#i really like how tired greed just looks like honestly what a guy
crowcryptds · 2 years
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[tucks hair behind ear] so i may have finished fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
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devildomditzy · 1 year
“Alright, again.”
“Mammon, c’mon, do I have to? We’ve been at this for hours?”
He clicks his tongue in annoyance, hands flying to his hips.
“Well, we wouldn’t have to be if your form wasn’t so sloppy. So c’mon, arms up.”
You lazily lift them, noticing the extra pull of tension you felt from the overexertion of moving all day.
You lock your elbows as best as you can, bawling your hands into fists.
Mammon takes a step back, shifting his hips so one foot took precedent in front of the other to steady himself.
“Now, come at me.”
Honestly, you don’t think you have anything left to come at him with, but talking your way out of it doesn’t seem to be working.
“This is so dumb. Why do I need to learn self defense?”
He gawks at you like the answer is so obvious. “So you can defend yourself? What kinda question is that?”
“Why do I need to know? Shouldn’t my guardian demon always be there to protect me?”, you tease.
He gives you a pointed look, before breaking into his usual bravado.
“Of course The Great Mammon’s gonna protect ya! But what if while I’m kicking one guy’s ass, some other guy comes up behind ya? You need to know what to do!”
You don’t know why he’s so fixated on this, but you assume it has more to do with his recent Deviltube search history of “cool fighting moves” and “sick karate”, then actually being worried about your well-being
“I know what to do. I’d use one of my other pacts to call your brothers.”
“Hey w-what? Those guys? Are ya kidding me? Ya don’t need them, ya only need me!”
“Exactly, which is why I’m going back to my room. My first man’s got it covered.”
You throw in the nickname just as an extra precaution. If you could catch him off guard and turn him into a stuttering mess, maybe he’d forget about this whole thing and you could go face plant directly onto your bed to get some much needed rest.
As you start to walk past him, you’re surprised at the speed of which he grabs your shoulder, pulling you into his arms and locking you tight, your back against his chest.
“See? If ya’d just listen to me, you’d know how to get outta this, wouldn’t ya?”
You wiggle and squirm to the best of your ability to free yourself, but you know it’s no use. He is the second strongest brother.
“Mammooonnnn please,” you whine, trying to crane your neck back to see his face. “I’m tired.”
“I know, on account of you remindin’ me every five seconds!”
You huff and glare back at him, continuing to attempt to jostle free.
“Just break outta this and I’ll let you go for the day.”
It’s all too easy, really, to get one over the avatar of greed. Maybe not for some people, but you seemed to have a special effect on him.
“Fine,” you say, leaning your head back as far as you can in his grasp and leaving a timid kiss to his cheek.
The response is instantaneous.
“H-HEY! W-What was that! Whaddya think you’re doin’?”
He quickly lets go and stumbles back, stammering as he brings a hand up to his face to cup where your lips had just been in disbelief.
“I think I’m going to my room to lay down.”
You start to walk past him as he stands there, dumbstruck.
“Are you coming or not?”
He doesn’t give you much of a verbal response, letting out a quick “tch”, but like clockwork, you find him catching up to you, falling into stride at your side, grumbling to himself, “Stupid human with their stupid cheatin. I outta start chargin’ ya for these lessons.”
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katshelluvacritic · 11 months
So…. Glitz and Glam huh… y’know what that means my fellow artists and critics…
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REDESIGN TIME!!!! + (A bit of critics/opinions on the characters and the og design :-] )
To start it out a lil’ positive, If I gotta be honest I actually kinda liked these two characters from the mid-season special, even though they were just the bitchy woman character your supposed to hate (as if we needed any more of those characters than we already got viv), they were still really fun as characters in my opinion!
I feel like bitchy esc kind of character very much works for these two coupled with them being very competitive towards fizz in the episode, I feel like those two things were like the bread and butter for these characters and if I wanna be honest… I kinda wanna see these two again but wouldn’t be surprised if that didn’t happened bc c’mon this helluva boss we’re talking about after all!
The only thing I would have to say negatively about these two is that they literally got crushed by a rock in the end, like I get it viv hates writing characters who are woman but COME ONNN, you had these two characters that seem really interesting and the only climax you could’a think for them in the ep was to crush them with a rock? That’s literally lame.
But other than that, I think overall these characters were alright! At least writing wise….
Now for the redesign + critic thing on the og designs
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I decided to change her outfit bc although I loved the character’s personality, the outfit viv gave them not fit them at all. The jester esc outfit personally I think doesn’t really work for these two because 1. The jester theme Fizzarolli’s thing and 2. It doesn’t really work well with their personality, the song they sang in my opinion shows that.
So I thought I’d base their outfits off of the bratz outfits and also any outfits similar to that, to try to fit their characters more!
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That and I’m just getting real sick and tired of the jester/clown theming that’s going on in hb because oh my god it feels so out of place, especially with the theme of greed ring being a trashy polluted city. And even if, EVEN IF viv wanted to give them clown esc themed outfits, I feel like it would’ve made more sense if she gave them outfit that were similar to mimes because technically those guys are like elegant clowns! While jesters aren’t even the same as clowns at all.
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I also kept the green ish’ tones while also giving them a bit off red and purple colors to compliment the identical twin duo thing they have going on! Because like… do I even have to say why I did it? Their colors are literally just black and the same exact hues of green, it was literally hard to focus on them when watching the episode because of much they blended in with the background.
I also took inspiration from this fish when designing them because from as far as I can tell (and do correct if I’m wrong), they’re supposed to be fish demons??? So I tried to add more fish motifs for them!
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I also made them half succubus from the horns looking similar to that and also because I thought it’d be fitting for them!
I also made their hair look like fish fins because oh my god their hair in the canon design was probably the worst part about their designs, not only did it have too many details that it was too distracting when I was trying to pay attention to the characters but also I just trying to figure out how the hair works in general, because it honestly their hair kinda looked like paper instead of fish fins or even actual hair.
But other than that uhh…
TLDR: I love these guys sm, they deserved much better and uhhh I love women /hj
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casuallyawkardd · 1 year
Hello dear, how are you? 😘 I wanted to know if it's ok, do you write an imagine where reader calls Miguel for the "first" time from the nicknames that spiders sometimes call him, but NEVER in front of him like "Guelito" "Miggy" or my favorite " Miguelito". thank you and I loved the second part "Close Encounters of the Spiderkind" I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapters
'Miguelito' is also my personal fav 😌 I should start work on pt 3 of 'Close Encounters of the Spiderkind' very soon so thank you for the love. Appreciate you anon 💕
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader
Warnings: fluff, awkward beans being awkward beans, can be interpretted as platonic or romantic depending on the vibes you want
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"Sounds like big guy's mad again."
"When is he not, Parker?"
You shot the other spider a half hearted glare, too tired to fully commit. It had been a long week, in fact it had been a long three weeks. Someone, everyone had agreed not to point fingers, had lost one of the anomalies. It was a variant of Rhino, some version that looked like a bodybuilder and a mecha anime had a baby, had barreled his way through HQ and was now loose in Nueva York. Miguel's home turf.
For being such a large hunk of muscle, the anomaly was apparently very good at flying under the radar. When you and the other spiders were able to get a ping on him, he was even better at forcing his way through an escape plan. Every 'we almost got him' and 'we'll get him next time' seemed to be grinding against your boss's psyche, sometimes clenching his jaw so tight that you were concerned about his teeth breaking.
The latest hunting party was gathered in the cafeteria, comprised of Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, Peter B and you. The bane of your existence right now, aka Peter, was obnoxiously slurping on his soda on your right, taking a bite of his O'Hara Burger between gulps. Normally things like that didn't bother you, but today it was like nails on a chalkboard; the urge to beat your own burger, that had quite the resemblance to your boss, to a pulp only growing by the minute.
"Can we just all agree that good, old Migs was the one who fumbled the bag today, yeah?" Hobie chimes in with his usual nonchalant attitude, picking at his own food.
"A...greed," everyone chimes in, all equally tired. Well...almost everyone.
You side eye Peter, who seems to be holding off on his own response. "Well..." he starts carefully, speaking through a mouthful of burger, "you were the one who wasn't able to cut the anomaly off at the corner."
"Excuse me?" you snap back.
"I'm just saying," he holds up a hand in a placating gesture, "I don't think blaming Miggy for everything is always fair. Man's got a lot on his plate keeping all of us in line."
"Yeah, you sound like an old man."
The younger spiders at the table joined in on the conversation, "I am an old man, respect your elders," Peter scolds the teens before looking back at you. "Look, I'm just saying maybe take one for the team and...apologize."
"For fumbling the bag today."
You take a deep breath in through your nose, head leaning back as if asking for an answer from someone up above. Finally, with a heavy sigh, you look back at the man next to you, "And why do you think me apologizing will help?"
Peter shrugs, "Maybe an apology is what Mig needs to relax a little, he likes when people take accountability. Besides, everyone knows he has a soft spot for you-"
"That man doesn't have a soft anything," you cut Peter off before he can start rambling.
"C'mon," Peter sighs, giving you a reassuring pat on the shoulder, "just go in there and be all 'Ohhh~ Miguelito, I'm really sorry for messing up, please let me help pull that stick out of your ass,'" his impersonation of you has you snickering despite yourself. Damn him and his dorky humor.
"I think I'd be dead if I called him that, or anything we call him when he's not around."
"Honestly, our little nicknames are probably the more tasteful ones," Gwen notes, "Trust me, I've heard some real creative ones."
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And that's what brought you to where you were now, slowly making your way into Miguel's lab. You had to keep playing the events of earlier today in your head as a reminder of why you're even here in the first place. Yes, you were the one who was meant to stop Rhino from escaping yet again, but Peter was right. You had choked. Froze on the spot and Miguel had to be the one to pull you to safety. The memory replayed over and over as you mentally scolded yourself, thinking that Rhino would be in the Go Home Machine right now had you stood your ground. But hey, hindsight was 20/20.
"Whatcha doin'?" Lyla's chipper voice pulls you from your thoughts, yellow hologram blipping from here and there as she followed you.
"M'here to see Miguel," you answer a little reluctantly, knowing what she'll ask next.
"Because...?" Lyla's now projecting at your side, life sized and walking in stride with you. Her eyes are focused on you, not needing to watch where she's going, seeing as she fazes through every obstacle. Your silence has her pixels forming a teasing smirk, "Oh, you did something wrong~" she coos in a sing-song voice.
"Not now, Lyla."
"Jeez..tough crowd today. I'd expect it from Miguel, but you? I thought we were friends," Lyla stopped walking, giving you a mock pout that had you rolling your eyes and continuing on your way. Lyla's so-called 'betrayal' was short lived as she appeared on one of the control tables, sitting with her legs crossed. "Well, it is good you're here. Big guy's been debating whether or not to call you into his office for the last hour."
That had you pausing. "Why does he want to talk to me?" you ask the AI, who only smirks back. It's clear that she knows, what you know, that he also knows... "How mad is he?" you decide on inquiring next, wincing a little in anticipation of her answer.
