#i refuse to use deviantart or instagram
barrenclan · 1 year
I think overarching plot is relatively easy to come up with, but how do you come up with smaller more filler-like events for your stories, like the plum-bee spats and corm training with egret? I’m having some trouble filling in the flesh of my own story, and was wondering if you had any insight.
Oh boy, real softball questions! Haha, but I can try to give you an answer for these.
I think the best way I can explain the first question is how I wrote PATFW, since it was much more heavily structured than my other comic (and more recent).
So, I started with the premise, the characters, and the general arcs I wanted each of them to go through. The premise helped me to establish the guidelines of this world, what kind of tone I would have for the story - moody and mysterious, so I knew that comedy would not be as frequent and characters might often take a turn towards more realistic drama.
The arcs of each character came with understanding what I wanted to do with them - do I want this person to get better, or get worse? Will they be a force of antagonism, or a side character, will they live or die? What point am I trying to get across with this character? Those kind of questions helped me know how they would interact with each other as well, so for instance a character like Daffodilpaw being friendly and cheerful, with her arc, would interact a specific way with dramatic and egotistical Beeface, for her arc. (Sorry I can't be more specific, but the comic's not done yet.)
Once you have a strong understanding these things - tone and characters - it's not too hard to let the story percolate in your mind. There's nothing wrong with just letting ideas float around in the back of your brain, instead of trying to force them all out right away. I actually wrote the ending of PATFW a couple months after I had started the comic, because the characters naturally led me to that conclusion. Here's an example of what I'm talking about with tone and characters leading to a small interaction that I hadn't previously planned like you asked about:
I have Rainhaze, and Ranger. Rainhaze is kind and brave, but currently very lost. Ranger is sadistic and enjoys feeling in control. So, I need a plot reason for Ranger to have not found BarrenClan. Well, Rainhaze being self-sacrificial, told him that BarrenClan all died and he's the last survivor. When Ranger finds out, it makes him feel tricked - he doesn't like that, so he threatens to kill Rainhaze. Rainhaze is self-sacrificial, as previously mentioned, and is now showing some suicidal tendencies, so he doesn't care if Ranger kills him. But Ranger then refuses to do so, having regained control, and twists the knife by letting him live while feeling suicidal. That's a pretty grim scene, which fits with the tone of the story well.
There you go - that's an interaction I hadn't plotted out the story with, but I was able to come to naturally by understanding the characters, the way their arcs are moving, and the tone of the story.
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For this question, it's a little more tricky. The sad, honest answer is that there is no reliable way to do this. That's kind of how the Internet works. Unless you pay money to advertise, I suppose, you can't push a button that says "popularity points" and have it spit out readers. And sadly, sometimes movement only comes after you grind away, day after day, and don't give up. Here's a few things that might help, though.
Use multiple platforms. It's simple, but the more places you post, the more eyes you'll catch. Different websites/apps have different readerbases, too - Webtoons, ComicFury, Instagram, DeviantArt, Tumblr, Hiveworks, and others all have varying levels of attention and algorithims, and work that you have to do to keep up with an audience. Find whatever feels right for you and focus on one or two, but keep the others in your periphery.
Be consistent. People are more likely to actually keep up with a comic that updates every single week, rather than that posts a page or two and then ghosts for a month. Cough, cough, maybe you'll say - but I always set out with this comic to be a side project, and posting asks like this helps me continue to engage with an audience even when I'm not completing issues.
DON'T CARE! I know that seems like counterproductive advice, but seriously; you have to be okay with the fact that you might not get any attention. If you make a comic with the set goal of being popular, or even just worry about having readers, you're going to make yourself miserable. Obviously having attention is more fun, and more motivating, I won't deny that. But you need to be just as happy making a comic for 3 people than 3000 to make something you're proud of and not burn out in the process. If you're making something earnest, fun, interesting, passionate - people will come eventually.
