#i want to see them talk to hen (eddie) and chim (buck) about their crushes while hen and chim have to keep it secret
lovecolibri · 1 year
The "very close talking" scene from the Bounty Hunters episode of Psych, but make it Buddie. One of them (at this point it should be Eddie) makes their intentions clear but gives the other the time and space to be ready. Come on ABC, don't let us down!
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littlespoonevan · 6 months
Lowkey want to write a fic where, in an attempt to better understand his newfound bisexuality, buck is looking back on things to see what signs he might’ve missed before except every time he’s about to think of Eddie something or someone interrupts him. So like he’s at the firehouse, looking at his male coworkers and wondering does he see them any differently now - chim? Gross that’s his brother in law. Bobby? Gross that’s his dad. Alvarez does have nice arms though. And Ravi is kind of cute but Buck would go to his grave before he ever told him that. And Eddie- oh! There’s the alarm! Time to go fight a fire!
Then Tommy is asking if he’s ever had feelings or like, any potential moments with a guy before and he’s like ‘well looking back maybe I did have a crush on that guy on my football team in high school’ and ‘maddie might’ve tried to set me up with Josh once?’ and ‘maybe I was accidentally flirting with tk that time in Texas’ and Eddie- oh! There’s the waiter with their food!
Until finally he’s at the firehouse talking to hen and chim about Tommy and he’s like “it just makes so much sense, y’know? I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. Like we’ve got the same job so he gets it about the long hours and the commitment and he won’t get pissed at me for doing a reckless rescue because he’d probably do the same thing if he had to”
And ravi walks past and is like “ah so you and Eddie finally figured things out, huh?”
And buck says “what”
And ravi says “what”
And hen and chim are kicking each other viciously under the table
And then ofc eddie chooses that moment to come upstairs and is like “what are you guys talking about? ☺️”
And buck’s entire life promptly explodes in front of him
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epiphainie · 3 months
I see and love all your tearjerker proposal ideas, but we don’t talk enough about the absolute hilarity that would ensue with an Evan Buckley Proposal™️. Like I’m imagining him being soooo excited about it in the most Buck way possible. He has this ten page speech about how much he loves Tommy and how they’re soulmates and the universe pulled a sick one by putting them on each other’s paths and he’s planning to tell Tommy all that before he pops the question and he’s preparing this big romantic night for it with the most romantic flowers and the most romantic music and the most romantic ring at the most romantic place in all of Los Angeles and he’s roped in everyone at the station to help him, threatened Chim with cold-blooded murder if he doesn’t keep his mouth shut, made Eddie reassure him about every step of his plans not twice but thrice, talked to Bobby with blushing cheeks and fidgeting hands till Bobby gave him his absolute blessing. Hen, Maddie, Athena, they’re all in on it. He’s Ready to do it The Right Way.
Then at like 2pm on a lazy Tuesday afternoon his poor brain that has been overworking on this for weeks gets overloaded and crashes. And suddenly he Needs To Ask Tommy Right Now. Like, just like that the entire plan is overridden, and he doesn’t even process what he’s doing before he sends Eddie a text that just says, “I think I will do it now” and ditches his phone and marches to the garage where Tommy has been working on his truck all day.
The next thing we know Eddie is opening his door to a Buck who has his arms wrapped around himself and his big blue eyes are filled with tears. He looks like a puppy kicked a thousand ways and before Eddie can even open his mouth he cries out, “He said no,” and drops face first on Eddie’s couch. Eddie is like ???? but also “Well, I can’t deal with this shit on my own,” so he calls Hen and Chimney and ten minutes later Buck is sitting on the couch being interrogated by his best friends.
They’re all obviously confused.
Hen, disbelieving, asks, “He said no?”
Buck makes the most pathetic pitiful sound known to the human kind and nods.
Chimney, not really helpful, murmurs, “Well, that doesn’t make any sense,” to himself because he knows how much Tommy loves Buck and would say yes to marrying him months, hell, years ago.
Hen, trying to make sense of it all asks, “What did he exactly say?” because Chim is right, it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Buck, still looking like a wet cat, goes, “He said it wasn’t the right thing for us.” His voice hitches and he moans, “He said it wasn’t s-smart.”
Hen and Chim shoot a look at each other. Eddie at this point is getting angry because what the fuck? Which is exactly what he says and Hen, the only one trying to be actually somewhat helpful, shakes her head like, “No, Eddie,” and then to Buck with what she hopes is a reassuring voice says, “Maybe he just doesn’t believe in the institution of marriage?”
Buck looks even more miserable at that and buries his face in his hands as he bemoans “Noooo,” and shakes his head like he’s grieving. “We t-talked about it before. At the beginning of our relationship, we both agreed we’d do that if it felt like the right time.” He slumps back on the couch like his life has just ended. “I t-thought it was the right time.”
Eddie, totally pissed off now because how are you gonna be with a guy for years, move in together, buy a house together, be committed to each other fully, and then say no to his marriage proposal, goes, “Oh fuck him. Do you want me to beat some sense into him?” Because damn, this is his best friend who looks absolutely crushed and Eddie will kick Tommy’s ass, fuck the fact that he’s really good at Muay Thai, he hasn’t seen Eddie’s wrath before.
Hen, still the sound of logic and seeing how Buck gets sadder each passing moment, stops him again. “We’re not beating anyone up.” Then says, “Buck, I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding. Tommy loves you.” Because yeah he does in the most sickening teen boy with a puppy crush way, so none of this makes sense and Hen’s brain is whirring but she’s not sure what’s happening yet. “And you love Tommy.”
Buck, hands covering his face again moans into his palms, “I do.” Then his hands drop, and his face shot with panic and fear he goes, “Wait?! Does this mean we broke up?”
A pissed-off, disbelieving noise leaves Eddie; Chim shoots another look towards Hen’s way; Hen just gives an awkward unsure smile. “No. No.” She tries to reassure him. “Of course not.”
“I mean,” Chim says with a shrug. “I don’t see how a relationship comes back from that, you know?”
This gets Buck start crying again.
“You’re. Not. Being. Helpful. Chim.” Hen mutters.
Eddie jumps up, “Oh, I’m beating him up for you.”
Buck’s wails get louder.
It all devolves from there with Buck going between hollering and sniffling and Eddie dead-set on confronting Tommy and Hen trying to do damage control with “We’re just gonna talk to him,” and Chim continuing to be absolutely unhelpful with his comments about how Tommy is great, and so cool, and perfect, and he’d make a great brother-in-law, and this doesn’t make any sense.
So, the four of them somehow find themselves marching towards the Buckley-Kinard house with Eddie at the helm and Buck looking like a pathetic mess between them. They’ve barely entered the front yard when Tommy bursts out the front door with his phone in his hand and he goes, “Where have you been?! I’ve been calling you for hou—”
“I trusted you, man!” Eddie shouts, voice echoing through the street.
Tommy stops in his tracks. He takes in the sight of his friends who are all shooting him deadly (and confused) glares. Then he looks at his boyfriend and finds him avoiding his eyes, keeping his gaze at his feet like all the happiness has been sucked out of his entire universe. Brows furrowing in confusion, Tommy takes a step towards him. “Evan.” He tilts his chin up and sucks in a breath when he sees the tear tracks on Buck’s face. His own face crumbles, now in concern. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
Eddie lets out a mirthless laugh. “Pretending you don’t know, huh?”
Tommy looks at him, at Chim, at Hen. “Don’t know what?”
“Oh, you’re a bigger asshole than I thought, Kinard.” Eddie spits in his face, his head shaking. “Acting like nothing’s wrong after saying no to a guy’s proposal so cruelly.”
Tommy freezes. His gaze snaps to Buck with a confused, “What?” but Buck is avoiding his eyes again. “What proposal?” Tommy asks. “Evan didn’t propose to me.”
At this point all tired and beaten Buck sighs, “It’s okay, Tommy.”
“No. No—” Tommy shakes his head. “What are you talking about?”
Buck shrugs. “We don’t have to talk about it now.”
Sighing again, Buck finally looks up. “Look, I get it. We can talk about it later.” He chews at his lip. “Right?” Because he’s still not sure if they’re broken up or not and god he really wishes they’re not because marriage is a dumb institution rooted in patriarchy to maintain and reinforce traditional gender roles and they didn’t even let two men marry till a decade ago, so it’s not like they need anyone’s acknowledgement and all he needs is Tommy, but also he had the absolute perfect ring picked out and he doesn’t know if he can get a refund on it, and calling Tommy his husband would be so fucking nice, and maybe he has been dreaming about that for the past however many years.
At this point, he’s tearing up again, so Tommy cups his face and brushes away some of the tears, before saying with the biggest gentlest eyes, “We can talk about anything you want. But… Baby, what proposal?”
Buck sniffles. “Earlier. W-when I asked you in the garage.”
Tommy frowns harder because that doesn’t make any sense. “You didn’t ask me to marry you, Evan.”
“Yes, I did, Tommy,” Buck huffs.
“No, you asked me if I wanted to take a vacation.”
“I think I know what I asked.”
“You said you wanted to go on a trip!”
“That’s not what I said!”
“Okay, you didn’t say trip! You said, you said something like if I wanted to take a new journey with you! Embark on adventure or something. You said you wanted a travel companion for a voyage!”
“Lifelong voyage.” Buck murmurs, lips pursing and arms crossing together. “For our grand adventure together.”
No one says anything for a minute as Buck avoids their eyes and scuffs his feet in the dirt.
At last, as the person with any semblance of intelligence Hen says, “Buck. Did you use any word related to marriage? Like “husband” or “marry” or even “matrimony”?” Her eyebrows rises. “Anything that’s not a metaphor?”
Buck, face red up to the hairline now, just shrugs. “I had a-a speech, okay? I was n-nervous and it was long so I had to paraphrase.”
Finally, Hen sighs, not unkindly.
Chim chuckles, kinda unkindly.
