#i think we call it yellow fins here or something
kyu-piddy · 28 days
The Mother-in-law
In celebration of Mother’s Day in my country, here are some headcanons of meeting characters' moms (and a grandma).
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Gn reader x Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Sebek
Afab reader x Ruggie
Tw: None 
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Having a boyfriend comes with extra relationships, and you’re about to meet one of the people most important to him.
Mama Leech
Mama Leech is a classy lady. Tall and lanky like her sons, she exudes an air of elegance but also threatening, her sharp teeth gleaming like pearls.
She sometimes comes to land on business matters, and knowing that you were dating one of her sons, she just had to meet you.
Sitting across from her at the Mostro Lounge is a nerve wracking experience. You feel like you have forgotten how to even use a fork.
She daintily stabs hers on the steak, her enigmatic yellow eyes never leaving yours.
Her voice is velvety smooth, sharing pleasantries with you, all talk but with as much substance as water has flavor.
Suddenly, she goes quiet, her teeth seemingly becoming more jagged.
“I hope you do have good intentions with my son. He’s a nice boy who deserves the best, don’t you think so?”
“I don’t know what the “best” could be, but I do think he deserves to be happy in the way he wants to be.”
She continues with amicable and innocent topics thereafter.
If you’re dating Jade, she’ll say:
“My dear Jade is such a hard worker. You must help him relax from time to time, or he’ll overwork himself.”
If you’re dating Floyd, she’ll say:
“My dear Floyd changes like the currents. When you’re around him you’ll never know how he’ll react! It’s so delightful.”
Regardless of who has captured your heart, she’ll offer you a little trade secret.
“There’s something nobody knows, not even his twin, that when he was little, he…”
Before she can continue, the tweels appear to retrieve the plates and silverware.
If you’re dating Jade:
“I hope the meal was to your liking.” says Jade.
“Jadeeee! Mamma was about to share something fun! ___ wants to know too, right?”
“But it is rather impolite to share others secrets, is it not, mother?”
If you’re dating Floyd:
“Mama! Ya can’t talk about me behind my back! I'm the one who’s gonna share secrets with ___!”
 “Now, now Floyd. We shouldn’t interrupt our clients' meal.”
Mama Leech smiles innocently at her children.
“It seems time has passed by way too quickly. I must take my leave.”
She stood up so graciously you would have never believed she had fins instead of legs most of the time.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, my dear. And you, my darling boys, don’t forget to answer my messages more often!”
With that said, she gave you and her sons a tight hug, before disappearing out the door.
Lady Al-Asim
Lady Al-Asim is a beautiful woman. She’s not called the rose of the desert for no reason. But unlike what that title might suggest, she is not fragile.
Once she learned that Kalim had gotten a partner, she wanted to meet them as soon as possible.
You’d be invited to spend some time with her in her wing of the Al-Asim estate, along with Kalim, so he could introduce you to her.
The meeting place is a room filled with pillows and carpets. As you sit on a plush purple pillow with golden embroidery, you can’t help but think that it must be worth more than everything in Ramshackle combined.
Kalim grabs your hand and smiles radiantly at you, calming your nerves.
Lady Al-Asim enters, a goddess among humans, ladened with jewelry and precious silks.
But the most beautiful part of it all is her warm gaze at seeing her son, and the way she walks slightly faster than what you assume is protocol to greet him.
After inspecting her son and filling him with kisses, she sits in the middle of a dune of pillows in front of you.
“Hello, my dear. How do you do?”
“You must be feeling awfully warm. I’ll ask for some drinks to be fetched. Are 12 varieties of tea and 23 of soft drinks alright with you?” 
Her words are polite and warm, and the conversation is pleasant.
Kalim sings your praises at every opportunity, and so does his mother, remembering with staggering accuracy the things he has told her (and they were many).
It feels like you’re in a competition to see who can praise you the most.
It’s embarrassing, but they’re both so genuine in their compliments and admiration that you can’t help but feel your heart well up with happiness.
“Oh goodness, look at the time. It’s getting rather late and you both need to go to bed early.”
Kalim deflates a little, but perks right back up.
“That’s fine, mother. After we graduate we’ll have way more time to chat like this, as a family!”
You almost spat the tea you were drinking, but Lady Al-Asim's smile just got bigger.
She escorted you both personally out of the room and into the teleportation mirror, giving Kalim a big hug and ordering servants to bring him piles upon piles of things.
Kalim went ahead, leaving you alone with his mom for a bit.
“Take care of my dear Sunshine. He loves you very much and I reckon you love him too. And above all else, be happy.”
Out of her pocket she retrieved a small golden bracelet.
“Ground my son. But also let him sweep you up in his magic carpet once in awhile.”
You arrived at NRC feeling warmer than when you were in Silk City.
Grandma Bucchi
Grandma Bucchi is a kind old woman. Her face is marred with age, but she moves with the speed of someone three times younger than her.
Ruggie wanted to introduce her to you, seeing as she is the most important person in his life.
Initially he was a bit reluctant to bring someone like you to the slums where he grew up, but since you were so insistent on meeting her, he eventually relented.
Once inside the house, a humble abode filled with knick knacks of various origins, a tasty smell fills your lungs.
Grandma Bucchi leaves the kitchen with her gray hair in a bun, cleaning her hands in her apron.
“Ruggie boy, is that you?”
“Yeah, Grandma. It’s me.”
The small woman approaches her grandson and squeezes his cheek.
“I could barely recognize you. You’re almost skin and bones. Don’t they feed you at that fancy school?”
As she stops pinching his cheeks she turns to you.
“So you’re the famous ___? You’re rather pretty aren’t you?”
Before you can thank her, the old woman is already walking back to the kitchen.
“I’m finishing my stew. Sit down and sip some dawa.”
“Grandma, let me help ya. You know your bones aren’t what they used to be.”
“Ah, boy! Don’t get between me and my kitchen. And don’t leave your datemate hanging.”
You sat down on the wooden chair and sipped the warm drink on the table. It had a sweet, and despite being warm, fresh after taste.
You both sat in silence, the sound of the sizzling water filling the background.
Soon after Grandma Bucchi came out of the kitchen holding a big pot, a heavenly smell permeating from it.
“Dig in, children.”
You gladly started eating, and soon the lul of chewing and conversation filled the room.
“I hope my grandson has been treating you well. He can be a handful sometimes, I tell you. But he’s a great cook.”
The day soon turned to night, and the time to leave was approaching.
“Before you leave, children, take the rest with you. I want you both to be eating well!”
“Granny, ya should keep it for you and the kids.”
“Oh, Ruggie, we have enough for all of us. Just don’t give me any more kids to take care of! At least for now.”
You both blush profusely, heat creeping up to your ears.
“We ain’t gonna do that! Bye, Grandma!”
You both hastily left, but you could swear you could hear the old woman chuckle under her breath “ah young love”.
Mrs Zigvolt
Mrs Zigvolt is a tall imposing woman, boisterous, full of pride for her family and also a truly powerful fae.
From the moment your relationship became official, Sebek wanted you to meet his mother. 
To him, she’s perfect, and he wishes for her to approve of his relationship.
When he got news that she’d visit the NRC campus he was overjoyed, and immediately designed a plan to teach you as much about fae culture as possible.
His passion is admirable, but it’s obvious he’s incredibly nervous, practicing in front of his mirror what he’ll say to his mother.
On the day of the visit, he waits for her in the mirror hall, standing as straight as if he was practicing a drill.
You put your hand on his shoulder, and see him relax just a tiny bit.
When his mother arrived, tall and full-figured, she reminded you of a well trained soldier, but the moment she saw her son her face lit up, and she quickly strode to him, hugging him with all his might.
“I missed you so much, Sebby! Look at you! You’ve grown so much!”
Her deep and mature voice was surprisingly complementary to her words.
Sebek kept his straight posture, his eyes gleaming like stars.
“Yes mother! I have grown exactly 2,7 cm since you last saw me.”
Mrs Zigvolt smiled lovingly at her son.
“And who might this be?” She asked, turning to you.
“Mother, this is the person I am romantically entangled with. They do not distract me from my studies nor my duty to protect Lord Malleus.”
“And do they make you happy?”
Sebek's cheeks turned bright pink, his posture becoming stiffer.
“Yes, mother. They make me very happy.
His mother clapped her hands and gave you a bright smile.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. Has my son been treating you well, young one? I sure hope so! He can be a bit of a handful.”
She leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“We thought he’d never let himself find someone, especially so soon. But he did, and from what he has told us, he’s quite head over heels for you.”
“Mother, we must hurry if we want to complete the school tour on time!” called Sebek from the entrance, already on his way out, the tip of his ears pink.
“Yes, yes, Sebby. We’re coming!”
He left the mirror hall, and you started walking to catch up to him.
“One last thing.”
She lightly tapped your forehead with her clawed finger.
“Use your head, but don’t forget your heart, okay?”
You nodded your head, and she smiled, booping your nose.
“Now let us go to our Sebby, or the poor boy might die of stress waiting for us.”
You left the mirror hall with a good feeling about this first meeting.
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leiascully · 8 months
X-Files OctoberFicFest Day 15: Hollow
This year, I'm using the October 2022 prompts from @artpromptcal.
TW: canon typical discussion of death/post-mortem
For an office job, it's surprising how much time they spend in the woods. She supposes that they mostly leave the bodies in dumpsters and abandoned buildings to municipal authorities, which is part of it. The mysterious corpses are all in the woods, decomposing under leaf litter and tangled in roots. She's learned to prefer the open air. It makes the flies more bearable. Predation is a fact of death - she knows that - but crows and foxes seem a more dignified option than rats.
There are less sinister reasons to venture into the forest, too: reports of strange creatures and lights that can't be explained. That's what they're chasing today.
"The Ozark Howler," Mulder explains again as they hike. "A wolf-sized creature with the muzzle of a dog and the shape of a cat, Scully. You might think that would be strange enough, but you'd be wrong."
Scully steps over a fallen branch. "Of course I would."
He grins. "In addition to those anomalies, it has red eyes and horns."
"Astonishing," she says, crunching through the leaves. There's a nip in the air that chills the tip of her nose. It's apple weather. Firepit weather. The mountains around them are red and orange and yellow, stippled with dark green pines. Sunlight sifts through the leaves when the wind sighs.
Scully doesn't believe any legendary creature would appear in the daylight - too easy to document, for starters - but a day like this is impossible to argue with. They deserve an easy case once in a while. Besides, something is killing chickens. She suspects a mountain lion or coyotes, but the reports are incongruous. There are bears in these woods too, somewhere. Any of those things would have the power to turn chickens into the smears of blood and feathers in the photographs in Mulder's files.
Mulder isn't finished. "The first reported sighting was in the 1800s by none other than Daniel Boone."
"I've heard of him."
"Reports differ on whether he was able to shoot one, but multiple sources have described seeing Howlers over the years, even up to present day."
"Mmhmm." Scully sips from her water bottle. "How did we get called in for chicken murder? That isn't a federal crime, or we'd be arresting Colonel Sanders."
"Someone from the local field office tipped me off to this one," Mulder said. "Chicken's big here. Anyway, this thing could be crossing state lines. The Ozarks Highlands span a four-state area."
"I see."
The trail in front of them crests the hill and descends into a hollow lined with a bonfire array of maples. At the bottom, a sturdy wooden bridge spans a chuckling creek whose progress down the slope is punctuated by tiny waterfalls. The trail is cut into stone steps just a bit too high for Scully's stride. Mulder wordlessly puts out a hand to steady her as she climbs down. His grip is warm and strong. She savors the moment.
They stop on the bridge. Scully pulls two apples out of her bag. Locally grown, the sign said. She and Mulder lean on the railing and eat the crisp fruit. It takes her a moment to realize that the woods are loud around them in a way that's so different from the city: birds and water and rustling leaves instead of traffic and people. Peace steals over her. There are bones in these woods, to be sure. These mountains are old, worn down nearly to hills. There are always bones in a place like this. But they're hunting a beast instead of a human murderer. It's old-fashioned, almost sweet. If these woods are haunted, it's by ghosts that belong here.
Scully unearths a bag of trail mix. She suspects that Mulder's hunger is greater than apple-sized. Mulder leans his shoulder gently against hers. She doesn't shift away. There's no one to see them here. They can exist in their most natural state: so close that the clouds of their breath mingle and their fingers brush as they reach for GORP.
"Imagine the Howler in a place like this," he says, and she can almost see it: a wild thing, crouching to lap from the stream, watchful red eyes and graceful horns and a tail that lashes.
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tarisilmarwen · 10 months
Rebels Rewatch: "Imperial Supercommandos"
AKA the episode that dragged me into the Sabezra hellspiral and sunk me for them good. XD
Just gonna go ahead and preemptively apologize for how obnoxious a shipper I'm probably going to be in this one, can't help it, I already liked them before this episode but then they showed all the canyon chase clips at Celebration and my brain went, "Battle Couple!" and it was aaaaaaaallllll downhill from there, lol.
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Something interesting that @seleneisrising pointed out is that Sabine is attempting diplomacy with Rau, with her repeated visits to him to play cubikahd and talk. She's let go of whatever desire for revenge she might have had against him back in "The Protector Of Concord Dawn" and is now following Kanan's example in trying to persuade him to the cause through mutual respect.
Which Fenn Rau doesn't seem to want to give her just yet lol.
Zeb calls both of them to the briefing room, whereupon it's revealed that the Rebels had been in regular contact with the Protectors but they've suddenly now gone silent. Rau insists they wouldn't go against his orders to harm the Rebels and Sabine volunteers to check things out. Hera makes her take Ezra and Chopper along with.
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I maybe question the wisdom of letting two teenagers and a droid babysit a full-grown adult prisoner lol but I'll be charitable and say it speaks to Hera's confident level of trust in them.
...Though she does get in a jab about not wrecking the new Phantom II. (Which does look pretty spiffy, the roof fin shaved down, splashed with the Rebellion orange, red, and yellow. Sabine's added a stylized tibedee it looks like, for a logo.)
Ezra gets this quietly guilty look at Hera's comment, ouch.
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Ezra awkwardly whistling as Fenn Rau stares at him is adorable and hilarious. Just the whole cutting back and forth between their faces makes me lol.
Ezra wanders off from keeping firm eyes on Rau and that's all the distraction he needs to incapacitate both kids and free himself. Whoops.
(Sabine would later make the mistake of letting Rau be the one to secure the Phantom II, which he promptly tries to take off with, so you know, at least she and Ezra are even. XD)
Chopper saw an opportunity to be a menace and took it lol.
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Ezra's immediate worry and concern when he sees Sabine unconscious next to him. <3333
(Also, Rau, what exactly did you think handcuffing them together would accomplish? Did you forget about their droid? You forgot about their droid didn't you?)
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Trying to reserve most of my limited photos for the canyon chase but couldn't resist this pretty cap. I love the soft lavender lighting Concord Dawn at twilight has. Last time we were here it was full night, eeking into dawn.
Gah, Rau just stands there, almost comatose. Shoulders slumped, doesn't even react when Ezra retrieves his blaster. We already know that something terrible has happened.
Aaaaaand yep, everybody dead. Once again the Y-7 rating is the only thing preventing us from seeing bodies piled everywhere.
"Why would Mandalorians attack Mandalorians?" HA HA HA THAT'S A WHOLE ASS CAN OF WORMS, EZRA. He's so innocent. I love him.
It's because Mandalorians be craaaaaaaaazyyyyyyyyyy.
Rau turns on Sabine to blame her and the Rebel Alliance for what happened to his men and because I've watched this episode probably dozens of times I'm actually focusing on the background starry sky.
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My gosh that's gorgeous.
The Supercommandos arriving within minutes of the Imperial probe's signal makes me think they were actually hanging around, waiting to see if Fenn Rau or the Rebels or someone would come back and check. Probably why Saxon was so unamused with Ezra's lying later.
"Flying Stormtroopers?!" Man this would have been the perfect spot to put that dumb, "They fly now?!" joke from Rise of Skywalker C'MON IT'S BETTER TONALLY MATCHED AND IT MAKES MORE SENSE COMING FROM EZRA.
They can't quite escape the compound before the Supercommandos are combing through it so Saxon almost stumbles across Sabine's hiding place. Leading to one of my (many) favorite bits:
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No hesitation, less than a second between moving into frame and firing at Saxon to lure him away, first impulse and base instinct to protect Sabine. <3
It gets him captured, naturally.
(A brief moment to say an RIP to Ray Stevenson, who voiced Gar Saxon in addition to playing Baylan Skoll in the upcoming Ahsoka show. He did such a fantastic job with Saxon, made him a very intimidating presence. Godspeed, sir.)
Sabine's first instinct is also to go after Ezra, but Fenn Rau urges her away. It takes her a long moment to move and even when we cut back to her walking behind Rau her body posture is clearly reluctant; she stops dead and gestures behind all, "Come on we gotta." Even when he points out that it's to her advantage that they don't know she's there she brings up that he's still got Ezra's lightsaber--drawing attention to the fact that he's weaponless in enemy hands. Rau argues back that not knowing he's a Jedi will buy Ezra some time for them to observe.
This is what finally gets Sabine moving, though she still pays a glance back.
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Ezra apparently decides on being as annoyingly cheerful as possible to bluff his way through this interrogation, lol.
E: "What? Me a Rebel? *offended gasp* I could never!"
