t even register that LMAOSJ er anyways HAHAH wait this can be fake death instance #1 Karasu scared shitless like “oh fuck no is she dead where’d she go damn where’s staraptor when I need it” LMAO the way we both thought about the death instance is so funny I hadn’t even read that part of your response yet truly on the same wavelength!! Bro that’s fr me we keep talking about Karasu and I have to keep reminding myself that hes not the love interest in pursuit
LMAOA I imagine them standing outside the base for the abusers or sth getting ready to go in and otoyas like “woohoo a date with nurse joy here I come!” And readers like “we’re so cooked” but in the end they somehow succeed time to cook up what Tullia and Karasu are doing LMAO wait imagine idk like a sorta filler ep moment maybe when you don’t feel like writing/posting something that super central to the main plot and we get the team split up first we see otoya reader then we get a snippet of Karasu tullia LMAO truly dumbass x dumbass chemical reaction there’s no strong duo than that!!! HAHAH another tally already this is so funny maybe he sends his staraptor out like usual but no one can find them fast enough to help them and they’re just like “hey guys!” Cue the “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE” LMAO
REAL early gen art >>>> im never getting over the scovillain jumpscare it fr haunts me like what the hell is that…
Omg gojo dynamic from pi I agree that was peak (watch me be one of those people swerving to Karasu)
Ok circling back to birch because I saw the separate post first SO REAL ITS REALLY IS GIVING BIRCH??? Bro even his shirt and pants are kinda reminiscent of aiku colors and like I said the fuckass STUBBLE and the vibes just match too well he definitely would get chased into a tree by some runt pokemon LMAOOOOO retired soccer player Aiku is just Prof birch fr
Yeahhh I thought legendaries might’ve been too much which is why I only kinda considered it as a side plot only but when I was thinking of that I fr thought yk zekroms head is kinda giving karasus hair LMAOOO zapdos also gives really strong chigiri vibes but RAYQUAZA I love rayquaza I remember using its mega really often LMAO
Real an iPad is a more convenient size wise also I’m ngl I am a Google office (??) HATER I remember having to move a doc from word to gdocs and the entire formatting got fucked up and I was like what the fuck just happened????? Like the margins and spacings doubled and shit but wtv….i don’t use it unless i have too google sheets is also ASS bro my dumbass just said “wait is pages not on apple comps/macs” then I remembered that you said you have a windows….the way I already forgot that info from like two seconds ago….
JJK BORUTO crying lowk unless the sequel directly address and includes the current characters I probably won’t bother with anything beyond whatever makes it to my social media feeds either
LOOKING FORWARD TO IT aikulations or not I’ll be ready to laugh
YOU DESERVE IT you truly at the goat of goats wait that’s also so cool that’s essentially what I do when I read (except in reverse order) I lowk wonder how many things we imagine are the same (like small details yk) like I have a very clear visual of what the restaurant they sat in looks like and the outside and the parking lot (buildings and architecture are my greatest enemies in terms of drawing and layout though so I fear I won’t be able to draw it out but maybe I can find a similar looking place?? We’ll see LMAO) but yeah that essentially happens whenever I read stories and books too it’s kinda funny when I see cover art for a book and I’m like oh that’s not what I imagined but ok go off
But OMG???? I will keep my eyes peeled fs but if you’re saying it’s something insane it’ll definitely be something where I lose my mind over so now I’m even more curious LOL also that’s so me I definitely unintentionally pass out more than I should only to wake up and be like haha oh shit
LMAOO tiktok please send a hot audio Mira’s way!!! Im still amazed by bfb though 41k is actually insane for a one shot if anything I feel like that just means your next long fic is just gonna be HUGE wait actually speaking of assuming pursuit is like the pi long fic equivalent for bllk where do hollyhock and peregrine fall on the scale? Just kinda curious LOL not sure if you meant for those to be of the same length or if they’re not like long long if ykwim
Also I’d like you to know that right as I was about to hit send i select all’ed (??) this entire ask and almost deleted it I think if that happened I would’ve passed out
- Karasu anon
THE AIKU BIRCH PARALLEL I WAS CRYINGGGG it was too good 😭 the vibes match up SO well too i can just see niko rescuing him with a random starter pokémon so well LMAOAOA niko the true protagonist of pursuit boruto nagiy/n daughter charles and kurona are just side characters in his adventure