Eddie looks almost as embarrassed as Buck and murmurs, “Sorry, man,” to Tommy as the realization hits it was just his best friend being a huge dumbass and Tommy actually didn’t do anything to deserve a beating.
Tommy, his entire focus on his boyfriend and not paying them any attention, pulls Buck’s arms down and lifts his face up again. He gives him a smile. “I said no because I thought you were asking to go on a trip, Evan,” he says softly. “And that we’ve just got a mortgage together and can’t afford one.” He shakes his head. “I was covered in grease, Pearl Jam was playing in the background, I wasn’t paying attention.”
Still looking abashed but at least not snotty anymore, Buck says, “N-no. No. It’s my fault. I’m sorry, Tommy,” he says with a shrug.
Tommy smiles again. “It’s okay, baby.” For a moment, he rubs his boyfriend’s arms up and down, then says, “Sooo…”
Buck, realizing the faint pink on his boyfriend’s face, looks at him with the roundest eyes. “You mean…?”
“Well…” Tommy shrugs. “Are you gonna ask me for real or what?”
The sun dawns on Buck’s face. His eyes go bright with fresh but happier tears. “Yea-yeah.” He nods frantically. “Tommy. W-will you marry me?”
“Yes,” Tommy says. Buck pounces on him with a kiss that gets a surprised moan from him as Hen, Chimney, and Eddie start clapping and Buck cries again and so does Tommy and later that night, Buck gives him the perfect ring he had picked out and come Saturday they actually go to the greatest restaurant in LA and Tommy listens as Buck explains every step of his original proposal and all the metaphors he’s curated carefully for his speech.
The end.
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cherthegoddess · 8 months
Request for Evan Buckley, Y/N is a trainee paramedic doing her externship under Hen and Chimney at the 118 before she takes the paramedics exam and Buck is so smitten and has such an obvious crush but Y/N isn’t giving him the time of day and the whole crew finds it hilarious but she eventually agrees to go on a date with him
Thank you so much for this request! I got sick midway through writing it and I am still sick butttt I hope you enjoy!
Evan Buckley x Reader
Warning: This was written with a black reader in mind but anyone can read it!
Word Count: 1.5k+
Join my taglist and rate the story here! (New taglist coming soon)
“Hey Eddie, who’s that?” Buck asks, pointing a finger. He watches Chimney and Hen laugh with a woman Buck has never seen before. Eddie looks up with an eyebrow raised, looking at the direction that Buck is pointing. “Oh, that’s Y/n. She came in yesterday when you were off shift. She’s doing an externship with Hen and Chim before her paramedic exam, I think.” Buck’s eyes have yet to leave Y/n and Eddie notices. Eddie lets out a breathy laugh. “You’re going to burn holes in that girl if you keep staring, Buckley.” When he doesn’t stop, Eddie bumps Buck's shoulder. “She’s beautiful.” Buck gets up to talk to her but groans when the bell begins to ring. Eddie gets up finishing his last bite of food. He taps Buck’s back. “At least you get to see her in action soon.” Eddie rushes off to get his gear on. Buck watches for a minute as Y/n grabs things for the ambulance and then hops in. “Come on Buck!” Cap yells out putting Buck back in reality. He rushes to get ready. 
The scene was cold and bloody with a few missing fingers in between. A few ice skaters had a collision after one of the skaters lost balance. Y/n felt like she was on cloud nine because of how much praise she was receiving from both Hen and Chimney. She had just finished wrapping the second to last person when she saw a guy slipping across the ice. Y/n giggles slightly as he struggles to catch himself. “Hey Hen, Chim? Who’s that?” She asks still looking at the handsome man as he finally stands up straight. They both look up to see who she’s looking at. “That’s Evan Buckley. But everyone calls him Buck.” Hen answers first. Chim looks at the way Y/n is looking at Buck. He bumps Hen’s shoulder as she fixes up the last person for transport. Hen looks up seeing where Y/n’s eyes are. “Oh no. Don’t tell me,” Y/n looks over, worried that something happened with the patient when there’s nothing she’s confused. “We know that look. That’s all.” Y/n is even more confused by Chim’s statement. “You’re making googly eyes kid.” Y/n shakes her head. “I am not! But a separate question, not that I care at all, is he single?” Chim and Hen laugh at her statement as they walk with the gurney, taking their last patient to the ambulance. When they get them settled and have the doors closed, they turn to Y/n. “Y/n we’re going to warn you for both you and Buck. Buck is or was a bit of a player. He’s tried the long-term thing and to put it simply it hasn’t worked out. I know your externship is only for a few months and you’re going to go off to who knows where. I just don’t want either of you getting hurt.” Y/n nods her head in thought, the other two walk forward. Behind her, Buck runs up to her. “Hey.” Y/n looks to her side and notices the handsome firefighter. She smiles slightly and nods her head. “Y/n right? Nice to meet you, I’m Buck.” Buck puts his hand out for her to shake. She accepts his handshake. “Nice to meet you, too, Buck.” Buck grins at the mention of his name, he loves it way it sounds. “Planning to be a paramedic, huh? From what I’m seeing you’re a natural.” Y/n smiles and nods. “Well if you ever wanna talk about the job over coffee…” Buck pauses looking at Y/n for a response. “Maybe some other time,” She smiles and makes her way onto the van with Hen. “Catch you later.” She says with a wave. Buck frowns disappointed, he grins when he remembers she said some other time. 
It had been a month and a half since Y/n started her internship and a few minutes since Buck last flirted with her. Ever since the warning from Hen and Chim, Y/n did her best to ignore Buck’s constant flirting and to try to push down the feelings that she had for him. Everyone found her rejection funny even Cap. There was even a drinking game that the others, each person taking a shot every time Y/n rejected Buck  (besides Cap who played with shots of water). The game was usually cut short because it would happen 5 times in a minute. Y/n couldn’t help but admire Buck’s commitment. Buck grew to like Y/n for more than just her looks over the past weeks. It was her determination to do the job, her kindness to everyone around her, and the empathy she showed, she even had Chris wrapped around her finger, even if Y/n was for sure to say it was the other way around. He watched her and Chris currently at the cookout that Cap was holding. Y/n’s face lit up as soon as he came over to her. Buck had no idea what they were talking about but it had Chris laughing. “She’s really good with him,” Eddie said walking up to Buck. “Yeah she is,” He said without his eyes leaving her form. Suddenly Chris gives his best subtle thumbs up to Buck and Buck returns it. And Y/n definitely misses the exchange but Eddie doesn’t. “Please don’t tell me you’re using my kid for your flirting.” Buck smiles as Eddie groans. “I am not using your kid for my flirting.” Eddie shakes his head. 
“What do you think about my Uncle Buck?” Chris asks randomly. Y/n laughs and pulls the boy closer tickling his sides. “Are you scheming for your Uncle Buck?” Chris laughs. “Maybe.” Y/n tickles a bit more. “Okay! Okay! He bribed me to ask. He said he’d give me 10 bucks!” Y/n releases him with a smile. “You’re supposed to be on my side Chrissy.” Chris looks serious for a moment. “You should go on a date Y/n/n. He’s really nice! And he saves people like you! You have a lot in common!” She gives Chris a small smile. “We’ll see Chris,” Y/n says. Chris gets up quickly and makes his way over to Buck. “Buck! Buck!” Buck picks Chris up by his legs. “What’s up, buddy? Did you complete your mission?” Buck says with a smile. Chris nods his head. “She said ‘We’ll see.” Buck turns his head towards Y/n for confirmation. “We need to talk first,” Y/n says to Buck. “Outside?” Y/n nods her head as he puts Chris down. “Wanna take a walk around the block?” Buck asks and Y/n confirms as Buck grabs his jacket. 
The sun was slowly starting to set when they got outside. There were a few minutes of silence. “So…” They both say at the same time. They laugh. “You go first.” Buck motions. “When I first got here Hen and Chimeny told me something about you.” Buck raises an eyebrow. “What did they tell you?” Y/n looks up at the sky. “Don’t tell them I told you, but they said that you hadn’t had anything serious for a long time and you’re a bit of a player.” Buck wipes a hand over his face groaning. “I’m not really a short-term girl and I didn’t want to try anything if I was going to go to a further station. I wanted to wait to ask you what you were looking for after I got the confirmed assignment.” Buck pauses looking at her. “I guess you got your assignment back?” Y/n nods with a smile, “Cap informed me today that I will be staying with 118. Don’t tell Hen I told you first. I was supposed to tell her.” Buck grins congratulating her. “Thank you, but that means that it’s time for my question. What are you looking for here? I don’t want to be just one of your conquests or something. I like you and I don’t want to get hurt-” Buck cuts her off, “You like me?” Y/n nods sheepishly. “I like you too. And I don’t want something short with you Y/n. The player thing was from a while ago and even then since I met you, I haven’t been with another woman. I can’t even if I wanted to, you’re all that’s on my mind Y/n. I wouldn’t embarrassingly get rejected all the time if I didn’t want something with you.” Buck stands right in front of Y/n now. They’re close, only breathe apart. “You wanna try?” Buck nods, “I wanna try.” Y/n then breaks the gap between them and pushes her lips against his. They fit perfectly against each other. It is slow and sweet like no kiss either has ever had before. They release. “Remind me to give Chris $1,000.” Y/n laughs. “Me too.”
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bidisasterevankinard · 3 months
Wip Wednesday
do I have the stage where I start new wips but barely write the one's I have because I'm super indecisive and not inspired? yes. let's hope soon I will be fine and work on my wips I want to work on. Anyway meet new wip where bucktommy will have long angst in their relationship because Tommy needs to grief "what ifs" with Sal he never thought about till he sees Sal as Captain of 118 (it's an au where Sal is a captain instead of Gerass)(it's only the start of the fic btw)
thanks to nonny @racerchix21 and this song (the title taken from the song and it's "I tried to go on like I never knew you"
Tommy knows it all should be in the past. In stolen kisses in bars they knew Gerrard and the team would never come too. In usually passionate and wild - almost never tender and sweet - sex. In secrets they shared under sheets, when they both knew that the moment their fabric cover was gone they couldn't talk about those moments of comfort and vulnerability they shared. In breakfast’s Sal made for him and his nonna's lasagna recipe Tommy cooked for the man. In wild dreams Tommy knew could never be a reality. Especially not when Sal changed stations and firstly their meetups were less and less frequent until they stopped after Sal’s wedding. 
