#i said my first word on that trip so i was way younger than three lol
binch-i-might-be · 1 year
one of my earliest memories is from when I was about three years old, playing on my grandparents' terrace. I saw a butterfly. it landed on my finger and everything. magical
anyway the next day I went back out and found that same butterfly dead. like ripped apart dead. and I so vividly remember going "god can't be real" at that discovery. which is SO funny to me
yeah I was disillusioned with christianity as a whole when I was three years old and a butterfly died. what about you 🤔🤔
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: you and Joel used to share a sleeping bag when you were on the road. Once you got to Jackson, he made sure to put an end to this habit, but now his nightmares are back to haunt him again and he needs your help
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of smut, mentions of masturbation, probably out of character Joel but I don't care I just want my big bear Joel to be happy and safe
1.5k words
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As Joel stood at the door watching you get ready for bed, he scratched down his neck while he felt so stupid.
But it wasn't just a feeling, he was stupid. That was the problem.
You took a while to notice him there, he'd been extremely silent and several times he thought of giving up that idea. He had an internal battle going on, so ashamed of asking you that, but at the same time he really needed it.
You saw him standing there, dark circles around his eyes, he looked exhausted and even a shade paler if someone asked and you knew exactly why.
The nightmares were back.
It pained you to think of how much he suffered to get something simple such as a night's sleep, you also had nightmares of your own, everyone did in an apocalyptic world like the one you lived in, but you just knew Joel's were somehow worse. He was tortured by his own subconscious, everything all at once, all his memories, regrets, broken dreams, broken promises, broken heart.
He often mumbled Sarah's name during his sleep, and it was followed by whimpers, the ones Joel would never let out in front of anyone, not while awake.
And you knew that because you watched his suffering for the last couple of months.
While traveling together to Jackson, you two ended up sleeping together.
Sleeping and sleeping only.
Never had sex, Joel never touched you in that way, despite a few occasional boners you felt poking your back when you woke up, but you couldn't really blame him for a good old morning wood.
You wouldn't deny you wanted Joel to touch you in that way, but you knew he wouldn't. He was a distant guy, no matter if you two knew each other since the QZ and went through a lot together, he always kept to himself, and you knew better than to push his buttons.
You cared for him, and he cared for you, but he wasn't that kind of guy and he was old enough to know that if he crossed the line, things would be an even bigger mess than they were.
He decided to share the sleeping bag with you when you were both out in the open and he couldn't stand you chattering your teeth all the time, how you tried warming your hands and how you had to place sweater over sweater and still you couldn't warm up enough to sleep.
He'd never seen that before. Even during summer nights, when the breeze cooled down, you still had chills and needed a blanket.
He tried to tell himself that the situation pissed him off, but in fact, it made him sad. He didn't like seeing you suffering and decided to keep you warm.
What was supposed to be one night, became two, three, four… and it lasted through the whole trip.
Joel's plan was to never repeat that again, but when he fell asleep that night, he didn't have any nightmares.
And neither during the other nights you slept together.
As much as he enjoyed having a peaceful slumber, he also saw how flushed and giggly you were when you woke up.
How you rested your hands on his when he held you and how before bed you always rested your hands way too close to the waist of his jeans. You were a lot younger than him, but you were a woman nonetheless and a beautiful one at that matter, and it was easy to get tempted.
And that was why, the first thing he did when you both arrived in Jackson, was to put an end to this dangerous habit.
At first, he didn't even want to share a house with you, and he rudely suggested that you find a place on your own.
You'd looked at him with sad, disappointed eyes, but agreed.
However, Joel went soft and when he saw you were packing your bags, he apologized and said he'd prefer to have you there, for safety matters, he quickly added, but stood by the decision of you having your own room.
You respected his decision, you couldn't complain and you also enjoyed having your own bedroom, you could decorate it as you pleased, have your own privacy and God knew how much you needed it when the memories of the nights you spent curled up to him, hit you hard and you had no other solution than to bury your fingers deep inside of your aching cunt and pretend it were his instead.
You didn't question him, but each passing day you noticed how he got darker circles around his eyes and at night you always heard his heavy steps pacing around the house, unable to sleep.
You wouldn't deny him help, but you wouldn't offer it either, the fear of getting a hurtful reply was bigger, besides, it was his decision to take his distance and you couldn't lie at the fact that you did feel hurt.
You finally raised your eyes at him and saw the discomfort in his face, you could swear he had made up his mind to talk to you about just to give up and then decide to do it all over again. He was a proud man and that must've been a terrible situation for him.
"Do you wanna sleep here tonight?" You broke the silence, knowing it would only take him just a couple of seconds more to give up and go back to his room, but you didn't want that, you wanted Joel there, you wanted to feel his weight, his warmth and his rough, big hands.
"I-uh…" he started with awkwardness though he saw it was pointless to lie "yes…" he was ready to get in bed when you told him to stop.
"If you want to sleep here, it will be on my terms, Joel… Undress!"
"What the fuck, Y/N?" He immediately replied, looking at you rather shocked.
"Joel, come on… we're not on the road anymore, we're safe, we're sleeping in a warm bed, it's not like we need to be in our jeans in case we gotta get up in the middle of the night to run or fight" you explained him when quickly got rid of your shorts, standing only in a loose shirt and your panties.
Joel swallowed hard and didn't even try to hide when he checked your body out, you felt a soft flush spreading across your cheek but smiled "it's nothing we haven't seen when we were bathing in the lake" you reminded him.
If he wasn't so exhausted he could've just argued and told you to fuck off, but instead, Joel got rid of his shirt at first, revealing his broad chest, strong arms that unblocked his belt and dragged his jeans to the floor, until he was standing there in his boxers only.
If he hadn't been embarrassed to look at you, you certainly wouldn't be embarrassed to look at him, and you did it, for quite a while, eyes lingering especially on his crotch, where you could swear you could see the shape of his cock.
You didn't look him in the eyes though, instead, you got under the covers and waited for him to do the same.
Joel let out a groan once his body met the comfortable mattress and covered himself.
You scooter closer and snaked your arm around his waist
"Relax Joel, it's just me," you reminded him. You relaxed as you rested your head on his chest and kept rubbing his naked skin with circular movements, massaging his tense arms.
"The nightmares are back, you know…" he said embarrassedly "I didn't want to bother you, but I can only sleep decently when you're around" you were shocked at his confession, Joel wasn't one to talk about stuff like that, but you understand he probably didn't care at all at how exhausted he was.
"You smell good, darling… you always did, even when we were on the road…" he smiled gently at you, which made your heart beat faster, you cupped his face and traced his jawline with the tip of your fingers.
Suddenly, all the anger and hurt you felt when Joel told you to take another room faded and you smiled, nuzzling his neck gently and stroking his soft, curly hair.
"Sleep Joel" you whispered to him, pressing a kiss on his forehead.
Slowly you could feel the tension in his body dissolving and he drifted off to sleep.
In the early morning, you woke up to Joel clung tight to you. You had your back to his chest, his heavy arm on your hips, preventing you from getting up. You gasped the moment you realized what was poking your back was his erection.
Alright, his boner was definitely harder to ignore without the thickness of his jeans shielding it, but you didn't complain at all, it felt so good to feel him that way.
You could've got up to make you and Joel breakfast, but you gave up, closing your eyes and snuggling, going back to sleep in Joel's arms.
A/N: idk i just love Joel
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wheresarizona · 7 months
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Learning to Live Part 25
summary: Javier is taking you on a trip to Miami to meet the Murphys, and baby fever hits hard when you see each other interacting with their small children. 
rating: E (18+! No y/n, alternating POV, age gap (about ten years), explicit smut, chair sex, unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, anal play (f receiving), kinda double penetration, masturbation (m), sneaking around (you don’t want the Murphys to hear you), baby fever, (MASSIVE) breeding kink, dirty talk, spanking, (1) Papí, spit as lube, traveling, Javier being really cute with children, Javier losing his mind at seeing you with children, Steve giving Javier so much shit, Steve trying to keep you from fucking in the guest room and you two doing it anyway, grumpy Javier, feelings of insecurity/body insecurity (and Javier making you feel better), pregnancy discussion/talks of the future)
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 18.2k+
a/n: Happy Halloween! This is my treat to you for Halloween and the end of Kinktober. I hope you enjoy! This Miami arc is either going to be two or three chapters long. Thank you to the lovely @senorabond for betaing! And also, thank you to @juletheghoul for ensuring my Spanish makes sense! 
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
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Javier’s cell phone only rang for four reasons: his dad was calling, you were calling, it was one of the Murphys; Steve for their regularly scheduled Thursday chat, or Olivia wanting to talk to her tío and sometimes needing help with her Spanish homework. Last, and the phone calls he always ignored outside of business hours, were from his office. 
The first time your boyfriend took a call while he was with you, you’d barely been dating a week. 
While the two of you were cuddling on the couch on a Monday, watching some movie you couldn't even remember the name of because your brain at the time was focusing on getting naked instead of actually watching it, his phone on the coffee table in front of you started ringing. He apologized when he picked it up to check the caller ID and apologized again when he told you he had to answer it since it was his niece and got up from the couch. 
It should’ve been an endearing moment, but your confusion had overshadowed it because you knew he had no siblings. You could admit it was pretty cute overhearing him in the kitchen talking to her in the sweetest voice he clearly saved for children, asking about how her summer was going. 
After he hung up and returned to you, he’d explained: she was his best friend, Steve’s daughter, and he was her godfather, a role he took very seriously by being the best uncle to her and her younger brothers. 
That was many months ago, and with today being Friday and Javi’s phone ringing on his bedside table in your shared bedroom, you had a feeling it was Olivia since he talked to his dad on his way home—the problem, though: your boyfriend was in the shower. 
This seemed like an order-in kind of night, with it being the end of the week and you both wanting to relax. You’d just set the bag of Chinese food on the coffee table when you heard his phone going off. In less than thirty seconds, you had it in hand, the caller ID reading ‘Murphys,’ which was their landline, and confirmed your suspicion. Stepping inside the bathroom, the sounds of water roaring and splashing in the shower stall and the overhead fan humming greeted you; the large mirror over the sink was fogged up, steam permeating the air. 
“Babe?” you said loud enough for him to hear. 
The frosted glass door rolled open enough for Javi to stick out his head, his hair lathered in shampoo. 
“Olivia’s calling.” You held up the ringing phone. 
“Can you answer it and tell her I’ll call her back later?”
Now, Steve and his family were well aware of who you were, and you knew all about them, but you’ve never spoken to any of them. So this request had a nervous flutter erupting in your belly. 
“Yeah,” you answered. “I can do that.” 
A swoon-worthy smile appeared on his face. “Thanks, mi amor (my love).” 
Immediately, you clicked the answer button, putting the phone up to your ear as you said, “Javi’s phone,” before making your way back into the bedroom and shutting the bathroom door behind you. 
“You’re not Javi…” said a deep male voice that had your eyes going wide. 
“You’re not Olivia…” 
There was amusement in his tone, not expecting the smooth southern drawl. “No, I’m not. I’m her father, Steve Murphy, and you must be the woman my best friend is madly in love with.” 
With a smile, you replied, “That’s me,” and introduced yourself.
“It’s nice to finally meet you—well, talk to you, at least. I gotta say I don’t think I’ve ever seen Javi this happy in all the time I’ve known him. You’ve been real good for him, and I’m glad he finally found someone who can put up with his grumpy ass.” 
Warmth spread through your chest, his last comment making you giggle. 
“You wanna know a secret?” you whispered. 
“When he’s with me, he’s not grumpy. He smiles a lot and laughs. He’s really adorable, to be honest.”
“I don’t know if I’d call him adorable, but he’s like that with my kids, too.”
“Oh, Javi with kids is my kryptonite—he’s so good with them.”
“Let me tell you, when I came home to Miami after getting Escobar, he stayed with us for a while, and it shocked me how good he was with Olivia.” That didn’t surprise you. He’d grown up with practically all his cousins being younger than him, and he has a lot of them. “I don’t know if he told you, but not too long after he quit the DEA, he lived with us for a bit ‘cause he was having a hard time being in Laredo—from what I understand, there are some people there who aren’t too kind to him.”
“That’s an understatement, but yes.” 
Javi staying in Miami for a time was something you were aware of. 
Being back in Laredo had been hard for him, like Steve said, and he was known to run from his problems, so he went and lived with the Murphys for almost a year in their guest room. Then, one day, his dad called and told him not to worry, but doctors were running some tests after finding a mass on his liver that could possibly be cancerous. Javier’s mother, Antonia, died from breast cancer that wasn’t caught in time, so when he got off the phone, he packed his bags and was on the first flight home. 
It was the kick in his ass he needed to realize his dad was all he had left and was worth braving his hometown. Chucho’s mass was benign, and Javi annoyed the fuck out of him his first month back by being a mother hen and fussing over him nonstop.
“Well,” Steve continued, “he came and lived with us and was a huge help with Olivia and Stevie. He was a natural with them—they love Javi more than their actual uncles.”
A grin was on your face, loving to hear that he’d done so well helping them with their children. “And he loves them like they’re his biological niece and nephews.”
“He really does.” There was fondness in his tone. “You know, when we were in Colombia, all the guys we worked with thought he was a giant asshole since he didn’t put up with their shit—I was his partner, and I thought he was a giant asshole, but all the women in the office seemed to love him because he was sweet to them. Your man only lightens up for women and children ‘cause I sure as hell did not have a partner who smiled and laughed a lot. Like, I’m looking at this holiday card y’all sent, and I barely recognize him with that big ‘ol grin.”
The holiday cards had been your idea. 
Chucho did the photo shoot, and the picture you both chose had Javi and you in matching outfits of red sweaters and jeans, with him holding you from behind as you both smiled at the camera. Daphne and Velma, the seven-month-old calves you lovingly called your bovine children, were on either side of you wearing fake antlers, all of you in front of the red wooden barn, the bottom of the card reading, ‘Happy holidays from us to you,’ typed in a fancy script. 
It was very cute. 
It delighted you people were finally getting them, now wondering when you’d get that disapproving call from your mother. You knew it was looming on the horizon when your parents finally got theirs. 
“It’s nice, though, right?” You chewed on your lip. 
“Oh, it’s more than nice—it’s fuckin’ great! That man has been to hell and back, and it’s about damn time he finally gets to be happy and relax for once. Which reminds me why I called—were you guys able to get that time off next week?”
The two of you hoped to go to Miami the following week; there were just some issues with you getting days off. 
“Yes! Javi was going to call you tonight. We can do Thursday through Saturday, but we need to be home Sunday for his birthday because we’re celebrating with his dad.”
“That’s fine! We’re just happy you can come! Excuse me, ma’am, Connie just came in the room and has a question for me,” It sounded like Steve covered the phone, hearing his muffled voice say, “Yes, baby, they’re coming… Thursday through Saturday, they need to be home for Javi’s birthday Sunday… It’s not Javi, it’s his girlfriend… She’s great… You know Javi, he doesn’t want a fuc-flipping birthday party… Fine, I’ll ask her.” Now you could hear him clearly. “My apologies, ma’am. My wife wants to know if you’d like us to throw Javi a birthday party?”
“Oh, you guys are already letting us stay with you. I couldn’t ask you to throw a party.”
“Okay.” He spoke to his wife. “She says that’d be too much since they’re staying with us.”
Noise sounded over the line like the phone was being passed, followed by a woman’s voice now speaking, “Hi, is this Javi’s girlfriend?” 
“Yes,” you replied, giving her your name. “Is this Connie?” A baby was babbling in the background, and you thought she might be holding their youngest child. 
“It is! It’s so nice to meet you! I can’t wait for you to visit next week.” 
“I can’t wait either! I’ve heard so much about all of you, and I’m excited.” 
“We’re just as excited! Now, it’d be no problem throwing Javi a little party, and the kids would love to celebrate with him. I mean, they love any excuse to eat cake.” 
Giggling, you replied, “Well, we can’t deny the kids cake. If you insist, I’m sure Javi would be touched by the gesture.”
“Great! We’re going to have such a wonderful time. Javi’s told us how much you love the beach, so we’ll have to spend a day there, and I need to go grocery shopping. Is there anything you want to eat while here?” 
You were hoping to go to the beach, and happy she mentioned it. 
“I can’t think of anything. I’m not picky.”
“If you think of something, just give me a call. We want you to have a great trip.” 
“I know it’s going to be amazing,” you said truthfully. 
“I hope so! Okay, Steve wants the phone back. Nice to meet you, bye!” 
“Nice meeting you, too!”
“It’s me again.” Steve was back on. “Are you guys going to need a ride from the airport?” 
The bathroom door opened, and you looked over your shoulder to see Javi coming out in just a white towel wrapped around his waist, his hair blow-dried and styled. 
“I don’t know…?” you distractedly answered. With you going on the trip soon, you had been refraining from sucking marks into his skin to avoid any awkward conversations with the Murphy kids. Still, there were fading hickies your eyes took in as they moved down his torso to the tantalizing trail of hair that disappeared beneath the cotton. 
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With the fan on in the bathroom, he could hear Cielito on the phone; however, he was unable to make out anything she was saying, thinking she might be talking to Robyn or one of his family members. He walked into the room, and she looked over her shoulder at him, his chest puffing out a little at how she was checking him out. 
“Who are you talking to?” he whispered.
Her gaze snapped up to meet his. “Steve,” she answered just as quietly. 
That had him taken aback since he was pretty sure his best friend and wif-girlfriend had never spoken before. Was it Steve who called and not Olivia? Has she been on the phone with him this entire time? 
What were they talking about?
“What does he want?” Javier asked. 
“I’m sorry, Steve,” she said to the other man. “Javi’s here, so give me a sec.” She turned in place to face him, covering the speaker. “He called to find out if we could visit next week—which I told him yes, but he just asked if we’ll need a ride from the airport, and I don’t know the answer.” 
Immediately, he held out his hand. 
She uncovered the phone, talking to his friend again, “Steve, Javi wants to talk to you.” A big smile was on her face. “It was nice talking to you, too… Oh goodness, that’s so sweet… He makes me happy, too. Like super happy.” She shielded her mouth so Javier couldn’t see it, her eyes locked on his, while she whispered in a conspiratorial tone, “Don’t tell him I said this, but he’s an amazing boyfriend and so goddamn dreamy. Literally, the best partner I’ve ever had, and I cannot wait to marry him, so he’s mine forever.” What she said made him smile, and his heart skip a beat. Steve must’ve said something funny because she laughed. “Bye, Steve.” She passed the phone to him. 
“Hey,” Javier said, with the cell phone pressed to his ear. 
“Hey, Jav. Your girlfriend’s great, and we can’t wait to meet her.” 
After his last relationship with Lorraine, and how he missed the red flags and ignored his mother’s warnings about her, having his family love the woman standing in front of him, and now Steve also liking her, it reassured him he was making the right choice for who he was going to marry—not that he had any doubts. Javier knew for a fact she was the one he was spending the rest of his life with. It just made him feel great that others could see how amazing she was. 
“Yeah, she’s fucking incredible.” 
“You’ve got it so bad for her.” Steve chuckled. “I got your holiday card, and I couldn’t believe my fucking eyes—the way you’re smiling, the matching outfits, and the dressed-up cows—” 
“Daphne and Velma,” Javier interrupted. 
The girls behaved well for the photoshoot—with the help of many treats and pets. He loved how the card turned out and was beyond happy Cielito even wanted to do something like that with him. It made him think of the future and the cards featuring the additions of tiny Peñas and seeing their family grow with each holiday season—showing their friends and relatives how their family had grown. Not that he loved the idea of rubbing their happiness in her parents’ faces or anything…
“These are your—what do you call them? Your bovine children?” He’d mentioned the calves on previous calls. 
“Yeah,” he answered. “The red one is Daphne, and the other is Velma.” 
“Okay, I’ll admit they’re pretty cute.” 
“They are. So anyway, we don’t need you to pick us up,” he said, getting back on topic. “I’m gonna rent a car like I always do.” 
“Sounds good.” 
He turned away from his future fiancée as he spoke a little quieter, “Did you say anything embarrassing about me?” 
His question made his best friend laugh, and he frowned. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, Javi. We talked about how great you are with my kids and that you’re only nice to women and children.” 
That didn’t sound too bad. 
He whispered, “How’d she react about me being great with the kids?” 
Steve laughed again. “Positively. A direct quote is, ‘Javi with kids is my kryptonite.’”
Javier smiled. “Good. Tell mis sobrinos (my niece and nephews) I need them to be extra cute when we visit.”
“Will do. Speaking of the kids, Connie needs my help, so I gotta go.” 
“Give them all my love, and I’ll see you next week.” 
“I will. Bye, you asshole.”
“Adiós, pendejo (Goodbye, asshole).” He clicked the end call button, walking over to set the phone back on his bedside table. 
“You’re a dork,” she said. 
Turning toward her, amusement was clear on her face. 
“Why am I a dork?” he asked, taking a few steps to stand in front of her.
“Asking my reaction to how good you are with his kids.” 
His hands went up to cradle her face. “He said I was great with his kids.” 
“Yeah, he did, and he said you were a natural with them.” Her eyes had darkened, her fingers dipping into the top of the towel at his waist as she bit her bottom lip—she was turned on, and it made him smirk, his cock beginning to harden. 
“You like that?” he asked, leaning forward until his mouth was a hair's breadth away from hers, her eyes closing. “You like that if I got you pregnant, I’d be great with our baby?” 
“Yes,” she breathed. 
This was the moment his brain decided to remind him he needed to book everything for their trip right away.
His eyes squeezed shut, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out as he pressed his forehead to hers. 
“I’m sorry, Cielito,” he sounded pained. “We can’t fool around right now. I’ve got shit I need to do.” 
“But we were about to have really kinky sex,” she groaned.
“I’ll make it up to you after I get all our stuff booked and we eat dinner.” He sweetly kissed her. “Anything you want,” he said when he broke away, looking her in the eyes. “Anything.”
“Okay. That’s acceptable. I both love and hate that you’re a responsible adult.” She pouted. “Use my credit card and book us in business class since it’s two seats in a row. That way, we won’t have to worry about anyone sitting with us.” 
He smiled. “Yeah, I didn’t want anyone sitting with us either and planned on booking business—maybe first, depending on the price.” 
“Meh, stick with business.” 
“Okay. Window or aisle?” 
“Good, ‘cause I like the aisle.”
That made her grin. “It’s like we’re meant to be or something. Next, you’re gonna tell me I can have your peanuts.”
“Oh, yeah, I never eat them. I usually just have a drink.” 
Whiskey on the rocks. 
“We’re soulmates.” 
“We are.” He agreed with a nod. 
“Ugh.” She stepped away from him, and his mouth turned down, his hands falling. “You’re basically naked, and I want to jump your bones. Put on some clothes, you saucy temptress.” Her head turned, shielding her eyes with her hand. 
“Saucy temptress?” he chuckled, walking so close as he passed her their arms brushed, heading toward his dresser. 
“You heard me—seducing me with your manly wiles and, god, your rockin’ bod. Okay, I’m going to the living room because you are so close to getting your dick sucked.” He opened a drawer, pulling out his sweatpants. “You know,” she said, still standing in the same spot but shuffling to face him. “You’re gonna be on the phone, right?” The towel dropped to the floor as he pulled on the pants. 
“Yeah,” he answered. 
“So, I mean, while you’re talking, theoretically, I could suck your dick while you’re doing it.” 
He sucked in a breath, his half-hard cock twitching at the thought. 
“You’re the saucy temptress,” he rasped, bending down with a groan to grab his towel and moving to toss it in the nearby dirty clothes hamper. “No, mi amor (my love), that’s how I end up accidentally booking us on a flight to fucking Australia or some shit.” 
“You’re no fun.” She was pouting again, looking adorable. 
“But I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
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The Laredo Airport wasn’t very big. 
Built by the U.S. Government during World War II, it was used by the United States Air Force, then during the Cold War, it was a pilot training base. With the defense cutbacks after the Vietnam War, the military presence ended by the tail end of 1973, with commercial air service not arriving until the summer of 1975. 
The commercial air service? It would take you to exotic destinations, like Dallas/Fort Worth and Houston-Intercontinental. Basically, you flew from Laredo’s tiny airport to one of the larger Texan airports and, from there, headed to your desired location. 
This is how you ended up on a flight from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport at 8:45 AM on a Thursday morning in December. 
The trip would only be three days long, so you both packed carry-ons that Javi insisted he carry, or roll, for your suitcase; he brought a leather duffle bag for himself. He safely stored the luggage in the overhead compartment, and you had seated yourself by the window and buckled in, your boyfriend beside you in the only other seat in your row.
For a comfortable flight, you wore leggings, an oversized T-shirt, and tennis shoes. Javier? The man refused to look anything but his best out in public, so he was in his usual tight-ass jeans, a white button-up with a blue patterned design, and his black leather jacket—to go to Miami, where the weather was hot and, from what you were told, humid. 
The things he did in the name of being the sexiest man alive. 
Your leg was bouncing, your shoulders tense, chewing on your thumb. 
Warm fingers laced with those of your free hand, Javi gently squeezing it. 
“You a nervous flyer?” he whispered. 
Turning your head toward him, you answered, “Little bit. It’s mostly take-off and landing. Once we’re in the air, I’m fine.”
“Yeah? How can I help?”
“I don’t know. Talk to me? Are you a nervous flyer?” 
A little smile was on his lips, barely shaking his head. “No. I’m used to it with all the traveling I did for work. I will say I prefer planes over helicopters, though.” 
The last of the passengers were boarding, but you aren’t paying any of them mind, in your little bubble with Javi. 
“Did you fly in helicopters a lot?” 
“Thankfully, no. We used them mostly when we needed to go out into the jungle, which I always fucking hated.” 
“The helicopter ride or the jungle?” 
“Both. It’s hot in there, and the animals. I, uh, don’t like snakes…” 
His answer made you smile as you replied, “That’s very Indiana Jones of you.” A thought came to you. “Oh! Would you wear a fedora if I got you one?”
His eyes squinted. “No...” 
The pilot came over the speaker. 
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight AA319 with service from Dallas/Fort Worth to Miami. We are currently second in line for take-off and should be in the air in approximately ten minutes. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for flying American Airlines. We hope you enjoy your flight.”
You frowned at Javi, going back to your conversation. “But you’ve got the leather jacket—” You patted it over his pec. “—and the button up, that we can sluttily unbutton to show some skin, and we’ll get you a pair of khaki pants.” 
His eyes remained narrowed. “Why do you always want me to dress up as characters played by that guy—what’s his name? Harry Ford?” 
“Harrison Ford, and it’s not my fault he’s played some iconic characters that you’d look hot dressed up as—don’t lie to me and say you wouldn’t enjoy dressing up as Han Solo. You think he’s the coolest guy.” 
He was frowning now. “Han’s okay, but Boba Fett’s cooler.” He shrugged.
Your eyebrow rose. “Do you want me to get you some Boba Fett armor so you can pretend to be a space bounty hunter, and we can make it horny and have you hunt me down?” 
The wheels were turning in his head, and he seemed to be thinking it over, which made you giggle. 
“It’d be too uncomfortable,” he finally answered. “And I wouldn’t be able to see shit in the helmet. If I’m gonna dress up as a Star Wars character, I’ll stick with Han.” 
“Smart man.”
Javi kept talking to you about nothing important to keep you distracted as the plane started moving, only pausing when the flight attendants went over the safety briefing. 
What you didn’t expect was right before take-off, he kissed you, and not a chaste kiss but a toe-curling, forgot-how-to-think, skin-heating, breath-stealing, tongue-tangling kiss that had you so caught up in him, you didn’t even notice the plane had left the ground, or rose thousands of feet into the sky. 
When you finally broke away for air, you felt dazed; your eyes had closed, panting breaths and smiling. Arousal swirled in your belly and dripped into your panties, feeling the cotton dampened and sticking to your skin. 
“Still feeling nervous?” he asked, kissing your chin. 
“God, no.” You replied breathily. “Feeling horny.” 
A ding sounded, the light showing ‘seat belts needed to be fastened’ turning off, a flight attendant announcing, “Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign, and you may now move around the cabin.” 
“Javi?” Your eyes opened. 
“Yes, Cielito?” 
Leaning close to press your lips to his ear, you quietly asked, “Have you ever joined the mile-high club?” 
He audibly gulped. “No.”
“Would you like to?” His jacket was unzipped, and you walked your fingers over the skin on his chest, revealed by the top few buttons being undone, his aviators hanging in the dip. 
“Hold on.” Suddenly, his seatbelt was clicking open, and he was rising, keeping his head ducked until he was in the aisle, hastening toward the front of the plane. Watching curiously, he opened a lavatory door and went inside, coming out a minute later, a grumpy look on his perfect face as he made his way back to you and sat down beside you with a grunt. 
“It’s too fucking small,” he said, turning his torso to face you. “And I think we’d get caught if we tried.” He looked so disappointed, and the news made you sigh. 
“It’s good one of us is a responsible adult making the right decisions.” 
Leaning closer, he whispered, “I can get a blanket from the flight attendant and finger you under it if you really want to get off while we’re flying.” 
The idea caused your cunt to clench hard around nothing. 
“That sounds so good, but I’d want us both to get off. Guess we’re just gonna have to fuck when we go to bed tonight, and you’ll have to keep me quiet.” Your hand rubbed along his thigh, his eyes darkening. 
“I love you so fucking much,” he rasped. 
“I love you, too.” 
“Steve would hate us fucking in the guest room.” 
“That just makes you want to do it more, doesn’t it?” 
“Oh, yeah.” He smirked. 
“You’re such an asshole to him,” you giggled. 
“He deserves it,” he replied, closing what little distance was between you to kiss your lips. 
The flight was barely three hours long, which you spent reading the small book stashed in your purse, your boyfriend beside you with his reading glasses on, his big hand holding his own book you’d kept for him. 
When the flight attendant came down the aisle with the drink cart and snacks, Javi got a whiskey, while you got ginger ale and both bags of peanuts. 
The books were put away when it was time to land, and he held your hand tight while the other caressed your face as he distracted you with another mind-blowing kiss—you’d never enjoyed taking off and landing so much. 
Off the plane, Javi had the bags—carrying his duffle by the handles and rolling your luggage through the airport to the rental car agency. You took his bag when you got to the counter so he could fish his wallet out of his back pocket, passing the employee his driver’s license with you standing beside him.
