#i want an open world with a genuine sense of progression. i want one where the puzzles ramp up as you continue. yes that means limiting-
mememan93 · 4 months
Tears of the Kingdom is a year old! How do you feel?
like about the game? the same as i did when it came out. it sucks.
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meanbossart · 4 months
Do Drow and Astarion ever argue? Not necessarily over silly things, but serious stuff, like things going on in their relationship or, for example, due to a misunderstanding. If so, how do they act during those times? Overall, I just would like to know what they're like if they happen to get mad at each other lol.
Oh absolutely LOL arguing might as well be a pillar of how they... Progress their communication? If that makes any sense.
They are both abrasive in their own ways: DU drow in his brashness and Astarion with his quick temper. The former easily misses signs and sublety and the latter frustrates easily when trying to explain them to him. It is almost entirely In Astarion's camp to keep open communication going and pry DU drow's feelings and thoughts out of him, because he otherwise does not express them properly.
Something I found noteworthy about Astarion's character in-game, is that he is very good at being vulnerable when your relationship progresses - he is good at communicating his needs, wants, and seemingly at processing his own feelings and being upfront about them with you. DU drow, on the other hand, very much isn't. His internal world is a complete mystery to him, as is everyone else's - and Astarion consistently puzzles him and catches him off-guard by becoming upset with things he did not expect him to be upset by.
By contrast, he just closes up when he is distressed by something. Astarion has essentially found that the only way to get through to him in times like those is by elevating the stakes of the conversation - having a minor outburst, or prying and prodding until he gets some frustrated, reluctant admitance of emotional vulnerability out of him - he then privately puzzles it together into something cohesive and then disengages so they can tackle it calmly. This is, of course, a very clinical summary of a very organic concept, but it's more or less the gist of it. There are a few examples of it In A Novel Experience.
Ironically, this often makes it seem like Astarion starts every argument they have, but it's not quite as it seems!
Obviously there are absolutely instances where Astarion is the one being unreasonable, but he's much better at catching himself and quietly arriving at resolutions on his own - self-soothing, essentially. DU drow, on the other hand, wants to sweep every conflicting emotion he has under the rug, and Astarion realizes this would doom them as a couple if he allowed it to happen.
He can express his love and adoration for his partner and his friend concisely and proudly, but he staggers when it comes to feelings of insecurity, weakness, guilt, fear, the works. He will use every euphemism before he ever admits to any of it - not to mention the times when he can't even pin-point what those emotions are.
It takes someone who can navigate around all those eggshells to have an earnest conversation with him about it. This would be very frustrating for any partner to deal with and Astarion would have probably given up by now if DU drow didn't try very hard to meet him in the middle - he sees that, and he apreciates it.
They don't argue like lunatics though, for the record. I don't think they would ever raise a hand at each other or sink to personal insults, they are both more passive aggressive in that regard and feel genuinely bad when they realize they may have crossed a line - there's some nipping, some barking, never biting.
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
I am going to talk about some of my thoughts about why I believe N's behavior changed as the PR tour progressed. I am also going to talk about my thoughts on if L&N ever got "jiggy with it" 😂 I'll try to get to my thoughts on Toronto and Ireland tomorrow.
Before I start though, I want to mention that I am trying to come to my theories/opinions based off of things I have been able to observe, and verified information online. Obviously though, I don't actually know any of these people irl, so I am never going to understand the full story of what is going on between L/N. All of this is just my thoughts and theories on what is going on based on what has been put out to the public. There has been a lot of speculation online about everything, but I am going to try and not give that information too much weight when coming to my conclusions here. I am interested in hearing everyone's thoughts/opinions though, since this story has a lot of moving parts. Just wanted to put this disclaimer out before moving forward with more of my thoughts/theories.
Alright, on to the main course (this is going to be a LONG post btw)...
N on the PR Tour
I want to start off with the following that we know to be fact about N:
She is INCREDIBLY private about her personal life, especially her dating/romantic life (the same isn't/hasn't really been true about L). In fact, I don't believe N has ever publicly come out as being in a relationship with anyone since she entered the entertainment industry/been in the public eye (although I can't 100% confirm this, so please let me know if there are any articles/or something on her SM where she has publicly confirmed she was in a relationship at some point)
She is VERY online, and very careful about controlling her public narrative
She is a naturally touchy and affectionate person with people, but she seems to hold her true feelings a lot closer to her heart, and it seems to me, that she is kind of "on" in public (which is actually an important skillset to have as someone in the entertainment industry because you really need to know how to stay in control of your public narrative--your fans are your livelihood)
She LOVES photography/taking photos (it is one of her love languages I believe)
Now as I mentioned, L was always a lot more of an open book on the PR tour about his feelings for N (refer to my post here). N seemed to be a lot more reserved/gaurded during the tour when it first started in January, but everything shifted in like April when the world tour started. Below are my thoughts:
N started to become a LOT more obvious through her nonverbal cues about her genuine feelings for L as the tour unfolded. I will say that I believe PART of it probably had to do with getting a little "lost in the sauce" with the energy of the tour. However, I think the larger factor was that L & N were pushed together for many months (in close quarters), and were therefore forced to have conversations about their feelings for each other that I think they had been tiptoeing around for quite a while. From what we then saw from like the middle of Italy (I'm an Italy truther), there was more of a confidence, security, and contentment in how they interacted with each other that signaled to me feelings were shared and reciprocated.
Like I mentioned, she is a PR queen and very, very private about this part of her life. Therefore, why would she decide to be so obvious about her feelings on such a public stage when she knows people analyze everything? Well... I believe this is her way of publicly acknowledging their romantic feelings for each other without ACTUALLY publicly acknowledging anything more than "work besties" is going on with them. Which totally makes sense when you think about it because 1) The fandom would LOSE IT rn 2) That would put a LOT of public pressure on them, and I think these feelings they have shared with each other are very new (but had been brewing for a long time), and I don't think they are confident enough to go public. There is also, of course, the A of the whole situation, which L needs to figure out how he wants to move forward with that. TLDR, the situation is very messy, and I think there is a lot that L/N need to process in private regarding each other out of the public eye. I am pretty confident though that this tour put them in a situation to confront, clarify, and establish what their romantic feelings are for each other outside of the show (and they were reciprocated), and they are taking the space right now to explore that privately.    
Lastly, because I really like analyzing photos and N loves taking pictures, let's talk about those "boyfriend pics" of L she posted since the world tour started. Yes, she was promoting the show, but a lot of those pictures (especially recently) have a very specific vibe. She wants the world to see him the way she sees him. She loves that man, clear and simple. He shines around her, and she knows that. I think it’s also especially telling that she posted the most recent boyfriend pic of her last day of filming (which was the most obvious one in my opinion) now that A is publicly connected to L. It was a statement in my opinion, that regardless of all the drama unfolding, her and L have a really deep and meaningful connection that is special to her. I think it also served as a message that we don’t know the full story, which I think is a positive thing for us Lukola fans. Now I can’t predict the future with these two, but I am fairly certain we wouldn’t have been seeing the type of behavior we saw from them on the PR tour, and the types of photos she has been posting of him lately, if they weren’t confident in moving forward with their romantic relationship in the near future (especially since A has been in the picture for quite some time). I think these pics serve as another crumb that they are a little more than just work besties.
One last note, I think the reason our PR queen started slipping up and changing her answers to certain questions on the tour is because SHE WAS REALLY HAPPY WITH HIM. This can be a whole separate post at some point if people are interested, but I am almost certain from everything I have observed regarding N, that she is quite jaded when it comes to finding a romantic partner, and has been hurt in romantic relationships in the past.  I feel like L is the more sweet, hopeless romantic between the two. I think he allowed her to heal some of her relationship wounds. I think there is something about L and the experiences they’ve shared together that has reignited something within N to make her feel more hopeful about having a deep romantic connection while she can still be very independent and successful in her field. And I think it specifically has something to do with who L is when he is with her and how he treats her. I get the impression he has really altered the way she sees certain things related to romantic relationships. My whole point is that I think they both know what they have, and they know that if they can get on the same page, this relationship would get serious pretty quickly. Therefore, even though N is really private with this part of her life, for L, I think she would publicly acknowledge their relationship, but only when/if they are able to get to a point where they feel confident enough that their relationship would be able to withstand the pressures from the public. They just aren't there currently because of all the other confounding factors, but I don't think that necessarily signals where they will be in like 6 to 8 months imo...
Have L/N ever gotten freaky deaky irl?
From before the PR tour, I just don't have enough information to confidently say yes or no. A lot of people have different opinions on this, and some people think they casually dated near the end of filming season 3/sometime last year (but we don't have any proof of that). This is what I will say:
N still follows J (and vice versa I believe, please lmk if I'm wrong?), so I don't think there is any bad blood there. This makes me pretty certain that L/N never acted on any physical feelings for each other until after that relationship was completely over. I do think though that L/N have had a spark for a while (and tbh, I think L has kind of had a thing for N since they met, and his feelings for her have always been stronger). Therefore, this likely played a part in him emotionally distancing from his relationship with J when season 3 started filming, but at the end of the day, we will never know the specicifics of why they decided to part ways. My guess is that there were a lot of reasons that relationship did not end up working out considering how serious that relationship was.
Considering how WILD L/N's sexual chemistry is, it wouldn't surprise me if they hooked up at some point before the PR tour. But considering L was on Raya by February/March 2023 (from my understanding?), and the fact that N was SUPER busy last year and traveling a bunch, I just don't think there was any time for them to have anything more than something super casual/no commitment (if anything). Even if they did maybe hook up some, I don't think they really directly addressed the depth of their feelings for each other, which is why we saw all that behavior between them on the tour, because I don't think any clear boundaries had been put up and their feelings came flooding back.
Now I feel a lot more confident that somethingggg intimate happened at least once between them on the PR tour. Here are my theories:
I don't think things were great between them at the beginning of the tour (like January) because feelings I think started popping up again for these two during the reshoots in December 2023, and then the NYE kiss comes out, and N and L are feeling disconnected and aren't really on the same page about the tour.
I think they had some conversations in private, because by the VDay event, they seemed a lot more on the same page (and L was giving N those total heart eyes). The extra layer is that (I believe?) A accompanied L to the city the event was in (I think NYC?), but even though A was staying with him, L was STILL looking at N like THAT during the event (which I think speaks VOLUMES).
I think though there were a lot of things they still weren't talking about, and everything came to a head when they got to Italy, which is why the vibes were off at first and it seemed like there was tension between them. This also occurred soon after the Instyle stunt, so I feel like N probably had some feelingssss about that.
I have recently been converted to an Italy truther, so I believe that Italy was where L/N finally addressed/readressed some of their feelings for each other, and N was trying to get some clarity on WTH was going on with A, and making sure it wasn't going to mess anything up with the tour. But I think they "kissed and made up" 😉 and got back on the same page. Which is why there was the shift in Italy, and why we saw what we saw for the rest of the tour.
