#I am spending my finances RESPONSIBLY
the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
Sending love letters (pages long fic reviews) and gifts (tumblr horse friend) to my lover across the sea (@separatist-apologist) in the hopes that she'll leave her husband and run away with me to Scotland 😩
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flewtothewinds · 1 year
can someone yell at me about how much i dont need the mp100 shigeo watch
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lilacstro · 3 months
your birthday and profections
hey!! I hope you all are doing fine. If its your birthday, then happy birthday haha(so random lmao) This is a long post, so you may need to read through :) Apart from your solar return, profection years are another way to check major themes of your year.
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At its most basic, every age that’s a multiple of 12 is a 1st House year. So that’s when you turn 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 and so on.
Every year after is a 2nd house year, which is when you turn 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73
3rd house year: 2, 14,26,38,50,62,74 and onwards
Once you know the house connected to your current age, you can plot your experience of life via the topics and themes of each of the 12 houses.
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Themes House wise:
1st House - Self, Identity, Beginnings (YOU CHANGE)
Self-image, appearance, first impressions, approach to life, early environment, physical body, persona
2nd House - Value, Possessions (YOUR PERSONAL BELIEFS CHANGE)
Finances, personal resources, material wealth, values, self-worth, assets, possessions, spending habits
3rd House - Communication, Learning
Communication, siblings, local travel, early education, writing, neighbors, short trips, mental processes
4th House - Home, Family
Home, family, ancestry, roots, real estate, emotional foundation, private life, parents
5th House - Creativity, Pleasure
Creativity, romance, children, play, entertainment, hobbies, self-expression, speculation
6th House - Work, Health (TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH)
Daily work, service, health, routine, fitness, diet, pets, responsibilities
7th House - Partnerships
Marriage, partnerships, close relationships, contracts, public relations, collaboration
8th House - Transformation, Shared Resources
Transformation, death and rebirth, inheritance, shared resources, taxes, sexuality, mysteries, occult
9th House - Exploration, Higher Learning (YOUR LUCK CHANGES)
Higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, religion, law, beliefs, exploration, publishing
10th House - Career, Public Life
Career, public image, reputation, social status, authority, ambitions, government, recognition
11th House - Social Networks, Aspirations
Keywords: Friendships, social groups, networks, aspirations, community, collective causes, social activities, ideals
Subconscious, solitude, secrets, endings, spirituality, isolation, hidden enemies, mysticism
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Your Time Lord for the Year
The other thing profections will do is turn on a planet as the ruler or ‘lord’ of your year ahead. This is called a time lord. This planet will be the traditional ruling planet of the sign on the profected house.
For example, your profected house by age is the 7th House, look at the sign in that house. Gemini in 7th? Mercury is the ruler. Taurus in 7th? Venus is your time lord.
This planet becomes a guiding influence for your year ahead. Not that if you have Venus as your time lord you will fall in love daily lmao, But rather, you will experience rulership of this planet affecting your themes of the year. I hope im making sense.
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Planets in Houses
Next, check the placements and themes of your profected house in your natal chart. For instance, everyone turning 18 will be in a 7th house year BUT each person will have different planets in their 7th house, and a different sign ruling the house.
For example, my 7th house is empty, and in my 18th year nothing major or life changing has happened, I am on my gap year.
If you have Mars in your 7th House, then your Mars themes – developing or managing assertiveness in partnerships, dealing with a little tension, the impact other people have on your decision making process, that type of thing – are highlighted for that year.
If you have Pluto in your 7th house, then themes like power, struggles, isolation and transformation maybe highlighted that year.
I hope it makes sense, use this for both, your time lord and the ruler of your profected house: Sun: Vitality, Identity, Ego
Self-expression, leadership, creativity, purpose, individuality, confidence, recognition
Moon: Emotions, Nurturing, Instincts
Emotions, intuition, habits, home life, family, subconscious, nurturing, cycles, forming close relations
Mercury: Communication, Intellect, Movement
Communication, thinking, learning(even life lessons, or about yourself), travel, writing, siblings, negotiation, information, introspection
Venus: Love, Beauty, Harmony
Relationships, attraction, beauty, art, values, pleasure, social life, harmony, indulgence
Mars: Action, Desire, Conflict
Energy, drive, ambition, aggression, initiative, sexuality, competition, courage, assertiveness
Jupiter: Growth, Expansion, Wisdom
Growth, expansion, luck, optimism, philosophy, higher learning, travel, abundance, generosity
Saturn: Structure, Discipline, Limitation
Structure, discipline, responsibility, limitations, authority, perseverance, time, maturity, career
Uranus: Innovation, Change, Rebellion
Innovation, rebellion, change, freedom, individuality, technology, unexpected events, unconventionality
Neptune: Dreams, Intuition, Mysticism
Dreams, intuition, mysticism, spirituality, illusion, compassion, imagination, escapism, idealism
Pluto: Transformation, Power, Depth
Transformation, power, depth, rebirth, intensity, secrets, control, regeneration, shadow self
Chiron: Healing, Wounds, Growth
Healing, wounds, inner growth, wisdom, teaching, mentoring, empathy, vulnerability, self-discovery
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PLANETS RULED BY AGE Ages 1 to 4 of your life is ruled by the Moon. Ages 5 to 14 is ruled by Mercury. Ages 15 to 22 is ruled by Venus. Ages 22 to 41 is ruled by the Sun. Ages 42 to 56 is ruled by Mars. Ages 57 to 68 is ruled by Jupiter. Ages 68 to death is ruled by Saturn.
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I hope I explained it well, combining your profected house, time lord and the planets in the profected house and the ruling planet of your age, you can get some information about the themes and effects you might be experiencing in your life and use it as a guide for your betterment.
support me on ko-fi :)
Remember, nothing is bad/challenging and you always have free will for the most part of your life and you dont have to subscribe to things you dont wish for, all the best<33
If you want, leave suggestions and feedback for the next post in asks, and comments :)
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Authors Note: It’s me. Hi. I’m back with another attempt at “writing”. This is an angsty one this time. I felt I should learn to write something that pulls at the heartstrings. I hope this doesn’t disappoint.
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton X Female! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Period Specific Sexism
Word Count: 2.9K
Anthony looks up from his desk, rubbing his tired eyes as he calls out a gruff. "Who is it?"
The rain outside continues to batter the windows, the sound muffled but still audible through the thick oak door of his office.
Anthony's expression softens immediately as he sees you standing in the doorway. He smiles, setting down his pen and pushing himself away from the desk.
"Love, what are you doing up at this hour?" he asks, his tone gentle as he looks over to you. "You should be in bed."
“I couldn’t fall asleep without you.” you admit sheepishly. “The bed doesn’t feel the same without you in it.”
Anthony's smile widens, his heart swelling with a tender affection as he hears your admission. He steps closer to you, his hands coming up to tenderly frame your face.
"You know I'd rather be in bed with you too, darling," he murmurs, his voice gravelly with tiredness. "But the ledgers won't balance themselves, I'm afraid."
“Surly you can do them in the morning, you’ve been working so hard lately, my love.”
Anthony lets out a weary sigh, his thumb gently stroking your cheek as he holds your gaze.
"You know I'd love nothing more, sweetheart," he admits, his exhaustion clear in his voice. "But there's so much work to do. I've been neglecting my duties, thanks to our trip to the country"
“You have been in here all day, it is past midnight surly you can rest now.” you say frustratedly. Your husband is a hard worker, but the dark circles under his eyes betray him. He needs to rest.
Anthony flinches slightly at the tone in your voice, the frustration in your words evident. He lets out another sigh, his hands dropping from your face and going to his hips.
"I know I've been working late, darling," he says, his voice quieter now. "But there's just so much to do. The ton relies on me to keep the estate running smoothly, and with the ball coming up, there's so much to prepare for-"
“Then let me help you lighten the load, I might not know how to balance the books but teach me I am a quick learner. Surly two heads will be better than one.” you say, pleading with your husband to let you help ease his burden.
It is not a woman’s job to deal with finances, you know this, and your husband is a proud man that will want to take the pressure off everyone but himself. You can only hope that he is too tired to argue with you tonight.
Anthony hesitates for a moment, torn between his natural instinct to handle everything himself and the desire to please you.
