#i recognise my privilege in saying this but. come on man
jamiedc-they-them · 5 months
Good People (Platonic)
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Summary: While in the Wasteland, running on nothing but fumes and even less hope, you meet someone. Someone who might just be the one thing you need in a place like this: a friend.
Note: This is shorter than my usual stuff (both in terms of words, probably, and also just in terms of content - more so a scene than anything else; maybe a series of short scenes showing Lucy's arc if you guys want and how her friendship with Y/N develops?) Let me know in an ask!
You were a survivor. You had been since the moment you were born, but you weren't sure how much longer that was going to last.
Your day hadn't started off good, you see. You were running out of water and had passed out earlier due to some kind of infection - no idea what it was or who/what it was from, you had come across a lot of beings and things in your travels - and some guy had thought you were dead and even pissed on you just in case. Was not refreshing, or nice.
You had fought him off, tackling him to the floor and punching him quite a few times. You didn't kill him, however. You just left him be after that.
An odd fellow with a briefcase who promise you everything you could ever want passed you by. He gave you something that gave you a boost. You had no caps, so the only piece of fluid you had left on you - your water container - was given to him in exchange for this item.
So, now you were even more screwed then before.
The man even seemed to somewhat pity you, but he still left.
You find an abandoned bus. It's been picked, recently or otherwise doesn't really matter, picked clean is picked clean. Or, well, as clean as you can get within the apocalypse.
"Hello?" a voice says. You spin around, reaching for a weapon you don't have as you lost it in the scuffle before, and so instead duck down - hitting your head on one of the seats.
You hear the person outside cringe.
"Sorry," she says, earnestly to your shock, "that sounded like it hurt."
"...It did," you find yourself saying in reply, but still keep your head done.
"Sorry," she says, again, "it's ok," she assures you, "I won't hurt you. I promise."
You peak your head up. The first thing you notice, is how clean she looks. She gives you a bright smile.
"Hi," she says, enthusiastically.
You just blink at her.
"It's ok," she assures again, "my weapon is away. I just - I just wanna talk. I'm a bit lost out here give, you know, everything is mainly just sand."
You guess that's fair. So, against your better judgment, you make your way to the stairs at the bus, and sit down. The woman sits down, letting out a sigh, glad to be able to rest for a moment.
She stretches. You adjust your neck. You must've slept funny.
"I'm Lucy," she says, holding out a hand to you.
"Y/N," you say, shaking her hand. Feels weird, being this open with someone.
"Y/N," she says, "that's a nice name. I never knew someone called Y/N before."
You're about to ask her why, when you see what she's wearing.
You whistle, or as best you can with a dry throat, it's croaky but the idea comes through, "you one of them Vault Dwellers?"
"I am," she says, and you're unsure if it's a proud statement or not, "but, I do also recognise my privilege for being one."
You hum, "how you finding up here?"
"Hot," she says, "we have air conditioning in the vaults. So, it's weird not being able to just turn down the temperature."
You chuckle. She smiles.
"Thank you for not trying to kill me."
You gesture to yourself, "don't exactly have anything to do that with, you know? Besides, you're not a bad person. I've met some bad people, you ain't one of them."
"Thank you. I knew there were good people out here."
You shrug, "I don't think I'm exactly 'good', but I've known worse."
"Well, I'm glad I've run into you. You're alot nicer than the previous man I met."
"Yeah, there'll be people like that..." you pause, then ask the question on your mind, "what brings you top side, Lucy?"
"Oh," there's a hint of hope, mixed with sadness in her eyes while she answers, "I'm looking for my dad. Some horrible woman called Moldaver took him. She steals dads."
You may internally find that last part funny, but you find yourself saying 'I'm sorry' to her about her plight. She thanks you once again.
"You're not crazy like that other man."
She's blunt, you'll give her that.
"I can be," you don't quite know why you're insulted by it.
She cocks her head to the side, "I'm good at reading people," you aren’t sure on that one, but you don't say anything, "and you're not like that previous man."
"What'd he do?"
"Drank most of my water. You ever met anyone like that?"
"Guy pissed on me this morning. Another stole my canteen."
"Oh..." Lucy says. You nod, expecting this to be the end of your conversion, but then she reaches behind herself for something. Instinct makes you freeze, but she just gives you a reassuring smile once again, and holds something out to you.
Her own canteen.
You look at her, doubt, confusion, and thanks all in your eyes at once.
"Take it," she insists, shaking it a little to tell you that there is still water inside it, "I mean it."
"But, that other man --"
"He's greedy. You aren't. And, judging by your lips, rough voice, inability to whistle, and slight grovel to your voice, and the way you hold yourself," perceptive too, "you need this more than I do."
"You sure?" she nods. Hesitantly, looking from her to the canteen as you reach out - her leaning forward to help you with your lack of energy due to dehydration and all - you grab it. It's not harsh, you don't rip it out of her grasp. Your actions are slow, deliberate.
You open it, and lift it up to your mouth, letting a few water droplets hit it.
You close it and give it back to her. But she pushes it to you again. This goes on a few more times.
"I meant what I said," she says, "take it."
You look around at the desert, "next water well won't be for a while."
She shrugs, "there's a town nearby. There should be some there. But, either way, you need this a lot more than I do."
You drink the rest of it. And, you feel ok. Not great, but better.
You cough a bit. Both due to whatever illness you have, and just from the water and how fast you drank it.
"That's a bad cough," she notes, taking the canteen back.
"Ah, it's nothing," you say, waving her off. Had worse infections.
You stand up, and she holds her hands out in case you fall. You put a hand up, telling her you're ok.
"Well," you say, "thank you for that, and the talk. Good people are few and far between. Best of luck --"
"Hey, wait!" she calls out as you start to walk away, "wait, please. Maybe - maybe you can help me."
"I ain't exactly much help given the lack of weapons, strength, and my illness."
She frowns, "well, once we find my dad, we can go back to my vault, we have doctors there who can help you and give you a good meal!"
She's preppy, but soon that softens in her eyes, "please...I can stop people from...urinating on you."
You snort at her disgust of the language. She has a lot to learn. Social ettiquite may exist in some places in the wasteland, but not everywhere.
"Well, when you put it like that..." you say, before smiling. She beams at you.
"Okey Dokey!" she exclaims.
"Okey Dokey!" you find yourself saying in kind, not mocking for once - you and your mouth had gotten you into trouble before, it was nice to not have some agenda with it this time. To let your guard down.
"Have you ever been to Filly before?" she asks you as you walk side by side. Though, she slows up a bit as you try and both get your strength back and keep your remaining bit.
"Once or twice when passing through," you say.
"Alrighty then," she says, glad to not be going in completely blind, "'this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.'" she says to you, clearly quoting something, based on her voice. You look at her confused.
"I'll show you the film when we're back at the vault," she says, before you continue on your way.
It's good to meet someone who didn't want to kill you on sight or extort you or something.
It was nice to not be alone anymore.
Lucy feels the same way. She has a sort of guide now. A friend.
An actual friend from the outside.
She's glad.
And, little did she know how right she'd be. It would be a friendship that would stand the test of time and everything in between.
Lucy had just met her best friend.
You had met yours.
Even if you both didn't know just how dark and dangerous the road ahead would get...
Part 2
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redditreceipts · 5 months
This is actually a TIM explaining why it's legitimate to be anti-feminist because feminism has done nothing for TIMs/trans and has even been hostile towards them
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well feminism has given half of the trans population human rights, the right to vote, and legal recognition as a person lol. (of course you wouldn't bother to think about trans men, because you're a male and all you care about is yourself, but well)
it has admittedly not done anything done for trans women, because feminism is for women and trans women are not women lmao
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yah, interesting thing to think about, right? That the people who stand in for women's rights continue to do so, even when those women don't identify as women anymore.
