#i think shes kinda sitting on the edge of a road or something but i dont really know tbh
oatmeal2321 · 2 years
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this is one i finished a few days ago! im pretty happy with the posing, its the first time ive properly drawn anything under the shoulders in a while(i suck at anatomy)
i dont actually know how fabric works either, i hope it looks ok
also, this is the first time ive done a proper bg in ages, so apologies about how shit it looks lol
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diremoone · 10 months
written in fine print | r. sukuna
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moving to japan to get a breath of fresh air was supposed to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. it still may be, but now you’ve got a problem and you don’t know what to do about it. the problem? ryomen sukuna, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, being… enamored with you. you’ve come fairly far with him as “friends” while keeping him at bay, but after you both spend christmas together, you know that things have changed. and come the first day of the new year comes a surprise that forces you to face your bottled-up truth.
[ Ryomen Sukuna Masterlist ] | part three
w — slowburn, age gap, modern au, older man/younger woman, fluff, mild? angst, this time we get reader’s pov bc it’s time ;3, insecure! reader, self-indulgence, A KISS (but just one for now sorry y’all), reader and sukuna lay their feelings on the table (I’m sorry I couldn’t help but finally get to this part), sukuna gets kinda prose-y lmao, slightly unsatisfied with this fic but I hope y’all enjoy anyway, sprinkle of bittersweet at the end
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God, have mercy upon my soul.
The dozens of text messages from your cousin have you sitting on the edge of your bed in absolute disbelief. You haven’t even had any coffee yet, or any sort of something in your stomach. It’s sheer willpower keeping you from throwing up the stomach acid in your belly.
But you do need something. You make your way into the kitchen and nab the biscuits you made yesterday from the bag they were in. You shouldn’t, but you eat all four of them anyway. Then you drink something.
You were wondering why everything was going too good, why life had been so… easy as of late. Now you understood why. It was the calm before the storm. It was the universe allowing you to have some semblance of peace before it decided to throw you into the pit of mental and emotional turmoil that you’d been so great at avoiding.
Why in the world did the universe decide to put Ryomen Sukuna into your life?
That’s the question you have been asking yourself over and over again ever since you decided to take him up on the offer of a first date six months ago. Even worse, why did you even think it was a remotely good idea to get involved with someone over ten years older than you? Universe aside, you should’ve had the good judgement to keep Sukuna away. Your good intuition was something you’d always prided yourself on, so why did you decide to even let Sukuna keep coming around?
You go back to your room and get the phone, rereading over the messages. One in particular your eyes stay on:
A benefactor has paid for nana’s care and set her up in a really fancy, upscale care and rehabilitation facility here. They came and got her this morning to transfer her. When I asked about it, someone from registration said it was a gift for you. Who the fuck did you meet in Japan? 5:16 am
And you know, deep within your soul and in your gut that Sukuna was behind this. There’s no one you know that has the money to pull off something like taking your grandmother from where she was to a facility where she’s going to get more constant help, cleaned, proper rehabilitation. No one else but him.
The coffee maker suddenly beeps, beginning to brew a fresh pot of coffee. You almost jump out of your skin from it. You wait until it’s done before digging out one of the banana nut muffins Shoko brought over two nights ago to pre-celebrate the new year.
You truly don’t know what to feel. You’re unsure about everything. Coming to Japan to get a breath of fresh air from the strain your old life was supposed to be one of the best choices you’ve ever made. But now, all it’s become is a whirlwind of even more, even deeper emotional confusion.
Meeting Yuuji was great. Meeting his older brother? The entire source of the emotional confusion.
You lean against the counter and gaze outside. The snow has finally ceased and you’re sure dozers are out clearing the roads. You can’t help but fall into your thoughts.
For awhile, you’ve had… feelings. You’re not quite sure what they are, but you know that they revolve around the older, rich man you’ve befriended. You know that whenever he’s around, you feel more… open, lighter even. You know he makes you feel flustered, to which you’ve learned to seal said fluster inside of a bottle and remain indifferent in his presence. Every time he looks at you or speaks to you, it makes you feel… giddy. Happy, dare you say it.
And it’s something you swallow down and hide every time it bubbles to the surface, fearing that it’ll be nothing more than the same story as your mother: a heart broken by the letdown of not ever being enough, not being what the man actually wanted, and not being genuinely cared for.
The mug of coffee in your hands grows hot, almost scalding against the skin of your palms. It brings you out of your own mind, just in time to hear your phone vibrate with more text messages, all still from your cousin.
Because apparently fate dropped a man in your lap that was more than ready to give you anything and everything you’ve ever wanted: unconditional love on a gold platter; fate decided that you finally deserve a break from strife and grief, that you deserved to stop eating humble pie, because lord knows you’ve done choked and damn near suffocated on that shit; that you deserved to be cherished and loved and made to be someone’s number one in their life.
You know. You fucking know what Sukuna does to you, how he makes you feel inside. You also know how he wants to treat you and the things he wants to do to you. And perhaps with you, if your gut instinct is right and he wants more than a body to warm his bed.
Who are you kidding? You know you’re right.
But it’s unfortunate for you that all you’ve learned to do is bottle up your feelings and act like they don’t exist. Because you’ve never been loved, not romantically anyway. Especially not like this, from someone like this.
How were you supposed to love? What did it really mean to be in a relationship? You’ve never been in one. Not one that ever really was going to go as far as this. Was what you were feeling all temporary? And if you did get into a relationship, what if he didn’t like you when you got comfortable? What if he didn’t like it when you laughed too hard, or any of the habits you have? What if he was just wanting to play savior and ended up leaving you a few months from now?
You toss your head back and groan. Why? Why was this happening to you?
You opt to spend the day inside, rather than go out like you had planned. You have to text Shoko and Utahime, letting them know that you’re not going to be able to participate in their plans of going out and visiting shrines for the new year. The latter is reasonably mad, but Shoko calms her down in the group chat. Although she does make an innuendo about spending the day with someone else “cozied up in bed” rather than them. You send her a side eye emoji in return on her personal thread.
You change out of your pajamas and into some casual clothes — a dark red long sleeve and some black sweatpants, switching to house socks to regular socks — despite not intending to go out for the day. You do end up on the couch for most of the day, switching your attention from the TV and the messages on your phone more than you care to admit. You hardly eat, and don’t realize it until you can feel your stomach against your spine each time.
All day is basically wasted in front of the television, trapped in your own mind. Trapped in the whirlwind that Sukuna has made of your heart and emotions.
You graze through your entire stock of sweets in less than a day, uncaring if it was unhealthy. Dusk settles on the horizon before you know it and you’re anything but tired. In fact, you’re wide awake.
“What do I do…?” you ask into the open air. You feel stupid doing it, but apparently fate has a response for you.
It’s 9:18 at night when several strong knocks rap at your door.
It’s 9:20 when you decide to finally answer the door.
It’s 9:24 when you realize you’ve got a guest at the front door, the very same man who’s been making you question yourself and your whole life ever since coming to this country.
It’s 9:30 when you question to yourself why you let him in. You didn’t think it through, that much you’re sure of. How could you be when he’s thrown your heart all topsy-turvy and mushed it into goo?
Just looking at him from his back floods your mind and makes your heart race, something you hope you’re able to hide by what you hope is a face of indifference and calmness. You can see the tattoos peek out from his turtleneck, and you have to gulp down your nervousness.
The large mug of fruity tea you’ve poured has now chilled, the ice just barely clinking in the glass. You quickly open the cookie jar on the counter and shove two snickerdoodles in your mouth to stress-eat being prepared for what was coming next.
“I…” you begin, and embarrassingly realize you have to swallow the cookies to talk. “I wasn’t expecting you to… show up.”
Sukuna’s silent for a moment, then replies stoically, “Neither was I.”
You gaze at him longer than you intend to. Your attention is mostly on his tattoos, the little bits that are peeking out from the deep crimson of his form-fitting turtleneck. You watch him readjust the watch on his wrist, partially revealing the tattoo inked onto his wrist. To your surprise, Sukuna actually doesn’t like showing off his tats. He used to in his younger years; he’s still proud of them, but he isn’t as much into flaunting them to the world nowadays.
Sukuna’s deep voice cuts through the air. “Have you… gotten my gift?”
You bite your lower lip. You nod even though he can’t see you. “Yeah… If you mean the one involving my grandmother, then yes.”
“I do apologize if I crossed any lines doing such a thing,” he says. “But I don’t regret it.”
“I can imagine you don’t,” you reply, knowing full-well that him regretting anything was a very rare occurrence. “But… Why? Why would you do that? Go through such trouble to help me… and my family? Just… Why?”
His ginormous frame turns to face you to look into your eyes and answer with nothing short of honesty, “Because I want you to be cared for. I’ve seen happiness in your eyes and I want to keep you happy. I want to be the one making you happy.”
“Buying my love will only get you so far,” you say.
“I know. I want to do more for you. I want… to be more for you. Not just… this. Whatever we have going on,” Sukuna admits casually, crossing his burly arms over his chest. But he doesn’t make eye contact. In fact, he keeps his eyes to the floor, away from your gaze. “I know what I want, although I’m not quite sure how to describe everything I feel… when I’m with you and when I think about you. It’s… I know what it is, I’m pretty sure, but at the same time… I don’t.”
“It’s new for you,” you mumble. Surprisingly, he actually hears you and nods. He doesn’t lie. Not with you.
“I’ve been with many women over the years, all for the same reason. I’ve never felt like falling in love or that it would ever matter. I know lust, I know what comes with that. With you, it’s anything but. At first, yes. But your immediate rejection, you continuing to keep your distance from me and your distaste known made me stop and think.”
You raise your brows. “All it took was a girl with some strong boundaries to make you realize you can’t live off being just horny for then rest of your life?”
Sukuna laughs. He actually laughs. A bright smile crosses his handsome face as his shoulders shake with laughter. He tries to cover it up with a hand, but all it does it muffle it into loud chuckles. It takes a good couple minutes before his chuckles finally fall into a simple smile of amusement. That’s when you admit your own truths. If you were going to be hurt, you might as well get it over with.
“In a way,” Sukuna admits. And then he admits even more, opening his heart and putting it on his sleeve. “You’ve reminded me that there is more to life, that I can be genuinely happy beyond office walls and red light districts. You have made me remember what feeling excited, what being on my toes feels like. You make the air lighter… happier, every time I see you. You… I care for you.”
Sukuna’s last words of admission are watered-down and you both know it. Then again, he says he is new to these kinds of feelings. And at this point, you believe him. You wonder if he knows that you’re just like him — exactly the same: that you’re new to the feelings of love, what it means to be in love. It’s confusing, really. You’re not sure where to begin when it comes to saying the things that Sukuna has seemingly had no problem admitting to you. You can’t just say, “Ditto” and make out with him.
Well, you could, but that’s beside the point.
You swallow the frog in your throat and look at him. He isn’t looking at you but at the ground, almost like he’s unsure of himself.
“You’ve made yourself a cozy place inside me, too,” you speak softly. Your hands don’t leave the mug as you set it on the counter. “We’ve only known each other for barely half a year, you know? You make me wonder if what I’m feeling is love, most of the time. I enjoy you; I enjoy your company. I enjoy the thrill you bring into my life. I… enjoy how weightless you make the world feel. I… I like the thought of being… prioritized. I’m just… confused on whether or not these feelings are rooted in love or something else entirely.”
“And I apologize for making you feel that way,” he replies. “That isn’t my intention.”
You’re quick to your words before he can continue. “Don’t apologize. Please. It’s not your fault. I… I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know what love is or what it’s supposed to feel like. I’ve never been loved, and I’m not quite sure how to reciprocate it. I’m afraid I’ll fuck up. Say the wrong thing, not do something right.”
Sukuna’s brows furrow. “There is no right or wrong way to be in a relationship — just yourself.”
“I’ve heard that, just as much as I’ve heard otherwise.”
Silence fills your apartment. You tap your nails against the glass mug, little tinks! resounding. You can’t look at Sukuna now. Not after just admitting to having never been in a romantic relationship. Now, you must seem more of your age than you ever have in his eyes.
“Any insecurity you have is not invalid. I would never disrespect them,” Sukuna finally says, sheer conviction making you shiver.
The giant man stands to take his place not even a foot from you. Magnetism draws you to his face and you cannot look away. His hand comes up and brushes his large fingers across your cheek.
And like an open book, he reads you from the front cover to the very last word, reading off your exterior cover and the interior pages you’ve hidden away. “You’ve carved yourself from early maturity, into someone that your loved ones have needed you to be. You’ve never been able to truly be yourself, be free. You’ve always had to be the rock that everyone has needed, when no one has been for you. You desire to be loved, but not at the expense of heartbreak nor sacrificing the person you’ve molded yourself into for the people you love. You desire to be free above all else, not wanting to be loved unless there’s someone who can love you and give you your freedom at the same time.”
You gape, eyes almost as wide as saucers with your eyelids lined with burning tears. You dip your head and sniffle.
“I want that. I want that for you. I want to be the one to give that to you,” Sukuna continues. “The time we spent together not even a week ago, I want more of that. I no longer want to live the way I’ve been living. I want to live with you, do those kinds of things with you. That sounds corny as fuck coming from me of all people, but that’s the truth.”
You can’t help but laugh. His tone of exasperation at himself was just too funny not to.
“And what happens when you give me those things? Will you be done with me? Move on to the next person?” you ask. “Once you’ve played the part of the savior, won’t those feelings end?”
“I’ll never be done with you,” he answers instantaneously, like it was nothing short of law. “You’ve captivated me, all of me. I’ve already tried pulling myself away a multitude of times. But then one little word of anything about you and you’re all I think about for the rest of the day.”
You sniffle again and laugh. “Did you practice this? You sound like a poet.”
“I can be one if you’d like.” You giggle at that. It’s silly, but you feel like Sukuna would oblige you if you said yes. “But I mean it, every word.”
You nod and whisper, “I know you do.” Because it’s the truth. He’ll never not mean anything he says. Brutal honesty is apart of Sukuna.
The emptiness of your apartment is deafening, it’s silence almost palpable to the point where you feel like you might being to suffocate. But large, firm hands cup your cheeks and bring oxygen into your lungs again.
His hands are warm, so warm. The feeling of being touched like this, so intimately, makes all the blood flow to your cheeks to the point where you think you’ll overheat.
“May I kiss you?” he asks, tone quiet, voice deep and baritone that makes shivers roll up your spine. “At least once?”
You can’t help but bite into your lower lip. The suffocating feeling has returned, just for a different reason. But your instinct goes first — action taking the initiative over the brain — and you nod once more, mumbling out a small “yes” that you chastise yourself for being so meek.
Sukuna’s free arm wraps around your waist and gently pulls you to your tippy-toes. You’re running on instinct, one hand resting on his chest, the other circling behind his neck, eyelids slowly closing as he dives in for the kiss you’ve allowed. And when his hand cradles the back of your head, his lips meet yours, and you swear to everything from heaven to hell that you’re about to explode and die in this man’s arms.
Everything feels like it’s on fire… until it doesn’t. That fire slowly simmers down to a gentle flame, one that brings a sense of contentment.