Not sure exactly what happened of course, but I get the feeling something physical happened after they started having some BIG conversations about each other that they had needed to have for a long time (and I think they continued to have these conversations with each other as the tour progressed). Let's also remember that these are two very non-confrontational people, so I feel like there must have been a LOT of pent up feelings/emotions for them to publicly show that they weren't super happy with each other/beefing during the beginning of Italy.
I also definitely think they physically acted on their feelings in Brazil (like they just had the "glow" imo 😂). And the eff me eyes, c'mon. Like Brazil continually reminded me of that New Girl quote "The stench of filth and lust is all over this room." It just seemed pretty obvious to me 😂 Especially considering the events that transpired right after that with A, and between L/N for the rest of the tour.
Lastly, I know a lot of people believe that L/N didn't physically act on their feelings because the tension would go away. However, I actually think it's a good sign that tension is still there, because I think it shows that there is a pretty deep connection between these two, and they are still feeling that pull/sexual energy after having sex. They kind of remind me of like two friends in a friend group who just admitted their true feelings for each other but aren't ready to go public, but are also having crazy good sex, so they are super obvious and can't really hide it when they are together LOL Regardless if they had ever physically acted on their feelings before the tour, I think these experiences (IF they did indeed occur), helped L/N get clarity if their strong feelings and attraction for each other went past the show and their characters. And I personally think they got that clarity 😉
Wowww okay that turned into an essay LOL, but I think the TLDR is that the situation seems very complicated right now, and I think there is a lot that L/N are needing to figure out in private. But I don't think that negates or invalidates what we saw between them on the PR tour, or that they were "faking" their feelings. Human beings are messy and imperfect, and that is okay. I think the part that still really confuses me is the whole A of the situation, because I just can't wrap my head around it. I would love to hear other people's opinions though on how she factors into all this, so if you have theories/questions you would like to add to that discussion, drop them in my asks. Because I have thoughtssss 😂
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gideonisms · 13 days
For the prompt you asked! Griddlehark end up being fuck buddies by necessity but they still hate eachother or do they??
I had fun with this one <3
In the tight confines of the closet they’ve found themselves in, Harrow struggles for purchase against the horrible shelving unit. Gideon’s set her on a bottom shelf as she scrambles to open what should be a fairly simple button and zipper situation.
“Griddle,” Harrow grits out. “Do you need help getting in my pants? Have you lost your sense of direction? You know the medics have a tea for those struggling with the physical aspects of survival in deep space.”
“Fuck you, I’ll show you my physical aspects,” Gideon answers, predictably. She grabs the hand Harrow is trying to snake down to her pants and holds it back easily, not bothering to be gentle as she finally thumbs the pants open and sticks her fingers underneath the waistband of Harrow’s thermal underwear. “Really?” she says.
“I get cold.”
“Yeah, I bet you do, you frigid bi—”
Gideon breaks off as Harrow takes her wrist with her free hand and shoves Gideon’s fingers down to her cunt, where she’s warm and already embarrassingly wet.
Well, Harrow reasons, it’s been a long assignment. She can’t say she’s made much scientific progress, but she’s begun to chart a good estimate of the time it takes from seeing Gideon to fighting with Gideon to locking Gideon with her in a closet. The average is fifteen minutes. Today, it had been forty-five seconds.
“Oh, you need it bad,” Gideon says. The grin is evident; Harrow doesn’t bother to turn on the lights.
“I have ten minutes until I need to check the cryochambers.”
“Uh huh.” Gideon slides her fingers over Harrow, but not where Harrow needs them. Fucking useless! Nav has never done anything but disappoint. Her thumb barely brushes Harrow’s clit, and Harrow’s hips buck. On the shelf behind her, she hears something topple.
“Gideon, please.”
At that, Gideon’s body goes still. Harrow can’t tell what she’s thinking, can never really tell. Even when she came to Gideon and asked for this the first time, both of them so pent up from nine months of deep space with a bunch of ancient scholars who barely listened to a word Harrow said and certainly didn’t pay any attention to a spare security guard—even then, Harrow couldn’t tell why Gideon agreed. Although she makes a study of Gideon Nav, day in and day out, although she’s memorized her down to the twitch of her thighs before she comes, in some ways Gideon remains a mystery to her.
“Oh. You’ve never asked me before,” Gideon says, sounding genuinely surprised.
“I thought it was impli—oh fuck.”
Gideon slides two fingers in easily, still not gentle, but slow enough that Harrow can back out if she wants. Harrow bears down with her whole body. Her leg hits a broom handle, and she swears, but Gideon curves her fingers so perfectly, hits the mark exactly—in this, she’s always been a quick study. Harrow wants to cry at how good this feels, after all the months orbiting a cold dead rock. After all this time feeling like a corpse in a coffin, perpetually separate from the world.
“All you ever had to do was ask,” Gideon says.
The coffin lid opens. Harrow comes alive.
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tragedybunny · 10 months
If you are in the mood for writing and taking requests, could you pls write a short fic about crying f!Tav and Astarion comforting her?
Hello! I hope you like it. This was actually a scene I had been thinking about for awhile as it fits in with my Tav's story. Thank you to @satanicspinosaurus for the beta.
Lean On Me - Astarion x F!Reader
Your group stepped through the Basilisk Gate after your confrontation with Gortash at Wyrm’s Rock, entering Baldur’s Gate properly for the first time. The clamor and crowds of the city were overwhelming, smothering you in an alien way of life you’d only glimpsed in bits and snatches from the Patriar’s ivory walls of the Upper Gate.
were familiar, and yet not, and entirely overwhelming. You almost stumble as you glance around, trying to take everything in. Muscles tense as it all blurs together and you frantically try to figure out how to navigate the section of the city you’ve rarely seen. Someone soundlessly hovers at your shoulder.
“Everything alright, Darling?” Astarion whispers to not draw the attention of the others. 
“Y-yeah,” you stutter before stepping away. There isn’t time for you to be anything else, so you breathe deep and take a step. 
“Should we start at the Elfsong? Could be a good base to operate from, and there’s always information to be found there.” Wyll’s point is solid, and the Emperor already urged you to stop there. 
“Good call.” There was just one problem. 
“Lead on, fearless Leader,” Wyll says jovially, but you’ve frozen where you stand. “You do know the way to the Elfsong right?” 
“I…” Frantically, you try to recall anything you know about the Lower City. 
“I thought every Baldurian knew where the Elfsong was,” Karlach asks, without malice, but genuine curiosity. 
You open your lips, but instead of words, a small noise comes out. It’s not their fault, they have no way of knowing, the Lower City was worlds away from your gilded cage. A place forbidden, it was below you. Or so you were told. 
“You're not familiar with the area, are you?” Wyll offers kindly, sensing something is wrong and trying to take some of the sudden pressure off. 
He says something else, but you can’t even hear him. The busy streets fade into visions of dark, cold rooms with windows to a world you can never touch. Tears embarrassingly prick your eyes as you’re drawn back into a place where fear motivates perfection, where hurt is a price paid to be molded into who you need to be. Eyes that mirror your own, blue and icy as a winter storm, stare at you with disdain. The message is clear: you’re not enough. 
Vaguely, more voices flit across your consciousness, but you can’t focus, until one voice in particular breaks though. “Go on ahead, I’ll take care of her.”
Cold hands clasp yours, a momentary calm in the storm. “Can you hear me, Love?” Wordlessly, you nod. “I’m going to lead you into this alley, just so we get out of the street.” The insistent pull is easy to follow with nothing to anchor you. 
The clustered buildings block the daylight, plunging you into shadows and shade, any progress of Astarion’s reassuring voice is lost. Daylight is a reward for obedience, and there is none of it here. Mother’s voice is in your ear, the matriarch of ice. You want to leave, but the door is locked, useful trinkets can’t be left to their own devices, lest they be lost. You feel yourself trembling, and you know you’re still crying. “You’re not there, you’re safe. Just focus on my voice. You can do that for me, right, my Sweet?” 
Eyes squeeze shut, and you yank your hands away from his to rub fitfully at the scar on your wrist. You never could get away from her, you're drowning in frigid water, you can’t breathe. She wouldn’t let you go, even when your heart stopped beating. Foolish to think you’d ever escape. “I’m going to take your hand again. I won’t hurt you.” 
Astarion makes a strangled gasp when he pries your hand from your wrist, but he holds it gently, rubbing softly with his thumb. “Come back to me, Sunlight, I’m right here.” 
Sunlight. “...you’re bright, and warm, and beautiful,” you can still hear those words of his as clear as the night he said them. Warm, bright, nothing like what you’re supposed to be. Because you’re free now, you’re no longer currency to be traded, your life is yours to mold. 
“Astarion,” you force your eyes open and struggle to get more words out between ragged breaths, burying your tears back down inside yourself. Wide crimson eyes stare at you with open concern, traveling down to where your nails have worried jagged, red lines in the skin of your wrist. Pulling it to your chest, you tuck it out of sight, wanting both of you to forget what you saw. “I’m fine. We should get going.” There’s so much that needs to be done. 
Astarion is never good at hiding his emotions from you, and hurt flickers across his face for a moment before he regains control. “But you’re not, and you don’t have to be all the time.” 
Deep breath, reassuring smile, the composure of a leader. Everyone is counting on you. That’s why they love you, you lead where they can’t. “Really, I’m alright, I-”
Gently, he pulls you into himself, and runs fingers comfortingly through your hair. “I know what it’s like, remember?” Gods, you’d almost forgotten who you were trying to convince. Instincts want to fight him still, to go on, to stop making a scene. But his comforting touch persists, and he raises your stinging wrist to his lips, laying the most delicate kiss on it. 
The tears you’d so successfully banished well back up, and you find yourself sniffling into his shirt, building to genuine gulping sobs. 
Composure shattered, there’s no going back. All your weight leans into him as you cry. “Sorry, I’m sorry, really, I’ll be fine.” 
“Shh, no apologies, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Lips kiss the top of your head, and you bury your face against him, still ashamed of breaking down. 
Time slips away from you as you let the fear and hurt drain away in tears. Astarion’s hold never waivers, soothing words falling from his lips in a low whisper until you finally quiet. There’s an emptiness where it all was, but it’s better than the pain. “I-”
“That had better not be another apology on that sweet little tongue of yours.” He lets go just enough to pull back and study you, concern written on his features, despite the lighter tone to his words. 
You offer him a shaky smile. Despite his faults, Astarion tries to be a good partner. “It burns like failure. I should be better.”
“Hmm, that sounds like it comes from your family I'd wager,” your eyes go wide at his deduction, “it wasn't hard to figure out from the little bits I've been able to get from you. But they're not here, and I am. And I say you're so very strong already, you deserve some time when you’re not.” 
