#i tried s2 and gave up after the first episode
fictionadventurer · 2 years
Theory: A good reboot/revival of a series/franchise requires creators who not only love the franchise, but love the works/genres that inspired the franchise.
Star Wars: The sequel series, made for people who love Star Wars, is widely seen as a negligible rehash. The works most widely seen as successful are Rogue One, which is built on WWII spy and airplane dogfights, and The Mandalorian, which draws from the tales of samurais and questing knights. Going back to the genres that inspired the original series provides more scope for new and interesting stories while still having the same tone as the rest of the franchise.
Animaniacs: The original was built out of a love of classic Looney Tunes and Marx Brothers type comedy. The reboot focuses on Animaniacs as a product of the '90s, trying to draw from that show while ignoring the type of comedy it was built from, making something that rarely fits into the spirit of the original.
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vin-taege · 1 year
spoilers!!!! hello!!! you asked for chishiya x reader request? can i request oneshot or headcannon of them reuniting in the hospital in the last episode?(they both were in borderland) so they were dating before and during and after borderland (maybe they were walking together in shibuya that kind of thing so they both are alive)
It's been a while so I might be rusty :') For this, I decided to set pre-borderlands reader and chishiya at the beginning stage of their relationship (think first date) so the reunion impact has much more oomf (in my silly little head, this makes sense). I hope you like it!!
What's Missing?
Summary: You had made a promise, but you can't remember for the life of you what nor to whom—but a certain blonde with a Cheshire smile may help you recall.
Genre: fluff, alice in borderland au, hinted established relationship
Pairing: reader x chishiya
Words: 1.1k
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You couldn't feel your dominant hand. The pain had dwindled into numbness, but you were certain a silver bullet had dug its way in between the bones of your lower arm. Chishiya had managed to take his jacket off despite the blood pouring out his own side. Through his shallow breathing, he tied it it tightly around your wound, trying his best to ignore your pained groan.
The bullet-fire had stopped a good hour ago, leading you both to think that the King of Spades was long gone. But your wounds didn't stem from that game—it was from the godforsaken shootout Niragi started.
You and the blonde sat side by side, huddled behind a dented car Usagi and Arisu had dragged you towards. You tried your best to shift a little so you can face him better, bringing your other arm to press against his blood-soaked torso. He spared a small grunt, the only thing telling you that he was in as much—if not, more—pain as you are. His warm hand covered yours, the two of you trying to put pressure on his wound.
"___," he exhaled slowly. "Promise me."
You hummed in response, whispering, "Okay."
Chishiya let out a low chuckle, "I haven't said what for yet."
"You don't need to," you turned your head up, eyes meeting his. "I'll do anything for you."
He gave you a small smile—the type void of his usual snark. In a way, he seemed almost sad, fearful. "I know. Sometimes I wish you wouldn't."
The blood pool underneath you grew. You didn't know which blood was whose, and you'd rather not find out. 
"Promise me you'll remember," he quietly murmured. If you weren't paying attention you would have most likely missed it underneath the boom of fireworks, suddenly appearing the way they did when you first came into this wretched place. The familiar robotic voice greeted all surviving players with a congratulatory message, one you drowned out in favor of focusing on the only person that mattered: Chishiya.
"I promise. We'll find each other again."
Unbeknownst to you, your eyebrows knit together in worry upon seeing his paler complexion. The blush in his cheeks and the color from his lips have drained out, blooming on the cement instead. A dull spark in his deep brown irises fought to stay alive. You wanted to kiss him so bad.
You would've done anything to feel his lips against yours again, or his fingers in between your hair. Even inches from death, he looked so beautiful, but you were scared that the slightest touch would rip him away from you.
"That's all I need," Chishiya gave your hand a small squeeze, the light of fireworks reflecting off his cat-like eyes.
The disembodied voice in the background asked one last question, one you both knew the answer to. In a blink of an eye, everything melted away.
Disoriented, you found yourself back in Shibuya, waiting for your date outside a coffee shop. You blinked twice, as if waking up from a dream, the only thing grounding you being the buzz of the hundreds of people coming and going. From the corner of your eye, you saw the flash of platinum blonde hair—and felt the impact of the meteor immediately after.
   .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
The first thing you woke up to was systematic beeping.
Your body hurt all over, especially your dominant arm. With a glance, you realized that it hung in a cast. With enough effort and pain tolerance, you could still wiggle your fingers. 
Something was missing.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a nurse walking into your room, her small gasp catching your attention. She quickly scampered off to most likely find a doctor, but you couldn't have cared less. Your mind was stuck on somewhere—someone?—else. There's something important you had to do, but you didn't know what.
You needed to meet someone.
It would be days later when this thought would flash across your head. 
That's right. There was someone you had to see.
You've healed enough to roam around the hospital now, but you still couldn't be discharged because they had to monitor the fracture in your lower arm. The way the bones have splintered could've only been caused by a gunshot wound, which stumped the doctors because how on earth could you have been shot during the impact? 
Subconsciously, your walk has led you to a patient lounge area. Looking around, you saw a girl with chin length-hair laughing across a boy with long, shaggy hair, a small bandage stuck across his cheek. Other patients were scattered among the tables, some watching TV, others silently reading by themselves. That's when you locked eyes.
At the furthermost corner, a man sat with a set chessboard and an open pack of crackers. A flash of recognition sparked across your mind, and a part of you knew he felt it too. 
You promised something. Promised what? To whom?
Without breaking eye contact, you walked towards the bookshelves his table was placed next to. He raised an eyebrow, light blonde strands of hair framing his sharp eyes. You gulped, second-guessing yourself.
You promised.
Half-heartedly browsing the shelf, you picked a book out, halting when you heard the blonde clear his throat. 
"Your supposed to sign the logbook before borrowing," he nodded towards a bookstand, which was set beside a large window overlooking the hospital's garden. 
"Ah, thank you," you replied meekly. 
It was only when you were in front of the logbook that you realized: shit, you couldn't write. 
Struggling, it took you an embarrassing amount of time to properly hold the pen. You could feel him watching you, smirking at your helplessness. Weirdly enough, you didn't feel offended or annoyed. Instead, warmth nestled within your chest.
I promise I'll find you.
You had barely scrawled three letters when you felt his presence closer to you. You looked over to your side, slowly taking him in.
His hair was tied into a small ponytail, a few loose strands poking out. His eyes looked less cold upfront, specks of sunlight entrapped in the rich brown. He felt like home, like hot chocolate after a long day or the rediscovery of a childhood toy.
"I thought you needed help," his lips curled slightly, a boyish grin adorning his features.
You chuckled lightly, "Thank you. My name is—"
And before you even finished, he had written your entire name—as if he knew it by heart, as if it was an oath he'd held onto dearly. 
You tore your eyes from the paper, meeting his intense gaze again. He gingerly raised his hand, his heart yearning to reach out to you. He didn't know why but it all felt right when he first saw you. Everything was in its place.
You held his hand in midair, bringing it over to your cheek.
You've done this lifetimes before.
"Chishiya," his name left your mouth like a whisper—a wish scattered upon the heavens to come true.
"You were late to our date," you teased him. 
He snorted a little, eyes crinkling as his grin widened. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."
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vidavalor · 3 months
Wrong Boy
What Bildad the Shuite, Mr. Dalrymple and Warlock's birthday party can tell us about what's going on in the 2.06 Final 15. Another post in a series about how "The Metatron" with Aziraphale at the end of S2 is actually Satan.
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Warlock Dowling. The kid Crowley and Aziraphale took care of for a few years, believing him to be The Antichrist. Not actually The Antichrist. The wrong boy.
Warlock's 11th Birthday Party. The reason why Crowley and Aziraphale were there was to try again to stop Armageddon. Hell was supposed to show up at the party. The Devil was sending a gift to his son-- a dog. The Hell Hound. The gift, once accepted by The Antichrist, was supposed to signal the start of Armageddon.
Crowley and Aziraphale were undercover at the party in an effort to stop Warlock from encountering and naming The Hell Hound and starting the end times as a result... but The Hell Hound was late. The moment that results in them realizing they got it all wrong starts out with dialogue that is referenced again in S2-- in relation to The Meeting Ball.
Aziraphale followed Crowley out to The Bentley, mortified by having put on a terrible magic show in front of Crowley. Crowley, though, was gentle and caring in his reply. He tried to reassure Aziraphale and gas him up a bit.
Aziraphale: "That was all a bit of a disaster, I'm afraid."
Crowley: "Nonsense. You gave them a party to remember. Last one they'll ever have, mind..."
As they're sitting in The Bentley and after communicating with Hell during this scene via the radio, they realize that they fucked it up. The kid they thought was the spawn of The Devil is not actually that. Warlock is not The Antichrist. They had the wrong boy this whole time.
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Nonsense. The meaning of "balderdash" and "piffle"-- the words spoken by "The Metatron" when he first arrives in 2.06. The first word of what Crowley said to Aziraphale in the "wrong boy" scene.
The gift for the "son". The Hell Hound. The Coffee.
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A disaster termed "a night to remember": The Titanic.
The Titanic. Big ship, first of its kind. Hit iceberg. Was thought to be unsinkable. Turns out, it could very much sink. Angels can be tempted. They can sink-- can fall-- to the bottom of the ocean floor. Aziraphale falling is "The Titanic" of his story and the story overall.
If Warlock's birthday party = The Meeting Ball, then Crowley and Aziraphale have the "wrong boy" once again at the end of S2.
Instead of Warlock being mistaken for The Devil's son, "The Metatron" is really The Devil... who appears in the form of the closest thing Aziraphale has to a father-- The Metatron.
"My Heart Will Go On." Theme song from the film 'Titanic' and on Aziraphale's playlist for S2. Uh oh...
Then, there's this:
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"It will be a night to remember!" Aziraphale, describing his then-upcoming Meeting Ball in an episode-ending bit of important dialogue while pointing Upwards, foreshadowing both Crowley going Up and Aziraphale's "going Up to get Down" that happens at the end of this Titanic hitting the iceberg. Crowley will actually wind up trying to keep most of the partygoers from not remembering as much of the events of this party as possible... ironically, since Aziraphale says "a night to remember" to Crowley in reference to the kind thing Crowley said to him about the kids being happy to remember Warlock's birthday party.
