#i wanna Have pants and a jacket just in case
orcelito · 1 year
I have... my boarding pass....
And I still have to do the tips distribution tomorrow morning 😫😫😫😫😫
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simonsrileyhusband · 17 days
requested on dm, nsfw:
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you fidget with the case of your phone as you wait for simon to arrive, you politely nod and smile to your coworker who wouldnt leave you alone, his mouth never shutting and his unwanted flirting still going, even when you have told him multiple times that you have a boyfriend. (one that could break every bone of his body if he wanted to)
"so, where is that boyfriend of yours?"
"on his way..."
"maybe he left you sweetheart, i could take you home if you like~"
you take a step to the side, trying to be as far from him as you could. a smile forming into your face when you hear the loud engine of simons bike parking infront of you.
"sorry lovie, traffic got bad."
you dont say anything, just rush into his arms that wrap around you immediately, he is scanning the situation, his eyes landing on that guy you keep bickering about, his blood boils and he sees him stare at you, if he could he would punch him in the face until he can't smile amymore... but he likes visiting you at work, so he has to think of something else.
"lets go home~"
simon helps you put on your helmet and makes sure your arms are wrapped properly around his torso.
the ride home is nice and quiet, and once you arrive he holds your hand all the way to the apartment. once he closes the door he will take off your jacket, put down your backpack, make you lay on the bed, take off your shoes. his body on top of yours, leaving sweet kisses on your face as his hands rub your waist.
"why so lovey-dovey simon?"
"wanna make you feel good... let me, please"
you nod and kiss his cheek, his bulky hands unbuttoning your shirt, taking it off gently.
"you are mine, you know that, right?"
"yes simon, is everything all right?"
he growls into your neck, kissin and bitting on it.
"mine, mine, mine..." he will whisper as he leaves red marks all over your neck and chest, his hands cupping and gripping all over your body.
"ill make sure he doesnt bother my baby anymore" down went your pants and underweare, simon made sure to make you feel good... really good, he didn't stopped until you were a mess under him.
the next day, when he dropped you off at work, he took off his helmet, grabbed you by the waist and kissed you infront of your (shitty) coworker, your pretty cheeks red, and a little hickey picking over your button up, a proud smirk grows on simons face when you wave at him as you enter the building.
his loving stare and smile drop to a killer gaze, staring at that excuse of a man until he runs into the building.
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ceilidho · 2 months
He’s late for his own trial.
You’ve been standing outside the courthouse for what feels like twenty minutes now, tapping your heel on the ground and checking your watch for the umpteenth time. The two of you are already supposed to be inside the courtroom getting set up and going over the details of his case, but instead of grabbing a coffee at the shop across the street and combing over the case notes, you’ll be pressed to even get a couple hissed whispers out between you two before the judge steps up to the bench. 
You think about calling your client again, but that thought quickly evaporates when the sound of muffled heavy metal rumbles out of the gunmetal sedan that just pulled into the parking lot at around thirty miles an hour. You take a deep breath when he parks, already trying to talk yourself out of the bad mood you’re in.
In the back of your mind, you’re about eighty percent sure that there’s no way you’re leaving today without a guilty conviction. When Johnny steps out of the car, the cheap sunglasses obscuring his eyes do nothing to distract from the way he’s obviously hungover. He’s buttoning up his suit jacket from the middle button as he walks up the stone steps towards you, sliding his sunglasses into the breast pocket. 
“Don’t you look sharp,” you remark dryly when he’s close enough to lock eyes with you. You have to force down a shudder that threatens to ripple down your spine at the cocky grin that spreads over his face. 
You’re obviously being facetious. Johnny’s suit is two sizes too small for him—it looks like the last time he wore it was to his high school graduation and he’s grown at least a foot since then—and his shirt and pants are rumpled like he wore them to bed the night before. The scruff sprouting from his cheeks and chin also supports that notion; he’s still rubbing the sleep out of his eye when he walks up to you.
“‘N’ ye look—I wanna say exquisite, but we should probably keep it professional, huh?” 
He winks down at you and the twinkle in his eye infuriates you as much as it ingratiates you. You didn’t spend nearly ten years working your way through undergrad, law school, and years as a public defender to start preening at the attention of the first cute guy you’ve had to represent in your career. 
“I think we passed ‘professional’ after the seventh pass you made at me.”
“‘N’ it won’t be the last. Anyway, stop wasting time—let’s get this show on the road,” he says, side-stepping around you towards the court doors. “I’m not going to jail because someone wanted to flirt with me before my trial.” 
Your jaw drops. He acts like he isn't in this situation because he was accused of holding up a gas station six months ago. You think he’s about to brush past you until you feel a hand plant itself on the middle of your back and push you forward, making you almost stumble into the courthouse. 
“Anyway, we can pick up this conversation in the bog during the break if yer that hot for it,” he murmurs into your ear before you’re separated and searched upon entering the courthouse. Your cheeks do not—absolutely do not—heat up at his tone of voice. 
You’re right in that the two of you barely have any time to prepare. The prosecution is already set up at their table and even the court reporter and judge’s clerk are already present. You squirm at a side-eye from the other counsel, hurrying Johnny over to your table and spending the next ten minutes with your lips practically pressed against his ear.
All throughout the trial, he leans back in his chair and looks like the picture of a petulant child who’s been dragged along by his parent. If you could sink your head into your palms without immediately losing face in front of the judge, you would; all he had to do—and you’d reminded him this for weeks before the trial—was sit straight and not roll his eyes when the prosecution brought up their witnesses. He can’t even manage that.
Somehow though, miraculously almost—and in your defense, even Johnny looks shocked when the verdict is rendered—he’s not found guilty. You’re still a little shell shocked walking out of the courthouse, the sunlight making you squint and then a cup a hand around your eyes. 
He fits a big hand around your waist when you’re about to part ways with him, pulling you back into his chest. Your head whips up to stare at him, ignoring the clench in your belly when his fingers curl into your flesh and that same smug grin quirks up on his lips.
“Why don’t we go grab a drink to celebrate our win, hen?” he suggests. 
“I don’t grab drinks with clients,” you snap, trying to put some distance between you and him. 
Johnny leans down a bit more, always towering over you, until his face is so close that you almost go cross-eyed. “We dinnae have to go out then. We can just go back to my car. Ah can show you how much ah pure appreciate a’ ye did fer me.”
“I don’t need your thanks, I get paid for this—”
“Baby,” he murmurs, stressing the word out, and the moment suddenly feels cramped and intimate, despite the fact that you’re standing in the middle of a crowded parking lot. “Just let me eat ye out in th' backseat.”
You’re stunned for all of ten seconds before you try to glance inconspicuously around the parking lot. It doesn’t look like anyone’s paying attention. Johnny notices it at the same time as you and his smile goes devilish, teeth showing behind his lips. 
“Aye, ah ken that look. Come on—I ken a spot down th’ road where we can park.”
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
Can you write something summer-y for Hotch? Maybe he comes home early from a case and finds Reader and Jack having fun in the pool? Or anything that gives that summer feeling lol
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One of the best things about living with Aaron and Jack, aside from getting to live with your favorite people in the world, is the pool.
You didn’t understand why it was such a deal breaker for him since he and Jack barely used the one at his old apartment, until summer rolled around and with it, the heat.
DC’s heatwave would have killed you without a pool.
Jack had jumped in right after soccer day camp and after an hour of cooling off, he finally agreed on coming inside for dinner. The routine is a little more relaxed when Aaron’s away, even more so when it’s summer vacation.
That reason alone is probably why he easily convinced you to get back in the pool after dinner and TV, just before bedtime.
But it’s Friday and wearing him out means he’ll sleep to mid morning Saturday and hopefully it serves as a distraction from him missing his dad. Night time is usually when he misses his dad the most do you do what’s possible to ensure he’s asleep as son as his head his the pillow.
Aaron has echoed the same feeling when you talk to him on the phone, and he definitely has it worse, halfway across the country in Dallas where the weather is switching between thunderstorms and extreme humidity.
“You wanna play Marco Polo?” You ask Jack, distracting yourself from looking at the barbecue and remembering Aaron grilling just before he left.
He splashes some water your way before answering. “Okay, you go first. I’ve been practicing holding my breath though so you’ll lose.”
His identical competitive spirit to Aaron’s doesn’t go unnoticed by you and you grin as you splash some water back.
You cup your hand over your eyes, listening to him splash away from you. “Marco!” You call.
“Polo.” The reply came from a voice far too deep to being to an eight year old and you pull your hands off your eyes to see Aaron standing by the pool’s edge.
“Daddy!” Jack exclaims, jumping out of the pool and running over to hug Aaron. He’s soaking wet, dripping with chlorinated water, but Aaron don’t hesitate to hug him. He shed his jacket and tie, but you’re not sure how he’s coping with how hot it is in a long sleeve shirt and dress pants.
“Hey, bud.” Aaron greets him. “What are you doing up at…” He pauses to check the time on his watch, eyes darting to you still in the pool. “…8:42.”
You give Aaron your best puppy dog eyes, although you know he’s not mad. “Swimming, duh.” Jack replies, sassy as always.
You bite back a chuckle as Aaron does the same thing. “Yeah, I gathered that.” He says.
“Come in.” Jack insists. “You have to.”
“It’s late and you should probably be in bed already.” Aaron says, taking the firm line like you expected he would.
It’s okay though because you have a plan. “Can you give me a hand up?” You ask, swimming to the edge and holding your hand out.