The dark-haired man on the other side was smiling as he read the card and started inputting the information into a computer, his name tag reading Martin and beneath it, ‘Hablo Español.’
“Welcome to Miami, Mr. and Mrs. Peña!” Martin said, his words heavily accented. Your eyes rounded, Javi’s arm wrapping around your waist to pull you into him. “I hope you had a pleasant trip!” 
“It wasn’t too bad,” your future husband replied. “Right, Mrs. Peña?” He was smirking when he turned his head toward you, looking beyond delighted. 
“Right, Mr. Peña,” you answered with a smile, getting closer to him by hooking your arm around his middle, resting your head against his chest. “The flight was pretty great.” 
“Awe,” Martin replied. “Newlyweds, no? Here on your honeymoon?” He glanced up from what he was doing. 
“Something like that,” Javi responded, kissing your hair. 
The conversation transitioned to business, with your boyfriend having to sign a lot of paperwork before he handed you a small stapled stack and the employee directed you where to go to get the car, which involved getting on a shuttle bus. 
The sun was shining down from the clear blue sky, the temperature hot and humid, Javi having to take off his leather jacket. You were more than happy to carry it along with the papers for the car while he took care of lugging around the bags when they dropped you off at the car lot. A stop had to be made in a small, blissfully air-conditioned building to get the keys and have someone take you to where the vehicle was parked. You would think for such a short trip and the small amount of stuff you had, he would’ve rented a full-size sedan at most—nope, Javi rented an SUV, a brand new forest green ‘98 Ford Explorer, to be exact. 
His aviators were on, leaving you with the bags on the ground at your feet. At the same time, he meticulously inspected the SUV’s exterior for any scratches or dings that needed to be reported so they weren’t blamed on you, rubbing his thumb over some spots. 
Sometimes—well, a lot of the time when you were out in public—he had an intimidating aura about him, ‘just don’t fuck with me’ vibes wafting off of him with the grumpy expression on his face and how confidently he moved about. It came in handy when you were in crowded places because people stayed out of his way and didn’t bother you—instead of scary dog privilege, you had scary boyfriend privilege. An issue with scary boyfriend privilege: he was making the rental car agency worker extremely nervous, the poor man holding his clipboard and sweating profusely, which you didn’t think had anything to do with the weather. 
He was standing by you as Javi did his thing, shorter than your boyfriend with light skin, brown hair, and if you squinted, he kind of looked like Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle—same hairstyle, same forehead. 
“He’s a teddy bear,” you whispered to the employee. 
There was confusion on his face when he looked at you. “What?” he asked. 
“Javi—” You nodded in the direction of the man, who was crouched at the passenger side door and using his thumb to see if a mark was dirt or a scratch. “—he’s a teddy bear. It’s just how his resting face looks. Watch this.” You called out to Javi, “Find anything, baby?” 
“No,” he answered, grunting as he rose to stand. His hands were on his hips as he gave the side of the vehicle another look over. 
“I love you,” you told him. 
His head turned in your direction, giving you a beaming smile. “I love you, too, mi amor (my love).” 
He looked back at the SUV, and you said quietly out of the corner of your mouth, “See.” 
“I didn’t notice anything,” Javi told the employee, heading your way and wiping his hands on his jeans. 
“That’s great, sir,” the worker replied. “I just need you to sign here.” He pointed at a place on the paper clipped to his clipboard with the pen he showed your boyfriend. Javi was quickly signing and taking the offered keys. 
“Thank you,” your boyfriend said, shaking the other man’s hand. 
“No problem. If you have any issues, just give us a call.” 
“Sounds good.” 
The employee went away. 
The vehicle was already unlocked, so Javi walked over to the front passenger-side door. “Let me get your door, Mrs. Peña,” he said as he opened it. 
It made you giggle, moving his way with his jacket and the paperwork still held in your arms and hand, avoiding the bags on the ground. “That really made your day, didn’t it?” you asked, leaning in to kiss him when you were in front of him. 
“Yes, Mrs. Peña,” he murmured against your lips, feeling him smile. One of his hands was on the top of the door with the keys tucked in his palm, his other grabbing a handful of your ass. 
“You’re adorable, Mr. Peña.” Breaking away, you continued, “Give me the keys so I can get the AC going.” There was a grin under his perfectly trimmed mustache as he dangled the keys in front of your face, and you maneuvered the stuff in your arms to free up a hand to grab them—he pulled them away before the tips of your fingers even touched the metal. 
You glared at him when he said, “Ask nicely for them this time.” 
Inhaling deeply, you let the air leave your nose in a huff. “My love, may I please have the keys so I can get the AC going?”
“Of course, baby.” He handed them to you. “I’ll take care of the bags.” Leaning in, his lips met your cheek in a loud smacking kiss, slapping your ass before he walked away.
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Miami had become a home away from home for Javier. It was a place where he could relax and be surrounded by the Murphys, whom he considered family even though they didn’t share blood. 
Colombia never felt like home. 
He knew he wasn’t welcome down there, finding his sparse apartments cold and lifeless, the only personal touch he made in the later years being the ofrenda for his late mother. There was no relaxing in South America when each morning he woke up could’ve been his last. Sure, he had Steve and Connie for a lot of it, but they were just as stressed as he was, and more so when Olivia came about, to the point Connie just up and left, back to the States. 
Colombia was never home, and at the time he was sent back to Texas after his fuck up with Los Pepes, Laredo didn’t feel like home either. 
He hadn’t known where he belonged when a good portion of the people in the town where he was born and raised still judged him for something he’d done over a decade earlier, a handful even hostile toward him. 
After Steve finished their work and got Pablo Escobar, he returned to Florida to his wife and kid. They invited Javier to visit and stay in their guest room for however long he needed, and he had. They wouldn’t take any money he tried to offer them, but they accepted his help around the house and caring for Olivia, who was five by then.  
Then he was called back to South America, and upon returning to the U.S. after that stint, he stayed with his dad for a month before he was in Miami again, that time for about a year, where he helped out with their barely ten-month-old, Stevie, and seven-year-old Olivia.
After going back to Laredo to be with his dad, he’d take occasional weekend trips like he and Cielito were doing now to stay with the family. Those trips became less frequent when they adopted Nate—he felt it was important they all had time to bond with their new addition without him being in the way. 
He spent so much time in this Florida city, he knew his way around pretty well, like how it was faster to take 874 South instead of Ronald Reagan Turnpike, and as a bonus, they’d avoid tolls. 
The air conditioning was cranked high, whooshing loudly while a Spanish station played loud enough to hear. He had one hand gripping the steering wheel, the fingers of his other laced with those of the woman he was going to marry, resting on her thigh. 
She was looking out at the scenery in interest as they drove. 
“Why’d you get this car?” she asked, staring out her window. 
“So we’d have room for the little passengers.” Bringing her hand up, he kissed the back of it. 
She looked at him. “The kids are gonna want to ride with us?” 
He glanced at her, resting their hands back on her leg, smiling. “Oh, yeah. At least Olivia and Stevie—Nate’s too young to care. Doing the whole car seat thing in a smaller car fucking sucks.” 
“So, what I’m hearing is we will be getting something like this when the baby-making starts and my car will have to go?” 
Her car was a tiny two-door Honda, and just thinking about getting a car seat in it was making his back hurt, her question also causing his chest to go tight from happiness.
His eyes were back on the road. “Sorry, baby.” He squeezed her hand. “I know you love your car. I was thinking something bigger than this.” 
“True,” she replied. “We gotta have room for all those babies you’re gonna knock me up with.” 
A shock of arousal shot through his belly. 
He had to clear his throat, his voice a little deeper. “Yeah…” 
“I can’t believe that innocent comment turned you on,” she laughed, and he frowned. 
“Don’t laugh,” he grumbled, having to wiggle a tiny bit in his seat with how blood had rushed to his dick. 
Immediately, she stopped but still sounded amused. “I’m sorry, babe. I know it excites you a lot.” 
“Excites you a lot, too.” 
“Yes, it does. So, let’s talk about something safe. How long before we’re there?” 
“About fifteen minutes.” 
“That’s not too bad.” 
She questioned him about what they lived close to, and he answered they were near a zoo, some parks, and the ocean was a ten-minute drive.
The Murphys lived in a one-story ranch-style house with an A-shaped gable roof extending over the front porch. The stucco on the outside was painted a golden yellow with crimson trim, and the window panes were outlined in bright white. 
In the driveway, Connie’s minivan and Steve’s little truck were parked. Javi pulled in behind his best friend’s rig, and not even thirty seconds later the front door was opening, hearing muffled, high-pitched squeals. 
“Hey,” he said to Cielito, getting her attention. “Relax. They’re gonna love you. You have nothing to worry about.” 
He smiled, letting go of her hand to hold up his pinky. “I pinky promise.” That made her smile as she looped hers with his, and he leaned in to kiss her quickly. 
“Okay, we better get out,” he said. 
Out of the vehicle, Javier walked around the front, a tiny dirty blonde toddler screaming at the top of his lungs as he ran out of the house, “Tío (Uncle)! Tío! Tío! Tío! Tíoooooo!”
It made him smile, crouching and opening his arms to catch the little boy, holding and hugging him as he stood back up. “Mi sobrino (My nephew)!” The child was securely sitting on one of his arms, looking more like his dad than the last time he saw him. “You’ve gotten so big, Stevie!” He tickled the toddler’s belly, making him laugh and squirm. 
Connie came out with Nate on her hip and Steve smiling beside her. 
“What are you feeding him?” Javier asked his friends. “How has he grown so much in, what, eight, nine months?” 
“Kids grow fast, Javi,” Steve answered. “Nate’s already walking.” 
His eyes went wide, getting a good look at the baby who’d only been six or so months the last time he was here and now was over a year old and a toddler—he was bigger, his olive-colored arms not as chubby, the black curls on top of his head longer, and eyes still as dark as he remembered.  
“You’ve gotta be fuc—” The other adults gave him looks, quickly correcting himself. “—freaking kidding me. He’s walking? Already?” 
“Yep,” Connie answered. “And talking. Right now, he’s tired because it’s nap time. Isn’t that right, baby?” she cooed, kissing Nate’s hair, his head resting against her shoulder and babbling. 
He was stunned at how quickly they grew in so little time, feeling a ball of anxiety form in his gut, thinking about his future children and losing so much time with them because of work. Dread was heavy like a stone on his chest at the thought of missing milestones of his kid’s growth. 
Fingers snapped in front of his face to get his attention, hearing his name and realizing it was Steve, Javier swallowing hard. 
“What?” he asked. 
His best friend’s eyebrow rose. “I asked if you were gonna be polite and introduce us to your girlfriend.” 
“Oh, shi-shoot.” She was on the side with his empty arm, and he rubbed his hand up her back, smiling. “Sorry, Steve, Connie, this is the woman I’m gonna marry—” He told them her name. “—or I just call her mi Cielito, my little heaven.” He kissed her temple. “Cielito, these are my best friends, Steve, Connie, Connie’s got Nate, and—” Straightening, he looked at the child in his arms. “Hey buddy, you wanna tell her your name?” he asked gently. Stevie hid his face in Javier’s neck, and his big hand went to the back of his head while his parents laughed. “Awe, it’s okay, bud.” He rubbed over the boy’s hair. “I know she’s a new person. She’s really nice and excited to meet you, and she makes amazing cookies.” 
His little head popped up. “Cookies?” his tiny voice asked. 
Javier smiled. He knew that’d get him. “Yeah, she makes amazing cookies.” 
“I want cookies,” Stevie replied. His attention turned to Connie. “Can we have cookies, Mommy?” 
“One second, baby boy.” She walked toward Cielito to whisper something in her ear. 
His girlfriend nodded her head, answering, “Sure! I can do that!”
“Is it really okay?” the other woman asked, meeting her eyes. 
“Okay.” Connie looked at her eldest son. “The nice lady says she’ll make cookies with you, but you’ll have to tell her your name.” 
The boy looked past Javi to excitedly shout at Cielito, “Stevie!” Reaching his little arms toward her, and it made warmth spread through him when, without missing a beat, she took the toddler from him. 
“Hi, Stevie,” she said with a warm smile. “It’s nice to meet you.” 
They were facing him, and Javier pointed at her. “She’s gonna be your tía (aunt), Stevie.” 
The child’s eyes moved from him to her. “Tía?” he asked, shoving a finger at her chest.
“Yeah, bud, she’s your tía (aunt), and I’m your tío (uncle).”
Tiny blue eyes met his. “Tío—” His head turned to her. “—Tía.” 
“Yes.” She confirmed. “And you’re Stevie.” She gently poked his chest. 
“Stevie!” He clapped his hands. “We’re gonna make cookies, Tía?” 
“Yes, your mom said after your nap.” 
“Well, let’s head inside then, guys,” grown-up Steve announced. 
“Come with me,” Connie told his girlfriend. “The men can get the bags, and I’ll put the boys down for a nap.” 
“Okay,” she replied. 
It made him smile how easily she went, his eyes on her back with the toddler on her hip, whispering to him, and Javier thought it looked so perfect, so right; his mind was running wild with images of what she’d look like holding their child—wishing she was holding their child. Stevie looked like a miniature version of Steve; would Javier’s child with his future wife look more like him or her? Or would they be a mix of them both? What he knew for sure was they’d be perfect, and he would love them more than anything in the goddamn world. 
Fuck, he couldn’t wait to get married.
Hands landed on his shoulders from behind. 
“Jesus Christ, Jav,” Steve laughed, giving him a playful shake. He got out of the hold, spinning around to see his friend’s grinning face that made him clench his jaw. “I knew you had it bad, but this is something else—you’re really in love with this girl.” 
His eyebrows creased, frowning. 
Steve had known about his girlfriend since their relationship began and even gave him wanted and unwanted advice when he did and didn’t need it—he knew damn well Javier loved her. He’d been on his ass to fucking tell her, like how he’s been on his ass to get him to fucking propose, and only now was he actually believing it was all real? 
It pissed him off that his best friend doubted his feelings for her.
“Fuck you, man,” he replied, shoving the other man’s shoulder and watching his face fall. “Yeah, I fucking love her. I’ve fucking told you.” 
“Hey, hey—” Steve put up his hands in a placating gesture. “—I know you love her, Javier. I’ve known from how you’ve talked about her, but seeing it in person is something else.” 
“What do you mean?” His hands were perched on his hips, ignoring the beads of sweat dripping down his spine under his shirt. 
Steve smiled. “That ugly mug of yours—” He gestured at Javier’s face. “It’s clear in how you look at her. It’s like you’ve got fuckin’ hearts in your eyes or some shit,” he chuckled, Javier sighing. “I’ve known you for a long fucking time, Javi, and I’ve never seen you look at anyone the way you look at her.”
The explanation mollified him.
“I’ve never felt like this with anyone but her.” 
“I know.” His friend clapped a hand on his bicep. “And I’m really fucking happy for you, Jav.” 
“I’m sweating my balls off. Let’s get inside.” 
“Yeah, it’s fucking hot,” he replied, heading toward the back of the rental. 
He didn’t need help carrying the bags or directions to the guest room. 
The house was nice and cool as he walked inside along the stone tiled floor and directly into their formal sitting room containing a long beige couch against the far left wall with a walnut-colored coffee table in front of it; a smaller version of the sofa along the wall beside the front door and under the large white-framed window, a chair that matched the same style across from it, and end tables at the sides of the couches. 
They never actually used this area unless they were hosting guests or during Christmas when Connie would rearrange the furniture to make it picturesque with their tree. Steve thought it was a waste of space; his wife could never know that.
His shoes came off with everyone else’s by the front door, where Connie had a shoe rack overflowing with pairs for adults and children, leaving his next to Cielito’s on the floor. Going further into the room, Steve headed for the kitchen while he turned down the hallway that opened to the right and led to the bedrooms and bathrooms. Olivia’s was the first door on the right. The second was a full bath themed around dolphins, her favorite animal, with them on the shower curtain, the art on the walls, painted on the toothbrush holder, and soap dispenser.
Next was Nate’s room, his door closed and across the hall from his parents’ master suite. 
The two boys’ rooms happened to be connected by a bathroom between them. Javier stopped in his tracks at Stevie’s open door—the woman he came here with, the one who made him the happiest man in the world, who he was going to marry and spend the rest of his life with, was sitting on the edge of his nephew’s bed with her back to the door, her attention on the child lying on his side facing her with his eyes closed under a light blanket as she rubbed small circles on his shirt-covered back.
Javier’s eyes crinkled at the edges when he smiled, a soft sigh leaving his lips. 
“She volunteered,” Connie whispered behind him, causing him to jump in his skin. “Sorry for scaring you—“ She squeezed his arm reassuringly. “She volunteered,” she continued. “Asked me how she could help and what Stevie’s nap time routine was, and it looks like she’s a pro. She’s great with him.”
“Yeah, she is.” He spoke just as quietly, glancing over his shoulder. “Rubbing his back still puts him to sleep?”
She playfully slapped his arm. “That’s your damn fault.”
“It makes him fall asleep, doesn’t it?”
“Quickest way. We do it with Nate, too.”
“Then why are you mad at me?”
“It’s not right you out-parented us. Now, you better marry this woman, Javier. It’s about damn time you become a father.” 
He scratched at his mustache. “You, uh, think I’d be a good dad?”
She looked at him like he was stupid. 
“Javier, you’ve always been so much help when you stay with us, and the kids adore you. Yeah, you’re gonna be a fantastic father.”
His throat was feeling tight. Steve arrived at Connie’s back, holding a beer. 
“What are y’all whispering about?” the other man quietly asked. 
“Javi being a great dad,” his wife replied, looking over her shoulder at him. 
“Oh, yeah, we’ve known that for years,” Steve said. “We just didn’t think you’d ever pull your head out of your ass and settle down.”
“Didn’t find the right person until now.” Javier shrugged. He peeked into the room, seeing his future wife was still occupied. Turning his head, he told the other two, “Follow me to the guest room. I need to ask you a favor.”
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To be honest, you were really nervous about helping with nap time and stayed a little longer than necessary, rubbing the sleeping three-year-old's back to ensure he truly was passed out.  
There’d been whispers in the hall that hadn’t helped your nerves, wondering what the other three adults were saying amongst themselves and knowing it was probably about you, hoping it was positive. Steve and Connie seemed to like you, and she had trusted you to help with her child, so that was a good sign. They’d disappeared into the guest bedroom, down and across the hall, Connie had pointed out earlier when she gave you a very quick tour. 
You figured it was probably safe to leave now, ensuring the toddler was tucked in under his dark blue blanket before you’d gotten up and quietly tip-toed out of the door you closed behind you with a soft click. 
It didn’t take too many steps to get to where the guest room door was cracked open, with light spilling out into the hallway, and muffled voices could be heard. You entered, finding your boyfriend and the other couple huddled at the foot of the queen-sized bed directly in front of you.
The walls were painted a soothing greige, the greyish-beige color accented by the eggshell white ceiling, trim, and doors for the closet and en suite. An interesting choice was the wrought iron bed frame that looked old and out of place alongside the nice newer black bedside tables and dresser across from it and the stone-colored armless accent chair in the corner—even the lamps were modern, making the dark, possibly rusting, iron stick out like a sore thumb. The large framed photos of ocean waves crashing and rolling decorating the walls made up for it, though, enjoying the room's atmosphere. 
Javi’s head turned toward you, and he smiled. “Hey, baby.” He took a couple of steps to grab your hand and pulled you over to the Murphys. 
“What were you guys talking about?” you asked. 
“Going to the beach tomorrow,” Connie answered with a big smile. “Olivia’s staying home from school, and we were thinking we’d spend the day there.” 
That made you grin. “I’d love that!” Javi pulled you into his side. 
Your bags were on the ground in front of the dresser. 
“I know,” your boyfriend said, kissing your hair. 
It had warm fuzziness spreading through your veins at how thoughtful they were. 
“Well, glad we’ve got that figured out,” Connie announced, clapping her hands together. “Javi knows, but let me show you where everything is.”
She took you into the pretty standard bathroom—the combination shower/bathtub against the furthest wall from the door with a floral printed shower curtain on a golden rod; the bathroom vanity on your right as you walked in, painted white with a similar color laminate countertop and sink with red handles to open the drawers and cabinets under the sink, a large mirror hanging on the wall above it, and the toilet in the space between it and bath. She opened the doors under the sink so you could see where the towels and washcloths were kept and led you back into the bedroom to open the closet door so you knew where the extra blankets were. 
“—and I’m sorry about the bed.” Connie grimaced. 
“Yeah,” Javi interjected. “What happened to the old bed frame?” His hands were on the top of the footboard that looked like a wide, upside-down U made out of a thick pipe, with two smaller ones going across and others connecting those two in the middle. He gave it a little shake, the metal squeaking loudly.
“Steve saw this—” She pointed at it. “—and said it reminded him of a bed he’d slept in at his grandparents, and he just had to buy it. He thought it’d look great in here.” 
“Right…” Javi replied, turning his head, and even though all you could see was the back of it, you knew he was glaring at his friend.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Steve asked, crossing his arms. “I have fond memories of spending time with ‘ol peepaw and granny. Like when he’d take me duck hunting.” 
You were pretty sure you heard Javi mutter, “Fuckin’ hillbilly.”
Obviously, he was not happy about the sounds the bed was making, and you were a little disappointed about it, too—he hadn’t been joking about Steve hating you fucking in here. 
The blonde man was smirking. “What was that?” 
“I said it’s great you’ve got fond memories,” Javi sighed, looking forward again with the fingers of one hand pressed to his forehead. 
“So,” Connie began, “again, I’m sorry about how squeaky the bed is—”
“I’m not,” Steve interrupted, which earned him a middle finger from your boyfriend, whom the blonde man simply laughed at. 
“I’m sure it’s not that bad,” you said, trying to keep things civil. 
“Hopefully,” the other woman replied with a nervous smile. “Well, we’re gonna get out of your hair ‘cause I’m sure you wanna freshen up after your flight.” 
“If it’s okay with you guys, I might take a cat nap after I shower. Getting up so early and traveling has exhausted me.” 
“Oh, that’s absolutely fine, honey.” She checked her watch. “We’ve got a little over an hour before Olivia is home, and the boys will sleep until right before she gets home. Come on, Steve, let’s leave them alone.” 
“Yes, dear,” her husband answered, following her as she walked out of the room, Javi moving to close and lock the door after them. 
He turned around with a grumpy expression, letting out a loud, long sigh. 
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think it is,” you told him as you took a couple of steps to the bed and started getting on it—immediately, high-pitched squeaks sounded with any kind of movement you made on the mattress. “Okay, so it’s worse than your bed at your dad’s…” 
“He did this on purpose,” he seethed, putting his hands on his slim hips while all his weight went to one side. 
You were lying on your side with your head propped up on your arm to look at him standing over by the door. 
“Uh, yeah, that’s obvious. It was a lot of effort to put into cock blocking you. He really doesn’t like the idea of you fucking under his roof.” 
“I told you he’d hate it—didn’t think he’d do this.” He pouted. 
You didn’t like how upset he was, and you had a great idea of how to cheer him up. 
Ignoring the ear-splitting sounds as you got up from the bed.
“Keep standing there, looking pretty. I’ll be right back.” 
You saw the confusion on his face for only a moment before you were walking around the front of the bed and away from him to go through the bathroom door beside the dresser. In seconds, you were back in the bedroom and tossing a white towel onto the grey chair in the corner on the other side of the en suite door. 
“Are you taking a shower?” he asked, watching with curiosity as you moved toward him, his eyes on yours. 
“Not right now,” you answered. “I’ve got more important things to do.” 
Finally, you were in his space. “Like what?” 
“You,” you answered, grabbing him by his open collar and tugging him toward you to crush your mouth against his, swallowing his moan. His arm went around your waist, the other hand on your back, allowing you to lick into his mouth, his tongue eagerly moving with yours in a familiar dance you both knew all too well. 
Arousal was burning in your belly, feeling your heartbeat at the apex of your thighs, your need for him seeping into your underwear. 
Your fingers started working open the buttons on his shirt. 
“We can’t fuck on the bed,” he breathily said between kisses, a big palm grabbing your ass. 
“The chair,” you replied, nipping at his bottom lip. 
Suddenly, he was pulling back to look you in the eyes, his reddened lips glistening from spit while his shirt was unbuttoned, hanging open. 
“The fucking chair,” he rasped, a look on his face like he was only just realizing. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. “There’s also the floor, the counter in the bathroom, the shower, and the clear space at the wall right there—” You pointed behind where the door opened. “—if you were in the mood for wall sex, but you’re really upset about the bed—” You rubbed your hands up his bare chest. “—so I thought you’d enjoy getting ridden on the chair.” 
His lips turned up in a toothy grin. “I love you so fucking much.” He kissed you quickly.
You matched his expression, looping your arms around his neck. “I love you, too, and I’m not letting a sabotaged bed stop me from getting dicked down. We just have to be… creative and quiet.” 
His eyes darkened, the pink of his tongue peeking out for a second, and when he spoke, his voice had gone deeper and raspier. “You’re not tired,” he said matter-of-factly, his arm pulling you into him so your bodies were flush.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p.’
“You don’t want to take a nap.” 
“I don’t want to take a nap,” you confirmed. 
His fingers slid along your cheek until he cradled your face, his gaze stuck to yours. “You want me to fuck you.” 
“Very much.” 
His head moved until his lips were grazing yours, nuzzling your nose with his. “What got you so worked up you couldn’t wait until we went to bed tonight, Cielito?” 
His proximity was fanning the flames of arousal inside you, making your entire body heat, your nipples tighten, and your lips tingle where his barely touched.
Snaking your hand between your bodies, you palmed his hard cock straining against the zipper of his pants. “Probably the same thing that has you hard as a rock—I can’t stop thinking about having babies with you.” 
“Fuck,” he groaned, thrusting into your hand. “I can’t fucking wait.” 
“To get me pregnant?” you purred, stroking him over his jeans. “Or to fuck me?”
“Both,” he growled, grabbing the hem of your oversized shirt and saying as he roughly pulled it up and off your arms to land carelessly on the floor, “and you fucking know it.” You did, and it made your pussy throb. 
“I do.” You helped him shrug off his button-up, your hands going to his belt next. “And I can’t fucking wait either.” The buckle clinked as you effortlessly worked it open and unbuttoned his jeans, hearing the teeth pull apart as you unzipped them. 
Warm palms held your face to make you meet the dark pools of his eyes. 
“To get pregnant,” his voice had gone lower, seeing his tongue quickly wet his bottom lip. “Or for me to fuck you?” 
His pants were undone, and with there being no underwear in your way, you reached in and took him in hand, his shaft feeling like steel wrapped in heated velvet—hot, hard, and silky to the touch. A thrill moved through you at his mouth falling open and eyes closing, his groan going straight to your cunt. 
“Both,” you answered. 
One word and he became ravenous, desperate, smashing his mouth to yours in a passionate kiss while he went about undressing you as he walked you backward toward the chair—your bra getting tossed somewhere to your left, his lips leaving yours and stopping long enough for him to tug down your leggings and underwear in one fell swoop. He ghosted kisses up your body when he rose again until your mouths were attached once more, continuing the journey to the corner chair, his arm holding you around your middle to help guide you, your hands hanging onto his shoulders. 
He spoke between presses of his lips to yours, “You looked so fucking perfect holding the kid…. You’re gonna be an amazing mother to our children…. I need you so fucking bad…. I wanna give you a baby…. Let me fuck a baby into you…. Please.” The last bits made you moan into his mouth, your nails digging into his skin. 
The lines were blurred, and you weren’t sure if this was him leaning into the kink you shared or if he was being serious. It was true you couldn’t wait to get pregnant, but you both were well aware the apartment you lived in wasn’t big enough for the addition of a baby and had been actively working with one of the only two architects in town to design the home you planned to build. There was also the fact you wanted to get married first, and the proposal was months away. As much as you both wanted a child, you couldn’t start trying for another year at minimum.
Why were you overthinking this? You would just have a discussion with him after the sex to make sure you were both on the same page. 
“God, yes,” you gasped. “I want it.” 
The soft fabric of the chair hit the back of your legs, his big hands gripping your asscheeks, murmuring against your lips, “Let me eat your pussy first.” 
“Later,” came your muffled reply. “This has to be quick, so we don’t get caught.” 
You could feel him frowning before he broke away. 
“I don’t fucking care if we get caught.” His eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips were turned down.
What he said made you sigh, another thing that had you overthinking. “I know you don’t care,” you kept your tone as gentle as possible, rubbing your hands over his bare back. “But I do. They’ve been your friends for years and already love you. I’m only just meeting them, and I don’t want to give them a bad first impression. Yeah, I’m okay with going against Steve’s wishes and fucking here, only as long as he doesn’t know. Does that make sense?” 
“Yeah, I get it. I’m sorry.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. “I was an asshole for even thinking of letting us get caught.”
“It’s okay.” Your hands skated along his naked sides. “Now, let’s get back to the sexy—I am so horny.” 
His hand fell. “Do you need me to finger you?” 
“I think I’m wet enough. One second, though.” You held up a finger before turning around and spreading the towel over the seat. Facing him again, you ordered, “Pants off, Mr. Peña, and sit,” and moved out of his way. 
He huffed out an amused breath, pushing down his jeans. “As you wish, Mrs. Peña.” Stepping out of them, a pained groan slipped from his throat as he straightened, taking the seat as you requested. 
The armless chair was about as wide as a dining room chair with some cushioning and a channel-stitched back, covered in grey velvet, the wooden legs painted black. Javi sat down, getting comfortable as he sat back and spread his legs. 
The sight before you had your mouth going dry. 
His lust-filled gaze was looking up at you, taking in the broad shoulders, the expanse of his golden chest down to his soft tummy, where below his belly button, a trail of hair led your eyes to his big hand slowly stroking his hard cock; the tip was red and shining from the steady dribble of precum leaking from it, that he was using to ease the glide of his palm—he was the perfect picture of seduction and you were under his spell, willing to do anything he wanted.
A crooked smile appeared under his mustache. 
“You wanna watch me jerk off?” he asked. “Or are you gonna ride me?” 
The questions snapped you out of your reverie. 