The next morning, Crowley will use dialogue that references Warlock's birthday party again... either consciously or unconsciously. Either way, it's a dialogue reference to it for us to notice... and it makes sense that Warlock's party would fit into 2.06's Final 15 here because the dialogue we're talking about is from a scene that's actually after the party... and this is all taking place after, well, a party.
The dialogue shows up here:
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Crowley: "Oh, I know you. Last time I saw you, you were a giant, floating head, mind."
Welcome to the only other scene in the series in which Crowley has used "mind" at the end of a sentence but for the casual time he did post-Warlock's birthday party. It's calling our attention to the late Hell Hound not arriving at that party... in the moment that "The Metatron" has just arrived here, in the aftermath of the mirrored party.
The Devil himself is here this time.
It might also be worth noting that when Crowley and Aziraphale figure out that Warlock is the wrong boy, it's because of Crowley having just spoken to Hell via the radio in The Bentley... which is also how Satan attacked Crowley in 1.01. Those two scenes are then tied together and both of them are in play in 2.06.
The show also takes pains to call the meeting a "party" several times. Besides Aziraphale saying "we're having a ball", the character who is of The Devil and whose actions let The Devil Himself into the bookshop-- Shax-- twice refers to what's going on as "a party." When she arrives: "how sweet-- they're having a party" and, later, she corrects Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets when he says that what is going on is a meeting. She tells him that it's not a meeting because they were "dancing." That it's a party is referenced several times, further drawing correlation between the climax of S2 and Warlock's 11th Birthday Party.
Crowley-- a demon-- is called upon by "The Metatron" to identify him to everyone else after every single other being in the room fails to recognize him. Every single other being in the room besides Crowley is an angel and *all* of them fail to recognize this being as The Metatron. Every one of them. How can five angels fail to recognize the leader of Heaven? Maybe because that's not actually the leader of Heaven? Maybe because The Devil had to get someone he can control-- and we've seen that he can control Crowley in 1.01-- to tell everyone else that he's The Metatron... which is exactly what happens in this scene?
Crowley identifies the being in such a way that the other angels see him as The Metatron. No one questions him. Rather hilariously, since angels who don't like Crowley are in the room, everyone just believes him and takes what he says at face value. This includes Michael, who has now done this twice-- they also did this during the Job minisode, which we'll look at in a moment.
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Michael (gloriously bitchy, asking THE question): "And who are you?"
The context clues suggesting this being's fake identity that led everyone to believe it after its reveal were planted by "The Metatron" upon his arrival... and that's familiar, too. We've seen that one before... Crowley did it earlier in the season.
Remember where we saw that and another significant who are you? one before?
Here, with Sitis:
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Crowley gives Sitis suggestion as to who he will appear to be to her, even if they've never met before. Who is he? He's "an old friend, here to offer some comfort." Sitis is having A Day over here and is somewhat resistant at first to influence and she's never met this being before so she naturally has this question:
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She's paralleling Michael in 2.06 here. All who are you and why are you interrupting me? I'm a bit busy over here... and what did Crowley say?
"You tell me." Crowley gave her the answer he wanted and when Sitis was resistant and Crowley needed to get to the kids to save them, he influenced her so she'd help him get to who he wanted instead of standing in his way. Crowley seeks to protect the kids, obviously. He has the opposite motivation of Satan in 2.06 but the methods are the same.
Sitis falls under Crowley's suggestion at "you tell me"-- she responds normally-enough but there's enough of her reaction at the start that shows that her mind is being influenced. She gets a little quiet, her eyes widen, she's staring for a brief moment... kinda like Crowley in the chair before he speaks in after "The Metatron"'s arrival in 2.06. Crowley was in Sitis' mind and made her say back to him what he'd told her to say:
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"Bildad" quite literally means "old friend" so Sitis basically regurgitates Crowley's "just an old friend" by translating it into a name in her mind. Crowley's "sure" is comedic but this is also an example of Crowley using magical influence over someone-- one of two that happens in S2. In both times, Crowley's use of it is benign in overall intent but it's still not really with the full awareness of the person he's using it on.
This kind of power when used by The Devil, though? Yikes...
The second time we see Crowley do this is with Mister Dalrymple. And what did Crowley suggest-- at Aziraphale's request-- that Mister Dalrymple do? So that Aziraphale could have time to try to lure Mister Dalrymple into his way of thinking-- though the opposite wound up being true?
Invite them to stay and have a chat... over a drink.
A chat over a wee tipple of whiskey. That moment has a paralleling friend in 2.06, too...
A chinwag over a large oat milk latte with a dash/hefty jigger of almond syrup...
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Now, we're also referencing The Resurrectionist minisode in The Final 15. You know, the one where Crowley is dragged back to Hell in Edinburgh... the same place Aziraphale went to alone during S2. When asked where Aziraphale was during that time by Shax, Crowley replied that Aziraphale was:
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Stocktaking. In the basement. On the surface, this is an excuse Crowley gives Shax to explain why she can't see Aziraphale through the window of the shop while Aziraphale is in Edinburgh. Shax clearly doesn't buy it and tracks down Aziraphale in The Bentley on his way back from Scotland. But this is also a metaphor on two different levels.
The first is that Crowley was dragged back to Hell in Edinburgh in 1827 and that Hell is the basement of the whole Heaven/Hell skyscraper office situation. Edinburgh is Hell is "the basement" to Crowley. While Aziraphale was there, he was working on some of his trauma related to 1827-- taking stock of what he had and where he was at in order to move forward. Aziraphale going to Edinburgh actually is Aziraphale metaphorically "stocktaking in the basement"... it's just that it also potentially foreshadows that once Shax actually gets through that door, it's the start of how Aziraphale is going to wind up doing some further stocktaking in the actual basement that is Hell.
Jump back to Sitis for a moment. Why does Sitis say "Shuite"? It's more important than it seems.
We already looked at why she says "Bildad"-- it's because of Crowley's "old friend"-- but why does she say "the Shuite"? It's not what Crowley said this time, so much as what he did-- jumping into her mind.
Remember later when Crowley uses a homophone-- "Shu-ite" and "shoes"-- and cracks this joke:
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Crowley says "shoes" and Michael says "the land of Shua" but Bildad is Bildad "the Shuite" because Sitis was trying to say the other word that's a homophone for "shoes" and "Shu-a" here: "shoo."
Was there was a part of Sitis that was aware of Crowley in her mind was telling him to get out, to leave, to go... or was the fact that she had been trying to get Crowley to leave before he influenced her a factor in how she came up with his identity?
It shows that a person under suggestion by a supernatural being in Good Omens is forced to say and do whatever that being is forcing them to say or do but they might have some mild level of resistance where their words are concerned, if they can find a way to do so. Crowley was not exerting a terribly powerful influence over Sitis because he prefers to not do this at all. But The Devil himself is not going to have any such qualms... and we've been shown in 1.01 that when he takes over Crowley, Crowley really can't resist the influence. Still, he might have been trying, since The Devil needed him to speak and it was Aziraphale in the crosshairs.
And, of course, back in 2.06, The Big Damn Villain Music in the score goes insane at this moment here when "The Metatron" looks at Crowley without Aziraphale noticing-- a look that can be interpreted not just as a glare but as instructions. It's what keeps Crowley in the bookshop. It furthers the suggestion that "The Metatron" is magically influencing Crowley and since Crowley's main contribution is to identify him as The Metatron, well... casts some serious doubt over the idea that this is anybody but the one being who can exert that kind of control over Crowley-- Satan.
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Now, go back to Crowley and to "...last time I saw you, you were a giant, floating head, mind."
Aziraphale doesn't totally seem to realize it but the events of the previous night letting everyone into the bookshop has, well, let everyone into the bookshop. Aziraphale thinks of the bookshop as a safe haven where Crowley's concerned and, until The Meeting Ball, it was. But Shax allowed in tipped the dominoes and now means that the bookshop is now overrun, all of Hell can get in, and Crowley's no longer safe from Satan while inside the bookshop.
"...giant, floating head, mind" isn't just about Warlock's birthday party.
It's a reference to The Devil taking over Crowley's mind in 1.01.
It's a reference to that for us and, if Crowley is able to resist at all or is trying to on some level, then it's an equivalent to Sitis saying "Shuite" in an attempt to say "shoo"-- it's a word Crowley is choosing sneaking out in the influence that Satan has over him in that moment. He's screaming wrong boy wrong boy wrong boy and he's in my mind beneath the calmer way that Satan is having him identify him to everyone as The Metatron and hoping Aziraphale will get it.
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Everyone believes Crowley when he says the being before them all is The Metatron because the reveal of it makes sense with the clues laid out by what "The Metatron" has said upon his arrival. Old British white guy-sounding being? Using old language-- "balderdash", "complete piffle"? Being a smarmy, patronizing dick towards Michael? Yeah, that sounds like The Metatron... enough that everyone doesn't stop to notice what else this being says the moment he has them all convinced. Phrases like "spit spot"... the signature line of the Hell-aligned 'Mary Poppins'... but we'll look at all the 'Mary Poppins' in end of S2 in another meta.
Back to our next bit of dialogue referencing signifying the presence of The Devil in 2.06. That is "go on." Whether this is just a clue to us from the other scene or whether it's also Crowley, trying to resist the influence to try to warn Aziraphale is interpretable but, either way, when Crowley stays put and doesn't seem to notice Aziraphale silently trying to get Crowley to come with him and The Metatron, there's this dialogue:
Crowley: "Go on. Day can't get any weirder."
Weird means strange, unexpected, unnatural... Something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong is what Crowley's basically saying. But it's the "go on" that's the real 👀 because of what it references from earlier in the season...
Remember this?
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Crowley: "Go on. Have an ox rib."
Yeah, that's a direct dialogue comparison that calls what "The Metatron" is doing with Aziraphale temptation... which means "The Metatron" is The Devil.
Gabriel showed up in S2 and what he could remember was a quote from The Book of Job-- something God said that night Crowley and Aziraphale found her speaking "to Job" (really: to them, but it's unclear if they've figured that out yet.) God warned at the beginning of S2 that Aziraphale needs to remember the Job minisode something fierce for what's to come. He's being tested. He's being tempted. The Devil shows up in 2.06 to tempt him... and it parallels the ox rib scenes by both echoing and inverting it, like the mirror that it is.