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iridescentis · 2 months
while im at it here's the rest of my social media rtc hcs
Ocean has facebook and uses it like an adult
She runs a facebook group for Saint Cassian’s with school updates and choir concert promotions
Mischa has most but they're mostly just messaging apps and places to promote his youtube for him
He is most active on youtube and twitter posting his raps and generally ranting
Noel uses instagram just for general browsing and snooping on other people and twitter for ranting and arguing with strangers
He used to post on instagram but got bullied out of it so now his account is private
Noel and Mischa are mutuals on twitter and always hyping each other up
Mischa is constantly posting selfies with Noel on his snapchat story and he has a ridiculously long snap streak with Talia
Ricky has EVERYTHING but primarily uses reddit and deviantart because why not
Constance has most social medias and has a decent instagram following of classmates who don't really know her and random people who know her in uranium (blackwood customers, people she met on the bus etc)
She moderates for the Saint Cassian facebook group and Blackwoods group which her mum runs
Penny only uses tumblr and pinterest and is unknowingly mutuals with ricky on both
Talia has pretty much all of them and she is equally beloved and despised cross platforms
I feel like she's in a bunch of niche communities and subreddits and will passionately defend her opinions
She goes by Talia online so people from her school can't find her profiles and is actually quite private about it outside of her close knit friend group
Mischa is constantly trying to get Ocean to let Talia join the Saint Cassian facebook group and consistently being denied
Ricky has an instagram account for his cats posting in detailed perspective of them (translated from meows to english of course) and is actually famous on pet instagram
Tammy uses instagram and facebook with a decent following on both and is always trying to get Penny to make an account for at least one of them (which she does, but only ever follows Tammy and Seven up members and refuses to post)
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auroblaze · 1 year
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Here we go!
I START WITH 6 COMMISSION SLOTS. First come first serve, by the time they are full I’ll open them again only once I’m finished with them all.
If you want a slot and you know what to ask me to do please send me an email at [email protected] subject titled "Auro commission". In the email, include your selected commission type and any other details about your commission. Visual reference must be included, and if it’s a comic you want, please include your storyboard.
🚨🚨 EDIT of the 5/10/2023: SECOND SESSION IS OFFICIALLY PAUSED. I’ll be working on the 6 slots commissions that made it before the technical difficulties with Paypal (mentioned in the last reblog). If something changes I’ll be reopening the remaining 4 slots!💪🎨 If not, I’ll be seeing you at the next session directly :’>
✨Please read all the details that are written down below under Read More before sending any email. If something is not clear do ask about it! ✨
This list can be updated at any time if situations and/or experiences demand so.
Currently I don’t work under deadlines, and I don’t do rush jobs. I guarantee that clients will be kept updated on progress of their respective commissions. Please keep that in mind before asking for a commission and I thank you so much for your patience.
If the goods are meant to be showcased in videos or other projects of the kind (permission must be discussed beforehand), please give proper credit and link to my pages (instagram, deviantart or just one of them) in the description.
The goods will be distributed digitally only. Printing is only allowed for personal use and you cannot resell the commission under any circumstances or claim to be the original author of the artpiece.
Unless it has been agreed otherwise, I’m able to choose to display the commissioned art on my galleries and portfolio to promote my work.
I do not allow my art to be used for NFTs, training AIs or crypto transactions.
Things I can draw… Characters from shows/anime, video games and manga/comics I’m familiar with (examples: Sonic The Hedgehog, Homestuck, Pokémon, NiGHTS, Skullgirls, Splatoon, Hades (by Supergiant games), The Legend of Zelda, YuGiOh!, Promare, Undertale/Deltarune, The Owl House, Trigun, Dr. Stone); characters from a series I’m not familiar with if given proper references; crossovers, fantasy, scifi, animals, fanfic illustrations, OCs (if given proper references), and possibly more. Feel free to ask! Things I will not draw… Gore, vore, rape, abuse, offensive themes (racism, transphobia, homophobia, etc.), RPF (real person fanfiction) or shipping real people, I reserve the right to refuse any request.
My limit of characters to draw in one picture/comic is 1, you will be charged for every additional character in the drawing. For an illustration, the price will be multiplied by the number of total characters. The backgrounds will remain one charge. For a comic, every additional complex character is $30 for a pencil page, $40 for an inked page, and $50 for a coloured page.
