#i want to talk but it just often doesnt end up panning out i guess
skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
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undercoverangell · 3 years
pspspspsps.... **hands u my five page double sided booklet on how i think pok and sklonda met**
ill make a fanfiction later. for now take the bullet points from the notes app. /hj
they knew each other in college, but never really spoke? Pok was always very confident and cocky and outgoing and Sklonda was just there to get her degree so she could be a detective y'know? She also kinda hated him. He was just like her total opposite. Also she fucking kills it in debates, though thats not that important.
I feel like the most interaction they had was like getting paired for a discussion of some sort and Pok makes a comment of "Wow i like your long hair!" and Sklonda goes "Thanks im gonna cut it all off tonight bc you said that" and she does and Pok doesnt know how to tell her he likes it both ways.
Oh yes, Pok is pansexual! That's a headcanon! Gender is so unimportant to him, he just likes pretty people and pretty personalities! (def not projecting as a pan pok kinnie.... ppk...)
They both meet again later on at a college reunion or smthn around five years later, Sklonda is a confident young woman and Pok is a cocky young man who thinks he can just about get anything "bro im a spy im so cool who wouldn't wanna date me?". Pok approaches her at the party and she just goes "Oh absolutely not! You are not doing this today!" and gives him a lecture on how much she doesn't like him and how he is her complete opposite and honestly kind of a shitty person. They encounter the next day at a park and Pok is like "dude im sorry idk what i was thinking i was kinda drunk not in the right headspace yknow?" and shes like "okay. sure we will go with that." and thus begins the banter!
next time he tries to talk to her theres a teasing remark about if hes in the right headspace now to talk to her and a sort of "oh har har yeah im not drunk in a public park at 2 pm sklonda theres kids here, and this is bottled water not vodka." there's just sort of constant meetings in the Bastion City park and they sit there and just talk about life all while bantering. Sklonda teases him for his fashion sense bc i think he would only wear polo shirts and khakis at this point and soon he has shifted outfits to like turtlenecks and button ups and like plaid pants. Theres sort of an unspoken crush, theyre both just not wanting to end the playful banter and get serious yknow? then how can they make "i hate you so much im sitting here talking to you to waste your time and def not bc im interested in what you're saying and like listening to you talk about work!"
at one point pok just goes "yknow i hate you so much i am going to take you on a date to the diner this friday just to waste even more of your time!" and sklonda just goes "....smooth...what time?" and thats literally how they start dating.
they move in together and pok brings her flowers at work. the receptionist knows him by name. she sees him enter and just goes "Sklonda your boyfriend is here!" and Sklonda tries to be like "wow omg this is so embarrassing babe wtf why do you do this" but she loves it.
I honestly think theyd just get married in a courthouse. sklonda and pok just dont know too many people theyd actually wanna invite to a wedding, so they choose the easier route. they get a week off work so it works out, and also still have engagement rings. Pok proposed and all that, they just didnt want a big fancy wedding. they went on a picnic after getting legally married in the park.
they move to elmville pretty soon after getting married and also have Riz pretty quick after that. Pok brings her flowers at her new office and if Riz is with him he comes along too. Pok keeps photos of both of them in his wallet on missions, in the pok lives au he shows all rhe bad kids riz's baby photos and riz is humiliated and hates it.
Pok also brags about how pretty his wife is. You are never going to hear the end of how much he loves Sklonda and how beautiful she is and while shes more quiet about it, Sklonda if close enough to you will also spare no detail of how handsome and kind her husband is. They both brag about Riz doing the tiniest things.
Pok is a great dad, and if he gets home from a mission while riz is at school he will go pick him up for lunch. Can be found napping with his son at 4 pm on a Saturday after they both exerted all their energy playing at the park. Sklonda teases them about being idiots but she loves them both and would not trade her husband and son for the world. "One gukgak has to be sane and I guess thats me." is what she often says after they get injured doing dumb things. Riz thinks that jumping off the swing at full speed and velocity is the greatest joy known to man and Pok often grabs him before he faceplants straight into the ground.
Sklonda also spends time with her son and takes him to the library a lot. Riz loves checking out books at the self checkout thing and bounces up and down at every beep. She reads him bedtime stories one chapter of the warrior cats books at a time.
Thats it i just love these stupid goblins more than words
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Another One?!, Part 4
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At first, Adrien didn’t really know whether or not they were being followed.
There are a lot of kids with black hair and blue eyes, and he had a tendency to patrol certain areas. It was entirely plausible that he could just be paranoid or imagining things.
But there was a point where you had to step back and say ‘no, that’s definitely not normal’.
And Adrien hit that point when he had started counting the times he spotted the kid and ended up with eleven times by the end of the week.
He stopped in the middle of patrol and sat down on his favorite gargoyle for a short break to text the family about his findings. They deserved to know what was going on...
ChatoNoir: I think there's a person following us.
HelmetRights: Lol
ChatoNoir: This is serious!
Buginette: is it the scrawny kid with black hair and blue eyes
ChatoNoir: You’ve seen him, too?
RockinRobin: we all have????
HelmetRights: Lol
Buginette: their fine if you wanna get rid of them just wave they get all blushy and hide
HelmetRights: *They’re
Buginette: bitch lets see you type in french
HelmetRights: Qu'est-ce que je devrais dire
RockinRobin: alkdjfskdjfksdl
There was a few seconds while Marinette typed, and then apparently deleted her message because it never came through.
Adrien almost smiled but then he remembered what they were supposed to be talking about.
ChatoNoir: Can we get back on subject?
HelmetRights: Lame
Buginette: whats the point its just a fan
HelmetRights: I just wish he’d go back to not taking pictures I’ve missed so many shots because of his stupid flash going off
RockinRobin: i think it’s flattering
HelmetRights: Lol
Buginette: relax its whatever as long as he doesnt get hurt watching us
He sighed and closed his eyes. Fair enough. It’s a kid, those aren’t exactly a threat.
Still, he was a bit concerned. Not for them, they’d be fine, but for the kid. Adrien and Dick were the only ones with some kind of schedule for patrolling because of his job and Dick’s schooling, but Marinette and Jason apparently saw him pretty consistently, too. Just where were this kid’s parents? Were they okay with him being out all the time?
But he figured he must have been overreacting. Maybe they were a street kid like Jason…
No, they had decent clothes.
Adrien frowned to himself. Weird.
He pushed the thought to the back of his mind. After all, he only had another hour for patrols before he would need to go home to get ready for work. The kid would still be a problem in a few days, anyways...
It turned out Adrien was right to worry, because Marinette spotted the kid a few days later… while she was a civilian.
She had been in her favorite cafe, sipping at a cup of coffee as she read through the newspaper. It was an article about the vigilantes, debating things like ‘What the fuck were they thinking letting kids join them?’ and ‘Why can’t the kids name themselves?’
She found it amusing, even if it was calling her and her family out.
But then she’d felt someone’s eyes on her.
She slowly looked up, expecting a person who wanted to sit or a guy who wanted to flirt…
Only to see the kid.
They locked eyes for a few seconds.
Did he know? Surely, he couldn’t. They did everything from applying makeup to using codenames to hide their identities…
But that was the same starstruck look he wore whenever he looked at their vigilante identities…
She gave him a tiny wave and watched him blush and slump a little in his chair to hide.
“Hey, so heads up, I think stalker kid might know who we are.”
Adrien dropped the textbook he was scanning for a refresher on algebra. Dick fell from the ceiling. Jason just looked up in surprise.
“Yeah, I don’t know for sure, though. He could just have a thing for people who look like us. Somehow, I doubt it, though. We can’t all be his type.”
“We don’t know how desperate he is,” Jason pointed out.
Marinette hesitated, then gave a tiny shrug as if to say ‘you’re right, I guess…’
“Hello?” Adrien waved his hands to get their attention. “Could you guys please take this seriously? A kid knows our identities!”
“We don’t even know that for sure, though,” said Dick as he started climbing onto the nearest ceiling light. “And, if he does, so what? It’s a kid. People hardly listen to kids.”
He sighed. “Yes, but if he found out then other people might be able to, too. Shouldn’t we ask?”
The family considered this for a minute…
And then Marinette shrugged. “We need to know for sure if he knows our civilian identities, first, though. Everyone keep a lookout?”
Everyone nodded, bored and reluctant.
Adrien frowned. He loved his family, he just wished they’d take things more seriously sometimes… or, at least, not brush past things so quickly...
His watch beeped and he sighed. He pushed the thought aside. He needed to get ready for work.
After everyone had spotted them in their civilian forms several times, they decided to call it: the kid knew who they were.
(At least he wasn’t taking pictures of them as civilians, they thought, because that would be uncomfortable.)
So, for the first time in ages, the four of them were spotted doing a casual patrol together. It was kind of fun, actually. Dick and Marinette practiced some old circus acts that they remembered, Jason and Adrien raced. Maybe they should do it more often…
Marinette and Dick were walking along some power lines when Dick suddenly stopped to point down.
Her eyes followed to find the kid and she whistled for Adrien and Jason’s attention.
The kid was alone on a rooftop. He didn’t seem concerned that they were all pointing at him, though maybe a little flustered…
But then he did freak out.
Because the vigilantes jumped down in a loose circle around him.
Their stalker spun around anxiously as if he wasn’t sure who to look at.
Dick cleared his throat. “Right, do you know why we’re here?”
“I…” The kid finally stopped spinning to look at Marinette and Adrien. “Because I know your identities?”
“Yes. How exactly did you do that?” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.
The kid cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well, I’m a big Haly’s circus fan --.”
“Ah, shoot,” Dick muttered.
“And… I was looking through some old footage of you guys on Youtube… and I realized that Robin did a move that only Dick Grayson would know. And, if Dick Grayson was Robin, then you guys all had to be vigilantes.”
The entire family was glaring at Dick.
The man in question just awkwardly looked to the side.
Marinette clicked her tongue and then looked back at the kid. “Okay, what was the url of the footage you got? I’ll see if we can give them a copyright strike. Youtube’s system is broken so it’d probably work.”
The kid in question shook his head. “You don’t have to. I got rid of it myself.”
“Oh… thanks. Is it anywhere else that you know of?”
“No, I got rid of everything on the internet that could trace back to you guys.”
The family looked at each other, confusion on all of their faces. How…? This kid was fifteen, max, there was no way…
Well, maybe he was bluffing so he could keep the footage. They’d check later.
Jason was apparently done with caring about what was going on, because he had sat down and started checking his guns to make sure they were all okay.
Marinette was feeling much the same, leaning on her cane. “Great, well, thanks for that, I guess… could you maybe stop stalking us as civilians, though?”
“Don’t worry, I’m just doing that to get enough proof to clear your names and then I’ll go back to just watching you as vigilantes.”
“Oh, ok -- wait, what?” Said Dick, frowning a little bit.
The kid frowned as well. “I’m clearing your name… do you not know?”
The four looked at each other before shaking their heads in unison.
He sighed and brought out his phone to pull up an article. He passed it to Jason because he was closest and he cursed quietly.
“The gist of it is people are starting to wonder if you’ve gone bad,” explained the kid as Jason scrolled through the article. “It’s just a gossip column thing right now but I figured I should get proof you guys are still good in case it gained traction.”
Marinette frowned. “I’d understand if they thought we were just bad, not everyone understands that we kill people for the greater good, but saying we’ve gone bad implies that we’ve somehow gotten worse…?”
The phone was passed to her and her first instinct, much like Jason’s, had been to curse.
“Well, there’s been rumors of you and Riddler being friends for years now --.”
“WE’RE NOT,” Marinette hissed, and it took a lot of mental power to not crush the phone in her hands. She passed it on to Dick just in case. “He’s just helpful on some cases is all.”
Adrien rolled his eyes.
The kid sighed lightly. “And, on top of that, all of your most recent high-level takeouts have helped a particular mob boss, Antony Agoura, gain power.”
Her first instinct was ‘cool, thanks for the name, let’s kill him’, but then she forced herself to reconsider.
It seemed that taking down people just helped someone else take their place, which didn’t really surprise her. The moment anything was freed from someone’s hold, there would always be people who would do their best to grab it…
But then what was the solution? The situation with Agoura itself was proof that just murdering the head and saying ‘alright, next thing’ wasn’t working. Someone would just pop up to take his place --.
Adrien met her eyes and they shared anxious frowns.
Fuck, they were actually going to have to think about this one, huh?
He fell back on the couch and closed his eyes.
He listened to his family mull about. He could hear the quiet creaking of Dick getting on a light, could hear Marinette pulling out baking pans, could hear the clinking of Jason’s rings.
He sighed.
What could they do?
They had had a rule that they would never kill henchmen because they often weren’t working just for fun, they had a family to feed or hadn’t been able to get a job elsewhere.
Besides, with the mobster gone, there would be little reason for the police to let them go. They’d serve hard time and then, hopefully, come out a better person.
(Probably not. The prison system needed work.)
He had remembered the name Agoura. He had been under Zucco at some point. He wasn’t sure whether he’d been a mob boss or a henchman at the time, though it didn’t really matter. There were a lot of people who had started out as henchmen that had somehow gotten power.
He sighed. He hated systemic issues.
The main problem, he thought, was that mobsters didn’t fear death as much as they should. Sure, everyone fears death on some level, but the people of Gotham knew what they were doing when they decided to get to that point. They would die if they got caught, and they were willing to take the risk in order to get the money and power that came along with being mobsters.
What did they fear? What weren’t they prepared to face?
He opened his eyes and looked over at Dick, who was currently reviewing for final exams from the ceiling.
The law, maybe? Serving actual hard time?
Well, it was worth a shot.
Dick was about to be a lawyer, so they had someone who would be able to try them in court…
But they needed a police officer to arrest them…
Marinette walked into the room and started looking for her shoes, cursing out brownies.
“Chocolate sauce. How did I forget that? Kwami!” She clicked her tongue. “Son of a -- where are my shoes?”
“Shoes are under the couch,” said Dick calmly.
Marinette gave the world’s angriest “Thank you!” as she ducked down and grabbed them.
“M’lady,” said Adrien.
She paused, looking over at him. “Yes, Chaton?”
“I have an idea for what to do about our newest problem, if you’d like to hear it.”
She tipped her head to the side a little, smiling.
“Sure, but make it quick, I can only keep Dick and Jason away from the batter for so long.”
Hey, New Jersey, what the fuck?
It had literally been easier to get into the circus than it had been to become a police officer.
She’d already gotten a degree in criminal justice a few years back. Why? Because she was really bored.
(Also, she’d wanted to mess with Officer Ross and she had decided that it would be funny to memorize as many laws as possible to point out when his buddies weren’t abiding by them.)
The test had been almost painfully easy. She spoke English as a second language and she’d thought that she was reading almost every question wrong. Some of these people would be detectives one day, you’d think they’d ask for more than basic reading comprehension. The most difficult question she’d gotten was one about license plates, and even then it was multiple choice so she’d had a 20% chance of guessing right.
And then getting a job in the GCPD was somehow easier.
Though she figured out why that last part had happened the first day she walked into work.
Can someone say ‘diversity hire’?
She hugged herself awkwardly. Really? Was she the only person of color in this place?
Wait, there was a singular black guy. She was wrong. She was just the only woman of color. Yay.
But, it seemed, her day was about to get worse.
“Marinette Agreste?”
Her nails dug into her arms and she turned to look at Officer Ross. “That’s me.”
“I’m here to give you a tour of the place. Ready?”
Asshole. Chienne. Motherfucker. Other swear words she couldn’t think of she was so mad.
She forced a smile to her face. “Sure!”
Yay. Galas. He always loved those.
He reached out and helped Jason with his tie and then ruffled his red curls. “What’s the rule?”
Jason grinned. “If you absolutely have to ruin someone’s life, do it discreetly.”
“Good.” He met Dick’s eyes in the mirror. “And what’s your rule?”
“... no hanging and/or swinging from chandeliers.”
“Thank you.” He looked at Tikki. “Please, just let us have one easy gala. No press, no kids getting their hands on wine, no people talking to Mari so we don’t have to leave early.”
Tikki shrugged.
He sighed. Yeah, he’d expected that. Worth a shot, though.
So, the four of them all head off. They told themselves that, hey, even if Tikki couldn’t promise that things will go okay, they could make it happen.
The peace lasted about ten seconds.
Because then Marinette hissed a curse and nodded her head to point out the kid.
He sighed. They hadn’t seen the kid in a while as civilians, so they’d thought that he had actually ended up agreeing that stalking them while they were civilians was taking it too far, but apparently not.
Wait a minute, galas were private events. How did he get in?
They started looking around for the kid’s parents, because obviously they had to be around, but they were nowhere near him.
Marinette and Adrien exchanged frowns.
And then their frowns deepened. Because they glanced behind themselves to look at their kids and found that they weren’t there anymore.
She clicked her tongue and looked around. “You deal with the stalker, I’ll go find the kids. I’m sure that one of them has found a loophole to their rule by now --.” Her eyes widened and she rushed away. “RICHARD JUST BECAUSE THAT’S NOT A CHANDELIER DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN CLIMB IT --.”
Adrien sighed.
He grabbed a glass of wine and then headed over to the kid. “Hey, kiddo, where are your parents?”
He shrugged and pointed over to the small crowd of people watching Marinette attempt to pry a glass of wine from Jason’s hands while they cursed each other out in French.
“Probably over there.”
Adrien winced. “Fun.”
“Your family is a disaster,” said the kid.
“Thanks,” Adrien muttered.
“I think it’s nice. When you’re vigilantes you’re basically gods, it’s nice to know you’re just people.”
He considered this for a second.
“Also, it’s really funny to watch,” added the kid.
He sighed and leaned back against the wall.
After a few minutes of watching the Agreste family crash and burn, the kid looked back over at him.
“Why are you still here?”
“Here with you, here at the gala, or here on Earth?” Adrien half-joked.
They shrugged. “Here with me. Your family needs you right now.”
“Marinette is the better problem solver of the both of us. Besides, you’re a kid, you shouldn’t be left alone.”
“I’m alone all the time, I’ll live.”
Adrien frowned. “What do you --?”
He was cut off when he spotted Marinette dragging Jason over by the back of his suit.
“Hold onto him, will you? I need to catch Dick before he breaks --.” There was a crashing sound nearby. She clicked her tongue. “... before he breaks that hedge. I’ll be back.”
Adrien absently held a hand out and Jason put his arm in it so he could keep a hold on him. His wife gave a tired smile before turning on her heel and stalking off to the hedge maze.
He sighed and looked back at the stalker. “Right, where were we…? Oh, what do you mean by you’re alone all the time?”
Jason’s eyes narrowed a little bit.
“My parents… go on a lot of trips.”
“Without you?”
He shrugged. “Yeah.”
“What…? Why…?”
“You wouldn’t understand, you guys never go anywhere.”
