#i want to punch him and then give him an inhaler
roosterforme · 1 day
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley intended to take care of a few important things while he had the week off from work, but a quick visit to base brought with it a change of plans.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, adult language, smut, very hands-on Bradley, spanking, 18+
Length: 3500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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The following day, instead of dressing in a uniform or flight suit, Bradley pulled on jeans and a tropical print shirt while he watched you get yourself ready for work.
"You look cute," he murmured as you wiggled into a dress and some simple flats. "And I like it that you're officially living here now instead of just staying for a few days."
"The commute is not ideal," you told him immediately. "But this is." You placed your hand on his abs before giving him the sweetest kiss that left him soft inside. "This is ideal."
Fuck. He was so in love it was insane. As soon as he was back in your presence for a few hours, having sex and eating pasta, he could barely remember how miserable he'd been on that deployment. It was like nothing else mattered as long as he kept coming back to you.
"Let me pack your lunch," he whispered, tilting your chin up for another one of those kisses. Then he was on his way to the kitchen before he could make you late for school. Before he got home, you filled the refrigerator with everything he liked to eat, and he inhaled two yogurts and some peanut butter toast while he made your sandwich. 
The notes you opened from the box he sent were on the kitchen counter, and he smiled. Nat covered for him big time on Christmas Eve so he could make that happen. He was excited to get to see her when he stopped by North Island, but he had to get you to work first.
"You don't need to drop me off. It's so far out of the way," you told him as you appeared with your tote bag. "I'll drive myself."
When he pouted, you laughed. "Come on, Gorgeous. I want to. I need to stop on base anyway."
"Oh, can you remind Marty and Nat about Career Day?" you asked, holding your bag open for your lunch.
"Nat's coming, too? You'll have the whole of the Navy there, Baby."
"The kids would love that."
Bradley narrowed his eyes. "As long as I'm still the favorite."
"You're irreplaceable," you promised.
You weren't exaggerating one bit when you said the commute was a killer. Bradley hummed along to the radio and held your hand, barely making it through the Starbucks drive-thru line and up to your school before the last minute that you needed to be there.
"I love you. Bye," you told him, kissing him quickly before jumping out the passenger door and running up the sidewalk with your enormous drink in one hand. He was absolutely addicted to the coffee now as well, and after he was sure you made it inside, he sipped his own cup as he drove back down the highway.
It was strange to be going through the guard gates this late in the morning, and when he approached the hangar in his street clothes, he heard Nat's voice and sassy whistle immediately. 
"Looking good, Rooster. Did you forget to do your laundry? Did you forget what time work started while you were deployed?" she called, and he made a point to mess up her hair when she gave him a tight hug. "You're the worst."
"I missed you too, Nat," he told her with a laugh. "Thanks for looking after my girl."
She shrugged and said, "I'm always in the market for drinking wine and talking about you behind your back. Plus, she's actually great. Hanging out with her is the best."
"Yeah," he replied, laughing harder. "That's why I want to do it all the time. I intend to do it forever."
One of her dark eyebrows shot up, and she smirked as she said, "Like forever, forever?"
He ducked his head and cleared his throat. "Yeah, but engagement rings are expensive." Natasha screeched and punched him in the shoulder. "Why are you like this?" he asked as she smacked him several times and jumped around excitedly.
Bradley was saved from being attacked when Maverick walked in with his familiar clipboard in hand and a frown on his face. "Phoenix, you're supposed to be in the tower. Rooster, welcome back. Why aren't you dressed?"
"My vacation days got approved," Bradley replied as Natasha quietly crept away. "I'm off the rest of the week. Didn't anyone tell you?"
"It's probably in my emails." Maverick's frown faded away as he pulled Bradley in for a hug. "I was a little worried for a minute there that you'd end up back in Norfolk." He slapped him on the back. "If you're off all week, why are you here?"
Bradley chuckled. "I just wanted to see everyone. Like you said, I was a little worried about Norfolk, too."
Maverick eyed him closely. "And did I hear you say something about an engagement ring?"
It wasn't like there was anything to hide. Bradley figured it was pretty obvious to everyone by now that his relationship with you was the real deal. Hell, Maverick even compared it to his own parents. "Yeah, I'm going to buy one this month. I just need to juggle some finances around to make sure I can get her something really pretty. But I'm going to start looking today."
A slow nod turned into a beaming smile, and then Maverick said, "Before you do anything, I have something you might want to know about."
You were dead on your feet at work. Staying up half the night making love and snuggling left you with a smile on your face, but you couldn't stop yawning. Your students noticed right away as you drained your coffee and groaned when the bell rang signaling the start of class.
"Did you have a hard time sleeping?" Jayden asked.
"A little bit," you replied, remembering the way you had to keep pinching yourself to make sure Bradley's strong arm wrapped around you all night was real.
"Was there a loud noise that kept you up?" Nia asked.
You tried not to snort as you thought about Bradley's moans and grunts in your ear as he fucked you from behind. "Something like that. It's time to review our spelling words."
Even though you insisted that Bradley didn't need to drive you to work, he did, and he promised he'd be back right on time to pick you up at the end of the day. But he was such a liar. He arrived at your classroom fifteen minutes before dismissal time with rosy cheeks and eighteen envelopes.
"Lieutenant Bradshaw's here!" Nia called out when your boyfriend knocked on the door before slipping inside. 
He made a beeline right to you, placing a rather innocent kiss on your cheek. "I hope you don't mind, but I wanted to drop these off," he said, holding up the envelopes. The top one had Jackie's name on it, and your heart soared. Butterflies took off. You had to work really hard not to kiss him again.
"We don't mind," you told him, and you watched him pass out the individual notes he must have written for your students while he was deployed. All eyes were on him as he walked around your classroom, delivering envelopes and answering questions.
"When did you get home from the Atlantic Ocean?"
"Was the food good on the aircraft carrier?"
"Are you coming back for Career Day on Friday?"
Bradley took everything in stride like he always did, but his eyes returned to yours frequently, and his flushed cheeks left you feeling dizzy.
"I got home yesterday," he said, voice deep and commanding as he set the last of his envelopes down on Violet's desk. "The food was terrible. So bad. Nothing like the Pacific Fleet. Nowhere near as good as what you ate on your field trip to North Island. I'm thinking about writing a letter to complain."
"You should," Violet told him seriously. "Yummy, balanced meals are so important."
"You're so right," he replied with a nod. "And yes, I'll be back on Friday for Career Day. Your teacher worked so hard on it, I wouldn't miss it for anything." You were gripping the edge of your desk now as he smiled at you.
"I didn't know you were allowed to wear anything except your uniforms," marveled Oliver.
Bradley looked down at his patterned shirt and laughed. "Should I stick with the flight suit for Friday?"
Then the dismissal bell rang, and your kids started to scramble. You usually had them packed up and ready to go a few minutes early, but Bradley was clearly more exciting than the end of the school day. 
"Don't forget about the spelling test tomorrow!" you called out as they all exited the room in a mass of chaos after high fiving your boyfriend. "Thanks for surprising us," you said as you spun to face him.
"Thanks for being so perfect that I can't stay away from you."
Your cheeks blazed with warmth as you ducked against his chest. Muscular arms wrapped you up in a hug as you muttered, "Did you remind Natasha and Marty about Friday?"
"And did you get to see Maverick?"
He paused before squeezing you a little tighter and kissing the top of your head. "Uh, yes. I did. Now will you let me take you home so I can get back to my busy schedule of eating delicious food, napping and fucking you senseless?"
Bradley spent the following day unpacking more of your stuff while you were at work. You had all these fancy things he needed to make room for. Like an air fryer. And a rice cooker. Things he would have never used otherwise, but he didn't mind having them here now. 
He took breaks to read from the journal you kept while he was away, often smiling and laughing at what you'd written in your daily log. It was no wonder he fell in love with you through your writing; you were just the same as you were in person and so authentic this way. Then he read about the day you helped Edith with some chores, and he sprawled out on the couch with a groan.
You were the sweetest thing in his life. One time, Vanessa told him that Edith was annoying and only wanted attention. He rolled his eyes then, and he rolled them again now. She was elderly. Of course she wanted attention. But Bradley knew she also had arthritis, and helping her with yard work was fast and painless for him. He couldn't imagine you saying anything like that.
Bradley slipped into a hazy daydream, thinking about how he wanted to propose to you as his feet hung over the end of the couch. He wasn't going to last long now, and he knew it. Not with that ring tucked away in a Zip-lock bag which was duct taped underneath the bathroom sink vanity behind the pipes. If nothing else, he knew it was there, and he could rip it down any time he felt like asking you to marry him, but he wanted it to be special. Really special.
Maybe he could write something for you. Maybe he should take you out to dinner again. There had to be a way to make it just right so you couldn't say no.
After a few more minutes of indulging in the fantasy of having you as his wife, he stood up and attempted to use the air fryer to make lunch. Pretty soon he gave up and made a sandwich instead before walking next door to knock on Edith's door.
"Bradley!" she said, pulling the door open for him. "You're home. Your girlfriend told me you were deployed earlier this month."
"I just got back on Monday. A little bruised, but no worse for the wear," he told her with a smile. "I wanted to see if you needed help with anything."
"Oh, your sweet girlfriend already changed my light bulbs for me," she told him. Then she lowered her voice and smirked. "She's a looker."
"Yeah," he confirmed with a nod. "She's Gorgeous. She also moved in with me, so if I'm not home and you need something, you can always ask her, okay?" 
Edith fretted her hands, and Bradley leaned back out the open front door, knowing she wouldn't agree to his help unless she paid him in some way. Truthfully, he really did feel like playing the piano anyway. "It looks like you've got some weeds that need to be pulled, and your downspout is loose again. How about you think of a cool song to teach me, and I'll be back in like fifteen minutes?"
He ducked outside before she could answer, but he could hear her tapping away at the piano keys as he yanked some dried up weeds out of the soft soil. While he worked, he pictured the sheet music that Edith kept stacked up inside the piano bench, and he started to come up with an idea. The more he thought about the pages stacked up in his own house, the more he liked his plan. 
He was all smiles when he sat down for her to teach him how to play a Bob Dylan classic, and he was still whistling the tune when he went to pick you up from work.
On Thursday night, Bradley had you snuggling on top of him on the couch when you should have really been going over your final plans for Career Day. "You are such a distraction," you whispered, arms and legs wrapped up with his to keep warm since you were wearing nothing but his old sweatshirt.
His fingers flexed on the back of your thigh as he smirked and turned his head to face you instead of the TV. "And you're the best for helping me relax all week." His breath was warm on your cheek, and he kissed you there, saying, "Don't stress about tomorrow. It'll be perfect."
You nuzzled your cheek against his shoulder. "I still have to put all of my guests in order. I need to schedule the most impressive presentation last, for the grand finale."
"Okay, so put me last then, Gorgeous."
You grinned and tried not to giggle. "I was actually thinking Marty."
Bradley's hand slid up from your thigh, smoothing over your butt, and you knew what was coming even before you clenched with need. Bradley smacked you one time, and you moaned as he soothed away the sting with his palm. You were instantly aroused, fingers tingling and ears burning. Bradley's dark eyes were wide, searching your face, questioning what he should do next. When you nodded once, he grunted, and that big hand landed on you again, breaking the silence.
"Fuck," you gasped, rear end stinging as Bradley cupped and squeezed you, pulling you a few inches up his body so he could kiss you. His cock was getting hard in his gym shorts, pressing against your belly, driving you wild.
"You like that?" he whispered between heated kisses, but you barely wanted to take the time to breathe.
"Yes," you replied, mouth mashing against his. Both of his hands came up to your waist, yanking the sweatshirt over your head and dropping it on the floor. Then your lips were back on his as you moaned into his mouth.
The sex had been so sweet since he got home, and neither of you could be blamed for wanting so much of it after going so long without. But this was something else. Bradley's fingers dug into your flesh, and his kisses were rough. Demanding. You spread your legs a little wider, arching your back, silently begging for him to spank you again.
He did not disappoint.
You were aching, whining his name, enthralled by the cocky smirk on his face and the possessiveness in his eyes. "You want more, Gorgeous?" he asked, voice dark as his smirk grew. When you nodded vigorously, he kissed your lips so softly before he said, "You'll schedule me last for Career Day? I think it's where I belong, since I'm the most impressive."
Oh my god. He was playing with you now. You knew he wasn't actually jealous of Marty or Nat or any of the classroom parents, but he knew that you knew that your students would always think he was the most impressive. You would, too.
When you tried to kiss him, he pulled his face away from yours as he stroked your tender rear end with his fingertips. "Yes," you promised, "I'll put you last. You're the most impressive."
"Good girl." 
You gasped as he spanked you one more time, then he kissed you before pushing you up so you were straddling his thighs. When he yanked down his gym shorts, you were treated to the sight of his cock, thick and hard, smacking against his abs.
"Clearly I think you're impressive," he grunted, licking his thumb before running it along your swollen clit. It took no more coaxing before you had your hand wrapped around his cock, guiding him right where you wanted. You sank down on him, already a mess as he thrust up into you, hard.
"Bradley!" His hands were on your breasts, cupping you as he bucked his hips up again.
"Look at you," he rasped, fucking you rough while his hands were gentle. You bounced up and down, bracing yourself awkwardly on the too small couch. "Where do you want me to touch you?" he asked, eyes glued on your face and body. "Show me."
Without hesitation, you wrapped your fingers around his right wrist and moved his hand back to your butt. "A little more," you told him, voice shaking as he fucked you so good. Then he spanked you again and again, and you could feel it everywhere as you cried out. 
It was too much and not enough, and you bit your lip as he alternated between soothing you and spanking you until you were shaking, orgasm building. "Baby, you look and feel too good like this," he whined, wrapping his hands around your hips. "I'm so close."
But you were already there. You came as you leaned down and kissed him, those big hands sliding up, stroking your shoulders and neck as gently as you were used to while your ass tingled. You were making some wild sounds as you rode him until he filled you with his cum, then the two of you were panting in unison as your forehead came to rest against his.
You could feel him smiling, mustache brushing your lips as he said, "That was fun. Didn't know you would like it so much."
You moaned and said, "I'm as surprised as you are. And I'll put you last tomorrow. You're the grand finale. Obviously."
"Obviously," he agreed. "Just keep in mind, I'll be more than happy to spank you when you give me a hard time like that again." His lips found the side of your neck, his cock was still inside you as he murmured, "Got it?"
"Oh, loud and clear."
He chuckled, nipping along your skin as your butt throbbed a bit. You didn't want to move, but his stomach started loudly growling. Carefully, you started to sit up, brushing your fingers through his hair as you said, "It's been hours since you ate. Let's find something in the kitchen."
When you stood on wobbly legs, Bradley stayed lounging on the couch, guiding you and turning you so he could place one soft kiss on the spot on your butt where he had spanked you. Then he got to his feet as well, picked up the sweatshirt, and put it back on you.
He kissed the back of your neck and told you he never wanted to leave you again while you made him a grilled cheese sandwich. "Love you too much," he muttered, hand on your thigh as his leg brushed your tender rear end.
You thought about the weeks he was deployed without communication and how awful it was, but this right here was worth it. Making love in bed and rough sex on the couch. Learning what makes each other tick and sharing meals and enjoying how good it feels to have him hold you. All worth it.
When the sandwich was ready, you cut it into four triangles and took a small bite out of one before holding it up for him to eat it. "Thanks, Baby," he whispered, finishing it in one bite before you fed him the second one and then the third in similar fashion. He was finishing the last piece when he wrapped his arms around you and said, "Okay, Gorgeous, now I'm ready to help you get organized for Career Day before bed."
You laughed. "I just need to write a few things down and pick out an outfit."
"Oh. I wouldn't wear anything too tight," he suggested, smirking once more. "You're about to be sore tomorrow."
Okay, Maverick. Okay. Career Day is up next, and I need something nice to be there for Marty. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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blixabargelds · 1 day
12. things you said when you thought I was asleep
pls pls pls
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did you think i was going to be sad with this one 😈
- things you said when you thought i was asleep
They agreed upon it days ago. John drunk as all hell, a dead weight at Gale’s side and listing tiredly. He’d turned to Gale and said, wanna fuck you every waking moment. Gale had said, your waking moments are rapidly depleting. John had said, doesn’t matter to me. Gale, dropping to his knees to untie his boots for him, had said, to me neither.
The next morning, pitifully wrung out and wincing into his coffee, John had looked up at Gale open-mouthed, as Gale reiterated, “It don’t gotta be a waking moment.”
It’s not John’s fault that he’s a light sleeper.
Gale wakes groggily, the air still cool and the sky still pitch black as it leaks in through their window, John’s long fingers opening him up from behind. Gale’s breath catches. He’s face down in their bed, and inhales deep and slow the flavour of the cotton sheets, shivering as he tries to regulate the movements of his body. John had wanted this. Gale’s happy to give him the illusion. He keeps himself lax as possible, eyes shut, as John draws out two fingers, then slides three back in. He’s been half-successful; the stretch tingles in the base of Gale’s spine, but does not hurt. He notices, then, that the nape of his neck is damp against his sleep shirt’s collar, as if John’s been lapping at him. Gale is hard between his stomach and the bed. There’s a stickiness already at the tip of his cock, and the idea that John’s been at this for some time makes it suddenly more challenging to stay still.
John hooks his fingers inside him, and Gale swallows around a whine. It’s a poor method on John’s part- if he wanted Gale asleep then he shouldn’t delve like that, soft pads of his fingertips pressing and seeking, slick with Vaseline and scissoring a little. Gale breathes faster, tries to hold back the way his hips want to stutter, as John moans quietly behind him at nothing but his own fingers fucking into Gale.
“Christ, I’d have you like this every night,” he mutters. Gale bites his lip. “God, every morning, too. I just might.”
John pulls his fingers out, and it takes all Gale’s strength not to back up to keep them inside. The silence in the room feels enormous in his head, as John shuffles around in the dark. Gale’s half scared his heartbeat might give him away. His lungs ache with the effort of expanding subtly whilst pressed flat onto the mattress, and then John’s pressing him down further, his wetted cock pushing inside his hole with more restraint than Gale’s ever felt from him.
“Oh, fuck,” John hisses. “Buck, sweetheart.”
There’s drool escaping Gale’s lips from around his clamped teeth. He wonders if there’s any range of movement that won’t give him away, any small shift of his ass back onto John’s cock that won’t alert him to Gale’s wakefulness. He tests a fraction. It’s either well timed with John’s slow thrusts, or John is too gone to notice, because as Gale grinds back against him as minutely as he can John falls further forward, hitting the spot in Gale that would normally have him groaning loud.
“I love you pliant,” John whispers. Gale makes a punched-out noise that could be a dreaming grunt. “Love the way you just take me without tryin’.”
