#i wanna draw more stuff with them sometime
mysteryshoptls · 2 days
SSR Ace Trappola - Room Relaxation Vignette
"Happy Birthday"
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[Exterior Hallway]
Ace: Well, it's gettin' about time. Guess I'll head to basketball practice… Hm? Who's that over there…?
Ace: Yo, Kalim-senpai! How's it going? Hey, hey, do you know what tomorrow is?
Kalim: Tomorrow? Hm, what's going on tomorrow…? Is there a dance competition? Oh, or is there some sort of feast planned?
Ace: Ooh, you're getting' close! The correct answer is… My birthday~!
Kalim: Woah! Tomorrow's your birthday!? That's awesome!!
Ace: Yeah, it's totally awesome! There's gonna be a party back at my dorm, and everyone'll get me a gift. It'll be a blast!
Ace: But, y'know, the crazier the party, the more lonely it feels the day after my birthday…
Ace: I always feel like it'd be great if these sorts of days come around two or three times more a year.
Ace: …Don'tcha think, Kalim-senpai?
Kalim: Oh, yeah, I feel you! It just doesn't feel enough to only have one birthday a year.
Kalim: Hey, I just had a great idea! I'll throw you another party the day after your birthday.
Kalim: That way you won't feel as lonely, right? It sounds super fun, so let me do this for you!
Ace: Ehhhh, you sure!? I'm tickled pink! Kalim-senpai, thanks so much!
Kalim: Yeah! I'll make it the best, most outrageous party you've ever seen, so I hope you look forward to it!
[Kalim leaves]
Ace: Nice, I got Kalim-senpai to celebrate my birthday! And he's making it an outrageously awesome party…
Ace: That might get a veto from Jamil-senpai, though…
Ace: But regardless, I at least secured a promise from Kalim-senpai for a celebration. I can't way for the day after tomorrow~!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: Huuurgh, today's basketball practice was insanely hard… Floyd-senpai just wouldn't quit guarding me!
Ace: Usually he just gets bored and disappears off to who knows where… Ugh, I'm so tired~ I just wanna pass out…
Ace: My roommates sure got it easy. Doesn't sound like they got any upperclassmen that cause problems or nag all the time…
Ace: …Augh, I'm definitely gonna fall asleep if I just keep zoning out. I'm gonna go jump in the shower.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
[roommates chatting]
[Roommate A greets Ace]
Ace: I'm baaack. Why did I take so long…? Y'see, Trey-senpai cornered me while I was brushing my teeth in the washroom.
Ace: He made me re-brush my teeth, and then handed me some floss and mouthwash. Then…
「Survey on Quality of Life Improvements for the Student Body」
Ace: Right, so he handed me this survey to fill out too. Ugh, it's short answers! Better if it was multiple choice or something.
Ace: Hey, can't any of you guys fill this out for me? I'm real tired from practice today, 'cause it was reeeal hard.
[Deuce refuses]
Ace: …Do it myself without tryin' to slack off? Fine, fine, guess that's what I shoulda expected from you honor student types. You're takin' it waaay too seriously!
Ace: Maybe I'll just jot down that it sucks to be stuck in a room with guys I don't vibe with, or something.
[Deuce argues]
Ace: …Oh, shut up, I was just kidding. Whatever, I guess I'll just start filling in the form.
Ace: First off… The dorm rooms are way too small! That's the worst thing, so I definitely can't leave that out.
Ace: Sure, we can ask each other to swap dorm duties, or help each other when we can't remember a specific Queen of Hearts' rule…
Ace: So I guess it's not the end of the world that there's four of us in here. But it'd be better if the room was just a bit bigger.
Ace: It's practically impossible to study in here. Sometimes someone else's stuff'll end up in my personal space, too.
[Roommate B speaks up]
Ace: …Huh? Pot, meet kettle? No way, I'm always tiding up after myself…
[Roommate B interjects]
Ace: Eh, you found my pen mixed in with your stuff the other day? Uhhhh…. Oh, dang, look at that, it's lights out time!
