#but also i used one from ouat for a reason
pixiedane · 2 years
I have been emotionally compromised by Star Trek Picard
MANY SPOILERS BELOW. Also rambling and rabbit holes into my psyche.
I've explained often that Ro Laren is the first Star Trek character that represented ME on screen. That the reason Voyager is my Trek is it's a whole shipful (and showful) of Ro Larens. And that is also why Picard owns my soul. From the beginning it's been ABOUT rebels who exist within and without the confines of Starfleet and how they navigate between the two.
I was told last April an appearance by Ro Laren was a likelihood in Picard S3 and since it had wrapped at that point, I believed it. I've been carrying around the potential for a Picard/Ro reunion for nearly a year and I got it and it was glorious. EXACTLY what I wanted from that scene, that conversation. It was painful and angry and yearning on both sides and could even be seen as shippy if you are a me. It was even perfect that it was in Guinan's bar.
And then minutes later she sacrificed herself. And I knew that would happen, too. Not because it was suggested to me, it wasn't. Because that's what happens to the characters I relate to the most. They are never the protagonists (I call myself after the manic pixie dream girl trope for a reason) and they never win. They barely ever survive and when they do they disappear, they are forgotten, or they turn into something unrecognizable from what I related to in the first place.
Ro gave Picard closure. She reminded him not to conflate duty with honor. She showed him he could be a good parent if he saw his child for the person they already are in addition to the person he imagines they could be. She connected his past to his present. And then she died because her purpose was fulfilled.
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I actually quite like the idea of Picard as the deconstruction of the Great Man. It's more satisfying than the far more widely seen and (mis?)understood hero-turned-wise-mentor trope. JL tries to be a wise mentor but he fails at it more than he succeeds. And he hasn't given up being the hero. He hasn't given up being the rebel. He knows his name is in the title. He's still trying to prove himself to me. To me.
I sensed that Ro Laren was going to die the same way I sensed that Katrina Cornwell was going to die and I preemptively protected myself against my feelings about it by choosing not to feel. Kat died four years ago and to this day my main emotional reaction to it is the lack of an emotional reaction. I'm numb about it.
That said, Kat's death broke the narrative. It didn't make sense in the context of her character. Kat's entire arc was one of survival, the survival of self and the survival of Starfleet, and her sacrifice was a misread of that. It doesn't make sense. Katrina Cornwell is a survivor.
Ro's entire arc actually is about sacrifice. From introduction it was about the things she had to give up. Her father, her freedom, her faith, her ideals, her career, her mentor. She gave up everything over and over and over. I don't want her death and it was not necessary but it makes sense in the context of her character and in service to the reconstruction of Jean-Luc Picard. That second part may be a slap in the face but that first part is validation.
Was Ro Laren fridged? Yes. Am I happy about it? No. Am I angry about it? Intellectually yes, emotionally I'm numb. Do I hate this episode the way I do "Such Sweet Sorrow" and tbh the entirety of Disco S2? No. It breaks my heart but not my brain. The Picard/Ro scene is perfect. The part about being seen was a message to me, to the girl who wanted to be seen in/by her favorite show and wasn't until Ro showed up. With the exception of the death this episode is Anika catnip, Anika cocaine.
Jack Crusher is the most made for me character in the history of characters made for me or anyone else. The only thing different between him and every original character I've ever created for any reason is he's a boy and I love him so much I can't hold it against him. In fact, I see my boy mom relationship with my son in his relationship with his mom and I actually really needed that.
And Ro Laren was sacrificed for Jack Crusher in every possible way one character can be sacrificed for another. My emotions are literally everywhere.
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inkpotsprite · 3 months
I came up with this AU a while back - probably a few months after I stumbled into this fandom - and it's been bouncing around in my head for a while. (Excuse the scatterbrained nature of this post, I'm just writing my thoughts as they come)
Tim Drake meets Peter Pan (OUAT edition)
I mean, he's the perfect candidate for a lost boy. Neglected, lonely and will probably become scarily loyal to the first person who offers him a way out of that. Not to mention, he's smart, has loose morals (I mean, he did stalk and blackmail Batman) and can be a little ruthless at times, he'd be Peter's right hand man in no time.
So, he lives as a lost boy for a while, but finds Peter's ways of doing things too dark or cruel and, being the baby genius he is, escaped from Neverland, back to Gotham.
But also, we could combine this concept with the Tim joins the family early trope. Like, he goes to Neverland a couple of times, but also starts connecting with the Waynes, so that could be part of the reason he's able to let go of that loyalty to Peter, because he's got something better waiting for him. He never tells the Wayne's about his time in Neverland, worrying that they'll see him differently due to the morally grey things he did there as Peter's right hand man. Tim deals with quite a bit of imposter syndrome and insecurity, but ultimately, he's more happy than not.
Then, a few years later, Damian comes in and is all, well, Damian about things which makes things take a bad turn for Tim. The family is bad at balance/communication and Tim "Abandonment Issues" Drake is a very unreliable narrator at times, so it's angst galore. Then Peter turns up again.
Tim goes with him to Neverland, this time with the intention of staying forever.
Or, we could go another route and look into Damian, a kid whose whole life had been uprooted as he's sent to live with a father he's never met and with a family with vastly different dynamics to what he's used to. He's not neglected, but he's certainly lonely. Especially when being held up to expectations and moral standards that he finds impossible to comprehend after being raised by Talia and Ra's.
So Peter comes back, but he takes Damian instead, as a way to lure Tim back to Neverland. And, even if he doesn't like Damian much right now, of course Tim will go after him because that's his little brother and no way in hell is he letting Peter take him.
We could even sprinkle in a little backstory about Peter knowing Bruce from when Bruce was a kid, after his parents died. Now, two of Bruce's sons are missing and he has to find a way to Neverland.
That's where Jason comes in. Jason Todd, the ultimate lost boy who never was. Not for lack of trying. Peter's shadow swooped down to get him when he was living on the streets, but Jay isn't some naive kid, he's a Gothamite, a Crime Alley kid and he knows that if someone - even that someone is a creepy shadow person - grabs you and tries to get you to a secondary location, you fucking fight it with all you have. So, Jason never makes it to Neverland. Instead, he fights so hard that the shadow drops him, right onto Captain Hook - Killian Jones' - ship. They bond, Killian teaches Jason the ropes, but Jason ultimately decides to go back to Gotham for whatever reason (maybe Killian messes up or Jason's trust issues get the better of him) and he leaves.
We could also play around with parallels between Bruce and Peter. Both taking in lost, lonely kids that no one else wants, having them fight battles, Peter could even hit Bruce with that 'at least my boys will never die' as if forcing them to live forever in eternal stagnation is so much better.
While in Neverland together, Tim and Damian start to bond over their feelings of never truly belonging anywhere. That they'll be forever defined by what they did over who they are. As they grow closer, Tim reassures Damian that he will always belong with him, to give him the chance to prove it.
Meanwhile, Bruce, Dick and Jason are on their way to Neverland. And Peter is ready to start playing the game.
... And that's all I've got so far.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
sorry to post about OUAT outside of the safety of the patreon corral but I just. truly cannot stop thinking about the bugfuck insanity of the writers deciding to drop in the seventh episode of their show ever that Regina has kept the same man as a sex slave in two separate realities.
like the nature of Storybrooke is that, having altered memories and lives constructed by Regina, I think almost everyone is off the hook for any sex under the effects of the OG curse—ie, Snow White might regret hooking up with Victor Frankenstein but the two of them were as on an equal footing as possible in the situation and both consented based on their understanding of reality at the time—with the obvious exception of Regina! who is extremely aware that everyone else in town is the most under the influence that maybe anyone has ever been in the history of the world!
which would be yucky enough if it was like, a bad situationship that developed organically in Storybrooke, but no man she was just recreating her setup in the Enchanted Forest where she kept Graham as a sex slave for god knows how many years. hello! hello!!! is anyone listening I'm going insane.
season one kind of revels in getting to roll out little reveals of Regina's litany of crimes via flashbacks to keep emphasizing, over and over, that she is insane and petty and willing to stoop to pretty much anything. in the first episode you know she's responsible for the curse that drives the entire plot, standard big bad stuff, but by the tenth episode you know she also kidnapped multiple children and sent them to their deaths in the candy house from Hansel and Gretel. which is obviously bad, no shit, but it's like. she's Snow White's wicked stepmother, she's the villain in a loosely goosey live action adaptation of classic Disney movies. endangering children for cruel and petty reasons is part of the territory.
but she also like. you know. she explicitly has a scared, trapped man dragged away to her bed chamber after she forcibly kisses him and magically rips his heart out of his chest specifically so that he can never defy her again. and then in case there was even a little bit of doubt left about what's going on there she continues to make his real world counterpart have sex with her, and even under a spell that's completely erased his memories of his old identity and life, he admits that his relationship with Regina doesn't make him feel anything. no one ever comes right out and says Regina is using her power as the mayor to pressure him into it, but that would frankly be mild by her standards.
I can't even quite articulate why I'm so hung up on this except that it's like, so jarring to have Regina do so many over the top cartoon crimes with her magical murder and mayhem and then also slip in oh, btw, she's also a rapist! she raped that man!" especially when you factor in that, based on my memory of the show and general understanding of what mind of show this is, no one is ever going to acknowledge that. when Regina starts her good guy redemption arc and other characters try to hold her accountable for things it's always going to be "you killed Graham" and never "you killed Graham after raping him repeatedly for many years in two different realities." no one is ever going to talk about that.
except for me, because I'm stuck watching six and a half more seasons and I will not be able to forget.
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princess-ibri · 11 months
Tangled Unbraided
For ages I've wanted to find a way to use the old fractured fairytale idea of "Rapunzel Unbraided" Disney was going to do in the early 2000s, and decided to just go ahead and show what I've got. So here's some sketches of how the main characters would appear in this hypothetical Tangled spin off movie:
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The original synopsis for Unbraided ran as thus:
“An evil witch named Lucretia despised fairy tale happy endings and plotted to change all that. Meanwhile in modern day San Francisco, Claire and Vince are two vastly opposite teenagers who cannot stand one another. Claire is a short haired, fashion obsessed teen who was concerned with her looks. Vince is a stocky and crude pizza delivery boy on hard times. The two of them get on each other's nerves which gets the attention of Lucretia in the fairy tale realm. Lucretia takes Rapunzel and her prince Beau and transforms them into a squirrel and dog, respectively, while Claire and Vince find themselves filling their roles. Claire and Vince eventually team up with Rapunzel and Beau to defeat Lucretia and return to their respective places in time. “
And I'd want to follow the basic plot of that, though with changes with what we have from the actual Tangled movie. But basically two teens from 2007 San Francisco (why not make it a 'period' piece with all this Y2K nostalgia going on that makes no sense to me, a Y2K kid x) get reverse Enchanted and find themselves in the Everrealm. Searching for a way home, mentored by a talking squirrel and dog that claim to be famous fairytale characters also trying to regain their human forms.
The reason the witch tries to recreate the Rapunzel story with two people who are unlikely to give it a happy ending is that she's trying to make a spell to warp reality and bring about another golden flower (so that we can have the one that eventually shows up in Sofia the First) and so gain immortality for herself.
My ideas for the growth journeys each character goes on in this hypothetical movie is of course that Claire and Vince both learn to be more comfortable with themselves/find their real potential, as well as learn that its ok to trust others emotionally, both in a platonic sense with Eugene and Rapunzel mentoring them, and romantically with eachother as they get closer.
