#i wanted to scream bloody murder but instead i just laughed and went “okay!” and ran away to tell my boss LMFAO
bugmin · 10 months
customer came up to me today asking for a takeout container and because i happened to be in a great mood i was quite jovial abt the whole exchange and this crusty fossilized senile motherfucker deadass goes "you know what my father would have said about you? i want to take you home with me"
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close to home | chapter nineteen
close to home | chapter nineteen
plot: the reader learns that Lizzie's issues are more than what they seem, and pays dearly for it
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,478 Warnings: violence, blood, child death/murder, character death A/N: thanks for reading! I can't believe we're on chapter nineteen already!! Lots more to come ;)
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When you went to go hunting the following day, Mika cried at the idea of you leaving. So Carol and Tyreese offered instead, and she settled next to you with her doll. You gave her arm a quick squeeze and told her you were going to get some pecans for breakfast. 
Both Carol and Tyreese met you in the kitchen. 
“I don’t understand why she’s so clingy,” You said in a hushed tone. “She’s not like that with you two. Every day gets worse.” You said with concern. 
“You look like their mother,” Carol said sadly. “Their father had a picture. I’d only seen it once. But you look a little like her. I think she just feels safer with you.”
Your heart broke for the little girl, and you looked back, watching as she played with Judith and the doll again. “What do we do?”
“I don’t think we can do anything,” Tyreese said. “Yesterday spooked her. We haven’t really spoken to them about what happened at the prison. Maybe tonight we should.”
You and Carol nodded in agreement. “Alright. You guys go out and hopefully get something. I’ll play dolls with her.” You said with a light laugh. 
The two of them gave you a look before disappearing, and you worked at preparing more pecans for breakfast. When you walked back into the living room, Lizzie was sitting on the couch, reading through a book. 
The three of you settled into a nice silence. You played quietly with Judith and Mika while Lizzie read. After a few hours, Lizzie jumped up and asked if she could go outside. Being a nice day, you decided to send them out with Judith while you grabbed some lunch, and you’d all eat it outside. 
You were carrying a bowl outside when you heard movement from behind you and a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. The bowl fell from your hands, and you looked to Lizzie. Her hands were coated in your blood, and her knife was sticking out from your side when you looked down. 
“Lizzie…” You said. You could taste blood. 
Your knees went wobbly, and you fell down. 
“It’s okay. You’ll come back,” Lizzie said. “Mika wouldn’t want to go without you.” 
You looked up at her in confusion and looked around for the younger girl. You saw her lying on the ground through the railing, and your eyes filled with tears. You crawled forward, fire burning through your torso. 
There on the grass lay Mika, struggling to breathe. It took all your energy to get down the steps and collapse beside her. Fear and pain were etched across her face, and you cried, cupping her cheeks. 
“It hurts,” She breathed out. 
“Shh, shh,” You said, rubbing her head and pushing back her bloody hair. “You’re okay.”
“I’m scared…” Mika cried softly to you. Her face was so pale, and you rested your forehead against her shoulder to swallow your cries for a second. 
“It’s okay,” You said, blinking through endless tears and pain and looking at her. “I’m coming with you. There’s no reason to be scared.”
She looked up at you with such fear and pain, but it only lasted for another second. The light in her eyes faded, and she took her last breath. 
You started to sob loudly, nearly screaming in agony at the pain in your side and the dead little girl in front of you. “Mika…” You cried, holding her face in your hands. You couldn’t tell what was her blood and what was yours. 
“It’s okay,” Lizzie said, kneeling beside you and grabbing your shoulder. “She’ll come back. You both will. And Carol will see.” 
You looked slowly up at the little girl. Her face was blurry through your tears. You reached for Mika’s gun slowly, but Lizzie stood, seeing Carol and Tyreese in the distance. 
You tried to turn, yelping in pain. The knife was still in there, holding in as much blood as possible. You tried to narrow down the spot where she stabbed you, and you didn’t think it would be lethal if Carol could stop the bleeding. 
When you looked up to see Carol and Tyreese had come over, you let out a sigh of relief through your cries and leaned back, looking at Mika. Your vision blurred again before darkness consumed you. 
“It’s just a simple run,” You said, smiling at Daryl and walking over to his bike. “I wanna scope out the library at the town a few miles up the road. We’ve got a decent amount of kids, and I think we’ll get more. I wanna see about getting them some books.” 
Daryl looked at you like you were crazy. “You wanna go risk our lives for some stupid books?” 
You laughed and grabbed a piece of meat off his plate. “Come on, the road is too blocked off for me to get a car through, and Michonne took the horse. I wanna take the bike.”
“You wanna take my bike and risk our lives for some stupid books?”
You laughed again and grabbed his arm, trying to pull him from his seat. “I’ll swipe your keys if you don’t come with me. Or I’ll just head on out and walk there.”
He scuffed and pulled his arm back. “Make a nice snack for walkers.”
You rolled your eyes and sat down. “Come on. Those new girls, Lizzie and Mika. They just got here, and they’re so scared. I think they were out there a long time. Can you come with me, please?” You asked sincerely. 
Daryl looked at your wide, hopeful eyes and knew he could complain all he wanted, but he would never refuse. If you wished for books for the children, he would gladly take you out to get them. He couldn’t say no to your beaming eyes and hopeful smile. 
“Aight, aight,” He gruffed. He quickly finished the rest of his food as you cheered and stood up. 
As you walked down to the gate where his bike was, you told him about the area, one of which he was familiar with. 
Maggie was there to greet you at the gate and watched with humor as you argued with Daryl about letting you drive--he never did seem to follow your sarcasm. Finally, you gave him a break and sat on the bike behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
As Daryl slowly pulled out, Maggie gave you a look, and the last thing she saw was you giving her the middle finger while Daryl drove the two of you out of there.
You groaned in pain as your eyes fluttered open. Your side seemed to be on fire, and you could feel the tight pressure of something wrapped around your middle. You realized you were lying on the couch underneath a heavy blanket when you came to. Your shirt was gone, and you were just in a sports bra, and there was a cloth wrapped tightly around you. 
Carol and Tyreese were sitting at the table, and when they heard movement, they both came over. When you looked at the sadness and red eyes, you couldn't help but cry again. The pain and loss were so suffocating, and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
Carol frowned and knelt down, holding your hand as she cried not to cry. “It’ll be okay, (Y/N).”
The following day, Carol filled you in on what happened. Tyreese ransacked a few houses down the road for some medication and found some antibiotics for you. Your wound wasn’t deep at all--Lizzie didn’t have the best aim, and it was a small knife to begin with. Still, they could find some thread to stitch it up, and it would hold. You were lucky.
Lizzie was put down, and both their graves were in the front of the yard. You tried your hardest not to cry for Mika, and Lizzie, too, for the confused girl she was. 
Both Carol and Tyreese gave you the option of another day, but you couldn’t stand the look of the house anymore. And you could walk. It would be painful, and if you had to run, you might as well be screwed. But you couldn’t be in this house. 
While Carol and Tyreese gathered your supplies, you limped outside and stood by the graves. You couldn’t kneel, but standing hurt less anyway. You let a few tears slip and longed for the comfort of your best friend. He wouldn’t know what to say, but just him being there would be enough. He made you feel like you could get through anything. Now, without him and the rest of your family, you weren’t sure what you could do. 
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hybbart · 1 year
oh i'm gonna need to see tango's reaction to jimmy pushing himself too hard defending him :(((
the poor ranchers are trying so hard and i agree jimmy deserves to go feral
Well okay then
Despite the kicking and swinging and distinct lack of screaming that came with him concentrating too hard, Tango managed to pull the avian completely off Etho. The raider had the self-awareness to lay still as he was rescued. Tango gave one final yank, collapsing backwards into the snowbank with his rancher, whose voice was knocked back into him.
“Let go- let me go! What is he doing here? Let me go!” wheezed Jimmy, warbles breaking up his words. Grian thoughtlessly trilled back in solidarity beside them. It only seemed to increase his distress.
Tango tried to readjust his grip before Jimmy’s flailing wings could pull him away. “Jimmy- Stop- Just listen-”
“Listen!” Jimmy’s voice went shrill as his whole body stilled. A shattering clang echoed across the parking lot. “Listen? Listen?” Dilated golden rings turned on Tango. He felt his ears pin back, tail winding around the avian’s ankle like it could provide either any comfort. Jimmy twisted himself to brace his hands against Tango’s chest. “I’ve listened for nearly four weeks! I’ve been listening to everyone, and every channel on that damn radio, and every car that’s come and gone, and every whine from Revenge’s room, and every bloody moment of silence in between- and you bring that thing here and tell me to listen?”
Tango cringed as a hoarse laugh wretched itself from Jimmy’s throat and twisted into a pained whistle. His eyes held nothing but murder. They glared down at Tango, waiting for something, but when Tango only stared back he spoke blunt. “Let go.”
Hands slammed against his chest and tried to shove Jimmy out of his grip. “Let go!”
But the cold had begun to seep into Jimmy’s bones, his wings puffing up around his shoulders for warmth rather than the display they’d formed earlier. The brief second wind was too hampered with cold and exhaustion to escape. Tango winced, his prosthetic pulled until it battered his shoulder, but held steadfast. So many words wanted to pour out of his mouth. That he understood, that the sight of Jimmy still sick and with new scars brought his own blood to a boil. Jimmy wouldn’t hear anything but reasons for Tango to let go, though.
Jimmy slowed until he was little more than a heaving, shaking mass of feathers on top of Tango. His hands had stopped their assault to instead wrap with bruising tightness around Tango’s torso, and the blazeborn could feel a set of talons digging into his boot. 
When the first quiet hiccup came he finally loosened his grip. Tango briefly peeked past his rancher towards the crowd. Etho was declining something from Scott, and Tango didn’t hold back the satisfaction at the sight of a bruise over his whole cheek that left a red stain in his mask. His claws buried themselves in Jimmy’s feathers, scratching soothingly.
“Hey.” Tango muttered as he buried his face into his rancher’s shoulder instead. He waited until Jimmy shifted in acknowledgement. A grin crept in. “That flyby homerun? Pretty great opener.”
The feathered mass rumbled. It was some sort of win in Tango’s books, even as it broke into a sob Jimmy tried to suck back in. His own eyes were beginning to feel pressed. Heat was rapidly escaping them despite being above freezing.
Footsteps crunched across the asphalt behind them. Jimmy’s wings relaxed enough for Tango to see Grian approaching with Jimmy’s bag. “You should get inside.” He said as Tango took the machine from him. “Get some rest.”
“Yeah.” Tango nudged Jimmy until he pulled the bag strap over his shoulder. The two awkwardly stood up, using one another as support. Jimmy still refused to let go. Tango wasn’t too inclined to do so either, awkwardly repositioning himself so the taller could lean into him. With his wings pulled back Jimmy began to really shiver, so Tango only gave the rest a brief wave of acknowledgement before they left. It was time to go home.
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kbandtrash · 2 years
N.Flying at the Amusement Park
Went to lagoon last week and I was. inspired
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Warms up throughout the day and cools off at the end
Likes to start with the more cutesy easy rides and build up to the roller coasters as the day goes on
And then goes back and redoes the ones he liked the most
But at the end of the day he’s all about the slow classic rides
He’ll hold hands with you in line even when it’s hot outside
He kinda looks at the other people in line and has to make sure they know you’re an item
He’ll sneak kisses on rides when he’s sure no one else can see
And at the top of roller coasters before you fall
He prefers mid to back of the trains so really he’ll kiss you and then you drop
He’s not necessarily afraid of bigger coasters he just has to give himself time to work up to them
He’s the type to look around at the top of the Ferris wheel and take pictures
And then when you say “wow the view is gorgeous!”
He looks at you and says “yeah it is”
And then he’ll kiss you again
After the sunset Ferris wheel he will occasionally go back and do coasters again because lines are short
Or whatever you want to do because he’s pretty okay with being dragged around too
There for the vibes
Will go on roller coasters but you kinda have to bribe him
More about people watching and face paint than adrenaline
He likes some of the chill ground rides like swings and stuff
But roller coasters definitely aren’t his first choice
You go and get cat whiskers and then cotton candy and ice cream and you walk around 
Just kinda admiring the sights and sounds until you finish your treats
Then like Ferris wheel, big swing ride, tilt-a-whirl, bumper cars
The biggest ride he’ll volunteer for is the boat swinging thing
You can talk him into roller coasters and those like you’re attached to a seat and flung around like a ragdoll things idk
But honestly he doesn’t really like them especially the flingy rides
He also really doesn’t like rides where you get wet but if it’s really hot outside he might be up for it just to cool off
The only rides he refuses to go on are the rise and drop ones
Hate is not a strong enough word
But he does like to take pictures after more intense rides just to see how funny his hair looks
And to remember that he spent a fun day with you doing things outside of his normal comfort zone
Every single ride he screams bloody murder
It’s his idea to get on in the first place
In line he’s like getting anxious bouncing up and down wringing his hands
Like “oh man I don’t know this is kinda scary are you sure it’s safe????”
And then you get on and he almost shatters your eardrums
And then you get off his legs are all shaky
You ask “hey are you okay like was that too much”
He just turns to you and says cool as a cucumber
“Yes come on”
“Let’s do it again”
And so the cycle repeats
Like maybe the chiller rides he’s not screaming necessarily but you know this man he opens his mouth and a lot of sound comes out
One of those swingy spinny rides “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THIS IS SO FUUUUN”
Something unexpected though is he loooves hyping up little kids going on rides they’re barely tall enough for
High fives all around “you’re so brave!!! Wow you must be so cool if you want to do this roller coaster”
And then when everyone gets off after Jaehyun was screaming the whole time the kids just laugh at him but he just plays it off like “oh you’re much braver than I am”
He winks at you like there’s some inside joke you’re in on
Like boy I’ve been with you all day don’t act like you’re pretending here
If he doesn’t almost pee his pants is it even worth it??
Did he even have fun if he didn’t almost throw up???
The whole point of the amusement park is the adrenaline rush
Giggles like a madman instead of screaming
He actually hates the dropping feeling in his stomach but he has convinced himself that he loves it
He’s gotta sit at the back of the coaster or else the suspense of waiting for the drop kinda kills him
The part he actually does like is the g-force pressing him down into the seat
But this weird little adrenaline junkie has managed to convince himself that the dropping feeling is the best part
It’s kinda cute though he always holds your hand when you’re going down
As you get to the top it’s like clockwork
Like lightning his hand reaches over to your lap bar and he’s squeezing like your hand is the thing keeping him in his seat
Also he doesn’t like really scream because his vocal cords but he does make this really funny “YEEEEEEEEE” sound
And when you get off he’s all bouncy excited like “oh man that was awesome let’s do another one!!!”
Still holding your hand because sometimes he forgets and sometimes (always) he just likes holding your hand
Very content to be dragged around and do whatever you want to do
He is suspiciously good at finding cameras on roller coasters (if there are any)
And he warns you so you can do something ridiculous together
Or he doesn’t warn you and you end up with a picture of you in your natural habitat with him making a stupid face or looking like a bored statue
He likes getting little souvenir trinkets so he has something besides pictures to bring back memories later
Usually gets them in matching pairs for couple items
Or sometimes it’s just a gift for you
Or a little thing for himself
He does not like spending any other extra money though
All the carnival games or the pay-extra rides are a waste to him
He gets grouchy over park food prices too
(Which is totally reasonable)
So he is not wont to buying ice cream or cotton candy or anything outside of sustenance
He also says eating in the park is a waste of time because you paid to get in to go on rides not to pay more and sit around eating
He is quite serious about sunscreen though he does not want either of you burning and having a miserable time the next day
He wants to leave with no regrets
Masterlist once again
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sevengraces · 2 years
The Heroes Journey (To Find A Home)
You, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10, ch11, Title Card
AO3 Link
--------      “You’re right, Chat! He knows, there's no way he doesn’t. My voice was all wrong, and I kept speaking piglin instead of overworld! He walked in while I wasn’t wearing my mask!” The piglin hybrid paced anxiously as he ranted. “He didn’t say anything about that, but I just, why can’t I keep my mouth shut!”      The voices quieted themselves in an attempt to soothe the panicking boy.      You just wanted to be known      S’not so bad little pig      He didn’t see your face      He can’t mind himself, if he had figured you out he would’ve gloated      He would’ve told 
Everything in quotes that is underlined is in piglin CW's Canon typical violence Mild disassociation Threats References to blood/wounds Swearing Chat Overuse of italics Miscommunication as a plot device
Chapter 1- A Comedy In The Shakespearian Sense
    Tubbo Underscore was staring at him.
    He was only a little older than Techno and here he was: sitting in an unbreakable box on the platform he had decorated himself, staring down the barrel of a rocket launcher.
    Maybe it was the eyes, or the hesitation written in bold strokes and shaded in with fear that was splashed across his face, but Techno wasn’t sure he could fire.
    “Kill him Techno. Do what I called you up here for.” Schlatt interrupted the piglin’s thought process coldly.
    He swallowed and looked around for Tommy and Wilbur, waiting for a cue that they had a plan, an idea, anything that meant he didn’t have to do this. “Are you, uh, you sure? Cause he seems kinda, kinda stuck anyways.”
    The president glared coldly, “Do what you’re good for Blade.”
    Chat was getting louder the longer the standoff lasted and Techno fought back a wince as he looked at Tubbo once more.
    Do it!!
    Blood for the blood god
    Not Tubbo!
    Are they coming to help you?
    The voices lost comprehension in their excitement and Technoblade looked towards the boy hesitantly.
    “Uh, I’m sorry Tubbo. I’m sorry, I’ll make it quick, yeah?” He watched as Tubbo let out a watery smile and nodded bravely.
         Tubbo went off with a bang.
         Jschlatt went off with a bang.
         Quackity went off with a bang.
    Chat roared at the violence and Technoblade released a noise that started out wet and devolved into barely sane laughter as he turned his fireworks on the crowd.
    “Techno what the fuck!? Tubbo you okay?” Tommy shouted as he and Wilbur suddenly rushed in from the trees.
    Technoblade barely heard a word, head echoing with the death messages and Chats’ calls for more bloodshed.
    The Red Festival ended about as bloody as the name would have suggested and the four of them, plus Niki, fled towards Pogtopia. Techno’s head continued to ring.
    The boy slipped back into awareness in the ravine with Tommy screaming up at him.
    “What the fuck was that? Why did you kill Tubbo?” the blond fumed.
    Techno blinked, “I-uhm, I was peer pressured Tommy.” he answered dazedly.
    Wilbur laughed from the level above the three of them. “You hear that Tommy! The great Technoblade was peer pressured into killing your good friend Tubbo Underscore.” The man laughed some more, “Ho- how do you feel Tubbo, hmm? He killed you, murdered you, just cause?”
    Tubbo shrunk back behind Tommy even further, “I mean I would’ve prolly done the, uh, the same thing? I mean it was scary.”
    Tommy snorted bitterly, “Tubbo of course it was scary, there was a rocket launcher pointed at your face. And for one, no you wouldn’t. You literally wouldn’t fucking kill someone for such a stupid reason. And two, Technoblade is the great bloody warrior, a pvp master, a fucking adult! So obviously you’d be scared, Tubs, but uh, Techno here doesn’t have the same excuse as you.”
    Technoblade was desperately glad for his mask at that moment, it covered his entire face leaving only the faintest impression of eyes. Too bad he couldn’t help the anxious twitching of his ears, still he tried staring as blankly as possible.
    Techno eventually began to float aimlessly among the loud bickering until he snapped back under the sharp clarity of the pit. Tommy had punched him.
    The voices jeered at his confusion before either taking pity on the boy or their craving for blood outgrew vague spite.
    Pit fight
    He angy lol
    He took a half step back and swung up on instinct, easily making contact, before dancing around the angry combatant on light feet. Tommy stumbled back into the wall of the pit before baring his bloodied teeth and charging once more.
    Chat laughed delightedly at the blood smeared across Techno’s knuckles and the loose stance of his enemy.
    The piglin sidestepped once more before swinging around and kicking Tommy’s legs out from under him.
    There was a distant cheering from the entrance to the pit as well as a loud gasp, Techno heard none of it. Nothing but the rush of blood in his ears, Chat’s calls for more, and the huffing of the boy in front of him.
    Said boy growled and kicked out at Technoblades’ feet from his spot on the ground, but missed by a wide margin. Techno took a few more steps back and caught his breath, watching warily.
    Tommy pulled himself up and spit on the ground, “Fucking hit me Techno, why not yeah?”
    Techno winced from behind his mask at the ache in the other's voice. He simply stood and waited a moment longer.
    The boy laughed bitterly and dove forward once more, swinging wildly for the piglin hybrids’ face.