Lyla keeps you waiting, of course she does, humming and tapping her chin with a finger. "Not...too mad. Slightly over the average amount for him."
"Was that supposed to make me feel better?"
Lyla laughs behind her hand, pixels now standing in front of you again, "Come on, you're stalling~ Rip it off like a bandaid," she pantomimes patting you on the shoulder. With a heavy sigh, you press on into the main room of Miguel's lab.
He must've heard your conversation with Lyla, the platform already starting to lower at its painfully slow pace. Miguel is standing stiff, hands on his hips and his back to you. The sight has you swallowing thickly, nerves only heightened as you watched the man, who was going to tear you a new one, approaching in the most ominous way imaginable.
With a deep breath, you step forward, finding your voice after a moment, "I think we should talk," you tell him, cursing how your voice has that slight waver to it.
Miguel audibly sighs as well, shoulders sagging at the effort. "I agree," he replies, turning to face you and stepping down to the ground floor. Your stomach drops as he approaches, Miguel stopping and crossing his arms over his chest as he looked down at you. Why he had to be stupidly tall and intimidating was a mystery to you, one that wouldn't be solved in this moment.
"Look, I know today could've gone better," you start with, "we almost had Rhino and we lost him. Or, I guess I lost him.." your eyes avert to the floor, hands fidgeting together, "What I'm trying to say is-"
"I'm sorry."
The two of you speak at the same time, giving you pause. Your eyes finally look up to meet his, brows knitted together in confusion. "I'm sorry, what?" you deadpan, looking at him in disbelief. Surely my ears just aren't working, you think.
Miguel huffs, not a fan of repeating himself as he adjusts his stance, "I said, I'm sorry. The anomaly got away again, that's on me."
"You were in the prime position to neutralize the target and I got in the way," he continues to say, as if not hearing your interjection. "I...let my concerns get in the way and cloud my judgment-"
"Wait, hold on-"
"I let you down, I let the team down..."
"That's enough, Miguelito-"
"¡Cállate!" You jump when he raises his voice. "I'm trying to swallow my pride and apologize here," he snaps, annoyance evident in his tone. He huffs, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers and muttering under his breath in Spanish. You, on the other hand, were frozen on the spot. Mainly because you were still reeling from his initial outburst, but as realization set in at your slip of the tongue. Maybe he was too mad to notice?
"I came to apologize to you," you clarified, pausing when Miguel shoots you another glare. However, you were unperturbed, "It's my fault the mission went wrong. I got cold feet," you spoke a little softer, embarrassed at your confession. "If anything, I should be thanking you for making sure I didn't get trampled to death..."
"Stop," Miguel chimed in, holding up a hand to silence you. His lips pressed together in a hard line, thinking of what to say next. "You don't need to be so hard on yourself."
"Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?"
You crack a smile, hiding a chuckle behind your hand. Miguel's frown deepens and you can't help but laugh even more at the sight, the tension in the room dissipating once you realized the feeling of guilt was mutual. That and the fact you were both too stubborn to let the other be in the wrong. He seems to catch on to the irony of the situation, a reluctant snicker escaping him as he shook his head wryly.
Before either of you could pick up where you left off, there was a beeping sound coming from each of your Gizmos. It looked to be an alarm, further inspection revealing that Rhino had been spotted and all available spiders were to go to the given coordinates.
Miguel was on the move, his touch surprisingly gentle on your arm as he guided you to follow him out of the lab. Once you fell into stride, he was typing away on his Gizmo, "Parker, do you copy? I want you to gather the group from earlier and meet y/n and me there."
"Got it boss," the familiar sound of Peter B's chipper voice answered, "Anything for you, Miguelito~"
You winced slightly as he emphasized the nickname, a fresh reminder of your slip of the tongue. It had you feeling anxious once more as you walked beside the source of said anxieties.
"Don't call me that," Miguel snapped into the comm, "and don't be late," he added before ending the call. His eyes glanced your way, causing your breath to catch in your throat for a brief second. The knowing smirk and low chuckle he gave you in response was a surprise, stunning you even more.
It took a moment for you to remember that you were still walking, quickening your pace to catch back up. The two of you didn't speak as you walked through HQ, some kind of silent understanding that your earlier debate would be an 'agree to disagree' kind of situation. Everyone knows he has a soft spot for you, Peter's words echoed in your head, putting a little spring in your step. Confident that you wouldn't freeze up this time around.
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Tags: @prettylittlebrowngirl @khaleesihavilliard @leahnicole1219 @edgycatx @graysonshaven @qiaipia @3zae-zae3 @melovetitties @jebsoxnoshansk @thedevax @erissco @its-carlerrr @muimui06 @cheezit-luv3rr @leo-lvr @stqrlightrs
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To Ascend Again
Summary: After falling from the Celestial Realm, the seven brothers must rely on each other emotionally to cope with the loss of their sister, Lilith. Meanwhile, they are also trying to adjust to their new forms and heal both the physical and emotional wounds caused by the Celestial War. Their bonds become stronger than ever since the fall, and they learn to rise again from the calamity that befell them.
Genre: Angst/Hurt
CW: Blood, Mammon swearing, very minor violence
A/N: This is the first chapter released since Nightbringer came out! 🎉 I honestly was holding out for NB's release to get a feel for the story so I could figure out exactly how I wanted the future chapters to go. Now I know the situation of RAD in NB, but I had already mentioned it before i prior chapters so to keep it consistent, we're just going with it lol I'll try my best from here on out to include some stuff from the game, so i'll be sure to include if there's potential spoilers. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy!! I also apologize in advance for what i'm about to do to Satan 😬
Taglist: @amberrskiies @delphi-dreamin @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse
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Chapter 8: The Fall of Satan
The brothers stared as Diavolo placed a rather large catalog in front of them on the dining room table. “Uh, what’s this?” Mammon asked, tilting his head. “This here is a book of all of our Uniform options at my Academy!” The demon prince boasted. Lucifer pulled the catalog closer to himself to get a better look. “So, we can choose whatever we’d like?” he asked. Barbatos nodded from his place at the end of the table. “Yes, that’s correct. Most demons go for a standard, traditional uniform. But you can customize any of the pieces such as the style and color of the ties.” The brothers all crowded around Lucifer as they looked at the wide variety of uniform styles that Diavolo offered.
“Feel free to browse for the rest of the day. As soon as you decide we’ll get them ordered and you will be able to start attending the Academy.” Lucifer hummed as he glanced up at Diavolo, clasping his hands together in front of him. “And how exactly will we be paying for this?” Diavolo chuckled. “You needn’t worry, the Academy takes care of the costs for all of the student uniforms.” Barbatos nodded in agreement. “That is correct. However I must mention that you now have a household fund that the Demon King has set up in honor of your rankings.” Lucifer gaped at him as Mammon’s head shot up, abandoning the catalog. “Did ya just say ‘household fund’? Like, we have actual money?” Lucifer nudged him harshly, noticing the golden hue that began to shine in his younger brother’s eyes. “Mammon, that’s enough.” he hissed in warning. The white haired demon ignored him, his mind clearly clouded by greed. Diavolo tossed his head back in laughter as he slipped Lucifer a small rectangular piece of plastic. “Now calm down, Mammon. This credit card here is exclusively for household spending. You should have plenty in there to buy some more clothes to start out as well as ingredients to stock the kitchen.” Mammon huffed, crossing his arms to his chest. “Fine, I really do need new shirts. My wings keep rippin’ holes through ‘em.” “Me too, I’m so tired of it.” Asmo whined, resting his chin in his hand. Lucifer ignored them as he held up the small card. It was black with gold lettering that spelled out his name as well as a series of numbers. “When you go to buy something here in the Devildom, you can either use the physical form of currency as you had before, or simply hand over this card. It’ll automatically take out the funds from your account.” Lucifer glanced from the card back to Diavolo. “Is it really that simple?” he asked. Diavolo nodded. “Indeed. Almost too simple. Now, be sure to keep that away from Mammon.” he chuckled, nudging his shoulder. 
Once Barbatos finished explaining the uniforms, Diavolo plopped a big box down on the table, catching everyone’s attention. “Now, these are another important thing that will assist you greatly here in the Devildom.” One by one, he brought out a small, rectangular looking device and set them on the hardwood surface. “These are called D.D.Ds, which stands for ‘Diavolo’s Devildom Device’. They are manufactured by a well known company here in the Devildom called the Three-Legged Crow Conglomerate.” Levi reached for one and touched the screen, causing it to light up. “Woah, no way! These are kind of like human world cell phones!” he said, his voice rising with excitement as he unlocked the screen. Belphie shuffled his way through his older brothers to stand next to Leviathan, his violet eyes sparkling with interest. He watched as Levi tapped his way through the different apps on the home screen. “I’ve heard of cell phones. Li-” the youngest demon paused, his face falling almost immediately. “Um, I mean I just used to hear the other angels talking about them, is all.” Diavolo smiled sadly at the youngest brother as he handed the rest of the D.D.Ds out. Lucifer glanced over at Belphie, who was now staring at the ground. He knew that Lilith had a fascination with items from the Human world, Lilith was always telling them about her new discoveries. Diavolo’s voice brought him back from his thoughts and he noticed he was now holding one of the devices. “Belphegor is right. They do work very similarly to human world devices. These will allow you to stay in contact with each other when you’re away, and you can also browse the many applications that come with it.” Lucifer gently held the D.D.D. in his hand as he stared down at it. “So how do we use it?” he asked, quizzically. Barbatos cleared his throat, holding up his own device in his gloved hand. “Allow me to show you.” For the next several minutes, the butler assisted with showing the brothers how to send messages, calls, and also access the variety of apps that were installed already. “There's one more thing. If you happen to need any aid with your D.D.D, it comes with its very own virtual assistant.” The brothers watched curiously as he pressed a button on the side of the device. All of a sudden, a giant hologram of a crow appeared before them. “Greetings, I am Karasu.” Barbatos smiled as he watched the brothers gasp in surprise. “This is Karasu, he serves as a helpful assistant whenever you need help with your D.D.D. Simply just say the words, ‘Hey Karasu’, or press this button here.” he said, pointing to the small button he had pressed just a few moments earlier. Lucifer stared wide eyed at the crow as it sat floating in the middle of their dining room. “This is…. Amazing.” he muttered. Levi nodded in agreement. “Yeah, way beyond technology the human world has.” 
As the brothers continued to browse through their D.D.Ds, Diavolo and Barbatos saw it as an opportunity to excuse themselves. “Please, let us know when you have decided on the uniforms. We’ll have them sent to the House of Lamentation and then we’ll discuss the details of the Academy. We’d like you to start attending as soon as possible.” Lucifer nodded as he led the two demons back to the entryway of the house. “Thank you for your help. Words cannot express how much I am grateful to the generosity you have shown me and my brothers.” he said, dipping his head. Diavolo smiled as he reached out to place a large hand on his shoulder. “There’s no need to thank me, Lucifer. You shall repay me soon, but for now, I’d like you to focus on settling in.” He winked before turning around and heading out the door with Barbatos following closely behind. Lucifer sighed as the large door creaked shut. He really didn’t know what he meant by ‘repaying’ him, but he decided Diavolo was right. That was a problem for the future. Now he just had to focus on not only taking care of his brothers, but a whole house. 
