#i wanna put them in my pocket and protect them from everything that is evil
thinking about soft college!supercorp... them studying together outside in the afternoon sun... Lena wearing Kara's jacket... Kara making sure Lena eats between her study sessions... the tenderness of it all
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beann-e · 3 years
Haikyuu! Characters reacting to their s/o Fighting for them
Also i’m taking request !! go put something in the box :4
he would enjoy it so much like he’d have a full on conversation while your doing it. He’d even start hyping you up In the back because he knows that’s all it takes to fuel your fire.
Only for you to find out the person who was hitting on him wasn’t talking about him but was talking about another guy and tendou only made it seem like they were so he could piss you off because he finds it so hot when your upset
Your eyes went pointed to the scene in front of you when you walked down from the bleachers. Feet heavy on the ground as you tried to contain your anger.
How did this chick get down here faster than you and why the hell was she talking to your boyfriend once again faster than you ?
You steps slowed as you walked up to them hoping to hear a little bit of the conversation “ yeah I thought it was really hot and I just wanted to say wow up close and personal y’know “
Your eyes widened hot ?
what the hell did she think was hot ?
“ I was uh I was up in the stands and I was honestly a little bit intimidated to come down here and talk to anyone actually —in the first place “ she laughed clutching her bag a little tighter when your boyfriend licked his lips before his teeth came down to nibble on his bottom one lightly, eyes feigning innocence as he listened to her “ especially you so this is like a big milestone for me “
you watched as your boyfriend smiled softly “ yeah I get it — really i’d be the exact same way with a crush I wouldn’t know how to act or even how to talk to them i’ve actually been there before so “
good good you thought praising tendou in your head at the fact that he was trying to slowly bring up the fact that he had a s/o. clapping for him in your head for trying to let the girl in front of him down easily
your body darting to hide behind a group of teenagers when you saw your boyfriends eyes lift up from the girl and look around as if he was checking for someone he must have been wondering where you were. breathing out a sigh of relief that he turned to look over your way too slowly only missing you by a second
“ oh really I assumed that— “
“ no no your good i’m not saying it in that way “
your face dropped ‘in what way ? ‘
“ I understand the fear of talking to your crush but trust me “ he nodded his head towards the girl In front him before he took a sip of water and smiled down on her “ you’ve got no reason to be nervous i’m right her—“
“ hi “ you waved steps quick on the floor beneath you and voice loud to show your presence “ yes y— yes you do “ you laughed reaching your hand out to shake the girls own in front of you
“ i’m y/n — the s/o— of 3 years —is there ? is there anything wrong did something happen to where he needed an emergency check up or something ? “
the sarcasm in your voice making your boyfriend smirk to himself at the way you just jumped into the situation all to protect your relationship it made him feel secure, happy even
it made him in a way feel greedy
your head coming up to look at tendou as you snaked an arm around his waist like he’d done to you in similar situations. Your other one moving to place itself on his chest “ babe are you ok ? are you hurt ? how badly to call a stranger over here ? “
“ baby no nothing like that she just wanted to congratulate me“ he locked eyes with you the slight smirk he still wore ignored by you due to anger at the drama unfolding before you and his next statement. His words coming out soft and sweet though they were meant to encourage his evil agenda “ before you “
“i’m sorry I wasn’t down here to congratulate him on his win so he must have looked lonely “
you shook your head in sadness at the girl “ and open but “ you smiled “ no he’s not—I understand the confusion you must be going through right now but its just miscommunication from your classmates—which leads me to wonder—please tell me what’s your name ? i’ve never seen you before and I bet your not aware of who I am either so introductions could help both of us out here “
“ oh uh i’m niccolo” the girl shook her head softly and wearily as you pulled back quickly
“ mm niccolo— niccolo “ you spoke rubbing the same hand youd just shook niccolos with down your shirt causing your boyfriend to smile to himself and his eyebrows to raise at all the knowing looks from his teammates about the shit storm he’d just put into motion as he planted a small innocent kiss to your forehead while winking to his teammates behind you
“ never heard of it you must be a first year ? “ your boyfriends head shook slightly as he looked to the floor thinking about how that might have been a little bit rude considering she was just a young girl maybe 16 at most.
His mind rolling with thoughts of maybe cutting the game he was playing short because of her age only for him to side eye you and take a sip from his water bottle again ‘ nah they’ve got it ‘
“ oh y-yes i’m new here—i’ve taken the phrase first year a bit too literal “ she joked smile seeming to be forced her hands twitching in nervousness
“ mm — I never would’ve thought “ you spoke sarcastically. Almost every first year knew not to talk to tendou after a game not unless you were down there already.
The both of you had established that as soon as the game is over your the only person who gets to say congratulations to him first since he explained that it means more to him to know that you’ll always be there no matter what he does
no matter if he wins or loses he’ll get to walk off that court and the first thing he sees is the person he loves most with their hands out waiting for a hug. he’s told you that in the moment he wants to feel like your the only one watching because it’s a private game played for you because he believes your so lucky to get to see your smoking hot boyfriend do blocks.
“ oh thank you no ones ever told me that I look older before may I ask why you thin— “
“ because your dum— “
“ haha um “ tendou stretched before speaking again “ because your just really pretty for a first year “ your body went rigid you almost felt like you couldn’t feel anything not even the heat that was radiating off your body
“ aw thank you so much that means a lot y/n was it? “ she smiled genuinely before laughing “ tendous so nice i’m really glad I came down here first before y’know all the fangirls came down “
she shook her head “ y’know I actually got scared because I thought you were one — I was like ahhhh here comes one of those scary stalker girls “ she laughed “ tendou was telling me not to be afraid since he knew you but I was telling him to be careful when talking to people like you —- once again I thought you were a fan girl so I mean you can’t blame me right?”
Yeah she was screwed this had went too far he was too late
“ y/n “ his voice was warning but you waved him off listening to the girl in front of you her voice sounding so confident and honest believing in everything she was saying. Voice pouring through and mouth still moving almost as if she had no filter
she looked to her feet “I doubt any of them would even have a chance with tendou though because— “
your body roared as she explained her reasoning.
You were only feeling this angry at her words because not only did she call you a tendou fangirl but she explained that even if you were one you would have no chance with him even though that’s actually how you two started dating.
Then for her to turn around and rub it in your face how she got downstairs before you oh god you were gonna have a field day with this little twerp if you didn’t find a way to put her in her place respectfully
“ hey um tendou do you think me and my fellow fan girl here can have some alone time just a small chat “
“ oh wow i’ve never had one of those before “ she smiled as tendou stood still wondering if he’d done the right thing by encouraging all of this or if he should just drop it or maybe even sit down and enjoy it
looking down at you cautiously a slight smirk on his face thinking about your face when he would get the chance to you the truth of the situation but only for it to drop as the girl across from him stole his attention away from you causing him to perk up a bit honestly surprised that she spoke again
Was she suicidal or ?
“ I think he may not be leaving because he isn’t comfortable with you yet—he told me earlier that we could be best friends so , he may listen to me more “ she smiled “ tendou I wanna talk to um —y/n so could you maybe give us some time alone —“ her smiling wider almost as if happy to call him her friend —before speaking “ I wanted to help you out “
‘ holy shit she’s testing my patience’
tendous loud laugh ripped through the gym as he grabbed goshiki and turned the both of them around to walk off words heavy and holding meaning “ yeah I know em’ —I know em’ real well physically and mentally trust me your going to have a bestie number two soon enough “
you watched as your boyfriend went to sit on the bench talking softly with goshiki as he put his hands in his pants pockets not paying attention to you two anymore
“ so wha— “
“ look “ you smiled “ i’m gonna be real sweet about this so we can tie this up in a neat little bow “ you pointed towards tendou
“ ‘m not a fan anymore he’s my boyfriend — we’ve been dating for 3 years now ever since we were first years. I met him through a fan club because he saw the art I drew for their game posters and enjoyed it. I told him I liked how passionate he was about something and how he had his own thing and did it in his own unique way that worked for him and then boom we ended up getting closer—closer then need be sometimes “
you sighed as you moved to close the conversation out “ look just please — I understand your a first year you may not know and that’s ok but ; me and my boyfriend like for me to be the first one who gives him a congratulations at the end of a match he never talks to anyone except his team until I do it — he says it’s like reassurance tht he’s doing good he’s had some stuff happen in the past that just — he needs praise and reminders that he’s doing good with his sport and I supply that he doesn’t want it from anyone else and I don’t want anyone else to give it “
you looked to the girl with sympathy in your eyes hoping you didn’t hurt her feelings she really was just a young kid “ it’s ok to have a crush I had one we all do at a point in our lives but right now your hitting on someone in a secure relationship ok ? start asking first please just to be safe in your future years “
her eyes went wide as she moved to speak “ mm I guess I was wrong “
you shook your head “ wrong ? excuse me for not understanding but wrong how“
“ I uh I assumed you weren’t one of those fan girls and I was wrong I did not mean to get in between your weird obsession just please do not harm him or anything like you guys tend to do “
your body blazed eyes lit up in a hard stare at everyone who now turned to face you hearing the girls loud words
“ again with the fan shit “
“ that is what you guys are called I will not call you his s/o if he does not know you “
“ wh— “
“ I tried to be nice to you but your not accepting it it’s like you want me to scream at you “
“ yeah babe she totally does “ tendous smile spreading slowly across his face at the way your hips moved to work with your mouth in showing off your evident pissed off mood
“ I know “ you screamed “ she just wants to make this harder for me “
“ duh “ his tongue coming out to swipe across his bottom lip eyes falling down to your hands that were clenched so tightly in anger waving around widely your pissed off expression sending heat traveling across his body
“ you have a child’s crush on him and I keep telling you I don’t mind but I explained to you to just be respectful and then you go and disrespect me again“
“ they are very lenient when it comes to crushes on me “
“ thank you baby —I try not to be rude because I myself was once a fan in a club for the team so trust me I understand but everyone is usually respectful I don’t understand how you “
“ she’s just a first year babe you have to explain it to her more “ he smiled thinking up a new way to see how far you would go for him “ like in depth “
“ I DID “
“ no baby you gotta get rough with her “
you turned with your eyebrows furrowed “ like fight “
he smirked at you body shaking at the way you whimpered out the words but moved to put your hair up anyways yet, again putting him first and your cloudy anger ridden mind second
god you were so hot whenever you showed everyone you’d do anything for him “ fuck — yeah baby your doing the right thing —don’t think about it too much “
you shook your head softly as you battled through it in your head tendou always knew how to get a rise out of you and how to make you do what he wanted you to more so for fun.
It didn’t take much for you to listen to him especially when you couldn’t think clearly because he was the only person there who cared for you and anything he did you knew would only be for his own entertainment purposes he’d never have you do anything bad or that put your safety at risk.
when you were angry —and had someone hyping you up and adding fuel onto the fire it was only 10x worse and tendou knew this
“ here y/n baby—let’s take this outside I don’t want you to get hurt by fighting in here come on you can do it out there “
“ tendou you asshole quit encouraging this shit“ semi whispered
“ I do not understand what is going on —i find myself with a loss of knowledge in this situation but I do feel as though tendou is in the wrong it is only a gut feeling “
the girl in front of you trembled at ushijimas voice—before looking to goshiki who held wide eyes as he waved to the girl hesitantly her eyes darting away and back to him eyebrows coming together as she looked around the gym embarrassed “ but he — he didn’t say anything about you—I didn’t know he didnt tell me “
“ wh—what babe — liar I call liar she’s lying baby — pleas— ow “
your head finally clearing up as you listened to his team talk about how much of a prick he was you reaching out and grabbing the top of his ear and bringing it down to your height while he screamed out in pain “ BECAUSE HES AN ASSHOLE “
“ hey baby I’m sorry i’m sorry but that’s — thats “ his hair went down to cover his face as he looked at you “ thats not cool “
“ I — I didn’t know “
“ but I told you twice “
“ and I — I haven’t had the best experienc— “ her bottom lip trembled before she took off crying when she met the young boys eyes behind her.
Goshiki shaking softly eyes lit up in confusion before he shook his head and pulled himself away from the embarrassing situation to run after her your boyfriend moving to wrap his arms around your waist from the back “ your so hot “
“ but I “
“ you were wrong though so I see looks don’t always pair up with smarts “
“ huh “
“ she wasn’t hitting on me “
“ but she “
“ she has a crush on goshiki this is her first time attending a volley’ game and she accidentally came down the wrong way so it landed her down here faster than everyone else”
your body stiffened “ she only ended up talking to me because I was going into the hallway towards the locker rooms when she for some reason was coming down the opposite way crying to me about how she was lost “
“ then you — you two were talking abo— “
“ she’s a bit fragile —- and she was explaining it and I saw how we were the same because she’s had a hard past too so she’s a bit wary around others—and hates confrontation due to drama at ‘er old school and she doesn’t know much of the people here because she’s a first year also she doesn’t talk much which kinda threw me off when she started having full conversations with you and trying her best to connect with you“ he shrugged “ must’ve thought you were cool —wanted to be your friend or some shit”
he smiled proudly at the fact that you could make people other than himself feel that comfortable around you him peppering kisses all around your face “ she was telling me how she thought goshiki was hot and when I brought up that I was his amazingly beautiful senpai she just wanted me to introduce her to him — she said she’s afraid of people and fangirls because she hasn’t had the best experiences with them she explained one time in middle school she got a bento box thrown at her because a guy from the volleyball team said hi to her “
your body immediately dropped “ you knew her whole life story and then some and let me embarrass myself “
“ well honestly you both did you just a bit more than her “
he would praise you so much the whole time. He has fangirls and he loves when you show him why your more important than them. he loves for you to stop him and put them in their place while showing him his own.
He knows it’s not right to flirt with other girls but the excitement and pure happiness he gets when he watches you fight for him with such passion similar to his own for volley he loves it
“ oikawa ~~” A small voice called out before tucking a strand of hair behind their ear “ can we maybe get some photos ? “
holy shit it’s like everyday at this point
“ baby can I ? “
“ just go “ his eyes darted to the group before he looked back at you “ really —swear i’ll be right behind you pretty boy “
He smiled before running off to the group grabbing the pen someone held out for him and writing all over the billions of notepads girls waved in front of his face.
You knew it looked wrong for him to have a s/o and still entertain other girls or guys for that matter but, you knew oikawa. You knew exactly how he felt about them it wasn’t that he was interested or liked them it was that he liked their comments
he liked the attention.
He was someone who needed constant praise to feel like he was doing his best. Hearing all the cheers , all of the shouts of his name, seeing the signs and people that would come to games specifically for him only made him feel like he was human like he was real and talented—appreciated
You would never take that away from him you could never, when you two started dating you explained to him you knew how important his fans were to him and as long as he kept a certain line that couldn’t be crossed— that he would always come back to you. Everything would be ok.
You slowly walked up behind him leaving space for people to have a hard time differentiating if you were apart of the crowd or with him but you were still close enough to hear the whispers of how hot he was and honestly he was.
He had the muscles—the beautifully glowing skin that others around you two dreamed of and to put a topping on the cake he was still sporting his ruffled hair from his earlier game. He was your dream man and you were lucky to even be able to stare at him behind closed doors or at least that’s what he told you whenever you walked into his room.
“ oikawa-san “
“hmm “ he spoke staring down on the girl that reached out to grab his arm as he was turning to leave
“ could I talk to you please “
his eyes darted to find yours locking on them when he finally found them. His mouth now moving to mouth a question as you shook your head lightly you’d give him five more minutes he deserved it and you wanted him to feel like he’d done a good job at his game today ,which he really did do, him only going back to the girl in front of you two
“ oh well I really wanna — i’m supposed to —“ he sighed out before he collected himself “ I want to take my s/o home before it gets too late I don’t want them walking alone at night “
“ oh s/o “ her voice dropped as he shook his head up and down “ correct of 2 years “
“ oh my um congratulations— to many more to many more with many more “ she rushed out quickly reaching in her backpack
“ thank you our anniver— “
“ could we get a picture “
he sighed before his smile spread only growing into a fake one lips going tight on his face “ yes of course just one i’d like to get on the ro— “
His breathing stopped as he felt the girl next to him lay her lips on his. The click of the camera making his eyes go wide as he shook. Oikawa to most wasnt one who was as submissive as he was with you. He was a bit more ‘ manly ‘ to other people but around you he always fell into submission especially when he knew he fucked up
His eyes slowly moved to find yours that flaming as you stared down the girl in front of him . You leaning against the wall only making him feel a shiver move down his spine.
Had he fucked up that badly that you weren’t even moving.
He kept looking between you and the girl in front of him eyes trying to convey his thoughts as they screamed
‘ look y/n she’s still talking to me — at this point she’s fucking with me not the other way around ‘
His mind went blank as you walked over your face made up into a stoic one voice coming out monotoned devoid of annoyance or any feeling at all “ your lips must be magnets or some shit“
“ excuse me “
“ oh no it’s just that Insee you’ve put your lips on my boyfriend“ your eyes creased at the girl before looking up and down in curiosity “ so I was just wondering if your big mouth was hiding a magnet or something — anything really to explain why you would put your dirty ass mouth on my rather pristine boyfriend “
Pristine ? his body went upright standing a bit taller ‘ hell yeah i’m pristine keep em coming babe ‘
“ are you not going to apologize ? “
“ I uh “ her eyes went up into sadness and fear as the courage that once swirled through her left upon seeing your emotionless stare. She’d just kissed your boyfriend and you looked like you were walking dogs or doing an everyday house chore “ i’m sor—sorry “
“ oh not to me “ you let out a small head nod over to oikawa “ I meant him “
“ oh oh um yes “ she coughed before she made eye contact with oikawa whos eyes were creasing as he stared down on the frail girl before him
“ i’m sorry “
“ no go on take your time “
“ i apologize that “
“ really I know it’s hard to apologize to someone as pristine as me“ your boyfriend moved to nudge you softly “ isn’t that right y/n“ he spoke as he tried and failed to wink down at you
“ uh yeah babe um “ you shook your head as your eyebrows furrowed before you returned to your earlier self “ wait what oikawa stop playing and fix this shit “
“ oh uh “ he straightened himself up at your words “ what were you suppose to be saying again “
“ oh I just wanted to um “ she turned to make eye contact with you before jumping a bit and turning away squeaking out her words “ i’m sorry for hitting on you knowing that you had a s/o “
“ oh ok that’s it? ” his body sulked as he looked to the floor
“ that’s it ? — you don’t care that she hit on you asshole“ you slapping his arm harshly before he whimpered at the contact
“ what’s wrong baby “ your hand came up to rub his back and arm while he pouted turning away from the both of you
“ I just wanted her to she was sorry “
“ ‘kawa she did we can go home now “
“ no she didn’t say it the way I wanted her to “
your hands fell from him as you let out a huff of air before turning to the girl in front of you and moving to whisper in her ear as she sat confused unmoving In her spot before smiling softly and speaking uncomfortably and regretting her decision to ask the male out
“ oikawa “ she coughed his eyes looking over at her while still holding up his dramatic show “ I just wanted to say i’m sorry for hitting on your s/o’s “
Her eyebrows furrowed before she looked to you who was mouthing the words and shaking her head in an ok motion “ pretty boy —“ he perked up at the words “I will never hit on someone of your elegantly pure , flawlessly clean , stature ever again “
Yes he made her embarrass herself by asking for more kind uplifting words more so to make himself feel better than for you. All the while he enjoyed the praise he received from not only the person he loved but the person he didn’t.
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authornina · 3 years
Dalonte “DALY” Dennis: (TEK)
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Daly shook his head listening to his sisters go back and forth about dumb shit. It seemed like they always waited until he came around to bring up niggas. He never intruded on their personal lives because he’d instilled enough in them to know what to do and what not to do. He had been on his own with them since he could remember. Daly was only ten years old roaming the streets looking for food to feed them. Life didn’t give him much of a choice to live another way. His mother left everything up to him, so he had to do anything to survive. At first it was just he and TJ, then two more girls came, and his mother literally dropped them off home to him. Daly cared for infants alone being just a baby himself.
They were on their way to the airport to pick up the baby of the three, Erie. She went away to college four years ago and this would be her first time back in Philly since graduating. They visited her a lot, but they were all happy to have her in the same state as them again. He was so proud of Erie for sticking it out and finishing college. At first, she would beg to come home. She even threatened to drop out several times. Daly spoiled Erie the most so during each one of her breakdowns he flew to Atlanta where she attended Spelman to talk her down.
All three of his sisters even being raised by him like straight niggas turned out to be great women despite their foul ass mouths and no-nonsense ass attitudes. People always said how pretty they were until witnessing one of them in action. Daly was a cool brother to have but he sometimes was too hard on himself thinking he could’ve done better with them and their emotions. He didn’t know how to raise children let alone girls but over the years he learned so much about women, more than he actually wanted to know. 
TJ was the oldest and she owned a popular hair salon. She was the wildest and most outspoken. Daly had to bail her out of jail several times, primarily for domestic disputes with her lovers. She was openly bisexual and came out to him when she was sixteen, saying if Daly didn’t accept her for who she was, he could kiss her ass. Of course, no matter what he loved his sister. TJ was five-eight, with tan skin covered by tattoos. She had them everywhere. None of them knew their fathers and Daly assumed she was biracial off her features and TJ didn’t like that. So, the long curly black hair she once had as a girl which made her ambiguity more apparent was shaved off and she chose to wear all types of colorful wigs. She was beautiful either way with her natural hunter green eyes and freckled rosy cheeks. Despite her lifestyle and appearance, TJ went to church a lot. She’d been that way since she was just a child. Always telling Daly she had them all covered on the prayer tip, so they were good. She believed the Lord protected her big brother the many nights he had to go out and do what needed to be done for them. TJ had a huge and loving heart she just didn’t have the patience for bullshit.