Angels actually can be tempted but that's not really what Crowley was doing in Job's cellar. The ox rib scene is actually about consent. Let's look at the start of it.
As the storm started in 2500 B.C., Crowley started pouring wine. He poured two glasses and offered Aziraphale one. Aziraphale did not take it.
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Aziraphale did not take it because Aziraphale, at the time, was not interested in wine. He didn't wish to drink. "The Metatron" manipulates Aziraphale's emotions when it comes to the coffee. He preys on Aziraphale's need to be polite and on how afraid Aziraphale is of The Metatron. Aziraphale has never had any such fear of Crowley-- he hilariously was pretty direct about his distaste for wine back in Job's cellar. The Devil gets Aziraphale to take the coffee by manipulating his trauma but Satan's minister Crowley? Back in 2500 BC? He didn't push Aziraphale to drink.
The ox rib scene is actually about choice and consent. It's important to Crowley that Aziraphale feel safe with him. When Aziraphale expresses that he doesn't want to drink and doesn't want to get drunk, Crowley is fine with that and offers food instead, pointing out that you can't get drunk on food. He's a little mischievous and dry when replying that "angels can't be tempted" to Aziraphale's question of whether or not Crowley was trying to tempt him but it's because he's actually not. He's trying to have a little date with the angel, not get him to fall to Hell. He likes him. He's amused that Aziraphale is finding the offers of food and drink to be tempting-- that he's into it and wants to give something a try. There's no manipulation, just the offer of it.
It's Aziraphale's own choice to try the ox rib. He chooses to take it.
He chooses to try something new and see things a little differently and spend some time with Crowley. It's a healthy choice. It's the polar opposite of the choice Aziraphale makes when The Devil offers him the one thing he wants: a way within his control to be with Crowley forever.
The conversations at Marguerite's that Aziraphale has in S2 are interconnected. He sits at a table there separately twice-- once with Crowley and once with The Devil. Again, Crowley offers Aziraphale a glass of wine-- this time now thousands of years after Aziraphale rejected the first offer of one. Aziraphale drinks now. He and Crowley have shared a thousand bottles of wine since.
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They never get to food. Aziraphale doesn't actually eat in the present at all in S2. (Which is the whole damn problem lol.) Doesn't have an eccles cake. Doesn't dine at The Ritz. No vol-au-vents at The Meeting Ball. And, at Marguerite's, he doesn't have a glass of wine and a little late lunch with Crowley. He has one sip of tea in the present for the entirety of S2 before That Damn Coffee-- to try to teach Muriel to do what Aziraphale has actually been rejecting while being in his Heavenly feelings during S2. The healthy choice is actually some food, a glass of wine, and Crowley... not a trauma-loaded coffee from The Devil.
Crowley and Aziraphale joke about temptation where each other is concerned and it's off of the scene in Job's cellar. We've seen it in Rome in 41 AD and we've seen it in the S1 finale in 2019. This is what temptation between them looks like:
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They can poke fun at the idea of it because their relationship is built on the idea that they see each other as individual people who make individual choices and that Heaven and Hell don't own them. They own themselves and they choose to share themselves with one another. It's the opposite of the manipulation of temptation, which is why it both parallels how Aziraphale falls prey to The Devil-- by how he does being the opposite of what he has with Crowley-- and why it's over Crowley that Aziraphale falls in the first place... not because loving him is "bad"... for the exact opposite of that. Because loving him is good and it's not loving him to try to find a solution to their problems by saying that the people who have harmed the two of them should come first. That's the point-- no nightingales.
Aziraphale doesn't want power. He doesn't want to run Heaven-- he rejected that first attempt to tempt him by The Devil. He doesn't want to go back. He wants to stay on Earth and live his life with Crowley and he wants so much to never be apart from Crowley. The two things that Aziraphale wants most in the world are both related to Crowley-- he wants to be with him forever and he wants Heaven to admit that they fucked up and that Crowley is good.
Aziraphale already knows Crowley is good. He loves him as he is. He's just furious at Heaven and at The Metatron for what they've done to the being he loves and he's incensed at God for allowing it. Aziraphale has been an angel this whole time and, in his mind, he's been powerless to do anything to fix this. He can't stop Crowley's pain over falling-- over the fact that he still feels like he's unforgivable in the eyes of God. He can't stop him from being hurt by Hell. And Aziraphale has had that rage on simmer for 6,000 years.
His every "I forgive you" is an attempt at, since he's an angel of Heaven, trying to give Crowley what he needs and can't get from Heaven... and Crowley knows it is but he hates it because what he truly wants and needs is just Aziraphale himself. Aziraphale's love is enough.
All Aziraphale wants is for Heaven to admit they fucked up because he thinks forgiveness from God will help Crowley. He thinks it will make this better:
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If Crowley were an angel again, would that stop the pain that Aziraphale can't stop? Aziraphale wonders if it might. Because he can't stop it. He's tried. He's not enough. It's a lot of pain to watch the being you love still suffer and try to do what you can to make it stop but to not be enough-- Crowley and Aziraphale both know what that feels like.
The solution is not to run away and it's not to go to Heaven. It's to just make like Gabriel and Beez and choose to live their lives together. If enough people say "nah" to Armageddon, there's no Armageddon. You can't have a war without war. Aziraphale doesn't understand that at the end of S2 yet, though, so when The Devil shows up in the form of the abusive dad who never loved him and basically says:
You know, you were right-- we need people like you. The way you live isn't a sin. I made a mistake. You could come back to Heaven and show us how to be better-- how to do things your way. You could bring your husband. We can all be a family. He can be an angel again and you'll never again have to worry that you'll lose him. You can be together forever...
This is all Aziraphale has ever wanted. The angel who was losing his mind hosting a party for the first time the night before-- one where his human friends and Gabriel mingled together and where everyone knew Crowley was his and they got to dance together like everyone else-- well, that angel is tempted as all fuck.
He falls for (falls in love with) Crowley and he falls (falls from Heaven) for Crowley.
It started, in part, with an arrival at the door. Not "The Metatron"'s arrival. Bildad's much happier, paralleling one:
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This is also a note to us: remember him-- Bildad the Shuite. It's important that we do if we want to understand what comes later when a group of people, some of them angels, can't recognize who just came through the door... for the second scene in this season.
Right on cue to ask the Big Damn Question in 2500 B.C. was the first arrival at the bookshop door in S2 and the character most representing Aziraphale's inner struggles in S2... and the one who had been sent away for his own good by the point that The Devil arrives in 2.06...
Gabriel, asking THAT question: "Aziraphale, who is this?"
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He. Says. He. Is. God told Aziraphale to remember this but he seems to have forgotten that he and Crowley cloaked Crowley's real identity for greater good purposes but the opposite of that could just as easily happen. He didn't really listen to the messenger God sent him-- Gabriel, whose name literally means "messenger"-- when he told Aziraphale to remember Job and so Aziraphale didn't recognize The Devil when he, like Bildad before him, came through the door.
In a sweet way, it's because he so loves Crowley that he doesn't really see him as demonic and so couldn't make a connection between Bildad and "The Metatron."
The Body Swap. Crowley and Aziraphale each pretending to be one another to survive the end of S1. They fooled everyone around them by looking like someone they, technically, are not. In both cases, they were forced into suicide by Heaven/Hell-- by getting into a bath of holy water and by stepping into flames of hellfire-- and survived it because neither of them actually were who they said they were.
Aziraphale's fall parallels the body swap plot as it's a fall of despair.
"We call it 'The Second Coming'." Aziraphale knows who was really at the door in this moment. He knows that there is no Supreme Archangel job, no promises of safety and an eternal life with Crowley. There never was. He made the wrong choice. He let his despair rule him and now the fall he thought was coming in 2500 B.C. is actually here.
Upon realizing that he's been fooled-- has played himself for a sucker, as is the case with negative thought cycles-- Aziraphale steps into the elevator.
S1-- they save each other from being killed by Heaven and Hell in methods that look like forcing them to kill themselves.
S2-- Aziraphale effectively tries to kill himself by getting into the elevator, now knowing who it is who is holding open the door.
He knows the likelihood of his memories being erased is high, which makes choosing to get into the elevator a form of suicide.
Banana, fish, gorilla, shoelace, with a dash of nutmeg. Aziraphale's mantra. His magic words. In the bookshop attack and through the end of S2, though... a banana peel thrown at Maggie. Shax referencing "the sushi." Only the banana and the fish are here.
The Bananafish. A short story by J.D. Salinger about PTSD, trauma and suicide. After some short interactions with a girl representing a daughter-like figure to the main character (Maggie, in Good Omens, who kicks off Aziraphale's S2 plot and provides his motivations throughout)-- the seemingly-fine man who is actually a traumatized war veteran suffering from PTSD suddenly and quickly succumbs to the pain he carries around and the cycle of negative thoughts he suffers and shoots himself dead.
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It's all in the side notes
I can’t believe why is not painfully obvious for everybody else too, it's like everyone notices everything around it except this huge elephant in the Sydcarmy room.
Let me explain:
The side notes on the script are what the actors play, not just the script itself. The subtexts, the nuances, the silences, all of that is indicated by the director and rehearsed over and over before shooting at least 2 takes of every single scene.
02X01 was about teamwork towards The Bear's opening, that's why the director opened and closed the ep with that, to make that point. The side notes were all about playing every single scene with a SOU, fast-paced dialogues, etc, because every second counts and that's why a clock was ticking on pretty much every scene.
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When 02x02 ends with a close-up of Claire smiling after Carmy gives her the wrong number, that´s not the point the director tried to make, but that Carmy TOOK HIS FUCKING TIME in giving her the wrong number, he almost gave it to her in slow motion, meaning that as he was giving it to her he was deciding what he eventually ended up doing with the last digit. He was on the fence the whole time and ended up deciding to "cut her off politely" in a very Carmy way. That was a side note in the script (the speech rate and the "decide as you go", and "be doubtful first" part).
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In 02x03, the Sydcarmy vs Clairmy battle really began and it continued throughout the whole S2, all side notes because the script was barely obvious about Claire until he said: "I have to call my GF" after passing the gas inspection. Notice a pattern here? Or is it just me?
