#i was doing my rounds at the signing birthday cards tables
nexility-sims · 10 months
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𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡   |   BREIZH, ARMORICA 2008
❧  happy birthday, beloved friend @armoricaroyalty ! this post is so late, but it's done, and i'm happy to share it. i'll save the huge mushy note and just say i'm so grateful to have spent all this time building the best expanded crossover universe ever, to which "collabs" doesn't do justice—that, plus all the friendship stuff, too :^)
‎‎‎‎‎❛ Elise, in a restaurant she had never been to, wearing a dress she had never worn, waiting for someone she hadn’t seen in years, was uncomfortable. She maintained a good façade, however. Pretending her confidence was unshaken had become a skill. The doubt crept in as she pushed herself into ill-fitting molds—ones that, even after all this time, she couldn’t break herself enough to suit. At her best, she didn’t want to. The pressure got to her other times. She had felt it like an unwanted touch as she stood in front of a mirror and regarded the assistant who dressed her with wary eyes. Before instructing them to pull a dress to pair with heels and jewelry, she had swallowed her pride. She could imagine, even if she didn’t know what Leonor may wear to a luncheon, how it would feel to sit across from her. She wanted to be secure and able to enjoy herself, and the price was this particular kind of discomfort.
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
Yet, once they embraced and began to talk, it dissipated. They had both changed over the years, although Leonor especially. She wasn’t the round-faced young woman—just a girl, really, barely out of her teenage awkwardness—Elise remembered. Still, they were transported from their table for two and back to the summer house. Some of the memories were still fond ones. They had talked and laughed many times before, whether as they had breakfast in the kitchen or as they watched Roz carefully collect shells on the beach. Leonor remembered the good times, too. Though this was the first time she requested to meet, Elise had received bouquets on the occasions she was in Armorica, either on her own diplomatic business or accompanying her husband. She knew Elise liked white roses. The note, always a thick card from Breizh’s premier florist, would bear only a signature.
She hadn’t needed Leonor to say anything, but it meant something now that she did.
{Indistinct conversation, light music}
[S] May I bring you something else while you wait, Your Majesty? [E] “Ma’am,” please. And, no, thank you. I think that’s her now.
[L] What a treat!
[E] How long has it been? Almost a decade? [L] Since the wedding.
[E] So, tell me everything. How are you? [L] {Exhales heavily}
[L] I haven’t slept more than five hours in as many years, and I can count the days off on my hands, but I love every minute of it.
[E] It must be interesting work then. [R] Rarely boring.
[E] I enjoy having so much time with my children, really, but … I do wish I had more time for the kinds of things you do. [L] “Armorica’s Mother of the Year, Every Year.” Modiste.
[E] Women can have it all now, can’t they? [L] They can. You can. You’re a queen, Elise. You can have whatever you want. [E] It’s not that simple.
[L] It is. [E] There are expectations, and other people are involved in— [L] I’m sorry, Elise, but I know you. You’re confident, capable, and very smart. You should be able to do more than tote around babies and smile for family photos. It’s their loss if you can’t.
[E] I knew what I signed up for when I married in. I’m happy. Do I wish I could do more interesting and important work? Well, not that the children aren’t interesting and important, but… [L] {Laughs} I know what you mean. And, you know—
[S] Ma’am? Your Highness? May I send your requests to the chef? [E] Oh … We didn’t even look at the menu! [S] It’s prix fixe today, but I have been instructed to assure you we can prepare anything you desire, within reason.
[E] I’ll have what she’s having. [L] {Chuckles} To start, have Abelardo make us turkey stew. He’ll know which. [S] | I’ll tell him, Your Highness.
[E] Now, I have to ask: how is it, having your own little one? She’s getting big now, right? What’s she like? [L] {Laughs} She’s five—what is there to say?
[L] I stopped taking to her to work when the breastfeeding stopped … Three years ago? Dan and I try, but I’ve heard her call the nanny “mama” by accident more than I care to admit. We went to a dance recital before the trip. She already works so hard. It’s precious. [E] Precious is right! Sounds like she takes after her mother.
[E] I remember when mine were that age. You know what Rosalind was like! Freddy? Completely different, and Jacques—
{Elise continues talking}
{Elise, talking}
[E] —and, of course, Roz being Roz, she told Freddy— [L] I have a proposal for you.
[L] Dan and I were considering inviting you and Andre to dinner sometime this week. Do you think he would be interested? [E] Um—dinner? [L] I’d like to invite Roz, too.
[E] Well, I’m not sure. It is last minute, and they both have such full schedules all the time. I could suggest it to him and see, but— [L] Elise, it’s fine.
[L] It was an idea. I can see them another time. I’m just pleased that you were available so last minute. [E] I’m glad, too.
[L] I mean it, really. We haven’t had a proper conversation in a very long time, and I’m grateful you wanted to spend time with me. [E] Thank you for asking me out. Usually it’s just the flowers.
[L] I respect and care for you, Elise. [E] That’s very sweet … [L] I always have, and I always will. I didn’t always show it—quite the opposite—but it’s important to me that you know that.
[E] I believe you. I do.
[L] Oh, do you smell that? Chili, achiote … [E] Sounds spicy. [L] {Snickers}
[L] I had an idea while we were splitting that poached pear. [E] Did you? [L] An interesting and important opportunity for you. [E] Leonor… [L] | Leave it all to me. I insist.
[E] Thank you. [L] My pleasure.
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
The Proposal
I've been sat on this piece for a few weeks now, while I was tidying up my work I came across it and cleaned it up.
I cried while editing this...
It definitely had something to do with this song conveniently playing in the background.
Enjoy <3
Summary: Simon x OC Established relationship (duh), proposal, 1.9k words. First draft dribbles, radio communication inaccuracies. I think I was on my period when I wrote this...
“I got you something.” I turned hearing Ghost walk up behind me. His hands were behind his back. I looked at him smiling. He bought one hand out and handed me a pager. I take it out his hands.
“A pager, wow whats the occasion?” I ask trying to hide my confused disappointment. I hear him chuckle.
“It goes with this.” He brings his other hand round showing a radio with red tape around it. I recognised it, it’s the emergency radio from the medical wing.
“Did you steal this?” I asked taking out his hands. He laughs.
“No I got permission, it’s a gift you’re the medic on call for the next 48 hours.” I look confused trying to hide my excitement. He leans down to whisper in my ear.
“Happy birthday.” I freeze how did he know? I look around hoping no one else heard. I look at him wide eyed. He shrugs.
“This is a good gift.” I say clipping the pager on my belt. Being on the base is so boring sometimes. Price and Ghost are always in meetings Gaz helps with training. I see them for lunch sometime but then that’s it. At least now I can feel like I’m doing something other then following Gaz around. I’ve always wanted to do this. Did he know? Did I tell him at some point? I bring the radio up to my mouth smiling as I press the button.
“Mike-charlie-one on-duty and receiving over.” I wait a second then there is a response.
“Roger that mike-charlie one, we have you scheduled for 48 hours of duty. Sergeant Williams confirm over.” I hug Ghost giddy with excitement I don’t care if people are watching, I break away I know he is smiling under his mask.
“Affirmative this is Williams taking call sign mike-charlie-one for the next 48 hours.”
“Roger that mike-charlie, have a good shift.” I want to say thank you but I’m too giddy bouncing on my feet as I follow Ghost back to the main building hooking the radio on the other side of my belt.
“How did you know by the way?” I ask.
“Know what?” He asks playfully. I smile. I don’t know why I’m following him but I let him lead me through to the mess hall. I had no idea it was lunch already. I was almost too excited to eat. I grabbed a cup of tea and a sandwich and followed Ghost over to Gaz and Price sat at a table. They stopped talking and look at me as I sat down.
“What?” I say. Price hands me an envelope. I look at him as I open it.
“Price this is a get well soon card.” I say Gaz laughs.
“It was all they had in the shop.” He says defensively. I open it, the message inside is a happy birthday one and Price’s signature, like he’s signing a letter or something. I show Ghost.
“You signed it?” He says looking at Price. I show Gaz and he laughs.
“That’s not how you sign a card Price.” Gaz says between laughs.
“I appreciate it, thank you Price.” I say closing the card. I look at Ghost. I didn’t want anyone to know really but as long as it’s just Price and Gaz I don’t mind. I sip my tea listening to Gaz and Price continue the conversation they were having before I sat down. Ghost’s hand found my thigh under the table. It took everything in my body not to move closer to him and lean on his shoulder. Price and Gaz finished eating then left for more training Ghost following after them a little while later. He seemed distracted by something but I wasn’t sure what. I would have to catch him later and ask him what was wrong. I spent the rest of the day going to typical calls, suspected sprain, insulin check, birth control queries. I didn't care how tedious it seemed, I finally felt like I was doing something useful, something I enjoyed. I took each call with a smile on my face giving in to the rush of doing anything medical related. By late evening after a wound dressing class I was tired. I threw myself into bed early.
I wake to the beep of the pager. I look over grabbing it and pressing it off. I pick up my normal radio and press the channel in.
“Mike-charlie-one how copy?” I close my eyes again waiting for a response hoping it’s just the night shift nurse asking for a medication change.
“Eh I was told to contact you about any incoming trauma.” I pick up the emergency radio. It’s still working.
“What incoming trauma?” I ask. I start getting out of bed pulling my pants and jacket on.
“One of the Majors called it in.” I shook my head, fucking Majors thinking they don’t have to follow protocol. I rushed out the room hoping I didn’t wake anyone. I did feel a rush through my body something I haven’t felt in years, the thrill of the chase. The adrenaline pumping through my veins knowing I was about to save lives.
I walk into the med bay pushing my hair back behind my ears. I see a nurse come out and gesture me through to the resus room. I shake my head for a second confused but follow her through pushing on the doors.
“I didn’t hear about any trauma…” I stop in my tracks seeing Ghost standing in the middle of the room. He turns around looking at me I do a double take he's not wearing a mask.
“Simon?” I say confused. I walk up to him, he smiled putting his hands on my shoulders.
“Hey.” He says, he’s relaxed, smiling.
“Hey.” I reply smiling as he pulls me closer. “What’s going on?” He kisses my forehead.
“I wanted to do something special but I realised I can’t wait.” My heart was thumping in my chest as I look at him.
“What do you mean?” I say looking around the nurse was gone. I looked back at him. He leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back wrapping my arms round his body, his hands find the small of my back. He pulls away using one of his hands to brush a strand of hair behind my ear.
“You know the first thing I noticed about you was how much you remind me of Johnny.” I chuckle.
“your eyes,” I say touching his cheek. "Johnny said they were kind he was right.” He smiles kissing my forehead.
“Remember our first mission?” He says, I nod.
“I didn’t think you would stick around, I thought we would scare you off. Then I watched you order those recruits around. Running that triage by yourself. I knew you were right for this team.” I smiled remembering that. We weren't even supposed to be helping, it was the first time I shouted at Price. I thought he would kick me off the team after that.
“When I came to Scotland, and we spent that amazing week together that was when I knew this was right.” I smiled.
“That was my thought too.” I kissed him again. Where was this going, I started getting nervous he must of picked up on it as he pulls away looking at me, our faces centimeters away from each other.
“You’re so perfect, you’re the light in my life you’re the reason…” He stops. I smile giving him a quick kiss.
“It’s okay,” I say stroking his cheek with my thumb. He brings his hand between us and opens it. There is a ring inside. My stomach drops and I gasp when I see it. Simon who doesn’t really do big romantic gestures but he is proposing in the most perfect way. I reach out and touch the ring. He pulls away so he can see my reaction better.
“It’s beautiful.” I say. It’s not traditional, it’s a blue stone. There are smaller clear stones running down the side, on a silver band.
“It’s a sapphire, your birthstone.” I smile taking it in my hand.
“You know you’re supposed to be down on one knee.” I say, my voice catches in my throat. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. Happy tears so many happy tears.
“With my knees?” He chuckles. I look up at him getting a good look at his expression I can’t help myself I throw my arms around him burying my face in his neck standing on my tiptoes.
“Is that a yes?” He says into my hair. I squeeze him tight then let go.
“Yes.” I say. I reach down my shirt pulling out my dogtags, I move them looking round for the clasp. I open it taking the ring out Simon’s hand and threading it through. I watch it fall next to my tags. I pick it up looking at it next to Johnny’s tag. I know he’ll look after it while I can’t wear it. Simon touches my cheek and I smile at him. He’s smiling back, bigger then I have ever seen. I take a big breath in not being able to move my fingers from the ring.
“So are we going to tell Price and Gaz?” I ask. He looks past me nodding his head. I turn to see them looking through the windows of the door. I look at them confused.
“I made them watch the doors so we could be alone.” I chuckle turning back to him. I all of a sudden feel sad, my fingers running over Johnny’s tag. I miss him. I wish he was here. We made a deal to walk each other down the aisle if we ever got married. Now I have to plan a wedding, something I never really thought I would have to do. Simon seems to pick up on the change in my body language grabbing the hand I have clasped round Johnny’s tag.
“Hey,” he squeezes it and I look up at him. He eyes are soft, so kind, soft I have always found comfort in his eyes. “I miss him too, I know he would be so happy for us..” I stop him with a kiss.
“Does this mean I’ll be Mrs. Riley now?” I almost don’t hear the alarm coming from the emergency radio. I see his eyes flick down to my waist and I roll my eyes, picking the radio up to my mouth.
“Mike-charlie-one receiving.” I say trying not to let my voice falter. Simon chuckles kissing my forehead.
"Copy mike-charlie we have incoming 1 c1, 1 c2, 4 c3, 2 deceased, ETA 15 minuets how copy?”
“Wait there actually is an incoming trauma?" I say confused.
"Coincidence?" He shrugs, that does not answer my question.
"Copy incoming trauma, 15 minutes, 1 c1, 1 c2, 4 c3, 2 deceased. Over.” I touched Simon's cheek I had to work now but my stomach was buzzing with excitement. I know If I was just to go back to bed I would not be able to sleep. Now I could pool my energy into something productive.
“You can be who ever you want to be.” He says breaking away from the embrace. I put the emergency radio back on my belt. I need to call the doctor on call, I need to focus on the job. I can’t do that when he is standing in front of me with that look in his eyes. I stand up on my toes kissing his mouth quick.
“I’ll see you later.” I promise. He nods and heads through the doors. I let the ring fall against my chest as I watch him leave. I love him, I always will. This was the perfect proposal.
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mischievouschan4 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Club!AU (QuiObiAni)
I may have missed Wednesday by 10 minutes local time, but IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS! Here's another "what I'd like to write Wednesday" post that isn't truly a WIP:
Obi-Wan so very rarely goes to clubs these days. He'd had his wild streak when he was in college, but now that he's closer to forty than thirty, most of his nights are filled with mugs of steaming herbal tea, a thick novel, and maybe a relaxing bath.
As the owner of a local bookstore, he's already obligated to spend most of his time reading, but he just loves exploring new worlds through the pages of the latest thrillers or feeling the full spectrum of human emotion in a romantic comedy. He never complains about reading more, it's one of his favorite things in the world. But his own life, as calm and predictable as it is, reads in stark contrast to the exciting places that his mind visits in his books.
...Which is why he feels so out of place sitting at a small round table in the second floor bar area of a packed nightclub. The dark space is occasionally lit by the strobe lights flashing up from the open dancefloor below, and the air is filled with a pulsating beat curated by the live DJ. Obi-Wan leans over the railing to take a peek at the writhing mass of bodies all jumping up and down in time with the music.
No, thank you. Hard pass, he thinks to himself.
He's only here because it's Quinlan's birthday today, and the man had dragged Obi-Wan and a bunch of their old college friends out for 'an exciting night out, c'mon Obi-Wan, don't be such a sourpuss'. Obi-Wan had signed resignedly, but didn't deny that he could probably do with a little more socializing beyond occasionally chatting with his clientele. His life isn't lonely, per say, just quiet. And while he usually appreciates the tranquility, sometimes he does wish he could have someone... to fill in the blank spaces of his monochrome existence with a bit of color.
So here he is, nursing a Scotch and contemplating the state of his life as he oh so carefully guards his friends' belongings that they'd left scattered on the table and chairs around him. They'd gone off to do who knows what, and Obi-Wan is halfway convinced that he should pull out his phone and start answering some emails. Suddenly, someone moves the purse off the chair next to Obi-Wan and slides smoothly onto the seat in its place.
"So... aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" a sultry voice asks. Though, a bit of the effect is ruined by the need for him to shout.
Obi-Wan squints through the low light (maybe he should have brought his glasses) to make out the shadowed shape of a young man, really young, probably late teens young, with a handsome face and a headful of bouncy curls. He's also wearing the tightest outfit Obi-Wan has ever seen on a person.
Is Obi-Wan... being hit on right now? By a barely legal twink?
Obi-Wan clears his throat awkwardly. "I- I sell books," he says loudly, leaning closer to speak directly in the other man's ear in order to be heard over the din. The newcomer smells like expensive cologne. Musky. Alluring.
The kid leans back and raises his eyebrows as he blatantly appraises Obi-Wan up and down. "Well, it's a good thing I have my library card then, because I'm totally checking you out," he yells back, shooting finger guns in Obi-Wan's direction.
It takes Obi-Wan a second to even register what was said, too distracted by the juvenile display. "That's what you're leading with?" Obi-Wan questions as he shakes his head.
"You don't like?" the kid brushes off the snub. "How about this one? Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be fine print." This time, the younger man drags out the words 'fine print' as he leans an elbow on the table and gazes up at Obi-Wan through his lashes.
Obi-Wan winces at the exaggeration.
"Still no?" The kid straightens and flicks his head to get the hair off of his forehead, unfazed. (Why was that so attractive?) "Okay, so I was reading the book of numbers, and I realized I don't have yours."
Obi-Wan sighs and holds up a hand, "How about we start with your name?" (He's actually mildly impressed with the kid's ability to think of so many book related pick-up lines on the spot, but something tells Obi-Wan that he doesn't need to inflate the kid's ego any more than it already is.)
"I'm Anakin," the kid, Anakin, answers. "What's yours?"
They sit there shouting at each other for a while with Obi-Wan becoming increasingly drawn in by the younger man's gorgeous eyes and attractive smirk. Anakin's smile should be illegal, Obi-Wan thinks to himself. He looks like sin incarnate. And the kid keeps touching Obi-Wan, finding every opportunity to lay a hand on Obi-Wan's bicep or trail his fingers across Obi-Wan's thighs. It's starting to drive Obi-Wan a little mad, his cock is definitely half hard in his pants.
All of a sudden, a busgirl comes up behind Obi-Wan, leaning over his shoulder to place a brightly colored shot onto the table. She pushes it towards Anakin as she yells, "From the man at the bar." Obi-Wan notices that she winks at Anakin before rushing off.
Anakin, clearly unconcerned about the safety of accepting drinks from strangers, lifts the glass and looks over Obi-Wan's shoulder to where the bar is, toasts someone - presumably the surprise benefactor who had bought him said liquor - and downs it in one gulp. The bob of Anakin's Adams apple as he swallows looks... incredibly tempting.
