#i took care of her-this grown ass adult-through everything. things no kid should be hearing about.
oldhabitsdiescrming · 4 months
#tate.txf#vent post#vent#tw vent#listening to so long london right now and fuck. fuck!#i remember hearing it the first time and realizing i was Not as healed as i thought i was.#while my relation to it isn't through a relationship-technically-it IS about the girl who groomed the fuck out of me at 13 years old ❤️#i was friends with her for three years and jesus fucking christ. she fucked me up in ways i'm still reeling from.#i took care of her-this grown ass adult-through everything. things no kid should be hearing about.#i was fourteen and not sleeping. when i did she would threaten to off herself because i wasn't replying.#i went HOUSE HUNTING for her. i was looking into odd jobs because i thought she needed my help.#when i finally took a mental health break after three years of carrying her sadness like a weight#she called me a monster. i was sixteen years old and watching someone who swore they loved me say the most horrible#god awful things. things i wouldn't say to the person i hated.#i had so many panic attacks over her. i would get in trouble because of how hard i fought to be there for her. i was a kid.#carrying a sadness that became my own purely because she deemed me vulnerable enough to carry the weight.#it's been years#and i am finally so. so. so angry.#i'm finally the age she was when she groomed me and i just. i don't understand. i don't understand how you can do that to a child.#im pissed off she let me give her that youth for free. im just getting color back into my face. she deserves prison but she won't get time.#i'm so angry after all this time. i wish her well. i hate her. i'm hurting. i don't understand any of it.#why was it my job to carry her up the hill? how much sadness did she think i had in me prior to her entry into my life?#i'm still afraid to talk to people. to make friends. to respond to my existing friends.#because i didn't know it was coming with her.#for a while there i'd believed i could forgive her. now i know i don't owe her that.#i am just getting color back into my face. i am mad as hell because i gave up my youth for someone who couldn't care less at the end.#oh the tragedy.#to delete#just had to finally say it somewhere.
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
Let me
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Another part to what I’m calling my comfort song series. The song I was listening to while writing this is called Anchor by Novo Amor
"Wow. Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome" Clint says as we look out of the window of the ship when we get to 2014 and I look around as he lands.
I follow them as we start the walk towards the mountains and I take in the scenery "you know it's kind of weird" I say.
"What's weird?" Clint asks.
"This is the year that I found out I had powers. So twelve year old me is currently somewhere blowing up a section of the public library" I say a smile on my face and they laugh.
"And we are on our way to find a twelve year old who blew up a section of the library without weapons" Nat says.
"I was so scared. I thought I was going to prison" I say.
"And look how much you've grown since then" Clint says.
"I know. It's crazy. But I have you two and Laura to thank for taking me in and showing me that I have nothing to be afraid of, that I should embrace who I am. I almost felt like I met Charles Xavier" I say and he smiles at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me close and I wrap my arm around his waist as we walk towards the mountains.
We start to climb the mountain and Natasha let’s put a huff "I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain" she says.
"Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know" Clint says.
"Technically he is" I say.
"Whatever. He eats garbage" she says and I laugh.
"Welcome" a voice says when we reach the top and Clint and Natasha pull their weapons out and my hands start to glow as we turn around and there's a floating man.
"Natasha, daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith and Yn, daughter of Dn" he says.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone" he says.
"Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way" Natasha says.
"Ah, liebchen. If only it were that easy" he says leading us to a cliff and I look over getting an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"What you seek lies in front of you as does what you fear" he says.
"The stone is down there" Natasha say also looking over.
"For one of you. For the other two in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul" he says.
"What?" I ask, my power going out as I mentally repeat what he just said and Nat leads me to a log and she sits me down and I look at them.
"A soul for a soul? He wants one of us to die?" I ask and she nods.
"Yeah I think he does" she says and I shake my head.
"No" I say.
"That can't be right. Why? What? Who thinks of this stuff?" I ask and she rubs my back as we sit in silence.
"How's it going?" Clint asks the guy chucking as he walks over to us.
"Jesus. Maybe he's making this shit up" he says.
"No. I don't think so" Nat says.
"Why because he knows your Daddy's name?" He asks.
"I didn't even know my dads name" I whisper.
"Thanos left here with the stone, without his daughter. It's not a coincidence" Nat says.
"Yeah" he says.
"Whatever it takes" Nat says.
"Whatever it takes" he says and Nat stands up.
"Tasha what are you doing?" I ask.
"If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead" she says rubbing my cheek and she smiles at me and I stand up as she turns to Clint.
"Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be" he says.
"I guess we do" Natasha says.
"What? No. What are you guys talking about?" I ask my voice cracking.
"Yn this doesn't concern you" Nat says.
"Yes it does, you're obviously trying to sacrifice yourselves and expect me to just sit here quietly" I say.
"Because you aren't going to do anything so go sit on the log while we work this out" he says and he grabs Natasha's hand and she squeezes it.
"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha" he says.
"Duh" I say and they both look at me.
"Stop, please just stop. Can we think about this for a second?" I cry.
"For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here, that's all it's been about bringing everybody back. You guys I have to do this" she says holding her hand out to me and I stare at it.
"Oh, don't you get all decent on me now" he says and she grabs my hand.
"What, you think I wanna do it? I'm trying to save your both of your lives, you idiot" she says looking at him.
"Yeah, well, I don't want you to, because I-Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become" Clint says.
"I don't judge people on their worst mistakes" she says.
"Maybe you should" he says.
"You didn't" she says.
"Just because of your past choices doesn't mean you guys have to die to make up for it" I sob and they look at me.
"Yn please just let me do this" Clint says and I shake my head pulling my hand away from Natasha.
"I'm not about to stand here and listen to you guys go back and forth over which one of you is going to die" I say.
"I agree with Yn" Natasha says and he sighs.
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" He asks and she smiles.
"Okay. You win" he says smiling and knocks Natasha to the ground and I jump from the sudden attack.
"Tell my family I love them" he says holding her down and she flips them over so he's on his back and she's standing up.
"You tell them yourself" she says electrocuting him and she runs towards the cliff and he gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down and I glare at them and they both freeze in place.
"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I ask and I walk in front of them.
"I'm not about to let you do this. Clint you have a family who loves you and Natasha you deserve to live, you deserve to be happy. Who cares if you made mistakes you are the only person who I know who is truly worth a redemption. Neither of you have to make up for your crimes because you've done it ten fold already, you are the most amazing people I know and I know a lot of people" I say backing towards the cliff.
"Yn stop" Clint says trying to grab me but he can't and I shake my head and I close my eyes and when I open them they are white.
"Yn" Natasha says.
"No" I say sending them flying back and the vines from the cracks wrap around them.
"I'm not letting either of you die when you deserve so much" I say.
"Yn calm down and think this through. You haven't even lived your life. You're only twenty one years old" Clint says and I nod.
"Which is perfect because I don't have roots, I don't have lifelong friendships, a family. I'm on my own and always have been. I'm not letting you guys kill yourself and not even consider me an option, I'm an adult. I'm going to do it, I’m going to do it for you and the billions of people that didn’t get the choice that I have" I say closing my eyes again and I picture all of the avengers and I send a messages to them.
"You guys have been my family since the first time I met you. I was only twelve and struggling with my powers but you guys took me in and you helped me and I couldn't have asked for a better family but none of you deserve to die. You guys are the avengers. Thank you for everything ever single one of you have done for me, for a girl who was given up and forgetting about none of you will ever really know how much that meant to me. I love you all so much"
"Yn get out of our head and knock it off. You aren't about to kill yourself" Natasha says.
"Yes I am" I say.
"I love you guys" I say and I take a step back and I hear Natasha scream for me as I fall.
"Where's Yn. We got her message?" Steve asks as soon as they all meet back up.
"She used her powers against us. One of us we're supposed to die to get the stone and Clint and I were going back and forth and we got close and she froze us in place and we couldn't do anything but watch. She was only a kid" she cries and Clint pulls her into his arms as the rest of them look on in sorrow.
“Did everyone get their stone?" she asks looking up, a new fire in her eye.
"Yes" Tony says, a silence falling over the group as they realize they have lost the girl that was like a daughter to them.
"Then let's do this" she says walking off.
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anothersadsimp · 4 years
Din Djarin x Mechanics! reader
Words: 28-something I forgot
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Din was not a people person, and it showed. No it wasn’t the fact that he was covered in beskar and that intimidated everyone from ever approaching him. It was the silence that came with him, and how he was always a man of few words. 
You remember when you first met the Manalorian, his ship had touched down where you were working as a mechanic at the time. His ship looked like shit to put it lightly. There were blaster holes and burns, wires that could be seen, and the transparisteel had some cracks breaking out. You weren't quite expecting a man covered in pure, pristine looking beskar to walk down the ramp of the ship. Immediately your interest was piqued by the traveler.
You crossed your arms over your chest with a stern look upon your face. He was a bit taken back at how you stood there unphased by his presence. If anything you looked a little pissed with your furrowed brows and small pout.
“Your ship looks like a piece of shit.” You blatantly state nodding towards it.
He stood there looking at you through the visor, you don’t know if he was trying to intimidate you or what, but you refused to break in your own shop. Little did you know under the helmet his brows were furrowed in confusion, mouth just slightly open. It takes a moment for him to compose himself.
“I have credits.” He responds.
Your brows unfurrow and raise in amusement. “There's not enough credits in the galaxy to get this thing to work like it needs to.” 
“Just the necessities.” He says as he walks up to place some credits in your hand. 
You look down and sigh, “Ok then.” 
After that he walked off to the exit to wherever he wanted on the dustball of a planet you live on. You shout out for your clumsy R5 unit to start your music so you could get to work on the Mandalorians ship.
After a few days of TLC the ship looked decent. Not to where you wanted it but it worked. The Mandalorian walked in with an unconscious Trandoshan being dragged behind him. You were off to the side as he dragged him up into his ship, when a blaster bolt shot passed him. When you turn to see where it came from there’s another Trandoshan standing there snarling. 
You whip out a small blaster you had in the back of the waistband of your pants and start firing towards him. The Mandalorian had also started blasting, taking cover behind one of his crates. As the Trandoshan was focused on him you were able to sneak out a side door of your shop. From there you flanked him, and kicked the back of his knee before hitting him over the head with your blaster. You shove his unconscious form to the dirty ground before holstering your blaster once again. 
The Mandalorian slowly stood up from behind his cover to see you standing over him. He had barely caught you twirling your blaster in your hand before you put it back into your waistband. He was shocked as he started walking down the ramp to bind him. 
He lugged him up to his ship to freeze him into carbonite as well. He walked back down, his cape trailing behind him and he stopped in front of you.
“Thank you.” He said. 
“For what saving your ass, or saving your ship's ass?” You quip.
“Both.” He states.
You were about to say something when a small spark coming from his ship caught your attention. You walk over to see it’s a panel just inside of the cargo hold, a panel you had just worked on. 
“I just fixed this mother-” You grumbled the last bit of it and kicked the brick of carbonite that held the shooter. 
Din doesn’t remember the last time he has been intrigued by someone. You showed no signs of being intimidated by him, to the point where you're a smartass to him. You had managed to flank and knock out the brother of the bounty that he just caught, that also happened to be a Trandoshan. Then you walked up and into his ship as if you owned it, kicking a thing of his carbonite. You were tough, skilled, and someone that clearly knows how to handle things.
“I could use another pair of hands.” He offers. 
You turn your head up, looking at where he stands a little further down the ramp, “Are you offering me a job?”
He nods, “I can pay handsomely.” 
Your arms are crossed and you shift your weight onto your other foot. You debate a little bit in your head before you look over to see R5 running into things as they put some tools away.
“What would I do?” You ask, taking another moment before you turn back to him.
“Keep the Razor Crest in working condition.” 
You chuckle, “That’s gonna be hard considering the state it came in isn't it?”
He says nothing as you look back at R5 and sigh. You agree to go with him, saying you have some things to take care of before you take off. You sent your R5 unit over to a friend and grabbed a few of your belongings before following the Mandalorian onto his ship.
Your assumption of it being hard to keep the Razor Crest in tip top shape was correct. You’ve never been shot at or chased so many times before, especially now in deep space. 
You were currently under the control panel trying to reroute power from one part of the ship to power up the hyperdrive enough to get you to a nearby planet. Above you Din, as you have come to learn, was trying his best to lose the people who were currently shooting at you. 
“Anytime soon would be nice.” He rasps out.
“Well maybe if you flew better I’d be done already!” You shout.
You mess around with a few more wires before shouting “done”. At that Din hits the hyperdrive and yall begin the jump to hyperspace. You move to start getting yourself up when the actual jump happened. Din reaches out and steadys you with his hand on your waist so you don’t fall. You move away from him to plop down in the co-pilot's seat taking in a deep breath. 
“You need to land somewhere. It’s not gonna last very long.” You warn.
He nods as he messes with some buttons setting a course for the nearest habitable planet. 
“You should get some rest while you can.” He says.
You nod your head, agreeing with him for once before leaning back onto the seat. Your head lulls to the side, and you cross your arms over your chest. It takes a minute before you're able to fall into any sort of slumber. 
You wake up to the Razor Crest jolting, and through the trasparasteel you can see that it's light outside. You looked out to see that Din hand landed you both near a cliff, and below into the valley was a town. You hoped that they had something that would help you fix the ship whether it was a whole part, or just some extra tools. 
“Come on, let's see if they have anything helpful.” His voice monotone as ever has he stands up.
You stretch in your seat before getting up yourself. You both make your way down to the cargo area, gabbing your small blaster and some knives that you hide on yourself. You squint at the bright light that floods in from the ramp being lowered. 
It took awhile for the two of you to reach the town, bustling with kids running through the pathways. You can feel the stares of the adults as the both of you make your way down the main path. You find what seems to be a scrap shop and nod in the direction. He silently follows you inside the disorganized shop where a grime-covered Twi’lek was muttering at a broken motor. 
“Can I help you?” He grumbles.
“We need some things to repair our ship.” You explain.
“What do you need?” He looks up at you expectantly.
You start rambling some parts and tools you’ll need to fix up the Razer Crest. Meanwhile the Mandalorian is standing behind you not saying a word. He was entranced by the way you were listing off everything you needed. Even he didn’t know everything you were saying; he found that attractive. The way you held yourself in confidence in front of this rather large Twi’lek man, stone cold face and tone had sent him reeling. 
You turned back towards Mando, “Ok he has some of the things I need. We should be good.”
“Some?” He questions as he tilts his head at you.
“No one in this little town is gonna have everything we need. I’ll just have to improvise.” You say the last part with a sly smile on your lips.
Din suppresses a groan at your cheeky, but optimistic attitude about the situation. You turn back around when you hear the Twi’lek man come back with a large container full of things. You say a quick ‘thank you’ with your dazzling smile and put a generous amount of credits in his hand.
You lift up the large crate with a small grunt and start heading your way towards the exit. Din watches you leave and starts to follow you when you nod your head for him to follow you. 
“We should get some food while we’re here. It’d be a nice change from what we usually have.” You chirp. 
He stays silent as you walk up to a small little stall with fresh produce from the local farms on the planet. You pick out a few of the fruits they have and hand them to Din to put in the little rucksack he has. After you picked out what you wanted he handed the owner some credits and you both started making your way back to the Razor Crest. 
When you arrive you set the crate full of equipment down in the cargo bay and make your way to grab one of the fruits you had bought and sit down. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow to the surrounding area. 
“I’ll fix her up in the morning. Can’t work in the dark.” You say while leaning back, taking a bite out of the fruit you grabbed. The Mandalorian gives a brief nod before walking past you to another part of his ship.
The next morning you had woken up before just before the sun rose and decided to get ready for a full day of work. You stripped down to your tank, knowing you’d get all hot and sweaty from working. You quickly grabbed a small bite to eat, and set out to get all of your equipment out so you can start working as soon as the sun was up.
When Din had woken up and couldn’t find you in your little sleeping spot he began to worry. He knows you can take care of yourself of course, but he has grown to like you. Liked you more than he’d like to admit to himself. That small part of him was worried you left him for something better. Then he heard it. Your voice muttering out curses along with hisses and bangs from outside the ship. 
He walked out down the ramp and rounded the corner to see you working under one of the engines. You had goggles on as you messed with some of the wiring, big bulky gloves protecting your hands as some sparks shot up from them. You were covered in sweat and grime already which made him question, how long have you been awake? 
He couldn’t help but fall into a trance as you worked on the Razor Crest, seemingly in your own little world. He watched your hands work, and watched how the movements correlated with your arms and shoulders. Call him old fashioned but he still isn’t used to seeing so much of your skin. He often thinks about how soft your skin really is, and how you’d react to his touch. What would your hands feel like? He knows they’re rough from years of work and the occasional fight, but he still would kill to feel your hand run over him just once. If it weren't for the helmet anybody would be able to see how he yearned for you. 
He was pulled out of his trance from an eruption and you jerked back from the area you were working on. “Karabast!” 
His mouth twitched up as you began to insult the part you were working on. He began to take a few steps closer to you, the sound gaining your attention. Your head turns towards him, and you quickly push your goggles up to the top of your head. 
“I-I’ll fix that.” You motion awkwardly towards the panel. 
He gives a little chuckle, “How’s it looking?” 
“Well, could be worse.” 
“What can I do?” He asks, tone just monotone as ever. 
“Well you can finnish this part up, it’s pretty simple. I’ll start working at the top of the ship.” You motion to the part you were just working on.
Din starts walking towards you to take over while you explain what he needed to do. Once you were done you walked towards the back of the ship to climb up top. Din couldn’t help but watch your arms work to pull yourself up. His gaze lingered on your body, eventually seeing how the fabric shapes your ass. Once you were up he turned his attention towards the panel in front of him, willing himself to focus on something that's not you. 
After a few hours you hoped on down from the top of the ship, needing a break from the harsh sunlight. When you reach the cargo hold of the ship you grab something to munch on before making your way to the cockpit. You see Din in the pilot's seat messing with some of the controls as you make your way to the co-pilot's seat. 
“Everything looks good. Should be ready to leave.” 
You stand up to look over his shoulder to make sure things were in a good enough condition. Sure this may be Din’s ship but you won’t leave until you think it's ready. As you look you see that there’s a light indicating some damage to one of the engines. No doubt it was that nasty blaster shot you had spotted while up on top.
“Not yet. Gotta fix the right engine.” You point towards the indicator.
“It’s fine, at least until we're somewhere safer.” He doesn’t turn towards you as he speaks, as if he thinks you’re just gonna go with whatever he says.
“We are not going anywhere until I get that engine fixed. Not unless you wanna get captured or stranded?” You ask rhetorically. 
You can’t see it but Din raises his eyebrows at your authoritative tone, finally turning to face you. He’s stunned for a second. You had somehow gotten covered in more grime, and what may be soot from the blaster shots to his ship. There were dark streaks covering your arms and parts of your face. He noticed how your skin glistened with sweat from your neck down to your chest. He was reeling in the way you looked, how you someone who usually looked so soft next to him looked so rugged. 
This wasn’t the first time Din has had some not so professional thoughts of you. He couldn’t help it with the way you carried yourself, or how cute you always seemed around him. He wanted to see how beautiful you would be falling apart for him, and how your usually confident tone of voice would sound crying out for him.
He didn’t realize he zoned out until your voice came out stern and demanding once again. He looks up to see you had come around in front of him, face just inches away from his helmet. Your arms rested on either side of him as you leaned towards him. 
“Hey, you listening?” You ask. 
That was when he had enough of your attitude. He abruptly stood up and threw you over his shoulder. You yelped before your arms wrapped tightly around his waist, feeling his body that hides under the beskar. He walks to where his little cot is and puts you down before grabbing a small piece of fabric. 
“If you don’t want this just say so.” He says as if he is out of breath. 
You grab the small piece of fabric from his hands before moving to tie it around your eyes, a sly smile coming to rest upon your lips, “Bout time you made a move Mando.”
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dinogoofy · 4 years
I'm back darling~ this time I'd love sth for Cassie & her female bestie 😁 bc the xmas is near so Imma give u these prompts: 'I’m a grown adult. I don’t want to take a picture with Santa Claus', 'Hey, want to help me get my parents off my ass about not having a date?'. Have a good day!
Had a ton of fun with this one, hope you enjoy!!!
Cassie Cage x F! Reader
Meeting the parents- I mean, meeting Santa.
It was a cold, quiet morning in your apartment. You were enjoying a warm cup of coffee in the early hours, a cheezy hallmark move playing on your TV as you try to work yourself into the holiday spirit. It had been a long year. Your phone dings once, but you ignore it, too focused on who was going to marry Santa. When it kept going off you finally checked it with a sigh.
Hey, can I ask a favor?
Stop watching Christmas movies and answer me
Cassie was your best friend, but you weren't sure if you liked where this was going.
How did you even know that?
Anyway, whats up?
My parents are throwing a Christmas party this week and are hounding my ass about a date.
Do u think u could pretend to be my gf, just for a day? Just to get them to leave me alone.
You almost choked on your coffee when you read the text. Damn, hallmark movie coming true? Your heart fluttered a bit. Cassie was your best friend. You didn't have feelings for her! That was ridiculous. All she needed was a... friend-to-friend favor. Plus, her dad was super rich, they were totally going to have good food.
Sure, when?
Uh, today good?
The lack of planning was exactly what you should've expected from Cassie. You laughed and drug your hands across your face, she was so lucky that you had the day off.
Bleh, ok. Ur dad better have some good food.
U bet ur ass! Pick u up at 6.
You laughed, and slowly picked yourself off the couch. You hoped that you still had an ugly sweater somewhere in your closet.
The time flew by unfortunately fast. You were rushing to gather your things as Cassie at outside in her 1965 red stingray corvette, (with a mako body) you loved that car so much. You couldn't help but geek out everytime you see it, but alas, there was definitely no time for that today. You frantically locked your apartment as you ran down the steps.
"Sorry I'm late!" Cassie laughed as you got in the car, and that awful flutter feeling returned. Oh no. This is not happening.
"Its chill, I doubt Dad will care if we're late to his party anyway." Your eye twitched, smile still wide on your face. You liked to be on time no matter where you were going, and by the look she was giving you you knew that Cassie said that just to annoy you. You rolled your eyes at her as she took off, the rumble of the car's engine instantly calming you.
Damn. You had never seen a house that big. As Cassie rolled through the big gates you continued to gawk at the beautiful architecture.
"I knew your dad was rich but, seeing how rich he is... is..."
"I know right? He moves into a new house almost every 6 months almost. Each one is bigger then the last one." You felt light headed just imagining how it must feel to have so much money. By the time Cassie parked and the two of you walked to the big doors, you could hear people loud and clear inside the house. This was way different then the tiny little Christmas reunions you were used too.
"I might throw an arm around you and call you nicknames a bit to make it seem legit, are you ok with that? I'm already asking a lot by getting you to come with me in the first place, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable." You laughed.
"Cassie it's fine, all that comes with the 'pretend girlfriend' package." She sighs in relief, knocking on the door.
"Just making sure."
The door opens after a few moments, Cassie's mother answering the door, delighted at the sight.
"Cassie you made it just in time! Your dad just got his Ninja Santa costume out of storage. You should- oh, who is this?" You shyly waved, face flushing more from the situation than the cold. You were glad you were already blushing when Cassie links her fingers through your own.
"Mom, this is my girlfriend." Her mom's face lights up, but you would be lying if you said her obvious military posture and build didn't intimidate you. You introduced yourself and shook her hand with your free hand, making sure to shake with a firm grip.
"Its great to meet you. I was wondering when Cassie was going to bring someone home." Cassie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as you awkwardly laughed. Her mom, Sonya, invited the two of you in. Your jaw almost dropped at the inside of the house.
The house was incredibly decorated. Wreaths, lights, an army of elves on the shelves, everything you could think of that spoke Christmas. A giant buffet on the right side of the room and a giant tree in the center of it all.
"Holy shit Cas," you wispered, she giggled squeezing your hand.
"I know right. They overdo it every year."
The rest party was amazing. You met many of Cassie's friends and family friends from the special forces. Kids were livey and running around the place. Even though the mansion and beautiful and intimidating, everything seemed to speak family to you. Every once in a while you would catch Cassie staring at you, but she would always wave you off, face flushing. It couldn't be an actual blush though, this was all an act, right?
"Ho ho ho, Ninja Butt-kicker Santa Claus has arrived!" A voice boomed from the center of the room. Adults laughed while children screamed with delight, booking it towards the gaint tree. Cassie sighed in embarrassment.
"I was beginning to wonder when dad would show up." You tried hard not to laugh when you dragged her to the middle of the room, catching a glimpse of her dad's "holiday spirit".
Kids hopped on his lap one by one, telling him what they want for Christmas, and (probably thanks to their parents,) each one was giving the wanted present and a fake ninja-star. You had thought every child was given a present and taken a picture, so surely he was going to "retire" for the night, right?
"Ho ho ho, Santa thinks that one, special little girl has yet to take a picture." He looked straight at Cassie and winked. She immediately recoiled.
"No. No no no. I'm a grown adult, I don't want to take a picture with Santa Claus." Everyone chuckled around the two of you. And Sonya walked over to push her into the center of the room with her dad, camera firm in her hands. Cassie sent an embarrassed look your way as she was forced to sit on Santa's lap.
"And what would you like for Christmas Cassie Cage?" Cassie looked like she wanted to melt away form her spot. Only answering because she had to.