Aaron frowns slightly, but he’s too excited to see you to ask why you won’t use the stairs. “Sure.” He reaches out to grab your hand but you pull hard, overpowering him easily since he doesn’t expect it.
You quickly swim out of the way, and he lands in the pool behind you, yelping- hilariously- when he hits the water.
Jack’s laughing with you, thoroughly amused by your mischief and enjoying seeing his professionally dressed dad in the pool.
When Aaron surfaces, he’s failing too glare at you. He’d fully commit to the bit of being annoyed if he wasn’t smiling so widely.
“You’re naughty.” Aaron says, waggling his finger at you.
You swim closer to him, brushing some hair off his forehead. “Welcome home.”
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calico-cheriies · 2 months
Hideaway |Soshiro Hoshina x Reader Fanfic|
{Chapter Six}
{Hideaway Masterlist}
♥︎Taglist: @swivi
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Things were nice.
Hoshina was kind enough- or rather eager to invite you into his room. It was neat, which was what you were expecting from the uptight vice captain. He did have some occasional scatter of papers that you took note of. "Huh, I didn't take you as the kind to be messy, Hoshina," you walked over to the little desk with some files. You were respectful not to peek into them but you did pick them up to align them.
"Pft, that's why ya need to get to know me better," he had closed the door behind him, you didn't face him since you were now making your way to his bed. "Hm? I guess so," a soft laugh coming from you, you slipped off the lab coat and you gently begun to fold it before setting it to the side.
You watched him carefully, his eyes slightly opened as he removed his suits jacket. You felt somewhat awkward watching him, it was obvious that you were admiring him but the scene from earlier kept replaying. You knew it had to be addressed sooner or later, but soon found yourself leaning back onto his bed.
Some shuffles were heard coming from him, you didn't bother to see what he was doing until it went quiet. You blinked before slightly prompting yourself up with your elbows, your head lazily tilted to the side to see him standing in front of you. His hands in the pockets of his pants and he flashed you that signature smirk.
"Ya make yer self comfortable?" He teased you, but he then went back to digging through his dresser to find something to sleep in. You watched him, your eyes focusing on his hands.
You had heard of Hoshina being an unusual case. He had told you before, and you've heard from others that he came from a clan of swordsmen. He used a sword to fight off kaiju, albeit it was easier when they were human size.
You heard his laughter as he cupped your face with his hands, it seemed like he finally caught onto your daydream. Hoshina's thumb was gently grazing your bottom lip, his own face leaning in close to yours. "Distracted?" The question made you snap out of your thoughts and you gently pushed his face back.
"Easy, tiger," you gently pried his hands off. "We're going to take things slow." You firmly stated, but you scooted and patted the spot next to you, motioning him to sit down next to you. He did so without any complaints, he didn't seem too offended by your actions, but it did seem like something was bothering him.
It was small things that indicated that to you, like the little twitch of his eyes and the way his brows creased a bit. You shrunk a little at the thought of him being upset with you, but all that went away as his hand was placed over yours. It was quiet between you two, it seemed like neither of you knew how to start or rather begin such a conversation.
Hoshina was surprised it was you taking the lead on this conversation. "So..." you trailed off, your head turning to look at him. "I guess... I don't know where to start. But... I have these like... feelings?" You scrunched up your face in cringe. Were you seriously confessing right now?
You should be embarrassed and you should be rejecting any ideas of a relationship- especially at work. You need to tell him off- tell him how it's inappropriate-
But instead, the intense desire to let your feelings out was dominating.
"I like you, Hoshina. But we need to be careful. We can't let this distract us from work. Plus- what if like..." you paused, not knowing how to word this next thing. "You know... you're sweet and all but... I don't wanna be just like this one time thing-" you had poured out your worries.
Hoshina sat and listened quietly, you fully expected him to be turned off about the whole thing but instead, surprised when you focused your eyes on his expression.
A smile.
"Hey," he directed your attention to him once more, and he found himself admiring the way your cheeks subtly turned a light pink. His grip on your hand slightly tightened, "I wanna be serious with ya, I mean- I'm sorry for actin' out on my feelings but, yer too adorable," he mumbled out, his accent slightly coming out.
"So... we both want this," you sighed out slightly relief, but that stop you from feeling anxious on what would happen when Hayami would do if she found out.
Why were you worried about her anyway?
You still wanted to know what he thought about it. "So, let's say that there's others that want to peruse you," you brought up the scenario, "Don't you prefer to... wait?" You winced a bit at the end, you hated to be seen as insecure but it was a genuine question.
"Eh? What?" He was flabbergasted, he should be the one asking you that! "What are yer talking about? Yer the one who's way out of my league," he was almost seemingly wanting to bow to you, it was almost like as if his pupils were shaping into hearts just looking at you. "Hoshina-" you started off but he found himself moving just to lay his head down on your lap.
"Soshiro... my first name is Soshiro," he mumbled, his face seemingly digging into your thighs. It was an extremely bold of him to do so, he even theorized that you would get too flustered and push him off. But instead you brought your hand up to push some of his hairs away from his face, preventing his view from being obstruct.
"Hm? So we're on a first name basis huh?" Your index finger tracing the curvature of his jaw, something about how his lips slightly parting as a shaky breath escaped. "Well... I thought I ought to let you know... it- it just feels good hearing it from you," that definitely made your heart skip a beat.
"Let's keep this on the low... at least until a little bit of time passes," you had both agreed on that statement, but that didn't really stop him since he had spoke about you to Captain Ashiro- hell even Okonogi seemed to know you from him. He would just have to be less vocal about it so the nosy officers don't catch wind of this.
Your eyes were fixated on him, but he wasn't looking at you. It seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts, he wasn't the Vice Captain right now- he was just Soshiro Hoshina, a man smitten with you.
That's how it was for a little bit, he just laid down on your lap while you ran your fingers through his hair. He didn't seem to mind that his usual neat hair was messy now, in fact he enjoyed it. It was comforting that him, how long was it since he could lay down and just relax?
The answer was never. At least- he's never relaxed in the embrace of someone he would hopefully consider a lover.
His arms slowly coming up to wrap themselves around your legs, preventing you from leaving. "Hm? What're you doing?" You mumbled out, your own eyes almost closing on you. You leaned against his head board, albeit a little uncomfortable it didn't matter since your attention was on him.
"Resting," was all he answered with, but he then pushed himself off to reach over to his dresser, pulling out a shirt before throwing it to you. "Here- put this on. I ain't letting you walk back down this late," he sat up, his hands brushing through his own hair so he wouldn't look silly in front you. You on the other hand- shot him a disbelief look.
"Huh? You want me to stay here?" You looked down at the oversized shirt, fingers running over the material. "Mhm, hurry up and change so we can sleep," he was laying down beside you. His fingers flicking at your knee to get you to move, you rolled your eyes at his childish antics, but you still got up to go to his bathroom and change.
His tone was more commanding, and it still pushed you to move. You didn't mind it, but you imagined how scary it was for the officers when he was more serious.
You were slowly discarding the clothes you had on, holding up the shirt to make sure it would fit. You slowly slipped it on over yourself, looking at yourself briefly in the mirror before grabbing your work clothes and folding them. You inhaled deeply before opening the bathroom door to be greeted by the sight of Hoshina laying down, he seemed to be waiting for you since his eyes opened up a bit once he heard you.
"Finally," he mumbled, his hand raising up to motion you to lay down with him. "C'mere, sweetheart,"
Oh wow- the slight raspiness and the deep voice was definitely music to your ears.
You obeyed none the less, turning the light off before you navigated through the darkness to feel for him. You felt his hands grip onto your wrists and pull you down on top of him, earning a squeal from you. "Soshiro!" You grunted out before squirming around to get comfortable beside him, his laughter was comforting and relieved the small embarrassment you felt.
You both mumbled words to each other, slurred sentences from the overwhelming exhaustion. But something about the moment made your heart flutter in warmth, the vulnerability he displayed was affectionate.
You fell asleep to that.
When you woke up, you were facing the door. You were hoping to feel an arm wrapped around you but you turned to the other side to see no one. Now that was alarming- you sat up and panicked. You quickly rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and you were about to rush out of the bed until you saw him emerge from the bathroom.
"Sorry- I didn't wanna wake ya up," he was already dressed in his uniform, his hair neatly brushed into his usual bowl cut style. "Soshiro," you greeted, now you relaxed at the sight of him. "It's okay- I just got scared for a minute." You glanced over to look at the clock, it was still relatively early but it was best for you to dress yourself and start heading down to work.
You threw the covers off before grabbing the sheets and covers to make his bed up. It was endearing that you cared for his space like such, "Mhm, it feels nice to know ya missed me," he threw a playful response at you, but he went to help bring the sheets from the other side. He shooed you away so you could fed ready while he organized any mess that was left over.
You eagerly went to look at yourself in the mirror, rummaging through his cabinet in search of a brush before taming the knots in your hair. You splashed a little bit of cold water in your face. You threw on your clothes from the previous night, and you wrapped the lab coat around you, folding down the collar. You seemed contempt with your appearance, leaving the bathroom to see Soshiro's back turned to you.
"Any plans for today?" You walked up behind him, your hands wrapping around his shoulders to see what he was looking it. It was the same papers that you organized yesterday, "Nothin' much, just taking the kiddos to train and increase their strength," he seemed to be looking at Kafka's profile, you patted his back to soothe him. "Well, just take it easy. And be safe," you weren't sure why you were compelled to say that, he was just training them, but you had some uneasy feeling either way.
