#i think ivan not looking like he was enjoying it had less to do with it being calculated and more to do with him understanding the one-side
ayakashiz · 29 days
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Reposting this from my twitter thread because it hasn't left my head (and adding a tiny bit more).
Seen so many questionable takes lately about the ivantill kiss, and I know everyone is allowed to have different opinions and interpretations but.
No, Ivan didn’t just pretend to kiss Till for the show. And no, he wasn't trying to make Till hate him either or trying to trigger him over his implied SA to snap him into action.
I think the whole point of the scene (confirmed by the creators) is Ivan finally breaking his mask of perfection and control and giving in to his messy, all consuming feelings, being selfish for once.
Yes, by the end before the strangling starts, he appears more clear headed and now focused on the objective of manipulating the score. But he doesn't really look at it until AFTER he starts strangling Till.
The kiss itself wasn't part of the strategy, or at least not entirely something calculated. Ivan could have skipped the kiss and strangled Till right away and gotten the same result.
The fact that he kissed him AGAIN after he started strangling him, more softly and 'personal', almost like a goodbye or an apology (whether for his selfishness or for their past), tells me he wanted it.
I think a last selfish act doesn't diminish the love he had for Till, it just shows the tragedy of ALNST. Ivan is only human after all. And no matter what kind of mask he built for himself and what illusion of control he had over his life, when faced with the real, imminent possibility of losing Till, he crumbled and did something unexpected.
I have more to say about the Ivan and Sua parallels and how he finally understands her in the Confession comic etc etc but I think I've yapped enough.
I just don't like it when people try to mold the narrative because they're uncomfortable with an unconsensual kiss. It's meant to be painful and heartwrenching, a reflection on Ivan's one sided-feelings and his desperation at the moment —to be seen for the first (and last) time, to not be left behind, to convey his emotions in the only way he could when being seconds away from death.
After all the team confirmed that Ivan is clumsy with emotions and only knows to convey them in 'childish' ways (the nuzzling against his face, the picking fights with Till and teasing him).
I think some people like to think of the kiss as something purely calculated and selfless because it makes it more 'palatable', but in my opinion this take washes out Ivan's character and the flaws that make him just as human, vulnerable and complex as the rest of the cast. He was willing to throw away his life and his perfect image because he wanted something that badly.
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OFMD Fix-it Part 2
Ayyy here’s part 2! Thank you so much for the incredible response to part 1! I read the tags and comments often y’all are too nice ;v; Enjoy all 69 pages! tw for blood and injury
Part one
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Wee john: Fuck yeah! Roach: We took over Blackbeard’s ship!! Frenchie: Oh no! You dastardly pirates are too scary for me! I surrender!!
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Stede: All good everyone! Crew: IS IT?? Stede: [gasp] Did you guys take back the ship?? Ed: You’re shitting me Stede: Excellent job, everyone!
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Ed: Hey! Stede: Oh, sorry! I look forward to hearing about it! Ed: Please don’t crack your face again Buttons: Were yee crying? Both: WHAT?! No! Ed: I physically cant cry Stede: Why so you keep asking that? Crew: Captain! Stede: WAIT I’m not discouraging this energy, but please be careful of-
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Ivan: What do you want us to do with Izzy, captain? Frenchie: OH FUCK THE KNIFE! Swede: PULL IT OUT! Roach and jim: NO!! [schluck] Pete: FUCK PUT IT BACK IN!! Roach and jim: NO!! Ed: Why disturb him? Sleeping so peacefully. I’ll deal with him later [schluck]
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Pete: Where’s lucius? Stede: Yes, we’re missing lucius. Ed! Is the boy below deck? Pete: Did something happen? Frenchie: Oh yeah almost forgot! [knocking on the deck] Stede: What’s this, frenchie? Ed: Lucius is dea-
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Lucius: OH THANK GOD! I was going mad in that wa-
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Pete: Where have you been? Stede: Lucius! Good to see you, my boy! wee john: Cap’n... Lucius: I was hiding in a secret wall I’d found. Frenchie thought I was a ghost for about a week. Luckily the ship was a barnacled mess Frenchie: Still not convinced if I’m bein’ honest. Couldnt believe you’d survived, Stede: Survived? Pete: Why would you be a ghost, babe? Lucius: Because Blackbeard threw me overboard
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Ed: A momentary laspe of judgement  Olu: Oh shit
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Stede: [knocks] Ed? [door unlocks]
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Ed: Ship’s yours again. I can be gone- Stede: you’re leaving? Ed: I nearly killed lucius. Aren’t you upset? Stede: Absolutely livid, but you didnt succeed, thankfully! The atmosphere is tense, things are a little unclear, but they’re open to speaking. I’ve forgiven them for planning to kill me! Blows over quite fast, I’m sure- Ed: I’m a terrible person, stede. You don’t even-
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Ed: Crew needed me. Wanted to help me. And I chose Blackbeard. All ‘cuz Izzy opened his FUCKING mouth ‘n backed me into a corner! Lucius would see right through it. I didn’t know what else to d- [flinch] Stede: It’s ok
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Stede: Blackbeard is how you’ve been surviving. I understand that now. The only reason you were put in that position was because of my poor decisions. I promise I’ll be here no matter what to help us all get through this. Ed: Pull up the chair, I want my knife back Stede: Oh good finally...
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Ed: So a big cat, a carriage accident, and a dropped piano? All at once? Fuckin’ hell, mate, you let ‘em have it. Though, I’d go as far to say the cat was too much. Stede: Whaaat? How could you say that about Ned? He did great. Ed: Just BITTER I wasnt there to see it
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Stede: I’m sorry you had to do this again. I know you’re still angry...Ed: Wasn’t about being angry... not at first at least. Just felt.... sad. Really fucking sad, Stede. Didn’t know what to do without you here. None of us did. Felt... Like I just wanted to lay down and die Stede: I...I didnt think my absence would be felt this deeply
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Ed: Oh shut- You’re not serious Stede: No, I’m serious. Mary and the kids were much happier when we were planning my departure fuckery. I genuinely can’t think of a time where someone missed my presence
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Ed: Well fuck everyone else. Was the crew pissed when you said why you left? Stede: Very much so Ed: Then they missed you, cheers [mumble] I sure as fuck missed you Stede: You did? Sorry, Impulse. Ed: Lean up a bit Stede: I hop I can earn your trust back one day
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Ed: Well, knowing about that Chauncey fuck makes me less pissed at you. Least you didn’t ditch me ‘cuz you didn’t want me around anymore. Stede: Oh no, I’ve liked you since the day we met. Ed: You did look hot bleedin’ out on the deck of that spanish ship. Stede: I’m choosing not to unpack that at this moment. Ed: All done up you go! [loud closed-mouthed scream] [ed repressing laughter] You good? Guts still in? Stede: [strained]I think so Ed: Lean on me til it passes
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Thanks, did you sew me up the first time? Ed: Nah, that was fang Stede: That fang, beautiful work Ed: Go lay down. I gotta clean up your blood Stede: Again, sorry
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Ed: If you apologize one more time for being stabbed, I’ll stab you again Stede: But it led to so much character development last ti- I’ll leave you to it then
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Stede: Ah, is this my-? What’s it doing under th-
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Stede: Forget I- Ed: No, that’s- I mean, it is yours... It doesnt even smell like y- JUST PUT IT ON
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S: May I ask you-? E: shoot S: Why did you let me board the ship? E: I was tired of izzy nagging to blast you with the cannons. Kept talkin’ in my ear about you ‘n it just made me angrier and angrier. Got me so amped up to just fucking kill you the moment I saw you again. Thought I'd just be furious, but I felt... giddy?  /hated/ that my chest was pounding, that just made me angrier
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E: Then you show up with your tits out looking handsome as shit. S: hmmm [olu: One last thing, captain Stede: What is it, olu- RIP] E: I thought of it too. Leaving. Thought I’d get ahead before I disappointed you. Wasn’t itching for adventure, I knew I was in too deep with you S: I always thought I was disappointing /you/. I’m not the most exciting person E: Me?
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E: Stede, you’re the boldest bugger i’ve ever met. Ever since i’ve known about you, you’ve made the most batshit ballsy moves. You took those English hostage, you swindled iz to get them back. you told blackbeard to go suck eggs in hell You stood up to the weird twins, to the English navy, to those richies at that party, to izzy, to jack, to ME. You’re the coolest, kindest person I know, Stede. I’m nuts about you. S: … guess I've never seen myself from that perspective E: If anyone else told me that story, i’d have them tied to the anchor for such a bullshit lie, but it’s you, so i believe it. Its as ridiculous as you are.
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E: do you think I’ve ever gotten this upset over some quick drunk fuck parting ways? Only you.
S: Why only me, though?
E: You’re the only person that makes me feel… safe? Like I don’t have to be blackbeard 24/7. Most of my old mates were just dickheads who showed up when they wanted something the buggered off
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Dont’ gotta worry about you stabbin’ me in my sleep cause i pissed you off.  You don’t laugh when I talk about a fine fabric or a pretty looking teacup. I’ve told you things I thought I’d take to my grave because anyone else would throw it back in my face... But not you. I like your fire hazard, secret passage ship, your crew, when you talk about clothes ‘n book ‘n flowers. You don’t act like anyone else but you... And I envy that
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Ed: Because it’s you
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Stede: No one’s ever thought that about me... I’m sorry. Hah, I feel a bit dizzy. Ed: Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Lay down if you need [stede crying] Stede?
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Stede: You’re the first person who doesnt think I’m a burden. My father, Mary, peers- My whole life- That I was selfish for being born [crying] Ed: Again, Stede, Feck ‘em
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Stede: Meeting you was the best day of my life. I was so relieved when you- on the beach- Yuo looked so happy, and I destroyed that Ed: shhh
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ed: It’ll be ok
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Ed: Look at me. You came back
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Ed:[calm] I’m sorry, Will you excuse me for one moment? Stede: Feel free! Ed: Thank-you [Izzy still yelling] [door slam] rapid steps]
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[clattering above] [Izzy screaming] [crew cheering] foot falls approaching]
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Ed: Now, where were we? Stede: ....Actually I do wanna know Ed: Let’s say, Bit too tied up to bother us again
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[stede huffs a laugh] Ed: You look exhausted, you should rest. Pincushion gets the mattress Stede: oh no, I couldn’t. where are you sleeping? Ed: Perfectly comfortable desk right here. [pained moan] Stede: Right... Ed: Night, Stede
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ed: I’ll steal a couch soon. ‘M too old to sleep on desks now Stede: I have no qualms [ed sighs]
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Ed: Hey, stede Stede: Mm Ed: Can we.... Can we just forget about the beach and start over?
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Stede: I don’t think I can this time, Ed. Ed: Slightly concerned you can forget me almost killing you but not a kiss Stede: I’ve decided to be done with running away from my problems and pretending they never happened. But beyond that, My whole world shifted with that kiss. I can’t ever forget that. The memory alone kept me rowing to get to you again
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Stede: We’ve hurt eachother, but I’m more than willing to put in the work to mend it... Which is something I never did with mary. Ed: I wont stab you in the earhole by the way. Got mine out of he way. Stede: Only fair! We’re even now. Ed: But mine was funny [swat] [giggle]
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Ed: Last thing, then you can sleep off the stab wound Stede: Oh good... Ed: If Blackbeard was gone for good, would you stay? Lotta folks want the novelty y’ know. ‘S been gnashing at the back of my skull. Stede: I met Ed first not Blackbeard
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Stede: ‘M staying forever now. Best friends at first sight. From my point of view at least
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Ed:...Olivia... How ya doin’, Iz? Iz: Are you fucking joking? Just tell me what’s going on
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Ed: Stede won. Crew took the ship back. I’m staying.  Oh and lucius is alive, as you saw. Kid said the ship was so mucked up, he was able to hang on to sneak onto the ship. Thought you handled that way back when? Iz: that fookin- Ed: So i’m giving you a choice.
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Iz: Just cut my foot off at this point anything but this. Ed: why can’t you ever just relax, izzy? It doesnt have to go this way, yet you stomp your feet Every. Single. Time. How many years have we known eachother; do you even like my company? Iz: How could you even say that to me? I’ve given my life to you time and time again. And You’re going to let some tart waltz back in and uproot everything we built.  Ed: Built what? We’re fucking pirates, mate!
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Powertrip’s over. This is it. It was a good ride. Fang: Lucius! You’re missing this shit!! Ed: You may love waiting to end up like... another leather clad, middle aged sad sack dying alone in a puddle of his own piss, but you’re not dragging me there with you. So make a choice Iz: You’d really let me walk? Ed: Truthfully, i’d prefer you play nice and enjoy yourself for once. but I’ll give you three options.
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Ed: Old way is gone. Either one, accept that and keep it pushin’. Two, I would just let you fuck off, but you’ve proven to be a liability out of my sight, so i’ll have fang cut your talk box, so you never speak stede’s name ever again THEN you can fuck off. And three, more of a clause to one,
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Ed: If you go rogue, I’ll make you beg for hell. Threaten anyone on this ship again, You’ll never feel the warmth of the sun ever again
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Ed: I’ll let you down if you behave
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Iz: [despair sigh] just leave me up here a while longer. ‘S quiet for once. Ed: well alright, take some time to process. let fang know when you gotta piss Lucius: Bad morning? Iz: Yeah, keep staring, twat Lucius: That sounded threatening, right fang? Fang: He’s not above pissin’ on you, kid
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Ed: [muffled] breakfast? [smack] Didn’t remember blackbeard snuck into your bed? Stede: No, I remember. Had to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating again. Also, once again, you’ve processed this very quickly
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Ed: Were yee seein’ phantoms? Stede: No more guilt phantoms thank goodness. Was getting sick of those buggers. Ed: Love a good phantom. You seem less tightly wound. Glad you’re phantom free
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Stede: Took awhile to realize, but This is where I belong. Ed: No fucking shit
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Ed: Speaking of, Y’ know, I’ve thought on it, and I’ve decided I’m tired of being angry and sad and lonely. Fucking sick of it. Already stabbed you, no sense in wasting time acting mad when I know what I want S: And what is that? E: Wanna be liked and kissed and happy.
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Stede: Perfectly reasonable things to- Ed: I also want to be co-captains with the gentleman pirate. [choke] I’m lying in your bed with you, stede. Who do you think’ll be kissing me? The swede? Stede: I didn’t want to PRESUME. Is this a new job role for co-captains? Ed: Is now! ‘S why I promoted you. But you’re still on thin fucking ice. Stede: Poor jim. Promoted in less than a day. Ed: Don’t actually tell jim. They’re super pissed at me Stede: oH Ed: Now, onto couch theft, I’m thinkin’-
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Stede: You’ve got some- Ed: I get it? Stede: Not quite, just- Oh- fuck it
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Ed: Dastardly man. Diabolical. Definitely not gentlemenly
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Ed: Fuckin’ missed you!
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In one of your last posts about Matt and Katya, you mentioned Alfred and Ivan’s dynamic, and that perhaps there is more beyond the hate sex they have had.
Do you mind expanding on that? What is your interpretation of their relationship, if it can even be called that?
LMAO god, gonna make me use the two and a half years I spent special interesting my way through Eastern European history on my way to a degree in 20th Century history, are you? About time I did lmao. Alfred/Ivan is one of those ships I don't enjoy purely as a ship, but it's so compelling. Much too compelling to the history to leave out entirely.
So, at the dawn. You have this old state in Ivan, considered backwards and rural by the Western European imperial powers, which has largely lost its verve for even trying most of the time. He has usurped his sister, who built most of their culture and claimed the power he has from the remnants of several cultures and expanded eastwards. And he comes across this young upstart, similarly held on the fringe of the powers of Western Europe. He's had similar obsessions with Jan when the Dutch Republic was new and a lasting one with François when he was the heart of European culture. Moreover, he's not only interested in and admiring of Alfred and the American experiment, but Ivan likes Alfred. Everyone likes Alfred. It's impossible not to like Alfred. There's an affection and attachment, a kind of love if I want to push. By the 19th century, Ivan wished him success because he and Arthur were locked into the Great Game in Central Asia. He spites Arthur, Matt, and Katya by selling Alaska to Alfred when he and Russia can no longer benefit. He's happy to raise a glass to American success. Alfred was touched by the gestures during his Civil War and the purchase of Seward's Icebox.
Afterwards, things declined quite quickly. Between the end of the American Civil War and the beginning of World War One, over 3 million people from the Russian Empire settled in the United States. But less than 5% of them were ethnic Russians. Most are Jewish, Polish and Lithuanian. Feliks mostly stays in Poland, a firebrand devoted to his survival, but Alfred meets Tolys, and he loves him. He lives with Tolys and his memories, perceptions, and opinions. Matt is up to his tonsils in Katya any moment he possibly can be, with a mouth full of their father's loathing of Ivan and a chest heaving with Katya's life. Alfred is increasingly their father's heir. The Pacific acquisition of Alaska was just the first step. If Alfred is the Christ to Arthur's God and lord knows he thinks of himself as a saviour, the Russian empire just looks shittier and shittier.
But he still has that reputation of being an outsider. He's not quite in with the European powers. He brokers the end to Russia's ultimate humiliation against Japan. Ivan, to a certain if somewhat limited extent, believes Alfred's bullshit. The deal is fairer than he would have otherwise gotten. But this is the high point of the pre-war Kiku, and Alfred's strange, tense and intimate relationship and opinion is still vastly with Japan during the war.