"I don't want anything Da- Santa." Her Dad let out another Jolly, fake laugh.
"Sure you do! Santa knows everything, you know!" He hands her a small box, and winks at her.
"You know what Santa wants for Christmas? Grandkids." The crowd laughed, and your face immediately flushed a dark red, Cassie almost looking the same way. She covered her face as she hopped off her Dad's lap and speedwalked back to you without even opening the box.
The rest of the party went by so fast, and before you knew it, the two of you were walking back to her car in the cold.
"This was a ton of fun cas," She laughed, you wondered if she knew that you were still holding hands.
"Yeah, I'm glad you came with me. Sorry if my parents were a little overbearing." You shrugged, letting her know that it was fine. The silence after was unbearable. You wondered for a moment if you should ask her out. The party was nice, really nice, but it was honestly just because you were 'pretending' to be her girlfriend. You think she might've thought so too. You opened your mouth to speak, but she beat you to it.
"Hey, so, what if we made this whole... 'fake girlfriend' thing, a 'real girlfriend' thing?" You blushed, giving her hand a comforting squeeze.
"I think I'd like that." Her face lit up with a smile, squeezing your hand back. She stuck her hand in her pocket, and looked surprised for a moment, stopping in her tracks to pull out the box from earlier.
"I forgot about this thing."
"Mabye you should open it?" She let go off your hand to gingerly untie the bow, taking the lid off the box and tucking it underneath it. Her face flushed.
"It's mistletoe." Your face flushed in return. So thats what he ment. Cas started to nervously mumble something, closing the lid on the box, but you held a hand over hers before she put it away.
She instantly kissed back when you leaned in to complete the tradition. The gentle moonlight kiss becoming the only Christmas miracle you needed.
You were definitely living in a hallmark movie.
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
Folk Stories
Summary: Hakoda has been rescued from Boiling Rock and now has joined the little family his children have created. What a better way to warm everyone up than to tell a folk story he heard while he was in the prison?
Note: This is my first ATLA fic so feedback is crucial!!! I tried to get a grasp on the culture presented in the show but I’m not entirely sure I got everything. So please feel free to give feedback!!! A bog standard Gaang finds out about the scar fic!
Slight discussion around child abuse, no depiction but still be careful. 
Arriving at the Western Air Temple was bizarre. That was the only way to describe it. The air was chilling with a constant gust. It felt somehow both fresh but also deadened. Like it wasn’t a new wind but rather the same old air forever cycling through the walls. The Temple itself was crumbling to pieces. The place felt… haunted. Not that that was a very sensitive thing to say. But despite the eight children running about and claiming it as home for a couple of weeks now, the place just felt wrong. Like it was wrong to even be standing here. He couldn’t imagine what Aang felt. Maybe it only felt so bizarre because it was the exact opposite of the modern spacious war ship with his very hyperactive chatty son who remained glued to his side.
Not that Hakoda could really complain. Sokka walked away once halfway through to relieve himself and he felt like he had lost a limb.
He walked off the ship as casually as he could and stiffly walked forward to the rest of the group. Immediately, he was knocked over with Katara. He tried to laugh it off but he clutched her just as tight. It still felt weird to be able to stand and hug her rather than ducking down. Her hair was wildly wispy over his face. She smelled of the campfire smoke that was cracking nearby. That was what was probably bringing tears to his eyes. After a heartful clinging hug, he finally noticed the rest of them looking at him. Right. Other people. He sat down with a welcoming smile and beckoned them all. They all sat and chatted.
 What was made instantly clear was that all these kids were close. Like family close. Really, he should’ve saw this coming. Like when he tried to subtly ask Sokka on the warship if he was really sure he wanted to hang out with someone like Zuko and he was immediately met with a stern lecture. It almost made him laugh. His kids had the bad habit of just seeing a potential friend and deciding they would defend them to their deaths. Must have got that from their mother… probably.
 He didn’t really mean to but he was so glad he was taking the time to sit with them all. While it did feel a little awkward, it made his chest glow to finally have the chance to actually know who his kids were hanging out with.  
 Toph seemed a lot, honestly. She was firm and extremely confident in her actions and morals. Which sounds like the exact thing the group needed. A firmer hand to guide them to their goal. Someone to help point Sokka’s genius. Someone to stop Katara and Aang from getting too emotional and getting them out of bad situations. Only problem was that she was a twelve-year-old girl. Her confidence in her actions was her being absolutely certain that punching was definitely an affectionate gesture and that crime should be allowed if it’s fun. But Hakoda found himself laughing along with her so he couldn’t complain much.
Haru seemed the closest thing to an actual responsible adult the group had. But he was very quiet. Very polite. But he seemed content to live his own life and try to get back to some form of normal. He was willing to fight and help the group survive but it was clear he was never going to be involved in helping Aang defeat the Firelord. Maybe that’s a good thing. Destiny wasn’t something he tried to understand but it was obvious that Aang should be the one alone to face him.
The Duke was a child. He was very fun to joke with but then again, every now and then, he would say something make it clear he was a child who had seen the very worse parts of war. He was a child who had never experienced a moment of childhood. His heart hurt for him, but he wasn’t an idiot to say that out loud.
Teo seemed so bright and cheerful compared to the deadened temple. Even compared to his usually bright loud kids. They were so stupidly excited at his arrival, but they still seemed dimmed in comparison to the little boy who was zipping about the place and chattering about potential inventions. He seemed like Sokka but younger.
Zuko… was also a lot. He was biased against him, so it was hard to judge an opinion. Zuko was mostly silent. Sokka would occasionally joke with him and force him into the conversation and Zuko seemed like any other average awkward teenager. But mostly the others let him keep quiet and he focused on what looked like some form of meditating at the campfire.
 It was getting late. But no one dared stated this. Zuko only let the fire burn brighter or occasionally forced Aang to make the fire larger to light the room as a form of practise. Katara stood up at one point, “I’m grabbing my blanket, I’m getting cold. Does anyone else what theirs now I’m up?”
“Ooh! Me!” Aang whipped round with a sleepily excited smile.
“I’m good,” Sokka and everyone else mumbled without even turning, “So, dad, did you hear anything around the prison?”
“Hear anything?” Hakoda chuckled off but everyone turned serious. Sokka sighed and awkwardly fiddled his hands.
“Uh I mean any Fire Nation gossip? Any Firelord plans or propaganda? Anything that could help…”
Hakoda tried chuckling again but Zuko remained completely focused on the campfire. His chest slowly expanding with the flames. He didn’t even flinch. Maybe he could believe that Zuko truly wanted to help them but there was no way he’d appreciate the tiny whispers he heard about his nation. “I didn’t hear anything really useful. I heard some folk stories and a lot of twisted propaganda.”
“Hey, I’m still up for some Fire Nation camp stories!” Toph shrugged. Katara had now returned and flung Aang his blanket and draped another on Zuko’s shoulders. He finally opened his eyes and awkwardly nodded at her. Katara also stiltedly nodded back.
“It’s not a nice story…” Hakoda tried very much to hint as he looked directly at The Duke. Thankfully Haru took his hint.
“That’s fair, we should be heading to bed anyway. I’m exhausted!” He stood and pulled a half sleeping The Duke up as well. They all waved them goodnight. Their footsteps echoed across the empty stone hall as they disappeared into a room.
 “Right. Now the babies are gone. Tell us the Fire Nation horror stories!” Toph chanted way too loudly for how late it was.
“It’s not a very happy story but I guess a story is a story,” Hakoda sighed. Being honest, while it wasn’t nice, it also didn’t sound at all real. But at least it would be a good way to wind down the emotional day.
 “There’s this story about the Firelord and his sons. The younger son had grown jealous of his older sibling learning how to become a rightful heir to the nation.” Hakoda began, despite the fact he couldn’t really recall if it was the older or younger son. It made more sense if it was the younger son. But everyone was immediately clinging to his words. So, he continued, “Eventually he begged his father to attend an important meeting to gain experience and prove he could be responsible. The Firelord, well… the guard who told this story worded it that the Firelord was so gracious and kind to allow his son into the meeting but obviously… That doesn’t seem right.”
“The Firelord let him into the meeting despite knowing his son was not ready. The younger son was very immature and spoiled. He was rude to everyone, even the fellow royals…. That was something that I found odd. The guard worded it as fellow royals rather than family...”
“Hmm,” Zuko spoke, striking lightning through the atmosphere with just that hum. Hakoda now felt awkward. While it was clear the folk story wasn’t talking about his father, how wise was it truly to retell a story based on his family. “The Fire Nation places significance in respecting your elders but there’s also significance in following your own determination.”
“What, so you don’t care for your family,” Katara frowned.
“No… Respecting and bringing pride to your elders is a huge deal but… honestly, I think the Fire Lord wanted to still get people to report any rebelling ideals that family members might have. It’s… complicated.”
“Well, either way the son was a pain in the ass by the sounds of it and he was let into the meeting under the one rule, not to talk out of order. He explained that the councillors were sensitive and easy to anger and wanted to protect his son from harm. Of course, the son then immediately talks over a general in the meeting to suggest his own plan despite having no experience and no idea of the politics.”
 At this, Zuko now frowned. Hakoda spoke slowly, fully expecting to be interrupted (maybe Zuko had heard this as well and he was telling it wrong), but he didn’t say a word. He just merely tensed his shoulders and stayed sat, frowning intensely.
 “The general was furious and the Firelord tried to calm him, but he knew there was no way words would be enough to stop this. A duel was ordered. The son agreed without pausing to think this through. The Firelord tried to explain what would happen but the son brushed him off and interrupted him from explaining what would happen. The day of the duel arrived and the son stood to face his opponent only to find his father, the Firelord, at the other side of the court.”
 Zuko’s eyes opened now. But he was now frozen facing the campfire. Hakoda paused again to let him talk but he said nothing.
 “The son then proceeded to beg for mercy. But the Firelord had enough. The son was greedy, stupid and lazy. And now here he was begging after proposing an aggressive military strategy over an experienced military general. He offered to explain how the duel would work and protect him from it but he ignored him. The Firelord then gave him a chance to fight before declaring that the son was no longer part of the royal family for his disgrace. To try and teach his son one last lesson, the Firelord battled the duel to try and teach him how to fight. But the son didn’t even try, didn’t even stand up to face him. The son walked away that day with a hardy battle scar and no family.”
 The silence in the temple felt like a presence around the campfire as well.
“Well!” Toph leaned back, “You were right. That was kinda a downer.”
“Yeah…” Aang mumbled.
“I think the point of the story is how forgiving and firm the Firelord is and how amazing he must be,” Hakoda grimaced, “But all who overheard it just thought it was more proof that the Firelord and his whole family are evil.”
“Who was it even based off?” Sokka asked.
“Two sons so maybe Firelord Azulon? But didn’t uncle Iroh leave by himself. Like he wasn’t kicked out or anything, was he?” Toph tilted her head to Zuko but he never reacted.
“Zuko?” Aang placed his hand on Zuko’s shoulder. He shot up. Like he was electrocuted.
“I am needing to go to bed.” Zuko scampered backwards. His eyes stuck on the flames. Sokka stood as well but he hovered awkwardly.
“Are you sure? Was it the story-“ Sokka tried to ask but he was immediately ignored. Zuko walked off to his room.
 But he turned just as he was about to disappear from their view, “You should never repeat that story. It’s… not good.”
 The night was just as awkward as the temple after that. A moment silently passed.
 “Maybe we should all call it a night. It’s certainly been an emotional day,” Teo explained, tilting his chair towards the rooms behind where they were all sitting. Everyone agreed and stood as well. Aang was the last to stand and took a couple of breaths before finally manipulating the campfire to fizzle out completely.
“I’ll stand guard first,” Aang said, facing away from them.
“I’ll take over for the morning half,” Sokka volunteered. Hakoda walked away with the others.
 The morning was a little better. If there was one more thing Hakoda could criticise the temple of, it was the fact that there was no way the sun could reach them on the underside of a cliff. He woke up and stretched his back, wincing at the horrible click, and stood and walked out of the room. Toph and Katara were half-heartedly arguing about how to cut some vegetables. He smiled at the quiet normalcy. You never realise how much you miss normal life until you hear people arguing about veg rather than battle strategies. “Morning everyone. The others still sleeping?”
“Hey dad! Aang is practising with Zuko, the others usually all crowd round to watch,” Katara answered, “Feel free to go watch too. It might be another twenty minutes or so for breakfast.”
“I’d go if I was you,” Toph interrupted, “It is so cool to see firebending up close without being in actual danger. And if you ever tell Sparky that then I’ll attack Sokka.”
“Yeah?” Hakoda asked, quietly ignoring the threat to his son.
“Oh yeah. The fire and the colours. It’s just mesmorising. A real sight to behold.”
“Toph,” Katara scolded and now Hakoda felt his face heat up. Right, she was joking. She was blind. “But she is right. It is impressive to see.”
 After bothering Katara by asking if she needs any help, Hakoda followed the sounds of blasts of fires to a courtyard like space. Aang was standing proudly in the middle, his chest puffed out powerfully as he took deep even breaths. His arms twirled around, almost like waterbending, with a solid stance and footing, like earthbending, with powerful flames licking along his movements. Sweeps of orange. Katara really wasn’t joking. He stopped dead in his tracks.
 Zuko was standing to the side with his fingers tapping along his chin. Aang finished whatever exercise he was doing and looked over with the proudest most childish grin ever. Hakoda found himself grinning too. Zuko stood slowly. To Hakoda, it looked flawless.
 “How’d I do Sifu!” Aang chirped.
“Your fire is steady and strong. But I really do think you need to stop puffing out your chest like that and actually breathe normally. You don’t have to puff out like an aggressive pig-chicken. Just… breathe normally! You don’t need to complete the kata strictly chest first.”
“But you said the power should come from my chest!” Aang whined.
“Yes and ever since saying that you only moved chest first! You look stupid! Like a pig-chicken!” Zuko burst out.
“But my firebending is good enough! So it doesn’t even matter!”
“Yeah Zuko, you never know, maybe his stance will throw off the Firelord,” Sokka laughed despite Aang withering glare. Zuko only sighed and approached the middle of the courtyard and quickly snapped to another stance.
“Careful Aang, you’re starting to sound like the son in Hakoda’s story. Zuko knows best. You can’t talk over him!” The Duke yelled over with a point.
 Now it felt like the atmosphere was ruined. Aang snapped to face the boy. Zuko stumbled but stepped back into position hesitatingly.
  “Uh, the Duke, h-how’d you even overhear any of that?”
“Because Haru couldn’t be more obvious if he tried!” The Duke gasped, “It wasn’t even that bad. Like what was the scary part? The scar? He didn’t even explain what it looked like!”
“The story wasn’t even accurate. Let’s move on,” Zuko snapped.
“What? He didn’t tell it properly? Well, what is it actually?” The Duke asked.
“It doesn’t matter!” Zuko shouted, his voice echoed along the walls. Hakoda finally walked forward, approaching Sokka.
“Everything okay here guys?” Hakoda put on his best dad voice and walked forward confidently. Only Sokka looked at him though.
“Why? It’s just some stupid Fire Nation story! What? You offended, Ashmaker!” The Duke screamed.
“Woah, okay now!” Hakoda raised his voice louder.
“Because it’s not some folk story. It was a real thing! You can’t just say shit like that casually!” Zuko didn’t bare Hakoda and his obvious dad attempt at taking control any attention.
“Oh boo hoo! One of your precious Fire Lords once beat up his own son to prove some stupid point! Oh no, your family is filled with abusive dicks!” Haru was now even trying to pull The Duke aside as Hakoda walked to Zuko. He placed his hands firmly on his shoulders and steered him away.
 He didn’t shout anything else but he did unleash a roar of fire before stomping just ahead of him. Sokka and Aang took one moment to swap looks before both running after Zuko. Not that he was paying any attention. Hakoda awkwardly paused, unsure which room to led Zuko to so he could obviously let out some steam, but thankfully Sokka caught up to them and led the way down the hall to the right, into the first room they found.
 It was barren and already had blackened scorches across the walls and ceilings. Hakoda didn’t at all focus on that though. Maybe they were old or maybe it was from some previous Zuko tantrums.
Zuko punched the wall with all the might of his firebending. Sokka and Aang only winced at how obviously painful that was going to be but didn’t seem at all afraid of him. So Hakoda tried to follow their lead despite his racing heart.
 “Everything okay, Sifu Hotman?” Aang joked but he toned himself down. He was only slightly a ball of blinding sunshine of happiness. Zuko tried to match his smile but it was too wobbly and fragile.
“Sorry. That story hit close to home.”
“We figured. If you want to talk about it, do you know what upset you about it?” Sokka knelt down and crossed his legs. They all followed, including Hakoda. One tiny whisper frowned at how much he was following his son’s lead. He remembered trying to convince a baby Sokka not to charge out of the tent completely naked and failing miserably as his son gave an impassioned speech about how it’ll be fun. It was that same boy that he was now following. Zuko fell to the floor deliberately harshly.
“I… I guess I hate- I don’t like what you all took from the story…” He stumbled through. Hakoda went to talk but Sokka placed a hand on his knee. A moment passed and Zuko finally found some more words, “You all took that the Fire Lord was cruel to do that. And you don’t even know the full story. Like, just the Fire Lord fighting his son was enough to mark him cruel. Even if the son was ‘a pain in the ass’?”
“Yeah,” Aang spoke unsurely but he continued saying each word carefully, “I mean, we don’t know a lot of the details about the son but I personally can’t think of any reason where I’d then fight my own son. Especially if he was a child or something!”
“Yeah, like if your son’s dismissive or rude or whatever, then you make more effort to talk to him! What would fighting him even do? It’s just more cruel than what’s needed.” Zuko looked up at Sokka as he spoke.
“It is cruel, isn’t it.”
It wasn’t a question but Hakoda tilted his head and answered, “Of course it’s cruel. I can’t imagine people hearing that and thinking the Fire Lord was in the right. As a certified dad, I don’t think there’s anything that could push me to fight Sokka. I can’t speak for the guards but… I think the reason the folk story didn’t go into any detail about the fight was so it’s easier to agree with the Fire Lord. I’m sure if the injuries were described then the guards would speak differently.”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m honestly surprised the story didn’t go into any detail about the fight. That’s the most infamous part…”
“So what’s the actual story?” Sokka asked.
 Zuko looked around nervously and bit harshly on his thumb.
 “There… The son of the Fire Lord wanted to prove himself and attend a war meeting. The Fire Lord’s brother let him in but warned him that he shouldn’t talk. The generals were easy to anger. In the meeting, a general proposed the most… it was an awful plan. I uh… The son got too angry and shouted at the meeting. It was really disrespectful. It was an awful plan but, like, maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad if he just spoke normally. Or maybe his uncle would’ve spoken out anyway. A-anyway, an Agni Kai was ordered. T-that’s like a duel between two firebenders, usually it ends with either one of the people surrendering or getting injured to the point of being unable to fight. The son thought he was to fight the old general who proposed the plan. And really the plan was horrible. It was awful. So he went to fight him as I could so take him in a fight!”
 Sokka and Aang shared an uncertain look. That all seemed to align… But it was clear that this was hitting too close to Zuko. He was refusing to look at them as he spoke. His anger flared again and each word was practically growled out.
 “So the day of the fight came and the boy turned to face his opponent and instead saw father down the court. I… uh… I then fell to my knees and begged. I knew there was no use fighting. I’m not a very talented firebender, even less so at thirteen! So I thought the best thing would be to just… surrender. The Firelord usually prefers if you just surrender and admit your wrong than to fight. He liked when you made him feel… anyway I… well I fell to the floor and begged while crying. I-I can’t imagine what that must’ve looked like to the audience-“
“Wait, there were people watching!” Sokka exclaimed. Hakoda only then remembered the rest of the room. The story was too cold for him to notice anything else. Aang looked just as horrified, shifting on the spot clearly dying to launch himself at Zuko as a comfort. Zuko looked just as caught off.
“Um yeah? Like nobles and the other royal family members.”
“So Uncle was there?” Aang’s timid small voice ripped through the angry shocked words.
“Well yes. Also, he’s not your uncle!”
“He didn’t do anything?”
“No. I don’t think he could’ve.” Zuko fiddled with his hands.
 There was a beat of silence.
 “So your dad beat you up in front of everyone and then banished you? You were upset because we all saw that as cruel while you blamed yourself for that,” Sokka started strong before then realising just how insensitive he was being. Way to rub it in his face.
“He didn’t beat me up. He just burnt me,” Zuko casually motioned his to warped face and perpetually squinting eye to which everyone else in the room stopped breathing, “but yeah he then banished me. I-I… It’s… Three years is a long time to pass. I don’t really remember pretty much anything from that day really. Uncle never talked about it so I don’t know exactly what happened. I thought I got over it by now. I know it was cruel. It was wrong. But… I guess I just thought that was me making excuses… It’s weird to think other people actually think it’s wrong and cruel.”
 The dead air of the temple never felt more gross. Like a panting stranger leaning over your shoulder leering over you. A presence in the room listening in. The room looked empty even with them all sitting there. The story somehow filled the room and now it was finished. Hakoda gulped.
 “I’m so sorry Zuko,” Aang breathed out before gradually reaching over. Zuko blocked his hands from hugging him but did grip his hands instead.
“No dad should ever do that Zuko. And a journey into recovery will never have a nice easy end. But if you already know it was wrong then you’ve already made it so far. You should be proud of yourself,” Hakoda smiled warmly. Zuko still didn’t meet his eyes.
 It would probably be a while before Zuko would truly believe that it was cruel and wrong, and clearly the entire family here was willing to wait and teach that. Hakoda kept his mind from thinking how long it took for Zuko to even convince himself that maybe it was cruel and wrong. Right now, he focused on the warm, forgiving, loving family formed in the ruins of a cold temple.
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calypsoff2 · 3 years
Six. Part 3
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Chris is annoying as fuck, smiling at me like an asshole he is “nigga fuck you” I really have the urge to get the fuck outta here and sleep in a bed; I am sleeping on the chair “I am sleeping on this for you and you keep smiling at me!? Don’t make me angry Maurice” Chris laughed out “don’t you’re going to make me be in pain, you know. Ever since being with you, like including everything we been through. No matter what; I’ve always just been happy in life, I do wake up thanking god for you. You make me laugh always, you made me cry, that’s happened a few times. But you really do make me the happiest” he’s so soppy sometimes “are you done?” Chris’ face fell, he fully expected me to be all mushy with him too “what do you want?” I asked, “some nipple in my mouth please?” I scoffed “I am joking Chris; it means a lot. I’ve always said I admired how much your mom and dad were perfect, I’ve always wanted that, and I have found that in you” Chris grinned “I wouldn’t say my parents are perfect, my parents do be on some shit. The thing is I don’t know what they really be like; they kept their arguments behind closed doors, so do we. Sometimes” Chris cringed “oh god, when we had a disagreement and Rylee said can I live with mom, that was so cheeky” Chris pulled a face “she is your daughter through and through, I can’t even deal half of the time. That girl is going to give me an early death, I know it. She is you all over and I feel Tianna is not far behind either” smirking at Chris “what can I say, my mini me’s” I shrugged “shuffle the chair over, rest your legs on my lap and just try and sleep” that is a good point actually, getting up from the chair “you want my shoes off? Well my sneakers” he nodded his head smiling, he honestly loves my feet. I still find that fetish creepy and weird to have, shuffling the chair forward. Sitting back down, I am close enough to him “give me a kiss” leaning over to him, pecking his lips taking my sneakers off as I did “man, I love you. I am actually so lucky to have you, wild” he is full of compliments today “I am not sucking your dick” lifting my legs up and placing them over his legs “you sure?” What if he is in pain “more than sure” resting my legs “socks off now, come on” rolling my eyes, of course his nasty ass wants my socks off “I will still not be over the fact you like feet, years later too” Chris of course took my socks off “I don’t, and correction just your feet” years later and he’s in denial still, he flung my socks off.
Chris is so funny to me; this nigga really fell asleep with my foot in his hand. But we slept, well tried too but I got woken up by my phone ringing, my daughters have complaints. I mean I barely left them a full twenty four hours and they have complaints, they haven’t even ate breakfast and they are complaining “are you done? Give Rajad the phone” I swear my brother makes it worse “you’re in trouble, momo, grandma!!” Tianna shouted, that place seems busy “you wanted me” Rajad said down the phone “a grown ass man annoying kids? Really, boy. I will beat yo ass up, leave my daughters alone. I promised they could go and shop” Rajad laughed down the phone “I was teasing! We are actually taking them out for breakfast, they are just mad because I woke them. You can’t be taking up for them?” Kids “not exactly but I like peace, they woke up to tell me you’re annoying them. Just be nice to them; what is mother doing? She isn’t angry at them?” I hope not “she’s getting Imani dressed, Imani looks dressed. She’s getting her hair braided” oh god “right, just put the phone down. I need peace” Rajad laughed “see you soon” he put the phone down, Chris is awake too “you done?” Moving my phone back from my ear grinning “mhmm never, man. I feel like shit now” he said groggily “thank you for staying with me, I know it was uncomfortable for you, but you did it for me. I love you” he is so cute, my poppa “I got you, you know that” I need to use the bathroom “you been thinking about that boy? I want to name him Jim” moving my legs back, shaking my head laughing “be quiet” talking out of his ass now, stretching my body out “I think my lung is better” so he says “stop talking shit maybe it will then” getting up from the chair “I’m just going to use the bathroom” I am so damn tired.
