#i thought itd get better somehow
time-woods · 2 years
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based off of a real event- i uh- dont know if i should explain.. lets just say, there might be mass amounts of salt in my carpet and bed...
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lupismaris · 4 months
One of the most uncomfortable experiences of autistic adulthood in my experience truly has been- either relationships/friendships, and the process of building them, need to be easier to navigate or I need to want them less because this no man's land is a special kind of lonely.
And it's not a vague post or pity post, it's just an observation re community building in a local sense. We're told it's harder when you're older, harder when you're sober, harder when you're xyz. But that doesn't take away the need for community or help with navigating the process of building it.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Where did they get all those head cutouts of the drivers and tps???? Like were they hanging them out or??
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chisatowo · 2 years
Watching videos essays abt political stuff is fun except for the fact that it's abt real life and it's not fun
#rat rambles#^ just finished a video essay abt trans stuff and is having a Moment™#Im ok just kinda emotional#and filled with rage abt everything ever but yknow when am I not#I rlyyy need to see if theres any lgbtq originisatons in my area#if theres one close enough maybe I could start vollenteering? idk#Im just anxious abt not being considered queer enough yknow the usual sorts dhndhdjhdjd#but honestly its more so abt my lesbianism since I have a very complicated relationship with ulit#like it makes me feel like if I bring up my acearo identity it makes my lesbianism less ~real~ somehow#like idk I wanna meet other queer ppl irl and I want more queer friends and I wanna be able to experiment with stuff#but idk why Im so scared abt the idea of having to explain myself#I know ppl probably wont care but ig Im just scared that if other queer ppl reject me then Ill have nowhere to go#or maybe itd go great and I could get a girlfriend like fuck man thats the problem xhdkgsksh#it could be the best thing thats ever happened to me but Im so anxious abt trying#Ive been so lonely and fuck man I dont trust myself to not let myself get trampled#sorry this got real personal real fast dhdkgdkdh again Im ok just emotional#now that I brought up the girlfriend thing tho I am going to be having gay thoughts while I shower so oops dhkdhkdh#idk Im still so unsure abt how I feel abt dating no romantic attraction asside like#again Ive never been able to experiment? and I also just dont know if theres anyone Id be willing to date in practice#like it might just be lonliness but it also could be me forming a stronger sense of self and better existing outside of relationships#and as such feeling more comfortable abt the idea of having more deep relationships with ppl even outside of dating and such#but again its all theoretical rn 😔#anyways I need to shower bro its so late#rat vents
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leggerefiore · 1 month
I think itd be hilarious if reader was kidnapped by the evil team leaders only for them to realize reader has SEVERE stockholm syndrome
guessing this is a yandere request...? I added volo
cw: yandere, dark content, kidnapping, uh bad ending ig in a way lol
characters: Cyrus, Volo, Lysandre, Giovanni
☄️ There was nothing but immense shame over his actions on his mind. This was a pitiful submission to woeful human emotions – He wanted to be rid of them, yet the thought of you escaping him made his stomach churn painfully and left him with worse insomnia than he already faced. It was a sickness – A genuine physical ailment that plagued him. His actions were pitiful. He despised them. But, having you in his grasp eased the harsh feeling that ate at his heart otherwise. You were safe. All the irrational thoughts that had plagued his mind faded. He could close his eyes for but a moment and finally rest. When you awoke, he was certain there would be harsh reality to face, but for now, those sickening emotions – his disgusting spirit – were at ease. He swallowed. Something in him dared allow him the ability to lay at your side. Your presence alone was enough to lull him into the sweet confines of unconscious.
☄️ When he awoke, it was to a weight on top of him. His heavy eyes opened. His arms had wrapped around whatever laid on top of him. Warmth soaked into him in a way that felt completely foreign to him. His gaze focused on what was on top of him. You. Your eyes were open and staring into his own bleary ones. Your hands were still bound carefully, but somehow, you seemed not at all bothered by your current situation. Cyrus quickly regained himself and moved you back to lay beside him. A whine came from you as you whined about not being able to cuddle with him properly. What were you talking about—? You should have been horrified, yet you looked more upset that he dared stop holding you to himself. He swallowed. Something was wrong here. You kept whinging so genuinely about wanting to go back to cuddling.