“Sorry,” you quickly apologized, stepping to stand between his widened knees. “You’re just so sexy, and you know, watching you jerk off really gets me going.” 
“I know, mi amor (my love),” he chuckled. 
His hand left his dick, the long shaft resting against the coarse hair on his belly. Gently, he tugged you by the arm down for a kiss, and you took over, slowly stroking him at the odd angle, making him groan into your mouth when you went lower to fondle his sack, his large palm reaching around to trace the curve of your ass before giving it a squeeze.
On occasion, your husband-to-be had the tendency to get caught up in kissing—Javi loved kissing, so when he pulled you forward by your backside, your arms went around his neck for balance, and you welcomed his tongue when it pressed between your lips. His palms slid up your sides to rest on your ribs as he plundered your mouth, your heart hammering in your chest, feeling slick coating your inner thighs. 
The needy ache in your core got worse and worse with every passing minute, finally getting to the point where you had to get him inside you, or there was a chance you were going to combust from the pent-up tension. 
You broke away, his lips chasing yours. 
“I need you,” you panted. 
His eyes met yours, his pupils blown so wide that only a thin sliver of chocolate brown remained. 
“Okay,” he said through heavy breaths with a nod. “I’ve got you, baby. Stand up.” 
You did as he said, watching as he spit on his fingers and rubbed the saliva onto his cock, doing it a couple of times until his entire length glistened in the bright overhead light. 
Once satisfied, his hands were on your upper thighs as he helped you get one leg over his onto the ground beside the chair, then the other to have you standing on either side of him and straddling his hips. Not wasting any more time, you reached between your legs, guiding him to your entrance, and slowly lowered. That first stretch always stole your breath, resting your arms on his freckled shoulders, one of his going around your back to bring you flush to his front, his free hand skating down your back to grip one plump cheek of your ass. 
Javi’s eyes had squeezed shut, his breath hitching, feeling how your walls were having to make space for the girth of him and relishing the slight burn from the lack of foreplay. He wasn’t even halfway in, and you rose until only the tip remained, dropping again to take a little more, doing the same thing over and over, taking more of him each time until he was fully seated inside you. 
The familiar fullness made you smile, a deep sigh leaving you at how good it felt. Your skin was buzzing just below the surface, your body hot all over, sweat beginning to form on your brow, and you were in heaven. 
His face was against your collarbone, his warm breath hitting your skin. “You feel so fucking good,” his voice was muffled, the hand on your ass tightening. “Fuck, te amo (I love you). No sé cuánto tiempo voy a durar (I don’t know how long I'll last). Úsame para hacerte venir (Use me to make yourself come). Úsame, por favor (Use me, please). ¿Puedes hacer eso por mí, Cielito (Can you do that for me, Cielito)? ¿Puedes hacerte sentir bien (Can you make yourself feel good)?” 
“Sí (Yes),” you answered. “Sí, Papí (Yes, Papí).” 
His chest rumbled under you from his groan, a hand coming down on your ass in a sharp slap that made you clench around him. 
“Monta me (Ride me),” he ordered, smacking your backside again. “Monta me duro, mi amor (Ride me hard, my love).” 
Grabbing the hair at the back of his head, you pulled on it as you straightened your spine to make him look at you, his eyes heavy-lidded when they blinked open, while yours narrowed in a glare. 
“Javier, stop smacking my ass,” you hissed. “We have to be quiet, and you better make sure I don’t get too loud.” 
His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. 
“Lo siento, cariño (I’m sorry, sweetheart).” His warm hands rubbed along the sides of your spine. “Prometo, estar más callado y evitar que hagas mucho ruido (I promise, I will be quieter and keep you from making too much noise).”
“Thank you,” you replied, pushing his hair back from his face. Leaning in close, you gave him a gentle peck on his lips and the tip of his nose. “If you come before me, it’s fine—it would probably take me with you, anyway.” 
“Fuck,” he breathed, feeling him twitch inside you. “With how you’re soaking my dick, I think you’ll get off pretty fucking fast.” 
“Probably.” You shrugged and started rolling your hips, watching in delight as his mouth fell open in a moan and his body shuddered. 
His arm wrapped around your waist, the other hand holding your jaw, keeping his eyes locked on yours, your own arm over his shoulder, and free hand caressing the side of his face. Both of you were sharing in the pleasure, your bodies fitting together so perfectly like two puzzle pieces, breathing each other in, losing yourselves in this moment. 
He wanted you to use him to make yourself feel good, so you did. 
Standing made it easy to rise on your legs, sliding up his hard cock to leave only the head and fall back down, thrusting your hips forward on the downstroke to take him to the hilt and make him raggedly groan. 
Heat was blooming in your belly, getting hotter with every second you worked yourself on his dick. He pulled you in for a kiss, and you slowed to a grind, the rough curls at the base of his cock rubbing deliciously against the swollen bud of your clit, adding gasoline to the fire inside you.
Like this, he was in so deep you were sure you could probably feel him if you pressed on your stomach, and you knew if he knew that, he’d be a smug bastard about it, which was valid.
You started moving again, the kissing becoming sporadic as you rode him in earnest, your arousal spilling down his shaft to coat his balls. His fingers were digging into the cheeks of your ass, his arms flexing as he gave you momentum and helped you move. 
The two of you were trying your best to stay quiet and hold back your sounds, Javi’s face flushed and forehead wet with sweat, both unable to keep some noise from slipping out. The loudest sound was between your legs, hearing the wet suck of your slick gushing around him when his dick pushed into your drenched hole. 
Something about fucking in places where there was a chance of getting caught really turned you and him on. Add in, you were told without explicitly being told you weren’t allowed to have sex here, and the higher risk had you rocketing toward your orgasm—Javi was right; you were going to get off quick. 
His hands went to your tits, his thick fingers zeroing in on your pebbled nipples, pinching and rolling them before his mouth's hot, wet heat pulled one stiff peak into his mouth. 
“God, yes,” you moaned, pleasure shooting directly to your cunt as you bounced on his thick cock. 
The muscles in your belly were tightening, adjusting your hips so every time you sunk down, he was pressing into that one spot that dotted your vision with stars, his mouth giving your other breast the same treatment. 
This all felt amazing, but there was something you needed…
“Touch me,” you panted, rising and falling in his lap.
His head popped up, glazed over eyes looking at your face.  
“Anywhere?” he breathily asked, and the question made you stifle a moan. 
“I’ll get you there.” And you had no doubt. 
He started with tweaking your wet nipple, roughly pinching it, his other hand going between your bodies to rub his thumb against your sensitive clit, the sensations feeling like electricity arcing up your spine, making your rhythm stutter for a moment—the heat in your stomach was growing and getting hotter, the closer you were to your climax. 
“Hang onto my neck,” he told you.
“Lean forward and hold onto my neck.” 
You did as he said, pressing into his front and hanging onto him. 
His hand on your breast moved to cup your bottom, and he adjusted in the seat, grunting as he sat up, the chair creaking beneath him. Your tempo slowed while he continued circling your bundle of nerves with one hand, his other arm reaching around your thigh to spread two fingers around where his cock was impaling you, feeling how he was stretching you open.
“Your tight little pussy takes my dick so well,” he spoke into your breasts with how you were raised up on your feet, his cock halfway inside you. “I swear I was fucking made for you.” 
A moan slipped from your lips unbidden when those same fingers slid through the abundance of your slick on his length and continued up, swiping along the edges of your puckered hole, causing sparks to dance in your center. One thick finger slowly pushed into the tight ring of muscle to the first knuckle, your eyes rolling back in your head and toes curling at the added fullness, biting your lip to keep yourself from making any noise. You worked yourself faster on his dick, tilting your pelvis so he was pressing into all of the right spots, his digit fucking in and out of you at the same pace, it all making you go dizzy with pleasure. 
Your inner walls were fluttering. 
“Come on, baby,” he rasped, not stopping what he was doing. “Once you come, I’m gonna fill you up.” His head lifted. “Gonna fuck you full of me.” He kissed your clavicle, maintaining your pace. “Stuff you so full of my come, I knock you up.” You whimpered and were almost there. “Isn’t that what you want?” His fingers were still circling your clit and pushing in and out of your asshole, your hips rolling on his cock. “For me to finally get you pregnant?” he asked. “I’ll fuck a baby into you, Cielito, all you have to do is ask.” 
And you knew he meant it, the thought entering your mind that you could throw out your birth control today, and odds were he’d have you pregnant by next month—that was what made you crest, sitting all the way down in his lap as you came, your body tensing up tight as euphoria exploded out from your center, spreading through your system. His hand on your front was suddenly over your mouth to smother your loud cry, your body trembling as you slumped into him. 
“Good girl,” his words came out thick and rough. “You’re so good to me.” 
Your chest was heaving, enjoying the aftershocks and the feel of your cunt spasming around his dick that was still hard inside you. 
His hand left your lips to ghost up and down your spine, and he removed the finger from your ass. 
“This baby stuff is getting dangerous,” you sounded drunk, slurring your words, your face in the crook of his neck. 
“Our breeding kinks. You wanna know the thing that fucking got me?” 
Leaning back to look him in the eyes, you told him, “The thought that if I tossed my birth control today, you’d probably have me pregnant by next month.” His cock jerked hard inside you. “I got off on you being fucking virile.” 
His eyes were practically black, licking his lips before he spoke. “We, uh—” He cleared his throat. “—we, uh, could test your theory…?” The hope was there on his face, and it made you feel like utter shit to have to deny him of his dream. This man wanted to be a father so fucking bad, and you more than wanted to make him one. It just wasn’t feasible at this point in time.
You held his face in your hands, stroking your thumbs over his cheeks. 
“Javi, I love you,” you started. “I want to have all of your babies, but as we both know, the apartment is too small for us and a baby. There’s also the whole I want us to be married thing, too.” 
“Pop said we can move in with him while the house is being built, and we’ll be married before a baby is born.” He sounded very sure of himself. 
Your eyebrow lifted. “How are you so positive we’ll be married in less than ten months?” 
He smiled. “Because you pre-accepted my proposal and told me you didn’t want a big wedding.” 
That was something you told him. 
Standing in front of a giant room full of people you actually only knew a fraction of and being the center of attention sounded like a literal nightmare scenario. A tiny wedding with only close friends and family in attendance was something more your speed—hell, eloping seemed like a goddamn dream. 
It hit you then the possibility of how soon the two of you could be married, and excitement bubbled up inside you, doing the first thing that came to mind and kissing him deeply, cradling his smooth cheeks in your palms. His lips were soft and plush, his tongue delving into your mouth with a moan, it turning into one of those kisses that drove you wild. 
You needed to make him feel good. You needed him to feel your love and happiness.
His dick was still throbbing in your pussy, and you started rolling your hips, his hands cupping your backside, keeping you in charge of the rhythm while he assisted in your movements. 
The way he liked it when you were on top was for you to go hard and fast, so you lifted and slammed back down in quick succession. It was slippery between your thighs, his cock sliding easily in and out of your wet heat, the kisses turning messy with how you were moving on him. 
In this position with both of you sitting up, you could get him to come pretty quickly if you sloppily made out with him and occasionally clenched your cunt around his cock; he’d say that was playing dirty if this was a regular romp, but under current circumstances, they were legal maneuvers like how he toyed with your clit and put a finger in your ass. These were all finishing moves that generally only came into play during quickies, though, when he was in the mood to make you come multiple times, he was liberal in their usage—and every time you were about to utilize a move, the fatality screen from Mortal Kombat came to mind, hearing in your brain the announcer say, “Finish Him.” 
His eyebrows were knitted together, and his eyes were closed, the effort he was putting into being quiet causing pitiful whines to escape his throat. He was tense beneath you, every muscle in his body pulled taut like a bowstring close to snapping, and you knew he was almost there, clenching up around him on your downstrokes. 
“‘M close,” he murmured, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your behind and spreading your cheeks while helping you rise and fall.  
“Yeah?” you replied through heavy breaths. “I want you to come for me, Javi.” Your kiss landed on the side of his mouth. “I love you.” This kiss made it onto his lips. “I want to marry you, have your children, and spend the rest of my life with you.” 
He pressed his face into your chest, kissing what he could while you moved up and down—over the tops of your breasts, along your collarbones, up the line of your throat; all the while, he was saying against your skin, “Te amo (I love you). Me voy a casar contigo (I’m going to marry you). Te voy a dar todos los hijos que quieras (I will give you as many children as you want). Voy a pasar el resto de mi vida contigo (I’m going to spend the rest of my life with you). Fuck, te sientes tan bien (you feel so good). Eres perfecta (You’re perfect). No puedo esperar a verte embarazada (I can’t wait to see you pregnant).”  
“Embarazada con tu bebé (Pregnant with your baby),” you panted. 
A strangled noise came from him, shoving his face in your neck to mute it as he pulled you down to completely bury himself inside you. His teeth sunk into the spot where your neck met your shoulder, and you hissed at the pleasurable pain; his dick thickened, feeling it jerk, and the familiar wet pulse of spurts and spurts of his come gushing deep in your depths to fill you. 
You ran your fingers through his sweat-damp hair, his heaving breaths hot against your skin as he soothed over the bite with kisses, your own chest rising and falling rapidly, his arms hugging you close to him. 
The solutions he had so you could have a baby were rolling around in your head, and you wondered if it really would be that easy. 
Chucho would be over the goddamn moon if you guys temporarily moved in with him, and then a baby on top of that? His first nieto (grandchild)? The thing he constantly brought up? Chucho wanted to be a grandfather just as bad as Javi wanted to be a dad, and you knew he’d do anything for you both. 
Why were nerves fluttering around in your belly? You should be ecstatic, but there was a voice in your brain that sounded a lot like your mother pointing out you haven’t even been together a year. For all intents and purposes, you were still in the honeymoon stage of your relationship, and that’d have to end at some point. Would you both still feel the same after a year has passed? Two? Five? Ten? Would he still be as attracted to you after your body changed from pregnancy? 
These questions were stressing you out. 
He hummed in reply. 
“You know how you feel about me right now. Do you think you’ll still feel that way in a year?” 
His head came up with his eyebrows pulled together. 
“Yeah?” he answered. 
“What about in two years?” 
He was giving you a look like the answer was obvious. 
“Cielito, I’m gonna love you like this for the rest of my fucking life.” 
Your voice was small, “How can you be sure?” 
His hands had started rubbing comforting circles on your hips, looking at you with a tender gaze. 
“I’m my father’s kid,” he said, “and when we find the person meant for us, that’s it; it’s game over. We dedicate our lives to them, and we love them so fucking deeply we feel it in our souls—this is going to sound stupid, but Pop says we’re penguins.” 
“Yeah, he watched some nature documentary and found out they mate for life—we’re penguins.” 
It made you grin. “That is the absolute cutest shit I have ever heard.” 
He smiled. “I knew you’d like it. Does that make you feel better?” 
“Yes,” you answered truthfully. “We’re mated for life.” 
“Yeah, we are, and I know it’s not gonna be all sunshine and rainbows. We’ll have our ups and downs like all couples do, but there’s no one else I’d rather go through the good and bad with.” The look on his face changed to something unsure. “Do you, uh, think your feelings will change?” 
“I don’t think so. My love for you is so embedded inside me that it sometimes feels like you’ve always been with me, and I just didn’t know. So, I think I’m a penguin, too.” 
He chuckled, leaning in to sweetly kiss you. When his lips left yours, he nuzzled your face. 
“Anything else you need reassurance about?” he gently asked with his nose sliding along yours. 
“Um, the other thing was if you’d still be attracted to my body post-pregnancy…” 
A thing you loved about Javi was how you could basically tell what he was thinking from the expression on his face, and right this second, as he stared at you, he was trying to work out how to politely tell you it was stupid to think he’d find you unattractive after having his baby.
“Are you talking about the body that grew our baby and kept them safe for nine months?” he asked, and yeah, you realized now how dumb it was to think something so absurd. “Yeah, I’m still gonna be attracted to you,” he continued, “the woman I love, who made me a father. I’m not gonna care about stretch marks or if you put on weight or any of the other shit that’ll change. You did something fucking incredible, and honestly, it makes me hard thinking about you being pregnant, so if there are things to remind me of that, I’m probably gonna be all over you constantly. Feel better?” 
That eased your worries. 
“Much.” You gave him a quick peck on the lips. “Thank you. Now, let’s go take a shower.” You started to move, and he stopped you. 
Hope was swirling in his eyes. “Is this a yes to a baby?” 
“This is a maybe on the baby, and we will need to have a long discussion with your father.” 
The smile he gave you was so blinding, you were sure it outshined the sun, a joyous laugh coming from him as he hugged you into his arms and squeezed you tight. 
“I’m so fucking happy.” The emotion was heavy in his voice. “Thank you so much.” He sniffled in your ear. 
Your hands slid over his back. “Don’t thank me yet. It’s not set in stone.” 
He pulled back, his eyes rimmed red, tears falling down his cheeks. 
“No,” he replied. “Thank you for loving me and being with me and wanting to have kids with me. I know it’s not a sure thing, but it’s the fact there’s a chance.” His voice cracked when he said the last word, his shoulders shaking. 
“Oh, babe.” You wrapped your arms around him and held him close to your body. 
This reaction for a maybe made you want to throw all caution to the wind and say fuck it, and just start trying, the rational part of your brain telling you to cool your jets. It was an angel and demon on your shoulders situation, with you leaning toward the baby, and it wasn’t going to help that the two of you would be around children for the next few days. 
The way Javi interacted with Stevie? Almost killed you. He was so sweet, and the child clearly loved him so much it had your ovaries aching. Three days, you were going to have to watch him with the Murphy kids, and you weren’t sure if you were going to survive or keep from throwing your birth control in the trash. 
You had to be strong. 
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Javier knew this trip would be important since he was bringing his wif-girlfriend to meet his best friend’s family. He just didn’t expect also to get the news they might be able to start trying for a baby sooner than they had planned. 
Don’t get him wrong, he was excited about having their house built and getting to have a say in the design, but they were looking at twelve to fourteen months before it’d be ready to move into, and he did not want to wait that long to start their family—he was feeling… impatient. He’d already wasted enough of his life, and with him turning fucking forty on Sunday, he’d been plagued with thoughts of how many years he had left above ground. 
A couple of weeks ago, his therapist told him he was having a mid-life crisis, which he scoffed at because he sure as hell wasn’t buying some expensive sports car or chasing women half his age—he outright owned his dependable truck and was more than happy in his amazing and healthy relationship with a woman slightly younger than him. Then the therapist went for his jugular over why he’d begun wrestling with feelings of his mortality and how it started with him planning their trip to Miami and thinking about the Murphys and Cielito. What it boiled down to was he regretted the time he lost to his job and now felt unfulfilled that, at his age, he didn’t have a family of his own like Steve. 
The guy was right, and it annoyed him. 
It gave him a swift kick in the ass to figure out some things, though. 
Like how he went out to his dad’s last Tuesday after work to have a beer with him and ask if he was serious about them living with him if they were ever expecting and their home was still under construction—he said yes, and told Javier when Cielito eventually got pregnant he was planning to turn the guest bedroom into a nursery anyway. 
There was also the ring box he rolled up in a pair of socks tucked away at the bottom of the duffle bag he brought.  
He was ready to make some big changes, and by the end of this trip, he hoped more than anything he’d have a fiancée. 
After he got all of his happy tears out, they kissed and got off of the chair to take a shower, stopping on the way for her to grab her toiletry bag from her luggage. 
They washed each other and stole kisses, his hands wandering over her soapy skin with her giggles echoing in the stall. It didn’t take them very long to finish, going through their after-shower routines to get dry and do their hair. They changed into clean clothes, and he put on a lavender-colored button-up and some jeans, his eyes glued to her ass in the high-waisted denim shorts she was wearing as she bent over to put on her socks. He found himself closing the distance in two long strides to grab her hips, carefully bumping and rubbing the front of his pants against her backside. 
“Are you seriously humping me while I put on my socks?” 
He frowned. “I’m not humping you. You’d know if I was humping you.” 
“Fine. Are you seriously grinding on me while I put on my socks?”
She finished what she was doing, her socked feet planted on the floor, standing back up and turning in his arms. 
There was an exasperated look on her face as she smiled. “You’re so fucking ridiculous.” Her arms went around his neck. 
“They’re nice shorts,” he replied, making her laugh when he grabbed handfuls of her ass.
“Well, you’ll be excited to know I only brought shorts and leggings.”
He smirked. “I’m very excited about that.”
“Good. Have we been in here long enough that they’ll believe we showered and napped?”
Checking his watch, he answered, “We’ve been in here about an hour, so I think we’re in the clear.”
The look on her face shifted to something nervous. 
“Do you think we made too much noise?” 
For her comfort, he slid his hands up and down her sides. 
He’d never lie to her, so he told her the truth. “They’re on the opposite side of the house, and between them and us is their master bathroom that’s on the other side of that wall—” He pointed at the wall next to the door to the guest room’s en suite. “—then their walk-in closet, their big fucking bedroom, and finally you’d end up in the kitchen. Unless they used their bathroom or came down the hall to check on the boys, which I doubt because they have the baby monitors, I don’t think they heard anything.” 
“You’re sure?” 
The smile on his face was reassuring. “Yes. I’m not lying, Cielito.” 
She let out a breath, and her body seemed to relax. “Okay, fingers crossed they didn’t hear anything. Let’s head out there.” 
“Bésame antes de irnos, por favor (Kiss me before we go, please),” he said, puckering his lips.
“So polite.” She leaned in to kiss him.
When they separated, he took her hand, leading her out to find his friends. 
They found Steve in the actual living room they used at the back of the house, having to walk through the kitchen and dining room to get to it. There was a massive brown leather sofa in the middle of the room, Steve’s recliner next to it, a coffee table, and a decent-sized television in their entertainment center against the wall in front of the couch that had an abundance of VHS movies aimed towards children, and it looked like Connie had cleaned up after the boys, all of their toys put away in their toy box or back in their designated spots in the part of space designated for the kids. 
Walking in, they were behind the sofa, seeing Steve was watching ESPN and the highlights of a basketball game from the previous night between the Chicago Bulls and Orlando Magic, a beer held in his hand. 
His head turned toward them, his lips turning up in a shit-eating grin. “How’d y'all sleep on the bed?” 
Javier’s eyes narrowed. “Like babies.” 
Cielito moved to stand beside him in his friend’s view. 
Steve sputtered into laughter, and Javier frowned at the sudden outburst. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!” the other man finally said. “Matching shirts?” He looked over at his future wife and her V-neck that was the same lavender color as his, he matched out of habit—all the shirts he brought had counterparts to what she had in her luggage. It was their thing. His friend wiped at his eyes. “Who are you, and what have you done with my asshole of a best friend?”
“I don’t see what the big deal is about us matching,” he replied, crossing his arms. “So what if we like to look good together? Where’s Connie?” 
“Doing laundry.” He nodded toward the door that led to the laundry room, and as if she were summoned, it opened, and she came in holding a large basket full of clothes against her hip with one arm. 
“Oh, great!” she exclaimed. “You’re up!” She paused after shutting the door. “Be honest with me, how bad is the bed? If you can’t sleep on it, I’ll pull out the air mattress.” 
Just the thought of sleeping on an air mattress made Javier’s body ache.  
“It’s pretty squeaky,” Cielito answered. “But we’ll survive. It’s seriously okay.” She waved away the concern.
“If you’re sure.”
Sounds started coming from the baby monitors on the coffee table, Stevie and Nate both in their separate bedrooms calling for their mom.
“Oh,” Connie said. “Looks like the boys are up. I’ll go put the laundry in our bedroom and get them.” 
“Don’t worry about it, Connie,” Javier told her. “I’ll get them.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah,” he replied. “It’s not a problem.” His head turned to the woman next to him. “Do you want to come with me or stay out here?” 
She smiled at him. “I’m sure you can use an extra set of hands—I’ll come with.” 
He nodded with a matching look, taking her hand once more and guiding her back to the hallway where the bedrooms were located. 
First, they stopped in Nate’s room, finding the tiny boy standing at the railing of his crib, crying for his mom. 
“Oh, mi precioso (my precious),” Javier cooed, quickly making his way over and scooping the child up. He held him on his hip, bouncing a little while rubbing his back. “You’re okay, buddy. Shhh, you’re okay. We’ll go see your mom in just a minute.” Turning to look at Cielito, she had a soft expression on her face. “Baby?” She was just staring, and it made him grin. “Mi amor (My love)?” 
She visibly jolted. “Sorry. Yes. Did you say something?”  
“Was trying to get your attention. I need to change his diaper. Do you wanna go get Stevie?” 
“I can get Stevie, yes,” she answered, nodding. “Be right back.” Immediately, she turned and left the room.
Nate had calmed down and wasn’t crying anymore, murmuring mom over and over again with his hand in his mouth. 
“That was your ​​tía (aunt),” he informed the little one as he walked him over to the changing table. “I know you can keep a secret,” he whispered, laying the child on the cushioned top. “I’m gonna propose to her tomorrow.” Grabbing a clean diaper and the wipes from the shelf underneath, he went about changing the toddler. “I figured out how I’m gonna do it last weekend,” he continued talking, his hands working. “So, she’s gonna be your tía, and hopefully soon you’ll have some primos (cousins).” He tossed the dirty diaper into the lidded bin he opened with the foot pedal, the kid now in a clean one as Javier buttoned back up his turquoise onesie with a sleeping long-eared, white, spotted dog on it.  
“Who’s that?” Came his soon-to-be fiancée’s voice from the doorway. He turned his head to see her holding the other boy in her arm while she pointed at him with a smile. 
“Tío!” Stevie shouted, grinning. “Tío and Nate!”
Javier picked up the younger of the two children and smiled. 
“That’s right, buddy,” he said, turning toward them. “Who’s holding you?” 
The three-year-old pressed his finger against Cielito’s chest. “Tía!”
“Good job!” He was close to them now, affectionately ruffling the kid’s dirty blonde hair with his hand and making him laugh. “You’re so smart.” 
Stevie held out his arms to Javier, and he quickly took him in his free arm, both boys sitting comfortably on each of his hips.
“Oh, no,” his future wife breathed, staring at him with wide eyes. 
Concern was etched on his brow. “What?” 
“My ovaries feel like they’re gonna explode.”
“Is that a bad thing…?” He wasn’t sure. 
“For my self-control? Yes. For you getting that thing you want really bad? No.” 
“What thing do I want…?” 
Her answer was to point at Nate, and his heartbeat stuttered, sucking in a breath.
This meant she really was contemplating them not waiting to have a baby, and it made hope swell in his chest. He didn’t want to be an asshole and deliberately wear down her resolve. Still, he also couldn’t control how he usually interacted with the Murphy kids, which apparently was getting to her—it made him happy that she was so affected by him being great with the children. He was beginning to think this trip was going to show her that he’d be a decent father.
He didn’t have a chance to respond, hearing from down the hall in the living room, Olivia shouting, “Is he here?!”
She must’ve just gotten home from school. 
“Sissy’s home!” Stevie exclaimed. 
“It sounds like she is,” Javier replied. “Let’s go see her.” He looked at Cielito. “Ready to meet the oldest?” 
Running footsteps could be heard as they made their way out of the room, his wif-girlfriend behind him on their journey toward the sound of voices. The young girl seemed to have run to where her father was in the living room because she came speeding back through the dining room that connected it to the front sitting area and finally found them. 
“Tío!” Olivia had a big grin, missing a couple of baby teeth in the front, throwing her arms around his middle when she reached him, hugging him hard. 
“Hola, mi sobrina (Hi, my niece). Lo siento, no tengo brazos para abrazarte en este momento (I’m sorry, I don’t have arms to hug you right now).”
Steve and Connie felt that Olivia should learn Spanish and had enrolled her in after-school classes for it since she first started going to school. Her dad’s Spanish was shit, and her mom’s wasn’t much better, so any time she needed help with homework she’d call Javier.  
“Está bien (It’s okay). Estoy feliz que estás aquí (I’m happy you’re here).”
Connie was walking up, having come from the kitchen. Nate immediately reached toward her and chanted Mom.
“I’m here, baby,” she said, taking him from Javier and returning to where she’d been. 
With a hand free, he patted Olivia’s back. 
“Hi, Sissy!” Stevie greeted. 
“Hi, Stevie,” she replied. 
“¿Cómo te fue en la escuela (How was school)?” Javier asked the nine-year-old. 
She let go of him to look up and meet his eyes. 
“Bien (Good). Aprendí sobre (I learned about), ¿cómo se dice dinosaurs (how do you say dinosaurs)?”
“Los dinosaurios. ¿Qué te enseñaban sobre los dinosaurios (What did they teach you about dinosaurs)?”
“Oh, my teacher wasn’t teaching us about dinosaurs today,” she said, switching to English. “I don’t know what she was teaching.” The girl shrugged. “I was too busy reading this book I got in the library about dinosaurs.”
He smiled. 
“Which dinosaur is your favorite?” 
“Triceratops! They could take on T-Rexes. I want to look for dinosaur fossils when I’m older!”
“You want to be a paleontologist?” 
She looked confused. “What’s a pale—a palien-tol-gist?”
“Paleontologist,” he said slower. “They’re scientists who study fossils.” 
“Yes, I want to do that!” She nodded enthusiastically. 
“Sissy!” Stevie loudly called, bouncing in Javier’s hold. “Sissy!” 
“Yes, Stevie?” 
“Tía’s gonna make cookies with me!” 
Confusion was on her face again. “Tía?” 
It made him realize he hadn’t introduced the young girl to his other half. 
“Yes, your tía,” Javier told her and moved the toddler from one arm to the other so he could wrap the free one around Cielito’s waist. “Olivia, I want you to meet the woman I’ve told you about who I’m gonna marry.” He introduced her to Cielito. 
“Oh! Cielito!” She looked over at the older woman. “Hi!” She waved.
Cielito was smiling. “Hi,” she replied. “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, too. I wanna make cookies! What kind?”
“Chocolate chip.” 
“My favorite!” 
“Mine, too.” 
“Cookies!” Stevie shouted, making Javier snort and his future wife giggle. 
“Better head to the kitchen,” Javier said. 
“Yeah,” Cielito responded. “Let’s all go make cookies. You too, Olivia.” 
“Yes!” The girl did little jumps of excitement. 