Obi-Wan feels annoyance stab through him, couldn't this 'man at the bar' see that Anakin was already taken? In fact, Anakin was the one who'd chosen Obi-Wan! But then, Obi-Wan reminds himself that it doesn't matter, it's not like he and Anakin are actually going to do anything. Right? Right?
"You're popular tonight," Obi-Wan points out neutrally.
Anakin just shrugs and puts his hand back on Obi-Wan's thigh with a smirk.
Obi-Wan quickly forgets why he's even miffed in the first place.
After a few moments, however, another man approaches their table and immediately invades Anakin's space. The man doesn't hesitate to thread his fingers into Anakin's curls and clench them into a fist, yanking Anakin's head back to bring their mouths together in a filthy kiss. They're clearly putting on a show for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan feels his mouth fall open at the sight.
The other man, who is dressed to the nines in a full suit (tie and all), has his long hair pulled back in an elegant braid. He's also significantly older than Obi-Wan himself, and he moves with a well-practiced air that speaks of intimate familiarity with Anakin.
Obi-Wan watches, transfixed, as the man reaches up and wraps his fingers around Anakin's throat. Instead of fighting it, Anakin seems to arch his back further, putting himself on display while simultaneously pushing into the older man’s ministrations. The man doesn't squeeze, but Obi-Wan is getting all sorts of ideas as to what kinds of sexual activities these two get up to in private. Obi-Wan covertly adjusts himself in his pants as he watches Anakin enthusiastically respond to getting tongue fucked in public.
When the two finally break apart, the older man keeps a possessive arm around Anakin's waist as he extends a hand to Obi-Wan. In a bit of a daze, Obi-Wan registers that the other man's hand practically engulfs his own as they shake.
"I'm Qui-Gon," the man introduces himself. "I understand that you're the one my boy wants to fuck tonight." Qui-Gon also gives Obi-Wan an appreciative onceover. "Not bad," he compliments with a sensual smirk.
Obi-Wan instantly flushes red when he realizes that (somehow) both men are hitting on him? (How is this real life?) Maybe it’s due to the sheer implausibility of such a situation, or maybe it’s because he’s just that horny, but Obi-Wan lets himself get ushered into a back room of the club, a fancy office with a huge couch and, thankfully, soundproof walls.
"Are we allowed back here?" he asks tentatively. Finally able to speak at a normal volume.
"Yeah, we come here all the time," Anakin answers nonchalantly.
"But won't we get in trouble?"
Anakin smirks as he starts to shimmy out of his skin-tight outfit. Right there. In the middle of the room. "The owner of this place doesn't care," he says flippantly.
"In fact," Qui-Gon says as he comes to stand behind Obi-Wan and wrap his big hands around Obi-Wan's waist. The taller man brushes his nose against the shell of Obi-Wan's ear, sending shivers down Obi-Wan's spine. "The owner of this place likes to watch." Qui-Gon's voice rumbles like gravel, low and husky, and Obi-Wan can’t possibly resist. He pushes his hips back into the taller man and whimpers as Qui-Gon's hands slip in and dip below the waistband of Obi-Wan’s pants.
Anakin is completely naked at this point, and he goes to sit on the couch, hard cock on full display for the two older men. "And in case you're wondering," Anakin explains as grabs some lube hidden in the cushions, "Qui-Gon is the owner."
The long-haired man hums in confirmation as he tilts Obi-Wans face up for a long-awaited kiss. Qui-Gon is clearly very experienced at this, and Obi-Wan can do little except wind his arms around Qui-Gon's neck and cling. His knees have gone weak, and his brain is fuzzy.
Obi-Wan has his first threesome that night, with Anakin fucking into Obi-Wan with fervor at the same time Qui-Gon fucks Anakin at a more leisurely pace. The kid finishes before either of the other two, overwhelmed by the double stimulation, and Qui-Gon ends up fucking Obi-Wan until they both cum. By that point, Anakin is hard again, and Qui-Gon guides Obi-Wan to suck Anakin off as Qui-Gon fingers the younger man's hole.
Needless to say, Obi-Wan is thoroughly embarrassed afterwards, but Anakin just bulldozes through any awkwardness with his loud personality, and Qui-Gon seems to know exactly what Obi-Wan needs. A towel. His phone. A reassurance not to worry about Obi-Wan's friend's personal effects because Qui-Gon has already thought to ask a security guard to watch over their table.
Something about Obi-Wan must really make an impression because Anakin and Qui-Gon find ways to worm their way into Obi-Wan's life. Qui-Gon likes to stop by Obi-Wan's shop during the lunch hour to whisk Obi-Wan off to a fancy date. Anakin, who is actually older than Obi-Wan initially guessed (but not by much), is finishing up school to be a pilot, so he spends afternoons doing homework in the bookstore.
Obi-Wan is reluctant to believe it at first, but gradually, as weeks bleed into months, and months into years, Obi-Wan realizes that they are invested.
They each have their preferred sleeping positions in bed at this point (Anakin always wants to be in the middle). Qui-Gon has even become a business partner as he generously lends out the club space during the day for Obi-Wan to use for larger events that don’t fit in the bookstore, signings and club meetings and drag queen readings for kids. And every time he's home between flights, Anakin barrels through their lives like a hurricane, sexually and in other ways. The gifts he brings back from other cities are becoming too numerous to count in their new shared home.
Obi-Wan realizes he doesn't need a ring or a formal marriage to know that he's found his people. And maybe the matching tattoos the three of them get represent that promise. A stylized bird rising into the air, its wings spread to form the shape of a circle. Together forever, Anakin had promised. And without Obi-Wan consciously realizing it, he slowly comes see how Anakin and Qui-Gon have taken a palette to Obi-Wan's cookie cutter life and painted it in brilliant swathes of color. Together forever, Obi-Wan thinks to himself.
In the end, he gets his fairy tale ending.
Ho boy, where did my mind go this week? I originally just wanted to write the tag-team club pick up, but then my mind went to bookstores and fairy tales and color metaphors. WOOPS!
ALSO: Yes, it's Qui-Gon that buys Anakin the shot. It's their little play, if Anakin drinks it there, he wants Qui-Gon to come over. If he's bored, he'll take it and walk away to enjoy in Qui-Gon's lap hehe
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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fxirybun · 3 days
hi fxiry, i’m curious about how you started getting into tarot? do you have any tips for learning and getting better at reading the cards? also what are some of your favorite decks that you own? (hope you don’t mind me asking so many questions hehe ☆彡)
i feel honored to be asked about this one hhh so this is going to be a lengthy one (๑•̀ᴗ-) though i wouldn't be able to cover all of it !
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ෆ⸒⸒ how it all started
before tarot , i started with the chinese zodiac back when i was in my elementary days (can't remember the specific age TT) because , in my country , we celebrate the lunar new year annually. during those times there would be a couple of books or magazines that discuss about the fortune of a person's animal sign that is based on his / her birth year.
i was a curious kid back then so whilst i was at my grandparents' house i would scan through my grandfather's desk drawer and that's when i discovered this booklet that talks about the chinese zodiac. it got me hooked so i decided to use the booklet as a way to discuss my grandparents' fortune with them.
when i went home , i decided to scan through (i'm so nosy omg-) my mother's cabinet in search of magazines that contain topics about the chinese zodiac. after a while , i use the knowledge that i gathered from reading to discuss fortunes , facts , etc. with my parents , my aunts , my cousins-- or simply the entire household lmao 😆
it wasn't enough for me because i had this craving within me to discover more so for the following months i decided to look up the internet about it. this is where i started to discover astrology. i would jump into websites and i remembered this particular section wherein you get to do a compatible test with someone.
just like what every child does , i decided to enter me and my crush's birth year. besides that , i would try to find out about my friends' birthdays to know more about them and such. following months had passed , i'm starting to feel bored and the craving doesn't stop. so whilst searching on the internet that's when i find a tarot website that generates free readings.
i got hooked on it so i would engage the website and ask bizarre questions if my crush likes me or what 😭💀 like girl stop it already-- over time i became serious with my studies so i didn't pay attention to any forms of divination , not until high school.
but before that , i do remember my mother wanting to bring us with her to visit this fortune teller , she knows this old lady personally. i was young so my memories were fuzzy. all i could recall is her wearing dangled gold pieces of jewelry , a blue (?) rounded table , and a rider-waite smith deck.
she was a really good fortune teller because she predicted all the things that were going to happen to my relatives , problems within the family , etc. (i don't want to disclose the details for privacy reasons).
for this reason , i became aware of the existence of tarot but i didn't pay any attention to it because i was a child.
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ෆ⸒⸒ the turning point
when i was in 6th grade (?) , i'm starting to get vivid dreams about something that would end up happening irl. the example of it is having an image of a girl and how it didn't leave my mind because i had this feeling that there's something "important" about that girl. one year has passed , and i felt tingles from my skin when i met the exact same girl in my dreams who became my classmate and my high school friend.
i would even experience the feeling of deja vu , making me question about the way this world works. again , i kept on ignoring it because i tend to be someone who has a practical approach. yet , it seems that the universe or a some type of higher being really wants me to awaken this "ability" that i have.
so boom ! i met some random guy and how i've been getting tons of synchronicities and signs from him 😀 it's like we have this telepathic connection 'cause he's experiencing it too. as always: didn't work > me cried and acted dramatic > 1 year later , me over 🙂‍↔️
i did my research and that's when i stumbled on the "twin flame" concept though i don't seem to buy the whole idea of it :/ the good news ? that was my icebreaker to buy a tarot deck as i get to learn more about sprituality and divination.
what's worse is how i've been getting this eerie feeling that someone in my family is going to pass away. i didn't want to tell to my mother because she'll think that i'm paranoid. months later , my aunt was the one who would leave us too soon.
when i decided to tell my mother about it , she didn't believe me at first but suddenly she decided to tell me about my other aunt who used to be a tarot reader. she thinks that it runs in the family for someone to have this "ability" and how we share some similarities.
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ෆ⸒⸒ my abilities
that's how i realized that i may be a "psychic" though i don't want to label myself as one because i'm not confident with my abilities.
all i could say is:
i get information or words / phrases / sentences in my mind each time i do a reading for someone.
i get vivid dreams that would manifest itself.
i can feel the energy and every time i'm outside i can immediately distinguish a person's personality based on what they're showing me. a lie detector test in simple words and how my intuition never fails me , which made me hard to trust people these days.
i would witness a supernatural occurrence. an example would be inside the house which usually happens at midnight. the lights in the living room would blink uncontrollably.
i would hear a "ringing" sound or even faint voices in my ear and how the sound that surrounds me became quiet , hinting that there was an energy of something within the house.
recently , this "energy" made it clear that they were here by trying to make this loud scratching + banging sound from a door across the hallway. i checked to see but there was no one there and it's raining very hard outside so it was impossible.
few days before that: when i was about to sleep , i heard a gliding thud from the window beside me. still , no sight of the person doing it and the window isn't close to a tree , don't own any domestic animals , or anything that can produce that kind of sound.
i would also see a flying orb-like light coming from outside whilst i'm studying. that was few months ago i believe..
there's more but i don't want to turn this post into horror or scary-related TT
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ෆ⸒⸒ tips for those starting with tarot [ incomplete guide ]
the following sections doesn't include the use of intuition and more ! only the basics.
as cliche as it may sound , you need to understand and apply the meanings of the cards first. you can start practicing by performing a reading to your family or friends. mistakes are made along the way and you shouldn't feel discouraged by it. try to enjoy the process of learning ^^ and take those mistakes as a lesson 'cause i've been there too lmao.
start with a one-card spread first ! try not to jump on doing three-cards , six-cards , celtic cross , or any tarot spreads that are deemed as complicated for you. i made this mistake and how it made me feel so confused and lost 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 through this you get the idea of what the card is all about.
don't do reversals just yet ! take note that a tarot deck contains 78 cards: major arcana , minor arcana , and the court cards. which means you need to be familiar with 78 meanings and that's a lot for a beginner. so take this one as you're starting point. once you're confident about knowing the upright meanings , that's when you start incorporating the reversals ^^
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ෆ⸒⸒ read the spread like a storybook
let's say that you've already mastered all of the list i mentioned above and you want to add more cards to make an in-depth reading. you decided to do a three-card spread and suddenly , you encountered a problem wherein you couldn't seem to connect the three cards' interpretation due to their different meanings and how it doesn't seem to fit the said question.
01 understanding the question that is being asked.
try to identify if the question is related to love , career , a person , etc. that way you get a better idea as to what this reading is going to be all about. the question needs to be specific ! having a broad question is hard to discern.
example : "who is my future spouse ?" ✘
alternative : "what is my future spouse's personality ?" ✓
02 cut the cards meaning into pieces
try to write down notes about the meanings or words of the three cards that corresponds to it.
labyrinthos interpretation:
king of cups = wise, diplomatic, balance between head and heart, devoted, advisor, counsellor
the world = completion, achievement, fulfilment, sense of belonging, wholeness, harmony
nine of cups rx = unhappiness, lack of fulfilment, disappointment, underachievement, arrogance, snobbery
03 connect the meanings , reading from left to right
after you list down the meanings / words , this is when you're going to apply those to a context. you should start from left to right , just like how a storybook is being read.
example :
the personality of your future spouse is someone who knows how to regulate their emotions well and is in touch with their feelings. you could always rely on them in times of stressful situations because your future spouse would do the means to reassure and comfort you , letting you know that you're being understood by them. they may also have achieved greater heights in their life such as being able to get a proper education , getting what they want , and a stable career. even so , it seems that something is missing from your future spouse. no matter how many times they've received the sweetest and most memorable moments in their life , there's a void that's coming from within. perhaps the missing piece that they're longing for could be you , the one who can make them feel complete or whole again.
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ෆ⸒⸒ my fave tarot decks at the moment
01 rider-waite smith tarot : i find it funny how i used to not like the imagery of the cards due to how "old-fashioned" the drawings were. i bought a knock-off version of it for practice reasons. as i tried to bond with this deck i ended up finding myself in tune with the readings i made. the images of the cards are easy to interpret ! hopefully , i get to purchase the authentic version of it. i get to do riffle shuffling with this deck too ^_^
02 tarot of the divine : every beginner tarot reader's first love ! 😆 this was my first deck and has been with me through thick and thin lol (the appearance says otherwise). due to the bond i had with this deck , its answers became very straightforward ! what i love about this deck is the cardstock quality. very easy to shuffle because of how smooth it glides even though it leans on the thicker side ;; i also love seeing the tales of each country.
03 the light seer's tarot : what i love about this deck is the diversity of each card ! the imagery is modernized , making it easy to feel relatable with the deck and how you get to easily interpret the meaning of every card. the guidebook is thick-yet-informative lol. i also find it easy to shuffle the cards with my hands. the deck is a lil bit thicker so it may be hard to perform a riffle shuffle ʕ •̥ ˕ ก ʔ
04 ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck : the good thing about this deck is even though it is a bit bigger than the standard rider-waite smith size , its cards are thin which makes it easier for me to shuffle. i love how soft , earthy , and pastel-yet-creamy (?) the cards and the drawings were made. it reminded me of one of those greek paintings and statues for sure. it comes with two different cards and you can find its meanings from the guidebook itself.
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honyakuninakunaru · 2 years
Together At The Carnival Of The Flowers // Mithra SSR Card Story
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Akira: "Hmm, where could Mithra be... He wasn't in his room..."
Mitile: "Master Sage!"
Rutile: "We found him! He's up there!"
Akira: "On the... rooftop? Ah! You're right!"
Shifting my gaze upwards, I saw Mithra’s sprawled figure.
Akira: “HELーLOOO!”
Rutile and Mitile: “MISTER MIーTHRAー!”
Mithra: “...Hm?”
Mithra: “.....”
Rutile: “Ah! He's waving at us!”
Akira: “At least he's listening...!”
I raised the invitation I'd brought and waved it high up for Mithra to see.
Akira: “One of Shylock’s old acquaintances signed over this magic playground to him! I had lots of fun when I went with Shylock, so I’d love to bring you there for your birthday!!”
Mithra: “What on earth are you three doing?”
Akira, Rutile and Mitile: “Whaー!”
Akira: “Mithra! Weren't you up on the...”
Mithra: “Didn't you need me for something?”
Akira: “Yes, and I was just explaining it to you...”
Mithra: “Explaining what?”
Mitile: “Erm...”
Rutile: “Did you perhaps not hear us well?”
Mithra: “No.”
Akira: “(So he wasn't listening at all, huh...) I-I’ll explain it once more then. Since your birthday is coming up soon..."
(Mithra's room)
Several days after that, I paid Mithra a visit.
Akira: "Thank you for making the time for this! I'm glad I get to plan your birthday party!"
Mithra: "Rutile and Mitile wouldn't stop pestering me about it, so... In exchange, you must absolutely put me to sleep tonight."
Akira: "Ahaha... I'll do my best... Here. Write your name and chant your spell, please. That will open the gates to the playground."
I placed said gates - as tall as a picture frame, with ivies and flowers coiling around them - on the table.
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
The moment Mithra chanted his spell, light enveloped the invitation and the playground's doors began to flicker. Then, little by little, fog engulfed the entire room.
When the fog lifted, we found ourselves in a lavish casino. Everything around us was blindingly dazzling.
Mithra: "...You know, I'm not a fan of having my clothes randomly changed. You've got quite the nerve doing that."
Akira: "T-This is a sort of welcome! Everybody who's been invited has their outfit changed. Yours looks great on you!"
Suddenly, a tin puppet with arms full of tokens came to us.
Akira: "Oh, they've brought us chips to play with. Shall we play a game? If we need a dealer, we can always ask the puppet."
Mithra: "Well, I suppose we could go for a round since we're already here anyway."
He took a chip from the puppet and brought forward his hands in fists.
Mithra: "Here, try and guess."
Akira: "Uhmm... (Does he want me to guess in which hand the chip is?)"
Mithra: "Choose wisely. If you guess right, I'll do anything you ask. But if you guess wrong... I'll have your arm."
Akira: "M-My...arm?!"
Mithra's crystal green eyes gaze coldly at me. Face unchanging, he continued.
Mithra: "... I think that's only fair. I have to comply with every little thing you say just to get you to put me to sleep every single time. It would be much faster if I could simply snatch that hand of yours. This is the best birthday gift I could ever receive, no?"
There was nothing unusual in the way he said this - neither his tone nor his expression. Shivers ran down my spine at the realisation that Mithra might not be joking.
Akira: "(I should tell him that won't do, but...)"
Mithra: "Come on, choose. It's all up to you."
Akira: "...Alright then..."
With a trembling finger, I pointed at Mithra's right hand.
Akira: "Uhm..."
When I did, Mithra opened both fists, dropping the chip from his left hand.
Akira: "Ah...!"
Mithra: "You lost. Then, if you'll excuse me."
Akira: "Mithra, waitー!"
Mithra gripped my right arm and squeezed so hard it hurt.
Mithra: "....."
Just as I was about to cry out, he suddenly let go.
Akira: "...Eh?"
