#i think its because i wanna be seen as male again..
boywonderasf · 5 months
im ranting dont mind me, uh but this isnt kink related so idk do with that what you will.
but uh update, i believe i may have a case of I-want-to-be-him again... and the man in question is Dick fucking Grayson. (why did it have to be someone so buff, damnit AJ...you only have half the ass for the part😔)
and if its anything like the last time my autism did this, oh lord lots is gonna change about me physically.
i dont think it will be nearly as bad though, cause last time, i chopped off my waist length hair+got a perm, changed my gender w/ total style change to 80s dad Hawaiian shirts, switched my churchy personality to a raunchy mentally ill teenager (so basically just dropped my filter..)
i think this time it will be better cause im not a mentally ill teenager and know how to deal with The Urges slightly more
uh but this is what is on the to-do list so far:
dye hair dark blue(tehe done)
work out more/potentially figure skate??
keep fighting the urge to be a cop (you genuinely couldn't do it babe)
wear my leather jackets more (potentially make one of them nightwing themed because you have autism)
STOP DRESSING LIKE A BUM👹🫵(also achieved sorta)
erm also definitely debating cutting my hair uhm but like i can 100% still Dick Grayson my way out of this depression era with the length of hair i got now.
its very nightwing era w the bun n blue suit combo... idk im picturing like leather jacket over the nightwing suit..
i need this to be my birdflash era cause the last mf i did this bs with was Richard Tozier..
but then it took 3 years to get my stozier era and i was delusional and being manipulated/abused by a borderline n*zi so... ig not really my stozier era💀
so ya know what if dating a ginger and working out is what it takes for mediocre mental health, then by the will of Yahweh am i going to do it.
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todoroki-waifu · 11 months
Can i request a story about the reader being in another school that is a rival of easton even though reader and rayne are a couple? Thanks💞 (im sorry if this is a weird idea i just thought it up in my head😅)
Note: Thank you for this! And it's not weird at all! It was a cute idea. Not sure how I feel about how I wrote this, but I hope you still like it. Also, Luke is a random character I made up.
Rayne x Reader
Warning: Female reader, cursing, and a guy hitting on/bothering the reader to be his.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count:828
Your excitement was increasing with every step as you approached Easton Academy. Your dorm mate is beside you, talking about today's event. There was a duelo match at Easton and your school was playing against them. Schoolwork had kept you and Rayne from physically seeing each other, but you still found ways to communicate. 
You and Rayne have been together for a little over a year now, but only a select few knew this. You both weren't ashamed of your relationship, but you agreed it was best to not announce it so loudly. You couldn't deal with people digging deep into your personal business and you knew it'd only fuel rumors and gossip since your boyfriend was from Easton. Despite your schools having history with each other, it didn't stop the two of you from falling for each other. 
"I have a feeling the match is gonna go into overtime." You hear your roommate as you search for your boyfriend. You planned on sitting beside each other to watch the game. 
"Yeah? You think?"
"I'm pretty sure! Both teams are at the top this season." 
"You're not wrong there." It didn't matter to you who won, you were more focused on being able to hug Rayne again. A voice shouts your name and your eyes target its source. You groan at the approaching male with his friends not too far behind, your roommate cursing at his presence. 
"Hey there, ___(y/n)! You ready to cheer me on?"
"Hey, Luke..." You forced out a polite smile. 
"We gotta go and grab some seats. Bye!" __(r/n) links her arm with yours, attempting to pull you away from Luke and his team. 
"Oh c'mon, stop cockblocking. I wanna talk to my girlfriend." Luke interferes with your escape route. 
"Don't call me that. I already told you that I have a boyfriend." You glare, your patience thinning rapidly the more you are around the duelo captain. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just playing hard to get." He slips between you and __(r/n), draping his arm over your shoulders. You immediately create distance between the two of you, your eyebrows knitting together. 
"No, I'm not. Just like how I've told you many, many times before, I'm happily taken."
"That's just a lie." Luke steps closer to you once again. "You're always saying that."
"And I'm going to keep saying it." You were praying that someone would just date this idiot so he'd finally leave you alone. But all the other girls knew better. 
"It's just that I've never seen or heard about him before." You feel your hand being taken in his and lures you close to his body. "If you really have a boyfriend, then where is he?"
"Right here." Fingers grip tightly on Luke's wrist, granting you freedom. You automatically knew who it was because only one voice made your heart jump. You whisper his name, your blonde and black haired boyfriend now blocking Luke's view from you. Scum like him didn't deserve to lay eyes on his girlfriend. 
"Hey man, let go!" Luke's shout attracts a large audience from both academies. “Who the hell are you?” 
"I’m ___(y/n)’s boyfriend.” 
“What? Yeah right! I’ve never seen you two together!”
“It is none of your concern whether you have seen us together or not. If she has told you that she was already dating someone, you should have ceased your annoying advances from the beginning.” 
It was almost as if Ranye’s golden orbs were eerily glowing the longer he held his gaze at the duelo captain. 
“Che, whatever! I ain't wasting any more time with you. I got a match to win.” Luke pulls his hand back, trying to rub the pain away without seeming affected by the Sword Cane’s strength. Rayne ignores his comment, for now, and tends to you immediately.
"Are you alright?" He inspects for any physical injuries and distress in your eyes.
"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." Rayne gently rests his hand on your cheek, rubbing the soft skin under his thumb. You smile into his touch, leaning into it. His lips slightly tug downard at the thought of you having gone through that boy's pestering for quite some time. Rayne heard you complain about your multiple rejections. He couldn't blame you since you respected the promise you both made in regards to hiding each other's identity. Also, knowing you, you didn't want to worry the magic blade user. 
Well, he couldn't allow that to continue. He breathes out your name, his other hand claiming your free cheek. 
"I think it's time to let everyone know our little secret." Rayne lays his lips over yours delicately, ignoring the various noises from the onlookers. You couldn't help but melt into his kiss, pressing yourself a bit closer to him. It felt so liberating and exciting now that you both can show each other off. He wanted it to be clear who exactly your mystery boyfriend was. 
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ga-yuu · 4 months
Romance manhwas/webtoons I highly recommend!!!
Look! You guys must know, by this time, I am a romance connoisseur! *ahem* self-proclaimed*ahem* Romance is my fav genre and I'm not ashamed to say that aloud!! Since valentines day is coming and I'm still single, I simply fill the empty space in my heart with these cute manhwas/webtoons!!! I love reading them so much! But there are some really good romance manhwas that really give me hope about love. These are my recommendations, the ones I really enjoyed.
Daytime star
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This manhwa is one of my most fav!! If you haven't heard of it, or read it...GO READ THIS RIGHT NOW!!....or whenever you have time, BUT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MANHWA! It's not just about its beautiful art style, but the story is AMAZING! If you're like me, who loves mature adult romance (and by 'mature adult romance' I don't mean a story like 50 shades of grey, but a more natural realistic romance between two fully grown adults) then this is the manhwa for you! I swear! I was binge-reading this manhwa the whole day, while eating, while playing games, while sleeping I was dreaming about this manhwa. The story is about a struggling actress falling in love with a very popular actor. It sounds simple, but it's really really REALLY GOOD! It's worth your time! There's nothing bad I have to say about this manhwa. It's truly outstanding.
Marry my husband
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What? You want a revenge drama with the female lead in her comeback era? I recommend Marry my husband. I saw the Kdrama adapted from this manhwa and although the actors are really good....the story changes drastically towards the end. The Kdrama has so many....'Kdrama' elements which I'm not really a fan of and it just makes the story unnecessarily complicated for no reason. So I highly recommend you read the manhwa version. The manhwa version is more straightforward and simple compared to the kdrama and doesn't have any unnecessary drama to waste your time. All the characters are so good. Even the side characters have stories. I love how simple the story is and how satisfying it is. I'm sure you will enjoy the manhwa and fall in love the characters. Again, highly recommend this. This is the 2nd manhwa that I binged the whole day, and re-read it again yesterday. It's really good!
A Marriage of Convenience
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I'll be honest, I was ignoring this manhwa for god knows why? Looking at the art, it just gave Under the Oak tree vibes.....and I'll be honest again, I got bored of under the oak tree. Everyone seems to love it, but I just got bored after 20 chaps or so. But this one, I finally decided to read it and again! I JUST CANNOT STOP READING IT!! I wonder why I'm so in love with it...it's because the female lead is so cool! I LOVE THE FEMALE LEAD IN THIS MANHWA!!! and you will know why once you read it. I feel like the female lead really carries the story on her back. Its so beautiful to see her growing and then comparing her present self to how she used to be in beginning of the story. Hey! I'm telling you! Go read it!! *points my gun*
I Thought It's A Common Possession (Ongoing!)