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The rest of the evening was quiet. After a very chaotic afternoon deciding with his brothers over what to order from Akuzon, Lucifer found himself in his room, scrolling through his D.D.D. and enjoying peace and quiet. They had been instructed by Diavolo to leave the house as little as possible, as the Devildom was quite shaken up from the word of their fall. However, they needed food and clothes desperately, so they took up trying out the Akuzon app on their D.D.Ds. They were successfully able to order what they needed to be delivered within just a few hours. He had finally got his brothers to settle down and gather their things from the order to head to their rooms for the night. As he was browsing through a Devildom news app, his phone suddenly emitted a high pitched ding and he flinched, almost dropping it. He saw a message pop up from Diavolo.
Good evening, Lucifer.  Are you settling in okay? Lucifer sat up, rubbing his forehead. He really didn’t understand why the Demon Prince of all people was messaging him at such an hour. Was that normal? Sighing, Lucifer tapped on the message and began to type out a reply. 
Yes, thank you Diavolo. 
We’ve picked out uniforms, I’ll send the order your way.
Very good! 
Now Lucifer. 
I mean no offense by this but…do you know how to do that?
Lucifer stared wide-eyed at Diavolo’s message. On second thought, how did he go about doing that? 
No. My apologies, Diavolo. 
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It’s quite alright. How about we meet tomorrow at my Castle? Come by whenever you are ready for the day.
Have a good night, Lucifer.
Lucifer blinked. Was he…laughing at him? Is that what that picture meant? The eldest demon sighed, setting his D.D.D down on the bed. The demon prince truly was a mystery to him. He still couldn’t understand how one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom could show this much compassion and kindness towards him and his brothers. Lucifer groaned, sliding underneath his covers and pulling them to his chest. He hated to admit it, but the generosity that Diavolo was showing to them was cracking the surface of his already fragile state of pride. He knew he didn’t deserve it. It was his fault they were all here anyways. His fault that Lilith was gone. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell his brothers the truth about their sister’s fate. He was failing them, and he could only sit here keeping secrets. He allowed his eyes to flutter shut, deciding to try and get some sleep since he would need to be at Diavolo’s early on the next day. However, flashes of Lilith’s bright smile filled his mind and kept him awake. She used to be the light in their lives. She always took care of them, cheered them up when they were upset. She was always smiling, and it made him smile. Lucifer could just barely remember the days when he didn’t constantly frown. Then one day, in the blink of an eye, her happy disposition was ruined by the corrupt laws of the Celestial Realm. Lucifer’s eyes shot open once more. Since when did he think of their laws as corrupt? He never thought of them that way before. He was always more than happy to uphold the commandments of The Celestial Realm. Obviously Lilith’s actions were forbidden by Celestial Realm law, so he should have had no opposition to their ruling. Lucifer rubbed his eyes. Just another sign of the pitiful creature I've become. Lucifer felt tears beginning to stream from the corners of his eyes, leaking onto the satin material of his pillowcase. There he was, crying again. He’s been doing a lot of that lately now that he didn’t have to share a space with Mammon and Leviathan. He wouldn’t dare to allow a single tear to slip in front of his brothers. He stuffed a fist to his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, allowing himself to give in. An audible sob broke the silence in his room as his shoulders shook, unable to control the involuntary shudders wracking through his body. He wasn’t sure how long he cried for, but he began to feel his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Lucifer sniffed as he wiped the tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. His head was becoming fuzzy, but it was almost…pleasant? Relaxing? He wasn’t sure exactly what the word for it was, but he sighed softly as he closed his eyes once more, allowing himself to give in and slip into a deep, much needed slumber. 
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When Lucifer awoke the next morning, his head was surprisingly clear. He didn’t feel groggy like he normally did when he fell asleep with a tear stained face. Almost like…magic, he thought as he remembered the hazy feeling that overcame him last night. He snorted at the thought. Who in the hell would be working their magic on me? I simply exhausted myself once more. Shaking his head, he swung his feet over the side of the bed and stretched. He decided he should begin to get ready for the day, as he needed to go meet with Diavolo to get their RAD uniforms settled. He made his way to the bathroom and glanced in the mirror. He noticed he had shifted into his demon form at some point, his two large black horns curling from the sides of his head. His raven black hair was messy, sticking up in various places around his horns. He sighed as he pulled his shirt over his head and turned around. He was trying to get a glance at his back in the large mirror where the 6 wounds resulting from his terrifying fit of wrath stared back at him. He hated being in this form lately since his wings were beginning to grow back. It was unbearably itchy and sore, but the warm water from the shower helped soothe them for a short period of time. He practically groaned when he stepped under the warmth of the shower, enjoying the feeling of the hot water hitting his bare skin. 
After he was finished showering and dressed, Lucifer headed downstairs to the kitchen. He was surprised to see that the Twins were already there, getting breakfast ready for them all. “Good morning, Lucifer.” Beel said, flipping a couple of the biggest pancakes Lucifer has ever seen. “Good morning, you two. Thank you for getting breakfast ready.” he said, glancing at Belphegor. The youngest demon nodded. “Yeah, we settled on pancakes since we’re still getting a taste for Devildom food. Hope that’s okay.” he paused, then gave Lucifer a small smirk. “How did you sleep?” he asked. Lucifer blinked, confused at his expression. “...Very well, thank you. And you?” Belphie giggled softly. “Of course I slept well. I’m the Avatar of Sloth, remember?” Lucifer crossed his arms, beginning to piece together the situation. “Belphie…did you use your powers on me last night?” The 7th Born winked at him, his long, cow-like tail swishing excitedly behind him. “It’s possible. I was coming to talk to you about something but…I heard…” he trailed off, his tail suddenly stopping its movements and lowering to the ground. Lucifer smiled, reaching out a hand to ruffle Belphie’s hair. “I appreciate it.” he murmured softly. Belphie’s cheeks flushed, clearly flustered by Lucifer’s compliment. He turned to Beel, nuzzling his face into his arm. “O-Of course…but you don’t have to treat me like a child…” he muttered. Beel glanced away from the pancakes he was making and down at the top of his brother's head, obviously confused. Lucifer only laughed, “Come by my room this evening and we’ll talk. I have to meet with Diavolo today about our RAD uniforms, so I'll be out for a while.” The young demon nodded, still pressed into his twin’s side. “Wait, you’re leaving us alone? With Satan?” a voice sounded from the doorway. Lucifer turned around to see Levi, looking horrified. “It’s going to be fine, Levi. I’ll only be gone for a few hours.” Levi groaned, spinning back around and running straight into Asmo. “Ow, Levi! Watch where you’re going! You almost made me drop my D.D.D.” the 5th born whined, clutching the phone to his chest. “Oh shut up Asmo, Lucifer is leaving us to babysit the little ball of rage that is Satan.” “What?! You demon! You evil creature! You can’t do this to us!” he shrieked. Lucifer rubbed his temples in agitation. “Will you stop screaming? Listen, I have to go discuss this at Diavolo’s castle. I can’t keep having him come here all the time.” A chorus of groans filled the kitchen, all except for Beel who was shoving a pancake into his mouth. “Hey, Beel, save some for the rest of us.” Belphie sighed. 
Breakfast was thankfully uneventful. Satan didn’t come down from his room, so Lucifer took it as an opportunity to discuss the fact that he’d be leaving them alone for the first time since their fall. Of course, Mammon wasn’t happy to hear the news either. “What are we supposed to do if he flies off the handle again, eh?” Lucifer sighed. “Here’s hoping you all can stay calm for long enough that it doesn’t happen.” Mammon groaned. “Fine, but you better hurry up.” They all finished their breakfast, saving a plate for Satan to eat when he eventually came down from his room. Lucifer pulled on a large, wool jacket over his shoulders that he had gotten from last night’s Akuzon order. “I’ll be back soon. Please behave yourselves.” he said. The brothers nodded, shooting each other worried glances. Satan was in his room for the time being, but with his wrath being so unpredictable, they were all feeling incredibly anxious. “If you need anything, just call me. I’ll get back as soon as I can.” The brothers nodded as they watched Lucifer head out the door, leaving them alone in the giant house. 
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About an hour went by after Lucifer’s departure, and the brothers found themselves hanging out in the living room together. “Did you guys see this app? It’s called Devilgram.” Asmo said, excitedly scrolling through his D.D.D.. “I’ve been scrolling through for hours! I’ve already made my first post! You guys need to follow me right now.” Mammon hummed, pulling up the app. “Can ya make money from it?” he asked, curiously. Asmo rolled his eyes. “Not everything is about money, Mammon.” Levi finally broke his silence from his spot on the couch next to Mammon. “I just downloaded this game, look.” he said, turning his phone for them all to see. “It’s called Ruri-Tunes! Isn’t the character so cute?” Mammon scrunched his face up, “Cute? Eh, I dunno about that.” Levi rolled his eyes, pulling his phone back to his chest. “Fine, you don’t get to be graced by her cuteness if you can’t appreciate it.” Mammon scoffed, a small smirk forming on his face. “Weirdo, who thinks a cartoon girl is cute?” Levi was about to retort when a voice interrupted. “Shouldn’t we text Satan and tell him food is down here for him?” Beel wondered out loud. “Awe Beel, you’re always so worried about food.” Asmo cooed, “But we probably should…I guess…” he sighed. “I’ll do it. I’ll start a group chat with us all.” Levi said, bringing up his messages. Group Chat: House of Lamentation (7)
Hey Satan, we have breakfast down here for you if you’re hungry.
Yeah, we noticed you didn’t come down so we wanted to save ya some before Beel inhaled it all.
They all watched as the tiny dots appeared and disappeared again. “...Is that him typing?” Belphie asked, glancing up from his phone. 
And you guys didn’t come get me?
You’re always leaving me out of things. That’s fine.
I don’t belong here anyways. 
Seriously, I can't stand being around you all. 
