#i was gonna make a smoothie and do some reading and get ahead on my studying
spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Unova Edition
Hugh: *handing out smiley balloons* I have no soul. Have a nice day!
Colress: I don't have one either.
Drayden: Let me see what you have!
Iris: A knife!
Drayden: NO!
Cilan: Fun fact! Blueberries are the only fruit named after a color.
Iris: Star fruit?
Cilan: ♥️ So close! That is a shape ♥️
Colresss: Welcome to physics!
*science project explodes*
Hilbert: *banging pots and pans*
Teacher: Uh, Cheren, can you read number 23 for the class, please?
Cheren: No, I cannot. What up, I’m Cheren, I’m 19, and I never fricking learned how to read.
Chili: Hi, welcome to Chili's.
Elesa: Hey, I’m lesbian.
Emmet: I thought you were Unovan.
Clay: I wanna be a cowboy, baby!
Alder: Hell yeah!
Clay:  I wanna be a cowboy, baby!
Cheren: Why are you guys reblogging this in December?
Cheren: It is February, you ANIMALS
Emmet: "Average person eats 8 spiders a year" factoid, actually statistical error. Average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave and eats over 10,000 every day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.
Chili: Oh sorry, I fell asleep while I was waiting on you to make me a sandwich.
Cress: Go back to sleep AND STARVE.
Ingo: Perhaps it is the context in which words are spoken that gives them the power of meaning. *yelling* I LOVE YOU, JOLTIK!
Hilda: Would you like something to drink? *opens fridge* We have water, milk, juice, Joltiks, Dr. Pepper…
Cheren: Joltiks?
Hilda: Joltiks it is, then.
Cheren: Wait, that’s not what I meant—
But she was already pouring him a brimming glass of Joltiks.
Ingo and Emmet: *in the middle of an intense Pokemon battle*
Hilbert: Can I get a waffle? Can I PLEASE get a waffle?
After said battle:
Hilbert, pointing at the losing Pokemon: He need some milk
Ingo: Road work ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!
Rosa (pointing at a flock of Swanna): Look at all those chickens!
Ingo: *filming in selfie mode*
Emmet: (in background) Bop it! Twist it! Pull it!
Colress (grinning): I'M GOING TO JAIL!
Cheren: Tumblr is just talking to yourself but with an audience.
Cilan: That’s called a soliloquy.
Cheren: Found the theater kid. Get em boys.
Iris: Hey OP, how do we know you’re not a theater kid?
Cilan: Eating chips with chopsticks is unironically galaxy brain. Your fingers don’t get greasy and it lasts for longer.
Chili: Fork
Cilan: Oh, yeah, I’m going to stab my crunchy foods and make them fall apart like an absolute absentminded dunce, fool, clown, jester, like a monstrous moron, an idiot of Shakespearean proportions, a cretin.
Cress: Um, you seem to forget that ‘chips’ can also mean fries. And that’s probably what he was talking about, haha
Cilan: I did not forget anything. I purposely ignore the idea of using British vocabulary to do my part in helping it die out.
Cilan: KNOWLEDGE is knowing that a tomato is technically a fruit.
Cress: WISDOM is not putting it in a fruit salad.
Chili: PHILOSOPHY is wondering if a tomato is a fruit, does that make ketchup a smoothie?
Cheren: COMMON SENSE is knowing that ketchup isn't a smoothie.
Ingo: I went to the store and bought Quick Oats. The next day, my brother came back with Instant Oats. I will not be humiliated like this. I must now find an even sooner oat.
Hilbert: I hope nobody is evil
Ghetsis: >:)
Hilbert: Oh no
Elesa: Don’t post your negativity on a positive post.
Volkner: Electrons
Elesa: I should kick your ass.
Cilan: Being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sauté. But then there are also the horrors.
Cheren: People who say ‘oof’ and people who say ‘bruh’ contribute nothing to a conversation.
Nate: OOF
Hilbert: BRUH
Ingo: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Skyla: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Elesa: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Emmet: I slap my knees, I slap my thighs, tonight is the night that Burger King dies
Cheren: I currently have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them.
Cilan: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except you.
Bianca: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone except you two.
Nate: Put spaghetti in it.
Cheren: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Roxie: *playing guitar*
*suspicious crashing noises in distance*
Roxie: *plays guitar louder*
Hilbert: Big mood.
Emmet: What does that mean?
Hilbert: Well… it means, me too, I guess.
*the next day*
Ingo: I'm worried about Team Rocket using our subway system.
Emmet: Big mood, brother. Big mood.
Hilbert: Z is just a sideways N
N: Please stop it
Hilbert: Zo
Elesa: I can't find my earbuds and Target is closed. This is a nightmare.
Burgh: Put a Durant in each ear and they will sing to you.
Elesa: Not a half-bad idea actually.
Emmet: I go to Home Depot
Emmet: I eat the tools
Ingo: Stop it
Emmet: Crumch
Roxie: Is it cheating to teach Toxic to every member of my Pokemon team?
Elesa: Not at all, I'd love to hear them sing it.
Clay: None of y’all know what propaganda actually is, do you?
Hilda: It’s when a British person takes a good look at something.
Elesa: What are you guys going to be for Halloween?
Ingo: Sad
Burgh: Gay
Skyla: Sexy
Emmet: Goblin
Ingo: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds
Emmet: My arms are strong, I would catch you and hug you
Clay: Children, this is dirt.
Nate, Rosa, and Hugh: dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt? dirt?
Hilda: Shoutout to all the people who started saying “same” as a joke once in a while but now use it for the most random things like a car honking their horn at another car.
Cheren: Yesterday a book fell off my desk but instead of picking it up, I just looked at it for a second and said “same”
Hilbert: LOL same
Bianca: Why are we like this?
Cheren: Is there anything better than pussy?
Cheren: Yes, a really good book
Cheren: *plays the keyboard*
Hilbert: Who’s the hottest Uber driver you’ve ever had?
N: Ummm… I never went to Oovoo Javer.
Looker: Where’s the best place to buy fireworks?
Hugh: Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?
Looker: Where are your parents? Kid’s sketchy, back to you.
Emmet: *screams into jar and then screws on the lid* Everything’s fine.
Cilan: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Nate: Microwave for 40 minutes
Cilan: Why were you microwaving a lemon??
Nate: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges), but I didn’t own any pots.
Cilan: Did you burn an orange too? How??
Nate: Microwave for 40 minutes
Classroom: *silence*
One of the students: turgle turgle
Hilda: Hey everyone, today my brother pushed me, so I'm starting a Kickstarter to put him down. Benefits of killing him would be that I get pushed way less—
Cheren: I get that you're angry, but killing Hilbert is not the solution.
Hilbert: When will Ted himself finally show up to the talk?
Bianca: The final boss
Cheren: Guys, you do realize that TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, right?
Hilda: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer.
Cheren: I love the word methinks. It’s accurate. Me does think. Thinketh me do.
Hilbert: Methinks therefore me am.
Nate (bragging.): I know every digit of pi.
Nate: I don't know what order.
N: He doesn't know what order.
"Hey besties friendly reminder to drink water, feed your lab Rattata, turn off your evil nuclear generator, change out of your dirty lab coat, go for a walk, and take care of yourself!"
(during a game of Uno)
Ingo: Brother, please, no.
Emmet: I’m sorry. I have to.
Ingo: Please, I’m begging you, after all we’ve been through?
Emmet: I’m sorry. [places a draw 4 card] Uno.
N: Any questions before I move on?
Porygon: *garbled electric noises*
N: ... Great. I really understood that well.
Elesa: This is camp.
Ingo: What does camp mean?
Emmet: Like when something is so yass and slay
Emmet: Do you think Joltiks take fall damage?
Ingo: Emmet, what the heck?
*at Drayden’s home in Opelucid City*
The Pokemon streaming service profiles read as follows:
Drayden: “Person who pays for the account”
Iris: “Granddaughter (Free pass)”
Ingo: “Parasite 1”
Emmet: “Parasite 2”
Cheren: How long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology and not grave robbing?
Lenora: As an archaeologist, I find this a VERY AWKWARD QUESTION.
Cheren: Answer the question, grave robber.
Elesa: Carpe diem— seize the day
Skyla: Carpe noctem— seize the night
Emmet: Carpe natem— seize the ass
Ingo: Seriously, if you guys don't stop reblogging this, I am going to carpe someone's neck and break it.
Grimsley: Carpe collum— seize the neck
Cheren: Not all math puns are bad.
Cheren: Just sum of them.
Roxie: There is so much panic right now and not nearly enough disco.
Elesa: Where do bad rainbows go?
Skyla: …
Elesa: Prism. It's a light sentence.
Skyla: *groan*
Hilda: If you don't know the difference between "their," "they're", and "there", your a idiot.
Cheren: Well, this is awkward.
Hilbert: I was born ready!
Hilda: You were born in Nuvema Town.
Hilbert: When I was your age… (tells Hilda something he did a few minutes ago)
Nate: A theif
Cheren: Thief?
Nate: Theif
Cheren: I before e, except after c
Nate: Thceif
Cheren: No
Hilda: (singing) A potato flew around my room before you came—
Hilda, Hilbert, Cheren, and Bianca: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!
Hilbert: I'm nuts about these nuts. But you know what I'm also nuts about? My close good friends!
Hilbert: *gestures to Hilda, Cheren, Bianca, Nata, Rosa, Hugh, and N* My close good friends!
Ghetsis: Remember one time I liked you?
N: No.
Ghetsis: Good, because IT NEVER HAPPENED! *evil laugh*
Cilan: Would anyone like some stew? Would anyone like some stew? Would anyone like some stew?
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jeonginssa · 1 year
I Swear I’ll Never Leave Again | W.JH
Part Three - I was falling in love with you
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Author’s note: i’d love to know what you thought of this chapter 🙈
Word count: 1.3k(ish)
Content/genre: nonidol jun, jun x reader, lisa (blackpink) is bestie goals, fluff, heavy angst, office romance
Trigger/content warnings: swearing, mentions of domestic abuse (jeonghan is the abuser, so sorry jeonghan, i love you, i swear🥲), broken glass, mentions of death (specifically father)
Taglist: open
@fairygirl18 @seyoungparkk
You could feel his eyes on you, trying to read your expression as you sat in the passenger seat of his car staring ahead with tight lips.
“I’m sorry I pretended not to know you, it might not seem like it but I really did have my reasons.”
“Which were?”
He sighed, “I’m gonna take us to my place, I know you haven’t eaten so I’ll order us some breakfast. We can talk then.” You wanted to be annoyed that he kept delaying the conversation but you were so hungry and this was Junhui. He deserved the benefit of the doubt. He’d never been anything but kind to you.
You nodded. That was all the confirmation he needed and he pulled out of the car park and started driving. The drive was quiet which honestly you welcomed because your brain still felt like it was trying to escape your skull.
Junhui’s apartment was so him, monochrome decor with a shiny white piano in the corner of the living room.
“Do you still play?”
“When I get time,” he smiled and you cursed how disarming it was. “Sit down and I’ll order us some food.” You nodded and plonked yourself down on his sofa, god you were tired. Junhui tried to hide a chuckle.
The food arrived and Junhui placed a cheese and ham croissant and a smoothie in front of you. You paused.
“You remembered?”
“Of course I remembered.” You were both silent for a while as you ate your breakfast, deep in thought. Your eyes felt so heavy. “Do you want a glass for the smoothie?”
“Yes please,” you tried to smile but you could feel how exhausted you must look. He got up and grabbed a glass from a kitchen cupboard. He was placing it in your hand when you dropped it. You immediately dropped to your knees.
“I’m so sorry, let me clean it up, I’ll buy you another one. I’m so clumsy, I’m so sorry.” Junhui watched the tears threatening to fill your eyes and lifted you up off the floor. You froze. He looked into your eyes, scanning your face. His brows furrowed and he bit the inside of his cheek.
“Who is he?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Who has you this scared because it may have been a while but I know damn well you know I have never gotten angry at you for anything ever. Especially not something as small as a broken glass.”
He frowned, “I’m sorry, you don’t have to tell me, okay, just, did you hurt yourself? Is there any glass on you?” He took your hands and examined them for any sign of damage or glass.
“I’m okay,” you took a deep, steadying breath and tried not to notice the fact that Junhui was still holding your hands.
He looked unconvinced but sighed. “Sit on the sofa, let me clean this up, then we’ll talk.” You followed his orders and sat down, most of your energy being used on not crying.
With everything cleaned up he sat next to you tentatively. He was looking at you like you were also made of glass and you were starting to wonder if he was going to speak or just stare at you. You pulled your sleeves over your hands.
“Are you okay?”
“Define okay.”
He smiled a little but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Are you safe?”
“Define safe.”
“Can you make this a little easier for me please?” He rubbed the back of his head anxiously.
“I’m sorry. I’ll explain it’s just, I’m so tired and I just want to know why you pretended not to know me and why you didn’t want me to know you helped me.”
“There’s a few reasons. The main one is that I didn’t want your colleagues to think you were getting special treatment or that you didn’t have the same interview process as everyone else.”
“That makes sense, I guess but what else?”
“I honestly wasn’t sure if you’d remember me, then when I shook your hand and you were shaking,” fuck, “I couldn’t work out if it was because you really didn’t remember me and it was first day nerves or if you did remember me but that didn’t make sense because if you remembered me why would you be shaking?” Because I was falling in love with you and you left.
“I remembered you.”
“I see.”
“Why aren’t you in China? Sorry that sounds like you shouldn’t be here. I mean, why didn’t you tell me you came back? When did you come back? Why did you come back?” He patiently waited for you to get all of your words out.
“Do you remember the reason I went back to China?”
“I remember you needed to help your family.”
“But specifically?” You shook your head. “I don’t know if I ever told you, I probably didn’t.” He paused for a moment and took a breath to collect himself. “My dad died, my mum was understably not doing well and my little brother was so small. They needed me, so I went.” He looked up at you, “Shit, I didn’t mean to make you cry. It’s okay, it’s sad and we miss him but I’m okay. Please don’t cry. Do you need a tissue?” You sniffled and nodded. “Okay, one sec.”
He came back with a box of tissues and placed them next to you on the sofa.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call. Everything happened so quickly and at the time I don’t think I could have said it out loud. Then when I got back a year ago too much time had passed and I wasn’t sure you’d even have the same number or want to hear from me so I just didn’t.”
A year ago. The whole time you were with Jeonghan, being beaten and ridiculed, Junnie was back in Korea and you had no idea. Would you have ever even gotten with Jeonghan if you had known Junhui was there? Probably not.
“I wish you would say something,” he spoke softly.
“You don’t need to apologise, I just wish I knew what you were thinking.”
“I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of?”
“A lot.”
“I have time.”
“What did the man last night look like?”
“Tall, slim, shoulder length blonde hair…” he trailed off when he saw that you’d gone white as a sheet and you were shaking. “It’s him, isn’t it?” You nodded. “I should have knocked that guy out.” You shook your head.
“It wouldn’t have solved anything.”
“Probably not.” Had you looked up, you would have noticed that Junhui was shaking too. “I’m going to run you a bath.” It was the only thing he could think to do. He made sure to get out his best towels and toiletries and laid out a top and sweatpants for you to change into.
You laid in the bath, the scent of vanilla filling the air and you couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since you had felt this cared for. You didn’t have to think for long though as the answer was obvious. Before Junnie left. You washed up, dried yourself and put on the clothes Junhui had left out for you, they smelled like him.
It should have been weird to walk into the room in his clothes but you did it so often as a teenager you didn’t think much of it. Junhui gulped at the sight of you but you didn’t notice.
“Feel any better?”
You let out a tired smile, “yes, thank you.”
You sat back down on the sofa. “Wait here.”
He came back holding a blanket, “here have this.” You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “You look tired, you were unconscious most of the night, that’s not real sleep. You should take a nap.” He would have offered you his bed but he didn’t want to scare you, God only knows what that Jeonghan guy had done to you. You had never been shy or anxious or timid when you were young. Junhui hated seeing you like this.
“Thanks,” you took the blanket from him and smiled before getting into a more relaxed position on the sofa. It wasn’t long before you were fast asleep, quiet breaths leaving your lips.
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allylikethecat · 2 months
i had to do an errand that required me to drive into the rural part of my city and i saw horses in a field and immediately started thinking about atkh… i’m suffering from the worst brainrot..(in the best way possible ;))
anyway talk shop tuesday!!
when you dont ask us which fic we want in a poll, how do you decide which fic you post?? i assume some fics are just farther along in your notes but do you update multiple fics at once or do you choose ahead of time which one you’re gonna post and then just focus on writing for that one??
Hello My Dear Smoothie Anon!!
If it makes you feel any better, I am twenty eight years old, I own a horse, I typically see him 5-6 days a week, most of my friends also own horses, some who have them in their back yards, and I also live in a very "horsie" area so I see them literally all the time I spent SO MUCH TIME with horses its ridiculous. HOWEVER without fail, I do excitedly announce / shout HORSIE whenever I'm driving and see one out in the world, which is always extremely jarring to whoever is with me when they aren't expecting it lol So like, I get it 😂 I hope you enjoy Friday's update! I know I am excited about it!
Happy Talk Shop Tuesday! Now onto your question now that I got my horse fan-girling out of the way lol
It's kind of a mix, I usually try to work on each fic a little bit here and there (that way I don't get burnt out on any of them) but obviously sometimes I pull further ahead in one. When I don't do a poll it's usually because I've realized I haven't updated one in a while, and I have an update either ready or almost ready. For example, before today the most recent update to Ducklings had been March 26th so I was like shit- I should probably update that one it's been a month lol Now that today's Ducklings chapter has been posted, I'm pretty much in the same spot with all the fics in the poll (other than All the King's Horses that one is actually nearly completed, I however have two different possible endings mapped out for that one and I need to decide which one to follow - and I'm planning on using the feedback on the next few chapters to make that decision so it's extra important for y'all to tell me what you think lol!) SO I figured I would open it up and see which one y'all were interested in next because as much as I love writing and do it for myself, it is fun when people read it and enjoy it, and I do like to take that into consideration. If I hadn't done a poll, it would have been the next chapter of The Birthday fic purely because that one was updated the longest ago now (other than You Know Where the City Is but that one is currently hurting me so an update will be slower lol) I hope this makes sense!!
Thank you so much for being so wonderful and sending this ask and reading and being so supportive! I always get a smile when I see that Smoothie Anon has appeared in my inbox! Thank you so much! I hope your Tuesday was lovely and that you have a wonderful week!
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phansterdam · 2 years
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Yoga | Step-brother!Tanaka Ryunosuke (nsfw)
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SYNOPSIS: Yoga seems a bit different today.
READER: step-sister!female
INCLUDES: pseudo-incest, step-bro!Tanaka, pervert!Tanaka, yoga sex, yoga ball, oral (female receiving), pussy sniffing, use of onii-chan
WORDS: 1155
WRITTEN: 04/19/2021
NOTES: This is my second entry for @dilfhub everything-cest collab event! Make sure to read the other writers' works <3
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He really wanted to fondle your fat ass. Why did his mother have to marry your father? You were too fucking god damn sexy.
If the two of you weren't step-siblings, he would have eagerly gotten down onto his knees and asked you out.
But now, he was forced to gaze at you from afar and sigh loudly.
"Tanaka-nii, what's wrong?" you questioned as you lifted a stool and dragged it into the kitchen.
"N-Nothing. Hey, what are you doing?"
"Saeko-nee always puts the cups up here," you explained as you stood on the stool and reached up to open the cabinet.
His eyes bulged out at the sight of your wiggling ass through those yoga shorts of yours as you hopped up and down to reach the cups.
