#i try so hard to be positive and hold on and it worked for 4-5 years and now theres not even a point.
tarotwithdanise · 2 months
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
4 - 5 - 6
reader's note: you can choose more than a pile.
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what a very incredibly energy coming up for this pile! i think a lot of rough things have been through with you in the past weeks or months however as i sense here, you may receive an unexpected friendship with someone or a group of people that may continues to grow further until lifetime. i am not quite sure enough if this connection is about literal "love" or it's just a pure friendship however it's gonna bring so much joy and confident about you as this person or people make you feel belong, counted and loved. this is a type of new beginning relationships for some of you however it seems like there's something off about your energy here, it seems like you cannot accept this friendship instantly because you may have this trust issues because maybe there's something terrible happened from your past but i know you'll get throughout this. you may cut off relationship with someone who hold a female energy and you may considered this individual toxic or you may receive an apology from this person. the number 9 and 4 (94) is significant for this pile.
what a gentle surprise for this pile people. i sense that you maybe worrying too much about your finances but i'mma here to say that you gonna find incredibly balance about your finances in the next days. i sense that you may struggle a lot about your money however you may find yourself in the position in a month or next days in a better place, well, it may not be that better as be soft and a fresh of breath an air just like a millionaire but it's enough to cover all of your basic needs. besides, you may already decided to break off your wants to start saving up more money. my spirit guides advice you to do moves and make sure to welcome abundance in your life.
this may seem like it has a little aura energy of the first pile, so, if you find it attractive, you already know what to do. i sense two things here, (1) is reunion and the (2) other one is you reap what you sow. let me explain the first energy. so, this first energy coming from this pile is about reconciliation with someone, this person is somewhat from your past that lose connection with. well, it can be an ex partner or an old friend. perhaps, i don't detect any harmful energy from this reunion but a delightful moment of joy. the second energy is about collecting and reaping what you have worked hard for in the present, this seems like a feeling of self-fulfillment of accomplishing a certain milestone that you may struggle to achieve of. what blessing you may achieve in the next days, you may find it a solution to your problem. as well that you might start to express yourself through art more in the next few days.
recognition. is there any chance that you may be trying to be a star or an influencer on social media? or maybe this was all a dream and perhaps maybe a sense of me seeing that energy haha however if it's a "yes" then you will be giving an opportunity to be appreciated by some people. you may be attracting a lot of people especially suitors but be careful because not all of them have good intentions towards you. i also see here that you may receive something special or offer from someone that will bring a smile to your face.
a huge spiritual glow is what i'm getting for this pile. there's an action here that you may be a group of spiritual groups recruiting you or if not, there's a big influence into your spiritual gift that may heal or if not, then it can help people in some way by guiding and giving advice to them. you gonna feel that power in the next upcoming days and weeks, you gonna feel that the energy feels like shifting. just a reminder to take care of your body especially your because it may hurt a lot this days or for the upcoming ones. you gonna receive a strong protection from your spirit guides and angels.
someone who has unsafe and destructive intentions is about to be removed into your life. this person has been eyeing you for a long time now and they're about to be cut off totally. this person is somewhat causing you harm for making you feel insecure about your physical and mental health. it can also be that this person might deceit and lied about you in the past that may cause you loss of trust towards them. so, after this person is out of your life. a new beginning is about to start, just be willing to embrace change and strive for your own personal growth. in the next weeks, you gonna find yourself mostly your mental health in it's best and steady aiming for peacefulness.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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The Imperfect Couple - 4
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Warning: The couple's arguments could be triggering.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , -
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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As the door closed behind you, Bucky tried to ease the tension in the room. His hands gently held your shoulders as he guided you away from the heated encounter with Caroline, his voice a low murmur.
“You better fucking win the election, Bucky,” you spat, the anger simmering just beneath the surface.
“Alright, alright,” he responded, trying to soothe you with a calm tone, though his own nerves were frayed.
Your eyes narrowed as you took a step closer, your finger jabbing into his chest. “You’ve kidnapped me, drugged me, and dragged me into this mess,” you said, each word laced with frustration.
“I’ll play my part as the good and loving wife for the cameras, but you…” You paused, making sure your words hit him hard. “You better do your job too. Be my fucking husband and defend me from your mother!”
Bucky was taken aback, not just by your words but by the clarity with which you spoke, despite the fury burning within you. He was impressed—here you were, holding your ground even when the world seemed to be collapsing around you.
“Cause of death by in-law is rare,” you added, your voice dripping with dark humor. “I’d volunteer to add to the numbers.”
A small, almost reluctant smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I really like this humor. Unique,” he said, leaning in to place a soft kiss on your forehead. The gesture was meant to calm you, but there was something more behind it—a hint of admiration, maybe even respect.
Without another word, Bucky turned and walked back out, his mind already on the next confrontation—this time, with his mother.
Caroline was still seething, humiliated by how you had called out her feelings. She sat with a rigid posture, her face tense as Hazel carefully fixed her hair. Shawn, sensing the tension, silently poured whiskey into a glass and handed it to Julius.
“Put a leash on her,” Caroline spat at Bucky, her voice laced with anger.
Bucky sighed, frustration clear in his eyes. “Mother!”
His voice rose sharply, making everyone in the room flinch. “I want you to stop talking down to my wife.”
Caroline’s eyes narrowed. “You two aren’t exactly husband and wife.”
“Maybe not to you,” Bucky shot back, his tone cold and firm. “But to me, she’s the only woman in my life.”
Her expression hardened, but Bucky continued, undeterred. “And I’ve told you before—I won’t do this election without her.”
Caroline’s hands clenched into fists. “So you’re going to blame me now?” She massaged her temples as if warding off a headache. “Is this the thanks I get after helping you reach this position?”
Bucky’s eyes blazed with controlled fury. “We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if you hadn’t tried to separate us.”
Caroline’s thoughts churned. She hated you, her daughter-in-law, from the very beginning. She had always wanted Bucky to marry someone from their own social circle, someone who matched their status. Separating you two had been a victory for her, but Bucky’s refusal to remarry was an unexpected blow.
And now, the truth was unraveling—he had never sent the divorce papers to the court. He had blackmailed the attorney into silence. Not just you, but the entire family had been kept in the dark. Caroline had never imagined that her favorite child would deceive her like this.
Bucky stepped closer, his gaze steady. “I could’ve had a son or daughter by now. Nate could’ve had a cousin. It would’ve created the perfect image.”
Caroline’s eyes filled with dramatic tears as the weight of his words hit her. She had never anticipated this level of defiance from her son.
Bucky’s expression softened only slightly as he watched his mother’s tears fall. “Mother,” he said, his voice dropping to a near whisper, “stop with the crocodile tears.”
Caroline’s tears abruptly ceased, her eyes rolling in exasperation.
Bucky, before turning to leave, fixed her with a final, stern look. “If you want to see me win, stop poisoning us with your venomous words.” With that, he closed the door behind him.
As he stepped out, he noticed you leaning against the table, arms crossed and a knowing look on your face.
“You’re too late,” you remarked dryly. “But I appreciate the effort.”
Bucky let out a small, tired smile. “Anything for you, babe.”
The car moved steadily along the dark streets, the soft hum of the engine the only sound between you and Bucky in the backseat. The city lights blurred outside as you stared out the window, your reflection barely visible against the glass.
“Are you angry?” you finally asked, your voice cutting through the heavy silence.
Bucky turned his head slightly, his expression unreadable. “For what?”
“For witnessing me fight with your mom,” you clarified, your voice tinged with a mix of frustration and uncertainty.
Bucky leaned back in his seat, his eyes briefly closing as if gathering his thoughts. “To make you feel better, I won’t blame you at all,” he said, his voice calm but firm. “She had it coming.”
You blinked, caught off guard by his response. “I’m so confused,” you admitted, your brow furrowing as you turned to face him. “What changed? You used to listen to her and do whatever she said without complaining.”
Bucky’s jaw tightened, and he let out a long breath. “She’s the main reason why we separated.”
His words hung in the air, and you felt your heart clench. The man sitting next to you was different—more reflective, more burdened by the past. It was as if the Bucky you once knew had been buried under years of silence and unspoken pain.
“You caught me by surprise when you quickly signed the divorce papers,” Bucky continued, his voice tinged with regret. He ran a hand through his hair, the tension in his shoulders evident. “Back then, I took everything for granted. I was used to you being patient and supportive, no matter what.”
He paused, his eyes staring straight ahead, as if lost in a memory. “Having a mother like Caroline, who’s super ambitious, and a father like Julius, who’s quiet but just as driven—it’s exhausting. It drained me mentally. The only anchor I had in this world was you.”
His voice cracked slightly, and you saw his hand clench into a fist on his lap. “The second mistake I made was turning a blind eye and shutting my ears when it came to your feelings. As long as I provided for you, I thought you’d stay. But you didn’t.”
His words cut deep, and you felt a lump form in your throat. You had loved him so deeply, yet he had been so blind to your pain. You had been patient, supportive, always there for him, but in the end, it wasn’t enough. The loneliness you felt in the marriage, the constant pressure of living up to his family’s expectations, had finally broken you.
“You’re an idiot,” you muttered, looking away as your eyes stung with unshed tears. You turned your gaze back to the window, unable to face him.
Bucky chuckled softly, though the sound held no real amusement. He looked at you, his eyes tracing the curve of your profile, even though you refused to meet his gaze. You could hate him, kill him even, but at least you were here beside him. That was enough for now. He knew he could win you back—he had to, for his own sanity.
The upcoming election loomed over him like a dark cloud. Everyone knew that the Vice President was just a figurehead, an accessory to the real power, which was Steve. Bucky had this gut feeling they were going to win, that victory was within reach. But he also knew the price of that victory—he would have to stop thinking of himself and put the country first.
But before he lost the chance to be selfish, he was determined to use this time to get you back. He knew the methods he had used were wrong—manipulative and unfair.
But he needed you, desperately. The one thing you and Caroline had in common was persistence; once you made up your mind, no one could change it.
He had to try. Because losing you again wasn’t an option.
The car slowed as it approached your apartment building, and Bucky’s heart pounded in his chest. This was just the beginning—he knew that. But he was willing to do whatever it took, no matter how long it took, to win you back.
Even if it meant going to war with the one person he could never afford to lose.
The next morning, Greg arrived at the apartment, his nerves evident in the way he hesitated at the door. He took a deep breath before stepping inside, where he found Bucky already awake, sipping coffee by the window. Bucky's demeanor was calm, yet his eyes held a storm just beneath the surface.
Greg tried to ease the tension with a light question. "So, how are you and the missus?"
Bucky's expression was unreadable as he replied, "Hanging on the cliff. While she’s waiting for me to fall."
Greg cleared his throat, a chill running down his spine at Bucky’s ominous words. He couldn't help but think that this situation was far more precarious than he had imagined.
Just then, you emerged from your room, fully dressed and determined. Your eyes lit up when you saw Greg. "Oh great, you’re here. I want to talk to you."
Greg straightened up, ready to listen. You didn’t waste any time, your tone sharp and to the point. "Everyone's bored if we keep talking about politics. We need to show something relatable."
"People love candid moments," Greg offered, trying to gauge your reaction.
You nodded, appreciating the idea. "Exactly. We need to create moments that make us look more human, more like them. A small argument over breakfast, a shared laugh, anything that shows we’re not just politicians."
Bucky listened silently, his face impassive, but there was a flicker of approval in his eyes. He trusted you to handle this. You had a way of making people see what they wanted to see.
Greg, catching the subtle nod from Bucky, continued, "We could arrange some casual outings. Maybe a visit to a local diner, something low-key. Capture those moments and share them. It'll make people feel like they know you both personally."
Bucky finally spoke, his voice steady but with an edge of finality. "Whatever works. Just keep it natural. No over-the-top stunts."
You met Bucky’s gaze, a silent understanding passing between you. “We’ll make it work,” you said, confidence in your voice. “This will make people not just like us, but feel invested in us. They’ll want to see us succeed.”
Later, at the campaign headquarters, Steve approached Bucky, a rare smile on his face. “I’m impressed,” he admitted. “The way you and your wife have drawn the younger generation into this election—it’s brilliant.”
He never thought that you and Bucky could put your differences aside and make it work. From the outside, no one would know that the two of you had been separated for years. You both played the role of a married couple too well.
Bucky gave a slight nod, his eyes narrowing with the weight of the responsibility. “You can count on her.”
But the moment of pride was short-lived. Steve’s expression turned serious as he motioned for Bucky to follow him into his office. Once inside, Steve closed the door behind them. “There’s something I have to tell you.”
Bucky, sensing the shift in tone, asked, “Bad news?”
Steve hesitated, then sighed. “Well… kinda. My team found a comment online that mentioned the divorce between you and her.”
Bucky’s eyes widened in shock. “How? Nobody knew except you and me.” He had only told Steve about the divorce that was never finalized.
Now, only the Secret Service, Greg, and Steve knew, and they had all sworn to keep it a secret. His family and the Rogers couple wouldn’t reveal it because it would damage their image.
“Did the comment get deleted?” Bucky asked, his voice tight with concern.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Steve reassured him. But then he paused, his voice dropping. “What if…?”
Bucky knew what he was hinting at and immediately dismissed the thought. “It can’t be her.”
Steve wasn’t so sure. “She thought she was divorced, traveling the world thinking she was single. She must have told someone.”
Bucky stayed quiet, his mind working through the possibilities. But outwardly, he remained calm. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and measured. “Well, if someone really knows, we’ll just have to wait. Sooner or later, that person will reveal themselves.”
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kunikuyu · 2 months
"A reward for someone so good." Hashira Series!
Part 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
Tomioka Giyuu x Male! Reader
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Warnings: MINORS DNI, NSFW, read as afab reader, calm sex, dom! Reader x virgin! Tomioka, Slight mentions of symptoms of depression, Tokito was replaced by Tomioka, since Tokito is underage.
Summary: Pillar training has begun, much to your delight. Of course, as a hard-working and strong person, you can handle any challenge. Even if it's fighting a hashira. And in a way, they all see some value in you, and want to reward you for it.
The next day, it's impossible not to wake up with a hangover. You've had too much to drink with Tengen, and you can barely feel your legs now. Even though your body clearly didn't want it, you had to go to the next pillar training.
"Take care of yourself there. And be careful on the way, you look like you're about to fall over from being so tired. Didn't you sleep last night?" He says, pretending nothing happened. It was clear he remembered, he just wanted to play with you. "...I'll pretend I didn't even hear it."
He laughs. Patting you on the back, he says goodbye to you and wishes you good luck with Tokito. But, your plans didn't involve training with the mist hashira.
Your crow guided the direction you should follow, flying in the skies. Little by little, you can see Tomioka's mansion. The place was calm and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a wooden sword hitting a massive straw training dummy. It was Tomioka, training completely alone.
You knock on his gate, but he doesn't answer or open it. He even stops making noise, trying to pretend he wasn't there. "Giyuu-san, you could be more receptive to your visits." You say, and you hear low, slow footsteps, as if Tomioka wanted to open, but was reluctant.
You were trained by the same master, Urokodaki. You, Tomioka and Sabito were an inseparable trio, before Sabito died in the final selection and Tomioka reserved himself like never before.
You ended up being alone, without your best friends and an indescribable void in your heart. Tomioka walked away from you for a few reasons: He didn't want to feel the pain of seeing you go if you died before him; I didn’t want you to suffer if he died; I didn't want you to find out that he was always in love with you.
It might be a silly reason, but his passion was old and he didn't want to be rejected. You didn't seem like a guy who would be attracted to him. Maybe Giyuu's inferiority complex would never let him be happy at any point in his life.
As you remain lost in your thoughts, the other man finally opens the gate for you. Tomioka's crow will directly greet you, he seemed to like you and you liked that crow who was already old. Tomioka walks away after letting you in, he didn't seem to want to talk to you, or at least he was too nervous to do so.
"Aren't you even going to greet me, Giyuu?" You say, holding his arm to stop him from continuing to move away from you. He doesn't turn to face you, though. He still loved you, very much. But it's hard to deal with that when you're afraid of happiness.
Seeing that your friend wouldn't talk to you, you decide to take control of the situation. "Well, since you don't want to talk to me, let's train then." You grab a nearby wooden sword and get into position, surprising Giyuu. He thought that after not talking to you, you would go away and leave him alone, but that wasn't the case.
It turns out that you were still on the same level, nothing had changed. As kids, you could never beat each other, it always ended in a draw. And now, you are both sitting on Giyuu's garden. You could enjoy the sunset in complete silence while you both regained your energy.
"You shouldn't be here, should you? Pillar training isn't over yet." He says softly, but you can still hear it. His voice was as calm as ever. "I was supposed to be at Tokito-san's training. But I wanted to see you."
He doesn't say anything else after that, just looks away and goes back to the sky. You could feel his nervousness, even though normally his temperament was almost stoic all the time.
It really bothers you.
You hated seeing Giyuu, who was so smiley in the past, go into a shell and keep himself away from the rest of the world. If there was something bothering him, he would normally speak up before all this happened.
"Giyuu, I need to talk to you." "Hm?-" Before he can even ask or even answer, you pull him into his house. He looked dazed, his eyes were slightly wide and his mouth slightly opened in surprise.
When you arrive in his room, you pin him against the wall and look deep into the other man's eyes. You were the same height, so it wasn't a problem. Tomioka looks at you with even wider eyes, and his cheekbones seem redder than ever.
"I really understand what you went through, I also lost my best friend that day. But you need to stop blaming yourself, you need to stop sinking into this emptiness. I know I'm not the best person to help you, but please. I don't want to lose the person I trust and admire most again." And he just looks at you, doesn't say a word. But you could see his eyes already filling with tears and his hands starting to shake. It's even worse when you hug him. He couldn't help but cry this time.
You were never good with words, but damn, how you wanted to comfort him, hug him and tell him it's okay. "I..." That's all he can say to you, as he feels your face sink into his neck. "... That's unfair." He whispers softly, but you can hear it. You move away from the hashira's neck, but keep your arms around his waist. You couldn't understand what he meant by that. "Hm...? What do you mean by that, Giyuu?" And he just looks away while blushing.
And then, you realize.
You don't say anything else. You just realized why he's blushing, shaking, and looking away. It makes you blush too. You were so stupid, how did you not realize that Giyuu liked you, or at least had a certain crush?
"How long?" "Since we were kids."
And this was his turn to be wide-eyed. The difference is that you had a smile on your face. Reciprocal feelings are rare, but very beautiful. You had to let your instincts act, and placed a kiss on the water hashira.
"You're a virgin, right?"
"W-Why do you ask such embarrassing questions?"
You are very fast. It didn't take long for Tomioka to be completely naked in front of you. He was lying down, while you were sitting on top of him. Giyuu looked nervous and embarrassed, especially because it was his first time and because he was completely naked in front of you. Your actions didn't make it easier for him either.
"Sorry, Giyuu-san. Now, just relax okay?"
He nods and rests his head on the futon. You insert the other man's member into you, making him let out a soft, sweet moan. Tomioka never thought he would do something like this to you, it seemed like an impossible dream coming true for him.
You were holding each other as you rode him. It was a perfect feeling to hear his moans. His sweet moans were calm, sly and sounded like a song to your ears. His face was red, beads of sweat from the heat dripped from his forehead, and small bites were deposited on Giyuu's neck.
Your pace slowed until you stopped. It was as if it was fate, both of you had climaxed together. You let out a low chuckle when you see Giyuu's condition; eyes watering with pleasure, cheeks red and chest heaving up and down frantically.