Sukuna tilts his head, moving your lips and deepening the kiss. You allow it, and it feels like the kiss has sunk to a new depth of desire. Dare you even think or say it be devotion. His lips are warm and sweet on yours; his kiss isn’t one of urgency, but perhaps the desperation of longing. It’s not slow and controlling, not greedy. Whatever this kiss is and all the emotions contained within, you know it makes you at peace and content.
Everything feels perfect.
You both part for air, lips slow to disconnect. You can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed being so out of breath, but hearing the slight heaviness of breath coming from the large man makes you feel less awkward.
“Thought you said you hadn’t been in a relationship before?”
Your reply is breathless, “Never have.”
“Then you must be a naturally good kisser.”
That makes you laugh. You press your head to his chest and giggle away, to which you hear what you think is a chuckle from his throat.
It’s 11:20 at night by the time you look at the clock again. It’s too late for Sukuna to go home. That’s the excuse you use anyway. He’s seemingly more than happy to use the excuse right along with you to spend a night with you.
Come morning, however, things shift back to the way they were before: confusing and lonely. The couch was just as empty as the apartment. Under you was not Sukuna’s body, but a stack of pillows from your bedroom.
The note on the counter about being called in for an important meeting doesn’t do his absence justice either, instead sending every one of your walls back up, twice as high and just as thick as they were before.
Your phone dings with new messages. Utahime and Shoko, both of which declare they’re coming over to drag your ass out of your apartment to go shopping like you should’ve yesterday.
You text them back, telling them you’ll meet them at the mall, that you’re going to get ready and this time you aren’t going to miss out.
You don’t know what to do or what to think. You don’t know if one night of vulnerability means anything more than just being open with another human being. All you know is that you need a break, from yourself, your confusion, from life, and especially from Sukuna.
You need the clarity of a shopping trip and good friends for company, because your hopes for what’s coming next are getting far too high and you’re beginning to really fall in love with Sukuna Ryomen.
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taglist: (no longer adding)
@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri | @yuujispinkhair | @lilacliliess | @bub-ss
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san8ny · 5 months
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an: SFW with fluff, but there is some underlying hinting to Abby’s conflicting attraction to you; not an original trope obviously, so credit to the authors who’ve done this before.
It wasn't that serious.
'It wasn't that serious', is what they told themselves at first, as they looked at you, seemingly feeling like discarded toys a child leaves once they acquire a newer one— a better one
they were utterly absorbed in envy at how much she paid attention to you,
how she would call you over in the languid mornings, sun barely risen, to brush your tangled hair with a wooden-paddle while everyone else gets a headstart on their chores,
Or maybe, how she would click her tongue and swipe the pads of her thumbs across your sticky supple cheeks when you return from the trees during Maple Syrup season,
Abby Anderson truely had favorites, and it was clearly obvious who it was,
Though no one complained, she was growing seemingly aware at the odds you were becoming with your ranch counterparts,
“I just..god, it’s annoying, y’know?” you mutter to her, lifting your head up from where you lay in the grassy terrain, a small place you and Abby would relax in before attending to the crops, “Like, they weren’t always like this, Harriet was so much nicer and Opal actually use to talk to me.”
Abby hums, tying up her horse before easing herself onto the ground near where you lay, “I think you’re overthinking it.”
“You always say that.”
“Am I ever wrong?”
You smile as you drop your head back down, closing your eyes, “Kinda wish you were.”
Abby chuckles at your words before carefully lifting the brim of her hat and placing it on your face, providing shade to some degree, “Mm.”
After some quiet moments with the rustling of the trees and the Cicadas ticking amongst them, you find yourself peering up from the hat and staring at where Abby rests her eyes,
She had to have been one of the prettiest girls out there by far and the kindest ones,
Long dirty blonde hair, firm blue eyes that softened whenever she conversed with people to contradict her ‘tough guy’ persona, little dottings of freckles that would come and go—everything about her was pretty to you.
Albeit, you and her didn’t get along at first when you arrived on the ranch, but she warmed up to your willingness to befriend her in a way that didn’t feel like smooching, it was genuine.
it also, wasn’t far along the road where she would find herself falling for the very traits in you she previously found annoyance in,
the way you’d look at her in blatant confusion when she insults you with terms you’d never heard about as a city-dweller,
“I think i’d rather you call me a bitch or something..” you’d say with several blinks as she sizes you up,
Abby was humored with your presence around her, but it also gave her a sense of comfort.
You were soft around the edges the southern sun had wilted hers.
While you stare at her through the little peeking spot under the cowboy hat ridge, she cracks an eye open— “You have a staring problem.” She says, yawning as she turns onto her side to face you fully,
“Yuh-huh” She mocks, groaning as she stretches and sits up, “How long have we been here ‘gain?”
“10 minutes, i’d say? Give or take.” You shrug, copying her actions. The afternoon heat consumes you as you unbutton the top buttons of your flannel, “Not even June yet and it’s burning.”
Sorry, were you speaking?
Abby was too focused on watching the dribble of sweat traveling down your neck to the swell inbetween your tanktop-clad breasts,
“Abs?” You say in slight confusion when she doesn’t give you some small, likely smart-assed retort back.
Her eyes quickly flicker up to yours, blinking before shaking her head, “Y-yeah, yeah. Heat’s ‘jus getting to me too” She coughs out, “Let’s head on down to the roots.”
“Right.” You nod before standing up, “ I CALL DIBS ON THE TURNIPS!”
Abby groans as she watches you race towards your tethered stallions, “C’mon, those are my favorite!”
Though, when you’re not looking, she’s giving you the smallest of smiles,
How she would ever say she loves you romantically without ruining this relationship you both had tugs at her heart-strings,
but until then,
she was content with whatever you threw at her.
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'Til the Sky Burns
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21/12: Sunset & Orgasm Control - Tom Bennett Word Count: 1.9k~ | Warnings: p in v sex, edging, fingering, orgasm control, Tom being a bit of a prick (what's new) A/N: sorry this is kinda similar to the last one oops sue me
12 Days of Smuff Masterlist
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She's quiet, he notes, and fiddling with her hands like she's nervous. Her pumps click rhythmically with each step, the biting, winter cold slipping beneath their clothes. 
Tom is cocky, mean sometimes, but never usually cruel, like he is being now.
But he figures he should make her sweat a bit, wondering why he's acting the twat that he is, while her pretty little head whirs around with possibilities at why he might be angry with her.
Even he can admit to himself, it's a silly reason.
He'd been looking forward to seeing her for weeks. With every letter exchanged, every glance at her photo from the pocket of his uniform, he couldn't wait to touch her again, to breathe in her perfume and feel her warm body against his.
He'd remembered his words to her before left.
"I could stay here, between your pretty thighs, all day love."
She had rolled her eyes, and told him that she was more than willing to let him try.
And after hours of grueling travel, crossing waters and land to see her, the first thing he saw when he stepped off the train to the platform was her talking to someone else.
To the twat down the road no less, who for one couldn't take no for an answer, and secondly, had been discharged from service on bullshit medical grounds, in reality too much of a coward to face real war.
Not that Tom could compare, he'd picked the Navy as a way of distancing himself as much as possible. But he didn't say he was perfect.
He remembered watching her for a good few seconds. It was midday, but she'd made the effort and dressed up all pretty, done her hair, to make herself look good to meet him off the train.
And he had to admit, she did look absolutely gorgeous, just as he'd remembered.
But there was a rancid taste in his mouth left over as he narrowed his eyes at them as they talked. She was clearly uncomfortable, but forced a smile to her face out of sheer politeness. And everytime he reached out to touch her arm, she took a baby step back.
Even that wasn't enough to pull him out of his now foul mood.
She smiled and nodded, grimacing as she stepped away from him and turned suddenly to see Tom, the man she had come to see, a smile lifting to her face in relief.
To be met with Tom's expression, stoic and seething, had her face fall. 
She knew that look well enough.
So he walked with her silently to her flat on the edge of town, the usual few minutes stretching into an eternity. She's stuffed her hands in her pockets, eyes downcast, as if she was wondering what she'd done to upset him but dare not ask yet.
At least until they were in the comfort of her flat.
The warm wall hit Tom as he entered her living room with a deep sigh. Through his annoyance, the familiar smell of her had his chest all tight, but was much too proud to even break his mood.
He shucked his bag onto the floor, bending to sit at the dining table, his hat scrunched tight in one fist.
Tom watched her as she pulled her coat off, able now to see the dress she'd picked. His favourite one of hers. 
It almost made him feel bad, being this much of a twat when he saw how much effort she'd put into looking nice for him so eagerly.
“Tea?” She asks, raising her gaze briefly to him. And when all he gives is a curt nod, she sighs softly and puts the kettle on the stove, lighting the gas and waiting.
Any second now, he thinks, his finger tapping on the wood surface of the table, leg bouncing impatiently.
“Have I done something?” She asks, so quietly and kindly that it nearly, nearly breaks him. Makes him want to rip all her clothes off and let her know who she belongs to, after all his time at sea, the idea is all the more tempting.
His jaw tightens, “Don't know what you mean.”
“I think you do, Tom. You've not said a word to me. Come on, please.”
He sighs. It's a mistake looking at her. She gives him those eyes.
When he stands, she is reminded of his sheer size, his height, the broadness of his shoulders all but accentuated by the boxy uniform he wears. The early afternoon sun pours through the single glazing onto one side of his face, in such an amber glow that one might expect it to be setting already. 
The winter sun looked good on Tom Bennett’s lazy stubble that coated his chiselled jawline.
She swallowed over the lump in her throat as he leaned over her, using his arms either side of her to cage her in against the kitchen counter. His usual mischief in his blue eyes is all but gone, and he bites his lip in annoyance, making the muscle of his jaw twitch.
“You get all nice and dressed up for him, hm?”
Her wide-eyed, terrified expression was too fucking adorable, he nearly let a smirk slip by.
He scoffed quietly, “That prick on the platform you were talking to so eagerly.”
He knew it was a lie, but it was too tempting to tease her. Knowing she’d flounder.
“What on earth are you-”
“Trying to impress him, are ya?” Tom was only human, and at the thought he was flustering her, he grinned.
“Tom, I was just being nice!”
He scoffed, showing his teeth as he smiled, “bit over the top though, wasn't it love?”
“What do you want me to do? Bat away every man who speaks to me?”
“That'd be a start, yeah.”
“See, now you're just being-” she started, but was swiftly interrupted with Tom surging forwards to her, his chest bumping against hers, his lips parting hers with ease and sliding his tongue against hers. 
His motions were quick and calculated, one hand grabbing her waist, while the other worked swiftly to pull the hem of her dress up, his two long, slender fingers stealing between her thighs to feel how aroused she was.
He was pleased at what he found.
“Miss me, did ya?”
He saw her grip on the counter behind her tighten as he teased her through the thin fabric that separated their flesh.
Months and months of separation was pouring out of him into his actions on her.
She shook her head at him with a smile, breathing elevating by the second as his deft fingers slid down the front of her underwear, “you're such a-”
“Hm?” He smirked, sinking two of his fingers into her warm agonisingly slowly, curving upwards towards the top of her walls to massage that spot he knew so well.
He didn't need her to finish the sentence. He knew he was a cheeky bastard.
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Tom was never one for soft touches, gentle kisses or words of utter devotion. Usually, anyway. He was much too proud for that. 
He showed his possessiveness over her in many different ways. With a quirk of his lips, the grip of his fingers on her thigh and with incessant and brutal lovemaking.
Time slid by slowly after they'd returned to her flat, all of their actions drunkenly merging into one long moment of heavy breaths and their skin pressing against each other hotly.
Tom was quite impressed he'd managed to stay between her legs for hours, all without giving her the luxury of an orgasm.
It felt cruel doing it. But he was, in his own way, punishing her.
He held his hands against either side of her waist, shallowly pushing his hips against her backside with a lazy, languid pace. Hitting her sweet spot, but at the same time, lacking the intensity for it to really build into anything.
Her curls had fallen into waves with the exertion of the past few hours, and she was tired, her cheeks all flushed both with exhaustion, and all's frustration at being denied what she really wanted.
Her grip was tight on the windowsill in front of her, the winter sun almost touching the horizon.
“Christ, if anyone walked by right now, love.” He smirked, his thumbs sitting in the dimples above her backside, looking down between them at the way his length was slick with her arousal between rapid thrusts.
He nearly lost it when her walls fluttered around him, nearly sending him over the edge as well. The idea of anyone walking by the window, despite being on the first floor, was still exciting.
“Tom, please…” 
“Ah, you'd like that, would ya?” He asked lowly, leaning over her and whispering against the shell of her ear, “who knew you were such a dirty girl, hm?”
He heard and felt the telltale signs she was close again. She inadvertently tightened around him, her breaths coming all quick and her voice strained.
“Tommy…” she whimpered, turning slightly to try and capture his lips, groaning in frustration as he pulled away with a smug smile.
“Stop whinging, now. Sun's not set yet.”
She opened her bleary eyes to the horizon. The sun, annoyingly, had only just touched the skyline. And the repeated feeling of Tom stretching and filling her impossibly was beginning to crest without effort.
She moaned as Tom's full lips parted and bit at her neck, “If he could see you now. Fucking soaked and eager for me.”
Humiliation burned in her blood with every word he said, his pace never faltering even once. She wondered, briefly, how Tom was able to go on this long. But he was pent up and enjoying watching her teeter on the precipice of falling apart.
And it was just too tempting for him to even think about stopping.
Tom glanced up though, and saw the sun was slowly beginning to set, agonisingly slow, and a smirk split across his face.
His hand made its way around her face, gently pulling her face up to the amber glow of the sunset, “come on then, love. Let go for me.”
Tom delighted in the reaction he got from her, her whole body wracked with pleasure. All at once, heat flooded her limbs, making them tremble, and the sheer sound she lets out is enough in itself to make Tom fall apart right after her. 
But it's her tightening around him that gets him in the end.
His face contorts as the pleasure burns in his veins, pulling out of her quickly, his dog tag necklace feels cool to the touch against his bare chest as he breathes, fisting his length and letting a shuddered groan slip as he paints the soft skin of her backside with his release.
If it feels like this for him, having been close to orgasm for hours, he can't imagine how it feels for her.
He pulls her up against his chest, his lips leaving lazy, open-mouthed kisses on her neck as their breaths and hearts slowly return to normal.
“You're not angry?...”, she managed between laboured breaths.
Tom chuckled lightly, his breath running hot over her neck, “Don't fret, love. I was only pulling ya leg.”
She smacked his arm playfully, both of them looking out onto the sky as the setting sun set it alight briefly before the darkness chased it away.
“You're a cheeky bastard, Tom Bennett.” She mused softly, in a way which made it clear she was smiling.
He tightened his arms around her, resting his chin on the crown of her head, “tell me something I don't know, darlin’.”
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian @randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @virtualsweetsqueen @watercolorskyy @fan-goddess
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jeansplaytoy · 11 months
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥
part four
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conniexreader, weed smoking, mentions of a toxic relationship, mentions of cheating, connie and you expressing your feelings (not committing to a relationship.)
sorry i took so longgg i was lowkey planning out what was gon happen in this part. hope u like it.
⇦ part three here | part five here ⇨
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you texted mikasa a few minutes before you left with connie, just incase he was tryna kill you or something. you sighed and put your phone down, looking at him as he drove you to his place, which was your choice for some reason.