Adrien opened his mouth and then closed it again. He wasn’t exactly wrong, but…
“Okay, point, but how often are you alone? Is that why you’re always following us? Do you go to school? Do --?”
He frowned and held up a hand. “That’s a lot of questions at once.” He started to count off on his fingers. “They’re never gone for longer than a month at a time but they only come back for a few days at most. Yes, it’s why I’m always able to follow you. And I’m homeschooled.”
Adrien’s frown was deepening more and more by the second. “Who are your parents, exactly? Or, I guess, who are you?”
“I’m Tim Drake.”
Drake. His eyes flicked to Jack and Janet Drake. He had talked to them a few times because they had a tendency to ask Marinette for commissions (or, at least, they did until Dick and Jason came along and kept their parents distracted for the entire time they were there). Still, he hadn’t even known that they had a kid…
Jason suddenly tugged on his arm, pulling Adrien’s attention back to him.
“Dad, it looks like Dickwad and Mom are wanting to go.”
He frowned and looked up to find that, yes, Marinette had managed to catch Dick and was now waving for their attention from the door.
He winced and looked back over at the kid. “Tim…”
Jason tugged harder on his arm. “Dad, let’s go.”
Adrien gave an apologetic look but allowed Jason to pull him out the door.
The silence in the car was deafening that night, everyone lost in their thoughts.
Marinette was now constantly fighting the urge to punch someone.
Why are all cops just… the absolute worst? Sure, some of them aren’t directly beating up the teenagers that are brought in for information or planting evidence, but they weren’t exactly saying anything about it.
And then there was the fact that she’d been paired with Officer Ross.
Really, she should have expected it. She’d known that his partner had recently passed away in the field, and that he would need another.
If she’d known that she’d have ended up the lucky officer, she would have said fuck it to the whole trying something new thing and just gone after Agoura’s head like normal.
Now she’d gotten too far to just give up...
Didn’t mean she wasn’t going to be bitter about it.
As a way to vent her anger, she’d wanted to ask what happened to his old partner but then this stupid thing called ‘morals’ got in the way. Really unfortunate, because now all she could really do was glare at the stack of paperwork that she was being forced to make a digital copy for over her cup of coffee.
She felt an arm rest on her shoulder and cursed internally. She forced a smile to her face as she looked up to see…
Dick. Oh, thank the kwamis.
Marinette grinned. “Hey, sweetie, how did finals go?”
“I don’t want to jinx it.”
She hummed her understanding and moved on. “No problems?”
Dick gave a tiny shrug. “There was a few problems, there was a really annoying kid next to me that apparently still hasn’t learned how to breathe through his nose, but… they actually listened to the doctors and gave me extra time, so that’s good.”
She got up and wrapped him in a hug. “So, out of college officially. How’s it feel?”
He hugged her back, absolutely beaming. “If I passed.”
She clicked her tongue. “Right. But, let’s say you did. Then you’re out.”
“Then I’m out!” He said, pulling back and resting his hands on his hips. “Now all I have to do is find a job.”
“How horrible,” she said sarcastically.
“Yeah. Speaking of horrible jobs, wanna leave?”
“I do, but I have to finish this.” She sat back down and pulled up the daunting task in front of her. She had to type up another few pages and she was not eager to do so. Still, the commissioner had asked to get her email by the end of her shift and, if Dick was here, she was already behind. “I’ll need around an hour, I think.”
He groaned and pulled out his phone.
She smiled faintly and went back to working.
Or, at least, she tried to.
Officer Ross was talking to Dick.
“So, you’re her kid?”
“One of two!”
Ross laughed. “Tell me, is she always so angry at home?”
“Not really. Our family doesn’t really get angry in general, at least not at home. I think we all vent our anger at work, though.”
“Hm. Weird.”
Dick gave a tiny shrug.
“So, just graduated, then?”
“Mhmm! I just finished law school! I’m gonna be a lawyer!”
Ross’s eyes narrowed a little bit. “A lawyer, huh? Are you going to be the one doing the persecuting or defending?”
“Um…” said Dick, who seemed to be just now remembering that cops and lawyers didn’t exactly get along if the way his smile was dropping was any indication. He looked to the side and brought a smile to his face again. “Persecuting. I’m on your side. It would be kind of embarrassing to go against my mom in court, don’t you think?”
He relaxed, nodding. “Good.”
They lapsed into an awkward silence after that and Marinette was finally able to concentrate…
For the two seconds of silence she got before Commissioner Gordon walked over to ask her when she’d be done.
She fought the urge to bang her head on the desk.
She turned around, about to throw Officer Ross under the bus, but it turned out she didn’t need to.
Because then his daughter showed up with some dinner for him.
Gordon turned around to greet her. Thank kwami, finally something was going right. Hopefully he’d forget about what he was doing (he was old, after all) and she’d have until he was back at his desk before he remembered. She’d have around half an hour.
Not enough time to do well but she could probably get away with it because she was still a relatively new hire...
She managed to hit send the second the commissioner turned away from his daughter and slumped in her chair. It wasn’t on time but at least she’d done it.
She looked at her empty coffee cup and clicked her tongue. She glanced at Dick. “I’ll be right back, I’m getting some of the free coffee before I go.”
“Didn’t you say it was awful?”
“Yeah but it’s free.”
“... we’re rich.”
Dick grinned. “Whatever. Go ahead. I’ve waited this long.”
She sent him a wave and then disappeared to the break room, clocking out on the way.
When she came back out she found Dick flirting with the commissioner's daughter. She would have been proud if that wasn’t, y’know, her boss’s daughter oh my god she was screwed she was going to lose her job and then the mission would be compromised and --.
She practically ran over to sling her arm around her kid.
(She didn’t actually run, she had a mug of coffee in her hand and she thought that was much more important than any mission, but she was close to it.)
“Sweetie! Hi! We should be getting home, it’s your celebration-dinner-thingy-can’t-remember-the-English-word -- PARTY tonight! I can’t keep you any longer or there won’t be time to bake the cake.”
Dick gave her a bit of side-eye and she gave him a smile in return.
Barbara laughed a little. “Go ahead. It’s cake, you can’t just pass up on cake.” She smiled. “Congrats on whatever it is, Dick.”
He looked to the side, smiling. “Thanks. I’d invite you because my mom’s a great baker… but it’s kind of a family thing.”
Barbara shrugged. “It’s fine. I doubt that my dad would be too thrilled about me getting lured into a house with cake, anyways. It’s not that far off from getting lured into the car with candy.” She broke into a grin. “Promise to bring some of her cake by sometime?”
“Sure. I’ll be by tomorrow with as much as I can save.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
Dick finally allowed Marinette to pull him out of the police station, sending Barbara a wave over his shoulder long after she was out of view.
She clicked her tongue as they climbed into the car. “If I lose my job it’s on you.”
“Who knows, the commissioner might be mad at you because you got between us. Depends on what kind of dad he is.” His face split into a fox-like grin. “Besides, you should be thanking me. I just got us a backup plan. If you get fired, knowing the commissioner’s daughter would be useful.”
Marinette hummed thoughtfully. “Smart.”
“Thanks, I have my moments.”
“Yeah, ‘moments’ is definitely the word for it.”
He gasped and took a hand off the wheel to give her shoulder a tiny shove. “Rude!”
She just laughed.
It was inevitable that it would happen at some point, but that doesn’t mean that they were happy about it.
Adrien had made a stupid mistake.
He had been alone on patrol. It had been a standard street fight, after all.
He’d seen the flash of Tim’s camera out of the corner of his eyes and looked up at the wrong time. Now he had a bullet in his shoulder, his staff was rolling across the floor, and he’d had to duck for cover behind a car to ensure that the one bullet didn’t turn to twenty.
So the night was already going great.
But then he realized that some of the people had also noticed the flash going off and were now going to investigate.
His day just kept getting better.
He pulled out his phone.
ChatoNoir: H! E8th, Eads. LW, 1?C-K.
HelmetRights: I’m close I’ll help
He breathed out a sigh of relief. His miraculous was the most useful for situations like this.
He brought a hand to his shoulder and flinched a little bit. He had a few minutes before he bled out.
Adrien slowly poked his head around the car. They were all distracted fighting each other...
He slowly reached out and pulled a nearby body over to him and peeled their shirt off. He needed it more than them right now, anyways. He bandaged his wound and then looked around again, this time searching the ground for his staff.
Ah. It was pretty much in the exact center of all the fighting. Fun.
How about no?
He looked around wildly for inspiration. What to do, what to do, what to do…
He ran out from behind the car and made his way over to the building where he had last seen Tim’s flash. The gang members would likely be there for a while, probably until Jason could come over, and Tim’s situation would get worse by the second. Hopefully the kid had enough sense to hide…
He stepped inside the old office building. Abandoned, probably, there was a thin coating of dust on everything and the only light in the place was a result of the sunlight streaming in through open windows.
He listened in for anyone and winced when he heard a metallic clang above him. He ran up the stairs and looked around.
A kid… was trying to fight… five fully grown gang members…
It was going about as well as you’d expect.
Would it kill people to have even a scrap of common sense?
He flinched when he heard a bone crunch.
Adrien grabbed the nearest desk lamp and looked around. He hooked it around a light and tested the strength…
Not great.
Whatever, he was already injured.
He heard a gunshot outside and breathed a sigh of relief. Jason, probably.
The gang members looked up at the sound and Adrien took his chance, pressing his hand to the floor and mumbling a Cataclysm.
Black webbed along the floor and it crumbled beneath everyone.
He swung over and grabbed Tim from thin air. Much like he’d expected, the cord snapped under their combined weight and they were in free fall. Adrien pulled the kid to his stomach and flipped them around in the air to make sure he was the only one to actually hit the ground.
Adrien hit the floor and tried not to think about the piece of rubble now lodged in his back and the way the bullet in his shoulder was definitely displaced now and he was bleeding faster and OW.
He released his grip on Tim so his claws wouldn’t dig into him and rested his head back on the cold floor.
“You alright, Tim?”
“Not really.”
He wheezed out a laugh. “Same here.”
He felt Tim shift his weight on top of him and winced mentally at the rubble digging into him, and looked over. It was dark, the sunlight had been clouded by the dust drawn up by the collapse of the second floor. He didn’t know if Tim could see but that was fine. Adrien could.
He slowly pushed himself up and looked for any sign of movement.
He could see a couple of the gang members stirring. He shook his head a little bit and rested a hand on top of Tim’s head. “Stay. I’ll be back.”
“I’m not a dog.”
“Don’t care. Stay. Here.”
Tim looked annoyed but he sat himself down and rested his head on his hand. Adrien glanced him over. One of his legs was definitely broken and he was littered with thin cuts and bruises but he seemed otherwise fine.
Maybe his definition of ‘fine’ needed some work…
He pulled his attention back to the people that were getting up and he grabbed a nearby blunt object: a rock!
Well, a piece of the floor, but it was pretty much a rock.
Adrien made his way around with his rock and made sure that everyone would stay down. He didn’t exactly aim to kill but he wasn’t exactly concerned if he ended up doing so.
After a few minutes he walked back over to Tim and he slowly helped him to his feet, letting him sling an arm over him for support as he helped him walk out.
Jason was outside, checking bodies for extra bullets.
He looked up and frowned. “You look awful.”
“Thanks. I have a photoshoot tomorrow and I was really hoping that I would like ‘awful’ for it.”
“No problem.” His eyes found their way to Tim and he rolled his eyes. “So, what, are you adopting him, now?”
Tim frowned. “I… have parents.”
“Barely,” muttered Adrien.
“Mom will kill you if you adopt another kid.”
“I’m not scared of Mari.”
“Yes, you are.”
“Yes, I am.”
He sighed and closed his eyes.
He didn’t just want to leave a kid in a bad situation, but Marinette had been annoyed by him adopting Jason…
He peeked an eye open and looked at the kid next to him.
“I have a plan.”
“Oh no,” mumbled Jason.
Adrien looked at Tim. “Would you like to live with us?”
Tim thought for a minute, then shrugged. “It would be cool to actually have someone in the house with me.”
“Oh no,” Jason mumbled again, starting to mess with his rings.
Adrien broke into a grin.
“Awesome. Let’s get you home.”
Marinette noticed Tim the moment she walked into the kitchen.
She gave her husband a tired look. “Please tell me you didn’t adopt another one.”
“I didn’t. He has parents, I can’t adopt him.”
Her eyes found Dick’s for confirmation. He gave a small shrug.
She relaxed a little bit. “Good. Why’s he here?”
“He got hurt stalking me, his leg’s all busted up.”
Tim showed her his leg and she winced. They’d set it back into place but all the bandages said that it couldn’t have been a nice experience.
“Sorry about that, sweetie, do you want a cake or something? I can make one.”
Tim smiled. “No, thank you.”
Marinette, who had already been pulling out pans, gave him a confused look. She slowly put the pans back. “Oh… okay.”
“I have a dietician. She’d kill me if I went too far off,” he explained. “But I’ve heard good things about your baking.”
She nodded slowly. “Right.”
Adrien met her eyes hesitantly and she knew that whatever he was going to say she wasn’t going to like it.
“I’m going to train him in self-defense.”
She clicked her tongue. She knew what that meant by now. “You are not making this random child a vigilante. It’s bad enough when we let our own kids do it, he isn’t ours.”
Adrien held up his hands. “He got hurt stalking us. I just don’t want a repeat. I won’t give him a miraculous, okay?”
She frowned suspiciously but nodded that he could do that.
Adrien visibly relaxed.
Marinette took in the bandaging on her husband and she frowned. “How bad is it?”
“Uh… one bullet to the shoulder and some shrapnel got me in the back. Not that bad.”
She nodded and leaned over, pressing a kiss to his lips. “No patrol for a month.”
“But --.”
He pouted a little bit but nodded. “Fine. I can still help this kid learn self-defense, though, right?”
She considered this for a minute and then nodded. “Since you’re teaching basics you’re not going to be doing much physically… so, yes. But get help from someone if you want to do anything strenuous.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah.”
Marinette hummed lightly. She glanced at the time. She had a few hours to patrol before Dick confirmed she hadn’t slept in a few days and came to physically knock her out…
She started up the coffee machine.
(Dick narrowed his eyes in the background and started trying to remember when the last time she’d gone to sleep was.)
“Ew, you drink coffee?” Said Tim.
Marinette slowly turned on him, her eyes narrowing. “It keeps you awake.”
Adrien and Dick looked hopeful, probably thinking that Tim would make her realize her caffeine addiction and tendency not to sleep was unhealthy.
And then he spoke: “Sure, but have you tried energy drinks? They taste better and have sugar.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Not enough caffeine.”
“You haven’t found Bam, then. Once you get past their political donations they’re GREAT. A 16 ounce can has almost three times as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.”
The other guys went pale.
She broke into a wide grin. “I like you.”
“This was a mistake,” mumbled Adrien.
“Yep! C’mon, Tim, we’re going to the store. I'll help you walk.”
Listen, opening a portal to a pocket dimension wasn’t easy… but he was perfectly willing to do it for his kid.
No. His soon-to-be kid. His wife still hadn’t said yes.
No. His soon-to-be younger housemate. Tim still had legal parents.
It was good, too, the portal was hidden to the naked eye for everyone but him, so there was no worries of Marinette finding out too early.
(Unless she just decided to randomly lean against the wall in the hallway.)
And, as far as pocket dimensions go, it was decent. Empty outside of a few things that Tim had brought over from his house and a lot smaller than any other room in the house... but decent. It didn’t have a single monster living in it, that’s pretty good by pocket dimension standards.
Jason and Dick had both complained when they realized that Tim got a room of his own, even though they knew the circumstances. Adrien was forced to make another.
Was Adrien a little worried that the dimension that they were currently in would become unstable if he opened two portals in close proximity to each other? Yes. But it didn’t collapse on them when he did it, so it’s all good.
There had been a monster in that one.
Adrien was going to be feeling that bite on his arm for the next few years, he thought.
But, hey, at least now everyone had their own rooms. And all the boys seemed happier for it.
Well, Jason still seemed a little annoyed that there was now another kid in the house and Dick was clearly anxious that Marinette would find out and get mad at them and Tim was clearly struggling to understand the whole ‘no longer an only child that lives mostly alone and therefore needs to at least wear pants around the house’ thing, but shhhhhhh avoiding problems is the Agreste forte.
Yes, even Tim Drake was in the practice of avoiding problems.
Adrien figured that if he adopted enough kids eventually one of them would have a good coping mechanism and they could steal that.
But, until then, avoiding problems would have to work.
A routine was forming, and she hated it.
She’d go to work for a large part of the day, and then get picked up by Dick. She’d spend about two hours in the break room drinking the free coffee and scrolling through her phone so her son could chat up the commissioner’s daughter. She’d grab him by the arm with some vague excuse about how they needed to get home. She’d get dropped off at random places in Gotham and start on patrols. She’d get home early in the morning and chug another few cans of Bam with Tim.
Then she’d start it all over again.
But she’d hated it more when the routine was suddenly broken.
She felt a hand rest on her shoulder and nearly tore the file she was looking through in half in her surprise. It surely couldn’t be time for Dick to pick her up yet…
She looked over at her computer for the time and her eyes caught the reflection of Barbara on the black screen.
Marinette slowly turned around. “Hey.”
“Can I talk with you in private?”
She tried not to tense up. Most of the time when people say that you’re in trouble. She didn’t want to get in trouble with the boss’s daughter.
“Mhmm!” She handed the file over to Ross to hold onto and then followed Barbara down a few halls and up to the roof. She sent Tikki out to check for people and relaxed a little bit when the kwami shook their head no. Maybe this could just be about Dick --.
“Do you not like me?”
She blanked. “Huh? I… what? No. Do you think I’d stay after to let my son flirt with you every day if I didn’t?”
“No, but then I have to question why you always cut us short.”
“We have stuff to do at home.”
She shrugged. “But you hardly ever go home.”
Marinette took a cautious step back. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that you and Dick never seem to go the same way twice when you leave.”
“You watch that?”
She shrugged again. “Of course. At first I thought it had something to do with traffic or errands, but then why would you always list a home activity?”
“Because what we do at our house is none of your concern,” said Marinette.
Barbara smiled. “You know, I work at the library.”
She tried not to frown at the change of subject. It was weird, but at least it had moved away from where she went at night.
“I know your other son, Jason. He comes by pretty frequently with his dad.”
“Want to tell me why he and I have had long conversations about how we hate cops?”
Marinette wanted to punch something. Still, she forced a smile. “It’s perfectly normal for kids to take opposite stances about things than their parents. Just like you and your dad.”
“Sure, but then why do you act like you hate cops?”
Wow. Even the commissioner's daughter knew she hated being a cop. She really needed to brush up on her acting skills… or get new ones. She didn’t know if she’d ever been good at acting.