Then comes the Russian Revolution and the Polar Bear Expedition. Alfred is keener to do business with Ivan's new government when revolution breaks out. It must be an improvement over the Tsar, surely. He's not entirely in his complete form yet; he gets looped into the Entente's support, but he's pretty vocal about this thin line of hope that this may go well. The way his revolution went. There's this brief moment where Ivan and Alfred look at the world with a thought to a common future. They're looking at each other again with an ancient hope, maybe some mutual admiration. This may work. Maybe Ivan will get his shit together. Maybe Alfred won't become the heir to Arthur's Great Game. Maybe, maybe.
And then it goes up in fucking flames. Even American leftists became disillusioned with the USSR somewhat quickly. He helped lay down new states in the newly free Eastern Europe; God knows Tolys and Matt are doing their best to keep Alfred on-side. It took almost fifteen years, until 1933, for the US to acknowledge the USSR. Alfred is repulsed by the USSR even if he does cool his jets as interwar isolationism has slowed the process of him stepping into the fray as the head of his family.
By World War Two, Alfred is happy to write his redemption story and just dump treasure and materiel at the USSR. He's the balance of power between Arthur and Ivan, and Ivan is delighted to see Alfred snap at Arthur whenever he fucking pleases. But he's also miserable that he is the one dragging himself on his belly over the broken glass and ruins of Eastern Europe and doing the largest share against the Nazis. But there's a little hope that Alfred and Ivan will rule the world when this is over and find common ground in their power. It's only in the waning days of the war when Alfred's clearly suffering from the campaign in the Pacific and Eisenhower lets Zhukov have Berlin, that they shack up in some way or form. Alfred has more hope than Ivan, but Ivan is at least a little satisfied to see that Alfred has had a piece carved out of his idealism by his war against Japan.
It doesn't last. Alfred might be happy to take Arthur down a notch, but when the crown comes upon his head, as has been arranged, he wears it with a certain ease no one expected. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but what is the weight to a man who fancies himself Atlas and Prometheus all in one. And it comes with the confidence to hate Ivan's ideas and opinions even as he revels in their fucking. Sex isn't love, and the feelings he gets throughout all of it are not love to Alfred. I still somewhat adhere to the thought that McCarthy almost denounced Alfred as both a communist sympathizer and a homosexual in the 1950s for this apparent attachment, but the intelligence apparatus intervened and prevented it.
And that is where I will leave off because I'm damn near at 1000 words RIP.
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flightfoot · 6 months
ML Fanfic recs for 2023: 2K - 5K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
An uncaffeinated Marinette makes for an easily misunderstood Marinette.
Luka’s a ghost. Naturally, he does some haunting. He didn’t expect to fall in love along the way.
Nathaniel keeps trying to confess his feelings to Ivan. Marc keeps trying to sabotage those attempts in order to confess his own feelings. Why does it seem like things never go right?
Cat Walker’s under orders to fight Ladybug. That doesn’t stop Adrien from helping his girlfriend.
Zoe and Kagami discuss the intricacies of relationships while being mildly inconvenienced by zombies.
Kagami awakens to find herself in a house with a zombie. This is less of a problem than you might think.
Sabine keeps having nightmares about Ladybug and Chat Noir killing Marinette. She has some basis to worry.
All this and more below the break!
They fill you with the faults they had. And add some extra, just for you by @unecoccinellenoire 
The thing is, Adrien Agreste isn’t a sentimonster. That’s the problem.
It’s left ambiguous exactly what’s happening, but... instead of the characters who’re canonically sentis being controlled, it looks like another method’s been used to keep them under their parents thumb. Basically, that what we thought were the kids amoks’ were actually used to brainwash more generally. Which leads to some complicated ethical questions for Adrien, since he now holds the rings. Especially since he can now use the rings on others the way they were used on him. 
what if we got married in the park by my house in the middle of the school year by @wooawi
Marinette comes up with an ingenious plan to take Adrien away from Gabriel's garbage parenting.
This was just fun. Of course Marinette’s immediate plan to get Adrien away from his garbage family is to make him part of her own. It’s hilarious and adorable and Adrien rocks the wedding dress!
Slip of the Tongue (And Not Enough Caffiene) by That_WildChild
Marinette is tired. Marinette is also uncaffeinated. This is not a good combination.
A sleepy Marinette accidentally suggests that she shares her bed with Ladybug. At least she's protecting her identity?
Pure Crack.
Ah, sweet, sweet crack! I giggled during the story. Marinette is “fucking Ladybug” indeed. At least her classmates are supportive! 
See This Chance by @19thsentry-blog
Luka died in 2016. Yep. Crushed by the Arc de Triumph when Mayura’s Robustus slammed into it. It was kind of a big deal, but once you’re dead, you’re dead—especially when there’s no Lucky Charm to bring you back.
Luka’s been dealing with it in the typical ways.
Written for FeLuka week 2023.
Yes, this is FeLuka. Not one of the typical ships I read, but I ain’t opposed to it, and this is a nice foray into the pairing. I love ghost AUs! Luka’s just fumbling around, unsure what to do with his incorporeal existence, until he starts haunting Felix. It’s an intriguing plot and I gotta admit, I wish it was longer so it could be fleshed out more, but what’s here is good.
Confession Plans of Questionable Sanity by yellow14
Nathanael Kurtzberg has a confession to make. He's in love with his big classmate Ivan. With the help of Marc, Marinette, Adrien and Nino, he's going to confess, using increasingly complicated schemes.
Marc meanwhile, is busy coming up with even more complicated schemes to sabotage those schemes so he can confess HIS feelings for his redheaded friend.
Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong with this, right?
Written for the March 2023 gift exchange on the Miraculous Fanworks Discord forum for CassieTheweirdWolf.
This fic’s just really funny. These kids love to make things waaaaay harder than they need to be. But hey, everything ends up working out in the end, even if it’s not the way they planned!
at our wedding by @anna-scribbles
“Chloé,” Adrien said slowly, “At our wedding, are we gonna have to…”
“No!” Chloé shook her head firmly. “We don’t have to kiss. We can do whatever we want. It’s our wedding.”
“Oh, good,” Adrien sighed.
“You have to kiss at a wedding,” Félix argued.
“I don’t have to do anything and you’re not the boss of me!” Chloé shouted.
“Yeah!” Adrien grinned. He grabbed Chloé’s hand again. “Yeah, it’s our wedding.”
Adrien and Chloé, wedding planning through the years.
Despite what the summary sounds like, this is NOT a Chloe/Adrien fic - this concentrates on their platonic relationship (and a bit with Felix, he shows up a few times) throughout the years. I especially liked seeing Chloe’s reaction to Adrien coming to school and making friends besides her, being jealous and feeling abandoned, and how she finally had a breakdown over Adrien somehow staying nice despite everything, while she... hasn’t. It’s a great character study!
Showing Love by @generalluxun
After the fiasco of Queen Wasp is over, Marinette knows what she had to do. If she just brings Chloé and her mother together, all will be fixed. A mother's love is just the thing to turn Chloé around, and it all must really just be a misunderstanding right?
Nothing else makes sense.
Marinette's mistake was forgetting that life never has to make sense, but she's Ladybug, and when one path closes she finds another.
I love Marinette really comprehending how little Audrey cares about Chloe here, and taking Chloe home with her to show her what a family should be like, reaching out to her even after everything. It’s just really nice.
the legend of the firefly by @agnes-writes
“She’s… beautiful.
If he were to describe her, he’d say that they bottled summer in her eyes, and painted the night sky in her hair. Her lips are curved into a wistful smile, eyes trailing the thicket of trees where Adrien stands.
Her gaze sets his heart stuttering in his chest as it softens, and Adrien almost believes that look is meant for him.”
OR: A pair of lovers create a romance that transcends time, and leaves a mark like no other.
This is an incredibly well-written folk tale, one that I highly recommend anyone who loves mythological, folktale, fantasy, etc AUs for Adrienette to read! It’s on the shorter side, but woven so perfectly that it packs an outsized punch, and feels like it belongs in one of those collections of folk tales and myths I read as a kid! 
Adrien’s a god, gifting prosperity to those under his protection, but never interacting with them... until a farm girl catches his eye.
The Cat’s Out of the Purse by The_Rabbit42
Adrien just took the ring off to be safe.
Plagg just got bored and wanted to annoy Tikki.
Rose just opened her purse and SURPRISE!
Ladybug just wants to get the ring back to her partner.
This was a fun fic, never seen Rose and Plagg interact like this before! It’s a treat getting more Rose and Plagg focus in general of course, but I really like their relationship here. Plagg’s really good with his wielders in general, and I love how he emphasizes that while he needs to get back to Chat Noir, while Rose is transformed with him, she’s as much her own wielder as he is. It reminds me of how he acted with Zoe, Plagg’s just a treasure XD
home is where the fight is by @rosie-b
Nadja Chamack’s voice greeted Adrien as he sat up straight, wiping his clammy hands on his pants and ignoring the black kwami floating by his shoulder.
“—shocked to see our heroine fall in battle today, taking a direct hit from the akuma just as she detransformed. Parisians are torn between blaming Hawk Moth and Cat Walker for their roles in this tragedy, which ultimately revealed the civilian identity of Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Adrien turned off the TV and lowered his head as his vision blurred.
Written for Ladrien June Day 7: Injured
I adore this fic! Which shouldn’t be a a surprise, it’s no secret that I love Sentiadrien Enemies AU. Adrien’s so worried about Marinette getting hurt, and wishes that he could help keep her safer, could tell her what’s really going on or get rid of the ring or something, but he can’t. Still, he IS able to find clever ways around some of his father’s more problematic orders. Loopholes for the win!
Attack of the Crystal Zombies by @trainsinanime
Kagami had spent more and more time hanging out with Zoé, talking about things like families, expectations and crushes on Marinette. It was only natural, probably, that she would help Zoé practice flirting. That was definitely a great idea.
Granted, the deadly Akuma battle around them was a bit of an issue…
Quality Zoegami fic here! I loved how Kagami kept thinking she was bad at flirting, but it was sure working on Zoe XD. The akuma attack going on around them, interweaving with their conversation, added a bit of spice to the whole affair!
Closure by @bisexually-finger-guns
After the events of “Trust”, Alya tries to find closure.
I love this. A lot of the time, only the effects of Lila’s lies and manipulation on Marinette is explored, with the feelings of the people she tried to trick and use, with the Miracuclass and Alya in particular, ignored, downplayed, or even used to just rail at the kids for being gullible.
Not so here. Alya gets to go to a school counselor and talk about her feelings about Lila manipulating her, using her. Ladybug even gives her the Fox Miraculous to try a Burn-letter therapy technique on, telling an illusion of Lila everything she wants to say to her in order to get some closure. 
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite! by 55Anon
In which Hawkmoth is defeated by a strike.
So basically, Parisians get pissed at Hawkmoth and decide that hey, maybe they can’t stop him themselves, and they can’t just stay entirely positive at all times, but they sure as hell can direct every bit of their hatred and anger at him so that if he akumatizes one of them, they make a beeline for his lair. Hawkmoth didn’t stand a chance against the contempt of Paris!
All Of Them? Every Single One? by @liiinerle
It turns out that Marinette loves a lot more people than she'd initially thought.
This is hilarious and adorable. Tikki lays out how Marinette has a crush on basically every girl she’s met - and even girls she doesn’t know are girls yet XD. 
Anchor by @liiinerle
“Marinette. Please take that sabre out of your neck.”
“Right. Thanks. I forgot it was there.” She grabbed hold of the guard and pulled; the blade slid out like it had only been run through butter. After dropping it on the floor, she picked up one of the teacups and picked up a biscuit from a tin she’d brought in; she placed the biscuit on the saucer plate and handed the whole thing to Kagami, who could only really resign herself to accepting it.
Marinette has raised Kagami from the dead, and also happens to be dead herself. It turns out some bad choices were made in the past. But that doesn't mean they'll lead to bad outcomes for them now.
I love this, Marinette’s incredibly blase about being a zombie - which makes sense, given how long she’s had to get used to the idea. And she’s waited so long, tried so hard to bring Kagami back as well, though if she didn’t WANT to be back, she’d accede to that request. Luckily, Kagami doesn’t seem to mind as long as she’s with Marinette XD.
safe and sound by Lady_Bryght
A crazed fan is stalking Adrien with violent intentions, and Ladybug is determined to protect him. When the school goes on lockdown and Marinette can't transform, she does her best to keep him safe without the use of a miraculous.
So this is a bit of a suspenseful thriller with a twist ending - well, sort of an ending, it’s a oneshot so far with an ambiguous ending that reveals what’s going on, but not how things actually resolve. It’s the sort of story where, after you see the ending, you look back through the story for foreshadowing. Can’t really go much more in detail, without spoiling the twist.
Worth Your Time by @pearl484-blog
After the events of the Season 4 finale, Adrien leaves a series of voicemails for Felix after learning he is missing. Just because Felix is out of sight, doesn't mean he's out of mind for his cousin.
Entry for Adrien AUGreste prompt: Rings
I’d honestly forgotten about Adrien being told by Amelie that Felix was missing, and how that might have affected him. He doesn’t know that Felix is okay - he just knows that Felix disappeared after giving the Miraculous to Monarch, and that not even his mom (supposedly) knows where he is. So naturally, he fears the worst, and after awhile of leaving voicemails and not getting replies, he almost starts using the voicemails as a diary of sorts about the various events of season 5 - up until Emotion that is, for obvious reasons.
the less I seek my source for some definitive by katrinette
When the akuma manages to smash a hole in the hull of the colony ship that's supposed to be unbreakable, Ladybug has to take drastic action to keep everyone safe.
This is an interesting sci-fi AU! Ladybug and Chat Noir pilot the last few fighter ships of their colony ship, the only defense against the akumas that keep on appearing and attacking the ship. But when one of the akumas smashes a hole in the ship, well Ladybug is willing to go to extreme measures to make sure everyone doesn’t die from the depressurization - measures that do not include any regard for her own safety, much to Chat’s displeasure.
Guilty by Association by @rosie-b
Marinette respected Adrien’s strength and courage more and more every day. No matter how many times people threw nasty words or literal tomatoes at him; no matter how many companies refused to work with him anymore; no matter how clear it was becoming that he would never be forgiven for his father’s crimes, he chose to greet new people with a smile and hope that this time, someone would recognize the kind heart hidden behind his hated name.
She wished she’d had the chance to meet him before she’d accidentally ruined his life.
Written for the Ml Writers Guild September event 'back to school'
I love how Marinette keeps reaching out to Adrien, trying to protect him, even if it doesn’t always work. To let him know that she’s in his corner at least. Hawk Moth had to be taken down, but the consequences for Adrien... she never wanted anyone to get hurt in the process. 
The Supreme Movers by PearlO_O
Continuation of Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir.
Adrien and Marinette battle with the emotional aftermath of meeting their alternate selves.
This was an excellent follow-up to the Paris Special! To be clear, the Adrien and Marinette here are Claw Noir and Shady Bug, not the ones from the show we’ve been following all this time. I really liked Adrien and Marinette reflecting and recontextualizing how their parents have been acting in more positive ways, and getting more positive responses in turn, along with them reassessing how they’ve been acting and reaching out to Alya and Nino. There’s this theme of “it doesn’t matter who we were or what mistakes we made, but who we want to be and that we keep moving forward”.
Keep Me Safe Inside by RoFair
Adrien Agreste, formally known as Claw Noir attempts to get to know the girl he admires behind the mask of the reformed Shadybug. He has a plan, but it is derailed by a blonde bully.
I love how smitten Adrien is with Marinette! He might have a lot of bravado as Claw Noir, but he’s kinda shy as a civilian. Of course, that all goes out the window when Marinette needs help - like when she’s being bullied and is nearing a breakdown.
delicate in every way but one by katrinette
When Marinette finds a wanted ad that provokes just enough questions in her mind that she can't help answering it, the reward is sweeter than she could have imagined.
I love the little bit of worldbuilding we get here about vampire society, and Adrien’s usual awkward adorableness in asking Marinette for a certain necessary favor. It’s always neat to see such familiar characterization in a supernatural setting like this.
Lost Feather by @a-flaming-idiot
Sabine has always liked and respected Ladybug and Chat Noir. They've always been wonderful heroes and inspirations to all of Paris and she wouldn't trade them for the world. But that isn't to say she didn't begin to get worried when the heroes of Paris made it their mission to destroy all sentimonsters in their path. Though she knew they never would, it was hard to not worry for the safety of her daughter.
I liked this glimpse of what might happen if Marinette was a sentimonster as well! Poor Sabine, of course she’d have nightmares about the Heroes of Paris killing her daughter. While she likes and respects the Heroes and understands why they’ve been killing sentimonsters, given that the ones Shadow Moth spawns often don’t even seem sentient and are wreaking havoc, she’s still afraid for Marinette, that Ladybug might purify her Amok without ever considering that Marinette might be an actual person.
Partners in [Chaos] by @aidanchaser
Griffe Noire's needs no excuse to crash a fashion show competition, but when he sees the baker from his favorite bakery is involved, he decides to shift from spreading destruction to a different sort of chaos. He's not ready for her to see through him better than he knows himself.