John pulls halfway out. It’s dizzyingly slow, so as not to wake Gale, who’s wide awake and fast losing his grip on pretence. He fucks himself down onto the bed, he can’t help it. The friction against his cock makes him sigh, makes him want to do it again, but he’s already jerking too much to be convincing much longer. John thrusts back into him deep, and Gale almost chokes.
“So tight even like this,” John keeps talking, filthy little whispers for nobody’s benefit but his own, every one making Gale’s eyes roll behind his eyelids.
He starts fucking him in earnest; not his usual, fast rutting, but clipped grinding thrusts, hardly any drag of his cock pulling in and out of Gale’s body, just burrowing himself further in. Gale’s mouth is open against the sheets now, and he thinks he might be wheezing. The bed begins to bounce with John’s movements, allowing Gale a touch more plausibility with which to fuck back onto John. He rolls his hips down, breath coming faster and harder as his cock twitches where it’s trapped, John splaying a big hand over Gale’s spine and pressing him down more. Gale’s aching cock rubs desperately against the sheets. He lets slip a decidedly conscious moan.
“Buck?” John says.
“Don’t stop,” Gale grits out, voice thick, “Bucky-”
“Fuck,” John says. He grabs Gale’s hips, pulls him back by them hard, and Gale finally releases a crushed, noisy breath as his chest leaves the bed. “How long-”
“John,” Gale gasps.
“Okay,” John says. “Alright,” as he reaches around to take Gale’s dripping cock in hand.
It only takes two tugs for Gale to come. He groans into the crook of his elbow, shuddering as John’s fingers slide over the head of his cock, gathering the hot rush of cum and slicking it back up his sensitive length, driving roughly into him until he shouts out his own release.
Gale collapses under their shared weight. John pulls out after a long, panting moment, and yawns.
“You tired or somethin’, Bucky?” Gale says.
“Were you leading me on that whole time?” says John. Gale says nothing, but shakes his head. There’s a small amount of light coming through the window now. In the relief of it, John laughs. “You were. You son of a bitch.”
“Says who?” Gale smiles. “Was just gonna tell you ’bout my nice dream.”
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
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I'm torn on this cover bc on one hand it's the most realistic Caramon, but on the other he simply NEEDS to be an unrealistic brick shithouse of a man. he is a single braincell himbo pure of heart and dumb of ass and also he needs to be at least 1.5x as big as Raistlin and 15x healthier for any depiction to be accurate
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tojisun · 6 months
simon grunts, his chest heaving as he palms at his chub, tracing the twitching muscle of his cock and letting out a hiss at the muted pleasure that razes through him. he shivers at the heated look you give him, your pretty eyes awash with desire, scalding as it trails down the lines of his bulk until it settles on his flesh.
“ah,” you whisper and simon nearly moans at the awe in your voice.
“s’right, baby,” he says, feeling the way he pulses underneath his low-hanging sweats. “s’all f’r you.”
there is a whine that drags itself from the base of your throat, so primal in the way it scratches your vocal cords, and simon has to fist his cock to stop himself from rutting against his palm.
“i can’t,” you whine, pouting, your eyes still trained on his groin. “‘m gonna be late for work.”
“please,” he croaks out, breathless himself. “how about jus’ the tip, love? jus’ give daddy a taste of you ‘round me, yeah?”
simon knows it is playing dirty to pull this card on you—to exploit your one weakness—but simon’s guilt is tucked underneath his stretching need, the desire bloating as it leaks past his rationality, leaving him with thinning restraints.
your sharp inhale is all the answer he needs.
he bites the inside of his cheek to tamp down the smirk dancing to the corners of his lips.
“okay,” you reply, tentative and quiet. “but just the tip, you promise?”
“swear,” simon murmurs.
like a goddamn liar.
he relishes in the squeals dripping from your parted lips, only for them to be muffled into your pillow.
he’s got you on your knees, your front all but pressed flat on the bed, your arms having lost the energy to keep yourself up as simon fucks you from the back. he’s got fistfuls of your ass, using them as sweet, sweet leverage as he manhandles your body back to his cock.
“so good f’r daddy, sweet’art,” he rumbles, his voice so deep it even sounds foreign to him. “so, so fuckin’ good, love.”
he punctuates his words with hard thrusts; drawing his cock out slowly, deliberately torturous so he can watch the way your hole grips at his cock, not wanting to let him go, before punching it back in. he doesn’t stop and keeps pushing his cock past the gummy press of your walls until his hips are pressed flush to the fat of your ass.
then, he repeats the process—sharp snaps of his hips leaving you twitching, and simon watches with a crazed giddiness as your hands uselessly scratch at the sheets as though that could tether you.
he bends forward, his bulk covering your trembling body. “such a cute darlin’ for me, lovie.” he ruts his cock along a particular sweet spot. “say ‘thank you’ to daddy?”
he hears a warbled reply from where your head is pressed to your pillow.
“hmm? wha’s ‘at?”
simon cups a hand on your forehead and carefully pulls, tipping your head up just enough that he can hear you.
he hears a hiccuped sob, then, “than’ you, daddy.”
simon giggles and presses a kiss on the back of your head. “what a good doll y’are.”
something about that makes your body tremble, spasming in his hold, and simon watches with awe as your toes curl, before he has to let go of you at the sudden tightening of your walls. his eyes go white, his ears ringing with a sharp static.
he feels so, so overwhelmed at the expanding euphoria that washes over him, lapping at the synapses from the back of his skull to the cavity of his ribs.
“you came,” simon mutters in awe, his voice passing through his teeth like a gritted hiss. “christ, lovie-”
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yuujispinkhair · 8 months
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You are watching Sukuna. And Sukuna is watching his brother's girlfriend... Until he is watching you.
-> This is Part 2 of this drabble
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Modern!Sukuna x Reader (female) Fluff + angst with a happy end. Word count: 4k. Angst, lots of pining, unrequited love at first, mentions of alcohol. There is no cheating. Sukuna and Reader get their happy end. Minors don't interact.
This small series was inspired by this beautiful art by @nayasch.
Also, for the best experience, I recommend listening to "Is there somewhere" by Halsey while reading this. I had it on repeat while writing. Divider @/hitobaby
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It's a spilled drink that brings you closer to Sukuna.
Just a moment ago, you were holding your breath as you walked past the tattooed, pink-haired boy who makes your heart race, too shy to even look his way when you were so close to him. But then someone knocked into you, and now you are standing there like a deer in the headlights, your hands wet, your shirt ruined, staring wide-eyed at the big red stain soaking the front of your crush's white t-shirt.
You faintly hear some guy behind you apologizing. You have no idea if he is apologizing to you or to Sukuna. All you know is that Sukuna is glaring daggers at him,
"Get out of my sight before I punch your stupid face!"
And then those beautiful maroon eyes snap to you, and you forget how to breathe. You wished for Sukuna's gaze to find you, dreamed about it all the time. Hoped he would notice you, hoped that fate would hand you a chance to get closer to him. But now that it happens so unexpectedly, you don't know what to do. A muttered "S... sorry." leaves your lips.
Sukuna's gaze travels from your face down to your shirt, which is just as soaked as his. And that attractive lopsided smirk appears on his face, the one that gives you butterflies, especially now when he is standing right in front of you, close enough to touch. He shrugs,
"Wasn't your fault. I'm gonna change into a fresh shirt. What about you? Want one, too?"
You barely manage a nod before Sukuna starts walking away, and you quickly follow him to his room with your heart beating up to your throat.
He doesn't bother turning away but just pulls his soaked shirt off right in front of you, making your stomach flutter and your face heat when you see his firm abs and chest adorned with those sexy tattoos.
He laughs softly, probably seeing how flustered you are by his bare chest. But he doesn't comment on it and hands you one of his clean shirts, a white one like the one he was wearing before you spilled your drink over it.
He leaves the room after slipping into a fresh shirt, leaving you alone in his room so you can change in peace.
You sit on his bed afterward, pulse fluttering as you feel the soft fabric of Sukuna's shirt on your skin. You bring it to your nose to inhale its scent. It's fresh out of the laundry, so it mostly smells just of fabric softener, but it was in his dresser with his other things, and you can very faintly smell his cologne on it, making you close your eyes and sigh softly, overcome by a longing so bad it almost makes you choke up.
It's ironic. As if fate is taunting you. Here you are, sitting on Sukuna's bed and wearing his shirt like a girlfriend would. But he is already gone again, back to the party, where he will gaze at his brother's girl with the same longing in his eyes that fills yours, too, when you look his way.
Your hand reaches out to touch Sukuna's pillow, fingers sprawling over it, while you stare longingly at the dent where his head rests every night. What you wouldn't give to sleep in this bed with him. Feeling his strong arms around you, your body snuggled against his. Holding him, loving him, showing him that he can have all those things he longs for.
If only things were different.
It's hard to pull yourself away and leave Sukuna's room again. You feel a strange mix of emotions as you walk back to the party. Exhilaration upon getting Sukuna's shirt and being in his room, mixed with that familiar heavy feeling in your chest because you know he isn't yours, and he probably never will be.
You enter the living room and see him leaning casually against the wall in his fresh shirt, tattooed arms crossed over his chest, biceps flexed enticingly, head tilted back, a bottle of vodka pressed to his lips as his eyes are once again on his brother and his girlfriend, who are dancing in the middle of the room.
You leave the party shortly after to go home and crawl into your bed, still wearing Sukuna's shirt, hugging your pillow to your chest, wishing it was him.
Is he alone in his bed, too? Does he yearn, too? Does he, too, think about the one he craves but cannot have?
The thought makes your heart throb painfully.
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Another party, another evening of watching the boy you secretly love from your safe space across the room. His gaze is unsurprisingly on the girl standing next to his brother. Yuuji says something to her, and she laughs happily and hugs him tightly, nuzzling her face against his shoulder. And you see Sukuna's jaw tighten, see his Adam's apple bob as he gulps hard, see the burning jealousy and pain in his eyes.
You blink against the tears threatening to well up in your eyes. His pain is almost palpable to you, but no one else seems to see it. No one seems to care enough to really look at Sukuna. They all just see Sukuna's mocking smirk and the arrogance and roughness he wears like armor. They don't see the pain in those beautiful maroon eyes. They don't see that his heart is aching.
Maybe you only recognize the signs because you feel the same way.
Maybe it is this all too familiar pain you see on his face that makes you brave tonight. And after all, you have a good excuse to walk up to him and stop in front of him, tilting your head to look up at his beautiful face, and say softly,
"Hey, Sukuna... thank you for the shirt you gave me last week. I wanted to give it back to you."
You don't really want to give it back. You have slept every night in it since last week, snuggling into it, inhaling the faint traces of Sukuna's scent, dreaming about having him in your bed, hugging him, feeling the warmth of his body seep through the thin fabric of the t-shirt.
But you reluctantly put it in the washing machine yesterday, folded it neatly, and put it in your bag to return it to him tonight.
You hand him the shirt, and Sukuna takes it, his large hand with the tattoos and various rings brushing over yours, sending the butterflies fluttering in your stomach like crazy. You know how nervous you must look when you smile a shaky smile at him,
"Thank you again. That was really nice of you."
There is surprise in his eyes as if no one ever tells him he is nice. Maybe he isn't. Or maybe people just don't see the small, nice things he does sometimes. Maybe he doesn't want them to see.
"No problem, princess."
You lie awake that night, in your own shirt this time, but with Sukuna's low, velvety voice playing over and over in your mind, calling you princess. You know it means nothing, but it still makes your heart race and a giddy smile lift your lips.
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You clutch your drink tightly as you watch the boy you secretly love from across the room, just like you do every weekend. If only you weren't so shy. If only you were brave enough to walk over to him without needing a reason like giving back his shirt.
You sigh longingly as your eyes trail over Sukuna's face. Longing is what you can see on his face, too, as his gaze is on the happy couple at the other end of the room. Your chest feels so tight that it hurts.
I want to take the pain away from you, Sukuna. I wish I could be the one to make you happy.
But you are standing here, and he is standing over there with his eyes on someone else.
A sad love song starts playing and the air in the room feels suffocating all of a sudden.
Maybe you should leave.
What are you even doing at this party, where you are surrounded by so many people but feel more alone than at home, where it is only you and your bed?
What are you doing, coming here week after week just to stare at a boy you can't have? Hurting yourself when you see him looking at someone else. Drowning in desperation when you realize week after week that he is just as alone in his pain as you are and that you will probably never be able to break through his walls.
He is in pain, and you are in pain, and nothing will change about that.
Might as well leave and never come back. Stay away from those stupid parties. Find other places to go to. Maybe after some time, you will be able to forget about pink hair and black tattoos and maroon eyes.
Right when you push yourself off the wall, Sukuna turns his head. That beautiful maroon gaze lands on you, and all you can do is stare back at him.
Time seems to slow down as you and Sukuna look at each other across the room. You are sure he can see the tears threatening to spill over, can see the pain in your eyes, can recognize it for what it is because he carries the same pain in his eyes.
Maybe that shared pain is what makes him slowly walk over to you. He stops in front of you, his typical teasing smirk on his lips, but the same sadness still unveiled in his eyes.
For a moment, you think he will ask you to go to his room with him to fuck. And it fills you with dread because you know you would just be a rebound. You would just be someone he uses for sex to take his mind off the girl he really wants. It would mean nothing to him. And yet, you know that you would say yes. You would go with him, would lay down in his bed, would let him take everything he needs from you until you have nothing left. And in turn, you would take anything he is willing to give you, too, even if it was just meaningless sex. Because even if he just used you to distract himself, it would still be better than nothing. Even if it were just impersonal sex, without any feelings involved from his side, you would still go with him just to feel his skin on yours.
But to your relief, the question never comes. Instead, he says in that calm, low voice,
"You look like you aren't enjoying this stupid party either. Even the pizza tastes disgusting. I'll make something myself. Wanna join me?"
You follow him as if you are in a daze. Everything around you is blurred as you walk behind Sukuna's tall figure, following him to the kitchen, your head spinning, making you feel light-headed even though you barely drank any alcohol.
You sit on the kitchen counter while he cooks. Studying his beautiful face while he is focusing on the pan in front of him. The pain in his eyes is not as burning anymore while he stirs the vegetables and adds various spices. Maybe this is why he wanted to come here. Maybe cooking distracts him enough to ease the pain at least a little.
Those maroon eyes you love so much meet yours while Sukuna tells you how tired he is of those parties all the time and those people he cannot stand in his apartment. He doesn't say what he really means, but you know. How tired his heart is of the longing, of the pain, of having to pretend like he is ok.
You tell him he is a good cook when he hands you a spoon to try, and a smile flickers over his face. A genuine smile, not the typical smirk. And it makes you fall. Makes you tumble down an abyss that you know you will never be able to get out of again. As if you needed to fall even more for him. As if you weren't already too in love with him.
You know you are lost. Lost in everything that makes Sukuna Sukuna. You thought you knew him and already fell in love with what you knew about him on a surface level. But now you have caught glimpses of the boy beneath the surface, and it makes you fall even deeper in love with him. Makes your chest hurt even more. Makes your every fiber scream with longing.
He hoists himself up on the kitchen counter next to you, handing you a plate and grabbing one for himself, too. You sit in silence, eating side by side, while the sounds of the party dimly drift to your ears through the closed door.
You praise his cooking skills some more because you are too nervous to think of anything else to say and because you like the way his lips curl in a smile again and how the pain in his eyes is almost completely gone when he turns to look at you.
He tells you where he got the recipe, how he adjusted it over several weeks, and that he enjoys cooking a lot. The way he says it doesn't sound like he is simply doing small talk, but rather as if he is letting you in on a secret. As if this is a side of Sukuna that people aren't supposed to know.
And you smile softly at him, hoping it conveys that you are grateful that he lets you share this moment with him.
His thumb brushes over the corner of your lips to scoop up some stray sauce, making your heart beat so fast you think you will black out.
When you leave an hour later, you tell him that you really enjoyed yourself,
"Thank you for letting me try your food. It tasted delicious... and I..."
You want to tell him how happy it made you to spend time with him, just the two of you in the kitchen. That you will always keep those moments in your heart like a treasure. But you are too shy to say those words out loud, and so you trail off sheepishly, smiling nervously at him and nodding awkwardly.
"Bye, Sukuna. Have a nice rest of the night."
He watches you closely with those beautiful maroon eyes, a thoughtful expression on his face, saying nothing. But he holds the door open for you like a gentleman in those old movies.
You can still feel the ghost of his touch on your skin when you lie in bed with a smile on your face and a warm feeling in your chest for the first time after coming home after one of those parties.
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You are standing in a corner, taking a sip from your drink as your gaze wanders to the tall figure leaning against the wall across the room. Tattooed face and arms, pink hair, and maroon eyes.
You are prepared to see his gaze glued to his brother's girl. You are prepared to see the familiar longing and pain on his face. But you frown when you realize Sukuna's gaze isn't staring at a fixed place but instead wandering slowly through the room, scanning it as if he is searching for something or someone, even though the object of his pining is right in front of him. And yet that gaze slips over her and continues to wander.
Until it lands on you.
It catches you so off guard that you spill your drink again. This time, only over your own shirt, but you cannot bring yourself to look at the mess. Your eyes are on Sukuna, watching wide-eyed as he walks toward you, brushing past the girl you thought he would look at without so much as sparing a glance at her.
He looks amused when he takes in the mess on your shirt. A raised eyebrow, a boyish grin lifting the corners of his lips, a long tattooed finger pointing at your chest,
"Need one of my shirts again?"
You are back in his room a few minutes later, changing into one of his clean shirts while he has his back turned to you, making your heart beat so fast that you fear he can hear it thundering in your chest.
He leans against his desk while you sit on his bed, finding it hard to breathe with how nervous you are. With how lovesick you are for him. The longing to hold him so bad that you feel dizzy from it.
And he talks to you, tells you about a new recipe he tried, about a cooking show he watched, about this and that. Like he wants to keep you here in his room. Like he wants a reason to stay here and not go out to the party again. Like you are his escape.
His shirt feels soft on your skin, his bed so tempting under you. You grab a small pillow to hug to your chest, and the butterflies flutter like crazy when you smell Sukuna's cologne wafting off it.
He jokingly asks you,
"Did you spill your drink intentionally so you could get one of my shirts again? Liked it so much, huh?"
And you chuckle and tell him,
"Well, the end justifies the means. That shirt you gave me last time was really comfy. I slept in it a whole week."
You feel your face heat up when you realize what you just admitted. But Sukuna just laughs, and those beautiful maroon eyes sparkle like two precious jewels.
He tells you to keep his shirt this time.
"So you have something to sleep in."
And your voice wavers nervously, but you still tell him:
"You are really nice, Sukuna. Do you know that?"
He scrunches his nose at that,
"That's something I've never heard anyone tell me before. Are you sure you got the right Sukuna?"
"Yeah. In my eyes, you are nice. At least when you want to. You give me your shirts, and you let me try your self-cooked meals, and you hold open doors and talk to me and... make me feel less alone on these parties."