    Techno ducked under the other’s arms, and bounced up immediately, knocking the top of his skull into Tommy’s jaw. Tommy cried out but Techno didn’t hesitate again.
    He took a short step back before swinging on the other hard , hitting him squarely on the side of his jaw once more. He kicked the boy’s feet out from under him again and landed a foot on his chest.
    Tommy scrambled blindly for a way out but Techno held the boy and his stance, panting over the other, knuckles dripping with blood that mixed into the dirt of the pit.
    Finally Techno looked down and with a scratchy, dull voice asked, “Satisfaction?”
    Tommy looked off to the side and nodded harshly so Techno took his foot off the boys’ chest and turned towards the entrance of the pit.
    Tubbo, Nikachu, and Wilbur were staring at him. Wilbur looked delighted, eyes sparkling as they danced from one splash of blood to another. Niki seemed horrified and baffled, pointedly looking away from Tommy’s busted lips and Techno’s bloody fist. Tubbo gawked silently except for the occasional cough that rattled his chest, the only thing recognizable on his face was the shock.
    Techno rubbed his fist across the underside of his jaw beneath his mask and gazed tiredly at the boy, “D’ya want t’ go Underscore?”
    Wilbur laughed brightly and Niki stared at the piglin in mild horror, Tommy swore sharply from behind him, but Tubbo just tilted his head in question. Techno hadn’t had a single ounce of sarcasm in his voice, not a touch of humor or his signature mocking drawl, just simple exhaustion and expectation that he’d have to fight his allies again.
    Tubbo went to answer but bit his own tongue, glancing past the hybrid to Tommy’s hardened face and the stone clenched in one fist.
    Tommy Innit shot up in a rage and dove for Techno, aiming to crush a rock against the masked boys’ skull.
    Techno didn’t really understand the danger, even as Chat screamed from within his head. But Tommy howled as he shot forward, allowing Techno to spin around and simply sidestep the clumsy assault, sticking a leg out to trip the boy a final time, leaving him eating dirt.
    Tommy spluttered on the taste of his own blood mixed to become mud, he rolled over to stare up at the piglin in sharp fear for the inevitable retaliation.
    Technoblade seethed under his mask, shaking in rage with his back to everyone but his invisible audience, a soldier without honor had never received mercy.
    There was heavy pause as even Wilbur held his breath, despite his hollering earlier. Tubbo moved to help Tommy, but Wilbur held both him and Niki back, watching in muted fascination.
    Technoblade, unarmed in soft leathers and mask of hoglin bone, slowly turned around until he was facing Tommy and the rest of the room. He took a few measured steps forward, stopping and tilting his head at Tommy’s violent flinch. The piglin crouched a foot away from the boy and leaned forward until they were mere inches apart.
    Tommy stared silently with his mouth hanging open and hands clenched behind him.
    After a long moment of tension thick in the air, Techno asked so quietly that only the boy could hear, “Are you done Tommy Innit? Or do you want to do this again?” he smiled cruelly beneath the mask and licked some of Tommy’s blood from his own knuckles, continuing louder than he had begun, “Usually when someone yields, they’re done Innit. Do you know what happens to little boys who surrender in a fair fight and then attack once the victor has turned?”
    Chat laughed mockingly,
    Are you not a little boy?
    Shut up! This is plot.
    Hiding behind his mask, do your eyes give you away little runt?
    Blood for dishonor
    The boy looked up cautiously and slowly shook his head.
    He stared for another heavy moment before he laughed bitterly and leaned backwards. “Of course you don’t know, why would you?” Techno stood from his crouch and seemed to slide out from under the gravitas that had dripped from his tone just moments prior, before finally looking towards the rest of the room and huffing petulantly, “Are we even?”
    For once Wilbur withheld his mocking laughter, face pale with soft horror as the warrior's words finally sunk in through his blood hungry haze. Niki bit back a sob as the tensions finally receded slightly. Tubbo glanced quickly between the two fighters before looking Techno square in the eyes.
    “We’re even, all’s forgiven Blade. No hard feelings, really.”
    The anarchist nodded sharply and climbed out of the pit, ignoring the hesitantly offered hand and walking through the split in the corporeal audience. He paused in his exit as the defeated finally scrambled up and began to holler angrily after him.
    Wilbur shot out a hand to stop the boy with a panicked whisper of; “No! Shut up!”
    Technoblade turned around with a bitter smirk “Tommy?”
    The boy in question stopped his dissent immediately as he glanced between the tilted head of the previously retreating figure and Wilbur’s sudden concerned attempt to shut him up. “What?”
    “Tommy, the thing is, you’re using words. But this world, Tommy? In this world the only universal language is violence. And we’ve had that conversation. We’ve spoken that language; in the pit. It’s over Tommy. Onto a new day. A new plot; to destroy Manburg.” The boy smiled cruelly, saluted the rebels, and left the ravine.
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meismalis · 2 years
I’m getting major dental surgery and I’m scared as fuck, haha. I had a bad experience at the dentist last time where I had to get my right bottom wisdom tooth out and the molar next to it because it had grown in sideways and cracked the molar and instead of fixing the molar, I decided to just take it out with the wisdom and that molar barely fit in my mouth anyways as I have a small mouth, haha. So when I got that procedure done, I was scared one bit or anxious, I’ve had dental work before, cavities filled, a root canal on my left molar and my two front teeth, like 3/4 of them are fake 😂 (when I was like 10, I lifted up a patio chair expecting it to be heavy but it wasn’t and it smashed straight into my face and teeth and broke my two front teeth right off, so they like made the bottom like 3/4 of my front teeth and glued/Moulded them on to what was left)
So I had work done before, had plenty of local anesthesia needles…. Well. This time, the dentist gave me the needle and we waited a bit and he did the thing to test if I was numb, pushed on my gum in the area and like tapped on the top of the tooth, and my lips were numb, so we obviously thought we were good to go. So he took the scalpel type thing and pushed it down into the side of the tooth and under so he could like pop it up and out (they don’t actually use pliers 😂) and the MINUTE he did that, I felt the most intense searing pain I have EVER felt, my whole face and neck and like inner Jaw nerves and bones were on fire, deeeeeepp down pain. It was crazy and I my body started to shake. I reactively screamed bloody fucking murder and he stopped and was like what the fuck and I was like “I FUCKING FELT THAT OMG I FELT EVERYTHING” and he gave me another shot, then tried again slowly and I felt it, another shot, felt it, another shot, still felt it. So at this point, he gave me all of the anesthesia shots he could and he said “well, you’re gonna have to go to the other location in town tomorrow and try the nitrous oxide (laughing gas) because we don’t have any at this location.” It was the end of the business day and they were closing and so was the other Mount Pearl location and the thought of going home with the half popped out tooth in my mouth still and having to wait until tomorrow and come back and go through it all again, I was just like “no. Just do it. As quick as you can” and I bunkered down, held onto the chair with a fucking DEATH GRIP and prepared. He continued and got it out, with me nearly breaking the arms off of the chair and my legs kicking the bottom of the chair. It was FUCKED. and like, the wisdom tooth that came out of my head was HUUUUUUGE, even he was like “that is one of the biggest wisdom teeth I’ve ever seen, it’s up there.” and I was like 👍 yeah. great, doc, can I leave? I got up almost immediately because I just wanted to leave and I started to see black and fell back a bit and then regained my composure, almost fainting. I was white as a fucking ghost and shaking and I have a fairly high pain tolerance, at least in my opinion, and people have told me this before and so have a lot of medical professionals.
When I got home, my fiancé saw me and was like, “holy FUCK, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, are you okay?!? No seriously babe, you look deathly ill right now, are you okay?”
So, it’s safe to say, ever since then, I have been TERRIFIED OF THE DENTIST.
Anyways, fast forward a couple years and I started having really bad stomach issues, my anxiety and panic attacks got really bad during that time period which cause a lot of nausea, heartburn, acid reflux issues, and I got a stress ulcer. So, I started to throw up everything day, like 5 times, upwards to 10 times a day, and most of the time I was just throwing up pure stomach acid, and this went on for about 6 months. Approx 3 months in, I noticed I had a good few cavities and my teeth were really sensitive and felt really weak, I kind of ignored it for like 2 weeks cause IM TERRIFIED OF THE DENTIST NOW, and just started to brush my teeth even more than I already was, and approx 3 weeks later, the cavities got a lot bigger in just 3 weeks and I noticed some decay was starting with the cavities, so I made a dentist appt and he loooked and said that yeah, decay was starting to set in but also, all the enamel on my teeth was stripped away and they were very weak, he said I already had very weak teeth genetically (I get cavities easily, can break teeth easily, etc cause I was born was weak teeth and it’s genetic) but he said this happened quicker and accelerated because I WAS BRUSHING THE STOMACH ACID INTO MY TEETH APPARENTLY WHICH LIKE NEVER OCCURRED TO ME???? YOURE NOT SUPPOSED TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH RIGHT AWAY AFTER THROWING UP. He said, you’re supposed to rinse with warm water with salt and then wait like an hour and then brush your teeth normally, but I was brushing right after I threw up, every time, which remember, was like 5-10 times a day, just PUREEEE stomach acid.
So anyways, I got all the cavities filled and this was approx a year and a half ago, about a year ago, I noticed more cavities, got those filled and then about 2 months ago, I noticed my teeth were getting more sensitive again and then the cavities I got filled, they were expanding and I was getting more cavities AGAIN andI went to the dentist and he said yeah, your teeth are just really weak and that time you basically stripped all the enamel off and the stomach acid, you’re gonna have to deal with a lot of issues and cavities every year, you’ll probably need a few root canals and as you get older, it’s just gonna get worse because again, genetically weak teeth. & like, Ive always took care of my teeth and brushed them every morning when I get up and every night before bed and sometimes during the day, I floss, everything. I just have genetically very weak problem teeth and then the stomach acid thing realllly messed them up. So yeah, He noticed as well that my back back molars, the gum line was pulling away and he did an X-ray and my back molars THEY WERE DECAYING FROM THE INSIDE OUT, so basically on the inside, it’s just all soft, and there’s just an outer shell, which he said, eventually they would just break.
ANYWAYS. He said that I’m always gonna have issues, and we can go ahead and fill the cavities again and that we can do root canals on the back molars or we can just pull em and replace em, but he recommended the latter as root canals are expensive and I’ll have to get more again to maintain it like every 8ish years. He then said that actually, what he thinks is beneficial for me, because im always gonna have issues now no matter what, is to just extract all of my top teeth (those are the problem ones) and then my bottom molar teeth, and we would keep my bottom teeth besides the molars as they’re fine and the enamel wasn’t badly eroded on those and no cavities or issues, we’d just straighten em up a bit to match the new top teeth.
So yeah, extract all of my top teeth and then get implants. Well, it’s an implanted denture essentially. It’s not a removable denture and it doesn’t have the like roof of the mouth piece, it’s literally just the “strip” of teeth and what they do is they extract all of the top teeth and then when you’re healed, you get like 4 holes drilled into your gum, up into your bone and then they screw screws into the holes and then implanted denture, it screw holes, and it just screws into place and it’s permanent, they’re super strong, you can eat everything, you can talk normally with no issue , etc. they’re like veneers! & THEY LOOK SOOOOOOO GOOD. Apparently a lot of celebrities have that done too, lol, they have like like glued on veneers for a while but to do those, the teeth need to shaved down and like eventually, they end up getting the teeth removed and an implanted denture, and they have such beautiful, striking smiles and no one knows, haha.
My dentist made me feel better too saying like, you’d be surprised how many women your age actually do have implanted dentures as well, as it’s a common thing (well not COMMON but less rare than you think) that women have like calcium issues and issues with their teeth and then during pregnancy, there’s this disease that happens where the moms teeth just get so weak and so bad and decay and just get destroyed during pregnancy and they end up having to get dentures. So I feel better about that.
I could just get removable top dentures as well but I didn’t wanna do that and the dentist Recommended I didn’t either because of bone loss. When you extract a bunch of teeth, you get bone loss bc your jaw bone has nothing to hold on to anymore and nothing to “work for” and then they start to shrink, bc they aren’t being used. Like in older people you’ll see what’s called “denture face” sometimes, and obv I don’t want that, and because I’m young, bone loss will set in by the time I’m like 34 bc it takes like 7 years for it to full come in.
SO YEAH, that’s what I’m doing. I’m Excited to not have to deal with all the issues and dental work all the time, AND I’ll have an AMAZINNNGGG smile and AMAZINGGG teeth, but anyways, I am fucking terrified because of my last experience 😳 even though they said, we’re gonna make sure you’re numb, you’ll have the anesthesia shots and we’ll have laughing bad for you but I’m still scared :( like I was reading articles on anaesthesia and dental anesthetic, and how it just doesn’t work on some people and how it actually is a thing and like I don’t know if that was just one off thing or if I’m gonna experience that again and I am terrified, but you know I it needs to be done and once it is, I’ll feel so much better and again I’ll have a beautiful smile so….
OH ALSO LOL 😂 😂 another reason I went with a fully implanted denture instead of just a removable top denture is because I thought about giving head and blow jobs and was like, well that top mouth piece, that would probably like move around or like my denture would come loose or fall out when giving head no?!? & I actually asked the dentist LMAOOO and he was like, they’re usually pretty secure once in there and with bond but yeah it’s a possibility 😂
AND MY FIANCÉ LMAOOOO HE WAS LIKE “Omg no don’t get implants, you could give me a gummer, apparently they feel amazing “ 😳 😳 😳 😂 😂 😂 I was like LMAO WHATTT & he goes “you’d have to pop it back in immediately after though 😂
and that’s another thing, I don’t wanna like take it out to sleep or whatever and have my fiancé see me without top fucking teeth LMAO
Anyways yeah
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Stitches // 16
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Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader
Summary: After joy comes sorrow.
Warnings: angst, Frank and Amy being adoreable, cliffhanger at the end ;)
Yes, I woke up and chose violence this morning, enjoy :)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 BONUS
Frank’s POV
My heart’s racing, Y/N and Amy’s screams are muffelled from the gags that were in their mouth, my newborn is crying bloody murder in Vanessa’s arms. I tried to fight against the restraints that bound me to the metal chair in the middle of the room, trying to break free to save them.
“No, no, don’t!”
My voice is hoarse from all the screaming I’ve been doing myself to get Fisk to get his men to back off from my family. Hot tears streamed down all of our faces as we knew what was about to happen.
Wilson Fisk fisted my hair forcing me to look at the two ladies that meant the world to me as his men pressed the barrel of their guns to the back of their skull.
“No, don’t do this, please!” I begged and begged, over and over until I started hiccupping from all my crying. My body is shaking from the sobs that left me. The glimmer of the blade of a knife caught my attention in the corner of my eye.
“Not my baby, no! Vanessa please!” she laughed along with her husband, pressing the blade closer to the child’s neck as if any of this is a fucking joke.
“You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.”
Gasping, I frantically sat up against the headboard, chest heaving as I regulated my breathing, I’m soaking with sweat. In the darkness of the room I’m still able to make out the outline of my heavily pregnant girlfriend who was still sleeping soundly, unbothered by my thrashing in the bed.
They’re okay Frank
Brushing her cheek with my knuckles I focused on completely calming myself down from that nightmare. This is the third time I’ve had this exact dream for the week and I’m not lying, it fucking terrifies me. I haven’t told her about it the first time I dreamt about it and I can’t bring it up, she’d only stress over it and that’s not good for her or the baby.
You’ve got to talk about it with someone
Releasing a heavy sigh, I leaned down and kissed her forehead and touched her bump before getting out from beneath the covers. Pulling up my grey sweatpants, I left our room to go check on the kid. Quietly, I opened the door and poked my head in.
“I’m awake.” Amy was bundled up in her blanket with her laptop opened on her lap, the light it produced dimly lit up her room.
“Can’t sleep either, huh?” she chewed off a piece of her twizzler as she shook her head no. I guess it’s just one of those nights for us.
“Why are you up anyways? It’s three thirty in the morning.”
“Bad dream, you?”
“Oh me, I never fell asleep. I started watching a movie and then one turned into three and now I’m just biding my time until sunrise.” she said that like it was a normal occurrence that I should’ve been aware of.
“You gonna go back to bed?” the mere thought of closing my eyes to sleep sent shivers down my spine. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping at all for as long as I can after that dream.
“Nah. Instead of being glued to the screen do you want to help me in the nursery? I’ve got a crib that needs to be assembled before the pregnant lady gets upset.” She quickly shut her computer and threw her blanket off as she got to her feet, following me to the room next to hers.
For weeks now Amy has been nagging me about putting together the crib and installing the extra shelves and so on in the baby’s room, at one point I thought she was the one pregnant by the way she kept going on about it.
She’s excited just like the rest of us.
“Alright, dresser first or crib?” I turned the lights on and went over to the nearest box which had the necessary parts for the crib and her eyes lit up. We started removing the items from the box, careful enough not to make any noise to disturb Y/N’s sleep and got to work.
Amy had planted herself on the floor, passing me the screws and parts to go along with it, reading the directions as I assembled it together. We’re both talking about almost any and everything that came to mind at this point to keep ourselves going.
“Yeah kid, pass me a screw.” looking over at her I stretched out my hand for the screw and she passed it over, her eyes boring into mine.
“Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me?” I screwed the last part of the crib before giving her my full attention. Pulling her legs up to her chest she rested her chin on her knees, choosing to look at the floor while she spoke.
“For saving me that night at Lola’s, for actually giving a damn about me.” Amy’s been through a lot in her life, it got crazier with me in it but at least she knows she has someone looking out for her.
“You’re more of a man than my sperm donor could ever be, heck you’ve stuck around much longer than he has. You took me under your wing when you could’ve left me to die but you didn’t.”
“You were scared and outnumbered, if I hadn’t gotten in the mix they would’ve killed you in that bathroom.”
“But you didn’t know that almost two years later we’d be here. You didn’t know if Y/N was going to take you back far less for me, the stray you picked up on the side of the road. That night changed everything for me, I went from begging mixed up with the wrong people to having stability in my life and with that stability I now have parental figures that care about me, no matter how much of a handful I am.'' she really can be a handful from time to time but she knows mine and Y/N’s limit when it comes to tolerating her bullshit.
“You’re right kid, that night I unknowingly adopted a child and it’s worth every crappy thing that followed. Now at the end of all the crap I have a family, something I never considered would happen after that day at the park. By saving you I saved myself kid, one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. Now get over here.” Without a second's notice she got onto her feet and I pulled her in for a hug. She’s not biologically mine but she’s still my kid, I don’t care what anyone else may think, she’s my daughter. With her arms still secured around me she looked up causing me to scoff, just by the look on her face I could tell she’s about to ask for something.
“You buttered me up for something, what is it?”
“I didn’t butter you up, I meant every single word I said. However,” I rolled my eyes but that didn’t phase her as she went on.
“Jacob asked me to go out on a date tonight and I’d really like to go, please? The baby shower starts at four this afternoon and he wants to take me to the movies at eight, I promise I’ll be home by midnight.” she pleaded and after considering it for a couple seconds I caved.
“Fine but remember-”
“To be aware of my surroundings at all times, I can’t afford to let my guard down because Fisk is still out there.”
“Atta girl.” she squeezed me one last time before breaking apart. I trust her to keep her word on being back by midnight as she knows that I would get in my truck and drive through the city until I find her if she doesn’t.
“Help me move this over there.” we both moved the newly assembled crib to where it’s supposed to be and she gasped.
“My gift is going to make this even more perfect.”
“I look like a beached whale.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Of course you’d say that, you’re the reason I’m this huge.” Frank drained the remnants of his beer, hiding his smile.
The baby shower is in full swing at the Lieberman's residence; Karen did an excellent job with putting this thing together with Sarah's and Amy’s help.
"You look amazing as always." Curtis kissed my cheek in greeting as he joined Frank and I.
"I'm not too late right, have you guys found out the gender yet?"
"No we-" Karen called out for us all, drawing our attention to her on the patio.
"Now that everyone is here, we can get this thing started. Instead of the regular cake cutting or balloon popping reveal, David came up with something else. David!"
"Well this is bound to be good." Frank draped his arm over the back of my chair just as David walked out.
"Oh God!"
"Yes, I knew it!” Frank fist pumped the air as his guess was right. Everyone is laughing and celebrating David's brilliant idea of dressing in a blue t-shirt and diaper with a binky in his mouth.
It's a boy!
David walked over to us and dropped himself in Frank's lap and he went along with it rocking the grown man, talking to him in a different tone.
"You are one heavy ass baby."
"Goo-goo ga-ga." He cooed up at Frank
"Get off of me man." David stood on his feet and removed the binky, everyone still cracking up as they looked on. I am definitely never going to forget this.
