#i want to feel and be invested and not bored. but not to the point of emoitonal turmoil and takeover
sparrowposting · 7 months
everything is making me emotional lately i have so many reads kinda put on the back burner, not bc i dont love them, but bc theyre affecting me TOO much and i cant handle it rn, and i cant handle the emotions of a reread of anything beloved rn yet either, so pick smthn i have on my shelves that i havent read yet and have few-to-nonexistent preconceived notions of/emotions about, so i can read it and hopefully cleanse my brain palate and stop being insane. classic fantasy is usually helpful when im in this sort of mood. but like. doesn't have to be
EDIT: for the 'smthn' categories - pls give me specific suggestions/titles i am a ball of horrible indecision atm
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p-p-panda · 9 months
Random art vent lol
I get tired of constantly pouring my heart out when asked about my stuff only for it to fall flat. Like why did they even ask me to begin with??? Just to tease me??? 😭 bruh
#this is very different than what I usually post#I don’t really like doing it but tbh this has been bothering me for the past couple of months in different places I’m active in#and it’s starting to become annoying#i listen to everyone’s lore and ocs or whatever the convo is only to end up with like one reply and they die on me. AND IT KEEPS HAPPENING#IN DIFFERENT Group chats#man I’m just so tired of even lore dumping all the time at this point 💀#it seems like when I actually have the motivation to finally open up that’s when I get ignored the most :/#I’m probably being a sensitive baby rn so I might delete this later. only wanted to get it off my chest#i can listen to other people talk for hours then the second I speak it feels like bore everyone 😔#i only have like 1 or 2 people that actually listen to me when it’s my turn but most of the time I’m always listening. which isn’t bad but#man#it hurts and kinda makes me wanna cry lmao#and it makes me just half ass shit at this point when people ask about my ocs/lore since I don’t know if they want a tiny bit of info or#if they’re actually intrigued :/ I just give up now#ok I’m done this is way too long ahaha#vent#it’s not that I constantly want atteion because I don’t and I love listening to other people and sometimes when I ask they don’t talk to me#but will to someone els even when I’m super invested so idk at this point#😞#i admit I have times when I’m shy but it mostly due to not wanting to wast peoples time anymore#ok I will shut to the up#gn#it’s like 1am for me#and I really don’t want people to ask only because of this post. trust me that’s not what I’m trying to do i swear. only getting out feels
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readymades2002 · 9 months
i still think that pronouns being a...somewhat common expected mode of introducing yourself is strange 😭 the purpose that makes sense to me in doing that is mostly to signal that you're trans or otherwise affiliated (which...i know that "allies" doing things like this or calling people their partner or whatever is meant to create a space where people feel comfortable coming out, but as i still cannot bring myself to come out in such situations and as i've had Really Bad Experiences with people claiming to be allies i haven't internalized this as a purpose that makes sense yet), but i know that it is also genuinely supposed to be like. "here's how you should talk about me if you want to mention me to a third person!" which is something that makes me REEL to think about. there is no universe where i want to introduce myself to someone by telling them how to correctly and incorrectly talk about me to someone else!! i don't understand...
#i do understand its just that i guess my experience with gender is strange#i know that these things have a purpose but i am really averse to thinking about it#it feels like...branding in a weird way. tell your friends about this channel and subscribe if you want to see more#i dont feel like gender plays that kind of linguistic role in how i talk to other people? im sure it does on a deeper level#(talking to men does make me nervous even if i don't comprehend gender in the expected way)#but its. hrm. i dont know. i know (OBVIOUSLY!)(I AM TRANS) that gender is important to people#but i also dont...need to know to navigate convrsations?#i probably do. i just dont consider the kind of small talk that comprises most interactions irl to be conversations necessarily?#its...kind of a problem 😭 i dont think of the way i talk and move and emote as part of what makes me me#and i am so so so bored by most 'necessary' conversations that it makes my teeth hurt and i dont know how to deal with that...#part of the problem may just be im not approaching real life with a pragmatic approach to communicating...?#im not...hm. i am a very private person irl (which im sure is a surprise if you read this page)#i am very opinionated and passionate but i don't express this much in the flesh. lots of reasons#(often seen as an outsider)(denied opportunities to define myself)(put on display for others a lot)(punished for argumentative behavior)#so maybe i am not present enough in most banal conversations to understand the point of them...#maybe i would understand introduction with pronouns if i wasn't invested in staying closeted or scared or anything#'the ocean still looks grey to me' as they say#this didnt go where i wanted it to </3 anyway
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akari-hope · 1 year
#through a series of strange circumstances i've actually found myself in possession of a free copy of the new f*nal f*ntasy game#and i wasn't gonna play it after kind of fucking hating the demo. but like yk when shit's free i felt like i had to give it a bit of a go.#and i'm gonna try to play more of it but...it's so boring rn i'm so sorry#i do not care about these characters and i do care about the plot rn#and i literally feel like i'm going insane bc no one else seems to feel the way i do about it ggksbdk#like people are like 'the action combat is making it bad' and no that's not it#and other people are like 'people who don't like it have only played x' and no that's also not true#idk it's just weird and boring??#with some strange design choices and options that don't make a ton of sense to me#also tbh gameplay features that also don't make a ton of sense#like the consumable item carry limit. or the dodge button being what it is. or only being able to access a codex by talking to an npc.#like they're not game-destroying but they're odd and i don't quite get the point#but yeah idk i'm trying really hard to like it bc it actually kind of pains me to dislike a game in this series so much#but i just can't bring myself to be invested in the story or characters#i'm admittedly only 5 hours in but. i really would've expected something to sell me on at least ONE element by now#only thing i can say is generally positive is the majority of combat. just bc it's fine. nothing revolutionary i have no complaints.#interviews with y*shida are so funny tbh. where he's all talking about how he wanted it to feel different.#and that led to it feeling and looking like 17 other media properties. like...mission failed my dude.#anyway. i'll build up the perserverence to at least get...idk. 20 hours in is more than fair i think.#hoping it proves me wrong by then but good fucking lord. i've never been more dispassionate about a game from this series.#i'm not even like the people claiming it's 'not a REAL series entry'. like no it is. it's just a boring one lmao.
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derinwrites · 2 months
The Three Commandments
The thing about writing is this: you gotta start in medias res, to hook your readers with action immediately. But readers aren’t invested in people they know nothing about, so start with a framing scene that instead describes the characters and the stakes. But those scenes are boring, so cut straight to the action, after opening with a clever quip, but open in the style of the story, and try not to be too clever in the opener, it looks tacky. One shouldn’t use too many dialogue tags, it’s distracting; but you can use ‘said’ a lot, because ‘said’ is invisible, but don’t use ‘said’ too much because it’s boring and uninformative – make sure to vary your dialogue tags to be as descriptive as possible, except don’t do that because it’s distracting, and instead rely mostly on ‘said’ and only use others when you need them. But don’t use ‘said’ too often; you should avoid dialogue tags as much as you possibly can and indicate speakers through describing their reactions. But don’t do that, it’s distracting.
Having a viewpoint character describe themselves is amateurish, so avoid that. But also be sure to describe your viewpoint character so that the reader can picture them. And include a lot of introspection, so we can see their mindset, but don’t include too much introspection, because it’s boring and takes away from the action and really bogs down the story, but also remember to include plenty of introspection so your character doesn’t feel like a robot. And adverbs are great action descriptors; you should have a lot of them, but don’t use a lot of adverbs; they’re amateurish and bog down the story. And
The reason new writers are bombarded with so much outright contradictory writing advice is that these tips are conditional. It depends on your style, your genre, your audience, your level of skill, and what problems in your writing you’re trying to fix. Which is why, when I’m writing, I tend to focus on what I call my Three Commandments of Writing. These are the overall rules; before accepting any writing advice, I check whether it reinforces one of these rules or not. If not, I ditch it.
1: Thou Shalt Have Something To Say
What’s your book about?
I don’t mean, describe to me the plot. I mean, why should anybody read this? What’s its thesis? What’s its reason for existence, from the reader’s perspective? People write stories for all kinds of reasons, but things like ‘I just wanted to get it out of my head’ are meaningless from a reader perspective. The greatest piece of writing advice I ever received was you putting words on a page does not obligate anybody to read them. So why are the words there? What point are you trying to make?
The purpose of your story can vary wildly. Usually, you’ll be exploring some kind of thesis, especially if you write genre fiction. Curse Words, for example, is an exploration of self-perpetuating power structures and how aiming for short-term stability and safety can cause long-term problems, as well as the responsibilities of an agitator when seeking to do the necessary work of dismantling those power structures. Most of the things in Curse Words eventually fold back into exploring this question. Alternately, you might just have a really cool idea for a society or alien species or something and want to show it off (note: it can be VERY VERY HARD to carry a story on a ‘cool original concept’ by itself. You think your sky society where they fly above the clouds and have no rainfall and have to harvest water from the clouds below is a cool enough idea to carry a story: You’re almost certainly wrong. These cool concept stories work best when they are either very short, or working in conjunction with exploring a theme). You might be writing a mystery series where each story is a standalone mystery and the point is to present a puzzle and solve a fun mystery each book. Maybe you’re just here to make the reader laugh, and will throw in anything you can find that’ll act as framing for better jokes. In some genres, readers know exactly what they want and have gotten it a hundred times before and want that story again but with different character names – maybe you’re writing one of those. (These stories are popular in romance, pulp fantasy, some action genres, and rather a lot of types of fanfiction).
Whatever the main point of your story is, you should know it by the time you finish the first draft, because you simply cannot write the second draft if you don’t know what the point of the story is. (If you write web serials and are publishing the first draft, you’ll need to figure it out a lot faster.)
Once you know what the point of your story is, you can assess all writing decisions through this lens – does this help or hurt the point of my story?
2: Thou Shalt Respect Thy Reader’s Investment
Readers invest a lot in a story. Sometimes it’s money, if they bought your book, but even if your story is free, they invest time, attention, and emotional investment. The vast majority of your job is making that investment worth it. There are two factors to this – lowering the investment, and increasing the payoff. If you can lower your audience’s suspension of disbelief through consistent characterisation, realistic (for your genre – this may deviate from real realism) worldbuilding, and appropriately foreshadowing and forewarning any unexpected rules of your world. You can lower the amount of effort or attention your audience need to put into getting into your story by writing in a clear manner, using an entertaining tone, and relying on cultural touchpoints they understand already instead of pushing them in the deep end into a completely unfamiliar situation. The lower their initial investment, the easier it is to make the payoff worth it.
Two important notes here: one, not all audiences view investment in the same way. Your average reader views time as a major investment, but readers of long fiction (epic fantasies, web serials, et cetera) often view length as part of the payoff. Brandon Sanderson fans don’t grab his latest book and think “Uuuugh, why does it have to be so looong!” Similarly, some people like being thrown in the deep end and having to put a lot of work into figuring out what the fuck is going on with no onboarding. This is one of science fiction’s main tactics for forcibly immersing you in a future world. So the valuation of what counts as too much investment varies drastically between readers.
Two, it’s not always the best idea to minimise the necessary investment at all costs. Generally, engagement with art asks something of us, and that’s part of the appeal. Minimum-effort books do have their appeal and their place, in the same way that idle games or repetitive sitcoms have their appeal and their place, but the memorable stories, the ones that have staying power and provide real value, are the ones that ask something of the reader. If they’re not investing anything, they have no incentive to engage, and you’re just filling in time. This commandment does not exist to tell you to try to ask nothing of your audience – you should be asking something of your audience. It exists to tell you to respect that investment. Know what you’re asking of your audience, and make sure that the ask is less than the payoff.
The other way to respect the investment is of course to focus on a great payoff. Make those characters socially fascinating, make that sacrifice emotionally rending, make the answer to that mystery intellectually fulfilling. If you can make the investment worth it, they’ll enjoy your story. And if you consistently make their investment worth it, you build trust, and they’ll be willing to invest more next time, which means you can ask more of them and give them an even better payoff. Audience trust is a very precious currency and this is how you build it – be worth their time.
