#oc: asher li
this-violence-of-mine · 10 months
Wound Care
Asher scolds Cyrus a lot in this one! I decided he deserved a little caretaking, as a treat. TW for harsh language. Enjoy!
“Cyrus?” Asher called from the lower level. “Are you in here?”
He groaned and sat up. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m in here,” he called back, “I’m in the loft.”
“Are you okay?”
“You expect me to answer that honestly?”
The ladder creaked under his weight. His face popped up from over the edge. A large first aid kit slammed onto the floor as he threw it over. “Aimo told me about it.”
“Was he happy? Be honest.”
“No, he actually seemed worried.” He clambered onto the floor and sat on a bale of old hale. “When he mentioned the glass I knew I had to come see you.”
“Not the broken fingers?”
His brows furrowed and he frowned. “Broken fingers? He didn’t say anything about that.”
He shrugged. “Probably didn’t know. But about the glass, I’m good. None of it broke skin,” he paused, “I think.”
He sighed. “Do you have something against Ivan and me? Is this a game?”
“Don’t see why you’d think that.” From the side of his cot, atop the turned over crate he used as a nightstand, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and a lighter. “Just trying to make your lives easier.” He pulled a cigarette from the pack and stuck it between his lips, lighting the tip.
“It doesn’t make anything easier when you sneak off injured just to stop us from treating you.” He shook his head. “It makes our lives a lot harder actually. Wounds are prone to infection and bones set wrong like to heal wrong, in case you were unaware.”
“Wow, what are you, a doctor?”
“Joke all you want, but I’m here to take care of you. Why are you so against getting help?”
“Maybe I don’t need it.”
“Maybe you do but you’re convinced you don’t deserve it because then you’d be a burden. Did I hit the nail on the head or should I keep going?”
“Has anyone ever told you your bedside manner sucks ass?”
“It only sucks ass with you because you’re the kind of patient who would be forced to come to the emergency room for a stabbing. I exist to help others. How would you be a burden on me if that’s what I do?”
“Others need help.”
“No. Nobody else has four broken fingers and possible lacerations. Stop it.”
He took a long drag off his cigarette. “Nah.”
“Cyrus Richards, I’m serious. Stop acting like you’re below help.”
“Look, you’ve already put so much time and effort into me when I got bit.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I-I can’t make you do that all over again.”
“Even if I want to?”
“I’m not worth the time or effort, man.”
He grabbed his shoulders. “I want to help you. You are my closest friend here and that says a lot.” He looked down and then back at him. “Cyrus, you’re worth the time and the effort.”
He looked away. “Look, I’d rather not keep this convo going. If you wanna look at my fingers, go right ahead.”
“This is about more than just the fingers. You run off whenever you get hurt and none of us know about it until after it’s healed wrong or you have another infection.” He pulled back. “Give me your hand.”
He held it out and winced as Asher pulled off the duct tape. The taste of copper filled his mouth from biting the inside of his cheek. Even the gentle touches sent a wave of pain through his hand.
“What were you thinking?”
“Wow, I really don’t wanna bother Asher or Ivan.” He kept his eyes averted.
He sighed. “Of course you were. Of course that’s exactly what you were thinking.”
“I’m sure you already knew that.”
“That was a rhetorical question, but I do appreciate the insight to your piss poor mental state.” His lips pulled into a tight frown and his brows furrowed. “The bruising isn’t as bad as I expected.”
“Oh joy.”
He bent down to examine the hand better. “It doesn’t look like there’s actually any fractures. I’m sure your ligaments are just torn.” He looked up at him. “That does not mean it’s any less of an injury.”
He winced from another touch. “Sure, sure. Just like how a sprained ankle is just as bad as a broken leg.”
“I’m not joking. It might be less severe than a fracture, but it doesn’t at all mean you should be using this hand for anything.”
“Alright, stop the scolding. I get it.”
“Do you or are you just saying that to get me to leave you alone?” 
“What do you think, Sherlock?”
He sighed. “Back to the injury, I think you’ll need them splinted. It can take anywhere from two to eight weeks for your fingers to completely heal.”
He laughed. “What? See, I thought I heard you say two to eight weeks. Don’t you mean days?”
“Weeks, Cyrus. As in the seven day period. Fourteen to fifty-six days.”
“Don’t you think that’s kinda, uh, a large range?”
“Yes.” His face was deadpan. 
“Give me a list of things I can do.”
“Whatever requires only one hand. I don’t even think you should stay up here while it heals. Climbing ladders one handed is dangerous.”
“Great. So not only is my hand fucked up but I’m also getting evicted.”
“It’s just a piece of advice. It’s up to you whether or not you follow it, but I recommend you do unless you want a nasty fall.”
“Where would I stay?”
“I could set you up in the other camper across from ours.”