Silently, you let your head fall back against his chest. You don’t have an answer for him because you want to argue. That’s a pointless endeavor, though, both because Astarion is nearly impossibly stubborn and a little part of you is starting to think he’s right. “Maybe,” you finally say. 
“You know I’m right Darling, like always,” it’s such a typical Astarion way of ending a heavy moment, you give him a genuine smile. “But I suppose we should catch up with the others, gods know what trouble they’ve gotten into without us.” 
If only you had time for just the two of you right now, it will have to wait though. More than just your friends, a whole city is at the precipice of disaster. And who knows how many more than Baldur’s Gate will suffer if you fail. One more kiss and you stand up straight, finding the will to press on again. 
A hand catches yours, a reminder you’re not doing this alone. 
Tag list:
@micropoe10 @spacebarbarianweird @writingmysanity
 @mxxny-lupin @azu21 @tallymonster @dependsonthedream
@sunfire-ancunin @bambamwolf87 @fayeriess
@lumienyx @lisrelly @elora-the-slutty-songstress
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adhdmeds · 10 months
How It Started W/ CSM Characters [Gender Neutral]
This is my first x reader fanfiction, so please give me plenty of criticism. You can also request certain scenarios. I hope you enjoy :) Makima:
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Makima is not a devil who cares for love. She finds the idea of love to be below her, a human concept that doesn’t concern her.
You two are coworkers at the Public Safety office in Tokyo. She’s a superior and you’re a new hire, ready to prove yourself
At first, she pays you no attention unless it’s to give you orders. Whatever kind of worker you are, lazy, hardworking, enthusiastic, etc., whatever it is, it slowly catches her attention.
At first, the idea of you becoming a lingering thought to her vexes her. She’s an important person who has to run a government organization, she has no reason to get interested in anyone, even in a platonic sense
But she can’t help it, something about you stays with her until the end of the day. This can’t persist, as she has plans for Chainsaw Man and the world. With all the devils of hell to deal with, one measly human can’t distract her
She “accidentally” let some devils loose in the Tokyo district and sent you and your team to go and fix the situation.
Despite all the odds stacked against you, you survive and this does it, Makima then can’t help but think of you CONSTANTLY.
Slowly but surely her schemes pivot from Chainsaw Man and eradicating devils to getting you to be just as infatuated with her as she is with you
Maybe she could make some use of you as well
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Poor ‘Beni, there’s no way in hell that she has the confidence to ask you out. It’s all on you, champ
For Kobeni, you will definitely need to be coworkers for you two to become close. She has to work constantly in order to please her abusive family.
You guys are assigned to patrol the city on day and that is how you two meet.
During that patrol, you strike up conversations with Kobeni, who, despite her nervous appearance, cheerfully reciprocates.
You don’t mind her nervousness, in fact, you find it quite endearing, leading you to slowly fall for her
After that patrol, you two exchange contact information to stay in touch outside of work.
This is where she will progressively open up to you about her family problems and the difficulties that she has to go through and, to her surprise, you listen and try to help her on an emotional level
No one really cared about her emotionally so she didn’t know what to do, she felt a bit overwhelmed
You being there for her and being a genuinely kind person to her is what makes her slowly grow attached to you and what makes you fall for her even harder.
You ask her to go out to eat or to watch a movie. You stop short of calling it a “date” just in case
You both have a great time
She doesn’t admit it out loud, but she would definitely agree to a few more dates
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You’re a student who transferred to Fourth East High School. You introduce yourself to the class.
Asa doesn’t think much of you at first, you’re just another student after all.
It isn’t until you are seated next to Asa that she finally pays you any attention
You start trying to talk to her outside of class to her initial displeasure, she’s an incredibly emotionally avoidant person.
This goes on for a little bit until the Bucky situation, Yoru taking over her body, and Asa losing her best friend Yuko.
After that, she starts to appreciate you coming up to her constantly.
These past two weeks have been miserable for her and you taking time out of your day to bug talk to her has cheered her up ever so slightly
Yoru wants to take advantage of this newfound friendship to make a powerful weapon to kill Chainsaw Man
Of course, Asa can’t let that happen, you are one of the only people talking to her at the moment and she can’t let you be taken away from her
This feeling of friendship slowly changes, she looks forward to school just at the thought of seeing you again
Asa decides that she must act and so she asks you out on a date and to her surprise, you agree!
Things are looking up for Asa! She has someone who she can be close with and maybe more than friends!
Maybe Yoru can leave this relationship alone, right?
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buttfishfan · 5 months
People aren't completely wrong about Kara's story being really weak, but i also feel like people dont realize the amount of missed opportunity in her section of the game.
Kara's story could've been AMAZING if only David Cage knew what he was trying to write.
Sooo here's some ideas ive been mulling over for a couple weeks about how id fix Kara's story.
1. Making Alice human
Even when i was blind to a lot of the bad writing in Detroit this plot twist made me so agitated and confused because there was no plot twist it was seriously just david cage lying to the player for 12 hours 😭 making Alice human would fix many inconsistencies in Kara's story like how she just chooses to ignore the fact that Alice is an android and acts shocked when she finds out. Having alice be human also opens up the story to a more interesting themes about the bonds that can be formed between humans and androids like holy fuck david did you forget the story you were writing midway through 😭 If Alice was human it could also lead to new game mechanics or plot where kara would need to take care of Alice's human needs like food and water which then leads into Kara being put into situations where she is forced to do the "moral" thing and sacrifice comfort or to fight for Alice's survival.
2. Giving Kara's section of the game an actual overarching choice
The biggest reason i believe people think Kara's story is so boring is because in a game that prides itself on letting its players choose their very own story Kara's story allows for the least amount of choices. Both Connor and Markus have overarching distrinct choices that lead to VERYYY polar outcomes. Connor has the ability to deviate or stay a machine and markus has the ability to lead a peaceful or violent revolution. The only distinct outcomes in Kara's story is if you make it to Canada or not and even that is just if you chose the /right/ choices instead of the choices you consciously made. I wish there was more opportunities for Kara to be really evil and fucked up but all in the name of giving Alice the world. I know you're able to steal and lie in various chapters but it never felt like it had any true weight to how kara or the story progressed.
3. Give Alice an actual personality
Throughout the entire game Alice kinda doesn't do or say anything of value like I've seriously lost count how many times she's said "im cold". It makes no sense to me how you get the relationship status of family with her as Kara when you genuinely know nothing about Alice. She doesn't talk about anything. Even as an android she like must've had some sort of interest programing to act like a child but she just never shares anything even with the people that are supposedly the closest ones to her?? I feel like her personality should've been dependent on the way youd approach Karas story. If kara is willing to do immoral things for Alice's sake I feel like Alice should also be fucked up and evil cuz like, shes a kid and kara is her role model of COURSE she'll try an be similar to her mama. If Kara chooses to sacrifice comfort for morals then Alice takes after Kara in that respect too. So not only would you be responsible for how Kara acts you'd also be responsible for the way Alice acts which gives the player the choice of do they want this little kid to follow in the wrong steps or not?
Some ideas i have for how the story should've gone
Todd brings Kara home after she gets fixed and she meets Alice for the first time. Alice obviously knows Kara but after attempting to make Kara remember her she realizes that Kara's memory has been wiped. Since Kara would've probably been the only person to care for Alice before she was broken this would lead to Alice having a breakdown where she realizes her only protection and source of comfort is gone. Alice would probably resent or be distrustful of Kara a little in the beginning because of this.
I feel like running away should've been a more difficult decision on Kara's part. She's just come home from being fixed and she's already deviated i don't think she fully knows what she wants to do with Alice. Especially when they've started off their relationship with nothing i don't think Kara should've been leaning into the whole mom thing. It would've made more sense if their interactions started off as Kara just making sure Alice stays alive and then over time their relationshio actually has room to develop instead of starting off as mother daughter and ending off as mother daughter.
These are only some ideas. Im obviously not a writer but i just really care about this game and feel like it had too much lost potential 🙏🙏
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fizziepopangel · 1 year
A Fizziepop Take: Let's talk about Blitz's new look at Stolas
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Ok, so in the past, I’ve talked about how the incident at Ozzie’s put more strain on an already fragile relationship, thus solidifying the idea a certain imp had in his mind that he was essentially beneath Stolas in every way he possibly could be and therefore unworthy of love. This ideology made the relationship between the pair appear strictly transactional since Blitz wouldn’t let it be anything else because he himself feels that that’s how it should be; that it’s all it could be. Now don’t get me wrong, Stolas isn’t completely innocent in making the whole relationship feel more like a transaction than a relationship, but in this instance, we’re gonna focus on Blitz and what I believe his turn around will be based off this newest episode because I believe that it could be a game-changer for their relationship and Blitz’s own character development. So let’s get into it!
As I’ve pointed out previously, Blitz has felt like he’s been used as a glorified sex toy since the beginning of their relationship. And given the hierarchy of the demons, Blitz is already pretty low on the totem being an imp while Stolas sits somewhere on top…. We can see that Blitz understands that when he’s tripping balls in “Truth Seekers”, but because of this, it seems that Blitz got it in his mind that Stolas was less than ‘human’ (for lack of a better term). Because of the status difference, Blitz always just assumed the other demon was unfeeling, uncaring, and essentially indestructible; building this image of the demon prince in his head that is a romanticized version of him that truly was worlds above where Blitz sees himself. And until “Western Energy” came out today, this is really the only version we’re shown of Stolas because we seem to be seeing the man the way Blitz does. Is he whiny? Sometimes. But do things hurt him? From Blitz’s point of view, no. 
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We as the audience see maybe two or three times where Stolas is truly vulnerable but it seems to end just as quickly as it starts. Blitz doesn’t see that side of him. Granted, I believe Stolas does want a relationship with Blitz where he can be vulnerable in ways he never was able to before and because he has a preconceived notion of what their relationship is, Blitz shuts down any attempt Stolas tries to initiate intimacy… But I think in the imp doing this and Stolas just blindly going with it to try to appease Blitz has given the image of someone made of stone… And being so used to the abuse from Stella, Stolas doesn’t see that he’s almost restarting the cycle with Blitz by allowing the imp to be as mean as he is to him; even going as far as to tell Blitz through text that he can be mean to him if it’s what he wants. I think this genuinely leads Blitz to believe that Stolas can't be hurt in any way, emotionally to physically.
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In all honesty, it’s interesting to look at Blitz in this light where he seems to unintentionally be another abusive relationship that Stolas is trapping himself in because you can see that the imp does genuinely care for the owl, even if he thinks he shouldn’t. That is why the incident at Ozzie’s was such a big deal to him, because after some time, I think Blitz was slowly trying to open himself up to Stolas and whatever little progress he made was pretty much crushed when Stolas basically refused to acknowledge the fact that he’s out with him in public when confronted. For someone like Blitz who struggles with communication and bases their self worth on how others view him, Stolas not wanting to be seen with him in public but being kind to him when no one else is around would have destroyed every sense of security he may have been starting to feel with the other man. Like just shredded it. Which in turn, is going to cause a rift that Blitz will rationalize as just him not being worth anything more even though he is actively contributing to the rift by refusing to communicate.