If your character has a complex design (Examples: detailed armor, complex clothing or jewelry, additional features…) a charge of $15 will apply.
Excessive changes will be charged. On your third and every subsequent major modification request, you will be charged $20.
My limit for short comics is 1 page. If you want more, it will be multiplied by the number of pages and type of commission (ex. a 2 page pencil comic is $100 x 2 = $200).
HOW TO PAY: You will receive an invoice from my Paypal email once the commission has been agreed upon. I will not start working on the commission until the invoice is paid. No refunds. Payment in euros is preferable, if possible. Otherwise USD is always accepted.
Head: $10
Half body: $15
Full body: $30
            -> With Abstract Background: +$30
            -> With Detailed Background: +$50
Head: $20
Half body: $25
Full body: $50
FULL BODY FLAT COLOURED (with pencils, markers, or digital): $75 (+$15 for shading)
With Abstract Background: +$35
With Detailed Background: +$100
With Abstract Background (watercolours): +$80
With Detailed Background (watercolours): +$150
Half Body Pencils: $40
Full Body Pencils: $80
Half Body Pencils + Inks: $45
Full Body Pencils + Inks: $95
Half Body Coloured (only digital) : $65
Full Body Coloured (with pencils, markers, or digital) : $110
          ->With Shading: +$15
          ->With Abstract Background: +$125
          ->With Detailed Background: +$155
*YOU MUST BE 18+ FOR THIS TIER. As it is a new and delicate subject for me, we’ll discuss beforehand what kind of scenarios I will be comfortable enough to draw.
The client has to show me the storyboard or script of the scene that I’m meant to follow in the desired commission.
1 Page Comic, Pencils: $100
1 Page Comic, Pencils And Ink: $180
1 Page Comic, Inks + Colours (with pencils, markers, or digital): $270
1 Page Comic, Pencils: $300
1 Page Comic, Inks: $350
1 Page Comic, Inks + Colours (with pencils, markers, or digital): $400
**As it is a new and delicate subject for me, we’ll discuss beforehand what kind of scenarios I will be comfortable enough to draw.
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NOTIFICATION: ACTIVITY UPDATE! (For friends and followers!)
NOTE: this is a update blog about my current activity status so please, hope you don't take anything personal and you can understand me as well. I try to do everything under my reachment underneath my own time availability. Thanks!
- First of all, I'm very sorry for my unusual inactivity on here. I have been kind of inactive on Instagram, DeviantArt, X and Discord. Why? Because of external factors that don't let me continue with the activity I was used to on these social media applications. I won't lie either: I have been dealing with a lot of shit in real life and within my sentimental universe fighting art block, depression, low self-esteem issues, self-harm temptations and anxiety caused by certain personal stuff I don't think it would be adequate to mention on here.
I also am currently dealing with breathing system infections and a strong cold that doesn't gets away from my body yet. I haven't visited any doctor yet. I'm just letting my body fight for itself and take down all the infections in my poor breathing system. I wanna heal but it's taking longer than it should and that truly worries me but refuse to seek for professional help. I'm taking vitamin C pills to strengthen my immune system and help it fight the infections.
Also the fact I have been on current projects about Minecraft, Portal and Nimona doesn't mean I did forget about them. No, I totally haven't. I'm just taking a long break under my own time availability to heal and feel better. Also art block and the strong feeling that someone is about to steal/copy my ideas takes my motivation away from me and leaving me unable to get myself secure and confident about my own imaginative world. And no, I'm not talking about my friends or followers. Just saying that I have that feeling when I'm about to develop a unique a creative original idea for a story, comic or crossover. You know, I'm overly protective and jealous of my own imaginative universe and that's why I care too much about my work being properly done, protected and well-developed. I can't tolerate anyone coming up with a coincidence about certain ideas that are already mine.
Omg, I am being quite sincere today lol. But yeah, don't take this personal. Just hope you understand.