Also, the question is so stupid. Like, even if I thought that trans women are women, asking what feminists have done for trans people is like asking what anti-racist activists have done for disabled people. And when they struggle to find an answer, I then as a disabled person tell them that I won't be participating in anti-racist struggles anymore because they don't focus on ME (the most important person in the world)
also, I think it's kinda smart for those "trans feminists" (like Julia Serano) to act as if trans activism and feminism were compatible. you can of course come out and tell the world that you dislike feminism as a trans woman, because feminism is about protecting women and you as a man feel neglected, but it will really not help your cause in the public opinion lmao
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I mean he's kinda right in his assessment though. Feminism is a movement to liberate women, and his bullshit ideology is not compatible with that. Feminism will always be about women, and as a man who wants to retain his privileges, being an anti-feminist is a logical conclusion. If you live in a patriarchy long enough, your privileges will appear to you as "rights", and taking away your privilege to define women as a man will seem to you as oppression. I guess it will be harder to convince your ftm brothers, because they actually know what it's like to live as a woman under patriarchy, but well, you're just proving the femininists' point by your post. Men as a class primarily care about retaining their privilege to oppress women, and this guy accurately recognised that and wants to stand in for men's rights instead. I guess normal people would have empathy for the struggle of a marginalised people that they're not a part of and not throw a tantrum when these people's emancipation means making themselves uncomfortable, but what do you expect of people socialised as male? this kind of rhetoric is like a plantation owner who lets their palm oil get picked by people in the global south and pays them $0.10 per hour, and then he turns around and says "What has the anti-imperialist movement ever done for plantation owners??? why should i support them when they want to take away my rights to exploit people?" like yeah, of course you shouldn't support them if all you care about is your own gain. but the people getting angry with you for not supporting a movement for the liberation of a marginalised people you are not a part of expect you to have the tiniest shred of empathy and not only care about yourself, but that's apparently too much asked of a man lol
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ladyofthebears · 2 months
To add this this whole Jace discourse I just want to say this:
I am the result of an affair my grandmother had with a native american man whilst my pappy, who raised me, was in Vietnam during the war.
As a white passing mixed kid, i was not called names often. I was looked down on, i was treated like an outsider in my own family, sneered at with whispers spread behind my and my brother’s backs.
I have been called a mongrel only a few times but i vividly remember the first time it happened.
I was small enough that my brothers could still trick me into thinking i was adopted because of my pale skin and light hair. After a family gathering (of my Pappys side of the family), i asked how everyone in the family knew we were our father’s children immediately.
My brother smiled very sardonically at me and sprouted something about him and our other brother sticking out like sore thumbs. I was confused, because they knew i was my father’s daughter as well, despite how i looked. I asked why they ignored us and were mean and looked at us like grandma looked at the dead snakes in her garden. He laughed at me and said
“Guess life is just harder for filthy mongrels like us”
I remember that phrase so vividly. And maybe my brother meant it to be joking, but those words stuck with me for years. Stuck with me through puberty when i wore even PALER foundation and put blonde streaks in my hair. Stuck with me as i grew up further in a racist religion that specifically makes indigenous people out to be evil. I remembered it when i finally started interacting with more native people in college to reconnect, remembered it when a white girl told me that “if i wanted to be taken seriously as an Indian i should dye my hair black and start tanning”
Those words have haunted me for a long time and they have only helped to make me despise myself and how I came to be.
I hate being stuck between two things- i hate looking white and having all the unfairly given privilege it grants me over my brother. I hate how i am seen as a pretendian for trying to interact with my culture. I hate knowing i can never get tribal affiliation because of the affair.
I know i have immense privilege because of how i look, but those words still haunt me. Because at the end of the day, thats how i see myself at my lowest moments.
I know that on twitter there is major discourse about Jaces words and actions.
And while yes, this is a fictional show, Jaces struggle is one i am intimately attuned to. I said things and did things i regret looking back out of anger for my own situation, i acted in immature and childish ways. But at the end of the day, i can look back and recognise that because i lived through it, and grew through it. I was constantly confused and hurt and torn between differing worlds and families and peoples and it took me a long long time to come to peace with it.
I am still not fully at peace with it.
So- while you may criticise the writing all you want, please realise that Jaces hurt and anger are feelings that can be very very real for some people. Jace, is obviously a fictional character who doesnt have real world feelings. But your mutuals, the people who see your post on discover page are, and your words about a fictional character can hurt them too.
I am not saying mince your words and center your world around sensitive snowflakes- i am saying, have some empathy- even if it is for a stupid fictional character. Because maybe along the way, you can find empathy for other real world people too.
These were the kids that were made to feel like dirty mongrels.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello 👋
Could you please do 'dating him includes' for Taehoon and Seongjoon?
Thank you so much 🥰
Black Anon 🖤🖤
Hey Black anon! Thanks for the ask and so sorry this has taken so long. I feel like all I'm doing is apologising because everything is taking me friggin AGES. There's also a few boyfriend HC for Taehoon in my masterlist, but I've expanded this to all my HTF faves! Yes I'm a ho
HTF Boys - Boyfriend/Dating hc
Seong Taehoon, Baek Seongjun, Ji Yeonwoo, Han Wangguk, Kim Munseong (WHERE IS HE I MISS HIM)
Seong Taehoon
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Man. The girlfriend privileges are severely lacking with this one. He's a little sweeter on you, a little gentler. But he sees no issues being a menace to you.
Absolutely loves getting you all wound up, murmuring obscene comments during the most inopportune times, or a little light spanking when no-one is looking. Sure Taehoon intends to make good on his words and actions later, but there is nothing like seeing your face redden or hearing a squeak escaping your lips right now.
It's even worth the filthy looks you throw his way, or any subsequent silent treatment. He knows you can never stay mad at him anyway.
Taehoon's physical affection is more on the end of physical rather than affection. There's nothing like a little bite or a headlock or just pinning your arms by your side as he holds you to show how much he cares.
Surprisingly amicable to being dragged all over the place with you. Yes he would prefer the arcade or practicing Taekwondo, but even if he is completely reluctant - seeing your face light up is its own special reward. And of course that would be too cringe for him to ever admit outloud.
Baek Seongjun
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Prefers flings and short encounters rather than a relationship. He comes with a lot of trauma and history that he is unwilling to share. Show him kindness though without any ulterior motive, then you're guaranteed to stay on his mind.
Has a lot of experience sexually, but not with relationships. Cherishes experiencing a lot of first milestones with you (regardless of your own experience). Celebrates them all: anniversaries, 100 days, Valentine's etc.
Difficult to publicly date due to his NewTuber fame. He's well recognised by a surprising amount of people, so any dates tend to be on the chilled and private side.
And of course cooking for you is one of his favourite things to do. More so if you join him in the kitchen, and you cook together. You both flowing together as one, moving in harmony. It makes Seongjun think of how well you can fit in other ways too (no, not just sexually - that's already well established that you do). But with the rest of your lives too.
Values cold hard cash as power, and therefore has gift-giving as one of his main love languages. You will be showered with tasteful, lavish gifts. A tender kiss and appreciative thanks from you is all he needs, and is enough to balance out the scales.
Ji Yeonwoo
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Only admired you from afar before he finally broke the chains from his dad and had much more freedom.
Again, not one with any experience though Yeonwoo is honest and forthright. Doesn't shy away from asking you out, and is full of sincerity. However, doesn't give much thought to what happens next - he wanted to tell you how he felt more than anything. You saying yes? Unfortunately that broke his brain.
Dating Yeonwoo means you improving your physical fitness somewhat. Completely on accident, but he spends so much time honing his kyokushin karate skills that you thought you would try and join. More often than not, it's just you watching in awe or him piggybacking you on his runs uphill.
Honestly, being with him helps a lot for your own self improvement. Your grades also improves by a ton as a byproduct. Yeonwoo actually makes studying fun and has limitless patience even as you make him explain something for the fifth time.
Unbelievably sweet and gentle through and through. Not that you would, but one complaint from you about anything and he will happily put that right. More attention? More kisses? Less time training? Done, done, and done.
