#i still need to get caught up on the lore a bit but i am obsessed with these five
I love the little mannerisms the LIB have in npmd. Wiggly still talking in his “uwu“ voice, and like never blinking, Tinky hunching over like a weird little gremlin and giggling like a maniac, Nibbly gnashing his teeth, Pokey sometimes covering his face with his mask, Blinky pulling down his shades to stare at people. They’ve all got such specific character quirks and I love it.
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misshugs · 6 months
The elevator game || Colby Brock x Reader
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[req by anon] You knew you were sensitive to the other side, but you didn't expect a silly little game from the internet to give you this much of an impact.
warnings: cursing, paranormal activity, reader getting (slightly) attacked by ghosts, sensitive/medium!reader, degrading, angst? still not sure what the meaning of it is tbh
a/n: this is my first request ever, i hope i didn't let you down dear anon. Concept based on this video
word count: 2.5k (not proofread)
[u n e d i t e d]
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby!" Colby screamed towards the camera, as always.
"Today we are here at the Driskill Hotel, also known as the most haunted hotel here in Texas." Sam continues.
"We're here to figure out why this place is so haunted and what message the ghosts here wanna tell the people. And for this video guys, we have a very special someone!" Colby says, moving to the side so that you're visible to the camera.
Waving at it and smiling, you were greeted by Colby's hands wrapped around your shoulders. "Thank you, thank you. Hello, dear people. It is I." They laugh.
"How are you feeling about this? Are you excited?" Sam asks, putting the camera on the both of you.
"I am! The place is HUGE and honestly, just looks so good!"
"Right?? When we got in it was just like a burst of shock at how gorgeous this place is." Sam said and Colby nodded.
"If it weren't haunted I'd probably come here more often, but I can already feel all of these... energies walking around, I wouldn't last too long."
"Oh, right. For anybody that doesn't know, Y/n is actually a bit of medium?" Colby asks while looking at you, making you nod. "Yeah, so she's sensitive to like the energy of shadow figures and things like that, so maybe we'll get to experience something interesting tonight!"
"I'd say hopefully not but that wouldn't make it fun I guess." You laugh and so do they while you explain it is a pain in the ass to feel those things constantly. "It is almost as if you're constantly paranoid about someone looking at you, y'know what I mean?"
"Oh yeah, for sure." Colby noded.
"Yeah so that, but those stares are more physical than anything, there are times where I can feel people walking behind me and when I look back, there's no one."
"I can just imagine how creepy that must feel." Sam said and you chuckled.
"Oh yeah. You have no idea." You smiled.
"Well then, shall we begin the investigation?" Colby asked you, smiling. You quickly smiled back.
"Of course." You kissed him softly before Sam could even turn off the camera.
"Oh, gross man. I'll have to edit that out." He said jokingly and you laughed, rolling your eyes.
"But seriously though, let's keep it moving." You said and they agreed.
Walking around, there were a few pieces of lore they had to explain to you beforehand. About the one and only Driskill who created the hotel, about the little girl that broke her neck, so on and so forth.
There were times when you had this eerie feeling of constantly being followed, so you kept your arms interlocked with Colby's.
"You're doing okay so far?" He asked, cautiously caressing your hand. You nodded.
"Yeah, just feel like we're being followed." You replied, looking back where there was no one there.
"Really??" Sam asked, looking back as well but seeing nothing. "Do you think we caught a ghost's interest?"
"I mean, probably. There is a difference in between someone that's coming just for the hotel part and us, that are investigating and directly needing their intervention. We're making them curious."
"Well, for whatever spirit that might be following us, you're welcome to answer our questions later on tonight." Colby said loud enough for anything around to listen to it.
Honestly, even those small gestures made you so madly in love with him. The way he touches you softly just for you to make sure you're not alone and he's here for you is such a warming feeling.
Wilst looking around the current room, Colby walked up to a random closed door and tried to walk through.
"She said no closed doors!" Sam exclaimed, probably talking about the tour guide's rules of the place.
"Unless it's... unlocked." Colby responded, making Sam roll his eyes.
"Oop, it's Jim Hogg's room." You said, looking up.
"Who's that?" Sam asked.
"I dunno, it says its name on the top." You point up and they just laughed at the comment. I mean, what were they expecting? You had no idea about whatever story roams around these halls asides from the two main ones they've explained.
"Also I don't think you should be trying even more, like if it's hard to go in it's probably because you're not supposed to."
"We have a bad reputation of breaking into places." Sam admitted and you smiled.
"Yeah, I know. I remember that." You chuckle and hold Colby's hand to pull away from the door.
As they kept on chatting and making interesting comments here and there, you found the elevator and pointed it out. "Oh, is this the one?" Colby asked Sam and he just gave him a stare.
"This is the one what?" You ask and they look at eachother.
Sam sighed. "We were going to keep it until the time came, but we may have a little challenge for tonight that has to do with the elevator."
"Ooooh sounds fun. I wanna do it." You smile.
"You sure?? You have to be by yourself." Colby asked, worried but amused.
"Do you think I can't do this, Mr. Brock? That's offensive." You spat, crossing your hands around your chest.
"No! I meant-" He tried to explain, but you quickly interrupted.
"Cancelled, I tell you. Cancelled!" You look away with your eyes closed, trying not to laugh at the stupid situation unfolding.
"Great." You heard him sigh in defeat as Sam started laughing at the both of you. Looking back with a smile on your face, you hugged him.
"Alright, let's get going already." You giggled, gaining a kiss on the top of your head from your boyfriend.
Walking inside the elevator, it almost felt as if it quickly went down in an unnatural way.
"Did you guys feel like... the elevator dropping three inches?"
"Yeah, kinda of." Sam said.
"Three inches is a lot." Colby replied.
"Three inches is huge." Sam continued.
"I can vouch." You said.
"Mass..." Colby began talking but couldn't hold in the laugh after you said that.
Going back to the main lobby, you all reached out to a girl that was apparently the tourguide. She quickly explained the story of the place, how it ended up being the renouned hotel it came to be.
When she explained that the smell of cigar was one of the main ways Driskill manifested, your eyes went wide. "You're kidding."
"No, did you smell it before?" She asked.
"I did! But it was like, close to the entrance so I thought that maybe someone was smoking. I did find it rare because it was just a glimpse of it for like a solid second and then gone." You explained, making the girl smile.
"Well, that was him."
"No way." Colby said, smiling at you.
"Yup." She nodded, continuing to explain as you all started walking back to the elevator. Going inside, the door closed only to be opened again. "Oh?"
"Did we just pressed five and went to one? It's haunted!" Sam exclaimed.
"That was weird." Colby said, looking at the door.
"It was, that was so weird." The guide said, trying to close the door once again, only for it to open again.
"Does it do that often?" You asked and she shook her head.
"No! It doesn't." She walked back out and talked to someone from out side. "Are you fucking with us?"
"That's so strange- oh, I hit it." You whispered. The guide came back in.
"But you see it, right? I'm pressing five and it like start to go up but then it stops." The door closes once again, only for them to open.
"Oh my god." Sam said, whispering.
"And we're doing a challenge here?" You asked confused, making them laugh.
"Not here exactly." Colby smiled.
"Lemme- I'll go out." You said, walking out of the elevator, watching as the doors began to close, only for them to open once again. "Oh no, that's- that's a malfunction alright."
"And you said it, these malfuction all the time." Colby said to the guide as they walked out of the elevator.
When Sam did it by himself, it started working all over again.
"What the fuck??" Colby yelled.
"Are we like fat? Is it fat shaming us?" You whined, making everyone laugh.
And so, even though your night barely started, you were already having some activity to say the least.
And it kept being that way all night. Constant responses from spirits, intelligent ones at that. The little girl, the woman from the vortex room... all the way down to the challenge you've been anticipating the whole night round.
The elevator challenge.
"I think it might be just me but every single time we pass through this side of the hotel I feel like actually throwing up."
"Wait, really?" Colby asked, worried.
"Like an eerie feeling more than anything, almost like I'm kinda feeling a bit dizzy whenever we pass through here."
"Are you sure you want to do this? You can still back out, or I could go in with you." Colby tried to make you change your mind, but you were settled in it.
"No, I have to do it alone. What if it doesn't work because we're together? You're not gonna let me do this right?"
"I do! I'm just worried." Colby admitted, making you smile.
"You cutie. I love you so much." You said, smiling at him and cupping his face before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"Y'all are gonna make me puke, another part I'm gonna have to cut out." Sam joked, making you giggle.
"Alright, alright. So, how does this work?" You ask, hugging yourself as you wait for instructions.
It was a simple game. Supposedly, you had to hit the buttons of the elevator in a specific order. In the last one, you had to invite in a lady. If the ritual worked, you were supposed to start going up into another world. If it didn't, well, nothing happened and it failed.
"So... I'm about to get isekai'd? We're going to an anime, brothers." You laughed at your own joke while they handed you your camera.
"I send you the order, just in case." Sam continued, and you nodded.
"Thank you, 'cause I already forgot." You turned on your phone as well as the camera and walked in.
"Any last words?" Colby asked cheekishly, making you smile.
"See you in the other side." You answered, before the door closed. You sighed, putting the camera up to your face. "Alright, so... I'm supposed to hit this one first." Switching the camera back to the buttons, you hit the number four.
It began moving. "Oh, good. It would've been a mess if it already fucked up. Alright..." You sighed. "I didn't told them this, but I do find the thought of getting stuck in an elevator horrifying. I just agreed because maybe it might help me out, but it doesn't work the fact that I can feel so many spirits around this area specifically every time we walk past it." You explain before getting on the next floor, touching the next button.
Back down on the lobby, Sam and Colby were talking.
"I didn't want her to do it, honestly. I was gonna do it myself." Sam said.
"Right? She's our guest too, what if something happens to her? That would be the death of me."
"Don't jinx it, brother. She'll be alright."
Boy they were wrong.
Halfway through, your vision started to get blurry, your legs were shaky and you couldn't brush off the feeling of pressure on your chest. It was starting to make you nervous, even more so the fact you were alone.
You started thinking to yourself. What if something really did happen? What if you summon something your body couldn't handle? What if it really did send you to another world?
It happened so quickly, that you have already reached the last floor before you knew it. Gulping down your dry throat, you began to speak. "Alright, if there's something... out... oh fuck." Your vision got blurry and you could feel an inmense ammout of power flushing through the elevator doors even before it opened up.
You couldn't hold it together, it was too much for you to handle as you were suspecting before. Although you tried to stay up, your legs couldn't hold your weight up anymore and you passed out, falling down to the floor, hitting your head strongly onto the hard floor of the elevator.