But how do you know what your audience does and doesn’t consider an onerous investment? And how do you know what kinds of payoff they’ll find rewarding? Easy – they self-sort. Part of your job is telling your audience what to expect from you as soon as you can, so that if it’s not for them, they’ll leave, and if it is, they’ll invest and appreciate the return. (“Oh but I want as many people reading my story as possible!” No, you don’t. If you want that, you can write paint-by-numbers common denominator mass appeal fic. What you want is the audience who will enjoy your story; everyone else is a waste of time, and is in fact, detrimental to your success, because if they don’t like your story then they’re likely to be bad marketing. You want these people to bounce off and leave before you disappoint them. Don’t try to trick them into staying around.) Your audience should know, very early on, what kind of an experience they’re in for, what the tone will be, the genre and character(s) they’re going to follow, that sort of thing. The first couple of chapters of Time to Orbit: Unknown, for example, are a micro-example of the sorts of mysteries that Aspen will be dealing with for most of the book, as well as a sample of their character voice, the way they approach problems, and enough of their background, world and behaviour for the reader to decide if this sort of story is for them. We also start the story with some mildly graphic medical stuff, enough physics for the reader to determine the ‘hardness’ of the scifi, and about the level of physical risk that Aspen will be putting themselves at for most of the book. This is all important information for a reader to have.
If you are mindful of the investment your readers are making, mindful of the value of the payoff, and honest with them about both from the start so that they can decide whether the story is for them, you can respect their investment and make sure they have a good time.
3: Thou Shalt Not Make Thy World Less Interesting
This one’s really about payoff, but it’s important enough to be its own commandment. It relates primarily to twists, reveals, worldbuilding, and killing off storylines or characters. One mistake that I see new writers make all the time is that they tank the engagement of their story by introducing a cool fun twist that seems so awesome in the moment and then… is a major letdown, because the implications make the world less interesting.
“It was all a dream” twists often fall into this trap. Contrary to popular opinion, I think these twists can be done extremely well. I’ve seen them done extremely well. The vast majority of the time, they’re very bad. They’re bad because they take an interesting world and make it boring. The same is true of poorly thought out, shocking character deaths – when you kill a character, you kill their potential, and if they’re a character worth killing in a high impact way then this is always a huge sacrifice on your part. Is it worth it? Will it make the story more interesting? Similarly, if your bad guy is going to get up and gloat ‘Aha, your quest was all planned by me, I was working in the shadows to get you to acquire the Mystery Object since I could not! You have fallen into my trap! Now give me the Mystery Object!’, is this a more interesting story than if the protagonist’s journey had actually been their own unmanipulated adventure? It makes your bad guy look clever and can be a cool twist, but does it mean that all those times your protagonist escaped the bad guy’s men by the skin of his teeth, he was being allowed to escape? Are they retroactively less interesting now?
Whether these twists work or not will depend on how you’ve constructed the rest of your story. Do they make your world more or less interesting?
If you have the audience’s trust, it’s permissible to make your world temporarily less interesting. You can kill off the cool guy with the awesome plan, or make it so that the Chosen One wasn’t actually the Chosen One, or even have the main character wake up and find out it was all a dream, and let the reader marinate in disappointment for a little while before you pick it up again and turn things around so that actually, that twist does lead to a more interesting story! But you have to pick it up again. Don’t leave them with the version that’s less interesting than the story you tanked for the twist. The general slop of interest must trend upward, and your sacrifices need to all lead into the more interesting world. Otherwise, your readers will be disappointed, and their experience will be tainted.
Whenever I’m looking at a new piece of writing advice, I view it through these three rules. Is this plot still delivering on the book’s purpose, or have I gone off the rails somewhere and just stared writing random stuff? Does making this character ‘more relateable’ help or hinder that goal? Does this argument with the protagonists’ mother tell the reader anything or lead to any useful payoff; is it respectful of their time? Will starting in medias res give the audience an accurate view of the story and help them decide whether to invest? Does this big twist that challenges all the assumptions we’ve made so far imply a world that is more or less interesting than the world previously implied?
Hopefully these can help you, too.
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ginax0916 · 2 months
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₊✧ 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐞 ✧₊
Chris Sturniolo x hurt!gf!reader
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: Chris’s gf’s ankle is broken and he helps her even when she doesn’t need help.
*I got the idea of writing this from their recent Wednesday video where Chris tried to help Matt down the stairs*
“So what did the doctor say?” My boyfriend Chris asks as I walk back into the waiting room where he waits with his brothers.
“Well if you couldn’t already tell by the boot on my foot, my ankle is broken” I sarcastically say.
“Oh shit. What even happened?” Matt asks.
“My dumbass got on the kitchen counter to reach something from the top shelf and when I jumped down I landed on it wrong and then I heard a crack and well yall know the rest” I sigh limping to them.
“Yo you sure you’re good to walk all the way to the car love?” Chris asks holding me up by my waist.
“Oh by the way y/n it would be good to invest in crutches for the first few days! Forgot to mention that earlier” The doctor says as she walks out into the waiting room to call her next patient.
“Does that answer your question?” I laugh.
We sign the papers I needed to be discharged and both Chris and Matt help me limp back to the car since I refuse to be carried like a baby.
“I’m gonna stop at Walgreens because they sell crutches there I’m pretty sure” Matt says.
“But I don’t want crutches” I sigh for the hundredth time.
“Y/n the doctor literally walked out to tell you that you need crutches. We’re buying them” Nick retorts.
“Fine whatever” I slouch down in defeat.
“Ok we’re here. Y/n stay in the car so you don’t have to walk all the way there. Do you want anything else?” Matt questions.
“Can you get me some nerd gummy clusters please? Oooh and a bottle of raspberry Iced Tea if there is any” I smile.
“Of course kid” Matt smiles back.
“I’ll stay with her in the car” Chris says.
“Alright just don’t be making out once we get back” Nick rolls his eyes as he closes the door.
“How you feel ma? Does it hurt?” Chris asks and rubs my thigh.
“I’m okay. And no it doesn’t hurt it feels fine actually” I say.
“Alright then that’s good” I nod in agreement.
“So how am I meant to fuck you with your broken ankle”
“Chris! Why is that your first concern” I laugh.
“I literally asked if it hurt 2 seconds ago!” He lifts his hands in defense.
“Wow makes such a difference Christopher” I slap his arm.
“See! Fucking you was not my first concern initially” He points his finger at me laughing.
“Yea but it was your second which is insane” I giggle.
“Come on don’t act like it wasn’t yours” He smiles sheepishly.
“Oh shut up Chris” I laugh again.
“Oh good you’re both decent” Nick says startling us as he opens the car door.
“Come on we aren’t that immature Nick” Chris says.
“Oh trust me you are Christopher” Nick pats him on the shoulder.
“What’s with people and calling me Christopher today damn” Chris turns back around in his seat.
“Y/n I got you the ice tea you wanted and along with the candy. And unfortunately they were out of stock of crutches so they let us order them online so they should arrive in like 2-3 days” Matt comments as he gets in the car handing me my stuff.
“Thanks Matt” I say. “I can go 2-3 days without walking I’m sure” I chuckle.
“I can just carry you around” Chris speaks up.
“What a delight” I sarcastically say.
“Oh come don’t act like you don’t already ask me to carry you around because you’re too lazy” He says slightly offended by my joke.
“I’m joking baby of course I don’t mind being carried around by you” I giggle.
“I’m gonna go pick up Canes for dinner is that good with you guys?” Matt yells from the garage.
“Yes that’s perfect thanks Matt!” I yell back.
“Wait I wanna come with you I’m bored and you always get my order wrong any way” Nick says while running down the stairs to join Matt.
“See ya guys!” Nick says.
“Bye Nick!” Both Chris and I say back.
“So what do you wanna do mama?” Chris asks, sitting down on the couch with me.
“I’m not sure. What is there to do?” I turn my body to be facing Chris and I lay my head of the cushions behind me.
“We could watch a movie, watch YouTube, play a board game or just talk. Whatever you want baby” Chris says, grabbing both my legs and draping them over his lap careful to not hurt my ankle.
“Ummm I’m not sure. But I have to pee” I say getting up. Slightly wincing at the pain of my foot touching the ground.
“C’mere” Chris mumbles, picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom.
“Thank you Chrissy” I kiss him on the cheek.
“You’re welcome and don’t call me that again” He laughs.
“Can you take my pants off for me please?” I pout.
“Oh now you’re just being a baby. Your hands work perfectly fine” Chris rolls his eyes.
“Fine me the injured person who could die any second will pull her owns pants down god” I dramatically say.
“Oh shut up and go to the bathroom babe” Chris says walking out of the bathroom laughing.
As I finish I limp into the kitchen where Chris leans against the counter.
“Hey you’re not meant to be walking you should’ve called me” Chris says picking me up and setting me on the countertop.
“I swear I’m okay love” I smile cupping his cheeks.
“Yea well the boot on your foot says otherwise” He says and grabs my waist pulling me into a warm hug.
“I love your hugs” I say nuzzling closer into him.
“And I love hugging you” He mumbles, kissing my cheek.
“Can we go to your room and watch a movie while Nick and Matt get back?” I politely ask.
“Of course we can ma” Chris smiles helping me down from the counter.
“Alright c’mon I’ll carry you down the stairs baby” He comments as he bends down ready to pick me up.
“No wait I want to do it myself” I shake my head.
“Babe the doctor said you had to be in crutches you most definitely can’t go down the stairs by yourself” Chris sighs annoyed at my stubbornness.
“Please baby? I swear I can do it” I give him my best puppy eyes to convince him.
“No don’t look at me like that ma you know I’m gonna cave” Chris covers his face with his hands.
“I’m taking that as a yes” I giggle.
“But I will be right behind you and I’m going to pick you up the second I see you stumble understood?” Chris sternly says.
“Yes I understand” I smile.
I step one foot on the first step and then the next, grabbing tightly onto the rail I limp my way down to the 4th step. Only about 15 left oh god. I thought I could do it but it hurts really bad. There’s a stinging pain on my ankle every time I step. It’s bringing tears to my eyes. But I don’t want Chris to think that I’m weak and I can’t do it. But god does it hurt. It’s getting obvious that I can’t do it, I whimper in pain every time step, tears threatening to fall. I bring my hand up to wipe my eyes but I also stepped at the same time. I lose my balance and almost fall but Chris catches me. Oh fuck.
“Hey hey I got you, you’re ok” Chris picks me up bridal style and goes the rest of the way down to his room with me in his arms. My head resting on the crook of his next softly crying. I’m not even sure if it’s because of embarrassment or pain, maybe both.
He sets be down on the edge of the bed and kneels in front of me.
“What’s wrong baby, why’re you crying that pretty makeup away hm?” Chris sweetly asks, moving my hair out of my face.
“I just- I didn’t want you to think I was weak and couldn’t do it myself” I quietly replied with my voice cracking.
“Oh baby you’re not weak. You just have a literal broken ankle. Asking for help sometimes is never being weak ok? I will never ever judge you for anything especially not being able to go down the stairs with a broken ankle. I’m always here for you ma” Chris comforts me, rubbing my arms soothingly.
“Thank you Chris” I smile leaning it to hug him.
“I love you” He kisses my cheek, hugging me back.
“Who wants Canes!!” Matt yells from the top of the stairs.
“You gonna let me carry you now mama?” He laughs as he picks me up, my legs going around his waist carefully with my ankle.
“Took you guys long enough! I’m starving” Chris laughs.
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moviecritc · 2 months
easiest conversation ⋆ carlos sainz
pairing: carlos sainz x fem!oc (named Angelique)
tropes: strangers to lovers
summary: carlos and angelique sat next to each other in a tennis match in monaco, leading to an endless conversation.
a/n: english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling. maybe a part 2 if you like it?
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Everybody was focused on Carlos' future in Formula 1, he tried so hard to not be worried about it, but every thing he does, the media somehow made it about his career as a driver. So, at the end, he couldn't do anything except being worried too. Many what ifs were in his mind anytime he thought about it.
The past weekend wete the Masters of Montecarlo, a tennis match, and taking advantage of the fact that he was in the city and most of he's teammates were also watching it, he attended as well.
Carlos didn't have the opportunity to talk to any of them, they were seated in different places in the public. Either way, seeing George, Charles and even Lando with their partners made him feel a little bit more miserable than he already felt. No seat and no girlfriend, that's not a very cool situation to be involved.
