#i should accept this by now but i still feel embarassed
baby-xemnas · 11 months
thought abt my law (bepo related ofc, but mostly abt law)
i respect subby law enjoyers and i get that law is the type of character that people like to have "relax"/"let go" but i have to reject the notion of him being high strung - i think him being surrounded by his family really beats those allegations imo.
(this is honestly my classic refusal to pile on negative mental effects on characters thats just a thing that i do - disagree with other fans)
and it really doesnt work with bepo because while i LOVE bepo taking care of law (like bringing him breakfast and making sure he doesnt stay up working all night) bepo will always look up to law to tell him what to do its just the roles they've had established since they were kids that really didnt change - and while as i said i love caretaker bepo, law as the leader: of the crew ofc and bepo in particular - is also a protector - again a role thats been established all the way back when they met, i dont think it should change, i love it.
I love them both being very comfortable with those roles - i keep repeating myself - theyve been like that for so many years! It's how they work and its good and full of love and understanding between them AND THIS IS WHY i think that law having bepo who is all starry eyes and gentle words and looking up to him is already his most comfortable and relaxed state of being - its reassuring having somebody be so confident and trusting and believing in your judgement - yes leadership is typically associated with stress and pressure But law can and does share with bepo if he is unsure about something, he is not a leader that keeps it all on the inside just to then explode - hes smarter and healthier than that
anyway i just wanted to let out thoughts about law being a surprisingly balanced character. im glad hes gone done with his revenge and past demons and all that good for you man live your life love the family youve made xoxo
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order in which the Smiling Critters refer to Angel as their parent, in my save everyone AU:
Dogday, by accident, while everyone is still inside. He's so embarassed by it, poor boy;
Bobby. After her rescue she hears Poppy referring to Angel as mother and goes "🥺 mom????????", and Angel just has to go with it because the majority of the toys are calling them either mom or dad by this point;
Craftycorn is next! She's very shy, VERY quietly asking Angel if she can call them dad because they helped her feel safe enough to sleep. After that she's SO HAPPY about finally having someone to take care of her!
After this, Dogday uses both mom and dad for Angel, without feeling embarrassed anymore:
Hoppy. Girlie is bedridden for the first month and Angel is always there for her, she's already all "I wish I could call them dad without it being weird" until she hears Dogday saying it. She's VERY protective of Angel and that becomes a bit worse because "THAT'S MY PARENT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT".
Kickin is all like "I appreciate the fact you're taking care of me but like Im independent, I lived through things you can only dream off, Im not calling you dad like Im a kid" and then 3 weeks of accidentally using both mom and dad for Angel later he's crying his eyes out as he finally just. Stops trying to play tough guy because he's now in a safe environment and can be vulnerable and safe.
Bubba doesn't see Angel as an actual parental figure until, much like Kickin, he realizes he's in a safe environment and Angel is his caretaker regardless of what may happen. Bubba is weirded out for some time because he's so used to never having someone looking out for him, and then Angel gently tells him to slow things down because he just had a burn out and needs to treat his mind because yes, he is traumatized, and Bubba. Straight up asks if they see him as not just a "kid" but their kid. And its complicated, but Angel agrees with the idea, and then Bubba warms up to the idea and stops calling them "sir/ma'am" and goes with "father/mother".
Picky is desperate to call Angel mom since day 1, but she feels SO guilty for seeing them like that because all the other critters are basically their kid, and who's Picky to interfere after she tried to eat some of them? And, okay, they accepted her apologies and they want to be her friends again, but should she insert herself into the little family just like that? Its Bubba who finally convinces her that she's not an intruder, and then she's all "mom, do you want to see how the garden is doing?" and is always so happy when Angel doesn't correct her.
Catnap. He has 13 layers of unresolved trauma and religious guilt, and for him to stop viewing Angel as his savior but as the only human he can trust Picky is already trying out baking a pie with Mommy Long Legs to celebrate Mother's Day with Angel. His relationship with the Prototype getting better and him finally calling him Father, alongside Dogday, Crafty and Bobby helping him stop feeling so guilty all the time is what helps the most, but he still views Angel as better than human because what else could forgive him? But when his relationship with Hoppy starts improving is when he, very hesitantly, starts thinking about calling Angel "Mother" (he already has a dad). When he finally tries that for the first time Angel lowkey is this close to crying, but they just give him a big hug. Catnap is also close to crying because he thinks he made a mistake at first, but Angel helps calm him down.
Unrelated but one time one of Angel's friends came over to visit and heard Catnap calling them "mother", and then later asked Angel if they had anything to do with Catnap's "father", because last thing they knew Catnap was having a catholic moment involving Angel and would NEVER think of them as a parent, right????? Angel's response was a simple "I know my family is weird but what the fuck, girl!". They still laugh about it to this day.
Dogday, Bobby, Crafty, Hoppy and Bubba use both mom and dad for Angel;
Kickin has a preference for calling them dad;
Picky has a preference for calling them mom;
Catnap refers to Angel EXCLUSIVELY as mom in order to avoid confusion.
Prototype refers to Angel as "the mother/father", "the caretaker" and "the parent", even when talking to the other toys. "Call the parent for that" is something he frequently says. For Catnap he says "call your mother".
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killerpancakeburger · 6 months
Attending a wizards soiree with Rolan headcanons - Angst Version
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Rolan is about to ask you to come with him when he stumbles upon you and one of your warlock/wizard/sorcerer (pick wattya want) friend asking you to come with him to said soiree.
Didn’t mean to listen to the conversation. Does it anyway when he realises what it's about/that he's been beaten to it.
Your nonchalant, sardonic reply breaks his heart a bit. "Why would I go to that stuck-ups gathering? It's going to be full of pompous jerks who like to listen to themselves talk all night. Hard pass." With a derisive laugh.
He goes back the way he came from, face unscrutable, resolutely determined to not mention it at all to you.
You notice his change of attitude - he's colder, less patient, snaps more easily - in the next days but despite racking your brain about it, you don't get where this is from. 
The evening of the event, he disappears and you go to his siblings for information. Awkward conversation ensues. 
"Have you seen Rolan?" "Well he's at his beloved wizards gathering obviously" "... what gathering?" "...you mean he didn’t tell you?" "Tell me what??" Cal and Lia exchange anxious, embarassed looks. Your worry and apprehension boil over. "What is it!?”
Once you wring the truth out of them, you pause for a moment, before remembering your conversation with your friend, and everything brutally makes sense. Welp, time to fix this mess.
You find a fancy outfit in a hurry and rush to the soiree in a panic, while still trying to look dignified.
You get pushed back at the entrance. Invitations only. You try your best to not cause a scene but it ends with the guard and you raising your voices high enough to be heard from the guests. You're considering knocking them out until Rolan shows up.
Of course he recognized your voice from afar. It's not like he had been spending the whole evening trying to keep you out of his mind. To no avail.
"They're with me." Crisis averted. Well, for now. You're in like you wanted but now it's time to face the music. Despite coming to your rescue, Rolan does not look happy.
"Why are you even here?" are the first words crossing his lips. His features are twisted in a scowl. Being familiar with his temper, you can tell that he's restraining himself from yelling.
You have to rein in your first instinct which is to snap back "Why do you think!?". Aggravating the situation is not why you came. You afford yourself the luxury of taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
"I came for you, of course." You stare directly into Rolan's gleaming eyes as you say those words, trying to convey your sincerity and your feelings through your gaze.
Rolan crosses his arms, still frowning. "Far be it from me to suggest you should waste your evening by spending it listening to pompous jerks who love the sound of their own voices."
You put your hands on your waist and raise a dubious eyebrow. "Come on Rolan, I was deliberately exaggerating to make my friend laugh. Surely you figured that out. Plus I distinctly remember all the times you complained about the wizards you interacted with, and how they drove you crazy with their contempt and their egoism."
The frown on his forehead progressively disappears, but his gaze becomes shifty, avoiding yours. "I... I suppose I fail to comprehend why you would have accepted my proposal when you declined his."
You open your eyes wide in suprise, then your shock makes way for understanding. "Oh, Rolan." you sigh with both endearment and annoyance, a fond smile stretching your lips.
"What", he retorts, crossing his arms again, but in a different way than earlier, akin to sulking. A light blush adorns his cheeks. He knows that smile of yours, and that tone. You're about to say something sappy.
You close the gap between the two of you, tenderly cupping his face with your hands - he makes no move to stop you. "Rolan, rolan, rolan. Is it so hard to believe that I would endure hours of nagging, self-important wizards just to make you happy? Just to spend time with you? I defied shadows in a cursed land to save your tail, I braved the army of an immortal man to free your family, and I slaughtered the so-called greatest wizard of the Sword Coast for daring to lay a hand on you, and you think I'm scared of a soiree?"
He closes his hands around your wrists, not to repel you, no, but to gain more contact with your skin. He's able to look you into the eye again. "I suppose... it does sound foolish when you put it this way."
At last, you both join the function, but not before you first reclaimed a kiss or two from Rolan, to make up for his coldness the last few days.
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cator99 · 3 months
not trying to start shit but if ur comfortable do you mind talking about your gender identity and transition / opinions cause the post about your coworker really got me thinking
Youre not starting shit dw. I think that if a man can blast roids be bald not shave think of femininity as personal humiliation be competitive and openly express attraction to females then I should be able to do all that while rejecting any of the pathologizing that happens based on the fact that I'm doing that while female. Ykwim. I think that the concept of "gender identity" is precisely that disturbing pathologization I'm referring to. When a male looks or lives how I do, it isn't ever seen as indicative of any internal misalignment... but for me it is? Stupid. But the thing is that there absolutely is a misalignment occuring– and I've had to realize it has nothing to do with me. The way I live signifies nothing about holding some sort of allegiance to the males who are generally the only ones utterly unquestioningly afforded the freedom to live this way because for them it is a freedom– and for females, living like this often takes immense amounts of courage. And when one wants OUT of it all... it's easier to approach this painful reality by simply performing mental magic, flipping the narrative and saying "ah! Suddenly my hatred for all of this Woman Stuff makes sense! I should have been a man all along!" That's great but after almost 15 years in this I've realized it is fucking loser shit to think that despising misogynistic expectations and restrictive gender roles makes one a man actually because well um because you said so... because only men crave dignity... because woman equals long hair and shaving legs and makeup and my socially-trained bodily hatred and desire for a life free from demeaning treatment on the basis of my femaleness is totally abnormal no women ever feel like this no women could possibly enjoy the thought having a hairy body or a beard or feel inspired by masculine aesthetics which are largely equated with strength confidence dignity social dominance and being in actual possession of a brain and personality so any desire to embody that and be seen by others as an actual human being instead of a member of the subjugated sex actually make one imbued with Real Maleness... right..... to be honest it just became so embarassing to think that I was a grown adult still acting like this shit made any sense. I don't have a gender identity. When I pass, I take on the status of undercover female. I'm not a male. Have y'all actually met any of them?? Like, for real??? Its like... Jesus christ... LOL. No. I like the way I live. I have sympathy for females lost in the gender sauce but it only goes so far when they're by and large fucking insane and homophobic. And sure I could talk about my transition but I ultimately see it as such a non-thing. I don't think of myself as having transitioned at all, because I was always like this more or less, it's just that now I have a few more hairs on my face and a deeper voice and none of it feels unnatural or strange or "trans" it just is what it is and was always going to be... and that will always be contextualized by my sex– how could I go on denying myself that? And letting it fester like a wound... Oh and also I eventually realized it's just way more dope to be a high-value hairy jacked dyke who accepts myself but keeps doing my thang & not give a fuck than it is to be a desperate delulu self-conscious passing-obsessed little wannabe-man lol
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purplerose244 · 11 months
Headcanons for a Camp Camp season post-David adopting Max
(Because I got back to Camp Camp for no reason at all and it is now everyone's problem. Also apparently new episode incoming? YOOO)
Here we go!
