#i think it'll end at (maybe) 15 chapters???
icehot13 · 1 year
i have a new fear and it’s ‘is that leafblower sound coming from the roof above me and i’m about to have dirt absolutely fucking rained down on me while i’m outside’ if this seems like an oddly obscure fear to have, it’s not
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
Hi!!!! I Love love love your fic, and I have a question! An inquiry if you must lol. I was reading the tags again, and I noticed the skip Westcott tag. Are you going to approach the topic? Like, other than Peter suffering that trauma, when he eventually opens up to the bat family, will he talk about it?? Will dick talk about his own experience with Tarantula? I'm so excited to see your take since you put some hints that skip was maybe his caretaker at some point? Like foster dad or maybe I'm genuinely just tripping and mixing with other fics.
ALSO incredibly excited to see what happened to him with the experiments!!! It's extremely vague but im so needing that angst!!!! I really want to see more of Peter's life before coming to Gotham, before even meeting Tony!
hiii!! ty for the love!! :)
i spent ages looking for an ask i got a while ago about this topic but i can't find it for some reason? so if anyone is able to find it for me, i'd like to link it to this post and i'd appreciate the help!!
EDIT: perpetuallypanicky found the post!
(warning for under the tag: talking about Skip Westcott and Tarantula, which covers the topic of SA. please take care of yourself)
Peter will eventually talk about Skip Westcott. I can't say how much he says because I haven't actually written the conversation yet, but at the moment, it's more alluded to that it is talked about. It's a conversation for way later in another part of the series I have planned for LoF, which actually has an entire plotline about Peter's past and how it connects to his future. But he will open up and talk about it at some point. I think in the road trip arc (chapter 15 I think?) I have it planned for Peter to talk about Skip in some context with Dick (mainly, he tells Dick the most he's ever told anyone about the day he was bit by the spider), but not fully.
(And if that changes, it will 100% be warned in the beginning with the other trigger warnings I put in beginning chapter notes.)
That's mostly because Peter still hasn't processed that yet. He hasn't even told his therapist (I briefly mentioned a few times in Peter's POV's that he has gone to therapy, but I should probably make sure it's known that he doesn't go so often that he's gotten through the biggest parts of his past).
As for Tarantula... I talked about this in the Lost Post (this thing disappeared???) so I should probably mention it again. But Tarantula did NOT happen in this au.
There's a huge reason for it, and that's because I hate Devin Grayson, the writer who put that shit in there. I don't want her attached to LoF in any form, even if I'm writing to bash it.
That's not saying that Dick isn't still a survivor of SA. He's still going to have that be a part of his past as well, with some of the other instances. (There's another instance with Catwoman that's just... no.) So I'm not erasing that part of his history. I just hate Devin Grayson.
Which means that when Dick does find out (and he will), there's gonna be a big reaction. For the most part, when it comes to What Happened, I won't be going into details, nor flashbacks, stuff like that. It'll be about the impact of those times, and how Peter and Dick are recovering, though they do talk about it.
Also, Skip was Peter's last foster parent before Tony, you're right. He's probably just a little older than Dick, I'd say, around mid thirties? He was responsible for Peter for a little while but Peter ended up running away that day he got bit, and Skip hasn't fostered since.
And as for the experiments: I'm excited to write about it more. Peter and Dick also talk about this, and in some more detail than the Westcott talk. It's about time that Dick learned how Tony got Peter's complete trust,,,, a little sneak peak into that,,,, :)
There's actually so much about Peter's backstory that I sometimes wonder if there's things that I wouldn't be able to get to in LoF... It just means that I've been considering writing a prequel one day
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jaeyunluvbot · 3 months
chapter twelve. dinner date
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𝜗𝜚 You and Jake arrived at the restaurant after a short drive, talking and listening to music the whole way. You found his music taste endearing and appreciated how similar it was to your own. You also found his singing adorable. He'd look over at you every so often to make sure you were enjoying it too.
The two of you were seated at a semi-secluded booth, with Jake taking charge of looking over the menu and deciding what to order. As he looked over the menu, you looked at him, noticing just how stunning he looked in the dim restaurant lighting. When he finally decided on what to order and the waiter came over to take the order, he turned his full attention to you, asking about your day and work.
You blushed slightly under the feeling of his eyes on you, hoping it wasn't noticeable, especially since you couldn't blame it on the cold this time. "You look so cute today, Y/N." He offered you a compliment after a moment of silence, desperately wanting to talk more.
"Thanks, Jake, you look good too," you replied, feeling a little flutter in your heart at his kind words.
"So tell me about soccer, isn't your season almost over?" you asked, not wanting to come off as awkward or standoffish with your short response to his compliment.
"Yeah, we have a few games left, then maybe playoffs if we do well for the rest of the season." Jake smiles and you can tell he's passionate about his sport.
"I'm sure you guys will do well. I don't know too much about soccer, but from what I've seen, you guys are an amazing team." You gave him a quick thumbs up and he giggled. Internally, you were dying from the sound that just escaped his mouth, but externally you didn't show it.
"Now I wanna know about you. I feel bad that we never talked before the other day."
You laughed. "Ok, I'm an elementary education major, my favorite color is pink, and, ummm, I can't really think of anything else."
"Elementary education? How'd you pick that? Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course!" He backpedaled quickly, not wanting you to think he's judging your chosen course of study.
"I just really enjoy working with kids and I know how a good teacher can impact a student's life, so I wanted to be able to do something like that, you know?"
He agreed and stated that he admires people who can work with kids, claiming they stress him out. You agreed, but said that the pros outweigh the cons.
Time passed and the two of you talked more, generally getting to know each other as you ate. The atmosphere was pleasant and calm, filled with a soft happiness that emanated from both of you. Once the bill was paid and the meal was finished, and you and Jake headed back out to his car, you felt a hint of sadness that your time together was ending.
"So I know you only agreed to dinner, but would it be too much to go to an arcade or something? I know a really fun one close to here," Jake said, making your heart flutter once again.
"That sounds fun, but don't you have practice tomorrow morning? I don't want you to be too tired..." you said hesitantly.
"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm not even tired yet, plus it's only 10:15, so I can still get a good amount of sleep later."
"Then let's go."
He grinned and gave you a high five. "You're the best." 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - y/n getting hate we DO NOT love to see it, but i needed to add some drama so i can make myself sad. ignore if the writing is shitty it's 6 am and i haven't slept. like and leave a comment pretty please.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @jakesaverse @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @dreamiestay @lilifiedeans @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @dojaejunging @noobgod1269 @bluxjun @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie
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fiveredlights · 5 months
there's glitter on the floor after the party: the deleted scenes
i'm sure it'll make someone happy because i think we all need it! just as a note, this is all unedited so some of it might make no sense and that's okay.
(i recommend the google doc for easier reading otherwise the whole thing is under the cut)
Chapter one: 2023
I don’t have anything to show…anything I did cut has already been long deleted. My bad. The first two are very sparse because I was cutting unwanted things as my Google docs was lagging whenever I opened it. The only thing I remember writing that chapter was that it was meant to coincide with Daniel’s return to COTA in real life but I ran out of time so I pushed it back to Las Vegas. 
Chapter two: 2024
CUT: Daniel winning the championship
WHY: Felt too rushed and easy. No emotional pay off, you were only just introduced to Daniel in RBR again. Also don’t ask me what happened to Max for him to not just clean sweep 2023-2027. Also don’t ask who won the championship in 2026. I declare that your favourite driver won it and I definitely did not forget to give a championship. 
DANIEL: Oh my god, it’s just surreal like I don’t know how to describe it. Especially after the past couple years, it’s just—yeah. And to do it with Max too, it’s just something special for me and the team. 
73 Questions With Daniel Ricciardo | Vogue
3.3M views 2 days ago …more
Vogue 4M
DANIEL: Hello Vogue, didn’t see you there. Welcome to my home away from home.
PRODUCER: One sentence you could tell your younger self? 
DANIEL: Doors are meant to be opened. 
PRODUCER: Worst thing about racing in Formula 1?
DANIEL: Accidents, hands down. It’s horrifying as a driver to watch someone crash, because that’s when everything sort of gets a reality check in the cockpit. Like we are racing around at three-hundred kilometres an hour, and there is a real chance that something could go wrong. I’ll never forget Max’s Silverstone accident, just—yeah it just a horrible thing to witness.
not daniel fidgeting with his necklace when he talks about max’s silverstone crash… you ain’t slick boy
#yes i have deluded myself into thinking it’s from max #i’m already depressed i don’t want to hear it #join team emotional support redbull delusions
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qu'est-ce que tu sais, espèce de salope française qui aime l'érable et qui parle bizarrement ? sors avec ça (What do you know you maple-loving weird speaking French bitch? Come out with it)
#je ne veux pas te traiter de salope #ou peut-être que c'est le cas (#i don’t mean to call you a bitch #or maybe i do)
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(i promise i wrote this before he decided to rear end daniel in china. i pinky promise.)
daniel “doors are meant to be opened” ricciardo
#what is my man on #doors are meant to be opened 😭😭 #he didn’t open a door one time and it’s haunted him for life
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Chapter three: 2025
CUT: Red Bull marketing video
WHY: Chapter was already very long. Also I couldn’t find any good questions.
Daniel and Max play the F1 newlywed game 💒💍
827K views 10 hours ago #Gives you wings #F1 … more
Oracle Red Bull Racing 1.58M 
MAX: Hello everyone and today we are playing the newlywed game. 
DANIEL: Are you excited? 
MAX: I mean I have to say yes otherwise I look like I’m in an unhappy marriage. 
MAX:—Also the name doesn’t even make sense. Newlywed? That isn’t us.
DANIEL: [To off screen] Guys, I would get someone to approve your overtime, we’re gonna be here a while. 
OFF SCREEN: Who is more likely to overpack for a holiday?
DANIEL: Don’t look at me!
MAX: We have three suitcases. 
DANIEL: It takes effort to look this good. 
MAX: Three suitcases every single race weekend.
DANIEL: What’s the next question? 
CUT: Lucinda’s vaguely threatening email
WHY: Broke the fourth wall. Glitter on the floor is meant to be solely a third POV view and I couldn’t justify it. 
From: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
To: maxverstappen@/redbull.racing, danielricciardo@/redbull.racing
CC: christianhorner@/redbull.racing, teamdaniel@/press.redbull.racing, teammax@/press.redbull.racing
Date: 21 Nov 2025 at 3:04am
Hi all, 
Please see attachment below for finalised details regarding your press strategy and talking points this weekend. Media have been advised to not ask any questions about the ring and we’d like to keep it that way. Remember to keep it vague if you do get asked, and if you don’t feel comfortable a simple no comment will suffice. 
Please email for any further clarification or questions and good luck this weekend. (And please no spur of the moment Las Vegas—Elvis impersonator weddings you two.) 
Best regards, 
Lucinda Salzar (she/her)
Head of Communications, Red Bull Racing. 
E: lucindasalzar@/press.redbull.racing
P: +44 ** **** *****
CUT: The chaotic Abu Dhabi super seat swap
WHY: I had to cut this because I altered the timeline, Las Vegas was going to the second last race. In an earlier version Max and Daniel were gonna come back in 2026 and also drop the Matilda news at the same time but I wanted more content just out of Maxiel so I had to leave this on the cutting board. Some of it made it into the published fic but the original thing was more chaotic. (Also I changed the Red Bull junior driver at least once a week because they kept dropping them. It went from Hauger, to Crawford, to Maloney and then I just gave up because I could not keep up.)
red bull needed to replace two drivers and they did in THE MOST CHAOTIC way possible. okay, just listen: 
the official red bull reserve driver is liam lawson (of alpha tauri, so he obviously gets pulled up)
alpha tauri then call on zane maloney to replace liam (alpha tauri’s reserve driver)
BUT, daniel’s car still needs to fulfil the mandatory rookie free practice session (max’s was completed in mexico when maloney drove)
red bull can’t get zane in daniel’s car again cause he’s got to drive liam’s… so they’ve got to find someone who has the super licence points … we’ll come back to this
so right now car 3 is being driven by liam lawson, car 40 is driven by zane maloney. i hear you ask… who is driving car 1? it’s none other than yuki tsunoda (of alphatauri)
I KNOW, but red bull have quite literally run out of contracted reserve drivers and i believe because every driver is technically employed by red bull (whether they drive for RB or AT) they’re able to pull them up or down without the FIA kicking up a fuss
i’ll wait for why red bull pulled up both AT’s 
this means yuki tsunoda’s alpha tauri will be without a driver and once again, red bull call Pepe Marti
#i don’t even know if this is 100% correct i could be so wrong
13,482 notes
David CROFT: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our final race of the 2025 season, to our first free practice session under the blistering sun of Abu Dhabi and if this is your first time watching, welcome along cause this will certainly be an interesting race weekend. Now, eagle eyed viewers may have caught that AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda is in the Red Bull, and his team mate is sitting in the next garage over not in a car. Anthony Davidson is with me—Ant, care to explain to our viewers at home the driver seat swap chaos that’s happening down at Red Bull? 