The brothers all jumped as they heard a door from upstairs slam shut. “Oh shit.” Mammon muttered, listening to the footsteps come down the stairs and echo down the hallway. “He’s coming down.” The 2nd Born got to his feet, standing protectively in front of his brothers with his wings spread out wide. They watched as the small form of Satan finally entered the living room, his green eyes glowing with uncontained wrath. “Satan, hey, just calm down for a sec! I’m sorry we didn’t come get you, we thought you were asleep!” Levi jumped up next. “Y-Yeah t-that’s all! W-We didn’t want to wake you is all!” Satan only glared at them, “Shut up! You guys don’t even care! You think I don’t hear what you’re saying?!” he shrieked, his tail lashing back and forth. “Satan, knock it off right now, ya damn brat!” Mammon growled, baring his fangs. “Mammon, that's definitely not guaranteed to calm him down.” Beel said, slowly rising from the couch. “I’m leaving, you all can fuck off!” Satan yelled, making a break for the entryway of the house. “Oh no ya don’t, you out of all of us can’t leave!” Mammon said, grabbing the smaller boy’s arm. Satan spun around, letting out an inhuman-like growl as he sunk his fangs into Mammon’s forearm. “Fuck!” Mammon hissed, letting go and grasping his arm. “Someone call Lucifer! Now!” he yelled back at his brothers, who were looking horrified as they saw blood dripping onto the hardwood floor of the living room. Asmo shrieked and jumped up to head to the other room to call the eldest demon. Satan once again made a sprint for the front door, but was stopped by Beel who grabbed him from behind, squeezing him to his chest. Satan wailed, attempting to wiggle free from the Avatar of Gluttony’s grasp, but it was no use. He was strong, and Satan’s small frame was not nearly powerful enough to break free from Beel’s strength. His tail, however, lashed against Beel’s legs, back and arms, causing the red haired demon to stumble. “Guys, I can’t hold him for much longer.” Beel hissed through his teeth.  Suddenly, a burst of magic filled the room, and the brothers all looked up to see Barbatos entering through a portal out of thin air followed by Diavolo and Lucifer. “Beelzebub, drop him.” Barbatos said, sternly. Beel obeyed and released his grasp on the wrath filled demon. Satan dropped to the ground, gasping as he attempted to get to his feet once more. The next thing he knew, he had no feeling in his limbs and he fell forward, his head hitting against the tile of the entryway. “I've immobilized him. It should last until we get him contained.” Diavolo said. His normally cheerful voice has been replaced with an uncharacteristically serious tone. Lucifer made his way over, rolling his little brother’s small body over with his foot. Satan’s eyes lit up once more at the sight of the eldest demon, his lip curling in disgust. Lucifer frowned, noticing how his face was stained crimson from what he guessed to be Mammon’s blood.
“Satan, what have you done?”
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fandomworld9728 · 4 months
The Life of the Morningstars - Chapter 14:
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"Now, Charlie, you're old enough now that I finally tell you something very important."
"And because mommy isn't here."
"...Yes. Also, because your mother isn't here to stop me. Before you were born, daddy had another baby. Her name is Emily, and she is your big sister."
"A big sister?! Where is she? Can I meet her? Do we have the same human parent?"
"No, sweetie. She has a human parent, however, not the same one as you. She lives up in Heaven. Your Aunt Sera... took her when I fell. Honestly as much as it hurts to be away from her, Emily staying in Heaven was probably for the best. I do hope that one day you two can meet. I know that I probably don't have any hope of seeing her again, but for you, kiddo, the sky's the limit."
Today was the day! Charlie would be going to Heaven and hopefully she'd get a chance to finally meet her big sister. She'd have to take a picture with her to show dad. He'd be so happy! Setting her bags down in the lobby, Charlie quickly hugged her dad. "Thank you so much for this!"
"Of course, sweetie. Just stay safe. Tell Sera and Emily I said hello."
"Don't you worry, sir. I'll keep her safe if anyone tries anything."
Their goodbyes were ruined by a blast, making a hole in the wall, and manic laughter. A punk, cyclops beta girl stepping through. 
"Holy shit! Cherri Bomb?! Long time, no see baby."
"Angie, you bitch! You've been texting me depressing shit all day. Figured we could tear shit up like normal times. It's been fucking forever-" Pausing at seeing their company, Cherri tugged her friend down to whisper excitedly to him. "You're hanging around the fucking King of Hell? And didn't tell me? He's so tiny and hot."
"Yeah. He's been stayin' here for a couple days now- you have no impulse control, do you?!" Taking the bomb from the king's hands, he tossed it outside as it exploded. 
"I have no idea what that is."
"I like him already. Bring him with us! We can show the blue blood how to have a fucking wild time."
"Look. I love seein' ya, Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out."
"Oh, you can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead. Come on! What you really need is a recharge. A reinvigoration. A re-"
"Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea." Charlie cut in. She wanted her friend to have a nice night out while she and Vaggie were gone. Maybe her dad really would join them and go enjoy himself for once. She knew everyone at the hotel would protect him if necessary.
Especially Angel Dust. Whatever happened between them had Angel pretty much glued to her father's side before he went to work, making sure he was okay. She even saw them both napping on the couch before he had to leave. It was so cute!
"Hi~ I'm Charlie. That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends. Ah! He never brings anyone around."
"Wonder why."
"Yeah, me too." No, she didn't. Charlie knew she had a strong personality like her dad. But she wasn't gonna let people know it bothered her. She liked who she was and anyone who couldn't handle her, she didn't need in her life. "Anyways, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard. So, I want you to take them out for a fun night."
"What? No, I only came here for-" Cherri shut up as the princess pulled out a large stack of clash. Hell, she could work with that! "You got it, princess!" 
"What do ya say, short king? Wanna come out and party?"
"Party, huh? Oh fuck. When was the last time I went out and partied...?"
"The night I went to prom and Aunty Bee invited you to Greed for some big bash. You were drunk and trying to cheer me up when we met up at home."
Oh. Yikes. That was a while ago. "Yeah... that's why I don't party with Beelzebub much. That woman is the only one who can produce a drink strong enough to knock me on my ass that easy."
"Oh! The portal's here! Okay we'll see you guys soon and I'll bring back souvenirs for everyone!"
"Call if you need anything and be safe! Oh! If you find yourself in trouble call for Raphael and Azrael!" Lucifer watched as the portal closed behind his daughter and her partner. He wishes he could have gone with her. He couldn't trust Heaven. However, he knew his two brothers would protect their niece. 
"Alright. If you're coming out with us, you are gonna need a makeover."
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 2 years
One Foot In Front of the Other
(what is the correct acronym for it?)
You wow me every time with each one. They are my favorites to go back and reread.
Poor Lucifer, being so stressed trying to find everyone
Proud of Mammon for keeping control of his greed and being able to help find his brothers!
With it being only the staff that they have seen so far, kinda scared to see what happens with it. Almost get the feeling like this kingdom will be against them if/when they go to war with the Celestial Realm. The king gives me weird vibes. *shivers*
Love Raphael's thought process of debating and leaning to be on the demon's side instead of the angels. Did the fact of family and his relationship come into play with that as well?
Also Raphael fidgeting with his top when his canon top is really short already, I find it funny.
Luke's "unholy conception" was brought up again, will we ever be getting kinda backstory on that like we did with Levi and Raphael back in the Celestial Realm?
Was Luke's outfit different because he is a child, or claimed to be Barbatos's son? Or both?
Luke to make it though the Celestial Realm this long without major trauma is so lucky. Assuming it is purely because of how protective Simeon is over him? Wanting to keep it from him. Really hope Luke knows how much Simeon loves him.
Is there actual reasoning behind Segreto's style of dress or just what they find looks best? I mean, with sea demons, I kinda understand wanting less clothing to slow you down in the water.
What would Solomon's outfit be like? Would it be like what the demons and angels have or something different because he is human?
Raphael is the last one Lucifer hadn't placed. Would he have been with Levi still or had he run off somewhere else?
Sorry that this is a lot (probably would be more if I wasn't trying to hide my phone from a teacher lol).
Cannot wait for your next installation of this series!! Keep up the good work!! 💜
My literal response to reading this:
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Thank you sm???? Like legit, this is one of the nicest reviews I have ever received. Now, onto your answers!
The acronym I have been using is OFIFotO, do feel free to use that.
Luci is just Tired tm and deserves a break, poor dude. Mammon is the goodest of good boys and I love him.
The King could just be busy doing his own preparations, but I suppose we won't truly know until what he was doing gets revealed later on.
Raphael is just a confused guy, and honestly he needs a break from the constant stress. He feels like he could make things better if he fights on the demon's side, considering the angel side is the one clambering for an unreasonable war. So to answer your question: yes.
He can't decide if he wants it shorter or longer, and I adore his fashion taste XD.
There will be a backstory for Simeon and Michael, don't worry. It won't be very pretty though...
Luke gets a different outfit because he is a child, and because he is "royalty". He's basically in a tunic with metallic thread, showcasing his status. So both!
Luke is one lucky bean, I'll give him that. Simeon really went all out with protecting him from the horrors of the realm they live in. Luke does know, but he does get frustrated with the constant protection.
The clothes that our boys are currently wearing get broken out for feast days, or celebrations. It's coated in jewels and heavy finery, making it difficult to swim in. Normally, lighter material is used, tight to the body, for ease of mobility in the water. The fancy gets brought out for parties, essentially.
Solomon has a similar outfit, but done with different embroidery patterns. Since he is the Grand Sorcerer, he gets some nice threads.
Raph is currently listening is slight horror as Levi happily explains sea monsters tearing human sea vessels apart for fun. He's fascinated and a bit scared.
Hiding your phone from a teacher??? Just to leave me a wonderful ask???? I'mma go sob with joy, brb.
I'm so glad you're enjoying my series, and I hope you continue to <3
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cappuccino-bear · 2 years
I kinda recall you mentioning that Judas works under Satan (?) why is he in the Basement? Is he trying to catch/kill Isaac for Satan (or whoever)? Also what’s he like, he’s my babygirl
Oh Judas, wet sopping beast of a guy, absolutely miserable, straight up a moist paper tissue.
After betraying Jesus and hanging himself he was not surprised to be in Hell, but he really did not want to do much other than suffer for all eternity at first. Like yeah, just dunk me in lava or something, I deserve it. Satan, of course, has other plans, and knows exactly what to do to get him on his side.
So he calls him, and tells him about how Peter renounced Jesus' teachings in front of him, three times, and yet he died a saint, an evangelist, chosen by God. Judas is confused, why was Peter forgiven then? And the Devil says how it's unfair, that Judas had punished himself, that he had died to repent, that he was a true martyr, even more than Peter or even Christ.
Big disclaimer: Judas killed himself because he could not live with his guilt after trying to turn over the prize money, Peter felt the same exact guilt and yet picked himself up and apologized and was there to look at his dearest friend die. Peter accepted his wrongdoings and moved on, that is what got him forgiven (and in Heaven, too).
And deep down, Judas knows. Judas knows he's in the wrong when he swears to wotk for Satan, Judas knows it's wrong to tempt people, Judas knows it's wrong to write a book of spells to use to become more and more demonic. But when you're in an echo chamber, when everybody praises you for it, it's hard to admit it even to yourself.
Judas ended up in the Basement after Satan realized Azazel failed and turned on him. He does not necessarily think Judas is better at this job, especially because he cannot reach to talk him directly, but Judas is not only competent, but a perfect little puppet, so of course he goes...
Judas is, for lack of a better word, absolutely pathetic. He tries hiding his insecurities in a thick layer of holier than thou (or hellier?) attitude, thinking he's best for following someone actually strong like Satan. As you can imagine he's not popular in the group at first, he comes off as an obnoxious prick, and solidifies it when he treats people he knew in life (Laz, Maggie, and Bethany to an extent) like stains on his jacket. He has a begruding respect for Azazel and Lilith as fellow demons, and honestly thinks Samson is just a beefy idiot, he will eventually pick him up and break him in half like a twig, cuz he gets on everyone's nerves. Also no one allows him close to Isaac, they do not trust him not to hurt or manipulate him, and Azazel and Cain like to get on his nerves on purpose.