okay ykw is hilarious i just checked yuki’s team and he has an electric type too (manectric) so karasu DEFINITELY needs a ground type because of his electric type ptsd 😭 once he gets garchomp and lucario though he honestly has a good shot at beating yuki just in terms of type match ups though…like talonflame easily takes breloom, honchkrow can deal with alakazam, lucario packs up steelix, garchomp beats noivern and manectric, so the only one left is azumarill and ngl i think one of the birds like staraptor or pidgeot has a decent chance against that KFFJDJSJ so at the end of the day karasu does clutch up 🤩
LMAOO the funniest thing is like because she gets deino relatively early (i think it’ll be her third pokémon??? she’ll catch joltik beforehand) none of karasu’s birds have fully evolved yet so he’s just like WHERE IS MY DAMN STARLY in my mind his birds don’t evolve until he runs away because they need that freedom and consistently tough battling to really be pushed into evolution yk?? but no you’re so right pursuit karasu is so ideal man like nagi’s lucky reader brotherzoned karasu immediately or else he’d be in trouble (jk)
LITERALLY bro otoya’s just thinking about how nurse joy will love him after his (she won’t) meanwhile reader’s like yeah we’re done for but somehow they pull it off (probably thanks to joltik aka undisputed goat of reader’s team) but omg imagine it’s like reader and otoya going through hell trying to save all of these pokémon and then the chapter just cuts to tullia and karasu trying on clothes FJSKDJSJ infernape’s getting a massage karasu’s buying treats for starly it’s truly such a contrast 😭 HELP reader and otoya are subject to an entire lecture from karasu afterwards (mostly otoya because reader told karasu it was his fault) they’re just sitting there like niko after the game against team z LMAOAOAOA
IT HAUNTS ME TOO DW I THINK ABOUT IT QUITE FREQUENTLY AND NEGATIVELY HAHAAHA the early gen art with the water color vibe is so pretty though i love it!!
please it’s okay i’m doing my best not to swerve myself 😟 it’s fine though as long as i give a pi gojo vibe to him too it should be okay i hope…like this is our stressed out bird obsessed big brother DJFJSJS we have to lock in and go crazy for nagi fr
okay wait imagine that pursuit is kind of like a prequel to the main games?? in the sense that reader and nagi and all fix training and the perception of trainers so it’s closer to what it’s like in the game series…and then niko is the protagonist of the games themselves (i can def see him w one of the little zygarde cells as well as zygarde itself) with nagiy/n’s daughter, charles, and kurona as the little trio of rivals ☝🏻 nagiy/n’s daughter getting yveltal (taking after her mother in terms of looking sweet but having demonic team members), kurona getting xerneas, and charles getting nothing (him with a legendary is TERRIFYING)
brooo google suite sucks but it’s more convenient than word because i can access it on my phone without any extra effort 😓 so a bit more convenient than word for that reason but it’s so glitchy and annoying that i just switched to pages straight up LMAOAOAOA
i feel like everyone must picture smth different!! especially because i don’t describe settings to the point that it’s very obvious what you’re supposed to be imagining just general vibes yk…i feel like it’s probably based on your prior experiences?? but if you ever draw or find reference images do send them in hehe i will appreciate it 🤩
AAHHH I’M ASSUMING IT LIVED UP TO THE HYPE pursuit drop last night was crazy fr 😰 given that the mini prologue was 2.5k words alone i think we can predict that the word count is going to be insane 😭 peregrine if i had to guess would be in that 80-100k word count range and hollyhock could be more or less than that really depending on how deep i decide to go with the lore and how much of the in between i decide to show!! if that makes sense LMAOO
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zoropookie · 5 months
Maybe not so funny but fun fact, I also get distracted from a lot of things very often but mostly drawing and writing annoys me because I really want to do them. I had like 4 Scaramouche x reader fic ideas (two were smau surprisingly) but when I think of writing I suddenly remember I didn't check if my favourite artist uploaded anything or if you sent anything etc and now I'm wondering what I was going to do while staring at the Wikipedia page for a type of fungi. Also another problem for me is that I literally can't write dialogue, can't do fun conversations and can't for shit write angst either it feels like extra dramatic bad acting badly dubbed cheap series on the tv.