“you promise you ain’t just tryna get in my panties and keep me around?” you raised an eyebrow. “shit not unless you want me to.” connie averted his focus to you for a second before looking back at the road. “you do know i got niggas that’ll kill to get me back if you kidnap me, right? full on shooters. you know my brother? he’ll pop somebody in they shit if they fuck wit me.” you looked out the window.
connie chuckled and looked at you. “you must don’t know who i am.”
“we just met a couple days ago, so no.” you rolled your eyes, checking your phone. “ion know why you keep worrying bout me kidnapping you and shit. ian like that. and sasha my home girl. can’t do her like that.” he pursed his lips together while staring at the road.
“you know sasha?” you looked at him with a confused expression.
as he finally pulled into his neighborhood, and his driveway, he nodded slowly. “yeah. we been friends for a long time. i know you know her, she can’t stop talkin bout yo ass.” he mumbled before putting the car in park and turning it off.
you both got out and you hummed. “okay. i guess i trust you.” you muttered, following him to the door. he unlocked his house door with his key and opened it, letting you in first. his place was nice, actually. smelled good, it was clean. you were kind of surprised, considering he was kind of reckless from the previous assumptions about him.
“so you livin luxury.” you mumbled. connie frowned and shook his head. “hell naw. this shit get boring after awhile.” he said before walking towards the stairs. “if you hungry, get sumn to eat. make yoself at home or whatever.” he waved you off, making you smack your lips with a small smile. “you must think you got me or sum.” you muttered before walking to the kitchen. you wasn’t really hungry, and you was still kinda in a mood from that fight.
you walked to the livingroom, taking your shoes off as you passed by the front door. it was a little embarrassing cus why was you at this nigga house right now? but he ain’t seem like that much of a threat. not to you.
but waiting for him to come back downstairs seemed like an eternal wait, because you aint even know if you should turn the tv on or not. you licked the inside of your cheek while glancing around, finally hearing connie come back downstairs.
you looked back to see him and he looked at you. “what, you shamed or sum?”
“yes because ion know what to do.” you laughed a little. connie clicked his tongue with a smile. “come on, we can go to my room.” he said, walking back upstairs. you quickly followed him.
when you entered his room, you looked around. there were some posters of pinup girls, a glowing fish tank, random colors everywhere. seemed like a good place to get high. his bed was lazily made up. there was a lava lamp on his night stand and an ashtray near it. his tv was on netflix, nothing playing.
you smiled a little at how the room looked, despite being a little dark, there were a lot of colors. “so you just be vibin?” you asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. connie smacked his lips and laughed a little. “man, i only like this room when i’m high.” he mumbled, pulling the ziplock bag out of his hoodie pocket, tossing it to you before taking his hoodie off.
you hummed, opening the bag and grabbing a blunt. when connie sat back on his bed, he glanced at you. “you still ain’t comfortable? damn. woulda thought you’d be feelin yoself by now.” he mumbled, tossing you a lighter.
you rolled your eyes. “you still random. ion even know why i’m here.” you muttered, lighting the blunt before taking a long drag and exhaling slowly, turning yourself around and laying across his bed.
you passed the blunt to him and he took it, his gaze remaining on you as you hit it.
“so you really don’t like hoes? like… for real? cus the way you was treating that other girl…” you trailed off as connie took another hit and passed it back to you. “man. ion fuck wit girls like that. not in a bad way, you know i fuck witchu. but relationship wise? shit got weak.” he muttered. you raised your eyebrows, taking a hit before exhaling and sitting up.
“so you just don’t trust girls no more?” you tilted your head, rubbing your lipgloss together on your lips. connie glanced at your lips before slowly shaking his head, looking back at you. “i mean... they ight. i trust girls, but ion wanna fuck wit em like that. cus every time i do it’s a different story and ion even wanna hear that shit.” he shrugged, passing the blunt back to you.
you took a hit, a long one, feeling your eyes start to get low, and your eyelids heavy. you closed your eyes as you exhaled. “you trust me?”
as you started into each others eyes for a few seconds, connie slowly nodded, looking back and forth from both of your eyes. “you ain’t that bad. i guess i trust you. ion know tho.” he bit his lip while grabbing the blunt from your fingers.
“why youn got no boyfriend?” he frowned, sitting up a little. “don’t even ask about it. niggas be weird these days and they don’t do nothing but run the streets and cheat. ian wit that.” you shook your head.
“what yo last man do?”
“shit, just enough to make me never wanna fuck wit anybody else. he cheated, acted like i was cheating, got hoes numbers, threw shit around the house when i ain feel like talking to him, nigga even hid my car keys so i wouldn’t go nowhere. i was done wit em as soon as that shit happened.”
connie smacked his lips and put the blunt out in the ashtray. “you was done wit him. that don’t mean you can’t try to fuck wit nobody else. i know you can.” he scanned almost your whole body. you raised your eyebrows. “do you talk to any girl like this? or just the ones you like.”
“the ones i want to myself for a while. shit, basically just you.” he smiled a little.
“i can’t even commit so how you expect me to be here for even a while.” you tilted your head with a soft smile.
“me either. that don’t mean we can’t have fun just for now.”
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taglist: @yurmomsawh0r @sinsensual1
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mncxbe · 1 year
I just had a cute Idea, How do you think Yosano, Tecchou, and Jouno (and anyone else you want to hehe) react to a child genuinely complimenting them? That would be so cute ngl-
Omg yes this would be so cute. Enjoy♡♡
Side note: ik Jouno can't see but I included descriptions for literary purposes😌🤝🏻
You think... I'm pretty?
𝑻𝒆𝒕𝒄𝒉ō, 𝑱𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒐, 𝒀𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒐
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: slice of life/ silly♡
so let's assume a kid bumps into him on the street and then they engage in a staring contest (he defo would you cannot me convince me otherwise)
then the kid compliments his hair or points out how tall he is or something
at first he's there like 😐 but then that sweet smile of his makes its way to his lips and omg he's so happy
probably thanks the kid tbh
compliments them back and he's so sweet fr; just protect him
Tecchou's eyes narrowed as he carefully observed the colony of ants that crawled its way on the edge of the sidewalk; along the stretch of shade provided by the nearby building.
'Interesting...' he thought to himself 'So they purposefully avoid walking in the sun.'
His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by a sudden nudge on his side.
"Ouch" voiced a little girl as she pressed a hand to her forehead "Why are you sitting in the middle of the road and woah! Is that a tattoo? It looks so pretty"
For a moment Tecchou's face remained expressionless. He simply held the girl's gaze, trying to make sense of her words. And then it hit him: the cherry petal marks on his face. He gently traced his fingertips over the markings, a warm smile rising to his lips.
"Oh thank you" he beamed, looking at the child.
The girl blushed furiously and stuttered for a moment before turning on her heels and running away, leaving Tecchou alone. He frowned, seemingly unaware of why the kid reacted in such a manner.
Just then Jouno walked out of the building and smacked him over the head.
"Why are you crouching, idiot?" he asked in an annoyed voice "Don't you have work to do?"
Tecchou rose to his feet, still gazing in the direction where the young girl left.
"Say, Jouno. Am I scary?"
"What the hell do you mean by that? Of course not"
"Then why did the girl run away?"
Jouno took notice of the hint of sadness and worry in his colleague's voice and raised a brow "What girl?"
"The girl. She said my marks looked pretty" he said, pointing at his face.
Jouno only scoffed "She was just a kid right? Stop wasting time and let's get back to work"
With that Jouno began walking down the street, snaking through the sea of people; Tecchou following close by. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get the kid's words out of his mind. Were his markings really that cool? He always saw them as a part of himself, like his hair or nails, not some adornment, but apparently they were something beautiful, something that made people smile. And that was enough to make Tecchou smile too.
we all know he's high on praise already, although I feel like he has a hard time accepting it
appreciates any compliment he gets but when its from children or elderly people it kinda hits different
he tries not to smile, really tries to but inside he's melting
gently pats the child on the crown of his head
The white haired man wiped the blood off his sword with a swift movement; there was a certain grace to this motion that only came from practice.
"Lowly scum" he mumbled under his breath "Really thought he could steal that woman's purse."
Suddenly, a gentle tug on his crimson cape caused him turn around and face a young boy, who didn't seem older than eleven years of age. The kid's gaze was filled with adoration, chocolate brown eyes glimmering with joy and a wide smile stretching his lips.
"Sir if I may..." he began in a hesitant tone "You're so cool. The way you slashed that man was insane!"
The boy spoke with such fervour, mimicking the blade of Jouno's sword with one of his frail arms. "I wanna be just like you when I grow up"
For a brief moment memories from Jouno's dark past resurfaced in his mind. How could this kid say such things? He doesn't know what a cruel person he was and the despicable things he had done and yet... Maybe he had actually changed since he joined the Hunting Dogs, maybe he was a now a better person; worthy of appreciation.
A warm smile tug at the corners of Jouno's lips as he placed a hand on the boy's head and ruffled his chestnut hair.
"Then make sure to stay out of trouble and work hard, kid." he said with a gentleness that surprised even Jouno himself.
The boy nodded eagerly before a woman's voice called out his name.
"Coming mom!" he replied happily, waving the white haired man goodbye. "You'll see how great I'll become sir. Just like you" added the kid as he made his way towards a middle-aged woman carrying a bag of groceries. He took her free hand and soon the two of them got lost in the sea of people swarming around the shopping centre.
Jouno took a deep breath, attempting to push down the rush of emotions that bubbled up inside him. This was all he needed: confirmation that he was doing something good, that his hard work actually paid off and his actions didn't go unnoticed.
Turning on his heels, the man walked towards the revolving doors and out of the mall, heart swelling with pride.
she's so happy honestly
knows that little kids are super honest so they mean what they say
depending on the mood she's in she may ruffle the kid's hair a little, affectionately of course
she would remember that moment for such a long time and always go back to it when she's feeling down
"Wow mommy look. She's so pretty!"
Yosano stopped dead in her tracks upon hearing these words. On her right, a little girl pointed one of her little fingers in her direction; her other hand was clutching the summer coat of an older woman.
"You're so pretty miss" said the girl again in the same cheerful voice.
"Oh, Hira. Don't say such things so strangers!" scolded her mother as she bowed deeply. "I'm sorry miss. My daughter is at that age, I'm sure you understand."
A gleeful smile rose to Yosano's lips as she shook her hand dismissively.
"Oh it's quite alright ma'am, I don't mind it at all. She's adorable."
The little girl beamed, her face turning a faint shade of red. Just then a train pulled on their platform and the woman grabbed her daughter's wrist gently and pulled her towards the opening doors; before they left, Yosano overheard the kid asking her mother if she could get her hair cut like her.
The doctor watched the sliding doors of the speed train close, blocking her vision of the girl. Her heart fluttered from happiness. As someone who never actually had a woman to look up to as a kid, she was thrilled to play that role in someone else's life. Combing a hand through her charcoal hair, her fingers lingered upon the golden butterfly clip; a comforting reminder of her past.
Soon after the arrival of her train was announced by a static voice that echoed through the entire underground station. Sweet memories of this day are still living in the back of her mind.
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asbealthgn · 2 years
okay I keep seeing posts about steve dying in season 5 and I simply do not claim that energy BUT it got me thinking about what would happen if he did? and uuuh this lil baby ficlet about steve and eddie in the afterlife happened
Steve opens his eyes and there’s no monsters, no Upside Down, no Robin or Nancy or Dustin. There’s just the soft sound of water lapping against wooden boards, filtered afternoon light, and the dusty interior of Reefer Rick’s boathouse.
The hell?
“Good to see you again, Harrington.”
Steve sits up so fast that he would normally see stars at the edges of his vision. Guess being dead means that doesn’t happen anymore. Eddie Munson is leaning back against the wall, smoking a cigarette and grinning at him.
“What are—why—” Steve takes a breath and tries to gather his thoughts, because there are too many questions swirling around his head that he wants to ask. “Why am I here?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows. “Here, like, in the afterlife?” he asks, “I hate to break it to you, man, but you kinda died.”
“Yeah, no, I got that,” Steve says, “I mean, why here? In the boathouse?” If the afterlife is just this shitty little wooden structure he’s gonna be so mad.
But Eddie just shrugs. “Your guess is as good as mine, dude,” he says, “When I kicked it, I woke up in my chair at Hellfire. I think it’s supposed to be some place that was significant to you before you died.”
Significant. What’s significant about this place over any other place in Steve’s life? Unless… No. That’s ridiculous. 
“Was anyone there?” Steve asked. 
Eddie gets a sort of sad look on his face. “My mom,” he says, “She died when I was little.” But then his face brightens again. “She’s here! Not, like, here, in this moment, but around. I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t think I’d ever see her again.”
“That’s really nice,” Steve says. He wonders how it happened that Eddie is his welcome wagon to the Great Beyond. Probably because the only people Steve’s really lost have been distant family he never knew that well. Eddie was the first person whose death cut him right to the core. 
Eddie pushes off the wall and crosses over to Steve, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of him. “It’s so weird to talk about her,” Eddie says, “Because I’m so used to being sad about her being dead. But now so am I, and I’m getting to see her.”
“Where did your mom wake up, when she died?” Steve asks, wondering if maybe that’s too nosy of a question. 
“She said it was the little café down the road from our old apartment,” Eddie says. “She always loved it ‘cause it got so much sun.”
The image makes Steve smile. He imagines Eddie sitting on a woman’s lap in a big, sunny window, watching people pass by outside. “So is that what the afterlife is?” he asks, “Just a whole bunch of places from our lives?”
Eddie shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m still trying to figure it all out,” he says, “I haven’t been dead that long, and anyway, time is funny here. I’ve explored a little, but there’s a lot to see. Mainly I’m trying to find some door that’ll let me go back to earth, because there are some people I would love to haunt the shit out of.”
Steve laughs. He could get behind that. Eddie reaches out and pokes him in the knee.
“So what makes the boathouse significant to you?” he asks, “I’ll be honest, I figured it would be, like, your house or something. I didn’t think you even knew Reefer Rick.”
“No, I didn’t,” Steve says, “The only time I’ve ever been here were those couple times with you.”
“So why…?” Eddie raises his eyebrows, waiting for some sort of explanation that would make Steve waking up in the afterlife in a place he’d spent a grand total of maybe two hours in make sense. 
The only answer Steve can come up with is pretty embarrassing. He lets his eyes drift to the wall, the spot where Eddie had him pinned with that broken bottle. With everything else going on, he’d barely even had time to acknowledge that all of that had made him feel some very confusing things, because they had to rush off and help Max and kill Vecna and then try to kill him again when the first time didn’t stick. Steve hadn’t taken the time to muddle through why he felt so much every time Eddie grinned at him or touched him or called him big boy. Then Eddie had died, and it didn’t matter anyway, because nothing could ever become of it. 
Except now Steve’s dead too. And Eddie’s here.
“Uh,” Steve says, stalling for time. Eddie follows his gaze over to the wall and then looks back at Steve.
“What’re you lookin’ at, big boy?” he asks. 