Anthony DAVIDSON: Hello everyone, wherever in the world you may be watching and yes, chaos is the right word for it isn’t it? I’ve got about five pieces of paper and I’m going to do my best to explain, what I think, is the most complicated driver situation in F1 history. 
CROFT: Yes, for those who didn’t join us last time out or who may be new to F1, I promise driver seat talk usually isn’t this complicated but we’ll do our best to make sense of it all. Now we’ve got to start at the last race for it all to make sense. Red Bull driver Daniel Ricciardo had a nasty crash with Enzo Fittipaldi of Haas that left him with a concussion and bruised ribs, which is why presumably he isn’t racing today, and we wish him well in his recovery. Red Bull’s other driver Max Verstappen was also not able to race this weekend for an unspecified reason, so Red Bull are left with two empty seats.
DAVIDSON: We know that Red Bull’s official reserve driver is Liam Lawson, so that’s no problem there. He’s driving Daniel’s number 3 car, but here’s where the trouble starts. Car number 3 still needs to complete its mandatory FP1 session, which Zane Maloney was planning to do this session. But you’ll notice that Zane is in Liam’s car right now, the Alpha Tauri—and this is because he’s Alpha Tauri’s reserve driver. 
CROFT: Still following everyone? So far, car number 3 is being driven by Liam Lawson, car number 40 is being driven by Zane Maloney. But Liam Lawson isn’t even in car number 3 at the moment, it’s Pepe Marti, who is currently racing in Formula 2 and part of Red Bull’s junior academy. He’s competing the mandatory rookie FP1 session for car number 3.
DAVIDSON: So now we move onto Max Verstappen’s car, which is being driven by the other AlphaTauri driver, Yuki Tsunoda. Which now means AlphaTauri needs a driver to replace him and it’s Red Bull junior driver, Isack Hadjar who is in car number 22. 
CROFT: Right, so it’s Yuki Tsunoda and Liam Lawson in Red Bull for the race, Zane Maloney and Isack Hadjar in the AlphaTauri’s and Pepe Marti in Liam or Daniel’s Red Bull for FP1. Confused? Don’t worry, so are we so bare with us if we accidentally get names and teams wrong because I believe this is possibly the biggest driver change in F1 history.
DAVIDSON: Yes and because I know people will be asking, “Why didn’t Red Bull just put Maloney in Daniel’s car for the whole weekend?” and we have an answer and officially, it’s because of contracts. Whatever behind the scenes isn’t allowing him to drive that Red Bull which is why they called up Yuki instead. Maloney has also said he feels more confident driving the AlphaTauri all weekend rather than the Red Bull, so that also may play a factor in this. 
CROFT: But also this is a perfect opportunity for Red Bull to compare both drivers, should the opportunity for one of them to make the move into Red Bull when the time arises. 
Chapter four: 2026
CUT: Netflix Drive to Survive script
WHY: Once again, I was lazy and didn’t want to write a script. I kinda wish I did though, I think it would’ve given Las Vegas 2025 more substance, especially because you only see it through a fan perspective whereas DTS allows you to get the driver’s perspective, but I do plan to finish this off…. eventually….
Netflix- Drive to Survive
Season 9, Episode 3 “Redemption”
The Las Vegas Grand Prix is back in town but it’s not all good fortunes for those driving. The biggest paddock secret is unveiled.
We see scrambled eggs on a frying pan. 
OFF SCREEN:  Daniel? Where is my jumper? The blue one? 
The camera zooms out from the eggs to see Daniel, wearing a light blue jumper, grimacing at the camera. 
DANIEL: (Under his breath) To be fair it was my jumper first.
The camera swings to Max in the doorway, arms crossed as he narrows his eyes at Daniel. 
MAX: I heard that. 
(In the garage, during the crash.)
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: Has anyone told Max? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #2: We’re not telling him.
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #3: Seriously? 
RED BULL TEAM MEMBER #1: He thinks his husband is dead, we’re telling him!
PRODUCER: Do you have some fears about allowing the world to know about your relationship? 
DANIEL: God, of course I have. We both have. But we spent so long being—not scared, but worried let’s say about the consequences of us just being together. But then Las Vegas happened and all I wanted was Max to sit by my bedside and make a stupid joke about me being in hospital again. And it was when Christian literally had to fight multiple people to get Max into that hospital I realised that what we were doing was unsustainable. 
PRODUCER: Unsustainable? 
DANIEL: Are you married? 
DANIEL: Have you ever watched your partner crash into something at three hundred kilometres an hour and no one telling you if they were even alive? Because I’ve done that. We’ve done that. Multiple times. 
Montage of different Max & Daniel accidents. 
DANIEL: And then you have to go on with your day, going to debrief, doing press but all you really want to do is go to them and make sure that they’re even alive? 
DANIEL: So yeah. Unsustainable. 
333 update account @/official333
📺 | Drive to Survive (Netflix) 
Daniel talking about his relationship with Max on and off the track: 
Q: Do you think it’s been challenging to balance out the relationship given your unique relationship with Max? 
Daniel: No, and I think people over dramatise the complexity of it all. I mean sure, it has been somewhat difficult, especially at the beginning but in the end it is just racing, you know? We’re both aware that we are something different from the other drivers, but I like that. Not many people get to do what they love with their partner right next to them, so I definitely take every race we do together for granted. 
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CUT: Alternate ‘M’ reveal
WHY: I genuinely spent like half an hour thinking if fictional Max and Daniel would show Matilda, I had earlier drafts where they hide her face until I was like okay, this is fictional. Bad things do not exist in this universe, so it’s fine. Plus, Matilda is so cute I can’t hide her.
[Video: Daniel, standing in front of a door. 
DANIEL: I know a lot of you guys might have noticed that I’ve been dropping clues towards who this mysterious M is and it’s finally time to reveal who it is. 
He opens the door and pans the camera to Max. 
DANIEL: M stands for Max. Sorry to break the news, it’s not that exciting. Wait, who’s that? 
The camera pans further down to show Max holding a baby, she’s sleeping soundly in Max’s arm.
Photo: A baby. She’s wearing a light blue onesie, and her hand is wrapped around a mini honey badger soft toy.]
Liked by lucsalzar and others
danielricciardo Everybody meet Matilda. Matilda, this is everybody. 
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georgerussell63 They learnt what hard launching is and said we’re going to do it for everything… Congrats 🙌 
landonorris be prepared for the onslaught of driver themed onesies coming your way… 
1 March
CUT: The half-completed TIME article about Daniel
WHY: I did not have it in me to write another 1000 word article. I spent around a week just writing Daniel’s The Players’ Tribune article. But what I did write, I did like. Was also around the time TIME named Taylor Swift as their person of the year, so that’s where I got that inspiration. 
How 2025 was the year of the Honey Badger—Daniel Ricciardo on winning his first Formula 1 Championship during a historic year.
by Tylda Rune-Liberi for TIME
February 15, 2026 9:33AM EST
It’s 2017 and F1 driver Daniel Ricciardo was asked in a press conference what race he would like the new owners of F1 to host. His answer? Las Vegas. In 2023, five years on, his wish was granted. Two years later, in 2025, the race he had proclaimed as a dream race would turn into stuff of nightmares. 
Leading the race and looking like he would take a first win at Las Vegas after a podium in 2023, it looked like everything was going Ricciardo’s way until a bizarre accident with Kick Stake Sauber’s Theo Pourchaire causes a major accident, leaving Ricciardo wedged in the cockpit for over half an hour. 
Pourchaire had given way to Ricciardo as he was being lapped, before attempting to unlap himself, choosing the wrong moment as Ricciardo was heading into the pitlane. Radios released after the accident have Pourchaire admit he “didn’t think he was going into the pit lane.”
It’s a horrifying crash to watch—even with the knowledge that both drivers would be okay, and it would soon be clear that no one felt it more in the pitlane than Ricciardo’s own teammate: Max Verstappen. 
Formula 1 drivers all drive with the knowledge that a crash could happen at any given moment, but this accident was different. 
[Photo: Daniel, in a dark navy denim blue overshirt and jeans.]
Ricciardo and Verstappen have had a long and varied partnership throughout their career, first starting in 2016 where Verstappen was brought up mid season from then-Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso (now Visa Cash App RB), winning his debut race with the team, where it looked like the win would go to Ricciardo instead. They would go on to be teammates for another two seasons, before Ricciardo announced a shocking move to Renault (now Alpine). 
One thing that stood out about their initial partnership was how their off track friendship never seemed to waver, even in their most turbulent of times (see Hungary 2017 or Azerbaijan 2018). In an era where friendships between teammates seemed to famously end in failure, in the likes of fan dubbed ‘Brocedes’ (Nico Rosberg & Lewis Hamilton; best friends growing up who’s friendship ended in rivalry fighting for a championship) or former Red Bull teammates Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber (Multi-21 Seb?), it was an outlier that the two remained such good friends, even after Ricciardo had departed Red Bull. 
Even Ricciardo mentions that Lewis Hamilton had gone up to him to ask how Verstappen and Ricciardo had managed to keep their friendship going even though they had tussles on track. “I don’t really know,” Ricciardo says. “I mean it’s definitely all in hindsight now, but I think it was because we—or at least I—knew that our friendship was really important. Like it was no matter what happens I don’t go and screw up this friendship I have with Max.”
Ricciardo would go through a bumpy time in his post-Red Bull career, going through two seasons at Renault, two seasons at McLaren before a 6 month break where he was named ‘Third Driver’ for Red Bull, a 6 month stint in Red Bull sister team AlphaTauri (formerly Toro Rosso, now Visa Cash App RB) which was marked with Ricciardo missing 5 races due to a hand injury during a free practice session in Zandvoort before returning back to the very seat he left six years earlier, Red Bull announcing Ricciardo’s return at the 2023 Las Vegas race. 
A move that was then deemed as a surprise move by many pundits, all was put to rest when Riccardo finessed his AlphaTauri in the podium position, grabbing the team 3rd place and their first podium since Pierre Gasly in 2021. 
Something was different about this second stint, and it wasn’t the journeys they’ve both gone on since they both parted ways. There was something different about them together. 
[Photo: Max and Daniel laughing in the Red Bull garage.]
Nine years on since their first race together, it was oddly reminiscent of their first. Verstappen crossed the line to win a race his teammate had been poised to do so. Only this time, the celebrations were much different. 
With Ricciardo in hospital, Verstappen quickly left the race track after a tuned down podium ceremony, skipping out on mandatory post-race media duties, where competitors and team can attract fines for doing so. (The FIA opted not to fine Verstappen and Red Bull in this instance.) 
Even during the red flag it was clearly Verstappen was antsy, with his radio calls after finding out his teammate was in an accident conveying his state of worry. Leaked video from inside the Red Bull garage has Verstappen mention not finishing the race, wanting to be by Ricciardo’s side instead. 
“I remember I posted the post and people were like ‘Oh, maybe he meant it in a friendly way’ and I was like f***, I’ve got to actually spell it out for them.” Hence, the iconic post that broke the F1 world was born. 
[Daniel’s tweet.] 
It’s 2020, and the Australian Grand Prix has just been cancelled due to COVID. 
