#i swear to god as soon as i have extra money i am gonna throw it at this person for this amazing piece of work just
lagtim3-archive · 6 years
On Pink Pearl Thus Far
I had to re-post this because tumblr is trash and if I include any hyperlinks this won’t show up in search at all. 🙃
(Note: I’ll be referring to ‘White Pearl’ and 'Rose Quartz’ by their original titles of 'Pink Pearl’ and 'Pink Diamond’, respectively.)
HOO BOY. I stumbled upon @ask-whitepearl-and-steven just a couple months ago and, just… wow! This is an absolutely amazing fanwork, I’m utterly floored and grateful that @thechekhov​ is willing to dedicate the time and effort it takes to make and share this story.
For those of you who haven’t read it, Ask White Pearl and Steven is, reduced to it’s most base description, an AU where Steven’s mother was White Diamond and Rose Quartz still leads the Crystal Gems.
You can read the comic in full at https://tapas.io/episode/1242681
You can follow the blog itself for more content at https://ask-whitepearl-and-steven.tumblr.com/
You can follow the creator’s blog at http://thechekhov.tumblr.com/
You can support the creator at https://www.patreon.com/TheChekhov
Why is it so great? WELL!
The characterization is well thought-out and well presented;
The style is true to the original but still definitely it’s own thing;
Colors are utilized sparingly, which makes it pop all the more when they’re there;
I definitely appreciate the fact that this version of Steven looks his age, and that this version of Steven is more prone to questioning the world around him, all due to his upbringing (or lack thereof);
It’s nice to see Connie and Steven still having a fantastic friendship under different circumstances;
And, of course, getting to see Steven and “Rose” interact is just 👌👌👌
Plus, the foreshadowing to the latest reveal was faaaaan-tastic! I won’t go into detail here, ‘cause if you’ve read it you know what I’m talking about, but… just keep in mind that the characters’ eyes changing color isn’t just a stylistic thing.
So, with the end of S2, I wanted to post some speculations! Specifically about Pink Pearl, what she’s been through so far, how deep the Bleaching goes, and how she might feel as of the latest update.
Warning, this is a doozy of a dissection / theorization post. Get a snack.
(Note: Any time I say ‘order’ or ‘command’ here, it’s in the context of ‘Pink Pearl’s bleaching causes her to consider this an order’, not ‘Steven is ordering Pink Pearl around.’ I wanted to clarify just in case.)
First off, Bleaching. What is it, even?
Well, ‘Bleaching’ is what I call the primary half of White Diamond’s power; the other half is ‘Replacement’. The latter requires the former to work. How the heck did I come to this conclusion?
For one, her direct quote on the matter, “There we are, I’ve removed their flaws! Now, there is nothing to hinder my white light from sparkling through them!”
This implies that Bleaching is the precursor step to Replacement, and that they are not the same thing even though they work in tandem.
And we can see this for ourselves; in the scene in The Head Ship where White Diamond blasts the Crystal Gems, their personalities aren’t immediately overwritten. The stay on the ground and struggle weakly for a moment while White Diamond continues to monologue.
I Bleaching is essentially re-organizing the internal structure of the Gemstone to get rid of structural impurities and neutralize any foreign-particle impurities that absorb light-waves. I can imagine that it’s very painful to have the very core of your being rearranged and ‘purified’. If they had been allowed to get back to their feet in this state, they still would have retained their personalities… but, they would have been compelled to follow White Diamond’s orders, direct and indirect, to a tee.
But, now that the Gems’ colors have been “fixed”, and now that White Diamond’s light can fully pass through them without being altered by impurities, White can progress to part two of her ability, Replacement. With a snap of her fingers, White Diamond’s light overrides her victims’ light, and, well… Gems are light. So now, they are White Diamond.
But… what happens to a Bleached and Replaced Gem when White Diamond is no more? If White Diamond were to be shattered, the Gemstone that powers the Bleaching/Replacement would be rendered inoperable, and the effect would cease, of course.
But, in this story, that’s not what happened. White Diamond the person is gone, but White Diamond the Gemstone remains. The Bleaching remains, but her “unhindered light”, the Replacement (more on that later,) is no more.
All that being said, I believe that this version of Pink Pearl is fully aware of her surroundings, and still retains her own individuality and personality while Bleached, although her ability to show it is severely hindered by the Bleaching.
Steven is currently under the impression that he’s been controlling Pink Pearl in a similar fashion to White Diamond. He thinks that he’s been projecting all his emotions onto her, and all her emotional reactions have merely been a reflection of what he desired to see.
It’s easy to assume this is correct, now that we know the white-pupil-glow means he’s issuing a command to Pink Pearl, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth! Early on, we have seen Pink Pearl emoting subtly via the sweat droplets she sometimes gets when Steven is displaying his ignorance of both his and her origins.
Here’s an example of her being obviously sad, when, if Steven were truly projecting his emotions onto her, she should be acting optimistic to alleviate his worry for her:
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Later, we even see her with white pupils, emoting on her own:
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It’s implied that, although she’s being ordered right now, her expression is her own and not reflective of Steven’s expression, since he had no reason to grimace until he deduced why Pink Pearl was grimacing.
Pink Pearl has also been shown, multiple times, to take (limited) initiative without being directly ordered to. The best example of this is during the Mystery Canyons scene.
When the Teal Gem Monster made her first appearance, Pink Pearl made a mad dash for the transporter, despite the fact that Steven was dead-set running away on foot. If he had truly been ‘talking to himself’ this whole time, she would have followed without question.
But, Steven wasn’t issuing any direct commands, so Pink Pearl was able to take initiative and find a better way out. She wasn’t able to activate the transporter on her own until indirectly commanded to, though.
During this scene, she was visibly distressed about the danger and confused that the platform wasn’t working for her (likely a limitation of her Bleaching, or possibly a limitation of whatever made her eye-crack.) Her pupils were grey, not white, so these were definitely her own feelings, not Steven’s.
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Shortly after they arrived in the Pit, Pink Pearl did the Diamond sign in response to Steven’s question about who the Giant Ladies on the four murals are. She then took initiative to salute and bow to Steven. This could arguably have been Bleached into her, but I think she was trying to communicate to Steven about his origins, given that his eyes were normal-colored.
We even get to see some of this in the way she echoes Steven:
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If Pink Pearl was mindlessly providing the information requested of her, or heck, even if she disliked Steven, she would have simply said 'I don’t sleep’. However, she can tell that her inability to sleep is causing Steven distress, so she says, 'I’m sorry, I don’t sleep.’
Finally, when it comes to orders and commands, Pink Pearl’s perception overrides Steven’s intent.
Pink Pearl has been a servant to White Diamond for thousands of years. She is very sensitive when it comes to being ordered around; most orders are not direct. Much of it is subtle, ex., if White Diamond were to walk up to a door and Pink Pearl did not open it for her, that would be violating a command, even though no command was spoken, because of Pink Pearl’s position of servitude.
The white-pupils are a two way street; they originate from Steven when he, for instance, asks a question that he expects some for of answer to. They originate from Pink Pearl whenever she interprets something as a command.
We can see an example of this here:
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Steven has been trying to figure out Pink Pearl’s name. Pink Pearl perceives this as an order to tell him her name, which she can’t do. This sticks with her as an unresolved command.
In this scene, Pink Pearl’s eyes are normal until she realizes she can use the sign to communicate with Steven. Then they become white, because the unresolved command kicks in. Steven, meanwhile, has been looking at clothes, but his eyes still turn white even though he’s not initiating interaction with Pink Pearl.
All of this, is the effect of Bleaching.
But what of Replacement? Well, that’s not just a White Diamond thing…
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Steven can do it too, in his sleep. Steven is not made of light, so it stands to reason that projecting his consciousness is the closest he can come to emulating White Diamond’s Replacement ability. He can only do this with Bleached Gems, and there’s only one Bleached Gem we know of.
So, the following is established:
Pink Pearl must follow anything she perceives as a command, direct or indirect, that come from the owner of White Diamond’s Gem.
Pink Pearl is unable to say her own words; she must repeat those recently said by Steven, in his own voice.
Pink Pearl can pick and choose what words to say, as long as she fulfills perceived commands in the process.
Pink Pearl can take initiative, as long as she is doing it in that name of a perceived directive.
Pink Pearl’s personality is no longer being Replaced with White Diamond’s, or Steven’s, for that matter (when he’s awake and not unconsciously doing it.)
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Steven kinda played himself here. “Please, tell me it’s not true!” is a direct command to do just that. However, it is also partially true that he’s not “just controlling [her] like that,” because he’s not the one that Bleached her, he only ever took control of her body to guide them back together, he obviously never intended to force her to do anything, and it’s her ingrained sense of what a servant is expected to do that keeps triggering the Bleaching-forced-compliance effect. Plus, she still retains her sense of self and a limited ability to assert it.
From what I’ve observed, Pink Pearl is not stupid. She realizes, at this point in time if not earlier, that Steven and White Diamond are wholly different beings, even if she’s doesn’t know the 'how’ or 'why’ of it (does she??). After interacting with Steven for a few weeks, Pink Pearl probably also realized that Steven was wholly unaware of the control he was exerting over her. Any doubts she might have had would have definitely been quashed when Steven started to have a meltdown over the revelation.
All of this is probably what’s going through her mind as she says this, so she doesn’t immediately realize that she just confirmed Steven’s worst fear.
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And then it hits, and she realizes precisely what was wrong with her response. No white pupils here, those tears are inarguably her own.
Suddenly, Steven accidentally manages to give her back the ability to act of her own accord, before he passes out from the stress and/or the effort he exerted partially reversing the Bleaching his mother did.
And what’s Pink Pearl’s first response? After a brief moment of ‘what the frack just happened’, she scoops up Steven and carries him to his father. Which implies that she already knew where he lived, and that as soon as she got Steven’s “Beach City’ message, she knew she needed to find a way to get them back together.
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So, where does this leave us?
Well, in canon, it’s been shown that Replaced Gems don’t remember what happened while they were being Replaced. This both means that Pink Pearl blacks out when Steven takes her over, and that she does not remember anything that happened while she was Replaced by White Diamond.
From way before the War, to the beginning of Era 3, is all a blank to her. It remains to be seen if White Diamond rescinded her Replacement at any point while on Earth / head-preggo with Steven, and/or if she told Pink Pearl anything about the War for Earth.
Possibility One:
White Diamond knew that Pink Diamond was posing as a Rose Quartz. She imparted this information to Pink Pearl before she passed.
Pink Pearl may justifiably feel that Pink Diamond abandoned her. There’s many reasons why Pink Diamond could not go back for her and keep the War going, but all that would not initially matter to Pink Pearl in the face of her Diamond leaving her to a fate of being puppeteered.
Pink Pearl should also be able to extrapolate that Pink Diamond has no way of knowing or even conceptualizing that 'White Diamond’ no longer exists. Without any way to communicate this, any attempts to defend Steven will be interpreted as her Bleaching forcing her to keep her abuser safe from potential liberation.
Possibility Two:
White Diamond had no idea that Pink Diamond was posing as a Rose Quartz; or, she did, and did not impart this information to Pink Pearl before she passed.
Pink Pearl and Pink Diamond’s relationship has been shown to be more of a best-friendship than the master/servant relationship it was intended to be, so Pink Pearl likely holds Pink Diamond on a very high pedestal for her kindness. She probably feels the same way about Steven, at this point.
So, from her perspective, Rose has broken the kindest of the Diamonds, and attempted to hurt the equally kind son of her former abusive master. Rose may say she can 'help’, now, but Pink Pearl knows Steven doesn’t want to hurt her or rule over her, so she may very well reject any help Rose has to offer in favor of letting Steven figure out his powers and finish freeing her on his own.
Either Way!
Pink Pearl may be avoiding Greg for whatever reason, but I doubt she’ll ever be far from Steven, considering that Rose Quartz and the Crystal Gems pose a very serious threat to his continued existence. If worst comes to worst and Steven is killed, it’d be reasonable for Pink Pearl to fear the return of White Diamond.
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stressedoutcanary · 3 years
A Hunch - Jason Todd × Reader
You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you.
Warnings: Violence, Kidnapping, Light swearing. Angst with comfort/happy ending. Reader is unintentionally a badass.
A/N:I....might have gotten a lot a bit carried away with this one, but I am really happy with the way it turned out.😁
Also Don't blame me for the spelling mistakes and grammar coz I am TIRED OKAY?! But do tell me if you find any
This was your second day on work and you would much rather be anywhere else, right now being kidnapped by The Joker himself would feel like a field trip.
When you decided to work in a café, you expected to smell the rich aroma of roasted coffee beans all day long, to see happy faces of customers and co-workers alike, and to get the amount of money which can cover your expenses since all Jason does is sleep all day and kick the crap out of people all night. One of you had to be the responsible one. What you didn't expect however was that you'd have to deal with whatever the hell this guy in front of you was trying.
"Sir, I already gave you what you ordered can you just stop holding up the line now." You were sure everyone except this dumbass could see the vein popping on your forehead but you guessed he couldn't see past the forced smile plastered on your face.
"Oh come on babe, It's not like these people have anywhere important to be. Now have you been covered in bees recently?"
Oh god no. No. No. No. NO. If he uses a cheesy pick up line I am going to KILL HIM.
He continued "Oh you know I just assumed, because, well you look sweeter than honey." The guy winked and wiggled his eyebrows at you.
'THAT'S IT I AM KILLING HIM. Sweeter than honey?!!! Seriously!!!! Wait, What if throw his coffee in his face? Nahh I will probably get fired. Damn you manager!! This day cannot get any worse.'
You raised an eyebrow at him and sighed to yourself. This is gonna be a loooooong shift.
After going through this torturous day, safe to say you were more than relieved when you got back to your shared apartment.
Maybe if I am lucky enough I will catch Jason before he leaves for his 'night job' You thought to yourself as you unlocked the door and stepped inside.
As soon as you entered, you noticed the dim lights and the smell of freshly cooked food. You assumed it was one of those nights in which Jason behaves like a hopeless romantic and it turns into a cliché dinner date followed by a movie marathon while being cuddled up on the couch.
You smiled to yourself at the thought.
"Jay you will not believe what happened at work today." You started babbling the way you usually do as you made your way to the kitchen. "There was this really weird guy who kept flirting with me and--" You stopped short as you sensed that something wasn't right. You took in the surroundings; broken glass and clear signs of a fight and struggle.
This was all very, very wrong. There was an uneasy silence which was soon however, broken by a groan, you whipped your head around at the source of the sound.
There he was Jason. Your Jason. All battered up and tied to a chair. Just as you took a step towards him a hand was placed on your lower back. You froze completely. Another hand made its way up, tracing up your spine, the palm of the hand was then placed on the back of your neck.
You were wrong. This day just got a helluva lot worse.
You were yanked forward and now you could see Jason up close. He looked at you with dizzy eyes, "it's going to be okay" he spoke softly, there were clear indications that he was disoriented, no wonder he didn't get out of his bonds yet. Jason's gaze shifted towards the intruder behind you. He gritted his teeth and spoke in a low and dangerous tone.
"Sionis this is between you and me So. Let. Her. Go."
"From where I am standing, you are not in any position to make demands, Red. And a word of advice, you really shouldn't make promises you can't keep."
The hand on your lower back disappeared and before you could even blink, you felt the muzzle of a gun being pressed on your temple. Your eyes widened in fear. The only thing keeping you from a full-on panic attack was Jason's presence. You knew, as long as he was there, you were going to be just fine.
"We could have done some good together-- you and me. We could have rebuilt Gotham in a way she deserves." You gasped as Roman's fingers tightened around the back of your neck. "You see Red Hood you took my beautiful Gotham city away from me and now I get to take this beauty away from you."
The fingers on your neck were now threaded through your hairs. Tears welled up in your eyes as the stinging sensation in your scalp intensified. For the first time in forever Jason was scared. He couldn't lose you. You meant the world to him. At the same time he refused to give Roman the satisfaction. Jason made sure his face wouldn't show how much pain he was in, seeing the tears in your eyes and the absolute fear behind them.
"You are the most feared crime lord in the Gotham underworld Sionis, or well atleast you were, and this is the best revenge plan you could come up with? That's just...sad." You could tell Jason was taunting him. He was trying to get the attention off of you and surprisingly it was working. You went along with his idea and bit your lip to stop any and every sound that can come out of your mouth.
Roman was already blinded with the rage he felt towards Jason and the mocking tone in his words was the last straw, he threw you to the side and got in Jason's face, a gun was placed underneath your lover's chin as you stumbled to the floor. The tension in the room was thick. Both men were defiantly staring each other down. Even though Jason managed to get you free, there was no after plan, there was no way he could take on Black Mask in his current state, so he did what he does best, he got on Black Mask's already ignited nerves.
"Are you going to shoot me or what Blackie? Because if I get back to my senses before you kill me, I will fill you up with so much lead Superman won't be able to see through you."
Roman seemingly calmed himself down, stood up straight, aimed the gun straight at Jason's forehead.
"Here I thought you were special Jason, that you were worthy to be my heir, my friend. What a waste. Now you will die like any other disappointing employee of mine."
As soon as you were free and you saw Jason distracting the crime lord, you quickly scanned your surroundings; you could get a knife from the kitchen counter but you'll probably be shot down as soon as you try to make a run for it. There is also a spare gun in the bedroom but that's not happening because well the same reason.
And then your heard it, Black Mask cocked his gun and seeing the gun pointed at Jason something in you snapped, there was no way in hell you were going to lose the one person you loved more than anything in this world. Not again.
Thankfully there was a chair within your grasp and before anyone could register anything you jumped to your feet, grabbed it and swung it hard.
"HANDS OFF MY MAN!!!", Your voice was heard in what seemed like forever, as the hard wood of the chair connected with Roman's back. He fell to the floor as pieces of the chair dropped down around him. You reared back your foot and before he could get back up, the heel of your foot connected with his jaw and just like that, he was down with a thud.
You heard Jason mutter a surprised, "Well wasn't that anticlimactic", as you stood there looking at the unconscious body on the floor, unable to wrap your head around the events of this evening.
By the time you turned around to untie Jason, he was already free and you were pulled into a hug as your face pressed against his chest, you inhaled his familiar scent and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"(Y/N) I was so scared. That bastard got the jump on me. I wanted to do something. I wanted to stop him. I couldn't see you get hurt but I couldn't move. I-I love you more than anything I have ever loved." Jason buried his face in your neck.
You just hummed as Jason soothingly ran his fingers through your hairs. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks as you hugged him tightly, keeping him impossibly close to you. You knew there was nothing you could say to make him feel less guilty so you both just stayed there for a while, feeling safe in each other's embrace.
"We are getting reports that earlier tonight after a deadly run in with a bat-vigilante, the notoriously known crime lord of Gotham Underworld, Roman Sionis aka The Black Mask, was apprehended today, The Batman himself was seen handing this dangerous criminal over to the Blackgate prison guards our sources tell us--"
You saw Jason switch off the headlines, he was sitting on the bed's edge, he squeezed his eyes with he heels of his palms. Seeing his distress you made your way over to him with a first-aid kit and a few extra bandages. You stood in front of him and for the first time since the fiasco, you were able to see how bad of a shape he was in and a frown made its way on to your lips.
Jason looked up at you and brought both of your hands towards his lips. As he kissed the knuckles of your hands, he whispered, "I'll be fine. Don't worry. I am in this condition every now then...But Lets talk about you." You raised an eyebrow at his comment as your hand moved to dab the alcohol swab over his wounds. Getting the hint, he further explained himself.
"I mean how did you take him out? Like did you take some self defense classes while I was away or Cass taught you some stuff or...?"
"Oh That! That was just instinct, my love. I saw him point a gun at you and I just--I just lost it I guess. Plus I had a hunch, the chair was sturdy enough to knock him down, the kick was just reflex so...", you shrugged.
"So you mean to say you took out someone from Bruce's Rogue Gallery on the basis of a hunch? A. Frickin. Hunch?!"
You grinned and pecked his lips, moving away to get some supplies for stitching up the bigger wounds.
"(Y/N) you are insane!"
"Says the one who wears a mask underneath a mask, thinking it gives him a dramatic flare", you smirked at his dramatic gasp.
"Just so you know it more of a helmet than a mas--", you cut him off by a playful smack on the chest.
"Todd, I swear I can make this stitch much more painful for you if you don't shut the hell up right now"
"Yes ma'am", He gave you a mock salute as you smiled went back to tending his wounds.
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
I’m Afraid, Your Cute And We’re Both Stuck; Let’s Cuddle
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@surohsopsisofclouds asked for (red 11) Wings and (purple 12) Spirits from here and I took the ‘spirits’ prompt and just made it into a Haunted House/fears thing and I hope that’s alright
@sparrowofsong​ @5am-the-foxing-hour​ @ladyedwina​
Pairings:  Romantic Intrulogical, Background Romantic Roceit, Background QPR Patmile
Warnings: Swearing, wings, collapsing structure, claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces), mentions of thalassophobia (fear of the ocean), fluffiness, my fear that Remus isn’t in character by the end of this
Two stories tall, with dull brick walls and the occasional broken window. A stereotypical haunted house; recommended by Patton of course. If Virgil recommended one, it’d have reviews about a real ghost that made the rooms go cold and maybe a fork being thrown across the room. This place reeks of machinery and fake, money-grabbing tourism.
I glance up at the sound of wings, not fully turning towards it as I’d know my brother and best friend's wings anywhere. Roman has those huge angel wings that everyone swoons over because of their power and fluffiness; while Jan-Jan has awesome looking yellow-green scaled ones that he’s still self-conscious over since they’re often stereotyped to be with ‘evil’ people. 
So now I’m surrounded by winged-ones. Patton’s Puffin wings press tightly against his back as the sound of shattering glass, that’s been happening every five minutes on the dot, while Virgil’s huge Wedge-Tail Eagle wings fluff up despite knowing that it was going to happen again. At least Roman and Janus didn’t react as much, despite it being a shock to them
“You two are being fucking pussies.”
“Language, Em! And the shattering sound is scary… I can’t help it.” Patton should have brought his life-partner with him as it’d be more fun with more people. I guess after the last haunted house that we took Emile to, he wanted to be able to actually sleep this October.
“We’ll go inside soon, Pat. Is Logan here yet?” Oh yeah, that guy that I’m supposed to be meeting. Forgot about him. Virgil and Roman made him sound so boring, but they also made Remy sound boring before I met the guy while he was dealing with caffeine withdrawal. 
My foot sends a small stone flying as Virgil checks his phone; tsk-ing quietly as he starts typing. “He’s inside already. In the upstairs piano room.”
“I thought we were gonna meet him out here?” Oh my god; I’m going to die from boredom and haunt this place for real if I stand out here any longer. So I grab my jacket from the ground, throw it on and quickly slip between the fence bars instead of grabbing a ticket. No one’s watching anyway.
“I don’t care! I’m going in- Bye!”
“Remus! Wait up!”
Happily ignoring Roman, I slip in through an unlocked side door and fight the distant sound of doors slamming by letting my stomping echo through the house as I head upstairs. This place sucks at scares if they’re resulting in slamming doors, but I can probably piss off some employees if I can find one of their hidey holes. And finding this ‘Logan’ and messing with him would be a nice bonus.
Taking a glance into each room -and ignoring the bad jump scares of fake ghosts played by underpaid, teenage actors- I finally find the piano room Virgil mentioned with someone standing at the far end, by the window. Despite the poor lighting, I can tell that he’s wearing a dark blue polo shirt and that his dark hair has been attempted to be slicked back. Perfect posture, hands held behind his back, shoulders tense; I may even be seeing a pair of those fancy black shoes that a lot of the richer kids in the area have. 
I shake my head as I step into the room, followed by an eerie creak in the floorboards. The guy spins around and I manage to see dark eyes behind some glasses before my legs suddenly give way.
One second I see those dark eyes, then the next I’m on the floor with sore arms and a heaviness on my back. A muffled voice, sounding close but layered beneath some kind of fog, gives me the energy to push myself off my stomach and onto my knees before I’m suddenly feeling exhausted.
Those eyes are in front of me again, but this time are a whole lot closer and also no longer as difficult to see that they’re a dark blue; as if the lighting has changed. With a quick glance around, I realise that it has. Because now there’s a broken piano, some splintered wooden pillars, a floodlight that looks like it’s been forgotten about, the walls showing their insides, and a giant fucking hole in the ceiling.
“What the hell...” This guy better have some answers- there’s no way that I should have fallen through the floor. But he looks just as roughed up as me, with some sawdust and a black feather in his now unkempt hair and his tie -who wears a tie to a haunted house?- is hanging around his neck. His huge, ruffled, pitch-black wings of some corvid don’t look injured at least. 
He… didn’t have wings a moment ago.
The guy must have noticed me staring at them, as he motions behind me wordlessly as he stands and brushes himself off. Something twinges in my gut as I turn slightly, only to find myself looking at the dusty wings of a hummingbird. They’re small and rather thin looking, but covered in blues and greens and a few hints of red. They flutter as I try out the new limbs, tearing another part of my shirt in the process. But who cares? I just grew two new limbs.
I’m pulled to my feet, my vision spinning slightly and a tightness in my chest makes it a little harder to breathe. My eyes drift back to the guy in front of me who seems like he’s not as stupefied as I am at what the hell just happened. “Uh… There’s a feather in your hair.”
His eyes widen as he reaches up and runs his fingers through his hair, catching the feather along the way and taking a second to pocket it before nodding slightly. “Thank you.” I hear him taking in a sharp inhale as his wings twitch as they try to stay off the dirty floor. There’s no point as they’re covered in dust and dirt already, but he seems stubborn enough to keep trying. “As unexpected and strange as this encounter was, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Logan Crow.”
“Oh! You’re that guy I’m supposed to be meeting- Wait, your last name is ‘Crow’?” I point at the black masses on his back. “And you have those wings?” His brows dip in slightly; just enough that he looks kind of cute. I wonder what all of his other expressions look like...
“Purely coincidental. And you must be Remus Aurelian-”
Something grinds together, echoing the sounds of wood against metal and of a highly taught string snapping from the pressure. Logan’s wings move so that the joint sits higher than his head, ready to fly him away from danger; if only he actually knew how to fly.
I swallow with a dry mouth as I finally realise how small of a room that we find ourselves in. Not that the small amount of space is an issue. Nor that the room seems to be also empty, besides the useless, broken piano. “We should probably leave.”
“Agreed.” The door to the room is just a maintenance one; small enough to not draw attention to it the other side, while large enough to push through wood or something to fix these pillars. They obviously haven’t done so in a while...
It’s rusted hinges squeak with resistance until one of the screws pops out of place as I manage to push it open. But as I attempt to crawl through, a stab of pain flows up my back and shoulders as my new limbs hit the top of the door frame. I try again, wincing this time as I attempt to squeeze through until I’m dragged back inside by the leg.