And fuck, who knew blushing was possible in the afterlife? Steve meets Eddie’s eyes that are so dark in the shadows of the boathouse but that he’s seen glow gold in the sunlight. Something crosses over Eddie’s face and it’s like he knows what Steve’s thinking. He opens his mouth and starts to speak. “Steve—”
“D’you wanna go out sometime?” Steve blurts. He’s already dead; might as well take some risks, right?
Eddie laughs and Steve doesn’t know if it’s a good laugh or a bad laugh. But then he reaches out and takes Steve’s hand. “Yeah, I do,” he says, “I’ll be honest, I haven’t really come across any good date spots in the afterlife yet, but I’m sure they’re out there.”
Steve stands, pulling Eddie up with him. He looks at Eddie’s face, his eyes that are sparkling even in the shadows, his smile that has been so inviting from the very first second Steve saw it. “Bet we can find something,” he murmurs.
Grinning, Eddie pulls him over to the door and grabs the handle. “C’mon then, big boy,” he says, “Let’s explore.”
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cleyellow-wood · 2 years
a/n: ready to love by seventeen lyrics inspired <3 also i love lee minho soooo much it’s kinda crazy. set in idol!verse. with gn!reader. first meets and fluff included.
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[10:43 AM]
minho meets you completely by accident.
there’s a traffic jam on his way to the jyp building, and there’s a huge summer downpour as custom in korea during the summer, and he’s sitting in his black car, observing the weather drearily. he’s accustomed to the rain, but watching the normally bright sunny days turn into grey messes because of the humidity has him scowling to himself. the car rolls into movement, tires sloshing against the growing tides, and he’s pretty sure when he leaves the building, there’s a high chance the roads won’t be safe.
pulling to a stop, he thanks the driver and grabs his bag, popping open his umbrella before he steps into the thunderous rain. it splatters against his umbrella, and he blinks, trying to psyche himself up for the day. it’s not an early start, but last night’s rehearsal ran late, and he still feels the effects of it. maybe he went a little overboard. 
heading along the hedge wall, his eyes lift lazily to scan the sidewalk. there’s no one understandably occupying the pavement, and he reaches into his pocket for his ID when something catches his interest and stalls him.
his boots skid against the wet pavement, and his stance widens at the stranger crouched right in front of the entrance. the whole purpose of this side door was so that no fans could crowd them or even spot them moving in and out of their building. annoyance bottling up in him, minho glances back at the car. the driver is waiting for him to safely go into the building before driving off, but with this person here, he wonders whether or not to go back in. 
visibility is at an all time low and his body is blocking most of this person just crouching in front of him, so minho doesn’t think the driver’s noticed that there’s a reason he’s hesitating, and in the back of his mind, he knows that he should run back. he can barely hear his own thoughts, much less his voice, so he doubts if he shouts that the driver would hear him. 
the stranger isn’t aware, so he could get the jump. they’re wearing a grey rain coat that’s doing its best against this storm, hood pulled over. plus, they’re not exactly moving at the sound of his car arriving.
he can probably defend himself if it comes to it, too, he rationalizes. and he knows full well chan will chastise him for that thought if he ever voiced it out loud.
pulse fighting to remain steady, minho tightens his grip on his umbrella, and clears his throat.
“what are you doing?” he asks plainly, voice bordering on a shout, and he curses himself when the person doesn’t immediately turn around. “you know, you’re not allowed to loiter outside of this building,” he continues, stepping closer, and his lungs collide with his pounding heart just as the stranger stands up and turns around. your eyes lift to meet his in a flash of surprise, but he’s surprised you can even pinpoint his gaze through your hood, his umbrella, and the pellets of water causing mist to rise around them.
“am i trespassing?” you ask meekly, your arms curling protectively over your chest, and his eyes fall there to see a speck of black against your grey rain jacket. frowning, minho’s eyes lift to you again and his question is clear enough. “i found her hiding under the bushes. she wouldn’t stop mewing.”
he steps closer, and the black speck in the crook of your arm begins to squirm as you rub its head with a shaking finger. the umbrella cuts through the rain and when it just barely edges on covering you, minho can make out the soaked kitten trying to find shelter in your arms.
“sorry if it seemed like i was loitering,” you say, bowing your head. rain water slips down your hood like a constant stream. “i’ll leave.” you move to step aside to make room for him, but minho’s hand shoots out into the rain, and their air is humid around his sweaty fingers as he grabs your elbow.
you freeze. minho freezes. he wants to chop his hand off at the wrist for getting wet, and your elbow tugs faintly in his grip as you turn.
his fingers spring off of you and he looks at the door, jaw clenching. “come inside. that cat needs to get dry right away.”
your frown is evident in your voice. “are you sure?”
aren’t you drenched too? he wants to ask, but he remains silent except a simple, “i’m sure.” 
you nod without further argument which surprises minho considering he’s nothing but a stranger. you turn to him, and follow him into the company building.
no one says much at his companion as he heads to division one’s floor, the staff greeting him. a visitor’s pass hangs around your neck, and you finger it nervously as minho focuses on getting them to an empty room, stopping to grab some towels at nearby bathroom, and generally making sure no one notices you’re in here. you on the other hand, have unzipped your jacket in favour of holding the kitten to your chest and drying her off as much as you can with your sleeve. 
you don’t speak much, though he hears you speak gently to the kitten who mews when you wipe at its tiny head, and he turns back to watch. you’re entirely enchanted by the tiny thing, using your finger covered by your sleeve to gently rub the kit’s chin.
minho doesn’t know what to say, so he just turns around. he can’t deny his heart is racing, but he’s not sure if it’s because this is a technically unauthorized visitor or because that image was so fucking tender he’d be evil not to melt even a little bit.
sending a text to the members that he’ll be late because of something that popped up, minho finds an empty dance studio which he checks is unbooked for the day, and opens the door, letting you head in first. 
“take off your boots,” he says. you nod, doing so before you head to the centre of the floor, planting a hand down on the spring wood.
closing the door, minho sheds his jacket and props up his umbrella, unlacing his own boots before he joins you, setting the towels down. you grab one from him, immediately using it to gently rub the kitten’s body and the black little baby stretches, claws extending in a loud yawn.
minho smiles. “was she by herself?”
“i think so. i want to look after for a mom or siblings,” you explain. you look at him, and minho’s struck by the first clear view of your face. lips parted, he looks at where the rain is just beginning to dry from your still-glistening skin. you seem to notice, immediately brushing at your face with a hand. “i’m sorry. i was caught out for a while trying to get this girl to come out.”
“it’s fine. take off your jacket. it’s doing more harm than good to you right now,” he says. “i don’t think i caught your name.”
“(name).” bundling up the kitten, you hold her to your chest as you dip your head. “and you?”
“lee minho. or lee know, if you prefer.”
“ah. stray kids?”
“you know of me?”
“who doesn’t? i thought i recognized your voice,” you admit, even though you don’t look at him, “and then you got into the jyp building, so i mostly guessed it would be you.”
“is that why you trusted a strange man?” he asks, smiling faintly, and you glance up at him, eyebrows knitting together.
“i don’t know. the kitten might not have made it until i got home. so, more of a gamble than trust, i think. plus it’s a corporate building with security cameras.”
“in the middle of a storm.”
“i guess that’s true.” the kitten begs for your attention again and your gaze falls away from for a brief moment. your finger stretches out to pat her head, and you let out a soft laugh. “i wanted to get her some cat food, but—“
“i have some.” shooting to his feet, minho goes to the bag he left by the door, and digs through it.
“why do you have…“
“i’m a cat person,” he cuts you off. “i have three cats, and sometimes run into them on my way to work, so i brought them just in case.”
“oh, i remember.” a beat. minho tries to ignore the way his heart is banging against his lungs. “your cats are cute.”
“have you seen them?”
you nod, humming. he finds the tubes he was looking for and returns back to you. he hands one to you, and you set the warm bundle of fur onto the floor. the kitten rolls out of its towel confines and starts to toddle over to minho, who lowers his head, stretching a hand to continue to tempt the cute thing towards him. she’s entirely black except for just a smudge of white covering her back right paw, and a pink nose, and her eyes are so huge, glittering in the studio light that he has to fight the urge not to lower himself to her level and let her climb all over his face.
wiping your hands on your shirt to warm them up your hair, wet, drips onto the floor. you tear open the package as minho wraps the baby up again and sets her in the crook of his leg, tiny paws batting at his index finger. 
it entertains her enough that he can give himself time to look at you. you’re shivering despite the heat, and you don’t look entirely present. although you move fine, your chest is fluttering as if you’re trying to hold back the effects the chill is having on you from being wet in an air-conditioned room. otherwise, he’s sure you’d be a bit more in awe over the fact that you’re in high security building.
though, minho thinks, you could just be very well adjusted. he doesn’t know you, after all.
but what small part of him wants to? and why does it grow bigger as you look up, rubbing the rain water from your brow and searching for the kitten only to find her in his lap? why does it swell when minho is faced with the entirety of your expression—soft, tender, vulnerable?
“give it to me,” he instructs, clearing his throat and shaking the thoughts from his head. “you should get dry yourself.” you glance at him for a moment before handing over the open tube and getting up to hang your jacket, minho makes sure the kitten’s eating before looking up to check on you, and he lets out a soft sigh when he realizes what you’re doing. over the soft noises of a hungry baby eating, you’re picking at your pants that have stuck to your legs, and a distasteful expression has taken over. your eyes dart to him in the mirror and you spin around when you notice him staring.
he surprises himself when he speaks again: “get my bag for me?” 
you frown, nodding, before going to do as he asked, setting it down beside him, and he silently gestures for you to take over feeding the kitten who’s standing upright, chin tilted up to continue licking at the seam ripped open in the tube of cat food. you crouch down beside him just as minho turns to unzip his bag. besides his laptop, notebooks, and other things, he finds the extra pair of sweats he brings just in case of emergency, and flaps them out before handing them to you, rubbing at his nose to avoid looking at you.
“huh?” “change into these. i won’t look.”
“what?“ “just don’t sit around in wet pants. it’s uncomfortable for everyone.”
“you’re bossy,” you tell him flatly, but your lips begin to curl when you snatch them from him.
“i’ve heard that before,” he answers, just as plain, but he, too, can’t help it. your smile is damn infectious, and he thinks he’s getting sicker by the second.
you retreat to a far corner with a towel, and minho turns his back to the mirror, spreading his legs into a V. the kitten grows bored of eating pretty fast, and starts trying to climb his leg.
“why were you out in a storm by yourself?” he asks suddenly, cupping the side of his thigh just in case the black cat loses its balance.
“the last time i was walking this way, i heard the kittens, and with the storm warning, i wanted to make sure they were okay,” you tell him, huffing. “i came by to make sure they found shelter, so i waited until the rain started, but then i heard her yelling for help, so i stayed.”
“how long were you out there?”
“not too long. forty-five minutes, maybe?”
“forty-five minutes?” 
a shadow falls over and he peers over his shoulder to glare at you standing there, a towel draped around your shoulders to catch the remaining wet from your hair.
“she’s just a baby. i couldn’t leave her there,” you retort defensively. you sit down, crossing your legs, and minho fights the urge to give you a lecture on the effects of staying out in the rain for such a long time but he knows you don’t need it. you pick at the black fabric of his sweatpants lamely, mutter out thanks, and feel a bit miserable. that’s reminder enough.
“i don’t follow too much these days because of work, but i watched your debut with stray kids,” you say just for the sake of making conversation. minho blinks. turning to look at you. “and that one interview when you were a kid and you said you wanted to be a singer. i think you’re one of the most talented people out there, and you’re very kind to let me in here. you didn’t have to do that.”
immediately, heat rises in his face at the clip he can see so clearly in his mind. the one the boys relentlessly teased him about. you try to fight your own smile when you look at him, but he doesn’t know whether or not it’s because you’re thinking about it, too, or because you just smile at him because it’s him.
it doesn’t matter. minho wants to wipe that smile off your face just to be safe.
but he doesn’t know how and he wants to so badly.
just as he opens his mouth to try, there’s a knock on the door and the smile vanishes from your face. it cracks open, and minho turns around to see changbin poke his head in, frowning. his eyes sweep the mirror before he pinpoints who he’s looking for, and he steps inside.
“hey. chan hyung sent me to find you to make sure you’re alright,” he explains. “some of the staff said they saw you with someone so i thought it was an emergency.” at this, the new arrival’s eyes drift to you wearing pants obviously not quite fitting right, and changbin’s eyebrows knit together, lips pursing thoughtfully. “who are you?”
“someone i met,” he answers just as you quickly reply, “no one.”
minho turns to stare at you, raising an eyebrow in silent question and you shake your head, eyes dipping meaningfully to the black kitten before looking up at him. 
“if you need to go, i won’t hold you up,” you tell him quietly as he picks the kitten off his leg and sets her down on the floor. the kitten mewls in protest, waddling after him. you whisper a soft comfort, finger stretching to pet her tiny head, and minho bites back what he wants to say in favour of doing what he probably should do.
“wait here,” he instructs, getting up with a sigh and shifting towards changbin. you look up at him, frowning, and the kitten finds his shoe as you get up, too. he looks down. she chews on his shoe string and a part of him melts when he hears you let out a stifled chuckle. “i’ll arrange for someone to pick you up.”
“you don’t have to do that.”
“i do,” he says not unkindly, crouching down to pick her off his shoe, cupping her in his hands. “this girl can’t afford to get cold again and you don’t have any other way to get home, do you?” you sink down with him, and he shuffles forward to deposit her in your arms. the kitten squirms into the crook of your elbow, tiny tail fluffing up as she pushes against your sweater, claws latching onto your bicep. you set a light hand on her back, and when minho looks up at you at the same time as you look up at him, eyes widen minutely when he realizes how close he is to your face. 
“i don’t want to put anyone in danger driving in this storm,” you tell him. “besides, i want to be able to return these to you.” you look down pointedly at your—his—pants. minho chews on the inside of his cheek. his internal clock is ticking irritably in the back of his head and he’s keenly aware of the seconds passing as he clenches his fists, trying hard not to scowl. 
internally, he debates whether or not to just tell you to keep them. you’ve overstayed your welcome, you have an animal in the jyp building, and he doesn’t know you. he doesn’t. at least this way you get out of here and out of his life, and he can count this as a good deed he did today.
but then, you look at him. your eyes soften and a small, wistful smile curves your lips, and minho’s own heart plummets at the thought of not seeing you again. not figuring you out. of not taking you up on that subtle offer to see each other later today and figure out where they go from here.
trepidation, slow dripping trepidation in the pit of his stomach, grows and grows as, quietly, he asks, “will you wait for me, then?” 
your lips press into a wider grin. “i waited forty five minutes in a storm for a cat,” you tell him. “i think i can stand to wait a few hours in a warm room for you.”
minho’s lips part, a soft breath inflating his lungs in relief, and he’s about to say something more, but changbin’s throat being cleared makes him blink and tear his eyes away to the guy standing there awkwardly. he stares at the door, arms crossed over his chest, and minho hangs his head, heat flashing over his face as he tries to fight his lips from twitching into a scowl.