"Darling, it's not your job to help me with all this," he starts hesitantly, his gaze flickering between you and the papers scattered on his desk. "I'm supposed to take care of everything, that's my responsibility as the viscount-"
“And what of my responsibility as your wife?” you interrupt him sharply. “Is it not part of my duties to help you when you are struggling.”
Anthony falls silent for a moment, your sharp words cutting through the air like a knife. He looks at you carefully, his expression a mixture of surprise and contemplation.
"Of course it is," he admits quietly, his shoulders deflating a fraction. "Be that as it may, these are things that I'm supposed to handle, sweetheart. The estate, the financial planning-"
“I wish to help, I wish to spend time with my husband outside this office!” you frustratedly plea.
Anthony's expression darkens, his shoulders tensing as he struggles to keep his own temper in check.
"You know I wish I could spend more time with you, darling," he snaps back.
"You think I don't want that too?" he retorts, his voice rising slightly. "You think I enjoy spending every waking moment in this damn office, bogged down by paperwork and figures? But it's my job, my responsibility-"
Anthony continues to rant, his frustration and exhaustion getting the better of him as he snaps at you.
"I don't need another problem to deal with. I don't need you hovering over me, trying to help, when I'm the one who has to carry the weight of this estate on my shoulders. You're already distracting me enough as it is."
The words hang in the air like a poison, their harshness cutting deep.
"You need to stop being so bloody needy!" he snaps, his tone sharp and frustrated. "I'm doing the best I can, but there's only so much I can handle! You're asking me to do the impossible. Besides, what on earth could you possibly know about running an estate? All you know is dresses and tea parties and silly little gossip rings, you don't know the first thing about what I’m going through-"
Anthony immediately regrets his words the moment they leave his mouth, his eyes widening in alarm as he realizes the damage his words have done. His lack of sleep and his patience that has been holding on by a thread that has finally snapped.
The words hang in the air like a poison, their harshness cutting deep into your heart.
Anthony's face softens immediately as he sees the tears welling up in your eyes. His anger and frustration disappear, replaced by regret and guilt as he realizes the impact of his words.
"Wait, darling, I didn't-" he starts, reaching out a hand towards you.
“I am sorry I didn’t realise I was another problem that you had to deal with, my lord.” you say stonily, taking a step back from his reach. “I shall leave you be.”
Anthony winces at your formal address, the coldness in your tone cutting through him like a knife.
"Wait, no, that's not what I meant-" he tries to explain, his voice filled with remorse.
Anthony stands there, frozen, as the door swings shut behind you. The sound of the rain outside is suddenly deafening, drowning out the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears.
"Shit," he mutters, raking his hands through his hair in frustration. "I shouldn't have said that, I didn't mean it...fuck." he curses out, swiping the papers of his desk in anger.
Anthony storms over to the corner of the office, pouring himself a generous glass of whiskey. He downs it in one gulp before pouring himself another, the whiskey burning its way down his throat and into his stomach. He paces the room, his mind a maelstrom of guilt and self-recrimination.
Anthony spends most of the night in his office, drowning himself in paperwork and the bottle of whiskey by his side. He tries to focus on the figures in front of him, but his mind keeps drifting back to you.
He can still hear the echo of your hurt and angered voice in his ears, the way you'd shut the door behind you with a sharp click. It pains him how callous and cold he'd been to you, how he'd let his frustration spill out in the worst possible way…
As the first rays of sunlight start to filter through his office windows, Anthony finally falls asleep at his desk, head resting on his arms, his dreams plagued with visions of you. Countless apologetic notions fill his thoughts, he will make things better. He has too.
Anthony groans, as daylight makes its way through his office windows. Lifting his head off the desk, memories of last night come rushing back, and with them, the sharp pang of guilt. His head is pounding from the liquor, his neck aching from the awkward position he slept in. He sits up, rubbing his temples with a weary groan, the events of the previous night playing over in his mind on repeat.
"Bloody hell," he mutters to himself, shoving a hand through his disheveled hair.
Anthony spots a maid walking down the hall as he emerges from his office, his expression still weary and guilt-ridden. He stops her, and with a gruff in his voice from tiredness, he asks her.
"Excuse me, have you seen my wife this morning? Where is she?"
The maid, a young woman with a cheerful smile, gives Anthony a puzzled look as he stops her in the hallway.
"Good morning, my lord," she says, a little taken aback by his weary and disheveled appearance.
Anthony runs a hand through his hair, attempting to straighten it but failing.
“I have not seen the viscountess this morning, my lord. Would you like me to check with the other maids on her whereabouts?” she respectfully responds.
His heart sinks at the maid's response. He had hoped that he would find you wandering the halls, ready for him to apologize and make things right. But instead, he is left with a sense of confusion and growing dread as to your whereabouts.
"Yes, please. Anything you can find out would be greatly appreciated. I need to speak with her urgently." he says tiredly.
The maid nods her head in understanding as Anthony dismisses himself to ascends the stairs with a heavy heart, his mind still spinning with guilt and worry. As he reaches the door to his bedroom, he hesitates for a moment, taking a deep breath as he mentally prepares himself to face you.
He quietly pushes the door open, peering into the bedroom to see if you are there.
Anthony's heart drops as he sees that the bed is still made and empty. You are nowhere to be found, and he immediately starts to panic.
"Damn it, where is she?" he mutters, stepping further into the room as he looks around frantically trying to find clean clothing to change into.
Stepping out of his room, Anthony runs through the hallways of the estate, calling out your name frantically as he looks in every room and corridor, his footsteps echoing loudly. He checks the library, the study, the drawing room, anywhere he can think of where you might be, but you are nowhere to be found.
"Damn it, where are you?" he repeats, his voice ragged and desperate. "Please, love, where are you?"
As Anthony is running through the estate, he is stopped by a staff member who approaches him urgently. His eyes immediately snap to theirs, a flicker of hope and desperation in his gaze.
"What is it? Where is she?" he asks urgently, his voice betraying his anxiety.
Anthony listens intently to the staff member's words, his heart hammering in his chest as he hears the words "gardens". Without a moment's hesitation, he spins on his heel and takes off in that direction, his steps quick and determined.
Anthony's heart stutters in his chest as he sees you, tucked away in a tranquil corner of the gardens, reading a book. Relief floods through him, but it is quickly replaced by guilt and worry. He pauses, watching you for a moment, his eyes taking in your figure, the sight of you a balm to his weary heart.
Taking a deep breath, he steels himself and starts to walk towards you. Your eyes meet his, and he is struck by the sight of you, sitting there under the tree, reading like nothing had happened between you. His heart clenches in his chest, and he opens his mouth to speak.
"Darling," he says, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"
“I suppose so, if you are not too busy that is.” you dryly respond looking up at him.
Anthony flinches slightly at the cold tone in your voice, but he doesn't blame you for being angry. He takes a seat on the grass next to you, rubbing a hand over his face in exhaustion and regret.
"I am never too busy for you," he replies softly, his gaze fixed on yours. "I... I wanted to talk to you, to apologize for last night."
Your expression does not give him hope that this will be an easy conversation for them to have. Feeling nervous he gestures towards the book in your lap, his expression softening.
"May I ask what you're reading?" he inquired, his voice quieter now, almost nervous.
“It is a book on mathematics, I thought it would be smart to fill my brain with things other than dresses and endless gossip.” you respond hitting back at him for his earlier words.
He winces at your words, his shoulders visibly tense as he absorbs the sting in them. He knows he deserves it, after everything he said to you last night. But still, the reminder of his careless words hurts.
"I deserved that," he admits quietly, his eyes downcast. "And I am sorry, for what I said yesterday. It was careless and cruel, and I didn't mean it, truly. You are not another problem, love. You are my partner, my wife. I was just... frustrated, overwhelmed."
Releasing a sigh you meet his eyes. You can see how tired he looks, how vulnerable.
“I know that, which is why I wanted to help. I never meant to become another issue that you had to deal with when you are already so busy.”
Anthony's heart aches as he sees the hurt in your eyes. He reaches out a hand, tentatively resting it on your knee.
"You are not an issue," he says firmly. "You are the furthest thing from it. I was out of line, love, and I'm sorry. I... I should have let you help, should have been grateful that you cared enough to ask. I know how difficult it is for you, sitting at home while I'm stuck in that office day in and day out."