"Here, let me—Uh—help." He walked over to you and held you by the ass, right underneath your cheeks. "Put a knee on the counter. I won't let you fall, so don't worry."
"Okay!" you chirped as you put one knee on the counter for easy access.
Tanaka held back a groan as he leaned in to quietly sniff your cunt. He could see the imprint of it through your cotton yoga shorts and it was making him insane.
Fuck, you smelled so good. He was ready to bust right then and there. His cock was painfully hard and pressing against his shorts.
"I got it!" you chirped.
He pulled his face away from your cunt and let go of your ass. You hopped off the stoop and smiled at him while holding your favorite cup.
"Thanks, Tanaka-nii."
"Mhm, no problem. Using the workout room?" he asked.
"Yep! You can use it with me too if you want. I'm just gonna do some yoga.
His parents or Saeko weren't home, so the two of you had the place all to yourselves.
"Mind if I do some yoga with you?" he asked.
"No, it sounds like fun! I've been wanting to do a handstand for a while now, but I can't do it on my own. It's supposed to get the blood flowing. Can you help?" you asked.
"Yeah, of course," he said breathlessly as you nodded in thanks and opened the fridge to take out fruits for your smoothie.
He wanted patiently, his head full of naughty thoughts while you chopped up fruit and blended them together for your smoothie.
"Tanaka-nii, I'm done. Are you ready?" you asked as you looked at him with your arms pushing your tits together.
"Uh-huh. After you."
You smiled and skipped ahead of him to the workout room. The whole time, he was eyeing your ass and thinking of ways to fuck you.
Turned out, you made it fairly easy for him. Because you wanted to do a handstand—you read somewhere that it helped with stretches and blood flow—Tanaka had to hold your legs.
You were balanced on your forearms and head with your legs spread out. His hands were on your inner thigh, making sure you didn't fall.
He didn't expect you to quite literally spread your legs for him. He looked down and faced with your cunt through those pretty cotton shorts of yours.
He could fucking smell you and it was making him feral. He leaned down and sniffed your cunt.
You didn't even notice, but it wasn't like you could exactly see what he was doing. Your eyes were closed, focusing on your breathing like any good person doing yoga because it was all about meditation, right?
Against his better judgement, he pressed his nose against your clit and sniffed it. You twitched and your eyes remained closed, believing that it was just your imagination.
Your imagination certainly didn't help the fact that you were horny now. You had a tiny crush on Tanaka, but you knew you couldn't do anything about it because of your parents being married.
Tanaka, on the other hand, didn't seem to care. He rubbed his nose back and forth, stimulating your clit before licking your cunt through your cotton shorts.
You let out a gasp of surprise, eyes fluttering open at that. Everything was upside and you were getting dizzy.
"Ta-Tanaka-nii," you whimpered.
He hummed. "Just a little more, baby."
He kissed your cunt and licked it, loving the way your cotton shorts dampened and created a wet spot. He could even taste you and he realized you weren't wearing panties underneath.
You moaned, forearms trembling from supporting yourself up. "Ta-Tanaka-nii, 'm getting tired."
He kissed your cunt one last time before gripping your thighs and flipping you over with his strength. You landed on your feet and he supported you by placing his hands on your waist. You were dizzy and dazed.
What was he supposed to do now? He just violated his step-sister. He scratched the back of his head and turned around to leave, but you held onto his wrist.
He turned back to see you with a pout on your face. You pulled him back to you, placing his hand on your hip.
"Finish what you started, Onii-chan," you muttered with a pout.
Fuck, that got him going. He spotted the purple yoga ball in the corner of the room and got an idea.
He led you to the yoga ball and forced you down. You tilted your head in confusion until he got down on his knees and spread your legs, setting his face in front of your cunt.
He groaned at how good you smell, sniffing your cunt before licking a stripe between your wet folds.
You whimpered as he spread your legs apart further, sniffing and licking your cute clit. He blew air on it, making you shudder.
You leaned back on the yoga ball, pressing your back along the curve of the ball and stretching out as Tanaka licked your clit. You were breathing heavily, hands fondling your tits as he smothered his face into your cunt.
"Fuck, you taste so good," he groaned before diving back in, sliding his tongue into your cunt.
You let out a cry at the feeling of his tongue wiggling around while his nose rubbed against your clit.
"O-Onii-chan, it feels good! 'm cumming! Cumming!"
Your toes curled, a cry leaving your lips as the ball rolled slightly. Your hands flew over your head to press against the floor, pushing your cunt further into Tanaka's face.
You creamed all over his face, cunt clenching down on his tongue as his nose rubbed against your puffy clit.
"Nngh—T-Tanaka-nii, s-stop! Too much!"
He hummed and slipped his tongue out, then licked your cunt to scoop up your cum into his mouth and swallow it.
You shuddered, breathing heavily as he pulled you back by the hips to roll the ball back slightly before picking you up. He cradled your head with his hand, then kissed you on the jaw.
"Don't worry, Y/N. Nii-chan will take care of you."
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eremiie · 3 years
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one — love confessions
❥ your actions have consequences. eren wants more with you but his motivation is unclear. there one thing you’re sure of though, eren jaeger is relentless.
❥ wattpad link ; ao3 link ; masterlist
❥ prologue ; chapter two
❥ word count ; 7k words
❥ content ; mentions of alcohol, alcohol usage
huge thanks to @arlert-slut for beta reading my work, she was a big help, ily callie!!!!
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❝ it’s delicate and sickeningly sweet, like the saccharine candy you’d find at a corner store— and what doesn’t help us the remaining taste of strawberry pineapple he leaves on your lips. you kick at the skin in efforts to get rid of it, and he only chuckles at your attempt before dropping his hands from your face. ❞
kisses were peppered on your face, threatening to stir you out of your sleep, and you knew who the culprit was, their hand sliding over the slope of your body and murmuring into your ear— words that were incomprehensible in your sleepy haze. 
"get up, it's time to wake up."
the past few mornings since your return from carla's had been a nuisance for you to get used to, but you were getting used to it. you were getting used to eren shaking you up early in the mornings to propose an activity for when you'd awake, and you were getting used to other things as well, like the more intimate touches he'd lay on you and the subtle nicknames. 
you were getting used to your situation with him after the events of the weekend prior.
the weekend prior; you spent your nights with eren at carla's, and he insisted that you go with him to a party at a nearby bar. you didn't mind and so you let him take you along, only for the two of you leave early after a more than inconvenient mishap. 
it was irritating at most, always having to be the one to drag eren away when he got more than comfortable, always having to talk to him about it only to see him make no effort to change. but for some reason something clicked in his brain that night and you ended up tangled in his sheets, a lazy love confession muttered in your ears when you were pressed against his front. a lazy love confession that you were partially swayed by.
you and eren didn't talk much about it, after leaving his mom's the two of you decided to leave it in the air. after all, there wasn't much to talk about that hadn’t already said. eren would try to do his part to win you over, and you'd just sit back and observe. the two of you went on just like you were before, as a matter of fact how you went on was almost too similar to how everything was before, yet at the same time somewhat foreign when you thought about the "other things".
the other things; the nicknames and the touches. you weren't too fond of them— maybe because you weren't his yet, but for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to shy away from them. they were comforting, they were something new to you, and you'd learn to appreciate them over time. 
it was funny because it was only eren who you’d let do these more than friendly touches even before what happened last weekend, and it was you who enjoyed the whole aspect of it. you were more prone to friendships as opposed to relationships. you never liked them much because you found yourself on a pedestal compared to others. no one could catch your attention, no one was good enough or worth your time, yet eren seemed to build his own pedestal and sit right beside you, and for that he was special.
 it was only eren who was able to do that, and only eren you were able to open up your heart to. you'd only hope he wouldn't screw it over for himself, and maybe for you too.
apart from getting used to your new situation with eren, you were getting used to letting go of things too, namely spending your mornings with someone else— spending your mornings with historia.
it didn't pain you much— you and historia had a friendship of pleasure, words by aristotle; she was good company for you in the mornings after class and when you needed socializing at events. 
maybe you'd blame it on the break you were on, after all, you'd walk out of your first class together. since there weren't any classes 'till next week, that could very well be the reason why you weren’t seeing her. although you knew even when they would start up again it wouldn't be historia who'd be offering you a piece of her breakfast, spritzing her floral perfume over her body for the nth time, or keeping you awake with her tangents, it'd be eren. 
plus, you were saving yourself from the awkward encounter, considering that night when she let her drink plague the front of eren's shirt, and considering the fact that that morning you had just told her to let eren be, that he was a player, that what may be fun for her was only a fling for him. yet you ended up in her exact position, letting eren sweep you off your feet and into his bed. that would linger on your mind when you saw her, and the more you thought about it the less fair it was to her,
but it wasn't your fault, right?
"c'mon get up, it's almost eleven." eren's hand slid back up to shake your shoulder before his fingers made their way up to your eyelid, pulling it up. you smacked his hand down, a groan leaving your lips as you turned in your covers.
"eren," you pulled the soft fabric of the blanket over your head and began to blink underneath them, eyes adjusting to the small gleam of light that was let through the thick fabric. "what is your problem?"
he huffs and you feel his weight dip the bed some as he falls backwards on it, his head resting against your legs. he reciprocates your groan, seemingly more irritated, as if you were the one to disturb his sleep. "my problem is that you won't get up." 
"you said it's eleven eren, eleven." your voice is groggy and you can feel the swell of your face, rubbing at your features before you tugged the blanket from over your head. eren perks up at the sound of the fabric rustling, and he rises, happy to see your face, that same radiant smile you're used to seeing every morning greeting you.
"i always wake you up earlier than this," he shuffles back on the bed and lays his head down against your stomach and although he can feel you glaring at him from above, he still gets as comfortable as possible. it's then that you realize he's already ready for the day, clad in clothes different from what he went to sleep in, a shirt, and some sweats. "'wanted to get something to eat with you."
you feel the guilt curdle in your stomach, his attire tells you he's been up for a while now. he must've let you sleep in a bit longer than usual because he was right, he would wake you up earlier than this and the two of you would get ready together. your mouth downturns into a small frown and your hand comes down to caress his brown locks, almost like a form of an apology. he accepts it, green eyes fluttering shut at your touch. "i'm not that hungry."
"than something to drink? we can go to that smoothie bar nearby."
"we're not using zeke's car again." you knew eren wouldn't let up, and a part of you tells you that you owe him this as a return for the extra hours you were able to catch. you were just talking to talk, you'd end up going with him anyway, you ended up going with him every day.
you can feel eren smile against the fabric of your top, a low chuckle that was barely audible leaving his lips, and it made you smile too. "we'll walk."
it doesn't take you long to get ready, and it doesn't take long for the two of you to be on your way either. you were hand in hand with eren, a small silence looming over the two of you if you didn't count the aimless comments he'd throw here and there that you tried your best to engage with.
it was nothing but you, eren, and the small breeze that tried to sweep the loose pieces of hair around his face away, his hand occasionally coming up to move them out of his line of sight while the two of you walked before immediately connecting with yours again.
it felt nice, it was tranquilizing even and not much was with eren. it was times like this that didn't make you regret having him pull you into his bed on that hectic evening, having him pull you out of bed every morning, and you especially didn't regret it when you caught sight of the glass windows of the bar, chairs and tables still visible through the tinted glass.
his hand drops from yours. it feels empty again and cold when you grab the steel handle of the door. you can feel the wind of eren striding past you and the door shuts faster than you expected. the thud of it closing behind you, almost shutting you in, made you flinch. you turned to look back at it before turning to see eren more than a few steps ahead of you already. 
you furrow your brows and let your feet pick up the pace to catch up to him and you don't even realize the way your hand stretches out for eren to grab it again. he doesn't, keeping his hands in his pocket as he walks, but you couldn't blame him— he wasn't even looking down at your outstretched limb, his eyes surveying the bar. 
you roll your eyes at yourself. your subconscious attempt was feeble anyways. it was no big deal— and so you shove your hand back into the pocket of your jacket, fingers playing with each other inside the fabric.
 the two of you round the corner of the divider placed in the middle of the store. you reckoned it was to give customers who were eating more privacy, and once you got around it your eyes immediately look up to take a glimpse at the menu while your feet come to a halt in line.
eren leans down a bit, "what are you gonna get?"
you shrug your shoulders. you didn't put much thought into it, too in the moment of the walk you were on earlier to consider that you'd actually need to order something when you arrived. eren on the other hand seemed to know what he wanted, staring ahead at the cashier instead of the menu. perhaps he'd been here before.
the line begins to move and you and eren diverge from it, stepping over to one of the open cash registers. 
"hey, what can i get for you today?" the girl has a kind smile on her face that eren tosses back. she glances between eren, then you, then eren again while her finger hovers over the pad of the register. 
he answers before you, letting you take your time to decide what you'll want, you continuing to skim the contents of the menu. "hey, uh," his tongue slides over his bottom lip as he leans forward on the counter, hands hugging the end of it to stable himself while he passes some of his weight forward. "can i get the strawberry pineapple smoothie? can you replace the coconut water with um, orange juice?" 
it’s then that you notice the ash orange of her hair, the way it curled against the frame of her face and complimented the hazel of her eyes that were trained on the boy next to you, listening to him talk while she occasionally nodded her head, punching numbers into the register. "of course you can, pretty."
"that's all you— thanks, carly." you couldn't recall her saying her name, so your gaze travels down to her shirt, body relaxing when you see the name tag pinned to the cloth of her uniform. you shift your weight from one leg to the other, eye flicking back up to her face before eren taps your shoulder, making you look towards him instead.
"_____?" it's your name he says next and he must've had to say it more than once, the slight downturn of his lips tells you so. "what do you want to get?" his tone is different from earlier, and the smile you could hear in his voice when he was ordering wasn't there anymore— but most people put on a cheery persona when addressing an employee. it was more or less natural.
"i'll get what he's getting." you didn't really hear much of eren's order, clearly focused on all except, but you didn't have time to ponder on a stupid smoothie. she punches up your order as eren pulls out his wallet, you not daring to take out your own, hands still sitting idle in your pockets. he slips out a crumpled twenty dollar bill, attempting to smooth it out before handing it to the girl.
you and eren step off to the side, not having to wait very long for your drinks. when eren heads over to grab them from the same brassy orange-blonde, giving her a polite "thank you," and her responding with an "anytime, come back soon!", your phone vibrates in the back pocket of your jeans and you avert your attention from the two by slipping the device out. 
it's pieck, her caller id sitting above the "home". you don't hesitate to swipe your finger across the screen to answer. 
seeing her name made you remember the night at the bar once more, you and pieck enlightening each other with easy conversation, eren being the topic, and you’re reminded to update her about the fiasco that had you slip away from her for longer than you expected.
your mental note to call her clearly was washed away by other intruding thoughts, and the same feeling of guilt from earlier when you were laying with eren returned— she shouldn't have been the one to call you.
you lift your phone up, the glass of the screen was cold as you pressed it against your ear. "hey, i'm sorry for not call—"
"my curiosity got the best of me." you can hear the lightheartedness in her tone, voice soft as it flowed through the phone. it puts you at ease. "don't worry too much about it, i just needed to make sure you were alive after this weekend."
a smile plays on your face and you were almost oblivious to eren's sudden presence beside you, two identical pink drinks in his hand, one jutted out towards you for you to take. your hand wraps around the drink and you walk behind him, letting him open the door for you this time around, making your way out of the smoothie bar.
"i'm alive... what have you been up to?"
pieck chuckles from behind the screen. it's warm and pleasant. this time instead of you, eren and the breeze, it's you, pieck and the breeze. although, you were still aware of eren next to you and the side glances he was throwing your way— interest in every one of them. "that's the question i should be asking you, after all, you were the life of the party on friday."
"far from it, but if you'd like to know 'm fine. out with eren right now, he just took me to this little smoothie place not too far from campus."
she's silent for longer than a few seconds, as if she was processing something before she speaks up again. "eren? now you really have to tell me what you've been up to." her tone still has that hint of jest to it, keeping the conversation lighter than it would've been. 
eren's ears perk up at the muffled sound of his name and he once again turns his head your way, an eyebrow quirked at you that you pretended to ignore. "who are you talking to?"
you bring the smoothie up to your lips, using it to take more time to answer before letting your eyes slide over to eren. "just pieck, nosey." you were only half-joking and neither you or eren laugh at the comment. "not much is up if i'm being honest with you, but i can tell you about," you pause for a moment, brain scrambling to find a word that would make the topic you were discussing more vague. "...we can talk about everything when i get back to my dorm?"
"why don't you come over? yelena is here but i don't think she'll mind." 
you had nothing planned for the remainder of the day, it wouldn't hurt to spend a few hours updating pieck. it was well deserved on her part— she'd been patient and hadn't even sent you a text ever since you'd last seen her at the party. not to mention she was a good friend and a wise person to chat with, her feedback would be nice to hear. "yeah that's cool, i'll text you."
"i'll be happy to see your face, have fun." 
the line cuts off before you could even give your goodbyes but you brush it off and slip your phone back into the back pocket of your jeans, sipping at the almost forgotten smoothie that was dripping against your fingers. eren pulls your now free hand into his own, and it's like he's trying to recreate the moment before the bar, swinging your hands back and forth while the same silence dawns on both of you.
it's a little more stiff, a little too quiet, but it didn't matter because before you knew it you were walking up the steps to your shared dorm and eren's scanning the keycard so you and him could slip inside the warmth of the room.
you don't waste any time placing your cup down and shimmying out of your jeans, replacing them with sweats instead while eren just watches from the seat he takes on his bed. his eyebrows are knit from observing you hastily move around the small dorm. "where are you going?" it was question after question, but it wasn't anything new— he was always eager to know what you were up to, to try and keep an eye out for you and to try and keep up to date with you. when it wasn't a little vexatious, it was actually quite endearing.
you finish the remnants of your drink, plopping the cup into the trash and picking up your phone on your way to the door. "to pieck's dorm, i'll be back later."
eren stands up, following your route of throwing his empty cup into the trash then heading over to you, stopping right in front of your figure and making you tilt your head upward to get a better view of him. "that's what the two of you were talking about?"
he's in close proximity— you could count all the wrinkles on his shirt if you wanted to, or every eyelash that curved downwards above his eyes. "...i guess."
"i wanted you to come with me to reiner's in a few hours, sasha and them were gonna be there."
you recalled seeing sasha on friday, how she beamed being in your presence and how excited she was to see you— telling you that the two of you needed to hang out more, and although now would've been a great opportunity, you had plans. 
you sighed. albeit you never minded hanging out with your friends, maintaining them was a little harder than usual. "for one, i don't know who reiner is, and second of all, i have somewhere to be; i'll just text her when i get back." you'd hope you'd be able to stay true to your word, as you weren't able to do so with pieck. 
in the midst of you turning to grab the handle of the door, eren's hands come up to cup your jaw, palms resting against the supple skin of your face, and you roll your eyes before looking down to the ground.
his affectious demeanor was present again as he pulled you closer and pouted at you while his thumb caressed your cheek. "m'gonna miss you, you'll probably be asleep when i come back."
your own hand comes up to grab at his wrist, but you can't bring yourself to try and pull his hand away. instead, you find yourself rubbing at the tan skin, still not maintaining eye contact. "and that's fine, tomorrow's another day, i need to go." your words are somewhat bitter, but eren doesn't catch on.
he presses a testing kiss to your forehead, looking down at you before tilting your head up more and pressing a gentle one to your lips.
it's delicate and sickeningly sweet, like the saccharine candy you'd find at a corner store— and what doesn't help is the remaining taste of strawberry pineapple he leaves on your lips. you lick at the skin in efforts to get rid of it, and he only chuckles at your attempt before dropping his hands from your face. 
even though you could feel your cheeks burning, you still felt cold without his skin being in contact with yours. "text me when you get back." he says when you're stepping out the door, and you mutter a "we'll see," that you couldn't tell if he heard or not, not that it mattered much to you.
the walk to pieck's dorm feels shorter than usual, and you're not sure whether to blame it on the fact that you were getting used to the route, or on the fact that you were clouded in your own thoughts. either way, you're knocking a melody on her door in no time, and you're greeted by yelena looming over you, a neutral expression on her face.