Good news: I recently joined the Godzilla Fandom so expect some epic crossovers between these Fandoms I'm already in. I can't wait to show some unique concepts! :'D
- Be overly patient and tuned when I come back. I will try to post something to not show my account kind of dead. I really hope to get better and get my motivation back and fight that feeling that torments me. Here, Apocalypse out! ⭐
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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Commission Info Aug 2023
Information · If you want a commission from me please contact me in my direct messages on Tumblr, DeviantArt, Instagram, Artstation or Artistree https://artistree.io/missn11.
· Payment: PayPal only. commission will only start once the full payment has been received.
· Each extra character in a commission will add ten pounds to the price, and complex backgrounds will add twenty pounds.
· I'll be offering three slots.
· Also please provide details of what colour scheme or background you want the commission piece to have.
· Commissions will take up to fourteen days to complete. I will send you the finished commission via Tumblr or dms, email or on Artistree.
· Commissions are not for commercial use.
· I can do: couples, original characters, nfsw art, slight gore, mid body pinup art kinky art -we can discuss it in the dm of Tumblr or notes on DeviantArt, Instagram, Artstation or Artistree.
· I won’t do: incest and/or underaged pairings with sexual themes, war themed, Nazi, racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic themes.
· If you are wanting to commission a drawing of your OC or characters from other fandoms I'm not familiar with, please give me references of face claims, screenshots or describe your OC or the character you want drawn.
· I reserve the right to refuse commissions for any reason.
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crispytoastyt · 2 years
Leaving Twitter To Die
It has come to my attention that I am officially reached my limit. I did not have to do this, but I am done with Twitter, and I am fed up with Elon Musk.
Remember that poll thing that he implemented yesterday? That poll was supposed to be a thing where people can decide to let him stay as CEO or leave his position for good. In the end, the results are in favor of telling him to get lost.
But it was all a trick. The purpose of the poll is to eliminate bots, EVEN THOUGH most who voted yes are humans. So this is no surprise that regardless of the outcome, Elon Musk will not step down.
To add insult to injury, Elon Musk will implement a new policy that only Twitter Blue subscribers can vote. All because of that one Musk Cultist follower suggests to him that it would work better if only subscribers can vote and not the ones who lack thereof.
If that is the case, then he might as well add fuel to the fire by announcing that only Twitter Blue subscribers can tweet, post videos or images, follow, and block users. This means that if you are going to use the platform, then you are forced to fork over the money to use the basic features.
At this rate, there is no point in using Twitter anymore, and I am announcing my retirement from the said platform for the rest of my life. Ya know, I was going to reopen my shop in less than 2 weeks, and I have a big following - like about 4.75k followers give or take. But that opportunity has been thrown out the window.
I do have Instagram, YouTube, Ko-Fi, and DeviantArt for that matter, and at least they are still around too, and not having fascist CEOS anyway. Plus I heard that more favorable alternatives to Twitter are coming soon. So I think I will start from there when there is time.
So yeah, that is the end of the rant. And as I stated before, I am announcing my retirement from Twitter because I refuse to use it under such conditions, and I will not tolerate Elon Musk anymore. The bird social site is dead and nothing more.
Don't bother using Twitter. It will be dead.
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rustyscreech · 1 year
now seems as good a time as any to crosspost something I wrote about twitter's api changes about grieving a web we never had, and my half-formed feelings about what it means to grieve a childhood vision of the future
When I saw the news about Twitter’s API, I couldn’t stop thinking about all of these things. About how knowledge of the web has gotten increasingly more specialized. About how Flash used to be a one-time purchase. About our loss of GeoCities, Angelfire, Yahoo Pipes. About how when I first researched making a website, my first results weren’t for something like WordPress, it was for full stack “web app” packages by startups with minimalist color schemes. It put me in a bad mood, and I couldn’t understand why I wanted to just scream. And then I realized.
