#i tried to find the ask but ..i couldnt
spoonmoment119 · 2 years
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woah another creecher baby
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vastwinterskies · 28 days
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:) them
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plulp · 11 months
youve asked this at such a good time because i had just had a harper design explanation idea and i wasnt sure if i should make it or not:
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still salty they had cullen "proud francophobe" rutherford support gaspard "ferelden will be ours again" de chalons.
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marshmurmurs · 1 year
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got a lil too silly it seems
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domifucker · 8 months
Ah... so the person claiming 'swastikas are not a hate symbol actually' is going to preach ethics to rpf bloggers. Right. This website is hilarious. 😂
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avvail-whumps · 1 year
Fae AU??? Like with all the fae glamours and tricks and rigged “games” and maybe the whole thing where if you eat the food there you can never leave…
Leo knew he wasn’t meant to be out in the forest alone. He also knew that he was bound to step into a hidden trap, laid out for unsuspecting little humans that were certain to fall victim to them.
Part of him had never believed the stories growing up. So, maybe he could blame it on being slightly naive, when his eyes were drawn to a cluster of mushrooms.
He had thought the little circle they formed was pretty to look at; it wasn’t a suprise he found himself hopping into it, smiling slightly to himself to ease the tension of being lost. He admired the large ring for a long while, before gazing up at the sky.
It would be getting dark soon.
The wise thing to do would be to start finding his way back, hopefully before the sun set and the moon rose into the sky. He had been about to start moving, when a sudden crackle of a twig made his head whirl around.
Leo’s heart fluttered in his throat at the sight of a man by the tree, gazing at him intensely. He couldn’t help but let out a suprised breath, a hand instinctively pressing against his chest from the scare.
“You scared me,” he breathed shakily, avoiding the man’s intense stare. There was long, tense pause, before the strange man seemed to smile. There was something peculiar about him, this uncanny aura flowing from him, but Leo noted that he was pretty handsome. Alluringly handsome, in fact, and he found himself stealing glimpses at him on occasion.
“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he hummed, stepping away from the tree and closer to the ring. His feet stopped just outside of it, but Leo stayed planted where he was. “Are you lost?”
There was something a little odd about the man. Leo could feel his gut instincts stirring in his stomach, his hairs pricking on edge. He hesitantly licked his lips, feeling somewhat awkward now.
“Uh, no,” he answered back, trying to keep his voice from wobbling. He wondered how the man had so easily snuck up on him. Like he’d just appeared from thin air. “I’m on my way home.”
The man’s lip curved up into an amused smirk. His eyes were so intense that he forced himself to look elsewhere, swallowing nervously.
“You’re a bit far out, you know,” the man shrugged. Leo glanced at him, noting how his demeanour had seemed to shift, and he looked a little bit more normal. That unease pricking at the back of his neck seemed to lift, and the knot in his stomach untangled itself. Leo had been in a world of his own. The man was staying far enough away from him, at least.
“I know,” he breathed, rubbing his fingers together awkwardly. “That’s why I should probably go.”
The man hummed. Leo, for some reason, felt glued to the very spot he was standing on. He didn’t really want the man out of his sights if he could help it; his eyes were incredibly intense whenever he was trapped in his gaze.
“What’s your name?”
Leo’s eyebrows rose slightly. They furrowed in confusion after a second, eyes darting to the ground. “Oh, it’s...” He hesitated. “Leo.”
“Leo?” The man hummed, his lip curving up into an amused smirk. At the sound of his name, Leo immediately pricked up, a strange sensation washing over him. It fell right down to the bottom of his stomach, and he could feel his forehead becoming clammy from the sudden outburst of anxious nerves. The man chuckled.
“Is that...funny?” Leo grumbled under his breath, a little embarrassed. He waved a hand airily.
“I don’t think you’d find it very humourous, little lion.”
Leo frowned. Little what—?
His feet shuffled backwards as the man took a step forward, crossing the ring of mushrooms.
“Okay, I think I’m going to go,” Leo hurriedly whispered, violently trying to shake off the sudden impatient surge from his body. “Thank you for your concern.”
Leo spun around hastily to make a dash through the trees. He didn’t make it step out of the ring though, because what he was looking at wasn’t trees. There were no trees. He blinked slowly, registering the gentle brush of wind on his cheeks. His eyes raked around, and his stomach dropped straight to his boots.