Luckily, the ritual didn't work. It began going down and the guys, mainly Colby, were anxiously waiting for the doors to open. When they did, their faces fell.
Colby screamed out your name, quickly rushing in and holding your head. "Love?? Sweetheart, what happened? Wake up, please. Oh God." He began shaking, carrying you outside of the elevator so that it was slightly more comfortable.
"What happened? Oh my fucking God." Sam whispered, grabbing your camera from the elevator's floor and walking out.
"She's not responding, Sam." Colby nervously said, making sure you were at least still alive.
You were.
"Should I call an ambulance or something?" Sam asked. "Oh, no. I have the keys with me."
"Let's take her to the hospital, quickly." He lifted you up from the floor and hurriedly got out of the building and to the hospital.
You were alright, luckily. It seemes you have just fainted, but you falling down to the floor and hitting your head so hard made it a bit more complicated than what it had to be.
Colby felt bad, horrible even to think that this could've happened to you.
He should've been more careful, he should've known you were too sensitive to all of these energies so that you would go alone and out to make something so nerve racking. He should've been more insisting, rather than going with the flow merely because of a video.
He let his love have that type of experience because of a mere video.
It devastared him. Made him feel absolutely awful about it. While waiting for you to wake up, he kept on downgrading himself thinking about how he's the worst possible boyfriend.
It all stops when you finally wake up. Looking around the white room, confused.
"What happened?"
"It looks like you fainted... I'm so sorry for letting you do that all by yourself, I should've stopped you, I should've at least gone with you, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that because-"
"Love. Love!" You held his cheeks softly, making him quietly stop ranting, you smiled. "You know I wanted to do it, I was the stupid one for forgetting that big energy rafts can affect me a lot, I'm so sorry baby." You kissed his nose, reassuring him everything was alright.
And honestly, he needed to hear it. From you, specifically. Sam was trying to make him calm down but it didn't really work. It had to be you, your voice, your smile.
The one thing that made him whole all over again.
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I MAY HAVE DONE TOO MUCH FILLER FOR NO GODDAMN REASON- also hoping that dear anon liked it-
thank you for reading, loves~! likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated <3
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vxlkirayaxo · 28 days
Older women part 1
Character: Scara/ kuni / wanderer
Warnings/ tags:, modern au, cursing, fluff, little angst, inappropriate jokes, reader being oblivious, scara being a simp, 4th wall breaking scara, milf reader, alcohol (reader drinking)
No gn reader this time sorry guys 😔 this idea has been sitting in my drafts for months lolllz
I had beidou in mind a lot for the reader sorry xxx
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You started genshin at first to get closer to your teenage children who had started playing this game called genshin impact. You were already a gamer so you decided to give it a go, downloading it on your PC that you usually use for work and booting it up.
Pretty soon you got to the sumeru quest line and a certain indigo haired puppet caught your eye. His attitude reminded you of your first love which caused you to sob, a little bitter at the memories of what happened between you and your first love.
You learned that he was once called kunikizushi and that scaramouche or wanderer now, had a very sad backstory. You got a bit thirsty and bored so you stood up from your PC to grab a bit of booze. As you staggered out of your office to grab some drinks, wanderer who was talking in the game paused and looked directly at the screen.
"Tch...this is an important part of my lore." He grumbled making nahida giggle. He glared at her before crossing his arms and just impatiently waiting for you to come back. Tapping his foot on the ingame ground until the door to your office opened again and he went back to the position he was in before.
You took a sip of your beverage before you sat down in your chair. Humming as you clicked the auto play as you continued to listen to the dialogue. You couldn't wait to talk about the archon quest with your children. You took another sip before leaning your chin against the palm of your hand.
"Come back to the banner, I wanna get you so I can name you stinkytoots." You rumbled bored of all the dialogue. It took every ounce of restraint not to react to that, still having to put up the act that he wasn't aware of the videogame.
Eventually you fell asleep from boredom. Your arms crossed and laying on the table while your head rested up on them. Some drool out of the corner of your mouth meaning you were deeply asleep. Wanderer stopped talking when he noticed you were asleep. He tapped his foot on the ingame ground trying to think of something before he sighed and reached a hand through the screen and moved your drink away from you in case you moved around in your sleep and spilt it.
He sighed and looked at you. Reaching his whole upper torso out of the screen and watching you sleep, not in a creepy way but in a 'whag am I going to do with you' kind of way. Nahida giggled again, of course the goddess of wisdom knew she was also just in a video game but she preferred to watch scara hopelessly try to interact with you.
"mm... stinkytoots...your crit rate sucks..." You mumbled in your sleep as you repositioned your head on your arms. Wanderer let out a huff of disgust at the nickname. He wanted you to think much more of him than....'stinky toots'...
Yes, he wanted you to think of him much more than reminding you of your first love, a bastard that left you when you were in need of them the most. He wanted to be your only love, since you were his he thought it was only right. He reached a hand and touched the end of your hair.
"you need a haircut, I could see your split ends from in-game." He hummed, a cruel smirk on his face as he insulted you but he meant none of it. He placed a kiss on your head before going back into the screen. He figured it would be safer to watch you from inside in case you wake up.
He wasn't ready to actually talk to you yet.
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mncxbe · 7 months
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𝑭𝒚𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: reference post; @soullessfyodor here's my take on Fyodor with a guardian angel♡// ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑𝒄𝒘: delulu, Fyodor's a bit manipulative + has a God complex, dubious relationship between them, possibly inaccurate biblical lore
he knows you're there, knows you exist. growing up in a religious family, he's always been told that his guardian angel was watching over him, making sure he was safe from any danger. but trying to interact with you never actually occurred to him
you showed yourself to him for the first time when he was around ten. he'd caught a terrible flu and his already weak body could barely handle it. so you did your job, you healed him and ever since you visited him more and more often
it was against the rules but what could you do? he was a quiet kid, a bit too intelligent for his own good and you just had a feeling that there was something wrong with him
your suspicions were confirmed once he started joining different criminal organizations. you tried to keep him on a straight path but there wasn't much you could do to change his resolve
"Don't worry, my dear angel, I am quite certain that the purity of my soul is untainted." he smiled as he packed his few belongings in a suitcase.
"I'm begging you, Fyodor. Don't go to Japan it's a bad idea–" you protested but he wouldn't have it.
"I'm not keen on using this argument but I am an adult now, angel. I can make my own decisions"
"You're still acting like a kid" you huffed, fluffing your wings, causing a few feathers to fall on the bed covers. Fyodor chuckled, gently seizing your chin "And you're still acting like my mother. There's no need for you to be so concerned for me"
ever since Fyodor moved to Japan to pursue his plans the relationship between you changed. Fyodor became more secretive, but you still didn't give up on your routine– every night, Fyodor played the cello for you or read you a few pages of his book. those were his little ways of showing you his gratitude for always being there for him
after a few months you could sense a deeper change. he barely talked to you about his plans and every time you tried to voice your concerns he deflected
"My, my, angel. I told you before there's no reason to worry about me." smiled the man, motioning you to join him in bed.
"I'm serious, Fyodor. I can't keep covering up for you. You're killing people don't you realize your actions have consequences for me? And for you too" Fyodor simply laughed, pulling you next to him as he traced the outline of your wings with his fingertips "Am I upsetting the higher ups?" You nodded and his grin widened. Cupping your face with his free hand, Fyodor brought you closer to him.
"Why should I care about that, my dear? After all, I am a God myself, aren't I?" Before you could reply Fyodor placed a kiss to the corner of your lips"You know I'm right."
"You shouldn't say such things"
"You've let so many things slide, angel, I'm sure you can excuse some mild blasphemy"
and you did let it slide, and other things too. there were many things he should've been sanctioned for but you swept them under the rug– no matter what atrocious things he did you still believed he was the sweet Fyodor you once knew
it didn't take long until you lost your place among the angels and were sent to hell. call it divine judgement, or karma, but covering Fyodor's endeavours for so long did have a consequence
as a fallen angel you could still come to earth whenever you pleased but for a while you avoided Fyodor. you were mad he was cruel enough to let this happen. all of this could've been avoided if he would've just listened to you
still, it didn't take long for you to return to him. after spending so much time together you couldn't just ignore him. especially not when you could hear him calling out your name through the endless night in hell
"So, my angel, are you getting accustomed to your new home?" he taunted, his lithe fingers dancing along the cello's cords, his music echoing through the dim-lit room.
"Don't you dare joke about that" you hissed "How did you find out in the first place?"
"I figured, since you stopped visiting for a while..." Taking note of your silence Fyodor sighed, putting down his instrument "I do appreciate your sacrifice, angel. Your devotion is truly remarkable"
You scoffed again at his words, feeling your blood boil "You should be ashamed of yourself. You condemned me to a life in hell."
"You could always come and live with me. You're more than welcome in my humble home" he said in a honeyed vocie as he got up from his chair and moved towards you. He kneeled in front of the futon you were laying on and held your hand. "My dear angel, forgive me. If what I doing wasn't this important I would've given up on my goals. But it can't be helped"
You sighed, running your thumb along his knuckles "Such important plans yet you cannot tell me anything about them."
"Of course not" he smiled "Not now at least, but one day will come when I'll tell you everything. Until then, you'll have to trust me."
You remained silent for a while, a heavy tension settling between the two of you before he spoke again. "You lost your God and your status, but I assume you still have your powers."
"You're correct"
"Then stay by my side, look over me like you always have" The man rose to his feet and leaned closer to you, his breath fanning over the shell of your ear "I can give you a purpose. That's what you need, right?"
"So you're asking me to taint my soul even more? To give up on my principles, on everything."
"You were already deemed a sinner, my angel. You've fallen. I'm offering you a way to rise back up– a new god, a new purpose." Striaghtening his back, he bowed, holding a hand in front of you. "So what do you say?"
You weren't stupid– it was obvious what Fyodor was after. He just needed your powers to keep him alive. You were just another tool, another pawn. But it was the best deal you could've asked for, so you hesitantly accepted his hand. Fyodor smiled, helping you up from the couch before he placed a tender kiss to the back of your hand.