He's so cute. ^_^
Like I said before, though, Saxon doesn't buy it and moves right into "threaten your friends to make you talk" mode, aiming at Chopper.
Meanwhile up on the mesa Sabine takes offense to Rau calling Ezra "a pawn meant to be sacrificed [sic]". She's staying very calm in the face of Rau's frankly unnecessary pissiness, good for her.
Saxon taking a couple potshots at Chopper seems to rattle Ezra's composure here a little bit, he's not quite as confident-sounding as he was before here when he spins his second story.
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Very slightly starting to panic and worry I think.
Heeeeeey Chekhov's Gun!
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Leave my son alone you asshole.
Saxon's monologuing about how he totally wanted to murder the Protectors anyway is the reveal that convinces Rau to help Sabine... sort of.
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Meanwhile Saxon continues to get rougher with Ezra. This makes the whump gremlin in my brain very happy. :D
Sabine's so excited to finally get a jetpack, aww.
We spend maybe a little longer on the fight between Fenn Rau and this random Supercommando than I would have but it does firmly establish how skilled they are and how much of a threat they pose so I guess there's that.
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Oh man they showed the hard cut between Rau punching out the Supercommando and Saxon slamming Ezra into the floor in the early Season Three trailers and I distinctly remember thinking, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON?!"
Saxon making good on his threat to shoot Chopper forces Ezra to use the Force to throw off the aim, accidentally revealing himself to Saxon.
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It's okay though because Sabine is here! :D
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It's a little bit hilarious how closely this scene mirrors the first confrontation with Ketsu back in Season Two. We also get way better backstory details.
Lol Ezra's little smile when Sabine shades the Supercommando armor by saying she likes more color.
The Chekhov's Gun gets fired!
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Ezra seems awfully surprised by her move, kind of taken aback at the... ahem... intimacy of it. He obediently clings to her when she tells him to hang on, though.
And then this:
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...Come on.
Y'all had to know how that would look, right? Right? Which animator was like: "I'm going to have Ezra curling his leg around Sabine here! :D" You're not in trouble, I just wanna talk.
Beyond the obvious my-ship-is-in-very-close-proximity-and-being-Battle-Couple, this setpiece is just really well done. The fast tracking shots give a dynamic sense of movement, the music is frenetic and exciting, Ezra and Sabine work smoothly together to down three-quarters of the squad, even with Ezra's abilities limited by having to hang on to Sabine. If you watch close you see all sorts of fun little subtle details: Sabine gripping Ezra's hand tighter with both of hers, the splashes as Ezra's feet skim the water at the bottom of the gorge...
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Also love Ezra's needlessly dramatic yelling Sabine's name when one of Saxon's shots dislodges him from her grip. XD
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She reaching back tho.
Curse this photo limit I really want to just post a million caps of the pretty scenery because seriously.
Eeeeyyyy Main Titles theme used for a Big Damn Heroes moment with a ship, we haven't had that in a while. Glad you grew a conscience, Rau.
SABINE SAYS THE CURSED LINE AND GETS IMMEDIATELY TACKLED OUT OF THE AIR BY SAXON. You guys have got to stop promising to be right behind.
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Needlessly dramatic yelling of Sabine's name moment number 2, lol.
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This is ah... Uncomfy.
Did not feel sorry for him at all when Sabine busted his chops.
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Rau confesses that Sabine's loyalty to Ezra is actually kinda rad and it's what convinced him she's a true Mandalorian.
Ezra's sentiments are still, "You guys are all nuts." lol. And aww this soft look Sabine gives him is just so sweet.
And... that's a wrap! This episode is not filler it's important to the wider Mando arc that centers around Sabine, also Ezra gets to be very cute and in distress, also he and Sabine spend a lot of time this episode being badasses together while Sabine holds him around the hips and waist, also I love it shut up.
It's also super pretty, I'mma have to make a separate post just appreciating all the gorgeous shots.
The conventions heavily spoiled this episode by releasing a LOT of clips before it aired, a mistake they'd later rectify by being stingier with their preview footage. I still enjoyed it though, it's one of my favorites. For obvious reasons, lol.
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doctor-fancy-pants · 1 year
You’ve heard about the colours, from poetry and books and documentaries. You dream of pinks and yellows and purples and greens, about platforms and mountains and castles of coral, but it doesn’t look that way when you get down there.
You forgot about the blue.
This is where blue is born. Down here blue swallows the light and with it, all the colours you dreamed of. At four and a half metres, you lose red. The brightest and best beloved of colours and it’s gone, just like that.
Fell straight through a school of trevally. Keep equalising: pinch nostrils and blow gently through the nose until the ears pop.
Fall softly another three metres in your gentle descent, and orange is lost. Hard to notice it yet because all you can see now are the flitting shapes of fish, and something that makes a darker patch against the blue, almost too subtle to perceive. No matter how hard you stare, you can’t be sure it’s even there.
Check the gauge. Fourteen metres. Cruising depth until we hit the drop-off. I check with my buddy, the lazy hand signal we don’t even think about anymore after this many years on compressed air – OK? OK – and I pinch my nose and equalise again before continuing on.
The reef is below you now, and yellow is gone. All you can see is blue, and indigo, and brown – so many browns. Ochre, sienna, umber. The world down here is a paintbox of tertiary colours, but your brain fills in the gaps. Your brain adapts and starts to interpret the shades, the browns that should be purples against the browns that should be yellows.
You breathe slowly.
Fish surround you in clouds: tiny dottybacks darting to and fro; little dancing boxfish with their awkward, ungainly wiggles; a reef shark gliding a few feet away, curious but cautious. Staghorn corals look for all the world like a patch of briar, hiding a suspicious shrimp within their stony tangles, and table-top corals offer a stage for a tiny troupe of dancing fish. A feather star clings to the top of a coral mound, arms outstretched into the current. The surface of the mound is covered in fluffy cones, the purple, the yellow, the turquoise of the Christmas tree worms. Unable to resist, you wave a hand and watch them disappear from view as they yank their vulnerable fronds back into their burrows.
You’ve heard that it’s a vivid and silent world, but that’s a lie too. It’s never silent.
Not while you’re here.
I listen to the bubbles, to the little catch as the valve in the regulator flicks back – breathe in, count four – and forth – breathe out, count four. It’s never silent. This sound is my heartbeat, down here. I can’t breathe without it. I can’t even see without the mask, my flimsy piece of tempered plastic and silicon. Comfortable, now, settled into the dive, it’s time to pull out the torch. It’s time to put the colours back.
Small circles now of bright colours jump out at you, a long beam of light that down here looks red. The worms are turquoise; the feather star is crimson; the dottybacks are purple and yellow, but only while you fix them with your torch. The moment they shift out of that beam, they become sepia-toned shadows. The colours run and fade.
Water in my mask. I straighten up, as though I’m standing and levitating, and I tip my head back. I clear my mask. The process is so much easier here. At home the water is rough and cloudy and vicious and cold, beautiful in its own way, but it makes manoeuvring more difficult. It’s not fair to make the comparison. I can’t help it.
Now you reach the drop-off. They call it a wall, because you can swim alongside it, but it’s a cliff. It drops forever – maybe miles – below you. You see the vertical plunge of the rock, covered in scatters of coral and weed, haunted by lazy sharks and the lazier remoras riding their wake.
You look down as you glide over the edge, dipping a fin this way and that to steer, and you can’t see the bottom. Miles down, you think. The continental shelf. The torch hangs limp in your hand. The depth would swallow the beam in blue.
Hungry, breathless blue.
Context/prompt: in 2013, my husband and I spent five days on a live-aboard dive boat exploring the Great Barrier Reef - the less damaged portions are a decent way off shore. Diving in the tropics is very different to diving in Melbourne, as you can probably imagine. I wrote this in 2014, because even a year later my memories of that extraordinary environment were still so vivid.
[brief explainer: I've been thinking for a while bout putting up some of the creative writing I do. Short pieces, the "drabbles" that I write in one of my weekly writing groups in response to prompts. Should I put these on my main "long pieces" blog? Or on the Tumblr? And I've decided: sod it, I'll do both. So now and again you'll get some creative writing, in amongst the usual rants and reflections. I hope you like it - please tell me if you do!]
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Special Anniversary Pokemon Review: Rayquaza
Around this time last year was when I started doing Pokemon reviews. I really appreciate the support these have gotten over the year, and since they’ve become a staple of the blog I wanted to do a special review for the occasion. Rayquaza was the first review I ever wrote, but my reviews weren’t nearly as detailed back then and it was only a few sentences long, so the anniversary gives me a good excuse to rewrite it.
(Note that this is just for today; reviews will return to the standard first-come-first-serve order after this.)
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Rayquaza is a pretty sleek dragon, I gotta say. It’s ostensibly just a lung dragon with a few vaguely jet-like parts (fitting, seeing as it rules the skies), but it also seems to be based off the Hebrew legend of Ziz, and helps round out the ancient trio.
Design-wise, it works pretty well. The golden patterns help connect it visually to Groudon and Kyogre, and while it looks complicated at first, it reads very well due to having an established visual pattern (two gold circles, a segment with some fins and red edges, rinse and repeat). I also really like those funky fins around the head, which helps break up the shape of the otherwise smooth head.
I only have a few nitpicks, most of which aren’t that big of a deal. I’ll start with the one that is, which is the mouth:
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Thank you! I hate it
While it’s just supposed to have red markings around its mouth, and there’s nothing wrong with that (it follows the established pattern of the red accents elsewhere on the body), the way all the teeth except for the front one are red looks terrible. I simply cannot unsee it as having awful exposed gums, like Toothless in HTTYD before he extends his teeth. It doesn’t outright ruin the design, but it does come dangerously close.
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The easy fix would be to just make the color gold instead, but I do get wanting the red there for balancing reasons. The other easy fix is to just keep the red outline but make the teeth themselves white; the front one is already like this, and it would help reduce the “gummy” look considerably.
My other, more minor complaints are that the black outlined plating around chest/arms isn’t needed, and doesn’t match anything else in the design.
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Also, color wise, the shiny is better, we all know this; the yellow and red accents pop much better when placed against a dark, neutral background. In general, I’m not overly fond of the green; it’s not awful or anything, but it doesn’t fit the Pokemon thematically like Groudon and Kyogre’s colors do (blue for the water, red for the land because it’s opposite and also they probably didn’t want a neutral brown). I know they can’t do blue again, but the black here at least fits given that you start to see the dark of space as you go up into the atmosphere where Rayquaza lives, and it works a lot better with the blue and red of the other two. That’s not that big of a deal though; overall, it’s pretty solid, and pretty cool.
Also, side note: Rayquaza eats meteors and that slaps.
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Mega Rayquaza is... A Lot. It really didn’t need to exist, for starters; it’s so busted competitively that it literally broke the meta, and giving megas to legendaries kind of defeats the purpose of refreshing older, much more useless Pokemon. At least Groudon and Kyogre are less busted and have something vaguely interesting going on with the primal reversion thing.
Anyway, design-wise, I’m mixed on it. It looks really damn awesome, not gonna lie. But it also looks like a Hot Fucking Mess.
The big problem here is that there are WAY too many details and things going on in the design, as it lacks a lot of the clear patterning that prevented OG Rayquaza from being too complex. It lends itself to something that I call “visual white noise”—there are so many details that there are no details, because there’s too much going on to process.
I think one of the biggest issues are the long wispy elements; I like how they look like OG Raquaza’s markings, and they fit the whiskers of the lung dragons its vaguely based on. However, they’re not only way too long (could’ve ended at the second segment, and without the green tips), and we only needed the ones on the jaws; the ones on the top of the head and the tail definitely should’ve been dropped. Aside from that, the eye marking is completely unneeded, as is having two sets of head markings (just drop the first one).
Also, the shape of the first set of back fins bug me. Not only do they not fully connect to the back, but they also don’t match the shape established by the rest of the fins on the body or on the head.
However, with all of that said, there are a lot of things about this design that I do like better than the original. The mouth has been changed to yellow so it no longer has that awful gum effect, and in general I prefer the gold, black and green color scheme to the original’s gold, red and green. I love the new shape of the head fins, especially with how the mouth outline bleeds into the lower fin outline. The glowing orbs on the body are very cool and play off of original Rayquaza’s circles well, and I like how the extra black on those segments really make them pop.
In other words, there’s an excellent design here—one that could even outdo original Rayquaza—but it’s majorly bogged down by the sheer amount of details. If you just cut back on some of them, it would have been perfect; as is, it looks badass, but is just too much (and yes, I do mean competitively as well as visually).
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aerialsquid · 9 months
FFXIVWrite Day 6: Ring
And yes it's the same set as the last 5 days minus the Ran'jit one. I do what I want.
If anything, Charlemend seemed a bit miffed that the glory of death in bloody combat had been denied to him after all that build-up.He sat with his back against the mast, sulking, refusing to let Edmont tend to any of his cuts. Edmont wanted to both comfort and smack him for it. 
Anyone of a mindset to try climbing the rigging to come get them took one look at the Sahagin casually dangling his legs over the crosstree and immediately scuttled back down again, almost apologetic about it. It was strange to be so close to the battle and yet so utterly safe.
The frantic ringing of a ship's bell barely carried over the fray. It was followed by the captain's rough, desperate voice screaming, "Yield! Yield!"
Reluctantly the pirates turned to listen, scowling and backing away into a wary knot at the front end of the ship.
Peering over the side, Edmont could see the tattooed man with a blade to the captain's throat. His back was to Edmont but his mask had been torn away during the fight. He leaned in to say something to the captain, who nearly spat in his face before calling out, "We're surrenderin', aye! Vessel and cargo both yours, y'blueblood scalliwag, and I hope you shove it–"
The exact location was blotted out by a roar of victory from the half-naked assailants, a chaotic cheer that soon turned to an uneven chant of "Hold 'em fast, drag 'em under!". Keeping with the kraken theme, Edmont supposed. 
Novv stood and stretched, the fin on his back leisurely rising. One arm was given to each lord and he took them both down to the deck with a single leap, landing as light as a feather before allowing them their feet. 
Gerald trickled by them, rotating out his books to replace his carbuncle with a pale yellow fairy. 
"Thought you'd be stayin' out of the fight, Novv," he said, still just as jovial as before, though his shirt was stained in blood. "Not that we ain't grateful for your presence!" The summon flitted around him to inspect the other Krakens, a healing glow following in its wake.
"Pssh? Fight? Was this a fight?" Novv tilted his head in overexaggerated confusion, scratching one of his crests. "So new am I to your strange finless ways, I thought this was some form of festival and came to visit my good friends Duraindaire and Fortempts. I would not dare raise my weapon at such a delicate time with your people, especially to intervene in some petty conflict between shorewalkers that has nothing to do with Novv and his sons." He proudly held up both claws, empty. "And as you can see, I carry no blade and I have spilled no blood."
"Rightly so, Master Novv, rightly so!" Gerald chirped. "And come to think of it, I've been at festivals that ended more bloody than this."
"Gerald, would you bloody tell me what's going on?" Charlemend cut in. "I've had enough of bloody pirate dealings and you're the closest thing to civilized I've laid eyes on today."
"Of course, of course, your lordship!" Gerald offered a bow that only seemed slightly ironic, as Novv moved off into the crowd. Edmont strained to keep sight of him, but it was hard with this many broad-backed Roegedayn milling about. "Y'see, back in the old days before Admiral Merlwyb and the Galadion Accords brought us disassociated rabble to heel, it weren't uncommon to pluck up your rival's business partners and hold them to some sort of ransom to gain an edge on 'em. We've all moved on from such practices and it's practically unheard of these days, but the Shark's Teeth here are a bit hung up on tradition."
"Which is why we made sure to hit 'em enough that no one else'll try this kind of shite for another century or two," Blutwyn said as she passed by, gore-streaked oar over her shoulder. 
"You're telling me two of Ishgard's high house lords were drugged, bound, abused, and threatened with mutilation over a matter of business?" The irate purple in Charlemend's skin was showing under the edges of his sunburn. "This is an international incident! An insult tantamount to a declaration of war!"
Gerald smiled with the sort of sweetness that made you want to deck him. "Didn't say we pirates were smart, your lordship. But the Kraken's Arms is happy to reimburse you for your lost time, don't you worry, and we'll do so out of the coffers of the men what caused you the trouble. You can even take a few licks with the cat at the captain if it pleases you to do so. "
"Reimburse--" Charlemend's voice stopped in his throat. His lips moved silently, his head shaking side to side ever so slightly, as if what he saw defied all reason. Edmont's eyes followed his, to where the crowd had parted just right to allow a clear line of sight across the length of the ship. 
To where the man with the kraken tattoo was taking Novv and the Sharks' leader into the captain's quarters, ax hanging loose in his hand, and his scowling face finally bared to the sun. Another of his crew was settling a red coat across his bare shoulders.
Jumbles of words seemed to struggle for priority in Charlemend's throat. A haggard breath escaped him, then a muttered "It can't…how… but he…", and then a growing cry of "Wait. Wait! Come back!" 
"Put him down," Blutwyn hissed. Gerald's fingers skittered frantically over the pages of his tome, tracing the lines of arcane geometry.
"Car–!" The Repose spell struck Charlemend mid-shout, deadening his muscles. He struggled for breath, struggled to move his foot just one more step, hand reaching out before him in desperation as his treacherous body slowly dragged him down. Edmont caught him around the shoulders as he fell with a helpless sob, his bad leg screaming as he lowered his friend gently to the deck. 