He wasn’t in the forest anymore. Whatever land he was in, was a breathtakingly beautiful one. A watercolored sky, painted with light blues that melted beautifully into each other. Perfect hills of fresh, green grass, and the rush of a flowing lake by the flowers.
Leo’s mouth went dry, and a coil of absolute terror stabbed through his heart. The mushroom ring. The stories.
His eyes found the man’s, all coy and fox-like.
“I told you my name,” he whispered in horror under his breath. The man hummed under his breath, smirking.
“Yes, you did.”
A stray tear rolled down his cheek. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, little lion,” he murmured softly, easing forward so he was close enough to touch him. Leo went to jerk away, despite the fuzziness and the lightheadedness, but the man was quick to stop him.
“Don’t move, Leo.”
So he didn’t.
He didn’t exactly have a choice. Even the air was sweet smelling, so much that it was making him dizzy. The man’s fingers were gently wiping away the tears with the gentlest of touches, his other hand tangling within his own.
Leo could feel himself being pulled along, and it was as though his legs weren’t even attached to his own body. The man—the creature, the fae—was taking him somewhere, inside a house, the sudden burst of delicious smells overwhelming his senses. Leo’s slack expression nearly brightened up when he was welcomed by a long table stacked with food.
There was everything there. Anything he could have dreamt of. The man’s hand eased along his lower back, making shivers tingle up his spine.
In a blink, he realised he’d crossed the room, and he was already holding an apple in his hand. Leo suddenly jolted, snapping out of it, jerking away from the man’s grip.
“Take me back,” he demanded, and realised that tears had been rolling down his cheeks without even realising since he arrived here. His hand felt itchy, trying not to let the panic shake his voice. “Please. Please, I’m begging you.”
“I can hear that, lion,” the man purrred, motioning to the food. “I’ll take you back. Unless you’d like to eat.”
Leo’s frantic brain tried to remember the rules. There were rules to this. What was it? Don’t give up your name? Don’t bargain? Don’t—
He heaved on a sob, craning away from his touch once again. “Please let me go.”
“You can eat a little before you go,” the man pressed, his head tilting to the side. His eyes slid down to the apple clenched in his hand, so tightly his knuckles had gone white. “A bite won’t hurt. Go on, little lion. Just a taste.”
Those words were like a haunting little whisper in his ear. An enticing, tempting command for him to battle with valiantly. Leo opened his mouth to say something, to refuse and to find his way out of this stunning, perfect, extravagant land, but there was a sudden burst of sweetness on his tongue and—
Oh. He was eating the apple.
Leo’s eyes flickered up in horror.
Now he remembered the rules.
And from the look on the fae’s face, he knew it too.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Hello!! :D if you’re still taking art reqs for the drawing meme maybe 1A or 2A for Autumn Oak/Linda Stampler please?
THANK YOU!!! :] 
YES this is how i know i've made it as a dndads fanartist - the rite of passage of receiving the autumn/linda request jsklfjdsl MILESTONE ACHIEVED!!!
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i had to kinda fumble around my brain a bit to come up w/some designs so maybe theyll change!! who knows!!!
[send a pose prompt!]
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httpiastri · 1 day
tell me u saw Estelle’s insta story pls
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bamsara · 2 years
IT person here, please don't put ice on your laptop, even if it's in a container or in the freezer. It risks frying the laptop entirely. I'd recommend getting a cooling stand that you can put under it. I think the cheapest I've seen is $11 on Amazon.
I said this before but it was a while back but
-I already have a cooling stand, and its not a cheap one. It is still Not Enough.
-The bags of Ice are only when I need to use the laptop or its on a heavy load and it's in two ziplock baggies or more to defeat condensation
-so far thats the only thing that works, along with popping the laptop in the freezer for up to a minute
-this laptop is actaully built to handle high temps because its a 'gaming laptop' but i cant *use it* when it's super hot, so the cooling technics can and will get funky
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vigilskeep · 1 year
Hello! I came across some very cool posts about Arthur but I cannot find the original posts explaining him (ggrrrr Tumblr search features) - can you tell us his backstory/lore?
ah the original posts are kind of messy bc i’ve made a couple attempts at starting his playthrough... here’s the basics!
