#i was brave and went for someone i had a crush on and it didn’t work out but i got an amazing friend out of it
gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Tag list: @sh-tposter2021 @casmosmoon @hoesindifferentshows @daffodildelight @stuckinaoaktree @this-is-music @good-so @farleyis @starksdaughter20
Part 1
It has been a couple of days since your confession and Hobie was conflicted on whether he should rip the preverbal bandaid off and tell you of his secret identity, and possibly putting you at risk for potentially dangerous circumstances in the future, or keep you in the dark for a little while longer until he felt brave enough with himself and his situation to come forward; After all personal relationships -whether platonic or romantic- and Spider-Man never went well together. It was a sacrifice placed upon the shoulders of all variations who were chosen to dawn the mask of Spider-Man.
For if the legacy of being Spider-Man was a death sentence to those who are close, Hobie doesn’t want you death to be treated as his ‘canon event’ or whatever hand fisted bullshit excuse Miguel was trying to ram down everyone’s throats in order to justify in allowing a loved one of theirs to die. Hobie refuses that being the case and due to his righteous mistrust of Miguel, he kept your name out of his mouth unless it was within the presence of the few he could trust; Miles, Pavitr and Gwen.
‘So they have a crush on you.’ Pavitr began.
‘And you have a crush on them.’ Miles jumped in.
‘Ain’t no point in hiding it.’ Hobie cooly replied because why should he bother hiding the obvious.
‘So…what’re you going to do about it?’ Gwen finishes and Hobie only shrugs in response, ‘dunno.’
Pavitr made an face of exaggerated shock and looks over at Miles and Gwen, who were already expecting this reaction from him as they exchanged looks with him, before looking back at Hobie. ‘Dunno, the person you like has expressed that they like you too-‘ ‘-it wasn’t me they were talking to Pav, it was Spider-Man, clear difference. No need to rom-com it.’ Pavitr waved his comment away and continues on his tangent, ‘they like you, you like them and your response to all that is; Dunno?!’ Hobie -again- shrugs. He really didn’t know what to do, yes the feelings between you two were mutual but that didn’t mean he was going to risk your safety over them; no matter how deeply he feels them to the point where the mere idea of you being put at risk because of him acting out of his selfishness in having you, made him physically hurt.
Hobie would rather enact upon his selfishness in a way that meant letting you go and moving on to someone who wasn’t going to be putting your life in constant danger, whilst also getting to shamelessly cling onto some part of you in the process; even if that meant just being your friend, even though he already knew that wasn’t what you wanted. ‘What do you want me to do Pavitr?’ Hobie began, ‘Go up to them and be like ‘remember the talk you had with Spider-Man up on the roof? Yeah that was me and no I’m not having a laugh because I like you too.’ He made a face at this, ‘nah I’d rather them call me a nonce for the rest of my life, well that is if they still want me in their life afterwards for lying to them this entire time.’ He murmurs the last part to himself mostly and it was silent for a while as he, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles sat on what has been said.
The later three shared a look between them as Hobie looked at a picture of the two of you that he kept within the pockets of his vest, smiling softly to himself as the echos of your laughter ran in his head like a melody he could set his soul adrift to on his most sleepless of nights. It was obvious to Gwen, Pavitr and Miles that Hobie held you close to his chest, right where his heart is; Gwen in particular was aware of how much of an impact you had on Hobie from the times she spent at his place and it was obvious as to where it was that you touched as Hobie made it apparent to keep it that way. You’ve made a home for yourself within Hobie’s heart and she knew that he’d fight to keep you in his life.
‘Hobie,’ he lifted his eyes to meet theirs, ‘would you rather be afraid to tell them who you are for the rest of your life, or tell them while you still have the chance because from what you’ve already told us about y/n, they wouldn’t hate you or call you a nonce, whatever that is.’ Miles mumbled under his breath as Hobie raised his brows, ‘has it crossed your mind at all that you might just overthinking all this? Not to say the fear ain’t real, what I’m trying to get at is this; you should pursue what makes you happiest, regardless of the fears you may have because in the end isn’t it better to have love and lost then to have never have loved at all?’
Hobie mulled on Miles’ advice once he got back to his reality before finding himself standing on that very same rooftop where his conflict began, looking down as he clutched his mask between both hands in contempt, so much so that he didn’t even hear your voice call out to him until you were right next to him. ‘Hobie? Everything alright?’ He had told you prior to meet up on the rooftop of some abandoned apartment complex that you were more then camisole with at this point, but the way he said it made you feel as though there was something eating away at your best friend and you weren’t about to let him go through anything alone without you.
Upon realising how close you were to him, Hobie was slick enough to hide his mask behind his back when he addressed you, stuffing it into his back pocket so that you wouldn’t get overly curious as to his hand placement but then again you were always as observant as him when he noticed the way your eyes lingered, like you already knew what this was about; to which Hobie wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case for it would make this situation a lot easier for you to process what you already knew. ‘Yeah, everything’s cool, why is it that you think somethings up?’ The raise of your brows only told Hobie that you weren’t buying it, ‘oh I think there is but it looks to me that you need a little prompting.’ and without missing a beat your hand was halfway to reaching for his back pocket when he caught your wrist, holding it there as he looked at you incredulously. ‘The hell was that for knobhead.’
You shrugged, ‘like I said, you needed prompting otherwise you wouldn’t be defending whatever’s in your back pocket so adamantly as you are now.’ You were smart, Hobie had to give you that as he lets go of your wrist and decides to quit the unnecessary prolonging and pulled out the mask from his back pocket, chucking it into your awaiting hands as he then sat himself near to the edge with his back facing you so he couldn’t see the look upon your face when you say, ‘so this is what you were hiding from me…I knew Spider-Man felt too familiar and now I know why.’ He heard your footsteps get closer before stopping all together as you sat yourself next to him.
You were both silent but it was a silence loud enough to dampen out anything else in that moment and Hobie didn’t know where this silence would lead to, and neither did you as you were now realising that you had confessed your feelings to your best friend without knowing it; which was already enough to take in but for that friend to also be spider-man was a whole other thing to unpack. Where you mad that he didn’t tell you? No, not even in the slightest but you were more worried then you could ever be mad, after all you just found out your crush and best friend was spider-man for fuck sakes so of course you’d be more worried for his well being. ‘Here,’ you tell him, holding out his mask for him to take, ‘you can have it back.’ Hobie did as you asked and took his mask back, but before it was fully in his grasp you yanked it away from his reach, causing him to look at you.
‘Give it.’ He tells you straightforwardly but you stood your ground as you pressed a finger to your cheek, ‘not until you tell me something first; did you know I had a crush on you prior.’ Hobie shrugs. ‘No, honestly it wasn’t until but you admitted that you liked me that somethings started to make sense.’ You hummed, content with his answer but you weren’t through quite yet. ‘Do you…feel the same.’ You once again asked but this time your voice wasn’t as steady and strong, it was fearful and hesitant; something Hobie never wants you to be when near him.
‘Of course I do, I thought I made it obvious when I personally dealt with those who chatted shit about you behind you back, I thought it was obvious that when I let you into my heart, that there would be no way that I was letting you go but with this,’ he gestured to the mask in your outstretched hand, ‘made it all the more harder for me to do that without putting you in danger; I was hiding this other life from you to protect you but you were always too observant for your own good but it’s one of the many things I love about you.’ Hobie admits, happy he finally got it off of his chest. After hearing all that, you gave him back his mask and rested your head against his shoulder, murmuring, ‘your such a hassle.’
Hobie smiled for what felt like the first time in a long while throughout this whole situation and slugged his arm over your shoulder before resting his head on top of yours, ‘yeah but I’m your hassle.’ He says before pressing a kiss to your head, feeling you as you snuggle into his side, smiling to yourself, ‘how unfortunate.’ You say half heartedly as Hobie joins in, ‘yeah, poor you.’
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coco-loco-nut · 2 months
We Can’t Be Friends
Pairing: George Russel x Reader
Summary: George’s girlfriend, a former child actor, is not well liked by the public
TW: mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, implied child exploitation
A/n: going off of the more popular interpretation of the song (ari vs the public)
requests open!🫶 masterlist
You just finished filming a short interview in a docuseries with some of your former colleagues, those who fell into the same trap and downfall as you did. You prefer not to air everything out, but you knew your statement would support the others.
The industry basically forced you into a drug and alcohol addiction, one that you thankfully beat, but you went from someone who was once loved to someone hated, just from how the media spun your name.
You met George at a hospital event -you now work as a biochemist and bioengineer- and he immediately recognized his childhood crush. You dated for a year before feeling strong enough to go public, but ever since he posted a very cute picture of you, the hate has started again.
“I’ll make a statement asking them to leave you alone,” George offers but you shake your head no. He hates seeing you upset, but both of you didn’t expect the backlash on you.
“They won’t understand, they could never even try. They will never know what it was like to grow up like that, even the docuseries won’t help,” you start to dismiss the thought.
“We can’t do nothing,” he tries to reason, wanting to protect you.
“I don’t want to tiptoe around the public, but I don’t want to hide, either way I’m feeding this fire,” you groan, running your hand through your hair as you pace the room. You had to call off of work today, the entrance to your townhome being blocked by paparazzi.
“The story is gonna die, and we’ll be alright,” George stands up and pulls you into a hug. In your mind you picture the public liking you again, waiting for their love again.
A few days later, George drags you out of the house for lunch, you had only been leaving for work. The two of you step out, a reporter immediately coming up to you. You ignore the first few, sitting in your silence.
“It’s just me and you, Baby girl,” George whispers to you, supporting you however you choose to respond.
“Y/n, is it true that you have been in and out of rehab for the past year? You are in and out of hospitals,” one reporter, who always hounds you, asks causing you to whirl around. You don’t want to argue, but you don’t want to bite, so you choose a confusing answer.
“You’ve got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good,” you smirk, watching their face scrunch in confusion, gripping their paper and pen, before continuing your walk.
The next day a clip of one of your short interviews drops, taken while you were in college, as a trailer for the docuseries release the following week.
I don’t like how this industry painted me, but I’m still here hanging, just not what they made me. It’s almost like a daydream sometimes, finally leaving that world. I feel so seen, I am everything that I defined myself as, not all that the industry made me be. My truth and I may always sit in silence, but one day I hope I am brave enough to say it out loud. For now, it’s only me on the road after recovery, but maybe that’s all I need.
A list of every child actor we need to apologize to after watching “Drugged: The Truth Behind the Lives of Child Actors”
1. Y/n Y/l/n
“Are you sure you want to go out there?” George asks, looking at the crowds of journalists. You nod, tired of being silent and waiting for things to be better, not caring about feeding the fire anymore.
“Let’s go,” you release a shaky breath, stepping out behind your boyfriend as he walks you to work.
“Y/n! Anything to comment regarding the documentary that’s been released and the allegations made by your former colleagues?” A journalist asks, the rest hoarding, pens at the ready.
“Actually, I do. You owe us an apology. Villainizing children who needed someone like you to expose how awful our working conditions were, that’s sick and cruel. You wrote lies about us, and instead of apologizing, you want to ask us for statements and exploit our names more? You’re sick. We can’t be friends,” you chem them out before continuing on your way to work. A part of you will always wait for their love, but you are tired of waiting for them to like you.
“You’re a badass. I hope they will see you are the biochemist and bioengineer, not the child actor. You’ve come so far and I’m so proud,” George says once your breathing steadies from the adrenaline.
“Thank you, Georgie,” a small part of you wants to flip them off behind you, just like you would’ve done ten years ago, but you don’t, finally moving forward.
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procrastiel · 3 months
My highlights from The Assembly:
Was John Taylor from Duran Duran your first ever crush? “Yes, he absolutely was.” Michael thought he was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen, man or woman. And he tried to imitate his hairdo (didn’t work out though, because Michael’s hair is really curly and John’s is straight).
He’s not brave enough to go on Strictly because he thinks he’s not a good dancer.
How does it feel to be dating someone that is only 5 years older than your daughter? “Both of us were quite surprised when we got together, it wasn’t something we were looking for. I haven’t dated anyone who is much younger than me but you meet who you meet. We were both very aware how people might respond, and that it would be difficult and challenging, but ultimately we felt that it was worth it, because of how we felt about each other. And now we have two beautiful children together. We’re really, really happy. I am aware that I am a much older father, and it does worry me, and makes me concerned, and makes me sad thinking about the time that I won’t have with them. But if you find someone who brings you happiness and you make them happy you gotta go for that. So that’s what we decided to do, and I’m so happy we did because we have this wonderful family now.”
The next question (asked by the same girl) was: Who is the rudest celebrity? “Have you heard of a man called David Tennant? He was Doctor Who. Doctor rude! No he’s very nice. Someone will occur to me and I’ll let you know. (pause) Jennifer Laurence was very cheeky! She is very cheeky.”
How tall are you? “I’d like to be 5”11 but I’m closer to 5”10.”
He likes Dylan Thomas, even though he doesn’t understand all of his poetry.
He cries probably every day. And it’s totally fine to feel things deeply and get emotional about things.
His favourite Disney film is Moana. And that’s Mabli’s favourite movie at the moment, too. She watches it about twice a day.
He’s worried that AI will take his job away, and that it will change everything, not just actors and writers. And that by the time we will want to put a stop to certain things it’ll be too late.
His favourite food is Egg and chips. Only enhanced by ham.
He loves going by train.
If he could replace 2 people of the royal family he’d take away Andrew & Camilla and replace them with Joe Lycett & David Attenborough. Or Tom Jones as the Prince of Wales!
If he could play the Doctor or the Master, he’d like to play the Master and play opposite David Tennant as the Doctor.
His biggest fear is being alone. And it’s also what he worries about the most for other people.
Hot or cold? He does like winter and snow. ❄️
Walk us through the before, during and after of the kiss with David Tennant: reading the script he thought “that’s gonna be a big deal”. They didn’t really talk about it and just went for it. Everyone was quite moved by the scene, all the people around them, so they knew it had gone quite well. And now they never talk about it. (He said that last bit with a smile.)