"I have a sneaky feeling you liked it." You say, with a smile on your face. What surprised you was the smile he showed you, after so many years. "... T-Thank you, for that... ah..." You couldn't help but blush at that smile, it was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen and you wanted to see it more often.
"For the record, I like you- No, I love you." "You know... The feeling is mutual..."
You both smile and lock your lips again. Giyuu may feel like he's not ready for a relationship yet, and maybe that's true. But you'll end up together. It's destiny.
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Bonus lines!
"I came inside you... It's okay...?"
"Jeez... Hehe..." You say, while laughing nervously.
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lovebvni · 2 months
'Advice From Your S/O' ( Pick-a-Pile ) (old)
I haven't done a pick-a-pile lately, I had covid then life got in the way, but I'm back with some shifting advice from your s/o! 
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You will be picking a number between 1 and 5
Breathe in....
Breathe out...
Now, what's the number you heard?
[pile 1, 2, 3
4, 5]
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pile 1
Pile 1!
Conformation this pile is for you: Have been having nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling like things aren't going well for you, 9, 999
Cards: 9 of Swords, Page of Cups, 9 of Pentacles
"I see you've been disappointed with your situation, but you know, things are going to get better. Take a break, look to your material life more than you look to shifting right now. Take a break, stop thinking about shifting. I think you're obsessed." Wow, your partner had NO trouble giving this to you straight up. They are basically trying to say take a break. Think about something else, be creative!
Things I kept seeing/hearing: memer, laughs a lot, is in physical or mental pain, obsession, Addison Rae, overachiever
pile 2
Pile 2!
Conformation this pile is for you: You have a mental illness of some sort, you want to work with a deity, you have a cat (or pet)
Cards: The Devil, 5 of Wands (R), 8 of Cups
You guys may have also been drawn to pile 1
"Hello, my love! I want you to be happy. What's wrong? Do you need to rant? I'm here for you if you do! I love you SO SO SOOO much! I was asked to bring you advice. Positive change is coming. I know, that really isnt advice but you NEED to know that happiness is coming to you, CHANGE is coming to you. You feel suck but, you're actually slowly moving forward! I'll always be by your side to hold your hand, dont worry!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: The colour purple, 555, blue, deities, 'It's Nerf or Nothing!"
pile 3
Pile 3!
Conformation this pile is for you: You love listening to music, weirdcore, Simp/kin Bakugou, cook, denki kinnie 1, 111, 1111, fighter,  fire sign, childish
Cards: 7  of wands(r), king of wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords
"HII! I'm going to be honest with you, you're not TRYING to do everything you want to! I know you want to do great things but you WONT PUT WORK INTO IT! Can you PLEASE actually try to put work into what you're doing? Put effort into it. You're wasting your potential. Once you do this, something new is coming! I promise, pinky swear!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 111, 1111, January, New Beginnings are coming, JAM SESSION!!, artist, learner
pile 4
Pile 4
Conformation this pile is for you: Shoto Todoroki, Hyper, 555, 1010, overachiever, doing more than needed, hard working, shifting for an escape, falling, box (LMFAO WTF??), spiritual, magic wand, have a snake
Cards: The World, Page of Wands(R), 10 of Swords, 5 of Swords, The Tower, 8 of Wands
"Hello. You are my world, I want you to know that. I am sending lots of love, because I know that there is a lot going on with you. The parental figures in your life do NOT treat you the way they should. I want you to know, I'm sending you signs and messages, I don't know if you're getting them/paying attention to them. I want you to know there are NO rules you have to follow, nothing you do will effect your journey negatively, okay? Every thing is downhill from here, a smooth ride, you are going to shift soon. Don't loose hope."
Things I kept seeing/hearing: Nicki Minaj, Billie Eilish, finally, endings coming, childish, blonde hair, red 3.
pile 5
Pile 5
Conformation this pile is for you: Shinsou, 333, 33, artist, drawing, roblox, Katsuki Bakugou
Cards: The Hanged Man, 3 of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, The Empress (R)
"WITHIN TIME YOU WILL SHIFT! CALM DOWN! Take a break, focus on what you want to do in your cr, do you like someone? Talk to them! Work on your script, do whatever! I love you! No matter what, I'll wait for you! Success is coming, you're almost at the top of this mountain!!"
Things I kept seeing/hearing: 333, Black, blue, sunglasses, cars, friends, online friends.
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tiamathh · 3 months
What Sin do you Need?
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Note: Hi!! Repost of an Old PAC hope you enjoy, like/reblog and comment if you do~ take what resonates leave what doesn't and please don't steal my work! Also follow my 18+ readings acc @xoxotiamathh (no minors pls!)
Masterlist <3
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Pile 1: Greed
Strive for more, thirst for more, it may seem like greed is bad but a little bit never hurt anyone. You're limiting yourself a lot of the times because you refuse to let yourself want more. What's holding you back? Is it your past? Moving on from the past is important and will help you achieve the great heights you're meant to.
Be greedy for a better life, stand up for yourself and the life you want because if you don't start now than when will you? Greed isn't all about money and material objects, sometimes it's about oneself and what they want, what their ideal life is both socially and emotionally.
Pile 2: Gluttony
This might be a sensitive topic for some and I completely understand that so feel free to pick another pile and take care <3 TW// weight mention, ED, body shaming, starving, anorexia
Pile 2 I'll start off with this, I'm so so sorry if you've been through instances in your life where people have been rather unkind to you regarding your weight and looks, but please know they're all wrong. You don't need to starve yourself; you're doing so well just as you are. Instagram diets and diet suppressants are not what you or your body needs. You need proper nutrition, and healthy meals give you just that. I'm not telling you to be over indulgent of course not but keeping yourself from nutrition is doing more harm than good. For some of you, you've had run-ins with eating disorders, do what's good for your body, mind and soul, delicious food from different cultures will bring a lot of flavour, expand your palette. (Also, for some of you, stop being such picky eaters! Try new things!)
Take care pile 2 and stay safe <3
Pile 3: Sloth
GET REST PLEASE (sorry for screaming). Constantly working and burning the midnight oil and sleep, rest, take a pause. Inactivity isn't always laziness or negative sometimes you need to give yourself space to breathe and sit with your thoughts and feelings.
You're human after all, you need rest and relaxation to recharge. Or maybe you're running from something and distracting yourself by constantly working. You don't need to always work to prove your worth. Don't overwork yourself.
Pile 4: Wrath
Anger can be therapeutic, feel it. Anger can help you set boundaries, and establish your self-worth. A lot of people have probably hurt you before and taken advantage of your kindness, or calm demeanour but don't let them do that. Fearing conflict will not resolve anything, getting angry isn't bad especially when you have been wronged several times by the same people. We've always seen anger be a force for change, so use it in a way where you can change things about your life that you don't like and don't approve of.
Don't let people walk all over you, don't take the route of toxic positivity, your negative feelings are there to help you grow and are just as important for your overall development.
Pile 5: Envy
Have you guys heard of benign envy? I have, an exhausting amount to be honest and what I've learnt is it genuinely helps push you forward in life. It can often be bitter but it can lead you to work harder or be more determined towards achieving your goals. It can positively influence our attitudes towards life and help bring in good changes to your routine that will help you grow. And although it's said envy is rooted in low self- esteem, all that's needed is an abundance mindset to make it work in your favour. If you feel that pang of envy now and then that's not bad, use it as a driving force for to grow more in your own individualistic way because you may have been afraid to in the past. If you envy someone's style (this is coming through strongly) or their way of life, try to manifest and work hard towards making that your reality rather than wallowing in envy and self-pity.
Pile 6: Lust
Here I feel that lust is being talked about in terms of the self, not solely in a sexual manner but also in terms of desire. Pile 6, you need to understand that you are desirable and hot and stunning. If you feel sexual fantasies there's nothing wrong with that, it is a part of your human experience embrace it. There's nothing wrong or dirty about it, it helps you explore yourself more imo. You are sexy don't overindulge and sexualise yourself for others, external validation will not bring you the satisfaction you want, it needs to come from within.
Pile 7: Pride
Guys, pile 7, my loves, pride is not bad. Especially when it comes to the work you do, I feel like this is my artistic pile. Authentic pride is important to the integrity of your work, getting happy, feeling proud, getting satisfaction from an art piece or a written piece after putting in hours, days, weeks of effort should not make you feel guilty. Don't let people tell you that your head is too big or anything like that, it's not. Your pride will help you maintain your standards in everyday life, don't lower your standards for anything or anyone, you're too good for that. I would go as far as to say pride is one of the most important feelings/emotions but be careful to not let it turn into an inflated ego.
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All Rights Reserved tiamathh©® DO NOT PLAGIARISE, REWORD, STEAL!
P.S. this is one of my favourite PACs I've ever done 🩷
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majeoeje · 6 months
Counting days
Zuko x reader
I hope you never know how much i cried that day
"Just how long has it been??" You giggled as you twirled Zuko around in your arms. Something you had promised to do three years ago as you bid him goodbye.
Well much to his dismay at least.
"Only 3 years, 5 months and 4 days" he said, you could only laugh in response because you weren't actually expecting a definite answer
Zuko looked embarassed not knowing if he gave the right answer, his awkward demeanor still holds up even to this day making an odd sense of comfort wash over you seeing how some parts of him still remains the same.
You guessed it was 3 years, 2 months and 4 days ago that you bid him goodbye. It was before he set sail for his banishment to a search for the avatar, like it was just another short adventure, you smiled and greet him like it was just an ordinary day at the palace. Like it will be a short trip he'll have to endure not for long. How awfully positive you were being gave him a sense of hope that the nightmare he will go through would eventually come to an end.
Your encouragement only fueled the ambition in his heart to burn brighter.
And the light would dim in your eyes watching him go. He may not see himself as talented or gifted. He told you that hard work and effort had made him strong. Though he fails to notice how he was always your light without even trying.
You wished you yourself believed your own words you said to him.
Because much to his knowledge you broke down only minutes after he left.
"Well it felt longer than that..."
You reminiced, trying to take in the moment. You're here on a mission once again in inner rings of Ba Sing Se when you saw him. You thought you were hallucinating again but upon closer inspection, you were right.
It is him.
Zuko. The banished prince of the fire nation. The fugitive. The honorless coward...
..Your best friend.
The sentimentality of this moment bear weight heavier than you could ever hold. Though he knows you'd never admit that
"Really? Lee? You can't be more creative than that?" you try to tease him once more
"So? There's thousands of Lees here in Ba Sing Se"
"You look more like a Chen to me"
"Well you're 4 weeks too late to tell me that" he rolled his eyes, looking away slightly. But not enough to hide the smile that had adorned his face
It was more than meaningful to see him smile once more.
You thought after being scarred so horribly by his father. It would took you mountains of blood sweat and tears to see the corners of his lips turn upwards once more. But Zuko always proves you wrong
Because what you didn't realize and never would, you could always make him smile with just existing.
The chilling air blowed past the two of you, signalling for him to bring you somewhere else.
He took your hand leading you somewhere
"Come on, you have to meet uncle now that you're here"
"Did you and uncle Iroh actually opened a teashop??" You perked up, curious at the smell of jasmine tea that lingered from Zuko's apron.
You could always tell that it was one of uncle Iroh's dream to open his own teashop seeing how critical he always of every cup of tea you served to him. Saying how "every tea is to be brewed with perfection" Making those tea lectures that he would go on about much more yawning. But still, you always appreciate it knowing how those tea brewing lessons were how he kept you company in your visits everytime zuko's not around.
"I don't think it's that surprising"
Zuko then went on a rant on how some men who came in their previous workplace just started offering a job, a building AND an apartment in the inner rings of Ba Sing Se to uncle Iroh
The whole situation would only bring you to giggle at how silly it was. Silly, but a blessing nonetheless.
One thing of note was something has tremondously changed in Zuko, was it his more positive outlook? Or was it his more carefree demeanor. Lacking of the boiling desire to prove himself. Perhaps he has truly let go the way of only pleasing his father and just live?
It does bring contentment. But you can't help but feel sorrow washing you away. Because now you guessed he won't feel the need to come back. Come back home to his country....His rightful place as the heir to the thrown.....His coldblooded father.....His dead silent home...
Or perhaps you just wanted him to come back to you.
You were remembered the days at the palace where he'd eagerly lead you to take a look at something he had took intrest to. Whether it was baby turtleducks, a new gift by uncle Iroh or even a new firebending move he learnt.
"Heyyyy, slow down!" You'd whine, feeling him tug at your hand as he ran
"Come on! We're almost there." He'd say, you were always a little out of breath trying to catch up to him as his grip on your hand never faltered.
These detour wouldn't last long however knowing how people would look for him, cutting your moments short. But you never minded. No mattrr how frequent or how short these little quest last. You were just so happy being with him.
Though as you grew up you noticed these little detour would only lessen as years passed. It was understandable really you two were growing up after all and it wouldn't be appropriate for the prince of the fire nation to be holding hands with his childhood friend to show them daily mundane things.
And you yourself were far too prideful to ask him to do it again so you cherish the memories you already had in your heart.
Still.. you never thought you'd miss how the warm skin of his palm would brush again yours. The question along the lines of 'how long has it been' would echo once more in your head, feeling how rough his hand were now....Different to the smooth small hands of little Zuko.
But the warmth still remained the same.
You bit your lip and stayed silent hoping he doesn't notice the tears that was pooling in your eyes, blurring your vision as you heard him rant about his uncle's new teashop filling in the silence.
The cold air of the inner ring of Ba Sing Se suddenly felt warmer. The illuminated night was engulfed in a glaze of sunset hues as your steps on the concrete streets of Ba Sing Se would ring a sound akin to a smooth tiled floor
It was as if you were back at that damned palace again..
It's as if you were kids all over again.
Though this time you didn't have to worry about catching up to Zuko's pace.
(A/N:not an exact timeline bc i was too lazy to do research)
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silica · 4 months
Tarot • pick a pile • general reading
Mystery Reading — pick a pile for your message *.☁️’’
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Pile 1 — Pile 2 — Pile 3 — Pile 4 — Pile 5
Please pick the pile that you feel drawn to the most!
Pile 1
Pile 1, I see help being received after a long time coming. Abundance rolling in. You’ve been in a position of recovery for a while, that small sliver of hope you’ve been holding onto during this time will bear its fruits eventually. You may require the assist of outside support / outside support is on its way.
Something in your life previously has been knocked down completely, this thing is still very strong in your memory even now. I know you must feel it still to some extent. You must have empathy for yourself when coming to terms with this. Gentle steps in the right direction: self forgiveness and moving foreward.
I wish you nothing but the best pile 1. You deserve the good things coming towards you, you just need to accept them when they do arrive. Clinging to the past too much will only recreate those circumstances in the present if you’re not careful. The night has been hard and cold but the mornings rays will arrive soon enough. But try not to be too spooked by their warmth ok? It’s something new, and we tend to get used to the things we expect to happen. So when something different happens we tend to get sceptical almost. Your energy being too guarded towards the things you want to attract will make life unnecessarily harder for yourself.
Pile 2
Contemplating your own future plans, pile 2? You’ve been in a period of sleep for a while now, focusing on crafting the things you want to see in your world. The horizons glance yields summertime sadness. Yet that sunset will give rise to the possibilities of tomorrow once the night is over. The night is when the subconscious comes to power after all. Processing the happenings of yesterday, your memories are being replayed and new understandings are being gleaned from them. The behind forces working away when the world sleeps. That’s you at the moment pile 2. Working in the quiet of the night, burning the midnight oil as they say, to chip away at your dreams. A fine piece of work is coming into view. You’re processing the past so that you can create the future.
When the morning comes is something in your control here, when you’re ready the world will open up to you. Tempt the wands of fate and you’ll manifest the best thing you could have dreamed of.
Additional note: Someone’s mad at how well you’re doing in life I’ll tell you that much.. be careful though pile 2. Don’t underestimate the effects of others. You’ll be ok though; I don’t see you being that affected by this negative energy. It’s kind of coming you of nowhere though, so it may be unexpected to some extent.
Pile 3
What goes around comes around. The truth is being unearthed. Someone or something who hurt you in the past is being held responsible. And it seems to have been a long time coming, the righteous will is stronger than lies. Snow is falling. The world has changed and time has past, but your endurance in this situation is commendable. It’s not something you should just let slide. The accountability you’ve been waiting for will come to pass. Things are being payed up. Whatever has happened is something that has haunted you even when your life has changed a new. I sense that your life will also transform even more once it’s fully in the past and no debts remain unpaid. Good luck pile 3. Your patience will be worth it. (This may have been a legal or personal battle, or something else potentially, but the overall message is the same.)
Pile 4
Pile 4, it seems you’re still waiting on the outcome of a decision to pass. Everything is up in the air now, and you’re waiting for new information. Whatever it is you’re waiting on will arrive in good timing, from an understanding source. It may give more of an emotional effect than you were anticipating, this news may be not what you were hoping for. In fact you may be upset or disappointed. But fear not, there is a silver lining to this end. The beginning of a new dream, setting you sights on something higher I see. You’re being redirected towards something better. Whatever your choice here, you’ll be alright. Though I recommend hearing out what else could be out there for you. There’s no need to limit yourself to one path that’s not working when there’s an even greater one for you out there. Traditions can be broken at the drop of a hat. You have no holdover to promise the past your tomorrows. It’s the past, (maybe look into the concept of ‘the sunk cost fallacy’ as this seems to be in your energy at the moment) no need to waste more time on it. Endings always bring beginnings.
Pile 5
How come you’re holding yourself back from what you want? You have the resources to move forward, and yet, you don’t. Because of fear. You want that cup of warm tea and fresh bread, yet you deny yourself the idea of you being hungry in the first place.
I apologise if this is blunt but you need to step up into your power pile 5. No more faffing about. This is a cycle that can break anytime you want. You just need the strength of setting your mind to it. Baby steps if you must. Rebirth takes time after all, even after you are reborn a new, you still need to learn how to walk all over again. How to drink that cup of tea that you’ve always wanted. Gentle reminders can only go so far though, the blinding logic here is that you’ve hit a road block : yourself. Your own cowardice and self victimisation. It’s biting you in the ass man. There’s no need for guilt, that’s pointless, so is feeling sorry for yourself for feeling this way. That’s needless as well. You owe that to no one. Not yourself, you deserve better.
May the blade be in your service, the loyal weapon of your thoughts and motivations, working in your favour. And not wedged into your heart; cutting it open and letting yourself bleed out. The stain of red is only so important after a while, it’ll seem silly in retrospect to have worried so much. Our hearts still beat the same for tomorrow as they did yesterday and the day before. It’s the reminder that you’re still here, and that your dreams still are too.
Pile 6
You’ve been set up to make an important decision soon pile 6. It seems to be something you’re still in your mind about. To the chagrin of those around you seemingly; who just want you to make your mind up already and be done with it. I think you are wise to have waited to put more thought into this. It’s no small choice even if it seems like it on the outside. My advice here is that temperance is a virtue, sometimes the middle path is what yields the most results. A more subtle approach or letting go of false polarities might help here. Whatever decision you make will mean the death of something and the result of new found fortune. Sowing seeds for the first time in a long while. You’ll be alright, use your discernment properly here. Don’t jump too fast just to appease outside forces, that may cause you some regrets. Making a poor decision on your own judgment is upsetting, yet acting in haste tends to make the outcomes even more regrettable if things turn negative. You’ve got this pile 6. Slow down and think clearly, you’ve got enough time.