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Isekai villainess manhwas are the trend guys! I wonder when is cybird going to release their own ver. of isekai villainess game? Well...I have not seen many people talking about this manhwa, so I wanna shed some light. It's a slow-burn but a really good one! At the first chap, you'd hate the male lead....but at the end of the latest chap, you guys will surely love the male lead. You'll think that the story is just a simple villainess manhwa were everyone hates the villainess but soon end up liking her...but no, it's much darker. You'll find out when you read it. Also the female lead...is a mommy!!! She gives me mommy vibes!! She's so beautiful!!
For My Lost Love (Ongoing!)
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Another isekai manhwa that I'm obsessed with because the male lead is too hot for my own good! I think the reason I love this manhwa is because 1. it's a slow burn 2. the male lead is so good-looking 3. The relationship developing between the male lead and the female lead is really cute! It's like you can't help but want to see these two together! Right now, the male lead is completely in love with the female lead and its' so cute to see him being possessive about her and the female lead is completely oblivious. The female lead really loves the male lead because he is her fav character of her fav novel. It's cute! I love the female lead's personality, showing heart-eyes and blushing when the male lead does something....even the smallest things like drinking his coffee or arranging flowers. It's really cute!
Remarried Empress (First 80 - 90)
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This story is really popular. There is a manhwa and a game....Phew~ Another one of those that I couldn't stop reading......BUT!! As much as I love the story and it's main characters...I feel like this manhwa is better if you only read it up to...90 chapters and from there, just read the spoilers. I'll be honest, the first 80 to 90 chapters of this manhwa are FUCKING AWESOME!!!! IT'S DRAMA AFTER DRAMA AFTER DRAMA! ABUSE! VERBAL ABUSE! EMOTIONAL ABUSE! It's bad but it's also good. The abuse is just too much to handle that you can't stop reading it because you want the female lead to be happy...and in the end she gets it. I highly recommend reading 90 chapters of the manhwa and then read the spoilers because the manhwa gets very sluggish. I bet you, because you will be only invested in the 4 main characters of this story and you won't care about anyone else. The first 90 chapters mainly focuses on these 4 characters and after that the story focuses more on other side characters until it connects back to the main 4 characters. This part is a drag.....so don't waste time and read the spoilers.
The Villainess Turn The Hourglass
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Ah....This manhwa....truly one of the best villainess manhwa I've ever read!! I won't say anything! This is truly a 'VILLAINESS ROMANCE' manhwa and again...a story about a woman in her comeback era. Read only the main story though, I don't really care about the spin-off. The main story is truly satisfying. Read it! READ IT RIGHT NOW!! *Points my gun*
I'll keep sharing more manhwas and webtoons with you guys because I'm never gonna stop reading it! Even on my death bed, I'll still be reading it!!
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whole-circus · 11 months
i got an idea and i wanted to see your writing with it! <3
jeff, liu and jane (sorry nina </3) with a reader that has known them even way before their incident? like their traumas and jeff’s snapping etc stuff, y’know? the reader has changed a lot ever since they last saw them because of a certain own trauma they have themselves and it really affected them, they were much more of a hopeful and nice person but now theyre rude (not that much of rude to their partner), cold and quiet? their personality is not a ‘acts rude but is nice’ thing, it’s just a complete personality change. few of a physical changes like some scars too. thank u sm!
gn or male is fine, both would be nice, wtv u’d like! and take ur time!
Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu and Jane the Killer with reader that has changed a lot since they last met!
➥ Hi dove and thank you!! Here you go! (* >ω<*) (gosh i think im turning into jane enjoyer..) Sorry you waited!
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☆ Jeff the Killer
Okay, you made Jeff all suprised, he didnt expected that kind of change from you but! at the same time he relates. Have you seen him? Boy change so much the last time you saw him. So as weird it is for Jeff typical persona, you have high change that he will be understanding and caring towards you (well, on his own way)! Deep down he can't stand the idea what happend to you, you are similar to him now and he hates to think about that, he turned into monster after all. He came through a lot of shit, but now you too? His feelings didn't change, he still loves you for you, but its break his heart (not that he will show it-). He cares more about you than about himself, and he doesn't like seeing you in such pain.. Get ready to some of this vurnable days with him where its only you two against the world. Jeff isn't the best when it comes to comforting but if you need it, he would gladly complain abot everything or set something on fire.
☆ Homicidal Liu
Liu is mature when it comes to that topic. He is well aware that people change by years and it would happen sooner or later. Is more worried about your trauma tho, will try his best to help you in any way he could. He understands how much traumatic events affect your brain, and he is patient with you as always, not mad by your cold act. About your change of appreance he doesn't mind, he is just so happy to have you back..! For real, boy missed you a lot. All he wanna do is be for you, and have you in his arms once again. As time passess by, he would gladly talk with you about what happend, if you haven't mentioned it earlier. He doesn't want to be pushy, but he just need to know what happend or he will make worst-case-scenarios in his head.. Anyway, he is glad to be with you again at the end of the day, and he would do anything for you!
☆ Jane the Killer
Now Jane tends to be really sweet and caring about people she loves, she gives a bit of mom vibes! So I guess you will be in good hands, huh? She understands you well, its not like she know exactly what you feel becasue there is no need to compare your both traumas, but she definitely will comfort you if its needed. And if your trauma is caused by someone, and this person is still alive..come on, say the world and she will get rid off them..I believe Jane is not the biggest fan of killing (even counting bloody thinks she had done), but she would do anything for you if that would help you feel better. About your scars, if you happen to be insecure, she will try her best to make you feel pretty again! A lot of complements and words of support 25/8! Jane also doesnt argue with you or make a huge fuss if you happen to snap at her, she will give you some space if its needed and talk about it with you!
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Analyzing the Circus & Theatre Elements in Hellaverse
One thing I love about the Hellaverse is that every character looks like they should be in a theatre.
I haven't seen anyone talk about it, so I'm talking about it bcuz it's something I really like about the art style. It was also probably done on purpose, considering the whole circus theme for Hell. I just wanna rant about it bcuz I love these shows, and a lot of the theatre elements have inspired my own designs for OCs and potential redesigns if I ever hop on that train.
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Starting with Stolas bcuz he's the first one that made me realize this.
Stolas is an owl, and his entire face reminds me if a masquerade mask. For one, since ye has a widows peek and his face is completely white, it looks like something that can be put on (his face is also heart shaped and I feel like that's a reference to his personality and role in the story). The beak also reminds me of the nose on a masquerade mask, and the line on his face makes it look more like a mask. His eye shape even looks like the exaggerated large eyes of a mask.
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The eyeliner as well. I haven't been in any plays, but ik a lot of stage makeup has a lot eyeliner, and while its apart of his body (his newly hatched photos show him with it), I think it's a neat detail still.
And, he's an owl. So many masquerade mask and balls are animal inspired.
And the royalty outfit. Since a lot of clsssic plays were made by rich European people in the 1800s, a lot of them had upper class and royalty themes, so we ended up seeing a lot of the extravagant suits and dresses of the rich, but in theatre form.
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(Chose Phantom of the Opera bcuz it's one of my fav musicals, and Hellaverse seems to favor it as well)
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While I do think Stolas's outfit looks very goofy at times (the freaking tophat-), I do somewhat like it. For one, the brimm of the hat looks like Paimon's face, showing that he is under Paimon's legion and his son, but again, it also looks like a masquerade mask. It also carries a crown, which I just realized, and I think that's cute because Octavia'a beanie also has a crown on it. The the collar also looks like the spots of a barn owl, which fun fact; Female barn owls have more spots than the males. Idk if it was done on purpose, but it could be used to show thst he's more sterotilypically feminine or smthn.
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Anyways! The royalty outfit he has reminds me of a cheap outfit for a snobby royal that a local theatre would use. The cape, I think, is given for dramatic effect since from a lot of the plays I've seen, they do a ✨️dramatic swoosh✨️ with it.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. I was gonna talk about multiple character, but honestly, there's so much to analyze with designs, and I think is shound give the ones I analyze their own individual posts. Super excited for Paimon & the Sins, bcuz they just scream theater.
