#i posted this without music as a gif like three times and couldn’t get it to not look like total ass
01zfan · 4 months
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non-refundable | j. sc
ex-boyfriend!sungchan x fem. reader | 5.5k words
yeah if its not obvious im literally insane and feral after sungchan posted those photos.
contains: non refundable trip with your ex, jacuzzi sex, unprotected sex, semi public
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you loved the beach. you loved feeling the sand underneath your feet and the sun on your skin. you loved being in the water, and you loved seeing people around you enjoy it too. what you hated was your ex, and having to be there at the beach with him.
he had booked the villa at the resort months prior to your breakup. at the time it was very exciting, the idea of being able to escape the cold and celebrate your anniversary in the sun. but when you broke up with sungchan, the trip became the furthest thing from your mind. you had completely forgotten about it until sungchan forwarded you an email with the reservation. you had forgotten to get his email when you blocked everything related to him. 
in the email sungchan told you that it was too late to cancel the villa and he’d be out an ungodly amount of money if he didn’t go. you bickered back and forth via email the whole day, with you telling trying to give sungchan solutions to his problems.
call the front desk? i already did, they said no exceptions.
take shotaro. he hates the beach.
go by yourself. you want me to look like a loser?
you were adamant about not going until you talked to your friends about it. they nearly knocked you head off your shoulders, telling you it would be stupid to turn down an all expenses paid trip to a nice villa and the beach. you had been overworked this holiday season, and you deserved a break more than anything. they didn’t seem to care that it was a trip with your ex. when one of your friends brought up the possibility of sungchan taking some random girl in your place, you found yourself sending him an email back that you’ll go with him.
“maybe it’ll get your mind off the breakup.” your friend joked.
you were pinching your friend for her terrible joke when sungchan emailed you back. 
so less than three days later, you were getting driven to the villa by your ex while you sat in the passenger seat. it was insanely strange, especially seeing sungchan’s hand that would always be on your thigh while he drove awkwardly resting on the center console. the car ride was spent mostly in silence, except for the music. you know you could’ve talked about your relationship, maybe even apologize for somethings you knew you should’ve apologized for but you kept your eyes on the road, trying not to think about sungchan sitting next to you.
things were easier once you got to the villa. not being in the small space of the car helped you get away from him. after taking in the scenery of the beautiful vacation home you’re happy you didn’t bail. before you knew it you set your stuff up in the bedroom and changed into your bikini. you hesitated before putting putting on the revealing set, thinking about your ex on the other side of the door. would he react if he saw you in your two piece? you change into your bikini anyways. maybe you should show him what he’s missing.
you assumed sungchan was watching television or was putting away the food you guys bought on the way down. even though you were no longer together sungchan didn’t even let you take your card out, paying for everything without a second thought. you couldn’t lie and say it wasn’t nice, especially seeing him load the snacks you liked wordlessly into the cart. you thought he would be preoccupied when you came out, and you would be able to sneak off to the beach without him noticing. but sungchan noticed, and he saw you completely. he was in his own swimsuit, with two towels on his shoulder and mouth agape as he took you in.
sungchan wasn’t sure what he was expecting. he thought that you would be bashful and wear a swimsuit that covered your body more, not wanting to be put on display for your ex. but you stood before him in all your glory, a colorful bikini that made your eyes pop and your skin glow. sungchan had to put on his best act to walk past you and seem unbothered. the way your eyes raked down his body gave him the confidence to smirk like you didn’t almost make him pass out cold.
“we can get to the beach through the backdoor.” sungchan said.
“i know that.” you said, walking past him to get through the siding glass door. 
you were steadily ahead of him the whole way to the beach. you didn’t dare to look back at sungchan, but you swear you could feel him looking at you entire time. 
you rented a large umbrella and set up at an empty spot. the large umbrella was perfect, giving you shade while you lathered yourself in sunscreen. you were almost able to get all of your body, except for that pesky spot in the center of your back that was just a little bit out of your reach. just in time, sungchan appeared with two pina coladas and your towel.
“need help?” sungchan said, setting the drinks on the table.
you looked up at him from your spot on the sand. he blocked the sun from getting in your eyes, a shadow cast on your face. you were grateful you had put your shades on so sungchan couldn’t see where your eyes were truly looking. you had them trained of his abs, and they flickered to his toned arms. there was no way sungchan didn’t know the effect he had on you. you put your head back towards the water, trying to look at something else.
“no.” you huffed. 
your pride kept you from being honest. you rather let that small spot on your back get a little tan before you let sungchan touch you. just as sungchan sat down you got up, getting ready to go in the water. sungchan scoffed at your childish behavior. you could hear the cap of the sunscreen open and close.
“want to help me?” sungchan asked. 
you snapped your head to look down at him, just to see a big toothy grin on his face. he laughed at your reaction and you had to play the mean ex girlfriend to cover up the fact that he got you so good. 
“you can get a sunburn.” you said.
sungchan continued to put on sunscreen as you walked to the water. you wasted no time going up to your neck in the water, loving the cool feeling against your skin. you truly were grateful to be here at the beach, back home all you had was deadlines and stress. but here you had the sun and good drinks. so you let your body float around as you looked at the sun, basking in the warmth.
sungchan stayed at the shore for a long time. he kept an eye on you, making sure everything was alright. he wasn’t much of a swimmer anyways, he hated how sand got everywhere and how sunscreen felt on his skin, but he loved how much you seemed to enjoy it. it looked like you were in your own little world in the water, floating around while spread out like a starfish. when sungchan couldn’t take anymore of just watching you, he paddled out to where you were.
you could hear sungchan coming through the water towards you. he was loud even in the water, the sound of water thrashing filled your ears. you could hear him treading water next to you. you kept your eyes closed and continued to float.
“did you come all the way to the beach just to float around like a dead person?” sungchan asked.
“did you come all the way here just to spend time with your ex?” you said back.
you couldn’t stop a mischievous smile from coming across your face when sungchan let out a small sound of shock. you descended from the floating position to tread water like he was. you saw through your tinted shades that sungchan was smiling too.
“and what if i did?” sungchan asked. 
he seemed almost as unbothered as you were. he shamelessly looking at your chest through the clear water. you put your sunglasses on top of your head so sungchan could see you looking through the water at his body too.
“i would say you’re pretty desperate, honestly.” you said.
both of your eyes still looked at the others body. building up tension like this with sungchan was always fun. it was one of the highlights of your relationship, how bold he was when it came to letting you know how he felt. it didn’t help that he was a tease and naturally doting either. you didn’t expect any less to happen on a vacation with your ex.
“there’s a dinner tonight that we have a reservation for.” sungchan said.
his gaze went back to your eyes. for some reason it was harder to look at him when he held your eye contact like this. you let your sunglasses fall back on your face, tinted shades saving you from embarrassment.
“can’t cancel?” you asked. 
sungchan shook his head and your eyebrows raised.
“no. i can.” sungchan said simply. “it was that place you picked out. i thought it would be wrong to cancel unless you wanted to.”
you thought about it for a minute. you remembered the restaurant and the way it stuck out to you. it seemed like a fancy place though, one that was romantic as well. you were surprised sungchan remembered the reservation. you assumed it would be soon. the beach was starting to clear out, a sign that dinnertime was approaching.
“if we were to go...” you said.
“not a date.” sungchan said, shaking his head. “unless you want it to be.” 
sungchan smirked and you splashed water in his face. his smug expression was replaced with a shocked one. you quickly started swimming back to shore before he could retaliate. he was laughing behind you the whole way and you couldn’t hold back your laughs either. 
when you made it to the shore sungchan followed behind you. you couldn’t help but gawk at him, his wet hair and the way his abs body caught in the sunlight. you almost tripped over yourself staring at him to hard. sungchan was one step ahead of you, catching you before you fell down. he’s joking demeanor was replaced with a serious one as he helped you back to your feet.
you were the closest you had been to sungchan in a long time, your chest almost touching his. you had flashbacks of being in this same position before getting on your tiptoes to kiss him, or when you’d wrap your arms around his to give him a hug. it was too intimate to be this close to him, especially when you could feel his hands on you. sungchan seemed to know it too the way he looked down at you with big eyes. it took a couple moments for you to come back to earth, clearing your throat before stepping away from him. you hated feeling his hands leave your body.
“we should probably go back to the villa right? to get ready for the dinner.” you said. 
you started heading off to your spot on the sand before sugnchan could reply. he messed with his hair a little bit to shake out the water while he composed himself. you downed the rest of your pina colada, hating that you could barely taste the alcohol. you came to the conclusion that you would need something insanely strong for the all inclusive trip if you wanted to get through the weekend. sungchan let you drink his too, looking at you with wide eyes as parts of the slushy dripped down your face.
you ended up carrying the towels back to the villa while sungchan carried everything else. he returned the umbrella and the cups used for the drinks all while holding the bag with all your stuff in it. you were too embarrassed to ask to hold something else, you knew that sungchan would just decline you holding anything anyways. plus, you think he enjoyed giving you a little show of how strong he was, hands full while not breaking a sweat. you had to look away while his arms flexed putting all the stuff down back in the villa. 
you retreated to the bedroom while sungchan went to shower first. you stayed in your room the whole time while the water ran. you were trying to think how you would get through the night with the image of sungchan on the beach basically haunting you. if you were still together you knew that you two probably wouldn’t have even made it to the beach to begin with, too busy trying to break in the bed of the villa. the tradition of fucking on virtually every surface anytime you went somewhere with sungchan was in the back of your mind, but now it occupied everything. the mattress was comfy and giving underneath your experimental bounces. you could see yourself so vividly getting pressed into the mattress while sungchan would fuck you from behind, telling you how pretty you looked in your little swimsuit. sungchan was the type to not even want to waste time taking off your bottoms, simply just pushing them to the side before making you take all of him. you had to beat away the thought of going into the bathroom and joining him. you had some sort of reputation to uphold, you didn’t want to be the one to fold so easily.
you had to avoid looking at the dining room table and the couch as you made a beeline for the bathroom. sungchan came out, of course only covered with a towel around his waist. the same amount of his body was covered as it was on the beach, but the unspoken fact that there was nothing on underneath the towel made you lightheaded. you barely said a word to him as you closed the door.
sungchan exited the bathroom with a plan to get you to fold. he wanted to be the best ex-boyfriend ever, doting on you the same way he did when you two were together. now that you were no longer his girlfriend it tortured him to no end. he counted his lucky stars that you didn’t turn down coming on the trip with him. to sungchan, he saw it as an opening, a chance to win you back. he hit the gym religiously after seeing you agree to go with him, making sure the reservation for the dinner was perfect. 
he put on his outfit while you got ready in the bathroom. he was tempted to stay in his towel, giving you another view of his body incase you didn’t get to see it last time. sungchan laughed at himself in the bathroom as he lowered the towel to show off as much as possible. it wasn’t in vain, your shy actions letting him know he got you acting out of character. 
sungchan was fully dressed and ready to go when you. got out of the bathroom. you came out fully dressed and ready, in a dress that sungchan helped you pick out when you were still together. he stood up instantly from his spot on the couch. the directions to the restaurant on his phone completely forgotten. it was hard for sungchan to explain how you made him feel. sometimes he enjoyed getting you shy, or the way your bikini made him hot and bothered earlier. but now as you stood before him in that dress he saw an entire future with you, and his heart was beating at a dangerous rate in his ribcage.
“are you ready?” you said to sungchan.
seeing him in something a little more formal made you dizzy. you wanted to go to the restaurant, but you also wanted to see his dress shirt wrinkle underneath your clenched fists as you brought him in closer. sungchan nodded and held out his hand towards the door, following behind you as you walked to it.
there was absolutely no way you were going to make it out of this weekend trip unscathed. you came to that conclusion when sungchan brought his hand to rest on your thigh while driving you to the restaurant. you hated to admit that you moved your thighs closer to him, giving sungchan better access to the area. he smiled and tapped on the steering wheel with the other hand.
“i read the reviews for this place. it’s supposed to be really good.” sungchan said.
you could only hum in agreement. you were distracted for the rest of the night, mind only going to how sungchan looked at you and took care of you the whole time. he opened doors, pulled out chairs, and ordered wine that you didn’t know you’d end up liking. he spoke for you to the waiter and didn’t even let you see the bill. the food was amazing but you couldn’t even properly enjoy it while thinking about sungchan. you found that it was suddenly hard to look at him in the face, heat spreading across your face when he told you how pretty you looked in your dress. you desperately wanting sungchan to tell you more, preferably him whispering in your ear while he was on top of you. you almost caught yourself laughing at your depravity, how no one in your life has ever had you like this.
you were grateful when the check came. it meant you were one step closer to locking yourself in the bedroom of the villa so you could think about sungchan in private.
on the way home, sungchan opened the car door for you and helped you in. his hand went back to its home while he was driving. the car ride was silent again, but you could feel sungchan’s gaze flicker to yours occasionally.
once you were back at the villa, sungchan helped you out, closing the door behind you. you let the same hand that was on your thigh go to your lower back. sungchan used the excuse to touch you under the guise of helping you to the door. the drinks you had throughout the day had no effect on you this late in the evening, but sungchan was treating you like you were made of glass. you enjoyed the feeling, missing the feeling of sungchan dote on you.
once inside of the villa, you couldn’t look back at him. his hand still was on your back, pressing gently to let you know he was still there. you cleared your throat, walking a little too fast towards the bedroom.
sungchan said something to you but you didn’t hear him, too busy trying to be alone. 
it was too ironic, getting away from sungchan just so you could think about him in private. you laid in your bed in silence until the sun started to set, giving the room an orange glow. you stayed in bed even through the sun completely setting. you didn’t get up until the view of the beach was clearing out. you needed to do something, your body too tense to sleep. you remembered the jacuzzi on the porch, and the beautiful view you got of the beach from that spot. so you quietly changed from your dress back into the almost dry bikini. 
you take a quick peak and see that the television is still on. you can see sungchan’s long legs hanging over the edge of the couch, but you can’t tell if he’s sleeping or not. you think about what you should do, if you should just go to sleep and hope that you wake up feeling better or if you should walk out. you think about the warm jacuzzi and the thought of sungchan possibly joining you has you thinking hard. you decide to take you chances as you slowly walk to the sliding glass door. 
you could see sungchan move from his spot on the couch, getting up to look at you. you made eye contact with him as he sat up.
“it’s too dark to go to the beach.” sungchan said.
“i’m just going to the jacuzzi.” you said.
“oh, alright.” sungchan said.
you could practically hear him holding back his tongue, still staring at you while you continued to open the sliding glass door.
“can i join you?” sungchan asked.
before you could even think about saying no, you nodded you head. sungchan got up from his spot on the couch and stretched, taking off his shirt quickly. you turned away to situate yourself in the jacuzzi before he came out.
your back was facing the villa, but you could hear the sliding glass door open again. you saw sungchan in only his basketball shorts pass by him. your head followed his every move as he went to the other side. it was later in the night, the time of day where everyone had retired back to their dwellings to get ready for the next day. you probably should’ve done the same, being up this late with just sungchan would only lead to mistakes being made. but for some reason you stayed in your spot, looking up at your ex-boyfriend as he looked down at you.
“you just can’t get enough of the water can you?” sungchan said casually.
sungchan slowly came to the side of the jacuzzi opposite of you.
“neither can you.” you say. 
sungchan only shrugs before letting himself sink into the water. he lets himself lean against the side of the jacuzzi, elbows coming out of the water to rest on the edge. you look at sungchan from across the jacuzzi, the water separating you two feeling like the ocean. you think about the looks you’ve been exchanging all day, the tension that has been building up since he picked you up this morning. it was a terribly bad idea to come on this trip with him.
“i had fun today.” sungchan says. 
“me too.” you say.
you start playing with the bubbling water of the jacuzzi to occupy your mind. you can feel sungchan staring at you, you focus on the bubbles waiting for him to stop.
“you were staring the whole day now you won’t look at me?” sungchan said.
you looked up for a moment to see the smile on his face. you wish you had your tinted shades on now, or something to cover your entire face as you could feel the heat spreading everywhere.
your eyes only got wider as sungchan closed the distance between your bodies. he put hands on either side of you, giving you no option but to look at him. you could never get used to that look in his eyes, the one that told you he wanted to fuck you senseless. 
“tell me to stop and i will.” sungchan whispered.
his eyes scanned your face and you nodded, feeling his eyes gravitate towards your lips.
sungchan brought you in slowly, so slow that you had to close the rest of the distance. you had to awkwardly extend your neck to deepen the kiss, but a hand on your face helped you. you leaned back against the edge of the jacuzzi, feeling sungchan’s body press against yours. you could hear the low hum of the machine in the jacuzzi and the waves crashing on the beach. the wind moved the branches of the palm trees slightly and your hand went to sungchan’s hair to move it out of the way. his hand was delicate on your face, bringing you gently to peck your lips over and over. you receive each kiss, following his head each time he pulls back wanting more.
sungchan looks at your face again. your eyes are already blown out and  low as you look at his lips. sungchan sucks on your lower lip and uses a hand to slowly grab your covered breast. you end up pulling your lips from sungchan’s mouth when you lean your head back, letting it rest on the edge of the jacuzzi. you arch your back, bringing your chest closer to sungchan’s body. he laughs at your current state, so touch starved you whimpering just from his hand and a few chaste kisses.
“you’re such a tease, you know that right?” sungchan said.
he’s amazed at how pliant you are, how you whimper a yes and nod your head. sungchan isn’t even trying to be dominant but you naturally follow everything he says. sungchan doesn’t know how he was so stupid to let you slip through his fingers.
sungchan’s hands underneath the water play with the ties on the sides of your bikini, undoing them with one simple motion. when you bring your head back up, you see your bikini bottoms floating on the surface of the jacuzzi. you whimper when you feel sungchan’s hand caress the skin of your thigh. he brings his hand so close to your folds before retreating playfully. he wants to hear you whine and beg for him.
“you wanna get fucked by your ex so bad, huh?” sungchan says.
when you only nod your head sungchan puts two fingers inside of you suddenly. your grip on his hair tightens and you can’t stop the moan that comes out.
“yes.” you moan.
you’re lucky the beach has cleared out. you can see the beach clearly from here, the dark water washing up higher and higher on the shore. anyone from the beach would be able to see sungchan’s back on your hand marking it. you’re sure people in the surrounding villas might be able to hear you as well.
the possibility of getting caught doesn’t stop sungchan at all. in fact, this only eggs him on to bring you to the brink faster. he figures that if he fucks you here you’ll let him carry you bridal style back into the villa so he can fuck you properly on bed. maybe next you’ll let him take you on the kitchen counter and then the couch while the television plays. if you’ll let him, sungchan will gladly have you up the rest of the night taking him over and over again while he asks you to give him a second chance. but for now, he has to settle with bending his fingers inside of you while he watches you try and collect your thoughts.
“so tight baby,” sungchan says. he adds another finger. “do you think you can even take it like you used to?”
you are able to come out of your state of bliss to nod your head eagerly.
“i can take it.” you mewl. 
“are you sure?” sungchan teases.
“yes.” your whines have almost become cries as you look at sungchan desperately.
you start reaching for sungchan underneath his swim trunks, feeling his hard dick through the fabric. you squeeze him tight, the way you know he likes it. sungchan looks down at your hand underneath the water. you go to pull at his waistband and sungchan uses his free hand to help you. in no time both of your swim bottoms float together on the surface of the water.
you grab sungchan’s length and jerk him off desperately. you don’t remember the last time you felt like this, like a horny teenage doing everything in your power to get off. sungchan feeds off of it, and he wonders what he did today that has made you so pent up.
“can’t believe this is the same girl that wanted nothing to do with me a couple days ago.” sungchan says, humping your hand “what changed?”
you don’t have the answer for him. instead you just jerk him off faster as he lifts you underneath the water. you wrap your legs around his waist easily. he puts a hand on your back where you make contact with the edge of the pool so you don’t get scratched by the rough edge. this also helps him press your body against his.
“god i missed you so much,” sungchan says. “missed this pussy, too.”
“i missed you too.” you say pitifully.
you help sungchan guide his dick inside of you. you forgot the anticipation and excitement that bubbled over your entire body before sungchan would push into you. he takes you all in, pressing his lips against yours as he slides in.
you are both moaning pitifully into eachothers mouths, taken over by the stimulation. you hate to admit how close you are to asking sungchan to be your boyfriend again when he bottoms out. you missed the doting and the teasing and how he always made sure you feel good. he wastes no time picking up the speed, knowing how desperate you must be. you mentioned to him once that you liked when he didn’t always give you time to adjust and he still remembered by the way he fucks you.
“so fucking tight.” sungchan seethed. 
“you’re so big.” you moaned.
“i know baby. i know.” sungchan mockingly cooed.
sungchan continues to work against the buoyancy of the water, causing tiny waves as he fucks you against the wall of the jacuzzi. you hold onto sungchan’s shoulders, digging your fingernails into his wet skin. he’s so big inside of you, your walls haven’t felt the stretch in so long. you can’t stop yourself from clenching around sungchan with each thrust, the way he grunts into your ear from the exertion has you clamping around him even more.
“your dick is perfect.” you say between each thrust.
sungchan smirks into your neck before biting the skin, causing you to clamp around him again. this time it’s sungchan moaning into your ear. his hand on your back is no help as you press into the edge of the jacuzzi, it’s a pain you welcome if it means sungchan continues to fuck you like this.
sungchan pulls away from your neck to look at your chest. the thrusts have your breasts breaking the surface of the water and sungchan watches in amazement as they jump up and down.
“so beautiful.” sungchan says.
“take off my top for me baby.” you tell him.
sungchan uses the hand on your back to undo the tie. immediately your boobs spill out, pressing against sungchan’s chest. this lights a flame underneath sungchan, he ruts his hips into yours desperately. his hand that was holding your hips up pries between your two bodies so he can press a finger to your clit. you dig your nails deeper into sungchan’s skin at the feeling, and he locks into your face as he speeds up his fingers.
“i’m close.” you whimper.
“me too.” sungchan says.
the thought of sungchan seeing you cum suddenly makes you nercous. you think it would be better to face the inside of the villa while you moan out his name. if you look at him in the face you might really do something you’ll regret.
“turn me around.” you say. 
your words are breathless and broken off by sungchan’s ministrations. to your dismay sungchan shakes his head, the rare occasion he doesn’t listen to you. he only picks up his speed and your mouth opens.
“i wanna see your face,” sungchan says. he pauses just for a moment to lift your body up, letting you rewrap your legs around his hips. “is that alright?”
sungchan says it with a smirk on his face because he knows you’ll fold. not even a second elapses before you nod your head quickly, bringing his body closer to you with your legs.
“go ahead,” sungchan’s pace is unrelenting, some water splashes on your chin. “cum for me baby.”
you don’t last another second. a high pitched cry leaves your mouth and you slump against sungchan as you try desperately to come down. you con’t stop yourself from crying out his name and an i love you’s, something you always said when orgasming. sungchan says it right back to you as he finishes inside of you, hips stilling as you milk him dry.
both of you are slumped against the edge of the jacuzzi as you try to catch your breaths. sungchan is the first to come back down to earth, pushing his wet hair from his face as his covers your skin in kisses. he kisses your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin, anything his lips can reach. you come back down to earth in a panic, realizing you told your ex you loved him like you two were still together. 
sungchan gets out of the jacuzzi first and silently offers a hand to you. you can already feel the wear of your body, slightly sore from pressing into the rough lip of the jacuzzi. you take sungchan’s hand, getting ready to tell him you didn’t mean the love confession. just like always he is one step ahead of you, kissing your lips before you can get a word out. he leads your through the door of the villa and starts heading towards the bedroom.
“let’s see if you still don’t mean it by the morning.” sungchan says
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
— [ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ] ( full drawing at the end of post )
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𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐈𝐌. This was the norm with idols. Nothing was wrong with such a premise you surmised, as only fools would believe their idols act the same on camera and behind. It was simple. They had an image and a personality, two completely different things in the entertainment world.
Hayate’s image was this brash, straight to the point, no nonsense person. A man who did not care much about looks, but was completely devoted to the art of music. A startling contrast to his angel like singing voice. Gap Moe, as his fans and manager would put it.
Hayate’s personality behind the cameras however, is what you would say an almost complete one-eighty.
The bi-colored haired boy was total skincare fanatic, he loved fashion, planning out his looks, journaling, and working out for the sake of keeping his body in shape. You say almost because he was incredulously meticulous either-way. You never met a man who was so passionate that it often infected you to do the same in your career and life. He enjoyed idol-work, breathed it, and deserved every bit of success he’d gotten so far.
He was also, still brash even behind the scenes.
“Why the hell would you be jealous of me?” To many, Hayate’s voice was intimidating — rough, and quite loud. It was jarring to see him switching from his speaking one to his singing. But to you who had spend far too long with this man, it was normal. And sometimes normal was something to crave for.
And boy did Hayate enjoy those normal moments between you two.
“Hayate, who wouldn’t be jealous of a man whose group had won several awards in their rookie years, now topping every chart.”
“A complete All-Kill, innit?” Your co-worker spoke from a couple of feet away. He was in charge of styling Hayate’s mess of a hair. The two of you are the only people capable of being physically close to him, aside from his members without being mauled. And you mean mauled in every sense of the term.
“Besides that, you’re just so motivated all the time. It’s like you have endless energy to do what you have to do.”
You noticed Hayate visibly relax, his tense posture almost escaping your eyes earlier. You make a mental note to bring him out to rest again one day. Most likely after your pay-day. Hayate always offered to pay for stuff you two bought on an outing but you just couldn’t do him like that.
Your co-worker chimed in again, “Meanwhile [Y/N] is here downing several [Fave Caffeinated Drink] just to get through the day.”
“Why are you here again?” You and Hayate deadpanned in sync, earning a laugh from all three of you in the room.
“I just . . . have a good. . . source of motivation.” The singer gave you a heavy, alluring stare. His muscle tee allowing you to view his neck slowly turning scarlet.
“He’s all red.”
“Fuck, I completely forgot to blend his neck! Wait, where’s my foundation brush?!” You screeched, running out to find wherever it could have gotten to in the building, knowing you most likely forgot it in the another member’s room. Either completely unaware of Hayate’s intense look, or simply too dense to understand the connotation of it.
Your colleague snorted as the door closed behind you, “You’re going to have to be more obvious than that lover boy, they’re worse than a brick wall.”
“. . .”
“Not even a sure, mate?” The British man sighed. It was always like this. Whenever you were out Hayate would just go silent. Only ever speaking to direct the stylist’s actions. You always insisted that your client saw you two as equal as you’ve never witnessed him acting this way, and every time the hair stylist spoke to you about it he could feel the menacing glare down his spine just provoking him to speak so that Hayate would pounce at an excuse to fire and sue him for defamation.
Once he was done styling the idol’s hair, Mr. Co-Worker backed off immediately. Knowing full well of the consequences of lingering around Hayate any longer.
“I’m back!” You hollered, a limp on your step due to a large man glomping you from behind.
“And who’s that behind you?” Your co-worker sighed. With you around his risk of dying goes down by at least 70%.
“Ehe.” But with Eve of all people to rile Hayate up, he’ll have to crank those chances back up again. The visual of the group had apparently stolen it earlier when he came by to do his daily dues in pushing Hayate one step further to an aneurysm. It was an important duty he had to fulfill as a member of Yesterday’s Dawn, and bringing you into the mix happened to annoy the vocalist the most.
“Don’t ehe me, Soo-bitch! Get the hell out of my make-up room!”
Eve smooches you on the cheek before promptly sticking his tongue out, “BLEGHHHHHH!!!”
You froze in response.
You see the veins protruding on Hayate’s temples and neck, reminding you of the job you came into the room to properly finish. Angry Hayate was something you haven’t seen in a while, but experienced has taught you not to react much and proceed with your job as if he isn’t planning several ways of mutilation at the moment.
It worked as moments later he calmed down and began chatting with you again.
Perhaps you should retract your judgment of his character. Hayate didn’t have sides he just had layers, and you his beloved make-up artist, were in the deepest one.
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@yesterdaysdawnofficial just posted something! Check it out?
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❤️ 💬 ✈️
yesterdaysdawnofficial just two pretty bois uwu -eve
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yesterdayssleepfxker✅ nice.
yesterdaysbeauty ✅ there goes our sumsang sponsorship…
maniacforhayate AAAAAAAA OPPAR SaRANGhae
yesterdaysstan in this part of the ydjungle we see hayatus sasakus warding off one of his potential mates via hypnosis. completely uninterested.
_sanctuary_of_flowers_ *fanfic typing intensifies*
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Hayate was pretty much born from my weird obsession with working out and practicing the violin lately. My parents said that I look and sound hella constipated doing both and so an emotionally constipated yandere just came into mind.
also i “referenced” that one photo of jungkook holding a mirror to jimin’s meme face for this in case you thought the artwork looked familiar. tried using a new hair coloring style ehe.
want more content like this? check my masterlist or the first few tags for more specific posts.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023. artworks, characters, and story belongs to me. please do not redistribute, repost, or translate without permission.
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Christmas Headcannons Part One -The Main Three x Reader (separately)
A/n: I got a writing laptop so I'm most likely going to be writing a whole lot more. Merry Christmas, I hope you enjoy!
General info: Genre: fluff \\ wc: 590 \\ posted: 12/25/2023
Warnings!: a teeny bit of Hawks', Dabi's, and Shiggy's childhoods/backstories.
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Bakugo Katsuki:
Bakugo likes to act like he doesn’t give a crap about Christmas or anything to do with it.  
He refuses to admit that he got a present for anyone.  
If you ask him what he wants for Christmas, he will either insult you in some way or tell you some kind of way overpriced gift.  
He absolutely hates Christmas music.  
Though if he sees you happy while screaming Christmas songs on the top of your lungs, he won’t complain.  
He lets you buy as many Christmas decorations as you want.  
He’ll pretend to be annoyed but he’s secretly just happy to see your smiling face.  
He’ll wear those “stupid” pajamas you give him on Christmas Eve, but the second you guys walk into your bedroom he’s stripping down to his boxers to sleep.  
This man overheats and he refuses to wear anything but boxers to bed.  
He’ll wake up really early on Christmas. He’ll hold you for a few minutes, occasionally littering feather like kisses to your lips and forehead.  
After a while he’ll get up, yawning as he goes out to the living room. He’ll wait for you to wake up, refusing to disturb your sleep for something so “silly”.  
When you wake up you come out to see dozens of presents... all without a name.  
He ends up getting you dozens of presents. Every single one of them has a special meaning.  
He listens. He really does, even when it looks like he couldn’t care less.  
(Bakugo's masterlist)
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Shoto Todoroki:
He adores spoiling you.  
He didn’t get Christmas as a kid, so he only knew the idea of Christmas. Not the actual feeling.  
After a few years his gifts became a lot more meaningful. He listened months in advance to what you wanted/needed, and slowly piled up your gift pile.  
He’s a high-ranking hero, so he definitely has the money to spend.  
His favorite part of Christmas is drinking hot chocolate by the fireplace on Christmas Eve with you wrapped in his arms.  
He’ll hold you to his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist as you lean against him. He’ll rest his chin on your shoulder/head, kissing your neck and shoulders every few minutes.  
He’ll tell you how much he loves you, and how thankful he is that he has you.  
You brought him away from his horrid past, drowning his mind with love instead of his trauma.  
He is eternally grateful to you for that, and he always will be.  
If you want him to wear pajamas, he will.  
If he wakes up before you, he’ll stare at you for a while, stroking your cheek gently. 
He won’t react much to gifts, but he’s smiling the entire time you open yours.  
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Most of the time his gifts consist of notes on either your own quirk, someone else’s, or All Might merch.  
If he knows the person well- like you- he'll get them a few things they mentioned needing/wanting.  
And of course, a page on their quirk.  
He’ll spend hours making sure your gifts are wrapped perfectly. He ends up wasting a lot of wrapping paper.  
But your smile and compliments of his wrapping makes it all worth it.  
He appreciates every single gift. And no matter how bad you think the wrapping is he’ll compliment you on it.  
If you pour your heart into a gift, he will cry.  
He feels really really bad if he thinks you don’t like your gift.  
You always reassure him, and as soon as you flash that pretty smile at him, he’s instantly reassured. 
If he knows the person well- like you- he'll get them a few things they mentioned needing/wanting.  
And of course, a page on their quirk.  
He’ll spend hours making sure your gifts are wrapped perfectly. He ends up wasting a lot of wrapping paper.  
But your smile and compliments of his wrapping makes it all worth it.  
(Izuku's masterlist)
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated! <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way- minus reblogging.
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fallinallincurls · 2 years
Die A Happy Man
september 1st is nate’s day so a fic was due!! happy birthday to one of my favorite hockeys ever. this whole idea actually sparked from the tags in a post that @sorryjustafangirl​ put up! and now, here it is all finished in a little adorable blurb. die a happy man by thomas rhett screams nate to me so that was also used as inspo for this concept.
hope you enjoy!! feedback is always appreciated! xx
word count: 940
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“Gabe, look.” EJ elbows his best friend who is standing next to him on the back deck. It doesn’t matter that Gabe is currently in another conversation, EJ needs his attention before the moment passes. 
“What?” He asks, turning around to face Erik but confused as to what the interruption is for. Without another word, EJ tilts his head towards the dock just across the large yard. Most of the team and their families are occupying the green grass for the team barbecue that Nate graciously hosted at his lake house to celebrate the team’s Stanley Cup win.
But there’s only two people on the dock. You and Nate. No one seems to notice the two of you besides Erik and Gabe, of course, and the scene that’s unfolding is a shock to say the least. 
“Holy shit.” Gabe mumbles, the biggest grin blossoming across his face. “Is that Nate? Like our Nate? Dancing in a public space? I don’t believe it.”
“Somehow, it is our Nathan. You know that must mean he’s totally in love with her. He never does that, ever.” EJ chuckles, a teasing tone evident in his words, but Gabe knows it’s the truth. Over the many years the three men have been teammates, it’s been obvious that it takes a very special person to get Nate out of his shell.
And up until now, they’ve never seen him dance with a girl before let alone in front of everyone.
“He must be.” Gabe agrees without hesitation.
The conversation doesn’t go any further because the longtime friends get roped into a game of cornhole against the rookies and neither you or Nate are aware of what his teammates just discussed. 
Instead, your giggles are mixing with Nate’s sweet chuckles as you dance around the dock together. When you posed the simple question of “will you dance with me?” when the Thomas Rhett song came on, you didn’t think Nate would say yes. In almost the full year that you’ve been dating, you haven’t seen him do anything remotely close to dancing so you figured him agreeing to do so in a backyard that’s full of everyone he knows would be a long shot.
You were wrong.
After an eager nod from him as a response and kicking your shoes off, Nate pulled you onto the dock and wasted no time wrapping his arms around your waist. You’re still pressed close against his body, both of you swaying together to the music without a care in the world. Occasionally, Nate will spin you outwards only for you to twirl back into his arms or he surprises you with perfect dips that make you shriek in happy surprise.
The moment couldn’t have been more perfect. 
Nothing but happiness and love flowed between the two of you. In your boyfriend’s arms, everything else fades away. But you swear there has never been anything better than right now, dancing under the warm summer sun with the man who makes you the happiest. Nate’s soft smile warms your heart and he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you almost every other second while you keep dancing. Seeing the joy on his face and how relaxed he is because of the Cup win and being here with you is something you are incredibly grateful for.
And because you’re both entirely lost in each other, the knowing looks and excited whispers coming from Nate’s teammates and families in the yard go unnoticed. EJ’s smirking, trying to plan out how to ambush his friend with the big question that includes the L word. But everyone else watches on in either awe or disbelief.
“You know,” Nate speaks up for the first time since the song started, his beautiful blue eyes full of adoration as he looks at you. His voice interrupts your thoughts, but neither of your movements falter. He kisses you one, two, three times before continuing. “If I never win another cup or get to travel the world or play for as long as I possibly can in the NHL, I’d still would be the happiest man alive.”
“Why’s that, bubs?” You ask, heart melting at his sweet confession. Your fingers tangle in the short hair at back of his neck and he hums in contentment.
“Because I have you and your love. That’s all I ever need.”
“You can’t mean that. Never winning another cup? Not playing as long as you can? Those are your lifelong dreams.” You argue, brows furrowed at your boyfriend’s confession even as your heart soars with each passing second.
“Yeah, maybe. They were my lifelong dreams. Until I met you. If I never get any of those things and still have you, I’m the happiest man alive. I would die a happy man.” 
You can’t stop the swell of adoration in your chest at his words. Nothing you can say will properly show how much he means to you so instead, you pull him in for a tender kiss. Nate responds within a split second, hands keeping you close and kissing you back like nothing else in the world matters. 
Because right now, it doesn’t.
The Cup surrounded by his teammates on his deck isn’t a thought. How warm his skin is underneath the summer sun doesn’t even register. And certainly, the hoots and hollers from EJ aren’t heard as Nate depends the kiss. 
This is what he’s always wanted. And now that you’re here, he won’t ever let you go. Because if everything else fails and life doesn’t turn out the way it should, he has your love and that alone means his life is complete.
taglist: @tonyspep @miracleonice87 @princessphilly @starshine-hockey-girl @rosesvioletshardy @sorryjustafangirl @laurenairay @hockeyunits @stroopwaffle8 @musiclove-12 @ilyasorokinn @jostystyles @broadstflyers @breezymichelle99 @comphyjost @ya-pucking-nerd @beauvibaby @chokedwithaseaview @sourjoonie​ @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​ @itrocksmysocks​ @typical-simplelove​ @boqvistsbabe​ @happer08​ @antoineroussel​ @twpkstiles @suitandtys​ @equallyshaw​ @eightmakar​ @kailyn-writes​ 
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eddiernunson · 2 years
Trapped | Eddie Munson | Part 5 | 18+
Prev Part | Master Post | Next Part
Paring: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 29k (Idk how it got this many words lemme live)
Warnings: Smut, oral f+m receiving, unprotected penetration, dirty talk, slut shaming kink, touching in class, waking someone up with kisses before talking about it, general newbie when it comes to writing smut. Other Warnings would be new relationship stuff, reader dresses a little proactively.
Its literally just PWP. I wanted them to earn their smut this chapter.
Authors note: Hi! I know it's been a while since the last part, but it literally took me a week to write each scene, and I work 40 hours a week. There were also a few scenes I felt just weren't quite right, you know? Anyway, please enjoy this new update. Lots of shenanigans. I had a lot of fun writing this and asking my best friend for help.
Minors DNI for the Smut.
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Eddie drops you off with a kiss goodnight and an awkward yet very polite hello to your mom. She smiles warmly at him, seeing the glow in your cheeks as you looked at him. Before you close the door, lingering your hand on his, he mouths I’ll call you.
It took everything in you to close that door those final three inches. You leaned against it, feeling weak in the knees from what you couldn’t believe was your night. Your mom waddled over to you and kissed you on the forehead. “We’ll talk tomorrow.” She promises you. For now, she let her obviously happy daughter stay blissful.
Blissful was one word to describe you tonight, sure. It just didn’t come close to how you felt. You look around, wondering when exactly your mom went upstairs. You shrug your shoulders, smile on your face as you goofily trudge up the stairs. Your mind kept wondering, wishing you were in Eddie’s arms again.
The extra special attention he paid you when he realized Daisy was making you feel anxious. His eyes on you, watching you figure out how to tell a three-year story without embarrassing yourself. His concern when you told him you thought you had no chance with him. His knee shaking as you enter the booth, telling you he was just as nervous as you were, if not more.
His words and how they never failed to make you weak in the knees. Your thighs clutching onto his face, Eddie never seeming to mind suffocating in your cunt. The door suddenly right up against your back as he kisses you as if he has just wanted to kiss you like that all night long.
You knew it was nearly 12:30, but you wanted music to listen to in the shower. You brought your stereo over to the bathroom, placing it on the threshold. You put in your favourite tape before getting into the hot shower.
Your mind could literally not make up its mind on what it wanted to think about. One moment it was thinking about how sweet he was when you talked back and forth in his van on the way to drop you off. The next moment it was thinking about the shine of those pretty pink lips after just making you come. You felt a million tingles all at once. Some were great, the tingle you feel as a dog that doesn’t like other people chooses you. Some were great, the tingle you feel as your wildest fantasies late at night just became a reality.
You weren’t lying when you said you thought about him multiple times a week. Hell, two or three was an understatement. You were thinking more like 5 or 6. Two or three sounded reasonable to you. Yet, you wondered if he had ever thought about you like that before you were his…girlfriend?