Ace: I gotta hit the hay! Mmkay, night!
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Ace: Aaand, that's the way to shut them out! This is why I love canopy beds.
Ace: As soon as I draw the curtains closed, I can have secure myself a small, little private space…
Ace: The thicker curtains help to keep light and sound down, so even if I'm playing with my phone all night long, it's not bothering anyone else.
Ace: When I think of it that way, I think the only thing I really have to complain about my room is just that it's small.
Ace: …But once I step outside my room, I gotta deal with strange rules, scary upperclassmen, and insanely hard homework.
Ace: Oh, right, I have homework… I need to do that… But first, I think I'll take a bit of a breather and play on my phone for a bit!
Ace: Ooh, my middle school friends uploaded something onto Magicam. They look like they're havin' fun back in the Queendom.
Ace: I feel crazy jelly seeing that, especially since I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere on Sage's Island… Hm?
Ace: Wait, what's this video at the bottom…? Oh! It's an ad for the magic shop I was looking into the other day!
Ace: Woah, how'd they manage that trick? Yooo, I bet I'd look real cool if I could master that!
Ace: I really want that magic trick. Maybe I should ask for it for my birthday.
Ace: Oh, hey, that next manga chapter is out. I gotta check that out.
Ace: Oh, and there's an event going on in that one mobile game. Guess I can log in for that. Oh, and…
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
Ace: Urrrgh… Mm… It's too bright… Is it morning already? I guess I fell asleep playing the game.
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Ace: What time is it…? Huh!? It's already this late!? Hey, why didn't anyone wake me up!?
Ace: Didn't my alarm wake me? You opened my curtain for me? …If you're gonna do that much, you coulda woken me up!
Ace: At least I don't have morning practice today… But I gotta get ready on the double!
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Washroom]
Ace: My face is washed and my skin-care routine is done.
Ace: Ack, my hair's all over the place! Ughh, c'mon, I hate how my hair is…!
Ace: Maybe I can just fix it with some wax… Oh, but I want to make sure I have time to fix my makeup…
Ace: I got no choice, I should just use magic to set it! I screwed it up last time, but… I can totally do it today! Definitely! Hyah!
Ace: What can I even do about this now!? Okay, first, let me try this spray to fix the bedhead!!
[spritz, spritz, spritz]
Ace: Ack, did I spray too much? Okay, I should just be able to rub it in here with my fingers… Guess I'll just have to see how it looks later.
Ace: I gotta set my makeup while I wait for my hair to loosen up. First, I gotta slap on some sunscreen…
Ace: Now, my eyebrows are the priority. I can kinda let everything else be half-done, but this's gotta be on point.
Ace: Back in middle school, I remember we were all laughing our heads off at this one person who did a terrible job drawing in his eyebrows, tryin' to look all fashion-y.
Ace: …I mean, not like I'd ever or will ever make that kind of screw up, though.
Ace: I saw a video yesterday that says that thicker eyebrows are in right now, so I'll just try to follow that tutorial and draw in where it's lacking…
Ace: Okay, nice. Not bad! I think I did pretty good for just trying to copy what I saw.
Ace: Now all I got left is my eye makeup… What should I do for the suit? I'd like to use something with a bit of lamé in it, but…
Ace: I bet the Housewarden'll get all huffy if it's too fancy. Guess I should just do what I normally do.
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Ace: How's my hair looking…? Nice, it's tamer now! Probably was a good thing to spray too much on it.
Ace: Just gotta put some hair wax in to set it… Done. Whew, I feel a bit more presentable now.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Ace's Room]
[roommates chattering]
Ace: I gotta get my stuff together ASAP… Wait, huh? If the rest of you are all here, does that mean we still have a bunch of time?
Ace: Maan, then I coulda worked on my hair a bit more. I think I'll dip into the washroom again… Huh? My enigmatics homework?
Ace: Oh man, I'm so screwed, Crewel's gonna tan my hide if I don't do anything… What should I do!?