Trust me when I say, at some point someone gets tired of his shit and rips him a new one, on how he let his life go to down a drain hole because he could not admit he let greed consume him, and how since he cannot go "woe is me" he's just getting worse and worse to avoid trying to fix one mistake, just giving up on it. We'll se what happens later ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 47
The Magnificent Seven
First off, I think it's hysterical that my poll of whether I should only be allowed to listen to Carry On, Wayward Son on season finale days would have been a tie if I hadn't voted. It's very, VERY Supernatural that you would only need to witness the first vote/episode to completely understand the last. Everything else in between? Eh.
"The Magnificent Seven"
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Dude...its trash. Just go back...........nah, man, just go back in your house. You might not be much safer, but...yeah, so turns out, it wouldn't be any safer. If a legitimate swarm of demons came to my neighborhood to possess everyone, I guess...I'd just be possessed.
Sam got sexiled? And spent that time in the car RIGHT OUTSIDE THE MOTEL?? There's looking out for your brother and then there's.......whatever that is.
It's...it's funny but also gut wrenching to see Dean do this. Like, yeah, if you KNEW. FOR SURE. you were a goner in a year's time, bacon cheeseburgers for breakfast doesn't seem like such a bad idea. But the fact that he IS so sure (because...I mean, he DOES die at the end of this season) :(
Ewwwwwww, how long have these people just been rotting in their own home??
Oooooooo, yes. Finally, a couple hunters who aren't good ol' white boys. I pray they make it out of this episode alive, even if they're never to be seen again, just let them live.
(Don't know if it's my TV or what, but the audio is just ever so slightly off for this episode...it's uncomfy. Mmmm, might have fixed it.)
I legitimately can't remember who that girl is, but she seems familiar.
Dean. Dean. No. Stop trying to milk this and use every excuse in the book to get laid.
No no nooo, please don't kill them. Please don't kill these two hunters. PLEEEEEASE. God. This is so painful and terrible to watch. Just made the guy drink drain cleaner? bleach? does it it matter what EXACTLY it was? he's dead and he didn't HAVE TO BE.
Dean, I know you're being very cavalier about your impending death, but like...maybe now's not the time to be quoting se7en, no matter how otherwise appropriate it is.
They're treating the manifestation of the deadly sin of envy like a misbehaving cat. Which, from the couple of times I've watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, is actually kind of how you should, honestly.
Oh. God...this...omg no. I knew it was too much to ask for. Please let Tamara live. If Isaac can't, let Tamara at least.
These demons have nothing on the homunculi of fmab.
Good lord, Dean. I mean, I guess that's one way to catch lust off guard, but still making out with a demon?
Is...that...Ruby? Is that who that was?? (Again, it's been a WHILE since I've watched this.)
Shame we never really saw greed. Not that they could measure up to fmab's, once again.
Oh! Tamara did live!! Even if we never see her again, glad that she was able to.
You know...at least Dean's not pretending what he did wasn't selfish. He knows it is, he admits he knows it is when Sam calls him out on it. That does make it more interesting, gotta say. Far more interesting than any trite thing that I would expect from this kind of self-sacrificial story plot. Much a I wish Dean didn't have to make that deal, his...his reasoning is sound. He HAS given everything for his family, he is TIRED, and even though he knows the end is gonna be terrible, it was his decision to make and at least it's a different kind of terrible. MAN, I wanna watch fullmetal alchemist now.
"Been On My Mind...": Can't believe I potentially lose this game in just 16 more episodes. I only guaranteed it til Castiel showed up. Anyway, yeah...Dean's livin' like he's dyin'. And...we were graciously not given details.
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multifandoms27-blog · 2 years
OMG THE LAST HCS WERE SOO GOOD( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ) I really like your writing, it's very comforting. And yes, you write pretty fast! To do even half your work, I probably have to write for a few days (perfectionism obliges).
I come here with another idea! Not yet modern!Ling ideas tho (but I'll request it if you're not tired of me by that time haha x)) I was thinking of hcs or a scenario with Ling and a jealous reader. Not the cute kind of jealous, or the mad kind— more of the anxious, scared kind of jealous. Like (gn)reader having serious self esteem issues but not wanting to like restrain their partner, scared of losing them type of deal. Angst? Fluff? Comfort? I say you decide what you'd prefer. Thank you very much!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤️
AAAAAAA THANK YOUUU <3333 And of course I'm not tired of you!! I'll never tire of you and lil' Ling!!
Sorry this took me a bit! The boyfriend got sick and I've been taking care of him
Content: Ling Yao x GN reader!
Warnings: Detailed process of a panic attack, doubtful thoughts, but GREED COMES TO THE RESCUE, also Lust is her own warning tbh (I love her but damn-)
Notes: I've been mentally not feeling it, and I relate a little too hard to this ask, as sometimes I'll get like this with my boyfriend. I used the end to comfort myself lol. Dw, my boyfriend treats me right!! My brain is just a silly little goose trying to process 10 years of trauma lol
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Ling isn't gonna notice baby boy, baby
I headcanon Lan Fan as being somewhere between a little fruity and all the way fruity, so I don't think you'd have much to worry about with her
Riza is pretty stoic and never interacts with Ling
I don't like Winry
Let's just picture: Lust is still alive, and begins interacting with Ling cause he has Greed's philosopher's stone
It doesn't even have to be anything inherently romantic. Lust is forced to interact with Ling because he holds her "brother"
But it was one comment from her that set you off
She was in the other room with Greed, and you'd decided to listen in. They were talking about someting with Father and some guy named Hoenheim
"Honestly?" Lust said. "Your new host is really cute...too bad he's so young."
"Hm? Oh, yeah." Greed brushed her comment off and continued the conversation like before
Greed knows you and Ling are a thing and has your back. Plus Ling was freaking the fuck out in their shared headspace.
But, that was enough for you to creep away from the door and sit on the couch. Lust was attractive, and her main game was seducing men to get what she wanted...
What if she wants Ling?
What if she convinces Ling that she's better?
What if Ling changes his mind and wants to be with her instead...?
So many what if's swam through your head. Your heart thumped rapidly in your chest, your lungs feeling like they weren't getting enough air, your eyes stinging with tears as constant images of Ling and Lust together began to haunt you.
Slowly curling up into yourself, you turned so your face was plastered into the couch cushion
The ringing in your ears grew louder and you soon tuned out Lust and Greed, now being replaced by image after image of Ling with Lust
You refused to let tears fall, not wanting to bother Ling with this whenever Lust leaves and Greed puts Ling back
You didn't know how long you'd laid there until a pair of hands landed on your side. You jumped and turned. Ling's eyes were still a mahogany red, which meant Greed was still in control.
"Hey kid. From the look on your face, I'm assuming you heard what Lust said."
"Is it that obvious...?" You say, rubbing your eye.
Greed patted your head. "Sorry, kid."
"Sorry for wha-"
Greed had closed his eyes and allowed Ling to take over again. The prince pounced on you, rubbing his cheek with yours, ecstatic to be back in control
Ling's memory is spotty when Greed is in control, so he didn't know you'd heard Lust's comment
You hesitantly wrapped your arms around Ling, mumbling a low "hi"
Ling paused. "I know that tone. What's wrong, honey?"
Ling, your ever doting boyfriend, looked at you with concern.
"No, I'm...I'm fine."
"You sure? Your breathing heavier than normal..."
You gave Ling a fake smile. "Yeah, yeah."
Ling, not believing you, hugged you tighter. "You can tell me, hun. Nothing's gonna happen, okay?"
You trusted him, of course, but your brain and heart were telling you no... "I...I'm worried I'm gonna lose you to Lust."
son of a bitch-
"Oh...so you heard her?" Ling looks down at you. "Listen, I love you, okay? Not her. She can go try to hook up with someone else for all I care. Besides, this body currently inhabits her brother, so I don't think she's thinking anything in particular..."
Ling snickered at the end, kissing your forehead. "I promise, I'd never let her get close to me. Greed and her just needed to talk about something is all. I love you, okay?"
Numbly, you nodded, laying your head on his chest. "I love you too."
"Now, let's watch a movie and order in, yeah? I'll get your favorite~!"
He suddenly got up and moved to your TV, messing with it, then fiddling with his phone and ordering your favorite food for delivery. As you watched him, you felt the oxygen slowly return to your chest, and your muscles relaxed. You could trust Ling, he loved you. He really did. He wouldn't be doing this if he wasn't.
"Hey, Ling."
"Yeees, sugarplum?" Ling looked up from his spot on the floor.
"I love you."
Ling giggles. "I love you too! Food'll be here in fifteen, okay?"
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belphies-wife · 3 years
What Naps Are Like With Them (Everyone)
In celebration of my first post kinda blowing up, I wrote a little something for all the characters, including Luke! (platonically for him, of course)
Again, thank you guys for all the love on my Satan Reacting to Montero fic <3 I’ll be working on requests after this.
Also, no beta we die like Lilith.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
�� Never sleeps, e v e r
➼ His brothers would destroy the House of Lamentation in his sleep
➼Took a while to convince him to take a nap with you because of this
➼ His brothers listen to you more than they listen to their older brother, so you begged them to behave for a few hours so that their older brother can rest for once
➼ You will use your pact if you have to, just please let this man sleep
➼ You made sure to pick a day where you know Lucifer hadn’t slept the night before due to his workload
➼ Seriously, you had to talk to Diavolo about that
➼ You both got into your comfiest pajamas and played some soft classical music for ultimate relaxation
➼ You thought about taking a picture of hm while he slept
➼ He saw it coming and had you sleep facing away from him with his arms wrapped around you so you couldn’t turn around
➼ Smart bastard
➼  If you complain about it he’ll laugh at you
➼ Hey, at least you get cuddles
➼ Luci here looks so calm and peaceful while he sleeps, it’s adorable
➼ No wonder everyone tries to take a picture of him sleeping
➼ He’s a heavy sleeper, so you end up having to wake him up after a few hours
➼ He thanks you
➼ He’s well-rested and in a good mood for the rest of the day
➼ His brothers obviously take advantage of that
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Unlike most of his brothers, he actually has a decent sleep schedule (most of the time)
➼ However, if you wanted to take a nap with him, he wouldn’t say no
➼ Well, he’d say no, but then say yes immediately after
➼ “Whaddya mean you wanna take a nap with me? Do I look like Belphie!?”
➼ Blushing like crazy while complaining, as usual
➼ “Fine, I’ll go nap with him, then.”
➼ “Oi! Come back here! I changed my mind, I wanna take a nap!”
➼ Tsundere baby
➼ Obviously, you tease him about it
➼ “Jealous, huh? I thought that was Levi’s thing.”
“Shut up! Are we gonna cuddle or not?”
“I said nap, not cuddle.”
➼ Cue the pout
➼ The definition of the 🥺 face
➼ Please love this child
➼ “I’m kidding, of course we’re gonna cuddle.”