“Listen, I know you’re planning to take this place down, I’m not stupid. I won’t rat you out, I want in.”
Well, that was a development.
Marinette narrowed her eyes slightly. “Really? Why should I trust you?”
“Because I’m dating your son, maybe?”
Both women immediately pulled out their phones and started texting Dick. Nothing bonds people better than anger and they were both ready to kill.
MA: come to the precinct please
#1Sweetie: kjsklfjdskfjdks does this have anything to do with barbara texting me at the same time
MA: yes
#1Sweetie: i’ll be right there
MA: were on the roof
Dick deleted and then retyped his message four times before sending:
#1Sweetie: fun can’t wait
For someone who ‘can’t wait’ he sure took his sweet time, though.
Now, if it was only Marinette that was mad, it probably would have just blown over. However, Barbara wasn’t an Agreste. She actually knew how to deal with problems.
When Dick finally managed to get up to the roof, he found the two women glaring at him.
“So, care to explain why you didn’t tell me you were dating Barbara?” Marinette said with a bright smile.
Dick looked to the side and then brought a smile to his face. “I was just waiting for the right time to announce it.”
They both shared skeptical looks and then looked back at him.
“Okay, fine. It’s because I didn’t want to be the one to bring another person into the house, Mari would’ve killed me.”
Marinette accepted that answer. Fair enough. She would have. If Marinette and Adrien not had jobs they might have been able to keep up with three (and a half including Tim, who was around enough because of his stalking and self-defense lessons for her to somewhat count him) other people in their house, but she doubted that they could fully parent three kids with both their civilian and vigilante jobs.
Dick relaxed a little and walked over to the women, taking a seat in front of them. “Are we alright?”
They both gave him nods, then gave each other wary looks.
Marinette glanced at the time. “I’ll be back to talk more about this after work. Meet us at the car?”
A few hours later, they all filed into the car. Dick and Barbara took the back seat and Marinette angled her mirror to watch them just in case.
“Right, where are you on your investigation?” Asked Barbara.
“She knows --?”
“Yep, you’re behind, sweetie.” Marinette glanced at the mirror and found Dick messing with a rubix cube and Barbara listening intently. “Right now we’re searching for proof of corruption in the police force. The higher up I can get the easier it will be to actually have people prosecuted.”
“... are you having any trouble with getting proof?”
She shrugged. “Unfortunately. It’s not like they document when they let someone go and it’s way too easy to claim that people were all bloody before they got there.”
Barbara frowned. “Take pictures.”
“Cops are stupid, but they’re not that stupid. If I take out a camera they’re going to notice.”
“Write it down yourself, then.”
“It’s my word against theirs.”
Barbara groaned. Marinette could relate. She’d been struggling to find any kind of proof that wouldn’t immediately be traced back to her for over a month now.
And all she needed was proof, really. She knew that Barbara’s dad, at least, wasn’t a bad cop. He was just, somehow, painfully unaware of the corruption in his precinct. If given proof of a person’s corruption he would, at the very least, fire them.
“Doesn’t help that the kind of people that the police let go are usually killed by one of the vigilantes before they get to the police,” added Dick.
“And, even if we were the kind of people that vigilantes talked to, it’s not like they could stop killing those people without everyone getting suspicious.”
“... I’m beginning to think this might be impossible.”
She gave a quiet laugh. “Yeah. Probably.” She pulled up in her driveway and blinked a few times. “Um… sorry for kidnapping you.”
“It’s cool, I wanted to ask Jason about some of his books.”
“Are they overdue?”
Barbara smiled. “Yep. I need to know if he lost it or if I should just recheck it out for him.”
Marinette nodded absently. “Cool. Dick, drive her home when she’s done? I need to go grocery shopping.”
She waved at them and then got out of the car, tossing the keys to Dick without either of them glancing over. With that, she head off for patrols.
Adrien blinked a few times to make sure he was seeing this.
Dick had a girlfriend. Who was the commissioner's daughter. Who was also a librarian at the library that he and Jason frequented.
And she knew about the whole ‘trying to take down random people in the police force so Marinette can advance and prosecute people properly’ thing.
But not the vigilante thing. The vigilante thing was too far, apparently.
He needed to sit down for a minute.
Adrien pulled a knee to his chest from his spot on the counter.
Jason had been the most blunt: “Did dad adopt you, too?”
“I have parents.”
“That didn’t stop him from adopting Tim.”
“I’m also dating your brother, that would mess things up.”
Jason relaxed a little bit when he realized that Adrien wouldn’t adopt her… and then he laughed. “Wait, you’re dating Dickwad?”
“I thought you had taste.”
Barbara and Jason grinned at each other, much to Dick’s annoyance.
“Adrien! They’re being rude!” He complained.
He shrugged absently. “I don’t control them.”
“You can control Jason! He’s your kid! Take away his trust fund or something!”
Adrien cut him off by laughing. “That would be funny but I doubt Mari would be alright with that.”
Tim walked in with a can of Bam and some instant coffee mix. Everyone watched in horror as he started pouring the Bam into the water part of the coffee maker.
“Hey, Timmy, whatcha doing?” Asked Adrien, despite being very sure he did not want to hear the answer.
Tim looked up. “Experiment.”
“I thought you didn’t like the taste of coffee, though…”
“It’ll be worth it for the extra caffeine.”
Jason laughed a little bit. “You’re going to die. Go ahead, though, I want to see it happen.”
Dick and Adrien met eyes. They needed to destroy that thing and also maybe find a way to block Marinette and Tim from getting to the store.
They nodded at each other before getting to work pulling Tim away from his creation.
Marinette hummed as she finished off the fourth cake she’d baked and decorated with a flourish.
She started washing the dishes she’d just used because she had run out of free pans to bake with and she couldn’t restart until they were washed.
Dick groaned from the doorway, holding his head as he slowly made his way inside.
“Good morning, sweetie.”
He groaned again and then apparently caught sight of the cakes on the table. He frowned a little bit. “Um…”
“I made a vanilla cake for you. It’s the one with the buttercream flowers.”
Dick hesitated for a minute before shrugging and sitting down with the cake. “Thanks, mom, but are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“... mom… as much as I love your cakes, you only bake this much when you’re stressed.”
She clicked her tongue. “Sweetie… I doubt you’ll be able to think of a solution if Adrien, Barbara, and I couldn’t think of something.”
“You went to Barbara and not me? Come on! At least let me try.”
She doubted that he could be of any help but whatever. If she told him and he couldn’t come up with something then he’d leave the subject alone, and if he came up with something then they’d have a solution. Win-win. Kinda.
“I have no clue how we’re going to get proof that people are corrupt.”
Dick thought for a minute, then shrugged. “Have someone join the mob. Any mob. There has to be at least a few moles. Take a few pictures or collect names and then take them to the commissioner.”
Marinette shook her head slowly. “Can’t, no one has enough time.”
“I do.”
“Sure, but you’re a kid and we’re not letting a kid join the mob.”
Dick huffed. “I’m twenty-three.”
“You don’t have any skills that the mob is looking for.”
“I’m a lawyer, they’d love to have me.”
“But --!”
Dick flinched a little bit and looked down. He gave a quiet groan of irritation and pushed himself out of his chair. He took his cake to his room.
She closed her eyes. The problem would be gone by morning, but that didn’t mean that she liked that they’d fought.
She opened her eyes again and started pulling down ingredients.
Adrien knew that Marinette would catch on soon. It had been months since the incident, Tim was more than capable of taking care of himself. He was pretty sure the only reason that she hadn’t noticed anything was because her schedule was so messed up that she wasn’t registering time right.
He knew he should tell her but he couldn’t bring himself to. What if she kicked Tim out? What if she made him stop seeing the kid entirely? He couldn’t let that happen, the kid had gone through enough. No, he would have to wait for the perfect moment.
If she didn’t find out first.
Marinette walked into the kitchen in the morning and everyone tensed and glanced at Tim, who was casually playing a video game and definitely not learning self-defense.
Adrien sighed. Could he say he was just making sure Tim ate so he wouldn’t pass out? Would she believe that?
She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a can of Bam and then glanced back at the boys, her eyes glazed with exhaustion.
Then she gave every boy in the room a kiss on the cheek.
Yes, even Tim.
“I’ll be back after work. Are you picking me up like usual, sweetie?”
Dick blinked a few times and then stifled laughter with his hand. Once he’d managed to get his voice under control, he spoke: “Yep! I can’t wait to see Babs.”
“Gross. Right, I’m heading out.”
Everyone watched in stunned silence as she walked out.
Jason’s face soured.
And then he snapped his fingers. “I got it… HEY, MOM! YOU FORGOT THAT ROSS BROKE THE COFFEE MACHINE AT WORK!”
There was a beat.
“Jay, what the heck?” Hissed Adrien.
Marinette walked back in. “Guess who has been promoted to favorite.”
Dick gasped. “Wait, I was favorite beforehand?”
“No, Adrien was. I’m not telling you which kid was winning.”
“Hold up, I’ve been replaced as favorite over caffeine?”
Marinette nodded. She stole Tim’s laptop bag from him and then set three cans of the energy drink inside.
“Great, I’m off for real now.”
Jason slammed his head on the table, partially pulling his mother out of her stupor. “OH MY KWAMI. Mom. Tim has been living with us --.”
Adrien had clamped his hand over the kid’s mouth, but it was too late.
Marinette’s eyes slowly found their way to Tim and her face shifted from bored to angry in half a second.
He swallowed thickly. “M’lady, I can explain.”
“Please do.”
He hesitated. He hadn’t thought he’d get this far.
Her grip tightened on the strap of her bag when her phone went off in her pocket. She bit her lip and shook her head. She told her boss that she would be late because of a family matter, her eyes never leaving his.
He gave his most award-winning smile.
The kids filed out, though they both knew that they were going to just stand outside the door to listen in.
“Adrien, Tim has parents. You realize you essentially kidnapped that kid.”
“He went willingly!”
“Tell that to the cops!” She gave a bitter laugh. “Wait, you already are!”
He winced. “I know, I’m sorry. I couldn’t just leave him with his parents, though, they suck.”
Marinette clicked her tongue. “We can’t keep him. He isn’t ours and, even if he was, we hardly have the time to take care of three kids!”
“Dick can take care of himself, he’s an adult. So we’re back down to two! Actually, he can help take care of Tim, too, so less than two!”
“Remember when we said we wouldn’t have any?!”
“But we did fine!”
She groaned. “You’re not getting my point!”
“And you’re not getting mine! We can’t just leave that kid to suffer!”
“He’d suffer if he was with us, too!”
“He deserves people that love him to take care of him!”
“So does every kid on Earth! Are you going to adopt them all?!”
He rolled his eyes. “I want to but we have a limit... but this isn’t it! We’ve been doing just fine so far! He’s attached to us, we can’t just throw him out now!”
“I can’t let this one slide because I keep letting kids come in. It has to stop.”
“This is the last one,” he promised.
“I’ve heard that one before.”
“But I mean it this time.”
She scrutinized him for a long time, her lips pressed tightly together.
And then she clicked her tongue.
“Last one,” she muttered, pulling a new can from her bag and then turning. “I’ll see you after work.”
He watched her leave. He should say something, he should call her back and apologize, he should at least admit that what he was doing was wrong…
The front door slammed.
He slowly fell back into a chair and rested his face in his hands… only to realize it was wet. How long had he been crying? He breathed out a sigh.
He could feel eyes on him. He peeked between his fingers and saw the kids standing in the doorway, mouths slightly agape. He wiped his face on his sleeve and brought a smile back to his face.
Jason messed with his rings as he turned around and walked to his room.
“You didn’t want kids?” Asked Dick quietly.
His smile slid from his face.
“Not exactly. We wanted kids, but we figured we’d never be able to have them. I’m sorry it came out that way.”
Dick relaxed a little bit.
Adrien pushed himself up and walked over to Tim, resting a hand on top of his head.
“Right, welcome to the family, officially.”
Marinette rested her head on her desk.
“Um…?” Began Ross.
“Don’t. I’m not in the mood.”
She heard his fingers get back to work on his keyboard and closed her eyes.
She’d officially hit a wall. What she needed was to get her hands on the security camera’s footage but she knew that they simply turned off the cameras when they let someone go.
Her mind wandered to Tim.
She bit her lip and sat up, pulling up a new tab and searching up “Haly’s Circus Dick Grayson” but, to her surprise, she found that any footage of her son during his time there had been scrubbed clean.
So, the kid had been telling the truth?
Well, he might be able to fix her current problem…
And, honestly, she was pretty much desensitized to the idea of a kid vigilante at this point. Partially because their family was up to four people who started being vigilantes as kids and partially because Dick and Jason had saved Marinette and Adrien quite a few times.
Besides, like it or not Tim was in the family now. That’s pretty much the main requirement, it seems.
That night she approached Tim about hacking.
“Right, what exactly would you need to hack into the police station security cameras?”
He frowned. “Probably a new computer that isn’t linked to me as a person. And I’d probably need to be inside the security room for a while, or at least the building.”
She thought about this for a minute and nodded. “Okay. I can get you that. Anything else?”
“Can I have a miraculous?”
She waved her hand vaguely. “Yeah, I was going to give you one anyways so we don’t have to do as much to delete footage… I was thinking the horse miraculous. Then you could get in and out of rooms pretty easily.”
“Cool. What are we trying to do, anyways?”
“Keep them from turning off the cameras when they need to do…” She trailed off, pursing her lips tightly. She knew this kid was around thirteen or fourteen, surely he knew all the kinds of things that went down at the GCPD, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. “... stuff.”
Tim nodded slightly. “I can do that, but I’d need to hide some kind of generator in the room. They might be unplugging the cameras to turn them off, I’d need to change some plugs around.”
They clinked their cans of energy drink together in a sort of toast.
Adrien should have expected something to go wrong.
Barbara and Dick had convinced the commissioner to go out to eat with them. Dick was now stressed for two reasons: the mission and the fact that he was officially meeting the parents.
Marinette had cleared a good amount of the precinct by offering to buy drinks. Even if her relationship with the precinct was… less than friendly, few people said no to free drinks paid for by the richest person there. This was mostly just to make sure people weren’t going to do overtime.
And Jason had drawn away the people currently on shift by ‘accidentally’ bowling over an abandoned building while on patrols.
Now it was just up to Adrien and Tim.
There was obviously a few people still there, it would have been too much to hope that the entire place would be empty. It didn’t matter, though, no one was suspicious of them. After all, Marinette would need a ride home and it wasn’t as if he could take Tim to a bar to wait.
And no one was suspicious of the fact that Tim had quickly pulled out his computer to ‘play some games’. Adrien had pulled out his phone as well, mostly to monitor the chats and make sure everyone was doing alright but also because he was bored.
A half hour later he got a tiny tug on his sleeve and looked down to see Tim shaking his head.
Great. On to plan B.
“Does anyone know where the bathroom is?”
They transformed in the bathroom and looked at each other nervously. They’d wanted plan A to work because it wouldn’t draw any attention to the security room…
Tim opened a portal inside and they stepped through. It was only two guys, and Adrien made quick work of them. He tied them up in some spare cables he found and pushed himself back to his feet.
Tim just waved him off and opened a portal for him.
He grinned as he dropped onto the floor of the main room. He looked around casually at the ten people that were still there. One of them was in just charge of guarding the prison, but the other nine were cops.
He tipped his head from side to side, weighing his chances as the cops began pulling out their guns.
Hm. This was much scarier when they could actually see him.
“Don’t move from that spot!”
Adrien raised his eyebrows, glancing at the officer who’d said it. Officer Ross. Of course.
He gave a tiny shrug. “If you say so.”
He extended his staff and smiled when it hit the cop nearest him in the face.
Then Adrien hooked it under a desk and tossed it at Ross.
Great. Now that he had spited that guy, he swung his weapon in a wide arc and took out the lights.
He smiled brightly at the now dark room and looked around as the cops scrambled. Some had already done this before and others had heard the story, but no one was looking for a repeat except for Adrien. He extended his staff to get to the ceiling and considered the people below...
A few of them shot blindly at where he had just been, which was a terrible idea but whatever.
He made his way through the room. He wasn’t killing anyone, though it was tempting after hearing some of Marinette’s stories, just opting to their weapons and moving onto the next person.
He also maybe broke some bones in the process. It happens.
A few minutes later he started making his way back to the security room and he grinned when he saw Tim coming out. He had his laptop under his arm. They’d succeeded.
Adrien took a quick look around and spotted a security camera. “Got it?”
“No, they deleted everything,” he lied.
He forced himself to frown (it was surprisingly hard to do after years of smiling for every camera he saw). “Dang. Guess we’ll need a new plan then. Let’s get home.”
Tim opened a portal back to the bathroom and they detransformed. They waited a few minutes before Adrien slowly peeked his head out the door. He held Tim behind him protectively as they walked through the precinct.
They got to the main room and found everyone groaning. A few of them had found flashlights or had turned on computers for lights.
“Is everyone okay? I heard gunshots!” Said Adrien, frowning.
Officer Ross, whose arm was bent at an odd angle, gave the kindest smile he could. “It’s fine, we just had a vigilante come by. It seems like everything is done, now, though.”
Adrien nodded a little bit.
“Good. Everything’s done.”
Marinette was one of ten people who didn’t get a jail sentence.
Now, she eyed the two-weeks notice on her desk. No one would be suspicious if she decided to leave. Fifty people had gone to jail, no one wants to stick around to see if they’re next.
Commissioner Gordon had resigned, too. Something about how he was disgusted about being so blind.
She bit her lip as she sat there at her desk, her computer on a How To video on quitting if you technically had no boss. Unfortunately, it seemed that she had phrased the question wrong because now it was telling her how to shut down a sole proprietorship.
She paused the video and looked up, her head tipping to the side as she took the man in. She knew that she knew him from somewhere, but her brain couldn’t seem to place a name to the face. “That’s me.”
“Could I speak to you alone for a minute?”
“Uh… sure. I’d love to.”
“I was thinking the roof? That’s a pretty private place, don’t you think?”
She pursed her lips tightly. She did not like where this was going in the slightest. “Well, sometimes people take their smoke break up there --.”
“Don’t worry, I know there’s no one up there.”
“Oh. Great.”
“Isn’t it?”
She nodded, letting him lead the way to the roof.
Her hand dipped into her back pocket and she cursed herself out mentally when she realized it was still on her desk. She wondered if she could get away with asking to go back for it. Somehow, she doubted it.
Marinette closed the door behind them.
She smiled at the man. “You wanted to talk?”
“I don’t think you’re stupid, Agreste.” He turned and flashed her a blinding smile. “Why don’t you guess what’s going on?”