Ace: …Hold the phone. I have enigmatics in the afternoon. That essentially means I'll have my lunch break before I have to turn it in.
Ace: I think the other classes might be ahead of us, so maybe they've already finished the homework already?
Ace: Even if the questions are slightly different, as long as I can figure out how they solved it, I should be able to bang it out… Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
[Roommate A speaks up]
Ace: Wheeew, I got all worked up over nothing~ Mmkay, then I'm heading out… Huh, what is it? You want me to help with your homework?
Ace: Hahahah, no waaaay! Here, I'll open the curtains up for you, so why don't you figure out the rest~?
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[Main Street]
Kalim: Oh, there he is. Ace! Good morning!
Ace: Ah, Kalim-senpai! Good morning…? What's up? Isn't the party tomorrow?
Kalim: Yeah! But your birthday's today, right? That's why I thought I'd come wish you a happy birthday in person.
Kalim: So, yeah… Happy Birthday, Ace!
Ace: Haha, you really are the type of guy to show up the day of just to wish someone a happy birthday, huh.
Ace: Thanks a bunch! I can't wait for the epic party tomorrow!
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Requested by @thelonepearl.
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aniimoni · 1 day
Do you have a Lamb reference for your COTL Lamb design + do they have a name and what's their personality like? (asking because I wanna draw them)
AHHHHH I’m taking this as an opportunity to gush about my lamb, if you don’t mind anon.
First things first:
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There you go, HtK AU updated ref, all nice and pretty (Hello Balls, don’t mind this)
Now, as for your other questions:
My lamb doesn’t have a name! They are mostly referred to as “Lamb”, “Holy Lamb”, plus some other nicknames. They DID have a name, but they’ve grown detached from it due to godhood getting the best of them (more on that laterrrr)
PERSONALITY!!!!! Boy do they have a personality. I would say that pre-final battle they were VERY animated. Like- look at this:
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It was difficult for them to adapt this “non-chalant” manner that was expected of them. They have always been an expressive, genuine, and “chalant” being.
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But of course,, uhhhhhh…….. “lore stuff” happened.
After that, they’re more cold towards their followers (though they will put an act up sometimes), with some exceptions, of course (cough disciples cough cough)
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They also develop a temper problem.
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Which may or may not be mostly reserved for someone special 😇
It just really depends on which lamb we’re looking at.
Pre-Final Battle: animated, expressive, genuine, “chalant”
Post-Final Battle: mostly cold/distant (with exceptions), in-genuine, situationally temperamental
Honestly, I am REALLY glad you sent this ask because I got to talk about my lamb EVEN MOREEEEEE!!!! I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come regarding the way that I draw them.
(btw, person who sent an ask asking more questions about the keloid: I’m working on it, I promise!!! Thank youuuuu!!!!)
Augh god, anon, there’s just so much I could tell you about my lamb- but I will spare all of you. Though now i’m wondering who exactly is behind this 🤨 Anyhow, this was very sweet! Don’t feel pressured to draw my lamb 🫶🏼 You got me to actually go through with my plan to redraw the reference page I had lol
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 8 months
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snailwitdamail2 · 4 months
Caesar x Koba this Caesar x Koba that. when are we going to hop on that Rocket x Bad Ape train!!!!!!!!!!!