It’s kind of nasty and weird how they have a line in my husband’s chest, it’s just so cleanly done too. Maybe I should stop staring but it’s just weird to see like that: I hope the tube is taken out today, but the way Chris is feeling, he’s not well now and I don’t like that “getting you a bodyguard now” Chris looked up from his lap “why?” He questioned like he doesn’t need one “don’t say why when you know this happened” he can be so stupid at times “but that’s a babysitter, I’m good with that” is he serious “don’t give me that shit Chris, I really don’t want to hear that at all. I am going to get you a bodyguard and I don’t give a shit what you say” he is getting me mad now “family!” TJ spat as he walked in, oh he would be here “aye, Camron. You bought uncle some good food?” Chris’ eyes lit up but mine on the other hand didn’t, like why is he even here when I didn’t ask for him “I got you the favourites” he held up gummy bears, I huffed out looking away from them and at Chris “give me a hug then” Chris said “Camron was so upset when he heard about you” forgot Camron my kids were upset, crossing my arms across my chest “thank you! The new basketball player” Chris hugged him with such happiness, but I am just pissed to be honest “look at this uncle” Camron took his jacket off and turned around “Lakers top too! You know how to make me smile” I want to gag; he has my husband’s surname on that top like give it a rest. I am in a bad mood now. Just giving me all over nasty vibes from TJ, I am angered that he managed to take his SUV, forget that it’s not even the point, it’s how my husband is giving, like he’s giving so much to him. Helped him move to LA literally gave him the Black Pyramid business but went for a joyride in a car that wasn’t his, I’m pissed. Chris is staring at Camron like a son, even got him into the same private school as my girls, oh TJ doesn’t need to put his hand in his pocket, it’s on my husband dime now. I need to relax “hi auntie” staring at Camron “hi, Chris I’m going to get some air” getting up from the seat “ok” side eyeing him, now it’s ok that I go but when his family was here it was don’t go. Let me just go and get some air.
Sighing out, closing the door behind me “stay here Frank; I don’t need the protection. I’m just gonna be close” walking off, on top of that Chris is denying a bodyguard, I will go crazy on him if he doesn’t proceed to fucking listen to me “oh” I said seeing Mel, she smiled at me “all better now?” I asked “uh what, I just come now. What is it, you’re angered by me” I like that she sees it, because I am “you lied, you said to Chris you were unwell? But you were fine, you went for some food? With fucking TJ of all people, you know what how could you. You fucking knew! You knew how shit goes Melissa. You know that my husband needed that, you ain’t dumb. You been in this game with me, and then you lied to me!?” I am barking now “well he fucking gave it Robyn, he’s an adult. He wanted his friend and nephew to have the car, the fuck? And what is wrong with TJ?” She questioned “what is right with him, he lives in Chris��� ass crack that is what, Chris took him from pillar to post, he still till this day doesn’t know how to run a business. Chris did it all, you know what, Chris gives and gives and gives and not once has TJ, as a man said Chris, let me pay for my son school. Oh no, and on top of that his basketball academy? It’s a free ride and honestly, I am just sick. Leave me be” walking off “but didn’t I ride you?” Mel said behind me “no you were there for me when I needed a friend, I didn’t pay for that Mel, when have I ever paid you? He’s there when it’s convenient, let’s not forget the same person that had sex with his ex. So unstable” I just can’t be bothered, if Mel wants to call herself a free ride then she can but I don’t have the time to care for what she got to say.
Mel slowly came into the waiting room, I think she has been waiting out there for a while now, but I am calm somewhat anyways, I am just annoyed that she lied, why lie “are you done?” she asked, rolling my eyes “you are being very temperamental about TJ you know” I am glad she pointed out the obvious “that is because if I lost my husband you think I would want any of you near me? I am sick of Chris being hurt or led astray, it’s just unbearable to think I could have lost him, it’s not his fault but things are just annoying me now” Mel sat down “I can tell you are annoyed, look I didn’t think ok” waving her off “but if that was me you wouldn’t have taken that SUV, you never would! Forget that you wouldn’t have gone for a meal! With that dumbass anyways, so why do it to Chris and just lie to him, don’t be lying in my husband either” Mel kissed her teeth “You’re really in a shit mood” my phone started ringing, picking my phone out of my sweatpants pocket, seeing my mother is calling. Answering the phone “hi mommy” I hope my girls are being good “I just thought I would let you know we are coming to see you soon, is it ok?” I cooed out “yes of course, bring my babies. How long?” Just so I can tell Chris “I would say twenty minutes Robbie” I know my girls are so excited to see their daddy.
I thought I would come back into the room and just wait on the girls to come, I mean I know I am being so fucking awkward right now and I know Chris feels it because he keeps asking I am ok, I feel like saying no I am not ok but I won’t, I don’t want to upset Chris “you know you got to be a big brother to my girls, so I mean like you don’t let any nigga near them at all” Camron nodded his head “Tianna and Rylee run the school, because their mom is Rihanna everyone always says how is your mom. There is this boy that likes Rylee a lot, he follows her around and she is always telling him go away, I told him to not go near her” Chris has already started “see, this is why I needed a son first” Chris looked at me “well he has two dads” I added which I am right “Chris is a good guy, I appreciate him” TJ said “I wish people would give him the same treatment” it’s funny that, let me just stop “come on girls” oh my babies are here, I can hear my mom. The door opened “awww Christopher” my mother said, she pushed the door open wider “come on now” my smile grew, like I know they are excited to see Chris “where are they?” Chris said, oh they are being so shy “right, what did we say? Now you either come in together or I will have to come there” my mother said, Rylee popped her head around “come on now” I said to her, she went back again “momo one minute” Rylee said, I sweat these girls need to hurry up “ready!” Rylee spat, they walked in one by one holding hands “oh my god, what?” Rylee grinned so wide with flowers in hand, it’s Imani at the end stomping for me, she just makes me smile “they wanted to get flowers for you and chocolates, and what Imani is dragging on the floor” my daughters buying their dad gifts “dad what is that” oh yeah they need to be careful they will end up pulling something out “be careful now girls” Chris is so choked up “y’all making me cry now” he said wiping his tears.
They already giving Christmas gift now “girls, I thought you waiting to give that?” grabbing Imani’ arm before she attacked Chris “we think daddy deserves it now” nodding my head, I guess they want to give it now “Imani, let me pick you up. You got to be careful with your dad” picking up my pumpkin “oh wow, mamacita. Look at you mami” Chris said, Imani wants to climb on Chris, but I won’t allow it “I love you baby, yes I know” she is so happy to see him “love you dad, I miss you. I sit here please” she is not sitting anywhere near him “Imani you can’t, give daddy a kiss” leaning her closer to Chris, Imani kissed Chris’ cheek “I love daddy” moving Imani back and taking her with me, sitting next to my girls “I go there mommy” sitting Imani on my lap “no, you sit here and be good” Chris looks so taken a back “are you coming home dad? Are you in pain?” Tianna asked “just a little pain but I am ok, and I am going to come home of course, I have missed you all so much. I am so shocked with the flowers, you did better then your mom. She has been boring me” Chris rolled his eyes “mom has been so sad though, she cried” rolling my eyes “not anymore” I mumbled “but honestly, you have spoilt me so much. Got me crying, look at you all” Rylee pointed at Chris’ chest “what is that?” she pointed at the tube “this is because I am unwell, this is to make me better” the door opened “Chris Brown?” this nurse walked in “we are here to take you for a scan” oh yeah I forgot that was happening “where you taking my dad?” Rylee asked “oh no, baby I will be back then I can open my present, don’t worry about it” the girls are overprotective.
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octothorpetopus · 4 years
spence and derek are together and the team doesn't know but then one of then gets mad bc they are tired of hiding, so angst w happy/fluffy ending
Give A Little Bit (Derek Morgan x Spencer Reid)
After six months of dating in secret, Spencer is ready to tell their friends. Derek isn’t quite so sure.
A/N: I had a lot of fun with this one, especially Derek’s introspection towards the end. I hope you like this!
Tags: @thebostonreaper @criminalminds-world @agenthotchner @rxseinbloom @cha0ticbisexual @starsandsupernovae
“Coffee. Now.” Derek paused in the doorway to the round table room. “Uh, please.” Emily looked up from where she stood by the coffee machine, arching her eyebrows.
“You look awful.”
“I feel awful.” He slumped into his chair, accepting the styrofoam cup gratefully when she offered it to him. “God, why does no one remind me not to drink too much?”
“You’re a grown-ass adult, Morgan. At this point, if you’re hungover on a work day, that’s on you.”
“Yeah, that’s not helpful. Coffee is helpful.” He chugged the entire cup in one go, wincing at the bitter taste.
“Man, what did you do last night?” He shrugged, and the rest of the team filed in. Spencer sat down next to him, his eyes curious.
“I went out.”
“Hot date?” Derek smirked.
“I guess you could say that. We were clubbing for awhile, then went back to my place for a nightcap, things got out of hand, and now…” As if to prove his point, he knocked his sunglasses over his eyes, blocking out the brilliant overhead fluorescent light.
“Wait, wait, wait. This is the fifth night in like, two weeks you’ve had a date. Derek Morgan, do you have a girlfriend?” He laughed easily, but shifted in his seat.
“Come on, Em, I-“
“Who is she? Come on, tell me.”
“You don’t know her.” Spencer cleared his throat, smiling flatly.
“Hey, guys?” He gestured to the front of the room, where Penelope was waiting patiently.
“If you guys would please stop flirting, I’d like to start the briefing.” Sheepishly, Derek waved a hand.
“My bad. Proceed.”
“Thank you. Now, if you’ll look at your tablets, you’ll see- oh, god, I didn’t mean to look at that…”
It was a local case, and as it turned out not one that they could be helpful in, so Derek went home to his little house in Arlington, flopped down on his sofa with his German shepherd’s head in his lap, and flipped on a cooking show. He was ready to doze off to Rachel Ray’s pickled onion recipe when his doorbell rang.
“I swear to god, if you’re a Jehovah’s Witness or someone trying to sell something, I will throw you into the Potomac!”
“It’s me.” Derek’s mood brightened. He raced to the door, skidding on the hardwood floors. and threw it open.
“Hey there, pretty boy,” he said, leaning against the door frame as nonchalantly as he could.
“Hi.” With the awkward sweetness Derek had grown accustomed to, Spencer leaned in to kiss him quickly, his hands wrapped tightly around the strap of his messenger bag.
“Oh, come on, you can give me more than that.” Derek seized Spencer’s face firmly in his hands and kissed him, really kissed him, long and slow and sweet and warm. The beginnings of rain floated through the air. “Come on in,” he said, holding open the door. Spencer stepped inside, but didn’t go straight to the kitchen like he almost always did (Derek always had a steady supply of baked goods from Penelope, most of which Spencer ate). Instead, he stood in the foyer, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“What’s up, Spencer?”
“Uh, can we sit down?”
“Yeah, sure.” They sat down in the living room, and that’s when Derek knew something was happening, something big. Spencer always sat on the floor in front of the sofa, for some reason, and despite Derek’s protests that it was bad for his back. This time, however, he sat in one of the soft but rarely used leather armchairs, his fingers tapping out a nervous rhythm on the stiff black leather.
“Spencer, baby, talk to me.” Derek absentmindedly scratched the top of Clooney’s head.
“Do you remember our first date? Like, our first real date?”
“Sure. It was about a month before Emily came back.”
“That was six months ago, Derek.”
“Yeah. Wow. Spence, what’s your point?”
“My point is that it’s been six months, or actually six months, two weeks, and four days, and we haven’t told a single member of our team.”
“...Spencer, we’d lose our jobs. We could face legal repercussions. We’re government agents.” Derek leaned back, smiling, but his stomach turned. This was more serious than he’d thought and he knew it.
“Derek, you know Hotch wouldn’t report us. Penelope and Kevin make it work. Why can’t we? Tell me, why can’t we make it work?”
“Look, I don’t want to argue about this tonight.”
“Derek.” Spencer clutched his hand, pleading. “I need to tell my friends- our friends- our family.”
“Why? Why do they need to know?” Spencer got to his feet, stammering and starting to pace.
“I don’t know, Derek, maybe because I’m sick of hearing you talk about all the girls you go out with when I know damn well that at the end of the day, I’m the one you come home to. I don’t want to have to hear you talk about your ‘girlfriend’ who doesn’t exist just so you don’t have to tell Emily. What is going on with you? I understood not wanting to tell people for the first few months, but we’re six months into this thing. Do you… do you not want to be with me?”
“Spencer, of course that’s not it.” Derek stood up and took Spencer’s hands, but Spencer ripped them away.
“Then what? Are you embarrassed of me? Of how young I am? Or is it just because I’m… odd?”
“No. Never, ever think it’s because I’m ashamed to be with you.”
“Then why?”
“I just want some damn privacy! Don’t you? We let these people into every little nook and cranny of our lives whether we want to or not, and I want- no, I need something that they don’t get a say about!”
“They don’t get a say, but I sure as hell should.”
“I’m doing this for us! I’m doing this for you, Spencer!”
“I- what?” Spencer stepped back, puzzled.
“Look at us, kid. You were a child prodigy and had three PhDs by the time you were twenty-four. And me, well… you know me. What are they going to think?”
“They’re our friends, Derek. They’re our family..
“Friends don’t always have the response you want them to. Come on, you know that.”
“So, what? You don’t want them to know about us because if they know we’re queer-” Derek flinched at the word, but Spencer didn’t seem to notice. “-then they’ll think I’m even weirder than they already think I am? I don’t care about that, and I honestly don’t really think you do either. I think this is about you. You don’t want them to view you as any less of the alpha male hypermasculine son of a bitch that you try to be.”
“Don’t you dare profile me, doctor,” Derek snarled, and even though they were the same height, Spencer seemed tiny by comparison. “You know, I thought you were different than them. I thought you were willing to give me a little privacy. Our fourth date, we made a promise not to profile each other. Ever. You just broke that promise, so I don’t think you get to tell me anything about our relationship right now.” Spencer bit his lip, still obviously angry, but he couldn’t seem to come up with anything else to say. “Why did you have to do this, Spencer? We have a good thing going, don’t we?”
“Sure. But what’s the point of a good thing if it never sees the light of day?” Before Derek could respond, both of their phones buzzed.
“New case.”
“New case.” They stared at each other for a moment.
“We should-”
“I think I’ll take my own car.” Spencer pressed his lips together until they disappeared in a thin white line, and Derek couldn’t tell if he was trying not to scream or cry. “I’ll see you there.” Without waiting for a response, he left, slamming the front door behind him and abandoning Derek, who stood quiet and helpless in the living room, Clooney whimpering at his feet. He was so tired of fighting, but something in him wouldn’t let him tell them. Something in him screamed YOU CAN’T YOU CAN’T YOU CAN’T over and over and over again, bouncing around his head like an echo in an empty cathedral. But if he didn’t, he would lose Spencer. Those two things weighed in the scales of his mind, but he pushed them aside. They had a case, and he didn’t have a choice.oice.
At some point while they were arguing, the light mist had turned into heavy rain, and by the time Derek made it into Quantico he was soaked from head to toe. He dripped water on the round table room floor. Spencer was already there when he arrived, folded into his chair, his expression not angry but sober, introspective. When Garcia started the briefing, his head snapped up, as if waking from a dream.
“Last week in Harlon, Kentucky, three former inmates from a federal penitentiary were found stabbed to death and buried in shallow graves in a park. They were found by a woman walking her dog, who used to be a K-9.”
“They were killed fairly close together, that means this unsub isn’t hesitant,” Rossi mused.
“We should be looking at other released inmates.” Hotch set his tablet down on the table.
“Victims and families of their crimes, too,” Emily added.
“Could be a corrections officer gone rog-“
“We should be looking at everyone working in the criminal justice system when they were put into prison,” Spencer said, interrupting Derek without a second thought or glance.
“Uh, yeah.” Hotch’s eyes flirted back and forth between Spencer and Derek. “We’ll do a preliminary profile on the plane. Wheels up in thirty.” Everyone stood to leave, but Hotch didn’t move. “Morgan, stay behind for a minute.” He paused halfway to the door, briefly considered making a break for it, but stayed. When he turned around to look at Hotch, Hotch was more concerned than anything else. “What’s going on with you and Reid?” Derek shrugged, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible.
“Really? He seems upset. Specifically at you.”
“I don’t know, Hotch.”
“Morgan, if there’s something going on with you two-“
“Hotch, I promise. Everything’s fine.” Hotch didn’t look as if he believed Derek, but he didn’t press the issue further.
“Fine. Grab your go bag, let’s get this show on the road.”
That was how it went. It was another short case, not a hard one either. Spencer ignored Derek, Derek let him, and the rest of the team stood by in awkward silence, unsure what was happening but not willing to say anything about it. That was how it went. At least, until the plane ride back to Washington. They sat at opposite ends, instead of curled up next to each other like they always slept, like they had always done even when they were just friends, or at least before they realized that they were anything more than that. Derek watched Spencer turn the pages of his book absentmindedly. He knew that Spencer couldn’t be reading, because it was taking him far too long. Hesitantly, quietly, he got up and crossed the plane to sit across from Spencer, who pointedly didn’t look at him. Everyone else was dead asleep, but Derek couldn’t and he could tell that Spencer couldn’t either.
“Talk to me,” he whispered, fighting the urge to reach over and squeeze Spencer’s bony knee like he always did when they were making up from a fight.
“About what?” Still, Spencer didn’t look up.
“Spencer, goddamnit, I can’t see why you’re so upset with me.”
“Really? You really can’t see it?”
“If anyone has a right to be upset, it’s me. I told you, I’m not ready.”
“And that’s exactly it. You’re thinking about how this affects you. ‘I’m not ready.’ I am. We have to make these decisions together, and you’re not even considering-“
“I don’t need to consider anything,” Derek hissed, trying to keep his voice low but failing. “I’m not ready, and it’s not fair of you to expect me to-“
“No, you know what’s not fair?” Spencer wasn’t thinking anymore, and his volume was increasing steadily. Out of the corner of his eye, Derek saw JJ start to stir. “What’s not fair is for you to expect me to not tell my friends about our six-month relationship. What’s not fair is that even though neither of us has been out with another person in those six months, you refuse to let me call you my boyfriend.”
“Keep-“ Derek’s head darted around. Everyone else was still asleep. “Keep your voice down.”
“Yeah, I’ll keep my voice down,” Spencer said, very much not keeping his voice down. “Fine. But I’m sick of you telling me that I have to pretend like everything’s normal when it’s not.” JJ was fully awake now, and Derek could see her gently shake Emily.
“Spencer, I have my reasons. But I also need a certain amount of privacy, even from you. I have things I need to work through and frankly, I need more time!”
“You’ve had six months! Six months to work through these things! What am I supposed to think, Derek?”
“Guys, I-“ Spencer waved a hand to silence Hotch, who stepped back, stunned.
“You act like I don’t get a say in this. Like your feelings and whatever the hell you’re going through only affects you. I’m tired.” Spencer bit his lip. “I’m so tired.”
“I’m tired too, kid.” They stood, just staring at each other. Derek felt the weight of everyone else’s eyes on them.
“So that’s it, huh?” Spencer asked, and in the crack in his voice was everything that wasn’t said. As angry as he was, he would not do to Derek what Derek would not do to himself.
“Yeah, kid. I think that’s it.” Derek had to lean against a seat in order to keep from falling to his knees.
“Morgan, go sit down,” Hotch said firmly.
“I’m gonna go- I-“ Derek gestured vaguely towards the bathroom and stumbled away, his breathing choked and heavy. He hardly closed the door behind him before the first sob racked his body, and he clapped a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound. His shoulders heaved and tears began to surge down his cheeks, but he endured it all in as much silence as he could, curled on the floor of the BAU jet bathroom. Outside, he could hear soft, unintelligible whispering, but no one came after him. They all knew better than that, and anyway, the one person he actually wanted to see right now was the last person who would want to talk to him. He briefly considered calling his mom, or even one of his sisters, but he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t be pushed away from the few people on this earth who knew everything about him- well, almost everything. Slowly but steadily, Derek got to his feet. His entire body felt heavy, like he was trying to walk through water. When he opened the door, everyone tried very pointedly not to look at him. He sat down across from Rossi, who flinched but didn’t look up from his magazine.
“You okay, kid?” He asked, so quietly Derek almost thought he imagined it.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Okay.” Still not looking up, Rossi pulled a magazine off the seat next to him and tossed it to Derek. It was a Newsweek from two weeks ago, but Derek still felt a surge of gratitude. Not enough to dull the sensation that his heart was quite literally breaking in two, but it was something. No one else spoke, not to Spencer, not to each other, and certainly not to him. They might not have had any idea about what was going on (if they did, they didn’t show it), but they got the idea that it didn’t involve them. Maybe it should, Derek thought to himself. But if he told them now, any of them, what was any of it for?
The little house in Arlington was the same as he’d left it, except that Clooney’s water dish had been refilled by his friend who dogsat for him whenever he was out of town. Stopping only to scratch the elderly German Shepherd behind the ears, Derek headed straight for the living room, collapsing in a heap of limbs on the sofa. He couldn’t deny that it was his fault anymore, could he? Spencer really hadn’t been asking that much, when it came down to it. Just that they could be together in public, in the eyes of their friends. Because that was what you did when you were with someone. Only they had never really been together, because Derek had always laughed it off when Spencer had asked if they were boyfriends. Why was that? Why couldn’t he get up the courage to be something with someone? Not even just someone, but someone he thought he maybe loved.
So, it was love. Then why couldn’t he ever bring himself to say those words, or any like them, out loud? It wasn’t like he had never been in a long-term relationship before. It wasn’t like he had never been someone’s boyfriend, or like he’d never said “I love you”. All the dates he’d been on, the late nights shared on this same sofa, dinners with his family, introductions to his friends passed through his head like the old-school viewmaster he had loved to play with as a kid. It took him a moment to realize why this was so different than all of those other times, and when he did, he fell off the sofa onto the floor, knocking his head against the coffee table as he tumbled down. He had been a boyfriend, he had said “I love you”, he had been out in public and met the parents and the friends before.
But he had never done it with a man.
Why it had taken him this long to figure that out, he didn’t actually know, and kind of wanted to smack himself for, but then he noticed the blood dripping from his head where he had hit the coffee table, and decided he’d probably injured himself enough for one night. While he was getting up to find the first-aid kit he kept in the hall closet, he looked back, incredulous. Sure, figuring out he liked men had been a fairly recent development, but he honestly didn’t see it as life-changing at the time. No, he hadn’t told anyone, but that was because it wasn’t anyone else’s business… right?
No. That wasn’t right.
In the dim light of the bathroom, Derek inspected his injury. It wasn’t a super deep cut, but it would take a while to heal, and he’d probably have a scar for a while. Watching his blood dilute and swirl down the drain, he remembered a specific day from his childhood he hadn’t thought about in years. He had only been twelve, maybe thirteen, and playing basketball with a few friends after school when they heard yelling from around one side of the community center. That had been the first hate crime he had ever seen- a gay kid got beat up simply for being gay. And as a Chicago cop, and an FBI agent, it was not the last. It wasn’t the last time he heard slurs tossed around like they bore no weight, casual ignorance from the coworkers in the locker room or friends on the street. If they’d known about him, would they have stayed quiet? Would they have kept their vitriol to themselves until he was gone and then let it spew, melting the world around them like acid? Or would they have done to him what they did to that kid that day at the community center? No, he was too big and too strong for that. Being big and strong was what protected him, from fists and rage, but also from prying eyes. No one ever expected that the 200 lb former linebacker and Judo black would be the one with the dirty little secret. Maybe if they did, it would be easier. Maybe if he thought it would surprise everyone less, it wouldn’t be quite so hard. When Spencer had come out to the team a few years ago, no one had seemed surprised. It wasn’t hard to see how the skinny kid with the messy hair, who’d never really had a girlfriend, who wore sweater vests and sneakers everywhere, who could carry a conversation with only his endless fount of knowledge, could be different from the rest of them. Only he wasn’t that different, was he? No, his coming out had been what sparked Derek’s journey of self-discovery, so they weren’t as different as they seemed. What he truly couldn’t endure was the surprise. He didn’t want to be seen in a different light- he was just Derek Morgan, same as always. But that was never really the case with a bomb like this. No one ever just took it without flinching, without questions that demanded answers he couldn’t give.
The scales in his mind, which up until this point had been weighted so heavily towards that one side, that side that said everything would go wrong and his life would change forever, began to tip now. Because now he was in his home office, staring at the bulletin board over his desk. His office was the one place no one else ever went in his house (his bedroom was almost his own, except the time he’d let Emily sleep in his bed after getting a little too wasted at the FBI Christmas party). But no, his office was his and his only, so that was where he kept all the reminders he needed for himself, without anyone else’s input. A signed puck from a Chicago Blackhawks game he’d gone to with his father before he died. A dried flower from the bouquet his mom had sent him when he was accepted into the FBI academy. But he wasn’t looking at those things right now, right now his eyes were fixed on the photo that had taken a prominent position front and center. If he’d been profiling himself, he would have said that the reason was that that photo had some kind of importance. It was him and Spencer, about three months earlier, at a Washington Wizards game, basketball being the only sport he could convince Spencer to go to. The picture was a close-up of the jumbotron, during the third-quarter Kiss Cam (he had paid the guy working the Kiss Cam twenty bucks for the footage). In it, Spencer was wearing one of Derek’s old Wizards jerseys, and he was still in the middle of saying something when Derek had kissed him. His wide eyes made it obvious it had been a surprise, but his smile and the hand resting on Derek’s backwards baseball cap gave him away. Derek loved that picture, that’s why he had put it on the board right where he could see it as he worked. He wanted to go back to that, to the quiet ease and the loud feelings, to blending into a world that told them they had to stand out.