“You hurt me you know, with your words,” you say sadly. “I went to bed alone last night and I cried for what seemed like hours. Then I thought of how angry I was with your stubbornness, so I woke up this morning and went straight to the library because as much as I am upset with you I still love you too much to see you end up in an early grave because you worked yourself to death.”
Anthony's heart clenches as he hears your words, knowing he is the cause of your pain. He lets out a shaky breath, his hand tightening on your knee as he hangs his head in shame.
"I know," he says quietly, his voice thick with regret. "And I don't blame you for being angry with me, I was a fool for saying those things to you. You have no idea how much I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth. I hurt you, and for that, I am truly sorry. Tell me how can I make it better."
“If you wish to make things up to me you may sit with me and teach me what you know of accounts. I do not wish to have this argument again so I wish to know so I may lend a hand when you truly need it.”
Anthony's eyes widen in surprise at your suggestion, but he quickly composes himself, a faint smile tugging at his lips. He nods slowly, his hand still resting on your knee, a warm and reassuring presence.
"I'd be happy to teach you," he says softly. "And I promise, I will never be that careless again, love. I'll ask for your help next time, I swear it."
“Hmmm, you better.” you gently smile at him. “Also if I am to help you I would like a desk. A large one.”
Anthony chuckles weakly at your request, a mix of relief and amusement at your stubbornness. He nods, his gaze fixed on you.
"Of course, love. You'll have your very own desk, right next to mine. And I'll make sure to explain everything to you, I promise."
You lean over to kiss him gently. Placing a hand on his cheek. You can never stay mad at him for long you blame his face.
“You know if we are to spend more time together in your office, we might need to think of a way to destress after all our hard work.”
Anthony raises an eyebrow at your words, a smirk playing at his lips.
"Oh, and what do you suggest we do to... 'destress', love?" he asks, his voice dropping lower, a hint of something dark and suggestive in his tone.
“Hmmm something like this prehaps.” you say as you climb upon his lap giggling.
Anthony's breath hitches as you climb onto his lap, and he instinctively puts his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. His eyes darken with desire as he looks up at you, a smirk on his lips.
"I like the way you think, love," he laughs, his hands traveling up your waist.
The staff can't help but overhear the sound of laughing and joyous voices coming from the gardens, and a wave of relief washes over them. After all, witnessing the viscount and viscountess argue and bicker wasn't a comforting sight for them. As they continue about their work, they can't help but feel glad that the tension between you and Anthony has been lifted, replaced instead by playful banter and laughter. A happy couple suited the viscount and viscountess a far lot better than a bickering one.
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AITAH for hiding my fanfiction hobby from my husband?
I do not think I'm the asshole here, but a few friends online have told me I am so seeking an outside opinion. I (32F) have been married to my husband (35M) for almost 9 years. We have a good relashinship with the average amount of disagreements over the basic stuff (financies occasinally, planning conflicts, in-laws, you get the idea) never anything big. Overall we have a very happy together.
Along with having common interests, we both have our own hobbies. For me, this is writing fanfiction. I'm what I would consider a semi-serious writer. I have well over 100 fics posted, several of which are pretty long (50k+), and pretty much all of them are very spicy (M or E rating, and all M/M). I write in my down time on my laptop and on my phone, and it's my main form of solo relaxation.
Now, here is where, according to a few online friends, I'm the asshole. My husband knows nothing about this hobby. I never talk to him about writing or fandom stuff. It's just not a hobby/interest we share. We watch some of the same shows and get invested, but he is not part of as I would put it "fandom culture". Shows and movies are something to enjoy, but he doesn't immerse himself in them like I do (he is well aware I get more invested in them than him sometimes). My online friends say that since I hide it from him, and especially since I write spicy things, I am basically cheating emotionally. Which I disagree with. My writing never interferes with us spending time together, I don't put it before him, and it doesn't effect our activities in the bedroom (I don't really think that's relevant but thought I would mention it). I am devoted to him. I just like having this hobby. They say it shows I do not trust him.
The main reason I don't tell him is not that I don't trust him, its that I simply don't trust anyone. I was bullied horribly in middle and high school (verbally and physically) for being interested in fandom things and fanfics. Since then, the idea of talking face to face about it gives me great fear and anxiety. So I just prefer to keep it to myself. He has seen me writing on my phone and asked what I'm doing, my response simply being "I write short stories sometimes," and we move on. For all I know, he has figured it out and just respects my privacy.
This is another reason they say I'm an asshole. I value my privacy and his. I'm not the type that thinks we are married and are basically one person required to share everything. We are allowed to be our own people with part of ourselves that are just for us. My friends say that's selfish and not how marriage works. (To preface, they are in relashinships where their partners' share their interest in fandom culture).
So, AITAH for keeping this hobby to myself?
What are these acronyms?
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bluecollarmcandtf · 1 year
Becoming the Breadwinner
David has been a real pain since he turned 18. The kid refuses to get a job, skips school, and spends his time playing video games on the couch. The only effort he puts into anything is girls, and even that he quickly loses interest in.
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I love my little brother, but I expect more from him than that. When our parents stepped out of the picture, I was the big brother who stepped up. I dropped out of highschool and got a full time gig at a garage. It was grueling work, but I always put in overtime to make sure David could finish school and play basketball.
Now my lazy brother rarely does either of those things.
"David, did you really just sit on the couch all day," my voice rises as I get home from a long day, "You had chores to do around here."
"I'll get to them tomorrow," he mumbles, staring at the screen.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I stomp over to the TV and turn it off.
"What the hell, bro!" he snaps, "Turn it on."
"No TV until you mow the goddamn lawn!" I roar.
"Lay off me, dad." he scoffs sarcastically, "You used to be fun, bro."
"Oh, am I not fun anymore? Sorry, I don't enjoy putting in 7 days of work a week so you can bum around all day!"
"Whatever, bro," he resigns. I can already tell I'm not going to win. He's already staring at his phone, and there's no way in hell David is picking himself off of this couch tonight.
"I didn't want to resort to this," I explain, "But I don't have a choice, do I? You're going to take on more responsibility from now on, and your going to like it," I say firmly.
"Shut up, bro," he rolls his eyes at me.
"No, you shut it! I'm tired of paying for our house, our food, our lives while you refuse to appreciate any of it! It's my turn to be lazy!"
"Your nuts, bro," David groans, but he shifts in his seat, suddenly growing uncomfortable in his own skin.
"Maybe I am, but you can feel it happening, right?"
"What's happening, bro?" my little brother laughs, but his smile lines deepen as the skin on his face becomes more tired and loose.
The kid's shoulders broaden beneath his t-shirt and his legs lengthen as he fidgets awkwardly on the couch. Then his skin roughens before it looks like it's almost inflating. A small layer of pudge fills out his cheeks and then his neck. His entire torso thickens as his metabolism weakens. David's previously flat stomach grows into a paunchy belly that his now heavy pecs can finally rest on.
"What's happening?" David cries, but his voice cracks and the second word is said several octaves lower than normal.
"It's your turn to play dad," is all I say.
"What?" the deep voice in his throat whimpers, as a thick patch of wiry hair bud around his jaw and neck.
"And I'm tired of our lack of finances" I add, ignoring the desperate look on my brother's rapidly aging face, "You work at the bank. Don't you, dad?"
"I'm not dad!" he says firmly, but between his deeply commanding voice and matured body, it was hard to see him as anything else.
His t-shirt eventually transforms into a collared button up as a wide tie rolls down from his thick neck. A heavy brown belt appears beneath his gut, tightly tucking his slacks into his soft body.
David holds a hand to his creased forehead and groans, "Bro, what's going on?"
"Bro?" I laugh emphatically, "Why are you calling me bro, dad?"
David pauses and then let's out an amused chuckle, "I don't know, son. It was a long day at the bank."
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"You're such a weirdo, old man," I add, taking on the bratty tone David had previously been using with me.
My new dad let's out an exaggerated groan as he pulls himself off the couch, "Why are you dressed like a grease monkey, son? You finally get a job?"
I glance down at the worn blue clothes that make up my mechanic uniform. I won't be needing these anymore.