If anyone else noticed the commotion, they'd turned their faces away and deliberately ignored it.
"I'll be good," Edmont said, raising one surrendering hand in the face of Gerald's glaring fairy. Edmont swallowed down the rage that came up in his throat at yet another pirate playing havoc with Charlemend. "And you don't need two dead weights to carry around. The stress must have just…gotten to him."
"Supposing you're right, your lordship. I'm sure a brief rest'll do him a world of good regardless, and in the meantime we'll see about getting you back to Costa del Sol before the dancing girls go on." The sweet smile was back on Gerald's face just as it was before. Edmont stayed kneeling on the deck, Charlemend's limp body in his arms, and closed his eyes against the piercing sunlight above.
All the pieces were here. It was child's play to put them together. The question was what to do about them.
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sunlightbabe · 1 year
out to sea - a preview
Juice dribbles down the corner of your mouth as you take a bite of the strawberry, ripe and slightly warm from where it’s been sitting in the sun. It’s sweet, picked from the bush and brought to the market at just the right time. The juice- red, vibrant- drips from the half eaten fruit onto the gray rock you’re sitting on.
“... it doesn’t look like straw to me.”
You don’t bother to hide your amused smile as you turn to look at where Victoria floats beside you. Her arms are crossed on top of the rocky outcropping and you can just see the fin of her tail flick out and above the water every now and again.
“It’s called a strawberry,” Ethan says from where he’s sunbathing on the rocks. Victoria rolls her eyes and focuses on the fruit in your hand once more.
“But it’s red. Straw is yellow and itchy, isn't’ it?” she asks you. “So why did they name it incorrectly?”
“Sometimes,” Ethan chimes in before you can say anything, “things are named incorrectly. Starfish aren’t fish, you know.”
“No, but they are star shaped. That one makes sense.”
“I don’t know why they’re called strawberries,” you say, looking at the basket beside you. There’s plenty of strawberries left, as well as raspberries, blueberries, some wrapped cheese, and a load of bread that was baked earlier that morning. “But I can look into it and let you know next time?”
Victoria huffs, an impatient little noise, and you can just barely hear Ethan audibly snicker over the gentle lapping of the waves against the rocks.
It’s a perfect day to be out here, just the three of you, hidden away from the world. The sun is out, warming you down to your bones, it feels like, but the occasional ocean breeze keeps you from feeling like you’re roasting out here. The ocean is peaceful- not calm, because the ocean is many things, but calm is never truly one of them- and the waves glitter in the late afternoon light. It’s quiet this far from the shoreline. All you can hear is the water. No seagulls, no hustle and bustle of the city, no other people. Just you three.
“... does it at least taste like straw?”
“Oh my goodness Victoria,” Ethan says under his breath.
You shake your head. “No, not at all.” A moment passes. “Do you want to try?”
You know she does. Victoria hasn’t been able to look away from the fruit since the moment you pulled it from the basket, but you know that from previous experiences, fruit doesn’t like Victoria. It’s something with their biology- there’s no fruit in the ocean, after all. They can’t process dairy or bread products either. Vegetables had been a hit or a miss- you’ll never forget the delighted look on Ethan’s face when he bit into a tomato for the first time, or the pure look of disgust when he tried a carrot.
Victoria eyes the strawberry and hauls herself up onto the rocks. You catch a flash of the scales around her waist, deep orange and red that shimmer in the golden afternoon light.
“This isn’t a trick?” she asks with an arched eyebrow. “Like the lemon?”
“No,” you say with a laugh. “Not a trick. I promise.”
Victoria looks a little skeptical, but she makes her way a little closer to you, eyes flickering between your face and the basket. You look inside and push some of the berries around, trying to find what looks like the ripest once, the perfect first strawberry for a merfolk to try. Behind you, you can hear Ethan move closer, the rasp of his scales against the rocks. He’s been out in the sun for awhile now. Soon, you think, he’ll need to dip back into the water.
You’re about to reach for a strawberry when Victoria grabs your wrist. It’s gentle- she’s careful and makes sure that her sharpened nails don’t scratch you. She’s focused on the strawberry held between her fingers, eyebrow furrowed like she’s focusing on a problem. It’s adorable. You kind of hate how adorable it is.
“We eat just the red part,” you explain as she gently lifts your hand so she can sniff at the strawberry. “It’s sweet- sometimes people dip them in sugar or cover them in chocolate-”
“Chocolate?” Ethan asks. He’s much closer now, his shoulder brushing yours as he settles beside you. He tilts his head to the side as he watches Victoria observe the strawberry. “You’ve brought that to us before, yes?”
“Oh I like chocolate,” Victoria says excitedly. “You should bring it to us again. Next time you visit, I think.”
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The Gem and the Cat
It was just supposed to be a regular job. Go in, acquire the drive, and take it to his employer. An average day for Geocache. This day is anything but average.
It’s dark when he arrives at a back door of the large estate that he was told was the pickup spot. He was to meet with another bot for the hand off, a lady named Shaderaider. He thinks the name is interesting. I hope I’m not late, that would be so embarrassing. He thinks as he fidgets with his hands, waiting for something to happen.
A moment later, a small dark blue motorcycle alt drops from the second floor balcony. She stares at Geocache with piercing blue rings for optics for several seconds, eyeing him over.
“Are you the transport they hired?” She prompts, quick and to the point.
Geo smiled. “That’s me. I’m Geocache, and I suppose you must be Shaderaider.” He held out his hand for a handshake, but it was smacked away.
“We don’t have time for such pleasantries. We have a job to do, and it must be done fast. So shut up and let’s get going.” Shaderaider replies dismissively, voice cold and calculating, her cat-like ears twitching as she looks into the distance, arms crossed. A second later she grabs his hand, putting the disc into it. “Protect this with your life, Geocache.” She snarled, that last word having a sharp bite in the enunciation.
“There’s no need to be so harsh, I know how to do my job.” The orange and yellow plane chuckled, walking forward after stashing his cargo. Shaderaider transforms and speeds off, causing Geocache to also transform and follow suit, though slower.
Several silent minutes pass, and it’s only when they’re out of the neighborhood that they stop and Shade transforms. Geo does the same.
“Why have we stopped? Did something happen?” He asks, looking down at his traveling companion with a tilted head, and head fins at two different angles, with a confused expression.
The only response is an impatient huff and narrow eyed stare before she speaks. “Why are you so slow? We need to get this damn disc out of Iacon before the rich glitch finds out it’s missing. You should know the importance of efficiency in these sorts of matters.” she hisses.
“I’ll have you know that my speed is the perfect speed for carrying delicate cargo. I’ve been doing this for millenia, “ his eyebrows shoot up and he takes a half step back, ''and WAIT, did you STEAL?!” he shouts in surprise. Shaderaider facepalms, dragging her clawed hand down her face with an eye roll.
“Keep your voice down. Yes I stole it. That’s what we’re here to do, you should already know that. I mean, you’re posing as a transport.” she states, matter of factly. Geocache tenses up, his plating tight against his frame.
“No one told me I would be smuggling something! I was just told to take this disc from that place to the edge of town. No one told me I would be doing anything illegal!” He yelps, shaking from head to foot. Oh no, oh no, oh Primus why. I’m going to get in SO much trouble, he thinks, his mind racing. “Am I a CRIMINAL?” He cries.
His companion shakes her head in disbelief, before sighing angrily, “Yes, yes you are, now let’s go. And you will tell no one about any of this.” Geo feels an odd sensation in his tank at that last sentence, but he ignores it. He takes a deep breath, which does nothing to calm his nerves, and nods, still shaken. Shaderaider rolls her optics again before turning on her heel, transforming, and starting off down a side street. Geocache nervously follows behind her, fidgeting the entire way.
“Hey, Shaderaider, would you please wait up?” He calls a moment later. She turns to the side to come to a stop.
“What is it now?” She impatiently replies.
“Can we walk at least part of the way? I don’t think I could fly like this. The alleys are pretty narrow after all, not good for wings, and I somehow doubt you want me out of your sight.” the plane sheepishly pleads, his hands drawn close to his chest, index fingers tapping together. The motorcycle transforms and stares at him with a blank expression. She mulls it over for a moment, and after a look of dismay and silently questioning what led her to be stuck with this fool, deeply sighs.
“Alright, I suppose we could walk, but it better be quiet, and if anyone asks, you’re carrying average cargo, and I’m merely keeping you company. Got it?” She answers with a slight snarl and a cold glare. Geocache relaxes a little at this, and puts on a weary smile.
“Crystal clear. Thank you ma’am, and I promise not to bug you with small talk, much.” He chuckles slightly, before walking forward through the alley. The spy follows his lead, needing to speed walk to keep up with the transport she’s stuck with.
An hour goes by of Geo being told where to turn and when to duck out of sight of the main street, and many groans of frustration from Shade when he flinches at every little noise. They’re about to turn into another alley when Shaderaider halts in her tracks and puts a hand up to stop her companion.
She turns to him and sighs, “We can’t take this street, they’re doing construction and would ask us what we were doing coming through from the alley side. Too suspicious. We need to take the main street, it’s the only other way through this area. An unfortunate detour but a necessary one.”
Geocache blinks. “Ok, lead the way. I don’t do much ground travel around here, y’know, plane and all, so this has been quite informative.” I can act normal. I do it all the time. He thinks, taking a breath. I got this. I’m just carrying my usual cargo and not doing anything suspicious, just gotta keep telling myself that. They step out onto the main street and keep walking. He is temporarily dazzled by all the lights illuminating the way, it never fails to amaze him. Shaderaider just keeps her head down and strides ahead, weaving around other bots as needed.
Geo breaks out of his trance and notices he was left behind, mutters incoherently for a second, and dashes to find his companion, going “Excuse me, pardon me, sorry about that.” as he shuffles around bots, who glance annoyedly at him before moving. It takes a moment, but he catches up to the spy and taps her on the shoulder.
“Hey, aren’t we supposed to stick together? I’m sorry for stopping unnecessarily, but you didn’t have to run off like that.” He says, a tad exasperated. Shade turns around and curtly replies,
“Oh, sorry. I’m used to being by myself and weaving through crowds as fast as possible. I didn’t even notice you’d stopped.”
“Heh, it’s ok. Though I’m kinda surprised you’d forget I’m here, given my height and importance to this job after all.” He lightly teases, arising the slightest blush out of her. It quickly goes away and they continue on their journey. The duo go a few blocks before turning into the alleys again. This time Shaderaider is scanning the walls as they go down the alley. Geo looks at this with confusion.
“What are you doing, if I might ask?” He inquires, innocently.
“I’m looking for a way onto the rooftops. This is taking way too long for my and most likely our employer’s liking, and you said you can’t really fly in these alleys. So if we go to the rooftops, you can fly and I go much faster. Win win.” She states, not taking her optics from her scanning.
A moment later she spots a service ladder a few feet away and darts over to it. She climbs the ladder with great speed, and beckons Geocache to follow her once she reaches the halfway point. He does as instructed with slight hesitation, as the pit in his tank grows from the shady activity. I don’t like this, I don’t like this, what if we get caught? This is bad. His thoughts race as he climbs the ladder behind Shade, trembling slightly. His trembles shake the ladder a little and make it rattle under both their weights and his nerves.
“Can you quit shaking?! You’ll give us away!” Shaderaider hisses just loud enough for him to hear from the near top of the ladder. Geo stops and takes several deep breaths, calming him a little to stop his quivering, though it does nothing to slow his racing spark.
“Ok, sorry about that. I’m just freaking out because I’m part of a heist and no one told me.” He reminds her as he finishes clambering up the ladder, dusting himself off at the top. “That ladder had quite the dust layer. Must not be well maintained.” He muttered under his breath. Once he arrives on the roof, Shaderaider looks him over, before nodding with a “Hm.”
After a second of silence, she motions for the two of them to get a move on, and starts off in the direction they were originally heading. Geocache ruffles his plating before transforming with a little flourish and taking off. He makes sure to keep his companion in his sight, but takes no time in getting up to speed, simultaneously relaxing more at the sensation of flying above it all. As he gets back to his usual method of doing his job, it almost slips his mind that he’s doing anything wrong.
Geo periodically looks down to make sure he’s still following the motorcycle, which he is, until she stops short and ducks behind a structure on one rooftop. He sees this and swoops down to inspect the situation, transforming and landing with a soft thud before immediately being pulled behind the structure with Shaderaider, a squeak escaping him at both the sudden movement and sudden contact.
“Shaderaider? What’s wro-”
“Quiet!” She whisper shouts, covering his mouth with her hand, her optics narrowed as she gazes around the corner, “Someone heard me up here, now we must wait until they leave. Try not to give us away big guy.” Geo has a moment of that same feeling in his tank from earlier in the evening, but it is quickly replaced by a shiver as he remembers the circumstances. He can’t help but tremble as he tries to stay still and quiet as he crouches behind the obstruction. Shade removes her hand and returns it to her side.
Peeking over the top, he spots a resident of the building glancing around. They seem to be a sports car of some sort, but it’s hard to tell in the low light of the dark city canopy. Geo can barely make out a grimace as he ducks back down when the bot’s head turns in his direction. His sparkbeat quickens as the duo wait a tense few minutes before they hear footsteps echoing down stairs, the bot deciding it was nothing and going back inside. Shaderaider waits a few moments before signaling Geocache that he can move. He sighs in relief and goes to stand, but bangs his head on a pole, knocking it and other objects off the structure with a loud clatter. Immediately the pair hear footsteps swiftly coming back up the stairs.
“Oh slag.” He groans, his head fins pinned back as he prepares for a confrontation. I hope I can talk my way out of this, I’d really hate for there to be a fight. He takes a few deep breaths in an effort to calm himself for conversation as Shaderaider face palms. The same bot throws the door open and looks at them with an accusatory glare.
“What are you two doing here?” They bark with a scowl and crossed arms, tapping their foot.
“I-I’m so sorry to bother you sir, I’m just transporting cargo across town, expedited delivery, and I got drowsy so I flew too low and crashed into this.” He gestures at the mess on the floor, then looks at Shaderaider. “My friend here was supposed to talk to me to keep me awake, but she forgot. Again, I’m so sorry for disturbing you, I’ll just clean up the mess and we’ll be on our way.” He shakily explains with a clearly forced smile, as he nervously chuckles, waving his hands in front of him. The bot looks unimpressed, and turns to peer at Shade, who puts on a similar facade to Geo, nodding to confirm his story.
The bot looks suspiciously between the two, but after a moment shrugs and replies, “Okaaaay, but make it quick and get out of here before I change my mind about reporting you.” before turning on their heels and leaving. A moment of silence passes as the footsteps again fade out.
“Haaaaah,” Geo gasps, letting out a breath he’d been unknowingly holding, before quickly cleaning up the mess he’d made, still shaking. After he’s finished they move on to the next roof, where Shade then jumps and smacks him on the back of the head.
“What the PIT Geocache?! I told you to be quiet!” She scolds him with a growl. “Why can’t you follow simple instructions?!”
“I’m sorry! I tried, I just didn’t see those things there, and I talked our way out of it! Ack, I’m usually not this clumsy, it’s just this job is messing with my head.” He yelps as he rubs the back of his head, and then face palms. “I know I must be such a bother to you, but I assure you I’m not normally like this.” Geo sighs, dejected. Shaderaider looks at her companion as he fidgets with an annoyed stare, before a thoughtful look replaces it. After a moment, her face temporarily softens for just a second, before she rolls her eyes. She’d better get paid extra for putting up with these shenanigans.
“Fine, I accept your apology, but this can’t keep happening. Fortunately for the both of us, we’re only a couple blocks from our destination. If we can get that far without any more incidents, I won’t tell our employers of your incompetence. Deal?” She extends her hand. Geocache’s optics light up like tiny suns and he smiles as he shakes her hand.
“Deal!” He exclaims. Upon their deal, the pair transform and take off, the only sound being the noises of the street below, and their engines.
It’s just before sunrise when they arrive at the city limits. A figure is there to greet them with a pair of guards at their back.
“Ah, I see you arrived safely. Do you have the goods?” They prompt. Shaderaider and Geocache transform and step forward. Shade turns and gives Geo a look of ‘I got this.’ He simply nods and looks on.
Turning back she says, “Yes, we have the merchandise, as requested.” She lightly elbows Geo, who produces his cargo and gives it to his employer, saying nothing.
“Yes, good. You will receive your payment shortly. Good job, this usually takes our agents multiple solar cycles, but you two got it done in one night. I’m impressed.” They purr.
“T-Thank you.” Geocache mutters. Primus I’m being so unprofessional. This is the worst. He chastises himself. Just gotta get through this interaction, then I can go home and never think about this again.
He looks at Shade, who, for the first time that night, smiles as she fires back, “I do pride myself on my efficiency, it is my job after all.” Geo feels oddly warm at the sight of that smile.
“Of course, of course. You may go, Geocache, you were never here.” The bot says, lowering their voice for that last part.
“Of course. Goodbye Shaderaider.” He says before swiftly transforming and flying away, contemplating the night’s events.
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A Dragon’s Merperson’s Tail 
(Do you ever just…feel compelled to write something?) (This is pretty self-explanatory.) (Oh, and as much as I’d like to have the aquatic environment be 100% accurate to nature, this is unfortunately not the case as I’ve been really really busy and haven’t had a lot of time to research) (or write. This was mostly for fun!)