“I can’t fit through that! Are you fucking kidding me?”
“If you can’t, I surely can’t either.” Even with my tiny-ass wings that may or may not be able to carry me in the future -something to worry about another time- we’re stuck in here unless we suddenly figure out how to fly. In this small room, with not even a window in it. Just four walls that seem to have gotten closer than the last time I had paid attention to them. “I’ll text message the others, see if they can get the operators of the house to help us.”
Standing up doesn’t help the irregular waves of nausea that continue to hit me, but it’s better than how hard it is to breathe when I’m sitting. “But that’s going to take ages!” Except now it’s both hard to breathe, and I feel like I’m going to throw up. And I feel light headed. And my legs don’t want to hold me up anymore. A deep growl escapes my throat as I kick the stump of the closest broken pillar, making a few extra chunks fly off of it. “Why the hell did they make half of these rooms so damn tiny!?”
I kick it again until a hand sits firmly on my shoulder. It’s weird that I already feel so much for this guy, as anyone else would get an elbow to the ribs for touching me while this nausea keeps attacking me. I move away instead, huffing a bit while also taking in a few deeper breaths. “Are… Remus, do you happen to be claustrophobic?”
“What? Fuck no.” I can almost see Janus raising his eyebrow at me; always somehow knowing when I’m lying. It’s just some stupid fear that everyone thinks that I got over years ago. I can last until someone comes to grab us. Maybe sitting down will help...
“I know that we have only just met, but I will ask if you need comforting right now. And before you say that you don’t need it; you are shaking.” The nausea fades into chills and a heavy stone in my gut as I look at my hands as the ground gets a little closer. I close my eyes, hoping that I can just imagine that I’m outside or in a huge cathedral with furniture and lots of room to run around. My hands aren’t shaking; they can’t be shaking. If Roman or Patton or Virgil- anyone knew that I would turn into this wreck just because I’m in a tiny space, I’d never hear the end of it. Being afraid isn’t… It’s not me.
A comforting warmth makes me jump, sliding me off of my pins-and-needles-filled legs. Something slides in behind me, with one hand on my waist and the other helping my wings fold before I’m pulled into a chest. Logan’s chest. When the hell did he wrap his wings around me? 
“I’m not great at this…”
“It’s cool.” I go to say ‘me either’, but instead decide to relax into him. My chest still hurts and it's still harder to breathe then what I’d like.
“You were crying.” 
“I didn’t notice.” Well fuck. What a great first impression this has been. He doesn’t sound judgemental, and he has his wings around me, so he mustn’t think too badly of me. Probably...
“Are you alright?”
I shake my head, sighing as he adjusts the both of us for a few seconds before he finally seems comfortable. “Don’t tell anyone that this happened. They uh, don’t know.” All of my usual drivel and weird flirts are weirdly vacant from my head. It’s weird since that’s the usual, but it’s not bad. I don’t think I’ve felt this comfortable since I was a kid. “The claustrophobia thing, I mean.” 
“Ah. Of course. Your secret’s safe with me.”
Logan seems shy; that’ll be fun to fuck with later. A distant scream from the haunted house brings his arm further around me, and I definitely get a smug smirk because I know that Roman didn’t get cuddles for weeks after meeting Janus. Logan may be a little awkward but holy shit, I already love this.
It's too quiet though; I can hear how bad my breathing is and it’s making me way too self conscious. “I’m gonna eat a full squid in front of Roman to cheer myself up after this.” He stifles his laugh too. Oh, he really is a shy one! And he doesn’t get grossed out easily from the sounds of it.
“They do have three hearts that could be used to help you scare him, but I’m unsure if they are also edible. It may depend on the species.” He hesitates for a moment, moving his head to look down at me, judging by how he’s moving. Roman did say that he was a nerd, but not about stuff that’s actually cool. “I do know that they use two for their gills while the third sends blood to the rest of the body.”
He stops again, this time tensing up the shoulder that I’m using as a pillow. With a huff, I reach up to pat his face before closing my eyes; getting comfortable enough to try and forget where we are. “Keep goin’, you’re nice to listen to. Got that sexy teacher voice thing going on.”
I’m exhausted, but manage a chuckle after his sputters for a moment. He starts talking once more as the hand that’s wrapped around me lightly tapping a rhythm against my side.
“Oh, uhm, alright. I myself am afraid of the ocean, as we have mapped far more of Mars then it and it confirms that over ninety percent of the world is in the dark, but it is rather fascinating to know that ninety-five percent of life on Earth comes from our Ocean’s-” I get to listen to Logan talk endlessly about cool facts, wrapped in his large wings, while being comforted about some silly fear as we sit inside of a partially collapsed room? I think I could get used to stuff like this.
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we-arethenewheroes · 4 years
I Hate Bullies part1
Stray Kids Felix Imagine
bully!felix x reader
Synopsis : you just got a scholarship (thanks to your amazing grades and talent at handball) and just got transferred to one of the most prestigious high school in Seoul Korea : Inchang Highschool. But of course, life couldn't be so wonderful. (ft enhypen, theboyz, clc and more)
>> Part2 Part3
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"The score is 17-17 right now, if we mark, we win, if we don't, they win."
"B-but we have only 1 min left ! Coach, it's impossible !"
"Y/N, do you think you can do it ?"
All eyes turn on you as the coach calls your name. You look at her, straight in the eyes.
"Of course I can."
You hear the high pitch noise of the whistle, signaling to the teams to go back to the field.
Okay, we have the ball, and we've been playing safe so... i just need to...
You look around a little, and as soon as the ball touches your palm, you sprint to the goal, throwing the ball to your teamate who already ran to the other side. The opponents gets it back be you quickly stop the action and get the ball back.
20 second
You get back on your feet and run to the goal again, sprinting and dribbling as fast as you can, you face three other girls trying to stop you, quickly blocked by your teamates.
5 second
You get to the zone, jump and throw the ball. You close your eyes and hear the whistle, ending the game, Then the whole stadium cheering on your side, as your teamates run to you.
"Y/N Oh my god you did it !"
You open your eyes back open to see the ball in the goal, as your opponent goes to shake your hand. You turn to see your coach talking to two inspectors, locking eyes with you, signaling you to join them.
"I must say, you impressed me today Miss L/N"
"You turned around the game and saved your team. You truly have a potential"
"That's why we want you to be part of our handball program, the Hope Pole. It's a girl's scholarship only, it can get you to great universities, and even get you to the national handball team."
"In the meantime, you'll get to study to Inchang High, looking at your grades, you will fit right in. You're actually the first one to get this scholarship, we don't usually go to other schools, but we give it a chance, and we were not disappointed."
You look at the inspectors, shocked of the news.
I did it... I finally got my scholarship...
Your coach looks at you.
"I already talked to your uncle about it, and he wanted the decision to be fully yours. So what do you say ? You're in ?"
She smiles at you.
"Of course I'm in ! Where do I sign !"
You're new trophy in hand, as well as your scholarship papers, you finally get home.
Home sweet home
"Uncle ! I'm home !"
This, is my uncle, Kim Jisub.
He's very fun to be around, a great dad to his son and I, and a real, real, loser. He's been trying to be a chef for over 5 years now, with no results.
"Oh my god what did you do..."
"He tried to do some flambé noodles or whatever, didn't really work as you can see"
And this is my cousin, Kim Junho, he's 8 and just starting to get sassy, too sassy actually. He's my uncle's one and only son. His wife dies giving birth to Junho, so for my uncle, his son is very precious to him.
"Uncle ! You can't just burn stuff in the kitchen like that, at leats do it outside, I don't know! Now the only pan we had left is ruined"
"Yessss I'm sorry Y/N, I'll do a few extra shifts at work and I'll buy ten pans, I promise!"
You sigh, seriously...
"Well... Maybe you won't have to do extra shifts...."
"No way.... Don't tell me...."
Your uncle looks at you with big eyes
"You got a job ??"
You sigh again, more annoyed this time.
"No ! iI got my scholarship you idiot !"
Your uncle's eyes get even bigger
"Oh my god- well first of all, don't call me idiot- and Oh My God ! Y/N congrats!"
Your uncle smiles at you and hugs you, congratulating you on your scholarship.
"Hum, am I gonna benefit from your 'scholarship' ?"
You turn to your cousin,
"Well, yes? Probably ?"
"Then, congrats Y/N, I knew you could do it."
He outs on a fake smile, but you know he is actually happy for you. This little brat, I swear
You sitting at the kitchen counter, as your uncle tries to save the burnt pan, while your cousin is in his room.
"So, what's in this scholarship exactly?"
"Well, first, I get to be in the Seoul Girls Team training program, I get to study at Inchang High, AND, I have a big fat check every month to pay for 'school supplies, books and clothes', but we all know here that we just gonna buy some new furniture and pay the rent."
"Oh noo, come one Y/N, you earned it, you do whatever you want with it."
Your uncle goes to clean the burnt pan.
".... How much is it?"
"1 000 000won a month." (~1000$)
Your uncle stop his action and goes quiet for a moment, then turns to you.
"say what now ?"
"You heard it well, Jisub."
Your uncle turns back to the pan, then looks at you, then look at the pan. He picks it up from the sink, goes to the trash can and put the pan in it.
"Uuuh ??? Excuse me sir, you can't just give up like that-"
"Y/N, with 1 000 000won a month, we can pay and the rent, and water, and the gaz, and the electricity, and 20 pans, heck, we can buy new forks and knives, new beddinds- new BEDS"
"Don't go to far"
"You get the point !"
"Yes, I get it. I'll give you the money so you'll be able to pay for everything and don't have to worry about extra shifts."
"I knoew your dream is to have your own restaurant, well now you can save your job's money to buy one, and we won't have to worry about money ever again!"
Your uncle looks at you and sits next to you. He sigh.
"I know I'm not the best parent ever, amd can't keep a job to save my life, I forget your birthday, or can't nake it to graduations, but I try my best, to keep you and Junho safe."
You look at your uncle, letting him talk.
"I promised your parents and grandparents to keep you feed and warm, no matter the cost, and I will keep doing that. But this scholarship- this money, you earned it yourself. You accomplished what I couldn't accomplish. This money is yours, keep it. Buy clothes and makeup, video games, new handball outfits- whatever you want to have, have it. Live your teen years. You shouldn't worry about money, you should worry about grades and boys. You'll have plenty of time to worry about money, but this time is not now. Over my dead my body."
You look at your uncle, his eyes tearing, probably sad that he made you worry about money too, also sad talking about your parents.
"Don't worry uncle, I will. I promise."
You smile at your uncle and hug him.
"I hate to see you guys grow up"
"Ookay that's enough sads for today, I'm gonna take a shower"
You get on your feet and head to the shower.
"A few years back I used to shower you ! You were just a little baby!-"
Inchang High, one of the most prestigious school in Seoul, in this school it's just rich kids, sons and daughters of CEO, conglomerates, lawyers, surgeons, heck even politicians. And here I am, daughter of deceased parents, adopted by her jobless uncle. Wow, impressive.
You look at your new school for a few seconds then make your way into the building. You look around and search for the teacher's office. You knock at the open door and get the attention of two professors.
"Ah ! You must be L/N Y/N right? Come over here."
You approach a tall men, pretty young, wearing round black glasses. You stand next to him
"I'm Mr. Choi, your homeroom teacher, and English teacher. Are you excited for your first day?" He asks, smiling at you.
"Yeah, kinda nervous but very excited."
"Don't be, the students are nice, and seeing your excellent grades, you'll get used to this school in no time."
Mr.Choi turns to his well organized and neat desk and get a few books and papers from a drawer.
"Come on, I'll get you to your class, it's the 1-4"
You then follow your teacher out of the office, and into the corridors. He talks to you about the school's history and building but you can't seem to focus.
You look around, seeing all those rich kids. They all look so neat and clean, they all have expensive shoes and bags, jeweleries, immaculate white button ups, well ironed skirts, their uniform all looks so nicely fited. Next to them, I just look like a homeless men, like a fly in the soup..
"Ans here is your class, not everyone is here yet, you can take a sit next to the window, at the 5th row, the class president is at the front row doing some homework, is name is Heeseung, if you need anything you can just ask him, now I gotta go, but I'll see you around, okay?"
You nod at your teacher and bow to him goodbye as he leaves. You take a deep breath before entering the class, you try to look as presentable and open the glass door.
From the outside you could only see the front row, but as you sneak your head inside, you see that every single one of your classmates are already in class, as they turn to you, all going completely silent at the new arrival.
Oh my god they're all looking at me waht do I-
"You must be Y/N," you turn to the voice, "I'm Heeseung, the class president." He stands up,
"Mr.Choi told you about me ?..."
"No" you look at him, quite confused "The principal came to the class lasy friday to tell us you'd be here." Oh boy
"Yeah" you turn to the other voice in the class, this time a girl. "We missed half of our math class because of it."
"O-oh hum well, I-" I'm sweating wdid-
"We should thanks you for that hahhaa" the tension get down immediately as your classmates giggles at the student's comments
"Yeah, the teacher was so pissed, we were supposed to have a test but we couldn't do it"
It's actually goind better than I expected...
Yo see the same girl approaching you "I'm Eunbin, and this is Chanhee, my best friend"
She points at a shy guy with blond hair. You wave at him and he wave back at you.
Heeseung, still standing next to you clears his throat
"Do you know where you have to sit ?"
"Oh, hum yeah, Mr.Choi said I had to sit at the 5th row, next to the window."
Heeseung looks at EunBin, who looks at Chanhee, who looks back at Heeseung. They all seem very... Scared ?
"Wha-what's up guys..?? Is something wrong ?"
Heeseung looks at you "Maybe we should ask the teacher to change your sit or-"
Then, a girl with one of her friend pushes Eunbin to the side to get a look at you. She's scans you from head to toe, cleary judging you.
"Hum, excuse me? Who are you and why are looking at me like I just ran over you dog ?"
"Where did you get those shoes ?"
"Uuhh the store ? Where do you buy shoes, dumbass"
The girl looks at you dead in the eyes "Do you know who I am?"
"well, no, that's why I asked, 'Who are you', or do you not understand ?"
Eunbin holds back her laugh.
"I am the daughter of the-"
"I don't care, actually. What do you want ?"
Even Heeseung can't seem to keep a straight face, turning his back at the girl a little.
"Hu- well- How dare you-"
"Oh my goooood what. do. you. want. Let's get this over with please."
The girl stutters a bit, she clearly didn't expect for you to respond like that.
If she thought that I'd be impressed or scared then she's wrong.
"Look, if you're here to be intimidating, it's not working, okay ? You got here because your the daughter of some conglomerate men, I got here thanks to my talent and hard work, so you're not scaring me."
The girl humphs and turnd on her heels, get out of the room.
"Oh my god, Y/N, you have some balls wtf" Eunbin says, looking at you with her to thumbs up. "You were really cool just now." She looks at Heeseung "She'll do just fine with Lee Felix"
"Lee Felix? Who's that ?" You look at Heeseung.
"He's... Humm your class neighbor !"
"And also a bully." It's the first thing Chanhee ever says to you.
"A bully ? Seriously ? I'm next to a bully? Damn I HATE bullies.."
Chanhee stands up and stans before you. "If you could shut him down like you did with the other girl, I think you could do a lot of good in this class, heck even the school"
You look at Chanhee, "Don't worry, I won't let him bully anyone under my sight, that's for sure."
As you finish talking, you hear the bell ring, and the teacher coming in the room. You take a sit. He's not here yet-
As you think of it, you hear the back door sliding open, seeing a tall guy with black hair, looking at his phone, followed by two other guys talking to each other. The two guys takes sit next to the door as the other guy sit next to you. I assume he's Lee Felix..
You try to not pay much attention to him and concentrate on the lesson.
You can feel the ray of the sunrise shining on your the left side of your face, the warm feeling giving you chills down your back.
You then hear a low voice "You're blocking the light." Lee Felix...
You sigh, not even giving him a look. "Not my problem."
Felix sighs, clearly annoyed at your response. "Who the fuck even are you-" he says as he turns to you, but as his eyes gets to you, he's amazed. It's like seeing an angel...
He's never seen a beauty like your yours, as the sun hugs your features so prefectly, you hair falling on your shoulders, the concentrated look on your face. Everything he sees is perfect.
I found an angel..
A/N: hope you liked it ! Follow me to know the story, part 2 coming very soon !!!! (Class 1-4 is nothing serioussss it's just because my class is the 104 so yeah)
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
hi! i love your work so much and i was wondering if you could write a scenario for iwaizumi's little sister dating oiks? sorry if this isn't the kind of ask you're used to lol but thank you for this blog
sooooo i accidentally wrote a… 9000+ word fic about this? oops lol ok check it out if u wanna read the monstrosity (WARNING THERES SMUT AND LOSS OF VIRGINITY SO LIKE READ AT UR DISCRETION PLS!!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/22552522
please enjoy the much shorter (only 1k words), alternative ending to the above fic! :) 
“Nii-chan, I’m going out,” You call out.
“Again?” Iwaizumi Hajime, your older brother, sounds kind of suspicious because this is probably the eighth time you’ve said you were going outside of the house in what, two weeks? He knows you’re antisocial, introverted, and a house hermit, so you don’t blame him that he’s getting suspicious. “With who?”
“My friends,” You reply casually. You’re proud of yourself for mastering nonchalance, despite your guilt for lying to your big brother. “Himari and Lisa. We’re just hanging out at a cafe.”
“You guys spend so much time together lately. How do you have the energy, I swear,” is all Iwaizumi mutters as he retreats to his room. “Get home safe. You have enough money, right? Text me when you get there.”
“Yes, sir~”
You leave the house as quick as you can. You’re wearing a giant hoodie that swallows up most of your frame, but once you’re a good dozen meters away from the house, you take off the hoodie that makes the spring heat sweltering. Underneath your hoodie is a cute outfit you were proud to put together, but you know Iwaizumi isn’t dumb enough to think you’d wear that to a girl meeting. No, you’re not meeting your friends at the cafe.
You’re meeting Oikawa Tooru, your boyfriend of four months.
You never got to really privately hang out with him before, mainly because you didn’t know how you would keep it up with your usually lenient but nonetheless protective brother on you, but just recently you’ve had the idea of holding this facade where you go hang out with your friends, while in reality you’re just spending time with Oikawa. Even your aforementioned friends Himari and Lisa are in on it.
As soon as you get to the cafe, you spot Oikawa immediately, sitting at a table on his phone, his glasses sliding down to the tip of his nose.
(You know he’s been wearing his glasses more and more lately because you once said they were cute on him.)
“Tooru~” You sing out, shaking his shoulders with playful glee and he whines a little bit about how you messed up his game, but then kisses your cheek as a greeting. It never fails to make you flush red.
“You’re still wearing your glasses?” You note to him, poking at the bridge between the lenses and enjoying how his eyes kind of cross once your finger pokes. “I thought you said you liked contacts better.”
“I do,” He states in such a matter-of-fact way that you feel a little less confident. “But glasses aren’t so bad.”
“You mean you’re wearing them for me.”
“You’re so mean when it comes to teasing me! No wonder you’re related to Iwa-chan!”
You poke his nose in an attempt to frustrate him further, but he only laughs it off and pinches your cheeks. “Hey, do you wanna go order some stuff? I heard they have good pastries here~ And great milk bread, too!” His chest puffs out like it’s an honor he did the extra research, and you laugh at his charm.
“Yeah. You want your usual?”
“Of course I do.”
“Okay. Wait here, I’ll get you milk bread too.”
Oikawa frowns and slides over some money. “You know, you’re gonna make your poor boyfriend feel bad if you pay for everything. I brought money too.”
“Haven’t you been treating me to food for the past, what, seven dates?” You narrow your eyes and push away the money adamantly. “You’re reinforcing gender roles. You’re so sexist!”
“Hey, you know what I mean!!” Oikawa whines to you, holding your hand gently and pushing the money back. “Save the money for more boba or something.”
You decide to relent, but not without a price. “You’re right. Plus, I can just buy more food with your money now that you’re offering.”
His gasp makes you laugh as you stand up. “[Name]-chan!! You’re so mean, you’re gonna make me broke. Again!”
“Hey, I always order something cheap when you treat me!”
“Fair point, fair point~”
You feel your phone ringing in your back pocket as you pat Oikawa’s coiffed locks gently before walking to the rather short order-line, reciting your order in your head. Two pieces of milk bread, chocolate croissants, espresso with extra sugar for the baby over there, and [coffee of choice]. This’ll be fine. You order your treats and once you receive them, you walk back over to your boyfriend.
“I got milk bread~” You sing out lightly, shaking the shiny plastic bags of fluffy bread in front of Oikawa. He grabs them without even bothering to humor you, to which you whine. He laughs, his voice airy and genuinely happy, and kisses you.
The two of you are so engrossed in this happy, warm-hearted kiss that you don’t notice the cafe door swing open and a certain person starts walking towards you.
“Hey, [Name], I was craving coffee so I decided to swing by and- what the fuck.”
You break away from Oikawa so fast that it gives you whiplash, and you’re staring into the eyes of your big brother.
“What the fuck are you doing with Oikawa??”
“Nothing, nothing, Iwa-chan!”
“Were you two literally sucking face? Oh my god I’m gonna throw up. [Name], what happened to standards? You guys are dating?”
“Nii-chan, I can explain-”
“Iwa-chan, you’re so mean to me!! Of course I surpass [Name]-chan’s standards!”
You’re kind of amused the way your brother growls and drags Oikawa by the ear– and giving you a glare that forces you to follow– and drives you both to your house.
The car ride is awkward and silent, but you enjoy it because it’s funny how your usually lax and calm brother gets so riled up over this. You don’t want to see him mad, but it’s also hilarious to watch your boyfriend get scolded (beat up) by Iwaizumi, no matter how much you love Oikawa.
And as soon as you all arrive at your house, Iwaizumi hisses something into Oikawa’s ear (that you’re sure is somewhat akin to a death threat) and the two of them disappear into Iwaizumi’s room.
“[Name]-chan, please help, Iwa-chan’s gonna beat me up, Iwa-chan this isn’t what it seems-”
“Shut the fuck up!”
“… Have fun, Tooru?”
Ten minutes later, during which you heard Oikawa screaming for mercy and the telltale roar of Iwaizumi’s voice, your boyfriend walks out of the room scratched up but nonetheless happy to cuddle with you.
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Blue Jones x Luci Lennox (OC)
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: Language, Assualt
Summary: Blue is tired of the girls constantly causing trouble, and he can’t stand it when a certain She-Devil keeps sending her lackeys to snoop around. He brushes them off whenever he can so he can continue to run things how he wants. But now, that She-Devil has gotten tired of him.
AO3 | Masterlist
His grip on her jaw tightened, the rage in his eyes contradicting the mildly disappointed frown he wore as he leaned in close to her face. “Now, sweetheart, it’s come to my attention that you haven’t been keeping up your end of the agreement that keeps this place running smoothly. Huh?” He shook her face, squeezing roughly. “It’s simple. At least, I think it is.” Turning toward the other girls in the room, his gaze settled on Blondie and he jabbed a finger toward her. “What do you think, hmm? I’m a reasonable guy. Are my rules too hard to follow?”
Blondie made a small, frightened noise and shook her head quickly.
Blue turned his attention back to Rocket as his voice lowered. “You see? I don’t want my clients to think they have to worry about your sticky little fingers, understand? It’s bad for business.” He moved closer, pressing her harder against the edge of the vanity, forcing her to scramble her hands back to stay upright. “And when things are bad for business, they’re a hell of a lot worse for you. For all of you,” he said, speaking loud enough for the others to hear the last part.
“Hey!” someone shouted.
Both Blue and Rocket turned to look where Sweet Pea had just walked in, a furious scowl on her face and a harsh glint in her eye.
Blue shoved Rocket’s face to the side and turned away from her, gaze never breaking from Sweet Pea’s as he straightened his suit jacket.
His brows lifted in annoyance. “Is there something I can help you with? Or are we just gonna keep up this sweet little staring contest and waste even more of my time?”
Her jaw tightened. “You have a guest,” she said flatly. “Room 3.” For the briefest moment, her gaze shifted to Rocket and something like satisfaction shone there before she went back to glaring at Blue.
Rocket perked up immediately, biting back a smile.
Blue, having missed the exchange, sighed dramatically, a hand on his hip. “Danforth, I’d like you to keep an eye on the girls for me.” He glanced back at Rocket with a shake of his head. “Make sure they don’t cause any more trouble.”
Danforth nodded in acknowledgement as Blue started for the door, CJ trailing a few steps behind him.
He and Sweet Pea each got in one last scathing look before he left the room.
As soon as the door closed, Sweet Pea and Rocket shared a small, secret smile.
“I swear to God, if that fucking she-devil sent another one of her lackeys to snoop around, I’m gonna track her down myself and let her know who runs this goddamn place,” Blue growled to himself. “She just keeps fucking pestering me and I’m tired of it!” He rounded the corner toward the private rooms.
CJ walked up beside him. “Need me to throw them out, boss?”
Blue gritted his teeth. “I might. I’ll have a chat with them first, make sure they aren’t here for something else. If it turns out to be one of her inspectors, I’ll call you in.”
“Yes, sir.”
When they reached the door to Room 3, Blue quickly smoothed a hand over his hair and straightened his jacket again.
“You stay right outside this door. I call for you, you get their ass out of here.”
CJ nodded, taking up position next to the door.
Blue schooled his features into an easy grin and pushed the door open, walking into the room.
It was one of the larger private rooms, usually reserved for clients who brought an entourage or who wanted more than one girl for company.
At that moment, however, it was mostly empty. The only indication that it was even occupied was the fact that the fireplace across the room was blazing away.
That, and the familiar, polished walking stick leaning against one of the plush, high-backed chairs facing said fireplace.
Blue felt an instant of confusion, which was quickly replaced by anger.
He seethed. “Vera, I don’t exactly have time to play games, right now,” snarled Blue. “These girls are giving me enough trouble as it is.”
“And you’ve been giving me a great deal of trouble yourself, precious,” replied an upbeat voice. A smiling face peered around the side of the chair at him. “Which is exactly why I’m here.”
Instantly, all the blood drained from his face.
“It was really her?” whispered Rocket.
Sweet Pea leaned closer to the mirror, carefully touching up the liner along her waterline. “Yep. Definitely Dainty.” She flashed a quick grin to her sister.
Amber stole a glance at Danforth before pushing a little closer to them. “Who’s the guest?”
Rocket tilted her head coyly. “Ms. Dainty.”
“Who?” asked Amber, brow furrowed in confusion.
“Let’s just say she’s everything but what the name suggestions,” answered Sweet Pea. “And if she’s here, that means some things are about to change.”
Fuck. Fuck.
Blue stood frozen a few steps into the room. “Luci,” he said, struggling to keep the waver out of his voice. “I didn’t know you’d be paying us a visit.”