The last part comes out in a whisper, your emotions threatening to choke you up as you are overcome by your feelings for him. Being so close to him, spending time with him, seeing him smile and joke around with you. Sharing those moments with him that seem like something special.
Sukuna's eyes widen, an emotion flickering over his face that you cannot place. Surprise, maybe, but also something else. Something much softer. He looks away for a moment, staring at his wall that is adorned with pictures of pretty landscapes and bright red shrines and an old man standing in the middle of two pink-haired boys.
When he looks at you again, there is a vulnerability in his eyes you have never seen before. His voice is soft when he tells you,
"You make me feel less alone, too."
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Sukuna kisses you for the first time at a party two weeks later. And it is not a kiss in the middle of the party. It is not a kiss in front of his brother and his girlfriend. It is not a kiss meant for someone else. It is not a kiss to make someone jealous. It is not a kiss only for the show.
No, it is a kiss that is real. In his room, where he sits next to you on his bed. It is soft and slow. Sukuna's hand is cupping your cheek gently, his lips brushing over yours slowly as if he is scared to hurt you or hurt himself. As if he is scared that he is fucking things up. Or maybe as if he fears he doesn't deserve this.
It's a kiss that makes you fall apart and makes you whole at the same time.
You kiss him back as tenderly as he kisses you. Slow and gentle, your eyes closed, your hand landing on his neck and caressing the short stubble of his undercut. You kiss him like you are writing poetry for him with your lips against his, putting all the words you are too shy to say into this kiss, all your longing for him, all the tenderness you feel for him, all your love. And he kisses you like he is a drowning man who finally reached the saving shore.
You walk out of his room side by side. Sukuna holds your hand, tugging you along to the kitchen to cook another homemade meal he wants to share with you.
Your heart feels like bursting with happiness. No traces of pain are left in Sukuna's eyes when he hands you a plate of stir-fried rice. And that smile is lighting up his face again. He is so beautiful, and you tell him so without worrying that he will make fun of you.
He kisses you again when he walks you to the door, right there in the hallway where anyone can see, his lips lingering against yours before he pulls away as if he doesn't want to let you leave.
You smile at him and nod when he tells you to text him once you are safely home.
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"I like you."
Sukuna tells you in a soft voice while you are straddling his lap, currently cleaning some food experiment gone wrong off his tattooed face with a wet kitchen towel.
Wide, terrified maroon eyes look at you as if their owner thinks he just handed you a knife for you to ram into his chest and twist in his heart. It makes your own heart throb painfully even as you feel elated to hear that your feelings are reciprocated. Seeing this rough boy so scared. Scared of his feelings, scared of admitting them. Scared what you will do with that confession. Because all he knows about love is that it is painful and that it hurts and never gets returned.
You want to cry for him. For the boy who, until now, only knew meaningless sex and hopeless longing for what he thought he couldn't have. For the boy who believed that love wasn't meant for someone like him.
The first tear slips out of the corner of your left eye as Sukuna's large hands sprawl over your waist possessively, and he repeats his words despite the fear so evident in his low voice, the words nothing more than a hoarse whisper,
"I like you so fucking much."
Your hand with the towel is hovering in midair, your lips twitch, and finally, you cannot hold back anymore, and the tears spill over, running down your cheeks in hot rivulets. A broken sob falls from your lips, followed by a choked-up sounding:
"I like you too."
Sukuna closes his eyes for a moment, long black lashes fanning over his skin, a beautiful image that makes you drop the kitchen towel and cup his cheek with your hand. Your thumb brushes tenderly over the tattooed lines on his skin when those beautiful eyes open again and look deeply into yours.
He is braver than you are. Adding more to his confession. Making sure you can destroy him fully, if you like,
"Do you know what I mean? I.. I think I am in love with you."
Your voice is thick with tears, but you continue despite the fresh tears welling up in your eyes, despite how much you are trembling in his arms,
"I... I am in love with you, too. Have been for months. Or maybe I was in love with an idea of you back then. But now I know the real you, and I fell even deeper in love with you."
You can see in his eyes that he half expected to get turned down, and it breaks your heart for him, even while happy laughter bubbles out of your trembling lips.
You cling to him when he kisses you, never wanting to let go again. Filled with the need to show him that this love won't hurt. That it won't slip through his fingers. That love can be good and safe and give him peace. That he deserves love, too, and that you are here to love him with everything you have.
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It's another Saturday, and you are at Sukuna and Yuuji's apartment two hours before the party starts, helping them with the preparations. Yuuji's girlfriend is there too. You feel a bit awkward, a bit uneasy when you see her. But she smiles a genuine smile at you and greets you with a hug.
You work next to her for an hour and realize that she probably never was aware of Sukuna's feelings. She might look at Sukuna, but she doesn't truly see him. She only sees Yuuji. Her gaze is filled with love when she looks at him with an expression on her face that lets you know she has found her person.
You turn around to glance at Sukuna, a mix of fear and hope in your heart. What you see makes your chest fill with warmth. Sukuna isn't looking at Yuuji's girl. He is looking at you. Looking at you with the same expression as Yuuji's girlfriend when she looks at Yuuji. And you know that Sukuna has found his person, too. 
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You wake up in Sukuna's bed with his tall, firm body behind you, just like you do almost every morning now. You feel his lips against your skin, trailing gentle kisses up and down your neck. His voice is still hoarse from sleeping when he murmurs,
His arms tighten around you and pull you even closer to him. And you answer with a smile audible in your voice,
"All yours."
Your cheeks almost hurt from smiling so broadly when you feel Sukuna's matching smile against your neck and hear his whispered:
"Just like I am all yours."
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I cried so much while writing this and listening to the song and looking at the beautiful fanart and the sadness in Sukuna's eyes. This version of Sukuna is my Achilles heel. I love this broken mess of a boy so much. I want to love him so bad and make him happy :(( This story hit me so hard, and the kissing scene is one of my favorite scenes I ever wrote. I am so emotional right now, but also so happy to share it with you.
Thank you so much to everyone who commented on the first part of this story, wishing for a happy end. I needed a happy end too, and I am so glad I wrote this!! This story is very personal. I could relate to Reader 100%, and I got the impression that a lot of people could see themselves in her, too. So I hope you could enjoy your happy end with Sukuna, just like I did 🖤
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navybrat817 · 4 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky put a mouthy rookie in his place. Word Count: Over 800 Warnings: Established relationship, mention of injury, misogyny, punching, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes defending you (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I'm dedicating this to @whisperlullaby , who got to read this in advance, because she deserves this man (along with the rest of you). ❤️Written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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A small part of Bucky felt bad as he idly wiped his hand with a towel. A very small part.
He didn’t want people to fear him because of his past and he refused to let it define him. That meant that he tried his best to avoid violent tactics unless absolutely necessary.
But today, well, fuck that. The fucker had it coming.
Steve stood in front of him, his blue eyes narrowed as he waited for his best friend to acknowledge him.
Oh, Bucky expected some sort of reprimand, but he was sure Steve would change his tune in a minute or so.
“You gonna ask me what happened, punk, or glare at me until I talk?” He asked, tossing the towel away.
The blonde huffed out a laugh, but he didn’t look amused. “Why did you break that rookie’s jaw?”
Bucky tilted his head. “What’s the phrase? He fucked around and found out.”
You would’ve been proud of him for that reference.
Steve shook his head when Sam burst out laughing a few feet away. “Sam, please,” he begged, though his mouth twitched like he was trying not to smile. “What did the guy do?”
A bitter taste flooded Bucky’s mouth as anger coursed through his veins again. He inhaled as he thought of your sweet smile and soft touch before he exhaled, the storm inside of him calming.
“Buck, you gotta tell us something,” Steve urged, needing some sort of information to try and do some damage control.
The brunette straightened up to look his friend in the eyes, wanting him to see the fury beneath the cold mask. “He told my girl to throw an apron on and get back in the kitchen when she went to spar.”
You, one of the most capable agents Bucky had ever known.
You, who had shown nothing but kindness to everyone, even when they didn’t deserve it.
The person Bucky was lucky enough to call his other half. His better half.
And some asshole rookie had the gall to treat you as if you didn’t belong there with the rest of them.
Sam was no longer laughing. Steve’s jaw clenched in understanding.
Bucky swallowed, that fury threatening to surface again as he remembered the hurt that filled your eyes at the comment. “You know I’d support anything she wants to do, whether that’s working or staying at home. It doesn’t give some prick the right to make her feel bad for her decision.”
“You know I don’t like bullies, but breaking his jaw?” Steve questioned. The guy deserved it, but did the punishment actually fit the crime?
“When she walked away, he said to come back when she was ready to see what a real man could do for her,” he said, the words coming out like a snarl.
The way you tensed up, fear and disgust flickering on your face, he didn’t think. A switch inside of him went off and he swung.
The fucker was lucky that all he got was a broken jaw. He could’ve done so much worse.
And it wasn’t that you couldn’t defend yourself because you could, but you shouldn’t have to put up with garbage like that.
A cracking sound echoed in the room before he realized he crushed the armrest of his seat. “Fuck. I’ll pay for that,” he mumbled, kicking a bit of the broken piece with his boot. “Can you just tell me how much trouble I’m in so I can get back to my girl?”
He didn’t care if he they suspended or even fired him as long as he got back to you.
The room stayed silent before Sam mused, “Technically, what the rookie did counts as harassment.”
Steve nodded. “And I’m sure Nat can persuade him not to sue for the injury he received,” he added, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We’ll take care of it, Buck. Just. No more breaking jaws, okay?”
“When it comes to my girl, I make no promises,” Bucky smiled, his heart racing at the thought of you. “And maybe he’ll think twice before he opens his mouth again.”
“The damage you did, I don’t think he can open his mouth at all,” Sam mumbled.
Bucky’s phone went off before he could comment, his heart swelling as he read your text. He had to bite back a groan, too.
“Thank you again, Jawbreaker. I love you and I’ll be on my knees waiting for you.”
You wanted to thank him not just with words, but with your body and heart. It all belonged to him, like he belonged to you.
And he didn’t need to tell Steve and Sam what the message said since it was just for the two of you. “Love you, too, baby. Nothing to thank me for, but I’m on my way. Be ready.”
“Yes, Sir.”
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Maybe we'll see how you "thank" Bucky down the road. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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urfavleo777 · 10 months
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WARNINGS: smoking, closeness, kisses, bad vocabulary, fluff.
you find comfort in colby after breaking up with your boyfriend.
"I don't remember the last time I saw you like this, kiddo."
You flinched, not from the wind, but from the hoarse voice of your friend Colby, who was standing behind you. Standing on the balcony in just a T-shirt and jeans would give you a cold, but at that moment, that was your last concern. Before you turned around, you sniffled, trying to disguise the fact that you had just shed a sea of ​​tears.
He gently placed his free hand around the lighter, trying to shield it from the wind. A faint smile covered your lips as you watched him concentrate on it.
"When will you finally quit smoking, Colby?" you whispered, choking on your tears.
"I don't know, you tell me" he sighed out the smoke from his mouth as well and looked at you, arching his eyebrow.
"I still think you should quit." You said softly, turning your head towards Colby who, standing next to you, was leaning back against the railing. He looked down at the night skyline of the city. Such sights were not uncommon for him since he became so popular. He probably spent the night in places you never even dreamed of. You had been friends for seven years, but you never let him take you with them. Maybe it was because your ex-boyfriend, who just two hours ago was the love of your life, was seething with jealousy whenever you spent time in Colby's presence.
"What will you give me if I do?"
He took another long drag from his cigarette before exhaling into the crisp air. You watched the smoke disintegrate into the air as he placed his cigarette back between his finger. Not hearing your answer, his lips curled up into a smirk before he spoke.
"You want to try, don't you?" he asked making you nod slowly.
You've always been against any kind of stimulants, but that day you had to relieve yourself somehow. Cigarettes turned out to be the perfect solution.
He turned his body towards you before wrapping his arm around your waist. Your breath hitched and his cold bare chest rested against yours. His cigarette was held in his left hand and your body in his right. He looked down at you before explaining what to do.
"Just inhale, hold it for a second then let it go" he said making you nod again.
Your fingers lifted up and reached for the cigarette before you realized that he was bringing it to his mouth instead of yours. Okay, maybe he was showing you what to do. He took a smaller drag from the cigarette than his past before lowering the cigarette down. Before you could even reach to grab it, his lips pressed into yours.
You gasped at his kiss, making him breath all the smoke into your mouth and have it go down to you lungs. He pulled back a little to watch as you kept your mouth closed tightly. The smoke had filled your entire chest and was beginning to make you suffocate.
"Y/n, exhale" he said.
You opened your mouth and let all the smoke escape from your lungs. He smirked and closed his eyes as all the smoke had been hitting his face. You began coughing as the smoke was caught up in your lungs. His hand patted your back before you finally gained control of your breathing.
"Did you like it?" he asked with a smile playing on his lips.
"Never doing this again." You said making him laugh out into the air.
His hands tighten around your back and he brought your forehead to his lips to give you a small peck. You gasped slightly making him pull back and realize what he was doing. His hand un-wrapped itself around your waist as his cheeks were tinted red.
"Glad you two broke up. I've always had an urge to punch him in his fucking face."
It seemed he decided not to mince his words.
You rubbed your eyes with your hands, realizing that your makeup was probably smudged. You shuddered once again as you felt the wind on your skin. Colby noticed this, pulling you closer to him. He lowered his voice, trying to be as gentle as possible.
"I'm sorry, baby. He clearly wasn't good for you."
You thought you were about to fall asleep standing up. His touch soothed you, making all your worries go away. You wanted to stay like this forever, in his arms, on the balcony, with the accompaniment of passing cars and the full moon in the sky.
You've been blind all this time. You were looking for happiness and entertainment in pathetic men, not knowing that you didn't have to look at all, because the perfect one was literally at your fingertips.
And his name was Colby Brock.
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wild-jackalope · 9 days
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When your boyfriend begins his vampirism transformation, you can’t stand all this time apart from him but visiting him during his rut turns into a big mistake.
pairing :: Vampire!Yuji x Reader
warning :: feral Yuji, pórn with some plot, blood play, animalistic sèx, implied vírgin reader/Yuji, reader passes out, blood sucking, dry hùmping, grinding, making out, Yuji and reader are in college
note :: vamp Choso next? 😏
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As a young child, Yuji’s vampirish tendencies seemed more like odd quirks to you.
The way his canines were always largely pronounced, and never seemed to stain or break despite constant blunders to the face via fist or hard ball.
The way he’d always greet you with a sharp smile and hug you with an impressive strength (once you’d received a fractured rib after not having seen him for a week). Whilst his arms trapped your body, he nosed your head, huff the scent of your hair like it was a drug and not letting go until you’d kick and yelp at him to stop.
The way he always knew when you were on your period and the day before you’d get it, murmuring a casual “Are you about to get your period?” And the very next day you’d have stained your sheets during the night or ruined a pair of underwear.
The time he was a toddler and dipped his finger into a puddle of blood that pooled around smushed roadkill and lapped it off his finger like an ice-cream seemed like the worst example of his odd quirks.
So when Yuji was found by other vampires like him, and informed of his heritage, you hardly needed convincing.
“Come here.” Yuji cooed, thick arms outstretched to you.
“I’m coming, I’m coming, you’re so needy today.”
After integrating into a vampire community, your life with Yuji had changed. He went to a different school, had new undead friends.
“I missed you.” He murmured, pulling you in and moulding your body into his against your bed.
“You saw me three days ago.” Like always, Yuji nosed your hair like a in-love cat and inhaled the smell of your latest shampoo.
And despite being with Yuji for so many years, the two of you hadn’t reached the point of having sex. The furthest you’d gone was innocent grinding with some wandering hands. Now living his life as a vampire, the time for intimacy seemed even scarcer.
“Too long.” He drawled, running his fingers in a fluid motion up and down your spine.
“I missed you too.” You huffed, allowing your body to melt into his warm embrace. “I wish your schedule wasn’t such a pain.”
“I know, I’m sorry. Gojo wants me to start getting used to being awake during the night.” His hand lifted to cradle your head, holding you into his chest.
“But you can still walk around in the sunlight.” You protested.
“That might change soon, we don’t know.” His tone laced a tired repetition, giving you the clue he’d likely parroted the same argument you had to his teacher.
“Hm, fine. I don’t mind. Whatever I have to endure to keep my sexy vampire boyfriend.” You buried your head into his chest, hearing the reverberation of his laugh as he pinched your side.
“I’m barely even a vampire.” He added, to which you kissed his chin, hoping to distract him from the thought. “Fushiguro can control animals, what can I do? Punch really hard?” He was too lost in the disappointment of it all, so you dipped a hand under his hood and ran your thumb over his abs whilst planting a wet kiss to his neck.
The loose touch made him shiver and forced a stutter from his hips. His semi-hard dick rolled into your thigh, flushing your face and body at the feeling of his arousal.
He loosened the arms that barricaded you, pulling you to his level. His palm rested at your neck, fingers pressing against your pulse to feel the pump of your blood, a rhythm that always soothed him.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, much too seriously.
“You’re my boyfriend, Yuji, you don’t need to ask anymore.”
“But I love it when you say yes.” His lips mould into a smile. Contagious, you smiled too.
“Yes, I want you to kiss me.”
With a swift breath, Yuji’s lips slipped to your mouth, catching you in a passionate lip lock that immediately informed you just how much he missed you.
His lips devoured yours, starting with a hard press before encasing you in open mouth kisses that demanded you keep up with his rhythm. Just like most times you’d make-out with Yuji, he took hungry charge.
Your hands dipped further, nails dragging along his v-lining and skimming the elastic of his shorts. He rolled into you again, humping the fat of your inner thigh.
The desperation to please himself against your body brought a whine to your lips, which he ate with a smacking intensity. He must’ve decided those sounds were too sweet to muffle because his moving lips traveled further, latching to the pulse on your neck.
“Can we— go all the way this time?” He asked, lips hardly freeing from your neck to speak.
“Mhm.” You shyly muffled, his pink hair tickling your cheek.
His hand dipped underneath your thigh, pulling your leg up and just before he ventured south to undoubtedly give you the best head you’d ever receive he returned to your lips for another kiss.
His teeth tightened around your bottom lip, his canine breaking through the pink skin, causing spurts of blood to fall into your kiss. As soon as the sweet taste met Yuji’s tongue, he pushed you away, eyes blown wide staring at the nip.
Tasting the metallic blood yourself, you wiped the thin drops away. “It’s okay, it didn’t hurt.” You assured.
A beat passed with Yuji glowering at your lips swollen with passion. He licked off the bloody residue from his own mouth, whispering. “I have to go.”
“What? It’s okay, Yuji, I promise.” Your assurance didn’t reach him and before you could speak again, Yuji had lifted himself from your body and left. You called to him again, only to hear the shutting of your front door.