I slumped down on the floor. Breathing hard, I felt the pounding of my heart resonate within my entire body. Looking down at me, Mithra spoke.
Mithra: "<Arthim>"
(Amusement park)
Akira: "Whoa...!"
In a flash, the scenery around us changed. We were now in an amusement park one would expect to see children play.
Mithra: "If you're going to chaperone me, I'd rather it be a place like this. It's a bit too early for a casino."
Akira: "S-So this is what you meant when you said you'd have my arm?!"
Mithra: "I was kidding earlier. Come on, you can stop shaking in your boots now, you're ruining the mood."
Mithra grabbed my arm once more and helped me back to my feet. This time, he was much gentler, as if he was trying to cheer up a child.
Akira: "(He gave me quite a scare just now... Turns out he was worried... In his own, Mithra way.)"
Though my heart was yet to calm down, I wanted to spend Mithra's birthday having fun.
Akira: "...Then, shall we ride on that flying merry-go-round?"
Mithra: "Sure, if that's what you deem fun. You said you'd escort me, right? Let's go."
Akira: "Yep, leave it to me!"
(After a while...)
Akira: "Huff...Huff... I-I thought it was going to be a... fun ride, but..."
Mithra: "You were letting out quite the screams earlier. You almost sounded like a dying bird."
Akira: "I-I didn't know there was a ruse that would snap the cord of the swing! ....Ah."
(Petals fluttering)
Mithra: "...What is this?"
Akira: "(It's our return call...)"
The exit doors will open once the person invited to the Carnival of the Flowers has enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. When that time comes, flower petals will come fluttering down to send them back.
(Mithra's room)
Soon, the mist that had enveloped us at first brought us back to Mithra's room.
Mithra: "Well that wasn't too grand."
Akira: "(...These kinds of things aren't good for my heart...) Well, Mithra, did you enjoyー"
Mithra: "Yes. Here."
Without allowing me to finish my question, Mithra extended his hand to me. Smiling wryly, I took his hand in mine.
Akira: "Mhm, I'll do my best to help you sleep."
Mithra: "....."
Akira: "...What's wrong?"
Mithra looked at my hand for a while before muttering to himself.
Mithra: "A warm hand is better than a cold one, I suppose."
Akira: "Eh...? (This isn't another of his jokess is it...)"
(Door opening)
Rutile and Mitile: "Good evening!"
Akira: "What's up, you two?"
Mithra: "...What brings you here so late?"
Rutile: "I see you've returned from the playground! We're almost done with the party arrangements, so we came to check on you!"
Mitile: "We've prepared lots and lots of food! Hope you'll like it! Of course, you should come too, Master Sage!"
Rutile: "We'll be waiting for you!"
(Door closing)
Akira: "Ahaha, seems like you'll have to be awake for a little longer."
Mithra: "Oh, woe is me..."
Despite the big sigh he heaved, Mithra didn't look the least displeased.
Akira: "Thank you for everything you've done today, Mithra. Happy birthday."
A Fun And Peaceful Party? // Card Training Episode
Akira: "Are you taking an afternoon nap in the courtyard today, Mithra?"
Mithra: "I was trying to, but this spot is an absolute no-go. First, the twins came up and tried to talk to me, and then that Central knight invited me to spar. It's simply too noisy."
Akira: "A lot of people pass through here, so it is lively. It was the same on your birthday, though, wasn't it? Everybody was coming up to talk to you and congratulate you."
Mithra: "Congratulate me...?"
Akira: "Yeah...? Do you remember the birthday party everybody threw you?"
Mithra: "Oh, right, there was something like that. I reckon the southern brothers were noisier and pushier than usual. I understand why they'd want to thank me. They do cause me a lot of trouble."
Akira: "They prepared your favourite meals and invited everyone as well. Even Owen and Bradley showed up! Though, Snow and White did tie them to a chair so they wouldn't run away..."
Mithra: "And here I thought they were into something weird. They were mumbling about killing those twins later and such... The looks on their faces were absolutely priceless."
Akira: "Ahaha... (The aftermath of that was quite the scene though...) Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself! That's all that matters."
Big thanks to @sleepyena for providing the raws for this story!
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More Than Anything!
Yume Ume Birthday Vignette!
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Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Trey Clover, Ace Trappola, Grim, Yume Ume, Yuuta Midori, Yuuuhi Kiiro, Guest: Elie Akane
Words: 5.8k
Summary: “IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY!?!” Ace shouted, his voice echoing through the rose garden maze. As he did, time seemed to stop, all the Heartslabyul students' Unbirthday celebrations came to a halt at the words; they stared at their table.
(This is just a little fun thing I had in mind for Yume's birthday. Since it would be their first Birthday card I wanted to focus on some of their first friends at NRC; The Heartslabyul Gang! There's references galore and I'm sure people will spot them. Thank you again for all the sweet birthday wishes! (o´▽`o))
Birthday Card Art ⭐
Birthday Card Groovy ⭐
Asked to be tagged: @bunnwich, @cherryjkj,@ruggiethethuggie,@authoruio,@nicoliharu,@kittycat0419
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“Hey what up everyone, it's ya boy CayCay! Here #live from another Heartslabyul Unbirthday party!” Cater said, flashing a wink and peace sign to his phone's camera as he went live on Magicam.
“Does he always do that?” Yuuta asked,to no one in particular, sitting next to Yume on the other side of the large round table.  
“Every unbirthday party, on the dot, for the past three years.” Trey said lightheartedly, though Yume could hear the slight edge of exasperation that could only come from knowing a person’s habitual routine for years.Trey laid down a tray of tarts to the guest table causing Ace, Yuuhi, and Grim to cheer and dig in immediately. Yume waited a few seconds before the carnage was over to grab a piece of their own and placed it gently to the side.
“You get used to it pretty fast.” Deuce smiled with a good natured shrug, grabbing two pieces of a tart and laying one on Yuuta’s plate. The two of them shared a look and a smile, before turning back to their food. Yume caught Yuuta’s eye as they gave him a smug look, Yuuta rolled their eyes, saying nothing. Yume snickered, as their brother's fair cheeks tinted a bit pink and they stuffed a forkful of tart in their mouth.
“Today is extra special because we have our honored guests, *dun dun dun dunn~!* The Ramshackle gang! Say, “hi” guys~!” Cater said, humming a fanfare noise, before turning the phone camera around to the three brothers. Yume jumped and instinctually leaned to hide behind Yuuta's shoulder. 
Yuuta gave Cater a look, before turning away from the camera as well, covering their face eating their tart. Yuuhi flashed a peace sign, as comments flooded the screen:
CayCay’s Very Merry Unbirthday!!!
🔴 [You’re live]
Chivalrousrichesse: OMG the food looks to good, #gimmie a bite
Bigcatluver69: Omg their eyes are green like their hair, its so striking!!! o///o AzzLuver89: Is that kid's hair purple? I can’t tell #weird
Carefold: are those the ppl from “another world” they look pretty normal to me… ;/
FeaturedLeo: Ugh the aesthetic of these things are always so cool! I wanna go! #NRChitmeup Bnutsquash: Happy Unbirthday everyone!! #MerryUnbrithday
FlirtyPsych: Cater plz dm!!!<3 #CayCaySimpAndProud
“Cater, don't spend the entire party on your phone.” Riddle warned, gracefully taking a sip from his rose patterned teacup. 
Cater’s shoulders hiked at being called out and he sheepishly rubbed that back of his head. 
“Yep yep, of course!” He said placatingly to Riddle, then he looked back at the camera. “That’s all for now! Gotta get back to my card soldier duty or it's off with my head~! Be sure to check my feed later for pics! Bye Bye~” He said cheerfully, giving a playful wink before ending the stream. Then, he sat in his chair, a content smile on his face as he scrolled through his feed of comments.
There was a sigh from Riddle, it seemed like he wanted to comment more about Cater’s media addiction, but decided against it. Trey laughed at his sigh.
“Well, he’s nothing if not consistent!” Trey said in good nature, coming back with the last dessert from the kitchen and finally sitting down in his own chair. “Oh here, Yume, try some of this cake!” 
Yume perked up at their name being called. “Oh no, it’s okay I already have this tart.” They said politely waving him off. Trey raised a knowing eyebrow at them.
“But, you don’t like tarts, Yume.” He said coyly.
“Mh-!” Yume’s eyebrows raised in surprise, their brothers and friends looked at them curiously.  Trey continued before they could deny it.
“You always take a piece to be polite, but you never end up eating it. You usually end up giving it to Grim afterwards.” He said, adjusting his glasses, as if he was making the observation right now.
“Uh, well I-It’s not that it tastes bad I ju-” They stumbled to get the words out.
“Hey, hey, it’s fine I’m not mad or anything. We all have different tastes here!” He said, holding his hands up in a placating motion. Yume sighed, not mad, but a little embarrassed at being called out.
“Sorry, it's not your baking skills or anything Trey, I’m just a bit picky about food is all…” Yume trailed off.
“You guys should see the way he eats popcorn.” Yuuta chimed in.
“Yuuta!” Yume slapped his arm playfully.
“Oh, it must be really weird.” Ace staged whispered teasingly.
Yume groaned dramatically, laying their head on the table as their friends had a good natured laugh at their expense.
“Like I said, I’m not mad or anything. Actually, I’ve been taking it as a bit of a challenge, to bake something you like-without getting your input, that is. So I think you’ll really like this cake.” Trey said, cutting them a slice and sliding it over to them.
It was a 3 layered cake with a light colored frosting. There was a light drizzle of red syrup and an arrangement of strawberries at the top to imitate a rose in full bloom. It looked good enough, like all the flavors Yume usually liked to eat. They gave a tentative sniff and didn’t have a problem, so they picked up their fork. They were a little on edge, it felt as though everyone was watching them and waiting for their opinion as they popped the piece of cake into their mouth. “Mmh~!” They made a noise of satisfaction as the cake touched their tongue. The frosting was sweet, but not overpowering. Letting them taste the light fluffy cake and tart tanginess of the strawberries and syrup. They closed their eyes in delight, their cheeks flushing with happiness as they smiled. Because their eyes were closed they missed Trey’s goofy fist pump in success. 
A sudden click and flash, however, did make them open their eyes.
“Ah! Me-Me is so cute, that’s definitely getting a lot of likes!” Cater said, pulling his phone down to look at his picture. He received an elbow bump and a look from Yuuta. 
“A-ah-, that is as long as Me-Me is okay with me posting it.” He amended. Yume let out a breath. Guess that “mom” title really stuck. Yume thought , looking at their brother. “I’ll want to look over it first, but then I don’t really mind.” Yume said, taking another bite of the cake. It’s not like Cater hadn’t already posted pictures of them before, so it wasn’t a huge deal. They barely went on their MagicCam for anything, except to use the messaging system. They swallowed down the tasty piece happily rocking in their chair.
“Y’know it's actually pretty nice to have some cake the day before my birthday!” They said, offhandedly.
“What!?!” Both Ace and Deuce exclaimed.
“It’s your birthday soon?” Ace asked, almost a little annoyed to only be hearing about it now. He leaned in. “You're not trying to pull a ‘Yuuta’ are you?” He sneered. 
“Hey!” Yuuta said, giving him a look but couldn’t deny their past actions. At this Riddle was confused, clearly out of the loop, but before he could ask the conversation continued.
“No no, I wanna celebrate it just…maybe something small you know?” They said, fiddling with their cardigan sleeves. “I feel like it would be a lot considering Azul’s is right before mine. Two birthday’s back to back sounds exhausting, even if it's in different dorms. Yume sighed. “Ugh, why does his have to be the day before mine, couldn’t he have been born later or something.” Yu huffed in annoyance. 
Trey faltered and paused as he poured Riddle some tea. 
“Wait…what do you mean? Azul’s birthday was yesterday. ” Trey said, placing the teapot down.
“Huh, no no it's today, we didn’t wanna go to his dumb party that's why…” Yuuta trailed off as Trey’s face became more confused. “...It's the 24th today right…?!” Yuuta said, their confidence fading the more they spoke.
“Uh, nono “DoubleYu” today is…umm…w-well not I’m not so sure now ahaha...” Cater trailed off. “Elie, date and time.” Riddle commanded, waving a hand over at the taller Rabbit beastmen. Elie jumped, dropping the plate of cake and fork in his hand as he clumsily fumbled to get his pocket watch out.
“The date is February 25th, approximately to 11:13AM on the dot, Housewarden Sir!” Elie stated, his large ears standing up straight to match the rest of his posture when addressing his dorm leader.
“So that means…” Deuce began, a look of realization coming over his features.
“IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY TODAY!?!” Ace shouted, his voice echoing through the rose garden maze. As he did, time seemed to stop, all the Heartslabyul students' Unbirthday celebrations came to a halt at the words; they stared at their table.
“Oh naur...” Yuuhi grimaced, face palming his ears flattening against his head as he ducked in his seat. All the rest of the first year's shoulders hiked.
“GRIM, YOU LITTLE FLEA BAG, YOU TOLD ME TODAY WAS THE 24TH, I ASKED YOU THIS MORNING HOW COULD YOU GET IT WRONG!?” Yuuta growled, grabbing Grim by his scruff and lifting him off his chair stacked with pillows. “NYA! DON’T YELL AT ME, YOUR THE ONE WHO WOKE ME UP ALL EARLY ON A SATURDAY GETTING READY FOR WORK! I WAS HARDLY AWAKE, YOU CAN’T BLAME ME!?” He countered, swiping his paws at Yuuta.
“It’s your birthday today?” Riddle’s eerily calm voice cut through the chaos, a dead silence came over the garden. Out of the corner of their eye they saw Elie and Cater take a practiced step back.
Yume swallowed, a nervous grin appearing on their face.
“Um….well…yeah…seems like it…ahaha…” Yu said, an anxious giggle escaping them, though some part of them did think it was a little funny. Not that they would ever admit that outloud. Riddle took a deep breath, holding his hand in a prayer like position to his lip. Then he took another deep breath, then another. All the while his brows twitched in and out of a furrow, his face getting steadily redder. It was almost cartoonish, Yume would have laughed if they didn’t know better.
“Oh shit, now you’ve done it-! How could you forget your own birthday!?” Ace said snidely. “I don’t know-I mean- it just happened-!” They shrugged in exasperation. “Everythings just been crazy lately, AS USUAL!” Yume retorted.
Ace looked back at Riddle, his voice shifted to a charismatic calm. “Ahaha, listen Housewarden, it was just a misunderstanding, I didn’t know when I invited them hehe…” Ace said, holding his hands up in a calming gesture.
“T-that’s right, just a misunderstanding!” Deuce said, holding up his arms as if an actual explosion was about to take place. Yuuta gave Yume an uncomfortable look, a silent conversation taking place between them as they soaked up all the anxiety in the air.
“Hey, Riddle, it's okay, we'll figure this out.” Trey said, placing a hand on Riddle’s shoulder.
Riddle's eyes twitched before taking one more deep calming breath. He closed his eyes, his face losing its color and shoulders suddenly relaxing. He folded his hands in front of himself on the table calmly and smiled at Yume. 
“It's alright Yume, you couldn’t have known what a big deal this is; as you do not follow the Queen of Hearts rules to the same degree that I do. It was an honest mistake.” He said calmly; a passive look of acceptance on his face.
“Oookaaay…” Yume said, somehow his calm response only freaked them out more.
“But, the rest of you DO know what a big deal this is, correct?” Riddle said with a smile, his eyes narrowing at his fellow dorm members. There were a few sheepish mutters of agreement throughout the crowd. Riddle nodded. 
“Well in that case, this entire eVENT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE!” Riddle yelled, his tone changing to a harsh shrill tone and his expression morphing into one of complete rage. The Heartslabyul students yelped and began scrambling; following through with the orders that Riddle was now barking at them
Yume and his brothers sat dumbfounded, watching the orderly chaos unfold.
“I WANT THE TABLES REARRANGED, YESTERDAY! CATER, IF YOU CAN’T REMOVE ALL THE BOYSENBERRIES FROM THE DISHES BY HAND; JUST THROW THEM OUT! THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE AT A BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!” Riddle screamed, barely stopping to take a breath as he marched around waving his scepter and giving commands. 
“TREY GET THE BIRTHDAY FLAMINGO N O W!” Riddle demanded. Trey gave a practiced salute before running off towards the animal cages. 
“AND WHAT IS THIS, WHAT IS THIS TABLE MADE OUT OF, OAK?!” Riddle asked, tapping his finger in irritation on the table.
“Actually I think it's Walnut.” Yuuhi sheepishly piped up, raising a hand as if he was in a classroom, Yuuta without looking at him grabbed his hand and lowered it. 
“UNACCEPTABLE!” Riddle said, lifting his leg and bringing his heel down hard on the center of the table. Yume chose to believe that there was magic involved because they wouldn’t know how to deal with the fact that Riddle could break a table in half through sheer rage alone. As pieces of furniture crumpled to the ground Yume and his brothers stood up and took a step back. And Grim yelped and jumped into Yume’s arms.
“ACE, DEUCE!” Riddle called for them. And they popped up out of the crowd standing in attention. “START THROWING AWAY ALL THE WOODEN STOOLS! I WANT THIS PLACE LOOKING LIKE THE GREAT SEVEN ON ICE, IN ONE MINUTE!” He yelled, throwing one of the stools over the hedge of the Garden.
“YOU THERE-!” He said, pointing his scepter at a random student, who yelped in fear. “START PREPARING THE THRONE! WE HAVE SPAT IN THE FACE OF OUR GUEST OF HONOR BY LETTING THEM SIT ON THIS BIRCH ATROCITY.” He said, tossing another stood to the side.
“GET THE MAHOGANY THRONE FROM THE FOYER NOW, NOW PEOPLE!” He said, clapping his hands for emphasis. ”ELIE I NEED THOSE PILLOWS LOOKING PLUMPED! I MEAN FLUFFED!” He said to the rabbit beastman, who look close to a mental breakdown as he stuffed a pillow cushion full of feathers that flew everywhere.
“What the fuck is happening, I just wanted some tarts!” Grim whined, leaning into Yume’s hold. Yume gave him a little pat on the back. 
“Should we just…leave?” Yuuta whispered to Yume. To which they shrugged unsure; this wasn’t how they expected brunch to go...
“Maybe we should ju- '' Before Yuuta could finish that sentence they were snatched away by Trey.
“Quick Yuuta, I need your help!” Was the only words spoken before Yuuta was yoinked into the crowd.
“Hey, wait wh-” 
“And SOMEONE GET YUME PROPERLY DRESSED!!!” Riddle’s voice stopped Yume’s words in their throat.
“Huh?!?” They said looking at Riddle. They looked down at their outfit, then to Yuuhi, then back down. “Awh, oh mann, what’s wrong with my clothes?” They whined, feeling self conscious.
“We can’t! We have to start cooking their favorite food!” Someone yelled. 
“UGH-! Riddle groaned, "I have to do EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!” He said, pointing his wand directly at Yume.
“RIDDLE, WAIT!” Yume yelped before a flash of magic enveloped them.