In the kitchen, they found the ingredients for the cookies waiting for them on the counter, Connie having already gotten them out along with measuring cups and spoons, a large bowl, and an electric hand mixer. Hands were washed, including Stevie’s, who had a little stool to stand on so he could help as well as a toddler could. 
Cielito entranced the children as she walked them through step by step how to make the cookie dough, and Javier left the room for only a minute to run to the bedroom and grab his camera. 
She had Stevie in front of her on the stool, holding the toddler’s little hand to help him scoop the flour and sugar into the bowl, and Olivia next to her. She showed the young girl how to crack the eggs, and when they got to adding the chocolate chips, they all took handfuls to snack on—and through it all, Javier took pictures, getting candids of them laughing and others where he asked them to look and smile at him, Stevie always grinning big and saying cheese. 
Baking with a three-year-old was chaotic with how he wanted to touch and get into everything, but Cielito handled it like a champ and had the patience of a saint. 
It all had him thinking about their future, easily picturing her doing this same thing with their own kids. It reminded him of how some of his favorite memories growing up were cooking with his mom, and it made his eyes burn that his children would get to have similar experiences.
What he has known, and was being proven right, was he’s found his perfect match and the person he was supposed to spend his life with. 
From the moment he met her, there was something about her, some kind of pull—he was drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and as he got to know her, she engulfed him, and he fell hard. After their first date, on his drive home, he experienced something new: he imagined what his future would look like with her in it. A lifetime played out in his mind of them dating, getting engaged, married, buying a house, getting a dog, and he’d never felt so much hope before. 
He didn’t think he had a chance in hell to make it a reality. He was positive he’d fuck it up before the third date. 
By some miracle, he didn’t. 
When he thought about those first few dates, the second was when he fell in love with her—that was when he knew she was it. By the third date, he knew he was going to marry her. 
A thing about Javier was when he put his mind to something, he got it done, and he didn’t like to waste time—this evidently also included relationships. He fucked up when he said he’d propose on their anniversary because there was no way he was going to be able to wait that long—and he cracked quicker than an egg hitting a wall. 
How could he not when she was so perfect?
Life was dull before her, empty; he always felt like something was missing. She was what was missing, filling that space inside him, turning everything vibrant and lively. There were an infinite number of ways their lives could’ve played out, and he knew in every single one the path he chose would always lead him back to her—they were meant to find each other. 
His love for her burned brighter than the brightest star in the night sky, and she was a part of him now—he could feel her burrowed deep down in his bones to the point there was no him without her any longer. She was his first and the only love of his life; there was no one before, and there wouldn’t be anyone after because she was the one for him. 
And when he held her, he held the entire world in his arms. 
She was his world. 
She was everything. 
And in less than twenty-four hours, she would hopefully say yes when he asked a particular question while holding a ring. 
Until then, he’d try to stay calm while watching her interact with his friend’s kids and ignore how his chest was filled with so much happiness he thought it might burst. These glimpses of what she’ll be like as a mother were driving him crazy, and it was taking everything in him not to haul her back to the bedroom and show her how much he loved it—they couldn’t, anyway, with the kids wanting to spend time with them and the damn bed. Fucking Steve.
He didn’t want to rile himself up, so he’d do his best to avoid thinking about her being the mother of his children or how earlier she said maybe to a baby.
Who was he kidding? It was all he could think about, and he was dying to get her alone.
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onlyfezco · 4 months
Obvious - Fezco
Summary: You insist on meeting your cousin Rue's drug dealer and an interesting friendship develops in the process.
Fezco x Reader
Word Count: 4,840
Author's Note: Started this in March of 2022 and it's finally getting posted lol. This is my first Fezco fic since Angus' passing which is so hard to type I'm crying at that. I still miss him. A lot. Dividers from @firefly-graphics
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Rue was your closest cousin. Not that you had many, and the few you did have lived somewhere outside of East Highland, but that was beside the point. She was a year younger than you, so the two of you spent most of your childhood glued to one another. When her dad died, you saw the toll it took on her. You realized then that she started using but she played it off like she had it all under control. That’s what an addict does. Eventually you did confront her about it. She said it was mostly weed, so you let it slide. One day she had you drive her to restock her supply. That’s when you met Fezco for the first time.
“So you’re the guy selling my baby cousin drugs,” you blurted out after Rue did a quick introduction then started making her way to Ashtray behind the refrigerated drinks.
“Y/N, what the fuck,” Rue shouted at you annoyed. “You’re only a year older than me.”
“A year and three months,” you corrected. You only got specific with the three months to annoy Rue. You crossed your arms over your chest as you eyed the ginger sitting on the counter in front of you. “And how old are you?”
Fez observed you carefully. It’s not everyday some random person immediately brings up him selling drugs directly to his face. Especially a cute random person. “You always talk to new people like this?”
“Only when my cousin’s health is at stake.” You sighed and shook your head. “Look, I don’t have beef with you. I realized a while ago that Rue’s gonna do what she wants. I just want to make sure she’s being safe about it... well, as safe as you can get with drugs.”
Fez nodded along as you spoke understanding your concern for your cousin. He knew Rue wasn’t going around promoting that she was doing drugs or that he sold. You were just looking out for her. “I get it.”
“I’ve heard too many stories about people overdosing on Fentanyl or something they didn’t know was laced with Fentanyl. I don’t want to find out that happened to my cousin.”
“You don’t have to worry, ma. I don’t mess with that shit. All my stuff is good.”
You squinted at him taking in his words. “Better be. Otherwise I’m gonna kick your ass.”
Fez chuckled. He didn’t doubt for a second you wouldn’t fight behind Rue. “Understood.”
“You go to school with Rue? I ain’t never seen you ‘round before.” Fez went to most of the East Highland High School parties to deal. Since he’s never seen you there, either you didn’t go to that school, or you didn’t go to parties. Either way, he was missing out on you. 
“Oh God, no,” you said. “I go to Centenary.”
“Oh, so you smart smart.” You smiled and rolled your eyes at Fezco’s statement, and he decided right then and there that was something he wanted to see more of.
“Something like that,” you replied giggling.
“You ready to go, Y/N,” Rue popped up practically out of no where and asked. Damn, why did Rue have to be so quick.
“Uhh, yeah,” you said to your cousin. Rue shoved her hands into her dad’s old maroon jacket and started to walk out the store. You turned to Fezco and said, “I’m gonna be watching you, sir.”
Fez smiled at the thought. “I look forward to it, ma.”
After that, you made a few impromptu trips to Fez’s store without Rue. You told him your grandma lived in the neighborhood, which she did, so it wasn’t a lie. But Fez did point out that before Rue, you had never came to the store before. 
“I mean I could always go somewhere else for my carbonated beverages if you want,” you said as you turned on your heel to leave the store without making your usual purchase.
“Nah,” Fez replied grabbing your wrist stopping you, “I ain’t say all that.”
When your mom told you that Rue overdosed, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Maybe if you had told your Aunt Leslie what Rue was doing, she could have got some help. But you knew Rue. Ever since her dad’s death she had been struggling. She would have to finally deal with that grief if she was going to stop, and you knew that was the last thing she wanted to do.
A few days after Rue’s overdose, you went to visit Fezco. You weren’t sure if he knew or not. Even though he was her dealer, he was close to Rue, so you thought he should know. And it would be better coming from you than to hear it on the street.
“Well if it isn’t Y/N Y/L/N,” Fezco greeted you with a smile on his face. 
You tried to smile at the red head, but it was weak. “Hey Fezco.”
“What’s wrong,” Fez asked, immediately knowing something was up.
You walked to him fiddling with your fingers nervous to tell him about your cousin. “Uh... it’s Rue,” you said looking up at him with somber eyes. “She overdosed.”
Fez’s face became tense. He didn’t question it. He wasn’t shocked, just sad.
You couldn’t take looking into his piercing blue eyes any longer and set your eyes on the candy on the counter. “She’s still at the hospital going through withdrawals. Aunt Leslie’s going to put her in rehab when she gets out.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Fez said as he placed his hand on your arm to comfort you. Your eyes met his again and you could tell he genuinely felt bad.
“Its..,” you paused and laughed. “I was going to say it’s okay, but its not. She didn’t die, so that’s great but... I didn’t know it was this bad with her.”
Fez dropped his hand and leaned against the counter behind him. “Why’d you come here, ma?”
You looked at him confused. “What are you talking about? Rue’s your friend, I thought you should know.”
“She is but... you ain’t come here to blame me?”
You were taken aback. “No, Fez. It’s not your fault. Rue made a choice. And if she didn’t get her drugs from you, it would be someone else.”
Fez was quiet as he took in what you said. You wanted to, no, needed him to understand this wasn’t his fault. 
“Listen to me Fezco. Rue’s got a lot of problems that she has to deal with. She was using drugs to cope with her grief. I know you wouldn’t want her to OD. I’d rather know she was going to you for her fix, than some random guy who didn’t give two shits about whether or not she lived or died. So I don’t want you putting any of this on yourself, okay?”
Fez gave a small nod to let you knew he understood. You don’t know if he actually believed what you said, but you were glad it was out there. 
Over the summer, you visited the store more frequently. You did see him outside the store once at a pool party. Of course you pointed out that you’d never seen him at a party before. Your crowd was a little different than the East Highland High School bunch. Fez played it off though, but you knew he was only there for you. 
An unexpected hangout occurred one evening when you stopped by the store on a cloudy day. The flow of customers was already crazy slow, then it started raining and store had been empty besides you, Fez, and Ash for the last hour.  
“Aye, bro, can we go home? I’m bored as shit,” Ash said coming from behind the refrigerators. 
Fez looked to you sitting on top of the freezer that held the popsicles and ice-cream before he spoke. “Uh, yeah. Go head and pack up.”
You hopped off your self designated spot in store. “Welp, I guess that’s my queue to head home.” 
“Nah,” Fez said and stopped you in your tracks. “You ain’t gotta go home.”
“But I gotta get outta here,” you interrupted giggling. 
“Nah, ma. I was finna say you could come to my place and hang... if you want.”
Your eyebrows shot up. Fez’s and your relationship mostly consisted of you just hanging out at his store while he worked. The two of you texted every now and then, but that was about it. 
“Oh... Uh, sure,” you managed to stammer out. Then you realized that didn’t sound very enthusiastic so you added, “Yeah, I’d love to come over.”
You followed Fez and Ashtray home in your car since you drove yourself to the store. You were anxious the whole way there and the rain definitely wasn’t helping. 
Fez’s place looked homey. The living room felt familiar; the couches reminding you of your grandma’s house. 
“You want anythin’ to drank,” Fez asked making his way to the kitchen.
“Uh, no, I’m good. Thanks though,” you replied slowly making your way to where he went. It was always awkward the first time you went over to a friend’s house. 
Fez reappeared from the kitchen with a beer in his hand. He eyed you for a second before speaking. “You want to watch a movie or somethin’?”
The rest of the evening was spent on Fez’s couch, watching old 90′s movies. Even Ashtray joined you for one. It was nice. It felt normal, not like you somehow became friends with you cousin’s drug dealer.
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“Oh my God, Fezzy,” you shouted excitedly. “You won’t believe- Rue,” you paused when you saw your cousin coming from the back door that led to Ashtray. You glanced at Fez, then back to Rue. “What are you doing here?”
“Just popped in for a visit,” Rue answered. Her hands fidgeted in her pockets of her dad’s jacket. 
“Unhuh...,” you hummed knowing she didn’t just stop by to see the boys.
“What are you doing here,” Rue asked curious.
“I came by to see Fez,” you stated quickly. “You just got out of rehab, Rue.”
Rue rolled her eyes at you. “Yeah, and I had no plans on staying clean. I learned my lesson cuz. I know my limits now.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “You only know your limits cause you overdosed Rue! You almost died!”
“Key word being almost.”
“Oh my God,” you shook your head again turning away from the conversation. “I’ll talk to you later, Fez,” you said then turned to walk out of the store.
“Hey, Y/N,” Rue said and you stopped in your tracks. “You’re not gonna tell my mom are you?”
You huffed exhausted by your cousin. You telling her mom should be the least of her concerns. You still faced the door but turned your head to look at Rue. Your eyes glossed over with frustrated tears. “I wish you cared about yourself like the rest of us do.” 
Two weeks went by before you saw Fez again. The ginger was starting to think you blamed him for Rue’s relapse. Even though you had told him Rue made a choice to do drugs so it wasn’t his fault, your silence made him think you thought otherwise now. 
It was Sunday afternoon when Fez heard someone at his door. He looked through the peephole and saw you, then quickly opened the door.
“What’s up, ma?”
“Hey... I went by the store first but you weren’t there. I know I should have called or something, but I just wanted to see you.”
“Nah, you good. I’m just surprised is all.”
“Is this a bad time?”
“Nah, come in,” Fez said then stepped to the side to let you in. 
“Thanks,” you replied as you walked past him. You had only been in Fez’s place once, but it felt familiar. You just stood in the entry way while Fez closed the door. “Um, can we talk?”
“Yeah, come on,” Fez said nodding towards the living room. 
Fez took his usual place on the couch and you followed suit sitting beside him.
“I’m sorry about ghosting you these last two weeks,” you said, not being able to make eye contact with him. You felt guilty for ignoring him even though your issues were with Rue. Fez just sat there quiet. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you needed him to say something. “Not to sound cliché, but it was me not you.”
“It sure felt like it was because of me,” Fez said.
You turned on the couch to face him more. “It wasn’t, Fez. I promise. I’m mad at Rue, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.”
“Yeah, but she got her drugs from me and Ash. I could have told her no.”
“And then she would have thrown a fit and went somewhere else. Probably somewhere dangerous.” 
“Why you keep makin’ excuses for me? You shouldn’t be anywhere near me.”
“What,” you asked, your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Fez, no, I don’t want to be anywhere else but near you.” You spoke before you could realize what you were saying but it was true. Fez finally looked towards you and you averted his eyes. The silence was too loud. You were careful with your next words. “If I have to tell you every day, then I will,” you said slowly then looked back up at him. “Rue’s choice to do drugs, and keep doing them after her OD, is hers and hers alone. It’s not your fault.” 
Fez took in what you said and how it made him feel then began to shake his head. “Nah, y/n. You tryin’ to justify it still don’t make it right.”
“Fine,” you said exhausted, throwing your hands up in the air. “It’s not right! Rue coping with drugs. You selling her drugs. None of it is right, okay! But Rue is family and you’re my friend. So I’m not going anywhere,” you shouted then just fell back into the couch crossing your arms over your chest. 
Fez just watched you from his place on the couch. Anger and annoyance evident on your face. The situation sucked, but Fez didn’t want to lose you. He was worried if Rue overdosed again, not only would he lose a sister, but you would never forgive him. Regardless of how much you told him it wasn’t his fault she was on drugs, he was the supplier. But, if you wanted to keep being friends with him, who was he to tell you no. 
“Aight, ma,” Fez drawled out in his usual tone. 
“Aight what,” you asked for clarification. 
“You’re right... and stubborn,” Fez said, trying to stifle a laugh. 
You eyed him cautiously. “Elaborate.” 
Fez stayed sitting forward, but turned his head turned towards you and let it fall back on the couch. “Rue’s gonna find a way to do drugs whether or not I give them to her. She was on them before she met me.”
You uncrossed your arms resting them in your lap as you sighed feeling sorry about your cousin. You hated the mess she got in and wished for nothing more than her sobriety. While you were thinking about Rue, Fez’s hand grabbed your forearm then slid down to your hand, pulling it so it was on the empty cushion space between you two, so he could hold it.
“And you’re right about us being friends,” Fez continued. You bit your lip trying to stop your grin from getting too big, and Fez returned a small smile. 
After that day, you had seen less of Fez than you usually had in the summer. It was your senior year, so you were busy trying to keep your grades up while staying active in your clubs. You explained your schedule to Fez so he didn’t trip at the fact that he was seeing less of you. 
Things between you and Rue were strained. After you talked to Fez, you talked to your cousin and told her if she kept doing drugs you weren’t going to stick around and watch her kill herself. You were no longer holding any sympathy for what she was going through. Your Aunt Leslie and Gia managed to keep living without having their grief hold them back, why couldn’t Rue at least try? But Rue became spiteful, not caring that you were cutting yourself off from her. 
You missed how things were in the summer. No stress. Rue was in rehab so you knew she was safe. Spending afternoons at Fez’s store. Missing Fez was how you found yourself at an East Highland party. One of your friends brought it up and you were quick to agree to the outing. You knew he would be dealing at the party, and that was more than enough of a reason to go.
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“Hey,” Rue said plopping down on the couch by Fez.
“What’s up, kid?”
“What’s going on with you and my cousin,” Rue asked, cutting straight to the chase. She was never one to beat around the bush.
“Whatchu mean,” Fez asked.
“Y/N doesn’t do parties. Especially not East Highland parties. And I know she’s not here for me.”
“Shit, she might be here for you,” Fez replied nonchalantly but he was hoping you were here for him. He missed seeing you on a regular basis. 
“Nah, she’s not even talking to me right now. Cut me off cause I won’t stop using. Trying to teach me a lesson or some shit,” Rue said while she rolled her eyes. “So much for family.”
“Don’t say that shit, Rue.” Fez was getting agitated, because he knew how much you cared for her. “That girl loves you. She just wants you to do better.”
“If she loved me, she wouldn’t leave,” Rue argued, her shoulders tensing up. 
“Nah, kid. That’s not how love works. She just doesn’t want to sit around and watch you kill yo’self.”
Rue sat there stunned, your words replaying in her head. “That’s exactly what Y/N told me... how much have you two been hanging out?”
Fez just shook his head as he took his blunt from behind his ear and lit it. “She misses you. Talk to her, Rue.”
You had been at the party for about an hour now. Attempting to play it cool as if Fez wasn’t the sole reason for you being there, you were trying to wait before you went and actually spoke to him. You noticed him a few minutes after you arrived. The two of you made eye contact and waved, but that was it.
Finally managing to leave your friends, you were making your way to Fezco when Rue stepped in front of you.
“Oh sor- hey Rue.”
“Hey, cuz,” Rue said. She looked... nervous. She was fidgeting with her jacket’s hood strings. Her eyes looking practically everywhere else but at you. “Um, can we talk for a sec?”
You looked past her to see Fez still sitting on the couch. Some guy coming up to him to make a deal. “Uh, yeah. Of course. Let’s step outside.”
Rue nodded, then you both made your way to the front door. There was too much going on in the backyard to have a private conversation there. You opened the door and let Rue step out into the cool night air first. 
You leaned against one of the front porch beams while Rue just stood there awkwardly and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. 
The silence between you two was awkward which was a first. You tried to wait for Rue to speak, but she struggled to find the words.
“What’s up, Rue?”
“Umm, I just- I,” Rue stammered out while she fidgeted in her spot. “Shit, I’m sorry, Y/N. We’ve never not talked to each other like this and I hate it. I miss you.”
You sighed, sorrow filling your eyes. “I miss you, too, cousin.”
Rue’s eyes glossed over as she started to smile. “Uh, I haven’t been using as much anymore.”
You reached out and placed your hand on her wrist for a moment. “That’s great.”
Rue nodded, her eyes dogging around. “Yeah... I met someone.”
“Oh,” you replied, your eyebrows rising up in surprise. You were thrilled Rue was using less, but you knew if her sobriety was because of a person, it wouldn’t last long. “Do I know them?”
“No, she’s new. Her name is Jules.”
“Jules,” you repeated, making sure you pronounced it right.
Rue nodded, her smile growing bigger. “Yeah, she’s here tonight. Pretty blonde in the bright pink mini skirt.”
“You look happy.”
She ran her fingers through her curls, pushing her hair back. “I’m working on it.”
It was quiet for a moment as you looked down at your cousin. “Hey, Rue.”
“I know we haven’t been talking, but... you know I’m here if you need me.” You placed your hand on her shoulder and squeezed.
“I know,” Rue said nodding. Then you placed your other hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Since you were on the step above her, you towered over her in the hug so you sat your chin on her head.
“Okay... you can let go now, Y/N,” Rue said after you were holding onto her a little too long.
“No, gotta make up for lost time,” you said, hugging her tighter.
“It wasn’t that much time.”
“It felt like forever,” you said dragging out the r then placing a bunch of kisses on Rue’s head.
“Ew, okay okay, I get it,” Rue said squirming in your arms. “Why don’t you go and kiss Fez?”
You stopped abruptly, pulling back slightly to look down at Rue. “Why would you say that? Did he... did he say something to you?”
Rue gently pushed herself out of your arms. “No, but it’s obvious something is happening between you two.”
“What,” you asked shaking your head, nervously running your hand over your hair. “Nothing’s happening. We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, friends who wanna fuck,” Rue replied. She was always the blunt one in the family. 
“Am I wrong,” she asked, her eyes on you.
“Uhh-I mean...”
“Un huh. Just tell him how you feel,” Rue said as she started to make her way back into the party.
“You say that like it’s so easy.”
Rue turned around so she was walking backwards now. “It is when the other person likes you back.” Then she turned back around and you lost sight of her in the sea of people.
“But...,” you shouted then began to whisper since you no longer saw her, “how do you know he likes me?”
Now you were nervous. You weren’t really one to flirt, at least not on purpose anyway. It was one thing to act normal around Fez and pretend you didn’t have a huge crush on him, it was another for someone to tell you he liked you and pretend to be normal. What if Rue was wrong? What if whatever sign she was getting from Fezco, was just him being a good friend, and not him being interested in you?
You made your way back into the party, but completely passed by the living room and went straight for the bathroom. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a line so you went right in. You locked the door then went to the mirror to look at yourself. Everything was still in place. Your lipstick was perfect. Your hair styled the way you liked it. Now, if only you could get that look of fear off your face. 
“Breath, Y/N,” you said to yourself. You took a long exhale then inhaled. “Rue wouldn’t lie to you... well, maybe about drugs but not about this. And it’s Fez. Just put out some feelers to see where his head is at.” You nodded at yourself then turned the faucet on to splash a little water on yourself. Then your eyes grew wide as you thought, looking at yourself in the mirror again. “But what if he’s just being nice? IT’S FEZ! He’d never intentionally be mean to me. So how will I know if he’s only being polite and not actually flirting with me. Ughh!”
You dried your hand on a nearby towel then turned away from the mirror. You took some deep breaths to try and shake off the nervous feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. “Okay. It’s fine. You’re fine.” You thought about every time you hung out with Fez over the summer. Going to his house for the first time. Him giving you candy for free at the store. Him holding your hand on his couch. Fez was a good friend and you didn’t want to lose that, but you couldn’t keep holding your feelings for the ginger in. 
“Hey Y/N,” Fezco said once you stopped in front of him. A small smile growing on his lips. Somehow his eyes managed to shimmer in the crappy living room lighting. 
“Uh can you give me a ride home? I don’t feel so hot and I can’t find my friends.”
Technically it wasn’t a lie. You didn’t feel great. Your anxiety about asking Fez how he felt about you made you sick to your stomach.
“Sure thing, ma,” Fez replied, getting up from the couch without a second thought. Add that to the list of reasons you liked Fez. He would drop everything for you. The party wasn’t done so there was still money to be made, yet here he was, walking you out the party to his car.
The ride was quiet and awkward which was unusual. You only felt awkward around Fez when you had to bring up Rue’s drug addiction. Glancing over at Fez, he was oblivious to the worry that was going on in your head. His eyes focused on the dark road ahead as he nodded along to the music. The streetlights highlighting his freckles as you drove through the neighborhood. 
“Do you like me,” you asked, interrupting Fez.
Fez’s eyes left the road for a moment confused at your sudden change in the conversation. He readjusted himself in his spot before he spoke. “Yeah, course I like you. Wouldn’t be giving you a ride home if I didn’t.”
You shook your head annoyed. “No, Fez. I mean do you like like me? Like if we were in middle school and you found a note in your locker that said ‘do you like me? Yes or no.’ Which one would you circle?”
Oh. OH! What did he mean by oh. Your brain was running a mile a minute now. Fez better say something else and quick. 
After what felt like forever, but was only about 5 seconds. “Yeah... thought it was obvious I was feelin’ you.” 
You let out a breathy laugh in disbelief. “Obvious?”
“Yeah, I mean I thought you was real cute that first day you came in the store grillin’ me about what I was sellin’ Rue.” Fez chuckled to himself remembering that day.
“You thought I was cute,” you asked baffled. This was all so confusing for you. 
Fez shook his head, eyes still focused on the road. “You gonna just keep repeating everything I’m sayin?”
“Uhh, yeah,” you replied, your eyes wide trying to prosses what he was saying to you. “It doesn’t make sense and you’re being so nonchalant about this.”
“How am I supposed to be?”
“I don’t know,” you answered, your hands flailing around. “Not like this! Just a minute ago I was freaking out wondering if I would ruin our friendship, or if there was even the slightest chance you liked me back... and you do. My brain can’t comprehend.” 
Fezco put his car in park and you realized you were in front of you house. “Well, comprehend, ma.”
You slouched back in your seat staring out at the road ahead of you taking it all in. Rue was right. “What do we do now?”
Fez reached over the center console and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. “Well, we could start with a date?”
You turned at looked at Fez, biting your lip to stop your smile from getting too big. “I’d like that,” you said, nodding your head.
“Cool,” Fez said smiling. 
“Cool,” you repeated grinning right back. 
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just staring at one another. 
“You know what. I’m feeling way better now.”
“Yeah... don’t think I’m quite ready to go inside yet.”
“You got something in mind?”
“Not really,” you said, pausing to think for a second. “Just not ready to leave you yet,” you replied, squeezing his hand a little while rubbing your thumb back and forth on the back of his hand.
Fezco’s checks got incredibly hotter as he looked away from you avoiding your eyes. He let go of your hand and put his car back in drive beginning to drive off then said, "I think I know a place."
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ghostsvacuumcleaner · 11 months
Salvatore | 2.8k
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ao3 | masterlist ✦ Pairing: DI!Leon Kennedy x younger f! reader ✦ Summary: Leon's on a working trip and it has been taking much longer than it should. As he doesn't like to spend much time away from you, he texts you daily, and since you miss him so deeply, you decide to videocall him. ✦ TW: NSFW, !MINORS DNI!, smut, porn with bit of context, explicit, f!reader, little to none f! physical appearence descriptions, masturbation, fingering, age gap mentions, daddy ass Leon
A/N: I have nothing to say in my defense, but that this might have two parts. Cause Leon's flying back home and dunno, you're still horny af, plus I wasn't sure of how to correctly incorporate the song to the post buttt I think Salvatore is my top 1 Leon song. So!
A disgrace of a man he had become ever since he met you, fell under your spell. Leon wasn’t used to staying away from you for this long — the trip was taking longer than expected. A week ago he had flown to Washington for the meeting of annual reports on DSO’s damage control. This type of trip did not usually take more than one or two days, and he had assured you that he would be back by the weekend. He had promised, you made plans and he usually did not breach the promises he made to you; he didn't like to fluster you. You were too good to him, he’d always tell you that. Too good, so good. You wouldn’t complain about his absence, you knew he was a busy man, a well-trained and well-requested agent — your much older boyfriend.
Every time that word danced on your red beautiful lips, he swore to feel a punch in the lower portion of his belly. Was he not too old to be dating in the most vivid sense of the word? To have a girl as young, beautiful, lively as you call someone like him a boyfriend? You liked to say, to recite; it made you delighted to watch the reactions, no: the age difference was never a problem for you.
It was a problem to him in the beginning. Leon resisted; he tried to resist you for longer than he could remember. Weeks maybe. He felt defeated, weak for giving up, but how could he not? When your eyes would met his with that devilish expression, all his control fell to the ground — he was yours.
The room door opened, and he made his way in. It was a spacious room, at least; a quality hotel. You would love that place, he thought. The luxurious furniture, the soft linen and the numerous pillows – the privileged view of the White House. He opened a corner smile as he thought of your reaction if you were there. You were one expensive little thing; before anything else, he took his phone out of his pocket and took a picture out of the window. He sent to your contact, affectionately saved by yourself as bae. 
Your status immediately changed to “online” when your phone rang and you noticed it was his text you were receiving. On the other side of the country, you opened up a foolish little smile lying on your bed. “Like it, doll?” his text said, and your smile grew wide.
You rolled down lying on your belly, and typed your answer.
“Don’t do that to me... I’d sell a kidney to be there with you right now.” you typed, and opened a smile knowing that you had ripped out a sincere laugh from him with your little hyperbole.
Leon laughed briefly. Your mood was indeed extremely funny to him, jokes that sometimes you would have to explain after doing, since the difference between generations was a barrier to the two of you at least in that matter. 
The agent left his already half tired body fall on the armchair that lay in front of the bed, large enough for at least three of him. The blue blazer that decorated his body was quickly thrown aside and he dropped down a few buttons of the white social shirt that came down below, the first portions of his now visible defined chest decorated by the blonde hair that grew around there. As he stretched out to the stand table — a small bar with a few varieties of whisky — and started pouring himself a good cup of Bourbon, his phone rang again. 
After the first drop came down burning through his throat, he opened the latest message you had sent. “Can I call you?”, it was asking.
He licked his lips tasting the taste of alcohol in his mouth, and pressed the FaceTime video call button. It took no more than three seconds for you to respond. 
His eyes were fixed on the screen of his phone. God in fucking heaven, it was a torture to see you like that, he thought. A torture. You were lying on your bed, overlooked; your hair was slightly messy, your pyjamas fell perfectly on your curves, the delicate silk fabric outlined your body like a sculpture drawn particularly to fuck his mind. He opened a smile when he saw the view of you, the lower of his belly kicking in just again. Seeing you like that, laying ever so beautiful, your body so exposed, in a situation like the one he was in right now: unable of touching, unable of even seeing you straight. That was somewhat torture.
“How are you, babe? You look tired.” You asked, resting your face on your hand, a small smile decorating your lips. Leon drank another long sip of his whisky. 
“It’s nothing, doll. This hell of a meeting, is all...” he murmured, crossing his legs and mindfully staring at you behind the screen. “I’m sorry, I won’t make it to the weekend.”
“Oh no...” You shuddered back, your look becoming frustrated in a matter of seconds. “Why are they holding you, did something happen?” You asked furrowing your eyebrows; it was your habit to ask, even if you knew he’d never give an answer.