“Of course not. I didn’t want to ruin the surprise,” she chirped.
He feigned a cheery smile, clapping his hands together. “We could’ve had the good champagne set out for you, if you’d called. And I hate to think you’ve been sitting in here alone, waiting for me.” He slid his hands into his pockets to keep from balling them into fists. “I could’ve at least sent some of the girls in to keep you company.”
“Champagne seems awfully celebratory, and I’m afraid I’m just not in the mood,” she told him, taking hold of the walking stick as she stood up to face him. “And I’m sure the ladies are busy. I was hoping for a few minutes, just the two of us.” Her expression was so open and warm that he nearly forgot how to breathe for a moment.
Luci looked every inch the respectable, high-class career woman, from the precise makeup and French twist, to the neat maroon blazer and matching knee length skirt, to the clean and unscuffed black pumps.
But Blue’s gaze was drawn to where her hands were casually folded over the head of the walking stick. Nails kept short and unpainted, her left middle finger slightly crooked from an old break, dark tattoos across her scarred knuckles and the backs of her hands. A finger tapped absently against the lacquered wood.
He swallowed hard. “Alright. Can I ask why we’ll be needing the privacy?”
Luci nodded, taking one small step closer and locking eyes with him, the end of the walking stick thudding lightly against the floor. She fixed him with that calm smile. “We have some business to discuss, precious.”
Something in his chest twisted uncomfortably and he wished he could be anywhere else. Anywhere that wasn’t in this room where it felt like the floor would give way beneath him at any moment. Anywhere that didn’t have her looking directly at him, calling him ‘precious.’
He needed to get her out. “Well, if I’ve been reading the numbers right, I’d say things have been going well. We’ve drawn in some new clients recently and they seem more than willing to make a return visit soon. Everyone’s really been enjoying the routines that Madam Gorski has the girls working on and—”
“Yes, I spoke with Vera,” she interrupted, finger tapping again as a fond smile spread across her face. “We had a very nice chat not even ten minutes ago. You know how much I love her stories. Always so fascinating.”
“Is that right?” he asked, barely hiding the shake in his voice.
She hummed. “It is. She was even able to confirm a few things for me. She’s a truly remarkable woman,” she told him. Looking down at the walking stick in her grasp, she adjusted her hold, gripping it around the middle and testing the weight of it. “I felt a little sorry, asking to borrow this from her,” she said, glancing at Blue. “I know it’s useful for keeping time during the routines. But the ladies aren’t practicing right now, and I thought I might get some use out of it. Depending.” There was that soft little smile again.
The room was suddenly stifling. His mind was racing, trying to figure out how much she knew. He always tried to get her people out before they saw too much, but now he was convinced that there had been some who’d slipped past his notice.
“I have to be honest with you, precious,” she said, making him flinch, “I’m a little disappointed.”
His heart stopped. “Disappointed?” He shook his head. “But business is booming,” he insisted. “We’ve got our regulars, and we’re drawing in even bigger crowds for the stage shows than we ever have before. Surely, things have been exceeding—”
“Oh, the money has been very impressive, I assure you,” she said, holding a hand up to quiet him. “I’m referring to the extra private and stage shows. The declining conditions of the ladies’ quarters, despite the hefty amount being allocated from all the side investments expressly for upkeep and improvements. The locked doors at the end of the main hall.” She said it all so gently, so casually. Like reading a grocery list to a child, all with that smile. “Should I continue? I haven’t even gotten to the parts that specifically mention you.”
He stared at her, wide eyed and speechless, heat flooding his face.
She looked him over for a few moments before giving a soft sigh. “There are far better ways to get my attention, precious.”
And that little comment dug into him, made something crack open and spill out. Face burning, he gritted his teeth and drew his hands out to curl them into fists. “You,” he growled unsteadily.
Her brows lifted, leaning into the walking stick and tilting her head. “Yes?”
“You think that you can walk in here,” he snarled slowly, “and pretend to be in charge? I am the one who is down here, running everything, while you sit on your pampered ass and judge me from on high!” He took a step forward, pointing accusingly at her. “You are some spoiled bitch who wanted someone to do all your work for you! I’m in charge here, not you! Me!”
She took a step forward as well, looking amused. They were within reach of one another now. “I’m not sure ‘Jones House’ has quite the same ring to it, unfortunately.”
“No!” he spat. “You don’t have a fucking say anymore, understand? This is all mine!”
Luci smiled serenely, humming as she took another half step forward.
Blue visibly flinched when she ran her fingers through his hair, thoroughly ruining its neat styling. He was staring at her intensely, chest heaving.
“So, you’re the big man in charge now?” she asked softly. “All of this is yours to do with as you please? The house, the theater, the staff, the ladies?” Her nails raked lightly over his scalp and his jaw tightened. “This is why I came to visit, precious. I had to remind you of a very important reality,” she told him. “Namely, that this lovely building, and everything in it, belongs to me.” Her dark eyes were overwhelmingly gentle. “Including you.”
Blue nearly toppled over when she took her hand away and stepped back. His head was full of fog and his nerves were on fire.
Luci stood, holding the walking stick in a relaxed grip and watching him. Waiting for him to come to a decision.
It could all be over right then, and he could slink back out of the room with a wounded pride and strict instructions on how to move forward. Or, he could push this a little bit more and get a more thorough demonstration of his true role.
He leaned toward her, eyes shining with intensity. “You just can’t accept that having a man in charge is the way that things are supposed to be,” he declared.
And there it was. That warm, breath-taking smile spreading wide and her soft, dark eyes crinkling slightly.
Just as the head of the walking stick smashes into the side of his face, sending him sprawling across the floor.
@tintinwrites @shadow-assassin-blix @flightlessangelwings @agentpike @woakiees @darksideofclarke @damndamer0n @damerondjarin @poeticandors @santigarcia @thirsty-flygirl @perropascal @writefightandflightclub @yougottakeeponkeepinon
~ Mike
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Painted Books
Pairing: Young!Sirius Balck x Slytherin!reader
Word Count: 3,297 (I'm sorry I got carried away)
Warnings: Swearing, Underaged drinking, Mentions of alcohol abuse/addiction, Super long
Summary: After a prank Sirius ruins something extremely important to you, so you get pissed. While sneaking around he realizes why you were so pissed and tries to apologize
A/n: Omfg I havent been on tumblr for like a month I'm so sorry I was inactive, high school has sort of been kicking my ass. I hope this super long story makes up for it. I actually kinda like this one alot, hope you enjoy it.
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Hatred filled you like air into a balloon. Your blood had been replaced by lava and it was steaming, white-hot through you. Those idiot Gryffindors were going to regret everything they have ever done in about 10 minutes you thought as you looked at your common room. Red and gold covered everything. Every couch, every chair, every table, every wall, and unfortunately for you, every book and paper on the tables. You screeched loudly.
You had simply left for 30 minutes to eat dinner before returning to your homework and now, not only was the positions essay you had almost finished been ruined but so had your charms, Defence against the dark arts and herbology essays. Along with the seven books for those classes you had bought at the begging of the year. There was no way that you would be able to clean the paint off, it was surely enchanted and now you would have to stay up all night finishing essays that would never be even half of the quality the originals were.
As the rest of the Slytherin house began to clean up the mess you had ideas of making a new one. And not of their common room but of Sirius Black's face.
You snatched your soggy papers and books off of the table and stormed out of the room. The second you saw him your anger returned like a boiling title wave. He had just ruined all of your work from the past week and now he was laughing throwing his head back as his shiny teeth flashed and his glistening black hair fell away from his precise jawline and cheekbones. You walked straight up to him and before he could even look at you, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw him against the wall holding him there. As you did you heard many people utter gasps of surprise and James yell something but you were defened by wrath. His eyes widened in surprise then relaxed as you saw your small frame.
“You think this is funny?” You yelled holding your paint-splattered papers and books up for him to see.
“I do find it quite amusing.” He answered with a smirk.
You screeched again, shoving your fist upward effectively throwing him back against the wall and jabbing him in the throat. You may be small but you were far from weak.
“Look if you wanted to throw me against the wall you could have just asked.” He winked, his voice coming out raspy from his throat being half closed by your hand.
“You absolute piece of shit!” you screamed, “You just ruined all of my work from this whole fucking week! I'm going to fail because of you!”
“You could just sleep with the professor again.” He sneered Your eyes widened in shock, it had been a year since the rumor of you sleeping with a teacher had ruined your social life and here was this high and mighty asshole, who had slept with half the school bringing it up again. You had had enough. You brought your knee up and as it connected with his crotch you dropped his collar and he tumbled to the ground with a scream.
“You say anything like that again I will break your nose.” You hissed down at him, throwing your ruined essays and books at him. With that, you turned on your heel and left pushing past the group of students that had gathered to watch. Before you could exit the scene a hand grabbed your wrist.
“What the hell was that for? It was just a stupid prank!” James yelled as you snatched your hand from his grasp.
“It wasn't just the prank asshole.” You growled glaring up at him.
And that was the truth it wasn't just the prank. It wasn't your homework being ruined, hell it wasn't even the fact he accused you of sleeping with a professor. All of those things were insignificant to the real problem. He had ruined your books. No, you’re not some Ravenclaw who obsessed over books, and it's not like they were signed by the author either they were simply books. But not to you. To you, they were the extra hours you worked at a stupid coffee shop. They were the late nights and early mornings you had forced yourself in to. They were the reward you got for getting stared at by men twice your age because of the stupid tiny skirt that was somehow considered as a uniform. Hell, you worked all fucking summer. Your whole summer was just dumped in paint by some pretentious brat and his even more pretentious friends.
When you reached the Slytherin common room you were close to tears and when you entered you saw the one thing that could cheer you up. Kathy. Kathy was your best friend, she was also one of your few friends, I mean you were a Slytherin half-blood, you were no Lily Evans. She was also Slytherin and was the good cop to your bad cop attitude. When she saw you she rushed you upstairs as you explained what happened.
Sirius, Remus, and Peter crept quietly (not so quietly) through the halls under the famous invisibility cloak. James stood beside them his head-boy badge shining in the light of his wand.  
“Shut up Wormtail,” James scolded, “I think I hear someone.”
They all stopped and listened. With the shuffling noises silenced they could hear something. Laughter drifted through the halls. Soon muffled voices could be heard from some hidden place.
“I think they're in the kitchen,” Remus whispered.
“I hope they’re Slytherin.” James giggled as they approached the hidden door to the kitchen. James poked the bowl of fruit, hitting the apple once and the orange twice. The door swung open into the first layer of the kitchens. They shuffled in James taking the lead they were about to continue through the next doorway when Sirius heard a voice that made him jump.
“Wait!” his whispers called to his friend.
“What?” James whispered back.
“That's Y/n,” Sirius explained.
“Hell yeah this is going to be fun,” James smiled wide happy to catch you out of bed. “Finally get the bitch back.” He began to walk toward the second room in the kitchen when Sirius stepped out from beneath the cloak and grabbed his shoulder.
“Just let me see what she's doing.” He asked.
James’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion he opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.
“Please.” Sirius begged his friend, “Then we can bust her.”
“Fine” he muttered
Remus handed Sirius the invisibility cloak sighing, “This better be quick.” disapprovingly
Sirius rolled his eyes throwing the cloak over him and walked into the next room what he saw made his jaw drop.
There you sat, on the kitchen floor in nothing but a deep green crop top and a pair of shimmery silver booty shorts. Your y/h/l y/h/c hair was cascading down your back like a waterfall that seemed to glow in the candlelight. Next to you sat a brunette girl in a hoodie and sweatpants that Sirius recognized as Kathy Underhill. In your right hand, you clutched a bottle of fire whiskey and in your left, you held a spoon filled with chocolate ice cream from the carton at your feet.
“You know everryboddy thiks that imma stuck up bish now right?” You slurred, clearly drunk.
“I'm sure they don't,” Kathy said clearly sober.
“Oooohhh yeahhu they do.” You continued. “They’re all wike look at that tempershmental bitch who cants take a joke, wow somebody locks her up shes crazy, she fucked a professor for an and she is sooooo stuck up.”
“Well it's not true,” Kathy said grimacing as you took another swig from the bottle.
“SOO WHAT?” You shouted, your voice suddenly rising as you did from your crossed legs dropping you spoon on the ground, “What am I gonna say, I'm not shtuck up my mom is a alchohalic that blows her money on booze and I had to work all fucking summer in a shitty Cafe where middle-aged men stared up my skirt, to afford the books that the two ashholes you call “funny” you added very dramatic air quotes on the last word. “Ruined for a stupid prank ecaus they are stuck ups dicks who shove money up their asses for fun.”
Sirius’s eyes widened, he really shouldn't be listening to this conversation.
Tears began to fall from your eyes in large drops and Kathy sighed as you started to blabber nonsense.
“Alright sweetie, let's get you off your feet before your trip and kill yourself,” Kathy said rising toward you. You continued to sob as she took the bottle from your hands and helped you to the floor where you buried your head in her lap as she stroked your hair.
“Looks like imma just like my-” You hiccuped “- my bitch of a mother.” You groaned angrily.
“Hey honey, you will never be like that woman, I promise.” Kathy soothed, “I promise.”
“Your the best. I love you” You muttered as you began to drift into sleep.
“Love you too.” Kathy sighed.
    Sirius was so caught up in the scene in front of him he almost forgot about his friends who were waiting for him. He quickly turned and walked back to the second room where he removed the cloak and looked at his three wide-eyed friends.
    “Oh shit,” James muttered as he looked at Sirius who looked on the edge of a breakdown. Without another word, Sirius thrust the cloak into his friend's hands and bolted.
    Of all the people he knew what it was like to hate your mother, to have nothing, to work your ass off for things that are ruined by someone who had so much more. Now he had caused that pain. He had ruined your books. He had destroyed your hard work. He had caused those tears that sprung from your eyes. He had become what he hated most.
Sirius may be fast but James was faster, and he caught the young boy’s wrist before he could escape to god knows where.
When Sirius world around James saw something very rare in his eyes, tears. They were glassy and full. One cascaded down his cheek leaving a shimmering river in its wake.
“Sirius it's not your fault.” He said looking at his friend quite concerned.
“I ruined her books.” he sniffed,
“We didn't know, it's not our fault her mom’s an alcoholic,” James explained.
Sirius glared at his friend ripping his hand from James's angrily, “Would you have cared?” he asked bitterly.
“Of course I would,” James said sincerely
“I don't think you would have,” Sirius seethed taking a step towards him. “You have always had everything, the parents, the money, the house, the smarts, the skills, the girlfriend. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO HAVE NOTHING!” He yelled his face red with fury, “So you don't know what it's like to have the one thing you did have ripped from you.” He whispered stepping away from his friend taking a couple of steps turning and sprinting back to the common room.
The next morning Sirius woke to see a stack of books on the end of his bed with a note stuck on top.
“Your right, I'm a dick, now please go give that girl these books and essays before I feel even more like shit. P.S you owe Remus big time for the essays” Sirius lifted the note to see a stack of brand new books and on top four essays each with the name Y/n Y/l/n printed in your handwriting on top. He then glanced at the stack of paint covered books in the corner you had thrown at him, they were still there covered in paint. Confusion covered him He then remembered who he was friends with and smiled.
“James you idiotic genius.” He muttered looking at each perfectly crafted essay. His eyes were shining.
    You woke to a less pretty sight. Your head throbbed as you sat up in your bed groaning, you looked at the clock, you still had an hour till your first class but you were too hungry to pass up breakfast, even with your head about to explode. You got up stretched moaning at the pounding in your head and changed into your robes. You headed down to the grand hall after downing five Advils.
When you arrived you saw Kathy chatting with a few other girls you knew. You sat down next to her grabbing the pot of coffee of the table and dumping it into your cup as Kathy greeted you.
    “Damn Y/n you look like shit.” a girl named Emma said.
    “I feel like shit too.” You answered as you took a massive swig of the coffee.
    “You stay up late finishing your essays?” Another girl asked.
    You groaned throwing your aching head onto the table as the essays that you had forgotten about reentered your half-awake mind.
“I swear next time I see one of those four assholes I'm gonna put them six feet under.” Kathy hissed.
As if on cue Sirius Black tapped your shoulder. You spun around and were about to speak when Kathy rose, “I think she's seen enough of you Black.” she said sternly.
“Look I know I was I dick I just want to apologize,” Sirius mumbled seeming very uncomfortable as all the girls at the table glared him down.
“She doesn't need your fake apologizes, she’s had enough for a lifetime,” Kathy growled.
“It’s fine Kath.” You sighed, “I'm way too hungover to deal with him asking all day anyway.” You grumbled quietly to her.
She huffed and sat down glaring the boy down as she retracted to her seat.
You looked up at him waiting.
Sirius flashed bright red, an unusual sight, “Oh um I thought I could talk to you in private.” he asked his voice fading in the last words as he scuffed the ground with his feet.  
You sighed, “If this is another prank Black I will break you back.”
“No no no I swear it's not.” He said hurriedly.
You groaned standing from the ground and following him out of the hall, still feeling like shit.
“Look, before you break my back can you let me finish what I’m saying?” He asked nervously, You had never seen the boy so nervous.
“Depends on what you say.” You answered narrowing your eyes.
“Alright then here goes,” He sighed “So me and the rest of us were with James last night and we umm heard you and Kathy, and I just-” He was cut off by a fist hitting his jaw.
“YOU ASSHOLE!” You yelled as you realized what he must have heard. Anger once again overrode your systems and you glared at the boy in front of you, “I swear to Merlin I'm gonna drive my-”
He slapped his hand over your mouth muffling your shouts. “Please just listen,” He begged, “Please.” when you looked at him you saw something you had never seen on his face before, desperation. This made you stop nodding as he slowly removed his hand from your mouth. Today was full of new experiences.
“Look I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for ruining your books and that I was a dick and well here.” He said as he reached into his bag and took out a bundle of books and papers.
You gasped when you saw the papers were essays, in your handwriting but much better than you ever could have written, and the books were all of the ones that had been ruined in paint except they were all hardcover and pristine as if they were bought last night.
“How did you….??” Your voice trailed off as you scanned the papers and books.
“My friends may be idiots but they’re geniuses.” He chuckled nervously.
Your amazement was replaced by rage (again) when you realized what was happening and anger flashed in your eyes, “I don't want your pity, Black.” You seethed handing his books back.
“No no no, it's not pity please.” He said as you turned to go.
“What is it then?” you glowered.
“It’s empathy ok? I know what it's like to have an asshole for a mom who never did anything for you ok? I know what it's like to have nothing. I know.”
You stared at him confused, what did a pureblooded rich kid know about that?
“Look my mom kicked me out last year, I mean not out of the house but out of the family. She disowned me and I get it, it sucks. I just got lucky to have amazing friends like James whose parents are super cool.” He sighed handing you the books back, “I was a dick, I’m really truly sorry.”
Your mouth hung open eyes wide. How had you never know this? You knew his brother and him didn't exactly get along but you never knew anything like that had happened to him. And then you did the last thing you expected you would ever do. You took two steps forward and hugged him. Dropping the books and papers on the floor, you wrapped your hands around his waist and buried your head in his chest. At first, he was surprised but it only took him a second to react and he wrapped one arm around your waist to the small of your back and his other around your shoulder resting his hand on the back of your head and pulling you closer to him.
You noticed he smelt of mint and smoke as you let your tears fall from your eyes, soaking his robes.
He buried his head into your soft y/h/c locks and he smelt pomegranate and ginger with the slight tinge of vanilla linger there. His eyes filled with tears and he squeezed them shut as he felt your body shake with sobs. You don’t know how long you stayed there but you wished to forever. When you did pull away your eyes were puffy and red as were his. You were about to turn to pick up the books and papers that were scattered on the ground when Sirius spoke.
“Hey Y/n one more thing.” He said.
“Wha-” his lips collided on yours and it was your turn to be shocked. After a second you melted into the kiss and leaned back into his minty scent as you felt his toung run along your lower lip, you tipped your chin upward giving him better access to your mouth. As his hand found the side of your cheek and yours found his hair. You pulled away after a few seconds later gasping for air.
You looked up at him cheeks flaming red, “Sorry I pushed you into the wall” You paused, “And kneed you… and punched you in the face”
“You could make it up to me by got to Hogsmeade with me this weekend.” He suggested voice barely above a whisper as he stroked your cheek.
“Sound good.” You giggled just then you glanced at your watch. “Shit!” You yelled quickly gathering you new books and essays from the ground. “I've got to get to Herbology!” you turned, turned back placed a quick kiss on Sirius' cheek, “I'll see you later.” You said before dashing out the doors onto the grounds. As he watched you go he touched his flaming cheek with his hand. A few seconds later James walks up next to him.
“She a little less pissed?” he asked nervously.
“You have no idea how much I owe you right now.”
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patagucci34 · 4 years
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Here is another one of my poorly written pieces...same deal here, the timeline doesn’t totally make sense, but I really don’t care that much. There is also a lot of Brady in this piece, because who doesn’t love Brady? 
Anyway, there might be some swearing... 
Word count: 7200ish
Enjoy :) 
Brett and Y/N met his first season playing for the Rangers. Y/N had grown up with Brady Skjei, so when she moved out to NYC for college, she ended up spending a lot of time with the Rangers.
When Y/N first met Brett she was really smitten. She thought he was really attractive and didn't really think he would ever go for a girl like her. Brady had introduced them at a party, and although Brett had been very nice to Y/N,  she was so awkward that she avoided him for the rest of the night.
The next time Y/N ran into Brett was outside of the arena. She was waiting for Brady by his car so they could go to lunch. She was so engrossed in her Twitter feed that she hadn't noticed the man standing to her right until he cleared his throat. Y/N looked up startled by the noise and her cheeks went red when she saw who it was.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you."
"Oh, uh, no problem, I guess I should be more aware of my surroundings…"
"What are you doing here?" He inquired.
"Oh, I'm waiting for Brady. We're grabbing some food."
"Ohh, nice. He might be a little bit…he was just getting into the locker room when I was leaving."
Y/N chuckled a little, "yeah, I'm used to his tardiness…"
"So, you guys are close?"
"Yeah, we grew up together in Michigan, our families are good friends."
"Oh, well that's nice to have someone here in the city. Have you lived here long?"
"Yeah, this is my fourth year, I'm a senior at NYU."
"Ohh, that's awesome, what are you studying?"
Brett grinned at her tone, "why do you say it like that?"
"I usually get some shit for it, it's not a good 'money-making' career."
"Yeah, but if you're really good at it, it is…"
Y/N smiled, "yeah, I guess you're right. Hopefully I am…"
"I'm sure you are…and I guess as long as you enjoy what you do it's worth it."
"Says the guy who gets paid big bucks to play the sport he loves…" Y/N said with a smirk.
Brett laughed at her comment and before he could reply they were interrupted by Brady.
"What's so funny?" He asked walking up to the pair.
"Your face." Y/N said as she walked past both of them and climbed into Brady's car. Brett had started laughing even harder and Brady glared at Y/N before bidding farewell to his teammate.
Y/N had put on some music for their drive to the restaurant and they both sang along. Once they got to their table they studied the menu with little chit chat so they could order when their server came by.
"So, Brett…" Brady asked suggestively as their waitress walked away.
Y/N blushed but rolled her eyes staying silent hoping if she just doesn't respond to him he'll drop it.
"I know you have a hard on for him…" Brady pushed.
"Oh my god, Brady. Don't be gross. I barely know the guy anyway."
"Oh stop, you were so awkward after I introduced you to him the other night at the party."
"I wasn't awkward this time…"
"No, but you were red as a tomato…"
"I was not!"
"Were too!"
Y/N dramatically sighed, "okay, maybe I think he's really attractive…but it's not like anything is ever going to happen…"
Brady smiled triumphantly, "I knew it."
Y/N rolled her eyes and threw her straw wrapper at him. He giggled a little before changing the subject knowing he put her through enough torture already.
It had been a few weeks since Y/N and Brett's exchange outside of the arena. She had seen Brady a few times but the time was busy with training camp and pre-season and Y/N was getting into the groove of her classes. The team was having a party to celebrate having made it through training and of course, Brady invited Y/N. Y/N and her roommate Jess were at their apartment getting ready. Y/N had changed about twenty times, knowing Brett would be there. Y/N definitely wasn't the skinniest girl in the world and she knew it. Most of the time she was okay with her body, except for when she hung around with Brady's friends. Although his closer friends didn't tend to intimidate her as much, she tried extra hard to look good when she would be around the whole team and their wives and girlfriends. Even Brady's girlfriend, who Y/N absolutely adored made her feel a little insecure.
Jess walked into Y/N's room to hurry her along.
"Come on, Y/n/N. You look amazing, stop changing."
"Are you sure? You can see my stomach in this."
"Y/N. You look hot. Now let's go."
Y/N rolled her eyes but put her earrings in and shoes on and they were out the door.
Brady was hosting, which made Y/N feel more comfortable already. Y/N didn't bother knocking, instead opened the door right up and they said hi to people as they made their way to the kitchen to grab a drink.
"Y/N, Jess! Glad you made it." Y/N turned around at the familiar voice and gave Brady a hug. "How was your week?" He asked.
"Stressful, I'm ready to get drunk."
Brady chuckled a bit but made his concern known, "okay, but I better not find you hugging my toilet again…"
Y/N blushed at the memory from a few months ago over the summer. Y/N had just been dumped, if you can even call it that, by some dumb guy she would hook up with over the summer when she went home. Brady had been throwing a 4th of July party and by the end of the night, Y/N was puking in Brady's bathroom.
Y/N and Jess mingled for a bit before parting ways when Jess started talking to some guy who was friends with Brady and Trouba. Y/N had been in the corner talking with Gracia and a few of her friends when they were interrupted by Brendan grabbing Y/N to be his pong partner. Y/N quickly said goodbye and walked over with Brendan.
Y/N was excited to play, especially with Brendan, they had been partners for as long as she could remember and they always ended up winning. However, when she saw who they were playing against, she got a bit flustered. Standing across the table were Brett and Brady. Brady shot her a smile and she glared at him, but he just laughed as they began playing.
"Come on, Y/N, what's your deal tonight?" Brendan asked after she missed the 4th cup in a row.
"I'm sorry, I don't really know…"
"Well, figure it out, I can't lose to Skjei and Howden." Y/N rolled her eyes when Brendan slapped her ass and handed her the pong ball. He shot her a smile and a wink. Luckily, this one went in so she was free of his criticism for another round. Although, she didn't miss the confused look Brett's face when he saw their exchange. She shook her thoughts away and refocused on the game.
Thankfully, they pulled out the win, Y/N improving a little throughout the game, but Brendan really carried their team.
"I'm gonna take a little break." Y/N said to Brendan, giving him an apologetic smile and before he could protest she walked down the hall to Brady's room.
