#i tried to make Connor as sheep
aster-is-tired · 2 years
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finally finished a Huenor (Connor as Swatch) full body :D
also Rascam but normal bc i realized that I never actually made a normal form for her lmfao
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
would connor and tom actually work as a couple?
Got this a while ago (sorry my inbox is. a mess.) but I HAVE been thinking about it kind of obsessively ever since so I'm gonna answer it now. Here's how I think it would go:
They move to Connor's New Mexico ranch and bake bread and (badly) ride horses and both think of themselves as much better ranchers than they actually are. The ranch is decked out in Napoleonica and Ancient Roman artifacts. They live in romantic bliss for a while, throwing big romantic gestures at each other. Tom slowly starts to go batty like Jack Nicholson in the Shining because he doesn't have any subordinates to punch-bag and he never gets to wear a suit anymore and despite what he says about sheep farming or whatever he's always been a pretty ambitious career-oriented guy. Connor tells Tom he wants to run for President and Tom KNOWS this is not a good idea but he's thisclose to putting an axe through the front door for fun and he needs a project so he tells Connor to go for it and makes himself Connor's campaign manager. Tom becomes obsessed with winning despite Connor's batshit policy platform (which they end up having several fights about because Tom wants him to change it to something moderately palatable to the public). He engages in several strategies of dubious ethics and legality to get some of Connor's key opponents to drop out until he actually has half a shot in the Republican primary. He's going up against Mencken. He fucks the debate so bad that Tom decides to run a smear campaign against Mencken only to discover that they've spent all their money. (Connor's funds only came from Waystar stock dividends and Tom hasn't been working). They are Flat Broke. Tom leaves in the middle of the night and moves back in with his parents in Minnesota. Connor drops out of the race.
Tom gets a job doing accounting for a local business that he fucking hates and gets a mediocre apartment that he also hates. One day Connor shows up at his mediocre apartment and tells Tom that he misses him and he still loves him etc and then he proposes right there and Tom is so blown away by the gesture that he accepts without considering whether this is actually a good idea. They will get married at Lake Como (Minnesota edition). Connor starts spending all of the money Tom is earning at his mediocre job because he has no idea how to live as middle-class and it puts strain on the relationship. GoJo buys Waystar (which kind of comes as a surprise because neither of them knows what the fuck is going on ever) and suddenly Connor has 3 billion dollars and they aren't "poor" anymore so they never address the strain on the relationship. They move back to New York and buy Logan's apartment from Marcia and Connor asks Kendall to give Tom a job so Tom has "something to do". Kendall and Roman make Tom COO because they need a new one now. Long hours late nights etc Tom ends up having affairs with both Ken and Roman (separately). Connor has no idea because he's too busy sitting at home trying (and failing) to learn how to carve marble so he can make a life-size statue of Napoleon. Tom feels so guilty about it he tries to throw himself in the Hudson but he jumps from a place way too low to cause any injury at all. He gets fished out and they call Connor because Connor is his emergency contact and Tom tells him he slipped but Connor knows better (although he doesn't know why). He decides to try and carve a life-size statue of him and Tom instead to unveil at the wedding.
They get married at Lake Como (Italy edition) and leave for their honeymoon on a small boat. The boat hits a rock and capsizes and they both drown. Their bodies wash up on the Italian coast clinging to each other. All three Roy siblings forget to go to their joint funeral
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dmwrites · 2 years
The Beetlejoest was lost. Not that Joe was any better, really, but Beetlejoest hated being on the same level as Joe with anything, so you could understand how this was annoying. Joe had gone to the mangrove forest of the witch Shelby, to ask her for some mangrove roots and wood. He hadn't realized the time of night, the fool, and Beetlejoest had taken over, said fuck the system, and went into the thick forest himself to just yoink some roots for himself. However, the fog in and around the forest was thick, and within a few minutes, the Beetlejoest was hopelessly lost.
“Stupid fog.” The Beetlejoest muttered, hitting the side of a mangrove tree with a stick he’d found. “Stupid Joe, wanting mangrove roots. What, is normal wood too good for you, you hipster? I’ll fight the fog, that’s what I’ll do. Intimidation is the only way to get what you want, ya hear that, fog?”
“You can’t fight fog, you miserable shit.” A voice, airy and echoing, came from the fog.
“Ahh! Wha- who’s there? This ain’t my ex-wife, is it?”
“What? No, I don’t think I’m your ex-wife.” A tall figure stepped into view. The being was slightly translucent, although the Beetlejoest could still see that the figure wore a faded yellow sweater, with a peculiar blue stain. “I’m Ghostbur. Who are you? And have you seen a blue sheep around?”
“Ah, well, see, me here, I’m the Beetlejoest, in no way affiliated with Joe Hills, thank you very much.” The Beetlejoest adjusted his suit and stuck out a hand. Ghostbur tried to shake it, but since they were both ghosts, they just had an awkward moment where their hands went through each others. “I haven’t seen or heard a sheep, much less a blue one. Can’t see a darn thing in this fog.”
“Well, if you see one, it’s name is Friend, and it fucking ran off.” Ghostbur started to wander off, but the Beetlejoest ran after him.
“Wait! Wait! I would normally time you out and make you read the rules, and cursing is one of them, but beggars can’t be choosers! I am lost, and I need help getting out of this dumb forest! I can help you find your sheep, first, of course, I’m not a monster, just a ghost, a Beetlejoest doing the beetlemost, if you will.”
Ghostbur turned to look at him. “You talk so much, yet say so little. But I guess I also don’t have a choice, so come on then.”
The Beetlejoest opened and closed his mouth in surprise and outrage, but decided to wait to strike his revenge and followed the taller ghost.
“Friend! Friend! Come back I have some nice wheat for you!” Ghostbur called into the fog.
“What kind of name is Friend, anyway?” The Beetlejoest grumbled crossly. “Did you have to be 2014 tumblr quirky or something?”
“You must be American- you remind me of that annoying American guy with the onesie. Came into my house and put American flags up. I burnt them, naturally. You’re not Connor in disguise, are you? He’d be the type to get lost in fog.” Ghostbur sneered.
“No, I am The Beetlejoest through and through.” The Beetlejoest said. “But if you wish to speak on the American flag, did you know that-”
“Shut up, I hear baa-ing!” Ghostbur interrupted. “Friend? I have some wheat! Come here!”
And out of the fog came a fluffy blue sheep, which looked calmer then both of the ghosts combined. Ghostbur hugged it in relief and tied a lead to it.
“Right, so, I helped you, now will you help me find my way out?” The Beetlejoest asked.
Ghostbur laughed awkwardly. “Well, I’m afraid that I’m now in the same boat as you. I am also lost. I don’t even know how I got into this forest in the first place.”
The Beetlejoest looked at him in surprise. “How can you not know how you got here?”
Ghostbur frowned, a puzzled look on his face. “I don’t know. I wasn’t here, and then I was.”
“Well, where were you before, then?” The Beetlejoest asked.
Ghostbur shook his head. “I’d rather not… don’t worry about it, alright? I’m sure if we walk in a line, we’ll find an end. Where? I don’t know.”
So, with no other option, they walked. They made for quite a crew- a black and white ghost in a pinstripe suit, a ghost with a yellow sweater, and a blue sheep. They walked through the fog, avoiding mangrove trees that came out of nowhere and ignoring the whispers. And eventually, somehow, they emerged from the fog and were right in front of Shelby’s house.
“We did it!” The Beetlejoest said. “I’m back where I was. I don’t know how, but we did it!” He went to high-five Ghostbur, but found the man gone, the sheep as well. All that was left was a bit of blue substance on the ground, like a rock or something. The Beetlejoest picked it up, and as he did, the first rays of sun peaked over the treetops, and Joe Hills took his place. He held the blue substance in his hands, not a solid or a liquid, but something else entirely.
“Well, thanks Ghostbur. And Friend. Sorry we didn’t get to say goodbye.” Joe said. He pocketed the blue stuff, and took the nether portal nearby back home. He could just use something else in place of those mangrove roots. He didn’t need them that badly.
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vintervittrannerd · 11 months
Training Challenge #4: Make a Friend
@thescorpioracesfestival, this is a collaboration with @the-man-who-loved-a-mare
Freya felt quite bad for leaving so much of the vet work to grandpa. October was usually quite a busy month for them, with all the damage the capaill uisce was doing, both the racehorses and the wild ones that came up from the sea. This year was no exception. What was an exception this year was Freya herself. Since she had written her name on the board in the butchers shop, the other riders had decided they didn’t want her to tend to their horses. As if she would deliberately hurt the horses just to sabotage for the other riders. Freya was more than a little offended by the fact that people could ever believe such a thing. The older islanders wasn’t too rude about it, they might be pigheaded and refused her near their capaill uisce, but at least they let grandpa tend to them. The tourist that were racing were far worse, and Freya was quite certain that they would have refused grandpas help as well if they had just been clever enough to realize Freya was his granddaughter. Luckily for their income, most of them didn’t make the connection between old Dr. Connor the vet, and the name Freya Thorne written on a blackboard.
So, Freya was left doing all the work grandpa didn’t have time. And today that meant visiting a part of Thisby she’d rarely been to. She’d accompanied grandpa to many of his customers, but not all of them, and never to the Willis farm. But there had been a lame sheep, and grandpa hadn’t had time to go, so here she was, pulling up to a small farm in their rusty old pickup truck and jumping down in the mud.
There were no sight of the boy who had contacted her, nor of any sheep, so Freya poked her head into the windswept barn in hopes they’d be inside, hiding from the October weather. They weren’t. The barn was empty of any living thing, and a part of her brain registered that it smelled rather more like it did in Corax stable, than it did in a sheep barn. But it wasn’t until she walked around the corner and saw a black uisce mare and a boy, holding a struggling sheep, that she connected the name Willis with the name she had seen on the butcher’s board, Jaxom Willis – Saoirse. This was another rider in the races.
Jaxom Willis had brown hair and a scar running across his face. He looked vaguely familiar, Freya had probably seen him in Skarmouth sometime, but she’d never spoken to him before.
When she got closer, he put the ewe down, which promptly tried to escape from the nearby capall uisce but was stopped by the rope tying it to a stake in the ground, and walked to meet her. The black mare followed him, looking like she’d very much have them both for dinner, but before she could do more than moan, Jaxom turned to her with a stern “no” and shooed her away. The offended look the mare gave him reminded Freya very much of Green, the barn cat, when Freya stopped her from hunting birds, and she had to hold back a chuckle.
Jaxom tuned back to her, shook her hand in greeting and started leading her back to the sheep as he talked,
“I’m Jaxom. That,” he nodded at the uisce mare, “is Saoirse. She’s lovely but, uh. Don’t touch her. Sorry we have to do this here, usually I’d have us in the barn to get out of the wind, but my ewe won’t go in there, even if Saoirse’s shut in the paddock. Smells too much like her I suppose. I have us on this side of the pasture since the fence blocks the majority of the wind, but neither one of them are too happy about it.”
Freya could see that. The ewe was almost frantic with fear of the predator looming on the other side of the fence, and the mare still looked deeply offended that she hadn’t been allowed to eat Freya. They stopped by the ewe and Jaxom continued speaking,
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name. We usually work with Dr. Connor, but I know he’s too busy with the Races this year to deal with this.”
“Freya. Thorne. She’s a beauty” She smiled at Jaxom and gestured to the mare, who currently had her ear pinned back, glaring at both Freya and the sheep. It was evident in Jaxoms voice when he spoke of her that he loved the capall uisce, and besides, she was gorgeous with those blue eyes, “and this is fine, our sheep wouldn’t go into Corax stable either. Uhm, Corax is my capall. He’s the reason I’m not down at the beach helping. Apparently, no one wants another competitor near their horses.” She couldn’t help rolling her eyes as she said the last bit, as she was still quite annoyed by it.