And Tommy swears he thought he was over it. Over Sal. Over dreams of the future they could never share. But one look at the man whose appearance barely changed since Tommy last saw him five years ago, staying near 118 trucks the same way he always did, while talking with Chim, and all that got back at him. All the memories of stolen love and painful hope to be happy, proud and loved. Preferably by his “best friend”. By the one of the best men he ever met even if they could be rough with each other or rude or just wrong. Sal always came back with sorry, that Tommy knew was genuine. They were so wrong together, but also so wrongly perfect. So electric. Sal made him feel how almost no one could. Only his first crush Eric from the army, Sal and …
“Hey, handsome, sorry for the delay, Hen needed help to choose a present for Karen,” Evan kissed his cheeks, smiling like thousands of suns.
If Tommy didn’t know and was pretty acquainted with Evan’s quirks and little signs of his fatigue, he would never think the man just ended his 48 hour shift.
“It’s fine, baby.”
Tommy smiles and he hopes his inner turmoil of seeing an old friend is not shown on his face.
“Have you met my new captain yet?”
“No, but I don’t need to.”
Evan adorably tits his head and Tommy wants his heart to be so fast only because of it and the taste of Evan’s lip balm on his cheek, but he swears he can feel the taste of liquor he and Sal were drinking last time they kissed. Right before Sal asked Jennifer out on their first date.
“I worked with Sal. Even more than Chim and Hen,” Tommy says and Evan for a second frowns and then hits his face.
“And they were no less inseparable as you and Eddie,” Chim says, with the loud sound of gum bubbles breaking.
Tommy doesn’t know when he and Sal got closer to them, but he would really happy if they never see that Tommy was there at all. 
“God, of course. In my defense it was so long ago I just haven’t even thought that all three of you were a team.”
“Yeah, I left the station almost a decade ago and it feels like it was in another life, so it’s fine, Buck.” 
Sal smiles at his boyfriend and Tommy wants to make as much room between them as possible. Maybe it will help him to to separate all these feelings of worry and anxiety and love and confusion from the sight of the man he had loved for years, but had never had the opportunity to own his love completely for himself, never feeling that Sal had given him his heart, and a man who he knows is step away from get into his own chest and rip out his heart with all the vessels and give it to Tommy if he just says the word. Sal would never do it even if Tommy would beg
I was tagged by @tizniz @cal-daisies-and-briars @diazheartsbuckley @diazsdimples
Tagging @wikiangela @neverevan @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbegins @evanbi-ckley @repressedqueen @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @pirrusstuff @saybiwithme @steadfastsaturnsrings @devirnis @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @kinard-buckley @loveyouanyway @lonelychicago @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @bi-buckrights @bewilderedbuckley @monsterrae1 and anyone who wants to
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supercalime · 5 months
hellooo, fellow bucktommy shipper (and casual b*ddie enjoyer, if it weren't for the horrors...) here! i really liked your take on b*ddie st*ns and how they are now making super wild assumptions based on some latest interviews.
you know one thing that irks me? somehow nobody seems to talk about is the fact that in canon, buck isn't written to be in love with eddie at all. like, can we please talk about this??? because I'm all for Death Of The Author. OS can talk about ships all he wants but in the end, only the canon narrative matters to me personally. i've watched long-form content with endgame couples being set up in the pilot episodes who become canon many seasons later (bones, castle, grey's anatomy, the mentalist, etc.), and the entire point of such couples is to establish that, yes, they have been having romantic feelings all this time since day one. they do so very very obviously. there is zero subtlety or room for questioning.
one of the most common tropes is to give one or both characters (of the endgame couple) another love interest so that the endgame couple can be full of jealousy and pettiness every time that other love interest is mentioned or shown. having another love interests always endangers the original closeness of the endgame couple, and then the breakup propels the endgame couple forward in their relationship. the love interest is always used for comparisons, to make it abundantly clear that everybody else is lacking in some way. at no point in 911 did they do so with buck and eddie??? these dudes go through various romantic relationships, and never ever has it been any issue to the b*ddie dynamic. never was it talked about. never were hints dropped that one of them is jealous. even now, with bucktommy, eddie shows not a single ounce of jealously. on the other side, look at how they showed us buck being obviously jealous because eddie monopolized tommy's time even though buck wanted tommy time himself! buck couldn't stand the jealousy even a little bit, and he ended up literally hurting his bestie because of it. but whenever eddie is involved romantically and sexually with someone, there are zero signs that buck is bothered or threatened or jealous. they both seem super chill? they do not question at any point that them dating other people might hurt their relationship? logically, that must mean buck's never wanted to be romantically or sexually involved with eddie (and vice versa). at it's core, b*ddie has been written as a friendship. to this day, we have no canon proof for anything else.
i would not hate b*ddie to happen or anything. i do enjoy b*ddie fics (those that aren't super misogynist ♥). and i think it could be a great couple if done well! but as you said, even when buck thought eddie was hot... well, so what? that's literally just an objective observation. RG is handsome based on societal standards. chim and hen also immediately acknowledged that eddie was hot in 2x01, and both of them are Not At All romantically or sexually attracted to eddie either. nobody is questioning chim's or hen's sexuality based on the comments they made about eddie being hot. because nothing about this equals real romantic feelings or the desire to be in a relationship. the fandom understands that logic just fine with chim and hen. why not with buck, though? also, we have yet to see a reversed moment for eddie staring at buck and finding him hot. they had no problem to show eddie Immediately having a crush on ana flores when he first met her. this shows that eddie feels sexual attraction just fine. he was, however, never shown in canon to feel it for buck.
also interesting: even though buck found eddie hot when they first met, it did not trigger buck to seriously question his sexuality at any point in the past like, 5 years or so. in all those years of canon b*ddie friendship, the show has never used the plethora of opportunities to propel b*ddie into romantic or sexual territory. the show could have! but the show never did, so i refuse to let b*ddie st*ns or OS retcon this. if it's not in the canon material, it isn't canon. with tommy, it took only a couple of weeks and a handful of interactions for buck to reach a point of clarity about his sexuality. the most logical deduction imo is that buck simply clocked that eddie's hot (like everybody else, duh, he isn't special in that regard), and it's never meant anything deep.
my only real probem with this entire situation is how hardcore b*ddie st*ns are now using this as a justification to harass others even more (especially bucktommy shippers). i'd love to enjoy canon bucktommy and fanon b*ddie in peace! but the hate that b*ddie st*ns are spreading everywhere again (like with every new season and newly introduced love interest) is so overwhelming.
sorry for the long ass rant btw oopsie. feel free to ignore this. i just wanted to let it out and it seemed like you would understand. anyway, thanks for reading in case you got this far!
I’d never ignore a sensible take, anon! (I feel bad that you had to go anon but I understand. We know the drill by now, some stans are scary lol)
But like, ALL OF THIS!!!
Discourse like this is what takes away the enjoyment of media for me. It sucks that fandom experience can have two very extreme opposing sides, specially when it comes to two “competing” ships. You can kinda tell by how bucktommy shippers behave (I’m not trying to flex at all because I am one. A good majority of us has zero problem with b*ddie endgame even though we prefer the other. We like what we are getting and are happy to see this storyline play out) compared to b*ddie shippers (of course not all of them, I’m talking about the entitled ones. That clog comment sections, bother actors, go to the other ships tag to complain about it and say how their preferred ship is better, etc).
Im not immune to bad takes and bad fan behavior. Ive surely acted like these stans in other fandoms and i do regret it, so i hate seeing it happen again and again, no matter where i go.
Not to quote mean girls, but I wish we could all get along…
All that being said, whichever ship “wins”, it’s no one’s call but the writers and producers of the show. Someone told me that Tim writes for himself and doesn’t take outside factors (at least to an extent cause it’s impossible to not know the fan reaction) into consideration when it comes to where he wants the story to go.
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sortasirius · 4 months
I’ve been kinda thinking about the finale (as if I ever do anything else) and I have a sort of theory on how it could all play out.
Most of this is spec, some of it is my writer brain, so with that what you will lmao.
With what the 911 on ABC posted on Instagram today, I think it’s fair enough to assume that the councilwoman who was the mother to that guy is about to get involved. That whole thing was kind of just brushed off, and the idea of revenge is being repeatedly being brought up (Amir, even the idea of Doug sort of enacting revenge on Chim while he’s hallucinating), along with the theme of loss and grief (Eddie’s current mess, Amir…again).
I’ve seen several theories saying that she would try to stop Hen and Karen from adopting Mara, and while I can see what they’re saying, I actually think it’s more along the lines of her preventing Hen from being interim captain.
We know something is going to happen to Bobby, with all the stills and bts in the hospital, including the one with the whiteboard that says “R. Nash” on it. And if Bobby can’t act as captain, the usual replacement is Hen, but if Hen is in the midst of this, and the entire 118 is caught up I think it’s plausible (especially with Ryan talking about how Eddie is “isolated” next season) that the councilwoman will basically fight to split them up, citing past cases and insinuating they are dangerous or unfit as a unit. The LAFD brass won’t want to get in a fight with city council and will separate them but won’t fire them. (A compromise they’ll think is good, but we know is terrible).
I personally think that Buck will be left at the 118. With Captain Gerrard. I really get the feeling that the councilwoman may know him and put him back in place there even in spite of his past.
If we think about Buck’s worst nightmare (being abandoned by those he loves) it fits perfectly. Being by himself in his house but without his family, with a new captain that he knows Hen, Chim, and Tommy hated. That’s the worst possibility for him. Throw in a potential fight with Eddie and you have the perfect storm for Buck, something that would be untenable for him long term.