☄️ Soon after, your behaviour showed no faults or waning. You simply acted like this was some kind of normal relationship. He was out of his mind about the whole thing. It was illogical – You should have been afraid and angry, yet you clung to him and treated him like a normal partner. Even when left unmonitored and unbound, you never tried to flee the apartment. It was beyond his understanding. Truly, it should have been everything that he wanted, but the lucidity of the situation made accepting it nearly impossible. You seemed confused about why he questioned you when he did, simply stating that you only loved him. In the end, he supposes that this, too, must be an effect of spirit. His main worry then becomes what will become of you and himself when he finally succeeds in removing spirit. Assuredly, then, you would stay with him even still. It only seemed right.
⭐️ He felt nothing for his actions. Was he aware they could have horrible consequences? Certainly. Did he care? Perhaps, somewhere deep down. The merchant felt almost certain that he would get away with it. You were an outsider like him. The Galaxy Team would have a few common searches before ultimately giving up and deeming you AWOL or likely dead. He hoped for the latter, but he had failed to set up a proper scene to help better lead them to that conclusion. His decision to take you had been made entirely on the fly. Not his best moment, but he supposed his careful planning, coming into danger alongside you threatening to abandon him, set him off in a way that he had never truly felt before. Simple desperation had consumed him. You had been dragged off to a remote, hidden area of Hisui. It was unlikely that anyone would ever find you, nor would you get away.
⭐️ When you awoke, he had expected you to shout, scream, and attack him, but you seemed to relax instead. He thought your behaviour was strange. There was a chance that you were doing it in order to force yourself to have better control of the situation. He would scoff at that. You were bound quite carefully and in an extremely remote area. Your pokeballs were also taken by him. You were truly st your weakest point. So, when you smiled at him and asked what this was. He felt his mind break a bit. Your smile… Was this manipulation? He pondered what your game here was. Unlike you, he would not allow himself to relax. Whatever act this was… Your seemingly genuine affection and acceptance… He would see through it. Volo was fully aware of many things.
⭐️ … Except how genuine you were being. Your apparent affection and love for him never lessened, nor did it seem forced. Your feelings were genuine. He was bewildered by this. Even when he tested you by leaving you unbound when he “left,” you simply began to household duties or wait for him to return. He was astonished by this. This was not at all what he predicted, but he was supposed to were not the worst possible things. Your genuine love… He could only smirk. Taking you as he had felt so useless now… It was clear that you were not going anywhere. Those foolish concerns felt completely far off from himself. It was easy for him to lose himself in it all. His perfect world… He could feel it so closely when he was with you. The blond could not wait to truly make it a reality. Your shared love would only grow stronger there.
☕️ It was not his best moment. Not by far. There was a part of him that burned with shame, while a larger part simply accepted that this was just how things were going to have to be. He had become frightened. Your refusal to join Team Flare – and even daring to attempt to flee from him – was driving him to extreme lengths. Losing you, such a beautiful and perfect being, was not an option. So, he used his connections and secured you quite easily. His Lumiosian apartment was soundproof, so there was little concern for anything. It was kept carefully locked, too. You would be safe here until he finally used to the Ultimate Weapon to create a perfect world. He would have all your needs and wants tended to, yet he would absolutely make certain that you could not dare escape from him. That was simply something that he refused to accept. Whatever disgust he may have felt for his own actions had to be cast aside in favour of your believed best interests.
☕️ So, when you awoke, he readied himself for curses and threats. The worst would come before the better… Yet, you did not. Your eyes stared at him intently while seemingly figuring out your surroundings. Then, you smiled. A genuine smile. One so sweet and loving that he found himself at a loss for words. What… was this? While Lysandre knew that his actions had been for your best interest, he had not expected you to feel similarly. Well, he assumed that was how you felt. You only asked that he unbind you. He did so, readying himself again for a possible violent outburst, but it never came. Instead, you hugged him tightly and mumbled out about your love for him. He was shocked into silence. This… This was not at all a predicted response – especially with how you had tried to run quite literally just before. Part of him remained on edge this was fake, but the other more desperate half just wanted all this to be real.
☕️ Naturally, he tests you to see just how real your actions are. You continue to shock him with how you genuinely seemed to be in love with him. He describes your behaviour patterns to one of those in Team Flare, and they note that you had likely developed Stockholm syndrome. Quite quickly, they added, but your behaviours did align. He felt disgusted yet contented that such behaviours had been drawn out of you. You still refused to join Flare, but he supposed that was alright since now he could protect you more directly. You would be following after him whether you wanted to or not – And you almost seemed to want to if it did not involve his group. He supposed that whatever feelings you held for Flare were pointless since you would be joining him in his perfect world. You were his lover, after all. That was something you had made more than clear in your constant demands for his affection and attention.