“go,” you say lowly. your tone turns teasing. “stray kids lee know has to go work because he wants to be a singer.”
he holds back a groan. “don’t even start.” rising, his eyes never leave yours as you sit back down. “bye, then.”
it feels unceremonious and not quite unfinished, and he wants to leave it that way for the sake of picking it up later. he turns to walk out the room with changbin, and a part of him asks to look back.
he doesn’t.
minho doesn’t know you, after all, so nothing warrants it. 
much later, though, he does wonder if there hadn’t been a traffic jam if he would’ve caught you at that exact moment in front of that entrance to his company building, carrying a soaked cat in your arms. 
his heart says no, and his brain doesn’t even want to debate the what ifs when every morning, he’s busy enough with a black cat climbing all over him to ask for breakfast and a sleepy partner rolling over to kiss his cheek as a way to convince him to get up first and feed their growing fur baby.
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Yoko: ya know it's pretty difficult to get out of bounds in this game
Yoko: oh ou-
Wednesday: no no no, yoko I know what out of bounds means my old friend group introduced me to games and their terms and your girlfriend, divina, got me back into them.
But what I have a problem with is you saying it's difficult to get out of bounds in mirrors edge Catalyst of all games it's simple really, I actually think it's so simple that it's not a case of Me being better then everyone, all though admittedly all the ways you can get out of bounds are a bit finicky and some require a lot of patience, that most people don't have I on the other hand do have said time and being a masochist probably helps
Yoko: oh! So what's one way to get out of bounds
Wednesday: So you head to the big tower that you leaped off to the side of one of the big white boxes there will be a support beam with a split down the middle there's a ledge that's hard to see with that you can use it to get on the road and wall climb to get to the top of the box after you go up get inside the guard Railing and you'll see something that's meant to be wall climbed on you will try and get on top of the white railing next to it, this may take a few tries but once you do you can jump and pull urself up to the next section after that the next step is way easier, there will be a black bar facing a wall you want to grap on to that and then jump to the black bar adjacent to that one, after that you can just pull urself up and jump to the platform were you will see the building wall and a white wall,
What you want to do is wall run then wall climb then press the button to jump and turn around to wall climb again then jump and turn around again and you should grab on but it doesn't always work once you get on top you want to start heading to the side you couldn't get to before here you have 2 options Im going to lead you through the easy one.
you will carefully get down and follow the narrow path until you see a casm it's super finicky and will take a few tries to land with out dying in this casm but it can be done once there go across but be careful the hit boxes are a bit wonky since your not supposed to be here after that you can jump and roll to a platform then you can go down said platform until you hit a death barrier. And that's it
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Enid: we are playing games tonight willa
Wednesday: okay if you insist
Divina: I'm so glad I got you back into games
Lynda gleets: *knocking*
Enid: come in!
Lynda: hey I was told this is where My old friend group the "Crew of the unknown." Was meeting u- oh hi Willa
Enid: what!
Lynda: what do you mean by that
Enid: oh I just didn't realize you called her Willa that explains why she was so apprehensive about me calling her that.
Lynda: ...oh... Well I guess we can all wait till the others get here
*sits kinda close but kinda far away from Wednesday all at the same time*
(Yoko and Enid through text)
Yoko: so like we can agree that Lynda and Wednesday are exes who still haven't gotten over everything right?
Enid: 100% but I swear if Lynda lays a hand on Wednesday im gonna lose it she already seems more uncomfortable than I have ever seen her in my life, and I live for this girl
Yoko: and it seems the battle for Wednesday heart is between you, Xavier, and Lynda
Although between you and me I don't think Xavier stands a chance the only signs Wednesday gave him are stop signs
Enid: first off I don't love her, we are just good friends
Yoko: Honey, Dear, Bestie, I'm sorry but Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
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atsadi-shenanigans · 3 months
Feeding Alligators 71 - Resolutions
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On AO3.
It’s a pretty clearing, in the daylight. Not the same one you found him in (that seemed sacrilegious), but close by. Nearer the road. You make sure Gale marks it on y’all’s map and you donate your meager stash of linens to enshroud him.
It’s a small gathering. Only you, Gale, Wyll, and Karlach. And y’all’s new, druid friend. Astarion, understandably stays behind. As does Lae’zel, who seems bored with the entire concept.
Y’all bury Gandrel next to a patch of wildflowers. You got no idea what funerary practices the gur people observe. But burning him seemed too extreme (and some Earth cultures react real bad to that), and you can’t just leave him out here. Wyll and Halsin dig the hole, while you gather stones to pile on, and Karlach comes grunting in with a fucking boulder perched up on her shoulder.
You got no idea what to say. Shadowheart meanders up as y’all finish laying the man to rest. She offers some words about soothing darkness (Gale gives her Looks, again). Halsin adds his own speech about peace and the Oakfather watching over this “place of rest.”
The trees seem to respond to that, which gives the big man a small smile.
They end up leaving you alone with him. You, his killer.
You’ve killed people in Faerun. Directly, or through others. You killed somebody on your second or third day here. You set that owlbear on them two cultists. Shoved Kahga off a cliff. Orchestrated wiping out a whole damn war camp and that’s after bombing the hell outta them fake paladins.
“I…I don’t know what to say.”
The freshly-laid stones don’t answer. The wind hisses along the trees and distant birds chirp at each other. You ain’t heard a crow all damn day.
“I’m sorry.”
Too small. Too inadequate. Kinda sums up a lotta things, recently.
“I wish it didn’t come to this. I think we could’a been actual friends, maybe. I…I wish we could’a. My people…my dad’s people. Their kids got taken, too. I got taken. I wanted to help you. I still do.”
Ain’t much in your pockets. But your fingers brush a leather band, decorated in a string of bright beads. You got no idea what it means, if anything at all. But he was wearing it when…when he died. It was the only thing you took off of him (that you late anybody take off him). The beads feel smooth as you roll them between your fingers. You wonder if he held them like you do, traced along the edges with his thumb and thought about his family.
“I’ll find them. Your people. I’ll give them this and let them know where you are.”
The stones don’t answer.
You ain’t expecting them to.
There ain’t no more to say. So you turn and head back to camp.
Lae’zel is waiting when you get there. Her gaze sweeps over you: your clothes all dirty and torn up, muscles occasionally spasming; your hair grown shaggy over the tops of your ears; the blood is washed from your face and mouth, but your hands are bruised, knuckled battered and bleeding from carrying all them stones.
She nods. “You did not die.”
“Um. Nope?”
“Unarmed, against a superior force.”
“He wasn’t…” You don’t think she actually cares what he was doing or what he was like. That he tried to help you at the end and that’s what got him killed.
Her eyes narrow. “It seems you may not be so worthless after all. We will resume training so you do not degrade yourself before my people.”
Oh. Goodie.
For some reason, a twinge of something almost like warmth flickers inside you? This place is so fucked up and weird and it’s fucking contagious.
“Yeah,” you say. “Um, thanks, I think.”
She nods once again, and brushes past you to go do Lae’zel stuff. Probably chew through a tree or something; terrorize the local wildlife.
Shadowheart kneels beside her tent in what you think is meditation, while Wyll practices his footwork with his backup sword flashing in the sunlight.
Karlach’s tent, as usual, sits next to yours. She’s digging through her non-magical pack, looking for something. Gives you a grin and a nod as you pass. “Soldier.”
Y’all’ll be at Lae’zel’s creche in a matter of days, probably. You gotta start making plans. And for that, you head past your own tent to the one that, once more, lurks behind yours.
“Well hello, ally,” Astarion says.
All traces of the hole through his ribs is gone. He wears a different shirt as he perches on his little camp stool. His skin is more white than gray, but still too pale to be mistaken for somebody in good health. Wyll has been kind enough to go hunting, and brought back a few nearly dead bunnies that hadn’t been poisoned (you forbade Astarion from feeding on Gandrel) (“but he’s right there and he’s already dead, darling”).
He moves easier as you come to a stop. And not just from downing four bunnies like a frat boy cracking a six-pack of cold beers. He seems looser around you: his hands flit around easily and he’s back to making those exaggerated expressions that ain’t completely some form of asshole. He’s…relaxed.
You exchange greetings and a couple of pleasantries (how are you; almost fell over peeing but didn’t, so better; you should have let me desecrate that corpse; you can desecrate the next people we inevitably have to fucking murder if that makes you feel better; you’re too sweet, darling). Then you get to the point.
“You think Lae’zel’s people are gonna live up to her hype?” you say.
“Their what?”
Translation. Right. “Fix the worms.”
He toys with the book he’s holding, the pads of his fingers stroking along the spine as he seems to consider. “I suppose if anyone knows anything about our parasitic friends, it would be them. Be that as it may, I’m not terribly eager to go waltzing into a lair of murderous lizards.”
You nod. And waffle about the next part. It needs to be asked. It’s been weighing on you. But you doubt he’ll appreciate it and he’s probably been thinking about (dreading) the whole damn thing himself.
“Say it does,” you say, starting a good distance from the bush you intend to beat. “Say three or four days from now, we’re all de-wormed. What’re your plans?”
He makes a face at you (it’s the “de-wormed” part, ain’t it). Hums and haws and fiddles with his book.
The man has no idea, does he?
“You said that fuckface can control you,” you press. “I’m sorry to be asking, but I kinda gotta. How? What does that mean, exactly?”
So he tells you. And he wasn’t kidding about “puppet.” You listen and try real hard to keep your posture neutral and your expression blank, even as your guts twist up and the adrenaline gives a rage kick through your arteries.
You breathe out long and slow. Prop your hands on your hips where he’s least likely to notice them shaking.
“So what’s the range on that?” you say. Imagine your body just moving when somebody says so. Imagine what it would have been like on the farmstead. And then you imagine receiving the fucking Oscar you deserve for keeping your voice so fucking level when you continue. “Is there a way to block it, now that you ain’t actively, uh…?”
He catches your verbal fumble. Raises an eyebrow. “Enslaved?”
You want to find that miserable shitting fuck who did that to him and smash his goddamned fucking teeth out, leave his mouth a bleeding cavity of jagged, enamel stumps, the ground littered with blood and spit and chips of teeth.
“Have you heard of any kinda mental shielding or anything? Cause I think we can get Gale on board with that. I haven’t even gotten to the Roman Empire yet.”
Astarion’s face starts to close up again. And you think you know why, catch a hint of the emotions he must be stuffing down. To know somebody has hurt you that bad for so long, and to know there ain’t nothing you can do about it. That’s the kind of anger that chews a person up from the inside.
“I honestly don’t know,” he says, after a moment. “I’ve never, ah, been able to test that before.”
Fucking son of a motherfucking hag bitch. You hope you can find a way to make that fuckface die screaming.
“So it might be immediate?” you say and absolutely hate what those words do to him.
Because a shadow settles over Astarion. Something cold and dark, and you desperately want to look away, but you started this and you gotta stare into that void now.
“I got a proposition,” you say, when the urge to squirm shivers over your skin too long to ignore. “If you’re amenable. We get Gale in on this. Wyll, too. And the others, if they want. Assume the worst might happen and go from there.”
He gives you that guarded look again. Nods once.
You take another breath. Hold it. “Do you trust me enough to tell me all you know about vampire lords? Their weaknesses?”
And he looks at you. Fucking looks at you. Don’t speak for a long time as Wyll grunts and moves through his forms. As Gale mutters to himself and Karlach says, “Yes! There you are!”
Then, “You really intend to pursue this?”
Y’all got brainworms that need dealing with, and some mystery fucking space wizard saying she’s “shielding” you. You got a gith creche and this “Absolute” motherfucking cult. But beyond that lies a dead man in a mountain clearing and a camp full of grief. Stands a pale elf with red eyes and sunken cheeks and a hunted, starving look to him. And all that comes from one man.
You are going to find a fucking way to take that piece of fucking shit down.
“Very,” you say.
Astarion stares at you a moment longer, before his head tilts back and that malicious smile oozes across his features. “Alright then, darling. Where would you like me to start?”
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 months
the raccoon, the witch, & the roadtrip. part two. pennsylvania. ohio. indiana.
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angst, comfort, friendship, & fluff for @hibatasblog rocket & wanda | part 2/6 | word count: 806.
rocket appreciates the turnpikes. the heroes discuss music, memories, and state-of-the-art tech.
During a watch party for Avengers: Endgame on Twitter, Markus revealed the idea to team Wanda with the Guardian of the Galaxy captain actually made it into several versions of the film's script. "We had whole drafts with Wanda on a road trip with Rocket," Markus wrote, "but after the Vision plot in Infinity War, nothing we came up with was anything but wheel spinning for her character." CBR
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“What’s this place?”
Wanda glances over at Rocket from behind the steering wheel. He looks like a child: sitting on three hardbound textbooks the Hulk had dug out of somewhere, legs swinging casually over the edge of the chair. He’d spent the first two hours fussing with his seatbelt, muttering about how Terran transport vehicles are deathtraps before either satisfying or resigning himself. 
The car is currently gliding through a twisting crevasse, cut deep into old mountains. Outside, the spring thaw is melting snow into little waterfalls that cascade off the manufactured cliffsides, carefully funneled away from the road. A sign warning of rockslides floats past. The trees are budding and there are little pink and yellow sprays of wildflowers peeking through the patches of grass.
“The Pennsylvania Turnpike?” Wanda offers uncertainly. 
“Huh.” The Captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy — down from six but up to three — swings his feet again. She can see his face reflected in the passenger window. His ruby-flecked, bourbon-brown eyes glow, wide and thoughtful. “It’s kinda pretty.”
Wanda blinks at the road ahead.
“You like music?” Rocket asks, feet still swinging.
She cants another sideways glance down in his direction. “I do.”
“What kind?”
She lets out a huff of air — almost a laugh. It feels strange. It’s been a while. About five years, actually. “Sokovian rock,” she tells him archly. “Some metal.” She raises a brow at him. “You know Sokovian music?”
Of course, she already knows the answer. 
Still, he’s looking at her with nothing but open intrigue. “No,” he says frankly, and his eyes are hungry. “You got some?”
It’s not quite the response she’d expected. She tries to remember the last time anyone other than Vis had asked about — home. Had wanted to share her memories, know her life.Had wanted to hear the music she’d grown up with, and listen to it together. 
Only Pietro, she thinks.
“No,” she says quietly. “I haven’t got anything.”
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Rocket’s not sure how this planet goes from lush mountain forest into the flat nothingness of the Ohio Turnpike, but it does. As far as he’s concerned, this only confirms that every good thing on Terra has to be followed by a bad one. 
And also, what the fuck is a turnpike? It doesn’t register in his damn translator. 
Still, Cleveland’s not terrible when they stop for food — there’s some little cafe where they can eat outside, though Rocket’s surprised the witch doesn’t want to go in; it’s still kinda cold out for a baldbody, afterall. But it’s a good break in the monotony — especially before they start driving through an even more boring region that Wanda tells him is Indiana. 
Thank fuck he’s got something to tinker with now, though.
He’d chewed on her response to his question about Sokovian music for a while. It had sounded like a sentiment that had lived in his own head for years — I ain’t got nothin’ — and he hadn’t even realized the sound of it had faded until he’d stood at the edge of a dead star and pretended to be some kind of captain.
I could lose a lot. Me, personally — I could lose a lot. 
Then he’d asked Wanda if she’d had a zune.
The witch had blinked. “I — no. Nobody has zunes anymore.”