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Now, the interesting part: in the newest episode of Helluva Boss, Blitz actually has a chance to view a more humanized idea of Stolas. It sucks that it took Stolas being damn near murdered and hospitalized for Blitz to see him on a different level, but it does happen. I think this in turn may give us a more freely feeling version of Blitz down the line. We can already see small fragmented moments when Blitz is genuinely worried about Stolas, genuinely cares about him, but he still keeps himself distant…. Seeing something bad happen to Stolas does open the man up a little, prompting him to text the man while he’s in the hospital to let him know that he hopes he feels better. Despite how minor that may seem, I think it is a step in the right direction, and I do think he’ll see a more personified version of Stolas which could prompt him to want to be closer to him, meaning he would have to stop pushing his feelings down to allow himself to wander into this territory of emotional vulnerability he may have seen but never experienced.
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While I trust Vivzie completely in this journey she’s taking us on, this is definitely a route I really hope she takes because I truly do want to see the two men get a happy ending of some sort whether that’s at the end of the series or it advances their storyline together through the rest of the series.  But this is just a Fizzie take on things so far. I would love to hear what your thoughts are on how Blitz and Stolas’ relationship seems to be going.
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olivialau · 1 month
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Shadow's Embrace Ch.19
Sukuna x Reader
This is a work of fanfiction based on the universe of "Jujutsu Kaisen," created by Gege Akutami. The original manga, anime, and characters belong to their respective owners and creators.
This story unfolds in the Jujutsu Kaisen world, set in a slightly altered universe where Sukuna inhabits his own vessel distinct from Itadori Yuji's body, making him a separate entity.
Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, becomes fascinated with a female sorcerer rich in potential but lacking control. Initially seizing her for his destructive plans, Sukuna aims to bind her abilities through a contract. Yet, as he tries to dominate her, he finds himself intrigued by her strength and determination. Over time, his interest evolves from strategic advantage to a deeper, personal connection.
CHAPTER 19 - In the Lion's Den
“What the hell—”
The moment the words tumbled from your lips, you realized your blunder. Instantly, three pairs of eyes zeroed in on you.
Mahito's face contorted into a wide smirk, lighting up with childlike mischief as he propped himself up to get a better look at you. "Oh, look who's home!" he sang out, clearly delighted by your visible shock.
Jogo merely grunted, sparing you only a brief glance before returning his focus to the cards in his hands. The faint glow emanating from his volcanic head betrayed his annoyance at being disturbed though.
Geto, the most composed of the trio, offered you a smile that was far too warm to be genuine, his eyes narrowing to slits below the stitches on his forehead. "You seem surprised," he remarked, with an disarmingly calm voice. "Did Sukuna not mention we were gathering here today?"
No, Sukuna did not.
Your eyes scanned the room, searching for any trace of the King of Curses, but Sukuna was conspicuously absent. A twinge of unease settled in your stomach—without Sukuna around, you felt vulnerable among this dangerous group.
The memory of your last encounter with Mahito resurfaced, a harsh reminder of the malice and power that came with a special-grade cursed spirit. Despite your progress, you were painfully aware of the difference in strength between you and him, not to mention the combined threat of all three.
Geto’s keen sense of awareness caught notice of your anxious search. His voice, smooth and almost gentle, broke the silence. “Ah, yes, Sukuna stepped out for a bit. It seems he needed to... blow off some steam.”
Mahito leaned back, casually fiddling with the poker chips in his hand, "Would you believe it? The mighty Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses himself, threw a tantrum, haha!" he chuckled.
"Lost one game, flipped the table, and stormed off." The cursed spirit paused, his head tilting playfully as he added, "But don't worry, he said he'll be back."
For some reason you couldn't help yourself from getting chills whenever Mahito spoke. You didn’t want to feel fear toward him, didn’t want to give him that satisfaction, but the memories were too vivid to ignore. The sensation of your flesh being torn open, your bones being ground into the floor, still haunted you.
Jogo's head turned slightly at the small tremble of your hands, and his voice, though gruff, carried an unexpected note of reassurance. “Don’t let that fool Mahito bother you,” he said. “Sukuna made it clear that any harm to you would mean our immediate destruction. Without exceptions.”
Jogo’s eyes flicked toward Mahito, emphasizing that the last part was a direct warning to him.
Mahito caught the drift and feigned a look of innocence. “Oh, did I forget to apologize?” he drawled, his smirk widening as he looked your way. “Sorry about last time. Guess I got a bit carried away, didn’t I?”
It was as if the devastating encounter that had altered the course of your entire life, that had forced you into this twisted arrangement with Sukuna, had been nothing more than an amusing slip-up to him.
Yet despite the surge of anger that flared within you, you forced yourself to remain composed, clenching your jaw and refusing to let them see any further weakness.
Oddly enough, in this moment, every fiber of your being wanted Sukuna to return—something you never imagined you'd wish for. But if you had to choose between these monsters, the King of Curses felt like the lesser evil, or at least—the devil you knew best.
As you slowly made your way into the apartment, you were acutely aware of the dagger strapped to the side of your ankle—the one Gojo had given you for self-defense. If one of them made a move, that would be your only chance.
To your surprise, however, none of the men seemed particularly interested in you anymore. They simply returned to their game.
You set your bag down on the kitchen counter, keeping a weary eye on the trio. Your legs throbbed with fatigue, and all you wanted was to sit down, but you couldn't—the couch was occupied, Sukuna’s room was off-limits, and the basement wasn’t even a consideration.
With no other option available, you resigned yourself to silently observing the group from the relative safety of the kitchen, careful not to draw any unwanted attention.
"Yay, I win!" Mahito shouted out in glee, declaring his victory, before exaggeratedly shoving all the poker chips in the pot towards him.
Meanwhile Jogo's head began to steam as he glared at his own cards, his frustration hard to miss.
Geto, on the other hand, remained the picture of calm, his face a perfect mask of serenity, even though it was clear he had lost a fair amount. His eyes flicked up to meet yours for the briefest of moments, before he returned his focus to the game.
They continued a few more rounds, with alternating wins and losses, and your strategy to avoid drawing attention seemed to work. That was until Mahito abruptly stood up and stretched out, announcing that he wanted a break.
With a swiftness that caught you off guard, Mahito darted toward the kitchen. His sudden proximity as he casually reached into a cupboard for a glass sent a jolt through you.
"Whoopsie, did I scare you?" he taunted with a playful grin.
He then moved in close behind you, reaching for the sink. His arm stretched out, nearly grazing your side, as he let the water flow in a slow, deliberate stream. It was obvious that he was trying to drag out the moment to unsettle you further.
And to your frustration, it was working. You stood there, frozen in place, unable to move away.
Geto observed with a smile barely hidden beneath his calm exterior, while Jogo remained absorbed in his cards, indifferent to the tension.
That was until the door was violently thrust open.
Sukuna stormed in, his presence instantly dominating the room. His eyes quickly assessed the scene. And in a swift, fluid motion he seized Mahito by the collar and flung him against the wall with unrestrained force.
The impact shook the apartment.
It was a clear and unmistakable display of his authority. Even Geto, seemed to briefly lose his typical composure by the violent outburst.
Mahito, rubbed at his neck, nursing his bruised ego more than any real injury.
“Ouch. I was just getting a drink. Didn’t even touch her,” he muttered, as he slumped against the wall.
With a rough grip, Sukuna yanked him up by the hair, his voice a low growl. "Is that so?" he asked, his deadly glare snapping to you, silently demanding the truth.
He seemed genuinely pissed, and for a brief moment, you wondered if there was something more behind that venomous gaze—was it possible Sukuna was actually concerned for you? Or was he just infuriated by the possibility that his orders had been disregarded?
Either way, you were exhausted, and the last thing you needed was a full-blown conflict erupting in the middle of the apartment. So, with a sigh, you nodded, confirming Mahito's words. "He didn’t touch me," you said, hoping to defuse the situation before it escalated further.
Fortunately, Sukuna seemed to let the matter drop. With a final, dismissive glance, he released his grip on Mahito, allowing the cursed spirit to crumple to the floor.
As Mahito straightened his clothes and got back on his feet, he muttered a quiet “Told you so”, under his breath.
A daring move—and the King of Curses was not amused. “Don’t get cocky, you pathetic worm,” he spat. “I don’t need a reason to end your miserable existence. Cross me again, and I’ll slice you up without a second thought.”
They exchanged a final glare, and though it ended there, the tension in the room remained thick—the poker game was clearly over.
Mahito returned to the couch, and at that point, Sukuna turned his gaze to you. "Out. We have plans to discuss, and you're not part of them."
Of course—precisely on this day, when you were so utterly exhausted, craving nothing more than the sweet respite of rest, you were being chased away from the only place of refuge you had.
With a weary sigh, you relented, though not without muttering quietly under your breath, "I just really wanted a nap."
Sukuna's sharp ears didn't miss a single word of your complaint, and he seized the opportunity to taunt you. "Can't handle a bit of training, little sorcerer?" he sneered, with a voice laced in mockery. "Humans are so frail, it's laughable."
Yet, despite his mocking, he seemed to throw you an unexpected bone.
"Fine," he conceded, "if you really need your pathetic sleep that badly, you can rest in my room." His crimson eyes narrowed, a silent warning. "But if you touch anything other than the bed, I'll kill you."
What?—The offer to use his room, his bed no less, caught you completely off guard. The idea was mortifying, far too intimate and embarrassing to even consider. But before you could fully process the situation, Sukuna's patience wore thin.
"Enough dawdling," he barked, in obvious irritation. "Get out, now!"
Without waiting for your response, he shoved you roughly into the room, his room. The door slammed shut behind you with a resounding thud, sealing you inside his personal space.
Somehow hesitant at what you might find, you cautiously lifted your gaze, bracing yourself. And the sight that greeted you  was astonishing, to say the least.
The contrast between this room and the rest of the apartment was striking. While the living area was bland and sparsely decorated, his room was a grand display of dark opulence.
Deep shades of crimson and black dominated the space, with traditional Japanese design elements seamlessly integrated into every corner. Priceless artifacts and weapons lined the walls, each one a testament to his past life in the Heian era. The bed, large and imposing, was carved with intricate detail, and the dim, moody lighting cast an eerie yet oddly captivating glow over the room.
Despite the initial awe, a chuckle escaped you, at the fact that Sukuna took the time to meticulously decorate his room with such care and attention to detail. It was a side of him that seemed almost... human.