"yelena," she nods her head at you but doesn't say anything back, only sidestepping to let you in, the person you wanted to see lying on her side against her bed, casting a lazy smile at the sight of you.
"______, long time no see?" pieck doesn't make an effort to sit up, only scooting backwards to create a space for you to sit at, and you let yelena pass you to get back to her desk before walking over to pieck.
"it's barely been a week," you saunter over to her bed, balancing your foot on one of the boxes that platforms her bed to climb up onto it. "you saw me just last friday." 
"and i was supposed to see or hear from you earlier than today." she's still holding her smile as she speaks, tilting her head towards you and raising a brow. "nevertheless, i'm glad you're here now." she truly was— despite you being a year under her, appreciative of your company. to her it was like having a little sister to look after, she felt like she was constantly watching you from the distance— and you felt like she was always there when you needed a bit of advice.
"and i'm glad to see you, how're your friends doing?"
she shakes her head at you but she answers your question anyways, "zeke, is being zeke— off dilly dallying and being an english major, nothing new to him. if you couldn't tell yelena is over there doing some work, porco is doing well, colt’s good, we're all good." with the way she grins wider, you already know what the next topic of discussion would be, her eyes narrowing at you as she finally sits up, back falling into her surplus amount of pillows. "how're you and your friends?"
"well according to one of them they're all supposed to be gathered up in someone's dorm right now, a little get together i think." 
pieck's mouth parts and her eyebrows upturn. "and you've decided to sit here with me?"
"i told eren i didn't want to go, i wanted to spend time with you."
her hand comes up to her chest dramatically and she stares at you in awe, "i always knew you liked me more than the rest of them, apart from eren i suppose." your nose scrunches up at her, you knew it was coming. you knew she'd find a way to bring him up, she always found a way to make things go according to her. it was admirable— and fun to watch when you weren't the victim. "speaking of eren..." her words slide off her tongue tauntingly and you groan. she doesn't take the sound to heart. 
"here we go,"
"what? you said you'd update me. so what happened? my ears are open."
you pull your legs up onto the bed until you were sat criss-cross. "well, after we left he didn't tell me anything until we got back to his mom's," you can hear pieck adjusting herself, getting comfortable as if she was a giddy child and you were a veteran getting ready to tell an old war story. "what he told me was that he had said something to upset historia, and that's why she threw her drink on him— and i told him that he shouldn't have been fuckin' around in the first place."
pieck nods her head after every couple words and you use that as a cue to go on, "and he starts saying he's sorry and shit, i kind of started to feel bad and i reassured him that it wasn't that big of deal, just that he needs to be better, you know?"
"i know."
your voice gets quiet at your next words, and your back slouches. the pads of your fingers tap against each other when you start to speak again. "and after that... after that, i don't really know how it happened but we kissed, and then he took me to his room and... and we had sex," the nearer your sentence came to an end the less audible it was.
"excuse me?" pieck leans in, and you can see her blink once, twice, and then a third time as she raises her nimble fingers to move stray ebony locks behind her ear until the appendage was visible to you, and you almost snort at the gesture. "the last part, i'm not sure i heard it well."
"you did." your hand lightly shoves her head away and it's quiet for a minute, only the taps of yelena's fingers against the keyboard and the birds chirping just outside the window of her dorm. "we fucked." and even though you knew she heard you the first time around, you repeat it. more so to yourself, like you were confirming the events and making sure they were true to what actually happened.
pieck settles against her pillows again but she doesn't look surprised. it's amusement that dances across her features and it's... satisfaction? she lets out a small sigh of content, as she closes her eyes and lets her head rest against the pile behind her. "mhm, that's what i thought."
it's you who's taken aback, her demeanor so calm that it's almost unsettling. "what?" 
"well something happened that night, right? c'mon the way zeke's brother acts around you alludes to something. how he watches you, he's very touchy with you, i'm surprised you didn't figure it out earlier." she doesn't mention how you'd reciprocate every touch regardless of the matter and would watch him in the same manner, maybe just from a farther distance. "he's the candidate i mentioned."
your words feel stuck in your throat and even if you could speak properly you weren't sure what you would say. you'd hope it was only pieck who was this observant, this alert when it came to those around her, otherwise the displays of affection would have to become a private thing; it was almost embarrassing knowing people could see you unknowingly gush over eren in plain sight.
when you don't respond immediately, pieck does instead, and her question flows out of her so easily that it’s as if she was patiently waiting to ask. "what about the blondie?" you were sure pieck remembered her name by now. maybe the nickname was more pleasant on her tongue.
"what about historia?" 
"what about when she finds out about you and eren?"
pieck saw things full circle, she rummaged every corner and crack for possibilities, what ifs, and what abouts, and it made you think harder— even when you didn't think you needed to ponder too much on what she'd make you reflect on.
the quality was endearing when you'd skip a step or two during a math problem, or when you didn't consider the hangover of a party overlapping with a test you'd have to take the next day. however, it wasn't so endearing when you were trying to just get through an exam, or when she made a simple problem more elaborate than it had to be.
"well, i told her not to fuck with eren— i can't help it if he likes me or not." you rub the back of your neck while staring off into the corner of pieck's dorm. "eren will tell her anyways."
"and if he doesn't?" both you and pieck's head whiz towards yelena and you realize the sound of her fingers clacking against the keys of the laptop cease to exist. her slender arm is hung over the back of the chair and her legs are crossed at the ankle. you can't read her doe eyes, not sure if she was genuinely interested in the conversation or if her ears only decided to listen for the remainder of it out of boredom— but you knew she heard the last sentence either way. "it's your job to inform her, after all you seemed closer to her than eren."
"yeah but it's eren who needs to cut her off, so he should tell her then." 
pieck pats the bed in front of her, stealing both you and yelena's attention with the smallest gesture. "what about talking to blondie? giving her a letdown and letting her know what's going on between you and eren? i mean, you and eren aren’t dating yet, right?"
your eyes meet pieck and you speak lowly, slow and careful. "no..." a brow is arched above your eye; you weren't sure what she was getting at. "but that's what he's trying to do. i wasn't just g'nna... throw myself at him that night," you cup your jaw with your hands, placement just like eren's earlier and your face twists into a lovesick expression, lip jutting out and eyebrows turned upwards. "oh, eren yes i'll be yours!" 
pieck chuckles at your sarcastic tone and shakes her head. "i didn't say all that now, i'm glad you didn't..." her hand waves around your face in a circular motion, "do that."
"yeah, 'm not stupid,"
"i know, i know, my point was just that you need to be wary of your circumstances, _____." her words are darker and she gives you a motherly expression, almost as if she was scolding you. her finger pointing towards your figure didn't help to dull that feeling. "you need to be the one to talk to historia and you need to set your boundaries with eren. be mindful of the predicament you're in, it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks."
"and don't be upset if the old dog can't learn them." yelena doesn't fail to add on, before spinning her chair back towards the desk in front of her, seemingly uninterested in the conversation already, the jaded look that she gives you telling you enough.
you don't respond but pieck knows the gears are turning in your head by the way your eyes cloud over and the way you stare a little too long at the photo of her and porco pinned up against her side of the dorm.. if she asked you to tell her the color shirt she was wearing in it while closing your eyes, she was sure you'd be able to give her that and more.
but she lets you ponder and she knows it's a good chance you won't heed her advice. 
you were independent for the most part and you seemed to have things under control when they needed to be— that included having eren under control. so why would you need someone like pieck to tell you to take your brain out of autopilot for a few seconds and be wary of eren?
as far as you knew, from the ache of his words that night in the laundry room, the way he held onto you as if you could slip out of his grip any second; he wanted you and he wanted you bad. it wouldn't be your feelings hurt if he tripped over his own feet— it'd be his loss and he should know you wouldn't be one to try and pick him back up again.
that wasn't the kind of person you were, it never was— it was eren who'd have to change, not you, no matter how small the transition. 
but you knew you wouldn't have to worry about that anyways, it was your subconscious plaguing you.
“my mom would kill me if i played you anyways.”
those were his words that night and they'd linger in the back of your mind. they were a constant reminder to you that what was happening wasn't imaginative, and you'd reckon he'd stick by them.
nothing feels better than toeing out of your shoes and slipping them under your bed for a later occasion. you had talked with pieck longer than expected, arriving back to your dorm a few hours before midnight, yet eren still wasn't back as you expected.
you slipped out of the attire you'd been walking around in all day and went to the bathrooms to take a shower. it was a quick one, the water temperature more on the warm side then you'd like, but it was nothing you could control.
you found yourself skimming the contents of eren's clothes when you headed over to the closet for pajamas to sleep in, plucking one of his shirts from the hangers. 
don't think too far ahead, it was just the feeling of the fabric clinging to your skin while being a few sizes too big. how it fell around your body and covered you just enough so you wouldn't have to wear sleep shorts that you always ended up kicking off in the middle of the night. 
it felt safe and you'd grown to like the feeling ever since eren slipped one of his shirts over your head when you were barely able to get up.
you crawl into your bed but you knew sleep wouldn't greet you for an hour or so. knowing eren wasn't in the bed across from you stirred your stomach, so you grabbed your phone that was still on its charger and opened youtube; it'd be a clever distraction for the time being.
you weren't sure how long you'd been scrolling through pointless videos, clicking one that’s thumbnail sparked your interest and watching it for as long as you could muster then swiping down to the recommended to repeat the process. 
however long it was, it made your eyes grow weak, weight pulling down your lids and particularly loud segments from each video making your eyes snap back open, the cycle continuing.
it's one noise that makes you jump out of the grasp of sleep— and it's not the sound from the video playing in front of you, it's the noise of the handle of the door jiggling. your eyes move over to watch the brass handle shake up and down with vigor, as if the person on the other side was trying to break in.
it's the curse of breath that calms your nerves, the small "shit," coming from the other side sounding all too familiar even with your body struggling to stay awake. 
a small smile tugs on your lips at eren's attempts to open the door, but you make no efforts to get up. you're more than overjoyed when you hear the sound of a keycard being used at the door, it finally swinging open a little harder than you expected, eren bending down to pick up the card he seemingly dropped. 
he stumbles when he stands, grabbing the door. you're not sure if it was to close it or steady himself, but his gaze is trained on you the whole time when he shuts it, back pressed against the wood when it is completely closed, his frame only standing there for a few seconds before he giggles.
his words are slurred and he bumps into the end of his bed when he begins making his way over to you. the goofy way your name leaves his lips still makes your heart skip a beat and your hand slides your phone over, arms open for him. "eren."
although you've seen his face more times than you can count, it’s still refreshing to see it for a split second in the dim moonlight that shines on the side of his face as he passes the window. his hair is more tousled than you remember and his eyes are half lidded— but in a way that makes it seem like he was trying to make them as wide as possible. you can't help but shake your head as he crawls into your bed slowly, lifting the covers for him so he can slide in. 
"______... you're awake." he hums when you drape the covers over both his and your body. he makes himself a home between your legs, head falling to your chest and his arms to his sides as hands scrunch into fists.
"i'm awake." he's hot to the touch and he makes you warmer than you were before, makes you stare at him in awe and caress his hair again, taming the stray locks on the top of his head.
"_______," you can smell the alcohol on his breath as well as a floral scent and the smell of sweat that littered his body. it's not off putting enough for you to want to tell him to "get up," and to "go sleep in your own bed." but you'd make a mental note to remind him to shower in the morning— not that he wouldn't take one without your reminder.
"yes, eren?"
eren scoots up more until his head is leveled with yours. his weight is heavy but soothing and you press yourself against him more, able to feel every rise and fall of his chest, every beat of his heart, and every exhale of his breath onto your cheek. "i love you."
you've heard it before more times than you could count. you were his childhood friend, it was so natural but you knew it meant more this time. yet, you couldn't scratch the fact that he was drunk and his words could be empty. you could wake up tomorrow and be the only one who would remember what he said. "yeah i know, eren."
he whimpers and his lips press to your cheek, it's elongated and hard, but when he's done he doesn't move them, letting his mouth rest against your skin.
when you don't reciprocate his fingers come up to turn your head towards him and he’s pressed his lips against yours this time. it's slow and sensual and you melt into the meager kiss. the taste of beer that lingers on eren's tongue is not enough for you to pull away, and the way eren kisses you sloppily and lazily isn't a bother either. 
he groans and the vibrations can be felt where your body was up against his. his lips are slightly dry and it compliments the soft feel of yours that he can't seem to get enough of, his lips trapping your bottom one and him pulling back before doing the same with the top. 
eren's thumb rubs against the skin of your tragus, every back and forth motion making the skin under it tingle. he uses the grip he has on your face to pull you in further and let his teeth graze your lower lip. you're so caught up in the moment, but the buzz of his phone in the pocket of his sweats that sagged against your thigh makes you jolt and pull away for a second.
he tries to bring your lips together again but you remember that he's drunk and both of you need sleep, especially eren if anything. "eren," you breathe, and he murmurs a "hm?" against the skin of your jaw that he was kissing, trailing back up to peck kisses to the corners of your lips.
"let's go to sleep."
"but i love you," he's whiney, a hand sliding down to bring you impossibly closer, pulling you by the small of your back. you sigh, your palms pushing off his chest to put some distance between the two of you that even you didn't want there. but the brunette was too handsy and you were only following your brain, not your heart.  
your hand slips into the pocket of his sweats and you grab his phone, body flipping over to unplug yours and plug his in. 
it vibrates once to signify that it was being charged, then twice to signify another incoming text message and the phone screen lights up, your eyes skimming the screen without thinking.
under every contact name was the words imessage, all his notifications including messages hidden from the lock screen. 
you read the name armin, the text from the boy being the one that lit up eren's phone screen in your face, sasha, a text from her more than several hours ago, and an unsaved number that started with 760, the number having texted a couple minutes ago. you assumed it must've been the one that buzzed when eren was against you.
his phone screen goes dark and you place it down onto the bed, your phone beside it before pulling the covers more over you and not turning around towards eren. you were afraid he'd pester you again. you could feel his abdomen up against your back, arm slung over your midsection that he must've threw while you were plugging in his phone. 
you can hear him snoring against your back and you could laugh at how fast he fell asleep, silently wishing that had been you hours ago. you scoot back against him more and close your eyes, the darkness replacing the pretty moonlight that the crooked blinds of your window let in.
"i love you too."
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
hi dana.. if it’s possible can i request some angsty wangsty based on niki la la lost you with eric🥺 and ughh i really love your writing like crazyyyyy
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♥ title: la la lost you in april [also part of @sunlightwoo ‘s 12 Months I Loved You collaboration project]
♥ member: tbz eric
♥ genre: f2l, ex! eric x fem! reader, model! eric [SFW!]
♥ warnings: swearing, some mentions of sex [like, once i think]
♥ wc: 3.4k
♥ a/n: sis when i first heard the song I absolutely loved how you used 'angsty wangsty' so I hope this one does it for you the way you imagined it <3 [fyi i wrote it in like, a camcorder recording audio format which is something i’m trying out so please hmu on whether it’s difficult to read/understand!]
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2019 - 6:39PM] SOLO LOG #1
Are you seeing this? This is the most beautiful sunset I’ve seen. I gotta get a shot of this-
Hey! Hey! I could help you take a picture with the sunset if you want to!
Oh! Would- Would you? That’d be great!
Of course! 
Here. Is it alright?
Yeah, yeah, it’s cool! Thank you so much!
Are you recording something? Is it a- Are you vlogging? Are you a vlogger?
Yeah, no... I’m actually on a solo trip for a bit.
Oh, where are you from?
Just the next state. 
Ah! You’re taking a break off... life then? I assume? Sorry if that came out weird.
No! No no! It’s alright! Yeah, I just needed a short break from... y’know, school and everything. My semester ended pretty early on so I took the chance to come out here and... see some new sights, meet some new people.
I get that. Well, for a start, what’s your name?
Oh, I’m y/n. Nice to meet you! And you?
I’m Eric. 
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[REC: APRIL 4, 2019 - 10:34PM] SOLO LOG #2
It is the 4th of April, 2019. I know, I know, I’m meant to do a daily vlog for all the 50 days I’m here but... it’s been... wow. Um... so I met Eric, the first day I touched down. The beach is just, about a 10 minute walk down and the sunsets are absolutely gorgeous. But uh... call me a fool and say that I’m living in the clouds but- what are the chances?
He’s funny, he’s such a great person to be around with y’know? Never a moment of like, awkwardness or stress and my God, look at me talking about a boy like that, though I met him 2 days ago. 
Um, he’s a freelance model. For those freelance shoots by UNIQLO or Target or something and he complains about the pay sometimes, but he looks good infront of a camera, so he’s... actually the one who won at life, really.
I’m not seeing him soon because he’s got a shoot out of town and he’ll be back next week. But I did get his number and he’s been texting me since. 
Wouldn’t it be funny if we end up together and then I have this whackass of a reel to show him? Jesus... I need to stop getting ahead of myself here. Freakin’ living in the clouds, aren’t I?
Anyway, I’m gonna go and see if I can get my weird projector shit up and working. See you.
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[REC: APRIL 7, 2019 - 5:14AM] SOLO LOG #3
It is... 5am... uh, April 7th- and I was just binging FRIENDS through the night, waiting for the sunrise before I get some shut eye and then... Eric just asked me out. Oh my God! Um, he’s coming back this Thursday and I’ll go see him at the airport before we go get dinner.
It was really funny ‘cause he had to wake up early for a shoot today and so his day has just begun but mine’s coming to an end and I just- I’m rambling so much, it’s kinda- it’s kinda sad, isn’t it?
I think I’m too happy to sleep right now so I’m just gonna text him some more before the sun rises- oh! He replied!
Anyway, I’m gonna go and finish up this last episode before sleeping. Hopeful I can sleep. Bye!
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[REC: APRIL 11, 2019 - 4:28PM] SOLO LOG #4
I am on my way out right now to go meet Eric at the airport, and I’m... it’d be an understatement to say that I’m excited. I know I’ve only known him for like, 2 days before he left but... I miss him. Is that possible? Missing someone despite knowing them for 2 days?
Anyway, I gotta go. Don’t wanna be late to see him.
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[REC: APRIL 13, 2019 - 10:23AM] SOLO LOG #5
Oh! Is that what you had-
Yeah! It’s the same camera!
What are you vlogging for, actually? Like-
Nothing, really. It’s just for my own usage-
Wait, you didn’t like set that up last night while we-
Oh, God, no! Who do you think I am?
I don’t know, I mean, we’ve known each other for... is it two weeks-
Just under two weeks-
I know, I know, oh my God.
I don’t regret it though. Yeah, like- I don’t really go down to the beach that often in the first place and it just- it just so happened that you were there that day and I saw you struggling with this old thing-
I was not struggling!
Yeah you were!
I wasn’t-
I’m kidding! Gosh, you’re so cute.
Are you gonna have the camera recording while this carries on?
I forgot it was on-
One day we’re gonna accidentally make a sex tape-
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[REC: APRIL 17, 2019 - 1:15AM] SOLO LOG #6
-ould you pass me the hot water?
Mm? What?
The kettle over on the counter. Careful, it’s hot. Yeah, thanks.
Do you need help with-
It’s just instant noodles, sweet. Doubt I need a diploma for this. You’re recording again?
Yeah, does it bother you?
No, no, ‘course not. Though that means I can’t really do whatever I want to now.