The scales were tipping. On one side, there was the world. On the other, there was Spencer. Spencer, who loved brownies and foreign films. Spencer, who wore his sneakers to The Capital Grille. Spencer, who should have been jaded and cynical but still had an optimism about the world Derek couldn’t quite refute. The scales were tipping, and Derek made no effort to stop them. With every minute he stared at that picture, every minute he thought about the last six months, they tipped further and further until there was no denying that one outweighed the other. With a little resignation, a little relief, and a lot of apprehension, Derek got up, turned off the office light, and went to bed.
The round table room was dead silent when he walked in, not that anyone had been talking before he’d arrived. Rossi and JJ were watching everyone with wide, wary eyes. Emily was staring into her coffee. Garcia bit her lip, her nerves obviously getting to her. Hotch was scrolling through his tablet. Spencer sat in his chair, staring off into the near distance. His hair was more of a mess than normal, his tie was crooked, and his eyes were heavy-lidded and red, like he’d stayed up all night.
“Garcia.” Hotch nodded. “Let’s get started.”
“Okay, well-” Penelope’s voice wobbled, and she started suddenly as Derek raised his hand. “I- what?”
“Can I say something before we start?” Confused, a little freaked, she looked to Hotch for confirmation. Hotch looked equally as confused, but nodded.
“Go ahead, but try to make it quick.”
“I will.” On shaky legs, Derek stood. Everyone looked at him, their interests piqued, except Spencer, who continued staring off at some point Derek couldn’t see. “Six months ago, I met someone. Well, no. I already knew them. Six months ago, I saw someone I knew in a different light. And for the last six months, I’ve been falling head-over heels in love.”
“Derek, how come you never told me?” Penelope gently squeezed his hand. “Whoever she is, I’m sure we’d love her.” He smiled, shaking his head.
“That’s just it. You’re not going to love her, because there is no her.” Confused, the team glanced at each other, but remained silent. “He is so incredibly special to me, and I’ve wanted to scream it from the rooftops for six months, but I just… I couldn’t.” Now, for the first time, he turned to Spencer. “Spencer Reid, I love you.” Spencer’s head snapped up, his eyes wide like he’d just woken up. His mouth opened and closed a few times but he didn’t say anything. Derek wasn’t watching anyone else, but he was sure they were wearing identical looks of shock. “I’ll never be as sorry for anything else in my life as I am that I never told you that, and that I made you keep this secret for so long.” He crouched in front of Spencer, taking his hands. “I had to think. I shouldn’t have had to, I should have just let myself be with you, but I did. I’ve seen a lot, Spencer, a lot of myself and a lot of the world. And I hate to say it, but I’ve got way too much fear for my own good. But I realized that if I weigh whatever fear I have against you, it’s no contest.” He cleared his throat and straightened, facing his startled friends. “I’m bisexual. It took me a while to figure it out, and even longer to come to terms with it, but it’s who I am. Six months ago, about a month before you came back, Em, I asked Spencer to go to the movies with me. We’ve been together ever since. Last week, he asked me if we could tell you. I let my demons get the better of me. I’m not gonna do that anymore. Spencer.” He held out a big, weathered hand, pleading silently for Spencer to take it. Spencer stares up at him, clearly hesitating. But then he blinks, and whatever reservations he had disappeared. He took Derek’s hand and let himself be pulled into a hug. Derek felt his narrow, bony arms wrap around his shoulders and his head bury into the crook of his neck. “I’m so sorry,” Derek whispered, knowing the rest of the team was still watching, not really caring.
“I forgive you,” Spencer murmured.
“I love you.”
“Yeah, I got that.” Derek frowned. “Sorry. Love you too.”
“Ahem.” Hotch cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, I’m very happy for you guys, but can we finish the briefing first?” Derek and Spencer untangled their limbs, both grinning sheepishly. They sat back down, an awkward but cheery silence sweeping the room.
“Wow. Uh, okay.” Penelope wiped her eyes and Derek realized she was crying a little. So was he, just a few little happy tears in the corner of his eyes. In fact, it looked like there wasn’t a dry eye at the round table. “So, yesterday in Sacramento, one Mr. Paul Young was found in a dumpster with his hands cut off- ew.”
“Morgan. Reid. Hang on a minute.” Hotch beckoned for them to stay as the rest of the team headed to the jet. Derek winced. He’d known there would be something, but he’d hoped rather foolishly that Hotch would give them a few days. Nope.
“Hotch, listen-“
“Guys, just… hold on.” Hotch scanned them both with those dark, analytical eyes. “I won’t tell Strauss if you don’t want me to, which I’m assuming you don’t. I’m guessing you two know that this isn’t going to be easy.”
“I’m not done. You cannot have anything happen like what happened on the plane yesterday. If you do, I will tell Strauss. I’m not threatening your jobs, and even if I do tell Strauss, I will fight for you to keep your jobs. But that can never, ever happen again. Am I clear?” Derek nodded vigorously, and out of the corner of his eye saw Spencer doing the same. “Good.” Hotch remained serious for a moment, then broke out smiling. Derek couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Hotch smile so brightly. “I’m happy for you guys. Really.”
“Thanks, Hotch.” When Derek glanced over at Spencer, he was flushed bright red.
“Alright. Get your stuff, get on the jet. I’ll see you there.” He pushed between them, leaving them alone by the round table.
“I’m sorry too, you know,” Spencer said, turning to face Derek.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“Neither do you, really. You needed to process things I didn’t even know you were thinking about. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like those feelings weren’t valid, or if your feelings weren’t as important as mine.”
“No. Never.” Derek took Spencer’s face in his hands and smiled, feeling the happy tears resurface. “It all worked out in the end.”
“No. Not the end. The beginning.” Slowly; hesitantly at first, Spencer leaned in and kissed him, and Derek let him, pushing back with more fervor.
“We should go,” he said quietly, breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against Spencer’s. “Hotch’ll be pissed if we’re late.”
“Let him.” Spencer grabbed the collar of Derek’s t-shirt with one hand, the back of his head with the other, and pulled him in for another kiss. When he broke the second kiss, he held out his hand, which was soft and bony in comparison to Derek’s. Derek took his hand and let Spencer lead him out of the room. He was right, really. This wasn’t the end of a secret not worth keeping. It was the beginning of a real love story.
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redstarling · 4 years
My little take on Shuichi’s character
(or things that I see different)
[Warning that this post might include spoilers about the latest chapters and also about the length. This thing here is really, really, really long.]
In the past weeks and months, I’ve been watching some old DC episodes and re-read the manga files just to realize some things. Often I see Shuichi being considered and characterized as being someone who doesn’t know how to treat the people around him (not to mention that he is always considered to be a jerk when it is about the way he treats Jodie from people who dislike Jodie or who hate Red Starling). But there’s just a lot of material out there, about him being cold, and rude and how he seen as the guy who doesn’t know how to handle children. 
But the more we get to know about him, the more I’m convinced that he’s actually a good-natured man with a soft core. He knows how to treat people and while he seems full of himself quite some times, he is never too proud to own his own mistakes.
He doesn’t spare anyone’s feelings when they mess up, but he also doesn’t spare himself either. He is by far not too full of himself to not say when he made a mistake and more than that even, he owns everyone else’s mistakes as well. He never blames anyone, even if it puts his own life in danger.
1. He takes part of the blame every time
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On the same page, in the second panel after this panel above, he says “We couldn’t even think of such a method, including me.” (The panel is too big for this post, so I thought I’d better leave it out). 
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Even in the latest BO case he took the blame, even when none of the other agents did. 
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And here again. Of course this panel has the purpose of making Masumi notice his catch phrase, but he doesn’t just say that without meaning it. He does realize when he said something that offended/hurt/irritated someone and he is very capable of just voicing that as well. This maybe is as close to an apology as it can get. But he is by no means too proud to own his mistakes.
2. He's in fact empathetic
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Here he is lying to Jodie. He never spares her feelings when he speaks about her driving skills, but he doesn’t tell her anything that might worry her more than is needed either. Even if his purpose is not to not make her worry, but to avoid her to think bad of some colleagues (namely Camel who she is about to rescue from the police) he still is empathetic enough to think about the consequences of telling her. If he didn’t care or couldn’t anticipate a negative reaction, he would have just told her.
3. He’s not just empathetic but his motivation is his family
I have seen posts around, saying that he is selfish and doesn’t care about his family’s feelings. However the truth is, he does all this because he loves his family. His motivation is his family. He loves mysteries, he said that ten years ago, but he also wants to find out what happened to his father and who did something to him.
He lied to Mary about his reasons to study abroad in the US, because he knew she wouldn’t have 15 y/o him go there if he had told her his motivation that early. He got into a physical fight with her when she found out and she refused to pay him an allowance even when he was of age.
(Also a side note: I don’t see Mary as being a violent mother - see Chapter 902 and 1037; in the first one she’s overly joyful as she watched Shuukichi win his 7th shogi title, even to a degree that creeps Masumi. And in the second one she is so excited for her third baby and tells her teenage boys that their dad will come back soon, because of their “cute sons”. She was and still is very affectionate. Her usual harsh and strict behavior is caused by both her fear of the BO/not knowing who to trust and, ten years ago, the fear of losing her son. She had lost her husband before and as a mother, she makes very clear that she doesn’t want to lose any of her kids either. And last to the same people who (maybe) killed her husband. She might have been a tough mom, but she is not a bad mom by any means. Just scared to lose her children too.)
Now, Shuichi does hurt Mary with his disappearing act, but he does all this for his family in the first place.
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He is a little bit too confident here, but he knows that his mother acts this way because she is worried. And he tries to calm her by telling her that nothing will happen to him and their family. 
4. He wasn’t exactly a jerk to Masumi
A lot of people call Shuichi a jerk for his behavior towards Masumi when he first met her ten years ago. To be fair, he didn’t seem too interested and calling Masumi a brat wasn’t nice either. (But then again, he called Conan a brat in a stressful situation too). And considering that he got into a physical fight with his mom, he was probably not in his best mood either. (More about this later). He doesn’t even say hello to Shukichi, but “It’s been a while...” My ass, Shuichi! At least he noticed that his little brother had grown in the past seven years and asked him in what High School class he is now in.
But now, let’s look at little Masumi trying to make him smile. At first she tries to archive her goal by climbing on the parasol. Shuichi doesn’t laugh about it (come on, what should be funny about it anyway?) but merely tells Shukichi that it is dangerous and he shouldn’t let her do that. He doesn’t blame Masumi for her (childish) behavior but tells his brother that it’s his job to watch and stop her from doing things that could hurt her. He just voices his concern.
The second thing Masumi tries then, is doing some failed cartwheels. Shuichi watches her, but regards her with an exaggerated yawn, as if to say “try harder”. He is aware that she tries to get his attention (maybe not aware that she wants to make him smile) but it looks rather like he’s challenging her. And third, she goes over and sticks the fries where they don’t belong. Now see both Shuichi’s and Mary’s reaction to it:
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While Shuichi is all relaxed and tells her to not play with her food, Mary is upset about it, if not angry. He isn’t wrong with the things he says and he does it still nicer than their mom. 
And we should maybe also not forget that Shuichi is probably not in his best mood after fighting with his mom, and being bored. Mary wanted him to come back to Japan and be around his family to let go of his plans  in America (even before she knew about his intention to join the FBI). But he didn’t let her change her mind.
5. He’s good with kids
Camel was surprised to see Shuichi (as Subaru) with the Detective Boys, and even thought that Shuichi didn’t have it easy (to which Shuichi was surprised and asked “You think so?”  as if he never considered it hard). I don’t want to mention Subaru though, because some like to argue that everything Subaru does is an act and none of Subaru’s behavior is the “real” Shuichi. 
So we stay at the beach, ten years ago since we saw him a lot around kids. Most of the times when he talks to Shinichi, Ran and Masumi, he shows affectionated gestures (like placing his hand on their heads) or crouches down to get as on eye-level with them. 
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(I put them all here on imgur to not make this post bigger than needed. Just check these panels out if you want.)
I don’t think it’s a natural behavior to always kneel down and speak on eye-level with them, instead of just speaking down to them. However, I think for kids this makes a huge difference (though, I really don’t know about it, I could just imagine). 
And, something a friend of mine noticed, is that he always asks the people around him if they could do the thing he instructs them to do. He always gives them the chance to opt out of it. He does that with the kids, and he does that with adults as well. He doesn’t force anyone to do anything they don’t feel okay with, but especially kids.
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He also protected Shinichi and asked him and Ran to play with his sister, probably thinking that she’d enjoy kids her age more than him (or even Shukichi for that matter).
6. He’s a good and proud big brother and he loves his family
Just like Mary, he follows his brother’s shogi matches and he looks all proud of his younger brother when he wins his 7th title. Also he does actually risk his mission to save his family (Shukichi, chapter 1045/1046). If it comes down to his endangered family, he’d probably risk a lot to save his family.
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I don’t even think there’s anything else that needs to be said. This is his raw expression when he thinks about his little sister being all grown up now. He also told Conan that he doesn’t tell Masumi about him in an attempt to keep her safe. He says he wants to keep her out of this as much as possible.
And also Mary. He gets worried when he hears Masumi talk about their mother in past tense, so he tries to get information about it and even shows a relieved smile when Masumi tells her that Mary is still alive. 
He is a family guy. He might need his space at times, but overall, it shows that he loves his family and that he wants them to live a life without fear - and he wants himself to not worry about their well-being in these dangerous times. 
The thing with him is just, that his life hasn’t been easy. He has gone through a lot of dangerous and traumatic things for sure. And these things left traces on him, but he’s still motivated by his loved ones and he does know how to be gentle and nice to both kids and adults. He’s acts matter-of-factly and strict when needed, he does his own things as well, but at the end of the day, he still cares and also shows his softer side, is gentle and affectionate when the situation lets him. 
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hannahhook7744 · 3 years
Why Brennan Jones from Ouat got what was coming to him;
Okay, I don't know why the hell I even have to right this but here we go. Recently, It has come to my attention that people have been hating on Hook /Killian (my favorite character) for killing his father and one word comes to mind when I hear this; Why?!
This sorry excuse for a man should not be getting ANY sympathy from ANYONE after everything he's done. Lots of people just love to hate on Killian and Liam, but some of those same people will just defend this man. Use him as a way to show how horrible Killian is. Oh he killed his own flesh and blood, how horrible is that?!
Bitch, this guy is partly responsible for why Killian turned out the way he was! Back when he wasn't on Emma's side and when he was all dark. You should be blaming him as well if you hate hook so much! He deserved his death. I hate him almost as much, if not more than I hate Pan and Cora and Jafar's dad and Silver and George and Emma's foster parents!
This man took his two young sons (Liam was 13 at most and Killian was 6 at least) on the run with him instead of leaving them with a friend or relative. This man used his sons' trust against them and left them with a terrible captain. He abandoned them. He traded them into slavery/servitude for a fucking rowboat to save his own ass and yet you people give him sympathy. At least when Killian did it with Baelfire, it could be somewhat (Not fully) excused since Baelfire was awake, being somewhat unreasonable, demanded to be dropped off, and attacked him. If Baelfire had pulled that shit with any other pirate or even non pirate captain, he'd have been killed but Killian just left him with Pan. Still a terrible thing to do that Killian no doubt regrets but at the end of the day, what Brennan did was sorta worse
Baelfire wasn't Killian's kid and he had attacked him. That's mutiny and it's a goid thing Killian cared enough not to kill him. Not to mention that Killian had taught hjm a but if self defense and the kid was a smart teenager who could defend himself for the most part against other kids amd the few adults on the isle (I don't remember if the Indians had a problem with him or not).
But Killian was Brennan's young and defenseless, crimeless son. He hadn't attacked him. He was young and couldn't defend himself against a ship full of grown, athletic, armed men even if he did know how to fight. Brennan left this innocent child who was scared of the dark, along with his young older brother to fend for themselves against older, drunken, violent men who clearly weren't the best people while they were sleeping . He didn't say goodbye. He didn't give them a chance to escape. He didn't do it to give them a better life. He did it to save himself. And you know what makes it worse?
He gave them absolutely no warning. He smiled at them, put them to bed, and relight the lantern and gave Killian that speech, knowing what he was about to do. And he acted completely natural. No guilt. No hesitation.bThat is some scary ass shit. We have no idea what kind of parent he was to these two but he left them both behind without a second thought and that fucked them both up. He left his children to be mistreated and abused and God knows what they suffered at those men's hands.
And then he fell in love again, had a kid, and fucking replaced Liam by naming the kid after him. Who's to say that he wouldn't have named a potential fourth kid Killian if his 2nd wife (let's say Johanna since I headcanon her as that name) hadn't died?
How the hell can someone think it's okay to abandon your first set of kids and then NAME your new kid after the first? Like wtf, I don't give a flying fuck if it was a tribute. That man had ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to do that-- if anyone had that right, it was Killian. Not the man who abandoned him and his brother. Then he goes on to say the same shit he said to Killian to the kid, probably planning on abandoning this kid too. He rubbed it in Killian's face that Johanna was his true love and not Alice, Killian's mother and that had to hurt.
Imagine how you would feel in that position? You just lost your mother, then your dad just up and abandons you and your brother into servitude and slavery. You're constantly abused in several ways and told you're nothing but a burden and a screw up. That you'll be nothing. You nearly die in a freak storm with your brother when you're young and an alcoholic who has been taken advantage of and starved. You Join the navy young with no guarantee of surviving snd serve under someone who you believed was good until they lie and get your brother killed. And then you go through aton of other shit, including a relationship with a woman several years older than you who is murdered infront of you and you lise your hand.
And after all that, you find out the man who ruined your life-- the man who caused you so much pain. The man who gave you trust issues has not only suffered barely ANY CONSEQUENCES for what he's done, but that he got a somewhat happy ending. He found his true love and had a kid, who had a better life than you did. You find ouy that your father named your half sibling after the sibling who raised you. The sibling who became your father figure and protected you. The sibling who was ALL you had. The sibling you lost and then you hear him say the same thing he said to you before he abandoned you to your younger sibling.
Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't be pissed ? That you wouldn't fear that he'd do the same to this kid? This kid who wouldn't have anyone to protect him? That you would have done differently in Killian's place? I hear you saying, why yes! I would have taken the kid with me, but bitch that wouldn't have worked. Liam would have been scared. He would have run. He would have attacked him. He would not have trusted the man who killed his seemingly loving father.
Yes Killian regretted killing his father but that doesn't mean that the man didn't deserve death. Not to mention the fact that both his wives died young of unspecified sicknesses is fucking suspicious as hell. Either karma hit this fucker pretty hard or he posioned both of his wives. You can't tell me I'm the only one who finds ot sus. This fucker definitely deserved to die and I don't know why anyone thinks otherwise.
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yoonjinkooked · 4 years
Daddy Day Care | Chapter 4
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pairing; jungkook/female OC
genre; fluff, romcom, smutty in the future, Dad!Jungkook rating; explicit (IN FUTURE CHAPTERS ONLY, not yet) words; this chapter 5001 (lol), total so far (18.547) Ch 1 / Ch 2 / Ch 3
— synopsis; Jeongguk is your average 25-year-old - job, work, friends - everything regular. Except, he has a 5 year old daughter. And he’s single. Until a “princess” waltzes into his life.
warnings for this chapter: You still very much want to have Jungkook’s children. Cursing & Banter. Traces of Jinslut. JK is hopeless. You’re going to want to punch and hug him at the same time. Unable-to-flirt and struggle-to-adult Jungkook. A/N: PLEASE have mercy on me if there are any mistakes, English has been kicking my ass lately. Hope you enjoy. Sorry it took me this long. Let me know what you think, my ask is always open <3
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It took no less than 10 minutes for me to see and understand why Eunmi is as whipped for Gayoon as she is. See, when you’re five, adults seem so cool, so serious, so grown up. Parents are parents, even if they are cool, they are simply not cool enough. If there is an adult in the mix that is old enough for it to be WOW to a five year old and also doesn’t have the responsibility of being the parent – jackpot.
Eunmi was acting like she and Gayoon are attached by the hip and Gayoon just played along with it. Even when Eunmi wanted to show her every single toy she has, even when she took her by the hand and dragged her away to show her every possible corner of the apartment. What would normally at some point become annoying to anyone, even me as her father, Gayoon took like a champ and not only played along, but actually seem interested. Hell, she even asked Eunmi questions.
She’s a natural and I can see why she’s Eunmi’s favorite teacher. I’m also suddenly very glad Yuki insisted that we pay an insane tuition for Eunmi to go to a private kindergarten.
And the little one did not hold back – she clung onto Gayoon like a koala. So much so that I got a heavy case of second hand embarrassment with how clingy she was being. I’m just glad she’s five – no matter what she does, ‘she’s five’ is always an excuse to get us out of any mess.
Two hours from the moment we stepped into the apartment and one impromptu tea party with stuffed animals, Eunmi managed to doze off, despite the excitement she had been feeling the entire day. Her words were dragged and her eyelids were barely open but she still refused to nap – until her head fell down onto Gayoon’s lap, her lips open and eyes shut.
“Let me help you with that,” I smile at Gayoon, keeping my voice low and my hands gentle as I pick Eunmi up, very careful not to move her around in my arms too much. She normally sleeps like a log but I can’t risk it – if she wakes up not only will she be cranky but she will probably refuse to sleep again. Not that it would do her much good, seeing as her eyes simply refused to stay open.
“Wait, let me help you,” Gayoon whispers as she gets up from the couch, walking in front of me to open the door of Eunmi’s room for me to walk through. I put Eunmi down on the bad, smiling when I notice her signature nose scrunch – for a second, I freeze, scared that she will wake but it turns out to be a false alarm. Very gently, I tuck her in and put her favorite teddy bear underneath her arm. Gayoon closes the door after me, smiling at Eunmi. “She is beyond cute.”
“I know,” I smile stupidly, unable to ignore the urge to gush about how adorable Eunmi actually is. “She is a little cutie but she already has a temper,” I add.
“No,” she laughs and shakes her head as we make our way back to the couch. “I don’t think she does. I suppose she can be a bit tricky but you have no idea how bad the other kids can be,” she tells me, giving me a pointed look as she reaches for her cup of hot chocolate – hot chocolate she had to help me with because I nearly burnt it. “There’s a reason Eunmi is one of my favorites.”
“Is she good to others?” I ask, making Gayoon look at me in confusion. “I mean, I’ve never heard anything about her fighting with other kids but… is it really like that or do teachers just say that to make parents relax and don’t ask stupid questions?”
“Oh boy,” she chuckles, smiling at me. Yeah, that’s the kind of smile that makes me swallow a lump when it’s directed at me. “It’s really like that. We wouldn’t lie, at least I wouldn’t. It’s important for parents to know what their kid is actually like, even if that means that they sometimes hear something they’d rather not know of. You have no reason to worry, though. Eunmi is a proper sweetheart and she’s nice to everyone. She’s also not a pushover, so don’t worry – she would hold her ground if need be.”
“Good,” I breathe a sigh of relief. “You’d think that after five years, I’d be sure of myself and of what I’m doing but most days… I swear I’m more like a headless chicken than a fully functioning adult,” I admit.
“Oh come on, we all have our headless chicken moments,” she reassures me, a smile still plastered on her face. “She’s your only child, it’s not like you have experience of raising one. I’d say both you and her mother are doing a good job. Both in general and in your circumstances.”
“What circumstances?” I ask, noticing that she suddenly looks uncomfortable. She’s looking away and her face is the face of someone who said something they shouldn’t have said. “If you’re referring to us being young, we’re well aware of that,” I laugh.
“It’s not that,” she shakes her head. “You’re young, of course you know that. But it’s one thing to have a teacher of your daughter point it out in a way that might sound condescending, even though it isn’t.”
“Don’t worry, I truly didn’t take it that way,” I tell her. And I mean it. “I was just confused as to which circumstance you’re referring to, us being young or separated, because both are quite specific circumstances and both are very much true.”
“Age can mean something, in my opinion, but it’s definitely not a rule,” she tells me. “Like I’ve said before, we can all be headless chickens every now and then. And as for the two of you being separated, I will let you know that my mother raised Jimin and myself all on her own, since Jimin was three and I a baby. So yeah, circumstances be damned.”
“That’s quite impressive,” I nod. I never knew that Mrs. Park was a single mom but then again, I had no clue Jimin was her son either, and I just recently saw Gayoon for the first time, so I probably shouldn’t be surprised how little I know about Mrs. Park’s family tree. “You’re one of the few people that actually don’t appear all judgy and mighty. I’ve gotten used to it by now – half the parents of Eunmi’s classmates look at me like I’m a high schooler or something.”
“Jeongguk… more often than not, you or Eunmi’s mother pick her up from kindergarten before other parents do. You both pick her up early to try and spend more time with her. Some of those kids stay in the kindergarten until five, six PM. I understand that many of those parents have jobs and obligations but so do you. And yet you still do it. If I were you, I wouldn’t worry too much about what they think.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you are just a nice person?” I ask.