“Well… I assume I’m in trouble,” she said carefully. Her eyes searched nearby rooftops and windows. “And that you have at least one person around that could kill me, probably a sniper since you chose a rooftop and not an alley.”
“Correct!” He said. He turned away from her and started pacing around. “What do you think you’re in trouble for?”
She hummed as if in thought. “You seem to be the one asking all the questions. Mind if I at least know who you are?”
“I asked you a question first.”
She forced a tiny laugh. “Sure, but no one likes admitting when they do things wrong. Besides, what if I fess up to the wrong thing? Then I have two reasons for you to want to kill me.”
“Just. Guess.”
He couldn’t know about her being Ladybug, they’d done too much to make sure no one knew her identity. No one outside of Dick had ever done anything that could be traced back to them, and all that footage was gone from the internet forever.
Then what could he have found out about?
“Honestly, I don’t know.”
He scrutinized her face for a minute before frowning and shaking his head. “Agoura.”
“My name. It’s Antony Agoura.”
Oh. Oh fuck.
Well, at least now she knew where she’d seen him before?
He folded his hands in front of him, smiling at her. “I see you know me.”
“Of course I do.”
He nodded. “Good. Now, I want to ask you a question.”
“Another one?” She said quietly.
“Mhmm. I’d like to know if you think I’m stupid.”
“Of course not.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You know, the day that Chat Noir bust into the police station was odd.”
“I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t there.”
“Yep! Odd, don’t you think? Someone who previously didn’t get along with her coworkers suddenly decides to take them all out for free drinks. That same night, her son takes the commissioner out to dinner. The precinct was almost completely empty thanks to your family.”
Great. That was why that was plan B. She was screwed.
She nodded slightly, her throat tightening. “You don’t say…”
“And, on top of that, the vigilantes were acting weird! I mean, they were all set on distracting people and keeping them as far away as possible!”
“That’s… odd.”
“Mhmm!” He smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder. “An interesting coincidence, don’t you think?”
She nodded again, fighting the urge to shrug him off. “Yeah.”
He steered her to the door. “I’d like to congratulate you on your promotion, by the way.”
“Being commissioner is such an honor!”
She scoffed. “You couldn’t get away with that. I’m the newest person here, it’s too suspicious.”
“You think?”
“Yeah --.”
He opened the door and she fought the urge to flinch at all the cameras suddenly flashing in her face.
“How do you feel about being the first commissioner of asian descent?”
Her eyes widened. Oh. So, it turns out Agoura definitely could get away with that.
She glanced to the side to see the cops who had been there longer clapping with sarcastic smiles on their faces. “Congrats!” Said one in a tone that definitely said that she was dead.
The mob boss moved his grip to hug her to his side, smiling brightly and waving at the press.
“Smile for the cameras, Agreste.”
@i-am-ironic @nathleigh @mialuvscats @golden-promises @sassakitty @deathwishy @toodaloo-kangaroo @ladythugs @moonlightstar64 @dahjokester @jjmjjktth
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zenosanalytic · 4 years
what makes u think muir won't kill gideon off? in various interviews/AMAs she's seemed to imply that it's her plan (talking about the burying of gays, 'not promising' gideon will appear in alecto even!). I also feel narratively like gs full permadeath is not an inevitability but possibly ud be able to articulate that better
Well I intentionally don’t read interviews and AMAs, but I appreciate the Confidence ^v^
Obvsl I could be wrong on all this but here are my reasons for thinking 1)we’ll see Gideon again 2)Gideon’ll make it through the end of the story in some sense
1)As with her death in Gideon the Ninth, I don’t think the last scene we see her in in Harrow is a particularly “good” or “satisfying” end for the character. That doesnt guarantee anything, obvsl, but so far Muir’s sense of what makes a good story has meshed pretty well with my own, so I’m narcissisticly betting that agreement continues u_u Of course, I made the same bet with Homestuck and it didn’t pan out so...(I’ll address this later)
2)I feel like Muir likes Gideon too much as a character? Like: I believe Muir likes writing Gideon’s voice, and likes having Gideon’s pov in and on her story, and based on that assessment I think she’ll keep her around
3)similar to 1), I don’t think Gideon’s final scene in Harrow is a particularly satisfying conclusion to Gideon’s plot. Her Deal was REVEALED in the (hilarious)confrontation scene with the Emperor, but that was merely ESTABLISHING what was going on, it wasn’t resolving any of it; I feel like Muir’s the type of writer who would want to play that all out and resolve it satisfyingly, so I don’t think she’s going to end Gideon here.
4)This Post. Specifically the lines: “Alecto will be about girls being annoyed that it is legal for their exes to talk to each other.  The tomb is open. The get-along shirt is empty.” There are only so many viable “central” characters in the story, only so many romantic interests, and Gideon is the primary one who is both, so I think a narrative humorously described in the manner would likely have Gideon in it in some capacity.
5)This one’s a bit meta. Obvsl I dont know Muir personally, and I Do Not Profess To Be A Mind Reader but, judging from her HS fic and what I’ve read of her writing, and what exceedingly little I know of her life from sharing a fandom half a decade ago, I think something that really interests her is Relationships and the wide variety of how they are expressed and, specifically, the wildly vast and often seeming-contradictory collection of emotions and connections which the english language laughingly collapses within the single word of “Love”. I feel like this (idk?)“theme”(I guess??) is PARTICULARLY relevant in The Locked Tomb Series. And I also feel the various formations of “Love” presented in Homestuck via Troll Romance are equally interesting/important to her as a framework for engaging with the idea of “Love”. To an old Homestuck like myself, it is Clear As Day that Harrow/Gideon is a Textbook rendering of a healthy Kismessitude(Gideon hates Harrow but she’s HER person to hate, and vice versa; No One Will Kick Their Asses but Themselves :p). It is also the ONLY extant kismessitude(the other being the extremely unhealthy Mercy/Augustine obvsl) in the series. Therefore, I don’t think she’d write Gideon(or Harrow) out of the story just yet cuz I don’t think she’s done exploring that idea of “romantic hate”(or, more accurately, “love complicated by mutual trauma, need, resentment, and opposition”) through their relationship.
6)As Others Have Eloquently Written, I believe Harrow the Ninth can be read as a response to post-Hiatus Homestuck. Yes this reason is fanwank :| :| I cannot remember Muir ever expressing disappointment with how Homestuck shook out in Act 6 and beyond, BUT, while she remained active in the fandom during that period, her writing always remained firmly in the Pre-Hiatus and Hiatus era milieu. There are plenty of explanations for that OTHER THAN not liking where canon went, but these facts --combined with how easily it is to read HtN as intentionally avoiding/responding to what are often identified as the “mistakes” and “bad choices” of post-hiatus HS-- leads me to the assumption that what appears to be happening is happening. SO: I dont think she’d unceremoniously write out a beloved character because unceremoniously writing out beloved characters was one of the big sources of angst post-Hiatus. If she WAS going to nix Gideon from the storyline, I feel like she’d do it in a narratively satisfying way. WHICH ISN’T TO SAY that last sequence with her in Harrow wasn’t good, it was VERY good, but it felt less satisfying as an End for a character than as a mid-point cliffhanger for a character(and espcl for Gideon what with all the unresolved Stuff).
For obvious reasons I would have liked to have 8, or possibly even Nine!, reasons for my position, but this is all I can come up with right now. Maybe later I’ll edit them in and erase this apology along with my shameful numerological failure :p :p :p Anyway, Dear Readers: I hope you find these Logics both “Articulate” and Pristine :> :>
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Series Reviews (2020)
23. It's Okay To Not Be Okay
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Are you okay? 
How many times did you answered this question truthfully? 
When something happened to us and people tend to get worried, they always asked this question and because we dont want them to keep worrying, I think we always say the wrong answer because its part of being human.
Saying you're okay even if your not has been the problem of people not only today but even years ago. We say okay even if we're hurt physically, mentally or emotionally. Maybe to avoid being pitied, being a burden to others or we just want to look stronger. 
But that's exactly the problem of being human. We say things we dont mean. We always say the complete opposite of what we really mean specially in the moment when someone might also be hurt with to our response.
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But it's okay. 
It's okay to not be okay. 
I've watched many movies and series saying that it's not embarrasing to say what you actually feel inside. I'm also currently watching a series about depression and how it can lead to death. And this kinds of series are trying to tells us that taking your own life is not the solution to every problem you kept facing on your own.
It's okay. Everything will be okay. It's nice to hear words like that right specially if it's spoken by someone close to us, right?
This korean drama doesnt only have the best actor to play the part of the main cast but also, they also made the characters connect with the viewers. Every single characters. From the main lead to the last supporting character. No one was a display. Everyone contributed and I think that's what makes a great story.
I think this has been the most meaningful Korean drama I had ever watched, next to Reply 1988 and Itaewon Class. It made me cried every episode. And it clearly deserved the praises it gets every day. 
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The whole story was also refreshing because of the fairytales involved in every episodes. The mixture of a story to another story was a great idea of creating a new and unique one, I guess. 
As I said that everyone contributed to the story, I would like to share my thought on each and everyone of them. And I think, this is going to be longer than Itaewon Class or Reply 1988. 
Everyone has their stories to tell and this drama really told everybody's story. I would like to tell everyone's story here but I think, that is too much spoiler. So, I'll just give you what's unique and special about the main cast and some supporting characters.
1. Jae-Su. The ever loyal friend of Gang-Tae. He's like the best best friend anyone dreamed of having. I mean, with his business, you can have free chicken or pizza anytime. But I'm still curious how rich he is. Every time the brothers move, he also moved with them and open and close a business again and again. He felt sometimes felt tired but he never complained because he liked being with them. Following them was not an issue for Jae-su. He can follow them even at the end of the Earth. Because they're family and not blood of surname can keep them from being one. 
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He's a very loyal and trustworthy friend. I cant believe he actually followed them for ten years of his life. Maybe that's the result of being too attached. You cant never seem to let go and even if you can, you wont.
2. Mr. Lee Sang-In, the business minded CEO of the publishing company, Ko Mun-yeong worked at but as time passed, he turned out to be a thoughtful and caring person. 
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He also stick together with Ko Mun-yeong through the years. He have a kind heart which was buried in his business like stance who only cared about money in the beginning. He was also dependable and always thinks about others even if he doesn't want to. And he looked better without a beard. 
3. After the CEO, let's move over to Seung-Jae which happened to be the most in demand actress I've seen in almost 3 dramas already this year. 
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First was in While You Were Sleeping (I think), then in Backstreet Rookie and then here. Anyway, her character her was slow in her work but quick witted when it comes everything not related to work. She's adorably dumb and you'll get to laugh a lot with her and Lee Sang-in's combo. 
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She might hate her boss but she doesn't also want him or Ko Mun-yeong to suffer. And also, she don't have anywhere to go to that's why she stick with them. 
4. So, next is Nam Ju-ri. I hate her. 
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Wait, let me repeat that. I hated her. Yep. And you'll know why if you watch this or if you had, I'm right, right? 
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But, all is well. Maybe because she just want her feelings to be reciprocated. She's actually really nice despite of wanting to be not. She just wanted to lean on someone other than her mother. She's lonely. She worked taking care of others and she just wanted someone to take care of her too. We all wanted that right. 
5. Let's not forget the mother of all, Kang Soon-duk.
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She had appeared in a lot of dramas. She would be this rich mother who don't want her soon to like a poor girl, the mother from a simple family who often beat her child out of love, the cool mom where everyone would dreamed of. She had been named as ‘the ultimate eommoni/mother’. 
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She was effective. But anyway, her character here is the mother of not only one child but the mother of everyone in the drama. She takes care of the three lead, her daughter, her tenant and everyone in the hospital. It was tiring for someone like her but also magical because she was able to do it. 
6. Director Oh has been a great part of the whole drama.
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Even though he looked and sounded like a not effective doctor sometimes, everything he says made sense. He often look foolish but he's the smartest fool in the hospital. 
After the supporting has been called for, let's move to the three musketeers–I mean, the three main cast. The emotionless princess, the masked boy and the boy trapped in the box or simple Ko Mun-yeong, Moon Gang Tae and Moon Sang Tae.
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Three lonely people brought together to became whole. Who said two is better than one. Make it three for more fun. 
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It was chaotic. That's the description for the three. A crazy girl, a calm but explosive guy and an adult but living in a kid's personality.
Watching this drama felt like you're about to go crazy too. After crying in an intense scene, you'll catch yourself laughing after and serious the next minute. I mean, every Korean drama does that. That's why everyone has the k-drama virus. Everyone is crazy now.
Anyway, Sang-Tae or the boy in the trapped box. 
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He's a special trait that makes him different from others. He tend to think as a child sometimes but he's also talented and smart. He might act like a kid but you'll also be surprised of how he can be an adult. 
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He loved his brother so much but also hates him to which is natural for brother right? 
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He happened to have a severe trauma which add to the burden of his brother but as the brave brother he is, he wanted to overcome it and be the adult he really is. His characters was really inspiring and heartwarming. His presence gives off a ray of sunshine. I admire the actor who played him because he played it well. I hope if he will ever get an award for it. I really hope he will. 
After the boy trapped in the box, let's talk about the Emotionless Princess whose not really emotionless but full of emotions and craziness.
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Ko Mu-yeong's characters gave the drama full of craziness and funny sides. Her adult lines and provoking scenes are the best. She totally likes provoking Gang-tae and even though it's all scripted, it was so funny that it can be remembered all the time. Some scene had become memes now. 
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Ko Mun-yeong's characters was tough and powerful but behind that, she's still a girl whose scared and defenseless when no one's watching. She found sanctuary and safety when she met Gang-tae. For the first time, she wanted to be taken care of after all the years of not feeling anything. 
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She's lonely and constantly in pain from the past. She's still the little girl stuck in the castle waiting for someone to rescue her. 
And lastly, Moon Gang-tae, our masked boy. 
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I think he's the complete opposite of Peter Pan. He needed to grew up faster than anyone to take care of his brother. He didn't had time to be a kid or to enjoy his youth because of the only family he have. 
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He cursed the life he had until finally he understand and accepted the reason why he had to have this family. It maybe crazy and a handful, it's still worth fighting for. 
All he wanted was everyone to be safe with his care and even set aside his own dreams for it. He regretted not doing his dreams but he's contented with everything he had at the moment and that's all that matters. 
Life might throw stones at you from time to time to test if your strong enough to conquer it not to avoid it. 
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And if something doesn't feel right, don't be afraid to talk about it. You'll be surprise of the result once you let it all out. Never be afraid to let people in and also let them go. The end might also be the start of a new beginning.
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Seriously, watch this. It's a must! Maybe 10 years from now, people will look back how great this drama was and even though 2020 was the worst year of all, this was made in that year. It will be part of history.
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clowngremlin · 4 years
i had a crying fit because my dad and brother were arguing but my brother kept telling me i needed to get a job AND go to school for these two semesters because im moving out of my dad’s house in the spring and i lost my student loan for a few semesters because i failed my classes due to being mentally ill, (moving out is being forced upon me, its not truly my choice and its making me lose my mind from anxiety.....just one of the many things causing me to have panic attacks lol) and i keep trying to explain to him that im applying for disability assistance because my therapist thinks i’d qualify because i have such debilitating anxiety i have panic attacks almost every day (i have had a lot less since being put on the new medication when i went to the hospital, so i dont get them every day but i get them often enough) and sometimes cant even go outside because im too scared/anxious, and then my dad tried to tell my older brother that i CANT work and get disability payments at the same time, and it made them argue even more and i got so overwhelmed that i started crying.....my brother just wanted to rag on the government for not helping disabled people, i dont think he really cared if i was going to be poor or not, and he seems to romanticize being poor and working class and keeps telling me i have to work AND go to school, even though i cant do that because it causes me so much stress and anxiety that i end up doing poorly at school and i cant afford to do poorly at school anymore!!!!! like i fucked up my grades so bad at the last school i went to and i need to do better at school to get my student loan back!!!!! and my dad was frustrated with me because i dont have a lot of life skills and because im mentally ill, but i’ve been doing a lot better with my mental health since being put on seroquel, but i do get anxious about starting tasks and so i put them off because idk how to start and i get overwhelmed, but my therapist gave me coping skills for when i get overwhelmed by trying to start a task and its to do the task in small chunks and eventually i will have it all done!! i also told my dad that i find it helpful if he gives me a time frame to do the tasks in, like yesterday i had to phone the doctor to make an appointment, and he told me to do it before he got back from walking the dog and so i did it, and so idk having a specific time frame to do something in helps me get started.....idk where im going with this, im just kind of stressed out and overwhelmed rn and my family doesnt really seem to care lol.....im almost 24, like next month i’ll be 24 and i feel like such a fuck up because i have problems doing every day tasks and managing my money (i am doing better at that though! i am trying really hard to budget and show my dad that i can manage my money by myself!!) and idk how to cook things like meat unless its in a stir fry or like ground beef in a pan for spaghetti sauce, and that sometimes i get so anxious i cant even go outside because im so scared of getting the coronavirus..... i am trying to be better though, but no one in my family seems to acknowledge it, like i basically am recovering from anorexia with minimal support because i can only afford to see my therapist once every month and a half, i also weight restored myself because i used to be dangerously underweight from the anorexia, the coronavirus situation is hard for EVERYONE too, like everyone is having a hard time coping with it and i have predisposition  to having severe anxiety and panic attacks, and i wasnt even on the proper meds for my bipolar disorder until last month, like i was only on a low dose of an antipsychotic and like prozac, and i was literally just put on a mood stabilizer in december after i had a psychotic episode and had to go to the hospital, but i have found the new medication to be really helpful, im doing a lot better with my depression since being on it, and im not having psychotic symptoms anymore, and its even helping with my anxiety, but today i got overwhelmed because my dad and my brother were like yelling at each other in front of me while my brother tried to be incredibly negative and berate me under the guise of “looking out for me” and then my dad got mad at me because he was mad at my brother and so i started crying, but my dad stopped yelling at me and we talked about it in a constructive way and came up with ideas on how to help me do better and get some skills, and then i went and did some things for starting classes tomorrow which was really good and made me feel better because i was doing something productive and a task i needed to do (putting all the important upcoming dates and assignment due dates from the course outline for my forensic anthropology class in my little planner!!) and then i had a snack and talked to one of my friends, and now i guess im just writing this to get it off my chest because i just needed to vent but i didnt want to like vent to anyone in particular or in the vent channel in the server i mode for so im just making this post and i dont really expect anyone to read it but i just needed to get it off my chest and out of my head to feel better!!!  
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kai-zers · 6 years
Drarry, Auror au and a multitude of miscommunication issues.
 so this is @treacletvrts ‘s fault, as is many of the myriad of au’s we had in multiple fandoms and istg she’s to blame because tbh with y’all this has no cohesive thought at all so yup, I have no words other than these. 