No one knows at first
First episode starts with something random (Idk maybe something about change that makes everyone freaking out, you know how CC goes) and the entire time there are hints, like Max arriving at Camp with David and David always being in the proximity of Max. Towards the end Max makes a half-assed comment about it
Neil: Well, I guess some things never change
Neil: This place is still pretty fucked up
Max: Yeah, this is weirder than David adopting me at the end of last summer
Everyone: WAIT WHAT?!
Casual episodes have background scenes where David puts a hand in front of Max whenever he wants to do something dangerous, or he picks him up
Max is now enrolled in Camp Campbell for Music Camp. He is never seen actually practicing during afternoon activities, he kinda just stands on his boot, but when no one is watching, especially at night, he does play a bit. He plays a guitar that was the first birthday present he got from David
He's genuinely good, he just thinks that the others will make fun of him for specifically playing guitar and ask him what campfire songs did David teach him
He's right and the answer is ALL OF THEM
Max is back to the plan of making David snap, but the idea evolved from "no way a person can be this happy" to "no way a parent can be this happy". That's totally NOT projection of his own trauma and he DOES NOT expect David to abandon him the moment it becomes too much (wink)
THE AMOUNT OF DAD JOKES ISTG. Max is 100% sure he'll go crazy out of tree puns alone. David is fully convinced that's peak dad behavior and non-negotiable
David: I'd love to take you on a vacation to trees' favourite city!
Max: David no.
David: Montreeal!
David: Why so tense, Max? Are you okay?
David: Should I... leaf you alone?
Max: *groans forever*
A full episode where David is terrified of making preferences for his son and struggles between being a counselor and a father, fearing that the others might feel left out. Ultimately it is pointed out by everyone that Max was always his favourite, therefore he was a shit about it from the beginning and no one really cares (David feels relieved and quite conflicted about this)
Whenever the campers need permission to do something dangerous and there is REALLY no other option, Max sighs and does his best "please I really wanna do this, you are my guardian right?" act. It's embarassing how quickly David caves in
An episode about being a young single father, maybe David going on a date (I'm thinking the cute waitress from the Bonquisha episode and/or the bartender guy from the town episode, just to make some comebacks), having tons in common and getting along, but not wanting to commit with someone with a son. David feels pretty lonely, but he 100% can only be with someone that accepts Max as well (also pan David my beloved 🩷💛💙)
Max discovers David's tipping point when the kid gets seriously hurt because of a stupidly dangerous adventure. Max gets scolded like he didn't think David was able to. It follows a pretty tense period where Max thinks this is it, but David is just very embarassed for snapping like that and while he thinks Max can survive more than he can, he needs him to be safe. After talking they get much closer
David has no idea how to ground someone, especially his son. Usually, when he feels like he has to, he consults Gwen or, heaven forbid, Quartermaster
An episode where the ideal camper arrives. Loves outdoors, loves activities, loves singing along and saluting the flag, so David gets excited. The entire time the campers try to figure out if Max is jealous, but he shows no sign. Obviously the camper is someone evil because this is Camp Camp, and at the end Max stomps the person with a "sorry sweetheart, I'm his favourite"
Max doesn't call him dad, David knows this and never presses him. But the kid slips sometimes and corrects himself quickly, although David never seems to notice
He actually does notice and every night he proceeds to giggle into his log pillow like a high schooler with a crush
An episode where the campers try to figure out how the whole adoption situation happened, since neither Max nor David really explained it. The hypothetical story becomes increasingly crazier and more complex, between alien invations, warlocks and internal monologues. At the end a flashback is shown of Max waiting at camp. Gwen is in the cabin, then David arrives with his cheek red and bloody
David: It took some convincing
Gwen: Oh, David...
David: I'm alright. I knew who I was dealing with, and apparently they're this aggressive only to strangers. It could've been a lot worse, and they said yes anyway
Gwen: So... now what?
David: Now? Now I'm bringing him home
David had everything ready for adoption way before meeting Max, stating that as a counselor you never know what might happen. He thinks it's commendable. Max thinks it's fucking creepy
After The Forest episode David developed a bit of feral instincts, but never really showed them. Since Max can usually defend himself better than David does, there is no need to intervene. Until Daniel comes back, and makes the mistake of kidnapping Max this time, wanting to play with David on how to find his kid. He did not know. David turns into wolf dad, literally growling and hunting for his cub. Imagine a feral David roaring and growling "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY KID DANIEL??". Suffice to say, Daniel is sent to the hospital (praying the ultra lord) and Max starts to think, between Daniel and David, maybe it's his dad the psychotic one
He doesn't mind it that much
Possible outcome is Daniel being astonished by such energy, realizing that David just won't die, and feeling something strong for him, starting to ponder if David is an reincarnation of Xemug... he is giving himself an excuse, he basically just got a crush on David. If that would turn him madder or start his redemption arc, I have no idea, but I kinda like it 😂 (actually I might make a separate post about this, I got an idea for another season sequel to this one and yes, pretty Dadvid 💕💕)
Post this incident that ruined it, Mr. Honeynuts now wears a little Camp Campbell counselor uniform. David made it of course, and while Max voices his contempt, the bear was getting rough to hug and the shirt is soft
Idea gag of Max saying "did you know that *insert disturbing emotional abuse practice* isn't okay? Learned that last year"
They got blackmail material on each other. Max obviously uses it the most, between embarassing underpants and sleep talking, but in extreme cases David is not above pulling out his cute Max photo collection
Yes, he got several of those
Yes, he is waiting for someone to ask about it and show them like the proud parent he is
After David adopted Max, he started to work two jobs to make ends meet (I'm thinking teacher and maybe night guard, very standard). He's actually pretty good at both, but it makes him very exhausted. He once snapped at Max out of exhaustion and since then, he decided to rest whenever he feels tired (you know, like a normal person). Max jokes that he was supposed to make his life a nightmare, not help him develop a better and healthier lifestyle
They got a method for asking permission, "bullshit for fun": David allows him some usually unallowed stuff and he gets to have some cute father-son moments in exchange
Max: Okay, it's a huge concert, so I'm willing to go as far as a full week of tucking in bed
David: I'm not letting you go out of town all on your own that easily, young man! The week of that, and three days of hand holding when we get into a crowd!
Max: Mmm... one hand holding and... urgh... one day of camping together
Max: It's a really good concert
David: DEAL!!!!
During a particolarly bad night of Max having nightmares, David spends the night comforting him. Max jokes that perhaps David can get even a hug out of this. David states that their system is a fun thing between them for treating responsibilities and boundaries in a less serious way, but if Max needs comfort, that's always free
An episode in which Max hears David talk to Gwen, saying stuff like "I don't have enough money for him. I don't think I can make it. I'm so sorry, poor Max". He then starts the most effective escape from Camp Campbell plan he has ever put in motion, genuinely making it except he comes back because he misses everything. He screams at David for making him love him only to dump him. At last David understands the situation and hugs him, revealing that... he was talking about a dog he wanted to adopt for Max. Max will never live that down, and David is in absolute glee for the following days because his son loves him
Sometimes Max says "Language!" without realizing. It's horrifying for all people involved, even David
On the other hand, David starts to swear more. The thing is, he's used to Max and it's such a foreign thing to him that sometimes he doesn't realize it was him
David: Hold on, now where the fuck is everyone?
David: Language!
David: ... wait-
Idea crossover headcanon, David's last name is Corduroy, his dad is a cousin of the Corduroys of Gravity Falls. But as a matter of fact, David never calls his father dad, going for either sir or sergeant
I have the idea of introducing this father in an episode flashback from before the adoption. David's father, sergeant Jeffrey Corduroy, comes to the camp to "visit his son and reconnect after such a long time". The man is huge and affable, friendly like David, but David turns into a Max version of himself when he's around. After everyone states that he seems cool, David gets pissed even more and basically ditch camp activities the whole day
Max gets a moment alone with the sergent and presses a little more, thrown off by meeting the first person David seems to openly hate. As Max is being Max, Jeff loses it pretty quickly, revealing the kindness is a mask. As he is on his way to hit Max, David puts himself in between. He scolds his father, mad like never before, stating that one apology won't make up for ten years of hell. Jeff leaves, David is so tired his legs won't hold, Max helps him get back to the cabin and they stay there
When the two are alone eventually, David tells him his story: he actually learned about survival from his dad first, he got trained mercilessly to the point of spitting blood, for ten long years. At some point his parents decided to divorce, and he was sent to Camp Campbell to not be in the way. He felt happy there for the first time, but he spiralled after leaving, as his dad left and his mother was depressed. She sent him to France at the clown school, again to not be in the way, and when he was old enough he simply left his house to find his own way to be happy. The only place where that was, was Camp Campbell
David apologizes for making his first story about camp too cheerful, as he should have been sincere. Max comes to two conclusions that night: that they are way more similar than he expected (something he didn't believe when he first heard the camp story from David), and that... maybe David is kind to everyone because he used all the hate he has on that asshole
Possible last episode of the season is another Parent Day. Everyone is teasing Max over the fact that every day is Parent Day for him, and Max complains but passively shows how he can't wait for it. Obviously David is way too gleeful about it. Then David disappears and no one knows where he is, and Max gets in the worse mood possible, making it everyone's problem. Everyone is actually kinda supportive and that turns him from angry to simply sad, although Gwen states that whatever happened to David, he promised to be there therefore he will be
At the exhibition part, when it's Max' turn, David arrives just in time, running in full survival attire like in The Forest. Basically David had another canoe incident, and was hunted down by two more wolves. It turns out that they're the pups of the wolfie he befriended before, they were hunted by men and that's why they were very aggressive towards him at first. Another adventure ensued, with the pups learning how to survive nature
Of course this is not explained to the people (just like The Forest), David apologizes for the late, Max says "fuck you dad" and hugs him in front of everyone
Follows the most mundane celebration between parents, with David (after taking off the survival look) looking a bit goofy and uncomfortable with so many adults while being a young man, but he does his best. Finally a moment of tranquility for the campers, as they watch their parents
Neil: You know Max, maybe you had to learn to appreciate the hell that is Camp Campbell, to meet a parent that truly cared for you. Maybe it was all a learning experience, and this is your reward
Max: ...
Neil: ...