Heeding Sukuna's warning not to touch anything, you resisted the urge to explore the fascinating array of artifacts and decorations. Instead, you cautiously approached the bed, the one piece of furniture you were allowed to touch.
You sat yourself down on the edge, finally giving your weary legs some much-needed relief. The unexpectedly soft and silky sheets slid against your palms, and it felt profoundly wrong to touch something so personally his.
Despite the discomfort you felt, the fatigue won over and you reclined onto the bed, allowing yourself to sink into the plush comfort. The scent that lingered on the sheets was overwhelming and commanding, much like Sukuna himself— a dark blend of sandalwood, spices and smoldering ember.
And perhaps it was that rich, grounding scent or the silken embrace of the sheets that felt like a forbidden luxury against your skin. Maybe it was the dim, yellow lighting that cast the room in a tranquil hue. Whatever the reason, you felt cradled into a sense of security you hadn't felt in a long time.
Your eyelids grew heavy, the weight of exhaustion pulling them close, and before long, you found yourself slipping into the most deep, restorative sleep you'd had in weeks.
Your dreams were filled with vivid memories of Ayumi—the good ones you cherished from your high school days.
Ayumi had been your rock, your anchor during those years. She taught you bravery, how to bite back, and most importantly, how to find joy in not taking life too seriously.
You savored every moment spent with her in those dreams, the warmth of her presence and the infectious laughter that had once filled your days. It was as if she was still here alive, beside you.
The recollections played out like a film reel, transporting you back in time. Particularly to one day, during the last week of school before summer break in your third year.
Ayumi had convinced you to skip classes, though that went against everything your parents had taught you about diligence and hard work.
"C'mon' it'll be fun!", she chanted as she nearly dragged you along with her to the river just outside of town, a place you both loved but rarely had time to visit.
The day was sunny, the water clear and inviting. Ayumi, fearless and unbothered, stripped down in record time and dove into the water with a wild laugh. You hesitated, feeling self-conscious about getting naked in such a place, and dreading the shock of the cold water.
But Ayumi would have none of it. She splashed you mercilessly until you were soaked, forcing you to give in to the exhilaration. And finally, with a mix of reluctance and excitement, you jumped in.
The hours that followed were a blur of carefree bliss. You swam, floated on your backs, and talked about everything from the future to the most trivial of topics. At one point, Ayumi had even climbed onto a large rock, declaring herself the "Queen of the River,' her laughter nearly causing her to tumble back and bump her head against the stone.
When the day ended, you returned home exhausted, with a painful sunburn. A stern lecture from your parents followed.
But it didn’t matter at all.
At that point, the peaceful reverie of your dreams got shattered by a harsh, grating voice that tore through the tranquil silence. "Oi, brat. Brat!"
It yanked you from the depths of your sleep, and you groggily rubbed your eyes.
As the fog lifted and your surroundings came into focus, the crushing realization of where you found yourself made your cheeks flush with heat. You had actually fallen asleep in his bed, right in the heart of the King of Curses' personal 'quarters'.
Sukuna towered over you, observing your disheveled state, as his lips twisted into a smirk. "What's with the red face, little sorcerer? Having indecent dreams in my bed?" He taunted, following up with an even cruder remark, and an expression that spelled out the amusement at his own words.
"You'd better not have left a stain between those legs," he continued, leaning in as he tugged at the sheet beneath you. "Or you'll be scrubbing it out yourself."
You knew his game well by now—he'd say anything to make you uncomfortable, to provoke you. It was best not to let it get to you.
"It's nothing like that," you retorted, sitting up and hastily smoothing out the wrinkles in the sheets—a futile attempt to erase the evidence of your blunder, of falling asleep on his bed.
Sukuna found your attempts at maintaining composure thoroughly amusing, judging by the smirk on his face. But it seemed he'd grown bored of toying with you any further.
"Oh, really?" he growled, the playful tone giving way to something far more commanding. "Well, regardless, I want you out of here, now."
And you wanted out of there too. Still hazy and disoriented, you hoped that if you could avoid fully waking up, you might be able to slip back into those peaceful dreams by curling up on the couch.
With a loud creak of the bedframe, you got up to leave. But before you made your exit, Sukuna couldn’t resist emphasizing his supposed generosity. “Consider yourself lucky I even let you set foot in this room, woman,” he spat out.
Your lips curled into a wry smile as you muttered, “Yes, yes, I’m the luckiest,” heavy on the sarcasm.
Sukuna’s response was a threathening “Hm?”—a subtle challenge that made you quicken your pace to escape, fast. Yet, as you rushed to the door, your gaze couldn't help but be drawn to the gleaming steel of an imposing weapon mounted on the wall.
Sukuna noticed your interest, and his scowl swiftly transformed into a suprising grin, one filled with enthusiasm rather than his usual taunts.
“Oh, that?” he said, as he smoothly unhooked the weapon from its display. He held it out for you to see, its craftsmanship and the cursed energy it emanated were unmistakable.
“It’s my trident, Hiten,” he explained, his fingers tracing the intricate design with a reverence that made it clear he held this piece of his past in high regard.
Suddenly, he used his free hand to forcefully tug on your arm, and before you knew it, you were kneeling beside the bed, the swiftness of the movement nearly making you tumble.
To your surprise, Sukuna knelt beside you, his presence still imposing even in this lowered position. Holding Hiten, he gestured toward the intricate carvings etched into the wooden bed.
"These," he began, tracing the lines of the carved battle scene that depicted the weapon he held in his hands, "show my annihilation of the Northern Fujiwara Clan’s Sun, Moon, and Stars Squad."
His grip on Hiten tightened, and an excited glint flickered in his eyes. “It was glorious. The chaos, the carnage—an unparalleled thrill. I savored every second of wiping them out.”
The images were explicit, a testament to the bloodshed he had caused. Yet, the smile stretching across his face was one of the most genuine expressions you had ever seen from him.
The quickening of your heartbeat was unexpected. Your eyes, drawn irresistibly to the sincerity of that smile.
He met your gaze, and in that moment, something within you stirred—something raw and undeniably dangerous...
This chapter took me a few days but its extra long so enjoy <3 I appreciate the likes and comments sooo much🙏❤️
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writeriguess · 2 months
Can you write a romantic reader insert fic with Diego where the reader is a talented artist and they fall in love?
The quiet of the art studio was interrupted only by the soft scrape of chisel against marble. You worked alone, immersed in your craft. Sculpting was not just a profession but a way to channel your thoughts and emotions, shaping them into something tangible. Each piece you created was a reflection of your innermost feelings, and the intricacies of your work drew admiration from those fortunate enough to see it.
One rainy afternoon, as you were perfecting the details of a new sculpture, the door to your studio creaked open. A tall, rugged figure stepped inside, shaking off the raindrops from his coat. Diego Hargreeves, known for his formidable skills as a member of the Umbrella Academy, stood there, his gaze fixed on your latest piece—a strikingly detailed sculpture of a lone figure reaching out, frozen in an eternal gesture of longing.
“Sorry to intrude,” Diego said, his voice low and gruff. “I’m Diego Hargreeves. I saw your work and had to come by.”
You looked up, momentarily surprised by his presence. “I wasn’t expecting any visitors today. What brings you here?”
Diego walked further into the studio, his eyes never leaving the sculpture. “I’m working on a case, and one of your pieces was mentioned. The detail in this work—it’s incredible. I need something similar done for a personal project. Can we discuss it?”
You nodded, intrigued by his earnestness. “Sure, let’s talk.”
As Diego explained the significance of the piece he wanted—a tribute to a loved one he had lost—the room grew quieter, filled only with the sound of his voice and your thoughtful responses. He spoke of memories and emotions that were raw and personal, and you found yourself captivated by the depth of his story.
“I want the sculpture to capture the essence of what I’ve lost, but also what I’ve learned,” Diego said. “Something that represents both the pain and the strength that came from it.”
You listened carefully, taking notes as he spoke. “I think I understand. I’d be honored to help you with this. It’s important that the piece resonates with the emotions you’ve shared.”
Over the next few weeks, Diego visited the studio regularly. Each visit brought more than just discussions about the sculpture; it brought shared moments of vulnerability and connection. Diego’s tough exterior began to soften as he opened up about his struggles and his family. In return, you shared your thoughts on art, how it could be both a mirror and a sanctuary.
One evening, as you worked late into the night, Diego stayed to watch you sculpt. The atmosphere was intimate, filled with the soft glow of studio lights and the warmth of shared companionship. He sat quietly, occasionally offering insights and asking questions about your process.
“Why do you sculpt?” Diego asked, his voice breaking the silence.
You paused, your hands resting on the marble. “For me, sculpting is a way to make sense of the world. It’s a way to express what can’t always be put into words. It’s healing.”
Diego nodded thoughtfully, his eyes meeting yours. “I think I understand. It’s a lot like what I do, in a way. We both try to make sense of chaos, to find meaning in the midst of it.”
As the project progressed, your bond with Diego deepened. The studio became a place where both of you found solace and understanding. Diego’s visits turned from professional to personal, with discussions that ranged from art to life’s uncertainties. You found yourself drawn to him not just as a client but as a person who genuinely cared.
One rainy evening, after a particularly long day of work, Diego surprised you with a small, handwritten note.
“Thank you for everything,” it read. “For your patience, your understanding, and for allowing me to share my story with you. It means more than you know.”
Touched by his gesture, you smiled and glanced at the nearly completed sculpture. It was more than just a piece of art—it was a testament to the connection you had forged with Diego.
When the sculpture was finally finished, you unveiled it to Diego. It was a beautiful representation of both loss and resilience, capturing the essence of his emotions with stunning detail.
“This is incredible,” Diego said, his voice filled with awe. “It’s everything I hoped for and more.”
You smiled, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. “I’m glad you think so. It’s been a meaningful journey, working on this with you.”
In the quiet of the studio, surrounded by the works of art you had created, Diego took your hand gently. “There’s something else I want to say,” he began. “In the process of creating this piece, I found more than just closure. I found something I didn’t expect—something real.”
You looked at him, your heart racing. “What do you mean?”
Diego’s gaze was sincere and full of emotion. “I’ve realized that the connection we’ve built, the way you’ve helped me through this... it’s something special. I’ve grown to care about you, more than I thought possible.”
Your heart swelled with warmth at his words. “I feel the same way, Diego.”
As you stood together in the studio, the rain softly tapping against the windows, the space between you seemed to dissolve. Diego’s hand gently cupped your cheek, and his lips met yours in a tender, heartfelt kiss.
In that moment, amidst the art and the echoes of shared experiences, you both understood that this connection was more than just a collaboration—it was the beginning of a new and beautiful chapter in your lives.