🟥 It was easy to arrange and done with little hesitation. Giovanni was quite used to taking what he wanted with little question. So when you, a trainer who started opposing Rocket, had denied him what he wanted. Well, he simply took matters into his own hands. It was a bit of annoyance having to deal with you constantly disrupting his plans and making him look weak to his underlings. You even had the gall to deny his offerings of joining his organisation, stating you were above his criminality. He wanted to scoff. Trying to run from him… How utterly useless that had been. You were taken deep into one of his safehouses as he debated just what do with you when you woke up. Screaming and crying would be annoying to deal with usually, but some part of him was excited to see you at such a low point.
🟥 That was not to come, however. When you finally woke up, you were a bit shocked, yes, but seemingly calmed down once you saw the Rocket boss. You struggled against the cuffs that trapped your wrists to the headboard. He cocked a brow when you asked him politely to unlock you. Giovanni only replied by leaning over you to intimidate you and threaten that you were not in a place to make demands. But, instead, you tried to rain up to meet his lips. The older man was shocked momentarily before chuckling. Oh, what was this? Were you attempting to fawn over a fight or flight reaction. Fascinating. There would be no complaints from him on such things. You could not pull a fast one on him, either. He would be careful to observe just what you were doing and why.
🟥 Though, he was stunned to see you never faltered. This apparent love you felt for him was real enough. You were insistent enough that he let you have some freedoms that he did eventually relent. When he finally did, there were no true escape attempts. At worst, you tried to follow him out whenever you felt that he had failed to give you adequate attention, but it was not really an attempt at fleeing and regaining your lost freedom. He was fully aware of what had happened to you. This was not his first time observing such a thing, but he supposed he quite preferred it when it was someone that he had an interest in over some random target that his group brought in for whatever reason. Due to your strong feelings for him mixed with your desperation to stay near him, it was not hard to convince you to take his offer to join Rocket this time around. Whatever oddities had brought about the situation, he could only be happy that it brought the exact results he wanted.
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Sending a headcannon and I got carried away:
Our Dragon-Parented Dragonslayers needed to learn modern Fioran (or whatever languages Earthland X777 had) after arriving in the future and Natsu's the one with the biggest grasp of it.
These kids were from 400 years in the past when there was a huge dragon-feud going on. If Nirvana and Dragnof are any indication, multiple civilizations fell during that time and with it the loss of several languages. Whatever language they had been taught (which was likely at least one form of dragonic at the time...because dragon parents), it's probably considered extinct in X777.
But thing is I think Natsu may have been the only one to get lessons on how to read and write Fioran.
Gajeel? He got stuck in Phantom Lord, which (to put it nicely) had a sink-or-swim philosophy towards it's members. He probably picked up on a bit on his own, but likely also struggles reading job assignments and won't let anyone know he is (side headcannon: our favorite linguist Levy helped him out once she found out he was struggling).
Wendy? The kid who first got adopted by a runaway prince from another dimension and then by a 400 year old ghost? I don't think either of them know Fioran themselves, much less could teach it. On the bright side, she probably also knows ancient Nirvit.
The Two Sabergoofs? Same case as Gajeel. Rogue's hit with a double whammy since he supposedly hung around Phantom Lord before getting yeeted to Sabertooth's guildmaster. Though this probably leads to a few complications once Sting is guildmaster and has to start filling out paperwork.
So much to everyone's surprise, out of all of them Natsu - who got seven-years worth of supportive family at the orphan daycare - is the one who can read/write in modern language best.
It's not a unique headcannon by any means but one of my favorites. Thoughts?
Y'see this is what im talkin bout, some good ol' analysis stuff.
I had a post aaaaagggeeees ago (if i find it back i may link it) bout like a crack situation where the team got forced to speak their first languages and natsu n wendy got stuck speaking their og ancient fioran languages and no one could understand wtf they were saying (and they couldnt understand each other neither bcus i had it that they were speakin different dialects of ancient fioran but details.). But i am gettin off track.
I always hc that most of the slayers didnt end up in Fiore when they got shot to the future, itd be kinda boring if they all ended up on the same continent. So Gajeel for me landed in Bosco so he learnt Boscan first as his modern language before he made his way to fiore to learn the language there by osmosis. I think Gajeel as a character especially to me with his spying skills and generally personality is super discerning with his desire to know information. So i think he's largely self taught with everything when he was on his own and knows 2 languages fully- Boscan and Fioran- but his fioran is weaker especially when it comes onto the writing part. And he vaguely knows phrases and terms from a bunch of diff languages.