Yuji was never one to go crazy over blood, sure he might like his meat raw, and there was that one time with the roadkill… but he never went stiff whenever you scraped a knee or got a paper cut. It was so out of character for him that your mind began to wonder if you had done something to turn him off.
You’d called Yuji not long after his quick disappearance, only to be left with his voice message, telling you ‘Sorry I wasn’t able to answer your call! Leave a message and I’ll get back to you.’ In his usual cheerful tone. Your messages to him were left on read, too.
Yuji was the type to respond to you within minutes and call you just about every day. To go from foreplay to feeling like you were single dizzied your sense of reality. Did you touch him wrong? Kiss him wrong? Say something you shouldn’t have?
Days passed with nothing but silence.
The thoughts rammed your mind until you could no longer take it, deciding to see Yuji and confront him about his odd behaviour.
You were no stranger to visiting Yuji after he’d been brought into the vampire community, having met his classmates and even a long lost older brother. His living space had certainly doubled in size, now he stayed in a large mansion rather than his late grandfather’s home. Having vampire heritage usually came with a large sum of money and Yuji was no exception to that.
You slipped inside his home, meekly calling your boyfriend’s name. Your voice bounced off the dimly lit walls and faded.
Behind you loomed Choso, tall and dark. “What are you doing here?” His voice broke fear into your spine, and you turned, unable to keep your back to him.
“I—I came to see Yuji.” You stood tall, sure of yourself.
A frown scrunched his beautiful pale face. “He hasn’t wanted to see you.”
“I know, that’s— that’s why I came to visit him.” You willed your heart to be still, however each time Choso’s dark maroon eyes swept over your smaller, weaker body fear and panic jumped you.
He smiled and you caught a glimpse of his shining white teeth. “You’re Yuji’s young friend, from childhood, yes?”
“Yes, sir.” Sir? Despite his ancient aura demanding some kind of formality, sir hardly seemed to fit.
He chuckled, kind and hearty. Were all vampires so utterly handsome? It must’ve been part of their design, faces and voices so alluring humans couldn’t help but become victims. Despite being aware of this possibility, your heart still fluttered for him.
“Please— tell me what’s wrong with him.”
The handsome smile faded. “Yuji and I aren’t like most vampires.” His eyes clouded, lifting from your body and catching sight of the stairs leading up to Yuji’s room. “We were born from the union of human and vampire, whilst most are born human and are turned by a vampire late in life.”
“Half vampire, right?” You weren’t completely unaware of vampiric history, despite Twilight being the majority of your informer, it was based in some truth.
Choso’s eyes gleamed and he nodded. “Yes.” His impressions of you seemed to shift, because his eyes held an amused interest. “The vampiric genes lay dormant in us until we come of age. Do you know the changes Yuji is currently experiencing?”
Sweat cooled to ice on your back pulling a swift shiver from you. You shook your head.
“Human food becomes mush, no longer satisfying the curdling hunger that rages for something more. Your lust, your passion, your anger all doubles in intensity.”
You let loose a small whimper at the thought of Yuji experiencing all this alone his room, going through changes you couldn’t hope to fathom the feeling of. Choso’s nose flared and his mind seemed to be pulled from the memory of his own transformation.
“I’m frightening you, I’m sorry.” He murmured.
“No, it’s okay. Please tell me, what did you do to deal with… everything?”
“Hid myself for over a year.”
Your heart sank. A year? Yuji and you had hardly been seperate from one another for longer than a few days. How would he, much less you, survive a year without the other?
“However it’s much too early to know how Yuji might react, he’s a strong boy.” Choso leaned to soothe your visibly stressed figure, a featherlight hand reaching your shoulder in comfort.
A shattering bang echoed down the winding stairs, sharply drawing both your and Choso’s attention.
“You should leave.” Despite the words being laced with kind formality, his face held a fierce expression.
“Okay.” Your body hardly allowed you to hesitate, finally giving into the flight response and leaving the gloomy house. Once free from the gates, you exhaled an uncomfortable sigh that freed your lungs of a breath you felt you were holding in the entire time.
But despite your quick departure, you hadn’t stayed away for long, deciding you needed to see Yuji as soon as possible.
So, you had returned the next day. Waiting for Choso to leave before entering the Itadori home. The blackness of night made it hard for you to navigate your away around the interior, although you had managed to stumble your way to the winding stairs and reached the second floor, leading you to Yuji’s room.
No noise. You couldn’t hear anything. You pressed your ear into the door and hoped to hear some indication of his presence. Still nothing. Your hand gripped the door knob, and before you could twist Yuji’s muffled voice met you.
“Don’t come in!” His tone was stiff, almost choked.
His command ripped your hand away from the door knob. “Yuji? You’re in there?” Misplaced excitement bloated your chest.
“Why are you here? Didn’t Choso explain everything to you?” He was clearly worried, but you couldn’t understand why.
“He did, I— I just wanted to see you.”
Silence permeated the air, but you heard floorboards creak under Yuji’s feet as he stepped closer to the door you stood behind.
“I miss you, Yuji, I miss you a lot.” You continued.
“I—” The words thickened his throat like garlic. “I miss you too.”
The sound of pointed nails, scraping desperately against wood in long rakes echoed from behind the door. It made you shiver.
“Do you?”
“Yes.” So much need seeping from his words, desperate for you to understand the level of which he yearned for you in your absence. “I miss your smile, your smell, I miss your heartbeat. God I miss hearing your blood flow.”
“Yesterday, when you visited. I could smell you, sense your heartbeat,” A deep exhale, and the scraping stoped. “Made my mouth water.”
“I—” You’d got him discussing his passion towards you, now unable to get a word in.
“Then when you talked to Choso— he made you nervous, didn’t he? I could smell it. Almost tore him apart when you left.”
The words, however deranged, made your back ache to be cradled by him. “Yuji, let me come in.”
Weak willed, he thought to himself. “Okay.”
Despite his voice seeming so close, when you opened the door, Yuji kept to the other side of the room, crouching on the edge of his bed.
You approached him, feeling as though you were encroaching on a caged tiger. The warning sensation that he could strike at any moment was one you shoved away. You halted a foot away from the bed.
Yuji’s hand kept over his mouth and nose, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his eyes glazed over you. “Are you okay?” You asked.
He nodded, strained. “You look good.” He murmured into his palm. “So good.”
“Good enough to eat?” You joked. Yuji’s eyes widened and he desperately grasped at the red hoodie covering his steaming body. You cringed, bad timing. “Sorry.” you took a seat at the end of the bed.
The weight of you shifting the mattress only seemed to make Yuji tense up further, eyes laser focused on where your butt and thigh connected with the bed.
“How are you feeling? Sick?” You asked.
“—Hungry.” The answer left him too swiftly.
“Right, Choso said you would be.” You gazed up at the ceiling. What could you do to help him? You felt useless, unable to even be near your boyfriend without him clamping up.
“I’m sorry— for leaving. The other day.” He huffed out.
“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to apologise. I understand now. I wish you would’ve told me, though. I thought I did something wrong.” You admitted.
“No, it was me.” He shifted closer to you. “I got too excited, then I bit you.”
“I didn’t mind.” You shrugged, averting your eyes. “I liked it.”
Yuji’s grunted against his hand. His gums itched to stab his growing fangs into your warm flesh at your sultry words. “You did?” He drawled, affected like a drug.
“Yes.” You’d surely come to regret the next words that left you. “Can you do it again?”
His reserve to keep himself from you utterly disappeared whilst his desire to leave you pale with nasty bites all over your skin overtook him. Yuji crawled to you, pulling you further onto his bed and trapping you beneath his weight.
His cock was already hard at the pheromones you’d been oozing into his room, you could feel it pressing into your thigh the moment he moved between your legs.
Already his lips moved to yours, overtaking you with a passionate intensity. He licked over his previous bite mark, tasting the metallic healing before lightly pressing his canines into you again. Even a little prick from his sharp fangs was enough to fill your kiss with drops of blood.
Hungrier now, Yuji licked and sucked at your bottom lip. Without truely realising it, he began to grind his hard dick into you, rubbing himself into your thigh, then crotch. You gasped as he made contact, that sound being devoured by Yuji the moment it escaped your mouth.
Before your wound could close up, Yuji nipped you again, slurping up the heavenly blood your swollen lip had to offer. Furiously, Yuji humped your core, utterly driven by his own hunger and desire.
You forced your head away, Yuji attempted to chase your honey-blooded lips, until you gasped for air. His hazy eyes snapped from his bloodlust for a mere second to check your gasping form, when he saw your lips swollen with passion, raw and slicked with his saliva and your plum pink cheeks, he dived into your body again, unable to keep himself away.
“Y-Yuji— Yuji.” You called to him, unable to reach past the frenzied desire clouding his mind. In sweet recognition, he kissed your cheek, bringing you a moment of heartfelt clarity before he bit you.
Yuji slipped down your neck and made out with your pulse, licking along the line which pumped your blood and sucking the skin. His hot, thick hands grab your sides, keeping your squirming hips still as he fucked you dry.
“Wan’ more. Let me drain you baby, please, I need more. So hungry, so so hungry for you.” He spoke through riddled huffs of your hair, nosing your nape like a pet.
“Wan’ you to be my first, for everythin’.” He continued. You couldn’t help but fall into him further, letting up to help solve his desperate hunger.
“Just a little—not too much!” You added, hand clamping against his shoulder.
He hissed into the bare of your neck, munching the supple skin until your blood pooled into his mouth.
White flashed over your eyes and you yelped, pushing against him. The struggled only made him latch onto your more, moaning loudly whilst his hips jutted into you.
The speed which Yuji sucked and dry-fucked you was dizzying, the lightheadedness making it hard for you to push him away. “Enough, Yuji, stop— ahh.”
His fangs left your freshly penetrated skin, tongue licking over the oozing remnant.
“Feel dizzy, Yuji.” You slurred, having no response from him.
“No, no, not done yet. Please. I want more.” With painful regret, he left your seeping neck and eyed you.
“Yuji...” You whined.
“I’ll make you cum, yeah? Can I? Make you feel good.”
Faintly, you nodded. He kissed his way down your body, pulling off the articles of clothing as he did. First your shirt, then your bottoms. He huffed your underwear, taking a long drag of the moist fabric. “Yuji!” You gaped, squirming.
In retaliation, he forced down your hips, his impossible strength burying you still into the mattress. Again he scented you, before tearing at your underwear with just his teeth.
He barely looked over your cunt, instead mapping you out with his tongue. The first lap sliding around your cunt was merely for his own curiosity, licking over your curves and bumps, circling your weepy hole. The puffs of his hot breaths lulled you back into a flushed realisation, the woozy lightheadedness fading.
Despite Yuji being drugged on the high of your sex, he was aware enough to focus on your clit, spelling shapes into the nub with his tongue before licking up the slick you weeped from the pleasure and repeating the cycle.
You reached for him, threading one hand through his short pink spikes whilst the other grabbed at the hand locked to your hip.
The new sensation rocked your body, his wet, warm tongue slurping and squelching around your cunt as he ate you out.
You cursed loudly, a premature orgasm rippling over your body until you went limp under him. Yuji dragged his fangs over your twitching clit, coming dangerously close to biting you.
Still vibrant with your orgasm, you sat up, bringing his chin to you and kissing him.
His hands left your sides, and you didn’t need to glance at the red marks of his handprint to know that it’d bruise tomorrow.
“Was that good?” He asked, you nodded desperately and he groaned to know he brought you pleasure.
“You too.” You added, words unable to form correctly. “Wan’ you to feel good.” You opened your legs to him, and he moaned at your offering.
“Fuck.” He hissed, shoving off his pants and shirt sporadically. His boxers followed in suit, slower, suggesting that Yuji was somewhat shy to reveal himself to you for the first time.
You were just as bashful, looking up to the ceiling to avoid the sight. Your eyes only returned to him when his tip pressed into your cunt.
“Wanted to feel this f’ so long…” He drawled, sliding his hard dick up and down your wet pussy.
“Just b—be gentle, Yuji.” You uttered.
“I’ll try.” You could hear the disbelief in his voice, neither your nor him knew he would be able to hold himself back from fucking you desperately.
His squishy head slipped into the first ring of your chasm, moulding to the tightness of your cunt. The initial feeling made him buck his hips spastically, freeing a choked moan from his throat.
“Oh fuck, fuck.” He cursed, pushing himself halfway in before halting to pace himself. “You feel so good, so so good, fuck I’m gonna cum.”
He rested his hands around your bruising sides, his chest rising and falling with an intense rhythm. Although Yuji’s orgasm approached far too quickly, he pulled your hips onto him, his arms lifting your weight like you were a plastic doll.
Your hips connected with a tight smack!
You whined and Yuji gasped your name. His cock twitched inside you, aching to release against your gummy insides.
“Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck.” Immediately his hips smashed into you, once, twice before you felt Yuji’s hot seed slash your insides. “Let me turn you, fuck—” He choked through the grunt of his orgasm.
“What??” He didn’t stop. Continually and erratically humping your gushy insides.
“I wanna fuck you forever, please, let me turn you.”
“You’ll be mine forever,” the mere thought hardened his sensitive dick painfully. “Forever.” He hissed.
“T-Think about what you’re saying, Yuji! That’s s-serious— nhg—” You pushed against his chest, trying to escape the intensity of his thrusts.
“Don’t try and leave.” His claws tore through the flesh of your sides. He kept you down, buried in the layers of blankets and plush. Deeper now, his cock reached the furthest part of your insides.
“D—Do you even know how?” You gaped, throwing your head back and moaning the moment his cock head massaged the spongey nerve bundle inside you.
“I’ll learn.” He seemed to take the show of your neck as an invitation, because he began lapping up the half dry blood his puncture wounds left.
“Nnno Yuji, I can’t think— fuck.”
“Don’t think, okay? Just say my name.”
As if the command cleared your mind, you did just that, voice cracking halfway the mewl of his name as Yuji’s teeth reopened the two holes in your neck. This time, the sharp stab hit you harder sending a jolt of pain through your body, clamping up your muscles.
The moment your blood waved over his tastebuds was the same your pussy tightened in reaction to the pain, at both sensations a thick drop of precum seeped into frothy mess inside you. His moan reverberated into the raw skin of your neck and you responded with a weak grunt of your own.
His humps into your cunt loosened, his aim becoming unfocused as he lost himself in your essence. Your impossibly ambrosial blood satisfied the hunger and desire he hadn’t known had been hanging over him since childhood.
Nothing could be more euphoric than fucking you whilst feasting on your neck.
“Yu…” your ears rang out, heart pumping escaping blood into Yuji’s mouth.
White steadily overtook your vision and everything but the sensation of Yuji’s hot cock working against your sensitive, gummy walls faded.
Your white-hot orgasm brought you back, jolting your body like a lifesaving shock of electricity that had your back contorting. It seared your empty veins with unfaltering love for Yuji. You’d let him turn you, you’d let him do anything to you. Your quick jolt ripped Yuji’s teeth from you, allowing his mouth free rein to moan your name as his own orgasm came quickly.
Your inside sucked Yuji in, desperately pleading for more of his seed. A slave to your cunt, Yuji came again, adding another clump of white, warm cum inside your pink chasm. Another few spurts of feral thrusts was all Yuji had in him.
You gasped at the air, feeling the weight of Yuji lift from you and fall into the space beside you.
His nails loosened from your raw hips, replaced with a kind hold of his thick hands. He pulled you in, cradling your pale cold body against his hot, sweaty skin like you were his favourite stuffed toy.
It had taken a mere minute after Yuji cleaned your remnant from inside his mouth before clarity hit and he shot up. “Oh fuck! Are you okay? Shit, I went too far.”
Glorious afterglow welled your fuzzy brain. “M’ okay..” You uttered, fluttering eyes and pale face telling him otherwise.
“Okay. Fuck. I’ll uh— get a cookie, for you, and a juice box.” He was gone for less than a minute, but within that time you fell into unconsciousness and came to wearing one of his shirts and having been noticeably cleaned up. Yuji cradled your head, prompting you to drink from a straw.
He’d reached clarity after being severely fucked out of his feral state. To you, he even looked calmer, eyes a cool brown and canines retraced. The sweet juice lifted the pallor from your body, and the slightest bit of colour flushed your cheeks. Yuji brightened at the sight.
“Do you feel better? I’m so sorry.” He apologised quickly.
“I’m okay, I’m fine.” You sighed, utterly fatigued. “Holy fuck that so intense.”
Like a praised puppy, Yuji beamed. “Was it good?”
“Yes— yeah. I’ve never… cum that hard before.” You admitted. Yuji’s invisible tail only wagged harder.
Internally, he fist pumped. “Yeah, me neither.” He stated, sliding into the bed beside you.
A comfortable pause enclosed the two of you, until your mind lingered on the words he declared while high on your blood and insides.
“You were lying before.” You stated, despite it really being a question.
“What’d I say?” He asked.
“You wanted to turn me, into a vampire.”
“Shiiiit.” He rubbed his shoulder, awkwardly nodding. “I did— do. I do, actually.” His brown eyes slid to you, gauging the expression on your face. “I’ve thought about it a lot. I don’t want to live forever unless I’m with you.”
“Sounds like a marriage proposal.” You huffed.
“It does, I guess. We wouldn’t have to get married right away, we’d have forever to figure that out.”
“You’re serious?” You shifted, turning to look him head-on.
“Yeah.” Yuji nodded, like he’d just proposed a casual date.
“I’ll…” An abundance of questions overflowed your mind. Was turning into a vampire painful? How would he even do it? Would you live with him? Would you have to kill to eat?
Most of all; did you want to live forever? With Yuji?
“I’ll think about it.” You finished.
Warmly, Yuji embraced you, pulling you into his chest and blanketing you with his thick arms. “No pressure, yeah? I love you, vampire or not.”
“I love you too, my sexy vampire boyfriend.” You mused. Yuji dug his face between your neck and shoulder, planting kisses over your mark painted skin.
“I think that nickname is pretty well suited now.”
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Part two? 😏
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bpmiranda · 17 days
Fix you was 😭❤️ could you do more heartbreak stories? I was listening to Happier Than Ever by Billie and just need to feel that ache
Dead End II (Logan Howlett)
A/N: angst, dbf!logan, 18+ f!reader, age gap, mentions of sexual relationship
Dead End
While you had told Logan you were fine after you had that little spat, you were absolutely heartbroken to think that he didn’t feel for you what you felt for him. You knew you were naive, but you swore he saw some type of future with you. It made you think a lot about your future. You did want a husband, you wanted a family down the line, but if he wasn’t planning on marrying you then perhaps you should get the idea of you and him out of your head.
It had been almost a month since you last went over there. You were avoiding his calls, avoiding having to take the route home that took you past his house. In an odd way, odd in the sense that you didn’t expect it, you found yourself happier. You weren’t totally and completely giving yourself to him. You made time for you and even found yourself to be excited to go on a date with a guy in one of your classes.
