#i want you to follow me ; | shameless self promotion |
hellsite-detective · 2 days
Fanfiction you say?
indeed i do say!
it’s an “I’m in Love with the Villainess” cyberpunk AU!! it follows Rae Taylor, a streetkid from Euclid, and Claire François, a corpo girl born into luxury, as their love blossoms amidst a backdrop of rising tensions between the “low-lives” and the megacorps!
you’re now the second person to ask me about this soooo im gonna do a bit of shameless self promotion and link it here! read it if you want! there’s currently three chapters out, but there will be plenty more to come!!
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maideninorange · 1 year
I ended up biting the bullet and deciding to do @the-modern-typewriter 's June Prompt Calendar challenge. Mainly as easy writing practice if I'm being honest, but also to challenge myself.
Expect a mix of danmaku game fanfic and original fiction from me. For this first day, I put my own spin on true love's kiss with Len'en's resident greedy scoundrel in the victim's chair. Spoiler alert: no one gets kissed. People do talk about it though lol.
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boyfridged · 10 months
hello! can i request some Jason centric fic recs?
this is actually such a difficult question. in spite of years spent reading jason-centric fanfics, it is very rare that i find something that i genuinely enjoy. still, i do have some favourites that i go back to.
beneficiary by @sirsparklepants (1/1, 2k)
my favourite post-death jay fanfic. it's such a beautiful, bitter-sweet conclusion to his legacy.
untitled by @pendulum-north (1/1)
this is a very short ficlet. absolutely riveting language, as expected of a poet. my favourite take on the canon divergence that is bruce dying instead of jason. would sell my soul for north to actually write more on it.
what the living do by Anonymous (1/1, 6,5k)
stunning. perhaps my all-time favourite. jason believes he's dead. dick takes him on a road trip.
complications by JHSC (1/1, 6k)
i want to tell you so badly why i adore this fanfic but that would spoil the conclusion. so instead i can just tell you that it contains my unpopular agenda for jason's character development.
the (family) doctor's appointment by smleeish (1/1, 4k)
i have some qualms with the minuatiae of this work but this sickfick surprised me with the depth of the character study. the conclusion is so beautiful in the way it gets to the core of jason's values.
jet black crow by starknjarvis (series, 2/2, 19k)
i normally avoid sex-worker aus so please do know that this had to really impress me to be found on this list. the main reason for which it winded up here is a conversation jason has with bruce in the second installment.
the clay steals the clay by zipadeea (1/1, 2,5k)
just give it a read. a haunting... fix-it. i think about the usage of catholic themes in this fanfic often.
PLUTO. by orpheusaki (@damianbugs) (1/1, 22k)
a huge reason for which i love this one so much is the thematic similarity to the earth-51 arc in countdown. there's such good understanding of what made jason who he is as the red hood & his relationship with batman as the symbol and with bruce as his father.
things that make it warm by one_step_closer_to_death (@hopeworth) (1/1, 4k)
my favourite jay & dick fanfic! if you've been following this blog for a while, you know i am very particular about their relationship. you also know that i believe in jason's need to reconnect with his childhood and that dick should be a part of it, and this piece delivers that in the sweetest way.
of broken, blazing wings by FrEShAVocaNoob (44/44, 190k)
before i get to the praise, i have to say that this fanfic does talia very dirty and that i am not a fan of how it deals with mentions of jason's childhood & his robin days. however, it is also 190k of jason having a perpetual mental breakdown and it follows canon event starting from the lost days and finishing with countdown. it has great pacing and an admirable balance of being plot-driven and the focus on character development. jay is so painfully young and lost. i also really enjoyed dick's attitude. it's a riot and an emotional rollercoaster. i will never recover from it.
compulsory (shameless) self-promotion:
leave no trace, a ficlet on ouroboros.
black out days, a lost days au which is not a story at all. about talia, jason, the need to mythologise and staying away.
and my wip robin (vol 2): future nostalgia, a jay lives au that is to contain follow major batman plotpoints such no man's land and murderer/fugitive.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
And wasn't SHW right? Mordor now turns its eyes to a spirits influencer, who is visiting Scotland. She published some stories about the products and Sam republished it. In addition to the SS connections, the Rasenti leech follows her!
Dear Spirits Influencer Anon,
It would seem so, indeed:
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Just a reminder of what was posted not even ten days ago and if you want to know and discuss more, ask SHW - not me. This place has very few Rules of (Self) Conduct, but not speaking for anyone else but me is one of them.
As a rule of thumb, Mordor has its eyes on any moveable with boobs spotted on a radius of less than 1000 miles from Sam Roland Heughan.
Yeah, there is absolutely nothing to write home about and I really do not understand those people: when it's him promoting his booze, it's shameless shilling and when he coopts an influencer to do it, they are fucking in Glencoe. This is beyond ridiculous:
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She tagged SS Spirits, FFS! it's signed, sealed and delivered contractual, promo shite. And the Rasenti leech would follow a hearse if said hearse brought her followers or airtime.
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frownyalfred · 28 days
I actually love when I see you reblogging some of your stuff, because I'm like fuck yeah even my favourite blogger likes my favourite blogger
I'm a big fan of shameless self promotion. Get your content in front of people -- if it isn't getting reblogged, it isn't being seen!
I think a lot of people are nervous about annoying their followers by self-promoting or reblogging old posts, but there's a good balance to be struck, I promise!
People see a LOT of content every day, and you reblogging a post from 1-2 months ago isn't going to register. What folks don't like is someone spam reblogging the same post on their dash 16 times in a row. That's annoying.
If you need permission from someone else, take it from me: reblog your fic link, your art, your shitpost, etc. Reblog yourself shamelessly (within reason, you're not spamming) and be proud of what you've created!
If people don't want to follow you, that's one thing. If they want to blacklist certain fic or art tags, that's well within their power. Trust people to moderate their own content intake, and don't live life worried you're going to offend a certain follower by reblogging your fic link a second time. It's not worth it, I promise.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 1 year
A HELLCHEER PROPOSAL - Eddie and Chrissy, by @emeriart , commissioned for With a Little Help From My Friends, but the following excerpt is from a prior fic called Into the Shining Sun…
“I’m not trying to scare you,” Eddie blurts out, “I’m the one who’s scared. I want you to fly, sweetness, I don’t— I don’t want to tie you down. I want you to have everything you want. I don’t want you to be unhappy years from now because you realized you could’ve done so much better than me.”
She stops walking. Takes his chin firmly in her hand, turning him to face her. “Edward Wayne Munson, there is nobody in this world who’s better for me than you.”
He laughs, heart soaring, even as two big tears roll down his face. “Okay, so, what’s the word, then?”
She kisses the tears away. “What word?”
“You said all I have to do is say the word. What’s the word?”
“Oh… it’s more like a few words, I guess. Something like ‘Chrissy Cunningham, love of my life, will you marry me and be mine forever’ should do nicely.”
“I think I can manage that.” He glances around. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“Well, I’m not gonna ask you to marry me and then give you my ugly skull ring, am I? We’re at the fair, I oughta try to win you a ring, or at least a teddy bear or something, right? Come on.”
“I like your skull ring.” She giggles as he tugs her hand. “I like all your rings.”
“Nope. Too ugly for a fantastically beautiful woman like you. Just come with me!”
“I’m coming, angel. Anywhere you wanna go, I’m coming with you.”
Hand in hand, laughing, they run down the midway together.
Shameless self-promotion: like what you read here? Into the Shining Sun (warning, this one is pretty angsty)
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more-better-words · 5 months
Alright, one and all, strap in. It's time for M. B. Words to engage in self-congratulation (and self-promotion) of the most SHAMELESS variety.