"Congrats pal, you're not going to be the only man in the house for much longer."
"It's about time." I faked huffed in annoyance as he leaned down and kissed my bump which the little man inside me seemed to like as he moved around.
"Another male Castle to deal with, how fun?" Curtis sympathetically patted my shoulder knowing exactly what I meant by that.
"Damn, I was hoping it was a girl but hey, a brother is alright with me." Amy came over with a small gift box in her hands and I took it from her.
"You didn't have to buy anything for the baby."
"I know but I wanted too. Open it." I undid the ribbon and removed the top
"It's nothing much but-"
"I love it." I reached in and took out the mobile attachment for the crib to get a closer look at the shapes that hung from it.
It's a nice blend of baby blue and white with dragons and castles.
"I thought I'd get something that's meaningful and since Castle is his last name I got him this."
"Kid.." Frank toyed with the shapes that hung, his throat closing up as he struggled to swallow the lump in his throat.
None of them besides Curtis knows that this is his first baby shower since he had been deployed both times Mariah was pregnant. He got to experience it all this time around, the check-ups, the bizarre cravings, mood swings, everything and today he got the chance of celebrating this moment with people around him that he trusted and considered family, with the exception of Red. They don't know how much any of this really means to him.
"Thank you."
Amy hugged me and returned to Jacob's side on the other side of the lawn. She invited him so that he could formally be introduced to us and Frank almost popped a vessel when they both came walking hand in hand, especially since she wore a dress that showed 'too much skin' according to him.
"I don't like it, not the gift, that." Jacob had his hand on the lower part of her back and I had to stop myself from laughing at his disgusted tone.
"Say it with me Castle, she is of age."
"Something about him doesn't feel right." I put the mobile back into the box and placed it aside.
"You barely had a conversation with the guy, you spent five minutes staring at him. Look, the best thing we could possibly do is to let Amy be happy, don't ruin this for her by scaring the guy away."
"Yeah but what if he's up to something, I mean we don't even know if he's working for Fisk. Amy said that he came in and got the job after her and by the look of it he's been more invested in her." Curtis pushed himself up on his feet and scoffed at his friend.
"That's a far stretch buddy just let the kid be a kid and if, that's a mad sized if, he does give you more reasons to not trust him, I'll help you figure it out." Curtis walked off to join Karen, Foggy and Matt at the snack table leaving us to talk alone.
"I know you're still on edge from what happened but I'd like to believe that Jacob is just a regular guy that is smitten with Amy."
Frank gave up, leaning back in his seat. He couldn't put a finger on what exactly is off about Jacob but his gut was telling him to not trust the guy. He's dropping this conversation but he's not going to ignore his intuition, he's going to keep a close eye on the guy whispering in Amy’s ear.
“Trust her judgement.”
Amy's POV
“Tonight was fun, I honestly thought your dad was going to kill me earlier today though.”
“It was and don't worry about him, he only looks tough on the outside but a complete softie on the inside.”
Jacob and I are on our way back to my place after our date, cutting it pretty close to midnight. He took a right, setting off an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
“You need to turn back, my place is on the other side.” his grip on the wheel tightened a bit as he kept driving in the opposite direction.
“Relax, we’re just going to make a quick stop at my buddy’s place.”
“Jacob, take me home.”
"Take me home right now!" more red flags raised as he sped up. Reaching over I grabbed onto the wheel, the car swerving on the road as we wrestled.
“You stupid bitch-”
A loud bang echoed throughout the street as the car Amy and Jacob are in crashed into the building they had swerved the car into. One by one the dogs in the area began to bark and the lights in neighbouring apartments turned on as people came out to see what’s happening.
“Call 9-1-1!” A man shouted as he rushed to get down to the vehicle.
Barely conscious, Jacob managed to get out of the car and flee the scene, leaving Amy behind. The kid is trapped in her seat, blood pouring down her face from her busted skull, unconscious.
Frank’s POV
“It’s twelve thirty, something’s not right.”
“I’m sure they just lost track of time, they’ll be here any minute.” Y/N’s phone started ringing and she answered.
“Brett?” the colour drained from her face at whatever news he was breaking to her. Her breathing increased and her eyes filled with tears.
“Y/N what is it?” She can’t even speak right now. I ripped the device from her and brought it up to my ears, dreading what he has to say.
“Mahoney, what’s going on?”
“It’s Amy.”
MARVEL Taglist:
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Tomato - Tomato (one-shot)
Synopsis: One is an international rock-star. The other is his loyal assistant. Both are complete morons in love. Also - she’s allergic to tomatoes, and it is important.
This started off as something completely else. hope you enjoy :D
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Assistant!Reader
Genre: fluff, minor angst
Warnings: two idiots pining for one another, swearing, mentions of allergies and EpiPens
Word count: 3492
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Being an assistant to someone famous wasn’t all glamourous parties and wild nights out with celebrities. It was scheduling last minute flights and not sleeping for three days straight as you packed a million bags and then repacked because their stylist sent you knew pieces and the old ones no longer fit the aesthetic of the week.           It was also making sure that they were up by six AM with a hot coffee at their bedside ready to help them wake up as you lay out a detailed plan of the day down to the minute, while you yourself basically only had a two-hour nap because you had to finish off 568 handwritten notes to be sent out to each of the contacts in their phone. Or at least that’s what Y/N’s life was like being the personal assistant to none other than the modern-day prince of rock Harry Styles.            Said rockstar was actually still asleep when Y/N entered his room, ripping open the curtains and letting in the rising sun. He groaned, pulling up the bedsheets that’d ridden down his form during the night. “Not that I don’t like seeing your gorgeous face in the mornings….” he mumbled into the covers. “But I don’t like seeing your face in the mornings when they start at six bloody AM.”           Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes, rubbing them in an attempt to get rid of the sleep that still lingered in her own body. “You were the one that said you’re fine with seeing Lambert at eight for a fitting.”           “When did I say that?” Harry scoffed, only the top of his messy bedhead seen from the cocoon he’d built around himself.           “Would you like me to pull up the text messages, the calendar or the e-mails?”           Even with her back turned as she rummaged through his closet for him to put on some clothes, she could sense the middle finger he threw at her, and she smiled.           Despite everything, despite the zero sleep and stress always coursing through her veins, Y/N loved working for him. He treated her as a friend, not just some lackey he paid to, but most importantly, comparatively to the other people she’d worked for in the same line of business – he treated her as a human.           If something went over the deadline, Harry didn’t scream or yell at her and tell Y/N how incompetent she was, instead he asked what kind of help or assistance she needed to get the job done, or maybe if she just needed some time off to gather herself and look at the problem with fresh eyes.           “I hate how organised you are,” Harry groaned, finally throwing the covers off.           “If I wasn’t, you’d be in a ditch somewhere.”           She heard him scoff and two feet plop against the hardwood floor as he made his way towards her. “Is that how little faith you have in me?”           “You don’t even know what day it is!”           “Who does in these times?”           Y/N shrugged her shoulders and handed him a pair of boxers, some loose jeans, and a flowery Hawaiian shirt. “Are you telling me I’m wrong though?”           She looked over to her side, a smirk playing on her lips while he squinted his green eyes at her. “No, but it doesn’t mean I like getting called out, especially this early in the morning.”
          With a roll of her eyes and a shove at his shoulder for him to move to the bathroom, Y/N handed him the clothes, moving downstairs to start making him some light breakfast and get herself a cold glass of water.           You see, she’d been working as his assistant for close to two years, and they’d grown not only as people around one another, challenging their beliefs and world views, but as friends too. And, well, Y/N would be lying if the emotions hadn’t evolved from platonic to falling in love. Not that she’d ever admit it. He was an international sensation, and she was the girl who got him vegetarian croissants at the airport.           She dragged a hand down her face as she clicked the stove on and took out a carton of eggs from the fridge. Y/N knew how he liked his omelette to the T, mostly because when she’d spent the first night of quarantine with him a year prior right as the pandemic had started, Harry had wanted to do something nice because she couldn’t go and see her family any more, so he’d gotten up at seven to make breakfast for both of them. The only problem was, he hadn’t asked if she had any allergies, so as he added bits of tomatoes, parsley, cheese and scallions, Harry hadn’t expected Y/N’s eyes to go wide at the first bite as she dropped the fork.           “Harry…” Her tone had been cautious. “What’s in this?”           He was sweating. Was his cooking really that bad? He just wanted to do something nice and there he was screwing everything up. “ ‘S just some of my favourite things. I’m sorry I didn’t ask, I just thought you’d like it.”            “I do, but this tastes like it has tomatoes in it.”           He nodded. “Yeah. It does.”           Gently she smiled at him and pushed the plate a bit further away. “Could you grab me a coat, and if you have any – an EpiPen?”           “An Epi – oh shit!” When the realisation hit him, Harry was jumping out of his seat, running to one of the cupboards and rummaging through in a panic all the while apologies flew non-stop from his mouth.           Y/N in the meantime had gathered her purse and mask, making a call to the nearest hospital to explain the situation to which they responded they’d be waiting for her arrival.           “I’m so sorry!” Harry ran up to her, a first-aid kit in his shaking hands. “Please don’t die! I didn’t want to kill you, I promise! I just wanted to make you some breakfast cause you do so much for me, and now you’re stuck here, and – oh god,” he cried. “I’m going to be prosecuted for killing my assistant.”           She didn’t mean to, but the snort came out of her nose either way. “Harry.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “Please calm down. I’m not going to die.”           “You’re allergic!”           “Yes, I am, but I only had a small bite. The ER is just a precaution.” Y/N took his palms in hers and squeezed them. “Now take a deep breath with me…” They did so, holding it for five seconds and letting it out for eight. “And calm down a bit. I’ll go give myself the shot, and then I’ll drive to the hospital.”           “Let me,” Harry begged. “Please, let me at least drive you to the emergency room. God, I almost killed you with an omelette, it’s the least I can do. I – I could also help you with the shot, I won’t hit an artery, I promise -”           “Harry, you’re barely coherent. Not to say anything, but you’d have a bigger chance of killing me in a car crash, than from that tomato.” Y/N gave him a smile. “I’m gonna be fine.”           With that, she left him to venture into the bathroom and did the unpleasant part of stabbing herself in the thigh to alleviate her body from the allergy symptoms. She sat there for around five minutes before she felt that the swelling of her tongue and itching in her throat was starting to subside, which meant the epinephrine was working.           “Okay,” she huffed, taking her purse from the couch where Harry had been sitting, hugging the accessory. “I’ll be back in probably around two hours. Do we need anything from the store?”           He shook his head. “Just come back home, please.”           Y/N would never admit how her heart thundered in her chest when Harry said to come back ‘home’. “I will.” She promised. “Don’t you worry. You’re not getting rid of me that easy, Styles. The money’s too good.” She winked at him and then left Harry pouting on the couch, but she couldn’t get through the door, before he jumped up, yelling, “wait! Do I need to get rid of every tomato in the house?”           “No,” she laughed. “I’m good to be around them. Even touch them. ‘S just my insides that don’t agree with it when they meet.”           “Okay.” He nodded, hands on his hips. “Alright. I’ll uh – I’ll be waiting. I’ll make you something else.”           “There’s no need for that, Harry.”           His eyes widened at her words. “I swear I’m not trying to murder you!”           “Oh my god,” she muttered shaking her head. “Just – just relax. Okay. I’ll send you hourly updates.”           He bit his lip. “Make it every ten minutes.”           “Harry –,”           “Please?” The way he was giving her puppy dog eyes melted her heart.           With an eye-roll, Y/N waved at him and promised to update her boss at every possible moment and confirm that he hadn’t, in fact, been the reason for her demise. Well, he was the reason for the demise of her low standards in men, having taken them and thrown them up to the Moon, but unless her feelings were miraculously requited or if one of the Marvel characters, she was obsessed with came to life, she’d have to stick to what was available. And in her mind, that wasn’t Harry.           “What are you thinking about?” His voice startled Y/N out of the memory, and she shook her head, adding salt and pepper to the beaten eggs.           She shrugged. “Just about that time a year ago where you secretly tried to off me because you were too nice to say you didn’t wanna quarantine together.”           The groan he let out was of royal embarrassment, and it put a wide smile on her face, as she took one of the forsaken fruits and started to chop the red ball into small pieces.           “You’ll never let me live it down, are you?”           Y/N raised her eyebrow at him. “Your failed murder attempt?” She snorted. “Of course not! It’s like you don’t watch the crime shows and murder documentaries when I have them on. You really haven’t learned anything.”           Harry stuck his tongue out at her and moved to her side, dropping some chives into the mix as well. “Well given how it wasn’t a murder attempt, I wouldn’t consider it a fail.”           Her hip bumped his, and only then did Y/N really give him a once-over. As always, he looked amazing in whatever was on his body, but what made him even cuter in her eyes was the sleepiness still lingering in him.           Harry’s movements were a little bit sluggish, eyes half-closed and small sighs passing his lips as he sipped onto the coffee she’d come to his place with. The shirt sat loosely on his body, the first two buttons left open while he’d tucked the bottom of it into the jeans, having found a Gucci belt and cinched it around his waist, giving it a more eighties look rather than the sixties vibe he usually had with his suits.           The brown hair was still messy and dishevelled, and Y/N could barely, just barely restrain herself from running her fingers through it, but what she didn’t know Harry was struggling just as much.           All he wanted to do was pull out the bottom lip Y/N had gotten in between her teeth and kiss her senseless, to have her fingers dig into his arms and leave crescent shaped imprints on his skin.           “So, uh…” He had to start a conversation otherwise his mouth would find itself on Y/N’s mouth in a second. “What’s Lambert got in his schedule? How many outfits is he thinking?”           “Two or three, I think,” she said, pouring the mixture on the pan and letting the slow sizzle erupt around them. “He’s got this one suit which I think you’ll really like – all leather, but it needs to be altered.”           Harry hummed, and for a second both of them relished in the domestic feel of it all. They’d had many moments like it before, especially during the spring and summer seasons of 2020, and Y/N couldn’t help but relish in her memories at them.           “Harry?” It was like her voice snapped him out from a trance. “Could you pass me a plate please?’           “Uh, yeah,” he stammered for a moment and then nodded, wordlessly going to a cupboard and taking out a white marbled plate. That single piece of kitchenware probably cost more than her life insurance, but it was definitely aesthetic if nothing else.           Silently Y/N plopped the omelette onto the plate, placing it on the kitchen counter and went to get him a fork, however when she turned around, he was facing her, chewing quite agressively on the inside of his cheek.           “You okay?” she asked, coming closer. “I can call Lambert, reschedule it for later. He wouldn’t be too happy about having to wake up and then – “           But Harry shook his head. “It’s not that.”           “Then what?”           He didn’t say anything. It was like he was trying to decipher the best course of action, and when he ultimately did, Y/N was pressed up against the counter, Harry’s forehead against hers with two ring-clad hands cupping her cheeks.           “Harry,” she breathed, out her lips brushing his making the air in her lungs hitch. “What are you doing?”           “Something I’ve been dying to do for a year now. If you let me that is.”           “I -,” The words were muddled up in her head. Of course, Y/N wanted him to kiss her, she wanted him to ravish every part of her body. The fantasies and dreams she’d had at night would be incriminating proof if her feelings were on trial, but despite it all, her brain was usually in charge and would overrule any decision made by her heart. “Harry, we can’t.” She whispered, voice breaking.           “I -,” Horror morphed onto his features as he took a step back. “Did I misread the signals? Did I do something you don’t wan –“           “No.” She grabbed onto his cheeks, trying to calm him down, his body practically melting into hers. “I do.” She didn’t need to explain what she meant. He understood. “So much it hurts me sometimes… but Harry, you’re my boss. My employer. It… it wouldn’t be right.”           “Why? How can it not be right, when it feels like the rightest thing in the world?”           “Because, Harry,” she huffed. “You’re my boss. And what’s worse – I love working for you!”           That made both of them laugh, the tone of her voice as if she was more annoyed than anything else. “ ‘Nd why’s that bad?” He nudged her nose with his. “I’d hope my employees like working with me. What kind of a person would I be if I thrived on them being miserable?”           “Because if I didn’t, quitting would be easy.” She raised her eyebrow at him. “And if I quit there’d be nothing stopping us from dating.”           Harry bit his lip, finger trailing along her cheekbone. “There’s nothing stopping us now either. There is no clause in your contract that says you can’t date people who you work for or with. Sarah’s with Mitch, and they’re the happiest they’ve ever been. They’re even having a baby…”           Y/N gave him a sympathetic smile. “I know. But that’s different. They’re on equal levels. You and I, however… I don’t want people to think I got my job because I slept with you, or some shit. It’s bad enough some already do so.”           His brows furrowed, and Y/N saw how his jaw clenched. “Who?”           “Strangers.” She shrugged. “I know you don’t look at comments like that online, but I see them. My DMs are filled with that. Gossip magazines. The point is – there are already unsubstantiated rumours about us. This would give them the confirmation they’d need.”           “How can it confirm something that’s not true?”           “There are still people who believe vaccines cause autism. Even when their ‘proof’ has been discredited and shown to be just complete bullshit, most don’t like to admit they’re wrong, so they’ll look for whatever tells them they’re right.”           Harry huffed throwing his head back to look at the ceiling. “So, where does that leave us? In love, but without being able to do anything about it? Because I can’t.” He shook his head. “I won’t be able to just pass you by without kissing you, or not pull you into the bed when you wake me up, or press you against the wall and not have my head between these two gorgeous legs.”           Y/N groaned slapping his chest and dropping her forehead against his peck. “That is so unfair. Why do you have to tease me like that!”           “Oh, sweetheart.” The rumble was deep and shot a wave of heat straight to her core. “This is no teasing.” The smirk on his face when she looked up at him was shit-eating. “Trust me, if I was teasing, you’d be begging for me.”           She’d imagined him between her thighs more times than it was appropriate considering he was her boss, but hot damn, did it feel amazing when his lips crashed onto hers, and she let him. In her dreams, his lips hadn’t been just pressed to her mouth but other places which were more south, but it was still one of the best feelings in the world.           The kiss left them both breathless, and grinning and satisfied, yet begging for more, teeth nipping at the soft flesh.           “I’ll put out an official statement, if you want,” Harry muttered against her mouth, unable to stop pecking her lips now that’d he’d gotten a taste. “But please, please, please… for both our sanities go out on a date with me.”           It seemed like Y/N was the one contemplating the best plan of action now when her brows furrowed and she looked up at him, pressing and unpressing her lips, as the swelling from the kiss grew. “Did you by any chance have a piece of that omelette already?” She had a suspicion it wasn’t just from the kiss.           His eyes widened, and then his head dropped to her shoulder. “Not again!”           Y/N rolled her eyes lifting his face by the chin so he would look at her. “How about EpiPen first?”           “Fair enough,” Harry grumbled unlatching himself from her and going for his keys and wallet, already preparing for the short drive they’d have to take. “But then a date?”           She raised her eyebrow, taking out the box Harry now kept under the sink with at least three EpiPen’s for emergencies. “In a hospital?”           “We could be going dumpster diving for all I care, and I’d count it as a date.”           Y/N rolled her eyes. “You’ll have to do so much better than that; you’ve almost put me in anaphylactic shock twice. Now come on.” She motioned with her head towards the bathroom. “Stab me and take me to the ER.”           “Fucking tomatoes,” Harry grumbled, taking her by the hand and not letting it go even for the short walk.           “Tomato-tomato, you’re the one that kissed me.”           “That I don’t regret.”           Y/N smiled, turning towards him, and taking him by the nape of his neck pulled Harry down for one more kiss, groaning at the feeling of his tongue dancing against hers.           “Y/N!” He pulled back with a gasp, shock on his face.           She just shrugged her shoulders. “We’re already going to see the doctors anyway.”           Harry pushed her shoulder and made her sit down onto the toilet. “Take your pants off before my kisses kill you.”           “Yes, daddy.” Y/N wiggled her eyebrows as Harry moaned, squeezing her calf.            His eyes were dark as he looked up at her. “Next time this happens, you’ll be begging me.”           Her wicked smile was so full of happiness he couldn’t help the one that grew on his face. “I’ll be keeping you to it. Now, dear sir.” She handed him the EpiPen. “Hit me with your best shot.”           And although it’d been now two times in their lives where Harry trying to do something good and make the other feel just as good had done pretty much the opposite, when they got to the emergency room, their smiles could be felt even under their masks           Harry watched with blushing cheeks as Y/N explained the situation to the nurse, especially when one of them threw him an unsavoury glance, eyebrow raised high as if saying ‘again? One time wasn’t enough?’.           “No more tomatoes.” He promised. “And also - it wasn’t on purpose!”           Y/N squeezed his palm, chuckling. She may not be able to give a shot at eating a tomato, but she sure as hell was going to give Harry one. After all, she had almost died for the man. Twice.