"You and I, my dear, are going to accomplish great things together"
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
I saw your requests are open for Harry Potter, was wondering if you’d do one with Fred Weasley 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 I’m like super obsessed w him rn
Plot can be whatever you’d like !
a/n: hi!! i love Fred too!! thank you so much for the request, I hope I did alright 😁
prompt: fred didn't die during the war - was only seriously injured. upon waking up at saint mungos, the obvious reaction is to flirt with the cute healer tending to him.
warning(s): it's been a while since i've read the books and I wasn't exactly paying attention to the lore while watching the movies. I made up some spells and plot lmao
word count: 1,073
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Waking up felt like dying, Fred thought as his eyes lifted open feeling like lead. His joints felt like stone, weighing him down onto the slightly cushioned bed. At first, the red headed twin thought he was in a muggle hospital, with the bright white walls and fluorescent lights disorienting him even more. But then he saw owls fly through the air, delivering messages and potion bottles flying into the hands of healers, standing at beds identical to Fred's. Speaking of...
"Hello there.." Fred attempted his best flirting tone, his consciousness desperate to impress the healer doing magic next to him. But all that came out was a croak akin to one of a dying frog. Mortified, Fred's face went red, wanting to hide under his blanket as you stifled your laugh under your hand, trying to keep the air of professionalism.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Weasley," your voice soothed the headache building behind his eyes, you raised your wand, assessing him as you continued speaking, "you gave everyone quite a scare you know. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're banned from fighting anymore dark lords and his army."
Fred tried to laugh at your humor tinted words before reality crashed into him. Sitting up quickly, Fred felt pain shoot through his body. You shot forward, your hands steadying him as his eyes went wide with worry.
"Did we- Is my family okay? George? Ron? Ginny? Mum and Da-"
The comforting pressure of your hand on his shoulder cut him off. He looked up at you, his body relaxing at the answer in your eyes. Wincing, he leaned back, still sitting up but now in a more relaxed position. 
“You won. He’s gone.” 
You didn’t need to say the Dark Lord’s name, you didn’t want to. Even thinking of the man sent shivers down your spine, making you aware of every dark corner in the room. Fred watched as you walked over to your station, grabbing a potion bottle and twirling it around until the blue liquid turned clear. When you returned to the bedside, you poured some of the liquid into a spoon. The red head watched as the clear potion levitated above the metal utensil, only spilling down like water at a whispered spell that passed your lips. 
You raised the spoon up to Fred’s lips, who took the potion with slight struggle. It spilled down his throat, tasting slightly of hazelnut. He raised an eyebrow at you, question in his eyes. You winced slightly, setting the spoon down before turning back to face him. 
“The explosion you were caught in caused severe internal damage. The Confervious spell along with the knitting potion will heal whatever injuries our efforts haven’t been able to completely heal,” watching as Fred’s eyes widened, you were quick to console him, “But it’s okay! Because the duo has a 97% success rate and, not to brag, but I happen to be one of the best casters of the spell.” 
Fred chuckled a bit at your attempt, his body starting to realize the trauma it had been through. You sat on the stool next to his bed, fiddling with your wand as you watched a pocket watch in your hand with intensity. Later Fred would find out that watch is how you saw the healing of his internal organs. Fred poked your arm playfully, getting your attention. 
“So, what’s the damage?” 
He wiggled his eyebrows but you just stared at him, waiting for an explanation. He used his eyes to ‘point’ at the area between his legs. 
“Am I all still here?” 
You sighed, folding your hands on your lap.
“Unfortunately, we couldn’t save it.” 
Your serious face completely fooled Fred, who for a moment let complete terror take over his features. After a minute or two, you burst into laughter, causing Fred to groan and cover his face with his hands. 
“You should’ve seen your face!” 
You laughed between words, clutching your side. Fred nodded, recognizing he had been played. 
“You got me, you got me. But you must mean this means war.”
You faux gasped, placing your hand on your chest sarcastically. 
“Oh no, a battle with a man stuck in a hospital bed, I’m shaking in my boots.” 
Fred full on laughed at that before groaning in pain and glaring lightly at you. 
“Don’t make me laugh, my insides are still knitting back together!”
You smirked at him, checking the pocket watch to see that the healing was almost complete. You heard a ruckus outside Fred’s room and soon the door burst open, a frazzled fellow Healer sending you an apology with their eyes. 
“The Weasley Family plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are here for F. Weasley.” 
Your coworker said with an exhausted tone before pushing through the crowd back to their station. You smiled at the family as they piled in, answering Molly’s frantic questions and Arthur’s insistence his son was getting the best care. Fred’s siblings, plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, stood at his bedside, doting on him. You turned away, letting the family have a moment, organizing your tools and putting back the potion and pocket watch. When you turned back around, you saw George look at you and nudge his twin with waggling eyebrows. Fred turned and winked, causing your face to heat up as you held back a smile. 
You joined in the conversation after a few moments, once more answering the questions and consoling the worried thoughts of Fred’s parents. After a few hours, visiting hours were over, and you gently excused the family from the room. You got Fred’s room set up for night, fluffing his pillow and blushing when he craned his neck so his face was close to yours. As you were getting ready to leave, you felt Fred’s finger brush against your wrist, lightly but effectively holding you back. 
“You know, I’m not so fond of being blown up but I am really glad it brought me to meet you. When I get out of here, if you’re available, do you want to catch a movie? It’s a muggle thing my pop has been obsessed with recently, I’m just glad he got past his rubber duck phase becau-”
You answered quickly, cutting off Fred’s uncharacteristic nervous rambling. 
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you left the room, mentally compiling a list of quick healing spells.
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solsays · 10 months
okay guys hello hi so a (more serious) post before we’re back to the sillies but like I’ve seen a bit of this in the QSMP community recently and I feel like it needs to be addressed
you’re free to dislike a creator/cc’s fanbase, but don’t lump them all together. Every fanbase has its different parts, and that means that not everybody is the same. I’ve seen this most with Wilbur and Phil mains, how people are like “oh you’re oblivious and don’t care to watch other streamers” or whatever it is, and often they get accused of summing characters/creators up to all they know them as through Phil or Wilbur or their relationships with other characters. This isn’t to say that doesn’t happen, but it’s not nearly as common as many seem to think!
This is coming from someone who has been watching Phil for going on four years now; we know more than you think, and often there are actual reasons for why we don’t watch other ccs. For me, it’s because I can rarely tune in when people are actually live thanks to school and work and such, so I take to watching vods and clips to keep caught up on the events. I am also not fully bilingual (English, and I speak partial Spanish but fast Spanish still confuses me sometimes) which makes it hard to watch people like the Brazilian or French players (I don’t speak either language) outside of clips where they’re playing with the English or Spanish speakers! As a result, my knowledge of many of them (Mike, Bagi, Antoine, etc) is pretty limited. I try my best to keep up with everyone on character stuff, but it can be hard if we’re busy. Another thing is that a large part of (especially) Phil’s fanbase are adults, who have families or college or work and they can’t always keep up with every minute detail or trait of characters, and I know this is true for many other cc’s fanbases as well.
of course, everybody is allowed to have their own opinions, and it’s okay if you aren’t a fan of a cc or their fans! All I’m asking is that we don’t hate on those creators or their fans, especially if it’s because you’ve had not great experiences with some of their fans. Often I think the former DSMP members fans are seen as stupid little kids who are toxic and childish, while in reality most of us are over 16 or even adults. Phil, Foolish, Slime, Quackity, etc were never really the problematic part of the dsmp fanbase, which was kind of split into Techno’s friends and their fans (who were always pretty chill for the most part) and then dream’s friends and their fans (who were and still are pretty problematic a lot of the time). I never was a huge dsmp enjoyer, so I never really watched the lore and preferred to watch their other stuff, but I always disliked the dream team and their little group, they always rubbed me the wrong way.
I only truly watch Phil’s streams, but I’ve taken up watching Cellbit and Fit as well, even if I can’t understand Cellbit sometimes, so remember that we won’t know everything niche about characters because of the language barriers! Don’t be a dick or rude to people who are unaware of certain parts of lore and such because they don’t watch multiple creators, we want to keep the QSMP fandom a chill safe place where people don’t feel hated or excluded just because of which creator(s) they watch, so in summary just be nice to everyone and don’t hate on people just because they don’t do things the same way as you. This community was created with the purpose of bringing people together and breaking barriers, so let’s try and keep that moral in mind while interacting with other fans!
TLDR: you’re free to dislike creators or their fans, just don’t lump them all together and say they’re all clueless or don’t care about any other characters! Let’s keep the point of the QSMP fandom what Quackity intended—breaking language barriers and bringing people together/lifting them up instead of putting them down :)
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gxlds-doodles · 1 month
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was thinking abt how much i miss the 2014-2015 era fnaf fandom and it's interpretations of the characters (oh vincent purple guy how i miss you.) so new au alert!! lil chibis of my vincent n phone guy <3 designs are very much inspired by the popular designs for them around that time (originally popularized/created by rebornica i believe - though these are completely separate from their au i am not associated with them in any way shape or form) 🎉✧ SUPER COOL EPIC LORE INFO UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!! ✧🎉
general lore ☆ basically a whole rewrite - not because i have issues with the story (i stopped paying full attention after sister location tbh) just for fun!! again very much based on me missing 2010s fnaf fandom that was PEAK to me ☆ i still tie in some pieces of the lore but for the most part. forget what u know abt fnaf this is a whole rewrite (ex. animatronics are sentient but not possessed by children - not possessed at all in fact!! except for perhaps a few exceptions but i'm working on it) ☆ these two have quite a lot of canon lore tie-ins but beyond these two it's different LOL ☆ set in or around 2014, timeline is a wip vincent dorian (formerly afton) ☆ italian on his dad's side, armenian on his mom's side ☆ william afton's only child, born while freddy's was open but doesn't remember it rlly - his father and henry emily were co-owners/business partners but split ways (aka william got fired bc henry found out what he did. why he didn't bring this to the cops i'm still working out) soon after he was born ☆ raised by william as a single father ☆ was forced to help his father kill since he was like 12 this guy's got TRAUMA. ☆ still deciding on why he's purple (boy why you ourple.) but ik that it's william's fault. idk if i wanna go the walking corpse route like with michael in canon yet ☆ cuts off his dad when he's 18 - moves out on his own, etc. ☆ still kills for reasons i am currently working on however he does NOTTTT kill children ☆ starts working at freddy's at 27 as a way to 'rebel' against his dad, even if he hasn't seen him in yeeears by this point ☆ night guard at first, eventual day shift guard and sometimes a technician when needed ☆ his hair is naturally still black - he dyes it purple bc he thinks it looks cool ☆ his red scrunchie matches the red of phone guy's head <3 scott emily ☆ THE DRAWING IS OF A VERY SPECIFIC POINT IN THE AU I HAVE YET TO FLESH OUT it's not the most reflective of his character overall ☆ puerto rican ☆ henry emily's only child - remembers a tiny bit about william, remembers being scared shitless of him ☆ gets caught in a fire set by william when he's 16. he barely makes it out alive ☆ henry makes him the phone head mask thing. it can *technically* be removed but it never is bc it keeps the scars that never quite fully healed from getting worse ☆ head somehow works like a real phone... don't ask i just thought the idea of him ringing when he feels strong emotions is rlly funny (henry makes sentient animatronics in this au he can do anything. everyone say ty plot device dad!!) ☆ has some sort of contacts made by his dad that allow him to see through the phone ☆ grew up with the restaurant, his dad managed the location he's currently at until passing the business and the manager position onto him when he was 25 and henry was ready to retire ☆ henry told scott the full truth about william shortly before retiring - including that he set the fire that he got caught in. it's made him pretty paranoid that he's coming for him or something's gonna happen to him, even if neither of them have heard from william since then and he's essentially off the grid ☆ always at the restaurant during opening hours but rarely ever seen bc he doesn't want to scare any of the kids with his phone head vincent & scott ☆ yes they're dating. everyone cheer!! early fandom purplephone was my SHITTTT i love them so much ugh they r everything 2 me ☆ ngl they remind me of poolverine (deadpool x wolverine). vincent is deadpool (VERY accurate.) and scott is wolverine (less accurate but their dynamic stands) ☆ scott finds vincent annoying at first but eventually warms up to him and now he loooooves him. he's still annoying but he loooooooooves him ☆ scott doesn't know vince is william's son at first since he changed his surname and looks completely different ☆ they're just rlly cute and deeply in love and got some angsty shit going on later but that'll be a surprise oooo
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thefirstknife · 2 months
hi! i was reading this week's lore entry (polyphony page 5) and i noticed something that confused me a little bit.