And there's even more, he doesn't even know a shit about tennis. He played paddel a few times with Lando, but tennis? He had no idea. So he just sat there, gasping when other people gasp and checking his phone once in a while.
"You seem lost," someone said.
Carlos lifts his head that exact moment, connecting looks with a light brunette that was looking at him above her sunglasses.
"Are you talking to me?" he asked, totally confused. Since when that woman was sitting by his side?.
"Yes. You look bored, maybe you just need someone to explain tennis in a cool way," she smiled. A beautiful smile.
Carlos also smiled a bit, in a weird way. Sometimes he forgots that there's people who can effortlesly talk to strangers in a cool and mysterious way. This woman was one of them.
"Yeah, sure. If you can,"
"If I can?" she seemed dramaticly offended. "You don't think a woman can explain tennis to you, man?"
"Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean it in that way," he said quickly. "Please, go ahead."
She smiled and started explaining all about tennis in the most interesting and funny way possible.
"How do you know so much about tennis?" he asked.
"Well, I'm a tennis player," she explain. "I thought it was obvious."
Carlos noded a bit, noticing a few mobile phones and cameras pointing at them. He didn't realised it until now, and now he was wondering how many pictures and videos of him and that woman would be around the media.
"Uh, well... I mean, I have no idea about tennis," he said, nervously.
"Yeah, I could tell that," she laughed and she infected Carlos with the laughter. "I'm Angelique, by the way."
"Beautiful name. I'm Carlos," they shaked hands with smiles in their faces. He saw some redness on Angelique face after he complimented her. "So you are a tennis player?"
"Yeah." she simply answered.
"Are you good?" Carlos didn't want the conversation to die.
"I try to be," she said. "I'm fifth in the Women's Tennis Association, I don't know if that's enough for you."
Angelique pursed her lips, making a funny face that made Carlos smiled.
"That sounds really good," he said, truly impressed. They were both athletes, maybe that's why it feels so easy to talk to her.
"What about you?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.
"I'm a race driver,"
Angelique raised even more her eyebrows and wide-opened her eyes "Ok, that is so fucking cool!" she remarked. "Which team do you drive for?"
"Ferrari, but..."
"No way! That's even cooler!" she boasted. "I mean, I have no idea about Formula 1. But Ferrari? That is cool guy material, undoubtedly"
Carlos was too invested in Angelique's voice and eyebrow game that wasn't able to tell her that he isn't staying in Ferrari for too long. But they've just met, and being unemployed isn't something to say to someone right off the bat.
He realised that it was the first conversation in a while that he didn't have to mention anything about his future in Formula 1, another reason of him being this comfortable around Angelique.
"And, how did you became a tennis player?" Carlos asked, leaning a little bit to her.
Now, she was focusing on the ball and the movements of the players.
"My brother used to use me as a ball picker when he played tennis, then he broke his arm and I kept his racket," she explained without divert her eyes from the field.
"He stopped playing tennis after that?"
"Well, yes. When he could come back, he was too old and unexperience to achieve something," she said. "But he wasn't very good anyways."
They both laughed and Angelique take off her sunglasses so she could see Carlos better.
"Have you won something in tennis?" he curiously asked.
"Yeah, of course. Matchs and all those things,"
"Have you beaten Serena Williams?" he wondered, with a smirk.
"Not yet," she admited. "But I've won against people who beat Serena."
She smiled proudly. The match was about to end, and none of them were paying attention to it.
"Okey, that's pretty awesome," he said.
She crossed her legs and accomodated her long brown hair to one side, which left Carlos eyeing her in a romantic way.
"And you? How someone decides that he wants to drive really fast cars?"
"My father has been involved in motorsports for a long time,"
"It's always a family thing, don't you think?" she said. "It is hard to find someone who started in sports by themselves."
"It is!" Carlos agreed with her.
He was going to say something else, but they announce the end of the match, everybody standed up to give an applause. Both of them copied the rest of the people.
"Wait, who won?" Carlos asked, totally confused.
Angelique lean into him, whispering "I've no idea,"
They laughed and kept applausing. That was the end of the match and the end of their conversation. Angelique's agent rapidly came to her to take some pictures with the winner.
"Wait, wait," she insisted to her agent and then walked close to Carlos. "It was lovely talking to you, Carlos,"
"Same, Angelique. You seem an interesting person," he complimented. Carlos was willing to ask her for her number, or something.
"Are you coming to the finals tomorrow?" she asked, praying for a yes.
"I don't think so... I have a race soon in China,"
"Oh," she seemed disappointed. "Well, good luck for your race and..."
"Can I asked you for your number?" he said unexpectedly.
"Yes!" she realised that maybe she was too effusive, so she lower her tone. "I mean, yeah, sure. If you want."
Carlos laughed and Angelique did it too, in a more ashamed way. He gave her his phone so she could write her number.
"There you go," she said and her agent was already near her to leave the match. "Text me!"
Carlos laughed and waved at her, when he looked at his phone, he could do anything but laughed again. Angelique saved her as "That cute girl from the tennis match".
He wondered what was about that girl that made her so unique and easy to talk to her. Carlos didn't think about it very much, instead, he texted her right after she left the field.
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10 worst ways to start a book
1. An irrelevant point of view
It's extremely frustrating as a reader to read the opening scene of a novel, get invested in the story and start rooting for the POV character, only to have that character never show up again or show up as an unimportant character.
Your readers will feel betrayed. Why did they get emotionally invested in this character? Why did they care?
One of the most important functions of your first scene or chapter is introducing your main character and getting the reader to root for them.
Don’t waste that crucial moment on an unimportant POV.
2. Too many characters
Starting to read a new book is usually a bit confusing. You have to get to know new characters, a new world, a new writing style etc.
Don’t add to that confusion by introducing two dozen characters in the opening scene. Readers won’t remember their names or care about them; they’ll just feel overwhelmed and confused.
Additionally, readers will also struggle to root for the main character, because there are too many other people crowding the scene.
3. Telling
My name is Lisa. I’m a short, feisty brunette who loves horse riding. I have two best friends called Anna and Daniel, and we carpool to college every day. I have a crush on Josh, one of my tutors, but he’s twenty-seven and isn’t interested in me.
Telling is boring. It has its place, but the start of your novel is not it. The above paragraph could have been an interesting scene in which you showed the reader all the information via action and dialogue.
Unless you’re using subversion to surprise the reader, e.g., My name is Lisa and I’m a class-three demon, don’t start with telling. 
Immerse the reader in the story through action, dialogue and the senses. Show us who the main character is, don’t just tell us.
4. Description
Please don’t start your book with a page-long description of the setting. In fact, I would recommend not starting with description at all. 
Yes, a few lines of description later in the opening scene is fine. But the reader needs to care first. 
No matter how beautiful your writing is, readers won’t be sucked in by a five-paragraph description of a field.
5. Worldbuilding info dump
Please don’t start your book with an explanation of your world’s climate, politics, history, magic system etc. 
Once again, the reader needs to care first. 
There needs to be action and conflict and a compelling plot. The world exists as a backdrop for the story and the characters – it’s not the protagonist and it shouldn’t take up the opening scene.
6. The dream sequence
The main reason that this is a bad way to start your book is that it’s been done way too many times.
But that’s not the only reason.
It also feels like a betrayal to the reader, because they got invested in the story and the character and the events, and then you tell them it was never real.
And oftentimes the storyline and world of the dream is much more interesting than the actual story, which makes the latter look very boring in comparison.
7. Looking in a mirror
Once again, it’s just been done too much: A character looking in a mirror and describing their physical appearance to the reader. 
Firstly, no one describes their appearance in detail when they look in the mirror.
Secondly, the reader doesn’t even know who this person is. We don’t know if we’re interested in the character yet. We don’t know why we should care. So, we don’t want a detailed description of the character’s appearance right off the bat.
Show us interesting aspects of your main character’s personality, hobbies and life. Weave in physical description as it becomes relevant. It’s not important enough for the very first paragraph.
8. Starting way too early
Yes, most books don’t start with the inciting incident (although I recommend that they do), but the start of your book shouldn’t be too far away from your inciting incident.
So, don’t start with a long scene describing the main character’s everyday life. The readers want the thing to happen.
Providing context and introducing the main character is fine, but don’t leave the reader hanging for too long before you get to the good stuff.
9. Trying too hard
“Your first line has to be amazing and hook the reader. It needs to be something no one has ever read before.”
I bet you’ve heard that piece of advice hundreds of times. It’s not bad advice, but taken to the extreme, it creates an opening that is disjointed, conflated and confusing.
Your first scene should introduce your character, story and voice. So, don’t write a single line of profound purple prose that has very little to do with your actual story as a first line.
Focus on writing a good story. Introduce the reader to the book and make the main character intriguing. You don’t need a mind-blowing first line.
10. The lesson
Most books have a theme or something the author wants to say. Oftentimes, that takes the form of a life lesson.
This is good, but the lesson needs to be subtly woven into the story.
It should not be forced down the reader’s throat in the very first scene.
Don’t tell me what I’m going to learn, show me the lesson through the story.
If you’d like to read a Fantasy Adventure novel that does not have any of these opening mistakes, check out my debut To Wear A Crown.
Reblog if you found this post useful. Comment with your own tips for writing a good opening scene. Follow for similar content.
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runnning-outof-time · 7 months
I believe that “Are you jealous?” is the last available prompt 😅 Do your magic with it, K 🤗 With Tommy, please and happy 3.5 K 😘
Thanks for sending this in, Isa! I’m sorry it took me a bit to write it…..I hope you like the path I chose for it. This prompt was requested 3 times, so I’m trying to give it a little variety. Out of the 3 brothers, Tommy feels like he’d be the one to go about it in this way…he’s a bit of a jerk in this one. Alright, enough with the talking…Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration - find more stories here!
I’m Walking Home
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: language, use of derogatory word (whore), (Y/N)’s a bit unhinged in this one
Word Count: 999
Summary: (Y/N) decides to walk home after a question that Tommy asks makes her anger soar.
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Tommy had had enough. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and killed the engine, setting both of his hands on his thighs as he let out a harsh sigh. “Alright…what is it?” he asked the woman sitting to his left.
“What is what?” (Y/N) responded with a curt question of her own, her eyes focused on the road ahead of them.
“You’ve not spoken a word to me since we started driving. What’s on your mind?” he elaborated on his previous question. (Y/N) snorted in response.
“Of course you’d be completely oblivious to it,” she stated, her words dripping with sarcasm. Even though she’d yet to look at him, she could still feel his heavy eyes boring into the side of her face. Her statement was met with silence, and she let it ring for a few moments before letting out a scoff. Bastard wants me to spell it out for him, she thought to herself as she relented and finally looked in his direction. “You really don’t know?” she asked, giving one last chance to redeem himself before she went off on him.
“I wouldn’t be asking if I did,” he answered her in his typical, abrupt fashion.
“You don’t recall the woman at the party?” she tried to jog his memory with a more specific question.
“What woman?” he still wasn’t helping himself.
“The woman that was practically hanging on you; the one looking for your attention? You didn’t seem to notice her? And the fact that she was giving you the ‘please fuck me’ eyes for the entirety of the conversation you were having, whilst I was present?!” she finally let the levee break, her voice inflecting towards the end to let her frustration become known.
“She was discussing business, (Y/N),” came Tommy’s terrible response.
“Business?! What part of her fucking giggles and the batting of her eyelashes had to do anything with your fucking business, Tommy?!”
“Her husband’s money is good. His investment will help our company, and she plays a big part in deciding who he gives it to. So I didn’t take notice to what her fucking eyelashes were doing because that was not of any fucking importance,” he kept his voice level, delivering his statement in a stoic way. He knew better than to rise to meet her level of anger.
“Oh and she’s got a husband!” she exclaimed dramatically, completely disregarding the second half of his statement.
“(Y/N),” there was a warning tone present in his voice now. She was blowing this out of porportion.
“She’s fucking married, and her husband cares about what she thinks before he throws his money around, but yet he doesn’t care that she’s acting like a whore in front of his potential business partners,” (Y/N) broke into a rant, not caring at that moment that she was basically disparaging a woman who she did not know.
At this point, there was nothing that could be done that would quickly clear this up. Her anger was too elevated for that. But there was something that could be said to make this situation so much worse.
“Are you jealous?” Tommy blatantly asked. His question had (Y/N) seeing red.
