#i scoop the poop
angelapleasant · 1 year
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how i feel waiting for ts2 to load
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l3irdl3rain · 1 year
seeing the horse bedding anon inspired me to try and switch our cat to pine pellets, but coming from clumping litter, I'm a little confused by the box cleaning process. do you need a sifting litterbox to get the dust out? this feels like such a silly question, but how does cleaning the litterbox differ with the pine pellets? we got a 35lb bag for 5.89 which is a crazy savings if she actually likes them!
Thanks so much, here's Bathtub as cat tax :3
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Hey! I’m going to explain the method I use but I’m sure other ppl have differing opinions. This is just what works for me.
I only put a small amount of litter in each box. I actually don’t scoop poop daily unless someone did a really stinky poop or there’s just a lot. But every other day I dump out the entire litterbox because basically the whole thing is soiled with urine. On the litter boxes they don’t use as often I can get an extra day or two.
If you only have one or two cats you’d probably end up wasting a lot of litter if you dumped the boxes that often. I have 5 cats and even tho I have 6 litter boxes they really only use 3 of them regularly, so they get really gross really fast. I’ve found that just using small amounts of litter and starting fresh more often helps keep my house from smelling like one big litter box
I know other people will fill the boxes like normal, scoop poop daily, and then give the box a little shake to make the crumbled pellets settle down on the bottom of the box. Then when there’s too much urine they’ll dump the whole thing. So basically the same idea as a sifting box without spending the extra money for one.
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nabsthevulture · 1 month
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Met a rattlesnake today
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Rereading Battle of the Labyrinth, Chapter 9: I Scoop Poop
Percy is a complete badass in this chapter, and I can't believe I forgot this chapter even existed. So decided to write a post to remind everyone who might've forgotten as well.
He needed to clean out the stables of the flesh-eating horses, and went down to the river. He met a naiad, who was not happy with Percy's plan because of the ecosystem complications. Percy immediately backs down, and the naiad decides to give Percy far too much power in the form of secret knowledge.
Basically Percy learned how to turn seashell fossils into pure ocean water, and cleaned the horses and the stables with geysers. He stopped the water from reaching the river, and he was exhausted. Makes sense because Percy just summoned the power of ancient oceans to help him clean some stables.
But even so, he ran all the way back to the ranch house before sunset and proceeds to hand Geryon's ass to him by shooting an arrow right through his three chests. Kid's a beast. Apollo and Artemis, you two are amazing for responding to Percy's prayers so quickly, but I fear he has too much power now.
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sparkylurkdragon · 1 year
Fun fact: Poopie bags to put your pet's waste into are much cheaper in the dog section than the cat section. Literally the same items. The ones with dogs on the label are cheaper and come in higher-bulk packages.
I can't help but wonder if this is a particularly weird pink tax thing, given how cats and dogs and their ownership tends to be gendered?
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flecks-of-stardust · 2 years
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[image description: two images of a Northern Mockingbird perched on some branches. It is a soft grey-brown, with darker feathered wings that have a white band in the middle. Its eyes are a brilliant gold. In the first image, it is looking off to the right, one eye staring at the camera, and is somewhat hunkered down. Its body is framed by a curving twig. In the second image, it is perched higher up, rump facing the camera as it looks to the sky. There is a big fluffy white cloud in the background. end image description]
birdy :D
#big long ramble about my day so far in the tags just cause i felt like sharing#i had a rheumatology appointment today but i was Way early#arrived when the doctors had broken for lunch. the receptionist told me there was a new nature path past the parking lot#and i was like hell why not. maybe i’ll find a cool bug#i did not find many bugs but hooo there were so many birds it was amazing#this fella was the highlight#i was trying to get a picture of it through a bush cause it looked cool#but then it flapped up In Front Of Me. like less than a meter away#and i just stared wide eyed at it for like three seconds#snapped a few pictures because it posed for me for a little#it also gave me a little gift :’) i didn’t catch the poop falling on camera lol#then it flitted off back the way it came#there was also a hummingbird (anna’s hummingbird i think)#and a few others i couldn’t identify. probably a few bushtits and i think two goldfinches at least#and also some really fucking loud geese(?) that i could not find#it was nice. talking a walk here and there is so nice#i did eventually find some bugs. there was a honeybee that was getting blown across the ground by the wind#literally tumbling all the way. i scooped it onto a leaf and put it somewhere a bit less windy#and there was another in a flower that seemed a bit stronger#also there were these little solitary bee home tubes!!! didn’t see any bees come out though#and there was a cat :D#hshshshshdh it’s been nice so far#my appointment went well too#mockingbird blessing :)#if i had a nickel for every time i happened to somehow be allowed within a meter of a bird to get a super clean picture of them#i would have two nickels#which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice /ref#the other instance was of hatchlings too :’D god they were so round and cute#i miss them i hope they had lots of babies