Han Wangguk
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A natural caretaker, always anticipating your needs before you even knew yourself. Here's a snack for you, here's that book you wanted, here's a coffee because you said you were tired today.
Goes without saying that he prefers small and thoughtful gestures to big, grand ones. Show him how much you care by remembering the little details: asking about the things he mentioned offhandedly or buying that tiny thing he wanted, and he will be forever wrapped around your thumb.
Extremely selfless and not one to put himself first. Repay his thoughtfulness and kindness by helping him to prioritise his own needs and you will always hold a piece of his heart.
Never too far from his camera, either his actual equipment or phone, and all the better to capture pictures of you. You posing is nice, but there's nothing quite like snapping a moment when you don't expect it. When you're completely candid and natural, before any consciousness of knowing a lens is there.
Of course with Wangguk comes Gyeoul. She's an absolute terror and will bound to clash at first with any partner. She's not used to sharing. But the little smiles Wangguk now always wears? The way he has even started whistling? Fine, Gyeoul can tolerate you she supposes. Honestly though? Another older sibling to dote on and spoil her? She'll love you in the end too.
Kim Munseong
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Silent and stoic. He's a man of very few words, and to be honest, you didn't even realise he liked you until you found him always hanging around you and you confronted him yourself.
Shy and inexperienced, with very little game. If anything, it only makes Munseong even more charming and endearing. You'll be the one making a lot of the first moves until he is comfortable enough to take your lead.
Juggles a lot of the time between MMA and training, and you. It's to be expected, he's got a lot of eyes on his fighting career. Please keep supporting him, he feels a lot of guilt that he's not able to be at your constant beck and call, which is frankly a little ridicuous anyway.
Nothing perks him up more than seeing you watch him during a spar or an actual match. Finding your face in the crowd, even if completely unexpected, flicks on a little power-up for him. He wants to make you proud, and it pretty much guarantees a win.
Munseong has always been praised for his strength. Showering him with praise and compliments for literally any other aspect will guarantee him blushing furiously.
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lavellenchanted · 5 months
begin again (edwina's version) is so 💖💖💖
Obviously you know exactly what this is! My currently very meandering attempt at a post S2 Edwina-centric fic as she navigates her return to society with a damaged reputation, learns that suppressing her hurt and anger out of guilt is not the same thing as actually working through it and letting it go, and struggles to trust her growing feelings for Prince Fredrich.
Here's a bit more of the scene between her and Eloise I posted not long ago.
“It’s just so . . . inane. And degrading,” Eloise says acerbically, staring at the glittering whirl in front of them with an expression of undisguised disdain. “Letting themselves be paraded around like bejewelled livestock to be weighed and measured.” When she doesn’t get an immediate reply she looks over and lifts an eyebrow.  “Can you honestly say I’m wrong?”  Edwina takes a long sip of her lemonade - not particularly tasteful, but still appropriately sour - as she considers her answer. Last year she would have made some vague, conciliatory remark intended to smooth Eloise’s ruffled feathers and keep the peace, that revealed nothing of her true thoughts. Perhaps last year she would not have known what her true thoughts really were. Today she lowers her glass, and looks Eloise in the eye as she says, “No, I do not think you are wrong, per se, but I think you don’t recognise your own privilege in being able to say so.” Eloise snorts. “My privilege? You mean the privilege of having a brain?” A flash of irritation gives bite to Edwina’s reply, “No, I mean the privilege of having a wealthy, powerful and loving family that can support you.”  The bemused frown on Eloise’s face makes it clear that she doesn’t understand. Swallowing a sigh, Edwina takes her elbow and steers her to a quieter corner of the ballroom and points to a blonde girl in a glittering pink dress, dancing with Lord Fife. “You see her? Miss Grace Campbell. Her father gambled away their family’s fortune. She has no brothers, so if she does not marry well, she and her mother will be destitute.”  Turning slightly, she gestures to another, dark-haired young lady laughing prettily at something Benedict Bridgerton is saying.  “Or her? Lady Veronica Ryswell. Her uncle is the Earl of Staffordshire, and has plenty of wealth, but there are rumours that he has quite a temper.” She pauses, letting that sink in and out of the corner of her eye sees Eloise start to shift uncomfortably as she realises what Edwina is implying. “Or take me.” “You?” “What money my father left us when he died is all but gone. My grandparents have disowned us. My reputation is hanging by a thread and I have no dowry.” “Anthony would never let you –” Eloise starts but Edwina cuts across her. “My options are to marry, or to be dependent on the man who humiliated me in front of the ton and is the reason my reputation has been damaged in the first place.” There’s a pause, and this time it’s Edwina’s turn to raise an eyebrow - almost daring Eloise to contradict her assessment of her situation, for she can tell the other girl is struggling with the desire to come to her brother’s defence. But, in the end, she can’t, and her shoulders slump a bit at the realisation. Edwina nods and continues. “I would not for a minute try to argue that society is fair to women. I know very well it isn’t. And I don’t think you’re wrong to want more - I would have liked the chance to go to university if I could. But I also don’t think you realise that you have more freedom than almost any other woman in this room. You will never have to worry about money or how you are to live. Your brother will never force you to marry someone you don’t want. Your family’s powerful enough that any scandal that touches you will last days at the most - how long was it after that Whistledown piece about you that you started getting invited to things again?” A strange expression crossed Eloise’s face at the mention of her brief brush with notoriety, but Edwina’s too caught up in her own thoughts to pay it much attention. “It’s been a year and there are some who still cut me in public, you know. And any eligible bachelor who comes near me is warned that I’ll likely jilt him. If there’s something you want to study, I would bet that Anthony would find you a tutor. You might not be able to do as much as your brothers, Eloise, but you could do so much more than so many of us if you tried.”
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iamnmbr3 · 5 days
you've talke about how you aren't against ppl read/writing darkfic content. do you have recs for some really well written darkfics / "problematic" fics. (sex is ok but not just straightup porn pls). can be any fandom.
These fics are all really excellently written in my opinion. Check them out (though obviously read the full tags on the ficbeforehand).
Stiffen the Sinews (Summon Up the Blood) by Whisky (whiskyrunner) (Fandom: Dark Knight Rises | Words: 80,666 | Rating: E | Warnings: Noncon, dark themes)
There are only men in the pit, and John's not strong enough to protect himself forever. But Bane is strong enough for both of them.
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd (Fandom: MCU Thor | Words: 48,612 | rating: M | Warnings: horror, tragic themes)
In the heat of battle, Loki kills his brother. As soon as Thor lies dead at his feet, though, he realizes this is not what he wanted. So he brings Thor back, and surely all is well again. Right?
and lead us not into temptation by Anonymous (Fandom: Star Wars | words: 7,361 | rating: E | Warnings: consensual but not especially safe or sane)
Hux looks him up and down, this Resistance golden boy, gangly and ungraceful and so appallingly soft. Takes a drag of his cigarette. “You’re weak,” he says. Solo looks up at him. “Please.” He draws in a long, broken breath. “Please.” Or: General Hux thinks about Ben Solo a lot more than he probably should.
A Tithe to Hell by Aja (Fandom: Death Note | Words: 33,910 | Rating: E | Warnings: dark themes)
Light has thirteen days to find out how it will feel--not just to kill, but to destroy.
a glass essay by fairbanks (Fandom: Magnus Archives | Words: 63,680 | Rating: T | Warnings: manipulation, tragedy)
Right out of university Jon's run out of time to run from the Web. The only way he knows to escape one domain is to give yourself to another, and he's always been good at being alone. He really wasn't imagining the Lukas family would take him in at all, let alone arrange him to marry some smarmy ass named Peter Lukas.
Ouroboros by Metalomagnetic (Fandom: Harry Potter | Words: 258,416 | Rating: E | Warnings: various dark themes)
A strange man adopts Tom Riddle and it is not his father, as Tom desperately wants to believe. Stranded in the past, Voldemort once again comes to the conclusion he's the only one he truly needs.