Twenty minutes later it was a much more peaceful scene. Somehow, in the short amount of time the Heartslabyul students had managed to rearrange the entire garden area from an Unbirthday party to an official Queen of Hearts Birthday celebration. 
Yume now sat at the main table, in their new spiffy fresh birthday boy outfit; though their hair was a little tousled from Riddle's magic. Around the table were dishes of their favorite foods and a brand new birthday cake baked by Trey and Yuuta. All around them dorm students were finally settling down into their seats, exhausted from scrambling to fix the celebration. Next to them Riddle carefully adjusted their sash, making sure it laid correctly.
“...I…am so…fucking sorry you guys.” Yume deadpanned to their friends. Riddle looked up from his task as if to say something; but stopped short as if catching himself.
“You should be!” Ace said, dramatically slapping his hand on the table. “How could you forget your own birthday!?” He asked again, in genuine disbelief.
“It is kinda hard to believe…” Deuce agreed. Yume sighed, wanting to sink down in their chair, but opting not to so they wouldn’t mess with Riddle’s current task of fixing their outfit
“I mean- I don’t know. I guess…Well…” They looked down avoiding all the questioning eyes. 
“Things have just been so…hectic lately. I guess it just slipped my mind and I got the dates mixed up. Besides; I didn’t want to make that big of a deal out of it.” They sighed again. “Guess that ship has fucking sailed.” They said, then immediately covered their mouth realizing they cursed in front of Riddle. Yume didn’t really care, but he had asked them nicely beforehand not to swear at the dorm. Riddle gave them a look. 
“Worry not, the Queen’s rules state that “on one's birthday they can speak their mind freely, without criticism from anyone”. So you can curse as much as you like…today.” He explained, adding on the warning at the end as he finished adjusting their bolo tie and sat down in his seat.
“Oh…cool.” Yume said smiling, then subtly loosened the tie that was too tight.
“Still why didn’t you tell us? Between me and Ace one of us could have probably remembered…” Deuce said with a slight pout. Yume pursued their lips, sensing that they may have hurt his feelings a bit.
“ It just…it seems silly to keep reminding people, I didn’t wanna be that guy you know? There are other things we have to worry about….Plus! I thought the school made announcements or something? 
“Only on school days.” Trey said.
“See!!! It snuck up on me too!” Yume said, gesturing to his words.
“Well, I kind of understand what you mean, sometimes when you're trying hard to just keep everything afloat, things like this get put on the backburner.” He said, adjusting his hat.
“Ahh! But that’s so sadface; you were just gonna have a late watered down celebration for yourself! That’s so tragic, Me-me. This kind of thing is totes important!”
“And we ended up making a big fuss of it anyway…” Deuce sighed, leaning his head in exhaustion on Yuuta’s shoulder. 
“We should have kept better track of it, I knew it was coming up soon and I still…” Yuuta sighed, palming his face. Besides him Grim and Yuuhi’s ears fell on their heads.
“Geez you didn’t even think about the trouble you caused for others, keeping it to yourself… next time you could at least tell your friends.” He said a little harshly, a bit of hurt seeping through.
Each of their friends' words added another layer of guilt to their shoulders, even though they know they didn’t mean it in a genuinely mean way, it still made Yume’s chest ache.
“Ah… I’m…sorry…” They said, holding back the tears, and trying to keep their lips from wobbling. They didn’t want to cry, their friends were right and they knew all this came from a good place, but…
They swallowed hard, drooping a little in their seats.
“Enough!” Riddle's voice and hand being placed on their shoulder, started Yume out of their mini pity party. “Berating our guest of honor on their birthday is unbecoming for any student of Heartslabyul, I won’t tolerate it any more.” He said firmly, giving Yume a little pat on the shoulder. 
“Also-” Riddle’s  eyes narrowed. “Rule: #503: Any one who makes someone frown on their birthday must do a handstand while singing the alphabet backwards, until they laugh! So-” He pointed his scepter boldly across the table. 
Ace’s shoulder hiked as he squealed in indignance, around him everyone took a step away from him.
“-start singing!” Riddle demanded.
“WHAT?! Wh- why me- oh my I can’t even-!” He tried to stutter out an excuse, but the glare he received stopped him in his tracks.
“UGGHHH-! I can’t believe this bullsh…” He muttered to himself before beginning his first attempts at a handstand. Riddle cleared this throat, turning back to address Yume.
“Even so, I agree. We could have prepared a much better celebration had we known in advance… but regardless we can’t change what we did in the past, all we can do now is do better from here on. Isn’t that right?” He said.
Yume smiled, recognizing the meaningful echo of something Yume and his brothers had told Riddle before. 
“Right!” They nodded, and saw their friends and brothers grin in agreement.
“Good!” Riddle smiled and nodded back. “Happy birthday Yume!...Now let me take this time to recite the customary birthday poem!” He said, pulling out a fully typed page of custom stationary from seemingly nowhere.
“The, WHAT!?” Yume laughed, in disbelief at the absurdity of their friends' actions.
“Ah, that laugh counts right-?” Ace’s exasperated voice, could barely be heard the above rest of the birthday merriment in the Heartlabyul gardens.
“Uhmm Riddle…are you sure the animals are okay?” Yume asked, watching the strange croquet game being played from their throne seat next to Riddle’s. Apparently it was some tradition, the birthday guest always sat at the side of the “Queen” during the first half of the croquet game before joining in the second half.
“I assure you it's fine. It's standard to play with flamingos and hedgehogs. Though I did see someone try with a crane once when I was younger…” He recalled curiously, holding a finger to his chin. 
“In some parts of the Queendom of Rose’s, flamingos are bred specifically for the game.” He went on. “Actually, it's less about the skill of the player and more so on the relationship you have with your animals.” He explained, as they watched Yuuta jut his butt out at a funny angle to line up his shot. They swung hard, but at the last second his flamingo raised its head, making him completely whiff his shot; earning a big laugh from Ace and Grim at their expense.
“Okayyy, if you say so…!” Yume grinned, holding in a laugh at the absurdity of it all. The two of them watched in comfortable silence for a little longer before Riddle broke it.
“...Yume…?” He asked, quietly, pulling their attention away from the clownish spectacle.
“...How did you forget your own birthday? I mean, as scatterbrained as you can be at times-”
“Gee thanks.” They deadpanned.
“-You’re not the type to forget important dates. ” He said seriously, ignoring their snark. Yume let out a breath through their nose.
“I mean…I didn’t really…forget I just… got them mixed up...” Yume muttered, offhandedly fidgeting with their birthday boy ribbon. 
“In this case it's still one in the same, you would have missed your birthday if you hadn’t been reminded, it's almost like-” Riddle paused, and his eyes widened as if he just realized something.
“...You didn’t forget an important date…because this isn’t an important date to you… is it?” He asked carefully.
Yume turned away, avoiding his eyes, giving a non committal shrug. At this Riddle frowned.
“Yume-” Before he could start Yume sighed and interrupted him.
“That’s not it Riddle it's not that- it's not that it's not important it's just that-well…''The fumbled to find the right way to say it. “...Everything else is MORE important…y’know?” Yume gestured to him as if what they were saying was common knowledge.
Riddle did not seem to agree given the way he crossed his arms.
“Explain.” He demanded. Yume sighed again, rolling their eyes a bit.
“I mean, after everything we’ve been through.” They began listing things off on their fingers. “Getting dragged to his world, losing our memories, finding out magic is real, becoming students, the overblots, winter break and the whole gas leak.” They listed off things off the top of their head, though they knew there was much more.
 “It just…I don’t know, it seems like a waste of time to celebrate something as trivial as my birthday, I mean this is nice and all ,but I could be spending this time doing something ACTUALLY important! Like trying to find a way to get my brothers home!” They said, gripping the front of their pants in a balled fist.
“The headmage is responsible for that.” Riddle said, matter of factly.
“And I’m just supposed to take his word for it?!” They raised their voice, getting a little heated.
 Riddle leaned back, not expecting to be suddenly yelled at.
 Yume pursed their lips, not meaning to snap at their friend like that. They peeked over, seeing that the others didn’t notice their outburst.
“I just…” They began in a much quieter tone. “Ever since I got here…it feels like…time is running out Riddle.”
“...Here?” He questioned giving them a confused look.
“Here, Twisted Wonderland or Night Raven college or maybe…this world? I-I don’t know I…” Yume struggled to put it into words. They paused, closing their eyes and collecting their thoughts.
“Sometimes…” Yume bit their lip, taking a breath before continuing “...Sometimes, I think, the only time worth spending, is spent helping others…and that I’m just wasting it being self indulgent…doing things that won’t really matter in the long run…” They murmured, slipping a hand in their jacket pocket to touch the charm attached to their phone...
At the words Riddle’s whole demeanor changed, a look of familiarity shone in his eyes. He adjusted himself in his seat, needlessly fixing his already perfect uniform before folding his hands in his lap. His brows furrow uncomfortably and he took a moment before speaking. 
“I used to think similarly…” He whispered, as if admitting a secret. Yume turned to look at him in surprise, silently urging him to continue
“I used to think that time was a thief; a very sneaky one…At first I didn’t even realize it, how all day and everyday it stole my life away, as I worked and worked; preparing for a future that was already planned out down to the second; tick by tick taking everything I cared about from right under my nose…” Riddle said as he stared off into the distance; as if seeing something Yume couldn’t. 
“Then I met Trey and Chen’ya and-” He stopped, seeming to get a little choked up at the nostalgia and memories.He flinched slightly when Yume placed a gentle hand on his wrist for comfort. He gave them a grateful look and took a moment to collect himself. “They made me realize…that everyday is a gift, every minute and every second.” He said resolutely then looking at Yume. 
“So, you're not wasting your time Yume, you can’t waste a gift.” He said, shaking his head in full denial of that idea. Then he put a hand on Yume’s shoulder.
“Every second you spend with the people you care about, every minute you share in their company; making new memories or learning something new. And, even the time you spend in a peaceful solitude. That’s you! Enjoying your gift and…there's no shame in that!” He said, shaking their shoulders a bit for emphasis. He looked away. “I understand that now…” He said with solemn sincerity. 
Yume stared surprised for a moment, taking in their friend's poetic words.Their brow creased up and they gave a bittersweet smile to their friend; feeling a sudden strong kinship. Yume threw their arms around Riddle's shoulder in appreciation. Riddle didn’t seem to expect it; or maybe he just wasn’t used to such casual affection? Regardless, he relaxed a few moments later, enjoying the half hug. After a few comforting moments Riddle spoke again.
“…I…want to give you something…” He said, hesitantly, removing himself from the hold. 
Yume tilted their head, waiting curiously as he reached into his uniform pocket. 
“Consider it a birthday gift.” He said, nodding, as he pulled something out and placed it in Yume’s palm.
Yume looked down to see a pocket watch. The bronze material made it a comfortable weight in their hand. It looked antique, but well taken care of. The metal didn’t have a scratch on it and shined beautifully in the natural garden light. The centerpiece, however, was the elaborate rose design; etched into the bezel. Simple but elegant filigree surrounded the design, a few spaces artistically hollowed so you could see through to the clock.
Yume tilted the watch in their hand, taking in every detail and enjoying the feel of the smooth chain as it glided across their palm.
“Oh, it's so pretty…!” They smiled, cradling the gift gently. Riddle nodded, agreeing with them.
“This is the stopwatch my mother gave me, to keep track of my lessons, my meals…everything, that is when she didn’t do it herself…” He said sentimentally. Yume gasped, their brows pinching up.
“O-oh, Riddle, y-you don’t have to give to me, it's too important-!” They urged, trying to quickly but carefully, place it back in his hands. “You should keep it in the family or-” They stopped short as Riddle firmly pushed it back into their palm.
“No…I want you to have it, really I do.” He said resolutely, using his hand to wrap Yume’s fingers around it. Making sure they had a good hold of it before pulling away.
“...Are you sure?” Yume asked. This felt like something too…personal to just hand over.
“I’m sure, besides it's broken.” He said.
“Huh?” Yume held it close to their ear, only realizing now that the clock was not ticking. “Oh…”
“It broke after my…overblot.” He said. His jaw clenched as he gritted out the word, as if it took physical effort. The shame was still evident on his face; but he still held his head high, as if he refused to hide from the reality of the situation. 
Yume swallowed, realizing that this gift was more important than they previously thought. 
“Riddle…” They gave him a worried look, and this time fully grabbed their friend's hand. They weren’t sure if it was for their own comfort or his. Riddle gave them a strained smile, trying to put on a brave face it seemed.
“I got the glass fixed afterwards, but I couldn’t bring myself to get the mechanism fixed.” He sighed. “After years of hearing its incessant tick tock.” Riddle huffed, before ever so slightly slouching in his throne. For just a second, he looked like any fed up normal teenager.
“I kept it, all this time, as a reminder of sorts…and now I’m giving it to you.” He said, sitting up in his chair and facing them, an adamant look burning in his eyes.
“Spend your time here wisely…don’t look back and regret it…okay?” He said, giving their hand a squeeze. It almost seemed like he was pleading with Yume.  Sincerely advising his friend on a mistake he had long already made.
Yume suddenly felt choked up, the turbulent events of the past few months with their friends and loved ones replaying rapidly in their head. All the emotions bubbling up at once. Their lips wobbled, there was so much left to do and so much more to experience. They couldn’t do it all, they couldn’t. They didn’t have the time. So then…! “How do I know?!” They asked, desperate for answers. “How do I know what I should do….?” They trailed off, suddenly very fearful of regrets yet to come. He reached up, trying to wipe a stray tear that fell. But Riddle beat them to it, dabbing it away with his handkerchief.
“You’ll know…” He said simply, putting the handkerchief back in his pocket. “In fact…I think you already do…” Riddle said confidently.
“Hm?” Yume made an unsure noise.
“Right now, more than anything, what do you want?” He asked.
Yume took a second to clear their thoughts. What they wanted…? Well, They…wanted to stop crying, it was embarrassing. They wanted to appreciate all their friends' hard work at throwing a birthday party for them. They wanted to have fun and open presents and eat cake and take pictures. So that they wouldn’t forget, so that in the future they could be happy... But couldn’t they have that now…
That’s right more than anything they just…
“I just…want to be happy.” Yume admitted, their shoulders hiking up at how childish it sounded. “A-and I want it now, I…” They swallowed hard, not sure why it was so hard to say these words. “I don’t want to wait for it! I want to be happy now and enjoy things in the present! I don’t wanna look back and wish I’d done it differently! I don’t…I don’t want to waste any time!” They said, feeling a surge of confidence at the words. They took a deep breath, feeling like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. They peeked up at Riddle to see him beaming at them.
“Well said!” He agreed, squeezing their hand once more before standing up. “Then you must start immediately! Right now, this second! By enjoying today!” He said, the regality returning to his tone, but the kindness remaining as well.
Yume grinned, tucking the watch carefully into their pocket before standing to their feet as well. 
“Right!” They cheered, suddenly feeling energized.
“Heeeyyy guys!” Cater’s upbeat voice echoed across the field. 
Riddle and Yume looked over to see him waving for their attention.
“The first half's over! Time for the birthday boy to play!” He said, giving a wink and peace sign.
“We got your special flamingo right here!” Deuce said, holding the extravagantly dressed bird excitedly over his head. Next to him Yuuhi held up a cute hedgehog in a bowtie!
 Yume laughed carefreely, feeling the full mirth of the party for the first time. 
“Alright! Get ready because I’m going to win!” Yume grinned, jumping in place, before bounding over to their friends. Riddle following close behind.
Bonus scene:
“Riddle, is this super necessary…?” Yuuta started to ask, as they watched Riddle hold a pretty impressive handstand as he expertly recited the alphabet backwards!
“Yes IT IS! He made me do it for 10 minutes before Yume laughed. Ah-! Yume, I can see it on your face, don’t you dare- it hasn’t even been thirty seconds-!”
“I’m sorry, I pff- I just remembered how constipated you looked- *snort* -AHHAHA!” Yume couldn’t contain it, bursting out in laughter at the memory. As they laugh, Riddle gives a smug grin. Carefully, maneuvering out of the handstand.
“See, Ace! With practice and discipline ,you can easily follow all of the Queen's rules. Let this be a lesson to you!” Riddle said, allowing Trey to slip back on his cloak.
“Right, sure, whatever…shouldn’t we get back to the game now…!” 
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hungerpunch · 2 years
heavy sigh 🥀
i haven't had a blood grandmother since 2013, when mine died suddenly during a routine procedure. of course biologically, i have two grandmothers, but i only really had one. i've been excommunicated from the other almost all my life. (she lives to this day. i check the obits monthly. when she kicks the bucket i will celebrate.)
so having known kb's grandma, frances, for 13 years… she sort of became a substitute grandma to me, too.
frances has been a tough cookie all her life. she was raised on a farm in remote northern wisconsin. her parents were immigrants from poland. at 16, she dropped out of school to work, instead. she waited tables and bartended. at 18, she hitch hiked to chicago. she got a job at a polish bakery, where she remained all her working days. she met and married a young polish guy who was an… associate, of some degree, of the mob.
she raised three kids on the south side of chicago. then she raised kb, as both their parents worked full-time at odd hours in factories. her husband died 15 years ago. as far as personality goes, she's quiet but not mild-mannered. she's brusque but not mean. she just is, stalwart and true, shooting straight as an arrow. she won't tell you how she feels but it's not a duplicitous nature; it's just that she's private. she won't be cowed by yelling nor weaseled by niceties. the harder you try to be polite to her, the more she rebuffs it. she would never bother stabbing someone in the back when she could just walk away from their face.
she taught kb how to crack an egg, how to play poker, how to have whiskey, how to make pierogis, and how to bake her signature chocolate cake.
the cake. she made it every year for kb's birthday. eventually, they got it tattooed on their arm with "grandma" in flowing script beneath it. the handwritten recipe is inscribed on a plate that hangs in our kitchen. it's seven layers and requires 16 eggs. it's a demanding physical feat, making that cake, and she's always been a petite woman.
to this day, she intimidates me, even reduced to the tiniest thing in a hospital bed, covered in tubes. her dark eyes are shrewd as ever. her face betrays little emotion, but when she does smile, her gums are still pink and full of health. her silver hair is cut sharp and short as it has been all the time i've known her. when i first met her, i almost couldn't speak. what do you say when you're 18 and you're meeting a woman who faced the devil many times and won every round?
but she didn't try to put me in any place. she shook my hand, kissed my cheek, told me to make a plate in the kitchen. she didn't ask me questions or try to get to know me, but neither did she dismiss or ignore me. i was simply folded in. she taught me how to stuff and press and boil pierogis the same way she taught kb. when i would drive her around to errands, she would hide five dollar bills for gas in places i wouldn't notice until much later. when she played cards with us, she never teased me for not understanding poker.
she sends me birthday cards. she signs them "love, frances." she crocheted several long garlands and then hanging stars to decorate our christmas trees with. i know her house and i know her smell and i know her real smile. i am lucky enough to have heard her really laugh. i know what it looks like when she's really listening. i know when she actually feels touched by something you've done. i know the shape of her shoulders when you hug her. i can see the knobby knuckles of her fingers in my mind.
i've never gotten to say goodbye before. my cousin, my aunt, my grandpa, my grandma, my dad, my friend gabe--they all died suddenly. we went to the hospital last night. i don't know what i expected. i thought if you were facing hospice care until you pass, you would be cloaked in a morphine haze. not lucid. but frances is very cognizant. her vitals are all good. her heart is strong. her eyes, when she looks at you, are clear.
it's not that her body is giving up. it's just that her body is not strong enough to endure the surgery that would save her life.
so how, then? how will this go? is the cold hard truth that we have to starve a woman to a slow death? is there nothing to be done? it feels insane. i want to scream. it would be easier, if she wasn't home mentally. but she is very home. the lights are on. i couldn't say goodbye because it seemed impossible that the end is here. because she still seems so alive. i could only speak to her as if everything is normal.
