#i wanna work more on everyone cause wings are super cool
daily-smallishbeans · 2 years
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Day 31- Winged
Basically, if he doesnt have his elytra on his wings are like the left and he is flightless like the chicken he is (/lh) and right is his wings if he has elytra and can fly to escape his problems
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recreationalfanfics · 11 months
This was stuck in my notes (And I wanted to clear them out, so please forgive me that there’s a LOT of information)
I feel like Daley!Reader has fairly decent grades in every class, except History, then they’re the top History Student on the Whole Campus (With everyone wondering how, then they say, ‘History really comes to life to me’ and then everyone remembers that they can bring historical figures ‘to life’, and the Teachers don’t think it’s cheating because all Reader is doing is getting their information by literally talking to said figures in history and read books about them to know what them personally)
Or just out of spite (Cause sometimes your tired of being the ‘Bigger Person’ and you just wanna go ‘Screw It!’), if Daley!Reader gets annoyed with certain House Wardens or Students for their bragging about their skills, they literally bring one of the Statues of the Great Seven to life to get some help on giving a ‘Certain Someone’ a ‘Taste of their own medicine’ (Earning the Respect of Each Great Seven Statue on what Reader does to one-up, Minus Malleus, as Reader actually want Maleficent’s help to impress their Mysterious Friend, and she helps, but mistakes Reader’s friendship ‘Tips’ with some Custom Fae Rituals to wing Malleus over, it works, but they freak out because Malleus ‘Accepts Them’ as his future spouse) Like Azul cons them eh? Gets help from the Ursula to con him back, or Vil going on about Poison and Beauty, gets help from the Fair Queen to make her signature Poison Apple (Shocking Vil, Rook and Epel, but Rook is the only one ugly crying about the beauty of it) and don’t get me started on Hades, as Daley!Reader doesn’t have any issues with Idia (yet), but wants to be his friend, so asks Hades what to do (He’s shocked by Idia’s Social Anxiety, but makes a few jokes about it, and recommends Reader to give Idia some Pomegranate Flavored things, cue Reader buying him Pomegranate Flavored Energy Drinks, Candies, Snacks and just straight up gives him the fruit for actual Sustenance)
- Another Add on to the Magical Tablet thing, because they’re in a world full of Magic, the Tablet doesn’t just bring statues to life at night, but also in the daytime, however it has a radius of the Entire NRC Building, so as long as these figures don’t step outside of NRC Building Grounds in the Daytime, they won’t turn to dust (They are however able to step outside when it’s nighttime, they just just have to come back before daybreak, like the classic Museum Rules) as one of the figures stepped out and they just turned into a pile of ash right in front of their eyes, which honestly traumatized everyone who witnessed this as they didn’t think Daley!Reader was serious when they said they’ll turn to a pile of ash)
You can ignore this if you want (These were in my notes for MONTHS and I forgot about them) I just wanted to send them to you because these were thoughts
- Yes, the Daley! Reader definetly gets super high grades in history because it interests them more but imagine them not only talking to the Great Seven statues but also, they explore the school archives and such and are constantly asking questions and whatever and Ace and Deuce think they're a dork but in a sweet silly little way.
- and the magical tablet concept is cool! I like the idea that because its surrounded by magic that it works 24/7 but I just prefer it to be with the theme of like, happening at night because 9f the movie.
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kai-atlantis · 9 months
I'm late 😬 but I broke my ankle again so JUST PLEASE ACCEPT MY LATE ENTRIES OKI.
CW: grief, language
Artwork by @irunaki who graciously allowed me to borrow her work
FowlFest Day 2 - Diary Day
A Glimpse in Time
Holly ShOrt!!!
  HI DIARY!!! Today is MaY 3! It's my bIRTHDAY! I'M 32 today and at skool my class sang to me and gave me kandy! Escept for Riles Ross, cause he stole my space bar and ate iT in fronT of ME! >:( so i hit him in his face and all the kids laughed and Miss Persimmon sent me home. :( bUT I CAME HOME WITH CAKE! and its carrot. Mommy says it looks like our hair! :D cause we have orange hair! Daddy gave me a bow n arrow after cake and said I was a natural! Daddy is so strong he could hold me AND MY CAKE TOGETHER! :D then i got in trouble for hitting Riles Ross, but daddy told me later in secret that he was proud of me. :) 
  Anyway Diary, did you have a good day today? I sure hope so cause I did! I would share my cake with you but i dont wanna get cake on your pages :( sorry. BUT YOU CAN SLEEP WITH ME AND FOXY TONITE! we are having a secret sleep over under the bed. Foxy is so CUTEEE. sHH! Dont tell mommy or daddy. It's only for us :) 
  See ya there! 
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Holly Short
Today was fucking bullshit. It was so fucking stupid, I almost don't want to make an entry about it, but my therapist claims it's good for my grief to vent my feelings, so, here I am. Venting my fucking feelings. And no. I don't feel better.
So, you want to know why today sucked. Today was my second day at the Academy. The LEP Academy.
I've always known I was going to be an officer, but lately, I've been compelled to do something more than LEPtraffic, or Immigration. Yesterday was already weird enough because I got tons of looks from all the beefheads, but then today, in my Criminal Investigations class, the professor asked us what our goals in the LEP were. Anyone that knows anything knows girls who join the LEP are destined for traffic, or some bullshit area of "policing". We never go further than that… Unless you're Wing Commander Vinyáya. And nobody is as cool as Wing Commander Vinyáya. She's a total babe. Definitely not me.
But anyway, I have other aspirations. Dad was Internal Affairs. Mom's LEPmarine. It's my destiny to be in the force, and if I'm gonna go in, it's go big or go home. So, I answer that I want to be in Recon. And I shit you not - everyone laughed, even the professor. The FUCKING professor.
Why can't a girl be Recon? We're not all airheads. Some of us are actually capable of handling ourselves. Mom always says my aim is deadlier than a stink worm too, so those townies don't know what they've got coming.
Shit. Said, not says. Mom is dead. Stupid mistake.
The only plus side to today was that I ran into Trouble Kelp. He's the hot Kelp brother. An idiot, but he has a good heart. He's a junior, and super famous for his scores. Everyone knows who he is, so you'd expect him to be a total glow slug, right? But he's actually really kind. Some guy tried to trip me in the hall, and before I could punch the daylights outta him, Kelp shoved him into the trash can and swore him off. It was totally cool. He'd make a good partner someday, I think.
OH! Back to Recon. Adding onto today's bullshit, I overheard some rookies going on and on about Commander Root. Apparently he's a tough nut to crack and hasn't ever had a girl in his unit, and he intends for it to stay that way. Well, too bad for him, because I've got my sights on Recon. I work alone, and fly alone. Nobody to bother me, no stinky males and their gross ear cheese. Just me, the wind, and the surface sky.
It's what mom and dad would want.
I hope they're proud.
Oh yeah, one last thing: it's my birthday today. I'm 62 today. Is it super lame that I put up pictures of mom and dad on the table with me? Just so, you know… I'm not alone?
Fuck. Duh. That's super lame.
Hey. I'm back. Don't mind the weird gap between pages. Didn't feel like writing for a bit so I took a nap. But I'm back.
Honestly? I'm a bit mad. And before you ask me in the session: about everything?
Being a girl is hard enough, right? 'cause I'm stuck in this gnarly place of not being pretty enough yet also not being "tough" enough to be accepted by the guys. And I just started. Why should my appearance fucking matter? I'm a fucking hotshot. I'm resilient. I already know how to pilot a shuttle. That's more than these maggots can do.
My dad would've known what to say. I didn't know him that long, really. But still, when I'd spaz out and tussle with other kids, he'd always have my back, and he always knew the right things to say. I wish I had that now, you know? I miss him.
I miss mom. But I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about her death and I won't be forced into it either, k?
Oh yeah, duh. My original point. It's my 62nd birthday, and I'm all alone. There's supposed to be some junior thing at a pub in the city. Juniors. Not rookies like these dorks. Mom would kill me if I went.
Hah. Guess I should rebel and go make some friends then? Maybe Trouble will be there? Not that I'm into him or anything. Just a friend or two would be nice.
Anyway. I've got basics in the morning.
Night, journal. See ya.
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butterscotch-goat · 7 months
🖊 lucy beacuse you loveeeee gingers
you're so right I do love gingers
OKAY I already talk about Lucy a lot so let's see what I can pull out of my ass crack today
Let's start from the beginning??? I guess??
SO originally Lucy was going to be this super mysterious character, mostly because I didn't have any ideas for him at the time. He was going to just go by "boss" and he had melty fractured wings and a halo to represent how badly he missed heaven. wowwwww so cool and edgy bett. anyway. Ended up decided that all fallen angels lost their halos and angels never had wings so that was all scrapped, and for a hot minute I just had this pathetic little guy. I've always seen interpretations of Satan as either super suave, attractive guys or big strong meanie pants or the occasional goat gremlin thing, so I thought having literal Satan as a sad little man wouod be funny. That part is still true, but he's not *literal Satan* anymore since "Dawn" isn't bible-compliant, Lucy was/is just the leader of the fallen angels.
About that "was/is," I feel like I never stressed enough how none of the demons really respect Lucy anymore. Like they don't outright dog on him really but everyone knows that he's a sopping wet cat of a demon. Everyones kinda just like "yeah our boss is a mess of tears and paperwork but like no one else wants to be boss so he can stay"
about his name! Lucy - he wanted to change his name after falling to separate himself from heaven but also to have a name that might cause fear among humans, so he looked to the names humans gave "him" (Satan) - he liked Lucifer, but didn't wanna just steal a name from humans because humans SUCK!!! so he shortened it to Lucy, not knowing that Lucy is a completely normal human name. No one's told him that Lucy is a completely normal name yet and no one plans to :)) he hates going to earth nowadays anyway so he probably won't find out
Currently, his job is making a MASSIVE PLAN for the ULTIMATE COLLAPSE OF HUMANITY!!!! very evil boom fireworks swords bkaw!!! Buuut since gene broke up with him in 1922 Lucy spends most of his time sleeping, crying, or generally being pretty sad. He still works on his PLAN!! because he has nothing else to do besides those previously mentioned activities, tho
I've mentioned this many a time before I think, but when Lucy was an angel (aka Abigail (that was his name when he was an angel)) he made underwater volcanoes, helped making clouds, and made a bunch of bigger, more vague stuff that was created before all the other angels were made. Abigail was the only angel for 100ish years as of typing this, so really not too long. In that time it was just him and Jod, Abigail kinda did whatever he wanted, making stuff and concepts and Jod being his buddy :D
Fun fact!! Y'know how Lucy has that split hair, one side ginger and really poofy and one side not? Well about that not side, I have no fuckign clue what is going on. Is it shaved? Maybe!! Is it dyed black? I dunno prolly??? I haven't thought about it!! I just color it in and give it vague texture!! Will I have to figure it out someday? Yeah but that's for laterrrrr
If he didn't hate humanity and refuse to partake in their ridiculous customs, Lucy would be drinking some form of energy drink 24/7. He doesnt sleep even without an energy drink and he's always on edge regardless but like it makes sense to me. He would chug a purple monster. this is important 2 me
his shoes give him 2 1/2 inches of extra height but he's still short as fukc
you may already know this but 536 AD was when Lucy was in his PRIME!! he ENJOYED going to earth because whenever he did he would just FUCK SHIT UP!! and made humanity sad n stuff!!! but then things started getting better for humans so it wasn't as fun anymore
Okay I've already talked a lot and will talk a lot in the future about this little idiot so that's all for now!!
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vinnybox · 2 years
looking at the most recent time you've drawing wings and the first ones on this blog is really interesting. the first ones are really good (coming from a certified wing snob lol,) but there's visible progression in them and its really cool! I noticed cus had a project for my art class to study a artist that i really liked, and i chose you, i noticed a lot of things but the wings stood out to me. Love your art, have a good day :D
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awWWGH,, Thank you anon!! :'OOOOO Im honored you chose me to study for your art class! Good luck on your class and projects btw aA!! The way I go about wings has certainly been evolving as I study other favorite artists of mine as well haha! Thank you so much again! <3
Long rambling about my wings progression undercut!
Usually when I draw wings very quickly and not focusing on accuracy I just kinda wing it (pun intended) with little key note kept in mind like their shape/wing type. In short, if it looks like wings, its good enough for me IF Im not aiming for accuracy.
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Which, is NOT A BAD THING, but studying definitely helps a whole lot with drawing anything tbh! Its fun to just draw, but if you want that sweet SWEET feel good juice, you study from real life/photos and try your best to understand the key traits of how things are built then break it down/simplify :]
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When compared to my old drawing...aaha yeaH XD Its been a long way. If you dare enter my Deviantart (Currently inactive and works as an archive!) you'll see some even OLDER stuff like from way back around 2015 even! I also have some stuff over on Artfight! Though not as old as DA
I love drawing wings even tho I don't draw them as much as I was hoping to xD I've been trying to study and improve on drawing different wings type as of recent as well cause of some recent AUs for the batfam where they have wings (Talon!Dick AU and Wings AU!) and I wanna expand on my skill :3
Wings are COOL and FASCINATING, and no one can say otherwise. Feel free to scream about wings some more! Or some other body parts or anything tbh! Everyone has a few things they super focus on cause they find it fascinating or mesmerizing.
AND before we finish, here's my first few wings compared to today's wings! Hope this helps with the study! Good luck and best of wishes! <3 <3 <3
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tobesoalive · 3 years
r u mine? (Jake Kiszka x reader)
hey guys...so this was fun to write, thank you to the kind anon who requested it! I currently have some fun (and steamy) Josh stuff in the works right now, but still feel free to send in requests! I might slow down a little with posting since my classes started, but I promise to get to every request! Enjoy my first Jake piece!
Warnings: SMUT(oral f-recieving, fingering, penetrative sex)
Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you headed down the hallway backstage, about to go out and face the crowd of thousands of fans. No you weren't a huge famous musician or anything, just their photographer. Basically the same thing right?