Sanguinem; Imperium by deluxekyluxtrashcan (rhoen) (Fandom: Star Wars | Words: 15,710 | Rating: E | Warnings: Self harm, dark themes)
Kylo might have a different way of dealing with his own inner conflict and turmoil, but he can still recognise the signs of someone attempting to cope when he notices the crack in Hux's exterior.
Omnipotent to Arms by tenrousei_kuroi (Fandom: Harry Potter | Words: 6,441 | Rating: E | warnings: noncon, horror)
For the 2021 Regulus Black Fest. Prompt: The dark lord decides that the youngest Black is to be his for the night. Regulus is mortified, but saying no is hardly an option. He hopes that compliance will be enough to live another day as unharmed as possible. (You can put a dose of Bellatrix getting jealous and being another menace to Regulus or not, as well as another DE romantically interested in Regulus and potentially helping him in some way, your choice.)
A Scream is a Wish Your Heart Makes by mswhich (Fandom: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream | words: 13,024 | Rating: E | warnings: horror, noncon)
On the long list of things that AM hated, Ted was first, but boredom was a close second.
the pleasure, the privilege by asterismal (asterisms) (Fandom: Harry Potter | Words: 19,901 | Rating: M | Warnings: general dark themes, graphic violence)
It begins with Vernon Dursley's body, dead across the table. In which Voldemort is dosed with amortentia, and nothing is better for it.
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jaggedjot · 6 months
An Extended Set of Notes on a Look at Season Two
Or, an attempt at being cohesive in extenuating circumstances.
"He wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting them back together as he sees fit." Armand has correctly identified Daniel's saviour complex (part projection-denial of his own feelings for Louis, part assertion of the white masculinity he leans into) with Louis.
There is a distinct edge to the smiles that Claudia and Armand give each other.
It is implied through the montage that Louis’ speech about his newfound commitment to pragmatic optimism ("Stop feeling sorry for yourself. A shit life beats no life. And where we're going now, we can't be running away again.") is aimed at Claudia. If that is the case, then Claudia is going to rightfully furious at this implicit criticism of her own despair at being an eternal adolescent, especially as this is coming from the man who played a significant role in causing that about. Not to mention the underlying resentment it suggests Louis has about her willingness to leave him, when Louis will be doing something similar to her later in the season.
I do need Sam Reid to teach classes about how to remove a shirt or waistcoat that smoothly.
The third episode of season one had Daniel point out how different Louis portrays Lestat in the present day to the original interview, namely that at the time he seemed to despite Lestat. Armand though clearly recognised that the anger and loathing Louis exhibited in the 1970s is something of a front to mask still existing love.
Initially I thought that Lestat was eating bible scripture, but, judging by the modern costume, he may be eating one of Armand’s scripts instead; the symbolism of both potential images is wonderful.
While Claudia and Madeline’s heads are already turned away, defeated, we catch a glimpse of Louis watching Lestat leave them to their fate.
Interesting that Armand is not going to pretend that there isn't something between him and Lestat.
Whoever blocks the sex scenes understands the importance of desperately grasping hands. I wonder if this tussle will end, as the previous one did, with Louis’ initial dominance fading as he allows himself to be overwhelmed.
“Let me guess, he’s your companion, finally. Picked another one over me!” It must be incredibly difficult for Claudia to see Louis find love, and be loved so intensely, when she is unable to in large part due to Louis' decision for her to be turned as a child. And for Louis to then decide that he has grown out of their relationship.
The line of "You fear Armand. You should fear the other one." before cutting to Louis smashing a glass against a priceless painting. My crazy girl is back.
Present day Louis actually seems to be wearing a colour that isn't black for the first time.
Even having rewound a dozen times, I still have no idea what horrific creature Louis imagines crawling out of the hollow of Lestat's throat. You would presume it would be a rat, but there is something insectoid to it.
A lot of theories about what happened on that fateful night in San Francisco being refuted or made more valid, specifically the seeming confirmation that it was Louis that left that scar on Daniel, and that the interview did take place the same night Louis and Daniel met.
Claudia and Louis sharing Madeleine is quite something.
The implication of the montage accompanying Claudia’s “You got to give up something to get something.” seems to be that Claudia is going to realise that she can never be fulfilled while maintaining her splintering relationship with Louis. Then for it to be followed up by Louis' "You and me, me and you." speech to her.
Santiago's inclusion in the "You and me, me and you." montage promises many things.
This trailer does nothing to contradict my theory that Armand is standing in the prompter’s box of his theatre during the trial, while claiming in the present day that he had no say over what happened next.
Please tell me Lestat's imagined ghost is not accompanying Louis and Armand during all their Parisian dates.
The shot of Lestat laughing while holding an ashing cigarette further confirms that there will be flashbacks to Rue Royale, as the blurred background looks very similar to the downstairs room.
"Pieces of my life gone. I knew who I was without those pieces." LOUIS.
The toast between Claudia, Madeleine, Louis and Armand seems to be taking place immediately before the trial, because Claudia is wearing the same fateful yellow dress and Madeleine the same blue blouse and, seemingly, red two-piece skirt and jacket.
The collapse of the bookshelves containing memorabilia of the past are not clearly connected to something happening in an interview session. If this is a response to something dramatic or particularly emotional in the story, you would expect Daniel to be up close, not sitting behind a desk alone.
It does hurt me to see Louis cry.
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up-in-flames-writing · 11 months
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This is an old Twitter thread I'm posting here as an archive, when I eventually get banned on there for not tolerating transphobic abuse against me.
Still pretty relevant tho, even tho it was written almost a year & a half ago.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to do alt text, so here is the image ID under the cut:
[Image ID: A Twitter thread made by user Booker-Garet Feniks @abookandabun. The thread reads:
So, lately, I've been seeing some Takes™ on transition on here, & as a transman who looks like a baby butch lesbian, I have some Thoughts™, so here's a thread
First thing's first: I am short. I am skinny (read: underweight), & curvy. I have a more or less conventional hourglass figure. I also have a soft face, big lips & big eyes with long lashes. I keep my nails long & my hair long & when I cut them, they grow back fast
By all means, if I were a woman, I would be, if not conventionally attractive, at least conventionally feminine, with my small waist, wide hips, my long legs, & even my tiny tits. Despite this, I dress masculine. I hold myself like a man, I deepen my voice
My voice is naturally a bit deep, but not deep enough for there to be any ambiguity about what's in my pants. I still speak in a fake, deep voice, & when I introduce myself, I do it with a grin & tell everyone very openly 'my name is Booker-Garet'
Despite this, I do not pass. I am constantly Miss'ed & Ma'am'ed when I'm out & about. People who know me need to be told that I'm a man & go by he/him pronouns. Imagine that, imagine calling a teenage boy with an unambiguous male name 'she'. Imagine how I feel
How I feel when none of my efforts matter. How, when I'm at my most masculine while pre-op & pre-T, people see meas nothing more than a girl. It's distressing. I know what they're thinking, that I'm a tomboy or a lesbian. If they recognise that I'm trans, they don't show it
And, I feel like it's easy to get mad at GNC women. It's easy to get mad at the tomboys & the butches & the studs. 'They think I'm you' you might think. 'You're too visible & I'm not, & they think I'm you.'
I find it easy to blame a lot of ciswomen for this. The ones who tell me I should've just stayed a lesbian (which I never was), that I should've just been a tomboy (which I was), that I'm a traitor to womanhood (so be it). It is easy to get mad at them
It's hard being a trans guy, when the only pieces of masculinity coming from a female person people are aware of are the ones who are women, who stay women & who love being women. I didn't love being a woman. I love women, I love my cis & trans sisters
But I can't help feeling bitter when they perform masculinity & no one denies their womanhood, no one on the right side of history. But I can be my most manly self & even my allies feel that I'd just be better off as a lesbian, as a masculine woman.