I did at some point think of writing an enemies to lovers ScaraYn smau as well but yeah like I said, can't use fancy words or write for shit despite being an English department student at my country so be proud of yourself pookie you're smt like an inspiration figure to me rn you're updating quite regularly so don't pressure yourself <3
🥹 you shouldn’t doubt yourself like that. i think that the main reason i even know how to do stuff like this is because i based my entire personality off my favorite movies and comedians lmaooo. you just have to find a healthy medium and really get into the writing of your story, which is a really hard step for many people.
personally, i like to make up conversations in my head before i even jot them down because then it gives me a sense of what i’m going to talk about— real mental illness when you think abt it but it benefits you. you don’t need to use fancy words to story tell, it’s primarily what you’re writing about that intrigues people and leaves them curious. only a few people know about my bts phase where i wrote the worst fanfic known to man but people still liked it because i made one of them die 😭 just keep doing it! the best part about it is that people are very accepting 99% of the time so just pull smth out of your ass! be vicarious!
i really appreciate you being here, and i hope you find a lot of comfort in this. if you ever write something, you should show me!
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Hello! I love your writing and I may have a prompt, if it strikes your fancy. I'm aware it might not be entirely lore-friendly a request, but I love relationship shenanigans in Obey Me, so I got to ask: how do you think Luci, Diavolo, Satan and Beel would help their anxious SO adjust when MC begins demonstrating mad prowess in witchcraft right after they first spend the night together? Sex, power and pacts seem to go hand-in-hand in related media, but no one really planned for it in their case!
Awww thankie and sorry for the long wait! I’m glad you like my writing! I hope you like this! It gave me big thirst lmaooo
Mmmm you smell of him in the morning. He positively oozes from your every pore. Rich and spicy, like amber and freshly turned earth.
Good. Let it be known to all that you were claimed. Thoroughly.
He put his daily routine on hold for you this morning. He was weak to your pouting.
He’ll stay in bed for a little bit to indulge you. But duty calls and work waits for no demon
Neither of you really pay attention to how hard you are clinging to him when he tries to extract himself to get dressed
You both just kind of chalk it up to neither of you want to part
The day goes on as usual for him, meetings, paperwork, meetings, punishing Mammon, meetings
But the whole time something was nagging at him. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. He just felt like he forgot something important
But that’s impossible-
The wall explodes out behind him cutting Lucifer off mid-sentence. The rubble and great ball of flames miss him and Diavolo by mere inches only because of the latter’s quick reflexes. “Are you alright my friend?” Diavolo asks golden eyes alight with surprise. Lucifer could feel the prince’s defensive magic prickling his skin in response to the pungent magic wafting out of the hole.
“Of course-” Lucifer steps back, straightening his jacket’s lapels, the near-miss ruffles his feathers. Both men step closer to the hole. His hackles raise.  The power emanating from the crater was far too familiar. Someone dares to use his magical signatures without permission.  Snarling into the abyss he marches forward. He ignores Diavolo’s calls to wait and strides through the hole. His wings flare up from his back along with his temper. He walks through each wave of magic that washes over him. With each destroyed wall he steps through more and more of his demonic form comes forth till he is more beast than man. Strolling through the final hole he stops. His red eyes sweep across the scene in front of him. As the seconds' tick by his mood morphs from rage to shock, then to a sense of blinding pride.  
“Well-” He crosses his arms and smirks. He turns his gaze to the epicenter of the damage.