Fuck, verbal diarrhea. Why did I say that? It is true, I’m not denying that but why did I say it? I could have just said thank you or something like that. Well, at least I didn’t say that she’s the nicest person on the planet – it could have been worse.
“I’m not gonna lie, I have heard it before,” she laughs. “But it’s always a good thing to hear. And you seem pretty nice too.”
“Even with a daughter that clings onto you like a koala?” Jesus Christ, Jeon Jeongguk, shut the fuck up!
“Well, if you don’t mind me being honest, she’s the best part,” I laugh at her comment. She’s not wrong – Eunmi is the best part of me. She’s the best thing I’ve ever done and pretty much the only thing in my life I am genuinely and completely proud of. If someone thinks she’s the best thing about me, I’ll gladly take it.
“I’m sorry we kidnapped you for the whole of Christmas Day,” I tell her, feeling guilt rise again. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t expecting to stay at our place for three hours and counting. “I’m sorry if we ruined some plans for you. I’m an idiot who forgets his wallet everywhere he goes and Eunmi didn’t want to let go of you.”
“No, it’s okay,” she shakes her head, smiling with that adorable, small smile that makes me swoon and want to punch something at the same time. “I was literally working back at the kindergarten. We had a family lunch and we all went our separate ways. The only plan I had was Netflix and food. I got cake, Super Mario and a tea party, so I would say the day was quite fruitful.”
“Would you like to add some wine into the mix too? Eunmi seemed pretty knocked out, we can be adults until she wakes up?” I suggested.
Perfect, you fucking fucktard idiot person! You are literally asking your daughter’s kindergarten teacher to get drunk with you in your apartment while your daughter is sleeping in the next room. Are you absolutely out of your mind? She’ll run and probably get Eunmi expelled or something.
“That sounds like a great idea,” she surprisingly agrees. “I’ll just call Jimin to let him know he should take a taxi when he leaves for home so that he can drive me and my car back home.”
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  For a usually quiet person, I realize that I am surprisingly chatty with her. In the little I’ve known Gayoon, she always seemed like a good listener. She would listen carefully, nodding along and looking directly at you, asking you questions when you pause for a breath. We had red wine and talked just about anything and everything until Eunmi woke up. Before we ended up playing Super Mario, we talked about her, about how difficult it is to raise kids, how difficult it is to work with kids, how I never thought I’d end up being an office worker and how Gayoon was positive she would end up opening a bakery.
Hours passed in good fun and before we knew it, it was Eunmi’s bedtime and of course, my daughter had to backstab me and refuse my offer to read her a story and saying she’d rather have Gayoon read it for her. I got a pat on the back from Gayoon, probably because I looked and felt like a kicked puppy, before she agreed to read her a story.
I was leaned on the door, listening to the two of them talk about princess and mermaids, because not a single page could go by without Eunmi asking both related and unrelated questions.
The teacher in Gayoon was present – well, either that or the fact that she actually does seem like a genuinely good person. She clicked with Eunmi so well, I could feel my heart swell.
I have only ever seen Yuki acting this way with her. Perhaps Byulyi and Hyejin, occasionally, but never anyone else. She… she seemed almost motherly. After having random girls run from me because I’m a father, run from me as if I am the plague itself, it’s quite shocking to see someone not doing the same thing. Of course, the context is different – Gayoon hasn’t shown a particular interest to get into my pants, nor have I shown interest to get into hers, at least I don’t think so. The context is different but it still feels so damn nice to see someone being so good with Eunmi.
I don’t move from my place until Gayoon does, moving gently to tuck Eunmi in and smiling up at me as I turn off the lights and make my way back to the living room. She closes the door carefully, quietly and smiles at me again. “I hope this wasn’t too much – I just can’t say no to her.”
“Of course it wasn’t,” I shake my head immediately. “Thank you. Thank you for doing that. Whenever she’s not with Yuki, I feel as if I’m not… you know, doing it well.”
“Please,” she rolls her eyes. “You’re much better at this than I am. Being a teacher and nice to kids is nothing more than my job – this is the role of your lifetime and you’re playing it perfectly, from what I’ve seen so far.”
“It’s almost sickening how nice you are.”
She bursts into laughter, quickly covering her mouth, not wanting to wake the little one up. I was wrong when I thought her smile is the most charming thing about her – now that I heard genuine, surprised and uncontrolled laughter, even if for a second, I know this one takes the cake.
For someone her age, our age, she sure does have a childlike laughter. And I’m pretty sure I’m staring at her now. Good work, Don Juan! How very smooth of you!
“I’m not that nice,” she shakes her head. “But I do have to say that… Oh!” she hurries to answer her phone, pulling it out of her pocket in the speed of light before the ringtone manages to wake Eunmi up. I even manage to recognize the ringtone. I pull the song out from the old, forgotten, punk brain of mine – The Ramones, ‘She talks to rainbows’. Of all the songs I expected to hear coming from her phone, this was not the one. “Yeah. Yeah. I’ll be down,” she ends the call. “Jimin’s waiting for me.”
“Oh. Okay. Well, thank you for bringing me my wallet. And staying with us. And playing with Eunmi. And talking to me. And reading her a story. Yeah, thank you for everything, I guess.”
Nice work, Romeo. Smooth talker, that’s what you are. Smooth fucking criminal.
“Stop thanking me,” she laughs as she moves towards the hallway, grabbing her purse and jacket from where I hanged them earlier. “I had fun. It’s safe to say we’re friends now – and friends do spend time with each other and their kids. And they give each other cake and bring each other lost wallets, so stop thanking me so much.”
“In that case, thank you for a lovely day.”
Okay, that actually was smooth.
“Hmm,” she narrows her eyes at me. “I’ll take that one.”
Before I could say anything or think about the position of my hands, she hugs me. I am completely frozen for a moment, before I realize that I have less than a second to react before she pulls away and this turns more awkward than it already is. So I hug her back, tapping her shoulder with my hand. She smiles as she pulls away and my face is probably nothing more than a painful grimace.
“I’ll see you around,” she smiles. “If you ever need a babysitter, you know my number.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I chuckle. “Merry Christmas Gayoon.”
“Merry Christmas Jeongguk.”
I stand at the door as she walks down the hallway, waving like a complete idiot even though she doesn’t turn around – I’m waving and she doesn’t even see it. I shake my head, snapping out of it and closing the door before she has a chance to see me standing here like a complete idiot.
I close the door, lock it and bang my head on it, hard enough for it to be painful, faint enough to keep Eunmi asleep and Gayoon unaware.
I think I’m in the beginning stage of having a crush on my daughter’s kindergarten teacher.
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  “Could you at least try to pretend like you’re having a good time?”
The problem is, I did. For a good half hour, I looked like the very gif of The Office’s Michael Scoot gritting his teeth and looking as awkward as possible. For half an hour I did my very best to look as if I am having the time of my life.
The truth is, I don’t remember the last time I felt as uncomfortable as I do now. Seokjin insisted that I should not be alone on New Year’s Eve, which is exactly why I ended up following him to what he called the hottest club in town. Him and six of his best mates, most of whom I’ve known for years, but in passing, as I never really wanted to be a part of their sausage fest. Which is exactly what I am now.
Seven men and me, as bored and as uncomfortable as I could possibly be.
They come here with a goal – get drunk and get laid. And I just want to be home, in my sweatpants, eating ramen and playing Super Mario or finally catching up with Black Mirror. Literally, every possible scenario that includes me staying at home is better than the current situation.
My brain is one generic EDM song away from turning into pudding and my stomach is one fruity drink away from giving up on everything. I’m a stay-at-home, beer-drinking kind of guy. This is not my place.
So, to answer Seokjin’s question – no, I can no longer even try to pretend like I’m having a good time.
“I’m sorry,” I sigh, watching him shake his head in disappointment. While I know he’s joking, I also know that my mood is affecting his and the last thing I want to do is ruin his night – New Year’s Eve, of all nights. I don’t want to be that person, I hate to be that person but I can’t fight it. “It’s just not my scene.”
“You always adapted before. This isn’t your first rodeo,” he tells me and honestly, he’s right. I used to go out with him before and while it was never my favorite thing to do, I could handle it.
“I don’t know, I think I just have too much on my mind,” I yell, in order to overpower the bass.
“You’re thinking about your girl?” Seokjin yells back at me.
“No,” I shake my head. “I mean, I always think about her but it’s the way it is – I had her for Christmas, Yuki has her for New Year’s Eve. It’s the fairest deal possible.”
“I’m not talking about Eunmi,” Seokjin laughs. “I’m talking about her teacher. You know, the girl you’re crushing on?”
I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea to tell Seokjin about it. I guess I expected advice, seeing as he’s my big brother and a ladies man extraordinaire. Instead of a good, solid piece of advice or even a rude wakeup call while reminding me that she is my daughter’s teacher, I just got laughed at. I called him the same night Gayoon left my apartment, and since then, not a day has passed without him mentioning it in a way that could appear humorous to anyone but me.
“Seokjin, I’ve told you, I am not crushing on her.”
“No, you just like her,” he corrects me and leans over to yell directly into my ear. “Look, you are making questionable choices because you can’t even remember the last time you had anything with any woman. You’re over Yuki and you’re not ready for commitment again but you need to get yourself out there and do something because crushing on your daughter’s teacher is not a common storyline. Find someone else to crush on before you and your ex need to change your daughter’s kindergarten!”
God, he’s right. Yuki will kill me if we have to change Eunmi’s kindergarten and judging by the way Eunmi seems to be attached to her friends and even Gayoon herself, she’d kill me to. I’d rather wait for her teenage years before I hear the first “I hate you” from her.
“Or, if you’re really hung up on her, ask her out,” Seokjin completely changes his story. “Just pick a side. Either grow a pair or take your pick,” he waves his hand around, as if he’s showing me all that the club has to offer. Outside the sausage fest we are in, the club really is full of girls our age, most of them in a pack with other girls, very probably looking for a hook up, the same way all of Seokjin’s friends know that if all goes according to plan, not a single one of them will be going home alone.
It’s like watching National Geographic or something. Two packs of opposite genders eyeing each other from different sides of the club, picking their pray and getting all hyped up before they strike. Words of encouragement shared, pats on the shoulders, a few giggles here and there and the plan is set in motion. Of course, not all is a hunting field – there are packs that are here just to have fun. I can see a group of laughing and dancing people who are…
“Holy shit, that’s her!” I all but yell, pointing to the dance floor.
“Her who?” Seokjin looks around.
“Gayoon, Eunmi’s teacher.”
For a second, I am sure that I am imagining things but as I watch her throw her head back while laughing, I am positive that it is Gayoon – it’s just not the Gayoon I saw a few days ago. This Gayoon has fairly shorter and curly hair – she had pretty long hair the other day. And this Gayoon is definitely not wearing the casual clothes Gayoon from the other day was wearing – unless a tight, black dress can count as casual. I’m a guy – what do I know?
“Wait, which girl are you talking about?” Seokjin asks as he leans into me, wanting a better view.
“Shoulder length hair, black dress.”
“Holy shit!” he yells and for a second, I forget we’re in a night club and my blood freezes, thinking that Gayoon must have heard him. “That’s Eunmi’s teacher?! No wonder you’re dying to live out a teacher kink!”
“She’s not MY teacher, you idiot!” I smack him on the shoulder, making him laugh out loud. I’m not laughing – this is becoming too much. “It’s not like that.”
“Looking at her, it should be like that,” Seokjin comments.
“You don’t get it,” I shake my head – of course Seokjin would not get it. He’s been in love once and after that particular train wreck, he hasn’t bothered looking for anything other than easy sex. “Yeah, she’s pretty and yeah she’s hot but she’s actually nice and friendly and most importantly, good with Eunmi.”
“You don’t know what you want,” Seokjin shakes his head.
“Yeah, because I can’t develop a proper interest into someone after like… a few hours spent with them! Just as I don’t want to have a one night stand with my daughter’s teacher! Of course I don’t know what I want – I might not even want anything and am just confused! I don’t know what I want and it would be very weird if I did!” I yell over the music.
“Well, I think she knows what she wants,” he nods his head and when I look back to Gayoon, I can see what he means – she’s definitely closer to one of the guys in her group than she was just seconds ago. They are dancing together, they’re bodies almost completely pressed together, his hands on her hips as they sway together, much too slow for the beat that’s threatening to make my brain explode.
“Yeah, oh,” Seokjin rolls his eyes. “Go there! Say hi! Talk to her! Dance with her! Get to her before he does!” he tries to push me away from our booth but I stay frozen, shaking my head.
“Nah, I just told you. I don’t know what I want and judging by that,” I wave my hand to her and the guy she is dancing with. “It’s a bit too late anyways.”
I have no right to sulk, I know that very well. Not once did Gayoon show any signs of being interested in me in any way other than a teacher-parent one, perhaps a friendly one too. She did not flirt, she did not say anything that would make me wonder if it has a double meaning and let’s not forget about the crushed mistletoe. Not to mention that I haven’t done anything either – of course I didn’t, I just think I might kind of like her.
I have no right to sulk at the sight of her expressing interest in another man and even though I try to fight it, I know I end up pouting, sitting in the booth and glaring towards them, sipping on the shitty cocktail Seokjin insisted on buying for me.
“You’re a complete idiot,” is Seokjin’s conclusion he reaches while looking at me in disappointment.
“Maybe I am.”
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  15 minutes after the clock strikes midnight and the whole club drunkenly yells New Year’s greetings – that’s the time limit I’ve given myself. Long enough to not seem rude, just enough to not lose my mind.
“You’re actually leaving?” Seokjin once again looks disappointed. As bad as I feel, he had it coming. He knew I was not going to enjoy myself, he knew this is not my scene in any way. As bad as I feel for leaving him, one – I know he won’t miss me and 2 – he should be the one to feel bad for dragging me out to begin with.
“I handled it for as long as I could. Happy New Year, brother,” I pat him on the back and make my way through the ocean of bodies, towards the exit. I don’t look back, not to Seokjin, not to Gayoon.
I made a point of not looking her way for as long as I have been in the club – staring at her just seemed a bit too creepy, especially given that she was obviously pretty close to hooking up with the guy she was dancing with. It felt creepy, wrong and uncomfortable – so I decided to simply not look her way while I was there. I doubt she saw me but if she did, she made no move to approach me.
Outside, the weather and the atmosphere is hellish – snow started falling again and I obviously wasn’t the only one with the thoughts of leaving early – one by one, groups of people were getting into lined up taxis, while others were waiting for the next ones to drive by. Imagining the price I’ll have to pay for the drive back home on New Year’s Eve felt like a punch to the gut.
Oh crap.
I want to hide, I really do. Maybe it would be believable if I don’t respond? It’s pretty crowded, I think I can play it off as if I hadn’t heard her. “Jeongguk!” her voice is raised now, as she is obviously certain that she’s not imagining things. I can’t hide.
I turn around, pretending to look confused and I see her walking my way, still in that short sleeved dress, looking as if she’s freezing her butt of, but still smiling at me. She even has blue highlights in her hair. I don’t know what happened to Gayoon from the other day.
“Oh! Hi! Hey! Happy New Year!” I sound like an idiot to myself but really, what else can I do?
“Happy New Year!” she beams up at me as she stops a few feet away. “Were you here the whole night?”
“Yeah, my brother dragged me out,” I roll my eyes. “I am escaping now. You’re leaving too?” I ask, noticing that the guy she was dancing with doesn’t seem to be around.
“No, not yet – I’m here with Jimin and a group of our friends, I can’t leave without them,” she explains. “I just thought I needed a bit of fresh air, after one too many tequila shots,” she adds, although she doesn’t appear to be drunk at all. “In hindsight, stupid idea – it’s freezing.”
“What happened to… No, never mind,” I stop myself at the last moment.
“What happened to what?”
“No, nothing.”
“Jeongguk, don’t be that person,” she laughs. “I hate it when people do that. Spill it.”
“What happened to cold never bothering you anyway?” I utter my lame joke, watching as she frowns in confusion – it takes her a moment to realize what exactly I’m referring to but when she finally connects the dots, she seems equally amused and pissed.
“I hate you,” she tries to sound serious but I can tell she’s fighting off a smile.
“You set yourself up for that one,” I laugh. We might not be friends now, hell, we might not even be friends in the future, but after our meeting, I am forever entitled to make Frozen jokes on her expense.
“The price I pay,” she sighs before smiling again. “Anyways, I’d better go inside before I turn into Olaf,” it’s a bad joke but I still laugh – that’s what she’s making me do now. I’m laughing at fairly stupid jokes. This isn’t good. “I’ll see you around. Happy New Year Jeongguk.”
“Happy New Year Gayoon,” I smile, waving at her once before she wobbles back inside the club, still trying to keep herself warm with her arms wrapped around her body – she’s right, it was stupid to go outside in this weather without a jacket. I should have offered her mine.
On the drive back to my place, I stare through the window and watch all the drunk, well-dressed people stumbling around, laughing, hugging one another. I watch and wonder when that stopped being me. I wonder if even I miss that being me.
The only conclusion I could come up with is that maybe Seokjin was right after all. Maybe I am a complete idiot.
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parappa-and-lammy · 4 years
Disabled OCs 2: Electric Boogaloo
it’s them, they’re here! Or yknow, a chunk of em. i had a LOT backlogged and there are even more in store i have saved away - the ones here are the most fleshed out!
To start, with who appears to already pique peeps interest:
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⬆️ Bumble Bea the flower-capybara! 
Most notable is her golden and wild long flowing hair. It has green streaks through it, along with plenty of flowers; some grown by her, and others gathered throughout her life. They’re able to stay alive as long as she keeps them in her mane. Definitely the hippie type, she enjoys being around people and in nature. She is friendly towards everyone, and calls them all some variation of “honey” (hun, honey bun, hun bun..,), she’ll even sometimes pluck a flower to give to you!
Her original dream was to be a rockstar sensation, specializing in psychedelic rock. She even has her own custom guitar (which looks like a bumblebee!). Has hyperthyroidism and fibromyalgia - the chronic pain of which made her decide to retire. She’ll come out to play every so often, just not so extensively as before. For now, she simply hangs out with her family and helps them with their own problems.
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⬆️ Lonnie Lop the jerboa-rabbit!
Lonnie is a jokester who doesn’t take much seriously. So much so, he sometimes forgets that some topics are off limits. Barely being an adult, he has trouble judging people, and tends to take things at face value. He’s an overly emotional immature thing at times... but he’s discovered that his family is most important to him.
Lonnie wanted to become an idol more than anything way back when - he had the cuteness, the singing skill, the dancing and everything else! But they had all turned him down, and it’s not really a mystery why. He has a stoma on his abdomen and has a colostomy bag - the most decorated and brightly colored ones are his favorite. He is also borderline anemic and has pica - both of which caused an event that led to him getting the stoma in his childhood.
For now, he simply helps his family out with random little jobs. He looks up to Bumble, who he considers his sister. He still insists on becoming an idol somehow.
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⬆️ Otto the otter!
He is a jolly old man with a big heart, and a laugh so loud it shakes the building. Some people might be off-put by his openness, but he’s nothing but sincere. He will always set time aside to listen to whatever problems you may be having, though he isn’t exactly the most intellectual. He’s a lil’ confused but he’s got the spirit.
Otto has epilepsy, along with chronic migraines. All his sons and daughters left the nest and got careers in the technological industry, and he’s nothing but happy for them. But he stays away from screens and such. He’s moreso a man that works with his hands. And he does! Whenever he isn’t in the house with his new found family, he’ll be outside working on a project.
After the passing of his wife and his kids going on to do great things, he’s opened his house up for the ones who have no home. Many people have come to call his house ‘home’ and become part of the family. He fosters kids and helps people feel appreciated when they never have. Bumble came by long ago and is officially part of the family. Lonnie was the first foster kid at his home, and also was the first to be adopted by him.
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⬆️ Kato the croco-llope and Lea the sheep-leopard!
Lea has high morality, which many remember her for: she shall never speak ill of someone. Never outwardly be rude or mean to someone. She tends to prioritize helping others over herself, even to the point of bringing harm onto herself. At times like these, usually standoffish Kato will step in and stand up for her. They known each other for a very long time - Kato has known her most of his life, and Lea has known him for over a decade now.
Lea was born deaf and is very adept at ASL and reading lips. Kato lost his arm and eye, has hearing loss in his right ear, among other things, due to something that happened long ago. Despite this, he’s become quite skilled at kung fu - even CCMO has commended him, and request he train others at the dojo alongside him.
The two live at Otto’s Foster Home, with Lea having registered to be the full-time caretaker there. She made Kato go through the training and begrudgingly become registered as well, though he now enjoys it. Lea owns a specialized dulcimer while Kato has and can play his adungu. They’ll play as a duet for the kids sometimes, who always enjoy their little performances.
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⬆️ Donna the chameleon-iguana!
She herself has barely any recollection of what she’s like. She remembers slipping away... and then ‘waking up’ in PaRappa Town. after an unpleasant run-in with a certain flower girl, Donna is guided towards the Otto home with the help of a kind rapping dog. She was shaken from the experience still, and simply finds vacancy there.
She wasn’t willing to open up to anyone there, yet finds an unlikely friend in someone called Theo. With his roundabout help and the eventual help of the others who live there, she manages to recover from her past experiences and unlock her past, so that she can finally put her best foot forward.
Donna had untreated juvenile arthritis, and now consequentially has joint damage from it, among other things. She wears loose clothes and has long ties attached to zippers in order to help her move with less strain.
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⬆️ Theo the bugbot!
He is an old, cranky, pessimist grump who always has something snarky to say. You’d be lucky if he didn’t directly tell you straight to your face. Doesn’t acquaint much with the other people in the Otto household (where he resides), until he met Donna. They form an unlikely friendship - his abrasive attitude was what she needed to address her problems, and in turn, she helps him be less of an ass.
Congenitally amputated legs, so he attaches large wheels to spurs to get around. He also has pulmonary fibrosis that developed from sarcoidosis. He wears a powerful respirator he had built himself everywhere outside of his room. Hoists oxygen tanks on his back thanks to a vest he designed for himself. Theo also has a sort of addiction to chocolate - the one he wasn’t able to kick. He was very self-destructive in his youth, though he begrudgingly takes better care of himself now.
Theo is talented at home improvement, as can be seen with his assisted living tools. Though he’s embarrassed over it for multiple reasons, he can play the hurdy-gurdy quite well, and does so often when he’s alone in his room. He even played for Donna on one occasion, though he wouldn’t dream of showing the other people in the house his playing skills.
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⬆️ Angel the anteater and Cupcake the sugar glider!
Angel was an overachieving student at the college, going for a degree in writing, until the day she became sick with what she thought was the flu. But after weeks of rest, she became worse and worse - and was eventually diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis (commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome). She joined a support group so as not to be alone during this time. and met Cupcake, who instantly took a liking to her.
Cupcake has Crohn’s disease, and visibility problems due to complications with Crohn’s disease. She had to radically change her diet from before; she eats plenty of honey which helps, but misses cocoa products. The two live together in one dorm, with Cupcake not even hesitating to help Angel with whatever she needs. She always wanted to be a nurse, though she was teaching as Home Ec now.
When Angel inevitably loses her schooling and thus her dorm, the two move in together into Otto’s home. Angel gives what she can by helping the kids with their school curriculum. Cupcake helps her with that, and also teaching the kids other things they need to know. Angel is able to play the harp, while Cupcake plays the harpsichord. They make a fantastic duo, both as a duet and otherwise.
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⬆️ Gilly Gary the garden snail!
A boy with the voice of an angel, Gilly was one of the foster kids at Otto’s home before being adopted by a quadruplet slug singing group. They all have a dream of being able to make it big performing all over the world - but until then, they perform at small venues all across PaRappa Town. They’ll sometimes even host fundraisers for homes and institutions that need it.
Though Gilly wants to be a star in the singing world, he doesn’t take much seriously. He just wants to goof off and have fun! He and Lonnie would raise trouble together, seeing as they brought the most mischievous side out of each other.
Gilly had his leg amputated at a young age due to a rapidly spreading infection, and uses Lofstran crutches to support himself. He really doesn’t care, though since he’s a bit of a fashionista (he adores the aesthetic of the mid to late 70s), he won’t EVER cut off a pant leg, and resigns to tucking it in instead. It comes in helpful when trying to sneak stuff into the movie theatre haha funni reference
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⬆️ Pekh the wolf-rooster!
This is a cheerful, euphoric man who rises up early every day to greet the sun. He is incredibly happy with himself, and chivalrous - anything he has, he immediately gives to someone else. He already knows he’s glorious, so someone else should have it instead! Though, he isn’t really the sharpest beak on the block. He may be easily confused by something you say, but he’d support you all the way.
His kidneys don’t work very well, and so he gets a dialysis 3 days a week, but takes care of his body otherwise. Why wouldn’t he? He’s the best! On his way to the doctor office, he’ll yodel aloud to himself and everyone around, and will continue while getting the dialysis done. He has an AV fistula in his left arm. He wanted the graft, but the fistula was the better option.
Some people are a bit annoyed by his self-euphoria, but others find it endearing. His family (everyone in the Otto household) see him as a beacon of happiness - Lonnie looks up to him, Theo gets irritated by his bubbliness, while everyone else in the house cheers him on.