arthur trevelyan, my human mage inquisitor, eldest of four children of bann trevelyan of ostwick
he’s abt 25-27, red hair, eyes bright green with the anchor’s glow, all charm with a slight sarcastic/exhausted edge, fundamentally kind-hearted and well-intentioned with a seething underlayer of anger and envy he keeps on a tight leash
his father’s beloved ideal heir until his magic manifested in his early teenage years. after his father’s brief and singularly unsuccessful attempt at hiding it, was taken to the circle. was also in an arranged betrothal to josephine montilyet before being taken to the circle! but they were young and only met once
well-liked in the circle for his easy charm and endless big brother instinct. deeply admiring of libertarians and apostates but personally a self-identified coward unsure rebellion was even possible, whose first thought was to keep everyone safe, especially his apprentice, a young fereldan mage called lilith
when the rebellion happened, it was a wonder—but still nothing mattered more to him than his apprentice, who had no family to run back to. he informally adopted lilith as his daughter and they went on the run, but were separated during a desperate confrontation when arthur stayed behind for a terrible explosion of blood magic so she and the other mages they were with could escape
arthur’s templar sister, helena, was sent to hunt him down for it. when he convinced her she couldn’t kill her own brother without proof he was a blood mage, she dragged him to the conclave to seek higher judgement
after the conclave explodes, everyone who knows what he was there for is dead, including his sister. desperate to secure his own safety and any measure of control while surrounded by chantry forces, he jumps on the opportunity to declare himself the herald of andraste, no matter how many lies it takes
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lesbiogay · 2 years
"how are you bi and aroace" google it
"how are you bi and gay" google it.
"how are you-" GOOGLE IT.
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Legally required to ask for Kokichi for the ask game
[For this ask game]
gosh ur so right anon. I am so sorry this got readmore levels of out-of-hand full spoilers for NDRV3 and also rated C for Current Hyperfixation.
favorite thing about them
Counter-intuitive, but I know my past self (including the era when V3 came out) would have hated Kokichi for the same reasons I like him now. Mainly:
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I really did go into V3 expecting to loathe Kokichi as a nuisance at best; I’d been spoiled on Ch. 4  before getting into DR because I thought ‘my aim sucks I won’t play it anyway’  and, loving bees and assorted bugs as I do, I figured Gonta would be my favorite. And I mean, he’s up there, but this little shit. How dare he be an engaging character.
Unsure where I said it previously, but Kokichi seems like the kind of guy who would run a How to Beat [X Movie] channel out of earnest (admit so or not) love for the thought experiment of it all, which isn’t just relatable, but a very interesting Type of Guy to have in your killing game scenario. The one constantly pushing the boundaries, but not quite meta-level aware they’re in a video game; genre-savvy and trying to Actually Accomplish Something Constructive. He also goes about it in such a way that launches a couple malatovs at every bridge he has, which, having been anxious and overly rejection-sensitive in high school, is fucking wild to me. You are going about this in the worst way you could, on purpose, and that is fascinating. Mentally I am putting him in a microscope slide because What Is Your Deal
Plus, the way he constantly has some kind of front up to a point where Saihara can’t decide who he really is by the end of Ch. 5… hmm chameleon complex? I find it quite simple, really. Unclear to me if they meant to make him Like This but doubling down on constant over-performance of social signals because communicating frustrates you and it lets you feel some small degree of control in your life is (in my experience at least) very autistic of him and as a result hearing the whole V3 cast consider him entirely indecipherable down to the bitter end… oof ouch real anxieties? 
least favorite thing about them
A) Some of the iconography they chose for his talent. Which I’m pretty sure they pretty much ditched outside promos? So B) Some of his art in the wake of Ch. 4 is… wonky, but not in a way that looks fully deliberate? It undercuts the drama for me a bit. I think Kokichi seems much more menacing when he drops pretenses entirely and just goes blank instead of trying Very Hard to act out a particular emotion (like he does pretty much all the time). Instead of the demon face, something more like this?
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favorite line
I blame this for getting "The more that you suffer, the more I enjoy it" stuck in my head, plus the combo of "Now you'll never, ever forget me for the rest of your life! [...] I stole your heart, so now I'm satisfied." The two surface Kokichis asdfghjkl
Looking for quotes though it came to my attention that in Chapter 2 he says "[...] I wanna win this killing game! So I'm not gonna run from it, I'm gonna crush it! That'll be waaaay less boring, don'tcha think?"  kicking screaming they knew exactly what they were doing
shipping and handling
tbh I less ‘ship’ and more ‘please make them interact with one another’, so grains of salt I suppose!