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This is the same josiah anon, if i can request this: Perhaps a yandere Josiah? Thank you!!! I was so happy because you're my favorite writer aaa///
Yandere Josiah x male reader
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Guess who’s not dead. I bought a new game, Knights of the old republic, and I’ve been playing during all my free time forgetting all about writing.
Here’s some good ol Josiah, I’m not sure how good I captured the yandere feel since Josiah in general is just kinda… like that. Not that it matters but I always imagine Josiah with Manlybadassheroes voice.
-          Josiah had never really felt attraction to anyone before, sure he had found people attractive, but most people tended to avoid him or talk to him as little as possible since he’s always been kind of a loner or weirdo.
-          Then you swaggered into the office building on your first day and went around introducing yourself to everyone, and when you caught what Josiah was playing on his computer, instead of scolding him like everyone else you asked him about it in interest.
-          After that the two of you started talking more, and Josiah’s interest in you only grew until it became a borderline obsession. It wasn’t an unusual sight in the office building for Josiah to follow you around like some puppy.
-          Everyone just assumed it was because you were the only person in the building that actually put up with him and all his pranks and lazy behavior. Josiah was like your shadow even when you both had other tasks to do, he was always right behind you, looking over your shoulder.
-          People around the building swore they’d catch Josiah glaring at them from under the shadow of his cap when they spoke to you, but they could never catch him in the act or prove it. It became almost a joke, to prod at Josiah by getting a little too friendly with you and making the other man jealous.
-          Again they all assumed he was jealous because you were his only friend, some even joked Josiah was in love with you.
 -          Josiah’s obsession became so bad it got in the way of his everyday life, especially when one day Damian was scolding Josiah again and you defended him, even lying at times to get Josiah out of trouble.
-          Up until then he had just seen you as his soulmate, now you were more like a god for him to worship, which also meant he didn’t want anyone to taint you and your perfectness, so he stopped hiding his glares or scowls as others got too close.
-          When Josiah one day came in late to work, he caught you and Damian talking and it looked like a heated conversation, especially the pensive expression on the blondes face which turned into a tight scowl as Josiah approached.
-          When Damian told you “Just think about it” before leaving, Josiah couldn’t help the burning jealousy that flared up in his chest, and when he asked in his lazy voice what you two had been talking about and you just said it was nothing, Josiah bit roughly into the inside of his cheek to keep himself from doing or saying anything.
-          The conversation with Damian was because he was worried for you because of Josiah’s behavior, how possessive the man was and how he seemed to always be in your business, he had even seen Josiah take pictures of you or go through your things.
-          You don’t believe him of course, because its no secret Damian doesn’t like Josiah, and Josiah is your friend and is down to earth, so what that he likes to hold your hand a little to tight, or hugs you for a little too long. That’s just how he is.
 -          The first time you invite Josiah over to your place he’s over the moon, you two hang out and play video games, and when you fall asleep against his shoulder he keeps himself as still as the dead as he doesn’t wanna wake you up.
-          It becomes a regular ordeal, you two hanging out at your place. You never really wonder why you don’t go to Josiah’s place, since yours is closer to the office building so it’s a no brainer its your place the two of you hang out.
-          Josiah starts taking some of your things, starting small but growing bolder over time, going from taking tiny knickknacks or stealing your sleep shirt or your toothbrush. You never suspect Josiah and just assume you’ve misplaced it, though you do grow quite sad when you lose your favorite hoodie.
-          The hoodie returns after a while, so you just assume you must have misplaced it or overlooked it. You don’t really realize or question that its folded in a way you don’t fold clothes, or that it smells like Josiah’s laundry detergent and not your own.
-          Josiah had returned the hoodie to you after wearing it himself nonstop in his own apartment, in the beginning it was just so he could feel close to you, until he ended up arching in his bed wearing nothing but your hoodie, pressing another of your shirts close to his nose and inhaling your scent.
-          After that he had to wash it so it wouldn’t be retuned with mysterious stains, and when you didn’t seem to mind that it smelled different or that he had obviously taken it, at least in his opinion, he assumed in his delusional mind that you knew he was the one taking your things and you returned his feelings.
 -          The first time you kiss is during one of your hangouts at your apartment, Josiah had grown even more touchy after he came to his earlier conclusion, hugging you from behind or brushing his hand through your hair.
-          When you win one of your games, you cheer and as if to show off your victory you snatch the cap right off his head and tuck it on yourself.
-          Seeing you wearing his cap makes a mix of love, possessiveness and lust explode inside Josiah’s chest, so when you turn to him to gloat he leans right in and pressed his lips against yours.
-          At first you don’t respond and Josiah feels fear plummet in his stomach because he’s scared he’s ruined it, but when you start kissing him back and wrap your arms around his neck to pull him in closer, Josiah lets himself run wild.
-          He starts devouring you like a starving predator, his hands going up your shirt and his tongue exploring your mouth, both of you moaning and grasping at each other like you need the other to survive.
-          Josiah litters your neck with bites and hickeys, and he grows so weak and whimpery when you leave your own hickeys and bites across his tan neck.
-          He is a mix of possessive and pathetic, in the way that he has his moments when he grabs you so possessively, growls to himself and goes on muttered rants about how you are his and his alone.
-          But then where are times where he’s cuddled into your chest and you run your fingers through his hair or rub his back, and he whines and whimpers, growing teary eyed as he kisses your neck so softly and grasps onto your shirt like he’s scared you’ll disappear.
 -          No one at the office is surprised when they learn you two are dating, they’re actually more surprised that you weren’t dating before.
-          Josiah will now use it as an excuse to hang on you even more, though he never goes too far since this is a workplace and he doesn’t want to get you in trouble. He will kiss your neck and cheek a lot though, or hug you from behind and rub your hips.
-          There will be some of your coworkers who jokingly ask you how you can put up with Josiah of all people, and when you respond that he’s super sweet and perfect for you, he just falls for you even more.
-          What you don’t know is that Josiah has most definitely threatened Damian, when the blonde had tried on a couple of occasions to show you just how creepy or how many red flags Josiah showed.
-          If Damian kept it up it wouldn’t be too surprising for the Blonde to go missing one day, and people will assume he just moved on to another job, that is if Damian’s body isn’t found somewhere in your town.
-          No one suspects Josiah since he’s just a lazy nerd who’s a little too touchy with his boyfriend, but its all blamed on him lacking a lot of social skills that comes from living the life he’s lived until this point.
-          Josiah will also use it as an excuse to be able to comfort you, holding you and kissing you and muttering about how he will keep you safe from whoever killed Damian, though he’s half convinced in his delusional mind that you know he did it and are just playing a role like he is.
-          Now with no threat around Josiah doesn’t feel like he needs to be just as protective as before, and at some point you two most likely move in together since he already spends most of his time in your apartment.
-          He openly steals your clothes now, since its more approved since you’re dating. He is also very obsessed with you wearing his clothes, so if you wanna drive him crazy just do that.
-          He’s a little, or very, crazy, but he loves you very much and would kill god for you if it meant making you smile.