Wait was that what you were now? Is that sealing the deal?
You finished your shower, yanking the stereo and your half-naked self to your room. Your room seemed to be messier than you remember leaving it. A few dresses were on the floor scattered by your closet, multiple hair styling tools on your dresser, your bed just littered in teen magazines. You didn’t mind, going to the new hiding spot you decided to use for anything Eddie might lend you.
You breathe in the black fabric, the smell of him completely overwhelming your senses. If you tried hard enough, you could hear and feel his voice in your ear. You don’t remember falling asleep that night, but you did with a smile on your face and your toes curled after kicking your sheets for what felt like an eternity.
Sunday morning sun hit you hard, the sun harshly coming through the open window by your bed. You woke up with a start, only in your panties and Eddie’s t-shirt as you rushed to sleepily close the window and its blinds so you could get more sleep.
That lasted another two hours.
Your phone rings, and your dad picks up. Next thing you know, there’s a short knock at your door following by the feeling of the plastic phone in your hand. By the time you open your eyes, your dad is already out the door. Strong and silent type.
“Hello?” You answer, your voice sounding rough. (Like you had just woken up or something.)
“We need details, and we needed them yesterday. Meet us at Nancy’s in an hour, pronto!” Robin’s voice is loud on the other line.
You groan into the phone, just wanting to sleep in today.
“You woke me up at 8am yesterday, Y/N L/N! This is generous. Meet us here or I am calling Munson and asking him for the dirty details.” Robin promised.
Robin did not have the social confidence to just call him up.
Nancy Wheeler, however, 100% would call him even without threatening you.
You said you’d be there, suddenly aware what the stakes are.
You got ready as fast as you let yourself, pausing when you remembered you slept on wet hair. It dried weird. Shit. You spent an extra ten minutes or so just fiddling with your hair.
You spent no time picking out an outfit, just wanting to be comfortable with your girls. Reluctantly, you took off Eddie’s shirt, wanting to preserve his scent for as long as possible, seeing how fast the scent alone put you to sleep.
A little bit of face brightening makeup to make you look alive and you were out the door with a bagel in hand. You made it to the Wheeler’s house with fifteen minutes to spare. You walked right in, knowing to Karen Wheeler you were almost like her second born. You weren’t but your parents knew each other for so long it was like you were one of her kids. You just weren’t that close with Nancy until a Demogorgon wrapped you in shared trauma. Now, you both had no idea why you weren’t friends to begin with.
“Morning Karen!” You called, Mrs. Wheeler doing her best to feed her seven-year-old child and juggle appointments.
“Hi sweetheart!” She called out. “They’re actually in the basement right now just so you know.” Karen said, chewing as she pointed behind her.
Odd, Nancy usually goes for her room rather than the basement. Lately the basement has been Mike’s place. That much is obvious when he hid a whole human, and nobody noticed because El was in the basement. “Thanks!”
You made your way down the steps, the girls engaged in a conversation with a Molly Ringwald movie playing in the background.
“Hi dummies!” You greet cheerfully, the two girls jumped, and came and hugged you with cute squealing voices.
They had taken over the basement, setting a large blanket down with snacks and drinks.
“Morning, sunshine.” Robin says, booping you on the nose.
Nancy was excited to see you, just felt a tad left out. “You owe me the whole story, not just what Robin says.” Nancy huffs, her arms not crossed but tense by her side. “So, tell me. Up until what Robin and Steve Harrington, of all people, know.”
You tell her the juicy details. Getting good reactions out of Robin, too now that Steve isn’t overhearing/judging the conversation.
“Hell, you didn’t need me. I’m telling you. That boy was going to rent a movie one day and that was supposed to set you guys up. Fate. I just put fate into fast forward.” You look at Nancy, a hint of a god complex in her eyes.
“You also stopped probably another year of silently wishing he would confess his love to me.” You tell her, waiting for her tense muscles from her excitement to relax. “It was the kick in the pants we both needed.”
You were now cozied up in a blanket, hot drink in hand and sitting comfortably in between the two girls. It was about an hour of “let me finish” and blushing as Robin and Nancy kept trying to secretly steal glances.
“If that was your Friday I want to hear about your Saturday,” Nancy urged you on, wanting to get to the date.
“Well I woke up yesterday morning swearing I must’ve fallen asleep on his couch because there was no way what happened could’ve happened anywhere but in my dreams.” You pause, grabbing some chips from a nearby chip bag. “Eddie was in the kitchen making breakfast.” Nancy melts into this. “It was cereal, but it was my favourite, so he gets points for that. I asked if I fell asleep on the couch. He said ‘No, but I did eat you on the couch.’” Nancy’s soft eyes turned startled, only expecting sugar, and getting some spice.
“So was he a good kisser? I know you said he was when we were at work, but c’mon how good?” Robin, asked, her legs crossed and snacking on some chips.
You huffed, remembering the feeling of Eddie’s lips against yours, rough and hypnotising. “Just, fantastic. He knows where to put his hands, what to say, not too much tongue. He is an amazing kisser seeing as he’s never been kissed before that.”
The look the girls gave you reminded you that you haven’t been open about that. “Wait, wait, hold on.” Robin pauses, taking a moment to swallow the food in her mouth. “Eddie has never been kissed before you? Does this mean,” her eyes shift to Nancy for a beat and back to you. “Is Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson a virgin!?”
You panic for a moment, feeling like you had fucked up by telling something personal about your…boyfriend? At least Steve wasn’t here.
Then you smirk.
Robin and Nancy watch your face, confused by the sudden shift from anxious to smug.
“Well, not anymore.”
“WHAT?” They shout together, both sitting up on their knees.
“He was when we kissed on Friday but he’s not anymore.” It takes everything you have not to burst out giggling at their faces.
Nancy’s jaw is just straight up on the floor while Robin is covering her mouth with one of her hands. “Ok skip the morning, go straight to your date I just don’t care enough about your morning anymore.”
You ignored her. “Eddie asked about my day, we decided on a date time, he drove me home. I went to work, got ready for my date, Eddie picked me back up again. We went to Chef’s Table. Steve got us a last-minute reservation there at a table in the back.”
“Wow, he gave you his table?” Nancy, commented, now lying on her stomach, and resting on her elbows while munching on a crunchy snack. “That was nice of him.”
You were taken aback by Nancy’s word choice. “What do you mean, his table?”
Nancy’s mouth upturned slightly, not sure if you were joking. “It’s one of his make out spots. If you go to Chef’s Table and request a spot in the back, it’s more than likely you want to make out. The staff are more likely to keep their distance. I know, he took me there.”
“Wait what?” You ask, your head moving slightly forward and tilting your head in disbelief. “We spent the whole time trying not to make out thinking we were in some fancy restaurant!” You thought of all the times you wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss him in the candle lit booth. Sit on his lap and grab his face mid conversation and let Daisy see just how much Eddie was into you.
“Nope, his tried and true.” Nancy said, adjusting her shirt as she had attempted not to think about amount of hot make out sessions Steve has taken her to in that booth. “He’s gonna be pretty pissed when he learns he gave you his spot and you didn’t even make out in it.”
“We were trying to behave! I thought he might’ve gotten this spot under his mom’s influence or something I didn’t know! That’s a detail Steve should’ve told me when he called me before my date.” A thought occurs to you. “No wonder that bitch thought Eddie was free game!”
“Huh?” Robin asked, wondering where this came from.
You roll your eyes, remembering the straight up audacity that is Daisy. “My waitress was literally only talking to him the entire night. It was incredibly aggravating. Eddie just ignored her once I made it clear it was genuinely worrying me he might realize he had better options. I guess she might’ve thought she had a chance when me and Eddie weren’t all handsy.” You held your head in your hands, somewhat upset you didn’t know this detail. “Believe me if I knew I would’ve been handsy.”
“What you do then, talk?” Nancy asked, sounding sarcastic.
“I mean, yeah. The whole time.” You said, shrugging. “It was really nice.”
“So what did you talk about?” Robin asked, sitting up and crossing her legs criss-crossed.
“Well, he wanted to know if I had actually liked him for three years. I explained that story, including the embarrassing parts of my friends setting me up and puking after him coming in to work on Thursday.” You pause, taking a sip your pop. “You know those parts. Eddie told his side of the story too. Both of us essentially were into each other but not a big fan of the rejection. Eddie liked the idea that someone might be into him despite the attention his reputation might draw to anyone involved with him. I liked the idea of keeping it secret so no one would try to actually set us up so I couldn’t get rejected. If he turned out to be wrong and I didn’t like him, then no one did want to be with the freak and all of his worst social fears were true.”
You all sit in this moment, allowing your words to sink in.
Robin leans into Nancy, speaking under breath but loud enough for you to hear. “They definitely couldn’t have done it without you.”
Nancy leans in, too. “No, they wouldn’t have done anything unless someone got the ball rolling for them. They’re both anxious little shits.”
You threw your supporting pillow at them, annoyed. Mostly because they were right. Without someone to nudge them in the right direction you would be both hopelessly stuck in your own loops.
“Now I want to get back to the was a virgin part of this,” Robin says, her eyes intense on you.
“Yeah, stop stalling. Tell us what happened when you guys got back.”
“Well we ran to the van, and Eddie stopped all of his good behaviour. He started driving like a maniac again, turned his music back up. When we got back to his trailer he literally forced me to keep up with him as we ran into his door. The moment his front door was closed I was pushed up against it.”
“C’mon keep talking.” Said Robin, excited for the good shit. “Keep talking. Don’t hold up now.”
You sigh, feeling almost embarrassed. “Well he stepped back to take off his shirt, and by then my leg was up on his hip and his knee accidentally- yunno.” Robin looked clueless, while Nancy nodded her head. Oh, she knew. “He saw a reaction, and he kept doing that. Essentially that might have led to me grinding on his knee not touching the floor.” You pause, eating a chip or two. “A little bit of that and he took me to the bedroom. He wasted absolutely no time, going down. He kinda can’t shut up when he really gets going.”
“Can’t shut up how? What does he say?” Robin asks, leaning in closer.
You cross your arms and hug yourself, despite the just sinful things Eddie has said replaying in your head. “I am not spilling literally everything to you two. Some things are still sacred. But they are vile and perfect. He does that until I finish and that’s when he asks if we can take it to the next step, in so many words.” Can I fuck you is not exactly the same, but it got the message across. “So we did. It was,” you pause. Your mind is elsewhere for half a second, a flash of Eddie’s skin right against yours, his hips hitting yours hard. “It was great.”
“Jesus, Y/N, tell us some more.” Nancy all but begged. “I’m dying to know at least one more detail.”
You become smug, resting your chin on your knees. “I will tell you one more thing. You have to shut up after this. We’ll gossip about our classmates, what I said is enough to tell the story but allow Eddie and I to have some secrets.” You took a breath to surge your confidence. “Eddie was a virgin, but he does not fuck like one. I had to teach one or two techniques sure, but he catches on like a-astonishingly quickly.”
Your cheeks heat up due to the look you receive from them, and you sit in it for a moment before you shift and sit in a way that allows you to extend your legs and feel comfortable. “Okay, so now that you guys know what went down, you’ll shut up. So, Nancy. Tell me some class gossip, please.”
“Well, Eddie Munson just hooked up with-“ Nancy is hit in the face with another pillow you were hit with earlier when they had to encourage you to talk about Friday night. “Okay I was kidding. You should hear about Nathan Duncan on the basketball team.”
You all sat giggling like idiots, the class of ’86 gossip enough to keep you all entertained.
“Oh, Y/N!” Karen calls from upstairs. “Someone is on the phone for you!”
Your eyebrows furrow, wondering who was anxious enough to speak to you that they tracked you down. You were certain it wasn’t that important. “Can you take a message for me, please?”
“Sure can!” Karen stays by the door, projecting her voice so you could hear. “Sorry, Eddie I’m afraid-“ Before you could get up and grab the phone off of the receiver downstairs, Nancy is already up and tossing you the phone.
“Hi, sorry Karen, I can take it from here.” You said on the phone, and Karen laughs into her speaker and hangs up.
“Hi princess,” Eddie says, laughter in his voice.
“H-hi” You reply, out of breath and your heart in your stomach just from hearing his voice. “What’s up?”
Eddie paused before responding. “I called your house, but your mom said you’ve been over here for a bit. Figured I’d be able to catch you.” You nodded, knowing he couldn’t see you, but he took your silence as a sign to keep talking. “I just wanted to see how your week looked.”
Your mind stutters before it’s able to come up with a tangible response on your upcoming week. “Well, I am working Monday to Wednesday. I work 5-9 on each of those days. I can still see you during lunch and World Geography, right?”
Eddie chuckles, resulting goosebumps down your neck. “Shit, I have all my deals during lunch until Thursday. Band rehearsals today and tomorrow, plus the extra DnD session on Wednesday.” Eddie pauses, you hear a distant “Motherfucker,” as if he turned to speak away from his phone. “World with you next to me until then?” He asks, almost sounding nervous.
You were annoyed at the lack of time you’ll be getting with him over the next week “I guess that’ll do,” you say, Eddie laughing closed mouthed at your dry response. “You owe me extra time during the weekend, though.”
“Doesn’t Wheeler already owe you a Michael J. Fox-athon?” He asks, bringing you back to Friday night in his club room when you were nearly too nervous to say a single word to him.
You glance at Nancy, who was attempting to not seem nosy and into your conversation. “I think she’ll get over it.”
You hesitate in saying what you want to say.
Eddie, unable to see you, can still sense it. “Use your words, sweetheart.”
You can feel yourself melt. You were putty in his hands. “Is it lame to say I miss you already?” Your face squishes up in embarrassment, hiding your face in your hand.
Eddie on the other line falls backwards where he was sitting on his bed, his smile wide and brown eyes soft. Holy shit were you cute. “Nah. I miss you too,” he admits, his voice soft.
Your breath hitches, feeling giddy. Eddie Munson missed you. “Good.” You whisper. “Good luck with your rehearsals. See you soon?”
“Soon, sweetheart. Soon.”
The line goes dead, Eddie hanging up for you before things got any more embarrassing in front of Nancy and Robin. You absent-mindedly smile as you put the phone onto the receiver, turning to face their faces. “If you keep looking like this at me every time I interact with him I’m going to have to find new friends.”
“I’m sorry it’s just hard to admit you are the same person we have watched silently moon over him.” Robin admits, apologetic. “Every time you saw him at the mall for one of his deals you would spend all your time up serving the ice-cream just hoping he’d come in. He never did.”
You had to admit, you felt like a different person. You weren’t sure what that meant for you and Eddie, though. Him calling to see what your plans were for the week seemed like something that someone in a committed relationship would do, but it was never confirmed by the two of you.
The conversation strayed from you and Eddie, and you all stayed hanging until Robin needed to go home and needed a ride. You offered one, knowing you had homework to do and a mom to face.
Robin was dropped off after you both debating the better Star Wars film. You loved A New Hope and she liked Empire Strikes Back. Something about the Heroes losing for once, she said. Yeah you told her you thought it was just depressing.
You approached your house cautiously, knowing your mom had told you that when you got home you would have a conversation.
“Hi!” You called, entering the front door with your key. “I’m home!”
Your mom welcomed you, coming from the kitchen making dinner. “My girl,” she says hugging you. “Come, let’s talk in the kitchen.”
Your kitchen was decent, an island in the middle with chairs seated at it. Many a night were spent with you talking to your mom as she made dinner, laughing and chatting. You sat at the island like normal, your mom waiting for you as she leant onto the countertop. “Do you know why I want to talk?” She asks, her voice not gentle but parental.
“I was at a boy’s house?” You ask, your shoulders moving up to your ears.  
The look on her face told you that it was not the reason she wanted to talk. “No that’s not the reason. There are two reasons. Number one, I don’t care if you spent the night at a boys place. You’re 18, and I have raised you to make smart decisions, have I not? It wasn’t a school night, your grades are up, and you had a ride home. I just need to know where you are so that if something does happen in town again or to you, god forbid, I have accurate information on your whereabouts. I just like to know you’re safe, does that make sense?”
What your mom said made more sense than you had anticipated. You were expecting to be yelled at for sleeping at his house and coming home with his shirt the next day. “I understand. I lied because I knew you’d ask for a name, and I wasn’t ready to tell you that yet. Now I realize what you were worried about.”
She smiles, understanding. “Second, why didn’t you think you could tell me the boy you liked all this time was Eddie Munson?”
You move your hair out of your face. “I didn’t want the encouragement of talking to him when I figured I had no chance.” You didn’t want to be honest, but you knew it was time. “I figured if I told you, you would tell me to talk to him, and he would flat out reject me. I didn’t want that possibility. How could you encourage me when you didn’t know who it was?”
Your mom shook her head, almost stunned at your roundabout logic. “I mean I’m not thrilled its Eddie Munson, but I think you were a little too hard on yourself.”
“Considering he liked me back, I think you’re right. You know me, over thinking is something I’m good at and takes me no effort.” You smile through it, but your mom looks at you with sad eyes. “I’m just glad it all worked out.”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that as cheerfully as you did. Now I understand wanting to stay over night at your boyfriend’s house. I was a teenager too, and back then it was even more frowned upon then it is now.” She comments, a teenager in the late 60s. “I will let you stay over one night every two weeks until you graduate. When you graduate then it’s up to you.”
You felt annoyed how often she chose but you felt lucky to have such an understanding mother. “Thank you mom!” You leaned in to give her a big hug.
“You two have already done the deed, I’m assuming?” You heard your dad’s tv go louder, not wanting to hear this part of the conversation. You nodded, sparing his ears. “I assumed when I saw his shirt. You can have his shirts, just keep them in a box where I can’t see them. It’ll let me pretend a little bit longer.”
You roll your eyes at this, now wanting five of his shirts so you can scatter across your room. “Maybe if you didn’t go through my stuff, you wouldn’t see any then.” You mutter as you wonder up the stairs.
Your mom’s hearing is freakishly good. “I didn’t snoop! You left that thing in the middle of your floor! Some teenager you are! Don’t even know how to sneak!”
You let laughter out as you enter your room for the night. Time to do the assignment, and get a C.
You pulled up to Hawkins High that morning twenty minutes before the first bell rang. The parking lot was sparce in cars, though Eddie’s van was in the back corner in its usual spot. Your heart pitter-patters and a large rush of air overwhelms your lungs. You knew he would be down a path and at his picnic table, over charging an athlete who just finished their morning practice.
Sighing, you turned your car off and made your way to the front doors. You went and grabbed what you needed and went to the cafeteria, hoping he might be there and his deals were cancelled. Not that he gets to school early for the fun of it.
When you got to the cafeteria, your eyes immediately scanned across to the Hellfire table. There were three members who were there and already early, but none of them with his gorgeous curly hair. You sat next to Nancy, damn near pouting. Nancy was writing in her notebook, getting a few sentences down before school started. “Morning.” You mumble, forehead landing onto the table.
She shifts over to look at you, a slight smile appearing on her lips. “Hi Y/N. No knight in shining jean vest yet?” She asks, her eyes glancing to her brother and Dustin sat next to Eddie’s empty chair.
“No, he’s busy.” You mumble against the table. You turn your head to face her. “How’s the story coming along? I remember you really struggling with it yesterday.”
Nancy rests her chin onto her hand, rereading over her work. “It’s coming. I can do better though.”
“You will. Stop thinking about it, come back. Like studying.” You recall Nancy’s advice when you were in trouble unable to focus on studying. Nancy telling you to come back to it if you can’t retain any information changed your GPA. “Talk to me, instead. Please?”
Nancy decides you were right and puts her notebook aside.
Robin arrives about five minutes later, her hair frazzled and face a little splotched sits next to you.
“Robin, you ok?” You ask, wondering if she was just being Robin. She nods, not giving anything away. “Will I ever understand why you feel like this some mornings?”
Robin rests her head on her arms, her mind at war. “Someday soon.”
There was more to what she was saying, you could tell. You just hoped everything would turn out for her.
The warning bell rings after some further mindless conversation about ridiculously hard homework, or the eye-roll worthy speech Jason gave at the away game. Nancy had her sportswriter go down, and it was worse than the ones he gives at home. By miles.
The final bell rings and you say your goodbyes and make your way to first period. When you are among the second half of the class that are arriving, Eddie is still not in his seat. That was something you were used to, but still felt a pang of disappointment. The teacher is mid-way through her plan about the upcoming week when he rushes in, right past your desk and to the opposite back corner. As he comes in, you get a rush of his scent, freshly showered with a strong essence that was straight up Eddie.
You turn and face him, no longer worried of what the mere indication of you liking him would do. Cause now he knew. He catches your eye as soon as you turn to face him, winking at you. You smile widely in response, turning back around when Señorita Mandelez starts pulling out the work for today.
Throughout Spanish, you feel his gorgeous brown eyes staring a hole in the back of your neck. You didn’t mind, it meant he had trouble not letting his eyes wonder, too. He was just better at it. You manage to get the notes all down but didn’t end up retaining anything you had learnt that class. The bell rings and your teacher dismissed you.
You hear him faster than you were expecting, right behind you as you put your books back in your backpack. “Morning, princess.”
You turn around as you finish putting the textbook in. “Hi, Ed.” You greet him, unafraid to show your wide smile. “How was your Sunday?” You ask, genuinely wanting to know.
“Oh not too bad,” he feigns boredom, as if he wasn’t looking forward to hearing you talk to him for this whole class. “Band rehearsal could’ve gone better. My second guitarist is really attempting to nail a certain part of Sweet Child O Mine and he just can’t seem to get it.” Eddie stares off as he says the last part, his eyes becoming hard for half a second before turning back to you. “How was gossiping with the girls?”
“We don’t gossip that much,” you defend, Eddie gives you a ‘c’mon’ look, “well we do, but they just wanted to know how our date went.”
You’re halfway to your next class by now, suddenly realizing he was walking you to class. “What did you say?” He asked, almost nervous.
“That it went well is it could’ve. I also might’ve given one or two details about what happened when we got back.” You admit, looking at your feet as you reach the final hallway to Literature Studies.
He takes your hand. “What details?” He asks, now just curious.
“Might’ve accidentally told them you were a virgin.” You admit to him, hoping he doesn’t get mad.
Eddie didn’t seem mad, his face expressionless. “What did you say after that?”
“That you don’t fuck like one.”
Eddie pulled you into his arms, stopping about ten paces away from your class. “That’s my girl. That is the perfect answer.” You close your eyes as you breathe him in, turning on the spot back and forth. You wanted to stay like this until the bell rings again, time for next class.
“I gotta go. See you around, Ed?”
“If the stars align, sweetheart.” He says, kissing your temple. “Go.”
You feel him lightly push you…something you needed to let go. Your teacher was looking over her lesson plans, allowing the class to chatter quietly and you enter the full class without being noticed.
Robin gives you a smug look, nodding her head to the door. “What was that?”
“He walked me to class.” You state, bringing out your textbook.
“That was on hell of an embrace, though.” She mentions, holding her stare on you.
You glance into her bright green eyes, scratching your jaw. “You saw that, huh.” You paused, drawing a little devil in the corner of your page. You glance back at her, her face still expectant. You shrug, not wanting to add more context. “It was a hug, Robin. Yunno, physical affection? The kind you hate?”
Robin rolls her eyes at your sarcasm. She opens her mouth to come at you with something when your teacher interrupts you, introducing the weeks lessons. Of course, she didn’t let that from telling you what she needed to say.
In the corner of your eye, you notice a folded piece of paper. You open it, If that was your guys’ idea of a hug then I could see why you were shy sharing with the class.
You huff out a laugh, your face heating up in the process. You don’t respond, instead focusing on the stupid lit lesson, despite Robin occasionally teasing you in the corner of her eye.
Literature Studies was incredibly dull. Robin always makes it better. You were given the second half of the class to complete your homework. Robin spends the better part of the 45-minute period teasing you and the lesser part chatting. She and Steve finally organized the back section filled with unmarked tapes when it was particularly slow yesterday. You were thankful you weren’t working; you hated that task most of all.
Biology was nice today, focusing on the final parts of genetics then moving on to hormones. That meant a chapter test was soon, which meant too much time studying shit you didn’t want to. The bell came as your teacher was explaining the final test and the review you were going to do tomorrow. You were already packed for five minutes, wanting to go to the damn cafeteria.
You just wanted to hold on to hope, for five more minutes.
You stopped by your locker, putting your bags away and heading the cafeteria with a heavy feeling he won’t be there. You stopped at the threshold of the cafeteria, scanning the room until you see the Hellfire table.
There they were, engaged in their conversation, laughter roaring. Their leader’s chair, however, empty.
His chair was empty.
You felt a knot in your stomach, unsure why.
Despite the knot, you needed food. You lined up, opting for a lighter choice. Pre cut fruit and some juice would be okay for now.
When you sat down, Nancy and Robin were already sat, prepared for your glum self. “Hi, Y/N. You doin ok?”
“I’m annoyed. I just wanted to spend time with my- whatever he is.” You said, still unsure what you were.
“After the hug I witnessed in the hallway, it is clear to me and anyone else who witnessed it that the word you’re looking for is boyfriend.” Robin stated, exactly no doubts in her voice.
“You can ask what he defines your relationship as, you know.” Nancy shrugs. “That’s allowed.”
You squint. Have they met Eddie Munson? “Is it?”
“Yes.” They respond together.
You a portion of your lunch with Robin describing in detail what she witnessed outside of Literature Studies. You were sure you were further away from the door, but she sounded pretty accurate. The girls then prodded for what you were talking about. You shrugged, pretending not to remember.
By the end of lunch, your tray was empty and your juice gone you felt better, despite the looming presence of an empty chair that was across the cafeteria from you.
“By the way, when he isn’t dealing are you going to be sitting with him during lunch now?” Nancy asked.
“I’m assuming so,” you say, walking with her down the hallway.
“Where would you sit?” She asks, knowing the established seating plan.
“I dunno, his lap.” You shrug.
“I like the sound of that.” Eddie says, right behind you now.
You feel your eyes widen and you stop mid-pace. As you turn to face him, you can hear Nancy trying and failing miserably to hold in her laughter. “Eddie, you remember Nancy.” You say, deflecting from the conversation.
“Ah yes the infamous older Wheeler. Your brother speaks oh-so highly of you.” Eddie says, voice dripping in sarcasm.
“Im sure he does.” Nancy laughs, still giggling. “Hi, Eddie. Please excuse me I’m going over there so I can share this with Robin. She and Harrington will love this.”
You make your way to your locker; aware Eddie is still right behind you. He waits for you patiently to grab your books, leaning against the locker next to yours, hiding behind the metal door. You close it, his smile mischievous. “So, my lap, huh?”
“Your fault.” You state, turning away from him to head to math class.
Eddie half jogs to catch up with you. “My fault?” He asks, his voice incredulous. “H-how?”
You turn to face him, you weren’t sure what his reaction meant. “Our date. You want to show off the person you’re dating? What better way than to sit on your lap during lunch?” You ask, and walk away, only a few minutes to get to your class.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, princess.” He says, quickly catching up to you, his legs much longer than yours were. “You can’t keep saying shit like this and walking away. That is where your mind went to, damn you know me better than I know myself.” Eddie turned on you, blocking your path.
He frames your face with his ringed hand, you lean into the touch instinctively. He leans in, placing his lips on yours. His kiss is heavy, and a little too much for school. You were thankful the hallways were already dwindled down, most kids gone to their classes. You look at him, switching your face between his two brown eyes. “I have a question,” you start, embarrassed about it already.
“Don’t laugh.”
He pauses, as if considering your request. “Maybe.”
It takes you a moment to summon the courage. “A-am I your girlfriend now? Is that what this is?”
Eddie’s kissed-bruised lips turn up into a big smile, holding back a laugh. He opens his mouth to respond but takes his hand and places it on your chin. He angles your chin up ever so slightly, and places a kiss on your forehead, before wordlessly walking away.
You were still confused.
You sat in your math class, not taking a word your teacher was talking about, but attempting to write it down anyway. You can reteach yourself later with the help of Nancy Wheeler who was in AP Algebra. It might have been better if you learned from her from the start.
The bell couldn’t have come fast enough. You packed up your stupid calculator and your stupid textbook and charged for the door. There, back from his free period, was Eddie Munson, leaning on the lockers diagonally across from the classroom, one knee propped up and bouncing and the grey lunchbox he carries resting on it.
You feel your face break into a smile and pick up your pace to him. “Hi,” You say, grabbing his hand.
Eddie’s instant reaction is startled, until he realizes your hand is around his. “Oh- Jesus H. Christ, hi, sweetheart. How was, math?” He asks, not knowing the finer points in your schedule yet.
You make note of how much you still need to learn about one another, it being only a few days since Friday evening. “Yeah, math.” You confirm, yanking him towards World Geography. “It was stinky. I hate math.”
“Really,” Eddie said, sounding surprised. “I mean I’m still good at math. I can always help you out.” You’re taking your time, your pace much slower than you know Eddie usually walks at.
“Thanks.” His thumb is rubbing against yours, his fingers flexing somewhat in your own. “How was your free period?”
He shrugs, non-committal. “It was lame. Got all my deals in by the end of lunch. Took a lot of effort to not convince you to skip with me.”
God, you wished he had convinced you. “So what did you end up doing, then?”
“Goof off with Jeff,” he answered, starting to swing your interlocked hands between you dramatically.
You face toward him, the crowd getting smaller as the next class grows closer. “I have a question for you, and it’s just as embarrassing as the last one I asked.”
Eddie chuckled, his head ducking before turning his head up to face you. “I’m intrigued.”
“Did you know that Chef’s Table is a make out spot?” You ask, hoping he was just as clueless as you.
He looked up, his eyes telling a story before his mouth did. Oh no, he knew. “Yeah, that’s a known make out spot.”
You sigh, pissed at this answer. “Well, I didn’t. There I was, thinking we were in some fancy restaurant where the lighting is far too tempting, and I should’ve just crawled onto your lap when I had the initial thought to.” You tugged his hand, pulling it a little harder than necessary when he started laughing and leading him towards your class again.
“Sweetheart you just need to start trusting those instincts and following your impulses.” Eddie chuckles, lowering his voice as you enter the class together still hand in hand. “Usually those are the correct ones and the ones that surprise me the most. I was waiting for you to make the first move.” You walk to the back of the class with him, no question your seat was now the one right next to his. He sits down, placing his lunch box on top and sitting with his body and knee more towards you. “The more you tell me those small thoughts the more you liking me makes sense.”
You were about to ask him to elaborate when Ms. O’Donnell interrupts him, the class ending their conversations as if she put you all on mute.
She asks for your assignments from over the weekend. You pass yours to the front, grinning back at Eddie when he gives you his shit-eating grin. Once those are in her grasp, she starts to explain the plans for the upcoming week. She leads right into the lecture, opening the book and calling on random students to start reading each paragraph. She usually doesn’t call on Eddie for these, but she does call on you almost every time. As you were trying to focus on what paragraph you were on, so you didn’t look like an idiot in front of Eddie and the strict teacher.
That didn’t stop Eddie from being hella annoying in distracting you. After multiple attempts of distracting you, you think he gives up when he surprises you and brings out a notebook. You think you might’ve ignored him into submission when you hear a rip. Uh oh.
You were right to be worried, not two minutes and half a paragraph later you feel something hit your forehead. You look down at the culprit, a crumpled-up piece of paper.
Your eyes shift to him. Open it, he mouths, his face manic.
You keep your finger on the paragraph you are currently on, single-handedly opening the little note. There, in Eddie’s chicken-scratch written was You look earth-shatteringly beautiful today, sweetheart.
You blush hard, moving your finger to the next paragraph. The next student is talking stupidly low and you can’t tell where she is, you’re normally closer to her. You finally catch up to her when another paper hits your temple, landing on the ground next to you. You glance to him, and he points to the paper on the floor and mouths Pick it up.
You keep your finger on the paragraph and inconspicuously reach down to grab the paper. You were successful and as you’re about to open it, Ms. O’Donnell calls your name. Great.
Luckily you were following along and you knew exactly where you were. You start reading, and suddenly there were a bunch of eyes who turned to face you. Shit, usually you were in the front row and didn’t have to deal with an audience. How ever anxious the lingering eyes made you; you successfully stumble your way through the longer than average paragraph.
Once that was over, she calls Eddie’s name. By the collective whispering, no one was expecting it just like you weren’t. Eddie’s eyes are full of panic, not even a textbook on his desk. You put your text on his desk somewhat haphazardly and point your finger to the paragraph you were on. It’s a small one, but you were still surprised she called him.
When Eddie was done, he leaned back in his chair, letting out a large sigh of relief. Almost immediately he hunches back forward and mouths for you to open your forgotten squished up note.
It says, the things I would have done to you if I managed to convince you to skip class with me.
You look up from the note, startled. Your body has a different reaction, panties gaining a wet patch in the middle. You crumple this note back up, wanting to destroy the evidence of a dirty message like this. There was no trash can right by you anymore, you might as well eat it. You put it in the front pocket of your bag.
Your period continues like this, Mrs. O’Donnell finally finished calling on students and now ready to give some notes. When you think Eddie is done, he surprises you with another note. Here are just a few examples of what he had given you.
Look. You looked up at him, he was sticking his tongue out.
I’m serious you in those jeans are killing me. Thursday can’t come fast enough.
Look. Seriously look. When you looked, he reached up grabbed your nose. You felt another one hit you right after. Got your nose.
You should’ve been more annoyed with each note, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be annoyed with him. If anything with each note you just smiled wider and felt giddy.
Last Monday you were probably split between sneaking glances and paying attention.
Today you were split between him distracting you with cute little notes and paying attention.
Unfortunately, Ms. O’Donnell didn’t give any in class time to do the insane amount of homework she assigned. She was asking if anyone had any questions when the bell rang.
“Will you do this shit with me?” He asks, looking at the stupid homework listed on the board.
“Does that mean you have time this evening? It’s due tomorrow.” you tease, giving him a quick peck.
“Fuck,” he mutters, crossing his arms.
You giggle, and bump into him lightly. “So, elaborate?”
Eddie gives you a confused look, his eyebrows knitted together. What the hell were you talking about?
You sigh. “The thing I’ve been thinking about other than trying not to be distracted by your notes. What do you mean it’s starting to make sense?”
He pauses, thinking back to the conversation prior to World Geography class. “Oh! That. I mean I kept wondering why a shy an academically successful girl like you would want to be with me. You and me aren’t exactly what people were expecting if you couldn’t tell from their gawking today.”
You haven’t noticed any staring, and you didn’t want to. “Okay, and how does this have to do with our conversation?”
Eddie is silent, waits until you pack of your things, and escorts you out of the classroom. Once you were in the halls, he puts his arm around your shoulders and whispers, “The more you tell me your dirty little secrets the more I understand she is just as a freak as I am, she just keeps it well hidden.”
You turn your lips inward, the patch on your underwear that was almost dry now getting wetter.
You go to your locker to switch your books for last period, expecting Eddie to turn to leave since his gym class was the other way. Instead, he leads you back into under his shoulder. “What are you doing?” You ask, keeping his stride has he casually walks with you down the hall.
“Walking my girlfriend to her class, why?” Eddie says, his voice stating the obvious
You accept this answer until your brain short circuits. “Wait girlfriend?” You feel a wave of relief rush over you as it was finally confirmed for you. Eddie Munson considered you his girlfriend.
Eddie Munson was your boyfriend.
“Yes, sweetheart. Girlfriend.” He says, placing a kiss in your hair. “That’s okay to call you that?” He asks, moving his head back to look at you.
“You could say that” You reply, failing miserably at hiding the sheer joy the word gave you.
Eddie sent you into class, keeping letting his eyes linger on your ass longer than necessary.
Your final class was easy, the teacher deciding to let you finish any outstanding homework or study for majority of the class, if all this class’s assignments were finished. Man, you had wished Ms. O’Donnell was this kind. Sure, she was helpful on Friday, but she would never remain as helpful as she was.
You had finished all your assignments except the last two long answer questions for World Geography. Not even if you were slow at work will you finish them there. Only reason you haven’t dropped that class because it was one more class you had with him. It was just terribly dull.
As you get to your car, you glance across the lot to where Eddie’s van was, seeing him and his band members climb into it. He had practice until right when you started work. You felt a light pang in your stomach, you also knew it was good you both had your own things and weren’t co dependant on one another.
You felt better when Eddie catches your eye, giving an air kiss. He drives off, his music blaring.
You start your car, heading home to sit around until it’s time for work.
Despite your dissociation, your mind was still buzzing with the time you spent with Eddie today. You did go into the day thinking you were only going to see him class, but he made the extra effort to talk to you. In reflecting this, you feel yourself smile as you kill time lounging on your bed. On Friday you were killing yourself with glee in the mere idea that he was talking to you.
Now, your stunning boyfriend was making time out of his day to make sure he still saw you.
You arrived to work ten minutes early, wanting to goof off for a little without being yelled at to do something. Do what? Not like you were being paid yet. The door went off as you entered Family Video, both Robin and Steve already there. “There she is! My hero.” Steve grabbed you and wrapped his arm around you, escorting you to the backroom where you were headed to drop off your shit as normal.
You escape his arm, giving Robin a weary glance. “Why am I your hero?” You ask tentatively.
Your bag hit the floor of the office when you hear “You left a mark on Chef’s Table! So proud, that spot must’ve worked, huh?” You don’t have to see his face to know his eyebrows are raised and there was a cocky little smirk on his face.
“Not sure if you mean Daisy, but Steve what do you remember about calling me to tell me about the reservation?” You ask, putting the lame green vest on and fixing your hair over it.
“That you sounded really nervous.” You raise your arm to hit him, “Okay! I also remember telling you about the spot.”
You huff, moving towards where Robin was stationed rewinding tapes. “Robin!” You say halfway to her.
“Yeah?” Robin says, mindlessly pressing the buttons.
“Steve is an idiot.” You state, leaning on the counter.
“I-wha-“ Steve stumbles, oblivious to what you were trying to accomplish.
“I know but why this time?”
“Steve called to mention he got me a reservation, that was the word he used, at Chef’s Table and that he had told Munson. Then Dustin stole the phone. That was basically the gist of our phone call.” You pause waiting for her to ask what the problem was.
It took Robin a little over a minute to understand. “Oh! A-and?”
“He didn’t think to tell me that this particular restaurant was one of his make-out spots.” Steve, who was now leaning on the counter, slowly slid backwards leant on his elbows with his eyes wide and lips tucked in as he had realized his mistake.
Steve lets out a chuckle or two, biting back actual laughter. “Wait, you didn’t know?” You quietly shook your head, doing your best to glare at him. “So you and Eddie were in the best possible booth for about an hour with the least amount of foot traffic and you didn’t take advantage of it.” He stated, wrapping his head around it. “I thought everyone knew.”
“My parents go there when they have a date night!” You exclaim, putting your arms up dramatically. “I thought it was just a nice dim restaurant setting! I didn’t think they would go to a make out spot!”
You check your wrist, one minute until you officially start your shift. You make your way back to clock in. As you punch in your card you hear Steve, “Not my fault you’re so goddamn wholesome about that shit!”
“Wasn’t wholesome when they got back to his,” Robin mutters under her breath, loud enough for Steve to hear.
Steve tilts his head towards you, wanting you to elaborate. “If it makes you feel any better Steve,” you say, smirking. “Any sinful, crude thing we didn’t do in your booth, we made up for at his trailer.”
You grab some tapes from the return pile, ignoring the sputtering mess that was now Steve Harrington. You pass Robin, then walk back to her again, “What’s with him and wanting to know about my love life?”
Robin shrugs, completely clueless herself. “Believe me, he’s like that with everyone.”
Confused, you feel your eyebrows knit together for just a fraction of a second. What love life did Robin have that you had no idea about? You let go, knowing you were dead silent about Eddie for years. You respected what Robin might not want to tell you.
Even if it did hurt for a moment that Robin has been telling Steve.
You’re about halfway through your shift, your turn on the front counter and mindlessly watching the evening choice for the movie to watch. “So, Y/N, I heard you and Eddie were basically making out in the hallway earlier.”
Startled, you shift your body so you can see her. “Huh? Who did you hear that from?”
Robin chuckled, one arm protecting her put away pile. “You two were the talk of school today, and technically now that makes you the talk of the town. Small town bullshit, you know?”
You didn’t remember hearing anything. Did Eddie?