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02X04 was mostly focused on Marcus in Copenhagen and introduced us to Chef Luca, raising the question, on purpose leaving it as an unanswered question - that will probably be answered in S3- on whether Luca was talking about Carmy when he was talking about a chef that was way better than him and that inspired him to become the chef he is today and up his game as much as he could. In other words: Not Sydcarmy material. Except we buy into the whole SydMarcus shipping they tried to insinuate with the Facetime call, which I won't get into because I feel dirty even typing about it. How dare they? Is it because they are both black? WTF?!! Well, my point is this is probably the least Sydcarmy episode of the season and we need to make a mental note about who directed it.
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02x05 This episode's arc is all about the script's side notes: "Who's Claire? / I'm saying goodnight!" is all about the intonation, not the actual words. This is the bridge of the whole Sydcarmy song, that's why it's mid-season. Notice something? I have...
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02x06 The masterpiece, it's all about the side notes but again, super non Sydcarmy, it's just supposed to show us The Berzatto's background story so Syd is not part of the equation. Claire is, in a way that will later make a lot more sense during Omelette's panic attack, of course.
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02x07 AKA: My favest, is also a non-Sydcarmy kinda ep. Is all about Cousin's arc. BTW: I 100% ship these 2 and I hope S3 brings more RichJess fluff and stuff:
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02X08 is all about the side notes again and takes us right back into SydCarmy vs Clairmy territory. Carmy had to call his new GF after passing the inspection to give her the good news.
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02x09 I shouldn't even have to say a damn thing about this ep. Other than pointing out the obvious: IT'S THE MOST SYDCARMY EP OF THE WHOLE FUCKING SEASON, TYVM!
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All I'm gonna add is that Carmy is laying awake after having sex with her:
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I already talked about the common blue light in this scene here.
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I'm not even gonna get into his panic attack. I mean... Do I have to? Seriously?
Storer finally joined the ship Calo was sailing since the beginning of the season here and all the side notes in this script are HIS.
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The cinematography is his, the music is his, and every line, because he co-wrote it with Sydcarmy CEO: Joanna Calo herself.
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And so we arrive to 02X10 where Sydcarmy is eaten alive by The Bear but ironically enough the one who doesn't survive is the Clairmy team LMAO! Sydcarmy on the other hand keeps going strong (Ayo was promoted to co-star for a reason, she's no longer part of the cast, she's the female lead of the show now) and in S3 we'll get to see how exactly will that play out.
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My point is: The director and then the editors in the ER with the EP's sign-off can change what the writers write if they choose to and the actors have to perform the side notes according to the director's instructions.
In this case, since Storer joined the Calo Sydcarmy ship as I previously mentioned and usually they co-write and always co-produce the seasons those scripts, side notes, musicalizations and editions ARE ALL THEIRS. Every time Calo touches something, she turns it into Sydcarmy gold, and Storer and her are on the same page. That's why most Sydcarmy eps of the season were hers or his or directed by both.
June can't get here soon enough.
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ngray192 · 24 days
Hear me out; I think it's a cool theory/idea that the campers all died. The rest of this post might be a bit dark btw
Really think about it. As the seasons progress, they definitely shouldn't have lasted so long because they're just kids. Here's how I think each kid did/should've died.
Ben: pteranadons, or Toro (s2)
Sammy: Mitch and Tiff, or scorpious
Yaz: drowing (s3 e6)
Brooklyn: killed by Wu/Wu's guards
Kenji: monolophosaurus, mossosaurus (s4), illness (s4), or earthquake (s5)
Darius: sole survivor.
In season 2 episode 1, we see how real Darius' dreams can be when he imagines Ben on Main Street. It's not entirely impossible that he would imagine his friends with him to combat the extreme loneliness and grief he feels after losing them, especially after he tries so hard to get them to safety.
So, what if Darius imagined the majority of the events in seasons 3, 4, and 5? A big point, is that he may have imagined his (dead) friends saving each other at the points where another friend dies. He could imagine Yaz getting the antidote to Sammy, instead of drowning in the dangerous current of the river. Or he could have imagined this big story for Ben and how he survived since he believed Ben's death was his fault. In season 4 episode 1, what if Kenji's hatred for Darius is because Darius actually got Brooklyn killed by Dr. Wu's men? And then, after Kenji thinks of what Brooklyn would want, he dies trying to save Darius from the mossosaurus?
I think that, if my theory were correct, then Darius' guilt would drive him to insanity, and he would imagine a world where he could save his friends and actually get them off of the island.
This would also explain why seasons 4 and 5 don't feel as connected to the first 3, because Darius made up this adventure on a new island to cope with the loss of his friends. Everything is so connected because Darius' mind is tying up loose ends, creating stories from what his friends told him before they died. He imagines storylines for them based on their interactions with him and the other campers, and gave them all happy endings.
I also think that could explain why the time jump wasn't great at the end of season 5. Ben looked different because he died first, Darius couldn't remember his eye color or the little details as well as he could for the others. And, Darius knew more about the imagined version of Ben (Jungle Ben) than he did season 1 Ben, which is why he stayed with Mae and Bumpy on the island. Sammy wears the same shirt all those years later because Darius didn't imagine a new look for her. Kenji moved in because Darius didn't know enough about Kenji's family to envision a life after the island, so he put him into the Bowmans' house.
Obviously, this theory isn't true, but it's interesting to think about. I'd glady go more in-depth if anyone would want to hear that.
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strangelock221b · 1 month
S3E1 (spoilers abound)
Already saw the first 5 minutes on Tudum. I'm firmly in the "Colin didn't see Penelope when he arrived, he was too busy looking at her house" camp. It's sweet that Pen as LW singles out the new debutantes and tries to prop them up.
I love that one of the debutantes is deaf, more diversity on this show is a good thing.
Ah, Francesca's been in Bath since the beginning of S2, thank you, Violet.
"If I can be at ease in the chaos of our home, surely I shall find my way in the Season." Truer words never spoken, Frannie.
Francesca's not the Diamond? WTAF?
Those fucking sheer gloves. I hate them SO MUCH. Long gloves were for modesty, making them sheer makes them pointless. Somebody fetch me the costume designer, I just want to talk.
So Eloise is already "friends" with Cressida and it looks like she is trying to protect Pen from her. We'll see how long this lasts.
Can we nominate Jessica Madsen now for the Emmy for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series? I always hate Cressida but if, as rumored, we're going to sympathize with her this season, then I'm sure Jessica will knock it out of the park.
I love that Violet and Kate are getting along so well. I'm also thrilled that Violet doesn't approve of Eloise being friends with Cressida.
"I will move into a dower house as soon as I find one." Oookay, 15 minutes into the first episode and we have our first error. Dower houses aren't something a dowager FINDS, it's a (relatively) smaller house on an estate that the family already HAS. What Violet is looking for is a TOWN house in London since the Bridgertons should already have a DOWER house at Aubrey Hall!
Shonda, please, hire me as a script doctor. I assure you I'm affordable.
Lady Danbury: "Lady Bridgerton." Violet and Kate: "Yes?" I love that and I'm sure Agatha did it deliberately, it's cute.
Colin, dearheart, what in the actual fuck are you doing? Flirting shamelessly is only going to get you in trouble.
Lady Cowper is a bitch but we already knew that. I wonder if she took as long as her daughter to find a husband.
Wow, Portia really has given up on Pen finding a husband. This is giving me "Like Water for Chocolate" vibes (I hated that movie, so it's not a compliment).
Error #2. Unless I'm wrong, this is Spring 1815. (According to Wikipedia, Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story had Princess Charlotte dying in November 1814, three years before her real-life counterpart.) Emma wasn't published until December 1815. Yeah, we're talking about only a few months and the book does match what El is going through, but still.
Great, another El & Pen fight. El, you can pretend all you like (and you're not even doing a good job) but you are MISERABLE without your best friend. Someone El respects needs to tell her off so that she'll finally grow the fuck up.
Benedict took care of the estate while Anthony and Kate were on their honeymoon? Um, Anthony, WHY DON'T YOU HAVE A STEWARD?! You know, a person you PAY to look after the estate for you instead of asking your brother to do it for free! It gave him something to do, which I'm sure was Anthony's intention, but still!
The Mondriches have just joined the nobility! Well, their eldest son has. Oh boy, Alice is not happy. I don't blame her -- her stress level just increased a hundredfold.
I need to do a @regencyama post about titles, specifically inheriting them. With the Featheringtons and now the Mondriches having a son inheriting from his mother's bloodline, I need to emphasize how rarely this happened in real life. Good on Shonda for including the concept but really, did it have to happen twice in the same episode?
NEWTON!!! Bestest boy ever!
I know that ballroom! Lady Danbury's ballroom either is or is inspired by the Marble Hall at Kedleston. I'd know those columns and the lines of black-and-white panels anywhere.
Pen, honey, your entrance would go better if you didn't look FUCKING TERRIFIED. Albion is a sweetheart, he's the best brother-in-law for Pen (well, on her side). Oh good, she's finally smiling. Portia! How can you think that's a bad color for her? Is she a little color blind? That would explain SO MUCH.
Suddenly get thirsty there, Colin? LOL He has no idea what's coming.
Some of the (presumably) eligible men are finally noticing Pen. How long before Colin steps in? Oh, Pen, you are so awkward around people you don't know well, glad to see that hasn't changed (yet).
El and Cressida talking to some of the new debutantes while Pen is still being awkward with the men. Forget flirting lessons, she doesn't even know how to just talk to men. And El, lowkey making fun of Miss Hartigan for liking embroidery. Grow up, El. At least this girl is true to herself, unlike someone I could name.
Fife is giving off the CREEPIEST vibes as he talks to poor Frannie. What do you bring to the table, good sir? A title? Look around -- titles are a dime a dozen. Surely you can do better than that.
That's what sets Fran off? This scene was one the clips that Netflix released early. I assume the gentlemen had said something offensive but they simply asked her who she is beyond her hobbies. Well, she has been doing nothing but practicing the pianoforte for what, two years now? Maybe she feels there really isn't much to her than that. Well, she's what, 17 now? She's got plenty of time to find herself.
I love how sympathetic and sweet Pen and Frannie are to each other. They're like sisters already.
Cressida with a steel chair! Seriously, there would be a small room off the ballroom reserved just for mending dresses -- tears happened all the time, as well as melted wax dripping from the candles in the chandeliers, spills, etc. But back to Cressida -- she must think very lowly of herself if she truly cannot abide any competition at all.
