#i was like 14 okay
mike-wheeler-hater · 9 months
Fun fact
This made me ship Byler and it made me go to Byler tumblr 😀✌🏾
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mukuberry · 2 months
when i first watched yuukei yesterday many years ago i knew almost nothing of kagepro. i thought takane was a guy and was like "wow they put him in a skirt and gave him pigtails... thats so progressive and awesome"
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hood-ex · 8 months
So anyway, since Bruce abandoned his family, are they gonna let Damian go live with Dick in the Tower orrr is DC going to keep being dumb and not take advantage of such a golden opportunity...
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Let the revenge games begin.
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birues · 6 months
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"After all, the path I once walked is now yours to finish."
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haunted-xander · 10 months
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Stupid fucking cat (affectionate)
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marcygoo · 2 months
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uhhmm redraw of a screencap from ep 7. idk
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tekutiger · 9 months
For a while now I've been looking for a setting in FFXIV and I've finally found it. It's not NEW, but I don't think it's commonly known either.
I wanted the setting that changes the player's name color in chat, according to their role. For example, if they are tank, their name would be blue, if they are healer, their name would be green, and if they are DPS, their name would be red.
At first I thought it was this ⤵️
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The "Apply colors according to role." check mark option. But what that does, is this;
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It may be a bit difficult to tell here because I tried to edit names in the screenshot (attempting to be considerate of people). It's really hard to see the ONE tank in my Alliance (B). But that option color codes the names of players above their head, in your party. And It doesn't effect other players in your alliance. (I have my alliance name plates set to a color very similar to that green apparently... I might change it.)
After learning this (literally today), I went searching again and found the real thing. It's this ⤵️
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Found in Character Configuration > Log Window Settings > Button at the top right that says "Name Display Settings"
It'll open a new window called "Chat Log Name Display Settings".
I feel like this is rather hidden tbh 😅. But I was going over this topic with a couple friends in Discord and honestly this find is nice. We're all going to be using it 👌🏻
You can mess with the settings and apply them, and view how they'll look real time at the bottom with the small chat 'example' they provide.
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It's just one of those small quality of life things, y'know? It's not game breaking, but it's nice to have 😊
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Luke calling Percabeth an old married couple just to remind OG readers that Luke doesn’t have romantic feelings for Annabeth this time around 😭
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pa-pa-plasma · 10 months
hey i feel like we're really sleeping on that time Danny possessed Vlad & framed him for assaulting a minor
Editing with the clip because people don't believe me. Episode is 41: Eye for an Eye.
#Danny Phantom#i think this ties into my other post i made a long time ago about Danny siccing the GIW on Vlad#like we KNOW in CANON that if Danny was even a tiny bit more like Vlad he would literally become a supervillain#villain is such a stupid word i hate how it's spelled. why is it like that#anyways i need to like. rewatch DP cuz i remember shit & then i'm like#did that actually happen. because that sounds too insane#but like. he Did That. didnt he#i think that's what i love about this character. but a lot of people ignore it#Danny is like. gritting his teeth going ''do good do good'' it isnt effortless it isnt easy he doesnt even want to do it half the time#& sometimes yeah he WILL do crimes or get back at people who've been assholes to him or whatever#he WILL use his powers for bad sometimes#he'll be like ''dont do that it's bad'' but like. he WILL do it himself#the whole ''i'm a hero'' thing he's got going on is like. more of a. how do i put this#it's like when you're drawing or writing & saying ''it doesnt have to be perfect it just has to BE''#like Danny isn't a hero sometimes. he's got morals & has a general understanding of good & bad#but also he's 14 & being attacked every day#i would start saying bad words & threatening people that annoy me too man#okay i glanced over the scene again for the first time in years & Danny was literally in the middle of outing Vlad to the whole town???#hello?? are we really ignoring this?????#VLAD TORNADO VLAD TORNADO VLAD TORNADO#this show is so stupid i love it#love how Sam & Tucker immediately backed him up yeah fuck Vlad all my homies hate Vlad#okay you know what. maybe i will do a DP liveblog. i think it would be fun#on daddyplasmius. only posting this on pa-pa-plasma cuz it's kind of just a. weird rant post? kind of? idk
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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"are you sure?"
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Just some things I think deserve a super accurate movie/show adaption in a beautiful 2D animation style:
The How to Train Your Dragon series
Gregor the Overlander
Artemis Fowl
The Adventure Zone
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (fr so much was left out of the 1939 film!)
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass
The actual Little Mermaid story (there are a ton of adaptations I haven't seen yet so maybe it exists somewhere but we all know Disney’s didn’t even come close)
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
HoO is so funny to me when you actually think about the ages of all the characters. Octavian is 18. Percy and Annabeth are 16, almost 17. Reyna is presumably 16. Frank just turned 16, Jason’s about to turn 16. Leo and Piper are like 15. Hazel’s like 14 and a half, and Nico is 13.