As if masculinity is alright, is safe, as long as you're a woman who performs it, but the moment you're a man performing masculinity, you're not worth the time, the effort, the brain power.
Almost as I'd it's easier for people to accept me as a masculine woman, with my deep voice & my masculine name, than admit to the fact that I am a man
It's hard to admit that you don't pass. It's hard to admit that I'm not a 'real man', whatever that means. It's not, however, hard to admit that I don't have privilege. It's not hard to admit that I face misogyny.
It's not hard to admit that if you're AFAB & masc presenting, nothing short of a Thor voice & a Gandalf beard, & body hair like a gorilla will make people see you as anything but a woman. Because if I don't say this, who else will? I can't let people live a lie
I can't let people keep on believing that 'transmascs have it easier', that it's easier for us to pass. I can't let people keep believing that we 'run away from womanhood to have male privilege'. Where's my male privilege, Joanne? Did it get lost in the Owl Mail?
People will keep on believing that we have it easier, that we don't face discrimination, that we don't get misgendered & assaulted & killed. They will keep believing that, & they will keep ignoring us & our oppression, unless someone finally says 'Enough!' & tells their story
& I'm a good story teller, so I'm telling you. I don't pass, I wish I did, but I don't. Many of my brothers do not pass. Stop ignoring us just because you think we have it 'easier'. We don't, & your inaction is allowing us to get killed. Do better
End image ID]
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thetcrmented · 4 months
task; the eulogy
location: the cemetry at woodrow house
date: sunday september 4, 2005
carmen alvarez felt like a fraud as she stood to face the crowd gathered in front of her. a sea of eyes and faces looking up at her expectantly, all warped with grief.
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she ought to have known that she would be expected to speak at the funeral. she was one of those closest to richard, she had lived with the man for over half of her life. in many ways she was considered his natural successor. but she didn't know how she was supposed to get up there and try put into words how much richard had done for her, and how she was forever indebted to his generosity.
the night before she had tried, in vain, to think of what to say. she had scribbled line after line but all her scraps of paper had ended up on her bedroom floor. she wanted to say thank you, but it felt wrong when she had chosen to turn away from the life he had given her. she wanted to say goodbye but she didn't feel ready yet.
"thank you all for coming today," she said, echoing the sentiments of her fellow wards. she was amazed at how steady her voice sounded, how clear and strong it carried across the rows of mourners. her years working for the woodrow foundation had taught her how to address a room, a crutch she could lean on in this moment. maybe it would be enough to see her through these agonising minutes.
one minute, maybe two, that was all she needed to get through.
"i don't think i need to tell you all what a wonderful man richard woodrow was. the fact that so many of you are here is a testament to that fact. i'm sure we'd all describe him the same way, we'd talk about his kindness, his empathy, his intelligence..." she paused, giving herself a moment to breathe, a moment to steel herself to see this through to the end.
"the story of how i came to know richard is not unique, it's much like the stories you've already heard, and will hear, from my fellow wards. but that doesn't make what richard gave me any less important, any less special. he gave me opportunities and chances i probably would never have got otherwise. he gave me the gift of a future, and for that i'm eternally grateful."
she knew this was the moment she ought to speak about the foundation, about her intentions to continue richard's legacy. she recognised a number of people in the crowd in front of her from her work and knew they were all assuming that with richard now gone, she would be stepping in to take over. but she could not lie. she couldn't tell the truth either.
her voice caught in her throat, her composure wavering at the last moment. curling her hands into fists behind her back, she let her nails press into the soft skin of her palms, the sharp pain diverting her attention from the impending wave of anguish.
"if i had the chance to speak to him one last time, i'd want to tell him that i won't waste that gift. i know what a privilege it is and i intend to honour that. even if how i use it is different to what he imagined."
she exhaled slowly, feeling her mask of calm slip as she returned to her seat. she needed to find a drink.
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sweetpea-sprite · 7 months
Hi! Me and my sister have been, kinda as just a fun creative activity, basically making notes and planning out how we would do ni no kuni (specifically white witch cause that’s all we’ve played) if it were a tv show. We’re changing some stuff, keeping others, expanding on more, etc.. Seeing as you are the no. 1nnk fan on tumblr, I was curious if there’s any lore or cool things or just anything that you reckon we absolutely gotta keep or do something with. (Also have a lovely day ur delightful)
oh goddd this question is so broad. man. it's a good one though
okay. the thing with a wotww tv show is that of course the viewer does not have the privilege of looking at the wizard's companion which is where a lot of lore is kept. this means i think you should make the small amount of politics surrounding non-magical people that's present in the story rather than in the companion much more prevalent. like obviously swaine is a given but stuff like khulan and kublai's romance being taboo because one is a great sage and one is a non-magical sky pirate. how lucien became shadar because he saw the horrors magic inflicted on society and tried to stop it. my pinned post goes into it in detail if you wanna read it so i won't rehash everything it says
what else. i'm biased but i will always advocate for more drippy content. in the context of a show you have more space for drippy to talk about alicia and have it all come together for the allie reveal to be insane. level 5 missed that opportunity and i will always be upset about it
obviously also expanding on esther and even swaine's backstories. i mean esther doesn't even have one
i recognise that you have only played wotww so i won't go into any of the major differences between it and dotdd but hear me out... i think minor differences in dotdd should be kept because just in general dotdd imo does a lot of things better than wotww. things like yuri (A CHARACTER. YURI AS IN THE CHARACTER'S NAME) on the tombstone trail, cerboreas's dotdd backstory, oliver being a fairly lonely/bullied kid growing up, perdida... and lucien's diary, and everything to do with it. lot of these concepts will be unfamiliar to you so this paragraph is kind of just me spitballing what i would want in a show like this at this point don't take it as me saying you should do this if you don't know what i'm talking about LMAO
umm. this IS a broad question so if you have any specific like. arcs or characters or whatever send me another ask. finally have fun with it and i'd love to see what you have once you're done :] (and thank you for the compliment :])
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alarrytale · 9 hours
But not all queer people are like angry bees in a hive. Some of us actually just want the best actor for the job. We'd never have had Timothee Chalamet in CMBYN if your criteria of 'only openly gay actors need apply' was implemented.
All Larries love that Harry was in My Policeman but I'm guessing you don't? A lot of people think he's bisexual, a few think he's gay, but he's hardly open and a role model any more than Kit was. And Harry is impervious to the lgbt community getting angry about what he does, unlike Kit.
Hello, anon (i think you are the same)!
I have NEVER said that only openly queer actors can play queer roles. I'm not out here yelling about the casting of Nick and TZP in RWRB now am i? No, i'm applauding it! This lack of reading comprehension you're showing is exhausting. There is a major difference between being closeted but recognised and accepted as queer by the queer community, and being closeted and presenting straight to the point of the queer community being uncomfortable with you representing them.
Harry is gay and that's why us larries applaud his gay MP role. Harry has been getting critizism for taking the role by people of the queer community, because they don't recognise him as queer or think he's not in a position to represent them. I don't know how you missed that. Hence the queerbaiting accusations against him as well, that's growing by the day.
TZP is married to a man and the queer community accepts him as queer representation, even though he's closeted. So it's not about being in or out of the closet, it's about if you're in a postition to represent the queer community and accurately portray the queer experience. All this is usually about if you're recognised as queer and how much straight pushing you do. Being recognised as queer depends on if you're straight passing or not. If you're straight passing, straight presenting or straight acting (making out with/showing pda with women) like H or Kit, you'll have a harder time being recognised as queer, accepted as a queer role model and deemed worthy of representing the queer community.