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in this part with the voices of the people stuck in the network, my attention was caught specifically by the line "tell elsie praedyth still-". i'm gonna assume the rest of the sentence would be something along the lines of "still lives"; however i don't understand why elsie of all people, so i thought perhaps i'm missing some info. did elsie and praedyth know each other? i know they are connected through no time to explain (praedyth created it while he was in the vault and it somehow ended into elsie's hands, who then gave it to us, correct?), but i didn't think praedyth knew who elsie was, or the other way around (assuming this is praedyth himself speaking, which i'm not sure of. even if it wasn't tho, how would elsie know who praedyth is, and why would she care?)
(also, another small question: do you have any idea of who could be saying any of the other lines? i'm so intrigued by this entry)
anyways, sorry for the long ask and thank you! :)
No worries!
About Praedyth and Elsie, I talked a little bit about it here. He definitely knew of her as a person, though it's unclear if he knew any details, if she knew about him, and if they've ever met. This line maybe implies yes? Or that this would be important for her to know? And yeah, it's very much "still lives." He's trapped in the Vault forever and he can't die in there. There's a chance he escaped... somewhere and somewhen, but we don't know. For now, we genuinely have no idea if Elsie knows him and there's not much other lore here. Really peculiar to drop that here; maybe just a curiosity, maybe something setting up some future events?
I'm super interested in other sentences, but they're too undefined to truly know. A few should be self-explanatory, like "SAINT" which is probably Osiris speaking. "Hurry, get Shim" is one of the Ishtar scientists since he's one of them. Completely not sure about the various "We need to warn them" and then also the one where it's "I need to warn them." Could be anyone. Similar with "Hold on to me" and "There's still a chance" and "Please, please wait." I'm considering that some of them could possibly be Praedyth (any other than "Hold onto me" because he wouldn't really have anyone to tell them this).
I'm very intrigued about "I AM OWED THIS." This one and "There isn't enough of me left" are very strange and they stand out. Still no clue who might be saying them, but they feel like they're referencing something specific, though no idea what. They're not repeated phrases either, at least not in written lore; tried looking it up on Ishtar to see if anything like it was said before and it wasn't. I'm mostly inclined to believe they might be spoken by the people mentioned in the lore tab so any combination of Ishtar scientists, Osiris and Asher possibly. Maybe with an addition of Praedyth. I also feel like the one about Praedyth is from Praedyth himself.
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account-name · 3 months
Five headcannons you have about Phone Guy ?
yayyyyy thank you so much for the ask this is the first time i've been asked about him !!! this ended up a bit long because i wanted to fit in all my important phone guy lore because i've never gotten the opportunity to talk about him
i apologize if this is a bit all over the place and hard to read i'm not good at putting my thoughts into words
also i might reblog with more if i think of anything big i missed
he drinks way too much coffee. he needs to stay awake and alert all the time so he can continue to be productive despite his inconsistent sleep schedule (he gets nightmares which get more and more frequent over time) (and he is also being overworked which is not a good combo) (he doesn't remember the last time he's had a day off) so he uses the caffeine as a way to make up for that. plus he also just genuinely likes how coffee tastes. he also used to smoke but he stopped when his ex wife (marilyn) was pregnant with fritz, so he at least got over that one (if i didn't mention it yet he is fritz's dad btw). caffeine is the only addiction that he still actively struggles with by the time he dies.
he has a confusing relationship with his gender. i think in the normal fnaf timeline he unfortunately dies an egg and never gets the chance to think about it fully but in any au where he lives past that and learns that being trans is a thing he would proceed to have a gender crisis. (fun fact in the au i made specifically for selfshipping daydream lore he is working that out in real time) (i am supporting him every step of the way :) ) he is questioning and he has no idea how he identifies at the moment but that guy is not a man. he does still have a trans pin in the normal fnaf timeline but he doesn't actually know what it means. he found it while cleaning the ballpit one day and decided to keep it because it was kinda neat. he IS trans but he doesn't know it yet. i generally still refer to him with he/him since those are the only pronouns he ever used but depending on the au i think eventually he might experiment with other pronouns in the future. change is scary though so it would definitely take him awhile to get to that point. especially since he's been repressing his emotions for so long. (EDIT: she is now using he/she pronouns :3)
i've touched on this one before but he was working the day his son was murdered. he brought fritz to work with him thinking he could multitask but phone got caught up with work and wasn't paying enough attention to notice fritz getting lured to the back room. he didn't notice his son was missing until it was too late. he absolutely blames himself for it and it eats him up inside. he goes through a messy divorce shortly after since marilyn blames him too. poor phone guy has no one left except his bosses. at least they always cared about him right? they saw his potential when no one else did and he was their best employee. except no they didn't. william was actively manipulating him to do his bidding and henry just didn't care about him at all. poor phone guy. but he still puts on a happy face and pretends everything is fine until he can't anymore. he also blames himself for the other missing children because he was too far in denial and desperately wanted to believe that it wasn't what it looked like so he didn't do anything to stop it when other kids started disappearing. he knew what was happening he just couldn't bring himself to accept it. and then it was too late. he hates himself for that.
he's helped william hide bodies. not the missing children obviously, but whenever other employees happen to know a little too much and they turn up dead in the morning, someone's gotta clean it up. he's had to sweep so much under the rug. it's horrible but phone guy can't say anything or else it will all get pinned on him. phone guy getting framed for murder wouldn't help the situation much either. maybe it was the cowards way out to give in to the blackmail but he was put in a horrible situation and made the choice he had to to get out of it. he helped dispose bodies of his coworkers. it doesn't help that he trusted william and looked up to him for so long. he was one of the only people to ever say he was proud of him. and look where he ended up.
i can't decide on another singular hc to write an entire paragraph on so here's a bunch of small ones instead:
he dabbled in theatre in highschool. he wasn't a dedicated theatre kid or anything and definitely didn't continue after graduating but he did good
he has a beautiful singing voice. he'll get embarrassed if you overhear him though
he witnessed both bites, and sees 87 as his own fault since jeremy was following the instructions phone gave him
he's a breakfast enjoyer :)
he was born in 1957 and died at the age of 36 . fritz was conceived when he was 21
similar to his gender, his sexuality is also a mystery. he's probably ace but as for romantic orientation who knows
he likes to read. it's one of the only hobbies he has time for
he likes sci-fi and is a fan of star trek
he idly hums while he works
when he was a kid his parents had very high expectations for him and expected him to do something big with his life. they weren't bad parents but they weren't the best either. they were very strict with him especially when it came to school. (gifted kid burnout weeeoo)
he has a little sister (phone dude's mom) however he doesn't really have any contact with her or anyone else in his family at the time of fnaf as they moved away from utah and he did not follow them.
i love all the phone biology hcs mentioned in @ask-the-phone (sorry if you didn't want to be tagged lmk i can remove it) so those apply to my phone guy as well. (he molts periodically, his mouth is on the receiver, esophagus cord, ect.)
gives the best hugs
touch starved and very easily flattered
//⚠️cw attempted suicide for the next couple //
this is a dark one but he went into fnaf one knowing full well he was going die, and to an extent hoping for it. this is when he was at his absolute lowest. he was never going to get through that week. i think if for whatever reason the animatronics didn't kill him he would've finished the job himself. he's scared of death but he couldn't imagine a future for himself and didn't think he even deserved one. fnaf 1 was an act of suicide. despite this he still tries to leave helpful reassuring messages for mike to help him survive the week, even up until his last moments.
he tried to take his own life after the bite of 87. maybe also after the divorce too. it didn't work and he just had to go back to work afterward and pretend he was okay. he was not.
[ok back to the other hcs]
fritz always used to put stickers on phone's face. he continues to wear the stickers to remember him
while his head is phone shaped it's entirely biological. it's essentially like a bug exoskeleton. he was born like that and it's not questioned because that's a completely normal way for people to look. sometimes people are just phones
his head is also functional as a phone though. don't ask me how
he purrs when he's comfy.
in the movie universe he is alive and well and living a life outside of freddy's. he worked there briefly and recorded some tapes and then left before it all went wrong. i guess in this au his bosses never really saw him as anything special this time. his son still dies and he probably still gets divorced but phone is able to move on and heal and live his own life. good for him.
i think if phone guy didn't work at freddy's he would've made a good teacher
he is so full of autism
very much a perfectionist unfortunately
not easily angered, but he can get frustrated at times. he bottles it up though so he seems fine until he finally snaps
and that's the list i came up with so far :) i might add more if i think of anything important i forgot but thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to finally talk about my phone guy !!! :)
-in honor of the news, his middle name is ralph, making his full legal name phone ralph guy (because that is just so funny to me)
edit edit: eventually she changes her name to phone kim guy
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eluviannaa · 9 days
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In this week's written Umbral scene, our Ethereal, Zarath'anar, doesn’t have many lines, but I made sure the ones he does have are dialed up to 11. He’s from the Consortium, an Ethereal faction focused on trade and shady deals.