PS: I have no idea how tumblr works because I am a noob that has no idea how this godforsaken site works despite the years I spent lurking here so expect crappy posts like these. 
This was also a race against my overheating laptop jesus christ tHIS WAS A STRUGGLE
Yup, let’s set the scene, but the rest is in read under because this would probably get long.
Harry and Draco are trainee aurors, or aurors already timelines be damned
 pining, a lot of it.
everyone and their ancestor portraits knew, okay.
Draco and subtlety didn’t exactly come in one package
but oh my god, circe’s tits, and whomever else they use in place of jesus christ, Harry doesn’t know.
Obviously, Harry wasn’t a Ravenclaw for nothing.
Draco thought Harry knew, but plot twist, your favourite boy who lived doesn’t. 
Draco assumes that Harry knew and actually thought that since Harry hasn’t distanced himself or changed the way he treated Draco at this point, Draco legitimately thought he had a chance at Saint Potty himself.
This is a usual topic between his, Blaise’s, Pansy’s and Theo’s get togethers.
‘you’d think five years post hogwarts we’d never hear Draco say Potter again, but I guess not.’ probably Theo tbh
Pansy is close to pulling at her own hair in frustration 
‘I shouldn’t have left Milan for this weekend.’ Blaise, shaking his head
Potter and Malfoy in the same mission? and they’re both alive? and the perp is caught in record time? Impeccable paperwork?
Call the Prophet
anyways, their first mission and a handful succeeding that were a success. 
They are both star Aurors, and work as an amazing team
One mission they were both assigned to had a bit of a scuffle, they had to hide in a tiny closet, their faces really close
Oh Merlin, is this Draco’s chance?
Nope, since Harry had tried to distance himself as far away from Draco as far as he physically could in that situation
Draco knows how to read a room, and that definitely was an indication of ‘sTAY AWAY FROM ME’ from Harry
Harry, on the other hand, is having issues with himself
He’s scared of coming into terms that he ‘might actually possibly have a bit of attraction towards guys’ and he is panicking
Well, if I had spent my years in puberty being chased by a madman, tbvfh with you, that’d be the last thing on my mind too
so fast forward to them celebrating a major case being solved
Harry has a preference for muggle alcohol because have you had a shit of Cuervo, that stuff makes MY alter ego come out.
Draco doesn’t drink often, he prefers to savour his wine, thank you very much.
he’s just a lightweight hahaha
so Harry is pissed.
like majorly pissed to the point where he’s seated on someone’s lap already, yelling at the top of his lungs about something to someone
A lot of jeering and what not happens, Harry’s insecurities get the better of him and he tries to hook up with a girl that night
much to Draco’s chagrin. 
He is watching this happen sober, poor thing.
but Harry isn’t getting any action tonight, turning the girl down instead, murmuring something about it not feeling right
Draco takes the initiative to tell Harry that he’s had too much, and he’ll side along him to Grimmauld if he wanted to
Harry agrees, and it takes a lot of rearranging for Draco to make sure that Harry doesn’t get splinched in the whole shebang back home
They get to Grimmauld place, and its actually clean
Draco shaking Harry awake so he could take him to his room to rest
they make their way up the stairs, and Harry is giggling because he keeps slipping and would’ve probably died an untimely death due to refusing to take his socks off a flight of laquered hard wood stairs
and once they reach the door of Harry’s room, Harry tries to make a move on Draco
He’s cupping Draco’s pale cheek in one hand, staring at his lips despite the haze of the alcohol
but Draco pulls away.
Draco is hurt, because Harry would only dare touch him while he’s pissed off his arse like this
“Oh Merlin, Harry, don’t do this to me.” he hisses, as he drags Harry into the room.
“Wha?” and then Harry is dropped onto his bed with Draco removing his robes so he could sleep better
“Stay with me.” Harry slurred out, but Draco could only shake his head.
“For fuck’s sake, what was I thinking when I thought you were actually different? You’re just as cruel as everyone else is.” 
fuck me that legitimately hurt me when I typed that one out
harry turns over, staring at Draco as best he could without his glasses
Draco’s just murmuring to himself, wiping at his face hurriedly because oh no, here come the waterworks.
“I’m giving up on you, and that is final.” 
Draco says it more to himself than to Harry, but Harry hears it, and he’s not sure if its real or nah
He takes the liberty of flooing back to his estate, just to see Blaise and Pansy already lounging in his couch.
bold of you to assume the Malfoys didn’t invest in real estate, jk tho.
its been years since anyone has been back at the Manor, with Narcissa being in France and Draco in this smaller estate
Pansy takes one good look at Draco’s face and pats the space between her and Blaise and takes a pillow on her lap
Theo takes in the entire scene and just goes back into the kitchen, wine seems to be a better choice than tea at the moment
Draco plops down on the couch, burying his face into the throw pillow on Pansy’s lap
“There, there, pet.” She offers, though her perpetually ruby lips are already in a frown.
Blaise just takes Draco’s legs to lay them over his thighs, hands lingering on Draco’s knee
“Is this a bad time to say I told you so?”
Theo just sits wordlessly on the floor, leaning his head on Draco’s belly
“Draco, Darling, what’s wrong? What’d Potty do?”
“I thought he was different, Pans. I thought I had a chance. I thought he may love me someday.”
shet, ma. I’m sorry.
Harry still doesn’t know if Draco was real or not, but the following weekend, he finds out that Ron has been assigned as his partner.
Draco requested for a partner change, and has been actively avoiding Harry in the office.
of course, like with any romcom gone wrong, it is only now that Saint Potter realises that ‘hmm, something is up.’
He also realises how much of a better team he and Draco made, compared to him and Ron, because nobody got the paperwork done between them 
Harry realises that he misses Draco as a partner
but Draco somehow had the luck of being assigned solo cases that needed to be stationed really far away
the months following the partner reassignment, he manages to see Draco merely three times, and in those three times, Draco had only nodded at him.
This is where Harry realises: i have fucked up
Of course Harry attempts to talk or confront Draco about the thing happening between them
“Potter, I need space, and if you are supposedly as concerned as you are showing, you will keep your nose out of my business.”
whoop, obviously Draco is mad, but Harry doesn’t know why and he’s confused because he really misses the older male, but there are issues
ron is just as helpless as he is, hermione is just mum because wow harry this is a major screw up
luna is the one who actually gets to the point, telling Harry, ‘yup you’re in love with him and you’ve done fucked up’
but she’s optimistic, saying, you two just need to talk
‘Draco’s a little hard to understand, but if you don’t talk to him, you’ll never get to do so.’
Draco ends with a case involving a new drug that was supposedly being manufactured at this abandoned ship at some port
((i think its obvious I am not from the British Isles at this point okay plus this was done in an hour, liberties were taken and I am not sorry))
He gets ambushed and ends up getting chained to something he can’t get out of himself because he’s drugged and wandless, so no wandless magic
Harry gets suspicious that Draco’s partner gets back unscathed, but Draco is nowhere to be found
He grills the other auror for info and apparates to the ship, where whoop, it is on fire.
oh no.
cue on Harry’s gryffindor lack of self-preservation, where hE STILL GOES INTO THE SHIP TO FIND DRACO
he does find Draco, but idk the ship breaks, structural integrity is getting weak so he doesnt reach Draco in time 
and sees Draco struggling to breathe and get out of his bounds
He spells off the cuffs, and drags Draco to the surface, and proceeds to send a patronus to Hermione
Hermione’s a healer in this au, okay
Draco is turning blue, and to say that Harry was panicking was an understatement 
He’s not breathing either, even with Harry’s attempts at CPR
Hermione arrives and does the wizarding equivalent of using a defibrillator 
yup I guess we’ll go with that for now and she also does a bunch of other stuff
Draco’s finally coughing all the water out his lungs, he’s breathing, albeit a little shallow and shaky at best
Hermione calls for back up because she can’t apparate them both, and Harry’s trembling--from the cold, or the adrenaline subsiding in his blood, but he wasn’t letting go of Draco’s hand
even when he was getting wheeled into the ER at St. Mungo’s, Hermione had to physically pry his hands off
‘he’s safe now, Harry. Let me have a look at you, now.’
Harry wants to say that he’s fine but he did jump into the sea in the middle of fucking winter, and the look Hermione is giving him is absolutely terrifying so he relents, murmuring that they should be tending to Draco instead
‘They are, and I need to tend to you now because I know you’ll scare off any other healer I ask to check up on you.’
Harry’s changed into warmer clothes, and he’s got a cup of tea in his hands to warm them
they’re still shaking, he doesn’t understand why the fuck he can’t calm down and puts it down
He just starts crying. 
The build-up of months of stress and the day’s events was too much for him to handle
‘Fuck, ‘Mione, I saw him turn blue. He wasn’t breathing, I couldn’t get him to breathe.’
‘He’s alive Harry, Draco’ll be okay.’
‘You don’t understand, I felt him die, ‘Mione.’
Of course, out of all people, Harry would understand how it feels to tap dance with death
Hermione just comforts him, willing away the tears in her eyes because it feels like this is the one time she can’t help Harry at all.
Ron just skids into the hall, and sees Hermione and Harry, and hugs them both without a word
back to draco, who has been under observation for a good two days and has finally woken up 
he sees Harry tucked into himself in the frankly ugly leather sofa by the window, head lolling forwards and back enough
Draco pulls himself up and groans, remembering how he got is ass handed to him in that ship and staring at the yellowing bruises on his arms 
Harry suddenly lets out a snore, which makes Draco snort but oh no what is in his nose
‘Circe’s tits, that fucking hurt.’ and he’s coughing up a storm enough to wake Harry up, who stares at him for a few seconds before he’s on his feet and pouring him a glass of water
‘What else do you need? the loo? food?’
‘A healer.’
‘oh. yes. yes, need to tell them you’re awake.’ 
‘Potter.--Potter!’ Draco manages to call after him before he got too far off
‘what happened.’
Harry explains what happened, the ship, traces of a drug in his system, almost drowning and what not
‘I’ll get someone, yup.’
Draco just shakes his head because he knew Harry was keeping something from him, but lets it go
he gets an extensive check up procedure, which is peculiar because this has been the first time they have been this attentive to his vitals 
he needed to stay for a few more days for monitoring, which is weird to Draco because I just fell into the ocean what is the big deal
A nurse comments offhandedly that he’s lucky that he survived drowning and near hypothermia
‘excuse me what’
‘From what I’ve heard, and judging from your vitals, you were minutes away from death’
‘enlighten me.’
‘Healer granger had to revive you using a spell she developed based off of Muggle Tech, she had to shock your heart.’
‘I was dead?’
‘you should’ve seen auror potter, he wouldn’t leave until your vitals stabilised. Healer Granger couldn’t even heal him properly so she had to administer a sleeping draught so he could finally rest.’
hermione walks in, ‘oh, indeed.’
"I sent him home, if you were wondering.” Hermione says.
Hermione seemed to be able to read his expression, as she had just provided him with what he needed.
"He'd been sleeping here three days and that isn't doing anything for his injuries. Refused to get checked, so I just healed him so he'd actually go to sleep in a proper bed."
"So how are you feeling?" Hermione asked, already waving her wand as a quill hovered behind her, the quiet scratching against parchment, the only sound in Draco's room aside from his steadily better breathing. 
"Oh that's good. We managed to drain all the water from your lungs, no tingling in any of your limbs?" 
Draco shook his head. 
"No symptoms of hypothermia either." Hermione murmured a lumos under her breath, asking him to follow it and observing his eye movement.
Draco is just overwhelmed at this point, because this is the second day he had to endure these tests and Granger was terribly much detailed than the other healers
"You're almost well enough to be discharged, but I'll check you again tomorrow." She replied curtly, tucking her wand into her sleeve and the clipboard into her arm.
"Granger." Draco called, just as Hermione was about to leave the room. "Thank you, for saving my life. You have my thanks."
Hermione nodded, almost smiling at him. 
"Quite frankly, Malfoy, if Harry hadn't found your body, there wouldnt have been anyone to save, but you're still welcome."
draco is just dumbfounded in his bed, again.
The following day he gets the go signal to be discharged as soon as hermione finished her check up spells, and blaise and pansy were to pick him up
But harry manages to catch him just as he got dressed, immediately flushing as Draco's silent gaze fell onto him.
"H-hullo Malfoy, how are you doing?" 
brace yourselves dace and i just ran thru this, dialogue is subpar at best, but wow they are finally communicating.
"Uhm, that's it. I'll uh--i'll find hermione."
Draco rolled his eyes, calling out to him. "Potter."
"Uhm, ye...yes Malfoy?"
"Thank you. For finding me. If it weren't for you," draco breathed out, thankfully smoothly this time. "And granger, i'd be as good as fully dead."
Harry instantaneously lit up and frowned at the same time."Of course, Malfoy." 
Harry nodded. "Anything for you." He murmured under his breath, before turning away.
As soon as Draco was left to his own devices--tightening the laces on his boots, basically anything to just pass the time as Blaise and Pansy were just perpetually late--he heard Harry's god awful sneakers skid in the hallway and enter his room again.
"What is it, Potter, already come back for me to repay my debts?" He asked boredly, leaning back onto the hospital bed.
oh lord. Harry looked terrible.
Harry looked like he was about to throw up--green eyes erratic, lower lip between his teeth as he gnawed on to, hands shaky as he stuffed back into his pocket jacket, and out again.
"Please don't give up on me." He whispered, catching Draco by surprise.
"The night you helped me get back home. I thought I was just too pissed on Tequila that I didn't even think you were real--"
draco's clamming up on himself, his arms are crossed, face guarded as Harry stood before him as his complete opposite, his vivid green eyes almost desperate as his lip wobbled.
"But I've died twice, Draco. I can tell apart what’s real and the pigment of my pissed brain."
"I'm sorry if you think I was cruel--if I hurt you without realising it, I'm sorry, please, please just don't give up on me just yet."
Draco is for a lack of a better word--Gobsmacked.
the boy who lived--no, that applies to them both now--is in his hospital room, in the verge of tears and looked like he was a sentence away from passing out.
"I'm sorry Draco," Harry trailed off, his voice breaking as he said Draco's name and using his hoodie sleeves to wipe at his cheeks as the tears rolled down.
"I was scared, and I didn't know it was okay to like blokes, I didn't know it was okay to like you, but I've ruined it, haven't I?"
Draco's heart is in pieces at this point tbh 
The first time he hears his name from Harry's lips, Harry's crying.
Draco sees Blaise at the corner at the corner, but luckily the other male was able to read the room and quickly dragged Pansy away, her retort lowering in volume as they went farther down the hall
"I'm sorry--fuck, i'm sorry for wasting your time." Harry said, sniffing as he wiped his face on his sleeve, running a hand thru the wild tangle of curls on his head. 
"Just ignore whatever I said. Get well, Malfoy."
i am: weak for curly haired Harry okay, humour me.
Circe, Draco thought, this is just getting painful to watch.
Because it seemed like he was being the wanker, making Harry cry even when the oblivious jackass was the one that started this whole fiasco
And Draco couldnt find it in himself to cut into Harry's blubbering at all. 
"Circe's tits, stop with the blubbering, Potter."
Oops. Not the best choice of words.
Draco just stood up, and met Harry halfway and cupped his cheeks to press their lips together, mostly just to shut him up.
oh, wow. 
Draco could get used to this, and Harry let out a choked sound that was akin to a gasp and a whimper before he kissed back.
[[long, winded make out scene i am sorry i am terrible at those, I’ll leave it to your imaginations]]
Draco just says, "bring me home, harry."
And just shoos blaise and pansy off.
Which gets him the finger from pansy and a judgmental eyebrow from blaise
‘I make arrangements for a portkey at the last minute and this is what we get?’
‘at least it will make the cease of Draco’s whining.’
Pansy and blaise respectively
Both Harry and Draco spend their days in Draco’s estate just cuddling, and okay fine making out.
They finally talk and clear things out.
and Harry finally feels a moment of peace after nearly 25 years of being chased by a murderous madman and multiple criminals 
no hanky panky yet jesus draco died ffs
The following week, someone just yells from Draco’s floo.
and it’s loud enough to hear in the second floor in Draco’s bedroom.
"I know you died Malfoy, but you have to come to work."
its robards. 
he’s two aurors short, and they’re his best aurors.
"Please bring Potter too, just because you two have died doesnt mean you can escape the paperwork. "
Harry groans, while Draco merely laughs though its muffled against Harry's shirt, where his face is currenly buried into.
and they lived.
i guess
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void-official · 5 years
“Micro-identities/’Mogai/ya’ll literally just be making shit up now” OK. i’m sorry im stuck on this and this is the last i’ll talk about it today bc fuck it. I’m gonna be Real for a second. And it’s going to be awkward, and it’s going to be long, and I’m gonna Lose Follower bc defending micro-labels is Cringe. Whatever. I get it. go ahead and unfollow. The rest of you who actually care. and in the spirit of Pride Month, as someone who feels like they’re almost never allowed to express Pride in who I am? Here we go.
I’m bi. Most of you can probably tell, im not exactly subtle about it.
I’m bi. But
my actual interest in dating or having sex with Anyone has been pretty much negligible for my entire life. I just don’t Care. I never have. Dating and sex seem like a hassle to me and I don’t feel like i’m particularly missing out by not taking part in them. It doesn’t negate my enjoyment of peoples bodies necessarily, nor does it mean I never get crushes on people it just means at the end of the day, my desire to go out there and find people to have sex with and/or date has always been like. really really low. Even if the opportunity was there. And i’ve come to terms with this. I accept this about myself.