Ta’Kia, whom everyone simply called Kia was the calmest when considering the three of them. She didn’t bother anyone unless they bothered her. It was a different story if she knew you though, you wouldn’t be able to shut her ass up. She went to college in state at West Chester where she met her white boyfriend that she stressed out regularly. Kia was also fair skin and four-eleven of feistiness. Daly knew whoever her father was had to be black. She had 4C hair and to him that meant straight nigga. He learned all about the different types of hair black women had over the years. He didn’t assume they couldn’t have loose coils in general, but his sister came from nigga nuts with the shit that sat on top of her head. Kia kept it in all types of natural styles. She was the earthy vegan type. No man-made chemicals could touch her person and she only ate what she grew. She wore very little clothing often, even when it was cold with beads around her waist, lots of rings on her fingers and she had two nose rings and a septum. Daly didn’t know where the hell that aesthetic came from but again, he supported his sisters through whatever.  
Then there was Erieon, Erie for short, Daly’s baby. TJ and Kia didn’t give into her spoiled ass the way he did. If you asked them, their little sister was selfish, stubborn and plain old evil. Erie had a bad attitude, worse than all of three put together and never liked to admit when she was wrong. The only person she didn’t get out the way with was Daly. Erie was the surprise baby and the most beautiful little dark doll he’d ever seen when his mother first dropped her off. He fell in love with her the moment he had to take her on. By then he’d become an expert at caring for infants. Erie stood out because amongst her sisters she shined like chocolate satin. While her sisters rocked baldies and bushes, Erie loved box braids, and any other type of style that hung pass her butt in individuals. Everything about her was gorgeous. She was the most regular physically but personality wise, Daly had a time with that one. Sometimes he thought she had some mental health issues but seeing Lake go through so much and learning what he could, he swore his sister wasn’t that damaged. Couldn’t be. He simply gave her whatever she wanted and hoped it never went further than having temper tantrums.
When Daly was just a child, if it weren’t for Hassan, he and his sisters would be separated and spread out through the system. It was one of the reasons Daly was so loyal to Lake. Hassan made sure they never had to worry about being taken from one another. The house they lived in, he bought it and fixed it up. They had food and clean clothes every day. When his mother would try to come and interrupt the peace they finally had, Hassan made sure she didn’t any longer. Whatever bad shit people had to say about the late Hassan Porter, he and his sisters were blinded by the fact that he was the only adult to give a fuck about them. Even his mother’s sister didn’t offer a helping hand when she knew how they were living. Hassan didn’t ask any questions or want any answers. He saw a problem and fixed it. Never made Daly feel ashamed or embarrassed either.  
Once at the busy airport, they didn’t even have to park to meet Erie inside. She was sitting outside on her luggage with an obvious attitude.
“Here her ass go with the bullshit,” Kia said getting out the car. She hugged her resistant baby sister while Daly kissed her cheek before getting her stuff. TJ didn’t even get out the car because she was the least interested in what had her mean ass mad already. 
“What’s wrong, Erieon?” Daly asked once they were all back in the car. 
“Erie! Stop bein’ a fuckin’ brat!” TJ turned around to her sister who was in the back seat now with her arms crossed and face balled up. “You always do that like somebody supposed to know what you thinkin’.” 
“Leave me alone.” 
“Erie, what’s wrong?” Daly asked her in a gentle tone making TJ and Kia roll their eyes.
“The flight was just annoying. I don’t like being around people.” 
“I’m sure people don’t like being around your evil ass either,” TJ said. “I’ma pray for you on Sunday demon.” She held the cross around her neck then pulled out a little bottle and splashed Erie. 
“Don’t put that saltwater on me!” 
“You need Jesus!” 
“TJ, stop,” Kia laughed. “Stay sprinkling people with your lil holy water.” 
“She think cause she got baptized that she still not going to hell,” Erie said, wiping her face. “Newsflash, you eat pussy, that’s a sin!” 
“Yo!” Daly yelled. “I don’t wanna hear that shit. All y’all shut the fuck up!” 
Why did he say that? All hell broke loose. They started shouting obscenities his way and he blew his breath wishing he went alone to begin with. Daly loved his sisters to absolute death, but they were a damn handful. How anybody dated one was beyond him. Man or woman. 
“Wit your big head ass!” TJ mushed him. “Don’t be talkin’ to us like that!” 
“I’m stayin’ with you TJ,” Erie said. They were the two who got along the least, but her sister was the most freeing to be around and let her do anything. Even though she was going on twenty-three, Kia and Daly treated her like a baby.
“Then you better act like you know, I ain’t for the walkin’ around my shit with no attitude! And I don’t clean up after grown muhfuckas.” 
“Why you don’t want your own shit?” Daly asked.
“Because I don’t wanna be alone,” Erie said low. “TJ lays with me when I need her.” 
“I can lay with you,” Daly said.
“You never be home.”
Erie saying that made Daly feel bad. If he wasn’t there often it’s because he couldn’t be and when he wasn’t, they had to take care of each other. They didn’t intentionally make him feel bad about it, they simply were dealt a shitty hand. No mother and their brother couldn’t be around due to the fact that he was the provider. It all affected each of them in different ways. 
“I lay with you too.” 
“Kia, your bed bout as big as this back seat. Then you like to sleep on the floor,” Erie said, and they all started laughing. 
Daly gave his sisters the range to live much more extravagant, but Kia didn’t want to. She liked her open space loft, mattress on the floor, no curtains, plants from wall to windows, three pairs of shoes and garden full of natural foods. TJ wanted to work for her own money, so she started a business. Erie was the only one who happily ran through his pockets like no tomorrow. He was okay with him being their backup plan if they ever needed or wanted it.
“Says the homeless one,” Kia rolled her eyes.
“By choice,” Erie retorted. 
After Daly took his sisters out then dropped them all off, he stopped at his old apartment. His phone was ringing off the hook and the only calls he returned were Lake, Wreck and Roddy. Mansion called him about fifty times. When those went unanswered, the texts started. 
Mansion: I know you with another bitch, since you wanna ignore me for her. Stay there, and don’t call me ever again with your hoe ass! 
Mansion: Bitch ass nigga! You really wanna cheat on me? And I bet she don’t look like shit! 
Mansion: I was fuckin’ somebody else anyway!
Mansion: I’m gettin’ a abortion!
Daly ignored each one. Mansion would say anything to get him to argue with her. At first it was funny, but now, he was a little tired of the constant back and forth. It was childish but that’s what he got for messing with a twenty-one-year-old. 
“What?” he asked, finally answering for her.
“Put your bitch on the phone.” 
“I ain’t wit no bitch.” 
“Right, you a hoe ass liar! Come get me right now.” 
“Fuck no! Go tell the nigga you was fuckin’ to get your crazy ass.” 
“I was just sayin’ that,” Mansion whined. “I love you.”
“Obviously,” Daly responded sarcastically and they both started laughing. “You gotta chill bro.” 
“My anger just get the best of me, you know I would never step out on you.” 
“I’m not comin’ tonight, I got shit to do.” 
“Like what?” 
“You lyin’.” 
“When the fuck do I ever have to lie? If I’ma be with another bitch, I would tell you.” 
“See that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, the disrespect! I’m not about to let you play in my face with no ugly ass hoe!” 
“Who ugly, Mansion?” 
“SHADIA!” she screamed, and Daly hollered. His on again off again girlfriend for years grinded Mansion’s gears. “You need to tell that dog face bitch you love me and it’s over.” 
“I told her that.” 
“Then why she still feel comfortable to go around talkin’ about my nigga? Why THE FUCK is she postin’ you on her Instagram?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“You know because you keep givin’ that hoe hope!” 
“Ion give nobody shit,” Daly looked at his phone beeping. “Hold on, I’ma call you right back.” He didn’t wait for a response to click over for his sister. “Yea TJ?” 
“Come get Erie before I fuck her up!” 
“What she do that damn fast?” 
“I comes the fuck in my room and her ass changin’ shit around in MY HOUSE!”
“You got it ugly in here!” he heard Erie yell in the back. “Everything don’t gotta be green!” 
“DALONTE!” TJ shouted. “Come get your sister! NOW! Jesus be a high ass fence for Erieon…” she started her prayer for forgiveness then Daly heard a bunch of ruckus. He hung up on everybody tired of dealing with women for one day. It wasn’t even five o’clock yet. He got all the bags out of his trunk and went inside the apartment building. 
When he put his key in the door Tracy was standing right there with an attitude. Out of all the bitch fits, he was least interested in hers. He didn’t tell his sisters about their mother staying there and that’s why he moved because it would upset them. TJ mostly. She hated Tracy to no ending. 
“The fuck you standing there for waitin’ like you caught me cheatin’ or something?” 
“Because you leave me in this place, alone! I ain’t got no phone, no communication to the outside world—” 
“Man, fuck outta here,” Daly said, closing the door. “You lucky you got this.”
“I want to see my children, Dalonte!” 
“They don’t wanna see you.” 
Daly’s mother was a rehabilitated crackhead and ex-prostitute. He wouldn’t have offered her a place to stay but she was currently pregnant and had the nerve to tell him she wanted to do right for her baby. 
“Well it ain’t they choice, y’all is muthafuckin’ kids to me! I don’t care what we been through! I am your mother!” 
“You ain’t shit, Tracy.” Daly took all the bags in the kitchen. “Here, all the shit you wanted. Fuckin’ prenatal vitamins,” he threw them at her. “I know your ass ain’t do none of this shit with us! You want my sisters to see this shit?” He started pouring all the stuff out. “You got it in you to finally care about one of your kids.” 
“He is y’all little brother,” Tracy said, palming her stomach with tears in her eyes. Her oldest child hated her so she knew it couldn’t have been any better with the other three but not seeing them for so long hurt her heart. When she came to him, he didn’t even care at first. They owed her nothing and as a mother Tracy wished she could take every ounce of pain she caused them back. 
“I almost said fuck him too,” Daly laughed, and Tracy smiled. Her son loved her; she knew this because he could be really cold when he wanted to be. There had been times she’d been on the other end of it. 
“I’m sorry for putting all of this on you, if I had another option, I would’ve chosen it. I know it’s not easy seeing me like this,” Tracy expressed to her son sincerely. 
“Whatever, I’m out, I gotta go break up a fight between your kids.” 
“Can you at least tell them I miss them?” 
“I’ll think about it.” Daly closed the door in her face. He stood with his back against the door feeling the way he did when he was younger. So many times, she would even watch him struggle with his sisters. Tracy would be home while he was trying to figure out a way to provide for them. Here she was pregnant again with another baby and needed her son all over again. Déjà vu.
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softrozene · 3 years
Too Long
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Anonymous requested: Hello, I'm a silent reader of you and I really like your works❤️💗! Can you please write about Doffy wherein he finally found his lost love and actually pregnant when she left him? I know that it looks like impossible considering how evil he is but I just really wanna know how it will goes. Thank you! and Take care. Don't over work yourself! ❤️💗 and sorry if my English is broken.
Your English is perfect <3 and I am so sorry for the long wait, here you go Lovely! I had fun with this since I love Doflamingo despite his evil ways XD
Doflamingo x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst- Doflamingo is probably out of character because I write him with emotions and not as evil lol (if you need another reference just basically imagine him as Klaus from the Originals lafdkafds)
Words: ~1400
First things first- There are three ways I imagine this going
1.       (the most likely way) Doflamingo goes a tad crazy, gives no cares, and simply takes the child after deeming his lost love long unworthy of going with them for not telling him she was pregnant unless he can find some use of her or she proves herself rather quickly
2.       He keeps tabs on Reader and the child constantly but that is it. Takes no action unless necessary
3.       Actually puts effort into coming back into their lives by forcing them to come back to Dressrosa where he can spoil them silly
This scenario is going to be a mix of 2 and 3 because I want fluff lol. Anyway, enjoy:
Doflamingo stares long and hard at the piece of paper before him. The pictures that accompany them make his blood boil with anger, but his heart yearns with interest as to what happened. What this is. Why it happened but more importantly… Why he did not know.
The woman in the picture is beautiful… Very beautiful and very pregnant. A shock to him. She will always hold a special place in his heart. She taught him how to trust on a certain level and yes, even in the end she did leave him, the end of their relationship was left on a good note. Even so, he can’t lie about not looking for her.
After the mutual breakup, he looked far and wide for her, wanting the presence of a person he could trust right by him. He would try to persuade her to come back but… He never found her. Until now that is.
So… Why is just now finding out she left him… When she was pregnant? Why is just now finding out he is a dad?
The piece of paper is just the island name of where she is residing. Not too far from Dressrosa but not too close either. It saddens him for a moment. Did she not trust him? After everything they have been through together- All the learning of loving each other, the trusting, did she really not deem him worthy?
Him the King of Dressrosa?
He would like to think that he would be a perfect dad- Nothing like his silly foolish father who stepped down from the royal life he could have had. No, he would give the child everything they could have ever asked for. The mother of his child wouldn’t need to lift a single finger. He would spoil them, protect them, do anything for them…
So why?
It is a question he wants an answer to, and he will get an answer to. No matter what. That is what he promises himself as he looks at the next photo- One of his former lover no longer pregnant but… With the child- A darling little girl that has his blonde locks and her mother’s eyes.
The anger simmers down as he decides he will bring them both home. He will try to because of that little hope he has in his heart for growing a genuine family- Nothing like the one he helped destroyed, it means everything to him the longer he stares at the two faces.
The brief reminder of Corazon… Pains him but it will not be like that. Corazon simply did not have faith in him. These two… He will show them that he has their best interest at heart.
Finding them, was rather harder than expected. They were at the island that was disclosed to him by someone who recognized her but… (Name) really was too good at blending in with this island. It was rather busy. Cute for it being a bigger place.
So many families too, Doflamingo notes. The thought slightly irks him. Five long years without her and five long years of missing out on the child they created. He has every right to being mad. He has every right to go on a rampage.
Just as he wonders if he should demand someone to show him where she is- He hears a gasp behind him. One too full of shock that it grabs his attention immediately. However, what he did not expect was to feel tiny arms wrap around his legs- The way Baby 5 and Buffalo used to.
He glances down to see the girl from the pictures staring up at him with a wide smile. Her eyes are so gentle and for a moment… Remind him of only innocence as she stares up with genuine curiosity and happiness.
She even speaks to him- And in that moment he already knows that she has him wrapped around her finger- He would fight and kill anyone who would look at her remotely wrong. Is this what it is like to be a dad?
“Hello! I think you’re my dad!”
A laugh comes from behind him again and this time his heart feels like it is stopping because he knows that laugh so well. It haunts his dreams because he loves it so much- It used to be the sound that he tried to coax out of her every day. It is (Name).
He turns and indeed when he sees her… Doflamingo realizes just how long it has been. Too long in his eyes but… She looks as perfect as the day he first saw her. Those (hair color) locks and stunning (eye color). She has not physically changed in the slightest yet… She is still the most stunning person to him. Her eyes look down to their daughter before going back up to meet his.
“I need to put her down for a nap. She had a busy day at the school. I suppose you want to talk then?”
How is she so calm about this? The rage wants to come out- He wants to lash out but… He also just wants to hear her out. He wants to hear her side to everything. That and the way the little girl is holding onto his leg sleepily.
It just makes him melt. He says nothing as he follows the woman to her house. The place is too small for his stature but… Perfect for (Name) and their lovely daughter. It takes just a few moments for (Name) to put the girl to sleep and come back out to join him.
When it is about to grow quiet, he immediately asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
(Name) knows what he means. She has a sad smile on her face now as she asks back, “Were you ready to be a father? It is not as simple as you would have thought… It… How do I say this gently? You are selfish. Okay… That came out harsh but… You are. You look out for yourself and pull your family in with you.”
The pretty face that he is in love with does very little to comfort him after those words. That is until she continues.
“I was going to reach out when I found I was pregnant. I thought you would have liked to know but then I remembered why I left. I wanted to find myself and I did. Then… Then she was born, and I realized what being a parent is. You- Make all these choices hoping it is what is best for them and that is simply what I did. I thought you would not want to be in our lives, so I said nothing. I did not want you to have to choose between your dream of being the King of Pirates or her because we both know what you would choose,” (Name) says her tone sad now.
Doflamingo’s anger is valid but… So is (Name)’s in this regard because she is right. He does not say so because he knows he could have both. He will prove he can have both but for now…
“How does she know I am her dad?”
(Name) smiles at this. She pulls out a picture of Doflamingo and herself from her pocket. It is a good photo too. One of them hugging each other. He remembers it because the family kept photo bombing all the rest.
“I told her. Everything about you. I could not lie to her about who her father was. How much he did love me and would have loved her, but I also could not lie to her about how big your goals are. Of course, she is a child, so she does not understand. All she knows is that you want to be a bigger King. She has dreamt of meeting you for a while now.”
These words. He can salvage this. He can unite them. He knows he can. So, he will. He will have both the family and his dreams as he desires.
“Let’s give her a proper meeting then when she wakes up… And (Name), it is good to see you. I hope I can manage to convince you that Dressrosa would be a brilliant place for her.”
The way (Name) stares at him. Yeah, he can convince her.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
“The Devil all the time”
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Hunter!Tom x Demon!Reader
Supernatural AU
Warnings: Smut
"Break the silence, damn the dark
Damn the light..."
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Forget everything you thought you knew, you had every reason to be afraid of the dark when you were a kid. In this world where monsters are real, the Holland brothers hunt them so normal people can continue to live in the bliss of ignorance.
But when something goes terribly wrong, Tom will do anything to save his brother's life, including selling his soul to the devil. Well... Not exactly the devil, but close enough.
You don't need to watch Supernatural to read this AU
He knew it was you, even before turning. He knew it as soon as he heard your deceptively delicate footsteps break the supernatural silence that had fallen over the forest the moment he had buried the little metal box in the old crossroad. Tom didn't want to think about what it meant, having such an intimate knowledge of you to be able to recognize you by the cadence of your steps, being so in sync with you that he could tell whenever you were in the vicinity. 
So he used his favorite deflection technique whenever it came to you.
"Y/n? What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? Sorry, did I say nice girl? I meant evil skank"
The insult didn't phase you. None ever did. It was hard to take them seriously when you knew how many nights he fell asleep with your name on his lips, after pathetically releasing himself into his own hand, or fucking his boring girl-next-door girlfriend, chasing orgasm over unsatisfactory orgasm that would never completely satiate him. Because it wasn't your face the one contorted in pleasure looking up at him from the mattress.
"You called. I came" You batted your lashes, sweetly. "I always come when you call…" 
He gulped, the innuendo not lost to his ears. It threw him off guard, like it always did. 
"I would have thought this would be… beneath you" Tom cleared his throat, looking away, trying to regain his footing, "collecting a deal, like a vulgar crossroad demon"
There was nothing vulgar about the soul of a Holland. But he didn't need to know that, so you just shrugged,
"Queen Rowena has an interest in you boys. She finds you entertaining. I'm just being a good subdit" 
He scoffed,
"Funny. I would have never peg you for a sub"
You took a step closer to him.
"You don't have what it takes to make me submit, Holland" Your hot breath fanned over his skin, setting his skin on fire. Making his blood boil. You had a way of doing that, of bringing out the worst in him. Of making him lose control. And you thoroughly enjoyed it, poking at the bear until the claws came out, laughing at the carnage.
Another step, and you could physically feel it: The hate, radiating from his every pore, his mind screaming with it. He hated you. He hated your kind. He hated your beauty. He hated the pretty white dress you were wearing, so pure and innocent, glowing like a beacon in the dark. A lure, guiding uncountable men before him into perdition. 
But above all else, he hated that, even then, he couldn't help but to want you. Fervently. Desperately. Irreversibly. 
"I came here to make a deal" He croaked, cursing himself internally for showing weakness. 
"Let's negotiate, then," you replied, stepping away, mercifully letting him breath. 
"My brother-"
"I know" You interrupted, sounding bored already, "Reapers everywhere are going berserk. Who, oh who, will get to reap the soul of a Holland?" 
The wind picked up, making your long dress billow around your legs. You twirled a little, admiring the way it moved. Tom's eyes were glued to you, almost hypnotized. Partly because you were too dangerous to be left unsupervised even for a second, partly because you looked beautiful like that. It had never been more obvious to him that you were an unearthly creature, you didn't belong to this world. There, surrounded by greenery, barefoot, swaying softly under the twilight light, he wondered how could anybody ever mistake you for a human.
"Of course" your apathetic voice took him out of his revery, "being reapers, watching them go wild is rather boring. I swear they are the most uninteresting beings of all creation" 
That made him see red.
"Boring? Boring?!" He knew his voice was rising with every word but he just couldn't help it, "They're waiting for my little brother to die!!"
"Which could happen any minute now," You reminded him, all playfulness gone from your demeanor, "so if you wanna strike a deal, I suggest you start making me an offer worth my time"  
He was taken aback by that.
"I- My soul in exchange of a wish, and you collect it in ten years" He tried and failed not to think about what that implied: vicious, invisible hounds of hell tearing apart his body and dragging his soul to hell, "Isn't that the usual deal?"
You scoffed,
"After all the things you did in your life, what makes you think your soul doesn't belong in hell already? And if your brother dies, that is one less Holland on earth to worry about. You and your brothers have managed to become a big pain in the ass for us…"
He pulled out a knife, a strange one, with runes in the blade. You arched a brow in recognition
"The Winchesters' knife. Are you threatening me, little hunter?" 
Your lack of reaction was another blow. He had hoped you'd be more impressed than that. Nonetheless he turned it in his hands, offering you the handle.
"I'm throwing it into the deal" 
To his surprise, you didn't immediately take it from his hands, choosing instead to pace the clearing, deep in thought. 