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vanveronicango · 2 months
okay yall i'm def going to liveblog my soc/crooked kingdom read WEEEEEE (feel free to blacklist '#andie reads six of crows' and '#andie reads crooked kingdom' if you don't wanna be sick of me or see any spoilers)
let me just get some thoughts out from the almost-130 pages i've read so far because i got em!!:
the kaz/wylan parallels already!! like i've read some opinions that they're two sides of the same coin but the fact there was already something before wylan was even introduced... at the end of his meeting with jan, jan says "i do wonder what a boy of your intelligence might have amounted to under different circumstances." this is literally the exact opposite of how he feels about wylan. from what i've seen other readers say, at least, he sees wylan as inherently stupid in his illiteracy, and it doesn't matter that his circumstances were 'perfect', he absolutely doesn't belong to the van eck empire. it's almost like, in this line alone, jan - somewhere subconsciously, at least - wonders what it would have been like to have someone like kaz as a son instead. leigh the things you've already made me feel
kaz's personality. already i absolutely love his characterization: he's a dick, an asshole to those around him, but he also has this snarky, almost silly side where he doesn't feel above occasionally joining in on his dregs' banter, while simultaneously being secretive and completely rigid in his own arrogance. he's both unlikeable and charming, and already he's feeling so layered and developed and interesting. i'm going to be honest: usually i'm not a huge fan of fan-favorite male characters that are dicks with extensive skills and massive egos hiding insecurities underneath. i think it's overdone and i'm not interested in it. but there is something about kaz that just completely flips the trope on its head for me and i can't quite place my finger on why that is but i'll be sure to bring it up when i finally figure it out lmao
BOOK NINA BOOK NINA BOOK NINA. i already absolutely adored her in the show, but only from the bit i've read, book nina is on another level. her work at the white rose, the way she completely shifts in her personality for that work but is also so so confident in who she is. the FLIRTING. the HEARTBREAK when she finally meets matthias again. she is so wonderfully written and such a joy to read
matthias is absolutely breaking my heart fr like... when he was forced to kill the wolves... the way he went from feral animal in the ring to tears... damn. damn. the way he's written it's like he's literally at war with his own mind, just being ping-ponged between sheer, violent rage towards nina interspersed with flashes of... oh her skin is so soft... the dreams about loving her hurt more than the ones where i kill her... he must be so tired :(
the kaz & wylan relationship. i knowwww that he's fully using him and everything he does is a means to an end like I KNOW THAT but the way he defended wylan when the rest of the crows were calling him stupid and less talented :( "hidden depths" "marketable skills" OH MYYYYYYY gosh :(((((((((( their relationship is so special to me already.. like kaz is extremely upfront (well as much as kaz brekker can be lol) to wylan about why he's there ("why do you think i'm keeping you around" "i'm good at demo" "you're passable at demo. you're excellent at hostage") which i actually do appreciate, but right now he's also objectively the only one on wylan's side rn, even if it's all bc of ulterior motives
wesper. OH. OH BOOK WESPER. my absolute beloved already. the way jesper can't stand him. the way wylan doesn't back down when jesper comes at him. their bickering means literally everything to me. am i absolutely heartbroken that he literally called wylan useless? you're damn right i am :((( but man their growth is gonna HIT i can feel it now. i see how different book & show wesper are now (i've heard but actually reading it is a whole other thing) and both are so special to me... it's like alternate universes bless em. i'm so excited to read more of them (they are my favorite couple and i will be commenting on them a lot okay)
i really wonder how this book would be if i had literally zero spoilers BUT. reading wylan say "i'm not useless" when everyone is attacking him for just being there (jesper calling him useless and nina calling him stupid got me feeling a little feral)... he's so used to being belittled and treated like a fool by everyone around him but he still tries :( he still puts his all into helping. he tries to make everyone understand that he should be there and that he is talented at what he does and that he's not useless. i think he's trying to convince himself, too
i'm so excited for more jesper pov. i absolutely love this man and i wanna get into his head gdi that beautiful insane little sharpshooter brain
inej... so far she's giving the p much the same vibe as the show so i don't yet have much to comment here (i just love her. anyone who feels anything less than unwavering adoration for inej ghafa is not to be trusted) EXCEPT honorable mention for the absolute thirst that comes over her watching kaz get half naked and bathing himself. the way she just gazes at the water running down his body and his HANDDDSSSS miss ghafa has a hand fetish confirmed good for her good for her good for her
okay okay that's enough for now, i'll be more specific as i go further but i had to get my thoughts so far out somewhere lol anyways im about to continue reading so i'll see ya in the next post~
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theneighborhoodwatch · 6 months
Found this welcome theory video that i found interesting: https://youtu.be/9Lz6OcILeSc?si=tcPnCX3QC4JmAyC-
Thoughts :3?
(functional link to video)
i tend to avoid youtube coverage of welcome home because i'm petty, but fuck it, it's a new year and i've never actually heard of this youtuber before. i'll give it a shake. liveblog under the cut:
"y'know if it wasn't for the unsettling mysteries, the feeling that somebody is always watching you, and the mold.... i'd wanna live in the neighborhood" that's exactly why the mold and paranoia's so scary babeyyyy
"update number two" Tch.
i'm less inclined to call the writing in this update character development so much as it is just character establishment. especially since before the july 22nd update (bc that's what this video is about) all we knew about the other neighbors was what the WHRP was willing to tell us. i feel like i'm preaching to the choir though.
ok i laughed at the grindset alpha male howdy joke
"now i wanna move onto eddie bc i wanna make a connection between [eddie and howdy]" :D OH DO YOU NOW.
i do love the energy in this video, very infectious. i too have recommended people welcome home solely on the basis that they would have the hots for eddie and y'know what i haven't been wrong yet.
I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LIKE. almost all of the characters have that backstory element of having coming from somewhere else before settling down in home, but i see the point about howdy and eddie specifically dealing with stuff that comes from someplace else as like, an actual job. putting a pin in it.
i'm not Sure how i feel about the idea that the world of home/the world in which home exists is Within our world? pretty much from the beginning i assumed it was running on re:creators/deltarune dark world rules (i.e. it is a world that was born from human thought and its existence is dependent on/influenced by our world, but at the end of the day it does exist on like a separate plane of reality) and i still stand by that. barbieland in barbie 2023 is a more apt comparison though.
"possession route" Tch.
ok actually i can't tch at that because i have talked about it in my own posts. TL;DR: i think possession/haunting theory could work but only if it's anything other than actual literal ghosts. as soon as you try to make it FNAF 2 i sleep.
don't have much to say about Real Poppy Lover Hours except emphatic smiling and nodding. although i will say i have seen people use "oh she's more like a mom/aunt/etc.!" as an excuse to sideline her in fanwork bc for some reason some folks think that her having a motherly personality means that she can't be shipped with anyone? even though all of home's residents are adults who aren't even related to each other? that's a gripe for another post, though.
...actually now i want big sally. note to self to draw that later.
i do like the examination of whether or not sally referring to the audience is meant to mean anything. personally i think it's just a bit of wordplay/red herring action but You Never Know!
i misheard "girlboss bossgirl slay" as "girlboss boygirl slay" for like a split second. still fits tbh.
IT'S FUNNY THAT THEY MENTION THINKING THAT THE WHRP IS A SINGLE PERSON bc i do have an ask about that right after this. i'll save my thoughts for that response though.
it's funny that "was the majority of the gang being some form of queer/disabled/nd/etc. planned in-universe" is a question at all bc at the risk of sounding like an asshole it feels so obvious to me that it very much was not. the interview is definitely playing into those themes though.
"them <3" yeah
again. extremely refreshing to see a welcome home video from someone who actually likes welcome home instead of the clicks that covering it will give them.
he always knows when to show up, huh.... huh.... i've been trying to break away from being so self-referential ever since welcome home and consequently this blog blew up but. huh...
do i think he's a service dog? i think to answer that question we would first have to answer the question of whether or not he's even a Dog or just Shaped Like A Dog. the laws of his reality say he is a dog, but we can at least guess that even even those can't be trusted. i think it's possible that he may see himself as in service to wally, that he worries about what will happen if he doesn't butt in, but i don't know if this is an objective truth.
"[wally] being so mysterious i don't think is like, him wanting to be mysterious. [...] there just may not be that much about him." and then relating that to how typically protagonists in puppet shows have more subdued personalities than their co-stars so they can be more relatable to the audience. Teehee. (this is positive)
oh there's something kind of poetic about the idea that each bug video ends bc wally's snapped out of his dissociation by one of his friends calling his name when paired with the idea that he's disassociating in part due to his connection with the audience isn't there. being reminded of one's own personhood through your connections with others, and how that has the potential to become more bittersweet the more wally continues to risk it in the process of regaining a sense of purpose as The Audience Surrogate. oogh. that's just me waxing poetic though.
oooh that whole passage about the idea of remembrance and the pursuit of a "correct" story and tying that back into how welcome home in-universe has been almost universally forgotten and the themes of living as a disabled or mentally ill or queer person. beautiful connection.
"hmmm, how much agency do you have in your life actually" AHEHEHE. HEHEHEHE. HEHE.
conclusion: Good Video. thank you for sending it.
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rachoxpotato · 2 years
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🦕 Commander Mills x Female Reader ⚠️ Bathing, wounds, naked male/clothed female ✏️ 1.8k words 💕  For @mytbrisgrowing
Mills inhales sharply behind you as he presumably lowers himself into the steaming bath. Water sloshes over the tub’s edges and splashes onto the floor before he says quietly, “okay, I’m in.”
You take a deep breath, fill your lungs, then exhale slowly in an attempt to regulate your heartbeat before turning around. 
He needs you to be professional despite the fact that he’s far and beyond the sexiest man you’ve ever seen. It doesn’t matter that you think of him when you’re on your own, sweating and squirming as you picture his head between your thighs. 
Or that you swear he flirts with you.
What matters is that he’s tired, he’s wounded, and he’s taken such good care of you since the crash, the least you could do is be an adult and assist him with his bath.