Too little, too fucking late, El. Choke on your apology, it's neither needed nor wanted. (I love El but haven't liked her for a long time, if that makes sense.)
Another scene Netflix gave us early -- Pen confronting Colin about what he said about her the end of S2. She was already having a bad night and Colin being all smiles was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Uh oh, Pen's writing a new LW column without even getting changed first. Honey, you're writing this in anger, you're probably going to regret at least half of it.
Portia's sweating now with that phony document about the title being questioned. Oh, this guy is threatening her, in that so very English way.
Ooo, are we finally seeing the real Cressida?
A whispering bench! Sorry, I have the tiniest landscaping nerd inside me.
Looks like Kanthony will have a three-month-old with them the beginning of the next Season.
Colin comes the morning after to apologize. Good boy. Still clueless, but good boy.
The Mondriches at their new house and their eldest boy is addressed as Lord Kent. I'm horrible at guessing children's ages but I think this kid is a preteen at most and his life just changed forever.
I will say the portrait of Edmund and Violet is very good. (I assume it's an actual painting and not a photo that has undergone Photoshop or whatever.) Have the writers made Francesca aro? Or at least demisexual? It'll be interesting to see where this goes.
I fucking told you you'd regret that column, Pen. The funny part is that she's not wrong about Colin, but she's certainly not nice about it.
Colin, for fuck's sake, MARINA AND ELOISE RUINED THEMSELVES! If LW hadn't said anything, things actually would have gone a lot worse for Marina, El, your whole family, and especially you, so shut the fuck up.
Four whole minutes of end credits, seriously?
Well, that was certainly an interesting start to both the Season and the season.
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late-draft · 2 months
Some thoughts on S2 from a first-time watcher!
It's good that I saw a bunch of spoilers before watching S2 and S3, because after seeing how the plot arrived to some of these points, I feel like what I imagined would have worked better; useful for understanding one's own likes and writing.
I thought Toph would have been in bigger danger while in the metal box. In canon she's technically just being dragged back to her family, right? But the emotional impact of her success of bending metal (something believed to be impossible) would have been stronger if she was in a much bigger danger, in worse circumstances, for longer.
Long Feng was so quickly "taken down" at the start when the Earth King decided to stop following him! Yeah the Dai Li still answer to Long Feng but it felt like him losing outward power happened too quickly and he was actually scared that he had lost all power instantly. He even allowed the kids to try to show the king the truth. So which is it, do Long Feng and Dai Li have huge power, or little power?
I liked the plot twist with plot twist with plot twist with plot twist with plot twist with Azula and her goons in Kyoshi warriors' disguises, and the Dai Li still answering to Long Feng. This uplifted the plot part a bit that had been sunk in my mind just before.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but Jet was actually ok in S2; he succumbed to a weakness of his by getting obsessed with "random" firebenders, but then he truly tried to be of help, he beat the goddamn brainwashing and did everything he could to help Aang and his allies. He was given a "heroic death" offscreen! Perhaps he survived, gravely injured but who knows. The writing portrays him as an ok person at the end.
If he was supposed to be an "evil version" or "irredeemed" version of Zuko, that could have been portrayed only if Jet had demonstrated more, and persistent negative traits that he would refuse to change. Before giving him an on-screen death.
It wasn't very believable to me that Iroh managed to follow Zuko so quietly and so well under lake Laogai; but from spoilers, I was convinced that Zuko had arrived to a moral decision to set Appa free and let go of his need to belong back at the royal family of the Fire Nation, all on his own. That might have been a bigger triumph of character, but... even coming to this decision because Iroh pressured him into thinking about choices (the fact that he had choices), doesn't diminish what he decided by a lot.
Fever was excellent lmao. Iroh gave him some ibuprofen But the subsequent very cheery behaviour feels like big and heavy Copium from Zuko to me!
Damn. Aang literally speedrun all those chakras opening. Guru Pathik seems alright to me and doesn't feel like a huge deus-ex mechanism considering many other elements the show has used. But I feel like the show would have benefitted a LOT more if separate episodes were devoted to unblocking the chakras. Those are supposed to be a big deal, something difficult to overcome for the hero. But also; Aang refusing to let go of Katara right at the moment when he sensed she was in danger, is actually a correct choice (from a narrative standpoint) - we aren't supposed to cheer for him to let her die. Of course we as the audience want him to try to help Katara! However what Guru Pathik had told him about attachment still stands in the writing (maybe it could have been made more clear that this attachment in question means a selfish possessive one). The writing still sets it up so that it seems like Aang WILL have to let go of the attachment in the future to successfully open the last chakra. Just... later, because this is not the right moment! ^^
Oh man. The best the writing could do for Katara was to have her make a dumb joke about Momo knocking over figurines in the war meeting? And the plan was just... "go forth and attack the Fire Nation during a solar eclipse"? This was the best the text could do?? No bits of additional strategy, problem-solving, no Katara being serious about it? And after that she decides to go for tea despite being on a crucial mission? And why would the delicate scroll requiring the Earth King's seal to set the entire army in motion be left to be carried around outside by one girl. Just so that she could run into Zuko and blow his cover, despite having last seen him as broken, crying over his uncle, fighting against his sister the Fire Nation princess. Feels like the plot really got super convoluted here just to get to points it wanted. Sadge.
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hozaloza · 4 months
Logan thing I literally noticed by accident
Okay-- so,
We all know Logan's parents are out of the picture.
It's pretty obvious.
So, I'm now gonna talk about something completely different but it's still relevant to Logan.
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So... you notice how their noses are literally the same in shape? Also, their skin tones are EXTREMELY close to one another. One last thing to note is that the eye shape is also pretty similar. (Note that the hair color may not be the same, since it's likely Ryan has black hair due to his eyebrow color... But parents with blonde or brown hair can have a kid with black hair, as long as both parents have the recessive gene, or someone in the family had the gene.)
This is pretty farfetched, but I honestly like the idea of Ryan being Logan's dad already, so now that I accidently made this connection while swooning over Ben's dad just makes my stupid lil au even truer.
Although, it's too farfetched for him to be his dad, so I'm making the safe bet that he's just related to Logan, like perhaps an uncle. It could explain why he doesn't really say anything about Logan, or there wasn't any hint that he was his dad. It could be that he left his family a little after Logan was born, so he would never know how he looked like after some time passed.
(fast pass spoilers here!) He also probably doesn't know the names of the kids (obv), so he won't realize Logan is his nephew for a bit until someone mentions his full name around him, and he's like "Hol' up-- That sounds like the name my sibling gave to their kid--" He also wouldn't care for the parents either, therefore he doesn't know his mom and dad are being kept here. Once he realizes that Logan's his nephew, he'll realize his parents are here. Because if the parents got kidnapped as well, Logan's guardians would also be here.
(end of fast pass spoilers)
Now, let's circle back to the first thing I talked about.
I may have an idea on what could've happened to Logan's parents because of the Ryan thing...
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Since I was looking for pictures of the grandparents in all s2 episodes, I happened to be reading over the dialogue. When I read this at first, I was like "hm, great words spoken by James." Then I realized, "...WAIT-- WHAT IF THIS WAS THEM SELF-REFLECTING ON THEIR OWN MISTAKE WITH THEIR OWN KID--" And yeah, that's how I came up with this dumb little theory:
What if by possibility, Logan's parents were in danger, and whoever was the child of Mary and Jame's tried telling them about it, but they didn't believe them. So, trying to keep Logan safe (he was just a few months old at the time), they left him at their parents house, lying about needing to run some quick errands with their spouse, and never returned, possibly dead. Mary and Jame's heavily grieve the lost of their child. They already had one run off (Ryan left them after Logan was born, there was a huge fight about his alcoholism problem), and now their second child was missing, possibly dead.
They raised Logan as a sort of apology to their own child. And because of the trauma, they were really protective of Logan.
Now, this could also explain why Mary and Jame's were the first to believe the kids. The situation reminded them of their own kid, and they realized that there could be a chance the gang was in danger, obvious evidence being Tyler. So, to make sure the other parents didn't make the same mistake they made, they stepped up and encouraged the other parents to believe the gang.
Again, this all could be pretty far-fetched, but there's always the chance of it being right. (I also realized Ryan may have seen Mary and James, but never hinted at saying they were his parents, but then again maybe it's either too soon to reveal that, or he couldn't exactly notice since it was likely from a distance.)
That's all I have for now. Bye bye 🧖
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laufire · 2 months
This is redhoodinternaldialectical from the "main" blog, returning fire with the character ask game :3
For Jason: 23. Fav picture of this character 24. What character from another fandom reminds you of them? 26. Freebie question! What do you think his complicated opinions about Heathclif would be? (Saw ur tags about that hehehe)
I might come back with other characters, but just Jason for now cause it's WAY passed my bedtime
Fav picture of this character
there are so many options... (see: my header of his hamlet moment). but I'm going to go with this one, from batman annual #25.
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I fucking love a character climbing out of his own grave. and that lightning bolt is so frankenstein of him <3
What character from another fandom reminds you of them?
my mind is wired to draw parallels and comparisons, and I happen to be rewatching a tv show (the 100, one of those "it could be so good if it was good" things xD) where sometimes it seems that all my favourite characters have some jason-coded moments and traits lol.
BUT. among all of them, we definitely need to talk about john murphy!!! he's my #1 in that show (with some strong competition), because I love his journey. he really started being... well, what dc regularly tries to convince us robin!jason was: a mean, angry teen, product of his society, who lashed out at people once he could, because he had been wronged himself. this show gave him far more grace about it (even during his messy revenge quest lol), and in season 2 they landed on a really potent love story with him and another character, emori (another outcast in her own society, this time because she was born with a mutation, that survived by stealing from others) that ended up catapulting him to Romantic Hero status in a way s1!murphy couldn't have dreamed of lmao. it was great.
even his backstory (which he's given in the first episode of s2) is. very jason añdslkfjasf. two important things about this gifset is a) the girl here, raven (another favourite), has a similar backstory (alcoholic mother who failed to take care of her, raven would've starved if not for the kindness of her neightbour & childhood sweetheart). she's taunting murphy because a few episodes before murphy shot her in the spine (he didn't intend to hurt her but it wasn't exactly an accident. part of his messy revenge quest against a -barely- adult who failed him lol). she hates him, and yet she clearly can't help but empathise </3. a few episodes later she tries to get him killed to save her ex <3. in a few seasons they'll become best friends <3. as far as I'm concerned she's memori's third <333
a few other things in favour of "jason-coded murphy" are this post, or the fact that at one point murphy had to use sex to survive in a way I personally headcanon jason doing (I've actually drawn some comparisons between that plot and nightwing/tarantula but only stylistic ones; plot-wise it's a very different situation where he displays an attitude closer to what I imagine jason doing).