The truth was you couldn't care less about the knife, it wasn't more dangerous to you than a toothpick. And while it was true it could certainly damage your queen, she had a far better weapon to protect herself: You.
But it did confirm your suspicions about the Hollands having access to the old Winchester arsenal, which meant they had access to something way more dangerous than that rustic weapon made of steel and bone. A book, made of ancient dark magic and human skin, written in blood. A book that was precious to queen Rowena and by extension to you: the Book of the Damned. 
The Hollands were a family of extremely talented, yes, but old fashioned hunters. The stab first, ask questions later kind. They probably had no idea what they had in their hands… but you did. 
"Very well then," you finally declared, "this is my offer: Your soul and that knife in exchange for sweet Harry's life and one year for you to get all your businesses in order" 
Tom felt all the blood drain from his face. One year. Just 365 more days to live, before an eternity of torture in hell. 
"O-one year?" He breathed.
"One year" You confirmed, "More than enough time to go see the Grand Canyon, eat the world's spiciest burger or whatever you have on your bucket list" 
The disdain in your words only made him hate you harder.
"Not nearly enough to live" He replied through clenched teeth. You rolled your eyes, 
"You're a hunter. You lead short, violent existences, charging head first towards what most humans run away from. Things faster, stronger, more powerful than you, surviving each encounter out of sheer luck. Killing one monster after another, until that luck runs out. Because the monsters? Unlike you who rely on it everyday, they just need. One. Single. Lucky. Strike." You punctuated every word with one step in his direction, until you were face to face again. Until, for the first time ever, you could see the fear, the desperating hopelessness he kept hidden inside, reflected on the warm coffee of his eyes. You knew a lesser man would be already crying and begging for Mercy.
Tom wasn't like other men though, that was the whole point. 
"Or…" You soften your tone and your stance, letting your fingers ghost over the back of his hand, his whole skin erupting in goosebumps. That was the very first time you touched him. Ever. 
And it was as if nobody had ever touched him before, the light caress enough to set every nerve ending, every single one of his cells, alight.
He was so distracted by the sensation and his body's response to it, he almost didn't hear your next words over the sound of his own pounding heart. 
"Or you could keep your little pocket knife, and even have your ten years if…"
"If?" He struggled to focus.
"You let me borrow a book"
His brows furrowed in confusion,
"A book? What book?"
"Any book of my liking, for as long as I want" You shrugged it off, "Do we have a deal?"
There was a catch there, it was obvious. He knew he was going to regret it but, what choice did he have? 
Your smile was blinding, luminous. If he didn't know any better, he would have called it angelical. Now, that was one ridiculous thought.
"What now? We seal it with a kiss?" His eyes fell to your lips, so soft looking and inviting. He wasn't eager to put his mouth on a filthy demon and doom himself. He wasn't. 
You chuckled, but there was no humor behind it.
"Oh no, darling. This is big. This is special" You're special, "A simple kiss just won't cut it…"
No. You couldn't mean… could you? Was there no limits to your hatred for him? Did you really want him so defeated, so humiliated? 
"What do you want?" He spat through gritted teeth.
"The same thing you want" You put your hands on his chest, rising to your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, "The same thing you have wanted ever since we first met . The thing that's obsessing you..."
"I don't know what you're talking about"
You smirked,
"You can lie to your family, you can even lie to yourself, little hunter... But you can't lie to me." 
He couldn't hide, you could see every fantasy, hear every single one of his thoughts of you on repeat, like a prayer in your direction. Just like he couldn't hide the way his skin was burning now for you, the way his blood rushed south, the way all logical thought left his brain, his iron grip on his emotions finally breaking as he snapped. 
Lightning fast, in just a blink, he twirled you around, your back hitting the rough bark of a tree, as he towered over you, demon blade to your throat, every inch of his body pressed against yours. His eyes were ablazed with rage, and passion, as he surged forward, striking you with his best hit.
He kissed you. 
Lips vicious against yours, teeth biting and scraping only to soothe the offense seconds later with his tongue, until he was dizzy, light headed with the lack of oxygen and the taste of you. The hand not holding the knife to your neck fell to your breast, squeezing the pliant flesh with enough force to cause pain on a human woman, merely making you moan. He swallowed the sound, letting his fingers trace your waist, your hips, clawing at your dress until he finally, finally, felt skin under his fingertips. 
It was better than anything his mind had conjured in his feverish fantasies in the dead of the night. The skin of your inner thighs velvety soft, as they parted under his touch, the sweetest sounds leaving your lips as his fingers found your naked core. You weren't wearing any underwear, probably never had. The realization that, in all your past encounters and fights you had been standing there, just feet away from him with nothing under that damn dress hit him like a truck, making his head swim. 
He searched between your folds, and suddenly his fingers were inside you. He was inside you, a part of him was buried deep within you, within your silky heat, claiming you as his, if only for the night. 
And you were so wet for him, and only getting wetter as he pumped his fingers in and out of you, scissoring them, opening you up until he was able to slip a third one in, fucking you with his hand in earnest. You were sobbing, clutching at his biceps, head thrown back in pleasure. He took advantage of that to suck bruises on your neck, only to see them fade before his eyes. Your skin tasted clean, smelled like wild flowers and rain. Ozone. Lightning. Like those coursing through his veins with every cry, every delicious gasp you made. 
He found the perfect spot inside you, the one that sent sparks through your nerves with every stroke of his calloused fingers. 
"This what you wanted?" To make him lose it? Lose his mind, himself, in you? "For me to make you come on just my fingers, like the little slut you are?"
The floor disappeared from under his feet as you sent him flying away from you, a searing pain exploding at the back of his head as he landed, sprawled at the feet of an old, dying oak. With blurry eyes, he saw you stalk towards him, all power and cold, controlled fury. 
"Let's get one thing straight, Holland. I'm not one of your sluts" You sneered, "and I'm definitely not your basic bitch of a girlfriend. So you better start showing me a little respect, are we clear?"
He gulped, sitting up. He had to be seriously fucked up in the head, for his cock to be twitching inside his pants at your threatening tone.
"Good" You declared, coming to a stop right in front of him, standing between his parted legs, "Now, let's put that mouth of yours to a better use"
He knew that image was going to be forever tattooed on his brain: You standing in front of him, holding the skirt of your dress up, waiting for him to put his mouth on you. Tom took a moment to admire you, before delving in, flattening his tongue over your slit, before drawing tight, precise circles on your clit with the tip. God, you tasted so divine it was messing with his head; something as dark and corrupted and twisted as you, feeling so exquisite, so perfect, so heavenly to his every sense. 
He helped you hook your knee over his shoulder, his other arm snaking around your leg, pulling you even closer. You could feel his smirk against your cunt the moment he realized your legs were shaking, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care, not with his wicked talented mouth devouring you like a last meal, rocking your whole world, making you see stars behind your closed eyelids.
You always knew that man would make the stars fall. 
Tom kept on, penetrating you with his tongue as far as it would go, his whole face moving against you. The slight burn of his scruff felt delicious against your delicate labia, as he used his fingers to open you up like a flower, separating your petals to get to the delectable nectar inside. You were close, he could feel it, the obscene sounds you were making, the waves of sweetness falling on his lips feeding his ego, filling him up with pride. By the time the night was over, you'd be unable to forget him. He would make sure of that. He would make you come, over and over, until the only thoughts left in your brain were of him, the only word your lips knew how to speak was his name. He would mark you, like a bloodstain, like you had done to him. 
Almost there, he almost had you. Your muscles were locking, your walls starting to tremble, when a loud crack resonated over his head, and you stepped away on unstable legs, breathing hard. You didn't even need to breathe, it was just his effect on you. He made you feel human. And it was both exhilarating, and terrifying. 
You took another step back, but he took hold of your ankle, tugging hard enough to make you fall on his lap, white skirt covering the place where his hands were fumbling with his zip, with his boxers, aligning himself with your entrance.
"Fuck!" He cursed, as you sank on his rock hard cock, not giving him any time to get used to the feeling of you around him, before starting to move. 
"How does it feel" You taunted, "fucking a monster? Is it as good as you dreamed of?"
Better. You felt even better. Tom hadn't thought it was possible, but he loathed you even more for it. 
"Shut up" He growled. 
You leaned forwards, breath hot against his ear,
"Cause you feel amazing, Tom. Your cock feels like heaven" 
His hand tangled in your hair, keeping you in place as he crashed his mouth to yours again, the other fumbling for the buttons at the back of your dress, tugging and pulling, tearing at the fabric, in his haste to feel more. More of your skin against his, more of the body that had been his hyper fixation for far too long. 
You sat up, still grinding on his cock, letting the tattered dress fall to your waist, watching in satisfaction as his eyes went wide, zeroing on the way your breasts bounced in sync with your hips. 
Reaching up, for a glorious second Tom could feel one perfect pebbled nipple against his palm, the roundness, the weight of your soft flesh on his fingers; before an invisible force pinned his hands to his sides. 
You tsked.
"Still don't get it, do you little hunter? This?" You let yourself fall all the way down his thick cock, hard, tearing twin moans from his mouth and yours, "This isn't about you. This is about me." 
Leaning back, you braced yourself on his strong thighs, changing the angle, changing your movements to a slower rocking against his pelvis. The friction against your clit was perfect, the feeling of his big, throbbing dick so deep inside you, stretching you like no one before, sending electrical pulses through your spine. It was decadent. It was ecstasy.
It was torture. Underneath you, Tom was sobbing, eyes bright with unshed tears, fighting in vain against his bonds. He needed it faster, harder, anything to help tilt him over the edge you were keeping him on, your sweet cunt too tight, too good around him to allow his cock to soften, your rhythm too leisured to let the tensed, strained coil inside him to snap. You were uncaring, using him remorselessly to get yourself off, your little moans getting higher in pitch the closer you came to your climax. Tom felt himself getting higher just by looking at your beautiful pleasure ridden face. You cried out, and suddenly it was happening, you were coming, pulsating around his cock, falling apart on top of him.
And the ground beneath him quaked. The sky above his head bled, the blue twilight torn open by lightning, and thunder, despite the fact that there wasn't a single cloud marring its diaphaneity. You fell forwards, hand braced on the tree, next to his face, ridding the aftershocks of your orgasm until the end. 
"No!" Tom cried when, after a few seconds of catching your breath, you dismounted him, letting his dick slip out of you. 
You arched a brow,
"Something you want, Tommy?" 
He locked his mouth shut, gritting his teeth. You smiled, amused, knuckles stroking his still iron hard cock.
"Do you need more, little hunter?" You enveloped him in your hand, moving it up and down his member, watching the head disappear under his foreskin, "Do you need to come?"
He banged the back of his head against the bark.
"Yes!" He finally admitted, "So badly…"
"Then beg" You commanded, stilling your hand. He snapped open the eyes he hadn't realized he had closed. Oh, if looks could kill…
"Never" He hissed, livid.
"Very well, then" You picked up your pace, pumping him fast, your grip almost too rough. He gasped for air, feeling the telltale tightening of his balls, the coil inside just about to break under the tension. But you must have felt it too, cause your hand let go of him altogether. Too late, he understood what you were doing.
One beat. And then another, and he was coming all over his t-shirt, orgasm completely ruined. 
He cursed, tears escaping through the corner of his eyes, fingers digging into the moist ground under his hands. You chuckled, cruelly, standing up and stepping out of your shredded dress. He could have ganked you with the demon blade in that moment, he really could have, except his hands were still pinned by an invisible force at his sides. 
"Let me go, you bitch," Tom growled, tossing, fighting against his restraints to no avail, "aren't you done?!"
"Not quite." You smiled, mockingly sweet, "Just one more thing before I leave. Don't worry, it will only hurt for a minute…"
He renewed his efforts to escape, as you bended over, reaching for his chest, white hot pain burning through his ribs. He almost cried out, but what he saw stole the voice from his throat, turned his blood into ice inside his veins, leaving him shaking, jaw slack and mouth open in a soundless scream: 
You, naked and gorgeous and terrible. Transfixed, eyes glowing with a supernatural indigo light, the shadow of two massive, bended, broken wings projected on the trees behind you.
Not a demon, he thought. You're not a demon.
You smiled, and it was terrifying.
"No. I'm the thing demons have nightmares about" You replied out loud to the words he had only said in his mind, "And now, little hunter, you belong to me. Mind, body and soul"
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jeyramarie · 3 years
Spy games- Pogues x OC
summary: friendships are put to the test when trust is the only thing they lack.
wc: 3,623
a/n: here it is! things get a bit intense from here on out so stay tuned. if you wanna tagged you can ask @halsmultibitch or me!! happy reading 🦋
prologue~ pilot~ the lucky compass~ the forbidden zone~
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Previously on Good Life.. 
“Do you see anything?” he asked, suddenly hearing the boys laugh in cheer. 
“It’s the Royal Merchant!” John B shouted in victory as he saw the wreckage on the screen feeling as if his father was standing right there with him. 
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“It’s not there. Just..just pull the drone up.” John B said feeling disappointed when they didn’t see any gold after looking for some time. 
“We can go again.” Fallon told him as she moved her hair from her face.
“Yeah, we can recharge the battery and go back down.” Pope said as he turned to John B  while also dealing with the drone. 
“We’ve done it three time. There’s nothing there!” JJ shouted, immediately receiving a slap on the arm from Lani. 
“Shut up!” Kie yelled at the blonde making him turn to her.
“What? It’s true.” 
“Seriously, JJ?” the kook asked, giving him a disappointed look. 
“If it was there, it would’ve been found on the metal detector. Someone beat us to it.” the shaggy haired pogue said sadly as he sat down and pulled his hood up, blocking himself from the situation. 
“Or it was never there.” The blonde muttered as he began to sail back to the Chateau. 
The next day, Fallon spent it with JJ while he practiced with the gun. Luke was gone which gave her the clear on going to the blonde’s house. They were currently in the backyard, Fallon ranting as usual as JJ got his gun ready. 
“She was all over you on the boat and you’re just gonna ignore it?” she asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“She wasn’t over me, Fal. What’s up with you? Why are you so jealous?” 
“Pfft, I'm not jealous, I just think it’s ridiculous.” she scoffed as the blonde finally turned to her in question. 
“I’m not jealous!”
“Fine, fine. You’re not… if you say so.” JJ lifted his hands in surrender before turning back to his gun. Fallon was about to answer when the blonde started shooting his gun at a teddy bear perched on a log. After a few minutes, Pope came by and started screaming at JJ. The blonde couldn’t hear due to the headphones he had on which made Fallon stand up and tap him on the shoulder. 
“JJ! They know.” the pogue shouted as the blonde took off the head piece. 
“They know.” 
“Wait, wait. Who’s they and what do they know?” Fallon asked, looking at the boys in confusion. 
“Just chill bro, all right?” JJ said as he walked towards Pope, placing his hand on his shoulders. Leaving the caramel haired pogue completely ignored. 
“They don’t know shit, okay?” 
“Topper knows I sunk the boat.” the pogue muttered not wanting Fallon to hear. 
“How do you know they know?” 
“What did you guys do?” the pogue finally asked with her arms crossed over her chest as the boys stared at her. They looked at each other and Pope nodded which caused JJ to look at the floor and sighed. 
“Fine, tell her.” the blonde said annoyingly as he turned to walk towards the bench that was close to the house. 
“Rafe and Topper jumped me while I was delivering on Figure 8 and well… then I kind of sunk Topper’s boat.” Pope rambled as Fallon stared at him in disbelief. 
“Rafe? h-he wouldn’t do that. He couldn’t have done that.” she laughed dryly as her fingers ran through her hair. 
“Yes, Rafe. Wh- you don’t believe me or what?” the curly haired pogue asked, looking back and forth between Fallon and JJ who was walking back toward them. 
“Are you defending Rafe right now?” the blonde asked angrily with his eyebrows furrowed as he stood in front of Fallon. 
“I just don’t believe he would do something like that.” 
“Yeah, Rafe's a horrible person.” Pope stated putting his hands in his pockets.
“No, he’s not.” 
“Oh, he’s not?” JJ asked bitterly. 
“Why are you defending him so much?” the blonde asked, feeling anger course through his body as Fallon felt more and more annoyed. 
“Because he has never been mean to me. Not once!” 
“He’s probably only nice to you cause he likes to stare at your tits.” 
“Oh really?” she laughed dryly as she crossed her arms. 
“Yes, really. You don’t even believe Pope when he tells you Rafe fucking hit him in the face with golf club. How can you just- Are you two fucking or something? Is that it?” JJ said angrily immediately feeling a sting on his left cheek. Fallon had slapped him with every bit of anger in her. 
“Don’t you ever talk to me like that.” she said with gritted teeth and walked away to her car. She quickly drove away, still having the conversation fresh in her head. All Fallon thought about was wanting to go home, far away from the blonde pogue who had captured her heart like no other. That same night was the annual movie night that was held in the OBX. A lot of people go, especially kids. This year, Kie invited her to go with boys and Lani but after that argument, she wasn’t going anywhere. 
“I’m so glad that they’re still doing this. You know? Aren’t you glad I made you come?” Kie smiled walking towards an empty area followed by JJ, Pope and Lani. 
“Ecstatic.” Pope said dryly, rolling his eyes making Lani chuckle. 
“My couch was pretty comfy. I’ll be honest.” JJ said annoyingly at Kie watching her place the beach chair and cooler on the ground. 
“I have no opinion yet but for now, i’m liking it.” Lani smiled sitting on her blanket that was placed kneetly on the floor. 
“We’re out in the green zone, man.” Pope muttered as he opened his beach chair next to Kie’s. 
“Dude, tranquilo, okay?” JJ said, trying to get the pogue to calm down. 
“What are you guys blabbering about?” Lani chuckled as she looked at the boys whose eyes widened thinking the kook had heard them. 
“Nothing.. nothing.” The blonde shook his head and sat down, followed by Pope who was suspiciously looking around. 
“Hey, I'm gonna go get some drinks. Does anyone want anything?” Kie asked as she rummaged through her wallet to take out the money. The boys shook their heads and Lani told her what she wanted, making her mutter an ‘okay’ making her way to the food stand. A few minutes later she came strutting back, turning her head to look behind her. 
“Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, ’Tell your boy that we know what he did.’” She said as she handed Lani her drink and sat down. 
“What does he mean?” The kook asked, turning to the boys who were looking all around them desperately. 
“Where is he?” 
“Right there.” Kie said pointing towards the back where Topper, Kelce and Rafe were at. 
“Great, the whole death squad.” 
“Don’t look, bro.” JJ said, turning his head harshly as they huddled up to start muttering. 
“Just warning you, bro. If they corner me, I’m coming out swinging, okay? Slicin’ and dicin’, I'm on edge, right now.” The girls stared at each other and looked back at the boys who were muttering something about a school of fish. 
“If that doesn’t work, I got this right here.” He said holding up his backpack to let Pope know that he was protected. 
“JJ? honey? yeah, umm. What’s in the backpack?” Lani asked, pointing at it as she looked at the pogue in question. She turned her head to Kie who returned the questionable stare. 
“I’m sorry, JJ. Please tell me you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there’s kids.” Kie scolded, staring at the blonde with wide eyes. 
“Kie, I didn’t bring a gun. Everything’s fine, okay?” 
“Wow, that’s really convincing. I love that, JJ.” The pogue said sarcastically as Lani turned to sit straight. 
“I’m never leaving you alone with my children.” she muttered, making Kiara chuckle as she sipped her drink. 
“Guys, founding principal. No secret among pogues. What was Rafe talking about?” Kie asked leaning forward not letting go of the conversation. 
“Girls, it might go down tonight.” JJ said, leaning forward closer to the girls. Lani lowered her sunglasses to look at the pogue in confusion and then turned to Kie asking for an explanation. 
“What did you guys do?” The kook asked the blonde, making him turn to Pope and grab his shoulder. 
“Deny, deny, deny.” he muttered and turned back to the big screen ignoring the girls’ questionable faces. After 30 minutes since the movie started, the boys stood up making Lani look at them immediately. 
“Where are you guys going?” She whispered as Pope turned to her. 
“We’re gonna wring it out.” he whispered back, making Kie look up from her popcorn. 
“You’re gonna hold it for each other?” the pogues whispered, catching the kook off guard causing her to snort as she drank her soda. A few minutes went by when Rafe and his guys walked behind the screen where Pope and JJ had run off to. Lani saw this and slapped Kie’s leg. 
“We should go check on the boys. Something’s probably wrong.” she whispered, making Kie look at the side of the screen to see Topper walk through it. The pogue nodded her head and quickly stood up as Lani leaned over to grab JJ’s backpack. They walked around the screen and gasped at what they saw. Kelce was holding on to JJ’s arms as Topper continued to punch his abdomen. A few feet away stood Rafe with his arm around Pope’s neck making him choke. 
“Get off of him!” Kie shouted as she ran and threw herself on Rafe’s back making him let go of Pope. The pogue fell to the ground and started coughing harshly. Lani let go of the backpack and ran towards Topper, punching him in the back. The kook turned around and towered over Lani making her take a few steps back. 
“Oh look who’s here protecting her little boyfriend.” Topper siad with an evil smirk as he kept moving towards Lani who stepped back in fear. JJ somehow got out of Kelce’s grasp and ran to stand between Topper and Lani. 
“Don’t you dare touch her.” The blonde said with gritted teeth as he pressed a finger to Toper’s chest, making him stop. 
“Yeah? What are you gonna do?” The kook dared as Kelce silently walked behind Lani to wrap his arms around her. She let out a loud scream making JJ turn to her as Topper took the opportunity to hit his head causing the pogue to fall. Suddenly, Lani got pushed to the ground along with Kie. They both lifted their heads and groaned making sure both of them were okay. 