What does that mea-
I can... still taste that bit of milk tea you had just now-
Could you tell it’s zero sugar?
I don’t think that matters, it’s still sweet and not great for your health to have that so much.
Aw, and yet you’re the one who suggested noodles at this timing, yeah?
You were hungry too!
Here, it’s done. Help me get the bowls? 
Did you even wash these?
Yeah, I did. If you don’t trust me, you can run them under the water for a bit.
Mhm. Here.
If it’s not enough, we can call for Macs.
Y’know, I’ve never had Macs past midnight back at home.
What? Really? Well, when you get back in May, would you try?
Yeah, why not? Maybe I’ll do that when I’m back in school. 
What date is it today?
April... hold on, um, 17. Careful, that’s hot.
When are you leaving again?
May 22. 
Are you planning on coming back anytime soon after?
I don’t know. I have school to worry about and the only other time I can come back’s probably during winter break in November.
I won’t be around in November.
Mm? Why not?
I’m moving.
To where?
I’m not sure yet, but I need to move depending on whether I get it and where the shoot’s at.
Shoot? It’s a big project, huh?
Yeah, it’s- it’s a pretty big deal.
I’ll- Let me just go and...
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[REC: APRIL 20, 2019 - 7:49PM] SOLO LOG #7
-idn’t have to!
No, c’mon! It’s such a great time to get this on camera! Come on, tell us what just happened!
Well, I just scored a huge model contract with Calvin Klein - in Manhattan.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I’m so fucking proud of you, oh my God! Can you believe it-
No, fuck off, I can’t either! 
Oh! Calvin Klein!
I swear, you’re an angel sent to me-
Fuck off!
I’m serious! it’s so timely- I just can’t- I’m just so happy to have met you.
Well, you heard it first here, ladies and gentlemen. Eric Sohn is a new model for Calvin Klein - Manhattan.
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[REC: APRIL 21, 2019 - 12:40PM] SOLO LOG #8
It is 12.40pm... April 21st, 2019. I’m finally back in my apartment after crashing at Eric’s for the last... 10 days? I think it was 10 days. My clothes were running out and I didn’t want to hike up his water bills so I just came back and- y’know did my own laundry.
Well, it’s- it’s been an absolute dream. The last thing I expected to... have, or meet? Here, is Eric. Um, but I know I’m probably going to regret this. Especially when May 22 comes. Uh... this is... it’s real bad. I mean, we’re great, y’know? But... it’s bad, because I know it’ll hurt. Like a bitch. When my time here is up, and I gotta go back to my reality, and Eric’s gotta stick to his. 
We haven’t really talked about it. May. I don’t think he wants to, and I don’t think I want to either. 50 days is too short. Either that, or I shouldn’t have come here in the first place. I shouldn’t have gone to the beach that day, in that hour. 
I just wish we had more time. I wish 24 hours were... maybe about 100 seconds more per minute. Does that make sense? 160 seconds per minute. Then again, I don’t think that’d solve my problem. I’ll still be on a ticking... time bomb. 
I know I shouldn’t say this. I know I can’t. I know I can’t afford to. But... I... I love him. I love Eric. With every... bit of me. It’s so... disgustingly cliché, but I feel so... comfortable with him. There’s really nothing we’d fight about, and even if we disagreed on something, we’d play it off like a debate, then forget about it the next day.
I love him. I do. And I’m going to regret this later. Without a doubt.
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[REC: APRIL 27, 2019 - 2:02AM] SOLO LOG #9
-ou can see the stars?
I don’t know, that’s why I’m trying, sweet.
Can you see them?
Yeah, maybe if I just turn this ISO- Oh! I can kinda see the North Star-
Oh! Yeah, you can! It’s really feint though.
It’s okay, we can just lay it down here-
On the grass? Will your camera be fine?
Yeah, yeah, or else you can just put in on top of my bag- here.
Here, can you see me? Am I in frame?
Yeah, you’re in frame.
Okay, great. Now get over here!
I can taste the smoothie you had just now.
Too sweet?
A little.
Oh my God! Put me down! Oh- not there! It’s ticklish- AHHHHH!
y/n, I have something to tell you.
Mm? What is it?
Hello? Earth to Eric?
I... I love you. So much... and I can’t bear to see you go in May. 
Oh, Eric...
No, I- I don’t want you to stay- or even think about it, ‘cause, you have your priorities and I have mine y’know...
I just... I just wished we had more time. 
I do too. I really do.
I love you too.
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[REC: MAY 1, 2019 - 4:23AM] SOLO LOG #10
1st May. 4...30? Am? I believe. Um, Eric’s sound asleep in his bed and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to do a log. 
I have... 3 weeks left. 4 weeks have gone past just like that, and I don’t know what to think about it. I came for a 50-day retreat. No stress, just myself and peace and quiet and tranquility and yet-
I- I don’t know if I can do this.
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[REC: MAY 7, 2019 - 3:58PM] SOLO LOG #11
So, Eric’s in shoot right now and I’m on the way into the studio with some donuts and coffee to surprise him. I called his manager and asked if it was okay so- I’m pretty psyched to see his workspace. 
Hi, I’m y/n, I’m here to visit Eric?
Ah, okay! Hold on, let me just get you signed in with the pass-
Count me in!
You sure? This Saturday at the prep-party?
Yeah- Oh! 
y/n! What are you doing here?
I wanted to surprise you. Am I... interrupting anything?
Oh, not at all!
You must be y/n! Eric’s told me so much about you!
Did he? And you are...?
I’m Chelsea! I’ve been attached to the same Calvin Klein contract he recently got, so you could say we’re colleagues!
Well, nice to meet you! Oh, right, these donuts and coffee are meant for you guys actually!
Oh! You’re too kind! Eric, you’re such a lucky man.
I know, she’s just... everything.
Anyway, thank you so much for these. I’ll bring them back down to the studio for the crew to share. But Eric’s pretty much done for the day actually, so you guys can leave if you want to!
Are you sure? Don’t you need help downstairs with the equipment?
No, no! It’s fine, there’re more than enough people downstairs. Go have your date, and maybe you can bring her along with you for the prep-party this weekend!
What’s the prep-party... preparing for?
Oh, you’re so adorable! It’s a prep-party for the end-of-May shoot we’re gonna have. it’s a collab with DAZED so it’s a pretty big project.
You never told me you were involved in a collab with DAZED.
I was gonna tell you today.
He has been pretty busy recently, maybe slipped his mind. Anyway, thank you so much for the donuts and I’ll hope to see you at the pier this Saturday, mm?
Yeah, sure. Thanks Chels.
No problem! It was so nice to meet you, y/n, I’ll see you Saturday!
Okay, bye!
Bye, Chelsea! It was nice to meet you!
Sweet, why didn’t you tell me you were coming?
I wanted it to be a surprise. I thought you said you’d end pretty late?
The filming was cut short because the shots were better than expected so we ended early.
Oh, I wanted to film you while you were at work.
You have that on?
Yeah- why?
No, just wondering. 
Are you uncomfortable?
No, no, it’s just... I really didn’t expect you to come to the studio. 
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[REC: MAY 11, 2019 - 11:12PM] SOLO LOG #12
It’s 11:12pm, 11th May, 2019. 11 days to departure.
I... saw... Chelsea and Eric... um, out by the garage- 
Well, I guess... it looked like they were just... having a really good talk. Or something. 
I left. I couldn’t watch it. So, I left without telling Eric. I did tell his boss that I wasn’t feeling well and I had to leave first. 
I guess this is the part where I regret it, isn’t it? Um... I don’t know... how... I’m gonna explain this to him when I see him again. Which is supposed to be- um- the rest of the night. I was supposed to go back to his place with him and I’ll stay for the weekend before I come back to pack my things, so-
y/n, are you home?
y/n, I know you’re home. I heard you talking. Open the door, I need to talk to you.
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[REC: MAY 12, 2019 - 2:00AM] SOLO LOG #13
I look like shit, don’t I? God, my eyes hurt like a bitch. 
I don’t think I need to say what just happened for you to guess what just happened, right? This... says it all. 
I shouldn’t have come here. How did- How did my retreat turn out- turn out like this? 
This is- This is too much. Too much in too short... of a time. 
I don’t think... I don’t think I can do it. Not anymore. 
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[REC: MAY 19, 2019 - 9:59AM] SOLO LOG #14
It’s May 19th, 2019, almost 10am. I just came back from a morning walk by the beach just to... reminisce a little before I leave on Wednesday. 
I... haven’t seen Eric since the prep-party. I blocked him and I told him not to come over, though I think he has, like, a few times. I thought I heard someone come up to my door, but he never knocked. 
So, this is how it ends, huh? A 50-day romance cut short like that. Into about, 40? 
It’s crazy to think that I had... the experience of a whole relationship in 40 days. I definitely did not sign up for that when I booked this 50-day retreat. 
It was fun while it lasted, though. It was. I don’t think I’d find anybody else like Eric, and I guess it just sucks that it had to end like that. Things happen, right? That aren’t... in our control. 
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[REC: MAY 21, 2019 - 8:07PM] SOLO LOG #15
May 21st. About 8pm. I leave in about 15 hours. 
All my stuff’s packed. Definitely more things to bring home than I brought here. Half of these things were bought by Eric and given to me. I’m... actually not sure if I should bring them back. 
I don’t- I just don’t think I’d have the heart to throw them away.
Nor look at them when I’m home. 
Should I even bring this camera home? Maybe I should wipe your memory before I bring you home, hmm?
It feels like a dream, doesn’t it? Everything that’s happened. It feels like a fever dream. Maybe when I’m finally home, I’d wake up and it’d be the day I come here.
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 10:03AM] SOLO LOG #16
-ny more luggage?
Alright then, I think you’re all set. You still have about an hour’s time before the gates are open so you can get a cup of coffee or something, yeah?
Okay, thank you!
Have a nice flight ma’am.
Good evening ma’am, can I check your boarding pass?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, you’re good to go. Have a safe flight.
Thank you!
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[REC: MAY 22, 2019 - 11:34AM] SOLO LOG #17
It is about 11.30am and I’m on the flight, and here’s the view outside. Sky’s pretty clear and this thing says that the weather’s great so, it should be a smooth flight without turbulence.
This is it. This is really it. 
Hi, ma’am, I’m gonna need you to keep your camcorder.
Oh! Yeah, sure, sure, sorry!
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[REC: APRIL 2, 2020 - 12:48AM] ERIC LOG #1
Wow, this is... weird. How did you do this last year?
Um, hi. y/n. If you’re watching this then I’ve somehow managed to get this synced into your camera by some weird... bluetooth, iCloud shit that Felix helped me figure out. 
It’s been a year. And... I just thought you should... see this, or hear me out, at least. I know we didn’t end on the best terms... and I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled at you for being unreasonable for something that was... suspicious. I should’ve understood. 
I should’ve been there. To see you off. And I’m sorry I didn’t. I... was scared, that I wouldn’t be able to let you go if I went to send you off. I was a coward. I still am. 
But I do want you to know that... those 50 days were the best days of my life. Albeit it ended horribly, but nothing could... nothing- nothing will ever replace what happened last April. 
I said I love you and... I still do. Every day I think about you and your smile and your voice and- and I cry to sleep... worrying that I’d forget how you sound like, or how you laugh and how... how you smell like. My bed smelt like you even after you left. 
I just- I love you. And I miss you. And I’d do anything to go back to what we had. I’d do anything to get- to get you back. 
I’m sorry.
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the clip comes to an automatic stop. the white triangle slapped onto the screen, begging you to play it again. you look up from the screen, watching the famous calvin klein ad that hasn’t stopped playing in the last month. 
he hasn’t changed one bit. not his hair, not his smile, not his voice. 
it’s a bittersweet pot of memory stashed in the back of your head when the memories flood back. looking back down at the camera, you count back the days - it was synced just last night. 
the pile of tissues by your thighs are carelessly huddled into the bin next to your feet, mentally berating yourself for going through the memory instead of formatting it. 
you stand, fingers shutting the screen back onto its body with a soft click. the tv blacks out when you press the red button on its remote. 
you’re halfway into your kitchen when there’s a knock at your door, and you immediately gasp, blinking rapidly.
“oh, it’s my fucking projector!”
rushing to the door, you don’t hesitate to get the door open. 
and yet, like the heavens were providing you with all the light to stop you from doubting yourself, your lungs empty themselves like vacuums. 
your heart stops.
your breathing stops.
“eric... what are you doing here?”
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caffeineghostie · 3 years
𝐋𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐎𝐧 𝐈𝐭 - 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your academic career, but there was one aspect of it you absolutely couldn't stand: Chris Beck.
W/C: 1.3k-ish
Warnings: talk of exams, some language, Beck is a bit of a jerk, one Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference.
A/N: hi! Thank you @natlovesu for requesting this piece, I hope you like it! I am not really used to writing for Chris Beck so this was a first! It turned into some sort of college au, but if this is not what you had in mind I'm happy to redo it :)
Join my taglist!
(GIF isn't mine)
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You loved studying; you loved learning new things every day. You absolutely adored being able to pursue your interests in an academic setting, and luckily, you were also good at it. Not without sacrifices, all-nighters full of coffee, sweat and tears, of course.
But there was only one thing that you couldn’t stand: Chris Beck.
More precisely, his smirk. Right now you wanted to rip it off his annoyingly cute face.
Because of course, as much as you couldn’t stand him when he was all presumptuous about his academic career, you had to have a crush on him, and you had it since the first year of your degree course, two years ago.
You two had been introduced by a mutual friend, Mark Watney, the first week of classes, and you had been in pretty much the same friend group ever since. You’d usually study all together at a diner next to your university, revising between a hamburger and a smoothie.
Chris was reading his notes out loud, editing them and lecturing your group, and you weren’t really listening. You instead were playing with some fries on your plate, while looking at him and fantasizing about ripping that smirk you hated so much off of his annoyingly cute face.
Yes, because, ever since you met him, you had developed a crush on him, and you desperately wanted to forget about it. But he had such charisma to him, it was almost impossible.
“Earth to Y/N, Earth to Y/N!” Watney interrupted your fantasies, dangling a hand in front of you.
“What Mark?” you glared at him.
“Were you listening to me or do i need to explain it again?”
Chris always did this. There was this rivalry between the two of you, about who was better, and you both were brilliant students. But he always got that one mark more than you, and you couldn’t bear it anymore. You had to do something.
“Oh shut up, like you wouldn’t like it. And then bitch about it forever,” you joked. But seriously, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. It had always been like this. There was this rivalry between the two of you, on who was better, and you both were brilliant students, but he always somehow scored that one mark more than you, and you couldn’t bear it anymore. You had to do something.
“Hey, Beck! I have a proposal for you,” you called him, tossing your fry on the plate. “Next week’s exam. Let’s make a bet.”
“I’m listening”, he put his notebook down, curious about what you were saying.
“If I beat you, and I will beat you, you’ll stop making fun of me. No comments, no remarks. Nothing.”
“And what if I win?” he paused a bit, thinking, and then you saw a lightbulb go off in his head. “You and me. One day, together. You can’t complain about anything.” he smirked at you, extending his hand.
And this certainly would not help you forget your crush about him. But if this is what it took to finally get him to stop boasting about him being smarter than you, then you gladly took the risk.
“Let’s shake on it” you said, nodding. You hoped this deal wouldn’t make things worse, but you didn’t have to worry, because you were so going to win it.
One week later, you found yourself scouring between the results of your exam. You had studied day and night all week, and you were absolutely sure you were going to pass it with the highest mark. Beck next to you, having your same thoughts.
Your heart was thumping in your ears while looking for your ID number, and then you saw your mark: 99/100. That wasn't bad. You were certain Beck couldn’t have done better. You smiled, proud of yourself. You were so going to win this bet.
“Not too fast, Y/L/N,” Beck caught your attention, and you turned to him. He smirked, pointing to his mark., and you followed his gaze on the paper sheet in front of you.
No. No. No.
He got 100.
“See, I told you. I’m the best human-slash-genius” he pointed at himself, all mighty and proud. Ugh, you hated him.
“Brace yourself, Y/L/N. Twenty-four hours starting from” he paused, looking at his watch, “ now. And I'm gonna make sure to be extra-pretentious.” he winked at you.
Oh, you were so fucked.
“So how are we gonna do this?” he asked you. .
“I don’t know. This was your idea. To kidnap me,” you let your bag fall to the ground, while letting yourself plop on the bed.
He brought you back to his dorm room, which he shared with Watney. Unfortunately, Mark had to visit a relative back home, and he would not be back for a couple of days at least.
Leaving you all alone with Mr-Know-It-All over there.
“And what a great idea it was. I’m brilliant!” he put particular emphasis on the last word, observing you to get your reaction.
“Yeah right,” you rolled your eyes “Well, if you excuse me, your highness” you hinted a bow at him, “I need to study” you started taking your notes out of your bag.
“Relax a bit. We still have a month before the next exam.” he sit at his desk in front of you.
“Nope” you popped the p, “I need to get ahead of you because next time, I’m going to make you pay for it. ”
“Oh, come on Y/N/N, let’s go do something fun.”
Turns out, Beck wasn’t that much of an asshole that you thought he was. Yes, he still was a pretentious idiot, but you know he did it on purpose, just to get on your nerves.
In the entire day, you spent together, you actually had fun.
You spent the day at the park, basking in the sun, which was much needed. You didn’t think you’d enjoy this.
Now the both of you were hanging out on a bench. He had even got you an ice cream as a thank you for agreeing to this whole thing with him.
"You could have made these 24 hours a hell for me, but you didn’t. And I really had fun. So thank you”
“Come on, you think that I'm that bad of a person? Man, you really must hate me,” he joked
“I don’t, actually. You just get on my nerves sometimes. Most of the time. But, you know, I don’t hate you.” which was actually true.
“Good, because I don’t hate you, either.” he smiled. You were glad, you were happy to be friends with him, even if sometimes he was a pretentious asshole.
"Actually, that's kinda the whole point," Chris chuckled nervously, playing with his hands. What was going on?
"Yeah, uhm," He mumbled, turning all red.
"What, the cat got your tongue?" you teased him. You had never seen him this flustered, and you were going to take your sweet time with it.
"Oh please,” he composed himself. “The thing is, Y/N, I- I like you,” he confessed, looking at you.
“What?” you couldn’t believe this was happening, he’d always been picking on you.
“Yeah, I have for a while actually, and I just wanted a chance to show you I’m not that mean, a-and I’m sorry if I seemed-”
“Shut up,” you mumbled, and then you kissed him. It was a soft kiss, you could taste the strawberry ice cream he had on his lips.
“So, I get it you like me too?” he asked, smiling at you.
“Mh, what do you say, genius, it's you that knows everything!” you chuckled.
He laughed, but then kissed you again. His kisses were so sweet and intoxicating, and you mentally bashed yourself for not having confessed before.
Chris pulled away, looking at you in the eyes, the smirk you hated so much appearing again on his face.
"So… you want to bet on the next exam, Y/L/N?" he whispered.
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sneezehq · 3 years
Family Talk
"Yang is a great mom. She raised me, after all."
Written for a prompt by hunnyB on AO3: "It would be cute to see something like Ruby talking proudly about her sister to her teammates and friends and Yang opening about their past. I like to see people looking at Yang with a sad-surprised face. Or maybe Ruby telling everyone Yang is basically a mother to her, and Yang tears up and everyone is surprised."
I took way longer writing this than I should have, because I kept fussing with when I should set it, until I finally gave up and went ahead and set this sometime in the future, when Salem is defeated and they're all happy and safe and share an apartment together and they all live happily ever after. And, since it's sometimes hard to get Ruby to talk about things, I decided to loosen Ruby's tongue a bit, so have a doped-up post wisdom teeth surgery Ruby. (Also because I thought it'd be adorable if the first thing Ruby does while on painkillers is talk about how awesome her older sister is.) Enjoy!