Soshiro also caught onto that, the papers falling onto the table as he cupped their face and pressed his lips to yours. It caught you off guard initially, but you quickly got over the shock and you messily reciprocated the kiss. "A Warning would be nice," you murmured, but seemed to have flown past Soshiro as he littered your face with quick pecks, "I just can't help myself- is that so bad, sweetheart?" He was saying that in between his pecks until he leaned back.
"I'll be safe, that applies to ya too," his finger booping your nose before you swatted it away. "I will," you rolled your eyes, but he could tell you weren't being serious. "Alright, I'm gonna go now. I'll see you later, Soshiro," you seemed to have gotten shy, hopefully things would still be smooth later on. You waved to him before you opened the door and closed it behind you, of course you didn't miss the way he sent you that toothy smile.
It had you giddy for the rest of the day, it was mostly empty since the officers were out training in the field all day. You were working in your office all day, being in between writing reports and examining old bodies again to double check and confirm different results. You were back in the little morgue while sliding out a corpse to examine the wounds, everything seemed to check out so far.
You slid the body back into its spot before you sighed, you had bee at it for hours and dinner would be rolling around soon. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of the cold steel, of course you had some sweat stuck to your forehead and the hairnet made your hair look disheveled.
A shower before dinner seemed good, especially with Soshiro telling you about his day or showering you with compliments again. It didn't matter as long as he was with you-
You had naturally walked to the door and tried to open it, but to no avail. You blinked and tried to slide the door open again, but it wouldn't budge.
What the hell?
You placed both hands on the crevice and pulled, leaning your body back as far as you could but it wouldn't open. Now you were panicking, you were stuck in the morgue- just you! In the cold room with dim lights and dead corpses- how was that not scary??
You kept tugging, almost falling back multiple times before you gave up. You fumbled through your pockets to try and find your phone but the service was slow, plus your fingers were cold so you couldn't properly type anything fast enough.
Your breathing picked up- what could you do? You searched around for some kind of button for an emergency but none that you could find. You pressed your back against the door and slid down, your head in your hands as you thought about your next move, but the silence and the coldness made your eyes water.
You don't know how long you were there for, but it seemed like a few hours before you felt your body being pushed forward, a gust of warm air wafting past you as you turned your head back to see who it was...
{Chapter Seven}
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kiingofeverything · 1 month
GUESS - tangerine x f!reader
inspired by guess by charli xcx featuring billie eilish.
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this is my first little story thing idk what their called. hope you enjoy!
lower case intended!!
you sat in your seat across from the white death’s son and lemon as the bullet train sped down the tracks. next to you, was tangerine. if you looked ahead of you, you’d see a brunette man with shoulder length hair and pink momomon glasses on his face, so you looked to your left, out the window. it wasn’t really a nice sight when you knew his eyes were bleeding.
you were currently on a mission in japan. all you had to do was get the white death’s son home safely, but that had already gone out the window. he’s dead, oops.
“i have to pee,” you blurt out, turning your head in the opposite direction to look at tangerine. he looked as you with a blank face.
“what the fuck do you want me to do about that?” he shrugged, confused as to why you said what you said.
“get up,” you demand, he doesn’t budge though.
“no,” tangerine simply says, shaking his head and shrugging once more.
you sigh, deciding to just slide past him. he had the aisle seat. you stepped to the side, his face directly in line with your ass and you made your way passed him. he couldn’t help but look, he knew you wouldn’t mind though.
you were wearing tight black pants that sat comfortably on your hips and a tight black top matched. peaking out through the top of your pants, were the lace of your underwear. he wanted to reach out and touch it, but he couldn’t.
you purposefully step on his foot, making him yelp a little bit. he watched as you reached over him and grabbed your jacket, putting it on before walking towards the bathroom.
“you alright, mate?” lemon asks, noticing the discomfort on his brothers face.
“yeah,” tangerine simply answered. all he was thinking about was your underwear and he couldn’t help but wonder if you did it on purpose.
you use the bathroom, taking your sweet time. you redo you hair, tucking some of the loose hairs back into your slick ponytail. once you finish touching your your appearance, you open up the bathroom door.
on the other side, you see tangerine leaning against the wall. his arms were crossed and he was looking to his right into the other carriage. the sound of the door opening caught his attention and he turned his head to look at you.
“thanks for stepping on my foot,” he said sarcastically.
“you’re very welcome,” you curtsy. “need to use the bathroom?” you ask, stepping out into the corridor.
“not exactly,” tangerine speaks, uncrossing his arms and pushing himself off the wall.
“waiting for me?” you ask again, taking a step closer. “or did you just get sick of listening to lemon talk about who his diesel will be?”
“correct,” he says. “gonna hang out in ‘ere a bit, maybe he’ll find something else to do.” you nod, standing in front of him as you both endure the comfortable silence.
“you wanna play a game while you wait?” you ask. he raises an eyebrow slightly, intrigued.
“depends on what it is,” he says.
“a guessing game,” you state.
“what am i guessing?” tangerine asks. you think for a moment, your eyes wandering around the small room, acting as if you were thinking.
“the colour of my underwear,” you say, a smirk on your face as you maintain eye contact with him.
all you wanted to do was tease him, he did it to you all the time and you wanted your revenge and now was the perfect time.
“oh, i already know the answer to that, love,” tangerine stated confidently, his voice low and raspy. “it’s the lacy black pair i picked out for you yesterday in tokyo.”
you don’t answer him, you just smile.
“you gonna tell me if i’m right?” he asks, stepping in closer to you.
“i guess you’ll have to come and find out,” you shrug, batting your eyelashes at him. he doesn’t hesitate to put his big hands on the waistband of your black pants that he’d been wanting to take off all night.
tangerine didn’t care that you two were in plain sight and anybody could see you, and neither did you, to be fair.
his two fingers slip inside the waistband, inching further down your waist until he reached your hips. he hooked his fingers through the hem of your underwear pulling the side of them up.
he tore his eyes away from yours, looking down at the material that was hooked on his fingers.
it was in fact, the lacy black pair with the little bows. the ones he picked out for you in tokyo, after you landed yesterday.
“would you look at that?” he rasps, a smirk in his lips. “i am right.” he pulls the material up further before letting go, the material snapping onto your soft skin. it leaves a stinging sensation but he soothes it by circling his fingers on the skin.
you leaned into him closer, your chest pressing into the stop of his stomach as his hand reached further up your back.
he pulls your jacket off your shoulder and tugs at your black top and moves it to the side. the strap of your bra was now on display and his fingers were hooked under it.
they travelled down your collarbone to the top of your breast where pauses. his eye flicker down to your chest as he lifts up the strap, your breast lifting with it too which reveals the top of your bra.
“matching,” his low, enticing voice speaks. once again, the snaps the bra strap onto your skin. this time, he soothes the pain by placing a soft kiss onto you skin while his hand rested at the back of your neck.
you lean your head back a little, closing your eyes as you indulge in the feeling. he was teasing you now, you knew it too. you would let him do anything he wanted to you at anytime if he asked.
suddenly, the sound of a phone rang out filling the small space of the carriage. he removes his lips, and stands up straight.
“saved by the bell,” tangerine smirks, reaching into his pocket to grab his phone. “i’d like to see that pair on you sometime, sweetheart.” he states before sliding out from in front of you and putting the phone to his ear before walking back to the table where lemon was.
your heart was racing. you couldn’t help but rolls your eyes before turning on your heel and walking back to the booth where you act like nothing happened and you weren’t extremely horny for the man sitting next to you.
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sentientgolfball · 1 month
I humbly request the I’ve been getting ready for forever bc I wanna look good for you prompt with Swiss and Phantom 🖤🖤
I love me some good Swisstom ough
Swiss sighs, checking the time on his watch again. He’s been waiting in the lobby of the hotel for what feels like ages. To his credit though, Phantom is almost fifteen minutes late. They had a day off before having to pile back onto the buses and to their next venue in the middle of some Midwestern state. Swiss wanted to do something nice with his little bug while they had the time. He knows how rough the first tour can be and he can see the fatigue starting to claw at them. They’ve got lines under their eyes that won’t disappear. They spend just as much time in the shower as a dehydrated water ghoul, using hotel hot water until Swiss knocks on the door for his turn. He notices every time they hiss in pain the day after a show, muscles obviously sore from the over the top performance they give every night. 
He figured exploring the cute little downtown area of where they’re at would be fun, the shops they passed on the way in the day before looked promising. He suggested they go out when they got back from the show, sleepy words exchanged while cuddled under the covers. Phantom had seemed excited, albeit exhausted. Though now Swiss worries they may have just been saving face. He checks his watch again. 
He tries to distract himself by idly scrolling on his phone, but he’s not paying attention. Every time the elevator dings his focus shifts, hoping this time he’ll see the glamoured face of Phantom. He taps in and out of their message thread a few times, debating whether or not he should text them. If they went back to bed he doesn’t want to disturb them, they deserve to rest. But what if they forgot? They can be a little spacey at times. What if he’s down here working himself up and they’re up in their room wondering where he’s at? They could’ve gotten tangled up with one of the others. He’d hate to disturb them if that’s the case. He has been keeping the little bug nearby every chance he gets. 
He doesn’t realize he’s bouncing his leg and picking at his nails until his phone vibrates in his hand. His stomach swoops before he refocuses and sees it’s a message from Aurora. 
They’ll be down soon >:) 
The corner of his mouth quirks up just a bit. It simultaneously makes him feel better and worse. He’s glad their little day is still on, but now he can’t help but wonder why they were with Rora for so long. He tries to shrug it off, Phantom is an affectionate little creature and those two are like glue. He feels silly for even worrying, he knows they adore him. Still, that little voice in the back of his mind makes his skin itch. 