Tags (crossed out wouldn’t take):
Harry Styles tags: @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​ @raylovessarcasm @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @harryhub​
Everything tags: @lumelgy @palaiasaurus64 @supernaturalbaesduh @breezy1415 @crazy--me @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @sea040561 @staryeyedgirl @deathbyarabbit @s-c-a-r-e-d-po-t-t-e-r @reblogger-not-a-blogger @m-a-t-91 @dalilx @i-need-a-hero-i-need-a-loki @maladaptive-ninja-returns @averyrogers83 @in-the-end-im-still-trash @gallifreyansass @dewy-biitch @avxgers @unlikelygalaxygiver @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog @celebsimagines @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @teenwolflover28 @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​
A/N: I’m at work and I wanted to write a bit for my book, but hahahahahahaha I can’t stop procrastinating. Also, this was something comepletely else centered around Christmas, then New Year and the Valentines, but I just couldn’t and it morphed into this. Maybe this Holiday season when it rolls around I’ll post it :D
P.S. if anyone’s had a septoplasty (repositioning of the septum) - how was it? how painful is it? kinda starting my journey towards it cause apparently I can’t breathe out of my left nostril, but I’m kinda scared ngl. I’ve read some horror stories about having holes and pieces of the cartilage fall out afterwards :/// 
P.S.S. what did ya think? my tags are always open, just drop a message if you wanna be added :)
P.S.S.S please don’t plagiarise or repost my work on other platforms (wattpad, AO3 etc)
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
Could you do the Brothers and undatables reacting to MC being poisoned and finding out that Micheal was trying to kill them because he was jealous that MC was close with the brothers. Let me just say your work is great the way you describe the situation before going into the reactions is really interesting. Thank you so much!!!!
I already had this ask half way done but Tumblr decided to delete all my work due to buggy WiFi - I'm currently in pain 😭
I don't know much about poison so bare with me, I just looked at the basic symptoms and went "I'm smart" I've passed out after being ill or just in general quite a few times when younger so I had faith
This also has a bonus Michael part! I've decided to add his response to the boys reactions in its own format or else each one will just have a repeat of the same Michael Response
Warning: angst, implied vomitting, attempted murder, fainting, spoilers of lesson 37 and 16, gore on Michaels part, long
"from Michael...?" You questioned outloud, unsure on how to feel about the parcel you've found.
Your relationship with the angel wasn't a defined one. You didn't hate him but you didn't like him either; there was always something about his presence that made you fearful. You choked it up to be just internalised fear due to hearing the brothers experience of the celestial realm and angels.
You've never met him in person; the first conversation you had of him was when you stabbed yourself with the dagger instead of Lucifer. You saw the light and he spoke to you, surprised and shocked at the love you had for the demons. Even then you never really got to speak to him again, he was a mystery. You've sent a few letters and he's returned some and Simeon is a link between you two. But other than that? You didn't really have a relationship with him.
So why? Why would he send you a gift?
You looked inside to see a packet of apple pieces and herbs inside of a snack shaped teabag. You admired the unique shape and couldn't stop a small smile appearing. It was definitely cute! And you finally got to use the new kettle and cups barbatos got you.
You decided to text Simeon, telling him to thank Michael for your gift. He was surprised by this but agreed, happy you two were connecting.
Whilst your new tea brewed you were trying to figure out a way to repay his kindness. Sure it was simple small gift but he was reaching out - you were giddy! Hopeful this meant he was fully on board to the exchange program.
But you soon would regret drinking that tea. It was so sweet you couldn't stop drinking it; your lips only leaving the cup of a second of breath. It was addicting. The herb covered apples pieces gave it a nice slight bitterness. But it wasn't overbearing but didn't make it taste like sugar in your mouth.
As soon as the last gulp came down; something came up. You hunched over as your stomach churned, a disgusting taste forcing itself up your throat. Your vision growing blurry as you stumbled out of your seat, the light in your room feeling like knives to your eyes. You tried closing them but the effect didn't change. You were barely hunched over on your side releasing everything in your stomach. It stung your throat, your stomach feeling painfully empty.
There was this invisible feeling telling you to go to sleep. You wanted to obey but the light felt too painful. In your dazed state you shakily texted the groupchat a sloppy "help me ASAP, my room" before letting your body go limp, heaving as you just laid there, dragging a nearby jacket over your head and let your vision be consumed by the darkness.
He's heart broken
How did this happen? You were fine and now you're not moving
Your breathing was faint against his neck as he held you
He saw the parcel and connected the dots, Eden's tea
It was a death sentence for any human, a treat for demons and a punishment for angels
He's started a war once, he can do it again
Whilst he knew he couldn't enter the celestial realm he demanded that Michael show himself
When his demands went unanswered, he was ready to break all rules
"He's gone too far, I don't care for his reasons! I WILL DESTORY THE CELESTIAL REALM IF I HAVE TO! HE WILL ANSWER ME!"
when you received a cure all his angers washed away with relief
Happy to have you awake again even if it was for a few moments
All he can think about his how you looked like in the past; dying in his arms
He immediately went to blame belphie but almost tripped over the parcel
He's an idioit but he knew what this tea was
Becomes feral with rage and overly protective of your unconscious body
He's hunched over by your side at all times just growling at anyone who comes near you
He wanted to hurt Michael but he wanted to stay with you
He'd talk to you and tell you how he was going to get payback
"I should of known he'd do something-! I'll never forgive him- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!! I'M DOING THIS FOR THEM!"
As soon as you get the cure he's hugging you and telling you how much he missed you
When he found you, his heart dropped
It only got worse when he found the parcel and realized what Michael has done
he will remind the celestial realm why he is an admiral of hell's navy
He spends time by the sea communicating with any creature he can get; telling them if things go down he'll need them to flood the gates of heaven
When he isn't planning war he's with you, playing games, trying to ignore how dead you looked
He would remind you what buttons to push when your chatacter didn't move
He broke down sobbing when you woke up after getting a cure
He was convinced you were dead but here you were, alive and awake
He's a detective nerd so of course he scoped out the scene
When he found the parcel and Michaels name - oh boy
Never met the man and pities him for letting their first meeting be the angels demise
It wasn't long before he had to be detained
Screaming and tearing up anything he could, yelling at his brother's for falling
He blamed his brothers, he blamed Michael and he blamed himself
Hated being locked away from you, would course more of a fuss when he couldn't see you
He's only calmed down when you are given a cure and he's told you're alive
Is finally allowed to see you and he holds you tight
When he found you he was sobbing
It only grew worse when he found out what happened
In Denial
Not of Michael, he believed that but in denial you were dead or were dying
Kept insisting you were just tired and sleeping
Destroyed an entire room when one of them insisted you weren't sleeping
He'd help you get ready and pamper you, telling you it's okay and you can thank him when you feel better
Would be seen wiping your face often in hopes it'll get rid of that death like appearance you have
"They're fine but Michael won't be, when my precious darling wakes up I'll make sure they know I'll make everything better."
When you bad your cure he started crying and laughing, telling everyone he was right
Clinged to you and let you sleep
He found the parcel almost immediately
And went into a rage - we all know how his hunger tantrums are
Would've destroyed the whole house if he wasn't restrained
So much guilt, his shoulders are always sagging
Sits by your unconscious body so he feels like he's protecting you
Has tried kissing you awake
Hoping you'll wake up like a fairy tale Character and everything will be fine
"I'm going to kill Michael and I won't let any of you stop me....protect (Y/N) For me."
Was so happy and relieved when you got the cure, sticking to your side at all times even when you were awake
He was quick to help you into bed and on your side
When he found the parcel he was ready to murder
His rage towards Michael massively outweighed his hatred for humanity - even Lucifer!
Beel couldn't keep control of him mostnofnthe time unless he got forceful, belphegor stuck in a headlock screeching bloody murder
Stress sleeping
Like many of the brothers he develops two modes: calm or PLANNING MASS MURDER
Whenever he gets overwhelmed he just forces body to shut down and sleep besides you
"Michael will face me again, I won't let him kill anyone else that I love! He got Lilith killed and he can't do the same for (Y/N)!"
As soon as the cure was found he was by your side
Letting you rest and watched over you
Found out through the brothers
Sees this as an act of war against the peace he's working for
He was normally sweet and forgiving but it seemed Michael wanted to rip to his last nerve
Demanded for every reliable demon to search for a cure
Even had Solomon try to make one
"Barbatos, what is the possibility of Michael coming down to the devildom or the human realm? I want 'discuss' with him what his actions have caused."
As soon he he found out you were alive and safe
He didn't stop his plans but let himself have time with you
So much guilt
Like holy shit
Is just constantly questioning how he didn't prevent this
Asked permission from the lord to just change the timelines so this didn't happen but the brothers were against it
They demanded they didn't avoid this situation and let Michael face punishment
That he couldn't refuse, he was angered by the angel's actions
More than he would ever show
"humans are so fragile and their time is so limited - that's why I'm never going to let anyone cut theirs short again."
Was part of the cure search party, he led the group
Once you were cured he stayed with you
Acting as your butler and made to check each of your foods and drinks
It wasn't a wise decision to piss off a wizard with stupid amount of pacts
To think an angel would do such a thing
But whilst Everyone lost their temper and searched for a cure
He was wondering - why did it happen
He was ordered asked to make you a cure
He was able to do it but the real cure was also found - giving you extra cure wasn't going to harm you
But he did plan to harm Michael
"you'd think he was smarter than this, he didn't even hide he was the one who did it but all it does is make my job easier."
nursed you until you woke up
Making sure you had mini cures to completely magic it out of your system
When he found out he was stunned
Betrayal - that's all he felt
How could Michael do such a thing?
But he knew Michael was a cruel angel, many having to drink Eden's tea as punishment
It burned their insides and had any poor soul sobbing for mercy after a gulp
"Michael you fool, you can get away with things in your league but you've involved the three realms into this....I pray you do not make your demise harder for yourself."
Was apart of the cure search party
Soothed you when you finally woke up, telling you it'll be okay
Let you rest as much as you wanted
They tried to hide it from him but he kept demanding to see you
He wanted to know why everyone was acting strange
When he finally found out he was broken
His mentor
His idol
His everything
The person who always went for permission and knowledge
He thought so highly of him but he's hurt you
He's done more than that! He's tried to kill you!
He's been sobbing for days and locked himself away, he couldn't bare to see you after his once visit
He believed you were dead and they were just keeping your body
"Michael....why....why would you do this.... I thought you loved your brother's....I thought you were kind..!"
When he found out there was a cure he begged to help but they wouldn't let him
He only got to see you when you woke up and he was hugging you, crying
+ bonus Character↓
The angel knew they'd be upset
But 9 demons wanting his blood? One wizard ready to cause mayhem and even his own kind wanting his downfall?
That he didn't expect
In his blind jealousy he didn't expect they'd all care for you this much
Thinking apart of them would be relieved you weren't there
But no
"You were my brother's before you were their partner, I'm simply doing what is right! It was their time to meet him and finally stop controlling all of you! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! I'M YOUR FAMILY! WHY ARE THEY MORE IMPORTANT?!"
He got his answer
His wings torn to shreds, chunks of flesh bitten off him and slashes all over his body
He was left in human world bleeding and barely recognisable
They didn't hold back
He dread to think what the rest of them would do when they find him
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Live Stream Murderer (Part 2) | Spencer Reid x reader
Requested by @thatsonezesty13 / Summary: You’re kidnapped by the Live Stream Murderer, who is in search of his soulmate. He tortures the women for 36 hours and whoever lasts that long is in his eyes; his soulmate. Will you make it through the 36 hours of torture? 
| Part 1 | 
A/N: here is part 2! Thank you for all the attention on part 1! I love seeing all the likes, reblogs and comments, especially the ones asking to be tagged so they don’t miss the next part! <3 hopefully you all enjoy this one as much as part 1!! xx 
*possible trigger warning and could spoil the ending of part 2 for you; blood, talks of death, description of a bloody and headless person 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Your head was pounding, and you could feel your body was weak from the torture. How long had you been passed out? The last thing you remembered was a hot poker penetrating your side. There sitting in front of you was the man who would probably haunt your nightmares for forever.
He wore a sickening smile, “Hi.. I was wondering when you would wake up.” He stood up and held a red straw to your lips.
“Fuck you.” You whispered weakly. There was no telling what was in that drink and you weren’t about to find out. 
He frowned, “But you’ve made it 28 hours.. only 8 more and you’ll be,” His fingers went to caress your cheek, but you revolted at his touch, “my soulmate.” He said the last word like he was in a loving haze. 
You’d made it through 28 hours with this psychopath? You watched as the man went to the storage closet and pulled out multiple instruments and set them on the table next to you. He clicked a button on a remote and the camera in front of you flashed a red button. You figured it was live streaming now and there was a chance the whole world was watching this freak torture you; including Spencer. 
Oh, Spencer. Your heart felt overwhelmed at the thought of him. He’d suffered the loss of Maeve and you worried he would never recover. This was probably bringing those terrible emotions back to the surface. 
“I have to see if you can withstand more pain.” His voice was behind you and then a knife cutting the ties off your left arm. If you weren’t weak, you’d try to fight him with one hand, but with your injuries suffered so far and the knife still in your leg, there wasn’t much to do. 
“I have to see if you’re my soulmate.” His fingers gripped your upper arm, “This might hurt.” 
Your breathing increased as you wondered what was next. Your eyes fixated on the camera in front of you and you tried to focus on the one thing that made you happy. The one thing you loved most in this world. Spencer Reid. 
It was a trick you’d been taught during your training. You were keeping your mind preoccupied by coming up with various scenes, happy scenes. Spencer’s face crossed your mind and suddenly you were transported to a library. You were sitting across Spencer, books in front of the both of you. You could see him peeking every once and a while to look at you. You knew because you were doing the same thing to him. 
 “If you keep staring at me, we aren’t ever going to get this finished.” 
His fingers continued to dance across the page as he read and he gave a small smile, “I’m not staring at you.” 
“Okay.” You shut your book, amused, “Tell me what you just read.” 
His fingers stopped and he knew he’d been caught. He finally looked up at you, “I have no idea what I just read.” 
You let out a laugh, “Spencer Reid!” You stood, “We have to finish this paper for Dr. Johnson’s class!” Grabbing the two books on the table, you headed toward a row of library books, “These don’t have what I need.” 
In this imaginary world you and Spencer were young, college students. It was a normal life with no danger. No BAU. No cases. Just you and Spencer living a normal life. 
“I’m sorry!” He chuckles, standing to follow you. He stops behind you as you put the two books back on the shelves, “how am I supposed to concentrate when I’m in front of the most beautiful girl in this universe?” 
You turned around and faced him, “Spencer Reid.” 
“y/n y/l/n.” He copied your tone, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “I love you.” Those three words. You wanted to hear it again. 
“Say it again.” Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as he cupped your cheek.
His other hand cupped your other cheek and subconsciously caressed your cheek with his thumb, “I love you.” 
You let out a scream as the man pulled on your arm, dislocating your shoulder from it’s socket. No no.. take me back. Take me back to standing there with Spencer in that library where you heard the words you’d wished he’d confess. 
How much more of this could you take? How much more could anyone take? This was an insane amount of pain and all you wanted to do was sleep. You wanted to give up. 
You sobbed, finally breaking, “Please stop.. just please.” 
“I can’t.” He sighs, “36 hours.” He taps the watch on his wrist. 
You were fading, or at least you wanted to fade away. You’d been strong during all this because you knew you’d get to see Spencer again. He’d been the one to keep you going during this, but right now you don’t know how much more you could take. You wanted to make it through this just to be able to tell him how you felt. Your thoughts slowed and the darkness consumed you. 
As soon as the live stream was posted, Penelope began working her magic. However, it was still proven to be a challenge on pinpointing the location. 
He had to watch as the man pulled your arm out of it’s socket and listen to your screams of agony. He’d kill him. He knew if he’d ever see this man he’d kill him with his own bare hands for harming you in this way, such a public way. 
“Please.. please hang on just a bit longer.” He pleaded to the screen. 
More disappointment as the live stream cut off when your eyes went closed. You’d passed out from the overwhelming amount of pain and exhaustion. 
8 hours later there was another livestream, but this time there wasn’t anyone seated in the chair. You were gone and his mind went to worst. You’d lost the battle. 
“I’ve got it! I’ve got the location!” Penelope yelled through the comms, the location immediately sent to everyone’s phone. 
There wasn’t time to think as everyone rushed out the door and toward the known location. However, when they arrived, it was Hotch and JJ who went in first. As Spencer followed, Hotch immediately came back out stopping him at the door. 
“You don’t need to go in there.” 
Spencer was confused, “What? Why not?” He tried to push passed Hotch again and the look on JJ’s face told him everything he needed to know. “Let me see!” 
Hotch lost the grip on the determination of Spencer and he passed through the door way. Spencer skitted to a stop at the sight before him. No no no. 
His knees his the floor.  This wasn’t happening again, please no. He silently begged. “No! No no!” He couldn’t help the sobs that overcame his body. 
There in the middle of the room laying on a blanket where the chair had been was your headless body in a pool of blood. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1​ , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25​ , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant​)  , @bluerose512​ , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete​ , @televisiondreamstomorrow​ , @harry-hollands​ , @lumineshawn​ , @lyss-xo​ , @rexorangecouny​ , @sassy-hades​ , @britishspidey​ , @ateez-star​
***i’ve added all the ones asked to be tagged in this story to my criminal minds tag list because I only have taglists by the shows and/or character I write for instead of specific stories. In the future if you’d like to be taken off the list, just shoot me a message! xx 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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knightprincess · 3 years
Those Moments (The Bad Batch x Fem Reader)
Words: Just over 3k  Summary: Moments with the Bad Batch from terrible singing to the embarrassing things. The moments they never let you forget. (May add more chapters if requested) Warning: Fluff and Humor ahead .... I think Note: Ask if you wanted to be tagged
Being paired with Clone Force 99 had been unexpected for both (Y/N) and the group to have named themselves the Bad Batch. At first (Y/N) wasn't overly sure about it, she was a Jedi after all, a Knight of the order who had no problems working alone, but working in a team wasn't something she had been thrilled about. She worked best alone but had been given orders to join the Bad Batch. Hunter had been welcoming to the idea although initially unsure, especially when he knew he would have to hand over the reigns, Tech had voiced it would be a good opportunity for all of them to learn and grow, where as Wrecker had just being excited about it. Crosshair, the man of few words on the other hand hadn't been so welcoming to the idea, often being cold and throwing snarky insults and comments (Y/N)'s way, almost surprised when she had responded back, fearless to his glare, instead stubborn and accepting his silent challenge.
Yet their had been times over the years since being paired together, they refused to let her forget. Echo had learnt all about them when he had joined, although only after he himself had caused a little incident by accident. Just like always Tech had recorded it, for safe keeping as he always reasoned. Never once did he admit to watching them during the nights when sleep eluded him. Just as Crosshair would never admit he would often chuckle to himself when remembering the times of sheer unexpected mayhem always in a playful way. Even (Y/N) would laugh when the memories come up. As it reminded her of the family like unit and how each of them had come to accept her as she had accepted them.
Wrecker Wrecker had been the first of the Bad Batch to cause one of the moments or at least experience one of them. (Y/N) had believed she was alone on the ship, having stayed behind on the Havoc Marauder due an nasty injury sustained when the Endurance had been destroyed during the prior mission. Wrecker had returned to the ship, he quickly noticed (Y/N) wasn't on the sleeping rack she'd been placed on by Crosshair. Instead the curtains were open and the rack had been folded back to its ordinary position.
He'd began to worry so searched the areas of the ship, he knew (Y/N) liked to go, the rear gun, the storage beneath the ship and above. Behind the stack of mental containers Crosshair sometimes hid, yet his concern and search had been interrupted by a loud break of wind coming from the cockpit. Within seconds Wrecker had broken out in uncontrollable laughter, alerting (Y/N) to his presence aboard the ship. The doors sliding open moments later to reveal a mortified (Y/N), her cheeks turning several shades of red with embarrassment, her eyes growing larger as the situation dawned on her, her hands finding their way to her face in her effort to disappear from the entire situation.
Wrecker on the other hand continued to laugh, seeing (Y/N) only added to it. He'd heard his brothers break wind on several occasions, none of them ever beat him for it though although Hunter had surprisingly come close to it. Yet this incident had somehow gotten Wrecker to see passed the lady persona he had painted the Jedi with, he'd always seen her as sweet and innocent until that point.