Rapunzel and Eugene would have this be an opportunity for them both to work through the concerns they both have about being parents. Sure they both have better parental relationships now, but both grew up with either abusive or absent parents (and then hyper protective ones in Rapunzel's case with Frederick) and though they both want kids they're afraid they might still mess it up. So, getting to help these two teens find themselves and their way home gives them a sense of the type of parents they'll be, and that they'll be ok in the end.
(They also all eventually find out Claire is their many times descendent and thats why she looks like Rapunzel so much, and why the spell called her into Rapunzel's place)
For the Witch I decided to change her name from Lucretia as I already had a character with that name for the Bluebeard story. I still wanted her to have some actual connection to the og Rapunzel fairytale, and a way to know about the Sundrop flower, and while I know we already had Cass as Gothel's kid, per my DisneyVerse she did have more then one over those many many years 😅😬
We already had a benevolent version of another Gothel daughter with my rewrite of Ginny, so I decided this time we'd get to focus on a malevolent one, so our villain for this story is Azalea.
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(I based her looks on one of the tree nymphs from Gothel's backstory in OUAT, old Gothel/witch concept art and her name was inspired by Alice from OUAT being Gothel's daughter, just with a sharper sounding plant name x)
Also here's some original concept art of the Rapunzel Unbraided story treatment!
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(Some of these might technically be from the Rapunzel treatment but I feel they fit the story anyway)
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Also some video! A rough animatic overview of the whole story
And a more polished small clip of Claire and Squirrel Rapunzel
But yeah that's my rough little idea of how I'd incorporate the Rapunzel Unbraided concept/characters into the Disneyverse :)
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ryik-the-writer · 6 months
No one:
Me: You know who would have been better as Belle's infidelity partner than Will Scarlet? Jefferson.
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Before I begin, THIS IS NOT A BELLE HATE POST! Yes, I am going to address IT, but I am not putting her down for this...and I'll tell you why.
So after that god-freaking-awful twist in 4x11 when Belle sends Rumple over the town line, both he and Belle are left shattered at their dubious betrayals, the latter of which so much so she sought additional comfort (again, not hate, just hear me out).
That love interest ... for whatever reason ... was Will Scarlet, a cameo from Once Upon a Time's short-lived spin-off OUAT in Wonderland, which had ended a few months prior.
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I, along with a good chunk of the fanbase, thought it was a unique choice, and most likely a way to acknowledge the spin-off in canon.
Don't get me wrong, I like Will as a character in OUATIW, but he was just off to me in OUAT. Like he was just shoved in there without a real purpose. Even his scenes with Robin Hood felt forced to me.
And honestly, it seemed strange to me that Belle, the logical scholar and fruitful romantic, would break her wedding vows of all things even after what Rumple did.
BUT THEN AGAIN, I also don't think it's established how intensive wedding vows are in this universe. I mean, Snow technically cheated on David with Dr. Whale, and while it's addressed comedically, it's not really addressed as an issue in their marriage but they comfortably move on from none the less.
Of course, it's obviously just the show's weakest attempt at *drama* and a way to baffle the Rumbellers into stunned silence so they can focus on *other things* (I am NOT going THERE today.)
And I think I remember an article or something about Will's actor's Michael Socha, feeling underused and wanting out especially since he had a kid at home. While he has a few zingers between him and other characters like Rumple and Hook, he looks so awkward when he's on-screen with Belle, like even he doesn't know why he's there!
But for the sake of *drama* Belle needs some side yum. Cool. Girl's gotta work out her frustrations some way right? But WILL SCARLET?!
This Will Scarlet?
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"I love you Anastasia Tremaine" Will Scarlet?
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Who ripped his heart out because her betrayal was just too much?
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For freaking sake, they had a TLK!!!
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I will only, and I mean ONLY accept the following two theories as a reason why...this happened...
1. This takes place during Will and Anastasia's break.
It's established in the OUATIW that the events in the spinoff are happening sometime in either late-season 1 or early season 2's canon. I think. But maybe, just maybe, it was actually around season 4's timeline? The timeline is screwed to hell anyway so...
Ana's presence is established in OUAT after Will, who broke into the library and vandalized a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is arrested and held indefinitely. And while Will looks distraught at the mention of his former love, but he's not devastated enough
The scene subsequently serves as a pointless but sweet way to introduce Belle and Will. I myself wrote a fic few years back as a way to fill in how that played out afterwards. But the actual writers just kind of tossed it in there.
And dropped it.
Yeah, WIll just kind of disappeared after season 4. Thanks for stopping by, I guess.
And btw, you cannot convince me that a guy who reacts like this after watching the love of his life get killed in front of him:
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Like I kid you not, Will's screams and cries were stuck in my head after that episode. I gasped and covered my mouth. I remember feeling the same way when Graham died in OUAT because Emma's grief was just as raw as this. This is not the kind of grief you just up and move on with so casually. This sticks with you.
Okay, I swear, I have a point.
Again, if Belle just *needed* a love interest during her break from Rumple, fine, but why not use the opportunity to do some freaking fan service after that Frozen mess?
Bring. Back. The. Hatter.
Why Jefferson?
He has an established relationship with Belle.
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Even if the ugly truth is Jefferson had to know Belle was being held captive in the hospital asylum, Belle would still, begrudgingly, be grateful he freed her and reunited her with Rumplestiltskin. Maybe he tried apologizing with coffee, and...things happen.
Plus he has an established relationship with Rumplestiltskin PRIOR to Belle.
No. You cannot tell me these two:
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...were just "business associates". No these two were hitting shroons in Wonderland every Tuesday at happy hour, do I make myself clear? It's obvious they weren't friends but they worked well together.
That scene in the shop would have been BANGER if Jefferson had been in Will's place. I mean the possibilities are endless with their establishment. They could have opened up an opportunity to explore more of Rumple's deals with Jefferson to find a way to the Land Without Magic, or even their shared connection with Regina, established, beloved connections in the series the audience would be comfortable with.
And honestly, I think Belle and Jefferson could have very nice chemistry too.
Their both worldly, and I can see these two sitting at a booth in Granny's forever as Jefferson told her her stories about his travels, maybe even a few tales about his deal and possible friendship with Rumplestiltskin. And maybe he helps her heal a bit.
That scene in 4x12 where Belle and Hook talk about Rumple really rubbed me the wrong way. What Rumple did to Belle and, yes, even Hook, was awful, but Hook never had to answer for his part in Rumple's decline. What did he think would happen if he threatened to blackmail him with Belle of all people?
Not to mention, Belle and Grace would have gotten along so well.
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At this point in the series, Grace is a young teenager, and could possibly use a female presence. She like Henry, would probably understand that her father needs more companionship and would support their relationship. And it would be great foreshadowing to Belle's own relationship with her child later on. And Belle LOVES kids and could have formed a very promising bond with Grace. Regardless on how her relationship with Jefferson could have ended, Belle would have this girl over for sleepovers every week.
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devilishgaysayshey · 9 months
Peter Pan x Male!Demon!Reader
≈6000 words
Peter Pan paylist for this fic:
-Here's to never growing up-
–Third pov
Y/N was an adventurous and rather young spirited demon. In search of self fulfillment, or happiness to keep it frank - he had traveled the fairytale forest, the realms of the giants, wonderland, modern world, and even storybrooke. Due to not being bound by the rules of human magic, he could simply portal himself anywhere he'd like.
Although he made many acquaintances and had many adventures he thought fond of, no place made him truly happy or satisfied. No matter what he did, deep down, he always felt a deep feeling of being lost. Having no true place to call home.
But after a year of adventuring, he had heard about a magical island called Neverland, that found itself in a whole new realm he hadn't seen before. Having heard words or rather, rants, from a certain chubby man with a red cap named mr. Smee..
The man spoke of a group named the Lost Boys, their fearsome leader Peter Pan, the magic there, a banished green fairy, and the some-wicked-some-kind mermaids.
It intrigued him so much he decided to travel there despite its nefarious reputation.
However once he got there he decided to use his magic while levitating around, just to see how this place’s energy worked for him.
That caught the leader Pan's attention. As Pan and his lost boys approached him with much disdain, Y/N tried to act as if he wasn't the powerful demon that he was.
Knowing what he knew about Pan is that he was quite full of himself and proud of his power. He figured that now revealing to Pan that he was equally if not outmatched by him would only cause Pan to feel threatened and scornful.
Pan’s lost lost boys tried to attack him, but it was no use, it was almost as if he was made out of invincible steel. That was however, Y/N using his powers, unbeknownst to them, not to Pan however who seemed to have already had an idea of what he was. Now knowing their attacks were of no use, Pan decided to simply capture and imprison the demon boy who did not seem to fight back at all.
Despite Y/N possessing the ability to wield incredible power, Y/N was most intrigued by Pan. So much so, that despite not liking current affairs, he'd bear with it for the time being. He'd figure that Pan would turn around with the means of his inevitable charm. He also found Pan quite good looking and as he was escorted into the woods of Neverland he was very amused and cracked various jokes and clever flirtations towards Pan. Which however, Pan did not seem to dislike. He'd even seemed more smug about it. But the lost boys were stunned by it, it was extremely unusual and odd for a prisoner of Pan act this way.
– Y/N’s pov
I was not exactly a happy demon when Peter Pan captured me on the island. I had trespassed the place according to him and had now found myself in one of his enchanted cages. At least, that was the reason he told me. However I was quite entertained by this debacle, not to mention that Peter wasn’t bad to look at, at all.
"Well this is a most unpleasant welcome." I scoffed jokingly.
Peter Pan leered at me through the bars of my cage. "Well, aren’t you the audacious one. I don't take kindly to invaders here on Neverland. However demon, I do hope you enjoy your stay in this cage for now."
I rolled my eyes. "Kind as you are, I don't think I'll be confined for long. Alas, there's always a way out of a trap." I replied with a mischievous and challenging glint in my eyes.
To which Pan chuckled darkly. "Oh, I wouldn't count on it so confidently if I were you. You'll find that things here in Neverland work quite differently than wherever you're from. No one here, leaves, without my permission.” Peter paused for a moment, staring me down menacingly. “But for now, goodbye demon.." Pan deviously purred as he vanished right after darkly telling his blonde accomplice to: 'hang me over there next to the other one.’
It didn’t take long before the tall blonde bastard grinned satisfied next to his fellow lost boys as my cage elevated high up in a high tree.
Well this certainly wasn't how I planned the beginning of my great adventure to another realm..
I deeply inhaled as I floated around in my cage brainstorming on how to escape the contrapped nightmare I was in.
Although I wasn't able to escape initially, due to Pan’s using blood magic; when I used my knowledge of magic to my advantage I found a loophole - I switched consciousness with a tragically ugly cat that was walking around and managed to get out of the cage as an animal.
– 3rd POV
When Peter Pan caught wind of this, he was furious. However, his anger turned to intrigue when he realized what Y/N could do with his abilities. He knew he had underestimated the lad on that fateful day they met.
Deciding that Y/N would be more useful as part of his Lost Boys rather than kept in a cage. And so, Pan made the decision to make Y/N one of them, that is of course, if he made it through the initiation. But something in Y/N's eyes told him that he would.
After retrieving Y/N back in his own body, he approached him. A wicked grin spread across his face. "I could use someone like you in my band of merry misfits." His hand extended towards the demon boy, fingers curled into a fist. "What do you say?”