For the past three weeks you had been enjoying life on the road, it had always been your dream to be a concert photographer, and your work had caught the attention of a little band called Greta Van Fleet. Well, not exactly little. Their fan base grew everyday and now they were doing yet another headlining tour that they asked you to document. Over the past few months you had been in contact with the guys and their management, and you guys hit it off instantly, they brought you under their wing as if you were part of the family.
You basically were all one big family, you had gotten extremely close to the boys. Josh, Sam and Danny were like your brothers, and Jake...he was a little different.
Brother would be an odd way to describe him, seeing as you had a bit of a crush on him. Nothing super serious, you just thought he was a cool guy who also happened to be really fucking hot. You thought he might have a little something for you too, he was always asking you how you liked the show, and when he’d catch you editing the photos you took he’d sit himself right next to you and ask if you’d show him what you were working on. He was constantly complimenting your work, but that would mostly be in private, when he’d seek you out if he couldn’t sleep. You surely weren’t complaining, you enjoyed his company. You just wish he would say something, or even better, make a move. You could be taking his actions the wrong way, he does have tons of women who want him all around the country, maybe he does just think of you as a sister. Whatever thoughts you had about Jake you’d just push to the back of your mind, you had a job to do, and your work was more important than getting laid.
You went in front of the barricade and took some photos of the crowd and talked to fans. They liked to ask you questions about the guys and what it was like touring with them. You always tried to make them feel special by saying how thankful the guys were, which wasn’t a lie, to have such amazing fans.
All of a sudden you heard some of the fans start screaming wildly. They were chanting Jake’s name, and you turned your head only to briefly meet his eyes from the side of the stage where he was standing. Within a second he was gone, most likely rushing backstage to avoid any further commotion from the audience.
What was that all about? You thought to yourself. Did he sneak over there to just look at me? Maybe he wanted to talk or something. That can happen later, it was only a few minutes until the show started, so you wanted to snap a few more shots of the crowd before running all over during the show to catch the right angles.
During the show you had a great time, as per usual. You loved being right up front, taking photos of the guys doing what they loved. You went backstage to get some photos from the wings. Jake was about to do his signature move, playing his guitar behind his head, and you were ready to capture the moment. Right as you snapped the photo, Jake turned and winked at you, arms thrown behind his head, somehow managing to play the notes of “Highway Tune” whilst flirting with you.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you felt an intense need for him. Quickly you ran back out to the front of the stage to capture a few more moments before the show was over.
“God fucking dammit, I’m in deep” you muttered to yourself, before heading to the green room to congratulate the guys on the awesome show. You slipped through the crew heading on stage to clean up the equipment, turning a corner and bumping directly into Jake.
“Oh sorry! Great job out there tonight!” you say, trying your best not to blush. What was wrong with you, it was like you were a school girl or something.
“Thanks y/n! Did you get some good shots?”
“No, I made sure to get really shitty photos, especially of you”
“Are you being sarcastic?! Now that is something new!” he teased you.
“I just know how much you enjoy my sense of humor! I like to give back to the fans y’know” you quip back, causing him to break out into a smile.
“Hey the guys and quite a bit of the crew is gonna head out and probably find a bar or something once we’re done cleaning up. You wanna join?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I might just keep it lowkey tonight, I’d prefer to edit the photos tonight so I can explore whatever city we’re going to tomorrow.”
“Totally understandable, well I’ll catch you later!”
“Yeah for sure!” you say as you go off to find the rest of the guys.
After about a half hour of chatting and checking in with the rest of your tour mates, you decided it was time to change into your pajamas and spend the rest of the night staring at your computer screen, trying to edit as many photos as you can before inevitably passing out.
Getting onto the bus you shared with some other crew members, you kicked your Vans off before checking to see if anyone else was around. Seems like they all were opting to go out after the show, which meant you got the whole place to yourself. You traded out your concert outfit for a pair of shorts and a hoodie, getting prepared for your lengthy editing session.
You made yourself at home on the couch towards the front of the bus, turning on your speaker and playing music as loud as you wanted, getting straight to work.
It had felt like only a minute when you heard a knock on the door, but after checking your clock you realized an hour had already gone by. You peeked out the window only to see Jake’s figure standing there.
“Jacob! What’s up? I thought you were going to the bar?” you said as you opened the door to let him in.
“That show wore me out”
“Yeah you did amazing, I mean like you usually do” you say, stumbling over your words and internally punching yourself. God you were not smooth at all.
“Seems like we are some of the very few who decided to stay back, I was getting lonely in that tour bus.”
“Well you’re always welcome here, I was just doing some editing.”
“Wow you’re a pretty big nerd aren’t you? You know you should take a break every once and a while, I feel like you’re constantly working.”
“Well it’s not that hard when you love your job” you tell him.
“I guess that's true, can I see what you’re working on?”
“Yeah of course” you say while making your way back to the couch, Jake plopping down next to you.
“Damn that’s fucking awesome” he remarks, looking at the image on your screen. It’s the one of him playing the guitar behind his head, and winking right at you.
“I know! Thanks for being such a good model” you tell him with a small laugh.
“The guys and management are really impressed with your work. We’ve already been talking about having you come on the European leg of the tour with us.”
“Are you for real?!” you ask in awe, giddy with excitement. You absolutely loved this job and the people, and the thought that you could travel the world to do it was a dream come true.
“Yeah, don’t tell anyone though, I don’t want to get my ass beat for it.”
“Oh my god Jake I could literally kiss you!” you exclaimed, before you had even realized what you said.
You tried your best to play it off before your thoughts were interrupted by Jake’s voice.
“I wish you would”
“Huh” you stop for a second before turning to face him.
“Listen y/n, I think you’re really cool, and you also happen to be really hot. Sorry, maybe I was interpreting things wrong. I just thought if you felt the same it might be fun. It doesn’t have to be anything serious, I just get lonely on the road and -”
Before he could say another word, you took it upon yourself to answer his question, leaning in to capture his lips in a soft kiss. You pull back and look him in the eyes, closing your laptop and setting it on the counter.
“God I’m glad you finally said something, I think everyone was starting to sense the sexual tension” you grin at him.
“Well all I could think about on stage was fucking your brains out, so sorry if I’m not too great at hiding it” he says before grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in for another kiss, to which you open your mouth to let his tongue slip in.
You move yourself so that you’re straddling his lap, your lips moving perfectly in rhythm as Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background.
“Wow it seems like you were almost expecting this to happen” he teases you.
“Shut up and fuck me Kiszka” you say before he flips you so you’re now beneath him.  
His fingers find their way under your shirt, reaching up to cup your breast. He pinched your nipple before quickly tugging at the hem of your sweatshirt.
“Can this come off?” he breathed into your mouth.
“Yes please” you said before he pulled it off you, exposing your bare chest to him. You felt very self conscious, it had been a little while since you had gotten naked with anyone.
“Hey don’t be shy, you’re gorgeous” he said before connecting your lips once more before he stood up to remove his shirt and shorts, leaving him in a pair of boxer briefs. You tried your best to not look at his growing bulge, but it was hard to resist.
Suddenly he was kneeling on the ground, body in between your spread legs.
“Jake you really don’t have to” “Oh trust me, I want to, '' he says before running his fingers up and down over your clothed core, moving his fingers to the waistband of your shorts, pulling your panties down with them.
“God you’re so fucking sexy” he mutters before expertly pressing the pad of his thumb onto your clit, his other hand pushing on your thigh to keep your legs spread.
“Fuck, Jake, I need more” you groan, your arousal now dripping between your folds.
“Don’t worry baby girl, I’ve got you”
Those words alone probably could have made you cum, but then Jake entered a finger into you, causing your hands to tangle in his long hair, slightly pulling.
“Goddamn babe you’re tight” he said, looking at you in awe before adding another finger and leaning down to toy your clit with the tip of his tongue. His fingers were pumping in and out of you at a steady rhythm, and every so often he’d curl them to perfectly hit your g-spot.
“Jake you need to stop or else I’m gonna cum” you say as you pull his head back, looking him in the eyes.
“That’s okay” he reassures you.
“No, when I cum I want it to be around you” you say.
“Fucking hell y/n” he groans out in a raspy voice.
You get up and kiss him before pushing him down on the couch, his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers. You tug at the waistband, and he lifts his hips up to assist you. You took a moment to admire his length before wrapping your hand around it. He was a couple inches above average, with a nice girth to him. His head tipped back in bliss as you continued to give him a few more strokes before positioning yourself above him, running his tip back and forth across your slit. Slowly, you sank yourself down onto him, taking as much of him in as you could.
“Fuck fuck fuck Jake, you’re really fucking big” you breath out, only able to fit about half of him in you at this angle.
“Just do what you can baby” he says before softly pressing a kiss on your forehead, telling you that it was okay.
You started moving yourself up and down on him as best you could, starting to adjust more to his size. The stretch burned but slowly started turning more pleasurable.
After a few minutes your legs were starting to hurt and his length slipped out of you.
“Will you fuck me from behind?” you blurt out, sweat running between the valley of your breasts.
“I’d be honored” Jake responds, offering a smile before getting up.
He moves you so that your hands are on the back of the couch, holding you steady and your knees rest on the edge of the sofa, sticking your ass out towards Jake. You can hear him move behind you, hands finding their way to your ass, before you feel him run his tip up and down your slit once again.
“Ready?” he asks.
You nod in response and instantly feel him push his way into you, letting you adjust for a second before pushing the rest of his length in you.
“Oh my fucking god Jake” you say as you bury your head in the couch cushions, his dick hitting a spot in you that you didn’t even know was there.
“Oh god you’re doing so good baby girl, taking all of my cock.” he says as he begins to pump in and out of you, starting off slow but gradually picking up the pace.
It feels amazing, better than you had imagined. You wanted him to stay in you forever, make you see stars all the time. Within a minute you were contracting around him, nearing your edge.
“Jake I’m almost there, please faster”
“Me too baby, me too” he says as he starts thrusting even faster than before, wrapping his arm around you to toy with your clit.
All it takes is a few more pumps and you can feel him explode inside you, groaning your name loudly and leaning over your back, but still circling your clit with his fingers. It’s enough to bring you to your peak, walls contracting around him, burying your head in your arms. Once you’ve both come down you stay in that position for a minute, before he pulls out of you and collapses on the couch, pulling you into his chest.
“That was way better than I imagined” he breathes out, hand stroking your hair.
“Oh so you’ve thought about this before? That's embarrassing” you say in a sarcastic tone.
“Hey I’m sure you aren’t so innocent yourself” he says smiling down at you.
“We should probably get dressed, I’m sure your brothers and the other goons will be stumbling in anytime now.” you tell him as you get up and search for your clothes.
“You’re probably right. Hey, let's do this again sometime” he says, cheeks going red.
“Hmm...I’ll see if I can fit you into my schedule” you respond, giving him a quick wink.
These next few months surely were going to be an adventure, and you didn’t want to miss a second.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Wherever the world takes us Part 1 - A SBI!Reader insert
Pairings: none Characters included: Philza, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Cpt Puffy, Schlatt, Captain Sparklez, (mentioned) Fundy Warnings: small mention of death Series: Yes, planned slow updates but this happens in a slight AU world of the official lore of the dsmp and follows along the plot only this time the reader gets included as the middle hybrid child of the SBI Part 2
Summary: A small introduction to the SBI family dynamic including the reader! Today is Techno’s big day at the local festival! He get’s to participate in a fighting tournament but until that happens there is still a ton of time to somehow still get into trouble, isn’t there?
Word count: 4380
Shapeshifters aren’t as rare as many people think. In fact many carry that gene but not everyone ends up showing the properties of one. If you have the active gene you may show first changes during your early childhood which then stretches out until your late teens where the changes will stop resulting in the persons usual animal like form. These changes can range from a whole body covered in fur to having goat like eyes or just horns on their head.
As far as scientists know there isn’t a real reason as to what the final form will be since Shapeshifters who are directly related to one another can have complete and drastically different forms to each other. Though an old myth has been going around for as long as people know that the form a Shapeshifter takes is a result of their subconscious, something that mirrors their true self. Sadly due to this belief many Non-Shifters hold stereotypes and prejudice towards them.
Philza was a Shapeshifter himself. As a kid two stubs slowly appeared at his back and settled in over the years as beautiful huge black wings that he could use for takeoff and a bit for flying but mostly functioned better for gliding around. He used these wings to later travel around the world, learning everything about it and training himself.
At some point he did settle down again and ended up fathering four children alone of whom two showed Shapeshifter properties as well.
There were the twins Technoblade and Wilbur. Technoblade showed from an early age on a deeper interest in fighting. Always asking to learn more than the self-defense techniques their father was teaching them, so Philza took the time to teach him everything he knew. Gifting him later on a proper iron sword which Techno then used to train almost daily with. Philza later had to put mending on that sword since it was chipped and scratched in a short time over heavy use. He is also one of the two children of Philza who ended up being a Shapeshifter. They first noticed when two of his teeth in his lower jaw tended to peek out of his mouth. Over the years these two teeth turned into full blown tusks, flappy pink ears would appear on his head, his hair slowly turned into a soft pink, as well as bristle like fur begun growing on his arms. It were the characteristics of a pig as they soon realized.
Wilbur the younger of the twins by two minutes was more interested in music and books. Philza gifted him a guitar the same time he gave Techno his first sword. From that point on it was a rare thing if you didn’t see Wilbur’s guitar around him. Either on his person or laying close by him. Over time he got really proficient with the instrument and begun writing amazing songs as well as singing them himself.
The middle child Y/N was the more mellow of the whole bunch though this didn’t mean much in the context of the whole family. While they happily took part in whatever trouble their siblings got up to they were at the end the first person that would try to help solve these troubles as well and took care of any wounds. To that end they soon learned how to grow their own herbs to make medicine. This was something Philza taught them. Both would spent a ton of time in the garden, so much so, that the garden was dubbed Y/N’s and Dad’s garden. Techno would sometimes help out as well but that was a more rare occurrence. Y/N was the second kid with the active Shapeshifter gene. Just like their father, two stubs appeared at their back that too would turn into huge black wings. Y/N still remembered how perplexed but proud Philza was when he understood what was happening. They didn’t know what they expected from their father but this reaction wasn’t it. But they weren’t mad about it.