“Excuse me?” she asked in disbelief, shock quickly filling her features. She spoke in such a way that would usually make most people rescind their statement, but Tommy wasn’t like most people.
“You’re jealous of this woman, aren’t you?” he asked, his eyes flitting over to match hers then as he waited for her answer.
(Y/N)’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe that he had the audacity to ask such a question outright. A scoff left her lips as she tried to find the words to respond to his statement. Her mind wasn’t computing.
A few tense moments passed before she swung the car door open. Without saying anything, she snatched her purse from the seat and made a move to exit the vehicle.
“Where are you going?” Tommy asked, acting as if he hadn’t just dropped a bomb on her with the last question. He honestly probably didn’t think he did.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me,” she snapped at him, sending a glare his way before she slammed the car door shut, not caring at all how expensive the vehicle was. And if looks could kill, there would have been a dead man inside the car with the shattered door.
(Y/N) stormed off down the road, not knowing - nor caring - where she was going. The car’s engine came to life behind her, but it didn’t make her break her step, and she didn’t dare look to her right as Tommy pulled up beside her.
“What the fuck are you doing, (Y/N)?” he asked, glancing between her and the road as he continued to drive beside her.
“I’m walking home,” she snapped back at him, still looking straight ahead, “as a matter of fact…I’m not even sure where I’m walking to, but I sure as hell know that I don’t want to be around you right now. So leave me.”
“Leave me,” she cut him off, finally looking at him so that she could send him one more deadly glare before she continued on her way.
Tommy put his foot on the brake and thought for a moment. There wasn’t anything more he could do now. His efforts would only make the situation worse. With a sigh, he ran his hand along the back of his head before he took his foot off the brake and continued down the road.
(Y/N) watched as the tail-lights faded off into the distance. She let out a huff and tried to calm herself down. Was she acting jealous at the moment? Yeah, probably. But she wouldn’t give Tommy the satisfaction of answering the question he so blatantly asked. She was just lucky that it was still warm out.
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I’m adding taglists in reblogs in hopes that people will actually be tagged.
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jade-jini · 7 months
omg thank youuuuu g!p loser reader x sana pls 🥺💕
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(Perfect moment to bring Sha-rich AHHH)
Daddy’s rich girl who “works” at the company as well with you. Unlike her, you worked your way up to an important position in the company. You invested time, worked and studied hard, and had a position almost as important as her. Almost. Of course nobody could ever have more power than the owner’s daughter, right?
However, the fact that you were able to have such position already spoke a lot about how smart you were. Not a lot of people, specially at such a young age, could get there. If they didn’t know who Sana was, they’d wonder how tf is she technically your superior. Specially when you’re the one who basically does all the work for her.
“Y/n-ssiii” she called in her respective animated tone. You were talking with some coworkers in their desks when you quickly looked at her and gave her all your attention, feeling already cheered up at the sound of her pretty voice.
“Yes, Ms. Minatozaki?” You answered sweetly with those heart eyes you could hardly hide from others, happy to see her already ‘cause you were wondering when was she gonna get to the office (lost puppy behavior-). You knew it was common for her to just show up at any time she wanted to.
“Father has assigned me some hard hard work.” She said with a pout as she showed you a folder. “and I need the help and guidance of the smartest person here, Aka you. No offense, ladies.” She said as she gifted a charismatic smile and wink to the young secretaries you were previously talking to.
Everybody knew that when Sana said “help her”, it meant that you were gonna do all the work for her.
You, of course, would have gladly accepted right away, but you were full of work too, and wanted to take things slow this week rather than having to focus on working hard on your and her work as well. Again.
“I’d love to, but I also have this project and I act-” you tried to explained but she stopped you, already feeling bored hearing the excuse.
“Ah! This is important, y/n. You wouldn’t want our ceo to be missing such an important part of his presentation for this week, presentation that I remind you, you’re part of, right? Or is it that you can’t handle being part of it? ‘Cause If you can’t I can find somebody else that-” now it was your turn to interrupt.
“No!” You quickly said grabbing the folder from her hands. For some reason the idea of somebody else spending time with Sana like that made you horribly jealous (territorial puppy?). It felt like it had more than one meaning. It was more than just somebody helping her with work. “I can do it, ma’am. I’ll have it ready as soon as possible.”
“Sounds great! See you soon in my office.” She said with a big smile as she softly touched your forearm before leaving. You simply sighed, wondering why was it so hard to resist her. You turned around once her silhouette disappeared, just to see your coworkers looking at you and shaking their heads. You shrugged, and excused yourself to your own office to start working.
Some people would think Sana is using you to look good in front of her daddy and his important partners. You had coworkers looking at you with sad eyes, feeling empathetic about “the poor sunbaenim who is too good to say no and has to work so daddy’s girl doesn’t show how unprepared she actually is for this business”. Most of the people in the company liked Sana though, she was charismatic and that’s something that can get you far in life as well. You appreciated her qualities, and saw beyond. But of course there were always those few employees…
“Y/n sunbaenim should be the one with her position”
“Seriously, she’s so qualified. How unfair” some coworkers would whisper. What they didn’t know is that Sana was compensating you and very well for your help with her job.
In her own particular way.
“y/n! Oh my god. y/n~.”
Sana’s moans were getting loud to the point you were starting to concern that some people might be able to hear you guys from outside her office. But being drunk in her taste, you couldn’t care less about that. And Sana didn’t care at all when she was feeling this good, at the end of the day she (her dad-) owned this place. Who was gonna fire her?
You were almost naked, your upper body exposed, your wrists tied behind the chair you were seated on. Your pants were still on though, and your boner was already hurting but you didn’t dare to complain, focus on the task given to you. Not any important report that she needed to have on her daddy’s desk by the end of the week, or any structure analysis of who gives a fuck. No. right now the only thing that mattered was Making Ms. Minatozaki come in your mouth.
But how did you even get here today? Let me explain, it’s easy.
“Ms. Minatozaki, I brought you the latest report as you asked, with updates about last week’s movements in the graphs that our investment teams have been working on.” You said as you entered the woman’s office, several papers in hand battling not to fall as you fixed your glasses how you could.
Right as you stepped a foot on her office, she closed the door with your back against it and locking it behind your back, making you drop your documents and gasp in surprise “w-what’s going on, Ms. Mi-” but you couldn’t finish your question, as she started kissing you like she hasn’t seen you in years. You were caught off guard, moaning in her mouth as you grabbed her forearms. You always loved when Sana kissed you, sometimes you just wished she’d warn you before doing it out of a sudden.
“Ma’am, please, w-wait” you asked, feeling her hand traveling down to palm your dick over your pants “oh god…not there please…”
“Why not? I’m sure it misses me.” The older woman teased with a smirk, trying her best not to laugh. She went to leave wet kisses on your neck, biting it and grabbing your cock more ‘till she was basically masturbating you over your pants.
“Ms, Wait- fuck~ wait! Sana, wait!” You moaned, feeling weak in her hands, containing yourself from simply surrender to her touch was such a hard task, and slowly your brain almost forgot why would you even try to do it anyways.
“You have no idea how much it turns me on when you call me Ms. Minatozaki.” She whispered next to your ear, to then let out a mischievous giggle. “Although my name sounds just as good when it comes from your pretty lips, baby~” Sana teased, and went back to your neck, undoing your tie and shirt. Your trembling hands slowly tried to go to her lower back, but she had other plans “Ah Ah! You’re not using those right now, come here puppy.” Sana guided you to a chair she had in her office, and softly pushed you until you were seated. As she straddled you and went back to kissing you deeply, you didn’t realize that she tied your hands behind your back with your own tie until she stepped up to get something from her drawer and you tried to move.
“Sana? What’s going on?” You asked as you tilted your head, confused but clearly excited, already feeling your member pulsating, needing attention and missing the pressure Sana was giving it when seated on your lap. She was right. Your whole body missed her. Even when you guys hooked up very often you always wanted more of her.
“Nothing we haven’t done before, pretty puppy” she said as she showed you the leash and collar she bought just for you, with a blindfold as well, biting her lip clearly as eager as you were to start.
“You wanna do that here?!” You asked her, clearly surprised.
“What, are you gonna tell me you don’t want it?” She asked back giving you a “you know damn right” look. Sana knew, you could never tell her no.
“… no ma’am.”
And that’s how you ended in the position you were in.
“That’s it baby, keep going like that. I’m gonna come~” you heard the older woman say as you basically fucked her pussy with your tongue, and you wished you could see her facial expressions but again, you didn’t dare to complain, not wanting to be punished. Even though you couldn’t see her, all of your other senses were very awake. The taste of her pussy against your tongue, making you drool creating a mess on her cunt as you felt some of it on your chin. The sounds of her voice moaning your name, as praises also filled the air. The sensation of the leash being pulled, keeping you as close as possible to her. Everything was having you on edge. You felt you could almost come untouched just by pleasing this woman.
Just as she stated, Sana came in your mouth, holding the leash and your head in place as she grabbed your hair a little too hard, sending a little pain, but not too much that you were uncomfortable.
“Fuckk your mouth feels so fucking good…” she moaned as she moved your mouth all over her cunt, helping herself ride the last highs of her orgasm. “It’s time to help you now, isn’t it puppy?” She asked in a cute tone, teasing you over your pants with her bare foot. With how neglected your cock felt, your hips automatically moved towards her foot, desperate for friction. This made the older woman laugh, you were such a cute needy puppy for her. “aw don’t be weird, puppy. I’m not using my feet for that. Got something better for ya.”
And as the seconds feel like ages, with the uncertainty of the darkness, you felt her hands slightly moving your pants to let your member free, and you felt how it hardly slapped against your own stomach. The sensation of your own precum making you groan, but you didn’t find it bothersome actually. The fact that it was still coming even when Sana wasn’t stimulating you at all in any ways made her hungrier for you.
“Aww, poor you. That probably hurts, doesn’t it darling?” She cooed. You nodded, a pout decorating your lips as soft whimpers started to leave them. An almost too loud moan escaped you once she started to slowly jerk you off “Shhh it’s ok, I’ll take care of it.” She said as her palm was now all over your tip, playing with the precum. You thought she was gonna make you come like this, until you felt the overwhelming and warm sensation of her tight pussy. God it felt like heaven. With how sensitive you were, and the desperation of not being allowed to touch her with your own hands. You felt you could come in any second.
Sana started riding you at a steady pace, knowing you were close but also not wanting you to finish too soon. She was playing with the pace, torturing you and enjoying the sounds you’d make when she slowed down robbing you of your own orgasm. If only you could see that damn smile she had on her face. “Sana, please… stop playing with me.. I need to come, please.”
Ouh she loved the sound of that. How you desperately begged her, knowing she had full control over you in every aspect. She needed to hear it more. “Hmmm ask again baby. Ask again and I’ll think about it.”
“Please, please, I’m begging you ma’am, please..” you sobbed, needing your sweet release, unconsciously thrusting your hips up, fucking her as fast as she was fucking you.
“Fuck..! Just like that, baby. Keep fucking going like that. Fuck me good.” She moaned between teeth in your ear, feeling herself getting close to her second orgasm as well. As you came, the sensation of your seed inside her drove her crazy, jumping even faster on your cock making you sob and ask her to please slow down, feeling overstimulated. But of course Sana didn’t stop until she was making a mess on your cock, making you fill her up even more.
For somebody with her own office, she surely enjoyed rather going to more dangerous and small corners of the building.
“Wait, they’re gonna hear us…” you whispered with the little reasoning that was left in your mind as she quickly unbuttoned your pants while you were against the door of a janitor’s closet.
“No, I don’t think they will.” She said as she took her panties off and made you take them into your mouth before getting on her knees.
“Sana, we have a lot of work to do, please.” You said, taking her small piece of clothing out of your mouth for a second.
“Then let’s make it quick, and put that back in your mouth, now.” She said and before you could argue, she started sucking on your tip, moaning at the taste. Your eyes almost went completely white, getting already watery ‘cause of how sensitive you felt and how good Sana’s mouth was. You couldn’t help but to thrust your hips a little, hoping she’d get more of you inside her warm mouth. “Hey what did I tell you, hm? If you wanna fuck my mouth, you ask for it.” She scolded, teasing part of your shaft with her teeth “Understood?”