His brothers had returned moments later, only to find Wrecker on the floor outside the cockpit, holding his sides, as he laughed. Red faced with tears streaming down his cheeks as he attempted to catch his breath. (Y/N) on the other hand still looked like she wanted to disappear, holding a holopad in front of her, looking down with intent at it, as if it held the answer to her quest to turn invisible. It took a while for the boys to get to the bottom of what was going on. Wrecker not helping by wheezing and laughing whenever he attempted to explain it, where as (Y/N) had apparently developed selected deafness.
Although she could look back and laugh at it now, she had been embarrassed by it for months. Wrecker could never bring himself to explain what happened, although he would chuckle about it every now and again. Quickly calling it a bounding moment, when the rest did find out they soon joined in with the laughter. Tech explaining it was a natural bodily function, nothing at all to be embarrassed about, Crosshair had cracked a rare grin with Hunter attempting to hold back his laughter while complaining he missed such an event. Echo had chuckled for a while upon being told the story, especially with Wrecker's reaction to burst in to laughter whenever he heard it.
Hunter (Y/N) was known for being clumsy. If there was something to trip over, it was almost a guarantee she would be the one to do so. She could rival Rex with the talent of falling over. Many times had Kix recorded the events, commenting about it on several occasions although still saying Rex held the title of most epic fails. To say the Batch knew about the talent was an understatement. They'd heard about it before but never really took it seriously, after all (Y/N) was brilliant on the battlefield, precise, fierce and graceful all at the same time. Instead they took the stories of her clumsiness as just that, stories.
That was until Hunter experienced it first hand.
The batch had stopped at a refuel station not to far from their assigned location, it was quiet, hidden in an asteroid field so not many knew of it. What looked to be an old base of some sort was hidden in the cliff face, although nothing could be distinguished as to what the base was actually for or had been used for, not even Tech could find that answer. (Y/N) had been walking around the ship, close to where Hunter stood watching the distance, his helmet on, hiding any expression that would have otherwise been visible. Tech was in the cockpit of the Marauder, with Crosshair on the roof of the ship and Wrecker around the opposite side.
Without warning (Y/N) had tripped over something, stumbling forward before smacking into the side of the ship, falling backwards moments later in a daze and slight shock from the incident. Crosshair had turned his attention to her upon hearing the impact, as Hunter turned and went over to her, both quickly figuring what had happened. Without hesitation Hunter checked on her, pulling her to her feet moments later, checking her over moments later, chuckling slightly when (Y/N) made a comments about the impromptu meeting with the side of the ship, another comment about the side of the ship being up to standard.
He soon walked with her around to the ramp of the ship, noticing she was limping from the collision with the side of the ship. The pair just reaching it when (Y/N) tripped over something else, this time tumbling over and taking Hunter down with her, the Sargent being shocked by what happened and thankful for his helmet, especially when he would have face planted the rocky ground. Reality hitting them both when Crosshair could be heard chuckling from above, with Wrecker doing a similar thing from the top of the ramp where he'd been sat.
(Y/N) apologizing as she helped Hunter back to his feet, not even noticing the scraps on her forearms, instead putting her attention on Hunter. Ever since that day Hunter kept a tally onboard the Marauder, adding another strike whenever (Y/N) tripped or fell over something. Echo adding to it when Hunter forgets, just to make sure its up to date. Tech on the other hand, never mentioned he got clumsy moment on camera and watches it during the quiet moments, the video never failing to bring a chuckle from him or get him to smile. He also wouldn't admit he watches the video's of all (Y/N)'s fails, finding it gives her another dynamic besides just be a supposedly perfect Jedi.
Tech The incident with Tech, wasn't actually on (Y/N) but rather on Tech. It being a quiet day on the Marauder, Hunter was in his normal place, spinning the vibroblade as he would do when he was bored. Echo with Tech in the cockpit talking away about a random topic, Crosshair on the other hand sat on the seats opposite Hunter, cleaning his rifle. (Y/N) on the other hand, had taken to the refresher. The last mission being a mess one to say the least, (Y/N)'s clumsiness not doing her any favors.
On this occasion Tech had forgotten (Y/N) was in the refresher, walking along and opening the door as (Y/N) had likely forgotten to lock it again. Crosshair had spoke up in protest as Tech pressed the button on the door, although his words had been drowned out by the surprised scream to escape from the refresher. Tech's cheeks got redder by the second and his honey eyes got wider, his hands shaking as he reached for the button to close the door. The image of (Y/N) quickly covering herself with a towel, all while screaming for him to get out.
Hunter and Crosshair both chuckling to themselves as Wrecker come from the rear gun hold, seemingly confused about what was going on. Seeing two of his brothers laughing to no end, the other coming from the cockpit to investigate the screaming, Tech on the other hand sliding down the now closed refresher door, his legs suddenly weakening at the knees to the point they were unable to support of his weight, by now he had gone deathly pale, his honey eyes still wide in shock.
Tech soon fell backwards through the door when it opened, (Y/N) quickly stepping back when he tumbled through the door, almost surprised by it. Yet soon lent down to help him up and check he was okay with how pale he had become. The laughter soon alerted her to the situation, as it finally dawned on her, her reaction had likely caused the sudden shell shock. It wasn't very often she screamed bloody murder least of all at Tech. Wrecker and Crosshair were normally on the receiving end. Every time Echo found it funny.
Tech would always knock on the refresher door after that, and he'd be sure to remind others if (Y/N) wasn't anywhere to be seen. Although he still laughed about it, reminding (Y/N) about it, when the sleepless night caught them both.
Echo Oiling cybernetic limbs was a must for Echo. At least twice a day, once in the morning and again at night. More often than not he'd do it during the crazy moments when Tech was flying in some fantastical way. As he was doing this time, some tight escape from the latest mission, Wrecker in the rear gun, Crosshair opposite Echo clearing his rifle as if nothing was happening, a normal routine. Hunter in the cockpit with Tech, acting as the co-pilot. (Y/N) on the other hand sat on the chair near to Crosshair and Echo, seemingly minding her own business.
None of them aware of the oil spillage on the floor during on of Tech's spectacular maneuver. Tech soon called for (Y/N), knowing she was the only one small enough to reach something, (Y/N) jumped up at her name being called, heading to the cockpit, as she would normally do, curiosity sparkling in her eyes, as she did so. A bright smile on her lips. At the same time Crosshair had gotten up to stretch, finding his own joints had seized up from the awkward position he'd been sat in.
It had all happened so quickly, (Y/N) had stepped on the puddle of oil, her feet going every which way in a wild manner as she attempted to regain her lost balance. Crosshair having stepped onto the puddle moments later, flying backwards in a epic way, arms and legs flying everywhere. In his haste he had grabbed on to (Y/N), pulling her down with him. Echo had been confused at first, although soon realized and asked if they were okay, chuckling upon getting the confirmation they were. (Y/N) had nodded with Crosshair throwing his normal glare, almost giving up on getting back to his feet, commenting the floor was no longer stable enough.
Hunter had been the one to investigate the noise of several crashes and swearing, only to find Echo and (Y/N) laughing, the latter on the floor with Crosshair. The sniper himself grinning as if trying to hold back laughter, staring straight up at the ceiling, his arms still wrapped around (Y/N) from where he'd tried to cushion her fall with his own armored body.
A comment escaping Crosshair about the two having to stop meeting like that. Echo commenting it looked fun, with Wrecker complaining he'd missed something else, as well as missed his target from the screams and swearing. Tech throwing the comment he'd successfully recorded that as well as congratulating Echo on the happy accident, he caused. Where as Hunter shook his head, no stranger to the antics of his brothers and (Y/N), knowing Echo would likely see it as revenge considering he'd been on the receiving end of pranks from (Y/N) since he'd joined the batch.
"Consider us even" commented Echo with a grin, implying he'd done it on purpose with Crosshair being caught an added bonus.
Crosshair To say (Y/N) and Crosshair had a prank war going was the understatement. Anything that could be imagined into existence had pretty much happened. Switching armor and robes out for something else, voice changers, whoopy cushions, videos, smoke and stink bombs, the occasional air horn, you name it, it had been used. The odd occasion it had caught another unintended target, normally Wrecker whom had mindlessly walked into the war zone. His face always a picture.
The pair of (Y/N) and Crosshair always trading comments when their prank war was on hold. Crosshair always comparing the height difference, with (Y/N) always retorting with something else. The two also giving each other nicknames. With Crosshair being nicknamed the "angry toothpick" and (Y/N) gaining the nickname of "firecracker" in a mocking way. Crosshair would always call her by the name even when the prank war was on a temporary hold. All the moments were Crosshair's favorite. But if he had to choose, his favorite was when (Y/N) had somehow managed to swap out his rifle for a realistic replica, except it was a bubble blasted, although she had thankful switched them after the mission. He'd been none the wiser while cleaning, even with his keen eye. Only when he noticed the scope was off, did he realize it was a bubble blaster, something he happily used on Echo after the oil spill incident and Wrecker for the hell of it.
(Y/N) had woke the entire ship up that night with her next prank which had caught the unsuspecting Tech. (Y/N) having tapped an air horn to the refresher door, cleverly putting it where the lock button was. So when Tech had locked the door he'd set the horn off. Waking everyone including herself up. The rest of the boys had found little surprises waiting for them. Hunter's bandanna had been swapped out for something far more sparkly and floral to what he normal had, in the place of Wrecker's plastoid armor was a bunny onzie, complete with the fluffy tail. Tech's goggles had been adjusted to include a pair of cat ears, he escaped most of the havoc due to the air horn. Echo found every whoopy cushion around the Marauder, seemingly becoming a magnet to them. Where as Crosshair found the paint hidden in different areas, the same paint Hunter, Echo and Tech had avoided. To say Crosshair was several different colors by the end of it was an understatement
He'd promised revenge, something he went through with a week later. Swapping (Y/N)'s Jedi robes with a sexy little outfit he knew she would hate with a vengeance. While also swapping her favorite blanket for a fluffy pink thing. The outfit being a barely there nurses outfit. consisting on a skirt that barely covered anything, a small bikini top and a little hat with white thigh high stockings. He'd taken it upon himself to hide her normal robes, leaving her with no choice but to wear the outfit laid out for her.
(Y/N) had hidden by the metal crates most of the day, refusing to come out in the outfit despite encouragement. Crosshair had offered the pink fluffy blanket but found himself almost terrified by her response with a deadly glare. He eventually carried her from behind the crates, deeming she needed food and drink, something Tech backed up, although he did need to recruit Wrecker's help to move the crates. Crosshair had made the comment of liking her more in the outfit, receiving a punch to the arm in response. His only response was to chuckle knowing she would sulk about it until she could return to her normal robes. It was no secret she hated dressing up in little outfits, even if certain missions required her to do so.
"Its a good job none of you got injured. My bedside manners would be terrible" commented (Y/N) when placed on Crosshair's bunk, arms crossed over her chest as she scooted over to the far corner, if only so he could join her. His efforts at an apology was to watch holo-films together.
"Princess your bedside manners wouldn't matter when your dressed like" Crosshair would respond, chuckling when (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him. The two quieting down shortly after to watch a film. Chuckling when Echo found another whoopy cushion and Wrecker burst out laughing because of it. Tech's question of whom had "reorganized" his holopad also ringing out as Hunter finally found a bucket of ice water hidden above something. His swearing ringing out moments later along with the yelled names of both Crosshair and (Y/N).
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Fearfull Proposal
Summary: henry plans a romantic proposal... and instead of coming clean about your secret fear of heights and ruining his romantic plan, you put on a brave face... well until your nearing the top of the london eye.
Warnings: fear, fluff, swearing, typos.
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You quivered as you rose higher and higher over londons skyline.
Fuck why? Why the fuck had you got in this dangling glass death trap. A faulty few bolts and you'd be plummeting into the fucking thames!
Henry was standing by the window looking out at the glittering lights in awe.
You were standing with your back turned to the houses of Parliament hands clutching the rail eitherside of you knuckles white. Knees knocking.
God this was the stupidest thing you'd ever fucking done! And it was your own fault.
"Babe, look! God big ben looks soo small never been on this at night"
You hummed nodding but continued looking to the floor.
Henry paused when you didnt correct him with the whole 'big ben is the bell' you usually countered
He turned looking back to you and his stomach dropped.
"Babe? Whoa are you okay there love?" He asked frowning as he saw your eyes clenched shut almost as if you were in pain.
You were trembling and pale to the point he fearded youd pass out.
"Here come sit down and relax, i packed some snacks-" he said placing the specially packed bag of snacks and screw top mini wine bottles.
"No! No I'm fine... I will just stay here... By the saftey bar" you said giggling nervously sparing him a glance and patting the metal you were holding onto for dear life..
Henry faltered and really took in your apperance unsure what to do. It wasn't like he could get you off, you had to ride the ride.
"Babe? Are you scared of heights?"
"Nooo dont be sillyeee- OH MY GOD IM GONNA FUCKING DIE!" you began laughing him off then screamed as the ride stopped.
Instantly you ducked crouching whilst wrapping your arms around the silver bar shouting bloody murder.
It didn't help you were bathed in purple light so couldn't see shit.
Henry got up and rushed to you standing over you arms rounding you holding you securly.
"No, no its fine love... shh its fine baby, they said it could stop to let people on poppet remember?" He said quickly rubbing your sides as you cowered trying to fend off the temptation to look at the thames below.
"Y-yeah fuck hen- im sorry i just..." you mewled turning towards him tucking your head to his chest.
"Scared of heights huh? Why didnt you tell me?" He sighed pressing kisses to your head as you whimpered adn the ride began moving once again.
"Because you went to all this trouble, you planned this surprise and i didnt want to ruin it, you were soo excited" you sniffled blinking at him.
"Hey shh you silly girl, you should have told me. You wouldnt have ruined anything you silly sausage" he cooed winding himself around you tighter.
He was actually annoyed at himself, how the fuck had he not known his girlfriend of a year and a half was scared of heights?
He'd suspected a fear of heights when you both went on holiday for your birthday, but youd managed to convince him it was a fear of flying and planes... not heights.
And come to think of it you didnt even like the glass lifts in shopping centers, you ran to the corner and held on eyes locked onto the doors the entire time.
So this was the worst surprize he could of planned for tonight. Things weren't going to plan. Fuck.
"Babe im sorry" he apologised feeling like an asshole.
"No no dont be, this was extremly sweet bear" you said quickly not wantin to make him feel bad fpr your own short commings.
"Theres noting sweet about terrifying you"
"Do... do you want to sit down? Ill hold you the entire time" he offered peaking to the central bench where both your bags sat.
"I.. yes okay i think sitting will be better" you said then yipped as he prompty scooped you up and placed you in his lap securly.
"Im so sorry love, I just wanted to make this special and romantic" he muttered holding you as close as he could letting you know that you were safe and sound.
"It is! It is love really im just a baby" you said quickly grasping his face pulling him closer before peppering his face with kisses.
"Your not a babe we all have our fears" he said quietly pressing his forehead to yours.
"You dont" you sighed closing your eyes trying to ignore the snails pace of the pod that still rose over london.
You could barely feel it, but your fear amplified it.
"Oh but i do~" he replied peering at you, as yur eyes fluttered open.
"Like what?" The questionnescaped before you could think.
"No" he said eyes now becoming worried, anxiety clouding them.
"Yes, at the moment thats my biggest fear" he said releasing a shakey breath as you frowned at him not following but didnt dwell as your ees darted to the side seeing the houses
"You see, i was trying to be all romantic and wait untill we got tp the top, but i think you'll be too terrified"
"Henry?" You said leaning back unsure about the serious tone he seemed to take.
"I brought us here, to the spot we met two years ago today..." he said drawing deeper breaths as the reality of what was about to happen hit him.
"Was it really?" You asked surprized he'd remember something like that. Anniversary? Definitely. But the day you first met? And asked for a selfie with a series of embarrassing squeaks? No you didnt think he'd remember.
"Yep. I remember doing a promo and shoot on this thing, then got off and was sat next to you in wagamama"
"And i squeaked for a selfie" you groaned with a small giggle.
"Im glad you did, i scanned instagram for days after- scouring my hashtag trying to find you... i kicked myself for not getting your number~"
"I still cant belive you did that... but im gld you did henry"
"Who'd have thought the nervous little thing trying not to even breath in my direction would be my girlfriend six months down the line"
"Or that we'd last this long?" You quipped at him trying to reme,ber to breath.
"And.. hopefully a lifetime? Despite me dragging you intoyour actual living nightmare- which i promise to never do again! Not even lifts"
You scowled and tilted your head to him not sure if you heard him correctly.
Untill he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket.
"Henry?! What? You cant be serious?"
"Oh but i am love, as much as i want to do this right and drop to one knee i doubt you'll thank me for releasing you?"
"Dont you dare let me go!"
"I think you'll find im trying to do the opposite~" he chuckled opening the box revealing the simple elegant ring three tiny diamonds.
"Im trying to marry you..."
You gasped eyes glazing over as you locked on to the dainty ring pinched between his fingers.
"I love you y/n, and i want to know if you'd become my wife and share your life with me. Will you marry me?"
"Oh god yes of course its a yes henry i love you bear!" You cried throwing your arms around him making him grunt and quickly clench his fist arohnd the ring before he dropped it.
He groaned into you rocking from side to side littering your head with kisses before peeling you away to sit the ring on your finger.
You looked at the glittering stones on your finger weeping. You may have been cursing yourself for getting into this godforsaken glass bauble in the sky.
But now you were he happiest woman alive.
"I love you bear"
"I love you too"
"Would you like some wine? I brough the little cute bottles you like" he offered nodding to the bag of snacks.
"Err lets not push it hun" you whined not sure wine at this altitude was a good idea.
You kept glancing at him still sniffing and giggleing unable to look from your ring for long.
"Gotcha, no wine"
"You look surprized i said yes?"you quipped needing to talk and take your mind off the fact your at the tippity top.
"I made you face one of your nightmares i thought you'd slap me silly when i ask" he scoffed pressing a kiss to your cheek unable to stop.
"Never love... but please never ever get on this thing again okay?" You pleaded fluttering your lashes at him pleading.
"I swear. Never again, but seeing as this is our one and only ride we should take a few selfies? Mark the occasion?" He said standing letting your feet hit the floor but never once did he let go.
"Absolutly, gotta show off my new fiancé" you hummed rising to share another kiss with him not really paying attention to the height you'd now reached, you had more important things to think about. Like sharing the rest of your life with this glorious man.
"My thoughts exactly" he grinned pulling out his phone aiming it at the two of you, makeing sure to have the hand that rested on his chest donning his ring in shot.
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redwinterroses · 3 years
hey so here's an idea for a "two best friends but one turned evil and asked the other to kill him before he went too far gone" trope (you know exactly what i'm referring to)
the first character, looking into his friends eyes, stabs him in the heart. then they both fall down and the first character is left on his knees, head down, holding onto the sword embedded into his friend's chest, sobbing uncontrollably.
he doesn't touch the sword again and instead ties a ribbon around it in memory of the one he lost
you're welcome :)
- anon fierri
Not that this has been on my brain all day or anything, but... well. Okay. It has been. And then @/3lsmp posted that stuff about a zombie AU and-- well. This happened.
Yay for my first shulker box fic! (1,728 words, with mirrored/connected first and last lines)
Zombie stories don't have happy endings so... neither does this. Be warned.
Jimmy’s waiting when Scott gets back home.
He stands in front of the door to the house they’ve been living out of, with none of his gear or weapons on him. He’s leaning against the old oak that grows next to the sidewalk, one foot perched on a root that ripples out of the ground and cracks through the old concrete. The sun is setting behind him, but the twilight shadows don’t quite hide the bloody stain that spreads from his right shoulder.
Scott’s feet come to a stop of their own accord, and he very specifically does not move his hand to the hilt of his sword. He shifts his satchel— filled with goodies he managed to find today; he discovered an entire village that hadn’t been raided yet— on his arm, its weight heavy after an afternoon of walking. He hates the wary tone in his words when he calls out:
Jimmy, looking up to see him, gives a shrug. “Told ya this would happen,” he says, and there’s a quirk to his smile that could break other hearts.
((hard to break what’s already shattering.))
Scott swallows. “Show me.”
Jimmy pulls the collar of his shirt to the side, and Scott winces at the bloody mess that is his mangled shoulder.
“Skizz got me,” Jimmy says. “It was stupid— I should’a been faster, but… I mean, it was Skizz, ya know? He still kinda looked like himself, and I thought… I dunno what I thought. But by the time I realized he was already gone, he’d got my shoulder in his teeth and…”
((the earth is crumbling away beneath him. this is a nightmare. time to wake up now.))