This intrigued Y/N. A brand new adventure? He couldn’t say no to that. And by the looks of it he didn't think he had a choice either way, so he agreed to it. "Alright." He said bluntly.
“Splendid!" Peter's grin widened as he took Y/N’s hand in his. Power seemed to radiate from his touch, electrifying you with excitement and domination in equal measure. "Welcome." His voice was low, almost whispering.
A wave of heat ran over from where their hands connected. "Thanks," Y/N said, feeling somewhat overwhelmed.
Peter Pan released the demon boy’s hand, stepping back and looking at him with sparkling eyes. His presence was electric, charged with a wild energy. He seemed to radiate an aura of danger, but there was something compelling about him, a magnetism that draws the lost and the lonely. He eyes the smaller boy down, he looked enchantingly pretty, and he had a strong aura, although the boy didn't quite seem aware of it.
"Now that that's been settled. I'm Peter Pan. What is your name, boy?" He asked curiously.
Y/N blinked twice. He was pretty nervous due to his apparent attraction to Pan. His features were so gorgeously combined, it had really struck him. "..My name's Y/N" He replied rather aloof.
Peter Pan's grin grew wider, his eyes twinkling with amusement and interest. He stepped closer, their bodies almost touching again, the air around them crackling with anticipation. "Well, Y/N," he began softly, his voice a seductive whisper, "I trust you'll find adventure here with us, that is, if you complete our initiation tonight." All lost boys were accepted based on if they heard Pan's flute. Only the lost or unloved could hear it.
"Initiation? What should I imagine by that?" The boy asked confused and slightly off guard.
Peter Pan's eyes glinted with amusement. He loved seeing the confusion on Y/N's face. It was like watching a puppy try to understand a magic trick. “Oh, nothing too frightening,” he assured him, his voice dripping with wicked charm.
"Alright.." Y/N replied with a hint of wariness.
As Y/N mingled with the rest of the lost boys he had quickly acquainted some. The way he fit in with the other boys made it apparent he would most likely get through the initiation.
Besides, he easily charmed the other boys. Apart from being nervous around Pan, he was a daring kind of boy. A kind the other lost boys could quickly get along with, and felt comfortable being around.
After a day of exciting games, nightfall had fallen, and the party of his initiation had begun. Festive drums and flutes could be heard and the other boys danced wild & free. Y/N however was talking to two lost boys named Devin and Felix who tried to convince him to dance
Peter Pan watched as Y/N mingled with the other Lost Boys. Y/N was indeed a charming one, capable of capturing the hearts of others effortlessly. As the drums and flutes grew louder, so did the excitement. Pan decided it was time to make his presence known and play the melodic tune on his magical flute.
Y/N suddenly heard the new instrument mingling in with the drums and flutes. It was so trancing that he lost all that grounded him, he joined Felix and Devin in the circle of dancing lost boys. Y/N's dance fit in well with some of the more acrobatic boys. It was clear, he was a lost boy through and through.
“Ah, the beauty of youth and freedom." Pan whispered under his breath, watching Y/N dance. "He truly belongs here." Peter Pan couldn't help but watch Y/N, his gaze lingering on the boy's lithe form. He was captivated by his energy and enthusiasm, admiring how effortlessly he seemed to blend in with the other lost boys.
After a while, Pan decided it was time. He stopped playing his melodic tune. And that's when all the boys regained their consciousness. "Bravo, Y/N!" Peter Pan called out, drawing the boy's attention to himself. The others fell back, making room for their fearless leader. "You dance like the wind, i am impressed." Pan appeared before him, offering a graceful bow. "Welcome to the Lost Boys, my newest recruit.”
Y/N was stunned about what had just occurred. It all felt so unreal, yet he felt enormous joy, unlike he's ever felt. "Thanks Pan." Y/N said calmly with an ever so slight smile.
Now that the new recruit was officially initiated the drums and flutes started playing again as the boys around them cheered and grabbed the new lost boy to join them all for a final round of dance around the bonfire.
Pan grinned, his eyes twinkling in the flickering light of the bonfire. "Now, let's show our new friend what we do best!" He called out, leading the charge into another round of their frenzied dance. Pan grinned widely, watching Y/N blend seamlessly into the chaotic dance. He moved gracefully through the crowd, his laughter contagious as he danced circles around the bonfire.
After a long time of joyous dancing and partying, Pan's accomplice and now Y/N's new friend led him to his sleeping hut. "So.. Most of us sleep in huts like these, but some of us build treehouses to stay in. I can help you make one starting tomorrow if you want. But for tonight, you can join mine. Most new recruits sleep on the ground but I like you, so I don't mind having you over man." Felix said upbeat.
The next few days Y/N trained with the other lost boys. Being a demon it gave him an advantage to excel at those activities.
But alas, the flying demon proved to be a little too headstrong and rebellious for Peter's liking. Only playing pranks on Peter. Little did Pan know all that was because Y/N liked him and just loved his reactions. At first Pan put up with it, and simply pranked him back.
But after Y/N joked about Peter to one of his fellow lost boys, Pan had had enough and decided to teach him a real lesson.
Even if what Y/N did was technically harmless, Peter Pan still had a reputation to uphold as the fearsome leader of all the lost boys.
Taking Y/N into the center of the island, Pan humiliated him by hanging him upside down from a tree for everyone to see for a whole week.
Despite Y/N having been able to escape if he wanted to, he still wanted Pan to like him. And a part of him was entertained by it all, hence he gracefully sat out his punishment.
But while this punishment may have proved effective on anyone else, it had little effect on Y/N. He remained the fearless free spirit that he was. Plus this was only a win for him, he got a reaction out of Pan.
And so, Peter Pan began to punish Y/N's recently-made lost boy friends instead of him. Making him isolated from all the other boys since they did not want to be punished by Pan like Y/N's friends. Y/N however, didn't mind this and only caused more trouble now having no one to hold him back.
It was beginning to really hit Pan that all Y/N’s troublemaking was aimed at him. It was already clear to him that Y/N was attracted to him, so he finally put two and two together and realized where Y/Ns relentless teasing and troublemaking was coming from. It was textbook ‘I have a crush on you’ behavior from a guy. The cute boy was desperate for his attention.
And so, feeling his other efforts were futile, Pan came up with a new plan of action - rewarding Y/N for good behavior instead of punishing him. He began to show Y/N personal attention in the form of kissing and flattery, painfully aware of the latter's attraction towards him. And if Pan was honest, he enjoyed these interactions as much, if not a little more, as Y/N did.
And before long, Peter Pan started to want a little more than just kisses and alone time with Y/N. In an effort to also bring the boy into further submission, he planned to make the ever so willing demon have sex with him. And so he proceeded to approach him in his treehouse at night.
Peter Pan smirked, his eyes glinting with a mix of anticipation and control. He knew Y/N was down bad for him, and he intended to use that to his advantage.
Y/N, being the light sleeper that he was, opened his eyes, sensing a presence entering his tree house. He swiftly got up and got in stance, preparing himself for whomever it would be that dared to interrupt his precious sleep. Not knowing of course, that it was Pan.
Peter Pan chuckled darkly as he saw Y/N's reaction. "Well, well, look what we have here," he purred. "A spunky little lost boy who knows how to put up a good fight.”
Y/N abruptly untensed his stance and relaxed. "Oh. Pan, it's you. What could possibly bring you here this late? Is there something going on?" Y/N inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, nothing at all," Peter replied, his tone dripping with seduction. "I just thought we could spend some time together, you and I." He stepped closer, his eyes locked onto Y/N's. "Alone.”
Y/N's cheeks flushed. "Uh..What do you mean by that?" Already knowing the answer but wanting confirmation.
Peter Pan smirked wider, his intentions clear now. "I mean," Peter purred, his fingers trailing lightly down Y/N's chest, "I've been quite impressed with how well you've behaved lately. And I thought it was about time our relationship took more... intimate turn.”
"I..I see." His heart raced at Pan's lewd and sudden advances. Taking a step back from the taller guy out of nervousness.
Peter Pan's smirk turned predatory as he sensed Y/N's never seen before nervousness. "Oh, don't be shy now Y/N," he crooned, taking another step forward. His hands moved to Y/N's waist, pulling him closer. "I thought you liked me." Pan said, feigning a hurt and innocent expression. Just to get Y/N to say exactly what he wanted to hear.
"I do like you. It's just.. I'm not experienced at this. At all." Y/N admitted, unknowingly taking the bait.
Peter Pan chuckled softly, "Ah, sweet innocence," Peter cooed, his grin widening. "Well Y/N," Peter said, leaning in closer still. "I think it's time we fixed that, don't you?" His lips brushed against Y/N's in a soft, teasing kiss.
"Just relax," Peter whispered against Y/N's lips. "Let me show you how it's done." His hands slid up Y/N's sides, tracing patterns on his skin as he deepened the kiss. Peter Pan's hands moved up to cup Y/N's face, deepening the kiss. His tongue teased the outside of Y/N's lips, seeking entrance.
As Peter Pan's tongue delved into Y/N's mouth, his hands moved down to Y/N's chest, tracing patterns on his strong torso. He moved one hand to Y/N's stomach, drawing close so his fingers grazed Y/N's nether regions underneath the oversized shirt he would wear to bed. Granting both his hand, and later his business, easy access to him.
Y/N moaned into the kiss as Peter's tongue danced with his own, eagerly returning the other's affections. He felt a shiver run down his spine as Peter's hands teasingly brushed more against his crotch.
Feeling the response, Peter Pan deepened the kiss further, his hand gently massaging Y/N's arousal through the fabric. His other hand moved up to caress Y/N's neck, fingers entwining with the hair at the nape.
Y/N panted into the kiss, his body responding to Peter's touches eagerly. He could feel himself becoming more and more aroused under Peter's ministrations.
“Mmm," Peter hummed, kissing Y/N deeply as his fingers found the hem of Y/N's shirt. With a swift motion, Peter lifted the shirt over Y/N's head, revealing his naked torso.
"Aren't you cute" Peter purred satisfied as he eye-fucked Y/N's exposed body to which the smaller boy's body trembled in anticipation.
"That's it," Peter whispered against Y/N's lips before pulling back in, his hand sliding down to undo Y/N's underwear. "Let go, and let me take care of you." Peter whispered into the kiss. With that, he gently pushed Y/N back onto the bed, following him down and continuing to kiss him passionately.
Hmm, you feel so good," Peter murmured, his fingers working at the button of his own pants. As soon as it was undone, he pushed the pants down, exposing his hard cock. Gaining a small gasp from the smaller boy, smirking at the boy's impressed reaction. Only to then start grabbing Y/Ns crotch again and slowly rubbing and squeezing it.
Y/N moaned into the kiss, feeling Peter's cock against his leg. He arched into the touch, needing more as Peter's fingers teased his bare bits.
"You like that?" Peter whispered, smirking into the kiss. He groaned softly as he continued to tease Y/N's entrance with his fingers.
Y/N whimpered, nodding against Peter's lips. He wanted Peter to take him, to claim him fully. His legs spread slightly, offering himself up to the older boy.
Peter smirked into the kiss, feeling Y/N's legs spread. He could feel the younger boy's need for him. He growled softly before pushing his hips forward, feeling the head of his cock press against Y/N's entrance. He took a deep breath before pushing slowly into Y/N's heat. It was a tight fit but felt so good.