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scarlethexelove · 6 months
hey! lemme just say first that I love your Agatha fics, it's so on character <3 I read your fic the other night and I can't stop thinking about it. Is there part 2 for 'Why are you here'? If there will be, I was thinking if you could put how Reader went to Agatha's house that night and she (Agatha) fulfilled her promise to her by fucking her in different positions until she's overstimulated. and then she breeds her full of her cum just because she's possessive :D
You Came
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Pairing: Agatha Harkness x Maximoff!Reader
Word Count: 2238
Warnings: Smut, Legal age gap, Dom!Agatha, Sub!Reader, Enchanted Strap, Cum Strap, Breeding, Degrading, Possessive!Agatha, Blow Jobs, Rough sex, Dark!Agatha at the end, Overstimulation, Dacryphilia, Slight bondage, Squirting, Marking.
Pt 1, Pt 3, Pt 4, Pt 5
A/n: I had enjoyment of writing this. Of course while writing I had the thought of Agatha having darker ulterior motives but like she still wants Reader either way. Just a bit of a motivation to have them.
The window squeaks as it slides open. You grimace at the noise hoping that no one heard you. The darkness and silence around you leads you to let out a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. You carefully climb out the window, your foot catching on the window seal before you face plant into the ground. Your hands going out trying to catch you but failing miserably. “Son of a bitch.” You groan as you get up and dust yourself off. You’re thankful that after the commotion earlier in the day your mom as she profusely apologized used her magic to heal you. She normally never did that but she felt so guilty for being the one to cause you pain that she made an exception. You know she never meant to hurt you so all was forgiven, but now you're sneaking out to meet up with a woman that your mom despises. 
You look around making sure that no one heard you yet again. Sneaking out past the front window. You can see your mom the glow of the tv in the dark room illuminating her sleeping face. You feel bad for sneaking out to meet Agatha but the woman is so enticing. You shake the thoughts away as you make your way next door. 
You raise your hand balling it into a fist ready to knock on the door when it swings open. You gasp in surprise at the much older woman standing in front of you wearing nothing but a lace lingerie set. You frantically look back behind you turning your head in multiple directions scared someone will see. Your head whips back to the woman a smirk on her lips as her hand is planted on the edge of the door. “What the fuck do you think your doing?” You whisper scream at Agatha. She grabs the collar of your shirt, balling her fist there and pulls you in, shutting the door behind you before pressing you against it. Her hand snaking around your neck and squeezing. “Who do you think you're talking to like that little girl? Hmm did your mother never teach you manners? Don’t worry bunny, I'll teach you.” You can’t help the whimper that slips past your lips. 
Agatha licks her lips. Your wide eyed innocent look is driving her insane. She can’t wait to destroy you. She pushes you down to the ground hard. Your knee’s connecting with the hardwood floors causing you to whimper from the pain. Sure that you will have bruises there later. You look up to the woman confusion crossing your face as a sinister grin spreads across her. Purple swirls around the both of you before a strap appears around her hips slapping you in the face. Your clothes are also gone in an instant. You blush a deep red trying to cover your body but Agatha has no part of that. Your hands are instantly bound behind your back purple magic wrapped around them tightly. 
Arousal starts to coat your thighs as Agatha takes her strap in her hand, jerking it a bit and moaning before slapping it against your cheek a few times. “I want you to suck my cock. Put that dirty mouth to good use.” You open your mouth to talk back but instead Agatha shoves her strap down your throat causing you to gag. When she moans it that is when you realize that the strap is enchanted. You can feel it pulsing in your throat as you look up at the woman with tears in your eyes. 
Agatha’s hand cups your cheek wiping away the tears that fall. “So pretty when you cry.” She thrust the strap in and out of your throat. Her hand moving from your cheek up to your hair. Gripping harshly and pulling you all the way down on her cock. Your gags fill the room as more tears fall down your face. She leaves you there for what seems like forever before pulling you off. You cough, catching your breath. But she only gives you a short amount of time before she is back to fucking your throat with her strap. The only sounds in the room are of your gags and her moans. “Fuck if your throat feels like this I can’t wait to fuck your pussy.” She groans her hips already become more erratic the longer she thrust. 
Arousal drips out of you, your thighs coated as it slowly drips to the floor. Your mind is already turning to mush as the woman uses you. Her hips are jerking and you think she is about to cum but then her hips come to a stop. Pulling you off of her and pulling you up by your hair. You whimper as your scalp stings her grip tight. You’re soon face to face with the woman but not for long. She waves the restraints away and pushes you back against the door. Her hands moving to the back of your thighs signaling for you to jump. You do as she wants she catches you as you wrap your legs around her waist and she pushes you further into the door. Your chest slightly heaving as your still trying to catch your breath from the brutal throat fucking. 
“God, you're already dripping all over me. Are you so much of a whore that fucking your throat gets you off?” Agatha’s words are condescending. “I-” She cuts you off as she thrust her strap into your waiting hole. You let out a loud moan as she sheaths herself in you. “Mmm fuck.” You groan, your head falling back on the door. She starts a hard and face pace pounding into you. Your mind goes blank as the only thoughts in your head are of her. Her name is already falling from your lips like a chant. 
You hate how embarrassingly fast she is building you up. Perfectly angeling her hips hitting that spot deep inside you as her fingers dig into your hips. Her lips move to meet your neck leaving her mark behind as she pounds into you. You know you will be covered by the end of this. Nipping and sucking along her neck and chest. “Please.” You whimper out the only word your brain can form. “Please what bunny?” She smirks against your skin. She knows exactly what you want but why not toy with you a little more. 
You struggle to find the words. Her hips jackhammering into you erratically and you can tell she is just as close as you are with your walls clamping around her tightly. “Pl-please wanna cum.” You have more tears in your eyes. You try and look down at the woman begging with your tear stained face. Your arms wrapped around her back as your nails dig in leaving angry red lines in their wake. 
“Cum with me.” Agatha pecks your lips. With a few more thrust her hips stutter and you can feel a warm sticky fluid filling you up. You cry out as it triggers your own orgasm. Coating her strap in your juices as she continues to fuck into you. But she doesn’t stop there she continues to pound into you intent on keeping her promise to show you just how much she can make you cum. “Oh fuck!” You gasp. Her hips continue to drill into you faster if that was even possible. 
Agatha kissing your neck and mumbling against your skin. “This pretty little pussy is mine. No one can have you. No one can touch you, not even you. You understand me, little girl?” She grunts with every thrust. You shake your head, pleasure clouding your mind as your second orgasm nears. “I’m going to fill this pussy over and over again. All mine.” She is like an animal claiming her prey as she bites down hard on your neck. You cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your orgasm unexpectedly washing over you as you cum again all over her strap. Your body arching, pressing your chest against hers as your legs shake around her waist. If she wasn’t holding you against the door you know you would be on the floor. She moans, feeling you cum again following soon after. “Mine. My little breeding bitch.” Her fingers dug in more.
You expect Agatha to slow down but she doesn’t. She continues her pace. You’ve lost count of how many orgasms you have had. Your neck and chest marked with reddish purple marks, bruises forming on your hips and thighs and she relentlessly fucks you. Your cheeks are tear stained and you’ve become a drooling whimpering mess. She fills you up again but this time when you’ve come down her hips still leaning her forehead against your shoulder. Both of you panting heavily and bodies glistening with sweat. You have no idea how she is still holding you up like this but you're too dumbed down to really care. 
When your breathing finally evens out a bit she shifts causing you to whimper. You're so overstimulated as the strap still buried inside of you moves. “Too much.” More tears stream down your face. But you can see a flicker of desire and that primal need to fill you once again. 
Agatha carries you over to the back of the couch. Her strap slips out, making you whimper more. She places you down and your legs would have given out if it weren’t for her hold on your waist. She quickly turns you around pushing your upper body over the back of the couch. “No more.” You whimper out. “Come on, bunny, just one more for me. I need to make sure you're full of me.” Her fingers trace your red puffy pussy all of your combined juices leaking out down your legs. You squirm at her actions. Your body is telling you no but your mind is begging for more. Just like she knew you would. “Okay.” Your weak voice comes out. 
That is all Agatha needs to shove her strap back into your hole. Still somehow so tight even after all the orgasms she has pulled out of you. She pulls your hands behind your back holding onto your wrist using them as leverage to pound into you. You’re both so sensitive that your orgasms are building quickly. She leans over still rutting into you and whispers in your ear. “What would mommy dearest think seeing her little girl getting fucked into oblivion but her enemy. What if I get you pregnant with my child? Poor mommy would be so mad, wouldn’t she?” Your mind reels at her words you love your mom more than anything and would never want to do anything to hurt her. But in this moment you feel so good and fucked out that all you can do is nod. 
Agatha darkly chuckles as she stands back up her hips already jerking as she comes close to filling you up again. If her spell works right you will be pregnant with her child by the end of the night. She will get her revenge on Wanda and destroy her perfect little family. Smirking at the thought of how your mother will react when she finds out you're pregnant and when she finds out just who the other parent is. Her thrust becomes rougher and digging her nails into the skin of your wrist. Her plan unfolding perfectly with as she fucks into you. So pretty and perfect the perfect puzzle piece to her plan. But even after this she thinks she will keep you. You're too perfect and pliable to let go to waist on some stupid girl. 
Agatha’s free hand reaches under your body, snaking her fingers down to your swollen clit. Pressing into it hard and pinching. You cry out form her actions but you push back none the less, helping to fuck yourself back on her strap. The pleasure is borderline painful as you become way too overstimulated. You can’t hold out much longer as Agatha toys with your clit pounding into your soaked pussy. A mix of whimpers and moans leaving your lips as grunts leave Agatha’s. 
All at once your body shakes under her. Your walls are squeezing her strap tight as you cum hard. Squirting everywhere making a mess of yourself and Agatha. She moans as your cum squirts out of you, vigorously pounding into you and circling your clit until she is emptying her load into you. Black spots start to invade your vision as Agatha rides you both through your highs. Soon the spots expand and your vision goes black and your body goes limp under her. Agatha slows to a stop before pulling out of your still spasming hole. Taking a minute to admire the cum leaking out of your gaping hole. 
Agatha picks up your limp body moving around the couch and laying you down. With a flick of her wrist you're cleaned up and so is she. She leaves your form naked admiring her handy work. She leans down next to your sleeping body. Placing her hand gently on your stomach, magic flowing through her fingers. She smiles when she feels it. Her plan worked. You’re pregnant with her child. She leans down kissing your head as her thumb rubs gently over your stomach. You’re now hers forever. 
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melrodrigo · 7 months
Tardy, part 11
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9 | part 10 | part 11
Tara Carpenter x Fem Reader
Summary: It’s time for you to face Ghostface head on.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Pretty gnarly violence, Tara being protective and kinda batshit crazy, betrayals left and right
A/N: lol
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When you open your eyes and see nothing but a hot blinding light, you think you might've died and gone to heaven.
"God?" You whisper, blinking slowly.
It was in fact, not god, you find out once your eyes properly adjust.
You're stuck in a tiny compartment; so small you think you might suffocate. The walls are painted a shade of obsidian black that makes you feel like you're stuck in a black hole. Only one single flickering lightbulb grants you sight.
Your arms are sore; so sore, and it only intensifies when you try and pull them up from the weird position they're in.
Huh, I can't move my arms.
You tug at the rope-like fabric of material that's holding your hands together. It doesn't budge in the slightest. Panic rises like wildfire in you.
You breathe deep. Try to gather your wits and make sense of anything that is possibly going on.
"Get it together." You remind yourself.
You blink once.
Feeling a little more clear, you realize that you're strapped tight to a chair, back pressed uncomfortably close to the ridges.
Where am I?
There's no time to find the answer to that question since the wall is moving- oh it's a door-, and Ghostface appears right in front of you, smiling.
Well, you don't really know if he's smiling. But the way he's moving, all confident and cocky, makes you think you're not too far off.
It hits you all at once. Now that you're fully conscious, you can feel everything.
One inhale and your lungs feel like they're on fire. Breathing is hard.
You groan, the pain all too overwhelming for your brain to work properly. It would be embarrassing how loud you were if you cared in the least.
You can only seem to think of one thing.
"Where is she?" You ask, with all the confidence of someone in the position of interrogating Ghostface.
Tara. God, what did they do to Tara?
“Of course, your first words are about her." Ghostface spits, still using that goddamned voice modulator.
“Where is she?” You spit, trying your very best to look intimidating.
It's not very convincing when you're heaving and gasping like a fish out of water.
"Would you believe me if I said she was already dead?" Ghostface drawls, tracing their knife along your jawline, pressing just enough for you to feel it.
You scoff.
"Right...you'd kill one of your beloved 'main characters' before the finale." You say, sure you've read him to filth.
"But, this is the ending. Don't you see?" He continues to tease, unbothered by your last comment.
You huff, but you feel your heart picking up speed slightly.
What if...he was telling the truth?
A shrill scream sounds throughout the theater, and you feel your blood run cold as you recognize exactly who it is.
"Tara." You breathe, half terrified and half relieved she's still alive.
"Tara!" You yell, as loud as your lungs are willing to let you.
Tara doesn't reply. What you do get is a smack to the head and an elbow to the jaw.
"Be quiet." Ghostface hisses, and you can almost swear he sounds sort of scared.
"Be quiet or I'm going to get my ass whooped." He mumbles, and you pull back as far as you can, eyebrows raised.
You bite back the need to tell him you definitely don't care if he gets in trouble or not, not wanting to get slapped in the face a billion more times.
"Come on." He grumbles, gripping the back of the chair and lifting it up swiftly.
The feeling of your feet dangling off the chair reminds you of one of your favorite memories.
"Mint ice cream sucks," Tara tells you definitively.
You squint your eyebrows at her and bring up a hand to your heart like she's just stabbed you.
She's sitting with her ice cream in hand, a good distance away from you. You guys peer down at all the university students walking around, now the size of ants; trying to point out people you guys recognize.
It was your own little secret spot. Tara could never really go study outside uni, since her sister was always up her ass about traveling unknown spaces. You never asked her why, pure sister protectiveness, you guessed.
A couple of weeks into knowing Tara, she'd brought you up to this mini garden haven of hers, all shy and smiley.
She's sitting now and she's looking so pretty with her big brown eyes and freckles out for display. They shine bright today, sunshine illuminating her face and making everything just pop the slightest bit more.
You get a wicked idea, and before you can stop yourself, scoot yourself closer and place your arm around her.
Tara cocks an eyebrow at you, but before she can speak a word, you start tickling her sides.
"Stop!" Tara squeals. Her face turning a bright pink comically fast.
You're careful not to tickle her too hard, or else you think she might just slide off the ledge and fall right here.
You're close now, closer than you should be. Tension swims in the air. You lean down to whisper into her ear.
"That's what you get for saying mint sucks." You huff, smirking a little as she shudders from the feeling of your breath fanning her ear.
When you pull back and look into her eyes, you're surprised to see them wide and dilated. She has a weird expression her face, like she's fighting something in herself.
You lean in slowly, stuck in a trace with the way she's looking at you.
She grips your shirt and pulls you in further, your noses brushing. And then suddenly, like she's just snapped out of her daze, she sits up abruptly.
She laughs nervously, letting go of your shirt.
"I think Sam's calling me. I'll see you tomorrow. Same time?" She's saying, but she's not even giving you a second to answer before she's sprinting away.
Despite the sort of failed kiss, you chuckle a little. You feel the blush creep up to the tips of your ears.
The day your crush on Tara Carpenter officially started.
It's a bad time to start daydreaming, but you figure if you're going to die right now, it wouldn't be so bad to think of the love of your life while you go.
The sound of Tara's voice brings you back to life.
"YN!" She gasps, from somewhere behind you. You're still getting dragged, hair stuck to your forehead, eyes blurred.
You try your best to blink everything back to focus.
She's standing on the platform slightly below you, beside Sam, looking relieved. There's a brick in her hand.
You try and say her name but all that comes out is a painful groan. Everything feels heavy. Your shirt is painted red where your stomach wound is, and you figure you must've ripped the stitches.
There's another Ghostface beside you, the two of them bracketing you on either side.
Not that you would have the energy to up and escape anyway.
"Tara..." Sam warns, eyeing her sister like she knows what she's about to do.
Tara rushes forward, ignoring Sam's protest, trying to get to you. To hold you in her arms, to press her hands against your wound, to kiss it better; to do anything.
The Ghostface to your right swings their knife as soon as she comes into the vicinity, and slices the skin above Tara's collarbone easily. She gasps from the jab. Red liquid seeps out immediately.
You feel the Ghostface to your left tense, a mixture of a gasp and a yell stuck together.
"Anika wait-!" The Ghostface is saying, the name slipping out as easy as second nature.
Everybody stills.
It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
The other Ghostface whirls around, shoulders tight.
Sam tugs Tara back quietly, looking between the two Ghostfaces. Your head is swimming.
"What did you say?" Ghostface- supposedly Anika, says.
"What the fuck." You manage to spit out, but it goes unheard, everyone being laser-focused on the scene unfolding right in front of them.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that. It's just, I thought you were going to kill Tara. I couldn't let you do that." The other Ghostface reasons, albeit unconvincingly. He stumbles over his words, in a tone that's all too familiar to you.
"Ethan?" You hesitate, tears brimming in your eyes.
The Ghostface that's hovering above you drops down to your ear level, whispering softly.
"Well, aren't you just a smart little thing?" And promptly slides off that wretched Ghostface mask, and even though you knew, you have to gasp at who you see.
Sweet sweet Anika.
"Just take it off. It's not like they don't already know." Anika tells Ethan, an order more than anything.
You tilt your head just enough to see Ethan take off his mask, grinning nervously.
"What the fuck?" You hear Tara say, but it sounds so far away.
"But, but how-" Sam starts, pointing at Ethan, her face as pale as a ghost.
He looks good, healthy. More alive than you've ever seen him. There's a glint in his eye you've never seen before.
"I'm alive. Surprise!" He grins, flashing the four of you a pearly white smile.
I must be dreaming.
You squeeze your eyes shut. He's still standing there when you open them again. Shit.
"But I watched you die, I felt the blood. You-you died in my arms. I saw the ambulance pick you up." You splutter, voice cracking unevenly.
"You know...some fake blood and a couple of acting classes can do wonders. You guys really are not good at picking up on hints." Anika sing songs, waving her dagger in the air.
"Seriously...we even had to send you a note." She continues, scrunching her nose in disgust.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you so hell-bent on destroying us?" Sam asks, fire in her eyes. She looks scary. Messing with Sam was one thing, but messing with her sister? You have a feeling they'll be dead in minutes.
Anika sighs dramatically, putting a hand up to her chin and feigning thought.
"Gosh. Where do I even start? Let's set the scene: it's 1996. There's been two mysterious murders in the small town of Woodsboro, leaving everyone in fright." She recounts, words slipping out of her mouth with ease like she's rehearsed them a million times.
Sam rolls her eyes, fed up with this godforsaken story that seems to follow her anywhere.
"Akio Kayoko however, lives happily, because finally his two bullies Billy and Stu aren't on his ass anymore. They have more important things to worry about."
Sam cuts in before Anika goes any further.
"Are you fucking kidding me? This is all because what, your dad couldn't handle a couple wedgies? Are you a little daddy's girl?" She says, fed up.
Anika shoots her an icy glare, but continues.
"You don't even know what you're talking about." Anika tells her, voice lowering to soft and almost sorrowful.