“You know I can’t talk to you about that, darling...” He murmured, with a slightly defeated smile on his face, and continued, “I’ll be there Sunday night. I promised.” 
You sigh,frustrated and defeated sigh, but agreed. As always, how good you were to him. The silence only lasted for a few seconds before he spoke again in a calm and quiet tone.
“Are you mad at me?”
“I can’t be mad at you. It’s not even your fault...” You argued, shrugging your shoulders quickly, and your eyes focused for a few seconds on the open part of his shirt – a silent invitation. 
“You’re so good to me. I’ll compensate you, I promise.” he said in that soft spoken, deep voice.
He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly what he did to you, how he would put you in your place, how it would make you squirm in want and lust and call for him in your dreams whenever he was that far from you. 
There, dropped in that chair, Leon held the cell phone at the height of his knee, his eyes looking down to where his eyes found him behind the screen; he rested one hand on his face, in the encounter of his jaw with his neck. 
You could follow the well-defined drawings of his chest through the little exposed skin by the already undone buttons, his biceps that seeming to ask to explode out through all that fabric. Your eyes went down through his chest to the path of heaven that made the encounter between his belly and his crotch. You bite your own tongue. If you closed your eyes now, you could perfectly imagine how you would make him twist in your mouth. What a mess.
“You can compensate me now.” you said, after licking your lips. How could you taste the alcohol of his mouth on yours, if the two of you were more than kilometers away? How could he fuck up your head to make himself printed on you like that? 
“How would I do that, babe? Can’t eat you out through the phone.” he smirked, a little smile spreading across his lips noticing your eagerness for him. You were such a fucking fool - couldn’t hide a single feeling, damn.
You slowly flashed, and then got up a little bit by placing your phone in front of your pillow so that you could film yourself without using your hands. Leon raised his eyebrows in surprise when you slowly took your hand through the soft skin of your belly now exposed through the tiny shirt you wore, and began to raise it, gently, almost so slowly that you could now feel his excitement emanating from his look; his eyes burning, his stomach twirling inside in desire. It didn’t take you much to get him on the edge as you so knew from the plenty of times he couldn’t wait for the two of you to get home before fucking the brains out of you against the first car, table or wall he’d see.
“Can’t you? You seem like you are right now.” You smirked, and your hand went further up, beneath the thin fabric of your shirt. You palmed your breast and he could see the shape of your flesh changing as you tightened, more, stronger. Leon stretched his fists, almost able to feel the warm skin of your breasts against him; he could almost feel himself tracing kisses through your neck, bites, leaving marks that you would spend makeup trying to erase. Cupping your breast with his perfect-sized hand, suckling, making you squirm under him.
“Doll,” he said in a slightly alarmed tone. “Don’t do that to me. Don’t torture me like this.” He whispered, his blue eyes like the sea attached to the screen, to you. 
To your body, that he knew: belonged to him. You made that clearer when you started to climb the shirt even further, until you finally crossed it through your neck and threw it to the side. He couldn’t see your face anymore, only your body – you soft breasts, the inviting skin of your belly, the curves that formed your waist, those delicious hips, devilish thighs. You started becoming more and more drenched the more you showed more of yourself to him.
“Please... I need you so fucking much.” you pleaded, your voice muffled by the sounds of your panting.
You liked the obscene look he played at you when he saw you that way. One of your hands continued to massage one of your breasts, your nipples began to express the intensity of your own desire as punctual as they could be; you felt shrinking whole when your free hand began to descend through the lines that surrounded your uterus to the lower belly, inside the tiny, thin short you dared to call a pyjama. 
“You’ll kill me.” He replied licking his lips, his hand reached the remaining buttons of his shirt and he opened it completely. You could see by the emerging volume in his pants that you were not the only one burning in desire right now. Leon grabbed the volume of the bulge in his pants with one hand, in a frustrated attempt to ease the tension; the movement caused his breath to shrink for a moment and he released a low, needy moan. 
“Spread them for me, babe let me see you.” he told you, and you took it in.
You slowly sat on the bed, spreading up your legs as he had asked you, supporting your feet by the bed on the sides of the phone, completely exposed; the fabric of your shorts, alone, was not able to prevent Leon from seeing the perfect curves of your folds, the small well that formed in the fabric in your cunt. He opened up an almost demonic smile. You were not wearing panties.
“Oh, fuck, babe...” He moaned, his hands beginning to shake off the belt of his social pants. “Move it aside for me...” he asked, almost in a flustered sigh, as he let the belt fall freely on the sides of his body and unbuttoned the zipper of his pants with some hurry. At the moment he finally relaxed and released a desperate breath, you could see the perfect format of his cock ever so big, stretching the fabric of his white boxers. You felt your mouth salivate instinctively, and held back a moan of excitement. With one of your arms, you supported your elbow behind you, bending your body back and with your free hand, you pulled aside the central part of your shorts, exposing to him your needy, wet pussy. Your fingers traced a way through your folds to the core of your pleasure - your throbbing and twitching clit. 
Your face flushed in redness as you let your head fall back, but quickly bringing it back to staring at your phone where you could already see Leon’s hard cock twitching through the camera; in addition to your excruciating and burning desire, you could see the entire length, could picture yourself swallowing every inch of his right now. 
“See how you get me? You little evil thing… Play yourself to me, come on, do your
show…” He growled in a hoarse voice, slowly spitting at the glistening tip of his member, reddened by the need and the blood pulsating, his skin burning. “I’d go to that airport and advance my flight just to fuck you, god…” he continued, while his hand rushed from the tip to the base of his cock, spreading his spit through the length and starting to pump in slow alluring movements.
You couldn’t hold yourself from moaning near that man, you could barely hold your breath - your movements became instinctive when you were with him. Whenever he’d be behind you in the kitchen, mornings after a good night out - he’d call himself an oldie and complain about being tired, and the second next proceed to pin you against the counter and eat you up from behind. Just the thought of his tongue against you made you squirm on your own hand, circling movements starting by your index and middle fingers against your sensible clit. 
The muffled moans of his, your panting voice, the little sound he’d make each time his hand ran through his cock - the two of you got lost in the act, you could almost forget there was an entire country between you and him. The way you’d lose it when he started praising you-
“Good… So good to me, come to me, c’mon”, ah. There it was.
Your eyebrows furrowed in pleasure and you instinctively drawn your hand further lower towards your drenched entrance, stretching yourself, feeling the warmth of your walls that so needily called for him. You couldn’t possibly elaborate a single sentence right now, as your head was up in the sky; Leon had taught you to torture yourself. To hold back till you could no more, to try to postpone your orgasm till you felt your own body breaking down, losing conscience. 
He felt himself getting a raw, wild need once he noticed you were in that state he liked to put you in anytime he’d have time to fuck you straight, without a hurry, without the need of being a quickie. Squirming, panting, your body begging you to give in - god. 
His movements started to rush up watching the way your folds glistened through the low lightning of your room, your juices rushing down your thighs, the way you couldn’t watch him without your cheeks looking like burning fire on want and desire. 
His throat closed and he let his head fall back, for a moment, he got uncontrolled and erratic, his movements so strong you could hear a slight hint of pain in his voice, his stomach started flexing and he grabbed on tight to the chair’s arm, your name came out as a growl as he held to the base of his cock, letting out all of his milky seed spread against his chest, that moved constantly and erratically to his heavy breathing. 
Watching him get to his climax was too much for yourself and your personal tactic of torture. As you felt the ravenous feeling of your orgasm start to spread through your thighs, up your belly and down your pussy to the core of your pleasure, you let out, above all things, a soft moan - his name. Your voracious breath got in tune with his, as you bite your lip, your eyes ever so alluring boring into his through the screen, your obscene expression and smile as you pulled your fingers into your mouth and sucked onto them, tasting your own juices, feeling the living proof of your own pleasure.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He muttered, staring into you like a predator while you closed your legs and let out a little content laugh.
Leon picked up your call while dragging his baggage through the airport ways to the boarding line. A smile formed across his lips. 
“Little darling, I can’t really talk right now… I’m getting to the boarding line, my flight’s in about thirty minutes.” he argued, to which you just smiled.
“I just called to wish you a good flight, bae, that’s all.” You responded. “I’m waiting for you.”
“No no, don’t do that. Don’t stay awake waiting for me, yeah? I’ll be there soon enough, I promise.” 
“You know that no matter what you say, I’m going to do the exact opposite. Right? Right, Agent?”, you let out a soft laugh.
He sighed, closing his eyes.
“I know.”
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paradisedumpling · 4 months
A Calm, Happy Day
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trope: non-idol!hanni x non-idol!femreader; slice of life(?); fluff; girlfriend!hanni
content warning: curse words; running on unsafe ground; light injury (just a hand scratch); brief joke about being dead; some food description; brief light making out at the end; some grammatical errors; idk if there's more but let me know and I'll add!!
a/n: I wrote this a year ago after many years of not writing anymore so pls bare with me 😅
synopsis: just another summer day with your friends and your girlfriend hanni
"Guys hurry up! I wanna see the beach!" Danielle yelled as she rushed in front of you all, Hyein closely behind her.
"Be careful not to trip on the rocks!" Minji sighed, shaking her head as she kept a close look on the two excited girls running ahead of the group.
"I bet 20₩ Hyein is gonna trip on a rock." Haerin mumbled to you.
Her, you and Hanni walked side by side with arms linked as you calmly made your way through the unsteady terrain to get to the sand on the beach, mindlessly having held onto each other for support.
"I double it, Dani's definitely the one falling first." Hanni snickered back, holding in a laugh as Minji almost slipped as she picked her pace, Danielle and Hyein getting further and further away from the rest of you.
"Be careful, unnie!" You told Minji, almost going after her, but Hanni pulled you back. "Let me help!"
"No. You stay right here with me." You blushed as Hanni gave you a smirk, tugging you close, before giving Haerin a side eye as the younger girl groaned at the interaction.
"Stop being cheesy. I'm right here." Hanni rolled her eyes, kissing your cheek and giving Haerin a sly grin. "I hate people in love." Haerin groaned but made no move to unlink her arm from yours as the rocks on the ground were getting bigger and slippery.
"Not my fault your girlfriend is busy keeping Hyein and Dani alive."
"Stop it, you two." You tugged at their arms, feeling a bit anxious as you could no longer hear the other three as they were way ahead of you. "By the way, I think Minji might be the one falling first with the way she's chasing those two." You heard Haerin sigh at the comment, lightly squeezing her hand as you knew that got her a bit anxious too.
"Hey, you two! Slow the fuck down!! You're gonna get someone hurt like this!!" Hanni yelled. "Jesus fuck, why did we pick a beach with so many rocks?"
"That's what we get for letting Dani choose the place." Haerin said, laughing at herself. "She only knows good restaurants. Other than that, they're all lost causes."
"Do you guys remember when we almost got robbed when she took us to that weird park in Gangnam?" You said, shivering a little as you remembered the fear you all felt that night.
"Oh yeah! And then she almost peed herself, it was so–"
"I told you to be careful!" You all stopped talking as you heard Minji angry yelling.
Looking ahead you all saw Danielle by the sand looking back confused, Minji with her hands on her hips as she looked down at Hyein, who was sitting in the rocks clutching her hands to her chest.
"Shit." You mumbled, letting go of your girlfriend and best friend as you ran to Hyein's aid, not faltering in speed as you wobbled on the unstable rocks.
"I was being careful though, I just wanted to catch up to Dani unnie." You heard Hyein whimper as you got close to the duo. "I'm sorry, unnie." Hyein had a frown as she looked up at Minji with watery eyes.
"Hey, it's okay baby." You squat down carefully beside Hyein. "Lemme see it, Hyeinnie." Hyein gave you her hand and you carefully inspected it. It was a bit scratched, but not too much and there was no bleeding. "Luckily it isn't too bad, just a couple scratches and wet sand. Does it hurt anywhere else?" She shook her head, leaning into you as you rubbed her shoulders in comfort.
"You okay, baby Grace?" Hanni asked as she and Haerin finally caught up with the rest of you. "Well, it seems like I own Haerin 40₩." Hanni had a funny frown on her face as Haerin laughed after checking that Hyein was okay, clapping and leaning into Minji.
"You guys made a bet?" Danielle asked while she helped you and Hyein get up.
"Hanni doubled it saying you'd fall first." The five of you laughed loudly at the incredulous face Danielle made.
"You guys are unbelievable." Minji tried to hide her smirk as she laced her hand with her girlfriend's. "Well, now that everyone is okay and we learned our lesson not to run on big rocks." She gave Danielle and Hyein a stern look. "Can we all please enjoy the beach? This bag is heavy."
"Oh heck yeah!" And that's how you found yourselves running again, this time on the safe sand and towards the sea.
"Ugh." You groaned for what seemed like the 70th time in the past ten minutes, rubbing yours arms as you squinted your eyes while looking at Haerin and Hyein making sandcastles. Danielle was gathering more water with the small buckets you borrowed from Haerin's little sister. While Minji and Hanni had went to buy you all some lunch, keeping you in charge. "Fuck my life." You groaned again, closing your eyes and resting your forehead on your knees, feeling the hot sun on your back.
Don't get me wrong, you loved hanging out with your friends and you enjoyed the beach a lot. But you absolutely hated the sun. You would usually only go to the beach very early in the morning or during golden hour, as it wasn't so bright and hot. But right now must've been just a bit after 1PM in the middle of the summer. And even if you were perhaps the best one in the group regarding warm weather, you still disliked it. And after playing around in the water with the others and having a small sand fight with Haerin and Danielle, hunger started settling on all of your stomachs, getting you in the position you were right now.
In all honesty, it was your fault. You forgot the beach umbrella in the living room when you were all leaving in a rush because Haerin's mom had somewhere else to go after leaving you guys at the beach. But it didn't matter to you, your thoughts being completely filled with your hatred for the sun and how you wished time would go by faster.
A groan escaped your lips again as you lifted your head from your knees mere minutes later, your forehead and knee caps all wet with your sweat. "Where are they?" You mumbled to yourself, looking behind you at the sand path you found later on in hopes of seeing your girlfriend and Minji, but no sign of them.
"Unnie!" Hyein called you, making you turn to the trio with a small smile on your face. As much as you were feeling miserable, you could never give any of your friends a bad face. "Come make castles with us!"
"We know you love it!" Danielle had a bright smile on her face. That was perhaps the only sun you didn't hate.
"And unnies are gonna take a while to be back. They're ordering for six." You groaned at Haerin's statement, slowly getting up and making your way to the youngest ones. "You good, unnie?" Haerin whispered to you as you sat down next to her, nodding tiredly.
"Just.... Too much sun." Haerin smiled at your annoyed face, handing you a bucket and moving closer to you in hopes of giving you more comfort.
You actually ended up getting distracted enough as the four of you got determined to make a village for your castles.
You and Hyein were in the middle of dusting off the sand in a particularly big house you made when Danielle let out a happy and relieved squeal. "You guys brought food! Yay!"
You whipped your head so fast, crying out in relief at the sight of your girlfriend with two bags of food in her hands. You completely missed Hyein laughing as you eagerly got up and ran to the two oldest girls, taking one bag each from their hands and speed-walking to the blankets you had laid down on the sand where your belongings were.
"Please tell me it's something refreshing. I might die if it isn't." You whined as you rushed the others with your hand so you could open the food already.
Hanni laughed as she sat down beside you, kissing your cheek, trying not to make a face as your skin was sticky with sunscreen, sweat and sand.
"I'm surprised you're not dead by now." Minji deadpanned as she stared at you with a unreadable face, a habit she was getting from Haerin. "You look like you ran a 20 kilometers marathon." And she was probably right. You were visibly more sweaty than the others, even if you ran to cool down at the sea a couple of times. Your hair was messy and sticking to your face and neck. Your cheeks and nose were flushed. And you were breathing more heavily than anyone else in the group. You really hated the sun.
"Ya! Stop making fun of my girlfriend, Kim Minji!" Hanni gave the taller girl a serious look, rubbing your back as she took a cold can of soda from the bag in front of her. "Here you go, love." She opened it and gave it to you, smiling as you all but melted when the cold liquid hit your hot tongue, mumbling a quiet 'thank you' to her. "No problem, sweetie. I made sure to grab the coldest one in the store so it would still be cold by the time we got back." Hanni wasn't sure if your red cheeks were caused by the sun or her words, but with the way your eyes got slightly bigger before looking away she knew that if it was in a different situation, your face would be red definitely because of her. Even after all this time dating, you still got flushed by such small things and she absolutely loved it.
"You guys bought makguksu!!" Hyein squirmed in excitement, hugging the closest person to her, that happened to be Danielle. The two shaking each other in excitement.
"And jangeo-gui for my goyangi." Minji pulled Haerin closer, smiling as she planted a small kiss to her temple, having the same thoughts as Hanni about the origins of Haerin's flustered face.
Danielle all but suppressed a laugh at the smug faces of Minji and Hanni, and your's and Haerin's visible shyness at your girlfriends cute acts.
"Have a good meal everyone!"
"I'm dead." You grumbled as you flopped down on Haerin's sofa. "Deceased. Five foot below the earth. My grave is already decaying from how dead I am." You let out another grumble, your hazy mind not identifying who of the girls was laughing at you.
"Stop being dramatic, bro." Minji threw a pillow at you as she sat down on the other sofa, but you didn't move a muscle.
"Fuck you, bro." You turned your head slightly to give Minji an annoyed face.
"No, fuck you bro." She retorted, barely hiding that she was having fun making fun of you.
"Stop swearing in front of the kid." Hanni gave the two of you a stern look, standing in front of your face. "Move. You can rest your head on my lap." Despite her words, she was the one holding your head up and carefully laying it down on her lap as she sat down, hands going to caress your hair on instinct. "You okay, love?" She looked down at you as you adjusted your position to face her stomach, your eyes heavy and forehead creased.
"I hate the sun." You mumbled, closing your eyes and sighing in content as you were finally out of the burning and bright sun, and close to your lovely girlfriend without your skins rubbing uncomfortably because of the sweat.
Hanni smiled down at you, scratching your scalp lightly as she simply watched your face slowly contort to its relaxed state. Ignoring completely the other four girls arguing about which movie would you watch during the rest of the evening, the vietnamese girl busied herself with tracing your face with her free hand.
Hanni would have never imagined that she would've met someone like you when she came to Korea to study abroad. She could still remember clearly the first time you two met. It was her second period of the day, biology class. The teacher had paired you two together because you were the only one that could speak english as Hanni was still beginning to learn korean. She thought you were cute, quietly explaining to her in english any important topic the teacher was saying. How sincere your smile was when you learned you two shared almost all periods and you'd have the same classes for the rest of the day was something that made Hanni feel very welcomed in the unfamiliar environment.
She wouldn't really say it was love at first sight, although she really hoped you'd become friends after that day. No, she too could remember like it was yesterday the first time she realized she was in love with you. It had been several months after your first meeting, Hanni fitting in your small group of friends like the last piece of a puzzle. You and the rest of the girls had went out to buy your costumes for Halloween, but got sidetracked with the many stores in the streets. Her, Hyein and you got separated from the group as you felt hungry and the others wanted to go to a thrift store you weren't really that interested in visiting.
Hanni had been struggling a bit to put a name on what was her feelings for you. She knew the others felt like sisters to her already, but calling you a sister was weird. She loved being around you. She felt at peace when she was with you. Minji would always comment on how she would laugh the hardest at the silly things you said and did. She loved how you took care of her and she loved taking care of you, even if you were extremely stubborn about being taken care of. She loved silently watching you do anything. She loved when you held hands, or when you squeezed hers to get her attention because you sometimes just didn't feel like talking but still wanted to show her something. She loved how goofy you were, she even had a whole album on her gallery of just silly photos she took of you. Haerin would always point out that she never cringed at your attempts of flirting even though she cringed at everyone else's, even if it wasn't directed at her. Danielle would always make kissy faces whenever she took a picture of you two together. And Hyein would say you two were her parents at any given opportunity she had. Still, Hanni didn't know what to call her feelings for you. Sure, she had had crushes in her life before. Even Minji when they met for the first time, but that's only something you and her diary know about. But she never felt the way she felt for you before. And she didn't know if you were only a really really close friend, or something else.
But that all changed that day when you and Hyein decided you wanted corn dogs from a stand in the middle of the street. She laughed as you two seriously discussed about what to order for yourselves, smile getting just a bit bigger as she watched your cute serious face. After getting your hands on the hot corn dogs, that soothed momentarily the chilly air of autumn, the three of you were bickering about your dislike for ketchup.
"But it tastes weird!" You argued back, giving Hyein a look of disgust as she poured a lot of ketchup on her corn dog. "I'm good with my mustard and mayo, thank you very much." Hyein gave you her tongue before taking a bite of her food, jumping in happiness. Hanni couldn't help but notice how you had a small smile watching Hyein. She had always felt like a little sister to you.
Hanni didn't know why, but watching you look with such adoration at your food as you put your sauces on it in preparation to eat it made her heart start racing. But that wasn't what made her realize, no. When you took your first bite, getting irritated at your nose getting dirty with mustard, quickly getting amazed and excited as you got a big cheese pull, asking Hyein to take a picture. That's when she realized. To her, it felt like the world had slowed down. Watching as your beautiful hair moved along your head as you got in position to pose for Hyein. The corners of your lips dirty with sauce slowly getting up as Hyein hyped you for your cheese pull. Your nose still scrunched because of the mustard despite your annoyance long gone. Your eyes slowly growing into crescent moons. The street lights shining perfectly on your face, making you look like the most beautiful person in the world. The snort you let out as Hyein showed you the picture she took. And finally, your eyes meeting as you looked at Hanni out of pure excitement because you'd always look at Hanni when you were excited about something. The only thing that crossed Hanni's mind when she looked at you at that moment was: Damn, I really love you.
The rest of the night Hanni spent with her mind wondering around her new realization. Suddenly, she started noticing even more the effects you had on her and she was a blushing mess the rest of the night.
Haerin, the ever so observant cat-like girl, pulled her aside that night when Danielle had dragged you away to look at some costumes, to tell her she was glad she had finally realized she liked you because you had known you liked her for a while now but was too scared to tell her. Hanni was confused on how Haerin had realized that so quickly, but extremely happy to know her feelings were mutual. They both knew you didn't had the most amazing confessing experiences, so Haerin was doing you a favor in telling Hanni of your feelings for the vietnamese girl. She asked you to date her three days after that.
"What are you thinking about, Hanhan?" Hanni got pulled away from her thoughts by you giggling at her tracing your nose with her fingers, eyes looking up at Hanni with adoration and curiosity. "You have the eyes you do when you..." You traced off blushing, but keeping the eye contact.
"When I?" Hanni inquired quietly, lost in your aura. After you didn't answer, ears getting more red, she smiled down at you, booping your nose. "I was just thinking about you. And how much I love you." Your smiles mirrored each other, getting lost in each others eyes momentarily.
"That's it." You said after a while, seemingly out of nowhere. Your eyes softened as your girlfriend looked down at you in confusion, her eyes getting bigger. "The love doved look you give me just before you randomly confess your love for me." You giggled as Hanni's eyebrows squeezed together, a small pout on her lips as she seemed to be thinking.
"I do that?" You simply nodded.
"I love it, don't worry." You let out a silent laugh as her entire demeanor changed. She smirked down at you, wiggling her eyebrows seductively before blowing you a kiss. "Stop being weird!"
"What? I thought you loved it." She made another weird seductive face, blowing you another kiss. This time, your laugh left your chest with a loud sound.
"Hey you two, stop being gay!" Minji's voice got the two of you out of your love bubble, making you look at her as a calm smile settled on your lips. "The movie is about to begin, you better not be smooching during it." She had a serious face, but it only made you snicker at the irony of her words. Minji had her arms and legs wrapped around Haerin, chin resting on the younger girl's shoulder as the latter gave her multiple kisses on her cheek. "I better not hear any kissing sounds!"
"How about you stop being homophobic?!" Hanni retaliated, making Danielle laugh as she dropped the remote control to look at the two girls. "And what rights do you have to say anything about kissing? You two are all over each other in there and no one is complaining." You and Haerin shared a look, rolling your eyes and giggling quietly as your girlfriends kept on bickering.
It was a fun few minutes of the duo bickering as you waited for Hyein to finish making the popcorns so you could start the movie. Anything about the small 'argument' long gone as soon as the movie started playing and you all excitedly got up to dance and sing to the songs of Mamma Mia.
You sighed in content as the chill breeze hit your face, smiling as a familiar pair of arms sneaked around your waist and a subtle sweet scent filled your nostrils. You leaned back on Hanni's warm body as you looked up at the night sky.
"Satisfied?" You hummed. You two and the rest of the girls had just left a ramyeon restaurant after having a good dinner there and were on your way back to your sleepover at Haerin's house. But none of you were in a rush to go back home just yet.
You silently watched as Danielle quietly talked to her parents over the phone, a big smile on her face as she kicked a rock around. Minji and Haerin were slowly walking with their hands laced together ahead of you all, as Minji let herself snuggle to her girlfriend's side. The couple quietly talking about something as you could her them giggling every once in a while. Hyein was taking pictures of the sky and of you all when she thought no one was looking, muttering to herself in pride when she found the pictures pretty. And Hanni was hugging you from behind as you stopped to bask in the moment.
"Oh! The playground is empty!" Haerin squealed, tugging Minji to go climb and sit at the little house with a slide.
An excited noise left Hanni's mouth as she laced her hand with yours and pulled you towards the playground.
You gave Danielle and Hyein one last look as you heard Dani's mom's voice over the speaker as Hyein excitedly said hello, the two too engrossed on the conversation with Dani's kind parents to tease the two couples in the group for their little getaway.
You let out a small giggle as Hanni pulled you behind a tall slide and pressed your body against the wall. "I missed you." One of her hands went up to your cheek, the other holding your waist as she got closer. You couldn't see her face properly as you two weren't facing any lights, but you could feel her gaze on you, making your cheeks get warm.
"We've been together the whole day, angel." You quietly said, feeling your heartbeat get faster. No matter how long you and Hanni have been together, your body still reacted to her the same way it did when you first started to have a crush on her.
"I know. But we've been together with the girls the entire day." Her voice got low as she got impossibly closer, caressing your cheek as your lips lightly brushed against each other. "I didn't even get to kiss you properly today because the sun and Minji decided to be bitches at the same time." You let your head fall to the wall as a laugh escaped your throat.
"Well, the sun is no longer here and Minji is busy making out with Haerin. So what are you waiting for, my love?" You boldly said, smiling in expectation as Hanni squeezed your waist.
The older girl only hummed as she finally closed the small gap between you two, pressing her body on yours as your lips moved together in synchrony. Your arms sneaked around her neck, hands playing with the baby hair at her nape. You felt her tongue against your lips asking for permission and you all but opened your mouth, letting out a noise of contentment as your tongues met, relaxing in her arms.
As much as your kiss was desperate, it wasn't feverish. You simply missed each others touch and comfort.
Ending the kiss with a few small pecks, making you giggle in-between them, Hanni rested her forehead on yours as her fingers drew small circles on your waist. You closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath, lips quirked up in content.
"I love you." You whispered, smile getting bigger as Hanni squeezed your waist at the confession.
"I love you too." Hanni leaning in for another kiss, this one slower than the previous one. You noses brushed against each other as Hanni tilted her face, pouring all of her love for you through that kiss.
You two stayed like this for a few minutes, simply basking into each others love and comfort, sharing kisses and small confessions.
Right now, Hanni had her head rested on the crook of your neck, your hand mindlessly playing in her hair as you two swayed slowly side to side.
"Guys?! Where are you?! Haerin's mom just texted me asking why we're not home yet!" You heard Danielle's voice not too far away, probably looking for you two and Minji and Haerin through the playground.
Hanni groaned on your neck, squeezing you as she whined. "I don't wanna go just yet." You chuckled, rubbing her back in comfort.
"There you are!" Hyein jumped behind the slide you were, waving to you as she silently laughed at Hanni's curled up form on your arms. "We have to go, unnie. It's getting late."
"Boo-hoo." Hanni whined once again, squeezing you and leaning back to give you one last kiss before breaking from your hold to turn and point a finger at Hyein. "You're such a moodbreaker." You and Hyein both laughed at her as the three of you made your way to Danielle in the middle of the playground.
"Did unnies have a good time?" The youngest girl in the group looked at the two of you with curiosity, a small teasing smile on her face as she looked at your laced hands.
Before Hanni could make any other accusing comment, as you knew she would, you answered Hyein as you gave your girlfriend a single warning squeeze on her hand. "We did, Hyehye." You smiled at the taller girl. "Was your talk with Dani's parents good?"
"Yes!" Her eyes widened in excitement as she broke your hands from each other to hold them and stay between the two of you, swinging both of your hands as she started talking. "Her dad said he'd talk to our parents to see if we can spend the holidays at their house! And then we can invite Hanni unnie's family over and spend the holidays everyone together!"
"Oh, really?!" Hanni looked at her, an excited smile forming on her lips. "My sister has been dying to meet you guys! She never stops talking about that one time you guys invaded our face time to prank me!" Hanni rolled her eyes at the memory of the prank, but kept her excitement as she and Hyein began making plans fo the holidays.
You giggled at them, happy to just listen.
Turning your head around to check on the other three girls as Hyein and Hanni had seemely forgotten they weren't automatically following you home, you stop walking to wait for them, halting the two girls on their actions but they were too engrossed on their conversation to even notice, Hyein still swinging your hands as if you were still walking.
You had to suppress a laugh not to disturb the two girls by your side when you saw Danielle scolding Minji for Haerin's disheveled hair, not a single ounce of regret on the older girl's face as she smiled with pride while having her arm around Haerin's shoulders.
You waved at the cat-like girl as she tugged Minji's shirt and waved to Danielle to follow you three. Despite the dim lights, you knew Haerin too well to know by her body language that she was embarrassed by the two girls. You simply smiled at her as you stretched your hand out for her to grab it as she tried to run away from Minji's smug face.
"Oh! Are we doing a chain? Yay!" Danielle squealed as Minji went to hold Haerin's other hand, grabbing Minji's free hand with excitement as she led the six of you back to the main sidewalk.