“Luci, I am so so sorry.” You mutter aghast behind your fingers. “I-I don’t know what happened.” You were never the best student in any of the practical classes. The teachers made exceptions for you and your lack of magical prowess. In this class, the teacher always paired you up with Solomon or Luke so they could help you prepare the necessary spells and runes. But you felt so different today, stronger and sharper. Damn near unstoppable even. Just the thought of someone else doing your work made something deep inside you seethe. You didn’t need help, you’ve seen and heard the incantations a thousand times before- it wouldn’t hurt to try…Well, let’s rephrase that, it didn’t hurt you to try.
The classroom was totaled. Dust, rubble, and burning pages all float around you like a post-apocalyptic snowstorm. Soot from your uncontrolled spell blacked your clothes and skin, next to you Solomon stands rigid in shock white brows disappearing into his hairline. Quietly you lick your thumb and forefinger and put out the small blue flame singeing his bangs. “Thanks.” He spits out around a mouthful of ash and grit.
Lucifer coughs to draw all eyes back to him. He takes inventory of the room, making sure all the other students scattered about were still breathing. Satisfied he beckons to you with a finger. “Come.” You jump into motion, scrambling up and over the rubble to grab his outstretched hand.
“Lucifer.” He cuts you off.
“Not here,” He smiles warmly rubbing at some soot staining the tip of your nose. “Come let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Should I be worried?” You ask, stepping out of Lucifer’s private showers wrapped in one of his sinfully soft towels. “I’m not going to blow stuff up on a whim now, right?” You plop down on his bedroom’s couch. Lucifer hums noncommittally by his liquor cabinet.
“I doubt it. How do you feel?” He takes a seat beside you handing you a glass and grabbing your legs to drape them over his. You take a swig from the glass, the heat of the liquor getting rid of the lingering shock from class. How did you feel?
Your bones hum with some unknown energy and there was a fire coursing through your veins. “I feel like I could take on the world. Like I dominate half of the Devildom.” Lucifer’s smile was nothing short of smug.
“Good.” He sips his drink.
“Good?” You lean forward expectantly.
Lucifer strokes your cheek coming in to inhale your fresh scent. The commingling of his and your own was beyond arousing. “There is more than one way to seal and strengthen a pact, my beloved.” He pulls you into a chastened kiss, feeling your cheeks heat with a dawning realization of what he meant. “You have now given yourself to me in both body and soul. The- bonus perks were inevitable.” He parts from you, reaching for his glass.
“Will it go away?” You honestly didn’t know if you could handle any more curveballs down here.
Lucifer laughs swirling the dredges of his drink before downing it in one go. “Ideally no- but over time if it isn’t reinforced it will weaken and disappear on its own.”
“Reinforced?” The heat of your drink seems to dip lower down your body. Your demon scoffs giving you a knowing look.
He drags you onto his lap. “Are you truly satisfied with just a night with me αγαπούλα μου?” A gloved finger tugs at the hem of your towel. “If I had my way I would keep you full and drunk on my power for all eternity.” He captures you in a searing kiss draping you over the cushions of his couch, his eyes turning predatory. “Do not worry about the side effects.” He purrs caging you in. “We have all the time in the world to get you accustomed to them.”
He knew. This bitch knew before he ever got you in his bed-chamber. Just think of the entertainment value~
So when he sweeps you up into his quarters for the night day weekend, he just forgets to mention it to you
He is curious about how his magic will affect a human of celestial descent. Will it show up all at once? Or over a long period of time? He hopes that your blood doesn’t cancel out his claim on you
He watches you like a hawk for a while- and nothing…
Hmm. Perhaps it just didn’t take the first time? No matter, try-try-try again as the saying goes. He certainly doesn’t see you complaining
But as the week passes he slowly puts it on his backburner as his work begins to pile up again
You on the other hand are having a time. One day you are fine and dandy and the next you can read and write in languages you’ve never even heard of.
Then you started seeing some frankly crazy shit. Had the ghost at the house always been this active?
The last straw for you was accidentally freezing half of the house’s rose garden with a sneeze. To say you are panicked is an understatement
Frazzled you run to the only mage you could (kinda) trust
“It’s not funny!” You hiss frantically staring bewildered at your friend. Your look of panic just makes him laugh harder. “Stop seriously Solomon! Gods, what did I do?” You scrub at your face hard. If you made yet another freaking pact with a demon you were going to lose it. Seven idiots were enough for several lifetimes.