"Nah, dad," I laugh, "I thrifted these. They're vintage."
David let's out a chuckle, "You kids are something else. I'll start on dinner. Chicken sound good for tonight?"
"Whatever," I answer heading for the gaming console in David's old room, "I'm gonna play some videogames. Just let me know when the food's ready."
"Sure thing, pal," my new dad feighns a smile as he steps into the kitchen.
I spent the rest of the night relaxing in David's old room while my father cooked dinner before going straight to bed. He had to be up early to shower and shave before heading to the bank.
Meanwhile, I called the garage and quit. David would be taking care of us for a while. It was his turn to bring in the income, and it was my turn to coast off of his long hours.
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moonshynecybin · 5 months
#thinkin about teen dad marc…. like diplopia year…. <- say more callie
eye got. SIX asks about this lmao. but anything for you elle ofc. required reading on this is @yekoc’s vale knocks marc up in like 2013/14 post found here go read it (AND THE REPLIES !!! ). foundational text.
but in this one. vale is jerry springer voice NOT THE FATHERRRR. which i think would make his specific commitment issues significantly weirder and more complex. and marc MUCH more neurotic lmao. he has a baby to look after !!! AND he’s doing death defying stunts !!!
so marc either gets a girl pregnant and keeps the baby or gets knocked up and keeps the baby. choose your own adventure. he’s a teen. diplopia year cwaziness. fully like. i am injured and may never race again which i can’t fix instantly and easily so i’m going to HAVE THIS BABY. tries to #win at teen pregnancy. and marc is part of a VERY tight knit little family so once he gets better he absolutely carts that baby all around the world and inside the garage. (which. he comes back because he both wants to and HAS TO. marquez family finances already depended on him, now you add a tiny sweet infant into the mix that he is responsible for. marc is already psychotic about winning because of natural competitiveness and the aforementioned family pressures this would literally make him worse. crazier.) babychamp t-shirts new meaning. bouncing her on his knee in the box in 2012 BIG ASS baby ear protectors. santi very seriously explaining shit about tire pressure to the side. kissing her little cheek in parc ferme.
and vale. meets this baby/toddler. LOVES this baby/toddler. and as his relationship with marc takes shape it’s a little different! marc’s i’m old for my age complex is 9000x more pronounced but VALE’S i’m young for my age complex is toooooo… so it’s weirder. yes they start fucking but it’s also like. less often. less free time more baby time they don’t hang out at bars as much but every time vale sees marc he gets to hang out with a hot person he likes and sometimes he gets to be goofy for a leedle baby that he is RAPIDLY gaining affection for. marc leaves her with vale (HUGE TRUST. THE BABYSITTING LIST OUTSIDE OF FAMILY IS LIKE TWO PEOPLE.) when he goes to the bathroom and vale reaches over to grab her favorite toy (bugs bunny plush iykyk) without thinking and it’s like oh. oh no. like he spends enough time with her that he KNOWS HERRRR… doesn’t have the rigidity of the fuckbuddies dichotomy because they hang out so often WITH the baby so he can’t write the whole thing off as much. truly what do you do if you love and want to coparent a child. but are also exceedingly scared of commitment and growing older. well.
anyways vale is a freak so he turns that over in his head for a bit. scared 2 death. chews on that for a while. but when it really gets too deep for him is hmmmm ranch visit. when marc rocks up with his toddler (hot pink tiny bike for her that goes 1mph. baby pecco and luca and franky braiding her hair.) lethally adorable in a too big yellow vr46 hat that makes vale’s chest feel like RIBBONS.) and then marc races vale like he’s going to DIE. for NO reason. in a fun vibey recreational session. and vale’s fucking in it now!! every time marc takes a corner too fast his heart seizes up and marc’s daughter flashes in his brain (the baby curl of her hair and the way she reached for marc laughing from the crowd last race…) ans cold sweat breaks out across the back of his neck because if something happens to marc then—
so he pulls back. still waves to her in parc ferme. still makes stupid faces to make her laugh (feels like he’s FLYING. feels like WINNING.) and does grabby hands with marc on cooldown laps (eye ALSO think he doesn’t realize that his marc feelings are a separate entity for the baby feelings lmao. like that he would be worried about marc regardless. the baby is a good excuse here…) but. it’s interfering with his focus. he has to win his tenth. he can’t be coparenting this kid (she’s turning FOUR he’s been giving her bday presents for THREE YEARS NOW.) and worried about marc like that because marc is a competitor. and marc doesn’t feel that way anyways. marc is a bastard to him on track. marc is crashing all the time (WITHOUT VALE THERE. he hears about marc’s summertime hand injury and is like haha. and the baby was WERE. who is HOLDING HER??). and suddenly uccio is at his door and marc is a saboteur. and he’s getting older and he’s slower and jorge is GOOD and that’s— that gives something for vale to grab on to. to self destruct this before it can implode by itself. to make sense of all of this.
and afterwards— after sepang and their text thread drying up and everything. she still runs up to vale allll the time… finds him in the paddock tugs on marc’s hand until he lets her go… and vale always picks her up spins her around sends her back to her dad… still gets her a bday gift… marc watching with a sad smile on his faceeeee… vale DOES get over things faster in this universe because he wants to be more involved for babychild but. it’s rough there for a while when vale is still lying to himself and marc is creating RIGID structures for who he lets in to his daughter’s life because she STILL asks him to call vale so he can read the bedtime story because marc does NOT do the voices right… and he CANT CALL HIMMMM
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lup-ines · 6 months
The Saturnian Guide
the do’s and don’t of saturn transits
by lup-ines
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as an aquarius (capricorn in sidereal) stellium, I am no stranger to the difficulties that comes with Saturn.
but what if I told you it didn’t have to be hard?
it may not seem like it, but like all the other planets in astrology, saturn transits can be beneficial if you know how to maneuver them properly!
as a gift to all my lovely readers, I will be letting you know how you can make the most out of saturn transits and where you should tread lightly.
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- practice self-love affirmations
- get into exercise routine or any physical activity that encourages bodily discipline
- make peace with your past
- find ways to take responsibility for your actions without making excuse and take a calculated approach to them
- take the time to get to know yourself and discover new things about your being
- practice patience surrounding adapting a new identity
- make impulsive changes to your appearance
- seek validation from outside sources
- feed into superficial delusions about yourself
- indulge in toxic ways of avoiding your insecurities
- neglect your health and physical appearance
- compare your own journey to the journey of others
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- find new ways to stabilize your finances
- make thorough plans for big purchases and new financial moves
- learn new skills
- explore jobs/careers that will help you expand into a new stage in life
- build foundations around your self worth
- make impulsive/unplanned purchases
- indulge in frivolous money spending habits
- be discouraged by slow financial gains
- gamble
- adapt new beauty routines without doing research
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- read and find ways to gain more knowledge!
- find new ways to communicate more efficiently
- write, journal
- observe the flaws in your communication style and find healthy ways to improve it
- understand that everything is not worth an argument sometimes
- speak before thinking clearly about how your words could affect others
- allow negative thoughts to ruminate
- engage in immature arguments with siblings/neighbours
- buy a car/go on a short distance trip without planning
like and reblog! let me know if you want a part two!
love always,
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- clémence
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thesensteawitch · 10 months
2023 Farewell Message For You!🍃🥀🍃🥀🍃
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!
I am back with another collective reading for the year-end. Each pile is divided into two segments:
•What this last month is taking away from you?
•What this last month will give you as a parting gift?
Get your year-ahead (2024) reading from me aka The Sensteawitch and get to know what the next year has in store for you in terms of relationships, career, and finances. To avail yourself $5 off on your reading be quick to book your reading! Only the first 5 will get the discount. Below are the three spreads I created for the 2024 year check:
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🌷Booking Form🌷
Now begin your reading.
Pile 1
What this last month is taking away from you?
Tarot Cards: The Fool, The Tower, Five of Wands, Sevan of Pentacles
This last month is going to take away your overconfidence and blind faith. Things will fall only to make you understand the importance of going slow when building strong foundations. In work or friendship, you may face a dispute. Everyone will be pointing fingers at each other. The project you have been working on will face problems. You will lose your calm. You may not see whose fault it would be but you'll see that the dispute was the price you needed to pay to finally turn towards self-confidence. You will know where to invest your energy and money. Soon you'll gain back your patience and share a tip from your book to resolve issues. You'll finally grow new opportunities with experience and knowledge. You'll be the one making adjustments to bring things back to their place.