“Huh. Didn’t know that.” You state, zoning out at the implications of people you barely knew using your first and last name with Eddie Munson as if it was so shocking. “I mean we won’t really have time to spend together until Thursday. He’s busy dealing during lunch all week and has his band rehearsals.” You sigh, turning your head to watch the movie again. “I’m going to take what I can get until then.”
Steve startles you as he clears his throat behind you. “So what I am hearing,” he starts, feigning causality. “is two horny and revved up newly dating teenagers have to wait a few days mostly apart, correct?” He states, almost too specific with his statement.
“Yes,” you confirm, turning your head to look back at the movie. “Your point?”
“My point-“ he runs around the console so he can face you at the customer’s spot. “is you are doing this new relationship where you’re clearly already fucking thing, all wrong.”
You feel your cheeks heat up but you don’t drop his gaze. There was a small but insistent part of you that wanted to know what he meant by that.
You fight this part, she was small but she was strong.
She won over. “How?”
He smiles, almost evil, though he never could be. “All sorts of ideas.”
Your face fills up with a smirk. This could get interesting.
Steve gives you some of the best advice you have ever received from him, and it had made you see him in a new light.
Before going to sleep that night you had a hot shower, prepping yourself as if you knew Eddie was going to plow you the next day but you knew you were both going to have no time. You went to your closet, knowing there was something specific you could wear, but you were waiting until Thursday for that one. Instead, you picked something that won’t be as effective, but it will get a result.
Surprisingly, you sleep well considering the plan you had come up with the help of Steve Harrington. The whole time Robin rolling her eyes at the two of you. Your alarm goes off early as you had planned, giving you plenty of time to fix your hair up and wear maybe a bit of a more dramatic makeup look. You almost second guessed your plan as you look at yourself in the mirror, but it was 25 minutes until first bell.
Too late to go back now.
You drive to school, your heart in your stomach for the first time but not crush-like butterflies. More like I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this butterflies. The lot was already decently full when you pulled up, five minutes left until first bell. You walk the hallway, ignoring any odd looks you receive from your classmates. You knew you were looking for a reaction, but already getting something out of your peers was giving you something of a confidence boost.
First bell rang, you walk into class with the usual slackers. He was there already, sitting in his seat with his eyes on the door. It takes Eddie a second to realize what the hell he was looking at, seeing you hotter than he’s ever seen you.
Maybe a close second to seeing you with your hips hugging his face as you finished against him but a close second.
His pants feel instantaneously tighter, taking you in. Your pants hugged your ass perfectly, giving a damn near perfect map to the outline of your gorgeous cunt. Your shirt was small, showing off your arms, a sliver around your torso, and some cleavage. You styled the shit out of your hair, making it seemed effortlessly beautiful. (It wasn’t effortless, it was the whole can of the shit Steve lent you.) Your lips were a juicy bright red, and your eyelashes against your cheek just heaven.
Holy shit, Eddie was going to have more trouble focusing than normal today.
When you sit down, you turn your body to face him, and witness the face of a plan that had worked. Tease the shit out of him until you finally get a piece. If you can’t right now, might as well had some fun until you could. Eddie’s mouth was a little open, his lips with a light shine on them. His normally relaxed body was now sat up, probably attempting to hide his growing problem.
You waited until he realized you were watching him. He gives you an almost fake smile. He knew that you knew what you were doing. You wave to him, smiling brightly. Eddie, stubborn, winks back at you.
Your Spanish teacher finally struts in, a coffee in hand and clutching her binder. “Sorry class, line up at the coffee maker.”
She sets down her binder, opening to look at her plans. “Alright today we are going to be focusing on…” she fades into the background, feeling Eddie’s eyes on your back. You turn around to grab your bag on the back of your chair to grab a pencil and let your eyes land on your boyfriend.
As soon as your eyes land on his, he mouths, “you little shit.”
There were several responses you could’ve replied to this with. You choose your first instinct, remembering Eddie’s comment yesterday. “What, why?” You feign stupidity, pretending not to know a single thing about what he was talking about.
Spanish ended up being very successful for you.  
The school bell rings and Eddie is at your desk before you can even manage to close your notes and textbook. You up at him, you’re still sitting but he’s stood over you. You look up at him, somewhat innocently peaking your eyes up at him through your eyelashes.
This sight causes Eddie to stumble back for a moment, taking a moment before he comes back to you. You stand up, a sense of accomplishment rising in you. You grab your stuff and put into your bag, feeling as Eddie rushes so he’s against your back just behind you. You ignore him, placing your bag on your bag before turning to face him. “Hi, baby.”
You grab his hand and pull it, forcing him to walk you to your next class.
“Woah, woah,” he attempts, holding you back.
It doesn’t take much for him to slow you down completely, you yank his hand but going nowhere in the middle of the hallway. “Hold on, there sweetheart.”
You give up, knowing there was limited time to get to your next class. “Can I help you? I have literature studies to get to.”
“And I have a girlfriend who is so goddamn hot I don’t know how she expects me to let her go to class.” Eddie mutters, pulling you in.
You figured now was a good time to tell him. You lean in, kissing him admittedly more chaste than you would’ve preferred to.
Far more chaste than what Eddie was currently craving. He nearly whines when you pull back, a sound that was music to your ears, something to get you through the rest of your day. You wrap his arms around his neck placing your lips right by his ear. “My mom said I could sleep over at yours once every two weeks if I keep my grades up. I can’t keep my grades up if I skip class. Please walk me.”
You pulled back, waiting to see his reaction. Eddie licks his lips and nods his head hastily. You lean away from his hug and tug his hand again. The bell rings as you turn the hallway to your class. Shit. Eddie let go of your hand so you could jog, you kiss him on the cheek when he does. You barely make it, and your teacher calls your name as you run into the door. She doesn’t see you enter, doesn’t look up as you take a seat.
As you get yourself situated, Robin leans into you. “I know what you’re doing with your outfit today, but Jesus, are you trying to give him a heart attack?”
You lean in, taking the advantage of your distracted teacher. “If that is your way of saying I nailed it, then thanks!”
As your teacher lectures on the short story you had been studying, you’re suddenly aware you’ve been getting side glances from your classmates. There was a little bit of your class when your head was at war. You thought, Holy shit I hate being stared at I forgot this part of my school day in my plan or, What the hell are they staring at? So you dressed up a little, big whoop.
That wasn’t fun to deal with. You really could’ve done your class with out it and it would’ve been fine. You tried to convince your own brain, but the dumb two braincells refused to listen.
Your lecture goes by in a blur, only managing to write down the long answer questions she had on the blackboard. You knew if you didn’t write them down then you wouldn’t have them to do your homework.
As everyone gets up for their next class, you find it hard not to be self conscious now. Eddie’s reaction was what you had anticipated for the most; the way his eyes get dark being your main motivator. Robin telling you that you were the talk of the school and therefore the talk of the town, it sank in.
You ran to your locker, switching books for biology and walking quickly to class. You take your normal seat, you glance around you, still seeing at least three pairs of eyes just looking down as you see them. “What? Take a fucking picture.” You state, now annoyed at the amount of anxiety these stupid fuckers were giving you.
How the hell Eddie dealt with it, you’ll need to ask him.
After your comment, biology went without a hitch. Socially, at least. Getting ready for the big test this Friday was about to make your brain melt into goo. Maybe Eddie had you covered for math, but you needed Nancy if you were going to survive biology.
You needed them both if you were going to survive.
The bell came, you are placing your practice questions into your bag and wanting to forget about them. On the way to lunch, you chuck your bag into your locker, not caring about the mess you will have to clean up when you pick up your books at the end of it.
Your tray filled up easy enough, fruit, sandwich, some juice, granola bar that was probably going in your bag and being crumbled before you eat it. You lay your tray on the table, sitting next to Nancy as she sits with her unofficial assistant, Evan. Evan only sat with you when it was necessary, him and Nancy probably having no other time to privately discuss this week’s issue.
Not that you particularly minded Evan, he was just a pessimist and sometimes it was glaringly obvious he refused to look at a bright side. You were once trapped and drugged underneath the mall by Russians who were attempting to open a gate to the Upside Down. Even then for you there was a bright side. To Evan, a bright side could not occur even in the sun.
Today, Evan scooted closer to you. Unusual. “So, Y/N.” He starts, his reporter voice on. “I hear you and Eddie Munson are an item, care to comment?”
You look past him to Nancy. “What is he doing?”
Nancy huffs, knowing she has asked him not to do this several times before you had arrived. “Trying to get you to comment on the record whether you and Eddie are together, so to speak.”
“Is that why he’s sitting with you today?” You ask, hoping she would say no and that assuming the best in him was the right thing to do.
Nancy says nothing, knowing that was an answer enough. You look at Evan, smiling as if you’re about to answer his questions and be cooperative about this. “Go away. Please.”
“I told you so,” Nancy singsongs as Evan gets up, rolling his eyes. “Evan please help the team if they need it, see you after school.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Evan says as he walks away, ripping up his list of questions for you.
“Why would the paper need to know if me and Eddie are dating?” You ask confused to how that’s anyone’s business but to who you decided to share it with.
Nancy shrugged, putting her hands in a surrender position. “Hey, I don’t know. Evan has insisted we need a student gossip column, but we can’t afford the space in our paper. He says that if we make it then more students will want to read our school paper.” She pauses, turning her notebook over now that he was gone. “He thinks you two would be a great kick off to the column.”
“Why are we so entertaining?” You ask, opening your fruit salad.
“Well,” Nancy pauses, thinking how to delicately put it for you. “Think about it. You or Eddie barely spoke until Thursday and Friday last week.” She leans on the table, fixing how she was sitting on her leg. “I mean you two were considered to be in different social circles, never interacting. Now, rumour has it you two were all over each other in the hallway yesterday, this is out of nowhere to most of your fellow students. The main rumour is that you were paired up in World Geography and when you went over to do the project together you hooked up. That’s what most students think it is.” Nancy, had her notes open, reading along the lines of what she had heard.
“They really have nothing better to do?” You ask, not eating a bite after hearing the main rumour.
“No, the mall burnt down, remember?” Nancy asks.
You stare at each other and burst into giggles.
You were nearly done when Robin arrives, finally, only ten minutes left until lunch was over. “Hey Nance, hey famous lady.” Robin greets, her head nodding.
You ignore it. “Band practice?” Knowing Robin, it was one of the only reasons she was this late.
Robin rolls her eyes. “Yeah,” she confirms. “We have the football game hosting the Eagles tonight.”
“This is one of the only times where I have no interest in going. Not when I seem to be an attraction myself.” You say the last part a little loud, telling the few people at the next table staring to cut it out.
“We’ll miss you,” Robin states.
“Robin if you are going to the game tonight, then is Keith working with me and Steve?” Robin nods her head sadly, knowing Keith wasn’t the worst, but you much preferred Robin to keep Steve and Keith in line.
Together they were a bit of a nuisance. Keith might’ve been wary of hiring Steve at first but now he worships the man. It gets weird.
The warning bell rang, you wished your friends goodbye and off to Math you went. Oh boy.
Your classmates in math were much more polite than the ones in your bio class. Either word gotten around that you were annoyed at the gawking, or they just knew better. Something told you it was the former.
If you were this annoyed at gawking after only one day of it you could only imagine what Eddie had to deal with in his day to day life. It put things into perspective.
Like biology your teacher was wrapping up the current chapter to prepare the class for an end of chapter test. Your bio test was Friday and this test on Thursday. How lovely. Eddie wasn’t going to be able to help you until after you flunk your test.
This class miraculously flows right by some of the practice test questions stumping you so hard you stare at your teacher like she has three heads. How did she get that, from that? The only way you could tell it was almost over was the number of kids already packing up. “Finish your practice test and study those questions and you should pass with flying colours, tomorrow we will work on some more and let you finish any unfinished assignments from this chapter! See you tomorrow!” She finishes as the bell rings, a handful of them already out the door.
You toss, albeit a tad rough, your books in your bag and leave the class, meeting the same sight you had seen yesterday, Eddie leant against the lockers diagonally across. It was a sight for your sore eyes. You walk fast to him, running directly into his chest.
Eddie wasn’t expecting the amount of force behind your hug, his arms floating up in the air as you wrap your arms tight around his torso. “Hi, princess,” he mutters into your hair, giving it a kiss. “Long day?”
You look up at him, nodding. “Eyes. Everywhere.”
“Don’t worry, I got you.” He says, carefully leading you so you were walking with him with his arm around your shoulder to class.
“Did you finish your homework?” You ask, walking intime with him and ignoring the blatant regard for human decency your classmates had.
Eddie smiled, mouth closed. He thought of himself last night, high as shit but actually trying to focus on his schoolwork for once. He figured his strain of indica would make him focus and answer the boring ass questions. If you couldn’t help him but was still offering it, he would make sure he earned it. Even if his answers sucked. “Yeah, actually. Did you?”
You hate to admit it, but you were surprised. “I did. I hated every minute of it, of course.”
“Oh of course,” He says nodding in agreement. For once, you and Eddie weren’t arriving just as the bell ringed. Either Eddie was taking class seriously or he was taking you sleeping over next Friday seriously.
It was definitely the latter.
Ms. O’Donnell was kinder today, for whatever reason. Once you handed your assignments forward, including Eddie, who surprised the person in front of him by placing it onto their desk. She announced you were watching a documentary based on what you read as a class yesterday. “If you want you can move your desks-“ Eddie didn’t even wait until the end of her sentence. He moved his desk right next to yours. The sound of his desk against the linoleum floors was enough for the rest of the class to start doing the same thing.
Ms. O’Donnell brought the TV from the AV room to the front, the VHS tape already in and ready to play. You were about to grab Eddie’s hand and lean back when you hear your name called by her. “Y/N L/N! May I see you at my desk?”
You gulp, and walk in the shadows to her desk where she was sitting just behind the TV. “Hi, Ms. O’Donnell.”
“Hi, Miss. L/N. I don’t know what you did with him,” she says, pointing to him, “I don’t care either. All I know is in two years of him being in this exact class he’s never once turned in homework. I didn’t even know if he had a textbook.” Her hard eyes soften, something you’re not sure if you’ve ever seen this on her before. “However you are helping him, please keep it up. We’d all love to see him graduate this year.”
You nod your head, your throat tight. More people cared about him than he had thought.
“Ok, go sit down.”
You turn back to your seat, walking half a step faster to Eddie.
As soon as you sit, he leans in. “What did she want?”
“She was shocked you handed in homework.” You reply, leaving out the part when she said they all wanted to see him graduate. You’re not exactly sure how he’d respond to that. “She said to keep up the good work.”
Eddie half smiled, proud of himself.
You and Eddie sat through most of the documentary, holding hands on top of your joined desks and his thumb rubbing against your palm the entire time. You were ten minutes away from being done class and you were surprised how wholesome this day was.
Until Eddie leans in right into your ear. “If it were up to me I would’ve dragged you into an empty classroom and bent you over a desk by now. You had made it very clear that’s exactly what you wanted, dressing up like this.”
You had nothing to say. No quips, no witty comebacks. You were stunned. And soaked. Eddie let go of your hand, mouth still right by your ear. Now the screen was darker, showcasing something about the ocean tides but the footage taking place at night. He subtly used this moment to sneak his hand right against your heat, feeling how hot he had made you and how soaked your jeans were at the crotch. “Jesus, you’re this wet already? I know what you were trying to do today but baby you need me as much as I need you.” Eddie removes his hand from your crotch, lifting your chin to face him. “Little did my princess realize is that you also have to wait until Thursday. I can do many things until then.” Eddie places a gentle kiss on your cheek, letting you go before he attracted any unwanted eyes.  
Shit now you were just straight up horny. You kept your eyes on the TV, paying extra attention to the rest of the movie. It was only a few minutes remaining, but it felt like an eternity. The bell rang, just in time for the credits to roll. As you grab your bag, you notice Eddie stretching, his forearms and hands flexing as he does so.
You can’t help but stare at them. Your unkind brain reminds you of the feeling of his strong hands holding you up against his door effortlessly.
When Eddie finishes, he gives you a look as if he knew this. You gulp, grabbing his hand and taking him to your locker.
You open your lock, opening the door so Eddie was blocked on the other side. “You okay?” Eddie asks, airiness in this voice. You exchange your books just in time for you to dramatically close the door.
“No! I am fighting the urge to drag you to your van. But we can’t. So, you drag me to my next class.  Without flexing. Please.”
Eddie leans in and gives you a kiss, cupping your cheek with his free hand. “You will be okay, baby. After Thursday night though, you won’t be able to walk normally for a week.”
You feel almost glued to the floor with how bad he stuns you with this comment. He takes your hand, dragging you to your final class. As you approach the classroom push you through the door. This dress-up plan might have backfired. It also might have been the best idea Steve Harrington has ever had.  
As the final bell dismisses you, you’re already packed and out of the classroom before your teacher could yell out her final reminders. It wouldn’t have been the end of the world if there was a pop quiz you didn’t know about.
Not that today was terrible, quite the contrary. It was almost as if life reminded you that you couldn’t have the good without the bad. The good? Eddie waiting for you outside math for two days in a row. The bad? People being stupidly nosy about it.
You went to your locker one final time, grabbing the books you needed and wondering how you were going to have the patience for Keith and Steve.
You headed to the school parking lot, you making eye contact with your boyfriend as he and his bandmates are closing the back doors on his van. You tighten your grip on your backpack, admiring how gorgeous he looked, his curly hair framing his face just right. Stopping your stride, you wait until he sees you. It took a minute, but as soon as he sees you a wide smile breaks out, his pearly whites shining. He was heading to the driver’s seat.
After starting with a delay, he gives you a saucy little wink.
The van passes in front of you and you finally cross to the far corner to your car.
Your green Honda civic gets you home, your mom’s car is already there for once. She’s not usually home until after you leave for work.
“How was school today, darlin?” She asks as you open the door.
“Interesting.” You say, running upstairs before she sees your outfit.
She just misses it, seeing your ankle around the corner. “Why interesting?”
You run into your room and switch your clothes into something more suitable for work. After coming out with high waisted jeans and a cute shirt, you run back down to where your mom was sat at the kitchen table. “Sorry, you said?”
“Why was it interesting?” she asked, seemingly uninterested and reading the paper.
“People stared. It was weird.” You comment, looking in the fridge for something to snack on.
“You know you two are the talk of the town?” She asks, taking her eyes off the paper.
You turned back to face her, some pre-cut apple in your grasp. “Yes.” You take a bite, and something occurs to you. “Wait how do you know that?”
“A colleague asked me about it with a very concerned look on her face. They all acted as if you had decided to drop out and move to London.” She chuckles, remembering the laughably funny look of concern on her co-worker’s face. “Trust me, people know.”
Interestingly enough, this wasn’t helpful. “That made me feel no better.”
“People in Hawkins are going to talk whether you know about it or not, darlin. You wanted him for what, 3 years? You had to realize this would be a possibility.” She wasn’t wrong. You did. Fantasy is often better than reality, even the bad ones.
You let yourself chew on your last apple slice before responding. “They don’t have to be dicks about it.”
She laughs, and asks kindly for a hug. You accept her request and run back upstairs to your room. There was about 45 minutes realistically before you had to start getting ready for work. If you had wanted to, you could spend that time getting some homework done. Instead, you’re laid on your bed with a tape blaring out of your boom box. David Bowie really couldn’t do any wrong.
Before you knew it, you had gone through most of the greatest hits and the alarm you set on your clock to keep you from being late for work goes off.
Hastily, you grab your little backpack that holds your green vest and lip gloss. On the way out the door you shout your mom you love her.
As you pull up to work, the nights growing shorter, you dread having to put in more effort now your manager was around. You open the door with a ding dong, Steve’s head peering up at you from a magazine at the front counter. Huh. Ballsy with Keith around.
“Aah, there she is. Finally, some company!” Steve greets you, hopping onto the counter.
“Yes hi, Steve. Where is-“
“Keith? Stomach flu. Just me and my lonesome, helping all these beautiful ladies, pick out a movie to watch with their boyfriends.”
“How many tallies do we need to add to ‘you suck’?” You ask, knowing Robin relied on you when she was absent.
“Oh, don’t worry, Y/N. Already added.” He insisted, but you didn’t trust him.
You glance at the shitty security cameras Keith had set up. “You know, our security cameras suck but I am willing to check them.”
“Fine! Eight.” Steve says, sounding angry about it.
“Awww, Steve.” Mocking him, you stick your bottom lip out. “Poor thing.”
You check your watch, one minute left. Sighing, you slip on your ugly ass vest and punch in. You walk back up to the front counter and stand next to him. “What were you reading?”
As hard of a time you and Steve give one another you enjoyed working one on one with him. Robin and Steve usually equalled to unchecked clownery. You and Steve usually meant dumb movies on the screen and wild movie recommendations and purposely giving out the wrong name when customers asked for them.
With an hour left in your shift and somewhat of your duties done, you’re sitting at the front immersed in Alien when the door opens for what feels like only the tenth time since you started. You wait a minute, a particularly iconic scene happening until you finally look at your newest customer.
Eddie was right in front of you at the counter, watching you with a peculiar look on his face. “Hi,” He says, voice light.
“Hey,” You greet him, happy to see his face.
“You were pretty much in your own little world there, hey?” He asks, looking up at the screen.
Turning back to face him, you shrug. “Slow night.” You take note of what Eddie was wearing, not something you’ve ever seen him. “What is this, pray tell?” You weren’t sure what the leather jacket on leather pants with his hair pulled back into a bandana was doing to you but you’re sure your breath just got heavier.
“We perform at our regular gig on Tuesdays. This is just my get up.” He says, gesturing to himself.
“Nice get up,” you mutter, admiring how well his pants fit him.
Eddie chuckles, reaching into his leather jacket pocket. “Well, I’m also here to return a movie late. Turns out Wheeler didn’t want shit.”
“Really?” You asked, pretending to be shocked. “How strange!” You turn to your computer, putting in Eddie’s information and bringing up the 1.20 late fee. 30 cents a day. “There is a late fee, but I don’t care enough to make you pay that.”
Eddie’s eyebrows raised, probably fully expecting to pay the fee. “Well aren’t I a lucky dude.” He laughs.
Suddenly and scaring you was Steve, his arm wrapped awkwardly around your shoulder. “I would have to agree, you are a lucky dude.”
It just occurred to you that the only friend Eddie has officially met was Nancy. You were still on that phase. There were many things you still haven’t done with him. It made you excited. “Oh. Steve, Eddie. Eddie, Steve.”
You looked up at them, both over towering you. This was an image to see, both men sizing one another over. It barely even occurred to what as about to happen.
They glanced at each other for about a whole minute before they hop onto both feet solidly. “Steve-o!” Eddie declares, both fingers pointing at him.
“Eduardo!” Steve declares, fingers pointing straight back at him.
Suddenly, the two are talking like they had plans to meet up all along. “Thanks for keeping an eye on my little disaster.”
Steve shrugs it off, waving his hands. “It’s the least I can do. I mean if I can watch her watch you make about seven deals at the mall while still hoping you have a sudden itch for ice cream eventually, I can keep her out of trouble.”  
You feel your cheeks heat up as Eddie just found out a pathetic new layer to your crush. Dammit.
They continue talking like this. At first you were contributing to their conversation. Eventually, they could barely make out that you were talking. Steve eventually says something, causing Eddie to buckle down in laughter.
Watching this all go down had you suddenly approach a worrisome realization.
Uh oh.
Oh no.
Please no.
You look at them, twisting your head to look at them one at a time. “Oh no. No, no, no, no. Please don’t tell me.” At your reaction, Eddie lets out some harder laughter, Steve joining in. “No, no, no, no, no. You.” You turn to face your boyfriend. “Leave. Now. This is not happening.”
Eddie takes a little long to recover, you impatiently waiting for his response. “What isn’t happening?”
“You and him, being friends. Buddies. No. Go. See you tomorrow. Go.” You push him now, Eddie resisting with little effort.
“Think I’m being kicked out.” Eddie mutters, keeping his spot for another second then turning towards the door. “Remember me,” Eddie requests melodramatically.
Steve has far too much fun with this. “Don’t worry baby. I’ll call ya.” He reaches out to the door dramatically. “She can’t keep us apart forever.”
“Oh fuck.” You land your face into your hands, entirely not ready for what energy was introduced into your life.
Eddie laughs at this, the last thing you hear from him before the door opening and he jogs back to his van.
Steve, ever the helpful friend, takes a large pile of tapes and asks you to put the last of the returns away while he starts to count the till. “You’ll get over it.”
Steve teases you for the rest of your work night about it. You spend most of your time attempting to ignore him.
There was already a small part of you that had already accepted their shenanigans as a regular part of your life.
There was another small part of you that had already missed the quiet you and Eddie had.
That night of studying was murder on your brain, studying for two tests you knew was turning your brain into a pot of melted goo. Seeing Eddie dressed in all leather started the process, this had just finished it.
This morning was going a lot better, your outfit choice slightly more revealing than yesterday’s. Instead of pants, you opted for a miniskirt but opted for the same type of shirt. Your shower last night washed all of the gunk from the hairspray can so you started from square one this morning, taking longer since your hair was clean.
Arriving with barely enough time to grab stop by your locker, you hit the breaks hard in the back corner of the parking lot again. You make it in as the final morning announcements are made, ignoring the stares you knew you were going to receive. Will someone do something scandalous already, you had to wonder, so I can stop being stared at by people with nothing better to do.
You finally enter the class as the beginning of the pledge of allegiance starts. Your bag hits the floor by your desk with a plop, an astoundingly loud noise in your class. You look down shyly as you feel his eyes on you, there before you yet again. Today, your legs were exposed, a handful of bruises on your thighs in the shape of three rings, something you didn’t even notice yourself until Sunday night.
Your Spanish teacher waits as the intercom is finally turned off and starts off the class with introducing some harder verb conjunctions. She spends most of the class speaking in Spanish, something she said she’d start doing the further into the semester you are.
Today you spend all your time focused on not turning to face him, knowing this was more of a test of your own self control. Despite it only being a few days, you were getting very antsy. A breeze between your legs was almost enough to get you going. You couldn’t imagine what his brown eyes looking at you just the right way would do to you. He knew you too well at this point, he’d take one look at you and just know.
All those rows behind you, Eddie was wrapped up in his own brain. He thought you were really going for his jugular in the jeans you wore yesterday, but it was nothing compared to what you had chosen to wear today. Not only did the skirt lead very little to his imagination, but he could only picture you bent over while he moved your underwear aside to slide into you with your skirt hiked up around your hips. Eddie nearly cursed himself for picturing this in class, his hard on now painful against his jeans.
The gloss on your lips shined as you rushed into the classroom, your hair falling effortlessly over your shoulder. His hands literally itched to grab it and pull. All he had currently wanted was to see your face squished up as he fucked into you. Eddie knew you were dressing like this since you had limited time this week, but he wasn’t sure why he was being punished for something he couldn’t control.
Stop thinking of this, Eddie begs himself, straining hard against his jeans. Focus on something. Anything.
While Eddie was finding it in himself to stop thinking about your perfect lips around him, you delve yourself into the lesson, understanding most of the Spanish she was speaking. It surprised you.
The bell rings as she hands out the homework, asking it to be on her desk by Friday. She always gave you more than one day to finish assignments, and you loved her for it. You had your stuff already packed up, except today when you stood up with your bag Eddie was still in his seat.
Not sure what to make of Eddie’s reluctance to get up, you make your way to his seat. “Trouble?” You ask, mocking him only a little.
Eddie sighs, the next group of students starting to straggle their way to their seats. “Just a bit.” You let Eddie take his time, offering your hand when he starts getting up. As he holds your hand and fidgets with his other, he leans into you. “You’re just lucky I want you to spend the night at my trailer again so damn bad.”
Blushing, you wait, silently egging him to say something else. He doesn’t. He just silently holds your hand and escorts you to your Literature Studies class. As he drops you off with a kiss on the forehead, not even wanting to tempt himself into craving your sweet wet kiss, you give him a confused look.
“Later.” He promises, giving you a reassuring smile before taking off.
The rest of your morning goes on as it could, the occasional stare from a passerby. You weren’t sure if it was because of your outfit choice or because you were dating Eddie. You’ve worn dresses as short as it was now. You sit at the lunch table where Nancy was sat with Robin, the two talking absentmindedly. Your tray lands with a small clang and you sit down, staring at your food blankly. Strangely enough, you weren’t hungry.
“Hey, Y/N.” Nancy greets you, no notebook in front of her today. Usually on Wednesdays was her rough draft of this week’s paper.
“Hey, you two.” You greet, glancing over to his empty seat for a moment. You really could not wait until tomorrow. You will be exactly where you belong. On his damn lap.
“Those, are some bruises, you have there,” Robin awkwardly commented, her eyes glancing down to your slightly exposed thighs.
You match her eye sight, three bruises along the top of your thighs sitting right at the hem of your skirt. “Yep,” you reply, feigning all sense of casualty. “Wonder how they got there.”
Sighing, you look at Robin pointedly. Please leave it alone, you silently asked her. You knew silent cues weren’t her strongest suit, but she usually knew what you meant.
Other than that, lunch carried on like normal, the three of you teasing one another but supporting when you needed it.
“Oh shit. I might have something you two will be satisfied to hear.” You say, realizing you haven’t even told them about your updated relationship status yet. “I asked Eddie what he considered our relationship.”
With lunch nearly over, they both went off how you could spend the whole lunch and not mention that.
Maybe you shouldn’t tell them this happened on Monday. “Okay, I’m sorry. Do you want to know what came out of that?” You asked pointedly, moving their jumbled up brains along the conversation.
“Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow when we can tell you together,” You tease them, getting them back for the amount of times they have made you blush in the last two weeks. They fall into the trap, outraged by the mere suggestion. “What? It’s normal for a girl to want to sit with her boyfriend. Sheesh.”
You giggle as the word finally sinks in for the two girls, the realization lighting up both of their eyes. Nancy was a tad faster than Robin, but Robin was so damn excited when she understood.
For the rest of the lunch period, you tried explaining how the conversations went. As Nancy gushed and Robin looked proud, you wonder how your conversations suddenly only became about you and your relationship. Didn’t Nancy have a long distant boyfriend? What was Robin up to? You insisted you talk about them, but the girls insisted just as hard, emphasizing how invested they both were.
The bell rings. As you get up to place your tray in the dirty tray pile you Eddie is in your field of vision, startling you. “Hi princess,” he greets you, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
You turn around in his arms, throwing yours around his neck. “Hello.” You lean into him, taking in his scent. The shirt you had stolen from him was almost out, no longer as calming as it once was. You’ll have to ask for a new one. “Can’t wait for tomorrow.”
“Oh?” Eddie asks, sounding clueless. “What’s tomorrow?”
You pull back, and he yanks you back into his arms, chuckling lowly. “Me either. Let’s get you to math before I take you home.”
“Just take me home.” You mutter, wanting nothing more than to be in his bed with him, lying on top of him napping.
“The most tempting request I have received in a long time. Come, princess, we’ll make up for it tomorrow, I promise.”
That was enough to get you walking, his arm around your shoulder. You walked to your locker, grabbing your necessary books for your afternoon classes. You almost walk in a daze, Eddie guiding you to your dumb math class. “Thank you.” You say, eyes heavy lidded.
Eddie looks at you with genuine confusion in his eyes, his eyebrows furrowing. “What, why?”
You look down at the ground sheepishly, almost embarrassed. “You didn’t have much free time this week but you’re still making an effort to walk me to class and see me when you can. I really appreciate it.”
He nearly goes mental at your words of appreciation, not used to his little things matter in a way that someone points it out. He does little things like this all the time for Hellfire, his band, his uncle. It’s one of his main love languages. Hearing you take the time to acknowledge it nearly made him want to cry. It made him feel…needed.
You note the sudden glossiness in his eyes, the way his cheek melts into your hand. Wordlessly, you knew how much he needed to hear that. “See you soon, Princess.” He says, letting you go with one last lingering touch.
Dammit. Math.
Dammit. Math. You didn’t know a good chunk of the study questions but you knew one thing. You were screwed for tomorrow’s test.
There, waiting where he normally did outside your classroom he was again, leaning against the locker with his little metal lunch box in one hand. You grab his hand, yanking him to World Geography.
“Woah, so soon?” Eddie asks chuckling, used to a big hug when you got out.
You nodded your head. “Yeah. I don’t trust my feet to take you to World if I lean into you another time. I could totally use a nap right now.”  
Eddie stopped mid stride, yanking your hand back with little effort. “Hug me.” He states, pulling you into his arms.
You protest, a small whimper escaping your lips as your head impacts with his chest. “I told you I can’t. It’s too tempting to skip class right now.”
Eddie sighs, his arms around your back as you breathe him in. “Yeah but you still needed a damn hug.” He mutters, inhaling the sweet smell that is your shampoo.
You squeeze his waist, suddenly overpowered by the sheer want you feel start to stir in your tummy as you feel his arms flex somewhat around you. “Alright, let’s go.”
Eddie can hear it in your voice how bad you do not want to leave. Reluctantly, he grabbed your hand and led you to World Geography. As you get to the classroom, you arrive just as the bell rings, Ms. O’Donnell not too far behind you.
“Alright, everyone. We will do an open book pop quiz. Everyone take one review and pass it back. I will give you an hour to fill it in and we will spend the last thirty minutes filling in the correct answers. You may partner up if you think it will help. If the class gets too out of hand, I will have each of you work individually.”
As soon as the practice tests are starting to get handed out, you hear the familiar sound of Eddie’s desk being dragged right next to yours. “Ms. O’Donnell is really going to have to stop letting us pair up for class, I’m starting to get used to sitting right next to you,” Eddie says, leaning on his hand as he stares at you.
You stare back at his brown eyes, the paper your classmate passed back hitting you square in the face. “Ow,” you mutter, grabbing the sheets out of her hands. Thanks.
Glancing at the first question, you are already regretting this. What country does the Rhine River run through? At least it was multiple answer questions. You open your textbook, getting ready to look up questions with Eddie as you answered them.
“I think this is Germany,” you hear Eddie mutter. You look up the river in the index. Switch to the page, he was right.
“Damn, babe.” You comment, filling in letter B.
“Oh. Cool.”
You and Eddie end up filling in the test within forty-five minutes, both you and him knowing enough to not have to check the text very often. Having fifteen minutes to talk, Eddie turns his body to you, speaking softly as you stare into his beautiful chocolate eyes. “I noticed I might have been a little too rough, sweetheart.” He says, his slender fingers hovering above your thigh where your bruises were resting.
“Nah,” you say, shaking your head. “I like them.” The look Eddie gave you then made you especially grateful you were in the far corner of the classroom. “What?”
Eddie looks away from you, his adam’s apple visibly moving up and down as he gulps. It was almost sinful to watch. “Just trying to hold myself back from giving you more right here, right now.” He mutters, his voice barely above a whisper.
You giggle, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re the one who brought them up,” you remind him. You simply just told him you liked them. They were a reminder of what you did with him, something you would let our hands brush over occasionally when you were alone at night. Alone, your boyfriend across town and the sweet reminder of his rings against your flesh real and the strong memory of his rough voice in your ear.
Still looking away, Eddie places his hand right at the hem of your skirt, just slipping underneath it, resting where the fingerprints lie. It takes everything in you not to immediately moan at the contact. Eddie hears your sharp inhale, a grin of satisfaction taking over his features. “Are you okay?” He mutters, his hand sliding higher, higher, and higher until finally, his pinky brushes up against your clothed cunt, where you’re dripping against his finger and coating the plastic chair beneath you. “Holy shit, you are soaked,” he whispers, starting to move his finger up and down lightly.
Your thighs tense up as he continues, only using his pinky as it moves a tad faster, using his knuckle to rub lightly against you. All you had wanted at this moment was to spread your legs, let him fuck you with his finger. It was all you needed for the last few days, but it wasn’t enough. If you weren’t surrounded by the quiet bustle of your fellow students you would start to beg him to go faster.
“Alright! I can tell almost everyone is done with their quiz so we will go through each question.” As soon as your teacher’s stark voice quieted the room, Eddie’s hand abruptly left from underneath your skirt, the loss causing you to verbally whine at the loss.
Eddie adjusts himself so he is on the first page of the practice test, acting as if he was suddenly a student who was 100% serious about their schooling. You shift awkwardly in your seat, the heat between your legs radiating and your thighs covered in your own slick wet. He leans down as Ms. O’Donnell continues going through her questions and whispers, “Aww, sweetheart really needed my fingers, huh.” You gulp, losing it at his pretty and terrible words. “I didn’t even touch you yet and you’re already this needy.” He comments, chuckling lowly.
Your thighs clench up even harder, you crossing your legs as you pretend you’re paying attention. “Munson, don’t pretend like you’re not hot and bothered, too.” You mutter, momentarily grabbing at his thigh and feeling it tense beneath your hand. “I know what this skirt is doing, just wait until you see what I’m wearing tomorrow.”
Eddie is silent, his mouth gone dry and suddenly forgetting that you can do oh so much worse than what you’ve chosen to wear today.
Ms. O’Donnell finishes wrapping up the quiz, letting the class know to focus on these questions and you’ll be fine. You pack up your things, and yank Eddie’s hand up before he’s even ready himself. As you leave the classroom, you escort Eddie straight to your locker. He’s about to ask you what it is you’re doing when you give him a big kiss, your sweet wet mouth giving everything Eddie wanted. Well, not everything he wanted.
“Shit, princess,” he mumbles, his eyes half lidded. “What was that?”
You grab at his collar of his jean vest, leaning in for another one. “If I can’t get any then I’m at least going to get something.” You whisper, feeling Eddie’s hands suddenly framing your face.
The bell goes off, and you reluctantly pull away from him. When he drops you off at class, you can still see the sleepiness behind his eyes as he waves to you.
When the final bell rings for the end of the day, you get excited. One more day. Today, Eddie can walk you to your car from your final class, only having his makeup session for Hellfire tonight. In tow, however, is Mike and Dustin. Lucas was off with Max, probably being cute as ever.
“Hi,” you greet him giving him a big hug, “everyone,” you add, seeing the two right behind him.
“Hi, Y/N.” Dustin waves at you from behind.
Mike is a little fixated on the fact that Eddie is giving you a quantifiable amount of physical affection. In Hellfire, he was not physical. On the contrary, his weapon of choice were grapes. “Hey,” he mutters, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You okay there, Mike?” You ask him, knowing this was a common look on his face but there were usually reasons behind them.
“I’m just glad I don’t have to catch him stare at you anymore,” Dustin says, his voice loud.
“Huh?” Eddie asks, lifting his chin. You haven’t seen very much of the Dungeon Master side of him yet, but you could tell he usually fit the persona when his freshman were around. “What…what do you mean, Henderson?”
Dustin’s smile somewhat faded, a scared look in his eye. If they knew what a softie he was, you wondered. “I mean,” he continues, “is that sometimes when we were in the middle of a conversation, I would catch you staring at Y/N here.” Dustin pauses, looking at Mike for help. Mike shrugs, letting him know he was on his own. “A-at first I thought it was Nancy until I noticed he stared at you in the hallways, too.”
Eddie chuckles darkly, letting one of his arms drop and his other stay around your shoulder. “I don’t stare. I was the stared at- not the starer.”
“Oh you were definitely stared at,” Dustin comments, knowing more of the crush you had on Eddie thanks to Harrington than his friends did. “But you were also the starer.”
“Wait when did this happen?” Mike asks, pointing between the two of you. The last time he checked you were a blubbering mess around him and Nancy was setting him up to be in your workplace. He missed a few chapters.
Eddie and you look at each other, and then at Dustin, who was already looking at you. Mike was cool, but he was dense. “Friday.”
“How did you know about this and I didn’t?” Mike asks Dustin, confused.
“I pay attention to our friends, dickhead.” Dustin responds, quick witted.
“Alright, break it up, you two.” Eddie calls to them, rolling his eyes. He grabs your hand, leading you to the exit of the school. “I will see you both in Hellfire.”
“What the fuck are we going to do until then?” Dustin asks, voice echoing loud in the near empty hallway.
“Figure it out. It starts in twenty minutes you’ll be fine until then.” Eddie calls back, his other arm flying over his head dramatically.
The two of you walk to the far side of the parking lot, Eddie walking in step as he escorts you. “See you tomorrow morning?” You ask, putting your key into your car to unlock it.
“Tomorrow morning.” You get in your car, turning to face him one last time before you drive off.
Eddie crouches down to your window, leaning with both arms extended on the window. You roll your window down, slowly and tediously. “Yes?”