"Poor dad, he just had to go to that party. Do you know what happens to a person when they go through something traumatic? It changes them. He came out the only bystander that survived, but not without a scarred face and a scarred soul to show for it." She murmurs. She turns suddenly, a new pep in her mannerisms.
"Your father," she points at Sam accusingly, "and your father," she points her knife at you, "fucked my dad up royally. He got diagnosed with severe depression and bipolar disorder from it. And for what?" She seethes.
"Your guys' fathers are just racist assholes. You deserve everything that's coming to you, don't you even doubt it for a second!" She sneers, with so much venom and power that you can't help but agree.
You open your mouth to say something, anything, try to explain that you aren't your dad, but Anika beats you to it.
"Did you know he left me? I still remember it like it was yesterday. I was 6." She tells you, voice getting softer. Your heart tugs for her.
She straightens up, as if just realizing where she was, and her icy facade once again builds up.
"Anywho, motive enough for you Sam?" She tilts her head up, eyes bright.
Sam stands scarily still, but you can see the concern swimming in her eyes.
Ethan's standing wide-eyed like this is all new information to him.
"It really wasn't that hard getting you two to meet. All I had to do was invite Tara to that party and just give YN a little bump so you two would talk." Anika continues, and you furrow your eyebrows. Party? You met Tara at a party?
Your eyes dart to Tara and she's looking at you a little solemnly, and suddenly it hits you like a truck. Memories that have never been unlocked before replay in your mind now. The angel from that party.
That was Tara.
"After that, everything just fell into place. You guys are one pathetic predictable group of people." Ethan pipes up.
"The friendship, the night you got stabbed, it was all planned. I mean, why do you think I took you back to the apartment? For Anika to "stitch you up?" He asks excitedly, looking at Anika for approval to speak further. She gives him an annoyed nod.
"And guess what the best part is," He giggled midway, but gains his composure again. "Every time she came to fix you up, she actually poisoned the wound. Never too much that you would notice- but enough to guarantee your death today. It's infected." He cheers, like he hasn't just told you you're going to die.
"Jesus, you never told me how bad it was," Tara says, making your eyes dart back to hers, trying to catch her gaze to inadvertently say your sorry, but she doesn't meet your eyes.
"I didn't want you to worry." You sigh.
Ethan makes a noise of disgust. He looks at you with scrunched eyebrows, a little crinkle of his nose betraying his chill facade. His gaze shifts to Tara, and you can't help but notice his voice move just a pitch higher.
"Poor Tara. Caught in this sick twisted web between your sister and your girlfriend. You didn't even do anything wrong right, baby? Don't worry...nothing's going to happen to you. I've made sure of that." He tells her, and it hits you all at once.
"Baby? What are you talking about? " Tara asks, cocking her head to the side.
"I love you, Tara. I did all of this just for you. When the both of them are dead, you and I can get together. Finally." He says, between deep breaths.
You don't know how you never saw it before. Memories of the prior weeks flash in front of your eyes.
His heart eyes for your girlfriend every time the group would have a movie night and you two would cuddle, the weird lingering around the both of you whenever you'd go out.
You just figured he really liked your company.
"You're out of your mind you sick fuck. Tara would never date you, even if you were the last person on earth." Is what Sam says, and despite the consequences of what's sure to come, your heart sings.
Last person on earth.
Ethan stutters, like he never thought of the possibility that she would reject him. You see tears forming immediately, frown apparent. He's trying to keep it together- you can tell.
He leans back slightly, dejected. His eyes cloud with something you can only describe as hatred, and for a scary moment, you think he seriously might jump at Tara.
However, he doesn't get the time to act on his thoughts, because in less than a blink of an eye Anika's moving over and stabbing him in the neck.
"Agh!" He grunts. A trickle of blood runs down the side of his mouth, then it bursts. So, so much thick crimson liquid gurgles out.
Anika stands behind him, sliding her knife out his back, wiping the blood clean.
"Gosh, what a bore he was, right? True love this true love that. I couldn't listen to that shit any longer." She gags, leaning over to stick her tongue out at Ethan's lifeless face. She stabs him again in the jaw for good measure.
She looks back at the three of you, who are clearly aghast.
"Gotta make sure he's dead right?" She smiles, and it finally gets through to you that she's lost it. Whoever you thought you knew, that person never existed.
No one answers her as she stands up.
You turn stoney-faced as you look up at her. "So what's the plan Anika? How are you gonna get away with this?"
She turns around, rolling her eyes. Before you know it, she's advancing towards you, knife raised. She jabs lightly at your wound. Teases her knife against your skin. You really wish people would stop picking that specific part to hurt you.
"Do we really need to go over this again? Kill you guys blah blah blah, find Mindy and kill her, say that you and Sam went crazy like their fathers. Really, it's not hard to understand." Anika continues, shuffling her feet as she speaks like she's bored.
Time is ticking before she snaps and just decides to kill you, you know it. Not to mention the fact that you were actively dying.
"What do you really want from us? Just name your price now, and we'll- we'll get it. Just let her go." Tara splutters, almost begging.
Anika stomps her feet with the energy of a three year olds tantrum, "I want revenge! Have I not made that clear enough?" she basically yells.
Sam moves forward slowly, like a wildlife expert moving towards a wild beast.
"Look I'm sure we can come to an agreement about something-" She's saying, but Anika rolls her eyes once again and advances lazily towards you.
Nothing happens in slo-mo like the movies, you can barely register her face before she's plunging the dagger deep into the other side of your lower stomach. You can feel it pierce it's way through your whole body.
You hear a scream but it sounds a million miles away. You gag, moving your head to the side to try and puke, but nothing comes out. You try to groan in frustration but it makes your skin sting everywhere that you stop. You just stop for a moment.
Tara's fully sobbing now, you think. You can't really tell.
All hell breaks loose. Sam breaks out into a sprint at Anika, effectively knocking her down till both of them are tumbling on the floor.
You see flashes of black and gray and blood spurting from someone.
"Stay with me." You hear someone say, and try with everything in you to blink back everything into focus. It's Tara.
Her mascara is everywhere. Black stripes of tears and makeup streak down her pretty face, and you feel the urge even now to bring your hand up and wipe the tears away.
You try and tell her to stop crying but the words die in your mouth. What feels like fire engulfs your lungs.
"Stay with me. I'll be right back." She whispers, pressing a kiss to your chapped lips.
You search your mind desperately for a way out of this mess, a solution, but everything goes blank. Your ears ring, eyes rolling to the back of your head in pain.
With everything you have in you, you squeeze Tara's hand one last time, and tell her to take the knife currently lodged in you out.
Tara's eyes darken, the most cloudy you've ever seen them.
"No, no. I couldn't do that." She says, another round of tears falling down her cheeks. She shakes her head adamantly, but you shush her.
"Please. For me." You manage to get out, then with the utmost acceptance, you let yourself go.
Tara doesn't remember much of what happened after that. She remembers sobbing, she remembers someone screaming, but she can't be too sure if it's her or someone else. She remembers the feeling of your fingers loosening their grip on her hand, and she remembers seeing red.
With no where else to channel her emotions, and with your words engraved in her mind, she turns on Anika.
She hurries over to where she's still wrestling with Sam, expression tight, and grabs the first thing she can find in this shithole of a theater.
Your father's wooden box.
She remembers faintly telling Sam to fuck off, and smashing the box over Anika's head. Then picking it up and doing the same thing again. And again, and again. She remembers taking the heel of her shoes and smashing it to Anika's nose, breaking it in one clean hit.
She remembers going back to you, your white as paper skin, and yanking the knife out of you.
And the final thing she remembers is screaming at Anika while she buries the knife in and out of the girl’s body, everywhere, again and again.
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bitchiswild · 8 months
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Private Lessons
Sub!GP Kazuha x F! Reader Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: smut, cream-pie, giving head, miss kink?, etc. A/n: I’m sorry I make it sound like y'all cum in 3 seconds😭 Requested
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"Once again, starting from the beginning!" Your voice echoed across the dance room. "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8-, Stop!" With a swift motion, you raised your hand, bringing the music to a halt and signaling the dancers to freeze.
Your gaze, sharp and focused, swept over the group. "Kazuha, your Grand Adage needs improvement; we aim for perfection here," you asserted, your tone firm.
Kazuha visibly shrank under your scrutiny, offering a meek apology, "Sorry, miss."
"Let's go through it once more, starting from the top. Remember, girls, ballerinas are perfect, so you need to be perfect," you exhorted with a commanding tone, letting out a sigh that carried a sense of expectation.
As the music started afresh, the dancers resumed their positions. "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8-," you counted, guiding them through the routine. However, as the sequence progressed, Kazuha faltered, missing a step in her Grand Adage.
"Kazuha, pay attention! You've got to get it right," you exclaimed, your voice holding a mix of frustration and determination. The other dancers watched as you corrected Kazuha, emphasizing the importance of precision in every movement.
Despite your corrections, Kazuha continued to struggle with the Grand Adage. Another misstep caused her to stumble, and you couldn't help but release an exasperated sigh. "Kazuha! We need to perfect this move by next week! Focus!," you urged, your tone carrying a hint of disappointment.
Kazuha, now visibly anxious, stammered an apology, "I-I'm sorry, miss. I'll try harder."
Recognizing her unease, you softened your tone, "Take a deep breath and try again. But remember, you need to get this right." As the class ended, you addressed everyone, "Great effort, everyone! Class dismissed, except for you, Kazuha. I need to talk to you after class."
Alone in the now quiet dance room, Kazuha stood nervously before you. Her eyes darted anxiously as she awaited your feedback.
"You're talented, Kazuha, but you seem a bit nervous out there," you remarked, your tone gentler than before. "Tell me, what's going on? Is something bothering you?"
Kazuha blushed then hesitated before speaking, "I... I'm just scared of messing up. I don't want to disappoint you."
You sighed, realizing the pressure she felt. "It's okay to make mistakes; that's how we learn. But you can't let fear control you. I believe in your potential. Take a deep breath and trust yourself. We'll work on it together."
As you observed Kazuha's nervous demeanor, you decided to take a more hands-on approach to help her overcome her fears. "Let's break it down step by step," you suggested, guiding her through the movements with patience. "Start with the first position and breathe. Remember, it's okay to take your time."
Kazuha blushed as you stood close, her heart racing while you provided gentle guidance. Nodding, she attempted the steps under your watchful eye. Despite the initial struggle, she began to regain some composure with each repetition. You offered words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of confidence in dance.
After some time, Kazuha's movements became more fluid, and a sense of accomplishment replaced the earlier anxiety. "See, you've got this! Mistakes happen, but it's how we learn from them that matters," you reassured her.
Kazuha found herself in a bit of a daze, mesmerized by the way your body moved during the dance. It stirred something in her skirt. You looked absolutely stunning.
“Kazuha?” you called out, snapping your fingers in front of her face. “Are you okay?” concern evident in your voice.
Snapping out of her trance, she blushed, hastily putting her hand in front of her to hide her incoming hard on. “Y-Yea, T-Thank Y-You, Miss,” she stammered out.
You stared at her intently, your gaze eventually shifting down, noticing her predicament. Your mouth formed an 'oh' shape as you realized what was happening.
Kazuha, realizing where you were looking and began to apologize profusely. “I-I’m so s-sorry, Miss. It's just y-you’re so b-beautiful, a-and t-the w-way y-your b-body m-moves-" she stammered, her words filled with genuine embarrassment.
You chuckled, moving closer to Kazuha until you were by her ear. In a soft whisper, you said, “I'm glad you see me this way.” Your warm breath made Kazuha shudder. She instinctively placed her hand on your waist, drawing you closer, as your arms gently wrapped around her neck.
Caught off guard by your unexpected revelation, Kazuha's nervousness intensified. "W-What do you mean?" she stammered, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.
You maintained a teasing smile, "It means," you explained, your voice carrying a hint of amusement, "I have the hots for you too."
As the weight of the confession hung in the air, Kazuha's response was palpable – a shuddered breath and a whimper that betrayed the intensity of the moment. Responding to the unspoken tension, your hand instinctively rose, delicately caressing her face.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked, your gaze meeting hers, your eyes framing the question with a subtle charm. Kazuha whimpered again, her nod indicating consent. Yet, you gently tsked, your voice soft but firm, "I need words, Kazuha." She stammered a nervous agreement, "Y-Yes, miss," prompting a soft hum and understanding smile from you.
You closed the gap, pulling her into a kiss that carried the weight of tension between the two of you. Your hand slowly went down to touch her hard on, causing her to whimper in your mouth, while bucking her hips into your hands.
Your kisses grew more intense. Gently, you guided Kazuha towards the nearest wall, and she willingly pressed into your touch, her breath becoming rapid with anticipation.
"Please," she whimpered against your lips, her desire evident as your hands continued to rub her clothed dick. Pulling back slightly, you met her gaze with a playful smirk.
"Please what, Kazuha?" you teased, your fingers still teasing her aching member.
"Please, miss, touch me," she pleaded, her desperation clear in her voice.
"But I am touching you," you teased back, enjoying the effect you were having on her.
With a desperate whine, Kazuha hastily pulled down her skirt, her member now exposed and throbbing against her stomach, the tip flushed a deep, angry red.
As Kazuha's cock throbbed against her stomach, her breathing ragged with anticipation, you couldn't resist the urge to indulge her desires further. With a devilish grin, you trailed your fingertips along her exposed cock, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from her.
"Please, miss, I need more," she pleaded, her voice trembling with need.
Unable to deny her, you leaned in close, your breath hot against her ear as you whispered, "Tell me exactly what you want, Kazuha."
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and desire, but she didn't hesitate to voice her desires. "I need your touch, your mouth, anything, please," she whimpered, her hands reaching out to grasp yours and guide them to where she craved them most.
You obliged, your fingers tracing teasing circles around her sensitive flesh, each touch igniting a spark of pleasure within her. Kazuha's moans filled the air as she arched against you.
You knelt down, her member still pulsating in your grasp, eliciting a symphony of moans from her lips. Her dick was hard, ready to explode as she had been waiting for this moment. With a sultry gaze, you met her eyes, maintaining unbroken contact as you traced the path of a prominent vein running from the base of her cock to its red tip with your tongue.
Kazuha's breath hitched as she watched you, anticipation mounting with each flick of your tongue. Your lashes fluttered seductively as you looked up at her. Without hesitation, you enveloped the head of her cock with your mouth, the sensation causing Kazuha's knees to weaken beneath her.
Her moans and whimpers grew louder, the pleasure coursing through her veins as you took her entire cock in your mouth. Your tongue danced skillfully around her, eliciting a chorus of desperate gasps and whimpers from Kazuha's trembling lips.
"F-Fuck, Miss, I'm gonna cum," Kazuha whimpered, her hand reaching out to push your head closer. You continued to shove her member down your throat, moaning as spit dripped down your chin.
Her hips began to stutter as the sensation of her member sliding into the tight confines of your throat overwhelmed her. Her legs trembled with the intensity of pleasure as her member throbbed against your tongue, each deep-throat sending waves of ecstasy coursing through her body. Kazuha's movements became erratic as she pressed her hips forward, her moans reduced to breathless whimpers as her body convulsed with pleasure. With a shudder, her hips pushed as far as they could, and a primal moan escaped her lips as her balls tightened, signaling her impending orgasm.
You felt her cock grow even harder in your mouth as her warm, salty cum began to shoot out, filling your mouth with each pulsating release. Kazuha's hips bucked uncontrollably as she emptied every last drop of her cum into your waiting mouth, her body trembling with the intensity of her release.
As her body trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm, you tenderly withdrew from her member, relishing the lingering taste of her salty cum on your tongue. Kazuha sank against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor, her chest heaving with the exertion of her pleasure. Panting heavily, she fixed her gaze on you, a mixture of gratitude and desire swirling in her glazed eyes.
You knelt down beside her, your own breath still ragged from the intensity of the moment. Gently, you reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her flushed face, a tender smile playing on your lips as you took in the sight of her satiated form.
"Are you okay?" you whispered softly, your voice filled with concern and tenderness.
Kazuha nodded, her lips curving into a contented smile as she reached out to intertwine her fingers with yours. "More than okay," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
With a gentle tug, Kazuha pulled you into her arms, her voice filled with a desperate plea. "I want to make you feel good too, miss," she whimpered, her longing evident as she pressed her body against yours.
Feeling her urgency, you allowed yourself to be guided by her eager hands. Before you knew it, Kazuha had pushed you onto your back on the floor, her movements swift as she deftly removed your skirt and underwear in one fluid motion, exposing your core to her hungry gaze.
With a sense of anticipation, Kazuha's hand reached out to swipe at your slick folds, causing a jolt of pleasure to course through you. You couldn't help but buck your hips into her touch, a guttural groan escaping your lips at the sensation.
"Shit, Kazuha," you moaned, the intensity of her touch sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body.
"Am I making you feel good, miss?" Kazuha asked shyly, her hand never ceasing its tantalizing movements as she slowly slid inside you, making you shudder with pleasure.
"Y-Yes, just like that, Kazuha," you moaned in response, your voice thick with desire as you surrender yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of her touch.
She dipped her head closer to your cunt, her tongue swiping teasingly at your clit while her fingers continued their relentless thrusting inside you. The sensation was electrifying, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
As she began to suck on your clit with increasing fervor, a guttural moan escaped your lips, your hands instinctively flying to grip her head, pulling her closer to you. The combination of her tongue and fingers was driving you wild, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
Then, with a knowing touch, Kazuha's fingers found your G-spot, and she intensified her thrusts, hitting just the right spot to send you over the edge. Your body arched in response to her thrusts.
You cried out in ecstasy, your body shaking as the waves of pleasure crashed over you. Kazuha continued her ministrations, her touch gentle yet insistent as she guided you through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
As you lay there, trembling and breathless, Kazuha pulled you into her arms, holding you close, with a slow and deliberate movement, you began to grind your soaking core against her hardening member, eliciting a whimper from Kazuha as the warm friction ignited a new wave of arousal within her. The sensation was electrifying, and you both moaned in anticipation as you felt the delicious pressure building between your bodies.
Lifting your hips, you guided her member to your entrance, the tip dipping slowly into your slick heat. Both you and Kazuha whimpered at the sensation, the anticipation nearly unbearable as you gradually took her entire length inside you.
"M-Miss, Y-you're so tight," Kazuha whimpered, her eyes fixed on your conjoined heat as she watched her thick cock disappear inside you. Her hand tightened around your waist, holding you close as you both became lost in the overwhelming sensation.
“F-Fuck! Kazuha, you're so good to me” You moaned, as you began riding her. “Such a pretty girl, are you my good girl?” You said to her as you gripped her face, forcing her to look at you.
“Y-Yes” She whimpers out, you rolled your hips into the whimpering girl.
"Yes, what?" you questioned her, your tone stern as you bounced on her member harder, eliciting even more whimpering from her.
"Yes, what, Kazuha?" you asked her, your voice filled with anticipation as you continued to move your hips, riding her cock with fervent passion. Each thrust brought you closer to that edge of ecstasy, driving you both crazy.
"Y-Yes, Miss," she cried out in response, her voice filled with need as her dick throbbed intensely inside you, ready to release its load.
She spilled thick spurts of cum, coating your walls in warmth, you leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Your spit connected as you pulled away for a split second to lick it up from Kazuha's lips, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.
The warm feeling of her cum against your walls sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine, your own orgasm nearing with each passing moment.