You giggled as you and your friends engaged into Hyein's and Hanni's conversation about the holidays at Danielle's parents house. You felt happy and loved as only your friends could make you feel.
You went home that day content, having a small smile on your face as you cuddled into Hanni's side on your bed, falling into a peaceful slumber.
a/n: well that's it I hope you've enjoyed it! :)
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crow-aeris · 14 days
Part 1 is here!
More content from my brainworms 🤭
Jason sneaks out in the dead of night with the pendant in his right hand, three fives in his hoodie pocket that he’d picked from Willis, and determination in his chest. He wasn’t sure how he was going to do this, but he’ll manage.
He walks to the nearest bus station, hyper-aware of all the people around him, some of which he recognizes as his future goons, and others as the people who've been pushed to the brink and resorted to working with the rougher rogues to survive and make ends meet. Jason wants to desperately help- to talk to them and warn them about their future- but it wouldn't do anything. As he was currently- a kid- he wouldn't be able to get anything done. No one would listen to him.
Jason sits down on the bus's perpetually sticky seats, trying not to grimace as he waited for the stop.
He mentally plans the route he'll be taking.
He could've gone for Dick first, but Jason doesn't think it would've worked. It's been a few days already, and if Dickface had retained his memory, then he would have already came knocking on Jason's door. Tim too, knowing that little genius stalker brain of his, nothing could've stopped him from accomplishing anything he set his mind to. Damian probably could too, but the brat’s barely concieved, and Jason doubts the league would let a literal infant out of their sight.
So, that’s why he was on his way to Timmy’s manor. Not only is Tim most definitely alone, he’s the easiest to reach.
As the bus halts at the stop closest to Bristol, Jason ignores the driver’s suspicious gaze and rushes off. He brushes his hand against his pocket knife (He’s not stupid, even in Bristol, Gotham was Gotham and the chance of death will never be less than 20%) and he begins walking.
He’s almost forgotten how- peaceful wasn’t quite the word- less terrible Gotham was earlier on in Bruce’s tenure as the Bat. Not only can he make out a few constellations, the sounds police sirens didn’t constantly fill the night… It moght’ve been after his death when everything started to go to shit.
Jason takes a deep breath, marveling at the cleanliness of the air. Sure, it wasn’t as clean as the country, but compare to Gotham when Damian became Robin, the atmosphere might as well be pure oxygen!
Halfway to the Drake Manor, Jason feels his legs grow sore and cramped. God, now more than ever he wished for his Robin training and post-death stamina. Was he ever this… weak?
Distantly, Jason hears the sound of the Batmobile rushing through the streets and shakes his head.
He was almost there. Tim’s bedroom lights were on and a shape was moving around.
Jason groans and breaks into a sprint despite his legs aching in complaint. Tim was, as he said, a creepy little stalker, and even at the ripe old age of six, he was already stalking the bats. Which, props to him, but Jason would rather not follow that weaselly little bastard through the roofs of Gotham.
“SHIT!” Jason curses, misjudging his momentum and slamming into the Drakes’ front door.
God, it hurt so fucking much, and- shit, his nose was bleeding…
But, silver lining and all that, because the door swings open to reveal a harried and panicked-looking Timothy Jackson Drake dressed head-to-toe black, with his hundred-dollar camera hanging around his neck.
God, Jason hates rich people.
“Are you okay?!” the six year old squeaks, lurching forward to stare uncertainly at him.
Well, that proves Jason’s theory. If Tim had all his memories, he would’ve pointed and laughed at him for being an idiot, and Jason would’ve tackled him, dick would get involved, they’d break a few things, and the cass would work with alfred to get them back in line…
(God, Jason wished they’d never gone on that stupid trip.)
“Do you think i’m fine?” Jason huffed, guilt filling his chest as he watched Tim’s face fall. God, sometimes he forgets that then younger Tim was still so… bright. He hadn’t grown into all his sass yet. “I didn’t mean that, kid-”
But it was in the small moments where he’s reminded of his little brother’s spirit.
Tim puffs up in offense, almost like a little cat of sorts, and narrows his eyes, “I’m not a kid! I’m six, and you’re not that old either!”
“Sure, buddy,” Jason rolls his eyes before reaching up with a bloodied hand and pinching his nose, careful to stick the pendant in his pocket where Tim couldn’t see it. “Can I get a little help now?”
“Oh!” just like that, the Tim Jason was used to dissipates, and the kid was back to his shy little self, “Right, sorry. Come in! I’ll go grab you some napkins- are you hungry? It’s really late, and- oh, we have some juice too! We have passion fruit, dragonfruit, starfruit, strawberry-”
“I’ll take passionfruit,” Jason interrupted with an amused smile, “if you have the time, add a dash of lemon juice, ice, and honey.”
He watches as the kid freezes before nodding. Passionfruit with lemon and honey… that was one of Tim’s favorite drinks as an adult, and he’d constantly bugged Jason to make him some. Honestly, rich people shit.
“Okay! Uhm, do you want to shower first? You- you’re covered in blood, and i don’t think that’s too comfortable…”
“Yeah, sure,” he shrugs, “Lead the way, Timbo.”
“Timbo?” the kid faltered and blinks in confusion, but continued to lead Jason toward the bathroom before handing him a change of clothes.
When he was alone, the sound of running water filling the room, Jason took out the pendant and stared at it… The urge to bash the stupid thing against the wall was near overpowering, but he didn’t know what would happen if he did, and Jason would rather not try his luck.
He quickly washes, scrubbing himself down and reveling with how the warm water soothed his aching muscles. While he was at it, Jason scrubs at his scalp and washes his hair with tim’s fancy-ass shampoo snd conditioner. God, he misses the good shit.
When he finished, jason picked dried himself and shoved the pendant into one of the pant pockets (batman themed. why wasn’t he surprised? wonder woman would be leagues better than bruce. Nightwing too, he’s kinda surprised- oh. yeah. shit, he forgot…)
He stretches, humming at how his back popped pleasantly before sauntering down the steps. Sometime during the shower, his nose had stopped bleeding. Thank god for that.
“Tim!” Jason called, yawning briefly as he saw the kid staring into the humming microwave. The kid startled before smiling, “Did you have a good shower?”
“Yeah, I did,” Jason nodded, “What are you making?”
“Food,” the kid replied easily, “they’re leftovers, do you want some?”
“Yeah sure, why not.”
As they ate, Jason wondered how the hell he was going to get the kid to remember. He hummed, feeling exhaustion pulling at his eyes as he finished with his portion of leftover spaghetti.
Tim looks over at him, “Are you tired?”
“Yeah,” Jasonsighs, “it’s been… a long couple of days.”
“Alright! We have a spare guestroom you can use, is that okay?”
Jason nodded. It’ll at least give him the time to think over how he’ll continue with his plan, “Yeah, sure. That’s fine. Lead the way, Tim.”
A few hours later, Jason was awaken by a shape pressing a knife to his throat.
He froze. His mind running through hundreds of different scenarios before he recognized the shape hovering over him.
“…Tim? What- what is this? Put the knife down, and we can-”
“How,” the kid interrupts with narrowed and blazing eyes, “do you know my name? I never told you who I am, and only the people who’ve worked with my parents know that I exist. Did someone send you to kidnap me?”
Jason blinked, running over the last few hours in his mind before realizing that yeah, oh shit, Tim was right. He never did tell Jason his name, did he?
“Okay, kid. I’m…” and then he sees a hint of golden scales peeking from the collar of the kid’s robin-themed sleep shirt, “My name is Jason Todd. You are Timothy Jackson Drake, the third Robin. I’m the second Robin, and… I come from the furture.”
Tim jolts away, taken aback by Jason’s words before becoming instantly suspicious, “You know my name, and you know I like Robin. Prove to me you’re from the future, and maybe i’ll trust you.”
Jason smiles despite the situation, because this was Tim. Tim wasn’t some scared and timid kid, he was an independent little narcoleptic gremlin who drank too much Monster, somehow caught the eye of Ra’s Al Ghul, lost his spleen, and could lie to Batman and get away with it.
“Here,” Jason said, gesturing for Tim to shuffle back before grabbing the pendant and tugging off his shirt. When Tim laid his eyes on the skeletal bird resting above Jason’s heart, his hand automatically drifts to the marking Jason was sure he had, “can i see your…”
Tim gave him an uncertain look, but Jason wasn’t too surprised. If some random creepy guy told him to take lf his shirt. Jason would’ve stabbed him and ran off.
“You have a knife, kid. If i tried doing anything, you could always stab me.”
“…Fine,” Tim bit out before shrugging off his shirt.
A golden snake stretched from the inside of Tim’s elbow, beautiful scales woven from gold coiled along the span of Tim’s arm before resting it’s head atop tim’s coller bone. Honestly? It was breathtaking, beautiful in a way that Jason envied, but it summarized Tim’s entire character pretty well. 
The pendant in Jason’s hand glows as it nears Tim’s golden snake.
“I want to test something,” Jason says, “i’m gonna touch this to the head of thr snake, and we’ll see what happens.”
Tim narrows his eyes, his grip on the knife tightening before he nods.
The pendant presses agasinst Tim’s collar for a brief second, and then everything begins to glow.
Tim’s eyes, the snake’s outline, the fucking pendant- literally everything was fucking glowing.
Jason clenched his jaws, forcing himself to remain still as his brother gasps in pain. Tim’s hans twitched and jerked, but, it was as if some- some force was holding him still.
Eventually, after a few agonizing seconds, the gold fades and Jason hurriedly yanks it away. He surges forward, pulling the knife out of tim’s hand before tossing it to the side, off of the bed and out of the way.
“Yeah, timmy?” Jason leaned back, pulling his brother up before carding a hand through his hair.
Tim was quiet for a few moments before finally speaking, “We need to get Dick, and then Damian.”
“So,” Jason allows the amusement to fill his tone, “are you gonna hold a knife to their throat, too?”
“I will grab that knife and actually stab you,” Tim huffed, “leave you with a scar that matched Red Hood’s.”
Jason scoffed, but he couldn’t help the smile rising onto his lips, “Language, kid. Who taught you to say these things, baby bird?”
“Fuck off,” Tim hissed, “i’m tired, and I miss the big bird…”
“Yeah,” he sighs, “i do too… It’s whatever though. Go to sleep, Tim. We’ll try and grab him tomorrow.”
“Okay… Goodnight, Jay.”
“Night, Tim.”
And sure, it may be lonely with the rest of his siblings at his side, but at least he no longer had to spend this new (old?) life all by himself.
part 3
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steddieasitgoes · 8 months
written for @eddiemonth Day 7 Prompt: Wayne
note: this one is in Wayne's POV and it's a little different than how I usually write, but it means the absolute world to me, so I hope you all enjoy it!
read on ao3 | link to my ao3 Eddie Month series
Wayne Munson remembers the exact moment he found out he was going to be an uncle. 
It was a frigid January morning in Hawkins. The heater in the Munsons’ trailer had stopped working a week before, and Wayne had been too busy working days and taking night classes at the junior college in the next town over to fix it. 
His mama had said she would call Al to come help, but Wayne knew the odds of him stopping by were slim to numb. He had better things to do than check in on his mother and younger brother. Things like keeping the Hawkins police department busy with his petty crime schemes and treating his latest girlfriend with little to no respect. A packed schedule in Al’s eyes. 
So, when Wayne stepped out of the trailer that January morning, bundled in his worn winter coat, he nearly tripped and fell on his ass when he spotted Al on the hood of his car, leisurely smoking a cigarette. 
“Evelyn is pregnant,” Al said between puffs of smoke. “She’s keeping it. M’gonna be a pa.” 
A range of emotions washed over Wayne at that moment. Anxiety for Al and Evelyn and their unborn child. Al wasn’t exactly father material, and it’s not like they had a dad to learn from. Happiness for their family and the joy a new baby would bring the Munson’s. Worry, mainly for Evelyn and the baby, but also for Al and how something like this was going to affect the small gains he’d made that year. 
But mostly, and Wayne would never tell anyone this, he felt jealous. 
Wayne was the one who babysat the neighbor kids when they were younger to make a quick buck while Al schemed. Wayne was the one who always waved to babies in the grocery store line. The one who always snuck his coworkers’ kids candy at the annual Fourth of July BBQs. And remembered to send well wishes home on their birthdays. 
Wayne was the one who loved kids. Who wanted kids. But would never, ever get to have kids for reasons he was too ashamed to admit most days. 
Unlike Al, who would have let the jealousy fester into something nasty, Wayne choked it all down and gave in to the happier emotions. Promising to be there for Al and Evelyn and his new nephew. 
A promise he kept for all nine months of Evelyn’s pregnancy (going on midnight craving runs when Evelyn moved into the Munson trailer after getting kicked out of her own house and then nervously pacing the maternity ward on Halloween night when she finally went into active labor after three false alarms). He kept his promise for the entire first year of Eddie’s life. Helping with feedings and changings. And anything else he could do. 
Wayne was the one to drive Evelyn and Eddie to the hospital the first time he caught a cold and wouldn’t stop coughing. He was there the first time Evelyn fed him mushy baby food that Eddie ended up spitting up all over the place. He saw Eddie roll over for the first time and crawl. He was even there for Eddie’s first nonsensical word — a bastard version of “mama” that sent Evelyn into hysterics and had Al rolling his eyes. 
Wayne was ready to be there for all of Eddie’s first, but then fate reared its ugly, no-good, wicked head, and suddenly, Wayne was being shipped off to boot camp to fight in a war he spent the last three years protesting against. 
But his birthday was called, and Wayne had no choice but to suit up and fight. 
Well, no, that’s not true. 
There was one way to get out of the draft. 
But the thought of admitting to having homosexual tendencies was more terrifying than dying overseas. So, he kept his mouth shut and went and did his time. 
Five years to be exact. 
Five grueling, traumatic, waste of his youth years. 
Most importantly, five years without his nephew. 
Eddie was six, almost seven years old, when Wayne finally made it back home to Hawkins. Unruly curls, just like Wayne once had before the military got involved. Big brown eyes that, despite only being 7, he knew how to use to get him out of trouble. And a brilliant, imaginative mind that captivated Wayne the moment he scooped Eddie into his arms after coming home and Eddie asked, “Ma, who is this bald guy? And why is he trying to squeeze the poop out of me?” 
Wayne knew he’d never get those five years back, but he promised himself to try and make up for them every chance he got. And so “Waynesdays” was born. 
Every third Wednesday of the month, Wayne would spend with Eddie. Sometimes, he’d show up at Evelyn and Al’s trailer early in the morning to pick Eddie up before he went off to school. With Evelyn’s permission, Eddie would ditch and they’d spend the day uncle-nephew bonding. Other times, Wayne would be waiting outside the gates of Eddie’s school, ready to whisk him away as soon as the dismissal bell rang. 
(“Uncle Wayne, Uncle Wayne,” Eddie would shout, running into Wayne’s arm with enough force to send them toppling into the grass. The falls weren’t great for Wayne’s war-torn body, but he never complained. Nothing a frozen bag of peas and a cigarette couldn’t fix the next morning.) 
Whatever the case, the third Wednesday of every month was dedicated to them. 
The first few years, it was simple things. Wayne would take Eddie out for ice cream before stopping at the library. They’d spend hours walking up and down the aisles. Wayne telling Eddie stories that rivaled the books on the shelves. They’d go antiquating — a hobby Wayne inherited from his own mother that Eddie seemingly inherited when he took an interest in Garfield merchandise. 
(“He’s just so fat, Uncle Wayne!” Eddie laughed, squeezing the plush belly of a Garfield stuffed animal. “I want to be fat like him one day! Don’t you?”) 
As Eddie got older, their adventures stretched beyond the Hawkins city limits. Wayne took him to Indianapolis at least twice a year. Introduced him to music. Took him to see movies at the fancy cineplex in the city that sold a tub of popcorn bigger than Eddie’s head. He even promised to take Eddie to the colorful bar they always passed as soon as he turned 21. 
(“But that’s such a long time away,” Eddie had whined, grubby fingers pressed into the glass of the window as he peered inside. “Are you sure I can’t go in there now? They have an arcade machine! Those are for kids!”)
In the summers, Waynesday because Waynesweek. 
When Eddie was younger, they spent the week camping. Two sleeping bags side by side in a tent. They’d trade imaginative stories around a campfire and roast marshmallows until they were burnt to a crisp. The trips were hard on Wayne at first — bringing back memories of the war. But seeing Eddie smile and roll around in mud without a care in the world was worth every sleepless night. 
(“If I catch the frog, can I bring it home?” he shouted one summer, arms already elbow-deep in the swampy puddle. “I promise to take care of it!” 
“M’sure you would, boy,” Wayne said, cigarette between his lips. “But your ma would kill me if I let ya bring a frog into r’home. You know she’s afraid of ‘em.”)
Eventually, Eddie grew out of camping, and then their summer weeks were spent lounging in the trailer. They’d go days without leaving, living off of the groceries they stocked up on on the first day of Waynesweek. The couch always had a permanent butt dent after those weeks, but Wayne loved them all the same. Especially the ones that were spent hunched over board games and later hunched over scribbled-out notes and too many-sided die as Eddie explained some new, complex game to him. 
(“Okay, Uncle Wayne, so now that you made it to the fortress wall, you have to roll this one,” he said, passing Wayne a hexagon-looking dice. “And then whatever you get, we multiply it by the number here, and then if it’s high enough, you get to come inside.” 
“Now how come you can do multiplication in this game, but your ma says you got a bad grade on your last math test?” Wayne asked, brows raised as he rattled the die in his hands. 
“‘Cause school math is boring!” Eddie said, rolling those big brown eyes of his. “There’s no dragons in Ms. Tabbot’s class. Just boring old numbers!”)
Waynesday was a tradition Wayne held so near and dear to his heart that even after Evelyn unexpectedly passed away, Al landed himself permanently behind and Eddie ended up moving into Wayne’s trailer, he still kept up. 
Sure, things got a bit more complicated between them now that they saw each other every day, multiple times a day, with no breaks. They sure got on each other nerves a bit more.
(“Dammit, Eds,” Wayne cursed, tripping over a pair of Eddie’s boots thrown haphazardly in the middle of the hallway. “What’d I say about leavin’ these things lyin’ ‘round. They’ve got a home, put’m there.” 
“Fine,” Eddie groaned, coming out of his bedroom to pick up the shoes. “But then stop leaving your half-drank coffee cups in the bathroom! Why are you even taking it in there?”) 
And they fought, like most children do with the authority figures in their lives. 
(“That’s the second time Hop has let you off with a warning,” Wayne tsked, stalking behind Eddie as they climbed up the few steps to the trailer. “Neither of us are gonna be too nice if it happens again.” 
“You make it sound like I was stealing. I ditched one class. It’s no big deal.” 
“Those grades of yours say otherwise.” 
Eddie growled, rolling his eyes as he tore through the kitchen cabinets, looking for a snack. “This again? My grades are fine, Wayne. Okay. Stop worrying!”)
Sure, things were tough at times, but they also learned some important things about each, too. Things neither one of them thought they’d ever share in common with someone in Hawkins, Indiana. 
(“Where ya going, boy?” Wayne asked one night a few years ago when he walked into the trailer to find Eddie shoving random things into a duffle bag. The same duffle bag that Wayne had carefully placed in the backseat of the truck all those years ago when he picked up Eddie for the final time. 
“M’leaving,” Eddie said through gritted teeth. “And don’t even try to stop me, Wayne. Trust me, you’re not going to want me anymore.” 
A million and one things ran through Wayne’s head in that moment. Had Hopper caught Eddie ditching school again? Had he got his hands on that letter from Al ,Wayne had been hiding in the junk drawer? Was Eddie in some kind of trouble? Bigger trouble than ditching school and smoking pot at the quarry?” 
“Boy, what are you talkin’ about?” Wayne asked, stalking over to where Eddie was currently shoving tape after tape into the duffle bag. “M’always gonna want ya ‘round.” 
Eddie scoffed and kept his eyes trained on the tapes. It was easy for Wayne to see that Eddie was barely holding it together. The tapes shook in his hands and his growing hair did little to shield his red-rimmed eyes. 
“Eddie,” Wayne sighed, slowly lowering himself to the ground despite the protests of his body. “Come on, talk to me. Whatever it is, I’ll help you.” 
“You—you can’t. Not with this,” Eddie said, violently shaking his head. And then, in a moment of bravery, Eddie lifted his head and looked Wayne square in the eyes and said, “I’m gay, Wayne. Okay? That’s why m’leaving. And don’t even—“ 
Wayne cut Eddie off before he could finish whatever insult or wrong assumption was sure to follow. He pulled Eddie into his arms, tucked the boy’s head into the crook of his neck and held him tight. The same way he did all those years ago when he had to be the one to tell the boy that his ma had passed. And Eddie cried. Then and now. Big, fat, hot tears that soaked Wayne’s shirt. 
“Eds, boy, look at me,” Wayne said later when Eddie’s sobs had subsided into a steady stream of silent tears. “You ain’t going nowhere, okay? And you ain’t alone either. I know what you’re goin’ through. M’like you, too.” 
“Y-you, you’re gay?”  
“Yeah,” Wayne said after a painfully long moment. It was a truth he had never let himself think too much about. But now, sitting in the presence of his nephew, who was more like him than he originally thought. Well, now, Wayne thought it was time to accept that part of him. Especially if it would help his nephew. “Yeah, boy. M’gay.”)
So, yeah, living with Eddie full-time had its ups and downs. But no argument, even the ones that lasted days because they were both too stubborn to apologize, was going to stop them from celebrating Waynesday every third Wednesday of the month. Nor was Eddie’s newly minted twenty-year-old selfless heart that worried way too much about Wayne. But he can’t really fault the boy for that.
(“Wayne,” Eddie had sighed just last month. “We really don’t have to keep doing this. You should be able to rest on your one real day off of the month.” 
“Nonsense boy,” Wayne said, shooing Eddie off with the back of his hand. “Only thing I want to do on my day off s’spend time with you. Unless you’re too busy for your old uncle now.” 
Eddie snorted, shaking his head. “You know I always have time for you.”
“Good.” Wayne smiled. “Then get that boney ass of yours over here and let’s watch that movie you picked up before I get charged another late fee.”) 
Nothing had ever come in the way of their Waynesday tradition before, and Wayne sure as hell wasn’t going to let something break the tradition now.
“Hey, boy,” Wayne says, settling himself on the worn visitor chair in Eddie’s hospital room. “S’the 16th. Know what that means, right?” He pauses and waits for Eddie’s answer, which he knows isn’t coming. It’s been almost a month since he last heard Eddie speak, twenty days since he stumbled into Hawkins Memorial to find his nephew hooked up to machine after machine. But Wayne’s not giving up hope. Not even close. He’ll be sitting here ’til the cows come home.
“Yep,” he says eventually, patting Eddie’s IV-covered hand. “It’s Waynesday again. I’ll tell you what, time sure is gettin’ faster and m’getting older.” 
The steady, rhythmic beats of the machines keeping Eddie alive echo off the walls of the too-white room. Wayne listens to them for a moment, a weird sort of peace washing over him. S’long as they’re beeping, my boy’s still here, he thinks. 
Sighing, he reaches into the small backpack at his feet. The one he’s been carrying back and forth from the hospital when Eddie’s friends come to take the morning shift. He pulls out a blanket, shaking it out before draping it over his own body. And then he pulls out a worn paperback book. 
“Now, I know it’s been a while since we had one of those readin’ days you loved so much, but I thought maybe we could bring’m back,” he says, carefully opening the pages of the book. His hand traces down the first page, past the sticky finger stain of Eddie’s youth. “You best be patient with me, Eds. Y’know these names always trip me up. But m’gonna give it my best, okay?” 
Wayne pauses again, waiting for a response he knows he’s not going to get. And then he takes a deep breath and brings the book closer to his face. “In a hole in the ground there lives a h-hobbit.”
Eventually, the words start to blur together. Sentences turning into one long, giant word. And then, soon after, the letters start to blur too, until Wayne’s eyes are drooping and the book falls from his shaking hands into his awaiting lap. 
It’s not long after that Wayne’s soft snores fall into a steady rhythm with the beeping of Eddie’s machine. 
Beep. Snore. Beep. Snore. Beep. Snore. 
And so it goes for several hours until—
Beep, beep, beepbeepbeepbeep. 
Wayne shoots out of the chair, wobbly feet struggling to find their footing as he turns to the bed. Eddie’s lying there, like he always is, except this time, his big brown eyes stare back at him. Full of life and love and fear as he reaches a weak, shaky hand up to claw at the tube shoved down his throat. 
He doesn’t remember calling for the nurse, but they rush into the room in an instant. Circling Eddie’s bed like an animal stalking its prey. Its minutes of chaos. Nurses running to fetch doctors. Machines beeping erratically. Alarms blaring. Orders being shouted left and right.
Someone is crying, Wayne thinks, as his ears cut through the cacophony of noise when he’s pushed into the hallway. Oh it’s me, he realizes as he reaches a hand up to his tearstained cheeks. 
And then, just as quickly as it started, the chaos dies down and Wayne is let back into the room. Just Wayne and Eddie. Alone. Alive. Together. 
He doesn’t wait a moment longer and wedges himself onto the small hospital bed next to Eddie, wrapping his arms around his frail nephew. 
“D-d-did I miss it?” Eddie stutters out.
With a gruff laugh and a tearful glance at the watch on his wrist, Wayne turns to Eddie and smiles. “No, son, you made it just in time.” He twists his arm, showing Eddie the watch. The big hand points almost completely at the 12. The smaller hand settled perfectly over the 58th tick. 
“Our streak continues,” Eddie whispers before his eyes flutter shut, and his body falls into its first machineless slumber in twenty days. 
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carlsdarling · 10 months
Puppyboy Carl who is so needy to breed you but you won’t let him because your busy so he just begs you all day until you finally say okay :3
Clingy Carl
Carl is totally pushy and needy and craves attention…. Basically plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
It was a pain in the ass. You tried to do your work at the Alexandria horse stables, but Carl kept interfering because he was so clingy and needy. You were beginning to regret sleeping with him a few days ago. It hadn't been planned; Carl and you had been on an exploration trip with some other guys and had once had to spend the night out in the wilderness in tents. There were only three tents for eight persons, and you were the only female - so you ended up sharing a tent with Carl, who was a few years younger than you.
You were about to fall asleep, outside the tent Aaron's shadow was wandering up and down as he kept the first vigil. Then you noticed Carl moving closer and closer to you. At first you thought he was freezing, even though it was summer, but then he began to peck little kisses on your neck and slowly slide his hands under your shirt. "Carl, what are you doing?" you hissed. A subtle, misplaced arousal had taken possession of you, against your will.
"I just want a bit of a cuddle," Carl whined quietly.
"With your hands on my tits?" you wondered.
You could feel him nodding. "Can I kiss them?" he asked shyly.
"What!" You were completely bewildered, but Carl's awkward groping had caused you to become restless and a little horny, so you hesitantly agreed and took off your shirt. What harm could it do. Carl started kissing, licking, and then sucking on your nipples, eliciting a moan from you.
He let go of your saliva-wet nipple for a moment. "Do you like it?" he asked proudly.
"Just keep doing it," you urged him, pulling him closer to you, burying your hand in his hair as he continued sucking. You grew increasingly moist between your legs and whimpered softly, but Carl simply continued to play with your breasts until you couldn't take it anymore and shoved him away.
"What's wrong?" he whispered irritably. "Let me keep sucking. It's soothing me."
"Carl," you moaned gently against his ear. "I want you."
"What do you mean?" He looked at you blankly.
You sighed impatiently. "I want to have sex with you," you said then. "Or do you not want to?"
Carl took a shocked breath. "Uuum... ok, yes, I do," he then gave in nervously. You hastily undressed, anxious to be quiet and not attract Aaron's attention.
It turned out that Carl, at 18, was still completely inexperienced, you had to guide him, directing his cock to your dripping pussy so he could align himself with you and telling him exactly what to do, but then the two of you had some fun - even if Carl was being awkward and cumming way too soon and you had to struggle to suppress your moans.
You had assumed that it was an unique thing and you didn't lose a word about it afterwards. Especially since you had a boyfriend in Alexandria, Marcus. You had "lost" the stained sleeping bag on the way back home, so that Marcus wouldn't see it and get suspicious.
But obviously Carl was eager for a repetition. He had already shown up at the paddocks an hour ago, constantly trying to kiss and fondle you. "Please, Y/N, I want to do it again," he kept begging, rubbing himself hornily against you.
"Carl, I have to work," you brushed him off, but he wouldn't give it a rest.
"Please," he whined. "You enjoyed it the first time, too, didn't you?" He looked at you pleadingly with his head tilted.
"It was okay, that's all," you slowed him down. "You cum after three minutes."
"I just need practice," he asserted. "Besides, you were moaning and you were wet, so you must have liked it." He pressed himself against you tightly. "Please," he whispered in your ear, nibbling on your neck with his teeth.
Carl's begging and whimpering caused you to get all horny; the idea of Carl writhing under your touch, wincing and whining, eager to breed you, was tantalizing. But Maggie was around. "Later, maybe," you put him off. "If you can behave yourself now, I'll come by your house later."
He pouted and hugged you, letting you feel his boner. "When?"
"Later," you turned your back on him in annoyance.
At that moment, Maggie appeared. "Carl, what are you doing here?" she asked, with a frown. "Is everything okay? You look kind of... feverish."
"No, um, I, I'm just bored," he lied, burying his hands in his pockets.
Maggie raised her eyebrows mockingly. "Well, there's plenty of work here. You're welcome to help out." Great. That led to Carl not going home, but staying where he was to keep touching you up.
"Please," he started again, barely out of sight of Maggie. " It'll be quick, though."
"I bet it will," you countered sharply. "No. I said later," you reminded him, ignoring his whining, though you had to admit to yourself that it made you hot as hell how much Carl desired you.
Maggie came back. "I'm going to take my lunch break," she announced and disappeared in the direction of her house. Immediately, Carl was clinging to you again, covering your neck with kisses. Your nipples stiffened; you thought of how he had sucked on them devotedly, and instinctively you rubbed against him. "Come on," you finally whispered in his ear. "If you want it so badly." You grabbed him by the hand and pulled him with you into the barn, behind the tractor. You laid an old wool blanket on the dusty floor and made yourself comfortable on it.