And that’s the 2nd round of disabled OCs! I had a blast designing them all. I still have so many more that have yet to be 100% done yet (and i even have the first round to shine up and reintroduce)! I’ll see yall when i put up round 3! These were so exhausting to draww
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The Fall 5
Harry Potter AU 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 4
Rating: M
You stood in the kitchen looking down at the potion that Tonks brought you for your hand.
“It will hurt like hell but you’ll be perfect as soon as it dries.”
You muttered a few choice words under your breath as Harry stepped in. He looked down at your hand with a knowing look. Harry had grown used to seeing you come home with random injuries from your job.
And for some reason, he wants to be an Auror too.
You thought with a smile as he walked over to kiss your cheek.
You nodded.
“I will be. You should have seen the other guy.”
“That’s the same thing she said to me.”
Harry and yourself turned as Sirius walked into the room. It didn’t take you knowing the man better than anyone else in the room to know something had made him mad. He had that frown that made it look like he was ready to burn the world down.
You made a mental note to talk to him later about the conversation with Remus. Now, in front of Harry, it didn't seem like a good idea. The last thing that you wanted was to worry the boy with the concerns of adults.
“Let's take a look at that hand.”
Sirius said softly as he gently lifted you onto the table. You could automatically see Harry’s questioning gaze as Tonks gave him a smirk. He had probably gotten used to you screaming at Sirius whenever he was within 5 feet of you and now here he was standing between your legs. This would be another conversation that you would have to have with the boy later.
The pain shooting through your hand pulled you from your thoughts. Sirius slowly unwrapped the bandage and sighed at your scorched skin.
“Darling, this looks horrible.”
You handed him the potion and closed your eyes a little more dramatically than necessary.
“Just get it over with!”
Sirius shrugged and poured the liquid on your hand. You automatically winced in pain. Tonks definitely wasn’t kidding about this hurting!
“Fucking bloody hell!”
You groaned. Sirius’ eyes rolled to you with a smirk.
“That’s what happens when you have to be the rebel.”
You opened your eyes as the pain finally started subsiding. Your hand was perfectly healed.
“Well, I wonder where I got that behavior from.”
Severus Snape, who knew one even seemed to notice was in the room, stood. He had enough watching Sirius and yourself already!
“Let me guess the little power couple is back together again?”
Both Sirius and yourself automatically turned in Snape’s direction with matching scowls. You slid off of the table ignoring Sirius, who had reached out in some feeble attempt, to stop you.
“Looks like you can see things! Good job!”
Snape frowned. He already dreaded being on the same side as the two of you. Every time he looked at Sirius and yourself, Snape was reminded of his horrible childhood.
“Ms. Potter, your sassy attitude is no longer cute.”
You raised an eyebrow. Normally you wouldn’t argue with this tool in front of Harry but today was a new day.
“You know, Severus, you say a lot of shit for a man who doesn’t talk much. Oh, while you’re here, I thought that I would give you a friendly warning if I find out that you give Harry any trouble this year...I have no issue coming to Hogwarts and kicking your ass. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.”
“You little bit…”
Sirius stepped in at this point. He was perfectly amused watching you hand Snape his share of an ass-chewing but the moment the word “bitch” was about to be thrown out; Sirius was done.
“Whoa! I’ll give her a doughnut to kick your butt.”
Snape looked between the two of you with a scowl before turning and storming out. You smirked, knowing that you had won this round.
“See you later!”
You called out before turning back to Harry.
“That was fun.”
Harry said with a smirk as Remus walked in looking rather annoyed. Had it been another time, Harry would have asked Remus if he was alright, however, he was still taking in the news about Sirius and yourself.
“So the two of you are together now?”
Sirius glanced at Remus, who was shaking his head. You had quickly put together what happened and knew this would be a fun conversation later.
“Yes, we are.”
When Harry smiled a genuine smile, you were pleased. That told you everything was fine with him. Why it wouldn’t be, you weren't sure. Maybe now he could have the family that he wanted (and deserved).
You reached out and attempted to fix his messy hair before turning your attention to Remus. The poor man looked dreadful. The full moon was the day before so the cuts on his face made sense. Walking over, you gently put a hand on his forehead.
“You’re burning up.”
You were used to being the one that took care of Remus. That had been your job as a kid and it just made sense to continue as an adult.
“I’ll be fine.”
Remus said, gently. He wasn’t about to snap at you. Why he snapped at Sirius, he wasn’t sure. Remus had a feeling that the two of you would be back together rather quickly. Maybe he was concerned that you would just end up hurt again like you had years before. If Sirius got locked up again, it would be Remus that would have to pick up the pieces (and he would do it without complaint). Maybe it was the protective friend that was trying to pop out
You, meanwhile, wasn’t about to let this go because Remus said I’ll be fine. He would be a fool if he thought for a moment that you would.
“We need to put something on your face. How is the scar on your chest?”
Remus sighed, miserably.
“Tore open again.”
He didn’t have to look up at you to know that you were giving him that motherly concerned expression.
“Take your shirt off. I can fix that too.”
Remus shook his head.
“It's okay, Y/n.”
You rolled your eyes ignoring Sirius’ worried expression. This was the argument that the three of you + James had every month when it came to Remus’ transformations. It was usually Sirius and James holding him down while you played doctor.
“Come on, Remus. I have seen every man in this room naked. No need to be shy.”
After that sentence left your mouth, you had to bite your tongue at the expression on Sirius, Remus, and Harry’s faces.
“What? It's true.”
You said with a smirk before walking to your bag and looking for the healing agent that you kept for Remus’.
“I really hate that thought.”
Remus muttered. You chuckled.
“Remus, it was hard being friends with you all and not seeing nakedness. I had to change Harry’s diaper, and Sirius...well...you can put that together yourself.”
Before you were able to even get to Remus, Tonks came back into the room looking rather pale. You knew that look well.
You asked. Tonks sighed.
“Marlene Mckinnon’s niece was found dead today.”
You put the potion bottle that you were holding down and quickly looked up. Sirius and Remus were as pale as you had turned. Hearing Marlene’s name brought back even more pain.
“This is the one from Marlene’s brother that survived. Things look suspicious.”
Tonks said as she timidly held out a file to you. You quickly took the file and started reading down the report.
Suspicious was putting things lightly. This looked just like Marlene’s murder years before. You sighed. Looking up, you met Sirius’ gaze. The two of you had been there the night the McKinnon’s were found.
“Kingsley and I took the case...we knew that you would want to investigate.”
Tonks said softly. You put the file down before turning your attention back to Harry.
“Better go get your school things ready.”
Harry nodded and quickly walked from the room. He knew that expression on your face well. It had been the one that he saw the day that you read about Sirius escaping from Azkaban and many other unhappy times.
Once Harry was gone, you turned to Tonks.
“We should go.”
Sirius was by your side in an instant.
“Love, I really don’t think you need to be going out there…”
You turned to look at him with a sad expression that broke his heart.
“Sirius things are starting just like they were years ago. I owe this to Marlene. This is just an investigation.”
“Want me to go with you?”
He asked, softly. Your eyes immediately widened.
“Sirius, you know you can’t leave the house.”
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Animagus here, love.”
You shook your head. This was the last thing that you were even about to agree to at the moment. Sirius was crazy if he thought for one moment that you would say yes! The two of you had just gotten back together for heaven’s sake. You were not about to risk him being taken from you in any way! If Sirius thought that he was going to be tagging along with you one every job to make sure that you didn’t get hurt; he had another thing coming.
Damn his protective nature…
You thought before wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“No. I want you to stay here.”
“Sirius, no. I don’t want to risk anything.”
Sirius finally nodded. He wasn’t happy but he decided to back off. You were in a fragile state at the moment and he didn’t want to make it worse! It had everything to do with Marlene. Sirius knew that you were reliving another best friend’s death.
“Fine. Be careful.”
You nodded and kissed him softly.
A few moments later…
Tonks and yourself stood outside of an older home in the country. You smiled seeing Kingsley standing on the porch. He nodded as you walked up.
“Y/n, sorry to ruin your good day.”
You shook your head, politely.
“It's fine, Kingsley. I would have wanted the two of you to call me. So what have we got?
Kingsley turned as you flashed your badge to the two wizards at the door to step inside.
“There was no dark mark but everything was just like before. The place is destroyed and she was definitely hit with a killing curse.”
You looked around the disheveled living room before taking a breath when looking at Sarah McKinnon’s dead body on the floor.
“You would think the idiot would be a bit more creative...maybe take something from those muggle serial killers. Damn. Looks like we have some death eaters out of the closet.”
Tonks nodded.
“Which one could it be?”
You looked thoughtful.
“Well, there’s Malfoy, Kararoff, Pettigrew, and Greyback. The last two are definitely on my list.”
Kingsley looked thoughtful as he made a note on parchment.
“Well, start keeping a lookout for them.”
Walking back into Grimmauld Place that night, your mind was a pretzel of thoughts. You were thinking about Marlene, the murder of her family, and how you were going to get your hands on Pettigrew.
Sirius’ arms wrapping around your waist pulled you from your thoughts. You didn’t object when he turned you around. Instead, you snuggled your face into his shoulder. You smiled feeling Sirius press his face into your hair.
“Is it what we are thinking?”
You didn’t move from your place before nodding.
“It's exactly what we're thinking. Things are going to be like they were before.”
Sirius didn’t reply for a moment.
“We’ll figure it all out. At least you came home in one piece.”
You looked up with a smirk.
“Yes, I did.”
Sirius slowly pulled away.
“We should get you in bed?”
You asked with a sly smile. It was a bold move. You knew if Remus was there he would probably be giving Sirius and yourself an earful about moving too quickly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“I figured we were going to do that whole taking is slow nonsense?
You smiled. Maybe taking it slow was the “smart” thing but after a day like today; you wanted nothing more than some physical affection.
“Since when have we been the whole taking it slow type of people?”
Sirius smiled. In the dark, he looked just like the man that you had fallen in love with all the years before. “Yeah, we are more like the hell hath no fury type of people. Come on.”
The next morning, you stood making sure that Harry had everything ready for school.
“I think that I’m good, Auntie.”
He replied after you checked his list for the 12th time. Sirius smirked from his place in the corner. This was your typical behavior. When the two of you were kids, you were the one that made sure that James and Sirius were good to go.
You smiled.
“Here is where I give you my ceremonial be good speech...be good.”
“That's it?”
Sirius asked with a laugh. You shrugged.
“I feel kind of like a hypocrite telling him to be good after all of the stuff that we pulled.”
Sirius was quiet for a moment before nodding.
“Yeah, be good.”
Harry smiled. For the first time, he actually felt like he had parents. It was nice feeling like an actual family for once!
“Will you two be fine?”
Harry watched as Sirius and yourself exchanged looks. You smiled.
“Of course!”
Harry’s attention was drawn to Molly Weasely who was motioning him forward. He quickly gave Sirius and yourself a hug.
“I’ll see you both at Christmas.”
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alexandrinav0605 · 3 years
Talking to Strangers
Multi-Chapter 2/? LINK TO AO3
We learn more about Penny’s past and actual home life. Another group meeting and Penny gives Steve a piece of her mind.
TW: Implications of Rape at the end of the chapter.
English is not my first language, therefore, I'm not from US and I do not know how the foster system works, as well as group therapy
The walk from the therapy place to the Sullivans’ house was short, shorter than Penny would want. Although they weren’t as bad as Skip and the Preachy couple, those were very low standards to go by. Mr. Sullivan basically ignored her while Mrs. Sullivan just talked to her to hand her the chore list and on her first day to explain the rules. She didn’t like them, but to be honest she liked no one.
The thought sink deep, she misses Ned and MJ. The three of them along with Peter were inseparable before May’s dead, before having to move around the city, jumping from one foster house to another. She didn’t miss a single grown-up. She had stopped trusting adults a long time ago; the only adults she once trusted were either six feet under ground or made something to harm her. Ned and MJ told them, Penny and Peter, to trust their social worker, because she was in charge of them and was the one that would take care of them. Surprise, she care about nothing besides her paycheck.
She tried to clear her head, even if the Sullivans hadn’t made a move to touch her, in anyway, she still tried not mad something to made them angry. Besides what Penny wanted for people to see, she still was scare. Scare of her foster parents, scare of finding Skip or the Preachys, more so that her foster parents turn out to be like Skip or the Preachys. If someone ask her what would be preferable, she will say neither, but she knew that was impossible; another Mr. and Mrs. Preachy would be better. Not only because she was terrified of even thinking about her time with Skip, but also because this time the Peter in the equation will be a Penny. Entering the household, she said a quit good evening before going to her room. There weren’t any other children on the house, so she got a room for herself. She left her things, hiding her brother’s ashes under a tab. A month after Peter’s dead, her social worker has come in and began searching for the ashes, tired of Penny carrying around; she didn’t find nothing because Penny already hide it constantly. Now she was very careful not to let them alone and had them with her at all time. She also wasn’t shy to tell them how they took her brother from her and now they want to take his ashes, the only consolation she has left.
She went down to the kitchen, one of the infinite list of chores was to make breakfast, when needed, lunch and dinner. She try to do everything without annoying anyone, she was already on thin ice, and pissing her foster parents won’t do anything to help her.
Looking up to the living room, where Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan were, she wondered what bad she had done in another life to deserve this. At first, she hadn’t believed in bad luck, or any luck at all, but now, there was no other logical explanation for her awful life, in her opinion, everything had gone downside the moment her family left London, her beloved Great Britain and arrived at the United States. They should have never boarded that plane. She tried to concentrate on the food and not in the What If’s. They would change anything, what is done is done. What would change anything was if she were stupid enough to burn the food.
Next Wednesday was awful. First, her school tormentor, Flash, decided it was good to make fun of her the most today of all day, as if therapy wasn’t enough. His teasing was mostly innocent, mostly about her accent and her dead parents, which was a long time ago, so it was relatively okay, and her accent was something she was used to as she moved to New York at five and her accent has never decrease. Today was different, today Peter was the main source and Perter was still a delicate spot for her. Flash knew Peter, but the details of his death were left for her to be tell and she wasn’t about to do it, not to him. So school was hell, and her day was about to get worst.
When she arrived at the therapy building, she entered immediately, finding the Avengers already seated. She took her own sit between Black Widow and Iron Man. Tyler was nowhere to be find and the tension could be felt in the air.
Obviously, it had to be Captain Righteous who had to speak about the vents of last week.
“Listing, kid.” If this was an apology, this wasn’t a good beginning. “I know it was wrong f me to judge you the other day, but you had to understand that you were really good to the mediator the other day.” Now that was the worst apology she had ever received, note that she had receive a very bad one about putting her with a murderer and a rapist before.
As it turns out, his team members also thought that wasn’t the best apology. “Really, Steve?” And that was Natasha Romanoff.
Tony Stark decided to make the next remark. “Hate it to break it for you, Capsicle, but just because you put the word sorry in a sentence doesn’t mean that will be an apology.”
“Let me get something clear, Captain Righteous.” Penny sometimes wonders why she can’t keep her mouth close. “The other day you made a mistake of judging me without knowing what I had been through, now you know that my last foster parent, Mr. Preachy, abused me and my brother to the point where he kill my brother, throwing him to the wall, after hitting him repeatedly and then continue to hit him even though he was already dead.” Now, Penny didn’t cry, but her voice broke at the end. “If I decided to be rude, as you say, to Tyler that is because he was the person that certificated that asshole to be a foster parent and as you can hear he was a shitty foster parent. He fail to protect me more than once.” Rogers was just looking at her. “You know shit about me, you know nothing about what has happened to me and what made me hate people. I don’t treat social workers bad just because I want to, I treat social workers bad because some of them just want to place kids on fosters homes so they can receive a commission without caring about the child in question. So, you can go and put that apology down your ass because I don’t want it until you learn how to deliver a proper one.” Barton, Rogers, and Banner looked shook, Romanoff looked neutral, while the others just had an amused face at Rogers misfortune. “Let me give you a piece of advice, don’t judge people you don’t know or even better don’t judge people without knowing if they have a past that mad them the type of person they are.” The last part was a full hate scream, she had enough people judging her that knew what happened, the last thing she needs was to people to judge her without even knowing. “I don’t need to ask forgiveness for being the person I have become when the people that made possible for me to turn into this never ask me for it.” She look at Steve Rogers straight in the eyes and the man just shiver under her gaze. That girl was terrifying.
He wanted to say something, but before he could, Tyler came in. Tyler being the idiot he was, didn’t notice the tension that could be feel in the room, and continue to introduce the session topic. Penny didn’t participate in today’s activity; she was tired and simply ignore Tyler when he ask her to participate. He let it go, probably to not make a scene like last week. Although she acted like she didn’t pay attention, she did notice the Avengers looking at her, especially Captain Rogers. She hoped they didn’t try to approach her.
Tony Stark wasn’t someone you could impress easily, but when he saw that little girl that seemed like a breeze could destroy her, shouting at Steve, he really was impressed. With honestly, he thought Steve deserved it, after the incident of last session the others try to convince him to apologies and they thought they had succeeded, but they didn’t. Steve’s apology was crap, and he deserved to be put on his place. He wasn’t just impressed by this girl; he was also curious. Penny obviously had a dark past that she try to put behind. Her dead brother was something, the fact that somehow, she had ended in the foster system was another thing, but in between all those things she said to Rogers, she did say this Tyler guy fail her more than once. One time was obviously him placing her and her brother with those foster parents, but the others? Where the other foster parents that hurt her? He didn’t think she had other siblings that die. It could be anything, abuse, neglection or without having to go very far, the girl deserved loving parents, not some decent one, good ones. He would like to think that, that the guy’s mistake was just placing her with decent parents and not good ones, not that it was okay, but seeing this girls history and how much she flinched when she thought no one was looking, Tony thinks that he would be making a right assumption when saying the worst had happened. You name it, punches, starvation, rape? As he said it could be anything.
Contrary to his nature, he decided not to search the girl´s history. That was what therapy was about, right? Maybe at one moment she would open up and if he made any signal that he already knew whatever had happened, she would trust any of them. He knows Penny would notice; he had met the girl in 2 occasions, and he notice she was as observant as Natasha. Another sign of an abuse child.
Finally, the session had ended. He hated those; he was only there because it was required by the government so they could be a team again. He notice the girl didn’t make a move to participate and she also ignore Tyler when he tried to make her say something, so when they were out and Steve started to walk towards her, he tried to stop him. To no one’s surprise Capsicle didn’t care.
Penny lift her eyes from her phone, when Steve was in front on her, eyeing him suspiciously and taking a few steps back. Tony suppressed a flinch, another sign of an abuse child, rejection of nearness.
He began talking before she could go away. “Penny, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. You are right, I don’t know you or what you’ve been through. I’m sorry I judge you, your actions and attitude. It was something unfair from me.” She looked unfazed. Steve let out and sigh and looked at her with an ashamed expression. “Just wanted you to know that I’m really sorry.”
He began walking towards the Avengers when Penny talked. “Thanks.” She look at Steve at the eyes and then she walked away from them, the acceptance to Steve’s apology clear.
Natasha move to stand next to Steve. “That went well.” Then Sam decided to make an apparition. “Can we just talk how terrifying that girl is? Like, man, can she be intimidating if she wants to.”
Tony was the next in the line of let’s tease Cap. “Spangles, that girl looked like she could be carried by a breeze and yet she managed to shut your mouth. I don’t think any of us ever managed to do that.”
Steve just look around, not amuse, and say under his breath. “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” And with that all of them began walking to the car. Tony had the feeling this girl will shake their lives.
Penny woke up to the familiar weight over her, Skip was here. She tried to suppress her whimpers, so he didn’t know she was awake; he made her participate when she notice she was, and she already felt dirty enough as it was. Peter had died 3 moths ago, and it was in days like today that she missed him the most. He would have done something; he wouldn’t paralyzed like she did. If that weren’t true at least she would have a companion.
“C’mon Einstein, I know you’re awake” His voice made her have nausea. She wondered how she was so stupid to trust him.
She began sobbing, begging for him to stop. Aunt May always told her and Peter that if they didn’t like something, they had to tell them to stop; she was doing that, why wasn’t Skip stopping? She wanted Peter, her Aunt, Uncle, and her parents. She wanted to be happy again. She wanted to go back to London where she knew the foster System was better. She wanted to go back in time to when her parents were alive and so was Peter. At least, she begged in her mind, let me have Peter with me.
As Skip continue doing what he was doing, she look at him through the tears in her eyes. No, Skip wouldn’t stop because of Peter, he would probably do the same that he was doing to her. She couldn’t be that selfish, Peter was dead, murder by the hands of a monster. The only lucky thing was that he didn’t met a worst monster. She would get over it, she would rise, and this will be just a bump. She will get over this, she always did.
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mercuryonparklane · 3 years
I just found this one-shot I wrote based on ‘betty’ that has been sitting in my notes since September. I thought I’d share, if anyone is interested in that. The characters belong to Taylor and her co-writers, of course. I just borrowed them for this fic.
‘Please, come over’
Jamie Mann stares at the text for far too long, watching those three little dots appear and, then, disappear once again. Betty hates sending more than one text in a row. Even more than that, she can't stand it when a message goes unanswered.
Still, Jamie can't quite think of what to say. Her mind flashes back to prom two weeks earlier and the boy who swayed Betty around the dance floor while she laughed at his stupid jokes. Betty told her that she isn't interested in boys, but damnit if she isn't very good at hiding that fact.
Jamie throws her phone down next to her on the bed and pulls the hood of her sweatshirt over her head. She fiddles with the strings of the sweatshirt until she hears the ding of a new message.
'I'm in front of your house. Get your ass out here and hop in.'
Jamie fights the smile on her face, but she can't help feeling a little less hurt in the moment. August was the kind of friend who could convince you to do things you would never even think to do. Like the time they hopped the fence at school on a Friday night to smoke in the softball dugout. Or the time August managed to sneak them into some gay club in the city. Or the time they almost ditched the cop trying to pull her over for running a red light. Okay, so maybe they weren't actually going to try to escape and maybe August's uncle happened to be the cop in question. But still...
Jamie grabs her backpack and puts it on as she heads down stairs.
"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"
"Mom, I literally just graduated high school last night and I turn 18 next month. I'm basically an adult."
Her mom pulls her into a hug. Jamie lets it happen for a few seconds before escaping her grasp. Mrs. Mann runs her fingers through her daughter's hair trying to fix it best she can.
"Hmm... that will have to do. Now, truthfully, where are you going? Yeah, yeah, I know you're all grown up now, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop worrying about you."
Jamie rolls her eyes, but smiles nonetheless. "I'm staying over at August's. She's outside waiting for me, so can I go now?"
"Of course, dear. Have fun."
"Sure thing. Night, mom."
Jamie heads out the door and jogs to the midnight blue '67 Mustang idling in front of the driveway. She throws her backpack in the backseat before taking her spot in the passenger seat.
"So, what's the plan?"
"I was thinking we could go to that party Betty Davis is throwing."
A lump forms in Jamie's throat as she tries to come up with some excuse as to why they shouldn't go. August knows that Jamie is a lesbian, but she doesn't know anything about Betty. It was not something Betty wanted anyone to know about.
As far as anyone at school knew, Betty and Jamie were acquaintances at best. Betty was head cheerleader and Jamie was basically a skater burnout. Betty was class president and Jamie wasn't even on most of her teacher's radars. Betty was going to Yale next year. Jamie was going to a state school. Betty came from money. Jamie's mom worked two jobs to send her to private school. They weren’t exactly the likeliest of friends and no one would ever guess they were more than that.
"Come on, please? Don't you want to know what the popular kids get up to on the weekends?"
"Nah, it sounds pretty lame. I'd rather hang out just the two of us before you take your little road trip around the county, which I still can't believe your parents agreed to."
"You should come with me."
"We would have so much fun. Besides I'm a little scared about driving around by myself."
Jamie scoffs, "You? Why, August Adams you are the bravest person I have ever known. What could possibly scare you?"
"I don't know... a car accident, rapists, serial killers, muggers, creatures..."
"Okay, I get it. I just mean... you've been planning this trip for two years. Wasn't it supposed to be some great big adventure of self-discovery?"
August shrugs. "I already know who I am. I'm a bisexual goddess, who is going to be the CEO of a major corporation someday, and no one can stop me. But also I'm just a girl sitting in front a girl, asking her to join me on the trip of a lifetime."
Jamie's heart skips a beat. She loves Betty so deeply, but being with her was torture. It would have been four more years of hiding. 'Just until we graduate college,’ Betty's words echo in her head. Four years is a long time and Jamie is sick of hiding. August came out Sophomore year and didn't care about what anyone thought of her.
"You know what, that sounds amazing."
August squeals and leans across the center console to wrap her arms around Jamie. "We're going to have so much fun, James!"
They never went to Betty’s party. Instead they drove to 7-Eleven, bought snacks and slurpees, and spent the rest of the night at the one skate park in town.
It took a bit of convincing before her mom felt comfortable letting her go on the five week trip. The fact that August had family sprinkled along their route, with whom they would be staying most of the time, helped to reassure her. August created an itinerary for Jamie's mom, so she would have an idea of where they would be and with whom.
A week into the trip, Jamie gets an unexpected text.
'I heard you left town with August Adams. Thanks for the heads up. Hope you have fun.'
The three dots show up and disappear, then reappear once again.
And finally, after almost a minute, 'I hear she's a great lay.'
Jamie doesn't even reply. Her blood boils just a bit. They'd never officially broken things off, but seeing Betty kiss that boy on the dance floor was the last straw. Jamie didn't want to hide anymore. She wanted a girlfriend who's hand she could hold while walking down the street.