All the drivers and teams are left scrambling to try and leave the country before the borders close, and Daniel Ricciardo has just invited Max Verstappen to stay over at his house in Perth. 
“I don’t think I can even call it a friendly gesture, because as much as I like the other guys on the grid, there’s no way I would’ve invited them over.”
“Yeah, I won a championship. But I’m still the same person.”
Ricciardo’s often been somewhat of an open book, he says—whether it was for the better or for the worse. Every aspect of his life has been so highly publicised, from winning races to what it looks like when he’s not, it’s remarkable how he still holds nearly the same candour, even if his name and career has seemingly been dragged through the mud a thousand times over by the media. 
Last year he publicly came out in a F1-related podcast, to what he says was very unplanned. “I didn’t plan to come out, let’s say, it just kind of happened. 
“I didn’t even plan to come out, let's say, it just kind of happened? I was recording a podcast and I was talking about 2022 and how it unfolded, the support systems around me and I said “my partner”, and a part of me went Oh, shit! I hadn’t talked about my relationships at length before that, and I knew people were going to absolutely run with it and then I was like—well, might as well just go the whole nine yards, so then the second reference to my partner I very deliberately dropped in he. And that was it.”
“I remember so vividly, I went home that night and I told Max, oh I think I did something stupid and his mind immediately went to me accidentally leaking like team secrets or something big like that, and I was like no, I may have accidentally came out and within like three seconds you could see is brain just switch. 
“There is no we found the elephant in the room or whatever. The elephant has always been in the room and it’s just decided to make its presence known.”
“Look, I definitely understand some of the criticism that some people may have with F1 or Red Bull or us capitalising on our relationship or whatever, but I think now more than ever there’s a need to perhaps know who the drivers are when they aren’t driving.” Ricciardo adds. 
“Because it’s all fine and good if John Smith is winning races and driving amazingly, but if you know next to nothing about the person because it seems like they’re packed up and shipped race to race, you’re not going to root for the guy because they’ve made no connection.”
Ricciardo quickly clarifies that it’s not a negative for sports people or celebrities to maintain their personal lives, but he sees it more as a way to express or show what he wants to show in his own lives. “We spent nearly five years it near complete secrecy from the outside world and whilst I’m not saying that we should’ve just been public right from the start—we probably wouldn’t have survived—I was just wanting to post a photo of Max burning dinner or something and not have gossip magazines or Instagram accounts dissect every pixel of it.”
Did Ricciardo get pushback from the FIA or his team? It’s a difficult question to answer, he tells me. NDAs and whatnot. He says, “The team was wonderful about it, though. Had multiple team members come up to us willingly to fight the higher powers if needed which was very sweet.”
“Let’s just say there were conversations that I had been made aware of that had made me feel like we weren’t even allowed to look at each other when we were in the paddock. I felt like they were asking me to only refer to him as my teammate, stuff along those lines.”
“One of our friends told us at our wedding something along the lines of for F1 drivers, you did move pretty fucking slow in your relationship! And Max was like yeah, did you know who we were in 2018?” Ricciardo laughs loudly, scaring one of the cats who seemed ready to take a nap. 
“I used to rely so much on what other people thought of me, it wasn’t enough that I thought I was the best guy out there, you also had to think I was the best guy out there.”
Racing has always been part of Ricciardo’s life, but he doesn’t want it to be the only thing now in his life. He wants you to ask about things not related to racing, like how much he loves his family or how he thinks the Buffalo Bills are the greatest NFL team on earth. 
“I’m not going to do this forever, you know?” He says, finishing the can of Red Bull he’d been slowly sipping throughout the course of this piece. “I hope when I look back at these years of my life I’m going to be equally proud of what I did in the car and what I did outside of it.” — With reporting done by Tylda Rune-Liberi and Nicolas St. Revelate. 
CUT: Max and the team getting called up to the FIA
WHY: The FIA seems like an organisation who might send me a cease and desist if I wrote them as quietly homophobic. I don’t have money for a lawsuit. Also wanted to keep the universe happy because the real one is not. Still think my Mad Mex reference is funny.
Autosport @/autosport
Breaking: Max Verstappen summoned to the stewards after allegedly breaking parc ferme rules. 
12 replies 90 reposts 821 likes
Q: Sorry, Daniel just coming back to you now. We’ve just received word that Max Verstappen has just been summoned to the stewards for breaking parc fermé conditions, any reaction on that? 
Daniel RICCIARDO: For what? 
Q: Uh, we think it might be related to post race procedures around weighing. Not entirely sure yet, his meeting is at 6:15pm.
DR: Well there goes our dinner plans. To be fair our dinner plans were literally just Mad Mex in our hotel rooms before flying to Perth, but still. 
Jack DOOHAN: Mad what? 
DR: Mad Mex? You know, the Mexican fast food place. Surely you’ve had it. 
JD: Oh, I thought you said Mad Max and I was like, “He finished P4 that doesn’t seem too bad.”
DR: Did Max not do the weigh in or what? 
Q: He did, after your podium. Sorry mate, even more bad news for the team, they’ve been summoned to the stewards as well.
DR: If I find out I’m going to lose another podium about ten years on after the race here I’m gonna be pissed.
Q: This one is related to Article 26.13 b, where “Unless authorised by the FIA, no one under the age of 16 is permitted in the pit lane at the following times: b) The period commencing fifteen (15) minutes before the pit exit is opened to allow cars to cover reconnaissance laps and the time when the last car enters the parc fermé after the sprint session or the race has ended.”
DR: What cause we had our daughter with us at the podium celebration? 
Q: Quite possibly, yeah. 
DR: That’s interesting. I—yeah, I’m just gonna say that’s interesting.
Oscar PIASTRI: Kevin had his kids with him in Monza twenty four, didn’t he? 
DR: Yeah, I’m sure the team will have a lot to say so we’ll just leave it at that. 
CUT: Reaction to Australia winning
WHY: Timeline changes. Original timeline was Australia 2026 being their first race back after Las Vegas and relationship/kid reveal. I apparently also cut the all Australian podium. Can't remember why.
[Photo 1: 
Photo 2: 
Photo 3: 
Photo 4: Lucinda holding the constructor trophy on the podium, Daniel giving a big grin next to her.]
Liked by jackdoohan and others
danielricciardo Never thought I’d be able to share a podium with two other Aussies but what better time than at our home race. @/jackdoohan @/oscarpiastri @/redbullracing 🇦🇺❤️
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ausgp Surely this gets us a public holiday?! @/auspm 
oscarpiastri We’re about to get even more annoying… 
Oracle Red Bull Racing @/redbullracing 
Don’t mind us, we’re just in a puddle of tears over how cute @/Max33Verstappen and @/danielricciardo are 😍😭🫶
[Video: Taken from behind the parc ferme barriers, Daniel holding Matilda as Max hugs him, one hand around his waist and the other around the back of his neck.]
jeanie 🤠 @/COTADANIEL
flabbergasted about how well max and daniel hid their relationship from the world because man that he looks at daniel like he hung the moon stars and the sun and we’ve just been blind to notice
jake @/381racers
Maxiel admin logged on today thank you universe 🙏
DANIEL: Yeah, I just didn’t think I was able to have this, you know? If you had told me like seven years ago that hey, “You’ll be winning again and Max and your kid will be right along with you”, I would’ve laughed in your face. There is still absolutely more work to do, but I’m just glad I get to have my little moment without like some of these outside factors screaming and kicking at us. 
CUT: Jake @/381racers meeting Daniel
WHY: Felt too indulgent. Loved it, but I think the idea pushed the boundaries/fourth wall maybe A Little too much, even for my low standards.
jake @/381racers
Only felt right that I get this signed 
[Photo: Jake’s infamous tweet “Max Verstappen can you fight?” printed out and framed. Max has signed it and wrote “Yes he can.”]
jake @/381racers
First photo really Daniel did you have to shame me further . I thought we had a promise. Anyways, here's the video of me meeting them.
[Video: Jake meeting Daniel, in Red Bull hospitality. They’re both sitting down in chairs, and Jake has his hands on top of a frame placed face down on the table. 
JAKE: Do you remember like two years ago in COTA you wore a leather jacket outfit and basically the internet blew up because of how good you looked? 
DANIEL: Yeah, with the cowboy hat and everything! 
JAKE: And there was a tweet that trended on that weekend—
Daniel sits up in his chair, eyes widening in realisation of who Jake is. 
DANIEL: Oh my god you’re “Max Verstappen can you fight?” guy?!
JAKE: Embarrassingly, yes. 
DANIEL: (offscreen) How did you find him?! 
OFFSCREEN: Remember when I said I was going to bring my boyfriend this race? 
Daniel looks back and forth behind the person offscreen and Jake multiple times before bending over and laughing hysterically. 
OFFSCREEN: Yeah, I’m not happy about it either. 
DANIEL: Oh my god did I like cause you two to meet? 
jake @/381racers
No I too am not happy about my internet history coming back to bite me 
CUT: Interview with Lawrence Baretto
WHY: I ran out of time. I had planned to post this at the end of Jan, but since I didn’t post that NYD bonus fic, I didn’t wanna go a month without an update so this got culled. Also my vague illusions to Max’s dad felt a little weird.
Exclusive: Daniel Ricciardo on retirement, 15 years of F1 and family with Lawerence Barretto
When I ask about his daughter and if they have any interest in making her follow in her parents footsteps, he shuts down my line of questioning pretty quickly. 
“No,” he immediately says. “I’m not going to write out a path for her to follow, or put expectations for her to go into karting because of a family legacy. I think Max knows it a little bit more than me, how the expectations of someone who’s meant to take care of you can tarnish the thing you love.” 
Jos Verstappen, Max’s father and former F1 driver hasn’t been seen in the paddock since 2023. Both declined to comment when asked. 
“If she wants to start karting, then we’ll probably have a very long conversation about how it’s important that she finds it fun and if she doesn’t then she doesn’t. It’s not important to me that she wins or whatever, I just want her to enjoy it.”
Chapter five: 2027
CUT: Drive to Survive script
WHY: I did not have the energy to write a full script, and I felt like there were too many events to write about and I could not do it justice. Also I would like idk if Max and Daniel would show Matilda on DTS which is crazy because Matilda is not real…
Drive to Survive
Season 10 Episode 10 “One final rodeo…”
After fifteen years in the sport, Formula 1 says goodbye to Daniel Ricciardo. 
PRODUCER:  We don’t have to talk about Las Vegas. 
DANIEL:  No, it's fine. Probably should. Uh—yeah. 
PRODUCER:  We can take a minute. 
DANIEL:  Yeah, thanks. I didn’t talk about it last year did I? 
PRODUCER:  No. Okay, we’ll cut. 
Sound of car crashing into wall, before it fades in to show the Red Bull in the pitlane wall. Cuts to people reacting—Red Bull employees, fans in the grandstands and then a birds eye aerial view of the crash, showing the medical and extraction crew. 
PIERRE HAMLIN (V.O): Daniel, are you okay? 
Cuts to Max’s T-CAM footage, him driving past the car. 
MAX (V.O): What the fuck happened? 
PIERRE: Daniel, please just press the radio button so we know you’re okay. 
Cuts to Daniel’s T-CAM footage, his helmet leans against the left side of the halo, indicating he’s unmoving. 
PIERRE: Daniel, can you hear me? 
Cuts to showing the Red Bull pitwall, everyone looking at each other worried. 
DANIEL (V.O): The first thought I had was: Shit. This is really bad timing. Second thought I had was: Max is going to kill me.
Cuts to Daniel's forward facing cockpit onboard, him moving his head and looking up and down the cockpit.
PIERRE: Daniel?
DANIEL: Yep. Fuck. My chest, fuck. Shit, is um the other driver okay?
PIERRE: Yes, he's okay but don't worry about him. Do you think you can get out of the car?
DANIEL: Yeah no, I don't think that's happening with breaking something. Fuck, my ribs. Oh god. I think something's broken.
PIERRE: Okay Daniel, the medical team are nearly there but do not move if you think it will cause more damage. The car is safe, so do not worry about anything else.