"S-Shit, Kazuha," you muffled your screams into her shoulder as your stomach tightened, your legs beginning to shake and your vision blurring as white-hot pleasure sporadically consumed you in waves.
You both collapsed onto the floor, your bodies entwined in a state of bliss. The air was filled with the soft sounds of your labored breathing as you basked in the afterglow.
Gradually, as the waves of pleasure subsided, a sense of calm washed over you both. Kazuha nestled against you, her head resting on your chest as you gently stroked her hair, soothing her with your touch.
Feeling tears on your chest, you gently pulled Kazuha away to look at her, a worried expression on your face. "Kazuha, what's wrong?" you asked softly, concerned that you might have crossed a line.
"I-I'm sorry," she cried out, her voice trembling with emotion.
"W-What are you sorry for?" you questioned her, still worried about her well-being.
"I-I'm sorry for c-cumming inside you," she hiccuped, her words filled with guilt.
You let out a sigh of relief, realizing the source of her distress. Then, a chuckle escaped your lips as you reassured her, "It's okay, I don't mind it."
With a reassuring smile, you got off her member, you reached down between your legs, thrusting your fingers inside yourself and pulling them out, now coated in her cum. Without hesitation, you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking them clean.
As you looked into Kazuha's eyes, you could see her gaze darken behind the tears, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. Without a word, she crawled closer to you, straddling your hips as she pressed her hard cock against your wet heat. Gently, she rubbed it between your folds, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from you both.
With a shaky breath, Kazuha pushed herself inside you, her tears still streaming down her face from the guilt she felt. Your back arched at the stretch, the intrusion causing you to grasp onto Kazuha's back and groan in pleasure as she wasted no time in adjusting. Your legs instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as she began thrusting her hips into yours.
The room quickly filled with the squelching sounds of your bodies moving together, Kazuha's cock stretching you out while your walls squeezed tightly around her with each stroke.
"You feel so good, miss, oh my god," Kazuha cried out, her voice filled with a mixture of pleasure and longing. You reached your hands to her face, wiping away her tears in a gesture of reassurance.
Her heavy balls collided with your skin with each thrust, her panting breaths hot against your ear as her back flexed with each powerful movement. Her cock slid in and out, each thrust growing more intense as she slammed back into you with increasing fervor.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum, miss," Kazuha whimpered, the urgency in her voice matching the frantic pace of her thrusts. You trembled under her, her cock stretching you in all the right places as you urged her on.
"Cum, Kazuha, cum in me," you cried out, your voice filled with desire as your body moved with her thrusts.
Kazuha's whiny moans fueled your own arousal, her pace becoming hard and deep as her balls slapped against you with each powerful thrust. Your walls began fluttering around her throbbing cock, the intense sensation driving you both closer to the edge.
With a final, primal cry of pleasure, your walls clamped and milked around her throbbing cock as it continued to spurt heavy streams of cum inside you. Kazuha buried her head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as both of your legs shook with the intensity of your shared orgasm.
Kazuha collapsed on top of your body, you held her close, ignoring the sweat that coated both of your bodies. You brushed her hair behind her ear and placed a tender kiss on her forehead as she sighed contently in your embrace.
"You did so good, Kazuha. I'm proud of you," you murmured softly, your voice filled with genuine admiration as you continued to caress her back. Though Kazuha blushed at your words, you didn't notice as you both remained there in each other's embrace for a while.
Eventually, Kazuha got off of you and helped you clean up and change. The two of you then made your way to the door, staring at each other with a mixture of affection and longing.
As you locked the door, you turned to look at her and leaned in to give her a gentle peck on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow," you told her with a wink, leaving her standing there as she watched you walk away.
The lingering warmth of your embrace and the sweetness of your parting kiss filled Kazuha's heart with a sense of happiness and contentment. She couldn't help but smile as she watched you disappear into the distance, already looking forward to seeing you again the next day.
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icepoptroll · 20 days
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@rtcpickyourpoison day 5: Penny/Jane - Jail
AU where Penny completely took the fall for the events of Legoland so that Ezra could grow up living free. Ocean is her court-ordered good noodle.
Image description under the cut.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Penny in tan prison scrubs walking with a guard behind her on either side. The background is gray but a white light shines behind her head resembling a halo. Her expression shows sadness and apprehension. Her brown hair is in two long French braids.
Panel 2: Ezra is sitting in a chair, waving and smiling nervously. He holds Penny's doll in his lap. He says, "Hi-ya, Penny Lamb."
Panel 3: The guards fade into the background and Penny smiles excitedly. She is trying to wave, but she's wearing handcuffs. She says, "Ezra, hi! Oh my gosh, you brought Dolly! Thank you!"
Page 2:
Panel 1: A closeup of the doll and Ezra's hands around her. He says, "Yes, but. . . She can't stay. Your captors will not allow me to leave her with you. Only bring her to visit." He then goes on to say, ". . . Penny, I'm sorry, this is all my fault, if I had just--!" and Penny interrupts him, saying, "Ezra, NO."
Panel 2: Penny jerks her head toward one of the guards and reminds him, "This was all MY fault, remember? It was MY bad decision to take your medication and profit from it. I was a bad big sister. The drug trafficking, the violence, it was all ME. I should have never forced you to come along. Don't blame yourself. I was happy to. . . admit my mistakes. Got it?"
Panel 3: Ezra looks down sadly and responds, ". . . Got it."
Panel 4: Penny smiles gently and answers, "Good."
Panel 5: Penny gives him a sad smile, shadows on the guards behind her resembling angel wings. She says, "Learn from my mistakes and you'll be alright. Love you, Ez'. Be safe, be good."
Page 3:
Panel 1: Ocean, wearing jeans and a pink tank top with a baby blue cardigan, sitting off to the side with her arms crossed protectively over her chest, interjects, "Oh. . . I see that the program is already working wonders for you."
Panel 2: Penny leans in, a confused look on her face, and Ezra looks down, still saddened by the situation. Penny asks him, "Uhh, Ez'? Who is that? And why is she talking to us?"
Panel 3: We see Ocean at a desk, writing. She explains via narration, "Oh, Penny, dear. I'm your pen pal, from the Unlock the Power of the Positive program!"
Panel 4: Penny is laying on her stomach on her bunk, writing on a piece of paper against the cinderblock wall. Ocean's narration continues, "Every week I look forward to writing to you. . . And to hearing back from you."
Panels 5 and 6: Two side-by-side closeups of letters Ocean and Penny have written each other. They're cut off so no full sentences are shown, but Ocean's letter explains that like Penny's family, hers also has a history of using and dealing illicit drugs, but that cycles can be broken if she believes in herself. Penny's letter is about being hungry, not having enough food, and missing Ezra, the Happy Meals they used to have together on the road, and her Dolly.
Page 4:
Panel 1: Penny looks sort of amused. She says, "Wait. YOU'RE Ocean O'Connell-Rosenberg? My court-appointed good influence??? You're tinier and cuter than I had imagined."
Panel 2: Ocean, red in the face and wide-eyed, presses a finger to her lips and tries to hide her face from onlookers. "Shh!! Don't say my full name so loud in here!!"
Panel 3: Penny's handcuffed hand reaches for Ocean's, Ocean's fingernails painted a cherry red. Penny explains, "Aw, don't worry, most of the kids in here aren't actually that bad. Take me for instance."
Panel 4: Penny reaches across, holding both Ocean's hands and smiling. "I didn't actually cannibalize JK-47 like the rumors say. I just bit him! Really hard."
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yaut-jaknowit · 7 months
He Who Shows His Real Side
Pairing: We'ar-ow (Female Yautja) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 4003
Summary: After searching, We'ar-ow cannot find who has attacked you. Without any evidence of the attacker, he finally reveals himself smugly. He belittles the Monarch, saying he bested her. Nearly going ballistic, Reader calms We'ar-ow with a touch. We'ar-ow doesn't allow him to make a fool of her.
Author Note: Now comes the time we have learned of who this mysterious attacker is. I know I don't respond to everyone's comment but I greatly appreciate all of your kind and amazing words to me! They mean the world to me and help me stay motivated as well!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
Besides your form pressed the tense body of We’ar-ow, you timidly laid a hand on her thigh. The massive Yautja didn’t jolt at the touch. Instead, her own hand engulfed yours and cradled it. No words were needed in the moment. You wanted to stay at the safety of her side. The only place you’ve found refuge while on this cursed ship that’s given you suffering in the end.
Dark bruises still painted the area of your neck, easily showing the print of someone’s large hand, attempting to take your life. You bowed your head at the thought and shuttered. Death was so close, right there. But the lights… they were your only saving grace in that moment. Or else… nothing. You would be nothing.
Tears prickled the corner of your eyes. Your hand in her palm clenched. We’ar-ow firmed her grasp and even tugged the limb up closer to her torso. An action that helped you pull away from your thoughts and glance up at her.
Her alien features have grown on you over the last year being here. The way the Yautjas looked didn’t bother you anymore. Just like any other human. She was… pretty to look out. Definitely a creature that could kill you with a single move, but she didn’t.
No, here she is. With you cradled to her side and holding your hand as she worked away at the device before her. You still hadn’t figured why she wanted you in the first place or why she still has you. Shouldn’t the novelty worn off already? Shouldn’t she already dumped you to the side?
A simple sigh passed your lips. You nuzzled deeper into her side for the comfort. You jolted when a growl vibrated almost your skin and caused the hairs on your arms to rise.
The moment you tried to pull away from her, fearful you pushed the relationship too far, We’ar-ow tugged you back. Her hand squeezing yours. “Calm, my ooman,” she spoke, tone soft and nearly sweet. “That wasn’t meant for you.” You didn’t take the growl to heart afterwards and nodded your head.
You take a chance to peek at her features again. We’ar-ow was already looking at you with her bright eyes that could find every little detail on your face. You instantly looked away to find the ground an easier sight to observe.
Pink entered your vision. Rough fingertips pinched your chin and tilted your head back towards We’ar-ow. Your eyes were wide as you looked at her again. “What is the matter, little ooman?” she asked with teasing, mocking tone in her gruff voice. Honeyed, trying to draw you in.
Hook. Your brows were pinched together and up. A look of sweet innocence on your face. Heat rushed to warm your cheeks, now frozen to only peer into her blazing gaze.
Alien but notable as a smirk graces her face. You felt small, minuscule under her gaze. Something you could tell she wanted by the look she held. She leaned in closer, well as much as her torso could allow her in the position she sat in. “Oh, little pet, you make it hard…” she trailed off and ran her thumb along the softness of your lips.
As sweet as the moment was, We’ar-ow broke it off. Her shoulders slightly sagged. She, herself, pulled away but kept her hand wrapped firmly around yours. Work is to be done. No time to get distracted.
It was hard to ignore the burning in your face or the racing of your heart that she had to hear. Yet, your heart also quivered, terrified on why you were feeling this way. You curled into yourself, still lodged against the pink Yautja’s side. A side you would have to be torn from for the time being despite the embarrassment filling your veins.
Movement roused you from a nap. We’ar-ow looked down at your lack form and tightened her mandibles. She crouched down to your level and brushed a stray lock of hair out of the way. Your eyes were still closed but fluttered at the touch. A smile gracing her face at the sight before she stood up and collected her items.
She’s delayed the start of the day long enough while mulling over the lack of information she’s been given. None of the cameras were working in the sector. Whoever disabled them was sneaky and smart, able to cover up their digital footprints and leave no trace.
From the depths of her hunters instinct, she knew it had to be Dwainet. The prick would not stay down after the embarrassing fight he endured. But he’s profession was hunter. He wasn’t part of security or knowledgeable enough to know about technology to do what had been done. We’ar-ow knew it had to be him who hurt you. Who else would care you that much to kill you. There was peace within the clan that We’ar-ow strived for since her first day as Monarch. Her only enemy would be Dwainet.
Unless he had help.
The throne didn’t offer any relief. The walls of the grand room echoed her thoughts back to her. She settled down for the day and pulled up the camera feed for her quarters. There you laid, on the comfort of the couch. Even floors away, she’ll keep a watchful, protective eye on you while doing her job as Monarch.
The device was set to the side, within sight. Only a single flick of her eyes to see the screen clearly. Her gaze was drawn away when the doors slid open and revealed the first Yautja of the day to deal with. It wasn’t the most exciting thing but it was her job. She rather be back in her quarters, holding you close and making sure her pet was safe.
Throughout the dragging hours of the day, she kept vigilance over your form. Wherever you went in her quarters, she watched and ensured your safety. No matter what room. She wouldn’t lose sight of you. The last time she let her eyes off of you, someone dared to try to take your life. We’ar-ow picks up on things swiftly, this was no different. Maybe it made her even more vigilant due to the fact you were far more fragile than what she’s used to. Glass ready to shatter if you even looked at it wrong.
When the room was cleared once more of anyone, We’ar-ow locked her gaze on the screen. On the other side, you were padding into the kitchen and sifting through the refrigerator. That reminds her to pick up some more ooman friendly foods on the way back. You were allowed to eat anything you wanted, if it was safe of course. Ooman’s eating times were different than Yautjas. We’ar-ow also picked up on the usual times your kind eats at, even with the hours difference. The snacks you also munched on between the main meals.
Though, your first few days under her care, We’ar-ow observed everything she could about you. She also scoured your ooman’s internet to find out what was normal within your society.
Now, that it’s been about two months with her, she has everything down to a T.
You plucked something from the refrigerator before spinning on your heel and finding a spot in the main room to plop down on. Though, We’ar-ow would prefer you to stay in her room, she couldn’t control what you did. Pet or not, you were your own person. Your personality wasn’t something she would take away. The fire in your eyes burning bright in her presence yet the timidity not allowing you to act out.
The soft pitter-patter of feet drew her gaze to an incoming Yautja. With a hesitate sigh, she pulled her gaze from the screen to find one of her councilmembers entering the chamber. We’ar-ow sat up higher and watched the female Yautja draw to a stop at the steps of her throne. A simple, respectful bow was given before eye contact was made.
Throughout the entire discussion, We’ar-ow continued to flicker her gaze over to the screen to check up on you. The bouncing of your knee while sitting on the couch was the first sign.
While on your tablet she gave for you entertainment, you started to chew at your nails and reading at the page. Your eyes flicked between the screen before you and to the exit of her quarters. Your fear of what was on the other side was a well known terror We’ar-ow knew about. Nearly two weeks of healing and recuperating has given her the clear details.
There were two things running through your mind right now. Either the want to have her with you again for protection or the terror of the unknown. The unknown being someone busting down the door and killing you. An action We’ar-ow would not allow to happen. You are hers after all.
In her position, she couldn’t go back and hold you close. We’ar-ow had been gone long enough and had to return to her job as Monarch. The ship couldn’t last long without a mighty fist to rein in the unruly Yautjas that would run rampant. That’s why she won all the tests thrown at her and bested all the other worthy opponents.
Yet, you needed comfort, the knowledge of her being close by, ready to defend you when the time came. This was no longer a game of chance. Now, it was of when and where. You can bet your life she’ll be there.
Forcing the video to minimize to the side, We’ar-ow pulled up a messaging system and sent a short text demanding you come to her. On the camera, you had jumped at the minute ding from the device before sagging at the message.
From the pits of her stomach, she hoped it was from relief.
You stood from the couch, put away the fruit you were snacking on, and stood at the door that blocked you from the rest of the ship. Out into the place full of predators. And you were the prey. In the lions den where they weren’t hungry but turning their noses up at the sight of you.
A deep breath of air not fully designed for your lungs filled them to the brim. You raised a timid hand then pressed the necessary button to open up the hatch.
Nothing came launching out at you. That was taken as a good sign. Courage brewing inside your chest. You took the needed steps to find your way to end of the hall, trying to built up the strength needed to go to We’ar-ow.
Vigilant as ever, you peered slowly around every corner before continuing. Your head was built on top of a swivel. Not only were you paying close attention to what lied ahead of you, but also behind your slinking form. Any Yautja you came across, you scampered past them, nearly on the verge of sprinting away at full speed. Anything to get you to safety of your Yautja.
It took about half the time it usually took to find yourself panting at the open throne room doors. There in her glory was the Monarch of the ship, sitting upon her throne like the royalty she was. You patted your way in and ignored the looks the random three Yautjas gave you.
Without hesitation, you climbed the stairs and ready to sit down at the feet of We’ar-ow, in your normal spot. A firm hand wrapped around your wrist and tugged into the pink body of her. You jolted the touch at first then raised a brow at her in question. A simple jerk of her head downwards had surprise boiling in your mind. Her lap.
Another tug had you following through her silent instructions. You could care less on who stood at the foot of the stairs. The warmth and protection that radiated off of her was what you needed. No one would or could hurt you within her presence. A guardian angel on a ship full of demons that despised your guts.
You wiggled into a more comfortable position for the moment. Strewn across her lap, two legs propped up one of the arm rests. Your back to the other one. All while the tablet still was clung tightly in your digits. You finally settled down.
We’ar-ow gave you a singular look after you stopped moving then returned her attention to trio at the base. This position is something you stayed in for awhile, to afraid to disturb the inner discussions of the mothership.
Now, under the watchful eye of We’ar-ow, literally in her lap, you focus on your tablet but for different reasons. Instead of studying your route for escape, the last attack only forcing your hand more, you played a few different games downloaded.
To be honest, when you found out they had digital games, that surprised you. Their culture, their entire species seems to revolve around primitive ways while working with powerful technology that allows for space travel. It’s shocking. Some of the rules and regulations of their culture don’t always make sense. But, if you want to live, you keep to those as if it was deity telling you so.
A species that actively hunts for their food while living on this massive ships that harbor at least hundreds, if not thousands of Yautjas with incredible technology. You never thought you would ever leave earth’s atmosphere, yet here you were. The farthest a human has ever gone, at least alive. Probably.
The current game of the day was raising breeding hounds… for hunting. So, not straying off their mark too much. It is enough to keep your mind stimulated without listening to droning words of Yautjas and the translator embedded to your skin.
Despite hating the fact you were out in the open, where whoever attacked you could just come and finish the job, you hoped We’ar-ow wouldn’t easily let that happen. She’s cared about you for this long. She even allows you, more like forces, to sleep in her bed with her. Not skin to skin but close enough to hear her breathing, feel her warmth, to know she’s there. Anything to chase off the terror of meeting Death for real this time.
While the day rolled along, you were content where you were perched upon. Despite knowing you should’ve been flushed with heat and wide eyed the entire time, it was the safest place for you to be.
More Yautjas began to file into the expansive room and took up the offered space as they waited for their turn. You, on the other hand, didn’t like the influx of bodies. You tensed up and watched from the corner of your eye of the growing crowd, heart beginning to thud in its bony cage. Your breath growing quicker at each passing second.
We’ar-ow only moved an arm and rested across your lap. The weight gave you a comforting feeling and grounded you back to floor of the mothership. Your heart and breath started to slow down but you didn’t dare take your eyes away from the crowd. Who knows who lies in there?
Any of those faces could’ve been the one, shrouded in darkness.
In the sea of people of varying heights and colors, out stepped a form that had you looking longing at. Memories of the past flooded you at the sight of him. Both sides of the coin; good and bad. But that’s how life was… until he threw you off to the side.
Your chin lifted up, upturning your nose at him. You did not care about him anymore, or at least that’s what your mind supplied in the moment. He was nothing but trash at your feet, groveling after the beat down he endured. We’ar-ow has given you more care and a strange type of love than you thought possible in this weird relationship between the two of you.
To him, you were a burden, nothing more than wasted space.