Remixed from Partners in Clown by MiaBrown
I love Adrien’s portrayal here, how he lies to himself about how bad the cracks are getting, while also relishing them in a way, feeling like he’s living because of the self-harm he’s inflicting every time he unleashes a Cataclysm, it fits with his portrayal in the special. I like Marinette here too, you can see a bit of her vulnerabilities in this piece, though it’s not in her POV so she’s out of focus.
Perfect by @deinde_prandium
It’s Adrien and Marinette’s wedding day! On site to ensure the event goes perfectly is their friend and famed wedding planner Kagami Tsuguri, and so far all has been going according to plan. There's just one problem: no one ever told her about Adrien, Marinette, and their struggles with automatic doors. Add to this the fact that Marinette’s determination to play matchmaker between her and a certain wedding singer…
Needless to say, Kagami is not pleased.
This is mostly a Kagami-centric fic, with a touch of Lukagami at the end. I loved the callback to Adrienette’s automatic door troubles, and Kagami and Luka being sneaky XD. 
Patrolling with a friend for Christmas by @seasofsilver
Adrien just wanted to gift his Lady some time off and hang out more with Marinette during the festive season - it didn't exactly go to plan, but somehow ended up... better?
This was adorable! Chat Noir tries to give Ladybug a break by recruiting Multimouse to replace her on patrols for a bit, and Ladybug returns the favor by recruiting Aspik to replace Chat. Yep, it’s Snekmouse!
Far-Fetched Plans by @cravingcraze
“While that’s true, and I was going to bring that up, I wanted to talk about… when Wishmaker hit you,” he sat up and looked at Felix with… concern? Why was he concerned for him?
“You only care about my secret identity,” Felix deflected. No, there was no way fucking Viperion, Luka Couffaine of all people was worried about him.
(It was hard to imagine anyone working with Ladybug worried about him.)
So this is an intriguing prospect. Gabriel’s forcing Felix to work with him to try and get Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s Miraculous, something Felix isn’t thrilled about. But Luka finds out Felix’s secret identity, and decides to try and help him to break free.
Life with a Stolen Slime by RustyAce
Sharp, dagger-like stabs from his stomach made the small creature whimper as they curled into himself. Hunger. A frequent state he should be used to by now, but a painful one nonetheless. His gelatinous form was nearly a ball as he tried to self soothe himself, with just portions of slime forming ears and a tail that stuck out of his main body. Usually this worked, but the slime made a distressed moan as they pressed their forehead against his glass prison.
Oh, how he wished he could escape this jar he was in. The humans never came often enough to give him enough food, or even to let him out to stretch his legs. No, instead they carefully opened the jar’s lid just enough to slip some disgusting trash into it with some forceps. They, it seemed, did not appreciate his surprisingly sharp bites or scratches when they first brought him here. A shame.
The slime let out a small sigh, their eyes closing in an attempt to fall asleep to ignore his hunger. Perhaps if he fell asleep, he would wake up to them bringing him food.
So this fic is based off the Reverse world presented in the Paris special. Claw Noir’s a small cat-slime that’s being held captive in a jar, until Marinette eventually rescues him and puts him in a bigger container and feeds him better food at least. It’s cute, and it makes me curious about the setting of this story (like where he came from and why humans were keeping him captive, along with how Marinette stumbled across him), and where the story might go from here (this is a oneshot, but I’d love to see this explored more, if you can’t tell).
Changeling by @unecoccinellenoire
Gabriel makes the Wish believing that he regretted everything with Adrien. The results suggest that he in fact regrets Adrien
So this is interesting. It’s giving a glimpse into a universe where Gabriel and Emilie never found the Peacock Miraculous, and they (along with Amelie and Colt) just adopted. Which unfortunately meant that Adrien and Felix as we know them never existed, and Gabriel finds that he misses his original son, which is especially acute when interacting with his new adopted son and knowing how much he’s NOT Adrien.
Here for now, but I can see the better days by @nirby-wirby
Now, laying on his bed with only the soft light of a bedside lamp illuminating the room, he felt guilt eating at him from inside his chest. His miraculous burned on his finger, a reminder of what he’d given up. Of what had somehow led to his father helping Ladybug and dying in the process. The guilt was suffocating, building more and more until he felt like all that was left of him was guilt.
———— Or: Adrien deals with the grief and guilt of losing his father with some help. Set post-s5 finale and written for the ML Secret Santa Exchange of 2023
I love the support Adrien gets here, both from Nathalie in a more motherly role, and from his friends. He even tells Nathalie his secret identity, which gets her thinking about how badly Adrien got screwed over. Especially with him feeling guilty over Gabriel’s fate, when she knows he has no reason to.
Under the Umbrella by @fruitdragon1a
Almost everyone has a soulmate. What are Adrien and Marinette supposed to do when they meet theirs?
ML Secret Santa gift for Mei! Merry Christmas!
Thank you to Now Loading and Rewan Demontay for beta reading this fic!
So this is a version of soulmarks I haven’t seen before. Around age six, soulmates get a soulmark that shows what their soulmate is thinking when they first meet them. Though I guess it doesn’t register while transformed, since it only counts for this one when Adrien and Marinette meet as civilians, and not when they first meet as superheroes.
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hassedah · 6 months
Do you think anyone is left handed? XD ooh, how does their handwriting look like? I have a hc that Aaron has dysleyia and thus never learned how to read fluently. But he still likes to read sometimes x) What are yours?
How do boys write?
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here is the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it! ^^
I like the idea of Aaron being dyslexic. What's more, I doubt he learned to read and write as a child. It wasn't common at the time and Aaron was born at a rather complicated time in medieval history (between war, famine and a plague that had been over for a few decades but still had consequences). So I doubt that his little mother would have found the time, money and opportunity to teach him to read and write (although she would have had to know how to read and write herself, and given the literacy rate among women at the time, that's highly unlikely). Aaron must surely have learned to read and write later, perhaps by joining his wolf pack.
Dyslexia would probably not have been detected, not only because the word didn't exist, but also because someone who had difficulty reading and writing wouldn't have seemed surprising.
However, Dyslexia could be detected at the manor. If Ethan has any knowledge on the subject it would be possible. If not, with a dyslexic MC themselves. I think that would be the most coherent because I can't think of any reason why Ethan should have been interested in the Dys disorder.
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
Vladimir is right-handed, but he can write with his left hand if necessary. His handwriting is not disastrous with his left hand, but it is even slower than when he writes with his right hand.
His handwriting is beautiful and neat, but he writes very slowly, even when he's in a hurry. This is because he needs to concentrate a lot to have a neat handwriting. If he tries to write faster his handwriting tends to become illegible (something his teachers used to reproach him for when he was a child (while asking him to write faster)).
He writes quite small. As a result, he generally doesn't take up much space on a sheet of paper. His letters are very tight and his handwriting tends to lean to the left of the page. He can write in Braille. He learnt it so that he could talk to Raphaël when they were still exchanging letters.
He always signs with his surname, which is rather unusual for a vampire given that the majority of them only sign with their first name, but Vladimir is incapable of not using his, it's far too important to him to give it up.
He is the one in the manor who masters the most different languages, especially when it comes to the written word (this is due to his education). He can easily read and write texts in French, English and Italian, as well as German, Hungarian and Latin. He makes very few spelling mistakes in these languages and is usually the one to go to if someone has a grammatical or spelling question. He can also read Old English. He also reads Russian and Ancient Greek easily (although with a little more difficulty for the latter).
As he is very clumsy, writing requires a lot of concentration (he probably suffers from dyspraxia but has never been diagnosed for this). But that doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy writing. In fact, he loves writing. The other members of the manor have already offered to buy him a typewriter so that he can continue to write his stories with less fatigue, but Vladimir thinks that the quality of his writing is not worth the expense.
Béliath :
Béliath is right-handed. He can write with his left hand if he really needs to, but in that case he writes very badly, much to his dismay. So if he gets injured and can no longer use his right hand, he will usually ask others to write for him (and the best choice is Ivan or Vladimir).
Béliath writes mainly in cursive and his handwriting is quite ancient. He's not particularly aware of it, because that's how his sister taught him to write, several centuries ago, and he's never thought of changing the way he writes, even less since the people at Moondance have been complimenting him on the beauty of his handwriting. It's true that his handwriting is very pretty and rather neat, and the letters are spaced far enough apart not to be unpleasant to read. He sometimes boasts about it to the others at the manor, and it has to be said that he easily has one of the most beautiful handwritings.
He writes rather quickly (no doubt because of the invitations to his parties, which he has to write by hand since Vladimir refuses to buy a computer and a printer), while keeping his handwriting legible for everyone. His handwriting tends to lean to the right of the page.
Its writing is neither too small nor too large. The letters are easy to read and different enough not to be confused with each other when reading.
Like most vampires and supernatural creatures, he signs with his first name. He doesn't really have a surname anyway, unless you consider Son of Asmodeus to be a family name. His signature is rather complex, with a lot of interlacing around his first name, which makes for a rather complicated signature to reproduce.
He can write in several different languages with varying degrees of spelling ability. He has a perfect command of the demonic language his sister taught him, he can write in Latin and his French and English are not bad (if you ignore the fact that he never uses accents in French). As for the rest, he generally speaks them much better than he writes them.
Ivan :
Ivan is right-handed and can't write with his left hand. It's illegible every time. He tries to practise, though, because he thinks it's cool to be able to write well with both hands, but he can't really do it. If he gets injured and can't write with his right hand, he'll try to write with his left before giving up and asking Vladimir or Beliath for help.
His handwriting is simple, not pretty, but perfectly legible for everyone. It's a quality he really appreciates, because Aaron has already told him that he prefers his handwriting to Beliath's. Ivan has rarely been so proud of himself, after all, everyone in the manor recognises that Beliath's handwriting is pretty.
He can write quickly when he needs to, but this affects the legibility of his handwriting, so he avoids doing so most of the time. He also has a tendency to write quite large, which means that he generally needs a lot more paper to write a text than the other members of the manor.
He has asked Vladimir and Raphaël to teach him to write and read in Braille. He still wants to be able to communicate with Raphaël, even if he leaves the manor, and he would like to be able to read the little stories that Raphaël writes himself and not always have to ask Raphaël to read them for him. He still has a bit of trouble reading quickly, but he's getting better at it, although writing in Braille is still very difficult for him.
He has kept the signature he had before his death, so he continues to sign with his surname, signing with his first name seems strange and… unpleasant. It's not that he doesn't like his first name, but he thought he'd be using his family name signature for decades to come, and having to give it up so soon is still too painful for him.
He can only write in French, although Vladimir persists in trying to teach him at least English (at first Vladimir wanted to teach him Latin). Ivan makes relatively few spelling mistakes (which he's proud of, given that Ethan makes more spelling mistakes than he does in French).
Aaron :
Aaron is normally left-handed, but at the time he was born it was very much frowned upon. So he was forced to learn to use his right hand to work, write and fence, which didn't help his handwriting, which was already difficult to read, and he was much more awkward using his right hand to fight with a sword. Today, he has stopped using his right hand for writing and fencing and has become much more skilful.
He had to concentrate to achieve a beautiful handwriting. The shapes of his letters are simpler than Beliath's because he favours ease of reading over beauty. He also writes quite slowly and never tries to write faster. He knows that writing faster only makes his text more illegible.
Like most supernatural creatures, Aaron signs with his first name. His signature is quite simple, and he sees no point in trying to embellish it with interlacing or lines. For him, it's a waste of time and doesn't fit in with his idea of a signature that should remain legible. After all, with all the interlacing that Beliath puts around his first name, he sometimes finds it hard to read his signature.
Aaron speaks far more languages than he writes, particularly Elvish, and is the only member of the manor to do so. He has a tendency to make a lot of spelling mistakes, but in his defence, between language changes and spelling reforms, he never knows where to turn. He barely has time to understand a spelling rule before humans are happy to change it straight away. He only spells Spanish. For the rest, he always asks Vladimir.
Despite the difficulties, Aaron loves to write and read poetry. Along with Raphaël, he probably owns the largest number of poetry collections. However, he is quite precise about the books he looks for: the text must not be too small and the lines must be spaced far enough apart to be pleasant to read. That's one of the reasons why he doesn't really like Vladimir's old books: the writing is too small and he has a hard time distinguishing between the lines.
Raphaël :
Raphaël is totally ambidextrous, but as a child he was left-handed. His parents insisted that he write with his right hand, but he didn't really want to, so as soon as they weren't watching him he would write with his left hand again. He eventually learned to use his right hand for writing and fencing, but this was only to surprise people who thought he was only left-handed.
When Raphaël was writing in cursive, he loved writing poetry, especially for Margarita and Alessio, who regularly received poetry from Raphaël. He still loves to write, but now he uses a slate and stylus to write in Braille. In fact, he always carries a slate and stylus with him in case he needs to write down an idea somewhere other than his bedroom or the library. The problem is that he always ends up forgetting the paper somewhere.
He found Braille much easier to learn to read than to learn to write. This is because to write braille text, you have to write it the other way round, as the dots are made on the back of the page. It wasn't at all instinctive at first and he got it wrong more than once. Now he's quite happy to be teaching Ivan to write in Braille.
He always signs with his first name and his signature hasn't changed much, but it's still complex to reproduce. There is a lot of interlacing around his first name and the capital R is huge compared to the other letters.
He likes to exchange messages with Vladimir and Ivan, as only the three of them can read them, they usually use them to prepare surprises for the others or to complain that so-and-so has forgotten to clean up again or that Ethan keeps slamming doors.
Raphaël is not bad at spelling and grammar, not as good as Vladimir, but unlike Vladimir, he doesn't read grammar books for pleasure. He can speak more languages than he can read and write. But he reads and writes easily in English, Latin, Italian and French.
He reads a lot, and is one of the biggest readers in the manor. When he first arrived, he only had Braille books, which limited his reading possibilities because they were big books and didn't always cover the subjects that interested him. The arrival of Ivan, introduced him to audio books. He listens to a lot of them now, especially romance novels, and loves the fact that he can listen to books while lying comfortably in bed or cooking.
Ethan :
Ethan is left-handed and he really can't write with his right hand. It has to be said that it never occurred to him to try, and his parents never tried to force him to write with his right hand either. If he gets injured and can no longer write with his left hand, he always asks Beliath to write for him.
Ethan's handwriting is not legible. His "a's" look like "e's" or "o's", his "u's", "i's" and "n's" also look very similar, he never dots his "i's", so they can also be mistaken for "l's", and when he writes in French, he doesn't use the slightest accent, whereas he does in Finnish. It's an ordeal for everyone in the manor to reread what he's written, and Aaron doesn't even try anymore. The only one who manages to read it is Beliath.
He writes very small, which doesn't make it easy to read his handwriting, and he also writes quite quickly. He doesn't like writing anyway, his texts are full of abbreviations and drawings to speed things up, and he's the only one who can decipher the notes he takes. If he can do maths for the sake of doing maths, sitting down to write is an ordeal for him. He doesn't have the patience for it.
Like most vampires, he signs with his first name, a habit he picked up fairly recently after arriving at the manor. His signature is rather simple, with few lines and no interlacing, he framed it with just two lines. The main thing for him was that it was quick to make.
He is quite good at spelling, although his handwriting is not very legible. He writes and reads texts easily in Finnish, English, German and French. He can also read a simple text in Latin… if he has no choice, really, no choice.
He has no idea why everyone finds his handwriting difficult to read. He finds that what he writes is always perfectly legible.
Neil :
Neil is right-handed. He can write with his left hand, he even writes quite well, but he doesn't feel comfortable with it at all. So he will always write right-handed unless he really has no choice.
He's always had a nice handwriting, and that's even truer now that writing has become easy and enjoyable. Before, writing wasn't really something that could be described as enjoyable, given the difficulty of the task. He generally prefers to use a beautiful fountain pen for writing, and doesn't hesitate to buy the most expensive ones. He always has one with him in a small box and several in his desk drawers, and tends to change fountain pens according to his mood.
He always writes in a cursive script that looks rather ancient. There is a lot of curl, especially in the capital letters. His letters are easy to distinguish from one another and the words are spaced far enough apart not to give the impression that the text is cramped. His handwriting always leans very slightly to the right.
His signature is elegant and simpler than his usual handwriting. He always signed with his first name.
He has the impression that the rules of spelling and grammar are constantly changing, as are the meanings of words. He tries to follow them, though, because he doesn't like making mistakes, but he gets tired of constantly having to unlearn what he's learned.
The language he knows best is still Irish, and although he has completely lost the habit of speaking Old Irish, he can still read it easily, as well as Middle Irish and Modern Irish.
He also reads and writes in many other languages without difficulty. The languages he knows best apart from Irish are: English, Greek and Ancient Greek, Latin, French, as well as German, Italian, Spanish and Scottish Gaelic. He can also read and follow a simple discussion in Arabic, Mandarin and Russian. To his dismay, knowing so many languages is more of a problem than anything else, and he tends to switch languages when he can't find the right word in the one he spoke before, which means he loses most of the people he's talking to.
Léandra :
Léandra is left-handed. However, she can write with her right hand if she needs to. Before teaching Beliath to write, she had never written with her right hand. She forced herself to write with her right hand, seeing that it was the one her little brother used all the time; she wanted it to be easier for him to copy her movements that way.