Max: Well, this place sucks, and my dad is a fucking idiot. Definitely not worth it
(Max scoffs, then he smiles at David waving at him. The other campers hold back laughter, clearly not believing him)
It's implied that from then on Max starts calling David dad full time
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drdemonprince · 6 months
hi, devon. i’m a very socially anxious white autistic person who has been quite active in protests and some related events and actions the last couple of months. i really agree with your opinions on how white supremacy can shift our focus away from community, but i find it nearly impossible to actively parttake in community. i show up with a mindset of actively contributing but feel paralyzed when faced with the chance. i don’t really know how to make social connections in general, but i so badly want to contribute to community. i think white guilt kinda plays into things as well and that makes me so ashamed and then i spiral. ik it’s a lot but do you have advice on navigating a deep urge and feeling of responsibility (as it pretty much is my responsibility as someone who wants to fight for liberation) but feeling paralyzed whenever a chance to connect actually presents itself? i always end up fumbling and unintentionally rejecting people who try to connect w me as well. i used to be very politically active as a teen but that was through organisations with a lot of structure which enabled me to feel more able. i do whatever actions i can, but being hindered by my inability to form connections makes me worried i won’t be able to end up in the communities that fight for liberation in the long haul. i’m ready to this this for the rest of my life, but not alone.
I understand this feeling so much. Please keep at it. One of the biggest problems with the white supremacy brain disease is that it expects us to do more & more quickly than is reasonable or helpful to expect of a person. So it is very likely you are beating yourself up for not speaking up, for not jumping in to offer help, and for not asserting yourself to the degree that you think that you "should," but in reality many of those efforts would be misplaced or self-defeating if you were to embark on them right now. This is a long journey, and white supremacy culture believes in urgency above all things too, and so it's important for you to give yourself some grace as well as to accept that progress for you will be a long haul, and that's okay.
Many people have told me that becoming even a neutral member of a community as a white person is an uphill battle. So many of our impulses and the social tools that we wield actively destroy community. to learn to become a good community member, we have to listen and learn a lot, and keep showing up, and risk looking foolish, inert, useless, or whatever else we worst fear. If you're not doing much right now but still showing up, you might be a neutral member! That's a good start actually. Keep going.
Also try to keep an open heart and an open mind when people of color or longstanding members of the space challenge you, correct you, playfully tease you, or try to include you, even if it feels embarassing or like an attack -- it isn't an attack, but white supremacy brain will have you thinking that it is. If you read my essay Moments of Protest, I describe a moment like this at the Powwow I recently visited. Indigenous men singled me out, brought me into the dances, included me, taught me the moves, and gave me an award even tho I was doing a miserably bad job -- I was MORTIFIED and the white fragile person inside me wanted to run away and apologize for being so inept and never come there again. Instead, I pushed past my stupid ego and kept dancing and felt incredible gratitude in my heart. This kinda thing happens in a lot of POC-led activist spaces too. People will ask you your opinion, tell you how to contribute, correct you, include you, and it will humble you, and it will be scary at first, but do your best to just stick with it and stay present doing the thing, even if you feel red-faced and guilty. Slowly you will get more used to it and you don't reflexively withdraw or push people away. It took me no joke YEARS to get to this point. I used to flee instinctively or even be mad at people for bursting my self protective bubble. You can work through it.
A lot of my usual distress tolerance building advice also applies here (see my substack for more). But I think that if you are already showing up to actions a lot and are self-aware about it, you are on the right track. You just need to keep going. Attend organizing meetings, not just protests themselves if you can. Contribute your opinion when it is warranted. Don't beat yourself up for being silent sometimes and don't beat yourself up for disagreeing with people or having questions and your opinions. Accept conflict as a healthy form of intimacy and dont run away when a moment gets awkward. Just keep learning and retraining yourself and noticing the love that people show -- by offering food, by making jokes, by acknowledging your presence to make you feel welcome, by allowing you to be there and helping you to be a better version of yourself. we all have a long way to go in this work, but you can do it. you're already doing it! you got this.
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hello can I place an order ^ ^ it's a headcanon of what le sserafim would be like if they were your yandere classmate please
An order? Lmao, we're not at Burger King. Anyway, yeah, I'll do your request because I needed something like this. Also, for Eunchae, being still minor, I'll write something more light
Le Sserafim headcanon: how they would be as yandere classmates
Ah yes, the nerd of the class
She's kinda lonely and doesn't talk too much
Not really interested in you until one day she heard you talking about her favorite game
She was obsessed with that game, so now she's obsessed with you too
She would start with small talks like "Hi", "Good morning" or "How are you today?"
Over time you two started having more important and meaningful talks
She loved how you didn't judge her for her passion
She loved you so much that...she needed to have you all for herself
All the dummies in that class didn't deserve your intelligence and kindness
You obviously couldn't know about her creepy thoughts
For you it was just your cute and nerd friend
So, when she invited you at her house to play videogames, you were just happy about spending more time with her
She did a great job in making you enjoy her time there, thanks due her humor and her... well, her outfit
Such a tease with her tight crop top and her shorts(you know, like in the perfect night MV)
You started going there pretty often
Until one day she didn't let you go away
You dozed off for a second and you woke up tied to her gaming chair
From that moment you were going to be her play mate...for life😈
The beauty of the class
So pretty that people came to see her from other classes and even schools
But she was not interested in them, she was interested in you
Not more beautiful of her(of course), but pretty enough to stand out to a keen eye
In her mind she already had fantasized about you being the perfect couple
She needed to make that fantasy real...oh, wait, for her it was already real
In fact you were so surprised about her starting to act lovey-dovey out of nowhere
But, hey, were you going to refuse Chaewon kissing you in front of the entire school and pulling you to the toilette to make out (and probably more?)
Of course not, you enjoyed that since the first moment
Or at least you enjoyed until she's started to become a bit too...manipulative
"Why are you wearing that outfit? Do you want to make me feel ashamed?"
"You look too good with that outfit, go immediately change it!"
"What do you mean you have to spend with your family? I'm your family now"
The worst part was that when she was telling you these things, you could clearly see the craziness in her eyes
You were thinking about breaking up, but for some reasons all the partners she had before you seems disappeared from the face of the earth...
The IT girl
She's a social butterfly, so of course she knows everyone in the school...even you
You always had been chill and reservate, you had the right amount of true friends and you were satisfied with that
And that really bothered Yunjin
She was offering her friendship, why were you not interested?
Naaah, you only needed to know her better (right?)
She started to come to talk with you pretty often in class to show off her charms
She even switched her seat with the one next to you
Always bringing you to her table for the lunch break
And more time she spent with you, more she fell for you nonchalance about her every situation
You instead were not interested nor bothered, you simply accepted the new person in your life
It was all fine until one day she started to introduce you like her new partner
And you were like "WTF? We're not"
She was really angry with your behaviour, she was giving you her world but you were acting like it was not true
She brought you rudely in an empty classroom
"Are you going to play still more? Because you're embarassing me right now. What if I did the same to you? Should I show to the entire school...all of these?"
She had on her phone an entire collection of the embarassing and bad things you have done since your childhood to that day
How was she able to collect all of those? You had no idea
But you just lowered your head and accepted your new role of partner of the IT girl
The new student in your class
She recently joined after moving from her last school in Japan
There are some strange rumours about her
But honestly to you she's just a pretty dork
She sometimes still struggles with your language, so you help her happily in those moment
And she really appreciates you for that...maybe too much too
She starts with small actions like cooking the lunch for you or buying cute presents
And for once it's cool to be loved and appreciated for your kindness
But over time she starts getting really protective
It's not important if the person talking to you is a boy or a girl
Her eyes would be ready to menace her with a psychotic expression
If the talks goes over the few minutes, she would immediately put her hands around your body to protect what's her
Once one of your bestfriend said to her "mind your own business"
She kicked the poor friend right in the face, breaking the nose
So, yeah, she is not afraid to use violence
More a clingy little sister, than a yandere
Like, she's the youngest of the class
And you always worried about her
So it's was just natural for her to get really affectionate towards you
She always follows you everywhere
It's not rare to see her running to hug you
Ever more times in a day
If she's not with you, she's texting you
And if you don't answer, she gets really sad
She always says the one day you two will get married
You laughed about it, but actually she was not joking
Even if younger she always try to protect you and stand by your side during fights in classroom
Often she comes to get you at your house in morning to go to school together
She may have your laugh as morning alarm
And someone once said that she has at home one plush that she called like you
She falls asleep while hugging it
She's maybe really too clingy, but after all it's nice have this human vitamin around you
Well, I hope you liked that, Anon. I had fun writing about my Fimmies girls in this...different version🤭
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Can you write one with a really innocent y/n and really possesive gun. It would be good if It's in yakuza world
Hi! Thanks for the ask. This is sort of.. Yakuza-adjacent but not really, I'm sorry! All I can think of is Way of the Househusband now. And it's sorta nice, Gun has his reasons for 'possessiveness'.
Gun Park x Reader: Red flag miscommunications
You have the wrong end of the stick
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Gun is speechless, and it's not often he's speechless.
You had started to cry this evening about how he's a 'red flag' and your relationship isn't working out. All courtesy of talking to your friends, of course.
Gun knows he has his issues, he has been clear about it from the start and you were accepting of him. He has half a mind to tell you you aren't allowed to see your friends again, that's what they get for calling him possessive. But that would be punishing you, and he absolutely did not want to do that. Not outside the bedroom anyway.
Still. The more you talked, the more surprised Gun was with how naive you are, how wrong you have gotten this. Did you really think...? Did you actually have no idea...?
Fuck, his head is hurting. He takes a few deep breaths before tackling the last ten minutes head-on, deciphering your almost incoherent teary ramblings.
"Y/N. Who did you think those men are?"
"They said you ordered them to follow me in case I step out of line."
"Why do you think I check up on you all the time?"
"They said it's because you don't trust me."
"What's wrong with wanting to spend time together?"
"They said it's so you can always keep an eye on me."
Ok. Gun takes another deep breath. Maybe he really should have a word with your 'friends'.
"Y/N. First, those men are for your protection. They are your bodyguards. I have a lot of enemies from other Yakuza clans that followed me here, and from the crew business."
The statements hit you like a one-two. Oh. This does... this does make sense. You're feeling more and more foolish with every word.
"Second, I check up on you to make sure you are safe. I trust the men in my employment but I would prefer to hear from you myself."
Well, that's sorta sweet actually... Damn, you really are an idiot.
"And lastly, I want to spend time with you because-"
Gun stops here and grits his teeth, the frustration from tonight starting to show. He doesn't want to answer that. The fact that he prefers to spend time with you over conducting business or training pisses him off most days anyway. But what the hell is wrong with him wanting to be with you, it's the most normal thing about him.
There is almost something he forgets though. He just wants to check where your head is at.
"And what did you think about my tattoos?"
You sniffle, now more out of embarassment than anything, "I thought you got them done because they looked cool."
Gun gives you a wry smile, "Yes. They do look cool. They're not associated with my clan at all."
Ugh, you facepalm and seriously think about cutting off your friend for planting all these ideas in your head.
You have so much making up to do.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
naku weed | ayato kamisato.
✭ tags ; extremely dark content ahead, mother/son incest, noncon, penetration, oral(f!recieving), age gaps, 18+. pls do not read if u are squicked.
✭ wc ; 2.3k (horrified)
✭ a/n ; i needed to get this out of my system rip. i am choosing to blame @/saintshigaraki. AND CREDIT TO lamb for ayatocest worms in the first place
✭ synopsis ; naku weed. flower. naku. verb. translated to 'to cry'. ayato loves you more than any man ever could.
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You never remarried when their father died.