The past few years hadn't been the greatest for me in terms of creative output - one series petered out, the inspiration fading, and another that I began started strong, but I soon found myself overwhelmed by the scale of the challenge I'd created for myself. Then came Enterprise, and (more specifically) Trip and T'Pol.
I've been a star Trek fan my entire life, but I'd never found myself compelled to write fic for it. And I've told this part of the story before - how the end of ENT and the utter hatchet job that was TATV made me want to give Trip and T'Pol something better than what the show had.
"I'll just write this little post-Terra Prime thing - few thousand words - and get it out of my system," I said.
Dear reader, this is not what occurred.
Part of it was the incredibly kind and supportive encouragement I received from the fandom, and more than that, for the first time in a while, I felt like I had a story to tell. A story that just kept growing.
So instead of a one-off, it turned into a series, and in the course of 2023, I've published work that I'm really proud of, and I'm not entirely sure what the alchemy is that's unlocked this for me, but it feels good to be creating and sharing, so I'm not going to question it.
That series, Built to Last, is comprised of the following:
From the Ground Up - 9.8k words, rated G. Post Terra Prime, Trip and T'Pol decide to give a relationship a shot. Surprise, surprise, it actually works.
What We Build Here - 22.7k words, rated G. The first six months of Trip and T'Pol's marriage, and their time on Earth, before the universe conspires against them.
For the Duration - 19.2k words, rated T. The Earth/Romulan War still happens in this timeline, sorry. (I may actually be proudest of this one, because I did some non-linear stuff that I think worked pretty well)
The Place We Call Home - ongoing, rated G. Babies and domestic bliss ahoy!
"But Words," you say, "Trip and T'Pol are super hot together. Have you written anything that caters to a...spicier palate?"
Funny you should ask! For most of my fic writing career, I’ve been a bit shy about writing sex scenes. But this autumn, driven by my ceaseless envy towards those who wrote them being oh-so-hot (you know who you are), I decided this was a challenge I needed to undertake for myself. I still haven’t written I’d rate E (maybe someday, I dunno), but I think I’m getting better at it!
Rounding the Bases
I’ve also (ALSO!) posted some ficlets here on tumblr that I’ve collected over on AO3.
Cinnamon Candy
tl;dr if you’ve stuck around this long - I’ve written a ton this year, and I’m happy about it, like really, genuinely pleased with it, and I hope you don’t mind me sharing it with all of you. Happy New Year.
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Clueless (Part II)
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Requested by @faithsreades! Please read Part I before reading this one.
Warnings: none, really. Language, lots of fluff.
WC: 1.4k
Eddie and Reader go on their first date, and Eddie is desperate to impress his longtime crush. 
It’s Friday, the night of your date with Eddie. You’d decided on Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. He’s picking you up at your house and you’ll grab pizza before the movie. Nancy’s over, helping you get ready.
“What do you think?” you ask, holding up the same crop top in light pink and in lavender. “Which goes best with the jeans?”
Nancy taps her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm. I’d go with the pink.” she says finally.
You throw the pink shirt onto the bed triumphantly. You’d been crushing on Eddie forever, but you didn’t think he’d ever go for a shy bookworm like you. You and Nancy squealed together after he’d asked you out.
Nancy teased your hair a bit, helped apply some makeup, and your look was complete. Right on time, the doorbell rings.
Eddie waits at the door, pacing quietly and biting his thumbnail. He thinks about everything he talked about with Hellfire Club before the date.
“Okay, let’s review,” Dustin said, clearly enjoying being more knowledgable than Eddie. “What do you say when you see her?”
“Tell her she looks beautiful,” Eddie answered proudly. 
“Good,” responded Lucas. “What do you do when you get to your van?”
“Open her door and close it for her.”
Max smiled at that. “I can’t believe you’ve never been on a date before!”
“Believe it, Red. Unless you count post-gig hookups as a date.”
She wrinkled her nose. “Too much information.”
He’s snapped out of his memories when the door opens  You’re standing there, gorgeous as always. You’re wearing a little more makeup than you do to school, but it looks so natural. Eddie wants to take your face in his hands and kiss you right then and there.
“Wow, Y/N, you look...wow,” he breathes. “I mean, y-you look beautiful.”
You blush slightly and smile. “You look really nice, too. I didn’t know you owned shirts that weren’t Hellfire or Metallica.”
“Hey now, I also wear my Corroded Coffin merch. Shameless self-promotion.”
Do I take her hand and walk her to the car? Dustin didn’t tell me about this part! he thinks nervously, but you’re already walking to the van, so he just follows behind. He does remember to open your door for you and you hop in and say, “Didn’t realize you were such a gentleman. I never picked up on that from your lunchroom speeches.”
He grins at that, realizing that you notice him. He starts the car, driving carefully because the roads are slick from an earlier downpour today and also, he’s got precious cargo.
“What do you like to listen to?” he asks and gestures to the radio. 
“Oh, I’m not picky. Anything but country, honestly.” You flip through his cassette collection until you get to Black Sabbath. “War Pigs” blasts through the van and you nod along to the beat.
“Ozzy fan?” Eddie sounds surprised.
You shrug. “Kind of. I really like this song, though. Fuck war and all these stupid politicians and their bullshit fighting.” You take a deep breath and feel yourself flush. “Sorry, I just get really passionate about that stuff,” you mumble.
“Nah, it’s cool. And I agree. Fuck war and those politicians!” He lifts an imaginary glass to toast.
It’s a long song, and you’re at the pizza parlor just as it ends. “Perfect timing,” you say and jump out of the van before he can run around to open the door. Oh, well.
The restaurant is packed. Eddie bites his lower lip nervously. What if you don’t want to be seen on a date with him? He’s about to suggest you eat somewhere else, but you grab his hand and pull him to the counter. He laces his fingers into yours and relaxes. She’s not ashamed to be with me.
You get two mushroom slices and he gets two pepperoni and a plain cheese. You duck into a booth towards the back of the restaurant and smile.
“Is half of Hawkins here tonight?” you joke, biting into a slice.
“Yeah, that’s why I picked it. So I could show off that I got a date with you.” He’s blushing, not believing that he said something so smooth.
You roll your eyes teasingly. 
Eddie’s desperate to keep up a conversation, so he launches right in with questions. “D-do you like to read? For fun?” So much for smooth, Munson.
But you nod, taking a sip of your soda. “I love to read. I’m, like, a big old nerdy bookworm.”
“Me, too. I love fantasy stuff. Lord of the Rings and all that.”
“I haven’t read that,” you admit, and he jaw drops. “What? I’m more into mysteries and thrillers. Like Stephen King stuff.”
He shakes his head disapprovingly. “Next time, I’m bringing you my copy and you’re going to read it.” He realizes that he’s assuming there will be a next time, and he worries he’s being too presumptuous. 
You either don’t notice or also assume there will be a next time, because you reply, “Deal. And I’ll bring a copy of Carrie for you.” You extend your hand out for him to shake, and he does, but he follows it up with a kiss to the back of your hand.
“To seal the deal.” he says shyly.
After dinner, you head over to the movies. There’s a crowd of people outside the theatre, and they look angry.
“Wait here,” Eddie says as he jumps out. There’s a crudely written sign in the window: “CLOSED DUE TO FLOODING.”
“Dammit!” he swears under his breath as he makes his way back to the car. “The place is flooded, probably from the storm,” he explains to you. His voice is thick with disappointment. “I really don’t want to take you back home yet, though. Maybe we can just drive around and talk.”
“We could,” you think, and you get a brilliant idea--or at least you hope it’s brilliant, “or, I have another idea.”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow. “Go on.”