“Just one last kiss,” he mutters, leaning in with his mouth deliciously open. You nearly yelp, surprised by the utterly stunning feeling of his tongue against your own. You moan into it, openly wanting more. More of him, his kiss, your tongue sliding with is. “Jesus, princess,” Eddie reluctantly pulls back from you. “You can’t keep doing this shit to me. It’s downright reckless.”
You giggle, looking down at your lap. “Reckless?”
“Mmhm. Reckless.” Eddie confirms, shifting his weight has he continues leaning on your car. “One of these days I won’t be able to hold back and then we’ll both be in trouble; my tongue on your gorgeous pussy with your legs spread open on the desk, you won’t even care about those assholes watching you.”
Your breath is shallow, you feel your muscles tense up as you felt your core get drenched, your skirt doing nothing to help the smell exuding from your center.
“See you soon.” Eddie promises and pats the roof of your car. He runs off towards the school, leaving you sitting in your car, wide eyed and breathing heavily.
Shit. You thought Eddie Munson would be the death of you when you would hyper-fixate on his fingers flexing, holding his medal lunch box absentmindedly in the cafeteria.
Turns out, Eddie Munson is the death of you by using his goddamn words like a connoisseur, expertly managing to stun you every time he opens his mouth to tell you anything less than wholesome.  
Eddie watches you sit in your car for a minute or two before you finally have it in you to drive off after collecting yourself. He checks his watch, he has ten minutes to get to Hellfire Club. He was usually a dick to the club members when they were late. He hated to guess how much shit they would give him if he was late. Ten minutes? He could do it.
Thank god Eddie was a fast walker with some long ass legs. Eddie knew Wednesdays were some after school band practices, having been to them himself for his first attempt at Senior Year. To him, band class was a breeze. Helped him learn techniques that were essential to his ability to learn by ear. He caught Robin as she was on her way to the classroom, trumpet case in hand and her other hand rummaging through her hair.
“Hi Buckley,” Eddie says, greeting Robin with a sense of familiarity. They had a shared connection through band, Eddie and her talking occasionally when another student just couldn’t manage to get a melody right.
Robin’s flustered stature is knocked down for a second, a smile breaking on her face as soon as she sees him. “Hi Munson. I’ve heard a lot about you recently,” she adds, her face smug.
Eddie chuckles. “Oh, I’m sure you have.” He would have to get you to elaborate on what exactly these girls know. “I only have” he checks his watch again, “eight minutes but I have a quick question. How is Y/N’s room set up?”
Robin’s face breaks out into a wider smile, knowing exactly where he was heading. “She has a window literally right next to her bed. Steve and I always joke that her room is wasted on her, a teenager that never uses it to sneak out.”
“Or in.” Eddie says, giving a bit of his plan away. “Looking at the front of her house, which one is her bedroom?”
Robin has to think about it for a second. “The one on the left.”
“You sure?” Eddie asks, wary about her hesitation.
“I’m sure.” Robin nods her head.
“I swear to god Robin if I end up sneaking into her parent’s room,” Eddie half jokes, curious to how that would turn out.
“No, I’m sure.” Robin laughs out, imagining your mom waking up Eddie Munson’s boots landing on her carpet.
“Sweet. What time does she wake up?”
Robin shrugs. “That is subjective. Since I know she has a bit of a plan tomorrow, I am guessing it’ll be earlier than normal.”
Eddie thinks on this. “What time does she normally wake up then?”
“Around seven, I think.” Robin starts making her way further up the hall, walking towards the band room.
Eddie realized he was going to have to be up early-early.
“Thanks, Buckley.” Eddie took a few strides away from her when he stops, turns around to face her again. “Just how much as Y/N told you?” He asks, his eyes narrowed, and his jaw fixated.
Robin turned back to face him, half on a smile on her face. “Well, enough to tell the story but she could be a little less dodgy with the details.”
Eddie nodded, satisfied with her answer. He checked his watch, only three minutes until Hellfire started. “Well, I will catch you later.”
“Have fun, Munson!” Robin called down the hall as Eddie ran the other way to the drama room.
Your night at work was uneventful, as you expected. After two days of exciting shifts at work today was finally a regular night, almost boring with finishing all daily shift chores by halfway in and mitigating the spats between Robin and Steve.
After a couple of hours studying for your stupid Math test with an incredulous Nancy Wheeler on the phone attempting to help you out with the 75% you didn’t know, you passed out on your bed in Eddie’s t shirt and a pair of underwear.
You had left your window open; your room was starting to get hot at night. Lately when you wake up, especially since Friday, you have been waking up with your underwear soaked and vague memories of your dream from the night before. Usually involving you, bend over some hard surface (a desk, maybe?) and Eddie pounding into you hard.
The last few days of you feeling antsy and Eddie teasing you on purpose hasn’t exactly helped your dreams. Tonight’s dream was no less lewd, this time you’re picturing Eddie railing into you as he holds you up against a wall, his chest against yours. It feels fuzzy, clouded as it usually does, like a memory. Eddie’s forehead is against yours, the vague feeling of his sweaty bangs against your own. Out of the blue, dream Eddie leans in to kiss you, stronger than anything you’ve ever felt while dreaming.
You’ve dreamt of kissing him before, what was the main event of Friday night’s dream, but this time seemed vivid. You felt yourself kiss him back, admiring the way his tongue felt like silk against yours. “Wake up, sweetheart,” he whispered. Suddenly, you’re aware of some warmth on the side of your head, a heavy feeling of his chest on yours.
You sharply inhale as you could feel his leather jacket, in your dream he was shirtless. It hits you. Eddie was kissing you awake. Both of Eddie’s hands are framing your face, you could feel his thumbs against your cheeks. “Wake up,” his mouth leaves yours, trickling down to your neck. You moan into it, loudly as his tongue on your neck spreads tingles from your neck down.
“Sweetheart, shh. Your parents.” You still feel fatigued in your daze, your eyes blinking open to see Eddie’s curls fallen onto your face, his eyes closed as his tongue still works on the crook of your neck.
“H-hello, Ed.” You take in your surroundings, your window by your bed still open and Eddie’s boots taken off at the end of your bed.
Hearing your greeting, Eddie started to nibble on your neck, causing you to whine a little. “Hello, sweetheart. Can I mention how hot it is to see you in just my shirt and underwear?” Eddie starts to move his way down your chest, lifting his shirt to expose a strip on your stomach but not taking it off. He licks a few times on your tummy, sending waves down straight to your clothed cunt. “May I?” He mutters, tugging on the band on your panties.
You nod your head, still half asleep but waking up with this new kick of adrenaline.
“I need verbal confirmation, sweetheart.” Eddie mutters against your skin.
“Eddie, please. Need you.” Your legs open wide by their own admission.
“Wow, you are soaked” Eddie comments, seeing the darkened patch on your panties. “What were you dreaming about, princess?”
“You,” You admit shyly.
You feel your underwear move down your legs, Eddie’s rings moving along your skin as he does so. “Care to expand on that?” He asks, his hot breath against your folds, making your whimper lightly.
“You were fucking me-“ Eddie kisses just next to your pussy lips, teasing you. “against the wall, like when you-“ you stutter again as he moves the other side, “kissed me against the door on F-Friday.” Eddie’s hand grabs at your thighs, right where your bruises were sitting and finally gives a wet kiss to your lips, his tongue just gracing your entrance.
Your thighs attempt to slam shut against his head, but Eddie shoves them back down lightly, but still forcefully. “Have you been dreaming of me lots lately, baby?” He asks as he feels your wet heat get even wetter.
“Yea,” you whimper, knowing your parents were only across the hall. “only every night.”
Eddie’s hands were holding your thighs down, but your feet were still planted on your bed. You use the traction you have, grinding up against Eddie’s face to get some release. “Ooh, you’re so needy,” Eddie comments, leaning into your buckling hips. He climbs onto his elbows more, his grip on your thighs tightening.
As you could feel yourself get closer, it felt harder and harder to continue remaining as quiet as you were. Eddie was taking in every minute of you falling apart under him, missing this every moment he didn’t have time with you over the week, fucking to his own hand thinking about you. Feeling your thighs tense up underneath his hands, he looks up to see your face, already squished up. “Are you getting close, already sweetheart? I haven’t even touched your clit yet.” He comments, bringing his thumb to your clit ever so lightly.
“I missed you so much,” you whine, almost embarrassed how fast you were about to cum. “I wanted you so badly.”
“I know, baby,” Eddie replies, now using his thumb against your clit in a fast circular motion. “You were dressed up like a little slut, how could I ignore that?”
You pause at his word choice. “Slut?” You ask, the word making you wetter. You didn’t know that was something you were into.
“Is that okay?” Eddie pauses, making sure it didn’t hurt your feelings.
“Your slut,” you whimper, grinding your hips even harder now, pushing yourself to finish.
Eddie chuckles lowly, staring up at your face as you whine lightly. “Yes, Y/N.” He moves downward, his thumb now going faster and your dripping cunt making unholy noises. “You’re my slut. But you made sure everyone knew that, didn’t you? Everyone knew when you came to school in those tight jeans and fucking-“ Eddie sharply inhales, “tiny ass skirt that you wanted me to bend you over.” You whimper at these words, surprised at yourself for how much you enjoyed being degraded like this.
You loved it.
Eddie starts to lick circles around your clit, and the knot in your stomach threatens to snap. “Eddie, I’m gonna-“ At this, Eddie stops, kissing your thighs instead. “No,” you whimper, almost there and still sensitive.
“I’m not sure my little slut deserves to finish,” Eddie comments, rubbing your thighs comfortingly. “The way you’ve been teasing me this week tells me you wanted to be treated like a little whore, so here we are.” Eddie crawls up to you, kissing you lightly instead of the tongue and teeth you were so desperately craving. He uses one finger against your folds, lightly tracing along your sensitive entrance. “Do you think you earned it?” Eddie asks you, his brown eyes harsh against your own.
“Please let me cum, Eddie.” You whisper, trying to grab at his vest to give him a wet kiss. He refuses. “I want it so bad. I’ve been a good girl; I didn’t skip class when I really wanted to skip and ride you instead.” You remember daydreaming about it in class, a reason why you were soaked when Eddie had decided to tease you.
Eddie rewards this confession with his finger really against your swollen bud, rubbing slow circles. “That’s what I wanted to hear, princess.” You feel yourself already close again, Eddie also knowing the tell tale sings. Without warning, he slips his finger into you, starting to finger fuck you. “Baby, you’re so wet and needy for me, I haven’t even put my cock in yet and you’re already fucked dumb.”
“So good, Eddie.” You whine telling him why you’re already blissed. “You’re so good. F-feels so good.”
He leans down to suck on your clit, the knot snapping finally. You feel yourself go over the edge, a white hot flash before your eyes. The waves of pleasure overwhelm you, your legs shaking uncontrollably as he works you through your high. “That’s a good girl,” Eddie soothes you as you bring yourself back to earth.
You feel your bed beneath you, finally. Soon, you hear metal hitting hardwood and a shirtless, pant-less Eddie Munson is in your line of sight. He crawls onto you, kissing you wet and hot. “Gonna fuck you now, ok?”
“Please fuck me.” You whisper, wanting to be filled with Eddie’s cock.
He lines himself with your entrance, taking a deep breath as he knew he had to go slowly again. First he only puts his head in, you whining as you adjust to his size, easier this time. “Shit, your pussy feels so good.” Eddie whines, a sense of release finally.
“Shh,” You whisper, now realizing it was probably almost time your mom woke up. Pain transfers to pleasure and you nod, asking him to go deeper. He does so, and you wonder what something feels like. Having no space between irrational and rational thought, you grab Eddie’s ass and pull him all the way in, surprising the shit out of him.
“Holy fuck,” he whispers into your ear. “Jesus you can’t keep doing this shit to me.”
As his husky and lust-ridden voice is enough to make you shiver, but Eddie bottoming out in you all at once is more than enough to make your eyes roll back into your head and your tight cunt to pulse around him. Your legs tighten around his torso, begging his body to be impossibly closer to you than it already is. Your wet heat keeps Eddie feeling like he’s about to pass out from pure pleasure, despite not even moving yet.
Any pain you have felt from the lack of patience on your part has completely diminished, only feeling utterly full. “Eddie,” you whimper, his hair a mess framing your face, but you didn’t mind.
“Princess,” Eddie responds, quiet and restrained. He was holding himself back, taking everything in him not to buck his hips since the first thrust you pulled from him.
“Move, please.”
He needs no further explanation, his hips moving as soon as he hears the initial syllable. After a few thrusts, he sits up, thrusting into you as you lay on your bed with your legs wide open clutching on to him. He starts slowly at once, then he gets merciless, each hit nearly hurting if it didn’t feel so goddamn good.
Eddie is uncharacteristically quiet, his mouth usually going off. “Talk to me,” you start to beg. “How does my pussy feel?”
“It feels fucking amazing, sweetheart,” Eddie starts, his voice only a notch louder than a whisper. “But if I start talking to you now, I will not stop and I will not be quiet about it.”
You grab his hand and yank him so he’s back to being chest to chest with you. “There. Please tell me.”
“Fucking hell, princess, your hot cunt feels so goddamn tight and good. I could literally spend all day fucking you, if you’d let me.”
“I’d let you,” you respond, your breaths heavy. “Ed, I’m getting close again.”
Eddie reaches down, his hand rubbing circles over your clit. Your pussy immediately reacts, clenching around him making it tighter, something Eddie didn’t know was even possible. He feels his stomach start to tighten up, and you feel his rhythm start to get sloppier.
As Eddie starts to buckle into you, you clutch onto him desperately, a second orgasm bursting through you. Somewhere while your orgasm was pulsing and making you shake, you wonder how Eddie was able to make you finish with out so much as stimulating your nipple. You were striking up the courage to get him to put his hand around your throat.
How much he had you wrapped around his ring clad fingers, you were able to come just from his cock alone. “Where do you want me to come this time, baby?”
You nearly beg him to come inside of you, wanting to be full of him the entire day. Instead you hold back and manage to say “On my face. Claim me as yours, Ed.”
Eddie has to hold back in a moan, hearing vague stirring in the next room over, something your cocked-out brain doesn’t even register. “Get on your knees, sweetheart.”
Eddie pulls out, and you whine at the loss, but climb off your bed and onto your bedroom floor, staring up at him through your eyelashes. The sight of him jerking himself off into his own hands is lewd and a sight you promise to memorize next time it’s only you and your fingers. The sight doesn’t last very long, white hot cum shooting onto your face, narrowly avoiding your eyes. You open your mouth, welcoming any droplets that fall past. More ended up in your mouth than on your face, but you didn’t mind.
He eventually, leans down onto your bed, exhausted from waking early and already somewhat hard from the sight of his hot girlfriend covered in him, welcoming it.
You glance around your room searching for a towel. Luckily you had one from a recent shower. You wipe your face off, and stand up, legs shaky. You sit next to him, still butt naked and in his tshirt. “Morning, baby.” You giggle, petting his frazzled curls.
Eddie looks you up and down, his brown eyes dazed from coming but soft as he looks at you. “Morning, princess. Did you mind waking up to me making out with you?” He asks, making sure he didn’t overstep.
“Id love to wake up like that every morning now.” You admit, remembering the utter joy you felt as you realized it was real. “I’ve had a lot of dreams about you, baby. The fact that it was real is enough to ruin sleep forever.”
Eddie chuckles, somewhat still not believing you liked him that much all that time. “So I have your permission to wake you up doing more if I wanted?”
You nod vigorously, bringing your hand to his chin to smooth it. “Oh, god, please.” You manage to whisper, the idea waking up to Eddie’s cock in the front of your mind. You lean in to give him a big kiss, wet and full of excitement at your still new relationship with him. “What time is it,” you wonder, remembering you still had to get up for school.
Eddie chuckles lowly, checking his watch. “Half an hour til school starts.”
Your eyes go wide, and you yank yourself from his chest and run to your closet where your outfit was still hanging. Eddie notices the outfit for the first time, his brown eyes widening. “Hold up, princess. You’re not wearing that, are you?”
You nod your head slowly, already getting dressed into a pair of underwear and a lacey bra. “I warned you.”
“No you didn’t” Eddie shook his head. “If you did, not nearly enough. How the fuck am I supposed to keep my hands to myself today with you wearing that? Fuck, I’m screwed.”
You shrug, slipping on the even mini-er skirt and the crop top with his shirt layered over it. “You’ll figure it out, baby. I’m just wearing this because it’s fun to see my boyfriend is as attracted to me as I am to him.”
You switch your attention to the vanity, slipping on some mascara and lip gloss really quick, ignoring any styling of your hair for the day except minor grooming.
By the time you’re finished at your vanity mirror, Eddie had put his boots on and was climbing back onto your bed to climb out the window. “Will you drive me?” You ask, just as one leg is already out.
“That’s the plan” Eddie laughs, blowing you an air kiss before stumbling onto your roof.
Soon, after you grab your bag and hide your towel from your mom’s prying eyes, the front door is knocked on. Your mom is awake, stumbling to the door and opening it, surprised to see Eddie at the door.
“Y/N! Your boyfriend is here! You have fifteen minutes til school starts, get going!” Your mom calls, slightly cranky due to no morning coffee yet.
You rush an I love you to her as you’re out the front door, grabbing Eddie’s hand as he escorts you to his van. You were definitely going to be late for first period, and people were definitely going to talk because you were wearing his shirt.
You didn’t care, staring at him as he drove haphazardly to school, his music blaring and breaking at least three laws.
As he drove wildly while you hold on to a handle by his window, you grip onto the middle console a little tighter than you normally would, leaning back into your seat. When you pulled up to the school, you knew you were late. With the smile Eddie gave you, his smile a bit delirious but charming all the same, you didn’t care.
You really did not care.
As you entered your first period, one thing you noticed was an increase of whispers when you and Eddie took your seats. Eddie, of course, took it with a roll of his eyes. You, however needed to look at him for reassurance. His soft eyes and his unbothered stature relaxed you, the anxiety you felt in your tummy practically melting away.
Class ends, and he’s at your desk as you sit up, shielding you from the side-glances your classmates aim at you as they pass you to the door. You sigh, grabbing his hand and letting him escort you to your next class. “I know it’s lame but I really would rather be with you,” You nearly whimper, Eddie holding your hand and leading you to Lit.
“No, I wish I could crash your class, but I will see you after, sweetheart.” He soothes, his thumb over yours.
He leaves you with a wet kiss on your lips and you walk into Lit in a daze.
Robin is waiting at your desk, a wide smile on her face that tells you she was up to no good. You ignore her, opting to sit in your seat and bring out your books.
This infuriated her. “So, how was your morning?” She asked, her tone sounding suspiciously knowledgeable.
You narrowed your eyes at her. “What do you know?”
Robin clicked her pen absentmindedly. “I know Eddie came to me after school yesterday asking me which window was yours.”
“So that’s how he knew! I was just hoping he didn’t find out through trial and error.” You giggle, happy to get resolution from a question in your head all morning.
“No, he really wanted to surprise you with extra time today. How was it?” Robin asks, her voice suggestive.
You had no complaints. Your only complaint to be found was you were on limited time. “No complaints. It was-“ your breath hitches, “It was nice.” You pause for a moment, leaning in as your teacher finally introduces the lesson of the day. “You are consistently plotting against me and I don’t know whether to thank you or hit you.”
Jokingly, you lift your arm up as if to whack her head, Robin blocks it, glancing up at you giggling. “Thank me! Jeez just a week ago you had no appetite just from the sight of him alone.”
You push her, mouthing thanks when you’re now required to turn your textbook to a certain page for the last short story your teacher had wanted to discuss.
Robin and you work on the assigned questions together, you mostly helping her but her intelligence surprising you time to time. After finishing with ten minutes to spare, you end up talking quietly with her, asking prodding questions about her life and her expertly avoiding every one. As you were packing up your books and getting ready to leave to your bio class, you beg her one final time. “Tell me something! I feel like you know everything about me!”
Robin can tell you wanted to be supportive of her, and she didn’t take it lightly. “You busy this Sunday?”
“Shouldn’t be, why?” You ask her, walking with her through the door of the classroom and you see Eddie right around the corner, talking absentmindedly to Gareth.
“Come over, you, me, and Steve haven’t had a chance to hang out outside of work in a while.”
“Sounds perfect.” Robin gives you a closed-mouth smile, nodding her head. Without saying a word, she runs off to her next class. You look after her, worried but assured that if there was something to be worried about then she would tell you.
“Hi Ed,” You greet him, interrupting their conversation.
Eddie says nothing, just grabs your hand as he finishes his sentence, acknowledging you. As Gareth continues his part, something about the origins of the role of a bard, you tug on Eddie’s hand, asking him silently to walk you to your biology class. Eddie follows you, engaged in his conversation but his thumb rubbing yours to let you know he’s paying attention to you.
A few paces before your classroom Gareth and Eddie finish with an agreement you can’t make sense out of with the corner in your thumb trickled up to your mouth again. Gareth wonders off to his class and Eddie turns to face you finally, his mouth in a half smirk. “Hi sweetheart.”
“Hi,” you peep out, sad about the lack of conversation you had with him.
Eddie chuckles, only a step away from sounding cruel. He didn’t mean to be of course. He leans in, close, his chest against yours and you can smell his musk right on his neck. “Aww, did my pretty baby want to be the center of attention?”
You audibly gulp, only nodding your head in confirmation, embarrassed. His tone of voice also had your gut flare up, a certain heat warming your centre.
“Well, you get the best seat in the house during lunch to make up for it.” Eddie comments, his hand soothing your forearm lightly.
Your mouth says it before your brain even registers what you’re thinking. “Oh, so your cock?”
His hand on your forearm gains tight grip, your words giving him a run for his money. “I-I meant my lap but if you’re into that then-“ You giggle, cutting him off. He leans down to give you a nice wet kiss, your heart wanting nothing more than to run off with him, anywhere but here. “Fucking Christ, you’re perfect. See you during lunch, baby.”
He lets you go, the bell going off in time.
Your biology class was essentially study-hall, all 22 of your classmates getting ready for the test tomorrow. You feel somewhat confident after asking the questions you wanted to ask your teacher and you take off as the bell rings signalling lunch time.
On your way to the cafeteria, you drop your bag off at your locker, slamming it shut before it could fall out. You’ll deal with that right before math. Only thing you needed for math was a calculator and a pencil anyway.
You stop in the line, grabbing yourself some fruit and some juice. You wanted to be spending majority of your lunch talking to your boyfriend, anyway. After paying for lunch you take a look, scanning the tables once more. Finally, there he was in his seat, Hellfire club members listening as he goes on and on about something. Your heart races, your breath hitching. You remember what Robin said to you earlier.
Was it only a week ago you were spending your whole lunch staring, dry in the mouth at the very sight of him? It felt longer. Felt like you could spend your whole life lov- with him and it would feel like only weeks have gone by. You start moving towards him, you can barely feel your feet walking. How were you nervous, didn’t you just make a sex joke with him about two hours ago?
You finally reach the hellfire table, all members looking up at you as you approach, Eddie with a wild look in his eye. “Uh, hello,” You greet, gulping.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Eddie gets up, walking around his bandmembers. “Come on over.” He grabs your hand, yanking you to where he was sat. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, is the only thing on your mind.
Jared is looking at Eddie bewildered, seeing a new side of Eddie Munson he’s never seen before. “So, this the girl you were telling us about, Ed?”
As you’re sat on his lap, you glance at him, your eyes wide in surprise. “You told them about me?”
Mike looks around him, bewildered. “Am I the only one that didn’t know about these two? I mean I knew she liked him but I didn’t know they got together.”
“That’s cause the only thing you’re interested in right now is El,” You comment, Nancy’s complaints fresh on your mind. “on the phone, for hours.”
Dustin glances looks to him, shocked. As his friends are judging him with wide smiles, you grab a slice of melon, tossing it into your mouth, amused. Eddie pulls you tighter into his arms, proud. “Dude, hours?” Dustin asks, his brows raised to his curls. “C’mon.”
Mike’s nose is scrunched up, his brows knitted together. “There’s no way she could know that! She’s lying.”
You smile evilly, glancing at Nancy who is at your normal table sat next to Robin. “I mean, I’ve watched my fair share of movie marathons in your basement, Wheeler. You don’t think we see that the line is busy for 120 consecutive minutes?”
The table breaks into laughter, and your stomach finally calms down. Gareth starts bringing up an idea for the newest campaign for Lucas’ character, a joke character he and Dustin invented on the phone with Will one night. As the conversation continues and you can’t contribute, you settle into his lap.
Eddie doesn’t talk much during the talks, not nearly as much as he would’ve liked to. Your skirt is short enough to the point where it barely covers your ass, therefore your pretty lacy panties poking out and almost nothing between your hot cunt and his jeans.
You notice his lack of participation eventually, leaning back to where your back against his chest, your mouth against his ear. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Nothing was wrong. Especially now, where your ass is at an angle where it can finally run against the hard-on he was nursing. “Nothing, sweetheart. Just enjoying my time with you.”
As soon as you leaned back, you felt Eddie’s hard cock against your ass, realizing why he was so uncharacteristically quiet. You pretended not to notice. Just enjoying my time with you, my ass, you thought. Much to his dismay, you stay quiet too, pretending to adjust yourself by wiggling on him, leaning forward to grab your juice, licking your lips as you glance back to tell him something, you really rub the salt in his wound.
“Eddie, you okay?” Dustin asks, naïve and unassuming. He had just noticed Eddie wasn’t saying much.
“Of course! Sore hip from rehearsing so much lately, is all.” Eddie explains grimacing while he rubs his hip for special effect.
Gareth laughs audibly, a little too loud. “Sure, Eddie. You’re sore from rehearsing so much. Mhm.” Josh gives Gareth a fist bump, and suddenly you wonder if Eddie has told anything to his friends like you had to yours. Was Eddie ok if you did? Were you ok if he did?
Eddie hasn’t, not exactly open about his love life when he realized some of his own friends had the wrong idea about him. He shrugged at Gareth, pretending not to know what he was talking about. He didn’t sway them either way, he wondered what the repercussions of telling them would be. If he had told them their lack of experience, he doubt they’d laugh, but he knew they would start trying to set him up with different women. He really didn’t need that added layer of rejection in his life. He wasn’t open, but he knew they would start asking questions, and he wondered if that mean opening a door to telling them the truth about their misconstrued notions about him.
When you sat forward in his lap, chewing on some fruit while listening intently as Dustin started explaining their campaign in a way you would understand, you started subtly wiggled your ass, pulling Eddie out of his downward spiral, remembering how just hard he was.
As you wiggled you could feel his cock start to get harder, and you could feel how wet you were. If you weren’t careful, you would be leaving a very wet stain on his jeans. I should stop, you realized, Eddie leaning back and staring at the ceiling for strength. You hopped to one leg, throwing your leg so you were sitting bridal style.
“You stopped.” He states, his brown eyes staring into yours.
“Yeah well the next step was a little too much for the public eye.” You said, staring at into his eyes, them pulling you like a gravity. Next thing you knew, you were kissing him, your mouth feeling electric against his. He inserted his tongue into your mouth, silk against your own as he had complete control over you. Eddie’s arm wrapped around your waist, you feeling his strong arm hold you.
Far off, somewhere in the distance you hear Lucas say, “Okay, we get it. You like each other chill out.”
The arm around you lifts flipping them off, and you remember something you pictured very clearly last week in a dark atmosphere. There you were, picturing kissing him on his lap at lunch as he told you he wants to show off the person he’s dating.
Here he was showing, you off, one of his hands framing your face and you melted. One of his friends come up to you, you hear “Get a room” and Eddie swats them off, not giving a shit.
Eddie finally pulls away from you, lips shiny and your core aching from the lack of attention. Your thighs clench together, a dead giveaway to Eddie that you are wanting it just as much as he is and pulling away was the right thing to do. “You okay, princess?”
You stare back at him, eyelids half open. “Yeah,” you reply, your voice giving away just how smitten you were with him. “I will need convincing to go to math, though.”
Eddie laughs, tightening his arms around you as he wraps you into a hug. “Hey, uh, guys.” Dustin says. You both separate, looking at him expectantly. “You’re adorable and all, but, I’m getting sick from looking at ya.”
“Seriously, what did you do to him?” Mike asks, mourning the loss of the terribly cool dude he worshipped. (Truth is that version of Eddie was just a very edited version of a person Eddie chose to show.) “He’s whipped, now.”
You glare at Mike, your nostrils flared. “Two hours, Mike! Don’t even start with me Mr. I can’t wait to hold your hand again.” Eddie chuckles under you, hiding his amusement in your shoulder.
Mike was about to retort, annoyed by two of his best friends laughing their asses off when the bell rings, saving from you and Mike hashing it out, not something you haven’t done before. As mentioned before, you were basically Karen’s second born, which meant to Mike you were basically another Nancy.
You get off Eddie’s lap, about to take off to let him do his boy thing with his friends, when Eddie yanks you into his arms wrapping them on your shoulder and around your neck. “You realize this skirt barely covers your ass, right?”
Gulping, you were tempted to shrug. Your tunnel vision faded, however, the faces of your classmates no longer fuzzy in the background. Suddenly, the number of eyes on your lower half were burning holes into your lower half. You felt panic start to rise, understanding you’ve had more than just Eddie staring at your ass today. “Shit.”
Eddie shrugs off his outerwear, the layered combination of his leather jacket and his vest. He separates the two, and hands out his leather jacket, knowing it would be at least longer than your skirt. You grab it gently, entirely happy about the idea of his scent surrounding you. “I love that you dressed so pretty, sweetheart, but try to remember everyone else will see it, too. I have no problem with you showing up to my trailer like this though.”
He grabs your hand and drags you to your locker, then your class. With only your calculator and pencil in hand right by the math classroom door, you lean into his chest arms by your side, his arms wrapped around you. “Good luck on your test.”
“Bleh,” you answer, the last thing you’re wanting at this moment was to go in for a stupid math test. You still hated math, no matter who walked you to the class.
Eddie chuckles, low. He steps forward to give you a kiss on your forehead, taking note in how cute your face was. He pushes you lightly to your class, and you follow easily. He walks off, and you watch from the classroom door with your head peaking out.
Man, you were going to enjoy after school, today.
 Your test went much better than you expected. Turns out, your teacher made the practice test harder to freak you and your classmates out. It worked; you know much more than what you initially thought. You were just excited to be in class with Eddie next.
World Geography was a terrible class to be in, extremely dull topic to study, most students taking it for the credits alone. Right now, you didn’t care how dull it was, your boyfriend in the seat next to you and the ability to openly stare at his pretty face keeping you preoccupied. Eddie looks up from your textbook, doing the homework you weren’t for once. “What you lookin’ at, princess?”
You shrug your shoulder, casual about it. “Just your pretty face.”
You weren’t sure, but you swear you could see Eddie’s cheeks flush. “Pretty, huh?”
Encouraged by the heat on his cheeks, you lean into it. “Mmhmm, stunning. Why do you think I stared at you for?”
Watching his reaction, a little smile lights up his face, one he was holding back. “You’re not so bad yourself, sweetheart.” He responds, his teeth shining through.
World Geography is simple and sweet as that, despite the both of you having strong feelings deep down in both of your guts. Even with the both of you feeling horny as shit, the feelings of a new relationship were still very prevalent. Eddie still felt nervous as he would wait outside your classes, hoping you’d still get that smile on your face when you see him. Butterflies were still roaming around your tummy when his hand brushed against yours, sending tingles up your arm and down your spine.
It almost felt intimate.
As the two of you get up to walk to your last class, it takes a lot of convincing for you to go into the classroom. “I don’t want to,” you whine.
It takes several things that Eddie says for you to turn around and finally leave. School will call your parents, be a good girl, I gotta get to class, too. The one that finally convinced you was “Well I want to spend next Friday with you in my bed, so go.”
For the last hour and a half of your day, your leg shakes, entirely too excited about finally having an evening with him since you two called it official. Your mom knew about it, listening to your excitement about it on Tuesday, her listening as you smiled bashfully about it.
As you leave already packed up in preparation for the final bell, Eddie isn’t waiting for you as normal, but you had already discussed that in World. You would go to your locker, him to his own, and meet at his van when you were both ready. When you got to your locker, Robin was waiting for you, her back half against it. “Hi Buckley,” you say to her, prying your way behind to open the lock.
“Hi, L/N,” she says, greeting you with a smug look on her face.
“Can I help you?” You ask, trading for books you needed quick as possible.
“Nancy and I had a good view at lunch today,” she jokes. “But when you said his lap we didn’t know you were serious. It was quite a sight.”
“I mean, where else was I going to sit?” you ask, shrugging your shoulder.
“On a chair?” Robin laughs, her voice incredulous.
You laugh with her, her laugh contagious. “Hey, I stuck to my guns. I said I would sit on his lap and Eddie didn’t really let me back out.”
“But did you have to make out for ten minutes?” She asks, following you as you go to the double front doors.
You scoff. “We did not make out for ten minutes.” To you, it felt like thirty seconds.
“Well, seven and a half.” She says, waving her head side to side as if the details didn’t matter. And they didn’t all that much, you supposed. “I just want to make sure you’re not forgetting us. We didn’t see you very much today and it worried me.”
You smile, knowing just how much she cared about you. “No, we just didn’t get much time together this week and we just took advantage of today, you know?”
Robin mumbles under her mouth, “You can say that again.” You roll your eyes again, your eyes landing on his van in the back corner of the parking lot, Eddie leaning it against with one leg propped up. “Also I wanted to let you know that Steve asked about him.”
“Of course he did,” you mutter, remembering the awkward yet annoying way they both had promised of ‘next time’. “They got a long a little too well when Eddie visited work on Tuesday night.”
“Uh-oh,” Robin comments. “Watch out for that.”
“Oh I am,” you promised. You waved your goodbye to her, promise of more time with her tomorrow.
For now, you were his. You ran to him, practically jumping into his arms. Climbing into his van with him, you give him a shy smile as he drives haphazardly to his trailer. As you’re reaching out to hold his hand, there’s an excitement in the air in his van almost as present as his loud music.
Eddie finally opened his trailer door with a large smack, him grinning manically. “So do you-“ Well, Eddie was about to ask you if you wanted something to eat, but you couldn’t even wait that long. You practically jump into him, planting your lips onto his, sliding his tongue onto yours. “Holy shit,” Eddie gasps between kisses.
“Shut up,” you mutter, wanting to make good use of his tongue. “Just kiss me.”
Eddie laughs into your mouth, all giggles and smiles. He follows your request wordlessly, opening his mouth wider. As you continue to kiss, wet, and slick, a certain buzz went through you, tingling from your core up to your chest, causing you to forget how to breathe. You let go of his lips, gasping for air. “Remember to breathe, baby, breathe,” Eddie chuckles, rasping into your mouth.
“Your lips taste too good to remember to breathe, Ed,” you say, just higher than a whisper.
He rasps back, “You’re so eager, sweetheart.”
As you’ve been kissing, Eddie has been moving you both slowly, unsure of where you were headed. He had his room in mind initially, but somehow ended up in the kitchen. Your feet hit the floor of the tiles, the transition of carpet to smooth titles startling you. You feel Eddie’s smile turn up wider, chuckling at the way you let out a surprised gasp when your feet hit the tiles. It was only two more steps before you bump into the counter. As soon as Eddie feels your torso bump into the bottom cupboards, his hands make their way to your hips, lifting you effortlessly onto the granite.
The feeling of the hard countertop hits your ass, your legs wrapping around Eddie’s waist without any hesitation. “What are you wanting, princess?” Eddie asks, moving his lips to your jaw, his tongue feeling like heaven tingling your throat.
“I just want you,” you answer honestly. You couldn’t necessarily remember wanting Eddie in any specific ways, you just wanted him.
Eddie tightens his grip on your hips, causing you to hiss. “Princess,” he says, sounding sterner. “What the fuck would you like me to do to you.”
You grasp at his face, putting his lips back to yours. “I really want us to take it slow.” You admit softly. “I loved this morning but it went by too quickly, happened too fast.”
He smiled at your admission, one hand raising to your hair. “Oh we can do that.”
You continue kissing him, tilting your head when required and doing your best to copy what he’s doing. After a bit, you couldn’t tell how long, he slips his strong arms under your ass, supporting you surprisingly well. He lifts you up, you are straddling his hips, feeling his already hard cock poking you through his jeans. He takes you to his room and sits on his bed, where you straddle his lap, your legs either side of his own.
Your sleeves are too long for you, Eddie’s jacket consuming your hands. You’re already struggling with the sleeves when Eddie takes his hands from your hips to your shoulders, helping you take off his jacket. “You look so beautiful today, sweetheart.”
Your cheeks heat up in response, your forehead leant against his. “Grab my ass,” you request, your skin burning from the lack of contact.
Eddie’s mouth watered from this request alone, smoothing his hands along your thighs before he grabs your ass, still above on the fabric of your barely there skirt.
Your noses were touching, your lips brushing against one another’s when you realize what Eddie was doing, still teasing on you. Shit, you were so close to kissing. You lift your skirt up, having his hands drop directly down to the apples of your but. It feels phenomenal when his hands finally grab your non covered ass cheeks. “Harder, please.” Eddie chuckles, more than willing to fulfill your desires. You let a small moan out, just enough to get Eddie riled up.
After Eddie finally grabs your ass properly, you whine into it, your face all twisted up. Subconsciously you’re craving some friction, your hips moving down to grind up against his lap. Your cunt was only protected by the cotton pink panties you wore, your heat against his hard cock. Eddie wanted to rip off your clothes and fuck himself into you as soon as he felt your cunt against him, holding back with a high amount of struggle. For the moment, he settled with “Oh, f-fuck, can’t wait to put my cock in you.”
Right after Eddie says this you rip off his shirt you were wearing, toss it into the wind.
Eddie brings your slinky little strap on your shoulder down, causing half your tiny shirt to fall, sultrily hanging off your shoulder. He takes in the sight of you on his lap, your cunt right against his cock and your face already looking fucked out. The very sight of you already so blissed with him makes him groan, internally smiling.
He leans in, kisses your cupid’s bow, soft and sweet. You almost can’t take it, wanting more than soft and sweet. You wanted him, wanted so much more. His hand travels from your back to your breast, lightly massaging it to start. You whine lightly, encouraging him to put in more force behind it, massaging harder. This new reaction is just the thing Eddie wants to hear. “Is this slow enough, or should I go slower?” Eddie teases, lifting your exposed bra off your now budded nipple.
He leans into your chest, his tongue hanging deliciously from his mouth as he leans into your exposed tit. When his tongue finally reaches contact with your budded nipple it’s far too light, a teasing touch, if anything. You lean forward, an effort to gain more contact against his tongue, but he leans back, knowing exactly what your plan was. “Patience, or I will make you wait longer,” Eddie said, only lightly moving his tongue on your nipple.
You groan, annoyed and now wanting more. Your pussy clenches and you remember his cock still underneath you from the reaction of it twitching. Instead of moping, you start to roll your hips on him again, as you do so his mouth instinctively moving straight into sucking on your nipple, teeth grazing against it as if forgetting about making you wait.
You thought he was being accidental, but he was really just rewarding you. He leaves wet kisses on your breast, starting to move down with kisses between the valley of your boobs but his hand massaging the other boob he hasn’t touched yet. He sists up, moving towards your shoulder to lightly bite down to tease you even more. “I can’t wait to fuck you,” he mutters between small bites.
You sit above him, your hand now hovers over his cock. Kissing him hot and heavy, your tongue dancing with his own in an expert dance you two have already memorized, you silently ask if you’re able to put your hand down his pants. “Are you sure?” Eddie nods vigorously, his cock twitching at the idea of you touching him again. Eddie had the thought of you to get him through the week, but fucking into his own hand pretending it was your pussy clenching around him did nothing compared to your real thing.
“I’m sure,” You lightly tease, starting to cup him over his pants. Eddie’s head leans back against his wall when you finally but barely touch him, his eyes rolled back into his head. It wasn’t very long before his hips are bucking, begging you for more. “Please more,” he begs, his voice raspy and breathing heavy. “Baby, give me more, please.”
You can’t help but remember when Eddie was being a shithead in World Geo class, lightly teasing you through your panties. It was funny, how much he liked to tease you, considering how he buckles under your touch the moment you so much as softly graze on him. This man loved to tease you, but he was still a goddamn virgin when you met him. You unbuckle his handcuff belt, with only a slight struggle in working the mechanics of it. Eddie offered to help, his thumbs looping underneath his both his briefs and his jeans.