The Death Sibs are both the youngest and oldest on the Argo II. Octavian is a college freshman getting into petty drama with a bunch of high schoolers. He gets told to shut up at one point by a random 8th grader. Everyone is scared of the 8th grader. We Sent A 13 Year Old To Superhell and he came back weirder, Just Like Middle School. TLH was just three high school sophomores being sent to do a task and it going Exactly Like You’d Expect. Percy’s the only demigod on the ship who can legally drive (though Reyna gets her drivers license at some point before TOA). What Is Happening.
#pjo#hoo#heroes of olympus#riordanverse#my second favorite thing related to this is like every time Hazel references someone's age especially in SoN it's just. blatantly incorrect.#she goes into very specific detail about how she's 14. detailing like exactly how many months it had been since her birthday#and when she died and when she was brought back. just like ''okay. im 14 and a half. got that? good.''#''anyways here's Frank. he's 3 years older than me'' like literal next chapter. we are told Frank is not 3 years older than her.#Hazel: Here's my older brother! [Nico is younger than her in literally every way feasible]#ive just decided Hazel is an unreliable narrator who is just really bad at guessing/remembering how old people are#which like. adhd mood. forgetting how old everybody is.#and she has the bonus excuse of saying her sense of time is skewed from being a ghost for so long#but it's just so funny every time she's just. with the upmost confidence. blatantly the wrong answer.#i want a scene of Hazel looking at Percy and just going ''hm. I bet he's like 20.'' and then learns he's 16#and she's just [surprised pikachu]#also we know it isn't an error that she's 14 cause in TOA she's like ''oh yeah im learning to drive!''#so she's 15 by then#it is however an error that *Nico* is said to be 14 in hoo cause he's 12 in TLO and 14 in TOA#but we know in HoO the reason that error was made was cause Rick hadn't figured out Nico's birthday yet#and he was flipping it between January or March#so he just forgot how old Nico is for a series and then we went back to normal
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14dayswithyou · 5 months
💖 Help Me Decide On An Idea! 💖
It's 2024 and I no longer wish to be a one-trick game dev lmao ^^; Help me decide on what visual novel idea I should consider in the future!!
Please note: 14DWY will still remain as my main focus and priority; this will just be a casual project for me to on the side to prevent burnout and tunnel visioning <3
(I may move posts like these to my main account (@cutiesigh) in the future since it's not inherently 14DWY-related!)
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avie-ary · 1 year
Sorry but it is just absolutely off the wall that House can commit 47 war crimes, 19 OSHA violations, and qualify for 24 medical malpractice suits and Cuddy’s only concern is if he has enough clinic hours this week
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haunted-xander · 9 months
Do you ever think about how Alisaie's biggest fear is losing the people she cares about? How the very first conversation you have with her alone, a deeply personal one, is about her confiding in you about those fears? Telling you that she hated the state of the world Louisoix died for because, to her, it wasn't worth the sacrifice? She tells you about all the allies she made and lost, who she watched die and could do nothing to save them.
Do you ever think about how Alisaie was consistently one of the first to act, to recklessly throw herself at danger throughout stb? She didn't care (as much) about herself getting hurt, but she'd be damned if she let her friends suffer without doing anything. She has to be fast and proactive, because if she can't protect them even when striking first, how would she be able to when acting after the fact?
Do you ever think about how every time her loved ones are in peril/are in risk of being in peril her heart just breaks? How whenever someone's safety is unsure she panics and immediately tries to contact them/rush to their aid? When Castrum Abania's cannon shot the tower that, for all she knew, Alphinaud was still in, she immediately stops what she's doing and runs to it in panic because her brother was in there and he might be dead.
Do you ever think about how when the Scions start getting their souls yanked to the First, Alisaie reacts the strongest? How, when Urianger and Y'shtola got taken, she fell to her knees shaking Uriangers body, screaming for him to wake up? And when Gaius appears with Alphinaud in the Burn, she immediately goes to fight him (before being stopped by Hien) because this man, who has been her enemy, is holding her brother's lifeless body. She doesn't care that she can't possibily beat him, he has her brother and she's already lost so much in such a short amount of time. She's lost Thancred, Y'shtola and Urianger already, she can't lose Alphinaud too.
Do you ever think about how you are the only one she can fully rely on at that time, but who is also at risk of being taken away? Of how she's so desperate for you to stay, to not be taken away, that Alisaie, who, for all her bluntness, prefers to rely on herself first and foremost, begs you not to leave her? She begs you. Alisaie does not beg. She yells at you to not do something, and she'll scold you to hell and back if you do it anyway, but she does not beg. But this time she did.
And then she ends up being taken away right in front of you. She cries out for help and uses her very last energy to reach out for you. And then she falls limp.
Do you ever think about how, when Alphinaud turns to tell her his plans at the end of Ultima Thule, she immediately rejects it without even letting him say it? She's lost so much and experienced so much grief, not only overall but also just in Ultima Thule. And she loathes to bring that grief onto another. Especially to one who has already lost so much, like you. She hates it. She ends up doing it, yes, but she hates it still.
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