Y/N gasped at the stretching sensation as Peter pushed slowly into him. He arched his back, pushing back against Peter, wanting him deeper.
Peter Pan groaned, feeling Y/N's tightness gripping his cock. He continued to push slowly, inch by inch, claiming Y/N's virginity.
Y/N bit his lip, feeling every inch as Peter filled him. It hurt a little but the pleasure was overwhelming. He gripped Peter's shoulders, holding onto him as he took the older boy's cock fully.
Peter Pan growled, feeling Y/N's tight heat wrap around him. He held onto Y/N's hips, slowly beginning to thrust, feeling the head of his cock rub against Y/N's wall with each deep thrust.
"Fuck, Y/N," Peter panted, eyes almost completely closed. "You're so fucking tight." His movements became more frantic as he lost himself in the sensations of Y/N's body moving beneath him.
Y/N moaned, his body responding to Peter's thrusts. He arched his back, pushing against Peter's hips, wanting more of the older boy's cock. "Peter," he whimpered, feeling himself growing closer to his first orgasm.
"Cum for me, Y/N," Peter groaned, picking up the pace, his thrusts becoming rougher as he felt Y/N's tight heat squeezing him.
"Ahh!! Peter!" Y/N cried out, his body tensing as he came hard around Peter's cock. He arched his back, feeling every muscle in his body clench.
“Fuck," Peter groaned, feeling Y/N's tight heat clenching around him as he thrust into the demon boy. He could feel his own orgasm building, his thrusts becoming harder and faster as he lost himself in the feeling.
“Peter!" Y/N cried out, his voice breaking as he felt Peter's cum filling him up. He arched his back, pushing against the older boy's hips, wanting to feel every last drop.
With a final, deep thrust, Peter came inside Y/N, filling him with his seed. His body shuddered with the force of his orgasm as he held onto Y/N's hips, their skin slapping together in rhythm with their breathing.
Y/N gasped, his body trembling as he felt Peter's cum filling him up. to the brim. It was an intense sensation, both painful and exhilarating at the same time. He lay there panting, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.
As their breathing slowed, Peter gently pulled out of Y/N, his softening cock slipping out of the tight heat. He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Y/N's flushed cheek. "That was quite the experience, wasn't it?”
"Mhm.." Y/N agreed breathlessly. "I didn't know doing stuff like this would feel so good" He admitted bashfully
"Does that mean that you'll let me come back and play with you some more?" Peter asked with a wicked grin, his cock still hard and twitching slightly.
Y/N averted his gaze shyly. "I guess so.. "I want more." He admitted.
A triumphant smile spread across Peter's face. "Wonderful," he purred, leaning down to capture Y/N's lips in a passionate kiss. "I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of fun together.”
This arrangement of theirs ended proving to be an even more effective reward and slowly but surely, Peter began to crave even more from Y/N than he had initially foreseen.
During their adventures in Neverland, Y/N and Peter stumbled upon a plan for mischief.
"What if we replace Tinkerbell's fairy dust with something else?" Peter finished, grinning wickedly. They both shared a sinister laugh, their hearts pounding with excitement and anticipation.
"You know what I've got in mind, don't you?" Y/N said, licking his lips in anticipation. Peter just nodded in agreement as they exchanged a knowing glance before going about their mischievous plan.
As the sun began to set, casting an orange glow over Neverland, Y/N and Peter made their move. They crept silently through the forest, their hearts pounding with anticipation. Finally, they reached Tinkerbell's treehouse, their target within reach.
Carefully, they climbed up to the treehouse, avoiding any noise that might alert the fairy. Once inside, they found Tinkerbell's precious jar of fairy dust, shining brightly.
Are you ready for this?" Peter whispered, his breath hot against Y/N's ear. Without waiting for an answer, he reached out and scooped up some of the fairy dust, holding it tightly in his hand.
Y/N watched nervously as Peter began to replace the fairy dust with a substance they'd found earlier, carefully concealed in their clothing. The impostor dust was “practically harmless”, but it looked exactly like the real thing.
After ensuring that all of Tinkerbell's supply had been replaced, they climbed down from the treehouse, their hearts racing with excitement and anticipation. Now they just had to sit back and watch the chaos unfold.
As night fell, the inhabitants of Neverland who came to Tinkerbell for fairy dust began to feel the effects of the replaced substance. Instead of granting them flight or other magical abilities, it caused them to stumble, fall, and even become momentarily invisible.
“I knew I could count on you to help me with this, Y/N," Peter said, softly grabbing his face with one hand. "Now let's see how long it takes for everyone to realize it was us." They shared a wicked laugh, feeling untouchable in their mischief.
The very day after, they found themselves in the heart of Neverland, near the enchanted river where they often swam and played. As they splashed around, their laughter echoing through the forest.
Feeling more brave by the second, Y/N tentatively tried out a new position, straddling Peter's lap and leaning down to brush their lips together before trailing kisses along his chin and neck.
However, their play slowly turned to passion and they found themselves kissing and groping each other on the shore of the river. Their skin shimmered with water droplets.
Peter moaned in approval, his hands trailing up Y/N's wet back, gently gripping his hips as he pulled Y/N closer to grind against him. He growled softly, wanting more of Y/N's sweet, loving touch.
“Mmm, yes... harder," he whispered, urging Y/N to move rougher against him. The sensations were overwhelming.
Peter arched his back, gasping in ecstasy as Y/N continued to give him everything he wanted. It felt so good, being touched and wanted like this. The two of them moved closer, lost in a world of sensation and desire.
And when the evening came, they cuddled on the rooftop of Pan’s treehouse. Which Peter held under the pretense of ‘being a reward for Y/N's good behavior that day’. But the truth was, that he just wanted to spend time with Y/N. Which made him wonder if Y/N felt the same.
As they gazed at the stars on the roof of Pan's treehouse, Peter looked deeply into Y/N's eyes. "Y/N?" Peter whispered, his voice barely audible in the darkness. "Can I ask you something?”
"Do you... like being with me?" Peter asked, biting his lower lip nervously. He couldn't believe he was actually asking this question - it felt so vulnerable. But he needed to know where he stood with Y/N.
"I do. There isn't anywhere else I'd like to be than here at Neverland. And it's all because of you." Y/N replied earnestly. A bit nervous of Pan's impending reaction to this however.
"Really?" Peter asked, his heart swelling with joy at Y/N's words. He leaned in, pressing his lips softly against Y/N's. "I'm glad," he whispered, feeling a rush of happiness and contentment wash over him.
It became clear to Peter that the feelings he had for Y/N were far more than just him being a useful and powerful asset amongst the Lost Boys or just being nice to look at. No, it had developed to something more in depth.
So, late, on an ever so clear and warm night, Pan decided to seek Y/N out. Not being able to hold these feelings he had to himself for any longer.
Y/N was sitting at the beach with his two latest befriended fellow lost boys, Devin and Felix. They had a bottle of rum with them and laughed as they talked about the most nonsensical things. And while the two other boys were completely hammered, Y/N of course, was still sober due to his high tolerance. It didn't take long before the two guys fell asleep right next to the bonfire. Which left Y/N on his own. Which Pan deemed as the perfect opportunity to have a heart to heart with Y/N.
"Good evening Y/N, mind if I join you?" He asked rhetorically. Sliding up next to Y/N, Peter gazed out into the ocean for a moment before turning back to face him. "I wanted to talk to you about something... important," he said quietly, his heart racing as he stared into Y/N's eyes.
The demon looked at Pan curiously. "Oh, what would that be?" He asked hesitantly due to Pan's unusual serious and earnest tone.
"I... I think I might have feelings for you," Peter said softly, his face flushed with embarrassment. He couldn't believe he was admitting this, but the truth was too strong to ignore. "I've always found you attractive...But recently, I've fancied you as both a company and individual too.”
"Really? I'm highly flattered." Y/N paused for a moment. Trying to find the right words for his mutual fondness. "I must admit, I've been fancying you as well. Your presence both on this island as well as with me personally makes me very happy. And frankly, I definitely find myself with feelings for you too.”
Hearing Y/N's confession, Peter's heart soared. A mixture of happiness and surprise flooded his features. "Really?" He asked, then raising an eyebrow with a smug grin. "So it's mutual then." Peter Pan declared, a small smile maintaining on his face. Despite trying to put out his usual smug demeanor, he couldn't believe his luck. He reached out, gently tracing his fingers along Y/N's jawline. "I'm glad it is.”
After that heartfelt conversation. Pan gradually started to become even more possessive and tender towards Y/N, as his feelings slowly began to transform into something far more serious and romantical.
Another time, they found themselves in the lost boy lair, dancing around a bonfire with the company of Y/N's fellow Lost Boys as per usual. As they spun and laughed together to drums and Pan's hypnotizing melody on his flute. Peter couldn't help but be reminded again of how well Y/N fit into his world.
Amidst the playful chaos, Peter managed to steal a moment alone with Y/N. He grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously in the flickering firelight. "You know," he began, his voice low and teasing,
"There's still one more thing I want to show you." With a wink, he reached over, snatching Y/N's hand.
“Come on, let's see if you can keep up." And with that, Peter led Y/N on a daring chase through the trees, laughing and screaming as they raced from branch to branch. Y/N followed willingly, trusting Peter completely.
Finally they came to a stop, standing on a high branch overlooking the sleeping Lost Boys in their hammocks. Peter turned to Y/N, placing both his hands on Y/N's cheeks tenderly, looking deeply into his eyes. "Do you trust me?”
Before Y/N could respond, Peter leaned in, pressing their lips together passionately. Their kiss was filled with desire and longing, a testament to the bond they'd formed in this magical world.
As the kiss deepened, Y/N found himself lost in the passionate embrace. It seemed as if the entire world had disappeared, leaving only the two of them in a cocoon of desire.
When they finally pulled apart, both boys were breathless. Y/N looked into Peter's eyes, feeling an intense connection he'd never experienced before. "I trust you," he whispered softly, his heart pounding wildly in his chest.
"Good," Peter replied, his voice husky with both desire and affection. He leaned in close again, nuzzling Y/N's neck. It warmed his heart that the demon he so fondly liked, trusted him. And for as much as he was capable of it anyway, he trusted the demon boy too.
After that, they were seen walking back to their home base, hands entwined, still catching their breath from their passionate encounter. As they strolled, they couldn't help but smile at each other, their connection growing stronger by the minute.
Things started to progress a lot more from there. They spend a lot of time together and one thing became clear to Peter, he wanted Y/N here forever.
Months went by, and Pan's feelings had only grown deeper for Y/N by the day. He couldn't help but want to be near him and follow him around as much as his villainous duties allowed him too. He loved how Y/N flattered him, looked at him, touched him and didn't feel intimidated by him, and in a weird way, they complimented each other. Y/N was a very fearless and stoic guy who was much like him when it came to being mischievous, yet he also had a gentle, caring and reliable side. And those very traits slowly developed in Pan towards Y/N as well.
So, on a warm and lovely evening he had requested for Y/N in his treehouse through the means of his loyal accomplice Felix. Y/N, of course being the eager man that he was towards Pan, came straight away.
He was delighted at the quick presence of his beloved demon. "Y/N, you came straight away. I'm flattered." Pan replied flirty. He couldn't help it, Y/N just brought that out in him.
Y/N smiled with a glint in his eyes. "How could I not? Look what i have here waiting for me" He bashfully looked into Pan's eyes then down to his lips and repeated that.