What this last month will give you as a parting gift?
Tarot Cards: King of Wands, King of Cups, Three of Swords, The Temperance
A new vision will be gifted to you. An advice will stay with you for a lifetime. You'll find the courage to sail through the unsettling waters. You'll know your way to the land and then back again to the ocean. You won't sit and wait for the situation to magically turn better. You would rather find balance within than outside. Spend time near waterbodies to find your balance. This month will allow you to cherish the uncertainty of life and make the best use of it. This opportunity will help you find certainty within yourself. Rather than cursing the rain you would leave your work and go out to drench yourself. You'll be letting go of control and will be gaining some deep insights into life.
Pile 2
What this last month is taking away from you?
Tarot Cards: Eight of Pentacles, The Hanged Man, King of Wands, Three of Swords, King of Cups
The last month of this year is taking away your pain and your perfectionist attitude towards your work. It is taking your self-sacrificial nature. Take care of your health, pile 2. You may fall sick only to understand that health is wealth. Without health, you won't be able to perform the tasks you are passionate about. Nothing should be done at the cost of your well-being. Some of you may be teachers or counselors. Or you may be someone needing therapy. I hear, “I stay up all night. Tell my friends I am alright.” But you are not. You're doing things that aren't even your responsibility which can make you go through an identity crisis. The Universe will take away your attention from your work only to make you realize that you are more than your work. A human being is more about what they cannot do and in the race of proving ourselves, we forget that we can do anything but not everything. Either you stop or things will blast in the end because your emotions are being piled up and you are paying no heed to them.
What this last month will give you as a parting gift?
Tarot Cards: Queen of wands, four of swords, eight of cups, eight of swords
I see a lot of 8s in your reading. Maybe the number 8 is important to you or you have been seeing a lot of 8 recently. A new start is coming in your life. The Universe will be blessing you with the time to rest and rejuvenate. Walking away from relationships may not feel like actually walking away because you may find yourself back to them. You will be feeling stuck. Hence, the Universe will be gifting you with enough resources to fly away. It's on you to see the gift that you have been carrying all along. This month is going to be all about truly freeing yourself and not distracting yourself. The universe will try to connect with you through angel numbers and synchronicities. You would be amazed. You'll be gifted with faith in the impossible. You may think what kind of gift it is but you'll know how strong and divine ‘faith’ is. It will open new doors of possibility for you.
Pile 3
What this last month is taking away from you?
Tarot Cards: The High Priestess, Six of Cups, King of Cups, Three of Swords
The universe is going to separate you from your old friend or someone you have known for a very long time. It will cause immense pain. You'll be overwhelmed. I hear, “There wouldn't be a reason why we even had to say goodbye.” Yeah, there wouldn't be one of those great human reasons. But the reason will be divine. You will be imagining your reaction to what you have to say to your person. The universe will be doing this only to make you see the bigger picture or else you will always stay stuck between the polarity of the situation. The universe wants you to see that there is a midway. And you can only see it when you step back and look at the picture from afar. I hear, “Oh whatever tears you apart don't let it break your heart....when the highs are too high and the lows are too low. When you love someone and they let you go. Don't you let it kill you...Time takes time to heal it.” Your pessimistic approach will be taken away from you. Shed as many tears as you want because eventually as the full moon nears you are going to turn into a wolf. You can't dominate the situation you only have power over and within yourself.
What this last month will give you as a parting gift?
Tarot Cards: Three of Cups, Knight of Swords, Knight of Pentacles, Five of Pentacles
The Universe will bless you with a sudden rush of downloads with loads of wisdom. It will offer you exactly what you will seek during the last month. The universe will also bless you with a new connection but I am not sure if you'll be open to them. This new connection will give you exactly what you will be looking for. Expect a treasure coming your way. You'll be expressing your emotions with your friends but be sure to take things slow and not reveal every minute detail in the first conversation or meeting. You will be asked to release the negativity. Be forgiving and ask for forgiveness. You'll be blessed with people who will help you move on.
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Feel free to DM me in case of any questions.🐦
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zagranismusic · 1 year
CW//Depression, suicide, and verbal abuse
Hello, my name is Serena Zagranis, I’m 20 years old, and I’m a trans woman living in New England. My mother is holding homelessness over my head, stealing my money from work, and emotionally abusing me and I need help bad.
Long story short, I don’t live in a good environment. I currently live in a house with my mom and my disabled little brother, we’ve been having financial troubles since I was born. We currently live off government checks and food stamps which is barely keeping our heads above water. My mom is physically and mentally unable to work due to her disabilities. As such, I have become the defacto “breadwinner” of the house, I’m the one with the job bringing in money and the one relied on to buy food.
I need to move out of my house, my mom has decided she is entitled to my money due to my existence under her roof and I simply don’t feel safe in the house due to her emotional outbursts, gaslighting, throwing out my furniture, manipulation and frequent use of her trauma and my housing as a weapon. I’ve been berated for getting food delivered for myself and when I ask her why, she’s “blown away” and “anyone with actual responsibilities would see how ridiculous it is to pay that much for food” when she is very painfully aware that I have no transportation, no constant savings and barely any food money, and no real choice over how my own finances get spent. This is on top of her asking me for monthly rent and taking money from my account whenever she feels she needs it. Now, I am very much aware, and I do not like ordering out but I need to eat. When I talk about how I feel judged she takes that as me painting her as a “fucking ogre” and I’m “not aware how good I have it”. I have tried numerous times to explain it to her but she will constantly give me the silent treatment, tell me to move, not be a reliable source of transportation for my job, or just be passive aggressive to further prod and instigate.
I’m posting this here because I am simply scared that if my mom finds any of this stuff she will threaten me into deleting it and silencing myself from the world, as she feels I am misleading people and spending their money on “useless shit” when I should just save up myself and take initiative which she knows is impossible with how she’s treating me. It’s hard to do that when I’m constantly losing money due to her stealing it and having no way of standing up for myself considering the threats and manipulation.
Linked below is my gofundme to help me move out along with my kofi for commissions. The situation is not life threatening but my mental state has been spiraling more and more over the past year and because of it I’ve had to seek external mental help for suicidal ideation and general c-ptsd after years of this treatment. Please help donate if you can, and if not, a simple reblog would be amazing. Thank you all for reading.
https://gofund.me/2ec89945 https://ko-fi.com/zagranis
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weilongfu · 4 months
GunCher: Someone calls Cher a gold digger on his live, and it upsets him. Cue good boyfriend Gun.
To anyone who had functioning eyes, it was obvious when Cher was not in his usual chipper mood. Sure, Cher was good at putting on an act, all high volume and exaggerated movement, but there would always be something missing, a puppet that moved quite well but for one little thing.
For Gun, it was more obvious that something was wrong in the way Cher sought comfort. It was the way the gamer curled up on himself, inviting a hug in bed without hugging back. It was the way Cher balked at Gun buying something to cheer him up, but looked pleased anyway despite the pout on his lips. It was the way Cher's touch was distant and unfeeling, even in the midst of a kiss.
Gun knew that Cher could hold on to a secret if he truly wanted to, the other man's loud persona was reality and mask in one. The truth hides the lie and the lie is the truth. But Gun also knew that this level of hurt, especially so plainly writ on Cher's demeanor was one that demanded intervention, especially since reaching for his wallet had the response of Cher flinching.
Tucked away in their own private booth at one of Cher's favorite higher end restaurants that Gun had taken him to for one of his many allotted expensive dates, Gun found he had no choice but to intervene since Cher had started frowning the minute Gun asked for the wine menu.
"What's wrong? We always order wine here," Gun asked as he waved the waiter away.
"It's expensive," Cher replied sharply. "Just have water today."
"You've never been bothered by the price of wine before."
"Maybe I've decided to be frugal."
"But I'm paying for dinner." Gun leaned in. "Do you need money? Did Thup's tuition go up?"
"Not everything is about money," Cher muttered lowly. "I can manage my finances."