Meanwhile, Logan was honestly losing it. Not having you made him feel miserable. He knew he had hurt you and this was your way of getting even, but he never considered the chance that you’d get over him like this. “How’s Y/N?” He asked your dad as they shared some beers at your house.
“Oh, she’s great!” Your dad had told him. “She’s on a date tonight which is her first in a while. I think she was in a little bit of a funk, but she’s really growing into her own person now.”
Those words felt like a dagger to the chest, but he forced a smile and nodded, chugging the last of his beer and setting it down a little hard on the porch, the bottle cracked faintly and he hoped your dad hadn’t heard. “Want another?” Your dad asked he also finish his drink and Logan nodded.
At that moment, a car pulled into the driveway and his heart nearly swelled twice in size at the sight of you. You were grinning, smiling at the boy in the driver’s seat, leaning over and pecking his cheek before you got out of his car.
Logan wanted to punch the young guy.
Your eyes meet his as he’s watching you intensely and you freeze, unsure if you should approach him or not until he beckons you to him with two fingers. It surprised you how obedient you still are with him as you walk up the driveway and to the bottom step of the porch. “I won’t bite,” Logan smirks, picking up his cigar and lighting it as you take the steps up the porch to stand in front of him. “How was your date?” He asked as he toked his cigar and blew the smoke out to his right so it wouldn’t get in your face.
“It was nice.” You say, tensing when his hand comes up to your thigh and he starts rubbing your skin gently. “Logan-” You begin only to be cut off.
“Was he good to you?” He asked as his thumb traced the hem of your dress slowly.
You trembled under his touch, still so responsive to him, and it takes everything to nod. “Yes.”
Logan nods thoughtfully as his hands move up to your hip where he squeezes you, holding onto you so he can pull you towards him. Suddenly, he presses a soft kiss to your abdomen, holding your hips with both hands and he inhales your scent. You gasp, your hands coming up to tangle in his hair as he’s kissing your breasts now, biting them through your dress. “Did he have you?” He asks while he’s standing up and pinning you to the porch railing behind you. His nose pushes your jaw softly so he can kiss your neck and you push on him weakly, but it’s enough for him to take the hint.
“No, he didn’t ask me for that. It’s only our first date.” You say, decidedly putting some distance between the two of you. Logan sits back down and picks up his cigar. “What are you doing here, Logan?” You ask.
Logan smirks and shakes his head. “It’s not all about you, baby doll.” He says before he takes a drag of his cigar. “I was friends with your dad before you and I’ll continue to be friends with him after you.”
It made you so sad that he couldn’t even toss you a bone and say he was here for you, to get you to forgive him because he can’t be without you. Your eyes well with tears and he feels guilty, but he can’t help being mad right now. He wants to hurt you like you’re hurting him. An unnecessary cycle of mean words exchanged and you crying and endless drinking for him. “So that’s it? Everything that happened between us is just done? You were my first Logan, does that not mean shit to you?” You asked as tears rolled down your cheeks.
Logan wanted to tell you that of course it meant something to him, that he can’t imagine being with another woman because he knows they simply won’t compare to you. He wants to take you into your bedroom and show you how sorry he is, whisper apologies into your ear as he fucks you hard and deep. He wants to desperately hear your little whines and whimpering, but he’s hurt and right now he only wants to hurt you back. “Your dad’s gonna hear you.” He says, nodding his head towards the house and you’re fuming because you couldn’t care less about your dad finding out.
“You’re an ass.” You mutter as you walk past him and into your house.
Your dad comes back out with two beers and he hands one to Logan who easily twists off the cap. “Must’ve not been a good date.” You dad comments as he looks back into the house.
“Probably for the best.” Logan shrugs, wondering how the hell he’s going to fix the mess he’s made because, truth be told, he can’t have this end with you hating him.
There were many requests for a second part to Dead End and here it is! I am very much into the angst:)
Dead End III
🏷️: @dontfeedthebigbadwolf @peterparkernotfound @httpsells @evasmlp @ayatotiddies
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marvelouslizzie · 1 year
Like Someone I Know
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summary: You decide to take a break from studying and go to a masked party but your casual hookup turns out to be your biggest rival, Bucky Barnes.
pairing: College!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
warnings: 18+, academic rivals, alcohol consumption, hidden identities, hookup, boob worship, semi-public sex, pet names, oral sex (female receiving), protected sex, dirty talk, praise kink, no mention of y/n.
word count: 2.4K
A/N: @notafunkiller gave me "I don't care if they're gonna see it. I'm not giving them back." and academic rivals as prompt and now here we are… I hope you enjoy this random story. Thanking Andreea also for the editing and for the name suggestion. She’s the best!
All work is mine, please do not repost or translate without my permission.
Keep reading tag starts after the second paragraph of the story.
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This isn’t like you. You don’t find people attractive this easily, let alone hook up with them at a party, right after meeting them. It feels surreal… like you are having some kind of a fever dream. Maybe it’s because of the alcohol you consumed, but you don’t feel tipsy. So maybe not.
His hands roam on your body, hungrily discovering every inch. His lips are relentless, sucking and licking. It feels so damn good and it’s just so hard to resist. You deserve to let go sometimes. You work so hard, right? It’s okay to hook up with a handsome stranger. Well, you aren’t sure about the handsome part. Not when half of his face is covered by some kind of mask, but his piercing blue eyes tell you he might be the most handsome man you have ever seen. They also seem familiar somehow and you don’t know how that’s possible.
He stops kissing you, while his hands are still on your hips. He looks you in the eye, and it makes you shiver. You finally realize why he feels so familiar and it makes you uncomfortable. Those blue eyes… They remind you of Bucky Barnes. Why on earth would you find someone attractive because they look like him?
“Is everything alright?”
Even his voice… It sounds kinda like him. Not completely though. Bucky’s voice is usually harsher. He sounds like he’s trying to poison you with words. Especially when he makes fun of you after getting a better grade. God, you hate him so much.
“Yeah, yeah.” Your answer sounds so absent and not convincing at all.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I just realized you look like someone I know.”
“Oh, darling…” God, the way he smiles! There’s no way this man can be ugly. That smile punches you in your stomach. “There’s no way you know me.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I would remember a beauty like you.”
That makes you laugh. It sounds so cheesy. Plus he can’t even see half of your face. How could he even remember you?
“I mean it.” 
“I’m sure you used that line on girls before.” 
“I can’t say…” He stops for a second, trying to find the right words. “I do this often.”
“You mean hooking up with strangers at a party?”
“No.” His answer confuses you for a second. “Hooking up at all.”
Oh, that can’t be true. Those blue eyes can convince anyone to do anything. Maybe he’s just trying to make you feel special, and truth be told, it doesn’t matter. You don’t know him. 
“Why is that?”
His hands caress your hips gently. “Usually… I don’t let myself get distracted.”
“Sorry for distracting you, then.” 
Your playful answer makes him smile. He starts kissing your neck. His hands move on your ass, kneading while he keeps on kissing you. His lips move closer and closer to your cleavage. You know this is your last chance to say anything if you don’t wanna go further, but you can’t find the strength in yourself to stop him. His lips are soft and wet on your skin. Every kiss he lays on your skin makes you want more. You don’t know if you can stop him. 
Suddenly he grabs your tits, pushing them together while he buries his head between them. It makes you gasp, and he inhales your scent like he can’t get enough of it. 
“I want them in my mouth.”
He looks up, his eyes pleading for your consent.
“Can I?”
“Someone might come in any time.” You don’t wanna get caught like that. “They might see us.”
"I don't care if they're gonna see it. I'm not giving them back." His response makes you smile. He sounds so desperate while still holding your tits. And like it isn’t enough, he starts to beg. “Please… Can I?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You sound breathy, just because of the anticipation. You just want to enjoy this moment, not thinking about anything else.
He pushes down the straps. He doesn’t even bother unclasping your bra. He just frees your tits and starts sucking on your nipple. Your head is thrown back with sudden pleasure. His tongue dances around your nipple, making you squirm.
“God, you are so delicious.” 
He switches to your other nipple. He licks, bites, and sucks while you try to keep your voice down. It’s not easy. A couple of moans slip away. You are just glad this is a party and the music is loud enough to conceal any sound you make.
Suddenly he lets go of your nipple. The wet pop makes you bite your lip. 
“I really need to taste you.” You give him a confused look. Isn’t he already doing that? “Down there.” He quickly adds.
You don’t know what to say. You expected a quick fuck at best, that’s what the girls told you. Don’t have high expectations for hookups. They end pretty quickly and you might end up unsatisfied. But he’s proving you wrong every step of the way.
He keeps looking at you with a glow. God, his eyes are so freaking beautiful! Even if you didn’t want that, it would be so hard to say no. You finally nod, giving him permission.
“Thank you.” He quickly gets on his knees and hikes up your dress. 
He starts to kiss your thighs, then he brings his nose onto your clothed pussy and just inhales.
“You smell so freaking good, d-darling.”
The praise makes you shiver. Not just because you aren’t used to it, but he also sounds so much like Bucky when he says darling. He calls you doll in a way that makes you feel degraded. Like you’re nothing more than a beautiful doll. No brains. No talent. Just there to look pretty. But this time… It doesn’t make you feel small. It makes you feel like a goddess.
Your shivering doesn’t go unnoticed, though. He smiles like a devil, looking into your eyes. Then he grabs your underwear and just pushes it down. You feel unbelievably exposed. Your breasts are sticking out of your dress while your pussy is right in front of him. But the hunger on his face makes you feel better.
“Such a pretty pussy.” He licks his lips before diving in. He grabs one of your legs and hikes it up on his shoulder, creating more space for himself to work. 
He starts you eat you eagerly. His tongue moves smoothly between your folds and he sets a pace that makes it harder to shut your mouth. His tongue discovers every inch of you. Then suddenly he switches on sucking your clit, making you moan loudly.
“Jesus fucking christ!”
You feel him smile as he stops sucking for a second. His hands reach for your hips, steadying you while he goes back to sucking your clit. Once again your head is thrown back. You try to steady your breathing, but it doesn’t work. Your orgasm comes crashing in.
“Fuckk! I’m coming!” You don’t realize how loud you say it. You don’t realize how harshly you grab his hair and make him moan against your clit. Yet he doesn’t stop. Not until your shaking calms down.
The moment he’s sure you rode out every last bit of your orgasm, he moves away from you. When he looks up, he realizes your mask moved a little bit. Just enough to make him recognize who you are. His eyes are wide open, but you don’t notice any of it. You are still breathing heavily, trying to collect yourself.
He suddenly stands up and places his hands on the wall, caging you in. He looks like he wants to say something, but he can’t find the words. You assume it’s because of his unmet needs. So instead of questioning him, you move your hands to his pants. He watches you unbuckling and unzipping him. Then you look back at his face, silently asking for permission, and he nods.
You get rid of his pants and boxers with his help before he grabs his cock like he’s getting ready. Your words, though, stop him.
“We are not doing this without a condom.”
You don’t know what you expected, but you didn’t expect him to smile.
“Smart girl.”
The way he says that turns you on even more. The only problem is that he starts to sound more and more like Bucky. While you are trying to push away the thought of your biggest rival, he takes his wallet out and finds a condom.
“You don’t do this often, but you have a condom in your wallet.” You can’t help but point out.
“Every guy has one in their wallet. Just in case…” He responds while putting on the condom. “Doesn’t mean we think we’ll get lucky.”
“Well, you are certainly getting lucky tonight.”
“Oh, don’t I know it?”
He suddenly lifts you up against the wall. It’s so unexpected, yet it makes your blood rush. His lips find yours once again, but this time, it feels different. You don’t know what changed. You can’t put your finger on it. It was already passionate, hungry, and curious before, but this time… It’s just on another level. 
“Ready?” You know what he’s asking about.
“Yeah.” You find yourself nodding and he smiles.
“That eager, huh?” His voice is deep and full of impatience, but also some kind of belittlement. God, that Bucky really messed up with your head. 
He doesn’t wait for your answer. He gently pushes himself inside you, and you can’t help but moan out loud. A part of you feels embarrassed that you can’t seem to shut your mouth. You’re not used to this. It makes you feel exposed.
“Yes!” He sounds like he accomplished the most important thing in the world. “Don’t hold back those pretty sounds.”
You don’t know what to say, all you can focus on is the way his words make you wetter and wetter. You feel like you are discovering a part of you that you didn’t know existed. Maybe all you need is to hear how good you are doing. Is it why you are working this hard to get the best grades possible?
He doesn’t let you question more about yourself when he finally starts to move. It feels so overwhelming that you forget about anything else.
“Oh god…” He moans right next to your ear as his fingers are gripping on your skin. “You are so wet, doll.” You freeze. What did he just say?
Your heart starts to race faster than before. You don’t know what you are feeling. Shock, fear, excitement… This might be your worst nightmare. Or your biggest dream. 
“I swear to god,” he starts to talk with haste, trying to explain himself before you get the wrong idea. “I didn’t know it was you. You have to believe me.” The fear in his voice is so audible. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him fearing something like this before. “After your first orgasm,your mask slipped a little.”
You suddenly feel relief washing over you. You felt so dumb for a second, thinking he might have tricked you. Knowing he’s afraid just like you helps a lot. He didn’t plan this. Maybe it's just a twist of fate. You reach for his mask and take it off without saying anything. There’s no need for it anymore. He smiles in response. You can see he wants to do the same, but he’s still carrying you, so you take off your own mask, too
 He looks into your eyes, trying to see if you are still okay with this. 
“Come on, big guy, move!”
His devilish grin returns. He bounces you on his arms, securing your position, and then starts to move again. His lips find yours, and you moan into his mouth. You can’t believe you are actually having sex with Bucky Barnes. You have had a couple of wet dreams about him, but you never thought it would turn into reality. You never thought he would be into you. He starts to lose control and move faster than before. 
“Oh shit!” You feel like you might come soon. “Faster. Please!”
“So needy.” He grips on your ass. You don’t know why but his words rub you the wrong way.
“Don’t belittle me.” You snap back, and it makes him stop. You frown, thinking he’s gonna get you off and leave you unsatisfied.
“I never belittle you.” He’s looking into your eyes. “I never meant to belittle you.”
“You are not?” You always thought he was. You thought he was trying to put you down, demotivate you. Even if he was saying something nice.
“Never, doll. You are the smartest person I have ever met.”
You never heard him say this before. Maybe he just didn’t want to admit it back then. 
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
“And the prettiest girl.” 
You crash your lips onto his, kissing him like you can’t survive without it. You had no idea how much you wanted to hear something like this coming from him. He moans into your mouth while he starts to move again.
“I don’t think-” He sounds so pained. “I can- hold back any longer.”
You’re not so far away from reaching your climax. All you need is him moving just a bit harder, then you might be able to come with him.
“Please, come with me!” You don’t care how desperate it sounds. “I just need it a little harder.”
That breaks his defense. He starts to move so fast that it takes your breath away. After a couple of thrusts, your body starts to shake uncontrollably.
“Bucky!” You can’t stay silent. “I’m- coming.”
“Come for me, doll. Make a mess.” His thrusts grow sloppier. You can see he’s losing control because of you. “So fucking pretty. Can’t believe I get to see you like this.” You are sure his grip on your ass will leave some bruises, but you don’t care. It feels so good. He makes you feel so good. “Oh fuck!” 
He looks so pretty while he’s coming. The way he moans… The way his eyes flutter with each thrust… You watch every detail while coming yourself, wanting to memorize it. 
Then he opens his eyes. His pretty blue eyes shine in a way that feels warm, cozy, and downright giddy.
“I can’t believe we really did that.” He’s still holding you. You wonder how that is even possible. You always thought he looked strong, but this is on another level.
“Now tell me,” You sound confident and satisfied. “For how long did you want to do that?”
He chuckles in a way that makes you feel needy all over again.
“Oh, you have no idea.” 
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sleepyjuice · 4 months
protective jj protextiive jj protecitice jj ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
yup yup yup say no more ‼️
one thing about jj is that when he loved someone, he was also fully committed to protecting them at all costs. his circle was small, so when he cared about someone, he would do everything in his power to keep them safe.
but with you, he fully knew he would die before letting anything happen to you. and it sure was a task having a beautiful girlfriend, because to strangers eyes, you were just a pretty face and a pretty body, and that was just a blessing and a curse to jj.
keggers always brought out the creeps, and jj’s blood pressure was always just a bit high every time the two of you went. he would still enjoy himself, but he didn’t miss the way guys would stare at you, eyeing your body as if you were just anyones to have. you weren’t naive about it, you knew people stared, but as long as no one tried to touch you or talk to you, you didn’t let it bother you.
but of course, you didn’t live in a perfect world so trouble was bound to find you every now and then. you had a few drinks and you were feeling good. you had spent the day with jj and this was a great way to end the night together.
“yo jj, I can’t get this keg to tap, can you help me real quick?” john b approached you and jj, gently squeezing the blonde boy’s shoulder.
“yeah I got you,” jj answered, turning to you once he spoke, “c’mon, let’s go baby.” he nudged your waist, nodding towards the direction of where john b had ventured back off to.
you shook your head, “nah it’s okay, kie’s gonna be here any minute and I told her I would wait for her here. you go, I’ll be okay.” you assured him with a smile, not missing the hesitation clear on his face. he didn’t want to leave you alone, but he also didn’t want to make you feel like you couldn’t be independent and handle yourself alone for a minute.
he inhaled sharply before responding, “alright, alright, yeah. I’ll be right back.” he told you, giving you a quick kiss before going off to help john b. you took another sip from your cup, pulling out your phone to check if kiara had texted you.
“no way a pretty girl like you is here by herself.” a man’s voice startled you as you looked up from your phone, a touron, presumably had wasted no time invading your space as soon as you were alone, great.
“yeah, no, I’m not. but I’m not interested. so thanks but no thanks.” you told the man, looking back at your phone, hoping that for once, a man could have the ability to read the room.
“jesus, entitled aren’t you? can’t even let me say more than one sentence to you before being a bitch?” the man snapped, his ego obviously bruised. you did feel a little nervous now, uncomfortable with how quick his demeanor had shifted. instead of responding, you turned to walk away but were stopped when his hand grabbed your shoulder harshly, yanking you around to face him again.
he had opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by a fist to his jaw, and you jumped back in surprise at the sudden violence unfolding before you. you weren’t shocked to see that it was jj who had punched him and you set your cup down as jj kept going at him, reaching from behind your boyfriend to grab onto the fabric of his tank top, trying to pull him off of the guy.
“you think you can just touch girls, bro? when her back is turned to you?” he spat, tensing when he felt someone touch his shirt, glancing back for a moment to see that it was you.
“jj stop, stop, it’s not worth it, please.” you pleaded with him to stop, grateful that he had stepped in to help, but it wasn’t worth him getting potentially hurt over or in trouble.