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leggerefiore · 4 months
cyrus fluff crumbs,,, i beg.
maybe stemming off of you arguements/make up hcs where he tries his best to show reader he cares abt them or just whatever u feel like
cw: hurt/comfort, light fluff, angst
pairing: Cyrus/Reader
Guilt wrecked Cyrus's mind. Strong feelings – feelings in general even – his distaste was endlessly apparent as he stewed within his thoughts. Saturn had attempted to deliver and update on a mission yet stopped dead in his tracks when he caught a glance of his boss's expression. Cyrus wanted to scoff. How foolish. He could not deny that it was for the best. His plans would only sink his mood further. Everything was progressing well. He should have been content – proud even.
It felt like a punch directly to his gut. Your mortified expression… Your harsh words. The idea of a world without spirit, you had simply despised it. Feelings… He hated them, especially when they overwhelmed you. Your tears were staining the folds of his brain as you told him that existing in a world where you could not love him sounded far too hellish. He felt shame. Love… He struggled with it, yet he could not deny that he was swayed by it.
He was being swayed by it currently.
His laptop was closed. His tablet was left off to the side. He paced back and forth. Why? Why did you always have this powerful effect on him? Part of him wanted to yell at himself for height so illogical, while the other felt ready to throw away everything to make your tears stop. Leaving him… Your harsh words about leaving him haunted his mind as much as your tears. You threatened to head home, gather your things and just vanish. Cyrus's hand clenched at the leg of his uniform. Losing you… His ideal world was at the precipice of existing, but losing you.
He swallowed his pride.
Losing you was absolutely not an option.
He alerted Saturn that he was taking off for the day and departed from the building. His feet carried him mindlessly back home. When was the last time he had come home? He could not recall. So much time had been spent focusing solely on his plans. You must have felt unimportant to him, too. Cyrus was not a fool. He knew well enough that losing you would ruin everything. You had been a sole comfort in this world that only wished to mock him. Through his worst moments, you had been at his side. Whenever his trauma crept into his mind, you grasped him firmly and pulled him back to reality.
He was shocked to see that you were genuinely beginning to pack things when he opened the door. His blood felt like ice. He felt as if he was floating away. You seemed shocked to see him, likely believing his words of feigned apathy. He regretted them. Why had he said them? You just stared at him, unspeaking. Within seconds, his arms were around you. His eyes were wide. When was the last time he felt this panicked? He did not want to recall that period of his life.
You stayed still for a moment longer, then let out a sigh. Your arms came around him. Only then did he feel relief. A gentle hand rubbed his back. He tried to force down the shaky breaths that had only grown more accelerated. Your voice called his name. Reality felt so far away. He needed you. Part of him hated this, yet he knew better than to reject it. Your presence alone provided a sense of peace that no where else could he find. Cyrus held you tighter to himself. He felt like a pitiful child grasping desperately at a mother's skirt. The harsh pang of feeling that the visceral image drew out made everything worse.
“Please,” the beg that left him was foreign to his usual demeanour, “Don't go.”
You reassured him that you would not leave.
His eyes met yours, distant and uncertain. Lips pressed to your own. He lost himself in you for a moment. His forehead rested on yours while you softly held his cheek. You said one simple request.
“Stop your plans.”
Cyrus felt far too weak to deny you.
His new world… He could not tell if he desired you or it more. But, this current situation pointed to you.
“For you,” was his reply. Lips pressed against your own again, silencing you.
Whether it truly was the end or not… It was impossible to tell.
For now, it was.
All he wanted was for your warm embrace and presence to surround him. You seemed more than willing to give him just that.
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prickly-paprikash · 1 year
I know it's a long-shot but I think there should be one final book series for Percy Jackson after Nico and Will. A trilogy.
From the beginning, after every Riordan series, the tone gradually shifts to something more mature. Or at the very least, slightly angrier and cynical. As Percy grows up, the world around him just grows more oppressive. The mistakes of the gods, piling up and chipping away at Percy's already broken mental fortitude—I genuinely believe that if Rick Riordan decided to push Percy just that bit further, we could get a fitting end not just for the Riordan series as a whole, but a proper end for Greco-Roman Mythology itself within the plot.
It's become obvious that Percy has grown to be just like Luke Castellan, with the only difference being Percy's support group in Annabeth, Sally, Estelle, Grover, Rachel and the remaining Seven. But Percy is every bit as angry and skeptical of the Olympians as Luke was at that age, but now that rage resides in a young man who's made several Olympians, both major and minor, shit themselves. And I'm not trying to make an edgy Percy.
But a progression that just seems natural. We see a boy, barely a teenager, who already possesses an anger that is hard to process. A boy ready to kill his abusive step-father for his mom. A boy, who at the age of twelve, struck fear in the War God himself. And those anger issues have not gotten better—Percy's just become more and more tired. It's no secret that Percy Jackson, while not outright looking for it, would not mind dying one bit. He's lost so many people. Believes he's failed many more.
We can pinpoint the exact source of Percy's problems, and the problems of the rest of the Demigods, both Greek and Roman.
I want the end of this series as a proper Break the Cycle story. Where Percy and the others just snap—dead demigods, dead families, scorched homes. Enough is enough. That maybe Luke was right—the problem was that he was throwing one authority away to put in place a worse alternative of authority.
This theme also fits in our current decade. Gen Z's have grown up with more distrust in authority than most before them. Where the institutions 'created to protect' them has failed in every conceivable manner. And this isn't just an American Gen Z thing.
All around the world, thanks in-part to social media, more teenagers and young adults have grown furious and exhausted of the economy and governance. Refusing to work. Leaving behind tradition. Abandoning their so called duties to their countries. More children comfortable opening up about their sexuality and orientation, and their friends and families (the lucky ones at least) willing to commit violence to protect their identities.
Percy could do what that coward Rowling could never do with Harry. Like Katniss, who actually fights for a change in the status quo.
With the trend of a lot of games and media nowadays, it'd make perfect sense.
Percy Jackson should kill the Olympian Gods. But without taking their place—let their thrones decay and their power diminish. For every friend Percy's ever lost.
Jason. Zoe. Bianca. Charles. Silena. Bob.
He has it in him. The cruelty he buries deep inside was exposed in Tartarus and in a final series, it could come to a head. He's manipulative. Vengeful. Monstrous. Willing to burn the world for his friends and family.
Why does that have to be the mortal world? Why not let Olympus burn in the name of those Percy loves?
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I see you're taking requests 👀 I would like to request a Izzyxreader where Izzy comforts the reader when they're struggling with dysphoria if you're okay with writing stuff like that <3
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Izzy Hands x Reader (AFAB/non-binary)
A New Look
Whenever The Revenge docked, you avoided going ashore. The prospect of walking around, having to see the gaze of strangers, only intensified the feeling of misery within you. You didn’t hate the fact that you once saw yourself as a girl, but the resentment flared up whenever people still saw you that way. Feeling trapped by societal expectations, the world seemed insistent on forcing you into one of two rigid categories, even though you didn’t neatly fit into either. 
Stede Bonnet’s crew was special— they accepted everyone for who they were. Fortunately, Jim had already set an example for you. Once you shared your needs, they quickly started using your correct pronouns and treated you with genuine respect. The Revenge provided a sense of safety for you, and the thought of venturing ashore seemed daunting. However, Stede Bonnet insisted that everyone needed a break from the ship. 
The day unfolded predictably, yet uncomfortably, as it seemed like every glance and word from others onshore was a judgment. Merchants repeatedly addressed you as ma’am, casting a shadow over your mood. With each instance, a sense of unease settled in, and as the day progressed, you couldn’t escape the feeling of shrinking into yourself, grappling with the weight of others’ perceptions. 
You stared into the glass window of a shop, captivated by the reflection staring back at you, and a feeling of pain shot through you. Opportunities to see yourself were rare at sea, and you actively avoided such moments. Your fingers sifted through your long hair—a reminder of your mother’s insistence on keeping it that way throughout your upbringing. Even on the open sea, you had unconsciously followed her advice. There were many aspects of yourself you wished to change in that moment, but as you scrutinized your reflection, your focus fixated on your hair. Glancing up, you caught Israel Hands’ gaze reflected in the glass, his expression showing concern as he observed your inner struggle. 
Izzy had been your most trusted confidant on the ship, second only to Jim, especially during Blackbeard’s Kraken Era. In this vulnerable moment, the last thing you wanted was to be noticed. Swiftly averting your gaze from the window, you made a beeline for the ship, seeking comfort in the safety of The Revenge.  
Knowing that Izzy’s cabin had a mirror, you quickly hid there, setting the mirror before you. Time blurred as you locked eyes with the reflection, yearning for a different person to gaze back at you. The longing for change intensified, and with determination, you raised your dagger towards your hair, ready to sever its length. The moment hung in anticipation when the door swung open. 
“Stop,” Izzy demanded, halting your actions. He approached with a gentle stride, reaching out to firmly take the dagger from your grasp. 
Back within the secure confines of the ship, the emotions you had been suppressing erupted all at once, and tears cascaded down your cheeks. “I need to do this, Izzy.” 
Seated at his desk, you continued to gaze at the mirror, and Izzy bent down beside you. He gently guided your chin to meet his gaze, using his thumb to wipe away the streaming tears. “I’ll give this back,” he assured, holding up the dagger, “once you tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.” 
“I just feel wrong with long hair, Iz.” You tried to imagine how to express how you were feeling to him, hoping to find an explanation that he might understand. “It’s like sword fighting with your non-dominant hand. It feels faulty and exhausting. I just feel uncomfortable,” you whispered, your fingers unconsciously tugging at your hair. 
“How will cutting your hair make you feel?” Izzy asked curiously, devoid of any judgment. 
“Like me,” you smiled through your tears. As the words left your mouth, you realized the undeniable truth they held. This wasn’t a hasty decision; it was a desire you had suppressed in the past due to how unattainable it seemed. However, being part of Stede’s crew, forging your own path far from the pressure of family, made this once-distant possibility now attainable. 
“I’ve spent way too fucking long trying to make myself something I wasn’t,” Izzy whispered back. As he spoke, memories of the night of Calypso’s party flooded your mind, the night it seemed like Izzy was finally allowing himself to be true to who he was. “I want you to feel like yourself,” Izzy affirmed with sincerity, his gaze reflecting understanding and support. 
He rose to his feet, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, the dagger still in his grasp. 
“Then can I have my dagger back?” you asked, rolling your eyes. 
“Fuck no. If you’re doing this, you’re doing it right,” Izzy demanded, before exiting the room. 
He returned a short time later, with Wee John trailing behind him. 
“Izzy said you wanted a new look,” Wee John said with confidence, pushing past Izzy. 
You replied with an eager nod. Immense gratitude flooded you at the sight of Wee John. Among the crew, he stood out as the most artistic pirate, always sewing dresses, or crafting something new with his knitting needles. You felt relieved that Izzy had enlisted someone who knew what they were doing. 
Once you described what you wanted, Wee John responded with a casual “Oh, I’m totally down for that” and promptly began working on transforming your hair. 
