#i was like oh wow that sounds similar and then listened to it and realized its the exact same track
mariclerc · 8 months
An unexpected role | cl16
Summary: You revealed your little secret to your date, you didn't expect he would take it so well.
Warning: fluffy Charles, step dad!Charles, some tears while storytelling.
a/n: This is a little long story, but I hope you like it! Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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You never thought you'd go back to dating after the way your last relationship ended, which wasn't in a pleasant way... But here you were, in a coffee shop with a guy who was a known friend to your bestie, Lola, what seemed strange to you is that you never heard her talk about him... And obviously she hardly talked about him, since he is a racing driver.
To your surprise the date was going very well, you seemed to be in a fairy tale or something similar, you had a good feeling in your chest and it had been a long time since you had felt that way with someone.
“But I'm done talking about myself... Tell me more about yourself” He said while giving you a little smile, he told you about his races and that seemed very interesting to you, you used to be a Formula One fan when you were a little girl you watched the races with your father.
You let out a small sigh. "About me? I don't know what you would like to know about me, I don't think I have a very interesting life compared to yours.”
He denied while smiling. “You can tell me anything about yourself and I will find it very interesting.”
As if by fate, your cell phone, which was on the table, turned on showing a message from Lola, she was taking care of your little two-year-old girl Lily. The message said: “She just wanted to send her mama some kisses 😘” maybe she sent you a gif of your little daughter blowing kisses at the camera... You smiled a little when you saw the notification, what you didn't realize was the look of a certain green-eyed Monegasque who was also looking at the screen with curiosity.
“Um... Tell me you didn't see my screen, did you?” you said a little fearfully.
“I'll just tell you that I saw what was necessary... But now I am curious to know who that person is who sent you kisses” He tilted his head a little. “Do you have someone waiting for you at home?”
You took a breath, this wasn't the way you wanted him to know. “Actually... Yes, I have a little person waiting for me at home.”
You took courage and spoke again. “This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell you this, but,” you said with trembling hands. “I'm a single mom.”
You narrowed your eyes, expecting the worst possible reaction, perhaps he would get up from the table and leave without wanting to know more about you for the rest of his life, but you didn't expect his hand to rest on yours in a gesture that filled your heart.
“Wow... That's unexpected, but... Wow, I don't know what to say.” He said while giving you a loving look. “I don't want to sound nosy but you do have an interesting life.”
“Yes, well, dealing with a two-year-old little girl is not easy at all... But I wouldn't change it for anything.”
“Tell me about her… About you two actually.”
Just saying those words was enough to turn you into a first-rate chatterbox, you told him everything about you and Lily, the rollercoaster of emotions with pregnancy, the appointments to the gynecologist, the day she was born and so on, you practically spat out all the information there was and could be about the two of you. But his look of adoration and care did not leave his face, he listened attentively to every word you said to him, it was as if he were collecting data for the future? You didn't know exactly.
“Oh wow, that's totally amazing.” He said while having a small smile on his face. “I noticed you didn't mention her father, did something happen between you? If you don't want to answer, that's fine! I understand, there's no problem at all.”
You sighed again, there were few people who knew what happened between you and your ex, maybe telling him won't hurt.
“Well... He abandoned me when I told him I was pregnant, our relationship lasted almost two years, but when I told him the news, he left but without leaving me a nice little gift, a good blow on the cheek.” You said while chuckled. “And on top of that, my family didn't take the news very well either, they told me such hurtful things that made me feel unprotected and hurt by the people I least expected.” You said as you sobbed a little. “But hey, these are things that happen, right?” You said as you dried a few tears with your hand, but they kept coming, one of his hands rested on your face to dry your tears with his thumb and you smiled weakly.
“Oh God, I'm very sorry, I didn't imagine such a thing would have happened to you... But you are very brave and it shows, well, from what you tell me, that you do what is best for your little Lily." He said and your eyes crystalized again, you wanted to hug him, nobody had never said those beautiful words to you.
“Thank you Charles... I have never been told anything as nice as that.” You whispered.
“It's nothing, pretty. Now you will hear them more often.” He smiled as he winked and you giggled, apparently this date is going to lead to something very precious.
“Honey, stay calm baby, mama is trying to comb your hair.” You said as you tried to make Lily's pigtails, but she was a little restless today, excited perhaps.
You had been talking to Charles after that date, and now two weeks after that he is going to meet little Lily, he is taking you both to an ice cream parlor. You had been sending him pictures of her and so on, you talked about everything and at the same time about nothing, it was like an instant connection and that for you was fascinating, considering that he didn't run away from you when you told him everything you experienced with your daughter.
The sound of your apartment's doorbell distracted you, luckily you managed to do your little girl's hair in time.
“Let's see who's waiting for us at the door, little princess.” You said and took her hand, when you opened the door Charles was there with a shy smile and in his hands he had a bouquet of daisies and a little bag.
“Hi cutie” He said with some tenderness and smiled. “Uhm... These are for you... I saw them and I remembered you, I don't know why, maybe because they are pretty like you.” He smiled and extended the bouquet of daisies to you.
“You didn't have to do it Charles," You said as you placed them in a vase of water. “My love, meet a friend, his name is Charles… Say hello darling.” You said to Lily, who was hiding behind your legs.
“H..hi!” Lily stammered, she talks a little, although sometimes she tends to be a non-stop chatterbox, but she's adorable.
“But it's the popular Lily! Your mama has told me a lot about you.” He said with a smile as he crouched down to be level with her. “Look, I brought you something.” He said as he took out a bunny stuffed animal from the bag, Lily's eyes lit up at the presence of the stuffed animal.
“Bunny!” She said as she stretched out her little hands towards the little stuffed animal and took it from Charles's hands.
“How do you say, honey?” You emphasized.
“Thank... You” She said while babbling between laughs, Charles gave her a little smile and a small kiss on her forehead, you can swear that when you saw that your heart melted completely.
“It's nothing little princess!” He said as he looked at you and smiled. “Okay, shall we go? Those ice creams are waiting for us!” He said in an animated tone earning a small jump from Lily. If this were a competition, he would already be ahead by a long shot.
After going for ice cream and going to the park for a while, sleep began to take over Lily, both you and she had spent a very fun day with Charles, it's been a long time since you had such a good time, with her you always do your best to do something fun between the two of you.
“Mama... Swleep” She said adorably as she snuggled up next to you.
“Don't worry little one, Charlie is going to take us home, you will soon be sleeping comfortably in your bed." You said as you smiled at your little girl, you turned your head and saw the green-eyed boy smiling as he took your hand.
Sooner than expected you found yourself at the door of your building while trying to lift Lily out of the car.
“Leave it to me, I’ll help you with Lily.” He said and he carefully took Lily from your arms and carried her against his shoulder.
You noticed how natural the scene was and how incredibly comfortable Lily was in his arms, you smiled. Only Lola did those things to help you get out of somewhere with Lily, but seeing him with her in his arms gave you a feeling of familiarity in your chest.
You entered the building and took the elevator until you reached your apartment, when you entered he gave you Lily again and you took her to her room to put her pajamas on, he looked at you tenderly from the door frame, it's incredible how he won Lily's affection so quickly.
“You are ready to dream, little miss!” You said as you placed kisses on her face and she giggled while holding the stuffed bunny that Charles had given her earlier.
“Chas! Chas! Bed!” She said a little enthusiastically towards Charles, your time to tell her a story was approaching.
He approached her bed and she smiled and then you started telling her the respective bedtime story. At the end of telling her the story, you approached her and kissed her goodnight.
“Good night my sunshine! I love you so much” you said as you gave her a kiss and she smiled.
“Chas!” she said towards Charles and he smiled.
“Good night little one! I loved being with you and your mama today.” He said while he gave her a kiss on the forehead and caressed her head.
“Morrow chas?” She asked as she looked at him sleepily.
He smiled and looked at you tenderly, as if he was asking permission or something.
“Only if your mama agrees, darling.” He said and smiled a little.
You sighed and smiled. “It's okay sunshine, Charlie can come tomorrow.”
After saying that she smiled again and you two left the room closing the door behind you, you sighed a little and smiled at him.
“Thank you for this nice evening Charles,” you whispered. “You didn't have to came here and...”
You didn't finish speaking when you felt his lips on yours, it was an unexpected but amazing action in a way. Was it something that was going to happen? Yes, but you didn't expect it to be so soon, maybe he also felt the connection between the three of you.
“I'm not lying to you if I tell you that I want this every day, I mean... I want to go out with you to the most childish place of all, I want to have breakfast with you, play dolls with Lily, be your supporter and your rock.” He said in a whisper. “And I know it's an unexpected role in your lives, but I would really like this... I don't know if you also want the same thing.”
You nodded, you wanted this too, for the first time you felt seen, you felt like someone was listening to you and little Lily and that's something important for you two, because at the end of it all, he was going to gracefully take on the most unexpected role of all... And who knew that a date with your bestie's friend would go so well.