So, she got one. Sort of. The text kind of sent her into overdrive and she may have decided to see if all the rumors about August were true. They were. She definitely knew what she was doing and it was nice, but it wasn't the same as it had been with Betty. It was lust. There was no romance in it. At least not on Jamie's part.
Unfortunately, she had no idea the other girl had wanted this since they were Freshmen. It killed Jamie to tell her the truth. August was beautiful and fun and clever, but Jamie's heart belonged to someone else. She confessed everything about her relationship with Betty and how she wished she had gone to that party the night after graduation.
August won't tell anyone. She might be hurt, but she wasn't heartless. She'd never out someone nor would she ever try to get back at Jamie. They did decide to give each other some space. In fact, they only met up once more that summer. It was the day before August was set to leave for school. They hugged awkwardly and promised to keep in touch and to hang out over Thanksgiving break. They didn't keep those promises.
Betty doesn't message her again. Jamie rides past the girl's house on her skateboard almost every day for a month before she finally gets the nerve to text her.
'Hey, I'm near your house. Can we talk?'
She sits on the curb across the street from Betty's house for an embarrassingly long amount of time before she finally gives up. She stops riding by her house.
It's not until her mom drags her to the mall insisting she needs a new wardrobe for college that she finally sees Betty again. She catches sights of the girl from the store across the way and she tells her mom she'll be right back. She's about to step into the store, but someone grabs her by the wrist and drags her towards an empty service hallway. Jamie's heart stutters until she realizes who exactly has a hold on her.
"What the hell, Inez?"
Inez roughly releases her grasps once they are out of the earshot of passersby.
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Me?! What do you think you're doing."
Inez rolls her eyes. "Stay away from her, you freak!"
"What gives you the right to tell me what to do?"
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that Betty told me all about how you're desperately in love with her and tried to put the moves on her and that's why she had to switch homerooms. Which I said was weird because as far as I knew you were off playing Thelma and Louise with August Adams. So just, like, leave her alone. She's not... like you."
Jamie bites her tongue. There is so much she wants to say, but it would only make things worse. "Whatever. Maybe you should tell your friend not to flatter herself."
Occasionally, over the next few years, Jamie checks Betty's social media accounts, looking for any hint that one of the girls in her pictures were more than just a friend. Jamie thinks about the night after high school graduation often. She fantasizes about what would have happened if she had gone to Betty's party. Would the girl have finally kissed her in front of their classmates? Was she already drunk when she sent that message? Had she finally been ready to say 'fuck it all' and let everyone know she wasn't who they thought she was?
Jamie will probably never know. But she spends her college years chasing the feeling she had when she was with Betty. There were a couple of women who she thought she had been in love with. Maybe she had been, but there was always this one piece of her heart that hung on to past love.
She dates quite a bit the first couple of years after college, until she eventually gets into a committed relationship. It's great for a while. It lasts four and a half years. She's devastated when it ends. But also, a part of her is relieved. It doesn't really make sense until that next Thanksgiving weekend when her high school class is having its ten year reunion.
She contemplates not going, but she's already R.S.V.P.'d and she's already going to be in town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her family. So, she musters up the courage to go.
The first person she recognizes is August Adams. The other woman greets her with a tight hug.
"James! How are you? God, it's been too long."
"It has."
It really has. Jamie missed her friend. She screwed it all up so much back when they were kids. But the woman still had this brightness that radiated from her and Jamie let herself bask in it.
"Oh, you have to meet my wife," August wraps her arm around the waist of a gorgeous brunette, "This is Autumn. I know, I know. Don't even start."
Jamie chuckles, but keeps quiet. After catching up and seeing way too many pictures of August's kid (she was a proud mom and it was kind of cute, to be honest), Jamie was left alone when the other woman found another old friend to talk to. She didn't mind. It gave her a chance to finally get to the bar and get a drink.
Jamie orders a whiskey on the rocks.
"I'll take one of those too, please," a voice speaks from beside her.
Jamie turns her head and takes in the sight before her. Betty hasn't changed much. If anything, she's even more attractive than she was all those years ago.
"Uhh..." Jamie clears her throat, "Hey."
Betty bites her lower lip, a smirk forming on her face anyway. "You look..." Her eyes scan Jamie's body and Jamie shifts a bit under her gaze, "good."
"That's all." Jamie elbows her playfully. The bartender sets their drinks in front of them. Jamie lifts the glass to her mouth.
"Let me try that again. You look incredible in that suit, but all I can think about is what you'd look like out of it."
Jamie chokes on her drink, pounding her chest with her fist as she coughs. Betty quirks her eyebrows and smirks smugly, while Jamie tries to gain some sense of control over her own body again.
"Umm... wow, that... I wouldn't mind..."
"Are you here with anyone?"
"No. I'm actually single at the moment. You?"
Betty doesn't even bother to answer. Instead she kisses Jamie. It takes a moment for Jamie to register what is happening, but eventually she gets a hold of herself and reciprocates the kiss, matching the passion of the woman in front of her.
There are a couple of 'whoops' from former classmates and a 'Get it, Davis' before Betty pulls away.
"Do you want to get out of here?"
How could Jamie say no to that? After that kiss? After ten years of dreaming about this moment? She couldn't.
'Out of here' isn't very far. It's actually a room at the hotel where the reunion was being hosted, but really it was better than Jamie could have ever dreamed.
As they lay together in the afterglow, Betty runs her fingers through Jamie's curly, golden locks. Jamie rests her head on Betty's chest, her fingers tracing random patterns across Betty's toned abs.
"You're still as fit as you were back then."
Betty buries her face in Jamie's hair. Jamie feels the laughter rumble through the other woman's chest at the comment. "Really? Those are your first words after everything?"
"I can't help it, when you look like this."
"You're not so bad yourself."
Jamie looks up at Betty incredulously, "I'm sexy as hell."
"Hmm... I mean, you're attractive, sure. 'Sexy as hell', may be a touch too far."
"Oh, yeah?" Jamie smiles up at her as she moves her hand down Betty's abdomen. "Let me show you a touch too far."
Being with Betty makes Jamie feel like she's 17 again. All the years away from the girl did nothing to quell her desire to be as close to her as humanly possible. Somehow it was like a part of Jamie's heart had finally found its place again. It was a part that she thought had long been lost and she had resigned herself to the fact that the puzzle would sit there in her chest missing that one piece forever.
Maybe she didn't know much back when they were kids, but she knew one thing that would always ring true: Betty Davis is, has always been, and will always be her person.
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Sonic Babies! (Oneshot)
I still have some asks, and don’t worry, I will get to them, I just had a sudden urge to write this story, and I just couldn’t help myself tho-
Amy and Tails stood in shock as three baby hedgies and a baby echidna were on the floor, gurgling at the sight of the older hedgehog and fox.
    “T-They just turned into babies...” Tails murmured. “I told them to stay away from the machine. What do they do? Go near the machine. Chaos, now I have to fix this...Amy, I hope you’re not ma-” Tails turned around to find Amy laying on the floor, while baby Sonic was nuzzling Amy’s cheek, baby Silver was climbing onto her stomach, baby Knuckles was chewing on Amy’s thumb, and baby Shadow was rested on Amy’s legs. 
   “I had no idea they were so CUTE as babies!” Amy gushed as Silver giggled at her. Amy got up and scooped them all up into her lap and cuddled with them. 
   “Hey Amy, do you mind watching them while I find a way to reverse this?” Tails asked the pink hedgie, who had stars in her eyes.
    “Yeah! Don’t you have a stroller from when you were younger?” Amy replied, and stood up. She saw a red chaos emerald, and assumed that it was Shadow’s, so she gave it to Tails to keep safe. 
    “Yup, it’s under that table, Cream used it last week for Cheese’s kids.” Amy nodded, and grabbed the stroller, and put everyone in, or at least three of them in...
    “SONIC!” Amy screamed. Baby Sonic had wires in his hand, and even though he was a baby, he still had that annoying smirk of his. “Put the wire down, or you will be in time-out faster than you can run!” Sonic dropped the wires immediately and Amy could see tears starting to make its way down his cheeks. She ran to him and hugged him close to her. “I’m so sorry, Sonikku. I promise I won’t yell at you like that, again. Or at least while you’re a baby. All you have to do is be a good boy to me. That applies to you three as well,” Amy looked at the infants which were playing with the stuffed animals in the stroller.
    “M...Mama!” Everyone suddenly went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Sonic giggled and continued to babble. Even Knuckles, and Silver started saying ‘mama.’ Shadow only grunts, and mutters something that sounded like “momma.” Amy squealed and scooped them out of the stroller and hugged them once again.
She put them down into the stroller, again, and gave them pecks on the cheeks, and then giggled.
     “Your older selves would kill me if I did that.” Amy walked out of the workshop, leaving Tails processing everything that just happened.
- In The Village -
    “Now listen here, boys. You have to be on your best behavior, and no crying. Got it?” She commanded the boys, but they only tilted their head. “. . .Let’s just you do.” She walked with the stroller, earning many odd stares from the villagers, but Amy didn’t seem to notice. “Let’s see, Shadow likes oranges (LMAO IDK) Silver likes honey, Knuckles likes grapes, Sonic likes chilidogs...There isn’t any chilidog flavored baby food...I’ll buy some of this, and if he doesn’t like it, I’ll just blend up the chillidog!” She bought everything, until she saw Blaze, Rouge, and Lyra standing near a boutique. She walked over to them (Let’s talk about her outfit first)
 She’s wearing a Ditsy Floral Print Square Neck Dress (Link to dress on Pinterest) With a white sun-hat with roses on the side.
     “Why do these little guys look like our boys?” Rouge asked with interest, focusing mainly on Knuckles.
     “Oh, you know, I fucked all four of them and gave birth to their kids. Their names are Dash, Emo, Weed, and Steroids.” Amy sarcastically said. Blaze and Rouge looked frightened for a moment before they realized that she was only kidding. “They’re the boys, I have to take care of them. Long story short, they got into an age-changer invention thing, and they all turned into babies. Aren’t they the cutest? Especially little Sonic.” She bent down and started cooing to him. “Yes? Who’s the cutest little baby in the whole universe? You are! Yes you are, yes you are~!” The girls watched as Amy fangirled over her crush as an infant.
    “Wow, Pinky. I’m guessing if you and Big Blue were to have a kid, he’d look just like that.” Rouge smirked. Amy blushed.
     “That is, if he actually likes me...” Amy muttered. “But what about you and Knuckles, hmm?” Amy smirked back at her. This time it was Rouge that had gone the same color as her favorite red echidna. Amy giggled at her reaction. “Anyways, we should buy some clothes, because they’re only covered by their normal outfit, but the sports tape was there, and Amy was worried they’d wrap it around their necks and suffocate.
    “I have some baby clothes from when I was taking care of Cheese’s children. Maybe that could fit on them?” Blaze asked. Amy nodded eagerly.
   “Yes please! I don’t want to waste money on something that won’t even come to use later on!” Amy squeaked out in agitation. They all separated to retrieve everything they needed for the boys. They all met back at Amy’s house.
    “Okay, now, we should feed them. Yes~, we should feed your chubby wittle tum-tums!~ Yes, we should! Who wants chilidogs, and grow so big and strong, and have your little Ames swoon over how handsome you are?~” Amy continued to baby-talk to Sonic, as he only giggled and fell over to his side. This made all the girls go crazy over how adorable and pure he was acting. The others, desperate for attention, dragged themselves onto the girls’ laps. They all fan-girled because the boys they’ve wanted since, well, FOREVER, crawled into their laps submissively! 
    “OH MY ASS, THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME, KNUXIE IS ON MY LAP! I mean, not the way I wanted, but YES.” Rouge squealed with excitement. She stroked his dreads, while Blaze was running her hands through Silver’s quills. Lyra was gently traced the red stripes on Shadow’s quills, being very light, so he wouldn’t get all moody and fuss about it. Sonic noticed this and grimaced at them. He climbed up on to Amy, and nipped at the top of her dress.
   “Oh my goodness! Uhh, what am I supposed to do? SONIC! Stop nipping at my dress, little gummy bear!” Amy said, grabbing baby Sonic’s torso and lifted him up, while he flailed his arms and legs around. “Stop it! Do you want any chilidogs?” Sonic immediately stopped and smiled with his mouth open. He put his tiny little hand in his mouth and gurgled. Amy inwardly swooned, her cheeks heating up. Even as a baby, Sonic was still a ladies’ man. She put them on a floor, after putting a plastic tablecloth cover under them, and prepared their food. Amy mashed up the chilidogs, making sure it wasn’t too spicy, and fed it to Sonic.
He happily ate it with no complaints, but you couldn’t really say the same for Knuckles and Silver. Silver constantly kept rejecting the food, and Knuckles wouldn’t pay attention. Knuckles seemed to look at something else, which wasn’t exactly food...
   “WOAH MY CHAOS! KNUCKLES! I’M NOT FOOD!” Rouge yelled as Knuckles pounced on Rouge and attempted to pull down the heart on her outfit. After a few minutes of squirming and yelling and Lyra having to pry Knuckles’s hands off with a crowbar, Silver and Shadow seemed to be enjoying the show in front of him, and Sonic was laughing hysterically and clapped his hands. After all that happened, the girls decided that the boys needed a bath. 
Amy filled the bathtub up, strapping Sonic to her with a scarf, seeing as she didn’t have those baby-body carrier things. (I’m not going to look it up to confirm its name) The bathtub was too deep for the kids, and they couldn’t exactly sit on their own, so the girls got their swimsuits and went into the water with them. They used washcloths to cleanse them, covering their eyes when they got to the lower body. They gurgled and giggled. (Lmao I keep repeating the same words over and over again) Shadow, being Shadow, only huffed, while his tail wagged. Lyra chuckled at his reaction.
Now, you might be wondering, ‘Doesn’t Sonic hate water?’ Why yes, he does. I forgot to mention that Amy had a hard time getting him into the bathtub, he kept spindashing out of the tub and Amy had to catch him before he fell on the ground. 
    “Sonic! Get in the bathtub, NOW.” Amy gave a deadly glare to Baby Sonic, and he widened his eyes, a little creeped out by her, but didn’t obey her. He tried to run, but only being around six months, he had a little trouble crawling. Amy picked him up, and distracted him by kissing him on his bare stomach, while he laughed. While he was chortling, Amy quickly bounced right into the tub. Silver was making the bubbles and water float. As if sensing Sonic’s fear of water, he made the water fall onto Sonic. Blaze scolded him, while Amy glared at him.
Sonic smirked at Silver, while Shadow did something that wiped the smug look off his face. Shadow took a toy that could soak in water, and he squeezed it, causing the water to fall all over Sonic. He whined, splashing water into Shadow’s eyes, and before the girls could even blink, they started a water fight. They got the babies out before the fight got physical.
Amy got a call from Tails that the age reverse mawas face, and they quickly took them to Tails’s workshop. 
    “Are you girls ready?” Tails asked. The girls were internally crying. They had grown emotionally attached to the babies during the one hour they had them. Perhaps it was because the boys gave more attention to them more than they had when they were adults.  They brought the kids in blankets, so the neighbors wouldn’t start rumors.    
     “Can we just say goodbye?” Blaze asked in a depressed tone. Tails nodded.
     “Take all the time you want. I don’t think anything’s gonna happen, anyways.” He replied. The girls smiled.  
   “Even though the babies are far more charming, cuter, kinder, and actually appear thankful when we do something for them.” Amy sighed as she snuggled Sonic into her arms. “But I love him more as his normal self. Even if we have to endure their dumb, cruel behavior, we still love them. Don’t tell them we said that, or else.” Amy continued, before glaring at Tails to keep the secret. Tails nodded rapidly. They placed the babies in the invention, after giving them kisses on the cheeks and forehead. 
   “One...Two...THREE!” And with that, the boys were back to normal. The girls ran up to them, and hugged their favorite boy, from Amy to Sonic, Blaze to Silver, Rouge to Knuckles, and Lyra to Shadow. Sonic didn’t know what to do, Silver hugged her back, Knuckles was blushing by the ‘you-know-what’ squishing against his chest, and Shadow was trying to push Lyra away.    
  “Sorry, Knuxie. It’s just that...we missed you!” Rouge cried as she jumped on Knuckles once more. Once Tails explained what had happened, Sonic grabbed Amy’s waist and whispered into her ear. 
  “By the way, we could see and hear everything while we were babies. We could also control ourselves.” Insert a blushing Amy Rose processing everything he had just said.
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Gold Beneath His Threshold
For @facialteeth​ Summary: Although Clary goes to Idris with her mother and it looks as though the only one with a promising love life is Alec, a certain demon decides th dip his finger into the parabatai pie and stir things up. Results do not disappoint.
Pairing: Jace Herondale / Alec Lightwood
A/N:  I hope you like your gift 💙💙💙
Read it on ao3: HERE
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It started in his childhood and it carried through into his young adult years. Alec became convinced he was a favourite of the angels, even though sometimes they had an odd way of showing it. One day when he was twelve, he found himself alone again, waiting for his mother in her office, having to receive punishment for his latest mess-up. He had gotten into a fight with an older boy who had been bullying him for months…. And he had won! He was shorter, smaller and younger, but he could take way more pain than the other boy. His bullying problem was now a thing of the past; the other kids kept their distance, knowing Lightwood was weird, but also willing and able to kick their asses. But for Maryse, that hadn’t been good enough. “We are Lightwoods, we don’t go around beating people up. There are other ways to solve conflicts! You are not thinking like a future leader, Alec!”
Later, it had been his father, calling him to his office to administer the punishment, and Alec had caught himself thinking, while he lay on his bed on his belly, because his butt and thighs were covered in red welts, that there would have to be one thing, one thing only, that made sense in his life. That made it all worth it - the humiliation, the being forgotten only to be remembered when he messed up even when he thought he did well, the hostility with which his own mother treated him, the feeling he was a mistake that should have never existed.
And the angels had replied right away. The next day, they sent him a ten year old boy - whom his parents decided to take in because he was Michael Wayland’s son, and Robert still felt guilty about his parabatai’s fate. From the moment Jace walked into the room where Alec trained, roasting his technique, Alec felt like he’d been given sunshine to carry in his pocket at all times. The boys became inseparable and soon Izzy was old enough to join them and keep up with Jace’s antics. Jace was beautiful and smart and loyal, and he made Alec laugh and smile so much his cheeks hurt every day, which was a blessing after the increasing number of punishments he had to endure, both for his perceived shortcomings and for being the eldest and letting Jace get the three of them in trouble. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for Jace. He took pride in it. He would stand in his mother’s office, thinking “you can’t punish me as much as I can take, just watch.” But as time went by and they grew up, Jace also grew a spine for the three of them. He found it natural to talk back at Robert and Maryse, to question their orders and to tell them to back off when they picked either Izzy or Alec as an easier target for their brand of retaliatory discipline. It was getting ridiculous, he said. You can’t send soldiers out in the field and expect them to do a good job if they are still wincing from their butts being full of welts. Also, there was a certain age after which it was odd to want your teenage child to bare themselves for you to beat them.
And it worked, because Jace was also fluent in the language that abusive leaders used, violence, coercion, veiled or overt threats and blackmail. He had been raised by a far bigger monster than Maryse could ever aspire to be and although his father had tried to shape him into the perfect, unfeeling killing machine, Jace had always had an unbreakable compass which was impervious to bullshit, but still allowed him to play along and make his abusers wallow in a sense of control until it was time to strike. Alec felt overcome with a feeling he couldn’t quite identify whenever he looked at Jace. It was more than loyalty, maybe even more than devotion. He decided love covered it pretty well, but it was a big concept which contained all the facets of the feeling. Alec compared it to getting a really big box and going to the store, asking for a scoop of every flavour of ice cream. This was why it didn’t come as a surprise to him when, one day as he was sparring with Jace and the younger boy had gained the upper hand, sending Alec to the floor and straddling him to pin his arms to the floor above his head, a wave of desire crashed into him. Jace was above him, glistening with a sheen of sweat and panting, his golden hair sticking together in thick strands, damp with sweat. Jace looked feral for a moment, in prey to the adrenaline of the fight, but his eyes quickly shifted to reflect the warm affection he held only for Alec. For the older boy, it was as though someone had sucked all the air in the room out. Everything was amplified and his senses seemed sharper, he could hear Jace’s heartbeat and couldn’t look away from his bare chest, rising and falling with the staccato pace of his breathing; he became painfully aware of Jace’s now hard peak nipples and his eyes traced a droplet of sweat making its way down Jace’s chest until gravity forced it to fall onto his own chest. Also, their current position made it so that their cocks were crushed together in a distracting way. Alec closed his eyes briefly, letting the feeling wash over him. It made him buck beneath Jace and he made a pitiful sound, somewhere between surrender and panic. “Is this you tapping out?” Jace asked, adjusting his position, pressing his weight even harder into Alec. This did not help their dick situation and Alec felt himself harden. He nodded, unsure why he worried so much. This was Jace and Jace handed his ass to him all the time. Nothing special about the occasion. Jace freed his hands and got up, releasing Alec from his hold altogether. Alec stayed on the floor, sitting for a bit longer, wondering why being bested in combat put him into such a state this time around. But then Jace used the towel he had brought to wipe off his sweat, then threw it at Alec, expecting him to catch it and use it too. The towel hit Alec across the face. Instead of smelling like horse or old socks, like sweat usually did, Jace smelled like freshly baked bread, sunny summer days and everything that Alec associated with the feeling of joy. He barely caught himself and held back from burying his face into the towel and sniffing it like a cat with a valerian pillow. Not long after that, Jace asked Alec to be his parabatai and obviously, Alec said yes. Obviously, because he could not picture his life without Jace in it anymore and they were better together in every way. Jace had the courage and confidence when Alec struggled with them, and Alec had the strategic thinking and the protective nature where Jace was reckless and impulsive. *** They were considered grown men by Nephilim standards, but to mundanes and Downworlders, they were still young and inexperienced in many ways except killing and fighting. This was why so many mistakes were made when Clary and the tornado of events she brought crashed into their lives. For one reason or the other, Jace seemed to lose all touch with reality and support Clary on her wild chases, risking their lives, their standing with the Clave and pretty much everything else. Alec felt abandoned and forgotten again. He reminded himself that good things never last and allowed himself to go through a grieving process on fast forward, where at first he was angry at Jace and ended up resigning himself to having nothing and no one who cared about him in the way he needed. But he could not order his body or his emotions to fall in line with his new approach and that was the source of his constant pain. Pain which gave him the worst, darkest goggles to see life through. He didn’t see that Jace panicked and saw the whole Shadow World burn in front of his mind’s eye when it became clear that Valentine had the means and the opportunity to wipe out every Downworlder in existence with one wish. It was this desolate state Alec found himself in when he met Magnus Bane, the charming High Warlock of Brooklyn. Magnus did not have to give him attention, but he did. And he did not have to single him out and place him above everyone else, but he did that too. It felt good - of course it did - and Alec dared to smile again.
But Clary again muddied the waters. The way she was treating Jace was so entitled and impatient, bulldozing his needs and his past wounds just because she hadn’t been there to see him get them, so to her they did not matter that much. Soon, Jace was hurting again, and since no one had taught him how to deal with that, he put the entire blame onto himself. He and Clary were no longer a thing soon and Alec watched his carefully constructed routine crumble again. Izzy had broken up with Meliorn and was trying to mutilate her personality into becoming Maryse 2.0. Jace hadn’t slept a full night in weeks and cried himself to sleep at night, only to be woken by nightmares and his own screams.
Clary soon chose to move to Idris to be with her mother. Jocelyn thought they would be safer from Valentine there and, for once thinking like a true Shadowhunter, she wanted to take the heat off the New York Institute and make it obvious to the Clave that the Valentine problem was not some fiction made up by teens playing around with runes and angelic relics, but a very real and immediate threat.
Before Clary left, Izzy planned a small goodbye party in the Institute events hall. Clary gave each of them a present, to thank them for their help and friendship. To Jace, she gave two open-date tickets to the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, winking as she told him he would know when to use them. Jace hugged her and kissed her hair, the gesture looking more like what a big brother would do, rather than a lover. Clearly, that short chapter in their lives had not made the first edit. To Izzy, she gave a letter from the Iron Sisters. Jocelyn had used some of her old connections and had gotten Izzy an invitation to visit the place where all Shadowhunter weapons were made. Izzy started crying and hugged Clary, making her promise to visit and send a lot of fire messages. She even promised Clary to finally look into installing Discord on her phone so they could keep in touch more easily. Finally, to Alec, she gave a book, telling him it would answer his most pressing question for him when he got to the end. Alec looked at the book. It was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho and he seethed inwardly. It was “Eat Pray Love” for people who had gone to college and Alec had heard about the book and its subject matter. He considered it a total wank, from what he’d heard. But Clary was leaving, so maybe, as a way of celebrating, he would ask Jace to let him use his tub and read the book front to back as a way to close the Clary chapter in their lives.