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yourheart-inmyhands · 27 days
Hello again! I'm just here to send u another request :P
Could I get Raiden, Focalors, Venti, and the Abyss Princess Lumine for the same request I had for critically injured reader?
Thank you!!
hi tysm for the request! i don't write for lumine unfortunately, she's marked as discontinued on my list since i felt it was difficult to write for someone who is meant to be diverse for each player. so sorry and i hope it doesn't stop you from requesting in the future :D <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, self blaming behaviors, mentions of falling from great heights, lots of talk of reader being injured/in hospital, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Raiden was always a little cold, a little distant and standoffish. She didn’t mean any harm by it, she was simply busy and didn’t have a lot of free time for you, even if she wished she had. Staring at you now, her trembling hands holding you tight as she tries to find the source of the bleeding, trying to stop it, trying to do anything. In this moment, Raiden feels the crushing weight of her actions, feels the suffocating pressure of not having loved you enough.
If you died in this moment, protecting her from some daring individuals in Inazuma despite the fact she could easily have protected herself, Raiden would never forgive herself. She’s grateful that you don’t die, nearly bleeding out and being in a medically induced coma aren’t great, but you aren’t dead. It’s in this moment that Raiden is grateful for her immortality, for she can sit eternally by your bedside, waiting for you to wake up.
It nearly makes Raiden sick to see you laid out on a bed like that, far too many machines making noises, more bandages than skin visible. It’s enough to have her flinching, unsure that this was even you anymore. But her heart knows it’s you, and it aches at the sight of the damage it has caused. Raiden finds herself thankful that she isn’t required to sleep, eat, or do any other basic necessities, it gives her more time to sit at your bedside, talking to you and waiting for you to wake up, if you ever do that is. She knows it isn’t enough to make up for all the time she’s thrown away, but as she sits there, staring at her hands in her lap, too nervous to touch you in case she causes more damage, she can’t help but feel like it’s at least a step in the right direction.
Furina wasn’t a neglectful lover by any means, and after losing her divinity, she had even more time to spend with you. Except she didn’t, why she did her best to put on a brave, happy face, she was depressed. She needed time to heal and found herself accidentally shutting you out of that healing process. Furina was grateful for your loyalty though, staying around and making sure she continued to care for herself.
That was exactly what led to the accident though. While cooking food for the two of you in her kitchen, something went wrong with the stove, causing a small explosion in the kitchen and setting fire to everything in sight it could reach. Furina was able to get you both out of there, but she hadn’t been able to stop the explosion, leaving you in a critical state.
Standing just outside your room, watching as the Melusines change your bandages and mutter amongst themselves about your condition, Furina can only blame herself. If she hadn’t been so depressed, if she had done the cooking for once, if she- if she just- her thoughts become muddled with more self-loathing and blame, her gaze unfocused until a Melusine approaches. The small creatures had tried to coax her into the room numerous times, telling her that it was ok to sit beside your bed and that you couldn’t feel any pain right now. Furina politely refused every time. She didn’t feel she deserved to sit or even stand near you. She didn’t think she even deserved to stand outside your room, but she couldn’t stand to be apart from you until she knew you were ok. 
Gliding from the mountaintop was supposed to be a fun little date between the two of you. The gentle breeze coaxing you from the cliffside down to the sprawling fields below, it was supposed to be fun. Venti even went out and bought you both new gliders, ones that matched. It was cute and fun, up until yours broke. He wasn’t sure how, but one of the wings managed to disconnect from the other, leaving you wobbling before the winds turned against you, tipping you over and sending you plummeting.
He could only react so fast, hastily trying to unclip his own glider so that he could go after you. Venti hadn’t even thought about using the power of the wind, he was panicking, wasn’t thinking straight. He couldn’t wrap his brain around the fact that you were actually falling. The sickening crunch was enough to snap him out of his panic, allowing him to finally unsecure his own wings and drop down. He didn’t take any damage though, landing safely thanks to the wind.
Rushing you to Mondstat felt longer than it took, it really had only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours. You were laid on a cot in the Cathedral, all the sisters rushing about trying to help you. Several of your bones had been broken and Sister Barbara was doing her best to heal them. Grand Master Jean even came to help, taking shifts with her sister to give the younger girl some rest. It seemed as though all of Mondstat came to your aid, with the Librarian and Alchemist of the Knights working together to find some sort of healing potion. Everyone was doing something, except Venti. He sat on the roof of the building, crying and cursing his own name. He prayed that Celestia would take his remaining divinity, that they would cut him off and grant him humanity, grant him death. Venti was to blame for this, it had been his idea, he hadn’t reacted fast enough to catch you with the wind. He was sure you were going to hate him after this. 
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Tattooed heart
Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader
Summary: You have tattoos everywhere and your girlfriend suffers from severe anxiety. You learned to walk around with Sharpies to help her out.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. TW for anxiety attacks.
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The room was crowded to the point where you couldn’t even see the exit doors in the back.
That always made you a bit nervous, of course, but mostly because it usually meant your interview would go on forever until people were satisfied by it. Those types of venues were always endless, but it was even worse when there were so many people attending the panels. Don’t get it wrong, you love attending the coms and meeting the fans to debate the characters and movies, and just the entire MCU universe as a whole, but you were only human and, after spending so long being a part of this, you got a bit tired.
Although the interview was going on forever, you weren’t surprised by the amount of people reunited to see you guys talking. It was hard to have most of the Marvel actors in one single interview, after all, so you were already expecting people to crowd the room and want to ask everyone a million questions. The new Avengers movie was coming up, the trailer had dropped just the day prior, and people were excited to know more. You couldn’t blame them.
You had been listening to Evans give out an overly complex reply to a question someone made him for a while now when you noticed Elizabeth squirming in her chair beside you. She was sitting to your right at the large table where you all were and she had answered a few questions as well, although that was the first time you noticed that she wasn’t moving out of boredom or to adjust in her chair again. She was restless, you noticed by the way she looked down at her legs and by the way her fingers pulled at her dress as if she was trying to get rid of a crinkle that didn’t exist.
Over the years, you learned to read her.
When you first met, three years ago, you were immediately drawn to Elizabeth. At the time, she had red hair thanks to her Marvel character, she was wearing black clothes and she had a fake scar above her eyebrow since you met between takes of the new movie you were both going to be a part of. That wasn’t your first Marvel movie, neither was hers, but that was the first time you were going to share the screen. You had heard about her before, obviously, but nothing had prepared you for how it would feel to meet Elizabeth Olsen in person.
You felt attracted to her since the first day, but you weren’t brave enough to make a move, so you spent the next two months of shooting crushing on her in silence - at least to her because you sang like a canary to all of your castmates to the point where they had to make an intervention because no one could take more of your daydreaming about Elizabeth without doing anything about it. That worked, though, and you found yourself sweating like crazy just a week before the movie wrapped while you waited for Elizabeth to finish her scenes for the day.
You had been nervous for no reason, as your castmates predicted, because Elizabeth said ‘yes’ after you managed to spit out your question and you both went for your first date two days later. That night, Elizabeth admitted she wanted to ask you out since the first day too, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.
“I’m glad you’re more brave than I am,” she whispered shyly when you were holding hands on top of the table. “I’m too anxious to have managed to actually ask you out.”
But that had been it.
You have been inseparable ever since.
Well, besides when you were both working, of course. You hadn’t made any more movies together since your characters took different turns, but you and Elizabeth were able to move heaven and Earth to make your relationship work no matter what.
As the years went by, you learned to read Elizabeth as easily as an open book. You knew when she was stressed and needed to spend some time in her garden to relax. You knew when Elizabeth was cooking because she wanted to, when she was doing it because she had to eat and when she was stress-cooking. You knew when she liked the movie you were watching by the way she bit her lip and when she couldn’t care less about what was on the TV by the way she kept sighing. There were many little things about Elizabeth that you took notice of over the years, things that you carefully stocked in your memories because they were all details that made you love her more and more every day.
However, there was one thing you made a bigger effort to keep track of.
Her anxiety.
Elizabeth has been suffering from severe anxiety for many years now. She had talked about it in interviews and other things, but no one could understand the magnitude of her anxiety attacks unless they experienced it in person. You had been there to a fair share of them since you met, from the smaller ones where she would complain about feeling like a small weight in her chest to the bigger ones where you had to rush her to the hospital because you honestly thought she was about to have a heart attack. Since that day, you had vowed to always be attuned to the signals of her crisis so you could help Elizabeth get out of them before things got too hard for her to handle.
Elizabeth used to apologize every single time about it, about how she sometimes wouldn’t want to leave the house, how sometimes she would ask you to leave the restaurant that took you both so long to get a table at, how sometimes she needed to sit in complete silence to get herself together, but you always made sure to tell her it wasn’t her fault. Elizabeth had struggled with anxiety, panic attacks and social anxiety for many years now not because she wanted to, but because the media had chased her since she was young and she had grown in fear. That was something she struggled with and something you could help her with.
Or try your best, at the very least.
Since you knew about all of this, you easily realized Elizabeth’s anxiety was making an appearance, slipping through her very strong grip. You could see by the way her green eyes started moving around without focusing on anything, how her jaw clenched, how her breath became heavier and how her fingers kept picking at her dress. Evans was still talking and there was a microphone in front of you, not to mention how there were literally hundreds of eyes and cameras staring at you at that moment, so you couldn’t take her hands and ask her to breathe with you like you usually did.
You had to think fast, however, because Elizabeth’s anxiety escalates quickly and you wouldn’t want that to happen in a room filled with strangers since that was probably the reason why it was happening anyway. Elizabeth had gotten better at dealing with attending those events, giving interviews and talking with fans, but that didn’t mean she didn’t struggle every once in a while. It was still something that wasn’t easy for her, something that made her natural instincts ask her to run away as fast as she could.
Those long interviews made you tired, but they absolutely terrified Elizabeth. She hated the crowded room because she couldn’t spot the exit and her brain would play little tricks at her saying that, if something bad happened, there weren’t enough emergency doors to take everyone out safely. The cameras pointed at her made her overly conscious of every move she made, afraid of what people might capture to spread around. The screams and yells that the fans let go every once in a while made her ears hurt and her insides churn. It was awful.
Averting your eyes so people wouldn’t notice you had been watching her, you placed a gentle hand on her thigh under the table to offer her some comfort. That made Elizabeth jump in surprise, though, since she hadn’t been expecting it, so you quickly removed your hand and offered her a small smile in apology when she glanced at you. You felt bad about it, especially when you noticed the fear in her eyes, but you still tried to calm her down by offering her a smile.
Some of her tension washed away and her shoulders relaxed enough for you to feel safe to touch her again. When your hand touched her thigh this time around, Elizabeth was expecting it and she allowed the touch with a sigh. She threw you a thankful look before turning her head to the side to pay attention to what was being said in case anyone decided to pull her into the conversation, something you also tried to do.
Luckily - so damn luck, indeed - the interview ended just a few minutes after that. You played your part waving at the fans and offering them smiles, but you still held Elizabeth’s hand to pull her away from there as fast as you could without actually running. You were both sitting in the middle of the large table so it wasn’t an easy task. However, your eyes met Zendaya’s eyes for a moment and the girl wasted no time trying to discreetly move everyone out of the way so you could walk past with Elizabeth.
You took your girlfriend backstage and avoided everyone who tried to talk with you on the way until you found a quiet corner to sit down with her. You sat her down on top of a large technical equipment box and you jumped up to sit beside her, already shoving your hand inside your pocket to remove the three Sharpies you had taken with you that day. Green, blue and lilac were the colors you took from the case before leaving the hotel room that afternoon, and you didn’t think twice before handing them to her.
“Come on, I’m your canvas,” you told her lightly while reaching out your arm to her.
Your right arm was filled with tattoos from your shoulders to your wrist. That was something that made many casting directors frown to, but you loved it. That’s the way you find to express yourself and something you cherish. The tattoos were all blackwork, which means they didn’t have any colors added to them, and they were all different drawings that entwined between them thanks to the amazing work of your tattoo artist.
The first time Elizabeth ever drew on your skin was when you took her to the hospital that fateful day. You had seen your girlfriend looking so sad and scared lying down in a hospital bed after the doctor left saying it had been an anxiety attack that you just had to do something. You knew Elizabeth liked to use her hands to help herself calm down because she would run to her garden and spend hours there tending to the plants, putting her hands in the dirt and delicately touching every leaf. That’s why you took the pen that the doctor left behind without noticing and started to look for something she could write on, but there was nothing.
So, you just handed her the pen and told her to write something on your arm.
Elizabeth had looked at you like you were insane for even suggesting it and it took you a while to convince her to give it a try, however, it played out perfectly in the end. Elizabeth spent hours using the blue pen to color your tattoos and it did wonderful things to her anxiety. When the doctor returned, he was happy to say she was good to go and you were just glad that Elizabeth was back to her usual self asking you if you could stop somewhere to eat.
It wasn’t a perfect solution. It was temporary since it usually just calmed her down enough to keep going for a few more hours, but Elizabeth still needed to fully relax in silence, go to her garden or take a warm bath to avoid any real crisis. But that didn’t stop you from buying several Sharpies from different colors to have them around anytime she might need them. You made a habit out of walking around with them inside your pockets and Elizabeth stopped resisting using them to draw on you.
Sure, Elizabeth suggested she buy a notepad to carry with her, but you told her you didn’t mind being her personal canvas. You liked how she touched your skin gently with one hand while she used the other one to color your tattoos. You found it mesmerizing how she managed to make different details every time she drew on you. And you were just glad to be able to help her. Of course, you told Elizabeth it was okay if she preferred to have some paper to draw on, but luckily she didn’t argue against painting your arm instead.
It worked.