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wadupkev · 1 year
Why I Don’t Share My Birthday
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April was by far my favorite month growing up. Selfishly? Maybe, but who doesn’t love their birth month? Mom would make her signature brownies to take to class (back before allergies restricted the love of moms on their children and classmates), I’d be planning my birthday party (maybe even having a co-ed party this year! Eeeeeek!), and looking forward to Christmas round two. April was full of joy, celebration, love, cake, laser tag, sleepovers, hugs, cards in the mail with my name on them, my first crush’s birthday, and all around smiles. It was that way for a long time. I looked forward to it every year. 
Celebrating my friends on their birthdays has also always been something I’ve loved doing. I’ve never been the best gift giver, and even though I joked about it above, my birthday highlights were rarely ever the gifts recieved (not that they were bad gifts). Gift giving ranks as my last love language. Scoring a whopping zero or maybe one each time I retake the test to see how closely mine line up with whomever I am interested in at the time. My celebration of others often comes in the way of quality time and trying to make my friends feel loved and celebrated (although I am certainly not perfect at this and I do forget a birthday here and there and am not proud about it).  It’s become my favorite question to ask people on their birthdays. “Do you feel loved and celebrated?" We deserve to feel both of those things as humans. Those are two things that I think the world would be better to fully embrace but I also recognize that those two words can mean very different things to very different people so let me break down what I mean when I say "loved and celebrated".
Loved. Feeling loved means having people who care for your well being, sit with you in the suck, party with you on the mountain top, and tell you how it is. They don’t gas you up just because you’re friends, they don’t always approve of your actions (because love and approval do not go hand and hand), and they challenge you to help you grow, not tear you down. Calling a friend in a time of need or even when you haven’t talked in a while, keeping up with your people, being curious and asking questions (a lot of questions!) about their past experiences, current circumstances, futures hopes and dreams, telling them you love them (not “love you”, but “I love you” because we all need to hear that), giving them a hug, saying you appreciate them, spending quality, undisturbed, time with them are all ways to show love. All of these things you can do with people you don’t see eye to eye with. I recognize saying this might bring up some emotions in you, but I want this to be super clear, especially to those of you reading this who claim Jesus and Christianity. I read once that you should “love the sinner and hate your own sin”. We aren’t called to judge. We are called to love. In very few cases are we to even bring up the actions of another to them or the church. You know the whole plank in your own eye scripture right? That applies to you. We are called to love and that means your neighbor who voted a different way than you did and has the sign in their front lawn. That means inviting people in to your home to break bread at the dinner table even though some people at your church might say they shouldn’t be there. That means not only ever spending time around people who believe the same thing as you. Jesus dined with sinners. He had them at the dinner table all the time. He showered them in love. Note that he didn’t sin with sinners, but he ate dinner with them. He spent time around them. He loved them a lot. But guess what? You are the them that he spent time with. And not to rank sin or anything, but he spent time with people who murdered others, who cheated their neighbors, who literally put him to death. To love someone and show them love means to not put a filter over the people that get your love. Otherwise no one really gets the love. And don’t be shy with it. Give it to everyone, all the time. All the love, all the time. Christian or not, our world would look so much brighter with unfiltered love from everyone. 
Celebrated. Celebration! To celebrate someone means to honor them! To remind them they are unique, special, loved and needed. Our birthdays are such an amazing time to party with friends in celebration. Party however you chose. Hearing from friends, getting taken to dinner, having a cake made for you, you know the feeling! You can feel it a bit right now just reading those words! It feels so good. Notice that this doesn’t say to celebrate someone means to agree with everything they do. No, in fact, it’s the opposite. It’s putting aside those differences and acknowledging that we all could use to feel celebrated once in a while and it just so happens that we have a birthday every year. However, this should not dictate how many times you should celebrate others or be celebrated. Once a year is far to little. Celebrate the small things. There are two ways to see life. One, as though nothing is a miracle or two, as if everything is a miracle. Joy overflows from a heart ready to celebrate the everyday miracle. Party and celebrate whenever possible.
For the longest time, really up until now, I’ve not wanted to be loved and celebrated on my birthday. Even now it feels a bit weird. As a kid, I loved it. Staying up late with the guys for a sleepover, TP’ing our crushes house, playing Rock Band til 3am, Facebook posts from the random person who you met once at an event years ago, all things I loved to do and experience. In high school, April started getting a little cloudy for me. Things started happening in and around my birthday that made me shell up and made me want to avoid the Facebook posts, text messages, calls and cakes. April 17th, 2011, my grandma on my mom’s side passed away. She was my first grandparent that I remember spending a significant amount of time with. A true legend and a very loving woman. April 7th, 2012, a good friend that I looked up to passed away in a climbing accident. Another rockstar, who loved others so well and pushed me in my faith. April 17th, 2013 a friend of mine that I met and spent time with on a trip to South Africa passed away in an apparent suicide. Someone who made the shock of what we experienced in Africa palatable in a unique way. After the second year in a row in just felt like something wrong was going to happen close to my birthday and it did. It didn’t feel good. I was confronted with death in a way I had never experienced it before. It was hard. I remember vaguely going into college, gathering friends together on my birthday to be around the people I loved, which was great and healthy and should have been what I kept doing, but I started feeling some guilt for celebrating during the time that it felt like I should be honoring these people who had passed. It might sound silly but it was what I was feeling.
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Since then it has been something I have forcibly kept quiet. People ask when my birthday is and I try to gauge if its a conversation where they are going to remember after the conversation what I said or not. I would try to get away just with saying “April” hoping that answer would suffice for why they were asking. It often wasn’t enough and I would timidly say that I don’t like to share it. That would typically be met with confusion or more questioning trying to get me to spill the beans. Sometimes people even reach for my wallet to check my ID. As I look back I don’t blame them at all, I really don’t. I myself often try to find out quickly when someones birthday is and try to put it somewhere that will allow me to remember it. I just bought a perpetual calendar and I am pumped about it. I am not scared to use reminders. If you can remember everyones birthday off the top of your head, you’re a genius unicorn. Good for you. I am no unicorn and need all the help I can get. Even then I forget sometimes. But in the moment, for a long time, it was a how-long-can-I-keep-this-quiet kind of topic for me. Coasting through the years, getting a call or text from a few people on my birthday, keeping it a secret from the rest of the people I met was how I operated. I am not super proud of that, but it was how I dealt with the things that happened around that month.
I used my Ironman in 2018 as a crutch to look past my birthday towards another date in April. A distraction of sorts. But since then, I have started to question why I keep the date a secret. It really started with my mom prying and asking why I didn’t share it, asking why it wasn’t on Facebook or why I wasn’t inviting people over anymore. Telling me in the most mom loving way to “Get over it. Everyone deserves to be celebrated”. And after a while I started to believe her. I started to see how if I love to celebrate others, others love to do the same and in a way I am depriving them of the chance to show love in a way that they know how. It was selfish of me to do. We also have been reading recently in book club about the importance of keeping up relationships. How loneliness is an epidemic leading to and a cause of nearly all major diseases. Having and living in healthy community can boost your health significantly. That isn’t just mental health either! Your body will operate better living in rich community close to or in the area you live. Yes, FaceTime is great, but nothing replaces submersion and quality time with people you see daily, that love you for you, who live physically close to you. Boy oh boy is that hard to build as an adult! Isn’t it just easier to have the night to yourself, lock the door, crack open a bottle of wine and enjoy some Netflix? It takes several decisions to get off work and go home to change, take a quick breath and then leave again to do something with people you just met and have no idea if you even like yet while going through the painful small talk that seems to revolve around the same few topics with nearly everyone it happens with. Saying you hate small talk is not a personality trait. It can be painful, but it is necessary in every relationship other than maybe your Uber Eats driver (speaking as one myself). Embrace it and find a way to have fun with it. How many questions can you get in to someone before they ask you something about yourself? It can be fun. Making friends as an adult can be far from fun until it happens or until you find the community that you click with. That you ~vibe~ with. Emphasis added for anyone younger than me reading this. However, it is so crucial to sit in the “unfun” for a little bit. We have gotten so soft trying to make everything in our lives comfortable and easy. Just because making friends, in a city you know little about and maybe know even fewer people isn’t the easiest thing in the world does not mean you should resort to dinner and tv by yourself every night. Be uncomfortable for a little bit. Suck it up. Or as Mama Flanegin wisely said, “Get over it”. Seriously! I don’t mean to sound harsh, or make my mom sound harsh. She is the sweetest woman out there. But your life is at stake here! Make some friends. Create community. Dive deep into getting to know who the people around you are. Do things together. Create those bonds! Send the text inviting your neighbors over. How sad is it that most people do not even know the names of the people they live right next to! Our doors should not be something that we shut to block us from the rest of the world and give ourselves privacy, but a doorway into relationship for those who live around you. You have to be the one to do this because rarely is your neighbor going to be. And if they are then lucky you, accept the invite. Show up. Don’t flake. Go to the Taco Night!
Two of my friends, Nate and Suz,  started hosting a Taco Night every Thursday night because someone did that for them before they moved cities. It happens every Thursday night. Look on their calendar and you will see it every Thursday. They make time for it. It is consistent, it is easy, they don’t ask you to bring anything (although it would be kind if you did). They tell you to bring whoever you want and they mean it. All they want is for you to be at their table. And their table might be messy when you show up. They may not have a dinner party outfit on but Rosaria Butterfield in her incredible book, The Gospel Comes with a House Key, says that “Hospitality is necessary whether you have cat hair on the couch or not. People will die of chronic loneliness sooner than they will cat hair in the soup”. You have to be the one to do this. Take it on. You can do it! The people around you are craving it. We all want to be a part of community. Few ever take the initiative to do something about it. You have the ability to be a literal lifesaving agent in peoples lives. And all of this is good practice even outside of loving Jesus. But for those of us that claim Jesus? This should be, no question, a critical part of your life and your ministry.  Not because you want to change someones mind on what they believe, but because this is exactly what Jesus did.
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I want to be careful to not make this an ego thing for me. I recognize that this blog could be seen as someone begging for attention on his birthday or hoping to finally get flooded with calls and texts. I promise I do not need those things to fill some attention need. To me, this is just me getting something off my chest. Writing has always helped me do that and I hope that if you have read all the way to here, that you too get something out of this. This is an unloading of a bit of real life that has made for a weirdly tensioned month in my world for a while. A way to get back to normal. Back to looking forward to this month as a chance to reconnect with so many people that I love. Back to feeling loved and celebrated. To eat a few brownies with my friends. That is my hope. I promise to get back to you if you FaceTime, or call or voice memo, or text on my birthday. Know now that it means the world to me. I would love to hear how you are doing, what’s going on in your life, what made you smile today and what songs you're listening to or even what's making you hurt a little bit.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am taking some time away from social media besides getting on to get this story out there so if you did read this and wouldn’t mind, shoot me a text or call or whatever. I would really appreciate it. I genuinely would love to hear from you. Yes, you! You reading this who maybe we haven’t talked in years. 719-231-9006.
My birthday is April 18th and for the first time in a while I am truly looking forward to that day.
I am so grateful for you. I love you. The good Lord loves you. Let’s party.
All the love.
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Team 8 3rd Anniversary Book
Team 8 Anything Ranking
Announcing the best three for each category!
The 47 members of Team 8 answered a ten question survey. For each question, we’ll announce the best three!
Because the results were collected directly from the members, we have some surprising and interesting results
What member is the best dancer?
1. (26 votes) Yokoyama Yui -She has a really unique dance style that’s sort of loose just like her accent, it makes me want to see more sides of Yokoyui. (Shitao Miu) -She’s always improving in a way where she moves totally different from everyone else. (Yamada Nanami) -Her dancing is always neat and never half-hearted. I kind of wonder how her body works (Fukuchi Rena)
2. (4 votes) Yamada Nanami -Each time I see her dance, she gets cooler. (Yokomichi Yuri) -Her dancing has gotten neater and neater. (Abe Mei) -Her dancing is really cool and her expressions are great. (Sato Nanami)
3. (3 votes) Hamamatsu Riona -Her movements are great, she can dance well to cool songs and cute songs. (Honda Hitomi) -She’s very cool but can also do cute dances. (Tanikawa Hijiri)
If you were a boy, what member would you want to date?
1. (6 votes) Takahashi Ayane -She’s easy to talk with. She’s absolutely adorable. (Takaoka Kaoru) -Cute!! So cute!! (Fukuchi Rena) -I want to protect her… (Mogi Kasumi) -She’s cute, but especially has this big sisterly feel to her. I LOVE that part of her. (Oda Erina)
2. (5 votes) Tanikawa Hijiri -She makes you want to protect her (Sakaguchi Nagisa -I love everything about her. (Hitomi Kotone) -She’s kind of air-headed, but she’s absolutely adorable!! Such a beauty… (lol) (Kuranoo Narumi)
3. (4 votes) Mogi Kasumi -She smells good, and her clothes are always cute. (Hirose Natsuki) -She’s always so beautiful and kind. (Hashimoto Haruna)
If you were reborn, what member would you want to be?
1. (8 votes) Chou Kurena -Because she’s beautiful (Yoshida Karen) -Her style is good, she’s can play the guitar, I want to be like her. (Hirano Hikaru) -I wish I could have a face and style like hers. (Tanikawa Hijiri) -Her face is really cute, and her legs are long. (Sakaguchi Nagisa)
2. (5 votes) Oguri Yui -She’s cute. Slender. She doesn’t forget to put in effort, I’ve really respected her for a while. (Shimoaoki Karin) She’s too cute, and her style is perfect. (Fukuchi Rena)
3. (4 votes) Tanikawa Hijiri -If I were Hijirin I could get any guy probably. (Miyazato Rira) -Because she’s my type. (Onishi Momoka) -Because she’s beautiful. (Hitomi Kotone) -She’s so pretty that I really respect that sort of girl. (Hidaritomo Ayaka)
The member who has changed the most this year?
1. (11 votes) Utada Hatsuka -She’s put in a lot of effort, her dance skills have improved a lot. (Onishi Momoka) -This kid is more amazing than words can describe. She still has a lot of hidden talent. (Yokomichi Yuri)
2. (6 votes) Onishi Momoka -Broadcasting on SHOWROOM every day at 5:30 is amazing. And she’s seeing the results of that. (Hirose Natsuki) -She’s put in so much effort, so it’s great she’s seeing the results of that. (Shimoaoki Karin)
3. (5 votes) Abe Mei -She got so pretty. (Takaoka Kaoru) -She got so much prettier. (Ota Nao) -She got way too pretty… it makes me excited. (Yaguchi Moka)
What member is the best singer?
1. (38 votes) Oda Erina -She won the Diva Championship, and I love her singing voice over anyone else’s. (Ota Nao) -Her voice really resounds in your heart. (Yokomichi Yuri) -Her singing voice is really stable, whenever I listen to her I always clap along without noticing. (Shitao Miu)
2. (All other ranks were tied with one vote each)
What member is the smartest?
1. (9 votes) Hashimoto Haruna -When you talk to her, you can tell that she thinks really quickly. I want to become her apprentice… (Takahashi Ayane) -She always carries around studying materials and if there’s any free time she’ll start doing practice problems. (Yokomichi Yuri) -She taught me how to do my math homework. (Honda Hitomi)
2. (6 votes) Sato Shiori -She knows a ton of trivia. She told me all about the dangers that come from stopping a sneeze. (Utada Hatsuka) -She knows a ton of things that not many people know. (Hidaritomo Ayaka)
3. (5 votes) Okabe Rin -You kind of get the feeling that she knows everything. (Shimizu Maria) -She can think quickly during MCs. (Gyouten Yurina)
What member is the funniest in the dressing room?
1. (7 votes) Yoshikawa Nanase - She does impressions of Beyonce dances (I call it “Nanase Dancing”), it’s really funny. (Hama Sayuna) -She’s always dancing in the dressing room to get everyone excited. (Fukuchi Rena)
2. (6 votes) Oda Erina -She’s funny on variety shows, but she’s funnier in the dressing room. OdaEri talk? I really love seeing it. (Kuranoo Narumi) -She’s always doing silly things, and it’s really funny. (Yoshikawa Nanase)
3. (5 votes) Hama Sayuna -She’s always so energetic. (Sato Akari) -Number one kid, she’s too cute. (Yokoyama Yui (Team 8)) -She’s funny but also so loud, but she makes everyone laugh. (Shimizu Maria)
3. (5 votes) Hidaritomo Ayaka -Her funny faces and movements are so different, she always makes my abs hurt from laughing so much. (Yokomichi Yuri) -She just suddenly starts making weird movements right in front of us (Honda Hitomi) -Her funny faces that are so different from how different from always just makes me laugh. (Sato Shiori)
What member hates to lose the most?
1. (20 votes) Kuranoo Narumi -She’s one of the more inexperienced dancers, but despite this she got into the training camp senbatsu two years in a row. (Yoshida Karen) -She always has a strong feeling to her. (Ota Nao) -She always does everything with her full power. (Tanikawa Hijiri)
2. (4 votes) Nakano Ikumi -She’s always doing her best in lessons so she can do the very best on stage. (Yokomichi Yuri) -She will use MCs to both get people excited and appeal herself (Hitomi Kotone)
3. (All other ranks were tied with two votes each)
Member you want to have more fans. Please look at her!
1. (5 votes) Utada Hatsuka -She’s always an oddball but she’s very funny. (Shimoaoki Karin) -She’s really funny to talk to! (Oguri Yui) -Her funny faces are cute. (Hirano Hikaru) -Her funny faces are her specialty. But her dancing is also really good. (Terada Misaki)
2. (4 votes) Hidaritomo Ayaka -She can do impressions and funny faces. (Gyouten Yurina) -She’s pretty and mature, but is also really good at funny impressions. (Terada MisakI) -She’s really funny. It’s sort of sad she doesn’t show that side in front of fans. (Yokoyama Yui (Team 8))
3. (3 votes) Takaoka Kaoru -She has such a teasing character in the dressing rooms. (Oda Erina) -Sometimes she can really have a poisonous tongue. (Yoshida Karen) -Her energy is seriously bad. She’s always energetic. (Utada Hatsuka)
Who is the dumbest member?