He’d scoffed. “I do.” He’d pulled Pete’s zune from his pocket and wagged it at her. “State-of-the-art music-portation and listening device,” he’d taunted, and something in the corner of her mouth had flickered.
“Most people use their smartphones nowadays,” she’d said — and her voice had been sort of mild instead of flat, which he’d counted as a win. “They’re a little newer,” she’d added apologetically. “Better tech.”
He’d dipped his head and stared at the zune. For some reason, the words had felt like a bruise in his heart, and he’d scrubbed his knuckles against his metal breastbone. “Better, how?”
She’d glanced at him again and shrugged one shoulder. “Faster. Sleeker. They hold more data, and they can access the Internet. Make calls, send texts. All sorts of things.” She’d shrugged again.
He’d dug his knuckles in hard  to his sternum, trying to relieve — or maybe counterbalance — some of the pressure there, and he’d stared down at the zune. “This was Pete’s.” The words had come out before he’d been able to drag them back. He’d never intended to say them in the first place.
The witch hadn’t said anything, and he’d slid his tongue over the front of his teeth, then had cast a sideways look up at her, trying to keep his face nonchalant.
“Those smartphones ain’t got more than three hundred songs on ‘em though, right?”
Her eyes had flicked to him, then back to the road. “Oh, absolutely not,” she’d said, so confidently that he’d immediately felt smug. “Fewer, I think.”
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greazyfloz · 2 years
Lovers & Strangers - Chapter 10
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[Ethan POV]
“I’m fine let go” Mark says to Holtzy and I so we let him go. He goes back to the table with some of the other guys and I hang back to check on y/n.
I sit in the empty chair beside her and watch a tear fall down her face, all her friends were trying to cheer her up but she wouldn’t look up at them. Instead she looked at me. “You alright?” I asked her and she shook her head no. I leaned on the edge of my chair bringing her in for a hug.
She laid her head on my shoulder facing the other way away from everyone’s view. “Thanks E” she says, pulling away from the hug.
“Do you want a drive back to my place?” I ask her, “I have practice here in a bit so we would have to go right now, unless you stay here until after”
“Yeah y/n you can come to my house if you do want to leave while he is at practice and he can pick you up there” her friend Cassidy says patting her back
“Can we go now? I’m so embarrassed” she says and they all pack there stuff up
“I’ll text you when I leave Yost” I tell her and head back to the table with the team taking my seat beside Mark. “What the fuck was that?” I ask him about his sudden outburst.
“Well you weren’t going to kick his ass. Someone had to” he says, shutting his laptop and closing it before heading early to practice
[Y/n POV]
After the shitshow in the library, the girls and I headed over to Cassidy’s to just hang out. Cassidy orders a pizza for us and it gets delivered soon after. They all dig in but I just watch. I did not have an appetite. “You should eat something! I don’t remember the last time I saw you eat” she says, making me think back to my last meal. Sunday in Minnesota’s hotel breakfast.
“Do you have anything to drink?” I ask her
“Yeah. Go help yourself”
I walk to her kitchen and open her fridge. I see a bottle of Smirnoff on the counter and debate having a drink. I kinda deserve it. I had a bad day today. I take orange juice out of the fridge and pour it into a cup. I grab it to go back in the room but find myself turning to the bottle of vodka. I chug halfway down the cup of orange juice then pour some vodka in my cup so the mixed contents inside are to the rim.
I bring myself back out and sit on the far couch distancing myself from the rest of the girls so they wouldn’t smell anything. I take a sip from my cup but the strong taste immediately makes me nauseous as I’ve been pushing my hangover to the side all day. I turn my head to gag a little bit then turn back and take a deep breath to chug all the contents in my cup.
I sit for a bit waiting for it to hit me but after 15 minutes of nothingness I decide to fill my cup again. “Where are you going?” Cassidy asks as I make my way in front of the group to make my way over to her kitchen.
“Refill” I say holding the cup with my thumb and pointer finger shaking it side to side showing there is nothing left.
I walk in the kitchen this time pouring the vodka in a little over ¾ of the way then fill the rest with orange juice. My nausea has passed since my first sip. I guess the best hangover cure is a bender.
I take a sip from the cup and head back into the room. I took a seat where I had previously and nodded my head listening to the conversation. As time went by I began drifting off, I didn’t even bother trying to stay awake.
[Ethan POV]
After practice I got undressed out of my gear and took a shower before texting y/n that I’d be on my way over soon. I make my way to my car with Mark, and pull my phone out to see if y/n had answered while we wait for Mackie, but nothing.
After dropping the boys off at home, I pick my phone up from where it lays in my cup holder to see a text from Cassidy :
Cassidy: she’s passed out.
Cassidy: she can stay if you want
Ethan: No, I’ll come get her
I put my phone back in the cup holder before driving down the road to y/n’s friend’s house.
When I arrived Cassidy was already waiting for me and she opened the door as I walked up the front steps. As soon as I walked in I saw y/n sitting down with her bed back resting on the back of the couch. As I walk over I notice a cup on her legs spilt over her lap and The stench of liquor fills the room the closer you get to her.
“How much did she drink?” I look back at her friends.
“I have no clue” one of them say as the rest shrug.
I turn back and bend down, scooping her up from the couch and placing her down in the passenger seat of my car.
We arrived at the house and I went around the car to lift her again. She groans this time as I comfortably position her in my arms as I lift her. “Ethan” she grumbled as I kicked the car door shut.
I shush her as I make my way up the front stairs and kicking the door to knock as I’m not holding her as comfortably as I did earlier. Mackie opens the door and looks down at y/n, “damn, where’s the party?” He says but I walk past him and up to my room.
[Y/n POV]
I wake up laying in Ethan’s bed still wearing the clothes from earlier that day. I look over to see Ethan passed out beside me before I reach in my pocket for my phone, 1:21am. I sigh as I look up to the ceiling thinking about the day I just experienced. I think of Mark and how he had jumped to my defense without even thinking about it, Ethan and they shit I must be putting him through, Caleb calling me a drunk whore, and my fucking grades.
My mouth is dry so I decide to go grab myself a glass of water. I look over at Ethan to make sure he is asleep before making my way out of his bed and changing into one of his tshirts before slipping out of his room quietly and shutting the door behind me.
I make my way down to the kitchen to find a shirtless Mark turning towards me with a glass of water. He looks me up and down seeing I’m wearing only Ethan’s t-shirt. “What are you doing up?” He says
“Water” I say and he hands me his glass, “thanks” I say taking it from him and taking a sip handing it back.
“Are you still drunk?” He randomly asks me
“Maybe, I don’t think though”
“Can I tell you something?” He asks almost in a cautious tone.
“I um-“ he starts but looks down at my bare legs.
I watch him set the glass on the table and walk towards me approaching me as he cups my face with his hands. He then leans down and presses his lips on mine. I kiss him back as he wraps his arms around me. His arms begin to glide down my back then he rests them on my ass. We continue making out until he pulls away and looks down at me not breaking eye contact when he says, “I want you”
“I’m yours” I say and he grabs my hand taking me to his bedroom.
He locks the door behind him as we enter his room and he pulls the bottom of the shirt I’m wearing up and over my head. We looked at each other with so much passion before our lips connected again. Unlike our usual make out sessions tonight was more passionate and romantic. He pulls away and says, “I’m done hiding it” then brings his lips into mine again.
I go back and lay on the bed and I watch Mark take his boxers off, coming back to the bed and crawling over me. His mouth goes down and hovers over my chest as he begins kissing all around. “You” he says then places a kiss on my collarbone, “are” he says then places his lips back on me, this time beside my left nipple as he cups that breast, “so” he says kissing my ribcage, “beautiful” he kissed my stomach. He raises himself up and presses his lips on mine and I push back.
“You don’t know how bad I’ve wanted to hear that” I say and he smiles before leaning back in and pressing his lips onto mine. As we are making out he lines himself up with my entrance and slides in slowly, I let out a quiet moan as he begins to thrust at a normal pace. “M-Mark” I moaned directly in his ear.
“I love hearing you moan my name baby” he says smiling at me as he pressing his lips against mine once more. His thrust stays the same rhythm as our breathing synchronizes with each other.
“I’m so close baby” he says as he thrust a bit harder into me causing my head to fall back. I cover my mouth due to the intensity of the impact of Mark banging into me. I feel Mark thrust deep inside of me before he lays on top of me then kissing my lips.
When he rolls off of me, beside me, I begin to sit up swinging my legs off the side of the bed. “Where are you going?” he says and I look back at him, “don’t leave yet”.
I myself back into the bed and lay down. He brings me close as we lie chest to chest. We don’t talk, we just embrace.
I wait until he falls asleep before making my way back down the hall to Ethan’s room. I quietly get back into the bed and lay there staring at the ceiling smiling as I think of him.
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ask-missparker · 8 months
Say you’ll remember me / Once Upon A Time AU
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Pairing: Snow & Charming, Nikolai & Amelia
Inspired by the episode Snow Fall, Season 1x03
Summary: While on a small school trip, one of the kids notices something similar in their book, as one of patients brings more than just a breath of fresh air to the tale.
Characters mentioned: Rochelle, Riley, George and Georgia, Alexander Hawkins, Belladonna and etc.
Note: Tittle is inspired by one of Taylor Swift’s song, can you guess which one?
The woods were lower, trees were tall, rivers were flowing nicely and the morning was brightly painted darker green. Some trees were knock over the road, turning into stumps and sirens were racing across the path.
The royal carriage came to a point, stopping by the logs as close up near one of trees stood a man red leather and a larger made hat grinning. Once the carriage arrives, a women in a cherished red corset and long skirt stepped out as you could hear a man yelling from inside to return back to her seat but she refused to listen.
“Your majesty, it was chopped down.” Said the ride of the horse, “You should return back to your carriage or let us figure out another way.”
That was when the carriage was attack, as the man dropped down from the tree, snatching the bag with a set of jewels and raced off. The women gasps, watching the man go as she ran after him attacking him to the ground. He didn’t notice she was running after him from the horse.
They tackled one another, as he hover over her huffing and puffing. She looked up at him, titled her head seeing his hoodie fall off his forehead and hanging off his ear. She ended up with a cut on her left cheek.
“Do i know you from somewhere?” She asked underneath her breath.
“Possibly princess.” He replied with a light grin.
He leaped off the ground, grabbing her horse with a smirk and jumped onto the trusty steed. She stood up, ruffing dirt of her skirt and touched her cheek huffing.
“Wherever you are, i will find you!” She yelled, looking at her naked hand that held a smudge of blood from her chin.
It was quiet in Fighter-Town, but buzzing with movement it always felt on Friday nights. Inside Grandpa’s Diner, plenty of people seated eating, sharing drinks and or finding a quiet place to study. At one of the booths, Nikolai sat having dinner date with a nurse from the hospital.
He was trying to have a decent conversation with her, as he talked about work and life, wanting to have a simple set plan. The women was only half paying attention, as she was more focused on one of the waiters nodding every couple of moments.
He notice her eye-line.
Nikolai sighs with an eye roll, “A-are you even listening to anything I said?”
The nurse, Robins, looked back at him and nodded, “Y-yeah..you were talking about, um uh, work right...?”
“Not even close but yeah..sure, let’s go with that.”
“Sorry. A little distracted.”
After a few short moments of speaking to one another, there was more of a friendly dynamic as the other didn’t even look interested at all. Melissa gave them both of the check, as Nikolai paid then walked out of the Diner grumbling how he couldn’t believe he listened go on a blind date with some girl.
As he was walking away, pulling down the hood of his jacket to notice the people of the town. He half smiled noticing couples and friends walking down the streets. On the edge of the sidewalk, he noticed a short haired brunette sitting down on the ground drinking a soda and looking at a crumbled newspaper.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked, glancing over at him.
He was startled for a split second but regained his thoughts, “Oh? Uh, yeah..kinda in a tight spot. Appears like the room, I was renting raised the bill and realized I lied about my age..”
“You lied about your age?”
“Mhm hmm..looking for a place to crash now. Got a few days..”
“You got any friends here who can take you in?”
“I don’t think anyone here would want me in their home..and I don’t really got friends.”
Nikolai heard from a couple of people that Ethan, one of new towners, was staying at the Bed & Breakfast until he found an apartment. And from what he learned that it doesn’t seem like the other adults would let him in, he sure as hell wasn’t gonna ask his brother for help either.
He remembered hearing about the younger folk of the town, the teens and kids, talk among themselves. Saying there is a curse, he didn’t believe it whatsoever but thought it was cute they were bonding at least.
He hummed, “What about Belladonna? Maybe she was convinced her mother..”
He shake his head, “I would but she doesn’t seem like the invited for a sleepover kinda person.”
“And you don’t want to give the wrong impression.”
“Right. What you doing up so late?”
“I’m an artist, I tend to be a night owl more than most. And I uh, was out trying a date.”
He winced seeing his face, noticing from the looks of it, none of it went as planned. The older brunette scoffed and shake his head with a shrug muttering how it was a stupid blind date.
“Ah well, if true love was easy, everyone would do it.” Joshua repiled with a half smile.
This time Nikolai chuckled, “Oh definitely. You know..I do have a spear home if you..”
“Oh no, I would be intruding your privacy..”
“Hm uh..well if you like to ever come over for a warm cup of hot chocolate, my door is always open.”
“That…that sounds nice. Thanks.”
“Don’t stay out too late, you hear?”
Joshua roll his eyes, jokes with a mocking tone, “Sure thing dad.”
“Very funny.” Nikolai replied with a grin walking away with a nod, silently chuckling to himself.
The following day, Riley and her friends were volunteering with their class at the hospital. Their teachers Rochelle, and her father Rick were watching over the group helping them hang banners. It was a nice thing to do, Rick lifted Riley up to pin a balloon to a wall.
Rochelle was helping a couple of other students, telling them to be careful and be kind. Some students were coloring, others were chatting with their friends and other hanging up decorations. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her son George entering a patients room as she watched for a moment.
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The patient was asleep. George was more of the bookworm, curious about things and one to keep to himself. He hang out with his twin sister, Georgina, and Riley so he read about the story they keep gushing about. He thought it was dumb, that it was girl stuff when it come to fairytales, he was more into comic books like Iron Man and rest of The Avengers.
But as he found a quiet room to place a set of flowers in, the patient caught his eye, a Jane Doe, asleep. She held a scar above her right cheek, similar to the tales he heard his sister talk about. According to Georgina, their mother was Cinderella and that she was friends with all the other charcters in the book. He read too many comic books to know a thing or two about design.
But before he can take a further look—
“Honey?” Said his mother, Rochelle, leaning against the door, “We could really use your help.”
“I’m good.” He replied, glancing at the women, “Is Ms. Doe gonna be okay?”
“I hope so. No one has come to claim her yet but for as long as I can remember, she has been peaceful asleep. She always seemed like a kind soul to me, or so I think.”
“What’s wrong with her? She looks fine.”
“Well sometimes things happen, sweetie, like they fall unconscious and it’s hard not to know what happened.”
“You sure no one knows or claimed him yet?”
“Well, that I know of, not really. I sometimes come with friends on my rounds and they stop by watch if something happens.”
“And does something happen?”
“Nope. But I hope one day it something well.”
George gave his mother a soft smile, “You sure you don’t know her?”