And that would have to do because you couldn’t take her to the hotel room you were sharing yet and it was clear that Elizabeth wasn’t feeling great.
“No,” your girlfriend said without taking the Sharpies from you. “We still have more interviews today.”
“Exactly,” you argued. “That’s fine. You know I don’t mind it.”
“People will make questions,” Elizabeth insisted, but it held no real resistance behind her words anymore. She was already taking the pens from you and you smiled happily at that.
“Let them,” was your reply.
A second later, Elizabeth took the green Sharpie to start painting one of the tattoos on the back of your arm.
When your castmates found you both, your skin was a mix of green, blue and lilac already, and Elizabeth's full attention was on the task in her hands. She didn’t look about to lose her mind anymore, her breathing was normal again, her hands weren’t shaking and her frown was purely because she was trying to keep the colors inside the line and not because she was in panic. Your friends gave you space because they didn’t want her to feel crowded again, but Holland lent you his jacket while you were all walking to the next interview to avoid questions and Elizabeth kissed your lips just before going on stage.
“You’re the best girlfriend in the world,” Elizabeth whispered against your skin.
You shrugged it off and leaned to kiss her forehead. “I love you,” you reminded her gently aware that you would climb every mountain and swim every ocean to make her happy.
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blushweddinggowns · 2 years
Part 2 to this!
Eddie had never considered himself to be a lucky person. Could anyone really blame him? For one thing, he was eaten alive last year. And that wasn’t even counting the fact that he had been a twenty-year old, drug-dealing highschooler before he was sent to literal hell. All after witnessing multiple horrifying homicides. 
But now that he had Steve Harrington on top of him, shoving his tongue down his throat like his life depended on it, he felt like the luckiest man in the world. 
Part of him still couldn’t believe that it was happening at all. He had been fully prepared to just play the part of the pining best friend and suffer through his unrequited crush. He even convinced himself that it would slowly disappear after he got off the high of seeing Steve all bloody and gorgeous in an alternate reality.
But it didn’t. It just got worse and worse. Eddie’s crush just bloomed into a full-blown love. Because Steve Harrington was nothing like he expected. Eddie had never experienced this much whiplash when getting to know someone before. Steve went from highschool bully, to a monster fighting badass, and landed on an adorable, snarky goofball who Eddie basically wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
It had felt like such a long shot when he asked the question. The question that had been haunting him for months, but Eddie couldn’t help but ask. Not after everything he’d seen. At first he thought it was all in his head, just his overactive imagination trying to convince him he wasn’t alone in his feelings. 
But then he started noticing things. Like how Steve was always available to him, even when he had better options open. It was around the third time he witnessed Steve tell a pretty girl, “Sorry, I have plans tonight,” for him to raise a brow. Because the only plans he ever had was doing stupid shit with him. 
It was when he actually rejected Nancy in favor of getting high and listening to music in Eddie’s room that he got optimistically suspicious. It made him pay more attention, the little voice inside his head was getting louder and louder, that told him, maybe, just maybe, Eddie wasn’t the only one in love here. 
So Eddie let himself get a little bolder, terrified all the while but determined to figure out what was going on here. 
It was small things at first, touches that he would let linger. A hand on Steve’s waist when they puttered around the kitchen together, always giving him a little squeeze before he let go. Brushing his bangs out of his face, his hand curling around his ear before pulling away. Resting his head in Steve’s lap when they were sprawled out on the couch, talking about nothing and everything for hours. 
He didn’t miss the way Steve’s cheeks would redden at every touch, or the sweet little smile put on when he thought Eddie wasn’t looking. It made him feel emboldened, and terribly hopeful. 
So he let himself do more, obvious things that were not normal between two male platonic best friends. He waited until night, because despite what Steve said Eddie was not a brave man. At least then if Steve rejected the hell out of him, he’d never have to see his face.��
In theory it should have been easy. They shared a bed almost every night anyway, Eddie always making easy excuses to explain away why Steve didn’t need to go home. 
It was too late, it was cold outside, the trailer was closer to his work anyway, he could still be high from a hit he took two hours ago, Eddie wasn’t above a single excuse. And Steve never complained, he’d just nod along, agreeing to whatever stupid thing Eddie could think of for the night. 
They slept back to back, trying to hold onto some semblance of normal between them. And Eddie would be lying if he said the thought of breaking it didn’t scare the hell out of him, but that didn’t stop him from draping an arm over Steve’s waist one night. He had pulled him against his chest, heart on the verge of exploding as he waited for Steve’s reaction. 
He hadn’t expected him to turn over in his arms, and Eddie had been almost sure that he was doing it to ask him what the fuck he was doing. But Steve just sighed, all relaxed and happy as he snuggled into his chest, wrapping his own arm around Eddie’s waist.  They woke up tangled together, happy and restful. 
They never talked about it, but every night when Eddie opened up his arms, Steve went right into them. And God did Eddie love it, he loved him. And the idea that there was any chance he could be with him and he wasn’t taking it, was killing him. So he took a shot, and asked the question that had been plaguing him for months. 
And it fucking worked. Here he was, vindicated and rewarded with the most handsome, funny, kind boyfriend to ever live. In all honesty, not that much changed between them, considering how they were basically dating back when they considered themselves “friends”. But now there was the added bonus of being able to kiss the living hell out of him whenever he wanted. And the fact that Steve had apparently been holding out on him, because overnight he became the clingest cuddler Eddie had ever had the pleasure of knowing. 
Whether that be hugs from behind, arms draped around his neck in bed, or Steve clambering up into Eddie’s lap whenever the opprunintuity arose. And it was so fucking cute it made Eddie feel like he could die from happiness. And when he returned the favor, Steve would just melt. A hand on his thigh while they drove, an arm around his waist at friendly get togethers, any small touch was enough to make Steve a blushing, gooey mess. 
The whole thing was amazing and Eddie had never been happier. 
There was just one problem. 
For the life of him, Eddie couldn’t stop making him cry. 
The first time, he understood. It had been a bit of a dick move on his end, to force Steve to admit his feelings because Eddie was too chicken-shit to do it himself. He should have thought about that and he'd apologized more than once for the way he handled the whole thing, even if Steve insisted it was more than fine. He just…never wanted to be the cause of that sad, dejected face ever again. 
But then he did it again, completely accidentally. It had been a lazy Sunday morning, the both of them deciding to sleep in until someone from the outside world forced them out of bed. Eddie woke up first, blinking into the late morning light. Steve was draped across his chest, still sound asleep and only slightly drooling on him.
Eddie ran a hand through his tousled hair, completely lovestruck. The small movement was enough to have Steve shift against him, mumbling about it being too early to wake up. But Eddie was already trailing his hands down his back, more than ready to tickle him awake if need be. And it worked, it always worked, because the next thing he knew Steve was batting his hands away, a tired laugh escaping as he finally opened his eyes. 
He groaned as he blinked into the light, pouting up at Eddie as he rubbed his eyes, “You’re lucky you’re pretty Munson. Or I would have kicked you out of bed by now.”
Eddie grinned, wrapping his arms around him a little tighter, “You’d kick me out of my own bed? That’s cold Stevie.”
“My bed now. A consequence of being with me,” Steve laughed, snuggling closer, “It’s in the contract.”
The snarky comment on his tongue died the second Eddie looked down at him. Steve just looked so…relaxed. Unfairly handsome and happy to be there, tracing patterns along Eddie’s bare chest. He was struck with the realization that he wanted this for the rest of his life. Just Steve, with his bed-head and sleepy smile. Eddie had to look away, staring up at the ceiling as he was suddenly overwhelemed by just how much he loved this guy. 
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them, embarrassingly earnest, “I think you’re the love of my life.”
Steve was quiet, but he could feel him nodding along as he traced Eddie’s collarbone. For a second, Eddie thought he just hadn’t heard him, and was doing that thing when he pretended like he did. He was a few seconds away from teasingly calling him out for it when he heard it. A soft sniffle, accompanied by a wet feeling, dripping onto him. 
Eddie glanced down, eyes widening at the sight of Steve wiping his tears away, trying and failing to be quiet about it. 
Eddie sat up, slightly panicked as he dragged Steve up with him, “Steve? Baby, what’s wrong? Was it what I said?”
Steve let out a wet laugh, “Not at all. I-fuck, Eddie I think you’re mine too. I swear this hasn’t happened before.”
Eddie was too worried to show how ecstatic that confession made him feel. He held Steve’s face in his hands, wiping away a few tears with his thumbs, “But you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, I swear.” Steve sighed, leaning into the touch, “I’m just being a fucking weirdo.”
“My weirdo.” Eddie corrected before kissing him, the salty taste of his tears be damned. Eddie reasoned that he was probably just overwhelmed, which was normal, considering how Eddie was speedrunning the pace of their relationship. It was a fluke, and that was fine.
But then it happened again. 
It had been a completely normal day, no fights with anyone, no problems at the video store or with any of Eddie’s clients. They were watching a movie on the couch, Eddie’s head resting in Steve’s lap as Fame rolled on in the background. Steve was braiding his hair, absentminded as they commented on the muscial, both agreeing that Robin had really oversold it. 
Though Eddie was a sucker for the New York based movies. He used to dream about running away there when he was a teenager. Working and playing in dingy bars until he was magically discovered and skyrockerted into stardom. But now, at the ripe old age of twenty one, he was much more interested in going wherever Steve would follow. 
He watched the screen, mind wandering as he asked,  “Where would you want to go when we leave Hawkins?”
The hands in his hair paused for a split second before Steve answered, “W-what do you mean?”
“When the kids graduate,” Eddie continued, missing the stutter in Steve’s voice, “We won’t really have any reason to stay here right? It’s probably about time that Wayne got the bachelor pad back anyway.” 
“You…you want to live with me?”
Eddie let out a small laugh, rolling his eyes, “Babe, I don’t know if you’re aware but we kind of already live together.”
He watched the screen, someone whose name he forgot was starting another monolouge, “New York is a bit much, but Indianapolis could probably work. Somewhere with some options, y’know?”
Steve cleared his throat above him, fingers still working in his hair, “Y-yeah. Sounds good.”
Eddie smiled, pleased as he went back to trying to follow the plot. Then he felt something wet hit his cheek. He scrunched his nose up, confused as he shifted to look up at Steve, heart jumping when he realized what was happening. 
“Holy shit, don’t look at me for a minute.” Steve groaned, covering his face with his hands, failing to hide his sniveling, “Seriously, just ignore me.”
Eddie sat up, ignoring Steve’s protests as he pried his hands from his face, “What’s wrong?”
“N-nothing!” Steve insisted, avoiding Eddie’s eyes, “I swear, I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me.”
“Sweetheart, if moving in together is too much to talk about that’s fine-”
“No!” Steve interrupted, voice loud in the small space between them, “I-I mean, that’s not the problem. Of course I want to live with you.”
“I don’t want to pressure you-”
“You’re not,” Steve insisted, grabbing Eddie's hands. He squeezed them, warm and comforting, “Whatever is wrong with me has nothing to do with you, or us. I swear.”
Eddie nodded, even if the worry didn’t fully leave his head. He couldn’t help it, because it just kept happening. Eddie was averaging on making Steve tear up at least once a month and everytime he would insist he was fine. That it wasn’t Eddie’s fault, he was just being a freak. 
It’s not like Eddie minded. In fact he kind of liked comforting him. And it didn’t help that Steve was fucking adorable when he cried. With his scrunched up nose and pretty wet eyes, Eddie was more than happy to be the one to kiss his tears away.  
He just wished he could figure out why it was happening, because despite what Steve said, he knew that he was the cause. It only happened when they were alone together, usually right after Eddie said or did something particularly mushy. He just wanted to know what he was doing wrong. 
It was starting to keep him up at night, and as embarrassing as it was, Eddie was having anxiety nightmares about Steve leaving him for someone who wasn’t making him weep on a semi-regular basis. 
Eddie blinked into the night, waking up from another one of those stupid dreams. He blindly reached over for Steve, his hand hitting the empty mattress with a thud. Eddie groaned, assuming he was in the bathroom, but knowing there was no way he was getting back to sleep without having him next to him. 
Eddie stood, deciding to get some water while he waited for him to come back. He stepped out of his room into the dark hall, cocking his head at the odd scene in front of him. The phone cord was stretched from the kitchen to the bathroom, peeking out through the half cracked door.  
Eddie stopped infront of it, curious as he made out what Steve was whispering through the phone, "Robin, if I cry in front of him one more time I'm going to have to change my name and flee the country."
Eddie snorted behind his hand, quiet enough to not be heard. He leaned in a little closer, fully aware that he should just turn around and not be an eavesdropping dick, but…if he could just find out why Steve kept crying, maybe he could actually do something to stop it. 
"I'm not telling him. I'm lucky I haven't scared him off yet as it is."
Eddie frowned, confused. That didn’t make sense, there was nothing Steve could do to scare him off, not after everything they had been through. Didn’t he know that? 
Steve sighed into the phone, sad and resigned, "I just…I don’t know how much more I can fall in love with him. When he ends it…it's going to fucking kill me."
Eddie could feel his heart stop in his chest. Where the hell did that come from? Sometimes Eddie spent half of his day just day-dreaming about their future, and here Steve was, thinking that he was going to end the best thing that ever happened to him?
"I know, I know. Maybe you're right. I love you too, I'll see you tomorrow."
Eddie backed away from the door, still feeling vaguely ill at what he’d heard. He slipped into bed, pretending to still be asleep when Steve eventually followed. He was back in bed for maybe five seconds before Eddie was reaching for him, tucking him tightly into his arms, like he could cuddle the doubts out of him. 
Eddie could barely sleep that night, mind-racing on what he could do to make Steve realize that he wasn’t going anywhere. It made sense, in the grand scheme of things. Steve’s parents were total shit heads who had no appreciation for the wonderful son they had. The only other person he’d fallen in love with besides Eddie ended up cheating on him, right after drunkenly declaring the fact that she never loved him back. 