To her, you may be a pet, but decorated with expensive clothing and jewelry designed for you. You have your own room, though no longer used. You are fed three times a day, snacks are always provided. You have a tablet for entertainment.
This difference is staggering.
Even with your nose upturned, you kept a piercing gaze on him encase he dared to do anything. Yet, the Yautja filed into line, nonchalant and lax. His eyes never met yours, but you knew he knew you were there, on We’ar-ow’s lap. Your hand finds We’ar-ow’s and clamp your hand on it. To keep you grounded in reality and knowledge of your safety.
She gave you a subtle squeeze back. “Dwainet step forward. Do not hide,” We’ar-ow demanded, voice booming in the chambers and echoing back at everyone.
Dwainet snorted and made his way to the edge of the steps where he stopped. As a male, he was already short but with the steps, he was forced to tilt his head up to peered at the two of you. A position that exposed his throat any incoming attacks.
“Hide? You act like I have something to hide,” he snarked. Gone was the scared, shamed male of the past. Now, stood a male who thought himself as top of the food chain. You gripped her hand tighter.
The powerful thighs of the pink Yautja twitched under you. For a fleeting moment, they tensed but instantly relaxed. “State your business then scamper off like the dishonorable male that you are,” she snapped back and pulled on her full Monarch façade. She looked down at him over the bridge of her inner mouth and mandibles.
Those words didn’t discourage him. Instead, a full smirk grew on his face. He crossed his arms. We’ar-ow growled deep in her chest and sent vibrations crawling across your skin.
He cocked his head to the side all the while still looking up at her. “I heard about that attack on your pet’s life. Such a shame that the big powerful Monarch couldn’t protect something so feeble.” You inwardly flinch at his words. Your brows burrowing down with hurt etched into your features.
How could someone you once loved say such nasty words?
We’ar-ow was ready to launch out of her throne and give the punk another beat down of his life by the way she held herself. You peered up at her cracking stoic façade. Something had to be done.
Your hand shifted from gripping the side of her palm to intertwining your fingers together. The pride that flooded your veins when she relaxed back into her seat was astonishing. It nearly gave you the power to march down these steps and gut Dwainet like the coward he was.
“My pet is free to roam the halls of my ship. There is no need for constant vigilance.” Roaming is something you wouldn’t do, unless it is for your escape.
“You should keep a tight leash on the damn thing… or else I might get my hands on it again,” he sneered with a prideful look on his once handsome face. A face you once enjoyed looking at. Now though, he taunted We’ar-ow, as if asking for her to sign his death wish.
Her digits clutched yours threading between the open spaces of them. He could never have you again, over your dead body. “Stop playing coy. Say it!” she demanded and held onto your hand in a near crushing grip. You took the shocks of pain racing up your hand, anything to keep her from leaping up and tearing the male apart. You’ve never… seen her so riled up and easily showing her cards.
The calm and collected Yautja wasn’t what you saw now.
He turned his head to look the Yautja straight in the eye. “I attacked your pet. I want it dead.”
Your lips parted. The only thing you could do in spilt second given to you was stare at him, tears welling up in your eyes. You thought he was talking about the day had abandoned you at first… but Dwainet had attempted to take your life. The person you shared a bed with, your body with, your love with.
Like the hammer of gun being released, We’ar-ow coiled her muscles to launch herself at the Yautja who just admitted to the crime. You were the safety. You reached up instantly and place a palm against her chest as if you, a feeble thing, could hold back a raging female.
She stopped.
She settled fully into her chair and took a breath. “You attacked another’s pet? That is a crime. You are continuously racking up charges. Are you wanting to be exiled, marked as a Bad Blood?” We’ar-ow turned to her more logical side rather than acting out on impulse.
The pet status, though the lowest thing in the clan, still offered your protection from any harm. Unless those who would want to be marked as a Bad Blood. You are to have read up on some things about the inner workings of a Yautja clan.
Despite being told of his crimes and a punishment worse than death, Dwainet doesn’t falter. He only peeks behind him and jerks his head up to the two of you.
From the crowd, thirteen Yautjas step out of the line and stand behind Dwainet, siding with him. “We have grown weary of this, Monarch,” he spat out the words with disgust. “You were once thought to be what we needed after the last reign. But you’ve grown soft, weak with this ooman around. If an ooman can cause our leader, our guiding hand to falter like this, we seek out a new Monarch. One who won’t take such things as pets.”
A cold terror flooded your veins, freezing you from the inside out. The thing he was implying had you terrified of what this could mean. You only know so much about the politics of Yautjas as it can differ from clan to clan.
Was he challenging her to a fight again? Did he seriously want to die? He only survived last time because you begged We’ar-ow not to kill him.
And that seemed to come back to bite you in the butt.
“Your words mean little in the eyes of the crimes that would deem you as a Bad Blood,” We’ar-ow is quick witted to put down Dwainet. She shifted in her seat and pushed her hips out a little more, showing off a laxer posed. She was no scared of him or those who side with him. A one v. thirteen that she believed she could best.
After the throw down she gave to Dwainet, you saw her power. But even she had her limitations.
“A meeting will be called to discuss your crimes, Dwainet. You are barred from leaving this ship until your fate has been decided. Your days numbered. Count them.” With a flick of her hand, she dismissed the group from the chambers.
You saw the fire in Dwainet’s eyes. He had wanted a bigger reaction from her by the looks of it. With a crowd to witness an explosive reaction would’ve added fuel to his fire. What did he want from this? What was his goal in the end?
The male you once loved snarled his annoyance before spinning on his heel and pushing his way through his crowd. They followed him, quieter about their leave. An air of unsure left in their wake.
Everyone else who wasn’t part of the revolution, began to murmur to each other before We’ar-ow ordered for the next to step up. As if nothing had occurred, the pink Yautja returned to work. You, on the other hand, fretted over what this could mean for the two of you and your safety and security on this ship.
Once believing you were safe, you questioned it all.
You had to get off this ship.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17
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kalki-tarot · 8 months
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Disclaimer - this reading is just for entertainment purposes and kalki tarot is not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist
PILE 01.
the magician, knight of swords, four of pentacles, queen of cups, king of wands (ace of wands)
This pile is for you is you are trying to manifest something in your life ; love, abundance or anything. Or you can say it's like something good is trying to come into your life, like new opportunities and love offers. But! You are being your own block, pile 1.
Let's see how? You are afraid of the good things. You say you don't deserve it. You have built a wall around yourself. You are not in a receiver's energy, to receive anything from the universe, god or whatever you call it, you first need to become a grateful receiver. Why are you being harsh on yourself? You deserve the world, you deserve the love that you desire. And your higher self is warning you against these blocks you've created our of your fears.
Your higher self is trying to move you out of this negative energy. They are telling you that you are capable and deserving of what you want. Don't overthink, don't hold yourself too much. Let go, flow. Take a deep breathe and feel it in your soul. Whatever you desire is fastly coming towards you. You just need to trust yourself and let go of the negative self image and fill yourself with gratefulness and positive energy.
PILE 02.
3 pentacles, 5 cups, three swords, 8 cups, 2 cups, 4 wands, 10 cups, the star, page of cups ( 6 of cups)
This is my love related pile here!
I see you have been healing a lot yourself here. Maybe you want to meet your Destined person soon? You've been learning new things about yourself etc. And you are applying those things irl. Some of you may have been learning tarot or divination too. You guys are healing and leaving the past behind. And you are successfully doing that. I can see that you are trying to manifest a divine union.
Well, I'm happy to hear this. Your higher self is jumping around and telling you that your hard work ain't going into waste. You are meeting your Destined person real soon!!
There is literally two of cups and 4 of wands here which indicates your near future. Be ready my dear pile 2! 🫂💓
You will be very happy and stable with them. They are all you've ever wanted in life. So your future self is telling you to relax! Everything is happening just the way it was meant to be. Don't worry too much just keep going. This is a fated event. This person you've gonna meet can be your childhood friend, past life lover, soulmate or twinflame. Best of luck!
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lila-lou · 5 days
✨Needy - Pt. 4/5✨
Summary: This is part 4 of "Needy"
Pairing: Jensen x PregnantReader
Warnings: ANGST!, Pregnant reader
Word Count: 4575
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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Once in the labor and delivery ward, the medical team sprang into action. They guided you to a delivery room, helped you onto the bed, and began monitoring your vitals and the baby’s heart rate. Jensen stayed close, his eyes filled with concern but his demeanor steady and reassuring.
The doctor on call arrived promptly, her face a mix of professionalism and empathy. “Hello, I’m Dr. Martinez”. She took a quick glance at the monitors and then turned her attention to you. “We’re going to take good care of you. I need to check a few things first”.
Dr. Martinez performed a thorough examination, her hands gentle but efficient. The monitors beeped softly in the background. Jensen stayed close, his hand tightly holding yours, offering silent support.
“You’ve done the right thing coming in”, Dr. Martinez reassured you both. “Since your water broke early, we’ll need to keep you here for close monitoring. We want to ensure both you and your baby are safe”.
You nodded, trying to process everything. The reality of the situation was daunting, but the doctor’s calm demeanor and Jensen’s unwavering presence gave you a semblance of reassurance.
As Dr. Martinez continued her examination, another sharp pain radiated through your abdomen. You gasped, gripping Jensen’s hand tighter. “Another contraction”, you managed to say, your voice strained.
Dr. Martinez’s expression remained focused but calm. “I can see that”, she said, her eyes on the monitor. “We’ll need to administer medication to help slow the contractions and steroids to help your baby’s lungs develop more quickly. The goal is to keep the baby inside for as long as possible to give them the best chance”.
The nurses moved swiftly, setting up an IV and preparing the necessary medications. The contraction slowly ebbed, leaving you exhausted and breathless. Jensen leaned in, his forehead gently pressing against yours. “You’re doing amazing”, he whispered, his voice filled with love and pride.
Dr. Martinez finished her examination and stepped back, giving you a reassuring smile. “We’re going to monitor you closely. The medications should help, but if you need anything or feel any changes, let us know immediately”.
The room settled into a quieter rhythm, the beeping of the monitors providing a steady background noise. The nurses adjusted your position to make you more comfortable and dimmed the lights slightly to create a more soothing environment.
Jensen sat beside you, his hand never leaving yours. Despite his obvious exhaustion, he remained focused on you, his eyes filled with unwavering support. “I’m right here”, he repeated softly, his thumb rubbing gentle circles on the back of your hand.
The minutes passed slowly.
Despite the initial signs of hope, the contractions began to pick up again. You could see the worry in Jensen’s eyes each time you squeezed his hand tighter in pain. He stayed strong for you, his words of encouragement a lifeline in the midst of your fear and exhaustion.
Eventually, Dr. Martinez returned, her expression more serious this time. She approached the bed and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, but the medication isn’t working as well as we hoped. The contractions are continuing to progress”.
Your heart sank at her words, the reality of the situation hitting you hard. Jensen’s grip on your hand tightened, his eyes filled with concern and determination. “What does this mean?”, he asked, his voice steady despite the fear you knew he was feeling.
Dr. Martinez took a deep breath, her demeanor calm and professional. “It means that we need to prepare for the possibility that your baby may come sooner than we planned. We’re going to do everything we can to ensure a safe delivery for both of you”.
Tears welled up in your eyes, the uncertainty of it all overwhelming. Jensen leaned in, his forehead resting gently against yours. “We’re going to get through this”, he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering resolve. “You and me, together”.
Dr. Martinez continued, “We’ll increase the dosage of the steroids to help the baby’s lungs develop faster, and we’ll keep monitoring both of you very closely. But we’ll be ready for an early delivery”.
The medical team moved with renewed urgency, adjusting your medications and preparing for every possible outcome.
As the hours dragged on, you felt a mixture of fear and determination. The contractions were relentless, each one a stark reminder of how early it was for your baby to be born. But Jensen’s unwavering support and the professionalism of the medical team gave you the strength to keep going.
At noon, after hours of relentless contractions and mounting exhaustion, you finally managed to get some sleep. Jensen had been reluctant to leave your side, but you insisted he get something to eat and take a moment to rest. With a kiss on your forehead and a promise to be back soon, he reluctantly agreed.
As you drifted into an exhausted slumber, Jensen settled onto the couch in your room. Despite his fatigue, he remained vigilant, occasionally closing his eyes but never fully succumbing to sleep. The steady hum of the monitors and the gentle footsteps of the medical staff filled the room, a constant reminder of the careful watch being kept over you and your baby.
The hours passed quietly. The nurses switched shifts, seamlessly continuing the diligent monitoring of your condition. They moved around the room with practiced ease, checking your vitals and adjusting medications, all while ensuring you remained as comfortable as possible.
From time to time, you woke up briefly, the contractions piercing through your sleep. Each time, a nurse was there, her calm voice and gentle touch helping you navigate the pain. Jensen would rouse from his light doze, his eyes immediately finding yours, offering a reassuring smile before you both drifted back to a light sleep.
In the late afternoon, the contractions began to grow more intense and frequent again. You felt a sense of urgency building within you. As another wave of pain gripped your abdomen, you let out a soft moan, waking Jensen with it.
He was at your side in an instant, his hand enveloping yours.
Dr. Martinez entered the room, her expression serious but calm. “How are you feeling?”, she asked, her eyes assessing you and the monitors.
“The contractions are getting stronger”, you managed to say through gritted teeth.
Dr. Martinez nodded. “We’re going to check your progress”, she said, donning gloves and positioning herself to examine you. After a few moments, she looked up, her expression thoughtful. “You’re dilating more rapidly. We need to prepare for delivery”.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you sniffed, the reality of the situation hitting hard. “But it’s too early”, you said, your voice trembling with fear.
Dr. Martinez gave you a reassuring look, her eyes filled with empathy. “I understand how scary this is, but I want you to know that at 32 weeks, your baby is already quite developed. His lungs may need some support, but with the right care, he has a very good chance of doing well. We’re going to be monitoring both of you very closely”.
Jensen squeezed your hand, his presence a calming anchor in the storm of emotions swirling around you. “We’ve got this”, he whispered, his voice filled with determination.
The contractions grew stronger and stronger, each one a wave of intense pain that seemed to engulf you completely. Time seemed to blur, and before you knew it, it was already 11 p.m. The hours had slipped by in a haze of pain and determination.
Dr. Martinez returned, her expression focused as she examined you again. “You’re making progress”, she said, her voice calm but firm. “But it’s not quite enough yet. We need you to keep going, just a little longer”.
You felt utterly exhausted, your body weak from the relentless pain and the effort of labor. Tears of frustration and fear welled up in your eyes, and you looked to Jensen for support. He was right beside you, his eyes wide and alert despite the exhaustion etched on his face, fueled by the copious amounts of coffee he had consumed to stay awake and present for you.
“I know it’s hard, but you’re so strong. We’re almost there”. He brushed a strand of hair away from your sweaty forehead.
You nodded, trying to draw strength from his words and his unwavering presence. The pain was overwhelming, but you focused on your breathing, on Jensen’s hand holding yours, and on the knowledge that each contraction brought you closer to meeting your baby.
Minutes turned into what felt like hours, each contraction testing the limits of your endurance.
It was 2 a.m. when the nurses began to prepare the room for the imminent delivery. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and professionalism. Medical supplies and equipment were carefully arranged, ready for any potential complications with your baby’s lungs, a precaution due to the early delivery.
Dr. Martinez entered the room once more, her presence a comforting constant amidst the chaos. She approached you with a calm, focused expression. “Let’s see how you’re progressing”, she said, her voice steady.
You were exhausted, every muscle in your body screaming with fatigue, but you managed a nod. Jensen’s hand tightened around yours, his eyes never leaving your face.
Dr. Martinez conducted her examination, her brow furrowing slightly as she assessed the situation. After a few moments, she looked up, her expression one of determination. “You’re fully dilated”, she announced. “It’s time to start pushing”.
The room buzzed with renewed energy as the medical team sprang into action. The nurses adjusted your position, making sure you were as comfortable as possible, while Dr. Martinez explained what would happen next.
“You’re doing great”, she said, her voice filled with encouragement. “I need you to focus on pushing with each contraction. We’re going to meet your baby soon”.
Jensen leaned in close, his face filled with love and determination. “You’ve got this”, he whispered, his voice unwavering.
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself. The next contraction hit with intense force, and you bore down, pushing with all your might.
“That’s it”, Dr. Martinez encouraged, her eyes focused and reassuring. “Keep going. You’re doing amazing”.
Time seemed to blur again, each contraction merging into the next. Jensen’s presence was a constant, his words of love and support giving you the strength to push through the pain and exhaustion. Every push brought you closer to your baby, the thought of finally holding him in your arms driving you forward.
The room was filled with the sounds of the medical team’s focused work, the steady beeping of monitors, and Jensen’s steady voice. “Almost there”, he kept saying, his eyes never leaving yours.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Martinez’s voice broke through the haze. “I can see the head”, she said, her tone filled with encouragement. “You’re doing it. Just a few more pushes”.
Tears streamed down your face as you continued to push, your body feeling like it had reached its limit. Your hand, now weak in Jensen’s, trembled with exhaustion. The pain was overwhelming, and despite the encouragement from the medical team and Jensen, you felt a wave of doubt and desperation wash over you.
“I can’t”, you whimpered, your voice breaking with the weight of your exhaustion and fear. “I can’t do it”.
Jensen’s heart broke seeing you in so much pain, but he knew he had to stay strong for you. He leaned in even closer, his forehead resting gently against yours, his eyes filled with unwavering determination and love.
“Yes, you can”, he whispered, his voice steady and filled with conviction. “You’re the strongest person I know. Our baby needs you, and I know you can do this. Just one more push, okay? We’re so close”.
Dr. Martinez added her calm encouragement. “You’re doing wonderfully. Your baby is almost here. Just one more big push”.
You took a deep, shaky breath, before you closed your eyes, focusing on the warmth of Jensen’s touch and the steady rhythm of his breathing. As the next contraction hit, you summoned every ounce of strength left in your body and pushed with all you had.
Despite giving everything you had, the next push wasn’t enough to bring your baby into the world. The exhaustion felt insurmountable, and you felt the weight of your efforts crashing down on you.
Dr. Martinez’s voice cut through the haze, calm yet encouraging. “That’s it, you’re doing great. We’re almost there”.
You could feel Jensen’s hand nearly crushed in your grip as you summoned every ounce of strength for the next round of pushes. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the sound of Dr. Martinez’s voice and the urgency of the moment.
“Push, push, push!”, Dr. Martinez urged gently but firmly, her words urging you onward.
With each push, you felt the strain in every muscle, the fatigue pushing against you like an unyielding force. But through the pain and exhaustion, the thought of meeting your baby fueled your determination.
“There’s the head!”, Dr. Martinez announced, her voice filled with encouragement. “Keep pushing, we’re almost there!”.
You felt a surge of adrenaline and pushed again, feeling the intense pressure as your baby’s head finally emerged. Every second felt like an eternity, the fatigue threatening to overwhelm you. But you kept pushing. And with after one powerful push, there was a sudden, incredible release of pressure, and you felt your baby slide into the world. The room was filled with a collective intake of breath.
But the momentary silence that followed was deafening. Your baby didn’t cry. He didn’t make a sound. Panic surged through you as Dr. Martinez and the neonatal team sprang into action.
“He’s not breathing”, Dr. Martinez said calmly, though you could hear the urgency in her voice. The nurses quickly took your baby to the neonatal table, their movements swift and precise. Jensen’s grip on your hand tightened, his eyes wide with fear and concern.