Wendy landed closer to the border of Fiore and Seven before mystogan picked her up. I'd like to think that the language in Edolas and Earthland is largely the same orally (but it'd have a whole different written language) so he managed to teach her how to speak modern fioran but write in modern edolas. Which was a weird disconnect when the team found out down the line lmao. When he left her with cait shelter she picked up that additional language (which is a purely oral language) and is probs the only person left in modern fiore who can speak it (Levy loves her for it)
Sting got yote to Caelum before somehow making his way over to Minstrel then Fiore, he speaks a weird combo package of slangs from all 3 and he's not fully fluent in all of em (fioran is his best) and sometimes when he can't remember a word in one he'll supplement it with a word from another. He's ironically better at the written languages with them than speakin em.
Rogue met Sting in Minstrel briefly (didnt stick around with each other and then ran into each other again in fiore) but Rogue never picked up on Minstrel's language easily so he only picked up on fioran when he eventually made his way over. He knows brief smatterings and terms from other languages from his time hanging out with phantom lord but is only fluent in just the one.
Natsu's the only sucker who landed squarely in Fiore and was picked up by Makarov who had him fluent enough in speaking modern fiore before he got him back to the guild. He didn't get around to starting him with writing so that was a task for the others to teach and get him up to speed (to varying success. His handwriting sucks ass). I also like to think he hung around a decent amount with Levy when he was younger (he liked listening when she read her stories aloud) so he has a weird mixed bag of being able to read and understand a whole bunch of random language bits despite not actively trying to learn em.
Ok byyyyeeeeeeeeeee
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starii-void · 1 month
something about mei and mk being ‘the hero and the warrior’ except they’re more based
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theres been a few instances of mei being upset about not being able to spend as much time with MK (the one i remember more vividly was her in s5 wanting to go on a ‘classic MK and Mei adventure!’ but im p sure there was an instance in s4 too that i cant recall) which lead to some thoughts
ive seen a lot of stuff about them and how mei might end up like macaque, bitter and abandoned by MK, like wukong did. but i just feel like it isnt true. so this is my future theory:
there’d be a build up of more instances like this. mei wants to do stuff with MK, but he prioritizes his hero training/duties. each time, she’s shown subtly being more and more upset until one day she snaps. she confronts him and is visibly upset, yelling at him.
but then, instead of snapping back (like Wukong did) he apologizes. maybe it can parallel the first fight they had in season 1 during the race somehow?
in the end, the two do what Wukong and Macaque couldnt, and make up. MK owns up to his mistake and they both get better. they have their own little adventures together, or something like that
and like that, it shows how they’re different from the Hero and the Warrior. it shows how Wukong and Macaque couldve turned out if theyd just put down their pride and communicated. it shows what they couldve been.
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basically i just think they wouldnt turn out like macaque and wukong. ive seen a lot of people theorize that but they arent emotionally constipated enough for that to happen, plus we’ve seen them argue and make up on screen already.
also i think itd just make for some cool opportunities for art and visual parallels
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spiribia · 1 year
it's interesting how people view the difference btwn cuno and cunoesse in terms of capacity for betterance or 'redeemability' which to get this out of the way first /i/ don't really think of that as a really applicable measure here, but i've seen takes that cuno is a salvageable misguided boy and cunoesse is just a vile gremlin that is beyond saving and is just dragging him down from the better life he could have. and i feel a lot of this draws from impressions of how favorably they view you, especially considering your presence in the narrative as a cop. cunoesse just never likes you & refuses to be very communicative with you, and this is used as a metric of judgment for her quality as a person somehow. but you have to understand. ok im honestly too tired to formulate this thought. this post is now a DIY puzzle set consisting of the following pieces [cunoesse is 10 years old] [cunoesse only really has cuno in this world] [when cuno expressed he thought itd be cool to be a cop cunoesse said Dont be a cop cuno then you'd have to take me away] [you are a cop] [your main tactic with cuno in this investigation is to separate him from cunoesse to make him more cooperative with you] [there is an ending where you can recruit cuno as a junior cop]
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russolaw · 10 months
tennis au thoughts
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They met basically the same, except Johnny was a wrestler as well as a tennis player, so he used his wrestling moves to kick Daniel's ass.
Daniel tries to ignore him, but he really wanted to join the tennis team and he does, despite Johnny and the cobras not being at ALL happy about it.
Idk maybe Kreese is the coach and lets Daniel on the team cause he knows about him and Johnny and thinks Daniel being there will cause Johnny to try even harder.