“We need to go to Family Video,” you say. 
He doesn’t question you. “Aye-aye, captain.” 
You giggle in response.
You have him wait in the car as you run into Family Video, heading straight for the comedies. You snag the last copy of The Breakfast Club and make your way to the register where you grab bags of M&Ms, Sour Patch Kids, and some microwave popcorn.
“Back to my place?” you ask. Your parents won’t be home, but you don’t say anything so he doesn’t get the wrong idea.
“You gonna tell me what’s in the bag?” he asks as he drives off.
“Could be the next part of our date. Could be a severed head,” you tease. “You never know.”
“I think you’ve been reading too many Stephen King books, darlin’.” He grins.
“No such thing as too many.”
“Fair enough.”
You pull up to your house ten minutes later, head still buzzing from the sound of Ozzy reverberating throughout the van. You unlock the door and let him in.
Rifling through the bag, you toss him the box of popcorn. “Throw a bag in the microwave for me while I get set up over here?” you ask, and he does as he’s told. The smell of butter wafts through the house.
You walk over to the kitchen and grab bowls, dumping the popcorn and candy into each one. Eddie follows you back into the living room, where the movie is paused and the lights are down. 
“Now we have our own little movie theatre!” you exclaim excitedly. You popped a piece of popcorn into your mouth and started the movie.
Eddie just stares at you, awestruck. If it was up to him, he’d still be driving around Hawkins, trying to fill the time with anything to keep you around. And you had single-handedly saved the date without a second thought.
Nervously, he puts his arm over your shoulders, careful not to mess up your hair. You take his hand that grazes your upper arm and hold it in your own, resting your head on his shoulder. He smells like cologne and cigarettes, and you nuzzle in closer.
Looking down, Eddie catches your eye and smiles. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, holding you a little closer.
Best. Date. Ever.
Part III? Yes? No? How do we feel about following Eddie & Reader through their relationship?
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Can I request a Kurt Kunkle story where reader gets picked up and starts hardcore flirting with him and like leaning in closer and putting his hand on Kurt’s thigh as Kurt gets more and more flustered. He eventually puts a poll up to the chat asking what to do and everyone votes fuck, and he leans over to suck readers dick. I feel like he’d sound good gagging as we praise him for how good he feels as his chat is going crazy as this is happening
Kurt Kunkle with Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
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Entering the Spree swiftly as the rain poured down, you honestly didn't care about being in the front seat you simply wanted to get out of the pouring rain.
"Sorry if I'm getting your car wet, it's pouring bricks out there." You uttered out, your eyes finally landing on your adorable Spree driver. "Its---uh fine!" Kurt coughed out, his eyes wandering back to his live phone to see the chat as he stared at the camera upfront which gave a good view of you and Kurt.
"So, a Spree driver huh? What with all the cameras? Are you...maybe a model?" Your voice ushered out the compliment
Kurt let out an awkward laugh while his hand brushed through his hair, "No---mmm...not a model but uh, I do wanna be famous!" Kurt's voice seemed more enthusiastic at mentioning fame.
As he slightly began to move his thigh impatiently while talking to the camera. "Well??? What do you guys think of my new passenger!?" Kurt spoke, bouncing around in his seat with a smile
"Streaming?" You hummed out, your eyes focused on Kurt's nervous form as he nodded his head, while reading the chat on his phone.
"They like you, follow me by the way, kurtsworld96!" Kurt hurridly self-promoted while taking a glance at your handsome features.
"Wow~ I've always wanted to date a streamer..." You hinted with a smirk Kurt's face flushing as he nodded, "Yeah, streamers are great I'm--G-Great!
Kurt stared at his chat as it flooded with comments including how dense he was being, because you were flirting with him.
"Whats uh---your name!" Kurt suddenly asked his eyes drawing away from the comments, as he stared into your eyes. "[Name]...And your...Kurt right?" You slowly asked unsure if his name was really Kurt because you were just assuming it was because of his user.
"Yeah, I like it when you say my name---" Kurts face got even redder, before stumbling all over his words, "Like-I mean--not--- in a weird way!!!"
You let a chuckle pass your lips as you place your large hand on Kurt's thigh while turning your head towards his phone to look at the chat going crazy and spamming something about a poll.
Kurt's breath slightly calmed as you watched him create a poll on his phone, called fuck, marry, kill, he released the poll so the viewers had the chance to vote.
"Guys, fuck, marry, kill...what shall I do to [Name?]." Kurt smiled letting out a chuckle of his own while locking the doors, as you stared at him in awe.
"You know..It really would be a bummer if it landed on kill, hopefully, it doesn't....right [Name]?" Kurt spoke towards you. As you slowly nodded your head, while starting to understand the circumstances..
Were you shamelessly flirting with a killer...and are you going to stop? No, it's simple, if this was going to be your last day, you might as well make the best of it.
"Well, hot steamy sex with my handsome spree driver doesn't sound to bad." You uttered out with a smile, as Kurt shook his head at your shamelessness, even though he was about to do something even more shameless.
Suddenly the pull poped up, as you tilted your head trying to read which opinion one, You heard Kurt suddenly skirt the car, over, and parked as you were both in the middle of nowhere on an empty road.
Much to your surprise Kurt dove in head first towards your pants, fiddling with your belt as you stared at the camera in shock, the chat going wild as your hard cock sprung out.
"Wow--Its...big!" Kurt gasped feeling your cock smack against his cheek as he held onto your length. The chat was raving about how big you were and encouraging Kurt to do some nasty things.
Suddenly a large donation popped up and text-to-speech was activated.
KutsyKurtFan Donatted 200 Dollars
[Please Kurt you gotta do your succkoo skills lolol.]
The robotic voice spoke out loudly, as the person who wrote it was obviously slightly teasing.
This was quick encouragement for Kurt to wrap his warm and wet mouth around your cock. Kurt accidentally slammed his throat down on your cock sending intent vibrates on your cock, as Kurt's gag was very sloppy as he pulled away with a flush face.
"Sorry--! Sorry-! I uh---" Kurt slightly turned his head to look at his chat, to see everyone insisting that he continued, he gave a cute smile and went back to his lips wrapped around your cock.
Kurt's tongue was swirling around your cock as he did his best to suction his mouth and give you a sloppy blowjob.
Suddenly you gripped Kurt's messy hair, pushing his head further down on your cock, until you were full lodged into his throat, you ease your way, using Kurt's head, bringing him up and down as you guided him.
"Eg--hh!~~gga--hhh~!!!" Kurt's noises weren't concealed, as your cock rammed in and out of his throat ferociously, his mouth sucking in harshly as his drool was all over your cock.
Suddenly Kurt forced his head up, his mouth creating a pop as he stopped gagging, and took in a gulp of fresh air, before heading back to it, making sure he took the lead, by fucking his mouth onto your cock, not caring that his eyes started to flutter out tears.
The sheer roughness of your thrusts in his throat, caused him to slightly shake in delight, as his tongue was lapping around your cock making sure that you as well felt the pleasure he was feeling.
Kurt was coughing on your cock, his mouth making wet sounds while doing so, his eyes rolling back slightly as he didn't mind his mouth being used as a rough sex hole.
Your cock slightly twitched, as Kurt took notice, he was sucking and gagging getting more wet and sloppy, as he forced himself as deep as his throat would take you in, You let a groan escape passed your lips.
Kurt repeated this action until he felt your cock pulsating immensely. Warm and thick coats of cum filled up his throat, until he pulled away, the rest of your cum splashing onto his face, as he tried his best to gulp and lick it all up.