“A-ah~ yes ma’am. Can I please fuck your mouth?” You almost begged her, your voice coming out muffled ‘cause of her panties and you clenched the edge of the table next to you to try and have some self control while you waited for her answer.
“That’s better, yes you can baby.” She answered as she put her tongue out, giving you more access to her mouth, eagerly waiting for you to use it as your own fuck toy. And of course you did, getting deep inside her throat creating such wet and impure noises that would make whoever walks outside that closet turn around and leave the whole floor. Sana took it out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath, replacing it with her hand instead. However, you were quick to put it back in, grabbing her head firmly.
“Nu-uh, we can’t risk it falling on your clothes. We can’t go to our meeting all dirty. You’re gonna swallow it all, aren’t you, baby?” You told her looking straight into her eyes, and she nodded, knowing she had no other option. She looked so cute like that, giving you those puppy eyes. People thought nobody could have more power than the owner’s daughter. Yet here you had her, on her knees listening to your every word and letting you use her mouth. People could call you a pathetic loser if they wanted to. As long as you could enjoy Sana. Not so long after, you came in her mouth almost making her choke. Still, she made sure to take everything you gave her, licking your dick clean, and getting a little too excited that you almost were starting to get hard again. However, you grabbed her arms and pulled her back on her feet, you guys had an important meeting and you were almost already late. She groaned, complaining and clearly wanting more “I promise after this meeting we can go wherever you want and do whatever you say, but please let’s go. We worked hard on these papers, remember?” You told her with a pout, a surprising switch on you that Sana was still trying to get used to.
“Ugh, fine..” she sighed as she rolled her eyes, and you both carefully got out of the closet (be who you areeee) after making sure you were presentable.
Getting to your meeting like nothing happened, clearly in a better mood than earlier that day, your cheeks red and sometimes stuttering as Sana continued eye-fucking you, fantasizing about what you promised earlier and impatient for the day to end to take you home,but she had the biggest smile planted on her face ‘cause there’s nothing she loves more than playing with you and having you around her finger during office hours.
A lot of people thought she was just flirting and playing with you, making you nervous or dreaming about a chance with her just so you would do whatever she wanted, but never actually batting an eye your way. The way Sana thanks you for your help (which she very much enjoyed as well, so it was a win-win for her every time), you could honestly say it was very fair tho.
Now, Sana was no idiot. She knew damn right what it was told about her and the way she treated you. She knew some people thought she was taking advantage of you and manipulating you ‘cause you were too good and innocent. You looked so shy and well behaved. “If only they knew” she thought. Yes, you were sweet, but innocent? Impossible, and if you ever were then she was sure she already broke you ‘cause with how easy she made you hard, and with how hard you pound on her, it was impossible to consider you innocent. Well behaved? Of course tho, you were so obedient for her. Just for her<3.
Continuation here <3
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 4 months
I can’t stop thinking of demon! Adam going through development and reaching the point of like,, doing something nice without anyone telling him to do it, purely for the sake of doing it. Something he never would have done before. Even if it’s something as small as sitting down with you while you’re watching your favorite movie or show and not shitting on it the whole time, just to keep you company. Or something like that. I dunno. I’m just a sucker for slow burn subtextual romance.
THAT, and the reader seeing his face beneath the mask, looking him the eyes, and smiling a little. Even if they say nothing. I feel like that would stick with him.
Exactly. Demon!Adam lives in my head rent free now. I know this weren't a request of sorts but I kinda wrote something for this
random ficlet below
Demon!Adam x GN!reader (Fluff)
DemonSinner!Adam is something that plays on my mind a lot. He still doesn’t believe in the whole redemption shit that Charlie is laying down but if it gets him a glimpse of seeing heaven again he is willing to try.
Adam was bored and needed something to do that would put off the inevitable “therapy” session with Lucifer’s brat later. So that must be why he finds himself outside your room. He knocks lightly on your door. You didn’t answer, he knocked again louder this time. Still no answer. So he opens the door and peers in.
“Hey errr (Y/n) Charlie asked me to check on you.” A blatant lie but he won’t tell you that.
He sees you’re watching TV.
“Huh? What no shitty nickname this time?” You mumbled around a mouthful of popcorn. Adam walks over and flops down on the couch next to you.
“Oh yeah, nah I didn’t really feel like it.” He grabs a handful of your popcorn.
You quirk a brow.
“Also Charlie said nooo giving nicknames to people that demean them and also who don’t want it and people were given names to be used blah blah blah.” He shoves the popcorn into his mouth. “So what are we watchin?”
“I'm watching a movie I really like so if you're staying either shut up or fuck off.” You sink back into your blanket cocoon.
*10 minutes later*
“What the fuck! This guy clearly likes her but she goes for the other bozo. Is she blind . . . . as well as ya know hot.”
You choke on your drink. You didn’t think that this would be his kinda thing but here he was emotionally invested in the film you had picked. You had really wanted to just wallow in your depression by binge watching trashy romcoms but what was really making you feel better was watching the ‘dickmaster’ himself rooting for the underdog to open up about his feelings to the lead woman.
You go to grab some popcorn but see the bowl is empty.
“Gotta pause.” You go to stand but he stops you.
“I got this.” He hides the good deed by quickly saying “And I need to piss anyway.” You pass him the bowl.
“Not in the popcorn I hope.” You rearrange yourself back in your blanket burrito.
“HAA, You nasty but don’t watch without me. Coz that is a dick move.”
“You know all about those.” You mutter into the blanket. But Adam had gone to the hotel kitchen to make popcorn.
You chose to scroll on your phone until he got back. There were a few messages but you didn’t really feel like answering them. You flop on your side. You can always move when he came back.
While you waited in silence for Adam. You think back on how he really was getting better. After seeing him slowly open up to Charlie’s ideas and seeing that he can be a good guy when it suits him. You smile to yourself.
Your door slams open.
“Okay I’m back bitch.”
Nevermind looks like he has thrown up his walls again.
He lays out the armful of snacks and the bowl of popcorn that looks way bigger than the bowl he left with. He sees you on your side.
“You comfy down there?”
You groan and slowly sit up again. He sits back down but wraps an arm around you and hugs you into his side and nothing more.
“Okay we can continue now.” He grabs the popcorn and rests it on his lap.
You set the movie going again and snuggle just a little bit closer. For popcorn reasons of course not that Adam was nice and warm and you felt safe next to him.
“Clearly she don’t know a good thing when she sees it.” You pipe up after about three minutes into the film again. You had seen this film so many times but there was one scene that always brought out annoyance in you.
“Right!! She needs to open her eyes this guy clearly loves her for who they are and not some fake ass bs that other . . . what?” Adam stops mid-sentence looking down at you resting against his chest.
You blink a few times before realising you are staring “Huh oh nothing.”
You focus back on the screen in front of you.
The climatic end of the film was approaching and the main lead were confessing their love and as the credits role you can here someone crying. You glance up and see Adam wiping away tears.
“You okay.” You sit up and reach for the tissues on the table to hand them to him.
“What!!! I’m fine. Of course I’m fiiiine. Shut up bitch.” He grabs the tissue box from you.
“If it helps I cried the first time I watched this movie.” You wrap the blankets tighter around yourself.
“I . . . ah . . shit.” He saw you curling further in on yourself. He feels guilt crawling into his stomach. “Sorry, I’m . . .Ugh. Look I’m bad at these feel your feelings crap that Charlie spouts. But it was a good film and yeah I cried but . . .”
“It don’t make you any less of a man.”
“Yeeeah I know. Of course I know. I’m the first man.”
“Huh back to that are we.” You bump shoulders with him, making him laugh.
He pulls you back into his side “So what are we watching now?”
I really didn't mean for this to be as long as it was. I'm sorry
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missingexaltation · 2 years
A few years after Vecna, Steve gets invited back to the high school to play in a charity basketball match with (and against) other Hawkins basketball alumni. It's for charity, and he misses the rush of playing (and he kinda wants to see if he's still any good), so he agrees.
He asks Eddie if he'll be there, but although Eddie's somewhat enthusiastic to Steve's face, he whines about it for days to Wayne. He fucking hates sports, why did he have to fall for a fucking jock, of all things. UUUGH! Wayne puts up with it for a while before realising that Eddie's not going to talk himself around, and gives him a blunt, verbal kick in the ass.
"You think your boy enjoys watching your dungeon and dragons shtick, son?" He asks, sipping at his beer.
Eddie's offended, immediately.
"He's never missed a session, course he loves it." he says. "And i know he pays attention because we talk about it afterwards and he's always..."
"And how's that make you feel?" Wayne interrupts.
"Fucking amazing." Eddie grumbles, knowing what's coming, and hating it.
"...and how do you talk about his hobbies?"
Eddie sighs and covers his face. Wayne carries on, knowing he's made his point but hammering it home nonetheless.
"Your boy loves his sports, he's always here just in time to watch the games with me nowadays. And don't think I haven't noticed how bored you are when it's on. I reckon he's noticed too."
Eddie's silent, starting at the ceiling with a dramatic, melancholy pout.
"Ah shit." He sighs. "I'm a bad boyfriend, aren't I?"
"Maybe. Maybe not. But learn from it if you want to be better." Wayne shrugs. "He makes you happy by indulging in your hobbies, maybe you should think about doing the same. Guarantee it'll put a smile on your boy's face, if nothing else."
So next time Steve brings it up, (tentatively, like he knows Eddie will complain) Eddie is much more genuinely enthusiastic. Steve's surprised for a split second (and doesn't that hurt), before he's beaming and looking absolutely delighted. And shit, yeah ok. It does make Eddie feel good to see Steve happy. Course it does.
The game rolls around, and hell yeah, it's boring to watch. Eddie's been reading up on the rules, so he's not entirely confused, but it just seems so pointless. Steve's good though. From what he's seen (and he's totally not biased, thanks) Steve's running rings around the other team, and Eddie's so fucking proud! It helps that Steve's in those shorts, showing off damn near the full length of his legs.
More importantly, he looks so fucking happy while he's playing. He keeps shooting Eddie these big, beaming smiles when they've scored a hoop, or point, or whatever they're called, and Eddie finds himself melting where he sits, face aching from smiling so much in return.
By the end of the game Eddie's fully invested. Sure, he barely understands what's going on, but even he knows enough that getting the ball in the hoop is a good thing, and Steve does it loads. Their team wins, and there's a huge group hug, pats on the back and other sporty, manly things before they all part ways and start making their way out to the parking lot.
Eddie stays put. He knows Steve will come right to him, and he does. They walk back to Steve's car together, and Steve's on some sort of winner's high; all smiles and cocky strutting. It's kinda hot. Screw that, it's totally hot, and suddenly Eddie's glad that Wayne's working tonight and they've got the place to themselves.
"Surprised you lasted the whole game, Eds." Steve says, teasingly, before he just downs a water bottle. "Thought you'd have died of boredom halfway though."
"Pssh." Eddie waves him off, trying not to feel embarrassed. "You know, Stevie, you're pretty amazing at that." He waves his hand vaguely back towards the court. "That shot you made from almost the centre? Chills, baby, full on chills."
Steve doesn't even bother checking to see if anyone's watching. He slams Eddie against the side of his car and kisses him, cradling Eddie's face with his hands, as though he'd die if he didn't have full body contact.
And Eddie knows the feeling. Like when Steve had recounted a particularly awesome moment from his campaign, and all Eddie had wanted to do was drag him right to the bedroom.
Steve pulls away.
"Get in." He said, opening the car door for Eddie like the gentleman he is.
And fuck, if this is the reaction he gets for paying attention, then he's definitely doing it more. If he's honest with himself, he should have been doing it from day one, but yeah sometimes he's a bit dense and needs a push in the right direction.
So basketball's boring as shit usually, but when Steve's playing? Hell yeah. He'll even put up with listening about it (and even football), if it puts that smile on Stevie's face. That's the price for dating a jock, he guesses, but it's miniscule, and it's fucking worth it.
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the-rat-eatery · 2 months
Hot take: helluva boss is kinda better than hazbin? The characters feel more genuine and are more complex, they have more clear motivations and, though it definitely has its flaws (unhappy campers I’m looking at you), it’s just so much more fun.