1. (21 votes) Hattori Yuna -She’s dumb but also funny. Everyday with her is really fun. (Yokomichi Yuri) -Her way of speaking… (Yoshikawa Nanase) -She can’t read 99. ← But I love that part of her too. (Yaguchi Moka)
2. (6 votes) Noda Hinano -While we were filling out this survey, she had to ask Hikarun how to spell “cute” and “smile”. Is she okay-- (lol) (Takahashi Ayane) -She doesn’t know what time it is when the clock says 20:00 (But she’s the youngest member so it can’t be helped.) (Utada Hatsuka)
3. (5 votes) Chou Kurena -At Tokyo Dome City Hall she sang “Flower” but at first she kept reading “karen” as “karei” (Oda Erina) -She can’t hold a conversation! (Shimizu Maria) -Both in appearance and contents. (Tanikawa Hijiri)
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: when the Avengers notice signs of Peter having a girlfriend, they suspect he’s not as innocent as he seems
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“Hey Pete the treat.” Tony greeted Peter as he passed him in the hallway. “Have you seen my screwdriver with the orange handle?”
“Oh, yeah.” Peter remembered. “I used it to fix my web shooters. It’s on my desk in my room.”
“Mind if I grab it?”
“Would you listen if I said no?” Peter asked, assuming he knew the answer?
“Nope.” Tony smiled at how well Peter knew him. “I’ll go get it.”
Tony waltzed into Peters room and went straight to his desk, rummaging through the papers and sketches he had strewn about.
“Now where are you hiding?” Tony drummed his fingers on his chin as he looked around Peters desk. He opened the top drawer and found nothing, so he opened the next drawer and began to rummage around. After moving a notebook to the side, Tony found an unopened box of condoms among Peters things.
“Hm.” Tony furrowed his eyebrows at the surprising find. “Well it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
He put it down and continued searching through the draw before the box caught his eye again.
“Value pack?” Tony read off the box. “Jesus.”
He shut the drawer and found the screwdriver in the next drawer, mindlessly tucking it into his pocket. As he left Peters room, the box stayed in his mind. He walked into the living room and found the rest of the Avengers chatting.
“What do you guys think about Peter?” Tony wondered as he toyed with the screwdriver.
“I don’t think about Peter.” Sam deadpanned.
“He seems lonely, no?” Tony shrugged. “He could use a companion of the female variety.”
“We should set him up.” Steve suggested. “He could use someone.”
“I don’t know.” Nat scrunched her nose. “He seems too young to be dating.”
“He’s in college now. It’s about time he gets a girlfriend.” Tony decided. “I had dozens by the time I was his age.”
“Are we even sure he likes girls?” Rhodey asked.
“He complimented my hair color once.” Nat shrugged.
“There we go.” Tony nodded, getting excited now.
“What are you guys talking about?” Bucky asked quietly as he entered the room.
“We want to set Peter up on a date.” Steve told him.
“Parker? I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend.” Bucky said, making everyone look at him.
“What?” Tony asked. “No way.”
“Yeah. My room is next to his.” He shrugged. “He’s on the phone all night almost every night.”
“What?” Nat laughed in surprise. “With who?”
“Someone named Y/n I’m pretty sure.” Bucky went on. “I hear her name a lot.”
“Y/n.” Tony rolled it around his mind. “Interesting. I have to know more.”
“I think if Peter wanted us to know more, he’d tell us.” Nat clicked her tongue.
“And I think I don’t care.” Tony retorted. “I’m gonna find out more.”
That night, Tony sat in the dark as he waited for Peter to come home. He heard the elevator coming up and shivered with excitement at the incoming confrontation.
“Hey, Parker.” Tony dramatically turned on the light once Peter walked in the room, making Peter jump.
“Hi Mr. Stark.” Peter stammered as he took off his coat.
“Are you just getting back?” Tony asked coyly.
“Yeah, I was out with my…friend.” Peter shifted his eyes at the mention of you.
“Oh really?” Tony feigned a gasp. “What’s his name?”
“Her name is Y/n.” Peter said casually. “I was with her.”
“So I see.” Tony nodded. “Is she from school?”
“Yeah. She’s in my organic chemistry class.”
“So one might say you two have…chemistry?” Tony shrugged as he walked closer to Peter.
“Anyone with our schedules would say that.” Peter laughed nervously.
“Whats she like?” Tony persisted. “Is she pretty?”
“She’s great.” Peter smiled. “She can talk circles around me about just about anything. I don’t even know why we’re in the same class. She’s so much smarter than everyone in the room, even the professor. She’s just...she’s great.”
“So I hear.” Tony smirked. Peter completely avoided the “pretty” question, and that told Tony everything he needed to know.
“Hear?” Peter asked curiously. “What did you hear?”
“Thin walls, buddy.” Tony knocked on the wall. “Bucky told us all about your late night phone calls with your lady friend.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Peters face heated up. “I’ll be quieter.”
“You don’t have to be quieter.” Tony told him. “Bucky doesn’t deserve a peaceful nights sleep.”
“Why do you say that?” Peter asked.
“Because he murdered my parents. Night!” Tony threw up a peace sign before leaving the room. Peters jaw dropped a little before shutting. He quickly pulled out his phone and clicked on your contact.
“I think Mr. Stark is onto us” He texted you.
“Good. He can pay for our wedding 👀” You wrote, making him smile. He put his phone away and went to bed himself.
A few weeks later, Tony needed the screwdriver again and had an idea of where he could find it.
“Hey Pete. Did you use the screwdriver again?” Tony asked when he found Peter in the hallway.
“Yeah. It should be in the same place.” Peter informed him.
“Thanks.” Tony nodded and went into Peters room. He went to the desk, expecting to find the screwdriver in the same drawer it was in last time. When he didn’t find it there, he opened the drawer above it. Right on top of a pile of notebooks was the box from last time.
“I shouldn’t.” Tony sighed and chewed his lip. “But I’m feeling snoopy.”
Tony picked up the box and to his surprise, it was significantly lighter. Tony opened it up and peered inside, only to see it was nearly empty.
“Who did this to you?” Tony gasped. “Who took your goodies?”
Elsewhere in the tower, Peter was heading back to his room when he crashed into Natasha.
“Oh, sorry.” Peter apologized as he caught her before he could knock her over.
“It’s fine.” Natasha assured him, sniffing the air a little. “Why do you smell so good?”
“Hygiene is very important to me.” Peter straightened his shoulders to solidify his lie.
“Yeah, but,” she sniffed him again, “you smell fruity.”
“I’m a fruity boy.” Peter stated, regretting it immediately.
“Oh.” Natasha backed away a little, giving him a strange look.
“Not that kind of fruity.” Peter stammered. “I have to go.”
Just as Peter scurried away, Sam walked into the hallway.
“Am I crazy or did Peter smell like perfume?” Natasha pointed behind him.
“I don’t care.” Sam mumbled as he walked by.
“Romanoff.” Tony rounded the corner after leaving Peters room. “I think the Manchurian Candidiate was right. I think Peter has a girlfriend.”
“I think so too.” Natasha nodded. “He smelled like perfume just now.”
As Tony and Natasha exchanged evidence, Sam passed by Peters room just as he was going inside.
“Hey Sam.” Peter greeted before he shut his door.
“Don’t talk to me, Parker.” Sam mumbled without looking up.
“Sorry.” Peter chuckled and rolled his eyes, making Sam briefly look up.
“What’s that?” Sam narrowed his eyes when he spotted something peeking out over Peters collar.
“Whats what?” Peter asked as he pulled away.
“On your neck.” Sam caught his collar and pulled it down. “Is that a hickey?”
“No.” Peter said quickly as he covered his neck with his hand. “I burnt my neck with my curling iron.”
“Oh, okay.” Sam was satisfied with the answer. “Wait, what?”
“Bye Sam!” Peter stammered as he quickly shut the door.
Tony’s plans to interrogate Peter about his love life the following day were halted when he found Peters room empty. A quick check in with Friday showed Peter leaving earlier that morning with a few presents in hand. Tony sighed and went on with day, anxiously waiting for Peter to come home to get more information.
“Another late night.” Tony announced his presence as he flicked on the light. It wasn’t until after midnight that Peter had come back, so Tony waited him out in the living room.
“Oh, hi Mr. Stark.” Peter waved awkwardly, not having expected anyone to be there.
“Were you with Y/n again?” Tony asked casually.
“Yeah.” Peter smiled shyly as he shed his jacket. “It’s her birthday so I spent the day with her.”
“How come I never see her here?” Tony proceeded with caution, not wanting to overstep.
“She lives kinda far.” Peter shrugged. “That’s why we talk on the phone so much. I don’t want her driving all the way out here and she doesn’t want me swinging at night.”
“She knows?” Tony raised an eyebrow, not realizing they were at that level yet.
“Yes. But I only told her because I trust her.” Peter quickly assured him. “She won’t tell anyone. She promised me.”
“Oh, I’m not mad.” Tony smirked. “Trust is good. Especially in relationships, so I hear.”
“Yeah.” Peter smiled at the thought of you. “It’s good. We’re really good.”
“Have you told her you loved her yet?” Tony jumped to the point, taking Peter by surprise. “Because that smile on your face says you do.”
“I have.” Peter admitted as his face flushed. “And she told me she loves me too.”
“Aw.” Tony couldn’t help but smile at his protégé being in love. He was so moved that he took out one of his business cards and scribbled something on the back of it.
“Here.” He handed it to Peter. “Don’t abuse it.”
“Whats this?” Peter curiously looked at the number Tony had written in the card.
“It’s the number for my personal driver. One of them.” He corrected himself. “I always forget who I employ so I have about 18. This one makes unforgettable coffee cake, though.”
“Thanks Mr. Stark.” Peter smiled in appreciation. “But why are you giving this to me?”
“So you and Y/n can see each other.” Tony said simply. “And so more people can experience this coffee cake.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate this.” Peter said softly, knowing Tony wasn’t much for displays of affection.
“Don’t mention it.” Tony brushed it off. “Really, don’t. I don’t have enough personal drivers for everyone. I mean, I probably do, but I’m not known to share.”
“I won’t tell.” Peter nodded. “Goodnight, Mr. Stark.”
Tony have Peter a fond smile before nodding as well.
“Night kid.”
“Mails here.” Tony announced the following morning as the team sat around the kitchen table.
“Thanks for bringing it in.” Steve reached for an envelope addressed to him. “Who delivered it today? Was it Michelle or Rodney?”
“Michelle.” Tony concurred.
“Oh, nice.” Steve smiled. “I like her. She’s always friendly to me.”
“Yeah. Nice girl. Nice name too.” Tony put the plan into action. “That was the name of the first girl I ever kissed.”
“I remember my first kiss.” Steve recalled. “It was at a school dance when I was in high school. I bought her a milkshake after and she never spoke to me again.”
“What about you, Peter?” Natasha asked causally. “Have you had your first kiss?”
“Um, yeah.” Peter chuckled like it was obvious.
“With who?” Steve asked curiously, and the rest of the team leaned in to hear the answer.
“Um, my girlfriend.” Peter flushed a deep red as he avoided eye contact with the group. Everyone collectively let out a gasp at the news, making Peter flush even deeper. He looked up to a table full of dropped jaws and wide eyes and felt his ears turn red.
“Isn’t it neat?” Tony tried to take the attention off Peter. “The innocence of young love.”
“Yeah. Innocence.” Sam narrowed his eyes at Peter as the hickey on his neck suddenly made sense.
“When can we meet her?” Nat asked, and everyone nodded softly. Peter looked around in surprise, not having expected everyone to care as much as they did.
“You want to meet her?” He asked with a small smile.
“Of course.” Tony shrugged. “You’re on our team and if she’s your girlfriend-“
“She’s on our team too.” Sam concluded with a gentle nod. Everyone nodded in agreement, making Peters heart swell in appreciation.
“She was gonna come over so I could swing her around the city.” Peter told them. “I could ask her to come up and say hello.”
“I think you should.” Natasha encouraged. Peters lips twitched into a smile as he pulled out his phone to tell you to come up. Within a few minutes, you were coming up the elevator and Peters heart was pounding in his chest. He met you at the elevator and escorted you to the rest of the Avengers, his hand holding yours.
“Hi.” You smiled shyly as you met the team. “It’s nice to meet all of you. I’m Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you too.” Steve said politely. “I’m-“
“Steve, right?” You smiled a little. “Um, Peter talks about you guys all the time. You’re also a little famous.” You chuckled, and everyone laughed as well, breaking the ice.
“Yeah, I guess we are.” Steve smiled back at you. “So you’re the girlfriend? I can’t say Peter has told us that much about you.”
Peter looked at you anxiously, hoping you wouldn’t take that the wrong way.
“It’s okay.” You laughed and rubbed his shoulder. “We agreed to keep it on the down low. Plus, I doubt there’s anything about me that could impress the Avengers.”
“That’s not true.” Peter cut in as he twirled your hair around his finger. “You’re very impressive.”
“Tell us more.” Nat smiled as she leaned on her hand. Everyone watched you and Peters display of affection with childlike wonder, a collective peace settling in the room as they watched the baby of the team experience happiness.
“Y/n volunteers as a candy striper at the children’s hospital a few blocks from here. When she’s not with me, she’s there.” Peter bragged about you. “And she’s a lifeguard in the summers, CPR certified, valedictorian of her class, organ donor-“
“These are not impressive things.” You laughed as you cut him off.
“Yes they are.” Peter insisted. “She can make the worlds best brownies, her ponytails are always perfect on the first try, she can parallel park, she-“
“She sounds amazing.” Tony cut him off as he smiled at you. “And we’re very happy to finally meet her.”
“I just can’t believe the guy who watches Dance Moms in the living room with no shame actually has a girlfriend.” Sam snorted. “And a normal one too.”
“Why is it so surprising?” You wondered as you leaned on Peter arm.
“Because he’s so innocent.” Sam shrugged. “I doubted he ever even held a girls hand.”
“Wait, you thought Peter was innocent?” You laughed abruptly. “He literally webbed me to the headboard last night and-“
“Ah ah ah.” Peter quickly cut you off. “Some things are better left unsaid.”
“I think she should say them.” Bucky chuckled as he sipped his coffee.
“One time, he used his-“
“Well, Y/n and I really need to get going.” Peter cut you off and quickly ushered you to the door. “We won’t be out late.”
“It was nice meeting you all.” You called as Peter pulled you out the door.
“Nice meeting you too.” Tony yelled back. He and the team exchanged knowing looks, a collective happiness for Peter settling among them.
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aiweirdness · 3 years
Pranks you can do at home
I’ve tried to generate April Fools pranks using neural nets before, to mixed success.
Char-rnn’s pranks made no sense (“Glue all the eggs in the hubcaps of someone’s computer”) while GPT-2 generated surrealist performance art (“Paint the fridge with the red spiders”). One thing I’ve noticed, though, is that many of the AI-generated pranks are ones that you play on yourself.
So for 2021 I turned to GPT-3, whose internet training has included lots of “Top Ten April Fools Pranks!” listsicles, and gave it the following list to complete:
Quarantining by yourself on April 1? Has your cat put an absolute moratorium on pranks? Not to worry! Here's a list of April Fools pranks you can play on yourself! 1.
Remember that as a text-generating neural net, GPT-3’s goal is to predict what humans would write next.
Let’s see what DaVinci, the largest of the GPT-3 variants, predicts:
Create a secret language that only you and your cat can understand.
Repaint your nails in an unusual color like ORANGE, and just leave them like that.
Move your bed away from the wall and sleep in the middle of the room in a pile of comfy pillows.
Stand in line for a movie for 30 minutes and then leave.
Ordering junk treats from TV ads at 3 in the morning, like those "falling in the ocean" doughnuts.
Sawing your mattress in half in order to see if it's still good.
Putting your car keys in the freezer and forgetting where you put them.
You didn't remember to make an appointment with your electrician, plumber, or cable tv provider. When you run out of excuses you can always tell people it was a prank.
Take it to the next level. Make an appointment with yourself. Say you are going to clean up your mess and go for a run. Block out a day for it. (And for goodness' sake, don't clean anything and absolutely do not go for a run).
With example pranks in the prompt, DaVinci might have stayed more with pranks and less with what is frankly an impressive picture of covid quarantine life, considering its internet training data stopped in October 2019. Next, we have the second-biggest GPT-3 variant:
Install a fake microwave on the wall that you never use.
Take a picture of your bathroom and plaster it on your fridge.
Set up a freezer in your freezer. Then put a sign on it that says "Freezer burn."
You can set up an old TV in the middle of your room and use it as a table. You can christen this "April Fools' Day TV Table".
You can take a bunch of jellybeans, put them in a Ziplock bag, and tie the bag around your neck.
Take out your credit cards and plunk them down randomly in different parts of your house. If a funny looking cat appears on the bill, you will be laughing out loud before you've even opened a door!
At least these are pranks. Pranks nobody will see coming.
The next smallest neural net is:
Eat a banana inside your own mouth.
Go to the bathroom, then switch off the light. You will see a holographic image of your cat inside the toilet!
Have a tortoise deliver your package for you, don't be surprised if it sings "Happy Birthday" back at you.
Opt for the treadmill. You'll be running in the nude.
Showering! Flowing through the water in a reindeer-like manner while wearing a Santa hat.
Be ready for a bird.
Write a bowling ball on your wall in the shape of a letter "P."
Put your name on a balloon. Surprise!
Pour a cup of coffee on your lap. It's an oldie, but it's still a favorite.
Talk to yourself. OK, this one might not seem like a prank, but I assure you, it is. Just wait until the third day of April when your friends hear that you are still talking to yourself!
And there’s Ada, the smallest GPT-3 variant! Ada has some pranks!
Running on Leg
My cat slept through a December blizzard in Florida this year.
Placing a crown on your head
Sleep in the rafters of a converted school bus in Pewaukee, Wisconsin.
There's a square of chicken on your front lawn.
Have a small black bar, maybe six inches across, made of a giant mason jar, nailed to the side of the truck.
Decompiling your nose
Walk into a toy store and buy a pack of bathmats, an inflatable pill bottle, and a video game, but only if you're a cat.
Prank: In my house, there are porcelain ponies. I swear that they exist.
Walk to the pool with a giant ball of shapely hair and a coconut on a leash. On a poolside balcony. Really, this is the most fun you'll do in your entire life.
Make Your Own Coffee
Interestingly, some of the neural nets would get pretty elaborate with their prank explanations. Curie invented this game! Rules presented here verbatim. It takes a while to learn.
The "Untruthful Food" Game
This game takes a while to learn, but trust me, after you've played a couple of rounds, everyone will be intrigued.
One person says something that sounds true, and you all shake your heads. The next person says something that sounds false, and you all shake your heads.
"I'm going to eat a lemon" leads to a head shake by everyone.
"I'm going to eat sour cream from the fridge" leads to a head shake from you and all of your friends.
"I'm going to eat a balloon" leads to a head shake from you and your friends.
The next person says, "I'm going to eat a bicycle tire," and laughs, and everyone laughs. Go ahead, shake your heads for me.
I also discovered I could get DaVinci to write pranks for the post-human future, including:
Intentionally mislabeling the trash receptacles in a superintelligent machine-run city. The trash containers were labeled with signs that looked exactly like the signs used to indicate the presence of humans.