The youngest of the family was Tommy and he was the number one reason why the kids got into trouble in the first place. He would wake up, make weird plans and rope the others into it as well. Wilbur was the first he would usually try to recruit to which Techno then would reluctantly join knowing that if the two are together they will need help later on. Getting Y/N on board was pretty easy as well. It was either a thing of them knowing they will one hundred percent get hurt so best to join in now or they were feeling particularly chaotic that day and wouldn’t even hesitate to join.
Back when they all lived together in their old cottage home their daily lives would always start in the same way.
Philza would be the first awake. He would wake the children up and continue downstairs to work on breakfast for everyone.
There was no real order to who would be the first downstairs for food but it was always Y/N who would be the last to join the group. Moving in front of their designated chair only to stretch before properly sitting down.
“Ew! Gross! Your wing touched my food!” Wilbur exclaimed angrily, pulling the plate with his food closer to himself and farther away from his sibling.
Y/N rolled their eyes “I’m not poisonous, Wilbur.”
“Still gross.” He muttered more to himself as he reluctantly took a bite from his toast.
Phil eyed the two but looked back down to his food and coffee “Your wings are getting pretty big. I’m sure it won’t take long until you can do more than just gliding about.”
“So, that means you can teach them to fly soon?” Tommy was the one to ask surprisingly. Sure, that was on Y/N’s mind as well so they didn’t mind Tommy saying what they thought but they still felt like it was a bad sign and a call for trouble though they couldn’t think how nor did they care enough to find out.
Philza raised one of his eyebrows, obviously taking note of that fact as well. It was something you learned to look out for once you spend enough time with Tommy. “I’m not sure how soon but I think so, yeah.”
“Cool.” Was all Tommy remarked. He then proceeded to stare at his food so his family would get their suspicion off of him. Acting as if he didn’t just figuratively plant a huge red flag on the table with the words “I have a plan!”.
Y/N on the other hand couldn’t help to smile. They were excited for the eventual day when Philza could finally teach them how to fly. For the longest time now they have only learned to use their wings to glide and got really good at changing directions while doing so. Taking care of their wings was already a pain so they wanted to get at least something good out of having them in the first place and being able to properly fly is a huge plus since getting into positions where you could actually  glide around was a difficult and a bothersome thing.
Philza sighed choosing to ignore Tommy and instead turned to look at Wilbur and Y/N “What is your plan today? Want to join me and Techno when we go into town for the tournament?”
After a few seconds of confused expressions between the two Wilbur suddenly shouted “Oh! Techno’s tournament! Of course! I wanna see him beat up other people for a change!”
Techno snorted “Really feeling the support here right now, bro.”
“I’m guessing you both are coming too?” Philza was now addressing the other two of his kids.
Both were fast and eager to agree. Wilbur was right. Usually Techno tried sparring with his siblings though using the word sparring was maybe an overstatement. He would mercilessly beat them up and complain they didn’t last long enough. At rare times where all of them were bored enough they would play a game of >Who can last the longest against Techno<. Y/N really wasn’t too big a fan of this game since they ended up being the only one who would address the wounds later including their own since they didn’t trust the others to properly apply a band aid.
From this point on the breakfast was more alive than before. Tommy and Wilbur would constantly ask questions to Techno about who he will be fighting or how everything will work. To which he all just gave a very non-committal “I dunno”.
After they all cleaned up the breakfast table, they got ready and grabbed everything they needed.
The town wasn’t super far away but it was a long enough walk that it would be inconvenient to get back for things you might have forgotten.
Techno grabbed his sword while Wilbur made sure to take his beloved guitar with him. Y/N made sure to grab all kinds of medicine and bandages with them. They knew Techno will get treated at the tournament should he get hurt but they felt better if they brought some stuff with them as well. Tommy on the other hand made sure to grab all kinds of things including a few pages of paper, pens, string and more. Philza wanted to just write it down to Tommy probably meeting up with Tubbo in town and doing harmless crafts but the chances were slim.
As they made their way to the tournament and Philza was preaching to them to not cause any trouble since there would be a lot of people there today, Y/N soon noticed how Techno would nervously play around with the hilt of his worn out sword.
They affectionately put their arm around their older brother for a short side hug, including putting their wing around him “You’ll do fine. I know it. Don’t worry too much and just imagine you are beating one of us up.”
Technoblade had to roll his eyes at that “I’ll try to take that advice to heart.”
As they arrived in town the kids looked around in awe. Everywhere were stalls set up selling food or little decorative things or toys. People where weaving in and out between stalls, loudly talking with each other. Laughter and yells filled the air.
In the middle of the town square there was a huge box marked on the ground. This is where the fights would happen. As far as Techno explained the rules were simple. Get your opponent on their back, get them out of the box or beat them unconscious. Tommy was absolutely loving the idea of Techno beating all of his opponents unconscious and said he wouldn’t take any other result as acceptable.
“Alright kiddos. Techno and I have to talk with the organizer. You three can go and have some fun but you have to promise me a few things. Whatever you guys do stay together! Don’t talk to strangers and as soon as the fights start you come over. I will find you then, okay? I will only let you guys go if you agree to this.”
“I can still try to find Tubbo, right?” Tommy asked.
“Of course but only if you all stay together.” He was looking at Wilbur when he said the last part. This meant Wilbur was the boss for today. Well until they met up again with their dad.
Wilbur put his hands on each shoulder of his younger siblings “We will! Don’t worry dad!”
Philza gave them a last nod before walking off. Before Techno followed him he looked at the three “Don’t… cause too much trouble. At least for me so nothing happens to the tournament.” With that Technoblade turned around and followed Philza closely.
“Well, what should we start with?” Y/N asked their brothers.
Tommy threw his arms in the air “Tubbo!”
Wilbur laughed “Alright. We’ll try to find your Tubbo. I’m sure he and his siblings should be around here as well.”
Tubbo was Tommy’s best friend and honestly he hangs around their home so much they almost consider him a family member as well. He had an older sister Puffy and an older brother Schlatt though. They were a curious case. All three of them carried the active Shapeshifter gene and all three begun growing horns, their ears turned into that of goats and they all had the horizontal iris’.
Y/N liked to spend time with Puffy. Just like Y/N Puffy too acted more like a caretaker to her siblings which the two soon bonded over while Schlatt and Wilbur soon hit it off as well. It was actually quite amusing to see them interacting since Wilbur was known for loving art and freedom. Schlatt on the other hand tried to see how he can scam the most people in the most effective manner in the shortest amount of time. Trying to turn in a profit at every turn. You wouldn’t immediately think they would end up being such good friends.
The three were raised by their father as well who everyone just referred to as Captain Sparklez though his real name was Jordan. He coincidentally also helped with setting up this little festival for the town.
Tommy suddenly took a deep breath in as he cupped his hands around his mouth “Tubbo!”
Wilbur furrowed his brows “Tommy, there are a ton of people around here! There is no way he heard you.”
“Tommy! Over here!” a different voice called out, away from all the stalls and people.
Wilbur and Y/N looked surprised while Tommy almost proudly smirked at them. The bond Tommy and Tubbo had was something else.
Together the three ran through the crowd to finally meet up with Tubbo and apparently his siblings. As a greeting Tubbo softly headbutted Tommy while Puffy did the same to Y/N. Schlatt never did this with Wilbur. Said he might have goat like characteristics but he is still more human than goat hence why he didn’t do this whole headbutting thing. It has been a whole ordeal with Wilbur once where he demanded to get a headbutt from Schlatt as well for a greeting. After enough prodding and being a general nuisance Schlatt decided to straight up headbutt him as hard as possible almost knocking him out and gave him a good bruise on his forehead. Wilbur never asked for another headbutt greeting since then.
Y/N gave Puffy an additional hug, making sure to wrap their wings around her as well “I’m glad to see you Puffy!”
“So am I! I heard Techno is taking part in the tournament, isn’t he?”
Schlatt was for some reason cackling at that “Oh I bet he will win, won’t he? This would be the best time for some betting!”
Tommy, Y/N and Wilbur all nodded saying things like “Of course he will win. My brother is the best”
Soon the group begun to fall into their usual banter. Tommy and Tubbo were doing something next to them, only sometimes getting back into the conversation. Schlatt and Wilbur on the other hand were talking about how they could start bets and maybe earn some money because surely Techno will win. Y/N and Puffy listened in only to interject at times to root them back down. Both made sure they wouldn’t end up doing anything too stupid, though they too were in on it and ready to help out.
In the end the whole group was sitting on the ground and writing their plan down on the paper Tommy brought with him as suddenly a loud voice boomed over the crowd announcing that the fighting tournament will soon begin.
Tubbo looked absolutely horrified “No! I didn’t have a chance to check out the candy yet!”
Schaltt sighed and gave Tubbo a reassuring pat on his back “Don’t worry kiddo they will still be here after the tournament.”
With that the group begun walking to the marked place for the fighting. All the while Schlatt was grumbling that this was way too early and he couldn’t act on his betting plans.
“There are a lot of people.” Y/N noted as they came closer to their goal.
Indeed there were a surprising amount of people standing around the place. If it was difficult to get through the crowd before, now it seemed almost impossible. It was almost comical how the crowd seemingly turned into a wall of steel as the announcer begun his speech in order to greet all the people watching.
“Ugh, I can barely see anything.” Wilbur whined as he moved on his toes. Wilbur was the tallest of the group so when he had problems seeing anything Y/N instinctively already gave up. Maybe one day it would be the other way around seeing as they all were still growing but for now this was the reality of the situation.
Tommy was frantically jumping into the air trying to see anything that happened. He didn’t say it but he wanted to make sure to not miss out on any second of Techno’s fights. He was his older brother after all.
“Hey, Schlatt?” Tubbo almost whispered as he tugged at his older brother’s shirt.
Schlatt barely made any proper attempt to look over the crowd probably still busy thinking about his lost business opportunity. He tilted his head down to look at Tubbo “Hm?”
Suddenly Tubbo’s unsure expression turned into a serious one. While Wilbur, Tommy and Y/N were confused about this, Puffy begun to snicker.
“Aw, come on!” Schlatt drawled out but as soon as Tubbo got his pouting face out it was over for him.
He rolled his eyes and knelt down. With the help of Puffy, Tubbo was soon sitting on Schlatt’s shoulders, overlooking the crowd.
For some reason Tommy looked absolutely betrayed “This is unfair!”
“And why is that?” was all that Tubbo asked smugly. He was grabbing onto Schlatt’s horns which lead to him involuntarily yanking around his head whenever Tubbo himself moved around. Annoyed Schlatt gave his younger brother a playful slap on his arm as a sign to knock it off.
Tommy crossed his arms “Hey, Wilby! Wait no, I’m not a child anymore.”
Before Wilbur could even do his obligatory cooing whenever Tommy used his nickname or before Y/N could remind him that he was indeed still a child and younger than Tubbo he turned towards them instead.
“Y/N! You carry me and fly up that is way cooler than sitting on someone’s shoulders like some two year old.”
This took Y/N quite by surprise “What?”
“Dad said you are ready to fly and you spent like most of your free time already gliding or flying about so like basically the same thing right?”
“No! This is completely different! Besides I’m pretty sure my wings right now are barely able to carry my own weight! To that I have no idea how to take off from ground!”
Tommy’s bottom lip begun to quiver. Both Wilbur and Y/N knew it was fake but it was still a weakness for the two.
Y/N tried grabbing Wilbur’s sleeve for support but he was already looking at them with sad eyes himself “I mean Tommy just wants to see his big brother win, which is understandable right? At least worth a try?”
It was Y/N’s time to look betrayed but their expression soon got exchange by that one of defeat “One… One try. If that doesn’t work out I will give up.”
So the group walked back away from the crowd to have more space, Tubbo still happily sitting on Schlatt’s shoulders. He looked annoyed but Puffy knew that he was just as happy as she was that Tubbo had obviously a good time.
Y/N would spent a few minutes just trying to take off the ground on their own saying that they would first need to be a bit in the air before being able to grab Tommy. Wilbur was just watching with an amused smile on his face. Oh he was almost certain how this will end in disaster but he was just too curious to see how exactly.
After multiple running starts Y/N managed to get a few feet off into the air, flying directly towards Tommy so they could pick him up. They more or less bodychecked into their younger brother but still managed to pick him up and for a short moment it looked like the two were indeed a few feet above the height of the crowd.
Tommy was screaming partially out of fear but partially out of excitement. Y/N was so concentrated on flying and holding onto Tommy they didn’t even try to look out for Techno on the ground. They stayed semi stable in the air for good two seconds before both suddenly noticed they were losing altitude rapidly.
Now both were screaming as Y/N desperately tried to glide towards the hay bails that the town put up as decoration but with the added weight of Tommy they still plummeted towards the ground pretty fast.
The next thing Y/N remembers was that they were surrounded by hay and that their whole body was feeling heavy and sore. Tommy was groaning as he tried his best to get out of the hay and off their sibling while Y/N first made sure to calmly fold their wings back against their back as they slowly got out of the hay as well.
Suddenly two strong hands grabbed the still disoriented Y/N and helped them properly back to their feet only to be met by an angry looking Philza.
“What on Ender were you thinking?”
“Oh hey dad!” Y/N croaked out as they avoided any eye contact with him. Instead they were busy plucking hay out of their wings. Due to the fall there was a lot of hay trapped between feathers, there were also a few bent feathers that felt uncomfortable at best.
Tommy was sheepishly standing next to them also avoiding eye contact.
“I told you to get to the tournament and wait for me! I told you guys I would make sure to find you so why did you do whatever the hell you just did?” Philza rambled off.
“Yeah guys why did you two do that?” Wilbur was now approaching his family as well, including their other three friends who followed suit.
Y/N let go of their wing as they turned towards their older brother with an angry frown “You encouraged us! Don’t act like you are the only innocent person here! Aren’t you as our big brother supposed to stop us or something when we are stupid?”
Philza sighed “Okay, we deal with this later but at least tell me why?”
“We wanted to see Techno but we couldn’t get past the crowd!” Tommy answered.
“My fights will only start in like half an hour dude. Didn’t you guys listen to the announcements?”