You glance up at him, blinking as if to say, What do you think you’re doing? You tap his hand lightly, causing the band of the briefs to snap back down against his hips. “Slow, remember, baby?”
Eddie groans, impatient. You had a feeling he would give the same energy back when he had the chance, but you felt your pussy become wetter at the very idea of it. You welcomed the idea. You let his jeans fall to his knees, his cock on now tenting in his briefs. Your mouth watered at the very sight of it, wanting to feel the weight of it on your tongue. If anything, sucking his cock got you off as much as it did him.
Despite these wants, you grab at the side of his tented tock, putting your mouth on his cock over his briefs, your hot breath causing him to jolt his hips up. The thought occurs to you, and you hesitate very faintly, your hand pressing against his cock as you think about it for only a second. One second is all it takes, the idea taking over your brain and almost being too much for you to handle. Your tongue leaves your mouth, using it against his girth and fully being able to taste the cotton of his briefs. The cotton was unpleasant, but the way he instantly flung his head back with his thighs flexing hard all worth it.
You mouth him more, your tongue finally used to the cottony feeling. “Jesus fucking Christ, princess.” He whimpers, his voice soft and rough, eyes wide open staring at his ceiling.
A few more minutes pass by as you mouth him, teasing all you can and memorizing every moan and whimper that leaves his mouth. By the time your fingers are ready to yank his underwear down too, Eddie was begging you to finally lick his dick, the tent in his underwear was soaked, covered in your saliva. “Please, Y/N. Please, just fucking put your dirty little mouth on my cock.”
You were smirking, yanking his briefs down and putting his cock straight to the back of your throat, taking in as much as you could. You had mentally prepared yourself for him to thrust his hips up, his tip hitting your uvula. As you bob your head, getting a good rhythm, you feel the amount of spit in your mouth increase. Opening your mouth, you let a large amount of saliva drop onto his length, covering his cock in spit, absolutely the most sinful image of anyone he’s ever seen.
Your eyes were focused on his cock, your mouth covered in your own spit as each bob of your head covered him in even more spit, embracing the messy blowjob. Your pretty lips are wrapped around him, one of your hands around the base where you couldn’t reach. Your hair was a beautiful kind of messy, most strands pushed behind your ears but a few strands hanging by your cheek.
Finally, after not being able to tell how much time has passed, long enough for your jaw to hurt, your mouth pulls away with a pop, jerking him off with your hand absentmindedly as you take in his state. Eddie is laying underneath you, his thighs open as yours normally are when he’s making you come undone. You use your forearm to wipe your mouth, the base of his cock now covered and your chin wet.
As soon as you look at him, his eyes open wildly, and before you can register it, he’s sitting up fast and grabbing you into his arms. You crawl onto him, straddling him once more as your panties nearly misses his cock, slightly teasing both him and you. Eddie roughly grabs you by your torso, almost bruising your ribcage. “Let me fuck you now, please.” Eddie pleads, his hips thrusting up as the head of his dick brushes against your panties.
His cock teasing you so makes you moan loudly, resting both hands onto his shoulders.
“See, my little slut also wants my cock inside her sweet little pussy, huh?” He comments.
You glance at him, wondering how he went from falling apart underneath you to amazingly confident/cocky once again. In spite of your momentary wonder his words still made you melt into him, your legs barely being able to hold yourself up. “P-please”, you find yourself begging him anyway.  
Hearing your own contradictions from teasing him playfully to desperately moaning as he teases you moves Eddie to hook your leg and move on-top of you. Your arms cross to take off your top, Eddie watching with appreciating eyes. It was a shame you were so focused on taking of the slinky top of yours, eyes closed because the look in his eyes he was giving you was absolutely depraved. Eddie took you in, eyeing every imperfection, every freckle, every dip and curve of your body.
Eddie grabbed your skirt, pulling it up your torso and over your head. “That’s better”, he muttered, nearly drooling at the sight of your skin all exposed except for your pink panties still grinding against his exposed cock. His hand moves up your thigh, sending shivers down your spine as his finger makes its way through one of your leg holes, sliding itself along your slick. “I-I think you’re even wetter than before.” He comments, sounding stunned. “Did sucking my cock get you off, princess?”
“You sound really good,” you manage to get out as Eddie only lightly treads on your folds. It feels good, but you’re craving more friction, harder. Your knitted eyebrows are a dead giveaway to what you’re thinking.
Eddie had to push passed aside that you just alluded that you were getting off to the sounds of him getting off. “Aww, I thought sweetheart wanted to go slower today?”
Your nails dig into his chest, annoyed. You were really starting to regret asking him this now. “More, please Eddie.”
His name moaned through your lips for the first time was like music to his ears. “Say that again?” He asks, quietly, his fingers pausing to grab your attention.
Your eyes open to see Eddie’s eyes fixated on them, scaring you with how intense they were. “Say what?”
“My name, Y/N. Say it again?”
You smirked and tossed your head back, memorizing the way he looked and sounded. “Keep doing that, and I will.”
Your panties were ripped off your legs without a moments hesitation. Eddie grabbed your legs, pulling your ass down so your pussy is face to face with you. “Oh, I fucking will.” He muttered against your puffy pussy lips, leaning right in and devouring you from the start, almost like he forgot to take his time with you in favour of listening to moan his name again.
Eddie was working his tongue on you, flicking occasionally into your entrance, completely engulfing your juices as you get wetter and wetter. “Look how wet my baby is,” Eddie says, putting emphasis on each word.
You had your hands in his hair, moving it out of his face, getting a better view of how focused he was trying to make you feel good. The sight of him, eyes closed, tongue moving was undeniably perfect, his eyelashes framing his cheeks nicely. Each lick Eddie gave you hit a wave of pleasure through you, your legs tensing and starting to shake.
“Eddie, feels so- fuck feels so good.” You manage, surprised your fucked out brain could even manage to say anything to begin with.
Eddie holds where he is for only one second more after you moan his name, the exact thing he was looking for. He sits up suddenly, his now neglected cock now in his hand, jerking himself off as he repositions himself. “That’s what I was looking for, princess. Now, be a good slut and take my cock, won’t you?”
You nod, eyes watery and cunt feeling sensitive but still slick as Eddie’s words got to you.
He positions himself at your entrance, his cock teasing you. “Please fuck me, please.” You cry out, wanting to feel full.
Eddie slams himself into you, bottoming out without pacing . You don’t even realize what’s happening at first, as he stretches you out and you have to adjust, him slowly thrusting. “Holy f-fuck!” Eddie is groaning, his words a mix of moans and worship. “Your sweet little pussy is so tight- so perfect.”
“Your pussy-“ you manage, grabbing one hand stationed at your hip, and placing it onto your neck. You tap it with your other hand. “Pressure- jugular, not esophagus,” you explain, your cocked out brain needing the feeling of his ringed hand around your throat.
Eddie just barely understands what you’re getting at, then he feels your pulse and gets it. He tightens his grip slightly, you feeling the air loss right away, marvelling in it.
“My, fucking, pussy,” Eddie says, thrusting hard on each word. You tap his arm twice, begging for air. Eddie holds on a second longer and lets go, you feeling light headed with how wild it just drove you. The choking alone brought on the familiar feeling in your stomach, a knot needing to snap open. You move your fingers to your clit, rubbing it to get your high even closer, chasing the feeling.
Eddie watches as your hand goes down, the perfect image to get him closer to his own high. You use your other hand to grab his arm, getting him chest to chest with you. “Kiss me,” you ask, still rubbing your clit.
He goes in, his thrusts getting sloppy as you feel your orgasm is almost there, just around the corner. His kisses feel desperate, like he won’t ever get the chance to taste you and he wants as much as possible. He did want you as much as possible, despite being able to kiss you whenever he could, he was just obsessed with you.
Eddie gnaws on your bottom lip as your cunt starts to clench harder around him, and it’s the final thing that pushes you over the edge. Somehow, you remain kissing him, the feeling of his perfect lips against yours, grounding you. One hand his in his hair, pulling at his scalp almost too hard.
You come down from your high, feeling sleepy. One thought occurs to you, and suddenly your body does it before your brain registers. You curl and twist around onto your knees, in a crawl position, Eddie slipping out for one moment too many.
Eddie stops though, wondering what was going on in that brain of yours. You simply say, “Fuck me as hard as you can, Ed.”
He does, hips snapping into you with such a vigor he would’ve been worried about hurting you if his horny ass brain didn’t take over. Your ass bouncing with every thrust was causing the heat in his tummy to rise. “B-baby, where do you want me to cum?” He asks, on the verge and his throat feeling tighter.
“Inside me, please Ed.” You ask, arching your hips for affect.
Oh shit, that did something to him right there and then, filling you up immediately. You helped a little, moving your ass down as he moved up. “Holy shit, Y/N!” He screams loudly, thrilled to see his cum drooling out of your pussy. “Your little pussy looks fantastic right now, baby.” He says, monitoring his hard work. The white thick cum was drooling out of you, a stunning sight for him to see.
Exhausted, you collapse down from your knees, barely able to hold yourself up. As your face fells forward, your ass is still in the air, giving a huffing Eddie Munson a great view of the white substance trailing down your slit. You heard him huff out a laugh, and you reluctantly sit up to see what was so funny.
As you give him a look that was an odd mix of content and confusion, Eddie’s face broke into a smile, somewhat leant over on the bed right in front of you. “What’s so funny?” you ask him, still in a haze from being dickeddown by him.
Eddie leans over comically, giving you the one up in his eyes. “Nothin’. Just glad you were as horny as I was.” His hand goes up to your face, framing it with his thumb.
Eddie almost leans foreword as if he were going to kiss you, and a part of you craved it after being with him so closely. There’s another part of you that wanted to push him after what he had just said. You let him lean in, his lips somewhat gentle on your own. He deepens it, letting your tongue slide with his. You give in to this for about two minutes before you push him away, getting him back. “I resent that. I might’ve been just as horny but with a face and hands like those can you blame me?”
He leant forward, lightly knocking his forehead against your own. “Alright there, sweetheart. I’m going to go grab you a cloth. Stay put.”
You laugh without humour, wondering where you would rather be. Only place is nice and naked in your boyfriend’s bed. He yanks it out of reach when you grab for it again, insisting he would clean you up. The heat of the damp towel on your pussy surprising the shit out of you. “Jesus, warn a girl!”
“It’s more fun to surprise you!” Eddie laughs, still being gentle with you and cleaning all the damp slick on the bottom your thighs right below your ass. He tosses the cloth somewhere onto the floor, and crawls up so he can lie down with you.
Your head lands on the pillow as Eddie lands on his side right in front of you, his arm bent and on your torso. He leans up to grab his blanket, displaying it across you and him. “What time is it?” you ask, sleepy and ready for a nap.
Eddie grabs your wrist, and lets it down with a plop. “Almost 5’oclock.”
“Are you gonna nap with me?” Your eyes are closed now, feeling safe as he pets your hair.
“Maybe. I can make sure you don’t sleep for three hours if you need.” You nodded your head, the blanket now feeling soft and just right.
“Get some sleep, then, sweetheart.” Is the last thing you hear before you drift off, his scent and the weight of his arm feeling like heaven around you.
As Eddie watches your chest expand and depress and your eyelashes against your cheeks, he was thinking, God I could get used to this.
Tag list: @emturtles @yourthebrokengirl @steeldaisies @skrzydlak
Please leave comments or reblog if you can I'd appreciate it xoxo
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d-s-winchester · 2 years
My Only Wish This Year
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part One
Master List
Pairing: Jensen x Reader Word Count: 2,249 Warnings: angsty teens, mentions of death, mentions of a dead parent, mentions of a dead spouse A/N: I’M BACK BITCHES!!!! I haven’t posted writing on this blog in exactly two years and seven months. I’m happy to be back and to be back writing Jensen. Writing Jensen (and Dean) always seems to come easiest to me so it makes sense that this was the way to go. If you’d like to be tagged let me know, in an ask (it’s the best way for me to keep track)! Hope you guys like it! Anyway, feedback for this is crucial seeing as I’m just stepping back in! :)
Jensen leaned against the back of his SUV and let out a sigh as he stared at his front door. He knew he was going to have a hard time getting his teenagers to agree to going on this trip so close to Christmas, especially when the option to spend Christmas with their grandparents was still open, but he wasn’t expecting it to be quite this hard. He knew he could have taken the easy road, not pick the fight, and just let them go to their grandparents but he wanted them to find some way back to a semblance of normal.
In the two years since his wife passed away he’d been having more than a hard time keeping things normal. Sure, he’d taken as much time off work as he could, and tried every coping mechanism in the book but the one thing he couldn’t figure out how to navigate was raising two teenagers on his own. His parents helped out a lot, especially when he was away filming, but he knew they were a poor substitute for the mother his children lost. So he tried to pull it together whenever he was home, especially during the holidays, and he knew that this Christmas needed to be better than the last.
That first Christmas was a rough one, Jensen could hardly get out of bed. She’d only been gone three months and he was having a hard time coping and his kids had suffered because of it. His parents did a good job of making it as happy of a Christmas as they could but his kids wanted their father and sure Jensen was there physically but mentally he was totally checked out. Which was why he was determined to make this Christmas better than the last.
“Alright, that’s it,” Jensen mumbled to himself as he pushed away from the truck and went back into the house.
He could hear the music blaring from his son’s room and it was so loud it almost drowned out the sound of the blow dryer coming from his daughter’s bathroom.
“Jordan!” he called out as he made his way up the stairs, knowing full well his son couldn’t hear him.
Figuring his daughter would be more likely to listen to him he changed course and headed toward her bedroom. He pounded on the door so she could hear him over the noise that was taking over the second floor of his house and waited for her to come to the door. It only took a minute before she opened the door.
“What, Dad?”
“Lizzie, I told you over an hour ago to be packed and ready to go by now,” he sighed. “If we don’t leave in the next five minutes we’ll be late checking into the hotel for tonight.”
“I’ll only be like two more minutes, I promise. My bags are already packed,” she said gesturing to the two large duffle bags seated on her bed.
Without another word she turned and made her way back to the bathroom. Jensen sighed for what felt like the thousandth time that morning and went to grab her bags before dropping them at the top of the stairs and going toward his son’s room. He pounded on the door but the music just got louder. At that moment he wondered if he had ever been this disrespectful to his parents at sixteen. He knew he’d been difficult on the occasion but he hoped he hadn’t been this bad.
“Jordan! It’s time to go!” Jensen called through the door and the music finally shut off. “We’ve gotta be out of here in five minutes, you better be packed.”
“Of course I’m packed,” Jordan said, yanking his bedroom door open. “I packed this morning when it became obvious that this stupid trip wasn’t a joke.”
This time Jensen opted not to pick this fight, knowing full well he didn’t have the energy to get into a screaming match with his son.
“Just grab your bags and bring them down to the car, please.”
“Whatever,” Jordan groaned and grabbed the bag off his bed and pushed past his father toward the stairs, grabbing his sister’s bags as he went.
Jensen was grateful that at least he was still willing to help his sister even if he wanted nothing to do with his father. Jensen wiped a hand down his face and ran his fingers through his hair and was about to try and rush his daughter out of the bathroom again just as Lizzie was coming out of her room, pulling her winter jacket on.
“Is Jordan outside already?” she asked and Jensen nodded as she pushed past him to join her older brother down by the car.
With yet another sigh Jensen followed his daughter out of the house and toward the car, it was going to be a long couple of days on the drive up to the B&B in Maine – even with a stop at a hotel for a good night sleep along the way – and he was hoping against all hope that maybe his kids would come around during the trip and they could find a way to be a normal family again.
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The entire drive to the hotel that marked the halfway point of their drive was spent in almost complete silence with both Jordan and Lizzie spending a majority of the time with their headphones in, only pulling them out to have whispered conversations with each other. Needless to say, Jensen didn’t have high hopes for the second half of their drive. They were about an hour away from the B&B when his son had fallen asleep. He thought Lizzie was asleep too until she spoke.
“Why’d you pick Maine for Christmas, Dad?” she asked. “We could have just gone to Grandma and Grandpa’s or even to Uncle Jared and Aunt Gen’s.”
“I know that, Half Pint, but I figured we could go away for the week. Spend some time just the three of us. As a family. That and I thought some snow for Christmas wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Don’t let him fool you, Liz,” Jordan piped up from next to her, clearly having woken up from his nap. “We’re not a family, we haven’t been since mom died and we never will be.”
“Hey! Watch it!” Jensen said, eyeing him in the rearview mirror.
“What? It’s the truth!” Jordan shouted.
“Jordan –” Lizzie cautioned her brother.
Jensen took a deep breath, ready to lecture his son, but decided against it when Jordan turned toward the window and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Whatever,” Jordan mumbled, shoving his headphones back into his ears.
Lizzie, too, sat back in her seat and put her headphones back in her ears. Jensen let out a sigh and turned his own radio up, more than ready to get to the B&B and get checked in.
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Prepping for new arrivals always had you stressed, no matter how often you had them. This one was particularly stressful as the family had booked the only adjoining rooms your B&B had to offer, which meant a little extra prep. It stressed you out but that didn’t mean that you didn’t enjoy your job. You loved being able to have people experience your small town by staying at the B&B, especially this time of year. The town, and by extension the B&B, seemed to come alive during Christmastime and the large evergreen tree farm spanning the back couple of acres of your land didn’t hurt that holiday magic.
You were putting the finishing touches on the smaller of the two rooms when you saw the headlights pulling up the drive. You didn’t have any other patrons booked for an arrival that day and everyone else was already halfway through dessert in the large living room which meant that your newest patrons had arrived right on time. Taking a deep breath, you gave the room one more look to make sure everything was in order, and made your way back downstairs to wait behind the front desk.
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Jensen pulled into the small parking lot of the Evergreen Forest Bed and Breakfast with just enough time to get the car unloaded before their check-in time. He parked the SUV, climbed out and stretched before opening up the trunk and pulling out bags.
“Alright you two, I need help with all the bags. Out of the car, please,” Jensen said from the trunk.
The groans of protest didn’t go unnoticed as Jordan and Lizzie got out of the car, slamming the doors behind them, and came around to meet their father by the trunk. Jordan practically snatched his bag from Jensen’s hand as Lizzie reached into the trunk to grab the two bags of her own. Jensen grabbed his bags and shut the trunk of the car, hitting the lock button on his keys, before leading the way up to the front of the B&B – his kids all the while complaining about their shoes getting caked in the snow that was covering the ground.
The building was larger than it looked in the photos on the website and it sat on a pretty large piece of land. In the distance Jensen could see the large tree farm and seated slightly off to the side, in between the tree farm and the large house in front of him, was a smaller house which he assumed is where the owner lived. Figuring he could always get a lay of the land when it was light out the next day he led his children up the front porch steps and stomped the snow off his shoes before he opened the front door of the B&B.
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The bell above the front door chimed and you looked up from the computer to see a tall man and his two teenagers walk through the door, the man reminding his kids to wipe the snow from their feet.
“Welcome to the Evergreen Forest,” you greeted. “You must be the Ackles family.”
“That we are,” the man smiled, approaching the desk. “I’m Jensen and these are my kids, Jordan and Lizzie.”
It took you a second to get your bearings when his brilliant green eyes met yours. You composed yourself quickly, hoping no one noticed your momentary loss of the ability to speak. You couldn’t remember the last time a man had been so handsome that he rendered you speechless – something that was difficult to do since you normally couldn’t shut up – but you shoved the thoughts from your mind and reminded yourself that he was one of your guests.
“It’s nice to meet you all, my name is Y/N. I am the owner and manager and basically everything but the cook,” you chuckled. “Now, let’s get you checked in.”
You went through the check-in process and grabbed the keys to the adjoining rooms from the hooks on the wall behind you and motioned for the family to follow you. When you reached the two rooms you handed the keys over.
“The room to the left has the two twin beds,” you said, handing Lizzie the key before turning toward Jensen and handing him the other key. “And the room to the right is the master. If you need anything at all my number is next to the phone on the end table. I live in a small house on the property so I’m not far in case of an emergency. We do breakfast at seven and I have to say our chef is one of the best on the east coast so even though I know it’s kind of early you won’t want to miss it. Dinner is usually around six every night followed by dessert in the living room. I’m afraid that leaves you all on your own for lunch but the town has some great restaurants and tons of stuff to do. I hope you all enjoy your stay and like I said, if you need anything, I’m just a call away.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” Jensen said with a smile.
“Anytime, Mr. Ackles,” you replied.
“Call me Jensen, please,” he said.
“Ok, Jensen,” you smiled. “Have a goodnight.”
You gave them all another smile and headed back downstairs to help clean up from dessert and get the house back in order before lights out.
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As you walked away Jensen couldn’t help but watch you. He was so sure that he would never look at another woman again when Laura had died but somehow he knew that you would be the one to change that. He shook his head and went to unlock his door.
“Get yourselves settled and then maybe we can watch a movie together before bed?” Jensen asked his kids.
Jordan and Lizzie shared a look, both clearly fully aware of how their father was looking at you.
“Rain check,” Lizzie said, “we’re both kind of tired from the drive.”
“Oh,” Jensen said, clearly disappointed though not entirely sure why he was expecting a different answer. “Ok, sure, yeah. You guys get some sleep then. We should get up early for breakfast.”
Jordan and Lizzie agreed that they would be up in time for breakfast and Jensen waited until his kids were in their room safely with the door shut behind them before heading into his own room, all the while trying to figure out why he felt such a strong connection to you.
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Forever Tags:  @iwantthedean​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @fudging-jefferson-starships​ @chelsea072498​ @dauntlessdiva​ @evyiione​ @xtina2191​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @illisea​ @growningupgeek​ @atc74​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @musiclovinchic93​
Dean/Jensen Tags: @akshi8278​ @sandlee44​ @anjiep24​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​
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itsohh · 11 months
One For the Road
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A/N: Hhhh first thing I’ve finished for a while. I keep losing passion for the things I’m writing but I ended up finishing this at like 5am this morning with the ol listen to a song on repeat non stop trick.
Summary: Finally taking a break from work, Taina finds you having a good time at the organisation's 'unofficial bar'. At the end of the night, the pair of you plan to head home but one quick trip to the bathroom is required.
Word count: 2225
Warnings: Smut
AO3 Masterlist
It wasn't too often that she ended up in The Rec Room anymore. With her position as a squad leader, a lot of her time was spent agonising over details and plans. With Nøkk, Eliza Harry and Jordan all out of the picture there was much heavier pressure on her shoulders. It made sleep harder and the days longer. Yet, with the help of Yumiko, Gustave and Sam it was never too much. Yumiko was a solid strategist who worked well with her. Gustave allowed her work to continue without question or the limelight and then Sam was a rock that ensured that she made the correct decisions.
Sam also happened to be the one that made sure that she had a work-life balance. Which is why she was locked out of her own office. Sure, she could break in if she really tried but Sam gave her that look, one that told her to listen. "Go relax. Enjoy yourself. Working yourself to death isn't going to help anyone."
His words rang in her mind as she entered The Rec Room. It was more of a bar than a proper rec room, certainly not to normal regulation. It wasn't their proper rec room, it just had the same name. It wasn't part of their base, therefore, not against regulation. It was, after all, a public place. A public place that only Rainbow operatives knew about. A secret little underground bar that had plenty of business from them all.
Her first intention had been to hit up the bar for a drink but a group of loud laughter caught her ear. In the almost completely deserted bar, three people seemed to be enjoying themselves by the pool tables.
Ana, Max, and most interestingly, you. Taina's travelled to Ana who leaned against a post. She watched as you and Max dramatically sang and danced to the music. The pair of you seemed like you didn't have a care in the world while Ana was content to enjoy the display.
"I can't get her off of my brain." In a dramatic turn to face Max, the back of your hand flew to your forehead. A pained and closed-eye expression spread across your face. Max braced his hand on the side of the pool table and leaned closer to you. He had a fake shocked expression as he poorly sang the next line.
"I just wanna go to the party she gon' go."
Your hands fell out and your arms flew into a shrug. "Can somebody take me home?"
There was a pause between the pair of you as the song picked up. A devious grin spread across your face, one that was mirrored on Max's.
"Love me, hate me, say what you want about me. But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy." The pair of you sang off-key at each other and Taina couldn't help the way her lips curled upward at the sight. Her silent footsteps had her approach and at first, only Ana noticed.
"Having fun are they?" Neither of the two women looked at each other.
"They said and I quote 'this is our song', I presume there's more to the story." Ana raised a brow and Taina pressed her lips together.
"It's not one I know."
"Are they like this often? We were playing pool." Ana glanced back to the table.
"All the time, it's one of the reasons they don't get paired up together very often in training."
"Why's that?"
"I imagine in a real scenario they would be fine but in training, they can't take it seriously enough."
"At least they know how to make the mood light." Ana smiled and Taina glanced down for a second.
"Hey, Cav!" Max's voice had you spin around and her eyes snapped up to meet his then yours. Your shoulders dropped and your smile drew into a large grin.
"Taina! You're finally out of your office." Your hand twitched slightly and she could tell that you were itching to hug her but refrained from doing so. You respected her public boundaries.
"I am. Sam made sure of that." Taina pretended to sound annoyed but didn't stop the slight smile on her face.
"Told you she would listen to him." Your hush voice spoke to Max and nudged him with your elbow. Taina raised a brow and you pretended to be innocent.
Taina didn't push the matter. "What are you two drinking?"
"Cranberry juice." You picked the glass off the high-end table next to you and Max showed her his bottle of Corona.
"How 'bout I buy you a drink Boss?" Max asked and Taina shook her head.
"Don't plan on staying too long." Her eyes met yours and the pair of you silently communicated.
"What about a game then? We have been killing Ana." Your hand emphasised your words alongside your voice. When Taina looked towards Ana she recover a shrug.
"They are surprisingly good at the game."
"It's because they spend all their time playing rather than practising." The scold didn't have any venom to it. It was a tease.
"Hey, you're his boss, not mine. I think Yumikos quite happy with my training  habits."  
Taina rolled her eyes at you and picked up Ana's cue that rest next to her. "Come on then, one game."
What started as a lighthearted game turned into something more. Sure, you and Max made a good team but Taina just happened to be good. Really good. What she really focused on though, was the way you bent over that table. Your eyes focused on the ball in front of you. Lined up perfectly, you were almost completely flush against it. With your leg hiked up on the table she got a decent view of your back. Just before you hit the ball, your eyes flicked up to meet hers. Your tongue darted out over your smiling lips.
In that second it seemed like all of eternity, a slow-motion moment that didn't stop. But you continued, with the wink of your left eye time sped up once again. Taina's breath hitched and she watched as you sunk the ball in.
A loud sound came as Max high-fived you. He bent over the table and one by one the pair of you perfected the entire game. A smug smile graced your entire face and your hand slapped into Max's once again. The pair of you pulled into each other and nodded.
"That's how it's done Goose." You laughed and he grinned back at you.
"Sure is." The pair of you basked in your glory before you turned to Ana and Taina.
"Good game ladies, maybe next time there will be a different outcome."
"Uh-huh." Ana folded her arms with doubt.
"Well, that was the one game."
"You off to hit the sack?" Max asked before he took a sip of his drink.
"It's late."
"Gotta get those eight hours of uninterrupted sleep huh?" You teased and licked your bottom lip before you continued. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom and I'll be right with you." The look in your eyes was all Taina needed to know.
"I'll come with you." Her eyes were of a predator and Max shrugged to Ana when the pair of you promptly left the pool table.
"See you later guys!" You waved over your shoulder and slipped off towards the bathroom.
The pair of you had barely stepped into the woman's bathroom before she was on you. Her soft lips pressed against your throat while her palms shoved your shoulders. The force had your back slam against the tiled bathroom wall. A moan escaped your mouth as your head tilted back. Eyes closed, the moan turned into a breathy choke before you swallowed.
Taina's hands found the side of your thighs where she pawed and squeezed at the side of them. Open-mouth kisses continued to litter your neck, she nipped and sucked on the flesh but not hard enough to leave a mark. With a solid grip on your thighs, she pulled them apart and slotted her body in between them. In the same motion, she lift you up off the ground and you automatically wrapped your legs around her waist.
"Is this what you wanted when you got Sam to do your dirty work?" Taina's voice purred out but there was also a slightly aggressive undertone to it.
"I- ngh -genuinely wanted you to take a break. We all did."
"All?" She pressed her clothed cunt against yours. No friction but the pressure started to get to you, joint with the manhandling groping she did on your thighs.
"Me and everyone in Ghosteyes. You come to bed so late and push yourself so hard."
"I always push myself hard." Her lips detached from your throat and made itself up to your ear.
"Yeah, but this is unhealthy hard. You’re just as bad as As-" You cut yourself off and the pair of you stiffened at the thought. "I might not be in your squad or a squad leader but I'm here for you Taina. I miss you." Your head lowered and your pleading eyes met hers. "We're a team." She paused and looked into your eyes.
Taina slowly leaned in, far softer and slower than all her earlier movements. Those soft lips finally graced your own and she poured all her emotions into it. It ramped up and your hand tangled in her hair. That kiss always a promise. Everything that had been building up over all the weeks finally came to a burst.
Your hand tugged at her hair and that was it. She practically growled against your lips and pulled you away from the wall. The cool touch of the sink basin made contact with the bottom of your thighs and Taina pulled away from your body. Your mouth gaped open slightly when she sunk down on her knees. Her hands grabbed the side of your shorts and pulled them down with her, you lift your hips slightly to help. Soon she had dropped your shorts on the floor, her eyes on yours for a moment before her focus was on your cunt before her.
Taina didn't bother to remove your underwear and only pulled them to the side. The cool hair against your cunt had you shiver and you gasped when her tongue ran the entire base against you. From the bottom of your lips to the top of your clit she firmly dragged her tongue against it.
Your hand flew to your mouth to prevent yourself from crying out her name. She had that smug look on her face but didn't repeat the motion. With two fingers Taina pushed your lips open. This time her tongue dipped into your cunt and lapped at your juices. Her mouth pressed against your cunt firmly and she sucked on you before she pulled back.
Caveira lets go of you for a moment and pushed her hair back. She stretched her neck slightly and found her grip on your thighs once again. You watched when she rolled her shoulders and then forced back in.
The tip of her tongue traced the outside of your lips. She dragged it against your entire cunt. The tip of her tongue made little kitten licks against your clit which had you bury both hands back into her head.
You bucked slightly against her mouth and swore out as she alternated between long swipes and more focused smaller ones. Each one firm against your cunt. Her nose pressed against your skin and you leaned against the mirror while she ate you would with everything she had.
One hand let go of your thigh and she pressed two fingers against your now swollen cunt. Already abused from her mouth, she started to rub it in circles. "Taina." Your moan of her name rewarded you with a light bite against the inside of your thigh. She always did love the way you dragged out the end of her name.
"Close aren't you?" Her tongue danced over her teeth with a smile. "Come on, you don't need my permission. Cum for me."
Her eyes stayed on yours as she expertly continued to run your clit. Your face shivered and you bit down on your lips to prevent yourself from crying out. A muffled whimper slipped through as pleasure tipped over the scales and you moved your hips against her hands. Your thighs squeezed shut and she had to catch them as you came.
"There's a good girl." She let go of your cunt and helped put your underwear back into place. A wet patch soaked through and she stuck her coated fingers into her mouth. With a humm, she sucked on your taste. "I'm sorry for making you miss me." Taina rose to her feet and nestled her way against you. The pal of her hand slapped against the mirror and she leaned in.
A slow wet kiss full of tongue shared with you, her tongue licked against your own and you could taste yourself on her. "I'll make it up to you." She promised and you let out a little whine.
"I want you to look after yourself." You murmured against her lips, only barely disconnected.
"Two birds one stone."
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geminimoonbeamx · 2 years
Reality Bites: Dazed & Confused(3/6)
A/N: I hope you guys dig this! This was an extra little filler that I thought I’d give Ya’ll, a little peek into Bean, Peach and Steve’s dynamic. @allaboardthereadingrailroad, this might be my fave chapter. 
Warnings: Copious amounts of drug use. Pass the dutchie.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Plus Sized Reader
Summary: You invite Steve to come along on a ritual smoke-sesh with Bean. He cannot hang. 
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Chapter Three: You Spin Me Right Round Baby
You hate Fridays, how could a day that used to mean freedom, that you used to count down the hours to, now be the bane of your existence? 
As you watch the line to the register grow and the store become increasingly more crowded its crystal clear. 
Everyone and their fucking mother coms to the mall on Friday. 
After five, once corporate releases its zombies, they all gather at Star Court. 
You avoid the three to close shift like the plague on the weekends.
 But well, Jimmy is a basket case and totally has it out for his workers because he’s upset he lives in his mom's basement. 
You're forced to deal with another middle-aged woman shoving a cassette in your face and demanding a refund because she couldn't figure out that it had a B-Side, 
“Ma’am, I understand your frustration but once it's been taken out of its wrapping, we can't give you a cash refund, it’s Sam’s policy. But we can issue you in-store credit”-
“That's simply unacceptable. I want to speak to a manager. I spend my money here and I expect better customer service than this. I want to speak to Sam, right now” 
You want to choke her.
You want to burn down Jimmy’s moms house and the basement that he resides in, 
Instead, you take a breath through your nose, and widen your smile “Ma’am, unfortunately there's not a manager in today, but I’m sure me or one of my team members can figure this out for you. As for Sam, that’s not a person- it’s short for Sam Goody” 
The store you’re in you dumb bitch. 
You add that part mentally.
Her face still screws, and you still take a tongue lashing for another five minutes before she accepts a new Joni Mitchel tape, snatching it out of your hands and storming out of the store. 
You lock eyes with Bean, who’s fighting for her life in the Heavy Metal section. A screaming preteen and their parents in front of her-
“Black Sabbath is devil music! I will not hear, not one more bit’a it” 
It's been one of those Fridays. 
You’re hanging on by a thread, only the promise of your break keeping you sane. A joint and a smoothie from the Julius. You’d rather have a shake but well- you're not even craving one. 
That badly. 
Not badly enough to face Steve, who's also working until closing down at Scoops. 
No, you needed some distance. Some space to breathe. 
Lately your life had seemed to be choked full of nothing but him and it made your skin crawl, made sirens go off in your head. 
Steve gives good head, 
Without you even having to ask. 
Why’d he have to make things weird? 
We could get dinner at Enzo’s sometime, you're off this weekend right? I know reservations aren't easy to score but my dad actually gave the owner the loan to open so we can go in whenever. If you wanted…do you want?”
That had been two nights ago, the two of you in his bedroom. 
Because that's something you do now, spend time in Steve Harrington's bedroom. His parents are like never home, as usual, and it was easier to hook up at his place when Uncle Elliot’s not at work.
All for convenience, really. 
He’d just made you touch the moon, and before you could even wallow in post orgasmic haze fully there he was. 
Being complicated. 
Offering things like Italian by candlelight, and he’d pick you up at eight- if you wanted. 
You very much did not want- and had pulled on your clothes with an excuse. 
You have to be up early to take Bowie to the vet, no, Uncle Elliot can't do it. Bye, see ya later. 
On the drive home, as you weaved in and out of the neighborhoods of Hawkins, you couldn't deny that penne vodka did sound good. Steve would look good in the warm glow of candles- 
Oh now.
“Hey miss, can you check me out or not?”
Break could not come soon enough. 
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“What is wrong with people?” Bean laments as the two of you navigate the parking lot. The crow is so thick out here, it must look like ants from an aerial view. “The world needs a new epidemic. The human race needs to be culled” 
You snort and stuff the last couple fries in your mouth “That lady was like ninety years old, she didn't mean to spill your Icee” 
“Not just her, I mean like generally” 
“Mmkay, sure” You throw an arm around her shoulder “It’s okay, Grumpy Bear, in like ten minutes the rest of the world will barely exist. That shit we got from that scary guy actually turned out to be pretty dank” 
“True, very true, it was worth the life risking” Bean agrees, “I mean we could’ve been chopped up into a million little pieces, but I really have never been so high in my life. Shit, you should've seen what happened at dinner the other night. It’s like my mom could smell it on me- and Erica’s such a little asshole, she almost got me caught”
You loved Bean's little sister, you aspired to be Erica Sinclair when you grew up. You tell Bean of that fact often. 
“Are you sure she couldn't actually smell it on you?”
“Absolutely the fuck not. I smoked in the woods behind our house, and then showered after, tooth paste and mouth wash. You know I have to be extra careful, my parents would literally kill me if they found out” 
“You’re right, it would be the actual end of the world if their Purdue bound, future Scientist got caught smoking a little Ganja. I really could literally see your dad breaking down in to tears” 
“No dude, he’d totally cry. Act like I’m snorting hack drugs or something in my spare time” 
You can’t help but chuckle at the mental image of Mr. Sinclair weeping over his drug addled daughter. 
Beans parents are kind of overbearing, but like, in the normal way. It makes you wonder what having a live mother and real father would be like. 
You’d acquired a few too many bad habits for parentals at this point, you think. 
The lot is full, there’s people everywhere, and you don’t notice the maroon BMW until you’re already right in front of it. Until the driver's side door slams shut behind the lanky brunette. 
What are the odds that you and Steve just happen to have your break at the same time?
“It’s the universe. I don’t know what signs it’s trying to give me, but it keeps aligning at just the wrong point. It’s like I can’t get away from him”
“It may be universe, or you know what else it might be?  The fact that we all work at the same place, Peach”
You’d told Bean, told her that you and Steve were stuck in some wacky loophole. If this isn’t proof, then what is?
“Um, Hi Steve” you greet, keeping it cool. Casual. There’s nothing going on, this isn’t weird. 
You slip your arm from the perch of Bean's shoulder and stand a little straighter.
“Hey girls” Steve nods at the two of you and the small smile and wave that Bean gives is terribly forced. “What are you up to?”
“Nothing much. Just taking our break- as far away from this hell hole as possible” you crack the joke and for some reason it doesn’t make impact. Steve’s laugh is half-hearted, more of a short grunt then anything. 
What the hell? He always laughs at your jokes. 
“Same here” he answers instead 
“Oh. That’s cool?”
“Yeah, um if you want we could go do something“ he throws out, casts a line. 
“Can’t, we already have plans” you reply, softer, and even then, he looks a little bit like a kicked puppy. He masks it with bravado and nods, because of course you do.
 That’s why the two of you are together- plans. 
“Can we go smoke now? We should hurry, so we have enough time to get back and clock in?” Bean interjects and God you love her and you know she can’t handle tension like this, but right now, you want to wallop her. 
Because you know the moment it comes out, what you’ve been forced to do. 
“Yeah, let’s go. Steve, do you wanna come with?” It’s polite. It’s the right thing to do, the right thing to ask. 
“What?” The inquiry comes at you from both ways, feminine and masculine voices converging as to sets of dark eyes zero in on you. Bean looks shocked. Steve hesitant. 
“Come smoke with us? Fridays are literal dumpster fire and I think we could all use the relief. But if you don’t want to that’s okay”  Please say you don’t want to. 
“No, I’ll come. Where do you guys usually go because I could drive. We could take my car?” Steve offers and you can feel Bean still staring at you like you’d grown a second head. 
“We don’t need to drive, just follow us, okay? Oh and bring that cologne you keep on the dash, you might need it” you warn him, because the weed in your bookbag is anything but mild. 
When he bends back into his car Bean pinches your arm 
What the fuck.
She doesn’t have to scream it, doesn’t even have to open her mouth to say it. It’s written all over her face. 
You know I couldn’t just leave him here. It’s not my fault! 
Women have this gift, the gift of telepathic gab. 
The two of you have an entire conversation, silently, before Steve rejoins you and you’re off. 
You suck ass. 
At least that’s what you think Beans last little glare would be translated to. 
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You take Steve to your secret spot. Which is not as much secret as it is unknown. A little corner off the east loading bay, gated off. 
What most people don’t know? The gates never locked. 
You had discovered it early into your Star Court career, perpetually lost you’d somehow ended up here. No one ever uses the space and it’s hidden away from view. 
The perfect place to spark up. 
It’s kind of a walk, but there’s a little bench and to this day you and Bean hadn’t had any run-ins with security. 
You inform Steve of this as you’re sat on the green metal, pulling the tin from your bag. 
“You smoke at work? Like all the time” he clarifies, looking doubtful. He turns the look to Bean who shrugs and nods.
“All the time, it’s really no biggie” You explain, pulling out the joint that bean had pre-rolled in your car on the way to work. It’s a beauty, but then again they always are. She’s an artist. 