And that wasn’t even mentioning his “best friends” who dropped him the second he decided to stop acting like a dick in highschool. Now that he was thinking about it, Eddie was kicking himself for not putting the pieces together sooner. 
Of course Steve would be worried about that. But Eddie wasn’t like them, he’d never be like them. In his head, the only way this relationship was ending was if Steve dumped him, not the other way around. 
If Eddie was extra clingy that morning, Steve didn’t complain. Even if he was making it a bitch for him to get ready for work. Eddie was still draped all over him by the time he was trying to get out the door, laughing at his antics all the while. 
“Someone’s needy today, huh?” Steve chuckled, prying Eddie’s arms away from his neck, “I’ll be back before you know it.”
“That’s not soon enough,” Eddie whined, going as far as to follow him to the car. He kissed him goodbye through the window, not giving a single shit who saw them. Not when it made Steve blush and beam at him. He waved at him as he drove away, a plan already forming in his head as he started his day. 
If Steve had fears, Eddie would just love them right out of him. No reason to make a big deal out of anything, not when Steve was already so embarrassed about the whole thing. He would play it cool, and slowly but surely alleviate all of the anxieties. 
That was the plan, but the plan went straight out the window that same night. Basically the second he laid eyes on him after stepping through the front door. Steve wasn’t even doing anything. Just sitting on the couch, lazily watching TV. But then he noticed him, gave him that bright smile, and the floodgates just opened.
“I love you.” Eddie blurted out, making his way towards him, “Like I really fucking love you.”
Steve cocked his head, confused but still happy to see him. He shuffled over for Eddie to sit next to him, “I love you too?”
Eddie shook his head, “I mean I love everything about you Steve. Everything.” 
Steve stared at him, surprise still painted on his face, but Eddie just kept going, aware on some level, that he probably sounded slightly unhinged, but he didn’t care. He needed Steve to understand, “I love how much you care about everyone. I love how you take care of me, and how you let me take care of you. I love how your hair sticks up in every direction in the morning, and how you get pouty whenever you wake up. I love it when you’re bitchy and you make fun of my music. I love it when you get too excited and scream at the TV over basketball. I love the little blush you get whenever I call you pretty. I love all of it, and I want it for the rest of my life. ”
Steve laughed, quiet and nervous as he looked away, ‘What the hell are you even talking about?”
But Eddie wasn’t having that. He grasped his face, tilting his chin up to force them eye to eye. The tears were already starting to form, but Eddie wasn’t worried. He knew what they meant this time, “I’m talking about how you’re the only person I’ll ever want. I’m talking about how I want a life with you Steve. You and no one else.”
The tears were really falling now, and Steve was looking at him like he ripped his heart out, versus perfusing his undying love, “You…you shouldn’t say shit like that Eddie. You don’t know how things will change later on.”
Eddie shook his head, steadfast, “I’ll never not want you. I’m serious Steve. You’re it for me.”
They stared at eachother, Steve searching his face as Eddie kissed his tear-stained cheeks, “I want to believe you.”
“It’s okay that you don’t yet,” Eddie murmured, “I’ll just spend the rest of my life proving it to you.”
Steve let out a weak laugh, pulling away from his hands to hide his face into the crook of Eddie’s neck, his self-proclaimed safe space, “You promise?”
Eddie kissed the top of his head, “I swear.”
It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen. Their days together became months, months became years. Eddie never went a day without reminding him how much he was loved, Steve stopped waiting for the day that Eddie was going to leave, and slowly but surely, the tears stopped with it. 
It was ten years to that day, ten amazing years with the love of his life, when Eddie found him in their kitchen, making coffee and yawning while he absentmindely stared out the window, just as adorable at thirty-one as he was at twenty. 
He wrapped his arms around his waist from behind, kissing at his neck with a pleased hum, “You believe me now?”
Steve sighed, sleepy and happy as he leaned back into him, “Yeah, I think I do.”
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hippolotamus · 2 months
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Who would I be if I didn't come barreling in with queer feelings??? Inspired by this post from my wife @bidisasterevankinard, this morning's therapy session and a few too many listens to Cleopatra by The Lumineers 😘
late for this, late for that | 7x06 coda | 757 words | G
“Not late. Right on time,” Evan sighs, content and sated, turning in his arms so they’re back-to-chest. It allows him to settle into his newly discovered love of being the little spoon. And Tommy’s new found love of indulging Evan.
“Good to know.” He presses a kiss into Evan’s mussed, disheveled curls, chuckling at the light snores his – boyfriend? Date? Guy he’s seeing? – is already making. 
If he’s being honest, ‘right on time’ is the furthest thing from what he feels. Evan hasn’t said as much, but Tommy suspects he’s started to question things about himself. About his life in general, past interactions, romances, friendships, crushes. Eventually he’ll likely face one of the biggest, if not the biggest, questions. How could I not know? 
As someone who went on a similar journey, he’ll do his best to guide Evan through. He wants to wave the proverbial magic wand to produce easy, matter-of-fact answers and soothe any wounds, but Evan will have to do that part on his own. Eventually it becomes a rewarding experience, making those discoveries, but he knows as well as anyone that it can be a bitch of a road to travel. An often dark pathway loaded with unexpected landmines. Full of monsters that go ‘boo’ at the very worst times, usually just when the dust of the last jumpscare has settled. 
Not for the first time – and likely not for the last – the notion makes Tommy wish they could have met earlier. That he could somehow turn back the clock to meet himself earlier so he could be there for Evan. He’s already put himself through the wringer, in therapy and in his own mental torture chamber, about why he lied for so long about who he is. But, as his therapist reminds him over and over again, these things are never truly done. There are often new layers unveiled, triggered by different circumstances. Sometimes big and loud, sometimes ordinary and everyday. Tommy thinks Evan might be a bit of both. 
Either way, here he is, wondering how his own life might have been different if he hadn’t denied himself for so long. If he could have been brave like Hen and said ‘this is who I am’. Because it’s not as if he didn’t know. Tommy knew exactly who he was, who he is. He’s known since the first time he kissed CJ, his high school football team’s defensive tackle, behind the bleachers after practice one late summer night. God knows he had been questioning for a hell of a lot longer. 
However, he can’t time travel and change things. He can’t give past versions of himself options that didn’t exist. Well, technically they did, but it meant blowing up his entire life and being ostracized. While Hen didn’t have anything to lose, because she was already being isolated by that era of the 118, Tommy did. 
He had what he thought were friends, though, really, most of them were alliances. People he accepted as friends for the high cost of burying his identity. Paid for with girlfriends and the occasional male sex worker when he really needed to let go. With living an empty, lonely, fraudulent existence, constantly saying no to the things and experiences he craved. Because saying yes - to ‘just one’ gay club, one pride event, one secret boyfriend willing to be called girlfriend for appearances - meant risking being found out. Meant taking a wrecking ball to the carefully curated macho persona he’d built for protection. Meant having all of his ‘meaningful’ supports and relationships ripped away. It was bad enough that his own parents couldn’t be there for him. He didn’t need the camaraderie of firefighting taken away, too. 
Evan snorts and snuffles, pulling Tommy back to the present. He turns in his sleep, somehow burrowing closer as he throws an arm across Tommy’s waist. His mouth is slack and parted, breathing calm and even. 
A wave of fondness washes over Tommy as he watches his… Evan sleep, blissfully unaware of all the things tumbling around in his brain. It’s an emotion he hasn’t felt in a while, not like this, but he’s grateful for how naturally it seems to want to return. 
Maybe they couldn’t meet earlier or change their histories, save themselves or each other from pain. But they’re here now with their combined battle scars, ready for something, whatever that looks like. And isn’t that better than never? So, perhaps what Evan said was true. Maybe he’s not too late and they’re right on time. 
part 2 (Eddie's POV) here
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goldribboncottage · 7 months
Rock Her Shit | Hazel Callahan x Reader
Brain is rotting all I can think about is Hazel Hazel Hazel so I wrote this. Your crush Hazel punches you in the face and needs to do first aid. Locker room lesbian activities happen.
plus size/tall reader implied, she’s bigger than hazel is at least. i will probably make a part two because i fantasize about reader kicking PJ in the chest after saying mean things to Hazel
Your favorite thing about Hazel, besides her deep blue eyes, dimples, and adorably awkward personality, was her rings. All silver, probably curated from years of thrifting and estate sales. Your favorite was one she had favored on her right middle finger. It was some sort of bug. You were never able to get a close enough look at it. But it hurt like a bitch when it collided with your face. 
Slamming down on the gym floor added to the pain. Hazel was a lot shorter than you, and probably half your weight. You had taken a liking to platform shoes lately - that only added to your size difference. But as little as she was. she was strong. 
“Oh SHIT!” You heard one of the girls say. Your ears were ringing. A blurry Hazel is above you, hair falling wildly over her face. Your head falls to the side, searching for some comfort on the cold hardwood floor.
“Y/N? Y/N are you okay?” Hazel looked so concerned, pleading eyes and furrowed brows. She pouted and shook you to get a response. You could hear the other girls in the fight club chattering, wondering what to do. All you could think to do was laugh. 
“What the fuck Callahan.” You turn towards her and smile, but see tears welling in her eyes “I thought we were becoming friends. Help me up.”
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to ohmygod you’re bleeding. SHE’S BLEEDING SOMEONE GET A TOWEL!” She grabs your arm places her hand under your head to help you sit up. You brought your hand up to your left cheek feeling warmth and see crimson as you lift it away. Huh. You were bleeding. 
“Hazel, I’ll be fine. I’m super tough. One time in girl scouts I slept in a tent. For three nights!” you tried to ease the tension and sad look on her face. This made her smile a little bit, so you continued. You couldn’t stand her looking so remorseful. “And once, when I went to a movie, they were out of blue raspberry ICEEs. I was so brave about it. I only drank cherry that night. I can basically handle anything.” 
You can see the tension in her melt away, and Sylvie hands her a towel. “This still looks pretty bad. Let’s go to the bathroom so I can clean you up. I think my ring cut you.” Hazel hands you the towel and shows you where to hold it. 
Standing all the way up now, you make your way to the locker room with her. 
You lean against the sink, looking at your bloody face in the mirror. Could be cool, you thought, a scar right on your cheek. Maybe it would make your eyes pop. 
Hazel brings an old plastic chair for you to sit in. “My lady,” She gestures you to sit down. She also found a first aid kit in the coach’s office. She throws the bloody towel in the trash and begins to clean your wound. It stings, but you try not to show it. She leans over you as she helps you. Hazel is really gentle, taking her time to clean your cut. 
“Does that feel better?” 
You nodded but didn’t know what to say, so you just sat quietly, letting her do first aid on you and taking this opportunity to study her face. Her eyes seemed darker somehow. You knew they were blue, but the bad locker room lighting made them almost black. You noticed how sometimes a piece of hair would fall into her face and annoy her. You wanted to tuck it behind her ear for her. Pieces stuck out randomly, her hair looked so soft. She kept making eye contact with you and abruptly looking away.
You had never been this close to her before. You had admired her from afar when fight club started, reading her recap emails and giggling at the weird things she said. You had shared classes with her since freshman year but had never really /noticed/ her. Too caught up in your own world and studies. But she crashed into your life and demanded attention. 
Your eyes, naturally, fell to her lips. They looked kind of chapped, and she had a small tear from a fight with PJ last week. They looked so soft. Pink. Kissable. Something overcame you then, and before you knew it your hand was on her face, fingers resting on her round cheeks, thumb brushing the injury on her bottom lip. 
“Y/N?” Hazel locks eyes with you. Frozen. Unsure what to do. She just punched you in the face and cut your cheek with a dragonfly ring, now here you are staring up at her with glossy eyes and parted lips, your hand on her face.
“Yeah?” You bite your lip in response. No going back now. You tuck a piece of hair behind her face and she kneels down before you.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” Hazel inquires. 
“Do you want me to?” You ask back. 
“Yes please.” 
Your lips meet, tasting like honey chapstick and Hazel. Your hand finds the back of her head and you deepen the kiss. Her lip splits open again and adds the taste of metallic blood to your kiss. You didn’t care. Something insatiable was unlocked in you, Hazel’s grip going to your hips that spilled over the small school issued chair. 
She climbs up on to you, straddling you and gripping the back of your head. Your other hand goes to the curve of her lower back. All of the pain in your head is forgotten when she grips your waist and pulls you into her. 
Open, wet kisses follow, moaning into each other, needing more more more. She grabs your face in her hands and moves you toward her. The pain of your cheek only intensifies the pleasure of Hazel’s lips on yours, tongues together.
Hands go wild on each other, hers lift the side of your shirt to grab your love handles, so aptly named. Your hands creep under the back of her oversized t shirt, when you hear the door to the locker room open. Thank god you’re out of sight. 
“Hey Hazel how is Y/N doing? Do you guys need any help?” 
Hazel’s eyes grow wide and her head whips towards Josie’s voice. Breathless, she replies “We’re good! Thanks! Just bandaging her up now! Be out soon.” 
You look at each other again, and Hazel places soft, tender kisses to your lips and uncut cheek. 
“What just happened?” She asks you, as if your guess is any better than hers.
“I don’t know, but I’d like if it happened again. And again, and again.” You smile and look up at the girl in your lap. Her bunny teeth and dimples show as she nods furiously. 
“Let me actually clean you up now. Shit. There’s blood on my hand. Oh my god. I’m not a very good nurse. I told them we needed to bring in a first aid person! PJ never wants to listen to what I say.” As she lifts herself off you, you can’t help but miss the weight on your hips. 
“Well I am very sorry for interrupting your healing nurse Hazel. If there’s any way I can make it up to you please let me know. I promise to be the perfect patient next time.” You make your way over to the sink and wash your wound once again. “It doesn’t look too bad, I think just a larger bandaid will be fine. I’ll take good care of it. No more hot girls grabbing my face.”
“Hot girls? What?” Hazel looks worried before you reassure her.