"Did I do good guys?" Kurt asked with excitement while looking towards your still hard cock.
"Mmm--Mmgonna ride him next!" Kurt let out a small moan at the sheer thought.
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Hello! I’m looking for a game where you play as dying gods in a world that has mostly forgotten them. Do you know of such a thing?
Thank you!
THEME: Dying Gods
Friend, I am holding your hands lovingly. How did you manage to ask about a very specific game that I designed? 
(Don’t worry, it won’t just be shameless self-promotion).
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Forgotten Gods, by quinnntastic.
you are gods.infinite, all encompassing,Forgotten.
Forgotten gods, trapped,adrift in the cosmos,left behind by a societythat no longer wanted you.
but you weren't Forgotten alone.
FORGOTTEN GODS is a game about otherness and clutching each other tightly in the face of the uncaring.
write letters to each other. remember who you were, who you are, who you will become. 
This is a single-page, slightly abstract, epistolary game. It gives your characters a beginning set-up: that you are gods, forgotten by your people, who have only each-other to talk to. A game that works very well for two players, it’s a great start for pairs of friends who may find it difficult to keep in touch across time zones. There is very little in terms of game structure; however, if all you need is a premise by which the two of you can write little pieces of fiction for each-other, this might be a neat little place to start.
If you bought the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Texas, or the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, you already own this game!
Mischief by Moonlight, by Mint-Rabbit (me!).
You are small gods, stolen away by colonizers inside the everyday items of those whom you loved. Your artifacts have been repainted, refurbished, and reconstructed until you hardly resemble your former selves, and you have found yourselves among other relics, closed up in glass cases,  temperature-controlled archives, or stuffed on top of a collector's shelf. 
However, some small remnant of your old magic remains. It is not grand or powerful, and it doesn't last nearly as long as it used to, but it's enough to do something about your current situation - whether that be haunting the museum, aiding other small spirits, or moving your artifacts to a different location. 
Mischief by Moonlight is an ode to all of the artifacts sitting in places like the British Museum that have no right to be there. You play as small deities, separated from the peoples who venerated them, bound to everyday objects that a museum has put on display. You’ve been separated from nearly everything and everyone that gave you power - but you haven’t diminished into nothingness. 
This game uses the VRBS system, by David Garrett, which consists of assigning action words to your characters, along with three tally-boxes per word. Failure will propel your character forward in that each failed roll allows you to either add a tally to a verb of your choice, or to add a new verb to the list of things your character can do. Your small gods will navigate different rooms of the museum, in an effort to help out other deities, haunt the staff, or whatever else your heart desires. 
If you like random roll tables, easy-to-learn rules, or if you just like the idea of poking fun at the British Museum, this game might be for you!
The Dying of the Light, by Keith D Edinburgh.
You are a God. 
For millennia, you have been worshipped faithfully, your powers striking awe into the hearts and minds of your followers. 
But something is changing. Your Followers have heard of a new way. The Age of Reason is dawning. Can you keep the flame of your divinity alive in the face of this unknowable threat?
The Dying of the Light is a one page roleplaying game for 2 or more players.
This game is only one page, and carries a simple collection of rules. It uses d4’s, d6’s and d8’s, and tracks the popularity of gods over a century. There’s not a lot of flavour for this game, so I think it might be a good companion to a larger game, especially if the game decides to check in on the world (and the effect the Gods have on it) over large periods of time. Otherwise, your group might have to work a bit to add a larger story - describing each act of the gods, inserting events that cause followers to fall away, etc.
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
The Bitter Taste of Regret | Izzy Hands
Based on/a follow-up to: Blackbeard Asking/Ordering You To Join His Crew (Partially For Izzy) (an imagine written by yours truly) 
Relationship(s): Izzy Hands x gn!reader (implied romantic), Izzy Hands x Edward Teach (ambiguous)
Summary: Izzy’s not as content as he should be in his life as the first mate of Blackbeard’s new crew. Ed’s becoming more erratic than he can handle, he’s starting to feel more than a twinge of guilt about marooning most of Stede (fucking Bonnet)’s crew, and you’ve become an obedient shell of the person you once were. To be honest, I’m not completely sure what this is. Just go with it and we’ll all have a good time. Apart from Izzy.
Warnings: Description/reference to Ed’s less than great mental state. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 1.4k
(A/N: I don’t tend to broadcast this fact but I write self-insert fics just for my own enjoyment with no intention of publishing them in any capacity. I started writing something and thought it’d make a good reader-insert thing, so I polished it and added to it until it turned out like this. In case it wasn’t clear, I love writing things where I can make my angry middle-aged man suffer (see: this fic I wrote on AO3; and no that definitely wasn’t some smooth af  shameless self-promotion). Also, I finished and edited this in the aftermath of an all-nighter I pulled in an attempt to fix my nocturnal sleep schedule so I didn’t end up sleeping through most of my birthday (26th August, if anyone’s curious), so I wouldn’t be surprised if this is littered with mistakes. That’s also why my writing in this one has all the subtlety of a cricket bat to the anus. If you’re a big believer in ‘show, don’t tell’, well...)
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“Cabin boy!” Izzy called as he hobbled across the main deck.
Perched on a stool, you looked up at him over the large wooden tub filled to the brim with soapy water and continued to scrub at his jacket in an effort to avoid being yelled at to carry on. Tucked under his arms was another pile of laundry. He seemed to be struggling to carry everything because of his cane, you noted. You decided against assisting him- he’d only bark at you for thinking him incapable of such an easy task, wouldn’t he?
"Bring these to my cabin when you're done."
"Yes, sir."
He dropped the clothes and bedding on top of the pile of his own that you were due to wash. Considering the fact Izzy had just emerged from Blackbeard’s cabin, you deduced that your reclusive captain was finally allowing you to do his laundry. You neglected to comment on the strong scent of rum and sweat emanating from Blackbeard’s heap beyond the involuntary scrunching of your nose.
"Does Captain Blackbeard want me to clean his cabin too, sir?" you asked.
Considering you were the ship’s ‘cabin boy’, it was strange that you had yet to clean your new captain’s cabin. Though, Izzy had generously allowed you to clean his room so many times that you had lost count. 
"No. You're still not to go near it," Izzy answered sternly. "Unless you want to explore the bottom of the sea."
It was a warning he’d given you early on in your voyage as part of Blackbeard’s new crew. You guessed he was mercifully sparing you (for reasons unknown to you) from your captain’s wrath, not unlike how he’d spared you from being marooned. It wasn’t as though Blackbeard had been in particularly high spirits as of late, which is why you, Jim and Frenchie were so on edge. None of you would have been surprised if you woke up with your erratic leader holding his gun to your head.
You noted that Izzy appeared just as unsettled as you felt beneath your stoic veneer. Maybe he was shaken after another unpleasant interaction with Captain Blackbeard, you thought. However (as was the case with many questions you had nowadays), you knew better than to ask. You didn’t want to explore the bottom of the sea, after all.
"Alright." you nodded. "Do you need anything else, sir?"
Izzy stared blankly at you. He noticed that you hadn't stopped scrubbing since his arrival, and you were repeating the motion as though your life depended on it.
Perhaps it was just due to his recent altercation with his sobbing, screaming captain, but he was experiencing this creeping feeling of dissatisfaction. His captain was a drunken, weeping mess in his cabin, he didn’t get much out of scolding Jim and Frenchie for their fatigued scowls and muttering, the relief of having rid himself of Bonnet’s incompetent band of misfits was dissipating and he was beginning to resent the only one aboard the ship who obeyed him without question.
"What's the matter with you?" he demanded.
You tried your best to hide your unease behind a demeanour of neutrality.