Relationship-wise, I have a couple different thoughts. Either Gerrard being at the 118 brings Tommy and Buck closer together, because Tommy understands what an awful captain Gerrard is and is a shoulder to lean on for him while he has to deal with it (this is preferable and what I want lol).
Or, as much as I hate to say it, it could lead to a distance between him and Tommy, because Tommy doesn’t want to be around Gerrard (don’t blame him) and he can’t be there for Buck because he’s afraid of turning back into the person he tried so hard to escape.
And I don’t think we’d start season 8 with everyone back together. With 18 episodes (bless) they have time to draw out plotlines that they haven’t been able to this season.
If, as I fervently hope, Bobby makes a recovery from whatever happens to him, he’ll have to go through the same retraining that Buck did when he was crushed by the ladder, which would be an interesting contrast for him to be put in those shoes, maybe desperate to get back out to the field but not being cleared, Athena being worried about him the same way he was worried about her after she was attacked, all that.
I think Hen’s big conflict would be that she feels like them being separated his her fault, since she didn’t force the guy to get care. She would be okay in another house, but potentially feel like she’s starting over, just like with medical school.
For Chim, I think his biggest thing would be taken out of the 118, maybe he would be assigned to the 133 as an extra gut punch since it was Kevin’s house? I think there’s something interesting there.
And Eddie. Eddie, who is taking doppelgänger Kim out in public, while bringing his girlfriend to the medal ceremony. Something is coming here, this situation is precarious at best. I highly doubt he will still be with Marisol by the end of the season. At the same time, I don’t think he’s going to be with Kim either. With this photo, it could be that Chris finds out about Kim or something like that. If I had to guess, I would say that Eddie and Marisol are done by the end of 7x09.
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I could also potentially see Eddie being left at the 118 and Buck transferring to air support with Tommy, which could be interesting since Eddie was the one to leave last time. But for angst points, I think leaving Buck alone in his house which is suddenly no longer home, but hostile? I would eat that up.
Overall, with all those happy stills we got today, juxtaposed by the way press is talking about the screeners, I would say we’re in for a rough couple of episodes and a rough hiatus too.
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Woo! 129:
 “How are you?”
By all accounts, he’s looking better. Walking steadier, without crutches. He’s driving again. He doesn’t look nearly as gaunt. He seems lighter. She knows his physio has been progressing really well. Maybe that’s part of it. 
“Oh, good,” he says, with a bit of a wavering smile. “Good, but bored. Not a lot to do without work.”
Yeah, he’s shared that before. Apparently he’s been reading a ton. Audiobooks and podcasts during exercises. Physical books at night. To Shannon, it sounds like he’s shoving his brain full of noise to fill his boredom. Because boredom always exists in tandem with catastrophizing; giving your brain the opportunity to ask what if. She understands. She once tried to take up crocheting, when Christopher was really little, and she’d spend hours every month in doctors’ offices. So many waiting rooms. So much time. So many what ifs. 
“But how about you?” Buck asks. “How are things? How’s Little Diaz?”
“Little Diaz?” Shannon raises an eyebrow.
Buck blushes. “Sorry, that’s what I’ve been calling them to Eddie.”
“You talk about the baby with Eddie?” Shannon asks. 
“Well, yeah,” Buck says, like this should have been obvious. “Is that weird? Sorry. I love babies.”
“I’ll keep that in mind when I need a babysitter,” Shannon teases. 
“Please do!” He replies, completely sincerely. 
“We’re good though,” Shannon says, resting a hand on her stomach. “Feeling a lot better.”
Buck grins. “Good. That makes me happy to hear.”
And the thing is, when he says stuff like that, she just believes him. Like, this kind man who knows the worst about her and is so close with someone she hurt so badly, still has the kindness and the grace in him to be sincerely happy for her own wellbeing. How is that? It’s an addictive quality. She’s in trouble. Every time she sees Buck, talks to Buck, she wants to talk to him more. Wants to spend more time around him. Wants him to like her more and ask her more and…
Oh, fuck. 
Shannon has a crush on Buck. 
It hits her like the fucking car did. She has a crush on Buck. How juvenile is that? How foolish? She’s married, going through a divorce, not even halfway through a pregnancy, and she has a crush on her husband’s best friend. On her new friend’s brother. See, this is Shannon’s problem. She has no grip on her emotions. They lead her to doing stupid, stupid shit. Feeling ways she hates. 
But now that she knows she feels it, what can she do? It’s not like she can hit a delete button and move forward. It’s not like she can or even wants to do anything about it. She’s stuck with this. All she can do is find herself staring at the intense blue of his eyes and luster of his smile and feel like a total idiot. 
“Well, I should, um, head inside,” Shannon mumbles awkwardly. 
“Yeah,” Buck says. “Get in there before Maddie orders all the food without your input. As she has been known to do to some people in the past.”
Shannon laughs. “Okay. I’ll see you later, Buck.”
“Bye, Shannon.”
Every once in a while, Buck likes to drop by the station. Just to remind everyone, hey, I still exist. Which, of course he knows they know. He sees Eddie all the time. Bobby has driven him to several appointments and drops him off meals all the time. Chim sees him all the time via Maddie. Hen never fails to check in on him. Logically he knows they haven’t forgotten about them as, like, a person. But as a firefighter? He just needs to sprinkle in the occasional reminder. 
Bobby sees through this effort on Buck’s part, Buck thinks. It must not be exactly subtle. Not that anyone has ever accused Buck of subtlety. He indulges him though. Includes him in a meal. Lets him know they miss him. You’ll be back before you know it. He hears that a lot. And because it’s Bobby, he trusts it. 
Today, he eats a delicious lunch with the team. Smoked meat sandwiches that Bobby worked on at home yesterday and brought in for everyone, knowing Buck was coming. Buck nearly drools when he smells it. 
“It’s good to see you driving yourself around again,” Bobby says partway through the meal. “That must feel freeing.”
“Totally,” Buck agrees. “As much as I appreciated everyone’s help, I do like the independence.”
“Sounds like you’re making good progress?” Hen asks. 
Buck grins. “Yeah! My physio, George, says I’m improving faster than expected."
“That’s awesome,” Hen smiles. 
“And the pain is manageable?” Bobby asks. There’s a hint of something in his tone. 
Buck swallows. The pain is terrible, actually. But that’s just what he has to deal with, right?
“Nothing I can’t manage, Cap,” Buck says. 
Bobby doesn’t seem totally impressed with that answer. 
Eddie walks him back to his Jeep after lunch. 
“You’re still up for tomorrow night, right?” Eddie asks. 
“Yeah, of course,” Buck says. 
He and Eddie have plans to take Chris to a pop-up kid’s science exhibit. Something that won’t be in town for long. Buck is just thrilled to be invited. 
“Because if your leg is sore-”
“Eddie, it’s fine. I want to go! I want to hang out with you and Chris.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “I was going to say, if your leg is sore, we can do something lowkey.”
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calinaannehart · 5 months
the parts we play
Buck isn’t a firefighter, he just plays one on TV, or at least that’s what he’s about to do. He’s offered the chance to shadow the 118 to learn what it’s like to be a firefighter. Eddie is fed up with these Hollywood types turning up and feigning interest in the job that he loves. Buck, however, is nothing like that and everyone can see the connection they have.
Eddie’s day is ruined.
“You can’t be serious, Cap?” He protests, looking at Bobby imploringly. “You do remember what happened the last time Hollywood sent an actor who wanted to play dress up?”
Six months after Eddie had said goodbye to her on the beach Felisa Valdez had waltzed into the firehouse, publicist hot on her heels with an announcement that she was to shadow the 118 in preparation for a future role. The call from the chief had come a few minutes after her arrival confirming her visit and instructing Bobby to allow her out on calls to observe what the job entails.
It was argued, given the 118 had attended no less than four emergency calls in which they had rescued her from one situation or another, that Felisa was already more than familiar with the workings of a fire crew. Her publicist, however, countered that she was a victim on each of the calls and therefore needed to be the one in uniform. Bobby had drawn the line at that, but Felisa was given a seat on the engine and she observed them while they worked, albeit a little too closely at times.
The publicist had taken a near-constant stream of photographs for the duration of Felisa’s three-day visit, photos of her with the crew, photos of her being shown pieces of equipment, manning a hose, sliding down the pole, donning a helmet. In every one her hair had been perfect, her outfit on the tighter side and a pose that was unrealistic to the job at hand, but were posted all over her social media, tagging each of them at the official LAFD account.
Still, they had all survived the three days with no injuries and their dignity somewhat intact.
That was until the movie came out.
It turned out to be a low-budget B-movie, so low in budget that it bypassed the theatres completely and was released directly to TV. Felisa had excitedly called Eddie with the channel info and the date and time it would be on which had ended up being during a 24-hour shift. They had settled in to watch at eleven o’clock in the evening and that should have been their clue.
Felisa’s movie turned out to be, essentially, a very badly written and directed (and acted) softcore porno set in a fire station. Bobby had flushed and made a hasty exit to his office just fifteen minutes in when the first sex scene started, muttering about damage control and calling the chief.
“I do, and I was promised that wouldn’t happen again,” Bobby tells him, his tone placating. “Brass themselves have gone over the script and they’ve talked with the production team. It’s a big multi-million dollar movie this time with some big names attached to it.”
“Like who?” Chimney mumbles around a mouthful of celery and peanut butter, dipping the stick back in for another scoop. Pulling out his phone Bobby thumbs open the screen and scans his eyes over the email he had received with all the information.
“Todd Fame, Kelli Edwards, and Evan Buckley.” 
“No way, Evan Buckley?” Excitement fills Chim’s face and he sets the jar of peanut butter down on the counter. “Man, he’s done some good stuff, Time Wars, Echoes of the Past, Midnight Mirage, oh, and that rom-com that came out last year, Tatiana loved it. Are we getting him? That would earn me some serious boyfriend points.”