➼ Usually a little spoon
➼ Unless he’s in a jealous mood
➼ If he is, he will hold on to you like his life depends on it.
➼ More teasing, obviously
➼ If you think about it, Greed and Envy are very similar
➼ Poor baby wants love
➼ New drinking game: take a shot every time I call Mammon a baby
➼ I shot of water, I know you’re dehydrated
➼ Anyways, naps with Mammon = cuddles
➼ Either you’re holding him to you or he’s holding you to him
➼ f o r e h e a d  k i s s e s
➼ Mammon gets nightmares about what happened with Belphie sometimes, so lots of comfort cuddles
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ “Levi, did you sleep at all last night?”
➼ Obviously not
➼ He was up all night binge watching the latest season of “The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demo Girl”’s  spin-off series
➼ Why would you even ask?
➼ “Levi, did you stay up all night?”
➼ He looked away, a little embarrassed. “Uh, yeah.”
➼ “Levi, honey. You need to sleep. It’s not good for your health to be staying up so late.”
➼ Leviathan.exe has stopped working
➼ You’re worrying about him?????
➼ And you’re calling him honey?????
➼ Are you trying to kill him?????
➼ “You must be exhausted. Wanna take a nap?”
“Oh, uh. Yeah. I guess I could use a nap.”
“Alright. We should go to my room, since there’s more room on my bed than in your tub.”
➼ Wait you meant a nap together????
➼ You’re really trying to kill him.
➼ Usually, he’d make fun of you and call you a normie.
➼ But he was currently too busy dying.
➼ If somehow you managed to resurrect him and get him to your room to nap, then you’d know this shy boi is a little spoon.
➼ Does this really come as a surprise to anyone? It shouldn’t.
➼ He’s blushing like crazy the whole time.
➼ “Levi, if you can't sleep with me here, I can leave.”
➼ He does sleep eventually.
➼ Sweet baby cuddles you in his sleep.
➼ Wholesome af
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ As the most responsible one in the family, he has a pretty good sleep schedule, so he doesn’t normally take naps.
➼ However, if you ask him to, he’ll agree. 
➼ If it makes you happy he’ll do it <3
➼ He’s not really touchy-feely and won’t initiate any cuddling.
➼ Dude that you asked to nap because you were tired and wanted to sleep.
➼ Nah bro, you just want cuddles.
➼ While he won’t initiate any cuddles, if you make it more obvious that you want some, he’ll give them to you.
➼ Big spoon
➼ If you want him to be the small spoon, he will, but he’ll be flustered af.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ “Asmo, wanna sleep together?”
➼ Could you have made a poorer word choice?
➼ No, you could not.
➼ This boy literally made the lenny face.
➼ “Asmo, I meant a nap.”
“Well, I suppose that’ll satisfy me for now.”
➼ You then proceeded to smack him with a pillow.
“Hey! Don’t mess up my hair!”
➼ You had to wait for him to take off his makeup and change his clothes and stuff.
➼ It’s a process.
➼ Cuddle’s tf out of you.
➼ He’ll be the big spoon or the little spoon. It doesn’t matter to him, so you can decide.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Takes naps with Belphie a lot and thought it was cute that you also wanted to nap.
➼ Pre-nap snack first, though.
➼ Then he’s ready.
➼ Sweet boi will enjoy the nap whether he’s a big spoon or little spoon.
➼ If you’re happy, he’s happy <3
➼ You kiss his face a lot.
➼ He thinks you’re the cutest little human ever when you do that.
➼ I’d say soft Beel, but when is he ever not soft?
➼ Not counting the custard incident
➼ He Likes to kiss the top of your head while you sleep.
➼ He definitely snores.
➼ It takes some getting used to, but you’re not gonna let keep you from cuddling your big boi.
➼ It honestly feels really safe and comforting to just be wrapped up in his arms.
➼ Equally comforting to have his head resting against you.
➼ Overall just really soft.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ You don’t even need to ask. He’s the king of naps.
➼ Being around Belphie for an extended period of time makes you sleepy.
➼ You’re not sure if it’s because he’s sleep or if it’s because he has some sort of sleep-power.
➼ Any time you cuddle you end up taking a nap.
➼ Do I even have to say it?
➼ S m a l l  s p o o n
➼ The smallest spoon.
➼ As the youngest, he’s the most spoiled, so he’s really really clingy and just expects you to drop whatever you’re doing at any given time to nap with him.
➼ I mean, you’d probably do it even if he didn’t expect you to.
➼ He does this adorable thing when he’s sleepy and he sees you nearby where he’ll go up to you and wrap his arms around you and rest his head against your shoulder and just say “Sleep, please.”
➼ You will stop whatever you’re doing no matter what and go up to the attic to nap with him.
➼ Not an exaggeration. It’s happened while Lucifer was talking to you before he he was p i s s e d.
➼ It was obviously intentional
➼ But how can you say no to his cute face?
➼ He seems to be able to keep you from having nightmares and you sleep 100x better with him than on your own
➼ Softest boi
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ While he may dress like a stripper, this man is an angel and is pure™
➼ Anything you want, you’ll get. How can he ever deny you a thing?
➼ He can’t.
➼ You want naps? You get naps.
➼ You want cuddles? You get cuddles.
➼ You want sleepy kisses? You get sleepy kisses.
➼ Hotel? Trivago.
➼ But seriously, sleepy kisses are definitely a thing.
➼ Especially forehead kisses.
➼ Big spoon. He likes to hold you.
➼ Sweet boy loves you so much 🥺
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Luke (Platonically)
➼ Purgatory Hall has weekly movie nights, and they invite you over a lot to join them.
➼ You and Solomon have a very long list of human world movies you want Simeon to watch, but the poor man can’t figure out how Devilflix works for the life of him, so group movie nights are the only way.
➼ Not that any of you mind, of course.
➼ Luke begged Simeon to let him join you guys (he has a pretty strict bedtime)
➼ Simeon lets him occasionally if the movie is appropriate.
➼ Luke insisted on sitting next to you and sharing any treats he made that day.
➼ Poor baby ended up falling asleep not even halfway through the movie.
➼ Solomon obviously made fun of him.
➼ “Looks like it’s naptime for the little chihuahua.”
“Don’t tease him!” You say, defending Luke.
➼ At some point, Luke shifts so that he’s leaning against you in his sleep.
➼ You coo at how cute the ‘lil cherub looks.
➼ Aaaand then you proceed to fall asleep as well.
➼ You woke up the next day still on the couch. You were pretty confused since Simeon usually carries anyone who falls asleep to their bed (or the guest room, in your case).
➼ Then you realize Luke still asleep and wrapped around you.
➼ You assumed Simeon didn’t want to attempt moving one of you and risk waking the other so he just left you too
➼ Whatever it was, you went back to sleep with the little cherub snuggling you
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Purgatory Hall sleepover!
➼ Everyone had already fallen asleep, so you asked Solomon if he’d be alright with you two sleeping together.
➼ Not a good idea.
➼ You’re both settled in his bed and you’re about to drift off to sleep when this silly little sorcerer decided to tickle you.
➼ You  s h r e i k
➼ “Solomon!”
➼ “Keep your voice down, dear. You wouldn’t want Simeon hearing and getting the wrong idea, now. Would you?”
➼ The  s m a c c  you gave him though-
➼ “Can I sleep now, or are you gonna keep bothering me?”
“You know you love me.” He grinned.
“Well, duh. But I also love sleep.”
➼ He does let you sleep after that.
➼ You fall asleep first, and one look at your sleeping face and he falls in love with you all over again.
➼ You’re so  p r e c i o u s.
➼ He held you close to him as you slept, pressing soft, featherlight kisses against our forehead and nose, careful not to wake you.
➼ He’s a bitch until you fall asleep, pretty much.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ It wasn’t intentional for you to fall asleep, really.
➼ You’d had a long day, and you had been sitting with the demon prince at his palace as he told you about his day over a cup of tea.
➼ It wasn’t like what he was saying was boring.
➼ No, it’s just that you were so tired, and the sofa you were sitting on was so comfy, and Diavolo was talking so much.
➼ It didn’t help that the tea that Barbatos had prepared was especially soothing.
➼ You couldn’t help yourself. You dozed off.
➼ Diavolo continued talking, and probably would’ve gone on for a long while without even noticing if Barbatos hadn’t cleared his throat and gestured towards your sleeping form.
➼ If it had been anyone else, he would have deemed it disrespectful. 
➼ But it was you, and he had realized a long time ago that he was incapable of being upset with you.
➼ “It seems they’ve had a tiring day, my Lord. I suggest you let them rest.” Said Barbatos.
“Of course. I wouldn’t dream of disturbing them.” Carefully, he made his way over to you and pried the teacup from our hands so that you didn’t move and break it in your sleep.
➼ Then, he removed his suit jacket and draped it over you like a blanket.
➼ Not gonna lie, even Barbatos was a bit shooketh. 
➼ He didn’t say anything, though.
➼ Diavolo kissed your forehead lightly and had Barbatos bring him the last of his paperwork for the day, which he finished quickly while remaining by your side.
➼ After that he picked up our still sleeping form and brought you to his room where he tucked you in.
➼ He sent Lucifer a text saying that you would be staying the night at the palace then went to sleep after answering a few emails.
➼ He snores loudly, but you somehow managed to sleep through it.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
➼ Diavolo set up another palace retreat (because I said so)
➼ You had been assigned a room with Luke and Beelzebub that time.
➼ It went good at first, and everyone was sent off to sleep at around 10 p.m.
➼ At some point in the middle of the night, you awoke from a particularly nasty nightmare.
➼ You were more scared than usual when you woke up, since the room you were in was not your room at the House of Lamentation.
➼ It took a while for you to realize where you were and calm down, but even then you were to afraid to sleep.
➼ Slowly, you exited the room, careful not to disturb Luke and Beel.
➼ You made your way to Barbatos’ room and knocked softly.
➼ Briefly, you wondered if he was asleep, but then he opened the door.
➼ You silently panicked when you realized your hair was a mess and your clothing was rumpled from sleep, but your disheveled appearance didn’t seem to faze him.
➼ “Hello. I was just about to prepare for bed. Is something the matter?”
➼ Suddenly, you felt very, very silly to come to such an ancient, powerful being for help with a little nightmare.
➼ “Sorry, it’s nothing. I apologize for bothering you. I’ll leave.” You said, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
“You never bother me, my dear. Would you like to come in?” He asked, opening the door wider and stepping aside.
“Yes. I would like that.”
“Is something bothering you?”
You blushed. “I had a nightmare. I couldn’t go back to sleep after that. I know, it’s silly.”
“Of course it isn’t.”
“Can I... Can I stay here with you tonight?”
“If it would make you feel better, you may.”
➼ Barbatos tucked you in then sat next to you, gently running his hands through your hair. He began singing an old song in some ancient, forgotten language. His voice was soft and soothing as he sang, and you found yourself unable to stay awake even if you tried.
➼ “Goodnight, my dear.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Thank you so much for reading!