“Lani, the bag.” Kie whispered and pointed to JJ’s backpack that was right next to the kook. She quickly started rummaging through it as the pogue left to help the boys. Her hand touched a cold metal making her look into the bag, thinking it was the gun but instead it was JJ’s lighter. The same lighter he carried around everywhere. Lani crawled towards the corner of the movie screen and lit the lighter, puting it close to the white cloth. The fire started to spread across the cloth, the movie still playing, as everyone gasped and screamed while they ran away. The kooks saw the flames and let go of the pogue boys quickly making a run for it. 
“Pope, you okay?” Kie asked him as she kneeled next to him, helping him sit up. He shook his head and groaned, holding onto his side, feeling his ribs scream at him. 
“Why would you do that, Lani?” JJ asked loudly as he stood up, starting to limp towards the kook who stared at the flames in fear while clutching the backpack tightly. 
“I was trying to help, they were hurting you. I didn’t know what else to do.” she said nervously as JJ got closer, yanking the backpack off her hands. 
“You could’ve gotten hurt, Lani.” 
“I’m sorry, I just- I- sorry.” she stuttered as her hands started to shake with anxiety. JJ grabbed her shoulder and pulled her towards him for a hug. It was quickly interrupted when Kie walked towards them as she helped Pope stand up straight. 
“Guys, we have to go before the cops get here.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s go.” Lani sniffled, grabbing JJ’s arm. They all quickly made it to Kie’s car and started to make their way home. The boys were dropped off first with strict instruction from Lani on how to treat the pain and bruises. On the way back to their houses, Kie and Lani stayed in silence for a bit, listening to Marley. 
“I hope next year’s movie night is better.” The kook said, turning her head to the pogue whose eyes stayed on the road. 
“It will. I know it.” Kie chuckled and leaned in to turn up the volume when one of her favorite songs came on. 
The next day came around with a bright sun and a warm breeze. The pogues were all working, Lani too, while Fallon slept in since it was her day off. She was going to take the afternoon to look for a midsummer dress for the next day, which was going to take a while. The pogue started getting ready around 4, the same time her friends got out of work but she was still mad at JJ for what happened. Which caused her to not want any interaction with them. Her mom dropped her off and told her to give her a call when she had found THE dress. 
At the meantime, the pogues and Lani were hanging out at Heyward’s after their work shifts. They were discussing something stupid JJ had said about the fight that took place the night before while Lani helped stock the paper aisle. None of them noticed, but the police car had just pulled up outside the door, looking for one of the pogues. 
“Hey, Pope. Someone here to see you.” Heyward said, breaking the teens' laughter as they all changed their heads towards the door. 
“Evening, officer.” Pope nodded at the man respectfully as Shoupe reached behind him, pulling out a piece of paper. 
“I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property.” He said as he walked towards the counter, pulling out the handcuffs. 
“What?” Lani shouted, walking out of the aisle to meet Shoupe in the middle.
“Get out of the way young lady. Hands where I can see ‘em.” He slightly shoved the kook to the side and walked towards Pope who was shaking in fear. 
“Woah, Shoupe, what’d he do?” JJ asked, getting off the counter the second he saw his best friend being put in handcuffs. 
“Look at the warrant.” he answered dryly as he pushed Pope to start walking outside. 
“You’re arresting him?” Kie shouted grabbing the warrant in shock as she watched her friend walk out.
“You’re arresting my boy?” Heyward said, finally finding his voice. 
“Why are you doing this? Be careful!” Lani yelled when she saw the sheriff push the pogue harshly. She followed Pope and Shoupe close behind, never giving them space. 
“Shoupe, are you listening?” JJ shouted in anger as the pogue got closer to the car. Everyone started shouting at Shoupe about the whole thing, not letting him put Pope in the car which gave the blonde some time to stay back and think. 
“It wasn’t him!” JJ screamed out of instinct, making everyone shut up and turn to him. 
“It was me. He tried to talk me out of it but I was fucking pissed. Cause those kook assholes from Figure Eight beat him up.” He said pointing down the road as he walked towards Pope. 
“I can’t let you take the blame for something I did. You’ve got too much to lose.” The blonde whispered to his best friend who was still in shock from the whole situation. 
“JJ? Wh-what are you doing? No..no.” Lani said, walking around Heyward and Kie to stand in front of him. JJ ignored the kook’s sad eyes and stared at Shoupe. 
“I’m telling the truth, I swear. Took his oldman’s boat, too.” 
“What the hell?” Heyward said, sending the pogue a small death stare. Pope tried to stop him but of course, it didn’t work.
“Shut up, Pope!” Shoupe wanted to confirm what JJ was saying so he asked Pope if it was true, resulting in more shouting towards the blonde. Once the pogue assured JJ “wasn’t lying”, he got released from the cuff. 
“JJ, why are you doing this?” Lani asked, pushing her hands onto his chest, trying to look at his eyes but he completely ignored her gaze. Shoupe walked behind JJ and placed the cuffs on him. He pushed the blonde towards the car causing the kook to be on the verge of tears. 
On the other side of the island, Fallon was in the store filled with all types of dresses. Some were long and delicate while others were short and puffy. Fallon was never fond of dresses, the only ones she wore were bikini cover ups. She wasn’t fond of bright colors either which meant she was leaning to a darker dress. After what felt like hours, she pulled out a burgundy dress. It was long, with a crossed back, making her eyes sparkle. 
As she inspectioned the dress, a car drove in front of the store coming to a stop. The driver lowered the window and stared at the pogue with admiration. He quickly parked the car and walked into the store, looking for her again. After some time, Fallon walked out of the dressing room, sporting the dress. She felt someone staring at her and turned her head to see the boy she least expected. 
“Rafe? wh-what are you doing here?” She chuckled, walking towards him. 
“I saw you while I was driving through. Just wanted to come see you… Hope that’s not weird.” He said starting to get nervous. Fallon blushed as her smile grew.
“Well, thank you. That’s really sweet. But now that you’re here, what do you think?” she asked as she walked backwards to twirl for him. He chuckled as she twirled. 
“It looks… fantastic. It’s very you.” 
“It is? Ugh, I’m glad it looks good. I wasn’t gonna handle my mother tomorrow.” They both laughed and Fallon continued to stare at herself as Rafe looked at her. 
“Will you go to midsummers with me?” She quickly turned to him with wide eyes while he continued to stare at his shoes. 
“Umm, I- well…. I would love to go with you.” Fallon smiled as he lifted his head with a cute grin. Rafe ran his hand through his hair giving her a full look of his bruised knuckles. 
“Oh my god.” she gasped quickly grabbing his hand making Rafe hiss in pain. 
“What happened?” 
“Um, just trying to fix up my bike.” Rafe stuttered not wanting Fallon to know that he got them from beating the shit out of her friends the night before. 
“There’s mechanics for that, you know that right?” she chuckled lightly making him chuckle too, in relief. 
“Yeah, I've learned my lesson-”
“You two make a great couple.” the seamstress of the store said, interrupting Rafe as she walked out of her sewing room. They both looked at her and smiled, not really knowing how to answer that.
“Do you want me to take you home?” 
“Yes, please. Let me get changed and we can go.” Rafe nodded as Fallon ran back into the dressing room to change back into her clothes. She quickly paid for the dress and walked out of the store with Rafe next to her. 
He couldn’t believe Fallon agreed to go to midsummer with him. Rafe always thought she had a thing for JJ or someone else that wasn’t him. Which caught him by surprise when she said yes to the invitation. 
“So you’re walking in with your parents right?” Fallon asked, breaking the silence as she stared at him and back at the road. 
“Yeah, I am. I’m sure you’ll be walking in with me?” He nervously drifted his eyes back and forth between Fallon and the road. 
“Of course. You’ll wait for me outside right?” 
“Yeah, of course.” She smiled widely and turned back to the road to see that she was almost home. Rafe pulled up on Fallon’s driveway bringing the car to a stop. 
“Thank you for bringing me home.” 
“Of course, anytime.” They both stared at each other for a while until Rafe got the courage to start leaning in. Fallon didn’t notice but she started to lean in too. They shared a soft kiss as his hand went to her cheek. The kiss got more intense by the second as she grasped his shirt tightly. Rafe’s tongue swept over Fallon’s bottom lip making her gasp, giving him the perfect opportunity. Their tongues battled for domination as the car turned hot with the heat radiating from their bodies. Fallon pulled away with her forehead against his as she caught her breath.
“Wait for me outside tomorrow.” Rafe nodded and she got out of the car quickly walking to her front door. Fallon waved at him before walking in, feeling dizzy from the special moment. The kook smiled and drove to his house as a certain pogue stared at the car. JJ stood alone on the street, holding flowers, completely shocked at what he had just seen. He wanted to go to Fallon to apologize for what happened but instead he showed up to see the kiss. He took a deep breath and walked around, making his way back home as he threw a dozen roses to the side of the road.
good life: @ilovefandoms102 @agardenofbooks @cloverrover
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innocence - 28
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
A/N: its angst season again!!
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Bucky looked around like a crazed maniac, looking for anyone, just anyone who could be responsible for the letter he was holding in his hands. His blood seemed to freeze in his veins just like they used to when they held him hostage in the Russian base. Those words were tattooed in his retina, as it dawned on him he had once again to keep her safe. His ears started ringing like they always did when they used to trigger him, the ring itself replacing any other environment sound, becoming so loud it fully overcame over his senses, rendering him particularly useless. Not that he was of use lately.
     - Bucky? - Y/N’s sister, Claire, called out to him. Almost mechanically, he stuffed the letter in his back pocket. - Are you okay? You look a bit shocked. Any naughty Christmas post cards?
     - Just a bit ... cold.
     - Yeah, Y/N said you were not very comfortable with it. Sorry about that, I was just trying to keep you away from Aunt Petunia. She’s too much.
     - Thanks, Claire. Hm ... do you have any landline? I need to make a call to the US and my plan is running out. 
     - Yeah, no worries. There’s one in the hall by Y/N’s bedroom. - she gave him a warm smile which was reminiscent of Y/N yet did little to nothing to calm him down. He handed her the rest of the mail before climbing up the stairs to the same hall which had doors on each side. Yet, despite it looking like a maze all he cared about was that small telephone on the table. 
Her picked the phone, leaning it against his ear as the rolled the dial to Steve’s number, the letter firmly mashed in his fist as he wanted nothing more than to burn it in the big fire place but he couldn’t. All he could think of was whoever had broken into Y/N’s flat back had followed them to London and once again he had been incapable of protecting her. He had let whoever was sending her those nasty messages, get to her in one of her most safe places. The other line rang like the passage of long times, until he heard the voice which had become synonymous with freedom and America together.
    - Steve Rogers.
    - Steve, they did it it again. - he snapped before he could even tell who it was on the phone. Yet, if his oldest friend couldn’t figure out his voice after so many years then maybe he needed new friends.
    - Buck?
    - Someone left a letter on her mail box calling her a whore again. You and Natasha were on it trying to figure out who did it in New York. - he continued on like an out of control mess. 
    - Buck, calm down. Was the handwriting similar? Maybe it’s a prank.
    - There’s no handwriting just magazine cut outs and it’s not a prank. 
Y/N stepped out of the car, walking over to the luggage holder to help her father take the shopping bags out while her mother walked up to the door to unlock it before they could climb up the stairs. Her father opened the truck of the small red car which they had had since she was a baby. She still remembered her father picking her up from ballet practice, the red colour bright through the cloudy skies. It always felt so safe to enter through those doors, almost if there was no harm whenever she was inside the old metal vehicle. Things were so simple back then and evil was so hardly defined and bordered away from her. She had had a good childhood, good parents, good family so why was she so scared whenever she was in New York? Why was she so intrinsically insecure and meek?
   - So, beanie, you and James. Does he treat you well? - he asked as he handed her some bags and christmas boxes.
   - He’s just perfect, dad. 
   - Then what is it? 
   - What do you mean? - she looked over her shoulder.
   -  Well, you’re my daughter, you’ve been my daughter for over 5 years now and I like to think I know you better than you think. What’s wrong, Y/N?
   - I’m just homesick, dad. - she faked a smile, pushing her hat further down her head, trying to fiddle with something else. - New York is different from here and well, stardom is different from here. It has nothing to do with Bucky. 
   - He makes you happy?
   - He does. 
    - Then I’m happy for you, beanie. - her father kissed the top of her head, carrying half the shopping bags and gifts onto the home while Y/N stood back looking at the neighbourhood she’d grown up in. It wasn’t perfect, no place in the world is perfect but it had a much more emotional connection to her than her place in SoHo. Of course, maybe it was just her own rose coloured glasses of being away from such a structured, planned 3 year ahead career. 
She smiled softly at the houses in exposed brick shades and the coloured blue and red doors with big gold number. Rows and rows of houses which seemed never ending when she was younger yet now seemed so quickly fading from view. Nothing is everlasting and she remembered so well thinking everything was but maybe it was for the best. Good things end to give way to better ones and bad things end become they no longer suit you.
Y/N looked over her shoulder one last time before entering the house. She put the bags near the other ones neatly stacked by the staircase before pulling her coat and jacket off. The house was always filled with noise, it was never quiet. Always abundant with laughter or discussions about the silly topics. This time, they were discussing some weird plot on the television. However, Bucky was nowhere to be seen. 
   -  Did you not invite Bucky? - she crossed her arms, giving her siblings the dirtiest look she could muster. - Guys, I asked you to include him.
   -  We did but your boyfriend has been on an international call for the last hour. It’s gonna add up. - Colin retorted.
   - I’m gonna go check on him. - she reminded herself to tell Colin off for that backhanded comment but she was much more preoccupied with Bucky. Sure, he did enjoy his loneliness but Y/N didn’t want him to feel alienated. She did not want him to feel lonely or like a stranger in her home. Climbing up the stairwell, she noticed him at the end of the hall, old telephone she used to toy around with when she was a kid pretending to call her family yet, unlike her past childhood self, Bucky had the phone firmly pressed against his ears, lips tight, one hand holding himself against the table. 
She noticed his indisposition, his muscles so tight she wondered how come he hadn’t had a cramp and like any empath she approached him with her characteristic sunny attitude, wrapping her arms around his waist, putting herself on her tip toes to kiss him. Bucky, however, moved his head to the side, mumbling something over on the phone in Russian, switching languages as if he did not want her to hear his conversation. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach, her overthinking nature picking at her brain as she leaned her head against his shoulder. Bucky turned around slightly to kiss her on top of her head like one does to a child or a friend. 
    - I’m on a call now, princess. - he held her arm up to wrap it from his waist.
    - Okay. I’ll just go ... go have a shower.
She delayed her exit, almost waiting for him to kiss her like he always did whenever she left. However, Bucky quickly returned to his call, in Russian, and she got the message loud and clear. She tried not to think much about it, after all Bucky was still related to the Avengers and despite being his girlfriend, she was not expect to be into that sort of information. She tried to convince herself of that fact as she stepped onto the cold porcelain of her shower floor. The water fell from her head onto her shoulder as she scrubbed the dirt off her body, constantly telling her inner anxiety, Bucky was merely busy. If she were busy she wouldn’t have liked her partner being clingy. He was busy. 
She turned off the shower, wrapping herself in the fluffy bathrobe she probably had had since she was 18, hair still damp as she slide her feet into fluffy slippers and walked into her bedroom. Bucky was sat in her bed, laptop on his lap as he typed the keyboard so harshly one would think he’d break the keys. She smiled to herself as she took the side near him, head laying on top his cozy black jumper, probably dampening the fabric but Bucky didn’t seem to mind. In fact, he didn’t even seen to mind her presence, merely ignoring it. She looked up at him, moving to kiss his jaw with an innocence type of request which was anything but innocent. 
  - Buck. - she said in a sing song type of voice, almost like a mermaid calling out for a sailor. - Why don’t we finish what we started in the airplane?
  - Not today, princess. - he kissed the top of her head once again. - I’m not in the mood for it.
  - Oh ... hum ... okay. - she almost retracted back into her shell at those words. Had she done something this morning? Something to upset him? Maybe he didn’t enjoy her leaving him alone with her family. - Do you wanna go out for dinner?
  - I don’t think it’s wise, princess. They might ... pap us or someth’ng. 
Did he not want to be papped with her? Maybe he was still upset over the pap photos she had willingly given away. She didn’t know and she didn’t want to know. Instead, she decided to turn around in the bed, still naked under her bathroom and stare at the wall until she felt sleep weigh on her eyelids. Bucky, on the other side, had his wild eyes glued to the screen, watching the security tape of her apartment over and over again. It had been cut, he knew it had from the time changing sharply, however, he couldn’t see anything which would be of any aid. All he knew was that not only had he failed his job as an Avenger, he failed his job as her bodyguard and failed to protect her like any boyfriend would do. Would it be in a club he could’ve just punched the daylights out of whoever dared to call her that but right now he couldn’t. He didn’t know how to make it stop. 
Bucky closed the laptop, putting it on the floor as he looked through his mind about who could want to hurt her, who cold do anything to want her to suffer. He could no figure it out and all he wanted was to figure it out. He leaned against the bars of her bedpost, looking over to his side to see her sleeping on her side, hand under her face and hair drying in front of his face. He carefully pushed the hair away from her face, tucking her into her large duvet before kissing her cheekbone. He couldn’t bring it upon himself to say anything, to tell her the letter came in. Bucky still remembered how she had reacted last time and he did not want it to happen again, he did not want her to feel unsafe in her own home. Instead, he let himself fast asleep next to her.
The morning woke Y/N up, the strange brightness of a sunny winter day hurting her eyes. She groaned, raising her torso from the bed, eyes blurry as she opened them. Rubbing the sleep off her eyes she extended her arm to notice Bucky’s spot was empty. She furrowed her brows, jumping off bed and walking outside and down the stairs onto the living room where most of her siblings and their partners were.
    - Wow, Y/N. Clothes under the bathrobe, much? - Eloise teased. 
    - Where’s Bucky? - she ignored her sister.
    - He went out. - Claire added, handing her a cup of tea. - Said he had to grab some stuff. 
    - Oh ... okay. He didn’t say anything.
    - He probably didn’t want to wake you up. - Claire patted her shoulder, kind smile on her lips. 
     - Or maybe he’s cheating on you. - Colin added, only to be slapped over the head by Eloise. - Hey, what was that for? I was joking.
     - He’s not cheating on you. - Claire reassured her. - Colin is just being an ass. 
     - What? I was joking!  
     - Not with Y/N, you idiot. - Eloise muttered under her breathe. - Maybe you should go put your clothes on, Y/N. Bucky is probably just Christmas gift shopping.
     - Or maybe he got lost? He is like 200 years old. Did you give him a pager? He might be lost in Piccadilly Circus or maybe he can’t get out the underground. 
     - Fuck off, Colin. - Y/N snapped at him before returning up to her bedroom.
He knew her brother was just trying to get under her skin. Bucky was not cheating on her, when did he even have time to find someone in London to cheat her with? Maybe he had some contacts in London from when he used to come to missions with the Avengers. Maybe he had someone in London for him. No. No, Bucky did not. Bucky wouldn’t cheat on her, Bucky liked her but he was acting out of style to him. She sat on her bed, hand in the middle of her legs as she tried to stop herself from overthinking things that were absolutely ridiculous. Since she was no good at doing such thing, she called the only person who normally could push her back to reality. 
    - Chuck? I have a problem. 
    - Jesus, Y/N. Have you forgotten time zones? - Chuck groaned on the other side of the line. - You better be dying.
    - Bucky is acting weird. 
    - Bucky always acts weird. What’s your point?
    - I don’t know, Chuck. It feels weird. I even tried ... initiating IT and he said no. Do you think he’s not attracted to me anymore? He didn’t even want to kiss me
    - Maybe he was not in the mood, Y/N. Also, why are you so freaked out about saying sex? Are you sexually repressed? Did you try to initiate some kinky sex with Bucky and maybe his old man penis wasn’t okay with it?
    - Can we not discuss my boyfriend’s penis, please?
    - What? He’s old, maybe it hasn’t been getting up. Did you ask him? Maybe he forgot to pack Viagra and he’s ashamed. 
    - Chuck. It is not that.
    - I don’t know, Y/N. Maybe spice it up. Dress up like Princess Leia in Empire Strikes Back. Every man is into it.
    - Bucky hasn’t seen Star Wars.
    - I don’t know what was sexually appealing in the 40s, Y/N. Don’t you have that lingerie set they made you wear for Rocky Horror? Use that. Maybe he really just wasn’t in the mood.
    - Okay ... yeah. Uhm, maybe it will work. 
    - Great. Now, I need to sleep because it is too late and there’s a girl in my bed and I don’t want her to think I have you on the side.
    - Oh, is she a nice girl?
    - Y/N ever since you lost your virginity you get very boring when you don’t get a dick appointment. Go on and do it with Bucky and we’ll talk later.
    - Okay, thank you.
    - Bye, bye. 
Y/N stared at herself in the mirror. She never really saw herself a sexual being or a sexual girl at all. After all, she was the one who got told by three guys at her university freshers party she had the sexual charisma of a toaster. Now the metaphor did not make any sense but all she knew was that it probably did not make any sense. It wasn’t that she wasn’t comfortable with her own sexuality, she just didn’t think about it outside of work. Maybe Bucky was used to girls who put a bit more effort and wasn’t very attracted to her very old bathrobe and her Marks and Spencers cotton underwear. She shrugged it off, opening her wardrobe to skim through some of the costumes she had worn until she found the white lacy set. It was better than her regular cotton underwear. She put her robe back on looking at herself in the mirror as she gave herself a pep talk. He’s not cheating on her. She knows he would never do that.