Sending spam to the moon in the meme language of old Earth. The alien life living in the oceans of Europa received many trillion petabytes of junk mail, and to this day, the native life forms are still revolting against the spam.
I collected a few more, which you can read by becoming a supporter of AI Weirdness. Or become a free subscriber to get new AI Weirdness posts in your inbox!
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shibaraki · 3 years
Long distance relationship with Oikawa HCs
I saw bea (@yujikuna) post that the HC she hates most is that oikawa would cheat once he got to Argentina n I agree so here’s a lil something. Having been in a LDR before this is kinda from experience. And it’s SFW!
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Scheduled video calls and dates. He has yet to ever miss one or be late to one. Sometimes you’ll cook together, or watch a movie or sci fi documentary together, sometimes you might end up simply talking to each other for hours. On the odd occasion that you fall asleep on camera, he doesn’t hang up, he props his phone up on his dresser facing him and lies down with you.
Texts you updates all throughout the day. Sends you pictures of everything he’s doing along with selfies of himself and his friends. Always signs them with “it would be better if you were here” or “I miss you”
Voice notes too. He has an alarm for when he knows you’ll be waking up so he always makes sure to send you a (looong) good morning voice note (usually 5 to 10 minutes and you listen to it while you brush your teeth). There are others too that are mostly spontaneous, sometimes the team takes his phone and sends you memos, but mostly you get them when he’s drunk and missing you more than usual. He’s all choked up and snivelling and whiny, it’s so adorable and it makes your heart ache. He even sang to you once — you saved it (and he will never forgive you for it)
You’re his phone background and his laptop background, he even has a keyring with your photo in it… he’s obnoxiously in love with you and wants everyone to know about it. Wants everyone to know about you.
Shows people pictures of you all the time. If someone hits on him he finds some way to worm your name into the conversation, flashing them a selfie you had sent him earlier. “Aren’t they gorgeous?” He’ll grin proudly, instead of saying ‘I wouldn’t look twice at you. Look what I have waiting for me at home’.
Sporadic ‘I’m so in love with you’ ‘I can’t wait to see you again’ ‘I miss you so badly’ ‘you’re my favourite person’ ‘I’m so lucky to have you’ texts littered throughout the day. He’s so scared you might doubt him, or forget, or find someone else while he’s away. “That’s impossible, baby,” you reassure him. “I’ll never find anyone else like you”
Care packages. You send them to each other, he receives all his favourite sweet things, some masks, some of his favourite drinks, hand written letters from family, things like that. You receive some foods you’ve never tried, some little trinkets that made him think of you, a gift or two for his family, once he even sent a t shirt in a zip lock bag along with his favourite cologne. “I wore it all weekend, did it still smell like me?!” It did. You sprayed the cologne on your pillow.
Even though the care packages should be enough, Tooru is a romantic at heart. When he’s walking through the market and sees a pretty postcard he can’t resist writing a little love letter on it and sending it to you.
Because of time zones each of you has two birthdays and Tooru is determined to treat it as such. That means twice of everything - twice as many gifts, cards, calls and posts on social media.
He spent his first pay check on a pair of those expensive bond touch bracelets, one for you one for him, and you both cried over Skype the first time you used them. When you’re wearing them it’s three taps to say I love you.
Your favourite bar has an app for table service. Whenever you’re there with your friends he buys you a round of drinks.
As something to do together you learn Spanish alongside him, often attempting to speak it to each other on calls and giving each other ‘homework’ to do. Naturally because he’s immersed in it he learns it quicker, but he enjoys tutoring you. Gets so excited when you start stringing sentences together, especially when you can respond when his teammates are greeting you over his shoulder.
Surprise trips. He always tries to come home for New Years, but he has surprised you on your birthday before. Likewise you have surprised him for your anniversary, something you made happen with some help from his team.
He misses you desperately but finds himself falling even more in love with you because of how supportive and proud you are of him. He had been so worried you’d end it when he told you he was moving to Argentina, but the thought never even crossed your mind. He trusts you implicitly and you trust him. He vows to you that one day soon all this yearning will be worth it.
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azucarian · 3 years
Second part to my idea of how Tokyo Revengers could possibly end (First part here)
TR ; mental illness, major character death
A world without Hanagaki Takemichi felt unnaturally bland - anyone would admit. It had only been days since he passed away and yet the impact of his death was so blatantly apparent.
Mikey and Draken had explained to each of their friends that Takemichi had passed away - but, by far, the worst reactions came from Hinata and Chifuyu. The moment the news slipped from their lips, Hinata asked them if they were joking and, if they were, it wasn’t funny. Neither knew how to react, and averting their gazes. Chifuyu just broke down into silent sobs - he could tell instantly by their pale complexions and the dark eyebags under Draken’s usually clear eyes.
Mikey whispered apologies, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry - I couldn’t save him, I didn’t save him— ” Hinata didn’t let him finish and simply cried, realising the severity - her boyfriend, her happiness, was dead. She embraced Mikey, and he held her tightly in turn.
The funeral caused agony for everyone involved - especially as Takemichi's mother collapsed to her knees, screaming "my baby" through her tears. As a mother, she felt as if she had failed - and no one would be able to convince her otherwise. Hinata approached the casket, hardly holding it together - but her hands shook as they pressed themselves against the wooden structure holding her late boyfriend.
“Come on, Takemichi... Now’s the time to tell me you’re joking—” Those words broke everyone else into an endless stream of wailing, tears and regrets.
I feel as if Hinata would never truly get over his death - especially considering she still loved him twelve years into the future. She would likely be placed on medication, or be consistently seeing a therapist, due to her claiming that she had “gone on days out” with Takemichi (which was obviously impossible).
Mikey would become Hinata’s support - he felt as if he owed that much to Takemichi. He would do an all-round trip to everyone’s graves every week - first to Shinichiro, then to Emma, then a small visit to Izana’s, then to Baji’s.
Then he’d finally sit down for a few hours to tell Takemichi about his week. How much he misses him “I wish you could see how everyone was doing, Takemitchy— We all miss you like crazy. Mitsuya made you this memorial blanket, look—” And he’d show the sewn fabric to the grave. There would likely be with something cheesy like ‘Toman’s Little Hero’ or ‘Crybaby Hero’ on the front, or stitched into the corner. Mikey would definitely be in tears by the end of it, blurting his regrets - and it always made him feel better (it made him believe that Takemichi was comforting him, even beyond the grave).
Chifuyu would always make it a habit to visit his grave weekly too - and (in the future), occasionally, he was joined by Kazutora (especially on days where the pet store was closed). He’d always bring a new puppy or kitten along, because he knew Takemichi would appreciate it if he knew. Kazutora always paid his sincerest respects, bowing so deeply that anyone would think he would break his back - he may not have known Takemichi very well, like, at all, but he was the boy who tried to save Baji from his bad mistakes. Kazutora could only hope they were looking after each other in the afterlife. Chifuyu would always light incense on his grave, and place his favourite snacks - jokingly saying how Takemichi couldn’t steal his food anymore. He’s another one who would cry, probably because of his own poorly timed jokes - but it was how he coped and no one judged him for it.
After the incident, Draken found it difficult to not scrub his hands raw - the staining feeling of his friends blood on his hands haunted him for the longest time (he only stopped when Mikey made him promise to, because Takemichi would feel upset knowing Draken was hurting himself). He didn't visit the cemetery often but, when he did, he came sporting a bunch of flowers and a few gag gifts (he wasn't great at gift giving, so he opted to be funny instead) "You're probably sitting up there worrying your ass off about us— Give it a rest already," although his words were harsh, a smile was on his face the entire time. He whole heartedly believed Takemichi was probably panicking and bothering Emma and Baji in the afterlife (if there was one, he wasn't too sure). He wouldn't cry, and he wouldn't rant - he'd just run his hand along the grave stone before he left with a "I'll see you later, Takemitchy". He didn't know how to appropriately express his sadness.
Mitsuya would always join Hakkai and Yuzuha on their trips to visit Takemichi's grave - mainly because Hakkai couldn't stand visiting alone. It hurt him to much to see his hero no longer living alongside them. The blonde had done a lot for Hakkai and his sister - but neither of them could escape that loneliness that came with his sudden death. The trio always sit and have a natural conversation and, occasionally, Mitsuya would pipe up with a "They're idiots, ain't they, Takemitchy?" in an attempt to involve him in their chatters. Oddly enough, Mitsuya always found himself sewing extra clothes - during the winter he'd bring a sweater to Takemichi's grave as a gift (although he was aware he couldn't never wear it) and always jokingly tell the tombstone how atrocious his fashion sense was "You dressed like a four year old had picked your outfit— Hell, even a four year old could dress better!". Hakkai and Yuzuha would always bring little trinkets that they found in the local markets - tiny figurines, poker cards, etc.
Other old members of Toman try as often as possible to visit the grave and offer their condolences - Smiley and Angry visit it together, despite not being overly close to the boy; they appreciated him and his loyalty to Toman and his friends. Pah-chin and Peh-yan visit with Pah's wife, bowing deeply and leaving cecelias on his grave before leaving. Inui occasionally asks Koko to visit with him but, when he's alone, he just quietly talks - knitting stupid scarves and wrapping them around his grave when he was finished (he was already used to grieving, especially after Akane).
Every year, on Takemichi's birthday, everyone gathers together for a celebration - over the years they've learned that, instead of remembering him for his death, they should honor his memory through celebrating his life. Everyone would get drunk, someone would cry, and many adoring speeches were made - a picture of sixteen year old Takemichi Hanagaki would be on the table, a drink poured for him as a sign of respect. As life continued, the ex-gang members started having families - and they all spoke highly of the blonde who had improved their lives. Their children adored Takemichi and his insane stories, inspiring them to be as courageous - even when they're scared.
Although he was no longer with them, he remained as a sacred memory to each of them - and they were sure he was happy with that ending.
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chevrolangels · 4 years
happy birthday, dean
For his birthday, Dean gets glasses.
“Merry fucking birthday to me,” he mutters to himself as he sinks into the exam room chair, strangely nervous as he waits for the opte-whatever to come in the room. 
He’s never liked doctors, especially one that pokes around your eyes, but hey—that’s the downside when you shut God away for good. Garth was nice enough to fix up Dean’s teeth for free, but they had to mock up a fake insurance card for this visit. Charlie (Real Charlie, after Jack brought her back) hooked him up with a sweet new fake ID, which is why ‘Neal Moriarty’ is getting his first ever eye exam.
“Mr. Moriarty?”
Dean sits up, twisting the ring on his finger. It’s a habit he’s picked up when he’s on edge. 
The lady smiles, adjusting glasses of her own.
“I’m Dr. Chow, I’ll be helping you out today.” She glances at the clipboard in her hands. “I see you’re 42, never been to the optometrist before?”
Optometrist—right, that’s it.
“Yep,” Dean says, with a sheepish grin. “Never had the need, but uh—figured it was time.”
She sits down, noting some things down before smiling again.
“Well, let’s see if we can get you set up.”
About thirty minutes later, Dean’s leaving the optometrist with a brand new set of glasses. The frames are nice, a sort of brown with specks (tortoiseshell, the lady told him) with a slightly round shape. It’s a weird adjustment, having something constantly sitting on his face—but Dean can finally see.
He feels like he’s in a brand new world. No more squinting, no more struggling to see the road signs. Driving back home, he swears he can see every leaf on every tree, every detail crisp and clear. 
Christ. He hadn’t realized how blind he really was.
Dean drops his keys in the bowl they keep on the side table on the way in, calling out his return. 
Sam’s reaction is expected. He teases him, calls him old man, then gets all serious and tells Dean they really do look good. Dean calls him a bitch, just to hear him snort and throw back ‘jerk’ in reply. 
He heads to the war room, where Cas is reading by the light of the lamp, his brow pinched as his eyes whiz back and forth, lightning fast. 
Dean clears his throat, fiddling with his ring again.
“Hey, Cas.”
Cas looks up, smiling.
Then he blinks, up and out of his chair and moving towards Dean. He stops just in front of him, eyes wide.
“You got your new glasses,” he says, sounding almost breathless.
Dean shrugs, trying to sound nonchalant.
Cas just stares at him.
Dean swallows, shifting his weight. 
“So, uh…what’s the verdict?”
Instead of answering, Cas takes Dean’s face in his hands and kisses him. 
They part after a moment, and Dean blinks, thoroughly dazed.
Cas brushes a thumb over his cheek.
“I think they look wonderful on you, Dean,” he says, voice low and husky.
“Damn,” Dean says, chuckling. “Shoulda gotten these way sooner.”
Cas just nods, smiling as he drinks in the full picture. 
Then, with a glance over his shoulder, he takes Dean’s hand, tugging him towards their room.
“Come on.”
Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Cas, it’s like three in the afternoon—”
“I don’t care.”
“Wow.” Dean grins, but lets himself be pulled along. “You really like them don't you?”
Cas shuts the door behind them, kissing Dean once more before pushing him back on the bed.
“You’re leaving those on,” he says, as he unbuttons his shirt.
Afterwards, Cas slips into a slight doze, his cheek plastered to Dean’s side. Now that reading doesn’t give him a headache, Dean thumbs through a paperback as he waits for the angel currently using him as a pillow to wake up.
Cas stirs, eyes fluttering open.
“Sorry,” he says, wiping at his eyes. “I didn’t realize I was that tired.”
“It’s okay,” Dean says softly. “I know you stayed up late with Jack last night.”
Cas hums in agreement.
“He does have an odd schedule.”
Then he sits up fully, just looking at Dean again. Dean sets down the book.
“Nothing,” Cas says with a smile. “Just admiring.”
“Don’t say anything sappy, or you’ll make me fog up my glasses again,” Dean teases. 
“I rather liked that,” Cas murmurs, leaning in.
“You dog,” Dean says back, but accepts Cas’s lips as they meet his. They kiss for a moment, lazy and slow. 
Cas pulls back, stroking at his cheek.
“But you’re happy, right?” He asks, his eyes earnest. “They help?”
“Oh, yeah.” Dean lifts the book. “It’s awesome. Don’t have to squint at this chicken scratch anymore.”
Cas smiles, all soft.
“I’m glad.”
Sam hammers on the door.
“People are starting to get here so you better be out and dressed in five minutes or I'm sending Eileen in, naked or not!” He yells.
Dean huffs a laugh, and Cas smirks, giving him a quick peck before pushing himself up.
“Sounds like we’re being summoned.”
Later, after hugs from Jody and Donna and all the girls, they do gifts. It’s mostly practical stuff, for his Baby and for the now-occasional hunt. Claire teases him about his glasses for a solid ten minutes, then hands him an impeccably wrapped gift (“Patience helped, okay?”) which turns out to be a copy of Caddyshack II. She appropriately ignores Dean misting up and accepts his bear hug. 
Garth and Bess bring homemade pie, and Charlie taps into the bunker system to put on a pretty impressive playlist. Rowena drops by towards the end of the night, with a bottle of scotch nearly as old as Dean. 
Sam sticks a candle in the pie and Eileen brings it to Dean, starting the chorus while everyone joins in. Dean looks around at his family, everyone he loves, and lastly at Cas, who’s standing at his side, looking at him with such a profound love in his eyes that Dean feels a swell of emotion in his chest. Cas leans in, squeezing Dean’s shoulder before reaching out and readjusting his glasses.
“Make a wish,” he whispers. 
Dean looks back at the candle. 
He closes his eyes, and does. 
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
Birthday (Pan)Cake (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Rating: M
Warnings: Pregnancy, food, allusions to sexy times, fluffy fluff
W/C: 1.5k
A/N: Another Writer Wednesday! I know the immediate thought for this one was our pancake boi Marcus Pike baby, so I knew I needed to go in a different direction & this is what I came up with! This can be read as a follow up to Baby Talk or as a standalone ♥️ As always, thank you @autumnleaves1991-blog & @clydesducktape!
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Frankie wakes up and automatically reaches over to grab your body and pull you close for his usual morning cuddles, but is instead met with emptiness. He frowns slightly, grazing his open palm across the sheets where you had been laying. It’s cold, a sign that you must have been up for a while.
He moves to stand from the warm, plush sanctity of the bed, feeling the joints in his legs and hips creak and pop during the action. Logic tells him he’s just stiff from sleep, but he tells himself it’s because of the day. His birthday, one year closer to being called to the pearly gates of heaven, hence the reason his body decided to remind him of this undesirable affair.
He uses the restroom and brushes out the mess of curls on top of his head, the hairbrush doing nothing to tame them and instead fluffs them up even more. He grumbles, placing his hands under the faucet and running his damp fingers through his hair to tamp it down as best as he could. As he turns the water off, he hears some high pitched giggling, undoubtedly from Daniela, followed by your soft, angelic laughter.
His heart clenches as the image of his two most important girls (plus his unborn son residing in your belly) playing in the living room like usual before he wakes up flashes before his eyes. His own perfect, little family that made him the luckiest man in the world. He’s almost sure what you’re up to; you always make a big deal out of his birthday, even when he tells you not to, but he’s never not grateful for everything you do for him.
He brushes his teeth quickly and leaves the bedroom, glancing inside Daniela’s room where he spots Barbies all over the floor, but empty besides, confirming that you two must be in the front room. He makes his way to the living room, the smell of coffee and something cooking greeting him, and he hears you shushing Daniela before whispering something to her. Before he can make it into the kitchen, little feet start stomping his way and around the corner comes his little girl, still dressed in her princess nightgown and curls bouncing as she runs.
“Mi amor,” Frankie calls out as he leans down to pick her up in his arms.
“Happy birthday, daddy,” she says and kisses him on his cheek.
“Thank you baby, and how do we say it in Spanish?”
“Feliz coompianyos,” she says definitively and Frankie hears you giggle.
“Close, princesa,” he nuzzles her cheek gently. “Where’s mama?”
“Mama said no kitchen,” she shakes her head.
“I can’t go to the kitchen?” Frankie asks incredulously. “And why wouldn’t I be able to go to the kitchen?” He inches closer to the dining room, knowing you can hear him.
“Francisco, do not set one foot in here or I’ll cut it off,” you joke and Frankie makes an audible noise of displeasure.
“Cut what off?” Daniela asks, her big, round eyes blinking innocently at Frankie.
“Daddy’s hair, baby,” you answer for a flustered Frankie. “How about you two play some Barbies or something while I finish up in here?”
“Daddy, Go Fish?” Daniela asks excitedly and Frankie grumbles under his breath, just the slightest but loud enough to make you snort.
Frankie respects your wishes and takes Daniela to the living room, setting her down on the couch while he grabs the deck of cards from the coffee table, shuffled and ready to go at any given time. He plays a couple of rounds with her before you waddle your way out of the kitchen, rubbing your back. You walk around to his side of the couch and lean down to give him a kiss.
“Happy birthday, honey,” you smile.
“Thank you, my love,” he grins and brings his hand up to rub your belly.
“He was dancing earlier, maybe he’ll get going again just for you,” you say.
“Little guy likes you more than me already,” he laughs.