Back when CMBYN came out, the queer community was just happy to finally have a queer movie go mainstream. They couldn’t afford to also ask for the actors to be part of the queer community. It's the same with trans movies or movies about indigenous people. Now it's frowned upon if you put straight, white, privileged people in minority roles, especially in mainstream movies. So things have changed. You don’t put Jar*d Le*o in a trans role when Hunt*r Sch*fer is right there. Directors know now that putting straight actors in queer roles will give them backlash. So they've mostly stopped doing it (i say mostly because some of the actors i think are straight might be queer).
If you are closeted and taking queer roles the best way to go about it is to not push a het agenda at the same time. That is provoking. Show understanding and compassion with the queer community. Acknowledge them, understand where they're coming from, and you'll be welcomed. There is a reason why Pa*l Me*cal, TZP and Nick don't get shit for taking queer roles, but Kit and Harry do.
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southeastasianists · 1 year
Kantina Matak, the vibrant presidential cafe serving up 500 free meals a day to neighbourhood kids in Timor Leste’s capital, Dili, is characteristically lively when I sit down for lunch with Bella Galhos. It is a liveliness matched by Galhos, 51 and with an aura that draws you in.
Only three when Indonesia invaded, Galhos was exposed to the violence of the military from an early age, and it was in her teenage years she situated this violence in its broader political context — leading her down a path of activism. A survivor of the Santa Cruz massacre in November 1991, she hatched a plan of escape, and via an exchange program in Canada she relocated — beginning a tireless five-year solidarity building campaign.
In Canada, Bella’s personal experiences served as a testimony emblematic of life under Indonesian occupation in Timor-Leste. A compelling and charismatic speaker, she became a potent symbol within and of the international solidarity movement, connecting and inspiring a wide network.
Amongst her initiatives since returning in 1999, following independence, are the Leubrora Green School in Maubisse that teaches children sustainable agricultural practices and good nutrition, a women’s cooperative farming group and flower garden, and the Kantina Matak where we are sitting, employing and serving as a safe space for LGBT community members. She is serving her second term as presidential advisor, this time to Jose Ramos Horta — a role she loves, and describes as “a bridge between the people and the president”.
Her organisation Arcoiris (Rainbow) Timor-Leste offers shelter for members suffering violent situations, a place that “stands and defends the rights of the LGBT community in Timor-Leste”.
“Not only do they need the shelter, but also they want to feel secure. So, whenever they come to my compound, they feel secure. By giving the people a chance, opportunity and resources without looking at who they are.”
With first-hand experience, Bella is well-situated for this work; “one of my struggles was recognising who I am”.
“When I came out it was a process of being vilified over and over again, falling down on my knees … I was meant to be a minister in the government but because of my sexual orientation I was removed. My own family, my own brothers have tried to kill me … but it hasn’t stopped me.
“Young LGBT that I help care for are struggling to be accepted, loved, cared, protected, or invested in by their own family …They experience hardship, physical abuses, sexual abuses, abandonment, they drop out from school because they cannot handle the bullies, not only by their classmates, but also by their teachers who are not understanding and have no background whatsoever or no knowledge of what LGBT is. I think people really justify their homophobia and action against LGBT people by coming out with their own theory saying: Why you turn yourself to be this? Why can’t you just be a normal woman? Why can’t you just be a normal man? Why are you against God's will?”
Bella identifies the Catholic Church as a powerful institution perpetuating patriarchal ideals, and she makes a point of their hypocrisy.
“Why can’t we talk about priests who abuse children in convents, or uncles, fathers and brothers who ruin their own family? Instead you choose to talk about LGBT.”
In a country that is 98% Catholic, where churches dot the hills and priests hold prominent sway, being an LGBT activist is hard. “I risk a lot for saying what I say and doing what I do. But I always believe that a struggle, any struggle, whatever it is, whatever time it is or where it is, somebody needs to start it.
“Being an activist is a privilege, and it is my responsibility of speaking out for others.”
Inevitably, this has drawn the ire of the church, Bella tells me. “One time there was a huge public letter coming out from the Church about me because they know I was the one that was the voice of dissent. They claimed [in the letter] that [they] supported the LGBT community, [and] are only against [people choosing their] sexual orientation.”
There is a challenge in the tension; both staunch public activist and sensitive individual, caring deeply about others.
“The way people look at you, [you] already know that you do not belong there … I am always ready to be crushed and screened out … I fight my way forward even though sometimes it’s hard.”
Laughter comes easy around Bella, and her answers are splashed with colourful anecdotes and allegories. Asked what progress has been made 24 years on from the vote for independence, she likens the government to getting ready for a party where “you don't know which clothes to put on first. If you want to put your pants on first or your underwear. So I think that's what we need to be putting in place, things in sequences, you know, we should not go to the sky first, start with the earth.
“We cannot keep on using the excuse ‘new country’ as a way of saying it's okay to make mistakes … We cannot keep running the country by just turning on our Petroleum Fund. That is for me very worrying.”
“More than 20 years putting money into all these key sectors but we have not seen the results, we need to see the result and if the result is not seen it means that we are wrong in how we are investing it … we are already getting at least two or three generations that almost have no future to hold on to and most of them are already taking off and the younger ones are also hoping to get out and that's not a good sense of staying in the country to feel and to see what is going on here.”
The valorisation of veterans in a country where resistance leaders are constitutionally enshrined as “national heroes” often comes at the cost of everyday people in the sharing of power.
“Today we are still talking about veterans, all about veterans. Basically the country's owned by the veterans and the veterans are putting all the money into the older people and we forgot to bring money to the younger people, the future of the country, the future leaders of the country, and that’s worrying.”
It’s a dynamic that means the same faces have been in power since independence, and Bella references corruption as a feature of this ruling elite. Timor-Leste rated, in 2022, as having the highest hunger and malnutrition in Southeast Asia, according the global hunger index — a statistic that sits oddly with the US$19 billion sitting in Timor’s Petroleum Fund.
“Development is going at a snail’s pace because the government is too busy distributing power among people who actually don’t have the ability to work or serve the public. These people claim, ‘I did this, I did that, I lost my family, I was with you, I suffered the most, so I deserve to be a minister.’ It’s still like that.
“We are still pleasing each other by providing each other jobs — you know, to make people happy, make followers happy. And the majority of people are suffering because this is not what they were promised when campaigning is taking place.”
Bella believes a possible pathway forward would allow the mixing of “the younger generation into the process of developing the country”.
“Over 60% [of the population] is young. They should be prioritised. They should be dignified. By giving them space, their voice should be heard, should be counted.”
This sort of people-driven participatory philosophy underpins Bella’s outlook: “The priority, the centre of all development should be people, people, people and people means you don't see the classes that you don't see the categories; it’s the people. And first you have to get them involved, not just use them when you need the vote but [so that] their voices can actually be heard and counted in the program.”
What next for Bella? Energetic, with a life loaded with experiences, maybe a presidential run? “Winning or not, I don’t care. I just want to challenge the norms.”
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writersblockedx · 2 years
All Consuming: Chapter Four
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Chapter Four: Discovery 
Pairing - Tenth Doctor x Fem!Reader Summary - The two embark into a new planet, finding it not so safe as the Doctor had promised. Warnings - Arguing? Slight violence. Words - 1.8K
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The 70s provided a moment of peace. A pocket in time in which people protested for harmony and chose to love rather than to hate. A pocket in time that Y/n and the Doctor didn't have the privilege to stay in much longer. So, they returned to the TARDIS only 12 hours later after exploring the streets of California in said era.
"Where to now?" Questioned Y/n as she wandered back into the police box.
The Doctor hummed in response as he returned to his screens, narrowed eyes. "I just sort of close my eyes and point now." He spoke to himself.
Y/n tilted her head as she joined his side, "Very assuring." She commented. "Well, go on then." The Doctor snapped back at her as if not believing her words. So she giggled and gently placed her palms over the boy's eyelids, prompting a grin on his own lips. "Point." She repeated once more.
"You know this is your safety we're talking about? Really want to gamble that?" He debated.
The girl shrugged, "You promised to keep me safe. No matter what planet we're in." She chuckled before shifting on her feet slightly. "Now point."