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toytulini · 13 days
man when we had an auto litterbox it just Kinda Sucked
i didnt realize they were selling ones so actively dangerous and deadly
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rollarcoasting · 9 months
me when my cat sleeps on the COUCH instead of snuggling with me in the scary darkness
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top-shelf-tender · 3 months
{{My sister just called Maggie (my cat) her daughter, and suddenly, I understand Lucifer’s need to fucking DEMOLISH Alastor LOL}}
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californiaquail · 3 months
reese is pissing on the big white bean bag in here again....when he did this before before it was because the person who was supposed to be in charge of his litter box "forgot" about it for like two weeks and he was not having this issue before i left so even though i cleaned it right when i got back i think i need to dump out the whole thing and put all fresh litter in....i did get him a different litter than he had been using but he was doing fine before i left so i doubt it's that. really not looking forward to informing the powers that be of this situation as it is a massive pain in the ass to try to wash that thing in the horse wash stall and they have a lot of other stuff going on rn that they're stressed about and they're not exactly easy people to handle at the best of times. 😐🚬
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fortunately he is a perfect little angel baby who has never done anything wrong in his life.
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chiptrillino · 2 years
What about the adults? Iroh would probably make some kind of apple tea but accidentally give himself indigestion with a mild dose of cyanide. June feels like she'd slice an apple while beating someone up. Hakoda totally slices apples for his kiddos (maybe makes a happy face out of them). Not sure about Ozai, Bato, or Jee.
i feel like i have to do a graphic for the atla characters and their apple preferences hahah my problem is... i know many kinds! but only german names.... i didn't think much of the adult. also because i think some don't like apple, could have a mild allergy or are really indifferent about them. like the only thing i am sure of is that gran gran cuts an apple open. lets it out till it shirwls up a bit and then eats it. it gets softer, is less acidy for the teeth, say locals old grannies form my place. i can't find anything online to back me up hahah
i guess its a given that parents slice apples for their kids. and i am sure that hakoda has a scar on his thumb for cutting to deep once on accident. but i also think that in the pole if they have apple they have like really small ones. like they grow like apricot size (they do exist! but i do not live on the poles.... so not sure how it fits with atla poles flora... ) eitherway bato challenged him to fit 5 in his mouth. lets say... don't do this at home kids. luckely hakoda survived (bato: he only fit 3. <-fit 5 in his mouth kya: looser <-fit three in her mouth hakoda: i hate you two) i don't think everything for iroh involves tea though hahah. i like the idea that he accidentally poisons himself. but i am sure he cuts apples up for zuko on the ship and serves them with some tea while zuko has his nose buried in old books and scrolls about the past avatars.
june shares her apples with nyla!!! she bites off peaces and gives it to her lovley shirishu! does nyla only eat meat? probably. but i think small peaces as a treat could still be good for the animal. (so june eats eats apple like a normal person (if she is not accessing her dominance in the pub of course)
jee doesn't care as much??? he eats one as a snack by just biting in them. on a ship they are usually old grainy stale. maybe not as pleasant? so he just here and there eats one maybe he has a bad day and squeezes one in his hand may or may not imagin it to be a certain princes head...
now that i think about it firebenders could like make something like candied apple. they heat the apple up. dip it in sugar that sticks to the hot surface. and then heat it up again till the sugar melts and then hardens clear.
ozai deserves to be chained to the plaza and people get to trow rotten apples at him.
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Sending love letters (pages long fic reviews) and gifts (tumblr horse friend) to my lover across the sea (@separatist-apologist) in the hopes that she'll leave her husband and run away with me to Scotland 😩
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forjongseong · 1 year
enha always be doing lives when I am adulting
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
cats are the most demoralizing creatures on earth but like you can’t even get mad at them. like there is NOTHING as soul crushing as cleaning up a litter box just to watch them immediately rush in and take the stinkiest shit.
because like... yeah... of course you wanna use the clean litter box, you’ve probably been waiting, but also...... all my hard work.....
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ghostsinthecellar · 1 year
I always leave the litterboxes until the last part of my day and I always regret it
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pr · 2 years
how do i make every decision from this point on to achieve owning a horse
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