Carl was in such a hurry to undress that it was almost funny, and for the first time you could see him fully naked - the slim, sinewy body, the dark pubic hair and his cock, which was rock hard, the tip all red and irritated by his dirty thoughts and lack of fulfillment. The sight caused your pussy to become soaking wet from one second to the next, and you stripped off almost as quickly as Carl did.
You two were rolling around on the blanket, stark naked and horny, kissing and petting each other. You pushed Carl's head down until he caressed your nipples with his mouth and sucked on them, sending flashes of arousal through your body. You bucked your hips up as he stroked you between your legs. "Finger me, Carl," you panted breathlessly, crying out softly as he inserted two of his long fingers into your slick folds. Your muscles clenched lustfully around his fingers, and you clawed at Carl, arching your back. He withdrew his hand and shoved his right knee between your legs, spreading them apart. "Want me to help you out?" you asked, trying to grab his cock.
He grinned. "I think I can find the hole by myself now," he said, gently thrusting his tip into you, stretching you out.
"Ooooh Carl, you're so fucking big," you sighed, legs wide spread, and letting him fuck you. Easily you found a rhythm together, and the barn was filled with both of your moans and the sounds of Carl's cock sliding in and out of your slippery little pussy. Sweat from his forehead dripped down onto your face, and you clung to him. "Deeper," you commanded, "Harder. Fuck me."
"I'm so close," Carl moaned, burying his face on your shoulder, increasing his pace. His sweaty hips smacked against yours.
"Me too," you murmured, kissing his neck and shoulder, leaving hickeys everywhere. Like a searing hot wave, the orgasm washed over you. "Carl, oh yessss, please, Carl, don't stop," you wrapped your legs around him and felt him spilling his jizz into you. His movements slowed, then he lay calmly on top of you, still inside you.
Gradually you caught your breath again, and Carl raised his head to look at you. "That was great," he said blissfully.
"A bit great," you smiled at him, flicking his hair off his sweet face.
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pillow-anime-talk · 10 months
Hi it’s me again 😅 can’t get enough, so I thought of Ayato and prompt 12 with fem reader!! Them being childhood sweethearts. Again congrats on 4000 followers, you deserve it :)
# tags: scenario; friendship; fluffy shit; flashbacks; childhood sweethearts; human!reader; sfw
includes: female reader ft. ayato kirishima {tokyo ghoul}
author’s note: hello once again! i hope it's the ayato from tokyo ghoul (not from genshin impact or diabolik lovers), based on your previous request :) thank you for this prompt!
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12. “But we are not married.” “Then marry me.”
You and Ayato have known each other for over eighteen years. Now you are twenty-four and twenty-five, have enough knowledge about life and also many situations behind you.
Your friendship is a sequence of pleasant memories, it’s dozens of trips together outside of Tokyo, weeks without contact and months of living in silence, your long-hour quarrels, your live together for three years in small flat, your ‘on college’ chapter, his being a ghoul and all the bad things he’s done, your own first love and his broken heart after several relationships with women... It’s all your moments with a glass of wine or something stronger, it’s just watching horror movies together until dawn, running away from important meetings, also your first serious work and all the other things that have kept the two of you apart for almost twenty years, but also made your relatio stronger than ever before.
You understood each other without words, you understood each other through gestures, facial expressions and the way of breathing. You knew each other perfectly, you knew about all your failures and about every, even the smallest, situation that made you smile or happy. There was no taboo between you, no shyness.
And although Ayato in your eyes has become a really handsome and calm guy, still looking at him to this day you are able to remember his much younger – seven-year-old – version, who stole your favorite bucket from the sandbox and argued with you that he just found it and had to take care of it... At first your friendship was turbulent and full of contradictions; the boy took your toys, scared you and ran away from you, while you called him ‘nasty black cat’ and ‘big dummy’. His father and your mother looked at you with light amusement on their faces, wondering when you will finally come to an understanding.
To this day, you remember how – after almost a year of friendship and playing together in the sandbox – Ayato approached you with a paper bag filled with cookies in your favorite flavor. It was a kind gesture that put the most beautiful smile on your baby face at that time. The boy thought it was really cute. It’s cute to see you happy and looking at him as someone you really like.
“...You should give me a kiss as a ‘Thank you’. I made them with my sister.” He said then an you only giggled under your breath. The present Ayato looked at you with furrowed brows and you just shook your head. You were at the coffee shop.
“But we are not married.” You said seventeen years ago and he just stamped his foot.
“Then marry me.” His declaration was sincere and loud at the time, causing your mummy to giggle and his dad to laugh out loud; he almost dropped the newspaper from his hands.
The memory only made you smile more and more, the tip of your nose turning slightly red.
“What’s going on, Y/N?” The dark-haired man put down the mug with the steaming drink, and you sighed amused.
“I just remembered something...” You began mysteriously, causing another surprised look to be sent in your direction. “It’s a really nice memory.” You looked down at the surface of dark coffee and could have sworn that for a brief moment your reflection looked like a six-year-old version of yourself.
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dozing-marshmallow · 6 months
Hi 👋 , could you write a fic of chris and wife! reader visiting his homeland of newfoundland and meeting his family. (btw you're like the #1 chris fanfic writer on this app, keep up the amazing work!!)
#1 Chris fanfic writer is a MASSIVE compliment, thank you so much!😳 this is a new request, but my brain was suuuuper fixated on it, so I hope you enjoy!💗
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We're heading down to Newfoundland That rocky eastern shore!
That song’s been stuck in your head since you found out Chris was taking you on a private trip to his homeland.
You kiss his cheek,“You were such a sweetheart for bringing the contestants to your childhood home, Chris!”
He didn’t see what the deal was,“It’s nothing. You get to meet my mom and know Jerd a little more. The rest of the family aren’t important.”
“Hold up, Chris.” your grave sounding words draw him away from the window,“That sentence doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
You weren’t gonna comment on Chris devaluing the position of his other family members, since it was his family, it was his business,“Well, we’re married... Doesn’t that mean I should’ve met them during our engagement or at the wedding?”
“Uh...” he chuckled,“There’s a reason why it’s us going to them, (Y/N).”
You put the pieces together,“I won’t ask anymore.”
Without Total Drama, this visit was a lot more ordinary yet unfamiliar. The smell of marine clogs your nostrils and seagulls’ squawks still active at this time of day clanged your ears.
Chris knocks on the barn door of his old home, opened by an auburn haired woman in a matter of seconds. Wrinkles lightens her face, almost like they mainly came from her constant joy rather than age as demonstrated with her loving greeting to Chris, making her title in his life clear.
Your anxiety in making a good first impression was compressed when she called your name more cheerfully, wrapping her arms around you,“Welcome welcome, I was wondering when Chris would finally bring ye home! Look at ya, Chris was right when he told me he married a bonnie lass!”
You looked at him for help. What did she say?
“She means an ugly cow.” by that look on his face, you knew he was teasing.
“Ohh patch aht, Chris! Ye ken what I meant when I said that.” his mother scolded him, turning back to you with a smile,“I meant yer a fine woman, love! Maybe too good for my wee Chris here.”
“Mommm...” now he knew how it felt hearing something dislikable, pouting at her,“You don’t mean that.”
“Aw stop yer whinin’, mac, it’s been a long time since yer introduced me to somebody I liked, hasn’t it?” she nudges him gently with her knuckle, addressing both of you,“Come in, I’ll fetch the Screech!”
Here was what the rest of the contestants didn’t get to see. A warm cabin-like house where most of the walls and stairs were made from logs. A lot of fish decor and though there wasn’t much interior walls, it was easy to tell where the kitchen and living room separated at. It was strange that Chris had not lived here for a long time, yet his scent was still so fresh among the furniture.
“Your mom is so nice, Chris!” you exclaim to your husband, looking around the well kept lounge, with three sofas and a coffee table,“You didn’t tell me she was so cheerful.”
He chuckles, shrugging,“Now you know where I get my smile from.”
And you recognised a duplicate of that smile in a photo frame, a teenage looking boy standing next to a woman who had a big resemblance to his mom. Both of them looked forward to the camera, appearing to be outside on a warm crowded day,“Was this you?”
He looks at it and nods,“That was on the final day of high school. It’s weird looking back on how I used to look without my stubble. I was still a hunk either way!”
You look at another frame, above the fireplace, of another younger Chris, dressed in a grey sweater and his hair medium cut. He looked about seven here,“Aww.. And this was you as a little boy. Your face was so round.”
He admires it,“It sure was. I remember shortly afterwards, I lost my first tooth.”
Then caught your eye, a time where he didn’t have any teeth: his mother, with much more frizzy hair and large hoop earrings, holding a baby close to her chin. They must have been at a beach, the woman’s vest being an appropriate choice for those outdoors.
“Aww, you were such a cute baby...” even with the low quality cameras had back then, you could still make out the the docile face Chris once had. You beamed at how he started off in the world as this beautiful baby boy.
He grins at the petting compliment,“The best thing on the planet was once so small you could pick him up in your arms!”
That’s still possible, but anyway! It was very clear his mom loves him, with a lot of moments of his childhood put up on show in her living room- you were happy that your husband had such a good relationship with one of his parents,“You love your mom a lot, don’t you?”
“How can’t I? She’s an amazing woman who’s done a lot for me. Probably the reason why I have some humanity left in this calamitous heart.”
Said woman returns back with a tray of four bottles of Screech,“Jerd should be here in ‘bout two shakes! Leave that bottle for him.”
“Thank you, mom.” though, he proceeded to walk out,“Bladder’s full.” Ah.
In the meantime, she invited you to have a seat on one of her comfy beige sofas. You decided to use this time to ask her some questions,“So... Ms McLean-“
“Katherine, dear!” your mother in law interrupts you kindly.
Your appreciation rose. She was as pellucid as when she first saw you come with Chris,“Thank you, Katherine. How long have you lived here in Newfoundland for?”
“Been living ‘ere before Chris was born! This is where his dad’s from and he wanted to stay so I figured I ought to come live with him.” Katherine replied, taking a sip of her Screech.
“Wow! And your accent is still very fresh.” you make an obvious comment on her heritage.
“Well lass, when yer getting old, it don matter where you are. Your roots will always wanna come back up to enjoy the review of yer life.” she winked,“I have learnt a bit about how these people in Newfoundland parts talk though! For example, they like to say “‘Ow’s she cuttin, me cocky?” as a way to say “How are you, my friend?” Funny, isn’t it!”
Your face stretches in surprise,“I never would have thought that was how they asked how you’re doing! Though, these kind of idioms are what makes cultures so beautiful and unique, right?”
“For sure!” her amused smile tones down to a very welcoming one as she put a hand on your shoulder,“Aw (Y/N). I really wished I was there to congratulate ye on the wedding day. I woulda loved to seen you in that lovely white dress.” her smile folds away, almost like she was lying to you...until she added,“My Christian on the other hand had to go looking like a pure bampot with all that gel he keeps using. Woman to woman, dae ye dig it?”
Before you could answer, her son returns to the living room, not pleased with the first words his embarrassed ears encountered,“Of course (Y/N) likes my hair! I totally looked way more gorgeous than I normally do on the wedding day, and that’s beyond science! Have you seen the photos?”
“Oh I saw everything.” you knew this was his mother for her to not be fazed at all by his self absorbed utterances,“That don’t mean ye should be using that damned gel every day! Dae ye ken what will happen if ye keep going? Yer gonna lose all this nice hair I used to comb for ye everyday and yer gonna be as bald as a nickel! And I know that’s not what ye want, but I canny tell ye what to dae, it’s yer life and I’ve done me part as yer mom while ye were a wee bairn.”
Chris didn’t like being told what to do, but he made very few exceptions to people’s advices, like from his mother,“Okaaaaay Ma... I’ll lay off the gel every two days. Happy?”
She kisses him apace,“That’s my boy!”
On cue, the short cousin arrives, looking identical to the first time you saw him from third season, in his sun coloured raincoat to his fiery red beard.
“Jerd!” Chris goes over to his ginger relative and clasps hands with him,“How you been?”
“Well, b’y!” he keeps his large genetic smile as he saw you,“Ah, the pretty lady! ‘Ow's she cuttin', me cocky?” he miraculously asked, enthusiastically shaking your hand.
“Best kind b’y, thank you!” never has been a better time to be prepared!,“We saved you a bottle of Screech.”
Jerd notices and he grabs it off the tray immediately,“Cheers! I’m just ‘bout gutfounded for some of this good o’ stuff!”
You weren’t thirty minutes in your stay at Newfoundland, but you already decided. You needed to visit them more often.
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queerpumpkinnn · 2 years
2.1k words
In which Sirius realizes that he loves you in a different way than the other Marauders.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six coming soon!
Summary: The return to school and a haphazard prank leads to your stomach housing butterflies for someone you didn't expect.
Pairing: Bestfriend!Sirius Black x reader
Warnings: Light cursing, not much for part one. Reader shares a dormitory with Lily/Mary/Dorcas/Marlene, but they/them pronouns are used (I try my best to avoid using reader pronouns at all though).
While reading, I recommend you listen to valentine's day - a spotify playlist by me!
The halls of Hogwarts were buzzing with excitement. Most of it was coming from the first years. You'd been coming here for years- but you'd be lying if you said it didn't thrill you to think that you'd be spending the next nine months here.
As you followed the line of students through the corridor, your mind wandered to the previous years and the memories you'd made. Most of them were some variation of parading through the halls with a select four kids that had for some reason adopted you, partially against your will, into their group. You'd grown to love them- James with his idiotic jokes and cheerful spirit, Remus as the wise anchor and appointed mother of the group, Peter as the supportive confidant, and Sirius as the mischievous flirt.
No, there weren't many like the Marauders.
An assault of various, luring scents snapped you out of your trip down memory lane. You now had your attention focused on the warm light bathing the Great Hall from the candles hovering over the four grand tables stretching from one side of the room to another.
After moving up onto your tiptoes to look over the many heads in front of you, it didn't take long for your eyes to find your typical spot towards the end. Remus was already sitting there with his nose buried in a book, so much so that it looked as though there was a mop of unruly chestnut hair growing from the pages.
Just as you began to step towards the table, you were jolted by two hands coming up from behind to rest on either shoulder. You were shocked for about half a second before you opened your mouth to yelp and were met with a familiar scent that you'd come to know belonged to none other than-
"Sirius Orion Black!" You half laughed, half scolded when the head of your attacker peeped out from over your shoulder, mirth-filled eyes meeting yours.
"In the flesh." He grinned, stepping back to fall in line and walk with you. The two of you fell easily into light conversation, witty remarks and laughs tossed back and forth.
In the few moments you'd had to look at him, you were taken aback. He looked different. His hair was longer, brushing against his shoulders and still silky and ad-worthy as always. His skin seemed clearer, eyes brighter despite the bags under them. Something life with the Potters had earned him, you supposed. As you knew from experience, summer days at James' house far surpassed those at Sirius'. But you could still detect the worry under his eyes, in regard to his younger brother, no doubt.
But that was a story for another time. You were safe at Hogwarts, and right now that was enough.
The raven-haired boy and you had found your place at the Gryffindor table, you sitting across from Remus where Sirius opted to sit beside him, ruffling his hair as he walked behind the boy.
Now that you could see Sirius properly (and discreetly), you took a moment to drink him in. Despite having a hair tie around his wrist, his ebony locks still remained free, a few draping over his face and remaining there even after he tucks them behind an ear or blows them away. His eyes were alive as he spoke to Remus, hands moving animatedly to express more dramatically the story he was telling. His teeth, though the light in the room was a warm yellow, were pearly white, and when he smirked wide enough you could see his distinct canines gleam, as though they wanted to show off how surprisingly sharp they were.
Somewhere along the line, Sirius glanced over to you a few times. You thanked Merlin he was already telling a story, so it wasn't unusual for you to be watching him.
"Well, if it isn't three of my favorite people!" The telltale bellow of James Potter sounded a small ways away. You turned your head a bit to notice the bespectacled boy approaching your table, Peter following in his wake in a much less attention-attracting manner.
"Prongs! Haven't seen you since this afternoon!" Sirius laughed, standing and clapping his friend on the back. Peter greeted his friends with a more timid and calm manner, seating himself on the other side of Remus, who seemed to be conflicted between annoyance and happiness.
James plopped rather animatedly beside you, slapping his hands on the table in a way that showed he had something important to say. "Since some of us-" he gave a pointed look to you- "were in a different cabin on the train, I'll give a rundown of this year's festivities."
"Festivities," Remus snorted, resting his cheek in his palm, "that's one way to put it."
James ignored his friend's comment, proceeding to explain in full detail the plan he and Sirius had hatched for a first-night prank. While you knew any idea that popped into the mind of James Potter was sure to land you in detention, you listened, and you had to say it was quite funny.
"This is our year," was the last thing the Chaser was able to say- which he said every year- before being interrupted by the sound of a spoon clinking against a glass abnormally loudly, followed by the voice of the headmaster beginning his routine back to school speech.
You'd heard Dumbledore give this speech many times, so you weren't particularly missing out on anything when your eyes wandered to the boy who'd jump scared you earlier. He was listening, or at least pretending to. His chin was resting on his arms, which were folded on the table, so that his eyes were turned upwards so that he could watch through his eyelashes in a little pout.
Wait, huh?
Your reeling back from your surprising thought was cut short when suddenly everyone was clapping. You joined in as well, though you only had half an idea as to what had earned the applause.
You'd fallen back into the swing of things quickly, especially once the food had appeared on the tables and students were scrambling to fill their plates. Eventually it was time to head to the dormitories, so you were forced to part ways with your boys for the night.
What a year this will be.
. . .
Just as you predicted, it didn't take long for the troublemakers to loop you in to some elaborate, yet half-baked plot that always ended in running away or hiding from the caretaker. In fourth year it hadn't even been a full twenty four hours.
This year, it hadn't been a week.
Unfortunately for you, your position at the scene of the crime was quite a ways away from the Gryffindor dormitory, so you were in for a bit of running. Sirius scrambled alongside you, cackling. Peeves' laughter mixed with his as the poltergeist wavered around in the air, whooshing in another direction. You thanked Godric that Peeves had taken a liking to your group and a disliking to the caretaker. He was usually helpful in the escape portion of your schemes.
"Here!" Sirius grabbed your wrist, yanking you into a random broom closet, swinging the door towards him just before it was only a crack open, then closing it ever-so-quietly.
"I don't recall there being a broom closet in this wing," you murmured, brows pulled together.
"Me neither." Sirius huffed, leaning against the bricks and folding his hands over his head. Though he was pressed against the cool wall, it did very little to create more space in the cramped area. You were still brushing against him, as he was increasingly aware.
Though it wasn't terribly warm in the castle, nor was he wearing so much clothing, he felt oddly warm. Sirius was quick to blame his being out of breath and unusually warm on the running- though it didn't explain why he was nervous.
Hoping to focus his attention elsewhere, he reached carefully into his pocket to pull out a piece of parchment, unfolding it and smoothing it out on the ground, whispering a few words to it as well as a spell to allow a bit of light.
You watched the scarlet ink seemingly bleed on from the underside of the paper, forming lines indicating corridors and stairways as well as sprouting up various footprints going their respective routes followed by a name tag. You'd seen it a million times but the process was always pleasing to the eye.
"Let's see if we can carve out a safe escape route." Sirius mumbled, tracing his fingers along the paper. While neither of your names appeared on the map, Sirius knew which corridor you'd been in and traced from there to the Fat Lady portrait, humming a 'no' quietly when his finger ran into the footprints of a teacher or prefect.
"I've got it. Come on." Sirius stood, clutching your wrist and opening the door, sprinting in the direction of the dormitories with you in tow.
The two of you had made it quite far when Sirius stopped abruptly, palms slapping the sides of his pants. His eyes went wide.
"The map!"
"You left it there?"
"I forget things sometimes!"
"Yes, but the map?"
"Do you want to go get it?" Sirius gave you an incredulous look. When you hesitated, he sighed. "I'll fetch it. Just get to the common room, I'm not letting you get detention."
Sirius whipped around without another word, speeding off towards the direction from which you'd come. You shook your head, a smile intruding upon your face as you made your way into the common room.
When you'd entered the Gryffindor common room, after a very judgmental look from the Fat Lady, you flopped down on one of the plush armchairs. It wasn't long until a parade of boys came trotting down the stairs, peeking out to see if the whole team had made it out alive.
"Ah, you made it!" James slung an arm around you. "Where's Padfoot?"
"Forgot the map," you panted. "Went back."
"Blithering idiot, going to get it confiscated one day." James rolled his eyes. When they'd done their full rotation they settled back on you, widened. "What's that look?"
"What look?"
"Your face is red."
"Because I just bloody ran across the castle."
"No, it's a different kind of red." James broke out into a huge grin. "You're smiling too."
It was your turn to roll your eyes. "I don't know what you're on about."
Naturally, James wasn't having any of that, and demanded to know who had put you in this state. Remus, who had been leaning against the wall with his hands in his jumper, had a look on his face that said he knew something that you and James did not.
You shook it off, heaving a sigh and pulling yourself from the chair. "Well, I've had a long day, so your interrogation about my quite nonexistent love life will have to wait. Goodnight, gentlemen."
Thankfully (or unthankfully, according to James) the dormitory prevented you from being followed by the inquisitive boy.
Sirius, however, would not be spared from the eventual harassment awaiting him. James and Peter had gone off to the dormitory, in full discussion about who you could possibly be interested in all the way up the stairs. Remus had stayed behind on account of how much easier it was to work out there than in the dormitory. He preferred the library, naturally, but it had closed long ago.
Sirius barged through the portrait hole, huffing and puffing until he flopped onto the couch right next to Remus.
Remus glanced over at Sirius for what was intended to be only a moment, but his gaze was kept there by a genre of face that he recognized well. One that he had seen on you that same day.
He said nothing, merely shaking his head a little and chuckling as he turned back to his schoolwork.
"What're you laughing at?" Sirius cocked his head to the side.
"Nothing. Just something Peter said earlier." Remus lied quickly, not feeling it was necessary to share his observations at the time.
"Can't remember Wormtail ever making a joke that good, but alright." Sirius cocked a brow but didn’t press the matter, draping an arm over his eyes and sighing, feeling the stretch and sting in his lungs as they learned to relax again.
Remus smiled to himself.
This ought to be entertaining.
A/n: This will be the first of a series, so stay tuned! It's my first series, so pardon if I don't do well with an overarching plotline. Feedback and comments are welcomed!
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six coming soon!
Sirius Black Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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cozzzynook · 15 days
Ratchet is the one pursuing Rodimus once he's back with Drift. Rodimus is so confused, and doesn't want to screw things up with Drift because he's so amazed that Drift even forgave him in the first place. He's scared to tell Drift, but one night Ratchet is doing his flirting with Drift RIGHT THERE, so Rodimus let's himself hope... (and then they have wild monkey sex and Rodimus wakes up the next morning and absolutely cannot walk???)(and then they actually talk for once?????)
Okay, woah.
Ratchet pursuing Rodimus and not Drift making the first move with Rodimus?
Oh my gosh *blue screens*
Rodimus and Drift do make up and Rodimus apologizes and spends his time making up for the hurt he’s caused Drift and Ratchet.
Rodimus assumes Ratchet will want nothing to do with him and he knows he deserves this and he figured Drift will want space from him so he gives it. He’s so wrong.
Drift is more like himself than he ever was before and Rodimus is happy Drift is being himself but he’s also so confused as to why Drift talks to him at all really, he’s told the swords mech he doesn’t have to ever look at him again if thats what he wants. Drift tells him to shut up and that he wants Rodimus in his life and that if Rodimus says something like that again he’ll never say those words again when he’s done with him.
Rodimus was oddly turned on by that but he just nodded and ran off to take care of it.
They continue hanging out and meet at swerves on accident and Rodimus says he doesn’t want to intrude on their time together only for Ratchet to roll his optics and pull the younger in the booth with them.
Roddy’s a blushing mess because he did not see that coming and Drift didn’t even say anything.
He’s not sure what to do other than feel his spark race because yeah…he knows he’s been in love with Drift since they’ve met on the battlefield so long ago as Deadlock and Hot rod but Rodimus has always had a thing that eventually grew to be love for the grouchy medic.
Said grouch was laughing and talking with Drift even looking his way throughout the conversation. Rodimus was tripping over his words the entire time and Ratchet was giving him the same smirks that he gave Drift!
He even made an outright filthy pick up line he knew wasn’t one of the flirty comments that he’d been tossing at him all night!
“Careful there Rodimus, if I didn’t know any better I’d say my spike got your glossa in a knot there,” the way he so casually spilled that line before taking a sip of high grade had Rodimus rebooting and high tailing it out of there after looking at Drift.
Did he self service after?
Did he end up having more inappropriate comments thrown his way with Drift smirking right beside him?
It was getting to a point Rodimus thought this was their way of torturing him for all he’d put them through and he was ready to call it quits when he thought he’d forever have his feelings crushed right in front of him.
Even if he deserved it.
It all came to a breaking point when the three were alone one night in the halls and Drift brought him back to their hab to show him something.
He never did figure out what it was Drift wanted to show him, in fact he’s pretty sure he just wanted to show Ratchet in the wash racks with his large spike and fat valve out on display dripping down his thigh platings as he smirked at the both of them.
Rodimus did not expect to be bent over with his helm down by their pedes as they fragged him from his valve and his aft port.
He was thankful he was flexible but he was also thankful they had him lay down on the wash rack floor before shoving both their spikes inside his valve while fisting each others valves with every pump and thrust against his swollen interior node.
He’s not sure how long they were in the wash racks for but eventually the water grew cold and he was using his outlier to warm the berth before feeling himself be lowered onto Drift spike and have Ratchet valve dom him from on top.
Truthfully by morning he’s too fragged out to understand a word they say. His processor crashes into recharge and its only when he onlines do they actually lay in berth and have a real conversation about what just happened.
Thankfully Rodimus can’t run from this because the mech can’t run at all.
He’s too sore and fragged out to move and he’s most vulnerable and honest after a really good frag so its easier for the two to get him to open up and say whats on his spark as they tell him whats on theirs.
Rodimus admits to being in love with them and Drift admits the same. They’re surprised by how long Rodimus has been in love with them and Rodimus is completely surprised Drift still loved him, let alone at all.
He was completely in shock and denial when Ratchet said he’d fallen in love with the younger speedster.
It took so much convincing for them to get Rodimus to join their relationship. He didn’t think he deserved them and he didn’t want to ruin anything more than he already has.
He’s naming every fault and flaw he has along with every reason they shouldn’t date him and why he doesn’t deserve their love or attention.
They have to convince him that he shouldn’t think that way and that he does deserve this. That they do want him.
Roddy does give in but he’s hesitant and expecting things not to last which drift and ratchet can’t stand.
So they decide to prove Rodimus wrong in the berth. Every time he doubts, they drag him to bed and show just how much he means to them and prove how much they want him.
In turn he lets them do whatever their sparks desire with him.
He gets the message pretty quick.
I hope this is what you were looking for
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mushies-stories · 1 year
I'll wait
Ubbe x reader
warnings: female reader.
word count: 1513
fluff, I just really like fluffy Ubbe I'm sorry... not really.
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You had been traveling with your father. He wanted to find you a good husband with good ties so he brought you along to meet the sons of kings and earls. You were just happy to be out of your village. Your village was small but It had the best farming land and it resided in the middle of a few other smaller villages so it made a good profit. The end goal of the journey was to reach kattegat then return home, hopefully with you to be married. 
Queen Aslaug took your family and men in for the night and invited everyone to the feast that night. You and three of your handmaidens sat at a table with horned cups of mead, pleasantly looking around and talking. You insisted on having your girl with, after all it's boring without them. 
Across the great hall sat Ubbe and Hvitserk, not so discreetly looking at your party. “stay here.” Ubbe says to his brother as he stands up suddenly, taking his cup with him. 
“C’mon now brother now that’s not fair!” Hvitserk argued with a chuckle.
“Who said I played fair brother?” Ubbe said with a laugh as he made his way across the hall and threw the tangle of people. He stopped across from you and greeted the ladies surrounding you with a nod and small smile before directing all his attention on to you, “may i sit and have a drink with you?” he asks.
You look at him and smile softly. “If you'd like…”
“Ubbe” he says as he sits down across from you. “Lady Y/N”
The girls begin to whisper to one another around you. “Prince Ubbe, what are you doing taking pity and sitting with a farmer's daughter like me?” you tease and hush the girls around you. 
“Well really it was either me or my brother.” he nods his head towards where his brother still sat, watching them and raising his glass at them. 
You laugh softly and the girls wave back to him. “Yes, the girls were about to start a bet on which one of you would come over first.”
“Well ladies, if you seek fun while here it looks like my brother is quite lonely and could use company, if you allow it.” he says, looking at you. 
You nod your head and wave them away. “Go, have fun.” you tease them. The girls all say thank you and make it over to Hvitserk who seems more than thrilled to have the company. “Like they haven't had enough fun.” you joke. The girls really have been enjoying the trip more than they probably should be.
“And you, Have you been enjoying your journey?” Ubbe asks, taking a sip from his cup. 
“I've been enjoying the sights, all the different villages and people, so yes I suppose so.” you tell him. 
“Suppose so.” he repeats. “How are you liking Kattegat then?” he asks with a smile. 
“Oh it is very nice! Quite big I fear I'd lose myself at any turn however.” you say with a chuckle. “I found a few things at the stalls to bring home to my younger brother and mother as well.” you added.
“That is very good to hear, my family takes a lot of pride in the village.” Ubbe states.
“Yes you all grew up here didn't you, easy to get around when you saw the roads being made and stalls being out up.” you tease him with a giggle that made Ubbe laugh in response. 
“Suppose that's so.”  Ubbe takes a moment and just looks at you. “How would you like to go for a walk? Since I know my way around, I'd like to show you the shores.”
“You like to huh?” you look back at him and think for a moment. Standing suddenly and telling him to wait a moment you cross the hall to your father who is speaking with the queen. You greet the queen then turn to your father. “Father, I'm going out for a walk.” you tell him. 
“Oh? With who is taking my daughter out in the night?” he inquired.
“Prince Ubbe, father.” you state.
“Your boy Queen Aslaug. Tell me then, I shall let my daughter go off with your son?” he asks her.