((please wake up now.))
“Hey, don’t worry.” Jimmy covers the wound back up. “It doesn’t hurt or anything.”
“It doesn’t— No, Jimmy that’s not the way to make me feel better.” Scott takes another step forward, his arms aching to reach out and his gut telling him to get away get away get away— He can feel his throat closing, swallowing emotions he refuses to feel.
“Look— ” Jimmy takes a step forward and Scott backpedals, half-unsheathing the blade at his hip. He hates himself for it instantly, but the instinct—
The instinct is what keeps him alive.
Jimmy just puts his hands up placatingly. “Hey, hey— I’m not that far gone yet.”
“You’re fine.” Scott tries to sound scornful, and nearly succeeds. “We’ll get you patched up and you’ll be good as new in a few days. Don’t be such a drama queen.”
With a laugh, Jimmy shakes his head. “Nice daydream,” he says. “That would be cool.”
They stand there, in a silence that shouldn’t have been awkward, for a long moment. Then, at the same time:
“Scott, you know— ”
“So I picked up a— ”
“You go first,” Jimmy says.
((Jimmy always puts others first.))
Scott grits his teeth and forces his voice to be light and cheerful. Nothing is wrong. They’re fine. “I found canned soup!” he says. “Five cans— one’s a little rusty, but I’m sure it’s fine.”
“That’s… um. That’s good.”
Scott steps around Jimmy—
((not too close. don't get too close— no. damn you, coward, get as close as you want, there’s nothing wrong— ))
— and moves toward the house. “So…” he says, “I’ll just… start up the fire? Get dinner going? I think we’ve still got some— ”
Jimmy’s voice stops him, and Scott winces. He drops his head, unable to look Jimmy in the eye.
“Don’t make me do this,” he says. His voice struggles, and his free hand goes to his throat, as if he can pull the plea from his chest. “You… you can’t make me do this. You can’t.”
((i can’t, i can’t, i can’t— ))
“You gotta.”
((too close!!))
Scott’s head snaps up, and one hand flails behind him, catching against the siding of the house. Jimmy is right there—
((danger! danger!))
But other than the tell-tale red gleam in his eye and the bloody stain on the shoulder of his shirt, Jimmy looks the same. Same golden hair, same dimple as he quirks half a sad smile, same gentle hands spread wide. Unarmed, though that won’t matter soon. He stands close enough that Scott could reach out and touch him— punch him, maybe, for being such an idiot… or wrap him in an embrace that will never let go.
“Skizz got me an hour ago,” Jimmy says, and his voice is as low as a secret. “I’ve got… what. Maybe twenty minutes? Another hour if we’re insanely lucky?”
“You’re fine,” Scott says again. But this time it comes out as a plea and not a statement.
“I’m not.” Jimmy shakes his head. His eyes shift to the side. “I… to be honest, I’m already feeling it.”
“Feeling— feeling what?” Why was he asking. What a stupid question.
And yet… yet he had to know.
Jimmy drops his hands to his sides, and they clench and unclench. Scott watches, mesmerized, his heartbeat fluttering in time with Jimmy’s hands curling into white-knuckled fists and uncurling into trembling claws.
“I can’t— I can’t describe it. It’s like I’m on fire. Only I’m drowning at the same time. Or something. And I— ” he takes a deep breath, and meets Scott’s gaze. A low growl comes into his voice, and the hands squeeze tight into hard twists of bone. “I look at you, and all I can see is how easy you’d be to kill right now.”
Scott’s sword is drawn before his denial can catch up.
((instinct keeps you alive))
Jimmy looks down at the shining blade, and finally his façade of cheerful nonchalance wavers. There’s a crack in his voice as he says, “There we go. That’s… that’s the way it’s gotta be.”
((i can’t, i can’t, i can’t— ))
And then, as if he can hear Scott’s internal scream: “I don’t— I don’t want to become like one of them. I don’t want… you to see me like that.”
Like one of them. Scott’s memories skip over images of white-eyed creatures, people he used to know, monsters with mindless hunger driving them to rip, to shred, to devour—
Jimmy wakes up crying some nights. He tries to be quiet, Scott knows, but in the single room they’ve barricaded against the darkness, every sound is magnified— and Scott's always been a light sleeper. He knows Jimmy dreams of them, dreams of blood and gore and of being left alone— or worse, of being the one to do the shredding.
He knows because he’s dreamed it too.
“I won’t let that happen,” he says, his voice firm. But there’s a tremble in the sword between them.
“You didn’t let it happen. It just… it just did, dude. That’s life.” Jimmy takes a deep breath, and with a far too gentle hand, takes hold of the sword blade and guides it to rest over his heart. “Anyway, you promised.”
“Right so, if I get bit, you have to take me out before I can hurt anyone.”
“Ew. What a horribly morbid things to say.”
“I’m serious! I couldn’t deal with it if I turned into one of those things and came after you or any of the others— ”
“It’s not gonna happen, so don’t be stupid about it.”
“Come on— just say it. Promise me that if I start to turn, you’ll… ya know. Kill me.”
“Jimmy— ”
“Promise me, Scott.”
“…Fine. But only if you promise the same.”
((it won’t happen. it'll be fine. they’ll be fine.))
“Of course, dude. I promise.”
“You promised.”
Scott’s face is wet with hot tears that he can’t feel himself crying, and he wants to drop the sword— wants to fling it away from both of them and let fate do its worst. Who cares if he dies too?
((jimmy cares. If you let him destroy you, it’ll destroy him first.))
“Damn you,” Scott whispers.
Jimmy smiles.
The sword enters his body too easily.
It slides between the ribs, the only sound the soft catch in Jimmy’s throat as the blade bites into his heart.
For a frozen instant, they both stand there, outside the house they’d claimed— the home they’d defended. Jimmy looks down at the weapon in his chest, one hand reaching toward Scott—
And he falls
((he falls and falls and falls and Scott is falling too and the sword clatters to the ground and he’s clutching at Jimmy’s face and bundling the body to himself and pawing the hair away from his eyes and Jimmy’s hand is on his and— ))
There are no final words. No poignant goodbyes, no tearful proclamations or whispered last regrets.
There is only an ending.
There is only Scott, silent and dry-eyed, kneeling on the ground under the oak with Jimmy’s lifeless hand clasped to his chest.
He doesn’t move, even as night falls around him—
— and the cicadas start their mournful chorus. Doesn’t stir until something rattles down the street and he dimly realizes that Jimmy would murder him if after all this, Scott went and got himself shredded by a zombie anyway.
Jimmy’s body is heavier than he expected, and yet somehow lighter than it ought to be. As if it’s missing everything that made it Jimmy. He drags it—
— inside the house and wonders what exactly he’s supposed to do now. Dig a grave, he supposes, but— where? In the yard? It seems so… anticlimactic.
((death is anticlimactic. life is the climax. death is… an afterthought.))
He leaves the sword where it fell. He can’t… he can’t bear to touch it now. Scott doesn’t believe in curses—
((yes you do yes you do you’re cursed this place is cursed and that sword is cursed and the ground where it lays is cursed and— ))
— and yet he can’t bring himself to fetch it. Someone else can find it.
He’ll dig the grave tomorrow.
Tonight… tonight he sits. Keeps watch. Hopes beyond hope that Jimmy will stir— knowing that if he does, it won’t be for any good reason. Knowing that if he does, he won’t be able to kill him a second time.
Tomorrow he’ll leave. Find a new place— far away. Sometime, maybe sooner, maybe later… he’ll find the end of his road too.
He hopes Jimmy will be waiting there, when he finally gets back home.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher x Reader- 27 (Part 2)
Hey beautiful people! SOOOO I got a comment on my last Scream imagine and they said...
ok but like a part 2 where we go picking them all off one by one and tell them what happened to (y/n) before we end them? and the revenge on the parents for it too? make them feel sorry for what they did and expose them to everyone. I mean not forcing but lightly tapping an idea
Okay so you know the drill, I will let you know when to proceed with caution.
... (Picking up directly after the events of part 1)
“...My parents weren’t the most loving people around.” you stared down at your fingertips. “They were overbearing...very controlling...loved to gaslight me from time to time.” you felt a lump form in your throat. “After the Hanna thing, they tried to sent me to boarding school.”
You three sat in Stu’s basement. You sat cross-legged on the floor and Stu and Billy cleaned up the dead body. Stu had given you a rag to wipe the blood off your face and hands. 
“A while back before we all met...my parents weren’t too bad. Then Hanna came along and decided to ruin that for me too. She and her friends dragged me into the woods and beat me up...I was bleeding out everywhere...she told my parents I attacked her...she told them that I-..That I tried to kill her.” you shook your head. “My parents never looked at me the same...like they disowned me without saying they did.” you sniffed.
“What about the others?” Billy ceased his activities to stare at you. He was impressed how well you seemed to be taking everything. 
“ Dylan leaked my friend’s nudes, Jennifer is Hanna’s slave...she was Hanna Number 2 when she couldn’t torture anyone else. Rachel....I just hate Rachel, and Cameron...is my ex.” you explained. “There are others...many others.” you seethed. 
“And we’ll get to all of them.” Stu finished his job of tying Hanna’s legs together. “But first...how do you feel?”
“Like I just killed someone.” you half-joked, bringing your knees to your chest. “Why didn’t you guys tell me?”
“We didn’t want to scare you.” Billy reminded you. “We know how you are Y/N.”
“Still.” you pouted. “It would have been nice to know that you two were behind all this.” you stared at the floor. “Why didn’t you guys...y’know-”
“We wanted to...” Billy dusted himself off. “We tried...then you just had to charm us with that smile of yours.” he bit his lip as he smiled at the thought. “You just had to go and be adorable.”
There he was, standing with Stu hunched over a notebook of possible victims. They had agreed you’d be next, they really did. They had introduced themselves to you and gained your trust, but along the way, your kindness, your willingness to be so vulnerable around then...accepting them (especially Billy) for their flaws, they couldn’t...they wouldn’t.
“Can I help with anything?” you asked, standing to your feet. 
“Not unless you know a place to dump this body.” Billy replied. 
“There’s a lake behind Hanna’s house...” you recalled. “I saw it when my parents used to go over there for dinner.”
“Great!” Stu skipped over and took you in a hug. “So who do you wanna get first?”
“Me? You’re letting me choose?” you stared up at Stu who swore up and down you looked the most adorable you ever have, if that was even possible. 
“This is your list, isn’t it?” Billy casually strode over. He tilted your chin up at him. “Just let us take care of it.”
“...Dylan first.” you concluded. “It’s for my friend...he has to go.” you asserted. 
“As you wish princess.” 
...(The Next Day)
   You trudged away from your parent’s car, doing your usual habits of ignoring them as they saw you off. You saw Billy and Stu waiting for you on some benches. They glared behind you, obviously getting a good look of your parents. 
“Hey cutie.” Stu threw himself at you, hugging you super tight. “How’d you sleep?”
“Shitty...” you mumbled. “Guess who just caught word of Hannas’s...untimely demise.”
“Serves the bitch right.” Billy flicked his middle finger at your parents as they drove off. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dylan throwing around a football with his friends. His gaze darted in your direction. He looked surprised to see you and Stu so close, so much so that he hesitated to throw the ball back to his friends. “Hey asshole, you got your turn. Hand her over.” Billy flicked Stu on the head as he pulled your out of Stu’s embrace.
“Oh you’re no fun.” Stu laughed, waving him off. Billy wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to his chest and gingerly trailing his fingers down your back. 
“Hey Y/N...” 
You paused your momentary happy moment when Dylan came jogging up. You pulled away from Billy and faced your friend’s ex-boyfriend. “What?”
“Um...Hey.” he did that douche-bag hair flip. “What’s up?”
“I’m just spectacular.” you grimaced. He was really talking to you like he wasn’t the reason your only other friend switched schools. “Need something?”
“Yeah. I wanted to invite you to my party tonight.”
‘I’d rather-” you began, only to realize the mega opportunity you’d receive. 
“Are your other friends coming?” you shifted all your weight to one side and pretended to absentmindedly twirl your hair. 
“Um...Y-yeah.” he nodded.
“Can my friends come?” you acted oblivious and dumb, the only language he and his friends seemed to understand when it came to women.
“Sure. They can come join the fun.” he winked. “Tonight, 8:00 o’clock.”
“Splendid, you winked. I’ll be there.” 
As Dylan returned to his friends, all of them laughing about the joke they thought you didn’t understand, Billy and Stu stood at your sides.
“You’re killer is showing, love.” Stu kissed the side of your head. “Easy now.” he laughed, even though he knew he was talking complete bullshit.
“I’m gonna have so much fun slitting that one’s throat.” Billy pointed to Rachel. “This is gonna be awesome.”
...(That Night)
You had managed to make it a few hours. Without completely losing your mind. Billy had taken it upon himself to put up him brooding angst-filled sadboi attitude and Stu showed up in his honorary pimp robe. 
Now you all were sitting in a circle, playing stupid games.
“Y/N...truth or dare?” Jennifer called on you next, noticing how quiet you had been.
“Kiss, Fuck, Or Kill. Stu Macher, Cameron Kent, and Dylan Bayle.”
With a bored grin, you looked her right in the eye. She dared you to say you would fuck her boyfriend, little does she know...
“I guess I’d have to kiss Cameron...” you began warmly, recalling how you two used to date. Gross... “And as much as I love pissing you off...I wouldn’t touch Dylan with a ten foot pole...so I’d have sex with Stu.”
A few wolf whistles from the guy chorused around the circle as a few guys pat Stu on the back. Your eyes looked over at Stu whose cheeks were tinted pink. He shot you a smile and a quick wink.
“And you know what that leaves?...I’d kill Dylan.” you smirked, only to put on a front again. Before anyone could say anything else, you all heard a phone ring. Coincidentally, the phone was right next to you. 
“Y/N, get that will you. Put it on speaker.”
“I got you.” you grabbed the phone. “Hello?”
“What number is this?”
“What number are you trying to reach?” you replied.
“I dunno...”
“Sure buddy.” you rolled your eyes as you hung up.
“Okay! Dylan!” Rachel drunkenly asked. “Truth or Dare!”
“Dare baby!” Dylan laughed.
“I dare you to go into the bedroom with Y/N and do something with her!” she laughed. “You can’t leave until you do something!”
“Did anyone ask my opinion on this?” you felt disgusted as the words left your mouth. How much longer were you gonna have to put up with this? “Stu, help me out!” 
“A dare’s a dare, babe.” he laughed as he took another swig of whatever. 
“Ugh!!” you grimaced as you stood up and followed Dylan. You made sure to lightly bump your shoulder against Stu’s as you walked. You two looked eyes momentarily, sharing a discrete smirk between eachother.
You stood there, playing with your fingers as Dylan came up to you.
“You know Y/N...I’ve always liked you.”
“Oh really?” you asked shyly. “W-well why didn’t you tell me?” you half giggled half gagged.
“I couldn’t find the right words.” he reached out to touch your cheek.
Meanwhile downstairs, everyone laughed at the hidden camera footage they were watching. They couldn’t wait to post this to the school’s website. 
“Oh my god!” you screamed at you pointed behind Dylan. Everyone watched as a dark hooded figure creeped up behind Dylan and grabbed him buy the back of his head, digging a knife into his shoulder. Then he charged for you, stabbing you in the stomach...slowly but surely he creeped up to the camera, looking directly at it. “Nuh uh uh~” he sang before he punched the camera, causing the signal to break.
This caused everyone to scream bloody murder and attempted to scream.
Back in the bedroom, you had managed to hear the screaming. “Can I get up now?” you rolled over. “Pretending to die is so weird.”
“Allow me.” Billy walked over and helped you to your feet, ridding himself of his Ghostface mask. “You look good covered in fake blood.”
“Do I?” you fake pouted. Billy didn’t answer and instead kissed you. He held your face in his hands, gently moving his soft lips against yours. He would have went crazy is Dylan managed to get that far. He was glad that he could finally show how he felt about you in a personal way. 
“You do.” he bit his lip as he pulled away.
“W-what the fuck?!” Dylan, who was very much alive looked between you two. “You’re in on this.”
“Oh shut up!” you grabbed Billy’s knife and walked up to him. “Kyla Grayson, who is she?”
“Kyla Grayson?”
“ARE YOU AN ECHO?” you snapped. “Who is she?”
“I don’t know! I swear!” he tried to cower away from you.
“You don’t remember showing private pictures of a young impressionable freshman to your fucking friends?” you glared. “She trusted you...she liked you a lot...and because of you she had to move to a different county.” you raised the knife over your head. “Any last words?”
“SURPRISE!” Stu burst through the door, also dawning a Ghostface getup, only without the voice changer. He was dragging Jennifer and Rachel by the hair.
“You’re just in time for the show.” you said, not looking up from Dylan. 
“Don’t talk.” you kept your eyes on Dylan. “I’ll get to you soon.”
(Part 3 will be revenge against your parents)
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gojology · 3 years
Clubs Aren’t My Thing. (2/2) (18+)
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | woooo, part 2 ! as stated previously, this is heavily inspired by @/mystic-sky on tumblr or skyfelt on ao3. amazing writer, check her out (but this isn’t a direct copy, just same storyline in a way). i’m cleaning up my writing a lot, i think. maybe im getting better as well? probably not but uh i kinda gave up at the end and uh.. hope u enjoy.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | Voyeurism To Some Degree, Teasing, Ripped Tights, I didn’t proof read. 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Dom! Gojo x Sub! Female Reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 4561
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | In which you finally get fucked by this mysterious, yet freakishly handsome stranger. That’s it, you just get fucked.