Life went back to normal after Clary and Jocelyn’s departure. Well. The new normal, where Alec was the only one of the three whose life and mental health were not falling apart. He found time to go on that date he and Magnus had kept postponing. It was not… unpleasant, and Alec learned several things about himself. One, he really didn’t do well with alcohol. And he didn’t care how childish it made him seem. Jace was the only person who didn’t constantly mock him for not liking to drink. Beer really tasted like ass. And so did tequila shots. Two, yep, he was gay. Magnus was super pretty. But, for whatever reason, he couldn’t picture himself doing anything more than hugging and holding hands with Magnus. He had already planted a smooch on the warlock, as an act of rebellion against his parents and the Clave at his almost-wedding to Lydia… but he hoped being in love didn’t involve bricking it before every time a show of physical affection happened. Although, in fairness, not all intimate acts had the entire Clave watching closely. Three, things were definitely going too fast and he had long lost control of the wheel. There was a madman intent on ending their entire world out there, Edom was gaining power, Seelies, Vampires and Werewolves were treating the Accords like a pamphlet and Warlocks were disappearing off to realms known only to them in preparation for the upcoming war. And there he was, Lieutenant Head of the New York Institute, getting his panties in a twist over the fact that a hot warlock wanted to take him home and fuck the living daylights out of him. Which, in any other circumstance, would have been perfection. But although his mind tried hard to reason with Alec, pointing out that “hey, someone wants to bang you. No one ever wants to bang you. Do you really want to die a virgin? Because you will die sooner than you will find someone again”, his body put the brakes on the whole thing. So, after their date, instead of going to the loft with Magnus, Alec told him he had an early morning meeting he had to prepare for. Upset by the perceived rejection, Magnus left, but not without making a polite exit. After all, he could understand cold feet. The reason he was so attracted to Alec was how special and rare of a creature he was. But he still left Alec with the tab. The cute bartender who had seen the whole exchange pointed to the tap and asked Alec, “looks like it’s not your night. Want another one, on the house?” Alec shook his head. “Can I have a peach Capri Sun instead?” He asked. Someone else took the seat Magnus had vacated next to him at the bar and pushed a hundred dollar bill across the counter to the girl. “Actually, I’ll have the alcohol once you give the child his sippy cup. Make it a Devil’s Margin, please.” Alec turned to look at the owner of that silky, dark voice. A tall man, dressed in black, everything designer and very expensive-looking, with an exceedingly attractive face and the tell-tale red glow in his eyes. A greater demon, Alec thought, freezing in his spot. He didn’t have any weapons with him, he had left them all at the wardrobe, glamoured, after Magnus had convinced him demons would not come crash their date. “Did your date not go your way?” the higher demon asked, smiling in a way Alec would have read as… friendly, If it had been anyone else. “What’s it to you? Since when do demons care what we do in our time off?” “Since I’m the demon of desire and everyone’s desires are my job.” The demon said. The bartender slid the Devil’s Margin in front of the stranger and smiled. The demon took a sip from the drink and smiled. “Excellent. Heavy on the alcohol, easy on the ginger ale. Just how I like it.” He said, producing another hundred dollar bill and handing it to the girl. “That’s all yours, baby girl.” Alec watched the young woman fluster and blush, stammering a thank you and going away. He always found it so miraculous when other men were able to charm their way through life’s little exchanges and situations. Jace would have done it even without the money, he thought, sizing up the man (demon) next to him. “Look. I’m not digging for trouble… for now. I’m just curious. Do you think the warlock you were seeing is hot, Alec Lightwood?” The demon asked, revealing to Alec he had done his homework before he’d popped up. “I will gladly answer all your nosy questions, demon, as soon as you tell me your name. Since you already know mine.” “All in due time. Is it that hard to admit, is he hot or not?” “Yes, he is, damn it. Otherwise I wouldn’t have gone on a date with him, he’s been working so super hard to get me to go out with him. I never go out.” “Mmm, interesting.” “And again, what’s it to you?” Alec grumpily asked. If he was going to fry, he might as well get some answers first. “Well, my volatile little Nephilim, my name is Asmodeus, prince of hell, demon of desire and Magnus’ dad.” Alec gasped. Rationally, he knew warlocks were half demon, but he had always pictured the demon half involved one of those hideous creatures they slaughtered in dark alleys while on night missions. He had never considered the higher demons would wish to sire children with mortal women as well. And, looking at Asmodeus, it was easy to see where Magnus got his good looks and charm from.
“Are you here to tell me not to date your son?” Alec said. “Or to make sure that my Nephilim nature kicks in and does exactly that, to spite you?”
“No, not at all. I’m here to save everyone some heartache and to speed up some of my goals becoming reality.” Asmodeus said. “Do you want to date my son?” “Honestly? I don’t know. I… I might not get anyone else. And he is a good man, who’s showing me attention where everyone else is not. He would love me.” “He would watch you die after your short, violent little life. And then he’d mourn and move on. He’s immortal, Alec. You’re not.” “Yeah, there’s that. But isn’t every lasting relationship like that? Even in mundane marriages, someone dies first and is survived by their grieving partner.” “Mundanes have the comfort of thinking they get to meet each other soon.” Alec stared at his Capri Sun. “But that’s not all there is to it, is there?” Asmodeus pressed. “There’s something else holding you back.” “Yes…” Alec said, sighing. “Something stupid.” “Like the hmmm… allegedly unrequited love for your parabatai?” “Why are you even asking me, if you know everything?” Alec covered his face with his palm briefly. “This is embarrassing. I can’t… I can’t do this.” He added and made to get off the bar stool to leave. “No it’s not, and you can. Sit back down. I take desires really seriously. And I’m here to tell you it’s alright to be in love with your parabatai. You two do share a soul and I would be more surprised and disappointed if you two weren’t in love.” “But… why are you so intent on my not dating Magnus? Because that is your agenda, I can tell.”
“It’s because of how difficult it is to see things from an eternal perspective. No matter how much Magnus and you pretend it’s not an obstacle, it is. And I am trying to get Magnus to stop seeking for fleeting connection in various mortals and to finally turn his face back to me, his father. I cannot wait to give him my wisdom, my experience… my power. But I can’t do that if he is always running around trying to please this and that mortal.” “And you want me to turn Magnus down so you can show up for him? Why didn’t you do so before? Why didn’t you protect him and treat him well as a child?” “I was misguided and hurt. I wrongfully took out my anger and my pain on a child who didn’t ask to be here. And since then, Magnus has been running from me.” “Look. I don’t have the power to oppose you. But for some reason you seem to want to do it right this time. Listen to his wishes. He will come to you if he feels respected. It’s not that deep. I know one or two things about abusive parents. Once the trust is broken, and usually it’s broken over and over… it can’t be won back with a simple talk and a hug. It takes time to mend wounds that scarred over but never healed.” Asmodeus smiled at Alec and put his hand over Alec’s nearest one. “I knew you’d understand. As far as Nephilim go, you’re one of the wisest, even for your young years.” Alec looked at the demon’s manicured hand on top of his and for a second, his mind flashed him an image of Asmodeus draped over him in a bed with cool sheets, buried to the hilt inside him, holding his literal life in his hands, their fingers interlaced as they gripped the sheets and moved together… He shook his head. Asmodeus wasn’t playing. He really was the demon of desire.
“Don’t you just wish that was the Herondale boy?” Asmodeus laughed knowingly.
“Wayland, but go off.” “Oops. I guess I shouldn’t have said that.” Asmodeus said with a wink. “But anyway. I wanted to talk to you not to dissuade you from dating my son, but to tell you that you’re bullshitting yourself. Sure, Magnus is wonderful and he would love you and everything. But you’re not in love with him. And I thought I’d spare you and Magnus a few years of heartache and suffering alone and in secret because you let things heat up too fast and then it was too late to say anything. You would so do that. Admit it - if not to me, then to yourself.”
“I… you’re right.” Alec said, taking a sip of his juice. “Too bad Jace doesn’t love me back.” Asmodeus rolled his eyes. “He does. And I know you won’t believe what the old demon said, but just… ask him. Ask him what is in those nightmares that keep him up at night. Oh, and… ask for one kiss. It will tell you all you need to know.” Alec looked away. He had come a long way, he could pass for a great leader on many days, but asking for a kiss? From Jace? That needed working up to. “You have to risk it for the biscuit.” Asmodeus said, shrugging. “Or, in terms you Nephilim folk prefer, no pain, no gain.” Alec winced. He was trying to change that. Everyone outside the Nephilim society laughed at them and called them primitive for abusing their children to turn them into soldiers and for burning their own people for even the slightest mistake, until their numbers were dwindling. It felt like an uphill battle, but he knew it could be done. Unless the Clave really wanted to drive their race to extinction. “Thanks for the insight… I guess?” Alec said and took a sip of his drink. When he looked to his side, Asmodeus had vanished, leaving behind only a veil of very high end Moroccan blend perfume, something with sandalwood, crushed rose petals and ylang-ylang.
Alec shivered. He’d survived meeting Asmodeus. And in theory it wasn’t a big deal, he’d killed greater demons before without thinking much of it, but Asmodeus was different. He was Magnus’ dad. He could have been his father-in-law, which would have made Easter lunches very awkward, for starters.
He paid what he owed to the bartender and she smiled as she cashed him in. “Straighten your crown and go get’em. You’re a cutie, it’ll all work out for you.” She said. Alec sighed. “Thanks. There’s nothing about me that can be straight… but I appreciate the sentiment.” He got his weapons and coat from the wardrobe and went back to the Institute. On the way back, he was stopped by some unsavoury mundanes who wanted to mug him. Alec asked himself what Jace would do, and what would make Magnus cringe the least. He ended up breaking all those men’s arms and legs and walking away while feeling a huge sulk taking him over. To top it all off, it started to rain.
Soaked to his skin, now he really wanted that hot bath with a book. When he went up to Jace’s room, it was empty and Alec decided it would hurt no one if he did run himself that hot bath and read the book from Clary. As he gingerly lowered himself into the tub, the exhaustion and the stress of the past month hit him at full force. He closed his eyes and let the heat and the pine scent of the water seep into his bones and mind, relaxing him. Now he was starting to see why Jace loved to take baths so often. He opened “The Alchemist” and started reading. He found the book easy to read through, since he was used to far longer and bigger volumes. The start didn’t impress him much, but by the time he got through the first twenty pages, he was hooked. The ending moved him to tears and it made him think of his own situation. He was also sitting on a treasure, ignoring it because of preconceived ideas on how treasures had to appear and be revealed. It was how Jace found him, crying in the bath, the foam having dissolved almost completely. Jace ran over to him and knelt next to the tub, hugging Alec at once and kissing his forehead worriedly. “What’s wrong, parabatai? What happened?” Jace asked, running his hands through Alec’s wet hair and smoothing it back. Alec looked at Jace through his tears and he sighed. The surge of love and awe he felt just from seeing Jace again (and it had only been a few hours since he’d last seen him, at breakfast) was enough to tell him that Asmodeus had been a hundred percent right. He was so deeply, desperately and irreversibly in love with Jace, there was no use lying to himself and thinking it was wiser to stay away. Sure, giving in and admitting his love to Jace might bring some heartache, maybe some punishment too if they were found out, but at least they’d have each other. And he would have the one person he had loved from the day they’d met.
Alec took in Jace’s appearance. While he had been caught in the rain, Jace had been lucky and his clothes and hair were dry. He had gone and gotten his haircut refreshed, and it looked so incredibly good on him. Jace also wore a white shirt that subtly outlined his pecs and abs and tight jeans with his designer boots.
“The book was sad.” Alec said, feeling silly for saying the first thing that popped into his mind. It was a childish reason to give; they were Shadowhunters, they witnessed tragedy on an individual and global scale regularly. Jace smiled and ran his fingers through Alec’s hair again, leaning close and kissing his temple. He also looked down at the discarded book. He knew it was the book Clary had given Alec and he also knew the plot. He had read it a while ago while waiting to meet a cute Seelie in a bookstore. “Did your date with Magnus not go so well?” He asked, even though it pained him. Jace knew it wasn’t classy to be this petty, but Magnus having come onto the scene had changed his life for the worse by introducing the idea of competition for Alec’s love and attention… and the prospect of him losing. Until recently, no matter how shitty the rest of his life was, he always knew he had Alec’s full attention, devotion and affection. Jace had been in love with Alec for a while now, and he had woken up one day overwhelmed with love for his shy and reserved parabatai after thinking for a long time that he was the straightest person in the entire Shadow World. Loving Alec was easy, because Jace wore a mask for everyone else and with Alec he didn’t need to. And even though Alec was very withdrawn and private, he reserved the best parts of himself for Jace, who had always needed to be seen and prioritised by someone. Now, with Magnus in the picture, he could see himself losing all of that and being demoted to “one of the others’’ in favour of the boyfriend. He had already begun to resign himself to having lost the best and brightest part of his life. He had made it a part of his outward performance to be seen with many women and girls of all races, mundanes and Downworlders alike, but he could not bring himself to like or even open himself up at least a bit to anyone, in an unspoken (even to himself) hope of one day gathering his guts and telling Alec how he felt. But his father’s words rang in his mind. The way he saw it, “to love is to destroy” only worked if the love was expressed, fulfilled and returned. If it was just things one felt in secret and suffered from, it was fine. Only now it was all lost. Alec was in love - with Magnus. And Jace didn’t blame him. Magnus had the balls to announce his feelings directly. Normally, he would have been this confident too. But he didn’t think he was worthy of Alec’s love. He felt that Alec would be getting a bad deal with him as a boyfriend. He was neither rich, nor powerful or famous. And Alec deserved to be treated like a king, not late night dates at Mickey D’s, eating McRibs with ichor-stained hands.
Lost in his little cinematic sad story inside his head, Jace didn’t notice Alec watching him and smiling. “Actually the date with Magnus was great. I came back here after because it didn’t feel right to go to his place after.” “Why not?” Jace pushed, feeling a masochistic need to hear more about the ways in which Alec was slipping away from him. “You like the guy.” Alec looked at him pointedly and raised an eyebrow. “Jace. You know very well I don’t like anyone. And I only love you.”  He said, his voice becoming tinier as he got to the word “love”.
Jace’s eyes shot up to look at his parabatai. “It’s always been you, Jace.” Alec said, forcing himself to maintain eye contact. “In another world, if I were any bit more different, I’d be strong enough to let the outside pressure get to me  and move on, but I just don’t know how to be without you and I don’t want to either. I’ve been in love with you, in many ways that grew along the way, since the moment you walked into that training room and roasted my archery skills. I know to others I am weak for being so attached and needy, but… I don’t know how not to be, when it comes to you.”
Jace’s eyes were swimming in tears by the time Alec paused. He was still kneeling near the tub, one hand buried in Alec’s wet curly hair, the other holding one of Alec’s hands. He kissed the back of the hand he was holding, then lightly kissed each finger. “I feel the same. I was so torn, Alec. You deserve the best things ever and I’m not that. I’m broken. I thought you’d be happy with Magnus, but selfishly, I hated the thought of losing you.” It was Alec’s turn to caress stray strands behind a delicate ear. “We’re broken along the same lines. Like shards of a mirror that show the same image when you put them together.” Alec said. “The reason I was crying is because Clary knew exactly what I needed to hear. Like the guy in this book, I don’t need exotic travels and treasures beyond imagining. All I need is right here with me.”
When their lips finally met, it was with no hesitation and no fumbling. Once they had made up their respective minds, there was no holding back for either of them. “I want everything, Jace. And I want it with you.” Alec said in a heated voice, sounding breathless and overcome with excitement. “Then come, let me show you,” Jace said, feeling a lump of emotion form in his throat, making it hard to speak. Seeing Alec’s courage to say how he felt had made him go all in as well. In just a second, his indecision and his fears and worries had vanished like fog under the sun. But even though the emotions were positive and bursting forth from his soul like sunbeams, he still felt tears well up and spill down his cheeks. One word, one sign of reassurance had been enough. They were both getting what they wanted but had not dared to ask for. Alec briefly thought of Asmodeus and his knowing smirk, but then he felt Jace lift him easily from the tub and wrap him in a big towel, not doing too good a job drying him before he carried him, bridal-style, to the adjacent bedroom. He squeaked at being carried, but he still clung to Jace and rested his head on Jace’s shoulder, enjoying the attention from his parabatai. Jace hadn’t considered sleeping with a man, whether mundane or otherwise, but he found that Alec felt as familiar as he did to himself, and everything came naturally to him, especially since he was focusing on making sure Alec had a pleasurable first time. In fact, it was their first time and it could only be amazing, like everything they did as a pair.
He undressed hurriedly and unselfconsciously, feeling himself harden when Alec watched him greedily, his desire increasing with each item that came off.
Alec looked like sin made flesh on Jace’s bed, naked and hard, panting and watching Jace, biting his lower lip and reaching for his parabatai.
“You’re the most beautiful being I’ve ever laid eyes on,” Jace decreed, giving his cock a loose stroke, his eyes raking over Alec’s bared form before he got onto the bed and scooted next to Alec, flinging a leg over him and straddling him. “And you’re mine. I’m going to make you forget other men exist.” He reached over to Alec with two fingers, running them down the middle of his forehead, over his nose and further down to his lips.
Alec gasped and opened his mouth, his plush lips wrapping themselves around the roving fingers and dragging along the soft skin. Jace felt himself leak a sticky trail onto Alec’s cock beneath him from how enticing Alec looked, sucking his fingers unabashedly, rolling his hips up to rub against Jace and wanting to wring every drop of pleasure from the moment. Jace found he could no longer hold back and he leaned forward, his lips finding Alec’s. They again fused into one, their souls merging and flowing from one into the other and then back, in a loop. “Shit, if kissing is this intense, I won’t survive being inside you.” Jace said, nipping on Alec’s chin, on the spot he had the scar in. “Worth it. Can’t think of a better way to go.” Alec gave back, bringing his arms up so he could indulge in something he’d wanted to do since forever - running his hands greedily all over Jace, fingers carding through his hair, tracing his vertebrae as they descended, straying to his sides, his pecs, then his hips and then his ass. Alec felt ravenous - as though he couldn’t get Jace close enough, soon enough. He arched into Jace’s mouth and wailed at the sensation as his parabatai bit, then sucked a massive bruise into his deflect rune. “Jace, I can’t… I’ll go fucking insane if you’re not inside me soon. We can explore later.” Alec demanded. Jace looked down at their engorged and leaking cocks, rubbing against each other. “Um… normally I should open you up slowly. It’s a really small hole. Can you wait?” “I’ve been waiting since I was fucking fifteen. Get thee in me - preferably today.” “Look, if I use runes, it might still sting.” “I’m a Shadowhunter. Let’s see those runes.” “Alec, are you sure? It’s your first time… it might hurt.” “Do I look like I care? I get to have you for the rest of my life. Every time will be as special as a first time.” Jace smiled, relenting at the passionate words. This was 100% his Alec. Hesitant and overthinking while weighing his choices, all in once he made up his mind. He allowed himself to fantasize about a life of belonging to Alec and to Alec only, and of Alec being his in the same way. He felt his heart fill up to the point of overflowing with love and he knew he wanted nothing else. Even if it was a short and perilous life, even if their destiny as soldiers against the realms of hell cleaved their trajectory through the world before it had reached its end point, it would be a life lived in the completeness of their bond, made stronger by their love. He felt Alec’s burning gaze on him when he got out of bed to get his stele. While he retrieved it from his trousers, he wondered if, once Alec and him became one in every sense of the word, he would be able to activate Alec’s runes too with only his intention. Only one way to find out. Using the combination of runes he knew from Isabelle on her brother felt like the naughtiest and at the same time most rewarding sex thing he’d ever done thus far, and he couldn’t help but smile at the thought. It was so hot, watching and feeling his soon-to-be lover’s body become accommodating for him. Even the slight pain, which he could feel in the bond, was amplifying his aroused anticipation, as he watched Alec squirm and arch under the burn of the runes - which soon turned pleasurable, wringing a debauched moan from Alec.
“Please, Jace. I’m ready.” Alec said, sucking his reddened and glistening lower lip into his mouth briefly, looking up at Jace with feverish eyes.
Jace couldn’t have resisted if he tried. He knelt between Alec’s eagerly parting legs, taking the time to check if the runes had taken and if his parabatai was relaxed enough. He stroked two fingers over Alec’s opening and found it warm and pleasantly slick, which reassured him enough to delve inside. He moaned and squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling of Alec’s tight walls squeezing down on his fingers, picturing what that would feel like around his cock. With his other hand, he gave his cock a few strokes, spreading the droplets of precome drooling from the tip and bringing it up against Alec’s entrance, pressing in while removing his fingers. Alec closed his eyes and arched off the sheets as the head of Jace’s cock stretched him further than he had thought possible. Jace took one of his hands and squeezed it, bringing it to his lips and kissing it. “Breathe - deep and slow. It’ll help.” He whispered, before leaning down to kiss Alec while still pushing in. He could feel the same burn his parabatai felt in his body and he wondered at the force of Alec’s need for him. There would be so many other times when they could live out all their desires and fantasies, but for now it was about Alec and what he wanted. “Fuck, Alec. You are so tight it’s unreal.” Jace said when he bottomed out. He was now buried to the hilt inside his parabatai and the bond flared between them, its flame switching from pale blue to bright gold. Both boys got hit by the intensity of the transmutation. Their bond was now something different, stronger and new in a way they couldn’t have anticipated. They had both been warned by the Silent Brothers at their ceremony not to fall and commit Eros, lest they draw the angels’ wrath and the parabatai curse onto them. But, as time passed and they grew up, they had both learned the curse was a scaretale used to enforce the Clave’s disapproval of same sex relationships and to secure Clave control over parabatai pairs and their abilities as warriors. He Clave wanted them good, but not too good.
“Do you feel… that… too?” Jace asked in awe.
“Yes, I do. I feel you, as a part of me.” Alec said breathlessly. “Please, move. I want it all.” Jace propped himself up on his hands on Alec’s chest and started to move, picking up pace quickly. “Angels, Alec.You feel divine.” Jace whispered. His entire world had narrowed down to Alec beneath him. But even that wasn’t enough and he sat back on his heels, pulling Alec up in his lap until they were wrapped around each other, their limbs woven together like the petals of a lotus. Jace had never really enjoyed a connection with someone before here and now, with Alec. Sex had always been yet another performance to persuade the world that the great Jace Wayland was as perfect and as unattainable as they wanted him to be, the fantasy superhero all of Idris wanted to believe in and parade as an example. If he could have had his choice, he would have not shared his body with anyone unless he felt drawn to do so. But as it were, everyone else had always seen him as a shiny trinket to collect, a fetish to experiment with, a fantasy to conquer. All but Alec. “Jace! I’m c-close.” Alec pressed out while the force of Jace’s upward thrusts into him bounced him on Jace’s lap. “Come with me!”
Jace nodded with a growl and changed their position again, having them lie down face to face, up close and still entwined as they’d been just moments before, with Alec’s legs encircling his hips. It wasn’t a comfortable position they could hold for long, but it brought them close together and Jace loved that he could rest a hand on Alec’s neck and pull him close for a possessive kiss. A silent understanding passed between them, the same intent reflected in both sets of eyes. They came at the same time, each letting go easily while knowing the other would be right there too. After that night, Alec discovered that Jace could practically go on forever, but, considerate as he was, he did stop when Alec became physically unable to keep up. And Jace was also an attentive lover, apparently, either as a rule or just for him, Alec didn’t care, since he currently couldn’t feel his body beyond the burn in his ass and the deep fatigue, neighbouring numbness, that had taken over his limbs. But Jace fed him pineapple gummibears from his secret stash (if that wasn’t love, nothing was, Alec thought, knowing how territorial Jace was of those gummibears). Jace discovered that he could, in fact, activate Alec’s runes with his intention, something which turned Alec on like mad and which made their night’s activities stretch until late in the morning. Once they finally dragged themselves under the shower, Jace remembered his gift from Clary. “I need to take you on a proper date, to make this official. Museum of Modern Art sound good to you? The Dicks in Design exhibit is in town.” “If I want to see a big dick for free, all I need to do is look your way. Let’s just go and stare at the art.” Jace opened his mouth to clap back, but he couldn’t think of anything. Couldn’t object against facts, although what kept him from feeling smug was the ambiguous phrasing. Had Alec meant he had a big dick? Or that he was a big dick?
*** The evening had just begun and Pandemonium was buzzing with excitement. This date marked the return of Magnus Bane to the club scene. The moment he had seen Alec again after their one date, Magnus had known Alec would never be his. And then he had seen Jace and the massive change in him, in the way the two parabatai looked at each other, in the way the energy in the room changed and thrummed around them. He could not begrudge the two Shadowhunters the refuge they had found in each other. Being parabatai in their time was difficult and it was a small blessing they could be everything for each other like that. He couldn’t say he was mourning that which had never been. He had a new girlfriend now and his father was making an effort to be a slightly more tolerable demon and an actual parent to his only son. Magnus had a family now and it made him feel like he finally belonged. Now he was observing Alec and Jace on the dance floor below. Alec had never struck him as a big lover of fun, partying and much less dancing. But what he was currently doing was hardly a dance. He and Jace were just grinding against each other to the beat of the music, lost in each other like they were the only people in the club. They were both dressed in white and the hostesses at the club entrance had dabbed glitter on them, like they did with all the guests that night, only Jace and Alec looked  downright heavenly, sparkling in the bluish-white light.
Then, Magnus’ eye was drawn to the VIP booth, where his father stood at the window, watching the couple below with the tiniest smile fluttering on his lips. Magnus shuddered, remembering Asmodeus was the demon of desire and his powers grew off of people giving into their secret and forbidden passions. He didn’t put it past his father to have stuck his finger in the parabatai pie. His concerns only intensified when Alec suddenly looked up, saw Asmodeus, waved and smiled. (the end)
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