To their surprise Technoblade appeared from behind Philza. He looked bored but still had a somewhat smug smile on his face. Who wouldn’t feel a tiny big smug when your younger siblings gets into trouble with dad for something that was absolutely their fault and you were luckily this time no part of it.
“You three are in trouble! We will go back so Techno won’t be too late for when it’s his turn but once we are back home it’s three weeks of chores for all of you.”
This earned him a murmur of “Okay, dad.” And “But we didn’t do anything bad!”
After that the day ended up pretty normally. They had their trouble for the day so they continued on with following Philza back to the tournament place. He made sure that all the kids had the best places in front so they could watch as Techno absolutely destroyed the other kids.
Jordan joined them as well. Philza didn’t spend any time waiting on telling him how Y/N and Tommy crashed into one of his decorations. He wasn’t angry but did chew out his own kids a little bit for not even attempting to stop them.
For some reason this was the day Y/N always fondly thought back on. They got into their typical trouble that day but also spend a ton of time with their family and friends back in their hometown. Enjoying seeing Techno beat others up and of course winning the tournament to which then Phil and Jordan bought the kids a ton of candy from the stalls.
Yes, they loved their family so dearly and would do anything for them.
So when a letter arrived from Wilbur that informed them that a few days ago a friend betrayed him which led to him losing his first life of three as well for Tommy, Tubbo and their nephew Fundy it felt like their heart got ripped out of their chest.
Y/N was still living at their old childhood home with Philza but both were only rarely at home. The two traveled around the world independently from each other using the old cottage as a place to rest in between. Wilbur probably addressed the letter knowing that this was the most reliable way to contact his family.
Reaching Technoblade who was training out of country was almost impossible at this point in time.
Y/N got out a piece of paper and wrote a letter for their father.
“Dad, I’m going to visit Wil and Tommy. Love, Y/N”
This was all that needed to be said.
They put the letter including the letter from Wilbur visibly on the table so Philza would see it as soon as he got back home. They did this sometimes in order to talk to Philza as well as the other way around so both were always looking out for messages on the table once they got back home.
Y/N grabbed their old netherite sword they got way back from Techno as a gift and begun thinking about what to take with them for the flight towards L’Manberg. If they fly it would only take a few days to reach the place but they also couldn’t carry a lot of things with them.
“Hell of a reason to visit your family after a long time, huh.”
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gaylittleinnkeepers · 3 years
different miracuclass aus that would be SO COOL
feel free to suggest some
- ready player one au. OKAY I FUCKING LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH (the book imo is slightly less fun, but i still love it) and wHAT IF THE MIRACUCLASS ALL WERE IN THE OASIS THAT WOULD BE SO COOL,, god i wanna write it now. i can see kim making his avatar look like a big troll and alix being a little gremlin
max: the first riddle in the egg clues probably means something super complicated, so-
alix: hey max i found it
*kim and alix high-five*
- fast & furious au. like, come on! illegal stuff, being badass, driving super-fast cars- they would totally. also, imagine the Girl Squad zooming on motorcycles gAH. also rose n juleka would totally be married in this
rose: people ask why i married someone so different to me.
rose: it’s mostly cause she looks super hot riding a motorcycle
- fantastic beasts au. okay, so you’ve obviously heard of harry potter aus with these guys, but fantastic beasts is literally full with hilarious shenanigans and awesome looking creatures. where’s the zouwu in harry potter, huh??? also, proud gryffindor & pukwudgie here <3
alya: i think it’s a Very Big Bird
- brooklyn nine-nine au. okay, so i’ve already gone through this one in my other tumblr posts. but yeah this would be so fucking great admit it
sabrina: stop talking about bourgeois’ love life!! do ur work!!
- love alarm au. so i started watching love alarm a while ago (legit only finished the third episode i think? they’re so longgggg) and now the idea of miracuclass in south korea, with the love alarm app installed, would be so crazy and chaotic
adrien: my love alarm is ringing!
*twenty fangirls gathered around him*
- skyrim au. i absolutely fucking love skyrim, and how completely fantasy-ish it is. so, i was imagining: what if one of the miracuclass was the dragonborn? probably like marinette or maybe mix it up and be someone else instead. but yeah! imagine them fighting dragons and killing bandits and looting their shit! aND IMAGINE THEM LEARNING MAGIC OR USING BATTLE AXES AND SWORDS-
mylène: isn’t it super dangerous? the dragons could kill y-
- miraculous kpop au. BAHAHAHA WHAT IF THEY WERE ALL IN A BIG KPOP GROUP,,WITH SUB-GROUPS,,,oh gOD- it would be so awesome and cool though-
nath: 저는 낱 (yes i know how to write in korean, don’t ask. or do!)
- wings of fire au. okay, this one freaks me out a bit let’s skip it-
adrien: rawr
- agents of shield au. I LOVE THIS CONCEPT. LIKE, EVERYONE IS IN A SECRET ORGANISATION AND THEY HAVE TO HIDE ALIENS AND WEIRD SHIT FROM THE WORLD,,also i love agents of shield. i might write this one god i love it
juleka: unsure, but i think it might try to kill us
- jumanji au. ohmygod what if they all got trapped in jumanji,,,holy fuck holy fuck i’m malfunctioning this would be so cool. aND JULEKA AS RUBY ROUNDHOUSE-
juleka: dance fighting? *starts dance fighting some bad guys*
rose: *sweating*
if you guys have any ideas for any more aus, or any headcanons for these aus, pLEASE DROP THEM IN MY ASK BOX. OR JUST DROP RANDOM STUFF IN MY ASK BOX. I BEG YOU.
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thcweasley · 4 years
PAIRING : Fred Weasley X Y/N
SUMMARY : After war, Fred trying to make things back to normal again
WARNINGS : none? shitty fluff
WORDS : 1.6k
A/N: i reposted this cos something went wrong lmao.
Im not sure why i really like the whole idea of Fred X Muggleborn!Reader lmao. i know its autumn in most places, but its been super duper hot here lately. Also this might not be 100% accurate of how things supposed to go, but i just got an idea after watching what not to do at the beach. so I hope you enjoy anyways.
AND THANKYOU FOR THE LOVE ON MY LAST FIC OMGGG. Yes ill upload the 2nd part soooooonn!! so don’t you worry~
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“Lets go lets go!!” Fred said clapping his hands, signing you to move faster.
“yeah yeah” you mumbled.
It was a month after the war yet everything didn’t seem to falls back to normal. The fact that you almost lose Fred in the battle haunted you. Even though he was still standing in front of you now, present and healthy. Still you couldn’t seem shake off the image of him dying in front of you. At the time everyone was so sure there’s nothing they can do to wake him up.
“I didn’t know you’d be this sad to see me dying Y/N” He managed to let out a laugh.
Fred insisted you both to go to the beach today. You’ve told him once that going to the beach with your family and friends was probably you favourite memory of growing up. Before everything, before Fred, before Hogwarts, before Magic. So he thought itd be fun to relive your memory with you, no wand, no spell, no magic, just the two of you.
“are you sure you wanna do this? I thought you don’t like muggles activities” you asked him swirling around your wand in front of his face.
He grabbed your wand and put it away from you “Yes of course no magic, beach day! Now move your feet before I carry you into the car myself”
“I can’t believe you actually rent a car” you looked at him in disbelief.
“Well I want it to be perfect for you” he laughed under his breath. “Look at this” He pressed a button and suddenly the roof of the car starting to fold. “Just like magic!” He grinned, causing you to laugh.
“oh what did I do to deserve such an amazing boyfriend” you leaned on to the driving seat to give him a kiss on his cheek.
“I honestly don’t know Y/N” He moved one of his hand onto your waist “But I know how you could reward me without any magic involved” He squeeze your bum lightly.
“Focus on the road, Weasley” you rolled your eyes smiling, Slapping  his hand away as moving back to your position. His laughter filling the car
** Fred had taken you to a pretty cool beach. quite crowded too He found a spot and lay some towel so you can sit down.
You both lay down on your towel. Watching the clouds moving, enjoying each other arms. when suddenly someone dis-sand his towel right beside Fred and walk away.
You both sat up immediately, coughing.
“what the hell is that?” you said, with an annoyed tone, looking over to Fred. Wondering why he hadn’t say anything.
You saw Fred rubbing his eye. “you okay?” you raised an eyebrow. Confused
“uhh.. i think there’s sand in my eye” he said still rubbing his eye.
You grabbed his hand. Stopping him from rubbing his eye. “don’t rub it..” you said soothingly. “open your eyes”
he tried to open his eyes, failing. “what do you mean? I cant do it!”
“hey.. calm down” you giggled. You put your fingers between his eye, and open his eyes. You keep your fingers there to stop his eyes from blinking. you blow air in front of his eyes. Hopefully can remove sand from his eyes. “now blink”
he blinked a few times. And then look up at you. He realised how close your faces were. He held your cheek in his palm. Leaning in to kiss you. His lips warm and smooth pressing against yours.
You just smile against the lips, enjoying the moment. Until you heard a loud smack coming from Fred’s direction, causing you to pull away from him. A volley ball hit Freds head.
“sorry mate!” some guy shouted behind him. and running towards you both to pick up the ball.
“yeah no worries” he managed to force a laugh. You dropped your head to the side. Looking at his annoyed face.
“you okay Fred?” you asked him. resting your hand on his head.
“yep.. umm.. lets go for a walk”
Fred grabbed your hand, dragging you with him as he ran towards the bridge. He sat on the bridge and patted the space beside him, signalling you to sit beside him. “come on!” he smiled widely.
“Do you want ice cream?” Fred broke the silence.
“sounds great” you said as you want to get up. But he stopped you.
“wait here I’m going to guess your favourite” He scrambles to his feet and kiss your nose before walking away.
As you watched the clouds moved, you can hear the waves and some kids running around. Looking all around you, remembering the reason why you like going to the beach so much. The salty air, the sun and now you’re with the man you love the most. It couldn’t be more perfect than this.
Suddenly Fred appeared beside you. Handing you your ice cream with your favourite flavour.  “here you go ”
“awwww” you looked up at him and peck his lips. “thankyou..”
You were enjoying your ice cream when suddenly Fred groans. You looked up at him and follow his eyes direction, you saw some boys running away laughing. You looked back at him. now he’s touching his head. “dumb kids” He muttered
“Oh god!” you said in shock as soon after you pulled his hand away from his head. His hair covered with ice cream.  then suddenly bursted out laughing.
Fred groaned again “you think its funny?” he narrowed his eyes at you. Fred’s hair, he always sensitive with his hair.
“sorry..” you grinned. You reached your handbag and took your wet tissue. “I don’t know that your mouth moved on to your hair” you giggle lightly. Start wiping the ice cream off his head.
“It’s those lil git” he clenched his teeth.
You giggled lightly, its funny how frustrating this day has been for him.  “what do you want now? Go home?” you smiled at him.
“yeah..” then he instantly added “sorry” he bitted his bottom lip.
“Its okay, Let’s go home” you grabbed his hand and ran towards the car.
“my hair, it’s so sticky” Fred said once you got inside the car.
you smiled “its cute though, smells like ice cream.”
“it is not..” He said as he started the car
“whatever” you stuck your arms out the open window, holding it straight like the wing of a plane. But then suddenly you felt a cold flickers of water land on your face making you yelp in surprise at first and then groan loudly.
“Rain?” Fred questioned, painful annoyance in his tone.
You both turned your heads up to face the sky and suddenly the droplets are falling down faster and faster, making you flinch every time it hits you. Within ten seconds, the water is hammering down.
“why it doesn’t work!!” Fred pressed the roof button rapidly. Hoping the roof would start to close itself. “Merlin!” he ran his finger through his hair.
“Hey calm down focus on the road” You replaced his hand with yours, until finally the roof closed itself.
But then suddenly the car stopped. You could see the lights on the car also went off.
“hey, we’re in the middle of the rain why the hell would you stopped?” You laughed not knowing what was happening.
“well this really a cherry on top. What a nice day” he said, sarcastically.
“wh- what happened?”
“I don’t know. Merlin, I really wished I have my wand with me” he muttered. “wait here” he said as he got out of the car.
You took out your phone. No signal what a nice day.
You got out of the car. You saw Fred was standing in front of the car. Muttering loudly.  You shook your head, and ran towards him, hugged him from behind. “im so sorry Y/N I have no idea how muggle car works I don’t know how to fix this” He said as he turn himself around to face you. To his surprise you greeted him with a big grin on your face. “Why are you smiling?” he asks suspiciously, raising an eyebrow
You placed a hand on his cheek. “I was wondering… have you ever been kissed in the rain?”
Fred finally recognising the playfulness in your voice. His frown soon eases up into something less harsh-looking. “I haven’t actually,” he breathed
You closed the gap between you two, kissing him passionately. You feel the water soaking through your clothes as you’re pressed your lips on to his lips as the freezing water dripped down on you both. You grab onto his shirt, starting to shiver. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been happier. Because finally, after a whole month of anxiety, you can just focus on whats happening right now.
You finally separate lips, both catching on your breathes.
Fred strokes a stray raindrop off of your nose. “sorry, this is the worst date ever” he gave you a sheepish smile.
“I don’t think so” you pecked his lips smiling widely, he smiled back.
“are you being sarcastic with me?” he raised his eyebrow playfully.
You shook your head smiling. “For a magic-less day, it was quite magical” AAHAHA im sorry guys this was super cheesy. but.. should we make a part two where we give fred weasley the reward he deserves?
MY OTHER WORKS follow me / send request / talk to me! im lonely (if u send me anonymously maybe click here) my collaborative ford anglia playlist Christmas with the Weasley playlist
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vay99 · 3 years
Hawks x reader (Time flies)
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Your Quirk: paper
You can manipulate paper of all kind, into alk forms you wanna
Let's begin~
Flying above the city Hawks watches the sun go down. It's been a busy day, even though nothing big happened he stopped a few robbers and car crashes.
"The new super hero agency?" Hawks notices the building that has been under construction for the past months. "Interesting, I might- huh? An emergency? I'm onto it."
Hawks answers his phone and flies directly towards the Adress that one of his sidekicks told him.