Your marriage within the Kamisato clan had been of convivence. It's an old story. You were young and beautiful and Mr. Kamisato was kind and diligent. Of all the men who tried to court you, he had been the only one polite enough to ask you questions about what you wanted.
The answer wasn't much. Your only dream of course was to get out of that stuffy place you'd been born into. To feel the sun in your face and the wind in your hair. What desires did you have but peace?
Young and impatient - you married within the year. Your marriage to your husband was awkward and clumsy. But you loved each other. Despite all of his responsibilities, you spent more time together than you thought you were worth. He was kind and caring. You were impassive and easily embarrassed.
You were expected to provide an heir. Ayato felt like a blessing from the archons in that way. His father was always strict with him while he was raised.
Despite your grievances with showing your husband affection, showing Ayato that sort of love didn't trouble you. He was a bright boy. Cunning and clever but thoughtful and strong. A perfect heir who depended on you for warmth and comfort and sympathy.
(Looking back, perhaps it was your fault. You had always felt that something in Ayato was...off. He was a good, kind boy - mostly. Maybe denial was only a given. What mother could turn her back on her son?)
Ayato was a good child. He rarely got into physical altercations. Behaved perfectly. Was well-educated and charming and polite. Perhaps the only thing was the way he was fond of you. Even up to his teenage years where that kind of motherly affection was supposed to be embarassing - Ayato had accepted graciously. Hugs and kisses.
(When he was at the age to attend galas overseas, Ayato would often offer you a hand to dance. His usual desires for affection and touch didn't go unnoticed, nor did the way his hand rested too low on your back.)
When Ayaka was born, no longer did he hold the pretense of being a young boy. His love for his younger sister is something you could never admonish him for even now. He adored her so wholly and always made time for her to play.
Ayaka brought more responsibility to you as a mother, but you didn't mind. Such a brilliant little girl she was, eager to learn etiquette and how to brush her hair up into pretty styles like you did.
When Ayato was 18, his father passed in the blink of an eye. A storm had breached their boat. No survivors. It left you alone with two children, a widow amongst it all. After the initial devastation, the loss, the heartache—you were left only with Ayato.
You had never intended for the boy to take on so much responsibility. He was still young, after all. You should be strong. But truthfully, you only had their father. You cut-ties with your family long ago. In your devastation, Ayato comforted you. Told you he'd take care of fathers role in due time and that he'd take care of the family.
("Please rest easy, Mother." He hums, voice courageous and melancholy "I always intended to follow this path.")
The first time you found Ayato's desires out had been only a year later. He was 19 at the time, half your age. He'd requested you to his chambers for comfort. At the start, he was stone cold sober. A bottle of sake sat on yumemiru wood table, Ayato deep in thought by the fire place.
("Come drink with me, mother."
"You're not old enough to drink." You tsk. Ayato gives you a coy smile.
"If I'm old enough to become the commissioner, surely this much is fine."
You're unable to counter his point. He looks pouty. You sigh.
"Just a bit then.")
For the first time in your life, your son opened up to you completely. Though it wasn't the emotional sort of whining. Still ultimately reserved. He'd told you quite a bit. And you were happy that he could depend on you.
When the conversation fell on you, and your life - and your marriage to his father, you had no problem in telling him. Loosened up by the warmth of liquor.
("Your father was a good man," You say, wistful. Ayato's face darkens, if only a little. It's barely noticeable.
"I envy him." He says back. You frown.
"You did? What for?"
Ayato looks up at you.
"He had what I wanted most.")
You had asked about it then. Though deep down you were afraid of the answer, you couldn't stop yourself from wanting to know. It was then that Ayato had cut in. He asked if you were lonely since his father passed.
A fear struck into your heart then. You confessed only a little. How could you be lonely when they ere around, you had said. A half-answer Ayato sees right through.
("You know that's not what I mean," Ayato says, voice so low you hardly catch it "Without a husband, Mother. Has it been lonely?"
Your breath hitches.)
The first time Ayato forces himself on you, it's like this. Your only son. Your clan heir. Your clever, cunning, brilliant boy. You could never turn your back him. Even so, the deliberate way in which he embraces you makes you stumble. How he approaches you that way is too well-practiced and too wanting. You are too afraid to ask when it started.
Ayato tells you, anyways.
("I've coveted you my whole life," Ayato mumbles. You push him away. You try too - but you've forgotten he is no longer a boy. He is a man like this and like many men - he is stronger than you.
You are pinned underneath him in earnest, his tongue licking a stripe up your neck - feather light kisses where your jaw meets your neck.
"Since I was born. Even when I lost my innocence to that girl," He confesses, though you don't think it's meant to be a secret "I was picturing you the whole time."
"Ayato," You whisper. Softly, hoarsely "Please stop this."
"I don't want too," He tells you so blatantly it startles you. He tips your head back, thumb on your chin. The way he kisses you is intimate and devoted and well-practiced. Disgust washes through at how good it feels "I've only every wanted this."
You believe him. It's horrible how much you believe him. Ayato touches you like a man who desires you. Your own son, flesh and blood, has forced your legs apart. It's been a long time since anyone touched you at all. The growing wetness and dull ache of desire in your body fills you with a sense of dread that almost makes you sick.
But, Ayato touches you like a man who loves you. You cannot deny this much no matter how much you'd like too. His tongue trails down your neck from your pulse to the valley of your breasts - his fingers grasping the soft swell of flesh with admiration. A strike of lightning passes you, like the Electro Archon herself permits this.
"I've loved these since I was young," Ayato whispers in some sense of self satisfaction. "Mother, you're truly more beautiful than any one woman I've ever laid eyes on.")
That night, Ayato doesn't do much more than rut himself against you to cum and fall asleep next to you. He kisses your temple and tells you he will move through this gently - so you don't have to worry too much. You want to be assured by his words. But the only thing you hear from it is the promise of next time.
When you say this much, that this cannot happen again, Ayato gives you a look of amusement. Kisses your knuckles and whispers against your skin that no man other than him will ever enter your chambers. He does this because he loves you, more than anyone.
("I resent father for touching you, despite knowing that is why you've given birth to me. I do not know if I was blessed or cursed to be your son."
His expression betrays his words. If his face is anything at all to go by, Ayato does not regret being born your son even a little.)
As time passes, his touching of you grows more persistent. Though, he's never violent nor threatening, he is possessive and shameless. He only reserves himself in front of Ayaka.
But the house maids and the butlers and Thoma all seem to know of Ayato's desires towards you. Some pity you, some seem disgusted. Most seem pleased that the commissioner is in a good mood when you are around and do not bother asking questions.
The first time Ayato takes you is on his 20th birthday. He requested you to his room. He even bought you nightwear to put on for him. By then, you're unable to refuse him. He'll take it out on his sub-ordinates if you do.
You wore it for him, bashful and shameful. He is still your son and he requests little from you other than this. In some twisted way, it often feels like this is all you can do. He's pristine and diligent and kind. In that way he's so much like his father.
("It suits you," He says, like he was predicting it. You swallow a sob as a wave of awareness graces you "Wedding lingerie, custom order. You're beautiful." )
That night he takes his time like he's always wanted you. You lay there so helpless to him. He has smooth hands and moles in all the places you remember. He takes to touching you delicately - too delicately for a woman your age.
He treats you like you are a young girl, a newly-wed couple and the feeling that overwhelms you is not one you can put a name to. He is not unkind. He pulls you apart with frustrating patience, relishing each and every inch of you. You're not sure where he learned this.
The comparison haunts you but even his father did not treat you like that. Maybe that is a given. Ayato is your son after all. A man could not compare to a sons love for his mother. Even if the thought makes your stomach churn, the way he treated you is not something to take lightly.
You felt pleasure from him. He licked and bit and nipped at all parts of you. Kissed down your navel with a thumb brushing over your stretchmarks (each part of you is his) and dug into the plush of your thighs. A womans body, he mumbled, taken by you.
He even licked you. It'd been a first for you. He was delighted to learn this. He tongued at your clit and sucked at you so diligently. He's always made you cum with his fingers and his hands before then. But that night was different, a special and cherished occasion for him.
And despite it all, you are in no place to deny him of joy. He has the world on his shoulders. When Ayato fucked you like two lovers, not mother and son - you only thought to brace yourself.
("Easy," He whispers. His voice is on the precipice of broken. You can feel him entering you, an awful intrusion. A reunion of it's own sort. "That's it. Good girl."
To be called girl, haunts you. But you can feel him. His cock. Hard velvet over steel and burning. He's thick and long, much bigger than anything you've ever taken before. Ayato holds onto your hips, fingers digging carefully into you. Your legs rest on his shoulders, knees pressed into yourself as Ayato folds you in half.
You whimper. It's been two years since you've experienced this, maybe more. When you look up at him, he's the splitting image of his father. He's grown up to be so handsome, it troubles you. He could have anyone if he chose it.
Why you? You want to ask, so much it's impossible to swallow. Ayato must sense your apprehension. Even as his cock penetrates you so deeply and so slowly - a shallow thrust like he's digging your insides out - you cannot bear it. You whimper and Ayato kisses you tenderly. Strong hands go to fiddle with your clit as a wave of desire clings to your ribs. Sticky, sensual arousal makes home in your heart. It feels good.
"Mother," He whispers, so lovingly you cannot turn away "This is the most blessed night of my life.")
It feels like so long ago now. Ten years is but a blip in time, and Ayato is yet to grow out of this. He still seeks you almost nightly. Your little girl is all grown up and clueless - only stopping to comment about how close you two are.
Your excuse is always that you were young when you had him, to which Ayaka doesn't question. By all means and all measures, Ayato has not let go of you. In the ten years that have passed, he has only gotten worse.
He's thirty, now. And you're well-past your prime, yet he cannot stop himself from leering at you. The guilt and shame still live inside of you, but lately you are uncertain there is a point.
You sit with your two children having tear in the mid-day. Sunlight pours through the cracks of the window. Ayaka rests her palm on her cheek.
"Nii-san," Ayaka asks, a curiosity in her voice "Won't you ever get married?"
You still. Ayato glances at you, then laughs.
"I don't have any plans to. Who will take care of our mother?"
You don't say a word. Ayaka hums.
"You've never been interested in anyone?"
Ayato thinks on it.
"Mm. A woman much older than me, once. A widow."
"Really?" Ayaka exclaims. He pauses to glance at you, then laughs over his tea.
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ovobawrites · 7 months
𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽: 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝐹𝒾𝓋𝑒 ♡ 𝐹𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈
disclaimer: this has already been posted on ao3 and quotev, i'm just reposting this beach episode special as a promo for the fic. after this is all my previous author notes.
this is a fem!reader and also a half chinese!reader insert.
previous ♡ next
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Crewel stood ominously by the door to the lodge, looking over you all with a critical eye. 
"I hope you mutts are planning to clean yourselves off," he started, "and Trey, Lilia," the two perked up. "you two will be cooking tonight's dinner."
Who decided to let Lilia cook... at least there's Trey?
The contrasting reactions would be funny were you not at risk of food poisoning. Lilia beamed, so excited he started floating. Meanwhile Trey was already working up a sweat, running through every possible future in his head. Silver, for once, was wide awake and looking horrified, face awash in a nausous green. Malleus, on the other hand, faced this death sentence with a grim look on his face, ready to meet his end fighting. 