"We're back!" Yang calls over her shoulder, nudging the door shut behind her until she hears it close with a loud click. She turns to set the bags she's carrying on the counter—and immediately has to lunge forwards to keep her sister from faceplanting into the tile. "Rubes, we just got back from the doctor. Please try to avoid braining yourself for now."
"Whatever, mom," Ruby mumbles, words slightly slurred. Yang steadies her with a hand on her shoulder and steers her over to the couch.
"Here, lie down before you fall down," she says, nudging Ruby onto the couch. Her sister flops onto the cushions, giggling loudly.
Blake smiles fondly, finally looking up from her book. "How'd it go?" she calls from the armchair, absently flipping to the next page.
"Everything went fine, the surgery went smoothly, all that good stuff," Yang replies. "She'll be sore for the next few days, but we're all stocked up on soup and ice cream and stuff for smoothies, so she should be fine."
"You're lucky, Blake," Weiss teases from the doorway. "Yang's already preparing for when you two have kids. She's going to be a great mom."
Both Blake and Yang blush furiously at Weiss' comment. Yang attempts to head back to the kitchen, but she's stopped by a hand on her arm. "Come sit with me," Ruby whines. "I'm cold. Wan' snuggles."
"Ruby, I need to put the ice cream away before it melts," Yang sighs, attempting to pull herself free.
But despite being hopped up on strong painkillers, her sister's grip doesn't budge. "Please, Yang?"
"I'll take care of the ice cream," Weiss offers, strolling over to the collection of grocery bags on the counter. "You know how she gets when she's like this. She's not going to shut up until you sit with her."
"Fine, fine," Yang says, nudging Ruby over to make room on the couch. "Thanks, Weiss. Happy now?" she asks her sister.
Ruby nods into Yang's thigh, having arranged herself with her head in her sister's lap. Yang smiles fondly, running a hand through her sister's hair. "How're you feeling?"
"Mouth hurts. Tired. M' head feels weird."
"Yeah, you're not gonna be feeling too great for the next few days. Why don't you take a nap?" Yang suggests. "Sleep off the worst of it. You can have some ice cream when you wake up."
The younger girl, frowns, shaking her head. "Don' wanna sleep," she complains.
"Could've told you it wouldn't be that easy," Weiss says, settling herself into the chair across from Blake. Ruby frowns at her. "What's wrong?"
"What you said. Before. Yang is a great mom." Ruby looks directly at Weiss, suddenly seeming free of her medicated haze. "She raised me, after all."
Silence falls over the room, as the reactions from the other girls vary. Blake has a knowing look on her face, but she also seems very sad all of a sudden. Yang looks embarrassed. Weiss has a curious expression on her face. "What are you talking about, Ruby?"
"Dad wasn't around much, when we were kids," Ruby mumbles. Blake and Weiss lean closer to hear her better. "So, Yang took care of us. She'd read stories to me before bed, and help me with my homework, and packed lunches, and she even cooked for us. She was always there for me."
Their teammates look at the pair of sisters with a mixture of awe and sadness. They'd both known that the two were close, but they'd never had a chance to see why they were so close—or just how deep that bond between them ran.
"Ruby, we don't have to talk about this now," Yang says hastily, bowing her head so that her face is hidden behind a curtain of blonde hair. Even with her face covered, it's impossible to miss the way that she'd blushing.
Ruby shakes her head. "No, I wanna talk about it. You're so awesome and you do so much for me, but you never want me to tell anyone about it," she whines, trying to push herself up to a sitting position.
"Ok, ok, don't get all worked up while you still have stitches in your mouth," Yang scolds her, gently pressing on her shoulders until Ruby gives in and lays back down. "I just can't believe that you'd want to compliment me after living off of my cooking for so long."
Ruby blinks up at her, a fond but slightly dopey smile on her face. "It wasn' that bad."
"It wasn't great, though," Yang points out.
"We're still alive." Ruby gives a lazy half-shrug. "We did eat a lot of sandwiches, though."
"After all these years you're still complaining about that? I'll have you know that sandwiches are very healthy. You've got bread and meat and boom, both your basic food groups. If you're feeling adventurous you can even add some lettuce. Then you've even got veggies. I rest my case. Sandwiches are the ultimate food."
Ruby giggles loudly, before her face splits with a wide yawn. "Yang? I'm tired." Her eyes fall shut, and within seconds she's snoring.
"Finally," Yang lets out a sigh of relief.
Weiss shakes her head incredulously. "Those painkillers are really strong, too. I've never seen anyone be able to fight them like that."
"It's sheer willpower," Blake says softly. "Ruby is the most determined person I've ever met. I guess it shouldn't that surprising."
"Oh, she's stubborn alright," Yang agrees. "You should have seen her as a little kid. She was determined to get into everything. I lost track of her every time I turned around. And once she developed her semblance? Good luck keeping up with the kid with super speed!" She laughs cheerfully, but her expression is still pensive.
"I hadn't realized," Blake says, a distant look on her face. "That you two were so close. You told me a little bit about your family, when we were back at Beacon, but it never occurred to me how much responsibility you took on as a child."
"And you told me, back at Haven, about how your mom left, and you lost Ruby's mom too, but I didn't realize, even then, how hard that must have been on you." Weiss looks guilty. She wraps her arms around herself. "I'm sorry I kept asking about it. I didn't mean to upset you."
"I'm not upset," Yang says softly. "I'm just—I'm not really used to talking about it, that's all. It's not really something I try to think about too much. It's a little easier these days, since I've got you guys, but it's still hard to think about how my dad was after we lost Summer. He just kind of—shut down. Don't get me wrong, he was still there, he still made sure we had food in the house, and he had Qrow check in on us when he could. But he was busy with school, so." She sighs heavily. "I just did what anyone would have, in our situation. Someone had to take care of us, and make sure that Ruby grew up okay. I don't think that I did anything special, honestly."
"But you did," Weiss says firmly. "Trust me, Yang, what you did was very special. Most people in your situation would have just given up. They definitely wouldn't have tried as hard as you did. You're an amazing older sister and Ruby adores you."
"You should be proud of yourself," Blake murmurs. "Not only did you raise an amazing little sister, but you didn't turn out too bad yourself. Not only did you handle a very difficult set of circumstances beautifully, but you even came out the other side smiling. Not many people can say that."
"Thanks, guys," Yang whispers, wiping away the tear tracks on her face with a watery smile. They sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Across from her, her girlfriend has settled back in her chair, reabsorbed in her book. Weiss is messing with the remote, trying to see if anything good is on. And Ruby is snoring softly, laying half-cured with her head in Yang's lap. After all these years, they still fit together perfectly.
"I couldn't ask for a better family."
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ren1327 · 4 years
Pretty Boy ch.1
“Come on, Girl.”
If you asked Ben Pincus-Masrani to describe himself, he would respond that he was thin, pale, not very extraordinary. Not even normal. Forgettable wallflower was he.
And he liked it that way.
He smiled down at his little corgi with her extra stubby tail.
Bad tail docking and a “defected ear” had made her less valuable to her owner, but more loveable to him. He remembered when his stepfather had told him about one of his business associates giving her away. Ben had cooed at her picture and the very next day, Simon had acquired her.
She was a year old now, her tail a little bump and left ear still folded halfway down. He knew it could pop up one day or stay folded over.
He’d love her as is.
She had been his constant companion since he had started University last year.
Bumpy wore little green and white booties and a matching vest for her leash, excitedly sniffing at whatever she found on the pavement of the city street they walked down. Ben smiled at her as she waved her whole back half, barking at a dandelion that broke through the sidewalk.
He thought yellow would be cute on her. It was quickly approaching autumn and he was due to buy her some more little jackets and boots.
Ben groaned as they passed an overfilled dumpster in a large open alley, the smell of spoiled milk making him gag. Bumpy led him away, as if sensing his discomfort.
He made his way to a one story building, Bumpy jumping up the steps one at a time to join him by the wood and glass door. He opened the door for her and she excitedly waddled in, sitting by the counter as an old Latino man with his grey and black hair in a ponytail came over.
“Hey, Santi.” Ben said.
“Morning, Benito.” He said with a smile. “Morning, Bumpy.”
Bumpy barked and stood, her hips waving back in forth excitedly.
Santi’s husband poked his head out, curly blond hair held back by a headband and his glasses a little smudged.
“Oh, Ben! You just missed Sammy.” He said.
“Billy Brennan-Gutierrez.” Santi scolded playfully. “Sammy said he changed his shift. Twice, remember?”
“Right!” He said. “Sorry, Honey. Must’ve been distracted by that new exhibit Alan promised to invite us to.”
Santi rolled his eyes good naturedly and smiled at Ben. “This man.”
“It’s fine. Dad was getting ready to fly over to New York for some party, so I was video chatting with him and totally forgot to text her on the bus.”
“Bus?” Billy asked, walking to the counter. “How did you like it?”
“I took the green line.” Ben said. “More…clean.”
“Ah. The public access line your father is funding?” Santi said. “It’s been an amazing help around the community. City planning is really a gift.”
“Yeah. Dad cares more about customer satisfaction. He even asked if the animals at the zoo were happy.” Ben said as Billy laughed. “And right now I know he’s gonna charm new investors.”
“I get it. It’s always go, go, go.” Santi said. “Billy and I will take care of your pretty girl. Go on to work.”
Ben kneeled and kissed his dog on her forehead. She wigged and liked his cheek.
“Bye, Bumpy. I’ll come get you later, okay?” He said and gave her leash to Santi.
He waved as he walked out and set out to a nearby bus stop with a green leaf, taking a breath as he looked at a message from his parents saying they arrived safely, his mother resting in the hotel room and his father already in a meeting.
“You got this, Dad.” He text back.
 Brew-tiful Roast was the only refurbished building not owned by the college but funded independently by several of the first alumni and John Hammond himself. It was a brick and glass building with a brick and iron barred wall around it, where a garden area and several outdoor tables with wooden benches under a thick iron and heavy waterproof tarp Professor Carr of the physics department had donated almost a decade ago. Several other alumni donated money to modernize the area for student comfort and relaxation when the library and cafeteria were too much stimulation.
The inside was open with many well spaced tables, cushioned booths and a back wall lined with tinted muffled noise square privacy pods in the back. Many plants and flowers decorated tables, soft slow blinking white and blue LED lights showing where charging stations were and orb shaped hanging lamps that lit the café up.
Finally was a large refrigerated black glass top counter and display where many sandwiches, pastries, packs of baked chips and crackers, packaged fruit and several salads were displayed along with bottled lemonade, teas, sodas and waters that were always sold at a quarter. They could be taken to the counter and warmed after they were bought or warmed in one of the three communal microwaves.
“One banana avocado smoothie with fiber and whey!” Sammy called, smiling as she handed back change.
Ben’s finger and hands flew over the ingredients as he chopped, scooped and mixed the fruit before throwing it into a clean blender with ice and cold cream, and letting it run. Mixing it a final time, he poured the cold thick mixture in large cup with a star drawn on by Sammy. He put it on the counter where a young Latina woman with large glasses waited.
“No whip, just how you like.” He said with a smile.
“Thanks Benji.” She said with a wink.
Her best friend, Franklyn smiled nervously from next to her.
“What brings you to the front?” He asked as Zia sipped her smoothie with a pleased hum. “I thought you didn’t like being up here where there are so many—too many in fact, people.”
“Professor Malcom said it’d be best for me to get a few months exposed to more people.” He said and mixed caramel into Franklyn’s sugar free French vanilla ice coffee. “So I got low traffic shifts after morning classes.”
“How’s going clean treating you?” Zia asked, eyes softening on her younger classmate.
“Ah…” He looked to the side. “Got a bit of a no sleeping issue some nights, but hey. More time to think up new smoothies and teas.”
“You are aware this is Brew-Tiful Roast.” Zia asked with a smile. “As in, coffee?”
“Good thing Mr. Van Owen and Gray love it. Plus,” He smiled and put a hand to his hip in pride. “Yours truly has helped increase sells with my smoothies and tea mixes.”
“Way to go, Plant Nerd.” Zia said and slipped a five in his pocket. “For Bumpy. Get her some of those yummy carob biscuits.”
Ben handed Franklyn his cup. “Thanks. But you know I’m fine for money. With Dad and everything, honestly, this is just so I...”
Franklyn nodded. “We get it, Ben. Normalcy is…admirable.”
“Besides. I get to use my earnings to get my own place. With my own money.” He said excitedly.
Franklyn’s watch beeped. “Oh, shoot! I got to get to my Mathematical Theory class. Professor Murphy invited Ian Malcom today!”
“Get me an autograph?”
“He’s got five of the same damn book in his bag. We’ll get ya one, Benji.” Zia said with a sigh. “If you need anything—”
“I’m okay, Zia.” Ben said. “But thanks.”
She smiled as Franklyn sped out with a wave.
“Man, seems like forever since she took you under her wing.” Sammy said as the line slowed, leaving only a few people at tables typing away at laptops or talking among themselves.
“Yeah. Both Malcoms at Hammond University. Bet you he’ll crash Professor Malcom’s class.”
“He’s a Dad.” Sammy giggled as she wiped down the counter. “He kinda has an obligation to check in.”
As if on cue, her phone vibrated and she smiled at a picture of Bumpy sleeping on her back, showing it to Ben.
“Aw~” He cooed. “Send it?”
“Already done.” She giggled.
The door chimed and Sammy smiled at the newcomers before her face fell.
“Hi Darius. Kenji.” She said.
“Hey, Sammy. Got anything good today?” Darius, a paleo-researcher and Sammy’s classmate in zoological studies said.
“I got donuts.” She said. “And chicken pesto sandwiches.”
“I’ll take two of each.” Darius said as his taller Asian friend sauntered over to Ben.
“Huh, never seen you around here, Pretty Boy.” He said.
Ben looked up and froze.
Tall, tan, muscular and very, oh so very handsome.
Ben could feel his cheeks heating. “Um, what?”
Sammy’s hands came on his shoulders and pulled him a bit away from Kenji.
“Ben here usually works in the back.”
“That’s a shame. I guess you’re why this place is called Brew-tiful.” He said with a wink.
“Ben.” Sammy said. “Can you do me a favor and get more cups before the lunch rush?”
“Oh.” Ben said, snapping out of his trance. “Sure.”
 As soon as Ben went through the kitchen door, Sammy slammed a hand down on the counter.
“No.” She said sternly.
“What?” Kenji asked.
“Brooklynn told me what happened with your last three girlfriends and boyfriend. All in a week!” She hissed.
“What?” Kenji asked. “There wasn’t a connection.”
“Here’s a connection. Don’t just date people cause their cute!” Sammy said.
Darius looked between the two.
“Kenji. Come on, Man. Ben looks…fragile.” He said.
“He works in a coffee shop, Darius. You gotta be pretty tough to work in food service.”
“Kenji.” Sammy said. “Not Ben.”
Before Kenji could respond, his phone rang. He looked at his phone and sighed.
“I’ll be back another time.” He said. “Looks like Dad needs to see me in person.”
“I’ll get back okay.” Darius said. “You go ahead.”
Kenji took the bag Sammy held out, slipping a $20 on the counter.
“Tell Ben I said bye.”
“No.” Sammy said with a deadpanned expression.
Kenji saw Ben look through the door of the kitchen window. He smirked and winked at him, enjoying how Ben ducked his head and reddened.
Kenji left and got into his car, sitting for a moment to watch Ben come out and shake hands with Darius.
“Damn. He really is pretty.” He said as he started the engine, big pine green eyes haunting his thoughts as he drove home.
feat. from JP - Ian Malcolm, Tim Murphy and John Hammond
 JP2 - Kelly Malcom, Eddie Carr and Nick Van Owen
JP3 - Billy Brennan
JW- Zia, Franklyn and Gray
Love me some side characters. Thanks for reading!
Stay Sweet~
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hannahcoursey · 4 years
Wind Chill
Tumblr media
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,838
Request: Hi there! Do u think u could do an imagine where the reader almost freezes to death and wakes up in Dean’s arms? You can pick the circumstances, but I think it’d be fab! xoxo
The days had been getting shorter as the end of December rolled its way closer and closer. You and the boys had your eye out on every news outlet and local scanners for anything that went bump in the night, but the radio waves were eerily silent. 
The three of you sat in the library, all working on your own things. Sam sat in front of his laptop, tapping away, the clicking of the keyboard the only noise that floated through the bunker. You were neck-deep in a new book that you had gotten your hands on at a thrift store during the last job you’d worked a few towns over. It was some sappy love story that made your heart flutter and your face blush and you would never be caught dead reading it - which is why you’d ripped off the front cover. Dean sat closest to you, swirling around a glass of whiskey that was a sip from being empty. The silence between the three of you was comfortable and welcomed in your hectic lives. That was, of course, until Dean couldn’t sit still any longer.
“Okay I am officially ready to rip my eyes out,” He announced, standing and wiping his hand down his face. Sam stuttered a laugh and shook his head.
“Go kill something, you’re nicer when you're not bloodthirsty.” Sam finished, his eyes never leaving the screen in front of him. You smiled and looked up at Dean.
“You hungry? I can whip something up for dinner.” You asked, peering up at the elder Winchester. He looked at you pointedly.
“Y/N, in all fairness, the last time you cooked, I was feeling it for the rest of the week - and not with my mouth.” He squinted, wincing inaudibly. You rolled your eyes.
“Fine - starve for all I care,” You stood up and put your book under your arm. “I’m gonna go see what we have.”
“I think I might hit the sack, a nice afternoon delight don’t sound all that bad right about now.” Dean said to your back as a yawn interrupted his words.
“Dean you do realize what an afternoon delight is right?” Sam scoffed, amusing no one but yourself. Dean shrugged.
“Yeah, it’s the afternoon and it's delightful.” Dean’s voice dripped in sarcasm as his feet padded down the hallway. You turned and caught Sam’s eye, the both of you chuckling lightly. As you stepped into the kitchen, you reached for the light. The pantry in the open shelves was more than bare, only a box of pancake mix and a dwindling loaf of bread was in sight. You walked over and opened the fridge. 2 beers sat at eye level and a head of browned lettuce sat next to it. You tossed the lettuce and closed the fridge, grabbing the keys to one of the cars in the garage and searching for your coat. 
“Hey Sam, I’m gonna go for a run,” You walked out to the library, just as Sam was closing up his laptop. 
“Y/N, it’s already,” Sam started, looking down at his watch, blinking a few times, “6:30 - can it wait for tomorrow?” His eyes looked heavy as he questioned you.
“Unless you want a heaping plate of oxygen for dinner, no.” You smiled, “It’ll be quick, the longest part is the drive there and back, it won’t take awhile.” You finished, making it obvious that you weren’t asking. Sam nodded and rubbed his eyes. 
“Alright well, I think I might take a nap; I could recite the local news in my sleep at this point, I've read it so many times.” He scratched at his neck. Finally spotting your jacket hanging on the railing of the steps leading to the door, you crossed the room and put it on.
“I don’t blame you, get some rest and when you wake up I’ll have dinner made.” You padded up the iron steps, looking over at his large frame. A smile crawled up his features.
“Y/N, you don’t have to cook for him,” He squinted at you sarcastically, “You could burn the bunker down and he’d still love you.” He finished as you waved your hand at him.
“Shut up Sam.” You replied, snarky. With a small laugh, he turned and walked down the hallway, right as you slipped out the door.
The garage doors opened, letting in a blast of white snow. The road out in front of the drive was covered and it was coming down hard. When you pulled out onto the road, your back tires skidded and lost traction, causing you to fishtail for a brief moment. You slowed down and adjusted to the conditions, driving a little steadier and slower than you usually would. The sky was pitch black, if you didn’t know any better you’d guess it was 2am. As you made your way to the grocery store that was around half an hour away you promised yourself you’d make it quick before the weather got any worse.