She sat down in her bed, going over some scripts sent over by the agency until midday when Bucky came into the bedroom, on the phone with someone else, still speaking Russian. She waited for him to finish his call before she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
    - Sorry for not telling you, Y/N. I had to make some calls with the team.
    - It’s okay. - she smiled at him. - I was just thinking maybe ... maybe we could have some us time. My parents went to do the groceries and my siblings won’t bother us, besides I have something I want to show you.
    - Sorry, not in the mood. I need to call Steve. - he took his jacket off, putting it on the edge of her bed. - It’s urgent, princess.
    - Oh, okay. 
    - Can I use the landline? Pretty sure I still haven’t figured out  how to make international calls. 
    - Yeah. - he kissed the top of her head once more. 
She sat on her bed defeated. Her mind going through everything she could’ve possibly done wrong the morning she left with her parents. Maybe he really wasn’t in the mood, however he did seem pretty eager that morning. She sighed. Damned Colin and his stupid backside comment. She sighed, rolling in her bed, the movement making his jacket fall to the ground. Great Y/N, now you’re wrinkling his clothes. She got up from her bed to grab the jacket for a letter to fall on the ground. She looked to the side, leaning down to pick the letter only to drop it once she saw the writing. You cannot hide, whore.  She grabbed it from the ground before storming out to the hall, pulling the cable out the wall, effectively stopping Bucky’s call.
   - When were you gonna tell me?
taglist: @disasterbii @lookiamtrying @buckysteveloki-me @americasass81 @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @lostinthebeans @mariahthelioness29 @bbabysbaby @peaches-roses-sins @theadorasabditory @sipsteacasually @saiyanprincessswanie @booktease21 @noiralei @learisa @everythingisoverratedbutgreat @uglipotata72829 @naturalthrone22 @husherstan @mandiiblanche @vicmc624 @newyorkgoddess @itsallyscorner @chipilerendi @emzd34 @writerwrites @bluevxnus @that-girl-named-alex @captnrogers​ @nsfwsebbie​ @sarge-barnes-sir​
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Nifflers Don't Help
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Pair: Remus Lupin x Reader; he/him.
Summary: Remus and (Y/n) have been pining after each other for far too long, but what happens when Lupin finds out through a very specific glasses wearing student that the professor who handles magical creatures likes him back?
Warnings: Suggestive, Lupins Sass, your sass. Remus is probably out of character, Swearing. I swear a lot-
Notes: Requested! I hope this is OK! I kinda ran with the idea of the reader being a teacher at Hogwarts. Hope you like it! Sorry it took so long.
Being the Care For Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts was absolutely the best job you've had in such a long time, like galloping hippogriffs, it was everything you loved! Magical creatures! Teaching! Teaching about how to care and handle said magical creatures! It was literally your dream come true.
It was even better because you got to meet Remus Lupin, a very kind man who worked as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Now you'd gotten to know him very well over the past year for obvious reasons. 
And yes, you knew of his.. I wanna say a little but it obviously isn't, problem. Lupin hadn’t necessarily told you, you found out by coming to Hagrid's hut to look over some of the creatures he had while he was doing some secret Dumbledore business and found him cowering in the corner, full werewolf. 
Of course you slammed the door and made a mad scramble toward the castle like a hippogriff after a ferret. Luckily, you did manage to escape his claws and hide away in the castle. But when he found out what happened, he felt so much guilt he came to find you immediately. 
You ended up telling him the full story of what happened the night before, and it took him about 30 minutes to stop apologizing profusely. He'd simply forgotten to take his potion again and didn't mean to cause you any harm. 
You forgave him. How could you not? He was quite literally begging for you to and you did fancy him. In the end, you really couldn't say no and everyone knows werewolves could kill their best friend if they had the chance. It wasn't his fault, really. 
You shook your head away from the memories and smiled across the field at your class. "Alright everyone! That's all I got for today!" you smiled wider when the kids let out a groan of dismay. "Oh, I know! We always have tomorrow, now say goodbye to Goldie!" you held the squirming brownish yellow colored niffler in your hand as all the kids grabbed their books, waved to the tiny adorable mass of furr and said goodbye. 
You couldn't help but keep smiling once everyone left. Today's lesson had ended successfully, as per the usual. Every student loved you!
You were extra kind to students who had fears of certain creatures (Ron) and understanding to students who couldn't always finish the homework because of helping others (Neville) and didn't even put up with one very specific blonde who was lowkey a twat (I don't even have to put his name in for you to know who I'm talking about). 
You paced over to the table you placed outside before class and opened the small case laying on top, checking the inside of it while you held the wiggly creature to your chest.
The case was similar to Scamander's in the sense that the inside was bigger, but not by much. This one case was supposed to store the niffler and the niffler only, so it only had to be so big. The case on the inside had a water bowl, a nice soft makeshift bed for the baby and a few gems and coins all for comfort. 
You placed the little sweetheart into the case and shut it gently, locking it closed. You hummed gently, not hearing the person approaching you from behind. 
"You handle them so well." 
Your cry of shock echoed in the woods around you and you could've sworn your body jumped up at least 6 feet in the air. You basically got whiplash from how fast you turned around, looking at the man standing behind you. 
"The creatures, I mean." Lupin was leaning against one of the trees, a smile on his face as he nodded toward the creature. 
You couldn't help but giggle a little bit and shift your suit tie out of nervous habit. "Oh! Yeah, well, it's kinda needed for the job." you stumbled over your words a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck and avoiding his piercing eyes.
It was obvious to your class, it was obvious to the other professors, just about the entire castle knew about your 'tiny' crush on the professor. 
Everyone knew. 
Literally everyone. Harry, Dumbledore, even Snape. SNAPE KNEW!
But guess who didn't? 
Remus Lupin, the gentleman you'd fallen head over heels from the minute you stepped into the dinning hall. 
If looks could kill, you'd be more than 6 feet under, that's for sure. He was so handsome and kind and his eyes- Godric, his eyes. 
Why would he figure it out, anyway? It isn't like he's a very smart man who literally teaches children how to protect themselves against the darkest of evils known in the wizarding world. 
"Well, yeah, but you have talent. I could tell from when you walked into the dinning hall." Remus stepped forward, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. "Keen eye." he tapped his temple, a side smile on his face. 
"Uhhuh." you nodded your head, taking your own step forward, leaving the bag on the counter. "Sure. Very keen eye." you crossed your arms over your vest covered chest. 
"It's true! I'm very observant-" this caused you to snort. "What?" 
"Yeah, ok!" 
"What? Are you hiding something from me (L/n)?" he stepped closer, his chest almost touching yours. "Should I be concerned?" his smile turned into a lopsided smirk, causing butterflies to make themselves known in your stomach. 
"Oh, no, of course not, Mr. Lupin." you shot him an innocent smile and stood on your tippy toes, only to pop back down onto your heals. "If you haven't noticed it by now, I fear you may never." with that, you turned around and all but strutted to your way to the table, making sure to sway your hips just enough to tease. 
Remus' eyes fought to look away, but in the end his eyes were glued on your bum. The thin man felt his jaw drop to the floor. It was no lie that the professor had a crush on you and, like everything else, the whole damn castle knew.
 Everyone supported you two and it physically pained them to see you act so oblivious to each other and do nothing but flirt, but you were sure it was just playful banter! It had to be. 
"Well, maybe I need some hints to figure it out." he stuffed his hands in his pockets and followed you to the table, his eyes following your hands as you picked up the case gently.
"I don't think you need hints, I think you need glasses." you turned to him, shaking your head back and forth, tsking at him. "You're keen eyes might be fading." 
Wizard Gods did he love you. He missed being able to banter with James and Lily and this made him feel like.. Well.. Like new. He couldn't help but smile wider and lean against the table, his confidence coming back in a full stride. 
"Ouch! Are you calling me old?" 
"We both know the answer to that." 
"Damn, ok. My pride." He snickered. "But what is the great and adorably luring Mr. (Y/n) (L/n) hiding from me, hmm?" he leaned forward. 
His words caused you to blush and rub the back of your neck. 
"Well, I-I want you to figure it out!" You adjusted the bag, the handle growing uncomfortable as your palms began to sweat. 
"Ooh~ Really? Like a," he paused, scratching his chin with a free hand, "like a game?" he stepped toward you again mindlessly, his hands clasping behind his back. 
You looked at his face and had to do a double take. Were his eyes always that dark? With every step he took, you subconsciously took one back. 
"I-I guess you could say that."
"Interesting. If I get it right, do I get a reward?" 
Before you knew it, your back hit the wood of a tree and his body all but trapped you in place. All of this was causing you to feel dizzy in the best possible way. 
"Su-" you cleared your throat, ignoring the way it cracked and was higher in pitch, "Sure!" 
"Is it an emotional connection?" 
You set the case down haphazardly, almost dropping it. The question only made your palms sweater. "Are you allowed to be asking questions? Besides, shouldn't you know it?" you asked as you wiped your hands on your work pants.
"Maybe I'm asking to see if I'm right before I jump headfirst and embarrass myself." he chuckled lightly, his hands coming up to trap your head between them and all but pin you to the rough bark. 
"Oh.. Well, I.. Yeah, it's emotional." you don't remember losing the ability to talk with authority, but your voice was barely a whisper by the time it came out.
"Aaahh, ok. Here, let me see if I nailed this on the head, shall we?" he paused and moved his wand hand to rest against your hip, causing you to jump ever so slightly. "I think that you," he spoke as his thumb rubbed against the bone of your hip, "fancy me and that you have since you started teaching here." 
You stayed completely still against the tree. You didn't blink, breath, nothing just stared at the man against you as your heart pounded in your ears. 
"Am I wrong? And don't lie, that would be cheating." Lupin leaned in closer, causing your cheeks to erupt a deeper red.
Let's be honest, he didn't figure it out by himself. Harry, bless the little termite, had been kind of joking with the teacher when the confession slipped free. The poor kid was basically stalked by the teacher who kept asking questions for a week before Hermione finally snapped, saying he should go ask the creature handler himself instead of waiting their study time. 
While Remus was fighting the memories and waiting for your response, you were having an inner war with yourself. For example, you were trying to figure out how in good ol' Godric mother fucking Gryffindor he figured it out! You snapped out of it when his other hand came up to cup your cheek. 
Lupin smiled wider at your stutter and blush and everything. Harry had been right, bless his soul. That kid was gonna ace his class for this alone. He shook his head, teasing about your shy state and let out a sigh. "Am I wrong?" he asked, figuring it was easier for you to say yes or no to that than say you loved him out in the open. 
Once you arranged the courage, you shook your head no as your eyes darted between his eyes and lips. He pushed himself impossibly closer to you, his head leaning down so he could press a kiss to your lips. 
Holy Merlin. Moony wanted to stay like that forever. His hand on your cheek slid  to the back of your neck to keep you there, managing to deepen the kiss even more. 
Your brain actually shut off. 
It took some time for it to reboot, but when it did, oh boy, did you kiss back. You poured all of your emotion and love and passion into it, causing the man to let out a groan. 
When he pulled back, his forehead rested against your shoulder. He didn't want you to see the blush on his face or the huge grin spreading across his lips. 
"Should'a done that ages ago." He whispered against your neck, then pressed his lips against the skin resting at the base of your neck. The action caused you to shiver and wrap your arms around his neck. 
"Wait, you like me too?" 
Lupin pulled back to stare into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he just kinda.. He just kinda stared at you. 
"I kissed you and you're worried if I like you back?" 
"W-well, yeah. I'd hate to get the wrong signals." 
Remus ran a hand through his hair in frustration. How were you so innocent? Literally how? He kissed you and you can't tell he likes you back? How did you not know?
"Lupin?" Your voice cut him out of the inner dialog. "Are you ok?" 
"Yeah, just bloody curious on how you could be getting the wrong signals when I kissed you." 
"Well I don't wanna assu-" he cut you off by grabbing your shoulders and slamming a kiss against your lips, causing you to actually squeak against his. Your eyes fell shut as your hands absent-mindedly pulled bark off the tree as you kissed back. A whine fell from your lips when he pulled away to speak. 
"(Y/n), you are oblivious and so smart and so attractive that you managed to make me fall for you everyday and you don't even know. That should be a crime. How are you so perfect but you can't see it?" 
You opened your eyes to see him looking at you, holding all of his love for you in his eyes. You quickly broke out in a grin. His words were like the last piece of a puzzle and it fit so perfectly. You let out a laugh and shook your head. 
"I know now, don't I? And besides, you can't talk. I've been sending you signals since I came here and you haven't noticed either." 
"Did you now?" Remus teased, gently reaching up to fix your (tie/glasses). His hand then came back up to your warm cheek. "Then how come the first time I kissed you you didn't catch on? Were you trying to tease another kiss out of me?" 
"Nope! Just watched to make sure I was reading it right." you stuck your tongue out at him like a child, causing him to let out a breathy chuckle. 
"I literally did a romantic thing to show I romantically like you and you're asking if you were reading it right!" 
"Well, yeah! Assuming is a big no-no, Moony." 
"Unbelievable, Fluffy!" he laughed, tossing his head back. You stared at his face in confusion, your cheeks burning a little bit brighter at his laugh. 
"Fluffy? What kind of nickname is that?" 
"Well, you care for creatures and your hair is soft. It fits." 
"Isn't that the name Hangrid gave that dog?" 
"What dog?" 
"Never mind! Besides, It isn't unbelievable! People do weird things all the time!" 
Remus' wiggled his eyebrows at you, loving the way you blushed and stuttered. This only gave him more material to tease you over.
"Is a kiss weird to you?" 
"No b-" 
"So you should've known. How are you so smart but so dumb?" 
"Good question! Let me ask you, Moony! How do you manage to be so hot but so cool?" 
"But that didn't answer my question!" Lupin let out a laugh, his shoulders bouncing. He shook his head and leaned back into your neck, trailing butterfly soft kisses across the skin. "I'm fact, you just dodged it completely." 
"I-I don't have to answer anything." your Adam's apple bounced as you swallowed thickly. 
His hands went from your hips to the back of your thighs and suddenly he was picking you up, your back still hard against the tree. 
"I think you should do everything I tell you." his voice was deep in your ear, causing you to let out a whine.
"Oh, but I won't." You were trying to act like your face wasn't bright red and blood wasn't rushing south. Stupid werewolf strength and stupid hot man and ug H-
"I might have to do something about this disobedience, then, hmm?" 
Tossing your head back against the tree, you bit your lip to hide back a groan as his teeth gently niped along your Adam's apple. You tilted your head back and let out a sigh as he sucked on the skin. Your  eyes slowly opened and grew wider at the sight above you. 
"Goldie?!" Your mouth hung open as the golden shit looked down at you and tried to scurry up higher, Lupins pocket watch chain hanging from it's pouch. 
"Never called me that one, love. I don't get the reference. You might have to explain it for me." Lupin laughed against your skin, causing goosebumps to spread across it. 
"What? No, Lupin, the niffler!" 
"Shouldn't it should be in the-"
"She's in the tree!" 
"What?" he pulled away from your neck and looked up. "Oh.. You're gonna have to grab him, aren't you?" 
"Her, and yes." 
"And I'm gonna help?" 
"Which means we can't snog anymore, right?" he shot you a smirk, trying to be playful while you were losing your mind. 
"Remus! She has your watch!" Your voice held bite, which he'd never heard before. It was hot. He found himself licking his lips, wanting to just grind into you, but the smack to his chest pulled him out of his thoughts.
"Ok! I got the hint!" 
The grown man whined and set you back down, giving you a look of disappointment mixed with child grumpiness. He watched your ass as you rolled up your sleeves and climbed up the tree with little struggle. 
"... Did we just get cock-blocked by a niffler?" 
"Don't use that language in front of the baby, Lupin! She's just a young thing!" 
"First of all, she can't understand us." he looked up at you, admiring your legs. "And second, If it's our baby, someone has some explaining to do." 
"Lupin, just climb the damn tree and grab the baby." you plucked a pine cone off a branch and hurled it at the brunettes head with accuracy that scared him. 
"Ouch! Alright! Alright. Jeez, I didn't know you could be so pushy." He took off his suit jacket and laid it across one of the lower branches before rolling up his sleeves and following you up the tree. 
"What now?" 
"I touched sap. It's gross." 
"I'll push you right off that branch if you don't take this seriously! Grab him-!"
"Her, (L/n.)" 
"Do no-. Don't. Don't even do that." 
"Love you too, (L/n)." 
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babyyweebbitch · 3 years
Please stay with me...
A/N: Hey Resident evil fans 😀 im sorry I’m gonna make another part to this btw
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Death, Blood and funeral
Summary: Chris and his wife went on a mission a few months after Piers’ death but his was shot and killed by the enemy trying to protect Chris and the team
*bonus* Funeral (it does get kinda triggering so if you get triggered by funeral talk, skip that)
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Chris, His wife and new men from the BSAA were on a mission again but this time in America, everything was going smoothly
All they had to do was take out the enemy, get the three hostages to safety and deactivate the bomb placed in the building they were in
“Boys listen” Y/N said, for someone who was 5’0, 147lb and currently the youngest on that team at 28 she was very intimidating to the men on that team, even Chris was intimidated by her — She’s his wife!
She was also the new captain of the team since Chris decided it wasn’t for him anymore — So he chose his replacement to be his wife
Not just because they were married. She had talent, she was tough and was hard on everyone and anyone when she had to be
“We will split into teams of three, one team is in charge of getting the hostages; the other are in charge of deactivating the bomb and my team will take care of the enemies. Corey, John and Andrew, you’re in charge of finding the bomb and deactivating it”
“Yes ma’am!” The three men said in unison before leaving to find out the bomb
“Phil, Jean and Mark, you’re In charge of finding and taking the hostages to safety”
“Ma’am!” The three said before doing their job
“Chris and Eric you’re with me” Y/N said as she turned to walk out the door, Chris watched her and was amazed by how amazing she was doing
“Is she always like this, Chris?”
“Only when she has to be” he smirked as he followed behind his wife and he was thinking about a lot of different things at once, his time as captain, his former men, Piers
He hadn’t realised he was already at the door of the room the enemies were in until he was tapped on the shoulder by a smaller hand
“You okay?” Y/N asked as she looked at Chris, an obvious worried expression on her face since he was zoning out
“What? Oh yeah. I’m fine... Sorry” Chris said as he looked at the door and let a sigh escape his lips as he backed up and kicked open the door, gun fire already heading towards them
Luckily the three hid in time before firing back, for about what felt like forever the three came from wherever they were hiding from and let out a sigh thinking they had got everyone
“Good job b— Chris!” Y/N called out as she had saw one remaining enemy stand up from behind a counter pointing a gun towards Chris
Out of instinct she ran towards Chris and pushing him out the way not even thinking about herself and that was the moment she was hit in the sternum, shockingly they had a powerful gun that can puncture anything
Everything was still processing in Chris’ head right now, trying to catch his kind up, Eric used his last bullet to shoot the last enemy before running over to catch Y/N
*flash back*
“I don’t want you joining the BSAA, Y/N! You’ll die!”
“I’m perfectly okay with that... If I die I know that I at least tried to help the world somehow. I hate sitting at home all day and doing nothing while I worry while you’re on your missions”
Chris knew exactly where she was coming from she she said that, he wanted to protect the world too but it was one thing if he was the one to die doing it, but his wife? He’d hate to see her die or get injured on the job
“Plus... ever since my parents died in Raccoon city I promised them I’d do something to help the world and stop all of this from happening again when I got older. Well I’m older”
Honestly, when she brought up her parents he couldn’t argue with her anymore... He knows what it’s like to lose both parents
“I get it... I’m not going to stop you.. I hate thinking about you getting hurt but your parents would want that for you..”
Chris ran to his wife and he felt his eyes water, the tears flooding his eyes as he stared at her
“No... Please stay with me! Don’t leave me goddamnit!” Chris refused to believe she was dying, he didn’t want to believe it
“Chris... Please” She reached inside of her pocket to grab her wedding ring, she never wore it on missions so she didn’t lose it, grabbing his hand she placed the ring inside
“I’m gonna see my parents again, Chris... Isn’t that good?”
“No no no no, Y/N please!! Don’t you die on me!”
“I love you, Chris...” His heart went numb the moment he felt her hand go heavy and almost fell out his but he held onto it
“Please don’t go! This isn’t funny anymore, fucking please don’t leave me alone!!” He knew she was dead... He knew he just didn’t wanna believe it, he wanted to believe she was pulling a fucked up prank on him and got up like nothing happened, he wanted her to sit up and say ‘sike motherfucker’. He wanted that more than anything right now
When she didn’t do that he hugged her body, not caring about the blood getting all over them and he just cried as he held her, he felt responsible for her death, if only he was paying attention he wouldn’t have lost the love of his life...
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The day of the funeral, Chris looked horrible. He couldn’t sleep since that day and the house was a mess, Claire stayed with him to make sure he didn’t start drinking again to get rid of the pain
“Chris? You getting ready?” Claire asked as she was already dressed, opening the door to what used to be shared by two people
He sat on the bed looking at a picture of his wife on his phone, he had put her ring on a necklace he always wore
“Yeah... I’m ready” he said as he stood up to walk out with his sister, his hair was slicked back and he had a nice black suit on, Claire had on a black dress
After about a 30 minute drive they arrived and Chris didn’t wanna leave the car but Claire dragged him out
First his partner now his wife... He regrets even letting her join the BSAA and if he could change the roles and take the bullet for her, he would in a fucking heart beat
After about two hours, the ceremony happened, everyone close to her gave their speeches and the viewing it they lowered the casket and everyone had went inside to eat and talk
“Hey Chris, how are you holding up” Leon said as he went to sit with him and Claire
“I’ll be fine...” was all Chris said as he picked at his food, he was so depressed he barely ate anymore, basically all he did was sleep, workout and do paperwork.