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impishjesters · 11 months
Can you do Jax x reader who has a lot of insecurities about how they look and act in the real world and the digital one? And if not you can just ignore this 💕
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warning(s): Jax (only slightly kidding), insecurities, mentioned dark humor to cope, minor bullying (Jax throws Zooble and Dangle under the bus on their appearance) note(s): I'm quickly learning that just like Jax, I'd probably be an awful human being to seek comfort in.. at least words of comfort... A/N: Realized more than halfway through writing that I wasn't sure if the request was separate hc's like knowing him before being yoinked into the digital hellscape and after or not... Feel free to toss another ask though and I can try some pre-digital hellscape hc's...however, I feel like they'd still be pretty similar to the post-digital hellscape reactions.
Jax is probably the last person to talk to when it comes to insecurities, real or digital
One time the topic of what everyone looked like before being sucked into the digital hellscape came up, but not everyone remembered, whether it was because they simply couldn’t remember or because they’d been there too long to remember
Jax’s response is never consistent. In one comment he’ll say he misses having long hair and was 5’4”, and the next comment is how he was actually bald and 5’10”
Now whether that’s him fuckin around or not is anybody’s guess
Currently, he’s got no real beef with his appearance, and he’s unapologetically himself digital or human. Now when it comes to you?
It can go a few different ways depending on how close the two of you are
Right out the gate, he’ll claim whatever toy-like appearance you’ve taken on can’t be any uglier than Zooble, which is like wow, harsh—they aren’t exactly easy on the eyes but that’s still a person with feelings…
He might even throw in a harsh comment about Gangle’s lack of a body, being ya know just ribbons… but hey! At least you have a body compared to her (Jax..that’s not helping..)
See what I said? Not the best person to go to with this sorta stuff
In the beginning, there’s always the gamble he might poke fun at your digital appearance and not really realize till later on that you were insecure about your appearance. (Whether it’s because someone else pointed it out or you flat-out told him.)
The closer the two of you get—friendship or romantic—he’s still an ass but once you’ve confronted him about your feelings and insecurities about your appearance, digital or human he knocks it off.
Nobody’s really voiced their complaints on what they ended up as here, at least not publically…
He’ll try to reassure you that you look fine, likely not understanding how deeply rooted something like insecurities can go and something like a “well I don’t think you’re ugly” isn’t gonna cut it.
Jax isn’t a sweet talker, or rather he doesn’t really sound all that genuine if he does, but he does try to put some emphasis that you really do look fine. (again, sweet but likely not helpful)
Now real world you? He wouldn’t know in the slightest, and while he could lie and say that the description you gave him wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, he’s not gonna do that to you (not that the appearance you gave him sounded ugly or anything).
Jax copes with dark humor and will without a doubt throw out some comment about how you won’t have to be insecure about your human appearance anymore because it’s unlikely any of you are getting out of here. (I’m sorry I’m laughing so hard because that would 15/10 make me laugh, dark humor is how I cope)
It’s not helpful (depending on the individual at least)
Oh! What about now you don’t have to worry about any acne or wrinkles?
Better? But is it really? Eh..
Overall he’s not particularly great at the whole reassurance about your appearance or how you act “I mean have you seen how some of the others act?” (Jax that’s not..helpful), but because you are someone important to him he’ll make the extra effort to listen to exactly what it is your insecure about and if you need him to reassure you he’ll do so
It might sound insincere but that’s just how he talks
On the off chance that you have a really bad day, it tugs at his heartstrings (yeah, he has those), he’ll pull you aside and give you little kisses over those places.
Insecure about something facial-wise? Face kisses.
You end up as a toy with too many legs and not enough fingers? Kisses (maybe not the legs though...)
When in doubt kisses and he’ll let you hug him or whatever, but breathe a word of this to the other’s and he’ll.. I dunno, prank you later or something. He'll have to workshop it.
Back to the act thing, I don’t personally know how someone would be insecure over that—but if you stim or anything of the sort Jax won’t really comment on it, but if someone else does? Poor them because they are about to get on the bunny’s bad side.
Gangle stims and as big of an asshole as Jax is, he’s never made fun of her for it.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 4 months
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Dark Donna
Word count: 4,808
Summary: You shouldn't have walked in the middle of a blizzard
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open, I'm waiting for yours!!! I love you all!!!
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“Uh, oh...” You whispered as a cold current ran through your body. You knew it wasn't the best day for hiking, but you couldn't miss the opportunity that this snowy landscape offered you. You had already been to many places, but none like that strange village. The mystery that seemed to surround those villagers... As sullen and mysterious as the snowy landscape that surrounded them.
It was a perfect place to walk through the snow, if it weren't for the fact that a blizzard seemed to be coming.
“I should have listened to that old woman...” You sighed when the snow began to hurt your eyes. “Well, it would be better to turn around and go back to the… Oh, shit…”
You turned around, being completely sure that you had followed that path, the one that led directly to a beautiful waterfall that was dying to be captured by your camera.
You didn't want to admit it. No matter how hard you looked at the trees, you couldn't tell if you had passed by them or not.
The blizzard raged mercilessly, the wind buffeting your body as you made your way through the snow. And yes, it could be worse. It seemed there was no better time for your little adventure than a few hours before nightfall. Your determination to photograph a beautiful sunset in the mountains was going to be your downfall.
“Okay… Okay… (Y/N), you screwed it up,” you said while trying in vain to make a call on your cell phone. Useless. You had been without signal since you arrived in the village. You didn't know why you thought it would be different in the middle of that frozen wasteland.
The light was becoming less intense and your steps were increasingly erratic. You could be walking in circles and not even realize it.
The snow cut your face like blades. You didn't want to despair, it wasn't the first time you got lost, but certainly, you started to give up.
“Come on, come on...” You said to yourself, continuing to walk awkwardly. Noises similar to the howls of a wolf made you not want to stop. “No… I don’t… Want…To be… Your food…”
You walked a few more steps until the ground gave way under your feet. It was your end.
You slid down some rocks, hitting yourself several times in the process until the fluffy snow cushioned your fall.
“Oh...” You gasped, checking that you hadn't broken anything. “Shit, shit, shit…”
The darkness limited your field of vision, but you could hear the water from that waterfall. You clumsily stood up, brushing the snow off your clothes, preventing your body from freezing early.
“Well, that was close,” you murmured when you realized you were near to a cliff. When you looked up, you could make out something in the middle of that landscape.
It looked like a house, or rather, a mansion, you couldn't tell, the night was darkening. The snow continued to cut your face mercilessly and, although you couldn't see where you were, you thought that that building was your best option.
“Wow... Who lives here? It's impressive,” you sighed when you were close enough for the snow to stop being a hindrance to your vision. “Hello?” You asked out loud, opening the metal fence that delimited the property.
Nothing, the sound of the wind was the only thing that predominated in that place. It would be better to get a little closer.
“Brrr” You shook your body when the small roof protected you from the cold. It looked like an old, abandoned house, but you had no choice but to knock on the door. “Hello?! Anyone there?! Hello!?”
You called out quite loudly and yelled loud enough so that the wind didn't drown out your voice.
“Maybe there's no one here...” You said trembling, with your body freezing little by little.
Behind a window you could see a halo of light, similar to what fire makes when it reflects on glass. You were not alone. Someone lived in that house.
“Hey! Hey! Hello!? Please!” You shouted, hitting the door even harder. “I'm lost and I think, I think I'm going to freeze to death! Hello?!”
You were about to give up, looking around for alternative shelter when an ominous creak reached your ears.
One of the old doors opened little by little, letting out the dim light from a candle. The person holding it made you gulp.
It looked like a woman, dressed entirely in black. The light of the candle danced on her face, or rather, on the black veil that covered it. But there was no time to study that woman. You were about to turn into an icicle.
“He, hello...” You stammered, noticing that woman's gaze on you. “Sorry to bothering but… I, I got lost in the mountains. I fell down a small ravine and… Well, the blizzard caught me and…”
For some reason, that almost ghostly presence gave you a certain feeling of discomfort.
“Ahem,” you cleared your throat. The mysterious woman said nothing. You started to get a bit nervous. “I… I, I was wondering if…”
“Who are you? Stupid stranger!” A shrill voice made you take a step back. It had not come from the woman with the veil, but rather came from a strange and disturbing doll that she woman was holding with her other hand.
“What?” You asked confused. Maybe you were already freezing and starting to get delirious. “Please, please, let me take shelter from the storm, I... I think, I think I'm going to freeze.”
Doll and woman looked at each other in a disturbing scene. It was very strange, but you weren't ready to choose another option. The night was already closed and that was your only ticket to not freeze to death.
Luckily, after a few seconds of strange tension, the lady in black moved away from the door, giving a slight nod for you to enter.
“Oh, thank you, thank you very much,” you said, clasping your hands and quickly fleeing the cold.
The house was gloomy, dark, barely illuminated by a couple of candles on a table. It was a majestic house, which surely belonged to a majestic woman. When you finished studying your surroundings, you looked at the lady, who closed the door with a bang that disturbed the strange tranquility of that place.