They are constantly trying way too hard during practices and games. They usually insist on practice games with one another and those go on forEVER
And yes, they def have smacked each other with the rackets
And i also think itd be cute/kinda cool if Daniel also gets outisde tennis training form mr. Miyagi
Johnny is being scouted for a tennis scholarship and he really wants it so that he wont have to rely on sid's money for college and during the game where the scouts are there Johnny finds out they are also looking at Daniel and kreese, who does not actually like Daniel, tells Johnny if he's serious about the scholarship he should injure Daniel's wrist. He genuinely thinks about doing it but decides not to at the last minute.
Daniel ends up with the scholarship and Johnny doesn't. He's bitter about it
They don't see each other until college. They're at diff schools and both on the tennis teams. They somehow find out theyre teams have a game against each other in a few months but Johnny is desperate to prove hes the better player so they decide to verse each other on their own. Daniel wins and Johnny storms off in a huff and Daniel goes to check on him they end up kissing. They go to Johnny's apartment and have sex and Johnny insists no one can know so they pretend to still hate each other while secretly Johnny is falling head over heels for him.
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arsenicflame · 1 year
silly Izzy situation: he gets a parrot.
-Stede is the one to get him the parrot- something about how hes got the wooden leg he has to complete the look? honestly izzy wasnt listening, stede was using his excited voice and izzys learnt he can zone out a bit when he gets like that. there was a hat too but that went to someone else Real quick (the parrot was trying to eat it anyway)
-i know nothing about parrots but im gonna say stede gets him an African grey. it's the goth-est parrot and they're Friends Now, hes got to give a gift that fits in with izzys Look
-when stede gives it him he protests LOUDLY but when stede gets all sad and says he will return him izzy draws a knife. wtf you can't return my gift Stede
- the parrot learns to say fuck REAL quick
-izzy learns bird care from buttons, obviously- izzy is Rules autistic he needs to know How you look after his pet. he is super rigorous with following the rules and at least one crew member has faced a tirade for feeding him something bad
-the bird rides everywhere on his shoulder. frenchie makes him a little pad so his claws don't scratch izzys leathers and so he can grip better
-he starts stroking the bird as a comfort (in Correct places, thank u buttons) he doesn't notice hes doing it but everyone else does. lucius has a sketch
-you know how some pets are like? exactly like their owners? yeah. this is the grumpiest fucking parrot and they are perfect together. he only likes izzy. after a while he mimicks izzy yelling at the crew and nobody knows what to do they all just. stare. izzy laughs.
- the parrot spends a little too much time with the swede somehow (jackies? izzy & jackie friendship my beloved i will force you in anywhere) and picks up his singing. its. something. they end up using it on raids as part of a fuckery. two haunting tones to create a sense of unreality, of being surrounded.
-i didn't give the parrot a name here because i genuinely believe izzy wouldnt give it a name, hed just call it 'the parrot', occasionally 'my parrot' when drunk. the crew call it mini Izzy.
(buttons asked the parrot its name)
-someone once gave the parrot a knife because they thought itd be funny. we do not talk about the parrot knife incident.
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chair-lie · 3 days
My therian introduction!
[from a cat therian// calico,grey tabby(mix)// some type of canine? ]
My experience
Ever since I was little, I behaved like a cat, loved to act like one. I used (still do) to walk around extra quietly, drink water cat style (even tho my mom hated it and told me to stop) and drawn towards scratching and biting when fighting with other kids/my lil bro.
{{I do also have some pack experiences and I do have a very special connection to water, so Im might be more than just cat type, even tho Id say it is my ‚main‘ one.}}
These behaviors had the effect that my parents call(ed) me cat-like a lot, but I never really thought abt it. But when I got into the tk community, I also got into the furry and therian community somehow, but then I thought that if itd be a therian, Id probably just choose a theriotype [cat] ans would be faking it. A few months ago, I got into severe contact with the whole topic, and got me thinking. Long story short, here I am.
Since social media portrays shift in basically only one way (very extreme; its almost like the person is a completely different being) I long thought I dont experience shifts. I do, but not that extreme.
My shifts are normally about instinctive and phantom limbs. I tend to observe more and get more anxious around humans (only the ones I dont know or if its not a safe environment), same as getting the urge to hiss, meow (:3) or scratch stuff, if Im in a fight even bite. (I do not do these//Im not hurting ppl in rl normally… my bros an exception 🥰)
As for the phantom limbs, I just feel like they would be behaving like the ones of a real cat when it would be in that situation. (I also often waggle my feet how my tail would waggle and ik it sound weird as hell but I can not really control it)
Also: I still surpress A LOT, since that all still feels new to me, and Ik many ppl dont understand. I hope itll get better, Im getting to know my therian side a lot rn and I do enjoy it a lot.