She doesn't really take care of her handwriting. However, if she forces herself, she can have very pretty handwriting, but it's not something that interests her. For her, writing has to be practical before it's pretty; she writes to get a message across or to give information, so she doesn't really see the point of trying to turn it into a work of art.
Léandra is used to writing fast and big. She doesn't think writing should take up too much of her time. In fact, she's never understood how her little brother could enjoy spending so much time writing beautiful letters.
She always signs with her first name and her signature is quite complex. There's a lot of interlacing that surrounds her, like a shield around her signature.
She is quite good at spelling, having taught Beliath to read and write in several different languages, including the demonic one.
She is fluent in several different languages, written and especially spoken. She can write and read demonic, English, Italian and Latin texts with ease. For the rest, she much prefers an oral discussion. This is not to say that she would be unable to write in other languages, just that she sees no point in learning their spelling if she can manage in an oral discussion.
Farah :
Farah is right-handed, but she can write with her left hand if she has problems. However, this affects the quality of her writing, which is harder to read.
Her handwriting is simple but neat. Her brother taught her to write, shortly after they left home. She's happy to be able to read and write, of course, but writing has never been an activity she's been keen on: sitting down for several minutes to write a letter always seems horribly boring to her. Whereas reading, may not be her favourite thing to do, but she'll never turn down a new book, especially a fantasy one.
Her letters are mainly in block letters, as she finds cursive writing too time-consuming. She generally writes fairly large and fairly quickly.
Her signature is very simple: she signs only with her first name, without adding the slightest line or interlacing around it. She clearly doesn't see the point and doesn't want to spend any more time signing than she has to.
As she has travelled a lot with her pack, she speaks and reads a lot of different languages, but this is less the case when it comes to writing. In any case, she doesn't always have the necessary writing materials with her and she always loses her notepads or pens when she does have them. She can write Latin and Spanish fairly easily, but the rest is much more complicated. She rarely masters the written word in other languages, even though she can read them. For example, she can read texts in English, Italian and French without being able to write in those languages. And although she can hold a discussion in Arabic, Swedish and German, she is unable to read or write a text in these languages.
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that-sweet-thief · 1 year
just finished binge-watching season 2 of shadow and bone. my thoughts are mostly in disarray but the cringe is real.
this was an off-paced, haphazard fanfiction. it'd be just fine if the writers weren't paid for it but they actually are, so it's just... wow. I'm at best mediocre when writing in english and i reckon even i would do a better job of writing dialogue.
anyway, here's a list of my thoughts on the show, though it's more of a word vomit than a comprehensive series review:
no ivan or fedyor. immediate downvote for that alone. ivan should've survived so we could have a heartbreaking moment between him and fedyor across the two sides of the battlefield. i guess they thought there were too many characters and couples to juggle already. or maybe the actors weren't available, who knows.
costume design took a surprising turn for the worse: for example, nina's and zoya's dresses were eyesores. how anyone could make these two very attractive women look that frumpy i've no idea but they've managed. i liked sankta neyar's costume, sturmhond's coat aaand that's about it.
the settings were more varied, so glad we've seen a little of bhez ju. the introductory map-to-location shots were very helpful for people who haven't read the books, namely my gf who fell asleep halfway through the show. also, if the music had any tracks that weren't already from the first season i'll be incredibly surprised, it's that repetitive.
they've messed up nikolai as a character mainly because the actor misunderstood his assignment, though i don't know what else he could've done with the mess he was given. while he's still sympathetic, lovely and witty, paddy's nikolai thinks of sturmhond as just another disguise, rather than who he really is, to the point of gifting said disguise to mal. that's irreconcilable with my understanding of nikolai, whose real mask is the bastard prince.
tamar & tolya were better realised than expected. along with the exclusion of the soldat sol cult, their zealotry's scrapped which is a big win for them. i enjoyed their scenes, great casting too. though, as an ardent kanej fan, i cannot in good conscience support the blink-and-you'll-miss-it tolya/inej moment. tamar/nadia had maybe a minute of screen time but better than nothing.
sankta neyar was a pleasant surprise, great idea to show how powerful durasts can also be. people often disregard materialki so this was refreshing. what i liked about her is how formal, collected, old-fashioned she both appeared and acted, as if her manners and speech style were leftover from a few centuries ago, kudos to her actor tuyen do.
the crows' arc was... lacking in some way. maybe it's because pekka rollins' attitude towards kaz and his group is very different than how it was established in the books, here he was way too proactive and less secure in his position in ketterdam for some reason; anyway rollins' framing of the crows felt off to me.
the crows' character dynamics are interesting and the saving grace of the show, all kanej and wesper scenes were great. seriously, the tension of kanej & cuteness of wesper nearly destroyed me.
they did helnik dirty, of course, but that was a given.
freddy carter outperformed everyone this season, i really think out of all of them he's given the best performance, sometimes even better than ben barnes and that's practically heresy coming from me, his devoted fan since ages ago when i first saw narnia.
i kinda dig that they brought in a tidemaker (fruszi) who's practically an early version of zoya for the darkling's side but her death felt cheap. i mean, the crows arriving to help out nikolai and his team at the very last second was already eye roll inducing, but then nikolai shoots her in the neck? cheap. also, if she and zoya came to face off that'd be interesting since they share so many similarities. i personally don't think it will but if the series continued along with the darkling's canon resurrection, i wish she'd lived and replaced elizaveta, she certainly seemed devoted enough.
david and genya made me cry. that's all i have to say on them.
baghra... where do i even start with her? baghra's nonchalance, her one-eighty about deciding to help alina find more amplifiers is stark raving bonkers imho. yet at least most of her scenes weren't as bad as they could've been, her proving to mal he was the firebird and her saving genya as well as alina actually came across better than the ultra passive, constantly berating version in the books. her death felt less dramatic but more spiteful, though aleksander's reaction to her death was appropriately heartbreaking. ben & zoe sold it so well, my eyes actually welled up.
speaking of sasha, his death is soooo badly executed, it's impossible not to be pissed off at the way they filmed it. even the books were more sympathetic to his demise and alina herself showed much more empathy for him at the end. it's genuinely disturbing how they framed it, makes alina seem more like a villain than the reluctant hero she used to be. i guess it fits with the surprise ending: how she kinda becomes what she sought to destroy, poetic irony and all, but still...
aleksander's whole arc this season makes him seem more desperate and pathetic and so, less of a tyrant: he doesn't even take control of the country or more than a small group of grisha let alone become tsar, instead the apparat rules over ravka on behalf of the lantsovs till nikolai is coronated. he and his people constantly lose to some clever last minute thwarting by alina's allies. the only thing scary about him is the nichevo'ya, the shadow monsters, which in the books are entirely under his control and that of course makes it all the more terrifying. here though, sick and tired and dying, he's merely desperate and fearful. the lack of wins on aleksandr's part really defeats the purpose of the writers' continuous attempts at making him simply the most terrible, horrifying and supreme villain of gregverse.
nope, can't get over it, aleksander practically died in her arms in the books, here she just looks down at him like she's the villain. i guess she now is. oh and mal's retort to sasha about dying in her arms was somehow a foreshadowing, see, but sasha doesn't get that because he's evil, see? gosh, so patronising.
since they've constantly emphasised this season how it was the fold's and thus sasha's fault that grisha were persecuted (not that this explains the ceaseless mistreatment, endangerment and more often death that grisha face everywhere they go, of course, nor does it explain his backstory) i gathered they'd go for a retcon but i didn't imagine they'd exonerate baghra, the apparat and tie the border wars with shu han and fjerda to the fold's existence entirely. the reason the war broke out in the first place was because those countries' fundamental approach to grisha was to kill them or worse. that is what grisha persecution meant. and now... what, the war is over, just like that? i have no words.
also, the exclusion of the "don't let me be alone" line. now that I think about it, those writers should be fed to nichevo'ya.
alina, alina, alina... sure, she's a self-insert, so her motivations don't make sense anyway, but as sweet as jessie is and how hard she tries, show!alina is now an equally awful mess as book!alina. the two things i liked about her this season were her manipulation attempt through the tether and the ending where she goes a bit darkling. the latter, i really like. i wrote a fragment of a power reversal fic before but never put it up, might just do that now.
i'll admit: it's rather funny how mal dumps alina after losing his amplification because he doesn't feel the same way anymore. he doesn't know if it was him being an amplifier that made them love one another. see how easily he turns away from alina? if i were aleksander, I'd be laughing at her from the grave.
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mystycalypso · 1 month
Can i just say how much i freaking love the work you two are doing, Holly hell this is some wild stuff as veteran of hello neighbor you two are making me proud of this small community that is running on tumblr!
Also i hope you two don't mind me asking two questions.
Firstly, If one of you two had the control over welcome to ravenBrooks show what will be some things you two will change.
Secondly, What are you're thoughts on the artstyle of the show considering that Man of Action is working on the show?
Okay to start, I know I say it every time we get asks like this but y'all are genuinely so sweet and nice and it's just really really cool to see people enjoy our stuff. Like- especially fellow old fans of the franchise. I know Kaydin also really appreciates how sweet you guys are but just idk it feels like my fandom dreams come true when people like things like our au and art for this series
As for your questions...
Personally, to start, and this is Jack being slightly particularly- idk nitpicky? But there are three things I'd want to just- fix immediately and all three of them are Nicky related.
Number one, his shirt. I'm sorry guys but I've been here since the alphas and I didn't even realize this was his Sharkotron T-shirt. It's- It's just an egg
Number two, I realized after intense studying of Nicky's- face that it looks really weird when he's front facing, but his nose is facing right. So scenes like this suddenly seem- off model for no reason? I've poorly edited the image below to fix both of these
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Yes I am too lazy to edit them properly, sadly. Did make his shirt logo still one colour for ease of animation. Idk why but left facing nose Nicky just looks less weird. Just me and kaydin? Maybe.
Number three- uh... that hairline is atrocious /lh
I know he wears his goggles in the show like constantly but also- this is a 13 year old boy guys. I was 13 once and I have a very flat (minus a widows peak) hairline, but it did not stop my hair from falling all over my face, and I think it's fair to assume the same for the kid who's hair refuses to behave anyway
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Just fluff him up a lil (again I'm sorry these aren't better edits lol)
You don't even have to have it show when his goggles are up because like a headband or headphones it pushes hair back, or otherwise
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Although ironically while I'm explaining what I would change in the designs, I don't mind the art style at all, actually I kind of love it. Sure some things you kinda of have to get used to, like their ears being pretty low to the head, but in general I think it really fits the franchise. I know it didn't look too drastically different from the pilot, but there's so many little nuances in the designs that just make it better (especially when you look at characters like Trinity)
I've told Kaydin a dozen and a half times how I think show Nicky is the franchise's second best design for him. The first being this singular piece of art from Nicky's Diaries, like I have gone on for hours about why this rendering of him is just perfect.
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Third being fan renders, followed by the book artstyle, the pilot and finally games
And while other designs I wasn't sure about when watching through the show the first time, really just lore hunting instead of caring about anyone who wasn't Trinity or Nicky ngl, when I started doing my expression analysis I realized just how nice the designs and individuality of the characters are. If you put Nicky's expressions oh Enzo or Ivan's on Trinity it wouldn't fit and that's something I don't think people would expect from a Hello Neighbor cartoon.
They also have things I can just appreciate as someone who's special interest is animation (but doesn't have the patience to animate TvT gotta love audhd) for example, just having shading even in shots where they could completely go without it. It makes it less drastic and a smoother transition when lighting gets intense. They're also now afraid to switch up camera angles and push the rigs for a more intense shot.
Also something I really appreciate
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Smear frames!
God I love smear frames!!! It's another one of those things that It's like- knowing how much this cost Tinybuild, they could've easily cut it down to save money. But it just wouldn't have been as nice without it.
Sure there are probably people who look at the fact that Man of Action is working on the show and are disappointed by the art style. But I say this entirely genuinely when I say I couldn't picture this show looking any other way and working as it does.
Yeah, they could've used more realistic proportions for these kids, but it works so much better when it's pushed like this when Mr. Peterson is nearly double their height. He's visibly a hulking intimidating man who could lift a middle schooler and lock them away. You fear his build which contrasts his outfit best (really feels like they took the book description of him and just pushed it, as we know he doesn't have this same stature in the games)
Plus it feels like in general, they stopped focusing on that dumb "Oh we need to hide things in every frame" which- thank God. Sure they are still hiding little details, hell I have changed a whole chunk of theory about Theodore's relationship with his son because of something I found on accident
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This photo of (seemingly) 12 year old Aaron Peterson.
I'm not gonna go into it here lol because this is already long and it's supposed to be about the animation.
Are they still building mysteries and people are still crafting theories? Absolutely! Not a day goes by that I haven't been thinking about whether or not Aaron will ever be seen in the series in the present day and if he is, what he will be like mentally.
But the point is, they're focusing on crafting something GOOD over just theory fodder. Both animation and story-wise, and I can appreciate that so much.
Like- this is gonna be a really hot Jack take here so be aware.
I enjoy this franchise and it's spinoffs much more than the FNAF franchise.
Sure, Hello Neighbor one is and will always be awful. But I am 100x more likely to play Hello Neighbor 2 or Secret Neighbor than I am to play any fnaf game myself.
When I make fnaf content it is almost entirely AU based. Because the idea of getting lore super wrong since I just can't be bothered to try and figure that convoluted mess out is annoying. Why even try to solve lore if I need to read more than 10 books for a minor detail that becomes a major antagonist? We can't even get a full confirmed backstory for the main antagonist!
But with Hello Neighbor they realized that people don't want to be jumping through 50 hoops for lore. Yes we want mystery, but one we can solve without dumb contrivances and plot holes.
Do I still love FNAF? Of course. My senior quote is from William Afton ffs ("You may not recognize me at first, but I can assure you, it's still me") but one of these franchises is growing to better itself and gain more love, while the other is slowly becoming more of something I enjoy without trying to understand, and I think the Hello Neighbor animated series is- the pinnacle of this difference.
I love Welcome to Ravenbrooks. I love Hello Neighbor. I can’t wait to see what comes next from TinyBuild, and how season two will be even better than season one. (As proven by the fact that Nicky gets to yell louder in that one teaser clip alone than anyone got to in season one lol)
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moonami · 2 years
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Scenario VIII: Witness among birch trees. ...
Theses days seemed not to end, one after another they were fading along with your hopes of getting out of here…
You had made it out of Alfred's and Yao's areas, however it wasn't that the area you entered was any less dangerous.
Especially since you noticed "A Certain Little Person" following you from a distance with a smirk on his face and a slight blush.
He looked happy for your visit, while he uselessly hid behind a tree, he surely knew that you had noticed him, however it was fun for him to annoy you by pretending to hide.
You weren't in the mood to deal with him right now, especially considering what… had just happened…
Alfred had exploded because he found the ribbon that Yao gave you…
And Yao made the situation worse by mocking the American saying that he was too innocent if he thought you would choose him sincerely and not since you depended on his strength.
I mean, it was partially true but… He shouldn't have said that…
Those two idiots had started to fight and the scandal attracted several monsters, they had separated and almost killed you for the foolishness of who loves whom.
So right now, you didn't wanted the situation to escalate by talking too much with the Russian, you already had some knowledge of what "They" are like… And due to the friction between these 3 nations, it was best to keep quiet until everything was resolved.
However, when you come out of your little moment of reflection you hear a derisive giggle.
Realizing that the Russian was right behind you, bending down to rest his head on your shoulder, you do a little jump and point your ax at him.
-“Hu hu ~ I didn't expect you to give such a high-pitched screech ~” -He laughs softly, he really enjoyed bothering you.
-"W-what do you think you're doing?!"-You shout somewhat irritated by the familiarity with which he treated you.
-"Uh? But if I just wanted to greet you up close~, is that something really bad?"- He says and pouts slightly.
You hadn't seen each other since he had infiltrated the urbanization, which didn't bring back very nice memories.
-"Tsk…"-You click your tongue with annoyance, but you sigh…You had to keep walking to see if there was a way out, supposedly…There was a gigantic wall surrounding the three zones…Maybe if you found it...you could …
Before you could delve into that thought, Ivan cuts you off again.
-"Does it bother you that I'm here with you~? Uh hu hu~"- He laughs tenderly, although, it was obvious that the question was not very serious.
-“…Please don't follow me”- You say and you walk again trying to leave him behind, but because of you being shorter than him, it didn't really help.
-"I know they treated you badly, but don't worry, I'm your friend, you can count on me" -He says with a smile on his face, this time he was already serious… But…
How did he find out about what happened?…He was supposed to be away at that time… Perhaps this bastard…Saw the whole thing and didn't help you?!
Your blood begins to boil, you try to calm down and think of something more "logical"…Maybe he was referring to other times when the boys had been rude…But, you still had the feeling that he was talking about exactly what happened two days ago
It was better to cut him off now so he wouldn't gain as much confidence as usual.
-"I don't care what you think we are, I don't exactly like you, so stay away from me and what doesn't concern you"-
You said those words, the white landscape full of birch trees, becomes silent and only the wind can be heard roar softly through the trees.
"W-what did you say?… You don't… like me?… Aren't we… Friends?…" He said with a somewhat trembling voice, it was the first time you saw him like that.
-"No, we are not"-again you throw blades out of your mouth.
-“… I see… That's… kind of rude…”-He averts his gaze to the side, somewhat embarrassed and hurt…
He turns around his back to you, and you can see that his legs are shaking.