He couldn’t bare handling a gun since in all honesty... he didn’t trust himself around one anymore
“Look... Chris I know you feel like shit and don’t wanna do anything anymore but, she wouldn’t want you picking at your food and not eating.. She’d want you to continue being yourself. She wouldn’t want this.” Leon commented
“....I know... But, I just miss her ya’know... she was my everything and I just feel so empty without her now. We were gonna start a family. I only wanted a family with her and only her”
Leon and Claire didn’t have any words since they didn’t want to say the wrong thing around Chris, the three ate and after eating they headed home
The car ride was silent — The silence was deafening you can hear a pin drop
Leon was right, Y/N wouldn’t wanna see him like this. He didn’t want to disappoint her so the first thing he did when he got home was cleaned up the way she liked it and how she liked cleaning
It was difficult but it was the process to healing...
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gaylien51 · 3 years
Chapter 2: A lot of questions
“Uhhhh hi? Nice dagger you got there” Mikey stared fiercely at the turtle ready to kill if necessary.
The turtle in front of him had a blue mask and two similar red crescent moons on his eyes, he had yellow stripes, a blue slash which seemed to carry a katana, and pouches. He seemed nervous holding up his arms and attempted to smile and seem relaxed. Of course Mikey was easily able to see through it as his eyes burned into the other turtle.
“Who are you? Why do you look like me? What are you doing here? Where is your leader? How long have you been a turtle?” Mikey shot off like rapid fire question after question. He was curious, confused, and extremely annoyed. Especially at himself and the stupid mistake he made.
“ So um hi there, My name is Leo and the two turtles behind me are my brothers Donnie and raph” The now named turtles Donnie and raph looked tense and reaching for their weapons but also nervous and conflicted. “Raph is our ever fierce and loving leader, been a turtle since the day I was born and fabulous, andwethinkyoumightbeourlonglostdeadbrotherbecauseyoulooklikeamutantturtle” Leo rushed out quickly.
Mikey looked at him with a puzzling and disbelieving look, still holding the kunai to his neck. “Drop all of your weapons unless you want your brother to be killed” Mikey instructed as he himself took Leo’s sword and threw it behind him as well as checked the - was that gummy’s in his pouch? Why is there? Never mind Mikey thought as he searched the rest of the pockets. He found more snacks, some kunai, and some shuriken and threw the weapons behind him. The brothers behind Leo looked tense and angry waiting for more instructions and Leo still looked nervous.
“ I’m going to put away my kunai and you are going to walk back slowly towards your brothers, your gonna stand in front of me and explain what the hell you said”. Leo looked nervous as his brothers nodded behind him. As promised Mikey slowly lifted away the kunai from Leo’s neck but still held it in his hand if it’s needed. Leo backed up quickly towards his brothers as the purple one put his hand on his shoulder and the red stepped a little forward in front of him.
“As my fellow brother here expressed we believe your our long lost brother who died in the fire our father saved us from we’ve been looking for you ever since blah blah blah rejoice! We found you” Donatello (?) Responded voice dripping with sarcasm -maybe?sorta? Mikey honestly couldn’t tell.
“ Yaaaaaa no, I was raised by my da- my master Baron Draxum who mutated me and saved my life from an evil rat master who is his sworn enemy and destroyed my other 3 mutant turtle brothers”. Mikey replied with disbelief as his stance was very tense and very awa- “wait... where’d the human go? Bring them out in 3 seconds or there will-
As if on time the human who had seemingly disappeared reappeared from the largest turtle raph holding a baseball bat and phone which they then gently put on the ground looking sheepish while doing so.
“ I should kill you for that pathetic attempt at a surprise attack but it wouldn’t be very nice to kill strangers who claimed to be my dead brothers and I need answers to my questions which only you can give” Mikey said cunningly and face expressing mischief. “ Starting off as to why are you working with a disgusting human? Are they mind controlling you? Or have black mail”. Mikey wouldn’t be surprised if the human was, he’d dealt within many situations described as such in his line of work.
“EXCUSE ME?!?! Who are you calling a disgusting human? Mr. green emo ninja turtle! Your even worst than donn- HEY! I’ll have you know I am not an emo turtle I’m a bad boy tech savvy genius” the brother interrupted continuing to ramble and argue with the human. Mikey could quickly feel a headache coming on and became more frustrated at still not having received answers.
“ENOUGH! Idk who you are! Why your claiming to be my dead brothers! Or why you here! So answer me quickly and efficiently or so help me I’ll will kill all of you and leave no trace of your body’s! Understand?!” Mikey could be truly as short tempered as his father if provoked enough. And he was certainly provoked.
“ Look um... what’s your name?” The red turtle questioned. He had a red mask that covered the top part of his face, bandages that covered most of his hands, and some torn red fabric similar to his mask was being used as a belt and on his elbows. He also had sais that were thrown in front of him.
“ My name is 42- Mikey, my name is Mikey. but that’s not important! If you really are my brothers how did you survive the fire or escape the rat?!” Mikey yelled at them.
“Well we didn’t escape the rat because the rat is our dad! He- We been looking for you ever since we started patrolling to save you from the evil alchemist! Our dear papa saved us from him but wasn’t able to save you so we’ve been trying to bring you back home ever since! I’m sure we can be reasonable and have you come back to the lair so he ca-“. The purple turtle said desperately and with frustration but was interrupted by Mikey holding a kunai to his throat and donnies hand still outstretched toward his arm. As Mikey looked him over he found he had a purple bandanna covering the top of his face, goggles with blue and red lenses, some elbow pads, gloves, socks (?), and what looked like a purple battle shell on his back. His arm device and bo staff (?) was behind him some feet in front of his brothers. His brothers wore the same expression like they did with Leo when he was in this position. Angry and concerned.
“Stop! I don’t care what you say but even if you are my brothers you were raised by the rat! He took you away from me, from my dad, he burnt down dads lab and forced us to rebuild! My da-.” Mikeys was interrupted by Donnie lowering his arm and punching him in the stomach. He stumbled back for a second but quickly regained his balance and took a fighting stance as the brothers did the same.
“ Look Mikey we don’t wanna hurt you! We just want you to come home! Whatever Baron told you was a lie, he kidnapped our dad to use his dna to create super soldiers to destroy humans! He wanted to use us, he’s using you! Come with us to the lair and see our dad he’ll tell you everything!” Raph exclaimed as his brothers nodded with hi. As well as the human.
“ Humans aren’t all that bad! I mean these guys are friends with me and we have fun all the time! We eat pizza together and play at the arcade and do plenty of fun stuff! Right guys?” The brothers agreed with her. His brothers. The same ones who were taken away from him by the evil rat! His fathers sworn enemy! That’s what his dad said and dad always tells the truth!... right? He does right? No he does! He wouldn’t lie to me, he wouldn’t! It must be the human? Ya the human! Ive dealt with humans who somehow got their hands on mystic things to control yokai plenty of times that must be what’s happening! Mikey was angered by his conclusion and zoned in on the human burning his eyes into hers.
“YOU, YOUR CONTROLLING THEM ARENT YOU?!?! LET MY BROTHERS GO!!!” Mikey roared at the vile human in front of him as they had the fuckin decency to play innocent, this is what his dad taught him! Humans are cruel, every single one just like the foot clan! Mikey begun barreling towards the human and threw a kunai aimed to kill.
The kunai fell to the ground as it was blocked by Leo’s katana. He wore a furious expression as his eyes seemed to burn bright with fury. All the brothers had reclaimed their weapons and were now standing in front of the human and were prepared for mikeys attack. Mikey took out his tento and begun to fight leo.
“APRIL YOU MIGHT WANNA GET AWAY FROM OUR APPARENTLY REALLY MURDERY BROTHERRRRR!!” Leo exclaims as Mikey lassos him behind him with his kusari fundo. Then raph dives towards Mikey trying to catch him but Mikey jumps out of the way and unfortunately towards Donnie. Donnie than tries throwing a device onto him but Mikey dodged as the device explodes into a protective shield which entraps raph.
“Sorry raph!, Mikey please we don’t wanna fight you! We just want to get both sides of the story, you said your dad raised you right? That he saved you? Well our dad saved us! Did your dad ever explain what happened? Why Lou Jitsu attacked him?!”. Donnie questioned as he blocked an attack from Mikey with his bo staff.
“I don’t wanna hurt you either! But that human is controlling you with mystic magic to do her bidding! SO JUST MOVE OUT OF THE WAY SO I CAN GET TO HER!” Mikey screamed as he lunged again towards the human. Again Donnie got in his way and tried a second time to throw a capsule onto him but Mikey dodged again and soon it was a repeated process as Mikey zig zagged towards Donnie and April coming closer and closer with each failed attempt. Mikey then jumped upwards and threw shuriken at the human but Donnie got in the way again and-
Donnie grit his teeth and held back a scream as the shuriken pierced his shoulder. Mikey landed down and showed remorse only for a second before returning to his cold and steely gaze.
“Why are you controlling my brothers? Now he’s hurt because of you!” Mikey exclaimed with fury.
“IM NOT CONTROLLING ANYONE!!! Donnie are you ok?!” April questioned. “I’m fine tis but a scratch. HEY! Jokes are my thing!” Donnie replied as Leo interrupted. He had recovered although his arm was hanging limply as Leo held it tight. A gash was on his head spilling blood as well.
“Mikey! Please just come with us and pops can explain everything! None of us are being controlled all we want is for you to come home!” Leo yelled at him his voice showing pure honesty and desperation.
Mikey was confused and he was scared. He was angry. Extremely angry but Leo- Leo was calm and sounded honest. He didn’t know what to do.
“I-I want to believe th- AHHHHHHHHH!!!” Mikey screamed in pain and fell to his knees holding his head. Face contorted in overwhelming pain.
“MIKEY!!!” All of them yelled, concerned for their baby brother.
Suddenly a blue portal opened up beneath Mikey and he fell through and then it closed just as quickly.Mikey is gone. Gone again just after they found him.Pure silence enveloped all of them. All with their own thoughts and questions.
“What the hell just happened?” Asked April putting out all of their collective thought.
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The Lesser of Two Evils
Jimmy Conway x Paulie's Daughter Reader
Just felt like writing for Jimmy... Also bc I like @yesbelladoesstuff 's man more than my own apparently 😂😝
TW: mentions of crime, mention of age gap, implied smut
Word Count: 3k
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After four long years full of hard work and missing your family, college was finally over! You hadn't gone far for college, and you visited as possible, but the work load of college doesn't always allow for that. For Paulie, it was important that you get a degree, even if you didn't have a "real" job after college; he just knew you were too smart, and you knew it would make him so proud that his little girl finished college.
You moved home on a Thursday after finals and took Friday to just spend time with your dad and the rest of your immediate family, before the rest of your "family" came over for the big party on Saturday. This included Tommy, Henry, and Jimmy and all the various "uncles" your dad did business with. It was a closed circle of people.
You had been home for holidays and summers in between semesters, but towards the end of college, you really started to realize that you weren't in the loop like you used to be. Tommy had really grown into a well-respected mobster, and you respected that they may make him within the next few years. He was still hot headed as ever though. As for Henry, it seemed like he tried to hold off as long as he could, as he had always had a huge crush on you, and everyone, including Paulie, had placed bets on when you two would get together. But he had started going out with this girl named Karen. You had only met her a few times, but you had heard that she kept Henry on the straight and narrow. Good for her.
Jimmy hadn't had too much change in his life during your years at college, except that he had too younger mobsters to help him on his various jobs. He made a lot more money because of them! You never thought when you went to college that you would find yourself missing Jimmy as much as you did; of course, you had always been close with him just like you were with Tommy and Henry, but there was just something about him. He was always very cool, and his jokes were few and far between but hilarious when he told them. He had always been protective over you in a way the other two weren't, you guessed because he was older, but he also let you get away with stuff your dad would've had a heart attack over. Hell, Jimmy encouraged bad behavior.
And that's where you found yourself early Saturday afternoon: fighting off thoughts of Jimmy, and a little nervous to see him because of it.
The table is all set, covered in a black table cloth, with gold and silver decorations everywhere to celebrate your graduation. A few dishes full of your favorite foods are set out, and more will arrive as the family does.
As the family pours in, the table fills with dishes and becomes surrounded by people you've known practically your whole life. You are handed envelopes full of cash, each one thicker than the last. That's how you did presents in this business.
You wondered where the boys were... It's unusual that they didn't show up first.
After a while, Henry arrives with Karen and they greet you with the usual hugs and kisses on the cheek; you can tell Karen is still getting used to greeting people like this. "Glad you have you home, (Y/N)! Congrats!" Henry exclaims. Rather than money, they gift you with a beautiful set of jewelry. You knew Karen was good for Henry, and now you know she has good taste.
"Oooh, there she is!" Jimmy yells as he's coming in the door. Tommy and Jimmy show up right after Henry and Karen. They were likely all hanging out before coming over, but you had to wonder why they didn't just take the same car. Tommy hands you a stack of cash, like he was taught to do, giving you kisses on your cheeks and a sincere congrats for graduating. Before you can really finish up your conversation with Tommy, Jimmy is scooping you up into his arms and twirling you around playfully, earning a squeal from you. "Atta girl! We knew you could do it!" He lets you down gently and pulls you in for a proper hug. "Congratulations, (Y/N). You know everyone here is so proud of you."
As you move back into the dining room and living room to rejoin the party and visit with everyone, Jimmy's hand lingers on you: your shoulder blades, the small of your back, wrapped lightly around your hip. He had always been a bit handsy with you; it's just how you two were with one another, but today it's affecting you more than usual.
Jimmy is wrapped up in a conversation about something he's been bootlegging with one of the uncles, so you turn to him to say, "Hey Jimmy, in gonna go sit with my dad at the table, 'cause I think we're eating soon. I'll save you a seat next to me, if you want it."
"Okay, sweetie, I'll be there in a little while."
You walk away taking a deep breath to try and clear your mind. Had you always felt this way about Jimmy or had something changed?
You say next to your dad and leaned your head on his shoulder.
"Hey there, girlie! You enjoying the party? Everything okay?"
"Yeah I'm okay. It's good seeing everyone again, and knowing that I get to stay home for good this time."
Paulie puts his arms around you, squeezing you tight. He always gave the best hugs! "I'm so happy you're back home. It's been pretty lonely without my girl here... Now I'm gonna have to beat off guys with a stick to keep you here," he lets out a chuckle.
"Oh, Dad, I'm not going anywhere, and you know that. Besides, Henry went and got a girlfriend, so there goes my only shot at a boyfriend."
"Now, you know Henry wasn't your only option. What about Tommy?"
You both look across the room to see Tommy flirting with someone's daughter...
"Ehhh, no," you and your dad say in unison before having a big laugh together.
"Is this seat taken?"
You look over your shoulder to see Jimmy standing behind the chair next to you, "Reserved for you."
"Oh, good!" Jimmy takes a moment to say hello to Paulie before sitting down next to you.
Paulie stands up to announce that it's time to eat, but first he makes a small speech to let everyone know how proud he is of you for finishing college, and that you were always too bright and talented to belong to him.
While Paulie is standing at the head of the table, Jimmy reaches over to your lap under the table and takes your hand in his. You look at him, trying to hide that he's affected you in any way. He gives you a small smirk, and rubs his thumb over yours for just a moment before letting your hand go.
Paulie takes his seat, and people start spooning food out of dishes and into their plates, and you're left wondering what just happened and what was meant by it.
Luckily, the rest of dinner was pretty uneventful, and the food was always so tasty. After everyone got their bellies full, everyone mingled wherever they liked around the house. Some went into the backyard to get a small bonfire going so some of the kids could have roasted marshmallows; some of the guys started inside the house and started pulling out cards and chips and stacks of money; many of the wives gather in the kitchen or the living room to talk all the latest gossip.
You notice Tommy, Jimmy, Henry, and Karen taking lowly and giggling with one another in a small circle. Normally they would've invited you over, so there's definitely something suspicious going on.
"(Y/N)!" Paulie says, waving you over, "come here, kiddo."
"Dad, I just finished college; I'm not really a kid anymore!" You give him a laugh and walk over to him.
He puts an arm over your shoulders and says, "Well, you'll always be my kid." He pauses for a moment before looking across the room and yelling, "Conway!"
The room quiets down, waiting for Jimmy's response. All of the guys and Karen turn to you and your dad. "Yes, Paulie?" Jimmy says with a smug look on his face.
"When you came in here, I didn't see you give my little girl any presents for her graduation. No cash, no cute little boxes with bows. What's the matter with you?" Paulie voice is raised so everyone can hear him. This is very odd behavior, as he normally handles things pretty quietly, so you know something is up.
"Well, ya see, Paulie..." Jimmy starts walking towards you, "I didn't hand her any envelope full of 50s, and I didn't give her any boxes with bows, because what I got for her was too big to fit through the front door." Jimmy lowers his voice to a whisper now that he's in front of you. "You wanna go see your present?"
You now realize that your dad and the guys are all in on some kind of surprise.
"Yes, please."
That's all Jimmy needs to hear before he's picking you up to take you outside. Henry and Tommy rush to the door to open it, and everyone that heard what was going on follows you outside to see what the surprise is.
You and Jimmy can't stop giggling while there are lots of hoots and hollers from everyone gathering outside with you. Jimmy lets you down and spins you around so you're facing the driveway. Sitting there is a beautiful black muscle car with a big gold bow on the hood.
He wraps his arms around your waist and whispers in your ear, "You like it, princess?"
"I- uh... yes," you can barely get a response out; you certainly weren't expecting this. Jimmy was all about handing out money and giving expensive gifts, but nothing like this... He didn't like to do anything that would put this kind of attention on him.
"It's the one you said you wanted right?"
"Yes, Jimmy. It's perfect," you say with a huge smile as you turn to hug him. "Thank you so much!"
"Anything for you, (Y/N)." Jimmy pulls a key out of his pocket and hands it to you. You take it from him and run over to unlock the car and climb in. Immediately, Tommy climbs in the front seat next you you and is shouting, "C'mon! Let's take this thing on a spin!!" Henry and Karen climb in the back seat and Henry only starts egging you on saying, "Let's crank this thing up and get outta here, (Y/N)!"
"Okay, okay! We'll drive it, but only if Jimmy comes too. He paid for the thing after all!"
"Jimmy! Get your ass over here!" Tommy yells before climbing in the back seat with Henry and Karen.
Jimmy runs over and gets in the passenger seat next you you. "Try not to kill us, okay?"
You turn the key in the ignition and the engine fires up loudly, which gets Henry and Tommy rowdy in the back seat. All the people in the front yard were raising their glasses and cheering as you backed out of the driveway! Before driving away from the house, you slowed down and Jimmy rolled down his window so Paulie could pop his head in.
"You guys be careful, and don't let anything happen to that one right there," he says pointing to you.
"Hell, Paulie, she's the one you gotta worry about!" Henry pipes up getting a laugh out of everyone.
"Yeah, well..." he chuckles, knowing it's true and realizing his little girl is all grown up. "Happy graduation, baby; go have fun!"
"Thank you, Dad! Love you!" you yell before driving off, a little too fast.
• • •
After you, the guys, and Karen, whom you had really grown to like, had been driving around a while, you decide to stop off at a small park while the sun sets. It's a cute little public park with a lake, a pavilion with tables for picnics, a small playground for kids (naturally the boys go and play on the playground), and lots of open space with soft grass.
With the boys being boys running around chasing each other, you and Karen get some time to talk alone.
"Seems like you've got Henry tied down pretty well. Takes a tough lady to do that."
"Yeah, well he stood me up on our second date, and so I told him off in front of his friends. We been together since."
"Oh yeah, word got back to me on that one. You had all the guys pretty shocked," you say though a laugh, "They made fun of him a good bit for it, so he must like you a lot if he put up with that."
"Yeah, I think he does." She pauses for a minute. "I've heard from some people that Henry always had a crush on you, and that everyone thought you two would end up together. I'm sorry if I got in the way of that."
"Oh, no! No need to apologize. Henry liked me when we were kids, and it feels like more of a joke now than anything. I don't think I could deal with him as well as you do," you give her a reassuring smile.
"So, you gonna give Jimmy a shot?"
"Hmm? What? You mean Jimmy and me?" You stutter out.
"Yeah, I mean, I know he's older, but it seems like he really likes you!"
"You think Jimmy likes me?"
"Well, yeah girl! He bought you ya dream car!" She says excitedly, her New York accent really shining through.
"Karen!" Henry calls from the playground.
"Whaddayou want?!"
"Come over here, honey!"
You see Jimmy walking towards you and Karen, and notice that Tommy is flirting with some poor girl who was just out for a run. Karen says a quick goodbye to you and heads over to the playground where Henry is waiting for you.
When Jimmy's feet stop in front of yours, he extends a hand to you to help you up from your spot on the grass. He places his hand on the small of your back, and his long fingers delicately begin to lead you in the direction of your new car.
"Did you have a fun time playing with your friends on the playground?" You poke a little fun at him.
"Would've had more fun if you were there," he raises his eyebrows and cracks a smile at you.
You laugh gently out your nose as you arrive at your car, "Whatcha bring me over here for?"
He takes you by the hips, lifting you up and placing you on the trunk of your car. He grabs your thighs and pulls you close to him, your knees brushing against either of his hips. "You like the car, angel?"
"Jimmy, wha-," you let out a shaky breath, "um, yes, it's beautiful."
"Mmmm, good." He brushes your hair behind your ear.
It suddenly becomes clear to you that what Karen had to say about Jimmy was true. In fact, with him standing between your legs like this, it couldn't be more obvious.
"Hey, Jimmy?"
"Yeah, baby doll?"
"Kiss me."