Y/N downed the rest of her drink and flopped back on Brady's bed and sighed. She closed her eyes for a few minutes. She sat up quickly as she heard the door opening, hoping it wasn’t Brady and Gracia coming in for the night. She relaxed a little bit when she realized it wasn't them, but grew anxious again when she realized it was Brett.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you…again." He said a smirk.
Y/N smiled, "it's okay, I scare easily…"
"What are you doing in here?"
"Just need a breather, what about you?"
"Same. I love the guys already, but they're a lot."
Y/N chuckled at Brett and agreed, "yeah, they're kind of crazy."
Y/N scooched over on the bed signaling for him to sit down. He took the hint and sat down next to Y/N and lied back just as she was before.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your alone time."
"It's all good, I should probably be getting back anyway…" She said as she went to stand up.
"Wait," Brett called just as she opened the door. Y/N stopped and turned around expectantly, "what's the deal with you and Brendan?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh a little, "what do you mean?"
"Well, when we were playing pong earlier, I saw him, um, slap your ass…"
"Ohh, yeah, it's okay. He's just like that…I guess." Y/N responded not really knowing how else to put it. "But it's okay, really."
"So, you two aren't like hooking up or anything?"
"Oh god, no."
Brett smiled at your insistence. "Good to know…have a good night Y/N."
Y/N burrowed her eyebrows when she left the room not really knowing what that meant. Of course, she had butterflies from the whole exchange but she couldn't help but think about what he said for the rest of the night.
Jess had left with that guy she had been with all night, so Y/N decided she would head home too. She made her way around the party to find Brady.
"Hey," she said walking up to him, "I'm heading home."
"Where's Jess?"
"Oh she went home with that Miles guy."
"Why don't you just stay here?"
"Why would I do that?"
"I don't want you going home alone."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Brady it's not that far. I'm going to take an Uber, I'll be fine."
"No, you can just stay here."
"Brady, I want to go home."
"I realize that, but even an Uber alone can be unsafe."
"Brady, please."
"Sorry, Y/n/N."
Y/N sighed and walked away annoyed. She decided since Brady wouldn't let her leave, she would get a little more drunk.
A little while later, Y/N found herself on the couch, the party had significantly died down, but there were still a few people there. Just as she finished the last of her drink, she went to stand up and get another one, but as soon as she stood up she stumbled a little bit and she felt a hand on her back to steady her. She looked up and blushed when she saw that it was Brett.
"Easy there killer." He said making sure she was steady before letting go. "You've had a few since I last saw you…"
"Yes...and need another…" she said as she started to walk away. He quickly followed her and steadied her again as she tripped into the kitchen.
Brett was relieved when he saw that Brady was in the kitchen, he didn't really think it was a good idea for Y/N to keep drinking but didn't think he had the authority to say anything.
Brady looked up and saw Brett steady Y/N as she tried to grab another drink. He grabbed the liquor bottle from her hands and put it down. "That's enough, Y/N."
Y/N glared at Brady, "I'm fine, Brady. Give it back."
"Yeah right, you just about fell over trying to pour yourself a drink. You're done."
"Come on, Brady, you're no fun." Y/N pouted.
"Remember what I said? No puking in my toilet tonight."
"Well, it would be in mine if you had just let me go home…" Y/N mumbled.
Brady raised his eyebrows and Y/N conceded and put the cup down. Brett had to keep from laughing at how comical the whole exchange was. They really were like brother and sister.
Brett took this as his chance to say goodbye.
"I'm headed out man, thanks for hosting."
"Yeah, no problem, thanks for helping this one…" Brady responded pointing over to Y/N as she glared back at him.
Brett chuckled a little bit, "no problem. Have a good night, Y/N."
Y/N seemed to forget all about her issues with Brady and blushed as she waved goodbye to Brett.
Brady was the one to roll his eyes this time and turned Y/N around and led her to his guest room. Once Y/N was all tucked into bed Brady turned to leave the room.
"Thanks for taking care of me, Brady. Sorry I was acting like a brat." Brady turned back around and walked back over to Y/N and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
"No problem, Y/n/N. Next time I'll just embarrass you in front of your boyfriend…" He said giggling at himself.
"Very funny."
Brady ruffled Y/N's hair and left the room. Y/N sighed and rolled over to grab her phone. She hadn't really looked at it much throughout the night, but when she opened Instagram she saw that she had a follower request from none other than Brett Howden. She smiled to herself and passed out before she could even accept it.
A week later, Y/N found herself getting ready for the Rangers first home opener. She had rushed home from class to give herself as much time as possible because she wanted to look good. Although Brett had followed her on Instagram, she tried not to read into it, because a lot of the guys followed her on Instagram and she didn't want to get her hopes up.
Once she got to the arena she texted Gracia to see where she was at and then met up with her and some of the other WAGS.
"Are you coming out after, Y/N?" Gracia asked as they walked to their seats with drinks in their hands.
"I'm not sure yet… I was going to meet a few of my friends out, but we'll see."
"Why don't you have them meet up with us?"
"Yeah, I guess I could do that."
The Rangers ended up with a win, which was very exciting and meant the guys would be in a good mood. Y/N decided to text Brady after the game instead of going down to the locker room so she could go home and get ready.
She had gone out with her friends and decided she would meet up with the guys later in the night. Y/N tried to take it slow tonight because this guy from school, Connor, she had been talking to was out with them and she was hoping they would be going home together.
When they got to the club where the guys were, she found them at their usual booth and introduced everyone to each other. Y/N tried to keep it casual with Connor, although Brady was usually chill around guys with her, she was worried he would go into overprotective mode and ruin things for her. However, that only lasted a little longer as Y/N had a few more drinks in her and they went to dance.
Y/N had lost herself in Connor, they were making out and having a great time dancing together.
"I'm gonna run to the bathroom." Y/N yelled into his ear as the song changed.
"You wanna get out of here after?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and headed towards the bathroom. He followed her off the dance floor but walked towards the booth where his friends were to tell them that they were leaving.
Brady's ears perked up when he heard Y/N's name being mentioned in the same sentence as 'going home with.' He looked over at the guy and studied him trying to determine if he would let it happen or not. He looked around trying to spot Y/N and noticed that Brett looked annoyed.
Brady nudged him, getting his attention, "what's up, man?"
"Nothing." Brett huffed glaring at Connor.
Brady grinned a little, "you have a problem with him?"
"What? No." Brett replied a little quickly.
Brady laughed out loud this time, "go stop it."
Brett looked over a Brady confused.
"Go stop him from taking her home…."
"I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because, that would be mean."
"I mean, I was just trying to figure out if I should let it happen myself, but if you really think so, I guess I'll let it be."
Brett contemplated a little more, but sat back and sighed. Brady shook his head at the rookie and took another drink.
Just a few minutes later, Y/N made her way over to Brady to say goodbye.
"Hey! I'm headed home." She said giving Brady a quick hug  then turning to leave hoping to dodge his questioning.
"With who?" Y/N rolled her eyes and turned back around to talk to Brady.
"My friend."
"Which friend?"
"That guy?" Brady asked, pointing over at him, knowing full well who it was.
"Yes, that guy. I know him from school, he's fine. Any other questions, dad?"
"Where are you going?"
"My place."
"Okay, be safe."
Y/N smiled at Brady and looked over at Brett.
"Night, Brett!" She said cheerily as she walked back to Connor and they headed outside to their Uber.
The guys had the next day off so a group of them went to brunch. Y/N met them there and gave Brady a hug before she sat down.
"How was your night?" Brady asked, not so nonchalantly.
"It was good. He was very nice to me…"
Brady smiled at her admission. "Good, I don't want to beat anyone up on my day off."
Y/N laughed at Brady before asking how the rest of his night was.
"It was good, we didn't stay too much longer after you…you should ask that one how his night was…" Brady replied, pointing over to Brett. Brett was in the middle of the conversation and hadn't noticed Brady pointing towards him. Y/N looked at Brady with a puzzled look but Brady just shrugged it off.
Y/N kept stealing glances at Brett the whole brunch. She of course, was still smitten with him, but had come to terms with admiring from afar. A few times he caught her looking and she tried to avert her eyes but it was probably pretty obvious.
After everyone had finished, they all went their separate ways. Y/N had walked to the restaurant because it was only a few blocks away, so she started her walk back home.
"Y/N, wait up!" She heard from behind her, she was startled at first, but then relaxed when she remembered the voice.
"You really like scaring me, huh?" She asked with a smile on her face.
He blushed a bit, "I'm sorry, I really don't mean to."
"It's okay, I'm just messing with you…what's up?"
"I just saw you walking this way and figured we could walk together."
"Oh, yeah sure, do you live this way?"
"Yeah, just a few blocks down."
"Oh really? Me too."
Brett smiled and they continued walking.
"So, how was your night last night?" Y/N decided to ask, Brady's comment unable to leave her mind.
"Oh, it was okay, how about yours?"
"It was good."
Y/N noticed that Brett had started acting a little weird when she brought last night up. But she still wasn't sure why Brady told her to ask him.
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Brett spoke up. "So, um, that guy you were with…is he your boyfriend?"
"No, um, just a friend from school."
"Oh, do you hang out with him a lot?"
"Um, I mean, I guess kind of…we have most of our classes together."
"He seems nice."
"Yeah he is." Things had gotten very awkward and Y/N was starting to wonder if Brett was upset about Connor. She had a hard time entertaining that idea because she didn't think Brett was attracted to her.
Thankfully, Y/N’s place was coming up so this could come to an end.
"Well, this is me. Thanks for walking with me, Brett."
"Have a good day, Y/N." He said as he waited for her to get inside, she waved once punched in the code and he waved back as he walked down the street.
Y/N immediately called Brady.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
"What do you know?"
"I'm sorry???"
"What do you know about Brett."
Y/N heard Brady chuckle on the other end of the line and she grew impatient.
"Seriously, Brady. Why did you tell me to ask him about his night?"
"Did you?"
"Yes and it was super weird."
Brady laughed some more.
"Okay, okay, sorry. He hasn't actually said anything to me, but I think he was jealous of your boy last night."
"What? Why?"
"Really, Y/N?"
"Because he likes you ding dong."
"I seriously doubt that."
"Why? And don't you dare say because of what you look like."
"Well, it's true."
"Clearly not, he was all annoyed when that guy came over and said you guys were leaving."
"Yeah, I told him to do something about it but he didn't want to because he didn't think it was fair to you."
"Hmm..true, but interesting."
"When did you ask him?"
"Just now, we walked home together."
"He lives near you?"
"Apparently, we got to my place before his…"
"Y/N, he definitely has the hots for you."
"I don't know, Brady…"
"I'll dig around some more, but I'm pretty sure…"
"Okay fine, just don't be obvious."
"Am I ever?"
Y/N rolled her eyes even though Brady couldn't see her, "yeah, kind of. Anyway, I gotta do some work. I'll talk to you later."
"Later, kid."
The guys had been gone on a road trip for a few days, but Gracia invited Y/N over for dinner the night Brady was supposed to be getting back. Y/N went over early to help her make dinner so it would be ready when Brady got home.
Gracia received a text from Brady and smirked at Y/N when she read it.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"Nothing, Brady just texted, he's on his way from the airport now." She said conveniently leaving out the part that someone else would be joining them.
Y/N started setting the table while Gracia finished cooking.
"Oh, we need one more place setting." Gracia grinned as she saw Y/N setting the table for three.
"Who else is coming?" Y/N asked just as the door opened and revealed Brady and Brett following behind him.
Y/N immediately blushed and raced back into the kitchen to grab another place setting. Brady followed her in and gave Gracia a kiss, then turning to Y/N to give her a hug.
"I could kill you." Y/N said as Brady squeezed her tight.
"You love me." He said letting go, grabbing the plate and silverware from her hand. "Don't be rude, go say hello to our guest."
Y/N followed Brady to the table and looked over at Brett.
Brett smiled at Y/N and greeted her with a hug.
Y/N was shocked as he had never touched her like that.
"Hi, Brett. Congrats on the goal…"
"Thank you. Were you watching?"
"Of course."
Brett smiled again as Gracia and Brady brought the food to the table. They all sat down and talked about the road trip and the guys asked the girls what they were up to while they were gone.
Y/N and Brett had actually really hit it off and it wasn't awkward like it usually was. When it came time to leave, Y/N was actually kind of bummed. Brady could sense that Y/N was having a good time, so he tried to get them to ride home together.
"You taking an Uber home, Y/N?"
"That was my plan."
"Are you going home Brett?" Brady asked, turning towards the rookie.
"I was planning on it."
"You guys should share and Uber, you live near each other right?"
Brett and Y/N looked at each other and shrugged.
"Works for me." Y/N said.
"I'll order an Uber."
"Thank you so much for dinner!!" Y/N said giving Brady and Gracia hugs.
"Thanks for helping, Y/n/N. You know you're welcome anytime!"
"Dinner was delicious, thank you." Brett said, giving Gracia a hug. He then waved at Brady, "see you tomorrow, man."
With that, Y/N and Brett were headed down to their Uber.
"That dinner really was amazing, do you cook like that often?" Brett asked once in the Uber.
"Not really that much, my kitchen isn't as nice as theirs. But I like to cook."
"I wish I could cook, I usually eat at the rink or do take out."
"Well, I’ll make sure to invite you the next time I make a meal.” “I’d really like that.” Brett said smiling at Y/N.
Y/N blushed at how Brett was looking at her, she didn’t want things to turn awkward but she didn’t really know what else to say.
They ended up just making small talk until they approached Y/N’s place.
“Thanks for letting me share an Uber with you…” She said, stepping out of the car.
“Anytime, have a good night!” He called after her.
“Thanks, you too!” She said, waving as the car started moving again.
Once inside, Y/N did a little dance, she was so happy Brady had invited him over for dinner. She already started thinking about when she would cook next.
She sat down at her desk to do some work when her phone buzzed. It was a text from Brady.
Is he there?
Is who where?
Is Brett at your apartment?
What? No, why would he? 
Are you kidding me, I sent you two home together for a reason.
Oh my god, Brady. We had a nice talk in the Uber…
Well I was hoping you would invite him inside.
Why would I do that? 
Seriously? You guys were having a good time.
Yeah but that would have been weird if I invited him in, and my place is a mess right now.
Well clean it up, sister.
I’m rolling my eyes at you right now. I have work to do, goodnight!
I’m not done talking about this....he likes you, but he’s too chicken to do anything about it.
Once she saw the last text Brady sent, she decided to skip the texting and call him instead.
“Yes?” Brady said, picking up the phone.
“Wait, he likes me?”
“Yeah, that’s what he said on the roadie. That’s why I invited him over for dinner...but I guess you’re both too chicken to do anything.” “Well, excuse me, he’s like really hot, it’s intimidating.”
“You’re ridiculous, he’s not that attractive.”
“Speak for yourself!!”
“Just get over it and make a move.”
“I mean I told him I would invite him over the next time I cooked…” “Perfect. We’ve got Friday night off, have him over.” “Doesn’t that seem a little soon?” “You’re overthinking this. Just invite him over Friday night, I’ll text you his number.”
Y/N sighed, “okay, fine. Thanks, Brady.” “Anytime, kid. Have a good night.”
The next day, Y/N mustered up the nerve to text Brett. She typed, deleted, and re-typed about 15 messages before she finally pressed send.
Hey Brett! It’s Y/N, Brady gave me your number...I was wondering if you were free Friday night? I’ve got Chicken Parmesan on the menu…
Y/N had sent the text a few minutes before class began hoping that being in class would be a good distraction. She started to overthink things though because she hadn’t felt her phone vibrate. She was bummed when she got out of class and saw that he still hadn’t responded. She told herself it was because he was at practice, so she went to the library to distract herself more. She had gotten into writing an essay and by the time she was done, she was happy to see a text from Brett.
Hey, Y/N :) I would love to have dinner Friday night...is there anything I can bring?
Y/N smiled to herself at his response. She put her phone down and made some final edits on her essay and printed it out before she texted him back because she didn’t want to seem eager.
Just yourself...and maybe some wine? ;)
Y/N was surprised when her phone dinged just a minute later.
I can definitely do that...I’m very excited to see you again.
Y/N blushed at his responde and debated what to say back… she decided on a simple ‘I can’t wait to see you either :)’ and figured the conversation would be over. When her phone buzzed a few minutes later she figured it was one of her friends, but was surprised again when she saw that it was Brett.
How is your day going?
It's not so bad, I'm done classes for the day, but I have a lot of work to do :( How is your day?
I'm sorry you have a lot of work to do, that's unfortunate…my day is alright, practice was good, I'm just hanging out for the rest of the day. Although I feel kind of guilty when you have a lot of work to do…
That's very sweet of you…it's okay. It's not actually that bad, it's just work I really don't want to do and have put off until now…
I'm a big procrastinator too…it's my downfall.
It's the worst…I really need to break that habit.
I guess I'm probably not helping right now…I'll let you get to it. I'll see you Friday night ;)
Have a good day, Brett :)
Y/N put her phone in her pocket as she walked down the street to her apartment and couldn't stop smiling. Just as she approached her apartment she got a call from Brady.
"Hey Brady, what's up?"
"Nice to see you made your move…"
Y/N rolled her eyes, "does he tell you everything???"
"Well, not everything, but I've been trying to help him out with this so he let me know as soon as he saw your text…"
"I guess I owe you a thank you…"
Y/N could sense Brady's smug look on his face through the phone.
"Yes, you do, and you're very welcome."
"Is this the only reason you called?"
"Mostly, I was gonna ask if you wanted to get lunch too?"
"Yeah, sure. Where are you?"
"I'm at the apartment, I'll meet you in 30?"
"Yeah, just text me where."
The next two days went by pretty quick and Y/N found herself scrambling around the apartment cleaning up and preparing dinner. Her roommate was staying at a boy’s place for the night and she was glad to have the place to themselves if everything went well…
Once she had things mostly put together she hopped in the shower and put some light makeup on. Her stomach was in knots as she finished putting her mascara on and looked at the time. Brett would be getting there any minute now, so she quickened her pace and went back into the kitchen to finish up dinner.
Just as she was taking the chicken out there was a knock on her door. Y/N set the chicken down and walked over to the door where she took a deep breath and tried her best to compose herself before opening the door. She smiled as she took in his appearance. He had nice dark jeans on with a very well fitted button up. He was also holding flowers in one hand and wine in the other. Y/N blushed and stepped back so he could come in.
"You look beautiful." He said kissing her cheek.
Y/N's cheeks flushed at his compliment, "thank you."
Brett looked around the apartment for a minute, "this is really nice."
"Thank you, it's a bit small, but we made it pretty cozy."
"Yeah, it's very homey."
Y/N chuckled at his comment and took the flowers from him as she led him into the kitchen and grabbed a vase.
"These are beautiful, thank you."
Brett smiled and put the wine on the counter.
"Dinner is almost ready, sorry, I was hoping it would be done by the time you got here…"
"No worries, is there anything I can do to help?"
"I think I'm all set…thank you though." Y/N said with a smile as she grabbed two wine glasses from the cupboard. Brett opened the bottle and poured them each a glass as Y/N finished up with dinner.
Just a few minutes later they were sitting at the table enjoying dinner.
"This is amazing…"
Y/N blushed, "thank you."
"Where did you learn to cook like this?"
"I guess, just my mom? I used to love helping her in the kitchen, she taught me a lot."
"That's really cool. You've got me hooked. I'm glad I live just down the street…" he said winking at Y/N.
Y/N blushed yet again, her face basically a constant shade of pink.
They fell into a comfortable conversation, talking about their families and talking a bit more about your relationship with Brady.
"Were you always this close with Brady?"
"I guess not really, he was always around, but him and my brother used to torment me…"
Brett chuckled a bit, "I can definitely see that…"
"Yeah, but as we grew older, Brady obviously left home for hockey and stuff, so we didn't see him as much. We really kind of reconnected here in New York."
"Did your brother play hockey?"
"Yeah, he just played locally though, he was more into baseball."
"Did he play in college?"
"Yeah, he played for Michigan."
"That's cool, did you play any sports?"
"Yeah, I played soccer, hockey, and lacrosse."
"Oh, wow, 3 sports huh?"
"Yeah, I mean, I wasn't super serious about any of them…I guess hockey more than the others, but I decided against pursuing it in college so I could come here."
"You were gonna play in college?"
"Just for a d3 school…but I really wanted to be here at NYU, my family was pretty upset, but they got over it."
"I guess we'll have to go skating soon, I'd like to see what you got…"
Y/N laughed at that, "not much right now, I haven't really skated much recently, I haven't even been at all this season."
"We'll definitely have to change that…"
As the conversation lulled they took their dishes to the kitchen and cleaned up a bit before making their way to the couch to watch a movie. However, they didn't really watch much of the movie. They just kept talking and talking and eventually ended up cozying up to each other.
Brett had reached over Y/N to refill their wine glasses and as he sat back they found their faces very close to each other. Y/N looked into his eyes and they stayed like that for a few moments before Brett made a move.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly.
Y/N had barely nodded her head before Brett's lips crashed into hers. It was the most passionate kiss she had had in a long time and she found herself melting into his touch. They made out on the couch a bit before they decided to take things into the bedroom.
Y/N had the most fun with Brett than she had with another guy in a long time. They finished the night off cuddling in bed. Y/N always felt awkward after…not knowing how to have the conversation of if they were staying or not, but Brett seemed to think a conversation wasn't needed. He got out of bed and went to the bathroom, Y/N got up as well putting a shirt on, assuming when he got back he would get dressed and leave. But much to Y/N's surprise, he climbed right back in bed and looked at her expectantly.
"I'll be right back." She said as she made her way to the bathroom and took off her makeup and brushed her teeth. She hurried back to bed where Brett was waiting. They soon fell asleep and Y/N slept the best she had in a long time.
The next morning, Y/N stirred as she felt the warm body separate from her. She whined a bit which Brett returned with a chuckle.
"I've got to get to morning skate. I'll see you at the game tonight?"
Y/N sat up a bit and took in his appearance. He was slipping into his jeans but was still shirtless. Y/N bit her lip as she admired his chiseled chest.
"Yeah, I'll be there." She said sleepily. Brett smiled at her pleasantly then leaned over to kiss her goodbye.
"Good luck!" Y/N called after him and then fell back asleep.
Brett realized as he left her apartment he really didn't have much time to get to the rink. He reluctantly decided to just go straight to his car and drive to the rink, although he knew he would get chirped for his appearance.
He turned out to be right. As soon as he got out of his car he met a few of his teammates going into the arena and they immediately started laughing.
"Walk of shame into the arena, man? That's rough…" Brendan Lemieux joked as they walked the halls to grab some food.
Brett however, kept walking so he could change into some sweats, hoping to avoid further embarrassment.  
Much to his dismay, when he went back to grab some food, more guys had arrived and everyone started laughing and cheering him on. His face grew red and he tried to ignore most of the comments. He sat down at an empty table and ate in silence. However, Brady made his way over and clapped his shoulder.
"So, dinner was good?" He asked, smirking at the young player.
Brett smiled a bit, "yeah, it was really good."
"Good, but now I feel like I need to have the talk with you…"
"The talk?"
"If you hurt her, I'll kill you."
"Ah, that one…I don't think I could, man. She's amazing."
"Yeah, she really is. Treat her right…and maybe next time get up a little earlier…"
Brett scoffed, "yeah, believe me, I will never be doing this again…"
Brady chuckled a bit, and they ate in silence.
Y/N slept in pretty late, but woke up with a smile on her face as she remembered last night's events. She checked her phone and saw a text from Brady.
Way to go, Y/n/N. You managed to get Brett chirped for the rest of his life…
He showed up looking a little rough in his clothes from last night…
Oh my god…why didn't he change?
He didn't have time…
Oh no, it wasn't too bad was it?
Nah, the guys just keep laughing at him and they probably won’t let him live it down for a little…but he'll be fine. Did you have a good time?
Yes, a very good time. Thanks for helping me out Brady.
Anytime…just be careful, okay?
I will. I'll see you after the game tonight?
You bet!
Good luck, Brady!! <3
The Rangers ended up with a win tonight, Y/N found herself waiting down by the locker rooms with Gracia as she usually would. They were talking with a few of the other wags while waiting for the guys to come out.
When Gracia spotted Brady, she gave him a hug and kiss. Once they were done Y/N gave Brady a hug too and congratulated him on the win.
"Your boy should be out soon." He teased.
Y/N blushed a bit but rolled her eyes trying to ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach. She hadn't talked to him after he left this morning and she was a little nervous. Although he left after giving her a kiss, she was nervous about how he was feeling, especially after running late to the rink this morning.
Her nerves quickly subsided as she spotted him approaching them with a big smile on his face. She stepped forward and he gave her a hug.
"Great job, tonight." She said in his ear.
He thanked her while letting her go and he greeted the other Wags around him.
"Are you going out tonight?" He asked, turning his attention back to Y/N.
"I think so…are you?"
"I am if you are…" he said with a smirk. Y/N smiled but before she could say anything back to Brett, Brady ruffled her hair to get her attention. She rolled her eyes and tried her best to fix her hair.
"We're gonna head out, you want a ride?" He asked.
"I can bring her home…" Brett offered as he looked over at Y/N to get her approval.
Y/N smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
"Alright then, I'll see you guys later." Brady said as they walked off.
Brett turned back to Y/N, "you ready?"
"Yeah, let's go."
They talked a bit about the game on the drive to their apartments and as they approached Y/N's apartment she started to thank him for the ride.
"Do you want to share an Uber out tonight?" Brett asked.
"Yeah, sure."
"Cool, I'll come over around 11?"
"Sounds good, see you soon." Y/N said as she stepped out of his car and made her way inside.
Just a little while later, Brett found himself at Y/N's apartment again and they went out and met some of the other guys. Y/N always had fun with the guys, but she was having even more fun with Brett at her side. As the night went on and people started trickling out, Brett and Y/N decided to leave too. This time, returning to Brett's place where they spent another amazing night together.
The next morning, Y/N woke up next to a sleeping Brett. They had the morning off, so he didn't have to jet off to practice. She got up quietly and went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit before Brett woke up. When she returned, Brett was sitting up in bed looking at his phone. He looked up when he heard her come in and smiled as he put his phone down and patted the spot next to him. Y/N climbed back into bed, they cuddled a little before things got a bit heated and they went for another round.
"I'm starving." Brett exclaimed as he moved off of Y/N and laid back down on the bed.
"Do you have stuff here? I can make us breakfast…" Y/N offered.
"That would be amazing."
"Alright, then. Let's go, you're helping me this time." Y/N said getting out of bed and putting a shirt on. Brett followed in suit and they made their way to the kitchen.
After they ate, they hung out on the couch all day watching TV until Brett had to go to a team meeting.
When Y/N finally got home, she laid in bed and thought about how great life was right now.
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Fifteen - Like Mother, Like Daughter
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Word Count: 3K 
Summary: Aria suffers with the aftermath of being disowned by the man who raised her, and seeks the truth from Elaine, her mother. 