The crab was small and shiny. Its shell glimmered as it slowly made its way across the ocean floor. Gunther had never seen a crab so shiny. He didn’t realize he had been staring at it until he looked up and saw that his father had kept swimming without him. He shot up in the water, accidentally bumping into two mermaids. 
“Watch it, Shark!” One spat, scowling. 
“Relax, he’s just a child,” said the other. She looked like she was about to swim away, but noticed the look in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”
“I got lost. I can’t find my father.” 
“Well, he must be around here somewhere.” She surveyed the merfolk swimming every which way around them. He followed suit. His eyes searched the crowd, but he wasn’t looking at their faces. He was looking for their fins. Gleaming green scales. A smooth indigo one. One with bright yellow stripes. 
And then, finally. 
Light gray, tipped with black. Lashing furiously.
“I see him,” Gunther gasped, pointing. His father appeared to be clutching a massive shell, and arguing with someone over it as if parting from it would kill him. Typical. 
Gunther swam up to his father’s side, panting, silently bracing himself for the bellow of where were you? But his father was so busy bellowing at the merman trying to negotiate prices with him that he didn’t even notice. Gunther wondered if he’d even noticed they’d been separated at all. 
Before he could think about what he was doing, Gunther nudged his father’s black-tipped fin with his own. Magnus briefly frowned at him, then returned to the argument. Gunther watched the air bubbles sent up by their shouts float up and away. Following the air bubbles, he saw the towers of the castle above them all. 
“How many times do I have to tell you this? Do not distract me when I’m having a business discussion?” 
Gunther knew he was talking about the nudge. “Sorry. I bumped you by accident.” 
Magnus huffed. “It didn’t feel like one.” 
Gunther sighed. “Fine. I nudged your tail because I had gotten caught in the crowd. We’d briefly been separated. I nudged your fin to let you know I had caught up to you.” He didn’t know why he kept talking. “It was easy to find you. Because your fin is patterned differently than everyone else’s.” He smiled at his father. His father scowled. 
“Different. We have been given the gift of stealth and speed and power, and all you have to say is that they are different. We are not different. We are better.” 
Better. People who were better didn’t get called shark in the streets. People who were better didn’t have the other children regard them with suspicion and fear after a rumor about shark teeth had been spread. Better. Please. 
Father probably had to deal with stuff like that too when he was little. It’s probably why he’s angry all the time. If I could, I would give him a bright red tail. It would suit him. Gunther could imagine it. His father would be so proud of the bright colors of his new tail, and so happy with him. Then Gunther would give himself a new tail, perhaps a red one to match, maybe a different iridescent one, and then they would all be happy. 
It was these fins that were the cause of all their problems. 
Many years later. 
Gunther watched the leviathan recline on its stomach. He’d been in regular proximity with the thing for a while now, but there were still moments when its sheer size caught him off guard. He hoped the leviathan couldn’t see his anxiety. 
Right now, its eyes were closed, so it couldn’t see anything. Actually, now that he thought about it, its eyes had been closed for a while now. That made his stomach churn, and he wasn’t sure why. He shook himself off and returned to his duties to distract himself. 
The distractions didn’t last long. Soon, word had spread through the castle like a plague that the leviathan was ill, and the only thing that could cure it was a mysterious plant known as Surfaceleaf. In the blur of activity that followed, Gunther was the one selected to help get the plant. 
He wouldn’t be alone. Jane, the leviathan’s best friend and his worst enemy, would be alongside him. 
Jane. She always had to be the best, and because she wasn’t born with the natural hurdle of a shark tail, she usually was. Her tail was a shade of red-orange so bright it almost hurt his eyes. Once, he’d imagined her in a battlefield, floating victoriously above the corpse of an enemy, and there had been something inexplicably majestic about how her tail contrasted with the darker red of the blood billowing around her. That mental image would stick with him for years, and he would never be able to truly explain why. 
Anyway. The Surfaceleaf got its name because it only grew around the very tips of underwater mountains, closest to the sunlight. The tides were rough, so the swim was exhausting, but it was the least of their challenges.
Humans. There were loads of them in these parts, a few swimming, most on boats. The relationship between the humans and the merfolk of the castle was…decent. Decent enough that no one in recent years had feared any sort of all-out war or conflict, but no one wanted to test that by having anyone tied to underwater nobility harm a human civilian, or vice versa. And now Jane and Gunther were going to have to find a way to safely make their way around all these humans, while armored, and not seem suspicious. 
This is a disaster waiting to happen. No. We can do this. We can do this. 
There was a flash of movement. “What?” 
A human swimmer was floating nearby. “What?” She signed. Sign language was the only merfolk and humans could communicate properly. Everyone had learned that the hard way several centuries ago after a miscommunication caused a war that was still a mind-numbingly large section of Gunther’s history lessons. 
“What?” The swimmer signed again. 
“She wants to know what we’re doing here,” Jane whispered. 
“Yeah obviously, I don’t have an anemone for a brain.” 
“An anemone? All the  creatures you could’ve chosen and you go with an anemone?”
“Are you going to talk to her or not? She’s getting suspicious.” 
“All right.” Jane turned to the swimmer and began signing with clean and precise gestures. “We are not here to hurt anyone. We only need a plant.” 
The swimmer looked confused and even more suspicious. 
“Healing,” Gunther signed. “We need a healing plant.” He pointed to the nearby grove of plants, one of which was clearly Surfaceleaf.
“All right.” The swimmer signed. “Need air.” She signed hurriedly, then swam to the surface. 
“It will be best if we do this quickly. Here, hold my sword, I’ll just swim over there and get it.” 
Jane had darted off in a flash of red before he could finish. He groaned. The cloud of bubbles that erupted from his throat traveled up, up, up. He watched as they hit the swimmer’s kicking feet. She was back underwater, and swimming towards Jane, in a flash. 
“What is happening?” The swimmer signed. “Why do you need this plant?” 
“I need to heal a friend.” Jane’s signs were getting fast and sloppy with emotion. He knew all she was thinking of was the life of Leviathan, which would end tragically without this plant. “I need to heal a friend.” 
“I do not know of any ocean plants with healing powers.” A look was spreading over the human’s face, a look Gunther knew all too well. 
She sees how important this plant is. She wants it for herself. She wants to sell it for herself. 
“That is because you are human. Leave me alone.” 
The greed on the human’s face was unmistakable now, but so was her need for air. She swam back up. 
Gunther had once seen a shark chase a seal into a crevice in a rock. The shark had tried to worm its snout into the crevice, biting wildly and senselessly in an attempt to get its prey. 
That was how Jane looked now, tearing at the plants in an attempt to get the Surfaceleaf. Torn hanks of seagrass floated around her, her nails audibly scraping against stone as she fought to get the plant off the rock. She began muttering and cursing with fury. Gunther shot a look back up at the swimmer. She was visibly preparing to dive back down. 
This could end with a civil conversation and everyone agreeing on what to do. 
This could end with everyone getting too caught up in their desperation for this forsaken healing plant. 
This could end in neither of those ways. 
Gunther took off his armor and picked up Jane’s sword. 
Jane was audibly sobbing now. She had almost gotten the Surfaceleaf off the rock, it was still clinging to the rock by a thick thread. 
He swam over to her with the sword and placed it by her. 
She picked up the sword and swung. The thread snapped with ease, the Surfaceplant floating freely in the tide. It hung there for a brief moment, oddly mesmerizing in its beauty.
Gunther’s hand shot out and grabbed it. He started swimming as fast as his tail could take him.
“Hey!” Jane cried. “What are you doing?”
“Getting this to Leviathan.” He gasped. 
“How. Are you. So fast.” Jane wheezed. “Thank you. For saving Leviathan. But. How.” 
“It’s a secret.” He couldn’t resist smirking at her. He waited for her cutting remark in return, but she simply sighed. 
“Really. Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” 
Both of them seemed rather surprised by their own sincerity, and retreated into exhausted silence. 
“Are you going to tell anyone about that swimming human? She seemed like she was up to no good.” Jane finally said, not looking at him. 
“I do not know. It looked to me like she thought she could sell the plant for its healing properties. But perhaps she has a sick loved one she hopes could be cured by the plant.” 
Jane’s face darkened with visible guilt. Typical of her, to briefly forget her own victory when thinking of someone who also needed help.
“Plants grow back. And I- I could swim back to the surface and- put some back, in case she needs some soon.” 
“Yes. And I could do it very fast.” 
She snorted and rolled her eyes. 
“There you two are,” Sir Theodore came over. “I am impressed by how quickly you managed to return.” 
“We were just talking about that,” Jane shot Gunther a look. “He refuses to tell me how he accomplished it.” “It is his fins.”
“It is difficult to explain, but as you know, many people’s fins are different. Some are designed for strength, and for others, speed. Gunther, I have known many great warriors born with fins such as yours who were renowned for their fast and quiet swimming, and were eternally grateful for the gifts.” 
Eternally grateful for the gifts. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
Gunther poked his head out of the water and listened closely. There was a person still working by the rocks, seawater splashing around their bare feet. They had the same body shape as the swimmer, but Gunther’s vision was so poor out of the water it was difficult to tell if it was really her.
“You check,” he whispered to Jane. 
“It’s her.” Jane responded a moment later. 
Gunther swam over to the rocks. 
The human only noticed him when his hand slapped against the rock. He needed to work on that aspect of his stealth. 
It wasn’t much of the Surfaceleaf, but it seemed to be enough for the human. She darted off. 
Gunther sighed. “What if she sells it for nefarious purposes? What if Surfaceleaf only heals leviathans and we accidentally poison someone?” 
“Then why did you agree to do this?” 
“I-I do not know.” 
When Jane came back from patrol with Leviathan the next day, she had a secretive smile on her face as she swam over to Gunther. 
“I poked my head out of the water.”
“She was standing in the surf holding someone’s hand. I was about to go back underwater, but she noticed me and smiled and made the signs for plant and thank you. Then she pointed at me and the person with her waved and signed thank you.”
“You’re joking.” 
“Why would I joke about something like this? Leviathan can prove it, right, Leviathan?” 
“Yep! At least, I’m assuming that’s what happened. Humans have such funny, tiny little hands that I barely tell what they sign. But they seemed happy.” Leviathan said. He was resting on his stomach again, but seemed much more lively. 
Without thinking, Gunther nudged her fin with his own. She seemed briefly stunned, but then quickly reciprocated.
“Why are you telling me this?” Coral asked. Gunther smiled, then nudged Coral’s fin the same way. 
“Because I want you to know that just because many think our fins are different doesn’t mean they’re better or worse.”
“I’ve never thought of my fin as better or worse.” Coral said defensively. “Well, there have been some times…” Coral gestured, seeming to reach for the appropriate thing to say. “I just think that it’s- that you did all that stuff-whoa.” 
Gunther chuckled. 
“I’m sorry people called you a shark and all that.” Coral’s voice had gone soft. 
“You don’t need to apologize. They do. If anyone ever makes you feel bad about your family or your fin…”
“A giant angry leviathan will descend on their homes and kill them.” 
“That would be nice, but no.”
“He probably would if someone asked.”  
“Coral, really, if anyone harassed you because of your fin, you wouldn’t need to ask Leviathan to kill them.”
“You would do it yourself.” 
“I would.” 
Coral watched a school of yellow fish dart by. Gunther wondered what Coral was thinking. 
Coral was still watching the fish. “I love you, Father.”
“I love you too.” 
The End.
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meowkeysayno · 2 years
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◣𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒◥ -written from the ink in my heart
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𝓐𝓝- I wrote this during a really horrid time I experienced this year. Essentially, a love letter to death, I wished to embrace nothingness, all the while feeling something quite ephemeral in quality. I hope if you too are struggling, you at least know you are not alone<3 ily🤍
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼- heavy suicidal ideation, essentially depression. Read with care
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 1416 [rhyming story]
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And when the wind whistled, the tree branches shook- gently, allowing the array of colours to dance in the most beautiful of fashions, red upon green and orange upon yellow and pirouettes and jettes and pliés and acrobatic gymnastics and all sorts of things. And the wind whistled again, a shrilled call She heard. It’s time she says. The brown taut rope slung around her neck, angled in a quintessential mannerfor a swift departure. “Into the elements be free” she laments “into the elements be free”
And the wind whistled a sullen cry or perhaps one of utmost joy. Perhaps it was apathetic, perhaps it was all a ploy. Perhaps it was hasty perhaps now she is free. But what if she was still shackled by the expectations of you and me. And when her cool remains, icy to the touch. Were finally found by historians as such. Decayed and dilapidated perhaps it seemed, even the historians were a figment of her imagination you see. For she did not die. She lives on quite free, consistently shackled by her turmoil for all to see. She did die that day but she also did not for she only lost a puzzle of herself- a piece that was forgot. And she can never see the light of another taunting day, for she could never into the elements be free-she must stay. Cry a river, or weep a lake. Sail the oceans built upon a million mistakes. Larceny, robbery, a heinous travesty. But when were these thousand tears ever the currency. We would never give our happiness for that thing of hers. To beat once more, to beat until it’s heard. And when we say, oh she was so swell, if she even deserved to hear that insolent and cruel lie… well. Maybe she did. Maybe she was a criminal. Maybe she had a heart of ice. But it was abysmal- that scary dark place, enclosing within. And would she ever to the elements within..? And would she ever within the figment of her wildest imaginations be seen? And would she ever be free?
And could she ever dream?
Dream a dream of a thousand deaths, broken hearts, fragmented and unkempt. Dream a dream of happy songs? And golden rays and daffodils strong. Resisting against the merciless wind. It taunts but it’s cries are so shrill. A cry that only I can hear. A cry that I wish to never again witness here.
Oh to cry, how good it would be. A rush of emotion, a forgoing of strife. Emptying my heart of pain- and life! This life I was so lucky to have. A one in a trillion chance of that. I read it somewhere, can’t remember exactly though. Can’t remember the date or what it meant because it was low- My self esteem since I remember just shrugging and a sigh. “Do I really feel like I’ve won a lottery by being here tonight.” Let me go. Let me win. Let me finally make amends and ‘fin.’ The worlds a stage that I know. Actors and dancers a continuous flow. Let me weep, let me die. I would be replaced anyways, wouldn’t I? I accept it as fact, as true as day, as true as night and as true as my existence today. Let me breathe, is that okay? It seems that I offended you, by existing today. And would it be okay if I cry- just a little. Oh sorry that was perhaps me being frugal. I’m sorry I’m sorry I do apologise here. I’m sorry I existed, I think that everyday.
A thousand unanswered questions and a million added more. And so many queries-so many-galore. And I don’t know what to do anymore, if I should reflect within? Should I break down expectations outside and in? I can’t- I’m frail. I won’t live until another day. No more stars in the sky nor the cool breeze at night. Not the dancing lights out for all to see. With much love and ironically without. Will I ever see another light of day? And will I ever be free? And will I ever see? And can I ever be…. Me? Whatever that even means.
Bask in the splendour of this thing we call life. It’s beautiful they say… oh me oh my! Had I missed these infinitesimal clues? These conglomeration of tricks? A medley of cues? And when I say…I…cannot even say. A whisper is all it takes. Paralysed in motion, shade without colour shape without form and day and night asunder. A range of things but quite nothing at all. It’s everything and inherently nothing and I do not know at all. Help me. Guide me. Teach me how to be me, please? You could do a better job in a minute- the virtues it would bring, than I could ever commit to in the 17 years I have roamed this earth. Than I could ever bring forth… not even a digit.
And would you please take my hand? Tell me it’ll be okay, that nothing will last? That after the rain the sun will peep through again. That after a lie karma will strike abundantly too and then…. And perhaps then I will believe. And perhaps then it will all be clear? But it’s hard to promise so down with your pinky. I cannot even guarantee another day for me. I need your help. I want it so. But it’s so hard, to take that first step and no. I don’t want to live, thank you very much. I’m just withering away, frail to the touch. I wish to take death by the hand, walk in twos, do you understand? I want to die don’t you get it? And don’t go on and on- that useless habit. Of yours it seems to be a trademark. You and me, the difference is so stark. I see glimpses of another life. One so phantasmagorical, it makes me want to barf. Perhaps I’m just unaccustomed and so I remain unamused. And hence why I feel so deeply that I shall be deaths muse. Put on the dark Lacey veil. Look him in the eye, and say i do- what a way! To end my life, oh so glamorously. Like a fairytale ending, but a twist - becomes my reality. And then we dance and gently takes me by the hand. The aurora borealis adding tints of light like a nightstand. Red upon green and orange upon yellow, blue upon pink and purple upon indigo. The lights danced in such an alluring manner pirouettes and jettes and pliés and acrobatic gymnastics and all sorts of movements and clamour. Trying to get my attension, I do agree The colours look so marvellous but I remain captivated you see. Staring into the eyes of death appears to be an even more marvellous habit. Than all the natural wonders earth has to offer incomparable to that racket
No life for me I quell and conclude. It was within my dues.
The sting of tears never felt so good. This pain is nice. This pain is pretty too. It’s so intricate and complex- a convoluted reality. I’m no masochist, and I’m not a sadist
nor am I some journalist- recalling some isolated event
it’s true, I just feel ever so blue. I love you please say it back to me too. Maybe I want to hear it, maybe that. I want to be important-stat , but I’m not worth the dust on your feet. I’m effectively useless a dark spot apparent for all to see. I ruin the perfect harmony I ruin the perfect peace. I’m a walking embarrassment for all to see. My brain whispered, then it whimpered, then it spoke, then it yelped,then it screamed at the top of its lungs “HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE HELP ME PLEASE. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE KILL ME PLEASE.” Would anyone help to fulfil my dying wish. Or should I take it in my own hands… and stitch by stitch, create my quintessential reality, one that does not involve any part of me…?