"And I can manage mine enough to pay for a bottle of wine, Cher. What are you actually upset about?"
"I'm upset you just keep spending money on me for no reason! You spend so much, even my viewers point it out and one called me a gold digger!"
Gun leaned back. "Excuse me?"
Cher deflated and rubbed his forehead. "I was talking the other day about how you were a good boyfriend and helped me with a few things and someone called me a gold digger and said I was taking advantage of you because you're rich."
Gun frowned. It wasn't that Gun opted to foot the bill nine out of ten times because he believed Cher couldn't manage his own finances or support himself. Cher had managed that and to put another boy barely younger than himself through college while supporting his mother out in their village for years. But Gun had plenty of money, money that could make life comfortable and ease burdens that Cher had to carry. Gun liked anything that made his boyfriend's life less miserable and allowed him to spend more time together, so spending money to make Cher's life less miserable was not a thing Gun avoided by any means. And it wasn't as if Cher had a large habit of asking for things outside his own budget. It was often Gun wondering why Cher needed a new MMO mouse (he slammed it against his desk too many times because of an Overwatch match) or why there was a receipt for two thousand baht worth of Korean fried chicken in Cher's desk drawer (Cher had filmed another mukbang while Gun was away on a business trip) and asking Cher to justify the expense for his personal budget.
Gun came back from his thoughts to find himself clenching a fist in his lap and Cher stabbing a piece of baguette. "Do you think you're taking advantage of me?"
"...no." Cher's stabbing continued. "But with how you say yes all the time, it feels like I am."
"I have lots of money. Your video game ideas helped me earn some of that money." Gun consciously tried to relax his own fist before reaching over to stop Cher's torture of food. "I like spending that money to make your life easier."
"So I am a gold digger."
"A gold digger would be dating me because of my money. Are you dating me just for my money?"
"Of course not!" Cher scowled and crossed his arms, thankfully dropping his knife in the process. "I chased you and tried to make you more human and less moneybags. Dating you for your money was the last thing on my mind!"
"Then you're not a gold digger and you should ban that jerk from your stream platform." Gun reached over to pull Cher's face close. "I love you, I spend money on you because I want to make sure you are happy. I'm not going to hand over my whole bank account, but I'll make sure you and Thup are going to be fine." Gun pressed a kiss to Cher's forehead. "And if you want a formal agreement, a formal budget, whatever, we can do that. But I trust you aren't going to ask for anything ridiculous and stupid and neither will Thup."
"You make it sound like you're adopting N'Thup as our child."
"I could call a lawyer..."
Cher loudly protested and Gun could feel the weight lifting from Cher's demeanor. The loudness which prompted their own private booth becoming reality instead of mask again.
"You promised to talk to me if you had a problem and I promised to talk to you," Gun said after wine and entrees were served. "Tell me next time that someone said something and you feel insecure. It hurts you and I hurt seeing you hurt."
Cher made a face as he'd been stuffing his mouth, but the way he linked their ankles together under the table made it clear Gun was understood.
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golden444manifest · 11 months
Learn from my mistakes
Entry Level Finance Associate Edition ✨
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This past year has taught me so much about myself. I bumped my head so many times. However, this has shaped the professional I am today. Here are some topics I had to learn the hard way.
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First and fore most write everything down
You will have a lot of information thrown at you and it’s nearly impossible to retain it if you don't write it down. It’s also proven that writing things down is beneficial.
It helps you to process and clarify your thoughts.
It frees up your mind to create more ideas.
Provides a foundation of knowledge that can be built upon.
Helps with forgetfulness, you can access the information when you need it and you don’t have to remember it.
Practice active communication
Give your manager an update before they ask you for one.
Keep up with your email - it’s not fun if people have to track you down. Everyone’s time is important.
Figure out a method to keep up with your emails. I personally practice inbox zero and I work out of my flagged emails folder. More information here.
Seek outside educational sources
Book knowledge will only get you so far.
Don’t be afraid to google things. I bet money your superiors still do it.
Take LinkedIn Learning courses in areas that you lack. - I took a few, how-to-take effective meeting notes, business communications foundation and how to think strategically.
Stay up to date with Finance trends and emerging regulations.
If your employer provides outside resources, take advantage of them! They are there for you for free!
Run your own race
Everyone brings something unique to the table. Try to find out what you bring.
I don’t shy away from responsibility. I'm an extremely hard worker and if you drop something on my desk, I will figure it out.
Remember you are enough and you contribute something valuable to your team.
Get organized!
Here’s my post on my organization system. Extra tips include:
Learn to wrap up your day - Meaning make a habit of shutting down your computer everyday. This forces you to wrap up items you are in progress of and helps you to keep track of them. It also feels good to be able to start your day fresh.
Get a planner - Physical or digital whatever your preference is. Get into the habit of using it every day to log important dates and tasks.
Keep you calendar updated - You don’t want to miss important meetings.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
They do not expect you to know everything. In fact they expect you to know the bare minimum.
Ask questions, but try not to ask the same question over and over.
Get Grammarly Premium!!!
This has saved my life and lifted so much stress off my shoulders. No more am I spending the entire day working on an email and second-guessing myself. I run everything through Grammarly before I send out anything and save so much time.
If no one has told you today, you are amazing, and you are capable of fantastic things! Once you get the basics down, you will be unstoppable. 😉
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. This year, I felt I had no one to go to because I was the only black girl on my team, and we were very scarce in the Finance department. We can all win together.🤞🏾
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turtletaubwrites · 2 months
Hi y’all! Non health related life update below, as well as how my lovely lil Daddy Croc helps me verbally/(emaily?) gut stupid ass business men 🥰🐊
(tw job bs, fighting for respect in the workplace, finances, ughhh lame business fuckery)
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I should not be spending any money at all, but look at my guy 😭😭 I deserve to giggle at my silly lil daddy while I write this job proposal.
I deserve a daddy that will gut the shitheads that have fucked me over for the last 4.5 years.
I love my company. I was hired as a director for the nonprofit, but then Covid happened, and the nonprofit side died before it could start, so I did the very neurodivergent, ptsd, older sister thing of taking on every fucking responsibility needed/asked of me.
Now I have literally lost money working there this year since they have been unable to provide paychecks on time. It's affected my health since I'm financially fucked, and how am I, as a manager, supposed to bug my staff to write reports when they (LIKE ME) aren't getting paid???????
They are FINALLY filing for bankruptcy, but they're starting a new company, and transferring everything over at the beginning of next month. I've been gathering shit for unemployment, but I can't really afford that either, so I've been working on a proposal for a new position that would be more in line with all the fucking promises they gave me, as well as how fucking stupid they are. (Director of Quality Assurance)
Can you believe they never had an actual, accurate projection for monthly profit until I got so annoyed with them demanding that my county get "more hours" that I spent (ONLY!!) TWO HOURS creating a spreadsheet to show that their idea of possible hours was a fucking pipe dream?? 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Anywho, I'm turning in my job proposal tomorrow. (If they don't accept, then I know that these almost five years of my life dedicated to this company that I believed in were a fucking lie. So I'll just say my company went bankrupt, apply for unemployment, and hope that I get a fucking bite after this now six month job hunt 😩)
Daddy Croc says to demand what you deserve, y'all.
My cover letter is delightfully, ✨professionally✨ vicious, and I know he'd be proud.
Moral of the story:
It doesn't matter how nice someone is, or how wonderful/caring/compassionate the job or situation is.
And DO NOT let people use your kindness against you!!
~ Lynna 💜✨
(for context, my company provides independent living services for adults with developmental disabilities. Especially since I relate to the struggles of many of my clients, I have found the idea of this company failing to be horrifying, as I am aware that there are no other adequate support systems in the area, at least none that would be able to take over in time to support my wonderful clients. I have been dealing with an immense amount of guilt at the thought of leaving this company, but it has caused me literal physical and financial harm at this point, and Daddy Croc says NO MORE.)
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locaboa99 · 5 months
WIP ✈️ PaperHat 🎩
It was the start of the day and just like clockwork Dr. Kenning Flug entered his boss's office with two steaming mugs of coffee and his clipboard under his armpit.
7:05 am - Coffee Meeting before breakfast.
Flug subconsciously checked that box off in his head as he greeted his elderitch boss, who had already held open the newspaper of the daily Hatsville News.