What do you think his complicated opinions about Heathclif would be?
alñsdkfjasdf I can't believe I'm going to talk more about other characters than about jason but here we are lol.
anyway first of all, unlike many people in this fandom, jason is a smart cookie capable of differentiating fact from fiction, who could recognise heathcliff did some really fucked shit against undeserving people and still appreciate the hell out of him as the fascinating character he is. tyvm. that said, he's also someone who gets very personal about literature xD
one thing about heathcliff is that he does what some people argue jason is doing when he "targets" tim or mia (or damian, but that's bftc and fandom has more or less accepted that it's a mess, and also damian isn't white :))). aka, he's (a grown man!!) viciously, hatefully going after innocent children for the sins of their fathers!! for shame. sorry but that's not even true in bftc or hush (the situations there were very messy and the writers desperately needed medical consultants to make them make any sense, get off his dick xD), but definitely not true for titans tower or seeing red. jason was NOT trying to kill these teens (a few years younger than him at most), he's never wanted them death, and he's never even aimed to caused grievious, irreparable damage. again, get off his dick :P
but it's interesting to me thinking about jason reading the book for the very first time during the lost days era, in particular. he would empathise with heathcliff's desire for revenge, but I don't think he'd ~relate as strongly to him as some people think. yes, there is mistreatment in their youths and the revenge plot (after heathcliff does whateve he does in his own lost days period lol); there's even possible racial ambiguity in common, if we take into account the shiva thing. and he'd half-mindedly draw some links between bruce and earnshaw senior and, if he's feeling ungenerous lol, between dick and hindley, but nothing particularly strong, imo.
but I can see even this faint link being enough to have him pondering his own lines, what he's willing to do once he returns and what he isn't. and it's a fact that jason crossed some of his own purported lines, because he was too in his head about bruce or because they were convenient at the moment or because of all other reasons. and I picture him rereading the book years down the road, and grappling with that fact. wondering if heathcliff had drawn his own lines beforehand or gone all in from the beginning, wondering if he had any regrets.
otherwise, he would appreciate heathcliff as the force he is in the narrative, while being utterly disgusted by some of his actions. at the same time he'd be really wary of the unreliable narration (I imagine him thinking nelly gives all the lintons too much grace, even if he obviously would think heathcliff's actions towards isabella and cathy are undefensible). I also believe he's ready to fist-fight anyone that supported the "monstrous" readings of heathcliff as something inhuman, as some supernatural force of nature. heathcliff, to him, is utterly human.
ALSO. jason is definitely that bitch who reads the FUCKING UNHINGED SHIT (x, x, x, x, x) catherine and heathcliff say about each other and be like. why can't that be me 😭. he's fucking unwell.
(and feel free to ask me about any other character you want! or any extra questions about jason lol)
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waitmyturtles · 7 months
Thank you Turtles for yet another great piece on IFYLITA. I'm so excited that you picked up the novel. So having known the context, how would you have fixed the IFYLITA finale, if you were the director and didn't know if it was possible to have a S2 or not? Would you still have included all 3 Yais or do you think you would have tried to extend IFYLITA into a 16-18 episode series in order to adapt everything from start to finish? Is there anything from Part 1 of the novel that you are glad/happy that it wasn't adapted into the series or things you like that the series have done differently/taken different approach from the novel?
You must be so tired after your work trip and I'm really sorry for bothering you about IFYLITA even though you just wrote such a long post about it 😭
@clairedaring, I will take ANY EXCUSE to keep talking about I Feel You Linger In The Air -- I LOVE this extended conversation, thank you for engaging me in it! <3
Here's my thinking on how this first season shaped up, and a lot of this comes from conversation that I had with @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm before I read the novel last week into this week.
The material for the 1928 Chiang Mai era clearly fit a style and a tone that director Tee Bundit knew he could do a lot with. (@clairedaring, my recent history with Tee Bundit has been in watching many of his shows -- TharnType and Lovely Writer in particular -- for my Old GMMTV Challenge project, where I'm watching older Thai BLs to learn more about the genre. I also watched Step By Step -- TT and SBS are two of my most passionately hated shows, and I utterly LOVED Lovely Writer, so I have a real love-hate relationship with Tee Bundit, lmao.)
Since I've read the novel -- I'm glad he stuck with one era for the first season, and I really liked how he expanded it. We know that Eaung Peang and Robert have much more minor roles in the novel, and Tee Bundit greatly expanded EP's role to include a lesbian main couple, as well as a dialogue about women's reproductive health and freedom. There was Yai's arranged marriage in the drama that got extended, as well as the criminal downfall of Uncle Dech, Robert, and Yai's father by proxy. Yai's mother gaining power to run the family after that, etc., etc. -- these are all themes that Tee clearly glommed onto in expanding that era, and @clairedaring, to the point you made in the reblog tags of my previous piece from yesterday, I am SUPER glad we spent most of our time in this era. Tee also just made it GORGEOUS for us to watch, which was a treat.
I think if Tee had tried to include all three Yais, we would have felt short shrifted. The Seehasingkorn/Ayutthaya era of the novel is so lengthy. And there are HUGE behavioral change moments for both Jom and Commander Yai in that era. Especially for a Thai audience that's familiar with the novel, if that had gotten shortened, then there definitely would be public criticisms and outcries. (Plus? That era was so much FUN in the novel. Jom was SO SASSY and bold to start courting Commander Yai first!)
I think, if Tee Bundit gave a huge bunch of energy and attention to 1928 Chiang Mai, he'd want to do the same for an even older, more nomadic era. I cannot imagine how beautiful it would be to see that depicted.
And then Tee could fix the order of some scenes from the first season, and we could see more reveals in context, as well as the present day? A season 2 would just be ridiculously awesome for all of that.
The one thing I would have liked fixed was the redundancy from episode 11 to episode 12. I also would have liked more specific clarity about pieces of Jom being lost every time a drawing was made -- we saw that he froze and transcended himself, but that was illuminated pretty early on in the novel, and I think the same could have been done in the series without losing dramatic effect.
But these are minor quibbles. We got to center ourselves in the development of the incredible relationship between Khun Yai and Jom to start the dramatic introduction to this series, and the way Tee Bundit did it defied nearly all of my expectations about this work. He didn't miss any of the big themes of the novel, which I so appreciate, and I think he enriched our experience of the novel by expanding greatly the plight of women in that era. I'm glad we had mostly one Yai to deal with, because more of them would have been a lot!
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jfkonfucius · 10 months
What if JFK is arospec. Cuz he seems to struggle a lot with romance stuff
I tried to rotate this in my brain... And JFK is kind of an anomaly when it comes to romantic attraction
One thing is clear though - his romantic and physical attraction are not necessarily tied to each other
All romantic attractions he has are also physical, but not all physical attractions he has are romantic
Before I started looking up pictures for this post, I was about to mention how I interpreted JFK not to have many feelings for Cleo, as I don't have S1 ingrained in my head as much as S2, it seemed like it was no big deal in comparison to what he acts like around Joan
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But then I saw him cry over it and claim she was "the first girl that gave him feelings",
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And claim that he's been a broken man since he broke up with Cleo... In the following shot:
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(followed by "Hey let's all go swimming in my pool!") (and by swimming in his pool, he means-) (...his words. Not mine) (King of subtlety)
Despite getting distracted with other girls, he still desperately tries to get back with Cleo
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He fails at it. But that saga is over upon JFK getting distracted by a special "guy". Resulting in what seems like him completely forgetting he has ever had feelings for Cleo
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In S2, we see a similar pattern, Joan is on his mind a lot and seems to be his main focus
Big gestures like getting a heavy necklace made for Joan with their ship name (bitches help), being in absolute TERROR and running away from Joan for an entire episode because Confucius suggested that Joan's "we need to talk" might mean "we're breaking up" (to then attempting to sacrifice himself to the Heebie Jeebie because he'd rather die than not be with Joan), to hosting an entire funeral for his relationship because he got dumped...
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Boy's not well
BUT EVEN THEN. Despite his romantic obsession with Joan, he still managed to secretly kiss Harriet during the relationship, and go have "things and stuff" with other women not very long after breaking up
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(even though he's still clearly in love with Joan. He showed hints in the last episode as well!)
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SO. We have a general idea of how our guy works: gets very attached (center of his world kind of attached) to who he's dating and keeps on loving them/trying to get back with them after they break up, all while getting physical with whoever (sometimes even unfaithfully)
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Arospec? At this point, I doubt it
Codependent? I rest my case
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glass-adeptus · 1 year
Another S2 Wesper opinion no one asked for:
Honestly if they tried to slowburn it I might have died.
Yes yes the inevitable "they could cancel so I'm glad they gave us what they did" opinion but also I just don't think I could do slowburn for all three crows ships at once.
Pacing wise in SoC I find that Jesper and Wylan really don't have a lot of interactions (just them/not regarding heist plans) until we're actually in the ice court. There's a few one off comments (usually from Jesper) but we're not getting like in depth conversations until after they're out of the prison sect really.
So since they didn't adapt the ice court heist yet what do you think they would have given us if they were saving it for then? It would be like episode 4 or 5 of whatever season or spin off we get to get any real interactions ("just girls?" Scene perhaps) so would the slow build up be that season only? What would they do for the 8 episodes of SaB S2? Would we really get any crumbs at all until they adapted more of Crooked Kingdom?
I don't even think they're true pining slowburn as much as they just don't get the chance to talk to each other very much in the first book (more concerned with not dying and all). Like if we consider their kiss to move-in timeline its like. A day.
So considering that of course Kanej is gonna be slowburn and Helnik don't even get to talk to each other I would have gone fucking nuts seeing them do basically nothing with Wesper too. Sure maybe they could have kissed later than ep 4 but I also think the things they did with them were humourous and cute and hard to be mad at since I enjoyed every scene.