Freya kneeled beside the frightened ewe stroking her neck and talking softly to calm her down. The ewe stopped trying to escape and her eyes weren’t quite as frantic as before, but she was still tense, and very aware of the capall, but Freya supposed there was no avoiding that.
Apparently, Jaxom didn’t train down at the beach when the other riders where there either, and so he hadn’t heard she was racing this year. He didn’t seem bothered by the fact that another rider was tending to his sheep’s though, and that, in combination with his obvious love for the uisce mare, made Freya decide that she liked him.
The ewe, as it turned out, had stepped on a small piece of a nail, that had embedded itself in her hoof. Luckily, it hadn’t gone deep in, enough for it to be painful for the sheep to step on, but not enough that it had caused any severe damage. Freya managed to get the nail out, and clean the wound. She put on a bandage to keep any dirt out and told Jaxom to keep an eye on it, but hopefully it should be healed up enough that the bandage shouldn’t be necessary in just a few days.
While she’d been examining and treating the ewes’ hoof, she and Jaxom had discussed the races and Jaxom had told her that he was competing to be able to keep Saoirse, since his family didn’t want him to have a capall. Freya had been overwhelmed by a feeling of sudden gratitude towards her grandparents, who not only had allowed her to tend to an injured uisce mare, but also to keep baby Corax and who had helped and supported her every step of the way in raising a capall uisce in their barn. She couldn’t imagine what she would do if they hadn’t let her keep Corax, if she had had to fight every step of the way not to lose him. She really hoped Jaxom and Saorise would make it through the races, and that his parents would be convinced.
When the sheep was done, Freya left the small farm with a smile on her face and the feeling that, maybe, she had gained a new friend.
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misscarolineshelby · 3 years
A New Life
Part Nine: First Night Away
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 3,605
Warning: Angst, Smut
Original Blogger: @queenshelby
The long weekend trip to Kerry was fast approaching and you hired a car to drive there with Max with the view to visit your cousin on the way.
You were the first one to arrive at Cillian’s holiday house on Thursday afternoon and were thankful for the GPS and the fact that Max slept the whole way through.
The house was not far from many beautiful walking tracks and was even somewhat secluded. It was a large house, but somewhat dated and it was obvious to you that Cillian liked to keep the old charm of the house rather than turn into something modern.
‘Are these your sheep?’ you said as you stepped out of the car and Cillian greeted you after having heard your car pull up.
‘No, they belong to the neighbours’ Cillian said and you looked around somewhat confused. There was no other house nearby.
‘Neighbours?’ you chuckled and Cillian nodded.
‘Yes, they live a kilometre up this way’ he said, pointing north, before asking you to come inside.
The house was beautiful and featured a new but rustic kitchen and three bathrooms. The living room contained a large stone fire place and there were five bedrooms.
‘I am sorry that you have to bunk with Laura’ Cillian said as he carried your bag to one of the rooms after having shown Max where he will be sleeping with his two cousins and a friend’s young son named Connor.
‘Well, I thought that you would be sharing a room with her after the rumours I have heard’ you winked and Cillian couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Rumours, eh? What have you heard?’ he then asked and, whilst you knew that you should have kept this to yourself, you couldn’t.
This was all you had been thinking about for the past two days and you were seriously bothered by the fact that Cillian and Laura had shared an intimate moment together.
‘I’ve heard that you and Laura shared a kiss’ you said, pretending not to be bothered by it.
‘If, by sharing a kiss, you mean that she forced herself on me when she had too much to drink then yes, the rumours are true’ Cillian laughed rather amused.
‘That’s not how I heard it. Apparently, you guys had a moment’ you said surprised but Cillian shook his head.
‘The kiss wasn’t mutual Y/N. She was drunk and I am actually quite surprised that she remembered it at all. I had to take her back to her hotel room and help her lie down. That’s how wasted she was’ Cillian said somewhat amused and you couldn’t help but start laughing as well.
‘Well, I think she might actually like you Cillian. It was more than a stupid drunk moment for her’ you explained somewhat concerned but Cillian still didn’t take you serious.
‘I am not interested in her Y/N’ Cillian then confirmed.
‘I don’t care if you are’ you then said with blushing cheeks which is when you heard Cian’s car pull up as well.
The afternoon went fast and, while Cillian, Cian and their mutual friend Liam prepared dinner, Laura, Evelyn and you played a boardgame with the children in front of the fire place.
After dinner and after all of the children went to bed, you opened two bottles of wine and enjoyed some time just between adults, talking and joking together before your big day tomorrow.
Laura tried her best to get closer to Cillian throughout the evening, sitting next to him whenever she could and teaming up with him during a game of trivia.
You tried not to let this bother you while Cillian behaved just as he would normally without letting her get too close after what you had told him.
But Laura didn’t give up and would, occasionally, brush her hand over Cillian’s arms or otherwise try to make physical contact with him.
You couldn’t help but cringe every time you noticed it and Cillian had become almost oblivious to her actions as the night went on and she had a few glasses of wine to drink yet again.
Eventually, Evelyn and Laura decided that they drank enough. They both wanted to be ready for the hike tomorrow and decided to go to bed at around 10 o’clock that evening, leaving you to sit in front of the fire place with Cian, Liam and Cillian.  
‘I might just quickly change into my pyjamas so that I don’t wake you when I come in’ you suggested to Laura who, surprisingly, you had been getting on with perfectly fine that day.
‘Sure, thanks’ Laura said as you followed her into the bedroom. You knew that, sharing a bad with her would be awkward, but you knew that space was limited.
‘Where did everyone go?’ you asked surprised when you returned to the living room after you got changed and saw that only Cillian was left sitting there with his glass of wine.
‘To bed’ he chuckled before topping up your glass and handing it to you. It was obvious that he wasn’t tired yet.
‘Wow, alright…old farts’ you joked while, the truth was, that you didn’t really mind at all. You enjoyed spending time with Cillian on your own and you quickly got talking again, about literature, art and theatre which were all the things you couldn’t talk about when Cian or the others were around.
Then, eventually, the topic of past relationships came up again and you talked about that for at least twenty minutes until you decided that it was enough. It had become too depressing and Cillian wanted to put an end to the conversation.
‘You know, just fuck him Y/N. I think you just have to enjoy life without thinking too much about it and ignore the people who want to interfere with it’ Cillian said after you told him about the latest stunt your ex-boyfriend had pulled back home, alleging that you had cheated on him which was far from the truth.
‘I love your no fucks given attitude; you know that?’ you then smiled. Of course, you knew that he was right about it. You couldn’t let this sort of behaviour bother you. But somehow, it did. It annoyed you and made you angry.
‘This kind of attitude comes with age’ Cillian grinned before looking up at the sky featuring a cloud-free star-scape overhead through one of the large skylight windows in the living room.
‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ you said, looking up as well, and Cillian agreed with your observations.
‘You know, I really enjoyed the night we shared with each other last week’ you then said to break the silence in the room, causing Cillian to look at you with his piercing blue eyes.
‘Me too’ he responded, smiling and waiting for you to say something else. It was almost like he was lost for words.
‘I was thinking that…perhaps…we should do this again some time’ you then said, unable to take your eyes of him.
‘Y/N, I think that would be a bad idea. As I said earlier, I don’t want to be in a relationship right now’ he explained and you told him again that you didn’t want to be in a relationship either.
‘I am going back home in six weeks Cillian. It would just be sex, occasionally, now and then, whenever we feel like it. No strings attached’ you explained, causing him to cock an eyebrow and sigh.
‘Well, you just said to me before that, sometimes, you just have to enjoy life without thinking too much about it’ you reminded him with a wicked smile, causing Cillian to laugh.
‘Whilst this was not what I had in mind when I told you to enjoy life, I think that I may be open to your proposal’ Cillian then smirked and, just as he did, you got up from your seat and stood in front of him, leaning down slightly and cupping his face.
‘Would you just?’ you teased, biting your lips seductively before pressing them onto Cillian’s lips who, without hesitation, gave into the kiss.
‘I would. In fact, sleeping with you again had been on my mind’ Cillian admitted after your lips drifted apart and, as soon as Cillian put his wine glass down, you crawled onto his lap which is where you could feel his erection poke eagerly against the fabric of his jeans.
‘Clearly you have. You are so hard for me already’ you breathed out teasingly in between sensual kisses all the while you were grinding yourself against him, allowing your own core to get some friction.
‘We can’t risk doing this out here Y/N’ Cillian said eventually as he felt himself getting even more aroused than he already was. You talking dirty to him was the icing on the cake and there was no turning back now.
‘Let’s take it to your bedroom then’ you suggested while getting off Cillian’s lap and straightening up your clothes but, to your surprise, Cillian shook his head.
‘I think we should wait until we get back to Dublin’ Cillian said, causing you to pout.
‘Why?’ you asked, running your hand over his crotch seductively, teasing his hard cock through the fabric of his jeans.  
‘Because your brother could hear us and I am very keen to live another day’ Cillian chuckled, but you wouldn’t let down.
‘I need you to fuck me tonight, Cillian. I am serious. I am all horny now. Feel that’ you demanded while taking hold of his hand and pushing it beneath your cotton pyjama pants and inside your panties.
‘Jesus Y/N. You are soaking’ Cillian said in a low groan while pushing his finger inside you slightly.
‘That’s just what you do to me Cillian. Now take me to your bedroom and fuck me’ you demanded while grinding yourself against his hand.
‘Alright, but you need to be a good girl for me and stay quiet. Can you do that?’ Cillian then asked before taking your hand and, of course, you nodded eagerly.
Within minutes, you found yourself in Cillian’s bed with his bedroom door locked from the inside.
You were both almost completely naked, facing each other and sharing playful kisses.
As you were kissing, you pressed your hand against Cillian’s chest, then running your fingers over his back and then back down over his stomach until your fingertips were just tracing under the waistband of his Calvin Klein briefs.
‘You know how often I’ve been thinking about you over the past week?’ Cillian then asked as he took you by surprise, suddenly kissing you back hard, leaning into you, and thrusting the hardness of his erection between your thighs, which opened in an instinctive response.
‘Me too. In fact, I’ve been fantasising about you fucking me while I am masturbating’ you moaned as your head went back and you groaned softly as he kissed up down your neck with an insistence that was completely irresistible. You threw your leg over his hips and pulled him into you.
You could hear Cillian’s breath becoming harder and more ragged now as you ran your hand down into his underwear to free his glorious, throbbing cock from its restrictions.
You pulled your hips back so you could run your hand up and down his thick shaft, and play with the drop of precum that was oozing from the head with the tip of your finger and, without even thinking, you brought the finger up to your lips so that you could taste him.
‘Jesus Y/N, that’s so fucking sexy’ Cillian groaned in approval.
He had one arm under your neck and the other cupping your ass under your panties, pulling you into him, before you felt him reach down the back of your thigh beneath the stretching elastic.
He then slid his fingers up the front of your eagerly parting legs, teasingly fingering your outer folds where you knew he could feel how your pussy was suddenly flooded with warmth and wetness.
‘So, fucking wet for me…I can’t wait to slide my cock inside you’ Cillian whispered as you tried to stifle your delighted moan as he breathed into your ear.
‘I need it so badly Cillian. I need your cock inside me’ you moaned in response and, with one motion, he pulled your panties down to your knees, where they were easy for you to wriggle out of. More clumsily, but no less hungrily, you pulled at the elastic and cotton that still covered the base of Cillian’s straining cock and his balls, until he took pity on you and pulled off his underwear.