Pan smirked at Y/N's eagerness to him. "Oh, you certainly do have me, Y/N," Pan purred, taking Y/N's face in his hands and pulling him closer for a deep, passionate kiss.
Their tongues danced together, exploring each other's mouths in a tender yet intense display of affection. Y/N's face burned brightly as he returned Pan's kisses. All the while affectionately holding his face.
As the kiss deepened, Peter Pan's hands roamed over Y/N's body, his touch possessive yet tender. He loved the feel of Y/N's skin against his own, the warmth that emanated from him. Pan then gently pulled back as his feelings for the latter overwhelmed him.
He knew it for sure. He loved Y/N. He looked intently into his eyes, those strikingly enchanting e/c eyes.
"Y/N, I love you." There, he finally did it, he declared his love to Y/N.
To Pan's displeasure Y/N wore a stunned expression. He was silent for a good 6 seconds.
Pan looked at him with pleading eyes. He hasn't been this vulnerable in a very long time, and he couldn't have been more terrified of Y/N's response.
"I... I just.. need to- think." Y/N staggered as he flew out the door.
Pan didn't even stop him. Y/N's response had stung him too much.
Effective immediately, severe precipitation befell Neverland. Pan's emotions heavily influenced the island - the weather being one of those things.
All soaked from the weather, Y/N had sought shelter in his hut.
He felt conflicted. Pan's sudden confession really caught him off guard. He knew he had feelings for Pan. But saying those 3 words of the heart scared him.
He had never dared to think Pan loved him, he always seemed so “above it” to him, but mostly he was just scared of rejection. Hence he had only tried to repress his love for him. Expressing it, never even occurred to him.
All kinds of thoughts stormed through his mind. Their relationship started off rocky, but Y/N couldn't deny things had developed a long way since then.
But even in this moment he couldn't help but worry for Pan right now. He didn't exactly give the 'response of the year' to his 'i love you'.
Y/N then realized that he was caring for Pan by feeling this way. Like he always did in the back of his mind. Not to mention Pan pretty much occupied his mind all together all of his days.
The way he craved his presence when he wasn't around. He told himself it was fine whenever it happened. But it wasn't. He needed him.
He always missed him when he was not around. He looked forward to seeing Pan after they would have to separate. And deeply treasuring every single moment they spent together.
Not to mention how he felt when Pan praised him, hugged him, kissed him or more.
He had been crazy for him all this time.
Y/N abruptly got up from his bed and took off to find the guy he loved.
When he arrived at Pan's hut the place was very much abandoned. Where could Pan be?
Y/N then remembered about Pan's beloved thinking tree. If he would be any place right now it would be there. Through the vicious rain he flew through the sky towards Pan's thinking tree.
– Pan's pov
There I sat, alone and drenched like a sodding dog in my thinking tree.
What was I thinking? Proclaiming my love so rashly? I've really let myself become weak. And for what? To make a fool out of myself? To have an aching heart? Maybe I was foolish to think Y/N and I could be more than what we were. Perhaps villains don't get to be loved after all..
I took a deep breath before planning to head back to my hut; when suddenly Y/N appeared before my eyes.
– Y/N's pov
After flying quick circles around the entire tree I found Pan sitting on a branch somewhere high near the very top of the tree.
I approached him and sat down on the branch before him. "Hey."
Pan leaned towards me on a branch just above my shoulder. "Let me guess, you've thought and you're here to tell me you don't love me. Spare me your pity Y/N. I was foolish, I know." Pan scoffed.
I shook my head. "No you weren't. I'm sorry for how I reacted. It's just.. It can be hard for me to translate my feelings to words or any sense. But.. that doesn't make them any less present."
Pan looks to where his hand is holding the tree branch above Y/N's shoulder then back to his eyes, "What are you saying Y/N?" He asked hesitantly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Was it possible? Was he saying what Pan thought he was saying?
“What I'm trying to say is, I love you Pan. More than anything." I confessed.
Pan's expression changed and his heart leaped into his throat before he spoke. This couldn't be happening. He looked up to Y/N with a mixture of shock and disbelief, "You... you truly love me?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper and his heavy feelings beginning to slightly wash away, causing the rain to also slightly clear up.
I decided my words weren't enough. So I took matters into my own hand and pulled Pan in for a deep kiss.
– 3rd POV
Pan hesitated for a moment as Y/N pulled back, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. He gazed up at Y/N's eyes then down to his lips and harshly pulled him back in for a new kiss, returning it with an intensity that mirrored Y/N's feelings. Their lips locked passionately, their hands finding solace in each other's presence.
-- Y/N's perspective
There we were, both soaked and making out in Pan's thinking tree, now knowing we loved each other. And all that we knew that awaited, was certain adventure.
-The End-
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wicked-storybrooke · 3 months
I was reading the wiki for ouat episode 7x03 and found out about the following deleted scenes:
'A scene with Rogers and Sabine talking to each other while they're sitting on a bench.'
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I knew about this one but had no idea which episode it was from.
And also, 'As described by Mekia Cox, Sabine uses a dating app where you swipe if it's a frog or if it's a prince (a reference to the Disney movie The Princess and the Frog), and goes on a date with an unnamed person.'
Here is the quote from her interview with Entertainment Weekly “Tiana's Hyperion Heights counterpart Sabine, however, is less about the revolution and more about, well, dating apps. "She's into this whole dating app that’s about frogs and princes," Cox says with a laugh. "You swipe if it’s a frog, or if it’s a prince, so she’s actually going out on a date with someone [this week]."
Hooking Utensil??? Is that you??? I can't help thinking that this might have been cut at the last minute and that it's part of the reason their interactions were so flirtatious. I'm convinced it was originally planned for them to be a thing now!
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ask-missparker · 5 months
A Wedding & It's Muse / Ouat Au series ⚔️
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Pairing: Snow!Amelia x Prince!Nicholas
Extra characters/mentioned: May Parker, The Pirate Gang, King Alexander, Darcy Lewis etc
Notes: Right off the bat I'mma say this is angsty and fluffy.
Timeline: Flashbacks
Summary: Every visit has their story, this one meant a sweet like surprise at the end of some kind. In another words, Nik and Mia decided to see May at her cabin.
Season: 2
"You ready?"
"Hm? Yeah."
He looked over his shoulder, seeing his bride to be stepping out of their shared home in the cabins dressed in her brown jacket, cream color pants and boots. Her hair was deemed shorter and her makeup was blushed on like it was nothing.
It was a contrast to his darker browns and creamy reds he was wearing. His hair was slightly longer than usual, he liked it that way, and he was wearing his famous chains around his neck, along with his rings.
Today was a day, Nicholas didn't believe he would ever get.
Meeting the parents.
Yes, he has met his friends parents when he was a child, but this was completely different. It was the mother of the bride. May Parker. He has heard stories, seen photographs of her and even used the women's jewelry to find his way back home multiple times. But he never once met her.
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He was nervous, he tried not to show yet, but his wife bride knew. She knew he was nervous, it's way she made him tea that morning to calm the nerves and kept a hand on the small of his back, rubbing circles to comfort him the whole way to her mother's house.
God! He shouldn't be nervous to meet her but here he was scared out his mind. What if Ms Parker hates him? What if he overhears her telling her daughter she made a mistake choosing him? What if-
Nicholas looked down at his bride who's kind yet soft smile meet his eyes. She gave him a reassuring smile that seemed to ease him a bit.
"What's on your mind?" She asked, as they walked along the path.
"Hm? Oh no, nothing..just thinking.." He replied, holding the horse's reins as he loops his fingers around it.
"I know your lying, you're nervous..tell me what's wrong."
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He sighed, "..okay, I um, I'm scared about meeting your mother. What if she hates me? I mean, come on, my brother is pure evil, so she might think that-"
"She won't. She knows, you're not some mad titan or some horrible prince who stole my heart." She replied, reassuring him.
"There are posters with my face on it."
"So? My mother is kind, caring and deeply protective of her daughter. She would know from my letters that if you were wrong for me."
"She knows about me?! Luv, what did you say?"
"Only that you fought for me, helped give us a home...and how you're loyal to those you care about."
"You didn't tell her...about the part where I broke your heart right?"
"No! And you did for good reason. Hey, she will love you. Just be yourself, okay?"
"Okay, love."
And somehow Snow was right.
Because the moment, they walked the path and found the small house, he was met with the sight of timeless devoting care. May Parker was reading a book at the front of the house, looking once she heard their horse, Maximums, footsteps and her daughter's calls. She put her book away and stood up, to bring herself into Amelia's embrace as two hugged.
For Nicholas, he saw the ease in her face when she looked at him. May smiled kindly, fixing her bangs and took his hand gently into her own as she greeted him. Her smile was so soft, he swear he melted into her embrace. He also saw where Mia got her look's from. Both women were breathtaking as they led him inside the house, leaving Max outside to enjoy the fresh breeze and a couple of carrots.
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Once inside, Mia beside him with a comfort hand on his shoulder talking to her mother. Nicholas got every other word that came out of her mouth as he listened to the two talk. He chuckled hearing their laughs, as he slowly involved himself into the conversation.
At some point Mia went out back to check on Maximum and collect extra water from the well, leaving him and May alone. Which lead Nicholas back to sitting awkwardly in front of his future mother-in-law.
May poured him another glass of water and said, "So, now that she's gone. I wanna know about my future son-in-law."
"Oh no, ma'am, th-there isn't mu-much for me to ev-even say, really..I um just some prince.." He replied, taking a big gulp of water.
"You don't seem like a prince to me, honey."
"I mean, your eyes are of a prince and your background seems to be of one as well. But your soul isn't filled for the royal class."
"I uh..I am sorry to disappoint then..ma'am.."
"First, you can call me May. And secondly, it's not disappointing, it's inspiring. Your soul is meant for the sea. For adventurous minds."
That seemed to stop Nicholas, as he heard those words escape May's lips. Yes he is born royalty and after his folks died, he has been on the run from his brother finding adventures elsewhere away from the throne. And when he left those royal clothes, he found himself with pirates, who soon became his friends.
He soon learned he loved to sail, going to pubs, sword fight and live on his own. Hell, he adored search and rescue, getting a treasure as a reward. He loved to explore and embrace the more curious side of things as a pass time.
No one where said anything about that to him before. And here stood May seeing right through him, as a pirate prince.
A smile grew on his lips.
"Can you adopt me?" Nicholas said out of the blue, chuckling as he did.
May chuckled, "Well no. But we are gonna be family so, you're in luck, I got a space here for you."
"I gotta ask, how did you..know?"
"About the sea part?"
"My husband had a friend who loved the sea, despite being a farmer. He used to go to the harbor and just take it all in."
"Well I'll be damn..well you should also know, I am a swordsman and I fighter.."
"I know. My daughter said from your letters that your crafty with that sword of yours."
"Ah well, I try. Speaking of your daughter, I promise that I will treat her right and that I will be a good son in law to you..even if I mess up.."
May just smiled. She could tell he had a lot of things on his mind and his past wasn't so bright, but he was willing to make an effort to do good in this world. Bring a spark of light back to the surface, despite him having to work twice as hard to earn it.
The two of them kept chatting, sharing stories about their lives and so much more. By the time Mia returned, May brought out her famous pies, which resulted in the prince of light to dig into the savory sweet treat. His bride laughed, but soon shut her mouth the moment he stuffed a piece of blueberry pie in her face. She hummed wiped the blueberry treat of her lips and took another pie.