Most of my research is pretty focused but I absolutely loved digging into Ethereal lore. Usually, I dig further than I need to, obviously for context but also, you never know what threads will be useful later on.
For this, while the Consortium wasn’t front-and-center during Legion (the story's timeline), it still felt lore-consistent that he might be in Dalaran as a vendor at my imagined market—especially more so than other Ethereal factions in this context.
Writing Ethereal dialogue is a time—it adds another layer of formality, which feels a little different from the bits of high fantasy and poetry I usually do.
By nature, Ethereals are cryptic, mysterious, detached from mortal concerns, and more focused on broader cosmic forces. Some of my favorite lines from Void Ethereals like Locus-Walker, Saprish, and Ashaal really get at that :
"Our bargain does not require me to wait until you are ready." — Locus-Walker
While these scenes serve more as a script/draft for the comic, visuals being sparse, I'm excited to draw all of it! The scene was a bit long overall but we have a little time before I get to the panels in Act 2. I'd love to do a revision of this but as is, it was nice to finish it.
Excerpt from Act 2, Scene 5: Echoes
At the Ethereal’s stall, Eluvianna found a collection of odd trinkets and crystal fragments. The Ethereal, barely more than a shimmering silhouette, stood quietly behind the array. As a simple stone caught her eye, its surface swirled with colors that seemed to shift.
As she leaned closer to it, the ethereal inclined his head. “In all things, the Sin’dorei have an impeccable sense of timing,” he murmured, his voice carrying on the wind. Eluvianna glanced up from the wares, momentarily meeting his gaze—or where his eyes should have been.
“Am I… late?” Eluvianna asked, compelled to respond despite the uncertainty.
“Quite the contrary—you are early. And as such, perfectly on time.” He nodded with sincerity. “It seems the past is not doomed to repeat itself entirely.”
From the folds of his fabric, he produced a small, tightly wrapped package, offering it to her with a spectral hand. “As agreed.”
“I don’t recall meeting before. Perhaps you’ve mistaken me for someone else?” Eluvianna protested.
“Promises hold weight across all realities,” he replied, his voice like the air between worlds.
Despite her confusion, something in his words compelled her to accept the package. As she reached for it, he held it a moment longer, his grip firm but not unkind. “Alas, even I cannot glimpse the final patterns of the currents we navigate.”
Eluvianna furrowed her brow. “Currents?”
“Perhaps our paths will cross again when the echoes of this moment return,” his form shimmering faintly.
Somehow the words were familiar. Perhaps the echoes he spoke of were tied to her dreams. They had become more vivid, and last night they felt like a future destined. Though she had shrugged it off as merely a wish, she knew her studies had opened her mind to more. Just not quite any such path of an oracle.
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crystallizedday · 2 years
Mkay, so I just woke up & I feel like spitting some facts today while I’m still in my BATDR hyperfix, especially since I’m pretty sure not a lot of people have this idea as well & I wanna get it out there somehow.
The Ink Demon is like… written SO fucking well in this game, or at least as I interpret it.
& I figured this shit out like GRADUALLY.
The first tid bit that hit me like a fucking truck was how CANONICALLY the Ink Demon is in DESPERATE need of any kind of love and affection. While it’s hinted at a little bit in the games, the smoking gun comes from the VOICE ACTOR FOR INKY HIMSELF Sean Crisden.
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Yes, I looked through his entire Twitter to find this again just to prove I’m not insane.
Like… even if Sean isn’t caught up entirely on the lore, there’s no reason he would say this only knowing the Ink Demon through his lines. After all, my guy has to be told about the character to voice him, so for him to address this pretty much makes it as close to being confirmed officially as we can.
The second thing that hit me like a truck was the YouTuber Pastra’s review video on the game, where he details how the Ink Demon’s mocking in the last chapter is towards HIMSELF, not Audrey, & he’s just projecting all HIS shit onto her.
Not even I caught this, since I always thought Inky was right about the “your life is a lie” thing due to her not being fully human.
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But then Pastra emphasized the “mistake” bit. Audrey wasn’t a mistake, far from it. The Ink Demon, BENDY, was. HE was a mistake, born solely to be a living mascot to entertain, & when he came out WRONG, he was locked away, neglected, abandoned by the man who created him.
So he looks at Audrey, someone who was made by the same man who made him, someone who was treated so much better because of how she came out “perfect”, & tries to bring her down on the same level as he is by berating her.
& while this is stretching a bit, him comforting her at the end feels a bit like he’s trying to comfort himself, tricking himself to believe there is SOMEONE like him, someone who was ABANDONED & lied to, & thus giving Audrey the opportunity to live so he can indulge in that comfort.
It’s a BIG stretch, but god DAMN is it a gut puncher!
Like I’m sure he also did it to manipulate her & shit, but like… he can have MORE than one reason to do shit, & if he really did try to comfort himself like that, if that really is true… then I’m gonna fucking sob, man.
Cause I got ONE MORE mind blower I had, mainly (but not entirely) on my own after that one!!
& it has to do with Baby Bendy.
A LOT of people think Inky got his mind split in two when he was imprisoned as Baby Bendy due to how different he acts around Audrey.
But I beg to differ.
I think the Ink Demon is ABSOLUTELY still conscious & in control as Baby Bendy. He just couldn’t do shit to anyone before Audrey came about & accidentally freed him (cause I am ALSO subscribed to that theory Pastra addressed in his video), so he just minded his own business.
Perhaps his new emotional responses spoken of in the Keepers’ tapes come from him being more powerless & vulnerable where the only thing he COULD do was cry.
& the reason he acts so friendly towards Audrey once she meets up with him near the city? Because she was kind to him, she actually gave a shit about him. She apologized to him about hurting him & wanted to take care of him.
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NEVER in Inky’s life has he EVER had someone genuinely care about him & his well being, something he always wanted from ANYONE but never got. So when he finally has that opportunity with Audrey, he jumps to it, going along with it, even if he desperately didn’t want to visit the Gent labs again.
More evidence of this is detailed in a post by @jupiter-jellies titled “Ink Demon VS Vesty” which I really like (I apologize for the tag, I don’t know if there’s an easier option to showcase the post itself, but I still wanna credit you nonetheless) as it makes sense of the sequences of events that happen from when Baby Bendy first joins your party to when he disappears & the Ink Demon comes to stop you from entering the Keepers’ area. Seriously, that shit blew my mind when I read it cause it explains WHY Baby Bendy went missing & why the Ink Demon would try to stop Audrey from going THERE in particular.
It just makes sense that the Ink Demon was still HIMSELF in both forms, he just acts differently to compensate for his lack of powers & to be given the love & affection he always wanted.
… But then it gets sad.
Cause the more I thought about it, the more fucked up it became. The ONLY time the Ink Demon EVER got someone to reach out to him & make him feel cared for… is when he’s in a “perfect” form. Only when he was cute & innocent & TRAPPED against his WILL could he be EVER loved, that if only he came out RIGHT in the first place, then he would DESERVE all the love that Audrey offers him.
If Joey & the others neglecting & abusing him when he came out wrong when he was JUST created didn’t solidify this idea in his head, Audrey treating him like a friend in his “perfect” form & an enemy in his true form DEFINITELY sealed the deal to him.
& it only gets worse.
I was re-listening to Joey talking to Audrey at the tail-end of the game to try & snap her out of the dark mindset Inky put her in when I realized something.
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The Ink Demon was RIGHT THERE, listening to his abuser talk directly to AUDREY the ENTIRE TIME, telling her how she was loved & how she’s not this monster, that she was his pride & joy, his ONLY success…
& that PISSES Inky off.
In INKY’s point of view, only after Joey had a creation that WASN’T an abomination did he suddenly have a change of heart, that all it took was to get something he always wanted to be a better person as he completely ignores his biggest mistake that was RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM.
That… has GOT to sting, really bad, to feel abandoned AGAIN in favor of the “better sibling” that Audrey was.
I have a feeling that he didn’t crush Joey SOLELY so he couldn’t get through to Audrey. I think he also did it because he couldn’t take LISTENING to him talk like this anymore, to be reminded that he was a failure that didn’t deserve the love that Audrey got, & lashed out to shut Joey up.
This is ALL very headcanon-y, but… it really does paint the Ink Demon in a more complex & tragic light.
The Ink Demon was NEVER just a mindless monster that killed whatever it wanted on sight. He was capable of emotion, & he could’ve potentially been capable of being something so much more if only he got the proper care & reassurance he DESPERATELY needed.
& GOD I love his character for it, he’s my favorite character in the game BY FAR because of this, GOD I hope this is canon so I can give massive props to the writers for this game!!
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wonder-mei · 7 months
Together Forever (MK1 Havik)
PS; Not lore accurate to the Mortal Kombat universe, I write because they’re hot.
The foods she made already went cold as they’ve been sitting there for hours. The lady waits for the arrival of her lover,Havik who promised he will be back today in his letter but there is still not a sight of him until dawn. She still sits there since morning believing he will be at their doorstep any minute now, the expectation she’s been having since she awoke at dusk.
She re-reads his letter again ‘I will be back in 3 days, this is a promise. No less or more than those days. The battle is almost over and I can only write this letter for the last time before I go home back to you,my love. I am fine and not hurt at all, do not worry about me. See you in 3 days. I have missed you every second without you by my side. I love you always.
Today is the third day. She has been excited since yesterday. Cleaning their house,washing every clothes needed and cooking his favorite foods. But where is he? She started to get tired in the chair in the living room. Her eyes haven’t left the front door. Minutes later her eyes closed from exhaustion. 
The birds’ chirps awoke her. It’s morning. The 4th day, a day after he promised to be here back home. She walks outside thinking he’ll be in the farm doing the corps. No one is there. She walks to the bathroom. Just cold there. She looks at the foods she made, not a single bit of them were eaten. ‘Maybe the place he is at has heavy rain or even something bad making him no chance to stay there for awhile’ she thinks for her own emotion. 
She gave the food to their farm animals not wanting to waste them. Then something caught her eyes, there’s a letter in a basket beside the front door. Did she not see it before? The lady takes it and reads; ‘My love, you have taken well of our house and farm. I am very lucky to have you as my wife. Strong and independent woman. The new dress you are wearing fits you so well complimenting your beauty. I love you’
“Havik?!” she calls out his name looking around their house searching for his sight. He’s not to be seen “Come home,Havik!” 
No replies. Just the wind. With a heavy heart she storms back to the house laying down in the bed crying. “Why didn't he come home when he was right here? Did I do something?”,Negative thoughts swam in her mind, making her cry much more. In tears she went to sleep once again with sadness in her heart. 