“What’s happening?”, you whispered, your voice trembling. “Why isn’t he crying?”.
Jensen looked at you, his own fear barely contained. “They’re doing everything they can”, he said, trying to sound reassuring. “He’s in good hands”.
The seconds stretched into agonizing minutes as you watched the medical team work on your baby. They were administering oxygen and performing gentle chest compressions, their faces masks of professional concentration.
“Come on, little guy”, Jensen murmured, his voice breaking. “You can do this”.
Dr. Martinez continued her efforts, her calm demeanor never wavering. Then, after what felt like an eternity, a tiny, fragile cry pierced the air. It was weak, but it was there. Relief and joy surged through you, and tears streamed down your face.
Jensen exhaled a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. His eyes glistened with unshed tears as he leaned down to kiss your forehead, his gaze never leaving the tiny, fragile form of your baby. His hand trembled slightly as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
“He’s crying”, Jensen whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
The sound of your baby’s cry, though weak, filled the room. It was a beautiful, heartbreaking sound that tugged at your heartstrings. You looked at Jensen, his eyes reflecting the same mix of relief and concern that you felt.
The neonatal team continued their work, ensuring your baby was stable and breathing properly. Dr. Martinez moved back to your side, her expression reassuring. “He’s doing better now”.
Jensen’s grip on your hand tightened, his eyes never leaving your baby. “He’s so small”, he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
As Dr. Martinez and the nurses moved to fix you up, cleaning and stitching where necessary, your eyes remained locked on your baby’s fragile form. The emotions swirling inside you were almost too heavy to bear, and silent tears streamed down your face. Jensen’s grip on your hand tightened, his thumb gently stroking your skin in a soothing gesture.
“He’s so so small”, Jensen murmured again, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and concern.
The nurses worked quickly and efficiently, ensuring that you were as comfortable as possible while also preparing your baby for the next steps in his care. The neonatal team continued to monitor his vital signs.
“When can I hold him?”, you asked shakily, your voice barely above a whisper. The need to hold your baby, to feel his warmth against your skin, was overwhelming.
Dr. Martinez looked at you with empathy. “We need to make sure he’s stable first”, she said gently. “But I promise, as soon as it’s safe, we’ll let you hold him”.
Your heart ached with longing, but you nodded, understanding the importance of your baby’s health and stability. Jensen leaned in closer, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “He’s going to be okay”, he whispered, his voice filled with conviction.
The minutes passed slowly as you and Jensen watched the medical team care for your son. Despite the initial scare, his cries grew a bit stronger, and his breathing became more regular. Each small sign of improvement filled you with hope.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, one of the neonatal nurses approached you with a gentle smile. “He’s doing better”, she said. “He’s stable enough for you to hold him for a little while”.
Tears of relief filled your eyes as the nurse carefully lifted your baby from the incubator and brought him over to you.
It was the first time both of you were able to truly look at him. The sight of your baby connected to tubes and monitors broke your heart even more. His tiny cries echoed softly in the room, a fragile reminder of his early arrival. But as the nurse carefully lifted him and brought him closer, his cries began to quiet.
The nurse gently lowered your hospital gown and placed his little body on your bare chest. His skin was warm and soft, and you barely felt his weight. At just 1750 grams and about 41 centimeters when stretched out, he was incredibly small. But right now, he was all curled up against your chest, seeking comfort and warmth.
The moment he made contact with you, his tiny body seemed to relax. His cries faded into soft, contented sounds, and he nestled into you, his little hands curling instinctively against your skin. Tears of overwhelming love and relief streamed down your face as you held him close, your heart swelling with a mixture of awe and protectiveness.
Jensen leaned in closer, his eyes shining with tears of joy as he looked at your son. “He’s beautiful”, he whispered.
You nodded, unable to find the words to express the depth of your emotions. You gently stroked your baby’s back, marveling at the softness of his skin and the tiny movements he made as he adjusted against you. His breathing, though aided by the tubes, seemed steadier now, and you could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against yours.
“Hi, little one”, you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “Welcome to the world”.
The nurse smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting the tender moment. “Skin-to-skin contact is very important”, she said softly. “It helps regulate his body temperature, heart rate, and breathing. You’re doing great”.
Dr. Martinez approached and looked down at you, her expression gentle yet optimistic. “He’s doing incredibly well”, she said, her voice filled with reassurance. “His lungs are stronger than we expected for a baby born at 32 weeks. If he continues to progress like this, we might be able to remove the tubes tomorrow”.
Relief and hope surged through you at her words. “Really?”, you asked, your voice trembling with emotion. “That’s amazing”.
Dr. Martinez nodded, a smile spreading across her face. “Yes, he’s a strong little boy. The initial struggles are common, but he’s responding well to the treatments and your care. We’ll monitor him closely, but I’m very optimistic”.
Jensen’s eyes shone with pride and joy. “Did you hear that, little guy?”, he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “You’re doing so well. We’re so proud of you”.
A few minutes later, a nurse spoke up. “I’m sorry, but we need to put him back in the incubator now”, she said gently. “He needs to stay warm and continue getting the support he needs”.
Jensen’s face showed a mix of longing and understanding. He hadn’t even had the chance to hold his son yet, and you could see the pain of that in his eyes. You gave him a small, reassuring smile, knowing that his time would come soon.
You looked down at your tiny son, savoring the last few moments before he had to go back to the incubator. “We love you so much”, you whispered, your voice thick with emotion. “Stay strong”.
The nurse carefully lifted your baby from your chest, and his tiny cries resumed briefly before he was settled back in the incubator. Despite the brief time you had held him, you felt a profound connection that gave you strength and hope.
You watched with tears in your eyes as they wheeled your baby away, the incubator providing a cocoon of warmth and safety. The sight of his tiny form surrounded by the equipment necessary to support his early arrival tugged at your heart, but you knew it was what he needed to grow stronger.
After a few moments, the nurses gently helped you into a wheelchair, preparing to take you to your room. Jensen was right by your side, his hand never leaving yours. You could see the worry etched on his face, despite his best efforts to hide it. He tried to maintain a calm and reassuring demeanor, but the disappointment and concern were clear in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than for his son to be healthy and for you to be happy.
As you were wheeled down the hall, Jensen stayed close. He helped you settle into your room, adjusting the blankets and making sure you were comfortable. His movements were gentle but filled with a restless energy, reflecting his inner turmoil.
Once you were settled, Jensen pulled a chair close to your bed and sat down, his eyes meeting yours. “How are you feeling?”, he asked softly, his voice tinged with concern.
“I’m okay”, you replied, though the exhaustion and emotional strain were evident in your voice. “Just…worried".
Jensen reached out and took your hand, squeezing it gently. “He’s a fighter”, he said, his voice filled with conviction. “He’s already shown us how strong he is. And the doctors and nurses here are incredible. They’re going to take great care of him”.
You nodded, trying to draw strength from his words. “I just wish we could hold him. It feels so hard to let him go back to the incubator”.
“I know”, Jensen said, his eyes reflecting the same longing. “I haven’t even had the chance to hold him yet. But we have to trust that this is what he needs right now. He’ll be in our arms soon enough”.
The minutes ticked by slowly, the room filled with a heavy silence as both of you processed the events of the day.
“I’m so proud of you”, Jensen said suddenly, his voice breaking the silence. “You’ve been so strong through all of this. I can’t imagine how hard it must be, but you’ve handled it with so much courage”.
Tears welled up in your eyes again, and you gave him a small, grateful smile.
Jensen leaned in and kissed your forehead tenderly. “Try to sleep, baby”, he whispered, his voice soothing and gentle. “He’s in good hands. We need to be strong for him”.
You nodded, knowing he was right, but the emotions swirling within you made it hard to relax. Jensen stayed by your side, his hand still holding yours, offering silent support. You closed your eyes, trying to let the exhaustion take over, but your mind kept drifting back to your son.
As you lay there, you felt Jensen’s presence next to you, a comforting anchor in the storm of emotions. His thumb gently traced circles on the back of your hand, a rhythmic and calming motion that gradually helped you drift closer to sleep.
The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of the hospital equipment and the occasional distant sound from the hallways.
Despite the worry gnawing at your heart, the physical and emotional toll of the day eventually pulled you into a restless sleep.
Jensen stayed awake for a while longer, his eyes fixed on you as you slept. He brushed a stray tear from your cheek, his heart aching with the weight of his own emotions. He wanted nothing more than to see you and your baby boy healthy and happy.
Eventually, Jensen drifted asleep with his head resting beside you on the bed, his hand still holding yours. The emotional and physical exhaustion of the day had finally caught up to him, and despite his best efforts to stay vigilant, he succumbed to the need for rest.
After about an hour, the nurse returned to check your vitals. She moved quietly and efficiently, her practiced hands ensuring you were stable. As she looked over at Jensen, she saw him sleeping uncomfortably, his body awkwardly slumped over the side of the bed.
With a gentle smile, the nurse approached Jensen and softly touched his shoulder. “Mr. Ackles”, she whispered, her voice gentle and kind. “You should rest on the couch. You’ll be more comfortable there”.
Jensen stirred, blinking sleepily as he looked up at the nurse, then at you. He nodded, realizing she was right. “Thank you”, he mumbled, his voice hoarse with fatigue. He gently released your hand, making sure not to disturb you, and stood up.
The nurse helped him get settled on the small couch in the corner of the room. She adjusted a blanket over him and made sure he had a pillow for support. “Try to get some rest”, she said softly. “Your wife and baby need you strong and well-rested too”.
Jensen nodded gratefully, the weight of the day’s emotions still evident in his tired eyes. Even though you weren’t married, hearing the nurse refer to you as his wife stirred something inside him. It was a thought he had pondered before, but in that moment, the significance of it resonated deeply. However, he was too exhausted to dwell on it for long.
Within seconds, Jensen fell asleep on the couch, the blanket providing a small measure of comfort as he finally allowed himself to rest.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Taglist: @blackcherrywhiskey @baby19sthings @suckitands33 @spnfamily-j2 @lyarr24 @deans-baby-momma @reignsboy19 @kawaii-arfid-memes @mekkencspony @lovziy @artemys-ackles @fitxgrld @libby99hb @lovelyvirtualperson @a-lil-pr1ncess @nancymcl @the-last-ry @spndeanwinchesterlvr @hobby27 @themarebarroww @kr804573 @impala67rollingthroughtown @deans-queen @deadlymistletoe @selfdestructionandrhum @utyblyn @winchesterwild78 @jackles010378 @chirazsstuff @foxyjwls007 @smoothdogsgirl @woooonau @whimsyfinny @anacarolinadasf @quietgirll75
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darlingdarkly · 8 months
New Year, New You Part 4
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x f!reader
Personal Trainer AU
4.9k words
CW: dubcon!, dark fic, dark content, obsessive behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, E rated, NSFW, smut, 18+, mature themes, Exhibitionism without any exhibition
Part: 1, 3, 5
It’s too late for things to change, you see that now. He’s taken it to the next level, one you couldn’t possibly have imagined. Time has passed and as it did the situation between you has progressed. You don’t make videos of your homework assignments anymore, Johnny oversees them. Your sessions, while they’re still structured and progressive towards your goals, the goals he’d set for you, they’re now spaced intermittently with chaste make out sessions.
You pushed your limits on your reps, doing fifteen of an exercise instead of ten? Make out session. You stretched just a bit further, legs nearly full split? His lips crash to yours in bruising haste. You ran a full twenty minutes with no rest? His tongue is in your mouth, exploring the depths of it, using the advantage of your jelly legs to push you how he wants you. You can see what he’s doing, you’re not blind.
He’s Pavlovian in his tactics, positive reinforcement, emphasis on the force, but it's working. You find yourself pushing your limits, just to feel the push of his lips. Driving yourself farther, faster, better so he’ll drive you up against the wall.
It’s debilitating, the intensity of his kisses. They have a certain dizzying quality that makes it hard to resist or think or even breathe really. What you haven’t done is fuck, and that’s not for a lack of trying. Johnny has, on multiple occasions, initiated but you kept finding ways out.
Several occasions he’s pushed a hand down your sweats, fingers rubbing against your clit in heated circles. Brazenly out in the middle of the gym he’ll pull you back against him, to the outward eye it appears he’s just correcting your form but in reality all he’s really doing is rubbing his hard cock against the back of your thighs, enticingly. It’s a promise, a tease to your ruination. He’s hungry, had one taste of seeing you fall apart and now he’s on a warpath to make it happen around his cock.
But you’re stalling, nothing, besides heated kisses and frenzied groping has happened since your FaceTime encounter and you can feel Johnny growing impatient. It’s been a week since you walked into Baliquinox for the first time and you think it’d be like any other session but when you come in Johnny has a small gift bag in his hand and waves you over excitedly.
You sit down at your usual table with him and he pushes the bag across the tabletop towards you, giddy with excitement like the gifts for him even though you’re the one opening it. You pull away the tissue paper to reveal a small box, you pull it out and immediately recognize it, ads have been popping up on your Spotify for months for the FitBit luxe. It’s gold and gorgeous but also pricey, you know because you looked at them before Christmas as a present for your mom.
The one he’d gifted you is literally the newest, most expensive model, with a regular pink wristband and interchangeable soft gold chain to dress it up. You stare at the watch as he begins to explain its features. He tells you it tracks your vitals, sleep patterns and exercises. It counts your steps, monitors your breathing and stress levels, it’s also waterproof and has a five day battery, on top of that you can get your call and text notifications through it, it’s GPS enabled to track your miles, pacing and the route you took on your walk or run, the damn thing can even track your menstrual cycles for you.
“Oh gosh, Johnny. I don’t know what to say.” He reaches across the small table and takes the box from your hands, opening it and pulling the watch out, the gold chain already attached. “Dinnae have tae, just put it on.” So you do, holding your wrist out while he attaches the high tech jewelry to your arm, You push the button on the side and the little screen lights up, your name flashes across the screen in a beautiful gold scroll before the sensors against your skin already begin picking up on your heartbeat and breathing rate.
Johnny must have programmed it before giving it to you. You thank him, a bit bashful at the expensive gift and let him kiss you when he comes around the table to grab the empty gift bag and box from you. It’s slow but passionate and he chuckles as he pulls away and your new watch beeps, indicating the upward tick in your bpm.
He ushers you away towards the women’s locker room to change and you can’t help but admire the new weight on your wrist, it’s certainly beautiful. You’re pretty sure you read that they are supposed to be paired with a phone, you’ll have to figure it out later. You quickly change and head into the gym, finding Johnny by the machines.
He pulls you over to the mats to start your warmups and stretches. You’ve made progress since you’ve started, your warmups you now have down to a tee and your stretches nearing a full split without whines or whimpers. When it’s time for your first exercise he guided you to the pull up bar, something you haven’t tried yet.
You stand to the side and watch as he demonstrates. Jumping up to catch the bar and pulling himself up until his chin is over the top of it. He drops and repeats, arms flexing as he effortlessly completes rep after rep. His shirt keeps riding up his body with each lift, exposing the flat, toned expanse of his stomach, there’s a dark trail of sparse hair leading down into his shorts, but you remember where it goes from there, growing thicker as it wraps around the base of his cock. You find yourself thinking about it, that night, you’ve been thinking about it a lot actually, every time you pull your vibrator out of the drawer you come to the thought of him watching you. Those baby blues roaming your body, hungry.
You’re pulled from your erotic daydreams by the beep of your watch and Johnny lets go of the bar, standing before you with a sly smirk. “See something ye like, bonnie?” Stupid watch. How were you ever going to get through today with it going off every five minutes and giving you away? He pulled you unnecessarily close to press a few buttons on the gadget and turned it on to activity mode so it’d stop doing that every time it spiked, but not before it sounded off once more with the effect he was having on your body at this proximity.
“Yer turn.” You walk in front of the pull up bar and spin around, facing him. His eyes hold yours as you jump and grab hold of the bar with both hands, dangling from it. He walks forward and his hands brush the exposed skin of your hips and it makes you shudder. “Good, now up.” You lift, the first half is easy but the last four or five inches to get your chin over the bar are the worst.
It doesn’t help he’s so close, never having backed up and you realize his mouth is level with your pussy at the moment. You come down from your first rep and are ready to let go but you know you can’t do just one. “Come on, lass. Again.” You do as he says, lifting your body weight with nothing more than the strength of your arms.
Those last few inches are a strain and you’re not sure you’ll make it, arms quivering as you pull your chin up over it again, your arms go numb and you bring yourself back down but you know you’ve got one more. He can see you’re struggling though and wraps his arms around the backs of your thighs.
“Last one hen.” You lift and you can feel his hands push up on the globes of your ass, gently assisting you. It helps but also doesn’t make it any easier as your whole body shakes with the effort of those last few inches. You’re stuck at mouth level, that last inch it takes to get your chin over the bar looks impossible but then you feel his mouth on the exposed skin of your stomach, kissing you right over your waistline, the soft curve of his lips caressing you ever so lightly and the jolt it gives you pushes you over the top and he allows you to drop, singing praises and pulling your limp body against his.
“So good fer me, bonnie. Ye did so good.” He lifts your chin from his chest and kisses you, his mouth swallowing yours and instead of just basking in it, letting him damn near consume you like usual you kiss back, matching his pace and pushing your tongue in his mouth for a change. He growls and it’s a rumble you can feel as well as hear, a rockslide in his chest. When you pull away his eyes are deadly serious and that little voice in the back of your head is screaming at you that it’s dangerous, like eyeing up a predator but something else in you is failing to care.
You’ve had about enough of this little game. The back and forth, the teasing touches, the soaked panties. You don’t avert your gaze and his head tilts just slightly, challenging. It’s visceral and exhilarating this line you can see drawn in the sand before you as you anticipate the crossing of it. You reach forward with bold, calmness and glide your hand along the imprint of his cock, teasingly fondling the length.
You had meant to just tease him back a little, give him a taste of his own medicine for once but the effects were more drastic than you’d anticipated and the reaction was immediate. It’s the first time you’ve ever shown him any kind of sexual initiative and it’s all it takes. Suddenly he’s dragging you through the gym with urgency. You think you know where he’s going until he makes a detour, hauling you down the hall and into one of the big glass rooms where classes took place that was currently empty.
You watched as he picked the tablet up from its place by the door. He made a few successive taps on the screen and you watched as the glass took on a dim sheer, graying over slightly. The expanse of the hallway was still visible to you but you knew, just as you had seen walking into the gym for the first time that if you were to walk outside you’d see nothing through the glass but opaque grayness.
You had just a moment to marvel at this before he was on you, your face pressed up against the cool surface, hands caught by his behind your back, ass pressed into the seat of his crotch, you could feel something hard there, poking you. He spoke just behind you, the heat of his breath puffing at the shell of your ear.
“Yer playing a dangerous game, hen.” It sends a shiver down your spine, the threat and its delivery, but it fails to unnerve you. You’ve made your bed and are more than ready to lie in it, there’s just one more thing holding you back.
“I want you to tell me something Johnny.” And you can tell he’s growing impatient by the intensity of his thrusts against your ass and thighs, rutting into you through your clothes.
“Ah’ll tell ye the last four of mah NINO if ye want. Anything, jus’ name it.” There’s a moment of anxious hesitation on your part, unsure of where things will go depending on his response, or even if you want to know what he’s going to say in the first place, but you didn’t come this far to chicken out now.
“Why did you pick me out? Why did you choose me?” And he must approve of the question because he chuckles darkly in your ear, moving your body back from the glass to begin stripping you as he answers.