Here’s an activity you can take part:
Circle the answer:
I’ll be expecting a swift response
P.s: Let’s meet each other back again at the start. Perhaps then it’ll be a fairer race… then we can go Flaneur the mart…. :) what do you think, I reckon that’ll be quite smart!
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pieceofeight · 2 years
Starter for @criminalhcart​
The Damned Doradus landed in one of the designated landing pads, her dual-purpose submarine airframe setting her apart from the rest. Her aquatic design matched her crew as the amphibian humanoids stepped down from the docking ramp to survey their new surroundings. Aquarians didn't venture too far from their mother planet. Partly because the planet was self-sustaining and the official court deemed it necessary to trade with land-dwelling outsiders, but mainly due to the lack of oxygenated water environments that would allow them to thrive in such an atmosphere. The colonies were not built for their restricted biology, and thus, Aquarians felt little need to try and force themselves into these new spaces. The sparsity of their presence by the greater populace did lead to some advantages though. The rest of the galaxy believed them to still be far behind in technological advancements and the underwater city domes meant it was hard for enemy territories to gauge the size of their army and population. As long as the rest of the colonies believed they were a barren water planet with nothing valuable to take then that suited them just fine.
Now, the crew of the Damned Doradus were in new uncharted territory, on the run and cut off from their allies. Most of them had never ventured outside the rim of the moon colonies and even fewer made a life for themselves this far out. Even her captain was unsure as to where she stood with the locals and she hated seeming weak or unsure in front of her crew.
"We'll lie low here for a while and see what we can manage to trade with," the tall Orcinus announced, her contrasting black and white skin highlighting her one golden eye that zipped about inside her head, no doubt calculating what they had as acceptable currency this far away from home. Their credits might not hold much value here, but gold was still gold.
"I think I might do some scouting," a slightly filtered yet distinctly masculine voice mused, a green-skinned Capricornus appearing behind the captain with that quiet stride of his. "This looks like my kind of scene."
"Stay out of their business," Lazalea interjected. "The last thing I need is any of you pissing off the wrong person."
"Look at all these aliens!" A new voice shouted from the top of the ramp where a yellow and orange striped Pterois rushed down the steps. From her hip a mechanical mantis shrimp peaked out of her satchel, its beady little eyes taking in everything around them. "Do you think they have a race track? I used to make quick cash like this all the time when I did freelance work."
She managed two steps off the ramp before a hand grabbed the back of her hood. "You're staying here," said Lazalea.
"What?" Lysis baulked. "I'm part of this crew too, ya know?"
"Yes, and I need my helmsman at the helm in case something happens," said Lazalea in a tone that would not allow for negotiation.
Lysis's striped fins bristled with frustration and she shot a pleading look in Olivr direction, who merely raised his hands in defence. "Sorry kid, Cap'n's orders."
"Seriously, my first-time off-world and I don't even get to see any of it?"
"This isn't a sightseeing holiday," snapped Lazalea who then made a circle motion with her finger as she said. "Now get back on the ship and stay in the brig in case I call you."
The Pterois let out a childish huff and stormed back up the ramp, her unassuming form denting the floor with each stamp of her boots. 
"You know one slap from that kid has the same impact as an hammer to the face, right?" he chuckled. "Why are you even getting so worked up? It's not like our wanted posters are gonna be seen this far off-world."
"I'd rather not have the most valuable thing on my ship wandering around in broad daylight in some seedy rundown space station, asking to be kidnapped by some lowlife for nefarious purposes."
"Like you?" he chirped. Lazalea's golden eye burned molten but he was not the least intimidated by her stare. This was old hat between them.
"The circumstances surrounding our initial encounter aside," she coughed, a light shade of pink dusting her cheeks. "I want you back here in three hours before we depart."
"I'll think about it," he waved and sauntered off.
"I'm serious," she called after him. "If you're not back here by sunrise I'll leave without you."
"I remember you saying that six months ago and yet here we are." He shot her a two-finger salute and disappeared into the crowd.
Olvir had been couped up on that out-of-date rust-bucket for too long and was in desperate need to stretch his hooves. Where he wandered to next didn't matter, the only thing he cared about was putting as much distance between him and the girls as possible, lest he starts growing attached. That has never worked out for him in the past and Olvir would be damned before he made the mistake of trusting anyone ever again.
Taking one last look over his shoulder at the spaceship he had temporarily called home, he dib it au revoir and watched Lazalea's retreating form as she enter the docking station register, and a suspiciously orange figure slinking back out of the cargo hold and shuffling towards the market place.
With all his worldly belongings stored in a single burlap sack, Olvir made a beeline for the first inn he came across, planning his next course of action. Without proper credits he couldn't even so much as order a drink, let alone a room for the night. He needed to scrounge up some quick cash if he planned on hitching a ride on another ship.
Inspiration struck him when he spotted a huddled group of aliens around a table in drab weather-worn clothing coated in the smell of acetone and burning plastic. Narcotics.
"Hey," he purred, approaching the table and pulling out a tiny luminous green vial from his pocket. "Wanna try something stronger?"
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stelashe · 3 years
okokok what's the fish's favourite tumblr aesthetic? .... albacore
Ok i had to look up what an albacore was but good one 😂😅
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happybird16 · 2 years
Escape VII
A Swim
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Levi Ackerman / Fem Reader
Mermaid AU
Escape Masterlist Link
Chapter Warnings: Fluff, Mild NSFW, Blood Mention, slight angst
Word Count: 8k
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39039084/chapters/97865835#workskin
Last Chapter | Next Chapter
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Your days shift to long hours spent making out. Softly murmuring to each other about your lives between endless kisses. His mouth is hot, far warmer than any humans. Teeming with muscle, his tongue is a bit longer, perhaps a bit thinner, than a humans should be. The possibilities leave your mind whirling, filling your dreams with images of the slick appendage. The potential. 
 The warm summer heat fills your blood even as the evenings slowly begin to get cooler. He always tastes of the sea, of salt and something rich and mysterious. It’s exciting, beguiling, leaving you wanting more. More of his smooth skin pressed against yours and more of his long tongue sliding along your own. 
 On one of your rare days off, completely free from adult responsibilities, he meets you at the water by the entrance to the beach. It’s an odd sight, he hasn’t greeted you here since his several week long silent treatment. You’d warned him that you’d be here bright and early for once, and there he is trilling at you in greeting. Pretty thing. 
 The sound will never not make the heart throb in your chest. 
 The sky is still soft pink and sort of dark with the rising sun. Bright pastel purple and pink clouds fill the morning sky, back dropped by a soft blue. The color makes you feel fond, as it nearly matches the pastel tones of Levi’s fins. The light pale hues give way to a more familiar orangey-yellow as they approach there the sun rises above the sea. 
 Without pausing to take of your shoes like you usually do, you walk over to sit beside him. Careful not to get your sneakers wet, the sand crunching as you lower yourself to his side. There are rough ridges scratched into the sand along his sides, so he can’t have been waiting long. 
 “Morning! You never meet me over here! What’s the occasion?” You hope, distantly, that it doesn’t sound as if you’d just woken up. Excited, you’d come here practically right after rolling out of bed, barely stopping for breakfast on the way. You think your voice might still be a little sleep-roughened, your hair a little bit mussed, and you hope it’s not too noticeable. 
 “We have all day together, right?” Oh, his voice is a bit rumbly from sleep too. That’s comforting. You must be the first person he’s spoken to today. 
 “Yeah?” For once, you have nothing else to do. No work, no laundry, you’d even told your boss he couldn’t call you in today. 
 “Do you want to go for a swim with me?” There’s a small bit of hesitancy to his question, his gaze firm on your own as he leans back with his hands in the sand. Almost as if he half-expects to be rejected, despite the tantalizing offer. 
 The thought fills you with excitement, though you're a tad worried you’ll embarrass yourself. “I haven’t really swam in years. Not since I was a teen.”
 “You don’t want to go for a swim?” Saddened by the thought, his ears tilt low and his bottom lips just out in a cute pout. 
 Raising a hand, you rub the nape of your neck in a nervous gesture. “No, I do! I just… might not be too good at it anymore.”
 The fact seems extra embarking to admit to Levi. Anyone else, sure, easy; but the man beside you thrives in the water. Your ineptitude seems almost like a tragedy, given his prowess. 
 He snorts. “Humans aren’t great in the water anyways. I’ll help you along if it’s too much. There’s somewhere I’d like to show you.”
 “You’ll see when we get there. Do you need to do something with your…,” he pauses a minute, as if struggling to remember the word, “…clothes before we go?”
 “Ah! You should have warned me! I could have brought my swimsuit!” You have such a cute one too. It’d have been fun to show off to him, though you're not entirely sure if it fits anymore. 
 Rising, you kick off your socks and shoes, placing them in their usual home in your small drawstring bag. 
 “Swimsuit? What’s that?” As always, new human words sound awkward and stilted coming from his lips. 
 “Clothes that humans wear to swim. They’re light and made for getting soaked.”
 “Do you need them? Couldn’t you just swim naked?”
 “My bra and panties will work, I suppose.”
 Wiggling out of your shorts and lifting the short sleeve shirt above your head, you can practically feel his gaze drinking in your newly revealed skin. Balling up the two articles in a messy bunch, they also go in your bag. Placed carefully on top of your shoes, you hope they don’t get too dirty from the sneakers. The forest had been a bit muddy today after all. 
 His gaze is hot, silvery eyes trailing along your newly exposed back and thighs. When you catch his gaze with your own, Levi is surprisingly unashamed. “Like what you see?”
 You sit back down next to him, bumping your shoulder against his and wiggling your toes in the water. It’s a bit closer to the shore than you usually sit, the tide coming up to softly splash around your waist. It’s warm, thankfully, despite it being so early in the morning. You’ve never been so thankful for hot summer nights. 
 Levi warbles a bit in response, raising a hand to tug gently at the strap of your bra. “Humans wear too many layers. What’s this?” 
 His drag against the tightly interwoven lace as he pulls the strap taut, before letting it go to snap against your skin. It’s a quiet sound, a plastic-elastic smack against flesh and his ears tilt curiously at the odd noise. 
 “It’s a bra. It sort of- holds everything up.” You gesture a hand along the band at your bust with the explanation. “Mermaids wear ones made of clamshells in storybooks.”
 “Bra?” There’s the odd, long r’s again. It’s such a cute, musical roll somewhere deep in his throat. He shakes his head, eying the strange fabric with a stern glare. “Probably to line up with human modesty. Why not take it off too?” 
 “I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that yet. Maybe next time.”
 “You think I haven’t seen tits before?”
 You laugh a bit at his crude term. How very like a man, you think, to be so insistent on seeing your bare breasts. “I’m sure you have, but not mine.” Not yet at least. 
 He warbles a bit, eyes dancing from your chest to your thighs before looking out to the water. The sky is brightening even more, clouds lighting up in soft purples with the rising sun. The water is so bright that you can see each of the puffy, cotton-like clouds reflected across the surface, color and all. 
 A few seagulls fly in the distance, stark white v’s along the pink sky. Now that you think about it, you rarely see the birds when you're in his presence. “Do you scare away seagulls or something?”
 “Mers have been known to eat them occasionally, so they tend to steer clear of us.” He looks like he’s tasted something nasty for a moment. “I don’t really see the appeal, they’re sort of…stringy and the feathers are a pain.”
 “I should have brought you chicken nuggets instead of a burger. You might have liked them.”
 “Doubtful. That grease had me shitting weird for days.” Brows twisted tight, you watch the wrinkles crease along his forehead with the exaggerated grimace. Tinted fingers rise to soothe along his stomach at the memory. 
 “You liked the tea, though!” You’d brought him some several times since then and he’d been equally happy each time. His ears flap happily along the sides of his head at the mere mention of the beverage. 
 Levi hums a bit in response, eyes locked on the smooth crests of the waves in the far distance, before meeting your own again. “Are you ready to go?”
 “Ready when you are.” Not really. You can already feel the oncoming embarrassment, a lingering wave in the back of your head just waiting to flood your senses. 
 Levi pushes off the sand with a smooth flex of his arms, sliding forward into the warm water. You watch as he swims a few feet out, his tail dragging along the sand for a bit until the water becomes deeper. Long, ruffled back fin drags lazily on top of the water and he glides a bit into the distance, powdery silver-blue on bright shiny waves. 
 He turns, pink sky bright behind his head, to look at you sitting on the shore. “You coming?”
 “Hold on. Hold on.” You rise to your feet, slowly wading into the shallow water. It’s surprisingly clear in the early morning light. You can see the small little pebbles that make up the shallow coast, shifting beneath your feet with every step. Dark browns, light browns, rusty reds, mossy greens, an odd eggshell white. The mix of colors brings you back to the first day on this shore, when the earthy tones had been almost dizzying in your vision. 
 The water is almost shoulder deep when you meet up with Levi, most of his long tail still resting curled up on the rocky shallows. The rocks shift and kick, clear as day through the bright water, bouncing away from his scales as he drags it across the rough terrain. 
 “You look like you're about to shit yourself. We don’t have to go if you're not sure.”
 “Don’t worry, don’t worry. I got this.” You don’t, but bluffing is half of the game, right?
 Kicking off from the rocky floor, you settle into a shaky paddle, just barely keeping your head above the water. Almost immediately your muscles start to protest, unused to swimming after such a long time. 
 You hear him snicker behind you, amused by your odd swimming style. A blush begins to tint your face, heat spreading to the tips of your ears. There goes the looming embarrassment. 
 “What’s that supposed to be?” There’s a laugh trapped in his voice, almost bursting, ready to fill the air. 
 “A doggy paddle! I used to be good at this, you know!” You were taught all sorts of forms back in school, but they seem to be escaping you at the moment. Your mind scrambles to remember something, anything from the many swim courses you were forced for take. The population of your tiny town may be rapidly decreasing, the children fewer and fewer with passing every school year, but they’d be damned if anyone drowned. 
 “How do you forget how to swim? It’s like breathing,” he teases, floating effortlessly on his back by your side. His tail is lazily churning side to side, barely putting forth any effort in order to keep himself afloat. 
 “Easy for you to say! You can breathe two different ways!”
 You scoop up some water, splashing him in the face. The action shocks him, making pause for a bit to drift along the waves, shaking his ears in surprise. He chuckles a bit, before lifting his tail threateningly above the water's surface. You can see the seriousness of the threat in the mirth of his eyes.
 “Levi, don-,“ the tail comes down before you can even finish the word. Sending a large wave directly into your face, soaking you with a firm sweep of the ruffled end. Your head had still been a bit dry before, safe above the surface, but now you're soaked from head to toe. 
 Gaining some confidence, and a bit of momentum, you stretch yourself out into more of a breast stroke. Your feet splash loudly, kicking above the water at a rapid pace. The sound makes you feel sort of silly, compared to the soft slide of Levi’s tail against the waves. 
 Levi dips beneath the water, letting his scales sliding along your belly and he passes below you before popping up on the other side. Carefully following behind you, his gaze never leaves your form, attentively gauging your progress in the water. 
 You're definitely out far enough now that you can’t touch the ground. The water seems a bit darker, the bottom far out of sight. You can still sort of see the sandy shore in the distance, now just a tiny bit of gleaming sand. Levi swims lazily beside you, effortlessly sliding through the surf. You're kind of jealous. 
 The waves are a bit bigger this far out. You bob with every oncoming surge, the high waves threatening to pull you under. 
 “Here.” His tone is still full of mirth, but there’s a warm comforting tinge to it. 
 A finned hand slides across your back, pulling you against his firm chest. His strong arms lock around your waist, hugging you so close you can feel the hard lines of his abs; the flex of every breath. “We’re never going to get anywhere at your pace. Though it was cute to watch you try.” He presses a quick kiss to your shoulder blade, as if to punctuate the statement. 
 In this position, his head is tucked over your shoulder, a long ear-fin brush the side of your face with every outward flick. Still mostly lying flat, your belly is nearly parallel to the murky depths. He pulls you along at a much more rapid pace, swimming by swaying the length of his tail side to side. The leaf-like ridges of one side of his giant tail-end swaying side to side above the water behind you. They droop a bit under gravity's cruel grip, the high ends curling down toward the churning sea. 
 “Do you normally swim like this?” The angle his tail is twisted doesn’t seem quite right given its shape. It’s definitely not how you’d pictured him swimming. 
 “Not really if I’m going for a quicker pace. I usually swim more like a dolphin. More of an up-down motion than a side-to side. This is fine if I’m going slowly above the water, though,” his words rumble against your shoulder from where his chin presses into your skin. 
 “I’ve never been out this far before.” The water seems so deep beneath you, and endless dark blue, almost pitch black below your feet. This far out, the waves crest up to sharp foamy white peaks, but Levi pulls you over them easily. 
 “It’d be easier if I could swim below.” Levi dips a bit low, the water suddenly reaching up high on your neck, the waves lapping threateningly along your chin. 
 You know he’s joking, it’s obvious in the tone of his voice, but you play along anyways. “Please don’t. I need to breathe.” 