A silence fills the space after Chimney’s ramble, half a dozen amused faces staring at him. “Boy crush much?” Hen asks sardonically, a wave of sniggers following her words. “Isn’t he the one gossip magazines are always publishing articles on? I’m sure I’ve seen one about him having slept with half of Hollywood and constantly getting in bar fights.”
Bobby quirks an eyebrow at her. “Since when do you read gossip magazines?”
“Karen’s always picking them up when she gets the groceries,” Hen explains. “But my point is that maybe Eddie’s right, I mean, do we really want another Felisa incident?”
“Come on, Hen, those magazines are trash, there’s probably not an inch of truth in them,” Chim says, prompting another eye roll from his partner. “All I’m saying is that we shouldn’t judge him before we meet him, he’s a really good actor, okay? I’m not ashamed to admit he’s made me cry more than a few times.” Chim admits freely.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll get plenty of opportunities to tell him that,” Bobby continues. “He’s coming by this afternoon to sign some personal injury waivers and then will join us for our next run of shifts.”
Chim all but dances on the spot as he whips out his phone. “I can’t believe I’m gonna meet Evan Buckley, I gotta call Tatiana, this is so gonna get me laid!”
“Eddie, I want you to be his liaison while he’s here,” Eddie’s attention snaps back to his captain.
“What? Why me?” Eddie protests. “Let Chim do it.” He points to the man talking animatedly on his phone.
“The last thing this guy needs is someone fawning all over him, you’ll treat him just like everybody else, and most importantly you’ll watch his back.”
“Watch his…Bobby, you’re not seriously going to let him out on calls with us, are you?” Eddie’s expression matches his flabbergasted words.
“I am, that’s why he’s coming in to sign the waivers. He needs hands-on experience, Eddie, and you’re the one I trust to keep him safe,” Bobby lays a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, leveling him with a look. 
“I just hate these Hollywood types turning up and feigning interest in the job that I love for a few days just to earn a billion-dollar paycheck,” Eddie grumbles. “They don’t care, Bobby, it’s just a game to them.”
“All you have to do is talk to him about the job, share some of your experience. It’s just for a few weeks and then he’ll be gone.”
Eddie sighs. “You promise?” He asks, sounding too reminiscent of a petulant child and Bobby just chuckles.
“I promise,” He squeezes Eddie’s shoulder before stepping away in the direction of the mezzanine, no doubt to start breakfast. “Hey, you never know, you might end up real close.”
read on ao3
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911 Spoilers Season 4: You’ve been warned. 😅 Buddie Rewatch
Episode 7 - 9
Episode 7: There goes the Neighborhood
Mom Band is High: The 118 shows up in hazmat suits. And looks over at all the woman who’s faces are bleeding. One of the women flirting with Eddie, even though he’s in a hazmat suit.
Buck finding the blunt and pointing out it’s pink. Hen and Chimney knowing what the substance is.
Bobby sends Buck and Eddie to go knock on neighbors doors to see if anyone of them is experiencing symptoms. The very high woman slaps Eddies ass. I don’t condone it, but I understand why she did it.
Eddie and Buck walking out, practically pressed to each other’s side. Buck stating, “There goes the neighborhood.” As they walk over to the neighbors.
Buck is on a date with a woman. He’s telling her about the rescue of the woman who got stuck in the window during a date. This date is unimpressed by Buck’s story. The date becomes very awkward.
Veronica (Buck’s date), orders herself chocolate cake. Buck asks if she’d prefer to share, Veronica vocalizes how she doesn’t like what he is insinuating, and Buck orders his own slice.
Buck keeps talking himself into a whole, where Veronica thinks she is being body shamed.
Buck returns from his date and tells Albert that the date he just went on was horrible. Albert was more concerned with wanting to eat Buck’s cheese cake. As Buck passes Albert a fork, he notices how badly the trash smells and takes it out. This is when he learns that Veronica is his new neighbor.
Buck tells Albert that they have to move.
Turkey attacks; Buck and Eddie are walking side by side. Buck was explaining his situation to Eddie. Eddie points out that his date Veronica, didn’t know she lived right next door to him. Buck explains to Eddie how his therapist has explained the importance of a safe space, that his apartment use to be that, but now it isn’t because she lives right there. Eddie making faces, and slight smirks as Buck talks about the situation.
Eddie laughing at Buck as he admits to having Albert distract her for 20 minutes while he got the mail.
Buck vocalizing that he doesn’t want to live this life looking over his shoulder, this is when we hear rustling and Eddie knowing the suspect is behind them.  Buck and Eddie, in unison, slowly turn around. The turkey hops out into the side walk, Eddie calls out to Sonny, and pulls out a net canon. Buck pulls out blueberries.
Buck starts to throw blueberries at the turkey, they both back up as he gets closer. Eddies aims the net and catches the turkey.
 Noah’s Playset gets crushed by tactical vehicle; Eddie observing the scene, explaining to Buck that this happened accidentally, Buck standing behind him as he explains training exercises.
Eddie coming up with the idea of lifting the vehicle off, by pulling the parachute up. Buck being the one to control the lift and pulling the vehicle up, allowing enough time for everyone to pull the man from underneath, before the vehicle falls back on it’s own.
Buck hanging out at Chim and Maddie’s, waiting for Albert to give the all clear. He’s been avoiding his apartment to avoid running into Veronica.
Buck knocking on Veronica’s door. He admits to things being a little weird and making a peace offering of chocolate cheese cake. He gives her a proper welcoming to the neighborhood.  Veronica admits to owing Buck a thank you for introducing her to a great guy. Buck’s confused by this, until Albert comes out of her bathroom in just a towel. Buck looks at Albert so disappointed.
Episode 8: Breaking Point
Fed up Flight attendant; Eddie and Buck are pushing two separate gurneys as the approach the scene of the accident.  Eddie and Buck tend to the flight attendant, as Chim and Hen handle the bigger injury.
Buck looks over at the other injured party, he looks like he wants to say something, but shakes his head against it.
Eddie looks over the attendant and believes it is just a broken ankle.
Buck finally asks if it is just him, or does the victim look familiar to anyone else. Bobby making the realization that this is the same guy they pulled out of the engine.  Eddie makes a comment about this guy’s job is more dangerous than theirs.
Buck and Eddie maneuvering the lady onto a board and lifting her up onto a gurney, as Chim is extracting the object out of the other victim’s neck.
The scene cuts to a dirty dinner table, it’s an implied romantic dinner because there are candles lit and a wine bottle open. We hear R&B music and a woman moan. We hear Eddie say, “No, let me.” And more moaning, and Ana say, “You’re almost there.”
This was the biggest fake out in history. There is no practical reason for Ana moaning like that over Eddie doing fourth grade math work.
Ana let’s Eddie know that her offer to go over and help tutor Christopher still stands. Eddie telling her that he would not be comfortable putting her out. She tries to reassure him, that she’s not pressuring Eddie to tell Christopher about them. She understands his situation and knows how Christopher is. Explaining that Eddie is right to be cautious.
Eddie is thankful for her understanding and see’s her as an amazing woman. He starts a light banter, where he is praising her, but throws in she’s a terrible math teacher. They start to lean into each other, teasing out a kiss, but Eddie’s phone rings and he has to head out to tuck Chris into bed.
Honestly, the only reason they probably didn’t kiss is because of covid, sadly I do have to put that out there. In a non-covid world, Eddie and Ana may have a bed scene instead of a math date.
Eddie gets home, Buck walks up to the entrance and jokingly tells Eddie he’s late. Eddie explains there was traffic.  
Buck already got Christopher to go to bed, Eddie calls him a miracle worker.  Buck corrects him, by stating he’s just an excellent negotiator. Buck explains how Chris was willing to get ready for bed and into bed as long as he didn’t turn off the lights or tell him a story.
Eddie banters about the one-time Buck told Chris about the kid stuck in the rotisserie, Buck justifying that moment as a cautionary tale.
This entire interaction feels wholesome and it feels like a couple interacting. The vibe we get isn’t two best friends interacting. It’s more of co parents bonding over the love of their son.  I know you understand what I am trying to say here.
Eddie thanks Buck for watching him, Buck excitedly asks about the date. Eddie says the date went great, and that he taught her math.
Buck confused by the math makes a comment about thinking he was single for too long. Buck heads out as Eddie goes into Chris’s room.
Eddie asks Christopher about his night with Buck. Chris being more concerned over knowing where he was. Eddie explains that he was out to dinner with an old friend. Chris attempts to get more information out of his dad, but Eddie is not budging.
Eddie wishes Chris a good night.
Buck walks into his dark apartment, bumps into a laundry basket and finds a random bra. Albert is in the living room surprised that Buck is home.
Buck realizes that he’s just crashed a date between Albert and veronica, it’s slightly awkward.
Trapped on a roof: Taylor Kelly is covering a stand off with a man stuck on the roof. Negotiators are trying to get the man to come down on his own. Eddie makes a judgy comment about how the guy should not have cornered himself onto a roof.
The 118 start placing bets on what the guy they think will happen to the man.
Buck and Taylor are talking. Buck tells her about his situation with his roommate and the woman he went on a date. Taylor is impressed with the fact Buck having an apartment.
The 118 ordered a pizza, Eddie is the one handling grabbing the order. Eddie offers a slice to the homeowner of the building.
Buck complains about his situation to a random cop. The cop not really understanding Buck’s view or the legitimacy of the bro code.
Eddie, Hen, Chim, and Bobby chanting jump at the man on the roof.
Eddie confiding to Bobby and Athena about how Christopher is asking a lot of questions, but he doesn’t know how to approach this dating thing. Bobby and Athena both telling him that he needs to be honest with Christopher and just tell him, he’s old enough to understand.
Buck continues to talk to Taylor about his Albert situation, but also opens up how expected the year to be different. He expected more growth since starting therapy. Buck vocalizing that all he wants is a meaningful relationship. Taylor chiming in to say she’s met all the people he’s work with; his life is filled with meaningful relationships.