“Oh, is that a ventriloquist doll?” You asked curiously, looking at that strange puppet. The lady didn't seem to want to move, you could only see that she was breathing like any mortal. That was a good sign, you supposed.
“My name is Angie, you stupid meddler,” the doll protested, making a fuss over her owner. You laughed, thinking this was some kind of joke from that strange woman.
“Hey, you're very good...” You said amused, cautiously approaching the doll. “Hello, Angie, I'm (Y/N)” you said in a childish voice, shaking the puppet's hand, a hand that it immediately moved away.
“But what are you doing, stupid?” The doll protested, making its owner to look at it.
Well, at least you weren't freezing to death, and that you weren't going to get bored.
“I... I appreciate you letting me in, um... Can you tell me your name?” You asked after a few more moments of tense silence.
There was no response, the lady simply walked past you while that puppet turned its head to keep looking at you.
“Donna,” a hoarse voice murmured, this time, coming from the mourning lady. You sighed in relief knowing that you weren't going to have to communicate with that doll.
“Donna, oh, okay, what, it’s a pretty name,” you said nervously, following closely the lady, who opened the door into the house, towards a living room that had a lit fireplace.
“Oh, fire...” You said, eager for any source of heat, approaching that fireplace and extending your arms towards it, letting the heat soothe your almost blue hands. “Wow, I thought my hands were going to freeze.”
“I don't like her, Donna...” You heard the doll whisper, or, well, you thought it was the doll. You couldn't help but frown.
“Leave her be, Angie. She seems harmless,” the lady murmured, leaving the doll on an armchair.
What kind of woman was that? Did she talk to herself? Would it have been better to freeze?
“Excuse me, did you say something?” You asked confused.
 That woman, Donna turned to you and shook her head, leaving the candle along with others on a table.
“Okay... I, I'll leave right away, as soon as the storm stops,” you said, starting to feel too trapped in those rickety walls. Donna nodded.
“I don't think it’s going to stop soon,” she whispered, approaching the fireplace and removing a pot of boiling water from it.
“I won't be a bother, I promise,” you said, stopping shivering from the cold and enjoying the pleasant warmth of the fire.
“Of course you won’t be!” A shrill voice, coming from the armchair where the doll rested shouted. It couldn't have been Angie, no way.
“Angie...” The lady sighed, approaching the chair. “Behave”.
You swallowed again, not knowing if the heat of the fire was enough to make you want to stay.
“Excuse her, she doesn't like strangers,” the woman told you in a soft but hoarse tone, as if she wasn't used to talking to anyone. Living in a place like this, it didn't seem strange to you. “Sit down.”
You obeyed without saying anything, going towards the chair she had indicated and exploring that house with your eyes.
“Oh, thank you,” you said, taking off your backpack.
“Tea?” She offered you, with a voice that betrayed a certain nervousness. Although she seemed kind, something gave you a bad feeling.
“Oh, of course, if it's hot...” You said, hiding the fear you started to feel.
“Of course it's hot,” she responded sharply, making you shift in your chair. “Tea has to be hot.”
“Yes, yes, of course...” You murmured, bowing your head in an apologetic gesture, gratefully taking the cup she offered you.
The lady in black sat in front of you, watching you. You didn't know what she was looking for in your gaze exactly, but the feeling of not being able to see her face was starting to make you uncomfortable.
“I... Well...” You said nervous because of the silence, because of the sound of the wind being the protagonist in that dark room. “Your house is impressive, Donna.”
“Thank you,” she responded, nodding pleased at the compliment.
“It must be quite calm. To live here, I mean,” you commented curiously, bringing up the most absurd topic of conversation you could think of.
“I like the tranquility,” Donna stated, drinking from her cup, slightly moving the veil away from her face. You had to make a superhuman effort not to look.
“I see... It's, it's all quite dark.”
“There is no electric power. The storm broke it” the woman explained, to which you nodded. Thank goodness, you thought you had entered the tunnel of horror.
“Oh, wow,” you said, feigning empathy. You couldn't help but feel very curious about this woman, but also a bit afraid of her.
“I'm sure you're hungry. I can't offer you anything to eat. The elevator that goes to the kitchen doesn't work,” she said passively, as if your presence was not pleasant for her, but nevertheless, trying to sound… Kind.
“Do you have an elevator in your house? Wow, what a luxury,” you said amused, in a pathetic attempt at joking.
“My parents built it like that,” Donna explained, getting nervous for some reason you didn't know.
“Oh, sure... Where are they?” You asked with good intentions.
“They're dead,” Donna said, slamming the cup on the table hard, making you panic.
“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Oh, well,” you said embarrassed. You couldn't have a worse day. “I better keep quiet.”
“Yeah, shut up!” Angie screamed.
When you looked at the couch, the doll was still as limp as it seemed.
“Angie...” Donna whispered, with a severe, reprimanding tone. Time to change the subject. You didn't want to think that the doll had spoken for itself.
“I have energetic bars in my backpack. They're not a big deal, but at least it's something... Do you want one?” You asked, using your well-known people skills, that ability of yours to talk to anyone, no matter how strange.
“Energetic what?” She asked, curious.
You took two out of your backpack and offered her one, which she examined carefully.
“Yes, well... It's like eating newspaper but on the label it says that they are apple flavour...”  You said amused, devouring yours.
She hesitated, but she tried out of curiosity.
“The one who made this has not tasted an apple in his life,” the lady said disgusted, but with a funny tone. “But thank you… (Y/N)?”
“Oh yeah, (Y/N), that’s my name,” you said, covering your filled mouth with your hand. “And don't thank me, thank you for let me in.”
“Normally I would let you freeze to death, but I was in a good mood today,” she said passively. You laughed, thinking it was a joke, although it definitely didn't sound like one. You didn't want to ask if it was a joke either, you were a bit scared.
“Well...” You murmured, after a few minutes of horrible silence. “How's that storm going?” You asked, looking towards one of the windows. You wanted to think that you could get out of there, that the blizzard had subsided, but it wasn't true.
“You can stay the night if you want,” Donna offered, getting up from her chair.
“No, it's not necessary,” you said, perhaps too hastily. “I don't want to abuse your kindness.”
“Well, if you prefer to freeze to death...” She said with a low, almost threatening tone.
You looked at the window again. The blizzard seemed unbeatable, tireless. That house, that woman. It was all disturbing, but it was better than freezing to death.
“I... I... It's okay,” you said, sighing defeated. “The truth is that I’m tired.”
“Follow me,” she said dryly, picking up the candle from the table again.
You obeyed, putting the backpack on your shoulder.
Walking slowly, you reached the hall again and began to climb the stairs, trying not to lose the light of the candle that Donna was carrying.
As you went up, a portrait of a woman caught your attention. She was beautiful, so beautiful. So much for an irreverent and shameless girl like you.
“Wow, she is... Don't tell me that you’re that beautiful woman,”  you said jokingly, but at the same time, seriously.
Donna paused, slowly turning her head to look at you. She didn't respond, she continued walking.
You better shut up, (Y/N)
“Here. You can stay here,” she said dryly, as if she were annoyed by something. Had that comment offended her? She must have been flattered by your compliment.
“Thank you, Donna,” you sighed, leaving the backpack on the bed in that small room.
“Good night,” she said, lighting a candle with hers and disappearing like a ghost.
“Good...” You said, before the door closed with a loud bang. “…Night…”
You sighed and shrugged, digging through your backpack, locating your diary. Just a few things that worth writing in that small notebook happened in your adventures but this was one of them.
“Who are you?” You asked the quick sketch you made of the lady and her doll. “The truth is that I am curious…”
Even though your journey through the mountains had left you completely exhausted, you couldn't sleep a wink. The sound of the storm shook the window panes and the surrounding trees cast dark shadows on the wall.
“There were no houses in the village... I had to find the one with the cursed doll,” you huffed, covering yourself with the sheets and squeezing your eyes tightly.
You immediately regretted eating that stupid energetic bar. Your mouth was crying out for some water. You couldn't sleep with that infernal thirst. You had two options: let your throat go dry, or get up.
“Okay... Tunnel of horror, here I come,” you whispered, making the most rational decision.
You took the small candle that Donna lit and opened the door as discreetly as possible. It was in vain, as an ominous creak gave you away.
“Water... Water...” You murmured, illuminating the dark hallway.
Luckily, there was a bathroom right in front of the room.
“That's better,” you said satisfied, having quenched your thirst.
The most logical and normal thing would have been to return to your room, but of course, you were not a normal person, much a less logical one.
Curious, you looked over the railing, hoping, you didn't know what, to see something. The small glow of the fireplace could be distinguished in the distance. Slowly, you approached the stairs.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Slowly, extinguishing the candle, you went down a couple of steps, stopping at that portrait.
“Surely if I had you in front of me right now I would already be trying to flirt with you...” You whispered seductively. “And if that doll wasn't there...” You said later, making a disgusted face at the puppet.