For a moment, the feel of Cillian’s naked body pressed against yours took your breath away, and you could hear that he had the same reaction. His lips found yours in the middle of your intake of breath, kissing you passionately.
You gasped as he broke away and gave you another quick kiss on your neck while rolling you over onto your back. Cillian’s body was protective on top of you and his hips were pressing into yours while the head of his cock flirtatiously and teasingly brushed against your outer folds.
‘Please, I need you inside me’ you begged again as, breathlessly, you reached down and pulled him towards you, one hand pulling at his hips, the other desperately, thirstily trying to guide the head of his cock into the wetness of your screaming, impatient, painfully empty pussy.
Cillian resisted one more second while he covered your mouth with his and then, finally, after what seemed like eternity, plunged all the way into you.
‘Oh god yes’ you moaned loudly into Cillian’s mouth which was a completely involuntary response to the feeling of him thrusting so deeply and forcefully inside you.
But your moaning didn’t stop there. Instead, you continued to moan loudly as Cillian began to move inside you.
‘Shh’ he whispered past your lips after he pulled away from the kiss and he quickly covered your mouth with his hand instead.  
You nodded in response as he started moving very slowly but deeply in and out of you, holding each stroke at its deepest point, filling you up entirely.
You smiled, and kissed the palm of his hand that was pressing across your lips to show him that you remembered that Cian and Evelyn were in the next room.
When Cillian saw that you got control of yourself, he moved his hand caressingly down your neck, to your breast, and down to play with your clit.
The other hand grabbed your leg up onto his shoulder, pulling you up onto his cock as he thrusted downward, over and over, establishing that perfect rhythm that was at once too rapid for your sensory overload, and too slow for your insatiable, hungry need for him.
As you looked up at Cillian you could see his eyes burning down into yours, turning you on even more.
Within no time, you clenched down on him hard with your muscles mid-stroke, your pussy pulling him back into you just as he was pulling out, and this time it was your turn to reach your fingers up to his lips to hastily and tenderly stifle the resounding groan that was nearly wrenched from him in response.
‘You feel so fucking wet and tight around my cock’ Cillian whispered before he leaned down to kiss you.
As you shared a passionate kiss, Cillian suddenly thrusted hard and unyieldingly into you once more, and again, and again, cutting off your moans with a gasp of overwhelming pleasure.
‘Oh god yes yes yes’ you moaned as quietly as you could as he continued this new pace unrelenting, driving into you with forceful, fierce, inexorable, remorseless, incredibly deep and increasingly intense, insistent thrusts.
When Cillian was sure that you were not going to cry out in spite of the mind-blowing pleasure, he slowly sat back upright. His hands were holding you down on his cock as he shifted positions, and then spreading both your legs wide so he could go even deeper.
Fucking you hard and deep, you watched from above as you arched your back and bit your lip in mute ecstasy, gazing back up at him as your hand strayed down to work your swollen, pulsing clit. The feeling was so incredible it took literally all your self-control to not scream as you rode closer and closer to orgasm on the grinding girth of Cillian’s cock.
‘I am so close Cillian’ you moaned quietly and, just when you thought you couldn’t take too much more, you saw Cillian’s jaw clench and heard him draw a deep breath.
‘So am I’ Cillian groaned just as you felt his body shudder and his cock swell inside you, which is when you let go.
Your head was thrown back and your eyes were tightly shut as you started to cum. Your lips were also pressed shut as you concentrated on not making a sound, feeling wave after wave of pleasure roll down your body and ring through your pussy, until you felt Cillian reach down, his fingers at the back of your neck and his thumb against your mouth, compelling your eyes to snap open and meet his as he surged into you, flooding you with his warm cum as quietly as he possibly could.
Coming in sync like this with him was surreal and, whilst you didn’t let yourself go completely to avoid being too loud, it was intense. Seeing the fire in each other’s eyes and feeling the passion build up between your bodies was all you needed.
‘I needed this so fucking bad’ you huffed out, relieved, when Cillian collapsed onto you and you wrapped your arms and legs around him, pulling him close and kissing his ear, his cheek, his forehead and then his lips as your bodies trembled and you both gasped for breath.
‘I am sorry for not being more experimental tonight but I don’t like the fact that your brother is right next door’ Cillian whispered as he stayed there on top of you for a minute, breathing hard into the hair just behind your ear and absently kissing your neck.
‘It was perfect Cillian’ you said rather satisfied by what you had achieved within 45 minutes while Cillian carefully pulled out of you, causing some of his cum to leak onto the sheets beneath you.
You both rolled to your sides, facing each other before you resolved into an uncontrollable flood of silent kisses and caresses. Cillian was still holding you close to him and you felt at ease and ready to fall asleep in his arms once again. But, you knew that you had to get up and get into your own bed instead so that you wouldn’t raise any suspicions.
‘I better go and sneak back to my room’ you eventually said but Cillian wasn’t quite ready to let you go despite the fact that it was already 2 o’clock in the morning and you were scheduled to get up for your hike at 7am.
‘Not yet, stay just a little longer’ Cillian said before kissing you again gently and you continued like this for another ten minutes before calling it a night.
After you said goodnight to each other, you tippy toed back into your room where Laura was sleeping deeply.
You climbed into the bed beside her, not sure whether you could fall asleep after what you had just been doing. You also felt a sense of shame, being there right next to her after having been with the man she desired. But this sense of shame you were feeling was quickly taken over by more lust for Cillian as, after you pulled the doona over your body, you could feel another gush of Cillian’s cum leak from your core and into your cotton panties. The thought of his cum being inside you made you all excited again. You wanted more, so much more. You knew that you were in for more wet dreams and regretted not having demanded a second round from Cillian before you left his room, knowing that he was very much capable of going again.
The following morning, when your alarm went off at 7 o’clock, you stumbled into the kitchen, yawning and with dark circles beneath your eyes.
Cillian was already sitting on the kitchen table in his pyjamas, drinking his coffee and trying to maintain a conversation with Cian who appeared rather lively. Cillian, on the other hand, did not. He was clearly still tired and even a little exhausted.
‘Good Morning, Sister’ Cian said, smiling and handing you a cup of coffee which you gladly accepted.
‘You obviously stayed up late. You look tired’ he then said while Cillian gave you an innocent wink when Cian looked the other way to grab some sugar for Evelyn’s coffee.
‘Yes, I had a few more glasses of wine by the fireplace’ you said, cheeks blushing as you watched Laura sit down next to Cillian and trying her luck again, flirting with him and trying to get his attention.
  Tag List:
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@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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kaibacorpintern · 3 years
hypothetically, would Noah be Connor and Mokuba Roman in a Succession x YuGiOh AU?
Literally LAST WEEK I was typing up giddy and insane little plans for a Succession AU. okay. SO i don't think that the yugioh characters can be perfectly slotted into various successions roles or relationships without losing some of their fundamental yugiohness or changing them completely (like... who is shiv? anzu??? no.) so its more like yugioh characters in a succession world. that being SAID:
Gozaburo, of course, is Logan, ruling over the KaibaCorp empire, which is Waystar RoyCo-esque in its scope and size: it has networks, it does tech/software/information technology, it does aerospace/arms/defense. unlike Waystar RoyCo, i don't think it does amusement parks or cruises lol. those are too ~ fun ~ for a dour place like KaibaCorp, run by such a dour man. anyway he has three sons: Noah, by birth, and Seto and Mokuba, by adoption. He wants to see them powerful, he wants to see them succeed, he wants to see them strong - but NOT as powerful or strong as him. 
Noah, the eldest, is the perfect son. Smart, deferential, and dutiful, he follows all the rules and has never stepped out of line or 'rebelled' against his father. He is fully on board with Gozaburo's vision for the future of KaibaCorp, and he's committed to faithfully and completely carrying out that vision, if only Gozaburo would trust him with it. He's been running the Defense branch for a while, and his dream is to carry out his father's dream - to make Gozaburo proud knowing his lessons were well-learned and his legacy is well-preserved. He is desperate for Gozaburo to recognize and acknowledge this: he is the good son!! He is the RIGHT son!! but Gozaburo DOES recognize this desperation and dismisses it as like, weakness. Neediness. Pathetic! 
LOGAN MOMENT: Gozaburo absolutely sacrifices him as the designated fall guy during some insane scandal. 
On the other hand, Seto is the favorite son. He does not care about Gozaburo's bullshit "vision" for KaibaCorp  and has his own ideas about where the company should go (games and amusement parks) but he's the killer. He WILL cut you. He is a seething and chaotic ball of rage. What Gozaburo loves most about him is that whatever Seto touches he either consumes and controls or destroys, and that's exactly the kind of drive Gozaburo wants sitting at the head of the table for KaibaCorp, which is why he’s in pole position to take over. Gozaburo is constantly trying to make him heel - to give up on his own dreams and do what Gozaburo wants - but the more Gozaburo dismisses his ideas, the more Seto tries to prove they’re valuable and worthwhile, that HE is valuable and worthwhile and not just a misbehaving dog, delighting Gozaburo with his sheer bloodlust, making Gozaburo more and more determined to bring him in line.
LOGAN MOMENT: Gozaburo makes him gut his beloved pet project to demonstrate his loyalty.
So of course Noah and Seto detest each other. Any fondness they might’ve had for each other is buried under years of Gozaburo pitting them against each other, throwing apples of discord between them. Noah thinks Seto is a disrespectful upstart who is stealing all the love and attention he deserves (to say nothing of his birthright!!) and Seto thinks Noah is a spineless little suck-up wrongly hitching his wagon to a vile, despicable dinosaur. But dimly they recognize that they’d be better off with each other than against each other, so Seto is constantly trying to convince Noah to stop following the old bastard’s orders and join him in the light and Noah is constantly trying to convince Seto to stop rebelling so fucking hard and let’s just make Dad happy why do you have to test his patience all the time?
Mokuba is the black sheep, irreverent, aloof, and disgusted. He’s the only one with any kind of emotional clarity around what Gozaburo has done to his brothers, and while he does love and adore Seto (and Noah, but not as much) it’s difficult for him to be around them. So he largely stays out of it - he won’t help either brother destroy each other and he would love to see Gozaburo destroyed, but Gozaburo knows he can be used as a cudgel/blackmail against Seto and Noah. All of them want to drag Mokuba into their own orbit but he will not fucking do it. He shows up for all family events and holidays or whatever with his girlfriend Rebeca but his dream family reunion is Gozaburo’s funeral. 
LOGAN MOMENT: Gozaburo tries to ‘bring him in’ and promises he’ll make him the successor over Seto or Noah - not because he believes in Mokuba, but because both Seto and Noah have disappointed him lately - however, unlike Shiv, Mokuba does not want this, has never wanted this, and will never fucking want this.
Assorted thoughts: Atem is Stewy, working for Pegasus in the role of Sandy. Jounouchi is... Greg. Isis is Naomi and the Ishtars are the Pierce family.
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mirasolis · 4 years
My Star, Your Light
Punz x Reader
Tangled AU
Part Two
This is just you and Punz thrown into the world of Tangled, as requested by @thequeenofuwu . We are both Punz simps, I know it.
This is going to be in several parts, and I will link each part when I finish them under here.
Part 1 Part 2
3rd POV…
Punz was slowly coming into consciousness when a sudden force shoved his head to the side. His eyes shot open and turned to see a rainbow—coloured sheep on his shoulder.
“What the?!” The sheep hopped off, walking to the shadows. Punz noticed that he was sitting in a chair, his movements restricted by…
“…Is this…hair?”
(Y/N) held the pan close to her, shuffling in the corner. “You…you can’t escape! I know what you want!”
(Y/N) slowly emerged into the light, pan ready to knock out the man in front of her. “Who are you, and how did you find me?”
Punz just looked at the woman in wonder. Her hair was exceptionally long, being the length of her body several times over.