       The first thing you realize is how cold it is.     The wind is working against you, it seems, as you take your first step out of the warm building. Hair blows in every direction, you button up your cardigan, your breath coming out in puffs of smoke. Shivers went down your spine.    Not too far behind you, the mysterious man that you had met just an hour ago trailed behind, winking and waving at the girls confidently using him as eye-candy. Long strides, hands shoved into his pockets.    Your heart swells as you watch other woman stare flirtatiously as he gestured back at them, before their eyes set on you. He followed you like a duckling, and you’re sure to relish in how powerful it made you feel.    He walked like a model, with so much confidence. He didn’t appear as cold, his cheeks were flush and he reeked of fruity sugary alcohol, a playful grin still stubbornly on his face, 5 minutes later.    “Uber should be coming soon... I think, too lazy to check. You cold?” he slurred huskily.    You nod. For a one night stand, he was strangely kind to you.     He doesn’t say anything after that, so you opt to listen to the life around you. The clicking of high heels, the chatter, the drunken rants.     “Aw, come here.”     He didn’t give you much of a choice, though. Pulling you in to his chest, without warning. Your first instinct is to scream bloody murder, but he’s so warm, and you definitely need it.    One loose arm over your figure, his unoccupied arm dangled dangerously close to your butt. Taking in a deep breath, anticipating the feeling of being so scandalous in public, he chuckles breathily, almost like a taunt. You can feel the rumble in his chest as he cleared his throat.    You stare up at him, confused as to why you’re not feeling anything in your lower regions, before you realize what he was doing.    Rubbing your head with the once unoccupied hand, his fingers weaved into your hair as he sniffled. Something about the interaction was strangely intimate, but you don’t dare to say a word.     You inhale sharply, rubbing your face into his chest. You want to get closer, deep in bliss as he seemed to return the want back. You want to close any remaining space between the two of you, but making the first move was scary.    He yawns, and this triggers you to yawn as well. It was probably well past 1 AM by now, and you were tired.    You couldn’t hear much around you other then the honk of the growing sea of cars, some people just starting their night, and the others ending it.     “Oh shit. Our Uber’s here.” he mutters under his breath, pushing you out of his chest gently.    Whining, you try to push yourself back into his arms, he takes a quick glance down at you, traces of a faint lukewarm smile playing upon his lips. Almost like he’s saying, “Are you kidding me right now?” before taking a hold of your hand.     Fingers intertwining as if they were meant to be together, you gawk down at your hands, before looking back up at him.     There were a few issues, one, you had no idea if this man had an intent to kidnap you. Second, you didn’t know what the Uber looked like, and you’re too embarrassed to ask. Third, he was holding your hand with no hesitation, and the feeling in your chest was indescribable.    You can’t tell what he’s thinking, but you hope that it’s something along the lines of what you’re thinking. Your eyes briefly flickering over his jawline as you pondered to yourself, but what you do know is that you’re being dragged towards the presumed Uber. It’s sleek, and black, with a glossy finish, you note.    “Yo chill, I’m not gonna kidnap you, missy.” chuckling, examining your doubtful, yet frightened expression. He swung open the car door carelessly.    “After you, m’lady.” he adds, bowing and straightening, his chin up.     “Thank you, Sir Mysterious.” you give him a small smile before sliding into the sleek, comfortable seats.     His eyebrow raised, he looked at you.    “That’s a first.”     “It’s also a shit nickname, maybe that’s why you’ve never heard it.” you suggested.    “I like it. Has a nice ring to it.” a lukewarm smile played at his glossy lips.    The sly smile wipes clean off your face, he laughs at you while sliding into his designated seat, as if he owned the car.    Right. You were in a car, and it would be best for you to study your surroundings, just to make sure you weren’t being kidnapped.     The car was obviously expensive, black leather reclining seats, and a sweet offering of warmth against the chill of the midnight air.    A coffee cup idly stood in the cup holder, the driver taking a quick sip and turning his body to look at you two. Air fresheners and various trinkets dangled from the rear-view mirror, swinging back and forth     “A couple, eh? You wanna go to this address?”     The driver whipped his phone out, an address in black, bold text stood out.     “Yep.” the man says confidently.     Opening your mouth to speak, you try to inform the driver that he wasn’t your boyfriend, before your supposed boyfriend covers your mouth with his hand as soon as the driver repositioned towards the steering wheel.     You realize that his other hand is on your thigh, stroking your skin.    This newfound position was at the very least, terrifying. There was another person in the vehicle, for starters, and you weren’t exactly the quiet type when it came to, well, anything in general.     Cold, large calloused hands considerately caressed your thigh, and your breathing hitches. His other arm against his side, but you know his fingers are itching to feel you all over. You want to moan, but the driver’s presence is enough to tell you that it would be stupid.    Fingers drawing shapes, words, anything would repeatedly loop on the sensitive skin just barely. He was definitely teasing you, but you couldn’t quite fight back.    “Why don’t you be a good girl and stay quiet for me?” he whispers, you anticipate the driver to look back at the two of you, and to throw both of you off the car, but he does no such thing.    Feebly, you raise your arm up, ignoring the flirtatious request. Swatting his hand away in a desperate attempt to get him to stop before it got out of hand, but he’s persistent.    It’s getting even more difficult to breathe quietly now, your body getting hotter and hotter and hotter.    It doesn’t take long for a noise to slip out from your lips that you can’t quite shut up, and the driver turns to look at you.     “So precious.” the white haired man mouths to you before quickly turning his head to look at the window, humming to himself, still caressing your thigh.     “Ma’am? Are you okay?”     About to respond, the white haired man scooched closer to you. His clothed leg now rubbing your bare skin. He whistles innocently in the opposite direction before skimming his hand against your inner thigh, and you almost shriek.    Instead, you let out a pathetic gasp.    Panning his gaze over to you, he gives you a sly, playful smirk, before looking away again.    Drawing more shapes onto your skin, he hums. It was so hard to focus, or even remember the words the driver had said literally just a minute ago. You feel yourself shiver, almost losing yourself entirely to his hands before shakily responding to the driver, praying to any divine figure in the skies that you would be coherent.     “Y-yeah. Just, spilled water on m-my clothes.” you reply, barely audible.     The driver’s eyes stared back at yours, concern etched onto his features, before sighing. Tension grew inside of you.    “Alright, if you need anything, just ask, okay ma’am?”     Trying to respond, no sound comes out of your mouth, and the reason dawns on you. Taking a quick look down, the man’s digits were now fumbling with your panties, brushing against your wetness.     It takes a moment for you to register in your brain, you thank every entity possible for preventing the inevitable slew of noises you’d make. Waves of need crashing over your body. You hungrily stare at him, hoping that he’d be kind enough to stop and save it for later.     Circling your entrance through the now utterly soaked panties, he dips his finger in, just enough so you could feel the slight pressure against your sensitive skin.    He’s fucking taunting you again.    Driver be damned, you needed him.    Opening your legs more, you confidently peer at him, inviting him to explore your body even more. His fingers are drumming against the leather surface, the other hand had retreated back to your thigh,  boldly looking at you back.     “No. I thought you didn’t want to, what’s with the change of thought?” he mouths, stifling a chuckle and a smug tone, already knowing what you were going to ask.   Bewildered, you gape at him before shaking your head curtly, making sure you’re staring daggers at his stupidly arrogant face.     “Stop fucking playing with me then!”     “You’re too cute.”    “Fine then.” closing your legs, you stare out the window, your chin sitting on the palm of your hand. Flickering blurry lights passing by quickly. Looking at your reflection, you steal a quick glance at the flirtatious bastard.     “If you’re so angry, why can’t you look away from me for 1 second?” he whispers proudly.    You can’t think of a snarky remark, so you huff and look back at the window defeatedly.    What a cocky arrogant little-    Your bruised pride burning into ashes, you grunt in response before the car abruptly halts to its stop.    Were you two too loud?    “What are you two so scared for? Freezing up like a deer in headlights, we’re at your destination.” the driver said, twisting his head around, his eyebrow slightly raised.     “Oh, yeah, thanks.”     That was way too close to comfort, and you’re resisting the urge of banging on his chest for being so overly confident in his endeavors. You open the car door, cursing under your breath, swinging your legs out and lightly stepping out.     First thing you realize in the new destination? This guy was obviously loaded.     In front of you were a bunch of condos, and it was bound to cost a lot. Modern architecture was all you could see, wide windows and balconies in every corner. Suddenly, you’re self conscious about your outfit, were you too poorly dressed?    The man hums, placing his hand on your shoulder. Plant life was meticulously placed in such a beautiful manner that you promise yourself that you would search up his name- if you ever got it, on the Forbes lists.    “Like what you see?”    Snapping out of it, you look back at him, and you nod, still astounded by his presumed riches.    “Yeah? Lets go up missy, I got more to show, in more ways then one.”  ‧₊˚✩彡.            Standing in front of his door, you realize how quiet and still the atmosphere is. He fumbles with his keys, muttering to himself, and you can’t help but wonder if you’re about to have sex with some celebrity.     Not knowing how to start conversation, you clear your throat.     “You ever going to tell me your name?”     “Aw, the little baby still wants my name.” he cooed    “Call me Gojo.” he adds nonchalantly.    “(Y/N).” you reply, ecstatic. That wasn’t too hard, but you wonder why he didn’t just give up his name to you at the club earlier. Perhaps he didn’t think he was going to take you back?    “Aw, sugar. You scared?” Gojo says, looking you up and down. Well, that’s what you assumed. He still had his glasses on.    “No I’m not, who said that?”    “Look at your legs, missy.” he cheekily replies.    Looking down, you realize you’re violently shaking, and you didn’t even realize it.    “...Maybe.” you say coyly.    He breathily chuckles, finally opening the door with the right key.    You’re surprised by the presence of such a spotless place, a large, plush black leather couch was in one corner, the other, an island. Amazingly large windows replaced what would usually be the walls, and you could see the extent of the city life from where you’re standing.      “Slip your shoes off girly, sandals on the left. Can I offer you something?” Gojo questions you, walking over to the island.     “...I’m not much of a drinker.” you reply, still standing in the doorway. You were honestly more interested in him then the small talk.     “Baby, sit down. Don’t you wanna see me up close?” he pats the cushioned island seats, and you sheepishly walk over.    “I have apple juice too. If that’s more your vibe.” you watched him swirl some melting ice cubes around in a glass of water with a spoon.    “I’m not 12.” you retort, maybe the guy wasn’t a celebrity. No famous guy has apple juice in the fridge, rather then fancy champagne and wine.     Gojo snickers, “Hey, I’m not 12 either, I’m nearing my fucking 30′s but I can never reject a good box of apple juice, plus, I teach a group of kiddos that drink this shit like it’s fine wine.”     You pause, this guy was NEAR 30? He certainly didn’t look the age, and second of all, he bought apple juice just for the kids he taught? That was surprisingly sweet, but that didn’t explain the richness.    ��You’re a teacher?” you nod as he hands you a chilled box of apple juice.     “Uh, yeah.” he scratches the back of his neck. “International Japanese teacher, sometimes I just teach in Japan as well. It pays good.”     “No way you actually live here. Is this your friends place?”     He laughs loudly, “So backhanded, and sassy! Nah, this is my place. As I said, job pays well. Feel free to stop by for a good fucking.” he says whilst pouring liquor into his glass cup.    “You’re really confident in your abilities of fucking people.” you sarcastically note aloud as he slides into the comfortable tall stool next to you, drink in hand.    “Hm, you weren’t saying that when I was touching you in that car, brat. How strange.” sipping his beverage lightly.     Your mouth zipped shut, and he laughs again.     “Aw, don’t go all awkward on me.” his once vacant hand now rubbing your shoulder. Setting down his drink, taking off his glasses. He doesn’t give you much time to admire his eyes, but what you can see is an almost aquamarine color, flecks of darker blue sprinkled throughout. So brilliantly colored it didn’t look real.     Before you realize it, he leans closer into your neck, suckling your skin and lightly nibbling. His breath fanning over your delicate skin, you can’t even hold back, gasping a little as his hands played with the hem of your cardigan, tugging at it playfully.     You can’t even formulate words. He was undeniably good, his suckling now gradually getting more harsher and harsher, and you dread coming back to your friends place, neck full of hickeys, you’d be nudged for whoever did that to you for the rest of your life.     He grunts, standing up in the little space between what was his stool and yours, even on such a surprisingly tall stool he still towered over you. He has to slightly crouch before his eyes is at the level of your neck, hungrily crashing back down.      “G-Gojo!” you squeaked, struggling to do much of anything. You’re limp on the stool, slumped and burning up. Your skin was ridiculously hot.     “Hmmm?” he smiles into your neck, pausing momentarily, you can feel him exhale harshly on your skin. You look him up and down, the sexual tension between the two of you was prominent, and so was the tent in his pants.     You feel a whine creep up towards your throat, now realizing just how wet you are. Ignoring this, you gesture to your clothes. The layers were sticking to you, and you never wanted anything more then to just get the sex started.    “...Hot.” is all you can muster pathetically.     “What was, baby?” he coos at you.     “Me.” shrugging off your cardigan the best you can, you let out a subtle whine, the weird feeling growing between your legs.     “Yes, we both know you’re hot.” tipping your chin upwards to look at him, he smiles. “use your words.”     “Clothes.. Off.” you pant, obviously sick and tired of the stupid sexual tension and the teasing.     “Full sentence, girly.” he repeats, stroking your cheek with his thumb.     You inhale his scent, smelling of expensive cologne and lingering sickeningly sweet alcohol. Looking up at him, but averting your gaze as soon as you saw those incredible eyes once again.    “Look at me.” he orders.    You peer up at him, swallowing.     “P-please, take my clothes off.” you say politely.     “All it took was a few hickeys? You really are a pretty kitty.” he smiles, kissing your forehead. “Get down.”     You nod obediently, getting off the stool and looking back up at him, anticipating his next step.     He bends down, swooping you up bridal style. One arm under your legs, gripped firmly onto the skin, the other under your waist. Your arms instinctively and rather slackly around his shoulders.     You expect something, a kiss, anything, but all Gojo does is walk down an endless hallway full of doors.     You lean closer into him while pouting, hoping that’ll catch his attention, but he doesn’t say a word.     “Where are we going?” you finally ask, growing needy.    “Bedroom. I’m not fucking on the couch. Pretty princesses deserve to be nice and comfy.” he replies back, fidgeting with the door knob. For a few seconds, all you can hear is how rapidly your heart is beating inside your chest, the rustling of clothes brushing against one another, and then the feeling sets in again.     You could very well be fucking someone that was out of your league.     He breathes a sigh of relief, and before you have the time to fully study his bedroom, he throws you off of the bed with a grunt.     Gojo’s toned forearms by your side, you were obviously trapped. You can see his chain just dangle barely swing back and forth on the tip of your nose, his lips curled into a lukewarm smile.    “You were so cheeky with me earlier, where’d she go?” stroking the corner of your lips.     He doesn’t give you the time to respond, instead locking lips with you and rolling over to be on your side. It starts off small and soft first, but it gradually grew hot. The fluttering in your chest only intensified. Tongues exploring every inch of one another’s mouth, you swear you can taste mint. The anxiety melted off of you like wax, and the only thing he could focus on was how soft you felt against his lips. Delightfully experienced enough for it to be good, but not better then him.    The smell of him was stronger now, and you’re sure you won’t be able to leave without some of it remaining on your clothes. Regardless, it was an addicting smell. Something you needed to come back to. Furiously exhaling through both of your noses, he finally lets go.     Dazed, your whole body tingles. You want him to claim you all as your own, hungrily staring at him for more. Both of you were radiating heat. The kissing left little for thought, and all you can think about is kissing him once again. It seemed that the more you spent with him, the more demand you had for his attention.    “Such cute noises. Makes me want to ravish you more.”     Gojo tenderly pulls you in, claiming your mouth as his once again. Fumbling with your cardigan, yanking it off of your body. Large, hot hands brushing against your now semi-exposed skin, and you know he wants more. His hands brushed against your butt under your skirt, and you shiver just a bit.     Pulling out from the kiss, he looks at you, panting heavily.     “So beautiful.” he murmurs, brushing his thumb against your swollen lips.     “You wanna know why they call me the best?”     You nod, his arm snakes above your waist, forcefully flipping you down head first into the blankets.     Just now realizing that all your clothes are no where to be found, presumably on the floor, you shiver at the cold air conditioner blowing against you. That is, besides your skirts and your tights.     “On your arms, baby. Knees too.” he instructs, patting your butt.     You obey, a warmth rushing to your cheeks again. He had you like a dog being trained by it’s owner, following their every order.     “Good girl.” he says under his breath.     You’re about to tell him that you’re still wearing tights, about to open your mouth, you heard a loud rip disturb the peaceful atmosphere, and a cold exposure to your lower regions.     You squeal, digging your face into the covers, and he chuckles again.     “Oh baby. You were begging for this, I can see why now.” you felt him drag his fingers against your panties, and you whimper.    “So impatient for my touch, aren’t you kitty? You’ll have to wait.”     About to complain, you look back at him before you find him shoving you down, sitting on your knees now, your nipples hardened in the air, but you want to be stimulated else where.    “Be patient, and you’ll be rewarded, no complaining.”     “But-” he cuts you off.     “Don’t fucking talk over me, you got that?”     “...Yes sir.”      His eyes soften, and he gives you a soft kiss on the forehead before his hands brushed against your nipples, rubbing them with his thumb. Rolling the sensitive bud, you loudly moan, trying to express that you wanted more.    “God, you’re so cute.” he says under his breath, still rubbing and now slightly pulling them. Placing his mouth upon the abused buds, you stifle a cry out.     Gently suckling, he used his other hand to play with the other attention-starved nipple mildly.     You whine out again, beginning to melt under his stupidly experienced hands and mouth. The attention was nice, but you needed it some place else, his eyes looked up at you, his wet mouth still suckling your breast.     Taking his wet mouth off your nipple, he looked at you, mischief still evident on his face.     “You like that?” he says,  cocking his head to his side.    “I-If I say anything, It’ll fill your stupid ego.” you breathed.     “And if you don’t say anything I’m not doing shit.” his hand now rubbing your butt.     “You ripped my tights!” you spat back.     “I’ll pay for it and more, no bother babygirl. Now tell me what I want to hear.”      He obviously wasn’t lying, he could probably turn any girl into putty if he just wanted to, and here you were, in the palm of his hand.     “...Please touch me more.” you uttered shamelessly.    “Good girl. On your back, spread those pretty little legs for me too, why don’t you?”     Lying down on the plush mattress and warm pillows, you stare at the ceilings.    You peered at him starting where he left off. Giving you faint, yet chaste kisses on your breasts, trailing kisses down your stomach.     “Aw, your panties are absolutely fucking soaked baby, how cute.” he cooed, parting the soaked fabric to the side.     You look at him undress thoughtlessly, but you’re sure he’s done this several times. He did it with little to no effort, but that would mean that you’re not special.    It would be useless to think about right now, you were gonna have the dicking of your lifetime anyway, it was called a one night-stand for a reason. The mountain of clothes grew taller.    Growing impatient, you look up to where he was once standing, only to find him already in between your legs.     “So pretty.” Gojo purred, circling your entrance just as he had done previously in the car ride, you squeak.     “So lucky this is all mine.”     Gojo had figured he could add, “for the night.” but that strangely felt wrong.     He dips his fingers into your walls, and you cry out. Wrapping around his digits, sobbing, this wasn’t enough to satisfy your cravings.     “You want more?” he huskily said, a tone of playfulness still rampant.     “Yes! Please, just fuck me!” you croaked, already damn near about to cum from the teasing.     “That’s my girl.” he whispered under his breath, slipping off boxers you didn’t even realize were there in the first place.      He doesn’t give you a chance to see his full length, instead ramming inside of you. You inhale sharply at the sudden disruption.     The throbbing evaporated into thin air, and you’re desperately grabbing at the sheets to steady yourself. Sweaty and sticky skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the room, along with your moans and his grunts. You could feel him reaching heights that you would never be able to do with the dildos you had at your house, much less your fingers. One hand on your waist to steady your flailing body, the other, roughly groping your breast.    You were finding it hard to think, pleasure and euphoria filling your senses. Unknowingly, you wrap yourself around Gojo even harder then before.     “Fuck, baby, I can barely pull out.” he panted. “you’re too tight.”      You can’t even begin to respond, still deep in your state of pleasure, instead responding incoherently with a jumble of delicate moans and gasps in between.     “C-cum!”      “Hm? Repeat that princess?” he soothed.    You’re unable to respond again, instead you try to lift your head up, and Gojo feels himself throb again, watching your eyes flutter back.     It’s not until it’s too late, realizing a hot fluid flow down your holes. He pulls out, he himself ejaculating on your stomach.     Both muscles stretched taut, you both laid on the bedsheets, sweating and panting.     “Fuck, I haven’t had a girl like you in a while.” he says, turning his head to look at you. Strands of hair stuck to your forehead.     “R-Really?” he kissed your forehead, tipping your chin with his long fingers.     “Yes, really. I’m so lucky I spotted such a pretty little thing at a club.”      The sun was starting to rise, you note, and you realize just how perfect his body is with the new light.     A sudden warmth on your cheeks, you look down, still panting.     “Clubs aren’t my thing.” you said breathlessly.     “Fuck. It’s 5 AM” he says, eyes now glued to his phone, ruffling his white hair.     “I’ll go-”     “No, here, lets take a shower with each other, and then we sleep.”      “Okay.” you responded, hoping to not make conversation, still believing that he was a celebrity.     He handed you his phone, rubbing the back of his neck.     “Can I get your number?”     “...Why?” you questioned.     “...To call you back again, duh.” he teases, rubbing your head.      No way, he wanted you back at his house?      You?    Not wanting to fuck up your chances, you nod, something was growing inside of you, and you weren’t quite sure what it was, but you knew he made you feel special.    
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tastyykpop · 3 years
𝐶𝑟𝑎𝑧𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒-Part 1
Pairings: yandere mafia leader!baekhyun x reader
Genre: suggestive, smut in later chapters, angst probs, fluff here and there but its very lowkey
《teaser next》
Warnings: kidnapping, drug use, alcohol consumption, baeks kinda crazy, pet names, master kink, spanking (he literally spanks her once), choking (not in a kinky way), mentions of blood and murder
Word count: 4.9k
Tag list: @wooya1224 @geniusloey tell me if you want to be tagged!!
⚠️ this is purely fictional and not how I imagine baekhyun to actually act. If you feel like you're in a situation like this please run and report it. I do not support this behavior.
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How long has it been? 3 or 5 days? Maybe even a week. You didnt know nor did you care. But why would you? You've gave up caring ever since your boyfriend, Sungho was murdered right in front of you, but you couldn't even see who the murderer was which drove you insane.
Tears and blood stained your pretty skin that night, so much agony and rage ran through your veins. All you wanted to do was curl up into a ball and scream until you passed out. But its been days since you've gotten a proper good night's sleep and it was eating you away ever so slowly. Everytime you closed your eyes, you remembered that dreadful day, Sungho's screams, the terror on his beautiful face, his lifeless bloody body. What did he do to deserve death? Why did it have to be him?
"Y/n! Y/n, its been four days please come out of your room!" It was the familiar voice of your mother and her knocking that brought you back to reality. She was almost begging, she hasn't seen you since you locked yourself away that night so you couldnt blame her for being worried, but you were fine. "I'm coming in."
She pushed your door open to see you cuddling your blanket with no emotion on your face. You looked at her with barely any care and rolled over, facing away from her.