Without taking your eyes off the portrait, you continued down until you reached the hall again. There, you walked slowly to the door, peeking out.
Curiosity killed the... Yes, shut up now, brain
Nothing, there were no signs of life in the room. That doll wasn't even there. Well, you had free rein to explore, or so you thought.
As soon as you entered the room, you froze in place.
The fire illuminated a figure curled up on a sofa. Donna, without a doubt.
She seemed asleep and next to her, that inert puppet.
Stay away. That's what the rational side of your mind told you. Did it have to be repeated that you were not rational?
You took one step, then another, until you were close enough.
“Oh, my God,” you sighed, putting your hand over your mouth to avoid being discovered. The black veil had disappeared. That woman's face was beautiful, but a huge scar covered part of it. She was the lady in the portrait and that's why she covered herself.
That didn't make her seem any less beautiful to you. What now? Are you going to flirt with her?
The woman was sleeping peacefully with a book in her hand. You had no intention of bothering her, nor of continuing to explore. Running back to the bed to draw her beauty was your priority.
“Donna, Donna! The stranger, the stranger!” The doll screeched, causing you to fall to the ground in fright. There was no longer any doubt. The doll had a life of its own.
Of course, the lady woke up scared, looking for the source of the scandal.
“What are you doing?” Donna asked when she noticed your presence. Her single eye hardened, glowing with rage.
“No, nothing...” You said, retreating, crawling on the floor.
“She's mean, Donna! She was spying on you!” Angie accused you, which made you shake even more.
“What? I don't... why is it alive?” You stammered, overwhelmed by all those sudden emotions.
“I shouldn't have let you in,” the woman hissed, walking towards you, with the most dangerous look you've ever seen, with that beauty overshadowed by rage.
“Wait, wait...” You said, crawling on the floor.  “I didn't mean to bother you, What is this doll?”
“Shut up,” the woman said, clenching her fists on either side of her hips.
“Sorry, sorry... Don't kill me,” you begged pathetically, covering your face with your hands. “It wasn't my intention. Besides, I don't know why you even cover yourself. You are beautiful.”
You were telling the truth, but it clearly sounded like a shabby attempt to get that woman to take pity on you.
“Don't think you're going to get away by lying to me, (Y/N)...” Donna threatened, getting closer and closer to you.
“Wa, wait, wait. I'm not lying, really. You are, you are beautiful. I mean... If you didn't want to kill me I would be trying to flirt with you,” you said nervously, trying to stand up.
She stopped, looking at you with a frown.
“Are you serious?” She asked confused, blinking several times.
“Yes, yes... You're really hot, Donna,” you said, squeezing your eyes, waiting for your end.
“You're very vulgar,” she sighed, extending a hand toward you.
Had it worked? Had telling the truth done any good?
“Oh...” You sighed, taking her hand and standing up. “I… I, I'm sorry.”
“Don't you know that it is rude to spy on others?” She told you with a calmer tone.
“I guess I'm curious, that's all,” you said, relaxing your breathing. Her gaze explored your body up and down.
She nodded, looking at you in a different way, with the shadow of a smile decorating her face.
“Hey, about the doll...” You said whispering, looking out of the corner of your eye at the puppet, which, to your surprise, stood up on its own.
“Do you really think I'm beautiful?” Donna asked, with a childish smile on her face, as if you had said something strange.
“Yes,” you said, nodding, turning red with embarrassment. You couldn't deny that you were attracted to her, even if she seemed dangerous.
“You are also very beautiful, (Y/N)” she whispered, approaching, nervously playing with her hands.
“Give each other a kiss and shut up now” the doll mocked, making you look away at it.
“Oh, the doll did it again... Why is it moving?” You asked nervously, disturbed by what you were seeing. You couldn't be dreaming. Your heart was beating very fast.
“Would you like to kiss me?” Donna asked, making you almost break your neck as you looked at her, eyes wide.
“I... Um, what?” You asked confused, with a knot in your stomach, with your subconscious screaming at you to do it.
“I would like to kiss you…”
What was wrong with that woman? She wanted to kill you just a minute ago.
You were an adventurous girl and you boasted about the girls you met during your travels. Donna was the strangest of them all, but also the most beautiful.
“Well, why not?” You said, shrugging, letting yourself be carried away by her figure, by her beauty in the light of the fireplace.
You approached slowly, until you placed your lips on hers. She sighed contentedly, unable to hide a smile as she kissed you slowly, bringing her hands to your waist.
It wasn't a long kiss, but it was an intense one, one that made you forget for a moment where you were and the strange things you had experienced.
“Surely you have met many girls on your travels...” She murmured, kissing you slowly again, exploring your lips with curiosity. You were confused, but you couldn't deny that you were enjoying it.
 It wasn't how you intended to end the night.
“Yes, but...None like you...” you whispered, laughing at that situation. You weren't planning on having an affair with a woman who lived with a living doll. You began to be grateful for being lost in the blizzard.
“You can be sure of that, (Y/N)” she said amused, but with a dark tone, without stopping kissing you, caressing your body, raising the temperature of that house. “My bedroom is downstairs... But the elevator doesn't work,” Donna said, biting her lip. “Do you think that small bed of yours...?”
You, eager to get to know this woman more deeply, nodded. Your unbridled lust had made you forget everything that had happened. Someday it will take its toll on you. Maybe before you ç thought.
“The small bed will do,” you murmured, biting her earlobe. Her lavender scent was intoxicating, as were the sounds she made when you kissed her neck.
Donna pulled away from you, taking your hand eagerly, with desire, dragging you towards the stairs.
It was a night... Too good. That woman was eager, almost insatiable. You couldn't tell how long you were in that bed, naked, giving up to your passion. You moaned, she moaned. What seemed like a terrifying night turned into a series of moans, kisses, caresses… It became something unexpected and electrifying, something you didn't want to forget.
You opened your eyes as the morning light came through your window. Your whole body hurt. Because of the blizzard, and because of the night you had spent with that woman. Woman who, by the way, was not sleeping next to you, was no longer hugging you like the night before.
“Mmm, the doll lady...” You moaned, letting yourself fall on the mattress, confirming that you didn't dream of making love to her. The whole bed smelled like lavender. “Well, it seems that there is no longer a storm.”
You dressed quickly, shivering from the cold, but with your body still warm from passion.
“Good morning,” you said humming, peeking out the door that led to the living room. There she was, in her black dress, with her face uncovered, preparing a breakfast worthy of any buffet.
“Hello, tesoro, how did you sleep?” She asked kindly, walking over and kissing you quickly. You smiled.
“Not enough time...” you purred in her ear, causing her to giggle shyly.
“You scandalous...” the Angie doll said with a singing voice.
“Fuck! I had forgotten,” you said scared, running a hand over the back of your neck. “Em, Donna… What's wrong with that doll? Why is it alive?”
“Come on, come on, tesoro, calm down,” she said, taking you by the hand to the table and pushing you to sit down. She did the same in front of you.
“Seriously, why is it moving?” You asked, grabbing a croissant from a tray.
“I'll tell you another time...” the lady said, ignoring your curiosity for the umpteenth time.
“Mmm, you better hurry up, tomorrow I'm traveling to Poland” you commented, taking a sip of that delicious coffee that she had prepared for you.
“Uh-huh,” you nodded, smiling but observing the confused gesture of the lady in black. “It's the end of my route. Afterwards, I will return home.”
“I thought you'd stay a bit longer...” she said, her eyes shining, as if she were pleading.
You feigned indifference and sighed.
“Well, well... Maybe I'll stay a few more days... If that's okay with you, of course...” You said amused, winking at her.
“I would love to,” Donna whispered, ending the conversation.
After filling yourself with that breakfast, you decided it was time to leave. You would have stayed longer, but at least you had to return to the hotel to extend your stay. The truth is that you wanted to know more about her, spend more time with her.
“Then I go down the elevator, follow the bridge... And I arrive at the village...” You said, repeating her instructions at the door of the house.
“That's it, tesoro... Promise me you'll see me again,” she said, hanging on your neck and kissing you quickly.
“Sure, we could have a lunch together if you want.”
You said goodbye with another kiss and started on your way back. The path was sinister, but at least there was no loss and the day seemed clear.
You got into that strange elevator and pressed the button. You frowned when you realized something was wrong. You had neither gone down nor gone up. You had felt movement, but you were in the same place.
“What the…?” You asked to yourself, studying the landscape with your eyes. No, you hadn't moved, the house was still at the end of the road. You started to shake. You pressed the button again and again. You went up the elevator again and again. Nothing, the same landscape.
You left the cabin when you had apparently managed to move around. Some red doors remained open.
“I definitely need that nap,” you said, scratching the back of your neck and pushing one of the doors.
You opened your eyes scared.
In front of you there was no forest, no snowy landscape. In front of you was the hall of that house, you were inside that house again.
“What?” You asked, trying to get out the door. It was impossible. Every time you left, you came back in. “What?”