So far they're handling the characters and the ship with respect and that's all I could possibly ask for.
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eh-whereismycat · 1 year
So I have something to say about the Chloe character writing thingy in this episode (S5E23)
I feel like they write Chloe better than before in this episode, yea I know they f up season 3 on that part Really Bad.
Personally I think it's fine to write Chloe as a villain all along despite her had the chance to be a better self, as long as the writers could including some hints and foreshadows in S2, but we all know it was not the case.
But in this episode, the writers didn't paint Chloe as a one-dimension ridiculous mean girl villain and ignore the S2 & S3 development like they try to do in S4 and most of the S5. Instead they show us her relationship with her mother again, we can see how Audrey's parenting is all about fame,power and money, and Chloe is no longer looking for any emotional support from her family, she is annoyed by how her parents are dare to lecture her.
Regardless of the rationality or legitimacy of her emotions, she does feel sad and lonely. Even though her relationship with Sabina is so toxic to the point her see Sabina as her servant/slave, she doesn't know the word "friendship" nor she would care about it, after all these years she still form a emotional bond towards Sabina, she is attached to her, as soon as her is reminded that Sabina is no longer on her side, she feels hurt and heart-broken. And when she tried to let that out by ridiculing Marinette, not only she failed to do so, she was exposed by Marinette that she had NO POWER over them.
Personally I find it's funny how she had never tried to find Lila for emotional support at the end of this episode despite they were supposed to be a team. Chloe knows she is used by Lila, she is nothing but a rich and famous puppet for Lila, and being with this kind of heartless person would only enhance her inner loneliness, even Lila gave her so far the most successful plan and power, she could not form any attachments towards Lila.
Parental love, friendship, the power of control, she lost all the things she craves. She has nobody to relay on and all she can do is cry by herself.
I love how the writers are pointing out that, Chloe can have her relatable side, she is lonely, her parents are certainly doing a terrible job and there are reasons why she is acting in this way with this mindset. We can feel bad for her, but her misery could be coexist with her evil deeds. At the end of the day it's still her own choice to work with Lila and Monarch, to bully Marinette and so on. Her tears are real so as the harm she has done. She is the utterly ridiculous and miserable one.
Lastly, I've been in this fandom for some good years, not the most active one of course. I believe that nobody would ever doubt that Chloe's character development is like the saltiest topic in this fandom. I empathized with the disappointed fans, I witnessed how people went to the writers' twitter ask for explanation, even harassing them. I agree that they did Chloe dirty in terms of character development, and the strong grudge that Thomas holds towards a fictional character is not the most rational thought in the world. However, frighting over a Fictional Character with a Real Life Person who's also the writers that should have the freedom of creation & expression, and power over their own story is unnecessary. I feel like the critics, the salt, the harassment is more than enough (at least the critics is understandable and somewhat justified, but the third one shouldn't be there in the first place).
Constructive criticism is necessary for a creator and its story to growth, but sometimes I want to remind people that encouragement is also important for the creator, point out what is better than the past episodes! These kindness can motivate them and help them to figure out what the audience expecting. I would say, creators and audiences are bonded over the creation, may as well let it be a healthy, supportive and wholesome bond.
A perfect show never exist, but every episode has the potential to exceed its previous episodes.
I can see their hardwork and improvements regarding the story writing, the pace becomes much faster you can finally feel the time is flowing, they are digging the characters' background story and fixing some flaws in the early episode, relationships are envolving (both family and romantic wise), the way they keep the possibility of how the show could go while keep the timeline moving forward (i.e. whether it ends when Monarch is defeated or let Lila be the next butterfly), and animation in this season is doing great imo! ok I should stop here I still have course works to do omg
and I really want more people could see that and spread the kindness across the fandom, send more love to the creators! they deserve it!
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pixiedane · 1 year
I have been emotionally compromised by Star Trek Picard
MANY SPOILERS BELOW. Also rambling and rabbit holes into my psyche.
I've explained often that Ro Laren is the first Star Trek character that represented ME on screen. That the reason Voyager is my Trek is it's a whole shipful (and showful) of Ro Larens. And that is also why Picard owns my soul. From the beginning it's been ABOUT rebels who exist within and without the confines of Starfleet and how they navigate between the two.
I was told last April an appearance by Ro Laren was a likelihood in Picard S3 and since it had wrapped at that point, I believed it. I've been carrying around the potential for a Picard/Ro reunion for nearly a year and I got it and it was glorious. EXACTLY what I wanted from that scene, that conversation. It was painful and angry and yearning on both sides and could even be seen as shippy if you are a me. It was even perfect that it was in Guinan's bar.
And then minutes later she sacrificed herself. And I knew that would happen, too. Not because it was suggested to me, it wasn't. Because that's what happens to the characters I relate to the most. They are never the protagonists (I call myself after the manic pixie dream girl trope for a reason) and they never win. They barely ever survive and when they do they disappear, they are forgotten, or they turn into something unrecognizable from what I related to in the first place.
Ro gave Picard closure. She reminded him not to conflate duty with honor. She showed him he could be a good parent if he saw his child for the person they already are in addition to the person he imagines they could be. She connected his past to his present. And then she died because her purpose was fulfilled.
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I actually quite like the idea of Picard as the deconstruction of the Great Man. It's more satisfying than the far more widely seen and (mis?)understood hero-turned-wise-mentor trope. JL tries to be a wise mentor but he fails at it more than he succeeds. And he hasn't given up being the hero. He hasn't given up being the rebel. He knows his name is in the title. He's still trying to prove himself to me. To me.
I sensed that Ro Laren was going to die the same way I sensed that Katrina Cornwell was going to die and I preemptively protected myself against my feelings about it by choosing not to feel. Kat died four years ago and to this day my main emotional reaction to it is the lack of an emotional reaction. I'm numb about it.
That said, Kat's death broke the narrative. It didn't make sense in the context of her character. Kat's entire arc was one of survival, the survival of self and the survival of Starfleet, and her sacrifice was a misread of that. It doesn't make sense. Katrina Cornwell is a survivor.
Ro's entire arc actually is about sacrifice. From introduction it was about the things she had to give up. Her father, her freedom, her faith, her ideals, her career, her mentor. She gave up everything over and over and over. I don't want her death and it was not necessary but it makes sense in the context of her character and in service to the reconstruction of Jean-Luc Picard. That second part may be a slap in the face but that first part is validation.
Was Ro Laren fridged? Yes. Am I happy about it? No. Am I angry about it? Intellectually yes, emotionally I'm numb. Do I hate this episode the way I do "Such Sweet Sorrow" and tbh the entirety of Disco S2? No. It breaks my heart but not my brain. The Picard/Ro scene is perfect. The part about being seen was a message to me, to the girl who wanted to be seen in/by her favorite show and wasn't until Ro showed up. With the exception of the death this episode is Anika catnip, Anika cocaine.
Jack Crusher is the most made for me character in the history of characters made for me or anyone else. The only thing different between him and every original character I've ever created for any reason is he's a boy and I love him so much I can't hold it against him. In fact, I see my boy mom relationship with my son in his relationship with his mom and I actually really needed that.
And Ro Laren was sacrificed for Jack Crusher in every possible way one character can be sacrificed for another. My emotions are literally everywhere.
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zea9love · 1 year
I know I’ve rambled about this several times, but there are so many ways Kat’s storyline could've gone after S1 other than eating disorder or STD! I hate that Sam Levinson pretty much gave up on writing her just because Barbie didn’t want to do those storylines. Your job as a writer is to come up with something else if the original idea doesn’t make sense or if you’re going to abandon a plot/character, do it in a way that at least makes it LOOK like you tried!
Even Teen Wolf did a better at that cuz I still remember watching S6A, waiting for Kira to come back before Arden said she got written out of the show!
Sam could’ve dived deeper into why she doesn’t want to be with Ethan anymore. He was off to a good start in the first 4 episodes of S2, but then it just went nowhere and then they had that shitty breakup.
Someone on Twitter said her and Cassie could’ve had intertwining storylines that reflected their need for male validation, the journey to self-love, and how they could’ve became closer friends through it.
I think Kat and Lexi could’ve became a writer duo and Sam could’ve made parallels between them, their writing, their insecurities, and their relationships. Like how even though Kat has made plenty of popular fanfics, she’s still too afraid to really put herself out there and hides behind an online persona because she thinks people won’t like her anymore based on her looks. Meanwhile, Lexi is also afraid and a very shy person, but she still found the courage to put on a big play, express herself, and talk about her trauma.
Idk where I’m going with this, but Sam really forgot that Kat had hobbies and interests before the cam girl stuff! Her being a fanfic writer on TUMBLR (of all sites to be mentioned in a show) was what caught my attention about her. The only time he came even remotely close to remembering was when she was fantasizing about that Game of Thrones looking guy killing Ethan and having s3x with her.
And whatever happened to the “Sam works with the cast members while writing and lets them add in their own ideas” thing?! It’s like that went away in S2 and the only ones that got to do it for their characters were Zendaya and Maude!
I’ll always be mad because Kat had so much potential, but he did nothing with it!
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My Thoughts On Canon-Mammon From S2-EP7 Of Helluva Boss Part 1
[Note: This Is For Mature Audience Readers Only, even if I could switch the labels from "Everyone" to "Mature", it might okay as it is for now.......but seriously, this will be for Mature Audience Readers Only. also it is optional to read the whole talking about the episode in this post along with the off topic stuff in this, so only read this if you want to.]
first I want to say Happy Halloween before I give my thoughts on the episode, also if some fans haven't seen it yet, don't read this until after you watched the episode. :)
gotta say, Mammon might seem like a big adorkable goober of a goofball jester, but he is also a jerk.
I know I still want to call dibs on the Mammon from our dimension, cause I still want to punch him below the belt....
even if it is normal to be a bit greedy, but NO one and I mean NO one messes with my Caffeine....and it sucked that they had raised the price on the Coca-Cola, which with that and certain prices that is raised a bit too high at times, can ya blame me thinking that Mammon is involved.