"Evil Morning Boss."
BlackHat kept his eyes on the news as he hummed his response and took ahold of his mug in one hand. After taking a small sip, he put the newspaper down to give his scientist his attention.
"It truly is an evil morning Flug. It seems that your last invention has been used to incinerate that blasted church in the dark of the night." he gave a dark chuckle and took another sip of his coffee.
Flug strained not to roll his eyes as he looked fondly at his boss. "You must be extremely pleased, sir."
BlackHat gave him a grin full of canines as his answer. "Over the moon, in fact."
It has been over a month since the city people came together and built a church on the other side of the city behind BlackHat's back. They worked quickly while he and Flug were out on a business trip. The blasted holy place was adored for the safety it gave to those with faith against the demon. It made their fears of the supervillain tolerable.
This was an outrage to the demon in more ways than just one. First of all, it went against specific laws that humans weren't aware demons and angels abide from. Secondly, the church held an aura of protection of a radius that was close to half of Hatsville. Meaning if BlackHat wished to go out anywhere, he could only go so far, and that put him in a corner.
No one corners BlackHat and lives.
What was worse was that it shifted the whole city dynamic. It didn't just bother BlackHat but all other demonic beings who lived in the area. They were all either accidentally purged by the protection or were run off their own communities. All seemed to have the right idea to seek protection in the shadow of the elderitch who was ready to snap the island in half and flip the rock to watch in glee as the humans drowned in their forsaken holy protection.
As well deserved and comical to watch it happen, Flug had to deter him out of the idea because...well, he loved living.
"Make note to send my thanks to the soul that did this." BlackHat said.
Flug did so in his clipboard. He cleared his throat before getting straight to business. Today was going to be a busy day.
"Sir, I just need to go through some little details with you involving certain side experiments and the routinely finance of the company -
BlackHat groaned.
Flug sent him a pointed look that BlackHat couldn't meet as he crossed his arms in annoyance.
"Sir - "
"Is it really necessary to go through the finances, Doctor?"
Flug let his eyes finally roll freely.
"For the last time, sir, it is." he unclipped a couple of papers before setting them down to face his boss, who kept his gaze on the bagged human with a look of disdain.
Flug knew his boss loved his business with a burning passion. Truly did, and it always showed, but one thing he hated dealing with was finances. BlackHat was just like any super rich evil doer. They loved spending their money and making more to cover the gaps they took out, and then some.
That's why Flug dealt with it.
But after 6 months of working for his boss and seeing the fluctuations of the account, he placed his foot down to teach the horror how important it was to budget. It's been 2 years, and BlackHat still acted like a petulant child.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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On Sunday, February 25, we received an email from a person who signed himself[1] Aaron Bushnell.
It read,
Today, I am planning to engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people. The below links should take you to a livestream and recorded footage of the event, which will be highly disturbing. I ask that you make sure that the footage is preserved and reported on.
We consulted the Twitch account. The username displayed was “LillyAnarKitty,” and the user icon was a circle A, the universal signifier for anarchism—the movement against all forms of domination and oppression.
In the video, Aaron begins by introducing himself. “My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active-duty member of the US Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest—but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”
The video shows Aaron continuing to film as he walks to the gate of the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, puts down the phone, douses himself in a flammable liquid, and sets himself alight, shouting “Free Palestine” several times. After he collapses, police officers who had been watching the situation unfold run into the frame—one with a fire extinguisher, another with a gun. The officer continues pointing the gun at Aaron for over thirty seconds as Aaron lies on the ground, burning.
Afterwards, police announced that they had called in their Explosive Ordinance Disposal Unit.
We have since confirmed the identity of Aaron Bushnell. He served in the United States Air Force for almost four years. One of his loved ones described Aaron to us as “a force of joy in our community.” An online post described him as “an amazingly gentle, kind, compassionate person who spends every minute and penny he has helping others. He is silly, makes anyone laugh, and wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is a principled anarchist who lives out his values in everything he does.”
Aaron’s friends tell us that he has passed away as a consequence of his injuries.
All afternoon, while other journalists were breaking the news, we discussed how we should speak about this. Some subjects are too complex to address in a hasty social media post.
The scale of the tragedy that is taking place in Gaza is heartrending. It exceeds anything we can understand from the vantage point of the United States. Over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, including over 12,000 children. More than half of all inhabitable buildings in all of Gaza have been destroyed, along with the majority of hospitals. The vast majority of the population are living as refugees with little access to water, food, or shelter.
The Israeli military is now planning a ground invasion of Rafah that will add untold numbers of casualties to this toll. It is not hyperbole to say that we are witnessing the deliberate commission of genocide. All available evidence indicates that the Israeli military will continue killing Palestinians by the thousand until they are forced to stop. And the longer this bloodshed goes on, the more people will die in the future, as other governments and groups imitate the precedent set by the Israeli government.
The United States government bears equal responsibility in this tragedy, having armed and financed Israel and provided it with impunity in the sphere of international relations. Within Israel, the authorities have effectively suppressed protest movements in solidarity with Gaza. If protests are going to exert leverage towards stopping the genocide, it is up to people in the United States to figure out how to accomplish that.
But what will it take? Thousands across the country have engaged in brave acts of protest without yet succeeding in putting a halt to Israel’s assault.
Aaron Bushnell was one of those who empathized with the Palestinians suffering and dying in Gaza, one of those haunted by the question of what our responsibilities are when we are confronted with such a tragedy. In this regard, he was exemplary. We honor his desire not to stand by passively in the face of atrocity.
The death of a person in the United States should not be considered any more tragic—or more newsworthy—than the death of a single Palestinian. Still, there is more to say about his decision.
Aaron was the second person to self-immolate at an Israeli diplomatic institution in the United States. Another demonstrator did the same thing at the Israeli consulate in Atlanta on December 1, 2023. It is not easy for us to know how to speak about their deaths.
Some journalists see themselves as engaged in the neutral activity of spreading information as an end in itself—as if the process of selecting what to spread and how to frame it could ever be neutral. For our part, when we speak, we presume that we are speaking to people of action, people like ourselves who are aware of their agency and are in the process of deciding what to do, people who may be wrestling with heartache and despair.
Human beings influence each other both through rational argument and through the infectiousness of action. As Peter Kropotkin put it, “Courage, devotion, the spirit of sacrifice are as contagious as cowardice, submission, and panic.”
Just as we have a responsibility not to show cowardice, we also have a responsibility not to promote sacrifice casually. We must not speak carelessly about taking risks, even risks that we have taken ourselves. It is one thing to expose oneself to risk; it is another thing to invite others to run risks, not knowing what the consequences might be for them.
And here, we are not speaking about a risk, but about the worst of all certainties.
Let’s not glamorize the decision to end one’s life, nor celebrate anything with such permanent repercussions. Rather than exalting Aaron as a martyr and encouraging others to emulate him, we honor his memory, but we exhort you to take a different path.
“This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”
These words of Aaron’s haunt us.
He is right. We are rapidly entering an era in which human life is treated as worthless. This is obvious in Gaza, but we can see it elsewhere around the world, as well. With wars proliferating around the Mideast and North Africa, we are poised on the threshold of a new age of genocides. Even inside the United States, mass casualty incidents have become routine, while an entire segment of the underclass is consigned to addiction, homelessness, and death.
As a tactic, self-immolation expresses a logic similar to the premise of the hunger strike. The protester treats himself or herself as a hostage, attempting to use his or her willingness to die to pressure the authorities. This strategy presumes that the authorities are concerned with the protester’s well-being in the first place. Today, however, as we wrote in regards to the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito,
No one should have any illusions about how governments view the sanctity of life in the age of COVID-19, when the United States government can countenance the deaths of a million people without blushing while the Russian government explicitly employs convicts as cannon fodder. The newly-elected fascist politicians who govern Italy have no scruples about consigning whole populations to death, let alone permitting a single anarchist to die.
In this case, Aaron was not an imprisoned anarchist, but an active-duty member of the US military. His LinkedIn profile specifies that he graduated from basic training “top of flight and top of class.” Will this make any difference to the US government?