“I'm sorry, (Y/N)” a hoarse voice startled you. The lady in black appeared out of nowhere. The black veil covered her face again.
“Donna? What's going on?” You asked scared, grabbing her black dress, mad. She didn't move. A childish laugh was filling the house. The doll laughed amused, and you suspected laughing at you.
“I like you, (Y/N). I can't let you leave.”
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oddinarylani · 1 year
'we hardly ever hug' w/ best friend skz
w: angst in lee know's part, anxiety in felix's
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your ears perk at the sound of the door knob rattling but your eyes remain fixed at your laptop screen curiously. eyes flutter over word after word on the document, making a quick adjustment to a phrase, then returning to reading over. it was a vicious cycle really for editors - and this was your seventh piece to edit this week, and it was only wednesday.
the sun had set hours ago, and only the quiet rumbling of a passing storm could be heard besides the quiet shuffling of chan entering your shared apartment. your ears hadn’t perked to sound in hours, and when your eyes filter over the time in the corner of your laptop screen, they widen a bit, now realizing how late it's truly gotten. 
“hey.” you greet happily as his form invades your vision. he’s slumped, shoulders sagging a bit and dark rings have formed around his eyes further creating tender purple lines stemming from them. maybe you had noticed it over the past few days and just not said anything (or maybe your brain truly was beginning to melt into some slushy matter from non stop editing for work) or maybe it was particularly showing today, but chan was starting to look bad again. your heart aches slightly at the sight. 
“hey.” he says quietly, yawning as he makes way to the fridge, eyes filtering over it’s contents and finally reaching for the water bottle he was looking for that took him far too long to notice. “how was your day?” he asks, his eyes melting into a softer gaze as he turns to look at your curled form at your shared kitchen table, cracking the seal on the cap of his bottle. 
“you’re looking at it.” you laugh tiredly, your own gaze finds the mess of a few coffee cups and a couple of breakfast bar wrappers alongside a coffee stained napkin with a pretty brown ring in the middle of it. “nothing too special. i made it to book seven though.” your fingers scroll through your latest progress, knowing full well now that you were coming to a stop for the night. 
“oh wow… seriously? you’ve been at it for that long?” you nod, chan’s lips twinge to the side at the sight of your tired eyes. 
“what about you? what’d you do today?” you ask, making a move to stand to prepare a snack before bed. 
chan sighs deeply, his shoulder bumping into the wall as he makes a sloppy move to lean into it’s surface. he’s slow to start talking about his day, but you listen intently and quietly, giving him all the more room to rant. as you listen, you can’t help but hope that some of the weight on his shoulders is lifted. he talks about pressure from the company, a never ending viciousness of a love-hate relationship. he knows he’s been working extremely hard lately, it feels like more than he’s ever done before, but he can’t bring himself to stop. not when the pressure of performance and appearances weighs too greatly on him. not when fans were waiting for the next schedule, the next comeback, the next taste of artistry. it was the least he could do for them, was share what he loved so greatly. so he’d go above and beyond in providing - even if it meant sacrificing pieces of himself. 
for a moment you think he’s going to cry, which breaks your heart further. your snack is abandoned, instead he has your full undivided attention and and ever softening gaze looking right through him. 
“i don’t know. just feels like i need a big hug right now. that’d help.” he attempts at laughing off his grief, setting his water bottle down on the counter and making a move to grab his discarded work bag. “well,” he slows his movements only by a hair at the sound of your voice. “come here then.” you smile softly. “i could use it too.” 
when he turns around, his eyes are wrinkled handsomely into a soft smile and he waddles over with arms spread. you wrap an arm around his shoulders and another around his waist, embracing him as full as possible. chan goes for a similar movement, his hands softly rubbing at your back as he settles into your embrace. the press of his body against yours is nice, and it was altogether a foreign feeling you wished wasn’t so foreign. chris was your best friend, it was strange you didn’t hug more. 
“y’know we’ve only hugged like 3 times in our entire friendship.” you mutter against the fabric of his hoodie. he laughs, lightly swaying you side to side as he does so. “i was just thinking the same thing actually.” 
“why don’t we hug more this is nice.” you close your eyes for a moment to take in the feeling. the warmth of a friend, the protection you felt from him that you hoped he also felt, and the sleepiness that was washing over you softly. “i don’t know… we should more often.” you can’t see his smile, but you can sure hear it in his gently muffled voice. 
𝓵𝓮𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀.↴
for the third time in the span of a few hours, you curl further into yourself and hide away neat into the comfort of your bed, and push your hands to your eyes - tears, yet again, beginning to flow freely down the rounds of your cheeks. it’s pitiful, really. you think to yourself. that this is the third time this evening you’re crying and that you can’t manage to scoop yourself up and maintain some level of productivity before calling it a night. but maybe, the small voice in the back of your head reminds, you’re just being a little hard on yourself, and you’re allowed to cry. 
the confines of your bed begin to feel hot, but you can’t bring yourself to get out - instead your head swarms with your grief and intermingles with the heat - creating a dangerous tincture. your mind glosses over the thought of your roommate being able to hear you, in fact you completely disregard the notion. 
a quick few taps at your door bring you to face a little clarity. you sit up slowly with the push of your hand to your mattress, and call out, “yeah?” 
“can i come in?” minho asks, his hand resting on the knob to await your clearance. you confirm, a bit weak, a bit sad, and he bites at his inner cheek as he makes way inside. 
he must’ve just showered; he brings in a clean scent with him and his skin looks nice and glowy. you wipe at your face quickly, huffing out a breath in attempts to stabilize your voice. minho beats you to speaking as he sits on the edge of your bed. “what’s wrong?” he asks softly, looking over your splotchy features with curious eyes. 
“a-ah…” you shake your head, unable to meet his eyes so you instead focus your eyes on your hands and the surface of your comforter. “i know you don’t like comforting people so, you don’t have to worry. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
he drags out his voice, claiming nonsense - which earns him a slight smile from you. “we’re friends, you can tell me.” he assures. 
you sigh once, adjusting your sitting, then proceed to tell him about your most recent falling out with your friend from school. he knew their name well, his face settling into a sort of unimpressed expression from the start; which yet again earns him a smile from you. it wasn’t a great end - a  video sent in explanation of their lack of boundaries that you were tearful through, and years of memories now down the drain. your lip wobbles at the end of it, and your hands focus on fidgeting. 
“i-it just… it makes me really upset.” when tears fall down your cheeks again, his brows melt as does his expression, and he leans up and opens his arms. “come here.” he urges. you shake your head, “no no no, i know you don’t like physical conta-” “it’s okay, just come here.” he smiles gently. 
you swallow, scooting forward on your bed to wrap your arms around his waist, the side of your face resting in the junction of his shoulder and chest. his arms wrap around you and you feel totally enveloped in a kind of odd safety. you’d only hugged minho a handful of times, maybe. and while the feeling was new, it was also refreshing. 
“you’re so warm, you need to take a cool shower. it’s too hot in here.” his hands smooth over your back a few times, and the vibration of his gentle voice lulls you into a newfound peace. his hold is gentle - not tight like some people hugged, just light - but it brought a sense of comfort over you you didn’t expect. 
“i think i can count the number of times we’ve hugged on one hand.” you chuckle, adjusting your cheek against his shoulder, bringing your arms up higher on his waist.
“enjoy it now, you won’t get it again.”
get home soon, loser. i don’t wanna remind u again that i miss you dude.
of course you do. i’m your funniest friend, i bet you’ve been sooooo bored since i’ve been gone. 
i’m gonna kill you when i see you again, fr. 
then who would you have around to be your funniest hottest bff?
i’ll start taking applications now for ur replacement.
you chuckle a short evil laugh, tossing your phone on your bed as you make way to your bathroom to start your shower. changbin had been gone now for some months on tour, and with busy schedules and time differences, you hadn’t all the time in the world to chat like you used to. but now with them returning, you were planning on surprising him at the dorms when the guys came back from the airport. as a testament to your long glorious friendship, you’d made it a point to remind him of his bestie back home and had sent him flowers to his hotel one night after a concert in vienna - as you tie your hair back you think back fondly to his spam texts of that night. 
you’re quick in the shower, and when you step out, a toothbrush in your cheek and sweatpants pulled on half-hazardly, you hear a ding from your phone and your brow quirks at the sound. 
didn’t know you got a new door mat while i was gone.
your brows furrow at the text - and the speed at which you toss your toothbrush from your cheek and rinse your mouth to bolt towards the door was thoroughly impressive to say the least. “no way no way no way-” you mumble to yourself as you slip on a t-shirt before throwing open your apartment door, seeing changbin in all of his sleepy glory at your door, a face mask pulled to his chin. 
“bin!” you say affectionately, throwing your arms around him tight. “hey!” he greets back, just as happily, lifting you from the ground as his big arms circle your back. you laugh at his antics, holding on as tight as possible, who knew when you’d get the opportunity again?
“when’s the last time we’ve hugged?” you question as he sets you down, your hands come to rest on his upper arms as you both part, his own resting on your upper back. “i don’t remember, just enjoy this will you?” he scolds playfully, squeezing you once more. 