Kokichi + Miu. Gotta find who in the amalgamate server said ‘in any other circumstance they’d be besties’ because they are Correct.
This is a self report but like fuck it we ball Kokichi ♢/♠ Kaito
If you know the intricacies of what that means you may be entitled to—
Pretty much this vine
I guess I'm a little squicked thinking of Kokichi/Gonta in a romantic sense? See at least in TAPP they've still got a Lot to talk about before comfortably calling one another 'friend' instead of 'working on it'
random headcanon
Ah a lot of these are already sprinkled in TAPP so what’s one y’all haven’t heard before,,
He started painting his nails during the game initially to interrogate (RE: get-to-know) Rantaro, and kept doing it to discourage himself from biting his nails and cuticles all the time. There's only like one sprite where he does it, but I think it could be a nervous tick
TAPP!DICE may not be real but the tea party policy absolutely is
I've drawn him in skirts doing outfit memes, but I think for him it's less concrete than feeling like dressing femme sometimes and more that, post-game and organization-less, he has no idea who he's supposed to be anymore and is throwing pretty much everything at the wall in many facets of his life. Including but not limited to saying 'screw uniforms' and seeing how long it takes him to get in trouble with HPA for wearing different clothes every day. After long enough unchallenged he starts getting his classmates to do it too. Considering... their entire circumstances in TAPP, they get away with a lot more than the other classes 
unpopular opinion
Is it unpopular to say that some of the info from Kokichi’s FTEs should have been in the main plot? The knife game scene, besides being my favorite, seriously clues the player into what he’s like beyond the artifice without having to posthumously dump that exposition in his room, and that a lot of players confused by him are likely to miss out on characterization that would clarify things Irks Me.
song i associate with them
Oh, only one song? Too bad, 'cuz I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
My other cop-out is 'Cause I’m a Liar - Mcki Robyns-P, which I’m working on a cover for in Synth V
Other than that? I haven’t built up nearly enough song-based associations with the DR cast yet somehow, but I’ll throw in Queen of Nothing - The Crane Wives which is less a Kokichi vibe than “I’m writing TAPP!Kokichi in the wake of Chapter 5” vibes. Isn’t this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it’s running out. Finish what you started, Queen of Nothing, wearing such a heavy crown.
I don’t know if this is in the spirit of the prompt but the thought did occur to me that a Trial 5 animatic to I’m Alive from Next to Normal would slap really really hard actually.
I need more peppy songs in my life, is what I’m gathering.
favorite picture of them
Let’s split it like this:
Favorite from the game? Probably this one
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The face of a man asking “what are you gonna do, shoot me?” promptly before getting shot.
Sprite? This one
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Is it genuine curiosity? Is he mocking me? Some mysterious third thing? Yes.
and a fanart that lives in my brain rent-free (the-everlasting-ash). Linking instead of reposting bc please support the original artist. There are many, many wonderful pieces of fanart out there, but this one carved a niche in my brain and stayed there (it is the cover image for DR art on my phone on account of Stunning).
Also for the uninitiated on TAPP- [Talent Acquisition Pilot Program AU Masterpost]
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elgatoarcoiris · 8 months
Send me asks !!!! About either kotlc or drawing or just anything else u want to know 🙏🙏 pretty please
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scionshtola · 16 hours
What is your favourite depiction of romance (or sex if you prefer) that you have produced?  Or if you haven't produced one yet, then what is your favourite example from another creator?
ty for the ask!!
I answered this here but I only talked about romance. I really struggle with continuing to like my smut fics after I post them--they just always seem like a Lot to me and I always feel like I didn't focus as much on emotion as I wanted and I worry I described too much physical stuff aklsdf but I do try, because it is an important part of their relationship. And because I want to get better at it.
So that being said I think my favorite is this one I wrote for FFXIV Write prompt Morsel, even though it's very short. I feel like I managed to say quite a bit about their dynamic in a short amount of words and also I just really like my prose in that one (I tried very hard!) and it's something I'd like to keep emulating going forward! I am also really fond of this one, I just really like the way I described Y'shtola's dress coming off lol (which also has this wonderful art by @/hanseelie to go with it!)
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dionidai · 1 year
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𝐯𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐢 in dark hues with embroidered velvets.
tagged by: @vullcanica <33 tagging: @emfyred, @forgaeven, @theroyalrogue and all of you :))
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