The songs are often better, so is the animation— somehow— and it just consistently hits harder with both the comedy and the emotional points. Like I am so much more invested in the romances of helluva than the kinda-boring romances of hazbin. Both m&m and fizz/ozzie are sweeter and more developed than chaggie, stolitz intrigues me so much more than huskerdust (though I get that stolitz gets more of a focus in its show). Moxxie’s and Blitz’s daddy issues are so much more interesting than Charlie’s relationship with Lucifer.
It feels consistently better written, maybe that’s because there’s no interference from Amazon executives, maybe that’s because there’s less pressure to make it perfect, maybe that’s because it took its original concept and evolved out of it while not losing sight of it (something that can’t be said for hazbin hotel), I don’t know, but to me it’s true. Don’t get me wrong, I like Hazbin Hotel, but while I often feel the need to rewatch helluva episodes for things I missed or just because I want to experience it again, I don’t really get that for hazbin (except maybe episode 4?). Helluva boss feels more innovative, more creative, probably because it has the space and time to be that.
Or maybe it’s just cuz I’m rlly hyped for helluva rn idk you decide
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teardrop-scales · 8 months
Hi I have a request! How about a love potion one shot or head canon with lmk Wukong and fem (s/o)? Please and thank u 🙏🏻
Love potion: Sun Wukong x reader headcannons 🧪
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A.N: I decided to do this in a headcannon format, but more story-driven one, and I actually changed your request a bit so Wukong and reader aren't a couple yet in this. Hope that's okay!
You were having a peaceful afternoon after your early morning shift at work when MK called you.
You were surprised at this; you knew he was supposed to be training with your friend/crush Wukong and usually that made him quite busy and unreachable. So you knew that something must've happened.
When you picked up the phone , it turned out that The Monkey King himself somehow accidentally drank a love potion that he had in his stash of artifacts and other useless things.
MK wasn't exactly sure how the potion worked; on the bottle it was only written that, thankfully, the effects last only for a day or so, and the poor kid couldn't exactly ask his mentor about it right now. Besides, you were sure that Wukong wouldn't know even in the right/normal state of mind.
According to MK, the monkey acted somewhat normal for a few minutes, until he saw you in the photo he had of you two stashed somewhere. Then the potion truly started to kick in. At least that's what you think happened, provided you understood MK's frantic explanation correctly.
And to summarize, the boy wanted you to take care of Wukong for a bit until the potion stopped working, since the monkey was apparently constantly bugging him about wanting to see you. You could even hear Monkey King gushing about you and cutting in through MK's phone "to say hi".
You kinda feared what it would be like. You just hoped he wouldn't be too overbearing and that you won't explode from flusteredness, given you had a crush on Monkey King and thanks to the potion, he was in love with YOU of all people.
But you knew that MK had to go to his afternoon shift at Pigsy's, and Wukong couldn't be left alone in this state, so of course you agreed.
So in a short amount of time MK was standing in front of your apartment door with the Monkey King behind him. The boy thanked you once again and then he was gone. Leaving you alone with your lovesick crush.
His eyes were much wider than normal, and there was a slight pink gleam in them. He also had a wide smile on his face, his tail swishing behind him. Basically all the signs that he was happy.
"Peaches, I'm so glad to see you!"
He exclaimed in a much more higher pitched and cheerful voice than normally before crushing you in a hug.
"Yeah, good to see you too, Wukong" You replied and awkwardly reciprocated the hug, while Sun buried his face in the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent.
Overall Wukong was much more cheerful, talkative and emotional than normal under the effect of the potion.
After the hug he started asking you a ton of questions, like, how was your day? How are you feeling today? No demon tried to attack you since he last saw you, right? Etc.
You also noticed that he called you 'Peaches' a lot. Of course, sometimes he did call you that before the potion, but only sometimes and he always acted like that was a slip up. He usually calls you by your name or similarly to MK, 'bud'/'buddy', maybe 'pal' sometimes.
To be honest, you weren't sure what to do with Wukong and how to keep him busy and not bored until the potion stopped working. So you suggested watching a movie.
And of course, probably 'cause of his lovesick state, he chose a romantic comedy...
It's not like you've never watched that kind of movie with him before, you actually did - you both liked to make fun of the characters and point out the corny and cringy aspects of the movies, but this time Wukong was really invested in a way he never was before.
The second you both sat on your couch, the monkey clung to you, hugging and cuddling you like a teddy bear. He was so close it was impossible for him to be any closer to you. Wukong pressed his furred cheek against yours and curled up to your side, his tail curling around your ankle.
Meanwhile you just sat there, inwardly screaming and having a panic attack at how close and intimate he was right now, and how much you liked it and secretly wished he wouldn't let go. And he didn't for the whole movie, being too invested in it to notice or care about you blushing.
This time he also made comments during the movie (that's just the way he is, sometimes he just can't keep completely quiet for that long), but not snarky/mocking ones. Instead he kept staring at the screen with sparkles in his eyes each time the characters did something which could be considered "romantic" and saying something along the lines of "Ooh, that is so romantic! Wouldn't it be nice if we did something like that, Peaches?" Or change his mood completely and ask with a smug expression "Soo, what did you think? What would YOU think if SOMEONE did something like this for YOU?"
Summarizing, he was VERY subtle...
You tried to answer both honestly and nice enough not to hurt his feelings. But, truth be told, you lied a few times so he wouldn't feel bad/hurt. You felt slightly guilty about lying to your friend/crush, even about such stupid things. Oh well, if you're lucky, Wukong won't remember any of this.
To be honest, you were thankful that this whole love potion experience took a pretty lovey-dovey route and not... Y'know, the more suggestive and lustful one? Because when it comes to Wukong it sometimes could be both. It probably also depended on the potion itself.
So yeah, you were grateful that the most he did was throw a more suggestive comment with this smug face of his here and there.
After the movie ended, you figured it was a good time for dinner.
Right after you started getting off the couch and out of Wukong's grasp, he asked with a pouty tone where were you going.
"I'm just going to the kitchen to make pancakes for dinner. With peaches~" You added in a sing-songy voice. You knew how much your monkey friend loved those fruits, so you always made sure to have some at your house just in case.
"Oh!" Wukong's face lit up slightly at the mention of his favorite fruits. "You don't have to get up though! I can make the pancakes with no problem, you don't have to do anything, in fact, you don't even have to get off the couch! I'll do everything for you, no biggie. You must be so tired after your morning shift today, Peaches! Besides, I'm a pro at cooking!"
You barely managed to hide a snort after his last sentence. It was endearing that he wanted to spoil you and do things so you wouldn't have to but he definitely wasn't a pro at cooking. You taught him some basics and thanks to that The Monkey King was able to cook simple dishes so they were actually edible. But not much more than that.
However, you agreed for two reasons: one, so you wouldn't hurt his feelings (it was so cute how his eyes and entire face shined and how bright his smile was when you said "okay"), and two; you were quite curious how this would turn out.
"Okay, but call me if you need help."
"You're so sweet, Peaches! But that won't be necessary."
After that Wukong went to the kitchen.
In short, it turned out that Sun mistook powdered sugar for flour, so the pancakes were... Quite a disaster, honestly.
You had to console the poor Monkey for a few minutes, because he felt like he failed and disappointed you. He was practically close to tears (that potion really did make him much more emotional, huh?)
He only cheered up after you suggested ordering something from Pigsy's. And of course, being the gentleman he suddenly became thanks to the potion, he insisted he should be the one to make the call. You could imagine that the pig wasn't very happy to hear him, but nonetheless after some time your order arrived with MK to your door.
"So, how is he?" Asked the teen. "I hope he was... Umm... Well behaved?"
"He was actually. It's just that he's much more cheerful and emotional than normal." You chuckled.
After that you invited MK inside, since he just ended his shift while bringing your and Wukong's order.
You and your crush ate your dishes and MK ate some chips you had in the kitchen. Meanwhile Wukong kept gushing about you to the teen, making you very flustered and flattered at the same time.
"I just love you Peaches so much!" Happily exclaimed Wukong at one moment.
Then a small, quiet gasp escaped your lips. Oh, how much you wished he truly meant those words. But you knew that this was just the potion talking, sadly.
After that MK suggested he should take Wukong back to the Flower Fruit Mountain since he ended his shift now.
Unfortunately, Sun heard that and he wasn't pleased. He immediately embraced you and squished you tightly against himself and kept saying how he needed to stay to protect you from demons or burglars breaking into your house. And also claiming that he doesn't want to be alone and that he had such a good time with you, so he didn't want it to end. Wukong was pretty much like an emotional child thanks to the potion at that moment. MK tried to pry him off you, but to no avail.
You had to promise Wukong that he could come over the next day in order for him to let you go and calm down.
Finally Sun agreed to go with MK, but not before hugging you tightly once more, kissing your cheek and saying "Love you, Peaches!".
You couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when Monkey King left with his successor. This was an interesting experience, but it was quite tiring too. You also had many complicated emotions after this and needed a lot of time to process them. All of this just made you realize how hopeless you were in your crush on Monkey King himself and, how badly you wanted him to truly love you.
Later, in the evening, you suddenly grew curious about the love potion which your friend drank. So you decided to call Tang to check if he knew something about it; after all, who else could have such knowledge if not him?
"A love potion you say? Hmm... Well I do recall hearing some myth about some deity or someone who wanted to invent a potion which could make people fall in love. They kind of succeeded, but actually later it turned out that the potion didn't create those feelings from scratch."
"What do you mean?" You had a feeling where this was going, but you needed a clear confirmation.
"In order for the potion to work, the person who drank it had to already have some feelings for someone. The potion just caused those feelings to grow abnormally stronger and made the drinker more emotional, confident and bold about their feelings. Umm, but why are you asking?"
You were flabbergasted. Could it be...? "Oh, it's nothing, I was just curious. Thanks Tang, I have to go now, bye!" After that you ended the call, not even letting the scholar say goodbye.
That meant that Sun Wukong, aka The Monkey King himself had a crush on YOU. A REAL CRUSH. SINCE WHEN?! How long was he hiding it? Either you were really dense and oblivious or he was really good at hiding his true feelings. Honestly, it was hard to determine which was true in that situation.
For a solid minute you just sat there with your mouth open. Your mind literally screamed "error". Then you suddenly squealed like a teenage girl, jumped in the air and said "YES!"
Well. It seemed like you needed to have a little chat with Wukong.
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seeingivy · 2 months
death by a thousand cuts
satoru gojo x f!reader
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
an: a wild taylor as gojo has appeared. enjoy. satoru as taylor swift anon who is always in the asks, this is for you. i see you and i hear you.
“holy shit. there’s no way you’re on his fucking linked in during class?” megumi whispers. 
you feel your eyes widen as you look to your left to find a very, deeply distraught megumi staring at you. and it’s almost like clockwork, the way he abandons his accounting spreadsheet – and quickly slides into the messages app on his laptop. 
the three consecutive buzzes of your phone thrum under your thigh come before you see nobara and yuuji turn their heads back, two rows ahead of you in the lecture hall, and looking awfully more distraught than megumi. 
“you’re kidding.” nobara mouths. 
“freak!” yuuji whispers, earning you a set of weird glances from the group at your right. 
you glare at the two of them, before turning to megumi and bringing your foot down on top of his. megumi winces, giving you a very characteristic and unbothered eye roll, before he returns to finishing up his spreadsheet. 
you pull your hood up over your ears, cheeks warm and pink from embarrassment, before you focus back on the screen. 
you know that he’s right. that there is really no point at looking at his account – not when you have all of the details memorized. 
Satoru Gojo  Senior Data Science Student @ Tokyo Technical Institute 
three work experiences. data analytics intern for the justice project. hackathon project lead. meadow investments development engineer. 
two degrees under his education. because he’s dual enrolled and set to get a bachelor’s in computer science and a masters in engineering by the end of his term next year. 
and one organization. alpha kappa psi, the business fraternity. 
the only reason you were at the scene of the crime.  
it was all miwa’s fault. and partially yours, for being so willing to come to her aid – at all times. when she asked you to accompany her to the bid party – just because she wanted to support mechamaru fresh in their new relationship and didn’t do too well in social situations – you had all but obliged. at the most, you would get a cheap shot and brownie points to get miwa to run the errands for the entire month. 
except when it came to it, miwa wasn’t nervous at all, only because mechamaru had spent the past few weeks hyping her up to his pledge class. which left you alone, stuck to roam around until she was ready to leave at the end of the night. 
the floor was sticky with beer, there was an almost rancid, putrid smell lingering in the air that you couldn’t pinpoint, and you were stuck with sixty of your peers – shitfaced to a point you didn’t even know was humanly possible. 
and with miwa long gone, doing god knows what with mechamaru and you were stuck leaning against the fridge, bored out of your mind. that’s when he found you – pawing your way through the food. 
his smell was the first thing that caught your attention, second to the fact that he was hovering over your shoulder, cheeks brushing against each other. it was almost minty and stark – almost eradicating the lingering smell of weed that was burning your nose. 
the skin on his cheek was soft, featherlike when it brushed against yours. 