“oh! i got you something.” he pulls away again to reach for a small bouquet of flowers that rest against the wall and floor in the hallway, handing them to you. “payment for vienna.”
“y’know how lucky you are that i let you drag me here?” your eyes focus on nowhere in particular, washing over the bodies at the party, finding some of the guys intermingled and talking to other artists of the party. while it wasn’t crazy by any means, mostly glamorous what with all the designer clothes and such, it was a social outing nonetheless. you were still very thankful for the invite and opportunity to join the boys at a company party as big as this. “it’s because you love me so much.” hyunjin looks over the rim of his drink, a sassy squinting look shot your way before he takes a sip and runs a hand through his hair. 
your relationship with hyunjin was one that had spanned many years; you still hold onto fond memories of him when you were two little bratty kids, running around in playgrounds and stomping in rain puddles. to an innocent bystander, it seemed as though you might’ve hated each other, but there was a deeper understanding to it all that only you both understood. the constant roasting and bantering was your favorite part of your friendship. it was all in good fun. 
besides, how much could you really complain when you were dressed nice (not out of your own pocket, thanks hyunjin) with a drink in hand and good company. and then the games started. it actuality, they were pretty fun, that was until two hands planted themselves on hyunjin’s back and pushed him into the center of the activities, promptly taking you with him as he grabbed your hand. you make an unceremoniously peeved expression at hyunjin, boy would he get ever the earful after whatever it was you two were about to do. 
“i take back every time i’ve ever said i loved you.” you side whisper to him, to which he rolls his eyes and chuckles behind his hand. “you love me so much what are you saying.”
you’re quickly explained the rules of the round; choosing between a 60 second moment of eye contact or a 6o second embrace. you’re quick to speak up, “i can’t look him in the face. i’ll laugh.” you notice briefly some of the other members laughing quietly. when you turn back to hyunjin he has an abhorrent look on his face, ever the drama queen. “i don’t want to hug you either, though.” he snickers. “i think we have to, come here.” you turn your body to face his, opening your arms for him to walk into. he groans in protest, but wraps his arms around you nonetheless.
you rest your cheek on his shoulder and hold him warmly, sighing into the comfort of the embrace. “when’s the last time we’ve hugged? i can’t remember.” you mutter against the fabric of his button-down. he hums, before resting his chin on your head. “i don’t know, must have been a while ago.” his voice is quiet, almost like you’re the only one who can hear it, it somewhat warms your heart despite the bickering and playful arguing that defined most of your friendship. 
his arms feel somewhere between solid and light around you. not too over encumbering, and not not holding you at all. he’s wearing a light fragrance with a true feminine edge and you’d never admit it to him (you would) but it felt really nice to hold hyunjin and to be held in return. the time is ticking down slowly, you’ve forgotten about the other people in the room for a moment, and when the timer goes off you squeeze him one last time before parting. 
“let’s never do that again.” he smooths his hair, a slight guiding hand on your upper arm to walk back to your spot at the edge of the crowd of people. you flash him a knowing smile, one he returns with ease. “yeah. never again.”
“dude! you almost had it, c’mon.” you jump giddily in your spot next to han, your hands wrap around the fronts of your calves as you pull your legs in tight. he groans, the agitated tapping of the controller alerts your ears as your eyes stay firmly fixed on the game on the screen. 
han had invited you over for the night to play the newest chapter of a video game, it was highly anticipated, and not just between the both of you but it seemed everyone and their mom’s were playing it at the moment - so naturally you got roped into it too. so far, the first three chapter had been amazing. lots of action, amazing graphics and animation, you were surprised to say the least as it drew in your attention seamlessly. and now here you were, on a friday night beside your best friend watching the newest tales in the story being told. 
“i knoooow,” he drawls, once again taking a potion as his character’s life began to drain from damage. “i can’t get past this part, there’s no way to block him.” he’s regained focus, teeth biting into his bottom lip as he leans a bit more forward with new purpose - a full health bar and the dwindling end of his enemy is beginning to peak over the horizon. 
your mouth rounds into an ‘oh’ like shape, nails digging into your legs as you keep watching. “you got one potion left, you’ll be fine, you got this.” you remain calm, which han is forever grateful for as his hands are starting to get sweaty on the controller with anxiety. 
“oh shit-” he perfected his timing on his character’s block, and in a few hits, the enemy was downed. your arms shoot up, “yes! DUDE i knew you’d do it.” han tosses hs controller to the side, and you both throw yourselves into each other’s arms with comity. han is cheery and excited and pats your back with excitement as you rock back and forth in each other’s arms. 
the excitement cools down as the loading screen for your character plays in the background, and you find yourself in a moment of quick thought in your friends arms. “i can’t even remember the last time we’ve hugged, haha.” you smooth a hand over his back as you both part. “yeah we never really hug, but i’ve never really noticed to be honest.” he snickers behind his hand, picking up the controller once more. “me neither!” 
𝓯𝓮𝓵𝓲𝔁. ↴
your trembling hands reach blindly for your phone, your vision blurred and focused elsewhere in your bedroom. inside your skull pulsed a mush of ideas, a flurry of thoughts; moving so quickly in and out of your conscious brain that you couldn’t match them, there was no keeping up. there’s a strong tug at the back of your throat, not even swallowing soothed the ache. your vision registers more clearly when your phone vibrates as you mistype your password. you curse under your breath, stabilize the hold on your phone with two hands, and manage to find your texts with somewhat ease. 
there was one person you were looking for, one familiar sunshiney person you could always count on since you were both little. your hands stumble over words in the text you send him. 
hey, i’m not feeling too well rn. could i come over?
your teeth take your thumb nail between them, blood pools in your cuticle as you pick it. 
oh no :( how about i come over instead? i wouldn’t want you driving feeling bad
okay, let me know when you leave and get here. 
it’s soon that your thoughts are interrupted, and you hear the sound of your front door opening. in walks felix with a beanie and a mask on that he tugs to his chin. he calls your name, closing the door behind him quickly and locking it. you peak out from the hallway, forcing yourself to smile when you meet his eyes.
���hey.” you greet, somewhat breathlessly felix notes. he tugs off his beanie and mask, “hey, what’s wrong?”
you turn to walk back to your room, felix follows as he had many times. his presence alone soothes the ever growing unease in you, but still it grows. the anxiety.
“i’m…” you sit on your bed, pulling your sweatshirt down your hands. the godforsaken pull at the back of your throat reemerges, and you feel your eyes gloss over with tears which has felix’s expression melting. “i-i’m trying not to freak out-” your lips tremble into a sort of frown and he immediately reaches for you, murmuring a few gentle comforts to you. “come here, it’s okay.” 
you let him pull you into his arms as your first tears spill over your waterline, wetting your cheeks furiously and heaving sobs from your shoulders. with your face in his shoulder, your own arms around his back, you close your eyes and try desperately hard to focus on the feeling of felix holding you. the feeling of his voice close to your ear, the feeling of his chest rumbling as he speaks, the warmth of his hands on your back and head, and the gentle rock of his arms. soon your tears are stilled and dried, and you rub at his back to part from him to which he agrees, pushing your hair over your shoulders. 
“when i think about it, we’ve only hugged a handful of times in our friendship, can you believe that?” it’s an attempt to lighten the mood and distract you from the anxiety you’ve now trained to keep at arm’s length. 
“i was thinking the same thing too, actually. but you give such good hugs and you’re very affectionate, i don’t know why i don’t hug you more.” you wipe your face with your sleeve, leaving red blotchy skin in your wake. he frowns at the sight of your sadness and panic, and pulls at your arms to bring you in to hold you once more. 
sleepovers with seungmin always ended up stretching over the course of a few days; not on purpose, it just always ended up that way. now with his break in schedules, he had all the free time in the world for you to annoy him - and annoy him you’d succeed in. it’d been a few hours since he stepped through the threshold of your apartment, but you were already planning on your friday night plans spanning the entire weekend. 
he kept himself busy in your kitchen, promising to make quick work of dinner as you shuffled through your most recent liked songs, your chin resting in your hand as you waited for him to finish. 