Once you arrived, you rushed yourself around the store, grabbing peanut butter, jelly and bread for sandwiches, then grabbed some bacon, pie and lunchmeat. You made sure to get some salad, croutons and dressings for Sam, as well as some frozen fruit so he could make smoothies for after his morning jogs. After gathering together some pasta, chips and miscellaneous items you headed for the only open register. You got back into your car and checked the time. It was almost 8:00 and you’d spent well over 45 minutes in the store. Cursing at yourself slightly, you started up your car and slowly moved on your way back to the bunker. 
The snow had laid down thick, leaving an icy blanket across the pavement, your tires crunching it beneath their weight as you prayed you’d make it back. It had begun to sleet, the freezing rain making your windshield wipers useless. Your wheels were slipping and even time you slowed down, your breath hitched, fully expecting not to get moving again. You came to an intersection, looking around at your options. Straight ahead, there was more traffic, but not a straight shot home. To your right was a back road that led almost right to the bunker’s front door. You hesitated. Taking a breath you decided that maybe going the quicker route would leave you with a better outcome. 
You pulled the wheel, moving down the beaten path. Just as the final streetlight left your vision, your car slowly took you off course, slowly fishtailing into a ditch. You yanked the wheel in the opposite direction and smashed the accelerator, but it was no use. Your wheels spun as you settled, the right side of your car tipping into the frozen outcove. You looked down at the clock. You’d only made it about 10 minutes. You have got to be kidding me. Patting the pockets of your jacket, you found your phone and switched it on. “No Signal” flashed across the dim screen as if it was taunting you. You slid it back in your pocket and looked around. You reached for the door, but it didn’t budge. You pushed your body weight against it and bounced hard, yet it hardly moved an inch. So much for walking back to the store. You turned up the heat and turned up the music just a notch. Might as well get comfortable. You peered around the back, spotting a wrapped up blanket underneath the bench seat that you’d remembered leaving a few months back. You brought it up front and laid it across you and listened to the drone of the radio.
A few hours passed and you checked your phone like you had done every 10 minutes. Still no signal. Sighing, you glanced at the clock. 12:48am. How had they not noticed that you weren’t back yet? A chill slipped down your spine - it wasn’t from the cold that seeped in the sheet metal of the car - What if they’d fallen asleep for the night? You shook your head. No, you promised them food, they never forgot when you volunteered to make dinner. A flashing orange light on your dashboard drew your thoughts away from the boys; Your gas was running low. No gas, no heat. You sat up straight and looked around. There were no cars in sight, everyone preferring to stay inside during the blizzard. You leaned forward and twisted the key in the ignition, the engines’ rumble fizzing out along with the ambient music of the stereo. You sat back in your seat and tried to calm your mind, as the icy chill from outside slipped its way into the  car, minute by minute. 
The blanket was doing nothing at this point. Your movements were almost painful, your extremities vibrating with the numbness that fell over them hours ago. You had tried to turn the car on an hour or so ago, but it only sputtered in response. It was 6:57am. Your teeth had stopped chattering around 3 and you hadn’t slept a minute of it. The cold was oddly uncomforting, you couldn’t drift off in the state you were in. Your eyes had grown heavier now, which worried you more than anything. You fought to stay awake, but the cold unconsciousness welcomed you into the darkness. The upside was that you didn’t feel cold anymore; you just felt tingling. The sun had begun to rise, the orange glow casting a dim shadow through the thick snow-covered car. Your eyes fluttered. Stay awake. You tried to sit up but you were just so tired. A loud knock on your window forced your eyes open; you hadn’t even realized you’d shut them.
“Y/N?” A deep voice questioned, muffled by the layers of snow that had settled over your car since you’d landed there. The car shook lightly at first and then violently, until the door crackled and creaked next to your head, allowing the sunrise to pour in. Cold air blasted in the car, your hair whipping around your face. When you opened your eyes, you were met with Dean’s, searching yours. You tried to smile, but you couldn’t feel your face move, his name fell flat on your lips. His hand laid against your face like a hot iron scorching your cool skin. You sucked in a breath and he pulled away. 
“Dean,” You tried, licking your lips, “It’s looking like I’m gonna have to make dinner another night.” You tried to smile but your lips tingled, forcing your laugh sounding more like a wheeze. 
“Don’t worry about dinner, come on.” His brows were pulled up as he looked down at you, pulling you closer to him.
“Dean, it’s been below zero all night,” Sam walked over and whispered to his brother, not so quietly. “You can’t last all that long in weather like that, she ne-” He started, but Dean shot him a look.
“I know Sammy,” He growled, exchanging looks at one another, before Sam turned around and opened the door to the backseat of the Impala. Dean looked back down at you and pulled you up to his chest, holding you close to him. He was so warm. Your eyes fluttered, constantly at war with trying to keep them open. The Impala’s heat was blasting as he settled in the back with you in his lap. Sam walked to the front and pulled out, leaving your car in the ditch. There was no music, only the rumble of the engine drifting through the cabin. You felt like you could sleep for days. 
“Hey, hey, hey, keep those pretty eyes open, alright sweetheart?” Dean’s hand fell onto your cheek again as he held your head up lightly. 
“Dean, I’m-” You whispered and he leaned down closer, “I’m tired.” You slurred, your eyes rolling slightly. 
“C’mon Y/N wake up,” His deep voice pulled you momentarily out of the coma that was dragging you under, “Look at me, keep your eyes on mine, okay?” His face was inches away from yours, his warm breath slipping over your features. You looked up at him again, meeting his worried expression.
“I can’t-” You tried to explain it, but you couldn’t manage the words, “I’m tired.” You finished hardly above a whisper, as your eyes rolled back one last time and your world went dark. The last thing you felt was Dean shaking you. 
You woke up to arms surrounding you. Your body was sore and felt like you had gone 7 rounds with Lucifer and your head pounded. You moved your fingers around, feeling them and making sure that they were all still there. Looking up, you connected the arms to a body and the body to a head. Your heart dropped to your toes as you looked up, analyzing every freckle that splayed across his nose. His eye’s flickered underneath their lids. I wonder what he’s thinking. You looked around. You were in Dean’s room, the guns hanging on the walls a clear indicator of the Winchester’s belongings. Slowly pulling his arm off your waist, it suddenly tightened. He grumbled deeply behind you, before roping you back in and laying his hand on the side of your face. Except when you looked up at him this time, he was already looking back at you. 
“Mornin’ Frosty.” He grinned, his voice gravely and sexy. Hearing his voice like this woke up a beast in you that begged to be touched by him. You looked away as the thought ran through your head.
“Very funny.” You mused. His hand pulled your face up, his finger under your chin. 
“I’m not laughing,” He said, his expression blank, “Y/N, you were in zero degree weather for almost twelve hours, do you know how close of a call that is?” He shook his head slightly and leaned up on his arm while looking at you. “Why didn’t you call? I would’ve come, I would’ve got you.” He questioned.
“I had no signal, I tried - it didn’t work.” You shrugged, looking down at your hands. He let out a sigh.
“When I woke up and you weren’t there, I just about tore the place apart,” He ran a hand through his hair, “I thought something had taken you, but then Sam said you’d left to get some food. When I opened the door and saw the weather, I knew you had to be out there somewhere.” His hand reached up and caressed your face, taking you by surprise. “Y/N, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost you.” His voice was hardly above a whisper. You stared at him, eyes wide.
“Dean,” You hesitated, not sure how to take it, “I appreciate you and Sam worrying about me-” You started.
“No it’s not like that,” He shook his head, inching closer to you, “I mean, I don’t worry about you the way Sam does,” He cocked his head to the side, “Well I hope it’s not the same, that would be an issue.” He said more to himself than to you, his eyes drifting past you in thought.
“I’m not sure I follow.” You muttered. His eyes looked down at you again.
“I’m saying that not knowing where you were for a minute there had me going like nothing else.”  His lips were plush and mere inches away from you and you had to mentally remind yourself not to stare at them. And you were failing miserably. “I never want to let you out of my sight again.” He whispered, pausing a moment before leaning in and brushing his lips gently to yours. The blood rushed through you, giving you chills for a whole different reason than earlier. His hand slid through your hair and with his other hand he pulled your body closer to his. You returned the kiss, leaning in, pressing against him harder, When he pulled back, he searched your eyes for a response.
“Then don’t.” You whispered in return, a small grin crawling over your features. He matched your smile and pulled you in. He smelled like old cologne and worn leather and you breathed it in all you could. When he pulled back, he gave you a grin and held your face in his hand.
“God, I have waited so long to do that.” He smirked, his confession taking you by surprise.
“Well, maybe you should do that more,” You shrugged sarcastically, “I don’t hate it all that much.” You beamed up at him, unable to hide your happiness.
“Oh you don’t hate it?” His eyebrows shot up, his words filled with the sarcasm that made you love him, “That’s good, I’m glad you don’t.” He chuckled, pulling you down to his chest. 
You knew that from now on, most of your days would be spent like this; laying on his chest, stealing kisses and exchanging laughs - and you didn’t want to spend them any other way.
Hey guys! I hope you liked this one - if you have any requests submit them to me and I’ll give em’ a go!
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sams-sass · 4 years
Cursed pt. 2
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GIF not mine
Hi there! Here is the second part of Cursed. Hope you guys enjoy it, thanks for all the love!
Read Parts One, Three, Four, Five and Six Here
Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Summary: Your curse worsens. 
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut, descriptions of pain, Sam being sad.
Characters: You, Sam, Dean, Cass
Pairings: Sam x Reader
You were sitting at the library table; Sam was next to you with a spellbook in front of him. His long fingers turned the pages, desperately looking for the answer. It had been about five hours since you learned that you had a curse. Bad luck. That was your name now; soon, everything you touched would turn sour. Every move you made would end in pain and agony. You were lost in this feeling of total helplessness. You were going to find misery and distress in every aspect of your life until a fatal injury finally took you out. Your eyes watered once again, and you bowed your head, sniffling.
“Hey.” Sam wrapped you into his arms and pulled you tightly into him. His smell invaded your nose; you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your face into his shoulder. Savoring every moment you had with him.
“I am so scared, Sam.” You finally said the words you had been holding back since you read the page.
“I know, baby, but I will do anything to protect you. I will give my life for yours.” Your eyes shot open, and you pushed away from him slightly, looking into his eyes.
“No, you will not, Samuel Winchester. If I can’t spend the rest of my life with you, I don’t want to live. Do not ever say that again. No one is going to die. We are going to figure this out, and we are going to be happy. You and me, forever.” He was crying now too, he nodded and lowered his head.
“I can’t lose you.” He whispered.
“And I can’t lose you.” You said, pressing your forehead to his. You stayed like that for an amount of time, just holding each other. Dean walked into the room, and you two lifted your heads to look at him.
“Hey, I got a hold of Cas. He will be here in about an hour.” Dean was scared too. You reached out your hand, and he walked over, taking it in his. You rested your body into his chest and closed your eyes.
“Thank you, Dean.” His breathing quickened, and his hand ran down your hair. His lips pressed to the top of your head, and he pulled away, clearing his throat.
“We should all eat something.” He said, walking towards the kitchen.
“He’s right; you need to stay strong.” Sam nodded and helped you off the table. He held your hips as you limped into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Dean placed a sandwich in front of your face and a glass of water. You took some bites of the sandwich, letting the food fill you. You were about halfway through when you hiccupped and swallowed at the same time. The food fell into your airway, and your hands went around your throat, coughing desperately. You tried to breathe but couldn’t, and your eyes went wide with panic. Sam dropped his food and grabbed you, standing you up with him. He placed his fists on your stomach and began to give you the Heimlich. Your face started turning colors, and your heart raced in your chest. With one hard thrust from Sam, the food came shooting out of your mouth onto the floor. Your body crumpled into itself; Sam caught you. He sat down at the table and placed you onto his lap, stroking your hair. Your chest rose and fell in large, heavy breaths. Your eyes were watery, and your stomach and ribs hurt. Dean walked over and knelt in front of you and Sam; he lifted your hand off your lap and kissed it. Sam and Dean made eye contact, a look of terror in each of their eyes.
Sam laid you to rest on the couch as he and Dean cleaned up the kitchen.  
“Dean…if she…if she-.” Sam was broken; he was searching his brother's face for hope. He was terrified.
“Hey man, that’s not gonna happen, ok. We will figure this out, just like we always do. Y/N isn’t going anywhere. She’s staying right here with you.” Dean placed his hands on his brother's shoulders and looked him in the eye. Sam’s hazel eyes were clouded with tears, his shoulders and hands shaking slightly. He nodded and placed one hand on Dean’s arm. The bunker door opened, and Cas walked down the stairs. Dean went to greet him, and Sam went to fetch you off the couch. Your eyes were staring straight ahead, face blank as tears stained your cheeks. Sam grabbed your hand and placed it over his heart, letting you feel it beat. You made eye contact with him and reached for him; he easily lifted you into his arms and carried you into the library, placing you on the table once again. Cas walked over to you; his eyes were heavy. He placed his fingers on your forehead and looked away, concentrating. You felt the familiar tingle in your body whenever he healed you, but it ended abruptly. Cas looked at you, then at the boys, concern written all over his face.
“I can’t heal her.” His voice was soft and heavy with defeat.
“What do you mean?” Sam placed his hands on your shoulders.
“It’s the curse. It won't allow her to be healed by any force.” He grabbed your hand and looked into your eyes. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I want to help you, but I simply can’t.” He was angry. You nodded and looked away, brushing your hair behind your ear.
“It’s ok, Cass; I know you would if you could.” Your voice was thick with emotion.
“What would you like to do no, Y/N?” Sam asked you. You turned your head, pressing your nose into his. You smiled slightly and took a long breath in.
“I want to spend time with you.” You said. “All of you.” You looked at Dean and Cass. Dean and Cass smiled lightly at you; Sam let out a breath through a smile as well. He pulled your face to his and kissed you fully and passionately. The four of you retired to the living room and watched your favorite funny movie. You let yourself laugh at all the jokes until you held your sides and completely lost in the feeling. Sam made you a smoothie which he watched you drink like a hawk. The two of you then said goodnight to Dean and Cas. You held each of them with all your might and gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. Sam kept his hands on your hips as you wobbled to your bedroom. You collapsed on the bed, wiggling up to the pillows. Sam laid next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest. You looked up at him and kissed his lips, letting your mouth open to him.
“Make love to me, Sam.” You propped yourself up on your elbow and ran your fingers through his hair. He answered by wrapping his arms around you and rolling on top of you. His mouth dominated yours as moans and whimpers left your mouth. Sam’s eyebrows came together, his hands covering your skin. He removed your shirt and left your mouth to kiss your jaw and neck.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I can never get enough of you.” His tongue moved across the top of your breasts, his stubble tickling the sensitive skin. You unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off of his smooth skin. Running your fingertips over his muscles. Your back arched into him, his hands splaying over your rib cage. His lips ran over your nipple, bringing it to a bud. His hands slid down your body, his fingers slipped into the waistband of your pants and pulled them down your legs. He moved lower down your body to lift your legs and wrap them around his shoulders. He then moved back up to your breasts and worked each of your nipples until your hips were rolling on their own and your breath was heavy and fast. He kissed your stomach and licked under the elastic of your panties. His teeth grabbed the fabric between them, and he moved all the way down your body, pulling your panties with him. He left open mouth, kisses up your leg, and settled himself in front of your core.
“I got you, baby; I’m going to take care of you.” He whispered before his mouth covered you. His tongue slid through your folds to circle your clit. Your moans filled the room with his breathing. Your legs were hanging over his shoulders again, and his hands were on your hips, holding them in place. Your fingers dug into his hair, pulling a low moan from Sam that traveled throughout your body. He brought you to your peak, your body throbbing. He sucked on your clit one final time, and the pressure building inside of you broke, your body filled with pleasure. You didn’t have the time to come down from your high before Sam slammed into you. You weren’t sure when he took his pants off, but you could really care less. He kissed you passionately as he pushed himself all the way inside you. When Sam was this deep, it was hard to breathe. He slowly rocked his hips into yours. He ran one of his hands up your forearm to tangle his fingers in yours. His other hand then took your injured hand in his, and he raised both your hands above your head. His skin moved over yours; he was so close it was overwhelming. His knees were spread wide, pumping deeply into you. His face fell into the crook of your neck, his teeth marking the smooth skin. He pulled out of you and sat up, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. He lifted you and sat you onto his lap, slowly lowering you onto him. Your legs crossed behind his waist; it was your turn to rock your hips now.
“Let me know if I hurt you.” His face was level with yours.
“No, baby, you feel so good.” You smiled at him before you both fell into a passion again. Sam’s hand traveled down your body to roll your clit with his thumb. Your head fell back in immense pleasure, your mouth open and eyes closed. Sam leaned forward, kissing and licking your neck and chest, holding the back of your head with his large hand. Your orgasm spread through you, clenching around Sam.
“Y/N.” He came inside you, filling you. You both fell together against the pillows once again, fast breaths and beating hearts.
“I love you.” You held his face in your hands.
“I love you so god damn much, Y/N.” His fingers were splayed over your back, holding you against him.
“Thank you, that was amazing.” Your skin was still crawling as you completely came down from your high.
“It really was,” Sam said with a small chuckle. Sam got up, put on his boxers, and got a washcloth with warm water. He sat on the edge of the bed and placed the washcloth on your core, letting the warmth relax the muscles and skin. The two of you fell into a deep slumber, curled into each other.
You woke because of your full bladder. You groaned and moved out of the bed, limping into the bathroom. You relieved yourself and stood up to make your way back to bed. You opened the door to your bedroom, and your foot slid slightly on the cold wood. Your arms flew out, and a shocked gasp left your mouth. You fell to the floor and heard the crack of your head against the wood. You groaned loudly, trying to wake Sam. You moved your hand and touched the back of your head, feeling the sticky heat of the blood. Your hand slammed onto the floor, blackness encroaching on your vision.
Sam shot up in bed to a pounding sound. His eyes adjusted to the dark, and he saw a form on the floor; he frantically stood and raced to you. His hands covered your forehead, feeling the clammy skin. He stood and turned the light on, crouching down next to you again. He lifted your head and saw the blood matting your hair. He grabbed one of his flannels and slipped it on your naked body before running into the infirmary with you. He laid you down on the bed on your stomach, rechecking your pulse. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed the electric razor, buzzing off a small section of hair where the wound was. He took a cloth and wiped up the blood, his hands working diligently to stitch the area. When he was done, he took a step back and gathered you into his arms once again. He looked over your bruised body. Your wrapped ankle, bruised and swollen knees, scarred hand, and now stitched scalp. Sam rocked the two of you back and forth, his mind racing. He couldn’t lose you; he had to figure something out. That’s where Cas found him; you laid across Sam’s lap as he cried over you. Cas walked over to Sam and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Is she going to be ok?” He asked when Sam looked at him.
“I hope so, Cas; she’s my everything. I can’t go on without her.” Sam traced your face with his fingers and swallowed thickly.
“I know, Sam. You won't have to be without her. We are going to figure this out.” Cas made eye contact with Sam. Sam nodded and looked back down at him. He laid you back down on the bed and kissed your forehead. He got you a few ibuprofen and a glass of water for when you woke and went to the library with Cas.