Cater and Riddle were hurriedly whispering at the back, Riddle's face slowly growing more and more defeated as Cater continued on with his gossip about Lilia's poisonous cooking. Jamil frowned in disapproval, holding Kalim close to him as his housewarden started to pale in worry. You had already gone through the five stages of grief, accepting of your impending doom. The rest, however, weren't so quick.
Crewel frowned. "What are you all looking so deathly for? Go on, shower! Dirty dogs must be cleaned."
"Y-yes professor." You managed to stutter out, offering a shaky smile before treking up to your room, doing your best to avoid the other boys. For all you can act like everything was okay, you still felt that clench of fear in your gut as you closed your door behind yourself.
This would be hell. 
How could I have been so- so stupid! You bemoaned to yourself, Idia's gonna hate me for this, I just know it! It was completely improper and juvenile of me to yell at him. And over something so meaningless! Why did I- How could I- Wait. Why were you so upset? Why were you wholly embarassed? The other boys yelled and fought all the time and yet, for you to do such a thing. Why did it make you feel this way? What caused this fluttering of butterflies in your stomach, the angry buzz of bees in your head? 
You crashed your head into a pillow and let out a muffled yell. This trip was already shaping up to be a disaster. They already saw me in such a state. To get angry like that... how could I be so foolish! I should die for this. No one will ever look at me in the same way again. I was so utterly uncouth- to the point that none of them will ever even want to see me again. Sure, Floyd said it wasn't a big deal... but the moment any of them look back upon this moment they'll- they'll-
And that was the root of the problem, wasn't it? You weren't ashamed of getting into a silly little argument, you were afraid. 
They'll hate me.
But that was fine, right? People have hated you before, and people will for evermore. There's no point in crying over spilt milk, what's done is done. You should've thought thrice before you acted, but there's nothing you can do now but learn and pray for them not to think any different of you. 
You smiled sardonically, Like that'll ever happen. Who would like me after seeing me act like that?
These intrusive thoughts were getting you nowhere. Best to shower, fix up your makeup, and try to calm down. Let them despise you and look down on you. It's not like you cared anyways.
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You finished up your shower on autopilot, routine muscle memory taking over as you sank further into your melancholy thoughts. If brother had been there... what would he have said? He'd disapprove, I'm sure of it. Getting close to others when you're an Aster is always a gamble after all. But... is it so wrong to want friends? I don't know anymore. It would have been better if I had just refused Crowley's offer.
Your face remained flat, never betraying your inner turmoil as you brushed through your hair mechanically in front of your vanity. (H/C) locks tugged at harshly as you brushed through the knots. A self flaggelation, of sorts. The pain both grounded you and sent you further into a self-depreciative headspace. It wasn't healthy but it was all you had. How foolish of you. 
I don't know what to do anymore. Should I just leave? Maybe I need to talk to-
A knock on the door. 
"Uh-um. (Y/N)? It's... it's Idia. C-could you maybe let me in?" His voice floated over from the door, the warble to it showing his nerves.  
Ah. I see. He's here to yell at me and tell me to never talk to him again. That's why he's so nervous, Idia's never liked confrantation after all. 
The silence rang out as you remained seated, frozen in place. What do you do? Opening the door means accepting a broken friendship and- you didn't want that. You didn't want to hurt anymore. 
"I-it's fine if you don't w-want to let me in!" Idia mumbled, "I-I just wanted to apologise, I sh-shouldn't have..." he trailed off before groaning in frustration. "Agh I'm so-" he halted, before hesitantly speaking up once more, "Could you p-please open up? I-I heard apologies are more genuine when you- you look at someone and Ortho said that..." Idia muttered rapidly, his words too quick for you to understand. 
Maybe hearing that he wanted to apologise was made you stand up and open the door. Maybe it was his obvious anxiety. Maybe it was out of pity. Who knows? But you let him in, like an idiot. 
Idia stumbled back as you opened the door, shock painted on his face. A nervous laugh. "I-I didn't think you'd actually open the door..." He turned his head away. "This was easier when I practiced... ahhh." He covered his face in his hands for a moment, then slapped his cheeks and straightened up, looking you in the eye. "Can I come in?"
Your throat was dry. Your stomach in knots. Greens and blues pulsed in your veins. "...Sure." You stepped to the side and closed the door behind Idia.
IDIOT! Your instincts screamed. Now you're trapped inside with him, you're not gonna be able to run away and get safe. You can't hide! What is wrong with you! He could-
"S-so, firstly, I'm sorry." Idia spoke up, fidgeting with his hands as he sat down on the chair, turning it to face the bed as you went to sit on it. You had no idea what to say, but this silence seemed to only spur Idia on. "I-I know you get... upset when we're loud and I- I shouldn't have yelled in your face. I know you hate it when that happens, and I should have respected your boundaries."
Wait, what? He wanted to actually apologise? Not yell or scream some more? You were too stunned to speak. 
"And-and secondly!" He got braver now, raising his voice from the soft volume of before. "I'm sorry that I escalated that argument. If it wasn't for me getting so heated, it would've been fine but I just- I felt- I was-" He groaned in frustration, covering his face with his hands. But something made him reveal himself and open up once more. "You were right, I was... you know. I felt... of Ruggie." His voice was so quiet at that point that you couldn't make out what he said by the end of it.
"I- you were... what of Ruggie?" You spoke up, and Idia made eye contact with you, hair glowing pink, eyes glaring. "...Sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I was being-"
"No-no it's fine! I was-" Idia sighed. "I was jealous. Of Ruggie. That's all." He turned away, looking at the trinkets on the vanity. "And again, I'm sorry for acting like that. You don't have to forgive me or anything, I just..." he slowed down as he turned to look at you, your (E/C) eyes still on him. "I just. wanted. to. apologise." The words came out stilted as his hair went more and more pink, cheeks flushing a brilliant red. 
You just sat there, hands on your lap, still as can be. As the shock simmered down and bloomed into reds and pinks in your chest, you started to chuckle. Idia froze as you started to full on laugh, a sound he'd never heard before. 
"I-I" You tried to say in between giggles, but you couldn't stop laughing, tears starting to run down your cheeks. "I apologise. I'm just so-so happy." A watery smile. "I thought you would- never mind. I'm sorry too." You looked Idia in the eye. "It wasn't just your fault. I also escalated the argument, you know. And I was the one who started raising my voice. I shouldn't have- no. I'm sorry that I did so, I shouldn't have drawn so much attention to us when I knew you dislike that many eyes on you."
"I-Don't cry!" Idia fluttered his hands around, leaning forwards and brushing the tears off of your cheek. "I- I really am sorry, you know. And even if it wasn't just my fault, I still should take the blame. I scared you. T-that's like totally an incel move on my part." He offered a weak smile, hands still on your face. "And I accept and forgive your apology. Really."
"I-I forgive you too." Your laughter quieted down and you beamed. "I'm glad that we can still be friends. Even though I acted so- so horribly." That's when the two of you realised what position you were in. Idia towered over you, hands on your cheeks, as you sat on your bed. It was highly improper. Your face went hot at the thought, steaming at the proximity. Idia's hair went from a light pink to a bright fushia, he stuttered and stumbled back, crashing into the dresser. 
"I-I'm s-sorry!" He yelped, cowering away from you. "That-that was so lame of me!" He muffled his embrassed yell with his hands. 
"No-no it's fine!" You stood up and tried to comfort him, hands hovering over his back. "Really, it's fine I don't mind!"
"You sure?"
Idia looked you in the eye, trying to gauge the verity of your statement. You stared back, eyes steady. The two of you stared at each other, silence enveloping the room. And for a single, halting moment, you wished that the moment would never end. 
A knock and Silver's voice from behind the door. "(Y/N), Idia? I know you two are resolving things but dinner's ready. Just wanted to make sure you two are prepared..."
You jumped back and started to pat yourself down, avoiding eye contact with Idia. The boy laughed weakly and ran a shaking hand through his hair. 
"Guess we gotta do that boss fight now... Idk if I have the stats to survive Lilia's food..."
You gave a small chuckle at his joke. "Does anyone?"
"Silver and Malleus, they have to brave it like every week, right?"
"I thought they just magic it away when Lilia's not looking..."
"...That makes a lot more sense."
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It was akin to a walk of shame as you and Idia entered the dining room, side by side. Crewel was absent once more, likely ordering an actually edible meal for himself. While the rest of the boys tried not to make it obvious, it was clear that they were all looking at you, trying to guess whether you both actually made up. 
"Koi fishie!" Floyd waved you over excitedly. "I saved you a seat!"
"Absolutely not!" Riddle snapped. "You'll only stress poor (Y/N) out! Come, sit with us, Trey and I saved you a seat!" Riddle smiled kindly, puffing out his chest like a robin would. It was adorable. 
Trey smiled at you and shrugged, face as bright as day.
"Would your high strung nature not stress the poor dear out even more?" Jade hit back. "Let her sit with some fun people, for once."
"(Y/N), want to sit next to Lilia and I?" Silver blinked innocently at you, offering an out from the cat fight.
"Ah- sure, I'd love to." You quickly sat down before another argument would break out.
Riddle puffed his cheeks out and Trey drooped down slightly. Maybe you made a mistake. Floyd and Jade looked unhappy too, but... asides from sitting like how cultists circle their prophet, there was no pleasing everyone.
Lilia offered you a fang-filled grin and gestured excitedly to the centerpiece meal on the table. "Gentlemen and dearest (Y/N), Trey and I have created the most scrumptious meal for your consumption this twilight. Methinks you all will enjoy it greatly."
Side-eyes were exchanged as you looked over the main dish with a critical eye. You could only hope Trey managed to rein Lilia in. A large platter of seafood sat on the giant plate, grilled fish and shrimp lay on a bed of decorative lettuce, the colours lacking the normal ashy black that Lilia's meals took the appearance of. But who would take the bait and reach for a bite?
Leona elbowed Ruggie and gestured to the platter. The hyena sighed, shrugged, and grabbed a slice of fish. You all watched on, concerned, as the hyena chewed on the piece of seafood. His face went through many expressions, suspense, shock, pleasant surprise, and finally, a look of joy as he swallowed down the fish. He gave a sharp grin at Trey in thanks for his service and immediately went to spear more and more fish for his plate. 
Ruggie's reaction encouraged you all to partake in the meal, and thank god. It seemed Trey's godlike cooking skills managed to triumph over Lilia's lack thereof. The chefs of the night glowed with pride as you all lavished praise on both of them. Silver and Malleus making the executive decision to find Trey's secret before the night was over. Money was exchanged under the table as you all betted on how Trey managed it, the secret groupchat flooded with messages as the group enjoyed the delicious meal.
☆Kay-kun☆: i bet trey locked up lilia in a kitchen cabinet!! he totes did all the cooking on his own lmao
Vil Schoenheit: No, obviously he took Lilia's cooking and threw it away while passing his dishes off as both of theirs. Lilia must have fell for it.
gamer-idia-1812: no no no its obvi tht trey cast a spell on lilia so hed be frozen + unable to unleash that horrible beast upon the world lolol
(Y/N) Aster: Maybe he had Lilia do the prep work while he handled everything else? Or got Lilia to wash the dishes while he did all the cooking.