Rochelle smiled, “I think I would remember if I did, come on we’re heading out for lunch soon.”
As soon as lunchtime hits, George went to talk with his sister and Riley about his newfound discover. Riley squealed and Georgina grinned, knowing they have to tell Belladonna and her friend she hasn’t met yet. Riley was thinking about the other people who might be interested in their tale, but then thought it was better to keep it between them. A few short hours later, Belladonna was dragging Joshua to the park bench where the others were bubbling with discovery.
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Georgina couldn’t wait and split the beans on her twins newfound information as Riley pointed to the small hand drawn doodles of the characters. Belladonna listened and nodded as Joshua stayed curious humming to the news as he introduced himself to the twins.
“According to the little monsters, you’re mother is Snow White..or that’s least what i got from Georgina’s sentence.” Belladonna said, referring to the book.
Joshua nods looking at the nicely crafted hand drawn pieces as he tilted his head, “..that’s who she is? Guess Riley was dead on.”
Riley grinned, “Duh! I can sense it.”
Her brother held the book as Georgina added, “The scar is the same as Geo says. In the same place! You need to find her Prince Charming.”
“Who is the tattoo guy! Nik-Nik..” Riley said trying to pronounce his name correctly.
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Joshua smiled and helped her with the name, “Nikolai. That’s her charming..my dad? Uh, telling your possible love is in the hospital won’t be as ideal. It can hurt someone..”
Belladonna heard what he said and thought about it, putting her detective skills to good use. To her, yes it was kinda insane what the others are saying and pretty risky cause the person might not believe it but the again, she risked being grounded to bring her biological father here.
After a moment she spoke up analyzing the idea, “..not unless you read to them. Studies show reading to a patient can held them with brain function and get the neurons to fire up again. It won’t be the worst thing if she at least woke up from her coma.”
Joshua shared a look with her, thinking about for a moment as she was correct and nodded smirking deciding it was worth a shot. He went to go ask find Nikolai working at the coffee shop nearby the grocery store, he confused him for a moment, he thought he was a tattoo artist. But then the man explained before he was working with peoples skin at his shop, he was serving coffee. So he likes to come over and help out his fellow old workers if they are understaffed.
He followed the man out of the coffee shop into his man area of expertise, trying to explain the idea. He started to lean inside the exact words he wanted to say until Nikolai broke into a confused almost awkward chuckle and said, “You want me to read to a coma patient?”
“Yeah pretty much.” Joshua repiled, taking a seat in one of chair inside the shop watching the man clean his tools, “According to Belladonna, and she’s right, that reading will help her wake up. Maybe something will click.”
“She’s not right, I’ll give you that. Uh, out of curiosity, who do you kids think she was in your little book?”
“I uh..”
“Come on, I’m friends with the town’s parents. I heard Rochelle talking my ear off about her daughter’s cute stories while I was piercing her ear.”
“…uh, we..they think that she is Snow White.”
“And…I’m the..Prince Charming..? Well damn..I haven’t seen the girl yet, okay I’ll play, is she pretty?”
“You’ll have to see for yourself then.”
A couple of short hours later, Nikolai sat down in front of the girls bed with a storybook opening the tale. He took in her features, from her long dark brown hair to her lighter skin tone in the lights of the room. Not half bad, he thought to himself…
…in the lowly dark cave, the man collected his items among them being a small bottle of black dust as he smirked, putting on his sleek hat and walked out into the greenery and snow of the forest. After only a mere couple of steps, he was tossed up into a net as he shouted and snarled, quickly reaching for his dagger to cut himself out.
Then he heard. He whipped his head around to see a fair young lady, in cream almost pure white skirt and a corset to match, her hair was shorter as she stepped forward giggling. Her lips were as blushing red as her skin blended nicely within the scenery.
“I told you I’ll find you.” She said looking up at the net with a smile, “Whatever you do, I’ll find you.”
“Is this the only way you can catch a man? By entrapping him?” He replied with a light glare, using his dagger to point at her.
“The only way to find thieves like yourself. I am impressed by your work, though.”
He leaned forward as he smirked, “Well are you real darling princess?”
“I have a name you know..” She replied, crossing her arms.
“Don’t care, surprisingly, darling princess suit you. Now, cut me down, princess!”
“I’ll release you when you give me back my jewels.”
“You don’t look like the jewelry type, I’ve noticed.”
“Ar-what’s that supposed to mean? Are you insulting me?”
“Oh no, how dare i insult a princess? But then again, you don’t look like one.”
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Charming smirked, watching her face turn to smile to a confused frown, as if he got under his skin. He has been around royalty enough to know a princess when he sees one, and her, she was no princess. Or least not like the ones he has encountered before, due to the fact that she went to find him and not a knight.
“I sold them.” He added for good measure, as his smirk grew seeing her face narrow down.
“What?” She asked, as her eyes narrowed not believing what he said and glared, “You’re lying.”
“Nope, i ain’t. Why do you care princess, don’t you have a little ol’ castle filled with them?”
“Theses were special. The jewels in there belonged to someone very important to me, they were a gift for my—”
“The nerdy asshole with the bad attitude, that’s what this is all about? Oh darling, you can do better.”
“..i’m his fiancé..well sorta..”
He snorted loudly, “Good luck, hell i’m a better option than him. You must be getting something impressive to agree to that marriage.”
“If you only knew..” She repiled with a sigh, “Look, it’s complicated enough, that i was picked out for the job but still..”
“Let me guess, he doesn’t want you either but you’re doing it for the good of your little kingdom. It’s cute, but seems like a last stitch effort to avoid war and you came all this way for your jewels back to—”
“Okay! Okay, okay, okay, I get it! Please, take me to where you sold them and get my stuff back.”
He shook his head a couple of time tell her that he won’t do it. There is nothing that would get it to do it. That was when she pulled out a scroll that showed his name, Prince Charming—Nikolai Morozov—wanted for treason and thievery agonist the The Dark Prince.
“So what would it be, sweetheart?” She asked with a smile.
He responded with a grunt and sighed, being impressed by her. He shook his head and agreed to take her.
Soon they were on their merry way, crossing the path fill with some ice and snow, due to the recent fall the path few week. Charming took her hand, crossing a log carefully to not let her slip as Snow stayed close watching for any creatures nearby. It was a decent walk, making small talk as they did, throwing in a little comment here and there.
Charming asked, “So what’s your deal?”
“My deal? Your the one who who is wanted for stealing.” She replied, with a chuckle.
“Yeah well, it’s more than that.”
“Yeah? What made you look bad against the prince?”
“I was born.”
“Oh..sorry about that.”
“It’s fine. He’s just jealous, i guess.”
“Why do i feel like those posters are lies then?”
“Because they are. He says i ruined his life, that I was useless and untrustworthy.”
“You don’t seem useless or untrustworthy to me..yet.” She added smiling, a rather kinder one.
He paused for a moment hearing that bit, letting a smile reach his lips and nodded, “T-thank you. So how did the darling princess end up in this position huh?”
“Long story short, I was sorta hand picked by the prince. I tried to say no after seeing my friend’s sad look on her face..”
“Oh jeez. Why didn’t you? You could’ve said something.”
“It wasn’t the prince who picked but the king. His father, that prince, his name is Fitz loves my friend Jemma, but his father didn’t notice. Now i’m posing as his bride to cover up their romantic relationship.”
“That is..rather kind of you. Taking the time to do that.”
“Thank you. It’s why i need my jewels back, inside is a bracelet.”
“And the chain? I saw a chain with what looks to be a ring in there.”
“My mothers..it belonged to my parents.”
As the two of them made their way, the pair keep talking sharing a couple of laughs and be careful among the woods. They stopped to food and water, Nikolai tried to escape the girl but ended up being chased by 2 Dark Knights, as he used his sword to try and fight him. He was able to take one down easily with a blast of his shadow and his sword. He was dead within a matter of minutes. The other came out of nowhere starling him, fighting him the best he could when a arrow came into the knight’s back.
Out of breath he blinked, “T-thank you. W-why did you—i could’ve handled that. You didn’t have to come and help.”
“Well you ran off and i saw the black horses. I decided to help you.” She repiled with a little smile, shrugging.
“But why? You could’ve ran.”
“It was a good thing to do, i guess.”
They ended in at a troll bridge, 2 trolls came up asking him what exactly did the young prince want. He explained he wanted the jewelry back and he’ll return the money, holding out the coins. One troll was sniffling the girl weirdly, seeing her being seen as royalty by her jewelry. Charming tried to cover for her, saving she was nobody important.
But they didn’t believe him, as one of the troll held her back ready to hurt her as she shouted to let them go. They threw Charming’s bag on the ground along with his sword. Snow watched him being thrown back onto the ground then picked up kicked away. He was fighting one.
She was let go for a moment said sword to hit the troll telling him to run, as he nodded grabbing the pocket of jewelry then rushed off.
He thought she was behind him, looking over his shoulder to see her losing her grip and seemed more than tired. She lost the sword as it was on the ground. He looked at the pocket full of jewels, thinking on his feet as he smirked and pats his own pockets realizing he still had the dark dust.
Just as Snow thought she was toast, in came a gasping sword hitting one of the trolls as the creature turned around.
“Missed me?” Yelled Charming, as he took the dark dust into his hand and thrashed the troll away. He did the same with the others, before holding out a hand to lift the young girl from the ground. He gave her a gentle yet delightful smile.
She gladly took his hand, dusting off herself was still holding it, returning the lovely smile. She thanked him and asked, “Why come back for me?”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“You were right, those poster are all wrong.”
He picked up their things and lead out away from the troll bridge down the exact path they needed to be on. She blushed realizing she was still holding his hand as he grinned brightly at the moment, he rather liked it.
He realized he had to sadly see her go, returning the bag of jewelry to her. He noticed her open it and hold up a chain, with a tiny hoop that could’ve been mistake as a ring.
He grinned, “What’s that for?”
“For you.” She said, handing it over.
“I couldn’t possibly take it. It’s yours.”
“Yes but, you deserve something good for what you did.”
“I never got your name.”
“Some call me Snow White but others like to call me Amara...”
He repeated the names with a nod, “Amara and Snow..I sometimes get called Nicholas instead of Nikolai.”
She grinned this time, “Sir Nicholas..yet, rather Charming.”
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She shrugged playing it off cool as he chuckled, placing the necklace around his neck, bid her goodbye with a wink.
“Wait? Will i see you again?” She asked, shyly.
He thought about and nodded, “Yeah, we might. Hope to meet you here again soon, Snow.”
…as Nikolai closed was about to finished reading the last couple of lines, he noticed the women, Jane Doe fingers twitch as if she was reaching out. His eyebrows raised and asked for a doctor, who came and check but the doctor responded that her status seems normal.
But he knew what he saw.
He walked out with a glare, not without a second look at the Jane Doe, running off to find the kids. Belladonna and Joshua was right.
The next day, he found Belladonna with Ethan sitting outside the Diner, explaining to them what exactly happened. Belladonna kept a neutral face as a small smile played on her lips meanwhile her father tried to understand what was going on, rolling his eyes.
His kid started to roll in the adults into her whole curse theory, asking if Nikolai believed in these tales as he got a semi-shrug in response, all he knew is that he helped in a odd way.
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The trio entered the hospital after a couple of hours only to find Jane Doe went missing. Erik was there looking into it. Even worse, Nikolai found his older brother, Alexander, standing there asking what the heck is he doing here of all places. Belladonna eyed the man, suspicious of his role in this as she watched the brothers speak.
Ethan spoke up, “What is the mayor doing here?”
“I’m one of her emergency contact, Ms St. James’s mother brought her in a few short years ago, I offered to be on her list.” Alexander responded, glanced between the teen and both men.
“Of course Liane did. Well, she’s gone now, where do you think she would’ve gone?”
“As if I know, according to Sheriff Erik, she just left with no contact. I suggest you stay out of this, all of you.”
Nikolai scoffed, “You would like that, won’t you, Alex? Time is precious and if you’re not gonna help just leave. We both know you’re rather busy.”
Alexander looked at his brother, “Busy is not the word I would put it, I’m not going to argue with you right now. You want to play hero, go ahead.”
With that the man left as Belladonna’s eyes followed him out the double doors, whipping out her phone as she listened to the other’s talk.
Erik, Ethan and Nikolai talked trying to figure out how to go about this. Looking between rounds and security footage of the last 12 hours. They noticed that Jane Doe walked out alone, she was alright.
Ethan asked where did the others lead to, as Erik said, “The woods.”
Belladonna looked up from her phone hearing that last part, excusing herself to go home real quick, saying she got some homework to finalize. But what she really did was head back to home grabbing her copy of the book and finding Joshua to let him what happened.
Belladonna explained the story in full to Snow & Charming taking apart the lines to piece things together, as Joshua listening picking up any clues.
She figured it out before he did where Jane Doe was going, grabbing her flashlight and pepper spray. Joshua joked how they were gonna have to owe Riley and The Twins something like sweets for figuring out the story beforehand.
Belladonna lead them into the woods, following the adults trail being quicker than most. Joshua wanted to ask how was she so good at this stuff but decided against it at how impressed he was. He caught her once before she could trip on a log and she thanked him for it.
After a while, Ethan looked over as he was following behind Nikolai and Erik as he noticed the teens.
His eyes widen, “What are you doing here?! Liane is kill me then you, then me again.”
“Relax. Here I know where she is.” She replied calmly, sharing a look with the young brunette.
Joshua got the hint as he added, “It’s right in the details on the story. It’s the bridge.”
Ethan rolled his eyes, “Well, fine, if I lose you both then it be both my fault. Keep walking and don’t break bone while we’re out here.”
The three of them followed the others, as Ethan and Erik found themselves near the tall trees that lead to a Toll Bridge. Before the kids and two men can say a word, Nikolai leaps across the lake to find the women on the ground nearby.
Nikolai and Ethan pulled whatever strength they had, get to Jane Doe laying upright. Erik without a second later, calls an ambulance as Ethan checks for anyone else that could have been near.
As Belladonna shine her flashlight and Joshua checks for any damage to her, it Nikolai who takes charge in bringing the women to wake up. As Joshua was doing started doing CPR, Nikolai did some mouth-to-mouth and as he pulled away, she came up for air.
“Oh, my God!” He said, cupping her face as if naturally pushing hair away from the girl’s face, “Hi there. You gave us all quite a scare.”
“You saved me..” She mutter.
“Do you know your name, sweetheart?”
“..no. Uh Mia…?”
“It’s okay, Mia.” He said, trying to reassure her, “You’re gonna be okay.”
“Thank you..”
“Her name is Amelia Spencer.” Liane St. James explained to the group at the hospital. After the 4 of them found Amelia at the woods, she was brought in to get checked out. She continued, “I remember I found her outside the streets some time back but never found true legal documents for her until later. Alexander helped me with that part.”
Ethan shrugged, “Odd. You just found the legal paperwork now for this woman. Is she married? Somebody we can call?”
“She has a friend who lives here in the town, I can call her. But no she’s not married or anything for that matter.”
“But she entered the woods as if she was looking for something.”
Joshua cleared his throat to catch their attention, nodding for Belladonna to speak up, “Or someone. She woke up and was looking for someone.”
Liane sighed looking at her daughter, “Why were you in the woods anyway? It’s dangerous for you, both of you.”