“I mean you. You are the hot girl.” You smile at each other.
“Oh. Okay” She sounds relieved. “Yeah just, let me grab a bandaid and we can go back out there and nothing happened here okay?” She turns away from you and opens the first aid kit, searching for something to protect your face.
“Hazel, I don’t want to forget this. I really like you. Like. Romantically as a human person. I know there’s obvious sexual compatibility but I would love to take you out on a date if you want?” You were incredibly nervous to ask her out, despite the fact that you had been dry humping less than a minute earlier.��
She opens the bandaid and places it lovingly on your cheek, looking up at you before responding. “Yeah. Yes. I would really like that. My mom just bought me a car so I can take us anywhere you want to go. The planetarium is starting a new series next week. I like to go there. Or we can go on a picnic or see a movie or something. I like to go to the special screenings the theater has where the sound isn’t as loud. It’s on Saturday mornings and it’s mostly kids movies bu-“
You cut her off with a peck on the lips. “I’d be happy to do any and all of those things. But let’s get back out there, okay? I don’t want the girls to worry about me. I’ll call you when the club is over.”
“Yeah, okay! Yeah” She motions for you to lead the way out. Back into the gym of a dozen girls wondering why it took you so long to clean up, concerned for your well being.
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manias-wordcount · 3 months
Show 'Em How (Phoenix Wright x Reader x Miles Edgeworth)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗺, 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗷𝗼𝗯 𝗱𝗮𝘆. 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗷𝗼𝗯 𝗪𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗛𝗔𝗛
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚!! 𝘀𝗺𝘂𝘁, 𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗲𝘅 (𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴), 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗷𝗼𝗯, 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘀
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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When you were younger, you had a crush on two boys.
The type of crush that left people with heat stuck in their cheeks and eyes casted down at the ground. The type of crush that left people like you stammering and stuttering and trying too awfully hard to look cool yet cute in every moment they’re in view. But they grew up. So did you. Though those feelings you had for the now-grown men didn’t completely disappear. You’re not even sure if they lessened enough for you to no longer feel embarrassed about it all.
  But for the longest time, you just didn’t get what you saw in both of them. After all, you thought that they couldn’t be any more different from each other aside from their shared strong will. So what made you like them still after all these years? What made you linger around like a ghost- hoping and hoping for the one who sees you. Despite knowing they would never see you as you’ve always seen them. Someone to love. Someone to adore. Someone to hold tight and want to protect for as long as they live. But that’s the thing.
  “You’re getting so good at this, aren’t you sweetheart?”
  You only thought you knew that. 
  “Mmm,” You make a quiet hum with the back of your throat as you look up at one of the men before you. “Mmm…”
   You always thought of Miles Edgeworth as a gentleman- even when you both just attending grade school. You thought of him as refined and forever poised- even in the trickiest of situations. And now, you’d admit that some of that holds true. He’s still oh-so gentle as he cards his fingers through your hair and keeps the loose strands out of the way. He’s still oh-so kind as he looks at you with eyes that hold emotions so far away from disgust and malice that you could easily forget if you wanted to. If you tried. But most of all? He’s still oh-so-sweet in the way he calls on you- insisting on sweetheart even as you wrap your lips around his dick and suck him off while free hand focuses on his rival.
  “I could have told you that,” A voice from your side grumbles. Some that have your heart thumping out of your chest and shivers running down your spine at the exact same time. It’s the same Phoenix Wright that you’ve always been smitten with. Though it’s admittedly more charming now that you’re able to hear him talking so casually. Without stress about investigations. Without drama from court cases. None of that stuff. Although… “And quit hogging! It was my turn to get sucked off ages ago!”
  You suppose nothing can be quite drama-free with those two. But you suppose it’s your fault, isn’t it? It started with you getting a little bold one night. A little brave. Then suddenly, you’re writing love letters. Love confession with the hearts and the secrets and the obvious embarrassment dripping from every single word. But this running off of a courageous high (or rather, a steep amount of liquid courage), and suddenly yourself with new emails in your outgoing mail folder. And two emails in your ingoing mail folder- each agreeing to the time and the place that drunken you had asked to meet.
  Truthfully, you don’t remember how exactly your confession went. Maybe you blocked it all from memory. Maybe you didn’t. But whatever happened must have been a good thing between all three of you. 
  Because why else would Phoenix be wrapping his hand around your neck and pulling you off of his rival’s cock all so he could lead you and your puckered lips toward his?
  “Pay attention to me too, okay?” He reminds you gently as he gives you a big smile. Instantly, you’re enamored again now that he’s the boy with your most direct attention (even though Miles’ huff is very clearly an attempt to get your eyes back off him). But Phoenix doesn’t pay him any mind- instead, he’s too busy pushing your head closer and closer to him as his free hand holds his fully erect cock out for your to slide into your throat. “I’m willing to share but you can’t forget about me, alright?”
  You’re barely registering his words. Just giving him a simple nod before your back up and sitting on your knees and wrapping your lips around the pretty dick in front of you. It stands tall and proud in front of you with quite a few noticeable veins decorating it in its entirety. A small bead of precum has been spilling from the top. But you don’t waste another second on dumb thoughts and inaction. Instead, you’re flattening your tongue and taking the thing into your mouth easily. Completely. Happily.
  The salty taste hits your goosebumps a second later, but Phoenix is quick to ease you into taking his entire length all at once. He coaches you into breathing the way he knows you should, and you focus on relaxing your mouth the same way you did for Miles so he slides right in with little resistance. But Phoenix is thicker than Miles. Not as long, but much much thicker. And so the instant you feel him start to fill up your mouth in a way that feels like too much at once, you cough. Just a little. 
  Even so, it’s still enough to get Miles to hurry out a call of “Be careful” to the other man, much to his displeasure. But it’s not your first. It’s far from it and everyone in the room knows that by now. So you’re quick to right things yourself. To adjust so that you mouth things about fitting Phoenix inside rather than Miles. And all too soon, you’re bobbing your head up and down and up and down and up and down. Letting it glide through your warm, wet throat as the man you’re sucking off balls his hands into tight fists and leans back into his chair.
  “Fuck, that’s good,” Phoenix all but groans as he closes his eyes and tosses his head back. His voice is much lower than what you’re used to. Softer. Quieted. More controlled even. Not that you really mind it though. As much as you love your Phoenix- the one who’s bright and loud and only just a little dumb at times- you like the way you’re making him come undone like this. Making him count his every breath. Making him rise out of his chair and curse under his breath. Making him feel good. All because of you. All because of you. “Keep going- keep sucking like that. And- and do that thing with your tongue again. Okay, baby?”
  Your heart melts at the nickname. Baby. You’re so soft for these two it’s ridiculous. But perhaps it’s more ridiculous how soft they are for you. How willing they are for you. Most men would hate sharing a lover. And yet, here comes Miles- reaching over and pulling back your hair again so you can continue focusing on running your tongue against every vein on Phoenix’s dick again and again and again.
  And sometime later, you’ll start stroking Miles’ cock again, not wanting him to lose the pretty hard-on he brought out just for you. Pumping your fist up and down and up and down- in time with the way you bod your head on the other man’s cock. But pretty soon all of Miles’ sweet little compliments will draw your attention away. Pretty soon, you’re pulling your mouth off of Phoenix’s dick and wrapping your lips around Miles’ once more- pulling out all the moves you know he likes. Playing a little with his balls. Sucking a little extra hard on the head. And looking up at him through your eyelashes all pretty like when he started mumbling all kinds of selfish yet adoring words towards you.
  And at some point, the other man in the room is going to feel content will sitting and watching anymore. At some point, he’s gonna want a hand or a mouth or that pretty little hole that’s been hiding between your legs all this time. At some point, he’s gonna want to make you do the squirming. Just like your other lover is gonna want to make you squeal and feel good. Feel oh-so ridiculously good. But he can wait. They both know how to wait at this point. And frankly, you do too.
  Because you waited so many years to confess. You waited so many years to know if they liked you back. And you waited so many years before realizing that the answer had to be both or absolutely nothing at all. But they’ve made their decision. And you’ve made yours. 
  You know they know how to wait their turn. You know they know how to play nice. How to share. And you know they know how to do that with each other. Because you were there when they learned those things. And if they refuse to do it now?
  Well, you’ll just have to show them how it’s done. 
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actuallyacerrr · 2 months
Tmnt mutant mayhem with a human sister reader (only but a year younger) with some fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort. Taking place after the movie where the groups starts high school, but the reader is having a hard trying to fit in with other humans.
Mutan Mayhem request! I’m so sorry anon but my brain gave up like halfway though but i finish to finish 💪 pushed through and after like almost a month it’s done haha. I kinda hated this one i’m so sorry again 😭
Last of this format btw </3
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Type ->
Pairing ->
Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo + GN!Reader (separate)
Warning(s) ->
Insecurities, and grammar mistakes. Ooc(???)
Summary ->
You and your brothers go to school, but being raised by mutants you are struggling to fit in.
L ML : R ML : D ML : M ML
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You are a human raised by mutants. And the only one your dad ever seemed to trust.
Growing up to think humans were bad- well except for you. There was always an exception for you.
And after we meeting April, taking down Superfly and finally starting highschool—maybe—other humans weren’t so bad.
Or so you thought because fitting it just didn’t click as easy as it did for the others.. and people weren’t as welcoming to you as you and your brothers would’ve believed.
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He isn’t the first to pick up something’s amiss with you. But second.
He’s your eldest brother, grew up watching you develop your personality and quirks, knowing how you act, what you like, the commonality of your body language.
He’d pick up something off shortly.
He first notices something’s up with you when you become more reserved even to them, even in the littler ways.
You seemed more nervous if not completely anxious at school.
At first he thought you were having a rough few days, but the longer it went on the more concerned became.
So he confronted you.
Leo had always been protective of his siblings, you especially with both being the youngest and the only human of them. He searched for you high and low, finding you in one of the more quiter places of school. The library.
“Hey you, whatcha doing in here?”
“Oh- Leo, i’m just uh.. looking at books?” You grab at a random book and open it.. upside down.
“Sure..” Leo corrected the book, sitting beside you, obviously worried. “If something’s up you can talk to me.”
You didn’t look at him, but he offered you a shoulder and accepting, you leaned on it. Sitting in silence for awhile like that.
“How did you guys do it..?”
“What do you mean?”
“…Fit in.”
“Fit- is someone doing something to you? Are they hurting you? bullying you-?”
“No no! I just.. I dont think I fit in—or that people like me—I mean you’re heroes! You saved the city and i’m just here? The turtles human sibling, You’re little sibling.”
Leo turned holding your hands in his. “You are absolutely a hero! You got all those people out of those buildings, ones superfly would’ve sent crumbling and crushing all those civilians. You might not have taken him down but you saved lives. Don’t you ever forget that.” He pulled you into a hug. One you reciprocated.
“Love you, Leo.”
“Love you to.”
Leo made sure you were never left out after that.
Boasting about all you did to save people, saying his cool his little sibling is, etc.
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He loves you all, just in his own Raph way.
Like Leo as your older brother he grew up watching you become you.
But he’d notice around the time you weren’t coming to sparing, and even when you did there isn’t a lot of effort. You don’t show up to his wrestling matches like his brothers and dad.
You were always so supportive of him and of all of your brothers for that matter.
They would search for you but couldn’t find you anywhere. It scared his brothers on occasion, including him but he’d always put on a brave face.
He becomes even more worried when you start becoming distant to all of them.
Raphael finally went to go confront you about it after a week of it.
He scoured the hallways trying to find you, you’d been leaving earlier and earlier to get to school. He left earlier to find you, alone where there weren’t a lot a of people around. Then he found you in the hallway.
And you were by yourself, holding your phone as you just.. stared.
“Hey?” Your turtle brother sat beside you, scaring you and you hide your phone.
“Hey- uh hey raph, raphael, raphala, rapha-“ he gave you a look. You both sat there for a second. Just in each other’s company before Raph spoke up.
“Listen, i’m cutting to the chase. What’s going on?”
“What- what do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, you’ve been avoiding us. Distant, Somethings going on and you can’t avoid talking about it anymore.” He looked at you with seriousness, that fighting spirit of his wasn’t going to let you get away easily.
You look away from him, phone falling from your hand, landing face up. You hadn’t been hiding it, so what did you expect. Them to not pick up on it?
“You don’t gotta tell me everything, just something so I know how to help. Kay?” Raph and emotional vulnerability were two things you didn’t see together often.
You pick up your phone and show it to him, you talk as he looks over the articles you had pulled up. All articles about them.
“I think it’s great, the articles. I’m proud. of all of you. For saving the city, and our home. Everyone celebrated you and you deserve it.”
Raphael looked at you, not knowing where this was going.
“I.. do others- They all love you and I try to talk to students and make friends, but they always ask me about you guys.”
Raph had watched you help countless humans that day, yet you let them have all the praise and credit. He hadn’t noticed why.
“They dont know what they’re missing out on. You’ll find the right people who like you for you, and just not because you’re our little sibling.” Raph pulled you into a side hug. And you both sat there until school started.
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Donnie would see the signs, even if he’s a bit arrogant and sarcastic he definitely cares for all of you, no question asked. Your all his siblings the people he grew up with.
So when he starts noticing the distancing early.
Idk maybe he saw you in one of his animes or shows or smth and was like ‘oh.. OH.’
He’d confront you during lunch.
He had searched the library, cafeteria, and courtyard for you. Yet you just weren’t there, so he knew of only one more place to look.
There you were, he had a feeling he’d find you in your favorite teachers classroom. So he walked on in and sat at the desk closet to you. He looked at you.
“Oh! Donnie- hi. You okay..?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Are you ok?”
You sat there knowing but not at the same time what he meant.
“What do you mean? I’m fine.”
“Then why are you avoiding us? You don’t usually miss our anime binges! You’ve missed like three new episodes of anime.”
You nod, you had and didn’t realize.