(Y/N) impatiently demanded an answer. “Who are you, and how did you find me?!”
Punz cleared his throat and declared, “I know not of who you are, nor how I came upon your home and you. But may I just say…Hi.” He smirked cockily. “How you doing? The name’s Punz.”
“Does anyone else know of my location, Punz?”
“Alright girlie-“
“Right. Here’s the thing. I was in a predicament. Galavanting through the woods on an…adventure. I came across this tower and-hold on a damn minute?! Where is my satchel?!”
“Oh, that bag of yours? I’ve hidden it! And no matter where you look, you won’t find it!”
Punz looked around for a while, before settling his sights on a little decorative pot. “It’s in that pot, isn’t it?”
(Y/N) just knocked him out again, and hid the satchel elsewhere, and instructed Puffy to wake the mercenary again. Once again the sheep rammed into Punz’ head and woke him up. He shot up, startled, and glared at Puffy.
“Stop doing that,” he stated plainly.
“Now you can’t find it. So tell me what you want. Do you want my hair, to cut it? Sell it?” (Y/N) interrogated Punz.
“Why would I sell it?! Listen, the only thing I need to do with your hair, is get out of it!” Punz claimed.
(Y/N) looked at him, puzzled. “You, don’t want…my hair?”
“Why would I want your hair?! Look, all I did was find your tower, and climb it, that’s all!”
“For real?”
(Y/N) looked at him hesitantly, before picking up Puffy to discuss with her. “Well, this could be the perfect opportunity. Puffy, I know he’s a stranger, but this is my chance! I think he’s telling the truth, what choice do I have if I want to see the lights?”
She turned back to Punz. “Okay, Punz. I am prepared to negotiate with you.”
“Something brought you here. Call it as you see it Punz. Fate, destiny…”
“A horse?” Punz deadpanned.
“But listen to me when I tell you this; You can tear this tower apart as much as you want. You are not finding that satchel without my help. So you are going to take me to see the special stars tomorrow night. After that, you return me. Then, and only then, will you get your little purse back at all.”
“Those stars are actually lanterns, and I can’t exactly do that. I am a mercenary that stole something from the kingdom, so arrest on site for me it is.”
“Lanterns! I knew it! And my deal still stands. Bring me to see the lanterns or you get nothing.”
Punz shook his head around. “Okay, you’ve forced my hand. I have been left with no choice.”
Punz hangs his head before lifting it dramatically, showing that he bit his lip slightly while looking at (Y/N) with hooded eyes, trying to give off a sexy smoulder. She wasn’t impressed.
Punz held his face while speaking. “This is…kind of an off day for me, I usually don’t have to do this to anyone…FINE, I’ll take you to see the lanterns.”
As soon as he said that, (Y/N) squealed excitedly and accidentally let Punz fall on his face. She apologized profusely, let him free, and he began descending the tower.
(Y/N) tied Puffy to her body securely, as she prepared her hair to jump down to the world below. She heard Punz call to her, but all she could focus on was the green ground below. Taking a deep breath, she leapt from the heights and dropped. She shut her eyes tightly, feeling the wind rush against her body, curling up, and then she stopped.
She opened one eye, and saw the ground so close beneath her bare feet. Cautiously, she pointed out one foot to touch the grass, feeling its ticklish caress on her feet. Giggling, she planted her feet firmly on the ground, setting Puffy down as well. She wriggled her feet between the grass, and began dancing around. She was free! She could finally go and see the lights!
(Y/N) then proceeded to give herself emotional whiplash, switching between being happy and being depressed over the fact that she would upset Dream. Fun times.
Punz, seeing this as a perfect chance to get the crown back, leapt in for the final strike. “You don’t want to ruin your brother-sister bond with your older sibling, don’t you? That’s way too precious! So, I return you to your tower, I get my satchel, you get a healthy family relationship, and everyone is happy again, yeah?”
“No! You are taking me to see those lanterns Punz! And I will use this,” (Y/N) said while raising her frying pan.
There was a rustling in the bushes, and she jumped on Punz’ back, frightened. “What is it? Ruffians? Thugs?!”
A rabbit hopped out of the bush. “Ahhh,” Punz exclaimed in a dead voice. “You seem to be frightened easily. So it is probably best to avoid the ruffians and thugs, ya know? Oh, it just occurred to me, I know a great place for lunch. You hungry?”
Somewhere else in the forest…
Dream was walking through the forest with George. “So George, you’re clear with the plan?” Dream asked.
“Of course I am! We must accomplish this fast if we are to take over the kingdom,” George responded.
As they continued walking, the duo heard leaves moving, and were instantly on guard. They pulled out their weapons, only to find that it was a horse that stumbled upon them.
“Oh, a horse.” Dream overlooked the horse, seeing that it had reigns on it. Even worse, he recognized the horse as that belonging to the crown prince Technoblade.
“George we need to go back now!”
Dream wasted no time in sprinting back to the tower, with George following him close behind. They scaled the tower, but once they entered it, it was devoid of life. It was dark and quiet and Dream began to grow angry.
“Woah Dream, calm down!”
“Don’t tell me to calm down George! My 18-year plan is about to go to shit! Where the hell is she?!” In his rage, he noticed the light seeping from the cracks in the wooden planks of the stairs. Lifting it, he found a satchel with a crown inside it, and a poster with Punz’ face on it. He was determined to put his plan into action. He would have power over the kingdom, no matter what.
Somewhere in the forest...
Punz and (Y/N) were walking along the forest path, when they came across a run-down pub in the woods. It was called the ‘Chuckle Sandwich’.
“Hmm. Seems friendly enough,” (Y/N) pointed out.
“Yep, this deep into the forest I highly doubt that you’ll find any ruffians...or thugs, to scare you,” Punz goaded. He laughed in his mind. This’ll get her to return the crown to me, he thought.
“Well, I hope they make good sandwiches,” (Y/N) chimed.
“Great! Well let’s go inside!” Punz declared. He opened the door and escorted her inside. “Your finest table, please!”
(Y/N) reeled back at the sight before her. All there was, were just ruffians and thugs. As Punz gently pushed her through the pub, (Y/N) held out her pan in front of them, hoping to ward anyone off.
“You smell that? Ya really gotta inhale through the nose! Let it seep in! What kinda scents are ya getting? I’m getting an overall man smell but also just brown!” Punz ranted.
A random patron grabbed onto (Y/N)’s long hair and she grabbed as much as she could and ran off to find a safe place, Puffy following close behind.
“That’s a lot of hair,” the man holding her hair said. Punz nodded in agreement, walking towards (Y/N) as she backed up against a wall.
“You don’t look so good. Maybe we should bring you home,” Punz said as he began guiding (Y/N) to the door. “Maybe you can’t handle this place, and by that logic, the outside world! You should probably be back in your tower!”
Punz was cut off from leaving the pub. A man with ram horns and sideburns held the door closed, with his hand covering the face on Punz’ wanted poster.
“Is this you?” The ram asked sinisterly. Punz squinted at the hidden parts of the poster, lifting the ramhead’s fingers to see that his face was just even more messed up.
“Now that’s just rude,” Punz stated.
A man with a hat covering the majority of his hair agreed. “It is him, man! Connor, find some guards!” The man named Connor ran out the door. “That money’s gonna get me some new beanies! Capitalism!”
A man with glasses and green attire spoke up. “Nope! I’m gonna use it for something much better!”
The patrons of the pub began fighting to keep hold of Punz, pulling him back and forth. A man in a multicoloured tunic said, “What about me? I’m broke!”
Several more people joined in, including a man with a shaved head and red and blue glasses, a man with fox ears and a tail, a whole cat man, and a man in a maid outfit. Just...why?
(Y/N) tried to reach her guide, to no avail. “Hey! Leave him alone!”
Over the ruckus (Y/N) could not be heard clearly, so she got the crowd’s attention by pulling back a branch in the rafters and letting it hit the ram headed man. “PUT HIM DOWN!!”
They all quickly turned their heads to her, anger fixed onto their faces. “Okay, I don’t know where the hell I am, and I need this guy to take me to see the lanterns because I’ve been dreaming of them my whole life!! Can’t you understand? Haven’t you guys ever had a dream?!”
The horned man walked towards (Y/N), grabbing an axe. She shied away from his approaching figure, then he threw the axe at a scrawny accordion player. “I had a dream, once.”
A slow upbeat tune filled the tavern as the man narrated his story. “My name is Schlatt. I’m malicious, mean; I can be scary. In terms of violence, I don’t have clean hands at all. But even, despite my unsightly horns, I’ve always wanted to perform for the masses as a comedian! I mean, who wouldn’t laugh at my (sometimes) out of taste jokes?!”
The beanie man stood up next. “Well, the name’s Quackity! I’ve always wanted to be a pianist! I’ve been practicing here for years! I know so many songs like that iCarly theme song!!”
“ICarly theme song?” (Y/N) asked.
Green man went next. “Well the name is Charlie Slimecicle!! I know that many find me unsightly, due to my terrible appearance!” He was saying that way too positively. “I dream of one day finding love!”
Everyone was taking their turn, talking about their dreams. Multicoloured tunic man, named Karl, wanted to create the best future for his friends. The man with red and blue glasses called Jack Manifold, wanted to become a well-renowned demolitions expert. The fox man, named Fundy, wanted to launch a bakery with his friend, a woman named Niki Nihachu. The maid outfit man, HBomb, wanted to become Fundy’s maid. Why? IDK maybe he’s kinky.
As everyone took their turn, they let Punz talk about his dream. “Oh no, fellas. I don’t have a dream.”
Several swords pointed at his throat later, he ranted about a dream where he had boundless amounts of money.
(Y/N) sprung up onto a table, speaking starry-eyed about the lanterns. “I am so glad I left my tower! I can finally see the lanterns!”
Everyone cheered, celebrating the endless freedom that their dreams explored. Suddenly, Connor burst through the door. “I found the guards!”
Everyone stared in shock, and (Y/N) and Punz were tossed over the bar, just as Technoblade came in with the castle guard. “Where is that mercenary Punz?! I know he’s in here! I won’t stop until I have the thief that stole my sister’s crown!”
Punz peeked over the edge of the bar, seeing his former colleagues in chains, ducking down right after. Punz and (Y/N) shrunk into the bar to hide, when Schlatt pushed aside a crate to reveal a secret passage. “Go, live your dream.”
Punz responded, “I will.”
“Not you, I was talking to her,” Schlatt said pointing his head to (Y/N).
“Thank you Schlatt,” (Y/N) thanked, and gave him a kiss on the forehead. She followed Punz through the passage as Schlatt returned to help distract the guards.
The patrons tried their best to distract the guards, but Technoblade was not buying it. He turned his ear to the door, and Carl burst through, sniffing the air. He easily found the secret passage, and Techno gathered his men, leaving one to guard Purpled and Ponk.
After Techno left with Carl, Ponk knocked out their captor, and freed Purpled, letting him do the same for himself. “Let’s go get the crown.”
Fundy, currently drunk off his ass, stumbled outside, seeing a man in a green cloak with a mask. “Woah, god you are so damn hot!”
Dream giggled. “You’re making me blush.” He pulled out his sword. “Where does that tunnel lead?”
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briarlovesclara · 4 years
Dream SMP Actor/Show AU
Initial idea from Instagram post by ameramerillo / some of the makeup hcs from comment on post (beanpole_orange)
This is LONG! It has the headcanons, my split-up for Seasons in the time frame of how Seasons are now, and an adapted version from Reddit user (will be credited at bottom). 