He’s broken from his thoughts when the elevator doors slide open and a familiar face finally pops out. He stands to go over to them, but he pauses when he gets a good look at them. Their hair has been put up in a bun, the white streak hanging out to frame their face. Their undercut looks freshly buzzed. They have a thin layer of makeup on, nothing over the top but still enough to notice. They’re in a pair of earthy green cargo pants and a sleeveless black mock top. Swiss nearly loses it when he sees the freckles on their shoulders. He has no words. This is a drastic change from the ripped jeans and hoodie-jacket combo they usually go for. 
“Sorry I took so long,” they smile at him, words a little breathless, “Rain and Aurora said you’re supposed to dress up for dates and I wanted to look nice for you.” 
Swiss surges forward, capturing them in a deep yet chaste kiss. They make a surprised noise before closing their eyes and melting into it. A deep chuckle rumbles in Swiss’ chest when he feels them smile against his lips. 
“So that means you like it right?” Phantom asks when they part. 
“Buggy you look amazing,” Swiss grins, “you didn’t have to get all dolled up for me.” 
“Wanted to.” They shrug and blush, eyes looking anywhere but his face. 
Swiss presses another quick kiss to their lips. They stare at each other for a moment, grinning like giddy teenagers before he finally speaks. 
“We should get going. I saw a little ice cream shop nearby. I think we should hit it.” 
Their eyes light up at the mention of ice cream. They slip their hand into Swiss’ with a light squeeze, “lead the way.”
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witchwrestler · 6 months
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I Eat Boys
warnings // Jason being a creep but that's literally it
summary: 10 things I hate about you inspired little blurb bc I got bored
note: reblogs are appreciated and encouraged!! if you like this i will gladly do another part, this was v fun to write !!!
part 2
☆ 🎸 ☆
You'd always been what most in the small shoebox town of hawkins would call a "feminist bitch", and according to most of the men who ask you out as a joke in the hallways, you've been more rageful than usual. You had one boyfriend during your high-school career thus far. It was freshman year and the product of being told that if a boy was being mean to you, surely that means he likes you. It ended after four months, after his failed attempt at getting in your pants.
It took you much longer than you'd like to admit to heal from that fiasco, and when you had finally declared yourself happy again, you cut your hair short, bought a pair of doc martens you'd always wanted and decided you would swear men off for a while. Not to say they were even approaching you, it seems the moment you had grown into yourself and stopped caring, men wanted nothing to do with you.
That is, until a very cold and rainy saturday. You had gone to the record store across from family video to buy the new metallica 'master of puppets'. As per usual the music blaring from your beat up jeep was some form of loud aggressive feminist punk rock, and as you turned into the parking lot, what seemed like the entire hawkins cheer team parked next to you. Too fast you thought, their happy Duran Duran playing selves turned into four cheerleaders looking at you like you were deranged. You scowled back at them and walked into the record store.
You spotted the metallica immediately and walked over to the metal section.
Only you weren't the only one grabbing the cassette, right as you very nearly got your hands on it, a pair of silver-clad fingers snatched it. You looked up, shooting a glare at him. He had long curly brown hair, the sickest dio tour shirt on, a guitar pick hanging on a chain around his neck and chains hanging from his jeans. This is the first time you had felt almost upstaged by a man, you think to yourself before speaking. "I really thought I was the only one who liked metal in this shitty town, do I have competition now?" You say, leaning forward over the display separating you. He looked at you a moment, a smile on his face, "it would seem you do" you smile back at him, and grab another cassette from in front of you before walking to the front to pay.
As you leave you turn back around, finding him still standing at the metal section, his eyes meeting yours again. "I am jealous as hell of that dio shirt, by the way." You say, walking out to your car.
The rain had stopped but it was still chilly outside, so you pulled your brown leather jacket closer to keep warm. You hadn't noticed that someone was following behind you until they whistled at you. You turned on your heel, immediately angry. Jason carver and his raging case of dickface disease stood before you, walking towards you like he was entitled to you or something.
" Carver, if you don't walk away right now, I'll kick your sorry ass," you say, backing slowly towards your car and crossing your arms. "A girl? kick my ass? keep dreaming, hon." He says, inching towards you. "Look, I wouldn't mind a reason to hit you, but I doubt you're gonna wanna go tell your fucking goon squad that you got your ass beat by a woman, huh?" You say, nothing but a blank expression on your face. He gets too close for comfort, a hand brushing your thigh. "so you're a feisty one, hm?" he says, his hand now squeezing your thigh, your fist clenching at his touch. You let out a sarcastic laugh just to say, "Carver, I fucking eat boys like you for breakfast. You're all talk, no bite." a smirk paints his face as he pushes you onto the door of your car, "isn't that why you went to juvie, freak?" he says. Clearly, he thought that the freak bit would cut deep, but you weren't about to let someone like him get under your skin.
"Yeah." That wasn't true. You have never even been near a juvenile detention center. But your last straw had been pulled, and you would rather he be scared of you than have him actually figure you out. "And pathetic, mysoginistic, disrespectful boys like you were my favorite kind." You say, pushing him off of you. His eyes got big with fear, scrambling away as he ran to his car, eyes flicking to you nervously. You let out a sigh of relief "fucking, men." you mumbled under your breath, finishing the walk to your car.
Little did you know, that head of curly hair and hands clad with silver, who grabbed the same album as you, had tried to catch up to you after you complimented his shirt. You hadn't noticed him watch your little scramble. And you hadn't noticed the smirk that grew on his face as he saw you scare carver off. And you didn't know that he had regretted not asking your name, and that now he feared he might never know it.
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shatcey · 4 months
I've become an animal (Ellis)
Ellis Elbert
I'm not a native speaker of either English or Japanese. So there may most likely be errors in my translations. I use autotranslation and rewrite the text to a readable state. Some phrases are not clear to begin with, and I use my gut feeling and some experience of reading such poorly translated texts that have taught me to see meaning in them. My summaries are always full of my comments and jokes. If you prefer a clean translation, then you definitely won't like it.
Hmmm… Not bad. I have to put that on my main page.
Where were many onomatopoeic sounds that varied greatly in shape and duration depending on what Kate was "saying", I will stick to the original as much as possible. I haven't used it here often, but I'm warning you just in case.
Kate woke up and realized that something was wrong. She looked in the mirror, slowly processing what she saw.
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She remembered how the day before they went on a date with Ellis and she saw a black cat.
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Ellis immediately asked if she interested, and she replied that she wanted to pet her and was worried if she was hungry.
Don't worry, girl, Alfons feeds them… She's fine.
So… back to the present.
She finally accepts the fact that she is a kitten and runs to Ellis. But she stopped worriedly in front of his door not knowing what to do.
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Suddenly the door opens and Ellis kicks the poor kid. Ouch! He immediately apologizes and notices that she seems to be in pain.
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I do not think so… But I have no choice but to agree when you smile like that…
Roger examined her and found only a bruise, but put a bandage on just in case… And recommended complete rest. As Ellis likes, she is completely under his care. But suddenly Roger heard something...
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NO! Don't leave me with him...
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Thank you, thank you, thank you... I'll kiss you later.
Jude is clearly not happy with this addition to their team.
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Initially, it was an even more colorful description, but I didn't figure out how to make it sound normal. So I shortened it to this.
I can almost hear him saying: "What is… THAT?" pointing an accusing finger at the cat. Hah…
Jude listens to Ellis's explanation and gives them time to eat. So Ellis feeds the cat milk, puts it in his pocket, and they all go to work. I wonder which pocket? I only see them on his pants… no… I don't wanna think about it… Damn it! I cannot stop thinking about it!
This was another person who decided that he might NOT return the money to Jude in time. Why are they so stupid? They know about his reputation, but they keep doing it…
As usual, Ellis and Jude are playing good and bad cops. But… suddenly, the nobleman noticed the kitten and was very scared. He's allergic. So in order to save his life (or pride), he immediately returns the money.
Outside, Jude is thinking out loud, looking at the cat.
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I'm sure he figured out… He's too smart not to notice…
And after that, he gives Ellis the day off, and they return to the castle. Ellis went all over the rooms and couldn't find Kate anywhere. He became restless, so Kate, in the form of a cat, tried to calm him down by asking him to pet her. Ellis remarks that she behaves exactly like Kate.
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Premium ending
Somewhere on the way home, Ellis bought everything he needed to take care of the cat. And decided to comb her fur, of course, for Kate's sake.
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They're both having a great time. But Kate suddenly thinks about what would happen to Ellis if "she" continued to be missing, and somehow… she kisses him…
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Ellis is in complete shock
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He recovered from the shock and gave her his jacket. He remembered all the awkward details of what she had been doing all day… And suddenly Roger knocked on the door, saving her.
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But Ellis wouldn't let him. When Kate asked him why. He said he didn't want Roger examined her entire body… So the fact that she turns into a cat and back should remain a secret between them.
And after that, Ellis starts checking if Kate is human by kissing her…
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I didn't buy the epilogue. I'm already a little burned out of Ellis (I'm so fickle). I'll probably buy Elbert's epilogue though. His event made a greater impression on me. NOT because of Alfons! Okay, partly because of Alfons. But the event is really interesting for a completely different reason.