"Pardon me, sir?"
"You've been acting like a-a... fucking plank of wood ever since you joined Blackbeard's crew."
"I'm sorry. I don't understand, sir."
Izzy clenched his jaw. Your eyes widened.
In your defence, you were only half-sure you knew what he meant. That said, you were completely sure you didn’t want to discuss it with him.
"Don't lie to me. Of course you understand."
You swallowed your saliva.
"I wouldn't like to… speak out of turn, sir," you hesitated, shaking your head dismissively. The scrubbing intensified, alerting Izzy to the fact that you were more uncomfortable than you’d been letting on. “And I doubt you’d like me to- not that I presume to know your mind.”
He raised his arms in exasperation.
"I'm giving you permission to say what you want."
You froze. "I'm afraid... I don't have anything I want to say, sir."
That wasn’t necessarily a lie. There were plenty of thoughts residing in that head of yours, but you’d taken an unofficial vow of silence (well, silence involving things you suspected would earn you an involuntary one-way trip to the seabed).
Izzy huffed.
"I'm not trying to catch you out."
You didn't say anything.
"Christ." He rolled his eyes.  "Who knew you'd be more fucking annoying when you're actively trying not to piss me off?"
"I'm sorry for annoying you, sir."
"For fuck's sake." Izzy groaned. He would have preferred it if the tone of your apology was dripping with insincerity, rather than a poorly suppressed desperation to not be tied to the anchor. “If you don’t say something in the next 10 seconds, I swear to-”
Well, if he really insisted…
“You know exactly why I’m like this.” you snapped.
He looked at you stiffly. You allowed yourself to roll your eyes, something that strangely pleased Izzy.
“You want a crew that gets on with the work without a word. I don’t know what the Captain wants, but I know how to avoid pissing him off.” you continued. “I want to keep all of my toes, or, if I’m being optimistic, my life. If I want what I want, I have to do what you two want. Hence the ‘acting like plank of wood’.”
Your gaze lingered on him.
“Well, I thought it was what you wanted,” You couldn’t help the smirk that crept across your face. It had been so long since Izzy had seen it. He hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it until it reappeared. “And I’m guessing you thought you wanted it, too.”
You glanced down and went back to scrubbing. He guessed that this time it wasn’t to appease him as much as it was to irritate him. It was bloody working.
“So, you’re finally disillusioned.” you declared sardonically. “What sent you over the edge, then? Blackbeard? Guilt?”
You grinned beneath his irritated glare, not bothering to look up at him.
“I might be wrong in assuming this,” you went on (though you didn’t sound as though you thought you were wrong in the slightest). “But I can’t help but wonder if maybe you had something to do with this miserable situation we find ourselves in.”
Finally, you briefly met his gaze again. His eyes widened. He shifted uncomfortably.
"Even so, you want to fix this, right?” You didn’t bother waiting for confirmation. “Well, since you asked for my thoughts, First Mate Hands,” you said mockingly. It made him wonder if, all the other times you had formally addressed him, there was some taunting hidden within your words. “I suppose I can make a suggestion.”
“What?” he uttered gruffly.
“Get Stede back.” you advised. Before he could protest- “He’s our only real hope. If he started this downward spiral, as I suspect he did, he’ll be able to put a stop to it. Hopefully he’s managed to keep himself alive.”
You maintained your bitter grin and looked Izzy straight in the eyes.
“Of course, if he is dead, or if Blackbeard ends up killing him, we’re completely fucked.” you shrugged. “In which case, I’m off to the Republic of Pirates at the first chance I get. You’re welcome to join me, if you actually try to get Stede back.”
“Do you seriously think the promise of running off into the sunset with you is worth searching high and low for that fancy man?” he sneered.
“Well, I was worth ‘vouching for’, as the Captain put it.” you countered smugly, pretending not to notice the blush that spread across his cheeks. “Besides, I’m hoping it won’t come to leaving. I tend to like it here when things aren’t totally miserable. I’d quite like for things to go back to the way they were.”
You cleared your throat. The smirk fell from your face. Izzy watched as your whole demeanour shifted once again.
“I hope you’ll consider what I’ve said, sir.” you stated, your voice lacking most of the humour that it had possessed mere seconds ago. “If you want me again-” You looked up at him. Your eyes were unlike your voice. His heart leapt at the glint of mischief. “You’ll have to ask.
“I wouldn’t like to say something at the wrong time and incur your wrath.”
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Hi I’m Emma and I make skz gifs (mainly jisung atm) here on tumblr.
I guess the best way to get to know me is through the gifsets I make and i’m not above some shameless self promotion so here you go!
💜 Most Popular Gifs (aka my dumbest gifs)
Minho pokes Jisung in the [redacted]
In that traffic?
the sunshine twins are soft
cat boy agenda
felix looks like a baby pug
Literally just jisungs back
💜 My personal faves
My horror concept for skz
How to perform like Han Jisung
How to play yut nori according to skz
Jilix are small animal friends
Literally just jisungs chest
💜 Gif Series I’m very slowly making
Favourite Genres of Jisung
Stray Kids Guide to...
i tag all my gifs jjjgif if you want to see my other stuff :)
💜 Please consider following and reblogging from these fab people - they will put awesome stuff onto your homepage dash!
@seonghwaminho​ -- @quokki​ -- @cheekyquokka​ -- @seo-changbinnies​ -- @babychicklix​ -- @seungs​ -- @minzbins​ -- @jinniebit​ -- @yang-innie​ -- @skz-films​ -- @foxbroart​ -- @hanjisungz​ -- @hoeranghaee​ -- @nevoono​ -- @chanstopher​ -- @stray-but-okay​ -- @shorelinnes​ -- @geniaparadox​  -- @jjsungie​ -- @agibbangs​ --  @changbeens​ -- @winterfloral​ -- @juiceofmoons​ -- @snug-gyu​ -- @jizung​ -- @foxinys​ -- @han-archy​ -- @hyunsung​ -- @yonglixx​ -- @hanjesungs​
i hope i didn’t miss anyone! try searching #bystay for more ccs to follow :D
Also i used to be felixlixifelix if you have no clue why you follow me!
My ask box is always open for questions, requests or just have a gossip if you want!
Have a lovely day!
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evilwriter37 · 6 months
Ao3 Wrapped Writer Edition
Questions from this post.
I wanted to answer these questions to take a look back at what I've accomplished this year. And you know? Very glad I did it. This made me feel pretty good. (And yes, there is shameless self promotion coming up.) Here we go!
How many words have you written this year?
How many works did you publish this year?
I think 176? My counting could be off.
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Honestly, any of my stories to do with Heather this year. I wrote about her quite a lot and really got to explore her trauma and characterization. I love her so much, and those fics really stand out to me.
What work of yours has the most hits?
An Heir and a Throne with 8,976 hits. I don’t know if I’d count it though, because I didn’t start it this year. 
If we’re going with stories I wrote this year, that would be Reliant with 2,224 hits.
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
“I Don’t Know What You Mean”. It was a one-shot at first that I started last year for a whump event. Then I added more chapters, and I was stunned by how many people liked it.
Favorite title you used
Freedom Comes on Violet Wings
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Don’t even have to look to know that it’s Viggo/Hiccup.
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
Sorry, I can’t pick just one! I’ll do my top 3!
Viggo/Hiccup, Dagur/Hiccup, Viggo/Astrid
What work was the quickest to write?
I have so many to comb through that it would be hard to say. I wrote Lovers’ Eve in a one hour sitting, but there are shorter fics that definitely took less time.
What work took you the longest to write?
As far as one-shots go, I remember Power Sick taking me a while. It’s 6,547 words.