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quirkle2 · 2 years
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back on my undertale bullshit i suppose
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theswedishpajas · 7 months
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The man truly can’t take a genuine compliment 🙄
#my art stuff#digital art#baldur's gate 3#bg3#astarion#astarion ancunin#this is part of a series I like to call “I’m never settling on a singular detailed artstyle”#I have no consistency in drawing realistic people/characters other than my shapy cartoon style#but I truly don’t get enough opportunity to properly shade anything with art in that style-!!! it always looks weird to me-!!!!!#I think some rude lil worm in my brain is wriggling around telling me it’s a futile attempt at still doing realism#cus I’m one of those “gifted” artists that grew up promising his parents he’ll end up among the big names or whatever#constantly training to become better at art but with realism oil paintings as the goal#you know how it is 😔#I wanna shade my lil funky designs but they never feel good enough to really put energy into or whatever so I compromise with stuff -#- like this where I try to draw characters more accurately while still stylizing them and shading them however I feel like it#which is great and all but I should really learn to give my more relaxed and less perfectionist art a chance#I deserve to enjoy the process and the result without working myself dead#it’s so much easier and rewarding to copy cartoon styles - stylizing realism makes me too anxious of doing it “wrong”#at least cartoon styles give me a goal to reach or a reference to strive towards#man I really should just cut myself some slack altogether#either way - this man is a flustered mess and he’s embarrassed about being called adorable in public or something#being teased in an affectionate way about his sweeter side and stuff#don’t ask why he’s shirtless - anatomy is just a lot more fun for me to draw sometimes#tasteful nudity and all that is extremely gorgeous to me#i need to practice anatomy more cus I just kinda did some shit and went with it this time with a BIT of consideration for muscle structure
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starrspice · 1 year
I want to experiment with art styles drawing sun and moon
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kakyogay · 9 months
hehhehreeehheheeee finally read ardieno's fic hheheheeehehehee
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
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#I GUESS MY WRIST FUCKING UP PUT ME FURTHER BACK THAN I THOUGHT#but also like. i was JUST talking about it in chat. i have a comic about the Three Of Them that i wrote in a frenzy in FEBUARY.#by the time i rewrote the dialogue and figured out the ending it was SEVEN FUCKING PAGES. SOLID.#OF JUST SCRIPT.#I STILL HAVENT EVEN FINISHED SKETCHING IT. YOU GUYS ARE NOT SEEING THAT SHIT UNTIL 2024#sometimes an idea of them will grasp me and i will just write the script out in the middle of the night#I realistically. dont even know if you guys are gonna like my scripted stuff.#the first scripted thing i wrote was a yellow&duck comic that im STILL SKETCHING BACKGROUNDS ON#i could be really bad at writing for them. i could totally not get them at all.#but hey!#we'll see when we see I guess#BUT YEAH UH. SORRY FOR LITERALLY ALL I POST BEING WIPS NOWADAYS I AM JUST WORKING ON LIKE 5 DIFFERENT DRAWINGS AT ONCE#STILL TRYING TO GET MY SPRING STUFF DONE. AND ITS ALMOST FALL. SO :]#I JUST CARE SO MUCH ABT THOSE PUPPETS DAWG I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS FOR THEM#I HAVE!!! EVEN MORE DRAWINGS THAT I JUST HAVENT SHARED!!! bc i either made them for something real specific in the discord#or bc theyre phone doodles and i dont think theyre that great. or bc i made them just for a friend and thats like. theirs now kjdhkjdfhs#a lotta times once i finish drawing smth for a friend ill just never post it bft. so its just like. for that one thing and nothing else#ANYWAYS HAPPY 3 AM IM FORCING MYSELF TO GO TO BED#AND I STILL HAVE THE ANIMATIONS#AND THE FANART FOR LIKE 5 FICS I WANNA DO#OHHH GOD CMONNN BRO IM NEVER FINISHING ANYTHING#my postings
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funkle420 · 11 days
i really wish I'd gone to an actual art school instead of transferring all over the place and switching majors and shit. i get pangs of jealousy seeing ppl post their art school assignments, they look fun and interesting and like a good way to learn!
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recallback-art · 11 months
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Day 19: Inspiration! Wanted to do someone else or something else, but had really bad brain disease and wanted to bang out a super easy pic.
While the Shibuya gang take more cues from other places of inspiration, Lucero's jinx form was visually inspired by Chainsaw Man before I got into the series, so here's a Chainsaw Shark.