Taylor proceeds to tell him he needs to be a little more patient, let the universe big them to him. They laugh at the comment.
Home owner pushes man onto the car below, tells everyone to leave. The 118 runs over to the victim.
Buck’s home, putting away groceries, when Albert shows up with more groceries. Albert points out that it was his turn to buy groceries. Buck comments about how Albert spends so much time at Veronicas.
Albert apologizes for the Veronica situation, Albert invites Buck to dinner on Thursday night, to patch things up with Veronica. Buck not wanting to feel like a third wheel asks Taylor out on a date. He does not explain to her the situation.
Eddie and Christ are preparing dinner. Eddie tells Chris that he wants to tell Chris something. Eddie tells Chris that his friend is a girl. Chris is able to figure out this friend is Eddie’s girlfriend. Eddie wants to explain the situation further, but Chris becomes angry he yells and tosses the salad bowl on to the ground. Chris walks out of the kitchen, telling Eddie he is mad at him.
Eddie not knowing what to do or say, kneels down on to the ground and starts picking up the pieces of the shattered bowl. In a moment of defeat Eddie just pauses.
Buck is sitting in Veronica’s apartment, in a chair uncomfortable, waiting for Taylor to show up.  
Albert gives Buck a drink and as Veronica asks about Buck’s date, Taylor knocks on the door.
Taylor making Buck regret inviting her to this date, but letting Albert and Veronica know Buck talked about them nonstop.
Veronica revealing that she watched Taylor’s broad cast about the standoff.
Taylor and Buck walking to a corner of the apartment, Taylor vocalizing how she had assumed the night would just be the two of them, maybe dinner, and possibly some sex. Buck suggesting that they could still do those things. Taylor completely against that idea, given this is a weird double date. They awkwardly sit down together.
Veronica asks how long they have been dating. Taylor is quick to nip that in the butt and answers honestly. She admits to there situation being a more as needed basis kind of thing.
Buck elaborates how they met because of work and how he saved Taylor’s life.  
Taylor tells everyone that the reason Buck and Veronica didn’t work out is because of his ego. Veronica agrees and expresses how she won’t just stroke someone’s ego. Taylor realizing that she shouldn’t either and decides to leave. Buck runs after her.
Buck tries to stop Taylor to explain himself. Taylor tells him that he’s so needy, always trying to get people to like him. Buck becomes a bit defensive, but attempts to apologize. He tries to justify why he did that to her about wanting a friend present.
Taylor calls him out for being a shitty friend if he thinks that is what friends do to each other.
Eddie video calling Ana and explaining to her that talking about being in a relationship had Chris go into a total melt down. Eddie explains that he’s letting him cool off before, mentioning it again.
Ana being very sympathetic to Chris’s situation, telling Eddie that she understands if  he would like to ends things for Chris’ sake. Eddie telling her that’s not necessary that he wants to be with her and that they’ll figure it out. They end the call and Eddie calls over to Christopher asking him to come over.
Eddie doesn’t get a response and walks over to Chris’ room. He opens the door and starts to panic when he can’t find him. As he starts to panic, Buck calls him. He immediately starts to ask Buck for help. That’s when Buck reveals that Christopher is with him, that he used Eddies phone to call an Uber. Eddie sighs with relief and tells Buck he’s headed over now.
Chris is sitting on Buck’s couch watching TV, waiting for Buck to get off the phone.  Buck walks over to Chris and mentions learning that he blew up at his dad. Chris states that he doesn’t want to talk about it. Buck understands, but states that he’s here now, might as well talk about it.
Buck reminding Chris that he was there for Buck when he needed a friend to talk to and now Buck wants to be that friend for him.
Chris tells Buck that his Dad is dating. Buck tries to sympathize with Chris telling him it must be difficult or at least weird, because if may feel like he’s forgetting about his mom. Chris reveals that he wishes he could forget about his mom himself.
Buck is taken back by the response. Chris continues to clarify that people keep leaving him, not just his mom, but his Abuelita, Carla, his friends. That they leave and he misses them and he’s tired of missing them.
Buck looks completely shattered at this moment. Shoot I’m close to tears. Christopher has gone thru a lot at such a young age. He deserves the world.
Buck tells Chris that people leave, and yes it hurts, but not everyone goes away forever. That they sometime leave and come back and we need those moments to be able to cherish them when they come back. Buck promising that Chirs will see the people he loves again and reminding Chris that he always has him., because he’s not going anywhere.
Chris stands up and gives Buck a big hug. Telling him that Buck is a good friend. Buck being honest in that moment and admitting to being a good friend only sometimes.
Buck calls Taylor and leaves her a voicemail wanting to speak so that he can apologize. Taylor is live on TV reporting about Covid and how hospitals will need to start rationing care. This makes her emotional and on the verge of tears, but she faces away from the camera and finishes reporting the news.
Taylor calls Buck, not wanting to get an apology but to get his help get Covid vaccines out into the community before they can no longer be used. Everyone getting together/working together to get the last 600 doses used.
Buck and Eddie walking out of the hospital with coolers filled with vaccines and helping set up stations.
Eddie taking a station and helping administer the vaccines.
Buck walks up to Taylor and tells her the good news about all the vaccines getting used and none going to waste. They have a heart filled moment where she asks Buck why’d he help her after all the horrible things he said to her. He explains he was just trying to be a good friend. She kisses him on the cheek as thank you. They walk away in directions.
I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. Taylor should have stayed Buck’s frenemy or at least just a friend. I liked the idea of Buck having someone not in the 118 or his sister to turn to and be friends with. Taylor never sugar coated anything. A friend ship would have just made sense, but I wasn’t completely against the relationship, I actually thought it was end game at one point, when we get to the point I’ll make sure to point it out.
Eddie approaches the door, before opening it up, looks at Chris once more. He turns back and opens the door for Ana. Christopher becomes excited and runs over to hug Ana. Safe to say he’s no longer upset over is dad dating. Eddie watches them hug.
Buck is sitting in his apartment when Albert walks in and tells Buck that he broke up with Veronica. Buck offers Albert his Thai food.
Eddie pulls Chris to the side, asks him how he really feels about Ana. Chris admits that he’s happy it’s Ana, but warns his dad that she’s a hard grader. Eddie joking that she may grade him on a curve. (My brother pointed out that this could technically be a terrible dick joke, thought y’all would like to know)
Chris calling over to Ana and telling her that they have popcorn.
Episode 9: Blindsided
Maddie texting Chim that they need a baby name. Chimney ask the 118 for name suggestions. Eddie is approaching the group and stands next to Buck as this happens. As Buck and Eddie begin to suggest, Chim cuts the off and clarifies that he does not mean their names.
Buck states that he thought they where going to put random names in a hat and choose the name that way. Eddie has his hands on his hips as they discuss.
Eddie and Buck are now leaning against the truck. Eddie admits that Shannon and him didn’t know what they were going to name Christopher until they saw him.
Chim sends Maddie a message with that idea and Buck quickly points out that Maddie musty have not liked the idea. Eddie walking by his side with a slight smirk. Eddie and Buck walk away laughing and Eddie pats Chim on the shoulder.
Drunk Mom causes a pile up: Buck and Eddie working to get the at fault driver and her son out of the vehicle. They become real motivated to get the car opened up when they realize her son is in the vehicle.
They aren’t able to pry the doors open, Eddie suggesting they cut off the roof.
Buck tells Mom that her son Jacob is in safe hands.
Buck runs over to check on driver who was just in a car explosion, he feels a pulse, but notes the driver is badly burned. They pull the driver out and send to the hospital.
Athena asks Eddie to what hospital are the taking the at fault driver. He tells her First Presbyterian. When Athena mentions that she’ll follow behind and tells Eddie to make sure to tell the Hospital they are going to need her BAC levels as soon as she arrives. Eddie says Athena, but she cuts him off and tells him she has the warrant.
Albert is injured in a vehicle because of the drunk driver. Buck is walking with Bobby as Sue radios the information to Bobby. May figuring out that the caller is Albert, Buck confirming this when May mentions his voicemail recording. Eddie is standing behind Buck as this is happening.
The 118 starts to search for Albert, they are screaming his name as they check every vehicle.
Buck and Bobbie make the realization that Albert wasn’t in the pile up, but in front of it.
Buck calling out for Albert and find the tire tracks. Eddie tossing Bobby and axe for the rescue.
The 118 working together to extract Albert and save his life. Maddie and Chim giving birth. Eddie and Hen in the back of the ambulance preforming CPR.
Buck shows up at the hospital at where Maddie and Chim are. He has the hospital bag that was in Albert’s car. Chim asks if Alberts here, this is when Buck looks at him, hesitant.
Eddie is making coffee; Chris wakes up and says good morning. Eddie runs towards Chris and gives him a big hug. Chris is confused by the big hug and asks what it was for. Eddie states it was a just because hug and they hug again, it’s an even bigger hug this time.
Buck video calls Chim and Maddie, he’s introduced to his niece. As they say good bye Buck repeatedly says Buck loves you, to his niece.
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glorious-spoon · 1 year
hiiii, if you're still doing soft kiss prompts (and if it sparks!) how about "out of pride" for buddie? <3
hi, and thank you!! this went a bit sideways, but i hope it suits!
Buck signs up for the charity 10K more or less on a whim—apparently, Bobby's AA chapter has been working with them, and maybe all his talk of donations for a new treatment facility inspired Buck, or something. Maybe, as Eddie likes to tease him, he can't miss a chance to show off. He's not bothered about it, either way. It's for a good cause.
Of course, that was before the sky opened up with a torrential and unseasonable downpour halfway through the race. It was actually kind of nice, at first, but now he's closing in on the last half-mile and his damp clothes are clinging and uncomfortable enough that he's wondering just how much trouble he'll be in if he just strips down right here in the middle of the street lined with cheering onlookers. Eddie and Chris are somewhere in that jubilant crush of bodies; Eddie was supposed to run with him, before an ill-timed broken ankle ruined that plan. Buck's trying not to be too miffed about that.