“you’re a fragile ass bitch, dude. fuckin- apologize to my girl and then fuck off. I’m so serious right now.” jj eventually stopped his punches, but kept a grip on the guys shirt as he forced him to face you. he was indeed a bitch, because he barely muttered out a little ‘I’m sorry’ before stumbling back and hurrying away from the two of you.
“jesus, I leave ya alone for not even two minutes and these douchebags think they can try some shit,” jj rubbed at his now bleeding knuckles before pulling you into his chest, his hands rubbing at your sides, “you okay, pretty girl? you’re not hurt are ya?” you shook your head in response, relaxing into his touch. you hated when he had to resort to violence, but you did understand it in this situation. you were just proud of him for not losing control this time.
“I’m okay, thank you for saving me. that was lowkey hot as fuck.”
(not me getting carried away ummmm oops thank you anon <3)
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ripdragonbeans · 3 months
You Win II // modern!Aemond x reader
Summary: You and Aemond have fallen in love, steady in a relationship built of trust and love. All that is challenged when Aemond takes a class led by Professor Rivers.
TW: indefinitely, manipulation, p in v, afab reader, violence, Aemond is an idiot
Part I • Epilogue
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Empty. Completely empty. 
Numb. You felt nothing 
Cold. There was no warmth in your life anymore.
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That's all you were when you left your - his - apartment.  The towel that staunched the bleeding was drying up, becoming stiff. It's been hours since you left but you didn't have the energy to even pull it off your knuckle. That, and you wouldn't know what to do if it started bleeding again. Taking the train, you went to the one person who you knew would welcome you without a doubt. 
Jace Velaryon.
You lied when you said you were going home. You didn't have a home to go to anymore because he was your home.
When you arrived at his apartment, you immediately started pounding on the door. Tears were streaming down your face again, new tears. They were hot against your skin and flowed freely.
Jace answered the door. “I don’t know who you are but I don’t need any - oh shit!” 
You fell into Jace as soon as he opened the door and sobbed openly into his arms.
“Hey, what happened? Why isn’t Aemond with you?”
At the mention of his name you sobbed even harder. You balled your fists into Jace’s shirt, not wanting to let him go.
“Fuck, okay. Let’s get you inside. I’ll call Hel.”
As Jace led you into the apartment you tried to calm yourself but it was difficult, nearly impossible. All of the different visions Alys had planted in your head kept playing on one after the other. The more you looked into the past the more you could see the warning signs that something was up. The way he touched you, looked at you, the small things. How lately he would recoil from your touch, or look guilty when he said he loved you. It all added up and you hated that you couldn’t see it. Instead, you got hurt. You could’ve protected yourself, your heart, but instead you gave it to someone else.
You sat on the couch clutching your things. Well, all that you could carry out of his apartment. Fog was clouding your vision and your chest was heavy. All you wanted to do was fall in a deep sleep and never wake up again. You curled up around a pillow and buried your head in it. Hugging the pillow helped a bit but it wasn’t enough.
“Hel, something happened to her,” you heard Jace call Helaena from the kitchen. “She came to my apartment sobbing her eyes out and when I mentioned Aemond she cried even harder. I think… I think they broke up, Hel.” He paused so Helaena could respond. “No, I don’t know what happened but whatever it was was bad. Her hand is wrapped in a towel and there’s dried blood on it. Fuck, just come over, please? Okay, see you soon.”
Jace came out of the kitchen and sat next to you on the couch. “Hey, Hel is on her way. Want to tell me what’s going on or -”
You aggressively shook your head as you shut your eyes to keep even more tears from flowing out.
“Okay, we can wait for Hel.”
Jace wrapped you in a hug and you melted into him. You inhaled his cologne, a familiar smell, and it calmed you, even just a tiny bit. After a moment you pulled away from him.
“I punched a mirror,” you rasped. “I was feeling too much and I hated what I saw so I just. I -” you broke down in sobs again.
“As long as you’re safe and it wasn’t anyone else who physically hurt you, it’s okay.”
You nodded and let yourself sink into the couch. For a few minutes it was just you and Jace in a sad silence. He wanted to comfort you but didn’t know how to. You wanted to tell him everything that happened but you wanted to wait for Helaena so you wouldn’t have to relive it twice out loud. You’ve already re-lived it many times over in your head. Everything was so clear, so crisp and clear. In your mind’s eye Alys was giving you that evil smirk while her hand was on Aemond’s shoulder. The image wouldn’t leave your mind. She touched him like she owned him.
“No one physically hurt me but fuck, my heart hurts so much.” You leaned your head on Jace’s shoulder.
Jace nodded. You fell into a silence, a sad silence. The door unlocked.
“Hey, I'm here.” Helaena looked at you and your tear stained face. “Holy shit, what's happened to you?” She was quick to move to you and pull you into a hug.
With Helaena hugging you came a new wave of tears. While she was his sister, you were glad that she didn't remind you of him. You held on tight to her and tried to calm down your breathing.
“There we go, easy breaths,” she encouraged you.
When you finally caught your breath you glanced at both of your friends before putting your head down. “He cheated on me.”
Their eyes were wide with disbelief.
“No way,” Helaena whispered.
“I'm gonna fucking kill him,” Jace growled.
You let out a broken laugh. “Please don't kill him, Jace.”
“No, I'm serious. What was he thinking?”
“It was Professor Rivers.”
“Of course it was her.” Helaena’s eyes were hard. “I've heard so many things about her. I didn't think she'd go after Aemond.”
You scoffed. “Well she did and she was successful.” You lowered your head. “She said that he loved her,” your voice cracked on the last word.
“I don't believe that at all.”
“You should have seen him, Hel. He was fucking her! He looked so guilty that he was caught.”
“He fucked her?!”
“Yes!” You started sobbing again. “It was some kind of cruel plan the professor came up with. She requested me in her office while he was with her so I could see them.”
Jace and Helaena were silent.
“Okay, now that's messed up,” said Jace.
“I bet she gets off on breaking up couples,” Helaena said matter-of-factly.
Jace looked at Helaena. “I'm sorry, what?”
“Haven't you heard the rumors? She has a history of breaking up couples.”
“That's demented.”
As Jace and Helaena talked about how cruel Alys was to her students outside their academic life, all you could think about was him. You still refused to say his name out loud. Saying his name would be admitting that he was real. For once, you wished your relationship was fake, a figment of your imagination. If you could convince yourself it never happened then you never got hurt.
A delusional smile crossed your face. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine. What are we even talking about? I don't know any Professor Rivers,” you laughed.
Helaena and Jace shared a concerned look.
“I've never heard of her.”
“Sweetie, she's a professor at your university. You know this very well,” Helaena said gently. “Are you okay?”
You started laughing maniacally. “Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be? And again, I don’t know any Professor Rivers. That name means nothing to me. Nothing.” You reached for Jace’s hand and squeezed it as tight as you could.
“Damn, you have a strong grip. Can you loosen up or let me go?” Jace tried to wiggle his hand out of yours.
“I have never given my heart to anyone. I have never been hurt. I am completely fine. My heart is whole and safe. I have never fallen in love. No one has shattered me. Nothing bad ever happened, I’m just having a bad dream or something. But I’m fine. Fine and happy. I'm happy.”
“Oh, my dear,” Helaena tugged your hand off of Jace’s and took it in hers instead. “You're not okay and that's okay. But it happened, you can't pretend it didn't happen. It's not healthy.”
Your smile dissipated as you cocked your head to the side. “Nothing happened, Helaena. I am fine. I've never dated anyone.” You shook your head. “Please, I don't want it to be real,” you whispered. Trembling, you pulled your hands away from Helaena and wrapped them around yourself. Rocking back and forth you began to mumble, “It didn't happen. I'm okay. It didn't happen.” Your eyes became unfocused until everything around you was blurry. You didn't even try to correct it. 
“Let's go to the spare room. You can stay here as long as you need,” Jace said as he gathered your things.
“Come on, sweetie. Let's get you up,” Helaena tried to get you to stand but you sat rooted on the spot.
Tucking your chin in and wrapping your arms around you even tighter, you closed your eyes and refused to open them. “I'm fine right here.”
“Okay, you can stay here but Jace is going to take your things to the spare room.”
Jace left with your belongings and brought them to the bedroom, the place you'll be living in for the next unforeseeable days. Helaena stayed next to you, refusing for you to be left alone. 
“Do you want me to stay the night? I don't want you to be alone.”
With eyes still shut you nodded your head. You agreed with her; you should not be left alone.
“Your room is set up.” Jace entered the living room. “Do you want to sleep there now or?”
“I think she's gonna sleep out here on the couch tonight, Jace.” Helaena turned to you. “Can you get up or do you want to stay here?”
“I can't move. My body won't let me,” you whispered.
“Yeah, she’ll sleep out here tonight, Jace. I'll sleep on the floor.”
“I have an air mattress, Hel. You're not gonna sleep on the floor.” Jace turned and left the room once again to get the air mattress and some extra pillows and a blanket.
“Lay down, sweetie. Close your eyes. You've had a rough day.” 
Helaena’s voice calmed you. You did as she said and slowly unwound yourself and laid down on the couch. “Hel, I still love him. And I hate him for it.”
It was the last thing you said before falling into the sweet darkness of sleep.
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Aemond was still sitting on the floor of your - his - bedroom. Clothes were strewn across the floor. His eye was red from crying; he hasn't stopped since you left. He went to the bathroom to clean up but stopped at the door. When he saw the shattered glass on the ground he whimpered. You did this. You did it because he caused you to feel so much pain that you needed to break something. 
Fresh tears began pouring out. His heart was continually breaking. He tried to clean up the mess the best he could but it was hard to see with his one good eye blurry from the crying. Aemond had just picked up all the glass when his phone started ringing. 
Without looking at who it was, he answered it, hoping it would be you.
“Princess, please, are you -”
“Princess? Well, that's a new name for me, baby,” the female voice said.
Anger rose inside of him. “How did you get my number, Professor Rivers?”
“‘Professor Rivers?’ Now, now, you know me better than that. In fact you know me extremely well.”
“You didn't answer my question.”
“Oh, no need to know.” He could hear her smile. “I just called to make sure you're okay. I know you're hurting but you know my arms are always open for you.”
“I'm done with you,” Aemond ground out.
“You say that but you know you'll come back to me. They always do.”
“You said you loved me.”
“Yes, and it's true. I love all my students.”
“You said I was the only one.”
“Yes, now that was a lie. Would you have chosen to be with me if you had known you were not the first?”
“I didn't choose you,” he spat out.
“That's not what I remember. If memory serves me correctly, I asked if you were sure you wanted this and you said yes.”
“You were straddling my lap with my cock in your hand!” Aemond’s heartbeat was racing, not at the memory, but at the anger towards this woman.
“And you still could’ve said no. But you didn't. Instead you said yes and the rest is history. And what a damn good history it was.”
“Delete this number and never come near me again.”
“I know you wish that could happen but you know better. I'll delete this number but I'll see you in class on Monday.” With a click the phone call ended.
Aemond let out a guttural scream and punched the already broken mirror. Once. Twice. Three times. Just like you. Tears streamed down his face as he stared at his bloody knuckle. It was another thing that reminded him of you. Opening and closing his hand, he let the blood run down. He stared at it, thinking of you and hoping you were okay. 
He turned on the water and ran his hand under it then wrapped it up in some gauze. He wasn't rushing so he had time to actually look for some. Everything has slowed down for him. 
After he cleaned up the rest of the glass he went to the couch in the living room. He sat there for a while but soon remembered the many times the two of you made love on it. Immediately getting up he paced, thinking of a place where he wouldn't be reminded of his sins.
“I'm not gonna hear the end of this,” he mumbled to himself. Not packing anything, he left the apartment and called an Uber for his brother, Aegon's, place.
When he got to Aegon’s front door he couldn't even bring himself to knock on the door. Instead he texted his brother to come and open the door.
“And what can I do for my little brother?” Aegon wore a grin.
Aemond took a deep breath. “I cheated on her, Aegon. I fucked up and I can't stand to be in our apartment.”
Aegon’s face dropped. “Shit, I wasn't expecting that. Get in here and tell me how you messed everything up.”
Aemond followed Aegon into the apartment and plopped himself on the couch. Without giving him a second glance, Aegon went to the fridge and grabbed two beers. 
“Drink it,” he said as he handed him one. “If you're going to relive your mistakes you should have something to ease the pain.”
In one smooth motion, Aemond took it from Aegon, opened it, and began chugging it. He stopped halfway through the bottle.
“My professor seduced me,” he started off. “And I fucking fell for her. She has a history of getting with students and I thought I could never be one of them but I am, Aegon. I slept with my fucking professor and ruined the only true relationship I've ever had.”
Aegon ran a hand down his face. “Dude, that's bad. Like bad bad.”
“It was more than once, too,” Aemond admitted.
“I'm sorry, what?”
“I basically had a relationship with her. She'd tell me she loved me and I thought it was real even though I already had someone who loved me unconditionally. Fuck, she gave me her heart and I stomped on it the second I started talking to Professor Rivers.” Aemond put his face in his hands. 
Aegon nodded his head. “Oh, her.”
“Do you know her?”
“Even I knew she was bad news. There's a reason other than my grades as to why I didn't take her class. She's hot though, I'll give you that.”
“That doesn't help, Aegon.”
Aegon shrugged. “Just saying,” he took a sip of his beer. “What are you gonna do to get her back?”
Aemond blinked. “‘Get her back?’ I don't deserve her!”
“Listen,” Aegon leaned forward. “I've seen you two together and I have never seen you so happy before. I don't know her well but it looked like she had eyes only for you. You gotta go back and get her. Or at least help her.”
“How can I help her when all I've done is cause her pain?” Aemond’s hands began to shake.
“Beg. Get on your knees. Anything to make her smile.”
“I think me dying would make her smile,” Aemond grumbled.
“There we go, that's it!” Aegon went over and clapped Aemond on the back. “While you try to regain your honor, I'm going to ruin that Professor Alys and her career.”
“No! Please don't do that!”
Aegon narrowed his eyes. “Don't tell me you actually have feelings for her.”
“She called me earlier. I don't know how but she got my number. She sounded so sure that I'd go back to her. But I don't! I mean, fuck, you can't. She'll know it was me somehow.”
“I’ll cover your ass, don't worry.” Aegon finished his beer. “Now, you can stay as long as you need to but I don't want you wallowing in self pity. It's annoying when you do that.”
“Thank you, brother.” Aemond went to clasp his arm but Aegon pulled him in for a hug.
“Go get her back.”
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When you woke up the next day it took you a while to remember where you were. As you looked around the room, you saw Helaena on an air mattress. That was when it all came rushing back.
Aemond and Alys.
Punching the mirror.
Slapping Aemond.
Running away.
You hurriedly got up when you felt whatever was left in your stomach come up to the surface. Careful not to trip over Helaena, you made a beeline for the bathroom and emptied out your guts. It was the dry heaving that had you crying again. Between the retching and the memories, it all became too much again.
“Sweetie?” Came a sleepy voice. “Are you okay?”
You gagged on nothing in response.
“I'm coming in, hold up.”
The bathroom door creaked open and Helaena entered, hair messy from sleeping.
“Oh, my dear, you look horrible.”
You gave a dry laugh. “Thanks, Hel.” You gagged into the bowl again.
Helaena knelt by you and rubbed your back in soothing circles. “We’ll take it day by day. You can get through this, you're one of the strongest people I know.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, I feel so strong right now.” You hurled out nothing into the toilet bowl again. Your chest was beginning to hurt from all the heaving and still your heart was aching, too. “I don't know when this will stop,” you admitted. Sitting back on your haunches, you looked up at Helaena. “Do I forgive him? Do I ignore him? What do I do if he wants to be back in my life?”
“Then you'll have a decision to make. Open your heart once again to the guy who shattered and trust that he won't do it again, or close yourself off from him forever.”
Your chest tightened at the prospect. On one hand you never wanted to see him again, it'd be too painful. But on the other hand, life without him seemed impossible, lifeless. Yet he broke you and made you feel the way you feel now and that is unforgivable.
When you moved to get up Helaena offered her hand. Once you took it you gave her a thankful squeeze. You linked arms with her and walked to the kitchen where Jace was making breakfast.
“Waffle morning!” He called out. Jace sent you a bright smile.
You cracked the first genuine smile you've had since the break up. Jace always knew how to raise your spirit.
“I made your favorite waffles. There’s whipped cream and strawberries in the fridge if you want any.”
You noticed he wasn’t mentioning yesterday. That was fine for you; you needed a break. Over breakfast you laughed with your friends and briefly forgot about the last twenty four hours. It wasn’t until you brought up slapping him that you brought the topic to the day before.
“I will admit that I did slap him and it felt great. Do I regret it? I do. I’ve never wanted to hurt him but I didn’t know what to do. He kept trying to get closer to me and I didn’t want him near me.”
Helaena and Jace looked at you, stunned.
“You slapped him?” Helaena wanted clarification.
“I wasn’t thinking.” You shrugged.
“That’s better than me,” Jace chuckled. “Next time I see him I’m gonna deck the shit out of him.”
“He deserved that,” Helaena agreed.
“Please don't deck him, Jace. As upset as I am, I still don't want him hurt.”
“You don't want him to get hurt? Look at you! Aemond hurt you so much, punching him is the nicest thing I could do to him,” Jace said.
You flinched at the mention of his name. “Please don't say his name right now.”
“You can't even say his name!” Jace was getting aggravated. “I know you don't like this, but he hurt you and that's not okay. You're one of my best friends and I refuse to stand by and do nothing.”
“And I appreciate that so much, I really do,” you gave Jace a small smile. “But I still care about him, as stupid as that sounds.”
“It's not stupid, sweetie,” Helaena put a hand on your arm. “You love him - don't try to deny it.”
Looking down at your half eaten waffle you contemplated the complexity of your feelings. You still loved him, you knew that. But it hurt so much. You didn't want to love him, he didn't deserve your love. Still, your heart reached out to him, he hurt you, shattered you, but it also being away from him made your heart ache as well.
“I do. I still love him. I feel empty without him and I wish it would stop. I don't want to feel anything anymore.”
“Feeling this is okay, it means you're human.”
“Ugh,” you stuffed a bit of waffle in your mouth. “I don't want to be a human then.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” Jace elbowed you in the side.
“I can't help it,” you elbowed him back.
“See, you're already doing better,” Helaena said.
You took a breath. “Yeah, I am.” A weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“It will still hit you every now and then,” Helaean warned you.
“I know. But I have you guys to help me,” you clasped a hand from both of them. “And I'm forever grateful.” You sighed. “Ugh, I don’t want to go to class on Monday.”
“I mean,” Jace started, “you don’t have to.”
“You can always take a mental day and it seems like a good time to take one,” Helaena said.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. And -” You were cut off by the doorbell. “Did you guys tell anyone else to be here?”