DANIEL: Yep, okay. Um, will someone tell Max I'm okay? Just, don't freak him out yeah?
PIERRE: Copy Daniel, it will be okay, it will be okay. Just keep radio on please.
DANIEL: Okay. Fuck, this sucks.
TEXT: Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing driver
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Been a while. 
PRODUCER: Didn’t think you were going to agree. 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Would be a big thing if you made it look like we hated each other again! 
PRODUCER: We asked Daniel what his first thought was when he had that accident. He said “This is really bad timing” and that you were going to kill him. Why? 
MAX: Well, because of Matilda.
 Long shot of Port Hercules, Monaco, filmed from a balcony. It’s peaceful, quiet—the city sounds filling the background before we hear a baby scream in joy. 
DANIEL: Matilda! 
Matilda is on the floor in the living room, on a playmat and she plays with wooden blocks. Max is next to her on the ground, with his back leant against the couch, Daniel is on the couch. 
DANIEL (V.O): Yeah, she’s one of the best things to happen to me. For a long time my whole life was just racing, but now she’s my whole life. Like it’s okay if I have a bad race or whatever, I’ve got to move on quickly because she’s there at home waiting.  
MAX: Having a kid does change you, I think. Daniel will not say his driving has changed, but it has. 
PRODUCER: In what way? 
MAX: I think now he is more focused on winning every race, not that he wasn’t before. But because maybe he knows that every race matters more now. You hope that the others around you will not be too reckless so that you can go home after the race. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Hey, welcome back Danny! 
DANIEL: Thank you, thank you. Hope you didn’t miss my handsome face too much. 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: I didn’t know Jake went on holiday! 
DANIEL: I’m gonna crash the car just for that.
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #2: No, we’re just kidding. So how’s the baby? 
DANIEL: She’s great, do you wanna see a photo? 
RED BULL EMPLOYEE #1: Oh, she’s adorable. Matilda was her name? 
DANIEL: Yeah, yeah. We had a list but I think Matilda was the only one that stood out to us. She just looks like a Matilda you know? 
The camera swings to the right, as Daniel’s head sticks out from the door. 
DANIEL RICCIARDO: You aren’t talking shit about me, Maxy? 
MAX VERSTAPPEN: Of course I am. 
MAX: I have raced with Daniel in every single year of F1. I think it will be weird.
DANIEL RICCIARDO I think I was a pretty good darn car mechanic. 
CUT: Max’s interview with GQ
WHY: If you haven’t learnt by now, I am very lazy. Honestly, I just wanted this chapter out and I knew I didn’t have the time to write a whole article. Also I don’t think Max would be this open about this relationship but maybe Daniel made him more open in this universe. I still stand by the first sentence, it is possibly the truest thing to come out of the fic.
You can’t talk about Max Verstappen without eventually talking about Daniel Ricciardo, and you can’t talk about Daniel Ricciardo without eventually talking about Max Verstappen. This was a true statement in the earlier part of Verstappen’s career, but now perhaps even more so. “He’s made me a much better person,” Verstappen comments when I ask him about his husband. “I maybe wasn’t the best person to be teammates with when I was first in Formula 1, but he stayed friends with me. Even after he left and I was not being nice to him, he still stayed. That was very important to me.”
There’s a certain aura of happiness that comes from Verstappen when he starts talking about Ricciardo, and he says it’s probably one of the most documented love stories of F1. 
It started in the early morning after the final race of the 2018 season, and a drunk voicemail to Ricciardo kicked things off. “I was still mad that he was going, and I had too many gin and tonics and I called him at like 12 am or something. Obviously he didn’t answer because he was sleeping but I said really embarrassing stuff in that voicemail.” He left one more a couple hours later, asking Ricciardo not to mention it. 
“He really took that to heart.” Verstappen laughs. “I don’t really know why, we would talk when we saw each other on race weekends and pretend that everything was fine between us.” 
They were seemingly friends only when it was the race weekend, but off track they had never been further apart. There was a lot of resentment and unsaid conversation from Verstappen’s side, self proclaiming that his stubbornness had put a pin in their relationship. “It’s easy to say now looking back, but I thought Daniel leaving Red Bull was also leaving me. And I didn’t take it well.”
But a little bit of push and shove from his fellow friends made him realise that having Ricciardo in his life was more important than whatever feelings he had towards him leaving. 
Verstappen proposed two years later in December 2022 at that same house. “Coordinates of the house and everything on the ring,” Ricciardo comments when he drops in to grab something from the office. “Cried like a baby when I realised.”
Deleted Epilogue:
WHY: I still can’t decide if Matilda would go down the F1 path. If she did, she is definitely a Ferrari driver. Just to mess with her dads. I think she would sign with Red Bull in the junior seasons, maybe do two seasons with Red Bull then switch to Ferrari. A Sebastian Vettel if you will…let’s hope it turns out better for her than him. 
[Photo 1: A Ferrari car crossing the chequered flag.
Photo 2: Matilda on the third step of the podium, holding the trophy in the air, the Australian flag wrapped around her shoulders.]
Photo 3: Matilda hugging her parents in parc ferme.]
Liked by danielricciardo and others
mvr one home race down 🇦🇺, one more to go 🇳🇱 😉
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scuderiaferrari 👏🎉
23 March
David CROFT: And Matilda Verstappen-Ricciardo absolutely sends it down the inside and makes it stick, and what a move! Gosh, I was not expecting her to pull it off but she absolutely does and gets a roar of a cheer from the home crowd, Verstappen-Ricciardo is currently in P3. 
Jenson BUTTON: I mean, we should not be surprised. Daughter of Max Verstappen, a six time World Champion and Daniel Ricciardo, another World Champion. A lot of racing talent in that family, I thought the last of the late breakers was Daniel but she has really put a new meaning on late!
DC: And speaking of there is Max and Daniel Verstappen-Ricciardo, who I imagine are probably the most nervous parents in the paddock right now! A lovely nod and clap of encouragement as we watch the reaction of Matilda’s overtake for P3. 
matilda verstappen-ricciardo @/MVR 
if you’re wondering if it’s embarrassing to have your parents show up at work to congratulate you just wait till one of them interviews you in front of the tv…. thanks dad i’ve never felt so uncool before
138 replies 98 reposts 20,482 likes
Daniel RICCIARDO: Matilda! 
Matilda VERSTAPPEN-RICCIARDO: Oh my god, please be cool about this. 
DR: Just wait till I convince F1 to let me and Max double host it. 
MVR: This is actually my worst nightmare. Like maybe three other people will understand what I’m feeling right now. 
MVR: I mean I’m not worried about a legacy, if people think I’m here to start or continue a legacy then they can think that, but I’m here to race. Not carry on whatever my parents did. 
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₊˚ ⚽ ♡ ₊˚ Coach Seo ₊˚ ♡ ⚽️ ₊˚
Seo Changbin x GN!Reader
NonIdol!AU | SMAU | Written | Fluff | Rom-Com
Set 15 years after they left school, Y/N and Changbin redescover thier 'friendship'... The local football coach, Changbin has had his fair share of experience with handling teenage angst. As a single-parent of three teens, Y/N is getting lonely - maybe Changbin can change that?
₊˚ ⚽ ♡ ₊˚ Coach Seo ₊˚ ♡ ⚽️ ₊˚ M.list | Main M.List
Chapter Four: Dad Duties 💪🏽
Football practise was always a good time for the kids, Coach Seo always made the sessions fun for them and Y/N got some time to relax... usually. After the arguement from last session Y/N was on high alert, making sure the two oldest were staying away from each other, while setting out the cones and making sure the refreshment table was set up - Y/N kept themselves busy.
Looking over once again to check on the kids, Y/N saw Changbin conversing with Teddy. Moving towards them slightly, just to see if everything was okay, Y/N heard them talking about the week before, catching the end of thier conversation.
"I think having no contact with her for now would help, if I argued with my sister I always tried to take myself out of the situation. It can be hard but you can still do it." Changbin offered, Teddy nodded.
"I think I just have a hard time understanding her emotions and can't see why she turns it into an arguement, but I'll try doing that."
"Good, it'll help everyone!" Changbin said smiling, patting Teddy on the back. They dispersed after that, Teddy walking towards Y/N.
“I just want to say sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I don’t want to hurt you!” He spoke, Y/N blinked at him in shock.
"Thank you." Teddy reached for them and cuddled, something that hadn't happened in a while, before running back to start practise.
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₊˚ ⚽ ♡ ₊˚ Coach Seo ₊˚ ♡ ⚽️ ₊˚ M.list | Ch. Five
If you want to be added to a tag list lmk!
(If you have asked to be put on the tag list I will be tagging you here first just so I can keep track of tags over the series!)
| @feybin | @kypopkypop |
{If you're crossed out it won't tag for some reason :(}
(Warning: I don’t actually ship idols/band-mates together, it’s just for subplots!)
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canirove · 2 months
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 15
Author's note: You don't want to miss this week's chapters 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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It's been three months. Three months, twelve days and twenty hours (yes, I've counted them) since I slapped Declan's face and told him I didn't want to see him again. But today that is over, because the national team is coming back to Tottenham training centre, and I'll have to face him again.
The phase of feeling like there is a hole in my chest and crying with everything is over. But am I ready to see him and those stupid blue eyes of his, to hear his loud laugh, and to smell his perfume everywhere around me? I am not. At all. 
But oh, well.  
“What do you mean he isn't coming?”
“He picked up some kind of injury on the last game. Not sure what, tho, I don't understand those things” Olga says. “But he apparently is going back to Arsenal so he can rest.”
“Thank God” I sigh.
“You look so relieved, Liv” she laughs.
“Well, how would you feel if you were about to see again the guy you fell in love with and who broke your heart, and had to put on a smile on your face and make him coffee as if nothing had happened because otherwise you could be losing your job?”
“I don't think they would fire you for not smiling at him.”
“Yeah, but for dropping a boiling coffee on his precious feet…”
“Oh my God, Liv” she gasps. “I know he was a dick and I hate him for what he did to you. But would you do something like that?”
“Maybe” I shrug.
“Olivia!” she gasps again.
“I was kidding, it was just a joke. Relax.”
Though maybe I wasn't 100% kidding. Because I think this is the new phase I'm in. Violence. Rage. Wanting to hurt him as badly as he hurt me.
“I hope so” Olga says, giving me a worried look. 
“Bloody hell” I curse when half the boxes of napkins I'm carrying end up on the floor.
“Let me help you” a voice says next to me.
“It's ok, don't… worry” I say, looking up at the owner of that voice and getting lost in the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. Declan. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Weren't you injured?”
“They want to run some tests before I leave tomorrow.”
“Oh, good. The sooner the better. And I can do this myself, I don't need your help.”
“Liv, please…”
“No” I say, snatching one of the boxes from his hand and starting to walk away. 
“Liv, c'mon. I just want to talk.”
“And I already told you I don't want to talk to you ever again. Besides being a liar, are you also deaf now?”
“Stop saying my name, Declan. You are gonna wear it off.”
“I'm sorry.”
“Yeah, sure” I snort. 
“I am, Olivia. If you'll let me explain myself…”
“I said no, Declan. And now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do” I say, turning around and walking into the cafeteria, taking big breaths to calm myself and not kick something or start crying again. Or both.
“See you tomorrow, Liv” Olga says before getting into her car.
“Bye” I smile back. 
It's already dark outside, the car park full of puddles from the rain. And I'm so busy trying to not step on one of them while also looking for my keys inside my bag, that I don't see the person standing next to my Mini until he talks to me.
“Hello, Liv.”
“Holy mother of Jesus!” I scream, my bag falling from my hands and ending on a puddle. “What the fuck are you doing here, Declan?”
“I want to talk with you” he says, picking up my bag.
“Again? Didn't I make myself clear earlier?”
“Yeah, but…”
“But you are stupid, I know. And now look, my best bag is ruined because of you” I say, snatching it from his hands just as I did with the napkins. It is soaking wet.
“At least your phone wasn't inside” he shrugs.
“What a relief, uh?” I say, walking around him and opening the car's door, throwing my bag inside.