There is actually a great deal of overlap between bi and ace identity. all those ‘weird little terms’ like ‘demisexual’ you guys hate so much were originally created for people like me, who feel like they are fundamentally not allowed to call themselves something straightforward like ‘bi’ (or straight/gay/lesbian) without people inevitably screaming at them for Doing It Wrong. So they can describe how they feel in a brief word, instead of having to go through the pains of explaining the complex relationship they have with sexual attraction to every fucking person who asks what their sexuality is.
saying ‘well you should just be able to say bi and leave it at that’ doesn’t actually account for the experiences i have when i Just Say i’m Bi. Even me Just Saying ‘im bi’ i’ve always gotta deal with harassment from people whoget weirdly agressive about -why- i’m not out there fucking or dating the people i claim im attracted to. Am I a prude? a Tease? Just an ‘Acey’ lying for brownie points? Am I Actually Just Traumatized? (They ask in a really aggressive condescending way, like thats actually how you should talk to someone you think is potentially traumatized) But by the standards of this discourse, i’m not allowed to call myself ace either, because then people are going to yell at me that if I experience the tiniest smidgen of sexual attraction or romantic inclination sometimes, or post pictures of sexy video game characters, clearly i cant be that either  I literally can’t win. there is not a thing I can call myself that won’t earn me the ire of LGBT people on tumblr who think they know me and what i should call myself better than I do. And believe me i hate talking about this More than you do. I’d rather just shut up and let people Assume i’m whatever they want me to be sometimes but then mutuals i thought i trusted will inevitably openly make fun of the people who outwardly call themselves demisexual or whatever microlabel is trendy to shit on currently, and usually i bite my tongue cause at the end of the day its Just Words, right? I don’t even use that word, right? Its just words and some words can be interchangeable and not everyone knows what they mean which can feel alienating and unnecessary to people who don’t understand them. I -get- why people ‘cringe’ when they see like 10 terms they don’t understand in someones bio. why do you think i don’t even list anything about my sexuality in mine other than my pronouns?
but I always remember like. just bc that label isnt For Me, it doesn’t mean there might be someone in a similar position to me who doesnt feel comfortable just calling themeslves bi, and prefers the label ‘demisexual biromantic’ who feels like that phrase puts them in a place of peace and contentment, and I wouldn’t argue with them about it. Bc thats their fucking choice. Them being happy with who they are takes priority over my personal opinions of the language they use. same with gender nonconforming people who dont want call themselves trans or nonbinary. Thats fucking Fine. I’m not telling you to have to use the same words as me if you don’t feel like they’re necessary or accurate. I literally don’t give a rats ass what words you use to identify yourself so long as they’re not being used to hurt other people. I just want to be able to have Words, for myself, that describe how I feel, that don’t result in people treating my entire identity like some shitty discourse Meme. And right now I have none. No matter what I call myself, people choose tell me it’s not accurate, or its too complicated.
As for all these shitty fucking posts about people ‘forcing’ young people to take up labels. This. This doesn’t actually happen? (OK I won’t say it doesn’t happen ever on an individual level? but that its not something enforced or encouraged by any group as a practice, and that distinction is necessary, bc saying it happens on a large scale literally implies predatory intentions from a massive group of people instead of members of the group behaving poorly as individuals)
Demisexual people as a whole have literally never told me i had to call myself demi just bc my sense of how i experience attraction might be similar to theirs. Ace people as a whole don’t usually tell people whose lack of sexual attraction is caused by trauma or who havent developed enough to experience sexual attraction that they -have- to call themselves ace. Most Bi or Pan people are fine with the fact that their labels have a lot of overlap and that the line between these things can be murky, they arent actually constantly ready to tear each others throats out over whose terminology is correct. All of this shit is made up by hateful people, or people taking a few examples of poor behavior out of context as an excuse to shit on everyone else, and well meaning people keep falling for it bc it -seems- helpful to be. reactive. I guess? to people you’re constantly told are hurtful to the causes of marginalized people. but im telling you. its not true. literally nobody forces you to call yourself any of these words, they just Exist out there in case you want them, and if you think thats somehow a threat to other peoples identities or to Minors just like, conceptually, for existing, for being Too Specific, im sorry but what other word is there for your reaction than phobic? If an individual derails a conversation about Y to be like “You didn’t include _X_” or tries to force their views on a minor who hasn’t developed a stable sense of identity yet, that is an Individual behaving in an inappropriate manner, not an invitation for you to throw the whole group under the bus. I hate to tell you but if you’re using examples of individuals on tumblr who say stupid shit, everyone on tumblr says stupid shit and butts in conversationally where they’re not welcome. Universally. It’s how tumblr is formatted. Trust me, I have like 4 viral posts going right now.
i’m just tired of it at this point. im not cool with people who stretch to make fun of micro-labels all the time and think they’re being woke allies or w/e to the ‘real LGBTs’.  Even if a lot of the time I personally don’t care for all the labels and wouldn’t choose them for myself, I still feel like If you can’t treat people like individuals and assess their character on a case by case basis, i don’t trust you. I don’t like people who stereotype and LGBT people are not immune to this behavior. Like i don’t say it often but it fucking hurts, and it hurts other people I’m close to who I know have similar complicated identities and struggle coming up w/words to describe themselves that the whole of tumblr LGBT+ will approve of and agree with (clearly an impossibility because there are still people who don’t want bi and trans to even be in there). I might tolerate the constant jokes and not block on principle of knowing not everyone has ingested and thought about this discourse in the same way I have, and im a big tough adult, ultimately i can take it. but inside i know no matter what i call myself, if i were earnest with some of you about how i feel I’d probably be just another ‘special snowflake Delusional mogai creep’ to you, and i can’t deny that fucking hurts to think about. I try not to talk about it openly bc it embarrasses me, bc i dont think my sexuality should have to be battle ground for discourse for people who are supposed to be on my side. But there it is. I think most of this discourse is Trash, and clearly not for the reason most people on here say its trash, not bc theres ‘too many specific words, y’all just be Making Shit Up’ but because so many of you are more caught up in the words than the substance of the arguments or the needs of people whose experiences might have a lot of overlap with yours regardless of what word they’re using to describe it.
Anyway. happy pride to LGBTQA+ people who still dont really feel pride in themselves or their identity. I’d say you’re valid, but you don’t need my validation or anyone elses to understand that you’re a person deserving of respect and compassion. You exist as who you are, and you have to come to terms with who that is, regardless of whether or not you feel like you’re accepted for it. if not pride then, settle for confidence in who you are.
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Sinday Meme for Characters Who Share a Brain
The original meme can be found here: x Characters: Wade Wilson (@theamazingcaptdeadpool), Frank Castle (@mementomorimthrfckr) and Ajax (@cantfeelsht) Warning: An abundance of words, massive TMI, cursing duh, threats double duh, Any complaints may be directed at our lawyer; @hellsainted
Frank scoffed as Wade had spent the last three minutes trying to figure out a title, brainstorming no pun intended with himself – and the result he landed on you already read. “That sounds terrible, Wade.” he grumbled and sipped his coffee. A sort of bribe to get him to partake in the thing. “You come up with a better one then, Skulls, and we’ll use that.” Wade fired back, thankful that Frank wasn’t known for his creativity. “What was wrong with the original title?” Ajax wanted to know and crossed his arms. He was leaning nonchalantly against the wall, watching the other two with what one could describe as ‘calm suspiciousness’. “It was too long.” Wade complained. “Not catchy. And we’re replying as ourselves. The original title suggested that the co-pilot do it for us. Or arms dealer. Or whatever the hell you call her.” he explained, because he could see Frank straining as he tried to work it out. Be nice Wade. I’m always nice.  “Why don’t we just get this over with.” Ajax’s stare moved from Frank to Wade. His former subject was the most keen on this, after all – surely he would kick it off.  “Best idea you’ve had, Francis.” Wade murmured as he counted the questions of the meme. “Alright, there are twenty questions. Let the sinning commence!” he clapped his hands and rubbed his palms eagerly. 
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“Jesus,” Frank exclaimed and leaned over the table, snatching the laptop from the merc with a dirty imagination mouth. “I’ll read these.” He glowered at Wade who raised his hands in defeat. There was no point in challenging the Punisher this early in the game.   “What muse needs the most attention on sinday?” Frank read and for some reason found himself looking glumly up at Ajax who shook his head.  “Wade it is then.” It wasn’t that Frank wouldn’t mind the attention… he just wouldn’t actively seek it.   “Yeah, that’s a no brainer.” Wade murmured, he had somehow produced whiteboard signs and written “Me!” on one side and “Not me!” on the other. What? I came prepared. I always do. Yes, that is me being suggestive. He gave one to Ajax who reluctantly accepted.  “Just making it easier for us.” He explained, surprisingly caring.  “Whatever it takes to shut you up,” Ajax looked at both sides to make sure he hadn’t written anything funny on his. 
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“Easy, Francis,” Wade began only to be interrupted by Frank who read the next question loudly. “Which muse usually stays silent on sinday?” Frank sniffed. He hadn’t partaken in any sindays, yet. “I’m not it.” Wade said quickly. “I love me some sinday. Actually every day is sinday in my book. Doesn’t always have to be sex. Severe procrastination. Excess eating. Pillows of blow…” “You ever hear of TMI?” Frank put the laptop down on the table with more force than he intended.
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  Wade wiped one of the sides of his sign clear and wrote “NO!” only to hold it up for Frank to see. None of them had noticed how Ajax was holding up his own sign reading “Me!” and it took all his effort not to wack Wade in the back of the head with it. “Let’s move on.” Ajax shot in, before Wade could start one of his endless rambles. Frank glared at Wade like a teacher glare at the kid in class that won’t ever stay silent – that they’re afraid to take their eyes off because they know they’ll cause trouble. “Share some headcanons about your muses’ sexual and/or romantic orientation… You want to go first, Ajax?” Frank offered without looking at him. “Francis.” Wade corrected him. “Can’t feel. He can’t get it up – and can’t get it off.” Ajax closed his eyes, his jaw tense. “Wade is right.” he murmured. “I’m asexual. Except for specific muses. That has to be talked over in detail.” “Contracts has to be signed. Very Christian Grey. Wouldn’t play with him.” Wade turned towards the room and whispered to no one. Well, at least none that Frank and Ajax were aware of. They shared a moment of confusion, waiting for something to happen – someone to reply. As the silence bordered awkward Frank nodded and continued with the survey; “I’m bi with a preference towards women, but I’m not really looking for anything.” His voice was low. He wet his lips and averted his eyes, bouncing his foot impatiently. 
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“I’m pan – the comics has me paired up with women and Spiderman. Over here, meaning Tumblr, I have a preference towards men.” Wade stated the obvious. Frank drew a breath to read the next question, but then Wade continued; “Men with metal arms. Men that are Avengers. Men that’s purple… Is that even a man?” “You done?” Frank wanted to know. They’d missed how Wade had fixed the other side of his sign – and was now holding up a “YES!”. “What are your favourite ship for your muses?” Frank was visibly confused by the question.   “For me it’s the Millenium Falcon,” Wade answered – hoping it would make it easier for the not so shockingly thick marine. “Oh, and I love my warship.” “I don’t ship.” Ajax shrugged. He saw no need to. “Cablepool, Winterpool, Cappool, Hawkpool – the one with Colossus, I forgot its name…” Wade counted on his fingers. “Thunderpool is kinda cute.” “You any idea what he’s on about?” Frank turned towards Ajax. “You don’t want to know, mate.” Ajax said with a sigh. “It’s a question about who you see yourself with.” “No one.” Frank answered shortly. He couldn’t be with anyone, because whoever got close to him ended up dead or worse. 
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“Why so glum sugarplum?” Wade leaned forward. “What about Castlevania?” “Are you…” Frank was about to get fired up but by some miracle managed to compose himself. He cleared his throat and shifted. “Nevermind. The next question – “ Frank decided he best ignore the entire thing; he thought they were done with Castlevania. He was not to be ‘shipped’ as the kids called it – with Dracula. “Which muse is the kinkiest?” “Next!” Wade called – he was holding up his sign. “Me!” it read. And maybe that was the truth. Wade is into a lot of things, after all… “Which muse has the strangest kinks?” Frank read warily. Wade slammed his sign down on the table to grab everyone’s attention and held it up again. He pointed to it and looked between the other two; “Unless you want to list some kinks?” “Next.” Ajax nodded towards the screen. “You sure, Francis? I won’t kink shame. Maybe I could interest you in – “ “Next!” Ajax insisted. “Choose one muse and tell us how they lost their virginity.” Frank read. He thought perhaps they could draw straws or… “Rock papers scissors lizard Spock.” Wade said with remarkable speed and accuracy. 
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“I lost mine to and older girl at one of the many orphanages I visited.” Ajax said flatly, wanting them to believe that it hadn’t really mattered.   “You’re so boring, Francis.” Wade pouted. “At least give us some details.” “It was quick, messy and left me wanting more.” Ajax squared his jaw. “Satisfied?” “Unlike you’ll ever be again; yes. Thank you. I’m touched, Francis.” Wade sniffed as if he was sincerely moved, whilst Frank hid a chuckle and shook his head, clearly relieved that he didn’t have to spill the beans.
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“Each of us have to share a random sex fact… I…” Frank rubbed the back of his neck. “I like it when the woman is on top of me, so I can see her pleasure and have her in control.” he admitted. Wade gave an approving nod. “I prefer to be the sub – to give up the control, but more often than not I’m taking it because I get impatient – I think. What about you Francis? Any sexy secrets about your preferences? Oh that’s right…” “I get off on watching others emotions. Pleasure – pain? Doesn’t matter.” Ajax admitted – his tone threatening. Wade gasped loudly and murmured ‘Sadist’ under his breath. Frank blinked and tilted his head slightly to the side – as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Remind me again why we haven’t killed this guy?” Frank asked Wade. “You tell me. Hey, Francis, would you like to hurt me a little – how about that, huh?” “Yes, how about that?” Ajax pushed off the wall, his eyes like pits of hell. Dark, angry. A far too familiar smirk tugging at his lips. 
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Frank’s arm shot out – stopping the villain from getting too close. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Wade taunted him. “Yeah,” Ajax snarled – pressing against Frank’s hand. “If you could organise… Seriously who made up these questions? Are these,” Frank turned the laptop around, unable to mask how mortified he felt. “Are you behind these Wade? Because I swear to god…” “I can take the blame for a lot of things – but not that.” Wade pointed at the screen. “Finish the question. I’m curious now.” Frank sighed and tilted his head upwards, as if he was asking for patience. 
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“Alright. Alright… Argh… God. If you could organise a threesome involving three of your muses, who would you choose? I guess this one isn’t for us. And… heaven forbid the three of us ever get put in a room together again. Because the next time? I won’t go easy.” Frank pushed Ajax so he fell back against the wall and stared threateningly at Wade. “Careful Frank, he might like it.” Wade taunted. Ajax pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. He hated Wade for his ability to get to him.   “The next one is for her as well. What muse she’d like to write a ship for…” Frank shook his head again. “What the fuck’s up with all these damned boats? Anyway… I assume she’d like to try me out with Billy.” “Kinky.” Wade purred. “I’m already in quite a few ships. If we’re adding to… pfft.” Truth was, Wade was content with his situation, so it took some thinking. “A Nathan would be nice? And no ships for Francis. His ship sank the day he let Michael Jackson Dr. Killebrew fiddle with his body.” Wade clicked his tongue and winked at Ajax. 
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“How can you possibly know – “ Ajax began – cut off by Frank as he read the next question. “What are some preferences when deciding whether or not to ship a muse?” Frank frowned at the screen. “Read the rules, play nice, write well – I don’t know.” Wade hummed in agreement.  “And don’t assume we’ll ship – I don’t know about the other two, but I’m picky.” “You? Picky?” Ajax scoffed and leered at him. “Do you get to be?” “Well – I can’t fuck all the people who’s bummed because you couldn’t get it up for them.” Wade fired back. 
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Frank rubbed his face – considering shooting them both. Ajax wouldn’t feel it, but he could die. Wade would feel it and couldn’t die. What a trio they were… “Are you guys DONE bickering yet?” he sounded tiredly. “Never,” Wade answered as he breathed in. Ajax rolled his eyes. “I prefer missionary or the cowgirl or whatever it’s known as these days. I like the intimacy. The control or giving up of. I like to touch, to see…” Frank’s words grew with passion as he spoke. Wade blinked and looked at him. “What are you on about?” “The next question. I figured I might finish this on my own and get the hell out.” Frank was done with the bullshit.   “What was the question?” Wade put his hands on the table and leaned forward. “Headcanons, sex positions.” Frank scratched his cheek, and glanced up at Ajax. “You outta this one, too?”
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“Against a wall… Or relentless teasing,” Ajax didn’t even get to finish before Wade corrected him; “Endless foreplay,” “To draw as much sound from the other part as possible.” Ajax blinked and turned slowly towards Wade. “What about you then, collared and on your knees begging for it?” 
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“Actually that’s not that far from the truth. But I like a lot of things. Depends on my partner and whether I’m giving up control or not.” Wade shrugged. “How much time – “ Frank already began reading the next question. “ – none, then.” Wade sighed. “Has she written smut for you guys? Because that’s a no for me.” Frank didn’t take his eyes off the screen – this he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. Ajax arched an eyebrow and cocked his head, Wade nodded vigorously. “I suppose neither of you know whether she prefers to write it or not?” Frank huffed and leaned back into his chair. “How are we supposed to answer these questions when they’re not even… yes… Wade?” Much to his surprise Wade has raised his hand. 
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“Thank you. I happen to know that she don’t mind writing smut, but she has to feel comfortable with the person she’s writing it with.” “Multiship or singleship?” Frank turned to Ajax. He couldn’t stand the guy, but at least he’d had the decency to explain some of these things to him. “Is no ship an option?” Ajax smirked. It should be pretty clear at this point that he didn’t ship. “It is now. I’m on the fence. I wouldn’t ship with someone exclusively I think.” Frank grimaced at himself, as he was now using Tumblr and games own terms.   “Good call, Frank! For me it’s multiship all the way.” Wade drew a horizontal line in the air before him. “I’m not exclusive either.” “Huh, I think we just answered the next question. So… What is our shipping preferences? Weren’t we over that? Chemistry?” Frank thought that slow-burn sounded nice, but neither of the other guys seemed like the “slow burn” type. He didn’t know how wrong he was in his assumptions. “Yeah. What would you call my ship with Thanos? Because… that’s like… unhealthy. Toxic ships? I guess we’re semi into that? Aren’t we Francis?” Wade winked at him. Damn was he having a field day. Ajax on his end just shook his head and slammed his shoulders back against the wall. “What’s an OC?” Frank glanced up from the screen, relieved that they were close to done.  “Original character. We don’t really do those.” Wade knew that was frowned upon in the roleplaying community, but he didn’t give a shit. “I don’t know about you, but I have more than enough with the canon characters.” On most days, he actually had more than enough with himself. Ajax and Frank both seemed on board with that. 
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“So,” Frank turned the laptop off and pulled the screen down. “That’s it. We’re done. Let’s never do it again.” his knees cracked as he stood up. 
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“Or the next time we can get naked and –“ Wade began,  Frank pulled his gun and aimed it straight at his crotch. 
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“You don’t want to finish that sentence.” his voice was low, barely audible.  “You don’t want to shoot me, Francis might get off on it.” Wade kindly reminded him.  “Oh my fucking…” Frank rubbed his face and headed out of the room. There wasn’t enough booze in the world to make him forget. 
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“Hey – are you off to kill someone? Do you have a team yet – hey Frank, wait up!” Wade picked up his swords and chased after the Punisher. Ajax sighed and pushed his shoulders down. Being around Wade always made him tense up. He rolled his head from side to side, then left through the back door – half expecting the two of them to be waiting to kill him.
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If you made it this far, please let me know what you think. No, Frank didn’t kill Ajax. Yet. 