“Do you want greens?” You offer and when he looks hesitant you sign “look I’m not into that peer pressure shit. You don’t have to smoke if you don’t want to” 
You spark the joint, running your purple lighter along the twisted edge and until it’s cherried and then taking a long drag. The smoke and burn familiar. 
You hand it off to Bean who hits it long and smooth. 
“We never get caught, if that’s any consolation” she tells him, exhaling a large flume of smoke before holding it up, a small non-forceful offer. 
Steve takes one more moment, and then gives the universal sign of fuck it. Shoulders shrugged, taking the spliff. 
He hits it way too hard, and ends up hacking. You both wince because ouch. 
“Jeeze Steve, come on. I know you don’t have baby lungs. You got me high for my first time at the twins’ party back in eighth grade” you tease him, taking the joint from him and trying not to laugh as he composes himself. 
“I don’t that’s just harsh” his pretty face is flushed, but he’s catching his breath. Kind of. 
You scoot on the bench, closer to Bean, giving him room to sit. It’s always a perfect fit for the two of you but with Steve it’s tight, you’re sandwiched in the middle, and that’s not so bad, is it? 
That might just be the weed taking. Strongest shit ever. 
The three of you bleed away the minutes, puff-puff passing. Chatting about nothing. 
Well you and Steve chat, mostly Steve who you now know gets extremely talkative when he’s got THC in his system. 
Beans quieter but that’s to be expected, she doesn’t know Steve. And what she does know of him, she’s not sure she likes. 
“It’s been real life hell. This woman threw a Mannilow record at our coworker, shit was nuts. Right, Bean”
“Bean? Is that your actual name?” Steve wonders, sitting up to look past you and at your friend. 
You wonder if she knows how cool she looks, hair tied up, sunglasses resting on her nose. Even if you told her she wouldn’t believe you. 
“Um, no?” She answers, giving him a look over her dark glasses that has you bursting into laughter, you cover your mouth with your hand in an attempt to smother it.
“I didn’t think so. You're Lucas' sister, right?” Steve goes on, extroverted as ever. He could talk to anyone, it had always been his trade. 
Beans a tough egg to crack though. 
You’d learnt that. Last year when you were partnered with her, back in school. It had taken a minute for your friendship to bloom. 
“Yeah, Lucas is my little brother” Bean replies easily, taking her turn “My name’s B/R/N”
“Oh yeah! We had that Geometry class together, right?” Steve insists, excited, like he’d solved an equation. 
“No” Bean counters. Not rude, maybe a little aloof but mostly just high. 
Steve face falls a bit, lips pursed “You sure, I could’ve sworn?-“
“I was in honors math all throughout High School- so when you were taking Geometry, I was taking Trig” she explains, the fucking brainiac. “Must’ve been someone else” 
“Ugh” you gag “even hearing math terms makes me want to slit my wrists” 
“Shit, honors all throughout school? You must be going off somewhere big in the fall” Steve guesses, correctly unbeknownst to him. 
He whistles and even though talking about the impending doom that is Autumn, you can’t help but grin. 
You’re happy for her, even if you’re sad for yourself. 
“Our little scientist. She’s going to win a Nobel Prize one day” you gush like a proud mom. I mean, Beans mom is already proud, but she can have two of them. 
“I’m aiming more for a Fields Medal” She corrects you and you blow a very mature raspberry at her
“Okay smart ass, maybe aim for not killing one of our customers tonight” 
“Peach, did you or did you not just say that you wanted to burn our bosses house to the ground, with him and his family trapped inside?” She reminds you, dead serious, of the threats you’d made against Jimmy’s life.
“I did, yes” it only takes you locking gazes with your friend for a moment before you’re both chuckling. 
This weed is good as hell. 
Giggle weed, you’d named it. 
It made you feel cloud-like and light. Everything was funnier on this high, the world and all of its issues less rigid.
“Peach? Is that a nickname for you, Y/N?” Steve is just full of questions, he looks you up and down with a smile “When did you guys get so close? I don’t remember you ever hanging out in school”
“When did you become friends with a bunch of thirteen year olds, including my brother?” Bean shoots back fast and you think that Steve will have to get the hang of her eventually. 
Figure out that she’s all wit and no bite. 
I mean, if he wanted to be…friends with you at all, that would be a necessity. 
The sky is blue, and yeah it’s hot as balls, even in the evening- but you’re sitting between two of your favorite people. 
Or maybe just your favorite person and Steve, you hadn’t decided yet. 
But the with every puff you think that yeah. It might not be so bad- Steve might not be so bad.
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“You’re the worst”
You accuse Steve in a whisper as the three of you walk through the sliding doors of the mall “pull it the fuck together, I swear, I’m never smoking with you again”
Steve’s first talkative when he’s high. And then giggily, which might just have been the strain. But now he’s paranoid. 
Super paranoid. 
“I smell like weed, you smell like weed. There’s no way Robins not going to be able to smell me” he insists, like he has been for the last ten minutes. 
Even though he’s drowned himself in so much cologne that all you could smell within a mile radius of him was Dior.
“It’s fine. Robin isn’t going to know if you just chill out” you whisper at him, allowing the grip he has on your hand to tighten because he’s freaking out for no reason and you feel just a tad bit responsible. 
You should’ve known he couldn’t keep up with you and Bean. 
Steve’s “I smoke at parties” tolerance was far from you and Bean's “I smoke the moment I wake up” tolerance.
It had only been one joint, but for him it was way too much. 
“It’s all in your head, on the outside you look fine. I mean you’re in a sailor costume, but you look fine” Beans reassures in a way only she could. “And plus, who cares about Robin?”
“Exactly, who cares about Robin? She’s not your boss. She can’t fire you. Fuck her. Just go in and be chill. Hah, get it. Chill. Because you work at an ice cream place-“ 
At least someone gets your joke, the peal of laughter Bean lets out makes you snigger along. 
“It’s not funny and it’s not fuck Robin, we’re friends. Kind of“
“Oh?” You observe, 
“No, not like that. Not like we’re friends. She just likes to bust my balls-“
“I bet” you nod, and you probably shouldn’t be putting him through the usual wringer, not while he’s this stoned but you just can’t help yourself. 
“Stop it, I know what you’re doing and I’m already tripping out. I can’t handle any freaky foreplay head games right now” Steve’s serious and grasping your hand tighter, his palm sweaty as your fingers interlock.
And if you have to take the rest of the day off to take this idiot home and take care of him you’re going to be so annoyed. 
“Hey Steve,” Bean calls, giving him just a moment before taking a piece of ice from her water cup she’d scored at the food court and placing it in his empty hand “There, sudden exposure to cold is known to bring down a high. And you work in an Ice Cream parlor. It’s fine. Stop tripping out, you’re harshing my mellow” 
He looks shocked for a second, before fisting the ice “Yeah, you’re right, that does feel better” 
She shrugs and turns her back, her jet-black bun bobbing. 
“You’re going to be okay, dude. If anything, just clock out early. I’ll come check on you, if I get the time” you instruct him as you and Bean drop him off in the doorway of Scoops. 
Like he’s your kindergartener. 
He nods, and goes forward into the abyss. The rainbow colored, multi flavored abyss. 
“Oh my god I’m never smoking with you and your boyfriend again” Bean hisses, once he’s out of earshot and you glare at her and bump her arm with yours as you redirect. 
“He's not my boyfriend. Not even close. He’s barely even my friend, he’s just a friend with benefits. Benefits, mostly” you correct her, because she’s got it all wrong. 
“Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself. Because Honestly, you’re doing a poor job of both” Bean is cutting. 
You’d learned that a long time ago. She’s direct and blunt and sometimes? She has too good of an aim. 
“Fuck you, Yoda. I hate that you get all philosophical when you’re stoned, you’re the worst” you accuse her, glaring at the side of her head as you make your way back to work. 
“Right back at ya” 
And the two of you clock back into hell. 
Were halfway done. How did that happen? I hope you guys are enjoying the adventures of Peach and Bean as much as we enjoyed writing them. Please, continue to leave feedback. It means more then you know. 
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hollandorks · 2 years
shadows in the night
battinson!bruce wayne x f!reader
chapter three
summary: more than a year after the events of middle of the night, y/n and Bruce are happily engaged and working to lower the amount of crime in Gotham. However, a new killer calling himself the Riddler has other plans for their happiness…set during the events of the movie, mostly canonical, some changes made to fit the story
a/n: Time for another chapter! Trying to stick to a twice a week schedule for now until the draft of the fic is completed! I’ll be going on vacation starting this Sunday so I’m not sure when ch 4 will be posted. I’m going to try to make time to post while I’m gone though! Also, yes I am randomly changing the setting of the house around to make it not be the tower but still fit with the movie! 
If you feel like supporting me further, donate to my ko-fi! You can get either a teaser for the next chapter (for lower donation amounts) or the entire next chapter (higher donation amounts). Find more info and the link to my ko-fi here!
Series Masterlist
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word count: 3448
She really had a bad feeling about this. Something was brewing in Gotham, and Batman was at the center of it all.
The roar of Bruce’s motorcycle preceded him into the Batcave by several minutes. The bats that had settled after y/n’s earlier entrance now took off again, screeching and chittering in a familiar rush of noise. 
She wanted to ask Bruce a bunch of questions, but she waited while he removed the motorcycle helmet, set aside the backpack with the cowl in it, and walked over to the workstation that held the screen. 
He took out the contacts and earpiece and set them both in their proper place. 
His shoulders were tense. His face was drawn and tired. 
Y/n tried really hard not to chew a hole in her lip. 
“I can hear you, you know,” Bruce murmured as he started his routine replay of the night. On screen, a subway station materialized, a gang of men in weird face paint watching him from a distance. 
“Hear what?” she asked with a frown. She hadn’t sighed, had she? She was trying to be patient, but– 
“Biting your tongue and trying not to ask a million questions.” He gave her a small lift of the lips that could have been a smile. 
She smiled a little sheepishly. “Sorry.” 
He brushed one knuckle against her cheek and pulled his latest journal closer. “You watch, I’ll write.” 
She nodded, glad that the curiosity burning a hole in her chest would soon be eased. Bruce reached around her and turned up what she referred to as his “moody writing playlist,” which was mostly a bunch of Nirvana. He always listened to something while he wrote and watched the replays of his night. When she’d asked about it, he’d said it helped him to get his mind off of things, helped him focus his thoughts more objectively by not getting as caught up in the recordings. Without the music, he was too focused on the recordings when he wanted to be shedding the Batman for the night. 
As Bruce started scribbling furiously, she watched his night unfold across the screen. The face-paint guys were getting their asses kicked. 
“I’m vengeance,” Bruce’s voice said on the screen. 
Y/n couldn’t help it. She snorted. “You’re so dramatic,” she teased, earning herself a small smile from Bruce as he wrote. 
She watched him take her call the moment he’d finished kicking those guys’ asses, watched him meet with Gordon and receive the news about the interim mayor. 
“Unbelievable breaking news this hour, everyone,” the GC1 anchor said from behind them on the screen playing the news. Y/n hit pause on Bruce’s recordings to listen. Might be better to ease into it before she watched the crime scene footage. “Interim Mayor Don Mitchell, Jr. was found murdered last night inside his home in the exclusive Crest Hill district.” 
A woman’s voice chimed in. “Exact details of the crime still have not been released, but a citywide manhunt is already underway as police and FBI search for the brazen killer. And this certainly is not the first time Gotham has been rocked by the murder of a political figure. In fact, in an eerie coincidence, it was 20 years ago this week that celebrated billionaire philanthropist Dr. Thomas Wayne and his wife Martha were slain during Wayne’s own mayoral campaign. It was a shocking crime that remains unsolved to this day.” 
She and Bruce both froze. He reached over and turned off the music. He was trying to downplay it, but she could see how his whole body tensed. How every single part of him was suddenly focused on the news. 
The news anchors continued. “Don Mitchell, Jr.’s political career was especially notable for his tough war on drugs when he and city police launched a major sting operation, resulting in the arrest of notorious mafia crime figure Salvatore Maroni with what, to this day, remains the biggest drug bust in GCPD history.” 
The elevator rattled to a halt and Alfred came limping out. 
The news reporter continued, “Don Mitchell, Jr. has had such a successful run as interim mayor that he had planned to–” 
Bruce and y/n both turned back to the replay of the night while the news played on. 
“I assume you’ve heard about this,” Alfred said as he handed Bruce a glass of green juice. He patted y/n on the arm. “I didn’t know you were back, dear, or I would have brought some down for you as well.” 
Y/n glanced suspiciously at the juice. “That’s alright, I ate at the restaurant.” It was a lie–she’d completely forgotten until that moment to eat. She’d been too worried about Bruce, too caught up in working to keep her mind off of what was going on. 
On the screen in front of them was a man with his face completely wrapped in duct tape. 
“All this blood’s from his head?” Gordon asked on the video. 
Y/n swallowed. Bruce was tense next to her. She had no idea if it was because of the murder in front of them or the mention of the anniversary of his parents’ murders, or both. 
A second detective on screen answered Gordon. “Most of it’s from his hand. Thumb was severed. Killer may have taken it as a trophy.” 
Y/n swallowed again and averted her eyes as Bruce’s lens went to the aforementioned severed thumb. 
“He was alive when it was cut off. Ecchymosis…around the wound.” Bruce’s voice on the video, this time. 
“Nerd,” she muttered, elbowing him. She couldn’t help it. He was on edge, and she wanted to make it better. It worked, a little. He at the very least rolled his eyes as they continued to watch the crime scene unfold. 
After a couple of minutes, Bruce printed out a copy of the card the killer had left him. 
“I don’t like this,” she said softly as her eyes skimmed over the words. Bruce started scribbling furiously on the printout. He lies still. She had no idea how he’d figured out the riddle so fast, and in front of a bloodied body no less. Sometimes she forgot just how smart he was. 
Alfred’s gaze darted between Bruce writing and the screen, where Gordon was holding up an envelope that was addressed to Batman. “The killer left this for the Batman?” he asked incredulously. 
“Apparently,” Bruce muttered. 
“You’re becoming quite a celebrity.” 
Y/n kept quiet, eyes fixed on the screen, brain whirring. This wasn’t good, she thought for the hundredth time. She had a really bad feeling about all of this, and she couldn’t shake it. Now that she was seeing what Bruce had seen…
“Why is he writing to you?” she and Alfred asked at the exact same time. They exchanged a sharp look. 
Bruce was unphased. “I don’t know yet.” 
There was tension in Alfred’s eyes. He was as freaked out as she was, y/n realized. And Bruce was acting like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. 
“Have a shower,” Alfred said authoritatively. “Our accounting friends at Wayne Enterprises are coming for breakfast.” 
Y/n and Bruce both jerked their heads towards Alfred. 
“Here? Why?” Bruce demanded. His shoulders were even more tense than before, if that was impossible. She gently laid a hand on the crook of his elbow. She could feel the hard edge of the suit armor beneath the jacket. 
“Because I couldn’t get you to go there,” Alfred snapped. Usually Alfred wasn’t like this but this new killer had them all so immediately on edge she knew he was struggling to control himself. She knew what they were all thinking about–another case, another murder, another mayor. It was like it was still haunting them, even after more than a year. 
“I haven’t got time for this.” 
“It’s getting serious, Bruce. If this continues, it won’t be long before you’ve nothing left.” Alfred’s fists clenched. 
“I don’t care about that. Any of that.” 
Y/n tried very hard to disappear into the shadows like Bruce did so well. She didn’t want to be a part of this argument.  
Alfred’s voice was calmer now. “You don’t care about your family’s legacy? About your life with y/n? Your future?” 
“What I’m doing is my family’s legacy. If I can’t change things, Gotham will destroy our future. If I can’t change things here, if I can’t have an effect, then I don’t care what happens to me.” Bruce clenched his jaw so tightly she was sure it would break. 
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” Alfred said a bit sadly. It’s what y/n was afraid of too, though she didn’t chime in. This was between the two of them. 
Bruce gave a humorless smirk. “Alfred, stop. You’re not my father.” She couldn’t help her wince at the words. 
Alfred’s expression closed off immediately. “I’m well aware.” Her heart squeezed at the obvious pain in the older man’s eyes. 
“Bruce–” she said, but he smacked a button on the computer to print something and stalked off to the elevator. 
She and Alfred shared a look after Bruce was gone. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “He–” 
“You don’t need to apologize for him,” Alfred said softly. “He’s right, I’m not his father. But…” 
“I know,” she said. But Bruce needed someone to look out for him. “He’s being a dick. I’ll talk to him.” 
Alfred gave her a small smile. Behind her, the computer was still playing Bruce’s night. A shift in Alfred’s expression had her turning to look at the screen.  
On the screen, a young boy sat alone on a bed. 
“We really gotta go, man,” Gordon said on the recording. 
Alfred closed his eyes and sighed. 
“Oh,” y/n said, suddenly understanding Bruce’s mood a lot better. 
The boy had found his father.
Just like Bruce had seen his parents get killed, almost exactly twenty years ago. 
Once, when she was recovering in the hospital from the events of the gala, Alfred had told her that Bruce blamed himself for the murder of his parents. He’d only been a kid at the time, but apparently that hadn’t mattered. It’s what had started him on this whole journey to becoming Batman. 
Her heart broke for Bruce all over again. 
“Let me–Let me talk to him,” y/n said as Alfred picked up the card and the cipher Bruce had printed. 
“Thank you, dear,” Alfred murmured. They shared another look. Without saying the words, she knew Alfred’s heart was breaking all over again for Bruce, just like hers was. But worse, because Alfred had lived through it, too. She squeezed his arm on her way to the elevator. 
Upstairs, Bruce was coming out of the shower, towel slung low on his waist, hair dripping water down his scarred and muscled chest. Normally, the sight would have driven her to distraction–and maybe into action–but her mind was too full of too many other things. 
“I’m sorry,” she said to him. “About–what you saw at the crime scene. I know–” 
He brushed past her to the dresser. 
“I know it’s hard,” she continued obstinately. “But you should be nicer to Alfred. He loves you. We both love you.” 
“I know,” Bruce snapped. He abruptly softened. He rested one clenched fist against the top of his dresser. “I know,” he said again. “I’ll–I should apologize.” 
“Yeah, you should.” When his head snapped up, she smiled so he would know she was being purposefully hard on him. 
“I don’t–why are the accountants coming here?” he asked suddenly. He yanked on a pair of pants. 
“Beats me. Although I probably pay about as much attention to this stuff as you do.” She shrugged. It was the truth. Wayne Enterprises had never particularly fascinated her, although Alfred had told her she would own shares of it when she and Bruce got married. She didn’t care about it, partly because Bruce didn’t care about it. She understood where he was coming from downstairs. The money didn’t matter. Helping Gotham mattered. Being together mattered. If they were broke and had to live under a bridge, she didn’t care, so long as he was with her. 
“We should probably go downstairs,” Bruce said as he blindly grabbed a shirt from the dresser. He seemed a little less tense and a little more guilty now. 
She tugged on his wrist as he walked past her. He stopped and looked down at ther. He softened further as he studied her. Her thumb stroked over the soft part of the inside of his wrist. 
“Hi,” she said with a soft smile. “Feel like I didn’t actually get to say hi to you yet.” 
“Hi,” he murmured.
She stood on her toes and kissed him lightly. “I love you.” 
“I love you.” He squeezed her hip with his free hand. There was a storm in his blue eyes, but it dimmed, just a bit, as he stared down at her.  
“Come on, Alfred might not be your dad, but he might still spank you.” 
Bruce snorted and followed her out to where Alfred was waiting in the large study on the other end of the second floor. They’d had a giant table put in so they could work at the same time, or use the separate desks in the space if they didn’t. Usually it was Bruce who spread papers across the entire surface, but she’d done the same thing when she was first launching the Gotham Project. It was a makeshift study and a smaller version of the library upstairs all rolled into one. 
Alfred’s preferred music–classical–drifted down the hallway to meet them. 
“Some fresh berries there,” Alfred said without looking up. Still mad, y/n thought with a grimace. Bruce idly lifted a blueberry to his mouth as he peered over Alfred’s shoulder at the cipher. 
Y/n excused herself to the kitchen to make coffee, leaving Alfred and Bruce to it. She hoped Bruce would apologize, but she wasn’t holding her breath. Even now, even after everything, getting Bruce to talk about his feelings was like pulling teeth and herding cats at the same time. Painful and impossible and sometimes not worth the hassle. He was most open with her, but with Alfred…it was hard to break old habits. For both of them. 
As her coffee machine percolated happily, her phone chimed with an alert. The accountants had been let in the gate and were making their way to the manor. 
She grabbed her coffee cup and went to the front door, glad she had dressed a little better than Bruce had as she greeted a couple of really professional looking accountants. She led them into the formal dining room–a room they had never used in all of her time in Wayne Manor–where breakfast was already waiting. 
“I’ll go get Mr. Wayne,” she said to the accountants, hustling out before she could get caught in conversation. “Please, help yourselves.” 
“The accountants are here,” she said to Alfred and Bruce when she re-entered the study. She tried really hard not to laugh at Bruce wearing sunglasses inside, but didn’t quite manage it. He sighed softly. He knew exactly what she was smirking about. 
She started silently praying that she, too, didn’t have to sit in on what was going to be a deathly boring meeting. 
“Go on, then,” Alfred gestured at Bruce. “Let’s go have breakfast. Y/n, you should get some sleep.” 
She opened her mouth to ask how he’d known, but then realized it was Alfred. Of course he knew she hadn’t slept, just like Bruce hadn’t slept. 
“Have fun.” She winked at Bruce, who winced. She was immensely glad she wasn’t to be included. 
She glanced at the cipher, now covered in letters, before immediately giving up. She wasn’t good at those sorts of things. 
After a few minutes, her curiosity got the better of her, and she wandered downstairs towards the dining room. She wasn’t going to eavesdrop, exactly, just make sure Bruce wasn’t causing a scene. That’s what she told herself, at least, as she clutched her coffee tightly and stopped just down the hallway out of sight. 
“–won’t sign a prenup. Everything is hers, whether I’m alive or dead. In fact, when we get married, she can have my shares in Wayne Enterprises. I don’t care. Everything I have is already hers, if she wants it.” 
Well, she thought drily. Looks like he’s causing a scene already. 
Then the words sank in. 
This meeting was about her. About getting Bruce involved in the company, but also ensuring that the company was safe from her. An oily feeling slithered slowly down her spine. Her gut clenched. Even as long as they’d been together, they thought she was going to steal the company and the Wayne money. 
But Bruce wanted her to have all of it. 
She flushed. 
“--be hasty, Mr. Wayne,” Alfred was saying in a soothing voice. “We’ll just add that to your living will, and then we’ll add her name to the shares upon your marriage like we discussed.” 
Bruce’s voice rose and fell again, interrupted by that of the accountants. 
Y/n really shouldn’t be eavesdropping. She crept back to their bedroom with her coffee and climbed into bed in the dark. The curtains were drawn, as usual, and she didn’t even bother turning on a lamp. As soon as Bruce was done, it was time for bed. 
Everything I have is already hers, if she wants it. 
She knew he loved her. Knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. But something about those words in particular caused warmth to surge through her while a lump formed in her throat. He was telling that–and vehemently–to official Wayne Enterprises accountants. 
It wasn’t much longer before Bruce came stomping into the room, shucking his shirt off as he went. He was muttering to himself, clearly worked up. 
“Hi,” she said. She set her empty coffee cup on the nightstand. 
He looked up guiltily. Even in the dark, she could tell he was flushed. “Oh–were you sleeping?” 
“No, your hissy fit was keeping me up.” But she smiled. He rolled his eyes. 
Bruce slid into the covers beside her and yanked her almost roughly to his bare chest. “They think you’re after my money,” he said angrily. 
“Oh, I am,” she said. 
He ignored her and continued on, “They want me to sign a prenup and they want me to keep you from owning shares of the company. At all.” His body was tensing more and more by the second. She knew that this, on top of everything he’d seen last night, was too much for him. “I don’t even–” 
“Shh,” she said. “If it makes everyone happy, I’ll sign. I don’t care about the money. We could live under a bridge for all I cared, as long as you were there. And as long as I had access to coffee.” 
She kissed the underside of his jaw. He relaxed marginally. 
“I’ll sign the whole goddamn company over to you right now just to spite them,” Bruce muttered. “You’d be better with it anyways.” 
Y/n stiffened. “I really don’t want that,” she said a bit breathlessly. It would be a nightmare, to say the least. 
“You’d be so good at it. I’ve seen what you’ve done with the Gotham Project in less than a year and–” 
“Okay, but Bryn and Ollie keep that place running, for the most part. Hey, maybe we should give Wayne Enterprises to them.” 
Finally, Bruce relaxed into her touch, and laughed. “I would really consider it, if it wouldn’t give Alfred an aneurism.” 
She huffed a laugh at the thought. “Yeah, let’s keep Alfred healthy. Between the two of us, he already has high blood pressure.” 
Bruce nuzzled his face into her hair and took a deep breath. Then another. Slowly, they both relaxed into each other’s warmth until their breathing matched. 
“I’m…scared,” y/n finally whispered. She hid her face in the space Bruce’s neck met his shoulder. She breathed in the scent of him. “I don’t like that this guy, this killer, addressed a card to you. And with Mitchell–” 
“I know,” Bruce murmured. “I’ll figure it out. But after you get a few hours of sleep first.” 
“Me?” she asked. One eyebrow quirked upwards even though he couldn’t see it, as tucked underneath his chin as she was. “I’ll sleep if you do.” 
She started to pull away but Bruce tightened his grip. He sighed. “Fine.” 
“Good, I was about to threaten you if you didn’t give in.” 
She grinned. He was already almost asleep. 
She let his quiet breathing soothe her until she too fell asleep, cradled in his arms.
Next Chapter
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Tuning In  (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Tuning In - Oneshot
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Author’s note:  
I’m still in recovery mode but my mind is so bored and filled with ideas! I managed to use my voice to text software to make a little oneshot to hold me over until I can type on my laptop again. If you want to timeline this oneshot in line with the series, I’d say it takes place between Breakfast for Two and Three Steps Back. Roughly? I dunno. It’s a scrap idea I wouldn’t be able to squeeze into the series as it stands right now.
As always, enjoy! I’m actually going to rest my hand now.
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A joyful tune escaped your lips.
It didn't have words much less a title, just a string of musical notes you hummed on the fly as you styled your hair.
It was any other day at your penthouse. The sun was beaming into your living room on all of your streaming equipment that was on your desk, ready to go. You had scheduled a virtual meet and greet for your fans that couldn't travel to Gotham to see you.
Cindy thought the idea was marvelous and wanted to make the event bigger than it already was but you toned her down the best you could. You wanted this to be intimate and fun, despite the expected turnout.
You posted the date and time months ago and the original message had already been liked over half a million times on different social media platforms.
In no way were you scared of your fans but that many people on a video? You had some pre-stream jitters.
Thankfully Cindy assigned IT and some background software programmers to make sure the event ran smoothly. But after that, it was all up to you.
She gave you free creative reign. Two hours of content completely up to you to plan and execute.
Saying you were excited was an understatement.
You made a flow chart to keep everything cohesive but added in Q & A slots in between segments for fans. Moderators would be standing by to keep the chat under control and to give you some breathing room so you didn't have to multitask. You planned this out thoroughly after all.
And rightfully so! You had a lot you wanted to cover.
Limited edition box sets were dropping next week and you purchased a main booth at the upcoming GothCon and you wanted everyone to know about it.
Signatures, private photo opportunities, timed book discussions, and new merch for sale at both the event and your online merch shop were available. You name it; it was happening.
You couldn't end the stream without giving a shout out to all of the recent art your fans had created since your last blog post and near the end of everything, you wanted to tease everyone about your new work in progress.
You couldn't help it! So what if you were a little troll? Your community loved that about you.
All of this and more, you hoped to talk about during the stream — if only you could get your hair looking right! You were so busy taking care of Joker these days your daily hair routine had fallen to the wayside.
It was still healthy and gorgeous just.. not right now. Trying to plait multiple braids to the scalp and letting the bottom portion be free and curly while pressed for time was nerve wracking and seemingly impossible.
It also didn't help that Joker was watching your every move.
Apparently he was in a good mood today. He acted more and more like your fake adopted cat by the day.
He wandered outside of his room after breakfast and decided to silently annoy you by parking himself smack dab in front of your desk.
His mind was originally focused on the tv but over time his eyes gravitated to you or rather to your hands that moved like magic through your h/c locks.
You were still working on the first braid and parted your hair with a fine tooth comb - how you did that so neatly without a mirror was mind boggling, and you positioned your hands to move hypnotically to form a braid.
He was also in awe with how fast you moved.
You braided about halfway back to the crown of your head before stopping. From there you let your natural texture be free and wild, spraying it with a curl defining product and incorporated it in thoroughly with a comb to set.
He fought back the urge to walk over and bury his hands into your fine silk. It looked softer than cashmere and it smelled intoxicating from far away. Were you trying to seduce him again?
You were doing a great job if so.
You started sectioning out the second braid but an incoming text on your phone stopped your progress.
It must've been IT in the way you wiped your hands free of any oily residue and fiddled with your computer setup with a huff.
Joker remembered you saying the stream began at the top of the hour. He glanced at the clock and began to worry if you would make it on time.
You were already dressed in a crochet top, a pale cornflower blue that hung off your shoulders, with a choker that proudly sported Will's family crest hanging from a leather band. Once again, fan made art pieces. You looked stunning as always but he knew if your hair wasn't perfect, you would cancel the entire thing.
And since he was secretly a big fan of yours, that was totally unacceptable.
He knew it wasn't his place. You two weren't close by any means, but that didn't stop Joker from standing up and limping towards your desk.
You noticed his presence a little too late.
Before you could open your mouth to ask what he was doing, Joker had already picked up your comb and began sectioning your hair right where you left off.
You turned into a statue.
His presence behind you was ominous yet you felt the gentle way he smoothed your hair back and clipped it out of the way with a hair claw. He used your previous braid as a model and carefully crafted the same halo pattern you began on your scalp in earnest.
Then the unthinkable happened. Joker started to do your hair.
You felt the moment his hands gripped the three strands and wove them up and over, back and forth to follow the pattern you created.
You had so many questions. Where did he learn to braid hair? Who did he practice on? How was he this good?
He applied just the right amount of pressure, not too loose but definitely not heavy handed, to make neat braids within his section. You felt the confidence in his grip, this wasn't his first rodeo.
And just like you did before, he stopped halfway and brushed out your ends, spraying it with your curl pattern styling agent and left it alone to develop into the effortless curls he liked (loved) so much.
IT messaged you again about performing a quick last minute bandwidth test and you gave them the okay while keeping your head straight. Joker paid you no mind and was working on the middle section when you couldn't take it anymore.
"Um.. how did you know how to do this?" You gestured at your head.
Joker's hand froze for a millisecond but continued braiding unfazed. "Would ya believe me if I said prison?"
Your snort told him no.
He smirked to himself but indulged in your curiosity. "But it wasss. One of my prison mates had nice long hair just.. like.. you. Although he's uhh, not alive, to brag about my work, he received all types of comp-li-ments before his.. untimely demise."
He felt you tense up. "You have nothing to worry about my dear Y/n!"
Joker brushed out a new part and caught a snag in the comb making you yelp. Your head followed the tug making it bump into Joker's abdomen. You could feel his muscles through his cotton shirt "Sorry!"
"Hm. That's my line." You tried turning around to apologize further when Joker forcefully jerked your head back straight. "Stay still."
Now that scared you. It would be so easy for him to snap your neck. Is that how he offed his prison mate with the good hair?
You gulped and bobbed your head but instantly regretted that action.
Joker's hands slid from your hair down to your neck where he massaged it gently. He bent down to whisper in your ear. "Now bunny... whaT. Did I just say?"
You felt horrible for being turned on. His hands felt so good around your neck and it took all of your strength not to moan out loud.
He snapped you out of your thoughts. Your mouth flopped like a fish as you tried to form words that weren't about Joker choking you during that activity.
"You ah.. said to stay s-still." You stared straight ahead at the countdown timer set for your stream.
Thirty-six minutes left. Joker had well over half left to braid. Would you make it through this torture?
"Then be a good girl and.. stay still." He purred in your ear. He stood up straight and went back to work, adding in the golden beads you had scattered on the desk to a few braids that he finished.
Ohhhhh he knew he was cruel and like the obedient girl you were, you listened to him. If you had a tail it would be wagging.
When did you stoop so low?
With five minutes to spare Joker finished your hair for you and you dashed over to the floor length mirror leaning on the living room wall.
You turned your head left and right, admiring Joker's handiwork up close. It was incredibly neat and it matched the first halo braid you did perfectly. You couldn't believe that he did the rest.
You were about to turn and thank him but Joker was already behind you in the mirror.
At times you forgot how tall he was compared to your height. If you moved back any further you would bump into Joker's chest. Not like you minded but!
Once was an accident, twice and he might get curious.
You wanted so badly to rest your weight on Joker or feel his hands in your hair again, scratch that. You wanted to have his hands around your throat again. There was so much power you gave up in that brief moment that had you reeling. You wanted to surrender it again.
"Y/n. I asked if you like it?" His voice startled you again out of the naughty thots.
"Y-Yeah Joker, I do."
His green eyes flickered down to your colored ones, eyeing you warily.
Your reply came out way too breathless, almost like it pained you to answer v He hoped this video stream wasn't making you nervous. He'd stick around (out of sight of the cameras of course) and keep an eye on you.
It's not like he wanted to hear any book announcements or anything. He quickly acclimated to the fact that he was staying with one of his favorite authors but it was still an exciting reminder. You were right there! He could bombard you with questions or annoy you until you fled the room.
Right now, he just wanted to admire your beauty up close.
Joker singled out a strand of your hair that didn't want to curl and wove it around his finger to help it. He lifted the lock up to his nose and sniffed.
Your eyes widened witnessing his soft gesture until his eyes met yours in the mirror. They grew heavy almost instantly with an emotion you feared to say aloud.
"Alrightyy your hair is done. Off you go."
And just like that Joker was back to being a jerk, roughly pushing you over towards your desk chair.
You were forced down into it and Joker's hands came to rest on the armrests beside you.
"Now... have fun doing your video blog.. thingy. I'll be here watching." He spun you around to face your laptop and towards the countdown timer that had less than a minute left.
Joker took up his original seat within your line of sight and licked his lips slowly. His smug look did nothing to help calm your arousal as the timer ticked down from thirty seconds.
You had half that time to wipe your mind clean and plaster a big smile on your face as your dear readers joined the stream and flooded the comment section with love and support.
You couldn't think about Joker as the participant counter jumped past three hundred thousand and rising. Did you even have that many active readers? Cindy must've ran a promo behind your back.
It didn't matter, this was your time to shine. "Welcome! Welcome everyone! I'm so excited you all joined!"
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Dear rude anon. If you don't believe that Will is already in a trance at the end of S4, that's fine. It's a theory, after all. 
You can think that Will is whiny and useless. I couldn't disagree more, and I'm sure S5 will surprise you (and maybe piss you off), but that's your opinion.
But what you say doesn’t make much sense. So you think that even if Henry's already put Will in a trance, wasting literally no time, it doesn't mean anything. 
Then why do you think this powerful man would target useless Will the moment he’s back in Hawkins? Maybe he just has another message for El? Like: TOLD YOU, hehehehehe
Or he can’t find someone else to stalk or possess? Someone bigger and already strong without the power of the MF’s particles? Not to mention that Eddie’s body is right there, in the Upside Down. And the scenes in the prison prove that the particles CAN control dead bodies (yes, I believe we’ll see Vecna!Eddie in S5)
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Henry has an army of monsters, he is undead and basically unkillable, but for some reason he keeps targeting this kid.
Maybe you think that it’s obvious that things happen to him because he’s a main character. But does this seem the kind of story where things just happen, with no deeper meaning? Sorry, I can’t agree with that. These writers have proved that everything happens for a reason. The villain is the mirror/foil of both the kids involved with the supernatural plot. In every season there are references to other works, tons of easter eggs, meaningful callbacks to previous seasons. And the music is always a fundamental part of the story as well. So it’s clear that, if Henry keeps targeting Will, there must be a reason.
Let’s see how many times he did it.
S1. The abduction  Coincidence! Will was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Ok. Possible. Sure, his kidnapping is still different from any other attack we’ve seen in the show, even from the attack of the real first victim, the scientist, but let’s say they wanted Will’s kidnapping to be as mysterious as possible. Why wouldn’t Henry try to get Will in his house, if he was involved in the kidnapping? We still don’t know, but I have a theory on that. Maybe it’s crazy, but imo it makes sense (here)
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S2. The possession  Just the consequence of the coincidence in S1? Will spent a week in the UD and coughed up an UD creature, so why not possessing him? Makes sense. Well, there are curious details we shouldn’t ignore, like the eye color change during the possession that doesn’t happen to other people who get possessed later (I talk about it here) But it is possible. 
By the end of the season tho, it seems that Henry/MF is a little obsessed with Will. They could’ve shown the MF looming over Hawkins, since he’s a threat to everyone. But he was at the school, and the lyrics of Every breath you take mean that he’s still stalking Will, specifically (more here) We now know that Henry wants to kill El since 1979, but in S2 he wanted to kill everybody but Will. The song tells us what he thinks about him: “Can’t you see, you belong to me”. He wants his Zombie boy. And not to spy on El, imo. If Henry was still spying on Will after the possession just to find El, then in S3 he would’ve found her way sooner, since Will spent a lot of time with El in that season.
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At this point, Will has been targeted three times already. In S1, beginning of S2, end of S2. 
S4-S5. I believe Will is already in a trance at the end of S4, yes, and that there is evidence that supports this theory (here my post but other people have talked about it. heroesbyler aemiron-main, and mIchaelwheeler). Then there is the pic of the actor who plays Lonnie. So it is possible that he’s part of Will’s vision and that they already filmed it. Also, we know for sure that Will is going to be central in S5, and that the UD being stuck on the day he went missing is the key plot point of the last season. 
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Seriously, I have no idea how people can think that Will is not an important character or that the villain keeps targeting him because... Coincidences! Things just happen! It’s all about El. No, actually it’s all about Henry and HIS story... 
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leatafandom · 2 years
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I posted 4,562 times in 2022
That's 1,555 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (2%)
4,452 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,570 of my posts in 2022
Only 44% of my posts had no tags
#sam winchester - 247 posts
#sabriel - 221 posts
#gabriel spn - 127 posts
#❤️❤️ - 121 posts
#spooky season - 92 posts
#🤣🤣 - 88 posts
#richard speight jr - 80 posts
#amazing - 70 posts
#gabriel - 70 posts
#dean winchester - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#i try to be a detective and then realize its 5 in the morning and ive been trollif tumblr for hours so not a good reference
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sabriel - jamming out to the radio at midnight? What are they listening to ????? (:
Absolutely dear! Thanks so much for the ask, I’ve honestly been having a bit of writer’s block so it was really fun to write something this weekend! I hope you enjoy it. It took a bit to pick out the songs but I just couldn’t help myself with the first one. I ended up going with two: Heat of the Moment by Asia and Never Wanted to Dance by MSI. I love picturing some stress relief dancing fun for them. Happy reading! I hope you enjoy it and thanks again!❤️
Tags: established relationship, comfort, fluff with a little angst, date night, late night dates, music, night drives, singing and dancing, Sam Winchester needs to have some fun
Summary: Sometimes Sam gets lost in the cases and the hustle of all the new hunters in the world. Sometimes he forgets to breathe and remembers to have fun. 
Dancing in the Dark
"Come on, Samalamb." 
Sam tilted his head away from his laptop screen, combing his hand back through his hair, and looking at Gabriel's outstretched hand and then the archangel attached to it.
"Gabe, I'm busy." 
"No, you're not." The blonde shook his head, his hand staying outstretched between them. "You're getting nowhere." His lips twisted in a grimace at his own bluntness. "Come on, Sammich, up up up. Come and stretch those gorgeous gams with me."
Sam released a wearily chuckle before sighing. He sat back in his chair, his eyes roving over the books and notes scattered for three different hunts around him, wondering what time it was, before landing back on the archangel's mischievous amber eyes. The taller man narrowed his own eyes, scrutinizing the archangel's expression. The archangel impatiently bounced his brows and grabbed Sam's arm when his lover stared just a hair too long and hard at him, the teasing action startling a laugh from Sam's lips. 