Warnings: Pregnancy, morning sickness, crying, light angst, typos probably and fluff. 
A/N: I am so sorry I haven’t posted for almost a week now. To be honest I have been on a writer's block and had no idea where I wanted to go with this series, but know I'm back on track and ready to write my big fluffy heart out. Enjoy. (Not my GIF. Credits for the owner. I don’t own the show or any of the characters.)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
Feather light kisses are placed delicately on my peach soft skin by JJ’s luscious lips. I sigh as he finds my certain spot. His rough hands roams my body, treating me like porcelain. I smile at him as he kisses downward until he reaches my stomach, places a sweet gentle kiss. He hugs my waist as he lays his head on my stomach for a moment. He just smiles for a moment, not saying a word.
“I love you. You know that?” He looks up at me with such admiration. “I know. You make sure to not let me forget.” I chuckle, playing with a strand of his hair. “Need to make sure my babygirl feels loved.” The two of us giggle together. “I still can’t believe I’m gonna be a dad.” I take his hand in mine before leading it down to my stomach. “Well, this baby is going to have one amazing father, and I’m more than happy that I’m having your baby.” I kiss him sweetly. He smiles softly. Ever since we learned about the pregnancy, he’s been extra gentle with me. It’s kind of adorable to be honest. He treats me like glass, I swear. “C’mere.” He says seductively.
I giggle as my head hits the pillow. His lips massage mine. His hands find my waist. His body nestles between my open legs. I pull him closer, leaving no space between our bodies as our make out session ensues. I let out a gasp when his hands cup my breast, toying with the buds, causing them to harden. My hands travel down his naked back. Just as they find his belt, John B busts the door open before shooting us with the damn squirt gun.
“C’mon man! Cut it out!” JJ throws a sock at the cockblocker. “Nope! Trust me I’m happy for you two, but before you know it you’ll be popping out like ten babies! Stop attacking the pink fortress!” He scolds JJ before leaving, keeping the door open. “Did he seriously say the pink fortress?” I asked in disbelief. JJ just nodded in embarrassment. The two of us eventually get up and make our way towards the kitchen where John B was cooking. The smell of bacon invades my nostrils, making my stomach turn and face go green. I waste no time to sprint to the bathroom, JJ follows behind me. I hunch over the toilet as I vomit the contents of my stomach. JJ hands grab a hold of my hair.
I release a string of coughs and wipe away a few tears as I finally finish. JJ wipes my mouth with a few napkins. The disgusting taste of vomit still lingers in my mouth. “I’m sorry. God, that’s so embarrassing.” I mutter under my breath. “You have nothing to be sorry for babe.” JJ hands me my toothbrush and toothpaste. I slowly brush my teeth as I lean over the sink. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen in a few minutes. “Are you sure?” He asked. “Yeah. Go eat breakfast. I just need a minute.” I reply. He plants a kiss on my temple before leaving me to gaze at my reflection.
I’m pale as shit, my lips are chapped, my hair is a mess and eyes are glossy. I look like a fuckiing train-wreak. I’m four weeks pregnant as of now. I haven’t been to school ever since I got out of the hospital. I’ve been crashing out at John B’s since Claude kicked me out. I haven’t really found the courage to talk to my mother. Thankfully, she’s giving me space. I don’t hate her. I can’t. She is so sweet to me and has never let me down, so how could I? I just haven’t talked to her because I’m avoiding a certain conversation.
I’m still having a difficult time trying to acknowledge the fact that Claude isn’t my dad. Learning the truth made me feel multiple things. For starters, I felt sort of relieved to know that I wasn’t related to someone as despicable as him. But then I felt upset that there was someone out there who was my real father and I don’t even know his name. I begin to wonder how my life would’ve turned out if I knew him though.
I walk out of the bathroom to see the boys slinging their backpacks on. “Feeling better?” Asked JJ. “Yeah, just some morning sickness.” I blow it off. “There’s still some food left if you’re hungry.” John B points to the pan. “Thanks, I’ll eat in a minute.” I smile at the offer. “You sure you don’t want me to stay here with you babe?” JJ asked, holding my hands. “Positive. You need to go to school.” I lead him towards the van. “Okay, but if anything happens, call me.” He demands. “Yes lover boy. Be good.” I peck his lips through the window before the two drive off.
I’m grateful for John B letting me crash out at his place. I can’t stay with Sarah, since her parents hate me, and I definitely can’t stay at Charis’ since her mom no longer wants to be associated with the Prescott family. Thankfully, John B stepped up and offered his place until we had my living situation under control. Ever since then, I’ve been sharing a room with JJ. Living in the chateau wasn’t bad though. I adore the little fish shack on the marsh. I decided now would be a good time to clean up around the shack since the boys were. Plus, I have nothing else better to do.
I think telling the pogues about the pregnancy was scarier than telling Claude. My worst fear was losing them, since they’re like a second family to me. I expected them to judge me as I broke down in tears. Instead, they all wrapped me up in their comforting arms.
It was around noon when Sarah had decided to stop by. Lately she has been bringing me my homework, since I refuse to show my face at school. We talked about the usual. The school has been talking nonstop about me being pregnant. I couldn’t help but laugh at the stupid rumors Sarah told me about. Might as well let them think what they want to think. “So, I ran into your mom this morning.” She said all of the sudden. “How is she?” I asked nervously as I fiddle with a pencil. “She misses you. She’s a little scared though. She thinks you hate her.” She answered. “I don’t hate her. I could never.” I say. “Then talk to her. Let her know that. She wants to explain herself. She wants to tell you about your father.”
“You want some coffee?” I attempt to change the conversation. “You can’t ignore this forever you know? Might as well hear her out. Aren’t you at least curious as to who your dad is?” “I’m curious, but I don’t want to meet him okay?” I mumble. “But why not?” Sarah pushed. “Because I’m scared. What if he wants nothing to do with me? How would he react to find out he’s a father and soon to be grandfather?”
“You won’t know unless you find out. I can’t say I know how he’ll react, but I do know that whatever happens, you’ll still have me, JJ and the pogues by your side.” She takes my hand, running a thumb over it. “I’m not saying you have to meet him right now, but you should really see your mom. Please? For me?” She pleaded with her puppy dog eyes. “Fine.” I reluctantly agreed with the persuasive girl.
I didn’t know what to expect as I walked through the hospital halls to my mom’s office. My palms were sweaty and my heart was racing from the nerves that were piled up in my body. I hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door. Her head pops up and her eyes light up to see me. She doesn’t wait to jump out of her seat and engulf me in a hug. “Aria! I was worried about you. I’m so sorry about everything.” I couldn’t help but return the tight hug. “I’m okay mom, and you don’t need to be sorry.” I reassured her.
“What brings you here?” She asked curiously. I sigh. “I came here to listen.” I answer. “Oh, well what do you want to know?” She asked. “Everything. I just want the truth.” My mother sighs before sitting back down. I take a seat from across her desk. “I want to know about my real dad.” I said, instead of beating around the bush. My mom hesitates for a moment, not sure if she wanted to speak.
“Before I met your father, I grew up in the outer banks on figure eight. Growing up my parents were very strict. Believe it or not, Pogues vs Kooks was still a thing back then. I never really cared for it though. To be honest I envied the pogues for the longest time, because I was sheltered. All the friends I had were fake. Every day was the same old routine. My life was agonizingly bland. I absolutely hated it. I already knew what the rest of my life was going to look like. That was until I met your real father. His name was Jamie Wilson. He was a Pogue at heart. Carefree, rebellious, energetic and adventurous. He was a bit of a heartthrob. He made me feel like a princess. He changed my life. He taught me how to love and be truly happy. We started dating. My friends stopped hanging out with me and my parents were pissed. I was forbidden to see him, but I didn’t let that stop me. I spent every day with him, much to my parents' dismay. I have never been so in love with someone in my entire life. To this day I hold him close to my heart.” She smiles at the memory of him.
“So what happened?” She lets out a long sigh. “My father purposely took up a new job in Connecticut. They packed up quickly and I was forced to say goodbye. He gave me this promise ring that he saved up his money for.” She showed off the vintage ring on her finger. I’ve seen her with this ring for years, but never thought anything of it.
“He didn’t promise me marriage, yet he promised to always love me, no matter how far apart we are, no matter how old we grow, he’d never stop loving me. He didn’t want to hold me back, he wanted me to move on with my life.” A tear fell down her face.“Two years later I had graduated and went to Yale University. That same year I was introduced to Claude. I married him at nineteen and had your brother when I was twenty. At first our marriage was going pretty smoothly and the two of us were happy. He was a different man back then. I was able to move on.” This all came as a shock to me. “What made him change then?”
She just shrugged her shoulders. “I had Jennifer when your father started to change. He was just becoming more stressed with work, his alcohol intake grew, he started to close off from everyone and he began having a wandering eye. I had suspected for a while that he was seeing other people, but I never wanted it to be true. So I denied such things, that was until I had caught him with one of his mistresses. At that point I had broken down. I had gotten so mad, we both just started yelling at each other. I walked out that night, which seemed to scare him, cause the next morning he was apologizing. It was then I told him that I needed some time apart from him and the kids. Damian was sent off to boarding school and we had hired a nanny to watch Jennifer.” My mom seemed embarrassed to admit that.
“I decided to take a trip to the outer banks. All of my happiest memories were there and that’s what I needed the most. Part of me was hoping to find Jamie, yet I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I can’t even describe how I felt when I saw him. For a moment I thought he wasn’t real, that was until I was in his arms again. At that moment I didn’t want to leave, I had considered running away, leaving my life behind to be with him, but I couldn’t do that to your brother and sister. I was happy and carefree that whole week. I had fallen in love with him all over again, and I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of our love. When I got back to Connecticut, I had made a deal with Claude. I said I wouldn’t go through with the divorce, but we had to move, have a fresh start. He had agreed and we moved to Chapel Hill. He still continued to cheat on me, and I continued to see Sam, since we were closer. I’d go see him whenever Claude was on a business trip, which was often. Things got serious however when I got pregnant with you, by Sam. Thankfully, I was able to convince Claude that you were his, due to his many blackouts.” My mom rolls her eyes.
“Does Jamie know I’m his?” “Yes, I told him immediately about the pregnancy. Sometimes when Clause was on a business trip, I’d take you to see Jamie as a baby, but as you got older he couldn’t really see you without you or Claude becoming suspicious. So, I had convinced Claude that we move to the outer banks. I didn’t want to divorce Claude until you turned eighteen, because I didn’t want to risk losing you and the kids in a custody battle." She begins to cry. I can’t help but feel slightly guilty. “Are you still seeing Jamie?” I asked. “Yes. Aria, I’m so sorry for any pain that I have caused you. I should’ve thought more about you and your siblings, but Claude threatened that if I divorced him, he’d make sure I’d never see you guys again. He's a powerful man Aria, if he wants something, he’ll get it. I can’t help how I feel about Jamie. I love him the way you love JJ. I just hope you don’t hate me, because I love you so much sweetheart.” She sobbed. I couldn’t stop myself from hugging her.
“Please don’t cry mom. I don’t hate you, I could never. I love you too. You have always been there for me. You’re like one of my biggest cheerleaders. I couldn’t ask for a better mom. Your happiness is mine. If Jamie makes you happy you should stay with him. Just leave Claude. I’m an adult no, there’s no point in a custody battle now.” “I don’t want to let anyone down.” She wiped away her tears. “Mom, for years you have worried about everyone else’s happiness, for once just worry about yours.” I tried to convince her.
She just smiles at me sweetly. “Thank you sweetheart. I guess we’re more alike than we think. Always chasing the boys we can’t have.” We laughed together. “Like mother, like daughter.” I laugh. She tucks a piece of hair behind my hair. “Love is a wild ride isn’t? I swear, us girls are cursed to fall in love, it’s what makes us girls.” I nod in agreement.
“Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?” She questioned. I thought about the offer for a moment, not thinking of anything I could possibly want or need, but something that somebody else needs. “Now that I think about…”
Later that night….
I came back home just as the sun began to set. I find JJ tinkering with the car. His eyes are so focused and trained on the vehicle and tools in his hands, he doesn’t even notice me approach him. “Hey baby.” He’s taken away from his zone, surprised to see me. “Hey babe. Where’d you go?” He asked, pecking my lips. “I went to see my mom.” I answered with a small smile on my face, he smiled back. “Really? How did that go?” He was interested and surprised. “Great. We just talked. She told me about my dad.” This made JJ take me in his strong muscular arms. “He lives here in the cut. He’s a firefighter. His name is Jamie Wilson.” This makes JJ jump up all of the sudden startling me. “No way! You’re dad is THE Jamie Wilson?!” JJ’s voice was laced in excitement, like a child meeting their favorite character at DisneyLand. “Wait, you know him?” I asked confused. He looks at me with a bewildered face. “You don’t?!” He almost looked offended.
“I wasn’t aware he was a celebrity around here.” I chuckled at JJ. “Are you kidding me? Everyone in the OBX knows him. Everyone down here in the cut admires him. He’s like most Pogue person you could ever meet.” Well I wasn’t expecting that. “So, what did he do to deserve such fame around here?” I asked, this also surprised JJ. “Before he became a firefighter, he used to race. At first it was cars, until he saved up his money to buy his own boat. He’s also an amazing surfer! I can’t believe he had a kid. As of now, I’m looking down at the legendary offspring of Jamie Wilson, and she’s all mine.” This made me burst out laughing. “You’re adorable JJ, you know that?” I admired his smiling face. “Of course I do. I get that a lot.” This just made me roll my eyes, before planting my lips on his in a passionate kiss. I wonder if the baby could feel the butterflies fluttering around my stomach.
“Can I tell the pogues? They’ll be stoked.” He asked with his puppy dog eyes. “I suppose.” I smile, when he littered my face in sloppy kisses before running off into the Chateau. “Guys! You’re not going to believe this!” His voice could be heard throughout the whole shack. I giggled, knowing that the pogues are never going to let me hear the end of this.
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Willy x female reader
Warnings: language 
The sun was scorching hot, the nectar-rich flowers were in full bloom, scattered with colorful butterflies, and school was out, which only meant one thing - summertime had officially begun.
You were on break from college and at home with your family. Although you liked being back home with your loved ones, you didn’t necessarily want to be around them all day, so you decided to get a summer job.
Your mom had informed you the community pool near your house was always looking for “helpers” so you went over to check it out.
The pool area was surprisingly deserted except for one person, a man, who was laying on one of the fold out chairs, scrolling through his phone.
He had black ray-bans on and didn’t seem to notice you approaching.
“Excuse me,” you said. “Are you hiring for the summer?”
“Oh shit,” he jumped in his seat and pulled off his sunglasses. “I didn’t see you there. Uhh, yeah, we are. What kind of experience do you have?”
“Um, well I’ve worked on campus before and-”
He laughed. “I’m just fucking with you, the job is yours if you want it.”
“Oh cool,” you smiled. “So what exactly would I be, like your assistant? I mean you are the manager right?”
“Yeah,” he sat up and stuck his hand out. “Willy.”
“Y/N” you accepted the handshake.
“By the way,” he stood up at his full height, and wow was he much taller than you realized. “You’re not an assistant, there’s no assistants around here, you’re just an employee of mine. Okay?”
“Got it.” you nodded. “So where is everyone?”
“The pool doesn’t open until 12.”
You checked your phone -- 11:32 AM
“Okay, well, I’ll just hang around until it’s time to work I guess.”
“Actually, I have something you can do.” Willy walked over to his small office space and you followed.
The place was a mess to say the least. There were papers scattered everywhere, blankets and a pillow thrown in the corner, and evident coffee stains plagued the desk. 
“You can organize these papers for me and put them in the filing cabinet.” Willy picked up one of the papers and wiped the stickiness from the coffee on his shorts. “So this is for people who want to rent out lockers, you get their name and number and blah blah blah, you get it right?”
You nodded silently, stunned that he wasn’t phased by the filthiness you two were standing in. “So I’m supposed to do all of this by myself?”
“Yeah!” he exclaimed, a little too happily. “You seem like the over-achiever, perfectionist type so I’m sure you’ll do fine. Good luck.” he patted your shoulder and walked away.
“Jerk,” you muttered.
“What was that?” he turned around with a smirk.
* * * *
After working at the pool for a few weeks, you were starting to wonder if the extra money was even worth it. You weren’t the only one who worked there but somehow you always ended up doing the majority of the work while everyone else sat back and chilled.
It was partially your own fault for putting up with it and you had an idea of how this job was going to be considering your first day. You had walked up and down the pool aisles, keeping an eye on all the children and their activities, while Willy, who was supposed to be the manager, was chatting with friends. He called you over and embarrassed you by saying, “You don’t need to monitor the kids so hard. Take the stick out of your ass and relax.” You turned away, trying to cover your blush as his friends cackled.
On the bright side of things, the children were well behaved for the most part and you didn’t have any problems with them. Although, there was that one kid that was caught humping the pool noodle.
You were pretty close to quitting until you started noticing a really hot guy appearing at the pool every other day with his little brother. He had beautiful blonde hair that shimmered in the sun and his body was the type of picture you’d hang up in your room as a poster to drool over. Truthfully, you felt he was way out of your league, but that didn’t stop you from flaunting around in your bathing suit, showing a little extra skin at times. 
When you finally got the courage to speak with him, you found out his name was Jason and he was in college too. There were times when you even felt like he was flirting right back at you, which was a total surprise but you played it cool.
Today for example, you were talking to Jason about a band the two of you loved and he was hinting at taking you to one of their next concerts.
“They’re actually going on tour next month and I bet they’ll come here. Have you seen them live?”
“Oh my god, no, but I’d love to. Are you going?” you batted your eyelashes.
“Definitely, but there’s one problem though. I don’t have a date.” his eyes flicked down to your chest.
“You know, I’ll be here the rest of the summer and I would love to-”
You gasped at the impact of a huge water balloon hitting the side of your face, drenching your entire chest, and the water was dripping down into your shorts.
Someone was attempting but completely failing to cover up their snickering. You looked up to see Willy covering his mouth as his shoulders bounced up and down.
“Holy shit,” he gasped, eliciting another breathy laugh. “I didn’t mean to hit your face like that, I swear.”
“That’s it.” You marched over to the bucket of water balloons and picked up a few before throwing them at Willy, who was running away to the other side. 
You missed the first two times but on the third try you got him right in the crotch, which made it look like he pissed himself. Everyone laughed, including Willy, and soon some of the other kids joined in to completely soak their friends in water.
By the end of it, almost everyone was a mess. You looked around to see destroyed balloons all around the pool, some floating in the water as well, which was a funny sight. They looked like tattered colorful condoms.
Once the pool closed down for the day, It was time to start cleaning up but thankfully Willy stayed behind to help. You reflected on the water balloon fight and how it had all started, which made you walk over to Willy with a question in mind.
“Why did you throw that water balloon at me when I was talking to Jason?” You stood over him while he squatted to pick up pool toys, his back facing you.
“Cus’ I’m a jerk, remember?”
“Yeah, I know, but you could’ve struck at any time and yet you chose to do it when I was with Jason. Why?”
He sighed, stood up, and turned around to face you.
“Look, y/n, I know you like Jason but he’s a player. He does the same thing to a bunch of other girls.”
“And how would you know?” You asked with an attitude, crossing your arms.
Willy huffed out a laugh but there was no humor behind it. “Because I’ve seen him do it the past couple of summers. Trust me, he only wants to get in your pants.”
Willy walked away but you followed. It was petty, but you didn’t want him to have the last word.
“Why should I trust you?”
He stopped once again to look at you. “As much as I piss you off sometimes, I still don’t wanna see you get hurt. You don’t deserve that.”
You slowly uncrossed your arms, letting your defenses down. For some reason you did actually trust what Willy was saying but you didn’t exactly want him to know that.
“Well,” you sighed. “Thanks for telling me.”
“No problem,” he said with a sort of apologetic smile.
From that day on you avoided talking to Jason. You still remained cordial and would greet him if you two made eye contact but you kept it strictly platonic and didn’t make any moves to approach him. The sad part about it was Jason didn’t even seem to notice, and if he did, he just didn’t care enough to confront you about it.
It was your day to be on lifeguard duty. All the kids were screaming and laughing, having themselves a great time, until a loud cry broke through. You sprung off your chair to see a little boy had fallen on the concrete, scraping his knee in the process. Willy had made it to the kid before you did and was helping him to calm down.
“Hey, could you get the first aid kit out of my office?”
“Sure thing,” you rushed over to grab the kit and brought it back to Willy. You noticed the kid wasn’t crying anymore, but in fact was smiling.
You watched as Willy cleaned up the blood, disinfected the scrape, and patched him up with a cool Iron Man band-aid.  Quite frankly, It was the cutest thing you’d ever seen him do.
Wait, since when do I find Willy cute? 
The way he handled the situation was so sweet. You had never seen Willy be so attentive, calm, and confident. When he was done, he stood up and stretched, his shirt lifting just enough to see exposed skin. Your eyes glanced down, trailing the line of hair that led to his-
No. No. No. I’m not doing this.
You looked up to see Willy was already looking at you.
“You okay?” He seemed to be genuinely concerned, which made you feel even more embarrassed.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” 
He shrugged. “Just asking.”
You didn’t really know how else to respond so you just awkwardly walked away, hoping he wasn’t watching you.
I do not like Willy. I definitely don’t have a crush on him. Nope, not this girl.
Your mind betrayed you that night when you dreamt of Willy going down on you.
You couldn’t make direct eye contact with him for the next two days.
The rest of the month was torture. It seemed like every little thing he did now was sexy and the worst part about it was he didn’t even realize the effect he had on you. It got so bad that your stomach would flip flop whenever he would grace you with a smile, which most times wasn’t even because of anything you said, but just seeing him smile over dumb shit was doing it for you.
It all came to a boil when the two of you were the last ones at the pool. It was evening time so the pool had long been closed, but you stuck around to clean up and Willy had mentioned a schedule change he wanted to go over with you.
“So since Summer is coming to an end we’re gonna open up the pool an hour earlier and I was thinking you could hmph-”
You connected your lips to his, fast and hard, as if there was an immediate need to release all of the pent up energy you had inside. The kiss was cut short when he gently pulled away from you.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m...kissing you?” You hated the way it came out sounding like a question instead of a statement.
“Yeah, no shit,” he laughed. “But why? I mean, what about Jason?”
“Jason is a player like you said,” you sighed. “And I don’t want to be with someone like that.”
Willy smirked. “So you admit I was right.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, I guess so.
“And now that Jason is out of the picture you think you like me?” he teased.
“Yes, I mean no! Ugh,” he was making this way harder for you and you didn’t know whether to be pissed or turned on. “I’ve liked you for a while now,” you admitted as a blush crept upon your cheeks. “You just didn’t notice.”
There was a gleam in his eyes. “I notice a lot more than you think I do.”
You blushed even harder.
“Listen,” you stepped a little closer to him. “I don’t want you to think you’re second to Jason, I really do like you. I mean I even had a sex dream about you!”
His eyebrows raised.
“I like you because even though you annoy the shit out of me, I still find myself laughing when I’m around you and you’re so great with the kids and you’re so cu-”
He leaned down to silence you, cupping your face with both hands.
“You talk too much,” he stated quietly.
“One of my many talents,” you joked, earning a smile in response.
“And fuck, I like you too. A lot.”
He dove back in to give you the kiss you had imagined the first time around, the kind that makes you feel a little dizzy, as if you’re floating in the air. Warmth spread through your belly like lava slowly seeping out of a volcano.
You sighed when he pulled back for room to breathe.
“What are we going to do when I go back to school?”
Smiling softly, he placed some of your hair behind your ear. “Don’t even worry about that, kid. We’ll figure it out.”
He leaned in, as if he were going to kiss you again, but dodged your lips to whisper in your ear. “So tell me more about that dream you had.”
@mediocre-megs @3tothe1 @fightingevilbymoonlight13 @damien-kaspbrak
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moviediary · 4 years
She’s All That (1999)
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Rich and popular makes a bet with his “friend”, whose personality is pretty much summed up by the fact that he has frosted tips, that he can turn any girl into the prom queen after getting dumped by his longtime girlfriend. 
Now don’t get me wrong, I love this movie, but every time I watch it I can’t help but be amazed at how absurd it is. I mean, cliché plot aside, every individual piece that makes up this 1 hour and 30 minute ode to the individual is completely insane. What universe does this take place in? What high school do they go to?
That being said, I really like the opening shots to this movie, it definitely gives you a good introduction to the main character. Laney Boggs. She’s political and messy and 100% down to her bones an art student. She isn’t afraid to be dark.
In contrast I feel like the first meeting of the main love interest really doesn’t set him up to be who the writers want you to think he is. I mean he rolls up to school in a bright yellow Jeep with a Mr. Prez vanity plate. Then you see his shoes when he gets out of the car, fuckin’ ugly ass leather loafers. I’m sorry I know this means nothing I just have a hard time believing this jock wears these fucking shoes they’re so god damn ugly.
Every moment that introduces him makes it seem like he should be the villain, he has pretty much no redeeming qualities that we can see besides his wit (barely) and good looks. I just don’t understand why we’re supposed to like him, this is Sixteen Candles all over again. Hot rich guy, is an asshole, for some reason I still root for and love him. How does that work? What makes these characters so grossly likable? I mean, his name is Zack. That alone raises a red flag for me. That’s a frat boy asshole name. Zacks are friends of Kyle that’s all I’m saying.
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Once we get through his painfully douchey introduction we get introduced to Zack’s equally douchey friends frosted tips and Gus from psych. (don’t ask me what their actual names are it’s not important anyway, that is essentially their personalities) The first thing we hear is them talking about summer break and their vacations, further driving home how rich they are and how weird it is that adults write movies about teenagers having gratuitous amounts of sex with adults. Then Zach tries unsuccessfully to say something philosophical about them graduating soon (I have to keep reminding myself that he’s supposed to have like the 4th highest GPA in their class) They then meet the most 90s girls I have ever seen. Who I guess are supposed to be popular? One thing I do like is how diverse all the characters are, they don’t all look exactly the same which I feel tends to be a problem with high school movies.
So we finally meet the “popular girl” Taylor Vaughn, Zack’s girlfriend and she immediately breaks up with him (which honestly is probably a good idea anyway) and his “friends” fucking laugh at him which he really had coming. I mean. Look at his hair. 
This launches what is probably one of my favorite narrated flashback scenes of all time, not because the topic is particularly interesting but because I love the way they have Zach interrupt her inside of the flashback. It’s a very small addition that really gives the scene style. Also we see this hot girl start dating Shaggy??? Also one of the villains from the original Scream???( he only really plays one character.) Makes me laugh every time. Also makes me a little uncomfortable every time since she’s in high school and he’s who knows how old but whatever not important. This also leads to one of my favorite exchanges in the whole movie. 