“The clinic camper?”
He sighed. “Yes. The clinic camper.”
“You sure you won’t need the beds in there?”
“We don’t even use them. I end up treating everyone everywhere but that damn thing.” He took the roll of duct tape from inside his open duffel bag. “Let’s not delay the inevitable any further.”  He reached down and pulled the kit over. He undid the latch and rummaged through the clutter until he produced four tongue compressors.
“Alright. Be fast.” He looked away and balled his good hand into a tight fist, his nails digging into his palm.
“I’ll try.” 
Asher straightened his first finger, then the second, then the third and fourth. Agony crawled through his hand and up his forearm. He grimaced and bit back a curse.
He tore off a piece of tape and held the stick around his pointer finger as he wrapped it. With each one he repeated the process.
“We’re done.”
He released his held breath. “Thanks for that. I think I did it better, though.”
“No, you actually didn’t. I have no idea what result you envisioned when you taped your fingers together with no support.”
“Fuck if I know, I’m not a doctor.”
He shook his head. “With that out of the way, let me take care of the glass.”
“There is no glass.” He gestured to his leather jacket hanging from a loose nail. “She protected me.”
He sighed. “Fine, if you insist.” He closed the kit and stood up. “Do me a favor and don’t run off when you get hurt next time. It’s time consuming, tracking you down.”
“Maybe. Let me think about it.”
“I’m serious.”
“Sure, sure. So am I.” He slouched and rubbed the back of his neck. “But thanks, man, for taking care of that and all.”
“It was my pleasure.”
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sweetheart-zombie · 1 year
💔 BROKEN HEART — what are three of your oc's negative traits?
Yippee!!! Since none are specified I'll do them all >:3
Aiden Walker
Cold, dishonest, possessive
Aimo Takala
Bland, grim, insensitive
Archer Quinn
Careless, disloyal, scornful
Asher Li
Cautious, meek, tactless
Barrett Worth
Demanding, ignorant, violent
Cyrus Richards
Argumentative, brutal, disrespectful
Ivan Choroba
Impractical, overimaginative, wishful
Jared Quinn
Meek, passive, resentful
Joseph King
Domineering, envious, Insecure
Steven Jenner
Cynical, repentant, weak-willed
Anne Ford
Impulsive, irratable, vindictive
Ashley Wright
Arrogant, crass, dishonest
Charlotte Scott
Cold, demanding, jealous
Ivy Klein
Aloof, disruptive, impatient
Jo Adams
Apathetic, blunt, lazy
Madison Day
Critical, pretentious, weak-willed
Maria Worth
Complacent, judgemental, puritanical
Rachel Ford
Obsessive, pompous, unfriendly
Valda Klein
Cowardly, indecisive, naive
Vanessa Andrews
Conceited, frivolous, impulsive
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Kitt sat on the dock, absentmindedly fishing as the sun slowly set. A bite, a fish in the barrel, a couple of coins. Just a few weeks ago he had pulled himself out of the sea and crawled onto this shore.
He had just lost his ship, his crew, his father, hell, even his fucking eye. It still throbbed underneath the bandage, phantom pains from the lunar bastard’s attack. He still thought about that night. What he wouldn’t give to watch that bastard die, if a god could die. What he wouldn’t give to have died in his father’s arms that night, if only to feel his warmth one last time.
He shivered as the sun disappeared over the horizon. Another bite, another fish in the barrel, another couple of coins.
It was a slow process, but he was nothing if not patient. The Moon Lord found his challenge amusing. Dead wouldn’t claim him early, no matter how “foolish” he was in his search for some semblance of justice. He had time. He had lives to give up, as many as necessary. And he had fish to catch, to sell, to hand over to a scrappy collector with handful of helpful gear.
Another bite, another fish in the barrel, another couple of coins.
In the morning he would head out in the forest, clear out that plot by the lake, and he would start his next project. A ship. A memorial. He had not good armor nor a decent weapon. He could barely even use the enchanted sword he happened to fish up. No, it wasn’t time for a fight. Not when he was still so weak, when he could barely remember his eye was branded with an ancient god’s curse, milky white and aching. Not yet.
The Moon Lord would die someday, he would make sure of it. But before that, he needed to lay to rest his ship, his crew, and his father. May their souls be guided home from the restless blue. He would honor them. For now, it was all he could do.
One last bite, one last fish in the barrel, and the last few couple of coins for the night. He packed up and stumbled off to his room where Asher, his roommate, was waiting. He was already in bed, reading through one of his many journals. He wordlessly watched as Kitt changed into his sleepwear and crawled in next to him. It was routine at this point. After he blew out the candle and they said their good nights, he thought about what the ship would look like. He knew it like the back of his hand, but it would be a land home this time, no longer sailing the Astranian Seas. Asher softly snored next to him, his breath tickling Kitt’s nape as he curled up against his back. Maybe he would make his private quarters big enough for two. Just so he could keep the guide close. He ignored the warmth pooling in his chest and fell asleep to the sound of gentle breaths and the ocean’s lullaby.