How many WIPs do you have in your docs for next year?
Let’s see. There’s Getting a Scar Out of It (HTTYD Dagcup Soulmate AU), An Heir and a Throne (HTTYD), Our Time Together (HTTYD), Adapt (Thrawn, not posted), Kintsugi (Teen Wolf), and What Question Can You Never Say Yes To? (Teen Wolf)
So that’s 6 multichapter fics. Whoopsie.
What’s your longest work of the year?
An Heir and a Throne with 48,981 words. Almost novel length!
What’s your shortest work of the year?
For HTTYD: Heather Lost with 253 words
But I think Good Omens takes the cake for my shortest fic. That would be He Tasted Like Coffee with only 137 words.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
See above.
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Whump. Are we even surprised?
Your favorite character to write this year?
I write a lot of Hiccup and Viggo, but you know, I’m really enjoying the writing I’ve been doing with Dagur and Heather that I started later this year. Also really been enjoying Astrid. 
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Aziraphale. Writing from his perspective is kind of difficult. I find Crowley much easier to write. His dialogue flows better for me.
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Get the pitchforks, but probably more Dagur/Heather. They’re a fucked up pair and I want more of it.
Also, maybe more Viggo/Astrid.
Very tentatively thinking of Jack Frost/Hiccup.
Which works of yours have you reread the most?
Vigcup Week, probably. I think those were fantastic.
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
Which work has the most comments?
An Heir and a Throne followed by Our Time Together.
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
No, sadly, but I maybe want to try next year.
Did you write any gifts this year?
Not really, but I did do a lot of requests and some commissions!
Did you receive any gifts this year?
Yes! I’ve received 7 of them! I am guilty of not having read them all though. 
What’s your most common category?
Gen fic, followed by m/m
What do you listen to while writing?
Cinematic alternative, modern orchestra, rock, metal
Favorite work you wrote this year?
No idea. There are just too many!
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
*stares at everything I wrote* Yeah, um, I’ll pass on this one.
Biggest surprise while writing this year?
I’m starting to get the hang of m/f and f/f couples!!! This is huge for me, because as an AFAB nonbinary trans guy with debilitating endometriosis, I can have a lot of trouble writing those types of pairings. I associate those body parts with pain, not pleasure, but I’m learning. I’m figuring out how to take my association out and just write the characters, or write the characters in new ways where I can still work around my pain. It's been so cool and incredible to me, as well as therapeutic. Writing is great, you guys.
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a-flickering-soul · 6 months
Heyyy, I don't have a number for the spotify wrapped, but I do want to ask something. I've been slowly getting into steam powered giraffe, and i saw you had some of their songs in your list. Could you list some of your favourites of theirs? I know next to nothing about them, and I don't really know where to start. Feel free to recommend as much as you like, I'd really appreciate it!
Oh my god I love this QUESTION!!! It's been so long since I got an SPG ask!!!
Honestly, when I started getting into them I genuinely just listened to their whole discography in chronological order while I was doing homework or whatever and that was a really great introduction, because you get to see how their sound and aesthetic evolved over time and that's really cool! I also recommend listening to their albums in order at least once because for a bunch of them, there's a distinct theme or ongoing bits and bobs and skits that flow into each other (Album 1 and VQ most noticeably, 2c Show and MKIII less so).
Otherwise, my two favorite albums are Album 1 (either version is really fun to me) and 1896, which bookend nicely as of now. I like Album 1 a lot because it's just very. . . themed? It's one of their most stylistic albums and there's a lot of really solid "beginner SPG fan" songs in there that are pretty classic. 1896 will also always be one of my favorites because I'm just enamored with Zer0's voice and the influence he brings to the band and I just think it's a very cohesive and nice-sounding album overall.
I would not, however, recommend starting off with Vice Quadrant 1 and 2 until you get a grasp on SPG and their whole. . . thing. There are bangers in there for SURE, almost all of them criminally underrated, but it's also a space opera performed by three vocalists and as such is very hard to follow at times.
For specific songs that make me go CRAZYYY that are also pretty beginner-friendly I'll limit myself to a few from each album because I'm taking you seriously when you say to recommend as much as I like:
Clockwork Vaudeville
On Top Of The Universe
Brass Goggles
Electricity Is In My Soul
Mecto Amore
I'll Rust With You
Over The Moon
Starlight Star-Shine
Sleep Evil Sleep
Shattered Stars
Eat Your Heart
Bad Days On The Horizon
Hot On The Trail
I will end this with a shameless self promotion of my own personally curated Spotify playlist of my fave SPG songs (it's a good mix from all the albums IMO but it also is curated to my personal taste so YMMV ig?) as well as my big ol YouTube playlist of some of my fave performances by them, since I really do think seeing them perform is half the fun of this band!
Happy listening and hope you have fun! I love SPG and it's always very exciting seeing other people getting into them :)
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Did you saw the insta stories of 247papsofficial, he answered some questions and someone asked if he’s going to see louis soon in nyc and he said yes. Then someone asked him in DM if he will be there soon and he answered that they told him soon and we should be aware.
This dude is so annoying. Don’t make him the new insider he isn’t. I’m sorry this will be longer, but I will use your ask to get this off my chest because I see his channel promoted all over in the fandom.
He’s friends with self proclaimed professional fan and stalker Boobsy - that should tell you all. He uses Harry and Louis to hype up his IG channel like a new Deuxmoi, and tries to make a brand of himself and excuse me since when are stalking paps cool again?!
See below the shameless plug while creating urban legends of working as a paparazzi in New York City as if it was the coolest thing these days.
Mythos paparazzi 101 [part 1]
It’s “hard work” stalking celebs. He doesn’t work for Backgrid or Splash who get the inside scoops from the agents but he definitely has a great network of paps in NYC and they all tip each other off.
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Anyway if anybody wondered why you should book follow HIM, he is one of the best. *eyeroll*
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Mythos paparazzi 101 [part 2]:
“There is no PR. Everything is real and he is merely documenting real life.”
He tries to make a living off it, of course he is not going to debunk his profession or expose the official narrative of celebs he plans to work for. EDIT: On top, I do think he believes Holivia is real because he isn’t as close to celebs as it may seem.
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Mythos paparazzi 101 [part 3]:
Since you now learned he “knows“ stuff before everyone else as one of the greatest at this job, why not give you as a fan more reasons to stick around to give him traffic, and use Louis and Harry some more.
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It’s up to you if you really want to get involved with a paparazzi like he’s some trusted source instead of a creepy stalker who makes money off of catching celebs. I really despise the guy’s profession to begin with and worse the way he makes it look like his job is fun and it’s an ok thing to chase and stalk people for pics without their consent.
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wxnderlxsttt · 1 year
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Shameless self promotion of a fanfic I’m writing over on Wattpad. This is just one of the chapters, though I know people like a slow burn so this is about half way through. If anyone does want to read it bc feedback is always appreciated then it’s called AFFLICTED and it’s an Ellie x OC and it follows the plot of TLOU2
"You know I wish we could count the stars in the sky,"
"You wish?"
"Yeah well it's kinda pointless to try and count stars isn't it?"
"Ellie you know it's also pointless to count freckles and yet I know you have exactly 29 on your left cheek,"
"You're so weird do you know that,"
"I am not,"
"No one else knows how many freckles I have on my left cheek,"
"Yeah well no one else deserves to know you that well Ellie. You're extraordinary,"
The two girls were lying on the roof of Ellie's garage, cuddled into blankets and surrounded by the Wyoming stars. Jackson was currently experiencing a power cut due to issue with the hydroelectric plant again and Ellie and Rosalia took full advantage of that, climbing up as soon as the sun set so Ellie could teach Rosalia all about the stars and the constellations. Ellie had books that lined her walls full of facts about space and stars and the planets that Rosalia, Tommy and Joel had picked up on patrols. There was a secret library out north that was on a patrol route run by Tommys friend Eugene and so after much persuasion Tommy and Eugene had taken Rosalia with them and let her sort through the books to bring back for Ellie.