He feels good, though—loose and warmed up, his blood singing, his breathing easy as he rounds the final turn. There's the finish line up ahead, half a dozen runners up in front of him. Buck puts on a burst of speed, lengthening his stride to pass a black-haired man in a red jersey and a rangy woman with a buzz cut, and then the finish line is bearing down, and he crosses it to a burst of cheering, slowing from a sprint to an easy jog, and finally a walk. The clock reads 39:14, which puts him solidly in the top ten percent of runners for this, which means—importantly—that Eddie owes him dinner now. 
He takes the water bottle a volunteer hands him as he moves into the cooldown zone, peering around to see if he can catch sight of anyone he knows. Bobby said they were going to try to set up near the final stretch, but it's crowded enough that he's not sure they were able to find spots.
And then he hears Christopher's voice, clear as a bell over the staticky Top Ten music blasting from a set of nearby speakers, yelling, "Buck! Buck! Over here!" and he turns just in time to catch an armful of excited pre-teen in an eye-searing orange t-shirt that matches Buck's colors.
"Hey, Superman," he laughs.
"You stink," Chris informs him, beaming, as Eddie crutches up behind him. He's in the same shade of neon orange, and he's wearing an expression so fond that Buck almost can't bear to look at it.
"Come on, bud, give Buck some space, let him do his cooldown stretches so he doesn't wind up in the medical tent after all this."
"Hen would never let me hear the end of it," Buck says as Chris releases him.
"I'd never let you hear the end of it," Eddie says, which, fair enough. He's still beaming, and Buck can see Maddie and Chim and Bobby and Athena making their way through the press of the crowd behind him, chairs in hand; Eddie and Chris must have got a head start. And then Eddie takes a half-step closer, hooking a finger in the collar of Buck's shirt.
"Thought you wanted me to do my cooldown stretches," Buck says, grinning. He's giddy with endorphins, flying high on this—the crowd, the music, the warmth of Eddie's smile.
"This won't take long," Eddie says, and tugs Buck down to kiss him lightly on the mouth, in full view of the entire street. "Hey. You did really great. I'm proud of you."
"Oh," Buck says, breathless now for reasons that have nothing to do with the six miles he just ran. There's a whoop that sounds an awful lot like Chim, and closer up Chris makes a noise of exaggerated adolescent disgust. Buck barely registers any of it—barely registers anything other than the fact that Eddie is kissing him until Eddie releases him and steps back, still smiling. He doesn't even have the decency to look nervous, the bastard.
"Do your stretches," he says.
"So, uh, so that's a yes on dinner, right?" 
"It's a yes on whatever you want," Eddie says. "Later. For now—"
"Yeah, yeah, alright," Buck says, but he can't stop smiling.
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okay so i’ve been thinking nonstop about this post by @anxieteandbiscuits​ pointing out how everything about Buck and Eddie’s arcs is eventually tying back up to Buck’s couch because it was stablished in the very first episode this season and the show was telling us where it was taking these characters this time around. Which got me thinking about what we saw stablished in that first ep and how showed us what the last couple eps of the season would give us. 
So we got Bobby and Athena, right? And we had a very clear reminder that Bobby struggles with his sobriety every day through his insistence to stay busy at the cruise to avoid temptation at the 11 bars. Which eventually lead to more about his history with AA, Wendell and Bobby’s struggles. We also had that last scene of the episode with Athena’s parents, connecting to her past. If we take ep2 of the season into account, we are also seeing a nod at Athena’s past loss and, through her mother’s own fear of losing her father, her fear of grief and losing another partner like her first fiancé. Which will probably come to a head in the finale after the 6x17 setup. 
For Hen? We saw her struggle with her work-life balance. Trying to juggle med school, a job and her family. And we saw, clearly, that what she was neglecting was her interpersonal relationships. We see this when she misses her lunch date with Athena and still accepts more responsibility as interim captain from Bobby. Later, in the second episode (because I really do feel like the first two episodes this season were a single arc setting up the upcoming storylines) we see this further pushed when Karen calls Hen out for forgetting to pick her son up, and Hen breaking down because she failed her tests and feels like a failure after the Happiness Convention death. We saw Hen struggle with balance between all these sides of her life through the rest of 6a and it was solved by the end. (I do wish the show’d let her go on with this throughout the entire season because it feel like they ran out of things for Hen in 6b and recycled the biodad thing, but that’s a complaint for another day)
Then, for Chimney and Maddie, we had the big decision of Maddie moving back in with him, of them being a family again, we had Chim’s fear of being left behind and Maddie being the one to take the necessary steps to reassure him that she’s not going anywhere. All that? Yep, set up for the proposal! We’ve seen a huge advancement on their relationship this season and it was pretty clearly telegraphed in the very first episode!
Now, Eddie’s arc this season has been rather understated, probably because he went through so much in s5. However, rewatching 6x01 I was very curious to see that Eddie mentions Shannon for the first time in a good while that episode! When Chimney is talking about running out on Maddie the morning after their “one night stand”, Eddie recalls that he had Shannon sneak out to avoid Christopher catching her in his bed and he talks about how hhis vere was using Chris as an excuse to protect his heart. It sounds very familiar, right? So curiously enough, while we didn’t see much of his loneliness arc play out in 6a, it was lightly stablished (and probably expanded through him going through so many milestones with Chris this season, with the wanting to do things on his own and his first crush, both signaling that Chris is growing up and Eddie can’t devote himself to his son 100% of the time anymore to avoid getting hurt again). 
Which finally leads us to Buck and his very clear pursuit of happiness. Which, curiously, begins with his desire to be considered for interim captain. Which is nothing weird, we know Buck wishes, more than anything, to be seen as worthy (of respect, of love, of a home, of a family). I don’t think we’ve talked enough about how the couch theory connects directly with Buck wanting to be a captain. To the point where twice he asks if not having a couch is an issue for it. Now, keep in mind, Buck drew a very clear correlation between couches and relationships and his fear of making the wrong choice again. The conversation also has some curious nods about having what you want “right under your nose but refusing to see it”. Uh... Anywayyyyy the second ep of the season hammered this down with the Happiness Convention and how clearly it affected Buck, how badly he craves that answer and that peace. When Bobby talks to Buck about being at ease as per AA standards, he does mention that it requires being able to look the world in the eye and being ok alone, but since we already saw Buck in his single chair for a while and ok with that decision until the wrong couch (and likely the wrong relationship) were brought to him by his death experience, I don’t thing his “happy ending” will be solitude. 
Now, on a final sidenote, I will say that I could be inclined to deny the correlation between the Diaz’s and Buck’s search for a couch if it wasn’t for 6x12. Because, before that, there was little to no mention of Buck’s lack of couch (as opposed to the constant nods to his search for happiness and meaning and the whole donor plot). But after 6x11 made a BIG point of reminding us about the theory and how Buck sees it, and then 6x12 did THAT with Eddie’s couch, only to later double down on it in 6x15 with Christopher... I think whatever the answer to this theory is HAS to be somehow related to Chris and Eddie. Whether it’ll be in a romantic manner or a familial one or simply just stating that Buck’s found happiness and peace with them... remains to be seen tomorrow. But they’ve definitely set up the story to go there (or clowned me hard with deceptive storytelling which would annoy me to no end).
Anyway, that’s my long winded analysis just to say that I love how this show has stablished so many things since the first episode of the season and I’m really looking forward to see where they take us in the finale. 
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queerdiazs · 8 months
some of my personal fav eddie hcs 🫶🏼
he's the oldest cousin and only boy so he doesn't know what it's like to have any older siblings, but when he met hen and chimney, he felt for the first time what it was like to be taken care of as a younger brother and he's never ever going to take it for granted
it took him a while to grieve his wife, but eventually he brings shannon's things out of storage and puts them out all over the house. sometimes it hurts, but it's all worth it when he gets to answer his son's questions about where the eccentric iron armadillo came from
when shannon found out she was pregnant, she told eddie and they decided to run away. it was fun while it lasted, but eventually they ran out of money and had to return home. he'll forever treasure those few weeks they had together; it was their happiest time.
shannon loved music, so when he's missing her he'll put on the songs she liked and dance all over the house with christopher
he LOVES watching movies at the theater and often goes alone in the mornings after he drops chris off at school. he stops at the dollar store first and get snacks and puts them in his boots to sneak them in
he's queer (it's easier than explaining the complexities of being bi and on the ace spectrum) and he's known since he was 20 years old. it wasn't a sudden realization; it hit him slowly, like snow falling one by one. he's comfortable in his queerness and he has support from his family.
he wore his wedding ring even after shannon died. he lost it, though, and he went to a pawn shop to buy another one, and then buried it next to her grave when he finally felt ready to let her go
what sold him on the 118 after graduating the academy was how hard bobby fought for him without even knowing him. he didn't have to prove himself. it was nice.
he doesn't want anymore children. he didn't even want christopher, honestly, but it takes two to tango and shannon was excited and he was, too, even though it took him a while to wrap his head around the idea of being a dad.
bobby and buck are his emergency contacts.
he used to wear his abuelo's boots because the man was a real-life cowboy and eddie wanted to grow up to be just like him
he used to love thunderstorms but after buck's accident he doesn't like them much anymore + listens to music when it's late and the thunder's too loud
he has his childhood dog's name tattooed on his leg
his favorite flower is magnolias. he likes dark chocolate covered strawberries and buys two dozen for himself every valentine's day. he brews his own sweet tea. he leaves his tomatoes on the windowsill to sun and ripen further.
bobby's like a dad to him, the kind he deserved
he had a little crush on linda when he was at dispatch (and buck LOVED it)
he loves buck, like that, but his heart's big enough for more than buck buckley and he's enjoyed every relationship he's had that led him and buck to one another
when buck proposes and they start planning their wedding, he turns into bridezilla. groomzilla?