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lmk-oc-competition · 5 months
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And here is the bracket for the competition! So exciting! Thank you to all those who submitted their OC!!! Be sure to check out this post for information on propaganda + the rules in order to prepare for the competition. The polls will go up Monday, April 22nd at 7 AM PDT
Got a question? Be sure to check the FAQs first, otherwise, feel free to send me an Ask^^
Check below the cut to view the match-ups and creators!
Xin Yi (@monkiart) VS Yue Li (@thelovemaiden) [link to poll]
Jade (@demonichunny) VS Ming Yue (@crimson-cring-art) [link to poll]
Yeva Ivanova Tereshkov/Yeva Moon (@chuitu) VS Keya Xiǎo Húdié (@keykittygirl) [link to poll]
Shù Zuì/Shùzuì/Shuying (@luminancebwyons) VS Wu Ming (@itsalice3940) [link to poll]
Hǔ-pò-Māo (@amberstargirl) VS Blitz (@yuendelahoya) [link to poll]
Huáng Mudan (@yourlocaleggperson) VS Bài Lùjing (Lord Deer Demon) (@loverofstufflof) [link to poll]
Ling (@camhues) VS AW (Asher Wilson) (@noteverystarisasun) [link to poll]
Xiaoqing (@twinklecupcake) VS Lina/Yueyang (@melodyswishes) [link to poll]
Yu Ling (@lmkobsessedmoth) VS Hua Mei/Eris (@mikog3 ) [link to poll]
Ox-Head (@allthenicknamesweretaken) VS Java (@the-real-dev) [link to poll]
Liu Xiuling (@latvian-spider) VS Yuèliàng (@sun4ndmo0n) [link to poll]
Huilian (惠莲) (@hummingbird13) VS Rin Xuan (@zammy357) [link to poll]
Sky (@skylinx2o) VS Shing Delun (@dragonnerd) [link to poll]
Jade Rabbit (@sarahawriter) VS Vervet (@rae-blu) [link to poll]
Jiao Yue (Ying Jiao Yue) (@yingjiaoyue) VS Hui Ying (@mysticarts) [link to poll]
Zhu Li Na (@janetbrown711) VS Li Qiū Zi (@tiredghostness) [link to poll]
Have fun and good luck to everyone!!
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west1rosi · 1 year
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like   this   post   for   a   starter   from   one   of   the   muses   of   main timeline of asoiaf.   if   you   are   a   multimuse,   please   specify   your   muses.   make   sure   to   also   choose   one   of   mine   or   at   least,   choose   a   few   for   me   to   pick   from.   only   liking   and   not   specifying   will   be   ignored.
muse list of main asoiaf timeline era:
lord tywin lannister. faceclaim : charles dance.
lady elyra brax (oc). faceclaim : jessica alexander.
king viserys iii targaryen. faceclaim : harry lloyd.
king robert baratheon. faceclaim: mark addy.
princess orysa baratheon (oc). faceclaim : jennie jacques.
gendry baratheon. faceclaim : joe dempsey.
theon greyjoy. faceclaim : alfie allen.
captain indya sunderly (oc). faceclaim : jessie mei li.
lady myranda royce. faceclaim :  yuliya khlynina.
lord ned stark. faceclaim : sean bean.
lady catelyn stark. faceclaim : michelle fairley.
queen jeyne westerling. faceclaim :  synnove karslen.
lord asher forrester. faceclaim : liam mcintyre.
lady mara mormont (oc). faceclaim : matilda de argelis.
lady jeyne poole. faceclaim : elinor crowley.
wylla manderly. faceclaim : alice agneson.
val of the free folk. faceclaim : frida gustavsson.
prince doran martell. faceclaim : alfredo castro.
prince oberyn martell. faceclaim : pedro pascal.
princess arianne martell. faceclaim : yvette monreal.
lady regent, allyria dayne. faceclaim :  marina moschen. 
lord edmure tully. faceclaim : tobias menzies.
lady roslin tully. faceclaim : rose williams.
ser patrek mallister. faceclaim : aneurin barnard.
marq piper. faceclaim :  jose ramon barreto.
alerie tyrell. faceclaim : joely richarson.
olenna tyrell. faceclaim : diana rigg.
lord willas tyrell. faceclaim :  gwilym lee.
ryna hightower. faceclaim : danielle rose russell.
elinor tyrell. faceclaim :  isabela merced.
margaery tyrell. faceclaim : natalie dormer
lady mina redwyne. faceclaim : claire ferlini.
lady desmera redwyne. faceclaim : charlotte hope.
meredyth crane. faceclaim : caitlin stasey.
jocelyn swyft. faceclaim: tamsin egerton.
addam marbrand. faceclaim: toby stephens.
lady alyssane lefford. faceclaim: sarah bolger.
lady shyra errol. faceclaim: holliday grainger.
alys karstark. faceclaim: gevenieve gaunt.
marei hill. faceclaim: eloise smyth.
ardrian celtigar. faceclaim : tony leung.
syrenia celtigar. faceclaim : dianne doan.
harras harlow. faceclaim : daniel sharman.
ser jorah mormont. faceclaim : iain glen.