 He chuckles, loosening his hand from around your waist to tug at your hips. He rises, pulling you with his to float upright along the waves. The hands at your hips suddenly twisting you to press your chest against his. 
 “Think I’m going to drown you? After all this time?”
The hands at your hips loosen a bit, making you bob under a sharp wave. Your hands scramble to wrap around his neck. 
 “You're so cute.” The statement is followed by the uneven triple beat. Pretty Thing. 
 His long tail twists around your legs, pinning them together in a scaly coil. You can feel the tight muscle beneath the blue scales flexing as he pulls you hard against his chest. Soft beats of the end of his tail keep the two of you aloft, bobbing above the white-tipped current. 
 Pinching your chin between two of his claws, Levi pulls you into a deep kiss. It’s urgent, open mouthed. The slide of his long tongue gives you goosebumps, arousal already whirling distantly along the back of your head. 
 He breaks the kiss, gaze hot against your own. “Take a deep breath for me?”
 You do so without question, then the soft movement below your feet stops, sending you both below the water. 
 It’s exhilarating, making your breath catch in your throat and your heart beat loud in your ears. 
The salt water stings your eyes a bit, but his gaze never leaves yours as you sink below the surface. 
 The soft beams of light filtering through from the surface, making his scales glow; powdery blue of trailing fins bright and beautiful against the glittering rays. The ruffles billow, trailing behind him like an expensive dress, or perhaps the pleated layers of a skirt. It’s just like you’d imagined that first day, when you’d seen them hanging heavy along his back. 
 Letting you go, he twirls and loops around you, releasing happy clicking noises as beams of sunlight glinting off of his scales. You sink quite a bit, struggling to keep yourself level as you watch the frayed ends of his ruffles dance as he slowly swims around you. You can’t help but smile, happy to see him loose and free in his element. 
 Levi ends up taking you to a small bay a ways away from your usual meeting spot. You aren’t sure how far of a swim it was, but judging by the sun at least several hours have passed. The horizon is now a deep, clear blue with fluffy white clouds drifting along in the breeze. The soft, pastel tones of the early in the morning have long passed with the sun now high in the sky. 
 There’s a long sharp cliff face, rough layers of light grey shale rising so high above you that you have to tilt your neck. They’re tipped with a dark green, plant life thriving up high in the sunlight. A couple spots along the top seem to almost drip the leafy foliage, lines of green trailing down along the high shale wall. It stretches far into the distance in either direction, foamy white tipped waves lapping along the bottom. 
 It’s a tiny rounded cove, the waters calm with waves small rolling in comparison to those of the open sea. A small sandy shore forming a crescent indent in the otherwise straight rocky ridge. Several small islands of smooth grey stone peak out from above the water, scattered along the shallow cove a ways away from the white sand. 
 Levi swims you up onto one of the smaller islands, though the current here is light enough for you to have done so on your own. Arms flexing, the Mer easily lifts you from the bright water and plops you right along the smooth edge; as if you weighed nothing at all. Though, in comparison to his heavy tail, you suppose you do. 
 The dark grey rock is warm from the sun, not quite hot, but warm enough to stray on the edge of barely comfortable. It’s sort of soothing through the material of your panties, like a hot stone used for a luxurious massage. You relish it, wiggling your toes in the cool water. 
 Levi pulls himself up to sit next to you, a much easier rise and turn than you’ve seen him do against sand. Sometimes it can take him almost ten minutes to pull himself up onto the sand, beaching himself to sit by your side. Claws digging desperately into the grit in order to bring himself onto land. 
 Arm wrapping around the curve of your waist, Levi tugs you against him. Hip to hip, the rough larger scales of his tail rubbing directly against your thigh. This is the first time you’ve felt it so high, unblocked by the material of your shorts. Levi notes the difference, palm sliding from your hip to drag along the meat of your thigh. His fingers drag curious, distracted circles into the newly revealed skin. 
 “This is a popular sunbathing spot. Don’t be spooked if you spot another Mer.” His eyes trail along the other stony islands along the coast, ears flicking back and forth to hear for any other Mers. 
 “Other Mers?” The thought fills you with excitement, eyes immediately scanning the smooth waves for any hint tails peeking out from the water. 
 “Members of my pod,” he explains, eyes shifting to meet your own. “Though a few others occasionally come to visit from nearby.”
 ”Do you live around here?”
 He points at the bottom of the cliffs not far off in the distance. “There’s a series of small caves not too deep below the water. There’s some sort of underwater vent nearby, making them warmer. My pod has made them their homes.”
 ”So yours is nearby?”
 His long nail shifts to indicate further into the distance, where the cliffside begins to fade out of sight. “My cave is further along. I wanted somewhere a bit away from everyone else’s.” 
 Sounds about right, given his introverted nature. You haven’t seen him interact with anyone else yet, but you know from experience that he’s generally quiet until he gets to really know someone. 
 “Can I see it?” You have the sudden, desperate urge to see his home. To see where he spends the long hours between your meetings, where he sleeps every night. 
 “I’ll take you there another time.” He seems too comfy part from the warm stone to move, and you can’t really disagree with the sentiment. 
 His tail drags across the stone, a rough grating noise, as he uses his arms to shift further along the surface. The sound makes you wonder at how smooth the stone is; how many Mers must have dragged themselves across the surface over the years to file it into such a soft surface. The two of you shift to slide a bit further along the stone, almost centered so that only the end of his tail is left calmly splashing in the tide. 
 He flops onto his back, sighing out a happy trill at the soothing heat. Lying stretched out by his side, you revel in the relaxing heat, the warm rays of the sun echoing the heat along your spine. It’s no wonder Mers love to sunbathe. You close your eyes, the sun becoming nothing but an orange splotch beneath the darkness of your eyelids. You could almost fall asleep like this. It’d be easy. 
 Too easy, in fact. 
 You doze for a bit, the warmth lulling your brain into a mushy pile of goo. The calm intermittent rushing of waves doesn’t help. The comforting presence of his warm arm pressed against your own only worsens matters.
 “Don’t fall asleep on me.” The deep rumble of his voice jerks you back to your senses. “I didn’t bring you out here to take a nap.”
 Despite his words, he sounds a little sleepy himself. His voice is a little deeper and rumbly from his light doze. You know he doesn’t sleep too well, he’s told you as much, so you're glad that he’d been so relaxed. Hopefully it’d been partially because of your presence, and not just the warmth beneath you. 
 Turning to lay on your side, the fresh wave of heat makes your muscles shudder a bit. Facing him now, you note that he’d definitely been dozing. There’s a certain heavy, puffiness to his eyes that’s very telling. 
 “Well, what did you bring me here for?” You can’t help the flirty lilt in your tone. You know the answer well enough. 
 With a rolling chuckle, Levi lifts an arm to wrap around your waist, sliding you across the smooth stone and pulling you against his chest. Your arm wraps across his stomach, aiding the endeavor. 
 You end up on top of him, free from the warmth of the stone, but his skin is just as soothing. Hovering over him, legs thrown over his hips at the soft curve where skin shifts into scales. He looks beautiful beneath you, black hair dry and splayed across the dark stone, eyes sparking in the bright sun. He’s smiling, a once rare sight that’s becoming more and more common as the days pass by. It’s not huge, just a small eager tilt of his lips. 
 “For this.” His hand raises to curve along your cheek, pulling you down for a deep kiss. 
 It’s a deep, eager lip lock. His lips press hard against yours in an almost lazy, slow slide. Still full of sleepy lassitude from the unintentional doze. A hint of his sharp claws bites along the back of your head, digging into your hair as he tilts your head to press harder against your mouth. 
 The feeling immediately makes you dizzy, your head already buzzing from the shallow lip lock. There’s an odd almost whirling sensation in your brain that makes it hard to think about anything other than his mouth against yours. 
 Sucking your bottom lip between his own, you can’t help but groan in response. The dizzy buzzing in your mind is already building a rolling heat between your thighs. You slide a hand up from his chest to cup the back of his head, digging your nails into the fine hairs of his undercut. He groans in response, and you take the opportunity to deepen the kiss further. 
 His mouth is hot. It’s always hot. Everything about him seems to always be pleasurably warm against your questing digits. He groans, deep and airy at the first slide of your tongue against his, nails digging harder into the back of your head.
 Sliding your tongue along the inside of his mouth, you relish the sharp points of his teeth. They’re frightening, ominous. You should be wary of them, but to you they’re just another part of him. The points sting against your tongue, the pleasure-pain making your heart beat wildly in your ears. 
 Levi quickly takes over, pushing the kiss into your mouth. His long tongue sliding along your blunt teeth to tangle with your own. There’s always something so smooth about kissing this deep, some slick sensitive skin-on-skin sensation that always makes you lose your bearings. Your mind is no longer whirling in pleasure, but fully focused on it. 
 Nothing else matters now. You can’t hear the soft crashing of waves, the happy slap of his tail along the foamy surf. You can’t feel the buzzing warmth of the sun, or the hot stone against your feet. All that matters is the hot slide of his tongue against yours and the burning heat between your thighs. 
 You aren’t sure if this is one long kiss or a million little ones; his lips never once leave your own. 
 The hand resting at the curve of your waist rises, sliding along your skin to thumb curiously at the band along your chest. It’s a first. In all your long hours pressed together, he’s never shown any interest in your breasts before. With his eyes, maybe, but never with his hands. 
 The digits skirt curiously along the band, before digging below the fabric. Nails dragging across finely woven lace while the pads brush along the bottom of the round curve. 
 “You don’t have scales.…” The words are barely a mumble, vibrating against your lips. 
 You break the kiss to meet his gaze; eyes hot but with a shine of curiosity. “Obviously. Female Mer’s have scales along their chests?”
 He warbles a bit in response, an affirmation from what you’ve learned. It’s almost frightening how familiar you're getting with his odd noises. Little bits of Mer that you're learning just based on his tone. 
 Levi quickly pulls you back into a kiss, tongue bombarding the sensitive bottom of your own in a series of firm upward laps. The questing hand continues its journey, shifting to pluck at the hard bud of one of your nipples. Whining in response, the sound only earns you a deep grumble. The pleasure of it is sharp, a high point compared to the dull rolling pleasure of his kisses. 
 Pulling the cup of your bra up, he palms the entirety of the breast, squeezing the weight of it in his hand. His thumb continues to toy with the nipple, swirling the scaly digit around the stiff peak. The other is firm against your hip, pulling you tighter against his chest. The swirling is almost teasing; pleasure so close to the stiff peak. You whine, pressing your chest further into his palm. He trills, a high curious sound in response. 
 “You like that?” His lips never leave yours in the question, plump wet skin sliding against your own. 
 You whimper in response, helpless at the buzzing pleasure clouding your brain. The sound earns you a satisfied hum, his thumb finally sliding up along your stiffened bud. Another finger joins the quest, softly pinching the peak between the two digits. 
 The sound you make is high, breathy and desperate. Your nails scrape helplessly into his hair, the shorn baby-hairs rough against the pads of your fingers. The grit of them is grounding, helping you stay afloat in your pleasure-flooded brain. 
 Wiggling a bit in his grasp, you can’t help but rub your thighs together. The warmth of the sun had already dried your panties long ago, but now they’re soaking wet again. Your clit is throbbing, your cunt clenching desperately around nothing. Aching to be full of something, anything. Be it his fingers, his tongue or his…
 Eager to distract yourself from the thought, you run your hands along his chest. Feeling the firm lines of his abs, dipping and tightening beneath your questing digits. Hand cupping the round curve of his pec, you swirl your thumb around the hardened bud. Levi shudders, an airy whine puffing air across your face. 
 “You’re so fucking…”
 An odd chirp, a higher far higher tone than you're used to hearing, interrupts the no doubt filthy thought. There's an upward lilt to the sound, almost like a question. The noise makes you break apart, your lips separating with a wet smack. The searching hand quickly leaves your breast as you both turn to search for the source of the noise. 
 A dark bob of hair peeks out of the water not far from the edge of the stone. A mermaid. Her mouth is just above the water, dark hair just long enough for the ends to trail in the surf. 
 “Mikasa.” From his tone you can’t tell if it’s a greeting or a warning. Perhaps a tad bit upset at the interruption, you can’t disagree with the sentiment. 
 You quickly tug the cup of your bra back to cover your chest. You feel vaguely embarrassed for having been caught in such a position. Levi seems a bit abashed from being caught as well, pink dusting high on his cheeks and ears tilted a bit low. 
 She clicks in response, eyes darting between the two of you. She’s glaring, you think, there’s definitely an almost angry tilt to her brows. Levi moves to rise, pulling you up with him to sit and face her. 
 Hard nails clacking against the stony edge of the smooth rock, she - Mikasa, lifts herself out of the water a bit. Just enough for the water to lap softly around the curve of her waist. Using her strong-looking arms to hold herself up as she leans over the grey stone. Trying to get a better look at you, you suppose. You take the opportunity to do the same. 
 Her ears-fins are an orange shade, the pattern matching Levi’s with a darker line along the top and a paler shade connecting the ridges of muscle. There’s a sprinkling of gold and deep orange scales dusting her collar bones and curling around the undersides of her breasts. It looks as though they act sort of like a built in bra, some sort of natural support. Her back fin is familiar as well, deep orange scales fading into a soft translucent orangey-white. It looks soft, ruffles draping over her side as she leans forward in curiosity. 
 You shift a bit at her attention, nervous to finally meet another Mer. Her expression isn’t very welcoming though, her lips are still tilted down in an unhappy frown. Leaning forward from your place against Levi’s chest, you smooth a hand along his shoulder to help sooth your own nerves. 
 “Hello? My name is…”
 You're interrupted with a sharp hiss. Ears tilted back in displeasure, sharp teeth on display, she looks every inch a deadly predator. Back fins pulling tight, they raise to almost stand up straight along her spine, puffing up to make her seem larger in an angry display.
 The sound and sight is a shock, sending chills up your spine. Baby-hairs raising along the back of your neck, your breath catches high in your throat and goosebumps trail along your shoulder blades. Your hand curls around Levi’s bicep, desperate for a sense of safety and security. 
 Levi puffs up in turn, something you hadn’t known he could do. Layers of almost pleated blue ruffles pulling up almost tight along his back. His grip hardens on your hip, but otherwise he remains still and silent, eyes stormy and locked onto the angry Mer. 
 There’s a splash off in the distance, your eyes shift to watch a larger Mer break through the surface of the water. He’s a bit away from the edge of the stone, just a torso floating among the soft waves. The Mer warbles at you a bit; you can’t see his features too well from this distance, but he seems more genuinely curious than his female companion. There’s definitely a more interested, wide eyed look to his expression. 
 He clicks a bit, followed by a sharp bark. The tanner skinned Mer has short dark brown hair, cut evenly only a few inches from his head. Barely long enough for his bangs to dance in the breeze. He raises a hand from the water, barking at Mikasa again and waving in a familiar come-hither motion. 
 “Come on Mikasa!” His voice is surprisingly high pitched, sort of child-like despite him being a bit larger than the other two Mers. 
 You hadn’t even really realized how pale both her and Levi were, this Mers more olive toned skin catches you a bit off guard. You suddenly wonder how Levi doesn’t get sunburnt, but you immediately bury the stray thought. 
 One ear fin turns to flick towards her friend, she seems almost reluctant to make even such a small movement. Her glare is so hot, so sharp, you feel like it could burn a hole right through you. 
 Reluctant, she quickly turns to eye the male in the distance, chirping at him softly before darting her head back to you. Glaring eyes boring right into your own, full of nothing but anger and spite. Mikasa hisses at you one last time, a cruel sharp sound, before pushing off from the stone ledge and splashing away to follow her friend. 
 You catch a small glimpse of her tail as she raises it above the water to splash away. It’s a bit shorter and wider, but it looks remarkably similar to Levi’s, ruffles and all.  Splotches of dark orange and white decorate the appendage, along with the occasional smattering of reddish-gold and black. 
 The other Mers tail splashes next to her, a dark green fin cutting above the water's edge. Instead of ending in a large leafy fan, his tail ends in two distinct fins. It’s smaller, with long trailing ends; more like the ones you remember seeing in the old story books. 
 “Are you okay?” Levi’s force brings you out of your thoughts, jolting you back into the moment. You feel a bit shaken, a little upset at her negative reaction, but otherwise fine. Though, your heart is still beating a bit loudly in your ears, truth be told. 
 “Yeah. Just startled. I hadn’t realized that we’d be…disapproved of.”
 “That’s not exactly it. Mikasa’s a bit of a special case when it comes to humans. Of course you’d end up meeting her first.” He clicks his tongue off of his teeth. 
 “I’ve had to practically beat my friends away from meeting you,” he snorts. “They’ve come close a few times.” You can sort of imagine him hissing and barking at them, scaring them away from your private little beach. 
 “You don’t have to do that! I’d love to meet your friends!”
 “The two of them can be a bit…overwhelming,” Levi rolls his eyes to punctuate the sentence. “Especially when it comes to humans. Maybe eventually.”
 “Who was it that she swam off with? Another one of your pod-mates?”
 “Eren. Armin was probably lurking somewhere nearby. They’re pretty young members of our pod, always wandering off to get in some sort of trouble together.”
 Mikasa, Eren, and Armin. Sort of unique names, barring Eren. You could find someone with that name in any frat house in the country. ”What are your friends' names?”
 “Erwin and Hange.”
 Erwin and Hange. More unique names. You repeat them in your head a few times in order to settle them into your brain. “Will you tell me about them sometime?”
