#i want them to hug
turtleplushi · 2 months
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The frilly guy upstairs :3
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thenocturnenarrator · 3 months
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I know this’ll never happen shut up they’re the best of besties in my heart 😩
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lyra-kane · 6 days
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Savannah and Gigi Grayson <3 (aesthetic version)
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jennaflare · 2 years
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havin a normal one lads
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twcfaces · 2 months
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solomon grundy, harvey dent.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Seriously, Our Dining Table is just the gentlest show that is giving us this tender healing journey as both Yutaka and Minoru find out that the softness they have that so many people don't understand is truly a gift and that gift is going to be each other.
Yutaka was adopted into a family where he was expected to fight for his place but he did not, could not, would not, and so he got nothing but fear and pain.
Minoru looks rough and tumble and out of place but he's just a giant softy who loves and laughs and he stands out but not always in the best way and he lost a dearly loved mother and took over the care of his brotehr.
They are both in need of more softness, more kindness, more love, more support... and they are finding it in each other's company, in the smiles and the shared meals and the quiet moments and each time Tane laughs.
They are healing each other in the little moments, in the little ways, and those little moments and little ways are changing them both for the better.
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cityandking · 1 year
wow sometimes i just forget that i can ask questions for dairef. 6, 17, 29, 34 for the boys
slkdjflkdjsf thanks dear // development questions for couples
6. How do they react to the realization that they like the other character? Is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
dai spent a good span of time thinking it over. he was pretty comfortable with it overall—it was a nice thing to feel amidst all the fear and confusion and displacement, and if he was worried it was because it changed the dynamic between himself and the person he trusted most to help him and have his back, not because of the realization itself. still, he was grateful to zaref for his willingness to take things slow. (in a world where his traveling companions weren't trying to live out of his pocket he'd probably have been chill with sharing those feelings more publicly, but unfortunately his friends can't mind their own damn business and daichi would prefer if at least a few things could remain private. good luck my guy.)
17. Under what circumstances would they want to be left alone by their partner?
like any good introvert, sometimes dai just needs Time To Be Completely On His Own, Thanks. it takes longer to reach that threshold with zaref than it does with most people because zaref has chill and cool energies that dai finds comforting, but eventually he just needs space. (also after nightmares he would need a moment to calm down and be back in his own body before being able to handle anyone else in his space.) I'm not sure what zaref's circumstances are, but since privacy is something that daichi values very much in his own life, he tries really hard not to infringe on zaref's space and silence. even when probably there are things they should talk about. like, y'know, the patricide
29. What compromises are they making in their relationship?
I think a lot of their trust is compromise, or a lot of their compromise is trust, if that makes sense. daichi wants to know what's going on in zaref's head and his heart and his past but won't push if zaref isn't ready for that. daichi being a little more public with his feelings and affections is probably one too, though I'm not sure it's one he's particularly conscious of. there are probably other things: sleep habits and routines and the small things you don't realize you have to adjust to until you do. the shared military backgrounds actually probably helps a lot
34. Under what circumstances would they feel protective?
being protective is kind of daichi's whole shtick (at least a third of his shtick) so under most circumstances. that said, he knows zaref can hold his own in a fight, so he tends to be more protective of him emotionally. (also magically. absolutely magically. on god(s) we gotta get that man a better WIS save) again idk about zaref but from daichi's perspective, there's nothing sexier than zaref coming to his rescue during an awkward social encounter. get you a boyfriend with a good charisma mod
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lurkerviolin · 8 months
i know this is an unhinged thought but i've been thinking it for like three days so...
Deadpool x Ted Lasso
listen, listen, hear me out!!
If we boil it down, the ship is just: (guy who is extremely chipper and funny but mostly in defense of how fucked up and dangerous he is) x (guy who is extremely chipper and sweet to distract from how fucked up and sad he is)
I mean. We have two deeply angry guys, who have never really had a chance to properly heal from what their childhoods'--in particular their fathers, depending on which Wade we're dealing with--did to them, and have decided the response is to be aggressively cheerful and quirky.
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If I fully commit to the brainworms bit, I would even argue on some level they could be good for each other?
Wade is fully down with revenge/murder almost from the jump, so - something, something, he goads Ted into blowing up "at him" when he really has so many people he should be angry at that he won't let himself feel. Unrelated side note: Wade would fully unalive Tartt Sr so there's that.
And Wade has a habit of also using suicide as a drug, but if he was with someone who found that particularly triggering, it might not be the option he reaches for first anymore.
Plus, Ted's just... a good-natured guy?
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I can see him taking the humor in the way Wade describes himself/his scars, but also I'm fully ignoring the canon where people puke when they see Wade's face in favor of people just... staring or pointedly not looking at him at all. I doubt Ted would do that. Just looking Wade in the eyes and talking to him like he's anyone else, immediately reaching out to shake his hand without flinching, which would probably be enough to endear him to Wade.
Also - it'd be funny to watch Wade's complete lack of filter vs Ted's southern disposition making him pearl-clutch about discussing sex. Because being real I would bet dollars to donuts Wade has some level of a corruption kink which would be entertaining, but I think it'd also be fun to have two people pleasers (I'd argue that applies to Wade when it comes to sex, at least) set their sights on pleasing each other. Ted getting manhandled into a good time seems like it'd be fun.
What? ...Is this just that shipper thing where I take two of my faves and want them to kiss?
......Anyway, thank you for coming to my tedpool talk!
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aberrantcreature · 6 months
When I read a fanfic I like, the author becomes a mini celebrity to me. So when an author with a work I like kudos’ or comments on my own fanfic I just-
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lagt-duck · 1 month
This goes to anyone who follows me
I desperately
Shadowpeach to be canon
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk
- a very obsessed shadowpeach shipper
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hoshikorii · 9 months
Family Group hugs
Be a good proton, but keep your expectation down, Caine.
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"..It brings my digital heart GREAT joy to see you're all satisfied and happy!"
"ooh, a chimaera birdwing!"
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ltorekdraws · 4 months
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wrighteortj brainrottt
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soyochii · 1 year
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Quick doodles before I evaporate.
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imsodishy · 7 months
the question isn't 'is con crit okay?' that's a terrible way to frame the issue.
the question is 'do fan creators want your con crit?' and the answer is clearly overwhelmingly No!
like, are hugs okay? theoretically, sure. but if you're going around hugging strangers who don't want you to, and they have fucking told you so, then you are in fact an asshole and should knock it off.
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zaana · 7 months
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Crosshair being a big brother
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twcfaces · 15 days
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Pals. :)
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