Taylor wraps up her spring break story time with one of the rawest lines I've ever seen in a 90s movie (she really did that to him) and the director throws in a classic high school movie trope, everyone actually caring enough to stop and watch this exchange. And while I usually hate this kind of character worship, since this movie is already so bizarre and unrealistic it actually kinda fits
We then cut to Laney’s art class which includes her teacher that for some reason thinks her art isn’t personal enough and two clown obsessed Lydia Deetz knock offs. I have to say I do love this part where the art students literally suggest that she kill herself in order to have her art recognized. Very realistic conversation between art students. 
That whole scene is really funny though because it doesn’t feel like it belongs in this movie. Even the music doesn't fit which is only emphasized by the sudden bell ringing transition back into a stereotypical high school movie. It reminds me of movies like the craft, the way it’s cut together, the way the characters talk, how Laney just stares straight ahead after not saying anything. It seems like she could have chosen a completely different movie to be in. Like if the movie was a chose your own adventure, she could have been in a different genre entirely and the movie would have been about her and those girls faking her death to get recognition and make money from her paintings. which would have been sick. but that isn't the movie I’m watching. Which I’m reminded of when fucking Zack comes back on screen.
Also right before the scene where the actual bet is introduced we meet the school’s resident DJ??? which isn’t important at all but is so strange that I feel the need to point it out. Like they don’t just have a guy who does the announcements they have like a disc jockey who is just there all the time??? There are just so many little things in this movie that make it so weird.
So fucking Brock pukashells pulls up and Zach just flips. Which is understandable it is a very gross moment but he just fucking goes off about Taylor and how she’s not that great and he could get with any girl in the school. His friends point out that bitch boy forgot that Taylor Vaughn is “an institution” and basically Zach with tits. She’s very important. This is something I never get about movies like this, has anyone actually been to a high school where someone was that well known. But also not liked? Like sure she’s hot, but she’s also a grade A bitch to everyone. and according to Zach nothing more than a C minus GPA in a Wonderbra. 
Once you get through the misogyny plus ultra scene and they finally make the bet, frosted tips has picked the girl Zach has to turn into the prom queen. Scary inaccessible Laney Boggs. He’s got 6 weeks to make her popular. He starts off his first exchange with her in the best way possible. By calling her brother Spaz (as his name). Again, we’re supposed to like this guy I think. I don’t know when he’s supposed to become a likable character but I can’t imagine it’s during all these scenes where he just legit insults people.
I also love all of the clips we get to see from Brock’s time on The Real World Which make me really question why all the girls fan girl over him given that he’s actually the worst, even on the show. We also get introduced to Zack’s sister who probably should have been a lesbian given how queer coded her character is besides the fact that she desperately wants a boyfriend. She even goes to an all girls school it would have been perfect. But alas, this movie is gay-less.
We are then introduced to another b-plot in this movie, Zack’s indecision about college. This was I guess to make him more human? or something? To sort of flesh him out and give him problems but honestly he doesn't have any problems. Later in the movie Laney points this out to him, he can do whatever he wants. This whole college thing is resolved fairly quickly later in the film too, it’s not very important it’s just the only thing we see about Zack besides being a perfect high schooler throughout the whole movie. Well that and his terrible performance art and being an asshole. 
After we see that Zack has been accepted by every Ivy League school and their mother (I’m not jealous I swear) we take a brief Taylor being a bitch detour before getting back to Zack making an ass of himself. This time he’s bothering Laney at her job which is awesome we love that. Again I don’t know why we like this guy he does like 3 nice things the whole movie. Anyway she gets defensive like she always does and he fumbles around trying to talk like he’s a normal person and not a walking cliché and then there’s this really strange exchange where he tries to asked her for help in art classes and she says “you don’t take art” and he’s like “how do you know?” and she’s like “Why haven't I seen you in any of my classes?” and like, I get what they were going for but what kind of high school is this? how does she have time to take more than one art class? How is she already an art major before she’s in college that’s not how high school works. I only ever had one school where I could take more than two extra curriculars and that was in middle school and it was only because they fucked up and put me in four hours of study hall and so I just went to all of the art classes that were offered. But that’s different. And am I way over analyzing this movie? yes. Does anyone but me care about this shit? probably not, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway.
I also really like Laney’s best friend who’s kind of just there, all the time, he’s such a good wing man. He also made the best excuse to get out of seeing that weird ass art show she’s in. He’s like, oh good I don’t have to see another Mitch show. He’s probably in his underwear in all of them, I wouldn’t want to go either. I think it really says something about the performance art world though, because this is probably the most believable part of the whole movie. If someone told me that his is just an actual performance art piece that they used in this movie I would absolutely believe them. Also one of the weird gremlins in this piece says what is probably my favorite quote ever which is “my soul is an island, my car is a Ford” like what the fuck is that I love that so much.
I really want to know how they came up with this shit, it’s so perfect. It also is another one of these parts in the movie that doesn’t really add anything. A lot of the movie is like this, I feel like 90% of this movie is weird filler scenes and the rest in plot. Like it’s so obvious how it’s going to end that you barely even need to watch most of the movie, and even when you do watch most of the movie it always kind of feels like it only half has something to do with the plot. I’m not even going to talk about the weird hacky Sack scene, I can’t handle how embarrassing and cringey it is I pretty much always skip through it. What a dick move of Laney’s to even put him in that situation. The whole “your eyes are really beautiful” scene is also really strange, both his lines and her reaction don’t really make sense. Through most of this movie when they actually talk to each other I feel like they don’t have any chemistry. It’s the same when he subtly blackmails her into going to the beach with him. He’s awkward and barely says anything that prompts a response and then she just goes full WOKE EMO on him and like, they really do have nothing in common I do not understand their relationship. And then his friends show up and he’s like, “If we’re gonna be friends we’ll have to deal with them eventually” which like, 1: wow get some friends you actually like maybe? And 2: how are you guys friends, you’ve barely ever managed to exchange civil words on screen. Actually maybe that makes sense, this is why he thinks this is okay (besides the whole bet thing) maybe he doesn’t realize he’s supposed to actually like his friends and girlfriend. Because it really seems like he doesn’t like any of them, which I get. Except for Gus (not his name but whatever) because that guy’s actually pretty funny and spends the whole movie calling frosted tips out whenever he sounds too much like Kenny from Can’t Hardly Wait.
The whole beach scene is kinda take it or leave it too, there are a lot of moments where we see Laney hang out with Zack and other people but honestly through the whole movie there really isn’t a whole lot of growth. We don’t actually really see them bond or talk, we’re supposed to believe their relationship is growing but I guess that must be happening off screen because I don’t see it.
One of my favorite parts is when Zack forces the JV soccer team to clean Laney’s house, the kid answering the jeopardy question and her dad just realizing they were there. Oh man, gets me every time. The makeover scene is also pretty cute, I always love those. Also the whole “new, not improved, but different Laney Boggs” thing is adorable and I appreciate it.
The evolving of the characters and their relationships don’t happen gradually, what little is actually shown is pretty much in like 3 parts, the opening, the party scene, and the end. The characters are very flat for most of the movie and they have very little personality, but the party scene is very fun to watch. From “Gracias, papi!” to Laney turning Misty into a clown, and then the Give it to Me dance sequence. And even though the characters haven’t really given me a good reason to care about them my heart still hurts a little for Laney when Taylor ruins her dress. That’s the thing about this movie, I shouldn’t care, I shouldn’t like these characters, but I still do, and I have no idea why.
The Brock dumping Taylor thing was great, the parallel was expected but I actually think it added to the story. In fact most of the things after the party actually feel necessary to the movie which is nice. Even the soccer practice actually leads to something. I don’t know what it is about the 2nd quarter of this movie that feels so empty but whatever it is it’s enough that I saw a noticeable difference when I got to the third act of this movie.
It’s a small part but I also really love the alternative clubs that make signs in favor of Laney for prom queen. They’re just so fucking funny to me. I mean, Hygiene club? Prisoners club??? What?
Then they pull another fast feelings thing on me again. They throw the mom painting scene at me and like, wow that’s sad. Then Zack tries to garner sympathy for the problems that he makes for himself. Then boom they flip on me again they’re cute and I like them. Then she says that weird thing about prom and he just dips man. And like, Why do they gotta do me like that? I cannot seem to decide if I like these characters or not it’s so weird how this dialogue is written.
And then the dream happens? Definitely one of the best scenes in the whole movie. So fucking perfect. It really just adds to the weird slight surrealness of this whole movie.
Then we go back to the school and suddenly everyone is dressing like Laney? In support I guess? Again can I just ask what fucking school they go to? And then there’s the beat boxing scene? Where they rap about who’s gonna be prom queen? I’ve never even met anybody that invested in the outcome of who’s gonna be prom queen except for those running. I don’t even think I know anybody who voted. Even so, I do love the beat box scene, they really spit some bars.
Also I just noticed that in that super fucked cafeteria scene, you can see Buffy make a cameo? Just a fun little trivia fact. But seriously that cafeteria scene is fucked. Like, the pubes on the pizza? I wish no one had thought of that ever. Also can I just say I would undoubtedly rather get my ass kicked than be forced to eat pubes. I don’t know what they were thinking that isn’t even a question.
It’s also really uncomfortable how good frosted tips is at acting like he’s not a douchebag. What a creep. If that were a real guy I’d be tempted to call him a sociopath. So gross. But I suppose it’s good for the story line.
The end of the movie wraps up pretty fast honestly. Zack’s dad and him finally communicate which fixes Zack’s only problem immediately because that’s just how easy it is. He was just projecting the whole time, his dad had literally no problems other than being a typical rich dad. Then of course we get another moment with the school DJ who I guess just gets to play and say what ever he wants whenever he wants. Am I the only one who thinks it’s really inappropriate how sexual that guy’s announcements about prom are? Maybe it’s just me and I had a really different high school experience but I feel like people are way too focused on sex when they make movies about high school. Other shit was going on you know? It’s just odd for me to think about grown adults writing and pitching this movie.
Zack really is such a bitch boy though, he doesn’t even try to explain anything to her, just lets her get hurt and lets Taylor be a bitch to her without saying anything. He doesn’t even try to tell her that frosted tips was just as much a part of it as he was. Honestly I kind of wish that frosted tips wasn’t such an asshole his whole heart to heart with her at the door before prom could have been really cute if I didn’t already know he was a lying scumbag. But I guess Laney just gets the lesser of the douchebags.
We finally get to the prom, inarguably the best part of the whole movie, all the little bits and pieces. The sex doll guy is always funny as hell. The DJ being the school DJ works really well brings a lot of closure to that whole weirdness. Also that dance scene is fucking great, has absolutely nothing to do with the plot, which actually works since about 40% of the things in this movie have nothing to do with the plot of this movie. I absolutely unironically tried to learn this dance, man I fucking wish prom was actually like this. I don’t know about you guys but for me, both of my proms were not nearly this theatrical. I spent my first one playing black jack the whole time and my senior prom was full of people that were way too white to dance. Anyway, Laney doesn’t win and she leaves early. Zack gives a pretty boring speech. Taylor goes off on everyone. Frosted tips tries to get Laney in bed and everyone gets upset.
The whole thing ends with Laney coming home to find Zach waiting for her to make sure she’s okay, which is sweet and all but like I can’t help wondering how long he had just been standing there waiting. Especially since it seemed like her dad was just ignoring him. That’s just a funny image to me. Anyway, they dance in the backyard. They kiss. It’s cute. Zack loses the bet so he accepts his diploma naked which I’m pretty sure is indecent public exposure but sure.
Overall it’s a very cute movie. The clichés are sort of made up for by all the weird 90s movie things. Plus it has a pretty great soundtrack. I know I sort of really went in on this movie but to be honest I really enjoy watching it. I’m not sure why. It’s pretty bad when you think about it any deeper than surface level. But it’s also just really fun and the characters are weird and there’s too many duffel bags to be normal and it’s just funny. It’s really weirdly funny. And it has that same non-conclusion that a lot of teen rom-coms have where they just can’t really give you all that much and just make sure they’re happy even if you know there is no way they can continue a relationship outside of high school. It may sound like it, but I’m not mad at it. If you haven’t already I’d say watch it. Watch it as a relaxing mindless good time activity. At the very least you won’t be bored, but if you get sympathy embarrassment like I do then maybe skip a few parts.
As of right now this movie is not available for free on any streaming sites (yes I own it on DVD don’t @ me)
Final Verdict:
Actual movie review: 6/10
How fun is it to watch?: 8/10
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lordseochangbin · 5 years
Do you think you could write a rich kid!reader x pool cleaner hyunjin smut?? I just thought of the idea and my legs immediately felt like jelly dndkddkdk
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not the only thing that’s wet- hhj
a/n: so this came out longer than expected sksk. also i wanted to add some humor(not even sure if it’s funny) but just know anything said abt the members is fictional lmfaoo. hope you enjoy !
“i swear to god.. i just need some fucking hot ass man to take my virginity! like how hard is it?? im rich, im sexy, im pretty?? now how hard is it to find a guy?!” you ranted out to your friends ruby and lea.
the two girls watched you pace around the room, “y/n, how about we make a list?!” lea suggested.
you turned around in excitement, “a list?! hmm throw out some names”
lea took out her phone, the three of you left to think about some of the finest men at your school.
“bang chan” lea threw out.
“oh my god no! he’s too much, i heard he fucked this girl till she cummed 7 times” ruby said
“7 TIMES?!” you and lea exclaimed. fuck, bang chan. you could only imagine dating him, but maybe not for a first time.
“ok... kim seungmin?” lea threw out.
“you mean small dick?” ruby retorted.
“how do you know that?” you asked ruby, actually curious. you received quite the obvious laugh in response, as if ruby was taken way back to when she was once in love with one of the cutest boys in the academy.
you pushed your custom made louie vuitton purse to the side, making room to sit down and contemplate about any other guy at your school.
“how about han jisung??” lea suggested once more.
ruby covered her mouth in shock, “oh no no no, that guy is too kind to just fuck around. plus i called dibs on him awhile ago”
you and lea kept eye contact, dropping your head in disappointment as another guy was crossed off the list.
“ruby.. who do you think would best suit for me?”
ruby looked up to the roof, her mind elsewhere as it always seemed to be. you loved ruby and lea, growing up with the two girls being honestly the biggest blessing you could ask for. but ruby was of a different character. one day she’d talk about the ingredients in a mcnugget and the next she’d be rambling about how pink is a sexy color for lingerie. lea and you seemed to be the closest however, she was always there for you no matter what and you loved her more than anything.
“i say.. lets go online and find some random stranger to set you up with. boom. we’ll pay him and just hope and pray that he’s some hot 18 y/o” ruby replied, putting her hands together to “pray” to the lord(seo changbin)
“ruby...” lea pushed her a little so she could snap out of her position, “that’s a terrible idea” the three of you bursted into laughter
when the laughing died down, you got up from your seat shrugging your shoulders as your walked out to your clear glass windows. “but guys, i really don’t know. should i just wait? i am ‘daddys rich little angel’ anyways” you replied sarcastically.
lea rolled her eyes, grabbing your ray banz glasses and throwing them on you. “cheer up okay? we’re gonna make this happen i swear”
ruby popped up on your right, grabbing your hand and petting it. “don’t worry, god gave us one life, and we should live it with faith. faith that we will live to see a wet pen-”
“RUBY-” lea interrupted.
“it’s alright guys” you patted both of their shoulders, “it’s not like some attractive guy is just gonna show up out of nowhere”
you smiled at the two girls who did an amazing job of cheering you up before opening the glass doors to the patio of your mansion home. taking a few steps outside, you noticed a white truck pull into the driveway. your dad waiting by the pool as a boy wearing simply a white tee, blue ripped jeans, and sport shoes came out.
“holy shit” lea cursed under her breath
all three of your jaws dropped as the boy walked towards your father, a hand brushing through his luscious black hair as the wind passed by him with perfect timing.
you lowered down your expensive glasses to get a better look of him, “now who may this fine fellow be”
ruby smirked, “i bet his weewee is the size of-”
“ruby, what is up with you and dicks today i swear to god” lea questioned, all attention that was once on the pretty boy now concerned for your friend
“im sorryyy” ruby sarcastically replied, “i just know a good one when i see one” she said, sending a wink your way.
“who is he?” lea asked as you watched your dad point at the pool
“how much you wanna bet he’s some rich guys son who’s complimenting his pool right now?” ruby asked
“none.. look at his hands. cleaning supplies” you replied.
“y/n!! that fine ass man... he’s your pool cleaner” lea called out to your attention.
your dad knocked on the door before welcoming himself in. “hey girls, im off to a meeting. do you need money for lunch?”
“no that’s alright, they were just leaving” you replied
“we were?” ruby replied. you turned around to give ruby the death stare before ruby could continue, “oh yes!! we are QUITE busy mr.y/l/n!”
“i see...” you father responded, “ well y/n if you’re home alone i just want to let you know that there’s a pool cleaner outside working. im off”
your dad closed the door before you could drop the blanket you covered yourself with. “that was close” lea responded from behind you as you threw on a robe to cover up your swimming suit.
“so close.. now should i try this out?”
“go for it, we’re upstairs if you need us” lea said, joining ruby on your bed and turning on the tv. you took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to talk to the boy and eventually finding yourself in front of him speechless.
“hey... were you planning on going in the pool?” he asked, puppy eyes almost shining under the summer sun as he looked at you apologetically, “im cleaning it right now but you can dip your feet at the least” he suggested.
you found yourself awestruck at how handsome he was.. his arms, his jet black hair, his perfect jawline, and the way his white tee stuck to his washboard abs.
“yeah.. sure” you managed to let out in a shaky voice.
the boy continued with his business despite your arrival, making your frustrated due to lack of discussion. minutes seemed to pass quickly and it made you impatient.
“so what do you find attractive in a girl?” you asked, turning to the boy
he rose his eyebrows at the sudden interrogation. “a girl.. hmm. maybe a girl who’s a tease? likes to flirt? sexy?” he laughed as he threw a towel over his shoulder
“hmm..” you hummed to yourself, kicking your feet in the water. “and what’s your name?”
“my name? i think i told your dad already, it’s hyunjin”
from there, your two friends were able to finish two films, curious about your whereabouts but scared to check outside knowing your intentions. but that wasn’t the real reason you two took so long, once the conversation started to speed up you’d learned that hyunjin was a college student trying to make extra cash to pay off his tuition by cleaning pools. he sat down as well, his jeans rolled up so his feet were kicking beside yours.
“so hyunjin... like you said. you like girls that are attractive, sexy, and flirty?” you asked
“why? you think you have all three of those? maybe you hit attractive and sexy at the least” he replied, earning a splash of water to his face.
“stop! your gonna get my hair wet” he replied, laughed at your sudden lash of anger
“im sure your hair isn’t the only thing that’s wet” you replied, placing a hand on his knee. the sudden affection made his plush lips part, a perfect situation for you to jump on his lap. and that’s exactly what you did
“y/n” he moaned as your lips clashed together with his. your legs found themselves wrapped around his, your position slowly making your robe tie loosen and revealing a pretty red swimsuit inside.
“do you find me attractive now?” you whispered into his ear as you tugged onto his hair, exposing the pretty surface of his neck to place kisses on
“so fucking sexy y/n.. please” he muttered as you left marks on his flawless skin
his hands wrapped themselves around your waist before you two could slip into the pool.
“shit- y/n im so sorry” he said as carried you to the seated area of the pool before combing his wet locks with his fingers
“its okay” you gasped in relief, catching your breath as you sat on his lap again.
hyunjin smirked as you slowly removed the robe, making him pull off his shirt to pull you closer
“now look at us babygirl, a pretty wet mess” he said, pushing a piece of stranded hair to the side before places kisses down your neck. he left marks from your jaw to your chest, throwing the swimsuit off as his fingers toyed with each nipple. your hands tugged at his wet jeans as he slowly pulled them off, leaving you both with nothing- just as you had planned.
you wrapped your hands around hyunjins neck, rolling your hips against his member as sinful moans left his lips. soon you felt his member stretch passed your wet folds making you dig your nails into his pure skin
“y/n... we just met today and you’re making me-”
you bit his bottom lip making him whimper. the friction was hard to handle even when you were underwater, the water made it easy for hyunjin to pull in and out of your pussy at rapid pace.
god, was this amazing. especially considering it was your first time and you needed it to be as easy as it could get. you blessed whatever deity up there for making such a handsome man like hyunjin and for making him a pool cleaner out of all things, sex in your pool was so much more hotter (ironically) than it seemed.
and at last, when you were ready to release you let you let go of hyunjins lips. “this feeling...” you whispered, “hyunjin i think im gonna cum” hyunjin grabbed your waists with a tight grip, making you bounce up and down on his member at an unbelievably fast pace.
“let’s cum together baby” he said, pushing you into a deep kiss
and before you knew it you were coming inside him, your first experience not ending just there as he reached his high slowly after
“hyunjin”you panted, grabbing your robe from behind him.
“thank you” you continued, placing a kiss on his forehead.
“you planned this all along huh? to prove you were sexy, i love it” hyunjin replied, grabbing your robe and throwing it somewhere far away.
your ass rested on his cock as he felt your legs wrap tighter around him “if you’re really thankful, then let’s just stay like this?” he asked
“deal” you said, resting your chin on his shoulder as you feel asleep in the lukewarm water.
126 notes · View notes
letsyesnomaybe · 4 years
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Never Gonna Wanna Let Me Go | Part 5
Zayn Malik is one of the highest paid escorts in London. He’s good at his job, he knows this. But it’s not his chosen field, it’s easy money so he can have a chance to pursue his chosen field without becoming homeless. His employer Caroline has many rules to keep him safe but Zayn only has one ‘Don’t Get Attached’. Of course, there was always going to be one, the guy who would come in to the picture and make Zayn’s easy job almost impossible.
Liam Payne. Twenty Six. Made his money by inheriting his father’s music business after he passed away. Quite well known so expect publicity. Wants a pretty face on his arm to cover the events he has to attend while in town on business. Make sure he knows if he wants extra he has to pay. You’ve got your usual expenses on your card, don’t go overboard like last time. I mean it, Malik! Your share for the weekend will go in your account on Monday when you’ve done your job.
Love you babes, stay safe, C x
Part 1, 2 ,3 & 4  (also on ao3)
Liam’s father’s cabin is a literal cabin, which Zayn wasn’t expecting. He also wasn’t expecting it to be in the middle of nowhere, they have to take a plane, helicopter and car to get there. He actually starts to worry a bit as the driver pulls away from them that he’s suddenly trapped in a remote part of Scotland with a guy he’s only known for three days. 
But then Liam announces he wants to fuck on the deck out back and he offers Zayn the biggest goofiest smile imaginable and he thinks if this is how he dies then it’s not that bad of a way to go. 
After they get done being exhibitionist they split to shower in two of the five bathrooms inside the cabin. 
Zayn’s washing both his and Liam’s come off what feels like is every inch of his body and singing ‘Can’t help falling in love with you’ loudly to combat against the water pounding down when Liam enters the bathroom he’s in. 
He doesn’t notice straight away because the glass of the shower is quite steamed up so he doesn’t halt his singing but the moment he opens the shower door to find the other lad leaning on the sink, he instantly clamps his mouth shut. 
“Your voice is beautiful.” Liam compliments with wide curious eyes. 
Zayn offers him a smile as he steps out of the shower and wraps a towel around his waist. 
“You shouldn’t let a voice like that go to waste, Zayn.” Liam tells him. 
“I don’t sing in front of other people,” Zayn informs him and steps closer so he can cup Liam’s cheek, gently stroking his thumb across the younger lad’s freshly shaved cheek. “You’re one of the very lucky few.” 
“I know but you could,” Liam argues and he looks suddenly very serious. “I could set it up for you.” 
“I don’t want another contract from you, Liam.” Zayn snaps and drops his hand, it’s harsh but he hopes it gets his point across. 
Liam doesn’t look hurt like he expects and Zayn realises it’s because he’s not even listening when Zayn speaks, he’s suddenly got his business hat on. 
“This could change your life.” Liam decides. 
Zayn decides he’s obviously not going to get anywhere with whatever train of thought Liam is on so instead he decides to leave the bathroom, thinking if he walks away from the conversation then Liam might finally realise he doesn’t want to take part in it. 
“You won’t take money from me because you said you pay your own way in this life,“ Liam continues as he follows him out, obviously not getting the hint. “This could be an honest way to make your money.” 
Zayn feels like that’s a punch to the gut, even if it wasn’t supposed to be and he only has to spin around to look at Liam, for him to quickly retract the words and have guilt consume his face instead. 
"I’m sorry,” Liam says quickly. “I didn’t mean it like that, I swear, Z, it wasn’t supposed to come out that way.” 
Zayn gets a little smile on his lips from the nickname he wasn’t expecting and the moment he does, one appears on Liam’s lips too. 
“It could change your life, Z.” Liam states again, picked up on the fact the nickname was what made Zayn smile. 
“It doesn’t always change it for the better.” Zayn argues. 
Liam looks curious. 
“Harry’s mate was a busker in London, got picked up by some big record company.” Zayn explains. “It changed his life but in my opinion, it wasn’t for the better.” 
Liam looks curious. “What’s his name?” 
"What?” Zayn asks confused. 
“The busker,” Liam pushes. “What’s his name?” 
“Ed.” Zayn replies but doesn’t expand because he knows that’s all Liam will need. 
“As in Ed Sheeran?!” Liam expresses. 
Zayn nods his head. "It didn’t change Ed, he’ll pop in to Harry’s bakery for a chat now and then and he’s still the best person to have a quiet pint with. But god forbid if you wanted to go for more than one, he isn’t left alone, his face is so well known now that even walking down the street is a task. 
“Surely, people look at you when you walk down the street anyway?” Liam scoffs. 
“Maybe,” Zayn agrees because he’s not oblivious to how he looks, he knows it’s why he’s so good at what he does. “But having people glance at you as you pass them on the street is very different to attention artists like Ed get when they go out in public.” 
“There’s way to combat though,” Liam tries. “It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be.” 
“I’m not a performer, Liam.” Zayn says finally. “I don’t want to be one either so will you drop it, please?” 
“You don’t think what you do is a performance?” Liam asks. “You don’t put on a show with every bloke Caroline sets you up with?” 
Zayn steps closer so he can reach out to slip his hands over Liam’s hips and offers him a sweet smile. 
“Not every bloke.” He points out. 
“This isn’t a show?” Liam checks. 
Zayn drops his hands and takes a physical step back. “You think that it is?” 
“No, no.” Liam says quickly and drags his fingers through his hair, it gives Zayn a perfect view of his bicep and the nail marks Zayn had dug in to not an hour ago. “Fuck, I’m really putting my foot in it today, aren’t I?” 
“Liam?” Zayn asks. 
Liam drops his hand and looks at him expectantly. 