“No, the only person I called was Hel,” Jace said. “I’ll go check on the door.”
The doorbell rang again.
A familiar sinking feeling came over you. “Gods, what if it’s him?”
Jace’s face hardened. “Then I’m going to punch him like I said I would.”
You turned to Helaena, face filled with panic. “I don’t want to see him again, not now. Please, I can’t do this!” Tears began to fill your eyes.
“Shh, it’s okay.” Helaena took your hand. “We’ll go back to the spare room. Jace will handle this.”
The doorbell rang a third time.
“Gods, he’s impatient,” Jace muttered.
“Go get the door before he starts knocking and trying to break it down,” Helaena ordered.
With your hand in her, Helaena guided you back to the spare room while Jace went to answer the door. Your heartbeat quickened as you heard him open it.
A familiar voice began to speak. “Please, I’m here for -”
You heard the sound of skin hitting skin.
“That’s for hurting my best friend,” you heard Jace say.
A deep sigh. “I deserved that.”
Silence. You imagined the two guys staring at each other. Well, Jace staring hard at him and the other one with his head down in shame.
“I just need to see her, make sure she’s okay.”
“Physically, she’s fine. Emotionally? I’ve never seen her so broken.”
“Fuck,” you almost didn’t hear him. “Can I at least talk to Hel? I saw her car.”
A pause. “Fine.”
Jace’s footsteps came closer and closer to the door. “Hel, he wants to talk to you. Think you can handle it?”
“Of course I can handle my little brother,” Helaena scoffed. “You stay right here.” She gave you one last hug before exiting the room.
“Hel, I really fucked up and -”
You couldn’t help the small smile that graced your face.
“How dare you?” Helaena exclaimed. “How dare you hurt her then show up? You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. You’re weak, Aemond.”
You sucked in a breath at the mention of his name.
“I know I am.” You heard him sniffle. “I destroyed our relationship and now I’m asking for her forgiveness. I know she may never want to see me again, but I at least want to know that she’s healing.”
“Aemond, it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours. She’s not okay at all!” Helaena sighed. “I think you need to leave. She needs space and time before she can see you. Hell, she can’t even say your name. Whatever you did hurt her bad.”
“She - she won’t even say my name?”
“No. That’s how bad this is. So I suggest you go home.”
“...Can I at least see her?”
“No, Aemond. Now, go home.”
You heard the door beginning to close. “WAIT! I mean - he can see me.”
Helaena went to you and gripped your hand. “Sweetie, are you sure?”
“If he tries anything I’ll punch him again,” Jace said.
“It’s fine, guys. Really. I’ll need to face him at some point,” you shrugged. Wiping your eyes, you tried to make yourself look somewhat presentable, that you haven’t been a complete wreck. You walked to the door to face him. To face Aemond.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you looked at Aemond but it certainly wasn’t this. His hair was messy, eye was puffy and red, there was a mark where Jace punched him and Helaena slapped him. His eye was devoid of any happiness. Good.
“Princess, I -” he started.
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” you stopped him. “I’m not your princess, never was apparently.”
Something in Aemond’s face broke. “No, no, you know that’s not true.”
“Stop. Please,” you took a deep breath. “You broke me, Aemond,” your voice shook on his name. “I don’t know if I can ever forgive you for what you’ve done. I gave you everything I had and you dropped it all for a professor. I can’t go through that again. Please don’t make me.” Tears slipped out. “Please, just go home.”
Aemond took in a shaky breath. “I’ll go. But know that I will do everything I can to prove to you that you are my one and only love.”
Jace coughed next to you. “Sure.”
Helaena went to the door. “It’s time for you to go, Aemond.”
Aemond nodded his head and turned around. When he got to his car you collapsed into Jace’s arms, full of fresh tears.
“He came back for me,” you choked out. “I don’t know if I want him.”
“You don’t need to take him back if you don’t want to,” Jace said as he held you tight.
“He’s right. Aemond is not entitled to you.” Helaena came back from the doorway. She made sure that Aemond actually left.
“Can I go back to sleep?” you mumbled against Jace.
“Of course, let’s get you in an actual bed this time, though.” Helaena gently peeled you off of Jace and led you to the spare room.
You fell on the bed with a plop and immediately you welcomed the soothing darkness of sleep.
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Aemond stepped back into the apartment feeling broken. All he had to do was gather some of his things to take to Aegon’s house. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply walking into the apartment, however, had his memories reeling.
“Aemond!” you called from the doorway. “I’m home!”
Aemond made sure you were turned around before picking you up from behind and twirling you. “How were classes, princess?” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Classes were meh. So nothing new, just normal.” You shrugged. “What about you?”
Aemond felt himself stiffen very briefly. She couldn’t know. He couldn’t tell her. It would only break her. No, he would have to break off everything with Alys. “Classes are fine, nothing new, just like yours.”
“And Professor Rivers?” you asked him. You knew she was a flirt and didn’t want her anywhere near Aemond.
“She’s nowhere near me.” A lie. “I sit in the back of the class.” Another lie.
“Hmmm okay.” There was something unsettling about his answer but you let it slide.
“I love you and only you, okay Princess? Never forget that.” He captured your lips in a kiss.
“Oh, fuck, harder, Aemond!” Alys was bent over her desk with her skirt hiked up.
Aemond pounded into her. He was torn in his mind. His body craved Alys but his heart and mind knew this would break his Princess if she ever found out.
“More, more!”
His fingers dug into Alys’ skin as he picked up the pace. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, he was near his peak.
“FUCK, AEMOND!” Alys squeezed Aemond’s cock, triggering his own release.
Aemond caught himself before he fell on top of Alys, not out of courtesy, but that he didn’t want to touch her anymore. He pulled out of her and fixed his pants. He didn’t look her in the eye anymore when he was with her. He simply looked at the ground.
“Aw, baby, are you okay?” Alys had fixed her skirt. She trailed a manicured hand up his chest and brought it up to cup his face.
Without thinking, Aemond leaned into her touch.
“Don’t worry, she’ll never find out.” She pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear. “You’ll always have a place with me. You don’t need her.”
At that, Aemond recoiled. “You’re wrong, I do need her.”
“If that’s true, then why are you with me?”
He couldn’t think of a reason.
“Exactly. You want me, and that’s okay.” Alys moved her other hand to cup him through his pants. He was already beginning to harden again. “Tsk, you already want to go again, babe?”
“No,” Aemond ground out. “I don’t.”
Alys ignored him as she kneeled down to the ground. “Oh, but your cock says otherwise.” She slowly unzipped his pants and freed his cock. “Would you like me to taste you?”
Aemond swore he said no but, “Yes.”
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Aemond was crying as he was gathering his clothes. It hurt. Everything hurt. When he was in the bathroom all he could think about was you punching the mirror. When he was in the living room all he could think about was all the times you made love on the couch. 
He fell to his knees and clutched his chest. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Princess.” He curled up on the ground and held himself while he sobbed. He was broken. He knew he made terrible choices and now he had to live with them. 
When he finally got up to leave the apartment, he found one of your favorite sweaters. He choked on another sob as he ran his fingers on it, imagining you and your smile while wearing it. Bringing it up to his nose, he inhaled the scent. Your scent. Putting it back on the hook, he adjusted the bags in his hands, and made his way back to the outside world.
“Why did you go to her?” Aegon groaned. “That was such a stupid move.”
“I had to see her,” Aemond murmured. “I had to make sure she was okay. That she wasn’t took hurt.”
“And how did that work out for you?”
Aemond looked up at his brother. “She’s in so much pain and I caused all of that.”
“Were you expecting anything different?”
“Not really.”
“Exactly. Man, you’re just punishing yourself by seeing her like that. Stop. You want to fix this? Then get off your ass and start fixing it. This means ending everything, and I mean everything, with Professor Rivers.”
Aemond nodded; he had to follow his brother’s advice if he were to get you back.
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“Thank you for a constructive class this afternoon. I'll see you all on Wednesday.” Professor Rivers dismissed her students. 
Aemond was quick to get up and gather his things but Professor Rivers was quicker.
“Aemond, I'd like to see you in my office, please.”
Something in Aemond's gut began to sink. His hands were soon clammy. He didn't want to do this, didn't want to face her, but he knew he had to. Taking a shaky breath, he followed Professor Rivers to her office.
He was sure she was swaying her hips more than usual, and even wore a smaller skirt. As they arrived at her office she looked around before sliding a hand along his chest and whispering in his ear. “Gods, I've missed you.” One hand moved to cup his crotch while she used her other hand to pulled him down in a kiss. Aemond wanted to lean into her, to kiss her, but he thought of you and pulled back.
“You said you needed to see me, Professor Rivers?” He tried to keep his face neutral.
“Ah, yes. Please, come in.” She opened the door.
As Aemond stepped in, he took a seat in front of her desk, like any other student would do. He heard the click of a lock but refused to turn around. 
Alys ran a hand across his back then over his shoulder. She gripped him tight. “Why don't you turn around, baby? Or do you want me in your lap?” She sauntered around him and set herself on his thighs. “Oh, I can feel you. You're trying so hard but you know you could never resist me.” She pulled him in for a kiss.
Aemond let her kiss him. He did his best not to kiss back but he failed. Soon, he was gripping her waist and aggressively kissing her. Alys was right. He could never leave her. She ground herself on his cock, straining against his pants. 
“Forget about her,” she said against his lips. 
Immediately, reality hit Aemond and he reeled back and pushed her off. “No. It’s you I need to forget.”
Alys looked at him, eyes wide, panting with her hand on her chest. For a second she looked stunned but recovered quickly. “Aemond. She’s gone. You ruined her. It’s because of you that she left, not me.”
“No,” Aemond shook his head. “You tricked me, you used me somehow. Convinced that we could be together.”
“Oh, my dear,” she purred, “you made the choice to come to me. And you will always come to me, or in me. It’s wonderful both ways.” She stalked towards him and once again reached out.
“I love her more than I want to be with you.”
“That’s not what your body says.” Alys made a note of glancing at his crotch.
“I don’t care what my body says. It only wants a fuck, that’s all you’ll ever be to anyone.”
“Who says I want more? That’s all I want, all I ever needed out of you, was a good fuck. And damn, are you fucking good.”
Aemond ignored her. “Gods, you played me and I was an idiot to believe your lies.”
“Lies? Not all of them are lies. It’s not a lie that I love you, well part of you. Your cock is just so good.”
Aemond crossed the room to get away from her but she followed. “Fuck that. I never want to see you again, Professor Rivers.” He pushed her away again.
“Now, now, we don’t have to get into formalities.” She was looking worried. No other student has talked to her like this before, has actually pushed her back.
“We’re done. I’m done with you, with your lies, everything. Hell, I’ll even report you.”
Alys laughed. “Report me? And who will believe you?”
“You don’t know what exactly I’m capable of to get what I want.” There was a vengeful gleam in his eye. He turned to leave. “By the way, I’m transferring out of your class. I never want to see you or hear from you ever again.” And with that, Aemond stalked out of her office.
As soon as Aemond was out of her office, he went straight to the president. “Professor Strong, one of your staff members has been harassing students.”
Professor Larys Strong turned around. “Ah, yes. I think I know who you’re talking about. I’ve heard all the rumors.”
“Then why haven’t you done anything?” Aemond asked.
“Because they’re just that. Rumors. Unless you have proof?”
Aemond blanched. “Check the hallway cameras outside of Professor Rivers’ office. She cornered me there.”
Professor Strong hummed. “Cornered? Are you sure? I’ve heard whispers that you’ve been going to her willingly.”
“She shouldn’t be doing this! She’s taking advantage of her students!”
“Fine.” Professor Strong flourished a hand. “If there is footage of her, coercing you, and you are resisting, then fine. I will look into it.”
Aemond nodded his head, knowing it was the best answer he could get right now, and left for Aegon’s apartment.
“I did it!” Aemond burst into the living room breathing hard. “I ended everything and I reported her.”
“Great!” Aegon popped his head around the corner. “I keyed her car!”
“I - you - what?” 
“Yeah, I keyed her car,” Aegon repeated. Aegon walked over to Aemond, completely serious. “I found her car in the campus parking lot and I keyed it. Specifically, I carved ‘fuck you.’”
“I guess I'll have to thank you for that one. Wish I could've been there myself but…” Aemond trailed off.
“You made the right choice, brother.”
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About a month had passed and you felt…lighter. It was as though a weight had been taken off of your shoulder. You still felt the heaviness of the break up but it wasn't completely unbearable anymore. 
You still hadn't gone back to the apartment; you still stayed with Jace. Sitting up and stretching, you looked out the window to see the sun rising. Staring out the window you thought of all that you had gone through the last month. 
Aemond’s tried to contact you but every time your phone rang you let it go to voicemail. You'd be lying if you said you didn't listen to each and every message. It broke your heart to hear him but you had to stand your ground. He betrayed you in the worst way possible, he couldn’t be easily forgiven.
Every now and then you'd go through your social media profiles and look through the pictures of the two of you. Both of you were so happy, so in love, and it showed. But he broke it. It was a lie. Taking a shaky breath, you pushed the thought from your mind. Over the last week or so you've been training yourself not to say it was a lie. He did love you, at least at one point, but then he met Professor Rivers and he apparently fell out of love with you. Wrapping your arms around yourself you cried a bit for the first time in a few days. It was cathartic. There was a knock at the door and Helaena stepped in.
“Hey, sweetie, how are you doing?” She said softly.
A watery smile graced your face. “I'm doing okay, no improvement from the last few days. I've just been thinking.”
“I figured as much.” She sat down on the bed next to you. “You know, I do believe he loves you. He's been trying to get in touch, but I don't blame you for not answering him. I've seen my brother at his worst but whenever I saw you two together he looked the happiest I've ever seen.”
“‘Loves?’ I think you're looking for ‘loved.’ I don't think he loves me anymore.”
“Even with the constant phone calls and texts?”
“He just feels bad he was caught, I'm sure.” You rolled your eyes.
“Sweetie, I know you may not want to hear it, but I think he really might still love you.”
There was a sinking feeling in your gut. You wanted so badly to believe Helaena but letting Aemond in again would mean opening yourself up to more hurt. 
“I don't know if I want to risk my heart again, Hel. And how do I know he's not gonna cheat on me again? What if Professor Rivers comes back?”
“You won't have to worry about her,” Jace said as he leaned on the door frame. “Apparently she's being investigated for sexually harassing students. That and it's against university policy to be involved with them, too.”
A smile played on your lips. “Wait, what?”
Jace shrugged. “Apparently someone finally stepped up to tell the president. There was footage of Professor Rivers hitting on a student outside of her office in the hallway.”
“Do you know who reported her?” Helaena was on the edge of her seat.
You sucked in a breath. “Aemond reported her?”
“Yeah, and apparently she tried to kiss him in the hallway and moved her hand over his, uh, crotch.”
Anger bubbled within you. As much as it hurt for him to have betrayed you, knowing Professor Rivers still wanted him even after he pushed her away made your blood boil. 
“Gods I hate her. I hate what she did to Aemond, I hate what she did to me, I hate what she did to us,” you ground out.
“The investigation isn't complete. While Aemond's footage does show that she made unwanted advances, he still followed her into her office.
“Of course he did. He'll keep going back to her.”
It hurt, knowing he still followed her even after he said no. You had no doubt they still did things in her office. 
“But,” Jace interjected, “there are a few others who have stepped up to say something. Apparently the guys Professor Rivers has been involved with include Jason Lannister and Cregan Stark. Just those two alone make a good case against her.”
“Maybe I should talk to him,” you murmured. 
“I think you should, sweetie.” Helaena put a hand over yours and squeezed tight.
“...I think I will. It's not a promise we'll get back together but it's something.” You looked at your two best friends. “Thank you for everything, I love you guys so much.” Your eyes began to water and a few tears slipped out but they were thankful tears. Tears that were light.
When Jace and Helaena left your room you picked up your phone to find a new voicemail from Aemond. With shaking hands you brought the phone up to your eye and listened.
“I'm so sorry. I know I can't say it enough. I never loved her, I was thinking with my dick. I miss you. I miss you so much and I will do whatever it takes for you to at least look at me again. Everything I do, everything I see, reminds me of you. If I could turn back time and never enroll in her class I'd do it. I'm not even in it anymore, I dropped out of the class.” A break. “When I saw you that day, when you saw everything, I knew I had fucked up. I knew beforehand that I fucked up yet I kept making those decisions. I will never be able to erase the pain from your heart and I wish I could. Gods, I wish I could. I promise you that you are the love of my life, no one else.”
A fresh wave of tears rolled down your face. It's the same thing he's said over and over again but this time you could feel his desperation. You didn't know how long it would last until he would give up, so you took your chance and called him back. The phone rang once.
“Aemond,” you wanted to be the first one to talk. “I - I think I'm ready to see you.”
“Princess! Gods, you called me back.” You could hear his voice crack.
“Please don't call me that,” you whispered. Being called his princess made your heart ache.
“I'm sorry, I won't do that again.”
You smiled a sad smile. “Let's meet at the apartment, okay? Neutral ground.”
“You want to see me?” 
“I think I'm ready now. I'll see you around noon?”
“Yeah, noon works. I'll see you then.”
And with a click of the button the line was dead.
Walking out of the spare room and into the living room, you found Helaena and Jace lounging on the couch.
“I'm going to meet him later today at the apartment,” you announced.
“You are?” Exclaimed Jace. “If he tries anything I swear I'm gonna -”
Helaena interrupted him, “I don't think Aemond is going to try anything. He's too afraid of hurting her even more.”
Jace turned to you. “Are you sure about this?”
You nodded. “As sure as I'll ever be. But I can't keep avoiding him forever, either.”
“I'm so proud of you.” Helaena got up and wrapped you in a warm hug. “You can do this, sweetie.”
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As you pulled up at the apartment complex, your chest began to tighten and your breaths became short.
“I'm right out here if you need me, remember? If you gotta get out just run and hop in.” Helaena told you.
You took one big breath before nodding your head and then stepping out of the car. There wasn't any sign of Aemond, at least not that you could tell. Walking up the stairs was a challenge; each step felt heavier and heavier. You had to do this, though. Face your fear and tackle him straight on. As you reached the door you noticed it wasn't locked.
“I can do this,” you whispered to yourself. Steeling your nerves, you knocked on the door.
Almost immediately the door opened. It was as if Aemond was sitting by the door waiting for you.
“You came,” he mumbled.
“I did.”
“Come in.” He held the door open for you to enter the threshold.
The apartment was a mess. It was unkempt, clothes were everywhere, you could even see the shattered glass that was never picked up after you punched the mirror. It was as though Aemond had no drive to keep the place tidy anymore. You turned your focus to him and saw that he was in the same state as the apartment; a mess. His hair was frizzy, loose ends were everywhere. His face looked like it had sunken in a bit. He seemed skinnier than before and it's only been a month. There was a dark circle under his eye that looks like it's been there a long time.