🔝 Start page 🔝
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my3rzs · 2 years
can i pls request something abt xavier and op who can see people's auras?? like shes new to nevermore and sees everyone's auras changing according to their humor but she just?? cant see xavier's and that bothers her, so she tries to get emotions from him, anger, happiness yk, then idk maybe they go to the raven together and at the end of the night when they finally kiss she can see a bright pink aura around him :]] or whatever way you feel like writing it (you can write reader as GN if you want as well!)
i don’t get it?
pairings: xavier thorpe x reader
summary: you saw everyone’s auras except xavier’s, who knew a kiss could change it
warnings: reader is an asshole, swearing, idk i think thats it
a/n: im sorry this was really shitty, i am more focused on school mostly rn, and this is NOT PROOFREAD, REBLOGS HELP A LOT!
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at first you thought you were gonna be an ‘outcast’ at an outcast school, but you made a couple friends, enid, her aura was a bright yellow, probably because she’s always smiling and full of joy, and wednesday who had black, ‘cause she was so mysterious, and had strength. you could see all of your friend’s auras except for xavier, the guy you like, of course it has to be the guy you like.
you were at the quad with ajax, so you told him about it for some help, maybe he knows what to do.
“i just can’t see his aura! and, of course i have to have a crush on him, for god’s sake!” you whined
“maybe, try getting some emotions out, make him happy, sad, whatever” the gorgon said
“thats a great idea, ajax! i owe you for this one!” you say
“y/n- please, don’t go too far on him- hes kinda a sensitive kind of guy, okay?” he says worried
“i’ll try, i’ll make sure hes okay” you gave him a smile as you left the quad
“goodluck!” he screamed
you decided to make xavier happy, the easiest one first so you couldn’t cause any harm, so you decided to do one of his favorite things he does with you, the carnival. good thing it was a friday, so no school tomorrow which is perfect.
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classes were finally over, so you could finally try to find xavier.
you ran to him when you saw him in one of the hallways, “xavier! hi! do you maybe wanna do something tonight?” you say
“sure! what do you think we should do?” he looked down at you
“wanna go to the carnival, maybe?” you smiled
“okay then, it’s settled! be there at 6:30 sharp, y/n” he gave you a big smile and patted your head
“see you there, xav!” you walked away and blushed because he patted your head, you kinda felt bad you were kinda forcing him to show emotions.
you were scrolling through social media while in bed, seeing your friend’s posts and enid’s new gossip about the school, until you checked the time, it was 5:24PM, so you decided to get ready for your plans with xavier.
you decided to wear pants with a chase atlantic shirt, and you brought a jacket just in case.
“oh my god! y/n, do u have a date?!” enid, your roommate squealed out of excitement
“it’s not a date, idiot, im just hanging out with xavier at a carnival” you say
“just admit it, it is kinda a date, y/n” she smiled
“well i guess- but it’s like a friends kind of date?” you say
“whatever you say, y/n” the werewolf gave you a wink
you rolled your eyes and looked at the time, 5:59PM and decided to text xavier
y/n: hey, is it ok if i come right now? im a bit too early
xavier: uh yeah sure, meet me by the ferris wheel
at the carnival
you walked up to xavier, “hi! what do you wanna do first?” you gave him a smile
“photobooth?” he questioned
you two walked in the photobooth, getting ready for the camera, you both did some funny poses and one where he was looking at you but you were too busy posing to even notice he was looking at you
you guys walked out and grabbed your photos, and saw that he was looking at you in one of the photos, you smiled.
“we look so cool!” you say
“wanna do balloon darts?” he asked
“okay!” you gave him a slight smile
you kept missing every dart and it was getting kind of annoying.
“idiot, let me help you” the blonde boy said and grabbed darts
he popped almost every one of the balloons and won a stuffed bear for you.
“thank you” you say.
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it was the next day after u hung out with xavier, and you still didn’t see his aura that time. you sighed and saw ajax come up to you.
“anything yet?” he asked
“no, i tried making him happy by hanging out with him” you whined as you covered your face with your hands
“maybe you just need to kiss him” ajax teased
“shut up!” you whispered as you hit him lightly on the hand
“speak of the devil” he gave you a mischievous smirk and walked away when he saw xavier walking your way
“what-“ you got cut off by a tall boy behind you
“y/n! last night was fun, do you maybe wanna go to the weathervane today? we could study there, or i could go on my own?” he gave you a light smile
you wanted to say yes so bad, but you decided to make him jealous today, or mad.
“uh, sorry, no. i have a date with tyler today, maybe tomorrow?” you say nervously
his smile faded when he heard you say the last part, he didn’t really have a good relationship with tyler.
“right, have fun, y/n.” he says and walked away from you
did you go too far? you sighed.
but he mentioned about going to the cafe on his own, and tyler was there. so you decided to go there aswell to meet up with tyler.
at the weathervane
you saw xavier sitting in one of the booths and walked past him as you felt his eyes on you.
you rang the bell and waved to tyler and hugged him.
“hi tyler!” you say energetically
“hi, y/nn!” he says
you could see xavier fuming at your peripheral vision, perfect. but you still couldn’t feel his aura. you looked over to xavier’s booth and saw that he was gone. i guess it really affected him.
2 weeks later
it was 2 weeks after the whole weathervane thing, you didn’t really talk to xavier much because of his jealousy and if you were being honest, you kinda regretted getting xavier’s emotions out of him just so that you can see his aura.
tomorrow was the rave’n, so you and your friends went shopping for your outfits.
you already got yours, but you were missing one thing, a date. you wished xavier was your date right now. but it was not possible. so you just decided to go solo.
it was the next day and it was 7:30PM, the rave’n starts at 8 o’clock so you decided to dress up in your outfit already. you met up with your friends downstairs.
“lets go!” enid squealed
you all walked down the stairs and you could feel everyone staring at you, including xavier.
your friends decided to get drinks and dance. while you just sat there all alone. a slow, romantic song started playing. and everyone and their s/o started to slow dance. you sighed but felt a light tap on your shoulder.
“hey, wanna dance?” xavier gave you a smile and held his hand out.
you grabbed his hand and went to a corner, you placed your hands around his neck as he put his around your waist and you two swayed your hips to the music.
“i’m sorry, i only did the whole tyler shit so i could see your aura ‘cause i couldn’t see it, and also because i liked you.” you say
“you’re an idiot, you know that?” he says chuckling
“your idiot, of course” you smile
he cups your face and leans in to kiss you desperately and you kissed him back. you felt a bright pink aura from him, you smiled against the kiss.
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allastoredeer · 3 months
Aren't you guys kinda over feminizing Alastor a little bit????? like I get it that we want him to sub/bottom, but aren't you guys doing the same thing you hate that people do with Lucifer???? Like Alastor to me would never wear a dress? unless like he's joking or something??
....Alastor wore a nun outfit....out of the two, he's canonically worn a dress.
If you're going just by the show--no headcanons, no fanon, no tropes, no fan-art--Alastor has exhibited more fem-like qualities, has acted more feminine, than Lucifer ever has. I'd go as far to say that Lucifer is actually pretty masculine in the show, he just happens to have a pretty face.
And I mean, we don't know if Lucifer would wear a dress either. He's only ever worn pants, shirt, and a jacket, we have no evidence that he would wear a dress. But people like to put him in them anyway because of ✨vibes✨ - which I totally get. Vibes are important. It's not like I don't think Lucifer wouldn't wear a dress. I totally think he would and he'd rock it.
As for Alastor only ever wearing a dress for a joke, I definitely agree, but I think that guy would do anything for the bit. He'll do whatever it takes to get the last laugh. He trolls for the sake of trolling. He's a menace. But it's not like he wore the nun outfit as a joke, it was more of a manipulation tactic when you think about it. He's as faithful as a nun 🙏 see how faithful he is, Charlie? He'll never lead you astray.
I love Alastor's masculine and feminine sides. He does both so well. If I have been leaning more into feminine Alastor recently, well, it could be on account that I haven't come across a lot of content of him being feminine, and make the content you wanna see, right?
But thing is, I don't think we have been over-feminizing Alastor, at least not to the extent that Lucifer has been feminized, in my opinion. I mean, Lucifer has been feminized to the point that he's--in some cases, not in all cases--unrecognizable from the show. Whereas with Alastor, at most, I've been posting gifs from the show of him being his girlypop self. Something's not mathing, because it's not adding up. These two things feel very different.
Tell me if I'm wrong, cuz I very well might be, but I'm getting the vibes that this is going back to Alastor's ego being the reason he wouldn't wear or act in a specific way.
I just don't see how his ego would stop him from wearing a dress. It's not like he has anything against feminine clothes or attributes, nor do we have any evidence at all that he would be against it. If anything, I get the vibes that he appreciates and respects femininity more than masculinity. I don't see why he would be against being in a dress, or appearing feminine, when he's done both in the show.
It smells of misogyny. My boy is many things, but a misogynist he ain't.
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
I recently started reading about werewolf stiles and I was wondering if you could do a werewolf stiles x male reader, please and thank you
Werewolf Stiles Stilinski x male reader
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Ive never read too many werewolf Stiles fics, as I mainly read Spark Stiles stuff, but its an interesting idea, so I hope you enjoy this.
It’s been a while since I watched the show, so there might be parts about werewolf culture I forgot.
There are many ways Stiles could have been bitten, but lets assume its later on after everything with the Nogitsune and the chimeras. Its most likely Scott that bites him to save his life or something like that.
Because he killed people as the Nogitsune, and maybe other times I can’t remember, he would have blue eyes instead of yellow. Since he has so much experience with other people being bitten, he’s probably more on top of his own transformation.
If it was in the show, there would probably be a whole plot about Stiles becoming something else when he was bitten, because its Stiles, why wouldn’t he. But let’s just say the transformation went as it was meant to go.