You turn around and although you’ve seen him shirtless many times before, it’s never felt quite as intimate as it does now. And not just because you know he’s naked from the waist down as well.
“I’ll be gentle,” you promise, kneeling next to the tub with a cloth. “Where does it hurt most?”
“Everywhere,” he says with a chuckle, then winces. “Ah, nope. Ribs. Ribs hurt most.”
“Left side?” you confirm as you hang the cloth over the side of the tub and use your hands to scoop water over his shoulders and chest.
Mills nods.
His bicep muscles contract and bulge as you touch him and gently scrub his dirt-covered forearms, and massive hands.
You swallow your desire as you take a giant paw into your own hand, holding it steady to suds up his palm. The muscles in his forearm flex as you flip his hand over and run the cloth over the back, paying careful attention to his split knuckles.
“This okay?” you ask, voice breaking as you bring his pointer and middle fingers together.
“Yeah,” he groans, letting his head fall back against the edge of the tub and allowing his eyes to close.
His hand is so much larger than yours, it’s astounding.
“I’m gonna do your other arm,” you tell him quietly in case he dozes off.
Mills nods as you make your way over and repeat your actions from shoulder to fingertips, desperately attempting to assuage the arousal in your core.
This is not the time but… god, he’s so sexy.
Your cloth makes its way to his chest and he releases a puff of air you didn’t realize he’d been holding. His breath had seemed so even-keeled, you hadn’t even considered he might be nervous, too.
Slowly, you cover his collar bones and sternum in suds before turning your attention to his prominent pecs. You swear they’ve gotten bigger since last time you’d seen them. Though, you’re not sure how that’s possible.
Mills moans. “Mmm, feels good,” he whispers as you take your time dipping the cloth into the water and wringing it out, washing away the soap and watching as the droplets race over his muscular chest.
“Do you wanna lean forward for me so I can do your back?” you ask.
He doesn’t immediately move.
“Mills?” you ask gently.
He cracks one eye open. Then smirks as he lowers his hand to the water. Before you can ask again, he makes a fast fist, sending a small spurt of water over the tub’s edge. You gasp when it hits your face and he laughs.
“I see how it is,” you joke, splashing him back.
He laughs harder and then winces, his hand disappearing beneath the water to clutch his ribcage. 
“Ahh,” he gasps. “Don’t make me laugh that hard.”
“Don’t make you laugh?” you ask incredulously, splashing him again.
He smiles and sends another wave your way, this one much bigger than the first. It soaks the front of your white shirt.
“Do you want your back washed or not?” you ask in a ‘now or never’ tone, but your grin gives you away.
“Nah, I’d rather do this.” He raises a hand to the water’s surface and you instinctively pull back.
The damp shirt adheres to your skin with the motion, clinging to the swells of your breasts. Without missing a beat, his eyes drop to your chest and it only makes your already hard-as-pearls nipples even stiffer.
A chill races down your spine when his gaze lifts to find your eyes. You can tell he’s fighting the urge to peer south.
He clears his throat and leans forward.
Your heart falters for a second and when the beat picks back up, it’s faster than you’ve ever felt it. A shaky exhale falls from between your slightly parted lips. Subconsciously, you lick them, waiting for him to lean in a little bit more and kiss you.
“My back?”
“Wh- what?” You’re breathless.
“You were going to wash-”
“Right!” you say, shaking your head. “Right. Yeah.”
His body curls forward a bit more while you position yourself behind him and drag the cloth over the broadest shoulders you’ve ever seen.
It must be heaven to share a bed with him, to feel his weight over you as he kisses your neck and spreads your legs. You can only imagine what it’d be like to have those plush lips exploring your mouth, your skin, your cunt.
You feel dirtier than he’d appeared returning to shelter this evening.
And while your masturbatory concerns should not be at the forefront of your mind considering you are the only remaining survivors from a horrendous crash and now spend every second of every day and night scavenging for food and avoiding becoming dino kibble, you can’t help but think: those fingers would fill you up so much better than your own. 
The only thing that should be less of a focal point than that are the masturbatory habits of the 6’4”, fit, gorgeous, protective man in front of you. 
You are supposed to be assisting him with a necessary task and imagining his cock in his hand is most certainly not helping. 
And yet. 
As you stroke his back, his muscles bulge, contract, flex, and you must admit: you’re baffled. Mills has muscles that you didn’t even know existed. They’re outlined so clearly every time he shifts in the tub and you’re trying to ignore the triangle of strength beneath his underarm but… it’s just so hard and so there.
You’d taken anatomy and you’re pretty sure this man’s back is an anomaly.
You shake yourself from your thoughts and fill your cupped hands with steaming water. 
“I’m gonna do your hair, okay?”
“Just didn’t wanna drown ya,” you joke, sitting up on your knees. 
Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look. 
It would be so easy to gaze over the top of his head at his long legs, perfectly still beneath the water. Too easy to glance between them so you wouldn’t have to imagine anymore. 
Your fingers massage soap into his scalp, earning a couple of moans. His head lolls back into your hands as his shoulders drop. 
You whimper when it comes into view: his thick cock standing tall, proud, desperate for a channel tighter and slicker than the tub. God, you want to be that for him. It doesn’t help that he clearly wants you to be that for him, too.
Before you lose control, you make a bowl with your hands, scoop water into them, and rinse his hair. 
“I think you’re big- I mean, done,” you stammer. “Done. I… sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Thank you,” he says, voice so deep, it could cause this cave to collapse. 
And after the fool you’d just made of yourself, you think that might not be the worst thing. 
“I’m uh… think I can stand on my own.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, your own voice so high-pitched, it could shatter glass. “I’ll um… turn around so you can.”
“You don’t…” He trails off and stops talking. 
But you’ve already done so. 
Water sloshes out of the tub behind you and you can only imagine the sight of his large, perfect body soaking wet, wet droplets dripping down over all of the best, toned parts of him. 
“Alright,” he says, but when you turn around, he’s clad just in a makeshift towel, wrapped low around his waist. “Are you still able to…” 
Mills offers his wounded paw to you and it’s so large, taking it in both of your own small hands seems like the only option.
“Of course,” you say, looking up at him.
His eyes drop from your eyes to your lips. He licks his. Then his gaze falls further to your still wet, probably still translucent shirt and your name slips from between his lips, just under his breath.
You’re not sure who moves first. Maybe you move simultaneously.
Regardless, your lips come together in a fiery crash of passion, his wet body pressing against yours. Mills grunts and if he’s hurting, he doesn’t complain. Just cups your cheek with one hand and wraps his other arm around your waist to keep you close. 
Suddenly, your arms find their way around his neck and you’re moaning and it’s like exploring a new, beautiful place and coming home all at once. His tongue breaks past your lips and teeth to find your own, teasing you, breaking you, making you melt. 
“Mills,” you pant, once the kiss breaks. Both of your chests heave in unison.
He lifts his other hand to cup both sides of your face and kisses you once more before resting his forehead to yours.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I… I couldn’t help myself. I’ve wanted to do that for… how long have we been here?”
You laugh and nod. 
“I don’t know anymore. I’ve lost track of time, but… believe me when I say, I’ve wanted it, too. I… I want you, Mills.”
He growls, leans down to kiss you again.
“I… can’t do much more than this tonight,” he admits. “I want to, but…”
“It’s okay,” you whisper. “Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed, hm? I’ll take watch tonight.”
“No need,” he says. “Sleep in my arms. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
You search his soft eyes and your heart squeezes in your chest. “Okay.”
He takes your hand in his, intent on leading you to his makeshift bed but you don’t move. He looks back at you, confused.
You smirk, reaching for his other hand. “Still want me to wrap this up? Or…”
“Oh.” A rosy hue blooms on the apples of his cheeks and he smiles sheepishly. “Please.”
You giggle and sit him down so you can tend to his wounds.
“You won’t have to turn around when I’m getting in and out of the tub now,” Mills says suggestively and you raise an eyebrow. “Because you’ll be getting in with me.”
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wolvesandfoxes25 · 1 year
The truth will out.
"I have a question for you, Geralt?" Jaskier asked, his face pinched up in aggravation.
The bard spun around, his fingers in their signature formation, shifting into an O.
"Is there a reason why you're giving me these piteous looks?" He all but snapped out, moving a piece of brown hair behind one ear.
Geralt was taken aback... almost flushing at being called out.
He hadn't meant, per say, to do what he was being accused of...but looking back now he realized he kinda had.
"What are you on about?"
Jaskier chuckled, no humor anywhere to be found.