She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, "You know y/n, we'll get to the bottom of this and have them put behind bars. It's gonna be ok-"
"No its not," you rasped from not using your voice in so long, "I dont even know what the murderer looked like, how can we put them behind bars!?" There was a small pause, she knew finding them wasnt likely which hurt you like hell, but she was still trying her best to comfort you.
"...At least come out of your room, everyone's worried." Your mother pleaded and though you really didnt want to move, you didnt want to upset or worry anyone any further so you got up.
With a smile, she did the same and led you downstairs to where you dad and sister were. They tensed when they saw you, but nonetheless smiled sadly, thanking the heavens you were okay.
"You look horrible..." your sister, Haeun, commented making you cringe. It wasnt like she was wrong, you spent four days not taking a shower and sitting in the same clothes so of course you looked bad, who wouldn't.
You excused yourself and went into the kitchen grabbing the first thing you saw, a bottle of vodka. Now it wasnt the best drink you could've had, but you decided to drink away your pain and suffering since you couldnt take the heart ache any longer.
"Shes doing it again." Your mother whispered but you heard her clear as day. "Shouldnt we stop her?"
"What for? She won't listen and she's traumatized. There's nothing much we could do right now." Your dad spoke with sadness watching as you took a quick swig from the substance.
Normally, you're not one to drink vodka but now it felt good, maybe too good. The more you drank it, the less pain you were in. It could last forever, you thought, but nothing lasts forever.
As you poured yourself another drink, you started wondering about Sungho again. If there were an afterlife, was he happy there? Would he be watching over you, making sure you were happy and healthy?If only it were that simple.
Though you and him were starting to drift off a bit, you still cared and loved him and now you're starting to take everything you guys went through for granted. Its what you get.
Standing up, you left the kitchen a bit dizzy from only drinking alcohol and having nothing else in your system and went back upstairs to take a shower. You decided after drinking, you wanted to go to the club you always go to. Normally, you didnt go on a Thursday, but you thought since you haven't been out in a while that it would be good to leave and breathe in the fresh air.
You took a fairly quick shower and your hair and makeup didnt take long either. Finally stopping to look at yourself in the mirror, your saw how pale and tired you were. Almost lifeless. You figured that once you finally have a good time, it would all go away and you'd be happy again.
"Where are you going?" You jumped at the voice of Haeun who appeared out of nowhere.
"To the club." You stated nonchalantly,
Haeun frowned, "Thats not a good idea, all you'll do is drink until you pass out. And there's always weirdos waiting for their turn with someone vulnerable like that."
A smile formed on your face trying to lighten up the mood a bit, "Ill be fine. I promise nothing bad will happen."
Haeun sighed, almost sounding like a bratty child who didn't get their way because she knew she wouldn't change your mind no matter how hard she tried. It sucked to have a stubborn sibling like yourself.
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Sehun rolled his eyes at the sight of Baekhyuns scheduled flirting session. The girl was dressed in barely anything and he could tell she was probably Baekhyuns new toy for the night as he started getting handsy with her. But Sehun could see how Baekhyuns eyes weren't always looking at her. Instead, they sometimes searched passed the girl in hopes to find something else. He knew what, actually who he was searching for so he never asked or mentioned it.
He remembered you perfectly. Your calm and sleeping figure laying peacefully on your boyfriends chest. It was a shame he had to wake you up while he killed the man. And it was a shame to see such a pretty girl cry and scream with such fright in her eyes.
But Sehun didn't feel that bad, he did what he was supposed to do with only a little remorse.
"Sehun," Baekhyun called, the younger lifted his head waiting for him to continue, "Are you sure you didn't hurt my little toy the other day?"
Sehun scoffed, "If I did, I'd be dead by now, hyung."
The man chuckled sadistically , "She hasn't been here in a while," Baekhyun looked up from the girl and turned to Sehun, "Its only safe to ask."
"Hyung, I told you before that shes probably scared." Sehun face palmed when Baekhyun glared at him.
"A little red shouldnt effect someone that bad."
"I kil-" Sehun stopped what he was about to say, forgetting about the girl straddling Baekhyuns lap and cleared his throat, "Shes not used to stuff like that, Baek."
He didn't care about what Sehun said and ignored the youngests pointless blabbering, returning his attention back the girl only for a short amount of time until something caught his attention.
You walked in his club with confidence and beauty not giving any staring man the time of day and took your usual seat at the bar. After ordering your drink, you put your head in your arms and Baekhyun grinned.
Now was his chance, there's no way anyone will get in his way and there was no way he'd let this chance go.
"Stay here." Baekhyun said to Sehun, pushing the girl off him as he stood up. She almost pulled him back but he gave her such a terrifying death glare that made her stop.
"Theres no way youre actually gonna go talk to her...right?" Sehun questioned a bit shocked that Baekhyun was actually going to you after so long.
"Of course I am, I'll be back." With that, Baekhyun walked away from the two with only one thing on his mind: you.
He waltzed with a smirk of pure evil. What would he do? Only God knew, but he couldnt help himself when he saw your pretty face.
All eyes watched Baekhyun stop next to you, astonished that he went to talk to a girl and not the other way around, "Excuse me sweetheart," You popped your head up in the direction Baekhyun spoke, he took a seat next to you with an almost comforting smile when he saw your red cheeks, "But are you okay."
You wanted to spill everything that happened so bad because you needed to get it out, but you didnt know the man and neither did he know you so all you could do was nod, "Im fine."
Baekhyun knew behind your lying eyes was someone in pain and searching for a person to hold, but he couldnt do anything just yet and tried loosening you up to him so he could do what he wanted to do in the first place.
"C'mon sweetheart, you can tell me anything." He smiled that charismatic smile of his, "I'm easy to talk to."
It was believable for the most part and you laughed a bit, the first laugh you actually had since that tragic night, "You seem like a sweet talker," you smirked causing Baekhyun to chuckle, "Whats the catch?"
"There is no catch, I just wanted to know if youre okay. And besides, I could tell you've been crying." He pointed to your tear stained cheeks and you mentally cursed yourself for unintentionally crying just a few moments ago.
"Dont worry," He chuckled, "Whatever it is im sure you'll get over it." Baekhyun almost failed to hide his sinful smug as you frowned and covered it quickly with a swig of your drink.
But something inside was eating you away about what happened, you needed to let out your emotions and you started caring less and less that he was a stranger. Then again, what if you scared him away? What will happen next?
"At least tell me your name first," You blushed and shyly looked over at him who had an expecting glint in his eyes, "Then maybe ill tell you why I'm so upset."
Baekhyun stretched his hand out in front of him and you gently shook it. Damn he had a strong grip, "My names Byun Baekhyun and you?" He asked as if he didnt know who you were.
"Y/n L/n." You beamed, wondering why his name was so familiar. "So uh- my story..." Fumbling with the drink in your hands, you sighed heavily, "Long story short, my boyfriend was...murdered in front of me." You mumbled the last bit, but you didnt need to repeat yourself as Baekhyun already knew every single detail of that night thanks to Sehun.
Placing a soft hand on your shoulder he whispered with fake sympathy, "I understand now why you're so upset," Liar, "I feel terrible," No he doesn't.
He wiped a stray tear that had slipped down your cheeks and sent you a solemn look.
"I-its in the past i guess." You muttered, "I can't change a thing about it."
Damn right you couldnt. Even if there were some form of time travel, Baekhyun wouldn't dare let you try and change the past because that would mean you weren't entirely his. But since there isn't anything like that, Baekhyun has nothing to worry about except figuring out how to bring you back with him.
"Would you like a glass of water, y/n?" Baekhyun asked quickly as a thought popped into his head. You nodded your head slowly and Baekhyun called over the bartender. You werent really paying attention to him ordering the water and just let your mind slip to the sound of the music and looked around the room, tapping your fingers to the beat, but you stopped when you felt a pair of sharp eyes watching you from somewhere. You looked here and there before stopping on a man that was a about a few inches taller than Baekhyun. He had a eerie grin on his face when you noticed him, then he winked.
Chills went down your spine and you spun yourself around in your chair facing forwards causing Baekhyun to raise an eyebrow but he didnt question it.
"Heres the water." He handed the drink over and you thanked him before taking a sip. It tasted a bit weird but not all water tasted the same, though it was slightly dry for water.
"So tell me about yourself, y/n." Baekhyun checked his watch, all he needed was fifteen minutes then you were all his. "You seem like an interesting person." He looked up and smiled.
"Well," You thought about what was possibly interesting enough to tell him, "Im in my second year of college!" A smile crossed your lips.
"Oh really? Where do you go?" Baekhyun did seem interested to know some parts of your life. Somehow, you caught his attention like that. Thats why Sehun was a surprised when he finally made his move with you.
"Seoul of Performing Arts." You beamed. It was the happiest moment in your life when you got accepted and all of your family members, extended and close, celebrated your acceptance, "My boyfriend, Sungho, went there too."
He just about rolled his eyes but replaced it with a nod and a fake warm smile. If you knew him better, you'd know that smile was only him clenching his jaw in anger.
"How cute." The glint in his eyes proved he was lying and maybe you were too stupid or innocent to notice when you took another sip of water.
He watched and wished his plan could go faster, he was excited to have fun with his pretty little toy and he couldnt wait any longer.
"What about you?" You raised a brow. There was still something in your gut that made you feel like you knew him. And you still wondered why. Was he someone famous in the city? Maybe you've heard your friends mention him here and there? What was it about him that was so familiar?
"You'll know soon enough kitten." You frowned at the pet name as he pat your head like you were a small child yet you chose to ignore it.
It was a bit outlandish and made you more skeptical to know who he was.
"Thats not very reassuring, Baekhyun." Your quirked.
"Why tell you when I can just show you?" He leaned in, mocking your now pouty lips and chuckled, "The drugs should be setting in by now."
You lifted your head up with wide eyes, "Wait what?" Did you hear him right? Did he say what you thought he said? "What do you mean drugs!?" You said with awestruck as your heart raced in fear. You hoped to god he was just joking
The man before you smirked that unpleasant smirk of his, almost like the guy you saw before and you started panicking more, knowing he wasn't kidding. You tried to get up and run but you felt so woozy in a matter of seconds. Not to mention the sudden pain in your stomach that made you want to throw up. What was Baekhyuns plan? Why did he do this!? You thought at least one thing could go right tonight and maybe you could have fun, but you were wrong. So so wrong.
Trying to leave the club building, you knew you wouldn't make it but you still wanted to attempt an escape. It didn't have to be like this. Each step made it harder to move and your eyes started drooping. It was too late for you.
Already collapsed on the ground, people gasped and stared at your almost lifeless body as Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, "She tried, ill give her that." He walked over and crouched down next to you, moving the hair out of your pale face, "But not hard enough."
In an instant, your body was thrown over the man's shoulder. No one commented on anything that happened in fear that they could be next. It was impossible to say that they felt bad either, they were just glad it didn't happen to themselves.
"Sehun," He called out to the younger male but Sehun was already ahead of him, "You drive." He tossed him the keys.
With a nod they both walked out, you on Baekyuns shoulder as he took you to the expensive car. Gently, he placed you down in backseat, putting your seatbelt on for you, and climbed in on the other side to sit next to you.
"All this just for a girl." Sehun shook his head but needless to say he still smirked, "Youre loosing yourself, hyung." The car sparked and drove off into the night, no cops came searching. They knew better. And neither was there news of your kidnapping, the city stayed quiet.
Sure once your parents realized you were gone they'd start freaking out, but would they dare mess with Baekhyun? Would anyone actually try to mess with him? The mafia could easily answer that with an optimistic no. Remember, Baekhyun had power. No one is going to stop him.
"How long will she be out for?" Sehun asked.
Baekhyun shrugged, "Like an hour or two." He was excited for your life with him now, he knew you were finally his after a year of watching you come and go in his club, plus the small stalking he did when he wanted to see you, and he could only smile. No one can get in between him and your love anymore. "Shes gonna love it when she gets home!"
Sehun chuckled at Baekhyuns almost child like enthusiam and started, "She seems a bit innocent," he paused, looking back at your passed out body in the mirror before returning back to the road, "Normally women don't look off into space when someone's buying them a drink."
"Maybe she's a bit slow, but she wouldn't be here with me if that didn't happen."
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The candle flickered in the dark as you awoke on a strange bed. You're head was pounding a bit as you tried looking around at your unfamiliar surroundings. What happened? Was your first thought and you started questioning where you were too. You knew something wasn't right but you couldn't understand why.
You tried getting up only to be locked in place by restraints on your wrists. They were only silk but they were tied tight enough to keep you still. Tilting your head in confusion, you heard foot steps coming towards the door and stopping for a mere few seconds before the door handle twisted.
You anticipated what was going to happen, you didnt even know what was going on in the first place, but you remembered the man standing in front of you.
"Hey, kitten." That sinister smile was plastered on his face. You were sure it held more meanings then just one.
"Where a-am i?"
He almost cooed at your curiosity but composed himself, "At my mansion, where you'll be staying from now on."
There was a moment where you had to think, interestingly enough what Baekhyun said didnt even frighten you in the slightest, but then again you were high off the drug.
"C-Can you u-untie my hands please?" Your voice was soft and quiet, Baekhyun noticed you werent fully aware of your surroundings and complied, untying the silk from your wrists.
Your eyes were a little dilated when you looked at him. He was gorgeous, you had to give him that, though you wanted to remember why something wasn't sitting right with him. "Baekhyun?"
He looked up with a hum.
"Who...are y-you to me?" You squinted your eyes at the man who sat on the bed next to you, drawing small shapes on your thigh in a sort of loving manner.
"Your boyfriend, y/n."
Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?
"I have a boyfriend..?" You muttered and asked more to yourself than to him, but he snickered, knowing way more than you did.
"Kitten you drank too much, go back to sleep." He lied and pushed your shoulders down so you were flat against the mattress.
"I-i did?" You whined when Baekhyun kissed your cheek. He always wanted to kiss more than your cheek, he couldnt bring himself to do that unless you were fully conscious for him.
"Yes baby girl, so get some sleep."
You grumbled, "I-Im not t-tired."
Baekhyun sighed, "Then what would the pretty girl like to do?"
You perked up on the mattress and grinned, "Im hungry!"
"Youre hungry?" Baekhyun repeated with a smile at your small childlike energy and you nodded back, "I can ask someone to make you something if you'd like."
He stood up, waiting for you to do the same but since you weren't very awake, you stumbled a bit.
Baekhyun settled with carrying you to the mansions kitchen, awing at your cuteness the whole time. It was a bit of a walk but luckily you were light.
Sitting you down, Baekhyun walked off, finding someone to cook for you. In your state, you felt a bit lonely, only knowing Baekhyun and not your surroundings, it made you feel a bit lost. It shocked you too how you didnt remember Baekhyun being your boyfriend, you started question the relationship between the two of you more.
"Princess i got you your favorite dish!" He walked in with a plate of jjajangmyeon and set it down in front of you.
Your mouth was watering and you were ready to dig in before wondering, "H-How do you know m-my favorite dish?"
Baekhyun hesitated at the question before clearing his throat and spoke with a raised brow, "We're dating y/n, why wouldn't I know what you like?"
"Uh yeah..right...." you dug in, your mind was starting to clear up a bit, not enough for you to fully remember anything though. But the more you thought, the more consciousness you regained.
Baekhyun watched as you gobbled down the meal with full satisfaction. This wouldn't be the first time he's watched you and neither would it be the last. He liked knowing you were eating well and were healthy so he was proud.
"I-im done!"
"Good girl. Now wait for me to come back so we can go to bed, okay?" You nodded and sat patiently as he took your plate and waited for your boyfriend to come back.
A few moments later, Baekhyun still was no where to be seen and your mind was slowly coming back, "N-no...wait." mumbling to yourself, you figured it out in just mere seconds and remembered that your boyfriend was brutally murdered four days ago in front of you. After four days you went to the bar to drink away the anguish and met someone, that someone was Byun Baekhyun. After thirty or so minutes of talking to him, you were drugged when you werent paying attention and passed out minutes later. Now you were here at Baekhyuns mansion, lied to and kidnapped. "Oh fuck."
The chair scraped against the floor and you wasted no time running to your hopeful freedom.
But you weren't a lucky person. Oh no you weren't. You were tossed and pushed against the door you were about to open by someone much bigger. He was the same guy you saw at the bar and his smirk was nothing different. Cynical and frightening.
The man stepped closer to you before putting one hand next to your head and whispered, "Are you playing a cat and mouse game with hyung now? How cute." Standing tall, he grabbed you by the hair and dragged you back to where you came. You groaned and tried fighting back, but there was no use, he wasn't going to let go until after he practically threw you into Baekhyuns arms.
You were about to scream at Baekhyun and the no name man until Baekhyun covered your mouth with his hand, "Say something and you'll regret it." He growled into your ear as you shook and fought.
You hummed against him and tried biting his hand and punching his side, but he was like a man of steel and let it happen, only raising his brow like he wanted to hurt you, but didnt.
"Sehun, tell Chanyeol to lock all the doors for the next week or so 'til she learns how to behave."
The man nodded and ran off leaving you two alone. Fear was one way to describe it and the look Baekhyun gave you didnt help.
"Now kitten why would you go and do some shit like that? Are you asking to be punished?" He took his hand off your mouth to let you speak. Baekhyuns aura was much different than earlier. The nice guy was gone and you were left with a man who could kill you with just one look.
You stopped hitting him and screamed viciously, "Fuck you! You're fucking insane!"
"Now now princess," he pressed a hand to your throat, wrapping it tighter and tighter until you felt the oxygen leave your lungs, "It seems as if you're asking for a punishment."
"I-if you...s-so dare to-touch..any other p-part of my body, i-ill....kill you..." You whimpered, grabbing his wrist in attempts to pull him off but Baekhyun was relentless, keeping his grasp tight and painful.
"Stop struggling, you're only making this harder for yourself."
There were two options now, either listen to Baekhyun or fight until you passed out again.
"Princess." His voice held a warning tone and you hesitantly stopped and moments later he loosened his grip, you knew there would be marks by tomorrow, "We are going to bed now. Don't try to run, I have this place guarded up and if you do somehow make it out, be prepared because I will find you and beat your ass until you can't sit for a month. Understand?"
Your stomach did flips and not in a good way, you were scared, "Y-yes."
"Can you say 'yes master'?" His voice went higher as he said the last part to mimic yours.
You sighed, positive if you didnt comply then you'd be here all night, "Yes m-master..."
"Good girl." He kissed your cheek and you almost smacked him in disgust but tried not to act aggressive towards him. You wanted to leave, not be punished by whatever he had in mind. "Call me that from now on."
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you to the room you were just in, now that you took a good look, it was a pretty room. There was a red sofa against the wall and some other matching chairs plus a huge flat screen TV hanging on the wall facing the bed. You had to admit, he had good taste but he was still insane.
As you sat down on the bed, Baekhyun reached into his draw to pull out a t-shirt and handed it to you with a wide smile, but you raised a brow at the fabric.
"No pants?" You asked.
Baekhyun chuckled, "What for?"
"Because of creeps like you." You grumbled and snatched the shirt that dangled in front of your face before storming off into the connected bathroom. Inside, you could hear Baekhyuns annoying laugh and ignored it, changing into the surprisingly very oversized shirt that went down to your mid thigh.
Taking the clothes you wore earlier, you went back into the room where Baekhyun laid peacefully on the bed, waiting for you.
He only had his boxers on which made you groan in anger and decided to not lay on the bed and instead on the couch near it.
"Princess, what are you doing?" He perched himself on his elbows, watching you throw your clothes on the ground then take the folded blanket on the couch and wrap yourself with it as you laid down.
"Going to sleep, master." You stated coldly with a glare.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Get over here." He said, voice low and laced with dominance but you remained still, closing your eyes and pretending as if you were asleep. "Y/n." He warned but there was no reply.
"Thats it." You heard him get up and march to where you laid. Baekhyun picked you up and you yelped at the sudden intrusion and were thrown over his shoulder.
Smacking his back got you nowhere as he threw you down on the bed, pinning both your hands down and hovered over you with a killing look, "Next time you don't listen, ill bend you over my knee."
"Youre all talk, no action." In an instant you were flipped over and a hand landed straight on your bare ass, leaving you shocked and mouth agape.
"Are you sure, kitten? Would you like me to spank you again?"
"No what?"
"N-no master.."
Baekhyun slowly let you go and laid beside you, still a bit irrated. "Now go to sleep."
You couldnt. Not with the lingering fear of what could happen next. Plus, not with his arm wrapped around your waist with a somewhat tight hold. You were just too scared to let your gaurd down. Why shouldn't you be scared though? What if he took advantage of your sleeping body and did something terrible.
There was no way you could get rest now. You could now count this as your fifth day without proper sleep.
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