Hes still is loud sassy self, but with a lot more wolf and dog jokes. You have to expect to hear the joke about you putting him in a collar at least once a week, or making him sleep in the doghouse.
Stiles struggles with his new urges and senses for a while, especially how much how loves your scent and can’t seem to get enough of you. Even before his bite, Stiles was a clingy lover, but afterwards it gets even worse.
He doesn’t even seem to notice he does it. Stiles will hang out at your place and splay across your bed, burying his face into your sheets and pillow and roll around. Or you go to his place, where he absentmindedly makes you wear his clothes to get his scent on you.
Stiles notices how he wants you provide for you more, it starts out small like bringing you small snacks or letting you borrow his jacket, but it becomes bringing you a whole ass deer after a full moon, much to the pack’s entertainment.
You are his person, if that makes sense. If he’s losing himself during a shift, he thinks about you to get himself back under control. Just the idea of hurting you makes his entire body and soul ache, and it’s the last thing he would ever want to do.
That might also result in Stiles hiding away from you the days before a full moon, just in case, as his needs and urges get stronger and stronger. Let’s just say he’s had to buy a lot of new pants as his claws keep tearing holes in his usual ones, as he has to grip his thigh from doing anything.
Has caught himself almost biting you on multiple occasions, like if you guys are cuddling or getting a little more intimate and Stiles finds himself scraping his teeth across your neck. His instincts howl for him to bite and mark you, but he’s so terrified of the idea that he almost falls out of the bed.
Stiles being Stiles would bury himself in research to try and understand why his urges are so God damn strong, as other wolves he’s met haven’t been so bad when it comes to their lover.
He ends up having to tuck his tail between his legs and go to other members of the pack with more experience, most likely Derek, or Peter, as his research doesn’t end up with much.
Peter would have a good laugh at his situation, and Derek would just raise a brow with a small “huh, makes sense” much to Stiles’s annoyance.  He ends up getting the werewolf version of the birds and the bees, and the whole talk about true mates, and he ends up sitting in his car just thinking this all sounds like one of those trashy werewolf romance books.
Assuming you are an average human, it would take a bit for Stiles to tell you, and you probably have to force it out of him cuz he’s avoiding you. Stiles again being Stiles, would feel like he doesn’t deserve you or that you can do so much better, so he doesn’t wanna force a bond on you.
He needs reassurance that you still love him, especially after he’s become a werewolf. After a long talk, Stiles returns to his lovable clingy self, but he won’t allow himself to bond you until you guys get older, even though he truly wants too.
I can imagine it gets so bad that he wears something like a tooth guard so he can’t accidentally bite your neck in the heat of the moment, cuz he wants you both to build your careers or educations before you get “wolf married” as he calls it.
During a full moon, he also always finds himself by your place, be it crawling in through your window or just hovering in the shadows nearby. You gets used to the feeling of him watching you when he’s wolfed out, and you’ll easily find his glowing blue eyes when you learn where to look.
Like I said earlier, a scent beast. You’ll cat him snuffling and sniffing you on the regular, and it probably reaches the point he can smell the changes in your hormones, so if you ever feel a little hot under the collar you just know he’s gonna smell it too.
After being bitten he also gets more comfortable with his body and appearance, since running around during the full moon ends with him naked more times than he doesn’t. The bite also made him muscle up, at least somewhat, which he appreciates too.
When his old flannels don’t fit on him anymore cuz of the sudden growth spurt, he gives them all to you to wear or do with as you please. If they fit, that’s the easiest way to make him buckle for you.
All in all, he’s still as much of a sweetheart as if he wasn’t a werewolf, now he just has a lot of new urges and instincts that catch him off guard every now and then. Stiles would always carry some guilt for mixing you deeper into the supernatural world, even if you were already part of it, but he also can’t ever imagine living without you.
So, make sure to reassure him that you love him and will stay by his side. If you end up some kind of supernatural being too, the guilt lessens, but its Stiles were talking about, he’s always got some kind of thing going on.
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imjustasugablob · 1 month
stay in character
tw: alien movie slander, leon fluff, no zombies (??) au
"Will you stop running into me? You're acting like you're drunk."
"Maybe they put a lil something-something in my popcorn, who knows?", you giggled.
You and Leon had just seen the most brainrot alien invasion movie to have ever been created in the history of mankind. The entry of the scantily clad extraterrestrial female was the highlight of the film, but then again, you hadn't seen much of it. Because Leon was sitting next to you. Maybe that's why you were all giddy.
The road was empty and the night was cold. You wrapped your arm around Leons. "I'm not actually drunk, you know."
"You kidding me? You couldn't walk a straight line right now even if you wanted to."
"Oh really, Officer?", you teased. Leon rolled his eyes at that one, but you could see right through how that nickname affected him.
Taking on the challenge, you stepped away from the sidewalk and climbed onto the curb. It was slightly difficult to do in heels, but not impossible. "See? I'm perfectly fine. Maybe it's you who isn't walking straight."
"Oh really? Then why are you holding on to my shoulder? Let go and then we'll know for sure." Well, he wasn't cutting you any slack. So you slowly let go of your hold on his leather jacket, bring your arms out to a T, just in case you fell.
You managed a full 2 steps before stumbling. Luckily, Leon had his arm right behind your waist, without you noticing. He grabbed you before you hobbled off onto to sidewalk and almost collided with his chest. He smelled like cinnamon. What?
"Not so sober, are we now?", Leon commented after a moments pause. You weren't moving. You didn't wanna move. Who would?
You could hear it in his voice, which had dropped in pitch. You could hear his heart steadily thumping beneath his woolean sweater. It felt too real, even though it wasn't.
"Hey." Leon's hand slipped down from your arm to your waist. He didn't say anything except for that word, but he didn't need to. 3 years working for the DSO, you'd seen some shit together, and had to trust him with your life more than once. You knew what he meant by every single sound he made.
His chin came to rest above your head, in a warm embrace. You inched ever so close to his body, hand slipping further inside his coat, seeking his warmth.
It felt like that moment was infinitely long and momentary at the same time, because just then, you flinched. Your hand had encountered cold metal. The hard handle of his gun, tucked inside the back of his pants, where no one in this small quaint town would see it and grow suspicious.
It seemed as if your fantasy had been cut short, and all the facts came flooding back. You were here for a mission, under the cover of being a newly wed couple who just moved here from the big city. You had started the act from your apartment, where your landlady had been visiting. You'd kept the ruse up, right up till now, when you were both alone. You didn't need to anymore. A small voice in the back of your head had said it, too. But you ignored it. And so did Leon.
The gun felt heavier in his holster now. As if it had grown a new chamber, filled with bullets that knew their final place would be inside the bearers heart.
"I see movement at 8 o'clock, suspect left his car running and exited in a hurry", you said in hushed voices as you gently pulled away from him.
The cold wing stinging your face made you numb to the pain, but it physically hurt you to pretend like everything was normal. Like you hadn't had to kill people in cold blood, and even innocents, just on the order of the government. Like you and Leon had an actual shot at living out the rest of your days in peace, just like this.
Leon thought he had come to peace with the reality of his situation. But watching you two come so close just for it to be ripped from his hands was proving to be too much for him.
pt2?? Lmk and pls give feedback babes ❤️❤️❤️
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bahrtofane · 5 months
dialogue 7 trope 8 with tchouameni pls. so happy that ppl are finally writing for him 🥹❤️
- "ooohh you wanna kiss me sooo bad." - Bodyguard au
happy to write for him! he needs more love enjooyyyy
word count - 800+
watch it - flirty tch and weapon mentioned like once enjoyy
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You know you're not a very stereotypical bodyguard. Shorter than most, no rippling muscles that tear shirts apart. It does give you the advantage of surprise. No one expects you. Even more so for the man you've been tasked to protect. 
You know they hired you specifically to blend in and so you do. Still keeping close but you look like you could be anything from a part of the crowd to a friend and whatever more. You've seen yourself on a few gossip pages and on news articles here and there. 
They have yet to put the pieces together and you want to keep it that way. You have a job to do and a man to protect. A man that for the life of you you can't understand. 
He's an enigma on a good day. Aurélien keeps a curious eye on you, eager to watch you. But yet so hesitant. 
He doesn't talk to you all that much, but when he does he manages to squeeze playful words in between each sentence. Always catching you off guard. He goes from being honed in and focused to letting his shoulders loose in a laugh. 
Today seems like no exception. You wait in the wings backstage of an event. It's just a rehearsal for the actual thing yet you're here. Its empty save for stage screws running about with wires and microphones tangled on the floor. 
You stand arms crossed a few feet away from where Aurélien is being fitted with different wires and what not. He speaks, arms waving lazily and nodding along to whatever his agent is saying. You haven't talked to him today yet. 
He spots you soon enough, giving you a wave while you respond with a curt nod. He gets shown to where you stand, told to “hang out” here for a second while they adjust the lighting. 
“Didn't know they dragged you here too?” he says, hands resting inside the pockets of his jacket. 
“I have a job to do.” you shrug. 
“Does it even get boring? Being around the same person all the time. I know I get tired.”
Your expression remains neutral, though a spark of amusement flickers in your eyes. "Perhaps," you hum, "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm here to protect you, whether you like it or not."
He grins, gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before turning back to watch the lights cycle through the different settings. "Well, in that case, I suppose I'll just have to make your job as interesting as possible," he says with a lazy shrug. 
You roll your eyes, but cant help the small smile that tugs at your lips. "I have no doubt you will," you reply dryly 
Aurélien gives you a playful smirk before leaning in slightly, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "You know," he says, amusement dancing in his eyes, "sometimes I wonder if all this protection is just an excuse to be close to me."