He raises his eyebrows, then looks at the ground for a moment. When he looks back up at you, he tangles a hand in your hair and presses his lips to yours softly at first, but he quickly deepens the kiss, exploring your mouth with his. You gently wrap one arm around his neck, and the other hand squeezes his waist through his shirt. He pulls you into him so your chest is pressed against his.
It feels weird kissing him, but it also feels right. Being with him like this feels like electricity, and you could feel like this forever and it still wouldn't be enough.
"Hey, hey, Jimmy!" Henry calls as him and Karen come up on you.
"Do not interrupt them!" You hear Karen say followed by a whap to Henry's arm.
Jimmy slowly pulls away from you, giving you probably the sweetest look you've ever seen him give. He pecks your lips a few more times before turning to Karen. "Thank you for hitting him."
You slide off the back of the car, putting your hand in Jimmy's.
"Listen, all I'm saying is, it's about time you got a kiss from her, you paid a lot of money for it!" Henry chuckles, slapping the trunk of your car.
"Listen, Henry Hill. I kiss who I want, when I want. And yes, I am grateful for the car, but Jimmy didn't buy my love," you cut your eyes at him.
"Yeah, that's right! What's the matter with you?" Karen backs you up.
Henry puts his hands up in surrender and tries to wipe the shit-eating grin off his face, "Alright, alright, geez!! Can someone go get Tommy so we can go home?"
Everyone gives him a look.
"Okay, fine! I'll go get him!" Henry jogs off to go get Tommy off that girl's back.
Funny enough, the girl ends up coming home with the group, Tommy landing another girl that he won't call in the morning. So you drop everyone off at their respective homes: Tommy and his girl at Tommy's place, Henry and Karen at Henry's place, and Jimmy invited you to his place. You knew Paulie would worry about you not coming home, but it would raise his blood pressure if he knew what you and Jimmy were up to.
It was really the lesser of two evils.
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spicycreativity · 3 years
The Core Four (Logan, Roman, Virgil and Patton) are somewhere spooky, old house, in the woods, etc etc, and it's a place where poltergeist/demon/ghost/devil/spirit/whatever you want Remus resides and haunts and is scary and evil in. (Or they summon him) And he's like "Ooh time to mess with them muahahahaha!" but he sees Patton and gets like this "Cute boy!" And gets interested in Patton instead.
Words: 2k
Pairing: Pre-slash Intruality
Other notes: College AU, mild Vitaminwater slander, somewhat based on my own college experience of being straight edge and bored all the time and also owning multiple fist-sized chunks of quartz crystal purchased from the tent outside the gas station down by the on-ramp on the far side of town 🥴 Our abandoned dorm building was not haunted, tho
Content warnings: Mentions of underage drinking (not depicted), mentions of overdosing (non-graphic), Remus is sexually forward toward Patton, swearing, innuendo, etc. Still, I'd only rate this T
While it was rooming assignments that brought Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil together during the first weeks at university, it was their mutual unwillingness to break any sort of rule that kept them together. While their peers were drinking smuggled alcohol and racking up write-ups from the RAs, the foursome would sit on Logan and Virgil's side of the dorm suite drinking Vitaminwater and attempting to entertain themselves with board games and Netflix. This, predictably, got old quickly and weekends soon became a desperate battle to stave off boredom and existential ennui.
The fraying thread of Roman's patience finally snapped the night Patton suggested Pogs. The lack of adventure had chafed at him longer than it had the others and he secretly longed for some sort of thrill, even if it meant breaking the rules.
"Ugh," Roman threw himself backwards onto the pillow he'd stolen from Logan's bed, nearly knocking over Patton's mostly-full bottle of grape Vitaminwater. "We're seriously so lame that we can't think of anything better to do than Pogs?" 
"Hey," said Virgil from atop his bed, and shook a few drops of açai-blueberry-pomegranate sugar water onto Roman's forehead.
"Sorry, Patton," Roman added, wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant sensation. "No offense, but I'm just so bored! I was expecting more adventure when I finally left my dreary old hometown."
"I thought you told us you were from Los Angeles," Logan said, tossing a package of Wet Wipes down onto Roman's chest. "And Virgil, I understand why you would want to teach Roman a lesson, but please try not to stain my pillowcase."
"What do you wanna do, Roman?" Patton asked, adjusting himself where he was propped up against one of the legs of Logan's bed.
"I don't know! All I know is that I have the most boring Snap story out of everyone in my stupid 100-level History class. Remy went surfing the other day. And he's from Nebraska! How does he know how to surf?" 
"There it is," Virgil said.
Roman sat up again and opened up the Wet Wipes so he could clean off his face. "Lightning round! Suggestions. Go!" He pointed at Virgil.
"Um," said Virgil. "Uh-- Sca-- Uh, horror marathon. Horror movie marathon."
"Ugh, no." Roman pointed at Logan.
"Oh, come on. Patton?"
"We all go to bed early so we can wake up and get breakfast together before the dining hall runs out of waffle batter?"
"Guuuys." Roman pointed at Virgil again.
"Man, I dunno, Roman! Like I'm the expert in what looks good on a Snapchat story."
"You're the one who's bored," Logan added. "Why don't you suggest something?"
"That's not how it works!" Roman shot back. "I'm the-- the arbiter, the czar! You're the idea guys."
"Okay, fine!" Virgil leaned over the edge of the bed to better give Roman the evil eye. "How about we break into the shut-down dorms with a ouija board and try to contact the spirit of that kid who OD'ed in the bathroom?"
"That's the spirit," Roman said.
"Ha," Patton said weakly.
"Wait," said Virgil, already desperately trying to make eye contact with Logan. "I was kidding. You can't be serious."
"No, no, that's a great idea! Virgil, go get your ouija board and whatever other spooky shit you have tucked away.
"We're going now?" Patton squeaked.
Logan sighed and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Roman, anything you post to your Snapchat story can potentially be turned in as evidence and used to incriminate you. I suggest you leave your phone behind."
"Wait!" Virgil ran his hands through his hair, agitated. "You can't possibly be on board with this."
"I'm not," said Logan. "I am offering Roman advice for the same reason high school nurses' offices offer condoms: not as an encouragement, but as a safety measure. Either we all agree to go now or we all agree to go tomorrow night after Roman spends the whole day pouting and whining--"
"So I suggest we just get it over with," Logan concluded.
"Seriously?" Patton was already pale and shaking, holding a stray hoodie of Virgil's close to his chest.
"It's okay, Patton," Virgil said, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'll let you wear my horn of protection amulet."
It took just under an hour to get everyone changed into darker clothes and outfitted with protective symbols from Virgil's collection. In addition to silver amulets and charms, he had handed out fist-sized chunks of quartz crystal to all of them with careful instructions not to lose them, as he wanted everything back at the end of the night.
But soon (all too soon for Patton) they faced the looming silhouette of the abandoned Monroe Hall. It was in surprisingly good repair despite the lack of security cameras and floodlights to deter intruders. In fact, the only light came from the blue emergency callbox situated a few yards down the path.
"We, genius," Virgil said, turning to Roman. "How do we get in?"
"I don't know!" Roman tossed up his hands. "I'd Google how to pick a lock but somebody" --he glared at Logan-- "made us leave our phones in the microwave."
"I already told you, it's a functional Faraday cage and--"
"Yeah, yeah, how about we save the science lectures for 8:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursday," Roman said.
"That was oddly specific," Virgil muttered, trying and failing to exchange a glance with Patton, who was staring at the ground and turning over the quartz crystal in his hands. "Wait, I've got an idea." He took his own chunk of quartz out of his pocket and slammed it through the glass door, sending a shower of tempered glass clattering onto the tiled floor inside. Then he stepped through the hole and beckoned the others in after him. "Let's go."
Patton made a muffled sound of fear and grabbed onto Logan's arm.  "You don't really think there's a ghost, do you?"
"Of course not," Logan said, leading Patton inside and following Virgil to the stairs.
"Wait!" Roman jogged ahead to lead the charge. "Are we not gonna talk about Virgil just--"
"Found a broken door and stepped through it?" Virgil interrupted, bumping Roman with his hip. "No, we are not."
Roman led them up a flight of stairs and down a corridor similar to the one in their own dorm building. All the doors they tried were locked, so they set up the ouija board in the hallway outside the bathrooms.
"Okay, gang," Virgil said once they were all sequestered around the board. "Pointer fingers on the planchette."
"Not our whole hands?" Roman asked.
Virgil shot him a sideways glare. "I'm sorry, are you the expert on the occult?"
"Are you?" Roman asked.
"Relative expert," Virgil said, sticking out his tongue. "Now. Pointer fingers on the planchette."
"I really don't know if this is a good idea," Patton said, extending a shaking hand.
"You should be more afraid of campus security," Logan said. "Although from the state of the building, it appears that we are the first to successfully enter."
"Nothing's happening," Roman complained, his eyes on the planchette.
"We haven't asked a question yet, genius," Virgil sneered.
"It seems rude to barge into someone's house and just start asking questions," Patton said. He looked up, addressing the ghost. "Hi!"
The planchette jerked and began to shake. Anticipating Virgil's accusation, Roman held up his other hand. "It's not me!"
"Shut up!" Virgil snapped. "It's moving."
They read the letters out loud together as the planchette began to move around the board: "N-I-C-E." Pause. "C-O-C-K."
"Oh, come on." Virgil grabbed the planchette and threw it at Roman's face. "Not funny."
"I swear that wasn't me!" Roman said, smacking the planchette down. It clattered across the board and came to a stop by the number '2.'
"Roman," Patton chided, "it's really not nice to mess with us like that."
"You too?' Roman said. He turned to Logan. "Come on, Specs, you know it wasn't me."
"I know it wasn't a ghost. I know it wasn't me. I know Patton and Virgil aren't likely to make that sort of joke. Therefore, I can safely posit that it must have been you. Although I wouldn't make an accusation without more evidence."
"Oh, come on!" Roman put his hand on the planchette despite Virgil's noise of protest. "Hey, spirit. Can you do something else spooky so my friends stop accusing me of--"
What happened next was equal parts anticlimactic and chilling: Roman's eyes turned green and began to emit a gentle glow. He was silent for only a moment before turning to Patton with a chipper smile. "Hey, hot stuff! Nice cock."
"Whoa" said Virgil, scrambling backwards toward the wall. "What the fuck."
"He invited me in!" said Roman, or more accurately, the ghost possessing Roman's body.
"Oh my God," Patton said. "That's not Roman."
"Yeah, no shit!"
"I'll give him back in a minute," said the spirit. "I just had to shoot my shot with hottie over here. What's your name, sugar?"
"Uh," said Patton, glancing wildly at Virgil (who was fumbling in his pocket for his holy water or his salt, whatever he found first) and Logan (who was actively blue-screening). "Patton?"
"Nice to meet you, Patton." The ghost stuck Roman's hand out for a shake. "Name's Remus. Has anyone ever told you you're kinda DILF-y for a college student?"
"Well, you are."
"Thanks, I guess." Patton sat back and pulled his legs up to his chest in an unmistakably defensive pose. "Um, is there something that you wanted, Remus?"
"I already told you!" Roman's face beamed in a way it never had before, his eyes twitching strangely in their sockets. "I just popped in to shoot my shot. So?"
"He's propositioning you," Logan hissed. 
"I…" said Patton, panic whiting out his mind. Unable to find words, he held up his left hand to show off the silver band on his ring finger.
"You're married?" Roman's body leaned forward to read the engraved writing. "True love waits."
"It's a purity ring," Virgil explained, finally extricating a small vial from the tangle of cords and chains in his pocket. "And this is holy water."
"Wait," said Remus, "are you guys exorcising me? Cause I swear I'm gonna give you your friend back. I'm dead, not evil. Also," he turned to Patton, "is that a no?"
"Wait, so you do wanna bang?"
"Alright, alright, damn." Remus leaned Roman's body back, putting up his hands in a defensive gesture. "You know, I was gonna go full poltergeist and try to see if I could make you all cry, but I changed my mind when I saw Hot Pat-tato. Soooo, you're welcome."
"Yeah," said Virgil, "I'm not sure we should be thanking you for taking over our friend's body. Give him back, by the way."
"Wait!" said Patton. "Remus, why aren't you at rest? Is there something we can do to help you move on?"
"Nah," said Remus. "To be honest, I just wanted to haunt the crap out of some dumb college kids."
"Need I point out," Logan said, "that you are also a dumb college kid?"
Virgil looked around at the empty halls, walls of closed doors, the dusty spiderwebs hanging like streamers in the corners. "Wait. There's nobody to haunt."
"Yeah," said Remus. Roman's shoulders shrugged. "It's been kinda lonely and boring. 
"Sucks to suck," Virgil said, brandishing the sealed vial of holy water. "Okay, time to go."
Remus sighed and crossed Roman's arms over his chest. "Fine. I didn't really want to haunt you guys anyway."
"I might…" Patton twisted up his mouth thoughtfully, rubbing his fingers along the quartz crystal in his pocket. "Maybe I'll come back and say hello sometime."
The grin that unfurled across Roman's face was so familiar that Patton nearly hugged him. But his eyes were still that slightly luminescent green, still twitching and rolling like he was trying to take in every detail of the world all at once. "Really?"
Patton nodded and held out his hand palm-up. Roman's hand was icy, but Patton forced himself not to flinch as he brought his head down and kissed Remus' knuckles. "Really."
For a moment, there was silence. Then came a gentle warmth, and confused brown eyes staring down at Patton, who only had time to gasp before Roman tilted his head in confusion. "Um, Patton? Why are you holding my hand?"
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shnowbilicat · 3 years
Why Overwatch 2 will be just fine
Before we begin I wanna say that all of this are my own perspectives and thoughts, so take it with a grain of salt ... but tbh yall should sit down and chill until the game drops, kay? Kay.
Soo, there was another OW2 livestream not so long ago and people started freaking out and boycotting the devs. Why? 5v5 and there will be only one tank now.
I'm hearing left and right how much of a problem this will be and I can't stop getting annoyed about the fact that people really are SO upset that there will be no 'off tank' in their games and how the devs 'refuse to balance their game' instead and how there will be smurfing and- you get the point.
Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm not into the 'meta' cuz my competitive rank is a 'metal' one, OR MAYBE I'm just this guy who says 'it just game, why u have to be mad??'.
I personally really look forward to OW2, mostly for the PvE part of the game as it sounds so massive and seeing how much they've done with the very first mission they've shown us and the fact that we can level up our heroes and equip unique abilities just makes me giggle and excited about the final release and future events and updates!
So many cutscenes, so many new animations and skins, so many new maps to play X33
And 5v5?? I'm looking forward to that too!
No, for real, one tank does not make or break anything for me, mostly for one single tiny reason alone.
A Tank is still a Tank.
I dunno if you ever played other games where there are Tank, DPS and Healing roles, like LoL, Dota, heck even Pokémon and Fire Emblem.
Tank roles have one single purpose; be the literal meat shield for their team.
I dunno about you, but I've never played a Tank in my life that wasn't completely about taking the attention from my squishies and jump in to protect them. And according to my ranking I'm a Tank main, sure my highest Rank is Platinium, but just because I don't grind my way up like any other madmen.
Tanks are SUPPOSED to be in the front lines taking the damage, making a way through the crowd, mess up the other team's formation. I also believe I'm not the end all be all for my squishies, I trust in them that they can protect themselves when I go in for a kill, which they can with their several abilities like a sleeping dart, climbing walls or building up a wall to hide behind.
Here we have Pro Tank players freaking out and complaining that 'they lack a tank' that there won't be any strategy involved cuz they are missing another meat shield that has their back etc. etc.
Again, I'm just a noob playing my Quickplay and Arcade games for lootboxes ... but god am I sick and tired of hearing these excuses from one trick pro players who have been stuck in their metas and comps.
SURE they are up there for a reason, but the fact of the matter is that I don't care if you do not want a 'dive comp' if I wanna play D.Va to get myself a 6 stack Ult kill, kay??
I don't care if we have a Zarya and Roady, they gonna wreck our enemy team and I'm gonna pump up their asses with as much healing as they want, kay???
The standarts OW pro players have been setting time and time again has muddied the waters of normal play. Because of them Symmetra and Bastion have been thrown into the corner of the back room and will never be seen in normal play because 'they ain't meta'.
Bro, I've been a Bastion main since Comp Season 3 and I've been wrecking my games left and right whenever I play him. I do not need your meta to succed, I don't need a Mercy pocket or a Rein shield because people like the pros set the standart that Bastion is ONLY useful when these criteria are met.
Not only that, BECAUSE of their standarts I forced myself into being able to switch to any roles with heroes that do just as much good as my Bastion. And that was actually a very good thing! Now I'm a solid Gold-Plat rank player that can play pretty much every hero in Mystery Heroes.
... and then I see our current pros. Who are scared shitless that their off tank players gonna play ... DPS?? Or Healing?? Like, weren't you guys moaning about one tricks? About people not being able to switch?
You ... you do know how OW started, right? OW was a game the devs SPECIFICALLY made to be open gameplay, they WANTED people to switch to heroes and experiment with new combos.
But lately we had buffs, nerfs, change in ques and all you can do is complain about it.
YOU put the standart 2-2-2 because people started to go tank-healers only, or Genji-healing only, or some shit because that was OP.
YOU were the ones forcing in a role que system because other people could not or refused to switch their roles.
YOU forced the devs to rework ALL HEROES to your standarts. Granted, here you got the devs to make Symmetra interesting to play, Bastion and Torb more viable and Brig to be more fair ... for you, because I cannot play Brig to safe my life, she's such a squishy and I die the second the round starts.
If you cannot handle what pro players dished out years ago, then please do me the favor and stay with your Rein-Zayra combo for the rest of eternity thxx
And we haven't talked about the OW2 hero reworks and new maps with more things to hide behind yet! Making each Tank more viable and more enjoyable to play. And guess what? THEY AIN'T DONE YET! I've seen alot of players moarn that the game will be SO unfair ... but we haven't seen anything yet. Espacially since they haven't told us any DPS or Healing ability changes either.
'But BUT 3 years of development!!!' so?? 3 years could mean anything. Not to mention that the EXACT SAME DEVS are working on OW2 are ALSO STILL working on OW 1 at the same time. And it's a pandemic. Sure they are a huge team, but they have a huge goal; aka THE STORY MODE WITH HUNDRETS OF HOURS OF PLAYTIME AND ANIMATED CUTSCENES.
They still have a long ass way to go, so chill out and give em some time. There are over 30 heroes they have to rework, remodel, give a part in the Story. Multiple new Maps to work, maybe even rework, test and make sure everything is as polished as possible for the general player base; which ain't the pros btw.
So, with pretty much mostly everything said, what's my final stand?
I would say to everybody worrying that the game won't be good; trust me, it'll be just fine.
If you don't enjoy the 5v5, there will still be Arcade and Story to keep ya company, like, I've been playing Quickplay and Arcade 99% of the time, you gonna be fine fam.
And if you're a pro player who JUST CANNOT handle 5v5 without their off tank puppy jumping after them then here's a tip:
Don't play Overwatch 2.
Nobody will force you to it, Overwatch will still exist with it's 6v6 2 tanks, 2 DPS, 2 healing boringness and it's frozen metas and comps and the same ass people in the Top 100 you play against each and every day with tiny buffs and nerfs every other day.
Meanwhile me and my squad will enjoy more shenanigans in OW2.
I'll gladly play momma Orisa and keep my friends save and sound, while also hooking every evil doer who dares come close to em ewe
Overwatch 2 is for us, the players who play the game like the devs intended; play the heroes you want, no matter if you lose or fail and have to pick yourself up again to grow and become stronger.
Overwatch 2 will be just fine.
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shera-dnd · 3 years
Oh boy am I late with this one, but here it is.
And now Weiss and Ilia finally get to interact in the story. It’s mostly anger and threats, but they’re at least interacting.
Oh god this is gonna be a long fic.
Anyways AO3 link up top if you’d like to read it over there and read more link bellow if you’d rather stay around.
The days that followed were tense, to put it mildly. Though Weiss’s faith in Blake’s honor - and Ilia’s certainty that her fellow fae could not lie to her - had afforded the Black Knight a considerable degree of freedom, Weiss and Ilia granted each other no such privilege, neither allowing the other a moment away from their sight.
That meant many quiet meals shared under a heavy atmosphere of anger and distrust. That meant catching the other glaring at them from the corner of their eye as they tried to enjoy the festival. That meant Ilia had very few chances to talk to her fellow fae alone.
It was on the fourth day of their unbearable standoff that Ilia finally managed to catch Blake alone while Weiss went through the laborious process of donning her armor.
“Belladonna!” She called.
The fae sighed at the sound of that name. Ilia was fully aware of every ounce of suspicion that dripped from that  singular word, but she couldn’t care less right now, she had to know why Belladonna had abandoned them, why she had abandoned her.
“You’re a traitor and a deserter,” she continued, “but I did not think you mad.”
“Just ask the damned question and get this over with,” Belladonna complained, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“What reason would you have to join the humans after everything they’ve done to us?” Ilia demanded.
"I simply believe that their potential for good outweighs their potential for evil,” Belladonna answered truthfully, “yes, I still believe the evils of men must be paid for, but I've seen what we can accomplish together, and I truly believe that is worth far more than anything war could ever bring us."
Ilia wasn’t sure what she expected, but it wasn’t this. She had braced herself for another shouting match, and was fully prepared to bring her full fury to bear upon her. She was prepared for anything but this.
When Belladonna spoke she made it sound so simple, like it was the most obvious choice for her, like the court, or Taurus, or Ilia were only afterthoughts.
“And what of us?” Ilia asked, not even trying to mask her hurt, “you speak of bringing peace to men and fae, but when have you last stepped into one of our courts? When have you last seen the face of your people?”