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klancencoffee · 8 years
since nobody is writing about how camila is sooooooooo girlfriend material (and im so in love with her), here it is:
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•  it all started with you two being good friends, and as friends, you kept getting closer and closer
• when she found out that you were into girls she smiled so big for herself 
• bc you were this cute girl that since she looked at you she wanted to get to know better 
• at first you texted a lot, and everytime she saw something funny she sended it to you
• bc she knew it would make you laugh and that would make her really happy
• then you started hanging out everytime that she wasnt filming for riverdale, like in between takes you’d go to where she was and take her to grab lunch or something
• you tried getting spoilers from her but even tho she really trusted you already she couldnt tell anything
• but she loved how you got so frustrated bc you. needed. to. know.
• so she teased you a lil bit, saying things like ”this may or may not happen”
• HOW SHE ASKED YOU TO BE HER GIRLFRIEND before that everybody thought you were a couple anyway
• you were sick, like really sick, so she being the caring “friend” that she is showed up at your place w some soup, and why not flowers (something that she learnt from playing veronica) 
• even tho you melted when you saw her with all of that, you didnt want her around  because you were afraid shell get sick too
• but she didnt care, she sat right next to you on the couch and put some movie on netflix
• you were falling asleep with your head on her shoulder and she was looking at you, playing with your fingers
• she probably wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend “properly” like, with a long speech  and give you maybe some chocolate or candy
• but while looking at you the words spilled from her mouth
• “hey do you wanna me like, my girlfriend?”
• “what”
• “what”
• both of you started laughing and oFC YOU SAID YES I MEAN
• so thats how you started dating
• thats when all the fun began hehehe jk
• her phone and yours would be filled with silly photos of you two
• you know that video of her cooking and laughing about it in her ig story? you’d have tons of them doing mostly everything
• like one day, she took your phone while you were showering bc she was bored and her phone didnt have any battery, and going through your camera roll she found this video you took from her while she was watching her favorite movie because you loved how her eyes lighted up whenever her favorite scene was on the screen and how loud she screamed when something “surprising” happened even tho she watched it thousands of times
• she would do the same, because you’d have that kind of relationship
• she comments on every single one of your pics, really short comments like “i love you” “im in love” “mOM” “gorgeous” “mine”
• her mom loves you, and likes to cook for you bc she seems so nice and lovely
• when she is mad over something really silly, she starts speaking portuguese and you just stare at her while she’s screaming walking around the room until she let it all out
• “i was doing it again?” “yup” “im sorry”
• but theres times where you two are cuddling facing eachother and she is putting your hair behind your ear while smiling and shed say “eu tenho tanta sorte“ or “você é tão bonita”
• you wouldnt get anything of what she said (and she probably wouldnt tell you) but youd smile so big because you knew it was something nice and when she speaks in another language is the cutest thing ever
• PDA !!!!! lots of pda
• but not the annoying type like sucking eachother faces in public, but holding hands, long hugs, cheek kisses, forehead kisses !!!
• at least twice a week you go out to eat or have a cute coffee date, talking bout life sitting infront of eachother, holding hands over the table
• she never fails to make you laugh, she’s always doing goofy things or trying to imitate someone (and failing)  just to put a smile on your face
• its 2:34 AM, the lights are gone, the only source of light is coming from your computer screen and you two are dancing in the living room to some random spotify playlist
• you can go from steamy hot makeout session on the couch to sloppy slow kisses filled with love
• she sings to you whenever you ask her 
• she is probably singing 24/7 GOD BLESS HER ANGELIC VOICE
• but if you’re having a rough time or you’re feeling sad, she sings to you in a low tone kinda whispering, while smiling sweetly 
• i dont think she is the jealous type  ? but if anyone is looking at you in a way that they shouldn’t she’d wrap an arm around your waist, not like in a “she’s mine back off” type of way, but in a sweet “i love her dont steal her from me” type of way im crying 
• SHE. IS. A. TEASER. LIL. ****
• you tried cooking together, but you endend up getting too “distracted” and burning the whole thing
• “lets order pizza” “but i dont want pizza” “what do you want?” “you”
• she appreciates you and loves you so much bc if she is dating you she is 100% focused on you so she wouldnt be the annoying cheesy type, but definitely cheesy
• when she is away filming or busy with her work she sends you selfies doing funny faces, or videos at set with the cast, or a pouty selfie with a “cant wait to get home :(” that makes you melt inside who wouldnt
• PET NAMES !!! she probably calls you “love/babe/gorgeous”
• and she is your little nugget, of course
• play nights at your place with her friends (and yours) happen a little too often, because is everything you love and need: wine, charades, friends, and eachother
• but it doesnt matter is you win or lose the game at the end of the night, bc she’d wrap her arms around you and say “i win, i have you”
• i love her so so so so much okay?????? it ends right here before i start crying she is the most precius lil bean bye
tw: @softnessmalik
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stormpainter · 8 years
==> Make up
Today at 3:51 PM wickedpainter hey
carnivalsorphans hey sorry i made ya upset. wickedpainter yeah
you okay?
carnivalsorphans i've been worse wickedpainter that aint an answer
carnivalsorphans the answer don't matter much just yet. you okay? wickedpainter shit matters to me. I aint as upset as last night
carnivalsorphans i still ain't really knowin what got ya upset. i mean, i know what made ya upset, i get that somethin bout me sayin i don't want you and lilac ta get together weren't right, but i don't know why. wickedpainter mm I dont talk to people much dont got many friends no lovers to speak of even if I did I might be upset about someone tryina dictate who I can and cant be attracted to, who I'm allowed to get close with
carnivalsorphans ... i'm sorry. can see how it'd be a bigger deal for you than it is for me. wickedpainter yeah I actually care bout people
carnivalsorphans ... i was more talkin on how i got a fuck ton of lovers so it don't matter to me if two or three are removed from the list ... but yeah. i guess that too. wickedpainter all I've got is vel, tars grey ace
carnivalsorphans i'm. sorry. wickedpainter which is why we were in pale for a while, cause he doesnt do the sex, but my best friend's mates ace too so it just. It aint a big deal I'm bein dumb
carnivalsorphans didn't. mean ta make ya all upset. was probably gonna tell ya soon if lilac didn't. wickedpainter yeah I gathered that shit
carnivalsorphans it had come up cuz i fucked his ex. and shit got... weird. wickedpainter whys it matter to anyone who someone sleeps with
am I supposed to avoid any motherfucker you sleep with cause I'm gatherin thats everyone
carnivalsorphans no!
carnivalsorphans i just. got a thing bout non fuckin quads and fuckin quads mixin. if sugary was able to fuck, i'd feel uneasy on you sleepin with her too. and. ... i mean, it ain't a fuckin end of relationship deal. it just makes me uneasy. and i was tryinna get lilac ta see it was alright ta have a few nos if it poisons the relationship for me ta be plowin people. like his ex. so i had ta figure someone to put on the list. ... and it just. makes me uneasy ta have quads overlap. specially fuckin and non fuckin. but that's the reason i hate when kankri sticks his nose in mine and lilac's business, and why i'm stayin away from vel like he's the damn plague. and why i fuckin leave the room any time lilac or val talk about fuckin eachother.
carnivalsorphans and. it's just my pan fuckin up. and i'm sorry. wickedpainter ..sounds like some shit we ought to jam on sometime
carnivalsorphans ... i was plannin on it. i just. don't always remember shit too well. and lilac's fuckin stupid, and it seems like half the problems we have are involvin sex, and it's... weird, a bit, ta me ta talk to you bout my sex life. so it just. hadn't come up yet. wickedpainter look I aint got a lot of people I know an the only clade I ever observed that was any kinda healthy, an I know mine aint, everyones quaddin everyone else, an they just fuckin, let serendipity do its thing
what alls happened upsets lilac bout sex an you?
carnivalsorphans motherfuck that's a tangled mess of fuckery.
carnivalsorphans ... it feels like submission, for me ta bottom. so i don't do it often. gotta like... trust a motherfucker, before i'm up to it. but i got ta trustin lilac, and i wanted it ta be... earned, i guess. fun. a challenge. so i told him he could fuck me if he beat me in a fight. and then that whole shit storm with kankri and sugar sis happened, and before that i was considerin let kankri go down on me, and i figured i might as well do it as a show of trust since i was thinkin on it anyway. then HE gets it into his head ta fuckin TEASE ME bout how sensitive i am on it and how it makes me color, like it's the funniest goddamn thing, which really pisses a motherfucker off to be gods damned honest.
and then lilac gets upset about that. fucks off a while. next time we fight, he don't try so hard. then there's two of him, and they win, and they just have me tie em up.
then i fuck his ex, and apparently his ex cheated on him with one of his abusive alts and lied at him and a buncha shit, and he got upset, and then just. that whole conversation, bout boundaries and shit happened. and i had ta fuckin make him trust me at fuckin all for him to even tell me what the hell was goin through his pan.
and the whole thing with red ain't really been resolved but i ain't touchin him with a ten foot pole. and i know it bothers him when i sleep with val, but he fuckin INSISTS it don't matter, despite the fact he said yesterday he's got a thing for overlappin quads too.
and now, even though i've flat out fuckin told him, asked him ta fuck me before, he goddamn panics and gets all anxious about it cuz he fancies i ain't actually wantin it, i just wanna make him feel good. and it's just. goddamn he's stupid.
carnivalsorphans we've probably got in spats about four or five times by now. and it's all goddamn tangled in trust and boundaries and him not wantin to set em and me makin a big deal of how exactly i want gettin plowed to go down and relationships and.
carnivalsorphans plus i got kankri tryinna play clubs any time i just ask him for a lil advice on how the fuck lilac even thinks cuz i can't figure him out, and then lilac's talkin on bein ganged up on and i didn't even really want him to be involved at fuckin all. becuase he's a nosy little busybody who ain't got any damn sense of where his words are and aren't welcome. wickedpainter it aint so bad, layin out rules at the beginnin about what each session oughta be like. me an vel gotta negotiate sometimes, cause both us got fucky pans but we aint do somethin if we promise not to
hes prolly mistakin you gettin pissed about bein teased about somethin private for bein ashamed of a thing you aint wanna really do
I was gonna say you might wanna get an auspistice but definitely shouldnt be his rail, an it sounds like he dont feel like hes gettin heard a lot
also maybe don fuck valor just to see if you can get him to use his words and tell you to stop, unless you two are real sweet on each other or somethin
carnivalsorphans yeah, but it seems like lilac is so fuckin caught up on how bad he'd feel to put limits on me, he don't realize i don't give a fuck. and that if i don't got boundaries, i push limits until i find some.
we'd had a weird language dispute and i had said 'i'm willing but not ready' and i'd meant my bulge bein out and he'd thought i meant for nook things. and we ended up gettin in the biggest goddamn fight and now i think he's too damn antsy ta think on it no matter how much i tell him i really do want it. now i'm just... waitin for him ta realize it's fine.
we might wanna get an auspistice, but i can't think of who. and i DEFINITELY don't want it ta be valor. and i ain't fucked valor since the first big fight, even though we said we would since gam said he didn't mind. we got lots of overlappin interests, but honestly i get the feeling he'd fuck anyone with paint, and i got no shortage of lovers. plus his empathy makes me uneasy cuz i like bein private.
carnivalsorphans valor pisses me off honestly, he's just. fuck, he's annoyin. get the feelin he's tryinna lord over me and keep me all controlled every time we talk.
carnivalsorphans and any time i get upset anywhere he can see, he starts pryin real hard and bein all public bout it. wickedpainter communication is real important but usually I'm communicatin to vel not to bite my bulge off cause I like my bulge, so I aint got the kinda experiance you need to help with that shit
..tell Kankri you got a fuckin moirail publicly
carnivalsorphans hahahaha fuck yeah. fuck i don't know why i was so damn worried bout talkin at ya, i'm just. i love ya so much, brother, i'm sorry. wickedpainter love you too, an I appreciate that you apologized an accept it
carnivalsorphans OH. AND FUCKIN.... THAT NIGHT I WAS GODDAMN PANICKIN, VALOR TOLD ME HE LOVED ME AND TRIED TA GET ME TA SAY IT BACK AT HIM. and just. messiahs damn him, there was a bitta misunderstandin but he just really wanted ta feel all ~cared about~ and like he ~mattered to me~ and he chose the fuckin night i was panickin and had ta get picked up by you to get all expectant at me ta say it.
carnivalsorphans and like. i do care bout him. my alt banned him from his church, but he's still faithful enough ta see tragedy, and he painted up for the funeral and gave em a sacrifice and shit.
carnivalsorphans so he's just as much family as any other faithful. but god damn he pisses me off so damn much. wickedpainter :o/
the fuck is he doin professin love like that he aint even a quad?
carnivalsorphans i think he's just the ~lovin~ type. and for him, lovin means bein up my ass all the time. could find the log if ya wanna see it. wickedpainter later I think, I aint gonna go confront him
Motherfucker needs to learn not everyones got the same feelins he does
carnivalsorphans lilac's told me he ~likes~ me, but like.... he don't. it don't... it don't feel the same. he just. he's so damn affectionate, and it's... so much different from how She used ta be.
carnivalsorphans and i... i don't love him. not like i love you. but i'm fond of him, like i'm fond of vel, and i wanna... wanna make shit work. wickedpainter I dont got much to base pitch shit on but me an vel an I know we're not healthy, but I think you an him'll work it out
carnivalsorphans .... i don't know what 'healthy' is supposed ta be, really. just know what my pusher tells me. and my pusher tells me he's... not a challenge, not really, cept in the way that he'll call me out if i'm bein 'bad'. but he just. .... he's a makara. and i wanna look out for him. and i wanna see him get better, and come into the faith, and come into himself. and he's fuckin SABOTAGIN HIMSELF along the way, and fuck if that ain't annoyin. and i had ta tell him my name weren't ringleader. he's so damn absentminded, it pisses me off. ... but he's real sweet too. just... it's. different. and it's nice. wickedpainter Mm. I love vel. did you know that shit?
carnivalsorphans yeah, i figured ya did. he seems ta like sayin it when he's doin rude shit or gonna bite you. wickedpainter lovin an hatin can happen at the same time, an I hear a lot of motherfuckers think thats what pitch ought to be like
he gets ..real chipper when hes manic, an when hes manic hes stabby
carnivalsorphans i. feel uneasy sayin 'love' when it ain't.... i don't really feel THAT romantic for him. i don't feel romantic for just bout anyone. cept you. and.... her. wickedpainter he apologized to me last night, seemed to think it was him sayin stuff that caused the fight and not that stuff was done
carnivalsorphans he does that. wickedpainter I hadda bug off though cause I wanted to say shit I shouldnt
carnivalsorphans thinks everythin is on his shoulders
carnivalsorphans ... what sorta shit? wickedpainter he said he aint never seen you worry about anyone the way you were gettin worked up about me an I told him polite like I needed to go
I werent
good last night, all kinda destructive impulses
vel coaxed me out huntin so I could kill somethin
carnivalsorphans i was all fuckin worried on ya, didn't know how ta help and i knew ya weren't good. wickedpainter and I didn tell him its cause you dont feel as strongly for no one else
carnivalsorphans ... think it's probably sorta obvious. wickedpainter it aint somethin I should say to him though
carnivalsorphans ... i love you. love you more than i got words ta say in all the languages i've learned. wickedpainter is it showtime yet? I caint keep my hours straight
carnivalsorphans not even close. wickedpainter you where I can curl up on you or busy?
carnivalsorphans i can get where you can curl up on me. wickedpainter 'd like that fora while
carnivalsorphans i'd move mountains for ya, i can sure as fuck find a private place ta be cuddled at. wickedpainter <>
..magine we both had bad nights, I'm sorry for it
carnivalsorphans <> <> <> ... i just. chilled with lilac, like ya said. didn't get a bitta sleep, but it ain't like that's unusual. ... worried overmuch, perhaps. but that ain't too unusual neither. wickedpainter good on the stayin with him
didnt want you to be alone with me pissed
carnivalsorphans i've been alone plenty. i just... ... i missed ya. a lot. wickedpainter missed you too, my head aint always easy to deal with
carnivalsorphans you ain't never seemed so upset at me that we couldn't talk. and i was fearin the worst. specially since you weren't even that mad bout me not gettin on with tarrat.
carnivalsorphans ... lilac finally just now told me he don't want me ta do shit with his ex, and he thought it'd make me mad. gods he's an idiot. wickedpainter what'm I gonna do shove you against each other an force you to have tea partys?
lilac needs to fuckin learn boundaries are okay
carnivalsorphans dunno. that'd probably be pretty funny. wickedpainter ..and an ex who was actual shit an horrible aint the same as what I was mad about
picturin you in a lil dress now
carnivalsorphans ;o) i'd look great in it you gonna be picturin tarrat in it too? wickedpainter ..no cause he'd get upset with me if I pictured him inna dress
you know how many fuckers toldt him he needs to be more feminine or that he aint a boy?
carnivalsorphans ... it alright if i just. ask ya, if ya ever have sex with any of the people i'm quadded with in the future, ya just. don't tell me bout it? haha, i'd be glad if ya got laid, but. wickedpainter :o* yeah I'll make sure you dont hear nothin from me on it
carnivalsorphans it ain't like i think you're asexual or anythin. you're pretty as shit and i was thinkin bout seein what you was comfortable with before we went pale. just. wickedpainter you think I'm pretty?
carnivalsorphans yeah :o) goddamn gorgeous.
carnivalsorphans nothin about you that ain't beautiful. wickedpainter gonna make a motherfucker blush
lemme know when I can come over
carnivalsorphans now~ gonna kiss you all over wickedpainter :oD
carnivalsorphans and see that pretty blush for mine self wickedpainter >Get your butt over there to have make up cuddles.
carnivalsorphans and then i'm gonna pap it > CUDDLES!!! You pretend you're not being as clingy as you most definitely are, and you are almost instantly purring.
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adult-diversion · 7 years
lots of things happening recently
yesterday i got into my first graduate program, and today my girlfriend and I broke up. i’d say i was having some emotinal whiplash but the truth is my joy yesterday was conditional and I knew it wasn’t going to last . today’s events put me squarely back on the side of being really fucking sad but that doesnt mean that nothing’s changed.
things that are different now
1. i have one less person to regularly talk to (probably)    - at the same time, lauren and I didnt get a chance to talk all that much because she’s so busy, so I’m not sure how much of a change this will be 2. I do finally have some light at the end of the tunnel because I got into a good grad program 3. I probably won’t be having as much sex unless i suddenly become a real casanova type which is unlikely but its really not that big of a deal. 4. I’d say I have less of an emotional support network, and that may be true, but i’m not sure how. Lauren wasn’t incredibly reliable for that kind of support, she so often had her own worries and I often didn’t want to lump my own problems on hers so that may not be too different. 5. I may not be able to hang out with my friends on campus as much. I have no idea how this is going to pan out (its probably fine but its been like six hours, gimme a break) but I have a lot of trouble like inviting myself over or trying to arrange hangouts when its not with a significant other, which is my own weird damn problem. I’d hate to hang out with them less. 6. neither of us has to worry about being a ‘good’ partner anymore. I know she would stress over the fact that she didnt have a lot of time or energy to spend on me, which was true and pretty frustrating, but very understandable given everything else (no bad blood). I think it will prove to be a good thing, it was a major reason we both cited when we were talking today. thats what ive got for now. i think this is going to be a good thing, it just really sucks right now. I’ve been feeling for a long time like lauren and i were really good friends who also had a deep affection and slept together, so I’m not really worried about like losing that friendship, we’re on the same page there. the semester just started so we have time to figure it out.