“I wanted you to stop talking.” Zayn decides. 
Liam face goes through many emotions before it finally settles on humour. “You dick! I thought you were really pissed at me!” 
“I will be if you don’t come over here and fuck me again.” Zayn decides with a loose grin. 
Liam doesn’t need anymore instruction as he stalks across the room and kisses Zayn with so much passion, it makes him wish he’d never have to stop. 
They manage three peaceful days at the cabin before it all turns to shit. 
Zayn truly believes they didn’t have to fly all the way to Scotland to spend three days fucking each other raw, watching every marvel movie known to man and eating so much shitty food that Zayn’s sure Liam’s perfect body is slowly turning in to a dad bod. 
They’ve moved on to a Harry Potter marathon because they’d had an argument over which house they should both to belong to while showering together that morning. 
They’ve got ‘Goblet Of Fire’ ready and set to go when Liam’s phone buzzes with a name unfamiliar to Zayn. 
Liam picks up and frowns. “I’ll be right back.” 
“I’ll make more popcorn.” Zayn decides. 
Liam leans over and steals a quick kiss and when he pulls back, he smiles so hard his eyes disappear which he had started doing on their second day there and it hadn’t taken long for Zayn decide it was his favourite Liam smile. 
“I won’t be long.” Liam promises 
“I’ll be here waiting for you, Liam.” Zayn says with his own cheeky grin that he thinks Liam loves himself because he usually gets his favourite Liam smile in return to it. 
Liam grasps him by the chin this time and Zayn’s worried he’s done something wrong before Liam presses a more demanding kiss to his lips. 
“Your phone.” Zayn mumbles against 
“I’ll ring them back.” Liam decides and throws the phone aside so he can continue with what he’d started. 
They don’t let it go too far, only far enough that when they both pull apart, they have to adjust themselves before heading off to do their separate tasks. 
Though Zayn only manages a few minutes in the kitchen before he remembers he has no idea how to work the microwave so goes on the search for Liam to demand he be shown how to do it again. It’s not his fault, each time Liam has shown him how do it, he’d got distracted by how adorable he is while being instructive. 
He only makes it to the sliding door that leads out to the balcony Liam had taken his call on, when the other lad’s voice stops him. 
“--to myself,” Liam says to whoever is on the phone. “I wanted to relax, that’s all. I’ll be going to LA in a few days, I need to or Simmons will use it as his chance to turn the board completely against him.” 
The person on the other end must not be happy with that response because he sighs. 
“I wanted to show him I’m not a fucking coward,” He argues. “I won’t hide who I am just because he doesn’t approve.” 
Zayn feels a little proud that the boy he’s sure he’s slowly falling in love with is so sure of who he is and is happy to make sure other people know that too. 
“No, he was just someone I paid to attend with me.” Liam continues. “I know, yeah, he was worth the money for sure.” 
Zayn feels suddenly sick because those words hurt. Of course, he’s been called worse and to his face. But for some reason hearing Liam say it made him feel far dirtier and far more 
“I’m no hiding anything,” Liam argues. “I’m here alone, I told you, I needed a break but I’ll fly out in a few days.” 
Zayn doesn’t wait for the conversation to continue and for have himself hurt by more words. 
Instead, he drops the bowl of popcorn kernels on to the table by the door, making sure it makes a loud of noise to catch Liam’s attention. 
Though he doesn’t wait for Liam to come back inside, instead he rushes through the house to what they had claimed as ‘their’ bedroom to pack his bags to get away from what’s causing him pain as soon as possible. 
Liam’s worried call of his name follows him upstairs and Zayn waits in the centre of the bedroom for him to enter. 
“What am I?” He asks, the moment the other lad walks through the door. 
“I didn’t mean it like you heard it.” Liam tries. 
“What am I?” Zayn demands again. “Because you’re not paying me anymore but you made damn sure whoever was on that call knew you were alone so what the fuck am I, Liam? Why the fuck did you bring me here?” 
Liam looks lost on how he’s supposed to reply, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“What am I?!” Zayn ask a little louder but he doesn’t give Liam a chance to answer.
‘You’re a warm body to fuck,’ Louis’ voice echoes in his memory. ‘That’s all you ever were to me, babe’. 
Zayn starts walking around room, collecting things that are his to shove back in his suitcase so he can leave.
“Stop.” Liam pleads, reaching for his arm after he’s dumped a load of clothes in to the suitcase.
Zayn does stop but his chest is heaving as he stands now toe to toe with Liam. “I can’t do this again.”
“What do you mean again?” Liam worries.
Zayn moves away from him to collect his shoes from the bottom of the wardrobe.
“Zayn, stop.” Liam pleads. 
Zayn feels frantic and he must look it because the moment he stops in the middle of the room, he can feel how fast his heart is racing 
“Can we talk about this, please?” Liam requests. “More rationally than we currently are.”
‘We can talk about it,’ Louis says. ‘If you want to, if it will help.’ 
“Fuck off.” Zee screams at the memories. 
Liam’s eyes go wide and he takes a slight step back from Zayn. 
“I want to go.” Zayn decides. 
“Zayn,” Liam pleads. 
“I want to go, Liam.” Zayn states more demanding. 
Liam lets out a haggard breath and he’s almost pulling his hair out now. “Can’t you stay and talk to me for a little bit longer?” 
“I’ll let Caroline know you ned to be charged for four extra days and three nights.” Zayn replies because he wants Liam to hurt as much as him. 
“Z, please.” He says this time. 
Zayn snaps his eyes in Liam’s direction and he’s now even more furious because how dare he try to use what’s supposed to be an attentive nickname to make Zayn submit. 
“Book me a fucking car, Liam.” He barks. 
Liam nods obediently and walks back out of the bedroom. 
Zayn turns back around and zips up his suitcase before dragging it off the bed. He’d managed to pull on a hoodie over his bare torso and slipped on the trainers Liam had bought him at the airport on the way over, before the younger boy returns to the room. 
“Your cars on it’s way,” Liam says and he’s got his wallet in his hand. “Five hundred a night, right? Three hundred for the days? That’s almost three grand.” 
“Two thousand seven hundred.” Zayn tells him quietly because his plan had backfired and now his chest is physically aching with how much it hurts to return to being treated like a prostitute when he’s spent almost four days feeling like a boyfriend. 
“I’ve only got one grand on me,” Liam explains, as he holds out the cash. “I’ll send the rest to Caroline.” 
Zayn looks from the cash and up to meet Liam’s eyes but the soft boy he’d had for the past four days has somehow disappeared (like he’d been some dream Zayn had made up) and the arsehole he’d met almost a week ago now had returned. 
“You need the money, Zayn.” Liam tells him as he shakes the hand that’s holding it, to intrigue Zayn to take it. “Take it.” 
Zayn puffs his chest out, determined to hold his own, at least until he’s safely in the back of the car and on his way back to London where he will soon be reunited with the one in his man in his life he’s sure loves him for nothing more than simply existing. 
“Take it.” Liam says more demanding. 
“Fuck you.” Zayn spits at him. 
Liam at least looks taken back by Zayn’s outburst and Zayn uses that shock to his advantage as he picks up his suitcase and makes sure to barge his shoulders in to Liam's as he storms past him to get out of the room. 
Liam doesn’t follow him and Zayn is slightly glad that he doesn’t because he doesn’t last until he’s in the safety of the car. Instead the moment he’s outside the cabin, the door slamming closed behind him, he’s crying so hard it feels like he’s never going to be able to breathe again. 
The car turns up ten minutes later and he’d managed to calm himself down enough that he can coherently tell the driver where he wants to go. 
One he’s back in London Zayn heads straight to the pub that Caroline and her husband own (and she runs her side business out of) to get the inevitable bollocking over with. 
“Alright, man.” John greets as he enters. “She’s out back, cursing your name I reckon.” 
Zayn nods thankfully and offers John a sultry smile as he passes to get to where Caroline’s office is at the back of the pub. 
“Not a chance,” John shouts after him. “She’d have my balls if I went anywhere near your right now.” 
Zayn laughs and blows the older man a kiss before heading to the back room where Caroline conducts her business. 
Caroline doesn’t look with her usual bright smile when he enters and that’s all he needs to know she’s well and truly pissed. 
“I have six main rules, Zayn.” Caroline starts gently. “What are they?”
Zayn sighs. “I know.”
“What are they?!” She demands, finally looking up and she looks more upset than angry.
“Text you if plans change, never go out of the country, don’t go near Styles, don’t smoke, always use protection and don’t let feelings get in the way of business.” Zayn lists off.
“And how many of those rules did you break with Liam?” Caroline asks.
“All of them.” Zayn mumbles.
“How many?” She insists.
“All of them.” He says louder. “But technically Scotland is still in the same country or same nation, at least.”
“City,” Caroline corrects. “You’re not supposed to leave the city unless I’ve given the okay.”
“Sorry.” Zayn says simply.
Caroline sighs and sinks back in to her desk chair. “Do you think I do these things because I don’t care?”
“I know you care, Lin.” Zayn tells her.
“Then why would you put yourself in situations that could get you hurt?” Caroline cries. 
“You know why,” He says and shakes his head. “Do you really think I wouldn’t find out he got our number through Louis?”
“So?” Caroline replies. “I thought we were over the Louis drama?”
Zayn sighs. “We are.”
“Is Liam our new Louis?” Caroline wonders.
“He’s not anything,” Zayn assures her. “I think,”
Caroline raises her eyebrows when he pauses.
“Yeah.” He says to himself as he makes the final decision. “I quit.”
Caroline nods like that’s what she was expecting.
“You’re not going to try and talk me out of it?” Zayn asks.
Caroline shakes her head and gets up from her chair. “It’s been a long time coming, right?”
Zayn nods. “Think I needed the push, you know.”
“Yeah,” Caroline agrees and walks around the desk. “You’ve always been too good for this line of work, babe. It’s about time you got out there to show the world what you’ve really got to offer.”
“Didn’t have you down for soppy goodbyes.” Zayn teases.
“It’s not goodbye,” Caroline scolds. “Livy’s birthday is next week and Styles promised he’d make cupcakes.”
“He’s gonna burn down our kitchen again.” Zayn complains.
Caroline smiles and gestures for him to get up so she can pull him in to a hug. 
“You let me know if you need anything, okay?” She requests. “Money or somewhere to hold one those like art gallery things.”
“Sure,” Zayn agrees. “Thanks, Lin. For everything.”
“It’s always been you, babe.” Lin argues. “You’ve been the brains and beauty.”
Zayn squeezes her when he hears her sniffle.
“Right, I’ll see you next week for Livy’s birthday.” She says as she lets him go and ushers him out. “Tell Styles if those cupcakes are burnt he better not show his face.”
“I’ll make sure to.” Zayn promises and walks towards the door.
Zayn turns around with his hand holding open the door.
“You deserve the world,” Caroline tells him. “Don’t ever let some dickhead have you believe you don’t. If he’s not willing to give you it then he’s not worth your time.”
“You should write hallmark cards.” Zayn teases.
“Bugger off already.” Caroline retorts but she’s smiling.
Zayn blows her a kiss and finally leaves, walking away from the only reason he’d managed keep food on the table and clothes on his back, for the past seven years. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers II (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: Loving this thing already, seriously hoping to keep the constant of posting two chapters every week lmao
Words: 2,766
Warnings: Swearing ig
Previous Chapter // Next chapter
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Of course. Of course, it was this guy.
Eli fucking Cardashyan, or as I liked to call him, the goblin under the bridge that always copied my answers on every test since we were thirteen. Just like Josh, Angelica and Wesley, I knew Eli from a while back. He wasn’t exactly popular but everyone knew him as the school’s “wanna-be”, I thought he would be dead by now, I’m glad to see I was wrong.
But I can’t believe he’s got the mall for himself. Even worse, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. The mall was neutral territory, everyone could go and hang out with their friends, so the most logical thing is to say everyone had the same right over it. And is Eli Cardashyan the one who gets to have it all for himself? I call bullshit. This kind of situation is what leads me to believe that there is really no god.
“This is who we’ve been scared of?” Angelica complains, “A light breeze could kick his ass!”
“I thought it was gonna be Hoyles,” Wesley adds in a mix of disbelief and disappointment, “this is... Who is this again?”
“It’s Eli,” sighs Josh, he walks towards the bike and examines it, then lets out a childish laugh, “it’s fine, He’s a knock-off Baron Triumph”
And yes, obviously he was. Eli could be an idiot sometimes but he wasn’t a murderer. He went off on his (honestly weird as hell) speech until Josh cut him off.
“Who else is with you? Where is Sam Dean?” Eli scoffs.
“Do I look like her publicist?”
“Sam’s not here?” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just me and my girlf, Mavis” He answers with a smirk.
Josh and I share a look, I shrug and mouth a ‘sorry’, Josh shakes his head, telling me not to worry about it.
“You have the entire mall? You?” asks Angelica.
“Right?! How did that even happen?” I ask in frustration. Wesley mumbles a ‘chill, girl’ that I decide to ignore.
Eli went on and on, and to be honest I think I only understood like fifty percent of what he was saying, part because I wasn’t listening, and part ‘cause the boy has a wild vocabulary. Josh and I looked at each other in annoyance and I knew he was feeling as done as me with the conversation. When I was starting to think this day couldn’t get any crazier, the real Baron Triumph made his entrance.
We all hurl up at the doors and Eli pulls out a set of keys from his pocket, desperately trying to open them.
“Faster, he’s almost here!” says Josh.
“Get your own mall, this one’s mine” Eli grumbles.
“Are you twelve?” I reply, “We’re on the same side here!”
“We’re finna get eaten out here...”
“Not helping, Wesley.” 
“Got it!” Says Eli. The other boys pull him aside and practically rip the chains from the handles, “Hey!”
Josh pushes me inside hurriedly before entering himself. The others soon following after. I hear the door slamming shut and I look over my shoulder to see Eli running behind us; we’re all safe.
We reach one of the halls and Josh stops in awe, it takes me an extra second to stop completely cause I’m still wearing my skates, but when I do I’m just as amazed as him. Behind me, I hear Angelica talk.
“There’s power and air conditioning...”
“Everything is so... clean”
“Still smells like cinnabon”
“Am I still alive?” I look over at Josh, “You sure I didn’t die when you hit me this afternoon?”
“I didn’t hit you that hard,” He replies, still looking around like it was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.
“Solar panels on the roof!” Eli sings, “This is an island of paradise in an ocean of poop.”
“What a fancy allegory,” I snicker.
I’ll allow myself to remember, I don’t do it as often as I’d like...
-Flashback time-
What? You thought I wasn’t going to do this? C’mon, I’m a lonely child. All I have are my memories of the good ol’ times, so you’ll be forced to relive them with me. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. (I do, but I don’t wanna brag about it).
“We should go to my place, there’s nothing to do here...”
“Maya, for the last time,” I look at the girl standing next to me, “we told Alex we would meet here.”
“I know,” She whines, “but Hoyles is here and that guy gives me the creeps. I heard he tried to have sex with Ashley Miller while she was completely wasted”
“Sounds like Hoyles,” I nod in agreement, “but we can’t scatter everytime we run into them. We’re not little kids anymore, he can’t hurt us”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” She points to the opposite corner, Hoyles and his gang are terrorizing a freshman and the people around does nothing but move away.
“Can you belive that?” I start to walk towards them but Maya grabs my arm tightly, “What?”
“Don’t be stupid,” She rolls her eyes, “don’t even try to stop them, seriously, they won’t stop and you’ll get harassed.”
“It’s a freshman!” I insist, “Hoyles is like three times his size! You can’t expect me to do nothing”
“Listen,” my friend raises an eyebrow, “Y/N, those guys are crazy, please...”
I look back at the boys and realize they’re no longer there, I turn to her in defeat.
“I just really hate bullies, okay?”
“Let’s face it, we don’t have the ability to stop them all.”
“To stop what?” 
I quickly turn around and see the person I’ve been waiting for: Alex, my best friend since childhood. My mood switches instantly and I shrugg it off, already starting to forget.
“Just the usual dumbassery,” I reply with a chuckle.
“Hey loser,” Maya adds, “you’re late.”
“Yeah, I know” Alex nods awkwardly, “lost track of time again, sorry.”
“What was it this time?” I ask, “youtube or the comic?”
“Youtube,” He smirks, “vine is honestly a national treasure.”
“Sure,” I snort, “too bad is dead now.”
“Those who are great live the shortest lives,” He replies with his ‘wise old man’ voice.
“So,” Maya hops between us and puts her arms around our shoulders, “you want to look around?”
“I wanna go see the skates,” Alex adds, basically vibrating, “they have a new model and I wanna try them on.”
“The skates place, then,” My friend nods and pulls us with her.
A loud bang brings me back to the present and I remember why were we hiding here in the first place.
“This way, quick!” Eli tells us before he starts running. I move fast since I’m the only one with wheels on her feet. And soon most of them are behind me. Eli presses a button on the keychain he has, and the metal curtain lifts up enough for us to get in. “Go under, we’ll be safe in here...”
As soon as Josh, Angelica and I get in, the curtain comes back down.
“What the hell?” asks Josh.
“I’m not sharing my kingdom with you, sheep. No one busts into Eli’s mall. And don’t even try to escape.”
“We weren’t trying to escape, you brainless leprechaun!” This is unbelievable, I swear, I just want out of this day, “We’re running away from the monster that's on your side! You won’t make it on your own against Triumph, he’ll find a way to get in and eat you”
“Every door is locked or booby-trapped.” A laugh distracts us from the discussion and I see Wesley next to Eli... on the other side.
“Booby,” He chuckles. He’s been smoking, so you can’t expect him to behave.
Eli groans. Josh steps closer and smirks.
“Wesley Fists lead the state in sacks last season. Take him out, Samurai.”
“To fight someone so obviously inferior would be dishonorable.” He raises a brow. Eli shows us both of his middle fingers.
“Great,” I throw my backpack on the floor and walk away from the curtain, “this is only getting better and better...” 
“One punch, Wesley, come on,” Josh insists, “one punch.”
I let out a sharp breath and sit on the bench a few feet away from them to take off my skates. As useful as they are, I’m starting to feel sore and they’re not the most comfortable thing to wear after a few hours of running. While I’m doing so, another memory comes to mind and I’m unable to stop it.
Where was I? Oh, right...
“I think these are more you’re style,” I grab the bright, lime-green pair from the right shelf and hand them to Alex, he laughs and examines them for a moment like he’s actually considering the idea.
“I mean, they wouldn’t match any of my outfits but they’d totally be catching everyone’s eye.”
“Isn’t that the point, though?”
“Obviously,” He shakes his head pretending to be offended by the question, “though I think I’ll have to pass this time. I already made my choice.”
He shows me a pair of white-colored ones.
“Dude, are you serious?” I grab the skates and raise them to his eye level, “These are the most boring pair of skates ever”
“Now they are,” Alex moves my hand slightly so he can see my face, “but I bet that you can turn them into a masterpiece”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Please, Y/N don’t play dumb, you know I love your drawings”
I blush at his reply. Sure, I like drawing but I’m no Van Gogh at it. The best thing I ever drew was probably a worm.
“You’re telling me you’d spend your money on the newest model of skates just to ruin them with your best friend’s nonexistent skills?”
“To me, their value would go up by a thousand if they had your drawings in them.”
“Jesus, get a room!” Maya exclaims beside us, she’s sitting on a small chair, trying random pairs of skates out of pure boredom.
“Shut up!” We both respond quickly. 
He looks at me and I’m pretty sure he’s blushin but I can’t really look at his face cause I’m too embarrassed to do so.
Oh, right. I forgot to mention that I had a crush on my best friend, didn’t I? No, I wasn’t avoiding this topic. I thought it wasn’t important anymore. And it isn’t! I promise it isn’t. Alex is gone, and with him so are my feelings.
Yes, you can laugh all you want cause I was one of those basic idiots who fell in love with their best friend just cause he treats me like any decent human being should. Can you blame me, though? Compared to Hoyles and his team of dickheads, Alex was a fucking teddy bear. 
And the worst part? I’m pretty sure he liked me back. 
We never made a move.
A loud scream makes me drop my broken skates and I run back to were Angelica and Josh are.
“What the fuck...” I whisper, clinging to the curtain.
“What the fuck is here with us?” Angelica is the first to ask what Josh and I were wondering as well.
“Ooh, a ghoulie witch,” Eli steps closer, lowering his voice, “once upon a time, she was a normal girl who liked hanging out at the mall. But now she’s got mad powers, and she will fuck your shit up. She is unkillable and she is hangry.”
“There is no such thing as witches.”
“Well, a few months ago there weren’t mutant squirrels or ghoulies either.” Adds Angelica.
“That’s right. And when the witch eats your intestines like spaghetti, you’ll think: I never should’ve dissed king Eli...” He walks backwards and leaves us here with fuck knows what.
“I swear every time he opens his mouth I feel like I’m having a stroke,” Now that I don’t have my skates on, I realize Josh’s taller than me. I barely reach the tip of his nose.
“Don’t worry, I’ll convince him to let you out.” Wesley says, “I’mma go full Gandhi on his ass. Hunger strike.”
“Easy there, we don’t want to traumatize him for life” I reply dryly.
Angelica and Josh step back from the curtain and I follow them. We sit on the bench and I look at my skates, cursing under my breath. Josh notices and gently nudges my side with his arm.
“Sorry about that. We can find a new pair somewhere around here if you want.”
“I hope so,” I kick them and they slide miserably on the floor, the wheels almost fully worn out, “I really liked them.”
“You used to skate a lot? Before the nuke,” He asks in curiosity.
“Not at all. I didn’t even know how to use them,” I laugh lightly, “my best friend used to, though. He promised he would teach me one day but... things didn’t go as planned.”
“Is he..?” He leaves the question open but I understand perfectly what he’s trying to say.
“Fuck, no,” I feel a shiver going down my spine just by thinking about it, “we wanted different things, that’s all. He had a plan and I had another. Alex wanted to leave town and travel around the country now that we’re free to do whatever we please. I just wanted to find my sister.”
“And where is she?”
“She turned into a ghoulie, so I... I took care of it.”
“Shit,” He whispers, passing a hand through his hair and looking a little pale, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Again, I’m not gonna talk about this stuff with someone I just met.
“Did I ever meet your friend?” Maybe Josh can tell I don’t want to keep going with the hard topics, and I appreciate his effort to respect that.
“Dunno,” I shrug, softly massaging my feet, “He’s Alex Murphy. Bit taller than me, cool guy...”
“Oh, him,” He nods, then adds, “I have no clue of who that is.”
I laugh louder this time, giving him a gentle push.
“Dumbass,” I shake my head, “anyway, after Alex and I went our separate ways I decided to learn on my own and I think I did pretty well, they’re quieter than cars and definitely easier to control than skateboards.”
“Oh, so you’re still not over that?” He raises a brow, a smirk growing on his face.
“Well, I’m not the one running over innocent people on the street.”
“It was an accident! I wasn’t watching where I was going. I was too busy trying not to get killed by the jocks”
“You sure? Cause so far all I’ve seen you do is nothing but the opposite. If I may give my humble opinion, it's not something very smart considering you’re alone.”
“I was doing well until today,” He sighs.
“I believe you, Wheeler,” I eye him up, “you're not like I'd pictured.”
“Really?” He smiles, “What did you imagine?”
“Kinda like those boys who pretend to be all grown up,” I reply, scrunching up my nose, “the ones that can’t be caught having fun or they’d lose their cool, like some sort of bitter old man in the body of a seventeen-year-old boy...”
“Okay, okay! I get it,” Josh laughs, raising his hands in defeat, “jeez, thanks for the compliments”
“I am complimenting you!” I exclaim, “I’m saying I was wrong and you’re not what I thought you were”
“You did think I was, though”
“Well, at least I had an opinion on you,” I scoff, “I’m sure you didn’t even think of that after we did our school project, I probably just stopped existing in your world or something...”
“Of course not,” It was his time to act offended, “every time I saw you on the hall after our project I made sure to wave at you, remember?”
“How kind of you”
“What can I say? I’m a real-life gentleman.”
I laugh again and pull my shoes out of my bag to put them on.
“Is that the reason why Sam Dean fell head over heels for you?”
The effect was immediate. Josh’s shoulders tense and his smile disappears, he clears his throat and looks anywhere but me.
“Uhm, I don’t really know if she...”
“It’s alright,” I add promptly, “sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad”
“I’m not sad,” He shakes his head, “it’s just that I keep thinking... maybe things could’ve been different if I had said something sooner, you know?”
Trust me, Josh. I know.
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kuningannasansa · 5 years
A musketeers rewatch (that nobody asked for) 1x07
Here we go, my least favorite episode of the whole show excluding season three which I didn’t watch! If you have even a passing fondness for Ninon, I suggest you look away :)
We start with a royal procession through the crowd and there are quite a lot of waving people there. If they can fill the streets with extras for scenes like that, why can those same extras not be used for the court scenes?
Priest whose name I have forgotten is being robbed. The musketeers rush in to help. 
Meanwhile, a crazy girl tries to get close to the queen and ends up being ran over by her carriage. If this is meant to be some Emily Davison analogy, it sucks!
The dead lunatic’s name is Therese and she wanted to give the Queen a note. Constance takes it and says “Fleur, what does this mean?” Am I supposed to take from that that she cannot read for herself? Cause a merchant’s wife definitely, definitely would know how to do that. 
Fleur is nowhere to be seen, however.
“This is an age of glorious discovery!” says Ninon. “Galileo observes the moons of Jupiter... But what is the role of women in this age of wonder?” - well, gee, i don’t know Ninon. Maybe you could have mentioned some female scientists of the era in addition to Galileo? Catherine de Parthenay, anyone? Or Marie Fouquet? Hell, Ninon de l'Enclos, my atheist queen, for whom this Ninon is doubtless named, was a notable woman in her own right! But no, we have to make women look more oppressed than they actually were to make this waste of space look more awesome. 
“My women of Paris, seek your own enlightenment!” - wrong era!
Therese, an orphan from a humble background, wanted to hand a petition to the queen about women’s education.  
“If she was an illiterate orphan she could not have written this. It is misguided but not unintelligent.” - says Richelieu. And indeed he turns out to be right. She didn’t write it. Which is fucking bizarre. 
Anne asks him if he doesn’t favor women’s education and he replies: “I admire learning wherever it is to be found, but this amounts to an attack on the authority of church and state.” Any French history buff know what the actual Richelieu’s thought of women’s education? @tatzelwyrm​? I’m gonna start a biography on him soon, but not until I’m done with this rewatch.
Ninon barges in past the guards and yells “stay out of my way, I will address the King!”. I’m sure this is meant to make her look badass, but she just comes across like a complete idiot who doesn’t understand that she would do better to follow court protocol, no matter how much she might dislike it, if she wants to achieve her goals.    
Luckily for her she’s pretty, so the king doesn’t mind.