I was grieving. I was grieving everything that could’ve been. There ARE good parts to Web 2.0; and if you look hard enough, you can even take advantage of them. But to think about what could’ve been, had corporatization not taken hold, had three platforms not gained control over the vast, vast majority of the web, fills me with legitimate grief. My head spins when I think about those early days and compare them to what we have now. I get overwhelmed thinking about everything a modern web dev has to keep in mind. I want to be able to buy Flash, learn basic coding, post something I make on deviantArt, and have it work. I want to stumble across data and information, and have it be beautiful and true. I want things online to exist, for the sake of existing. We’re all reaching for the crumbs of what we could’ve had. We’re lapping at the small puddles of what was left for us: customization, free tools, toys, information. Facebook took away gifs, and then graciously gives us looping video. Adobe took away Flash, then graciously gives us free Instagram editing. Our ability to freely interact with the web keeps getting stripped away, bit by bit by bit, and we don’t get a choice. We can only acquiesce, or outright refuse. There’s no more wishing for only the good parts if you’re not a web developer yourself. Forgive me for thinking it’s not just them who should be able to have fun anymore.
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jadethest0ne · 2 years
Have you ever drawn traditionally? Say, with pencil?
Oh yeah, of course! That's where I started actually. I didn't get into digital drawing/art until college, and even then I mostly drew traditionally. Ironically, I was slow, and even at a point stubbornly refused to do digital art for a while. But since it became more accessible and I found that it fit will with my interest in comics and animation, digital ended up becoming my main medium!
Old art incoming!
I used mostly pens and pencils, and stuck largely with black and white, and very little color. Below are some of the oldest pieces I could find at the moment. They're from 2008/2009, when I was 16-17 years old. One is a page from an old comic that I did, and another is the rare opportunity that I had to work with copic markers
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(these can still be found on my old deviantart (@/jadethestone) account haha)
I also did Inktober for a few years. For 2017 I used just ink pens, for 2018 I created India Ink portraits, and for 2019 I used some brush-tip ink-markers which were fun and colorful (all can be found on my instagram (@/renaissancef0x) if you dig far enough)
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I actually really like working with India Ink and doing portraits. I even liked combining it with a bit of watercolor for a splash of color! These are my more "recent" pieces from around 2019. The second one was part of a series that was featured in a couple small galleries in Tokyo for a short time
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The main reason why I don't do traditional much anymore is because it takes up physical space and materials are more expensive. Also, I became more known online for my comics and such, so that's what I started leaning towards. When I started opening up commissions, I even offered traditional portraits, but no one wanted any, so I took them off this year.
It would be nice to have more opportunities to do/show off my traditional art skills, but I'm very focused on comics and animation now and I work better digitally with them
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faolanmoon · 2 years
Random Short Solomon headcannons
Stfu I know I’m literally posting this the day after his birthday ( which is also my mother’s birthday) but I had more important shit yesterday like my mother’s birthday being the next day.SOME OF THESE ARE CRACK.
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He’s probably forgotten to die at least more than once. I just find this to be funny as hell honestly .You can’t convince me that if he physically aged he’d look so old he’d like he forgot he’s passed his life’s expiration date even though he doesn’t have one. Dude just gets in a situation that’s supposed to be fatal is just like “wait I’m supposed to die?”
Is probably the only MF who has tried challenging Leviathan to the Devildom’s equivalent to Smash Bros. before MC that has come close to beating him.Levi almost lost ONCE due to RNG and Solomon spamming, and he refused to play another game with him for a long time because of the spamming.
100% has a stick enchanted with knockback II in Minecraft called the “Yeet Stick” he uses primarily for trolling. Especially on Asmo who doesn’t wear armor, like ever. Levi has kicked him out of the game several times over the Yeet Stick. Only MC is safe from the Yeet Stick because they have “Hide-the-body-anatior ”( basically a netherite sword with all the best enchantments possible) and can one shot his ass without proper armor.(Levi is the same, he just doesn’t have a funny name for his netherite sword like MC does)
He’s the reason why the ice cream machine at McDonald’s is always broke, don’t @ me. He’s so bad at cooking he couldn’t even work at fast food.
Shouldn’t know what Gen Z slang is because of his age, but somehow does. It’s scary because of how he’s able to blend into modern human culture, not as scary as Diavolo trying to be trendy and just being cringe, but it’s still “how do you do fellow kids?”.
Is not allowed within 100ft of Lucifer sometimes because he gets so pissed of at Solomon trying to make a pact with him. Solomon, it’s literally like my dad bringing home the milk, it’s never happening.