"Jeez!" Gabriel groaned, wrapping his hand around Sam's, pulling him from the chair he'd been in all day. "Come on, like I'm trying to lure you to your death." 
"It would not be the first time…" the brunette grumbled under his breath, giving into his partner's grip. 
"Oh ouch Sammoose," Gabriel huffed, feigning hurt. “You know, maybe I just wanna fuck."
"If you wanted to have sex…" Sam's words faded as he rose from his chair with an exaggerated stretch that felt better than it should. "Then we'd already be in our room," he added around a groan when his spine popped. 
Amber eyes couldn’t resist the shift of Sam’s muscles under his clothes. His eyes snapped back to Sam’s smug smile and knowing gaze when the long arms dropped from above Sam's head to swing at his sides. 
"Also very true," the archangel admitted without hesitation, his fingers interlocking with Sam's before leading him from the library and towards the garage. 
"Where are we going?" Sam questioned, self-consciously combing his fingers through his scraggly beard, wondering if he could sum up the energy to shave.
"A drive." Gabriel slipped his hand into his pocket, fishing out a set of keys before tossing them over his shoulder to the bruttnete. 
"A drive?" Sam asked as he fumbled for the keys, juggling them before securing them in his hand with a raised brow. 
"Driving relaxes you," the shorter man replied casually. "So,” his eyes looked about the garage as they entered it, avoiding looking at the hunter behind him, “we're going to drive somewhere." 
Sam felt something give within his chest, squeezing his hand around Gabriel’s, his eyes roving over the blonde. Whiskey eyes were focused elsewhere, ignoring the soft expression the other was surely giving him from behind, focused on guiding the taller male towards the truck that matched the keys. The brunette looked away from Gabriel towards the keys in his hand as they stopped in front of an old pickup, a smile teasing on his skeptical lips. 
"And where exactly are we driving to?" 
"Somewhere," Gabriel sang with a grin, pulling him down for a kiss. 
The blonde pulled back with a wink, turning from the tall hunter to slide into the passenger side of the old pickup truck. Sam rolled his eyes, his lips pulled into a frown that was threatening to crack into a smile. 
“You’re ridiculous,” Sam said around a sigh, opening the driver’s side door and taking his seat. 
The archangel laughed, smiling as he rolled down his window before bending over the brunette’s lap once Sam had closed his door. Sam shifted under the archangel’s reach as the other rolled down his window. 
“We have fun!” Gabriel beamed, leaning back from between Sam and the wheel before scooting closer to Sam’s side as the tense human started the engine with a chuckle. 
The late summer air, which smelled of grass fields and fresh rain, was more relaxing than Sam would ever admit. The more they drove the more the hunter was grateful for the fresh breeze that rolled through the cab. The breeze carried the music that had his fingers tapping along to the radio and his partner’s singing. Throughout the drive, Gabriel sang along with the radio getting Sam to join in and inserted directions at seemingly random moments. 
With the archangel’s choice in stations and dancing beside him, Sam easily let the stream of endless hunts fall from his mind and the worries that waited further and further behind them. The sound of the truck’s rumbling engine and Gabriel's warm wiggling body beside him soothed his worried mind. Sam's tense broad shoulders relaxed and leaned back, his right hand had long found the archangel's somewhere along the drive and squeezed the archangel's hand. The hunter leaned closer to the shorter blonde on the cushions of their seat, singing along with Gabriel’s jovial tone to the pop song as they drove down the dark back roads that surrounded the bunker. 
"Right up there, and you'll see it." Gabriel's hand squeezed his, a smirk tugging on his lips. 
See the full post
22 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Ooh #63 would make a great Sabriel (cuz we just know Gabe is a noisy lil fuck in bed, right?)
Yes! These words were made for Gabriel! I have no idea why this fic took so long to come to me, but I finally give you smut! Thank you so much for the ask and understanding that the muse works in mysterious smutty ways. 😂 Happy Reading ❤️
Rated: Explicit
Tags: smut, anal sex, bet, kissing, on the sofa, hand jobs, plot what plot, Gabriel is a screamer
The Easiest Bet
"This is a stupid bet." Sam sighed, his arms crossed over his chest, as he looked down at his partner as the archangel lounged on the TV room's couch. Sam shifted his stance in front of him. "You cannot hate my movies that much." 
The archangel rolled his eyes, stretching out more across the two-seater. "I assure you I do hate your documentaries that much, Sammykins," Gabriel reassured with a roll of his wrist. "Somehow they are more boring than actually living it. Come on, Sammoose. First one to make a noise loses and the winner gets to pick what we watch for a month."  
Sam shook his head, a crooked smile weaseling its way onto his lips. He ducked his head, looking down. "There is no way you would win that bet, Gabe. You have to know that right? Do you even realize how loud you always are?" Sam asked with a wave of his hand.
"Hey," Gabriel cried, pointing a finger at him and sitting up a bit on the sofa. "I can be quiet if I want to be! Overconfident moose," Gabriel huffed, his lips pulling into a scowl. 
The brunette bit his lip trying to stifle his laughter. "Gabriel, I have spent my whole life living with someone. Mostly Dean," Sam said, tucking his chin to his chest trying to control his amusement. "And Cas normally has to soundproof our room so Dean doesn't have a stroke." He let out a chuckle looking at his partner just as Gabriel rolled his eyes waving a dismissive hand at him. "There is no way you can stay quiet longer than me." 
"I can be quiet, Winchester." The blonde shifted, sitting up fully on the sofa. "Especially if it means I don't have to watch a single documentary for a month." 
Sam sighed, running a hand through his locks, looking to the bunker hallway as he thought about it. "Make it two months," he said looking back at Gabriel with a wide smile, knowing he couldn't talk his boyfriend out of it and that he would definitely win. "I'll do it if the winner picks for two months." 
"Deal." Gabriel's grin widened, his brows bouncing. 
"First one to make noises loses?" Sam questioned, bending down over the sofa and pressing a kiss to the blonde's grinning lips. 
The archangel leaned into the teasing press of lips, his fingers reaching to stroke through Sam's beard. "Yes, Samheart."
Sam chuckled against his lips, pressing the shorter man back into the cushions and deepening the kiss. Gabriel smiled into it, wrapping his hand around Sam's nape to keep him close, parting his lips. The brunette's tongue slid into his lover's mouth as his hands rolled down Gabriel's sides, lifting him with ease and sliding onto the sofa to take the shorter man's space on the couch. 
Gabriel let out a silent gasp as Sam's long arms wrapped around him and pulled him into his lap, straddling him. Large hands quickly slid Gabriel's jacket off before working his shirt off. The archangel bit his lip, breaking the kiss to help take his shirt and jacket off, his hips grinding down on Sam's half-hard member. Sam licked over his lips at the feeling of Gabriel's round jean-clad ass grinding down on his hardening length. He rocked up to him, his hands going to Gabriel's belt wanting to feel him. 
The shorter man's lips were on him again the moment they were free from their shirts, rocking his hips and lifting them as Sam shoved down his pants and boxers. The blonde sucked and bit at Sam's neck, his eyes flashing with grace as their clothes vanished, biting down on the tender clave of skin at Sam's neck to stop himself from moaning at the feel of Sam's hardening flesh pressed bare against him. 
Sam's hips rutted at the feeling of smooth skin against him, his hands clenching around Gabriel's gyrating hips. His eyes closed at the hard bite and the soothing suckling of his lover's lips that went right to his groin swallowing back a hiss of delight. Hazel eyes rolled behind his lids, his hands clenching at Gabriel's ample cheeks spreading them and biting back a moan at the feeling of his already prepared opening. Gabriel shuddered, pressing his face to Sam's neck as he gripped Sam's long cock squeezing him and stroking him in his hand. The brunette bit harder on his lip, holding in a grunt when Gabriel's hand was on him, cursing internally at his lover's perfectly tight grip. 
The archangel pulled back with a smirk, looking over Sam's heaving chest as he stroked him into fullness. He grinned as Sam rutted into his hand before lifting his hips and hovering over the thick member as it throbbed in his hand. The hunter held tight to his hips watching as Gabriel sank down on him, huffing out a heated breath through his nose as Gabriel took all of his length in with slow torturous rolls of his hips. The blonde withheld a whine at the slow pace, knowing any faster and he'd cry out. He bit his lips as his fingers clenched on Sam's broad shoulders only to gasp a breathless silent moan when Sam rutted up into him, forcing the archangel to take all of him with one smooth roll of his hips. 
The blonde's head rolled forward, shuddering at a breath barely containing his cry when Sam held tighter to the archangel's waist, holding him still and burying himself inside of the wet canal. Gabriel shuddered at the easy stretch and burn of Sam's thick shaft relishing in the sudden fullness, wanting to cry out. He held tighter to Sam, determined to be quiet even when the taller man found his prostate. Sam licked his lips, his cock rubbing against the bundle of nerves with his every upward thrust. 
Gabriel clenched around him, biting down harder on his lips as Sam drilled into him, moving with him. Sam panted, pressing open mouth kisses against the smooth sunkissed skin, his eyes rolling at the clenching walls of his lover. His hips moved in tandem with each roll of Gabriel's, the archangel clenching tighter around him with his efforts to keep quiet in the face of the brunette's punishing pace. Gabriel's head rolled, his nails scraping at Sam's shoulders and back, rocking with each of Sam's thrusts, his cock bouncing and aching between them. 
Sam's head went back, not knowing if he could stay quiet with the delicious warmth wrapped around him. He wasn't going to lose. An idea struck him as he watched the archangel bite back his cries. A smirk pulled on Sam's lips, wrapping an arm tight around Gabriel’s hips and pulling from him with a silent gasp. Gabriel couldn't hold back his whine at the sudden loss or the cry that was forced from his lips when Sam bent him over the arm of the sofa. The taller man lined his thick head against his rim from behind him before shoving back inside of him in one long smooth thrust. 
Sam let out a low guttural groan, his smile wide as he thrusted relentlessly into Gabriel. "Dumbest bet," he said around a moan, wrapping his hand around Gabriel's leaking cock.
"Goddamnit, your cock feels so good,"  
Gabriel groaned, admitting defeat and sinking fully into the spikes of bliss that racked through his vessel. "Shit right there, Sammy," he hissed. His hands gripped tight to the arm his chest was pressed against, bucking his hips back to him as Sam rocked into him, his head hanging. "So fucking good." 
The brunette smirked his left hand holding tight to Gabriel's hip, losing his rhythm quickly when the blonde let his moans run free. "Fuck, I love your voice, " Sam grunted out, bending over him more and slamming his hips faster. "Love it when you scream for me." 
Gabriel let out a low groan at the heated words as Sam's hand stroked his cock faster. "Gonna cum… Fuck Sam don't stop." His hips rocked between the thrusting length and the tight fist around his weeping member. 
Sam nodded against him, grunting out his agreement as he thrusted into the fluttering warmth around him, cumming with a choked-off moan against Gabriel's back. The archangel's hips jerked as Sam stiffened behind him, his orgasm hitting him hard as Sam's thumb dragged over his wet tip, cumming over his lover's hand with a shout and a curse. 
See the full post
23 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
"The couple's first morning together was spent in relative ease. Gabriel relaying his plan to take Sam into the sleepy town not far from the cabin before their hike over breakfast. A town which the archangel had introduced with flair as they bundled up in their winter gear as new.
Sam rolled his eyes at Gabriel's dramatics regarding the small town down the mountain as they walked out of the door. He narrowed his eyes, pulling out his phone as he followed Gabriel's confident stride. Sam fell into step beside the archangel as he looked up the small town's founding on the long walk into town from Gabriel's house.
Sam huffed. "Gabriel," Sam rolled his eyes, turning his screen towards the archangel. "1838 is not new."
The archangel's arms swung gently back and forth at his sides. "It's new, Sammy," Gabriel said with a dismissive roll of his eyes, not bothering to look at Sam's phone.
Sam looked back down at the article. "It's not even a town! It's a village," Sam added, looking back at the shrugging archangel.
Gabriel turned to him, squinting at Sam in the morning light and his moose decorated and fur-lined ushanka. "Fine, it's a new village," Gabriel snarked, waving his left hand in the air between them.
"No." Sam shook his head, looking around the wooded path. "No, I don't care if you are as old as time, the 1830s is not new."
Gabriel scoffed, his head snapping to look at Sam. "I am not as old as time!" He huffed, his left hand gently swatting at Sam's bicep.
Sam laughed, raising his hands and bending away from Gabriel's playful wacks. "Fine," Sam relented, pushing his phone and hands into his coat pockets. "Even if you're slightly younger than time-"
"Jeez, make a celestial feel all his eons," Gabriel interjected with a dramatic roll of his wrist and eyes.
"The 1830s is not new, Gabe."
"The 1830s is new," Gabriel repeated, pointing a finger at him. "Time is relative, Sam-I-am."
Sam shook his head, huffing out a dry amused laugh. "Yeah. Uh-huh. Whatever you say, old man," Sam said around his teasing laughter, turning to Gabriel with a crooked grin as they walked. "Take me to this crazy new-fangled town of theirs."
"Wiseguy," Gabriel said, narrowing his eyes with a grin and checking his shoulder against Sam's side."
Preview from Chapter Seven of Seasonal Healing, Clear Night's and Story Horizons, coming to my Ao3 this weekend.
26 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
A Little Pick Me Up
Rated: E
Ship: Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Tags: Human Au, shameless smut, prompt fic, established relationship, lazy mornings, blow jobs, Gabriel's just not a morning person
Author Notes: Created for @idabbleincrazy prompt request for characters waking up together “breakfast in bed?" “define breakfast." Look what the muse remembered and finally unexpectedly finished! I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for sending the ask (hopefully I finish the other one soon as well) <3
A Little Pick Me Up
Sam smiled against his pillow, pulling his lover closer. The muffled grumble he received caused a chuckle to rumble free from his chest and his long arms to wrap more securely around the tempting hips. 
"Morning," Sam mumbled, kissing the top of Gabriel's head. 
"Morning is a subjective term, Sammoose." The shorter man’s eyes hesitated to open. Managing only to crack open one when Sam continued to bury his face in the crook of his neck and searched blindly for his phone. "Ugh, Sammy! It's not even seven in the morning." The older man groaned at the time that blazed from his too-bright screen, slamming it back down and closing his eye. 
Sam let out his own huff of frustration at his partner as Gabriel buried himself back against him, twisting around and burying his face in his chest. The brunette knew that the blonde enjoyed his sleep on the days he had off but the college student still had classes and Gabriel had promised to spend the day with him.
“You said you’d come with me today,” he reminded, stretching beside him before tightening his long arms around the curled-up man. 
“Not before seven in the morning, Samwise.”
The taller man rolled his eyes at the muffled reply, releasing a hum when he felt Gabriel’s lazy mouth drag across his bare skin. "Yes, you did. You said we’d carpool and I have a morning class, Gabe," Sam replied, resisting the urge to close his eyes as the blonde’s lips left lazy-open-mouth kisses over one of his nipples before making their way up his chest and over his collar bone. 
“That’s entrapment, lawyer boy,” Gabriel teased as large hands held tighter to his boxer-clad hips, pressing his morning wood against Sam. “I never would have agreed if I had remembered my day off was Wednesday this week.” 
Sam’s hazel eyes closed, pressing closer to him, at the firm outline of Gabriel’s thick erection, and his distracting lips as they traveled over his neck. “You weren’t that tired when I asked.” He countered feeling Gabriel whine against his skin. 
"Too early, Sammykins." He rebutted weakly, leaning back to look up at Sam, rolling his hips tantalizingly. "Where's my pick me up, Winchester?" He questioned with a wide grin, running his hand up Sam’s flexing arm and squeezing his bicep. 
"Seriously?" Sam’s head tilted back slightly with his laugh, unable to resist the press of Gabriel's clothed length against him. 
"Yes, seriously. You know I don't function this early without a little something, somethin’," Gabriel said with a yawn that may have been fake. 
The brunette sighed, laying his head in the crook of his elbow, letting his eyes wander Gabriel’s body as the blonde stretched. He turned his head, glancing at the time before turning fully back to his lover, letting his eyes rove his barely clothed body.
"Breakfast in bed?" 
Gabriel's eyes glistened with mischief, his eyebrows bouncing. “Define breakfast, Sammy boy."
The taller released a chuckle at his boyfriend’s lecherous smirk. “A liquid one. Where only I eat something.” He hummed as Gabriel wrapped an arm around his neck pulling him closer. 
“Color me intrigued,” Gabriel hummed, capturing Sam’s lips in a kiss before rolling onto his back and pulling the brunette with him. 
Sam released a soft grunt against his lips, pulling back to leave a trail of lazy sucking marks down Gabriel’s chest. The blonde released a pleased hum, his fingers tangling in his partner’s brown hair as Sam worked his way lower. Long fingers coasted over Gabriel’s arching sides before slipping into the rim of his boxers. Sam’s tongue traced slowly over the line of Gabriel’s pubic bone as the older man lifted his hips and pushed down his boxers. Sam pulled back slightly to help free the hardened member, letting his lips graze over the heated flesh. 
Gabriel let out a guttural groan at the first touch of Sam’s soft lips, feeling his tongue dash out to trace the pulsing vein of his aching erection. His hips rolled before Sam’s hand could hold them in place. The brunette stayed beneath their sheets as he dragged his tongue up Gabriel’s shaft, rolling his tongue around his tip before sinking down on him. Slim fingers clenched in brown hair, stopping himself from rutting into the welcoming warmth. His eyes closed as he bit his lip with a curse as Sam sank lower. His toes curled as Sam’s tongue twisted around his base before he pulled his head back.
“Shit,” Gabriel cursed, his hips rolling as Sam’s lips wrapped around his thick base. “I’ll never get used to that mouth, kid.” 
Sam groaned around him, bobbing his head faster on the hardened shaft. Gabriel’s eyes open, pushing back the sheets to watch Sam as he worked his cock. He groaned at the sight of his lips split around his swollen shaft.  
“Wanna fuck your throat, Sam.” 
Gabriel groaned as Sam’s hand shifted, letting go of his hips and letting the man rut up into his mouth with a punched-out moan. Sam held still as his lover’s hands tightened in his hair, his jaw lax against the drag of his lover’s cock against his tongue. The blonde licked over his lips with a breathless moan when he felt Sam’s throat convulse around his tip, his eyes rolling to the gagging younger man. His hips slowed slightly before speeding up once more, trying to go easy on his lover’s throat. Sam held tight to him, his eyes watering as he moaned around the heavy cock. His right hand reached, shoving into his sleep pants and wrapped around himself, squeezing his aching shaft. Gabriel panted, watching Sam’s arms flex to keep himself up and jack himself off. 
“Fuck, Sam,” Gabriel’s head tilted, planting his feet and rolling his hips harder up into Sam’s spread lips. His eyes drank in the sight of his lover working himself and leaking into his fist. “Are you gonna cum just from sucking me off?” Gabriel questioned breathlessly, his eyes fluttering closed when Sam responded by creating more suction around his thrusting shaft. “God, do that again,” he hissed, his hips rutting faster, holding Sam’s head down longer. “That’s it Sammy. Show me how you cum from the taste of me.” 
See the full post
28 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
''you used me as a pillow." ''sorry.'' or “breakfast in bed?" “define breakfast."
Thank you so much for the ask love! I actually had an idea for both but I'm just not really happy with "breakfast in bed" "define breakfast." Maybe I'll post it at some point, it is a Sabriel, but Spideypool completely consumed the first one. It's been so long since I wrote them. I miss them and even as short and angsty it is, it was really nice to find some inspiration for them again.
A sudden loud thumping roused Peter from his fitful sleep. He groaned, nuzzling his cheek against the kevlar of Deadpool's suit before his eyes snapped open. His ears filled with the triumphant sound.
"Wade?" His head lifted, pulling his arms from around the bulker man, pushing himself up onto his elbows. "Wade?!"
Wade groaned, a grumble sounding from under Peter as the other pushed himself up from the blood spattered man, both still in their suits.
"Not so loud, baby boy. Head wounds are like the worst hangover." His eyes blinked behind his mask trying to remember what they had been doing and where they most likely were.
His eyes roved around the familiar safe house that was more safe than a house. Wade's hand raised to feel over his masked head before raising it to look down at Peter's unmasked face hovering above him and the concern edge in his brown eyes. His eyes roved over his best friend taking in the press of Peter against him and the other's torn suit.
"Sooo. No judgment, baby boy, but you used me as a pillow?"
Peter's eyes widened, leaning back and distancing himself a bit before looking over his blood covered suit. "Sorry," he mumbled, unsure if he was talking to Wade or his ruined suit.
"You don't gotta be sorry, but clarity would be nice." He shifted more, feeling his bones finish snapping back into place. Wade watched him looking over the causal self-consciousness. "You used my lifeless bloody corpse as a pillow?" Wade's voice hitched watching the other shrug.
"I didn't want to leave you," Peter defended, crossing his arms over his chest and looking over the other's damaged suit.
The brunette hadn't really thought about it. He had already been tired after pulling an all nighter and that was before almost being blown up by a giant space squid and dragging Wade back here. All Peter had wanted was to sleep and hear the steady thumping again after falling asleep to silence.
"Everyone was leaving so… I swung us here. And it's not like you have a lot of pillow options." His brown eyes roved around the warehouse turned living area with a wave of his hand before looking back at Wade. "I thought we could hang out after you… woke up." Peter finished lamely, never used to watching Wade die after Gwen.
"Petey?" Wade's head tilted on the worn mattress beneath him, his hairless brows furrowing under his mask. "I'm okay. I'm always okay."
Peter scoffed in disagreement, shaking his head weakly.
Wade shifted, reaching his gloved hand for his cheek. "You can hear it right?" Wade asked, his hand coming up to pull him back down to rest his ear back over his beating heart.
Peter nodded, slowly leaning back to his broad chest, settling back against him. Wade cradled Peter's head as his other arm wrapped around the younger man's back. Peter held tighter to him with a smile, closing his eyes and heaving a deep inhale at the strong unique sound of Wade Wilson's heartbeat.
"Yeah. I can hear it, Wade"
46 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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cheesy09 · 2 years
[CN] Kiro's S2 Fledgling Debut Project
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This company project was translated with the help of Google Translate!]
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[Stage 1: New to the entertainment industry]
Anna: Boss, the information about the new artists signed this week is on your desk.
MC: Okay, I'll take a look.
Around [Company Name]'s future development, the company held several high-level meetings recently, and finally reached an agreement. This year's goal was to cultivate new recruits so that the company could have more outstanding artists in addition to Kiro.
I opened the artists' information on the table and read them carefully. The spring breeze passed through the panes. The office was brightly lit and filled with the smell of spring vegetation. But suddenly, the tip of my nose breathed in the sweet smell of apple candy.
Without looking up, I flipped through another page of information with my fingertips and smiled lightly.
MC: Why is the big star free to come to the company today? Is the new album finished?
There was a rustling sound above my head. I looked up and met a pair of blue eyes full of smiles.
Kiro: After the recording, Savin said that my recent schedule was completely clear. I was worried about losing my job, so I came to the company to see if the boss could arrange any work for me~
His gaze turned to the artist profile on my desk and I knew he had seen the good-looking photos of the junior in the profile.
The next second, he turned his head to look at me, clearly smiling, but he deliberately prolonged his tone in a false manner.
Kiro: Unexpectedly... the boss is actually signing in new artists. Is it because the benefits I bring to the company are not enough?
He played a young brother in a drama, and recently, he enjoys pulling me into this kind of play-acting.
I also sighed and followed him.
MC: Alas, we have no choice! This family runs a big business, and the company can't just let you support it alone.
MC: Kiro, you have to understand the hardships of being a boss.
I stared at Kiro sincerely, and after three seconds, we couldn't help laughing.
Kiro: HAHAHA! Miss Chips' acting skills are getting better and better. Do you want to consider making a cameo in my movie next time?
MC: Forget it, dealing with the company's affairs is hectic enough. Let professional actors do that kind of magnificent thing~
Kiro picked up the data sheet in front of me, looked at it, and sighed.
Kiro: Their qualifications seem to be pretty good.
MC: Mm, I also think they are all malleable talents.
Looking at Kiro, who was carefully studying the information of the juniors in front of me, I slowly came up with an idea from the bottom of my heart.
MC: Kiro, do you want to instruct a newcomer as a senior?
Kiro: I'm Kiro. Starting from today, as your senior, I'll be instructing you for a while.
Kiro: Before this, I read your resumes. Wen Ke's vocal music class scores are very high, Yang Han has six years of classical dance foundation, and Yu Xixi's performance class is the first in his major.
Kiro: But results do not represent wishes. What direction do you want to develop in? I would like to hear your views first.
In the spacious conference room, three nervous young people sat across Kiro and I. This was our first meeting.
Perhaps they met Kiro on the first day they entered the company. Surprise and nervousness alternated on their faces, and it took a long time for someone to break the silence tremblingly.
Yu Xixi: In-instructor Kiro, my name is Yu Xixi. My dream is to become a comedian!
Wen Ke: Instructor Kiro! I want to make a living with my face!
Yang Han: I... I hope to be on variety shows and get exposure quickly!
MC: .....
Kiro: .....
I frowned. My eyes fell on their dazzling data sheet, and I listened to Kiro's doubts.
Kiro: I have read your resumes. You are all very qualified and have achieved enough excellence in your respective fields of expertise. Why don't you want to continue to develop?
They looked at each other, and after a while, three weak voices sounded in the office.
Crowd: ...It's too difficult.
Yang Han glanced at Kiro first, as if he mustered up the courage to speak.
Yang Han: Instructor Kiro, only one superstar has been born over the years. Everyone can see that your talent is unparalleled.
Yang Han: But we... are not you and cannot be you.
Yu Xixi: We are very diligent and hardworking, and we have only achieved excellence. We don't have your outstanding talent, so we won't be able to be popular as soon as we make our debut.
Wen Ke: Our only wish is to become famous as soon as possible in the ruthless entertainment industry... No matter what method is used.
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[Stage 2: Tailored plan]
Kiro: MC, am I asking too much of my juniors?
In the snack bar below the company, Kiro bit off a piece of broccoli in one bite, frowning with a stuffed up mouth.
Kiro: Or am I getting old? Is there already a gap between the current generation and the younger one?
It was the first time I heard that Kiro felt that he was getting old, and for that reason, I couldn't help laughing.
MC: Trust me, it's not your fault. There are indeed many ways to become famous in this circle. Those whose light can be seen, those whose light cannot be seen.
MC: But only those who have been working hard to do what they like, and only those who truly love, can have light within themselves.
I put down my chopsticks and looked at Kiro, who was pitiful because he was about to shoot a new MV for his new song, so he could only drink water and eat vegetables.
He swallowed the broccoli and nodded thoughtfully.
Kiro: That being the case, let's work out a new training plan for them. Help them explore that path to the future.
Kiro: Boss, this is the training plan I made after I got home yesterday, look at it.
Kiro arrived at the company early in the morning and led me to the conference room. He wore black-rimmed glasses, sat in a chair and looked at me without blinking.
Infected by him, I involuntarily grew solemn and browsed the documents in my hand.
Kiro's plan was very detailed, and there was basically no problem. When I turned to the last page, I suddenly stopped.
I raised my head to look at Kiro, but he looked calm.
MC: Whether from the perspective of the company or from a personal standpoint, I want to say that you don't have to sacrifice so much for the development of newcomers.
MC: You will always come first.
MC: Do you want to think over this last part again?
But he stretched out his hand and pushed his black-rimmed glasses, winking at me.
Kiro: This is the first time that I've been in charge of teaching tasks with MC. I'm looking forward to the final results.
His gaze fell on the last page of the plan. His face was a bit serious and his voice was soft.
Kiro: And as a senior, this is what I should do.
He insisted so much that I had to agree. Just as the door of the conference room was pushed open, the three juniors walked in one after another.
Juniors: Instructor Kiro, good morning! Good morning, Boss!
The three of them looked at each other and bowed ninety degrees to me and Kiro.
MC: ...Well, our company advocates easy office etiquette. No need to be so formal.
Kiro: Mm, you can just call me Brother Kiro.
Wen Ke: Brother Kiro, is it because the company has plans for our development that we were called to a meeting today?
Yu Xixi couldn't wait to whistle.
Yu Xixi: Wow, do we have the resources?!
Kiro: Don't worry about resources. I have developed a training plan based on your personal situation. Take a look at this first.
Kiro handed over the plan, and they got together to study it.
I watched them go from expectant to dazed, to looking up with a sad face.
Wen Ke: Brother Kiro... It's all basic training, and there are no resources. This is not what we want...
Kiro: Who said it was different.
He patrolled around with the demeanor of a senior, and then spoke with a straight face.
Kiro: Whoever reaches the standard first, I'll help him fight for a resource he wants.
The conference room fell into silence for a moment, and then there was a rush of answers.
Yu Xixi: Having said that, even if it is Brother Kiro, it is foolish to regret it! I'm going to the dance studio now!
Wen Ke: I will go too!
Yang Han: You two! Don't leave me behind!
Kiro looked at them with some regret as they rushed out of the conference room.
Kiro: Alas, if I knew they were so active, I would have increased the amount of training.
I suddenly felt that Kiro, as a senior, seemed to be getting more and more proficient.
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[Stage 3: Variety Debut in Hong Kong]
MC: Has the show started yet?
Kiro: It's started, it's started. Miss Chips, come and watch it together.
For a month since that day, I could see the three of them in the company's training room every day.
Yang Han was the most diligent of the three, and quickly completed the schedule. Kiro recommended him to a connection as promised. A variety show.
I sat next to Kiro holding cucumber-flavored potato chips. Today was Yang Han's first variety show, and Kiro and I were looking forward to it.
Kiro: Look, the camera is on Yang Han!
Host: So does our new observer Mr. Yang have any love experiences to share?
Yang Han in the camera blushed a little with excitement, clenched the microphone in his hand, and his expression was solemn.
Yang Han: From my experience, the most important thing in a relationship is sincerity. Sincerity is the premise of communication, and then there is a sense of humor.
Yang Han: People I've worked with have praised me for being funny and humorous, but I don't feel it myself. Perhaps it is this unconscious charm that attracts them.
Host: Haha... haha, it seems that our Mr. Yang is really humorous.
Kiro: .....
MC: .....
MC: In any case, his debut is fairly normal, there should be nothing wrong!
But as soon as I finished comforting Kiro, several messages popped up on my phone.
Kiki: Boss, have you seen Weibo? Yang Han's elementary school classmates came out to break the news!
Kiki: They said that he was very shy when he was a child, and he hadn't talked about a relationship since he was a child! He rolled over on his debut, and now all of his topics and exposure are negative...
I hurriedly opened Weibo and clicked on the topic of the variety show. The discussion about Yang Han wasn't high, and even if there was, it was ridiculed. Several comments broke the news that Yang Han was the person that Kiro had recommended to the show team, and that Kiro had put it in through his connections.
I frowned, and when Kiro came over, I hurriedly slid those comments up.
Kiro: What's wrong?
I shook my head and smiled reassuringly at him.
MC: There was a little disturbance in Yang Han's variety show. I'll go to the company to ask him tomorrow.
MC: You have a live broadcast tomorrow, so don't worry.
After dealing with this matter, I rushed to Kiro's new song live broadcast room.
Looking through the camera, I saw Kiro's bright smile at a glance, and my originally irritable mood was suddenly calmed down.
He waved at me with an "ok" gesture.
After the live broadcast started, everything was going well, but I suddenly caught sight of an unusual comment.
"Did you force Yang Han into the show? Did you arrange for him to lie?"
I looked up at Kiro. He was livestreaming as usual, and probably hadn't seen this comment.
...I don't want him to see such negative comments.
With such a voice in my heart, I secretly sent a lot of rainbow emojis in the comments, trying to cover up the bad comment.
But just as I was immersed in typing, I suddenly saw Kiro's expression on screen. His eyes became solemn.
As if foreboding, my typing hands slowed down.
Kiro: I think it is still necessary to address the matter regarding Yang Han properly.
The voice that suddenly spoke was solemn and earnest, and I looked at Kiro who appeared so serious in a daze.
Kiro: As his senior, I did recommend him to the program team. He lied on the show because I didn't educate my junior well. Such errors will not appear again in the future.
He said sincerely word by word, and his comments were also filled with positive feedback.
“Why should Kiro bear the mistakes of others? He just did his duty as a senior. "
I breathed a sigh of relief, and when I turned around, I suddenly saw Yang Han standing in a corner of the live broadcast room, holding a mobile phone in his hand.
On the screen was Kiro's live broadcast.
Seeing that I had spotted him, he turned at once, and then hurriedly explained.
Yang Han: Boss, I just wanted to apologize to Brother Kiro, but I didn't expect to see him...
MC: Kiro is your senior. He promised to look after you at that time. It's not just as simple as assigning you training tasks. As a senior, he has to take on a lot.
I looked through the glass at Kiro who was surrounded by people in the live broadcast room.
MC: Just don't let his efforts be in vain.
Yang Han: ...Boss, don't worry. I won't let Brother Kiro be disappointed again.
After he finished speaking, he turned and left. Looking at the direction in which he left, he probably returned to the dance studio.
When Kiro ended the live broadcast, I saw that Yang Han had posted an apology on Weibo.
"I deceived everyone on the show for my first time. I'm very sorry. It's all my own problems, and it has nothing to do with Senior Kiro. There is still a lot to learn in the future."
Kiro: What are you looking at, MC?
Kiro's voice came from behind me. I raised my phone and answered with a smile.
MC: I'm looking at a child who took the initiative to admit his mistakes.
Kiro didn't say anything when he saw Weibo. He just smiled slightly, and then stretched his waist.
Kiro: After an afternoon of work, what should I eat to treat myself?
MC: Superstar Kiro has three announcements next month. He needs to stay in shape. Why don't you mix boiled spinach with broccoli tonight?
Kiro: Ah... I. Don't. Want. To. Eat. Boiled. Vegetables. Anymore..!!
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[Stage 4: There are no shortcuts]
Yu Xixi: Tsk tsk tsk, you died even before you left the apprenticeship, Mr. Yang.
Wen Ke: Yes, yes. Brother Kiro, if I were on the show, this problem would have definitely not occurred.
Wen Ke cupped his cheeks and looked at Kiro obediently. Yang Han sat silently in the corner and didn’t refute a word.
Kiro: Could you really have done better than him?
Kiro interrupted their sarcastic comments and took out an invitation letter for a singing show.
Kiro: It just so happens that your assessments are all up to standard, so let’s try this out.
The show wasn’t well know and it invited new comers, so they hoped that Kiro could support the show. However, Kiro didn’t have any free slots in his schedule. After discussing it, we felt that we could recommend Yu Xixi and Wen Ke to them.
Kiro: This is just an invitation letter. Whether you can participate in the show depends on your own interview level.
When the two of them heard that, their faces showed obvious disappointment.
Yu Xixi: Brother Kiro, it’s not me who said that we wanted to go such a show with such little exposure, only to be turned away. Isn’t this the same as wading into a river with our eyes closed, resigned to our fate?
Wen Ke: Boss~ Boss, you’re the best. Can’t you give us another resource?
Seeing that Kiro wouldn’t budge, Wen Ke turned to me and blinked his big bright eyes. It was a pity that I had already seen what the cutest person in the world looked like when he was being coquettish. I answered him with a smile.
MC: As boss, I support any decision made by Kiro.
Wen Ke: Aww--
Amidst their muttering complaints, Kiro suddenly spoke.
Kiro: What do you think is the role of the company? Help you plan all routes, including personal settings, and increase exposure at all costs, even if it is bad exposure?
Under Kiro’s questioning, Yu Xixi and Wen Ke stared blankly, and nodded hesitantly after a while.
Wen Ke: Is that... not it?
Kiro: It’s not. In my eyes, the company is just a platform.
Kiro: No one is forcing you to take this path. Since you have chosen it, you must take responsibility for your own future. The only thing I can do is to help you connect with channels and opportunities as much as possible. As for whether you can go, and how you want to go, that all depends on you.
Kiro: In this program, if you want to be a comedian, you can express yourself in the interviews. And if you want others to see your face, try to find the camera.
Kiro: I believe the audience will see the bright spots in you.
Kiro gave that long speech with a stern face that the meeting room fell into a brief silence.
I looked at the confused Yu Xixi and Wen Ke and broke the silence.
MC: As boss, my expectations of you are actually quite simple. 
MC: That is, to express your most authentic and desired self.
MC: So, take the invitation and go to the audition~
Wen Ke: ...All right.
Yu Xixi: Unexpectedly, we were sent away with a resource that no one wanted.
Before Yu Xixi walked out of the conference room, he murmured with dissatisfaction.
Yu Xixi: Seriously, does brother Kiro think we are a burden and doesn’t want to look after us well?
Kiro remained expressionless, but the moment the door closed, all the strength seemed to leave his body and he laid down on the table in distress.
Kiro: MC, it’s really hard being a senior.
MC: Then do you want to skip the live recording today and go home and rest?
Kiro immediately sat up straight again.
Kiro: That won’t do! They’re the juniors I raised with my own hands, even if I’m tired, I have to see this through! 
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[Stage 5: Unintended effect]
There is new mail:
Miss Chips, have you seen the message from the director? The program rankings are out! Yu Xixi and Wen Ke won the first and second place with their solid singing skills. Someone said they wanted to pick them up on another show. It looks like our training plan is on the right track!
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[Stage 6: Writing hidden on the last page]
On the day the program was recorded, Kiro and I went to the set. However, the atmosphere at the scene was very desolate and even a little awkward.
Yu Xixi: Hello everyone, I’m Yu Xixi, an artist from [MC’s company name]. The weather is a bit hot today, so let me tell you a cold joke first.
Yu Xixi: Once upon a time, there was a polar bear who stood dazed on the ice. It was bored and began to pluck its fur. One, two, three... and when he finally stripped it all off, he suddenly shouted--
Yu Xixi: So cold!!
Yu Xixi: How was it? Do you feel a lot cooler all of a sudden? Next, please enjoy the song “The Moon Represents Your Heart” with a cool mood.
The auditorium was silent. Kiro and I sat in silence under the stage.
MC: I kind of want to get out of here.
Kiro: [looking uncomfortable] Me too.
MC: Let’s watch Wen Ke’s performance.
When Wen Ke appeared, although he was a little nervous to the naked eye, he performed well overall. When Kiro and I were about to praise him, I suddenly saw him jump, and when the camera turned towards him, he started to wink hard.
At the same time, there were whispers from the audience.
Audience: What a handsome guy, but why are his eyelids twitching?
MC: .....
Kiro: .....
MC: Comprehensive analysis of the data gained from the show’s launch show that both of you have gained very good exposure. These positive discussions are all focused on your steady performance. As for what you wanted to show... Look at the comments from the netizens.
Yu Xixi: A singer who likes to tell cold jokes...
Wen Ke: ...Eye candy with not so good eyes.
Yu Xixi And Wen Ke had also seen a lot of comments these days. They looked at Kiro with gratitude and guilt.
Yu Xixi: Thank you, brother Kiro, for letting us concentrate on practicing our basic skills. It was my fault for suspecting you last time. I heard... you and the boss also came to the set that day.
Wen Ke: Brother Kiro, we still want to learn from you to continue solidifying our basic skills, okay~
Yang Han, who hadn’t spoken all this time, also spoke softly.
Yang Han: Me too. I want to continue my studies with brother Kiro.
Hearing them say that, Kiro’s azure blue eyes filled with sparkling light. He blinked, his tone light.
Kiro: Then, when the next assessment is successful, as a senior, I will reward you.
Yu Xixi: What reward?
Kiro smiled mysteriously.
Kiro: I can’t say it now, but it will be revealed on the day your assessment is successful.
Watching them look forward to and make up their minds, I couldn’t help but think back to the writing I saw on the last page of the training manual--
“Sparkling Debut”.
I suddenly remembered what Kiro told me in the conference room the day the performance was announced.
Kiro: MC, I want to participate in the whole process of this performance as a producer.
He looked at me seriously, with clear hope in his eyes.
Kiro: I’ve already thought of a name. It’s called - Fledgling. The road to art is passed down from generation to generation, and I hope this show’s tickets are free for all.
Kiro: Let everyone come to witness the moment when the fledglings take flight.
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[Stage 7: Sparkling Debut]
The debugged lights slowly turned on, the curtain opened, and the moment the light poured in, the three stood together in the center of the stage.
Yang Han: Now we announce.