Your eyes fluttered open. You immediately noticed the pounding in your head, raising a hand to your forehead. You squinted your eyes and tried to lift your head, moaning slightly. Turning, you saw the pills and water. You took them and tried to sit up, letting your legs dangle off the side of the bed. You touched the back of your head, feeling the bald skin and stitches. Sighing, you gingerly lowered yourself off the bed and limped into the library to find Sam. A pile of books surrounded him; he still hadn’t gotten dressed, sitting there in just his boxers. He looked up the second he heard you; his eyes were red and puffy. You knew he had been crying. He stood and wrapped his arms around you, holding you so tight you thought you might snap.
“Thanks for the stitch.” You mumbled against his skin.
“Sorry I had to shave your hair; I didn’t want to stitch it into the wound.” His hands were rubbing your back now, making you feel a little better.
“It will grow back.” You shrugged your shoulders. He pulled away slightly before helping you sit in the chair next to him.
“Are you hungry?” He asked after you were comfortable.
“Honestly, yeah.” You said.
“I’ll go make you a smoothie.” He smiled weakly and went into the kitchen. Cas and Dean walked into the library; you smiled up at them with sad eyes. Dean had a bucket in his hand with bloody clothes in it.
“Thanks for cleaning that.” You said, gesturing towards the bucket.
“No problem, just glad you are ok.” He walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, his eyes filled with uncertainty. You placed your hand over his and tried to give him a reassuring look. Sam walked back into the room and placed the smoothie in front of you. You basically chugged it and wiped your mouth with your sleeve.
“Let's get dressed; it will probably make both of us feel better.” You said, reaching your hand out to Sam so he could help you.
“Yeah, and me.” Dean agreed to go to get his own breakfast. You and Sam cleaned yourselves up and got dressed for the day. You only fell once, and Sam was right there to catch you; it was becoming painfully obvious that you would need to be next to someone at all times. Awesome. You walked back into the library, and Sam sat down to start reading again. You placed your hands on his shoulders, standing behind him.
“Hey, reading the same thing over and over isn’t going to help.” You said, letting your chin rest against his shoulder.
“I don’t know what else to do, Y/N, and I have to do something.” He kept his eyes forward, refusing to look at you. You cupped his face and pulled his face to look into yours.
“Be with me, Sam. That’s all I want.” You ran your thumb along his jaw, feeling the tension he was holding there. You looked into his eyes until he nodded and stood up from the table.
“Let's play a game.” You limped over to where you kept all the board games and pulled out “Clue.” “Come on! It will be fun!” You giggled and smiled at Sam.
“Sure, Y/N, we can play Clue.” Sam was looking at you with so much love on his face. You set up the pieces as Sam went to get Dean and Cas. They came back into the library, and you all sat down to play the game.
“I believe it was Colonel Mustard, with the rope, in the kitchen!” You shouted, laughing loudly.
“I have this condiment man that you speak of,” Cas said with a serious face. Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head slightly. Dean ran a hand down his face, looking at Cas with an incredulous look.
“Cas, you're just supposed to show her, not tell her. Now we all know.” Dean tried to explain for about the sixth time now. You were laughing so hard, your breath coming in short gasps as a snort left your mouth. Sam and Dean’s heads shot up at the same time to stare at you. The two of them then fell into a fit of laughter as well. Cas smiled slightly, clearly not understanding the situation fully. When the three of you settled down, you resumed the game.
“Alright, alright, alright. I believe it was Professor Plum, with the revolver, in the ballroom.” Dean looked around with wide eyes.
“I do not have any of those cards, although Sam has this fruit professor.” Cas nodded toward Sam while making eye contact with Dean.
“Holy shit, Cas.” Dean couldn’t contain it anymore and grabbed Cas’s cards.
“I believe that is cheating,” Cas said as Dean marked off all of Cas’s cards onto his note sheet. Your mind began to race, and your heartbeat quickened. That was it! An idea sparked in your mind, and it was crazy, but crazy worked from time to time.
“That’s it!” You said, placing your cards on the table and looking at Sam. “I have to cheat, Death!”
Tags: @supernatural3002​
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openheart12 · 4 years
Hi, yes, hello beautiful! Can you write a fic where MC accidentally sends Ethan her entire fanfic folder by mistake 😂🤣
How To Get Away With Fanfiction
I’m reliving my embarrassment 😭 but it is done and idk wtf happened with this lmao. This is also to make up for earlier kmjhygfd
Only tagging @ao719 @oofchoices @loveellamae @burnsoslow because no one else should have to read this unless they click on the read more and if they do... god bless. And thank you to Maroe for helping me come up with some of these ideas!
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It had been a long day at work when Dr. Gertrude-Sue Claws made her way home to do the one thing that relaxed her; writing fanfiction.
She had thought of the perfect idea for Spirit and Rainbow Dash and her fingers flew across the keyboard.
There was something about the multi colors in his mane and tail that drew him to her. He lived by the phrase, “hump ‘em and dump ‘em,” which he planned on doing with Rainbow Dash, but not without consent because horse jail wasn’t fun. He had heard the horror stories from his human friends, Kurns and Bryce.
“Rainbow Dash,” he neighed.
“Spirit…” She neighed back in response, she knew all about his...extracurricular activities. He was the biggest fuck horse out of the herd. Ever since Rain had died from drowning, god bless, he hadn’t been the same. It was also why he paid more attention to Rainbow Dash because she had Rain in the first part of her name.
“Let’s do this,” he smirked with his horse mouth.
“Fine…” She turned her back to him as he reared on his hind legs and mounted her, letting out a series of neighs.
She laughed silently to herself before moving on her Owen Hunt fic and she knew how much she was going to enjoy this one especially.
Owen was walking through the halls when he saw five women stalking towards him like cats, one even had whiskers drawn on her face. “Anitah with the h, get him!” He heard one of them command and watched as she came up to him, kicking him in no man's land. He felt them drag him into an empty exam room.
“MAROE! You got the chainsaw?”
“Nah bruh, Bears and Rams were in charge of that,” she explained.
Anything but Krista, cocked her half shaved eyebrow at Burns and Ella. “Y’all got the chainsaw?”
“No, but I have the cream for the burn I’m about to inflict,” Burns snickered to herself at her own joke, the others joining in before getting back to business.
“Burns, Ella, go scope out the cafeteria for some good food because I can’t kill in good faith on an empty stomach and as me and Ella say, we always get food first,” Anything but Krista said, turning her attention to the two people left, throwing them both a knife. Then proceeded to stab Owen numerous times, but making sure not to hit any major organs yet.
“We need a blender,” Anitah with the h announced.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Anything but Krista and MAROE said at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter at the jinx.
“If that was making a human smoothie, then yes. We’ll show him that no one messes with Derek Christopher Shepherd,” Anitah with the h said smugly, pulling a blender out from behind her back and plugging it into the wall.
“You...you pulled that out of your jacket?” MAROE asked in a surprising tone.
“Y’all don’t keep blenders in yours?” Anitah with the h asked as if that wasn’t common, but it was good to know that she was always prepared.
Suddenly, the walkie talkie came to life, “Team Bears/Rams to Team CA, what y’all want from here? Over and out.”
“Team CA to Team Bears/Rams, we want CookOut. Over and out.” Anything but Krista responded. “It’s about time y’all tried a little piece of heaven,” she looked at Anitah with the h and MAROE.
“That’s a negative ghost rider, the closest CookOut is on the other side of the country. Over and out.”
“Well you better get on your way because you two also need to try a little piece of heaven, we’ll save the good stuff for when you get back. Over and out.” The trio resumed their slice and dice game, taking a short break to play Choices because the latest chapter of The Nanny Affair had just been released and even Owen wasn’t going to keep them away from Sam Dalton.
A couple hours later, Burns and Ella arrived with the food, handing out their respective trays to their respective orderers, they were able to keep the milkshakes from melting by their cold hearts.
“Ahhh gimme my milkshake,” Anything but Krista snatched it from Burns’ hand, earning a slap on her hand from her adoptive mother and a threat of taking away her pony...again.
“Yooo this shake hits different,” Ella exclaimed.
“You could even say that it slaps,” MAROE added making her squeak.
“It’s the one good thing North Carolina has to offer for me,” Anything but Krista chimed in, fist bumping Anitah with the h because the struggle was real. The cows really did outnumber the people, they just hoped that there wouldn’t be a cow revolution because that would be awful except the yeehaw folk would probably survive since they did have a song called “A Country Boy Can Survive.” 
“Burns, we left you the honor of picking the perfect weather for us to dispose of the body which is more like liquid at this point. We need rain, thunder, and lightning to erase all of the evidence. Watching “Forensic Files” has finally come in handy. And Ella, we need you to pretend to be a nurse or something to help us get out of here. I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead…” Anything but Krista admitted, but they expected that from her so they already had a plan in place.
“If anyone happens to see Derek Shepherd, I ask that you tell me,” MAROE added.
“Not if I find him first,” Anything but Krista said.
“He’s like fifty four years old…” Burns said being ever the good adoptive mother.
“Then I call Spencer Reid!” Anything but Krista exclaimed.
“I have Lucifer then,” MAROE challenged knowing that would get under her skin. 
“Children, calm yourselves.” Burns shook her head.
“Hey, I’ll be eighteen in like a number amount of months,” Anything but Krista said.
“I’ll be eighteen before you,” MAROE said, sticking out her tongue.
“I’Ll Be EiGhTeEn BeFoRe YoU,” she repeated, placing her hands on her hips and doing that Spongebob meme. After thinking of a better comeback, she grabbed her knife she used on Owen earlier and plunged it into MAROE’s back.
“Et tu, Brute?” MAROE said with shock in her voice before her body crumpled on the ground.
“Yes, bye bitch.”
The other three just stared as the blood drained from her body before turning their attention to Anything but Krista. They were the epitome of 👁👄👁.
“What? She wanted to “due” anyway. And at her funeral we can play “To Be So Lonely” because well she will be lol.”
“Anywaysss, we gonna get food or what?” Ella asked as she covered Owen’s body with a sheet.
“Wings?” Burns suggested and they all agreed. After arriving at the restaurant, they were very shocked to see MAROE sitting at a table waiting for them.
“It’s the trying to kill me for me,” she said upon taking their seats, glaring at Anything But Krista specifically.
“It’s the stealing my fictional husbands for me,” she retaliated.
“It’s the acting like children for me,” Burns' authoritative voice came.
“Sorry,” they both murmured as they looked over the menus to order their food. The rest of their lunch going smoothly, their victims already forgotten about. Don’t mess with hangry chicks who hate Owent Cunt.
“So who’s next?” Anitah with the h asked.
“Ahh you’ve gotten the first taste of blood and now you’re addicted,” Burns observed. She would make for a good profiler for the FBI at Quantico. She would have a cool nickname; Cunt Punter.
“Why not just kill everyone we hate?” Ella questioned.
“That’s a great idea! I say we kill Guy and Vanessa,” Anything but Krista suggested.
“And Landrat!” MAROE added, the whole group agreeing, finishing their lunch before getting to their killing spree.
Gertrude-Sue was laughing at her made up characters and story when she received an email from Ethonk Remy to send him a folder that she had. Goggle Drive was acting stupid so she didn’t realize that she had shared her fanfiction folder with her boss before it was too late. She saw a little giraffe pop up in the right hand corner telling her that he was already viewing what was inside the folder.
“Holy donkey claws,” she cried out loud, smacking her hands against her face.
Meanwhile, Ethonk was going through her folder when he came across a document and his eyes went wide. “What are they doing with the dog?” He said to himself.
Wonder pets, wonder pets
We're on our way
To help a friend and save the day
We're not too big
And we're not too tough
But when we work together, we've got the right stuff
Gooo wonder pets yaaaaay!
The phone
The phone is ringing
The phone
We'll be right there
The phone
The phone is ringing
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble somewhere
“What the hell are Wonder Pets?” He continued inspecting the different documents ranging from murder of one Owen Cunt, horses having sexual intercourse, Wonder Pets stuff, four kids and a dog where they did questionable things with each other, a sponge and a starfish were high on marijuana, a game where Gertrude-Sue had made him and her a family that looked way too realistic for his liking, two bunnies who kept hopping around with one of their little brothers, and multiple documents about Matthew Gray Gubler, Tom Holland, Tom Ellis, Patrick Dempsey, and Harry Styles which were all quite disturbing.
He took out his phone to call her. “Hey uh, Gert, what is this?”
“Oh well you see, the funny thing is that I accidentally sent you the wrong folder so if you could just pretend like this never happened, that would be fantastic. Okay thanks bye. I’m sending you the right one this time.” And she hung up, ready to throw herself off a cliff at her stupidity.
One thing was for sure, she would never make this mistake again.
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biffhofosho · 3 years
Yesss the new chapter dropped and as soon as I read it was Min's turn I almost screamed.
While I was waiting for everyone to go about their day so I could be alone and read, Min's verse in rotate filled my thoughts "oh I feel alive when we feel deep..."
I'm gonna go ahead and leave my thoughts at the same I'm reading, so this can get messy and rambly. I do understand if you wait to a a ser this cause spoilers
Ch 10
She went to see him obviously, yeah find an excuse to go in
(I have the feeling HW will be the last to sleep with Ambrosia)
Oh she interrupted something....
And of course he know what she's doing. I adore how charming he is, but at the same time he can be scary. Yay
"most of us don't have sex with our smoothies" ouch
Now all the brothers know about what happened at crimson cow. I love how Min is not even pretending anymore.
"everyone reaches a breaking point sooner or later when they're hunting for something they want" oooohhhh this line tho
Silver stake, a bit difficult to find....
He is so charming I stg
"she was becoming one with the darkness" gosh
Impish innocence, man that describes him so well
HW and his loneliness really breaks my heart
Min seems to be honest and that's refreshing.
Lol I thought it and then she said it... That's where she falls in the wolf's mouth I'm sure.
Yep, she's so charmed by him she is jealous
"what's it like to be bitten" Don't ask that question!!!! He will show and tell!!!
The blindfold!!! The handcuffs!!! I'm sweating
FoRBidDeN anbdjdksnfjs
She wants to of course she does and I am in shambles
I'm glad I am alone cause I am SCREAMING
The smut was flawless!!!
That dick description tho. He likes it messy. Her overwhelming scent.
"he was a mistake she wanted to keep making"
Not me cackling at the idea of Min rubbing in his brother's faces that he came inside her. That's so him
She belongs to them, with them. Yesssss
Hyunwoo mention!!!
Aaaand I'm done. So good. So freaking good my head's spinning and I need a cold shower!
Stream-of-consciousness ask? Yes please! I had such fun reading along with you reading along. Sometimes smut takes me a very long time to write because it's so hard to capture the characters, especially the boys, and still feel like it's not me, it's them, but honest to god, I feel like this one just kind of happened. It's very Minmin, and who am I to tell the man no? He can just do whatever he wants, idgaf. He's the most charming--I can't even deal! Glad that came through!
We may not even know it all yet, but so much gets teased (not just Amber lol) in these moments, things to come (pun not entirely intended) and things that will change everything. It's such fun to go back to things I wrote months ago knowing where we go from here. It's even more fun to see the way you pick up on so many things, maybe some you don't even realize. :)
I'll be posting the next chapter very shortly, but I didn't want to forget to answer you first! Thank you as always, fair reader. <3
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Story 2.1: Student Lounge Smoothies
(Part 1, I hope?) A confession from one athlete to another, and all the anxiety that comes with it. Sometimes you just gotta swallow that lump in your throat and shoot your shot!
Like 1.1, this story is one of my most “realistic” premises. That means a believable setup, and no magic or plot tomfoolery! Themes include wlw crushes, the dynamics of asking someone out, and other beautifully human experiences.
This is another fairly early work of mine, and it’s written from a perspective I have only partially experienced myself, so it’s a bit of an experiment! Please share constructive critique if you’ve got it.
While the following story doesn’t contain overtly sexual content, I still ask those under the age of 18 to pass on it. Also, be warned, it can take up a lot of space on your dash!
The locker room flooded with bodies quickly. It was Friday, everyone was desperate to get changed and get out, and Coach Theresa always made Friday workouts the worst. “To make sure nobody gets lazy,” she’d say. The atmosphere hung heavy with sweat and a generally ubiquitous urge to not be there longer than necessary.
         Like most of the university lacrosse team, Kate was in a hurry to split.
         “Dammit…” she whispered to herself, seeing the line forming for the showers. She hadn’t muscled her way in enough in the initial rush; most of the team beat her to the stalls. Still, she decided with a groan, they were faster than going back to her dorm.
         Not being able to do much before a proper shower, Kate waffled for time. She hang restlessly at her locker, watching small pockets of conversation ripple through her teammates. A couple of her friends passed her on the way out, and she resolved with them to hang out in the student union tomorrow night, and threw in a few jovial complaints about their Molecular Bio lab project. Kate watched a majority of the girls trickle out over ten, maybe fifteen minutes, and silently castigated herself for not pushing more every time someone left. How very freshman of her.
         Nineteen, and still can’t grow a goddam spine, she thought.
         By the time Kate finally got in and out of a shower, only a few of her teammates remained. Trish, Gina, and Dana were discussing something by their lockers, Yasmin was tying her shoes to leave, and someone whose name she tentatively thought was… Verdana? Verona? Whoever. She was stuffing dirty clothes into a drawstring bag.
         Nobody’s really focused on me… I think I’m okay to get changed, Kate reported to herself. Equal parts social anxiety, shyness over changing publicly, and shyness over her outfit made her tense and hyper-vigilant. Today even more than usual. When she’d first arrived on campus in the fall, some new friends had quietly and coyly recommended her a certain club downtown. Now was finally the Friday night Kate had mustered the courage to go out, and really experience nightlife… her parents had been pretty strict, and while she’d had her fair share of boyfriends (and a few very secret stints with some girls, as experiments), the hot, neon, underground appeal of a real nightclub represented a whole new level of tantalizing freedom. Dances, drinks, the like…
         Kate shook herself from the daydream and began to quickly put herself together. Along with clothes and shower gear, she had a makeup kit and a brush with her - she planned on meeting her friends downtown right after practice. However, after just a few minutes, less than half dressed…
         “Hey. Katelyn, right?” a voice over her shoulder asked. Kate jumped. Wheeling around quickly, she was met face-to-face by the toned, imposing figure of Quinn Baker, the team captain, standing over her. She seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.
         “Yeah! Uh - yeah. Kate. What’s up?” Kate stammered, finally regaining composure halfway through.
         “Quinn. Captain Quinn. Yeah, yeah, good to meet ya - can we talk for a minute?” Quinn was still wet, and was wearing a t-shirt and a towel on her waist - she must’ve been in the shower when Kate had scanned the room.
         “Yeah, uh - sure, what do you need?” Kate was startled sick, which turned to heavy nervousness; the only reason she could think of for a captain to be pulling aside a random freshman on a team dozens strong would be for a chew-out. Kate’s mind was racing, but she was utterly sure that that would be the last thing she could handle right now.
         “I just wanted to ask you a few things,” Quinn, noticing Kate sweating bullets, tried to ease back. “Nobody’s in trouble… but for starters, thanks for picking lax, always good to see new recruits and all.”
         “Uh, yeah, I played it through high school, wanted to stick with it here. Nice to meet you… what did you need to ask me?”
         “Well, kinda a lie, I more want to talk to you than ask you stuff. First of all, I take it you have plans tonight? You seemed to be getting dressed up in a hurry. Most people don’t wait long for shower here.”
         “Yeah, meeting some friends at a restaurant downtown. The walk back to the dorm would’ve taken longer…”
         “Fair enough. But Kate, you don’t need to bullshit me. It’s not a restaurant, is it?
         Kate began to sweat again. She didn’t mean to lie, but saying she was going clubbing to the team captain wasn’t a good plan. Quinn continued, as if reading her mind,
         “Probably clubbing or something, right? That seems a bit better fitting for a sleeved tube top and jeans. Don’t worry. Everybody’s played the fake-ID game at some point. I’m not gonna cut you from the team or anything for it. But I also take it from how buggy you are right now (and the outfit) that this is gonna be your first time. Nervous and shit, right?”