 “Sure.” He settles back against the stone, pulling you with him and wrapping an arm back around your back. 
 You think you might spot the top of her leafy tail splashing in the distance, a dark shadow against the bright horizon. “She looked a bit like you.” 
 “Mikasa? We’re sort of related somehow. Cousins, maybe,” he shrugs his shoulders, jostling you a bit with the moment. 
 “Why was she so… aggressive?”
 “Remember when I said I’d heard horror stories about humans? One of them came from her,” Levi explains, eyes suddenly a bit distant. Thoughtlessly, he pulls your hand into his own, toying with your fingers as he continues. 
 “Her mother was a Mer from some distant land. Some other ocean on the other side of the world. It’s why her coloring is so different. Humans trapped her and experimented on her, before abandoning her in the waters somewhere near here. From what I heard, she was covered in scars.”
 His words paint a vivid image in your mind. Orange scales against a white surgical table. A glaring bright light overhead. Sharp scalpels and bright red blood. Of course you aren’t alone in your discovery. Of course other people know about Mers, and of course they’re cruel. 
 “So that’s why…” You remember the flash of sharp teeth, shuddering a bit at the memory. Sometimes you forget that Levi is dangerous, that Mers used to drown sailors in old tales. He’s always so gentle with you, it’s easy to forget that he’s basically a killing machine. 
 At your shudder, a hand shifts to slide along your spine, soothing you. “She wouldn’t have actually hurt you. She comes on strong but Mikasa’s generally pretty easy going.” 
 “She sort of had the coloring of a Koi fish. And her eyes…maybe her mother was from somewhere around Asia? Maybe the Yellow Sea?” Though, you doubt Levi would even know where that is. 
 “We have no idea. She’s the only one with that coloring in the pod and her mother passed when she was a pup. I don’t think she did well in our waters.”
 Thinking back, her face had still been sort of round and youthful. Plus the boy's voice had been very childlike, almost cracking with puberty. “They’re still young?”
 “Almost adults, but not quite.” Ah. Teenagers then. That explains them getting into trouble all the time. 
 A thought suddenly occurs to you. “How old are you?” You can’t believe you haven't thought to ask him before. 
 “We don’t really track age the way humans do. I’ve been an adult for a while.” He shrugs, flapping his ears a bit. 
 “I’m in my mid 20’s. I think you might be a bit older than me? Maybe?” There’s something so youthful about his face that makes it difficult to place his age. Something in the way that he carries himself feels a bit more adult, though maybe it’s something in the hard line of his jaw that makes him seem older. 
 He tenses up a bit in worry, you can feel the arm around your waist stiffen. “Is that okay?” 
 “It’s fine, it's fine. I don’t mind you being a bit older. We’re both adults.” There’s so many differences between you, it feels a bit silly to worry about something so normal. You’re different species, what’s a small age gap going to change. 
 It is a bit odd that they don’t really track ages though. “You don’t know your birthday?”
 Pinching his brows together in thought, he shakes his head in response. “I was hatched in the winter, if that means anything.” 
 Hatched. Right. Your gaze strays to his firm belly, lined with abs but absent of the round indent of a belly button. Sometimes you forget that he isn’t quite human. That this relationship is doomed to end tragically in some way or another. That there’s a looming clock, ticking away, just waiting to reach its end. You try not to think about it. Summer's end is quickly approaching and you're not sure what you’ll do in the coming months. Especially with your mother…
 You shake yourself, burying the thought back into the depths of the mind. You don’t want to think about that right now. No dark thoughts. No future worries. Not with Levi by your side. You can worry about her later. 
 Your days have become entirely about him. Dreams filled with him, of both soft conversations side by side and frantic lusty visions. Sometimes you wake up with a nose full of his scent, of salty air and rich musk, only for it to fade when reality sets in. 
 Some mornings you shoot awake, frantic with need from lucid dreams of his desperate touch. They’re vivid, startlingly life-like. Filled with every color, every taste, every touch and every smell. Frantically touching yourself, fingers as far as they can go in your gummy walls, thumb swirling against your clit. It’s not enough, it’s never enough, but some part of you fears that it has to be. 
 Your long, mindless hours at work are often spent daydreaming about him. Replaying previous conversations in your mind's eye and daydreaming about the future by his side.
 Every second of all of your days are spent waiting, counting down the minutes until you can get in your beat up old car and drive out to see him. It feels like you’ve known Levi forever, that his presence has always been steady at your side, even if it’s only been a few months. 
 Day coming to a close, Levi swims you right back to the coast by the entrance of the beach. You can see your drawstring bag, resting on the shore right where you left it. This is the longest you’ve spent by his side, from the bright pink break of dawn to the pitch black of night. White shiny spots brighten up the pitch black sky, like pin holes punched into an otherwise dark dome. 
 At home you can only see a few dim constellations, the droning buzz of man-made lights drowning out the galaxy's natural beauty. Out here though, they spread across the darkness in a vast array of colors and sizes. Whites, both bright and dull, cool yellows and even pale blues twinkling across the horizon. You’ve never stayed late enough to watch the stars with him, always parting just as they begin to appear beside the waning sun. A missed opportunity, one you’re glad to be righting.
 Laying back against the cool sand, most of you is still below the water. The intermittent waves come up to splash along the curve of your waist and up over your belly. They’re strong enough to lift you up, your legs floating gently in the shallows. Levi stretches out on his side next to you, shoulder to shoulder, tail stretching long past the bottoms of your feet.
 You are still in your underwear, the sand is no doubt sticking to your wet skin, coating your entire back, but you don’t really care. Large hands smooth along the skin of your stomach in careless, meandering circles. They’ve yet to leave you once since you left the hot stone island. It seems he doesn't want the night to end either. 
 Pointing high into the pitch black abyss. “I don’t know any constellations. Do you?”
 “Some Mers do, but I never really paid attention. Why?”
 “No real reason. It’s not really important” You’d just wanted to talk to him a bit longer. You have to work in the morning, bright and early as usual, but the lack of sleep seems worth it. It might not feel like it in the morning, your eyes no doubt burning and your brain fried, but right now it feels like a more than even trade. 
 You can almost see the Milky Way, stretching out across the dark canvas overhead. The trailing clusters of stars are so distant that they seem almost hazy, yellows and blues so close together that you can’t tell them apart individually. It’s breathtaking, making you feel small in comparison. “It’s beautiful.”
 “Yeah, it is,” Levi murmurs by your side, his voice sounding distracted and fond. There’s an airy quality to it, as if he's breathing out the words in one gusty sigh. The stars must have taken his breath away too. 
 You turn your head to look at him, to watch him watching the stars, but he’s not looking up at the sky. He’s looking at you. 
 “Levi.” There’s an embarrassed giggle trapped in your throat, heavy with the oncoming surge of emotion. You can’t help the heat rolling across your face, spreading up to your ears and along your neck. What a cliché, though you doubt he realizes it. Still, it makes your mind buzz in excitement, heart pounding hard in your chest. 
 Levi rolls over to lay on top of you, torso to torso, tail dragging along the rocky shallows. His hip is a heavy comforting weight where it presses to lean against your own. The thinner, long end of his tail twining to wrap around your lower legs. This time the sliding grip feels almost desperate, coiled tight around your feet like an odd hug. 
 The scattered, fuzzy bits of the Milky Way light the sky behind his head. There’s no moon, not tonight, but the sky is still bright regardless. His hair, dripping strands that stick to his forehead as he leans above you, shines to reflect some of the starlight. Levi was wrong, you think, he’s the beautiful one. 
 His eyes are stormy, dark without the bright sun to light them. The white edges seem to glow a bit, a soft white hue, perhaps a tad bit yellow. You hadn’t known he could do that, though you suppose it makes sense. They’re still hot, filled with an almost desperate warmth as they lock into your own. Levi murmurs your name, soft and airy like gasping out a breath, before pulling you into a needy kiss. 
 A firm kiss under the stars, another cliché. The hot slide of his tongue against yours is much more frantic than earlier today. Much more desperate now that your time together is so limited. The thought makes your heart ache, despite its fluttering throb in your chest. 
 He’s always so careful with his teeth, afraid to hurt you with the sharp points. You appreciate the effort, but pull his lip between your own teeth anyways. He groans, a deep trill echoing in his throat with the sound. The kiss drags on and on, your grip on him desperate. 
 “Stay.” He sounds so desperate, voice almost cracking with need. The sound of it makes your heart do weird loops, your throat swelling with emotion. 
 “I wish I could.” You mean it, with all your heart. You really do. 
 Neither of you want this night to end. You never do, but this is worse than ever. You don’t want to go. You don’t want this to end. You have to return to reality, to your sad human life. Summer is ending and the future looms ominous over the horizon, dark like an oncoming storm. You can practically feel it right over the horizon, ready to destroy everything in its path
 You love him. A mythical creature. An impossibility. The thought fills your heart with buzzing excitement while also turning your stomach with dread.
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xbadgerbearx · 3 years
i hope so
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pairing: Abner Krill x Reader
word count: 1.1k
warning: contains spoilers!!
note: Reader is gender neutral so everyone can enjoy :)
Can’t Sleep: … [2]
Damn, this is getting old.
There is no rest with Waller. Wake up, go on a mission, rest, rinse, and repeat. It was relatively early in the morning; the clock on the wall was the only indication that any time was passing. Any sunlight that was available was blocked out by walls and replaced with harsh artificial light. Taking your time getting out of bed, you observed yourself in the mirror that was embedded in the wall. You still looked a little rough from the last mission, but something tells you that Waller wouldn't care. Your clothes, or rather prison uniform, was wrinkled. As you stood up you smoothed out your shirt.
"Yellow... what an irritating color."
You were washing your face in the sink in the corner when the door opened with a loud creak. You finished rinsing your face before turning the faucet off with a sigh. It was Waller, but she had people with her. New teammates?
"This is (Y/n) (L/n), also known as Mimic. As the name implies, they can mimic almost anything. Every good team needs someone who specializes in stealth."
"Why the fuck do they get to wear different colored clothes? We running a fashion show here? Not to mention all the security 'round this cell," a voice I've never heard say. It was deep and rather soothing.
"It's a safety precaution," Waller answered. "We can't have a shapeshifter steal someone's identity and escape, so when they leave their cell they are constantly monitored. Their clothes are made out of a special material. That way they will always be visible, even when invisible."
"They can turn invisible?"
Ignoring the question, Waller called out, "Let's go (L/n). You've got a new mission."
Shuffling out of the cell, you were greeted with the sight of Christopher—Peacemaker—and Cleo—Ratcatcher II—as well as an unknown man and giant humanoid shark.
"How's it going, (L/n)?" Peacemaker asked, "Long time no see."
"Yeah yeah, it's as good as being in prison can be," you answered with a wave of your hand. "Cleo! Nice to see you," you smiled.
Cleo let out a small laugh before yawning. Sebastian waved his paw towards you in greeting.
Waller led the almost finished team towards another wing of the building before abruptly stopping in front of a cell.
"And finally, we have Abner Krill."
"What's that 'round his neck?" Bloodsport, or rather Robert DuBois you learned, asked.
Abner was standing in his cell with a bulky collar while waiting patiently to get it removed.
'He's cute,' you noted.
As he looked at his new team, his eyes fell on you. You visibly saw his breath hitch as he stared in your direction. You knitted your eyebrows in a questioning manner before turning your attention to Waller when she started talking again.
"A power dampener. They call him the Polka Dot Man."
Peacemaker scoffs. "Polka Dot Man. What's he do, throw polka dots at people?"
"Chris, you don't even have any powers so you can't talk," you scoffed back.
Before he could retort, Calendar Man made a rude comment towards the aloof man getting his collar removed, who, in return, looked down dejectedly. You felt a little bad. Calendar Man, or rather Julian Day, was honestly a laughing stock among the villains he associated himself with, so it was rather egotistical of him to make that comment.
"We need to debrief," Waller announced as she turned and walked away.
Before you went to debrief, she ordered everyone to change into their combat outfits. You each got to change into a small room, so that helped not making things potentially awkward. Your outfit was relatively simple and not attention grabbing; the opposite of Polka Dot Man. When walking out of the dressing rooms, Abner seemed to shrink into himself. Seeing you look at him, he let out a little laugh of embarrassment before gesturing to his attire.
With a playful smile, you laughed out, "I like it, I think it's cute," to which Abner responded with a blush dusting his face along with a bashful look.
"Everyone follow me," Waller announced with a loud authoritative voice.
She led everyone to a conference room before standing on a stage. Everyone seated themselves, you next to Cleo in the front, before Waller turned on the presentation. Unbeknownst to you, Krill had his eyes on you in curiosity.
"Corto Maltese is a small island nation off the coast of South America," Waller began. "Over the past 100 years, the country has been ruled with an iron fist by-" with a click the screen changed, "-the Herrera family. But, a week ago, this guy," click, "-General Silvio Luna, along with his right hand man, Mayor General Mateo Suarez," click, "-took control of the Corto Maltese government in a violent military coup. The entire Herrera family were hanged in a public execution," with another click a video started playing. Your jaw dropped a little at the sight. Waller continued, "Although the United States did not condone the excesses of the Herrera regime, they were non-antagonistic toward the U.S. Luna, however, is virulently anti-American."
"So you want us to kill Luna?" Peacemaker spoke out.
"No," Waller answered simply before resuming with another click. "This is Jotunheim. A scientific experimentation facility containing something known only as Project Starfish. Our intelligence sources tell us that Starfish is extraterrestrial in origin. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentially cataclysmic for Americans and the world." You could hear Abner shuffling in his seat uncomfortably. "Your mission is to infiltrate Jotunheim and destroy every trace of Project Starfish."
"How're we supposed to get in?" DuBois asked. A click was swiftly followed.
"Gaius Grieves, the Thinker, is a geneticist in charge of Project Starfish. After hours, he hangs out at a gentlemen's club known as La Gatita Amable. Get Grieves to help you by whatever means necessary and he can get you into Jotunheim." With one last click, the presentation was turned off. "Any questions?"
"What is that?" Ratcatcher II asked while pointing at a piece of old machinery sitting off to the side.
"That is an overhead projector."
"Do you ever use it anymore?"
"No, not really."
"So, why don't you just throw it away?"
With a sigh, Waller called on Peacemaker.
"Starfish is a slang term for butthole. Think there's any connection?"
You let out a loud laugh at the unexpectedness of the question.
"No," Waller answered before calling on Nanaue, who you learned was the shark from Chris.
You turned around to see King Shark pointing at his hand, fin, paw thing. You weren't too sure.
"Yes, that is your hand, Nanaue, very good."
"We're all gonna die," Bloodsport commented.
Polka Dot Man responded with, "I hope so." It was the first time you heard him speak; he had a nice and gentle voice. You liked it.
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katelynthecrazy · 2 years
Fire on the Waves
       The open ocean was the best place for Katsuki to be. He needed plenty of space, plenty of room to swing his wide black tail and flare his orange fins without hitting some undeserving dignitary in the face. The sea didn't pen him, or judge him, or nag him constantly. The sea was open. Freeing.
       Until that happens.
       Katsuki spun, his tail fanning out around him. If fire could be underwater, it would look like Katsuki's tail, a blend of deep oranges and shimmering yellows set against simmering black coals. Not that Katsuki had ever seen fire--a fact he despised. "What, Deku?"
       The tiny mottled green dwarf mer struggled to catch up, a constant whine emitting from his tiny mouth. "Iida's looking for you. He says it's important--a-and I'm not a Deku."
       "Don't care,"  the blonde mer barked back as he turned, continuing on his way. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, but he loved exploring, and he often found seashells and pearls to make his own jewelry from. "If I hear anymore 'Katsuki, you need to start acting more princely,' 'Katsuki, your mother is furious,' 'Katsuki, you need to find a princess to marry,' I'm gonna lose it."
       The little mer huffed, putting on a burst of speed and catching up to smack his tail across Katsuki's nose. "Kacchan, you can't make me go back all by myself! Iida will make me face Queen Mitsuki all by myself again! I can't do that!"
       Katsuki leered, his eyebrow twitching. "Do I need to say it again?"
       "Yeah, yeah, you don't care," Izuku sighed. "What are you doing so far out here, anyway? There's nothing around for leagues."
       "That's the point."
       Katsuki dove into an alcove, welcoming the darkness of the depths. The quiet was nice. Until Izuku followed him. "You know, you'd have more friends if you weren't so mean all the time."
       "Oh, screw you!" The blonde snapped, baring teeth at the little guppy. "I have friends!"
       "No, you don't!" Izuku grumbled back at him. "You have me, because I'm the only one who will put up with your lousy attitude. Me and those two dumb surface gulls. What is it with you and those surface creatures anyway?"
       "Hey! I'm the only one that gets to call those two dumb!" Katsuki flicked his tail across the sandy floor, scattering the sediment and picking a shiny loose shell out of the sand. He pocketed it in a gathering sash around his hips. "Humans are stupidly smart, Deku. When we manage to make something that lets us swim across the land the way their big--what'cha call 'em? Shits? Once we swim on land the way their shits do the water, I'll stop being amazed."
       Izuku sighed. "It's 'ships,' Kacchan."
       He shrugged. "Eh. Shits sounds better."
       "Of course, it does." Izuku wormed his way into a rocky crag and came back out with an oyster. "Find any nice shells at least?"
       "Yeah, and a shiny circle with a red pointy thing." He retrieved it from his pouch and showed it to the little green mer, trading it for the oyster. It had no pearl, but the meat was tasty.