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
Mammon’s Sick Day Part 1
A/N: I was in a slump and wanted to write something. Its not particularly long but I just put it under a cut so its easy to scroll passed on mobile
“Lucifer, please. I’m really not feelin’ up ta it today,”
It’s been this way the last couple of weeks but this week in particular has been the most trying. Every morning this week, it was something: ‘My body’s achin’’, ‘I’m really tired,’ ‘I think I got a fever.’ Lucifer was honestly tired of all the excuses he was hearing from Mammon. He’d missed so much school this month alone, Lucifer couldn’t justify letting him lose another day- the second-born was already far behind their class in terms of meeting the requisitions for advancing to the next school year and they weren’t even halfway being close to done with the second semester yet. If Mammon missed any more class time, there would be no hopes of him passing the year and Lucifer wouldn’t suffer the humiliation of having the second oldest of them repeat a year.
“Enough, Mammon,” the Avatar of Pride commands, “you’re fine. You just have a small cold. You act like you’re dying when you’re not. You’re going to school whether you like it or not. Now get dressed in your uniform and get to school. You can’t afford to miss any more days.”
“But ya let the others miss class when they-“
“I said enough! You’re going to school and that’s final! If you’re well enough to argue with me, you’re well enough to go to RAD. End of conversation. We have a student council meeting after school. I expect to see you there.” Before Mammon can respond, Lucifer walks off.
The white-haired demon only sighs as he slinks off to his room to get dressed.
Laying his head down on the cool surface of his desk, the Avatar of Greed lets out a tired sigh. He thinks its unfair how his younger brothers get special treatment and get everything handed to then on a silver platter when they’re sick, but when he asks to stay home just to rest because he’s been fighting off one of the worst colds he’s had since he was a young angel, Lucifer forces him to come to school and sit through eight plus hours of classes.
“This fuckin’ sucks,” the demon grumbles. “I wanna go home…”
“Then go home,” a female’s voice sounds as she takes a seat next to him, “If you’re that sick, who gives a fuck what your brother says.”
“It ain’t that simple, Addin,” Mammon turns his head to look at the succubus, “If I go home ‘n it gets back ta Lucifer, he’ll string me up from the ceiling until who knows when.”
“Yeah, but look at you,” she frowns, “you’re shivering like a wet dog. It can’t be very good for you to be out like this considering it’s the dead of winter.”
“No its not,” he agrees with her, “But I really don’t wanna deal with my brother right now so not much else to do. I’m jus’ gonna hafta suck it up.”
Addin only purses her lips as she takes in his appearance, gold eyes studying him with a concerned expression.
“If that’s what you want to do then, I guess I can’t change your mind. But if you get worse then I’ll take you back to my house after class so you can at least rest up a bit. Sound like a deal?”
The white-haired demon goes to reply but quickly covers his mouth as he lets out a nasty, mucus-filled cough in a fit that lasts for maybe a good five minutes that makes her think maybe he doesn’t have just a simple Devildom cold but maybe an entire upper respiratory infection instead. Their classmates were starting to stare. Whatever it was, he sounded like school was be the last place he should be right now.
“You know, on second thought, maybe it isn’t the best idea to wait until after class… Let’s get you out of here, my guy.”
Mammon can only nod as Addin helps him up and drags him out of the class room as she lets him lean against her, ignoring the fact that some of their classmates had their phones out and were snapping picture- likely for the school’s rumor mill.
“I know this is probably a stupid question, but did you drive here today?”
“Yeah, I did.” He says as he clears his throat. “Didn’t wanna walk here in the cold like usual.”
“Gimme your keys. You shouldn’t be driving in this condition.” She holds out her hand and the demon fishes them out of his blazer pocket.
The pair stops by their lockers to grab their coats before heading outside where she was able to get him in the passenger seat of his car.
“Alright, next stop, my house,”
“Actually, Addin…” Mammon croaks as he leans his head against the window, “can ya just take me home instead? I just wanna sleep in my own bed.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” She smiles as she takes off for the house of Lamentation.
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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notgalaxii · 4 years
May I pls ask for a headcanon of when the brothers or undateables are sick and MC looks after them pls
I wroteee guys! Be proud of me! Oh and I'm also super kinda sorta upset because my new manager wants me in at like 5:30am - 1:30pm?? And that's tiring. Oh welllll, thats how it beeee.
Another thing! I kind of wrote a self-indulgent Satan smut but I didn't know if I wanted to post self-indulgent NSFW cause I feel like a HOOEEE so if you're reading this, you should leave a reply letting me know what you think~
Bold of you to assume Lucifer will willingly stay put in bed to be taken care of
He puts up one of the biggest fights
"MC, I have paperwork to do."
"MC, Lord Diavolo requested me for a meeting."
"Calm your shit, Luci. You know Diavolo would give you the devildoms entire supply of tissues and medicine if he knew you were sick."
After he gets over his fit of needing to do anything and everything, he's quite easy to take care of
Will tell you exactly what he wants, needs, how much it is, and how to get it
Lucifer would probably be more of a medicine person than soup or tea
Definitely gets very fever high and it'll slowly chip at his wall
"Thank you for bringing me my meals, MC. It means so much to me that you'd go out of your way to take care of me. I appreciate you every second of every day."
Sick Lucifer likes it when you run your fingers through his hair, it'll lull him to sleep
Definitely wouldn't mind if you crawled next to him in bed and fell asleep to him, but I feel like if you do it a few times, fever high Luci will get pretty clingy.
"Why didn't you stay with me longer last night, MC? You left me cold."
You thought Mammon was already clingy?
Sick Mammon is the textbook definition of clingy
And it's even worse because he feels too fucking miserable to put up a fight with his tsundere self so all of his neediness is right there in the open
"MCCCCC Where ya goin!?!? I wasn't done with you yet! The Great Mammon wants to be fed soup."
Whiny. Very whiny. Oh my god so whiny.
"Why do I feel like my head is floatin' away from my body, huh? It's all foggy up here! Make it stooop"
And if you take a few seconds too long to say something,
"Oi! Are ya listenin' to me!? Pay attention, human!"
But will definitely make it up because sick Mammon is ✨lovey✨ Mammon
"I love you, human. Don't forget that, 'kay? I wouldn't let any other dumb little human take care of me like this. I feel like I can trust you."
Sicky Mammon loves soup. He wants the soup to be fed to him every time too.
Will aggressively feed it to himself if you deny him
"Dummy human, don't know what ya missin' out on, yanno!"
Absolutely melts under a n y touch that you give him
Likes it when you rub his chest a lot, it's very soothing
And as per usual, absolutely loves his hair being played with
An ideal night for sick Mammon would be cuddled up to his human with their hand in hair, watching movies and having soup fed to him until he falls asleep
He's a baby, protect him. Please.
Leviathan is very confused about why you're trying so hard to take care of him
He's holed up in his room all day anyway, what's the difference when he's sick? He can take care of himself!
But oh god when you bring him food and pets, he can't deny how loved it makes him feel
Anime Marathons! Anime Marathons!
Adores being all wrapped up in the blankets with you watching his favorite shows to make him feel better.
Brush his hair out of his face to check his fever. Do it. It'll break him.
Kiss him on the forehead afterwards if you really r e a l l y want to break him
Levi wouldn't care too much what you bring him, but he would like it to be hot to sooth his throat
He can't yell at his game with a sore throat.
Rub his chest and shoulders, it makes him feel like a big boy
Play with his hair that's usually in his face
Angy boy is angy
Doesn't get why you're trying to take care of him, he's a big boy
At first he's a little annoyed by the gestures. Satan likes to do things for himself, he wants to feel capable.
If you're romantically involved with him though, he'll be nicer about it
"I don't know why you're bringing me my meals, kitten. I can still walk. Its just a small cold" proceeds to fall into a sneezing fit
When he's in his demon form, his tail sticks straight up when he sneezes-
Y'all gonna make me write an entire headcanon about how they sneeze I fucking swear.
Back on topic, Satan would like to have a book read to him while he's sick. Sometimes his vision gets a lil foggy and his head gets cloudy
Let him lay his head on your lap by the fire place. Run your hands through his hair and read him a novel.
After his initial fit of "fuck you i'm a big boy," he was by far the easiest to take care of
Any time you tell him to take a medicine, eat something, drink something, blow his nose, or get some rest he listens
Well now that he knows you have best intent in mind
And deep deep deep down in his aggressive heart, he kind of enjoys being bossed around by you
Asmodeus would be almost Mammon levels of whiny
"MC, am I still beautiful even though my nose is runny?"
"MC, I feel too heavy to walk to the bathroom and do my skincare. Can you do it?"
"MMMCCCCC~ come give me cuddles"
"MC! Feed me my medicine~"
On that note, Asmo doesn't care what you bring him as long as you feed it to him
He'll make it sensual as hell too
Will still try to kiss you all the time if you're okay with it
And you bet he'd be like, "You know what would make me feel better?" And definitely try to get in your pants.
Touch him literally anywhere. He won't care if its his face, dick, or left pinky toe. Just give him your love
Cuddle sessions will be a lot more loving.
Don't get me wrong, Asmo cuddle sessions are already very loving and sensual, but when he's siiiick
He's so so so SO soft
Professes his love for you at least once a day
Wants gentle kisses on his forehead, cheeks, and nose
Honestly, Asmo overall just wants to be held, loved, and taken good care of
You wouldn't be allowed to sleep in your room anymore. He wants your attention and care at all times.
How did you even get sick!?
You're h u g e man, and an athlete, you think you'd have more of a tolerance?????
Okay so on the slim chance that Beelzebub is sick
He is sO GOOD about letting you take care of him
You want him to take this medicine when the alarm rings? He'll down it before dismissing it!
You want him to drink this tea you gave him? It's delicious, MC~
Eat the soup? S a y l e s s
No Beel- you have to drink it slowly or else it won't help as much
Okay so he'll struggle a little bit on that part but he will do his best because he loves you and wants to make you proud.
Beelzebub would like it if during your sick cuddles, you laid on top of him while he had his arms around you
You take so much care of him, he wants to feel like he's caring for you too
Fever High Beel is chatty, honestly when you know Beel personally hes chatty anyways but he's worse under a sick spell
Will ask you literally every philosophical question that settles in his brain for at least a second
Some of them are straight up weird though man
"Why is there a D in fridge but not refrigerator?" Is one he has asked m u l t i p l e times.
Beel is a good puppy 💕
Like his twin, Belphie is veryyyy easy to take care of when he's sick
He doesn't... Do much so it's not like he's gonna hop out of bed and run away from the medicine
Just opens his mouth with a little "ahh~" sound and drinks or eats whatever you shove in his face
He's moody sick though
Well he's always a little moody but when he's sick he's probably a grumpy ass boy
"Ehh, MC why am I sick again? All I smell is snot" he would huff
Likes to pick at your brain a little bit when he's sick
Just really loves listening to you talk all the time and it keeps him occupied enough when he feels like shit and you're there to go on the cute little rambles he loves
Being groggy helps him sleep better, so expect this beautiful little cowboy to pull you in for some more naps with him~
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chayenzovsevil · 3 years
Based off an interview of an ex-mafia member video I'm watching (do you know a good therapist?). They started at one point talking about Consiglieres, and it caught my attention (obviously).