“I want to know why this tragedy happened. If your guards are to blame I want them punished.” And then she gives Treville a dirty look! How dare you, you waste of skin and oxygen! Don’t you dare blame Treville for this mess! 
“You knew this lunatic?” - lmao, Richelieu!
Therese was the daughter of Ninon’s servant whom Ninon decided to educate. So she was educated, she COULD have written the petition herself. But she did not. Because when Richelieu says “she wrote this and was killed trying to give it to the Queen” Ninon screeches: “Don’t be ridiculous! She didn’t write it, I did!” And I mean, who exactly is looking down on servant girls here and saying it’s ridiculous to expect them to write something intelligent. It’s not Richelieu. 
But more importantly, WHY?? If Ninon wrote it, why couldn’t she hand it to the Queen? Why did this poor girl have to die? This is so, so stupid! I mean, okay, maybe Therese heard Ninon speak well of the queen and got the idea to hand her the petition on her own, without being told by Ninon to do so. But why did she have it in the first place, if it’s Ninon’s petition?
“Apparently the Comtesse de Laroque believes herself above the normal laws and conventions of society.” ´- well that’s an understatement.  
“The treasury is bankrupt and the country needs a new navy. Ninon has the wealth to provide it.” And that is why Richelieu sends Milady into the salon to find something to use against her. These two are so good in this, I love their scenes together! Pity about the rest of the episode. 
Richelieu is now freaking out about lesbians and Milady is just like “really, dude? really?”. I love her!
“Ninon must pay up or face destruction, I want every last penny from her!” - so it was not his intention to kill her, just to get the money. Interesting.
Fleur’s father is Bonacieux’s cousin. I love that, the commoners having family connections and support circles of their own.
The robbed priest is called Luca! Richelieu is “delighted to see him”, apparently, cause they’re old friends. And Louis isn’t, because he wrote a pamphlet arguing that Kings should bow down to the Pope’s authority. 
“We can’t have a comtesse abducting young women and spiriting them away to her boudoir!” - Oh, Richelieu! Do calm down.
It’s odd watching Richelieu try to use homosexuality to take Ninon down while shipping Trevilieu thou. 
Athos barges into Ninon’s salon, demanding to know where Fleur is and Milady very discreetly hides behind a pillar. Lol! 
And Ninon starts hitting on Athos immediately. She tells him that she’s often thought he’s handsome but the “melancholy aspect” to his looks is “probably only mental vacancy”. Who taught you how to flirt? Why must you be so abrasive and confrontational all the time? Like really, I get she’s meant to be a Strong Woman Who Don’t Take No Shit TM, but she just comes across like a loudmouth. 
Athos likes it thou!
“Forgive our intrusion-” “I will not forgive it!” - Jesus Ninon, it’s just a figure of speech, a polite gesture. People use these in conversation sometimes. She’s so unnecessarily rude smh.
Aramis says he “gladly acknowledges the superiority of the female sex” and I throw up in my mouth a little. That’s not feminism, that’s slimy!
D’artagnan: “If that wasn’t flirting, I don’t know what is.”  Porthos: “Rubbish! She can’t stand him.”  Aramis: “One day I’ll sit down and explain women to you.” - cause we’re all the same and no means yes, right writers?
Luca: “His holiness is concerned about the direction of French foreign policy.” Richelieu: “Well the pope is Spain’s performing monkey.” - he really is so funny! I know I keep saying that, but he is!
Also, YAY politics! Intelligent dialogue! I love this scene so much!
“In matters of religion I defer to Rome, in all else I am my country’s servant” - lol, Richelieu inventing the separation of church and state
Luca: “Is this your final word on the subject?” Richelieu: “It is.” - and that right there is where Luca decides to kill him. The actor plays it really well, knowing it’s coming I can see the briefest moment of regret in his eyes, but without hindsight I wouldn’t notice anything. And he gives Richelieu the poisoned gift. 
Also, isn't it the same guy who plays Margaret’s new man in Harlots? 
Athos says that Therese and Fleur were so far below Ninon in status that they were not in a position to make choices of their own free will. Which is fuckign stupid. But Ninon saying that she views all women as equal regardless of their birth is equally moronic. I mean, sure, they should be, but in reality they’re not and ignoring that doesn’t help anyone. And Athos does point out that Ninon’s money and position gives her certain privileges, but it sits wrong coming from him and not from Porthos or Milady or Constance, who are from poor/less wealthy backgrounds. That said, this is still one of the few semi intelligent scenes in this whole episode, so whatever. At least someone said it. 
Now she kisses him and invites him to dine! And he just looks sad.
Luca tells Richelieu to “deal with” Ninon “firmly”, cause the Pope is dying and Richelieu could be the next Pope if he shows himself a strong defender of the church against “heresy”. What heresy thou? Women learning to read? Lol, that’s so cartoonishly evil and ahistorical, but whatever. This at least explains where Richelieu’s desire to have her burned came from.
Richelieu: “I wouldn’t go so far as to call her a heretic.” Luca: “A woman who openly defies God's laws, what other word is there?” - what laws thou? what has she done, other than hold some salon meetings, as every other noblewoman was doing at the time?
Richelieu promises to consider his options and Luca tells him to pray to the poisoned bone for guidance, lol.
This right here is Richelieu letting personal feelings cloud his judgement, thou! Which he said he has learned no to do. But he allows himself to be carried away with visions of becoming Pope and honestly I don’t see how he can possibly believe that could happen with his foreign policy and how hated he is by the Vatican, as stated in this very scene.  
Milady and Ninon! I love that scene! Ninon clearly thinks she’s super special because she “takes the initiative” by kissing men instead of waiting to be kissed. She’s so damn smug about it! And Milady is just like “oh I could never be so bold” and I swear I can hear her laughing internally! 
And she very cleverly charms Fleur’s location out of Ninon!
Athos’s idea of a first date is the morgue. Charming.
Athos saying that Ninon is responsible for what happened to Therese because she gave a lowborn girl an education doesn’t sit well with me. Classist ass! But she is responsible for not thinking of Therese beyond how daring and adventurous and fun and positively scandalous it would be to educate a servant girl and then not bothering to care for her when she got bored. Cause if she had done, Therese could have come to her with her plan and she could have prevented her death. Because yes, regardless of her education, her background predisposed Therese to be naive about the King and Queen and how petitions work. Where was Ninon in all this, when a girl under her charge decided to do this foolish thing that cost her her life? Because if you want to be someone’s teacher you do have a duty of care. In short, Ninon is a classist ass as well! They’re perfect for each other!
So Luca’s stolen bag is in the morgue with the body of the thief who stole it. And Athos promises to send for it in the morning. I know it’s CSI: Musketeers and all, but why was it not delivered to Luca the moment it was found, lol? He’s a pretty important guest at the palace and it’s his property. 
Athos agrees with Ninon that marriage is a curse. LOL!
Ninon’s reason for not marrying is that she does not want a husband to own her wealth and body. Makes sense and that’s why many independently wealthy women chose to stay unmarried. Just pointing out the few things that make sense.
“You are a rebellious woman” - oh good, we managed to squeeze the title of the episode into the dialogue! 
Aramis just tossed a red guard out of Ninon’s house. Can’t tell if he’s dead or not, but certainly unconscious. 
There’s fighting. The red guards have swords, the musketeers have books. Athos screams “where is your authority for this!?!” - well, the Cardinal, I’d assume, since they are his guards. Oh bear of very little brain!
Fleur and some other runaway girls are found sleeping in a secret chamber and Ninon is arrested for abducting them.
Athos is all like “you said she wasn’t here” and Ninon tries to explain that Fleur did not want to be found and begs “make them stop” to which Athos replies “sorry, I can’t”, his voice and face making it very clear that he doesn’t want to. Because a woman lied to him! This is the worst crime! Really Ninon is lucky she’s being arrested right now, otherwise she’d end up swinging from a tree.
“Four young women! In their nightwear! I can only speculate as to the horrors they have endured!” - Richelieu really has a bee in his bonnet about lesbians. The days before p*rnhub must have been hard for a catholic cardinal. 
Luca is even worse thou! “Your majesty is joking but Satan is real! And his female familiars are everywhere amongst us.” Jesus christ guys, calm down! Have a wank or something!
“She had the girls, she lied, she brought her fate on herself.” - Oh shut up Athos! Not everything is about you and your relationship issues! As Aramis points out. Thank you, Aramis! And I never believed I’d ever say that.
Ninon/Aramis  > > > > > > > > > > Ninon/Athos
Aramis gives Ninon the cross Anne gave him. This is quite sweet!
“It’s not so easy when you don’t have money” Constance says and she is right. But it’s like the show is saying that the only way women can be independant is if they are independently wealthy like Ninon. But that’s not really true, Fleur could get a job such as a seamstress or pharmacist or grain merchant or actress or even as a secretary now that she knows latin and greek thanks to Ninon. Women did have jobs in 17th century France and even belonged to guilds etc. Not saying that Fleur would not be more financially secure still with a husband, but if she really doesn’t want that she has options and I don’t like how this supposed “feminist” episode constantly erases women’s actual history. 
Fleur’s father rages “what does she need an education for? She’ll be a seamstress until she’s married and then she’ll be a dutiful wife and mother.” But if he is Bonacieux’s cousin then they are in the same social class, that is to say, the merchant class. And merchant women had to keep their husbands’ shops when their husbands were away. They needed to know how to read and write and do sums. They needed this to be an attractive marriage prospect to a husband of their own social class! 
And the father wants to hit Fleur and D’artagnan all heroically threatens him. How boring!
Richelieu: “Many of our young women are educated. It’s not something we’re ashamed of.” Fleur: “Not just embroidery and sewing.”  Me: “WELL OF COURSE NOT!!!”
Then Fleur says Ninon taught them the “secrets of our bodies” and Richelieu is a hound on the scent!
“Be quiet or you’ll be gagged!” - Again Armand, this is neither the time nor the place to indulge your kinks. 
She does such a brilliant job of her testimony! This is again her lying about rape and I talked about before why that is bad, but in this case I don’t mind cause it’s for state reasons and doesn’t in any way invalidate her own story the way the thing with D’artagnan does.
Athos completely LOSES HIS SHIT!! Not doing the defence any good there, buddy!
The look she gives him as she walks out is priceless!
Queen Anne to the rescue, bringing clemency from Louis! Clever girl, must have manipulated it out of him! Season 1 Anne was intelligent.
And Ninon ruins it by saying: “I have never consorted with the devil until this moment. I am looking at him.” To which Richelieu replies: “Condemned from her own mouth.” As any person with half a brain would. Jesus christ Ninon, you should have been gagged! For your own safety! 
And then Richelieu stops breathing! And we get Treville’s reaction to it, thank you camera people! Thou Treville mostly just looks confused, like “what is that drama queen doing now?” 
Now he’s twitching! And I’m sorry but it looks hilarious.
Aramis carries him to bed on his back and puts a hand over his mouth. I’m not sure that helps with the breathing issues... 
Louis pushes Aramis out of the way and cries “please don’t die! please don’t die!” aawwwwwwwwwww!
Aramis really saves his life here, huh.
Anne is briefly jealous about the cross and asks Aramis if Ninon is his lover. Lol! She never expected him to stalk her for the rest of her life, she fully expected him to keep lovers.  
Luca: “Satan turned his blood to acid at her command!” Porthos: “We’ll add Satan to the list of suspects.”
Fleur: “You think I poisoned him?” Constance: “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard even by musketeer standards.” - THANK YOU CONSTANCE!
Fleur is to be married to a 40 year old butcher. Poor girl!
“Was it you?” - LOL!
“Half the doctors say you’re doomed, the other half claim you’ll make a full recovery. There’s a lot of professional pride at stake.” - Milady is very funny too! But I’ve always known that! 
“Whatever happens to me, I want you to extract this confession from Ninon.” - translation: it doesn’t matter if I die, the main thing is that France gets that navy. For France, always. I’m amazed by how much he trusts Milady here thou.
Milady thinks the kneebone of St. Anthony is gross and “as much use as the doctors”. Bless her!
Constance very sweetly talks Fleur’s father out of forcing her to marry. Go Constance!
Ninon: “There is nothing worse than a woman who betrays her own sex” Milady: “I can think of a few things, but let’s not argue.” - THIS!! This is my favorite part of this whole miserable episode, because yes, with her background she can think of things Ninon couldn’t possibly imagine. It’s also a fuck you to that “don’t encourage girl on girl hate” line terfs and white feminists always hide behind when they get called out on their bullshit, though this wasn’t the point here. I love how she doesn’t even explain, too. Let’s not argue, cause what’s the point. You’ll never get it.
I do want to stress that Ninon is not wrong for educating other women and she has been unjustly condemned (althou I would argue that she might not have drawn Richelieu’s ire if she went about it in a more subtle, less smug way, for the safety of the girls she teaches if not for her own). But Milady is employed by the First Minister of France and is doing her job here, a job which she depends upon for her own independence and safety. As she says, Ninon didn’t do anything to her, she’s just a victim of circumstance. 
“If you don’t confess, the women of your salon will burn in your place. Surely you wish to save the lives of your accomplices in Satan?” - Milady does a good job of selling it, but if you think about it, that makes no sense. These women have already been publicly proclaimed Ninon’s victims. And if they have legal trouble with burning her alone, how would they manage a whole bunch of them, most of whom are also high ranking noblewomen?
Ninon falls for it thou. Fail!
Richelieu orders Ninon burned and Milady says that the Queen and King won’t like it. Richelieu replies that: “she’s irrelevant and a new navy will soothe his dismay.” He’s really underestimating season 1 Anne here. But season 2 will prove him right, sadly.
“The kingdom of heaven is a dream. Our only life is here.” - Go Milady!
Richelieu says he won’t burn her for heresy but to be careful cause “one day someone else might” and idk, but it comes across like pretty friendly advice, considering what he’s currently doing with Ninon. 
Now he worries he might go to hell! And Milady says he’s already there, lmaoo! I LOVE THIS SCENE!!
They go to the morgue to retrieve Luca’s bag and discover that the thief was poisoned in the same manner as the Cardinal. Thus the plot is uncovered.
“Open his mouth!” “You open his mouth!”
Luca kills a red guard and is about to kill Richelieu (who fights him with a fork!) when the musketeers burst in. And Richelieu curses them for being late!
Richelieu had apparently worked out that it was Luca who was trying to kill him at some point during the night. No idea how. 
Athos begs for Ninon’s life while the pire is already burning. And Richelieu agrees cause burning her is all very “dark ages”, like he said to begin with. He says he’s not a cruel man, just a practical one. But practicality sometimes requires cruelty. He’s not a sadist thou, that’s what he meant and that’s true. 
Athos drags Ninon off the burning pire. So the great feminist character got duped by Milady and then had to be rescued by her love interest. So good, much feminist. 
“As far as the world is concerned, Comtesse Ninon de Laroque died on that pire today.” Richelieu takes her lands, her property and her money and sends her into exile. Then he threatens to execute her if she ever tells anyone the truth of what happened.
“My voice will never be silenced, but I promise you will never hear it.” - the stupidest line of the whole episode and that’s saying something. Seriously, what does this mean? Your voice was silenced! Richelieu got your wealth which you could have used to educate more women. You were completely defeated. Like really, who is the idiot who wrote this? And what made them think this is in any way empowering or even just a satisfactory conclusion to Ninon’s acr?? Ughhhh!!
I do love Richelieu and Milady getting a rare victory thou! 
“Nothing, no person, no nation, no god will stand in my way.” - HOT!
Aramis gets his cross back lol. Otherwise it would have burned. 
Lmao, Richelieu sends Luca’s ashes to rome with a threat to the Pope.
And Capaldi pronounces “Richelieu” in a very strange way. 
Milady: “You do realise you’ll never be Pope?” Richelieu: “It’s an Italian club and largely a clerical position. I prefer something with a little more influence.” - L! O! L!
Ninon plans to open a school for poor girls and be a teacher. Well, idk, I hope she does a better job of it than she did with Therese.
Athos asks Ninon if “Madame de la Chapelle” ever told her anything about herself. And Ninon is like “so you did know her after all?” and he says “in another life” and she warns him to be careful because she has the cardinal’s protection so “a blow against her is a blow against him” and idk, does she realize that Milady was Athos’s wife here? Is that how I’m supposed to read it? He did tell her before that he used to be married.
Then she kisses him and tells him she could have loved a man like him. And she’s just way more into him than he is into her.
Lmaooo, Fleur is not forced to marry and can continue with her education and she’s “sure” that the woman who convinced her father was Ninon. And Constance doesn’t correct her and doesn’t even want the credit, but I’m mad lol, as if Ninon even remembers you exist Fleur!
D’artagnan gives Constance the credit, at least! And then comes his declaration of love, which is actually very sweet and I really liked them together in season 1! Constance is so beautiful in this scene too! It’s very well lit and she’s wearing that lovely dress!
Aaaaand we fade to black on some PG13 kissing and groping! Sorry, this was very long, but there was a lot to complain about.
In conclusion, awful! Like, the thing that bothers me the most is that this token girl power episode would not even have been radical in 1970, never mind today. The message is simply that women should have an education, which no sane person today would disagree with. It’s very safe and bland. And erases women’s real history in the process. It’s almost as if these male writers are congratulating themselves “weren’t things ever so bad Back Then, we are so much more progressive now”, instead of doing the truly radical thing and showing women’s real history, showing women in positions of power running their literary salons and not getting burned for it, showing women as independent businesswomen with an education! Why not give Bonacieux a female rival in the cloth business? Why not go deeper than “women are human beings” and give the episode a truly radical message that still resonates today. After all, we might be ever so educated now but it’s not like women have achieved equality. More on that in this old post: https://kuningannasansa.tumblr.com/post/126434697304/the-problem-of-ninon 
Anyway, I really hope the next episode will be better! 
Red Guards killed: 1 or 2, impossible to really tell
Ladies killed: Therese
Best Dressed: Ninon. She did have some pretty dresses. 
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I Could Never
A/N: This is so late, my brain hasn’t been my best friend lately. But, surprisingly, as I’d mentioned, school seems to have kickstarted my creativity. So here I am with a belated birthday gift for my space girlfriend @stanclub! I’ve already told you and keep saying it but I’m so happy to have you in my life! (at least I’m posting this while we’re still in Leo season! lol) 💕 Warning: um...cursing? no smut in that one. bit of angst. rpf Word count: 1.9k
Main Masterlist  | Drabbles Masterlist 
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You had come home once to a fully decorated house, speechless before the immensity of work that was put into it. You hadn’t been able to spend Christmas at home, and Chris wanted to make sure you’d get a taste of it. After swearing that the band-aids on his fingers didn’t cover his struggle with the Christmas tree needles, you had settled down with hot cocoa in front of the fire and played board games until the wee hours of the morning.
On your birthday the year prior, a twelve person table was filled with family and friends who sat around a hearty brunch; his mom - who had grown to love you like her own daughter - joked about the pots of failed hollandaise sauce her son had expertly burned. His final result was amazing though. 
Needless to say that Chris had settled a high level of expectation for surprises; that you soon found out was taken for granted. Flowers, amongst other things, were usually delivered to your house on special occasions, no exception. But only fresh-cut grass is being blown onto the rain stained pavement as you stare at an empty porch, and the sudden chill has you rushing back inside after one last quick glance around.
With your head well rested on the cold ceramic of your stand-alone shower, you let the warm water travel down your body, flushing away the sting of disappointment. Disappointment that, you’ve convinced yourself, holds a lot more meaning than simply being left giftless on your birthday. Salty tears are washed away; gut shivers have seized their attack on your poor nerves. Once the handle of the shower deprives you of warmer water, you settle to give him the rest of the day, while absentmindedly patting yourself dry and heading out to the patio for some fresh air.
The faint buzz of your phone on the wooden chair startles you out of a daydream.
“Hey, kid! How’s it going?” A familiar voice echoes through the speaker with a spark of joy.
“Seen better. How about you, Mackie?” You know he can tell exactly how bad you feel, but he’s learned not to bother people with too many questions. Mostly you.
“T’sall good,” he adds, still bashful. “Hey, do you think you can do me a solid?”
A small sigh escapes your lips. It’s faint enough so he doesn’t feel guilty for asking, but quite effective to relieve a bit of tension in your heart.
“Sure. Seems like I have the day to myself anyway...” You know he can deal with your sarcasm - being a fluent speaker himself.
An hour later and a bottle of milk down, you’re sitting on the couch with his youngest in arm, watching that one scene in Moana on repeat. The floor has become the most hazardous place to walk, but the smell of fresh cookies, and the sweet snoring of the toddler seem to have cheered you up after the frustrating morning. The location of his house on a hill makes for the most beautiful sunset view. The rays bounce on the pool outside and heat up the room wonderfully. Soon the moon would take its place and begin another day, and the thought of having spent it alone brings back a small headache.
You’re setting the baby in his bed when a knock at the door startles you. You tiptoe through the dark house out of habit, which comes in handy for the situation. Not bothered to look out the small window by the door, you spring it open in one swift movement, and your knees practically give in when your eyes meet his baby blues. Before you can put a word in, a series of giggles comes from somewhere on his left; not only indicating that he has company, but that this company is female and apparently trying too hard to impress him. He’s wearing a black shirt, neatly tucked into some clean jeans; just the way you had recently suggested he tried. Hair slicked back and glimmer in his eyes. Dreamy, as usual. Clearly he wasn’t here to help babysit Mackie’s kids.
Another minute goes on before their laughter dims down and Chris seems to acknowledge your existence. 
“Um, listen,” he begins through choked laughs. “I’m gonna need you to put this on.”
You look down at the black strip of fabric in his hand.
“Why should I?” The young girl hisses at your answer and bro-punches him on the arm.
“You said she was feisty. But man, she got you there.” You assume that your eyes dart through her soul because her sparkly smile immediately disappears. She glances quickly at Chris, and waves her hands in front of her before proceeding. “Oh, god. Look, I’m...” Her eyes shut close as she realises what you might have been insinuating. “Jesus, I’m sorry. I’m just here to take your place. I’m Anthony’s usual babysitter. Chris called me because he wants to ta-”
Her story is punctuated with Chris’ hand on her mouth. His brows rise up as a warning, and the poor girl snakes around you and into the house, taking the hint.
“I don’t know what you want, Chris but I’ve had a long day and I just-”
“Hold on, hold on!” His hand circles your wrist when you try to walk past him. “Y/N, okay look. I don’t want to break the surprise but please, put the blindfolds on and come with me.”
A small laugh comes out in a sigh, and your head shamefully drops down. So there is a surprise.
His finger carefully tips your chin up so he can look at you again.
“You thought I had forgotten?” His accusation is nothing but a friendly remark. Shivers run up your spine at the grin he offers next. “I could never,” he whispers a bit too close to your cheek. The last cloud dissipates and the stars begin to shine brighter. All of a sudden the air is a lot easier to breathe, although your heart seems to run faster.
His hands stretch the fabric in front of you, and you comply to the invitation. With your back towards him so he can secure it properly over your eyes, careful not to tangle your hair into it, you feel like a little kid waiting to unwrap their presents - albeit you’re the one being wrapped up. You curse yourself for doubting him. The ‘I could never’ replays in your mind, oddly pulling new sensations out of you - added to the fact that his breath tickles your neck with his proximity.
The ride is quite short and only makes his intentions much more mysterious. The only option to be ticked off the hypothetical list is him taking you out downtown, which would have taken twice the time. And you’re relieved to have a more casual night, considering the not-so-glamorous sundress covering your body. One thing Chris hadn’t thought of was to keep you from hearing your surroundings. As you stepped out of the car, the splashing of water gave up the first clue. 
“Chris, if you want to throw me down the river this wasn’t-”
“Oh, just shhh.” 
You walk down a small path, small branches snap under your feet, a faint cackling waits in the distance. The humming of the city seems to fade with each stomp, allowing you to relax for the first time today. Once you’re a few more minutes away, the grip on your shoulders tightens, bringing you to a stop. You hear him take a deep breath.
“Alright,” he adds in a soft tone. He steps behind you, and after a little warning takes the blindfold off.
It takes a few blinks before your mind catches onto the scene before you. 
An off-white drape dangles from a few trees, looping around poles and creating an inviting tent - the ones so popular in fancy home renovation magazines. A picnic cloth sits underneath it, and everything is beautifully lit with a generous amount of fairy lights, tiki lamps and a slow burning campfire along the water line. The sight is mesmerizing, something out of a children’s book, and it has you wanting to shout “I do believe in fairies!” 
The moonlight dances on the lake and glistens back into your watery eyes. With your hands over your mouth you turn around to him. His bottom lip is tucked between his teeth and his look is to die for. He’s soft and proud and his eyes are full of something new. Something you can’t quite figure out yet.
“This is just…” Your eyes dart back to the secluded area. Something he bothered his siblings with, you’re sure of, until they agreed to lend a hand after their mom insisted Chris’ intentions were founded. But you know he came up with the idea himself. Had it not been for his money, you think, this would’ve been a home-made fort in his living room, and you wouldn’t have complained - although the extra attention does make you feel warm and loved.
Loved. There’s the feeling.
In a rush, you tiptoe towards him, anchoring your arms around his neck and in a heap of passion, your lips come to his. Surprise suddenly takes him victim, until he responds and starts moving his lips, then tongue, against yours. You part with a huff, looking for your breath - which seems to be the theme for the night. His mouth rests on your forehead as he keeps your bodies connected. Hands roam the other in search for meaning. Answers. It’s with drips on your cheeks and a childish giggle that you dip your head back.
“Was about time,” he teases. You puffs in fake annoyance before stealing a couple more pecks. 
“I didn’t see you make the first move...”
“I threw you all sorts of hints! Why did it have to be me?” You laugh at his remark.
“Alright, touché. But still. Thought you were old-school about this kind of stuff,” you clarify.
“I’m old-school as in I like to make sure that she’s the one, you know. All those years I planned things and bought some random stuff and you never asked for more. I could shit in a cup and you’d be hap-”
“Christopher! Fucking mood killer!” You pat him on the chest with your comical accusation, earning a deep laugh - minus the boob grab because he wasn’t about to take his hands from you.
“You get what I mean. You never made a big deal out of this,” he adds as he waves behind you. “You never made a big deal out of me. You let me buy things without always making me feel guilty for having this luxury. And then when I want to watch football with beer, wings and ribs stuck in my teeth you join in with a huge smile of excitement. I love the contrast...”
He closes his eyes for a second, trailing the last words in a shy whisper. Your hand comes to his cheek and your heart melts when he leans into it, water now overflowing under his long lashes.
“And I think I love you,” you say. His sparkly baby blues shot open, volleying between yours and analysing your expression. Looking for a hint of doubt, maybe. But then again, wasn’t this what he had always hoped for?
“I think I fucking love you too,” he answers. He kisses you, as if to seal a deal. 
Best birthday ever.
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