       Izuku tapped on the glass, watching the needle jolt. "Cool."
       The water darkened suddenly, and they both looked up at the opening to the alcove. Katsuki growled instinctively. "Is it supposed to storm?"
       Izuku shook his head. "Not until later. What do you think's up there? Maybe a--Kacchan, wait!"
       Katsuki had already pulled himself out of the alcove with two strokes of his powerful tail, racing towards the surface. He'd seen that shadow before, but never so big. Over the years he'd learned that important people or bigger crews got bigger boats, so there was either a lot of humans or a really shiny one.
       Beaming fiercely, the blonde skirt around the side of the wooden vessel to one of the supportive outer beams. He'd become somewhat of an expert at climbing the sides to spy on the humans, and he did it now with practiced ease, hauling himself into the surface with another strong smack of his tail. Surface air was cold and brisk, but he could breathe it for some time before it caused him any issue. He poked his head around the column to a small balcony outcropping where he could hook his arms to watch.
       There was a party going on, a large festivity of dancing and drinking, humans with glasses and their arms hooked together as they tried to jump out of their shoes. Men and women with red faces and bright smiles talking and laughing together.
       And in the center of it all was one man, dressed as a simple sailor in an open white shirt and tall boots pulled up over his trousers, a sash the same color as his bright red hair tied around his waist. He had thick, beefy forearms and a smile so forceful that it crinkled his eyes, brighter than any other. There was a woman in a tailored sea-dress next to him, and he laughed at something she said.
       Katsuki watched, eyes wide. "Pretty human..."
       The man was beautiful. Warm and bright like the sun. The sea salt stuck up his hair and the sunset fell across tan, freckled, sun-kissed skin and broad shoulders. He was just so pretty. Mer didn't get so tan--though they did tend to get pretty big. Even Katsuki knew that this one was big for a human.
       A frantic whisper broke him from his reverie. "Kacchan!"
       He glared down, raising an eyebrow at Izuku as the little mer jumped through the waves to keep up. "What?"
       "What are you doing up there?"
       "Watching, now shut up."
       "Hey, help me up!"
       Growling, Katsuki lowered one of his fins into the waves, letting him latch onto it and climb up his tail to the deck.
       "Oo," Izuku muttered. "Pretty human."
       Katsuki instantly seized him around the middle. "My pretty human," He growled.
       "Okay!" He squeaked. "Okay, your human, please don't throw me!"
       "Someone there?"
       Katsuki and Izuku froze and the blonde shrank back into the darkness next to the column as a shadow cut through the light. The tall red-haired human appeared over the banister, a look of concern across his face. He looked out across the sea, searching, until the woman called him back.
       "Come on, Eijiro, that's silly. Who would be out there?"
       Katsuki released a tense breath, daring to peek back. Eijiro.
       His human was standing beside the woman again, the party seeming to be at a lull for the time being. There was a very large fabric stretched over a shape on the deck, a source of excitement. There voices were drowned out in the chattering, until a hush fell over the gathering. Katsuki found himself excited too.
       The fabric was pulled back to reveal a fearsome stone carving in the likeage of his human, armored and standing atop the head of a scaly beast. Katsuki recoiled--and so did Eijiro.
       "Well, that's in bad taste," Izuku commented quietly.
       The woman next to Eijiro grinned, leaning against the balcony where Katsuki and Izuku were hiding. "Horrid, isn't it?"
       He grimaced at her. "Mina, please tell me you didn't actually buy this."
       "I did!" She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "It's a punishment!"
       "Is this because I didn't marry that princess you set me up with?"
       "Absolutely! Do you know how much hard work you wasted?"
       Eijiro sighed, resting against the wall next to this Mina character. "Look, she just wsan't right. None of them are right." He was quiet for a long while, glaring at the statue. "Maybe all the girls aren't right. Maybe I don't want a girl."
      "Eijiro, you have to get married--"
      "Who said anything about not getting married?"
       Mina was quiet. Katsuki tilted his head.
       "Well, that would mean that you would want to marry a man," she said slowly, and Katsuki heard Eijiro bate his breath. "And if you wanted to marry a man, that would mean I have been wasting so much time setting you up with the the wrong nobles! How dare you not tell me!"
       Eijiro relaxed. "I'm sorry! Look, when I find the right person, I'll know."
       Katsuki very briefly fantasized about stealing this human before forcefully reminding himself that humans did not breath very well in the water. Still, the idea brought color to his cheeks. It was the sappiest shit, of course, but Katsuki supposed it could be romantic.
       A large, bumbling hairy animal suddenly charged across the deck and plowed into Eijiro, nearly knocking him to the ground, and began making loud noises. Apparently, this was not as alarming to Eijiro, who merely beamed at it. "Hey, Denks! Party's getting dull, huh?"
       The creature made another loud noise in response, mouth open and a long pink tongue lolling out to lick across the human's face. Eijiro pushed it away and it sat on the deck, its tail end twitching as it pawed at him. He obliged by letting one hand down to pet across the top of its head.
       "Kacchan, we should go," Izuku insisted suddenly.
       Katsuki snapped his head to him, growling lowly. "Why?"
       Izuku pointed down at the waves, which had become choppy and harsh. The wind had changed too, fresher, but sour. It was a subtle change, but a bad one.
       A storm.
       The boat suddenly lurched to the side, and Katsuki lost his grip on the rails. He and Izuku fell into the water and dove to avoid a large crate that tumbled over the side. The ship rocked and the water churned dangerously into tall waves with strong currents, and it was all the pair could do to keep from the the debris.
       "Kacchan, we have to leave!" Izuku shouted.
       "Go, I'm right behind you!" The blonde shouted back, trying to make his way around more fallen ship pieces. And he was going, he was--
       Until a woman hit the surf in front of him. It was Mina, Eijiro's friend.
       Katsuki didn't think before he grabbed her by her human legs and hauled her back to the surface in time for a hand to reach into the waves and pull her safely into a boat. A current caught him not a second later, pulling him down and away until he could escape its grip. It was dangerous to be so close to the surface during a storm, when the waters became unpredictable. One moment he was being dragged into the depths, and the next he was being tossed back out of the waves. He hoped Izuku had made it to safety--the little mer wasn't strong enough to fight these currents.
       His head broke the water again to see the ship alight with the fire that burned in human torches. An animal's distressed bark broke through the noise of burning, snapping wood, and in a flash of red, Eijiro had dived back into the waves.
       The dog, Denks. It was stuck on the ship. Katsuki could only watch as the redhead hauled himself back onto the doomed craft in search of his pet, and a few moments later the hairy creature hit the water and swam for the small boat.
       And then the ship exploded in a ball of fire, and Katsuki screeched. He made his way as fast as he could back through the minefield of debris, the water stained the most awful shade of firelit brown as he searched for his human. The light caught on a bright color sinking through the darkness and Katsuki dove, his arms closing around a rather large unconscious human. Eijiro.
       Humans couldn't survive under the waves, Katsuki knew that, but the surface world wasn't much batter at the moment. He pulled the man back to the air and began fighting his way to land. The swim was long and difficult with the state of the ocean, but land itself was not far away.
       He hauled the man out of the waves in the protection of a rocky alcove. The tide still lapped angrily at them, but the rocks broke up the current and dull the waves. Exhausted, Katsuki collapsed onto him. Distantly, through the thickness of his chest, he heard a heartbeat that wasn't his own.
       He stayed. All night, watching over the human. At dawn, a search party scoured the beach and forced Katsuki back into the waves before he was seen, but they seemed overjoyed to have found Eijiro. Denks bounded up to him and woke him with rough licks to the face, and Mina helped him to his feet. His human was going to be fine.
       Fine wasn't enough for Katsuki anymore, not as he watched the man walk up the beach towards a large castle. He wanted that human.
       And he'd do anything to make that happen.
~Will continue at 500 likes!~
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
Reviews of All Scrapped Spaceword Betas
Exactly what it says in the title. This is also for my reference, as I might redesign some of these later for funsies. 
I’m only including Pokemon that were 100% scrapped (we’re not here to argue what might have become what) and aren’t evos/pre-evos of existing Pokemon. Also, I’m using the English fan-translations for the names because I don’t speak Japanese.
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Our original fire starter, and yeah, I can see why this was scrapped. For starters (heh), it looks more like a rodent that evolves into a lion than anything resembling a bear. And secondly... it doesn’t really have a clear focus, nor a memorable design. It’s just kind of a rodent-bear thing with flames tacked onto it. 
The best Pokes usually have a "catch” to them, and these guys lack that. For example, this got replaced by Cyndaquil, which has the concept of flaming spikes that form out of its back. That’s memorable. This, well, isn’t.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Teddiursa and Ursaring are probably the closest in terms of being bears. Something about it also reminds me of Growlithe/Arcanine, probably because it’s a fluffy fire thing that evolves into a bigger fluffy fire thing with a mane and black markings.
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This has the same problem as the Flambear line, just less extreme. It’s okay, being a little plesiosaur that evolves into a bigger plesiosaur, but it also lacks an interesting catch to it. The pearls are maybe something, but they’re not really emphasized, just kind of tacked on. Plus Dragonair kind of has the crystal neck ornaments on lock. And the horn. And the underbelly. And the water theme...
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I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to a plesiosaur water starter in the future, but it would probably have to be completely redesigned.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design; too similar to Dragonair
Pokes to fill the void: Dragonair, as mentioned above. If you want a plesiosaur, Lapras is always a thing.
Putting the rest under the cut for length.
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This is one of the most chaotic beta evolutions out there, aside from beta Girafarig. I can see the resemblance between Sunmola1 and Anchorage to some extent--counter-shaded blue fish with two fins and a short body--but the anchor part of the evolution comes out of nowhere. Then it sporadically turns into a gulper eel, which has nothing to do with the previous two evolutions at all.
I’ve heard some people suggest that Sunmola1 basically gets dragged into the depths and turns into a deep-sea creature due to its anchor, which is a fantastic idea. However, if that’s what they were going for here it’s not really clear, and I think it could be executed much better.
Individually, Sumola1 is a little plain. Not terrible, but I think they could do something more interesting with the little head thing. Anchorage is memorable, but there’s something very un-Pokemonish about it. I think it’s just the fact that it’s basically cut in half--I keep expecting the backsprite to show its organs or something. Grotess is also a bit too plain.
It’s also worth noting that at some point, this was the evolutionary line, which is more consistent but much less interesting (save for the middle evo’s eyes, which are pretty great).
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Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of evolutionary consistency; some designs plain or not very fitting for Pokemon
Pokes to fill the void: Alomomola is a sunfish Pokemon. Sharpedo is a shark crossed with an object, and Grotess almost certainly became Huntail and Gorebyss.
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These two... are pretty good. They have a simple catch--black cats with bells--and the designs are nicely executed and memorable.
If I had one complaint, it’s that they maybe seems a tad unfocused in the backend of things. They’re dark types, but have a bunch of “cutesy” moves, and it’s not clear why’d they be dark apart from being black cats. They seem to have a magical girl vibe (Bellboyant looks a bit like Luna from Sailor Moon, which is probably not a coincidence), which also has nothing to do with the bells or the dark theme. I do think that the designs themselves are fine though, and that if you just focused on the sound concept a hair more you’d have a pretty great Pokemon.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not entirely sure, these definitely would’ve been popular. Might’ve just been a balancing thing, or it lost the dev popularity contest. 
Pokes to fill the void: Skitty kind of has the same vibe as Rinring. They also remind me a bit of the Meowth line, being cat Pokemon with metal attached to them. The Purrloin line takes over the “dark-type cat” aspect.
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I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s a very plain looking Pokemon. The idea of it balancing a fireball/bomb on its nose instead of a ball is clever and memorable enough... except that it’s dependent on it being on that pose. It can’t balance that 24/7, and once it stops all you’re left with is a plain sea lion with dark points.
However, it’s fire/water. The only fire/water we have right now is a legendary, so it would be sweet to have one that’s just a regular poke. So it’s not that the concept itself is bad, using a water-based animal and adding a fire type; it’s just more that the execution is lackluster. Give this guy a hook not related to the fireball and make the seal itself more interesting and I think you’d have something here.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Volcanion is our only fire/water Pokemon for now. In terms of seals/sea lions with a circus theme, Popplio is a decent enough match.
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Someone at Gamefreak hates tigerballs, because this line was planned for Gen 1, scrapped, then planned for Gen 2 and scrapped again. Which is strange, because while it’s not the best design it’s not bad either. It’s very very cute, and could definitely find an audience.
However, I’m not really sure what the premise is here. If it’s based on tiger clay bells, then it doesn’t really play into the bell theme much at all. And if it’s not... why is it so round? It’s not that the roundness is bad, but it would usually form the hook for this Pokemon, like it collects static electricity in its fur that makes it puff out or something. Maybe some dex descriptions would’ve made this clearer, who knows.
Also, Electiger is literally the exact same design as Tigrette, just bigger. It would either need a completely new final evolution or would need to show up as a single evo. 
While that sounds harsh, I do really like this design. Fix the evo, figure out/build on the hook of it being round or bell like, and maybe refine the markings a touch and it would be pretty perfect.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not sure. Might’ve been too similar to Pikachu (both being yellow round electric type Pokemon with zig-zag tails, and og fat Pikachu was also very round). The need to rework the evolution also might’ve turned GameFreak off of it.
Pokes to fill the void: Spheal and Rowlet are both pleasantly round. Pikachu is cute and electric themed in a similar way. In terms of tigers, Raikou is also electric-type. The exact way the stripes are done here is also very similar to Litten.
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GameFreak. GameFreak, you are telling me that we almost had a voodoo-doll Pokemon based off of Ushi-no-Toki-Mairi that evolves into a fucking jiangshi panda?? You are killing me here.
A few interesting things to note here:
Kurstraw evolves at level 1. How? Why? No idea. It could just be a placeholder, but...
The fact that Kurstraw was set to have Curse as its signature move (then called “nail”) and that it only learned this move at level 100 makes it evolving at level 1 seem intentional.
To make things more confusing, it almost seems like (and this is speculation on my part) GameFreak’s intention was to encourage players to not evolve this thing. Stats are comparable, Kurstraw only gets its signature move if you level it up to where it can’t evolve, and Kurstraw has the better moveset (getting frigging destiny bond at lv. 16, while Pangshi gets... splash (which. makes more sense when you consider it’s called “hop” in Japan but it’s still useless). If that was what they were aiming for, then that’s a really unique mechanic that would really make this poke stand out.
Design wise, Kurstraw is... well, it’s a doll with a nail rammed through it. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not very Pokemon-ish. Meanwhile, Pangshi is maybe a little too much like a Jianshi rather than being reminiscent of one, right down to the little hat. The pose, fangs, and panda colors (which resemble Jiangshi mandarin robes) are more than enough to get the hook across.
What I really love about these two are the expressions. They are just like, so dissonantly happy. Kurstraw is literally like
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and Pangshi has the dead-eyed thousand-yard stare of Espurr, except unlike Espurr it looks completely and utter deranged. It looks like if this Pokemon ended up in Mystery Dungeon, it would respond to every question with “my favorite color is blood”. Amazing.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I think these two might’ve been scrapped just because they were too scary. I mean, it’s a voodoo doll impaled on a giant nail that evolves into a literal actual corpse. The implied violence was probably just a bit much for GameFreak.
The reason I think this is, beside the fact that they have fairly solid designs, good hooks, and all of their stats and moves in place, most beta Pokemon have had their premises revisited at some point. But we’ve really never gotten a voodoo doll Pokemon since this, and we definitely haven’t gotten any jiangshi Pokemon either, which suggests the problem lied in the very concept rather than the execution.
Pokes to fill the void: People say that Kurstraw was reworked into Banette, but if anyone Pokemon resembles it to be, it would actually be Mimikyu. They both have cloth bodies with drawn-on smiley faces that resemble something cuter than them and they both want to curse you for existing.
For Pangshi... well, there’s Pancham if you’re looking for tiny pandas. If you’re after a jiangshi though, you’re out of luck.
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This Pokemon has a great hook. I mean, a Pokemon that wears a pelt that transforms it into a werewolf? Hell yeah. Not to mention it might be a reference to an obscure Nordic tale about people donning wolf pelts to turn into wolves for ten days.
Design wise, it... well, Wolfman looks almost exactly like Venonat. I’m not the only one who sees this, right?
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That aside, I think the idea could be played up a little more. Wolfman is fine, save for its Venonat-ishness, but Warwolf doesn’t do much for me, basically just being a larger version with claws and fangs. If the idea is that it turns into a werewolf by wearing the pelt, what if its evolution looked somewhat like a wolf? Or better yet, the actually body of the thing changes to fill the wolf skin more, so it looks like its a part of it? That would really elevate this Pokemon to a new level.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I’d guess that it’s the same problem as Kurstraw and Pangshi--too scary. I mean, that is a dead pelt of some kind, which means that it killed and skinned some kind of Pokemon, and that’s not getting into questions of what Pokemon they got that from.
It’s also worth noting that when we did finally get a werewolf Pokemon via Lycanroc, it was minus the pelt concept.
Pokes to fill the void: Lycanroc as our werewolf Pokemon. In terms of design, Venonat is very similar as noted above. And something about it really reminds me of Snorunt, being little critters with glowing eyes that wear a cloak of some kind and live in the cold (this line was ice-type).
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