Speaking of dads I feel like he’d probably have the worst dad jokes, I would list an example ,but not even I would get it.
Would be the type of mf to shitpost on the main account. Idk how ppl on Instagram shitpost , I grew up on the SparkleCat and Sparkledog days of DeviantArt, you think I use Instagram? I just know it’s what Devilgram is based off of.
Speaking of one of the social media platforms I know more about, whatever the Devildom’s equivalent of Tumblr is, he Levi and MC 100% have one. Solomon only has an account for chaos and some of the shitpost this beautiful Superhell( complementary) has meanwhile Levi is here for fandom stuff and is 100% a Tumbler Vet, Mc has an account for both reasons.
Solomon is also the only person besides Levi and MC who would know wtf Discord is and would have one. Remember the time before Rhythm bots 1 and 2 shut down in 2021? Yeah he’d 100% be trolling in VCs with those bots. (Also before someone in 2023 tries to be a smart ass check the date before you “Well actually the Rhythm bots are back as if 2023 🤓” because it’s not 2023 as I write and publish now is it?) The very last thing he ever had a Rhythm bot play was The Sound of Silence ( or more commonly “Hello Darkness My old Friend) on that famous day in September 2021 when the bots shut down. After the bots shut down he’d instead troll with Discord voice mods. Besides trolling, Solomon would be a massive shitposter when a hard drive of memes that are no where near as many as Levi has.
When no one else is around ( especially Luke) Barbatos goes full Gordon Ramsay on him.
Beel can be heard weeping whenever he smells Solomon’s cooking.
Him and Mc are the only humans who don’t fear God nor death. Not even 13 can make them fear death.
Mammon, Luke , Simeon, Raphael and 13 get trolled the most by him.
Do not let him or anyone in general discover MC’s fan base, fanfics about MC, or any ships involving MC. He’d be the one most chaotic fans MC has the moment he does. Would be the type to make shitposts out of MC ships and use it to fuck with Mammon and Levi who totally wouldn’t already have started shipping wars.
And on fucking with Mammon he’s 100% been robbed by him and would use magic to fuck with Mammon since he’s why we can’t have shit in the Devildom or Detroit.
Solomon and MC are both Asmo’s feral gremlins that should be feared, Solomon is just less bloodthirsty than MC.
None of the Henrys trust him, not even 2.0. Henry 1.0 would kill him without hesitation while Henry 2.0 flares his gills up when he sees him.
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appledew · 1 year
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Tofu is all set!
Made for glimwoods on Instagram!
This plush is made of custom printed minky, sherpa and fleece. They lay about 10 inches from the tip of the nose to the back legs. The details on the plush are machine embroidered. The back has a patch of custom dyed sherpa, and the leaves are fleece. The brown spots on the tail, back and mane are applied using fabric adhesive. None of the details are removable. This little one is more on the delicate side because of the leaves, but still loveable!
Fun facts! 
The leaves are machine appliqued-- I’ve only done this maybe 2/3 other times using plenty of stablizer! Unortunately though, the leaves have a different color on one side of them because my machine refused to feed out embroidery thread in my bobbin. :(
The sherpa color was pure luck! Sherpa doesn’t take dye well, but the color came out lovely, even if its not 100% accurate!
The line details on the mane and tail are made using my regular sewing machine’s zigzag stitch! I finally found a setting that doesn't skip stitches!
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/appledew
Trello queue: https://trello.com/b/FZKSnMo7/plushie-commission-to-do-list
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AppleDew_
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apple.dew
Tumblr: http://appledew.tumblr.com/
Furaffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/appledew
deviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/appledew
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annbourbon · 10 months
Just a little reminder:
Please don't forget to check my other social media if you're interested on my activities. In a way, I'm like the wind, or dandelion seeds, always flying, always in a different place.
I'm currently on Tumblr, some days I'm making an appearance on Twitter (oh nowadays it's called X right? Poor bird...) and Instagram.
I'm editing my stories on Wattpad, and posting some of them on Quotev too. I'll be back on Amazon as soon as I can get my account back. And once I finish working with my stories, I'll be back on FF.net to keep writing because I truly love the way fandoms work.