“What’s going on.”
You look up at him and it all falls out, the insecurity of being around other humans, the way they make you feel, the way you try. But you just don’t fit in, not like how they do it.
Donnie looks at you and pulls you into a hug.
“Youre like Deku, you just gotta do it and don’t give up.”
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He as the youngest is most likely the brother you are closest too and not just in age.
He would notice the changes and made plans to confront you.
But this is a different case, you seek out Mikey rather than him confronting you.
You and Mikey had stayed before one day at the house while everyone went out to do their own stuff. You found him in your brothers room.
He’s scribbling in a notebook, likely comping up with something for his improv club. You walk up at sat beside him.
Mikey notices immediately and put his attention on you.
“What’s up?”
“How do you know if others like you?” You pulled your legs in and rested your head on your knees. Looking at him.
“Are people being mean to you?”
“No- not really I just. I don’t think I fit in with them. Not like you guys..” You say recalling all your attempts to make friends and reach out. You felt embarrassed about that.
“If it helps we could try improving something to help you?”
“Yeah.. I’d like that.” You smiled as you both got to work.
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
can i please request feysand x reader where she’s super shy and an extreme introvert, she doesn’t talk that much and she often hides behind rhysands or feyres wings when they’re talking to someone/ when reader becomes overwhelmed. They speak mind to mind since they’re mates so they’ll often speak for her, like at restaurants, they know what to get reader. At meetings at hewn city she’s often waiting in their room/stands very far away from the dais, usually with nesta and cassian. Maybe she overhears keir or some lord speak ill about feyre and rhysand and for the first time in readers life she loses it, absolutely cusses him out and at first he doesn’t realize who she is but then he realizes and is forced to do an humilitaing apology to them infront of everyone in the room❤️❤️ protective reader is givinggggg
Feysand x shy!reader hc
A/n: I feel like I made this way too detailed and long but oh well. I couldn’t stop myself
Warnings: slight angst
You had been part of the inner circle forever
You met Rhys when you were children. Your dad worked for Rhys’s dad so you were forced to do your lessons with Rhys
Your parents wanted you to socialize more since you didn’t have any friends. Their compromise was putting you in private lessons with Rhys
His wings scared you and you wouldn’t even look at him. You just kept your head down and did your work
Rhys was always nice to you and he wanted to be your friend. One afternoon when the teacher left you two alone he went and stood in front of your desk until you talked to him
From that day on you became best friends
Over the years you developed a crush on him but kept it to yourself
When he went under the mountain you were distraught and inconsolable. You wouldn’t even let Mor into your room during the first few months
After 50 long years Rhys finally came home and when he told you all about his mate what remained of your heart shattered
He started spending time with you again though, he showed you images of Feyre from right before he left
You couldn’t believe this stunning human girl was turned into an even more beautiful version of herself
You wanted to know her so badly. When sleep evaded you and Rhys you’d beg him to show you memories of her beating Amaranth’s trials. Feyre was absolutely amazing
When Feyre came to Velaris and after the war with Hybern you became very close friends
Feyre is gentle and knows how to talk and be with people, it’s one of the reasons you developed a crush on her
It drove you crazy that you had fallen in love with this mated couple and you had such a hard time/fear of telling them
Against your better judgment you went to Rhys. He’s your best friend he wouldn’t be mad, Rhys would help he always helps
Entering his office you see Feyre is with him but you still force yourself to go in and face this
“Y/n, we wanted to talk with you. Please sit.” Rhys says with a smile on his face
That instantly made you want to throw up but you kept a brave face
You showed them your feelings, you didn’t trust yourself to speak
Once you were done the pair sat on either side of you on the couch hugging you. A few tears slipped from your eyes, “I’m sorry,” you said, your voice barley above a whisper
“For what?” Feyre asked. “If I’m a problem.” Your lip trembled as your eyes met her blue ones. “Sweetie you are not a problem.” She kissed your forehead and hugged you to her chest
To your surprise, your relationship with them is what they wanted to talk with you about. You spent hours in Rhys’s office talking about being with him and Feyre
By the end you were so relieved they felt the same way. It took a few weeks to establish a good dynamic but once you got into it, it was like you never left the honeymoon phase
They’re very protective of you
Which means the rest of the IC is very protective of you
Feyre has beat up someone for being mean to you about being so quiet
You very rarely speak, only at family dinners and with just Rhys and Feyre
You typically sit out of high lord meetings
The one time you did go it was very overwhelming for you and Helion tried to smile at you and you truly didn’t know what to do
You had moved yourself so far into Rhys’s side of his wings were out you wouldn’t have been seen
Since you’re so quiet you’re able to sneak up on Rhys and Feyre
Every time you do they jump and it makes you laugh
The two of them love going into Velaris
Shopping and going out to restaurants always drain your social battery but you don’t mind going with them
It’s easy to communicate with their daemati powers especially when you don’t want to talk
You can always let Rhys or Feyre know what you want to get and they’ll order it for you
Sometimes when you talk with others you forget never everyone can talk with their minds
Cassian asked you a question once and you just looked at him, answered in your head, and went back to whatever you were doing
You realized that you didn’t give him an answer and apologized for 3 days straight
Rhys and Feyre love their people so of course they stop and talk to everyone they can in town
You smile and greet them as well but as the conversation goes on you tend to grip one of their hands or arms as you drift to stand behind them
Since you sit out high lord meetings you also typically don’t go to the Hewn City
If you do you usually stay in the Moonstone palace until it’s time to go home
The one time you did go to a dinner was a borderline disaster
You were standing off to the side of the room with Amren while the party was in full swing
You wanted to ask Amren who everyone was coming up to Feyre and Rhys but you were too nervous to ask her. A little while later you noticed that one of the males, who was speaking to them for quite a while, was loudly complaining about Rhys. And he especially did not like Feyre
Hearing enough of this morons blatant lies you snapped. Amren was so shocked, she had never heard you speak so much or so loudly. “How dare you speak of your High Lord and Lady that way! You’re lucky the High Lord doesn’t have his general take your tongue–“
Before you could keep yelling Rhys appeared next to you dragging you away
They we’re both very proud of you for yelling at Kier. Mor even gave you a big hug since she despises her father.
What you were not super happy about was apologizing to Kier on the throne. Rhys needed Kier on his good side so you would do this for him
Feyre was mad at him for making you apologize so for the rest of the night Feyre kept you close to her and you cuddled with just her in bed. Rhys was less than happy to be forced to stay on his side of the bed
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moonlit-imagines · 1 month
Headcanons for being Thor’s child and longing for a Midgardian
Thor Odinson x child!reader
prompt: anon 🧀: “hi!!! Can I reqs a thor odinson x daughter reader where reader is secretly crushing on a Midgardian girl. and you know how loki can basically read minds he figures it out eventually and everyday her and uncle loki sneak to Midgard to see this girl behind thors back, but funny thing is she's never had a crush before and this one being on a Midgardian girl she's like super confused. and one day thor catches them and she has to explain how she feels abt this girl to him and he's like "....welp i love a Midgardian woman too!" And she's like super relieved and thor goes and meets her(crush) and he's super sweet to her Then thor and uncle loki help her confess to this girl and one day y/n goes to her and just tells her how she feels and by this point they are like best friends so she's super nervous but the girl likes her too and she goes back home and screams to uncle loki abt how amazing she is and what had happened while loki is just laughing at her inexperience with partners.”
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you were quite the rebel, you thought
asgardian royalty with a terrible secret: you’d fallen for a midgardian
and just how were you supposed to make that work, it was laughable
heimdall always made sure to cover for you when you made your “trips”
“be sure to be back by supper, y/n. you know how your father gets” -heimdall
“yes, yes, ‘we must feast, my child!’” -you mocked
“you’d be surprised at how much you and him have in common, young one” -heimdall
“he is my father, after all. i’d hope to be like him, although i fear i’m already quite more brave and strong than he could ever hope to be” -you snarked
“be gone, thorson/dottir, before you make me chuckle” -heimdall
lol ur lil human partner made u chuckle for sure theyre so fragile
oh, and they didn’t exactly know what you were…as in a nordic “god” from the realm of asgard visiting midgard against your better judgement
“your accent is so cute, what is it exactly?” -s/o
“uh, brit—austr—slav—it’s um, well i just grew up around, you know, that area with a bunch of different accents. bit of mutt.” -you
“oh, so like, you’re from new england?” -s/o
“there’s a new england? what was wrong with the old one?” -you
yeah you were not so good at hiding that you clearly weren’t from around there
but you were learning. slowly
meanwhile on asgard
“y/n, you have a strange look upon your face” -loki “might i acquaint it to…love?”
your eyes went wide and loki gave a mischievous smile that would normal shake you a bit, but this love kept you fearless
“oh, dont you give me that look, uncle. are you mad?” -you “ah, what am i saying? ‘course you are”
“oh do i have a look? no, this is just my normal face” -loki, sarcastically
“see, that i’d believe. except you’re truly a menace when someone is happy” -loki
“not to you, oh never!” -loki “so tell me more?”
you rolled your eyes and left it to the imagination, as you weren’t quite ready to let any details go yet
and even thor was starting to get suspicious
“my child, you speak of this love yet i have not seen them! and why do i hear this from loki, am i not your father?” -thor
“yes, you are, but it’s not a big deal. let’s not get lost in the details. just young fascination, might be gone by tomorrow” -you, desperately trying to throw off the trail
he gasps
“you are lying to your own father!” -thor
“am not” -you
“our lineage does not simply become fascinated one day and bored the next, who is this person you do not wish for me to know of?” -thor
you both stare at each other
your lips curl up a bit
his do, as well
“are they of another realm?” -thor
“how did you know?!” -you
“because mine is too!” -thor
“you lie to me?!” -you
“i just forgot to mention it” -thor
“convenient!” -you
“midgardian?” -thor
“…you’re good” -you
“like father, like child” -thor
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 // @deanzboyfriend //
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 9 months
Hey, so I have an idea for a very dramatic request: Tom being scared to commit to the reader so she ends things with him and he knocks at her door drunk one night and apologizes and wants to finally be in a real relationship with her. Maybe you could integrate him accidentally cutting his hand on a bottle and bleeding without being aware of that and reader helps him. So just a lot of angst and a little fluff maybe. Thanks in advance:))
Drunk In Love | Tom Kaulitz
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“i’m just saying i’m not ready for this, y/n.” your situation-ship argued as he got up, putting his boxers on.
you covered yourself with the bedsheet, the bed where you two had just had sex for three times before you started this conversation.
you and tom had been in this kind of relationship for like five months, where you guys fucked, went on dates, but at the same time never made it official.
so, today after a session of cuddles, you collected the braveness in you and started talking. you told him how you were feeling for awhile now, your heart only beat faster when you saw him.
but he crushed your world, answering in the most cold way ever.
you scoffed, looking at him with a small smile that wasn’t born from happiness but from incredulity.
“but you’re ready to have sex and take me out on dates like we’re together?” a hint of sarcasm was in your tone.
tom rolled his eyes and lit up a cigarette, laying down next to you again. “you know how i am, relationships just aren’t for me.”
you shook your head furrowing your eyebrows at him, “no, i don’t know how you are. all i know is what you portrayed for the past three months. you were sweet, treated me like i was all you needed. but now that i want to see where are we going with this, you drop the bomb on me?”
he let out the smoke to the other side of the room, something he always did since you didn’t smoke and he didn’t want to make you inhale it. “can’t you just relax and take this easy? we’re chilling, we’re good. we’re having fun.”
your mouth hanged open as you listened to his words, said so nonchalantly. you shook your head before getting up and beginning to gather your clothes, putting your panties and bra on quickly.
“what the fuck are you doing?” tom’s voice became louder and he got up, coming behind you trying to wrap his arms around your waist, “baby?”
“don’t call me that tom.” you answered coldly, getting away from him and putting your top on.
“can you explain what the fuck is happening? why are you dressing up?” he threw his hands in the air.
“i’m leaving. you know why? because i don’t wanna have just fun. i want something serious, and if you won’t give me it, the next one will.” you talked like you were serious, your tone stern, but deep inside you knew that it would’ve taken a lot for you to get over tom.
the boy chuckled darkly as he heard your words, “the next one huh?”
you nodded putting on your heels and went to walk for the door, but tom grabbed your arm strongly without even looking at you, “sit down.”
you tried to get away from his grip but he was too strong for you, “tom let me go!” you yelled angrily at him.
he clenched his jaw and threw you on the bed so easily, “i said sit the fuck down.”
“if you even think you can go and fuck someone else, you’re fucking crazy. you’re all mine, y/n.” his hand grabbed your jaw, making you look into his eyes.
your chiseled eyebrows and angry stare almost made him laugh, he found it cute when you tried to act all tough.
“i’m not! not anymore since you see me just as a fucktoy.” you couldn’t lie, his words made you blush and you hoped it didn’t show.
“i never said that.” his voice suddenly became soothing and with his thumb he traced your lower lip. you knew what he was doing.
you shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut before slapping his hand away. “let me go tom, i don’t wanna play your games anymore.”
your eyes filled with tears and he slowly stepped back.