-"Y-you're not cute when you say things like that...”-What face would he be making?.
Acting like a child even while being so old because of you…
This was your chance to leave him behind and continue on your way in search of the wall… However, you did not expect that your words would have so much weight on him.
Should you apologize?
“The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered.
Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”
Proverbs 17:27-28
I can't believe how cruel you guys were to Russia, I'm disappointed in you guys 🙃 ok no ahskahaka, well guys, two new parts in one day, not bad right? ,(edit: the background were generated with wombo when the AI problem wasnt that big, i am really regretful about using said tool so much back then when i ran out of photos to edit for this au, but im not sure about deleting all of them, please dont kill me over this)
Remember to put the option you would choose in the tags, share and comment if it's not too much trouble~! I want to see you all excited after almost making Ivan cry!
In addition to this I wanted to tell you that my friend @alfiefiefie-draws-stuffs has an emergency regarding school, so he is doing emergency commissions, I would be very grateful if you would review his Comm info and commission him something pretty to help him.
Take care and check out the rest of the blog~!
Previous part
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aph-fritz · 1 year
Hi! It's me again :)) I've been thinking about some requests, that I mentioned. And since it's December already, I wondered how Al and his s/o would spent ✨Christmas time✨ together. I imagined Alfred throwing a huge party or trying to do something big, and s/o being forced to help him out haha But, I'm also interested in their actions, when all the guests finally went home or just their alone time with each other<3
~❅ america x reader ;; christmas time!🎄~
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~ ❅ x 🎄 ~
hiya again :D thanks sm for the request! i wanted to get this done before christmas so you all had something nice to read haha but i kinda failed. however... better late than never, right? i think an episode in hetalia had kind of already touched on this topic, but i'll do the best i can to make it super good! ~ ❅ x 🎄 ~
> the dude throws the biggest parties. he makes sure to invite live bands, sets up his entire home to fit the occasion, brings out some of the best foods in the world and supplies a major variety of alcohols. the dude doesn't hold back from making sure that his parties are unforgettable.
> alfred invites every country in the entire world to his parties. even peter, which honestly wasn't the best idea. all of his parties have a very high attendance rate. hell, even ivan came, but that's probably because he likes to scope out the area and learn more about countries he hasn't gotten the chance to meet yet.
> you would definitely be dragged into everything though. he'd try and get you to specifically set up all of the tables, gifts, and entertainment. he would be the one greeting everyone as they entered and making sure spirits stood high during the entire night.
> after everyone is all settled in and enjoying the party, alfred likes to mingle in with the guest. he makes sure they're all having fun and probably hops on the stage to tell his own jokes and lift spirits.
> christmas is one of the only times where alfred will actually go and get drunk. he isn't one of the biggest fans of drinking due to his past but he has felt a bit more comfortable having fun and letting loose with you around him > alfred buys everyone big gifts, even ivan. he doesn't mind the money, as long as everyone is happy honestly. however, he gets you the biggest gift. it's probably something fun and expensive, but this year he decided to get you a puppy! it definitely has a bow tied around it's neck. > the party last till around 1 am when alfred finally starts pulling away all of the food and paying off the bands. at the end of the party, he's chilling with arthur, francis, and matthew, slightly drunk but just reminiscing on old times. alfred will also take this opportunity to show you off to his friends, he's very prideful of you!
> when the party ends and everyone finally leaves, you and him would go cuddle up by his fireplace and share a cup of hot cocoa. both of you sported stupid looking sweaters but honestly it was kind of charming how he made little jokes relating to christmas, specifically dad jokes. > when all was said and done, alfred would have most likely passed out on the floor by the fire cuddled up next to you. your new puppy would have crawled by and huddled next to the warmth too, ensuring that everyone was safe on this comforting christmas night. ~ ❅ x 🎄~ i hope you liked this one too! i know it's a little late but i mean, the 26th isn't a bad date? it's a little shorter compared to my other but still nice none the less. i hope you enjoy! ~ ❅ x 🎄 ~
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Your Stupid Face
Inspired by: Your Stupid Face - Kayden MacKay I was listening to this song the other day and could only think about Izzy
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Word Count: 3808
Goddamn it, Izzy hated you. He hated you so goddamn much. He hated you just as much as he hated the rest of Bonnet’s less than mediocre crew. No, he hated you more if that was even possible. Now, Izzy hated most people, but he believed that he hated fairly. He hated everyone in the crew but for different reasons.
He hated Bonnet for claiming to be a pirate captain when he had done nothing to earn it. He hated Lucius for never doing any real work. He hated Black Pete for continuously boasting about his pirating capabilities when he actually had no real experience. He hated Ivan and Fang for merging with Bonnet’s crew with so much ease.
Oh, but Izzy despised you.
It was like you always knew what to do and say to get under his skin, and you clearly enjoyed it. You were never bothered by his threats or his snarling, often meeting them with a smirk and a comment of your own. Like you knew he couldn’t lay a hand on you, not when he was on Bonnet’s stupid fucking ship.
In the short time Izzy had been aboard the Revenge, you had become the bane of his existence, and without even trying which was even more irritating. Your presence alone was like an irritating buzz.
Izzy Hands despised you, plain and simple. He thought the Revenge would be just that little more bearable if you weren’t on it, if you were to just disappear into thin air, but life could never be so kind to him.
Just to sum up, Izzy hated you and you knew it.
“You’re a fucking nuisance. This crew is fucking useless, but it would still be better without you, at least be somewhat bearable. You do nothing but purposely piss me off” Izzy seethed at you, only growing more and more irritated when you continued to grin at him. Completely unbothered by his cruel words, he had been scolding you for a good few minutes now.
“Only when you deserve it. You can be a real ass, Izzy” you tutted, shaking your head at him like a disappointed parent.
“One fucking day I’m going to tie you to that damn anchor” he threatened, grabbing a fist full of your collar and aggressively pulling you forward.
Your grin turned into an amused smirk, scanning his face, dropping your gaze to his lips before meeting his eyes again. “Oh, Izzy Hands, you are going to fall hopelessly, desperately in love with me” you told him, complete confidence in your words.
Your words seemed to shake Izzy up a little bit, another little victory for you. “In your fucking dreams” he forced through gritted teeth as he released your shirt, pushing you away from him.
You chuckled to yourself as you stumbled back, quickly finding your balance again. “I count on it” you winked playfully before turning and leaving, letting Izzy seethe to himself.
Izzy fucking hates you, more than ever. He hates that you were fucking right. He is hopeless and he is desperate, but it’s all your damn fault anyway. Now you’re looking at him with that stupid grin spread out on your face, a playful but fond look in your eyes as you tease him.
“Alright, you don’t have to be so fucking happy about it” Izzy huffed, turning his face away from you. His face was red, it normally was due to anger but this time there was a little embarrassment and shyness in the colour.
“But I am happy, Iz!” you smiled brightly, cupping his warm face in your hands. “You’ve finally admitted it, you like me. I knew you did” you knew it was only furthering his embarrassment but he kind of deserved it, plus you didn’t intend on making fun of him for his gruff little confession.
“Fuck off” he muttered but didn’t pull away from your gentle touches.
“Not a chance now” you mused, “you’re stuck with me, I’m afraid.”
He was afraid too, incredibly so. Fucking terrified even, more than he can ever remember being.
“Look, if you’re going to get all sappy about it, make it quick” Izzy complained but he still hadn’t pulled away, you had a feeling he wanted you to get just a little sappy for a moment.
“You’re cute when you get all flustered” you cooed.
“I am not cute” he huffed again, this time pushing your hands away from his face.
“Yes, sorry, you’re very scary, love” you chuckled. It wasn’t completely mocking, he was a real life terrifying pirate, somebody to be feared, but he was also completely adorable when he was flustered.
“I swear to fucking-” you could hear the defensiveness coming back, his walls shooting up, but you were determined to not let that happened.
Your hands returned to his face, gentle with just the right amount of firmness to hold him in place and make him look at you. He couldn’t complain any further before you had pulled him towards you and kissed him, effectively silencing him. Thankfully, he didn’t resist for no good reason.
Izzy returned the kiss with eagerness, hands gripping your arms to keep you close, almost clinging desperately. Once you felt him relax, you broke the kiss, pulling away from him ever so slightly, just enough to smile at him.
“Hopelessly and desperately in love with me yet?” you asked playfully, though you had the feeling that your little premonition was coming true.
“You wish” he scoffed, despite being very obviously flustered.
“We’ll get you there, don’t you worry” you assured him, voice surprisingly soft, before you pulled him into another quick kiss. Just enough to distract him and help him relax some more before you’re skipping off to continue with your daily chores.
Alright, so maybe Izzy doesn’t hate you, maybe he even likes you a little. Hell, you were starting to make this godforsaken ship feel just that little but more like home. Everything about it felt so wrong, he felt so outside the rest of the crew. That only changed when you were around. You made things feel right, comfortable, like everything fit into place without having to force it.
Though, Izzy thought that if life was kinder, if life ever took mercy on him, he never would have come across Stede Bonnet. Never would have ended up on this ship. Never would have had you unwillingly burrow into his life. Because you were right, there was no getting rid of you now. Getting rid of you would be like amputating a part of himself, he didn’t know if it was necessary, but it would certainly be painful.
No, life never took mercy on Izzy Hands. That’s why he had formed such an attachment to you.
Fuck. Izzy could still remember the look on your face as the boat slowly drifted away from that tiny little island. The smallest he had ever seen. After the rupture between Stede and Blackbeard, Izzy had awakened the Kraken. It hadn’t exactly been his intention and he quickly realised he had bit off more than he could chew. Okay, bad choice of words.
None of that mattered now. Nothing mattered after Izzy repeatedly failed to convince Blackbeard to keep you as part of the crew. Blackbeard wanted Jim and Frenchie but apparently nobody else, for reasons Izzy couldn’t completely comprehend, but orders were orders. He had to follow them.
That didn’t mean it was easy when he had to push you and the rest of the crew off of that little rowboat.
“Izzy!” you called, standing right on the edge of that little island, the water lapping at your feet. “Come on, we can figure this out! We’ll speak with Blackbeard!” you tried to reason, tried to convince him that he didn’t need to leave you and the majority of your friends marooned and left for dead. The last thing he heard was his name on the wind, faintly sounding like your voice.
That was a couple of days ago now and he still couldn’t stop thinking about it. You had looked so betrayed as the boat was rowed away, not breaking eye contact until you had no choice, until each of you were just specks in the distance.
There were many things he had felt since the Kraken’s emergence but there was one emotion stronger than any of the others. Hell, he missed you.
He missed your presence, your little smiles, the way you knew how to get under his skin but also how to bring him out of himself, how to make him smile. He hadn’t smiled since that day, that morning to be precise, before he got orders from his captain.
Turns out, Blackbeard being back wasn’t everything he thought it would be. There had even been a time that he thought your absence would be for the best in the long run. Instead of things going back to normal, Izzy was left pining over you, missing you, all while you probably hated him.
It wasn’t like you didn’t have every right to hate him, to despise him. You must have been disgusted by him, cursing his name and the fact you ever met him, if you weren’t already dying from exposure. His stomach turned just thinking about it.
He knew life would never be kind to him, could never give him a break, why would this time be any different?
Izzy had tried being stubborn, to resist the things he didn’t deserve to have, but it didn’t work, you broke down his defences. Life gave him you, gave him some semblance of hope, just to rip it away again, thought he knew he wasn’t completely blameless in the matter.
He had been an idiot to think that he could have something good, to put his care and his trust into you. He knew better than to do that, but he did it anyway.
Some nights, when he was on night navigation and alone on deck, Izzy would find himself standing at the railing of the ship. Just staring out at the endless expanse of water, like he just might see you in a little rowboat following after the ship. Like you might return to him in the dead of night, climb up onto the ship and throw yourself into his arms.
However, Izzy had never been naïve, at least not since he was young and first getting into pirating. He knew that the thought of you returning to him, never mind returning to him without wanting revenge, was a fantasy. Something that could never happen.
Izzy also knew that he only had himself to blame for the situation he was in. He never should have let you ger close, never should have let you in past his defences. He never should have threatened Edward. Never should have left you on that island.
Right now, he didn’t stand on the deck, mulling over silly fantasies. Instead, he lay sleepless in his cabin, his mind stuck on one thing. You. These days Izzy wasn’t sure about much, nothing made sense anymore, but there was one thing he was sure about. Everything would be right, everything would be perfect, if you were here.
In his cabin, in his embrace.
Fuck, he didn’t even get a chance to kiss you goodbye, couldn’t allow either of you that. There were too many people around, too many emotions and questions in the air. He could barely look at you, never mind kiss you.
God, he just missed you so much.
When that little dingy packed with crew members that were thought to be dead, lead by Stede fucking Bonnet, sailed right up to the Revenge, Izzy couldn’t believe his eyes. Frenchie and Jim hadn’t even pretended to try to fight them off as they boarded the ship, welcoming their old friends back, glad to see they were alive.
While Jim got their reunion with Oluwande and Wee John lifted Frenchie off of his feet in excited that they were both alive, Izzy didn’t get that from you. Not that he deserved it.
Your focus had been on making sure Edward didn’t kill Stede, as was the focus of most of the crew. You didn’t get the time to confront Izzy, knowing the lives of you and the people you care about rested on the shoulders of the captains’ relationship. One challenge at a time.
After a few days, everything started to settle down. The captains had talked, with the guidance of the very-not-dead Lucius. They seemed to come to a better understanding and hadn’t left the captains’ cabin since.
So, since the ship was in a state of comfortable uncertainty, you finally got the chance to speak with the first mate. Who, had so very obviously, been avoiding you like you had scurvy.
When you arrived at Izzy’s cabin, you walked right in without knocking, knowing he was hiding away in there after designating tasks for the day.
The intrusion had Izzy on his feet instantly, glaring towards the door. “Don’t you know how to fucking knock?” the question was growled before he even saw who had stepped into his cabin.
“I have to knock now? Didn’t have to knock before” you tilted your head slightly, knowing that he probably hadn’t realised it was you when he spoke. You wouldn’t take it personally.
“What are you doing here?” Izzy sighed, his question a little less confrontational at the realisation.
“Stede showed up in his little dingy and rescued us from that island you stranded us on” you reminded him, knowing that wasn’t what he was asking.
“I know how you’re here, on the Revenge. I mean why are you in my cabin?” he asked with a huff, knowing you were just giving him a hard time. It should have made him mad, but he just wanted you to land the blow and leave him to lick his wounds.
“I came to talk” you answered simply, honestly, this time. No look of deceit or ulterior motives in your expression as you closed the cabin door behind you.
“What is there to talk about?” Izzy scoffed, shaking his head, suddenly feeling very trapped in the small room.
“Izzy…Stede left Edward, Blackbeard came back and went on a rampage, you stranded us on an island. There is a lot to talk about” you told him firmly. Stede encouraged the crew to talk about everything, no matter how little, and these things definitely seemed worthy of discussion.
“Exactly, I already ruined everything” to Izzy, you had only pointed out all the ways he had messed up, all the ways he couldn’t be forgiven, “Why do we need to talk about it?”
“Are you sorry for what you did? Do you regret it?” you questioned.
Surely, he had to be, he seemed to know that his actions had only made things worse. Admittedly, if he couldn’t see that, if he didn’t regret it, if he wasn’t sorry…you would probably just have to leave the cabin and accept that Izzy Hands might just be too far gone for you to reach.
“Don’t fucking rub it in” he had meant to scoff, to spit and seethe, but it sounded more like he was pleading. Maybe he was.
“I’m not. I’m genuinely asking” you assured him, just watching him with a neutral expression that was killing him. Just punish him already.
“Yeah, ‘course I fucking regret. Edward went insane, I pushed him too far, he cut off my goddamn toe!” Izzy managed to summon the force he was looking for, though his anger was only directed at himself.
“…yeah, I helped you bandage it before…well, you know” you reminded him, frowning slightly at the memory. Edward had put you on watch that night, you understood why when you returned to Izzy’s cabin at sunrise.
“Before I stranded you…that’s probably what I’m most sorry about” Izzy corrected your sentence before making his little confession. “Fuck, I’m so sorry” he sounded more defeated than anything as he sat down on the edge of his cot. He looked exhausted.
“I forgive you” the words came easily to you. “The others definitely don’t but I do” they others would still be happy to see Izzy thrown overboard but you had found forgiveness for him.
“No” Izzy snapped, suddenly looking at you with a certain fury in his eyes. “Don’t forgive me, I don’t deserve it” he was on his feet again, putting on that first mate Hands persona. Trying to be assertive, intimidating, maybe even trying to scare you a little. To convince you.
“It was fucked up” you admitted, you wouldn’t deny that. He really messed up, multiple times. “But everyone turned out okay, we even found Lucius hiding in the walls. Things turned out alright…you messed up, you realised you were wrong, you apologised. Now, I forgive you” you explained. You’ll admit that if somebody had died, you might not have forgiven him so quickly, but things turned out alright. You decided you could move on from it if he could.
“Don’t…don’t forgive me” and just like that, his anger was gone again. He sounded small, scared maybe. “Why? Why would you do that? Why would you give me another chance to just fuck things up?” he questioned, shaking his head to himself, obviously trying to come up with some sort of reasoning by himself.
He would never find the real answer without you telling him. So, that’s what you did.