he is a sassy dude. his mouth gets him in trouble sometimes, but he says stuff so dryly and blandly people look over it. it drives chim up the wall.
he dances with maddie at her and chim's wedding, and jee-yun, too, who stands on his shoes
he tries really hard to be normal when christopher starts dating, but it's hard when it's the kid of abbie jean gentry, pta president and eddie's sworn enemy
he visits shannon's grave often and talks with her. she's dead but he isn't gone, not when he can see her in their son's smile and hear her in their son's laughter, and he likes to tell her what chris is up to even though he's pretty sure she's watching
he loves cartoons. LOVES them, i'm so serious. i can't stress enough how INTO cartoons he is, okay.
buck said kissed him first and decided they were going on a date. eddie went batshit, didn't go to the date because he was making a list of all the reasons why he and buck shouldn't be together, and buck finds him in his kitchen and he's pissy, and eddie shows him in the list, and on it there's 'buck keeps his loft on 68. cold.' and 'buck uses too much onion powder' and 'buck doesn't wear socks to bed and he sticks his cold feet on me' and buck just laughs and laughs and laughs because they're terrible for each other, kinda, but that's what makes them perfect for each other, too. losers.
his favorite color is green and when apple came out with a green iphone he was so excited he squealed
he's a fan of country music. not that new age, jason aldean, toby keith did to country music what pantyhose did to fingerfucking type shit, but the real country music, full of outlaws and rebels and rednecks. it's one of his roman empires.
his favorite movies are twister, titanic, without a paddle, dirty dancing, and dazed and confused
patrick swayze in roadhouse was his Awakening
he enjoys sex, even with the people he had one night stands with, and doesn't care whether he tops or bottoms because it feels good regardless. he does tend to lean toward the (soft) dominant side of things, which his partners respond to beautifully
he was born 31 october 1991
he was held back a grade in middle school to give him another year of eligibility of playing baseball in high school
he was a member of ffa, held office as sentinel all throughout high school, and supports the organization still. chris is in 4h, but the high school he wants to go to has an active ffa program and eddie's really excited about it
he's soft and so full of love he doesn't know what to do with it sometimes. it just spills out of him, splashing at his feet and flooding everybody around him. he doesn't hold it in anymore because he likes the way people respond to him when they realize he's sharing his love, all smiles and acceptance and unconditional love in response
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
I am thinking soooo many thoughts
 Drunk buds Hen and Buck are back ahhh!! Look at their cute little faces 🥰
((Buck saying clearly he wouldn’t have an issue while gesturing at himself pls help me I’m 💀))
I cannot believe the fandom nailed this one. Like full on nailed it and the dilemma.
Hen and Buck both drinking makes me wonder if when Buck came over for her perspective (bc of her and Karen’s past experience with the donor option), they also got to talk about her own dilemma of school v. paramedic. I’ve always loved the big sister/little brother thing they’ve had and I hope we get more of that tonight! Bucks always been so supportive of Hen and I hope we get to see her leaning on him for a bit, because that woman deserves a break for as hard as she’s been working herself for the last few seasons.
There’s just*so* many implications that can come from this story line. Hen nailing it with her line at the end because can he actually walk away? Buck who obsessed over Mitchel and Thomas, Red, the group from last episode, etc. etc.? The man who obsessively baby proofed Maddie and Chim’s apartment months before Jee was even born—to the point he locked their upper cabinets with baby locks? The same man who built a whole ass skateboard for Christopher after talking to Eddie one (1) time after the fall incident? That man isn’t really capable of being detached and with Hen’s line I don’t know how Buck goes through with it.
We don’t know if it’s a one time donation for one child or if they will attempt to have multiple embryos, meaning Buck may have to face the reality of fathering multiple children and being involved with none of them.
Buck wants a family of his own so badly that the idea of him having kids but not really having kids would eat away at him. The Buddie in me hopes that Buck goes to Eddie after Hen for his thoughts and perspective and we get a “you’re already a dad” moment. Because I will not survive that, even a little bit. I do think they will talk about it though, because there’s a zero percent chance Buck goes through something this massive without consulting his best friend.
Also, the possibility of Buck having to consider his family history with cancer before making a decision — like maybe he makes it to the paperwork portion and realizes in the screening what he could be passing on to a child, and has to reevaluate a few things in that moment. Or maybe he and Maddie talk (which, I really hope we see him talk to his sitter about this) and she brings up the potential health risk—something we saw her concerned about even after Jee was born and she had to take her to the hospital last season. What happens if he has to go back and break the news to his old friend and their partner that his family had a history of juvenile leukemia? That his brother passed from it and they (Buck or them or both) decide not to move forward? I think that could very well crush him, honestly — and not just for being a donor, but for having to consider future children and what he could pass along. It might jar him a little to consider that he really doesn’t know the full scope of his family medical history and if Daniel hadn’t come to light a few years ago he may have never known. Buck likes to fester, so I can see him ruminating on all the ‘what-ifs’ and that could further lead to the much speculated breakdown.
That small little scene had so much packed into it I just —
There’s so much more to unpack, mostly centered on how fucking phenomenal Hen really is. She always sees through the nonsense and can pick out exactly what is eating at a person—and here she knew exactly what Buck needed to hear. She’s such a rock for this show and I love, love, love her for it.
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
people do know the show is allowed to explore other dynamics right? like its not the buckandeddie show plus i doubt kr will pull a stunt like that - plus if buck really does get injured i would think that chim would also be there in the ambulance like guys cmon use your brains
I actually think a situation like another Buck injury could have Eddie in the ambulance because: - We know he went with Buck (as did the rest of the team) after freeing his crushed leg from under the truck, we just didn't see what happened otw to the hospital - Eddie working alongside Hen and/or Chim when possible since s5 increases the odds of him wanting to help Buck beyond holding his hand. (And tbh, we've already seen Eddie be involved in that way in s4 when Albert was hurt, so. It's not entirely impossible.) As for the "other dynamics" thing - while it is important that the Buddie fandom gets used to Buck and Eddie around other people because the show is (most likely) going to do that anyway in the canon era, I understand the frustration this half season from those who actually care about the characters and aren't just yelling behind a gray face about their ship not being canon. (Hey, nonnie. Hope your day gets better.) For one, these "other dynamics" aren't really moving the needle atm, are they? Eddie and Chim are communicating on the job, in the ambulance, and have had a convo about Maddie. But so far...we're not seeing any of these interactions influence Eddie in any way. It's just...scenes to show that Eddie and Chim actually do talk on a regular basis (instead of continuing to rely on the off-screen stuff we discover through one-liners). Hen became Buck's confidant, but so far...their connection is being played for laughs, except for the locker room talk in 6x02. Drunken afternoon, jokes about Buck's "capabilities" and the choice to abstain from all sexual activity. (See also: how the 118 reacted when they realized Hen already knew what was going on.) If/when the "Are you capable of being a father and walking away?" comment makes a comeback, then we will see some legit payoff. And after the scenes in 6x01...the moments that had the whole fandom excited for the first time since...season 3? early season 4? I won't mock or blame anybody for wondering wtf the point of it was if the show was going to move away from them throughout the rest of 6A. (I previously said that *maybe* the fandom made it into something bigger than what it was - maybe it was just a Buckley-Diaz scene to reset the vibes for s6 and start fresh. I still stand by that because I didn't and I don't except the Important Buddie stuff to happen until at least late in 6B.)
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Inspired by the Stydia love confession in Teen Wolf. IFKYK.
I Didn’t Say it Back
Rubble surrounded Buck on all sides. Big pieces of highway tented over him but luckily they did not crush him. If there was an aftershock, and there surely would be, he might run out that luck. There was just enough space for him to move around so that he could get to his radio. “Mayday mayday! This is Firefighter Evan Buckley. I’m trapped…under the rubble…” His heart started to race and he felt like no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get enough air. He felt like he was back under the fire truck trying desperately to save his best friend who lay bleeding out on the other side. “I need…I need help”.
Eddie is trying to figure out a way to get to Hen and Chim who were trapped in the back of the ambulance. The high way had split in two, sending the ambulance straight into the side of a van and the gurney straight into Chim’s abdomen. The pressure of the gurney was stopping the bleeding so they were afraid to move it, not that they really could e even if they really wanted to. Eddie was standing outside the ambulance when he heard Buck’s voice come over the radio. He was trapped under rubble somewhere. “Buck?! Where are you?!”
“I-I don’t know” Bucks voice replied back almost immediately.
Eddie could tell he was in distressing, panicking almost. He was hyperventilating and his voice was shaky.
“Buck breathe, it’s going to be ok, I’m going to find you”.
“Eddie, if-if there’s another aftershock it’s over. I need to tell you something.”
“No, you can tell me when I see you again, you’re gonna be fine”.
“Eddie just, I need to say it, just let me say it…..I love you. I always have. And I just need you to know that in case-“ there was loud shudder and a bang and then the line went dead.
Eddie stood there shocked and speechless. Buck loved him. Buck felt the same way he Eddie did about him. It was only recently, after his little talk with Pepa, that he really began to realize how he felt about Buck. Buck loved him and now he might be gone. Happiness and absolute heartbreak swirled inside him. “Buck!” He screamed over the radio. No answer. He was gone.
Several Hours later after all the chaos is over.
When Bobby told Eddie that Buck was alive he almost fell to his knees.
“He’s in the triage tent. You should go-“
Before Bobby could even finish Eddie was running towards the tent. “Buck!” He shouted as he neared it. Buck emerged, covered in dust but ok, and Eddie stopped a couple feet in front of him. They stared into each others eyes for a moment. Then: “I didn’t say it back” Eddie half sobbed.
And Buck knew then, that Eddie felt the same way. “You don’t have to”. And then he was stepping forward and their lips crashed together, a perfect fit. Like they were meant for each other. Everything around them stopped. They were finally one.
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