She wakes up hours later feeling hungry. She looks around and no one is in the house beside herself. She went to eat alone and attend their farm. Until night comes, Havik is still not home. She sleeps in sorrow this time.
The next day, the house is still in the same atmosphere; cold and lonely. She walks out from the front door. There’s a letter again in the same basket. She opens it,reading; ‘My love, please don’t cry. It breaks my heart seeing you like this. I am sorry I haven't come home as I promised. I just don’t know how to face you…. I have changed. You won't love me after you see me. I am afraid of losing you. I love you’
What does he mean he changed? Did something go wrong in the mission? That can’t be, he is capable of taking care of himself and heal. So what is he so afraid about? 
“Havik,are you hurt?!” She shouts out loud eyes wandering every place around the house “Come home,Havik! I can help you with your wounds!”
Not a single reply.
With the same sorrowful heart, she storms back into the house and sleeps in tears. After she woke up, she didn’t go outside to tend the farm. She isolates herself in the room. She came out the next day, went straight to the front door. A letter again in the basket, ‘Love, I am sorry I hurt you. You didn’t feed the animals yesterday. You must be so hurt by this…. I am sorry. I will apologise to you a million times just for you to feel comfort. I still don’t have the courage for you to see me. I am sorry. I love you’
“Havik come home!” she cries out “Come back to me…” 
Again,just silence. 
Today, she isolates herself just like before. Eating little food and laying in the bed thinking about Havik wondering why he is still afraid to be seen by her. She’s his wife. Nothing can change her love towards him no matter what. By then, she has an idea. 
It was dusk, she lay there quiet under the covers pretending to sleep. The window by the bed creaks open a little. Someone is peeking inside the room and then closes it back. Heavy footsteps walk to the front door stopping there. She slowly walks to the front door and opens the door with a swift. And there he is. Her husband. His back facing her like he was about to leave. She saw him flinch hearing the door open after he laid the letter in the basket again “Havik!” she calls out his name. Tears starts to water down her eyes “Havik, don’t go” 
Her heart was heavy looking at his appearance. Havik is a little thinner than before he left for the war. His body becomes more tense as she walks towards him. Her soft hand touches his shoulder “Havik?”, he stand still not turning around “Havik, please i want to see you” she softly asks
Havik slowly turns around. His eyes avoid hers. He covered half of his face with a scarf “Are you hurt?” she reaches the scarf but he stops her “Let me see” her eyes begs him. Havik lets her to uncover his face
He finally looks at her to see her reaction. No sigh of disgust or fear, not the reaction he expected her seeing his new scarred face “Who did this to you?” 
“I wasn’t strong enough to avoid the accident”
“Are you in pain?”
She sighs in relief and hugs him tightly “That’s all matter,Havik. I don’t want you to be in pain”
Havik stood there still not knowing what to do. She loves him even though his face is half of his flesh? The thoughts of her leaving him and being scared of him because of new looks was not true. “Are you not scared?”
She looks into his eyes “Never will” 
Havik finally returns her embrace. Hugging her tightly, he slowly cries. All those fears of losing her will never happen. Their love for each other is forever even after one of them changed. But love will never change, not a single bit.
“Let’s go home” she holds his hand with the smile he adores so much
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Introducing Marnal Corezz! My Star Wars Jedi OC or Jedisona
She's a Jedi Padawan during the Clone Wars. Hope nothing traumatic happens hehehehe
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Marnal is obviously a Nautolan as anyone with Star Wars lore knowledge can tell. (Although technically we've never seen a pink Nautolan we have seen red and purple according to Wookiepedia so that means pink is possible fuck you)
She's the Padawan of Jedi Knight Riven Merai, who i plan on making a finished artwork for later but for now have this shitty doodle of how I imagine their dynamic.
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(He's a great influence totally)
Marnal Corezz is, pretty chipper and easily excited. Often a beam of endless talking once she opens her mouth. (The adhd and tism is strong) She also enjoys reading up on lore, history and overall knowledge, and is good at adapting to a situation. Improv is something of a specialty.
However in stressful situations she can sometimes freeze up, getting caught overthinking or even panicking. In these moments all she needs is a nudge or reminder to stay on focus- and then she's back on track with little issue.
Since she's ultimately a bit of a self insert I've added several of my own traits. But she's still very distinctly different from me imo- not just counting her being a space wizard.
Also she's a bit of an empath because 1. I am very empathetic 2. Nautolans can apparently feel the vibes of other people's feelings and 3. Jedi bullshit.
Marnal practices Niman and Shii Cho mainly, but thanks to Niman's customizable nature she's implemented Ataru as well to make up for her size. She's below average for a Nautolan. (I'm not self projecting shut up)
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Here's her Lightsaber and Padawan braid from my doodles. I decided on a yellow-orange leaning color since they're associated with Jedi Sentinels but also with Jedi who are between Consular and Guardian. But also that it typically symbolizes a strong connection to the Light. Also it looks the best on her lol
I found that Padawan beads mean different studies or accomplishments. She has white and yellow, symbolizing healing and weaponry of all kinds. Marnal begins to study force healing after healing an ally during one of her first missions. But it's part of the Healing corps. Her force healing is rudimentary at best, and typically she can only do minor things and not fully heal or close wounds. (Fuck the sequels) plus it drains her a lot, so she's encouraged to avoid using it...
Her weaponry bead is due to her lightsaber skills, but also due to her learning how to tinker and master other weapons. In fact she is a good shot with a blaster. After order 66 she even starts using one a lot more. Because like- nobody suspects a Jedi with a g u n
Anyways yeah that's enough rambles for now. I've made a lot of lore and I am having so much fun making Star wars ocs etc.
Also some of the lore was made alongside @hoodedalchemist who I've dragged down into my oldest fandom obsession. In fact we gpt shared oc lore going on. Dunno if Alchemist will ever post it tho but I am tagging them because they deserve appreciation.
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spnexploration · 11 months
Pack chapter 26
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Madison
Series summary: Omega!Reader is thrown into a world she's not expecting when her mate turns out to be a hunter, and she's not used to Alpha & Omega Pack dynamics.
Chapter summary: The Pack heads out on Claire's hunt
Chapter warnings: none
Word count: 2.2k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 25 <- -> Part 27
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I couldn’t sleep. I tried not to disturb Dean, who needed sleep just at much as I did, not that he would admit it.
Eventually, I got sick of just lying there. I crept out of the bed, eased the door open and slipped into the corridor. I was pretty sure if we’d been in a motel room Dean would’ve been on high alert and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without waking him, but tonight at least he was more relaxed. And exhausted from days of rut.
I made my way to the kitchen, turning on the kettle to make myself a cup of tea.
“Umm, hi,” I heard from the doorway. I damn near jumped out of my skin. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
I turned to Claire. “That’s ok, just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be up.”
“You can’t sleep, hey?”
“I did a fair bit of sleeping the last few days.”
She looked at me critically but just said, “Sure.”
“What about you?”
“Oh, you know, night owl.” She’d caught me lying, and I could see she was too. Still, I didn’t want to pry.
“You want some tea?”
“Nah, I already made myself a hot chocolate earlier.”
“Oooh, that’s better. But still, tea might help me get back to sleep.”
She stood and watched me for a minute while I readied the tea bag, put it in the mug and poured in the water. I was headed to the fridge for milk when she continued. “Are you a hunter?”
“No, didn’t know about monsters until they all started beheading vampires in front of me. But I am learning some lore and things, and Dean promised to let me train now that I’m better.”
I don’t think my answer pleased her.
“What kind of monster are you hunting?”
“The kind that does not need to be discussed at 3am,” Dean said in a displeased voice, walking in and blinking heavily in the light. He crossed his arms, “What are you both doing up, the night before a hunt?”
I suddenly became very interested in looking at my tea.
“What, are you going to send me to bed?” Claire sassed at him.
“I’m not some little kid to be bossed around.”
“No, but you are the one who wants to go hunt this monster, and if you do not get your ass back into bed and get some more sleep, you ain’t coming.”
Claire growled.
“Growl all you like, I have your car keys.”
“This is bullshit!” she yelled, storming down the corridor towards the bedrooms.
“Now, do I have to threaten you too?” he said to me, a slight smirk on his face.
“I didn’t want to wake you with my tossing and turning.”
“Well, I’m awake now, so you can toss and turn all you like. Come on.” I let him usher me to our room and into bed.
Dean threw Sam the keys to Baby, who caught them with only a small show of surprise on his face. Dean also held the keys to Claire’s car in his hand. She held her hand out to him for them.
“Nope,” Dean said, “I’m driving.”
“That is my car!”
“And you were up half the night. I’m driving.”
Claire huffed and stormed off for the garage, Sam and Madi behind her. I went to follow, but Dean caught my wrist.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said when I turned to look at him. “Can you go with Sam and Madi? I want to talk to Claire and I think it’ll go better if it’s just the two of us.”
“Oh, umm, ok.”
“Thanks,” he said, kissing my forehead. I headed to the car.
“You ok back there?” Sam asked as he drove.
“Umm, yep, fine. Just a bit tired,” I answered from the backseat.
“You can have a nap if you want one.”
“I’m fine.”
Dean was ranting about Madi and I staying in the motel room again. Like we hadn’t done that last time.
He was really starting to get on my nerves.
“Make sure the salt lines are maintained, I don’t think there are any demons around but you never know. Don’t open the door, not even to housekeeping. Don’t-”
“For God’s sakes, Dean, we know how to stay in a bloody motel room!” I yelled, unable to deal with his continued monologue.
He looked at me shocked, and then his expression started to turn to stern. I didn’t stick around to listen to his lectures.
“I’m done,” I muttered, stomping to the bathroom and slamming the door.
I couldn’t hear all of the words, but I’m pretty sure Sam told Dean to leave me and then that they should go. I sat on the lid of the toilet, my hands shaking slightly. A minute or two after I’d stormed in, I heard gentle knocking on the door and Madi calling out that they’d gone.
I came back out, feeling a bit embarrassed about my outburst.
Madi smirked at me, “Don’t worry, I was about 30 seconds behind you in wanting to yell at him.” She always knew how to make me feel better. “So, Netflix?”
We settled on the bed with the best view of the TV, scrolling for something to watch.
“You ok?” Madi asked me gently.
“I’m fine,” I said, trying to hide my fidgeting.
“Because you look like someone who’s stressed about their Alpha out hunting, perhaps because he got injured last time.”
I looked at my hands.