You raise an eyebrow, unimpressed by his attempt at flirting. "Don't flatter yourself," you retort, though you can't stop the smile that seems between your words. He's bold today. 
Leave it to Aurélien to find a way to wiggle into your personal space and under your skin with his words so early in the day. And you have so many more hours left with him. How thrilling. 
He chuckles softly, leaning even closer until his breath brushes against your ear. "Oh, come on," he murmurs, "we both know deep down, you wanna kiss me sooo bad."
You can't help but laugh, shaking your head at his shameless antics. "You wish," you reply, giving him a playful shove before straightening up, feeling the waistband of your pants for your weapon. Old habits die hard you suppose. 
Aurélien grins, the playful glint returning to his eyes as he steps back, resuming his role in the rehearsal.
You don't know what game he really plays. If his words really hold any meaning. If you should listen. So you choose the safe route and brush them off and try to do your job. Even if he insists on making it near impossible. 
He sends you knowing looks from the other side of the backstage area. Ones you know would easily strike up talk. But you can't talk your eyes off him. Partly because of your job and partly due to him being so- what's the word- dazzling. 
You do want to kiss him, but he doesn't need to know that. Not now at least.
For now you watch him do his thing while you try to do your job and push away his voice from ringing in your ears over and over. 
we both know deep down
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skzimagines · 2 months
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Hide & seek part 2.
It's been 2 weeks since the last time I've seen Minho. But still, to this day, my heart locks up every time I think about what happened that day.
We have texted back and forth, but nothing about what happened that night. He invited me over to have a movie night with him and the guys, along with their girlfriends tonight. To say my nerves were going haywire, was an understatement.
My phone goes off with a notification from him reading 'I'll be there in 10, don't take forever.' I roll my eyes at his "mean" humor before shoving my phone in my bag and heading downstairs to wait for him.
It's not long before he pulls into my driveway, putting his car into park. He honks the horn, causing me to jump. "Dammit, Minho!" I shout, as I open the car door. "I said hurry up!" He says with an evil smirk. "You know, you're not very romantic. You could have at least gotten out and opened the door for me." I state sarcastically, climbing into the front seat before shutting the door. "Oh no, don't tell me this is the end of us already." He jokes back. A blush forms on my cheeks.
We spend the next 10 minutes catching up on the last couple of weeks, before pulling up to his apartment. "We're home!" He says excitedly. He puts the car in park and we both unbuckle. "Stay here." He says. He gets out of the car, and I watch as he makes his way around to my door. He opens it and holds out his hand, to which I take with my own. I step out of the car and lean down to fix my shorts that have ridden up from sitting down. That is until he suddenly pushes me up against the car, pressing his body against mine, before leaning his mouth down to my ear. I immediately get a whiff of his cologne. He smells amazing, a mix of vanilla and after shave. "I've missed you." He whispers against my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine. Again, the same feelings come back from that night. I feel a twinge between my legs when he brings his hand to my cheek, rubbing his thumb over it before stuffing his hand in my hair. He gently pulls at it, causing me to look up at him. "Did you miss me?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of my lips. I can't think straight enough to form a coherent answer, so I just nod. He gives me a smile, before pulling away and grabbing my bag off of the floor of the front seat before shutting the door. "Ready?" He asks cheerfully, as if he didn't just make me absolutely crumble two seconds ago. I clear my throat, doing my best to pull myself together, before we head inside.
Once we're inside, he stands behind me and takes off my jacket. “Everyone’s already here.” He says quietly. “Oh great, so I’m the last awkward one.” I joke. “Well.. don’t be awkward then.” He states, hanging my jacket on the coat rack. “Jee.. thanks.” I chuckle. He wraps his arm around my shoulder before making our way into the living room.
“Y/N!” Changbin yells. “Welcome! There’s snacks, drinks, take anything you want!” He says excitedly. I chuckle at his amusement. Everyone says hello before Minho tells them we’re going to his room. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Changbin jokes as we walk away. “If that’s the case, then we need to come up with different things NOT to do.” Minho jokes back. Everyone laughs as Changbin sits in shock dramatically, holding his hand to his heart.
Minho and I enter his room as he shuts the door behind us. I have never been in his room before, so taking in how neatly organized everything is, how good it smells, seems odd. “You wanna change?” He asks. “You ask every girl you bring in here that question?” I say with a laugh. “No, cause you’re the only girl that’s been in here.” He states nonchalantly, plugging his phone in next to his bed. My heart races at the thought. “Oh.. yeah, sure.” I grab my bag from his bed where he sat it, grabbing out my sweat pants. “Shit..” I mumble. He looks over at me before asking “what’s wrong?” “I forgot a shirt.” I state, looking through my bag again, making sure I didn’t miss it. “You sure you didn’t do that on purpose?” He asks with a smirk. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure.” I say, throwing him a sarcastic smile. He laughs.
He walks into his closet before coming out with one of his hoodies. “Here, wear this.” He says, handing it to me. I take it from him and set it on the bed with my sweatpants. “Okay…” I say. He stands there for a few seconds before I ask “well.. are you going to leave or?” “Why” he asks, looking honestly confused. “Uhh.. so I can change?” I say, but it comes out more as a question. “Are you shy?” He asks, causing a blush to form on my face for the third time since he’s picked me up. “No, I just..” I begin to say, but cut myself off, not knowing what to say. He steps closer to me, but stops before our bodies touch. He brings his hands to my hips, sliding them up my shirt before pulling it over my head. My hair falls down my back as he drops it on the floor. His eyes don’t leave mine, even with me standing in a bra in the middle of his room. “You’re so beautiful y/n… I hope you know that.” He whispers, stepping closer to me and resting his forehead on mine while closing his eyes. “Nothing compared to you.” I whisper back, not knowing where the burst of confidence came from. He smiles and bites his lip before opening his eyes and staring into mine. His deep brown orbs pull me into a trance, that I believe I won’t be able to pull out of. Before I know it, he’s moving closer, I feel his bottom lip touch mine… until someone knocks on his door. We both pull away. My nerves are completely shot at this point. “Yeah?” Minho shouts. “Are you guys done making love yet? We want to watch the movie!” Chan yells through the door. “Nope! Still have about 2 minutes left!” Minho yells back, jokingly. “Doubt it’ll be that long Minho.. come on!” Chan says with a laugh. The comment causing a laugh to leave my lips before I catch Minho’s disgruntled face. “Did he just make fun of me?” He asks. “I think he made fun of your ‘passionate love making skills’. I say through my laughs. Minho smirks before walking up to me once again and pushing me on to his bed before climbing on top of me. My laughing immediately stops and my heart begins to pound for air once again. “You think it’s funny?” He asks quietly. Again, not being able to form a sentence. This man is going to be the death of me. “Hmm?” He asks again. “N..no”. I say quietly. “Good, cause I don’t think you’d find my ‘passionate love making’ at all funny.” He says, before pushing his face into the crook of my neck, planting light kisses along it, up to my ear. His lips are so soft, heat rushes down my body and he continues to kiss, lick and suck on my neck. A tiny moan leaves my lips as he bites down gently into it. And in the flick of a dime, he stands up, leaving me lay on the bed in my own embarrassed, horny mess. He grabs the sweater from beside me. “Stand up…” he says sweetly. I stand like he asks and he slides the hoodie over my head and pulls my hair out of it. “Did you bring a hair tie?” He asks. “Yeah.. why?” I ask. “Grab it.” He states. I dig through my bag, once again and find a hair tie.
He takes it from my hand before spinning me around and pulling my hair into a ponytail and wrapping the hair tie around it until it’s secure. “There… so everyone can see you’re mine.” He whispers. Running his finger along my neck. Knowing what he meant, I quickly grab my phone and open my camera, panning it over where he was kissing it earlier. Only to reveal two, very noticeable hickeys. “Minho, what the hell?” I say dramatically. Causing him to laugh. “Get your sweatpants on, let’s go!” He says excitedly.
We make our way back out to the living room, where everyone’s sat with blankets and pillows. There’s a spot on the air mattress that they’ve blown up for more places to sit, that’s been left open for Minho and I. He holds my hand as I step onto the mattress and sit down, he sits beside me. He grabs a blanket and throws it over the top of us, before throwing his arm over my shoulder. “Let’s start the movie.” Han cheers from behind us, on the couch.
It's about an hour and a half into the movie and everyone has seemed to fall asleep. Even Minho seems like he's ready to pass out, considering his head keeps falling as he drifts off. His arm still hasn't left my shoulders, I can only imagine how numb it must be going by now. I gently grab his hand and move it from around me. He stirs a little and I take the opportunity to let him know I'm going to go home. "Min... I'm gonna head home, okay?" I say gently, trying not to wake anyone else. He lets out a hum. I take that as an okay and get up to head to his room to grab my things.
I grab my phone from my bag, clicking on the Uber app to call for a ride home. The phone rings loudly, even when not on speaker. "What are you doing?" Minho's voice booms behind me. causing me to jump and drop my phone. It hits the floor with a loud 'thud'. "My god Minho, you're going to give me a heart attack!" I say, holding my hand to my chest as my heart pounds. "Are you leaving?" He asks. I look at him confused. "I told you out there that I was going home, idiot." I say sarcastically. "I was asleep, idiot. How was I supposed to know?" He argues back jokingly. "Why are you leaving?" He asks. For a second, I think I hear his voice turn into a whine. "We didn't talk about... staying the night. I just figured..." I say, not knowing what else to say. He bends down to pick up my phone that fell under his bed and hangs up the call.