“whatcha doing, dollface?” 
you immediately curl your nose, turned off by the unnecessary sweetness. you had your fill of dirty frat boys during orientation week, three years ago, and knew damn well that you had to steer clear of whatever was happening here. 
“playing where’s waldo, genius. i’m obviously looking for food.” you state. 
you reach for the closest box, a perfectly cut slice of cake, encased in a wrap. the plastic is covered in messy scribbles on the top – spelling out satoru in loopy letters. 
“you’re just going to eat someone else’s cake?” he asks. 
“how do you know it’s not mine?” 
it’s only then that you stop yourself to look up at this stranger whispering in your ear, only to find glimmering blue eyes, peering over the top of a set of sunglasses. the sunglasses are god awful – even worse with the combination of the tanktop and the snapback he’s wearing backwards.  
you swear there’s a faded, glittery pink lipstick mark indented at the top of his cheek. 
“you-you’d be shocked.” you stutter, as you pull the box out of the fridge and place it on the counter. 
he momentarily walks away – which is when you take the second to ogle him in full. a toned back, a tattoo on the top of his shoulder that you can’t entirely make out. white hair, veiny arms, and a silver necklace hanging against his collarbone. 
he returns back, two forks in hand, before making a dramatic display of handing you one. 
“for you, my sweet lady.” 
“i’m not sure why you brought two forks. who said i was going to share with you?” 
he grins, leaning his head back to laugh like a little kid, before he scoots closer to you – the sweet scent coming back. 
he reaches for your hand, before lifting it to place it against his chest. you can feel his heart beating under the feeling of your fingertips, his eyes wide and expectant as he waits for and answer. 
“do me a favor, yeah? let me share my cake with a pretty girl at a party. there’s only a limited amount of joys in this life.” 
you scoff, before pulling your hand back. 
“you’re corny.” 
he shrugs. 
“you’ll get used to it.” 
you groan, as you slam your computer shut – the image of his shiny headshot staring back at you getting burned into your eyes. 
stupid. stupid, stupid, stupid. 
one stupid joke, a slice of cake, and somehow you woke up in his bed the next day being spooned by him. and one thing led to the next because he was somehow taking you to brunch, then settling his head in between your legs before dinner, and then back at your house the next day. 
it was an arrangement at that point. the dinners, what happened in between, and the morning after. 
you’re not sure what the terms and conditions are in a predicament like yours – with a guy like satoru. you know for a fact that he still flirts with other girls, because you’d see him walking with a different one every time you stopped at the coffee shop. but then he’d invite you to dinner, honey sweet words falling from his lips before he tucked you in for bed each night. 
friends with benefits. but he buys you gifts and takes you to dinner. and calls you beautiful. comes to your house after frat parties, with the faintest scent of a flowery perfume on his neck that you swear you’re imagining. 
letting him walk out of your apartment was your own personal tourture, of death by a thousand cuts, because every step farther away from you was closer to someone else. 
and that sinking, deep rooted dread, only got worse as time went on. 
you feel a hard smack against your head. 
“do your fucking homework.” 
satoru gojo has distinct features that you always find yourself staring at. a mole on his shoulder, a scar on his pointer finger, and the rings he wore. sometimes, you find yourself asking them about him. 
you reach forward, locking your fingers in on the chain around his neck, and using it to pull him closer. it's of a little postage stamp, though the silver looks rusted – like he’s worn it to death. he’s quick to oblige, a warm kiss on your cheek, before you yank again. 
“what, baby?” he whines. 
“where’d you get your necklace?” 
he leans back, looking down at the chain, before his eyes meet yours again. there’s a dim fluorescent glow coming in from the blinds of the window, sun far gone in the horizon, and it’s the only thing that makes this bearable. 
that his piercing blue eyes somewhat subdued from the lack of light. 
“you want it, princess?” 
“what? no. i just like it. i wasn’t –” 
it’s a boyish giggle that comes out of satoru’s mouth as he quickly unfastens the clasp from his neck before tangling it in his fist. 
you’re not an idiot – because it’s his freezing cold fingers pulling your shirt over your head – before he pulls you into his lap. 
this was one of satoru’s favorite things to do. pull you close, till you’re straddling him in his lap, and you can feel his breath tickling against his collarbone as he whispers sweet nothings to you. 
you wonder if he can see your blush in the dim light. if that’s part of why he likes it – seeing the effect he has on you. 
he reaches forward, pulling your hair to the side and pressing a kiss to your collarbone, before he fastens his silver necklace around your neck. 
“you know. when i said i liked your necklace, i said i liked it on you. i wasn’t asking for it.” 
“but i like seeing you wear it more.”
satoru’s eyes are focused as he fixes the tangles in the chain, letting the little charm hang right in the little divot where your collarbone ends. and then he brings his hands in around your face, nearly squishing the softness of your cheeks together, before he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“will you wear my hoodie?” he jokes. 
you scoff. 
“are we in sixth grade? also, it quite literally says ‘yuuta’s big’ on the sleeve. that’s not obvious at all.”  
satoru rolls his eyes. 
“you would love yuuta, though. he’s your pseudo little brother, because you’re with me, you know?” 
you shake your head, as you crawl out of his lap, and reach for the water bottle on the side table. you try to ground yourself, head spinning as you try to decipher what that means – and tap your feet on the floor. 
you can feel him at your side, his observant blue eyes burning holes into your skin, as you note the steady, almost cautious tone in his voice. 
“you okay? something i said?” 
you shake him off. 
“yeah, yeah. sorry. got out of the mood there for a second, just have a lot to do this week.” 
satoru hums, before bringing his hands around your torso, leaning his entire weight against you as he settles his chin into the crook of your neck. 
“you ever think you work too hard, pretty girl?” 
“working hard or hardly working?” you joke. even his corny jokes were rubbing off on you. 
you hear satoru scoff, before he starts rubbing circles into the bare skin of your stomach, as the goosebumps start to trickle over your skin. 
“oh, don’t be like that. you’re the smartest person i know.” 
“is this a clever way to get into my pants?” 
“no. it’s me telling you that i think you’re very intelligent, you’re very driven, and you don’t have to worry about if you’re working hard enough. i know the only breaks you take are to go to that dumb movie theater downtown with your grumpy friend or when you scream my name every –” 
“satoru.” you whine. 
“don’t say my name like that. it turns me on.” 
you grin. 
“satoru.” you hum, teasing him. 
“fuck off.” 
he pauses, before pressing a lingering kiss to the side of your neck. 
“but really. you’re a clever, you’re pretty, and irritatingly very accomplished. slow down so i can catch up, okay?” 
“that’s rich coming from you. mister three internships, two degrees in four years.” 
it’s quiet. 
“how’d you know that?” satoru asks. 
you can hear the smile in his voice. and the dread pooling in your stomach. 
“how’d you know it was two degrees?” 
“you-you told me.” 
“no, i didn’t. i just got accepted a few weeks ago, i haven’t even told some of my friends yet.” 
you groan, before bringing your hands up to your face. you bury your eyes into the sockets of your eyes, getting caught embarrassedly red handed. 
you sigh. 
“i stalked you on linked in.” 
satoru grins wide, before pulling you back onto the bed and into his embrace. you can hear his giggling in your ear as you try to pull away. 
“oh, baby you didn’t.” 
“i had to make sure i didn’t apply where you worked!” 
“no, you didn’t. we don’t even work in the same field.” 
“you don’t know! i could change my mind!” 
satoru laughs, before leaning forward to press a quick kiss to your lips. 
“you have a crush on me! angel, you should have just said so!” 
you give him a hard push, before crossing your arms over your chest. 
“quit teasing. so i’m a stalker! so what? i just want to make sure i’m not putting out for a loser. you could be coding some AI for the government for all i know and i don’t want to be –” 
“okay, okay. relax. i’m just teasing, i just think it’s cute you keep tabs on me.” 
you glare. 
“i don’t like you.” you state. 
he rolls his eyes, before flopping his head down on your pillow and tapping the space next to him. you crawl into the space, before nestling yourself into his arms. you can feel your brain spiraling – instant regret for saying too much, being too weird, too harsh, and not saying what you felt – as you focus on the feeling of his hands running through your hair. 
“i can tell that the hamster in your brain is working overtime. just go to bed, okay?” 
“okay, lock the door when you leave?” 
“i don’t have plans tomorrow morning. if you could humble yourself to eat breakfast with me, i’d actually like that.” 
you frown, stomach jolting in your guts. 
he had never stayed for an arbitrary reason – like spending the night just to sleep next to you. you shut your eyes, burying your face deeper into the sweet smell of his skin, and throw the thought away. 
“you want to drink that early in the morning?” 
“it’s saturday. gives me a good kick to start my day.” 
“aren’t mimosas made with champagne? i hate champagne. and it makes you really handsy.” 
you smile. 
“you like when i’m handsy.” 
“i mean, yes. but we can just do pancakes and go to the library together so we can do work. i’ll keep you accountable and find you snacks when you get inevitably cranky. then when you come home all tired, we can be as handsy as we want. it’s more satisfying when you have to work for it.” 
you groan, burying the complications of spending yet another day with him in the back of your head as you try to flutter your eyes shut – in futile attempts to quiet the thoughts racketing around in your mind. 
“okay, okay whatever. we’ll see tomorrow, i just – i’m really tired right now and –” 
“shut up, dollface. just sleep.” 
you get invited to the alpha kappa psi formal. miwa – who found out from mechamaru, whose pledge class brother is very close with satoru’s little yuuta – said that satoru wanted you there. 
then why didn’t he ask you? 
you bite the bullet anyways, borrowing one of kugisaki’s pale blue slip dresses – and attend as mechamaru’s pledge brother – todo’s date – to get in. 
he’s a strange guy, who doesn’t pay you too much attention. it’s one polite wave and a cardstock ticket he hands you before you don’t see him again for the rest of the night. and you’re stuck with miwa and mechamaru, who are bigger fans of pda than you are. 
“how’s satoru, y/n?” mechamaru asks. 
“ah. he’s good. you know as much as i do, right?” 
you can feel yourself sweating. 
would satoru leave if you said too much? if you embarrassed him in front of one of his brothers? did they know you guys had an…arrangement? was it an arrangement? were you seeing each other? why did they think he invited you? 
“dunno. aren’t you guys really good friends?” mechamaru asks. 
“um, yeah.” 
“yeah, he was telling us you studied together at the library the other day. figured he’d want you to meet suguru and ieiri.” 
suguru and ieiri. 
“yeah. i’m gonna go get a drink. do you guys want anything?” 
“i’m good, love. we’ll be here.” miwa states, giving a reassuring squeeze to your bicep before you drag your heels to the makeshift bar. 
you walk over to the bar, straight to the open bottle of rosé that has your name on it, as you lean against the wall. you pour way too much into your flute, nearly spilling it over the back of your hand, as you curse. 
“do you want help?” 
you look up to find a boy looking at you, wide eyes, with his bangs sweeping down the side of his face. he has tired eyes, but it’s a seemingly bright smile he offers you. 
“sorry, yeah. i’ll clean it up, i swear.” 
“no, no. no problem.” 
he hands you a handkerchief from his pocket, before he pulls your hand in his and wipes the excess pink stain on it. you cringe at the stain on the cloth before he tucks it back into his pocket. 
“i’m sorry about that. that’s really kind of you, i just –” 
“no problem! you seemed…kind of frustrated there. happy to help.” 
you shoot him a polite smile, before nervously sipping – maybe a little too fast for comfort. but the warm feeling is enough to temporarily curb the nerves, which is perfect for your sake. 