(When I say a character name I just mean their actors)
-There’s a whole backup prop room because they’re broken so often
-Cat and Mellohi don’t actually play in a record player (the versions that are tossed around most often, that is), and so someone will spin it on their finger backstage while someone blasts from Spotify (probably WAP)
-They paid So Much Money to make the WAP jokes
-Techno went on wires for Doomsday 
-Speaking of Doomsday, the choreography for the fight scenes took weeks to -perfect, as a long of the shots were continuous
-Dream’s mask is heavy for close-up shots, so he has to have a physical therapist check in to make sure his neck doesn’t get cramped too bad
-Ranboo has to get there so early every day to make sure his makeup goes smoothly-- Techno comes in an hour or so later to get his tusks done. 
-Tubbo actually needs a couple of hours for his makeup after his second canon death by Techno (blast marks)
-Ranboo makes such realistic Enderman sounds that when he panics they just actually used his voice
-When Ranboo’s Dream side would talk, Dream would stand off-set and say his lines; then, in the recording studio for the voiceover, Ranboo would stand in another studio and say the lines so that Dream could react realistically.
-The main prison’s lava was CGI, but the other walls were real.
-They had a montage of George breaking the obsidian block, which they made canonically take hours. Poor George was filming for quite some time (that’s all they did that day)
-L’manberg blowing up the second time was filmed and then the close-ups were; all the actors were on wires and were yanked to their respective spots.
-Shots above the L’Crater (on a pillar or little hill) were filmed with green screen, but times that they walked through it were filmed in an actual hole. 
-They found a separate crater to film the nuke hole in, and no shots were CGI there.
-Philza held a funeral in Wilbur’s changing room for his wings, which only got to be used for the five minutes pre-explosion before they ruined them and then used ripped models after. 
-Puffy bought Dream a rubber ducky!
-Tales From the SMP is a spin-off show that runs parallel to the main one (think Torchwood if you’re a Doctor Who fan)
-Eret had to wear white contacts after the betrayal-- the idea was that his regular eyes were contacts in character to conceal a part of himself from L’manberg (symbolism)
-Dream XD is barely there, but is in pure neon green when he appears. He emits just like. Pure light. He doesn’t wear a mask because no one can see his face anyways (the light)
-Ghostbur isn’t see-through, but he has to go to the make-up stations early as well every morning. He and Ranboo, who still gets there first, bond over being early
-Friend is a real sheep!
-Schlatt had to take lessons to learn how to balance the horns on his head
-Foolish spends some time in the makeup van, but many of his big add-ons are things that slip on and off (vs. Ranboo, whose makeup is made every day, or Techno, whose tusks gets fitted).
-Music motifs are a big deal; one of the most infamous is the Never Meant To Be theme, which is used in many different variations to give subtle foreshadowing to key moments in development of Wilbur and Niki. 
-When Ghostbur’s memory book is read, dim flashes of the memories are shown.
-Wilbur, Dream, BadBoyHalo, Sapnap, Callahan, Awesamdude, and George are the creative producers, though the main ones are Wilbur and Dream. 
-They have a full writing team but the head writers are similar to how the actual SMP runs.
-Seasons are split the same way that they are canonically now, but there are pauses in the way they are released (Season 1A, 1B, etc) in the way that Doctor Who is split at times, with mid-series finales
How the Seasons would be split up (look at the wiki to see what each Era means):
S1A: Before Tommy, After Tommy, War for L’manberg Independence
S1B: After L’manberg War, The L’manbergian Election
S1C: Election Fallout, A New Era, The Manberg Festival
S1D: Festival Aftermath, Manberg-Pogtopia War Era
S2A: Reconstruction Era, Post-Banishment Era
S2B: Vengeance Era, Disunion Era
S3A: Imprisonment Era 
Alternative TV timeline, not based on the current canonical seasons, by Reddit user u/username6702: 
“Season 1
1A - The Beginnings (Community house built, Joffery’s murder trial)
Members: Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Awesamdude, BBH, Alyssa
1B - Server Expansion (Ponk + Punz’s Towers Built, Purpled’s UFO Built
New members: Ponk, Punz, Purpled, Skeppy
Season 2
2A - Tommy Joins And Finds The Discs (Tommy’s House Built)
2B - The Disc War (Socialising Club Built, Fundy’s Secret Base Built, Tubbo’s Base Built)
New members: Fundy, Tubbo
Season 3
3A - The Drug Van (Wilbur’s Ball Built, Drug Van Built, Eret’s Castle Built)
New members: Wilbur, Eret
3B - L’Manberg Forms (Walls Put Up)
Season 4
4A - War Begins (Trees Burnt Around L’Manberg, Cobblestone Walls And TNT Cannons Set Up Around L’Manberg, Tubbo’s House Is Burnt Down)
4B - All Out War (Bow Warfare At The Towers, TNT Set Off At Tommy’s Base And L’Manberg, Eret’s Betrayal, Season Ends With Tommy Giving Up The Discs)
Season 5
5A - Tommy’s Business Ventures (The Park, Brighton Tower, Macbeth, L’Manberg Docks And Subs Built, Dream’s Deal Or No Deal, Church Prime Established)
New members: Jack, Niki, Quackity
5B - Mellohi (Dream Gets Hit By A Train, Tommy Attempts To Scam Dream And Eventually Trades To Get Mellohi Back, One Of The Discs Is Given To Skeppy In Return For Spirit's Remains)
Season 6
6A - The Pet War (Sapnap Kills Fungi, Sapnap & Fundy’s Duel)
New members: Karl
6B - The Election (The Parties Are Formed, The Debate, Season Ends With Schlatt Tearing Down The Walls And Pogtopia Getting Formed)
New members: Hbomb, Schlatt, Techno
Season 7
7A - Schlatt’s Rule (we are going into this season now)”
 I have added how I believe the rest would go using this model.
 7A- Schlatt Administration (Fallout of the Election, Pogtopia is formed, the Manberg Festival, Tubbo’s Execution)
New Members: Antfrost, Drista (guest)
7B- Pogtopian Uprising (Quackity Turns, The TNT Room, Quackity Tries to Grab Power, Fundy Turns, Recruitment for Manberg, Badlands Forms, The Final Pet War, The 16th)
New Members: Philza, Connor 
 Season 8
8A- Reconstruction/ Tubbo Administration (Schlatt’s Funeral, Tommy’s Exile, George’s Dethronement, Tommy Begins Exile)
New Members: Ranboo, Captain Puffy, Lazar, Vikkstar
8B- Post-Banishment (Mexican L’manberg, Blood Vines Appear, Squeeks and Estate Conflicts, Technoblade’s Execution, Quackity vs. Technoblade Duel*) 
*Dream now supports Tubbo’s L’manberg
 Season 9
9A- Vengeance Era (Mr. Beast Events, The Green Festival, Doomsday War)
9B- Disunion Era (Ghostbur’s “Resurrection”, Glatt’s Return, Eggpire, The Disc Confrontation)
New Members: Foolish G, Hannah
 Season 10 (Current)
10A- Imprisonment Era (Pandora’s Vault, Anarchy Rises)
New Members: Charlie/Slimecicle
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cuuno-moved · 4 years
dream smp characters based on how they hug (/rp)
tommy-he will only hug people from behind. buries his face in their spine to avoid eye contact. does not want to be hugged back, he just wants to give hugs.
tubbo-running tackle hugs, mostly. he's a little bit short, so it's awkward otherwise.
wilbur-is always surprised when someone asks for a hug. he then will cry. lanky long boy, it's like hugging a tree.
dream-the only people who have ever hugged him are puffy and george. puffy says he gives great hugs. george says his hugs suck.
george-will not make eye contact while hugging. will mutter complaints. good hugger overall.
sapnap-look, he's a chubby fire demon with a lot of affection. the best hug you've ever gotten.
fundy-doesnt really do hugs. will lean against you while you walk or headbutt your arm, but he won't actually accept a real hug.
eret-again, long and lanky man. she smells like expensive perfume, but it's nice. she towers over pretty much everyone though, which kills her back sometimes :(
niki-she gives nice hugs. will rock you back and forth and pat your back.
jschlatt-gives awkward side hugs. ruffles your hair.
quackity-tackle hugs.
techno-has hugged 2 people (ranboo and phil) very warm hugs, his fur is very fluffy.
phil-will wrap his wings around you. safe, warm, nice.
ranboo-lanky boy. he tries his best, but his arms are just. too long :/
bad-this man is the most powerful being on the server, of course he gives good hugs. also fully capable of carrying people around.
skeppy-he is made of diamond, hugs are Not his thing.
jack-look i. i make a lot of jokes about him but. i think he gives very nice hugs. 👉👈😞
karl-he gives very nice hugs, but he smells like deodorant and stale monster.
foolish-solid gold. he tries, but he fails.
puffy-have you ever hugged a sheep? bliss.
connor-ok i lied, connor gives the best hugs on the server. will stand there for hours just hugging you while you rant. patient as fuck.
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
Definitely not electric sheep
So here is the next story for @connor-sent-by-cyberlife's #dbhghostsinthemachine challenge, for prompt OCT 4: Digital Nightmares.
Relationships: Amanda & Connor, Hank Anderson & Connor
Characters: Connor, Amanda, Hank Anderson
Tags: Nightmares, Electric shock, Unreliable Narrator, Unreality, Surreality, Angst, Crack Treated Seriously, Swearing, Drugged
Warnings: Unreality, Drug-induced hallucinations
Read it on AO3! Or, read below
Connor awoke at 3.51am with a start, LED whirring, chest rising and falling erratically.
His sleep had been plagued by unpleasant preconstructions—nightmares, Hank would call them. Something about the case they’d worked on yesterday, leading up to Hank dying and Connor completely powerless to do anything about it.
Of course, he knew it wasn’t true. Sure, the suspect had hit him with something, some kind of electric shock, but other than that they made it out unscathed.
Therefore, everything was fine. Nothing to worry about.
But his anxieties didn’t ease. Fiddling with the hem of the bedcovers, he eventually made the decision to go and see Hank.
His head span as he got up, something uncommon but it was probably the stress on his systems. Some things around him appeared… strange. Maybe they were just blurry.
Yes, just blurry, he assured himself, walking into the living room and seeing the photos along the walls had changed. The ones of he and Hank—well, Hank was missing. Blurry, probably. The longer he stared at it, a figure did begin to appear, after all. It didn’t look a lot like Hank, but his mind was muddled. Talking to Hank would ease that.
Hank. Hank. His pace quickened, coming into the kitchen. There was… Hank hadn’t been in his room, he thought he’d heard him in the kitchen. But instead someone else was standing at the fridge, their back turned to him.
Amanda turned around to face him.
“It’s Amanda, Connor. I thought we’d gone over this.” Her relationship bar dropped so low in the bottom of his vision that it went through the tiled kitchen floor. “You don’t have to worry about the Lieutenant anymore.”
“Why are you in our house?”
“I live here.”
“Hank wouldn’t allow that.”
“Hank isn’t here.”
Connor frowned. “He said he wouldn’t go to bars in the middle of the night anymore…”
Amanda closed the fridge door, bringing a sandwich with her as she approached him. “Connor… he is no longer an issue.”
Connor frowned, stepping forwards. His vision dipped, colours distorting for a millisecond, beginning to feel like he was listing heavily to the side.
“Have a sandwich.” Amanda held it out to him. “Maybe then you’ll calm down.”
He took the sandwich, stuck his finger into it and frowned. “It’s cold.”
With that declaration the world spun on its axis, barley feeling himself fall to the side, before—
They were in a park. It was snowing heavily.
“It is cold, Connor. Why didn’t you bring an umbrella?”
He sighed. “Sorry, Amanda.” He held the sandwich over her head. “Does that help?”
She smiled. “Thank you. See… time with the Lieutenant changed you. You tried to be friendly to him and look where that’s got you.”