He finally followed instructions, swirling his index finger before prodding it against a screen. It landed on a planet. A planet she certainly hadn't recognised. So, slowly, she brought her hands away from his eyes so he could explain said planet to her. "Oh," He exclaimed. "Bane World." The boy spun and faced Y/n and her wondering eyes. "Don't think I've ever actually visited. Not a big tourist attraction surprisingly enough."
Y/n quirked a brow, "What is it?"
"Home of the bane."
"Oh, how very creative of them." The girl commented before the Doctor spun back to face the screen.
"You ready to do this again?" He inquired as he began his serval indications of tapping and pushing buttons and hoping for the best.
Y/n nodded. A nod that was stern and sure of itself. "I think I'm getting used it." If you ever really could. The Doctor went to face her, words sitting on his tongue but Y/n held up her finger as to stop him, "Before you say-" She took her hand and very obviously grasped it against one of the metal bars. "I'm holding on."
His grin grew, "You're right; you are getting the hang of this."
And like that, the TARDIS swirled and whizzed, taking the pair with it as they fought for balance before it soon slowed and landed in this world even that Doctor had never visited. The man stood tall as he headed for the exit. "Let's see what this world is like then." He spoke before clicking the handle open and letting this Bane World seep in.
They didn't step out. Not straight away. Y/n came to the Doctor's side, head titled and brows knitted a she stared out into the obis. The planet seemed to just consist of concrete. There was architecture but it was decaying and rotting, not one building in the street holding smooth walls. And, in the air, there seemed to be a green midst which acted as a fog.
Y/n glanced over to the Doctor with a rather unimpressed expression, "I always wondered what other planets were like. So when I have the chance to go to my very first planet, how come you let it be this one?" She nagged him with a raised brow and arms crossed.
"You said point!" The Doctor defended through a yell.
Y/n looked back at the scene in front of her, and the dusty, damaged world she had yet to explore. "Could have just gone to mars." She commented.
A frown crossed over the Doctor's lips which he attempted to conceal, "I know it's not Mars, but it is one thing."
She snapped her head back to him, "What?"
"Safe." He informed. "Mars is far too close to Earth, that's where the Pilot Fish will be loitering."
She huffed and took her first step outside of the TARDIS onto the stone floor. Then she spun back around to face the Doctor and shrugged, "Bane World it is then." A slight smile tugged at her lips before gesturing her elbow out for the Doctor.
He matched her smile and jumped from the safety of the TARDIS before linking arms with the girl and beginning their walk through the world. Many of the buildings seemed to be abandoned with no signed of an entrance, no doors, not windows. The street stayed completely empty, no matter how far they walked.
Finally, Y/n looked to the Doctor and asked, "And what exactly is a Bane?"
"Bit like that one animal on Earth." He paused and thought about it before the light bulb flickered and he suddenly got giddy again. "Like a squid! Many arms, and legs, one eye though." He went on explaining.
His words just raised another question: "And where exactly are the Bane right now?" She gestured to the empty street that was settled in front of them.
"They're not the friendliest of types. Especially not to humans." He looked her up and down and her nerves grew. "Probably hiding somewhere."
The thought that these creatures may be here, that they may be right in front of her, or behind her, suddenly caused shivers down her spine. They could be anywhere. They may be ready to attack and Y/n was just a sitting duck with the Doctor on her arm. She leant over to the man, her voice lowering to a whisper, "Why did you bring us to a planet where they don't like humans?"
He shrugged as if it weren't a problem, "You said point. Are you having trouble with your memory?"
Y/n would have hit him there and then had it not been for the fact they were in the middle of what seemed like land mines. "I know you may be some very important guy back at torchwood or where ever it is you're from, but I think you're the one who's struggling. Think that TARDIS is breaking your brain cells."
The doctor squirmed and acted as he was overly offended by her words. "You don't hold back do you?" He mocked.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just wanted to know why you thought it was a good idea to for us to come to a planet that doesn't take well to humans?" The doctor opened his mouth but before he could speak, Y/n cut through. "And before you say I asked you to point, I thought you'd have a bit of common sense to say 'oh, no Y/n we probably shouldn't go to that planet." She ranted without even realising such before it had all sort of slipped out. "Do you have any common sense Doctor?"
"I saved your life!" He argued, without ever actually answering the girl's question. "A little gratitude would be nice. I really think I said that this planet wouldn't be great, but you stepped out first..."
He continued with his rambles but Y/n's focus had begun to stray. The Doctor's words soon became background noise as her eyes flickered between the shapes which stood behind them. "Are you even listening to me anymore?" He snapped and her eyes jumped to him, glossed over with worry.
Her hand reached out to his sleeve, gently tugging it, "Doctor." It came out as a whisper, but the nerves in her tone were screaming.
He soon followed her gaze, facing the many Bane creatures which had successfully circled them during their domestic. They were starring at them like they were pieces of meat, their pupils wide and daunting. Y/n's grip on the Doctor's sleeve soon slithered down to his hand before their fingers interlocked. "What do we do?" She asked him.
"Improvise." There was no time to argue before the Doctor was addressing the Bane. "Hello Bane! I'm the Doctor," He glanced to her, "And this is Y/n. We're just passing through. No need to worry!" He covered his anxiety with a chuckle but they didn't seem to buy it. "We promise we mean no harm."
They just sort of groaned in response and both Y/n and the Doctor were beginning to realise that they were going to accept the Doctor's sweet talk. "And now?" She urged.
He took a sharp inhale before looking down at her, "Now we run."
And they bolted. They slipped through the Bane before they could realise what was going on and rushed their legs towards the TARDIS. Only problem was, the Bane, as the Doctor had pointed out, had a few more legs than them; they easily caught up on distance. "Doctor!" Y/n had shouted at him after taking one glance back at the group which were gaining on them.
"Just keep running!" He told her as that speck of blue soon came into sight.
Their feet were quickly beginning to wore but as the TARDIS was only meters away, they pushed on. The Doctor jumped through first, sprinting for the controls as Y/n swizzled around, slamming the doors just before a Bane had been able to slip through. She took steady steps back, watching as bangs came from the other side, pushing and shoving against the wooden doors.
"Almost there!"
He continued to tap against the buttons before finally, the TARDIS whirled and the sounds from the outside stopped. They'd escaped by the skin of their teeth.
The TARDIS soon finally steadied and the two began to relax. Y/n stood starring at the door like she thought the Bane might still get in. Instead, her throat inched and a rough cough followed from her lips. She caught it in her hand, soon pulling her palm away as her brows knitted. She hadn't just been clearing her throat, no, as she stared down at her palm, a red splat stared back at her; she had been coughing up blood.
"Guess now we know why it wasn't such a big tourist spot." The Doctor had commented, cometeply oblivious to the discovery Y/n had just made.
Her eyes were glassy as she could barely pull her gaze from the blood which stained her skin. Once she finally turned, the Doctor caught on. He wasn't sure what but something was wrong. She raised her hand, displaying what was happening to her body. They both knew. They both knew then and there that this energy inside of her, the energy that should have killed her, was finally doing it's job.