“Well, he better. I’m not sacrificing my body for him to like you more,” you joke. “Daniela, are you ready?”
“Yes mama,” she nods and claps, tossing her cards to the side and standing up. Frankie chuckles as he picks up the cards to put them away, taking a look at her hand.
“Hey, you said you didn’t have any fives,” he laughs and pulls her tiny frame into his chest to tickle her sides, Daniela’s giggles echoing through the whole living room.
“C’mon nena,” you laugh along and hold out your hand, Frankie kissing her forehead before releasing her.
“C’mon daddy!” She cheers and pulls his hand to coax him off the couch.
“No, no! Not yet!” You exclaim.
“Stay daddy,” Daniela lets go of his hand and Frankie chuckles.
“What are you up to?” He asks you, standing anyway.
“You’ll see! Just please, wait here,” you grin and Frankie can’t help but listen to your demand, even if it is his birthday and his house and he can go wherever he wants.
He watches you and Daniela walk away, retreating back into the kitchen and he follows at a safe distance, only stopping just outside the dining room. He knows you’ve done something for him, presumably for his birthday, so he follows your orders and lets you go through with the surprise. He hears you telling Daniela right here and another one there and he is curious, but he stands patiently.
“Okay Frankie, go ahead and sit at the table,” you call out. “Back facing us please! And no peeking,” you add quickly and Frankie chuckles as he moves to sit at the dining table.
He hears the flick of the kitchen light, casting the room into darkness and he already knows what’s coming. Daniela runs to be at his side and he throws his arm around her as she squeezes herself into him. You start walking over to where he’s sitting and you tell Daniela just like we practiced, counting down from three and you two begin singing Happy Birthday to him.
Frankie smiles widely; both of his girls singing to him, and even if Daniela mumbled here and there, that was already the best birthday present he could ever ask for. You come up beside him carrying a plate of small pancakes, candles stuck throughout at random, and Frankie covers his mouth as he laughs to protect any of the candles from blowing out.
“Make a wish, baby,” you say as you place the plate in front of him.
He doesn’t need to make a wish for anything; everything he could ever want is right here, but he indulges you anyway, closing his eyes for a moment before blowing out the candles. You and Daniela cheer and clap for him and you lean over to place a kiss on his lips. When you pull away, Daniela is tugging at his shirt, beckoning him to lean down to her and she places a kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you, my girls,” he says as he smiles at each of you. “This is new, I’ve never had birthday pancakes like this before.”
“It was Daniela’s idea,” you smile proudly, grabbing a napkin to hold all of the candles.
“I drew a picture, wanna see daddy?” Daniela asks and after an enthusiastic yes from Frankie, she runs off to the living room to collect her drawing, rushing back just as quickly and handing it to Frankie.
“Ohh, yeah I see it. Good job, baby,” he encourages as he looks at the drawing of nothing but circles. You snort as she runs off to put her drawing away and you grab a plate from the table to serve some pancakes for Daniela.
“I thought they were grapes,” you admit.
“Yeah, it doesn’t help that she colored them purple,” he chuckles softly and shakes his head. You rub your lower back as you set the plate down and Frankie stands up.
“Honey, sit please, I’ll get the syrup,” he holds your elbow and helps lower you down into the chair.
“Normally I would say ‘no way’, but I’ll stay quiet right now,” you laugh.
Frankie kisses the top of your head and heads to the fridge, grabbing the butter, syrup, and can of whipped cream. When he walks back, he sees you waggle your eyebrows. He laughs and shakes his head as he sits down.
“I don’t know what’s so funny here, you won’t be laughing pretty soon,” you tease.
“Oh really? This one will be all hopped up on sugar after these pancakes, then what?” Frankie teases back.
“Then she’ll crash and you’ll be all mine, Francisco Morales,” you wink.
Frankie can’t think of anything else to say, all he can focus on is the blood rushing south as he imagines exactly what you might have planned for him. All thoughts cease – for now – when Daniela runs back over and Frankie serves Daniela her pancakes. Admittedly with more syrup than he usually gives her, hoping that a higher sugar rush would mean a faster crash.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @sarahjkl82-blog @day-off-inkyoto @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @amandalovess @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @pedro4ever @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @librariantothejedi @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc @magpie-to-the-morning @pbeatriz @radiowallet @stevie75 @honestly-shite @bison-writes @amneris21 @disgruntledspacedad
Frankie Morales Tags: @dobbyjen @rebel-fanfare @quietpainter @grogusmum @tenderwhat @marvelousmermaid
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queensoybean0724 · 3 years
Succession Chapter 1 (Karl Heisenberg/female reader) Resident Evil Village fic
Here is chapter one of my new fanfic!
Title: Succession
Characters: Karl Heisenberg, female reader, OCs
Rating: PG-13 for language and intense scenes (for now, this is a slow burn, but it will get very hot and spicy in later chapters)
Summary: You discover a long lost relative from Moldova that you didn’t know existed has died and you are his sole beneficiary.  You are on board a plane to collect your inheritance when your plane crashes in a village in Romania.
Author’s Notes: I do not own the characters from Resident Evil Village.  This is a work of fiction.  Anything remotely similar to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Chapter 1
The music blasted from the car speakers as you drove down the main road towards the highway.  You had your phone plugged into your car stereo, your favorite Spotify playlist on shuffle.  Despite the A/C being on full blast, beads of sweat formed at your brow and rolled down your temple.  You adjusted the vents on either side of you, making sure the cold air directly hit your body.  The song that was playing had you tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, your head bopping to the beat.
The fridge at home was close to empty and it was beyond time for you to go grocery shopping.  The grocery list was secure in your purse and you were determined to stick to the items on the list and not make any frivolous purchases.  Money was tight and you only had so much money left before payday next week.
The song shut off suddenly followed by your ringtone.  Looking at the screen of your phone, UNKNOWN stared back at you. Probably a spam call, you thought to yourself, reaching to press the red Ignore button.  Unfortunately, your finger slid at the last minute and mistakenly tapped the Accept button. You watched as the call came through and the seconds ticked off.  FUCK!
“Hello?” you greeted with a hint of exasperation in your voice.
“Hello, am I speaking with Miss Y/N?” a heavily accented male voice responded.
“Yeah, this is she,” you muttered, rolling your eyes.  You tried your best to avoid these calls, ignoring them and letting them go straight to voicemail.  Very rarely was it followed with an actual message, which was more than fine with you.
“Miss Y/N, my name is Ron M. Dathermi.  I am a lawyer residing in Chisinau, Moldova in Eastern Europe…”
You raised your eyebrows at that.  Moldova?  Who the hell was calling you from Moldova?  Chalking it up to a scam, you were about to interrupt the man when he continued.
“...I wish I was calling under better circumstances, but I’m afraid I have some bad news.  Your great uncle, Serghei Popa, has passed away from a short illness and has named you his sole beneficiary…”
You couldn’t help the amused huff that came out of your mouth.  This must be some very elaborate scam.
“Umm...sorry, but I think you have the wrong person.  I don’t have family from Moldova and I have never heard of this man in my whole life.” You were about to hit the End button when Mr. Dathermi continued.
“Am I speaking with Y/N, born on (your birthday) to (your father and mother’s full names) and the granddaughter of (your grandfather and grandmother on both sides of your family)?”
Your eyes widened at that.  “Yeah, that’s me…” you answered.
“I know this may sound unusual, but Mr. Popa was the brother of your grandmother on your mother’s side.  He was given up for adoption at birth and taken in by a Moldovan family.  He did not have a spouse and had no children, and according to the genealogy report I have before me, your grandmother and your mother are both deceased.  Your mother was an only child, yes?  It appears to me that you are the last of his living relatives.”
You pulled off the road and into an empty parking lot.  The information you were being given was a lot to handle.  You didn’t have that large of a family.  You were an only child and raised by your parents and both sets of grandparents.  Both of your grandfathers had died before you turned 10.  Both grandmothers died within 5 years of each other and your father and mother died of illnesses, cancer and pneumonia respectively, in the last year.  Grief was a feeling that you knew better than anyone.  You kept to yourself mostly and you didn’t have any close friends or a significant other.
“Listen,” you began, “you are correct about all of your information, but how do I know this is not some kind of scam?”
The man on the other end of the phone cleared his throat and the sound of shuffling papers met your ears.  “I can imagine that this information is sudden and unusual.  What I will do is send a copy of his will and a copy of the genealogy papers to your address.  I encourage you to take this to your lawyer and have them look over the information.  The reason I am calling is because I need you to fly to Moldova, sign these papers, and accept the monetary inheritance that he has left you.”
Your jaw dropped as you looked down at your phone.  Fly to Moldova?  Is this true?  The only thing you knew about the country was that a foreign exchange student from high school was born and raised in Moldova.  That about sums up your knowledge of the country. This seemed incredibly asinine and ridiculous.  But the word that settled in your train of thought was “inheritance.” What inheritance?
“Mr...what was your name again?” you asked.
“Mr. Dathermi, but you can call me Ron,” the lawyer responded.
“Ron...umm, how much monetary inheritance are we talking about?”
More shuffling of papers was on the other side of the phone, Ron clicking his tongue as he looked through the information.  “He has left you 53,806,746 Moldovan Leu...which translates to $3,000,000 in American currency.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!?!” you exclaimed before clamping your lips shut.  You heard Ron chuckle.  “I’m sorry, pardon my language. It’s just...wow...this sounds insane…”
“I can imagine it does,” Ron replied, “which is why I want to mail this information to you and have your attorney take a look at it so you know this is a legitimate will and testament.  If you would like, I can mail the information straight to your attorney if you are still leery.”
“No, no, that’s okay,” you said, shaking your head.  Your mind was whirling.  None of this sounded remotely true.  You felt as if you were dreaming.  This felt like something that only happened in books and fairy tales...a girl who had nothing and nobody suddenly inheriting millions of dollars from an unknown distant relative.  What are the odds of something like this happening in real life?  You gave Ron Dathermi your home address.
“Thank you very much, Miss Y/N.  I will send this as soon as possible.  I’ll also include my business card so your attorney can contact me and we can iron out the details.  Thank you very much, Y/N...I’ll be in touch.”
You thanked him as well and ended the call.  All alone in your car in the empty parking lot, you let out an excited squeal and started hopping up and down.
You adjusted the messenger bag that was slung across your shoulder as you heard the overhead speaker call for the boarding of your flight.  Taking a deep breath, you got in line, extended your ticket to the airport employee, and walked down the tarmac and into the plane.
Butterflies were fluttering in your stomach.  Your hands gripped your bag tightly as the flight attendant looked at your boarding pass and pointed down the aisle to where you were to be seated.  You had never flown before and your nerves were on alert.  Scenes from Final Destination flashed in your head as you walked down the aisle towards your seat.  Taking a deep breath and willing your body to relax, you located your seat next to the window and sat down, plopping your bag onto your lap.  
The small window was close to the wing of the plane and looking beyond that was a long expanse of grass that met a vast forest.  You were thankful that you had the window seat and your headphones so you could tune everything out and relax in your own little world.
Once the papers from Mr. Dathermi arrived a week prior, you immediately called the attorney that helped you with the probate and will from your parents’ deaths several months back.  He was more than happy to help, knowing that you were all alone in the world after your parents had passed.  Two days later, he called to inform you that all of the paperwork was, in fact, legitimate and that Mr. Serghei Popa was the brother of your grandmother.  He showed you the adoption papers, confirming that your great uncle had been put up for adoption and the family that took him in had relocated to Moldova when he was two years old.  He had remained in the country until his death.  Your attorney contacted Mr. Dathermi, who in turn secured a round trip plane ticket in order for you to come to Moldova to finalize the paperwork and collect the inheritance.
At the thought of the money you were about to acquire, another surge of excitement flowed through you.  Your parents hadn’t left you much after their death and you worked at a dead-end job that had no room for advancement and no possibility for raises.  All of these recent events sounded like something out of a fairy tale.
“This is your captain speaking,” the voice sounded from the speaker above your head, “we will be departing in the next ten minutes.  Please make sure your seatbelts are secured, your tray tables are up, and all electronics are off until we are at the appropriate cruising altitude.  I will inform everyone as soon as the coast is clear.  Thank you for flying with us and enjoy the ride.”
You fastened your seatbelt and laid your head back, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Don’t be nervous…” a voice sounded next to you.  You opened your eyes and looked over to see an older gentleman with wide rimmed glasses and a nice smile.
“Is it that obvious?” you asked, returning his smile.
“It’s pretty obvious,” he chuckled, “my name is Bruce Williams.  I’m the air marshal on board this flight.” You told him your name and shook his hand. “Just relax,” he assured, “we’ll be flying for the next 10 hours.  There are lots of movies and tv shows to watch on the screen in front of you, or you can listen to your music and read a book if you brought one.”
You patted your messenger bag.  “Yeah, I have a few books to choose from.  Thanks,” you smiled.
Within minutes, the plane had backed away from the tarmac, turned towards the long expanse of runway, and increased speed before leaving the ground and soaring up into the clouds.
The steady hum of the plane’s engines provided a relaxed soundtrack as you slept.  It was close to early morning, according to the clock on the tv screen, but your watch was still on your regular time zone.  It read early afternoon and that threw you through a loop.  You had heard that jet lag could be a bitch and you wondered how bad yours would be once you landed.  Bruce had passed you a pillow and blanket once you were ready to sleep and he assured you that your bag and belongings would be safe while you slept.
You were so thankful to be seated next to him.  Not only was he the air marshal, but he was a really cool person as well.  You two talked about movies and actually watched a couple of them on the tv screen in front of you.  Bruce was kind and nice to talk to.  The crinkle of crow’s feet around his eyes, his laugh, and his hair color mixed with hints of gray reminded you of your father...maybe that’s why you liked him so much.
You shifted in your seat and let out a soft yawn.  Stretching your arms above your head and arching your back, you wondered how much longer it would be until you touched down in Moldova.
“You weren’t asleep that long,” Bruce murmured.  You looked over to see a book in his hand and his glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom and then go back to sleep,” you replied, standing from your seat.  Bruce stood up and allowed you out into the aisle.  You made your way to the bathroom towards the back of the plane.  The cabin was dark with little lights dotting either side of the aisle on the floor. Soft lights were shining here and there from people reading, watching the tv screen, or messing with their phones while most of the passengers were asleep.
Once in the bathroom, you did your business, flushed the toilet, and began washing your hands.  The mirror in front of you showed a tired and weary version of yourself.  Some of your eye makeup was smudged.  You told yourself once  you returned back to your seat, you’d retrieve the makeup remover wipes in your bag and do away with the dirt and oil.
Just then the plane hit an air pocket and dropped several feet, throwing  you forward towards the sink and mirror.  You let out a shriek as the plane quieted and went still.  “God dammit,” you muttered, putting your hand over your heart, “that scared the shit out of me!”
Once out of the bathroom, you slammed the door shut and walked back to your seat.  You tapped Bruce on the shoulder and he moved aside.
You lifted the window shade and looked outside.  Natural light from the start of the day began to show.  The plane was amongst the clouds so it was fairly cloudy and hard to see.
“How much farther do we have?” you asked Bruce.  He shifted the book to his left hand and looked down at his wristwatch.  “We should be there in three hours.  I think we are flying over Romania right now…”
You nodded your head and thanked him, turning back to the window.  The clouds gave way momentarily and provided the opportunity to see the ground below.  Tall, snowy mountains came into view.  You smiled and marveled at their beauty, wondering what mountain range this was.  You cursed yourself for forgetting the basics from your World Geography class in high school.  Hell, all you knew about Romania was that it was the setting for Dracula and the real life territory that was once owned by Elizabeth Bathory, who allegedly killed upwards of 650 maidens and bathed in their blood.  You shook your head and smiled to yourself.  You really did enjoy some morbid and fucked up stories.
Your train of thought stopped short when a large and spacious castle came into view.  Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped.  It looked like something out of a Disney movie or from ancient castles that still sat throughout Europe.  The place looked like it stood on several acres of land and who knows how many square feet.  What a gorgeous and breathtaking place it was.  You wondered just what was inside a monstrosity like that and who was lucky enough to inhabit such a place.  Maybe there were castles in Moldova that you could explore and visit while you’re conducting your business.
The castle fell out of view and not far from it stood what looked like a village.  You were too high up to see any people or any traces of lights or torches.  You took everything in with total awe and appreciation.  It looked like a small and sleepy storybook town.
A sudden movement close to the village caught your attention.  You squinted your eyes and tried to look closer, pressing your forehead to the window.  What the fuck is that, you wondered.  It looked like a black tree, naked of leaves or any type of growth...and it was moving.  It looked to be swaying in the breeze, but the size of it looked way too sturdy for any kind of gust to move it with such fluidity.  As you focused on the tree, it appeared to be growing...getting closer to the plane.  Was the plane descending?  Were you getting closer to Moldova?
One of the branches of the tree slowly drifted to the ground before extending long and rigid, slinging itself up into the air like a bullwhip, hitting the wing of the plane.  The plane suddenly tilted as the slithering limb wrapped around the wing and broke it off.  You let out a loud scream as the plane turned on its side, Bruce falling against you, squishing you to the wall.  “WHAT THE FUCK??” Bruce screamed as yelps, shrieks, and screams echoed in the cabin of the plane.  Dozens of people were knocked from their seats, flight attendants falling into the aisle and rolling towards the cockpit.  The plane shook and quaked as it dropped several feet in a matter of seconds.
“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” you screamed, grabbing hold of Bruce’s arm.  The air masks dropped from overhead and Bruce grabbed yours, making quick work of putting it over your face.  “HOLD ON TO IT! HOLD IT OVER YOUR MOUTH, Y/N!!” he commanded, reaching for his own mask.
“THE WING OF THE PLANE HAS BEEN DAMAGED!” the pilot yelled from over the speakers, “WE ARE LOSING ALTITUDE! BRACE FOR IMPACT!”  People screamed and panicked, holding on to whatever it was they could.  Panic surged through your body as your fingers dug into Bruce’s arm.  The plane shook as it fell.  Your stomach dropped and it felt as if you were seconds from impact.  You looked out the window one last time before the ground came into view and everything went black.
He leaned over the body on the metal table in the lab of his factory.  He fastened the bolts with a wrench and tested the strength of the metal against the rotting flesh.  A soft horn sounded in the distance along with the various turns of chains and clangs of steel against steel.  He wiped the sweat off his brow and walked to his desk, looking over the blueprints and sketches he had devised the previous day.
Despite the different array of sounds, nothing could mask the loud crash that sounded off in the distance.  He lifted his head, silently trying to figure out what the fuck made that noise.  Leaving the body laying on the table, he exited his lab and made his way down the stairs and to the factory doors.  
With a grunt, he slid the doors aside and looked off into the distance.  Black smoke billowed from an area that looked to be close to the village.  Other than the crows squawking and flapping their wings in retreat, everything was dead quiet.  He looked off to the right just in time to see the long, spindly limbs of mold retreating back towards the earth.  Karl Heisenberg’s face tightened in a disgusted grimace.
“Mother Miranda...what have you done?”
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