She wrapped her arm around my shoulders. “It’s ok to be worried.”
“Thanks, Madi. He’s just so... blasé! Hasn’t acted at all like he got shot last time and maybe he should look after himself. Instead he’s lecturing us on how to be safe, telling Claire she needs to do what she’s told or she’ll be left here too. Nothing at all about his own safety!”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. Dean doesn’t like people fussing about him. And both of them act as though injuries and apocalypses and whatever else are just the inconveniences of the job. They’re insufferable.”
“I don’t think Claire likes me either.”
“Claire would never admit this, but Dean’s been a surrogate father to her. She’s probably scoping you out.”
“What, for if I’m any good as step-surrogate-mother? Or if I’m good enough for Dean?”
She laughed, “One or the other, maybe both!”
“Great, more drama I’m bringing to the Pack.”
“Hey, hey, you didn’t bring drama to the Pack. And Claire will be fine, don’t stress about it. Besides, if she’s not fine, Dean will tell her to pull her head in.”
“I guess,” I said unconvincingly.
“Come on, I’m sure I saw M&Ms in one of these bags.”
I let her try and distract me.
It was after 6 when Sam pushed the motel room door open, Claire and Dean following him and arguing between themselves. Sam looked like he was sick of this shit, which made me wonder how long they’d been going for.
But mostly I was busy looking them up and down, checking for any signs of injury. They all looked ok.
Dean finally looked sick of it. “Enough!” he barked at Claire.
She looked she was going to continue, but appeared to think better of it. She huffed and walked over to the open packet of M&Ms.
Still looking frustrated and running his hand through his hair, he turned to Madi and I. “Anything to report? Any problems?” His tone was tense, all business.
“No, totally quiet,” Madi answered.
I had already been tense, but now my nerves felt shot from the agitation radiating off my Alpha. Dean looked like he was to say something to me, but pulled himself up. Perhaps he had noticed me shrinking away from him.
He ran his hand down his face. “I’m going to check on the car, it was making a noise earlier.”
“No it wasn’t-” Claire tried to say but was drowned out by Sam loudly saying, “Good idea.”
 Dean manhandled the door open and almost slammed it behind him.
Claire was looking at Sam, irritated. “The car was not making a noise!”
“That’s just Dean’s way of saying ‘I need to go do something with my hands to calm down’,” Madi explained.
“What, he just walks off? Some kind of Alpha he is,” Claire scoffed.
Madi growled lowly, always quick to respond. Sam put his arm around her and she calmed some.
“Better an Alpha that recognises he needs space than one that keeps pushing through and ends up hurting those around him,” Sam said mildly.
Claire rolled her eyes and turned back to the M&Ms. Madi huffed quietly but stopped growling.
Once she’d calmed down, Sam kissed Madi’s forehead then come over to sit next to me. “How are you going?” he asked me gently.
“You don’t really seem fine.”
“In the 5 minutes you’ve been here?”
“Ok, I see your point. But you didn’t seem fine when we left either. Or in the car.”
“Dean sending you to do his dirty work?”
He chuckled, “No, he can fight his own battles. Besides, I think you had a point this morning, he was going on and on. But that doesn’t mean that yelling at him and locking yourself in the bathroom is normal for you, either.”
I looked at my hands, flicking at my fingernails.
“You don’t have to tell me, but maybe you should think about telling Dean.”
“I told you, I’m fine,” I said more forcefully.
He held his hands up in surrender, “Ok, ok, I can take a hint. Just think about it.” He rubbed his hand on my upper arm in a comforting gesture then moved over to the tiny kitchenette where Madi was waiting. The motel room was slightly bigger than our usual, with two queen beds and a fold-out couch for Claire in a little sitting area next to the kitchenette, but still felt suffocatingly small.
I couldn’t help but feel worried about Dean being outside alone when monsters were still on the loose, too. His paranoia had rubbed off on me. What if he got hurt while he was out there and we didn’t notice until it was too late?
A little later, I stood up and headed to the kitchenette myself. I fidgeted with my hands whilst I stood awkwardly in front of Sam.
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” he asked, voice full of concern.
“Can you, umm - I know it’s silly - but can you please check on Dean?”
“Not silly at all,” he said, heading for the door. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Madi took my hand and gave it a squeeze while Sam left. Claire was staring at her phone, headphones on, seemingly oblivious to everyone else.
Shortly after, the room door opened again. A much calmer Dean stood on the threshold, eyes searching for me. “Y/N, can you come outside for a minute? It’s ok.”
I nodded and headed to him. If he’d still been angry I would have thought I was in trouble, but he looked more caring and concerned. Sam squeezed past him back into the room and then Dean took my hand and led me out, shutting the door behind us.
He turned to face me. “I’m sorry, ‘mega, I’ve just realised what an insensitive asshole I’ve been being.”
“What? You’re not-” he gently cupped my cheek with his hand, the sweet gesture silencing me.
“Yes, I have. I forgot that the last time I left you alone all day in a motel room, I got shot. Of course you’re worried. Sam and I didn’t think about it until you just sent him out to check on me.”
I started to tear up. He pulled me into a hug.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he murmured.
I leant into the hug and enjoyed the feeling of being held, being close to my Alpha. He stroked my hair.
“Are- are you being careful?” I asked him.
He pulled back a little so he could look into my face. “We are always as careful as we can be, we are always looking out for each other when we’re hunting. But, sometimes we get injured. It’s going to happen occasionally. I know you’ll probably never be completely relaxed – I worry about Sam when he’s out without me, too – but I don’t want you freaking out every time we go out either.”
I bit my lip, not really sure how to reply. I couldn’t just turn off my worry.
He stroked the side of my face with my thumb. “How about this? You work on trying to relax when I’m hunting, and I work on paying better attention to you?”
“I’d prefer you paid better attention to your safety.”
 He chuckled, “Ok, deal.”
He wrapped me in his arms again. I breathed in the scent of him and felt a little less stressed.
“You know,” I said after a minute, “Madi worked it out straight away.”
He laughed, “Of course she did, she’s smarter than Sam and I combined.”
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m1d-45 · 2 years
Yo, mid, i know its very late for me and i just am trying to sleep while its fucking COLD, i had a thought jolt me awake from my dozing.
How hot do pyro's run? I do know that some people CANON it to be true that pyro users have high body heat, but is it like africa versus the northpole or something like that?
Cuz i currently desire a personal heater snugglebug.
a/n: could be read as sagau, could be taken as just regular genshin. this kinda devolved from the ask but… eh? only diluc and thoma are ‘x reader’s, the others are mostly character studies.
word count: 2.1k
-> warnings: n/a! minor spoilers for character lore, i suppose? xinyan may be slightly ooc? mentioned xingqiu x chongyun in hu taos part?
-> gn reader! (you/yours)
characters: diluc, bennett, klee, amber, xinyan, xiangling, yanfei, hu tao, yoimiya, thoma, in that order :) the traveller is mentioned but isn’t specified (they/them, no names)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yum1x || @esthelily
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mmm it honestly depends on your opinion, but i personally am pretty guilty of imagining myself a diluc to hold onto when i’m cold, so i’d say there’s at least a bit of a difference.
i heard from the first golden apple archipelago event that diluc apparently melted kaeya’s icebridge (citation needed), so that pretty much confirms that a significant level of difference is present between pyro users and the general public. however, it was still summer and assuming diluc was still wearing his giant coat, they must be at least vaguely immune to overheating/possess some sort of control over it. all this to say that at the bare minimum, diluc wouldn’t mind holding you close during a chilly winter. the winery is prone to chilly hallways, just due to its size, and he stays up late anyway. please, don’t be afraid to go knocking on his door: chances are he’s awake and more than willing to let you in. despite being a pyro wielder, his blankets are large and thick, carrying enough heat to keep you warm while he wraps up his paperwork. you don’t have to stay awake with him if you don’t wish; the sight of you tucked away within his bed is one he wishes to memorize.
i imagine bennett’s high heat has definitely saved him from getting sick when his adventure is ruined by rain (again), keeping him from ever being at risk despite the fact that his clothes are soaked and the path he’s trudging through is muddy. he’s well used to it, but it doesn’t stop his dads from chastising him whenever he returns, directing him towards his room and one of the many, many spare sets of clothing he had. he dries off quickly after showers, his clothes never sticking, and sometimes when his adventure ended well he’ll be glowing, embers in his eyes as he excitedly tells you about it, uncaring of the way some of the dry grass caught in his hair begins to spark. for your sake and his, bring him inside and let him talk to you after you remove the tinder.
klee, younger, likely has a lesser degree of control over her vision. she’s probably prone to hiking up a few degrees when she’s excited, and is often found in albedo’s camp at dragonspine simply due to the fact that she both can easily re-light his fire when the winds blow too hard and he knows she won’t get sick. he sits on his stool, watching his experiment and listening intently to her talk about gunpowder. when snow washes in and puts out the measly store of wood collected in the middle of his lab, it barely registers before she’s collected pyro in her palms and shot it neatly to the center of the pile. any moisture vaporizes, the flames licking higher than they normally would.
amber has a better control over her vision than most would expect from somebody so young. her vision hangs off her belt and only barely glows a bit brighter when speaking about the knights, her gloves waving animatedly as she tells some tale of the cavalry captain’s newest scheme. he comes up, hearing all gossip in the city and doubly so that which pertains to him, but even the hiss of cryo doesn’t dampen her emotions. she ignores the hand he puts on her shoulder and simply puts hers on her hips, pretending he isn’t there and continuing about how it’s so irresponsible of him to continue such behavior. he laughs, telling her it’s rude to be so cold, but the way the inside of her gloves grow warm says otherwise. it’s invisible to most, dampened by leather and the many guards of an archer’s arms, but anybody that looks can tell you for certain that the brightest fires in the city are lit by an outrider’s glow, provided only that you ask about her recent expedition.
xinyan is well aware of her loud nature, and learned the hard way not to let it get out of control. pyrotechnics are a large part of her shows, but it took her a while to get there. she loves rock and roll, and performing gives her so much energy- she played barely a day after she received her vision, when her control was weak and her body was still adapting to the change, and the guitar she played then on no longer works now. five dots singe the area around the strings, a large patch where her palm rested sunken into the wood. if you ask about it, she’ll wave you off shyly, unwilling to tell you about how she had to wear heat sinks in a pair of special gloves for a few months. still, just to be certain, she bought a bottle of heat-resistant sealant to brush over her current guitar for her tours. she loves music, loves her shows and doing what she does, and she’s much better at controlling her vision now, but… it’s better safe than sorry, right?