"Here's what makes a very good Consigliere--What would you say it was?"
"Wisdom. He had to know the life. He had to have good discernment. You know and, uh, know how to figure things out. He should be a cool tempered guy. Um...and he should be sincere. And, you know, and not have his own personal agenda. That's important. But, uh, that's rare. I'm telling you that's rare in that life. There's so much politics that goes on. Really had to be careful."
SO. Let's see if Vincenzo fits that image
1. Wisdom/Knowing the life:
Friends, he grew up in the life. Vincenzo talked/bragged about the mafia so much Hong Chayoung figured him out. He knew even their history (the pig's blood). I know jack about my family traditions.
2. Know how to figure things out:
Almost every episode was about us viewers witnessing him one-upping his opponents like some supernatural being because he knew how to solve problems.
How to get Chayoung out of jail. How to destroy Babel. HOW TO GET THE GOLD. How to save his Cassano family without leaving Korea. How to return to Chayoung just to say goodbye again. How to--okay I'll stop.
3. Cool Tempered:
Lol. Okay, we've seen him break being cool. But in Italy, when he was still Cassano Consigliere, he never lost it. When he was trying to make a deal with that racist ass at the beginning of episode 1, he never broke face. When Vincenzo tossed the lighter over his shoulder, he never looked back, never laughed or smiled happily. When his "brother" tried to kill him, he never cried or screamed. He just called him and spoke calmly and said: "I'm out, see ya looser."
4. Be Sincere:
Vincenzo's shown his sincerity from the start, when he was trying to prove to the tenants that he was protecting them. Granted, for his own purpose but throughout time they meant more.
But could his sincerity be any greater for anyone other than Chayoung? He's shown his dedication for her and his feelings so much. Helping her with revenge, the promise at the end that he'll return, when he did, and when he proved his feelings for her with that amazing kiss (I honestly felt like I was intruding watching them...but I still did it anyway) couldn't be any more sincere.
5. NO Personal Agenda:
Now, the last few sentences are practically laughable to me because it's Vincenzo's personal agenda of stealing the gold is the reason the kdrama exists. Without his greed, I wouldn't be here WEEKS AFTER THE SHOW ALREADY ENDED.
I honestly just intended to post the interview, but I couldn't help but analyze, even though I know it wasn't necessary. And I actually wanted to FURTHER analyze. Maybe even post pictures of evidence, but it's late and I'm tired and I'm sad.
The result?
Vincenzo Cassano has ALL the qualifications it takes to be a Consigliere and more.
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
We back! This is the anon who shared the idea of Chrollo dating Hisokas twin. Can I get some of how you think dinner would go? Format is your choice!
Oh oh oh, hi! 🙋
Yeah, I remember!
This is the ask in question, for those wanting to know the context 😄
Thanks for requesting and please enjoy it! 🙇💕
A/N: I might’ve changed a few things here and there, hopefully it’s nothing too drastic 🙇
Word count: 1753
Parts: Two, Three ...
Not you again! - Chrollo x Reader (feat. Twin!Hisoka)
   If he was being honest, one of the first things Chrollo noticed about you were your eyes - golden, sometimes like the sunset, other times like honey. He loved looking into your eyes and seeing those little specks of actual gold in them. It always reminded him of the gold in the treasures the Troupe had stolen.
   Paired with your smile and your personality that attracted him like a magnet, Chrollo could honestly say that pursuing you was one of his best decisions yet. Of course, he couldn’t be 100% honest with you and just spill everything about himself. But he did realise that with you, it was a give-and-take relationship. And also a pretty honest one - not your boyfriend’s style at all. You’d tell him things about yourself, but he’d have to do the same thing. And he had to be truthful - after all, he did try to lie to you... it didn’t work and you didn’t speak with him for an entire week until he apologised.
   Now, he wasn’t going to pour all of his thoughts and insecurities to you just because of that. But his curiosity about you would often win and he’d end up saying something personal in return. Which he didn’t really mind, not anymore, at least. He knew you weren’t the type to just go and talk about unnecessary things with others – despite knowing who he was and what he was doing, for the most part. When you heard that it was illegal, you told him to not tell you anything unless he had to. That was something Chrollo liked about you, mostly because he didn’t want you to be too involved into the Troupe’s business. But being able to talk to you so freely without too many worries and being vulnerable around you as time passed seemed natural.
   You felt the same, especially when you told him that the only person who might want to know him was your brother – seeing as your relationship was going on and stronger. From everything you’d told him, he seemed like more of a lone wolf and someone who people tended to avoid – though you stuck by his side like glue and vice versa. Even you had a lot of fights with him, even now, as adults. But he was your twin brother and you loved him, as much of an idiot as he was. Which made your boyfriend chuckle.
   Right now, you and Chrollo were on the couch, hanging out. Though there was something different about him. He was upset and when you asked him for a reason, he only told you that he had lost a few friends. You thought there might’ve been something more, but you left it at that, instead consoling him as best as you could. Your boyfriend deemed the temporary inability of using his Nen and the Judgment Chain bound to his heart – that could kill him if he broke any of the set conditions – as part of the “unnecessary things” that he didn’t want to tell you. Worrying you was one of the last things he wanted to do anyway. Good thing you weren’t a Spider and that your home always felt like some sort of a safe haven – blending in perfectly and without standing out. Plus, you were always careful – Chrollo thought that was just who you were and never asked.
   “So, what do you think about dinner on Saturday at my place? I really want the two of you to meet already. Ever since he heard about me having a boyfriend, he’s been on my case and I might love him, but I’m going to kill him soon.” Chrollo laughed, thinking that this might not be so bad as he agreed. He was charming and always got on pretty much everyone’s good side. He was sure that your brother wouldn’t be any different.
   Unbeknownst to him, you hadn’t told your brother anything, not even Chrollo’s name. And you hadn’t told your boyfriend what your brother’s name was either. Unfortunately, Hisoka’s name was infamous among Nen users and pretty much any potential partner… ran for the hills when they heard it. Plus, you’d had issues in the past with people who wanted to fight or get their revenge against Hisoka – and somehow found your home. You’d get rid of them quickly, of course, but you’d learnt your lesson. You both kept your secrets to yourselves when you wanted to and wouldn’t let go of them, not even to one another. He might’ve been your brother, but he was an annoying and persistent one at that. Good thing he wasn’t in town yet – on a mission with some friend of his or something – otherwise he might’ve come right then and there.
   That Saturday night, both you and your boyfriend were making the last preparations for dinner. With how often he left, you’d forgotten how much fun cooking with Chrollo was. On the nights where neither of you were too tired, he’d gradually pull you into a slow dance while the food was left to simmer or cook. It was always relaxing and he’d always twirl you around at least once before leaning you backwards, only to pull you back in for a kiss. Those nights were honestly the best.
   Chrollo had just finished bringing the food to the table while you were trying to open a bottle of wine, only to spill a little on your shirt. Right then, the doorbell rang and you sighed.
   “I’m going to change my shirt. Can you get the door, please? And don’t kill each other while I’m gone!” You said loudly as your boyfriend chuckled and walked towards the entrance. What greeted him on the other side left both him and your brother with wide eyes and pretty much frozen.
   “You… ♣” Hisoka’s voice died in his throat as he stared at his “former boss”, who quickly regained his composure as he stared at the magician’s attire.
   “So you’re the infamous twin… Should’ve known it was you when I saw their eyes the first time. Hmm… dark red suits you.” Chrollo commented as he inspected Hisoka’s clothes and lack of make-up – so different from what he was used to.
   “Chrollo! What’s taking you so long? Oh, hi, Hiso! Long time no see!” You greeted your brother as you came behind you boyfriend, finally dressed in a clean shirt. Hisoka’s eyes moved to you before Chrollo moved aside, letting your twin get inside. You guided him to the table as soon as he took his shoes off, asking him about how he’d been and such. Hisoka’s answers were short and gave almost nothing away, his attention somehow on Chrollo and his movements. Both of them were quiet, but you chalked it up to nerves. Even during dinner, the two of them said nothing to one another and you were left talking – more like being interrogated – by your twin brother.
   “How long have you been together for? ♣”
   “A couple of months now.”
   “Why didn’t you tell me? ♣”
   “Maybe because it’s none of your business who I date? I’m an adult, too, you know? I can make my own decisions.”
   “But why him? ♣ Of all people! ♣”
   “Hiso, that’s rude. I don’t judge your dates, so don’t do it to me either.” Chrollo seemed amused by how childish Hisoka was acting. “What’s so funny?” You asked, smiling at your boyfriend. He only shook his head, grabbing onto your hand that was on the table.
   “Nothing, love. It’s just funny seeing the two of you banter.” Hisoka felt like he’d pop a vessel. This guy, the leader of the Phantom Troupe, now useless because of the Judgement Chain on his heart, was your boyfriend? Just the thought of his opportunity for a fight with Chrollo being so close and also the fact that you were with him made his emotions feel mixed up. But he had no interest in Chrollo, now that he couldn’t use his Nen. But at the same time, he couldn’t just stand by and watch you be with him. Who knew what he was planning?
   What if he was only using you?
   What if he would kill you when he had no use for you anymore?
   What would he do if you were gone and it was all because of Chrollo?
   “Hiso, are you okay?” You asked, worried about the glare your brother had set on your boyfriend and his silence. He only nodded and the three of you continued to eat. You guessed your brother was just worried about you, which was sweet. Though it was clear he didn’t really like Chrollo. You were sure he’d come to like him in time.
   “The food was great. ♥️️” Hisoka complimented you, seemingly in a slightly better mood now that he’d eaten.
   “And I have dessert as well. I made your favourite. I’ll go get it.” You quickly kissed Chrollo’s cheek before taking all the plates – you refused to let any of them help – and going to the kitchen.
   “If you hurt them in any way… ♣” Hisoka said in a low voice, eyes almost ablaze with how he felt: confusion, anger, fear – all for your safety.
   “I don’t plan on hurting them, I assure you.” There was silence for a while as you were bustling about, putting the dishes in the dishwasher and taking clean plates and cutlery for the dessert. “I managed to acquire a copy of Greed Island. Unfortunately, you need to use Nen in order to be able to play it, otherwise I would’ve done this myself. If you can find a Nen Exorcist and remove the chain user’s ability, I’ll fight you.” Chrollo saw the little glint in Hisoka’s eyes return, knowing that there was indeed a chance to finally fight the Spider. Maybe then you’d find a better boyfriend.
   “Here, I hope you’ve missed it, Hiso. Have you tried this before, Chrollo?” You brought the plates and started sharing the sweets to each one of you before taking your seat next to Chrollo. Your boyfriend shook his head before accepting a spoonful from you.
   “Tastes great, love. You’ll have to teach me the recipe some time.” He immediately felt Hisoka’s glare on him and he smirked as he glanced at your twin.
   Really now, how did he not realise that you were related? Those golden eyes that you had were also glaring at him from the other side of the table. Good thing the one he cared about only showed their love for him with those eyes.
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