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hpowellsmith · 1 year
💓💗💔 from the OC ask for RA! Heart theme!! If that's too many then feel free to just pick one you think is interesting
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Asher: being looked after/pampered; it doesn't happen often for them but they really appreciate it
Beaumont: feeling seen by someone: it is challenging for them because their instinct is to withdraw from that but it is also very meaningful for them
Dominique: compliments that feel thoughtful; adventure, throwing caution to the winds
Hyacinthe: being in a position to relax and laugh with someone, not worrying about what someone is thinking of them
Javi: feeling comfortable enough to be emotionally open and honest with someone, even though they like to style themself as a glamorous porcupine
Trevelyan: passionate debate or realising they share values; doing the "setting the world to rights" thing together, and that moment where something just clicks - they would be excited when inadvertently finishing each other's sentences
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Asher: is more bashful, more serious, more formal in general
Beaumont: is a bit withdrawn but sneaks looks at the person they have a crush on; they are clearly on their mind
Dominique: does more casual touching (if the person enjoys that); mentions the person a lot
Hyacinthe: is quieter, a bit more flustered, smiles shyly a lot
Javi: has more situational awareness of the person they have a crush on; they may not express it directly but always know they're there
Trevelyan: is extra enthusiastic about talking to them, has more... energy when interacting I guess
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Heh. Some of the specifics are spoilery because some can absolutely happen ingame:
Asher: their partner being directly cruel to them (but, their tolerance is very high - higher than is really healthy; they would forgive and excuse a lot)
Beaumont: their partner doing something that goes against their personal values; being lied to about something important
Dominique: their partner being horrible or peremptory to them, especially in front of other people
Hyacinthe: cheating, cruelty to them or Hyacinthe's loved ones
Javi: cheating; discovery that their partner had lied about something else important; discovery that their partner was gold-digging
Trevelyan: their partner doing something that goes against their personal values
Ask list here!
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anime-amazing · 1 year
Characters That I Roleplay As
Jing Li
Tian Yu
Bai yunjun
Viserion (god of dragons)
Adonis (god of Sun)
Qyhthos (god of fertility)
Iros (god of beauty)
Syreus (god of ocean)
Santios (god of healing)
Ashton (nicknamed Ash guard of earth)
Vincent (prince of light)
Lucian (prince of dark)
Chu Zhao
Prince Faelearn Yelqin
Prince Voron Vocaryn
Calen (marinas overprotective brother)
Venvyn Alvodroth (Drow)
Xue jing
Althidon larxina
Victor Mukami
Atlantians (merpeople)
Prince Zayden
Prince Varun
blackstone Beatly Ashley
Daiyu Zhan (clumsy doctor)
Alex (ex dragon hunter)
Aharon (Egyptian prince)
Feng Liang (blind)
Zayne deschenel
Xaio Zhang
Xue (prince)
Chen shi
Jace shoenheight
Kitsune (Demon fox, Nine tailed Fox)
Tao Yan
King Rhaegal
Elven Mage
Jing Yan
White tiger
Cyrus -
Kaikya - 732
Yong Zheng
Prince Zhaleh (prince of winter)
Zhan(spring prince)
Snow fox
Living statues
Khai (aiden when human)
Meng yin
Dr karter
Jingyu (loves mirrors)
Li Jing
Fu jia
Yi Ming
Lai Zheng
Dai Tou
Xavai Tagan
Viscardi Lycaon
Azuma Kaneie
Chu zhen
Zachary Shard
Yotun/frost giant
Njemag Lokison
Royal scribe
Jiang Yuxuan
Fu Ming
Norwegian water spirit
Random female dragon
Ex dragon queen
Marina (Light/Drow elf hybrid)
Harper (zeleahs mother)
Lan Shu
Sereirena Vocaryn
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keracchi · 2 years
OCSvember day 1: main OC
Li Chen-fu /Asher Lee
Day 1: Main OC
Li Chen-Fu/Asher Lee (main story timeline name)
aka ae CC lmaogkldgf //bricked/
Somekinda 'immortal' (but not rly), is approx. 3k ish years old if accumulated. Never told any lies (bc he literally cant) but isnt honest either, wears face as one would a mask
cant forget shit even if he wanna, outwardly happy-go-lucky and nice ish but can be sadistic and uncaringly cold (unlike ae ff who still bothers to adjust his behavior and can still cry on peep lmaoo)
reckless af bc boi he tired and just want to be over with with this duty bhwhwhw
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Happy Blorbo Blursday, Anna! What's the most heartbreaking thing one of your OCs (or more, I won't complain XD) has had to face?
>:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD *evil laughter*
Oh this is going to be fun... And we're doing all the main characters in all three of my introduced wips, can't leave any of my babies out (plus a lot of my characters need some developing)!
Warning!!! discussions of trauma and poor mental health, abuse, lots of death, and of course, lots of spoilery stuff
Fractured Stars Falling
Tris: either being forced to kill someone in the arena or realizing that the government lied to her about her parent's deaths
Kaye: that his parents will never truly accept him for what he is, and only love what they want him to be
Snow: her best friend dying because she didn't come to the realization that her stepmother only wanted to hurt her soon enough
Lan: watching their best friend put herself through the shit her stepmom gave her believing that she deserved it and her stepmother didn't really mean it and putting all of the blame on herself. and there was nothing they could've done but stand and watch because they couldn't get Snow to listen to them
Cassandra: giving all of her love to someone only for them to abandon her, THEN not giving the next lover enough love until it was too late
Erica: that it took her sacrifice for Cassandra to realize that she did love her and wasn't going to willfully abandon her
Monty: that his family is gone (until he finds Hestia at least, but then they're all each other has left)
Max: waking up in the underworld after he actually kissed Monty for the first time and actually meant it and then sacrificed himself to save him <333 (like I've said before, he's pretty mentally stable before the events of the book)
Elliot: coming back to find Hestia heartbroken and isolating herself even more than when he first met her and not even fighting back though terrified out of her mind while the castle is being raided by the villagers
Hestia: the first person that was kind to her and not afraid of her and her powers having to leave and that she had to let him go even though she was certain he wouldn't come back for her (ya know, that one snippet i wrote that made all of you cry)
Raven: You mean other than the love of his life basically dying because (in his eyes) he didn't take enough risks?
Sapphire: Being trapped in the underworld, helpless to fight back or doing anything about it, and certain that the underworld king wouldn't be kind enough to let her see Raven ever again
Triveya: girl has lived for a little over a thousand years. She has seen everything. i'd say the most heartbreaking off all however, is either: she wasn't smart enough to save her friend from the dark magic that consumed her OR that time she messed up a spell so badly due to her adhd that it hurt someone and set the mission back by a ton and some of the others got angry at her for it
The City is Ours
Nickelle: her best friend getting taken, used against her, then dying before Nickelle could rescue her (one of the big reasons she becomes the Snow Queen)
Asher: finding out his boyfriend was the vigilante they'd been chasing the whole time, that he and the team had dealt damage to him, and Damian having to go back into the villian's den only to get caught and tortured on a live feed and being half dead by the time they find him and-
Gabby: i mean- being captured by bad guys and dying there...
Kylee: finding out the person she looked up to and saw as a big sister was the big bad
Bryson: that he can heal his friends physical injuries with just a touch but he can't heal their mental injuries or any of his own injuries (the only drawback to his powers is it drains him and he can't heal himself or mental illness, and he has diabetes that his powers can't touch)
V: that their family will accept them for being queer and plus sized, but not for being a superhero
Chase: that the reveal of who the Snow Queen is surprised him. (in his eyes) he should've been smart enough to figure it out, all the evidence was right there, he should've seen it coming...
Stars Burning (testing out a simplified title)
Right now, for all of the main characters, it's when Hades gets taken by PIE (kind of like in the Mandalorian when Grogu got captured by the Imperials and Din feels guilty and is panicking...) and they have no idea what they're gonna do to the kid other than he'll used as a weapon.
Oh, that was too much fun, thank you @rose-bookblood !
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @thatprolificauthor @mjjune
TCIO Taglist: @friendlyneighborhood-writer @jessica-writes22 @rose-bookblood @thatprolificauthor
BSBO Taglist: @fiercely-raging-writer @aesa @thatprolificauthor @writeouswriter @rose-bookblood
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isolaradiale · 11 months
Lost in Space #56
Howdy, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of October!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for May, have two in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of May).