❀✧★KALIM★✧❀: Maybe Lilia learnt how to cook!! I think he'd be a great one!!!
Silver: Kalim, I guarantee that is not the case.
Malleus Draconia, Crown Prince of Briar Valley: LILIA WILL NEVER BE GOOD AT COOKING.
Malleus Draconia, Crown Prince of Briar Valley: WHY ARE MY WORDS IN UPPERCASE?
Silver: Ah, young master, your caps lock button is on. Press the upwards facing arrow on the keyboard to turn it off
(Y/N) Aster: Ah. Silver, maybe you should go help him?
Silver: ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Trey: Oh, I just asked Lilia to make the dessert while I cooked the main course. 
Jamil Viper: sorry, you WHAT
leona: if i die cuz of u, green haired bastard, i'll haunt you to your grave
Riddle Rosehearts: Perhaps it won't be that bad? Maybe the rumours were exaggerated.
Trey: Personally, I'd use the word understated
gamer-idia-1812: goodbye cruel world... maybe i'll meet the Premo in heaven
leona: a radish sprout like you will be fit in hell
gamer-idia-1812: lolol i'll see u all there
(Y/N) Aster: My mother paid the church a lot of money so that I wouldn't go to hell. I'll just roam the earth as a calamity-level ghost. 
Ruggie: The power of rich ppl astounds me...
❀✧★KALIM★✧❀: Oh! I should do that for all of us! So no one will go to hell \(≧▽≦)/
Jamil Viper: Kalim, don't waste your money doing something so stupid. Some people deserve to go to hell.
Azul Ashengrotto -50% off at Mostro Longue, Order today!-: Please, Jamil. You shouldn't be so antagonistic towards your upperclassmen! Maybe you should transfer to octavinelle to learn a bit of kindness from our Sea Witch.
Jamil Viper: I'd rather rot in hell.
Floyd >^)))<;~~: so no one won the bet? o(TヘTo) who does the money go to? (・・ ) ?
Trey: I think we should save it for the hospital bills
☆Kay-kun☆: ye just took a look at the kitchen, great idea trey!! 
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Mini Theatre Trey: I looked forward in time, I saw 14,000,605 futures. (Y/N): In how many of those did we survive? Trey: 1. - (Y/N), monolouging like a drama queen: 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 Everyone else: Wow, that fight got a little intense! I'm glad no one got hurt :) - Idia, in the common room: EMERGENCY MEETING! PLEASE HELP ME APOLOGISE TO (Y/N)!!!! Azul: But- Idia: I'll pay you like 3000 thaumarks Azul: Done!  Cater: Should this be, like, a group discussion?  Ruggie: Shut up I wanna see how much of a trainwreck it'll be.
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and here is the fifth part of the beach ep. if you'd like to read the rest of the fic, you can read it on ao3 here, and on quotev here.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
hi, can i request peaky blinders reaction to reader coming out? i'm doing mine today and i'm kinda scared of my friends' reactions :( feel free to ingore my ask if you don't feel comfortable writing it!
Aw hey! First of all I'm sorry i think u sent this last week? Im only just seeing it!!!
I hope your coming out went well and that your friends showed u all their love and support. (u have all my love and support)
I'm bi, but i never had an official coming out I just sorta awkwardly would say gay shit in conversations until people just accepted that i was queer haha.
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🌿 You've been close with Tommy for a little while, working at Shelby Company Limited. He took a shine to you in a way neither of you really understand... Anyway the point is you feel like you can trust him, and because of that you feel guilty for keeping this a secret
🌿 You're so nervous to tell him and actually he's been thinking you've been being odd all day. You keep looking at him funny, like youre about to say something, like youre really thinking about saying something... But you haven't said anything yet and its beginning to worry him
🌿 So when he feels your eyes on him again he doesnt even look up, he just carries on writing, "alright y/n i can tell youve somet to say so why dont you just say it eh... What is it? You have a problem with how I spoke to Lizzy earlier? You don't like Michael? You think am dealing with these Italians incorrectly? Come on what is it?"
🌿 You're completely stunned and your heart starts racing in a panic as you stumble your way through "what? No i mean... You were pretty harsh on her weren't you but... Wait Michael? What? And I... I don't know how i think you should be... Why would I have an opinion on..." your cheeks are burning as you realise youre losing control of your voice, getting flustered and making a fool of yourself, but worse than that, Tommys looking at you with a smirk on his lips, leaning back in his chair, hands folded over one another on the desk.
🌿 Tommy probably already knows what youre going to tell him, because he has eyes everywhere, and because he himself is observant. Hes seen the way you look at women/men... He knows what you are but he doesn't care. He just wants you to tell him so that he can tell you he doesn't care, that it doesnt effect the way he thinks of you. That you'll always be welcome at the Shelbys.
🌿 Just because he knows doesnt mean he's going to take your moment from you, he doesnt know why but he feels its probably something you need to say out loud, to him, no interruptions. Your sexuality might not be a thing that concerns him or even really interests him but he understands it as an important thing for you, something you need to feel confident taking ownership of... So he just waits quietly.
🌿 When you finally say it he sits quietly still, he nods his head, he lets you believe that this is news to him, he doesnt tell you he already knew.
🌿 "Well," he says calmly, "I'm glad you've got that off your chest y/n, and am touched that you trust me with this information..." he's a little awkwardly formal about it, because he doesnt want to make a big scene or embarass you, but he doesnt want to make you think he isnt bothered...
🌿 "You know who you love, thats your business and nobody elses, and I know the world doesnt understand that yet, but I do, and my family do, and youll always be welcome where the Shelby family are concerned... Youre part of this family y/n, this doesn't change that... "
🌿 Youd feel so relieved and also so loved and accepted. Youre glad Tommy didn't get too dramatic about it, youd been worried he'd get angry at you for having kept it a secret so long... But his calm presence was reassuring and you feel secure.
🐻 Alfies noticed you've not been yourself for a few weeks now, hes getting worried about you because you seem much more nervous and mousy than you used to be... He's worried something bad has happened to you that youre trying to hide from him.
🐻 So he calls you into his office one day, gets you where you can't escape him (because every time hes tried to talk to you recently youve managed to avoid a real conversation and ducked away from him)
🐻 You feel like youre in trouble whenever he calls you into his office but you feel worse just now because you probably are in trouble. You can't stop thinking about this big secret youve been hiding. It isn't fair, it shouldn't have to be a secret. Other people don't have to hide when they fall in love...
🐻 Alfie is wearing his usual frown, he looks mean, grumpy, intimidating. "Alright y/n treacle I think you an me need to have a little talk yeah... Just a little one don't worry don't worry i won't keep you long... Know youve probably got somewhere to rush off to, thats all you seem to do these days... Rush off places... Run away from me... Feel like we haven't had a proper conversation in weeks and well you know me... Miserable old sod, spend all me time on me own... Been starting to miss you haven't I treacle so..."
🐻 Youve always been so impressed by the way Alfie can talk and talk and talk his enemies into a nervous sweat but you arent really feeling appreciative of it just now. Actually youre beginning to sweat yourself. Now youee sure you're in trouble.
🐻 But youre not. And Alfie doesnt know... Even though you think he must know, he doesnt have a clue. His concern is completely genuine. He thinks his friend is hiding something, some kind of trouble, and he wants to help you if he can...
🐻 "So come on then treacle, why don't you tell your old pal Alf just what's goin on.. Why ain't you stopping by anymore? Why am I missin you?"
🐻 You think about lying to him but only breifly because you know he will be able to tell.
🐻 And when you do tell him your voice is shaking and you're convinced he's going to turn on you, be digusted, all the negative thoughts youve had about yourself bubble to the surface and you can barely keep it together...but
🐻 He just does a big sigh of relief and youre just looking back at him confused.
🐻 "Well i must say treacle I'm a little relieved..." "W.. What... Alfie I just... That was so hard to tell you and youre... Youre relieved? Why are you relieved? This is..."
🐻 "What? This is what exactly treacle? I hope you aren't going to say bad cause well, you and me both know that that, well that just ain't true is it..."
🐻 He'd give you a whole speech about how you shouldn't think badly of yourself, that your sexuality is completely valid, love is love ect, "its a miserable old world we're doomed to live in, why deny yourself the one joy god gave us eh..."
🐻 "You know I've been worrying about you treacle, i thought something really bad had happened to you... Thought you were caught up in some bad shit... Italians or peaky boys shit you know? But this... Well... Treacle I'm happy for you..." "You're happy for me?" you look back at him a little dumbfounded, still a little shocked hes taking it so well.
🐻 "Thats right, I'm, thats me Alfie yeah, Im happy for you, thats you y/n l/n... I'm happy that you've found some understanding, and I hope that you can find some happiness and peace and... And i hope you stop lookin so worried all the time... Come on, cmere, give your old pal a hug,"
🐻 You're getting bear hugged to hell and back.
🍂 I'm not going to lie, Arthur would be confused at first... As in not, what do you mean why are you gay? But more, i don't understand, why are you telling me that?
🍂 Really really tries to say the right thing, says the wrong thing.
🍂 He'd get so flustered because he knows this is a big and important thing you've told him and he needs to say exactly the right thing to show he loves and supports you...
🍂 But he's terrible with words and even though he's trying really hard it's all coming out wrong and he's getting embarassed and confusing himself, tripping over his words and stuff.
🍂 But its lowkey endearing seeing him trying so hard for you, thats always been how you've known arthur cares about something or someone because he gets embarrassed whenever he has to show it.
🍂 He'd tell you that if anyone else doesnt accept you or says anything "homowhatsit" about you, you tell him their name and he'll sort them out. No ones gonna bother you about this.
🍂 He'd end up just giving up, giving you a hug with one of those awkward male clap on the backs, then he'd ask you why you chose to tell him this and not "someone smart like Ada" and when you tell him its because he's your best friend and you needed him to know first he's very touched, gets embarassed all over again. Secretly very proud.
🍂 Probably waits until you've come out to Ada and then goes to her to ask her what he should have said. She laughs at him, tries to tell him he probably said the right things in his own way, but he insists he has to say it properly. So she practices with him and lets him rehearse it with her..
🍂 Then when he tries to take you asside and tell you it all over again he does exactly the same thing as before and messes up all head in hands "sorry love I'm so fuckin stupid with words an you know all this... Feelins like.."
🌼 If you're a lass he's definitely making the "what you mean you don't fancy me then? Thought that was the whole basis of our friendship..." joke which makes you roll your eyes and knock him with your elbow.
🌼 If youre a lad, "and youre telling me this because naturally you're in love with me eh...knew it nobody can resist the..." youd cut him off with a shove and a shut up and then he'd laugh and say sorry
🌼 "only messin mate..." as he puts an arm around your shoulder.
🌼 He'd be very supportive of your coming out but he wouldn't want to treat it like it was too "serious" or really acknowledge the dangers it posed to you.
🌼 He wouldn't want to talk to you about those dangers or think about them because deep down he'd be incredibly worried for you and his mind would be working over time to think how he can protect you.
🌼 He'd probably start spending more time with you and you'd end up jokingly reiterating the fact that you don't fancy him he should leave you alone
🌼 But he'd be like "used to spend this much time with you, nothins changed don't be daft"
🌼 Wants to meet any man/woman you start seeing so he can vet them and make sure theyre good enough for you
🍀 Being your best friend he's very in tune with you and he's quite sensitive to a change in your mood or behaviour.