“Liv, it'll be just a minute. Please let me…”
“No, Declan! I don't want to hear your excuses! I'm done with you! Why can't you understand it?”
“Because I… Liv…”
“Because I… Liv…” I repeat, making fun of him. “Don't you have somewhere else to be? Like texting that singer or one of those other girls you are sleeping with to let them know you will be free tomorrow?”
“For the love of God, stop saying my name!” I say, lifting my arm to slap him like I did at his house. But like happened the second time, he grabs it before I can touch him.
“I probably deserved that” he says, closing the space between us.
“You definitely did, yes.”
“I was a dick.”
“You are a dick” I correct him, trying to stay focused on being mad at him. But it isn't easy. The way he is looking at me is making my heart beat too fast, my knees are already feeling like jelly as he keeps moving closer, and my skin is burning where his fingers are touching me.
“Liv…” he whispers, his free hand moving to my face, caressing my cheek.
“Stop saying my name, Declan.”
“I can't.”
“You…” He is too close. So close that I can smell his perfume everywhere around me, surrounding me, making me get lost on him. Fuck. Shit. No. “Declan…” I whisper.
And then, what I didn't want to happen, happens. 
At first he just brushes his lips against mine, something delicate, barely noticeable. But it is enough to send a wave of electricity through my whole body, making me shudder in his arms. And when he properly kisses me, I'm gone. My arms move on their own, wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Which only makes his kisses more intense, more desperate. We are kissing as if our lives depended on it, as if we needed each other to breathe. And that doesn't stop when I open my car's back door and we both get inside. When clothes start leaving our bodies, the little space turning us into a tangle of limbs, pushing us against the other as close as it is humanly possible, gasps, moans and other unholy noises leaving our mouths. 
“Liv, this just came for you” Alex says, leaving a big package on the table where Olga and I are having lunch.
“Who is sending me something here?” I ask with a confused look.
“I don't know” he shrugs, sitting down next to us.
“Open it, Liv!” Olga says. 
“Ok” I say, doing as she's asked.
“Oh… my God. Did you buy yourself a designer bag?” she says when she sees the box.
“I didn't, no.”
“Then who sent this?”
“I… I don't know” I say, slowly opening it.
“Liv! That's the bag you've been wanting for ages! How many times have we gone to Harrods just to stare at it?” 
“Too many” I chuckle.
“Does it say who has sent it?” Alex asks.
“There is a note, yes” I say, taking it and reading it while Olga marvels at the bag.
“You once told me that you were in love with this bag, that you would go to Harrods with your friends and stare at it wishing it was yours. Well, guess what. Now it is. Hope it makes up for the one I ruined the other night. -DR ”
“And?” Alex asks again. “Who sent it?”
“Madders’ wife got you a designer bag?”
“She says she got invited to do some free shopping, was able to choose whatever she wanted, remembered that I was feeling a bit down, and…” I shrug.
“They gifted her a designer bag?” Olga gasps, totally buying my lie.
“They gave her a budget and it was the same amount of money as the bag.”
“Wow. The life of a wag” she laughs. “I want friends like that too. This is so nice…”
“It is” I smile. 
“Olga, we need you” one of our coworkers says.
“Coming” she sighs. “Will you let me try it on later?”
“Of course.”
“Urgh, you are the best, Liv” she says, giving me a hug before leaving.
“Kennedy's last name is Rice now?” Alex says.
“You may fool Olga, but not me. I know he sent you that bag. Are you back together? Did you forgive him?”
“No and no.”
“Then what, Alex?”
“Then why did he buy you that bag?”
“Because it is over. It is like a goodbye gift.”
“A goodbye gift?” he laughs.
“Yes. Now if you'll excuse me” I say, getting up and taking the bag and the package with me.
Even though Declan and I haven't talked again since what happened in my car, we both know what it meant: it was a goodbye. One that hurts and that neither of us wanted if we only think about what we were feeling that night, but that was the right thing to do.
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melverie · 1 year
So......about Solomon
Before we get started: Discussions on this post are more than welcomed as long as you keep it civil and constructive. At the end of the day, this is still a game about fictional characters, so there's no reason to literally harass others over liking or disliking a character If it truly upsets you that much--which is valid btw--than the best thing to do would probably be to simply not engage with the other party, and not harass them over it; you won't change anyone's mind that way. I know most of you aren't like this but unfortunately it still needs to be said Also, if you want me to add sources to some points, feel free to ask! I've tried to mention the chapters as I go, but I might still have forgotten some. Some of the arguments I make are also hidden behind certain player options; if you can't find them, fell free to ask about them and I'll gladly tell you Also also, general spoiler warning for both the og game and Nightbringer. I'm not really covering anything specific after lesson 60 in the og game and lesson 14 in NB, but I might still mention things from later lessons
Now, onto the actual topic. There've been quite a few arguments against Solomon in the past few days, but I mostly just want to focus on those three:
Solomon wanted to force MC into killing Lucifer at the end of season 2 in the og game
Solomon betrayed the brothers and keeps hiding behind "wanting to protect humanity" as a scapegoat for his actions (putting these two together bc I think they go hand in hand, but it'll make more sense later)
Solomon tricked Asmodeus into a pact without his consent
This entire thing is very long, so feel free to jump around if one point interests you more than another
Solomon wanted to force MC into killing Lucifer at the end of season 2 in the og game
[mainly 38-12, og & 38-15, og]
He did, yeah. But here's the thing
They were all forced into a corner since the fate of all three realms was on the line here, and with the Ring of Light's whereabouts still being unknown at the time, they literally had no other choice if they wanted to save everyone. It wasn't Solomon that randomly decided the only way to restore the Night Dagger's power was by killing a powerful demon, it's always been that way. And he can't just be like "Oh well, let's switch strategies then and focus on finding the Ring of Light" when the entire cast (minus Simeon) has no idea where the ring is and the last time any of them saw it was centuries to millennia ago, if not longer. They don't have the time to search for it considering all the destruction MC's Ring has already caused in such a short period of time
Solomon first tells MC to do kill Luci, only to add that he was just joking and knows MC would never actually go through with it. Then, he says that if they wouldn't do it, he'd do it himself. Which kinda sounds like forcing, right? Except this happens [38-15, og; pic below]:
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He was prepared to, which doesn't clear him of trying to indirectly force MC, let's get that straight. But ultimately he drops it and accepts that maybe their only option really is to just die here. This is also the only time we see him acting against his beliefs btw
Also yes, Solomon might not have been the one that decided they needed to kill a powerful demon, but he seems to be the one that settled on said demon being Lucifer. The only other viable options would most likely be Diavolo and Barbatos. Don't know if the Demon King in his vegetative state still counts but similar to Diavolo, killing him would probably be seen as a direct declaration of war, so they're out. And from a strategic standpoint, Barbatos is the better option to be kept alive simply because of his powers. There most likely also is some kind of sentimental attachment at play here since Solomon is much closer to Barbatos than he is to Lucifer. None of justifies killing Lucifer of course, but we also need to acknowledge that everyone's hands were tied, they were out of time and given the circumstances, this was probably the best decision they could have come to (until Simeon showed up with the Ring of Light, of course)
Solomon betrayed the brothers and keeps hiding behind "wanting to protect humanity" as a scapegoat for his actions
First of no, he did not betray them. Ever since the end of season 2 Solomon has made it clear that his ultimate goal is to protect humanity and that he, similarly to Diavolo in regards to the Devildom and its denizens*, would do anything in his power to protect the human world and its inhabitants [38-15, og; pic in the point above] [38-19, og; pic below]
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*friendly reminder that Belphie was charged with treason for planning to destroy the human world, since in Diavolo's eyes that would have severely damaged the chance of peace between the three realms [13-14, og]
Solomon continuously sticks to his beliefs. He said he'd protect humanity, and that's what he's doing. He never extended that kind of protection to the brothers, he never made any false promises, he didn't betray them in any way, nothing
I'd also like to point out he's not actively going out of his way to antagonize demons, or angels, or whatever. In fact, he even explicitly says that he does not wish to make an enemy out of either party [10-A, NB; pic below], which of course also extends to the brothers
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You can even outright ask him if he's planning on backstabbing the brothers, and this is what he has to say [11-8, NB; pic below]:
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And you know what? That is a valid concern. They can't say for sure what the future holds, and they just recently had to deal with the entire Ring situation that could have very easily destroyed all three realms, so wanting to be cautious and to be prepared for the worst makes sense. He also makes it clear that he does not wish to fight the brothers if it can be avoided, so there's that
And no, he's also not tricking MC into siding against the brothers in Nightbringer. Rather, he just wants to know that they're fighting for humanity should the relationship between humans and demons in general ever turn hostile. He puts the cards open on the table and gives a proper explanation to his reasoning for siding with humanity [11-8, NB], and once again goes a little further into detail before MC gives their answer [14-16, NB; pic below]. Plus it's up to the player if they choose to stand with him or not, and no matter what you choose, he accepts the decision
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Also keep in mind that season 3 heavily suggests that the human world at large has no idea that angels and demons even exist, so MC is pretty much the only one he can even ask to help protect humanity alongside him to begin with. He can't just go up to a random guy on the street and ask them to fight something who's existence they aren't even aware of in the first place
Imo Solomon also seems to know more about where things might be heading than he lets on, with him actually knowing Nightbringer and whatnot, so granting himself some peace of mind by making sure he has at least one ally is perfectly reasonable
Also, Solomon is very much aware that he is not infallible. For example, he states that he realized he still has a lot more to learn about demons [60-20, og], and he even admits that he doesn't always know what the right course of action to any given situation is, which was part of the reason he first asked MC to help him with protecting humanity all the way back in season 2 [38-19, og; first pic below]. In season 2 he actually wanted for MC to be aware of what's happening, but it was Diavolo that decided it would be better to keep them in the dark for the time being [36-18, og]. He trusts MC's judgment and that they will help him make the correct decisions [14-16, NB; second pic below]
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Solomon tricked Asmodeus into a pact without his consent
Before I get into anything, let's summarize the base situation so everyone's on the same page. This is based on the things Asmo tells us [53-16, og], as well as the things Sol tells us [6-18, NB]:
Asmo was trying to flirt with someone but their friends kept on telling him to leave them alone since he's a demon -> Asmo's dejected by this and goes to a tavern in Solomon's hometown
Solomon notices and feels sorry for him; he offers to talk to him and they chat for a bit
Asmo lets it slip that he's Lucifer's younger brother
they get drunk and end up forming a pact -> Solomon says that he was only able to forge a pact with Asmo because his judgment was impaired at the time
Right of the bat--yes, the way Solomon got his pact with Asmo is not okay. I'm not putting that up for debate. He fully took advantage of Asmo here, and there's nothing that can excuse that. I also want to make it very clear that it is in no way my intention to relativize this in any way. The way he went about getting this pact is, to put it simply, fucked up and I do not wish to condone that in any way. With the following points I simply want to explain how I see things. Maybe it'll put things in a slightly different perspective for you, maybe it won't. Now, I hope I made that clear enough, so let's continue
The way I see it, Asmo seems to be pretty okay with the pact. From the way he acts around Solomon in the present day all the way to him describing his reaction to the pact as just a "did I really sign that" [53-16, og], nothing seems to suggest that he holds any ill feelings towards Solomon, and personally I don't see any reason to be angry for someone who himself seems to take no issue with a situation that is directly about him
If it were as upsetting to Asmodeus as some make it out to be, surely he would have found a way to get out of it? Asmo is one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom; if he truly wanted to break the pact he could have just killed Solomon and that's it. And if the pact itself somehow prevented him from doing so, I'm sure Lucifer would have more than gladly stepped in. Heck, I bet all of the brothers would have made it into a family thing in a heartbeat if Asmo wanted out but couldn't do anything himself. As Thirteen told MC, Solomon is immortal, not unkillable
But speaking of Lucifer, shouldn’t the same sentiment about forcing others into a pact be held toward him, too? Because he basically did the same thing with MC. This is what happens when you tell him you don’t want a pact with him [20-14, og; pic below]:
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Yes, this comes down to player choice and yes, you need to make the pact for story continuity, but it ultimately does not change the fact that in-universe he forces MC into a pact if they say no
Also speaking of forcing others into a pact--Mammon and MC, anyone? Yes, MC did it because Levi asked them to so he could get his money back. We know they had no ill intentions. But you never know what the future holds and Levi literally proposed to basically hand over part of Mammon's agency over himself for the money Mammon owns him, to someone Levi has met about 5 minutes prior, knows nothing about and who's only been in the Devildom for a couple of hours at that point, no less. Lucifer also mentions that demons literally cannot resist temptation [4-10, og; pic below], so there literally was no way Mammon could have just noped out of that pact. We all know how badly he wants his credit card back, after all
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To top it all of, we have MC's and Mammon's conversation in Nightbringer where Mammon explicitly says that he would only want to forge a pact with someone that is special to him [2-9, NB], and that he'd make sure to be their first pact [2-11, NB], yet he is forced into his pact with MC. A pact that ultimately turns out to be exactly what he wanted, but nonetheless he was stripped of the ability to say no when it was forged
And for the record, I'm not saying "oh, others did it too, so we shouldn't be so harsh on Solomon!!!" No! Forcing a demon into a pact isn't something that should be taken lightly. A pact literally means a demon hands a huge chunk of control of themself over to a human for as long as the pact exists. And on the other hand, for a human, making a pact with a demon usually means selling their soul. Neither party should EVER be forced into it. We of course don't know if MC actually sold their soul to Lucifer when they made their pact, but even if they didn't, Lucifer's "I won't belong to you. You will belong to me" speaks for itself
What I am trying to say here is that if you want to be mad at Solomon for forcing Asmo into a pact without Asmo's consent (which, again, is valid), you should also be mad at MC for forcing Mammon, and Lucifer for forcing MC into a pact
Anyway, back to Solomon now
Solomon actually admits that he used to treat demons like collectables--more or less, at least since he immediately follows the confession up with "just kidding" [14-14, NB]. Judging by what we've seen in the og game though, he seems to genuinely make an effort to better his relationship with the demons he has made a pact with, or at the very least with Asmo and Barbatos. I mean, the difference between Sol's relationship with Barbs in the og game vs in Nightbringer is night and day
In the present time, Asmo and Solomon are also super close. I literally cannot think of a single instance where they did not get along (though it might have happened like once or twice). You can literally pic any part in the og game to see their relationship play out, but some highlights include Solomon saying he got a huge oil painting of Asmodeus as his "permit" to summon Asmo across worlds [39-13, og] (which is not something you would allow someone you hate to do btw) and both of them mentioning that the two of them repeatedly hang out together in the human world [Proud Brothers, devilgram on Asmo's page, og], the hickey on Solomon's neck that's most likely Asmo's doing [Who Left the Hickey?, daily chat with Mammon, og]. Asmo (while drunk) is comfortable enough to tell Solomon that his cooking sucks and Solomon actually takes it to heart [47-16 hard mode, og]. Then there's Asmo's excitement at Solomon being in the Devildom for the first time [Proud Brothers, devilgram on Asmo's page, og; both of the pics below]
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There's also that infamous chat pic of them doing face masks together (that I unfortunately don't know which chat it belongs to, so if someone could tell me, I'd appreciate it <3)
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I don't know about you guys, but that's not typically an activity I do with someone I despise
So it's clear that current day Asmo holds no malice toward Solomon
Which, finally, leaves us with the way they forged their pact in Nightbringer
[mainly 7-12, NB & 7-15, NB]
@impish-ivy already went over it in this post, especially in the tags (I highly suggest checking out the reblogs as well btw), but to reiterate--Asmo was IN NO WAY forced into that pact. His brothers tried to talk him out of it, but at the end of the day Asmo willingly agreed to it. Yes, they were in a dangerous situation, and yes, Solomon used that as a basis to ask for the pact, but as ivy correctly points out in the tags, Lucifer could have easily handled the situation by himself, yet Asmo agreed regardless. By implying that Asmo was in any way, shape or form forced into that pact you're not only taking away a huge amount of his agency, but you also deny him his character moment and development that came with this scene. Asmo himself says that forging this pact will finally help him accept himself as a demon. Taking this moment from him is doing him a huge disservice
Aaaand that's pretty much all I have to say
If there's anything else you'd like to add, OR if there's anything you don't agree with, feel free to share! And once again, I'd like to remind everyone that civil and constructive discussions are more than welcomed on here!
Anyway, thank you all for reading, hope you have a great day! <3
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unique-high · 10 months
In between the pages of you | YOONGI X BLK FEM READER
summary: Yoongi fell in love with you. A girl he had never even met before. Knew everything that you were made up of within 96 pages of a worn red journal with a nirvana sticker on front, with coffee and tea-stained pages that also smelled of lilacs and summer.
genre: fluff, angst, humor, and romance.
a/n: I made a playlist for this fic if you want to check it out :). sorry for any mistakes in the fics.
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Chapter One: The Red Journal
It's only 2:15 in the morning. Yoongi sat in his usual spot in the back of the ramen shop eating his usual order of creamy pork belly shin. The crispy pork had a nice crunch, and the broth warmed his chest and stomach in the cold winter month of December.
The little ramen shop wasn't busy, just the same faces Yoongi had seen when he came here when he hit a mental creative block in his music writing. Oftentimes times Yoongi would people-watch, taking in insignificant details of the other customers he could somehow use in his music.
Like the old man with ink-stained fingers, Yoongi wonders if the old man is a kind of comic creator.
Then there was the young man slurping down his noodles as he studied for some kind of test.
Yoongi noticed a red journal sitting in the center of a table a few feet away from him. He looked around to see if the owner of it was anywhere. No one was at the serving counter or at the tea machine. The little ramen shop didn't have restrooms, so you had to use the restroom at the 7-Eleven across the street. So he thought maybe the owner could be there.
By the time Yoongi was done eating, he paid for his meal at the serving counter and bought a strawberry mochi ice cream. He walked by the table with the red Journal; he stood there for a moment staring at it. The owner never came for it.
So Yoongi took it to the serving counter.
“Someone left their journal here,” Yoongi said to the cook.
The middle-aged man looked at the journal and then at Yoongi.
“Do you have a lost and found?”
“Does it look like I have one?”
“Can I leave it here in case the owner returns?”
“It'll get thrown out with the trash.”
Yoongi put the red journal in his messenger bag. He gave a tight lip smile to the cook and left.
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The red Journal sat in front of him on his desk. He stared at the Nirvana sticker on the cover. He opened the journal to see if there was information so he could return it to the owner.
Yoongi reads the pretty handwriting, and the name written inside Y/N with hearts drawn around your name. There was no other information, so he flipped to the first page.
There's a faint hint of coffee that hits his nose and a coffee ring in the upper corner of the page with a movie ticket taped down from some French movie you saw back in July.
Yoongi read the first page of your journal. At first, he thought it would be crossing into someone else private life: what if there's some really deep personal shit here?
But Yoongi was a little nosey about who you, Y/n, might be.
June 1, 2023
I and my friend Namjoon ate at this Chinese restaurant above my apartment building. It's a small little one run by a husband and wife. I had sweet and sour pork with steaming white rice and Namjoon had Wonton soup. Namjoon thinks it's a little childish that I made a wish on my rice. I never told Namjoon this was something I always did with my grandma. She'll cook some rice for us on my birthdays, sprinkling a little sugar and adding some butter, before digging in we made a wish on the rice. I know it's nothing special to some people, but for me, brief memories like that with my grandma felt like hot chicken noodle soup on a bitter winter day warming your insides. So yeah, I'll continue wishing on bowls of rice, just to keep that memory of my grandma alive when she wasn't.
Yoongi's fingers trailed over each sentence until he was at the end where he saw a little chibi drawing at the bottom of the page with two people, a younger girl and an elderly woman with bowls of rice in front of them and scribbled above their heads read: Granny and Me.
His chest tightened a bit, and he batted his eyes to keep the tears away. It reminds him of him and his grandpa when Yoongi was a small boy, they would always go fishing, and Yoongi and his grandpa would wish on dragonflies so they could catch the biggest fish. They never did though and it never disappointed Yoongi when he caught something even smaller, it was the moments he spent with his grandpa that made these little memories special.
So Yoongi could understand you, wanting to keep that part of your grandma alive.
All he can do is try to imagine what your smile must have been like when a bowl of hot rice was placed in front of you, did you close your eyes? Or did you thank whatever God you believed in, if you even believed in one?
He was curious about how many wishes you made over the years, what you wished for, and did any of them ever come true?
Only from the first page of your journal Yoongi could tell you were someone with a pure heart.
Maybe you saw the world a little differently, like a child did when they first become curious about the world around them.
Maybe you were nice. Maybe you weren't nice enough. Maybe you smiled too much. Maybe you smiled too little. Maybe you cried easily when someone slightly raised their voice to you. Maybe you didn't cry at all.
A lot of maybes Yoongi thought about. Just a couple hundred words that Yoongi read he wanted to know who you were as a person. That all the maybes he had could be answered.
He flipped through the pages of your journal, just scanning over the pages. Some pages were torn out, with scraps of paper left behind from where you ripped them out.
Yoongi counted 96 pages with pieces of you scattered throughout the stained pages, folded corners, pretty handwriting, and every page smelled of lilacs.
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a/n: the idea for this was random because I wanted to buy a journal and I'm like, what if there was a story about a journal and two people? I asked my friend who it should be about. It was either between Namjoon and Yoongi. And Yoongi made it. I may or may not do a Namjoon version. 😭
For a good portion of the story, we only will see Y/n through her journal and how Yoongi may see her.
Taglist: @kingofbodyrolls @illnevertrustmyselfagain @lachibolalasstuff @tarahardcore @itsshaydeekaydee @iluvkyo
If you would like to be added to the taglist for future chapters, let me know :)
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
What to write weekend...?
Friday again, start of my weekend.
Finish SoS chapter (and post it)
Finish OAA epilogue (and post it)
Finish two other chapters for two others fics and post them (ONE DOWN! Have updated To Wake, Perchance to Dream now).
Explanation on how "What to Write Weekend" works and fic descriptions under the read more because it's long... Once you know you know though.
If your curious about wordcounts etc. I have a spreadsheet here.
Online and Anonymous - 15/16 Hangster who are anonymous Grindr buddies for YEARS. (Tumblr post)
Sagas of Solitude 8/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby
A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I, J, K, L, M
--- --- --- --- --- ---
If you need it, here's an explanation of how it works:
You pick 1-3 of the above and either:
Send an ask (Anon is on)
with the letters/Numbers of the fic/s you wish would hurry up and get finished/posted already. (Yes, you can pick the same one three times - some of these fics are that close to getting parts/chapters finished that would be enough to tip them over, you also don't have to pick more than one).
--- --- --- --- --- ---
I WILL WRITE AT LEAST 250 WORDS for each one you pick. I reply to let you know when it is done. I've also started tracking it in a spreadsheet.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Numbers indicate fics I am consciously working on updating/completing, and likely have a completion date in mind.
Letters are fics that are often getting completed because people ask for me to work on them through things like this. (I usually do this every weekend).
Doing this keeps me on task and makes me accountable. It stops me from procrastinating and I really appreciate people providing their numbers.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
A) Upon which our souls touch - 3/? - Hangster TGM AU involving dragon riders and shape shifters and fantasy... Seriously, I wouldn't vote for this one because my kids ask about it almost daily so... it gets attention regardless.
B) I'd know you anywhere - Bradshaw Twins - Hangster (Tumblr post)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 2/? - Hangster Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
G) Celebrity Chef Bradley
H) From the top - 1/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 3/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
J) Barista Jake who cannot spell Bradley's name. (HERE)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 4/?Transformers cross-over.
L) Hangster Soulmates, Bodyguard (leftover from the Bingo...)
M) IceMav Florist/Undercover Agent AU (also leftover from Bingo)
I'm working on some chapters to get them finished because I like posting chapters.