Bonus Oren and Pochita. He's not CSM inspired, I just wanted to draw a little guy and a danger puppy for fun :)
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moodr1ng · 3 months
did not expect how much effort actually typing up the backstories & bios of all the characters from my oldest (still active) story would take.. esp bc aside from the main 4 characters i only had like a general idea of their circumstances (for some of them its just like. yeah this chick exists and shes among the friends of the main character. i have a general idea of her personality and ik she has two brothers. but then i need to come up w paragraphs and paragraphs of her life and interests bc ive done it for the other characters 😭).. so its actually a lot of fully original writing whereas for the main 4 it was mostly just writing down shit i already knew about them
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
stares at ur art w the largest eyes. pls tell me abt ur ocs they look so cool..
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This is gonna be like. The messiest or at least most incomplete explanation despite me having made these guys in 6th grade (9-10 years ago btw) because I was so significantly more focused on character design than any actual world building. Anyways--
So they're basically a specialized task force to deal with demonic creatures/entities! Said creatures come from an entirely different realm but they started leaking into other places like Earth so the governing body of one of the countries there, Erutan, was like "...Hm yeah we kinda need to deal with that" so yeah uhh 7 of them got dragged into this (Perenn was already from Erutan)
Each of them have a unique ability, weapon(s), and emblem and they get their powers from these markings branded onto their left arm:
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The brand itself is heated with lava from the local divine volcano (which is probably also the source of the demon thingies but they're not entirely sure on that which is why they have some geochemical researchers on it)
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Here's their flat colors since the other one is kinda dark so you can't see it as well but the markings and stuff are there!
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The branding does glow when they're actively using their powers! They all can also do some magic things in common like a quick teleport or summoning each other, but those are a bit more draining
Originally I made them because I was like "Mmhm yes, people with magic abilities fighting demons, I can make as many OCs within this universe as I want" before it ended up being. Too many-- So I like focusing on these 8 since they were my very first ones but there are more like these three that are also important
I made magical girls before understanding what the genre of magical girl was. Incredible
If there's anything else you wanna know like about a specific person or whatever 👉👈
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moe-broey · 1 year
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@felikatze OH nothing LMFAOO (not that I know of anyway haven't caught up) I'm just rotating them both in my mind and desperately attempting to illustrate the parallels 😅😅
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hep-heptagon · 2 years
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This is still very much a WIP/rough doodle, but I just finished reading Angels Before Man and I can’t stop thinking about it or Lucifer
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sysig · 5 months
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Tainted batch (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#Fine nevermind >:(#It's so weird to be posting vent-adjacent stuff while I'm doing so well currently haha#I started this months ago and have significantly improved my mood since then pfft ♪ I'd hope!#There wasn't anything specific at the time anyway just a thought circling around that I figured Charm would be more affected by#Considering most things for her are heightened in comparison haha <3 She'll get therapy someday#She also deals a lot in sublimation through art! And sometimes that means literally taking the materials and using them elsewhere#Honestly it's pretty cool that she can reconstitute her art :0 Drawing is a little different haha#I hadn't realized it'd been as long as it's been since I last drew Cirrus :0#Oh yeah Cherry Shortcake actually has a first name now lol#A few residents do! If you remember my mention of Aria from a while back - Marshmallow Fluff - I think those are the current three?#Still haven't really pinned down a naming convention haha...I've been thinking about three-letter last names for what feels like forever now#She was also an early contender for Digitally Rendered Resident huh... I could at least stand to name the others that have gotten that lol#So many things I wanna do with her - really want to finish her Biased Narrator fic sometime just dunno how to end it hrmngh#Anyway lol she gets a one-panel cameo and takes over the post pft no! Charm time!#Evil Time Charm time - kicked up her pulse as soon as she remembered#She kinda sorta remembers what happened but more than that remembers the Emotions - feeling Laughed At#And clearly it's [this specific thing]'s fault that she feels foolish! Avoid [this specific thing] and never feel foolish again Guaranteed!*#*Not actually even remotely close to a guarantee lol instead she's just avoiding something that at one point made her feel good#So easy to turn a positive memory into a negative one with just a change of framing huh?#I can't think of anyone in her life who would exploit that fun little feature in her outlook not even one!
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