If nothing else, Aaron’s action shows that genocide cannot take place overseas without collateral damage on this side of the ocean. Unfortunately, the authorities have never been especially moved by the deaths of US military personnel. Countless US veterans have struggled with addiction and homelessness since returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Veterans commit suicide at a much higher rate than all other adults. The US military continues to use weapons that expose US troops to permanent brain injuries.
Members of the military are taught to understand their willingness to die as the chief resource they have to put at the service of the things they believe in. In many cases, this way of thinking is passed down intergenerationally. At the same time, the ruling class takes the deaths of soldiers in stride. This is what they have decided will be normal.
It is not willingness to die that will sway our rulers. They really fear our lives, not our deaths—they fear our willingness to act collectively according to a different logic, actively interrupting their order.
Many things that are worth doing entail risks, but choosing to intentionally end your life means foreclosing years or decades of possibility, denying the rest of us a future with you. If such a decision is ever appropriate, it is only when every other possible course of action has been exhausted.
Uncertainty is one of the most difficult things for human beings to bear. There is a tendency to seek to resolve it as quickly as possible, even by imposing the worst-case scenario in advance—even if that means choosing death. There is a sort of relief in knowing how things will turn out. Too often, despair and self-sacrifice mingle and blur together, offering an all-too-simple escape from tragedies that appear unsolvable.
If your heart is broken by the horrors in Gaza and you are prepared to bear significant consequences to try to stop them, we urge you to do everything in your power to find comrades and make plans collectively. Lay the foundations for a full life of resistance to colonialism and all forms of oppression. Prepare to take risks as your conscience demands, but don’t hurry towards self-destruction. We desperately need you alive, at our side, for all that is to come.
As we wrote in 2011 in reference to the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi,
Nothing is more terrifying than departing from what we know. It may take more courage to do this without killing oneself than it does to light oneself on fire. Such courage is easier to find in company; there is so much we can do together that we cannot do as individuals. If he had been able to participate in a powerful social movement, perhaps Bouazizi would never have committed suicide; but paradoxically, for such a thing to be possible, each of us has to take a step analogous to the one he took into the void.
Let’s admit that the kind of protest activity that has taken place thus far in the United States has not served to compel the US government to compel a halt to the genocide in Gaza. It is an open question what could accomplish that. Aaron’s action challenges us to answer this question—and to answer it differently than he did.
We mourn his passing.
[1] In the email, Aaron specified his pronouns as he/him.
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HC+NV relationship and career
DISCLAIMER: If you will send me an Anon, I will answer in the same tone as your ask, opinion is written.
All information and statements made in this reading or any other post of mine are all alleged until proven to be fact and for entertainment purposes & usage only. All information stated is based on my intuition and my tarot cards. Opinion only. The readings have no intention to cause any harm to the individuals, people featured in it.
DISCLAIMER II :  This reading contains very heavy topics, so be careful. I’ve decided to put it after the cut, the KEEP READING. Cards pulled today: 09/04/2023
After a meditation session, I felt I had to do this reading.
So I have barely thought about HC when The Fool flight out. Anyone who is here long enough knows that The Fool is HC so I saw this as a good sign that I am on track with this reading. But since there was no question attached to this card I put it back.
I felt I have to publish this ASAP, so if there are any errors, or typos etc, apologies.
HC relationship
4 of Wands, 9 of Swords.
This combination is anything but hopeful or joyous. The 4 of W card is a traditional wedding, celebration and marriage card and since this is about a relationship I think this is what the means for them. Engagement, wedding etc. However, the 9 of Sw is the nightmare card. On the card the man wakes up from a nightmare, his hands covering his face, maybe he is crying. 
The less negative option here is that HC is happy but has some serious fear that he will lose this current happiness.
The more negative option and this was my first thought when I saw this combo that he made up his mind and decided to marry NV, maybe we are past engagement already but he realised he made a mistake or he will after the wedding. We all have those jokes about runaway brides…well runaway groom is a thing too. 
And this combo is baffling because the 4ofW is one of the happiest, most stable card and the 9 of Sw is one of the darkest, dealing with depression and serious negative thoughts, and feelings. The imagery is the complete opposite. 4ofW’s background is bright, sunny yellow, the 9ofSw’s are black as night. For me, this is stuck with the idea of marriage and married life. A thing he must do, like a chore but he doesn’t want to do it, the whole idea makes him sweat from fear. 
So I wouldn’t be surprised if we would hear of an engagement from a reliable source aka on his IG or something. (and other things are coming in this reading, so keep reading)
HC’s career and finance
Ace of Pentacles rx, Knight of Pentacles, The Moon
Ace of P is lack or loss of money, poor investments. Stability is gone, someone is better at spending money than earning it. This also means not rushing into any investments. I could  not think of his Warhammer project… Knight of P is holding a pentacle in his hand, the image is awfully similar to the Ace of P. And it looks like he is handling the pentacle (the money) to The Moon card. KnofP means he has to accept and takes responsibility but with The Moon card and the Aof P rx I think he is delusional about his career and financial projects. This Knight is also kinda boring in terms of career and branding so it is not the best. 
The Moon is also a powerful imagination. So a less negative option is if he is hard-working, persistent, responsible and uses his ideas in a proper way he has a chance to turn his current financially negative situation into something better. But I won’t lie, I don’t really see this. 
When I was checking my notes on The Moon card I found that someone suggested that this card could mean a job as a sailor. I don’t know where this comes from but I remembered his new movie (with Guy Ritchie) something has to do with sailors based on a picture I saw. And this has given to me a different perspective. I think his hopes career-wise lie in this movie. Maybe he is involved financially in it. Maybe he has a contract that if the movie succeeds he will earn extra money, have a second part etc. 
I’ve decided to draw 2-2 cards for NV and HC as individuals in this current citation they are in. I suggest when you read this section keep in your mind the cards I got in the relationship section and try to interpret them together. 
2 of cups rx, Ace of cups rx
I won’t sugarcoat it, I will tell you what was my thought immediately.
That she is pregnant and she is not happy. Here, I’ve said it…
Let’s start with the AofC rx and why this is a pregnancy card. If this card is upright, the water is flowing undisturbed. If it’s RX there is no flow, meaning no period meaning…pregnancy. 
2 of C rx is an imbalance, unhappy couple, separation, divorce etc. My feeling is that she was unhappy in this relationship anyway but the potential pregnancy doubled it. 2 of C rx could mean a broken engagement or an attraction for someone other than our partner. I feel she was not happy anyway with or without pregnancy. I think the overflowing emotions, the pink glass slowly wore off and what remained is the harsh truth, that his relationship is not so dream-like as she imagined. 
The Emperor, Queen of Swords rx
When I saw the QofSw rx my first thought was: this kid possibly won’t be born. This could mean abortion or miscarriage both aligned with the rx QofSw
The Emperor is the ultimate father card, the one who cares but gives structure, boundaries, discipline, and rules to follow. He is also a strong, authoritative figure, a patriarch. With the QofSw rx I think he is imbalanced at least his thoughts are. He is cold, maybe argumentative. Swords are thoughts and in rx those are cold-hearted, negative and mean. I feel he is ready to manipulate to get what he wants. I think he is sharped tongued and not the most gentle with NV. It also could mean he is questioning his own ability to be a father and reflects his relationship with his own father. 
So I have this feeling that neither of them wants this pregnancy or is just very confused about it because their relationship is not a good foundation for having a family. I think HC is traditional enough not to want a child without wedlock so if the pregnancy happens I think he would say he doesn’t want the kid at all or say let’s get married then. This depends on the woman who delivers the news to him. Since NV is his official gf I think the marriage is more likely.
I have decided to pull an outcome card for the whole reading and the Judgment felt off horizontally exactly on the Ace of Cups RX card. You already know I pay attention to those details. How and where a card lands. Horizontally means it’s between the rx and the upright, it means to struggle. For me, that means the future of this possible pregnancy is undecided yet. They (or she) struggle to see clearly. Maybe she wants to have a kid just not from him. It’s a point of no return either way and she has to be very careful what decision she makes because it will be final. The imagery of the card is an Angel blowing a horn and people are rising from their graves. This is Judgement Day. It’s pretty heavy considering the topic, right? 
This was a heavy reading I know but that is what I saw. 
Take care of yourself, be blessed. 
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