"I'm no fool, Geralt. I know you've spent 20+ years thinking me one, but piss off with that accusation."
Geralt sat down, eyes taking in the fluffed up form of the brunette.
"Jaskier. If I've offended you, I truly apologize." He replied as heartfelt as possible. Which, for him, was a low growl, but... semantics.
"Thank you for the apology, but it doesn't negate the fact that you've been doing it. Now, my acrimonious friend, do enlighten me."
Geralt had always known about the other mans...affinity for him. How could he not?
Jaskier wasn't exactly subtle.
"Is it because you know I wanna fuck you?"
Geralt felt like he'd been slapped.
"Honestly, I stumble upon two people a day I'd like to fuck. So, what? Why the looks?"
"Have you seen yourself? Your arse is a thing of glory, as I've said before."
Jaskier waved that statement off like he was shooing a fly.
Gaining his... albeit lack of words, Geralt crossed his arms.
"No. Well, in a way, it is regarding that." He grumbled.
Jaskier rolled his eyes, eyes drifting down to his laced cuff.
"I know you care for me." He whispered, knowing his friend would hear.
Jaskier froze, fingers clenching together.
A long, grinding silence filled the cabin and Geralt hated it.
"Ah, I see. Poor, pathetic Jaskier, always running after the unattainable. In this case... you." He grit out between clenched teeth, blue eyes flashing.
Geralt glared, getting to his feet.
"I didn't think that for one second, Jask."
Jaskiers glare deepened..."Don't fucking call me that, godsdamn you. S-Stop looking at me like that!"
The Witcher grit his teeth, trying like fuck to reign his temper back to its confine.
"Did Yennefer give you this tidbit of information?" He demanded.
Geralt didn't answer.
She had... at one point mentioned it.
He hadn't replied to her, not wanting to use that topic to... gossip. It wasn't any of her business, and his silence let her know that.
"She did. I fucking knew it. The two of you enjoy a good laugh at my expense?"
Geralt glowered now.
"How little you think of me." He hissed.
Jaskier glared, blue eyes full of discomfort and embarrassment.
"How little you think of the fairy, huh? Sullies your witcher name for a person with a cock to love you? Sorry, I left my cunt back in Oxenfurt."
Turning to leave in a huff, he felt a big, heavy hand clamp onto his wrist.
"Unhand me, you brutish lout of a man!"
Geralt did, setting him firmly against the door.
The two of them stared at each other in the dim light of the shitty cabin, both of them breathing heavy in the night air.
Geralt watched his chest rise and fall beneath his coat, lips pinched together in fury.
"I never meant to judge you, Jaskier."
"Well, the 'woe is him, poor piteous little dandelion' has been permanently plastered upon your face for days now. And I would really appreciate it if you'd stop." Jaskier choked out, looking like it was physically painful to say those words to the other male.
"I can't help the way I feel, alright? I've tried for years to.. to.. deny what I feel. To push you out and away from my very essence, but I fucking can't!"
He spat out those words like acid in his throat and Geralt felt them like acid across his face, stunning even him into silence.
Jaskier looked like a caged animal when he moved to leave again. But Geralt gripped him again, forcing him back into place.
The brunette pushed at him furiously, but Geralt didn't relent, trapping him.
Two sets of eyes locked... and Geralt felt near possessed when his hand reached up and cupped his bards face.
Blue eyes widened at the action, his lips trembling, chest rising and falling like he'd run away from a monster.
Maybe it was Geralt he was running from mentally.
It was too late, wasn't it? To let Jaskier know?...
Jaskier pushed his hand away with trembling fingers and all but ran out of the cabin.
Geralt stood there, feeling foolish.
The end. Or... to be continued?
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necrophiliak · 8 months
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umm. bhaal thoughts nd stuff under the cut. ive seen a lot of stuff mischaracterising/interpreting/whatever and it bothers me. i like him.
bg1+2+3 spoilers btw.
i dont wanna seem uhhh. confrontational or anything so this is just me airing thoughts out cz its true u dont rly Hear from him much directly in bg3 so i guess i get why ppl wouldnt know or think certain stuff. and im not the worlds expert on the topic as much as id like to be. but writing gods in stuff is never easy i think, especially as a fan, since they function on totally different ideas and have worldviews we could never possibly understand, etc etc
i think what bothers me the most is the misconception that bhaal would give a shit what the urge does. he definitely doesnt. the canon bg1+2 is a human male goodguy (derogatory) and even he was still supposedly favoured by bhaal (in that achieving slayer form was from a feeling of 'divine hatred' and not an actual gift since bhaal at the time was dead and he was favoured not for this but in that he was the strongest of all his spawn (this is bg2 stuff btw i highly recommend u play both those games if u liked bg3 durge)) i actually miss how bg2 introduced that form its way better than in 3 but thats a big tangent ToT and i get why since the durge was quite literally made with it in mind anyway he didnt care about the prev spawn because their only purpose was to die anyway. but he doesnt care abt what durge does either. he would not care if he was fucking gortash. the one constant w him is that all he cares about is the end goals, the process doesnt matter at all. i cant be bothered putting screenshots in rn but both the durge's old diary and sarevok say "bhaal cares only for death. death in numbers, death in droves." and the ingame proof is in that even if u refuse to kill isobel u can still get the slayer form by agreeing to accept his gift in the temple. whether u killed isobel or not just determines if u get slayer form early. the other proof is orin, who doesnt follow him as he would ideally want either (too focused on making 'art' with death instead of actually killing) but still gets to be his chosen if u play as tav instead of durge (he also doesnt like the way shes loyal to sarevok more than him) hes pretty pragmatic
also the other thing... abt the butlers. sceleritas isnt there to ensure u are loyal, thats his own prerogative and pride as a butler. tho i think the specifics of him in general are left intentionally vague. the rest of bhaals butlers are always imps, and his own was also an imp (theyre made in his imps image after all), bt sceleritas is made in bhaals image. since he has a glued on nose and the colouring on his face looks like a skull. and the earrings are mirroring the slayers facial horns. thats a bit of a tangent tho umm anyway, my point is that durge got a very special butler for reasons we can only guess at. (tho i enjoy thinking that he really was meant more as a nanny/standin parent figure)
anyway that got sort of long. i love dad a lot. everyones durge can be different frm canon obviously... bt bhaal is an established char, nd a super interesting one (i have a lot of thoughts abt the similarities w mystra+shar especially cz of bg3 and the way sheart+gale narrative's play out bt again thats uhhhhh a HUGE tangent and im not even sure how to word my thoughts)
anyway tldr bhaal is a very hands off parent and doesnt give a shit what u do as long as u get the job done (and i love him very much 🥺)
oh also if u math the years out, durge is 20yrs old at max. and that takes the assumption that bhaal made u ASAP after he was resurrected. trivia. if u wanna read the thing wheree he gets rezzed, its the 'murder at baldurs gate' story which also comes with a rly intensive worldbuilding manual for the city which could help w fanfic or whatever u want. i enjoyed reading it (helping w dnd stuff T_T).
another edit: i doubt anyone except me is rly interested bt i have soooo much to say on the topic of how bhaal treats the urge (positively+unconditionally), sceleritas in general, and the way the urges journey mirrors bhaals own fall from grace and coming back stronger, etc etc, i already wrote half of it on twitter anyway so if theres interest i can share it here too
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aluveras · 1 year
Not too much fun!
Peter parker x Female reader
A/n: I wanna clarify that all my female reader fics and male reader (if i make them) are trans friendly since i see =trans people as the gender they identify as, if its not trans friendly (use of genitilia for example but you can just imagine you had ur surgery) i'll say it in the fic.
Warnings: suggestive content, fluff, may being a character i enjoy way too much.
Word count: 1.2k
‘’Can you be any more obsessed bro?’’
Pete whips his head over to Ned. He could barely hear him over the crowd of people in the cafeteria.
‘’What? I’m not obsessed what are you talking about?’’
‘’Hey, it’s fine I get it. She’s absolutely gorgeous.’’
‘’Tell me something new’’ Peter answers dreamily while his chin rests on his hand.
‘’You guys are weirdos.’’ MJ says out of nowhere
‘’Yeah, well you sit with weirdos.’’ Peter says back immediately.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’That sounded a lot less pathetic when I thought of it...’’
‘’Yeah that’s with most of what you say I think.’’ Ned answers
‘’Ned come on dude, you’re supposed to be on my side.’’
Too focused on the conversation Peter all of a sudden felt his peter ting-  Spider sense, sensing in a very weird way.