“Ye wanna ken why I singled ye out, hmm? Why I chose ye?” He’s pulled your shirt off and he’s working at the hem of your sports bra, freeing your breasts to the cool air, your mind freezes, your first instinct is to cover yourself, there’s people walking up and down the hallway constantly. Strolling right by as you stand half naked with nothing but an inch of glass and a special electronic filter to shield you from sight.
It shouldn’t make you this wet, being stark naked in front of strangers, strangers who you know can’t see you but you can see them, commuting through the gym like normal while you’re bare and on sinful display behind the glass, but it does. He’s working at your sweats, pulling them down your legs, stooping down as he does to kiss your skin as it’s freshly exposed.
Between kisses he answers. “At first it was just attraction, when ye looked up into me eyes while ye were jogging. I felt something, this urge, I had to have ye. Then after yer exam ye dinnae run away or complain, jus’ did as I asked an’ took everything I gave ye like a good lass.”
He’s tugging at your panties now, stopping long enough to groan and bite into one of your ass cheeks, making you squeal and instinctively push forward into the glass. Your bare tits and thighs smush obscenely against the cool surface, nipples beginning to pebble from the cold as he moves forward to keep you pressed there. One hand coming around to secure itself around your throat like a collar, the other kneading at the flesh of your ass, pulling it apart and releasing it to enjoy the jiggle.
“I dinnae ken if ye’d even come in the next day, but there ye were, and I ken right then that ye were mine. Everything from there jus’ solidified it. The way ye answered all mah questions, even if ye tried to cover it up by complainin’ about bein’ spoke tae that way. When I broke into yer house and ye dinnae call the police, jus’ called me tae yell at me then came all nice and pretty for me while I watched.”
You were filled with mixed emotions. Shock, shame, growing horror, but most of all, overtaking the rest was arousal, pure lust. You sucked in a breath as his fingers dipped down, stark naked as you were, it’s all it took to feel the evidence of it as it coated your thighs. He pulls his fingers out, wet with your juices and licks them clean right behind your ear. “Even now I’ve got ye stripped naked and absolutely soaked, and ah’m still fully dressed.”
He’s right, there’s no way to hide or deny it. “Yer just as dirty an’ fucked up as I am, aren’t ye hen?” He slides a finger past your lips, breaching you and you can’t help the moan that spills out, eyes closing in self indulgence, the pleasure staining your self conscious inhibitions, muddling them. He gets closer, harsh and gruff in your ear, demanding an answer. “Aren’t ye?” You whine out a yes that sounds pathetic even to your own ears.
He pulls the digit out and the warmth of his chest disappears from your back, making your eyes blink open and needy whimpers escape your lips. “Dinnae whine, greedy thing.” He presses back up against you, the hard length of him slotted between your thighs, you feel him for just a moment, rubbing the tip up and down your soaked slit before he’s pushing in, full length buried deep in one brutish thrust.
It has your back arching, head falling back against his shoulder as your mouth drops open and a hearty low moan flies from your throat like an uncaged bird. He rubs soothing circles into your hips as he gives you time to adjust. When your head dips forward he begins, sawing in and out of you slowly at first, making you groan with each fully sheathed thrust.
“Johnny, please.” He leans forward and nips at the skin of your nape, assaulting your neck and ear with his lips and teeth as he picks up the pace, giving you what you asked for. It feels euphoric, the full stretch of his cock and it puts all the thoughts you’ve had of him, the erotic daydreams, the nights spent touching yourself to the thoughts of what it’d be like to shame.
He’s attentive and sensual, listening intently for which of his movements drive you wild. Your head dips forward and you close your eyes but he’s not having it, gripping you beneath the chin and forcing your head up, eyes opening as he growls in your ear from behind. “Look at them, hen. Can ye imagine what’d they think if they could see ye right now? See this body, beautiful and bare like I can.” His arm slips down and around the back of your thigh, grabbing purchase in the pit of your knee and lifting, your leg comes up, hiked up level to your hip and he holds it there while he fucks into you from behind. You’re pleasantly surprised at the ease in which you can maneuver this way, those stretches finally paying off, almost like it was planned from the start.
The new angle makes him able to slide devastatingly deep, your body jolting with each thrust, moans quickly filling the room, yours and his. You remember seeing the people dancing, their bodies in sync to the music you could feel in your feet but was inaudible to you from outside and was suddenly glad for it as he pulled all the way out before thrusting back in with the snap of his hips and you let out a startled and involuntary noise that was half moan, half scream.
“Sound so good like this, panting an’ moaning like a bitch in heat fer me. Squeezin’ me so tight, does it feel good lass? Better than yer fingers?” You’re beyond words at the moment so you just give him a frenzied nod, head leaning forward to rest on the glass as he lays waste to your cognitive ability. But then he stops moving and it all comes back, although the only thing you can articulate at the moment is whines of his name and pathetic pleas for him to keep going.
“Asked ye a question, lass.” Your mind reels and you start babbling, a series of yeses and broken sentences, anything to get him to start again. His hand snakes up and laces his fingers between yours, as the other keeps a firm grip on your knee, spreading you nice and wide for him.
He picks up a breakneck pace, hips stuttering into yours violently as you just try to hang in there, you can feel it, your orgasm building rapidly. He can feel it too, the way your pussy clenches down around him as you beg him not to stop. “Are ye close, bonnie? Gonna fall apart all over mah cock?” You don’t dare leave him waiting, chanting out affirmations like prayers falling from your lips, if he stopped now you may have a meltdown.
“Do it fer me, hen. Let me feel ye come fer me.” You’re thrown over the edge, whole body tense as he drives you through, quite possibly, the most violent orgasm of your life. Your legs shake in his hold, eyes squeezed shut and head thrown back over his shoulder as you all but collapse against him. He holds you up and doesn’t stop, pushing you through it and out the other side into overstimulation.
Your constant moans just spur him on, he can feel his own release building slowly. “What’s my rule on sets, hen?” Your fuzzy brain is having trouble grasping his question, or even the relevancy of it, until it dawns on you and he must feel you stiffen as the implication of it sets in. “Aye that’s right. Tell me.”
You answer in a quiet whisper but he lets it slide. “Sets of three, always.” He drops your leg and the combination of the blood rushing back in, tingling like static and the continued drag of his cock is mind numbing. “Aye, good girl. Sets of three. One down, two tae go.”
His hands come down to grip your hips, pulling you back into each thrust with force. You brace yourself against the glass, the side of your face and both palms of your hands pushed up against it as he ruts into you without mercy or ceremony.
You watch as a set of women pass by the room, their eyes seem to pass right over you without seeing and they stop momentarily in front of the glass for one to share something on their phone with the group, their eyes all widen and they mime a fit of giggles and continue on, unaware of your ruination inches away.
He grabs a fistful of your hair and lightly tugs, pulling your face back from the glass, at this new angle your nipples make brief contact with the glass on every inward push and it drives you ever closer to careening off the edge for a second time. “Johnny! I’m- ah! I’m fucking close! Fuck!” He keeps thrusting into you until you squeeze him for dear life a second time, only then does he pick up the pace, relishing in the way he can alter the pitch of your moans by the little variations in his thrusts.
You’re fucked out, lost to bliss and delirium as you come down from your second orgasm. You can’t possibly see how he could pull another from you until he leans forward, hand sliding down your body until his fingers find your clit and your body involuntarily jerks from the touch, but he just reaches out again and finds it, muscling you into place so you can’t buck away.
“You know the rules lass, one more.” You shake your head and sob. “I can’t Johnny! S’too much!” He’s enjoying the slurred nature of your speech, the pleading tone of your protests, he’s going to come soon, he can feel it. “Ye can and ye will. I’ll make ye. Be a good lass and take it.”
He rubs your clit in frenzied circles and it’s almost painful the sensation, your sensitive nerves too overworked to handle it so your hands come down to grab at his wrist, anything to stop the motions, else you’re apt to lose your mind.
He’s ready for that though, pulling one hand away from the apex of your thighs and securing it behind your back in an iron grip, the other he traps beneath his hand, making you rub circles into your own clit as he guides you.
It threatens to make your knees buckle underneath you as he holds you up and stretches you open simultaneously. He whispers filth into your ear as your eyes roll back and you teeter on the edge of sexually induced lunacy. “Did ye get more than ye bargained fer, hen? Poor thing. All fucked out an’ creamin’ all over mah cock? Yer gonna do it again, lass. One more fer me and I’ll let ye rest, aye? Be a good lass an’ come again.”
He pushes you over the edge for the third time and your whole body shakes, convulsing around him as you lose the battle against your pleasure and ultimately succumb to it. He feels his own orgasm closing in and holds it off for just a bit longer while you recover, keeping even steady strokes while your pussy squeezes around him through your aftershocks. When your eyes reopen and your breathing levels in one fluid motion he pulls out of you, spins you around and forces you to the floor.
You open your mouth to speak but he’s stuffing his cock down your throat before you can utter even a word. Your head backs into the glass and he uses your mouth like a pocket pussy, hands bracing on your head as he thrusts into your open throat a few erratic times, his balls sticky from your cum tapping against your chin as he reaches his peak. Loud guttural roars echo off the walls and ring in your ears as he comes down the back of your throat hard and fast.
He pulls out and a string of your saliva connects your puffy bottom lip to his tip for the briefest of moments before snapping. He’s staring down at you, chest heaving from the exertion of his climax with the slyest smirk on his face and a twinkle of satisfaction in his bright blue eyes.
He stoops down to your level, face to face when he speaks next, slightly hoarse. “Did ye swallow?” He asks as if you had much of a choice coming down the back of your throat like he did but before you can even answer he’s pulling down on your bottom jaw with his thumb. Your mouth falls open, tongue lolling out as he tilts your head from side to side and groans. A wave of panic surges through you as he leans in and kisses you passionately, tongue invading the space of your mouth as he tastes his cum off your lips. His hands cup your face as you begin to worry he’s gearing up for a second round.
He must feel you tensing under his touch because he pulls away and smooths your hair as he calms you. “Dinnae worry hen, just three fer today. We’ll stretch yer limits another time.” The promise of more makes you shudder and he helps you up off the floor to clean you up and help you redress, it’s hard because your limbs seem to refuse to cooperate as your mind commands them to, too shaky and loose to comply.
When you’ve dressed and regain your ability to walk he ushers you down the short hallway and into a seat in the smoothie alcove where he walks up to the counter, once more skipping the long line and orders you a smoothie, but not without mentioning you’ve just been through a very intense session and need it immediately, to your embarrassed dismay.
He walks back over to the table, drink in hand and sits across from you, smug as can be as you take it from him and drink. Moaning quietly as the cool drink slides down your sore throat. “Good?” He asks. And you non verbally nod to signify your content, still untrusting of your ability to articulate as of yet. “Good.”
You’re not sure where things will go from here, a secret part of you that speaks from deep in the back of your mind, where your true subconscious desires reside is scared that now that he’s had you he will be done with you. You push that thought back down into the murk of your subconscious, it doesn’t help and all of the context clues suggest it’s not true but that doesn’t stop it from bubbling to the surface.
It also doesn’t help when he tells you not to worry about your homework tonight. You sit, a bit dejected in your seat and try not to let disappointment seep into your tone. “Oh, ok.” And failing. He seems to pick up on it and leans forward and settles a hand overtop yours from across the table. It’s warm, and the touch of his skin is something you won’t admit that you really needed at that moment.
“Jus’ dinnae want ye sore, bonnie. Ye can still call me tonight if ye’d like.” You nod in agreement and after you’d finished your drink, you got up, grabbed your things from the locker room and left.
Johnny watched from his phone as you made the trip home, watching the blip on the map making various stops and turns until it reached your address. He got home and monitored it all through the night as you cooked, took your shower, caved and made your call to him and then hung up to go to bed.
He watched as your bpms slowly rose and spiked as you climaxed for the fourth time that day, reliving the day's events in vivid memory and wished it was his hands rubbing circles against your clit and playing with hard nipples until you saw stars. He continued to watch as your respiration levels evened out and the app indicated you’d started your sleep cycle.
In the morning he read your sleep logistics, learning you reached rem sleep, dreamt and even woke up twice in the night to pee. He picked it up in between reps during his workout and watched your stress levels while you were at work, the early morning rush had you on edge, you chilled as lunch time came around and then spiked again right after until it came close to quitting time and you relaxed as soon as you’d clocked off.
He sat in the smoothie alcove and watched your little blip get closer and closer until you were right outside. You turned into the building and he looked up to see you crossing the lobby towards the check-in desk, returning your pleasant smile and wave as he locked his phone and put it away so you could begin your next session.
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animehideout · 9 months
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A Deal ( Ryomen Sukuna X Reader )
Part 4
check part 1 / 2 / 3 / 5
Warnings: Mature content / smut / unprotected sex / mention of blood / NSFW / slight manga spoiler
Minors and those who are sensitive to such topics please DO NOT INTERACT!!🔞⚠️
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“Long time no see, Eiji”
His eyes widened in disbelief, frozen for a moment as if a ghost from his past had materialized before his eyes.
“y-you're alive?” he questioned.
“Yeah, here I am, I'm back ...for you”
“After all these years?”
“What? you're not happy to see your cousin again?”
“Why are you here? you don't belong here anymore”
“Yeah I know, just gotta some work to do” you smirked.
In a split of a second, blood pierced through his heart,
“Shouldn't have left your guard down around me Eiji or you thought that poor y/n can cause no harm?” you mocked
He looked at the hole in his chest, blood flooding, he didn't expect you to kill him as easily as that.
“y-you l-ittle -bit..” he dropped dead in the ground, the ground he used to rule for years.
“Finally Megumi will be liberated,” you said to yourself carrying your cousin's body bringing it to Sukuna.
• Time skip •
“Here” you announced your presence, dropping Eiji's body in front of Sukuna.
“And who might this guy be?” he asked eyeing both of you as he sat on the edge of the bed, manspreading.
“My cousin”
“C-cousin? you killed your cousin?” he said in a surprised tone.
“He's one of the strongest sorcerer in our clan; blood manipulation, I was able to kill him cause I took him by surprise”
“You're really becoming more like me y/n ruthless..I love that” he chuckled proudly.
“___ now spare Megumi, from all of this” you said firmly as his freedom is your main purpose.
“Why the rush?” He stood up, his hand pulling you by the waist, “don't wanna get rewarded for your service?” he smirked as his big hands started going up and down your skin.
“I - I don't wanna do that sukuna” you muttered, but deep down you felt knots forming in your stomach, you started to breathe a little quicker, your pussy throbbing. You tried to deny it but you couldn't help feeling desperate, empty and needing something big to fill you up, to fuck you rough.. Sukuna's voice alone was able to move things in you.
You swallowed hard, as your cheeks flushed in a faint pink color, exposing you.
“You sure you don't want that little human?” he said, in a second he effortlessly flipped you and you found yourself laying on your back on his silky bed, you gasped in surprise.
“w-what are you doing?”
“checking if you want that reward or not”
“no I -I d-don't” you muttered
“Quiet” he said ripping off your skirt, leaving in your underwear.
“ My oh my ...Look at that spot, and you say you don't want to.. look how wet you are for me, trynna hide this from me? just admit it that I turn you on just by the thought of me fucking you” he grinned devilishly his hands holding you down in position, as he forced your legs to spread open, eyes glued on your clothed pussy..
You bit your lower lip, being exposed infront of his eyes, you can't help the growing sensation between your thighs, driving you insane by the minute and you seriously needed to shove something inside you and rock it back and forth.. But you fought it back, not willing to give in to Sukuna, not willing to give in to sin..
So you started moving, trying to break free..
“Uh uh no, nowhere to go”
“Let's postpone it we can do it next time when you regain your own body” you tried to convince him to spare you.
“Why is Megumi's body not handsome enough for you? I wanna do you one last time in this body and don't worry about it when I regain my own, I'll make you orgasm on repeat”
You gulped, knowing that he won't let go.. knowing that he's doing this on purpose for Megumi to watch, knowing that he wants to drive you to the edge till you break in front of him and beg for him for be inside you.
“So I'll give you options...how do you wanna cum tonight?” he started removing your underwear, revealing your drenched pussy.. “With my mouth?” he added as his long tongue licked the juices off of you, making you squirm “or with this big dick?” he said giving his already hard dick a rub ..
You kept silent, your eyes gazing at his length imagining him filling your inside thrusting inside you till you can't take it no more.. you were too aroused to think straight, all what thought about was getting fucked rough till you feel satisfied.
“come on doll, tell me properly” he smirked, reading you like an open book..
But your mouth was shut, you didn't dare to admit it, or to give him the satisfaction of you wanting him so bad, even though it was obvious like the day light.
“Fine then, if you're not gonna say it then imma make you cum with this”
Without warning he entered you, the feeling of you warm wall clenching around him made him groan “are you purposefully clenching around me like that?”
You only hummed, waiting for him to start moving, desperate for the friction.
His hips started rolling, thrusting into you surprisingly slow at first, the wet sound filling the room. Your hands gripped the bed sheets afraid to grip his hair, but he noticed your actions and muttered through heavy breaths, “You can touch me tonight, I'll allow it since you succeed in your task”
Hesitantly, your fingers found their way in his hair, tugging on it
“FUCK” a low groan come from the back of his throat, your touch made him pound you harder, hitting the same spot making your whole body shake under him..
It was almost out of question to hold back your moans anymore.
He knew how to do you the way you wanted and more. It's like your body was a ship and he was the sailor.
“let it out.. don't hold it back..scream it”
Your stomach tightened with pleasure, moaning his name at the top of your lungs, gasping for breath as he slipped in and out of you faster and harder..
“S-sukuna... I'm gonna cum..please”
he smirked at your vulnerable state, satisfied that he eventually made you submit for him without the urge to fight him back, you just give in.
Your back arched, wrapping your legs around his torso pulling him more inside you.. He continued to fuck you into your and his orgasm.
He grabbed your hips, his fingernails digging into your skin as finally both of you came, he watches as his cum filled you mixing with yours..
He pulled out, and unexpectedly kissed your cheek softly.. his gesture taking you by surprise..
He crawled out of bed, bringing the last finger he had, reserved for this very moment, he approached Eiji's dead body on the ground forcing that finger down his throat making him swallow it...
You quickly covered yourself, anticipating..
You watched as the tattoos started to disappear from Megumi's body and face, giving him his soft look again..
Silence fell in the room,
“M-megumi?” you started.
But he kept on looking down, you slowly approached him gently touching his shoulder but he flinched back..
He was unable to look you in the eyes after what Sukuna did to you with his own body.
“Im s-sorry” he muttered “Im so so sorry” he broke down, his fists clenching as he started crying. It was the very first time you see him breaking down into tears like that, “I couldn't stop him” he started blaming himself.
“it's okay Megumi it's not your fault” you tried to reassure him swallowing back the awkwardness and how tense the situation was, he covered himself up as well, his hands shaking.
“you're free now Megumi...go ..leave!!” you said trying to make him leave this place before Sukuna could wake up again.
“Not without you y/n”
“Nah without her actually” spoke Sukuna, bringing Eiji body back to life, his real form taking over burying Eiji's soul and body down into the darkness of nothing.
Both of you looked in shock at him, his real form was huge, intimidating and you thought he couldn't get more scary but he proved you wrong. One look from him sent shivers down your spine.
“She's mine now” he added smirking.
Taglist 🫶🏻:
@wifenanami @certainduckpalaceland @bellagum @bontensbabygirl
@darlax @aquatufana
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