Solomon howls at this, drawing curious and rude looks from the surrounding tables of the tea house. You swat at his shoulder hissing like a cat. “Sorry- sorry” He hiccups. “Your turn of phrase was just so fitting.” He collects himself by taking a sip of his tea. “Tell me, what have you been doing of late?” He smirks around the rim of his cup.
You squint at him not getting it. His keen eyes drift down to land on the garden of purple and blue bruises littering your neck. You slap a hand over your hickeys. He smiles leaning over conspiratorially. “What’s it like to sleep with a God? The perks are amazing no?”  
You shook your head. “I-what perks?”
“Oh~ Loverboy didn’t warn you of certain side-effects?” The mage leans back in his chair. He was going to have a great time today. ___________
Unbelievable. You march up the walkway to the palace, your mind absolutely reeling. Did he know about this? Of course, he did-how could he not! Did he just forget? No- Diavolo was many things, smart, cunning, conniving, but never forgetful. You knew him well and knew he had to be on the lookout for “side effects” as Solomon put it.
Fine, two can play at this game.
“Ah! Mio Giglio! How are you?” Dia glances up from his mountainous amount of paperwork when you throw open his office door. He rises in one fluid motion to scoop you up in a tight hug. Now that you know what to look for, you hone into the way he holds you. His large hands run down your back and sides possessively, he clings to you rubbing his bulking frame on you like a cat marking you. He leans in close to rub the bridge of his strong nose up and down your clavicle and neck. You feel his hot breath on your skin when he exhales. How had you not noticed this?
“Good, and you?” You smile into the fabric of his shirt. Carefully you wrap your arms around his solid waist. You hug him lightly so as to not give away your little surprise.
“Better with you here.” He chuckles stepping back to return to his desk. You follow closely behind waiting for the perfect time to strike. “What have you been up to?” He asks innocently, going to sit back down. “I haven’t seen you in a few days.”
You hum nonchalantly coming up behind him to rub at his tense shoulders. “Nothing much.” He nods closing his eyes as your fingers dig into sore muscles. “Usual school week, made some new friends...Went shopping with Asmo and Luke this morning. Bought you some treats, hidden from Barbatos of course.” You drop a quick peck on his cheek. Diavolo smiles sinking lower into his chair. He hopped it was something with lemon or orange, they were in season now. Barbatos had been on the warpath with his sugar and carb intake of late. “Then I had tea with Solomon and he filled me in on some very interesting facts.” You kiss his hairline.
You pull away from his warmth to come around to straddle his lap while he is distracted. He jerks at your sudden weight on his lap but relaxes almost immediately. He opens a golden eye, not even realizing he had closed them. Your demeanor shifts when his gaze is fully set on you, all sweet innocence gone. A cheshire grin spreads across your face. “Funny you should ask if I’m feeling ok. I have been feeling a bit off of late.”
Diavolo tenses. “Are you well?” He tries to reach for you, his arms coming off the armrests of his desk chair. You strike like a viper, your small hands wrap and lock around his thick wrists pinning them to the chair. His eyes bulge in shock. You watch coyly as his biceps bulge under his clothes. He tries to break free for a few minutes before settling back. “I see-”
Leaning in you brush your lips across his ears, heart racing with excitement. “You forgot to mention quite a few things, Dia.” The low purr he emits shakes both of you.
“My apologies.” He admits. “You know I love a good show. Shame I missed it.” He throws you a rogue smile. “Forgive me?”
You slide closer until you rested chest to chest, legs wrapping around his to pin him down further. His purr drops down an octave. Locking eyes with him you remove a hand from his wrist daring him to move. He doesn’t. You move slowly and deliberately resting your hand on his strong neck. His reaction was instantaneous. His pupils dilate, and the gold of his irises turn molten. You start to feel his magic seep out, you match it, giddy with excitement that you could. “Only if you work for it.” You smirk.
Diavolo nods readily, licking at his dry lips in anticipation. He was more than ready to atone.