‘’Hey Peter.’’
There you were. The most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, jaw dropping girl he had ever seen.
Ned shoved him to say something.
‘’H-hey Y-Y/n’’ You giggle at his stutter and he swears he is ascending into heaven hearing that sound.
‘’I was wondering if you could help me with the decathlon practice,  I don’t really know anyone on the team and you seem nice. And I’ve seen you in class you’re in incredibly smart. So could you help me?’’
This is a dream. It has to be, he thinks.
‘’If you don’t want to you can say so, it’s okay. ‘’ you say because of his silence.  A hint of disappointment in your voice
‘’No! I would love to!’’ Peter squeaked, immediately cringing at how he said it.
Ned and even MJ can’t help but chuckle a little, neither can you.
‘’Okay great! At your place after school today?’’
‘’Yeah, I’ll walk with you to my place if you don’t mind?’’
‘’That would be great! Thank you.’’
You walk away with a big smile and so does peter as he watches you until you’re out of frame.
- after school ��
You walk up to Peter at the entrance of the school.
He feels you coming and turns around quickly, his cheeks already starting to blush                                                    at seeing how beautiful you look.
‘’Hey Pete! Ready to go?’’ if he wasn’t blushing already he sure as hell was now that you used a nickname for him.
‘’Yeah just follow me!’’
-After walking for a bit you arrived at his apartment-
As he allowed you to step in you immediately saw and smelled a cloud of smoke and a middle aged woman cooking…or at least trying to. As she turned around you made eye contact and her face immediately lit up.
‘’Peter! Who is this beautiful young lady?!’’
‘’May, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my aunt May.’’ He said happily finally getting to introduce you to his aunt who he has been ranting about you to.
‘’Hello miss Parker, it’s nice to meet you!’’
‘’It’s May to you sweetie and it is lovely meeting you! I’ve been waiting for this ever since peter couldn’t stop talking about you.’’
‘’She’s joking!’’ Peter says quickly
‘’I don’t talk about you at all! Well that’s not true, I don’t never mention you or pretend you don’t exist or something I just-‘’
Peter was cut off by your laugh, he wish he could have that his alarm in the morning. That would make him wake up and make sure he hears it again. (he means the waking up part in a good way)
‘’It’s okay Peter, if it makes you feel better I talk a lot about you too’’ You smirk.
Peter starts blushing like crazy as he clears his throat and says,
‘’So we’re gonna go study together in my room, if that’s okay?’’
‘’Yes of course, have fun…’’
You and Peter walk to his room and just before he closes his door you hear May say,
‘’But not too much fun!’’
‘’May! Really?!’’ Peter whines
‘’Sorry, I had to!’’
As you sit by Peters bed and he sits next to you, you finally start to realize what you’re gonna do.
You’ve been having this crush on Peter for a while now, you kept seeing him stare and somewhere along the way when he wasn’t staring at you, you would stare at him.                                                             You waited for him to do something but he just never did, just kept staring and never doing anything.
So one day when you had enough of the waiting you decided to form a plan.                                               You didn’t even need help for school, it was just a perfect plan to hang out with Peter and tell him how you feel. Though when you sat there, you couldn’t even think about actually doing it.
There were times while working you two looked into each other eyes and didn’t even say anything, it would feel like the time stopped and all that there was Peter and this feeling. This feeling. A feeling that is hard to describe but so pleasing.
A warmth in your chest, a smile that you can’t hide because it’s just so strong. Your heart going faster than ever and your hands shaking like crazy. Your brain could barely focus on anything other than his eyes.
‘’Y/n?’’ Peter says softly.
‘’Hm?’’ you hum also softly.
Then Peters body works faster than his brain and he just leans in. And you meet him halfway.
As your lips softly meet, the feeling is stronger than it’s ever been. As you depart you are both blushing insanely.
‘’Thank you.’’ Peter says
‘’Thank you?’’ You giggle
‘’For letting me kiss you! And not getting mad that I didn’t ask before.’’
‘’Peter, I wanted to kiss you and you gave me enough time to pull away, don’t worry.’’
You start to full on laugh now.
‘’Hey! Don’t laugh I was really nervous.’’
‘’I know, so was i!’’
‘’What! Why? I’m just Peter, a lonely nerd.’’
‘’You’re not lonely! You have Ned and MJ plus I like that your nerdy, I want a hot nerdy boyfriend!’’
You immediately regretted saying that.
‘’Not that I expected you to now immediately be my boyfriend! If you don’t want that then that’s fine.’’ You just wanted to disappear. (Like peter did in infinity way)
‘’I would actually…love to be your boyfriend…’’ Peter says softly
‘’Well then…’’ there was a silence which you expected to be awkward, but you just stared into each other eyes comfortably.
‘’Can I-‘’ He clears his throat before speaking again. ‘’Maybe kiss you again?’’
You giggle.
‘’We’re together now Pete, you don’t have to ask.’’ You laugh
And by that Peter (surprisingly easy to you) lifts you up a bit and makes sure you straddle him comfortably.
‘’Wow, who knew Peter had such mo-‘’ and before you could finish your lips were in a heated make out sesh with peters.
Just as he slips in his tongue into your mouth and he leaves a long groan, the door swings open.
And there stands a shocked and happy May.
‘’You got the girl!..’’ and quickly after that she says ‘’but I meant the not too much fun part not until your further into the relationship!’’
You laugh as Peter whines again ‘’May!’’
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theficblog · 2 years
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Prologue: Dreams leave with you zero control, they can spoil your mood for the day, or make it better, you never know
Genre: Suggestive
Wordcount: 920
Warnings: Sexual Content [ make out + stripping + oral male and female receiving ]
A/N: wrote this spontaneously because i know we are not getting over nyfw jeno anytime soon
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"No! Please don't go!" You moved your careless hands in the air, cursing and for a brief moment, it was an unexplainable feeling of dissatisfaction and impatience before it all faded away. A sudden white light peered through your eigengrau eyes. 
The annoying sounds flooded inside your ears; they were slowly getting back to their senses. 
Before you could even comprehend it, it was the morning, and the clock next to your bed signalled it was time for the dreams to end, and they did, abruptly. 
"Can I please not get it done after one coffee?" You questioned in a daze, letting out a sigh after your plea was harshly refused. Yeah, Fashion Week was a big event, after all. 
Patches of cloth, unfinished seams, appliques that were yet to be fastened, and silk that was waiting for its turn to get ironed. You were still unphased as if floating on waves that would take you somewhere you did not know. Boredom, exhaustion, frustration, it could be called any of them. 
"Y/N, I need you to go and assist with the fittings. Right now. Rush!" Someone in a collared t-shirt and a walkie-talkie in hand clamoured. "Alright" you agreed as you dragged off your feet.
"Yeah, just make sure that collar stands straight, it's not be moved." You noted, fixing the garment on the model.
"Okay, next. Jeno Lee." Reading the name and scrapping it off from the clipboard, nonchalantly. 
Nonchalantly only until you saw the beauty of the man that stood right before your eyes. 
Tall, well built. His skin was glowing as it contrasted with the black fabric of his fit. Eyes that were sparkling, but no, it was not for the lenses. He looked exactly like the perfect icing on the cake, satisfying.
"Oh fuck!" You swore mentally.
All you had to do was simply tie the robe at the back and maybe it was all under control. Had you not seen that slit in his pants tracing itself all the way up from this ankle to the thigh, stopping just where it should have, it would have been a lot easier.
"Arms." You said in disbelief.
"Hmm?" The boy looked at you with confused eyes.
"I need you to raise your arms so that I can fix this."
"Oh of course." He smirked, never breaking the lock of his eyes.
It was pretty common for models to don the bare minimum and for designers to touch their flesh, but what was happening right now was something that was not meant to be happening. 
"You think I could not tell?" Jeno whispered against your ear, gliding his hand through your jaw, staring deep into your soul.
"What do you mean?" You said, gripping him by the arms, the arms that you fancied hours ago.
"The way you just.." One of his hands lifted up your chin, the other running itself down and deeper. "You just could not help but stare at me, I thought you made it really obvious." He continued.
"I thought you made it obvious, who asked you to come and do your slutty little dance right next to me at the after-party?"
Jeno shut you up with a kiss. There was something about kissing a stranger that felt so right, yet so wrong.
You backed off. Glancing at the boy, again. He was a daydream.
"You don't wanna ruin these clothes, It's an expensive designer label." And that was enough for him to give one good lick to his lips and start unbuttoning his white shirt, the one with the grey and black gradient. 