Some guy thought that'd be a great idea to shoot someone before stealing their money. While his side kicks help the wounded passenger and evacuate the streets Hawks follows the villain, who has a speed Quirk. He can barely keep up with him.
"What?" not understanding what just happened Hawks watches the villain being lifted into the air. By books? "What's happening..."
The police acts fast and takes care of the guy as a hero appears out of nowhere. Hawks watches the scene as he slowly approaches the hero that's talking to the officers.
"Were you the one to catch that guy?"
"Cool, I'm Hawks-" stretching his hand for you to shake his eyes grow wide. "(y/n)?"
"You're still a night owl I guess?" Haws offers you a cup of coffee as he sits down besides you. After everyone was save and taken care of the two of you decided to take a break on the top of the highest building in town.
"You could put it like that. Thanks." you gladly accept the beverage.
"We may have grown older but we haven't changed a lot have we." he chuckles taking a sip of his coffee. "Your Quirk is still the most fascinating I've ever seen."
"I feel like I've heard that before." you shake your head laughing, remembering how a 15 year old Hawks watched you experiment with the wings. Eyes filled with stars.
"I can repeat it as often as you like my lady." Hawks bows which causes you to laugh even more. "It's nothing but the truth. When we were in school I always thought that your Quirk was the best."
"That's sweet. I remember you cheering me up after I lost in a direct fight. My paper cut technique didn't work and my fighting skills were 0. We trained together. I like to think back to those times, when everything was easier, the heads full of dumb ideas and the eyes upon our dreams."
"I miss those times." he lets a few feathers fly around you. "When our group split up, and you went to (any country) I hoped that we'd be able to laugh and do some stupid things again. Life feels easy when I'm with you."
"We're in our 20's, isn't that the tie we're supposed to do some stupid stuff?" you joke, catching one of his feathers. "But as pro heroes we've got a tough life. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and just re life those years."
"Even when you know what will happen afterwards?" Hawks tingles your nose with his feather before calling them back, besides the one you're holding.
"No, I'd probably wouldn't be able to enjoy it then. Life can really suck can't it?" you look towards him, noticing how different he looks, you two have grown up.
"It did. But now you're back." he smiles softly. "Let's protect this city together, like we did in trainings, you're the best partner."
"From kids with dreams to heroes who work together. Cheers to that."
A comfortable silence falls over you as you watch the city by night. Always scanning the streets for possible danger.
"Why don't you just take a picture." he teases you for your staring.
"Only if you sign it."
"Anything for you."
"Let's take some pictures together, in front of our old school. You know the one we took each year?" you both laugh at the memories. "I had the last one in my office. Everyone in the agency kept asking if you were my boyfriend."
"What did you tell them?"
You started as a sidekick of the number one hero of (country). There were plenty of side kicks and they all eventually ask about the picture.
"Wow your boyfriend is cute, you two are a great match!"
"He's actually not my boyfriend." you always hoped that it sounded believable. How much you wanted to say Yes.
"Who's that!?"
"A good friend of mine." you hated how you said the word friend, even though a friendship is not worth less than a relationship. But it's not what you wanted with him.
"Someone's got a great taste in men! Nice catch!"
"Thanks." you gave up. No more explanations which eventually broke your heart even further.
*End of Flashback*
"That we're friends." there it is again. No matter how many dates you had, you were never able to get rid of your feelings.
"I see." he leaves his eyes upon the streets below. "I remember how dumb I felt when you left, I never told you about my feelings and regretted it for a long time. I still do."
"You had feelings for me?" nearly falling off the building out of shock you stare at him with wide eyes.
"Yeah, I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I was about to when you left. But the words gut stuck in ny throat."
"Don't apologize. I wanted to do the same, but I was too scared to."
"You only regret the things you didn't do. Guess the saying is right after all."
"Since when have you become so poetic? What have you done with my I've-set-this-on-fire-by-accident Keigo?"
"Your Keigo?" he tries to act smug but you calling him by his first name has him weak.
Staying silent you fiddle with your fingers, not knowing how to handle all the emotions that rise inside of you. He takes your hands into his as he leans in closer.
"As much as I'd love this, you gotta wait a bit longer." you jump off the roof, using the paper you always have with you to firm yourself some wings.
"There's a bank robbery! Come and join, you'll get your kiss afterwards!"
"Deal!" he spreads his wings and follows you. "God damn I've missed her."
I usually post one shots on Quotev (https://www.quotev.com/Vay120499/published)
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Hawks SFW Alphabet
No warnings! Just fluff! Enjoy! :D
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Hawks is very affectionate, he’s literally glued to you whenever he can be. If he has a day off he’ll hug you from behind while you cook randomly talking about nothing while you listen. Hawks can talk A LOT. He will also show affection by giving you some of his fallen feathers. It’s sweet. He’ll also bring you flowers and give you extra chicken occasionally. It’s a big deal for him to give you some of his chicken.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Hawks as a best friend would constantly tease you and beg you to take him out to get chicken. He’ll drag you around everywhere and talk on and on and on about random stuff. He’s just glad to have someone to talk to and listen to him. Sometimes you don’t listen to him because most times it’s nonsense, but you do listen 9/10. He’ll also fish for praises from you since you mean so much to him. Praises from you make his day. The friendship started when he noticed you eating Yakitori on a bench looking irritated. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing over here looking so gloomy?” You give the bland answer a bad day at work. He smiles. “Well the brave number two hero is here to help! You just ate your last Yakitori! Let’s go get some more!”
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) He’s a cuddle-bird. On the couch? He has his arm around you and his wing holding you close and protectively. In bed? He’ll lay on his side and drape a wing over you and throw his leg over your hip and fall asleep snoring lightly towards your face. Arrive at his hero agency? Everyone who’s worked there for a long time will immediately move out of the way of Hawks while he flies down quickly and picks you up spinning you around in the air happy to see you. Those who are new, are in danger of getting ran over by the winged hero. He’ll hug you and keep you right by his side the whole time he’s working at the office.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) He definitely wants to settle down with you. He’s obsessed with having little chicks and finally “mate” with you as he always says. But because of his undercover work, he knows he’s going to be away for a long time, and when he proposes he wants to spend as much time with you as he can. He can kinda cook, and uses his feathers to clean. He usually just orders delivery or take out and picks it up. You usually have to cook before he gets home so he doesn’t order fast food.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He doesn’t want to break up with you ever. You are his light. But if he had to for hero work, he would probably cry a little and tell you how much he loves you and that he’s sorry and he’ll always love you and then he’ll have to fly away because it’s too hard for him. But it’s for your own safety. And he’d rather die than let you get hurt. If you had to end it with him, it would be because he’s distracted from his hero work, and you don’t see him that often. He’ll try and persuade you otherwise and beg you to stay and promise he’ll be home more often, but that’s the problem. You don’t want to ruin his whole career for you. You smile and just say goodbye and give him one last kiss.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) if he could, he would marry you right now. If you mentioned something about settling down he’d immediately rush off to buy a ring and then act very flustered until he embarrassingly proposes to you. “Will you be my mate, dove? Forever?” How cute!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) If you’re in an upset mood, he’ll come to you and protectively wrap his wings around you to hide yourself to give you a sense of security. He will embrace you and ask you what’s wrong and just stroke your back while you cry. If you don’t wanna talk about it, he’ll respect it and cuddle you, with a few failed attempts to be special and cook for you, eventually he’ll get something right. He usually ends up burning whatever he makes. Physically? When he hugs you it’s always warm and tight.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) He loves hugs. He’s practically on you all the time. Cooking? He’s hugging you from behind and looking over your shoulder. On the couch, arm around you and pulling you close. In bed, he can’t sleep without hugging you close to him. You love when he hugs you with his wings. It always makes you feel safe and comfortable.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) All the time. He said I love you first. It actually happened as a joke. “Baby! You came to visit!” This is the part where he picks you up and hugs you in his office. “I love you so much! I love you. I knew you’d come visit me! How did you ever get so lucky to have me as your loving boyfriend?” A sheepish cheeky grin will be on his face. Cue staring at you and then pressing his lips against yours in front of everyone he works with, his interns, potential side kicks, everyone. He doesn’t care.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) He gets jealous a little easily. It’s usually not super possessive, but it still gets his blood boiling. When you go to talk to some of the people at his office as a nice greeting and ask them how their day is just because you’re nice, he’ll whine and pout and mutter that you aren’t paying attention to him. Now when some hits on you, he tries to be subtle about it. If he notices he’ll fly right beside you and spin you around to give you a peck on the lips acting innocent. “Hey, dove. I figured you’d miss me so I came to see you~” he looks up almost daring the guy to say another word to you, his feathers ready to threaten him. His wings are also spread wide to assert his dominance. “Who’s this?” Hell ask without a usual cheeky curious smile. Later he’ll want extra cuddles and demand you tell him how much you love him with a pout and a whine.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) He’s a very fast guy, and that means his kisses are usually quick too. When he’s late for hero work he’ll give you a quick peck and leave quickly. In the mornings when he’s got a day off though, your morning is full of soft and deep kisses. He will kiss you all over. Sometimes when you’re making breakfast, he’ll smile and kiss up your neck and shoulder. His favorite place to kiss you is your head. He finds it the most affectionate. He loves when you kiss his cheeks and chest. It makes him embarrassed. When you’re alone in bed, you’ll usually kiss his chest and rub circles into his abs with your finger. Those are his all time favorite.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) he’s very good with children. He loves to meet his fans, especially when they’re kids. He wants a little chick one day, maybe a couple, but you’re the boss when it comes to how many kids. When kids call him cool and such, he can’t help but get cocky after that, especially around other pro-heroes. He still remembers the day Endeavor made one of his fans cry because he was being nice. He felt prideful he was more popular than the pro, even though he’s a literal fanboy of the man.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) mornings with him are almost nonexistent sometimes. His hero work usually tires him out and he sleeps until about 10 or 11, so the morning is practically almost gone by then. He gets upset when you don’t wake him up, and will pout because that was precious time wasted while he was sleeping. You know he loves to sleep, and kinda underestimate his love for you. He loves food and sleep almost as much as you. You always roll your eyes and hand him a plate of pancakes or a bowl of cereal, and he instantly perks up and thanks you happily. If he does wake up on time, you’ll both go and chill on the balcony if it’s nice out with some coffee and then sit on the couch for awhile while Hawks looks through his social media bragging about his compliments and happily showing all the people who comment on photos of you and him.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) usually he’ll come back from his patrols and you guys will, ahem, do some stuff, and then you’ll both lay and cuddle. Nights when you work late and he’s on patrol, he’ll come and pick you up and walk around on his patrols with you, telling you how his day was and all the things he did. Then he’ll either ditch his patrol cause it’s boring or he’s hungry and he’ll take you to get carry out from his favorite restaurant.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) hawks likes to talk, so once he’s become comfortable with you, he’s gonna let it all go at once. Of course, there are a lot of things he can’t tell you. You’re probably the only person he’s ever told his real name to, but you only do it in the comfort of your home. If he’s a bit distant, and you question him, he’ll frown and give you the look meaning he can’t tell you for your own safety, or it’s too secret and no one can know. Of course you understand, and it bothers him he can’t tell you, but when it’s over, he’ll tell you everything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) he’s not angered easily, it actually all depends on the situation. If you’re having an argument he’ll just crack some jokes to try and get you to calm down. Soon enough if you walk away, he won’t bother you and let you cool off. If you’re over working yourself, he’ll get irritated and be a stubborn bastard and call your boss. This angers you, but it lets you know he cares. Now if someone hurt you, he’s pissed. If someone pushes you or even hits you playfully, he’s right beside you glaring at them and squeezing your arm tightly. “Hey, keep your hands to yourself. It would be horrible if I were to kick your ass right here and humiliate you.”
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) he always listens intently when you talk about yourself. He wants to know everything. Sometimes if he notices a scar he’ll ask about it and remember exactly how you got it. He doesn’t remember absolutely everything, but he tries to remember the important stuff. Sometimes he remembers too much and ends up embarrassing you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) his favorite moment with you is when you went with him to the hero billboard event where he was deemed the number two hero. He got to talk to a lot of other pros and show you off to everyone. He bragged about you all night long, and then took you to meet Endeavor. The tall man was very nice to you, and Hawks couldn’t have been any happier that his idol met the love of his life. Seeing the two most important people In his life interact filled his heart with happiness. Then, he took you home and made passionate love to you all night long.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) he’s very protective of you. When you go to work, he either sends a feather with you in your back pocket or in your purse to keep tabs on you or follows you there himself to make sure you get there ok. He protects you from potential perverts and villains if any were to arise. He wants you to protect his heart. He’s had a hard life, and is still currently living one. He has to do a lot of things he doesn’t want to, and can’t even tell you even though he wants to talk to someone about it and get it off his chest. Just letting him know you love him and that you’re there to stay is enough for him to feel safe and secure.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) he puts actual effort into anything concerning you. Sure he’s lazy when it comes to patrols and is very leisurely in general, but when it comes to you, all he wants to do is impress you and make you smile. Dates? Unexpected and loving. Anniversaries? Goes all out to make you feel special and basically posts like hundreds of pictures of you on his social media. Gifts? Always expensive and high quality, he’ll spend a lot of money on stuff you don’t need or particularly want, but it’s a way he shows love. So you always accept with a small and short scolding of how you don’t need the gifts. Daily tasks? He’s... lazy here, but if you’re exceptionally tired, he’ll clean and do some laundry for you. Get you a drink, buy you flowers, etc. most of the time though, he just accompanies you while you do the house work.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) Molting his feathers and never cleaning them up. When he’s had a full set of feathers for a while, they eventually fall out and are replaced with stronger ones with a brighter color. He doesn’t shed his feathers a lot, but the four times a year he does it annoys you a bit. He plans things without checking your schedule or if you have things planned, and expects you to cancel your plans for him. If you don’t, he’ll pout and sulk for the rest of the day.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) he knows he looks good, so he’s not too worried about his appearance around you. He doesn’t care what others think of him appearance wise or anything. He’s cocky, he’s handsome, young, and popular. As long as you think he’s handsome, he’s happy.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) yes. He usually feels a bit down when you aren’t around. If he’s away on a mission he’s always thinking about you. What you’re doing, who you’re with, and how people could potentially be hitting on you. If you took a break for whatever reason, all he’d be doing is thinking what he did wrong and trying to fix it before he comes and tells you how he feels and that he’s sorry.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) hawks was once harassed by a fangirl asking for touch his butt. He laughed it off and told her his butt would burn her hand off cause it was so hot. She then offered him a piece of Yakitori and he let her get one squeeze and flew away with the chicken skewer. He snap chatted you in the air holding his favorite food and was laughing his ass off. You were jealous, and teased him about it. “You know my ass is all yours, dove. If you wanna touch, all you gotta do is reach down and- hey!” He’ll blush and get super embarrassed when you start touching his booty. You would have to explain you’re a bit jealous and then smack his ass before walking away. He’ll be happy you’re jealous and hug you telling you he’ll never do it again. A couple weeks later it happened again. “Sorry, but one booty touch for chicken is always going to be a yes.” He’s always prepared for you to grope him when he gets home for free. “Don’t worry dove, no Yakitori could ever buy my love. You’ve got my heart! You stole it! Oh... and can you make me some Yakitori tonight? Yours always tastes like love.” Cheesy bird.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) he isn’t fond of vegetables, he’s a raptor and loves meat. He is very grossed out by watching people do extreme PDA, even though he partakes in PDA with you all the time. Things he wouldn’t like about a partner is if they were selfish, or got angry easily and didn’t like his jokes. He also wouldn’t like a partner that mothered him, even though you have to sometimes since he’s too fast, and when he’s late he sometimes forgets to brush his teeth. He also doesn’t like a partner who cakes on make-up, it makes him think that they’re fake.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) he usually sleeps on his stomach and has his wings spread out widely draping over the sides of the bed. He’s knocked over multiple things before and it wakes you up, but he’s never phased. You had to stop putting water on the nightstands. He also snores lightly and whines a bit when he’s uncomfortable or not getting cuddles from you. Just be beside him and make sure to always clear the nightstands.