“Because I love you.”
Three little words and they completely knocked the air out of his lungs, he felt like he had been shot in the chest. He even took a step back from the blow. He definitely didn’t deserve that, didn’t deserve those words. You can’t come back after that he did to you, after what happened, and tell him that you love him. He didn’t deserve that, not after everything he’s done, especially not from you.
Why did you care about him? Why didn’t you hate him? You should. You should shout at him, cuss him out, berate him. It was the least he deserved. Why weren’t you angry, you weren’t even glaring at him, you were looking at him so damn softly.
But that was just so you, wasn’t it? To forgive him for his misdeeds, to care for him and love him regardless. It was you that he fell for so pathetically because, after everything, you were still right here.
Against everyone’s better judgement, you were willing to give him a chance. Willing to try.
You must hate him, you had too. If you didn’t…if you didn’t hate him, then he couldn’t hate himself.
If you didn’t hate him, why should he hate himself?
If you could forgive him, could he forgive himself?
“Because you…what?” Izzy asked, breathless. “You should give up on me, take the chance while you can” he warned when you began to step towards him, almost like he was trying to talk you out of it. For your own sake.
“Iz, love, I’m not going to give up on and I’m not going to let you give up on yourself” you spoke softly as your hands made contact with his arms. You must have surprised him a little with the touch because he flinched, but neither of you pulled away.
“You can really forgive me? You think we could work this out?” Izzy looked at you as if he just couldn’t fathom you, like you couldn’t possibly be humans. Humans weren’t this forgiving, this kind, none that he had met anyway.
“Of course, I’ve already decided that we will” you teased slightly, hoping to ease the tension at least a little. Hoping to convince him that you weren’t angry with him, not anymore at least.
Izzy looked at you in awe. You really were forgiving him for everything he did wrong, every little thing. And yet again, he was willingly letting himself belong to you.
He released a sigh, hanging his head as he accepted your words. He was forgiven, even if he still planned on atoning, he still had you.
“Iz” you cooed, lifting his chin as you shifted closer. “I’m glad you’re okay, I was a little worried that you wouldn’t be here when we got back” you confessed. Once again, he was looking at you in utter awe. He left you all for dead and you were worried about him.
He didn’t deserve you.
Izzy didn’t get the chance to dwell on that thought much longer before you were holding him, you were tenderly kissing him. It was a short and gentle kiss to his lips, as if you were nervous to push too far too quick.
As you pulled away from the kiss, it was like you left Izzy in a trance, his mouth following yours before he realised what he was doing. 
“Alright, drop that stupid smirk” Izzy grumbled but didn’t make an effort to move away from you, beginning to feel like a tension had lifted.
“Nah, I think I’ve earnt it.” Of course you were smirking, you had returned from the dead and began to show Izzy that he deserved good things. You were breaking down his defences again, you would smirk all you pleased.
“Suppose you have” he agreed, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips.
“C’mon, stop pouting” you smiled, running your thumb over the seam of his lips, “just accept that I forgive you and I love you, and let yourself have something good for once.”
When he nodded his acceptance, you wrapped your arms around him and embraced him. His arms circled around your frame instinctively, holding you in return, glad to have you back in his arms. “I missed you” he mumbled into your hair, his arms squeezing around you slightly. He couldn’t be closer if he tried.
“I missed you too” you hummed, turning your head to nuzzle into his hair like he was doing to you. “I know it was Blackbeard’s orders…I heard you trying to convince him one night” you whispered.
“I thought you were dead” his voice cracked, arms tightening around you even more.
“I told you, you’re stuck with me, Iz” you smiled, pulling away just enough for him to see your face, running your fingers through his hair.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way” Izzy whispered, pressing his forehead to yours and letting his eyes flutter shut as you continued to play with his hair.
Fuck it, you had been right about another thing. He had fallen hopelessly and desperately in love with you, and he might as well just say it. He would, if he weren’t such a coward.
But Izzy supposed that when push comes to shove…
“I love you.”
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this-violence-of-mine · 6 months
Wound Care
Asher scolds Cyrus a lot in this one! I decided he deserved a little caretaking, as a treat. TW for harsh language. Enjoy!
“Cyrus?” Asher called from the lower level. “Are you in here?”
He groaned and sat up. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m in here,” he called back, “I’m in the loft.”
“Are you okay?”
“You expect me to answer that honestly?”
The ladder creaked under his weight. His face popped up from over the edge. A large first aid kit slammed onto the floor as he threw it over. “Aimo told me about it.”
“Was he happy? Be honest.”
“No, he actually seemed worried.” He clambered onto the floor and sat on a bale of old hale. “When he mentioned the glass I knew I had to come see you.”
“Not the broken fingers?”
His brows furrowed and he frowned. “Broken fingers? He didn’t say anything about that.”
He shrugged. “Probably didn’t know. But about the glass, I’m good. None of it broke skin,” he paused, “I think.”
He sighed. “Do you have something against Ivan and me? Is this a game?”
“Don’t see why you’d think that.” From the side of his cot, atop the turned over crate he used as a nightstand, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. “Just trying to make your lives easier.” He pulled a cigarette from the pack and stuck it between his lips, lighting the tip.
“It doesn’t make anything easier when you sneak off injured just to stop us from treating you.” He shook his head. “It makes our lives a lot harder actually. Wounds are prone to infection and bones set wrong like to heal wrong, in case you were unaware.”
“Wow, what are you, a doctor?”
“Joke all you want, but I’m here to take care of you. Why are you so against getting help?”
“Maybe I don’t need it.”
“Maybe you do but you’re convinced you don’t deserve it because then you’d be a burden. Did I hit the nail on the head or should I keep going?”
“Has anyone ever told you your bedside manner sucks ass?”
“It only sucks ass with you because you’re the kind of patient who would be forced to come to the emergency room for a stabbing. I exist to help others. How would you be a burden on me if that’s what I do?”
“Others need help.”
“No. Nobody else has four broken fingers and possible lacerations. Stop it.”
He took a long drag off his cigarette. “Nah.”
“Cyrus Richards, I’m serious. Stop acting like you’re below help.”
“Look, you’ve already put so much time and effort into me when I got bit.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I-I can’t make you do that all over again.”
“Even if I want to?”
“I’m not worth the time or effort, man.”
He grabbed his shoulders. “I want to help you. You are my closest friend here and that says a lot.” He looked down and then back at him. “Cyrus, you’re worth the time and the effort.”
He looked away. “Look, I’d rather not keep this convo going. If you wanna look at my fingers, go right ahead.”
“This is about more than just the fingers. You run off whenever you get hurt and none of us know about it until after it’s healed wrong or you have another infection.” He pulled back. “Give me your hand.”
He held it out and winced as Asher pulled off the duct tape. The taste of copper filled his mouth from biting the inside of his cheek. Even the gentle touches sent a wave of pain through his hand.
“What were you thinking?”
“Wow, I really don’t wanna bother Asher or Ivan.” He kept his eyes averted.
He sighed. “Of course you were. Of course that’s exactly what you were thinking.”
“I’m sure you already knew that.”
“That was a rhetorical question, but I do appreciate the insight to your piss poor mental state.” His lips pulled into a tight frown and his brows furrowed. “The bruising isn’t as bad as I expected.”
“Oh joy.”
He bent down to examine the hand better. “It doesn’t look like there’s actually any fractures. I’m sure your ligaments are just torn.” He looked up at him. “That does not mean it’s any less of an injury.”
He winced from another touch. “Sure, sure. Just like how a sprained ankle is just as bad as a broken leg.”
“I’m not joking. It might be less severe than a fracture, but it doesn’t at all mean you should be using this hand for anything.”
“Alright, stop the scolding. I get it.”
“Do you or are you just saying that to get me to leave you alone?” 
“What do you think, Sherlock?”
He sighed. “Back to the injury, I think you’ll need them splinted. It can take anywhere from two to eight weeks for your fingers to completely heal.”
He laughed. “What? See, I thought I heard you say two to eight weeks. Don’t you mean days?”
“Weeks, Cyrus. As in the seven day period. Fourteen to fifty-six days.”
“Don’t you think that’s kinda, uh, a large range?”
“Yes.” His face was deadpan. 
“Give me a list of things I can do.”
“Whatever requires only one hand. I don’t even think you should stay up here while it heals. Climbing ladders one handed is dangerous.”
“Great. So not only is my hand fucked up but I’m also getting evicted.”
“It’s just a piece of advice. It’s up to you whether or not you follow it, but I recommend you do unless you want a nasty fall.”
“Where would I stay?”
“I could set you up in the other camper across from ours.”
“The clinic camper?”
He sighed. “Yes. The clinic camper.”
“You sure you won’t need the beds in there?”
“We don’t even use them. I end up treating everyone everywhere but that damn thing.” He took the roll of duct tape from inside his open duffel bag. “Let’s not delay the inevitable any further.”  He reached down and pulled the kit over. He undid the latch and rummaged through the clutter until he produced four tongue compressors.
“Alright. Be fast.” He looked away and balled his good hand into a tight fist, his nails digging into his palm.
“I’ll try.” 
Asher straightened his first finger, then the second, then the third and fourth. Agony crawled through his hand and up his forearm. He grimaced and bit back a curse.
He tore off a piece of tape and held the stick around his pointer finger as he wrapped it. With each one he repeated the process.
“We’re done.”
He released his held breath. “Thanks for that. I think I did it better, though.”
“No, you actually didn’t. I have no idea what result you envisioned when you taped your fingers together with no support.”
“Fuck if I know, I’m not a doctor.”
He shook his head. “With that out of the way, let me take care of the glass.”
“There is no glass.” He gestured to his leather jacket hanging from a loose nail. “She protected me.”
He sighed. “Fine, if you insist.” He closed the kit and stood up. “Do me a favor and don’t run off when you get hurt next time. It’s time consuming, tracking you down.”
“Maybe. Let me think about it.”
“I’m serious.”
“Sure, sure. So am I.” He slouched and rubbed the back of his neck. “But thanks, man, for taking care of that and all.”
“It was my pleasure.”
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Redacted Summer Camp HC Pt. 1
Hi and welcome back! Since summer is now officially upon us and I want to live vicariously through fictional characters and pretend my summer started well, I’m building headcanons (And a story but that won’t be posted until July if I get it done in time) about the redacted characters and whether or not I think they went to camp, what kind of camp, what did they do, ect. 
Redacted Masterlist   Part Two
HERE WE GO! Starting off strong with thee..... *drumroll please...* UNEMPOWERED (+Cutie)!
Aaron - I wanna say yes, but after his recent audio it doesn’t seem like he got much of a chance to even HAVE a childhood. So he was never a camper at any summer camps. HOWEVER, since being a counselor was a pretty easy summertime job, he signed up for that. (more on this in part two :P) He didn’t enjoy having screaming children to wrangle, but he got paid which was the whole point.
Smartass - They were the kid that had to be supervised during arts and crafts. You KNOW if they had a chance they were bringing scissors with them from the art barn to carve their name into the bunk bed frame (and maybe also a swear word). Also overnight camp. I headcanon them as a problem child, so any peace their parents could get, they took.
Ollie - Yes. But only because his parents forced him. And only when he was in elementary school. He gives me the vibe of the kid that really just wanted to stay home, and tried his best to be ignored by everyone, campers and counselors alike. He made pretty good friends with the camp chef, but it was only a day camp, so he only had to be away for a few hours. When no one was looking, he would sneak off to the kitchen to see if he could help the chef make lunch and maybe eat a few snacks himself. If only the baby learned about the camps made for the geeky (affectionate) people.
Mentor - Yes, but they got involved in summer camp when they were like... 10-12ish. So they were only ever with the older kid groups. They were a counselor for one summer session and never again. They never went to any overnight summer camps, but that was fine with them. Once they were old enough to get a job, they did that instead of camp.
Ivan - I’m not actually sure. For some reason he gives off the vibe of playing soccer/football when he was a kid. So if he did go to camp, it was a soccer camp. After weeks he was miserable and quit.
Baby 1.0 (pre-vega) - Yes. They were in that soccer camp with Ivan. They didn’t quit though. 
Baby 2.0 (post-vega) - No. Just no. I feel like their family took trips during summer instead of camp.
Geordi - We know his parents are geeks, so he was definitely sent to those geeky camps. Like the Camp Half-Blood RP, and Space camp. You’d think all that exposure to so many people would have made him less nervous but no. He can get along well with other geeks, since he knows how to share interests. But anyone outside that group and he’s all anxious. Give him a hug.
Cutie - I feel like there would be camps specifically to help newly manifested empowered to learn their abilities. So Cutie was definitely sent to a telepath camp, even though their family already taught them. It was just so they could learn more about their magic and become a stronger telepath.
Guy - YES! HIS PARENTS WANTED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE! They couldn’t handle him home all day every day for the entirety of summer vacation. This extroverted dude was totally cool with going to camp. He got to experience and put his immunity system to the test. He was the kid you could dare to eat something and he would do it as long as he was going to get something good in exchange. Also he would come back home (since sleepaway camps he was scared of. Homesick baby) with several pet rocks shoved in his pockets. He filled up buckets and his parents would slowly take the rocks out throughout the summer. He did become a counselor and he was the best fucking counselor in the whole camp. Everyone wanted him. 
Honey - They were a camper. A sullen little thing that didn’t want to be there. By the end of the day though they had fun, even if they refused to admit it. They went to sleepaway once and never again. They prefer day camps, especially the ones connected the local school system. (Honey meets Guy at summer camp fic anyone?) They did become a counselor (Guy counselor with Honey fanfic anyone?). They were that counselor that everyone but their campers were scared of. They basically gave their camper scary dog privileges, but they would spoil the hell out of their campers when no one was looking. You could also bribe them with sweets.
Next up! The Wolfs and the Mates! (+Vincent & Lovely) (Part two will contain DAMN, and the others. Idk if there will be a part 3. maybe.)
David - Only because Asher convinced his dad before David was able to stop him (See more on this later). He’s not happy about it, but he will go. The only problem is, he’s that snitch of a kid that the bunk counselors leave in charge when they go to the nightly meetings. He’s left in charge. All the kids that don’t know him that well are too scared of him so it just leaves him, Asher, and Milo to do the shenanigans themselves. He makes sure they always clean up afterwards. He never became a counselor even though he would have been the most responsible. Not even Asher could make him. Besides, when he was a teenager he was preparing for leading the pack, so he was busy. 
Angel - I can feel it in my bones that they were like Smartass in the way that their parents wanted some peace. I feel like Angel went to the same day camp for June and then during July they would do sleepaway camps. They ended up becoming a counselor at both their favorite camps once they were old enough. They were the most popular counselor because they let the campers get away with all sorts of nonsense and would join it with a grin and three cans of silly string. If you got them as a counselor, you were having a bomb ass summer vacation. As a camper, Angel was a total anklebiter. They would throw that dodgeball at your head, they didn’t give a fuck. They would also be the kid the lurks by the prize table so they don’t have far to go if their name was called. It never got called, but they had a fun summer nonetheless. (Basically the same as Guy since similar energy. Although now I wanna write a fanfic where Guy and Angel are paired up to be camp counselor and the shenanigans as Honey and David watch on in growing horror.)
Asher - He went to boy scouts camp, I just know it. His favorite part was the archery because David would get all pissy when he pretended not to know where to point it. Asher would routinely get lost  in the woods and would just randomly show up hours later with twigs in his hair and a toothy grin. No one knows where he went or what he did to this day. If it’s ever brought up he just starts grinning but doesn’t answer. He also snuck in candy into the camp and would stay awake eating it with Milo while David lectured them on the importance of routines. When he was old enough to be a counselor, he got a job as a pool lifeguard instead. Camp was fun, but it’s too restrictive in routine for him to properly claim as enjoying his summer vacation.
Baabe - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Baabe gives off such an artsy vibe. They definitely went to a day camp or even a sleepaway camp dedicated purely to arts and crafts. They had a blast and came home with paintings, pottery, string art, sketchbooks, tie-dye clothes, ect. They were never a camp counselor though. And they only went to camp once, but spent the rest of their summer doing whatever.
Milo - He was brought along to the boy scout camp along with David and Asher. David cleaned up from the pranks, Asher did the pranks when he wasn’t lost in the forest, but Milo was the one that got the original materials. He claimed since he was shorter than the other two, he would be able to sneak it out easier. He really just finessed his way into getting the counselors to pretend they didn’t see anything. He loved the rock climbing, but could have done without the heights. David told him it was counterproductive and Milo told him to get off his ass. He did, however, volunteer at the geeky roleplay summer camps for kids. He liked being able to chase kids around and make them laugh. He especially enjoyed the werewolf oriented camps for empowered kids, and he would become like some kind of mother duck. Like, he would walk out of the tree line in his wolf form with a bunch of pups following him like baby ducklings. It didn’t even need to be in his wolf form. He routinely came back since the campers basically worshipped him. It helped him build up his confidence.
Sweetheart - They were a master at the obstacle courses at scout camp. A menace not to be trifled with. But they didn’t ever really enjoy it. They did enjoy going to empowered focused camps and playing the games there. They were the undefeated winner of hide and seek, magic or no and seeker or hider it didn’t matter. They were going to win. They also pulled several pranks but no one ever thought it was them, so they got away with it. But I also headcanon that Sweetheart knew what they wanted to do with their life, so when they were old enough to be a camp counselor, they were too busy training to enter the Department.