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sunshine-overload · 1 year
[BSTS] Heath S5Ch5 Reward 5* Card Story
(note: B’s show is based on ‘No Longer Human’ by Ozamu Dazai)
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chapter 1 -starless kitchen, dining area-
ran: This is where we eat.
hinata: Oh~ So you even have a proper eating area, and we get staff meals right? That’s so cool.
ran: That’s cause as cast members we need our bodies to be in good shape.
kongou: Ran, Hinata, sorry for the wait. Here’s your food.
hinata: Woah, this looks delicious! No seriously, is this a five star restaurant? This is so extravagant, can I really eat this?
ran: You’re still an outsider. Usually ya wouldn’t have the privilege to eat in here.
kongou: It’s fine. We can’t just leave him to starve. I’ve already heard from Mizuki that you haven’t been able to eat much lately.
ran: Ya better show your gratitude to Kongou. It’s not just anyone that gets this treatment.
hinata: Thank you so much, Kongou! You too, Ran!
kongou: You’re welcome, feel free to dig in. There’s still lots to go around.
hinata: Yay! Down the hatch it goes!
hinata: ….Mmmmm~! Holy crap, this might just be the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten.
kongou: I’m glad to hear it.
hinata: Here I can earn money, and eat such delicious meals… This is just, how do you say it, I could ask for anything more….?
ran: Ya couldn’t ask for anything more?
hinata: Yeah that! Man, I wanna join B so bad!
ran: It’s not that simple.
hinata: Even if I give it my all?
ran: Just cause ya work hard doesn’t mean it’ll always be recognised an’ all that.
hinata: Well, I’ll do my best to the point I’ll definitely be recognised! And then, with Heath I’ll… Ah, Heath!
heath: …….
hinata: Did you come here to eat as well, Heath? Come on over, let’s eat together!
heath: …I’ll pass. I’m not in the mood.
hinata: Aw, I thought we could chat finally… He didn’t watch my performance either, even though I want to get along with him…
kongou: No need to rush things.
ran: That’s just how Heath is. The more ya chase him, the further he’ll run away.
hinata: …Is that so. Then, that just means I have to slowly spend more time with him and we’ll get along, right?
ran: Well, sure, do ya best.
heath: That guy’s colour, why is it so…
chapter 2 -rehearsal room-
mokuren: Sorry, I know you’re in the middle of independent practice, but I’m coming in.
heath: …What? But it’s not your scheduled time yet, right?
mokuren: I have something I want to ask you. What do you think of Hinata?
heath: He’s whatever.
mokuren: Hmph… How vague. Just tell it to me straight whether or not you think he’s needed.
heath: Whether he joins the team or not is up to the team leader to decide. So go and ask Mizuki.
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mokuren: Well that’s surprising.
heath: What is?
mokuren: In my case, what I prioritise isn’t the team, but my dance. It is true that I require a team in order to dance but… If there’s even the slightest chance that prioritising the team would result in me losing my place to dance, then there would be no point.
heath: …….
mokuren: I had thought you were of the same opinion, that’s all.
heath: Is that all then? I want to get back to rehearsing.
mokuren: Sure. I’ll do as you said and talk to Mizuki. Sorry for bothering you.
-mokuren leaves-
heath: A place I need to be… B is my…
chapter 3 -starless backrooms-
heath: Hm…?
hinata: …I know right. Yeah, and then…
heath: This voice…
-heath eavesdrops-
hinata (on phone): Mizuki said to make me their understudy. Aha, I’m so happy I can’t even right now, I mean, I actually get to join B!
heath: ..….!
hinata (on phone): Their show today was awesome again too! Plus their stage outfits are suuuper cool! Heath’s especially! I wanna wear an outfit like his one day too~ I’m sure it would suit me, don’t you think?
-heath moves away-
heath: That guy… Just what on earth is that colour?
mizuki: Oi, what are you doing hanging out here? You better not be slacking on cleaning duty.
hinata: Sorry, Mizuki! I just had to take a phone call.
mizuki: Whatever, just get back to work already. You aint free right now.
hinata: Wait up, Mizuki!
-they leave-
heath: …I won’t give it up. Not my words, or my place to belong. For the sake of them, I will…
chapter 4 -starless restaurant area-
saki: (I’m looking forward to the show today.)
-show starts-
-bloomed cg
heath: “Is the person pictured in the third photograph here still with us? Is the person in this photograph… actually ‘living’?”
saki: (…The delivery of his lines is so soft yet their impact is strong. I wonder if you’d call this an unsettling delivery…)
-time pass, after show, hallway-
saki: Ah, Heath-san. You did great out there.
heath: …Thanks.
saki: Are you ok…? You look a little out of breath.
heath: I’m fine. It’s nothing to do with my condition. I just used up all my energy on stage so I’m tired.
saki: Your show today really was amazing, make sure you don’t push yourself too much though.
heath: Yeah, thanks. Hey, Saki, let’s play a little game.
saki: A game? Like that ‘what if’ game we played once before?
heath: This time let’s play the ‘game of antonyms’. All you need to do is think of either an antonym or a synonym to the proposed word.
saki: This is the same game that appeared in your show isn’t it? Ok, I understand.
heath: Then, let’s start with ‘living’, what’s its antonym?
saki: (He started with a difficult word right off the bat…)
saki: …Well, typically the answer would be ‘death’ I suppose.
heath: Then, what’s the antonym to ‘death’?
saki: …What do you think it is, Heath-san?
heath: ‘Singing’. Because if I’m not able to sing, then I’d consider that death. I had thought that as long as it was for the sake of singing, then I was fine with dying. However, I managed to survive, and here I am before you today.
saki: Heath-san….
heath: So, because of that, I have to make a choice. In order for me to continue singing from now on.
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
New follower! You may get this question a lot but I'd love your opinion: Any advice for someone who knows they may have Autism and ADHD but keeps gaslighting herself because she's been gaslit by her family and medical professionals while seeking a diagnosis? I'm asking as a WOC as well (and it's 10x harder to seek treatment because of that alone)
hello! welcome :)
for autism and adhd self-gaslighting, and gaslighting from others, i always recommend making an evidence document. i have made posts about this before so i will give you the link to both so i can keep this as concise as possible.
i will never fully understand the struggle of medical gaslighting that women of colour face, as a white person myself, but i have heard a lot about it and it sounds incredibly frustrating, and in many cases can be downright dangerous. i am sorry you have experienced that, its not fair at all.
what i have heard can help is to bring someone with you to your appointments. find a friend, partner, or family member, preferably white and/or a man, who is willing to come with you to your appointments. just their presence in the room can make you more likely to be listened to. its ridiculous, i know, but if that's what it takes to get doctors to take you seriously then it's what you must do, unfortunately. make that privilege work for you!
another thing I've been told you can do is to say "my friends have told me that..." or "my partner says..." when you talk about your symptoms, even if they actually haven't. you know you have that symptom, and the doctor won't know the difference, but giving it in the form of other people's opinions can make them more likely to believe you than your own observations about yourself.
other than the evidence document, this advice is not mine. i have read it in posts made by people of colour, so please dont give me credit for it. i have a great deal of privilege in that i was taken seriously straight away, i recognise that. since you specifically asked me about it i wanted to help you as much as i could, but with no personal experience, i can only provide you with the wisdom of others.
i wish you the best of luck in your diagnosis journey!
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danielsarmand · 1 year
i’m so pleasantly surprised by be my favorite. i’ll be honest, i started watching it because of gawin and i would’ve kept watching for him regardless, but i’m so glad that i actually look forward to fridays now. i just feel like this show is... doing something, i guess. a lot of dramas are all well and good but they seldom dive into serious issues and complex psychological insight. i’m shocked at how much of it goes on in be my favorite. we’ve had a number of really important conversations and dialogues and scenes, we’ve explored themes of privilege, sexuality, compassion, friendship, how important it is to be kind and honest to others and how hard it is, sometimes, too. but what really gets me is pisaeng. through him, we’re exploring the journey of a person who’s learning to recognise and even celebrate their queerness. in be my favorite it’s not a question of “i am a man and i like you”, it’s a question of “i am a man and i like other men”, which is so rare for bls. it’s not like these days most of them don’t imply characters are either gay or bi or whatever else, thankfully, but they seldom explore that side of things, the side that comes before, or meanwhile, as you slowly come to terms and understand what your own queerness means to you and how to navigate it comfortably. i guess what i’m trying to say is i’m thankful for the gracefulness with which they’re handling this topic, and my stomach hurts because of how strongly i feel in certain scenes, how much i see myself in pisaeng, how much i wish i could tell him it’ll get better and better and better. he’s so beautiful. i’m glad he’s one of us.
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