For a moment you and Aemond just stared at each other, not believing you were seeing one another.
“I got her fired. She's no longer on campus,” he blurted.
“Good, good.”
“I've missed you.”
You met him with silence. Staring at him, you could see how painful this was for him, not to touch you, not to comfort.
“Why? Why did you do it?” Your voice was barely louder than a whisper.
Aemond shuffled awkwardly. “I don't know.”
“That's not an answer.” A laugh left you. “Tell me why or I'm going to walk out. What did she have that I didn't? Was I not enough for you?” Tears began to flow down your cheeks.
“No, no,” he took a step towards you but you stepped back. “I don't know what I was thinking. She was seductive, I guess. I liked how she was taboo.”
“So I need to be a forbidden fruit to be with you?” You scoffed
“No, I know now that's not what I want.”
“You wanted her? If you wanted her then why didn't you break up with me when it started?”
“Because I didn't want to hurt you.”
“Hurt me? Aemond, you did so much more damage than what you could've done. You shattered me. I felt my heart break when I saw you fucking her,” you spat out the last few words.
“I know, I know,” he pleaded.
“Do you?”
He took a step back. “You're right, I don't know. I don't know how badly I've hurt you, I don't know the struggle you've been through.” He collapsed to his knees and bowed his head. “And I'm so fucking sorry. I wish I could take everything back.” His body began to shake with sobs.
“Aemond…” you knelt down in front of him and put a hand on his shoulder. “I…I don't know if I could ever forgive you.”
He sobbed harder.
“But I know I still want you in my life. I love you, Aemond, and this past month has been terrible without you by my side.”
“You still love me? Even after all I've done?” He looked into your eyes. His one was puffy and red.
“I don't think I can ever not love you,” you have him a small smile. “I don't know if I could trust you again, either.”
“I understand.”
“But,” you started. “I'm willing to try again.” You placed a hand on his cheek and cupped his face. “It'll be a long time until I'll even be ready to hear you call me Princess again. But we can work on it together.”
Aemond looked at you with awe. “You want to try again?”
“Yes. I do. I can't imagine a world without you. I could barely stand a single month.” You chuckled and moved to intertwine your hand with his.
“I don't deserve you,” he whispered.
“No, you don't. But I miss you and I need you in my life, please, Aemond.”
“I'll be in your life if you want me to. I'll do anything for you.” His hand reached for your arm and he gave a small squeeze.
“It'll be a while until I can give my heart to you again. We'll take it slow.”
“I'll hold on to you tight.” He pressed his forehead against yours. “I'll do better this time.”
“One step at a time.”
“One step at a time.”
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riririnnnn · 4 months
More random things in Blue Lock I find endearing:
-> Brothers
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Oh god.
It's tough to explain, but to see him supporting Rin's arm instead of the trophy makes me want to punch a wall. It feels like, "Yes, we won this together, Rin." OHMYGOD! AAAAAAAA!!!
-> Hushed wisher
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I really don't think we have ever seen Noa coaching any player other than Isagi, so him silently rooting for Kaiser caught me off guard real hard. Of course, it doesn't seem like much of a big deal, but to see that Noa hadn't completely taken his eyes off of Kaiser and that he hadn't completely pulled away his trust from Kaiser hits a certain type of emotion in my heart.
Considering that Kaiser wants to win over Noa too—a fact Noa, probably, knows—makes everything feel a bit.. bittersweet.
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The above panel happened after Shidou scored a goal against Barcha and honestly—
I mean, BM was next in line to face PxG—it's probably the reason why they were watching the match live—and they were going to face Shidou which makes them rivals, and yet, when he does something cool, they all go, "WOOHOO! THAT'S COOL!!" instead of worrying or being jealous.
It's called sportsmanship, I guess?
It's sweet.
-> BM's Dad
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There's another translation, but I find the above one way better because it's so... soft.
I mean, Noa has always been shown as this cold, emotionless person who inhales and exhales logic, so it was sweet when he tried to reassure Kiyora—when he showed some kind of compassion. It was like, "Hey, Kiddo! It's okay, don't worry, you'll play the next time! Cheer up!"
It also makes it sound like even if Kiyora were not to have the required stats for the next match, then Noa was prepared to against his own ideals and let Kiyora play regardless.
-> Protective
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When Nagi got pissed off because Barou's violent behaviour nearly hurt Reo. Like, just look at that stance, he was ready to beat the crap out of Barou if Reo wouldn't have stopped him.
No matter what label you give Nagi and Reo—lovers or friends—you can't deny that they are probably the best thing that happened to eachother.
I really want what they have.
-> "It's their love language"
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They barely knew eachother and yet when these two started to brawl, they all intervened immediately—Nanase and Isagi are literally hanging onto them with their dear life. It's tough to explain, but I found the gesture really sweet, like, they didn't know them! They could bash open their skulls—it wouldn't affect them at all and yet, they are trying to stop them!
Also, Chigiri was on the other side of the field, I guess. He came running!!! So sweet!
-> First friend
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The way Bachira blindly believed in Isagi. Like, he had full trust that Isagi will come and play with him. He never doubted him at all! The healthiest duo of Blue Lock!
Also, look at his duck lips. Cutie.
-> "Welcome to the academy!"
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Anybody who has shifted to a completely new place full of completely new people knows how good and relieving it feels when others make an effort to help you feel welcomed.
No idea if those three extra characters got selected in the tryouts or not, but they were nice. If Kaiser would've met them earlier, then they all would've surely been good buddies.
-> Beloved Ace
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The way everyone instantly got mad at Shidou when he hurt Sendou—sweet! Also, the fact that they all refused to play if Sendou didn't play makes me giggle.
I adore bonds like these so much.
Pt: 1, 2, 3.
Probably the last of this series.
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alanaaii · 11 months
Hot boxin’ w connie.☆
!plug connie │ yall jus best friends
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“where is my mfn’ gloss?”
you were searching through your makeup bag before you heard your phone ring. You look over and see nothing but a big red heart—it was connie— as the facetime connected you set your phone up, still looking in your makeup bag.
“what’re you doin right now ma?”
you lift your head to look at the screen. you see connie in his car, windows tinted and led lights on blue. “im looking for my lipgloss i just bought..where you going?".
“coming to pick you up. be ready.”
before you could say another word he hung up. leaving you speechless.
But you knew connie drove fast and you had to get ready quick.
you slip on some black shorts. Your undercheeks very visible. Adding a light pink tank top. you admired yourself in the mirror before sitting down and fixing your lashes and edges nothing too extra. to top it off you put on some shiny lipgloss—not the one you was looking for but this will do. As you sprayed yourself with perfume you get a text.
you feel those butterflies in your tummy and tingling in your panties. connie was your best friend so why did he make you feel like this? you two shared kisses from time to time but that was it. this nigga got you in ya feels. you texted back with a simple ok.
you grabbed your small telfar bag and slid on some slides. you walk out and lock your apartment door behind you. connie was waiting outside of his car, opening the door for you. looking GOODT.
“you just get finer every time i see yo ass”
your heart was doing backflips. you gave connie a hug and smelled his strong cologne with a hint of weed. “thank you connie” you said as he led you into his car. the smell of weed literally punching you in the face. you hopped in the passenger seat and reclined the seat a little.
“thank you connie”
connie shook his head.
“naw i jus wanted to see you mama”
mann you just wanted to hop in the back seat and let this man twist your insides like a pretzel. he always knew how do make you smile.
Connie took his car off of park and began to drive. he gave you his phone to put some music on. you played a song connie only knew because of you.
playing : Leave em alone by quality control ft..
(u can replace that w any song.)
you smirk at connie knowing this song put you in your feels. you started singing acting like you was in a music video. touching connie n getting up and throwing some ass.
“fat butt sit down before you get us pulled over”
you two laughed together as you sat down.
connie soon pulled into a almost empty parking lot.
“get in the back” “what?” “you heard me”
connie got out of the car to get in the back while you just crawled to the back.
his seats in the back were comfy and warm. he pulled out a small bag and started to roll up.
“get comfy ma, you with me”
you slid your slides off as you put your legs over connie’s. you never felt scared around connie, you knew he would keep you safe no matter what. once he was done licking and wrapping, he lit it up and took the first hit, then giving it to you. you put your glossy lips on the blunt but connie didn’t care. his mind was on something else. he was focused on rubbing your thighs n feet.
you and connie talked for a while, going back and fourth with the blunt. But the car was getting hot and smokey. “con i need some air”
connie just ignored you and suddenly pressed his lips on yours. desperate whines coming from you as his tongue slithered into your mouth.
in between the kiss, you straddle him as you snake your arms around his neck. You could feel connie get hard under you. you knew where this was going. you hear connie inhale. “you smell so fucking good.”
in one quick motion connie flipped you on your back. dropping his head between your thighs. “let me taste you”
you were already soaked from the touching n kissing you didn’t want nothing more than for connie to make you cum. you slid your shorts and panties off, throwing them into the front. Legs open in front of connie. he used two fingers to spread you open, your slick lubricating his fingers as he went down on you. his pink lips kissing your pussy before he started to lick your clit. you were drowning in pleasure and ecstasy. connie was eating like it was his last meal.
“fuckkk” was the only word you could let out. as his warm wet tongue flicked your bean , your mind went blank. your legs began to shake-you knew you were coming to your breaking point. you bucked your hips on connie’s mouth as he swirled his tongue over your pussy. he held onto your thighs stopping you from moving. if the car wasn’t hot before, it was extremely hot now.
connie slid two fingers into your hole, hitting the right spot over and over again. Your orgasm building up in your core. You came all over connie’s fingers. “conniee” you cried out. he did not stop , over stimulating your cunt. you shakily pushed his head away. his chin and lips just glistening with your cum. “round 2?”
Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated! ♡
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blackthunder137 · 4 months
Enamored by Envy (Rafe Cameron x reader)
Pairing- Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Summary- when all you wanted was your boyfriend’s attention and while he had other plans, you decided to take matters into your own hands. 
Warnings- smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), nickname-princess (but in a derogatory sense), fingering, jealous!rafe, brat!reader.
Author’s note- i am back and i promise i will provide you with fics as much as possible. enjoy reading <3. also, this fic ends in a cliffhanger.
navigation rafe cameron masterlist
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He wasn’t looking at you, and that pissed you off. You wore your favourite red satin silk midi dress which hugged every inch of your body just so Rafe could ogle at you and later fuck your brains out but now, that seemed impossible because here you were sitting on those bar stools with a Martini in your hand and Rafe was sitting across from you making a business deal. You understood that he had work to do and you let him but it was already past an hour and he did not so much as even look in your direction, this only made you grow impatient and annoyed. 
You looked at him, in hopes that at least now he would look back at you but you found no such luck. God, you were growing annoyed and agitated, so you did what you always do best. Make him learn his lesson. You scanned the dance floor which was filled with people who were either too drunk or they were on top of each other, quite literally and dancing like there was no tomorrow. 
So you walked your way to the dance floor and started dancing. For the first few minutes that you were dancing, you kept looking at Rafe to see if he was looking at you. Nada. He didn’t even bat an eye in your direction and as the music grew louder and touched every atom in your body, you forgot about him. Your hip swayed sensually and your hands touched your entire body as you felt every bass and the melody of the music. 
You didn’t even notice the guy behind you who had his hands on your waist and swaying with you. He moved his hands with you, his breath hitting your neck as he lowered his head down to inhale your scent.
Your music-induced haze snapped and you looked over at the counter to see him, jaw clenched and his eyes shooting daggers at the guy you were dancing with.His gaze not leaving yours even for a second as he strode towards you like a panther ready to hunt its prey.
Rafe lowered his head down and whispered in your ear, “Go back to the car, princess.” his breath hit your neck which elicited goosebumps. It happened every damn time. His voice, his touch and his words always made you feel something, like your whole skin was on fire. You hated him for doing these things to you, you hated that he ignored you and he dared to come here and tell you what to do. It was all so messed up. You looked up at him and spat, “Fuck.You.” and left.
You knew he would probably punch the guy that was dancing with you but you couldn’t stay there any longer than necessary and honestly, you couldn’t care less about the guy. You made your way towards the parking lot. If Rafe wanted to come home he can use a fucking cab for himself. 
When you were about to get into the car, a hand caught your wrist and turned you around. Your back slammed into the car as a looming Rafe stood in front of you with his entire body leaning on you. You tried to break free from his hold but that asshole had a steady grip on you. He lowered his face, only inches away from yours and spoke, “And where do you think you’re going?” 
His face was so close that if you moved even a little bit you’d probably kiss him. Your eyes trailed from his face to his lips and back to his eyes. His eyes were already undressing you and it took all your willpower not to give in to his games. “Away from you,” you said through gritted teeth. You somehow broke free from his grasp and managed to open the car door, got inside and drove away. 
All you could see was red, maybe you were overreacting but he needed to be reminded that you are not just anyone and that you are your own person and if anybody wanted you, they had to work for it. 
As you pulled over in your parking lot you saw a silhouette of a person, no, Rafe. How the hell did he reach faster than you? Ignoring that you made your way towards the door, he stood tall and strong and opened the door for you and said, “After you, princess.” 
What was up with him? Why was he saying stuff like this? You had no fucking idea. You entered your hall after which Rafe closed the door behind him. You made your way towards the dining table when his hand gripped your waist and slammed you against the dining table, the wood dug into your hips as you let out a harsh breath. 
“Now what was all the attitude about, princess?” he whispered as his hand held your waist in an almost bruising hold. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” you spat out as you tried pushing him away but he didn’t budge. “You didn’t even look at me! I tried calling your name but you wouldn’t respond. It was as if you were fucking ignoring my whole existence!” 
He brought his head down to your ears, hot breath hitting your ears and spoke through gritted teeth, “If I so much as looked at you, I would’ve lost all my senses and control and fucked you right then and there. You see I had a deal which needed to be looked into but you had other plans of going out there and dancing with that worthless fucker-” he moved your hair from your neck slowly and torturously that you had to close your eyes and bit your lips to tamp down the unwanted thoughts that were building up. He bit your neck hard causing you to cry out as you held his arms on either side. “You know what happens to a bad girl don’t you princess?” he whispered, making you clench your thighs together.
You had gotten to him alright and now you had to face consequences for it which you happily will. He got back up from your neck and looked straight into your eyes when his hand covered your neck pressing it firmly yet surely. “Now, you know what happens to girls like you don’t you, princess.” and with that, he kissed you hard causing you to sink deeper into the dining table wood. His tongue entered your mouth without permission, assaulting you in ways that sent a wave of pleasure right to your core. His hold on your neck tightened as he sunk deeper into your mouth, pressing his hard length right against your already wet cunt. 
A moan escaped from your mouth as he continued to kiss you, messily and eagerly. He broke apart the kiss as your chest heaved from the impact. In one swift movement, he lifts your dress, throwing your panties away and laying you down on the dining table. “Spread your legs, princess,” he croaked, licking his lips as his eyes practically devoured your entire being. 
“No,” you replied, challenging him and pressing your thighs together to avoid him from doing anything to you . He turned his head to the side, the corner of his lips lifting into a half-smile and with one shift of his strong hands your legs were pulled apart. He lowered his head and licked your bare pussy. That single action made you close your eyes and throw your head back. 
He made a grunting sound before he put his thumb on your clit massaging and palming it. Your breaths became quicker and your eyelids started to get heavy. “Eyes on me,” Rafe’s firm voice floated through your haze and made you quickly snap your eyes open and look at him. You would usually put up more of a fight but you were too into the sensation that even if you tried  saying anything it would come out as gibberish. 
His mouth mapped every bit of your inner thigh, marking and branding you his. His mouth then moved onto your clit, sucking and biting it. While he was busy assaulting your clit, two of his fingers thrust, hard, inside your cunt. His fingers worked professionally as if you were a canvas and he were the artist, painting a masterpiece for the world to see. 
He was continually hitting the right spot, again and again. Your hips jerked from the force building in your core just one more stroke, lick and bite and you would come undone. As soon as you were close to the edge, so close, he withdrew his fingers and mouth. You made the most guttural noise known to mankind and glared at him for denying you an orgasm. 
He simply smirked and removed his pants and boxers, freeing his big cock. His pre-cum dripped from his tip and he was hard. You looked at him to find him already looking at you, his dick positioned right in front of your pussy. One hard thrust got you screaming his name. He held you by the throat and brought you closer to him so now your face was closer to his chest. He leaned down, his voice breathless, “Look at us princess, our bodies were made for each other. You are mine to fuck, mine to see and mine to taste. No one gets to touch what’s mine.” As he said the last words, his grip on your throat tightened. His words made your skin heat with lust. You grabbed his hair in your hands and crashed your lips to his. This encouraged him to pick his pace up and he fucked you raw. The only sound that echoed the room was your skin slapping against his. His thumb massaged your clit and his cock hit the right spot that made your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
“Ra-rafe…ah!” you screamed out as you came apart. Your eyes shut taking in the feeling of total bliss. He came right after you with a grunt and you could practically feel his warm cum leaking out and dripping down your thigh. You let out a sigh and laid back down the dining table. You were exhausted from the night's activities and as soon as you were coming down your high Rafe lifted you up and hauled you over his shoulder. You yelped in surprise. 
“Rafe put me the fuck down!” you exclaimed. He took up the stairs and set you down on the bed. His eyes roaming all around your body, from your hair to your legs. You were sure you were a mess with your hair strands falling all over the place and your cheeks flushed. 
His eyes came back to yours and he replied, “I’m not done yet.” His hoarse and commanding voice set a jolt of electricity straight to your core
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my-castles-crumbling · 4 months
mischievous - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 227
“Give that back!” Regulus barked, grabbing at the little book Barty was currently holding above his head, his taunting grin making Regulus want to punch him in the face.
“Oh, how bad can it be? Like you’re writing love letters in here or something,” Barty rolled his eyes, mischievous smile still locked into place as he simultaneously turned away from Regulus and flipped open to a random page, scanning the text.
“I swear to Salazar and Merlin and Morgana and all the rest, Barty, if you read it, I’ll-” but Regulus was cut off by Barty’s dramatic inhale.
“It is love letters!” he shouted gleefully, waving the book again, looking as if Father Christmas had come early. “Ev, come see!”
But before Evan, who was walking down the hall toward them, could arrive, the book flew out of his grasp and landed neatly in Regulus’s outstretched hand. 
Looking indignantly at Regulus, Barty soon realized that Regulus had not then one who cast the spell. The culprit was a few feel away, idly twirling his wand and looking quite pleased with himself.
“Don’t be a dick, Crouch,” James Potter chided happily, winking at Regulus and walking past.
And Regulus, instantly knowing that James had heard everything, buried his head in his hands. Because he knew tonight, when they met up, he would have to give a detailed explanation to James as to what, exactly, was in that book.
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