My life doesn't change that much, I'm constantly learning, studying and working. If you want to know more about me, try tracking me, or watch my most recent video or post (?)
If you like the idea of seeing my drawings and art, please visit my DeviantArt (I'm also posting my stories there, from time to time), but quick fact here: I'm a beginner rn and I'm not exactly good (for now!)
I love TikTok but it's so easily to lose track of time there. So I'm keeping my interactions at minimum on that platform.
Sometimes, college is keeping me busy, that, my ballet classes, ice skating (sometimes) or languages: I love to study languages.
But despite all this long story, I'm sort of a private person. So I would appreciate to be left alone while I'm creating things for you to enjoy. Your support, constructive criticism and cheers are welcome. But please try keeping this place healthy. I don't appreciate negativity.
We're humans. We're always looking for something to do. Something to see. And most of the time, when we talk about our likes and dislikes, experiences and the world that surrounds us, we don't realize that it is a mess. A beautiful one though.
This is why I refuse to change anything in the way I present myself to you all. I'm a mess. A mix of different interests. Something you can't control. Something you cannot label. Because, we're humans. I'm human. We're not meant to be inside of a box. We're not dolls. Like life itself, we're meant to be somewhat chaotic, but also creative. And that's what this is about. Me being me and sharing everything I like or dislike. Things that I've learned. Ideas I have. It's miscellaneous. And I wouldn't want it it in any other way.
Soon I'll have a place for y'all to buy me a coffee (if you want! I don't want to force anyone to anything.) But for now, just be happy and enjoy my content please!<3
Right now I'm working on Fit or Die. I'll be back after finishing up the story. So, see you later! Please don't abandon me just because you're watching this blog become a bit inactive. I'll be back. 💖
★☆★☆★|| Paypal ||★☆★☆★|| Ko-fi ☕ ||★☆★☆★
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I Got a ‘Little’ Issue
My internet is acting stupid.
Quite a few things are not loading for me, tbh.
YouTube works just fine, I am watching a vid right now. However, Twitter, Instagram, Deviantart, Tumblr and Inkblot REFUSE to load, at all. It’s like they don’t exist on the web. This issue is only with my computer near far as I can tell— Deviantart, and Twitter work peachy on my phone, which I am using to write this out, actually.
So... While I would like to know if anyone is having any issues with this as well, or KNOW what’s going on and could give me some advice, then artwork is going to be slow (my computer is my art-tool after all, and I cannot transfer images from my computer to my phone.) so.... I can maybe post art on my Ko-Fi, offer High-res download and then download onto my phone to upload to these other sites... But still, idk.
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josiebelladonna · 1 year
nfts (which… i thought the bottom dropped out on those early last years? why am i still seeing them?)
ai, which… i have no words for
I’m finding young people in 2023 to be very anti-expression, which is kind of weird when you first see it but when you think of all the times i’ve been blocked, ostracized, criticized, slammed, painted the bad guy, you name it, for an opinion, standing up for myself, my own art, a personal story (fluttergrrrl is older but i still wonder what her deal with me is, though) or just something totally trivial like poor phrasing on my part, it makes a lot of sense.
*sigh*. look. i get it. you don’t want to hear bad things about something you made because it’s personal, and more so if you put some painful emotions into it… but you have to let go at some point. you put it online and it has your name on it because you’re the one who made it… but that doesn’t give you the right to steal or to get all up in arms if someone doesn’t care for it. you want a nice balance of the two: it’s public now but it’s still yours. this generation is so toxic because you not only don’t seem to get this but you actively refuse to. i’d say you’ll learn but i’m seeing people only a few years younger than me and people older than me pulling this shit.
memes, memes, and more memes. i said this on facebook yesterday, and i’ll say it here: memes are the subway sandwiches of the internet. you might think you’re doing justice by sharing a meme because it can apparently be weaponized or some shit, but it’s really only adding to the proverbial landfill that is the internet just from the short half-life. people would rather share a dank meme that’ll be rendered uncool in three days but not something i made or one of my friends made. and you wonder why you didn’t go to mcdonald’s instead. i fucking hate memes.