“it smells yummy.” your eyes still remain fixed on your phone screen. he hums quietly in agreeance. 
it was too peaceful - and you of course always had to keep seungmin on his toes. you place your phone face down on the counter top, looking at him suddenly. you had to be sneaky of course, something unsuspecting, but enough to get the reaction you wanted. you pull your lips to the side in thought. 
his back was turned to you, a billowing stream of steam wafted off the pan he was cooking in. he had his sleeves pushed to his elbows and occasionally parted from the stove to wash his hands off or chop away on your cutting board. you smile to yourself as your plan blossoms. not that it was anything crazy, but just something to tick him off a bit. 
you stand, remaining diligent in making your footsteps quiet. you eye his movements, positive he’ll be staying at the stove for a moment as you approach him slowly. you smile to yourself one last time before raising your arms and winding them around his middle, pressing your cheek to the center of his back. 
immediately you’re met with a long drawn out groan, which only makes you squeeze him tighter, swaying him side to side as you chuckle against him. “whyy?” he asks you, his arms lifted a bit so as to not touch you. you press yourself closer by his slim waist, admiring the feeling of his warmth and the softness of his sweatshirt. “you’re just so huggable, i don’t know what you want from me. and-!” you continue, voice an octave harder as the realization hits you. “when’s the last time you’ve let me hug you? it’s been years!” 
he shakes his head, grabbing a bell pepper from the cutting board to chew on. “it has not been years.” he assures. “mmm pretty sure it has been.”
you remain connected to his waist, only hugging firmer as you enjoy the feeling of your friend in your arms. he groans again, but this time it’s followed with a short chuckle. “let me go.” you shake your head. “what’s in it for me? you’re so huggable i don’t think you realize.” he hums, trying weakly to pry your arms from him, but you persist and only hold him tighter to you. 
“i’ll let you hug me when we watch the movie.”
you break your arms from around his middle and look at him incredulously. “really? deal.”
he keeps up his end of the bargain, after dinner you start up your tv and after seungmin sits down on your couch, you plop down next to him and lean your head on his shoulder, his arm coming to circle you lightly. you only see it for a split second, but as the movie starts you look up to seungmin and see him smiling ever so slightly. 
“that’s my yang jeongin!” you yell from the barricade of the guest section. jeongin had invited to fly you out to seattle for a concert stop right in the middle of the tour; having been friends for so long he knew he wouldn’t see you for a while on this stretch of tour dates and invited you to come see him so you wouldn’t miss him as bad (as he worded it) though it’d been a few years since you’d seen him perform last, you knew a great deal of his talent and knew he was nothing short of the best of the best and agreed for a little weekend getaway. 
the performance exceeded your expectations on all levels - his stage presence was insane. you knew he was talented but hadn’t any idea of just how stunning he truly had grown to be. “go best friend!” you shouted again. 
when the concert concluded, the boys were quickly whisked away to the hotel to rest up - jeongin was keeping in touch with you the entire time, letting you know management would meet with you in the lobby before being sent up to his room. you followed suit, stopping at a korean restaurant on the way over. 
you did so good! i was amazed, i’m stopping somewhere first before i come by.
ah, thank you, what are you getting?
surprise hehe >:)
oh no
you met up with management and let them check over your bags and the food you’d gotten for the both of you and were quickly sent up, pulling your hat down further on your face as you did so. with a knock at the door, jeongin stands from his bed and make way to it - smiling when he saw you. “hey, you did so good! the concert was insane.” you walk in when he lets you pass him and you set your stuff down on the table across his bed. 
“thank you~” he grins, cheeks a bit pink and eyes wrinkled handsomely.
“come here, i’m so proud of you.” you open your arms wide, taking a few steps closer as he unwillingly opens his arms for you and lets you hug him as hard as you wanted. “i know you hate this but you have to let me hug you, i missed you.” 
you always knew jeongin to be not the touchiest. he always strayed away from your hand holding and hugs as a kid, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t miss you, and his heart feels full and warm to hear you say such meaningful things. so he indulges, not just or you, but for him too. his arms are fully around your shoulders, his lips pulled into a tight smile as he rests his cheek on your head. 
“i missed you too. did you see me mess up?” he snickers. when you pull away you rest your hands on his waist for a moment. “you messed up? i really couldn’t tell.” 
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is this good? i have no idea, i haven't written for all of the guys yet so some of these might not be the best? lmk.
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Floyd Leech - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Floyd: Honestly, before comin' here, I was only expecting to see paintings of the Great Seven…
Floyd: But there's actually a ton of unusual and cool lookin' stuff, like paintings of all their underlings.
Floyd: What should I check out next…? AH!
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Floyd: It's the eels who worked for the Sea Witch. Look at those glowing eyes and those sharp fangs… So cool~
???: Hey, hey, don't you think these two look alike? Are they brothers?
Kalim: Also, kinda feels like they're similar to you and Jade.
Floyd: Oh hey, it's Sea Otter-chan. Yeah, I guess we might have similar color scales 'n all.
Floyd: But it's not like Jade and me think we're actually similar to each other at all.
Kalim: Eh, really?
Floyd: Yeah. Sometimes people'll mess me and Jade up and can't tell us apart, but I really don't get how they can't figure it out.
Floyd: Back when I first came to the surface, there was this one time that I got some funny looks in a hair salon that I went into for a haircut.
Floyd: They cut it just the way I asked, but what they were saying just wasn't adding up. And then, when I went to pay, they said this:
Floyd: "Leech-san, your hair grows back very quickly. I only just cut it a moment ago, I'm so surprised that it grew this long already."
Floyd: Yeaah, I'd say I was the one who was more surprised. This was my first time, but they said "a moment ago." Isn't that weird?
Kalim: Eh? What does it mean? Did you lengthen your hair with magic?
Floyd: Nah, come on, think. It was my first time in the shop, but…
Kalim: Ah, no way…!?
Floyd: Did you finally figure it out, Sea Otter-chan? Yeah, basically, Jade went and got his hair cut from the same place right before I did.
Kalim: I get it. So basically, the stylists there thought you two were the same person.
Floyd: Yup. Guess they didn't realize it because we both made the reservation under the name "Leech."
Floyd: Before that, even, when I went to get my passport photo taken to come to the surface, something similar happened.
Floyd: I'm like, seriously, how do they not realize it? Everyone's so bad at details.
Kalim: Wooow. I thought it'd be fun to have a twin sibling, but I guess it's not always great.
Floyd: Not really? Just like you said, there's a ton of fun that comes out of it.
Floyd: I'm never bored when Jade's around. Also…
Floyd: If I ever randomly feel like wearing something completely different from my usual stuff, I can just borrow stuff from him, from the clothes down to the shoes.
Floyd: Me 'n Jade like different colors and styles of clothes, and even go to completely different clothing stores.
Floyd: I can swap up my style in a snap, so it's actually pretty cool.
Kalim: Ahaha, yeah, that sounds like a blast!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Kalim: The King of Beasts here looks like he's relaxing, what a great painting~!
Floyd: Oh, there's an explanation next to it. It says, "This depicts the scene where the hornbill chamberlain is soothing the King of Beasts with a song."
Floyd: Huuuuh. So even lions relax while listening to music, huh.
Floyd: They say that this king was always strategizing, so maybe it was important for him to have his relaxation time, huh.
Floyd: Y'know, Sea Lion-senpai's the same, but aren't lions always just sleeping?
Floyd: I thought they were supposed to be ferocious, but even when I went to the zoo as a part of our land boot camp, they were all asleep… That was a major letdown.
Kalim: Hm? What do you mean by boot camp? Did you attend somewhere else other than Night Raven College?
Floyd: Yeah. Uh, so basically, the land boot camp is basically where the merfolk that're lookin' to come up to the surface go to study and practice stuff about land.
Floyd: You live there for a month, and they do a ton of different lessons, like how to walk, or how to live on land.
Kalim: Wow, that sounds really cool! So, what kind of stuff did you learn at the zoo?
Floyd: Uhhh, something about figuring the differences out between land animals? I have a super hard time telling apart animals that look similar, so.
Floyd: At first, I thought a giraffe was just a horse with a long neck, and I couldn't even tell the difference between foxes, dogs, and racoons.
Floyd: Are they? They're all fuzzballs to me.
Floyd: But I could tell that an elephant was different from horses and the like, because it wasn't all fuzzy.
Floyd: Oh yeah, and the lions too. I thought all those cats I'd run into would one day grow large like them.
Kalim: EEEHH!! You'd mix up cats and lions too? I don't think I've ever seen cats with a mane…
Kalim: Ah, but… I guess I can't say anything. I used to think that when dolphins grew up, they turned into whales.
Floyd: Huuuh~? No way that'd happen. Why'd you think the name'd change like that?
Kalim: I don't really know, but I think I can get how someone who was raised in the ocean could believe that a cat would grow into a lion.
Floyd: Yeah, yeah. I bet if one of you surface dwellers came to the ocean floor, there'd be a ton of stuff you don't know, too.
Floyd: ―Oooh! That painting over there looks awesome. I'ma go check it out.
Kalim: Oh, which one? …HEY, FLOYD! WAIT FOR ME, I'M COMING TOO!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Floyd: The color composition in this painting's super amazing. The blue sky with the golden bug is a perfect combo.
Kalim: It's a painting of the Sorcerer of the Sands and a scarab! Both his posture and expression is really cool.
Floyd: I heard that this golden bug thing was the key to finding a magical cave… Why'd they make it look like a bug?
Floyd: Wouldn't that be hard to figure out? Insects and keys look nothin' alike.
Kalim: Hmmm, well, maybe… Maybe they tried to make it hard to figure out on purpose.
Kalim: They say there was some legendary treasure inside the cave. So I guess it's because no one would ever think a little bug would be the key, right?