Only one meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
Only one drabble of 500+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for one calendar month.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
The Doctor (HOUSE 119)
Karlach (HOUSE 113)
Shiroko Sunaookami (CONDO 403)
Dick Grayson (Nightwing) (APARTMENT 301)
Dwight Fairfield (HOUSE 121)
V (HOUSE 111)
Caster (Merlin) (APARTMENT 302)
G'raha Tia (Château de Akiudo (Cotes Ward))
Aether (HOUSE 114)
Belial (TOWNHOUSE 222)
Jin Ling (HOUSE 114)
Stelle (HOUSE 103)
Roxas (HOUSE 104)
Shadow Link (Link’s Treehouse (4BR) | THE MISTWOOD)
Lan Wangji (HOUSE 110)
Wei Wuxian (APARTMENT 305)
Anda Teika (Lord El Melloi II’s house)
Asher Otero (TOWNHOUSE 201)
Aurelius Vane-Tempest (Klaus' House)
Nezha Li (CONDO 401)
Pilgrim (APARTMENT 314)
Elliot Nightray (CONDO 402)
Kanji Tatsumi (APARTMENT 318)
Mirai (OC) (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Akito Shinonome (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Cain Knightley (HOUSE 105)
Ada Wong (HOUSE 113)
Claire Redfield (HOUSE 102)
Leon S. Kennedy (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Rallen (HOUSE 120)
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
If you're still taking these! A6 Avi?
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do you like him be honest
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snowy-weather · 3 years
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More poses from screenshots. XD
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
No guarantees on when I'm finishing this lol
Dead Man Walking by City Wolf
I made up a couple vamp OCs because I’m not confident enough to write Fred and Bright or Alexis and I needed more people on the vamps team. Also, for the purposes of this fic, Lovely will be referred to as Lo by the other characters.
"They got eyes like a neon sign, stare you down and make you cry"
"Wow. Sam, that’s the person you’ve been raving about? They’ve got eyes like a neon sign saying 'Don't fuck with me.' I'm a vampire and I think they could stare even me down," Vincent shook his head, grinning. Sam laughed swatted Vincent’s shoulder. 
"They got the guts to back it up too,"
"An iron will and a thirst to kill, you wanna see their stuff, they gonna show ya"
Sam had known that the way Darlin would be most comfortable meeting his friends in the clan would be in a… competitive context. So he’d told them to invite their friends (mostly just people from the Shaw pack) and he’d invited his friends— they’d reserved several hours on an indoor court and now they "were gonna do their best to destroy all their friendships" as the beta of David's pack, Asher, had so comically put it. Darlin caught the ball that was hurtling at their face and chucked it halfway across the court to Christian, another wolf.
"Vincent. Werewolf hearing. And I take that as a compliment."
"Pffft— woah!" Vincent gripped the divider between the court and the seats as he watched Darlin easily dodge a blow from a twelve year old vamp, Norah. Sam chuckled behind his hand.
"You got 'em riled up, now, Vincent. You wanna see their stuff? They’re gonna show ya." 
"Ya think you’re tough, they gonna own ya"
Norah shook off her shoulders and let out something akin to a snarl.
"You’re not getting away that easily, Tanker!" She lunged at Darlin. Darlin narrowed their eyes as they stepped back out of the way. 
"You think you’re tough, Norah?" They taunted good-naturedly. Sam's mouth curled upwards. 
"Oh they are goin' to own you," he muttered under his breath. 
"You seem to like watching your wolf play, Sam," William's quiet voice at Sam's shoulder startled him. 
"They're… captivatin', when they’re focused on somethin, Will." Will nodded understandingly. Vincent leaned against the divider with the two of them. 
"All I can say is that I’m glad I decided to sit this first match out." He laughed. 
"I fell for the devil's child, I jumped in, yeah, I drank the water"
"I think you fell for devil spawn, Sam." 
"Well that's not very nice, Vincent," William scolded. Sam laughed. 
"All's fair in love and war, William. Guilty as charged. I was the one who… jumped into this with them." He settled his chin onto his hands, eyes still locked on Darlin.
"I drank the water. If the well's poisoned, well, I’m already a dead man walkin'." Vincent rolled his eyes. 
"We get it, Mr. Sam 'I don’t have a way with words I swear' Collins." They all three laughed. William smiled at Sam.
"Tell me doctor, can you fix my brain, cause everyone says I'm insane,
Tried to warn me and I should have known, there's no use talking I'm a dead man walking"
"In all seriousness Sam, if you are planning on… courting that… fiery wolf… you might be a little bit insane." 
Vincent grinned.
"Get your eyes checked you two. That's no wolf. That’s a storm with skin."
"Yes, and that's what I have to deal with every single pack meeting. That is, when they even show up at all." David's voice behind them said. Sam smiled.
"Well, you did try to warn me, sir," David chuckled lightly.
"You should have known, Sam."
"They grind you down, so ya turn to dust/ say your name and tell you lies/ I got past their knife, I cut ya down to size/ if you try to run, they gonna find ya/ Ya never see 'em comin', so leave the engine runnin' / they just a criminal / they right behind ya"
"Oh for crying out lou—“ Kaspar, a six year old vamp who worshipped the ground Vincent walked on, shouted as Darlin slammed the ball through the hoop again. 