🍀 He's kind of always suspected you might not be straight because its always the girls that seem to get you shy and not the lads. When you're with him and the other lads you're confident and you speak your mind but when one of the pretty girls joins you get quiet, he's caught you starring so many times...
🍀 And so when you tell him he's really really really happy because he's been waiting for so long for you to realise who you are and stop being scared or ashamed of it. He was worried for a long time that you'd keep it secret your whole life and make yourself miserable.
🍀 Literally, youre shaking with nerves and hes just sat there grinning like a stupid little boy on christmas. He can't wipe the smile off his face and why should he? He's so happy for you and so proud of you.
🍀 "Brilliant, thats brilliant, youre a wee star! Brilliant..." you get shy and remind him you havent actually found a girlfriend yet but he completely ignores that point. "Yeah but you will soon won't you youre a heartbreaker in the makin i reckon..."
🍀 He'll get even more protective now when lads hit on you because he knows for certain their advances arent welcome. And once other people start to find out, if anyone says anything, to your face or behind your back Bonnie has the temper to knock them down and make sure they never say anything again.
🍀 He wants to meet anyone youre interested in, hes always trying to wingman you... Just wants you to be happy!
🍀 If he thinks you're crushing on someone he'll tease you about it so badly!
🐀Similar to John, if you're a girl, he's going to make that joke. If you're not and you say he's not your type hes actually going to be a bit offended. Its really going to wound his stupid ego and he'll have to try not to sulk about it.
🐀He obviously isnt making said jokes to belittle or not take you seriously, its friendly teasing, he wants to put you at ease and make you laugh.
🐀 He knows what its like to be a minority though, to have something people treat him like "less" for. So he's empathetic and will stand by you no matter what. He'll make sure you know that it doesn't make you a bad person, that its not you thats the problem.
🐀He knows youre worried about what other people will think so he tells you, "doesn't matter what other people think are gonna think, first thing people see when they see a peaky blinder, is a peaky fuckin blinder..."
🐀Will try to talk to you about women as if he was talking to a lad... Which is embarassing as hell for you and makes you visibly squirm... Which he finds very funny.
🐀He's actually really proud that you chose to tell him first and he gives you advice on how to tell everyone else... Honestly none of its that good, most of it sounds silly or embarrassing...
☘️ Honestly out of all the blinders i get toxic masculinity/homophobic vibes from Michael the most because he's the only one who hasn't experienced growing up as some kind of prejudiced against person BUT
☘️ I think he'd change for and because of you... See any snide comments he'd ever made, any judgemental things he'd said, he wouldnt ever have thought they were hurting his friend!
☘️ You're genuinely terrified to tell him and jt probably slips out in the messiest way possible... He says something about someone else being an *f slur and you very sharply counter with "whats so bad about that... Dont see how its any of your business is it..."
☘️ He'd get defensive and youd argue about it and when he tries to turn it on you with a "Don't see how its any of your business what i think of..." "Because thats me you're talking about! Every fucking time you say something like that you're hurting me Michael!"
☘️ Teary explanation and him immediately going quiet, guilty, he didn't realise and he feels terrible for hurting you like that.
☘️ It might take him a day but he'd apologise to you, he'd tell you that he might not understand but he wants to be there for you, it doesnt make you a bad person, nothing could stop him from loving and caring about you... He will probably really uncomfortably admit that its his problem and not yours
☘️ And then he'll be your biggest cheerleader and defender, he'll support you as best he can, he'll become a better less judgemental person, driven to become kinder because of you and realising how wrong he was before.
☘️ It will take time but even in the awkward beginning he wont let you doubt his love/care for you as a friend.
☘️ "You're still my best friend y/n you always fuckin will be and nothings gonna change that, and anyone... Anyone at all ever says any of that shit I used to come out with, to you or about you, I'll fuckin kill em..."
☘️ The way hes suddenly the fastest to shoot down other peoples homophobia. If he sees Isaiah or someone else laugh at a homophobic joke he'll shove/hit them to shut them up.
☘️ He can tell when you're crushing on someone and will be fucking brutal about making you talk to that person. Coming up to you at parties and lightly bullying you into flirting with them.
☘️ "You going to stand here staring whistfully at them all night or are you gonna grow up and talk to them?"
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So glad you liked the Grimjet art! I made some inbetween headcanons in the meantime. This is an angstfest.
Jetfire is very very scared when he finds out he's sparked. He confides in his team to try to find out what to do. His brother doesn't take it well. He thinks that someone just hit it and quit it with his brother. It takes both Sentinel and Jazz to stop Jetstorm from tracking down whoever sparked Jetfire, and twisting them into scrap metal.
When Jetstorm gets too angry, Jetfire then confesses that he secretly conjunxed an Autobot on Earth - Grimlock - without telling anyone because he knows nobody approves of their relationship, and that the child is the Dinobot's.
Jetstorm calms down somewhat, but still isn't very happy. He doesn't think Grimlock is good enough for Jetfire. He also isn't happy that Jetfire doesn't trust him enough to tell him about his husband. Meanwhile, Jazz is sad that Jetfire trusts them all so little that he didn't tell him about his secret husband. Sentinel is silent. He seems deep in thought. All three mechs and their reactions make Jetfire burst out in tears.
Sentinel is the first to come in to see Jetfire the next morning. He sits down on the younger mech's bed, and tries to be stern, yet kind. While Sentinel dislikes Grimlock, he can't bring himself to say anything bad about Jetfire's choice of husband - especially with Jetfire this vulnerable. Sentinel instead decides to help his vulnerable and hurting protoge by offering him advice and a shoulder to cry on. Sentinel flexes his emotional intelligence muscle to the max, and lets the young mech cry it all out in his arms. When Jetfire calms down, he tells Jetfire that he will contact the Autobots on Earth to ask if they can discuss a plan with him and Grimlock.
Jazz tries to be casual with Jetfire. While refueling together, Jazz pours him some extra fuel, and tells Jetfire that he's got to fuel up for two. Jetfire is just so emotionally drained that he groans and covers his face in embarassment. Jazz just gives him his space after that. Eventually, Jetfire wants to talk to Jazz about it, but right now, he just wants to refuel in PEACE.
It takes Jetstorm the longest to come to Jetfire. Jetstorm is upset that he put both of them AND his brother's sparkling at risk by combining with Jetfire during the first two months of his carrying cycle, and that his brother didn't trust him enough to tell him that he has a brother-in-law. Eventually, Jetstorm does come around, and talk to his brother about everything. He's rather defensive though. Their discussion devolves into an emotional argument.
During their argument, Jetstorm rants about how it's Grimlock's fault that Jetfire's fault that he's not as close with his twin brother as he used to be, and asks Jetfire why he can't trust him anymore. That sets off Jetfire. Jetstorm is told that the reason why his brother didn't trust him was because of his past remarks about Grimlock being a dangerous monster. These remarks have hurt Grimlock's feelings badly. Jetfire states that it was his choice to distance himself away from Jetstorm. Jetfire knows it was wrong of him to hide his marriage, and admits it. However, he feels like it was the easiest choice for him at the time. Jetfire then asks Jetstorm how would he feel if his brother's child was more like Grimlock, and less like him.
Jetstorm is quiet, before he realizes how much he fucked up. He apologizes. However, he follows the apology with a gentle question. He asks Jetfire if he plans on keeping the sparkling. Jetfire struggles to answer before he starts crying. Jetstorm carefully embraces him. Jetfire accepts his hug, by clinging on to his brother harder. He then mumbles something about stupid hormones.
You can’t get away with this. Why would you do this (very very positive btw you should write a whole fanfic about this omfg)
Also nice sentinel prime is so real of you that’s amazing
Jazz you cringe ass bitch😭
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A Pact is A Pact
Genre: Smut
A/N: reader is technically male, but I kept it mostly neutral. Mammon is a bottom in this one. Mentions of brat taming, read at your own discretion.
He has no idea how he ended up in this situation. The Great Mammon doesn't bend to anyone's will!! That's what he likes to proclaim, even as he dangles from the ceiling after being lectured by his older brother.
He's being real quiet now, though... as he lays in bed in his demon form, with his wrists tightly bound to the bed posts. His face is glowing red as he struggles to even look at you, kneeling before him as you look down at him with a calm look and a smile.
This is only fair. During your last few intimate encounters he got to be on top... it's your turn now, right? And you decided you should have a little fun with him.
"Heh... just for a while okay? The Great Mammon will allow it... but watch it!!" Oh you know he's all bark and no bite. He's probably already combusting from the inside at the mere thought of you having your way with him.
A chuckle leaves your lips. What a silly demon... it makes you want to tease him even more. Your gaze slowly slides down his body. From his blushing face, to his collarbones, to his toned torso... to his black pants. Mh... those won't stay on for long.
"Open your legs." You say with a smile, waiting for him to oblige... but he doesn't move, and you quirk an eyebrow at him.
"That's way too embarassing, c'mon!!" He protests as he averts his gaze from you.
"Come on Mammon, open your legs for me." You ask once again, still patient but slightly irritated by his brattiness.
"You can't make me!" He proclaims with a huff. Oh... can't you? Challenge accepted.
"I said... Open. Your. Legs. Now." You can feel the pact mark below your chest light up with powerful magic, and as soon as you finish your sentence Mammon's legs spread wide open and he lets out a surprised yelp.
"T-that ain't fair MC-!!" He doesn't get to finish his sentence as you shush him and start working at the buttons on his pants. The zipper makes an enticing sound as you lower it slowly. It makes his spine tingle with excitement whenever you do that.
As previously stated, his pants don't stay on for long, and the same goes for his boxers. You feel like playing with him tonight...
You take just a few moments to appreciate the beautiful shape of his dick. Those piercings still look absolutely fucking flawless on him... and they feel flawless inside you.
Your hand immediately busies itself with his shaft, your fingers sometimes teasing around the piercings and focusing on the nice, darker tip of his dick. He's already painfully hard and you barely even touched him.
He whimpers slightly and his hips buck into your hand as soon as you close your fist around his dick. You start giving a few slow, teasing pumps, wanting to see how worked up he can get.
"MC... please...~" He pleads with a sob as he desperately wishes for you to do something more and give him all the pleasure he needs. But why rush into things?
You lower your gaze to a part of his body left unattended. His beautiful, plump balls begging to be touched. And who are you to deny it to them? You carefully cup them in your other hand, feeling their slight firmness in your palm. Oh they are surely full tonight...
As soon as you start touching them, massaging them slowly, Mammon can't help but buck his hips again with a strangled moan. Sensitive...
"Ngh~! That's it! I can't take it anymore!!" He closes his fists and gets ready to snap the ropes with a strong pull of his arms so he can finally get his greedy hands on you, but you notice his intentions immediately.
"Mammon... Stay!!" You command with a stern voice and another dog-like yelp leaves his mouth as his wrists slam against the bed posts once again and stay there for good.
What a disobedient little brat... Maybe he needs to be taught a lesson. A looooong night awaits him...