He looked down at himself. He was wearing a stripy shirt and jeans.
“Hank’s clothes fit me surprisingly well.”
“They’re disgusting, Connor.” She smacked his hand away, knocking the sandwich onto the floor. Bread and cheese spilled out onto the ground in a sad mess. She gestured to it. “Look what you’ve become.”
He knelt down onto the ground. Reached towards it, scooped a sample on his fingers, brought them to his lips—
He brought his hand away from his mouth. Blue blood stained his fingertips. Looking up, he found himself in the middle of a crime scene.
Good, that was Hank. Hank would know what to do. He got up, stumbled into Hank, who shoved him towards the body.
“Analyse it, defective.”
Hank grunted.
So, he looked down at the body. Ah, Amanda. She was lying on the floor, flat out, a knife straight through her back.
As he attempted to preconstruct the crime, Amanda’s jittery silhouette raised her hand towards him.
“Backstabber!” She cried out. “I trusted you.”
“Is this about the sandwich?”
The figure ran towards him and knocked him to the ground. Head hitting the hard ground, and a flare of pain, on the back of his head and across his face—
“You with me, Connor?”
He opened his eyes groggily. Shapes blurred in front of him. A brown jacket, stripy shirt…
“No, it’s Hank. Damn, he got you good.”
Connor pushed himself up to sitting with assistance, and found himself… on the living room floor?”
“It’s happening again.” He groaned. “Where are we going next?”
“Uh…” Hank gave him a strange look. “Well, you tumbled off the couch. I was hoping you’d get back up off the fucking floor, for starters.”
Connor pushed himself to sitting, got up, sat on the couch, and—
The scene stayed the same. It didn’t jitter into another world, a strange broken reality where Amanda made him a cheese sandwich…
“Sounds messed up, Con.”
“Oh, did I say that out loud?”
“Why would I have replied? Yeah, you did. So, I guess I should explain… that guy we were chasing, when he shocked you with something, you went down on the ground, and you never woke up for hours. Till now. You’ve just been mumbling things to yourself, mainly about sandwiches. I guess it was some kind of android narcotic.”
Connor nodded. “I believe the hallucinations and errors with my gyroscope prove that. So, you haven’t been replaced with Amanda?”
“And I’m not wearing your clothes.”
Hank snorted. “Like they’d fit you.”
“That’s’ what I thought. Okay…” He laid back on the couch. “Thanks, I guess. The rest of the issues should repair themselves with stasis.”
“You sure? Don’t want me to take you to Jericho?”
“No. Only if they happen again.”
“Right. Well, you do your android sleep thing. Call if you need me. In the meantime, I’m going to make some lunch.”
There was a pause. After Hank had walked into the kitchen, he heard Connor call out,
“You’re not making cheese sandwiches, right, Lieutenant?”
“Pfft, no, you just had a traumatic experience about them! I’m not an asshole!”
“Thank you.”
Hank slid the packet of cheese back into the fridge.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
I copied Clem’s first steps (and Daniel’s reaction) from the original ABM fic here as well, just so everything is together 🥰
Once presents were done, Michael and Luke started to make brunch. It wasn’t long before the smell of bacon and eggs filled the house, the rest of their group in the living room talking loudly amongst themselves. Ivan had Clementine on his lap, reading her one of her new books, his messy pronunciation of some English words making her look up at him, almost like she was confused.
“God, Ivan, you’ve lived in LA for how long?! Why don’t you know how to pronounce English words right?” Emilio smacked his hand to his forehead with a sigh. The room erupted into laughter – even Clementine – and Ivan’s cheeks went red.
“Don’t be so mean.” Florence chuckled, giving Emilio a small shove. “He’s trying his best and I’m sure Clementine appreciates it.”
“Don’t you, Clemmy?” Callum tickled her side and the baby giggled, curling into him.
Ethan leaned over the side of the couch that he and Grayson were on and picked up one of Clementine’s new stuffed animals. The sheep was unrealistically fluffy but undeniably cute. Clementine shrieked happily, reaching for it from her place on Ivan’s lap.
“Go get it, Clem.” Florence smiled. Callum pulled the baby onto her feet, holding her gently by the waist. Ethan passed the sheep to Emilio who was in front of him and they enticed the little girl with sweet voices and words of encouragement. Her little legs wobbled as Callum slowly moved his hands away from her. Clementine took an unsure shuffle forward followed by a second. She stumbled forward a little bit more before falling into Emilio’s waiting arms.
Florence’s proud scream startled the room and Luke and Michael rushed over to make sure everything was okay.
“She walked!” Florence cried, scooping up her daughter in her arms. The baby reached for the sheep that she so desperately tried to get and Emilio passed it to her.
“She did?!” Michael gaped.
“Come here, Clemmy.” Callum clapped his hands gently before holding his hand out to her. Florence stood her up and tossed him the sheep and soon Clementine was wobbling over to him too.
More than just Christmas was celebrated that sunny morning, the adults giving the newly mobile baby a little extra love. There was something about the process of growing up and new milestones that always seemed to lighten the mood.
Daniel stood in the doorway of the large room nervously, swaying lightly under Florence’s startled and yet expressionless stare. He had his hands in the pockets of his long black trench coat, a black hoodie and black jeans on underneath, his brown boots completing the neutral look. After a moment of silence only between the two as the party went on behind them, Daniel made his way over to her. He held a small, flat package in his hand and he tapped it nervously against his fingers.
“I thought you weren’t back from Vancouver until the 4th.” Florence spoke dryly once he stopped in front of her, keeping a good three feet between them.
“How could I miss Clementine’s first birthday?” Daniel said, cracking a small smile and hiding it by looking to the ground.
Florence didn’t answer. Daniel looked past her to where Clementine was across the room with Grayson and Connor, the boys running around in small circles and she ran after them trying to catch them, shrieking happily.
“You didn’t tell me she’s walking now.” Daniel whispered, keeping his eyes on the one year old.
“We’re not friends anymore, remember?” Florence answered quietly.
“Flora, I-“
He was cut off by Clementine waddling messily over to the two of them, attaching herself to her mother’s legs. The little girl’s blue eyes stared up at Daniel under wispy blonde bangs. He bent down in front of her, admiring the not-so-little baby he had watched grow up.
“Hi, Clem.” Daniel greeted her quietly, “Happy birthday.”
“Dada.” Clementine smiled shyly, reaching one tiny hand towards him.
“Still haven’t learned, have you, little miss?” Daniel whispered, pressing his index finger into her outstretched palm. “I’m not dada.”
She wrapped her fingers around his one and he kissed her hand before holding out the small package that was wrapped in bright orange paper to her.
“I have a present for you.” he said gently, smiling as the little girl shrieked in content, reaching for it with two hands.
Penelope was the late bloomer out of her sisters, and she was the one who was the most cautious about everything which meant walking wasn’t on her mind for a while. By sixteen-months she could stand up while holding onto the coffee table or someone’s hand but she was adamant on not moving once she was on her feet. No matter how hard they tried, Daniel and Florence could not get their youngest to take even one step.
Daniel huffed as the nearly-toddler dropped back onto her bum on the living room carpet, her cheeks streaked with frustrated tears after a few minutes of him trying desperately to get her to walk.
“Come on, bug.” Daniel scooped her back up by her armpits and set her back on her feet, taking her chubby little hands in his, “Little steps for dada, please.”
Penelope only whined, staying stiff in place even when he tried to lead her forward across the rug.
“Dada will buy you an ice cream if you walk.” Daniel whispered down to the little girl.
“Don’t bribe her.” Florence chuckled from her spot on the couch.
“I’m desperate, Flora. Why won’t she walk?” Daniel frowned, gently setting Penelope on her bum on the living room rug.
“The doctor said it takes some babies up to eighteen months. She still has two months to go.”
Daniel crouched down beside Penelope and pet his hand over her soft brown hair, making her look up at him.
“Stop stressing yourself.” Florence finished, watching her boyfriend’s near terrified expression as he stared at their youngest.
Daniel wiped Penelope’s chubby cheeks with his thumb and pressed a kiss to her head. She reached her hands up to him to be picked up, opening and closing her little fingers in his direction. He only picked her up high enough to set her on her feet.
“Dada!” Penelope cried, holding her hands up to him again, “No!”
“Come on, miss bug.” Daniel said softly, holding her hand as he shifted to sit on the rug an arms length in front of her. “Walk to dada.”
Penelope hesitated, holding onto his finger on wobbly legs and she sniffled.
“That’s it, baby. Little step.” Daniel encouraged sweetly, giving her hand an ever so gentle tug.
Penelope just dropped to her hands and knees and crawled over to him instead, crawling right up onto his lap and curled into his chest. Daniel sighed and wrapped his arms around her.
“Maybe she’s had enough today.” he mumbled.
“You overwork her.” Florence teased, setting her book down on the coffee table and came over to the rug to join them. She left a kiss to her daughter’s cheek and then one to her boyfriend’s lips, “I’ll go wake up Clementine.”
“Okay.” Daniel sighed.
He watched her walk off down the hallway and then looked back down to Penelope on his lap, “Come on, we can surprise Mama when she comes back that you can walk!”
Daniel lifted her to her feet again, holding her up by her hands wrapped around his fingers.
“Go, Penny, go!” he cooed.
She stood perfectly still.
“Ugh!” Daniel groaned, setting his hands around her body to keep her on her feet at least and he leaned over to pepper kisses to her cheek, “Penelope Magnolia, you drive me crazy, little girl.”
At that moment, Clementine came rushing out of her room down the hall, her dark blonde hair an absolute mess on her head from her nap and she was only in a pull-up and nothing else.
“Oh my goodness.” Daniel reached out one hand to catch the toddler before she could crash into her sister, “Where are your clothes, little miss?”
“Gone.” Clementine giggled, bending down in front of her baby sister, “You walk yet, Nelly?”
“No walking yet.” Daniel answered.
Penelope laughed cheekily and reached a hand up to her older sister’s face. Clementine stuck out her tongue at her. Florence returned from the girls’ room with clothes for the eldest and a small baggie of toddler crackers for her to snack on as she was dressed on the living room rug.
Daniel took his hands from the baby, expecting her to sit back down on his lap but she stayed standing on her own. His eyes went wide, “Good girl, Penny.”
Penelope pointed to her sister and the intriguing crinkly bag of snacks as she wobbled a little, babbling slightly.
“Come here, sweet girl.” Florence encouraged, brushing her finger against the bag that Clementine held to make it crinkle again.
Penelope beamed and took a shaky step forward, pausing to keep her balance before taking another.
“Oh my God.” Daniel breathed, watching in awe as their youngest took her first steps over to her big sister sitting only a little bit away.
Clementine shrieked with pride and yanked her baby sister right off her feet into a hug once she was within arms reach but Penelope was only interested in the baggie of snacks and she reached her little hand inside cheekily.
“Good girl!” Florence cheered, applauding a little for their youngest, “You walked, Penny!”
Penelope only smiled as she stuck her fingers in her mouth to eat one of the small crackers, draped messily over her three-year-old sister’s lap. Daniel shuffled over to join the little celebration, leaned down to praise and kiss his baby daughter, and his obviously relieved sigh had Florence smiling at him.
“See?” she whispered, resting her head on his shoulder as they watched their girls cuddle and snack together on the carpet, “Nothing to worry about.”
Lucy was Penelope’s opposite in the sense that everything she did, she did first and she did fast and she did herself. By nine months she had two words under her belt (“okay” and “dada”), could crawl (at quite an impressive speed too), and she was already starting to pull herself up using the coffee table or the couch to explore more of the apartment or cruise with assistance from someone’s hand. Her early learning never failed to take Florence and Daniel by surprise and her first independent steps were no different.