He is a good noodle and has the decency to tell you what will happen beforehand
It’s only polite to give you a heads up before he breaks your headboard
You both are curious about how it will affect you. He at least is excited to teach you some practical magic
Plus the idea of you pranking Lucifer with magic? Sublime.
He smells it blossoming under your skin while you sleep.
It’s sharp and minty with a smoky finish. Then the power hits him like a brick to the face. He is in awe.
It’s like an electrifying feedback loop that just energizes and excites him and you feel it too. He’ll lose himself in you and your body again, hyped up on the headiness of it all.
Once he has *cough* cleared his head *cough* he takes you out to try out your newly found powers. He has so many things he wants to teach you.
Satan kneels beside you nodding his head in approval at your chalk markings. Your lines weren’t exactly steady, he could see how your hand shook as you copied his paperwork but you followed it dutifully. He finds your nervousness adorable as if he would let anything bad happen to you. At his go-ahead, you get to your feet. Turning your palms down towards your summoning circle you recite your spell and watch in amazement as your runes glow bright green underneath you. In a flash of blinding lights and smoke, you sense the pull of the creature emerging from your rune work. Delighted you look down at your handy work.
“Congratulations my darling, exceptionally done.” He grins proudly from his perch by his bookshelf.
You bend down and pick up the little critter. “What is it?” It looked like a blob of flan but firmer. Its squishy form shivers in your palm when you poked it. Its body giving way under your gentle poke. It was dark green but lightened to an electric green at its base. It was surprisingly warm.
You feel Satan coming up behind you to rest his chin on your shoulder. “It looks to be a lesser familiar, not bad for your first time summoning ever.” The jelly wiggles at his praise even though you couldn’t find any discernible features on its smooth little body. You turn it this way and that in your hand, even though it didn’t have eyes you could sense it was sizing you up to.
“What can it do?” You raise a brow at your companion. His arms circle your waist, his grin turning mischievous.
“Let's find out.”
Your lungs burn, each breath coming hard and sharp while you run. The sound of your pounding feet was swallowed up by the rush of foot traffic around you. Satan drags you behind him ushering you both around the throng of students. “Quickly!” He looks over his shoulder and flashes you a brilliant smile. “The further away from his office we are the less likely he could blame us.”
You laugh breathlessly along with him.
“What Belphie say?” You lean onto Satan’s shoulder to peek at his phone. The two of you sit, crowding in on each other's space underneath a desk in one of the unused classrooms.
“It’s glorious. Everything is covered. He says it looks like magic won’t remove it either!” He cackles showing you his screen. Belphie sent him a selfie. He is grinning devilishly from ear to ear throwing you both a peace sign through the screen. In the background, you could clearly see a very irate Lucifer. His face was red with fury and his clothes covered in green goo. His office was wrecked. Your little jelly did a number on it, you hadn’t expected it to expand as large as it did. Your familiar popping on the edge of Lucifer’s desk wasn’t intended either, but totally worth it. “Think you can summon another?” Satan asks, darkening his screen. You shake your head, whatever power you had earlier today had been drained after your little stunt.
Satan nods in understanding. “Shame- imagine what one of your jellies could do to Diavolo’s office.”
He chuckles wrapping an arm around your back. He plants a loud kiss onto your forehead. “Alright-alright. Perhaps after a bit of a rest and recharge?”
You poke his leg playfully and laugh. “If you wanted to have sex again you could just ask.”  
He dips low and kisses you. “Well then- if you are up for another round of delinquency…”
Sweet baby didn’t know-
Well, he knew about it. Lucifer had given everyone “the talk” about it a couple of millennia ago.