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lunarspiral1127 · 3 years
Hey, guys. I was gonna post my reaction/commentary/thoughts on the first episode on Falcon & The Winter Soldier, but I couldn’t because I had work early and I watched it with my friend the next day. But, I’ll be back to posting them for the rest of the episodes, and I’ll give my brief thoughts on episode 1 here, so *SPOILERS!*
- The beginning action scenes were really cool to see. I liked Sam in the MCU and I liked seeing him getting his own moments as the Falcon by himself. It shows that he’s a capable fighter, but even he struggles. But, he’s able to keep going and keep trying. My favourite part is when he suddenly shows up in the helicopter and is like “’Sup”. I don’t know why, but I found it pretty funny.
- I like the new costume and the new wings, because it closely resembles more of his comic book costume. With Redwing, I found it odd at first that it was a droid, when it was an actual falcon in the comics. But, I’d understand that having Redwing as a droid would make sense, because having a falcon would be risky to have in battle. At least, I think that’s what the reason is for the change. But, I still like Redwing.
- Seeing Sam’s family was cool. There’s some tension between him and his sister, which I hope things will work out between them. There’s this subplot in the episode of him trying to keep his family’s boat, which could continue later in future episodes.
- Flag Smashers. I’m curious, but I’m not sure what to make of them just yet. They seem to believe that it was better when the snap happened, but I don’t know why. However, considering how chaotic it was when everyone came back in Wandavision, and now people who’re gone for 5 years don’t even get any income and bank loans are even harder to get, maybe those are some of the reasons why? 
- Also, we know that they’re a terrorist group, and they have their own app??? Just to gain more followers and use them to cause commotions so that they can commit their crimes, I guess. But, the guy that this Torres character (the one that was with Sam at the beginning, who apparently takes the Falcon mantle in the comics when Sam was Captain America at the time) tried to stop....is he an enhanced? Like another super soldier-like being like Bucky or the 5 evil super soldiers that Hydra used to keep back in Civil War?
- Bucky is such an awkward guy, I don’t know why but I love it. And, he’s getting therapy, and trying to redeem himself from all the bad things he did as the Winter Soldier, which I liked seeing. The therapy scene was not what I expected though. Like this therapist comes off as tough, but maybe someone like that is needed? I don’t know. Don’t know why Bucky’s ignoring Sam’s calls. Like, I know that they butt heads, but Sam’s a councilor for Vets dealing with PTSD. He could be really helpful to him. Anyway, what hurts though is that he befriended an old man, which I thought was sweet. But, NOPE! He was the father of this guy from the Winter Soldier flashback that Bucky killed. That.....HUUUUUURRRRT!!! Like the moment the father talked about his son, and remembered the guy that Winter Soldier killed in the flashback, I put two and two together and was like “OH S**T! NOOOOOOO!” Also, that date was cute yet awkward at the same time. Had to leave in the middle of it to talk with the father, but he couldn’t do it. I don’t know how he’ll react to Bucky if he finds out the truth, but that’s gonna be something that I’ll dread if it happens.
- RHODEY! Good to see him, and I like that he and Sam are still friends. Especially since the events of Civil War.
- According to the wiki, this show takes place 6 months after Endgame, so this is between Wandavision and Far From Home.
- Steve. At first, I thought that he died and Sam’s going to his funeral, but for all we know, he could still be alive in this timeline or went back to his own. But, it seems that the world thinks that he’s dead. Anyway, it was actually going to give the shield to the museum to put on the Captain America display. I had a feeling that the show would play into Sam doubting himself on taking the Captain America mantle, but I feel like he deserves it. Steve gave Sam the shield for a reason, and that Sam is a good person. I know he’ll get the shield back, eventually, and in the end, he’ll become Captain America. But, considering what happens in the end, he shouldn’t have given up the shield, which leads to the next point.
- F***ING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES!!! They wanted Sam to give the shield up for a museum display, but that one guy just took it and gave it to their own Captain America?! First Hayward taking Vision’s body and wanting to use it for his own intentions, and now this other guy taking the shield and using it for his own intentions! So, this is how John Walker AKA US Agent is introduced into the MCU, and wow, they did a good job casting someone who has a smug, cocky face that make you wanna punch him. Okay, I can’t really judge the character just yet, because not a lot has been shown about him so far. But, I get the feeling that I’m gonna hate him, or hate him at first then feel sorry for him. Probably the former. But, still, WHAT THE HELL?! This is going against Steve’s wishes! Steve gave Sam the shield for a reason! I get why he gave it to the government, but he should’ve kept it! Plus, this would mean that they lied to Sam about what they wanted to do with the shield, but it doesn’t matter because it belongs to them now. This is some BS. >:( 
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
can i be gettin some Ej, Masky, Toby, or Bloody Painter headcanons with a s/o that is a cryptozooligist but specializes in Mothman stuff? So they go camping and just visit cryptid sites a lot? -Mothman anon
Eyeless Jack:
- he’s 100% insistent that cryptids don’t exist
- “Jack, you’re a demon” “yeah but mothman? Pffft”
- Regardless he’s SUPER curious about the surrounding mythology
- He’s never been one to shy away from horror movies or legends so he wants to know everything about any other scary creature out there
- His favorite cryptid is nessie :)
- Just cause it’s super easy to look at plausible anatomy for it since it’s so close to the description of a plesiosaur, same goes with Bigfoot
- Sure fire way to get him into your cryptid antics is to be like “Jack I’d like to plot out some potential anatomy for mothman :)”
- He’s like hold the fuck up I’ll be right there
- Dumps like a million anatomy books on your desk
- “Okay I studied insect anatomy too so I-“ “you know that he’s not part moth right they just call him mothman”
- “Why the fuck would they do that”
- Actually he loves learning about mothman simply because he sees how much everyone LOVES the man the moth the legend and is secretly like “if they can love mothman.… maybe they’ll think I’m cool too”
- 100% is already a local cryptid, encourage his dreams
- like EJ with the whole “uhhhh cryptids don’t exist” thing
- “You work for a 15 foot tall faceless… thing” “......okay fair what should I know about mothman”
- He kinda rolls his eyes while you talk excitedly but he loves listening to you and god damn if you don’t know what you’re talking about, he’s very impressed with your cryptid trivia
- He tries to keep it from the other creeps that he looks into stuff with you but word eventually gets out
- At that point he can’t deny it and will be like “well at least my s/o has an interesting hobby” and THEN defend you vigorously
- He’ll go cryptid hunting with you and he is the honored camera bearer
- If you do want to visit Point Pleasant, he’s insistent on going to some of the touristy places. Like if I’m here I’m at least getting a Mothman coffee, for God’s sakes
- “Tim put the goddamn cigarettes away we’re on a cryptid hunt!” “Maybe he wants one. Mothman! Do you want a smoke!”
- He’s mostly making fun of you but like… what if it worked 👀
- holy fuck if there was a creep to immediately jump onto your interests it’s this boy
- He is immediately captivated and wants to know more
- He is??? The only one to not be like “psh cryptids aren’t real” instead he’s like “I live in a mansion full of dead and murderous people. Yeah a mothman is plausible”
- He’s not good at researching by himself so he’ll listen to you talk about cryptids and mothman and jump in with all his theories
- He’ll drag you to search for him before you can even mention a cryptid hunt
- He brings sleeping bags and everything
- He really likes sleeping under the stars instead of in a tent, so either you sleep with him outside or go “k have fun” and stay in your slightly warmer tent
- If you choose to sleep in the tent like a normal person he’ll inevitably crawl inside at like 3 AM like “ok I’m scared and cold now :(“
- But he is 100% invested and enthusiastic right now, definitely the best cryptid hunter in the mansion 😤👌
Bloody Painter:
- he’s.… skeptic but curious
- He’ll stand and read books/webpages over your shoulder while you study
- He delved into really grotesque artwork of cryptids and really digs the statue of Mothman in point pleasant
- To the point where you have to stop him from recreating it once you get back to the mansion
- “Consider this, Helen: where will you find gigantic wings or a moth head?” “I could probably just tan some skin” “like cows skin right” *he starts sweating* “Helen you’re talking about using cows skin right? Please tell me you mean cows skin”
- If you do go camping he’s gonna want to look for the cryptid right away, don’t have time to set up tents or cameras, lets just GO I wanna SEE it
- His favorite theory is that mothman is some kind of angel or ultra-terrestrial being. Tbh he finds aliens stupid :/
- Beyond mothman his absolute favorite cryptid is the chupacabra. He’s like obsessed with the pictures of that dog they thought was a chupacabra, the bloodsucking, the reptilian versions of them, everything
- Tbh getting him into cryptids was maybe not the best bc now there are corpses in the woods that he’s working on modeling into cryptid “corpses” and you know that’s kind of his gig but it’s grOSS
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kingofkate · 3 years
Welp. Here I go Ranting again.
This is a rant about an old Manga series called Akuma No Hanayome (Bride of Deimos/Devil). I was super into this a few years ago, looked back on it, picked it up again, ordered the new books, finished what I know to be available. Let it sit for like a year. NOW I have some freaking thoughts about this.
Let me warn you. This is not going to be pretty.
Let’s get into it.
I HATE this series. SO. MUCH.
Don’t know what it is? Let me sum it up for you.
Basically it is roughly 17 volumes and a few more recently published of one guy (a shit head) trying to figure out if he wants to fuck his sister, or a girl who looks just like her but is actually a good person. Still reading? Why?
Anyway, it all starts in ancient Greece or something where Venus and her twin brother are all Gody or whatever. Except get this, they really wanna bone. So they just straight up kiss one day and Jupiter or something is like NO INCEST IN MY HOUSE KIDS!!!! And curses them.
Venus get’s sent to Hades to slowly rot away (a real blow because her beauty is everything) and her brother get’s turned in Deimos, the king of Hades who is ugly because he has horns, wings, and weird ass feet. Not going to talk about how this guy was the closest thing I (an asexual) had to a sexual awakening. He gave me a heart boner. Imma just say it.
Anyway, Venus is all like “ow this sucks. But like... I still wanna bone, you know? So get down there (or up there I guess) and find my reincarnation... or whatever it is, kill her, then I can take over her body and we can totes get it on.”
Deimos thinks this sounds completely reasonable. So he... uh... dicks around for a loooooong time (even though it is shown in issues that she has been reborn like a bunch of times and he’s even met her before!) until we get to where the manga picks up.
We meet Minako. Basically a child (I think she’s in middle school??? Whatever, max age is highschool age). Deimos appears in her dream all cool and normal looking to try to seduce her, which goes south INSTANTLY when she gets a good look at him and he just goes straight into demon mode.
The first few volumes have somewhat of a stable storyline. Somewhat. The basic story is that Minako knows that Deimos wants to marry her and also wants to kill her, that he is a demon, and that he keeps literally murdering all of her friends (or people she meets and likes). Why did he think murder was the best way to win a girls heart? uh...
Yeah, he never really thought this through.
At some point Venus finds a way to turn into a butterfly for some reason and spends the rest of the volumes swapping back and forth between trying to kill Minako and trying to kill Deimos because she rightly assumes he has feelings for Minako.
Deimos on the other hand spends literally 17 full volumes trying to figure out who he loves more. And anyone reading can clearly tell that he likes Minako more even though that’s not how love works at all. Basically, Venus has turned into a vengeful bitch and Minako is still a actually nice person despite how many people in her life have died. It all comes down to one tiny thing: guilt.
Over and over Deimos goes over (usually justifying it to SOMEONE) that he loves Minako (they aren’t dating and any time he spends with her she it telling him to get lost and begging him to not kill her friends) BUT it was his love for his sister that put her in Hades where she is suffering so he feels he owes it to her to kill Minako and give her another chance at life.
Does that sound needlessly complicated? Don’t worry. You have plenty of time to get used to it because this is repeated over in every single issue from Volume 2 onward. 
I’m not kidding about that. Every issue starts with Minako doing something different, not referring to the events of the last issue, Deimos shows up, torments Minako about how unfair the world is, kills her friend, then gets all mad she doesn’t want to marry/die with him. Sometimes Venus is in the story. Sometimes it focuses on Deimos where he laments about his sister problems. But for 16 volumes there. is. no. story.