“y/n…” he whispered but it was too late, soon you were out of the room and gone.
during the night, you had stayed home with your pyjamas on, just crying your eyes out. you were never able to put an end to stuff but this time you had to. you couldn’t just let it seem like you didn’t have a dignity, but of course it wasn’t easy.
tom was. a big part of your life and thinking about not seeing him anymore was heartbreaking.
your crying made you have an headache, your eyes were puffy and red. you looked into the mirror, you were a mess. all because of a fucking boy.
you yourself why were you always in this type of situations. even the guy before tom, was an asshole who was with you and someone else at the same time. it was like you found pieces of shit easily.
grabbing a blanket and some ice cream from the fridge, you sat down on the couch in the living room, turning on the tv and putting on your comfort show.
slowly your eyes became heavier and slowly you fell asleep. the rest of the week that went by was spent like this, with you having the strength just to shower and sometimes eat.
it wasn’t the same for tom. he wasn’t used to being broken up with and certainly he wasn’t expecting that from you.
he couldn’t lie to himself, you were different. you weren’t like those girls he fucked with just once and dipped, he actually had opened up to you, he saw you as someone that he could trust, be vulnerable with, someone who he could let in and show how he was really like, not the nonchalant tom everyone knows.
and also, he kinda loved everything about you. your smile, your eyes, those deep eyes that he loved staring and getting lost in, your beautiful hair that he loved to stroke, your plump and red lips he found so kissable, your breasts, your whole body. and not just looks, your personality too. you were so kind and sweet, helpful to everyone and always so calm, you always brought him peace. when he was stressed you were the one to always calm him down, even just with your presence, without saying or doing anything. you were sensitive, empathetic, in touch with your emotions and you helped him get in touch with his as well.
so now that all of this was gone, he just couldn’t imagine a life without you. but pride, pride was something tom couldn’t win.
his pride was too strong for him to tell you that he was wrong. he had made a mistake and he had realised how he loved you. how he already missed you and wanted to be with you.
so he started going out every night since that night you guys stopped talking. he was drunk every night, came back home, slept, ate and then did the same thing again.
his friends were worried, he had always been a party animal but they had never saw him drink that way. shit, not even bill recognised him.
“tom? are you okay?” georg asked as he was sitting back on the dirty couch of a nightclub, his eyes almost closing and a bottle of vodka in his right hand.
tom shook his head, suddenly sitting up, “i have to go talk to y/n.” he slurred, sitting up and stumbling.
“no, you’ll talk to her when you’re fucking sober.” bill intervened grabbing his brother’s arm to stop him.
“no! i have to go now! leave me the fuck alone!” tom yelled taking away his arm from bill’s grip, starting to get angry.
“tom, you’re drunk, sit down and just sleep.” gustav said with a calmer tone, but his friend wasn’t listening. he kept shaking his head, waving his hands in the air, “nonono, i want y/n.”
bill sighed, “let me call you a taxi then, you can’t drive to her house.” he began walking outside with tom following behind him messily.
suddenly, his shoulder bumped with someone else’s shoulder, causing tom to look back with furrowed eyebrows.
“watch where you fucking walk.” the guy yelled at him with a challenging air. he had brown eyes and dark short hair.
“i’m not in the mood, man. don’t piss me off.” tom clenched his fist at his side, a very fair warning.
“or what?” the dark haired boy snickered, stepping closer to tom.
tom didn’t say anything, he just placed his tongue against the inside of his cheek while scoffing, nodding slowly before looking back at bill who was shaking his head. he knew of his brother was when he got tested.
without saying anything, in the blink of an eye, tom lift his fist up and made it come in contact with the guy’s cheek, making the girl next to him scream as he fell on the floor.
“oh fuck, tom!” bill screamed aggravated, trying to push the people away and get his brother out of the altercation.
the guy was still on the floor with his mouth bleeding as he tried to cover it with his hand. “what the fuck dude?!”
“what, you wanna fucking fight?, bitch fight!” tom yelled and was ready to kick him but bill grabbed him and made him walk away, out of the club quickly, not before tom spat at him.
“what the fuck is wrong with you?! you don’t know who these people are, you’re trying to get us in trouble?!” he lectured as tom rolled his eyes.
“he started it.” his voice was low and he still slurred those words. an angry and shaky breath came out of his mouth as he kept clenching and unclenching his hands, adrenaline running through his veins.
bill sighed, taking out his phone to call a taxi, that soon arrived and took tom to his destination.
stumbling, he walked to the girl’s door, ringing the bell many times before leaning against the wall with his arm, his head on top of it and his eyes closed.
the door opened and you widened your eyes at the sight.
“t-tom? why are you here?” you were surprised to see him after a week, you thought he would never come back.
he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you deeply, making you walk back against the wall in your house. his breath tasted of alcohol and cigarettes, but you didn’t care. you had missed him.
when you broke apart, you were both panting and looking into each others’s eyes.
“are you drunk?” you tilted her head to the side, stroking his cheek lightly.
tom shrugged as an answer, his eyes full of things unsaid. he bit down his lower lip before looking down. you saw his body starting to shake and immediately understood he was crying.
“tom? hey what’s wrong?” you hated how you were still so sweet to him even when he hurt you, but he was still your love.
tom sobbed, covering his face with his bloody hand, sitting down on the floor. you crouched down infront of him, taking his hand in yours. it was the first time you saw him break down like that.
“look at your hand…can you tell me what happened? please calm down and talk to me.”
your soothing voice was such a comfort for tom, who immediately nodded as you kept his hand in yours, not caring if it got stained with blood.
“i-i was an asshole. i shouldn’t have told you i wasn’t ready, because i am. i love you, y/n. i know i do. i always d-did.” he stuttered and stopped to sniff, “i-i wasn’t brave enough to tell you while sober so i got drunk almost every night to come here and i finally did it. i’m sorry. i’m so sorry i just love you so fucking much.” he finished rambling, letting out a big breath, before closing his eyes.
you were shocked, speechless at the sudden confession. you knew he was out of it and maybe he didn’t know what he was saying but a part of you wanted to believe him, navigate that feeling of happiness.
“tom, you are drunk you don’t know what you’re saying.” shaking your head, you helped him up, his eyes never left your body.
“fuck! i don’t care if i’m drunk! i know better now.” he raised his voice startling you a bit and then got up, grabbing your hips and kissing your neck sloppily.
“i love you…” he kept repeating between the kisses, making you close your eyes. he smirked on your skin seeing your reaction.
“let me help you with your hand.” you softly said, taking a little step back.
“i don’t care about my fucking hand, tell me you love me.” tom slurred trying to grab you by your waist again but he was stopped and dragged to the bathroom by you.
you sighed, helping him against the wall so he wouldn’t fall as you took out your aid kid. “we will talk about it tomorrow morning.”
of course you loved him and he knew it, you just didn’t want to be hurt again by him changing his mind when the alcohol went away.
tom stayed quiet, observing your every movement while you poured a bit of disinfectant on a piece of cotton. you hopped up on the sink and he immediately came between your thighs, partying them away himself.
his eyes were fixed on your face and you tried to not panic because of his intense stare. you knew he could feel your heartbeat increase.
he couldn’t believe how beautiful you were, everything about you, he just couldn’t get enough. you were an angel sent for him.
“t-this could burn.” you stuttered and wanted to slap yourself. patting the cotton against his knuckles, tom hissed at the feeling, throwing his head back for a moment squeezing his eyes.
“that motherfucker.” he commented with a strained voice before sighing out when the feeling disappeared.
“who?” you asked tilting your head, not knowing what he was talking about.
tom rolled his eyes, placing his other hand on your bare thigh and stroking it up and down. “just a dude i punched.”
“why did you punch him?” you ignored his touch, even because you wanted to feel him, and asked the question with an hint of anger. you never liked when people got violent. especially tom.
“because he was being a bitch so he got slapped.” tom casually revealed, not feeling regret for what he did.
“you know i don’t like when you fight.” you finished with his hand and sighed, looking at him with uncertainty in your eyes. “do you wanna go to sleep?”
tom nodded, before making an expression of disgust. “wait, i don’t feel good.”
you knew what was about to happen but you didn’t even had the chance to bring him to the toilet that he threw up all over the floor.
you didn’t care though, you stroked his back and waited for him to finish.
“shit, i’m sorry baby. i’m so fucking sorry.” he cleaned his mouth with the aim of his hoodie.
you knew deep down he wasn’t just apologising for throwing up.
“don’t worry, let’s get you in bed okay?” you put his arm around your shoulders and took him to your room.
he obviously couldn’t undress by himself so you started taking off his hat and headband, before grabbing the aim of his shirt.
“mmh, are we fucking?” he smirked while his hands travelled down your back, squeezing your ass.
you gasped, “no tom. i’m just helping you so you can sleep.” you removed his hands from your body and he whined but fortunately he didn’t say anything else, too tired to keep talking.
you took off everything before helping him go under the sheets, covering him carefully.
“come in bed.” tom whispered with his eyelids opening and closing slowly.
“i will, i just need to clean and i’ll come here.” you took away your hand from his since he had grabbed it and he nodded.
“i’ll be waiting…” he whispered but his eyes were already closed, you knew he wouldn’t be awake when you came back.
infact you found him asleep, his lips slightly parted, his arm above his head. you smiled, he looked so peaceful and calm.
you laid down beside him, kissing him gently on his lips, before placing your head on his chest.
“i love you.” you whispered, drawing small circles on his skin until you fell asleep.
little did you know, tom had heard you, and a smile crept across his face.
a/n: hope you like it!!! i changed the part of cutting his hand w a little fight since i find it even more dramatic lmao <33
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user220811 · 2 years
hii i saw ur crush/best friend headcanons for lo’ak and i loved them sm. i was wondering if u could do hcs where lo’ak and reader both like each other and the reader gets jealous over tsireya? what would lo’ak do if he found out?
“I see you”
Lo’ak x fem!omatikaya!reader imagine (fluff)
Please read!!! I only posted my first avatar imagine yesterday, and am now at 100 followers!! I want to thank you all so much, I am more than grateful!! Hope you enjoy :)
Sorry this ones kinda crap
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I see you- “I see the love and your feelings and your soul and you mean everything to me.”
You and Lo’ak have always had a special connection, and everyone is aware of it. You also clearly like eachother, but both of you doubt that the others feel the same. When you joined them on their travel to the water na’vis, you were quite nervous with what to expect.
“What if they find us?” You ask warily.
“Well then I will protect you.” Lo’ak states.
You smile at his braveness, even though you and him both know that deep down he is just as scared. But Lo’ak loves when he gets a chance to act brave and fearless like his dad.
When you all arrived at the reefs, you were still kind of cautious, and Lo’ak saw this, so pulled you between him and Neteyam. You kept your head down, avoiding the eyes of the Metkayina. You looked away as Jake spoke to Tonowari and Ronal, and glanced at the water around you.
Thats when you spotted a girl emerging from the water. She seemed about your age, and was beautiful. Way prettier than you, you thought. You noticed how Neteyam and Lo’aks heads turned in the same direction, and seemed to linger on the same girl. Neteyam you didnt really care about looking, but you felt insecure as Lo’aks eyebrows ever so slightly raised as his eyes followed the girl, and she looked at him, too. You know you shouldnt feel this way, but you cant help it. For all you know, Lo’ak doesnt have any interest in you, not like you with him.
When she was introduced as Tonowari and Ronal’s daughter, it made you feel even worse about yourself. You weren’t anyone special back in the jungle, just a normal omatikaya na’vi. With Lo’ak being Jake’s son, you felt worried that they would have stronger connections than you and him.
You were taken away from your thoughts by a tug on your arm, and snapped out of it to focus on Lo’ak infront of you.
“Y/n, come on, they are showing us our home. Are you okay?” He says, a hint of concern in his tone.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine, come on” you reply, going ahead with your hand still in his. Lo’ak wasnt fully convinced, but decided to drop it.
Once you had settled in to your home, you were all called to the water, to learn the ways of the Metkayina. You stayed beside Lo’ak, as you were lead to the rocks by the water, by Tsireya and her two brothers. You all sat in a circle, you securely sat between Neteyam and Lo’ak.
“You must learn to slow your breathing to be able to survive under the water.”
She knelt infront of Lo’ak, and placed her hand on his lower abdomen.
“Breathe from here” she instructs
You know it is just their way of teaching, but you felt a wave of jealousy come over you. You werent the type to cause a scene, so you stayed sat down, quietly.
Once you all were able to slow your heart rate enough, you were lead to the water. Lo’ak had a sense of urgency about him as he went ahead with Tsireya, clearly going way too fast for him to handle so soon, and this made you feel deflated. You had only been there a matter of hours and already felt like Lo’ak had found someone over you. You didnt like feeling this way at all, and needed to get away from it. Neteyam, who was swimming beside you, noticed this, but before he was able to check, you spoke up.
“I dont feel all that well, I’m gonna go back.” You say, which is clearly a lie.
Neteyam could tell this, and with a quick glance to Lo’ak and the others ahead, he knew why you felt that way. But he knew you were reserved, and wouldnt tell him the truth, so didn’t want to push it.
“Do you want me to come with you?” He asks softly.
“No no its okay, you go on. Just tell the others I’ll join them another day.” You insist, and turn to swim back to shore before Neteyam could muster another word.
You were now sat down on the edge of your home dangling your feet in the water, splashing the surface with small glum kicks. Neytiri and Jake were with the girls exploring their new home and meeting the clan, so you were on your own.
That was until you heard footsteps.
“Y/n” you hear Lo’ak say as he spots you.
He sits down beside you, placing his feet in the water like you were, and shuffles up close.
“How come you didnt come with us into the sea? It was amazing!” Lo’ak says
“I uh, I didnt feel right,” you said with your head down towards the water “Just wanted to be on my own”
“Are you okay? You have seemed quiet.” He says, gently placing his hand on yours, “Have I done something?”
You look him in the eyes, his filled with concern, yours with longing.
“No, no, its just, its nothing.” You say, returning your focus to the water.
“I know its not nothing y/n, your eyes tell me different.” Lo’ak replies sincerely.
“I guess Im just worried,” you begin.
“About what?” Lo’ak ponders, scooting even closer to you.
“That you’ll forget about me.”
“Wait- what? Why do you think that?” Lo’ak questions, worry filling him.
“Lo’ak, Ive seen the way you look at Tsireya, I mean, I get it, she’s beautiful, shes talented, shes smart, shes-”
“Y/n, stop.” Lo’ak says
You stop.
“Do you think I like Tsireya?” He asks, looking you deep into your eyes as you look up towards him.
“Well its kind of obvious” you painfully chuckle.
“Y/n, I dont like Tsireya.”