"Game's up! Shaw pack, one, Solaire clan, zero!" Chorused Lo, Vincent’s partner, in unison with the mates of David and two others of Darlin's friends, who all four were sitting on the sidelines. Kaspar zipped up to Sam.
"Your partner is unbelievable," he panted. "Vincent, please come play with us this round? We might actually have a fighting chance, then," he pleaded. Vincent smirked and stretched.
"Alright, fine. You and your friends wanna play, Lovely?" 
"I don’t think they and I are gonna be much against shifters and vampires," David's mate said, gesturing to their other friend, also unempowered. The other one grinned and started to get up when one of the wolves shouted across the court—
"And you are not allowed to play while I’m still in the game, you hear me Sweetheart?" They laughed and plopped back onto their seat.
"Oh well," Vincent turned to Lo again. They shook their head.
"I'm still gonna sit this one out, Vince."
"Aw c'mon, why?" He pouted. They gestured him down and whispered something in his ear. He smirked.
"Oh, I see how it is… okay then," he grinned. "But you don’t have an excuse, Sam— you’re playing with us." Sam shrugged. "Why not? I was the one who suggested all this after all." Kaspar's best friend in the clan, a spunky vamp with a proclivity for athletics named Ginger bounced up with a suggestion.
"Why don’t we have team captains and have them pick their team this time around? Instead of just doing Shaw vs Solaire." 
"I’m game. Who should the team captains be?" Sam asked.
"Vincent vs Sam!" Lo shouted from the sidelines. Vincent struck a hand to his chest in mock dismay. 
"Lovely! Pitting me against my own best friend? How could you?"
Hope y'all enjoyed! I feel like Darlin's hard to write but ya know, I'm pretty good at Sam, so it all balances out in the end.
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sollucets · 2 years
writing masterpost
does what it says on the tin. last update 7/24/23
general ao3 link
my fic tag on here
ocean eyes’ specific fic tag
the sky full of stars (on our way up) series tag
please mind cw tags in the fics themselves! be well 💜
the eclipse:
series: the sky full of stars (contains choices, unknown star, on our way up)
fic: choices
e12 akkayan and the path to public affection. approximately equal parts genuine emotion about coming out and constant flirting. t, 8500 words
fic: unknown star
postcanon akkayan on what would be their graduation day. very sappy soft h/c content here. t, 3200 words
fic: on our way up [wip]
slice of life style domestic postcanon akkayan. aye goes to college & akk goes to therapy: the fic. currently at 21k words (7/24/23)
fic: listen close, i'll say it loud
several grouped prompts on the theme of akk and aye's long-distance relationship post-our skyy 2. t, 6900 words
fic: celestial navigation
crossposted various akkayes from prompts. usually but not always soft & fluffy. t, 7100 words as of 7/24/23
between us:
fic: stay close
canon-compliant, gentle and tentative hair care intimacy fic for winteam. soft with slight h/c. t, 5100 words
fic: your quietest feeling
episode tag for e9. soft and sad and extremely exhausted nightmare h/c for win. made several people cry, t, 2000 words
moonlight chicken:
fic: horizon line
heart/li ming h/c written in response to the e7 preview. hugs & crying on the floor of leng's apartment
only friends:
series: not the doorways we had hoped for
prerelease giga-angst bad decisions only friends fanfic centering my baby boy & favorite chewtoy san, set to richard siken quotes. various ratings & 11500 words overall.
contains: wish it was mine (t, raysan, light physical h/c) + but none of them are ours (e, raysan, emotionally painful pwp) + to be like him (m, santop, failure hookups)
shadowhunter chronicles:
fic: midnight hour
canon-compliant, between book 3 --> red scrolls of magic. soft h/c moment for new relationship malec. t, 4800 words
fic: shining through
5+1 things that’s actually 6+1 re: alec being made to wear colorful clothing. canon-adjacent if not compliant, very sweet. t, 15500 words
redacted asmr:
series: rest with your vampire mate [m4a] [post-inversion]
sam aftershock & some associated events. t, 12000ish words over all parts
contains: wolf out of water (darlin & william), mind in the moment (darlin & sam), part of the promise (darlin & sam, darlin & david, angel)
series: your boyfriend tells you he’s magic [m4a]
unconnected set of redacted magic reveal fics. t overall
contains: plausible deniability (asher/babe werewolf reveal, early canon, 2500 words) & bring me a dream  (elliott/sunshine pre-relationship magic reveal, 4400 words)
fic: ocean eyes [wip]
canon-adjacent poly sam/darlin/angel/david development fic featuring my listener ocs. lots of significant eye contact and yearning. t, 28000 words (in january 2023)
fic: synesthete
caelum & freelancer have a conversation. pre-DAMN. softe with slight h/c. g, 2100 words
fic: circuit breaker
post-inversion, william watches lovely for an afternoon. h/c. t, 3300 words
fic: painkiller
geordi/cutie, extremely gentle headache h/c. fun text formatting. t, 1700 words
fic: refractions
gavin/freelancer pre-confession pining on an aquarium date. overcautious m rating, 4200 words
fic: riparian
brachium pov w/ elliott/sunshine, realizations about the bond beyond death. t, 2000 words
fic: no exit
avior/starlight, pre-canon & pre-relationship. tentative trust & void experiments. t, 3200 words
fic: cinnamon
avior/starlight, post-canon domestic niceness because they deserve it. t, 3300 words
fic: floodgates open
my rasmr ficlet assortment; i started crossposting these to tumblr at the huxlasko chapter. non-tumblr snips in this collection include cute milo/sh, angsty darlin, & some gav/fl flirting. all of the prompts i did in may 2022 are in there
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minccinoocappuccino · 2 years
Hello, if you're still up for the oc relationship ask things, I'd like to ask about the relationship of Asher, Azar and Rusty with 🐱 (Grim) 🐺 (Jack) and ⚗️ (Crewel) !