"You hungry?" He asks randomly. "uhh.., sure?" I say with a chuckle. "Come on." He grabs my hand and leads me through the living room, trying our best to not wake anyone up. We make our way into the kitchen and Minho lets go of my hand to get into the refrigerator. "You like strawberries?" He asks, looking over his shoulder. I give him a small smile with a nod. He pulls out a plastic bowl of strawberries and grabs a can of whip cream from the fridge door before shutting it, leaving the only light from the stove to illuminate the entire kitchen. He grabs a strawberry from the bowl and sprays whip cream on top of it before handing it to me. I take a bite, tasting the sweetness mixed with more sweetness from the whip cream.
Minho once again steps towards me, leaning down and grabbing the back of my thighs, setting me on the counter before standing between my legs. “You’ve got to stop doing these things, I don’t think my heart can take any more.” I whisper, staring into his eyes. He lets out a tiny chuckle, before bringing his thumb to my cheek, wiping the whip cream from it, before bringing it to my bottom lip and rubbing it along it. Our eyes don’t leave each other’s as he does it. “So damn pretty.” He whispers, before moving in closer. “Stay still.” He says, holding the back of my head gently with his palm. I stay right where I’m at as he brings his face closer to mine. I suddenly feel his tongue drift along my bottom lip, licking off the whip cream he had just lathered on with his thumb. This is it, this is where the heart attack happens. I can’t control myself anymore. My hands fly to his hair, gripping it tightly as I slam my lips on to his. Causing our teeth to clash lightly, I accidentally bite his lip, but he doesn’t seem to care as he continues to tongue at the inside of my mouth. “Mmm… taste.. so good.” He groans against my lips breathlessly between kissing. I moan back in agreement. Our hands explore each other feverishly, as if we’d been craving each other’s touch for an eternity. Which we have, all of the flirting, the long stares, helping each other when we didn’t necessarily need it, the possessiveness of one another even though we weren’t together. It was the longing for each other that made this kiss so needy, so hot, so impulsive.
“Need you Minho…” I whimper through his tongue. “How bad?” He asks, continuing to lap at my mouth. He pulls away, once again, taking my neck into his sweet tasting mouth. “So fucking bad, Minho.” I say breathlessly. His hands go up my shirt, causing goosebumps to cover the skin that his fingers have gently ran across. “You’re so soft.” He whispers against my neck. “Waited so long for you.” He says. By now, my core is soaking, my stomach is turning. I feel like I could hit my high, just from hearing him talk.
“Minho.. please.” I beg. Pulling at the hair on the back of his head. “I love hearing you say my name…” he whispers, his left hand leaves my side and makes its way into the waist band of my sweats, before sliding all of the way down and cupping me heat. “I think I’d really like it, if you screamed it.” He groans. A loud moan leaves my lips when he slides my panties to the side and slides his middle finger inside of me unexpectedly. His right hand quickly covers my mouth. “As much as I’d love to hear you scream for me… we can’t do it here baby.” He groans. My pussy clenches around his finger at the pet name he’s given me. “Oh god, Minho.” I moan through his hand and he quickens his finger while adding another. My head flys back at how good it feels.
A ball forms in my stomach, ready to explode. “Cu…I’m gonna cum…. Minhooo…” I moan, still through his hand. He knew better than to move it. “Good baby, cum all over my hand.” He groans. Taking my neck into his mouth once again. The feeling of his fingers, the dirty little comments his giving me and the feeling of his tongue licking up and down my neck, sends me right into euphoria.
I cum… hard. Harder than I’ve ever done before, to the thought of him. My juices leaked down his arm as he pulls his hand from me. I watch as he sticks his middle finger, the one from inside me, into his mouth. He licks and sucks and lets out a light groan before pulling it from his lips with a ‘pop’ing noise. “You’re so damn good y/n.” He groans before he dives into my neck once again.
Suddenly the living room light turns on, causing us to frantically move away from one another, right before Chan walks into the kitchen. “On the counter… really?” He says dramatically. I look down and take notice that I hadn’t gotten off of the counter. My face immediately turns red. “We weren’t even doing anything, she got hungry.” Minho says, grabbing a strawberry from the bowl and shoving it in his mouth. “Mhmm.. I’m sure she did.” Chan says, reaching into the fridge for a bottled water.
“Come on babe, let’s go lay down.” Minho says, grabbing my hand and helping me off of the counter. My heart races at the nick name. “Can you guys try to keep it down? There’s people trying to sleep.” Chan shouts as we leave the kitchen. “Get a room!” Minho shouts back, causing us both to laugh.
Part 3???? Maybe????
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dragonzfanfics11 · 16 days
Hey!!! You can probably guess who(if not that’s fine!) Was curious if you were up for writing SBG main six with S/O wearing there clothes? I honestly LOVE everyone in SBG’s style and would 100% steal there clothes whether it’s there shirts, jackets/hoodies, skirts, pants, or literally a whole outfit(s). Also in case this is important somehow cause I know it is to some writers im 5’0.
P.S: Hope you have a great day!! And make sure you take breaks and don’t overwork yourself!! Drink plenty of water and eat when needed!!! Go asleep when tired(I know sometimes it’s hard but try!!!) we need you in good health!!!
hiii again!!! :D i just wanna say how much I love the little comments and reminders you put at the end of the requests it makes me smile knowing someone who barly knows me cares so much about my wellbeing 😭 it actually means so much to me
Summery-sbg charicters seeing you in there clothes for the first time
Warnings-fluffy, def spelling errors, all are set when you spend a night at there place, your already dating them in this!
Sbg x reader!
You where staying at her house for the night to try and help with the stress of the phantom realm
It was getting late and she let you shower before her which you happily agreed to
After you got out of the shower she went in letting you get changed, you where already tired from the warm shower and the stress from the phantoms and school so you just throw on a pair of your pants and one of her shirts
Your just sitting on her bed on your phone when she come put of the shower already changed because she brought her clothes with her, and immediately noticed that your wereing her shirt and blushes
"Is that my shirt..?"
"Ya.....is that ok with you?"
"Uh ya, ya you look good in it anyways"
she layes next to you hiding her blush pretty good honestly, and then you both fall asleep soon after, aiden definitely teases you both about it in the phantom dimension lol
He stays over at your place or invites you over to his place often and for some reason which you have no idea why he seems to always leave his sweatshirts at your place every single time
You've asked him about it before as you bring each one back and he just says he's forgetful and has plenty more (totally not because he wants to see you wearing one of them-)
Aiden stayed over the night before for a bit just to hang out and you woke up groggy due to last night's events in the phantom realm and you where to tired to really pick a great outfit and hurried off to school not even realizing you where wearing audens sweatshirt he left the night before
"Hey there you ar-"
He immediately stops seeing you in his sweatshirt a blush forming on his cheeks
"Nothing- you look great!!"
He says in his normal cheery stat having a whole party in his head as his mission was complete to get you wearing one of his sweatshirts
It wasn't until later you found out you where wearing his sweatshirt when either taylor or tyler point it out and he refuses to take it back because it was a 'cold day' and he didn't want you getting sick
You where staying over at his place just to hang out because you two don't do that often with the phantom realm and just always being with the while group so it was nice having a peaceful night to yourselves (other then aiden interrupting you constantly)
He went to go take a quick shower and he told you that you can change into some comfortable clothes before going to sleep
You where half way through changing looking for a shirt to were when you find one of beans big shirts laying around and you thought it would be super comfortable to sleep in so you put it on
It was obviously big on you he's a pretty big guy so it was like a night gown honestly- lol
He comes out of the shower already dressed and immediately stops when see sees you in his shirt a deep blush forming on his cheeks
He dosent really mind though he just never thought of you in his clothes
Then you just hang out the rest of the night watching some movie or listening to music
(Also aiden definitely teases you both about it-)
Yor over at his place to catch up on some homework and spend the night and you both are mostly just hanging out until it's time to go to bed
He lets you change first because he still needed to do something and you accidentally grabbed one of his shirts instead of your own you lit it on because you've got nothing else to wear
"Hey Tyler have you seen my shirt?"
You say as you look around for it when he walks in he stops immediately his face turning red
"You ok?"
Hes just staring at you surprised and blushing from how good you look in his shirt and he just walks over and wraps his arms around you after a minute
"Tyler your supposed to be helping me find my shirt"
"...just sleep in my shirt it's probably more comfortable anyways.."
Youd be staying over at her place to just hang out for once without the others and the phantoms even tylers actually leaving you both alone (after a lot of bribing from taylor)
It was getting late so she let you change in her room and she changed in the bathroom
You where almost done changing when you seen one of her shirts on the ground and thought I'd be fun to see her reaction if you wear it
So you quickly slip it on before she got out of the bathroom
When she sees you she has to stop and process it for a moment noticing that your wearing her shirt before a huge grin spreads on her face
"OMG!! You look so good I should let you take my clothes more often!"
She'd probably lt you wear about anything of hers after that lol
You where at his place just chilling after the events with the group and phantoms it was actually a very peaceful night
He let you take a sower first so you did and grabbed one of his shirts instead of your own because why not?
When you got out of the shower his shirt was slightly big on you but it was actually really comfortable compared to your own
"I-is that my shirt-?"
he completely short-circuited his face bright red seeing you in his shirt
"Ya that isn't a problem is it..?"
"N-no y-you look good in it"
he was shuddering and blushing a good hour or so after that before you guys went to bed and he probably will still blush every time you do it after that
Dont worry I took my time with this one lol I hope you liked it!!
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