Wen Ke: The Fledgling concert...
Yu Xixi: Officially begins!
On the huge LED screen, white young birds spread their wings and flew by. The bright eyes of the youths in their white suits refracted the starlight.
The auditorium under the stage wasn’t full, and many places were empty, which was very much different from the packed atmosphere at Kiro’s concerts. But the youths standing on the stage didn’t have any disappointment or hesitation in their eyes, and they all sang with enthusiasm. 
When the first song was successfully sung, Kiro and I hid behind the curtain and breathed a sigh of relief.
With the gradually increasing warm atmosphere on stage, Kiro put down the props in his hand and hummed a song in a low voice.
I had heard that melody so many time during rehearsal that it had already been engraved into my memory. At that moment, listening to Kiro’s voice, there was a kind of tranquility that settled upon us.
Kiro hummed and hugged me in the dark.
My shoulders were pressed against his chin, and his warm breath brushed against my ears. I stood stunned for a second, then raised my hand and hugged him back.
MC: What’s wrong?
There was light passing through the gap of the curtains. Kiro’s voice was very light, like a musical note floating in the darkness.
Kiro: Turns out that you had a lot to do backstage whenever I had a concert.
He looked at the erratic light, and his entire body seemed rigid and quiet.
Compared to Kiro, who was always shining on stage, it seemed to be a little different. And it seemed to be the same for everything.
Kiro: On this glamorous road, you can always be with me and understand what I want in my heart.
Kiro: It’s great to arrive at the most splendid place with you.
My heart was touched by his words, and I couldn’t help thinking of the concerts we had held together, big and small, all over the world.
MC: Looking back on it now, we’ve walked such a long way together.
A satisfying and fulfilling sense of accomplishment overflowed in my chest. I held Kiro’s hand and gave him a smile.
MC: Don’t worry, Mr. Superstar.
MC: As your boss, I will accompany you to every grand stage, and I won’t falter for a single moment.
Kiro gripped my hand and his laughter was hidden in my neck.
Kiro: Just as my boss?
I couldn’t help but laugh at the breath that tickled my neck. I tilted my head and whispered in his ear.
MC: Well... and as Miss Chips.
Kiro turned his face to look at me. His eyes were as bright as the stars in the darkness.
Kiro: MC, this is the path we have chosen together. All the honors on this stage will be shared between us.
Kiro: And I will remember each one.
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Read the continuation in: Kiro’s Fledgling Date
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kylejsugarman · 2 years
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I posted 12,135 times in 2022
That's 6,542 more posts than 2021!
1,313 posts created (11%)
10,822 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,294 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#breaking bad - 1,595 posts
#syd squeaks - 1,316 posts
#mlp - 329 posts
#my little pony - 307 posts
#superstore - 304 posts
#ask - 169 posts
#about - 162 posts
#rlm - 93 posts
#saw - 83 posts
#ag - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i mean i guess i seek my dad's approval too but more in the sense that like. we share the same interests and i always wanted him to talk to
My Top Posts in 2022:
gale’s death isn’t funny because it’s sad and it fucked up jesse for life but also it is EXTREMELY funny because the whole reason gale got wrapped up in this mess is he got gus’s gay little chemistry scholarship and was so good at fucking idk vacuum distillations that gus recruited him to be his special little meth consultant and assigned him to be walt’s new partner. then gale fell in love with this abusive salt lamp of a man to the point where he recited poetry to him and gave him a fruity little present, only to promptly be fired because walt couldn’t go six minutes without psychologically tormenting jesse and then he gets fucking shot in the face by this very psychologically tormented baggy t-shirt boy who is sobbing and crying the whole time?? in his own home?? in his own little gay sandals?? fucking unbelievable.
3,110 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
funniest part of breaking bad is that jesse lived in like three separate places over the course of the show and every single time he moved somewhere new, a character had to come in and look around and reenact this exact panel while jesse just stood there half-asleep in a 3XL t-shirt
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3,266 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
the breaking bad dvd episode commentaries are funny because the cast is super funny but the funniest gd thing ever said in those commentaries was when they were doing the episode where andrea and brock come by while walt is talking business with jesse and walt awkwardly interacts with brock and someone on the cast was like “oh man!! i wonder what was going through walt’s head here haha :)” and bryan cranston got super close to his mic and was like (insidious walt voice) “i wonder how much poison i can fit in that little body”
5,337 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
why in the fuck is it so impossible for people to be normal about mitski and her music?? the woman gives interviews and talks about her music and her creative process and where her emotions and sounds come from, and people talk over her to claim it as their “feral sad girl music” and paste labels on her and present her as a commodity, like a music box that they can wind up and will play them what they want to hear....you all literally need to Be Normal For Once
8,376 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“the queen never asked to be queen, she had responsibility thrust upon her and had to carry a nation when she was just a young adult” ok jesse pinkman was a young adult when his former chemistry teacher blackmailed him into cooking meth with him and he carried the weight of everyone’s sins without colonizing multiple nations. also he lived bitch.
10,876 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mdmakki · 2 years
that boy is mine.
line up: matsukawa issei, kuroo tetsurou, tendou satori
warnings: jealousy, swearing, that’s it i think? implied alcohol consumption (in issei’s). mentions of eating (kuroo’s & tendou’s)
remember: set in timeskip, ageless and blank blogs dni or ur blocked.
note: it’s embarrassing how long it’s been since i posted and how long this has been in my drafts. but another jealous hc post cause ima sucker for them. but enjoy lol :p.
mdmakki 2022. reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated. do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
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╰┈➤matsukawa issei
the club was somewhere you and your friends likes to call your second home. nearly every second weekend the three of you would be seen there. sometimes all staying together, other times it’d just be you and issei while makki wandered off to find his fill for the night. tonight it was the opposite. kind of. you and makki where sitting at a table while your boyfriend said he was going to for a smoke. usually he’d only be gone for 10 minutes max, but it’d definitely been longer and you started to get worried—even though your 6’3 lover could most definitely defend himself. “im going to look for issei, you coming?” leaning into makki’s ear so he could hear, your pink haired friend shook his head and said he’s gonna go look for someone.
not so stumbling, but definitely not walking straight you made your way to the smoking area to investigate the case of your missing boyfriend. even though the place was packed it wasn’t hard to spot issei, his frame towering over most the people there. and when you spotted issei, you also seen a girl who you’ve never seen before, deep in conversation with him and a hand on his arm where yours usually rests. some may say it’s the alcohol, others will just say it’s the rage surging through you over seeing someone that close to your man. in just a few strides you were by issei’s side, arm around his waist and the best fake smile you could muster sitting pretty on your face.
“hi ‘sei i was getting worried, couldn’t find you in there. ah, who’s this?” once your gaze met hers the smile dropped, as did hers that she previously put on. “oh sorry baby, this is uh, what was your name again?” seeming genuinely confused or he was just a good actor issei looked expectantly at the girl. “it’s lilly, i told you like five minutes ago.” seeing the disappointment slowly spread across her face you ducked your head into issei’s side to stifle the small laugh that bubbled up. “ah yeah lilly, well this is y/n, my-” “partner, his partner.” you cut him off with a smile without looking away from, who you learned was lilly. “yeah, so i guess we better go back inside, makki’s probably lonely in there” without letting either of them say goodbyes you dragged issei back through the door.
“i need to put you on a leash i swear.” even over the loud music issei could still hear you and laughed while heartedly at your comment. “hey it’s not my fault, i guess i’m just too tall, dark and handsome.”
╰┈➤tendou satori.
you’d think with his long limbs tendou would be quick with everything he does. and usually he is, so that’s why your so confused as to why he’s been gone to pick up your takeout for nearly 15 minutes. you’d sent him a few texts asking if he’s okay and if there was a problem with the food. but no reply. deciding you’d try call him and if he didn’t pick up you would go see what’s up. and once you heard the sound of his enthusiastic voicemail you hung up and swung the car door open making your way to the small shop. but before you got in you saw the familiar sight of a bald shaved red head being thrown back with laughter.
sighing with utter relief you approached—who you hoped was satori, but who else could it be—him to see what was the hold up. once close enough you saw he was laughing along with a girl you never seen before in all the time you’ve spent in paris. “satori? there you are. i was getting worried.” turning his head quickly satori was quick to involve you in this humorous looking conversation. “y/n! sorry about that, i got caught up talking to mia here.” glancing at the girl to his left you gave a tight lipped smile, to which she gave the exact same back. insinuating you’re both thinking the same thing right now. bitch. “oh well that’s nice but our foods getting cold baby.” maybe it was just your eyes but you swore you saw her eyebrow twitch at the use of the pet name. “oh yeah our food! sorry mia but i’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you!” tendou said his farewells as you led him to the car.
once in the car tendou sat staring at you with a mischievous grin on his face. “what?” you quipped while double checking the food. “oh nothing, just,” he sniffed the air, nearly like a dog that smelt treats. “just a strong smell of jealousy in the air.” seeing your face fall into utter had satori barking out a laugh that brought tears to his eyes. “your stuck with me babe no need to worry”.
╰┈➤kuroo tetsurou
many times over the course of your relationship with kuroo, you’ve been told by countless men and women alike that he’s just oh so handsome. and of course, you agree everytime. because even though he’s smug about it, you can’t deny how perfect all his features are. and because he’s just so handsome, it’s not new to see a woman probably twice his age hanging out of his arm. it happens all the time. so much that you got used to it, but seeing the gorgeous men and women that would line up just to talk to your lover created an ugly pit in your stomach.
and of course the pit returns when you come visit him at work with food for you and him to eat on his break, a ritual you have. the older woman sitting on his desk, any closer to him and she would fall into his lap. on any other day you’d knock on his office door, but all you could see was red so knocking was not an option. “tetsu.” quick and sharp, you called your fiancé from your place at the door. kuroo quickly looked over the woman’s shoulder to see you standing, and you swore you could see a flash of relief on his face. “y/n!, i was waiting for you all morning, i missed you real bad today.” as he spoke with a kind of urgency, the cause of your irritation slowly turned to look at you, brow raised at lip curled. “oh? who’s this tetsurou?” you walked slowly into the room, approaching the desk where the two sat and stopping infront of a picture frame. a frame that held a picture of you and kuroo the day he proposed. “his fiancé, i swear i remember meeting you at the event last week, i couldn’t forget a face like yours” her eyes flicked from the frame, to your ring, your eyes then landed on kuroo, who was desperately trying to hold back a smile.
“oh yes of course,” she laughed, “of course i remember, he was just so happy when he told all of us.” beats of silence followed her response. the wide smile on her face falling. “well, that’s nice but this food smells too good to be sitting here, so if you’ll excuse us id like to have lunch with my fiancé.” she didn’t even answer you or bid farewell, the woman had just fled the room in haste. “baby, you don’t know how grateful i am, you saved me from listening to her for another hour.” kuroo sighed a breath of relief while taking your hands into his. “that’s what i’m her for my love, anytime you need me to fight off your countless admirers, just give me a call.”
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nowandajenn · 2 years
Blue Christmas- Eleven (Healing)
Pairing: Chris Evans/OC Kelly
Summary: After almost three years of marriage, everyone would tell you that Chris and his wife Kelly are the most stable, solid couple they know. But behind closed doors, things are tense as they keep trying for a baby, to no avail. When a secret threatens to shake their solid marriage to it’s core, will they be able to pick up the pieces?
I do not consent to have my content, whether it be this story or anything else of my creation, posted by a third party on any other platform other than right here without my permission. This blog is 18+ and is not intended for minors. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Heed the warnings. This is a work of FICTION. I do not claim to know Chris Evans, his family, friends, or anyone on his team personally.
Warnings for this chapter: Heavy, heavy angst. Language. Mentions of adultery. Mentions of miscarriage. Pregnancy. Allusions to abortion but nothing is stated outright.
This beast is clocking in at just over 6.7k words. Probably the single longest chapter I've ever written. The tag list for this story was getting out of control, and more than half the people on it had no interaction with the story at all, so I discontinued it. I'm tagging my nearest and dearest though. I may, MAY, create a google form for a new tag list. We'll see.
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January 8th (Six days post accident)
The pain meds they give people in the hospital following surgery pack a wallop, especially when given through an IV. They make me have crazy dreams, turn my attention span paper thin, and have the added bonus of turning my brain/mouth filter virtually non-existent.
I’m trying to pay attention to the conversation that Chris is trying to have with me. I really am. To be fair, he knew when he got here an hour ago that I had just gotten another dose. 
“What about this one?”
 Chris turns the iPad towards me so I can see yet another picture and resume’ of a home health nurse. It was an idea that he was originally against, but both Lisa and Andi, my main nurse, had both suggested that maybe having someone come in for a few hours a day a couple times a week would be a good thing. As much as he wants to do everything he possibly can for you, he also knows he’s only one person. After not hearing a response, and thinking maybe I had dozed off into a narcotic induced nap, he looks up to see me using my good hand to fiddle with the end of the braid that the nurse had put my hair into earlier after the shower that I’d finally been allowed to have after days of bed baths. 
Showers used to be glorious things. Water turned up to near scalding levels, music playing loud with me singing loudly (and badly) along, and nice shampoo and shower gel that smells amazing. This was not that. This was an entire process that took nearly an hour, starting with my casted leg and equally casted arm being wrapped in waterproof plastic and ending with me in tears because washing long hair takes two functional hands, and I only had one. There’s zero dignity in having another person give you a shower when you’re a grown woman who’s been showering and bathing by herself for many years now without issue. The nurse had been amazingly sweet and sympathetic and helped me with whatever I couldn’t do on my own (which was a lot), but the whole experience just left me feeling useless and depressed. 
 A soft touch to my hand brings me back to the present. 
“Where’d you go?” he asks softly. 
”My hair smells weird.” 
He leans forward a bit so he can get a whiff of my hair. “It smells okay to me.” 
“It’s not the same. It’s weird, clinical hospital shampoo. It doesn’t smell good like mine.” I lament. “I couldn’t even wash my own hair today. It’s too long, and I couldn’t do it with one hand. I can’t even-”
My voice starts to waver and I look down at my arm that’s laying useless in a sling across my chest. Even my fingers are so swollen and bruised that I couldn’t even put my rings on if I tried. My ring finger, which hasn’t been naked since Chris slipped my engagement ring on it some four and a half years ago, feels very bare and just wrong. Everything about the accident and my injuries keeps hitting me in different ways. 
I look over at Chris and then down at the iPad that he’s still holding. “Hire whoever you want. I honestly don’t care, and it’s not like I have any choice in the matter.”
He sighs softly, knowing that this conversation was never going to go over well. He knows that I know that I’m going to need as much help as I can get when I finally get released to go home, but he also knows that being as stubborn and self sufficient as I am, my worst nightmare is having someone have to help me do something as simple as get out of fucking bed. 
“This is the one thing that’s happened lately that you do get to choose. I want to get someone that you’re going to like and be comfortable with. I can’t imagine what this is like for you right now, and I’m just trying to make life as easy as it can get when you’re home.”
“I don’t know if I’m going to like someone from a goddamn resume’. As long as they can do the job without fucking me up more than I already am, great.” My back is starting to ache because of the position that I’m laying in, and when I go to slide further up the bed, I’m rewarded with a searing pain in my stomach from the movement pulling at my still healing splenectomy incisions. 
“Fuck, honey-”
I fall back on the pillows, irritated as hell and over this damn conversation, and the words fly out of my mouth before I can even think about stopping them. 
“Just pick someone! Maybe you’ll get lucky and you’ll get another girl who’s going to fall for the irresistible Chris Evans charm, who has no moral compass and no compunction about sleeping with married men. Then you can throw a shot into her too.”
I watch as his face falls, his hand pulling back from where it’s been resting on my arm and a lump the size of a golf ball forms in my throat. I didn’t mean to say that. I might as well just be wearing a name tag that says Hi, I’m: Here To Make Things Worse. I cover my mouth with my hand and glance up towards the ceiling, trying to blink the tears away before they can fully form. 
“I’m…..I’m sorry. I didn’t mean….” I start, but the words don’t want to come out. 
“It’s okay.” he tries to assure me. 
“No, it’s not.” I look down at the fluffy blue blanket that Chris brought me from home and I play with the slightly frayed edge, ashamed and unable to look at the broken look on his face. “This is a bad idea.” 
He pops a shoulder. “Could always hire a male nurse.” he says, raising his eyebrow. 
I let out a small snort, knowing he said it to try and lighten the mood, but all I can feel right now is trepidation at the thought of coming home with Chris to recover and him taking the brunt of all of my frustrations and emotional eruptions. 
He turns the iPad off and puts it on the side table and I watch as he stands up and grabs his jacket off the back of the chair, and my eyes widen.
“Don’t leave. Please, I-” I sputter out, trying to push down my panic. 
“I’m not. I’m just going to run down and get a coffee and check in with Shanna and see how Dodger’s doing. Are you getting hungry? You want me to grab you something?” 
I squint, trying to remember the dinner options on the meal sheet they give me every day and which one I might have picked. 
“Uhhhhh….no. I’ll be okay. They should be bringing whatever I picked out soon anyway. I’ll live.” 
“Okay. Text me if you change your mind. I’ll be back. No more than half an hour, I promise.” he says, resting his palm on the top of my head gently. 
When Chris gets back twenty or so minutes later, I’m honestly sort of surprised he came back instead of just going home and getting away from my emotional, broken ass for a while. And even more surprised that his mom is with him, since I didn’t know she was planning on coming by today. 
When they walk in, I’m sitting in one of the chairs in the room with my leg propped up, poking at a dish of red jello with a spoon. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” Chris asks, surprised. 
“I had to pee after you left, and being in bed was making my back hurt, so I asked if they could just park me here for a while. There’s not a ton of options when all you can really do is sit, so…I’ll be ready to get back in bed in a while.” 
Lisa starts towards me and I push the wheeled table away from me slightly so she can bend down and give me a hug, which I return with a strength that takes her by surprise a little bit. Knowing how hard the last few days (hell, weeks for that matter) have been and the fact that your mom isn’t around, she just had a feeling today that you could probably use a big dose of love that only a mama can provide, which is why she decided to pop by and surprise both you and Chris. 
She tilts my cheek to the side gently as she examines my face. “Your bruises are looking better.” 
“Mmm. Still hurts. Airbags will save your life, but you’re going to feel like you went twelve rounds with Mike Tyson after they go off in your face.”
“So, Chris and I were talking downstairs, and I had an idea.” I swallow my mouthful of jello and look towards Chris, really hoping that he didn’t tell her about what I said. He shakes his head almost imperceptibly and the anxiety in my gut loosens up a bit. 
“What would you think about me coming to stay with you guys for a bit when you got home?” 
“Chris, tell me you didn’t ask your mom to come home with us to be my babysitter.” I groan. Lisa snorts slightly. “He didn’t ask. I’m offering. I know you’re not crazy about someone you don’t know being in your house and….” she searches for the right words “helping you. And it wouldn’t be for too long; just until you guys get yourselves situated at home and get into a routine with things. It’s just to make the transition a little smoother.” she assures me. 
I look over at Chris and he shrugs, gesturing to me. “This is your call.” 
I sigh, looking over at my mother in law, who I adore more than anyone in the world. “I’m not great to be around lately. I’m still not convinced that coming home after this is the right thing to do, and I’m afraid it’s really just going to make things worse. I don’t want you both to have to deal with my psychotic mood swings.”
“Sweetheart, if your mood was completely stable after everything that’s happened, I’d be terrified. You’re hurt, and you can’t do the things that everyone else takes for granted without help, and everyone knows how frustrating that is. I know you’re angry and sad and frustrated. And that’s okay. We’re-” she gestures between herself and her eldest son “made of tough stuff. Well, I’m tougher than him. We all know he’s a big baby who cries at the drop of a Hallmark movie.” I sputter out a laugh while wiping my eyes. 
“We all love you, and we’re all here for you no matter what.”
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January 17th (Fifteen days post accident)
“They would release you on the coldest day of the year.” Chris says as he makes a final sweep around the hospital room that I’ve called home for the last two weeks. 
I huff out a small laugh. “Let’s just get the hell out of here before they come back here and tell me that they’ve decided to keep me for another week.”
“They should be back any minute with your discharge papers, and then we’ll go. The doc said he was going to call in your prescriptions to Walgreens, so hopefully they’ll be ready by the time we get there. Or I can get you home and settled in and run back out and grab them.” 
“We can wait for them. It’s too cold to be running back and forth.”
I look down at my “going home” outfit and can’t help but feel completely ridiculous. A pair of pink flannel pajama pants with penguins on them (they’re the only thing besides sweats that I can get up over the cast on my leg), a long sleeved white shirt, and one of Chris’ hoodies that’s zipped up over my sling, leaving just my good arm in the sleeve. They removed the stitches from my arm yesterday, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to look at it. The compression bandage that I’ve been instructed to wear all the time (with the exception of showers) is a lot more comfortable than the layers of wrapping my arm was encased in, but still annoying. And it itches like the devil. My right foot is encased in fluffy socks and a shoe, and my left leg is of course still in a cast, a sock pulled down over my exposed toes so they don’t freeze off when I go outside. 
My eyes go to the small black wheelchair that’s coming home with me and I squeeze my eyes shut. Because I’ve been instructed not to use my damaged arm for ANYTHING more strenuous than moving it gently to maneuver a shirt on and off, I can’t use crutches. 
Chris finishes packing up my backpack, and stops when he sees me staring vacantly at the wheelchair. He frowns, and walks over slowly, sitting on his heels in front of me. 
“Hey.” he murmurs softly, snapping me out of my reverie. 
“This isn’t going to be forever. They said the cast is going to come off hopefully in a couple of weeks, and then they’re going to put you in a walking boot. At least then you’ll be able to get up and move around. I know, I know how much you hate this. I do. But it is not forever.”
“I know.” I hate how small my voice is. “I hate how I have to think about every move I make. I can’t reach for anything because I can’t use my arm. I have to be careful when I stretch or it hurts my stomach. I have to cough or sneeze as soft as I can or else my ribs hurt. It’s just….I feel like a prisoner in my own body right now.” 
“But you’re going to get the chance to get stronger and recover.” I look up at him and our eyes meet, and I know we’re both thinking about the fact that the driver of the car that hit me died four days ago from his injuries sustained in the crash, and how that could have been me instead. 
When the nurse comes in with my discharge papers and the litany of aftercare instructions, Chris takes them and heads downstairs with my stuff so he can bring the car around to the front entrance. The nurse helps me put my coat and hat on before helping me maneuver myself into the wheelchair and we head down to the first floor. 
“You excited you’re finally out of here?” she asks me with a smile. 
“And nervous. It was kind of comforting knowing that even though I was stuck in here, if anything went wrong, I was in the right place.”
I see Chris pull up at the curb, and the nurse wheels me outside, and I gasp at the biting cold. It’s the first time I’ve felt fresh air on my skin since the day of the accident, and although it’s beyond freezing, it still feels amazing to breathe it in. It isn’t until I get situated in the passenger seat and we’re ready to drive home that the panic sets in. 
“The last time I was in a car I almost died.”
Chris takes his hands off the steering wheel and reaches over to hold my right hand. 
“I know.”
“You drive like an insane person.” 
Despite the seriousness of the conversation, he snorts, because he knows the amount of speeding tickets he’s accumulated since he started driving is ridiculous. But he also knows that since the accident, he’s been almost hyper aware of his speed and everything going on around him, when he usually just goes on autopilot when he’s driving, like anyone else who drives every day. 
“I promise I won’t drive like an insane person with you in the car.” 
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“Don’t drive like an insane person ever. You can’t control the way other idiots drive, but you can control how you do. I need you around.”
Those words make hope bloom in his chest. 
“I promise.”
When we get home, relief washes over me. As promised, Chris drove very carefully and obeyed the speed limit, but I was still a nervous wreck the whole 25 minute drive. Plus, being scrunched in the roomy, but limited space of the passenger seat isn’t very comfortable with my injuries. One the car is parked inside the garage and Chris has my door open, he realizes that he didn’t really think this part through very well. 
The furniture inside has been arranged and re-arranged about a dozen times in different configurations to accommodate the wheelchair in the house. He purchased a shower chair for me to make showers easier, he got cast wraps to keep the cast on my leg dry, he set up a perfect little nest with pillows and blankets on our sectional so I’d be comfortable, with remotes and chargers and books, and even a little cooler within reach. 
I notice the look on his face that he gets when he’s confused about something or trying to find a solution to a problem, and turn to him. 
“You’re trying to figure out how you’re going to get me in the house, aren’t you?”
The sheepish, yet slightly guilty look on his face tells me I’m right. “I have guys coming on Monday to put in a temporary ramp over the stairs in front. But I didn’t think about today.”
There’s two steps to get from the garage into the house, and the wheelchair isn’t going to make it up them. 
“You’re going to have to carry me in the house.”
“I was thinking that, but I don’t want to hurt you. You’re still really sore.” he says, gesturing to his chest and stomach. 
“I’m pretty sure everything I do for a while is going to be somewhat painful, but I think this is our only option. Why don’t you grab the wheelchair and bring it in, put Dodger in the bedroom until we get inside so he doesn’t knock me down when he sees me, and then come back out and grab me?”
He exhales slowly. “Okay. I’ll be right back. Just…..” he trails off, gesturing vaguely at me. 
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” 
When Chris comes back out, he comes around to the passenger side and opens the door for me. I turn in the seat, angling myself as much as I can to make it easier for him to grab me and carry me inside. I’m slightly nervous about how much this is going to hurt, but I’m determined to not let it show. 
“You ready?” 
I take a deep breath and nod. He stoops down and slides his left arm around my back, while his right arm loops under my legs and he lifts me gently, my good arm going around his neck. He’s carried me like this about a million times in the years that we’ve been together, but for some reason, all I can think about is how he carried me (both of us slightly tipsy)  like this up to our hotel room after our wedding reception, and me laughing and telling him not to drop me or else I’d get our marriage annulled. I squeeze my eyes shut at the memory. 
I open them back up when I feel Chris setting me down on the end of the sofa and helping me get comfortable. 
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks nervously. 
“I’m okay. Can you just grab a couple pillows so I can put my leg up though?” 
He hits the button on the side of the couch for the foot rest to come up and slides a couple throw pillows under my leg. 
“Can I get you anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty?” 
“I”m okay for right now. Can you go get Dodger though? I missed him like crazy.”
He smiles and goes to the bedroom to let the dog out, and a second later, I hear the sound of his nails clicking rapidly on the hardwood. 
“Hi, baby!” I exclaim, holding my arm out. 
“Dodge, be gentle, okay? Careful.” Chris warns. 
Dodger jumps up on the couch next to me and immediately snuggles into my side. Luckily enough, he’s on my good side so I can give him pets and belly rubs. 
“Mom’s going to be over in a few hours. She said she wanted to give us a little bit of time to get settled in and such. I’m gonna go and unpack our stuff and start some laundry. You have the remotes and your phone and charger nearby….if you need anything, just yell. Or tell Dodger to come get me.” 
“I will. I think I’m going to try and take a nap though, honestly. The trip home kind of took it out of me.”
“Okay.” He grabs a blanket from the back of the sofa and drapes it over me, dropping a kiss to my head before he leaves to go get started on unpacking our stuff. As he walks away, he stops to look back at me again, thinking to himself how it seems like it’s been a lifetime since the last time the both of us were in this house together, even though it’s only been about three weeks. As much as he wanted you back home, he never in a million years thought this would be how it happened. 
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January 25th (23 days post accident)
“God, that feels nice.” I moan at the feeling of Chris’ fingers in my hair, massaging the shampoo in. 
“Why do you think I always beg you to wash my hair?” he says, smirking. I catch his use of the present tense, and try and think about how long it’s been since the last shower we took together before the accident. I’m damn near positive it was way different than the ones that have happened since I’ve been home, and probably ended in orgasms all around. 
“This is infinitely better than the showers in the hospital. The nurse who always used to do mine had long ass nails. I’m pretty sure one of them is still embedded in my brain somewhere.” 
He laughs as he rinses my hair with the detachable shower head. After working conditioner through my hair and helping me scrub myself down and even shaving my right leg and under my arms for me, he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist before grabbing another one to dry me off. I’m sitting on the toilet lid in my underwear while Chris smooths lotion on me, letting me do what I can reach with my good arm when I say his name softly. 
“Thank you.” I watch his eyebrow quirk up in confusion. 
“What for?”
“This. The- everything. When we got married, I bet you never imagined you’d have to help me shower and put on clean underwear and take me to go pee.”
He looks down as he continues to rub the lotion into my leg. “No, but I don’t think anyone goes in ever thinking about the worst case scenario where those things would ever come up. But that’s part of the deal, right? For better or worse? That covers everything; not just the good stuff. You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job.” 
“You could have just let my mom have her way and let them take me home.” I point out. 
He scoffs and shakes his head. 
“Absolutely not. For one thing, you and your mom would have ended up killing each other. And for another…..your head is giving you enough grief as it is right now, and being around her would have just made it worse. I couldn’t do that to you.” 
I see Chris reach for my shirt and groan, knowing how much it hurts my arm to put a damn shirt on. 
“How bad does it look?”
“Your arm?” 
I nod slightly and he sighs. “It’s still really raw and red. It’s going to fade, but it’s going to take some time. The doctor recommended some stuff that’s supposed to help with scars. Make them less visible over time.” 
“Can I see it?” I ask. 
“Are you sure?” he asks. I shrug a bit. 
He picks me up off the toilet seat and walks us in front of the bathroom mirror and turns so I can see my arm. I suck in a shuddering breath and close my eyes. It’s ugly. A roughly five inch or so vertical incision straight down my upper arm, red and raw and glaringly obvious. Even when it’s fully healed, it’s going to be ugly. 
“If you want, I can always talk to Josh. We can see if he can draw something up so you can cover it up once it’s fully healed.”
I nod as tears leak out of my eyes. Chris tilts my chin up. “It’s just a scar. It doesn’t define you and it’s not the end of the world. It doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” He pivots so my ass is sat on the bathroom vanity and once I’m settled, he pulls the shirt over my head, being gentle with  my arm, and then helps me into a clean pair of pajama pants. 
“You know, we’re actually getting kind of good at this.” he says as he carries me out of the bathroom and sets me down in our bed. 
“I hate that that’s something to brag about.” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “Although, I guess after doing the same thing day after day for a couple weeks, it’s to be expected. You don’t look quite as terrified now as you did the first time we did this.” 
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February 2nd (one month post accident)
“I’m sorry I didn’t call sooner….I was in a pretty serious car accident a month ago and things have been a little hectic since then. I haven’t been cleared by my doctor to fly yet, so there’s no way we can make it out there. Mmmmhmmm. Yeah, the reservation is under Kelly Evans.” 
Chris walks into the kitchen and starts making himself a cup of coffee while I’m on hold with the resort to cancel the Valentines Day reservations I had made back in November. I had a solid plan that I had cooked up with Meghan and his team so he wouldn’t have anything scheduled for the three days I had booked at Post Ranch Inn, but then between finding out about the affair and the accident, my carefully made plan got blown straight to hell, leaving me feeling a little (lot) angry. 
“Okay. Thank you again for all your help. I’m sorry again for the late notice.” 
I end the call and toss my cell phone onto the island, irritation bubbling up inside me. 
“Who was that?” 
“Canceling the reservation I made for us for Valentines Day at Post Ranch Inn. I made it before I found out about you fucking someone else. That kind of took the romance out of it a little bit. Well, that and the fact that my body’s still mostly useless.” 
My newly (as of two days ago) uncasted leg starts itching to high hell under the walking boot and compression sock I have on, and I start the process of unstrapping the boot one handed so I can enjoy scratching my leg to my heart’s content. I wish I could have gotten a picture of Chris and the doctor’s faces when my cast was finally cut off and a fork, two pens, and a plastic ruler came tumbling out of it, all lost in my attempt to wedge something down there to scratch the itch. 
He sighs lightly and turns so his back is to the counter, giving me what I’ve coined his “kicked puppy look.” Most of the time, I feel guilty for whatever I said to make that look appear, but today I’m just too agitated to care. 
“Don’t give me that look. You do it every single time I mention the fact that you had sex with someone else. You know what you did. You don’t get to make that face and look like I just told you that Disneyland is closing down forever.”
He walks over to where I’m sitting with a sigh, and reaches to help me with the straps on my boot. “Can we not fight? Please? I know that there’s an ocean of stuff we have to work through, and I know none of this is easy…I just don’t want to fight with you.” 
“Just stop. I can do it myself." I tell him, brushing his hand away softly. "You know, just because I still need you to help with most of my basic human functions doesn’t mean that I necessarily like being around you all the time. You’re my husband and for some God forsaken reason, even though you did what you did, I still love you, despite me calling you a cheating shitbag in my head at least once a day. So, just leave me alone for a little while, okay? I was really excited about having this trip happen, and it all got blown to hell in a really magnificent fashion, so let me just sit here and be pissed off and sad about it.” 
He holds his hands up and backs away. “Okay. I can do that. Just, we have your doctor’s appointment at 2, so let me know when you need me to come help you get ready.” I look up at him and nod, spinning my phone on the table. He starts to walk away, but then turns back towards me. 
“You know, when the accident happened and you were out of surgery, I kind of went into crisis mode. I called my team and canceled everything, because I knew that you were going to need someone to be there for you and help take care of you until you were stronger. And I know that you have a million people that are in our lives that would drop everything and do that for you, because you’re amazing and everyone loves you so much. The parade of people that have come and gone through here since you’ve been home is proof of that. I kind of just took charge, because I didn’t know what else to do….and I don’t think I took the time to stop and ask myself if you even wanted it to be me, given everything that happened.”
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“Chris….I did. I wouldn’t have felt comfortable having anyone else do it.” 
He nods. “I know that it’s hard for you to be around me sometimes. I know that you’re still angry, and hurt and upset and you have every right to be. I know we’re a mess, but once things settle down a little bit, we’ll get in to go see that therapist that Carly told me about, and we’ll start working through it. That is, if you still want to.”
“I do.”
A few hours later, we’re sitting in the waiting room of my gynecologist’s office, and Chris is just staring around the room at the posters on the wall, and occasionally glancing at the couple of pregnant women that are in the waiting room with us. 
“Why did you need to see her?” he asks softly. 
“I’m overdue for my annual exam, and since all I do lately is go to the doctor, I figured I should probably just get it out of the way.” It’s a half truth. Well, ⅓ truth. If the doctor was right about my hcG levels when I was in the hospital, I’m about six weeks pregnant, and it’s probably time to get official confirmation in black and white. And if I am, Chris deserves to be there to hear it. But first, he needs to get something done himself. 
The nurse comes by and hands us both a clipboard with paperwork on it, and Chris’ eyebrows raise. “Why do I get paperwork?”
The nurse clears her throat nervously and taps a section on the paperwork. STD test, with the works. She walks away to let us fill out the papers, and his eyes shoot to mine. 
“I used a condom. I told you that. I'm not an idiot.” he says softly.
“I don’t care. I need to see it for myself, for my own peace of mind.”
He’s called back first, and with a nervous swallow and a look back at me, he follows the nurse. I’m called back shortly after, and after blood work, urine test, and the internal exam, Chris is allowed back into the exam room to wait with me while the results come back. 
“You want to grab something to eat after this? You didn’t have much for breakfast earlier.” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah, I-” I’m interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Dr. Hartman coming back in. By the look on her face, I just know. 
“Congratulations, you guys are pregnant.”
Chris is lucky that there’s a chair right behind him, or he would have been in a world of pain when he landed. When I see him basically collapse into the chair, I get worried. 
“Mr. Evans, are you okay?” Dr. Hartman asks, reaching for his wrist to check his pulse. His face is a look of pure shock, like he can’t begin to comprehend what he just heard. 
“Chris?” I ask, my own emotions threatening to spill out despite knowing this was coming. I instantly feel bad for not giving him a heads up that this was a very real chance. His eyes find mine and we just stare at each other. 
“I’m okay. I just- it’s- are you sure?” he asks, his voice unsteady. The doctor steps away, seemingly convinced that a movie star isn’t going to drop dead of shock in one of her exam rooms. “The tests are extremely accurate, but I’m going to go ahead and do a transvaginal ultrasound so we can take a look. If you’re far enough along, we should be able to hear the heartbeat.” 
Since I’m still in the gown and haven’t gotten dressed yet, I lay back on the table and assume the position again as she pulls the ultrasound machine towards her. Chris gets up on unsteady legs and stands next to me, still looking shell shocked. 
“Okay, this is going to be a little uncomfortable. Just take a nice deep breath.” she warns. I do as she says, but I still make a face when the probe is inserted. Chris is torn between watching my face and wanting to see what’s happening on the screen. Me, I’m too afraid to look anywhere but his face. For as much trepidation as I’m feeling over this pregnancy, I’m overcome with the sudden fear that she’s going to find the baby and there’s not going to be a heartbeat, just like last time, and I honestly don’t know if I can go through that twice.
“There it is.” I hear from next to me. I watch as his eyes move from mine to the screen, seeing the tiny blob in the middle of my uterus with the little flicker in the middle. A heartbeat. I still can’t bring myself to look though. Dr. Hartman, who was the one who told me that I had miscarried and performed my D&C, senses my fear, and quietly hits a button on the machine. The sound is almost overwhelming as it fills the room. I have a crazy thought that it almost sounds like clothes in the washer as it’s agitating. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh. It's loud and fast and sounds strong. My eyes snap to the screen, and I immediately bring my hand to my mouth and burst into tears. 
“From the size, it looks like you’re about six or seven weeks. Which is going to put the due date at about….” she stops to put some numbers into the computer. September 23rd, give or take.”
After printing off some pictures and leaving the room to let me get cleaned up and get dressed, we leave the office feeling a million different emotions. We’re both quiet on the drive home, both lost in thought. How many times have we wished for this? How many negative pregnancy tests have we seen and tossed angrily into the trash, tears threatening to spill. How many times did we say “It’s okay. It’ll happen. I know it.” only for it to happen during the worst period in our marriage? 
When we get home, I slowly waddle into the house, still enjoying the feeling of being able to (somewhat) walk instead of being chained to that damn wheelchair. I make my way to the back door to let Dodger out, passing Lisa, who’s watching both Chris and I with a curious, careful gaze. 
I feel him behind me as I turn on the tap, filling a glass with water and downing it almost all in one gulp. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks softly. He can see my hand trembling slightly as I hold the glass, and he knows he has to tread lightly. 
“In general? Or about the fact that we found out I’m pregnant in the middle of our personal shit storm?” 
“Both.” I drop my head. Truth be told, I’m exhausted. My arm is killing me, the nerve pain making burning pins and needles radiate over my whole arm. My leg is aching from being on it for an extended amount of time. 
I’ve been trying to roll it over and around in my head for weeks. What to do if I really did have the shittiest luck in the world, and I did end up actually pregnant in this situation. I keep coming back to the bad joke that my brother made the night I found out about Chris about me not having to deal with all of this while I was pregnant. 
“I don’t know if I can do this.” My voice is soft, but he hears it like I’m screaming it. “I don’t know if I can have this baby. I don’t know if my body can handle it, and I don’t know if I can handle it emotionally.” 
The words punch through him like a hit from a prize fighter. He knows exactly when it happened; the night that you had come over to get a dress from your closet and we had ended up defling quite a few surfaces in the house. There’s a good chance that our baby was conceived on the dining room table. 
“Are you talking about-” he can’t even bring himself to say the words. He KNOWS this the worst timing for this to happen. He KNOWS that no matter what, it’s your choice. But the thought of not having this baby with you almost brings him to his knees. 
My breath hitches. “Chris, look at us. Take a good look at me, at my body. I’m broken. I’m still recovering. I’d have to be monitored more closely to make sure that everything is okay. Because we don’t know if it will be.” The thought of finally getting everything I wanted with my husband and then not having it makes my chest hurt. 
“I’ve wanted kids with you since the moment you told me you loved me for the first time, and that I was it for you. I knew that you were going to be the father of my kids one day. But now, with everything, I don’t know if that’s the case anymore.” 
The tears are burning my eyes, and I can feel the sobs starting to build in my throat, and I know if I don’t get out of this room right now, I’m going to lose it. I’m pretty sure that Lisa heard at least part of our conversation, and I can’t talk about it anymore without losing my mind. I set my glass in the sink and silently make my way upstairs, thinking that two of the worst conversations I’ve had in my life have come within months of each other and have both taken place in the kitchen that I loved. Now I can barely stand to be in it. 
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