“I can handle myself, Mom. And I wasn’t alone, I knew what I was doing.”
Ethan looked between both young ladies and nodded, “She was fine. I told her to go home but she rather focused on staying.”
Meanwhile, Nikolai looked at the clear doors that held Amelia Spencer who was being looked at by nurses and doctors. She seemed uncomfortable, but her gaze soften as she looked at him. A nurse was checking her pulse as a tiny hoop played on her middle finger.
He sighed giving her a soft smile, playing with the chain around his neck. He knew she was being taken cared of and that’s what mattered. For a split second he thought of the story he read to her hearing the muttering voice of the teens in the background about the situation.
Nikolai stood there for a few short moments listening to the others before deciding to leave the hospital. Not without looking over his shoulder to see Amelia gaze falling on him once again then back to the nurse.
Joshua looked pleased to hear he helped out today, even if it was something minor, a part of him started to wire the whole idea of the tales and the real world together. It was silly but a little cocky hope wasn’t the worst thing. He patted Belladonna on the shoulder as she gave him a tiny smile, before heading out of the hospital.
As he walked out of the medical wing and onto the streets, he saw Nikolai zipping on his coat. He gave him a soft smile, “Hey.”
“Hi.” He replied turning around to face the young brunette with a similar smile, “Everything alright?”
“Yeah. Uh, by any chance that room is still available?”
“Yeah, yeah it is. Let’s go home.”
Joshua nodded following him to the older dark brunette, listening to him talk about some small rules he will need to be followed. Nikolai lead the way, onto the streets on Fighter-Town to his home—their home.
Ahh okay that’s what I got! Sorry if it was a long read 😅 This is one of my favorites so far, tell me what y’all think? ⚔️
Josh and Bella make quite a interesting team don’t you think? Idk it would be nice to possibly make them friends 🤷‍♀️
📜Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @mallowbee4 @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife and etc
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absentia-if · 1 year
Oh hey, it's been a while, I should play the latest update.
*Names MC Karina Zane...an M-mancing MC without knowing Carina is M's own aunt.*
*After finding out*: Ah...Shit
But for real, I'm really happy to have the option of being happy for K in moving on XD My MC isn't particularly vengeful (Kinda have this headcanon image of her having been pinning for M for years and it solidified during her captivity, wishing she could see them one more time.)
Feel free to ignore this ask, but I want to say I love the chapters you've work so hard on ;-; FUCK, it hurts to see how many people got affected from the kidnapping incident..
As for my question: Say MC has a thing where scent gives them the safety they needed most and the RO came home early to find MC hugging and clinging to a clothing of theirs that smelled of them the most, just burying their nose in the fabric or even having a little clothing nest if they could be spared. When MC notices them, they get embarrassed and try to come up with a logical, 'totally normal' reason to be sniffing their SO's clothes. How would they react/approach this?
I've done the exact thing multiple times! In fact, there are two canon women with that first name-- Carina Steele and Karina Ashford, both of whom you meet. I just thought the name was neat when creating Detective Ashford that I completely spaced on Carina Steele; even though I absolutely adore her.
I'm excited for your Karina to begin romancing M. I just know that it'll be a fun adventure for you both. I can't wait for you to see what's in store for M-Mancers down the road! In fact, there's a scene coming up that I think you're going to enjoy quite a bit. And thank you for your kind words! I truly appreciate it a great deal. I'm so honored that I have people like you reading my story, and that I get the privilege of being able to interact with you too. Thank you so much for being here! For being your wonderful self!
As for your question?
Kade/Kara: "What're you doing, sweetheart?" They tilt their head, hazel eyes flitting over the nest of clothes you had crafted on the bed. A warm look quickly took over the one of confusion that had been prominent only a second before; a gentle smile appears at the corner of their lips. "Having a lazy afternoon? I'll join you once I've changed out of my work clothes. Is that all right?"
Michael/Margot: Complete adoration flickers across their face, warmth completely suffused within the azure blue of their gaze. "I have a bunch of sweatshirts that I could give you, baby," they murmur, sitting on the edge of the bed, making sure not to disturb the nest, as a gentle look etched itself across their face. "Why don't I go get them and you can turn on something that we can watch? I won't be gone long, I promise."
Blaine/Blaire: They tilt their head. "Whatcha got there?" Plopping down onto the bed beside you, they toss you an award-winning smile. Their focus only shifts when they pick up one, of the many, shirts you had used to make your nest upon the bed you shared with them. "You know," they muse, a thoughtful hum interlaced with the words. "I wasn't even aware I had this many shirts. I guess I've found a good use for them, huh?"
Wren/Wynn: Confusion filters across their face before dawning realization eclipses it. And, from that confusion, a look of gentle sincerity appeared. "There's no need to be ashamed of this, MC." They shrug, an almost smile curling their lips. "I'm honored that you find so much comfort in me. I'll try to make sure that the feeling remains no matter what, okay?"
Nicholas/Natalie: A shy smile graces their lips at the sight that greets them on their bed. The warm expression causes their gray eyes to appear almost silver within the dimming light of the room. "You like to be surrounded by my clothes." It's said as more of a statement, the fact that it is, and you don't even have a chance to respond before they continue. "I'm assuming it has something to do with my scent, right?" They wait for your approval, one that you give in the form of a nod before their expression softens even more. "You can always cuddle me now, dearest one. I think I'm slightly better company than an old hoodie."
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fracturestory · 9 months
3|Beyond the Darkness
Zoey groaned. How many more times was she going to wake up like this? Even with her eyes closed, she could sense the bright light around them.
…Wait. Light.
“Lisa?” she turned her head, opening an eye. Her voice was still hoarse from the screaming.
No Lisa.
Zoey shot up with a heave, propping herself up with an arm against the grass beneath her.
She looked down. Sure enough, soft, green grass coated the ground under her. She dug her small fingers into it, feeling every individual strand that passed between her digits.
But then, what about that dark place with the smooth ground?
She stood up, brushing herself off. She was under a tree, and it was sunny. Light, puffy clouds drifted overhead, some of them clinging to the mountains in the distance.
As if nothing ever happened.
She felt her breaths begin to quicken. “Lisa!” She shouted again, breaking down into a fit of coughs almost immediately after. She ran out from underneath the tree, frantically scanning the landscape around her. There was some kind of city in the distance, but it looked nothing like the ones she knew back home.
No houses, either.
She ran to the other side of the tree.
…It was Lisa’s house. Or at least, part of it. A crash from somewhere deep inside the barely-standing wreckage made her jump.
“Zoey!” Lisa’s head popped out from the rubble. She pulled herself over the chunk of concrete concealing her, pausing at the top to reach back for something. “You were out for a while. Everything feeling okay?”
“I…” Zoey glanced at her still-bandaged hand. A splotch of red was barely visible beneath the pad. “I think so? What happened?”
“’Dunno,” Lisa tossed a crumpled sheet of metal down before hopping to the ground herself. “I woke up first after we got dragged back. I’m not sure when we passed out, or how half of my house got here with us, but when I came to, we were at the top of the stairs again. How’s your memory, by the way? Still scrambled? I think I have everything in order again myself after I woke up.”
She squat down, picking up the silvery chunk she’d pulled from the debris.
“Good, I think?” Zoey mentally recounted what happened. The big thing was the bubble. Then, they ‘woke up’ in the garage, and then… her mind fired a blank. “Nevermind.”
Lisa chuckled, walking closer now to Zoey. “Yeah, it takes a little while for everything to come back. I still don’t know what exactly happened, but I guess everything from the basement up to about half of the first floor got brought here with us.”
“Caleb!” Zoey gasped. “Does that mean—”
She watched Lisa’s forced smile fade.
Caleb was still missing.
“Do… you know where we are, then?”
Lisa shook her head. “Middle of nowhere, I guess. I know for sure that we’re not on the edge of the city anymore. But, there’s a road.”
“A road?”
“Yeah, you wanna see?” Lisa pointed with her free hand. “It’s not connecting to the driveway or anything, but there’s this old looking road that goes right up to part of the front yard. It looks almost like it got cut.”
Lisa began walking, still carrying the piece of metal with her as Zoey trailed behind. It helped a lot that Lisa wasn’t panicking or anything. It made her feel at least a little safer. Kinda.
They stopped next to what was left of the garage. Lisa ran inside for something, coming out again with a wagon in tow before continuing to lead.
Sure enough, there was a road. It was old and crumpled, but right where it ended, it looked almost like someone had cut it with a knife. Absolutely nothing went past the line where it ended; not a rock, not a pebble… Zoey squinted. Even the grass was cleanly cut between where the road ended and where the yard started.
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” Lisa continued, “It’s like the entire lower half of the yard and the house sitting on it got scooped up and plopped right back down here. You’d think that it’d be on top of some kind of dirt heap, but no.”
“Weird,” was all Zoey could muster herself.
“Very. Still” —Lisa wheeled up the wagon beside herself, the piece of metal now sitting neatly in its wooden basket— “I don’t think that we should stay inside the house. Half of it is gone and with all the cracks in it I really don’t think it’ll be safe to be in.”
She turned around, wheeling the wagon back to the remains of the garage. “For now, I think it’s best if we grab whatever we can and build ourselves a shelter of some sort for the night. It’s better if we sleep in a weird tent thing than sleeping in a house that we might get buried in by next morning, y’know?”
“Wait!” Zoey ran after her mentor. Her voice tremored with every word. “How can you be so calm right now? What about your mom and dad? What about Caleb? Aren’t you scared?”
Lisa stopped in her tracks, the handle of the wagon barely dangling in her fingers.
“Yeah, I’m scared,” the faintest hints of doubt began to creep into her voice. “I’m scared, and tired, and hungry, and so many other things right now. I carried you out and put you under that tree while I picked through whatever we have left. I’m anything but calm right now.”
She turned around, her shoulders tense as she pursed her lips, just barely beginning to tremble herself. “But you know what? It’s so that you don’t have to be scared. You’re just a kid, and you…” she rubbed the bridge of her nose, running her hand down to her cheek before letting it drop back down. “…you shouldn’t have to go through all of this. So long as it means you don’t have to worry as much, I’ll do all the worrying for both of us.”
Lisa turned back around, running now toward the garage.
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fissicn · 9 months
idk if i like this but here it is anyway: nesiwe meeting illari for the first time and going "i do not want you to deal with this the way i did at first"
long post under the cut
Nesiwe has heard much about the new arrival, but hasn't seen her in person. Not until today.
She steps into the room and is caught off guard by the other presence. Illari Quispe Ruiz - it isn't a familiar name to her tongue, and Nesiwe took care to make sure she knew how to pronounce it beforehand.
The girl looks up. She's an adult, technically, but to Nesiwe she may as well still be a girl. At eighteen, Illari is only just over half Nesiwe's age, and Nesiwe is struck by just how young she is.
She's read the files. She knows what happened. And while she related more and more with each line she read, she'd been through her ordeal in her late twenties. She can't imagine being Illari's age, dealing with this.
"What?" Illari's tone, while not hostile, is terse.
"Heard I'm gonna be working with you, so I just wanted to introduce myself." Nesiwe steps farther into the room with a nod, taking a seat across from Illari. "Nesiwe Ntini. Here from South Africa."
Illari meets her eyes and nods. "Peru."
"I heard."
Illari's expression is unchanging. "So you know what happened."
"I do, and I think it's the reason they're having us work together."
Immediately Illari is on guard, sitting upright. "What do you mean?"
"I dunno if they've shown you my files, but…" Nesiwe hesitates, sighing, her head slumping forward to look at the ground. "We have some things in common."
"What have you done?" Illari seems to realize how that question comes across after she asks it, but she doesn't take it back, waiting for an answer.
Nesiwe holds back a laugh, one that's on the edge between amused and bitter. The corner of her mouth tugs up in a joyless smile, and she knocks on the plating of her protective suit. "I'm wearing this clunky thing for a reason. You and I are kinda… in the same boat, I guess."
Illari scowls, moving back in her seat. "Don't try and tell me you understand. You don't."
"I'm not gonna say that. We were in two different situations," Nesiwe says. "But there was something that stuck out to me in your files. You…" She trails off, tries to find the words that she wishes people would have used for her. "…pretty much wield the sun, yeah?" 'As a weapon' goes unspoken, even if the implication is clear.
"So you can tell me what powers the sun. What process gives it its heat?"
"Fusion." Illari's brow is still furrowed in a scowl, but now it's one of curious suspicion.
"Yep, nuclear fusion. Two atoms smashing together to make a heavier one," Nesiwe nods. "Pretty cool. You can do a lot with it. So you know the opposite of that process? Splitting them apart instead?"
Nesiwe clicks her tongue in affirmation. "That's what I can do."
Some of the annoyance in Illari's gaze fades at that. "How did you train for that?"
"I didn't. That's where our situations are different." Nesiwe leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Spent my whole life campaigning against nuclear weapons. I got caught up in an attack and…" She motions to herself. "Now I am that weapon."
Illari processes that in silence. "You didn't kill hundreds."
Nesiwe sucks in a sharp breath. "Not hundreds, no. But I still…" She waves a hand, unable to continue.
"It's not the same."
"No, it's not." Illari hadn't intended destruction. "I just know that the guilt eats at you regardless."
"Then you understand that forgiveness is earned, and that I won't stop until I earn it." Illari is resolute in that statement, her shoulders back.
"It is earned, when there's something to be forgiven."
"Don't try to tell me I didn't do anything wrong."
"I'm not here to say that. I don't know all your history." Nesiwe places a hand to her visor. Her head hurts already, and so does her heart. "I just know that when I went down that road after the explosion, I was in a really bad place. And it wasn't like I could talk to someone who understood what it was like to be a walking weapon."
Illari's face softens. It's tiny, almost unnoticeable.
"Our situations aren't the same, and don't take this as pity. It's not. You don't need my sympathy," Nesiwe says. She knows that it may help for the eighteen-year-old to hear that. "You're already doing better than I was - you're going out and doing good for the world instead of hiding away. I'm just here to help with that."
"Well." Nesiwe holds out an open hand, palm up. "We're two sides of the same coin, aren't we? You smash atoms together, I rip 'em apart."
"Are we supposed to bring more devastation?" Wary, Illari leans back from the outstretched hand.
"Nuclear forces aren't just used for devastation. They're used in medicine, in power, in space travel-"
"I know." Illari interrupts her activist monologue. "I can heal wounds with mine."
"And I can generate power with mine." On cue, Nesiwe's outstretched hand glows softly. "If we've been given these abilities, we can use them for a better future instead of more destruction. That's why they've sent me to work with you, I'd guess."
Illari thinks about that for a moment before holding out her own hand, letting it glow in kind with the power of the sun.
Nesiwe smiles. She wants to say to Illari all the things she wishes were said to her old self. You don't have to be a weapon. You don't have to bring destruction everywhere you go. You can make this curse into a blessing, take a raging fire and warm hearts with it instead.
But she doesn't. Illari is only eighteen, and Nesiwe knows the mindset she's in. It's going to be better to show her all those things than to say them out loud.
She settles on a lighter topic, a grin sneaking across her face. "Plus, I heard you have a llama."
For the first time since Nesiwe met her, Illari smiles. "His name is Chuño."
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