"And obviously you know that's the Milky Way there right above us. That's our Galaxy." Ellie grinned up at the sky, her hair like an auburn halo around her head spread out on the roof of her garage.
But Rosalia was too busy looking to her side watching as Ellie smiled up at the sky her eyes bright and smiling from ear to ear, the skin of her cheeks stretching as much as they could the freckles moving animatedly dancing across her face.
"Ellie do you think there is others out there," she whispered still facing the young girl beside her.
"If there is I hope for their sake their worlds aren't as fucked up as ours," she laughed, a deep rumble that came from inside her belly, causing Rosalia to break out into giggles until they rolled over to look at each other their grins still bright on their faces and ribs aching.
"I hope we would still be best friends in that universe." Ellie's fingers played with Rosalia's her pointer finger running over the long scar that stretched across the younger girls palm.
"Even the gods couldn't keep us apart Ellie you know that,"
"Yeah but what if I'd never met you,"
Ellie's face was suddenly forlorn, her forehead creased with worry.
"You'll get frown lines if you keep pulling that face," Maria's voice echoed in Rosalia's mind as she poked at Ellie's dimple. "I think we would always be best friends. Platonic soulmates if you will," the 15 year old was bashful the word soulmate reverberating around her skull, eyes wide as she realised what she had said.
"Platonic soulmates?"
"Yeah like two people who were always destined to be together romantically or not," she shrugged turning back over to face the stars again, the rise of heat up her neck making her cringe.
"Pfft you and me? Romantic?" Ellie laughed not realising that Rosalia felt a strange sick feeling come up through her stomach. She loved Ellie to pieces sure. So why did Ellie's comment make her sad.
"Maybe I should head to bed El's it's late, I have to go do stuff with Maria tomorrow morning at the plant,"
"Wait no stay for a bit longer," Ellie looked up at Rosalia as she stood, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout and looking through her lashes.
"That look doesn't work on me Williams,"
"Come on i haven't even told you about the sombrero galaxy yet,"
She laughed pulling at Rosalia's hand so she fell back beside her.
"That's not a real galaxy you made that up," Rosalia giggled her hand coming to rest on Ellie's.
"I did not, it's so real and I know that becauseI read about it,"
"You're such a nerd Ellie,"
"Yeah but I'm your nerd," the two sat as Rosalia looked back up at the sky her eyes glimmering in the dark of night. She could feel eyes on her, baring into her skull.
Turning around she came face to face with Ellie who was staring intently at her.
"You're really pretty," her green eyes were looking all over her face trying to gage a reaction from Rosalia, her hand coming up to brush away the wisps of hair that hung around her face.
"Shut up," Rosalia's head dropped, her forehead resting against Ellie's shoulder, suddenly shy.
"You are, Joel thinks Jesse has a crush on you,"
"Yeah," she felt Ellie's lips brush against the hair above her ear.
"Do you like him?"
"Since when have we talked about liking boys before?"
She felt Ellie shrug her head still resting against her warm almost embrace.
"Well do you?"
"I never really thought about it," Rosalia finally pulled her head up looking Ellie directly in the eyes.
"I've always focused more on surviving than kissing boys,"
"How poetic of you," Ellie smirked. "Have you ever kissed anyone?"
"Where are all these questions coming from," they were still in very close proximity, so close Rosalia could feel Ellie's warm breath on the skin of her lips.
"I guess we just never talk about this kinda thing,"
Rosalia took a deep breath suddenly feeling shy again. She knew that she had been raised not by fault but so isolated, her life spent running or hiding from infected and helping keep Jackson safe. Plus Maria would kill her if she was running around kissing boys at fifteen years old.
"I haven't kissed anyone no," she gulped her eyes finally leaving Ellie's looking down at their still crossed hands.
"Have you?"
Ellie paused and pulled away from her suddenly seeming shy herself, her shoulders coming in as she hugged her knees to her chest.
"Yeah," she looked like she was smiling fondly like she was remembering the memory.
"It's was, erm, Riley? You remember me telling you about her?" Ellie's voice was small and muffled against her her jean clad knees, her eyes now pointing downward suddenly interested in some small animal digging around Joel's garden.
"You kissed a girl?"
Rosalia didn't mean for it to sound accusatory in the slightest, in fact she would be more shocked if she had turned round and said she had a crush on Jesse or any of their other male friends.
"If it's not obvious by now I can't say I'm particularly keen on guys,"
It wasn't a shock, after all Ellie was the biggest tomboy she had ever met in Rosalia's short fifteen years on this earth. And even in the current predicament of living through a zombie apocalypse even Rosalia owned a few summery dresses, sewn together by Maria for some special occasion. God forbid she ever saw Ellie in a dress.
She could feel a small path of emotion in her stomach as she looked over at Ellie who's breaths seemed shallower as she continued to stare over into Joel garden, her arms still around her knees.
Although she wanted to reach out and hug her she stayed silent watching as her hand came up to brush something from her cheek waiting until Ellie said something so she could try approach the situation.
"Can you say something please?" Ellie's beg was almost silent as she finally looked over at Rosalia her eyes suddenly rimmed with tears.
"You know I get it if you hated me for it. I'm sorry I didn't want to make you uncomfort-," she paused as Rosalia grabbed her hand, a laugh bubbling up her chest.
"You're so stupid Ellie. You think I'd hate you cause your gay?"
"Well that's what it fuckin sounded like," Ellie's demeanour changed quick, her tear sorrowful eyes switching to dark anger like the switch of a button.
"Hey hey calm down I'm just messing, I just didn't expect this conversation s'all," Rosalia shrugged again, not in the slightest bit phased by Ellie's sudden coming out to her.
"Well," Ellie let a breath out, her nostrils flaring. "You could've just said something instead of sitting there like a fuckin," she punched Rosalia’s arm, lightly, but probably enough to leave a bruise. "Idiot who I thought hated me after talking about," she punched Rosalia's arm again. "Platonic," another punch. "Soulmates,"
"Now girls if you're done gossiping about boys n stuff can we start heading to bed please?" Joel's voice made the pair of them jump from their skin, his Texan drawl sounding more than unimpressed as he stood at his bedroom window, his arms crossed against his chest and eyebrow raised as he looked up at the two girls still sitting on Ellie's garage roof, stars long forgotten.
"Fuck Joel," Ellie hissed her face turning red. "Do you think he heard,"
"Nah surely not," Rosalia touched Ellie's hand once more, rubbing her thumb across the back of it.
"Ellie. Rosalia," Joel warned a second time. "Don't let me have to go wake up Maria,"
"All right old man hold your horses," Ellie rolled her eyes, pulling one of the blankets around her shoulders and chucking the rest onto the ground before climbing down the small ladder she'd placed against the side of the metal building, Rosalia following suit.
That night Rosalia went to sleep beside Ellie and dreamed of shooting stars and green eyes.
*flashback over*
The door slammed open two figures emerging from the rain and gloom outside, one of them holding the other up, hushed whisperers coming from them as one of them collapsed down on to the sofa situated at the front door.
One of the figures, face still obscured by the darkness looked up at the balcony where Rosalia was sitting, joint still in hand, and the persons face was suddenly illuminated by the windows above the doors.