To May Parker, they looked like a couple of children enjoying her homemade food. She chuckled shaking her head at the pair, not seeing a princess of fairness and the prince of light who fought to be together, but a girl and boy giggling in peace. She left them to go outside and check on her flowers, telling the couple she will be back later.
"I like your mom." Nicholas said, licking his lips before taking another bite of the pie.
She took a sip of water and replied, "Is that so?"
"Yeah. She's all too kind and harmless."
"So you're not scared of her anymore?"
"Nope. She had me speechless and.."
"And what?"
"And had me realized how beautiful you're gonna be when older."
"Oh shut up!"
She playfully pushes his shoulder as he laughed.
"I'm serious you're mom is stunning and I know your gonna be smoking hot as-!" He exclaimed grinning.
"Don't finish that sentence!" She laughed taking another bite of pie.
"Okay, okay, in all seriousness, meeting your mom made me remember how it felt to have one. And I am so lucky you're gonna be wife."
"Aww, baby, I promise you this. We will visit my mother more often if possible, or you can write her letter too, if you like."
"I'll love that. Remind me to thank her later for the warm welcome too."
Before the two of them can wash up and head upstairs to unpack, they heard a piercing scream and the sound of grunts followed behind it. Nicholas pushed past the doors and rushed outside, as Amelia followed gasping at the sight.
Five knights rushing around invading their private moments. Nicholas took a sword and went to fight them, Amelia grabbed her crossbow as she yelled for her mother to run off. May nodded and ran away as quick as she could.
The couple fought as the knights, to the best of their abilities. Amelia shoot one in the back and escaped the grasped of another, huffing as she did.
By the time Amelia looked up, she saw Nicholas already slaying the solider and his men. She winced the way he cracked the neck of one and killed the other two. He looked inside the wagon with the horses, to make sure none of them were hiding.
But there was none.
Another silent scream was heard.
The two rushed over to the where the flowers were, Amelia kneeling over to gentle get her mother to stand. He noticed his mother-in-law was huffing and whining, holding her chest.
Nicholas thought quickly, seeing May Parker was shot in the chest and bleeding out, he gently rested her in said wagon hearing the older women humming deeply. He knew she needed to be comfortable.
"Wh-how..who could've done this?" Amelia said, using whatever cloth in the carriage to apply pressure to her mother's wound.
"You know who, love, my brother. Might even be Shaw." He said, unsure which of the two, but seeing the dark horses he knew, "..yeah, my brother.."
"Why would Alexander..?"
"He hates us that's why.."
"H-how can we..how can we help her?"
Nicholas rested his hand on top of May's giving it a gentle squeezed as she smiled softly at him. He knew he needed to try something, even if he failed. He told them about a lake once used to heal others, it was a tale and there might no real spell but he had to hope for something. Amelia was hesitating to do so, not wanting to risk a trip and rather just find another solution but one look from her groom told her to have some kind of hope.
So then the three were off. Max wheeled the wagon, as Nicholas steered the way to the lake. Amelia was sitting inside the carriage, patting her mother's forehead with a cloth and applying pressure.
May mumbling words and getting the others to talk with jokes, and thoughts on her mind. She hated the silence.
"..tell me about your wedding..h-have you two started planning a date?" She asked softly.
"No, mama, we haven't. I don't even have a dress made yet." Amelia admitted with a soft chuckle.
"Me and your father got married in our second hand clothes..we just needed each other..you can use our rings for that.."
"N-no, mama, they are yours to keep."
"Have you picked out a cake?"
This time Nicholas spoke up, "I keep suggesting on soft angel cake but the missus wants classic vanilla."
"I like angel cake.." May said softly.
"Me too! And I might have to add your pie to our list of treats."
"That would be nice..I would like chicken at the wedding and white rice..oh! And flowers!"
"What kinds? I saw daisies in your front yard."
"Oh no, the daisies were from a friend..Darcy Lewis..I like..I like orchids."
"So did my mother. She liked sunflowers too."
Mary chuckled softly, hissing and growing weak over time. Thankfully Max arrived just in time to the area where the lake was supposed to be. However when the two climbed off the wagon to go searching for water, they found the lake was deemed as empty.
Barely any water left.
Amelia hurried scooping up whatever water she could into a bottle, hoping it would work to save her mother. Or at least buy them more time with her.
Nicholas was gently patting his mother-in-law's forehead and softly smiled, "How are you feeling?"
"Tired..weak..my chest hurts.." She responded, clearing her throat smiling back.
"I bet you are. Look, May, I apologize for today..if-if I known my brother was going to look for me, I would've scouted the area before and.."
"Hey, you couldn't have imagined this to happen..it's not your fault, none of it is.."
"But..you're badly hurt.."
"It's okay..and I'm not afraid to end my life this way.."
"No, no your gonna be alright. Just breathe.."
"How much do you want to live at life with my daughter?" She asked suddenly changing the topic.
"W-what..?" He muttered.
"How much are you willing to do so be happy?"
"Whatever it takes, I'll try my best.."
"Start with the thing you like to do so most..what is your favorite thing?"
"..uh..um, when I child, I used to draw a lot..and sing..I haven't done a lot of it lately.."
"And return to those hobbies, my dear. Aside from your skills like fighting, your strength comes from your art..am I right?"
He nodded in response, smiling softly, "..y-yeah, it is. I hope to one day paint so much as possible.."
"..maybe you might show my grandchildren a thing or two about that..but it all starts with you.." May added smiling.
Amelia returned once again, holding the amount of water she was able to collect, requesting for her mother to drink it slowly. May nodded drinking the water from the lake, taking a deep breath as she did.
Amelia knew it wasn't much but she hoped for the best, waiting for the results. Her mother's color started to come back slowly and her labored breaths subsided for a bit. She chuckled softly at the results, yet she stilled worried. Nicholas smiled to himself, readying the wagon for their journey back.
She sat beside her mother, "..mama, how do you feel?"
"A little better..but not the best right now.." May respond.
"No shit, you got shot, ma."
"N-not funny."
"Sorry, I just hope your okay.."
"I will be..knowing you're gonna be happy.."
"I am happy.."
"Cause you will be marrying your prince."
"Is that how you felt when you married dad?"
"Oh yeah, I married my prince..well, he was more like a knight in shining amor.."
She chuckled at her mother's light joke. She knew her mother's stories and jokes were a way to keeping the memories light, even if they might feel sad.
Her mother was dying, she knew it..
"..mama I am sorry..so-so sorry.." Amelia said, as tears started to appear.
"Hey, no, shh. Don't be.." May said, placing a hand on her cheek, "Don't cry.."
"But..but your not getting better..and we let you get shoot and..and.."
"Shh, it's not your fault..it didn't know it would happen. And I'm not mad at you."
"But those..and the lake wasn't enough.."
"Hush my darling..promise me, you will save me a seat at the wedding."
"Y-yes mama..yeah.."
It was getting late, very late, and the older women wasn't getting any mother.
The pair knew it like the back at their hand.
There was this painted feeling in Snow's chest at the thought of her mother going to the stars and this being her last time seeing it. It took all her strength not to let tears show, as she played with her mother's hair braiding it as she heard May talk.
She smiled hearing her mother speaking her thoughts out in the open, as if letting the nature know she was one with them.
Nicholas was quietly smiling, listening to his mother-in-law talk to them, as he chuckled holding the reins of the horses. He only met the women yet he felt like she was a memory coming back to life. One he won't forget.
She kissed her mother's forehead listening to the wind and watching the sun set below the trees. Despite it all, Amelia wasn't too scared of watching mother join the skies.
However, she couldn't shake the feeling of her mom not being at her wedding. When she became a princess, she vowed her mother would watch her get another chapter to her story and inspire her next move.
And that's what she wanted to do.
"Stop the wagon." She said, looking up to face the front of the carriage.
"What?" Nikolai exclaimed softly.
"I said stop the wagon, darling."
"Why? We're almost home to your mother's house."
"Let's get married."
"Excuse me?!"
That caught a gentle laugh from May.
"Let's get married. Today!" Snow repeated.
That's when Nikolai stopped the carriage and whipped his head around to say, "Are you insane?!"
"I fell for you, didn't I?"
"I-that's not the point! We can't get married, not now, I mean!"
Nikolai thought for a moment onto what she meant, looking around at the forest they were in and the fact that they were alone. No bad brothers, not knights on their tail, no weird friends or foes. Not even magic to stop them.
Yes, he wanted to have a grand ol' wedding with their friends around, dressed in their best clothes, guards around the castle around to protect them and a brand new home waiting for them to enter.
But then again, all he needed was a kind moment with her to seal the deal and make her his wife. Aside the fact that his mother-in-law was dying, it was somehow peaceful. Here, he stood with no worries about threats or fears in front of them.
"Let's do it." He said after a moment.
"Really?" She asked, wanting to confirm his words.
"Yes, yes, let's get married right here, right now."
The pair grinned, leading the carriage to a spot that was all too wonderful. They were surrounded by greenery, flowers such as tulips, daisies and orchid, there was a small lake that shinned behind them allowing the reflections of the sun set to play above.
There was no one to marry them, but it didn't matter.
A couple feet away was Max as his rein were connected to the wagon that held May gently applying pressure to her wound, as if the pain wasn't there at all. As she was deemed to be at peace with the sight in front of her.
In front of her stood, her daughter and son-in-law, holding hands standing in front of their makeshift arch, saying their vows to one another. The two of them were chuckling and grinning, shaking their heads as the words escaped their lips.
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Most of the words were inaudible to her, catching every other word possible, as it seemed so beautiful and intimate to her eyes.
"I do."
"I do."
Nikolai smiled leaning in to press his lips softly against her very own as she hummed in respond resting her hands against his chest. They held one another close sealing the deal, pronouncing each other as husband and wife in their minds.
May watched seeing the two smile, to utterly in love, as the kiss seemed to be a mix of love, strength and wishful thinking all meshed into one. It reminded May of her wedding day years ago with her husband, knowing Ben Parker, Nikolai’s mother and all the angels above were watching this ceremony in glee.
She smiled as her eyes slowly closed, allowing that to the last sight her eyes gazed upon. She let out a exclaimed breath, as if telling the world she was now ready to join the others in the sky tonight..
..So still.
So bright.
When Amelia and Nikolai parted lips, resting in another's arms, their shoulders dropped looking over at the view of May.
She was resting peacefully..
Their muse.
Ahh so that’s what I got for this season 2 flashback fic. I hope you like it.
Tell me what you think in the comments below!
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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mrsreginagold · 4 months
I need to edit my weekly Nikari, but what happened yesterday regarding my accidental stumbling across a hater (either of my ship or just of me "spamming" the category on AO3, who knows but I'm not interacting with them to find out), started this cycle of self-doubt that's plagued me for years in fandom. And I need to ramble to exorcise it from my system.
Generally my experience has been that I get swept under the rug. Whether it's because I ship something rare or from a defunct fandom, I sadly have gotten used to being ignored. But it's also what's always made me hesitant to post my work somewhere more public than I'm comfortable with.
Back in my OUAT days, it took a *lot* to get me to finally start posting Golden Queen over on fanfiction.net. When I eventually got brave enough for AO3, I began with a small Star Wars ship that only mildly took off, and then moved on to my beloved Calibessa from Penny Dreadful.