Darlin - Oh they DEFINITELY WENT TO CAMP! They hated the activities where they needed to work in a group. If they went to a scout camp, their favorite part was swinging the knife around at arm’s length to represent their “blood circle”. The knife was taken away after that. But they also were the kid the chased other kids with a worm on a stick or something. They were a menace. But when they didn’t have something cool they wanted to show others, they were pretty quiet. They tended to sit away from everyone else and be quiet. The counselors didn’t know what to do with them. No they were never a counselor. Sleep away camps were their favorite.
Sam - Horse. Camp. Cowboy. Camp.  Nah but for real, he does seem like he would spend his summers on local horse ranches. I can feel it in my bones that Sam liked the calm atmosphere that horses can give off. It also taught him to be patient and not express his temper as much. Valuable lessons. He was never a counselor, but he did keep volunteering to help when he could until he left to go to DAMN.
Vincent - Despite his fancy attitude, he seemed like the rest of us average mortals in his first video. I think he only went to a two week long day camp every summer with his friends. It wasn’t ever about the activities. He just wanted to hang out and goof off with his friends. But he was a camp counselor. He was labeled “the hot counselor” behind his back. He was well aware though and as awkward as it was, it was also kind of flattering. He was a really fun counselor though and would try to make sure that his cabin always got the good shit. He also tried to follow the rules, only allowing a small bend in the rules. He doesn’t want to get a bad reputation after all.
Lovely - They were the fantasy rp camper. They found every single one that they could, attending each other as much as possible. Everyone who was a permanent staff member there knew their name by heart. Lovely was content to just go along with what they were supposed to do, mainly just excited to be there. And yes, they did become a counselor there. If only because they wanted to continue to experience it.
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folightening · 9 months
Leave the past
Hetalia - Rusliet Wondering how things could've been different didn't change a thing. But it would be nice to not be so conflicted over his feelings.
Lithuania was scared. Staring at the book in his hand but not reading a word. His thoughts were a jumble he didn't want to untangle. Across the room Russia was still quiet, the soft clacking of his knitting the only sound in the room. It wasn't often the two simply sat in each other's presence doing something else. Not that the silence was comfortable, far from it. Lithuania would have preferred something to get his mind off things.
It started a week ago. Lithuania had walked in to talk to Russia and found the man in a different mood. Again. Usually, he exuded such an aura that others couldn't help but be scared of him. But sometimes, not often, he was an entirely different person. Sometimes his guard was down and Lithuania never quite knew how to respond.
It wasn't what he was used to. But he had seen enough glimpses time and time again - glimpses he knew no one else ever got and that terrified him - to know that Russia was less of a monster than he wanted to acknowledge.
Or maybe he had it wrong. Russia was a monster. Ivan, however… Lithuania tried to force himself to read but the words were a meaningless mass of unimportance.
Lithuania jumped at the sudden break in the silence. He looked at Russia wide-eyed. How long had Russia been watching him?
"Something is troubling you."
He could always tell. There wasn't a thing Lithuania could hide from Russia. He hated it.
"I'm just thinking," Lithuania said.
About what? The question hung in the air, unspoken yet clear as glass. Russia would want to know; he always was too nosy about Lithuania's business.
But Lithunia let the question float unanswered for a few minutes.
"Do you ever wish things were different?" Wrong choice of words; he wasn't trying to anger Russia. "Historically. That things had happened differently."
There was silence from Russia's side of the room. Lithuania didn't dare look. What if he was angry? Or worse, what if he had one of those strange expressions again?
Tolys wished things were different. Every day he wished things had been different. He had changed so much - not for the better, as Feliks so rudely pointed out last time they'd spoken. If he could go back, befriend the strange boy at his border…
"Do you want to leave me Litva?"
Yes. No. Lithuania scowled at the book.
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I don't like hypothetical thinking much."
"Indulge me please."
He was pushing it, he knew. Russia's moods didn't last long. But when he was Ivan…
"I don't enjoy this topic."
He knew. Russia hated facing things. He hated regret, hated being told he was wrong, and Ivan knew. Tolys knew why Ivan hated the topic.
"You would not want to leave me if things were different. But you would not be with me."
Maybe. Maybe not. There was no way of knowing now.
"We don't know that."
"So why don't we drop this topic."
Tolys set his book to the side and stood. Ivan didn't move as he approached. Which said something, but Tolys wasn't sure what.
"I often ask myself how different things would be if I had tried harder to befriend you when we first met." You would be better. "I suppose you are right - thinking about long-gone possibilities doesn't get any of us anywhere but--"
"Tolys stop."
Tolys twitched when Ivan's hand cupped his cheek, thumb brushing over the tears he only then noticed. Had he called him– Ivan smiled at him and it was the prettiest smile Tolys had ever seen on the man. Though it was still sad… Tolys hated that he noticed.
"There is nothing to be done about the past."
It would be nice to go into the future with Ivan. To see what, if anything, they could build together. But that would be difficult, and foolish, and some would even say stupid. But... time healed, as they say.
And they had all the time in the world to heal.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Since you did Tales of Terror, here’s a request.
Bart Simpson’s Dracula, or in this case Alix Kubdel’s Marcula.
“We come to the most terrifying painting in the Louvre,” Alix narrates. “To even gaze upon it is to go mad!” She points to a picture of the Mona Lisa. Adrien shrieks when he sees it.
“It’s horrible! What’s she smiling at?!”
Alix rolls her eyes as he runs away screaming. “We had a story to go with this painting, but it was far too intense. So we just threw something together with vampires. Enjoy!”
Lightning crashes as the title of the episode appears on the screen written in blood, Marcula.
While the rain pours down from the cloud-filled sky, the students of Mme. Bustier’s class are all gathered in their classroom looking down at their phones. Their brows furrowed with worry as they watch Nadja Chamack delivering some news.
“Another Parisian has been found dead,” she reports. Her skin is noticeably pale, but despite that, she keeps a calm disposition. “Drained of his blood with two teeth marks on his throat. The only thing found at the scene was a silver studded belt chain.” An image of said chain appears on their screens. “The police are baffled, and hope their investigation can come to and end soon. For more news, I’m Nadja Chamack, thank you for watching, and stay safe.”
With that, the live feed ends, but the students are still clearly on edge.
“Who would be sadistic enough to suck out someone’s blood?” Nino can’t help but ask.
“Oh, you won’t believe the American serial killers Zoé’s told me about,” Chloé shudders. “There’s plenty of freaks out there.”
“Yeah, like vampires,” Kim remarks, getting some skeptical looks. “Come on! Two teeth marks in the guy’s neck, his blood is gone, it was a vampire!” Marinette only pats him on the shoulder and says, “Sure.”
Ignoring that, Ivan turns to the resident genius. “Max, what do you think?”
“Well, I’d have to go with Chloé’s theory,” he answers, and the blonde preens a bit while Kim’s feigns a look of betrayal. “There are some messed up people in this world. Why, as of this moment, one of them could be right in this very school-”
“Hey, guys!”
The students all jump out of their seats by the sudden voice, only to calm down when they just find Nathaniel at the door. He awkwardly smiles as he wasn’t expecting that sort of reaction. “Sorry, didn’t mean to-“
“Ah, it’s fine,” Alix assures. “So, what’s up?” The redhead looks like he can barely contain himself.
“So, remember my long distance boyfriend from Transylvania?” Right on cue with his word, thunder and lightning crash outside.
“Wicked,” Juleka whispers.
“Oh, he’s real?” Chloé smirks. “I thought that was just a ploy to make you seem less pathetic.” Interrupting her taunting laughter is Marinette throwing a crumpled piece of paper at her. “Hey!”
“Proceed,” Marinette tells him.
“Well, Marc is real, Chloé, and he’s here permanently because his mom got a job at the blood bank that recently opened, so I want you all to meet him!” Rose can help but gush at how excited he looks. Alix gets up from her seat to sling an arm around him.
“Well, as long he’s treating you right, then I’m gonna like him. So, when does he get here?”
A voice cuts through the room, “Right about now.” This startled his classmates, but Nathaniel beams and immediately goes to hug the noirette standing at the doorway. “Hi, Nath,” he greets in a distinct Transylvanian accent.
“Hi, Rainbow.” Wasting no time, he seizes the taller boy by the front of the shirt and pulls him in for a kiss. “God, I’ve been waiting to do that.” The two are so wrapped up in each other that they almost forget about Nathaniel’s classmates until Adrien clears his throat, making the two look awkward as their faces heat up. “Everyone, this is my boyfriend, Marcula Anciel.”
Kim nearly chokes. “M-Marcula?”
“It’s a family name,” the green-eyed boy explained with a kind smile. “I go by Marc for short.”
Alix steps up to him. “Well, Marc, it’s nice to finally meet you; I’m Alix, Nath’s long time best friend.”
“Yes, he’s told me so much about you,” he beams. “Oh, real quick. Would someone mind inviting me in? My family’s quite big on manners, and I-”
“Say no more; come right in.” Accepting Marinette’s offer, Marc steps into the classroom, unaware of Kim’s skeptical look. “We’ve got about ten minutes before classes start. I’d say that gives us enough time to learn a bit about each other! First, I need to hear how you two met.” Before Marc could answer, she says, “Oh, you’ve got something on the corner of your mouth.” She points to a red stain on Marc’s face so he can wipe it off with his finger.
Nathaniel takes his hand with a worried expression. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
“Don’t worry, love, it’s just ink from my pen.”
“Marc’s a writer,” Nathaniel says in a lovesick tone and giggles, staring at Marc as if he were some sort of deity. This startles a few as they’ve never seen the redhead look so happy… Or giggle. Though, it was nice seeing him look so happy.
Marc kisses his hand, and this action has quite a few of the girls smiling. “I’ve written my sweet nightshade several poems going nonstop about his beauty, compassion, his talents in the visual arts, so so many more qualities, it would take the whole day to name them all.”
No one heard what Nathaniel had to say, as his words were muffled when he hid his face in the fabric of Marc’s hoodie.
“Aaaw,” Rose, Sabrina, and Mylène coo.
He points to Marinette. “And to answer your question, Nathaniel and I met a year ago while my family and I were visiting the city. He looked so breathtaking under the moonlight.” By now, Kim was looking around to see if anyone, anyone was hearing what he was… Or seeing, because Marc’s fingers is just all over Nathaniel’s neck right now! “We’ve kept in touch ever since, and soon began dating.”
“And I have loved every second of it.” Nathaniel captures Marc’s lips for a kiss once again, only this one doesn’t last as long when the bell rings. “Damn,” he curses. “You just got here.”
“I know, but I need to leave.” The second he kisses Nathaniel’s cheek, a peal of thunder is heard followed by the lights in the room going out. When they come back on, Marc is nowhere to be found.
This scares his classmates a bit, but Nathaniel thinks nothing of it. “Isn’t he great?” The way he heads to his desk looks as if he’s walking on air.
“A little weird,” Alya whispers. “But Nath seems happy with this guy.”
Kim nods. “Yeah, they’d be a match made in heaven, if Arc weren’t a blood sucking creature of the night.” He hisses out a curse word when Alix reaches up to slap the back of his head. “What was that for?”
“I should be asking you that.”
“Marc is clearly a vampire,” he says as if it were so obvious. “The neck touching, blood banks, needing to be invited in, and dare I point out? He had a belt chain that is an exact match for the one found at the crime scene!” Alix shushes him.
“Do you want Nath to hear you?” The students all turn to see Nathaniel smiling at something on his phone, no doubt a text from Marc. “Marc’s a nice guy, and he makes Nath happy,” Alix continues. “Hell, if he were a vampire, I’d still approve as long as Nath’s smiling.”
“But vampires don’t exist,” Adrien reminds her.
She waves him off. “Yes, Adrien, vampires don’t exist. We know.”
“If he is, I wouldn’t mind being his undead servant,” Juleka murmurs.
Later at lunch hour, Kim is still staring at the new student suspiciously. Already, he’s become well acquainted with his new classmates. They’re hanging off his every word and Nathaniel is sitting with them, clinging to Marc’s arm… Well, if that doesn’t say ‘vampire mind tricks,’ he doesn’t know what does.
“Kim, I know what you’re thinking, and cut it out,” Max drones. “What would a vampire even come to France for?”
“Fresh blood because he sucked Transylvania dry?”
Not having an argument for that, Max pulls his friend to his usual table. “I’ll admit, Marc has his quirks, but so does everyone else.”
“He is literally drinking blood out of a bag.” He gestures toward Marc, who is doing just that.
“… He probably just recycles.”
“Oh my God.” Once they’re at the class’ table, Kim slams his head down and groans. “When he sucks you all dry, don’t come crying to me.”
Ivan rolls his eyes. “Again with that? Kim, there is no such thing as vampires.”
“Hey, guys.” The students all scream in fright when Marc and Nathaniel suddenly appear by their table. “Marc and I were talking, and since you didn’t really get to know him, he’d like to invite you over to his house tonight. His classmates are coming, too.”
“Well, I don’t know-“ Kim wheezes when Alix elbows him in the gut.
“We’d love too!”
“Count me in, dude.”
“I’ll be there!”
“Great, it’s decided,” Marc beams. “Oh, and be sure to wash your necks.”
Nino quirks an eyebrow. “Why?”
“… Transylvanian custom.”
“… Well, who are we to disregard your customs?” Kim sputters. “My neck’s gonna be so clean, you can eat off of it!”
‘Well, don’t tempt him!’
~Later that evening~
“… When Nath said ‘house,’ I wasn’t expecting… This.” Marinette gestures to the four story manor before her and her classmates. It rivaled even the Agreste’s mansion.The only thing that stood between them were the iron gates with a golden cursive A welded in the middle. “God, he’s modest.”
Alya smirks. “And Nath’s gonna be marrying money. Up top!” She and Marinette high five before she rings the doorbell. A low voice is heard on the speaker.
“Youuuu… Raaaang?”
“Yes, we’re here to see Marc… Hello?” Before Alya could ring the doorbell again, the gates open with a loud screech that seemed to wake up a few bats and ravens nestled in the trees so they’d fly off into the night. The students all make their way toward the manor. “Shit, Chloé’s gonna regret missing out on this.”
“Aaw, there’s a little bunny in that bush.” Rose points to the backside of the animal poking out of some shrubbery. Little did she know, the front end was caught in a bear trap.
They make it to the beautifully carved double doors, but before one of them could knock, a door slightly opens and out steps a young boy with silver eyes. In his hands, he holds a doll with a missing head.
Adrien blinks, confused, but then kneels down to his level. “Hey, little guy. Are you Marc’s brother?” Rather than answering out loud, be whispers something to the blonde before going back inside, leaving Adrien pale.
“What did he say?” Ivan asks.
“… I think he just predicted my death.” Before anyone could question that, the door opened the rest of the way, and the students were all immediately drawn to the rest of the manor. The exterior was nice, but the interior was absolutely stunning. It had a bit of a vintage gothic charm to it with black picture frames, two statues on either side of the staircase, a gorgeous chandelier, and more.
Nino lets out a low whistle. “Damn, I had no idea Marc lived in the lap of luxury.”
“It’s not much.”
Once again, they all scream when Marc (And Nathaniel) seem to appear out of thin air.
“Jesus Christ, man!” Nino yells while checking to make sure his heart is still beating. “We gotta put a bell on you!”
Laughing fondly, Marc replies, “Oh, but where’s the fun in that? Let me show you to the dining room. My classmates are already waiting.” He walks off with Nathaniel on his arm, but his shadow seems to linger, making rude gestures at the guests before following Marc and Nathaniel. Kim gulps.
“Guys, do you notice anything strange?
“Yeah, his hairdo looks like a bird’s nest,” Nino whispers.
Marc hollers back, “I heard that!”
“It was Kim!”
They all arrive at the dining room, and once everyone is seated, a tall man with sort of this thousand yard stare makes his way into the room with a cart of drinks colored a bright red. Kim, thinking it’s only punch is about to take a sip…
Ismael takes a swig of his drink. “Kinda coppery.”
… Only to have second thoughts and “accidentally” spill what he knows believes to be blood. And it seems Alix had the same idea. She shoots him a look that’s says, ‘Don’t you dare,’ but Kim is most definitely going to rub it in her face later that he was right. “Whoops! Alix and I have to go wash up.”
They both leave without another word and walk down a corridor.
“Okay, so what if you are right? If Marc was a vampire, we're not gonna stumble on his secret hiding place.” Right as Alix leans against the wall, her shoulder presses against a hidden button, activating some sort of mechanism that causes the wall to move to the side and reveal a staircase. After a beat of silence, they both go down some steps into a dark dungeon-like room. There are several coffins lying about.
Kim can’t resist. “Satisfied?”
“Big deal!” Alix huffs. “It's no different from Juleka’s dollhouse when we were six.”
Groaning, Kim pokes around the room for any sort of evidence. A log book of all the people whose blood Marc drank, empty blood bags, paintings of him with historical figures, a Twilight novel being used as a dart board... All he comes across is a book titled "Yes, I Am A Vampire" by Marcula Anciel.
“If this isn’t damning evidence, I don’t know what is!” He flips through a few pages. “Whoa, this is dated back centuries ago.”
While he reads, vampires rise up from the coffins, but Alix is the only one to notice, and tries to get his attention.