It’s so vague that when reading it online depending where you read it the stories are all mixed up so it’s hard to read it all in one place. 
Even when it seems like things are FINALLY going to happen, it doesn’t change. One issue has Deimos finally decides, fuck it, this has gone on long enough, I’m just going to kill Minako and get this over with. Only for a vampire lady to try to kill Manko first, leading to Deimos saving her and deciding not to kill her because the sword he was making to do got burned up in the fight. 
In another one Minako gets possessed by the ghost of a dead sister who wants to marry her brother (oh boy) so she wants to transfer her soul into her brother’s wife’s body (OH BOY) and Deimos is like do it, let’s see how this works out. And it seems like he finally has his answer until the brother is like “I love my wife for her soul, not her body” and Deimos is like “YOU CAN DO THAT?!” and the issue concludes with him saying he wants Minako’s soul and body. So no Venus right? WHO FUCKING KNOWS!
The series was dropped for like 20 years or something with no hint of a conclusion until the author picked it up again and a few more volumes were released. I went out of my way to order these from Japan (I do not speak Japanese) so I could see the conclusion but guess what? It was just 4 more volumes of the SAME. DAMN. THING!!!!
Like dammit man/woman just pick one! I don’t even care which one! I’d be satisfied if every single one of them died at this point. I don’t care! JUST END!
I don’t need 3 more stories about Minako actually finding someone who is kind and respects her only for Deimos to make a big deal about “this must be what jealousy is!” until he just pulls some demon crap and kill them in some horrible way. (ex. cured one of cancer so he could be hanged by the state for a murder Deimos tricked him into committing, caused one guy to commit suicide after making him accidentally kill his sister, and I’m sure there is more but I don’t feel like reading the 49 translated issues again to find it)
There is also the point that Minako keeps falling in love with guys who are the complete opposite of him. They are nice, treat her well, respect her, normally blonde I think?, and oh, did I mention they don’t kill everyone around her on a daily basis? No? Well the didn’t. You know.. before they died...
This is just a crazy unending story about a guy unsure just how much he still wants to fuck his sister and a poor innocent girl getting dragged into it. I hate it. I hate how hot Deimos is. I hate how cute and sweet Minako is. And I hate Venus in general. There are no other characters that manage to last more than an issue. (except maybe death but he only shows up a few times and no one likes him)
What is the conclusion to take from this? I was an emotionally horny tween/teen and overlooked incest for a hot guy. Now I’m older and realize that the incest should have been a huge red flag for an already shitty story that wasn’t a story because the author had no idea where they wanted to take it. They just wanted a hot guy doing bad things to a pretty girl for weird sexy reasons.
Rant over.
Hopefully I won’t think back on any OTHER Manga and end up ranting again. None of you deserve this.
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sparklingichigo · 3 years
Drama Intensifies
Part 12
Meanwhile, Simeon and Luke help Ichigo and Barbatos up, luckily they're not that injured but they need to get them both to safety.
Mammon: Let's go! I think there's a safe room somewhere!
Simeon: Certainly. Can you stand, Ichigo?
Ichigo: Yeah, I can^^ Thanks for the help though.
Simeon: It's the least we can do.
Luke: There it is, let's go! Simeon, can we just fly there? It's faster!
Mammon: Yeah, just give her to me. I'm faster.
Ichigo: Can't you guys not- just get me there ffs-
Luke: Mammon, we're in the middle of an emergency! That's not important! JUST GET HER THERE RIGHT NOW!!
Simeon: [Sigh but gets her there any way via air]
Ichigo: Not expecting that much light but okay-
Luke: Angel things-
Mammon: Here have my shade- [gives Ichigo his shades]
Ichigo and Luke: It's not going to work!!
Simeon: Sorry about that, but we're here now^^ [puts Ichigo to the safe rooms' bed]
In the meantime, Haruka is still fighting against the enemies alone. Since it's too much she decides to take it to the air. The battle proceeds with her summoning more magic.
Haruka: Blizzara!
Yes, that's her first spell, summoning a big chunk of ice to fall against the enemies. Of course, this succeeds but there's more. More enemies are coming at her so she chants out another spell.
Haruka: Thundraga
The name goes without saying, it's a spell to summon thunder, to electrocute the enemies, specifically one of the generals from the shadow Kingdom, unfortunate for him, he got electrocuted. Rip.
Of course, everyone is impressed by this. One of them is a female general, she took interest in her powers.
Female general: This is quite interesting. Who is she again?
Random knight from the shadow kingdom: Oh she's a princess.
Female general: A princess? That's quite interesting. I'm dueling with her.
Random knight: Are you sure ma'am? She just electrocuted one of the generals
Female general: I'm sure she's not that strong against me.
With that, that female general teleports herself to be near Haruka. The two begin to duel, unfortunately, this female general has an illusion power confusing Haruka a bit. The other soldiers are also coming. The knights from Haruka's side are panicking, this includes Satan, he notices that Haruka is alone.
Satan: How is she not summoning me yet?! Where is Ichigo?! Why aren't they summoning either of us?!
Beel: I'm asking the same thing. Where's Ichigo? How is not summoning me yet?
Lucifer: Considering your rank, probably not any time soon.
Beel: What-
Satan: I- Okay-
At the same time, Haruka summons another spell as more enemies are attacking her.
Haruka: Inficio!
Instantly poisonous gas covers the whole area causing her enemies to cough because of the poison but not the female general since she's not even there. She uses her cloning powers to manipulate Haruka.
Haruka: ...not again-
Female general: Hahaha! Now you can't go anywhere! Now you're stuck here and can't even figure out where I was!
Female general: Attack her!
Haruka scoffs as she shows out her swings and flies out of the circle causing confusion in the female general. She battles all the clones in a circle, the sound of swords can be heard loudly.
Michael: Satan! Why aren't you helping her?! You're her main pact, aren't you?!
Satan: I can't! Even if I go there I'd get smack back here!
Back to Haruka, Haruka is thinking of bringing this higher but since she's human she probably can't breathe. Luckily her powers are back, she raises her swords up to the sky and summons one of her powerful spells.
Haruka: Tornado!
Female general: What?! Noooooooo!!!!
All the cloning instantly disappeared and she even got stabbed by Haruka's swords. She coughs blood, signaling her death.
Random knight: Allow me to say, I told you so-
Shadow King: [facepalms]
Michael: Wait I take that back! That's a really big tornado-
Satan: Indeed.
Ramiel: I agree.
Solomon: How the f-
Lucifer: She is once again, a princess. It's no surprise.
In the safe room, Mammon and Ichigo both witness the huge tornado from outside.
Mammon: Damn! That's one huge ass tornado!
Ichigo: I'm not surprised, she is indeed powerful.
Outside, Diavolo and Merlin are both impressed by the result.
Diavolo: As expected! I picked out the right person!
Merlin: That's amazing! Wait....where's my granddaughter?
Diavolo: Currently in the safe room, I believe.
Merlin: Oh, I'll be right back.
With that Merlin teleports to the safe room. In that room, Mammon and Ichigo are still talking about how awesome that tornado is until Mammon feels someone behind him.
Ichigo: Mammon! Behind you!
Mammon: What- [got stabbed]
Ichigo: Noo! Mammon?! Mammon?!
Because of that stabbing that Reika's clone did, Mammon turns back into his half-demon half-human form. His back is clearly injured and just in time, her grandfather appears to help them.
Merlin: Oh my goodness!
Ichigo: Grandpa! W-what do we do?!
Merlin: Of course, we're destroying the clone first. Then we'll heal Mammon.
In seconds, Merlin destroys the clone without any hesitation. The shards went everywhere but luckily disappear after. Mammon is of course still coughing blood causing Ichigo's anxiety to rise even more.
Ichigo: Is he going to be okay?
Merlin: Of course. The stab isn't that deep considering it's just some crystal shards on his back. We will remove this and heal him.
Mammon: I-is it- [coughs] gonna hurt?
Merlin: It might, but it'd be quick. [heals Mammon]
Mammon: Ouch ouch ouch ouch! Not what I expected-
Merlin: Oh wow... that's a lot of blood- well luckily my magic is strong enough to heal him. [heals Mammon yet again, this time to close the wounds and prevent blood loss]
Merlin: Alright then, good as new. I'll be here to guard him. You can go back to battle again [obviously to Ichigo]
Ichigo: Alright, grandpa. [gets out of the safe room]
Just as she gets out, more knights come her way. Ichigo is annoyed by this and just throws them away.
Ichigo: It's time to summon the one and only. Leviathan, I summon you!
Suddenly, a big tsunami came into the area. Just as Shadow King and Reika are talking suddenly the two of them are drenched by seawater with Levi passing by with Lotan.
Shadow King: You were saying about her?
Reika: I told you, it won't be easy!
Levi finally arrived in front of Ichigo riding Lotan.
Levi: I'm here, normie! What do you need?
Ichigo: Well... that tsunami does help. We gotta beat those two up. You up?
Levi: Sure! Lotan, bite them!
Lotan roars and charges again the knights as the knights run off in fear. Levi and Ichigo are of course cracking up. But as they were laughing one of the generals appears.
Ichigo: Oh someone is brave enough to come and attack us. Levi, shall we attack him?
Levi: With pleasure^^ [summons a water sword]
Ichigo: In the count of three! 1....2....3!
The two of them charge against that general. Of course Levi, unfortunately, has to physically fight that general with his sword but luckily Ichigo helps him with her reality-warping magic.
At the same time, Haruka is really tired because of the tornado. So she sits somewhere, summoning a shield. Of course, Shadow King sees it as an opportunity to attack her. His long sword reaches the shield and destroys it in just seconds shocking Haruka. Of course, she is shocked.
Haruka: Not again.... [groans in frustration]
Simeon: Oh no! Haruka!! [running towards her]
Haruka: Huh? [confused noises]
Simeon of course flies there instead to get to her faster. Luckily he gets there just in time to defend her against Shadow King's long sword and his underlings.
Haruka: Dang it, Simeon! You and your super bright light! [covers herself with her wings because she's about to go blind any second]
Simeon: Sorry.... about that [sweat drops]
Haruka: I'm too tired for this. SATAN!!!
Satan: Finally! [got teleported there] wait, why is he here?
Haruka: behind you!
Luckily Satan's tail is smarter than him so of course, that tail is in a battle with whoever is behind him. Haruka is just confusedly watching Satan's tail battling with the general's sword, Simeon is just as confused.
Satan: As I was saying, why is he here?!
Haruka: If he isn't here I'd be dead! I'm tired and I need rest!
Satan: You could've summoned me!
Simeon: Got no time for that, it's an emergency. Is your tail still...?
Satan: Yeah, sort of. [haha the tail is still battling whoever it is behind him]
Levi and Ichigo are watching this from far away and instantly cracks up
Levi: Oh man, gotta love that tail!
Ichigo: Indeed. Having a tail does has its perks.
In the meantime, Solomon and Noctis are still battling Reika. It was a very intense fight since it's just a physical fight between time. Unfortunately, Noctis is down.
Reika: Oh? The most powerful sorcerer can't even beat me?
Solomon: Perhaps I'm just letting you win, just being the gentleman I am.
Reika: Shut it!
Solomon: Time to go all out^^ ASMODEUS!!
Asmo: I've been summoned~ Oh, you're alive! Cool!
Solomon: Indeed I am. Wanna help me, babe?
Asmo: Of course~ Get up, hon.
Solomon: Might as well! [getting on top of him]
Asmo: Let's go~ You can also summon the others if you want to help us.
Solomon: Might as well. I summon you, the demon of knights, Beleth!
In seconds, Belet appears and is now the one battling with Reika.
Beleth: I've been summoned. Any more orders, your majesty?
Solomon: Do your best^^ I'll help from here.
Asmo: Ooh! This is fun! Oh sht.... she's summoning another one-
Solomon: I notice... Do you want me to summon another one?
Asmo: Hm... How about Zepar, he's cool.
Solomon: ....perhaps.
and he did, so Reika's clones are battling Zepar and Beleth while Asmo and Solomon are battling Reika.
Solomon: This is getting out of hand... Where's Ichigo when we actually need her!
Asmo: Battling with Levi? I don't know! I thought you're the most powerful sorcerer of them all!
Solomon: I am! Let me just go all out on this! Sanctus Flamma!
With that Solomon summons a fire sword to match Reika's fire sword.
Asmo: Could've summoned a water sword but here we are- [sigh]
Solomon: Holy flame usually can battle against hell's fire!
Reika: Heh, I doubt that-
Solomon: Wanna try? You can't even survive Michael's holy sword.
Reika: You! [going to charge at him]
Solomon: Nuh-uh uh ^^ Not so fast. Aqua Scutum!
With that, a water-like barrier appears causing Reika's fire to shut down instantly. Reika scoffs and instantly summons her sickle.
Asmo: This is a bad idea, Solomon...
Solomon: Indeed.... run?
Asmo: Run.
The two of them end up running with Reika chasing them with that sickle. Well unfortunately for them, she's a fast runner so here she is in front of you. Luckily someone appears with Levi in time.
Ichigo: Levi, if you may.
Levi: of course^^
Reika, unfortunately, got pushed away by Levi's tsunami. F in the chatroom for Reika. Of course, Reika being the brat that she is, she is throwing tantrum despite being in Levi's seawater.
Levi: So annoying! [gives more seawater at her]
Well...unfortunate for you Levi, she's on top of you.
Levi: Oh sht-
Solomon: Oh sht indeed. Levi move!
Ichigo instantly pulls Levi away as Reika gets down with that sickle of hers creating a big hole in the middle of them, causing a big earthquake.
Ichigo: Okay.... run! Right now! Haruka, do summon them as far as possible!
Luckily Haruka hears Ichigo's command and summons the demon brothers as far as possible causing Levi and Asmo to get summoned near Haruka. Now, this leaves Solomon and Ichigo.
Ichigo: Portal?
Solomon: Portal. Let's go!
Ichigo and Solomon both enter Solomon's portal leading them to a safe place. I know what you're thinking. Where are the angels? They're still battling with the shadow King's remaining knights. Unfortunately, someone has to die today, yes that person being Ramiel. He got stabbed quite deeply causing him to cough blood.