social media is becoming more and more hostile towards artists, especially artists like myself who don’t give a flying rodent’s behind about bullshit like nfts and would just rather make art. facebook is about as anti-art as it gets, tumblr is two bad updates away from being virtually unusable (it’s why i’m not on here as much anymore), how does anyone even use twitter anymore because you can’t find anything that’s trending unless you have an account there and good luck trying to get a foothold on there now unless you’re that kira person, how does anyone use deviantart now, i am not even going to go anywhere near tiktok, and i see things like artists feeling really unwelcome on instagram (it’s been very kind to me, but it’s just the neighbor lady looking out for the vulnerable ones on the street in me talking). i have a little hope for cara but i’m not holding my breath. oh, and the tiktok generation is starting to make ao3 somewhat insufferable.
i feel this existential anger at the sight of the words “content creator”. it’s not enough to call yourself an artist or writer or blogger or what have you anymore, no, you have to ~create content~ shit that’s easily consumed like a meme or a tiktok video or a bandfic that’s a retread of fics from the last 2-3 years and doesn’t really add anything to the fandom, rather than being yourself and making everyone in the room uncomfortable. “content creator” is right up there with calling your wife or your girlfriend your “partner” and neither of you is lgbtq+: there’s just something inhuman and influencer-y about it.
art shops like redbubble and society6 are money-grubbing shitpools that screw over artists for no reason other than to cash in on the popular ones and forget the rest.
maybe i’m just too sensitive. but i want to know where we go from here, art world. i want answers.
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arindaver-art · 2 years
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An art tumblr for internet nerds and tumblr peeps alike! I’m Arin, and I’ll be your guide to all the weird stuff I like to draw. Hopefully in the future, I can turn into some kind of career, too. :)
General Info - This tumblr blog is SFW, as well as supportive of everybody. Yes, EVERYBODY. - Art will fall under tags relevant to what medium of art it is first, then what the art is of. (Examples being digital art for medium, and fanart for content.) - Asking questions is 100% allowed and encouraged, but the main focus will be posting my own art and the processes of making them. As the blog owner, I have the right to refuse any questions based on their content. - I do a LOT of fanart, so any fandom-goers out there will definitely find something to enjoy. Feel free to give suggestions! You might just introduce me to a fandom I look into more! Frequently Used Tags #arindaver #art #fanart #digital art #traditional art #sketch #oc #original character #theallureofmana
Other Social Media Tiktok - @arindaver.art Instagram - @arindaver.art Deviantart - Arindaver DBD Ask Blog - @fightinglivingnightmares​
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
Tumblr media
Commission Info 2023 
Information · If you want a commission from me please contact me in my direct messages on Tumblr, DeviantArt, Instagram or Artstation. · Payment: PayPal only. commission will only start once the full payment has been received. · Each extra character in a commission will add ten pounds to the price, and complex backgrounds will add twenty pounds. · I'll be offering three slots.· Also please provide details of what colour scheme or background you want the commission piece to have. · Commissions will take up to fourteen days to complete. I will send you the finished commission via Tumblr or dms or email. · Commissions are not for commercial use. · I can do: couples, original characters, nfsw art, slight gore, mid body pinup art kinky art -we can discuss it in the dm of Tumblr or notes on DeviantArt or Instagram. · I won’t do: incest and/or underaged pairings with sexual themes, hardcore gore, war themed, Nazi, racist/homophobic/sexist/transphobic themes. · If you are wanting to commission a drawing of your OC or characters from other fandoms I'm not familiar with, please give me references of face claims, screenshots or describe your OC or the character you want drawn. · I reserve the right to refuse commissions for any reason.
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sweaterangst · 2 years
ive been going thru my old 2012-2018 tweets and its made me crave a space where i can... like.. publicly archive my art. that used to be deviantart/instagram for me back in those days but i've deleted my acc on the former (lol) and i refuse to start using the latter again so my current bet is on tumblr :0
tbf it also used to be twitter… but more recently ive been keeping a lot of art to myself just cuz. and also the moments feature is kinda lame
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