You look at him confused, and he shakes his head with a laugh, looking down at his lap for a second.
“Y/n, its always been you.” Lo’ak states. You are taken by surprise, and Lo’ak notices this. He grabs both your hands, and hold you close.
“Y/n, I see you.”
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jhugas · 1 year
Jhugas masterlist:🍀🪷🫧
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Fun fact: All of my titles are a quotations from the story ^^
These stories do not represent BTS at all ! The characters in the stories are not the same as the real persons. These are pure fictions with characters.
English is not my first language ^^
🪐: Angst | 🌺: Smut: MNDI | 🍃: Fluff | 🪨: Sad
BTS: 📹🍂🎞️📀
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‘Brave one’: 🌺 - Jimin, Hoseok — Summary: During a dance practice, you and Hoseok were getting horny, but Jimin wasn’t going to let that happen without him. ~{1,5k}~
‘Trust me’: 🌺 - Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi — Summary: While watching a movie with Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi, things get more spicy than expected. ~{1,6k}~
‘Do it.’: 🌺 - any Bts member — Summary: you and your husband trying to have sex at his concert… and after. ~{1,6k}~
Kim Seokjin: 💜☂️👾
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‘The moon watching over the sun’: 🍃 — Summary: You got your period last night and Jin, your husband, knows how much they hurt. So all day he’s going to take care of you ^^ ~{1k}~
Jung Hoseok:🌟✨🍌
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‘Dirty whore’: 🌺 — Summary: you tease him while you’re eating food at a restaurant with your friends, who would’ve thought you’d be in the toilets doing it with him? ~{1,2k}~
‘I mean it’: 🍃 — Summary: You finally meet the guy you were talking with for a year. After two month meeting in real life, you go to the beach together with his friends. What do you think is going to happen? ~{1k}~
‘Just follow me’: 🌺 — Summary: You and your rival, Hoseok, have to make out in front of the paparazzis to make them believe you’re dating. How will this go? ~{1k}~
‘Look at me’: 🌺 — Summary: You have a bad habit of peeling the skin of your lips. He warns you then teases you until you finally get comfortable enough to have eye contact with him… After all of that? Isn’t he supposed to be just a friend? ~{1k}~
‘Relax baby’: 🌺 — Summary: after your friend Hoseok learns that you never had sex nor fingered, he decides to help you… ~{1,6k}~
‘Can we?’: 🌺 — Summary: Hoseok and you are practicing a duet, but when he learned that you were dancing with someone else the day before, he got jealous. ~{1,6k}~
‘Of Course Baby.’: 🌺🍃 — Summary: You needed him one last time before he left again.. ~{1,2k}~
Kim Namjoon:🎀🎟️🌷
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‘C’mon baby, sit.’: 🌺 — Summary: Namjoon has always protected you since you were young… but now that you were older, he still protected you the same. But you, you wanted to prove him that you grew, and that this feeling that grew on you for him, wasn’t just childish love. ~{1,5k}~
Park Jimin:🍪🐣🌼
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‘Silence spoke better than words’: 🍃 — Summary: Jimin, your childhood bestfriend and crush, has something in his mind at your birthday party. You decide to go up to him and have a nice conversation. But instead, something else occurs. ~{1,2k}~
‘Understand what?!’: 🪐🪨🍃 — Summary: You and Jimin start arguing about your break up, and he decided to clear few things up. ~{1,2k}~
‘Good night love’: 🍃 — Summary: Jimin is scared to confess his feelings for his dear bestfriend, you. Thankfully though, Yoongi will help him open himself. ~{1,5k}~
‘I’m not done with you…’: 🌺🪐 — Summary: Your argument was stupid and getting hurtful, so you expected a few things from Jimin, but not this… ~{1,9k}~
‘Film yourself for me.’: 🌺 — Summary: Your boyfriend misses you while he’s on tour, and he needed one thing from you… ~{1,5k}~
Kim Taehyung:🏮🍄🍓
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‘That one night’: 🌺 — Summary: You and Taehyung got invited to the Celine after party on a public beach at night. As fans are watching and filming you two, you can’t stop each other from flirting, not knowing that things will get pretty… interesting. ~{1,3k}~
1st 200 notes <3
‘Right now?’: 🌺 — Summary: Taehyung and you get some fun on the balcony in the middle of nowhere…
Jeon Jungkook: 🌀🌊🐬
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‘Prove it’: 🌺🪐
‘I don’t mind’: 🍃🪐
Prologue ~{700}~
Day one ~{1,6k}~
Summary: You went to a sport camp with a friend. But you didn’t know that you’ll not only be with her, but also your ex, Jungkook, and your bully, Suhyeok. In front of Suhyeok’s shitty behaviour towards you, how will Jungkook, that already hates him, react?
‘I owe her my life’: 🍃🪐🪨 — Summary: You love Bts and Army, but you don’t think you’re made for this lifestyle, so you’ve been considering leaving the group. But how will Jungkook, the one that loves you the most, react? ~{1,2k}~
‘I want you…’: 🌺 — Summary: You and Jungkook are going to ‘Jack in the box’ release party. But you two being the freaks that you are, you won’t be able to go to the party without having sex… twice.~{1,7k}~
1st 300 —> 900 notes <3
‘Be a good girl’:🌺 — Summary: You decide to try cock warming while he plays a game, but it doesn’t go as planned… ~{1k}~
1st 1k-1.2k likes!!
‘I only want you’: 🍃 — Summary: Jungkook is scared of the moment you’ll get a boyfriend, he doesn’t want anyone to take his place and he tells you about it. ~{1k}~
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ the type to…┈┈┈┈┈
YOONGI—The type in sex to: 🌺
NAMJOON—When you’re sad, scared, needy, and horny:🍃🌺
HOSEOK—Fluff headcannons: 🍃—The type of rich bf to: 🍃—The type in sex to: 🌺
JUNGKOOK—Fluff headcannons:🍃
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livyjh · 10 months
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Temptation ch.1
Co-written with @fhatbhabie
No outbreak!Dbf!Joel x Fem!Plus size!Reader
Series Masterlist
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Summary: After you break things off with your toxic boyfriend, you move back home with your dad. His best friend and neighbor, Joel Miller, takes an interest in you. But you’re the one who has to convince him to make the first move.
A/N: WE ARE SO HAPPY TO FINALLY START POSTING THIS!!!!! New installment every week. Also: reader and Sarah are both in their mid 20s, Joel is in his mid 50s. Reader’s dad in his early 50s.
Chapter warnings: use of Y/n, voyeurism if you squint
Divider art by: @saradika
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“You want help with that?” Your dad asks as you pick up a rather heavy box out of the small moving truck.
“I’m good.” You breathe hard and march bravely into the house and up the stairs, only barely breaking a sweat. When you come back out to the truck your dad is holding one end of your mattress while the other end was being held up by someone inside the moving truck.
Your dad started stepping back. “You got it?” He says into the back of the truck.
“Got it.” The person responds as he comes into view.
Joel Miller.
The long time neighbor and best friend of your father.
You knew him too, of course. You remembered him from before. Before you moved away with your dumb ex boyfriend. He broke your heart and now you’re moving back in with your dad for a while till you’re back on your feet.
But running into Joel Miller on day one… the man you’ve had a small crush on since you were a teen… you didn’t quite expect that.
As Joel stepped out of the truck you called to the men. “Need help?”
Joel turns his head to look at you and nearly drops the mattress, his eyes roaming up and down your body.
Your dad interrupts his train of thought, “No, we got it.”
Joel just nods in agreement.
You watch as they take your mattress into the house and up the stairs, glad it’s a job you don’t have to do.
You and your father and Joel finish unloading the last couple things from the truck around 5pm.
“Tell you what,” your father turns to Joel. “We’re gonna go return the moving truck, when we get back we’ll bring dinner with us. For you too.”
“You don’t have to-“
Your father waves a hand, dismissing Joel. “You helped us out today and you’re gonna let me thank you.”
Joel laughs. “Alright.” He waves to you and your dad before walking back next door.
You get in the moving truck and your dad gets in his car to follow you.
Once the truck is returned, you get in the car with your dad, pick up some burgers and fries and head back home.
Your dad honks as he pulls into the driveway, hoping to get Joel’s attention. He succeeded.
Joel comes walking out of his house a minute later and you can’t help but stare as you get out of the car. You finally avert your eyes when he looks at you with that killer smile.
You smile to yourself as you follow your dad and Joel into the house.
The three of you sit down at the table, “Thanks for dinner.” Joel smiles as your dad passes out the food.
“Yeah, thanks dad.” You smile at your father.
“Of course.” He nods.
You take a peek at Joel across the table, then watch his large hands unwrap his burger. You decide to make conversation just to ease your own nerves. “So, Joel, it’s been a long time.”
Joel looks up at you. “Sure has.” He gives a half smirk.
“How’s Sarah?” You ask.
“Good. She’s gonna come visit on spring break. So you’ll get to see her.” Joel nods.
“Good. I miss that girl.” You hum.
“Me too.” Joel laughs.
“That’s a good kid you’ve got, Joel.” Your dad nods.
“Oh- thank you. Same- same goes for you.” Joel returns the compliment and shoots a smile your way.
Your heart starts beating faster and you decide now is a good time to stuff your face before you say or do anything embarrassing.
The three of you eat silently for a few minutes until your dad pipes up. “In case I haven’t told you yet,” he turns to Joel, “Y/n is moving back in because things went sour with her boyfriend-“
“Dad.” You scold him a little.
“No, uh, you- you told me.” Joel shrugs it off, hoping to make you feel like it’s not a big deal. He looks to you. “Sorry to hear it, Y/n.”
You gulp, feeling a blush bloom behind your cheeks. “Thanks.” You give a weak smile.
Much to your satisfaction, the rest of the meal is silent, your father not over-sharing anything else about you. Not tonight, anyways.
Joel slaps his hands down on his thighs after you’re all done. “Well, thanks for the meal. I’ve gotta get up pretty early tomorrow.”
“Thanks for helping with the furniture and stuff.” You grin.
“Yeah, really.” Your dad agrees.
Joel stands up and smiles at you. “Welcome back, kiddo.”
Kiddo? Ouch. “Glad to be back.” You nod with a fake smile.
“We still on for poker at Tommy’s this weekend?” Joel asks your dad.
“Sure. I’ll be there.” Your dad confirms.
“See y’all later.” Joel gives a half wave as he walks to the front door and leaves.
You and your dad watch some tv for a bit and you’re unable to stop thinking about Joel the whole time. You knew the chances of anything happening with him were slim to none, but… him calling you kiddo really sealed the deal.
You eventually went up to your room, got your phone plugged in, got sheets and a comforter on your bed, found your pillows and got into pajamas. You got in bed and looked around the room. Tomorrow you’d hang curtains, put clothes in your closet, unpack everything that goes in your desk… there was a lot to do.
Yet you fell asleep and dreamed of your neighbor.
The next morning, you wake up and walk to your window while you stretch. You could see into a bedroom in Joel’s house from here. Presumably… Joel’s. His curtains were open but the room seemed empty.
You suddenly came to a realization.
You pivoted to look at your bed. Then back to the room in Joel’s house.
Each room had the bed centered across from the window. The middle of the room lined up between.
You didn’t have your curtains up yet and you couldn’t help but wonder if Joel saw you changing last night. The thought sent blood rushing between your legs.
You moved your desk chair in front of your window and grabbed your curtains, standing on the chair to put them on the rod and hang them up.
Not that the idea of Joel seeing you wasn’t extremely enticing, but…. if he was going to call you “kiddo”… he’s not allowed to see your naked body whenever he fucking pleases.
You drew the curtains shut and checked your phone.
Dad: had to go in early this morning. See you for dinner.
Your dad worked a 9-5 in the city making custom signs for businesses in the area. It’s part of what sealed the “best friend” situation between your dad and Joel. Sure, they were neighbors first. Good acquaintances for the first year they knew each other.
Then Joel decided he needed a new sign for his contracting business and your dad was the guy he wanted to do it. Your dad insisted on doing it at discount out of the goodness of his heart and Joel didn’t take it for granted. They spent a lot of time together coming up with how they wanted the sign to look. Then Joel and Sarah started inviting you and your dad over during the summer to use the pool. And they just became better and better friends as time went on.
You even had Joel’s phone number… well, not for casual contact. You’ve only ever texted or called each other for confirming plans when your dad wouldn’t answer his phone.
You set your phone down and got dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast.
You knew you were going to spend most of the next few days getting unpacked, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t start looking for a new boy toy in your free time. So, you downloaded tinder, swiped until you ran out, and then started unpacking your boxes.
Your phone buzzed several times as you hung up clothes and put books and miscellaneous items in your desk.
You checked your phone after an hour or so and saw that you had over 10 matches on tinder already. You looked through them, unmatched a couple guys you’d changed your mind about, and then answered the 3 messages that had come through.
Surely, it would be easy to get over your little crush on Joel if this many people wanted you.
Your phone buzzed again, a text notification dropping down from the top of your screen.
Joel: I see you finally remembered your curtains.
You audibly gasp. Shit. Did he see you last night? What the fuck do you even say?
You: what?
You play coy, hoping he would clue you in.
Joel: Saw something I probably shouldn’t have.
You type out “and how did it make you feel?” before staring at it for a solid minute and then deciding to backspace it all.
You: Sorry.
Joel: No, I should be sorry. Not that I meant to peep anyways. I turned to my window last night and there you were.
A blush crept up your chest and to your face. Your body was warm, your breathing heavy, your panties were… wet.
“There you were.” You whispered to yourself. It felt flirtatious if nothing else.
You: Did you like it?
Joel: I don’t think this is appropriate, Y/n.
You: Neither is you peeping on your best friend’s daughter lol
Joel: I didn’t mean to.
You: So?
Joel: What?
You: Did you like it?
You sit there for a good 10 minutes waiting for him to text back. The rest of the day passes and he says nothing.
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