You decided to sit and enjoy the show, seating yourself on the edge of the bed, and rubbing your legs together. You knew you've wanted this for so long. 
"The pants." You pointed out. "They're expensive too, aren't they, Jeno?" 
He obeyed. Unbuckling, unzipping, and finally stepping out of his pants that only left him with his essentials, the concealing was light enough to tell you he was just as excited. 
"Don't expect any more kisses on the lips if you stand in front of me like this."
Your eyes looked up to meet his, so filthy. 
Jeno took your hands in his, placing them at the edge of the waistband of his innerwear and then leaving them to do whatever they wished, another look in his eyes and you could sense the tension, not wasting a second, you pulled them down, giving him just what he wanted. Pleasing him and earning endless moans from him, he breathed heavily, spitting out a few curses each time.
But Jeno was not selfish, he was just as eager to please. "Your clothes.." He hissed. "Aren't- aren't they expensive too?" 
"You don't even have to stand, you can lay down and let me return you the favour." He suggested, and he did return more than just a favour. Filling that empty space in your gut, the one that had been hollowing you for long. 
Your eyes opened again. The same sensations again, the same beige curtains being fluttered away by the winds as the sunlight escaped through the narrow windows.
Was this all a dream again?
The clothes on your bedroom floor suggested otherwise.  But Jeno was nowhere to be seen, the bed was cold. 
He had left.
The empty feeling returned, and this time it was your heart rather than your body, unless your gaze fell on a small piece of paper, crankled with black ink writings on it. 
2304xxxx00 ~ jeno ;)
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
I understand women can rape men and other women to but we need to stop acting like it’s split even 50/50 because it’s not idk why it’s so bad to say the majority of rapists are men it’s true
There's actually no way to prove that, not in any kind of unbiased way at least.
UK and I believe India and Israel at a minimum define rape as 'forced penetration' or some variation on that making it very difficult to charge a woman with rape because they would need to sodomize their victim.
Woman in those countries can hold a man down, wiggle his bit till biology takes over, mount up and go for a ride and it is not considered rape, from a legal perspective.
So the numbers are impossible to find out, because that sure as hell sounds like rape to me.
For the people that say 'he got hard so he must have wanted it'
1 please pick up a human biology book and hit yourself with it as hard as you possibly can and then open it up and look up the involuntary actions that the body can do, everyone with a penis that made it through their teens knows for a fact that it just does that on its own.
2 iirc there was a whole thing years and years back where the medical and scientific consensus was that a woman couldn't get pregnant without having an orgasm, leaving aside all the 'you wanna bet' cracks they took this to mean that if a woman got pregnant she obviously wasn't raped because she had a orgasm.
So that shit goes both ways.
But ya with all the different biased ways that male victims are tossed aside there's not going to be a way to know which side does it more.
You should have seen how mad the demons got about this one
Good heavens, wonder why that pic is censored before the post is even posted.
From 2017 tho
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Wild how when you change a few words the number doubles, obviously not all of the rapists are female, good to see it when that happened anyhow.
Again though, no way to actually accurately confirm or disprove your statement.
I have no idea why it should matter either.
It's like the bargaining stage of grief and it's a terrible way to approach a very real issue.
Yes ok there's some bad women out there too, but the men, they're way worse.....
No neither is better or worse than the other, both women and men are just fine the way they are and throwing gender politics in the mix doesn't do much to help victims.
Let's focus our efforts on rapists regardless of which fiddly bits they have, there's going to be all kinds of different reasons people do it, some people are just plain evil some people take a look at the definition of rape they've been told and think what they did is no big deal because legally it's not rape.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 3 months
Ok so I might sound kinda crazy but hear me out, do you ever feel like you're cis when you're transgender based on reality? I know that doesn't sound like it makes sense so lemme explain my situation to you a little bit but please be aware it's probably not gonna make much sense to anyone other than me and hopefully a few other people I guess? But whatever, anyways: So basically to start us off at the beginning, I've known I was somewhere on the transgender/genderqueer spectrum for like I think a few years now or atleast 1-2 if that's important and at first it was like I was fine with not being completly a girl, but at the same time it didn't feel like a big deal because I was still mostly a girl and I had the idea that no one would get mad at me if I just lived like a cis person when I actually felt like a demigirl or something related to that because I still liked being feminine while at the same time I wasn't completly female like my birth gender. Then, awhile later I realized I felt more boyish when it came to my gender identity, but at the same time felt more girly and felt my sexuality changing it's personal definition so I was like..."Yo wtf why am I getting so upset all of a sudden being feminine? I atleast thought it wouldn't be that bad" because on certain days I would get dysphoric but also be ok on other days. Keep in mind, this was around the time still where younger me was being influenced by the transmedicalist/truscum debate points that were more popular on the internet to say the least so it was obviously gonna be negative and cause me to push those feelings of mine aside for not wanting to be seen as a "trender" or someone fake or whatever. Ofcourse I would eventually grow out of that and realize with the internet that all trans people are different and that you don't have to pick between trans boy, trans girl and nonbinary" which was slowly turning into a binary at some point by cis people. Blah blah blah, eventually I decided that I was a trans dude(ftm) but also genderfluid which is sorta accurate today but I felt more bigender then when I identified as such than anything now so I don't know uhh. Why'd I bring up all this past gender and sexuality spectrum clutter again??Oh right, because I've been noticing changes with how I present myself atleast sorta recently. To keep it somewhat sane-sounding, for the past 4 months at the very least, while I do recognize that I am technically and realistically a trans boy due to being afab, at the same time for some odd reason, I keep feeling...like a cis-ajacent man for a lack of a better term? Like its not that I wanna be some sort of "pick-me" or whatever, far from it actually but like...I do identify with the label being ftm but at the same time apart of me doesn't because I already am a man despite not being like that at birth???I feel less like a trans guy and more like a feminine cis dude trapped in a mostly female body??I know it doesn't sound accurate to you all but I hope it somewhat can make sense later? Tbh it's better when explained verbally irl than like me attempting to write down a complicated experience of mine coherently. I don't wanna be a cis male either since they hurt so many people so there's that...
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genderqueerdykes · 11 months
Hey! Sorry if this is too invasive or rude, I certainly don’t intend it. However I am rather ignorant on this point.
I’ve seen a lot of people (from regular folk to actual doctors and endocrinologists) online saying that there’s a load of variations on intersex. One of them being hormonal. I’m a trans guy, it’s how I’ve ID’d for over a decade and I’m pre-T. I had some blood tests done and it turns out my natural testosterone levels are in the average to high range of a healthy cis male my age. And besides some rather enlarged bottom stuff and facial hair, thats it. I was still assigned female at birth. I’m still gonna keep identifying myself as male, but I was just curious - in situations like that, can a person *really* be intersex? I saw a doc saying so but unfortunately I’m a sceptical bastard and thought I’d ask someone who actually IS intersex.
Sorry for the rambling. Again, I mean no offense nor do I wanna start anything; I was genuinely just curious about that aspect since, according to some folk *I* am intersex(?). Also, I wanna be a better ally and, therefore, better educated on the topic. Have a lovely day and thanks for all you do on here!!
hey there! i think i get what you're saying
honestly i am not sure why there is a sentiment that there is any kind of difference between hormonal and "biological" intersex variations, because it doesn't make any sense. hormonal variations would naturally fall under a "biological" intersex variation, as sex organs are involved in the production of sex hormones, and all of this is biology.
even if some folks do not have "abnormal" hormones for their agab and only have variations in their genitals, this does not make them "more" intersex than someone who just has a hormonal variation. we are all intersex, there's no line in the sand to be drawn, there's a very wide gradient of conditions and variations that can be present independently of or alongside one another and there's no reason to pit them against each other
i would definitely say it sounds like you would fall into intersex territory, or at least, very well possibly could. it sounds like you are possibly dealing with hyperandrogenism or something similar, at the very least, which is "abnormally" high production of androgens for your agab. whether or not it's paired with anything else, that is technically considered an intersex condition/variation on its own, especially if it is affecting your primary and secondary sex characteristics. natural bottom growth is definitely a big indicator
whether or not you choose to identify as intersex is up to you, it's not necessary or required, you are the judge at the end of the day. if you don't feel intersex and you feel like this has all just made you a man, then you can identify that way, it's up to you! it definitely sounds like you do fall into intersex territory, but it's ultimately up to you to decide, especially considering you have seen the results from your bloodwork. take care, good luck, let us know if you find anything else out
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