The two made eye contact, Ellie's face crumpling at the sight of Rosalia, the worry that had been etched into her forehead dissolving as she realised who it was.
As quickly as she could Rosalia rushed down the stairs tripping over her boots as she did so anxiously trying to get to Ellie.
She reached the bottom of the staircase hands grappling at the banister so she didn't fall flat on her face, anxiously waiting for Ellie to appear in front of her.
Finally after what felt like decades though it was only seconds she threw herself into Ellie, the tears starting again as she held her with such vigorous strength she though she felt a pop in Ellie's shoulder.
"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck YOU," Rosalia sobbed Ellie's arms coming round her to hold her shaking body as she cried, Ellie's raspy voice scratching 'I knows' and 'I'm sorrys' gently into Rosalia's ear.
"Fuck Lia I'm so sorry," she could tell Ellie was crying too her tears wetting the top of Rosalia's head, her own chest shaking.
"How fucking could you. I thought you were DEAD," she hissed pulling away from Ellie glad she was in front of her but now absolutely furious that she was back alive in front of her, after leaving her alone in the middle of a strange place.
"And YOU," she turned around to Dina who was still leaning against the arm of the sofa she had collapsed on.
"Don't fucking Rosalia me. Both of you. Fucking left me," Rosalia felt the angry tears stream down her face as she shook, her hand clenched as her eyes flitted between the two guilty woman in front of her.
"Dina I don't care what fuckin problem you've got with me. But to leave me? Can you imagine what Jesse would say? What Talia would say?" Dina opened her mouth to say something but a slightly green tinge to her face made her close it again.
"And you Ellie." Rosalia let a sob escape her lips. "I thought you were dead. I didn't know what I was going to do,"
Ellie reached out to her but she backed away.
"Don't touch me right now," she could still feel her hands shaking. She didn't realise how much she would hate her right now.
"Lia, I don't know what I'm going to do to make it up to you," Rosalia could think of multiple things to make it up to her, her mind was screaming at Ellie, silently begging her to just kiss her and admit her feelings and everything would just be forgiven. But Dina decided at that moment in between Ellie's laboured breathing and Rosalia's sobbing shouts to vomit profusely on the floor in front of her.
"Dina," despite Rosalia's resistance Dina was still her friend at the end of the day, she dropped to her knees in front of her, avoiding the sick and helped her lean sideways to take off her bag and jacket.
Rosalia noticed as she handed Ellie Dina's bag, Dina held a hand to her lower stomach touching it gently and sighing.
"How far along are you?" She murmured making Dina's eyes widen.
"How did you-?"
"I'm not stupid that's how,"
Ellie started at the two of them, silent tear tracks still running down her face from the small reunion but now confusion etched across her features.
"Dina?" Ellie stepped forward her hand automatically going to play with her pinky and ring finger.
"Wanna tell me what's going on?"
"Ignoring me for a second. Ellie I just saw you breath spores?"
"I told you I'm immune,"
"No you're not,"
"Yes she is Dina," Rosalia sighed pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation.
"I told you I got bitten years ago, and," Ellie paused looking at Rosalia for reassurance. "And I never turned,"
Dina sat there confused, Rosalia could see the cogs turning in her brain, the realisation finally coming to her after a few moments.
"The chemical burn?" She muttered staring down at Ellie's covered arm where the fern and moth tattoo sat covering years of secrets.
"You've still not explained why you've been unwell," Ellie changed the subject, looking between Dina and Rosalia.
"I'm pregnant,"
Ellie's hands rose to her face wiping her mouth as her eyes widened.
"How long have you known?" Rosalia stood up her hands running through her hair, joining Ellie as they faced the sickly girl in front of them.
"I was late a couple of weeks ago and,"
"A couple of weeks?"
Ellie backed away, her eyes wide as she stared down at Dina hunched over herself on the couch.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Ellie's voice was low, dangerous. Rosalia could feel the tension in the air, you could cut it with a knife.
"Ellie why don't you go cool off huh?" She waved Rosalia away still staring intently at Dina.
"I didn't want to be a burden," Dina's eyes were full of exasperation as she looked between Ellie and Rosalia, her eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah well you're a burden now aren't you?"
"Ellie enough," Rosalia warned, matching up to Ellie's tone. "Go cool off, find the generator or something please?"
"That wasn't a question Ellie, go, I'll deal with Dina," Ellie pulled her bag from her shoulders throwing it against the wall, tucking Joel's revolver into the back of her jeans.
She stomped away making her way up the stairs away from the two.
"Lia I'm sorry," Dina started but Rosalia held up a hand to stop her.
"Does Jesse know?" She shook her head in response. "You shouldn't have come,"
"I'm her best friend. I wasn't going to let her go alone?"
"She has me," Rosalia sat next to her staring at the carpet in front of her, her mind going a million miles a minute trying to process everything.
"I'm sorry for being a jealous dick,"
Rosalia took a breath, "Yeah you should be,"
"I know you love her,"
"Yeah no shit Sherlock." She finally turned to look at Dina, her skin still tinged green and hand still resting in her stomach. "You need to be back at Jackson getting proper care,"
"I know,"
"And you're telling Jesse as soon as we get back,"
"I know,"
Rosalia stood up dusting her jeans off. "I have water we can use to wash up a bit, I'm gonna find Ellie," Dina nodded letting Rosalia walk away without argument her eyes following her as she made her way back up to the balcony.
As she was walking she noticed a slight hum and the lights throughout the stairwell buzzed and flickered on, Ellie found the generator and turned it on.
Making her way through the theatre she found Ellie hunched over in the radio she had found earlier trying to twist the dial to work. Leaning against the door she cleared her throat making Ellie jump around in surprise.
"Doesn't work,"
"Yeah I gathered,"
"I'm still furious," she walked towards Ellie giving her, her harshest stare. Ellie's hands reached out in front of her to pull her into a hug her arms stretching around the smaller girl.
"Do you know how that fucking felt?" She mumbled against Ellie's collarbone. Her mind was screaming wanting to cry and sob and kiss her all at the same time.
"Hey look at me?" Ellies hands came up to cup her face, lifting her chin so they were looking directly into each others eyes.
"Ellie," she whispered leaning in close, the feeling of Ellie's body tight against hers, only tee shirts separating their warm skin.
"I don't know how to prove how sorry I am?" She mumbled, her lips moving to press against Rosalia's forehead. Warm and chapped and full of regret.
Rosalia sighed. Was this the right time to confess her feelings? They could die any moment, ravaged by infected or murdered by WLF soldiers.
"Ellie I-," she was cut off by Ellie's thumb brushing over her lips.
"You're my best friend," their faces were close. She could feel Ellie's trembling breath against her skin the affects from the joint she smoked earlier making her mind fuzz, her entire concentration on Ellie.
"Ellie," Rosalia sighed pressing herself further against Ellie making her emit a groan.
"Just fucking kiss me already," Ellie sighed almost unable to finish her sentence because Rosalia had reached up placing both hands on Ellie's cheeks and planting her lips straight on Ellie's, letting the shock wash over before taking it a step further and reaching her hands around her neck. She felt Ellie's hands move down to her hips, twisting them around so her spine was pressed against the desk, their lips moving feverishly against each others as Rosalia grasped desperately at Ellie's clothes. A deep guttural moan erupted from Ellie's chest, her lips detaching from Rosalia's, their forehead resting against each others as they both stared at each other breathlessly.
"Fuck Lia," Ellie's eyes fluttered closed, her head moving to rest against Rosalia's shoulder, her hands still resting against her hips, bumble fingers having moved under her tee shirt, thumbs stroking the skin of her waist delicately.
"Platonic soulmates my ass,”
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