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isaksbestpillow · 2 months
Hey, there! Thank you so much for effort and time subbing Ossan's Love Returns! I was waiting to start watching because when it started airing I couldn't find subtitles anywhere, then I found your subs but I wanted to watch all on one weekend but couldn't wait anymore (I hope it doesn't sound like I'm rushing you >_<°, that's not my intention at all, really! :D ) so I already watched until episode 4 for now, and I loved every second of it! [1 / 5]
I know that for some people the comedy & the acting can be too over the top, but that's exactly what I love about this show; if I remember correctly, Ossan's Love (2018) was the first BL I've ever watched and it left a deep impression on me since then. I still remember so vividly Haruta's line to Maki: "It's not embarassing... being with you. For me, it's not embarassing at all. " That's exactly what I like about this show, the balance between the comedy and these kind of lines! ^u^ <3 [2 / 5]
So when they anounced their comeback I was so excited for it! I didn't expect another season at all! And till this day I still wonder why Tanaka Kei keeps returning to make this show? (Not a complain btw hahaha I love that man so much! °u°) Anyways for this season I see a big jump in terms of budget! Thank god! Let the gays have these high quality shows! hahaha n_n'' btw I love that all the cast decided to come back but also the new actors! Kikunosuke-san's eyes! Such lovely actor, right? [3 /5]
I've been having a lot of fun watching these 4 episodes, the cozy moments between Maki & Haruta, the ridicolous but always funny moments when Kurosawa-san starts yelling or fighting with Maki, also Takegawa-sensei looks more atractive to me than ever! hahaha I'm also watching Izakaya Shinkanzen Season 2 and he looks so different! I like him better here, the scene in this house, wearing traditional clothes?¡ & also him looking for a diaper partner?¡ He's bringing the REAL tea! hahaha xD [4 / 5]
Anyways, sorry for all my rambling! I wish it could be sent all together! >.<° I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate so much that you're taking the time and effort subbing this series! :D I'm having a blast watching! It helps me to take a break & forget about everything else even for a moment! I'll wait patiently for the rest of the series! Don't push yourself too much if you're not feeling well! Make sure to take a good rest! Hope you're feeling well soon! Have a nice day! n_n [5 / 5]
Hello! I'm so late with my response, I'm sorry about all the asks that have gone unanswered while I've juggled medical issues.
I'm glad you've enjoyed the show! I only knew they were coming back a couple of weeks before it happened, it was so unexpected but the best start for the new year.
Funny you should say the acting could be a bit over the top for some people because to me the acting on this show is one of the things that makes it so great! It's such a solid cast, especially this time around with the addition of Iura Arata and Miura Shouhei who are both great actors. Arata is one of my favourite actors actually so it was amazing to have him on my favourite show.
I think Tanaka Kei keeps coming back because he just truly love this show and the team so much. It's clearly his most cherished piece of work. He was actually talking about it on tv just the other day. He said Ossan's Love changed his entire work ethic and approach to his career and acting. He'd played a lot of side roles before OL so it seemed to have been a now or never opportunity for him. He also said that as the leading actor he didn't want the others to have similar experiences to his own as a supporting actor, and that whenever he now accepts roles, he wants the experience to be like Ossan's Love. One of the first things he said to Hayashi Kento was apparently that you don't have to say the lines as they're written, and I feel like that has made their chemistry so natural and grounded.
I love Mashima Hidekazu! I admire how he manages to deliver some of the most outrageous lines with such a poker face haha. He's mad handsome and just an all-around dreamy guy but you forget it because Takekawa-san is so out there as a character lol.
That zenzen hazukashikunee kara/I'm not embarrassed at all is such a iconic line. The way Tanaka Kei's Haruta delivers it with such stupidly boyish charm made my heart skip a beat. I'm excited for the Thai remake, but Tanaka Kei will always be the ultimate Haruta for me.
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yanderefairyangel · 6 months
Ok so
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Apparently Treehouse toned down Rafal to be platonic but after checking myself I am not sure ?? They made it less explicit sure but that still hold ?
Anyway, translated the og for you so you can judge
Alear (jp) : Rafal, this is something I wanted to tell you a while now....*pact ring appears on screen* Will you accept this ?
Rafal (jp): He-Hey.... that's...
Alear (jp): It's the ring of promise. The proof of a deeper bond between I and the person who wears it
Rafal (jp): Do not say such a thing, idiot ! Give it to someone else ! You find me attractive, I get it ! but... That's wrong ! The person you should choose as a partner should be someone much more deserving and more... Pure.
Alear (eng) : But you said actions express gratitude better then words, Rafal, and you were right. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I decided I want you to have this.
Rafal (eng) : Is that what I think it is ?
Alear (eng) : It's the pact ring- a symbol of a deep and special bond. A partnership.
Rafal : (eng) : I may posses superficial charm, but giving me this to me would be foolish even by your standard. Moreover, it would be wrong. I have done nothing to to earn such an honnor. Any partner of yours should be more ... pure.
Alear (jp) : When I thought about who to give this ring to, your face was the only thing that could came to my mind . Would you accept to continue fighting by my side ?
Alear (eng) : You are the one I want to give this to, Rafal. You and nobody else. You are already an indispensable part of my life. I am only asking you to continue to be that.
Rafal : (jp)... I don't have the choice then. If I take my eyes off you, who knows what you will get yourself into. I will stand by you until the very end. I will never hesistate to always stand for you. I shall partake in your fight by your side. Even if the whole world turn against you, I'll be your ally.
Rafal (eng) : When you put it that way, it seems I have little choice. Who else will keep an eye on you ? Very well, you have my word. I will remain by your side, fighting for your cause, until the end. Even if the rest of the world should turn against you, I will be here. I swear it.
Rafak (jp)... And...well. I will say this only once so... listen carefully. A while ago, you said you wanted to see me happy right ? At first, I was merely happy that I could begin a new life as "Rafal". But... the more I spend time here, the less I think I can be happy without you by my side. That's why... I want you to swear me once more, Divine dragon/Alear.
Rafal (Eng) : I will only say this once, so mark me well. You said that you wanted me to be happy. When I first came here, I was content merely to embark upon a new life as a new person. But the more I spend time with you, the more I ...miss you when you are absent. So, in return for my oath, I would like you to swear something to me, Alear.
Rafal (jp) : Don't ever get full of yourself and leave my side without permission. You and your future... belong to me.
Rafal (eng) : Swear that you that you will never leave my side - that we will explore what the future together holds together.
Diary note when S support is completed.
JP : Our life as partners. He is too embarassed to tell you about what he truly feels, but he cherishes you deeply. When you are alone with someone else, he will get jealous and glares at you from afar. He keep the Pact ring in a vessel made of his own scales, and protect it fiercly so that no one else can see it let alone touch it.
Eng :Life with Rafal. Though he'll seldom admit it, he is deeply fond and fiercely protective of the Divine dragon. Keeps the Pact Ring in a vessel made from his own scales and is very careful about showing it to anyone
Wake up events PR editions
1 : (eng) You are fortunate indeed...to have me around to wake you. I wonder what you are dreaming about. For my part...even the world I come from feels like it could have been a dream. I wonder...could there be a world out there...in which I command the invocation...to summon you as my Emblem ? I would not prefer such a world. Because the bond we share, symbolized by this Pact ring... it is everything to me. * Alear rise up * You heard all that ? Well... I will not repeat it. So you will just have to rely on your memory... to know how I feel about you
1 : (jp) Having me to wake you up every morning... you really are a fortunate one indeed. I wonder what you are dreaming about today. The world I came from feels like a distant dream to me... I wonder if there is a world out there, where I cast the incantation that can summon you as my Emblem. However..only in this world are you and I linked by this ring, and that is something I treasure more then anything. *Alear rise up*... Did you heard me right now ? I won't say it twice... today I have time...The time to show you how much I yearned for you.
1 : (eng) You are fortunate indeed...to have me around to wake you. *Alear rise up* Good morning. Even your sleeping habits have started to become endearing to me. Perhaps I should wonder what has become of me to think that. Ah... Oh well.
1 : (jp) Having me to wake you up every morning... you really are a fortunate one indeed. *Alear rise up* Good morning. You know... I recently came to find your sleeping habits as being adorable... how your eyes reflect me first thing in the morning... it makes me so happy.
2: (eng) I have come to wake you. If that pleases you, then rise immediately. Still asleep ? I admit, sometimes I fear you may one day fail to wake entirely. It has happened before after all,... both with you and my sister. I do not know if I could stand to wait another thousand years. Not for you. I believe I would lose my mind. To mourn for you like that...it would break me. *Alear rise up* Ah... No, it was nothing important. I am glad to see that you are awake. Listen...when the end comes...let me be the first of us to sleep eternally.
2 : (jp) : I, your partner have come to wake you ! If this makes you happy, rise up this instant !.... You won't wake up huh ? ... I must admit it... It keeps popping inside my head ... "what if you don't wake up"... like you already did, like my sister already did...what if you would sleep like this for 1000 more years... I think I would feel so lonely I might break before even realizing it... This... scares me so much... The moment I were to lost you, whom I treasure so deeply, ... i would lose my mind entirely...*Alear rise up * Ah, you woke up !... Don't worry, it's nothing... You woke up, that's all that matters... Listen... When the time to sleep eternally will arrive, if you get ahead of me, I won't ever forgive you...
2: (eng) I have come to wake you. If that pleases you, then rise immediately. *Alear rise up* That actually worked ? I supposed I owe you a more heartfelt greeting. Very well. Here it is. Of all your fine qualities, your sincerity...is what I adore most.
2:(jp)I, your partner have come to wake you ! If this makes you happy, rise up this instant !.... *Alear rise up*... So this actually worked ?In that case, I shall greet you more kindly. Good morning. You know, when you look at me with this silly and obedient face... I like that more then anything
Ok so hum, did the English version look tone down in contrast to the JP one or not
If you ask me, I think they did tone down some stuff but not to the point of it sounding platonic. In fact, it somehow fit his character pretty well which shows that when they TRY Treehouse can actually keep things coherent.
Imo it went from the outright flirt to Rafal being more teasing ? idk
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beevean · 3 months
god i know it's stupid to vent about life lifeing but. i need to bite something to shreds
made the mistake of wishing a man i know at the gym a happy father's day. I figured that since hey, I can't do it anymore, might as well do it with other people I know right? well turns out he was grieving because his wife just died. can't even run away before i burst into tears, and guy kept telling me "hey you're not helping, I need to be cheered up rn", which I know it was half-joking but now I feel like a piece of shit for making it all about me and for embarassing myself in front of other people. (thankfully others were chill about it)
have to go to the cemetery after lunch. then i have to go to the hairdresser for bf's graduation (she asked me to come one hour and a half before my appointment, thanks)
tomorrow it's bf's graduation. he's still insisting that i should be there before 3pm. I don't know why, since he certainly won't start at 3pm, but I know that I have to take the train and then walk for 15/20 minutes
and stay for the party afterwards. stay with his relatives who are so proud of him while I hope no one acknowledges me. sleep there. catch the train the next morning to go home. have to wonder if i also want to go to the part on saturday with his friends - i said no and i disappointed everyone and now i don't know if i should accept instead
I need to build tolerance. I need to build tolerance. This is all because I do nothing in my life so I get tired and anxious and overwhelmed so easily. This is why he broke up with me that time.
Ah, and Happy Father's Day to those who celebrate today, I guess. I got one of dad's guitars, at least.
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