“are you a brother?” you ask. 
“yeah! is this your first formal?” 
“yeah. i’m seeing someone in your frat and he asked me to come. well, he didn’t ask me to come, he told someone else he wanted me to come so i came as one of the other brother’s date. but not really his date, because i haven't seen him since then. or the guy i’m talking to.” 
he leans back, eyes wide. 
“right. do you like him? if…if you mind me asking.”  
“my date? i can’t even remember his name. he’s like a tall, muscular guy. man bun?” 
“no, yeah. his name is todo, i figured that’s who you were talking about. i mean the other guy.” 
“oh. well, yeah. but he’s so…i don’t know. he’s a frat guy. and a chronic flirt. the first time i met him he had a lipstick stain on his cheek. and he smells like girly perfume every time he comes to see me, so –” 
he sucks his teeth in. 
“idiot.” he murmurs. 
“no! oh my god, not you! i meant…me! just thought of something. gotta run for a second, i’ll be back.” 
“wait, you didn’t even tell me your –” 
you watch as he rushes off, in a speed walking fervor, as mechamaru and miwa join you at your side. they give you a polite smile, which you return, as you swirl the glass in your hand. 
“mechamaru. do you know that guy who just walked away? tired looking, the long hair?” 
“oh, yuuta. yeah, what about him?” 
“yeah, you’ve never met him? he’s like gojo’s pride and joy.” 
you sink against the wall, embarrassment coursing through you, as you down the rest of your glass. and then three more, which is accompanied by weary looks from miwa. and after finishing off the entire bottle – an hour and a half into the party without seeing satoru – you’re set on leaving. 
and it’s only on your rageful stomp out the door, well past tipsy, that you find the godawful man of the hour, leaning against the wall. 
it’s enough to fill you with a rage. because he’s leaning against the wall, shirt slightly unbuttoned, and smiling brightly at whichever girl he’s talking to. you’re almost positive that it’s probably her flowery perfume that you’re smelling on his neck at the time, that she’s who he sees when he’s not with you, and it’s like pins and needles in your stomach. 
and you almost make your escape, before he catches you on your way out. 
“y/n? wait, y/n!” 
you’re one step out the door, before he grabs your bicep, and pulls back, giving you a bright grin. 
“i didn’t know you were here yet. i’ve been waiting, come here, c’mhere.” satoru mumbles, quickly rushing you over to the group of three people standing by the door, who all turn their heads for you. 
you groan as you turn to the group of them. it’s the same tired eyes as before – that you now know belong to yuuta – and two strangers you’ve never seen before. a guy almost as tall as satoru, with swooping bangs and a manbun, and the girl – who you can’t stand to look at, with perfect beach waves swooping past her shoulders. 
and what you can’t help but notice is a sparkling, silver postage stamp necklace around her neck. the same one around yours, that you had been fidgeting with since satoru gave it to you weeks ago. 
“here’s your drink, satoru.” the girl states, handing him a glass of white wine that he takes. 
it’s enough to make your rage bubble to the surface. 
“the lady of the hour, guys! this is y/n, she’s my –” 
you scoff. 
“are you kidding?” 
“lady of the hour? for what, your jokes?” 
you watch as satoru’s face drops, before he sets the glass of wine down on the closest table. 
“huh? what do you mean? i wanted to introduce you to ieiri, i know you’re going to love her.” 
 you can feel the tears accumulating in your eyes, that you’re almost positive that satoru notices, because his face visibly droops even more, this time replaced with genuine concern that sends a pang in your chest that has you wrestling your wrist out of his hold. 
“you…you’re so mean, satoru.” 
“baby, what?” 
“don’t…why are you calling me that? every morning you wake up next to me and you’re still not my baby. that’s not exactly fair. you smell like a different girl and you still…you still flirt with other people.” you whisper. 
his eyes go wide. 
“no, i –” 
“every time you walk away i’m half convinced you’re just going to someone else you’re stringing along like me. i’m sitting there thinking about how you’ve walked hundreds of steps away from me hundreds of times and it feels like a thousand little cuts every time you do and it kills me that you don’t even care.” 
you can feel that whatever is coming out is word vomit, like it’s started and now it won’t ever stop. 
“i see you everywhere, because you literally come everywhere with me just to leave. any song you’ve sang is now our song, any movie, literally anything you’ve even touched. i can’t even wear certain clothes without thinking about how you complimented me in them and i’m stuck thinking about how you probably say that to everyone. you don’t even drink wine and you’re over here drinking some with this random girl at this party, when that’s my thing that we drink wine together. you gave her the same necklace as me, and you apparently asked me to come to but didn’t even tell me about to my face? then you sick your little frat brother to ask me if i like you just so you can….i don’t know, i don’t know what you’d do with that information!” 
you watch as satoru pinches the bridge of his nose, only to turn to the three of them at his side, who are all shaking their heads dismissively. 
“suguru. i fucking told you he had to be leaving something out.” 
“well, i didn’t realize it was going to be like this, shoko. no wonder she won’t date him.” 
you swallow hard, as you seem to sink deeper in the pits of your own embarrassment, which seems to be a record low. 
“fuck. you…you said her name is shoko?” 
geto offers you a smile. 
“that’s right.” 
“like satoru’s hometown friend? the…the lesbian?” 
“that would be me.” she confirms. 
you cringe. 
“oh my god. i’m really sorry, i’m really drunk. i drank an entire bottle of wine after i accidentally talked to yuuta and i just –” 
“well, i’d get drunk if i were you too. he smells like other girls? and flirts with them?” shoko asks. 
“i do not! i don’t even know what you’re talking about. i didn’t even know she even liked me back till twenty minutes ago.” 
“the necklace is a nice gesture. satoru, geto, and i all have these matching postage stamp necklaces from this shitty place in our hometown. we got them together when we graduated so we wouldn’t forget about what was important when we all go to college.” 
you turn to satoru. 
“and you just gave that to me?” 
“well, i knew you’d take care of it.” 
“that’s like…that’s like sentimental, satoru. you literally gave me your childhood best friends memento and that’s so-” 
“well, obviously that seems like a little much if you think we’re just friends with benefits!” 
you scoff. 
“you’re the one who wanted to be friends with benefits.” you clarify.
“what are you talking about? you literally cringe away from any affection i give you!” satoru retorts. 
“because you flirt with other girls!” 
“not since you! why would i flirt with other people?” 
“you tell me. i smell the perfume.” 
satoru groans. 
“that’s your perfume, dipshit. you left your hoodie at my house and it smells like you so sometimes i sleep next to it and then i smell like it. how do you not recognize your own smell?” 
you pause. 
“you do what?” 
“not in a fucking weird way. i just miss you when you’re busy. you smell nice, it’s –” 
“hopeless.” yuuta states, earning him a nod from suguru. 
“you didn’t even ask me to come here with you.” you state. 
“shoko had to be my date so she could come. i had to make yuuta drag maki in through a window because geto was his plus one. i just wanted you here so you could meet my childhood friends, who i care about. they’ve heard about you for so long that i just thought –” 
“you talk to your friends about me?” 
“an insufferable amount. though most of his agony seems self inflicted now, because he’s a fucking idiot.” shoko confirms. 
“okay, let’s get y/n some water, yeah?” yuuta suggests, before shuffling the two of them off, to which satoru sends a grateful smile before turning back to you. 
he crouches down a little, just so your eyes are level, as you frown at him. 
“is this what that hamster in your brain is doing up there? overthinking literally everything?” 
“you –”
“if you asked, i would have clarified for you. we’ve always been exclusive and if you talked to someone else while we were talking, i’m going to have to kill him.” 
“don’t be stupid.” 
“i’ll just send a threat! sign his emails up for scientology. he was talking to my girl!” 
you glare at him. 
“you…you’re so stupid, satoru. you confuse me so much and i just…you take up too much space. you’re everywhere – literally no part of me that you haven’t taken up and i just…” 
satoru frowns, before pulling his hands around your face, and angling up by your chin to look at him. 
“don’t give up now. it just got good.” he whispers. 
“cmon. let me lick all thousand of your cuts clean.” 
“ew. you’re…you’re so gross, satoru.” 
“okay, that was just a dirty joke. but let me make it up to you, really. i didn’t realize you…you were thinking all that. i thought you just liked me because i was sexy and because i eat your –” 
“please. let me into that hamster ball in your brain. i deserve some space.” 
“it’s all boarded up. the hamster ball house burned down.” you groan. 
he leans back, like he’s inspecting your face, before he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“dunno. i’m seeing some flickering lights in there. i can tell your hamster in there really wants me.” 
“quit….quit calling me a hamster! you’re so…ugh. i have a headache and i’m drunk and i’m really confused and i just –” 
satoru mimics a little salute, before he loops his hand around your waist and walks you towards the little bar. 
“okay, test run. i’m on boyfriend duty. if this goes well enough, you give me a chance tomorrow.” 
you squint your eyes at him. 
“okay, water first. then i have two baby aspirin for you in my pocket. three kisses on the cheek if you won’t insult me after and a compliment if you won’t kill me.” 
“yuuta told me you downed a whole bottle. since you’re too mad to be handsy, you have a headache. but don’t worry, i came prepared. meaning i forced yuuta to find some baby aspirin or else. and also, kisses because you smell good and you’re wearing this pretty blue dress that’s the same color as my eyes and you’re about to meet my favorite people ever and you’re my favorite person ever, so this is a big deal.” satoru responds.
he’s rambling so hard that you feel like you can see the hamster in his mind working overtime. 
“what’s the verdict?” 
satoru’s voice is like a thousand bullets in your head as you smack him in the face, trying to silence the chattering coming out of his mouth. 
“satoru. what…what time is it?” 
“six in the morning. but it’s the next day and i need to know how my test run went.” 
satoru whines. 
“no, no don’t tell me you’re too drunk to remember? my test run! to be your boyfriend?” 
you groan, flickering your eyes open to the alarm clock on your bed, spelling out the time. 6:07 am. 
“no, i remember. you need the answer at six in the morning when i’m hungover?” 
“this is agony! i really get this whole thousand cuts thing now, this hurts. tell me.” 
you push his face into the pillow, before mumbling it as quietly as you can. 
“you pass.” 
“you heard me. you passed. just…shut up, please.” 
it’s his giggles you hear before sleeping and a warm kiss on your forehead, before you pass out again. 
satoru as taylor swift songs masterlist
taglist: @invisible-mori @porridgesblog  @k0z3me  @kayleegomez @yihona-san06  @bsenpai  @sweetenertea  @skzismyhome @mykyoon  @violetmatcha  @rebeccawinters  @luna0713hunter @shotenvinsoot  @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @torureadz @dreamxiing @mamamamamarga
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happypotato48 · 1 month
I think it would be fun to highlight some changes wandee goodday made as an adaptation. so here a few notable things in no particular order.
I'm not going into spoiler territory, but even if i want to the book didn't had a lot of plot to begin with and i doubt the show will follow what gone down in the book without adding a lot to it.
In the book Wandee is 29 and Yak is 20. cause of the age gap their dynamic is slightly different than in the show. Yak called Dee Phi and he use Nong as 1th person pronoun with Dee.
the convenience store scene is where they first met in the book. there was no hospital visit at all. Dee legit was following a complete stranger and being unhinged for the first peice of man meat he can find.
Yak have more of a passive personality in the book. the book made a point that although he looks like a thug Yak is actually very soft spoken and polite. this + the age gap made it feels like Dee is the one in charge in their relationship.
there was no scholarship in the book. Dee asked Yak to be his fake bf solely for petty reason, people in the hospital were gossiping and he just don't want to be the loser who got rejected.
Ter didn't said "I only like girls" in the book and made it clear that he didn't wanted Dee because Dee was too boring for him.
Pakao is not a doctor who work at the same place as Dee. his sexuality was never stated and he barely shows up in the book.
Taemrak gender was never clearly stated in the book (in the thai version at least.) but it's heavily implied by their appearance description and Yak choice of pronouns that they're a boy. Taem same with Pakao in the book had zero characterization and mostly there just to be plot points than an actual characters.
I really loved what they've done with the show so far. and although i had fun with the book, i'm way more excited and invested in what going in the show. @shortpplfedup put it best "i read the novel and it is truly porn without plot"
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