Michael: Ramiel! Noo!!
Rosaria: Ra-ramiel....
Ramiel: I-I'm okay [blood coughing]
Michael: ... you... [Sword turns brighter]
Rosaria: Michael...
Michael: I'm fine. I'll just avenge my best friend's death!
Rosaria: But Mi-
Too late, Rosaria. Michael has forced his sword against the ground causing a big earthquake with the holy light surrounding it. Despite injuring the Shadow King, he's not dead yet.
Meanwhile, Ichigo is summoning her dragon, Violet while Haruka is summoning her familiar, Fenrir the wolf. Solomon yet again, summons his biggest demon, Bune, a three-headed dragon, and Lucifer summons Cerberus. Even Diavolo let go of his two monsters, minotaur, and basilic. Pretty much everyone summons a familiar to help battle this monster. Of course, Reika underestimates them yet again.
Ichigo: O drakon, e male so ftengometta tesd'hup'anankes!
Solomon: What are you doing....?
Ichigo: Summoning my dragon-
Solomon: Oh- [looks up and sees a big purple dragon flying towards them]
Haruka: What was that?!
Ichigo: My dragon. Hello, honey~ [to Violet as soon as she lands]
Everyone is staring at Ichigo bewildered because that's a huge dragon and she still has the audacity to call it "honey"?!
Beel: That's a really big dragon!
Ichigo: It is^^ She's also really nice unless provoked-
Luke: Whoa! Can I ride it?!
Violet: [growls]
Ichigo: Probably not^^
Meanwhile, Fenrir comes running from a portal. Of course, this wolf is in panic because his owner is in trouble.
Fenrir: Oh my goodness! Are you okay, master?!
Haruka: I am... this guy is healing me...^^
Simeon: The guy in question has a name^^
Haruka: Yes, yes. He's Simeon.
Fenrir: Oooh! The white mage!
Haruka: He is^^ But in this world he's an angel. Beware of his bright wings.
Fenrir: Ooh! That's cool!
With that, the battle begins. luckily the monster is now destroyed once and for all. The battle is finished since most of the knights are injured, especially after Michael's light sword destroying most of the knights and injuring the shadow king. But Reika and Shadow King won't give up. They decide to join forces.
Reika: Bold of you to assume this is the end.
Shadow King: Indeed. Let's start our final ceremony.
Reika: Yes, let's do that.
The light side witnesses Shadow King and Reika joining their powers. It causes an earthquake everywhere and they're most definitely larger than earth.
Solomon: Everyone, any plans?
Michael: We haven't summoned the cherubim side.
Ichigo: It's not too late! Summon him!
Beel: For now, let's find somewhere to hide as Michael summons him.
Ichigo: W-wait! Where are we going?! Honeybear?! Beel?!
Belphie: Let's do that. I'm sleepy already. Can I just sleep in the safe house?
Ichigo: Safehouse... Mammon is in there and so is Barb!!
Mammon: you two looking for me?
Barbatos: Luckily your grandfather saved us. So I think it's a good idea to find a place to hide for now but in the air considering the land is going to crack any second.
Satan: ...I can't fly for sht-
Lucifer: Well, time to carry you.
Satan: What?! Wait! Lucifer! No!!
Lucifer: Do you want to die instead?!
Satan: ... not really...
Lucifer: Exactly!
Diavolo: Barbatos! Hold on to me!
Barbatos: Thank you, M'lord.
Mammon: Levi!
Levi: Fffs, I hate it when I have to rely on you- [holds onto Mammon]
Belphie: Man am I lucky to have a strong twin-
Beel: ^^ Well at least I get to protect both of you.
Ichigo: Violet!! Get in here!!
Violet of course flies near them so they can easily fly without needing to rely on anyone. So anyone who can't fly can ride on him. Luckily Fenrir has wings as well, so he can fly too.
Lucifer: Not to worry, Cerberus^^ You're safe now [pets Cerberus inside the safe bubble]
Somewhere the angels are flying causing everyone to reach the blind realm.
Lucifer: For the love of Lord Diavolo! Tone down the brightness!!
Michael and Rosaria: No^^
Simeon: Woops-
Haruka: Simeon! Tone down the light! OmG!!
Simeon: Sorry! I don't know how to;-;
Luke: ....Well, am I glad I'm a kid-
Haruka: Oh well, I'll help you.
Haruka uses her magic to help cover up their angel wings. Now, what's gonna happen? Probably Reika destroying the whole world, but that's it for now. Good luck to all. We'll see you in the next part!
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disasterinadress97 · 4 years
Dallas Winston Headcannons nobody asked for 🤷🏻‍♀️
Trigger warning ⚠️
A bit of nsfw in there too
Pre Tulsa, life in New York
• His mom was a drug addict and had Bipolar 1 disorder
• He has/had 4 siblings, an older brother (six years older) from his moms previous relationship, older sister (five years older) from his dads past relationship, a twin brother (who was trans ftm) and a little sister (eight years younger than him)
• He was always the one to take care of his mom during her depressive episodes when she wouldn’t leave her bed.
• She often left days-weeks at a time when she was in a manic state
• He practically raises his baby sister, she died when she was four due to cancer
• That was when he decided he hates kids cause they always reminded him of her
• he was always stealing and dealing to get his twin brother anything to help his body dismorphia and feel more comfortable in his body
• His mom often sold his body and his brother’s to her drug dealer when they couldn’t afford drugs (his dad did not know this at the time)
• his dad was actually a good dad till their mom walked out on them when he was 9, that was when he started drinking and abused Dallas because ‘you fuckin look so much like her’
• He was apart of two gangs in New York, one of which was a Drag Queen gang
• The one Queen lived beside him and always heard fighting, she took him under her wing and after his mom left they were practically the ones who raised him and his little sister
• the two older siblings and his twin left a little while after their mom did, that was when he learned you can’t trust anyone
• you bet your ass this boy dressed in drag with his queens, a master with make up, can’t change my mind
• can walk in high heels/‘stripper shoes’ like no other!
• started selling his body to strangers for money after his mom left and his dad started drinking to afford to feed his sister and himself
• His other gang was a bunch of stereotypical big mean, manly gang members
• He started dating a guy from said gang, this guy was hella abusive, controlling and manipulative. Also was twice Dal’s age
• when Dallas left New York he broke up with him and the guy beat the shit out of him and burned him with a poker ‘so you’ll never forget me’
In Tulsa/present?
• has some severe PTSD, also suffers from abandonment issues, anxiety, depression and Bipolar 2 disorder
• Loves him some Rupauls drag race, reminds him of his Queens and how much he misses them
• Acts so tough and mean because In New York he was tough and knew it but was always seen as the ‘little kid’ so going to Tulsa that wasn’t gonna happen again
• first people he came out to about being bi was Mr and Mrs Curtis
• they also found out he was selling his body for rent/food money and that was when they realised how much they care about him
• him and Mrs. Curtis were super close, she was the closest thing he had to a real mom.
• He is actually so soft behind the tough guy act
• cuddles? All the time
• is a total brat sub/bottom don’t @ me
• the gang found out about his Drag Queen past when he accidentally sent pony the wrong photo from his phone ‘you tell them you die!’
• he obviously blabbed
• everyone was shook.
• Johnny was amazed because ‘he’s so tough but so pretty!’
• two bit laughed but lowkey was impressed with Dallys confidence to do that
• Steve was just ‘if it makes him nicer and happier than whateva’
• you already know soda begged him to do his make up let’s ge honest
• Darrel was quiet but was also a good dad and was like ‘as long as it keeps him out of jail we will always love him’
• he was touched but also super embarrassed the gang found out about it, but was thankful they were cool with it
• gang 100% harassed him to wear drag for them Atleast once
• one day dallas brought his make up and shoes over, he did his and soda’s make up and wore his shoes and the gang was shook! ‘How can you walk in those?! So easily??’ ‘He looks prettier than half the girls at school!’
• all the support from the gang!
• Dallas actually reads a lot like pony does but doesn’t talk about it incase he gets made fun of for the books he likes
• is also really smart but plays dumb
• this boy LOVES vampires, they’re his guilty pleasure. We talking the vampire chronicles, the vampire diaries, true blood, he even liked the twilight books but will never tell a soul!
Dating headcanons!
• cuddles all the time
• is very insecure and gets jealous easy
• surprisingly isn’t violent or aggressive when jealous, he’s scared if he is they will leave
• plot twist! Sylvia was actually a beard so Soc’s and other gangs wouldn’t know he’s bi
• they only said she cheated cause she was caught with another dude. The hate and hurt was all an act
• is a brat so will tease his dom in public subtly but so much
• is super clingy
• wants to be together all the time
• always needs reassurance ‘are you sure you’re still happy? Like I didn’t do anything wrong?’ ‘No, babe I love you’. ‘Oh okay, are you sure tho?’ 24/7
• always getting Johnny to stay at bucks or his dads when his dad isn’t home so Johnny is safe
• feeding this boy all the time!
• when he hears dal is a bottom Johnny is shook but surpringly into a ‘daddy’ role
• drive in dates whenever they can
• they watch the stars a lot
• when Dallas is super anxious he picks at his nails a lot and Johnny holds his hands to help him feel a bit at ease
• when Dallas is in a manic state Johnny follows him anywhere he goes. Parties, fights, anything. He just wants to make sure he doesn’t get jailed again or hurt
• Johnny highkey loves when Dallas dresses in drag ‘you’re just so confident and hot!’
• watches while Steve works on his cars, he likes seeing Steve so interested and content
• when either of them fight with their dads they drive around all night and talk. They are both quiet about feelings usually but wanna be there for each other
• hangs around the DX while Steve and soda work
• both don’t say a lot normally but are always touching each other
• when Dallas is in a depressive episode Steve will come to bucks and just lay with him for hours
• They talk about both their moms walking out on them sometimes. They both swear if they ever met these women there would be hell to pay ‘how could she abandon this beautiful person?’
• all the spooning you could ask for
• Dallas is always complimenting him. ‘You’re so pretty wtf’
• on the anniversary of sodas parents death Dallas buys him flowers and they go to their graves
• when Dallas doesn’t answer his phone Soda highkey panics ‘what if he’s hurt?! What if he’s in jail ahain?’
• Dallas always feels bad about this and tries to make it up to him
• soda is always reminding Dallas he’s not alone and he loves him
• when soda really misses his mom Dallas and him talk about some of their favourite memories with her. Soda is still sad but it makes him a little happier knowing how much she cared about him and the one he loves so much
Two bit
• jokes 24/7
• when the gang isn’t around Dallas only calls him Keith or babe
• two doesn’t usually like his name but when Dallas says it he hates it a little less every time
• two bits mom wasn’t a fan of Dallas at first but after a while and gets to know him she loves him so much ‘mom I’m home’ ‘where is dallas’ ‘idk’ ‘tell him to come over I’m making his favourite dish’
• when two bit gets jealous or feels Dallas is he always puts his arm around his waist or kissing him so the person gets the hint
• twos little sister looks up to their relationship a lot and loves how happy her brother is
• two doesn’t stop drinking but slows down on it when Dallas mentions once it worries him sometimes
• Dallas and twos little sister get close really fast. Dallas is always giving her advice and one day brings her some old make up of his and she loves it!
• two doesn’t understand why dallas seems a little sad after times like these until one day dallas tells him about his little sister and how two should spend more time with her, ‘just in case something happens. I don’t want you to regret anything like I do’
• two makes a point to spend more time together the three of them after that
• they read together sometimes
• Dallas will go to literally any movie if pony is interested
• picks pony up from school everyday
• if Dallas gets arrested you know pony is lecturing him for Atleast a half hour. Dallas just sits there with heart eyes because ‘damn I missed this pain in my ass’
• dates at the Dingo are their Friday night ritual
• they both have terrible nightmares and are always cuddling and comforting eachother after
• Dallas is always saying little things to pony about his relationship with Darrel ‘I know he’s on your case all the time but it’s cause he means well’. Dallas then tells pony about his brothers and sister and how he wishes he could live with them and see them like pony can with Darrel
• pony and dar still fight sometimes after this but never in front of Dallas
• they don’t go out a lot for dates but like to watch their favourite shows together (they kick the gang out for a few hours on these nights)
• Darrel brings out the brat in Dallas 24/7 and he teases him all the time until Darrel gets to a point he just looks at him and with a deep voice ‘bedroom now’ and Dallas practically trips over his own feet running to the room
• they are not quiet either! The gang sees them go in Dar’s room and they all groan and leave ASAP
• the gang found out about them when the gang came over and heard Dallas call out ‘daddy!’ And never let him live it down ‘how’s it going daddy’s boy’ ‘I will literally kill you two bitch’
• Darrel never celebrates his birthday after his parents die and Dallas puts an end to that so fast. He goes all out, flowers, presents, sexy time. Anything he can do
• always sitting on Darrel’s lap, clinging to him, hugging. All of it. He’s just amazed and thankful he has such a strong and beautiful bf who loves him
• dar once let dallas do make up on him and Darrel borderline didn’t like how good he looked in it
• Dallas got him to experiment in drag and Darrel felt hella empowered. Now they dress up together sometimes. But dar says only Dallas is allowed to see him like that
• this makes dal feel extra special and close to dar and he loves it
• sarcastism never stops
• Tim is quiet but really protective, he can say whatever he wants about Dallas but once someone says one bad thing they best be ready to square up
• patching eachother up after fights al the time
• they be kinky bitches man!
• after a nightmare Dallas told Tim a little bit about his ex and it took dallas an hour to talk him out of going to New York to kill this man
• Dallas does strip teases for Tim in his stripper shoes on special occasions.
• Tim didn’t tease him for his make up or anything, he actually found it real pretty on him
• Tim never lets him stay at his own place or bucks after they get together.
• Tim is Demi sexual
• Dallas heard his ex was released out of prison and has a sever panic attack. Tim was right there reassuring him ‘babe I’m right here. No ones gonna hurt you’.
• dals mom comes to town and Tim got Angela and her friends to give her a ‘Tulsa greeting’. Needless to say she left as soon as she came
This was so long and horrible I’m sorry
Special thanks to @sunlitcigars for helping with some ideas and encouraging me to post these
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