She smiles at him then you. “I should think so, yes. He is a fine man.” she tells you both. 
With a nod from your father you head back to Ubbe, who was patiently waiting for your return. He smiles up at you when he notices you standing next to him. “Well then?”
“Lead the way.” you say with a smile
Standing he stretches his arm to you and you take it. He leads you through the village, telling you that this is the fastest path to the stalls from the great hall. And it really did seem faster than the way up. Then he led you to the shore where you two sat on the sand and looked at the stars.
You talked for a long while about everything and anything. He told you stories from his childhood in Kattegat and you about growing up on the farm and your small village. You talked about the stars and seeing the other lands that Ubbe has traveled to and how, if you wanted to of course, go with him and see for yourself. After a while you had fallen into a comfortable silence. Just looking out at the sea and the stars.
“Beautiful, the stars shine so bright.” you didn't want to take your eyes off of them, even though you could feel Ubbe looking at you. “What are you looking at?” you ask, eyes never leaving the night sky. 
“You.” he says planley. “You are the most beautiful thing out here after all, why look anywhere else?” he says with a smirk. You could feel on your cheeks now. You hadn't expected him to be so outright with his flirting. “Tell me, why aren't you married yet? A farmer's daughter is normally wed by now, correct?”
You turn now to look at him. His blues almost glowed under the big full moon that hung above the two of you. “I don't want to marry just anyone. I want to marry someone I know, someone I trust and for love. If it helps my father, then that is good but if not? Then that is for me to decide.” you stated flatley. 
Ubbe nods, like he agrees with everything you said. “That is what you want then that is all that matters.”
You tilt your head to the side a little, staring a little harder into his eyes. “And what is it that you want, prince Ubbe?” 
Ubbe smiles, a wide confident one. “I would like it if you stayed.” his hand rose from the sand to move a strand of hair away from your face before settling on your cheek and cradling your face. “And I would like to get to know you,” he confessed. 
You were almost in shock, no man has ever spoken to you like that, like he wanted you. Not to just fuck but for just simply you. You didn't know how to respond, your heart was beginning to race and his eyes seemed to pin you in place. So you nodded your head ever so slightly. 
Ubbe couldn't help the faint smirk on his face at how flustered you had gotten. “I don't think that's much of an answer, do you?” he asks as he ghosts his thumb over your bottom lip. 
You nod once more. “Yes, I would like to stay. I love my village but here it is wonderful and full of life.” you place your hand on Ubbes own holding you. “I would like to be here with you to show it to me.” you confessed. 
A full smile was on Ubbes face now as he now held your face in both hands, pulling you both together and kissing your lips. He was gentle and his lips felt like they were always meant for yours but he was also unyielding as well, wanting to make sure you knew he meant that he wanted you. Parting you look at each other and smile. 
“You know…” you trailed off. “My father might be upset that I will not return home with him. After all, I was to find a husband or go back with some promise of marriage.” you inform him.
Ubbe kissed your forehead. “Whenever you are ready, I'll be waiting,” he whispers.
You smile up at him. “I fear you might not be waiting long.” Ubbe made you think of marriage faster than any man has before in just one night of talking. His gentleness shows how caring he is, warms your heart and makes you want to hold on to him forever. 
At your words Ubbe pulled you in closer, wrapping his arm around you and holding you closer and you rested your head on his chest. “Good.” he said, kissing the top of your head.
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d1xonss · 6 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 11 ~ The Farm
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 3.3k
In this chapter ~ When Rose gets shot in the stomach by a complete stranger in the forest, he becomes frantic as he pieced together what he had done. In an act of guilt and sorrow, he leads the few men back to an older white farmhouse, where they meet a few new faces who could hopefully save her life as it continued to slowly slip away.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ THIRD PERSON POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
The minute Rose fell to the ground, everyone quickly began to panic. It all happened so fast Rick didn't even know what happened upon first glance, until he saw a man with a shotgun coming out of the bushes looking frantic and fearful all at once as he stared at them with widened eyes.
Without missing a beat Rick rushed over to her and got down to her level seeing she was unconscious, blood gushing out of somewhere near her stomach and he immediately put pressure on the wound. Carl stood frozen in place as he cried, calling her name hoping she would wake up. But she didn't. She laid perfectly still, so still they even questioned for a moment if she was even alive.
Shane's eyes panned from her body, to the man still hovering by the trees, making his way over towards the stranger in a split second, "What the hell was that?! What the hell?! You just shot her!" he yelled.
"I- I'm so sorry!" the man stuttered, "I was trying to shoot the deer, I didn't even see her until it was too late and just-" he stopped himself and thought for a moment, breathless and panicked. "We have a house not far from here, there's people there that can help your girl."
Upon hearing this, Rick wasted no time picking Rose up and following the man through the forest, with Shane and Carl running close behind. With the adrenaline flowing through his veins, it felt as if she weighed nothing in his arms as he pushed himself to run as fast as he could. He almost didn't even feel the way his lungs burned and her blood now soaking through his clothes. He could've sworn he could feel her heartbeat right by his chest, slowing down drastically with each passing second. Even if he pushed himself to run faster, it still didn't feel fast enough.
It seemed like they were running for days before a large white farmhouse started to come into view. The man could hardly keep up with them at this point and started slowing down, but Rick kept moving, pushing himself to the limits as he heaved.
"When you get there, talk to Hershel! I'm so sorry!" the man yelled from behind them, knowing he couldn't move as fast as they wished, watching them all take off in front of him.
Cutting through the large fields, nearly tripping over his own feet a handful of times, Rick finally made it close enough to the house where he caught a glimpse of a few people who watched them from the porch. It looked to be an older man with white hair, a younger girl with short brown hair and green eyes, and a woman with blonde curly hair wearing a long white apron. All three of them watching in anticipation as the strangers approached quickly.
Rick breathed a sigh of relief once he hit the porch steps, "Was she bit?" the man asked him with furrowed brows.
"Shot by your man." Rick replied with bitterness, slightly out of breath.
"Otis?" the blonde woman asked with wide eyes.
But Rick only ignored her as he adjusted Rose in his grasp, "He said to find Hershel, is- is that you? Please help me- help my friend." he pleaded.
"Bring her inside!" the old man instructed, and everyone followed behind quickly inside the house, "Patricia, I need my full kit. Maggie-"
"Yeah?" the young girl asked.
"Grab everything. Clean towels, sheets, alcohol. In here." Hershel directed as he pointed towards a room next to the staircase.
Rick hurried over and set her down gently on the bed, this time really getting a better look at her than he did before. All of the color was drained from her face and there was blood all over her, pooling around her stomach as she continued to bleed out.
His eyes then traveled down to his hands and finally noticed how much was on him as well, staining his skin along with his entire shirt. He seemed almost lost in his own world until he heard heavy footsteps coming through the door, looking in time to see Shane and Carl in the threshold. Carl was still left tearful as he looked past his father and towards the bed she laid on, while Shane was just rendered speechless.
"Is- is she alive?" Rick asked the older man, trying to ignore the ringing in his ears.
Hershel ignored him, "Hand me the pillowcase, quick!"
Rick hesitantly followed the man's instructions, glancing between the material in his hands and the man working frantically, "Is she alive?" he asked more urgently.
He ignored him again, "Fold it, make a pad. Put pressure on the wound." he instructed before pulling out a stethoscope and holding it up to her chest for a few seconds as he listened, "I've got a heartbeat but it's faint." he informed.
Patricia then pushed past everyone as she entered the room, "I got it, step back." she spoke gently as she maneuvered around them.
Rick did as he was told and stepped away slightly, never taking his eyes off of her. He only prayed that she would be okay, that she would somehow push through this unexpected turn. He didn't want to lose anyone else, as the guilt of everything was starting to build beyond control, weighing him down even further enough to feel like he was drowning.
"What's your name?" Hershel suddenly asked him.
"Uh- Rick I'm Rick." he muttered before looking over to his son and his best friend still standing in the doorway, "And this is Shane and my son Carl." he finished.
"Alright, we're going to do everything we can, okay? For now, you need to give us some space." he advised.
Rick nodded slowly and backtracked out of the room, making his way out onto the porch, overthinking everything that just happened too quickly. This was the first time he felt like he was able to breathe since everything unleashed, now knowing that she was getting help she needed. He then saw Otis coming up towards the house, his shotgun hung loosely in his grip and his breathing heavy.
"Is she alive?" he asked frantically.
Rick just nodded his head and Otis made a beeline inside the house; the same time Shane trailed back out. Rick wiped the sweat from his forehead, realizing only seconds later that he was still coated with her blood.
"You got blood man." Shane said, trying to wipe the metallic liquid off of his friend's forehead, knowing the guilty look he had in his eye before he even uttered a word.
Rick shook his head, "It's all my fault." he muttered to himself.
"Hey no, no, don't think like that okay?" Shane tried to argue, "This was all just a giant accident."
"I'm the one who asked her to come with, she wouldn't be in there if- if-"
"It ain't your fault." Shane interrupted sternly.
Before Rick even had a chance to argue further, Hershel came outside rather quickly, "Do either of you know her blood type?"
Rick and Shane just stood there blankly, not knowing what to say. Neither of them had known her long enough to know her favorite song, let alone her blood type. Hershel took their silence as a no, frowning as he tried to think of another solution.
"Do you have anyone else? A group?" he asked as both men nodded their heads urgently, "Do you know if any of them are a universal donor?" Hershel asked.
"Man, no we don't know! We're too busy out there trying to survive to know what everyone's blood type is." Shane was quick to snap.
"No, no, we do have someone, my wife Lori...she's O negative." Rick informed shakily.
"Where is she?" Hershel asked immediately.
"They're uh...around somewhere in the woods by the nearest highway, they could be anywhere at this point." Rick stated.
"Alright we need to get her here, and fast." Hershel said before rushing back inside the house.
Rick and Shane both followed slowly behind the man, heading back into the room to see him checking her pulse again, while Patricia was setting up an IV for her. Carl was just on the other side of the bed, holding her hand as he gazed at her face. Rick's heart somehow broke further upon seeing this, noticing how much this was effecting his son.
"Is she going to be okay?" Carl asked nervously.
"Hopefully, yes." Hershel responded.
He then turned back to the two men and explained that the deer had slowed the bullet down drastically, saving her life. But the bullet broke up into many pieces inside her and he needed to get them out as soon as possible, otherwise she could suffer from severe blood poisoning. He counted six fragments that he needed to remove, but he didn't trust himself to do it unless she had a blood transfusion and the right equipment.
Hearing all of this, all at once, Rick could only think about saving her, knowing they would both do just about anything they could to keep her breathing. They just needed to get Lori back here. And soon.
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Miles away in the forest, Daryl was leading the smaller group who were still looking for Sophia, but so far they haven't found a single thing. He was getting tired from being out in the harsh sun all day, tired of hearing the others whine and complain, and though he wouldn't admit it out loud, he missed having Rose here with the rest. He wasn't happy to see her go along with Rick and Shane, but they did have a good reason to take her. Her tracking skills were impressive.
"Are you still worrying about it?" Andrea suddenly asked Lori.
The woman only sighed, "It was a gunshot." she responded as she turned around to look back in the direction it came from for about the fiftieth time.
Oh yeah, that. Daryl had to admit he too was a little worried ever since they heard it so suddenly from just a few miles away. But he tried not to think about it too much, otherwise that would cause the others to panic more, and what they needed to do was keep moving.
"We all heard it." Daryl responded with a roll of his eyes.
"Why one, why just one gunshot?" Lori asked.
Daryl's eyes widened in annoyance, "I dunno, maybe they took down a walker."
"Please don't patronize me. You know Rick wouldn't risk a bullet to put down one walker and neither would Rose, they would do it quietly." Lori snapped.
His heart dropped when hearing the mention of her name. He had to admit Lori was right, they weren't stupid. But he couldn't do anything about it when he was leading half the group back towards the highway.
He told himself that if they didn't meet back with them soon, he would go off and look for her. Wait no, them... look for them.
"I'm sure they'll hook up with us back at the RV." Andrea reassured Lori.
And with that they all kept moving, trying not to think about the sound that left a ringing in their ears, and worry in their hearts.
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Back at the farmhouse the realization of the situation set in for Rick and he started blaming himself even more than he was before if that were possible. He ranted to Shane about how he never should've let her come with, even if they needed her useful skills she should've stayed behind with Daryl and helped him instead.
He didn't want her to die, he couldn't let her die. He felt so torn up about everything. From the CDC, to losing Sophia, to now potentially losing Rose. It was all too much.
But their words were cut off by an ear-piercing scream coming from the bedroom she was staying in, causing them both to freeze. With the way it sounded, someone could easily mistake her cries as if someone was torturing her, causing everything else around them to be still for a moment.
Both men quickly jumped up to their feet and ran into the room to see Rose screaming and thrashing around on the bed, with tears running down her face.
"I'm getting one of the pieces out." Hershel informed the men that just entered the room.
Carl was still holding her hand tightly as she pushed through, though beginning to cry all over again seeing her in so much excruciating pain. Her screams were deafening, almost making the rest of them feel her pain too.
She then began squirming around too much, unable to take the burning sensation and Hershel called Rick over to help hold her down, the man hesitating momentarily before rushing over to her side. Carl stepped out of the way quickly so he could get to her, standing off to the side as he couldn't pull his wide eyes away. But Shane forcefully turned him around, getting down to his level to command him not to watch any further.
Rick started holding her down in place by her shoulders as she continued to cry, ducking his head down as he could no longer look at her like this. He couldn't take it anymore.
"What the fuck are you doing to me?!" she managed to get out through screams.
Rick shook his head aggressively in frustration, "Stop! Stop- you're killing her!" he yelled.
"Rick, do you want her to live?!" Hershel yelled back, still trying to get the piece out of her with one of his tools.
Rick just stayed silent as he watched the man fish out the piece from her body, hoping that it would be over with soon. Her body then seemed to not be able to endure it any longer as she passed out cold again, while Hershel finished picking out one of the fragments.
"One down, five to go," the man breathed, "She'll need more blood soon, we need to get your wife here as soon as possible."
Rick nodded his head absentmindedly as he racked his brain to figure out how to get to them. Walking would take too long and she needed to get here fast.
"I'll take a horse and go get her." Maggie said as she entered the room, "Just tell me where they are."
Rick nodded in appreciation before telling her where they last saw them, and she quickly left in a flash after that to head to the stables. Hershel then began talking about how he needed to perform surgery to get the rest of the fragments out of her. He needed more medical supplies that he didn't currently have, and without them she may not live through this.
Otis seemed to quickly step up and volunteered to go out and get anything he needed from a high school nearby that hadn't been overrun yet. As they talked about it further, Shane stepped up as well and offered to go with him so he didn't have to handle all of this on his own.
"We should thank you." Rick said to Otis.
"Wait until she's up and moving, then we'll talk," he said with a small smile, "I'll gather some things."
The man then loaded up a truck with everything they would need to head off the land and into town. Knowing that they would probably run into some walkers, he gathered plenty of weapons into the back, Shane helping him as he did so before saying their goodbyes and rushing through the metal gates.
Rick watched the two men drive off until he couldn't see them anymore from where he stood on the porch. He slowly sat down on the steps with one of his legs shaking anxiously, waiting for his wife and Maggie to come back as quick as they could. He almost couldn't help himself as he turned around every few seconds to look in the window, glancing back in the room that Rose was staying in and saw his son right by her side.
It warmed his heart to see Carl caring so much for her, as he held her hand again from the right side of her bed. Rick knew that she looked out for him more times than she needed to, and he was very grateful for that.
As Carl sat in her room watching over her, all he could do was hope. He felt so terrible that she got shot just inches away from where he was, practically taking the hit for the both of them.
He liked Rose a lot, noticing how she was always checking in on him and he loved having her around. In a way, she was like the cool aunt that he never had, and the last thing he wanted was to lose her too.
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"How much farther?" Lori asked.
"Not much...maybe a hundred yards as the crow flies." Daryl responded as he glanced back at her from the front of the line they created.
Andrea huffed, "Too bad we're not crows." she said bitterly as she trudged through the tall grass.
But only seconds seemed to pass before the woman yelped in slight panic of the weight suddenly crashing down on her.
Everyone turned back on instinct to see a walker had somehow landed on top of her, with her struggling to keep its face away from her underneath it. Glenn rushed over towards towards the scene in an instant, taking out his weapon with the intention to crack it down on the walkers' head, but then heard a sound that made him stop completely.
He turned to look just in time to see a horse coming directly towards them, the woman riding on the back taking a baseball bat in her grasp and smacking the walker off of Andrea before it had the chance to bite her.
The woman then circled back as quickly as she arrived, glancing at every member of the group somewhat frantically, "Lori? Lori Grimes?" she asked.
"I'm Lori." Lori replied slightly confused.
"There's been an accident, your blood type is O negative right?" the woman asked.
She nodded slowly, "Yes, O negative that's right. What's going on?"
"Rose was shot and she needs a blood transfusion, you need to come with me quickly." the woman said vaguely.
That sentence made everyone freeze right where they were standing. It didn't take a genius to tell that all of these people had grown to care for the girl and were now frantic to hear this news about her, and genuinely confused as to how the hell it happened.
Glenn stood there with wide eyes as he received the news about one of his closest friends. His mind quickly began to spiral, thinking about a thousand different things, but he picked his jaw up off the floor and pulled himself together fast. She was still okay; she was going to be just fine.
Daryl on the other hand wasn't thinking nearly as clearly as his blood seemed to run cold. The gunshot... it all made sense now. He needed to get to her. He needed to be there for her. The one time he wasn't, she got so seriously hurt that her life was now in danger. He couldn't help but kick himself for letting her go to begin with, but then stopped his mind all together when he realized something. Shit, he really liked her. He liked her so much that all he was able to think about now was the fastest way to get to her.
Lori didn't ask any other questions after the brief explanation. As far as she knew she was the only universal donor in the group. She quickly took her backpack off, leaving it on the floor as she climbed on top of the horse a bit clumsily as she hurried.
"Woah, we don't know this girl! How do you know she's telling the truth?" Andrea asked.
"How could she be lying?! She knows Rose's name!" Glenn snapped.
Daryl then shook his head slowly, "Wait, wait, I gotta go too." he said.
The woman only paused momentarily, helping Lori up onto the back before shaking her head, "No, I'm sorry I can only take one person, and she needs blood it has to be her." she responded.
"No, no, no there's gotta be a way I can come with ya."
"I'm sorry, there's no room. Once you get back to the highway, backtrack to Fairburn Road. Two miles down is our farm, you'll see the mailbox, the name is Greene." she said.
But Daryl went to protest again, "I don't have time to argue!" she yelled at him before he could utter another word, and then kicked the horse with her heel, racing back towards the farm.
Daryl stood there rigid, processing the fact that the woman just screamed in his face, but also the fact that he couldn't go along with them. But his attention was drawn back towards the walker that the woman took down, slowly rising back up again to face them. "Shut up." he snapped as he shot a bolt through its head.
He then turned whipped back around to everyone else, "Come on, we gotta get back to that highway, let's move!" he yelled as he swiped the bolt from the walkers head before taking off.
He knew as soon as the group was back on the highway, safe, he would take his motorcycle and race towards the farm as fast as he could.
The group wasted no time jogging to keep up with Daryl through the woods, seeing that he wasn't stopping for anyone. Although everyone was still blown away at everything that they were just told, Daryl's concern for Rose obviously didn't go unnoticed.
~ Thanks for reading!
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losfacedevil · 10 months
Look After You // SFK (FM!Sam Short)
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a/n~ Set in the Change Universe this is a stand alone Farmers Market Sam ficlet. This photo sparked a little idea last night that I just haven't been able to get out of my head and I just HAD to make it happen. Word Count 2.2k
Danny groaned as he pounded on Sam’s bedroom door once more, turning his arm so his wrist faced the sky and his eyes landed on his watch. He threw his head back, the incessant way he was pounding full fist on the door annoying himself more than Sam not stirring. 
“Sam! Market opens in fifteen minutes! We’re gonna be so late if you don’t get your ass up now!” Danny yelled, slamming his open palm against Sam’s door once more. 
The younger boy groaned, stretching his arms above his head and a sickening crack sounded from his lower back. He threw his hand to the side, blindly searching for his phone amongst the many blankets he slept with. The incessant pounding on his door making his already throbbing head throb harder as Danny yelled something about being late. 
Pulling his phone from the sea of blankets he held it high above his head and peeked open an eye; his bleary vision taking it sweet time to focus on the bright screen in front of him. 
10:45 AM
Sam’s eyes flew open as he sat up quickly. The world spun as his stomach lurched and his head throbbed harder. He screwed his eyes shut and clapped a hand over his mouth, willing his stomach contents to stay put. The regret of going out for a few drinks with his brothers the night before seeping through his veins.
“Shit, shit, shit.” He mumbled, quickly pulling himself out of bed. He threw on the same clothes he had worn the previous night, his soft mesh shirt fortunately not smelling like the joint they had all passed around the small car on the way home. 
“Is the car packed?!” Sam yelled, yanking the bedroom door open as he tripped himself shoving his legs into his pants. 
Danny rounded the corner, a soft nod of his head his only answer as his eyes landed on Sam. Danny’s jaw dropped slightly, eyes wide as he took in Sam’s disheveled state. Sam rolled his eyes as he threw his messy hair up into a bun, wispy bits flying all over as he ducked back into his room. 
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” Sam groaned, slipping his black cardigan over his day old outfit. Danny clapped a hand on the younger boys shoulder, quickly assessing him before he shook his head. 
“You’re looking a little rough there, Sammy boy.” 
Excitement coursed through her as she threw her car into park. The market had only just opened, most of the vendors putting the finishing touches on their set ups as she pulled herself from the confines of her vehicle. 
She meandered quietly, eyes lighting up at one booth in particular. A young girl sat behind it, an array of beaded bracelets, keychains and wristlets spread out in front of her. A smile spread across her face as she ran her fingers over a certain bracelet. 
“You make these?” She questioned, the young girl coming alive as the question left her lips. She nodded gently, reaching across the table to pick up the bracelet. 
“This was one of my first designs. I sell them here and at the little boutique down town. I’m trying to make enough money to fund my dance comp trip.” The young girl spoke, toying with the bracelet in her hand. 
“That’s awesome! How far from your goal are you?” She asked, her eyes alight with wonder as she picked up a few more pieces. 
“Just a couple hundred. A few more weekends here and I should be good!” The young girl gushed, handing the bracelet back. She nodded gently, inspecting the three chunky bead bracelets in her hand. 
“I’ll take these three. Here you go, and keep the change. Good luck on your competition!” She said, handing a twenty dollar bill over to the young girl. The girls eyes widened at the money in her hand. 
“But it’s only nine dollars.” She said, her eyes landing on her pricing guide. 
“That’s okay, keep the change. Consider it my donation to your dream.” 
She waved at the young girl as she slowly made her way down the line of vendors. Nervous butterflies erupted in her stomach the closer she got to where the boys should be set up, unsure of how this week would go. She tried to keep her attention elsewhere as she noticed their booth was empty. 
Her shoulders sank, deflating at the sight of the empty booth. She knew not every vendor returned every week but was hopeful she would see him at least one last time before they switched to the fall market. She turned her attention elsewhere, slowly making her way down to the opposite end of the market. 
Sam fought the nausea that rolled through his stomach, screwing his eyes shut against the harsh sunlight as he tired to blindly set up the booth. Danny couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him as he watched his best friend struggle. He shook his head lightly, walking up behind Sam and he clapped his hands down on the boys shoulders. 
“Here, wear these, and sit the fuck down. I got this.” Danny chuckled, pulling the sunglasses he was wearing off of his face and handed them to Sam. The younger boy groaned his thanks as he took the sunglasses and backed up underneath their canopy, plopping down into the metal folding chair. 
“I’m gonna be sick.” He mumbled, leaning forward to rest his elbows against his knees. He reached up, placing his forehead in his hands as he screwed his eyes shut and swallowed hard against the wave of nausea. 
“You’re not gonna be sick, you’re gonna be fine.” Danny mumbled. He slowly began to set the booth up the way Sam had envisioned. He glanced up at the market once he was satisfied with the way the table looked and a soft smile spread across his face. 
He spotted her down the length of the path, her eyes dancing over another booth as she purchased something small and gently tucked it away in her purse. He noted how she was trying to not look their way, disappointment etched into her features. 
“I think your girl thought you ditched her.” Danny mumbled, watching as she meandered from side to side, eyes dancing over all of the booths. Sam groaned, a soft shrug of his shoulders the only answer he could muster. 
“I don’t want to be bothered.” Sam mumbled, swallowing down another wave of nausea. Danny shook his head, turning to face Sam. 
“I know you feel like trash but don’t take it out on her.” Danny mumbled, his eyes never leaving her figure as he watched her slowly make her way towards them. Sam lifted his head slightly, glaring over the sunglasses. 
“I’m not. I’m taking it out on you.” Sam’s lip curled and he turned, a cough wracking his body and he spit, knowing full well if he tried to swallow it down everything would come up. 
“Well you best straighten up, here she comes.” 
Danny turned back towards the table, a soft smile caressing his lips as she came to a stop in front of their table. Her eyes landed on Sam, cocking her head to the side and pointed at him. 
“Is he okay?” She asked, her eyes finding Danny’s and she raised her eyebrows, concern flooding her features. Danny nodded, glancing over his shoulder at Sam. He sat straight up in the chair but his head tilted back eyes staring up at the canopy. 
“I’m gonna be sick, Daniel.” He mumbled again, puffing out his cheeks and pulled a deep breath in through his nose. 
“You’re not gonna be sick. He had one too many with the boys last night and now he regrets his decision.” Danny chucked, gathering together the few jars of jams he knew she’d want. Sam nodded and swallowed hard against another wave of nausea. 
“Oh it’s gonna happen and this entire market is gonna know it’s happening.” Sam mumbled, reaching up to scrub his hands down his face. A sigh slipped past her lips as she began digging in the tote bag that hung from her shoulder. 
“You’re not gonna be sick, Sammy. Stop being so dramatic.” Danny chuckled, turning to the younger boy who had resumed his original hunched over position. Sam shook his head as his body lurched, fighting against his will power to keep his stomach contents where they belonged. 
“Do you mind if I go back there?” She mumbled, pulling two small pieces of candy from her bag. Danny shrugged his shoulders, turning his attention to the other market patrons that had made their way over to the booth. 
She made her way around the table, sidling up to Sam and placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. She kneeled down in front of him, placing her other hand against his knee and rested her chin on the back of her hand as she peered up at him. She could see his eyes screwed shut behind the pink tinted lenses and his breathing was labored as he fought against his body. 
“I know the last thing your mind wants is anything to be put into your stomach but, here. Eat these ginger chews. Your minds gonna fight you on it but I promise you they’re gonna help.” She kept her voice light, soft enough to not hurt the throbbing she knew danced between his temples but loud enough to be heard. 
“No, thank you. It’s okay.” He mumbled, swallowing hard once more. She shook her head lightly, reaching around to cup his chin in her hand. He peeked his eyes open slightly, a soft smile spreading across his face as he took her in. 
“Hi.” He breathed out the word, letting his eyes close as the throbbing in his head stole his breath. She dropped her hand, leaning back slightly and unwrapped one of the ginger chews. Her eyes found his face as she cocked her head to the side. 
“Here, just eat one, please? It’ll soothe the deadly waves in your stomach, promise.” She cooed, holding the candy in her palm. Sam sighed, pulling the deep breath in through his nose as he peeked at her again and moved to pluck the candy from her palm. He inspected the candy and brought it to his nose to smell it before gently popping it into his mouth. 
“There, happy?” He mumbled. She nodded her head gently, placing her hand back on his knee and laid her head against it. Sam’s eyes fluttered shut as he focused on slowly chewing the ginger chew as to not upset his stomach any further. 
He let his hand drop, gently resting it against the side of her head and threaded his fingers through her soft hair. Sam focused his mind of the feel of her hair against his fingers, pulling them through her long locks and twirling it around his fingers.
“It’ll take like ten minutes but I promise you’ll feel a little better.” She mumbled, reveling in the feeling of his fingers against her scalp.
She sighed quietly, the muscles in her legs beginning to burn from the way she had been crouched for so long. She pulled back gently causing Sam’s hand to fall to her shoulder. He gave it a quick reassuring squeeze as she stood and stretched out her legs. 
“Sorry, my legs felt like they were about to spontaneously combust. How’s your stomach? Better?” She giggled, kicking her legs out in front of her as the circulation began to flow again. He nodded his head gently, standing to his full height. 
“Yeah, thankfully. I guess you know what you’re talking about.” He chuckled. She nodded gently, beaming up at him as she slowly made her way back around the table.  
“All it takes is a piece of candy and he feels better? See I knew you were being dramatic.” Danny chuckled, pushing the four jam jars he had gathered for her in her direction. 
“He wasn’t being dramatic, ginger just really helps. Didn’t your mom ever give you ginger ale when you were a sick as a kid?” She giggled, handing Danny the money for her jams. 
“No she gave me Vernor’s when I was sick.” He shrugged, slipping the money into their money box. 
“That’s ginger ale you dunce.” Sam laughed, finally coming to life as his stomach settled. She held back her giggles, shaking her head slightly as her eyes danced between the two boys. 
“He said it not me! Well it was good to see you guys, now I gotta go be an adult and run errands, and Sammy? Maybe don’t drink the night before the market, I won’t always be equipped to nurse you back to health, baby.”  She mumbled, eyes widening slightly as she placed her jam into her bag and hoisted it onto her shoulder. Sam felt the blush spreading across his chest, his eyes finding Danny’s as they exchanged a wordless conversation. 
“Bye guys!”  She waved enthusiastically as she turned on her heel and made her way back towards the parking lot. 
“Oh, bye!” The boys called in unison. Danny chuckled, his eyes trained on Sam’s face as the younger boy watched her walk away. 
“I think she likes you, Sammy boy. So stop being a fucking knuckle head.” Danny chuckled, clapping a hand down on Sam’s shoulder as they watched her in the distance.
TAGLIST: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @puzzle-gvf @sunfl0wer-power @vanfleeter @ppoutine @aintthatapity @twistedmelodies @gvfpal @psychedelicsprinkles @safety-sam
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