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Asher 🐱 Grim finds him weird n creepy at first Grim was excited to hear a student who could read futures but after the cryptic message Asher gave him he know longer likes the idea of future readings n thinks its stupid mostly because he terrified of Asher now. Asher thinks Grim is cute and likes his excitement after using his UM to read Grims fate he thinks Grim might b a little in over his head. Grim wont tell anyone the future Asher read to him n f Asher gave him the real one or lied is something only Asher himself knows. 🐺 Jack and Asher get along very well as both r very self reliant. Jack admires Asher for his hard work n not helping Leona n Ruggie undermined the maglift tournament even f Asher was asked to by Ruggie. Jack however isnt a fan of Asher UM and thinks its pointless to know your future before hand. Asher always admires ppl who refuse his magic since it seems like there very self confident in who they are an what they will become. ⚗️ They get along decent as teacher n student Asher is very good at potions so he makes no problem for Crewel. Asher doesnt mind Crewel but isnt a fan of the good boy n sit phrases the teacher likes to say but other than that he has no reason to dislike the teacher.
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Rusty 🐱 Grim adores Rusty! No only does good things seem to happen when Rusty is around he also hangs around Kalim so that means a high chance of a invite to a party n free food. Rusty finds Grim charming but finds hanging around him to often leads to overstimulation from all the excitement so he will avoids Grim sometimes f he is already having a day. 🐺 Rusty is a AWD beastmen which r sometimes called Painted wolves so him and Jack get along very well when its about beastmen culture. Jack n Rusty dont really see each other often but they do recognize each other n are always happy to talk to the other.  ⚗️ Rusty is a enigma to Crewel...He doesnt understand how even with the wrong ingredients Rusty is able to do the right potion. He knows there is def magic involved but Rusty has never shown a UM or to b very good at magic itself. He cant prove Rusty is cheating but he knows something is fishy. Rusty gets amused by Crewel being shocked at all potions he brings that should fail but works he finds it funny. 
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Azar 🐱 Azar finds Grim annoying and aggravating he hates how loud he is especially when it ruins his nap. Grim isnt a fan of Azar either he thinks the other is very intimidating n scary he use to like Azar’s competitiveness until he realized he cant beat Azar in anything and then it just became frustration towards the tiger beastmen. 🐺 Jack admires Azar’s strength and how hard he works for his goal but he doesnt like his attitude nor his laziness when he isnt trying to beat someone. Azar is to much like Leona for Jack comfort and when they r together he usually cant deal with either of them as they just feed off each other emotions. Azar find Jack annoying when he is being self righteous n doesnt like the way Jack thinks u can only win thru hard work n ur own skill as just using ur muscles as ur only tool sets u back a lot when trying to win.  ⚗️ Azar is either a problem student or the best student and theres no in between. He is either trying to beat everyone around him so he makes the best potions or he is uncaring and doesnt show up n f he does he does nothing but look bored the whole time. And using the good boy/sit phrases around him is just sure to put Azar in a bad mood n make it where he doesnt do anything n class other than mess with the other students. 
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Thank u so much for asking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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verifiefangirl · 2 years
Writing ask: number 4?
Gotta say love the username.
Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I do! I used to write on Wattpad back in the day haha. Asher/Aurelia and Scarlett/Jay. It was mainly contemporary romance with the main character being an introverted, grieving teenager and the LI was blind and used to be a jock. So childhood friends to strangers to friends again to lovers. 💀
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Anywhoooooo I do have some characters and story kernels for fantasy. I would love to write eventually 👀
Thank you for the ask ❤️
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