xiangling, similar to bennett, has been saved many times by her heightened body temperature. turns out, it gets incredibly dangerous climbing the spires of liyue since the wind can turn your fingers cold and creaky, making it deadly to try and climb, but she’s never run into that problem. she moves with ease, unfettered by the chill, her sheer enthusiasm seeping into the stone beneath her. when she travelled to mondstat, she passed by a camp near the base of dragonspine and overheard a peculiar recipe, one that required a special kind of ‘chilled meat’. the chef seemed nervous to give her the location, due simply to her clothing, but she set off anyway. needless to say, dragonspine is colder than liyue, and the traveller found her and guoba hunched by a campfire, clearly shivering. they led her off a mountain and with the promise to never return without a proper team (or warmer clothes), they handed her some chilled meat from their inventory. after a bit of further pressing, they taught her how to make goulash. she took excellent notes.
as a lawyer, the last thing yanfei needs is to be hot-headed. the law is slippery, always twisting from her hands, and the ability to grit one’s teeth and stand again after it swipes beneath their feet is one needed in the world of legal advice. ningguang can’t count the amount of times she’s received a letter from her detailing the most recent loophole she’s found, the paper stained with ash around the edges. at first she thought it unprofessional, but after being stopped on the street and quite frankly chastised due to the slow response time when such a matter as the law was concerned…. she understood a little more. her next letter was responded to promptly, and yanfei’s gratitude showed in court, citing one of the tianquan’s letters as proof that a law was changed prior to a merchant’s new policy, not after. as a half-adepti, more power runs through her than most, and she often grows too warm to think in her office. she has measures to counteract this, such as traveling to deal with cases, allowing the wind to wick away her frustration, or simply wearing cooler clothes during the summer. madam ping was the one to suggest the latter, and she lives every day grateful. still, as they share a cup of tea as yanfei rants about a civil case she’s been assigned, yanfei’s mug stays warmer than ping’s for nearly the entire time. thankfully, she prefers her drinks hot anyway, and green tea has always helped take the edge off her irritation.
hu tao is many things, but emotional is not one of them. being a funeral director requires a certain level of coldness to it, as to not let the many deaths a day affect you, and she handles her role quite well. she carries enough respect that her voice is somber when speaking to the families of the deceased, yet doesn’t allow the constant gloom to affect her. perhaps it’s her sense of humor, allowing her to brush it off a bit easier, or perhaps it’s the fact that it’s hard to feel sad when xingqiu is describing his latest escapade with chongyun. the latter is at wanmin, waiting for his popsicles, and hu tao listens with bubbly glee to their most recent tale. it’s funny, how oblivious chongyun can be, and as they sit and swing their legs across the street, the stone beneath her feels less and less warm. they share, they banter, they talk about poetry and all things literary. when their hands knock together xingqiu winces slightly at the heat of her rings, but cools his hand easily enough with a bit of hydro. when chongyun returns, xingqiu takes the small treat he offers her, unwilling to risk him getting singed. chongyun recites what xiangling told him to about her newest creation, and hu tao stifles a grin. the edges of the small napkin begin to darken, but she hardly notices. focused on the slight glaze in xingqiu’s eyes, the funeral director laughs.
working with fireworks with a pyro vision is a risky adventure. yoimiya, who was incredibly cautious about such things and only ever used her vision to light fireworks at first, rarely ever runs into this risk, but it’s on her mind. as the queen of the summer festival—a title that never fails to bring heat to her cheeks, should you mention it—its her responsibility to keep up and maintain the same level of quality year after year, and she is intent on delivering. still, she’s not immune to problems associated with a vision like hers. the small building of naganohara fireworks is one with a rich history, gunpowder and dye embedded between the floorboards, but it doesn’t have the best ventilation. it’s by design, as a stray breeze can ruin a fragile firework, but sometimes she wishes she could have a fan. she loves creating them, enthusiasm sparking whenever she gushes to her father about her latest idea, but when the summer gets hot and the room gets hotter, even one sleeve of a kimono feels like too many. don’t get her wrong, the process of barely singeing a dye so it crackles instead of pops is one far easier with a vision, but when the time finally comes to sit back and let sparks fly, she doesn’t hang around to watch the fuses get lit. instead, she moves somewhere cooler, letting the night breeze cool off her excitement, sitting cross-legged on chilly grass. when the fireworks start and the sky lights up, youmiya glows along with them.
a housekeeper does a lot of things, but starting fires is not typically one of them. both ayato and ayaka prefer cooler weather, the former having the ability to mostly self-regulate, and thoma’s vision mostly went unused. other than occasionally lighting the fire at shimura’s or one of the other food stalls he stopped at, thoma’s days were quiet, free of battle. he was simply a housekeeper, and though he occasionally misjudged the weather and gave ayaka a false impression, they both quickly learned to seek a second opinion. the same was with you. quiet days, mornings spent in a soft sort of haze as he woke up before the sun even on his days off. he didn’t mind, turning to brush away some hairs from your face, but you leaned into his palm, shifting closer. he smiled, one that dissipated when he noticed the goosebumps down your arm, leading beneath the thin sheets. he was confused for a moment, as the room felt fine to him, but he quickly remembered that it wouldn’t be the same to you. with a murmured apology and an arm around your waist, thoma made a mental note to bring thicker blankets for you from the closet. winter was coming and evidently early, and the last thing he wanted was for you to be cold. still, that was a problem for later, for when your skin didn’t warm under his and when the sun was further overhead.
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iciatheguardess · 8 months
Hiiii it’s meeee elsie
conflicted Elsie
Look, you know as well as I do that I love TAOCC to freaking death
but like
I may have to partially step away from it after the current arcs are over.
these goofy goobers took over my life for the last three-ish months, and while I’ve had an amazing time, it’s…caused me to neglect other parts of my life, and restrict myself more than I should when it comes to how I am on this site. I’ve stated my intention to try and branch out multiple times but I never go through with it because I just…I have things to write here! I can’t! And yeah it’s fun but sometimes I get hurt even if people don’t mean to, like, I’ve gotten legitimately ill from this once or twice.
But I feel like even trying to step away a bit is somehow abandoning all of you or betraying your trusts. I want to stay friends with you guys, but my actual life and Irlsie has to come first most of the time, because I am not JUST Elsie, if that makes any sense. Elsewhere is and was always meant to be a sona for some interaction, maybe some friendos, but nothing this…involved, because I can’t put all of my social effort onto the internet because no matter what I do, the internet is not a completely genuine place, and I’ve accepted that. There are some parts of my personality I just don’t use. You don’t really ever see calm Elsie or mental illness Elsie or sappy Elsie, maybe once or twice, and that’s intentional. This is Writing Elsie’s blog, lol, but there’s other Elsie that needs to be allowed to exist outside of the internet, and I can’t neglect her or my actual life for the sake of this.
I honestly don’t know what to do here. I love these characters on a very personal level, and have poured my heart into them, and I don’t want to straight up leave them. Even only partially separating myself seems kinda pointless because I know what happens when someone gets really behind on the lore and has to be caught up on even just a day’s events to explain why Character A looks like this now or Character B is referencing this event, etc. etc.
But there’s a point where it’s not healthy anymore. Where things reach a place where I have to admit that this can’t be my entire life anymore. And I’m not entirely sure what on earth I should do about it…
If I do somewhat step back, it’ll probably be right after the vacation arc ends. i’m gonna pour my fluff loving heart and soul into that thing, don’t you worry. But you shouldn’t expect another dungeon or something like that from me unless I have a VERY good reason and a well formulated plan. Yes, I’ll probably still engage in shippery and fluff, as well as analysis, but mostly within the bounds of characters and dynamics we’ve already established, and not much farther than that. My one exception to the “after the vacation arc” rule would probably be Yelena’s arc, because of how long things in that section tend to take, for various reasons. Yelena’s arc is barely started, and stuff takes possibly days to move even a few hours in-universe. Sooooo….yeah, I wanna finish that, I’ve put too much work into it already to just stop it.
…dang this was only supposed to be a paragraph…
…pls halp, I have no idea what to do lol.
Ok. I've read over this a couple times.
First off, I'm talking to you as L here, and not Star. I am very, very proud of you for acknowledging this and understanding that this is getting unhealthy. I think it's very smart that you dont want to neglect your yourself irl and the fact you're saying this, and saying exactly what you'll be doing, I'm really proud of it.
To give you a clear answer, if it's going to help you irl then I think stepping back is smart. Especially from the trauma and angst, because that stuff hurts a LOT and it can be really, really detrimental and negatively affect irl things. What I DONT think is that it's betraying anyone. You need to be able to put yourself and your needs first in order to be your best self, and everyone understands that you can't be on tumblr 24/7 because, well, that's really really really really unhealthy and not good. I'm really glad you're telling me about this though so I, and everyone else who sees this, knows.
TAOCC is really great but there's a LOT of heavy things on here and with everything going on, it can be super weighing and really affect people irl. I can speak from experience because honestly, I'm in a similar situation. I won't speak much about that though. It's definitely addictive and can get really really unhealthy if you let it, and honestly it's not hard to let it.
I want you to do whatever you feel is best for you, no matter what that entails. Fei and Tails and Xeya and Kumo and so many others and I love you so much and do NOT want you neglecting yourself and your life irl for this- it's meant to be entertainment, not a lifestyle.
I think it's smart to finish Yelena's Arc before partially stepping back. And I think it's even smarter to not want to do another dungeon, because that whole thing was a massive angst-fest and I think it negatively affected people more than they care to admit. Shippery and fluff and minor things is a good boundary.
I'll wrap this up now, but again, I'm in full support of this decision because I want you to be at your best. You're right, you're not just Elsie. And it's not fair for you to only be Elsie when you're so much more than that. If stepping away from tumblr will help you take care of the other parts of your life that we aren't involved in or aware of, then please do so because no part of you and your life should be sacrificed for the sake of entertainment.
Again, I'm really, really proud of you for admitting this.
Please know we'll always support you and you're super important to all of us, so don't ever feel bad for putting your needs first. Irl things should always come first.
But no matter what always remember:
Everything I said is applicable for everyone else reading this too. Taocc is fantastic and we love it but it shouldn't completely take over your life. It's okay to take a break or step back fully if it means the best for your health and irl life. Please remember to take care of yourselves- and everything that Elsie talked about here is FANTASTIC self care. It may be hard, but it's also the best decision she can make for herself and may be the best decision for others too.
Alright- I think I covered everything. Don't ever feel like you're betraying us Elsie- it's not betrayal, it's self care. We'll still be here for you, always. Never forget that ❤️❤️❤️
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