Daniel was on the living room couch, just got home from work, and yet still had his guitar in his hand and the girls were playing on the carpet nearby with Florence finishing up dinner in the kitchen. He wasn’t even really watching the girls, his eyes locked solely on his wife bustling around the kitchen as he played his guitar and hummed softly, making up some random tune from the inspiration that was simply her presence.
Lucy loved to try and keep up with her sisters and their ‘grown-up games’ but she couldn’t really pay much attention to them when Daniel was quietly plucking away at his guitar on the couch. She turned herself around on the carpet and reached a tiny hand up to the edge of the coffee table to pull herself to her feet.
No one was looking at her – not even her sisters who were far too busy with their dolls. Lucy held onto the table as she walked around it and then let go completely. She stopped a moment as she wobbled but then giggled proudly at herself and went stumbling forward right towards Daniel’s legs. He looked down at her with surprise as she wrapped her little arms around his legs and slobbered a little on his jeans.
“How’d you get over here?” he asked, setting his guitar on the couch to turn his full attention to his youngest. He scooped her up by her armpits and set her a few paces away from him but she just came wobbling back over, tripping on the last step but he caught her before she fell. Daniel gaped at his nine-month-old and called to his wife, “Oh my gosh. Flora, you gotta see this.”
Florence came over quickly and Lucy looked between her mother and her father innocently.
“Walk to mama.” Daniel instructed.
Lucy giggled and held her arms up to him to be picked up, “Dada.”
“Show mama that you were walking!” Daniel encouraged, turning her to face Florence.
“Come here, little one!” Florence crouched down, “Come to mama.”
Lucy held onto Daniel’s jeans, sticking her other hand in her mouth.
“I swear she did it.” Daniel said quickly. “She walked right over to me.”
“At nine months? That incredibly early.” Florence questioned.
“Yes! I swear it. Take her.” Daniel got up and stood Lucy with Florence and he grabbed his guitar again to play a little tune to entice the baby. Singing softly, “Come on Lucy, show Mommy that Daddy’s not crazy.”
“I know you’re crazy.” Florence teased to her husband as she rubbed a gentle hand over her daughter’s back.
“Dada.” Lucy held out her hands to him. She took a small shuffle forward, and then a step, and then a few rushed ones as she nearly toppled right into Daniel’s legs again.
“Oh my gosh! Those were lots of steps!” Florence gaped. “Good girl, Lucy Lu!”
Daniel beamed as he set his guitar to the side and scooped up the baby onto his lap, leaning down to cover her chubby cheeks in kisses, “You’re so, so, so, so good!”
Lucy giggled proudly and pulled his fingers into her mouth.
“Let’s walk some more.” Daniel got up from the couch and set her on her feet before shuffling a little bit away.
Lucy always loved being the centre of attention so when both her parents and both her sisters were focussed on her and her brand-new exciting skill, she was more than proud to show it off. She walked between them all until she was nearly dead tired and flopped onto Daniel’s lap with an adorable little huff. Dinner was had later than normal that day because of how much time they spent on the living room rug but the whole little family was buzzing once they finally sat down to eat.
“Lu-Lu’s gonna come to the park with us now!” Clementine said.
“In a few more months.” Florence chuckled, “She is still tiny.”
“But it does seem that I gotta start baby-proofing the apartment, huh?” Daniel said.
“Oh, yes.” Florence fed the well-walked baby another spoon of her food, “No one is safe anymore with this one on her feet.”
Lucy smiled through her mouthful, drooling peaches down her chin and pointed across the table, “Dada.”
“Yes; especially not Dada.” Florence agreed.
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
Ya’ll are crazy with the wip tags lmaoooo I enjoy writing for ya’ll tho~
Tagged by @mrspaigeomega thx bestieeee 💕
“What the fuuuuck”
It been only what? An hour? maybe two? I don’t know... four...? Maybe? Angel was completely out of it after whatever that.....Connor..dude gave him. He had no idea where he was going. He was definitely on some road of some sort. Where? God knows. At this point, he was wandering around like a lost sheep. No one around him, no ride, no place to rest or camp out, fucking nothing.
“Jesus fucking Christ....what the fuck was in that thing?”
Angel tried to gather his senses but with whatever he took it was a fighting battle between his senses and the psychedelic effects of that...what was that again?...fucking Cannabliss. He was swaying slightly and stumbling. Maybe this was a bad idea. It’s been years since Angel touched weed, let alone any drug.
“God fucking- FUUUUCK!”
Angel leaned to the side a bit too much and fell over the guardrail on the road. And with his luck there was a hillside and he tumbled downward until he hit a tree stomach first. Angel felt a rush of pain and nausea hit him like a fucking truck. He couldn’t even bring himself to get up. So he stayed for a few minutes recovering.
“Holy FUCK am I glad I’m not white boy wasted” Angel said to himself as he finally gotten up, still swaying slightly and trying to gain control of himself. He looked around and luckily found a hiking trail of some sort and stumbled his way onto it.
“I can’t fucking take this anymore” Angel sighed out as he took out his radio and held it up, radioing no one but who else?
“Connor...” Angel cut off the radio “of course of all people I trust”
“CONNOR” Angel tried radioing the other man again
“SHHHHHT” was heard on the other side
“Connor I’m fucking dyin’ the fuck did you give me”
“Angel stop it. First of all this is YOUR fault I told you it isn’t the same as fucking weed it’s much stronger ya fuckin’ lightweight.” Connor whispered into the radio “Second, you need to lay the FUCK low. They found out you left and if you don’t find a place to seek shelter you’re gonna be fuckin’ dyin’”
Angel heard the radio cut off and knew he wouldn’t be able to find a way to make this shit wear off
“Fucking FANTASTIC” Angel said loudly
Maybe a bit too loudly
“What was that?”
“Over there”
Though Angel was blissed out of his mind if didn’t take much to comprehend it wasn’t no regular civilian
“Fuck.fuck.fuck.fuck fuck” Angel panicked as he tried scrambling back to where that fucking stupid tree was and tried climbing back up to the road
“OH SHIIIIT.” Angel managed to finally jump over the guard rail, well...more like fall, and started sprinting as if his life depended on it.
I mean it did
But as he was running, he realized he didn’t feel....tired.. and to his surprise, he was running faster than a fucking marathon runner.
But he quickly took this thought out of his head when he heard gunshots behind him, followed by angry call outs and screaming
“These fuckers don’t let up do they?” Angel said through breaths
Angel found a dirt road making a sharp turn into the forest again. After his first experience he really didn’t want to go somewhere that would probably cause him to meet with these freaks again but
“I’ll take my fucking chances”
Angel sprinted down the dirt road for a bit before walking off of it to prevent himself from being too visible.
“God...haven’t ran like that in years...kinda felt good”
The effects of the cannabliss were really starting to kick in, Angel went from feeling disoriented to energized. He felt like he could run all through Holland Valley without any trouble. He could probably take down a thousand peggies in the middle of it too.
“Connor” Angel radioed him again
“You’re going to get me into trouble”
“I feel fucking great Connor you have more of that” Angel whispered into his radio
“Calm your fucking asscheeks little man, it’s your first time. I’m guessing the adrenaline kicked in huh”
“Oh fuck yeah” Angel chuckled “Some fucking country rats were chasing me and I ran as if I was Usain Bolt”
“Country r- ANGEL!!! GET YOUR ASS SOMEWHERE SAFE THOSE WERE EDEN’S HUNTERS” Connor yelled through the radio
“Huh??” Angel tilted his head slightly
“OH SHIT” Angel started panicking “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT EARLIER”
Angel turned off his radio and looked around
“No fucking map, no people, no help, holy fucking-“
Just as Angel was trying to figure out how he was going to find a way to get to safety, a bullet grazed his shoulder, piercing skin but not luckily no entry
“FUC-“ Angel tried to hold in a howl as he gripped his arm and ducked out of sight. He quickly started crawling his way through the thick brush hoping no one would find him. But with this new psychedelic effect it might aid him in his escape
“Gotta get to Falls End...Gotta get to Falls End-“ Angel whispered to himself
“Look what we have here”
Angel quickly got himself up off the floor and looked around quickly, spotting Michael a few foot steps away.
“You know I knew this would be easy but not this easy”
Michael was almost right. Compared to him, Angel is a little boy 5’11 to 5’6 is quite the difference in height, let alone the fact that he was trained like a soldier by Jacob. It didn’t help Angel that he was high off his rockers at the same time, giving Michael a great advantage
“Mmm..the effects didn’t wear off either huh” Michael teased as he leaned down to look at Angel’s eyes, pupils completely blown wide. “First timer?”
Angel couldn’t get any words out. Instead he turned around and tried to run.
“AHT- AHT-“ Michael grabbed Angel by the arm and tugged him close “Don’t think your getting yourself out of this one”
Oh but he was. Though Angel was small, he had skill. As a former underboss and marksman he was trained to fight. Even if he wasn’t armed to the teeth like Eden’s Hunters and Chosen he could take down a man with ease
“Mmmh..yeah...I’d say that too.” Angel nodded in agreement before swinging around and socking Michael in the nose
“ACK-“ Michael didn’t let go but loosened his grip just enough
Angel clenched his fist and went for the throat, punching him hard enough to make the man let him free before lifting his foot, earning Michael a hard blow to the stomach
Michael became a coughing mess, in shock that the smaller man sized him up so quickly, despite being under the influence
Angel made no time to get away running as fast as this adrenaline could take him
Michael let out a huff and wiped the blood off of his nose, taking out his MP40 and aiming it at Angel’s back. He put his finger on the trigger, ready to end the man’s life but lowered his weapon. Touching his nose and looking at the blood on his fingers, chuckling to himself
“Hmm...maybe Connor was right about you...”
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
“You’re not annoying me; it actually makes me happy when you come to me for things like this.” 🥺🥺🥺
Thanks you, Julia for the request!! I love you bunches and I hope you like it! (I also changed it just a little but lol)
Sleep never came easy to you. Ever since you could remember, you’ve had trouble sleeping. Which was fine, you’d grown used to it. Tried every sleeping pill imaginable, tried drinking tea and warm milk, tried counting sheep. Nothing had ever worked for you. Until Connor came around.
When you first started dating, you were worried to have him stay the night because you didn’t want to wake him up in the middle of the night with your tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position. Of course Connor knew about your sleep struggles, but he hadn’t had to experience it first hand with you yet. 
But by six months in, he was used to it, and you had finally found something that helped you fall asleep. His weight on you. It’s like how weighted blankets work for some people (though they never did for you). Except this one’s different. It soothes you having his weight, and his body heat, and his steady breathing, and the soft drum of his heartbeat. All these things combined have aided in your sleep for most nights the past six months. 
The only problem with this though is that Connor doesn’t really know that he’s the reason you’ve been sleeping better. He just knows that some nights you sleep well and some nights you don’t sleep at all. Those are the nights where he’s at his apartment, or when he’s with you, but lays on his side of the bed instead of on top of you. 
Tonight is one of those nights and you’re irritated because you have to wake up early and it’s nearing two am. Your loud sigh and aggressive change in position is what wakes your sleeping boyfriend and you feel bad. 
He groans, reaching for your hand, eyes still shut as he scrunches up his face. “You okay?” he asks with his groggy voice.
“Can’t sleep,” you grumbled. “I’m sorry I woke you.”
“S’okay. What can I do to help?”
“Nothing, baby. I’m okay. I don’t want to annoy you, go back to sleep.”
His eyes open at your confession and he frowns. “You’re not annoying me; I want you to come to me for these kind of things. I love it.” He yawns, “Now what can I do?”
You sigh because you know there is no point in fighting him on this. “Lay on me?” you ask softly.