“Hold on, Alix… Hey, this is dated today. ‘Finally going to make Nathaniel mine?!’ We gotta get out-” A vampire suddenly rips the page. He screams, grabs Alix’s hand, and they run up the stairs. They would’ve made it if not for one of the vampires pulling Alix by her ankle and dragging her back down.
“Kim! Go on without…” Her voice trails off when she sees him going the rest of the way. “Well, don’t make such an effort!” The vampire who grabbed Alix restrains her as a bat flies in, morphing into Marc. “Oh, shit, Kim was right.”
Marc’s fangs extend, and he dives for Alix’s neck. Meanwhile, Kim runs back to the dining room to tell everyone what happened.
“Guys! Marc is a vampire and he has Alix!”
“Well, that’s ridiculous.”
“OH MY GOD!” Kim screams and grips at his chest when Marc suddenly appears behind him. With him is Alix, looking pale and with two holes in her neck.
“Alix is right here.”
In a trance like state, she says, “Hello, everyone. I missed you during my uneventful absence.”
Kim feels his eye starting to twitch. “Nath, you notice something off about her, right?”
The redhead’s not listening. His mind’s been reduced to pretty much nothing when Marc starts kissing up and down his arm.
Later, at the stroke of midnight, Kim is tossing and turning in his bed when he hears banging on his window. Reluctantly getting out of bed, he moves to his window and opens his curtains to find Alix and the Science Kids floating outside, all of them vampires. He screams.
“Kim, you gotta join us!” Lacey squeals. “It’s so cool! I can walk on walls, not get hurt, and I get to stay up all night drinking blood!”
Ismael adds, “And if you say you're a vampire, they give you a free small soda at the movies… You know, after you hypnotize them into giving you one.”
“No!” Kim backs away and tries to reach for a weapons. “I’m not joining you guys!”
“Dude,” Alix sighs. “It’s not like you have a choice here.” With that, she crashes through the window and tackles Kim to the ground. With her fangs extended, she’s about to bite his neck when Lê Teo and Kayode Ature barge in.
“Alix!” Kayode thunders. “We have told you many times not to bite- Wait. You’re a vampire!”
Kim’s grandmother, Tracy Ature barges into his bedroom “Quickly now! We have to kill the girl!” She brandishes a wooden stake and hammer.
“How do you know she's a vampire?” Teo questions.
“She's a vampire?” Tracy drops her weapons and runs off screaming, providing Alix a distraction to turn into a bat and escape.
Kayode, we have to do something,” Teo says. “Today she's drinking people's blood, tomorrow she could be smoking! I refuse to let that girl go down the wrong path!”
Kim gets up from where Alix tackled him. “Well, usually only way to get a vampire back to normal is to kill the head vampire. Marc!”
“Kill a teenager?!” Teo exclaims, aghast. “Do I dare give into everyone’s darkest fantasy?”
The family arrive at the manor. Teo, Kayode, and Kim walk down to the basement using the secret passageway Alix found earlier, and approach Marc’s coffin. Which was easy to find because it was fancier than the others and the lid was engraved with his initials. When Kim opens it, he lets out a breath of relief when he sees that Marc is asleep.
“You gotta drive the stake through his heart,” Kim reminds Kayode when he sees him looking hesitant.
After a moment, Kayode places the stake on Marc’s chest, readies the hammer, and, “Take that, you vile fiend!” He thunders, only for Kim to clear his throat.
“Uh, dad? That’s his neck.”
“What? Shit.” He pulls out the stake and tries again. “To hell with you!” This time, the stake goes through his shoulder. “Are you kidding me?!”
“Baby, you gotta wear your glasses,” Teo gently chastises.
“No! They make me look old!” He tries again, and finally, he drives the stake right into Marc’s heart. However, this (And not the other tries) wakes him up, screaming in agony. He quickly begins to lose consciousness and falls back into his coffin.
“And that takes care of that,” Kim says proudly.
The next morning at school, Kim walks into the classroom looking much more relaxed. Though, he does wonder how he’ll break the news to Nathaniel, but that’s a problem for the future.
“Morning everyone!” As he’s about to take his seat, a bat suddenly flies into the room and transforms into Adrien. “What the fuck?! Adrien’s a vampire?!”
Mylène shoots him a fanged grin. “We're all vampires.”
Horrified by that announcement, Kim starts to back away, but his classmates advance on him. “No! My dads and I killed Marc!”
“You have to kill the head vampire!” Juleka exclaims.
Kim gasps. “You're the head vampire?! It all makes sense!”
“Oh, I wish.”
“She’s not,” Nathaniel scoffs and stands atop his desk. “I'm the head vampire!” He bares his fangs and hisses.
“Nathaniel?! How?!”
He shrugs. “Hey, I’ve got hobbies besides art, you know.” His expression turns dark. “And this is for killing my boyfriend! Get him!” The students all fly at Kim, fangs extended while he screams when the screen suddenly freezes.
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murder-incarnate · 6 months
i've made a new durge run for my favorite OC ivan because he's my son and i love him, and also so much of How He Is lines up well with the durge storyline
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rambling under the cut because i talk so much always. just talking more in detail about this boy and his run.
anyway i love him. so much. he's a drow eldritch knight fighter (or he's made to be a drow, kinda, all my durges are aasimar-adjacent). despite looking way more like a high elf everyone immediately clocks him as a drow and they're usually shitty about it. he was pretty passive about it at first because while he'll punch out bigots if they're harassing others he's slower to defend himself, but after like day 2 of the constant onslaught he has to physically stop himself from tearing out throats about it. more than usual anyway lmao. everyone be nice to me i've been awake for less than a tenday and my head hurts so bad all the time
he's largely going the resist route, because ivan having violent tendencies that he represses out of a desire to be good is Classically Ivan, with a dose of ivan's great displeasure with feeling out of control/being controlled. where abaddon (my main durge) tries to avoid non-murder violence out of fear of getting too excited and escalating, ivan has a quick temper and is more likely to throw a punch or more with less provocation. however, he's less likely to look for excuses to rationalize murder like abaddon does. like where she's more likely to go 'oh nooo i guess i have no choice but to kill this person', ivan will fight harder to resist/find alternative ways of handling the situation. abaddon wants to be good but if she can rationalize a killing she figures it's not BAD, and she can defend herself/not care if someone disagrees. ivan wants to be good and also feels anxiety over other people perceiving him as bad, so he'll fight to hold back until he legitimately doesn't think there's an alternative.
normally in dnd AUs, ivan is a goliath, but i'm enjoying him a lot as a drow. my friend groups/dnd groups don't generally play with Fantasy Racism very much at all so if i played around with him as a drow outside of bg3 that'd be barely a factor at all, but it is interesting to get the chance to see how ivan handles it. people being intimidated by him isn't new to him in any AU tbh, there's just usually a reason aside from. y'know. gives off drow vibes.
for his dream guardian, my friend ez's oc kyle ends up with ivan in like. MOST AUs. so he was my obvious choice. since the guardian is actually the emperor trying to gain the MC's trust it's not /actually/ kyle, which is unfortunate, but then led to me wondering why he chose kyle's face to manipulate ivan, especially when ivan has amnesia. this evolved into including kyle in ivan's backstory as a guy he had a chance to develop feelings for, who he resisted the Urge for to try to get closer to, who he ended up killing the night after they hooked up for the first time when the Urge took over. there's just something so perfect to me about kyle being so good and trustworthy and lovely and leaving enough of an impression on ivan that even with his brain shredded there's still enough of him left over for the emperor to grab onto when looking for a face ivan is most likely to trust. i'm distraught over the real kyle being dead because that's historicallly been something i can't handle in AUs lmao but i am. coping.
having the guardian be kyle has actually really changed the way i thought ivan's run would go. he doesn't usually trust SUPER easy, he tends to like people and warm up to them quick but the emperor isn't super forthcoming with info and ivan would be suspicious considering the tadpole thing. he also like... he wouldn't like not knowing what the worms would do to him. he doesn't trust that. i fully expected him to avoid the worms and be wary of the emperor, would work with him and be polite but not fully trust him. but then i gave him kyle's face, and ivan's inherent love and trust for kyle is fucking hard-coded into his character lmao. even before i planned out their real meeting pre-amnesia, kyle showed up on screen and i knew i had to change my plans. ivan would be confused by it but he'd be heart eyes immediately. can't help but feel drawn to this guy, want to trust him, want to make him happy. it's /kyle/, if the emperor picked him to manipulate ivan i suddenly couldn't see it not working.
so ivan is uncertain about this situation but feels an instinctive connection to this guy that he doesn't understand. where i thought his questions to the dream guardian would be more about the situation, it’s more ivan trying to press for answers as to who he is. who are you, why do i know you, why do i trust you, /who are you/. the first time he got a true soul tadpole and got the cutscene with the emperor encouraging him to take it, i had expected him to turn it down, but. it was kyle. kyle being gentle and encouraging, telling him it would help. kyle trying to protect him. ivan absolutely consumed the tadpole. feels real uncertain and uneasy about it but. he couldn't disappoint kyle :(
and let me tell you he is going to be LIVID at the emperor reveal. learning that this person was a lie. feeling a sense of loss and mourning, almost, and not knowing why. not knowing it's for the second time. not knowing why this hurts so much and channeling that into fury.
(he'll figure it out later. i've got Plans.)
anyway here's kyle
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he's my phone background now lmao. the emperor could also manipulate me with kyle's face. i'm so normal about him.
he's usually a fire genasi in dnd AUs but a tiefling in bg3, though the tattoos are supposed to represent his genasi szuldar. i copied his design almost exactly from screenshots of him from ez's run with him lmao. i lose my mind whenever he's on screen. also love a dnd fantasy character named kyle.
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i've been obsessed with these boys for a decade i want to cry whenever they're on screen together. my BOYS
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one more, quick doodle. ivan you know what would make me so happy? if you partook in the worm
okay okay anyway. so! ivan is going to romance wyll. it was between him and gale because those two would both appeal to him (and also ivan is a demisexual gay man so karlach is tragically off the table lol) but wyll especially just feels Right. he's good and kind and warm and charming, and ivan would be very taken by that. i'm only in act 1 so they're not Official yet but they got one kiss and ivan had to bend down a little and it was so sweet. very excited to see more of wyll's romance, i don't know too much about it!
and finally, just a handful of things that have happened so far
ivan discovered his pyrophobia on day 2 at waulkeens rest but still ran in to help because he will power through things at the expense of his mental health to help other people
on night 2 alfira showed up. it was a real bad day.
he punched out aradin for being racist to zevlor. was immediately bummed out when zevlor followed up with some racist shit about drow. like c'mon man :(
let astarion bite him, because allies and he's hungry! and also maybe ivan's a little into it even if he has no real interest in astarion. tragically failed the persuasion check to get him to stop with a CRIT FAIL and ez whooping in voice call convinced me not to use inspiration. so ivan died and had to be revived. which, god, this all just tracks. he's not a lucky boy. he did not punch astarion in the morning because, listen, he knew the danger. it happens. no hard feelings this time.
okay that's it i'm done. for now.
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hassedah · 8 months
Hi! IDK if ur still acceping asks (sorry if ur not). If u are, can i request the guys (neil too please) with a s/o that does not want to have kids? Thank u!
MC does not want to have kids :
Hi! How are you? I hope you are well! ^^
Here's the headcanon you requested, I hope you enjoy it. ^^
Take care of yourself and have a nice day! ^^
Vladimir :
The discussion came up while you were gardening with him. Vladimir has always wanted children, as far back as he can remember, and when he was a child he even helped his mother or the nanny look after his brothers and sisters. His parents were very amused by this. A little less so the other adults around him who didn't see it as normal play for a little boy.
His wish to have children is still the same, and he still feels a little sad at the idea of never being a father, but it's been a long time now that he's put that idea behind him. It's not for nothing that he more or less adopted Ivan. Does he think of him as his son? He'd be tempted to say no, but in reality that's not quite true.
You don't want a child, he's not going to try to change your mind, he may find it sad for him, but he's not going to ask you to give him a child so that he can bring it up on his own.
He supports you when people try to convince you that you're wrong or that you'll regret it one day, and he gets angry when people imply that it's sad for him.
He's happy to be in a relationship with you, child or not, and he won't tolerate anyone trying to make you feel guilty or change your mind. It's your body, not theirs or his.
Béliath :
The discussion came quite naturally as he was telling you about the fact that his biggest stress had been getting someone pregnant without wanting to. When you told him you didn't want a child, he nodded. He understands pretty well.
Although he jokes about it a lot, given that he's the most fertile person in the manor. He's very careful not to get anyone pregnant by having sex with them. It's not that he's bothered by the idea of having a mini-Beliat somewhere in the wild, but… if the person were to keep the baby, well, there could be a few problems when it comes to feeding it… and he doesn't really want to be known as the slightly stupid vampire who made humans discover the existence of his kind…
He'd never really thought about whether or not he wanted children, Part of him thinks it might be great fun to raise a mini-him with a partner, but the other part realises to his horror that it's still a lot of work. What's more, he hasn't really had a good parental example and he doesn't think he'd make a good father.
In any case, he sees no problem with your decision. It's your body, after all, and you can do what you like with it. He certainly won't try to change your mind and he'll certainly get angry at people who might question your decision. It's not up to them to decide for you.
Ivan :
You were discussing everything and nothing and he's not really sure how the subject came up. However, he understands you quite easily when you tell him that you don't want a child.
He doesn't know if that will always be the case for him, but he's sure he doesn't want one at the moment. He still feels far too childish to bring up a child, his transformation into a vampire is still so recent and he's not even sure he understands himself. It's not compatible with the idea of bringing up a child.
The fact that you don't want children doesn't bother him, the idea of having children isn't why he got together with you. He got together because he loves you and enjoys the time he spends with you. Having or not having children wouldn't change the way he feels about you.
He comes to your defence when people insinuate that you're too young to know what you want, or when people say you'll change your mind as you get older. Other people don't know what you want any better than you do, and Ivan can't stand the idea of anyone trying to make you change your mind about something like that. You're the one who has to make the decision.
Aaron :
The discussion came naturally during one of your walks in the forest. You were discussing your future together and your plans when you told Aaron that you didn't want any children.
He hadn't thought about it since he left Farah's pack. Pregnancy was fairly common among werewolves in those days, mainly because one of the few 'means' of contraception was withdrawal and it didn't really work.
He is fairly indifferent to the idea of having children or not. He didn't get into a relationship with you to have children, but because he likes you and enjoys having you around. He really doesn't see any problem with your decision. It's your body, and even if he wanted a child, that wouldn't give him the right to force you to have one.
You continued to discuss the subject for a good part of your walk. You talked mainly about the pressure society puts on you to have children. He listened to you, assuring you that he wouldn't allow anyone to try to impose his choices on you and that he would stand up for you no matter what.
Raphaël :
The subject came up quite naturally one night when you were both reading in the library. Raphaël was talking to you about a fairy tale that he liked a lot, and you finally stopped reading to discuss the subject together, especially the end of fairy tales, and that's when you told him that you didn't want any children.
Raphaël hadn't thought about the question before, because he's rather indifferent to it. He hasn't wanted a child until now. If you'd wanted to have a child with him, he'd have agreed, but he also agrees with the idea that you didn't want one.
The only thing that really matters to him is living with you. Of course, all fairy tales end with "they lived happily ever after and had many children" but Raphaël is ready to write a different ending with you. He doesn't need to have children to be happy, the only thing that matters to him is that you're happy.
He repeatedly assures you that he supports your decision and will never try to change your mind. It's your decision and your body. He defends you when people try to convince you that you're wrong, and the fact that people try to make you change your mind about it really annoys him.
Ethan :
The discussion came after you had both talked about your parents. You told him that you didn't want any children. Ethan listened carefully before nodding. Before, when he was still young and human and hadn't been traumatised by the war, he would certainly have been disappointed, but now it's more of a relief. He doesn't think he would have made a good father anyway.
He was already using condoms with his Moondance conquests because the idea of getting someone pregnant made him anxious, and not just because of the idea of leaving a vampire baby out in the wild. The fact that you don't want a child either is a relief for him, he feels like you've just taken a huge weight off his shoulders.
He was quick to assure you that he didn't want any either and that you could live happily without children. He'll even tell you several times with genuine relief in his voice.
He gets really annoyed when people try to change your mind about it. He doesn't understand why people criticise your private life or your decisions. You're not forcing anyone not to have children, what you do with your lives is your own business. His aggressiveness on this subject is a little frightening for the people you're talking to, but at least it pays off, because soon no-one is trying to change your mind.
Neil :
The subject came up when you were talking about Neil's life when he was king. More specifically, he was telling you about the concubines he had and the children he had with them. When you told him you didn't want any children, he felt relieved. He had had his children with his concubines out of obligation rather than any desire to have them.
Of course, he appreciated the children he had, in one way or another, even when he found them stupid and useless, their stupidity was sometimes… endearing. He even got on very well with some of them, who went on to become powerful vampires, but he has no real desire to have them again.
Being alone with you is enough for him, your presence is enough for him. He already feels happy with you this way and doesn't need anything more. He quickly assures you that he feels the same way about it.
He doesn't let people try to make you change your mind about it and he gets angry when they insist that you'll end up regretting it and that you'll change your mind one day. This decision is yours alone and no one should have the right to try and make you feel guilty or change your mind.
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