"I'm gonna fuck off then,” Izzy declared, leaving the room to give Wee John the space to work his magic. 
Excitement bubbled within you as you observed each long strand of hair gracefully falling to the floor. Wee John, with skilled hands, orchestrated the transformation, and with every snip, the weight of the past seemed to fall away. When he finally lifted the mirror to your face, a wave of euphoria cascaded through you. In that moment, the reflection staring back at you was a blend of beauty and handsomeness, a testament to Wee John’s skill with scissors. In that moment, for the first time, you truly felt like yourself. A broad grin spread across your face as you lifted the mirror, and the smile on Wee John’s face mirrored your own joy. Overwhelmed with gratitude, you set the mirror aside and enveloped him in a tight hug, expressing your thanks profusely. 
You swiftly ascended to the deck, greeted by a chorus of compliments from the crew. Their words not only made you blush but allowed you to relish in their genuine praise, a rarity that, for the first time in a long while, you truly believed. Scanning the deck, your eyes sought out Izzy. When your gazes locked, you discovered a rare soft smile gracing his face. He approached you, gently running his fingers through your freshly cut hair.
"How do you feel?" he whispered.
"Like myself," you replied. The tears that earlier signified pain now transformed into tears of happiness. Once again, Izzy used his thumb to wipe away the tears, planting a warm kiss on your forehead.
"I can tell," Izzy replied warmly. You sensed his nervousness before he spoke, recognizing vulnerability is a challenge for him. "You should always be able to feel like yourself. No matter what you choose to change about yourself, I think you’ll always look perfect. I'm glad you are finally seeing yourself the way I see you. Perfect."
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corellianhounds · 2 months
Curious to know your thoughts on Din’s separation from Ran’s Crew… (you said you wanted a discussion topic 😉)
I meant for this to be a two paragraph response and then when I looked up three hours had passed and my back was stiff from sitting at the keyboard for so long. I wrote ninety-five percent of this in one go, then made a gyro and literally went to go rewatch the episode to double check my quotes and notes before coming back 😆
~ 3.1k words
This ended up being a LOT more context because I don’t feel like I can give a solid answer without laying the groundwork for how I come to the conclusions that I do. I’m nothing if not able to justify my reasons/interpretations, but I also try not to lock into anything unchangeable when it comes to more nebulous parts of a character’s history because I can see how things can go several different ways, all of them interesting and plausible.
One of the things I’ve always loved about Mando from a mechanical/storytelling technique perspective is that he’s one of those characters with a mysterious past we only get in relevant bits and pieces, leaving so much open to speculation and interpretation. (I think that does contribute to how many wildly different takes we see in fan spaces about his character, but I digress.) He’s like Wolverine or Snake Eyes in that, when he’s being written well, his entire past and backstory isn’t spelled out in concrete detail which frees up storytellers to add things in later as they become relevant without contradicting themselves or having to refer back to/be confined by too much rigidly established history or canon.
(Personally I think more authors should do that when it comes to how characters are used in a story (meaning, the character should serve whatever story you’re writing first and you shouldn’t get too precious about elaborate backstories and irrelevant details if they end up blocking you from making stronger narrative decisions). I like only getting bits and pieces because we as the audience fill in the gaps for ourselves and stay intrigued by the remaining sense of mystery)
Because of that, I don’t have a concrete idea in mind for how Din got involved with or left Malk’s crew, and I hope it never gets spelled out unless the writers have a specific story in mind where that comes up.
As much as I like writing Din as a genuinely good man with a strong moral compass and personal code, that does also mean that I think there were times he wasn’t a good man. People are a lot of things in life, and it’s only through genuine trial and error, making mistakes and actively bad decisions and learning hard lessons from bad experiences that people grow into being good people (keeping in mind that everybody is capable of making good and bad choices in life at every step of the way. ‘Being good’ takes active work and it takes even more work to maintain that consistently).
Characters are more compelling and dynamic when they’ve actually done things that are contrary to how they behave in the present (provided the audience is shown the meaningful progression of that change). To that end, I think Din Djarin has done some things in his life he deeply regrets. Some of those decisions may have been forced out of him by virtue of circumstance, and some of them may have been on purpose (or the lesser of two evils).
Sometimes making the right choice will end up costing you something important, up to and including your life. Survivors of any kind have done a lot of things to ensure that survival. Everybody is capable of change, but change can go in a lot of different directions.
I think erasing a character’s flaws or implications of a flawed past does those characters and stories a disservice by uncomplicating the people and world within which the story is taking place. It truncates what decisions those characters are able to get away with as a story progresses if you insist they’ve only ever been morally upstanding up to the present. It closes off opportunities and directions for writers to take regarding the character’s future. That’s not a hard and fast rule, but if you start off with Steve Rogers being a good guy, you can’t have him do a complete 180 in a story unless that’s going to be given the time and focus it would take to make that arc believable and satisfying, and sometimes you just don’t have the time to dedicate to that if that isn’t the main story.
All of that to say, Din has probably done some bad things. You don’t end up working with criminals for (it’s implied) an extended period of time without having to make moral compromises, and though I believe Din’s faith as a Mandalorian has been steadfast since childhood, there are probably aspects of the more honorable teachings that he’s lapsed in at different points of time. (He did, at one point in time, turn over the life of a child to known enemies for payment.) He probably had to not ask questions about targets they were sent sabotage or steal from because if he doesn’t know for a fact that they were innocent people, he can tell himself that he’s not at fault for senselessly hurting people or robbing them of their livelihood (even if his guilt, intuition, and conscience tell him otherwise when he tries to sleep at night).
You know what you’re getting into going into mercenary work, so you can’t get tied up into moral quandaries every time you see the person on the other side of it. The more impersonal you can make it, the more you can do the job swiftly and mitigate as much suffering and collateral damage as possible.
I say all of this because Mando doesn’t exactly refute most of the things the crew says about him during the planning and travel phase of the mission, and I don’t think he has a problem correcting people when they’re objectively wrong about him (even if he’s at a disadvantage here being outnumbered, desperate, and coming to them for work). When Ran says they did a lot of crazy stuff back in the day, Din says “That was a long time ago,” which does admit to at least some of it being true, it’s just something Din makes a point to say he’s distanced himself from. He’s saying that he’s a different person than what he was like back then, which means there had to have been things he did that he’s not proud of.
Sometimes the more you protest though, the more people will pile on the jabs and mockery, especially if said jabs come from elements of truth you as the target can’t completely deny. If you don’t give people the response they want, oftentimes they’ll get bored and move on to something else, or at least won’t linger on that particular insult.
It’s also worth pointing out that anything the other members of the crew say about him could have been false or taken out of context or were perceived entirely different than what the reality was, them not knowing what Mando’s motives were at the time because he’s not exactly forthcoming. Anything they say that implies he did some shady things could have also been things Mando did in those moments that were actually cover for something else. Him letting them think the worst of him so they don’t notice how he’s freeing hostages remotely as they work, or sabotaging their demolition-heavy escape that would have hurt bystanders, or hailing the law to show up and interfere before things go too far and people end up dead when they could be saved. The quieter you are, the more people will reveal themselves and overlook you as part of the background, leaving you free to do what you need to.
Some of the things the mercenaries say about him could also be their skewed interpretations of events. Mando could have been quick, heavy-hitting, and ruthless, but ruthlessness doesn’t always equate bloodthirsty— Ruthlessness just means the most efficient route or means from point A to point B. If he went in on a mission and had to incapacitate people quickly and cleanly, they might have interpreted that to mean Mando was a violent person who liked killing or beating people up for the fun or glory or pleasure of it if he was volunteering to be the first one going in. The reality could have been Din not wanting people to suffer or be killed at the hands of mercenaries he knew would be harsher/more careless if they went ahead of him on a job.
Maybe the mercenaries all thought he was trigger happy because he would shoot first without asking questions, but Din was, in reality, six steps ahead of everybody else and had already analyzed the situation and come to the conclusion that that was the necessary thing to do at that juncture. Maybe the fact that he was brutal and quick to fight back when people on the crew antagonized him in their downtime or tried to take his things made them think he had a short temper and was always raring for a fight, when the reality is you have a much better chance of winning if you hit hard and hit fast, and he wasn’t going to put up with anybody’s disrespect or antagonism by rolling over and letting them think they could get away with pushing him around. As soon as you give people an inch they’ll take a mile.
Even if he was doing some shady jobs, there are still things he’s not going to do even if he had the skill sets for it. Din’s not going to torture people and wouldn’t have stood for it from others of the crew. He’s not a murderer and even when he’s had to kill people in the show it’s always done quickly and efficiently. (One reason why I can’t definitively say Mando would be entirely against hurting someone for information is that he did leave Gor Koresh to be torn apart by dogs at the beginning of Season 2, so he obviously thinks there are some people who have it coming. “You won’t die by my hand, but I don’t have to save you.” He gave Koresh a clear and concise opportunity in the arena to back off and give him the info he came for without killing him though and Gor Koresh didn’t take the chance Mando gave him, so Mando’s not going to lose sleep over what he did in leaving the don hanging there in the street. It’s probable there were similar instances like that while working for Ran.)
Though there are a lot of other immoral actions that come with the kinds of jobs it’s implied that they did, Mando wasn’t killing people left and right, especially since these guys are lower level criminals and thugs, not organized crime members or assassins, and murder gets you a lot more attention than you want if your primary jobs are stealth-based. Mando retained a sense of honor while working for Ran’s crew because Qin wouldn’t have used “You need me alive to get paid; isn’t that your code? Aren’t you a man of honor?” as a guilt trip/bargaining chip at the end of the episode otherwise. Qin’s (mockingly, but probably accurately) quoting back to him what Din had said to them in the past (same as what Xi’an did in transit regarding what he says about the helmet rule). It’s both possible and likely that Din was the one reining other people in when he could, mediating or diverting the crew from killing targets, security, or civilians who ended up in the way.
The reason I think Mando only killed people back then in self defense is that he left the merc crew alive at the end of “The Prisoner” when he obviously could have killed them. To me, what we’ve seen of his sense of justice in the present shows that, had they all proven to be merciless murderers to other people, he would have dealt out equal punishment in return by the end of it has retroactive retribution. Xi’an was the only one he’d worked with before (aside from Qin) and I don’t doubt that she enjoys killing people, and she did kill Davin so she was the most deserving if he had killed her there, but Mando still gave all of them the same last chance he gave Qin years ago; left behind and captured, but alive, despite the fact they all tried to kill him.
(A possible out-of-universe explanation for why he left them alive is that the writers may have had more planned for them in Season 2; there’s concept art in the second season’s Art of The Mandalorian that has Mayfeld, Xi’an, and Burrg on Boba Fett’s ship going into “The Believer.”)