He nods and shifts until he lays comfortably on your chest. “This okay?”
You nod, already feeling at peace. “Mhm... perfect.”
He kisses your collar bone that’s covered by his t-shirt. “M’kay, go to sleep, babygirl. I love you.”
You hum, “Love you, too, Brash.”
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liliumtheraven · 4 years
Writing down dream head cannons that I like or are using
Shapeshifter HCs
First off I noticed a lot of different people could count as shapeshifters, so I wanna do a hc where everyone is one but they all have a limited number of forms
It’s more or so like, they all have their human forms and some have a specific animal/s forms too
Most can change into different forms of both, like fully change into said animal or maybe just change the ears or something (hence the people with just horns or wings)
Specific people with their other forms
Quackity kind of being a jester, hasn’t found something he can’t turn into, as long as he tries hard enough
Quackity has also mastered the form of shifting into other people, be afraid
Puffy being able to do ones that consists of different sheep/goat
Schlatt also sheep/goat
Tubbo, I like the schlatt dad au so he’s gonna be sheep/goat too (dunno if I wanna add bee in there too)
Tommy 100% raccoon you can’t change my mind, he never shows it thou so some people don’t even know
Techno obviously pig/piglin, he uses his full animal one for fights because of extra strength
Ranboo with his endermen, he can’t fully control it so he can only go full enderman during enderwalking, also explains why he doesn’t know his other half since cant can’t shift to it on will
so basically Ranboo can only turn to human and to his half and half form on will (or anything in between those two, like just the ears or hair or smth), the enderwalking is his stressed state that he can’t control and he hasn’t figured out how to turn into the other half but doesn’t really want to since he’s scared it’ll be just like his ender half
Phil has his bird form, not sure what type of bird yet or how many types of birds but bird
Funny = Fox, he uses his for mischief a lot and sometimes just to escape awkward situations 
Bad has demon form
Skeppy, they aren’t sure what it is, but it’s blue, just blue
Sapnap has some demon form like bad but make it ~fire~
Dream also has a goat/sheep form but also has that weird blob one with a smiley face, no one knows what the hell it is, it’s a bit creepy in some forms but that smol blob one is adorable and he hates it
Also maybe dream can turn into some animals he’s really familiar with, like he has strong connections with horses, dogs and parrots and can occasionally shift into them
Callahan has his reindeer form
Antfrost has his cat, he loves his
Foolish has his totem, it looks pretty sick
Charlie has his signature slime form
Hannah has this like elve/fairy form that has lots and lots of roses
I’m thinking Connor’s is just Sonic, no explanation 
Sam has his creeper form, he uses it to help build to carry more stuff and also uses it to intimidate people
Others haven’t learned what theirs is or they don't like sharing since I cant think of any atm (in George’s case he’s too busy sleeping to try to use his)
Also this explains Sally lmao I am not joining Wilbur’s cursed family tree
Family HCs
Phil -> Wilbur -> Fundy being related while Techno and Tommy more or so “adopted”
For Techno it’s more of “you helped me so I’m returning the favor and now we work together” to Phil
For Tommy it’s like “you found me and guided/rasied me” to Wilbur and now forever looks up to him and tried to make him proud
So Phil found Techno, Wilbur found Tommy and Tommy found Tubbo (where they found them in no longer important to them)
Also Tubbo and Ranboo are married platonically apparently lol
Tubbo being Schlatt son but never really knowing, maybe till after Schlatt died??? like maybe Phil knew and decided to finally tell him or maybe Glatt did because it was his happiest memory 
Puffy being dreams mom
Bad and skeppy raising Sapnap
Also I like the head cannon with Sam being George’s dad, since George has a room over at his place and everything
That’s all I got for the moment, if you wanna add some of you’re own go ahead, I love seeing all the different head canons, everyone's so creative <3
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lordiedams · 4 years
The Ink Demonth (2020)
Fandom: Bendy and the Ink Machine
13 - Heated 
Samuel Lawrence was not a friendly person. Absolutely every single employee of the studio knew that, and the new ones didn’t take long to catch up. 
 Until Bertrum Piedmont. 
 Some would say that prideful personalities didn’t mix well, like water and oil, and Sammy, as Jack would say, was the living proof of that. 
Oh, so many times would Sammy fight with Joey over the most random of things, from the last cup of coffee to Sammy’s …Personal relationships. 
 It wasn’t a secret anymore that Sammy was having some not-very-family-friendly fun with a certain projectionist, and Joey wanted to dry out every single drop of embarrassment and significance of the entire event for his own amusement, not that the music director cared. 
It was a hot summer day. The hottest of all the summer days and that was a constant annoyance to everyone inside that damn studio. 
Thomas Connor had notified that there were some major problems with the ventilation of the entire studio, and he was working on it with Wally’s assistance but it would take a few hours to have it going again, so everyone was basically cooking alive there. 
And yet, Joey thought it was the ideal moment to introduce the new member of the “important table” on that joke of a cartoon studio. 
He called, and everyone followed like little sheep after the shepherd. The music department was his choice for a meeting room, obligating everyone to squeeze together inside that damn, hot, uncomfortable place like sardines. 
Sammy Lawrence sat down on the front road of chairs with Jack Fain and five of his band members, behind him was Grant, Thomas who was forced to stop working on the ventilation for this, Shawn and a few others, Norman got lucky to hide on his booth, away from the sweat of everybody else.
 ─ I know you all must be impatient to go back to work. ─ Started the boss, holding himself up with a cane. ─ Honestly, I am too. 
He received a few rolling eyes from the employees, he was the sole purpose of them having to work non-stop with no extra paid for almost three weeks now and he still considered himself one of the ‘hard-working’ ones. 
─ But I think is a great moment to introduce everyone to our new member of the family, Bertrum Piedmont!
  “Oh, go lick ink, Drew.” Sammy thought bitterly. 
 The man gave a step forward, hands behind his back and a prideful smile on his smug, stupid-looking face, the music director was trying to understand how he hasn’t caught on fire yet, it was 100° degrees inside that recording room and the man was wearing a black suit!
─ He will be working on the new studio project. A brand-new amusement park based on Bendy and the gang! ─ Joey even raised his hands, waiting for cheers or even applauses. Sammy could swear he saw Grant’s soul just drag itself out of his underpaid body. 
─ An…An amusement park? A real one? ─ Jack questioned with a tone of concern. ─ Do we have money for that? I’ve been working on the sewer level without the right of a door in my ‘office’ but he has money enough to build an entire amusement park just out of nowhere?
 ─ As much as your opinion matter, Mr. Fain, the money we will be spending on the park is not coming directly from the studio, we have a sponsor for it! More than one actually. 
 ─ I’m not getting an office, am I? 
 ─ Moving on. ─ Drew interrupted. ─ Bertrum will be responsible for the design and construction of Bendy Land. 
Everyone winced at that, the name sounded a bit lame. Norman grunt from his booth mumbling how it could have been worse and receiving a glare from the boss right underneath. 
─ He will be working on the studio from today on and I hope everyone treats him with politeness and friendliness, let's show him our best. 
More grunts and annoyed whines from everyone, if Joey didn’t stop talking soon, he wouldn’t have any employees alive to greet the new member. 
─ Alright, are you done? ─ The music director questioned out loud, receiving a concerned look from Jack. ─ It's very hot in here...
─ I would like to know who are you? ─ Bertrum only received a twitch of an eyebrow from Sammy. 
─ Sammy Lawrence, music director and head of this department. And probably the one who will create the damn songs for your damn attractions.
Every employee could feel the poison coming out of Sammy’s tongue, he didn’t like people who thought themselves better than him in any way. 
─ Sammy is a valuable member of the team, a strong leader of a very capable department. 
 “Oh, now suck my ass, Joey?“ Sammy glared in silence, Joey answered his glares with a big, full of pure hidden spite, smile. 
 ─ It’s a pleasure to meet. ─ Didn’t sound like it, Sammy thought. 
─ But seriously, we’re done? We still have things to record, ya know. ─ Norman chipped in, both arms supporting his strong structure against the booth’s balcony.   ─ And you would be?
─ Norman Polk, projectionist. 
─ Oh. ─ Bertrum mumbled, both hands still behind his back, staring back at the man in the booth with a condescending look. ─ It’s… A pleasure, if you don’t want to stay, I’m sure there’s no problem for you to leave, after all… This isn’t really your area of expertise. 
That pushed the employee’s buttons, everyone got on edge, oh they didn’t need another Joey throwing snarky comments around. 
─ Excuse me? Ha! Not ma’ area of expertise? I’m the one who makes the damn cartoon move. ─ Polk was not someone to raise the voice, completely opposite to Lawrence’s approach. 
─ This is not about the cartoons, is about a project of much more impact than your tasks of putting and taking off reels, Mr. Polk.
─ That’s enough! ─ Joey exclaimed, but nothing stopped. 
Norman didn’t get a chance of answering, his right hand slammed against the balcony and a voice came from the chairs. 
─ Calm down, Norman…Is not worth it… ─ Sammy warned, looking up at his boyfriend who only huffed and sat back down on his own chair, still glaring at the man in the suit. 
─ Oh, so I see. You must control your staff to make sure they don’t lose their job in one of those…Fits... 
Sammy gave a smug smile.  ─ Actually I must control my staff to make sure you don’t lose some teeth. 
 Joey kept his smile, didn’t bother enough to do something against them right now or maybe he just enjoyed and feed on the misery of his employees like an old and weird leech, but the music director knew he would be missing something on his next paycheck.��
  The meeting ended after an hour, Wally had to clean the place again after so many sweat puddles all around the benches, luckily Thomas was finishing up his work on the ventilation, the place soon would go back at being a studio instead of an oven.   Bertrum was outside, taking a breath out of the drenched sweating hot oxygen he was being forced to breathe for the last two and a half hours. Sammy soon followed. 
─ Oh, Mr. Lawrence. 
─ Don’t start with the “Mr. Lawrence”, I want you to hear me, and I want you to hear me well.  ─ He started, his finger going to the face of the man on the suit. ─ We have some rules here that weren’t made by Joey Drew, if you will start working around here you will have to learn them. 
─ What on earth are you talking about?? 
─ First of all, you don’t order around the place, you follow Drew’s orders, and, in my department, people follow mines. Second, the next time you mess with my boyfriend I will let him bust your face like a can of soup, he can do it and he will if I let him. Third, you can think you’re special and that you have so much fame that nothing can bring you down, but believe me, this Studio has the power of making the most popular of workers turn into dust. I hope you learn your place here, before someone else shows you with a punch, got it? 
Bertrum was speechless, mouth opening and closing like a dying fish out of the bowl, eyes wide open while he tried and failed to come up with an answer to him. 
─ And it’s fucking 100° degrees inside, put a shirt like a normal person. 
Sammy looked inside again, noticing Joey drew slowly making his way outside, it was a good moment to get out of there before he gets into trouble. 
─ Have a nice day Mr. Piedmont. ─ Sammy said with his most sweet and fake voice when his boss walked outside. The director nodded softly at Drew before marching back to his own office. 
“Screw you Drew and screw you Piedmont.” He thought while walking. 
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failedmission · 3 years
@urfaustus​ cont. x
“I’ve tried to explain stasis but that doesn’t seem to be the answer they’re looking for.” He had to admit, Kamski’s assumption was right. “My other coworkers — Reed especially — usually make more... insulting jokes. Tin can, plastic... Not wholly accurate or funny.”
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He’s not sure how to feel about Kamski. How he’s supposed to behave. He’s as honest as he would be with Hank, but... more guarded. How much can Connor trust him? “I could’ve killed her. I don’t know why I didn’t.” But he can’t imagine going through with it, even now. “I wonder why they think we wouldn’t dream of normal sheep.”
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