I normally dont do quadrobics (because of the bugs and ticks… aswell as I dont know where to go, I have a field right before my house, but the street there is very lively) but I think theyre very fun! Im just kinda bad at them lol💀
I do like gear a lot! Im just kinda insecure with masks, because I look like Im dressing up, but Im not. I think it will get better over time (wven tho you cant breath with them in summer bro)
With the tails, I lovee them but I dont have one yet. I did a lot of research and spent hours with that topic, and didnt want to buy from amazon. Etsy is kinda complicated for me, since Im not super familiar with it, but yk. One of my wonderful friends want to gift me one tho (super grateful, thanks <33) so Ill update!
That was kind of a therian introduction? Was kinda random lolz
If you want, reblog and do yours! Would love to see it :P
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changbinsboobs · 10 days
im the anon from before: told ya in my chan observations "knowing chan and his tendencies for a victim-complex, pick me, delulu and stuff" bound to cause some issues in his personal relationships but also this is why lee know is my fave out of the two bro would not give two hoots compared to chan who seems always on edge, kinda not trouble maker but doesnt mind stirring the pot to make a mountain out of a molehill.
although I do blame their coddeling from the companies for their inability to have stable relationships because they cant seemingly get out of their own delulu bubble (mainly chan).
u know what im also glad for these readings for? bc it makes me less delulu about certain idols lmao, its weird because some idols i thought would have dreadful personalities or types do not and its the ones that i have suspicions of and chan was one of them mainly due to his overly unhealthy attachments to stay but now i still find him interesting i just dont know if i would date him? yaknow? i think sometimes an idol having very very specific ideals can limit their overal perspective in dating bc theyre not really seeing someone for their personality or their natural charms or anything else its literally all about other attributes that they maybe look too much into and not giving some others enough chance becaude if u only look on the outside u never going to see ppl in different way, its very concieted. like what if chan met someone who fitted the appearsnce he wanted but they also had toxic behaviours or would just use him? he would still prolly date that person. im sure the girl he was with was lovely but no one wants to babysit a grown man. period. he actually gives manchild vibes no fr
honestly if anything i dont want him to be defamed cause she may or may not use it against him even if she sign nda but if hes that toxic it may very well backfire even further. i think he would be better more as friend material than romantic but he said he wanted family as well in snother reading. bro got a lot of growth to do before any of that
i hope other stay who maybe too deluded to see thru his behaviour i hope they somehow learn abt it thru readings cause itd suck to put so much attention and for it to all be unhealthy and shit
So first things first - my personal opinion is that nowadays there's just s HUGE gap between men and women in terms of being a a well rounded, capable, mature human being. Sadly. And so i i wouldn't necessarily put the blame on the companies but rather just on the guy himself - at the end of the day he chose that path and no matter what ur environment is you can still learn and choose to be well rounded human being - like thats on u bro🥲and i also do see him as a man child, sry not sry. Ive noticed that for a very long while actually and i think he knows that on some level too and thats part of the reason why he pushes that "taking care of y'all" image on himself so mich to try and make up for what he on the inside knows that he lacks.
And i think too he would date someone for SURE that he finds attractive but knows they're toxic cuz lets be honest - lots of people do😂 some people just crave toxicity and some people are toxic themselves and like attracts like.
Also i don't think the situation is that bad for him to be defamed - as i said i think the whole thing was much bigger in his perception than it probably was for the girl. I don't think he was toxic to the extent where he would be hurting anyone other than himself. In fact i think his toxic is rather embarrassing than hurtful. Its the type where you just sit there in shock and wonder how someone like him, with a certain image, status, money, power even, life experience etc - can act and be so immature and cringey. I think he could also be someone that would be kinda gaslighting but not out of malice but rather because he's just too sensitive and cant regulate his emotions so well hence why he can't really grasp the situation in a right way. But thats as far as it gets.
As negative as readings like that might sound im actually happy to read on energy like that because as you sed it helps delude people a bit and also just plain shows you a persons bad side (which we all have) and makes them much more human. And the best part - i would much rather stan an idol thats a manchild and is just a bit cringey, than stanning an abuser and not knowing it. That way you at least know his red flacks aren't THAT type of RED iykwim...👀
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whole-circus · 1 year
hii dear!! i honestly love liu, so i wanted to request homicidal liu with a reader that just giggles and cackles at everything? im kind of .. a crackhead so i just hop around giggling and smiling everyday honestly. like they aren’t really optimistic, but they just have the strength to smile even at bad times? thank you a whole lot!!
itd be nice if the reader is gn, it can be sfw and nsfw (cause they’d probably even giggle even at nsfw ..) , but if youre tired or busy feel free to keep it just sfw hon! have a good day !!!