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thealiveshadow · 11 months
This is the letter Horikoshi wrote in the extras of Volume 39, it’s quite the interesting read:
«  As many of have already noticed, most chapters have become shorter. This is due to the speed at which I draw decreasing over the years and my schedule being a total mess. Because of that, I've been talking to the higher ups of the editorial department on a regular basis so that we can decide on the number of pages for each chapter in advance, allowing MHA to be included in the magazine. I know it's 100% my fault, but I always find myself thinking "if only I could draw a few more pages...!". I'm really self-centered, ain't I? How awful.
So they told me that chapter 395, "Built Upon The Joys of Others", would be 13 pages long. But, as you can see, it ended up with 15 pages. And that's thanks to Imamura-san, my editor. I made a 13 pages long first draft, but it was evident that I had to hinder the narrative for it to work. If I were a better author, maybe those 13 pages would have been enough... So, I took that first draft and handed it to Imamura-san, who read it and fell silent. After a while, he said: "...what if you added two more pages?"
An editor increasing the page count based on their personal opinion is considered a major taboo. After all, the magazine consists of many series and many chapters. But Imamura-san is a relatively younger editor, so maybe that's why. "Is that even possible?!", I asked, and his eyes lost their sparkle.
"Don't worry, I'm the only one who's going to get scolded. I liked this draft, but I think this chapter has the potential to be even better. So, I'm asking you to draw two more pages within the time limit. If the deadline comes and you haven't done it, it'll be a problem for everyone. What do you say, Horikoshi-san?"
His eyes were as black as a black hole. They were pits without any light. And that's how we managed to publish chapter 395 with 15 pages.
What I'm trying to say is that both Imamura-san and the editorial department are giving their all to make sure that MHA comes out in the best possible way. If it weren't for their efforts, maybe it wouldn't be possible for the serialization to continue. So I want to take this opportunity to thank them. Thank you very much.
And I want to send a message to everyone who's entering adulthood: meet your deadlines and avoid causing trouble for other people. Otherwise, their eyes will be filled with darkness.
(Come to think of it, I never managed to finish my summer vacation homework on time. I should have realized back then that I wasn't fit for life in society)»
Kouhei Horikoshi
All credits go to @RukasuMHA on Twitter for the translations, I take no credit at all for the text provided.
Here’s the original page:
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walkingstackofbooks · 2 months
Trying to decide what I want to work on right now and so to procrastinate I thought it'd be fun to share my current WIPs with you all (omg how did I get so manyyyyy)
Feel free to shout encouragement at me if there's any that particularly pique your interest! :P
Anyway, in order of how recently I've worked on them:
1. Prompt - what if Kukulaka got broken and Garak repaired him?
Coming soon? 80% it'll be done in the next week: I'm hoping to just bash it out at some point, but even though it's short and self-contained, it's hardddd...
2. Unexpected Chapter 2 of Imprisoned. Absolute Sloanshir rot: Sloan provides Julian with more "help", Julian gets increasingly confused/grateful/flustered/fucked
Coming soon? Almost 100% you're gonna see it next week - I am hype and should should should get to the end once I have an evening to myself ;)
3. Prompt - "I don't trust myself to be good to myself right now, but I need someone to be good to me." Conversations between Miles and Julian at various points in the series when they've hit rock bottom and need pulling out.
Coming soon? No... I've written one post-DBIP scene but I'd at least want the post-Argrathi scene and the rest of the DBIP stuff to be done before I put anything up, if not the whole thing... It's definitely a long fic I'll be returning to in fits and bursts. (sorry, prompter...)
4. Prompt - Garak and Julian's first conversation post-IPS/BIL.
Coming soon? It's a strong contender for next week - I was super hype for it when I started but then work interceded and I just haven't got back to it yet. It is a priority, though!
5. Pre-DBIP: a few moments where Julian's unspoken issues with his parents cause friction for him but go unnoticed by his friends. Post-DBIP a similar moment happens and is recognised for what it is. Featuring Julian + beets.
Coming soon? I really don't know. I've got a strong vision for it and scene one (of four) is done, but it's kind of stuttered since then.
6. Julian starts to neglect his self-care, leading to him passing out in the infirmary. Sisko would like to know what the hell happened.
Coming soon? It's already on tumblr in a rough and ready form, so editing to put on AO3 might well happen in the next week - and I'd say a 50% chance of something extra with that?
7. Chapter 2 of At Their Mercy. Alpha!Garak takes over with Omega!Julian where Kira left off... 😉😉😉
Coming soon? Gahhh, I have written this several times over in my brain, but getting the start of this chapter has been proving difficult. Definitely not until after the Imprisoned chapter is done.
8. Why Leeta Kept Kukulaka And How Julian Did Try To Ask For Him Back. Just cute, fluffy gap-filling; I love both of them.
Coming soon? Probably not. Only the outline has been written tbh and this hasn't caught my fancy in a while.
9. "Acts of God": A runabout crashes on a planet where medical intervention is outlawed. Unable to help his injured friends and forbidden from alleviating the suffering he sees around him, Julian has a very bad time...
Coming soon? No, I think this is probably going to be an after-VIsion-Awry project rather than a can-i-get-it-done-first one.
10. "Sloan's planet": Sloan is Julian's s31 handler, sending him out on all sorts of missions... but the missions are fake, Sloan using the holosuite to manipulate Julian pretty much any way he wants...
Coming soon? Possibly. This has more of a series vibe maybe with a few distinct one-shots, so if I get a short idea I might bash it out 🤷‍♀️ Sloanshir's often just so easy to fall into.. 🤣
11. Keiko + Molly + Julian + drawing post-DBIP. Julian's not very good at it, and it's a bit feels but a lot of fluff.
Coming soon? Well I haven't touched it since April but I do smile whenever I remember it exists (and looking at the file, more was written than I remember!)
Welp - and that's not even counting the myriad other ideas floating around my tumblr/ in my head! Or the fact that I have probably another 15-20k of Vision Awry to go... Well, here's looking forward to my August of writing!
(Which I'll definitely have... if I stop procrastinating! :P)
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aishangotome · 3 months
Alfons Sylvatica: Chapter 16
Chapter 15
Roger: You don't learn, do you, lil lady? Even after being hurt by that wicked man.
Roger's face was so close, I could feel his breath on me...
Roger is a nice man, and if I had met him at a bar without knowing anything, I probably would have been excited by his slightly forceful invitation.
Kate: I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now...
Kate: Besides, shouldn't you be choosing who you want to be with?
Roger gives a wry smile and removes his hand from my shoulder.
Roger: I do choose, but I'd welcome a woman like you.
(Maybe he came to cheer me up.)
My heart, which had been losing its warmth, feels a little warmer.
(Speaking of which...)
Kate: ...Roger, you're researching curses, right?
Roger: Yeah, but...
Kate: Could you tell me about Alfons' fate...?
I ask the question I had been thinking about until just before Roger came. He shrugs theatrically.
Roger: If he knew I told you, he'd hate me even more.
Kate: I won't tell Alfons that I heard it from you.
Roger: He'd figure it out even if you didn't.
Roger: Well, he can't hate me any more than he already does, so I don't care.
(Come to think of it...)
I had felt a little uncomfortable with Alfons' attitude towards Roger.
You two have known each other for a long time
Do he dislike you?
Who is older?
Kate: Does Alfons dislike you?
Roger: Haha, straight to the point. Well, the answer is YES.
Roger: ...It's because I was the one who casually told him about his "fate."
Roger: I twisted his already twisted life even further.
Roger: Do you want to hear it?
(If I hear it...)
What Roger is about to tell me is something Alfons would never let me know.
(...What am I going to do with knowing more about him?)
(It'll only make it harder to forget him.)
I bite my lip.
(But still...)
I want to grasp even a tiny bit of his mirage-like reality.
Kate: ...Please tell me.
**Alfons' Past**
There are no dreams or illusions here.
There is only the inescapable "truth"...
The gray-eyed boy was an orphan from the East End.
From the time he could remember, he had been forced to do hard labor at the orphanage.
The environment was harsh, and even the slightest mistake was met with corporal punishment.
However, he had a special skill.
He knew how to escape the hunger, pain, and suffering of reality by dreaming.
"This isn't me," he would say, looking at his reflection in the dirty water.
Then, his consciousness would dissociate, and he could endure corporal punishment without feeling anything.
Many children died.
...I can't even remember their names anymore. I'm sure I'll die like that too.
Even so, there was one thing he cherished.
Gray-eyed Boy: Come here.
A kitten shivering in an alley.
He shared his meager bread with it, held it to his chest on cold days, and stroked its neck.
It calmed his heart.
(I'm not like those adults. Because I have love.)
(I'm not like the other nameless children. Because I have this kitten.)
(This cat knows me. It remembers me.)
He maintained his sense of self by thinking this way.
Gray-eyed Boy: I love you... so don't forget me.
The warmth of the kitten, the soft feel of its fur, its tiny meows...
That place, surrounded by crumbling bricks, was his "reality."
Hmm... A cat, huh...
One day, the boy met another boy named Roger in the East End.
Roger looked a little older than the boy who was shining shoes on the street.
From his clothes, it was clear that he came from a relatively wealthy family, if not a noble one.
Roger, who said he had "heard rumors about the orphanage," was very interested in the boy's story for some reason.
Roger: So, what happened to that cat? You're shining shoes here because you were kicked out of the orphanage, right?
The boy's gray eyes softened a little at the mention of the cat.
Gray-eyed Boy: He's still at the orphanage. I'm sure someone is taking care of him.
Roger: ...What's your name?
Name... It felt like he had forgotten he even had one.
Gray-eyed Boy: ...Alfons, I think.
Roger: Maybe?
Alfons: I heard it was written on the box I was in.
He knew he had been abandoned at birth without having to ask anyone.
The boy didn't remember anything before coming to the orphanage.
And he had just been kicked out of that orphanage.
Roger: Do you really not know why you were kicked out of the orphanage?
Alfons: I don't know. It was so sudden, I didn't...
**back to present**
The overlapping sound of the clock's hands brings my consciousness back to the present from the past.
Roger: I tried to contact him because I heard a rumor.
Kate: A rumor...?
Roger: Yeah. A rumor that "the head of the orphanage was turned into a cat."
(Turned into a cat...?)
Kate: What do you mean...?
Roger: I knew I was cursed back then and had started researching curses.
Roger: Through my father, who's a town doctor, I was digging through records of patients who seemed to be cursed.
Roger: One of the most unusual rumors was that there was a person who could "rewrite other people's perceptions," and...
Roger: There was a strange phenomenon of memory loss occurring around the source of that rumor.
(Memory loss...)
I remember Alfons' face and swallow quietly.
Roger: Many people remember being told that white was black, black was white, and that was the truth.
Roger: But no one can remember who did it to them. Not their name, appearance, or where they lived.
Roger: When you check the records in those places... there's always an unnatural blank space.
Roger: It's clear that one person has "disappeared" from both memory and records... Isn't that strange?
Roger: I was convinced that the person with that power was "cursed."
An unpleasant premonition filled my chest.
But I just swallowed and listened to his words.
Roger: When I heard the rumor that "a human turned into a cat," I thought it was that cursed person.
Roger: I was desperately looking for another cursed person at that time.
Roger: ...So, I got ahead of myself.
**flashback to past**
Roger: You have some strange power, don't you?
Alfons takes a slight step back from Roger, who suddenly leans in with a serious expression.
Alfons: Strange power...?
Roger: Like, if you touch someone or something, you can make them believe something, even if it's a lie.
Alfons: ...Even if it's a lie...?
He doesn't ask what Roger means, so he must know what he's talking about.
Convinced of this, Roger takes a step back and spreads his arms.
Roger: Try it on me. Anything.
Alfons: ...........
Alfons stares at Roger for a moment, then...
Alfons: ...I'll do it if you pay me.
He makes a deal with the well-dressed Roger.
Then the two of them experimented with the "ability."
This was because Alfons himself didn't know how to activate his power.
Roger: It doesn't seem to work just by giving a verbal command.
Alfons: Then, how about trying to give a command while touching something?
And after some trial and error, holding hands, putting his hand on his forehead...
Alfons: "This isn't shoe polish, it's your favorite food."
**back to present**
Roger: When his hand touched the nape of my neck, the ability was activated.