I may be a Defective Earth Angel who doesn't work at 100% like other Earth Angels, and I gave myself the nicknames "Eveningstar Princess" and "The Embodiment Of Weirdness" and there is the whole my still procrastinating with that whole checking to see if my blood type will come out O RH D Negative for a third type...
because who would look forward to getting their finger or thumb pricked by a needle...? and I know I have mentioned before the last few times we tried to check but finally got it right and it was successful, I ended up feeling not so great when doing that blood type test, but I learned to keep my eyes closed and that is what I'm going to do when we finally get around to doing that blood type test again...
but anyway, I might be a Defective Earth Angel but it doesn't mean I like being pushed around...and I don't like having my past lives not being protected properly.
I mean if it were still possible, I would still want to give Lucifer the cold hands to face punishment for doing that rebellion right in the middle of the imbalance between the Masculine and Feminine energies, that is linked to the dethroning of The Goddess and as well as about the Indo-Europeans, like I said before...
I learned about it from that book called "Stones Of The Goddess: Crystals for The Divine Feminine" by Nicholas Pearson.
but I don't want to take slag from Mammon, and if it were possible, I would tackle him to the ground and while he is on his back, I would slap him silly....
and well, if the Mammon from Helluva Boss were real, I would want to call dibs on his butt as well just so I can kick it.
well, I know I never really kicked anyone's butt in real life....unless you count video games.
I know that once I had to be held back when someone was bullying one of my family members, I guess I wasn't really thinking during that time but the moment I saw it, I think I got really mad and when I was about to go over to them, I was being held back....
I know I was a weird baby as well, and I know I gave my Mom a few surprises after I was born....one of them being on how big I was...
my hair turned out to be a golden color...
I said I started to call myself the "Embodiment Of Weirdness"
well if ya knew how weird I was when I was a baby and did some freaky stuff not very long after I was born, you freak out as well...
like being told that while laying on my belly, I kept raising my arms up to my head and resting my head on them....and I know I wasn't a year old when that happen because what I had been told about it.
it's like a mix of cute and freaky, well it did freak my family out but they also thought it was really cute.
it be funny if that happen with Charlie from Hazbin Hotel, picture Lucifer freaking out and telling Lilith. XD
or if Adam the Leader of the Exterminators, had a baby and he witnesses the same thing and starts freaking out.
or if Ozzie and Fizz adopt a baby, and they see the same thing and start freaking out even more than Lucifer and Adam.
that would be funny and adorable.
and speaking of Fizz, I know he looked up to Mammon, but it's too bad he couldn't see through Mammon.
but at least the relationship between Ozzie and Fizz became open.
and they kissed on the lips, and it seems that everyone in that universe who ended up learning that Ozzie loved Fizz...
it got every hellborn present fangirling, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them yelled out "YES!!! MY OTP SHIP IS CANON!"
I mean come on, ya can't be surprised that those two would have real supporters both from our dimension and from that universe. XD
of course now I have the weird idea about wanting to ship Mammon with Molly, Angel's twin sister.
and believe me, I have some weird ideas on how that Mammolly would go.
and yeah the ship name just came to me just now.
and besides being weird, I know I'm still paranoid about the Asmodeus from our dimension....and I have good reason to be of him.
like worrying about if he would try to seduce me and make me fall for him, only for it to be a trick and trap because it is some sick and twisted revenge plan on King Solomon.
and yeah, in case no one read the parts that had me talking about it before and ask "what does that have to do with King Solomon...?"
the reason I believe that Asmodeus would want to do that, like use me as revenge on him.....it's because I'm one of King Solomon's descendants.
I guess I should try not to think about that too much and just me being paranoid.....but I still think that not being able to take that throne is more of a blessing and not really a curse at all.
I mean even if I'm somehow right about Asmodeus wanting revenge on King Solomon, he could pick anyone of his descendants, not just me.....though it is possible not all of his descendants would end up being Earth Angels, even a Defective Earth Angel.
and yeah as weird as it might be, I have a small crush on Ozzie and Fizz from Helluva Boss, but I still want them to be together.
I mean there are different levels of crushes, and not all of them would be close to the point of being really in love.
just like there is different levels of fans, there are the safe and dangerous ranks of them.
even those who are the mild-crazy fans are a bit more safer than the really REALLY bad types, like that guy we see in that new episode who couldn't take a "No" and was obviously a stalker from what Blitz had mentioned what he was doing at his and Fizz's dressing room.
well at least Blitz was there to protect Fizz.
I can't help but think I might be the same height as those two, or even a inch shorter than them.
I know I'm suppose to be 5'5" and once I thought I was 5'6" but apparently I wasn't...
plus whenever I see my shadow on the wall or door, I notice how dang short I am and even when I take my shoes off I seem even shorter, like stepping out of them makes me look like I lost some height just a bit.
if it turns out Blitz and Fizz are around 5'6" I might end up being surprised, cause it would mean I was right about them being around my height.....well more like them being a bit taller than me.
hey, I'm weird and that is one of the weird thoughts that pop into my head.
and Angel is like way taller than those two, he could probably pick me up like a doll. O_O
and I can't help but think that Arackniss might be even taller than me.
like for all I know, he could be a inch taller than me.
but anyway, I loved the episode that Mammon appeared on, and it had a very touching moment in it that showed such a sweet side of Fizz when he was using sign language to a little Impling boy who wanted to be just like him, and it was both sweet and a surprise that Fizz knew sign language, and he was able to understand what that boy was saying, but I think they gave Fizz some comfort because they were a fan that not only looked up to him but also treated him as a person.
Fizz would make a good parent someday, I mean even if it doesn't happen in the canon, it can in the fanon and yeah fans have made Fizz and Ozzie have children of their own in the Fanon Timelines.
and I'm guessing that Fizz was worried what everyone would say or think if they found out that he and Ozzie were dating and that they loved each other, I mean his face kind of gave that worry away after Ozzie admit that he was in love with him.
but instead of getting "boos" and "looks of disgust" they ended up with a lot of Hellborns being all happy and fangirling.
I really wouldn't be surprised now, that some of their fans had been shipping them and seeing that their ship is canon, might of ended up going into a fangirl coma.
like picture after Ozzie admitting he loves Fizz, and a fangirl gets so happy she faints into a fangirl coma and one of those goats with the candles on their heads while wearing a doctor coat, ends up having to revive her and yells out "CLEAR!" and then the shocks to the fangirl's body starts to happen and keeps happening until she comes out of the fangirl coma....even if that doesn't really happen for a coma, but maybe that can be for a fangirl coma in cartoons.
I wonder if Glitz and Glam will end up being Mammon's "Harley Quinn Twins" well I guess I'm curious about that.
Mammon did seem a bit s*xist in the start of the episode, wouldn't be surprised if he still is.
I mean I don't know if he would laugh at this joke
"what do you call a skeleton out in the snow....?"
........."chilled to the bone."
I had posted a undertale fan art before over at another place that had that joke.
it was a few years ago when I came up with that joke.
I think Fizz had viewed Mammon as a type of Father Figure, but from what was going on in the episode, it doesn't seem so now.
Fizz having a panic attack, must of been scary for him and even having to pretend he was okay in front of Mammon.
at least Fizz didn't hit his head on a ceiling of a car during it...
cause once again I had a panic attack in 2015, of course I don't think I figured out it was a panic attack until much later.
and yeah even though I didn't have one while in the car this year, while being alone and waiting for family to come back, I still hated how long it seem they were taking and I got that weird feeling where my heart is.....I don't think it is anxiety, so my family could be wrong about that.
but at least I was able to fully control myself and try to keep calm, well as calm as I could be.
and there is reasons why I don't like being outside alone, even when just waiting in the car.
even if both Fizz and I have different reasons to get panic attacks, but it's good that Blitz and Ozzie were there for him when he needed it.
and well besides wanting to punch Mammon from Helluva Boss, below the belt, I also want to flip him the double bird.
even if my own Dad wasn't really around and I only met him once, Mammon would make him and even my Possible Soul-Dad better and not so bad at being a father figure.
like it can still be possible I was made up of fused soul fragments, and one of them being from my Earth Angel Mom....
I might be weird but I'm also a very weird experience. XD
anyway, I don't want to give everything away from that new episode.
but I can't help to want to view the Fanon-Mammon as "Mammon Jr." and being the Canon-Mammon's Son in the Fanon Timeline.
just picture Canon-Mammon yelling out "Oh, Junior!" when yelling for Fanon-Mammon who then yells "Shut up Dad! I'm texting Robo-Fizz!"
yeah, I'm weird for thinking about that, but I like that idea.
it's okay not everyone agrees about that weird idea that the two Mammons become like Father & Son.
at least in the episode Fizz and Ozzie had those cute moments and even kissed.
seriously you two, stop being so freaking adorable, your going to cause some fans to go into a fangirl coma. XD
even if some of those who go into a fangirl coma, turn out to be fanboys or fan-enboys or fan-enbirls.
Enboy is Nonbinary-Boys & Enbirls are Nonbinary-Girls.
I think I will talk about my thoughts about the episode that Canon-Mammon (nickname Mammon Sr.) first appeared in, more some other time.
I really need to hurry up and post this now, so I can get a Crossover ship drawing post next before Halloween is over with and it becomes tomorrow.
so yeah, if some ended up reading this, hope you like the whole idea bout Mammon Sr. and Mammon Jr., as well as talking about my thoughts about Ozzie admitting he loves Fizz, had ended up sending someone into a fangirl coma, don't know what type of hellborn they would be, so they could be a Imp or any other type of hellborn that ends up in that fangirl coma.
Fizz might of not been expecting so many to be so happy for him and Ozzie, but even if some aren't, the Fizz x Ozzie shippers could out number the ones that might not be happy about it.
so Striker, Stella, Andrea and a few others in that universe who aren't happy about those two being together, might end up being out numbered by the ones who supports their love.
anyway when I can, I will talk more about the episode where Mammon Sr. appeared in, but it might be a while.
cause I think I will wait a bit longer before I talk about certain spoilers from that episode.
also how the whole Fanon-Mammon could be that version's son in the Fanon Timelines (But NOT in the Canon-Timeline)
has to do with a fragmenting a part of Mammon Sr., ya know like his soul or whatever he has....
so kind of being what happen with Asmodeus Sr. from our dimension, which if info is true, it would be King Solomon that caused it, I will have to look it up again.
also I'm going to make this post into a Part 1, and when I can I will write Part 2 of this...
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