My public posting hiatus occurred when I finally got fed up -- mostly due to the fallout of canon Golden Queen and an influx of explicit fic gaining more popularity by default than the virtual library I had been creating for years, I think anyone could understand me getting just a smidge bitter. But instead of bemoaning I took my leave. I was starting to suffer from some burn out anyway, so it was a good time to quietly exit.
I was fairly content taking a break and then slowly writing for myself again. I had ships that I enjoyed making private content for, and over the next few years I regained my passion for something that I consider a deep part of who I am: which is creating in general.
Then I got into Nikita, and Nikari came along.
You have to understand that I had not had a ship drive me the way they did since Calibessa. Sure I had some new pairings come along that I loved. I also delved back into beloved older pairs for variety. But Nikari just...sparked something in me that I can't fully explain.
I am incredibly grateful that I met some lovely souls in the Peter Outerbridge tag who coaxed me into sharing my work again. You all know who you are and your opinions are the ones that actually matter to me. The only reason I'm feeling any hurt and anger right now is because people just don't know how to be polite about pairings anymore. Bring back the term squick. It gets the point across without sounding rude.
Full disclosure: Pirahnashipping squicks me. Hell, John Kramer in general squicks me (though kudos to Tobin for his iconic performances in the role). I don't go bemoaning the fact that most of the content for William Easton is that, because I know it's what makes other people happy. I block/mute as appropriate, write my silly self indulgent crack ship for Will, and go on my merry way. It is *incredibly* simple.
The TL:DR of this is that it's very important to recognize that what you may view as a yuck is another person's yum, and that there is a person with feelings at the other end of the screen.
Anyway that's all for now. I've wasted enough time and must go edit now.
Oh and who knows if I'll ever properly archive my other works for other fandoms on AO3. If someone can get all up in a twist over Nikari, I shudder to think what Golden Queen or my tokusatsu based het will do.
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professorspork · 1 year
Ok as someone who has been passively observing RWBY for some untold years now on tumblr, i have spent the entire time wondering and cannot piece it together: WHY is the shipname for those two bumblebee. i understand there's a b and a y and there is some black and yellow themeing. beyond this i am lost
asdsjghks;gjagaassdfljdfghjk I was not there when the Deep Magic was written but it is any combination of the following in some balance with one another:
much like OUAT, this is a fandom that really likes to make up cutesy phrases for ships instead of portmanteaus if they can help it. given that their conventional options would have been yake, blang or the spicy-but-searchproof bang I can certainly see the appeal of that in this instance
speaking of being searchproof, the ship is actually spelled bumbleby in no small part so that it can have a tag that actually functions
the Y is for Yang but it's also there to differentiate bumbleby the ship from Bumblebee the name of the combat maneuver they do together, which the ship is ostensibly named for
(that name was coined by their team leader who is Yang's sister, Ruby)
(Bumblebee is also the name of Yang's motorcycle which she had before she even met Blake don't worry about it keep up, we'll just say Ruby stole it)
the reason the combat maneuver they do together is called Bumblebee is, as you surmised, because they are a combo of yellow and black and in this world everyone has a color in their name for Reasons don't worry about it
mostly rather than use the ship name at all I just think of them as "The Bees" which I feel does describe them in some ineffable way
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
first cress thoughts!!! and reactions!!! and everything else!!!
i am so sorry that it's literally the first paragraph of the first page but "It was a prison that came with an endlessly breathtaking view" literally no view is breathtaking once you get used to it enough why would a CHILD be banished
omg this poor girl is named after the MOON?? the irony. she literally hides from the moon when she sees it. i would go on about the symbolism and stuff but i'm not going to because my brain is too tired to function rn
cress IS a shell. but then why isn't she dead?? they're meant to be killed. erland mentioned that he lost his daughter and would be about cinder's age, but did he actually SEE it happen?? if not then i reckon she's his daughter (again cause i'm braindead obsessed with ouat not because i'm serious. i'm only 25% sure of this). but i also reckon that she's VERY valuable if she HASN'T been killed. link it to rich people having one rule for themselves and one for everyone else. so either she's useful. or someone wants her alive and is bending the rules for her. otherwise they would not be going to ALL this effort of the satellite
looks like my spy theory in the eastern fed is null - but to be fair cress might just not know about it yet. it's not exactly like she would be trusted with all state secrets and what not
"felt almost like a mother's approval" metaphorically or is sybil ACTUALLY her mother???
i love that despite the stress of having to face off against the queen, figure out how to deal with genetically engineered soldiers and all the weight they have on their soldiers they're still able to act their age and tease each other - except poor cinder
omg does cress have a little crush on thorne??? she is LITERALLY the same as those braindead gen z's on tiktok that simp for killers and stuff
"Cress was convinced that she knew more about Carswell Thorne than anyone else alive" stalker alert!!! lines are blurred tho because this is literally war
oh no. scarlet has a french accent. jail. (but then is everyone speaking the same language?? or does everyone have a universal translator chip inserted???)
"said Cinder, and Scarlet could have kissed her" i KNOW it's figurative language but also i like diagnosing characters with bisexual/too damn hot disease so scarlet is now bi. if it was wolf that i called bi as well then they're bi4bi. but also i don't want to reread the entire first half of scarlet to try and remember which guy it was i decided was bi and for what reason
between cress playing like 10 different video games at once she's basically an ipad kid. her attention span has been fucked up by tiktok (just like me fr) she can't read or watch anything without subway surfers playing beneath it
also something i haven't said before now: i LOVE how all the girls of tlc have noun names. they're just like me fr. it's so gnc of them. i love their names SO much. it's giving nonbinary. evocative but like in a whimsical way~ it's somehow so fantasy but so futuristic at the same time and i live for it
DAMMIT I FUCKING DELETED AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH OF THOUGHT. gonna paraphrase here cause i'm too lazy. i'm very curious that cress calls the people of the moon lunars, mainly because she's lunar herself. like imagine i pass by a car and unironically think "oh there go the humans". it's strange. maybe it's her separation?? or is she part human and thus doesn't see herself as fully lunar??? i don't think it's because she's a shell. since the whole shell eugenics thing is a stand in for the lunar equivalent of poc, people with disabilities, minority religions, queer people etc who are all STILL human beings, hence the shells are still LUNAR. i'm sticking with my partial human theory until proven otherwise.
how FUNNY would it be if cress was completely wrong about thorne and he was just a douchebag and he was just lying after all that for sympathy. however given the textual evidence from scarlet, it would completely explain how he was completely open minded and down to support a lunar cyborg. honestly it makes him a lot more three dimensional. that said cress is still delulu
YES after what happened in scarlet i'm GLAD to see scarlet's mixed feelings towards wolf and his place in what happened to granny. forgiveness doesn't come easy!! love is hard. and yes, he has a dark side!! and she's just a normal girl. she's having one of the most human reactions i've ever seen to that kind of thing in fiction. i would have lost so much respect for her if she just ran back into his arms after all that, even tho i don't fully blame him. thanks miss marissa meyer for not just writing idiot lovesick teenagers. i can't wait to see him earn that trust back
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 year
hello! i've been sent here to ask about werewolf hunters, which i'm hoping will hurt me so good
I know who sent you, anon. XD So I'm not even gonna pretend I have no clue what's going on.
Let me take the obligatory deep breath for a scream about how OUaT introduced an actual werewolf hunter in S6. (Okay, yes, it was The Woodcutter, a bounty hunter, who oh so happens to specialize in werewolves. HALLO??) And then, I guess because of scheduling conflicts, had to swap Red for Blue by Snow's side. And I was, no, we were all robbed of that image of Red fighting somebody who would have not just taken the bounty on Snow's head, but gladly taken her hide. What a waste... Heartless is a fun episode, I even like how Snow and Charming accidentally meet without knowing and then end up with this extra fun sleeping curse...
Anyway, yes, well werewolf hunters. Totally a thing that does canonically excist in the EF. Back in Red-Handed Granny just said that a hunting party killed Anita. Which we know was a lie anyway, but makes you wonder how many specialists might be running around. Something OUaT loves are cliches, which I think is very fine. You want some familiarity, so subverting packs a punch. And what could be more cliche than to have one possible story in your head where Red's father is a werewolf hunter? Make him the Romeo to Anita's Juliet. Make it terrible and tragic. Make that a reason why Anita hates humans even more. Because the one dude she fell for was born into a family of hunters, who kill her kind. With righteousness and thinking they are saving lives, not destroying them.
Think about this image of a young Anita falling in love with a raggedy handsome boy. And they just don't know. The father yes, I have named him Roger in the one WIP in my docs running with this concept, ssshhhh is on his own for a bit, away from the family, as is tradition. To learn about the world, witness beauty (he has to protect) and cruelty (he is fighting against).
It's time to ask more about werewolf lore. Is there a difference between made-wolves (Granny) vs born ones (Red)? Does the wolfness fade for everybody? Why would Granny think Red might not have it (possible difference: a human father, unlike Anita)? Tell me more about silver to use against wolves. Did Anita have more extended family? What happened to Granny's husband? (Also omg Granny deserved an ep of her own to untangle that mess how she ended up marrying the guy who killed her brothers... dark much?!)
With the last, make the death of Anita's father hurt. Bring in those hunters. Show me how Granny took Red from Anita and managed to vanish. Leave Anita brokenhearted, bitter, filled with rage. And show me Red's father being a werewolf hunter with some regret and questions, but also consumed by anger in the end. MAKE IT TRAGIC! Show me how a wolf loving a human ends in tragedy and is no option. There's a reason it's funny that Dorothy points her crossbow at Ruby first thing, yesyes. She likes to hunt, too.
Look - werewolf hunters = POSSIBILITIES! Not all huntsman like wolves the way Graham did. A minute of silence for the man, please.
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Would you consider me mentally unstable if I told you that during my first watch of OUAT, I cried for 30 minutes straight after watching Robin Hood get killed?
Y-You would?
*coughs* well then, it’s a good thing I definitely didn’t do that . . . 😳
. . . okay maybe I did, BUT in all fairness, while I was of course crying because Robin was dead, a large part was over the fact that Regina’s happiness was once again stripped away from her, AND FOR WHAT REASON?!
I mean c’mon, she had redeemed herself countless times up until this point, I’d say she’d more than earned it. And honestly, Robin made her SO much better, he was one of the best things that ever happened to her and yet, look at how his story ended.
He did not deserve this at all.
Seriously, who was Robin’s living affecting? nobody.
Hell, the reason he died was because he threw himself infront of Regina, saving her from dying at Hades’ hand. And you’re telling me that’s NOT someone who deserves to be revived from the underworld?!
(yes I know Hades said the crystal that killed Robin blinked him from existence, but for some reason a part of me thinks Hades was bluffing, just to screw with Regina even more. There has to be some world where Robin’s soul is currently at. And in my mind, Robin’s at peace in this other world and watching over the Swan-Mills-Charming-Stilskin Squad and their adventures while also just waiting for the day that Regina, Henry, Roland, Nobin and the others will eventually join him.)
What makes his death a hundred times worse is that, like Regina said to Emma, it’s not fair that Hook got to come back from the dead, but Robin didn’t.
Look at it this way, before their redemptions, Hook was a pirate that would sail the seas, pillaging and killing hundreds of people with zero remorse, but Robin? He was just a common pickpocket. Not trying to hate on Killian because he did end up redeeming himself after coming to Storybrooke, but looking at it from the angle of Robin and Hook's wrongdoings, Killian seems to deserve a fate of death more than Robin. I feel like if anything, Robin has probably only killed one or two people ever, and it was most likely in self defence or something.