I think that we both really helped each other through 2017, and are better off for it, but I think part of me is excited to be single. I havent been alone in this way for four fucking years at this point, much less as an adult, so its another adventure. plus i know myself, bouncing back is what i do, i kind refuse to let things bog me down. I am going back to school, I am going to do well, and I am going to be happier with my life, no matter where that school is or what I have to get through to get there.
I told my friend anna last night that being a millenial is like being on a roller coaster that you know is broken, you just dont know where. you have to enjoy it while it lasts even if the world comes crashing down around you. well, by my guess im about halfway through my tenure of my now-gap year of adulthood, and im very excited about what the future holds but i cant make it come any faster. I just have to buckle in, take it slow, and know that I am going to make it, and I am going to be ok, and I am typing this to myself in my room because I don’t know who else is gonna listen to my goddamn word vomit at this point. also its my birthday on saturday and im celebrating by going to someone elses party, but I’ll figure something out yet,
(im also salty because I cant take tomorrow off and be a lazy piece of shit and play monster hunter all day, but I’m saving up my time off for a possible spring break trip with all my friends to LA, which is worth sucking it up in the meantime, even if it ends up not working out what with our no-longer-dating status)
sorry this is so long, if anyone reads this i appreciate it more than you know, your caring at least this much means more to me than you probably think.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Arlyns Warm (& Sort of Last-Minute DIYed) Holiday Reveal
Spoiler alert: This starts sad, but I promise a happy endingjust like your favorite Hallmark movie. Yes, its a post about decorating for Christmas, but its a bit of a journey (and your prize for sticking around is seven tips for a pretty holiday look without a ton of planningnext to a cash reward, what more could you want, hm?).
Before moving to LA, I had a long-standing Christmas tradition that involved a sleepover at my place with my twin nephews. Wed go buy a fresh tree, head to Target to pick out their yearly ornaments (and okay, I usually caved and bought them several when they couldnt pickauntie privilege), and settle in for the night with a big ol cheese pizza and tons of candy to decorate and watch holiday movies. When I left Florida, my absolute favorite weekend of the year stayed behind along with my family, and frankly, I didnt feel festive enough last year to decorate. Sure, I bought a tree and then proceeded to cry my way through placing all the memories from years past on it (like I said, no this whole post wont be one giant Joni Mitchell River-esque depressing monologue). But, its been almost two years, and I realized that it was time to start making some new traditions, starting with proper decorations to set the scene for the season.
By proper, I mean nothing more than something that actually brought me joy. In my last home, I didnt care even the tiniest bit about my Christmas aesthetic. Id throw around scraggly bows, dangle strange garlands in places that would inevitably fall off (left unfixed until January). While I appreciate a classic, kitschy look, this didnt make me happy. Looking back, it was a lot like the holiday aisle at Big Lots come December 26sparse, random and nowhere I wanted to be. BUT THIS YEAR IS DIFFERENT. Guys, I really actually tried, and whoa, I love coming home. I get so jazzed to know Ill walk through that door after work to all the fairy lights on (thanks, timers) and all I need to do is light my pine-scented candles.
When I first discussed decorating and shooting my place for the blog, I told Emily I would take the more last-minute DIY angle for this story, except, ha, I should know myself better than to think Im a DIY person (have I talked about the unfinished dining chairs sitting in a corner of my master bedroom enough times for you to understand the stakes here?). Im more of an early minute buying personif we can all agree thats the opposite of last-minute DIY, but dont worry Emily, I pulled out a few stops even for me to salvage this story. Really, though, its an excuse to show you guys my living and dining rooms again, this time just festooned for Christmas using nearly everything Target, because those guys have affordable holiday decor on lock.
Aside from what I bought, there were a few things I planned on doing going into this: dried oranges for garland and ornaments, and the addition of real greenery to anything faux for a lusher more natural look, but more on that in just a bit when we get there. Lets start in the living room:
Creating a Christmas Couch With Simple Textile Swaps
Swapping out textiles seasonally always felt to me like the equivalent of womens magazines telling me when I was younger that Id be going from day to night far more often than I ever have (never). Who was really doing this? Sure, my mom would throw a random Christmas pillow on the sofa when I was younger, but a full swap was absolutely something Id NEVER consider doing. Except well, for the sake of this shoot, I did it, and guess what. IM OBSESSED WITH IT. Dont knock it til you try it.
I left one of my everyday pillows out because it played well with everything else, but Im half tempted to never actually switch them back. Im officially living the cozy life and DONT MAKE ME GO BACK. But seriously, seeing that Fa la la pillow and those little gold embroidered Christmas trees fill my heart with childlike wonder and joy and Im now a winter textiles swap person (once I figure out a more permanent solution than throwing my year-round pillows and blanket in the guest bedroom).
Neutral Tree + Homemade Goodies
The (Christmas-celebrating) world is divided into two subsects: those who take no issue with faux trees, and those that choose to torture themselves with a real evergreen. I am the latter. Every year, when it comes time to recycle this baby, I curse myself for the massacre of needles. But alas, I cant be stopped and I will always opt for a real tree. This is a noble fir that I picked up at Lowes and it has that gappy vibe everyone is into right now. I like how you can load up a branch front to back and things dangle so nicely, sparkling and dazzling in the twinkle lights.
As for the decor, this is actually the first year in a long time I went with white lights. Ive always been a colored-lights just throw crazy stuff up on the tree and call it a day girl (correction: let your small nephews throw crazy stuff up on the tree and call it a day). Someone once asked me if I changed my trees color motif every year and Im pretty sure I rudely laughed in their face before I realized they were serious. No. I am not that person. This is why this year, once I realized that oh wait, people will be seeing my home and I needed to try, I opted to go for something a little more neutral so I could build on it over time. I also had a box full of handmade and drawn ornaments from my nephews that I needed to be sure made it up on those branches (see the paper and crayon snowman, for example). Theres enough going on in my apartment that something a little more minimal didnt make me want to crawl out of my skin a week into the merriment.
Because I wanted some color, I thought to do what evidently everyone else on the internet also thought to do this year: dried oranges as ornaments. I definitely did not get the mailer that must have gone around to tell everyone this was the look of 2019, but regardless, I love it. Some string (in a white and red becauseChristmas), a bag of small oranges and a few hours to dry them out in the oven (Erin from Francois et Moi has a great tutorial here) and boom, I supplemented my tree for about$4. LAST-MINUTE DECORATING LIFE HACK. Put dried oranges on just about everything and you have an instant holiday lewk that feels warm, unpretentious, welcoming and a wee-bit British (i.e. all I ever want to feel).
Some of my favorite ornaments I scooped up this year with my nephews top of mind: the sloth, the fabric Santa, the clip-on glittery birds, and the ceramic turtle doves (I promptly forced my husband Charles to sit and listen to why I got those to represent our undying love). Oh goodness, and I cant move on before discussing that Cookies For Santa plate and milk jug. No, there are no children in my house, but when I saw it, I knew I needed to hoard it for the day that there are because every year my sister runs around trying to find something to put cookies and milk in and it always ends up being an awkward mini loaf pan or something and this feels like a pat yourself on the back for planning ahead moment that I wanted to put on display.
Mix Real + Faux
HOT TIP: Faux garland is so great for using year after year and traditionally, I used to think it looked very fake, but Target has some good stuff. I went with their faux white pine and berries strand here and over the archway and Im so happy with them. This one is 72, so, maybe dont be like me and instead measure before you figure out how much of something you need. I ended up with about 8 inches of bare mantel and had to guinea rig a solution. The left side there, by the candlesticks, is actually a piece of faux greenery also from Target in the same color/finish that I added to the end and BOOM, fixed.
Once I put the eucalyptus wreath on the door, however, I realized it was much cooler in tone than the garland and side by side, they looked a little jarring. My solution? Get some actual eucalyptus (I had some leftover from my Thanksgiving tablescape) and shove in pieces of it about every 6 inches or so. This accomplished two things for me: it married the color/style gap between the wreath and the garland, but it also brought some life to the faux-ness. (Again, this stuff is good, so it doesnt NEED it, it was just a visual preference for me).
Can we talk about the cutest stocking? Growing up in Florida, a land devoid of mantels and fireplaces for obvious reasons, we were not a stocking family. Every now and then, my mom might tie some to the stair banister, but they were never full of anything. Well folks, thats over. I live in LA now, a land with NON-FUNCTIONING fireplaces, but fireplaces nonetheless. LA is all about illusions after all, so as long as it looks like a fireplace, thats all that matters, right? Throw some fairy lights in, no problem (and maybe light some candlesI used these candlesticks from Targetif youre brave and attentive for that real fire feel). This knit guy with the poms is maybe my favorite thing I got this year but HEAVY (hence the nutcracker on top of the stocking holder for that oneI have a little cut-out in the molding that meant less stability, but itll probably be fine if you have a normal 90-degree angle on your mantel).
And, in one of my favorite last-minute moves to use up random leftovers of things, I took some ribbon I had bought for my gift wrap, tied a little piece into a bow and velcroed it to this art piece. Dressing up your artwork can be SO fun for holidays (remember Emilys googly eyes over that oil portrait?). Its so unexpected, costs basically nothing and will get everyones attention, I promise.
Sprinkle Christmas Cheer Throughout Other Vignettes
This whole post should be titled Never Underestimate the Holiday Styling Power of the Bottle Brush Tree because if you look closely enough, there is absolutely one in nearly every shot angle of my home. I threw some on my console table, on a side table, on my coffee table, on my TV standand just WAIT until you get to the dining room. Bottle brush tree galore! They are very affordable and if you dont mind glitter sprouting from nearly everywhere until the end of time, theyre almost all you need to fill in your home with some Christmas spirit outside of the big moments (tree, fireplace). Same goes for leftover ornaments, pieces of greenery (such as free scraps from the tree lot), and super budget-friendly figurines, like these reindeer that make me so happy.
That blonde wood bowl is VERY good guys, and I will absolutely be leaving it out year-round, but for now, it screamed FILL ME WITH JINGLE BELLS so I had to oblige. These are 2-inch bells and honestly just so dang fun. Put them in a vase or bowl but save a few to sprinkle throughout other vignettes (or on a gift!).
The last moment I threw together in this room was the bench by my window. I moved the rust-colored velvet cushion into the guest bedroom (which honestly, I treat like a storage unit, so I know this is not a universal solution) and draped my sheepskin pelt a little asymmetrically. I gotta say, Im quite proud that this placement was my first go at it. The less fussing you do sometimes, the more effortless things look. I over-ordered pillows for my sofa, but thank goodness, because they worked great on here. The green pillow with the poms is SO cute and you might not see it here, but it has these little wood beads at the base of the pom pom which makes it extra special.
Alright, lets move this party into the dining roomafter you.
Accentuate Your Architecture
Ever since I saw Ginnys garland-bedecked archway into her dining room, I dreamed of being able to do the same thing. So when I stepped foot into this apartment for the first time, I instantly knew it would fulfill my greenery-over-archway dreams. This is three pieces of faux garland, hung with some small nails I dug out of an IKEA art hanging kit. Because of my 100-year-old plastered and heavily textured walls, Command hooks simply laughed the THREE times I tried themin three different sizes and configurations (both the laughter and hook type). I finally gave up and went to get the hammer. Cant wait to patch those holes come January, trulythough worth it to me.
Implement a Big Holiday Moment (Thats Actually Really Easy)
Over on the console, I went for a sort of kind of holiday village. It was my initial vision to do a jam-packed Christmas village here, so I bought what felt like hundreds of trees and houses, and then I put them all down and the credenza ATE it. It was like starting with a pan full of fresh spinach and ending up with 2 tablespoons of cooked spinach. My dreams were dashed and I came up with plan B: mix in everyday things with some holiday feels and pretend it was your plan all along. Im actually very happy with it and dont think I havent sat at my dining table some mornings and nights just looking over here with a twinkle in my eye and sugar plums dancing in my head. When you boil it down, its really just three new vignettes: the two bottle brush trees + seasonal candle (above), a footed bowl with some leftover greenery and bottle brush trees (below) and ceramic houses with some fairy lights shoved up into them on top of books which were already there (photo after next). Oh, and some oranges from the grocery store because #theme.
My favorite thing about this whole scene is probably those beautiful wreaths hanging by velvet ribbon over the windows. I LOVE a wreath-over-window (or, as youll see, mirror) moment and two windows meant I had two chances to do it in this room. Quickly: Im very much obsessed with this wreath. It looks so high-end with the dangling brass bells and it matches the garland in the living room, so both spaces speak to each other.
Over on the bar, my vintage gilded mirror called for another ribbon-hung wreath, but I went for the faux cypress leaf version instead to keep things more minimal. The addition of some new brass barware (the Project 62 line looks really good, folks) and a few bottle brush trees and voila, my holiday bar.
When In Doubt, Keep It Simple (For Real)
When it came to what to do on my table, this was REALLY a last-minute DIY situation because I had no idea (which is typically the case with my table). The day before this shoot, Emily texted me that she had some leftover garland at her house from her shoot, and I could come grab some if I wanted. So grab it I did, not knowing what I planned on doing with it, but I ended up throwing it on the table just to think and when I finally came to, I realized it was exactly where it belonged. I pulled out my kitchen sheers because I do not have clippers (apartment living), trimmed it to size and pulled out some small, cheap glass votives I had in my cabinets already to make things moody. AND THEN, I had some extra oranges from my tree ornaments and I just scattered some throughout to connect both rooms visually.
But wait, theres more. At the last minute (okay, the night before), I wanted to give the room more of a casual party vibe and wanted a dessert set up, so I ran out to Ralphs with the intention of making something with the zero minutes I had left in my life to whip up a baked good and found a pre-made bundt cake instead. A simple glaze (though Im sure you could find one glazed already), some cranberries I rolled in sugar, and a smattering of fresh sage leaves is all I needed to fool Sara into thinking I had actually made this when she made it over to shoot. SEMI HOMEMADE TRICKERY.
I will most certainly be doing this again in the future, and if you do, as well, everyone will think youre a domestic goddess. Set out some cute appetizer or dessert plates (these from the Hearth & Home with Magnolia are super cute with festive sayings on them that are subtle but still fun), flatware and napkins, and with very little effort, you just became the hostess with the mostest time to actually blow dry your hair before people show up.
And thus ends my holiday dissertation. It started out bleak, but I promised it would end on a high note, and theres no higher note than being pulled together enough to maybe put some curls in your hair (at least for me).
I rounded up ALL the goods I got from Target below in a few groupings, and yes, at the end of the season, you might find this stuff is sold out either in-store or online, so for that Im SO sorry, but ALWAYS check your local stores because they restock or people make returns and you might just find what youre looking for. Oh, and for a few more exclusive tips, I wanted to share the story Ruemag.com featured of my home as well, so check that out if youre interested. Thanks for stopping by and the happiest of holidays and the merriest of Christmases to you all.
1. Wooden Ornaments Set of 3 | 2. 28 LED Battery Operated Wreath | 3. Lit Up House Ceramic Christmas Ornament | 4. 13 Lit Gold Metal and Capiz Star | 5. 3ct Glass Christmas Ornaments Set Birds | 6. 72 Faux White Pine Garland with Berry | 7. 8ct Glitter Pine Cone Ornament Set | 8. Green with White & Gold Wreath Gift Wrap Roll | 9. 40ct Shatter Resistant Veranda Ornament Set | 10. Fabric Santa White Ornament | 11. Embroidered Tree Skirt | 12. Ceramic Birds Ornament | 13. Sloth Ornament Ornament | 14. Artificial Cedar Stem w/ Pine Cones | 15. Cream w/ Black Swiss Dot Gift Wrap Roll | 16. Faux Leaf Ball Ornament | 17. Truck with Bottle Brush Tree Ornament | 18. Philips 300ct Incandescent Mini String Lights
1. Large Gold Glitter Christmas Tree | 2. Christmas Nutcracker Figurine Gold | 3. Knit Square Throw Pillow with Corner Poms | 4. Holiday Stocking Sour Cream Knot with Red Poms | 5. Milk & Cookies Stoneware Set | 6. Small Gold Glitter Christmas Tree | 7. Wooden Oval Bowl with Handles | 8. 2 16pc Jingle Bells Vase Filler | 9. Cream Faux Fur Oversized Throw Pillow | 10. Embroidered Trees Velvet Throw Pillow | 11. Holiday Stocking Green Stripe | 12. 3pc Taper Candle Holder Set | 13. Texture Faux Fur Throw Blanket | 14. 3pc Mini Deer Figurines | 15. 10 12pk Unscented Taper Candle Set | 16. 2pk Basic Stocking Holder | 17. Large Mercury Glass Christmas Tree | 18. Fa la la Velvet Oversize Lumbar | 19. Clear Glass Vase Large | 20. Channeled Faux Fur Throw Pillow | 21. 4pc Green Flocked Bottle Brush Trees | 22. Large Bottle Brush Tree | 23. Philips 50ct Battery Operated LED Dewdrop Lights | 24. Small Ceramic House
1. 24 Faux White Pine Wreath with Metal Bell | 2. Set of 4 Linen Napkins | 3. 3pc Bottlebrush Trees | 4. Stainless Steel Cocktail Strainer | 5. 4pc Bottle Brush Christmas Tree Set | 6. Stainless Steel Cocktail Stirrer Spoon | 7. Ceramic House Figurines | 8. 5pc Stainless Steel Kayden Silverware Set | 9. 4ct Seasonal Appetizer Plates | 10. Oblong Brass Footed Bowl Gold | 11. 4pk Napkin Set Green | 12. 18 Faux Cedar Wreath | 13. Dew Drop LED Lights w/ Copper Wire | 14. Bottle Brush Tree with Wood Stand | 15. 2.5oz Stainless Steel Double Jigger
***photography by Sara Ligorria-Tramp, design and styling by Arlyn Hernandez
The post Arlyns Warm (& Sort of Last-Minute DIYed) Holiday Reveal appeared first on Emily Henderson.
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/arlyns-warm-sort-of-last-minute-diyed-holiday-reveal
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