‘And what of me?’ she nearly asked, but the words died as the Schnee stepped out of her tent. Though she looked utterly disinterested in their argument, Ilia did not feel comfortable pursuing that topic with the Schnee around.
Belladonna tried to speak again, “Ami--”
She raised a hand to silence her, “I don’t wanna hear it!”
“Very well,” the fae knight sighed, and picked up her belongings, “I must attend to my knightly duties now. I hope I can trust you both to not kill each other while I’m away.”
“I make no such promises,” Ilia replied.
“And I won’t hesitate to retaliate,” the Schnee bit back.
Utterly unsatisfied with these responses, but also already far too tired of the two of them, Belladonna simply shook her head, and left them to their own devices. They silently glared at each other for a few moments, before the Schnee spoke up.
“I have a proposition for you, Ilia.”
“I’m not interested,” she replied, promptly.
“Won’t you at least hear what I have to say?” She asked, annoyed.
“Why would I even deign to entertain you, Schnee?” She demanded.
“Because we’re both miserable, distrusting fools, and I know how to fix at least one of those things,” she replied.
“You truly believe you can make me trust you?” She mocked.
“No, but I can make us both less miserable,” she replied and for once Ilia didn’t have some overly belligerent retort, “we may both refuse to let the other away from our sights, but at the very least we can try to keep tabs on each other while enjoying the festival, instead of sulking around our tents all day.”
“So what do you propose, Schnee?” Ilia asked, “that we walk the festival grounds together like we’re the best of friends?”
“No,” she answered, again, “we’ll walk the festival grounds as noble and bodyguard.”
“I need someone to speak for me, so I won’t be recognized,” she explained, “and you need someone to protect you from drunk fools.”
“I do not need your protection!” She insisted.
“Half the people here are armed with iron,” the Schnee replied, fully aware Ilia would act like that, “but please, do try to cast your spells,see if your head won’t be on a pike by sundown.”
Ilia clenched her fists and wondered if Belladonna would mind if she returned to find the Schnee girl had been mysteriously turned into mulch. It took a few deep breaths for her to stop considering ways of returning that woman to the ground.
“We can’t give you the satisfaction of watching that, now can we?” Ilia replied, with a smile that was only slightly less threatening than her scowl, “very well. I’ll be your noble lady and you’ll be my silent knight.”
The Schnee girl puffed up her chest a little, and her lips twitched into the first hint of a possible smile, pride shining in the woman’s eye at being described as a ‘knight’. Ilia could not be more displeased with the knowledge that she had made a Schnee feel happy.
Ilia made a disgusted sound that immediately crushed the Schnee’s smile, good, “just allow me to change my glamours and we’ll be on our way.”
Soon enough she walked through the many tents of the festival once more, the Schnee following dutifully behind her. This time Ilia took her time to stop by each of their performers and enjoy their shows. It made for a far more enjoyable experience than these past few grueling days.
She had been watching this young fae man present his magic tricks for a while now. He was quite clever with his presentation, mixing practical tricks with true magic so as to make his show more grounded, more believable to a mortal eye. Ilia was impressed, but clearly not as impressed as her bodyguard.
The man had barely finished his last trick when the Schnee marched up to him and offered him a considerable amount of money. The man’s eyes went wide and offered her a deep bow as he took the coins from her.
It was clear that this generosity was born both of kindness and a lack of monetary sense. These few gold coins would change that man’s life, but were only a fraction of a fraction of the wealth she had to her name. Still this gave Ilia quite the interesting idea.
For the rest of that day she made a point to stop only by the performing fae. Musicians, magicians, artists, and actors alike, all who took their time to entertain the crowds of the festival. And without fail, Weiss offered them some of her wealth before they moved on to the next performer. By the end of the day they had left many fae happier and the Schnee’s purse a few fractions lighter.
It was only when they had settled down back at their camp and sat together around their bonfire that Ilia had finally deigned to speak of what happened to her companion.
“You were quite generous today, Lady Schnee,” Ilia commented.
The Schnee took off her helmet and stared at her for a moment, “I sense there’s a twist to your compliment.”
“Of course not,” Ilia replied, “I was just surprised that a Schnee would freely offer so much of their money to the fae.”
It took her a moment to process what was said, but when she did instead of looking angry at Ilia, she appeared instead to be… offended?
“Was that why you led me to these people?” She asked, “so you’d have something to rub in my face come sundown?”
“Of course not,” she denied, “but I must admit that your reaction was as rewarding as the act of helping my people.”
She could see the anger in the woman’s eyes even as she tried her best not to show the rage Ilia wanted to see from her.
“I wanted to help the people my family had neglected,” she eventually replied, “fae or not, my intentions remain the same.”
“You can’t claim that you don’t care who they are,” she countered, “you were the one who tried to ambush me and Blake but a few nights ago. Had it been any of these people in the woods you would have hunted them down just the same.”
“I drew my blade against you only in defense,” she countered.
“Was it in defense then that you stalked us in the middle of the night?” She demanded.
She clenched her jaw and stood up to Ilia, but her gaze faltered. She was utterly furious, but only at herself, at her own hypocrisy.
“You’re right,” she admitted defeat, “I stalked you and was ready to strike you down in the name of some...false glory.”
Ilia was almost satisfied with this response. She had gotten that Schnee fool to see herself for what she really was
“If I wish to become a knight, I must act like one,” she declared, “and that means I shouldn’t allow my actions to contradict my words again.”
And that caught Ilia by surprise.
“I have sworn I would dedicate my life to making the Schnee name mean more than the destruction and pain my father has brought,” she explained, “I cannot keep my word if I keep acting like this.”
“Am I simply to believe that?” Ilia challenged, “when it was Schnee men that cut down our forests! When it was Schnee iron that branded our people!”
Weiss faltered again. Guilt was clear in her eyes, but guilt would not bring back all the people her kind had killed.
“No,” Weiss admitted, “all I have done was sow bad faith, and earn your mistrust.”
The woman seemed to shrink before her, even in her armor she looked downright fragile with how she held herself, shame imprinted into every word and action.
“But I’ll do what I can to make things better, to earn your trust, lady Ilia,” she offered.
“By what?” Ilia bit back, “handing off pocket change whenever you feel guilty? Making empty declarations of loyalty? I will never trust you, Schnee. No matter how many empty acts of kindness you offer.”
“Even if I can’t,” she returned, fire burning in her eyes once more, “I will do everything within my power to be a person deserving of it.”
“Then you will labor for the rest of your life.”
“Then I’ll accept that fate,” she replied, “and if Lady Blake is truthful about her talks of peace, I swear to match her effort tenfold.”
“Careful, Lady Weiss,” Belladonna’s voice called, playfully, “I’ll be holding you to your word.”
“And I am grateful for that,” Weiss replied.
Ilia stared up at her as Belladonna sat down by Weiss’s side.
“So be it,” she huffed, “may you both waste your lives in this fruitless pursuit.”
“Gladly, my lady!” Belladonna replied with a cheerful laugh, “now I take it you two had an interesting day.”
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 3
a/n: I dunno why i am posting these literally middle of the night everytime but here we go again💁🏼‍♀️
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     Tomorrow there would be the divorce suit at the Ministry. Scarlett has become worse both mentally and physically till this day. So Carina had to write Leonidas couple of days after their mum told her about the situation because she wasn’t able to help and control both of their parents and work at the same time. Leo was shaken by the news but immediately took a leave from work and came to London from New York to stay with his mum for a week. His mother was his favourite person in the whole wide world and seeing her so down broke his heart into pieces. He would not be able to fully forgive his dad ever. And after that one week, Scarlett would live with Carina at Hogwarts for a while until she was feeling better.
"Mum it is enough wine for tonight, stop please." Leo took the wine glass and the bottle away from Scarlett. "I don't want you to be hangover tomorrow."
"It's just my 5th glass, give it back Leo."
"No alcohol for you anymore, you drink too much lately but not eating anything!"
"That's how i cope! It makes my mind blurry so i stop thinking about the situation over and over again!" She covered her face with her hands and started to cry who knows how many times today.
She was crying almost all day everyday since she found out about the cheating. That was heart breaking for the twins and Scarlett's parents; Ricardus and Aurelia. The moment Ricardus found about it, he went to find Sirius before anyone could stop him and Merlin knows what he did. Sirius was like a son to him but no one could hurt his princess and if someone does, they need to pay the price.
Leo hugged his mum tightly and kissed her tear-stained cheek. He adored his mother so much and he couldn't stand to see her in this condition.
"Let’s take you to the bed mum, you should rest for tomorrow." 
She nodded lightly; she was extremely tired because of lack of sleeping so Scarlett let Leo to escort her to her bedroom without putting a fist. Leo laid her down on her bed carefully and tucked her like she did to him when he was little.
"I love you mum, have a good night. Call out to me if you need anything."
"Love you too baby, night..." She mumbled while already giving up to sleep.
      The court was going to start at 10 o'clock so they had to be at the Ministry around 9:30. Scarlett was up early in the morning since she could only sleep for only 2-3 hours. She took a hot shower and started to get ready unwillingly. She looked at herself in the mirror for the first time in days. Scarlett felt like she got older in such a short time. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying endlessly and she had dark circles around them from lack of sleeping, she has lost couple of pounds already because she was not eating at all but having alcohol nonstop. "That's not me..." She mumbled to herself and looked through her closet. Then she picked a formal black dress, did her hair, and put her signature red lipstick on. She was trying to look at least decent even she had no will to do anything at all but maybe the outfit would give her some power.
     2 hours later Scarlett and the twins were sitting at the ministry and waiting for their turn at the court. Scarlett was so nervous and scratching her hands like she always did when she was under stress; she wasn’t aware but she has made them bleed ever so slightly. After a while Sirius showed up too. He wasn't looking any better than Scarlett and maybe even worse appearance wise. He has put his hair in a messy bun and his clothes were in need of ironing. The moment he noticed them, Sirius immediately made his way to Scarlett but she was trying her best not to look at him.
"Scar we can renounce this court, i don't want to divorce. I love you..." 
He tried to fall at Scarlett's feet, but his son made him to stand still before he could do it.
"Dad, stop it please. It is already hard for her, don't make it harder." Leo said firmly.
"Do you want us to divorce, Leonidas!?"
"That's the right thing after what you have done. Maybe you should have thought before act mindlessly. Now leave mum alone."
Sirius was about to respond but Carina acted faster.
"Dad, Leo, it is not the right place or time to argue. Stop it." Carina said with a sigh.
   Couple of minutes later, the worker called out their names. Scarlett stood up and walked to the courtroom’s door, but she stopped at the doorsill. She knew if she took one more step, she wouldn't be able to change her mind anymore but she took a deep breath and walked in. Half an hour later the court has ended, they were divorced now, 26 years of marriage was ended in a heartbeat. Scarlett felt numb say the least, she was hearing her kids talking to her and seeing them moving around but couldn't react to any of them. It was like a nightmare that you cannot wake up from.
"Mum? Mum!?" Carina shook her shoulder lightly to gain her attention.
"Yes yes, let’s get out of here..." Scarlett mumbled and walked out of the Law Department.
Leo was escorting Sirius out even they had an argument before the court. It was the first time he saw his dad crying helplessly and being devastated that much. Leo was still upset with him but overall, he was his dad and he couldn't help himself but felt bad for him too. Leo knew how much he loved his wife and adored her, because of that the thing he has done was so hard to believe for anyone who knows them.
"Please tell me all of this is not real and just a bad dream son, please..."
Leo didn't answer, just rubbed Sirius's back to calm him down. Sirius took off a cigarette out of his pocket and lighted it, apparently he has started to smoke again.
"You can't smoke inside, sir. You need to get out." A security approached him immediately.
Sirius cursed and walked outside angrily, Leo followed to keep an eye on him and said to Carina "I will be waiting you outside." On his way.
Carina nodded and looked at her mum when she said something silently. But Carina was unable to understand and made her to repeat it.
"I need to pack my stuff."
"What stuff mum?"
"I resigned."
Carina looked at her with wide eyes. She wasn’t ready for another surprise.
"When did you do that mum? Why?"
"A week ago. I can't work here anymore." Scarlett was talking so emotionless, she sounded like her soul was sucked by dementors.
"Why tho? You love your job."
Scarlett just shrugged her shoulders, didn't want to tell her the real reason. She hasn’t told Carina who was the woman and that she also works at the Ministry. 15 minutes later they have packed her stuff from her room, said farewell to the Minister and now they were going down with the elevator. But on the next floor to their chance Arabelle Fullalove got on the elevator as well. Scarlett was out of her mind, didn't even notice her until Arabelle started to talk to her.
"Hello Mrs. Black, ah sorry i should call you Miss Rose now." Said smirking.
Arabelle was the last person Scarlett wanted to see right now but here she was. Scarlett ignored her but Arabelle was persistent to cause a scene and she looked like she was having the time of her life.
"Don't we talk? I think we have so many things to talk now."
"Sorry but who are you? Could you please leave my mum alone? She doesn't want to talk." Carina took a step to stand between two of them.
"You are her daughter huh?" Arabelle smiled wickedly. "Well, i am the woman that your daddy chose over your mother. But no surprise that he wanted someone new."  Sent a contemptuous look at Scarlett. Now she has managed to gain everyone’s attention in the elevator and the people has started to whisper.
Carina drew her wand at Arabelle, furiously. 
"If you say one more thing, i will hurt you!"
"How cute, little girl protecting her mummy because she is pathetic!." Arabelle let out an evil laugh, at the moment elevator stopped and she hopped out still laughing.
    Scarlett was visibly shaking and tears were collected in her eyes but she was trying not to cry in front of many people. She has already felt humiliated enough after the things Arabelle has said, now everyone at the Ministry would know about it. Carina was so angry; she couldn't believe how cruel and shameless that woman was. She couldn’t do anything to calm her mum down since she wasn’t calm herself. When they arrived the ground floor, Scarlett run out of the elevator crying her eyes out; she couldn't hold it anymore.
"Mum wait!" Carina followed her running.
"Mum…? Carry?  What is going on!?"  Leo asked worriedly and tried to hold Scarlett since he was waiting right next to the outside door. But Scarlett was having a nervous breakdown and was not listening anybody, she threw herself on the ground crying. The twins decided to take her to St. Mungo’s because they didn’t know how to handle her at this point, Scarlett was the calmest and non-problematic one in the family so no one was used to that. The healers took her to a room and gave her sedatives immediately when they arrived; the sedatives showed their effects quicky and everyone relieved a bit. While Scarlett was sleeping, Carina told everything that happened in the elevator to Leo. He couldn’t believe the things he just heard and they made him so angry that he just wanted to hurt the woman. She didn’t have any rights to act like that to their mum.
"She didn't deserve any of this, not in the slightest. It is breaking my heart to see her like that..."
“I don't know what we can do to make her happy again. I missed her smile Leo, I missed her giggles..." 
Leo hugged his sister tightly, he wanted nothing but to see their mum happy again. "We will figure it out, everything will be fine again..."
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thirstystarkey · 4 years
Requested by: @flowersinvegas
Can u write something using 'All I want' by Kodaline please 🥺❤ for rafe. All I want is nothing more To hear you knocking at my door 'Cause if I could see your face once more I could die a happy man, I'm sure When you said your last goodbye I died a little bit inside I lay in tears in bed all night Alone without you by my side.
All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
‘Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die as a happy man I’m sure
Ward order Rafe to go clean himself in order to get rid of all the evidence that could possible make him guilty for killing Sheriff Peterkin with a gun shot, Rafe was broken inside all he wanted was for his father to acknowledge him and see him as a brave young man who did everything to protect his father but Ward failed at seeing him that way Rafe’s entire life, today was no exception even though he hugged his son and patted his back Rafe knew Ward has never been proud of anything about Rafe, there was always more he could do, never was enough for Ward, all those issues raised a problematic kid.
The only person in Outer Banks that actually liked Rafe and could see more of him was Y/N, his ex-girlfriend who broke up with him once Rafe started to go off the trails, he stopped being the loving boyfriend he was to be this narcissistic careless guy who only care about himself and drugs, it broke Y/N heart into pieces since Rafe was the first guy she ever loved and let inside her life, it took a toll on both of them mainly Y/N in the first few mounts but Rafe was starting to understand how she actually felt was he washed the blood of him and disposed his dirty clothes.
He wanted her again or at least he wanted to see her face again, he daydreamed in his bed about how earing her knocking at his door at one in the morning would make him the happiest man in the world, if she for a miracle, came to him right now he could die a happy more for he died knowing he was loved by the only girl who could actually see something good in him when everyone else saw the vile evil monster Rafe Cameron was painted to be.
The last time he saw her kept replaying on his mind like a tape, like a slow torturous remainder that he messed up everything good in his life eventually.
When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
Alone without you by my side
Summer had just started which meant holidays which meant parties every night at Figure Eight were the rich people lived. Y/N loved to party since she was the life of every party she attended but as lately she didn’t feel so good nor did she wanted to party, especially with the people Rafe started invinting to his house beach, suspicious people who made her skin crawl with anticipation.
Her relationship with Rafe wasn’t good at the moment, Rafe seemed to be blinded by something else and at the beginning she even thought he was cheating on her who created a big big fight between them, and she felt weren’t the same after that night. He didn’t made any effort in seeing her and when he did he was high and wanted sex, which Y/N was fine at first, she craved his touch and his attention but as the days went by she started to see a pattern that really upset her, he realized Rafe would only come to her house in the middle of the night with dilated pupils asking for sex, his dominance was predominant even though his words were hazy and dragged out of his mouth.
Y/N sat alone on his roof, watching the party from above as her heart kept on breaking more, where was he? That was the only questioning running through her mind like a fast car in a free highway, eventually she got sick of watching the stars alone so she made her way down wanting to go home and sleep it off, maybe next day things would be better as she didn’t had the courage to speak with Rafe about breaking up.
And so days went by and when her patience ran thin she drove to Rafe’s house to find him high as usually, he forgot her anniversary and it was the last drop.
“We’re done.” She said watching him sniff a line off coke. “Rafe I love you so so much but I can’t keep hurting myself to be with you.” Y/N admitted with tears in her eyes.
“Baby, what?” Rafe gasped, cleaning his nose. He immediately got up to her, the height difference making her skin shiver. “Please don’t do this to me.” He grabbed her hands but she turned her face to the side.
“Rafe I mean it.” Y/N stated feeling her lip tremble. “You forgot my anniversary. Do you see how a big of a fool I was this night? Pretending I had everything in control when I didn’t have a clue where my boyfriend was?” The girl said cold, looking at his faded eyes. “Well, here he is. High off his ass.” Y/N nodded her head watching the mess his room turned to be since he didn’t care about anything else.
“I’m so sorry baby, please let me make it better for you.” He apologized. “Let me be better for you.” He sniffed.
“Rafe you need to do better for yourself, not me.” She started walking away. “Now that I will always love you Rafe Cameron, but right now you need to fix yourself and I can’t stay, yourself destroying me.” Y/N said before she left.
That day after she left Rafe cried the entire night, sobbing without her by his side to calm him down. He felt like he lost everything he ever cared about so there was no meaning in keeping caring about anything else.
“But If you loved me, why did you leave me?”
Rafe said out loud returning to the present day, where chaos had made itself at home in his life. He knew there was no easy way out of this situation and he had to live forever with what he did. Rafe knew he regretted it but in the moment he did what he thought would protect his dad, blinded by the need to be loved by his figure father, even though Ward was a evil person, Rafe wasn’t evil even though he did horrible things in the past, he knew deep down he was just lost.
Laying in his bed with a picture of him and Y/N he hugged it tight to his chest as tears kept on falling from his eyes. With eyes closed he tried to relive the moment of the picture, with was a beautiful day.
'Cause you brought out the best of me
A part of me I'd never seen
You took my soul wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens
Y/N begged for a day away from everything with Rafe and he gave her the day she wanted, driving off away from Outer Banks into a more calm area surrounded by empty field. The temperature was pleasant and the brizz made her soft hair fly against it. Rafe watched her run around through the high grass and the flowers mesmerized by her, it felt like a dream to him like he was watching an angel from above.
“Come!” She laughed grabbing his hands pulling his body close to her.
Eventually they fell into the grass laughing, Y/N rolled on top of him, her legs on each side of his hips, her dress rising up from her thighs. Rafe wrapped his hands around them.
“I love you.” She said softly, like a melody flowing from her lips.
“I love you too princess.” Rafe sat up to kiss her.
The sun was starting to set and they watched it sitting on top of Rafe’s truck, tangle in a cuddle, her head on his chest as he played mindlessly with her hair, her hands carressing his torso.
“I wish time stood still.” Rafe confessed kissing the top of her hand. “With you, like this, watching this beautiful sunset.”
Y/N smiled at his words taking her phone of her phone from his pocket since her dress didn’t had any.
“I can still immortalize this moment love.” Y/N looked up, dingling her phone.
Rafe laughed as they took a few photos, together and off each other alone plus the sunset.
But when Rafe opened his eyes he was brought to a much different reality, there was no field of flowers just the darkness of his messy room and the pain he felt deep buried inside his chest, almost exploding his heart.
Without thinking he grabbed his phone, it was late at night so he didn’t want to bother Y/N opting to text her instead of calling her, even though he really needed to hear her voice. Feeling anxious as he typed the message he stumble across videos and photos of him and her, which made him smile a little.
“I’m so sorry for everything I put you through, I love you so much and I will always do. You probably hate me and you have many reasons to, I don’t really know why I’m sending you this but the only thing keeping me together is the thought of us. I wanna do better for me this time Y/N so I can be a better boyfriend to you. I’m not giving up on you, I will never give up on you baby. I love you with all my heart and soul. – Rafe.”
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