         “Right. Going to a place a few friends whispered to me about,” Kate blushed. Quinn seemed cool, anyway… she was standing really close.
         “Yeah,” Quinn leaned against the bank of lockers and folded her arms. “And I also figure you’re interested in more than drinks… you may want to stuff those in a zip pocket.”
         Kate blushed much harder, pushing the two condom packets deeper into the coin pocket on her jeans and averting her gaze. Arms folded under the chest, she couldn’t help but think, was a good look for Quinn…
         “And-“ Quinn lowered her voice, speaking subtly- “you didn’t zip your bag all the way. Those pins on the jacket in there… you’re interested in an overnight, not necessarily with a guy… aren’t you?”
         “Uh! I dunno-! I-“ Kate’s face flared red and she began to panic, eyes darting around. She clenched her bag to her chest nervously. She wasn’t comfortable pinning down a sexual preference yet, and had hoped the club excursions would help her find out. The pins on her jacket were a plan to attract anyone she could - now, mortifyingly, she was found out. By the captain of her lacrosse team, no less.
         “Listen. Calm down, or you’ll out yourself before anyone else. Don’t freak out, I’ve been there too. Most people have. I’m not gonna repeat it. But I am gonna tell you this - the age restrictions on clubs are there for a reason, and it isn’t just the booze. As a senior, let me tell you to steer clear of those joints until you’re more acclimated to the area… and maybe have a bit more confidence, with friends you’ve known longer, too. Most people there are normal, but there are creeps, and they can smell green from across the floor. Don’t worry. There are other ways to find a good time.” Quinn patted Kate on the shoulder, and left for her locker.
         Kate was numb. She was still terrified, a bit traumatized by suddenly meeting an upperclassman like that, but also… relieved. For every bit of curiosity and desire for freedom in her head, there had been three huge chunks of nervousness. Subconsciously, she’d already known what Quinn said, but it was nice to hear it from someone else. It gave Kate a justification to herself to cancel, and breathe a sigh of relief. Other ways to find a good time, Quinn repeated in her mind.
         She called her friends, getting out with the excuse that Coach had held the team after practice for a meeting, and resumed getting dressed. Torn jeans, sleeved tube top… yeah, kind of clueless attire for clubbing, she supposed. Then, the jacket… Kate pulled it out of her bag and looked at it for a moment. Leather the color of dark chocolate, cut to the rib line, the right lapel sporting a handful of pins including the pansexual pride flag. She did honestly consider herself pansexual… but she did still need to experiment, too. Kate stared at the pins. She gulped down a bold idea, steeling herself. On the bright side, at least Quinn had already broken the ice…
         Most of the girls had left the locker room by this point. Quinn herself had her bag slung over her shoulder and was headed out.
         “See ya around,” she waved as she passed Kate.
         Gulping, slinging the jacket on, and grabbing her bag, Kate started after Quinn. Her nerves were freezing over, but once she was in motion she couldn’t stop. She grabbed Quinn’s shoulder just as she exited out into the main athletics hallway.
         “Hey, um…”
         “Yeah? What’s up?” Quinn responded brightly, amazing Kate with her relaxedness.
         “Well, I really appreciate what you said. I… I needed to hear it. And you’re really cool, keeping things low-key.”
         “Yeah, uh, no problem, I mean-“
         “Do you want to get a drink with me?” Kate’s impulses pulled the trigger, for better or worse, before her anxiety could get in the way. Her heart stopped.
         “Weh- uh, uh… y-yeah. I guess so,” Quinn stammered, dumbstruck. Kate barely noticed her own amusement at the towering senior’s break in compsure, given the crushing tightness in her chest. Her heart began to pound - Quinn had actually said yes! She honestly hadn’t thought this far ahead.
         “We - uh, we could get smoothies or something from the student lounge… guess I technically shouldn’t get actual drinks with my captain right now,”
         Quinn giggled a bit. “Yeah, totally. It’s… uh…” she paused.
         Kate’s chest could barely expand for her to breathe.
         “…It’s on the way to my apartment.”
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amaranthprincess21 · 4 years
As the Curtain Falls
Rating: M Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Pairing: Vil/Reader (Eventually >:3c) Synopsis: As summer approaches, you look for a job on El Capitan: Twisted Wonderland's version of Broadway. Getting into a show is the chance of a lifetime, but as rehearsals go on, the flaws of the show and its production team slowly come to light. The ship you're on is burning and there's no way of backing out. You will have to make the best of things and deal with the drama that comes your way. And here comes Vil, your co-star, making things more complicated as the two of you become closer during rehearsals.
A/N: okay so I need to make some things explicit: 1) Although this going to heavily riff on LND, a lot of experiences that are in this fic are experiences I had while acting and a lot of this fic is honestly just me trying to make sense of some of the weird shit I went through. A bad sequel musical is really just the setting and I doubt any of this stuff actually happened during LND production so don't like, look into too much? I just wanna bitch about acting drama I went through years ago and also make some jokes about LND. I'll most likely talk about those experiences more in author notes so I guess look forward to that? 2) also i'm sorry if you genuinely like LND bc I will be making fun of it a lot. And also Phantom like I'm a fan but I'm def gonna roast it 3) For reals tho, I don't know if this is going to be slow burn or not so alskjdfahsd
The moment I stepped into the large rehearsal space, a sense of dread and excitement washed over me. The space looked like a small warehouse more than anything else. Large props or set pieces (I couldn’t tell) were pushed towards the back of the room. One whole wall was full of mirrors. I wasn’t the first one here, thank God. But seeing just how many people were in the room was… not reassuring. Along one wall there was a long table set up and several people were seated behind it. It had to be the investors and the production team. 
Man, I was really in over my head, wasn’t I? My callback would be getting judged by ten people and I was up against so many people. But then again, I should’ve expected this. This wasn’t some school musical: this was the Broadway of Twisted Wonderland. Everything was bigger here and the stakes were higher. I needed to make sure I was perfect. I needed this job. I needed this role. 
A few people were already warming up, stretching on the ground. Okay, let’s be social. After all, these might be my new coworkers. I tried to exude friendliness and confidence as I went over to the group, saying hi and introducing myself, but I just wanted to throw up. More people trickled in and every time the door opened, I found myself looking over. Some joined us in warming up, others went behind the table. 
“So, what’s your background?” a tall redhead woman asked. My head whipped to look at the group to see everyone staring right at me, expectantly.
“Oh, uh, I don’t have much of one, to be honest. I did musical theater in school, but this is my first professional audition,” I told them.
“Really? Congrats on making it to callbacks, then!” someone said. I wasn’t sure if it was genuine or a snide remark. 
“T-Thanks.” Might as well err on the side of niceness. “What’s your guys’ backgrounds?”
“I’ve only ever done ensemble before, so this is my first time being called back for a principal role,” one said. As they all started talking about their backgrounds, the door opened again and I instinctively looked. I had to do a double take as Vil walked in, joining the others behind the table. 
“Am I seeing that right?!” the brunette next to me demanded, elbowing me. “Is that Vil Schoenheit?!”
“That, or we’re having the same hallucination,” I told her. It wasn’t like I was friends with him or anything, but I didn’t know he liked musical theater. I thought he was just a model with some TV guest star credits. But then again, I didn’t know him. We just saw each other during prefect meetings with Headmaster Crowley. But I think Jack mentioned one time he was wealthy. Maybe he’s investing in the show? I mean, it’s that or he’s a part of the production team.
“Well, this just got way more interesting,” she commented. I glanced back over to the table. Vil seemed deep in conversation with the other auditioners. Yeah, interesting seemed like a good fit. An older man with a bright teal tie stood up from behind the table and clapped his hands. All conversation died and we all looked at him.
“Welcome to the callbacks for Romance is Immortal. You’ve all done well to make it this far. But sadly, only a few of you will make it into the cast,” he said. Way to pile the pressure on. “We’ll start with the sides and song we emailed you. We’ll call you in as small groups. The holding room is through that door.” He pointed and wordlessly, a few actors got up and made their way over. 
Okay, this was happening. This was really happening. The callback was starting. The brunette helped me to my feet and as I walked to the holding, I stole another glance at the panel. Vil’s sharp amethyst eyes caught mine. He gave me a small nod. This was weird. This was so weird. To think Vil would be judging my audition was a strange one. Would things stay this weird if I got the role? Would it be weirder if I didn’t? 
The holding room was fairly spacious and I found a spot by the water cooler. One of the auditioners was at the door, calling a few names already. The auditioner and actors left and the door shut behind them. Quiet conversation started up, filling the room. I pulled my phone out of my bag and saw a few texts from Ace and Deuce, telling me to break a leg. Those poor guys. I’d dragged them along on this journey and sang so much in our hotel room that Ace left to get noise cancelling headphones at one point. It wasn’t the most reassuring thing, even if he told me he just got them because he couldn’t hear his video game audio. But I knew he wasn’t really into musical theater. Deuce wasn’t either, but his mom loved musicals so he at least was willing to try and sing opposite me for prepping this callback piece. That was awkward. I never want to act like we have sexual tension ever, ever again.
I texted them back, thanking them and asking how sightseeing was going. I opened Magicam to see if they posted anything. They hadn’t put anything up yet, but Vil did. He had some vague things on his story. Showing he clearly wasn’t at Night Raven College, getting a smoothie this morning, basic things like that. I started scrolling through his profile, wondering if I’d find any past work of his on there. Mostly it was just selfies and modeling pictures. He really was pretty. Beautiful, even. Unfairly so. A notification popped up on my phone; a text message from Deuce, saying they were at an observation tower taking in the views. I really wish I could’ve seen that with them, but I had a job to get. Maybe if I got this role and got a place here, I could go sometime.
I waited and waited and waited for what felt like hours, although my phone said it was just a half hour. The first group returned and the assistant called out a few more names. My stomach lurched as my name was called. Trying not to shake, I stood up and followed him and a few others out to the main audition space. The room looked so much bigger without all the actors there. The assistant motioned for us to sit on the sidelines against the mirrored wall. As I sat down, I glanced over to Vil again, only to see him getting up. Was he leaving?
“We’ll start with auditioning our potential Opera Ghosts and Carolines. We’ll be double-casting these roles,” the man in the teal tie told us. “We’ve already had Mr. Schoenheit sign on as our main Opera Ghost -” Huh?! He was already in the show?! Was there another audition session I missed? Something about this unnerved me and I couldn’t place my finger on it. Sure, it was unusual, but I couldn’t tell why it was bothering me so. 
The man in the teal tie called out a name and a woman stood up, joining Vil in front of the auditioner’s table. I looked down at my script, reading through the lines again. I didn’t really need to; I was a fast learner and Deuce and I had gone over this enough times for me to remember it. But it was nice to stare at something that wasn’t other people.
Nerves were starting to eat at my stomach. The other actress sounded so good. Was I really cut out for this? I mean, I’d be thankful for any role in this show, but what if I bombed this so badly I wasn’t cast at all? 
… No. I couldn’t think like that. I had to get this job. I had to. I just needed to put everything I had into this. Nerves or awkwardness be damned. If I didn’t get this job, I wouldn’t have the money to get a place to stay this summer. I’d be homeless. Grim would be homeless. If I blew it, it wouldn’t be just me that would suffer. I needed to get this role at any cost.
I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself as one by one, each actress went up and read with either Vil or another man. I listened to the notes the auditioners gave, watched the way each actress portrayed Caroline, decided what choices I could make. I needed to keep a level head. I needed to destroy the competition. 
Suddenly, my name was called out as someone returned to sit with us. A deep breath. I could do this. I could do this. I got up and walked to where Vil was standing. I wasn’t sure if reading with someone I was acquainted with was going to be the most comfortable, but whatever. 
“Are you off-book on the sides?” A woman from behind the table asked. 
“I am,” I replied. She grinned.
“Go ahead and stow your script under the chaise lounge, then,” she instructed me. I gently tossed it under the lavish chaise right behind Vil and I. She was writing something down when I looked up; a majority of them were. My stomach was starting to knot itself again as I waited for the go-ahead.
“Hey.” Vil’s voice in my ear made me flinch. I looked at him. Up close, he was ever more beautiful, more beautiful than any photo could capture. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
“Huh? Yeah, it’s totally fine. Is it all right if I touch you?” I asked back. 
“Don’t mess up my hair or makeup,” he replied. 
“If you set your makeup right, that shouldn’t be a problem,” I said, grinning. He raised an eyebrow and I couldn’t decipher the look on his face. He was amused or pissed. One of those.
“All right, places!” the man in the teal tie called. Vil and I hurried to our spots, him on the chaise lounge and me just off to the side. I tried to channel Caroline, the heroine of the show. “Begin scene!”
After the sudden disappearance of the Opera Ghost, my mentor, I’d found his hiding place. I barged in, breathless, relieved that I’d found him. Yet, despite my joy, I was unsure, no, in denial about the true reason I wanted to find him. He shot up from his seat, shock written on his face.
“I…” The situation was hitting me. What could I say to him after everything that had happened? “I’ve found you.”
“So you have.” Cautious. He moved behind the chaise, keeping it between us. “Why are you here? To bring a mob to me?”
“No,” I breathed. I couldn’t bear the thought of him being hurt. “I don’t want you to be hurt.”
“Even after everything I did?” he demanded. Slowly, I started to move toward him.
“Even then.” I reached out to grab his hand, but in a flash, he moved away from me. My hand slowly fell back to my side.
“You have always been too kind for your own good,” he said softly. “...  I am not worthy of your kindness.”
“Don’t say that!” I cupped his face with my hands, praying my touch could convey my feelings for him. “You are deserving of love…” He smirked, his fingers brushing against my cheek. The touch made my heart race. I leaned into him.
“Do you really believe so?” he asked with a smirk.
The music began, the keyboard blaring. The heavy notes filled my blood and I could only imagine how it would sound with a full orchestra. Vil’s honeyed voice filled the air and I had to fight back surprise. Who knew he could sing? His hand slipped into mine, leading me around the room. His words dripped with innuendo and the walls around my heart were falling. Although I was to be wed soon, I fell under the Ghost’s spell. 
Soon, he wasn’t just leading me. I grabbed at him, pulling him close, desperate to be closer to him. His fingers dug into my hips. In an instant, he twirled me around, body pressing into my back. Oh, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to touch me; his hand was right on top of my thigh. Our duet was becoming faster, heavier. All I wanted was him to take me, to ravage me, to make me his. I was tired of his teasing touches. I needed more.
Once again, his hands gripped my hips tightly, walking me back to the chaise. Carefully, he laid me down. My heart was racing as he climbed on top of me. This wasn’t the closest we’d been and yet my heart was thudding so loudly I worried other people could hear it. I reached out, hand resting on his back and bringing him closer to me. We sang our last notes together, voices melting together. His face got closer to mine, our lips practically touching. But he didn’t close the small gap. We froze, waiting for the auditioners to end the scene.
“End!” someone called. I breathed a sigh of relief as Vil got off of me. My heart was still racing in my chest and I hated to admit it, but I felt winded from that scene. Vil offered his hand to me and helped me get off the chaise lounge. Was it so obvious? 
Some auditioners were still jotting down notes, others looking up at us. Vil stood by me, waiting patiently to receive notes.
“Your chemistry is fantastic,” one person said to us. They turned to me. “Towards the end, you were losing a little bit of energy. Be sure to keep that up through the whole piece.”
“Thank you,” I replied.
“Your vocal performance didn’t suffer too much from it, but again, it wasn’t as confident as we’d like,” another added. It hurt, but I nodded.
“Thank you,” I replied again.
“Vil, come back here. We’ll audition for another Opera Ghost.” Vil didn’t spare me a single glance, heading back to the table to join the producers and creative team. It’s not that I wanted him to stay with me, but man, I needed a breather after doing an intense scene like that.
The rest of the audition went fine. No one was as intense as Vil was and I did my best to take the notes I’d been given and improve on it. As I sat on the sidelines, I watched after time and time again Vil be fairly aggressive with the other potential Carolines. Part of me wished they were intimidated by it, but no, they all did really well. As expected of professional actors. 
“Great job, everyone,” the man in the teal tie told us as callbacks wrapped up. “We’ll email you with the results. If you don’t hear back within the week, you haven’t been cast.” Why did we have to wait so long? I’d have to spend this whole week anxious and checking my emails every hour.
“Have a good evening, everyone,” one of the auditioners called out from behind the table. The tension in the air disappeared immediately. It was over. I pulled out my phone, ready to text Ace and Deuce that I was done. As I left, I glanced over to the table. Vil was deep discussion with the producers. Oh well. I could get away with not saying bye. 
“So, did you have to do anything other than the song and lines?” Deuce asked me as we sat in our hotel room, boxes of pizzas in front of us. 
“Yeah. We did a quick dance portion, but it was mostly the sides and singing,” I replied. Now the audition was done, I could indulge a little in junk food.
“Doesn’t sound too bad,” Ace said, mouth full.
“It wasn’t. It was tiring, though,” I admitted. “I started off intense so it was an uphill battle. Vil was pretty aggressive.”
“Vil? He auditioned too?” 
“Yeah. It was that seduction scene Deuce and I suffered through and he was going for it. A couple times I legit thought he was going to touch me. But he didn’t!” I added hurriedly as looks of rage came over both Ace and Deuce. “He asked if he could touch me and I said it was fine, don’t worry. He wasn’t going around just grabbing my thighs like a life preserver without consent.” Their bodies relaxed.
“Are you sure you want to do this show if the audition is like this?” Ace asked. 
“Of course I do! If I get into this show, it’s a job and I don’t have to rely on Headmaster Crowley for everything!” I fired back.
“Jeez, calm down.” Ace crossed his arms in front of his chest. “This just seems like a weird show.”
“You’re saying that as if the first musical wasn’t weird,” Deuce commented.
“I’ve never seen The Opera Ghost and I’m not going to. My grandma took me to see Dance of the Vampires when I was a kid and that’s the first and last musical I’ll ever see,” Ace said indignantly.
“You can’t base every musical off of one you saw,” Deuce argued. I just grabbed another slice of pizza and kept eating as they fought. As much as I hated it, Ace’s words stuck with me. Sure, I didn’t know the first musical, but this was a job. A job I needed. Right now, I was technically taking dorm funds for necessities and although I doubted Crowley cared, I needed some way of making my own money. Who knew how long I was going to be here? 
I needed to start trying to be independent.
… No. I’ve worked hard. I can worry about money later. I pushed the anxiety to the back of my mind, jumping back into the conversation Deuce and Ace were having. The night went on and despite my long day, I had a hard time sleeping. 
I lay awake in the stiff hotel bed, staring up at the ceiling. Deuce was sound asleep in the roll-away bed that was wedged between mine and Ace’s beds. I sighed, rolling over towards him and the night stand. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. Instinctively, I double-checked I was on the hotel’s wifi before doing anything.
There was a notification bubble on my email app and my stomach did a backflip. I took a deep breath and opened it. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, but still, my insides were starting to vibrate. There were two emails, one from the school about something I didn’t care about and the other from the people who’d sent me the music and sides for the audition. My body was shaking as I opened the email. My eyes read over the words quickly and that bubbly feeling grew and grew.
They offered me the role of Caroline.
My phone fell onto the mattress with a soft thud. My heart was about to beat out of my chest yet again today. I did it. I got the part. I wouldn’t have to worry about money soon. I had a job. I had a paying job. 
I got up and went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. My body shook and I jumped up and down, trying to get the adrenaline out of my body. I did it! I had a job! Everything was going to be okay.
But as I tried to calm myself down, something came to mind. My audition with Vil. Who was already cast. … Was I going to have to do that scene again in front of more people?!
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