Homicidal Liu x reader that giggles and smiles a lot! (is a ray of sunshine)
➥ Ahh hi and thank you!! Good day too,lots of love! And even better day for Liu enjoyers! :3
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
☆ Ahh! You are Liu total opposite! Dont get me wrong, he isn't the type to be all gloomy and sad all the time, but he doesn't go around all giggly and carefree! But you being the absolute ray of sunshine..your happy mood makes him happy too! Or maybe its your cute giggles and smiles? He has no idea, but your good humour is definitely infectious! Liu admires how many hapiness and joy you can bring to other people. I mean just look at you - you could be left alone in room with hundred sad people, and after couple minutes, you will all end up being cherful. He also loves to talk and giggle at silly things! Like, you make everything so fun..how do you even do that??
☆ About smiling through bad times..he adores that in you, someone have to give hope to others..but oh he also worries so much! I feel like he always somehow knows if you have a bad period of time or if something not nice had happen! And even if he is impressed by you still being able to smile then..please talk to him love! And as I had the chance to say that everytime I write something about Liu..he is sweet and caring! And just can't bear the thought that you are sad under that bubbly and sweet persona!
☆ When it comes to sexy times and stuff..he finds you so cute! I mean, there really is something about all this silly love-making when you just giggle and are in eachother arms! Its pretty romantic..usually having sex comes with all this warm and strong feelings! But if you don't loose your giggly persona while love making? Oh, then the time with you is even more special! Just you all giggly when he gives you a small kissess all over your body, or when there will be this awkward moment between you two! (becasue yes, it sometimes happens and its perfectly fine!)..You also make it all less-stressful..especially if its your first time together. Even if its just you and Liu, he is often stressed about not making you feel good or just messing something up :( So please, he is not bothered at all! Your cheerful self will definitely make him happy too!
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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cosmignon · 9 months
disclaimer: trolls band together is a good fun movie and everything im about to say is just like rambling thought experiment territory
anyways. keep thinking abt trolls band together. why isnt viva poppy's mom.
i know the answer is they wanted the sibling theme thru all the major characters, i respect it
but i think it would be cooler if they brought the "bridget is basically poppy's sister by way of poppy saying so" into sharper focus like they keep running into each other on the road trip
(like i thought the implication was bridget and gristles honeymoon was at the vacation muppet place).
maybe have some thematic statement abt how sisterhood/brotherhood doesnt mean squat unless everyones putting themselves into making the relationship supportive. branch's biological brothers get along less than the 2 girls who just decided "hey. i love you. we're twinning for realsies"
then viva being poppy's mom instead just like idk. feels right? i dunno. i feel like itd make king peppy sound a little less incompitent at least. instead of somehow losing a whole daughter maybe he and his wife were leading 2 different groups thru the tunnels and agreed to meet up
but things never worked out bc the minigolf trolls felt trapped 2x. king peppy and the other trolls always kind of hold out hope maybe theyll show up again one day. maybe over the past 2 decades the escape story was told more and more optimistically esp to make the new babies feel better abt it.
pop trolls they LOVE their historical revisionism.
and then maybe poppy feels babied by her mom who wants to keep her safe forever and she looks at branch and goes oooooooh ok i understand the problem here now.
viva still works fine as poppy's sister. it was just like the thoughts lingering in my head after sitting down with the movie.
just my 2 cents. just my little trolls band together rewrite. just m
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Okay okay random idea
Sigma is planning on proposing to reader
They go out on this date and he gets down and brings out the box for the ring and the reader starts laughing and gets a box with their ring out of their bag saying they had the same thought
Sobbing ITD be so adorable
What a cute idea! Thanks for your request! :)
'•.¸♡ I want to ask you something ♡¸.•'
Sigma x gn!reader
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You were thinking of asking Sigma to marry you for sometime now but before thinking of a way to ask him he asked you on a date. You decided what better time to ask him and made sure to take box with a ring inside with you.
You had a wonderful day with him, the only thing on your mind was spending the rest of your lives together, how you could see him every day and spend all your days holding each other passionately.
You two were walking side by side in an empty park admiring the beautiful colourful sunset sky when Sigma stopped in a spot surrounded by beautiful flower bushed and a weeping willow tree in front of a magnificent lake. You looked at Sigma in confusion, he got down on one knee as he pulled out a box, inside was a ring which perfectly reflected you.