He never really thought about it before you because he didn’t sleep with humans often (Him so big, human so smol if he isn’t paying attention it could be...bad)
So when you drag him into your room he just doesn’t think about it. You are both so oblivious
He doesn’t think about the shift in your scent, your kisses were just as sweet as always. If there was a peppery aftertaste to your kiss he chalks it up to something you had for breakfast
He doesn’t think anything of it when you practically drag him from your bed to shower together before school
He doesn’t think about it when at lunch your appetite starts to rival his
He starts to think about it during P.E. when your dodge ball puts a demon down for the rest of class
He definitely notices when you pin him down to steal his sandwich during your picnic date
Now he’s freaking out, whether it's because you are showing inhuman strength or the fact that you stole his food who knows
You nab yet another one of his sandwiches and start munching away with a hum of happiness. “Hey, babe.” He rumbles beneath you. “You feeling alright?” He wraps his large hands around your waist. Your weight was warm and comfortable over his prone form. He had whisked you away for an afternoon picnic, something to spend more time with you alone. After last night he craved being around you more than anything. He had packed enough food for him in mind. But it looks like it wouldn’t be enough. Odd. Beel rests his head back on the thick blanket protecting you both from the slightly damp grass underneath.
“Hmm?” You swallow down a mouthful of ruben. “Yeah! Famished though.” You lean back on his strong hip and swipe your finger around your mouth to brush off some crumbs. You reach for the other half of his sandwich to devour but pauses when you catch Beel’s kicked puppy look. With a huff of amusement, you offer the other half to him letting him chomp down with a fanged smile in thanks.
He chews in silence, watching you pick up a bowl of fresh fruit. Hmmm… He runs his rough palms up and down your thighs and hips ignoring your squirming and giggles when he runs over the thin skin of your sides. He squeezes you lightly. Huh- Your muscles were firmer than this morning, now that he was looking closer he could see that your frame was a bit sturdier too. Still his perfectly lovable and squishy human but more solid around the edges. In a last-ditch effort to figure out what has changed, he reaches out for his pact mark.
He jerks forward, upsetting your position on his lap, causing you to tumble backward, fruit flying everywhere. “Beel!” You shriek. He shushes you, squeezing your cheeks between warm hands.
“I forgot.”
“You forgot?” You repeat. “What dessert? I’m pretty sure the fruit was part of it...but I mean. If you want grassy cantaloupe it’s all yours.” You eye the remains of the seasonal fruit laying around you and then at the basket. You were pretty sure you saw some pastries at the bottom of it too.
“We had sex.” He blurts out bluntly, and quite loudly.
Your face heats. “Yes, thank you for the reminder.” You push him off sitting up on your elbows. “Please, why don’t you yell it out for all the wildlife to hear too.”
Beelzebub shakes his head groaning. “No-I forgot to warn you about our pact.”
Ahh-oh. You eye him wearily. If he was stressing you were stressing, it wasn’t like him to get so bent out of shape. “Ok-is it, like bad?”  What were you going to die? That would be a big thing to just forget. “How about you fill me in big guy.” You listen enraptured while he jerkily explains how you have strengthened your bond exponentially without even realizing it. Magic, super strength, the appetite, all because you jumped his bones.
It sounded so cool- but then overwhelming all at the same time. Was it permanent? What if you lost control and actually hurt someone for real.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think about it-I just. You felt so good.” He wilts. “I should have been more careful- this is the first time I’ve done this.”
“I swear.” He bulldozes over you. “I didn’t mean to keep this from you.”
You cut him off, combing your fingers through his hair soothingly. “I believe you, Beel.” You smile reassuringly. “It’s not like it’s gonna hurt me...right?”  He thinks about it for a minute then grunts, shaking his head. You grin brighter stretching out your arms. “And I get some cool powers right?”
He nods again. “For a bit yes.”
You get up off the ground excitedly. “Right then! You’ll show me the ropes right? I’ve never done anything magical before!” You look at your palms as if fire or sparks were going to fly out of them. Beel rises to his feet too.
“You sure? I doubt I will be as good of a mentor as Lucifer or even Belphie.” He looks around the large grove of trees and sprawling grassy acreage around you both. You both were far away from the populated areas of the mountain pass and town. He could practice with you freely and without worrying about damaging anything important. “Not the date I promised, but if you really want me to show you some stuff…” He offers you a shy smile. He did have a few cool tricks he could show you. You nod already rolling up your sleeves. Well- if this was what you really wanted then he would be glad to show you.  
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