We haven’t seen any evidence of Mando taking active enjoyment in killing people. Needless murder goes against the Mandalorian code, and violence typically isn’t (or is taught that it shouldn’t be) the first resort. Mandalorians are diplomatic enough to have a conversation first, but if you instigate a fight, they’re more than ready and able to finish it. Strike fast and get it over with, don’t drag it out. If you’re going to fight, do it out in the open and be willing to consider a genuine surrender when it’s asked for.
Mando’s not a bad guy. He’s just the best at what he does, and what he does isn’t very nice.
So now we’ve established some plausible parameters and the atmosphere for what it was like working with Ran’s crew in the past. There’s a lot of ways Mando could have ended up on the crew, and there’s a lot of reasons why he might have stayed there. He could have been ambitious and arrogant and setting out to make a name for himself, but I’m more inclined to think it was a matter of taking whatever jobs he could that would pay a lot of money and allow him to continue forward. Poor people without resources or connections are often driven to make decisions and find crummy or unethical work that goes against their personal code or preferences, especially when there are people relying on them as a source of income.
The importance of community and family among the Mandalorians is something that’s been made abundantly clear about Din from the beginning so that was probably a driving factor in how he conducted his life and work once he became an adult, and if he was one of the few people who was able to travel to find work and bring money and resources back to the tribe, then of course he was going to do it. There are mouths to feed, children to care for, armor to be built for others. You do what you can to survive.
Now say the more jobs he does with them, the worse they get, but he makes more money that can be brought home to the tribe. Say there are circumstances with bad timing that compel him to keep working for Malk as opposed to finding somebody else (potentially just as bad) to work for; working for the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t. Maybe he’s saving up for a ship. Maybe he somehow ended up indebted to Malk and was forced to work off that debt for longer than he obviously wanted.
Maybe he was desperate for any work and theirs seemed promising, especially since he had the exact skillset that would guarantee he’d succeed. Maybe the jobs they used to do were just legal enough to pass as legitimate (if difficult) work and it wasn’t until he’d been there a while that they started to become more dubiously ethical, or Ran used the fact that they had a Mandalorian with them to bargain for better paying jobs from clients (those jobs paying more because they were dirty work).
Say that he knew it would be hard to leave the merc crew because if he didn’t do it right, he knew they’d all be suspicious about what secrets and details he’d be taking with him. Who knows who he might talk to? If that were the case, they may have come after him once he departed just to make sure he couldn’t betray them and give them up.
Say Mando had other outside obligations that kept him working with Malk despite the fact he could see the red flags, and the slow, creeping decline in honest work took place over a longer length of time. It’s a lot easier to get somebody involved with criminal activity if it starts small, starts gradual, and can be reasonably justified, especially if you don’t have all the facts surrounding the circumstances under which the job is taking place. No questions asked, that’s the policy.
I think whatever job they took where Qin was left behind was close to if not the end of Mando’s time with them. I don’t get the impression they had a great relationship to begin with, and Qin also seems like he could have held his own against Mando for a good amount of time before either of them had to back down or their fights were broken up. Almost every episode involves somebody picking a fight with Din over the armor or the helmet (or just… anything really), and it’s clear he’s had a lifetime of similar treatment and he’s able to fight back every time, so it’s not a stretch to say he was probably on the receiving end of similar scuffles while working with the crew, including those instigated by Qin.
So if Mando already had reasons why he wouldn’t have risked his hide to go back for Qin, it’s possible something specific happened that was the last straw and Mando decided he would no longer go out of his way to help or protect him, meaning when whatever mission they were on went pear-shaped, Mando left him. A kind of “Those who fall behind get left behind,” mentality, considering he knew Qin could hold his own and would end up alive if he was smart enough to know what was good for him and back down when he was caught. That was Mando’s measure of grace extended Qin’s way. Mando could have killed him on the way out, but he didn’t. He considered that Qin’s last chance.
I don’t think Qin was necessarily caught by the law on that mission, but regardless of how it shook out that crew ended up back at home base with at least one less member among them and everybody having a hunch that it could have been done on purpose, even if Mando had viable justification for why he couldn’t have gone back for him without risking the rest of the mission. Mando was able to make a clean break and walk away from the encounter (because Malk wouldn’t have let him back on the crew in “The Prisoner” otherwise), but not without everybody’s suspicions cast on him as he went, and the longer time passes between people who part ways on a sour note, the more those accusatory thoughts fester and build.
Mando may have made the objectively right call in leaving Qin and had the evidence to back him up, but people’s feelings are finicky things and tend to overrule all better judgment regardless of the facts of a situation, so the fact that he’d been with that crew for a while and had a history there— one that likely included a well-known animosity between himself and Qin— meant that it didn’t matter how justified Din was. If he’d stayed and continued to take jobs with them nobody else would have trusted him to have their backs going forward, which meant there would be no way for Mando to trust that they would have his. For all he knew, their next mission would end with him being left behind, metaphorically or literally stabbed in the back for his trouble in thinking they could work together again.
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elderwisp · 4 days
The Sims is love. List 5 facts about a favorite sim couple of yours, and why you love them so much. Then pass this on to 5 others, whose sim couple(s) you also love. 💘💕
HIHI thank u for this ask! AHHH this is such a difficult question because i’ll get in these sappy/supportive moods whenever i’m working on certain couple arcs! there are even some that are top secret that are truly some favorites GAHHH. this is how i feel like, genuinely:
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i do feel like lately, i hyperfixate on atlas’s relationships. one reason is i’m like in the trenches writing-wise where i’m finalizing some things. then the other is it’s one of those interesting dynamics between either parties that feel complicated but also being able to dissect it and go wow, love is truly versatile! both feel valid in their own ways and were the thing that maybe atlas might’ve needed in the moment. i really don’t have a favorite between the two because they’re both so idk, fulfilling to me. i think it would be neat to go over the relationship between atlas/taryn and atlas/rowan ft a wip pic:
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𓆩♡𓆪 Atlas met Rowan in a very transitional phase of his life. There was a lot of uncertainty surrounding Atlas's future and it was truly a time where being a pushover was not working in his favor nor authentic towards any of his needs. Rowan has a knack for identifying someone in pain and gravitates towards it. Where Dan believes Rowan tried to take advantage of Atlas's insecurities, Rowan more so wanted to bring out those deeply rooted thoughts to the surface because why hide who you are? There's power in pain.
𓆩♡𓆪 Part of why I believe Taryn and Atlas's relationship would not be viable as of right now is Atlas is still really picking up the pieces of his tumultuous relationship with Rowan. I feel like break ups can go through the similar motions of grief just on a different scale. There's a lot of bouncing back and forth between anger and sadness, so couple that with his coping method creates a lot of chaos. There's a deeply rooted sentiment in Atlas that there is no way in hell he deserves a relationship with Taryn.
𓆩♡𓆪 Rowan sees a lot of himself in Atlas. The both struggle to really connect with their parents and dislike the concept of control. A desire for independence. They're artists and have an appreciation in self-indulgence. However, there is one huge difference and that's confidence. Atlas is much more insecure than he let's on and that causes a huge rift between the two.
𓆩♡𓆪 The other part would be Taryn's current state. I will start off with Atlas has been a huge influence on not only setting boundaries with people but also encouraging her to share her work, growth doesn't come at an incline but almost a jagged, bumpy mountain. (💀) All that encouragement to be vulnerable (the book, trying to open up her heart to atlas, the mf kids at the library) to be met with constant rejection is pushing her back into this almost hardened demeanor. It takes a lot of courage to open up and unfortunately she's reached her limit to do so.
𓆩♡𓆪 Rowan has always known that commitment to one person can feel incredibly constricting for someone who, well, likes to indulge. So while he absolutely adores Atlas, there's some conflict that arises in the notion of an open relationship. Atlas really struggles to grasp that idea (well less of an idea and more of this is reality baybeee) and it triggers those deeply rooted feelings of inadequacy.
𓆩♡𓆪 I will say Atlas and Taryn do take the longest to get together but it is really one of those scenes that makes me emotional. Seeing how they progress until that moment feels like two terrified people finally finding some solid ground in a world that is always shifting. It feels like the one thing that finally makes sense and Taryn, my god, she can be quite the romantic with her words and gestures.
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I did a scary thing today.
I’m a medical student. My school is a little more progressive. We had a lecture today on anti-fat bias, but it never got to the lecture point. Instead, it became a conversation where a lot of people were confused about how we can create inclusivity while still providing best care. Some people were genuinely interested. Other people seemed to miss the point entirely and held onto this belief that fat = bad (always) and that it’s their duty to tell their patients that fat = bad.
I had atypical anorexia from the time I was 13 until I was 25. I recovered into a fat body (this is my preferred term). Listening to students argue and miss the big picture was triggering and infuriating. I held my hand up and put it down many times until finally the lecturer called on me even tho my hand was down. So I decided to speak up.
I told the entire class- including people I don’t feel very safe with at all- about my history. About how horrifically sick I was despite my “healthy” weight. How I wasn’t believed. How I could access treatment. And how the big take away is that weight isn’t something directly in our control- and it’s not helpful to focus on it. Sure, our behaviors may influence our weight, but so much of weight maintenance is not within our complete control. We can’t check off the box each day “weigh ___ lbs.” I tried when I was thin. I’ve tried post-recovery and have relapsed into behaviors more times I care to admit. Focusing on weight kept me sick. It kept me engaging in some of the worst behaviors (I won’t mention them here because they may be triggering to read about). Why put the focus on weight when you can shift the focus to health related behavior, like encouraging sustainable, accessible movement can reduce health risks dramatically? Encouraging eating more vegetables and fruits and fiber (rather than “fewer calories”)?
I completely dissociated while talking. I am open about my past eating disorder in the sense that I don’t hide it. I wrote about it in my application essays. I will answer any questions people have and share my experience in hopes it helps somebody at some point down the line. But I have never stood in front of so many people, some who hold biases about what an eating disorder looks like or what my health and value must be because of my body, and actually spoken the words “I had a 12 year history of atypical anorexia.”
I feel more vulnerable than I want to feel, but I’m glad I did it. Some people will roll their eyes and ignore that life altering restrictive eating disorder can and do happen in people with larger bodies, and that primarily weight focused medical care harms more patients than it’ll help. But if it helps just one person start to think- maybe this is something to consider, maybe I should be mindful of eating disorders and disordered eating in ALL body shapes and sizes… then the dissociation and tears and possible bias and stigma from a few confused people is worth it to me.
Thank you for letting me share 💜
Thank you for sharing :) that is a scary thing, and you were so brave for being so open and persistent. I hope you know how valuable it is to introduce the basic challenging of others' worldview in that learning environment, and you are so right that if you changed the views of even one person, then it was worth it to share, because that one person may go on to do a world of good in their own practice where there might have been harm.
It is so hard to stand up for yourself when the whole world disagrees with you. I am in immense admiration of your courage and hope you took good care of yourself after that class, anon.
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