Before Sigma could speak you covered your face before breaking into laughter. A horrified and worried look instantly over took Sigma's face as he stared at you slightly in shock. Sigma tries to get up but you stop him by gently placing a hand on his shoulder and kneeling in front of him softly giggling to yourself before calming down and letting Sigma speak.
'Why are you laughing? Is everything okay? Did- did I do something wrong?' His voice was filled with worry and fright while his eyes were overfilled with sadness, regret, worry and a wish to know why you started laughing out of nowhere. 'Dear, it's not you it's just that I was going to ask you the same question.' You pulled out a box with a ring inside it showing it to Sigma.
Upon realising the situation his worried expression turned into one of happiness and joyfulness, his eyes got their hope back and his voice was filled with love. 'So, will you marry me Sigma, dear?' You asked with a smile wider than the world. 'Yes of course I will!' Sigma hugged you tightly smiling to himself.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Again, I'm really bad at ending stuff.
Am update on my hair that no one asked for, it's not wet anymore and it doesn't look bad as any character from bsd. Like istg they have the shittiest hair styles imaginable and somehow pull it off???? Like to pull off something that horrifying is a talent on its own and you have to be the sexiest person alive to manage that fr.
I have curly hair so it hides my mistake whenever I cut it and now my hair just looks layered if that makes sense, it probably doesn't but still.
Have a wonderful day/night and try doing something you love if you can :)
-with love, Az the wizard frog <|:)
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
hsr 2.1 kit leaks
ok idk how but even w the preliminary aventurine kit leaks i didnt register before seeing a comment on how he would actually just shred in herta+himeko FUA teams for PF too and im just? obsessed actually i Love this
like PF is already in that weird place where sustains are kinda good still but kinda useless but aventurine being an actual FUA sub dps in addition to his shielding is just? so fucking good and will go so well with the never ending follow up after follow up death spiral that himeko and herta inherently bring to PF it should be a massacre 💀💀 i cant wait
anyway his kit looks sick i rly love how its designed. ACTUAL sub dps potential in a sustain finally 😭😭 and how much crit rate (40%) he gets just from reaching 3600 def is just? so delicious. obviously the fact that he will want crit, def, spd and possibly eff res too means you kinda need to invest hard into his build to rly get the most out of him but i love that blonde fucker so. yeah ill commit. i farmed my ass off for my fu xuan to be as stacked as she is i Will do it again 🫡🫡
the eff res hes giving to the team is actually massive too ?? CC immunity to himself when his passive effect is up? shields on skill no ult dependency and shield stacking on teammates being attacked and FUAs (and like. hes not dependent on FUA teams lmao its just going to boost him) just like that???
AND hes fast as fuck somehow like what 😭😭😭😭 bro looks stacked as hell i hope he stays strong. aventurine with that 106 speed rly out there running from the consequences of his antics 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💀
anyway wow im hype for this bastard i Cannot wait for his animations
as for acheron im. somewhat interested? but not like too pressed abt it for now. her stacking mechanic seems interesting and ive already seen the asset leaks for her red ultimate state (which is like 700% better than her base design) but if you only see that design for a v short time idk how much itll motivate me to get her.
the lack of LC options definitely hurts like. all i realistically have for her is s3 GNSW but thats on kafka rn. ig if i got acheron i prolly wouldnt be running them at the same time but its still food for thought ig
also she really copied neuvillettes homework for that nihility team passive HSJSJSKSKF idk how i feel abt it like w our current cast it kinda feels pretty tricky to genuinely get a strong team going for an actual max stack team for acheron. like run her with pela and what? guinaifen? ig we will see what shes all abt
ig i just dont feel as much of an incentive for a lightning dps for now w kafka but eh i might go for acheron still. i do have a guarantee tho so it might be nice to save it for aventurine straight up bc then i could maybe go for his LC since it gets him even more sub dps potential but who knows
ig only gripe w aventurine (which isnt that big of deal rly) is the current lack of FUA charas like idm building ratio eventually even having daniel (and them having such heavy synergy is very funny. renheng could never 💀) n i could see myself maybe getting topaz even if im not a huge fan of her character (tho i do think shes well written; my mixed feelings r a result of her being complex) but idk. i hope we get more leaks for upcoming FUA charas.
obviously theres xueyi but her FUAs arent That frequent and unironically i wouldnt Want someone like aventurine w his likely frequent FUAs on her team eating away the toughness bar from her so itd only really work against enemies who are quantum weak but not imaginary. but worth thinking abt still. at least herta n himeko will be a guaranteed PF synergy for him so thats hype
and most important of all: def mainstat with double crit we are so back. relics with double crit that half rolled into def we are so back. etc etc etc
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