Kate: ...How did you know the power was activated?
Roger: I found myself eating shoe polish, and he was pointing at me and laughing.
Roger laughs and continues the story.
**back to past**
Roger: You're definitely cursed.
Alfons: Cursed?
Alfons: What are you talking about, mister? I'd like you to pay me now.
Alfons looks at him coldly and waves his outstretched hand.
Roger grabs Alfons by the shoulders.
Roger: You have the power to distort people's minds. You just saw it.
Roger: Cursed people have a predetermined fate in exchange for their power...
Alfons: Wh-what are you getting so excited about?
A person cursed from birth - that's what a "Cursed One" is.
At this time, Alfons doesn't know the meaning of it yet.
Roger: Cursed Ones are born with the fate of "committing a crime and meeting a tragic end."
Alfons: ...You should go to the hospital, mister. A tragic end? That's ridiculous.
Roger: It sounds like a lie, but it's true! In your case, it's probably... "to die without being remembered by anyone."
Roger: That's the fate you carry.
Alfons: ...!
The "fate" he was given in exchange for an ability that ordinary humans don't have.
Roger: But I'm sure fate can be changed. I'll change it.
Roger: I finally met another Cursed One! Hey, you...
Alfons: ...Get away from me.
Suddenly, Alfons pushes Roger hard in the chest.
Roger: ...? What's wrong? You're pale.
Alfons: Just get away from me!
Alfons pushes Roger away as if to shove him and runs away. He never came back.
**back to present
Roger: ...A while after that,
Roger: I started hearing rumors that "a kid who shows strange illusions is being harassed in the slums."
I remembered Alfons showing illusions to people in an abandoned warehouse.
**flashback to slums**
Alfons: I was doing this before I joined the Crown.
Alfons: It's too late to tell me to stop because it's classified information.
**end of flashback**
Roger: I was going to ask him to cooperate with my research on curses, but...
Roger: I probably told him about his fate too carelessly... I confronted him with an irreversible reality.
I felt like a hole had opened up beneath my feet.
Alfons' unknown past, the day he first learned of his ability, and... the "curse" he received.
("To die without being remembered by anyone" - that's Alfons' fate.)
Chapter 17
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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Cherries Under the Sun Taglist!
Surprisingly, the day marking me being on here for a whole month, was Friday the 13th. (actually it's the day I posted my intro..but close enough!) I don't know kinda of luck I have but I take it as a small sign to ask for a wee bit of a favor.
*clears throat*
Dearest gentle scroller, I humbly ask for your engagement on this post to be included in a taglist for one specific work in progress of mine. Under the title, Cherries Under the Sun: a speculative fiction...
novel..series...book...piece of writing (whatever it'll end up being)
that challenges the aspects of church and state, police and community involvement (or lack thereof), religious deconstruction (from the point of view from black women and the black church), witchcraft in the church, and whatever else i mentioned in this post!
If you've enjoyed the titles such as A Southern Book Clubs Guide to Slaying Vampires, The Morganville Vampire Series (or parts of it...that thing is like 15 books long), or anything revolving vampires, small rural southern towns, cult meetings in remote locations, and or a uncanningly hot vampire antagonist.
then feel free to interact with this post and maybe if tags aren't your thing but you'd still like to see posts relating to Cherries Under the Sun, this tag will lead you there! (#howsweettheesound)
and while updates might not be frequent, i can say they'll be consistent and...this is already kinda lengthly but, would be things like.. scene shots:
extra scenes,
and snippets, rather than a whole chapters (ao3?)
i think that's it, so thanks if you do and if you don't*...but really thank you!
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irisbleufic · 17 hours
how do you keep track of everything going on in caldera? it's so sprawling, i love that about it. is it a google doc system or tabbed spreadsheet? /me unashamedly seeking writing advice bc i want to write a series someday soon, teach me your ways
I wouldn't call it a complicated system, anon! I use Google Docs to track everything as well as draft chapters of stories as I go. It's maybe helpful if I show you a screenshot; it's representative of the number of active docs I have for the series at any given time.
Tumblr media
Caldera #15 Draft is the newest piece I'm writing, pretty straightforward. If it ends up breaking into multiple chapters, each chapter gets a separate file, and the file names become something like Caldera #15.1 Draft, Caldera #15.2 Draft, and so forth.
Caldera Series Notes is where I keep track of the broader upcoming structure, how many shorter stories before I hit the next long one, etc. If I have any brief thoughts about pacing and specific future events/scenes, I tend to dump these here in a bulleted list.
Caldera Item/Property Inventories is the fun one, and it's literally just lists of items I can't afford to lose track of as the characters accrue more. Armand's rings, the newly begun list of other jewelry items, the places they've lived for a while and new acquisitions, etc.
Caldera #21 (very end of final chapter of series, projected, may change) is a rare occurrence, because I was able to look ahead and write what I hope will be the very last pages of the very last story in the series. It's a target I can hit even if I end up with more intermediary stories to get there than I think; for instance, Caldera #21 could become Caldera #30 and those pages I've written would still be the end of it all. I'm absurdly happy with how this scene currently looks, and that excitement accounts for a little bit of why I've been working so quickly. The drive to bridge things toward a conclusion I'm satisfied with is strong, even if it'll take 30 stories instead of 21. I'm hoping for 21, but I've had a series in the past hit 30. I obviously can't rule out that kind of sprawl here, as unpredicted elements creep in.
Thanks for asking this question. I enjoy talking about process.
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lineli225 · 10 months
Ok so, MHA is definitely having at least more 50 chapters at the very minimum.
MHA is weekly, and 2024 will have only 52 weeks, so that plus breaks, if it has 50 chapters, knowing Hori takes at least a break a month, it'd need around 65 or 70 weeks to be completed.
So it can't end in 2024, maybe MHA will end around February or March 2025... Perhaps even June!
But why I think so?
The final war arc started on chapter 343, so the current arc has 66 chapters.
This final arc is the longest arc in the series, as Hori's arcs got progressively longer each new arc, the longest arcs being 24, 41 and 54, from the first big arc, it basically doubled in size, it can double again.
But i think of the traitor arc as part of the final war, starting with the Sns chapter, which is chapter 329
So to me the final arc has 80 chapters so far to put it simple.
Also Hori wouldn't just cut the end dry, I can easily see a last, short, epilogue arc showing what happened after and all the changes in society and everything.
MHA won't end in more 15 chapters, we still haven't seen: Aizawa/Mic/Kurogiri, Sero's role, the tie up to Toga and Ochako, Hawks being the light of hope, Spinner's demise, seeing what talk Compress had with the heroes, Hisashi finally appearing(hori did promise it!), Hori did mention Class 2-A briefly showing up, tie the quirk singularity theory plot, AFO finally inserting his quirk factor on Tomura, AND finally, Tomura vs Izuku.
Tomura vs Izuku is probably not being quick, giving they are the main characters, and the grand finale, the greatest mess and also what needs more focus, In these 60+ chapters of this arc so far, izuku barely showed up, you can't have a 80 chapters only arc and your MAIN CHARACTER show up just 5 or so!!!
Considering Hori made almost 50 chapters of ONLY people fighting AFO and other stuff, I'm confident we will have at MINIMUM some 15 chapters of ONLY Shigaraki vs Izuku, he is saving these two for last, so I'm confident it won't be that fast AT ALL!
Honestly, I won't be surprised if MHA have more 70 chapters left, I can easily see this arc being over 150 chapters, like, come on, Hori didn't take his sweet sweet time only to half ass rush the most important part! Hori won't rush now that he toke so much care to build up the climax
Honestly i personally think MHA might even reach 460/480 chapters total, I wont be surprised if we reach 500 chapters either! (Each volume have 12 chapters, so MHA ending with a total of 47 or 48 volumes. )
Like- there is way TOO MUCH to be seen! The final arc is only on the half way but already been 80 chapters so far! And we haven't even got to the main fight!!!
Anyways, mark my words
MHA is ending in middle 2025.
Update/Edit: Just realized MHA will have only 33 chapters released this year and only 2 volumes
First chapter of 2023 was 377- the chain thus far
33 chapters of only fighting AFO, togachako and tododabi
Even If MHA have only more 15 chaps it'll still take half a whole year 😭 MHA IS SO NOT ENDING TILL 2025
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Much That Once Was Is Lost
First posted: April 15, 2018
Focuses on: Tim Drake
Favorite bookmark: "more crying. lurker is killing me with this angst"
Tier: Top 20 in terms of hits and comments
This is my “behind the scenes” series where I indulge myself horribly by annotating my fics. Link to the fic itself above. Thoughts below the cut.
As always with multi-chapter fics, I'll start with Chapter One and add subsequent chapters via reblogs.
Chapter One
I'm only tackling one multi-chapter at a time, which is why these end up so wildly out of order with the rest of this tag.
This was the second fic I ever wrote! It spawned directly out of Mother Bruce, which is wild to me because I continued to insist for quite a while that I didn't totally understand or know Tim yet.
Tim had thought becoming an orphan would feel different somehow. Like in the moment his father’s chest fell and failed to rise again, there would be this great rending of reality, forever hewing his life into Before and After. That was how it had worked for Bruce. For Dick. Maybe that was how it worked for him, too, and he was too numb to notice it.
There's always a tension between interior and exterior perspective, one that's both important and fun to play with, because one isn't inherently more true than the other, but they both coexist regarding multiple things at the same time. Here, we're stuck in Tim's perspective about himself and what he's feeling as well as his exterior perspective or assumptions on how a similar experience had worked for both Bruce and Dick, but there's already a signal that the interior perspective, which you might think would be solid and objectively true as a primary witness, may not be at all.
Tim’s fingers ran lightly across the marble table, taking with them a thin layer of dust. The dust and the stale taste in the air were the only change from the last time he had stepped inside the mansion. . . How long had it been?
It took a bit of puzzling to figure out what I thought the Drake home was like, both here and in other fics. Different details could point to different kinds of neglect—neglected and unkempt vs spotless and sterile—complicated by what the house had been vs. what it might have been in the brief window of time before Jack's death.
Bruce had trained all his proteges to walk without a sound, but Tim-who-was-Robin had never needed much practice. He was used to being a ghost in his own home. He made no noise now as he crossed the long entry hall in socked feet, shoes neatly lined by the front door. He walked in the dark, knowing nothing would be out of place. Trusting his feet to guide him safely, the way they always had after his midnight forays after the mysteries next door. In his head, Tim absently counted his steps, as he always did.
Another thing to figure out, how Tim chose to exist in his own home, a place that is undeniably his but also where he is undeniably unwelcome. I built on this more in The Return with the state of his room.
He had clipped the vase with his bag and hadn’t slowed even when the fragile porcelain shattered on the hardwood. He had barely heard it over the rattle of the bottles as he slung the bag over his shoulder. The medicine bottles full of his father’s pills. There hadn’t been time to grab them before Jack Drake had been loaded in the ambulance. Hadn’t been time to load Tim in the ambulance with him before the white doors had slammed shut. So Tim had come after with the medical records and bottles swept from the bedside table into the canvas bag. That was Tim, always following behind.
If this were in a comic, I'd expect to see Present Tim standing at the stares, watching the incorporeal path of Past Him sprinting down the full length of the page.
Also, I don't remember if I gave Jack a specific cause of death (it'll probably pop up later in his fic), but I didn't want to mess with the canon of Captain Kangaroo or whoever it was. No murder needed, just the banal tragedy of human bodies.
Flipping on the lights, he looked around. Here, too, everything was just as he had left it. The overturned chair from his lunge for the alarm. The rumpled bed surrounded by droning machines. The splash of paperwork on the floor. The crumpled plastic debris from the EMTs. Shuffling forward, he nudged the wrappers and disposable medical instruments out of the way, then reconsidered and bent to pick up the trash. Litter was carefully sorted into trash and recycling and disposed of accordingly. The chair was righted. The paperwork was tidied and placed on the dresser. The machines were silenced, then unplugged, the insistent beeps fading into silence and the screens plunging into black.
Tim, forever the fixer, the silent tidier who cleans up after disasters.
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