Oh, and another thing- Hook mentions that he was revived as a reward for helping defeat Hades. Uhhhh . . .
And he helped just as much as Hook did, even more so, in my opinion. If Robin hadn’t sacrificed himself, Regina wouldn’t have had the time to knock the crystal away from Hades. And if Regina hadn't knocked it away from Hades then Zelena wouldn’t have been able to grab it and use it to kill him. Hook, he got the missing book pages to Emma, who was outside the building when Zelena killed Hades. Even if the pages hadn’t reached Emma, Robin and Regina would’ve still been in the office with Hades and the crystal. But, I’ll give Killian credit; if he hadn’t gotten the pages to Emma, she wouldn’t have tried breaking the protection spell on the building, and then Robin and Regina probably wouldn’t have had a diversion to sneak in the office.
Just another little note, I HATE how they gloss over the funeral and his death in general. I don’t feel as though everybody’s reaction to it were really touched upon in the following episodes.
All in all, I’m just so upset at how badly they screwed up this epic couple and storyline. Robin didn’t deserve to die. Regina didn’t deserve to watch another True Love die in her arms.
They both deserved better.
Sorry for the rant, I’m just REALLY passionate about this topic
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c0dmic · 8 months
I may get things wrong, so I'm putting information I know of or believe in the most. I still may get it wrong, so correct me. I'm going to talk about Regina's problematic actions, relationships she was in, and a bit of widely talked about topics. Also, most of the posts about her are outdated and later proven to be wrong. So I had to put points that are now and have been canon since the show ended.
CONTAINS: Opinions
Regina Mill's personality goes easier throughout the show. From being manipulative to caring but still having that s1 spark. She expresses her caring to her old enemies, aka, The Charmings.
From the flashbacks, we see Regina adopt a child named Henry. She went from having almost full vengeance and revenge still pent up in her heart to having a mix of both love and darkness due to Henry.
Yes, Regina was rude to her citizens of Storybrooke. But most of what she did (in later seasons) was use sarcasm. Let's jump into her actions.
Problematic Actions:
- R4pe (Graham Specifically) for 28 years
- Manipulate Henry for years ( calling his 'theory' of fairytales fake)
- Violence (to Villages and People)
Let get into the r4pe part first. Of course, even as someone like a Regina stan should not excuse this behavior. Me, aka a person who likes her but doesn't excuse and will NEVER excuse her problematic actions, especially this one in particular.
Regina had raped Graham for around 28 years. 
One sentence that implies it, even for a little bit, is in the episode where Graham (huntsman at the time) meets Regina for the first time. She says
"Take him to my bedchamber,"
I know it's short. But why else would someone say that. Just think about that.
And also the fact that Regina most definitely (for the curse) made Graham engage with her romantically and sexually. Even though it was obvious that he didn't like her that way in the Enchanted forest or most likely ever. Not to mention she had his heart, and in ouat logic hearts are used to control people, so when doing stuff with Regina both romantically and sexually, he was forced to because Regina gave him orders.
Now we go to Manipulating Henry.
For ten whole years, Henry has lived and grew up with Regina. He loved his mother (even though she's not his bio mom). Until Henry got the book, and Emma had revealed that Henry had a book and kept on saying everyone in town are fairytale characters that are cursed (which ofc is true). Regina, unknowing of her sons correct theory /speculation/ belief, was visibly shocked. And when she found out that Snow (Mary) had given the book to him, she didn't want that at all. And even set up Emma into saying that Henry was 
'crazy' when Henry was nearby. So that she can attempt to stop him from thinking of his speculation and them bonding.
All of this was to make sure Henry couldn't connect and hate his birth mother so that she could have him as his own. And also because Henry was right, and she didn't want her son of ten years to hate her for her sins.
Justify means to show or prove to be right or reasonable.
While to explain means to be the cause of or motivating factor for an action.
I know explain has many definitions or ways to explain what it means and one means to justify. While mine means to simply explain the cause or motivation towards the action.
There's no doubt Cora was abusive to Regina. And before you start, there's different types of abuse. The abuse Cora does to Regina is Mental and Emotional. Maybe physical but still very debatable and unclear.
For emotional, Cora visibly and directly shows that Cora wants to control Regina. She wanted Regina to do something Regina didn't want just so Cora could have what SHE wanted. And Emotional abuse means to, "target a person's feelings, it uses emotions to manipulate, punish, and achieve control." That heavily reminds me of Cora killing Daniel to gain more control of Regina. And if you didn't already know.
And there's scenes where Cora would grab Regina forcefully with vines to STOP Regina from moving or walking away from her. Cora said in one of the scenes, "Don't you dare walk away from me!" Then proceed to grab Regina using vines from her Magic. Also, her father, Henry, said to Regina that Cora wanted control over her and if Regina continues with her evil actions, her mother had achieved to controlled her. Because, everything Cora did to Regina was calculated. Daniel's Death, The marriage, the abuse, and it was all to get Reina to become evil. In s2 i think, (the Angstiest Regina Season), Regina goes to Archie upset and with TEARS in her eyes because, she used magic, because she used magic. And she Didn't want to use magic against Henry like her mother. After she did so, she was upset because she broke her own promise to not use magic against Henry. Also because it reminded her of what her mother did to her, and she did want to pass it down for Henry.
Also Cora in s2, came Storybrooke (her daughters town) not only to reunite with Regina but to BREAK HER... like wtf. And Regina is Already upset because Henry is growing distant to her. But Cora, literally
frames her own daughter for murder. While the whole fucking town is already against her.
For Mental, theres an episode where Cora forms Regina's thoughts by saying, "Sometimes I wonder if the people actually like you". And Cora seems to have an influence in Regina's world view, of Wolf and Sheep. Regina States in the episode where she meets the huntsman (Graham). 
(Got the episode part from a Tumblr poster from ouatanalysis) aka:
Now back to what I was saying about Cora. Cora had forced Regina into marriage. BUT as you could tell as time went on Regina had decided to use her relationship with Leopold to gain control, because that's what her mother said, about something along the lines of, "power is useful" before she sent her mother through the mirror.
And her mother sent her to a marriage with a broken old ass man who was still grieving his wife. Which lead to the neglect from Leopold to Regina. It was stated by Regina herself that Leopold would often leave Regina by herself at the castle that at points she felt like the 'Queen of Nothing'.
And for me i feel like Regina (forgive me for wording this part wrong) was considered her as a mourning tool. Like, "Oh my wife died 8 years ago, lets get another one to help with and to deal with me". Yes he may have also gotten Regina because she seemed like a good mother figure fit for Snow, but still, most likely half the woman population of Leopolds age from Leopolds kingdom would save Snow from the horse in a heartbeat if they were there and they would show genuine feelings for Leopold. However, he chooses, a woman who's 18 and lives away.
Not only Cora and Leopold influenced Regina's bad perspective and actions, Rumple also did too.
Rumple saw Regina as a person wanting power and wanting to stand out and not seem as weak and took the opportunity as the dark one to turn Regina evil.
Regina at first was hesitant to say that she liked using magic due to her not wanting to be like her mother and also due to her mother's actions with her, with magic.
But time happens and Regina uses more and more of magic for evil and frightens villages and kills Villagers who helped Snow in the slightest bit.
I still stan her because she changed, she's reformed and she would never do that stuff again (r4pe, use magic against Henry or manipulate him, or m4ss murd3r).
ANYWAYS, this was heavily controversial. But if your going to criticize/correct parts, be respectful and mature about it instead of wanting to start a riot. Saying "Fuck you", "Go die in a hole", "Kys", "I hope your house burns down". And be respectful, if you want to critigue/correct me at certain parts, by all means, go ahead, but tell me what parts I went wrong instead of telling me to kms.
NOTE: This is from May 2023, but I just remembered this now. And parts didn't make sense so I changed it up to make it better.
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swanfireouat · 1 year
I just rewatched OUAT season 1 and realised something.
From a writing perspective, the show feels complete with the main characters in season 1 - Rumple, Regina, Snow, Emma, David and Henry.
There was no need for Hook to become a main character from a writing standpoint. I’m saying this very critically. His character doesn’t serve any purpose to the plot, he’s just there as Emma’s love interest. It’s the same with Zelena and Robin. They never brought anything unique to the show in the later seasons. All these characters should have been left behind after season 3, after their story arcs were completed. Their actions have not contributed to the main plot in an entertaining way and rather seemed forced. Hook’s story arc should have been limited till Rumple and Neal. Also, I think this is the reason why Neal fit so effortlessly into the story for me. He is directly connected to the plot and Baelfire has been there from season one. As for Regina and Emma’s love interests, Regina anyway ended up having none towards the end of the show so what was the need to drag the Robin chapter so long with all the back and forth? If they introduced Robin, they could have killed him off way sooner, that way it comes full circle for Regina or not introduced him at all and have Regina separate from someone else she loves (not Henry). Having another loved one being killed but this time she coped with it in a healthy way. That’s what they made Robin’s death about anyway. It still felt forced though. And Emma could have rekindled her relationship with Neal to complete the family circle or even stayed single leaving their relationship open ended. Maybe she could have had a fling with one of the side characters in any of the seasons while keeping Neal constant in her life (maybe even August since they already built up a little bit of that chemistry in season one. They should have kept him around more, I think he would have been a useful secondary character). I don’t think her arc needed a love interest & married with a family in the traditional sense anyway. She was grew up in our world and should have ended up with somebody who would understand her in both ways. All these main characters did not need side characters like Hook, Robin or Zelena to become series regular. They felt complete within themselves, their stories felt complete and didn’t need to be complicated with forced storylines involving these other characters 🤷‍♀️
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shipcestuous-two · 2 months
Oh, Maleficent anon, the memories you unlocked in my head! I remember when the first live action movie had just come out and this version of Malora actually had a decently sized fandom, with fic and fanart and people posting the scene where Aurora is crowned queen after her father's death and brings peace between the warring humans and fairies with Maleficent supporting her and overseeing the ceremony, saying it looked like they were getting married.
I haven't been in the ship or fandom tags in years, but I also haven't seen anything just pop up in the wild, so I suppose the interest died down a bit after the sequel. I hope, though, that people just moved on to different pairings or different fandoms altogether, or even took the ship as a springboard to move on to other versions of Malora like the original Disney cartoon one (which is still going rather strong in the Disney femslash fandom, I assume) or the OUAT one, rather than succumb to the pressure from pearl-clutching antis.
Because there were definitely some types like that. Making posts about the ship just to complain about it while fundamentally missing all of its strong points!
"But Maleficent has been her real main caretaker since Aurora was a small child, making her basically her mom!" they'd say, ignoring that, while some fans preferred to interpret the closeness building through the characters has having a definite switch between familial and romantic, others appreciated their dynamic as both at the same time.
"But there's a big age gap between them! Maleficent even had a fling with her father during their youth!" they'd cry, blissfully unaware that, while some fans made them the same age in AU, others appreciated the different perspectives at play in their relationship (innocence, naivety, vulnerability, hope vs experience, wisdom, rigidity, bitterness) and the irony of Aurora's dad being horrible to Maleficent and hurting very deeply only for his daughter to one day be so much better than him and make Maleficent believe in love again.
It used to remind me of the "but they're related!" argument against incest ships: yes, I know, that might even be a big reason why I ship them as it's bound to influence and shape their bond, did you really think I could possibly be unaware?
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