Floyd: I get it. So then, if this was the ocean, the key might've been in the shape of a shell, or a crab.
Floyd: I bet it took the Sorcerer of the Sands a long time to find that magic cave because of that key.
Floyd: Or maybe, he was actually enjoying the treasure hunt?
Floyd: I know I get more excited tryin' everything I can to get my hands on something. The more difficult the better.
Kalim: What, have you gone treasure hunting too, Floyd?
Floyd: Not really treasure, but a ring.
Floyd: I once found this silver ring online that looks like an eel is wrapped around your finger.
Kalim: Woah! I've never seen a ring that looks like that before! I bet it'd look good on you.
Floyd: Riiight? But the manufacturers had already discontinued it. I wouldn't be able to find it so easily.
Floyd: And when something is hard to get… doesn't it just make you want it more?
Floyd: So, after that, I went looking for it, big time.
Floyd: I went 'round to a bunch of second-hand shops that carry the brand, and even asked my pops to reach out to some of his connections who'd know about stuff like that.
Floyd: I get bored pretty easily, so I usually don't try that hard trying to find just one thing. Cool, huh?
Kalim: You must have really wanted it, then! So? Were you able to find it?
Floyd: Yup. One of pop's connections was able to find it and get it for me.
Floyd: When I put it on, it totally felt like the ring was made just for me! And I got super attached to it.
Floyd: So then, I wore it pretty much all the time after that, even when I exercised or took showers…
Floyd: It ended up getting a ton of scratches, and got all tarnished, man~
Floyd: Silver stuff tends to degrade pretty quickly if you don't take care of it, but the ring's design was a bit complicated, so it was way too annoying to clean.
Kalim: Then, what if you remake it in platinum or white gold? They don't tarnish that easily. I can introduce you to one of my family's craftsmen!
Floyd: Naaah.
Kalim: Eh, why? I thought that was a pretty good idea…
Floyd: C'mon, Sea Otter-chan. I was all happy because it was hard to get my hands on.
Floyd: If I had someone make it for me, then that's not the same thing.
Floyd: It's 'cause it took a ton of hard work and searching for it was fun that I like that specific ring.
Floyd: Maybe it's a pain to clean, but I like it. So I'll use it until it breaks.
Kalim: Searching for it was fun, huh. I guess I never thought of it like that.
Kalim: Okay then, well, let me know if you're ever in a bind again. I'll totally help you then!
Floyd: 'Kaaay. I think I'm bored of this floor. I'm gonna go somewhere else. Bye, Sea Otter-chan.
Kalim: Yeah! See you later, Floyd.
Floyd: Hmmm, what should I look at next… Ooh. I've seen this painting of the Mer-King before, back in the ocean~
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Floyd: I think they said that he was a super good guy, but could be unreasonable, too… Ugh, stubborn leaders like that sound like a paaain.
Floyd: Yeaaaah... The best kinda boss's gotta be someone like the benevolent Sea Witch.
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miss-musings · 2 months
The Dad Batch as DBZA Piccolo quotes
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Hunter, seeing Omega for the first time in 1.01 "Aftermath": I'm gonna steal that kid.
Wrecker, confronting Fennec Shand as she tries to abduct Omega in 1.04 "Cornered": Bitch, you look like Mulan.
Fennec: And you look like a pro wrestler.
Wrecker: I get that. Now hand over the kid.
Fennec: Oh, you want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want this kid?
Wrecker: I want her.
Fennec: You want, you want?
Wrecker: I WANT THAT KID!!
Fennec: *throws Omega at Wrecker*
Omega: Hi, Wrecker!
Wrecker: Merry Life Day!
Wrecker: *gets the shit beat out of him by Fennec*
Omega: Wrecker!
Omega, as she's falling to her death in 1.09 "Bounty Lost": WRECKER, HELP!
Wrecker: *appears with the Bad Batch and lifts her out of the flight pod to safety*
Omega, genuinely surprised: Holy cow, that worked!
Hunter, telling the Bad Batch to leave him on Daro in 1.14 "War-Mantle": You guys get on out of here. I'll take on these troopers myself.
Omega: But Hunter!
Hunter: No buts! Echo, you take care of Omega.
Echo: So keep doing what I've been doing then?
Hunter: Yeah-huh.
Echo: Yeah, I figured.
Echo, to the others: Let's go.
Wrecker: Oh, thank the Force!
Omega, as they’re leaving: Hunter, beat them within an inch of their lives! And hang them up by their entrails!!
Hunter, thinking: Wow, she sounds like she's had a hard time. Echo should REALLY have a talk with her.
Omega, as she falls to her possible death in 2.09 "The Crossing": Crapbaskets!
Tech: *jumps after her, grabs her and helps her get to safety*
Omega: Tech, you saved me again!
Tech, realizing they're now trapped in another part of the cave: "Saved" is sort of subjective here.
Makko yelling at Benni and the other kids who are essentially his slaves in 2.10 "Retrieval": Well, I'm sorry but ... I don't listen to BASTARDS.
Benni and the other kids: *shocked*
Tech: Omega?
Omega: Yeah?
Tech: You're a good kid.
Omega, confused: Oh... thanks?
Hemlock: *taunts the Bad Batch about Tech's death in 2.16 "Plan 99"*
Omega: Tech!!
Hunter, holding her back from fighting Hemlock herself: Omega, no!
Omega: I'll kill him! I'll f*cking kill him!
Hunter: You can't! Hemlock is too strong for you.
Omega: Tech would let me go.
Hunter: No, he wouldn't. And he's smarter than me.
Omega: Oh... that's actually a good point.
Crosshair putting himself in harm's way to protect Omega in 3.04 "A Different Approach": WHY CAN'T YOU SAVE YOUR OWN DAMN SELF!?!?!
Echo reuniting with Omega in 3.05 “The Return”: Omega! Are you OK? Do you need some juice? Did you get into that school you wanted?
Omega: Doesn't look like it.
Echo, screaming so loud all of Pabu can hear him: NOOOOOOOO!!!
Crosshair, as he and his brothers go to Tantiss in 3.12-14: Alright, better go save Omega.
Hunter, referring to the clone prisoners: What about the others?
Crosshair: What about the others?
Hemlock, as he guards the captured Batch Bad members in 3.15 “The Cavalry Has Arrived”: I'm going to drag each one of them down here and murder them until you finally give me what I want.
Omega, from a distance: No, please!
Hemlock, to Omega: Shhh. It's OK. I'll save your dad for last.
Hemlock, to the Bad Batch: HEAR THAT HUNTER?!!!!
Hunter: I mean, if you're just going to say it.
Wrecker: I don't get it.
Omega: *hugs Crosshair for the first time in 3.15*
Different versions of Crosshair: *reacting in his mind*
TCW Crosshair: Did our heart just skip a beat?
Imperial Crosshair: That is precious.
S3 Crosshair: Shut. The. F*ck. Up.
NOTE: I decided to throw an extra Tech one in there in honor of our bestest boy, and an extra Crosshair one because I'm a CrossDad fan. Plus, Piccolo and Crosshair are very similar, so I feel like Piccolo's quotes really work best for him.
If you'd like to watch the DragonBall Z Abridged / TFS clips for yourselves, I've linked them here.
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dazedquilly · 8 months
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This is my first time writing fanfiction so yeahhhh maybe I might continue this as a series idk! :D
This is a modern high school muichiro x y/n story btw and if you're 18+...
WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!??!??!?!
Anyways enjoy!
Droplets fall on your face as you sigh, it seemed like the rain just loved to make its appearance when you didn't have an umbrella. The rain started to fall even harder, there was no place to shelter from it so you might as well stand up in the open.
Suddenly, the feeling of wet raindrops on your head disappeared. You look up to see a black umbrella and a cute boy around the age of a high school student, like you. His eyes had a beautiful shade of turquoise and so were the ends of his hair, the rest of it was black and quite long as well. He had a neutral face as he stared back at you. Neither of you said anything, just the sound of raindrops falling on the umbrella, instead of you, could be heard.
Finally, he spoke, "Aren't you gonna say thank you?" His voice taking a nonchalant tone. You gasped in realization and quickly said "Oh yes, sorry! And uh thank you..!" He looked at you and sighed. "Sure, no problem, but I hope you learn from this and always walk with an umbrella." You stared at him, now that you actually thought about it, you never considered such an idea, you just picked it up whenever it looked like it would rain and on sunny days you left it home.
"Wow, thanks for the idea!" You said cheerfully, he sighed again. "By the way, where exactly were you heading?" The guy asked out of genuine curiosity. "Home but the rain caught me. Anyways, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking..!" You atleast wanted to know the sort of kind stranger's name. "Not important." He said in a dismissive voice. "Okay, so not fond of mentioning his name. Got it!" You said to yourself, he continued. "Is your home far? I can walk you there with my umbrella if not." At first you were leaning towards not answering him for safety reasons, but then thought about it again. Even if he was a kidnapper he would have already kidnapped you by now, so you nodded as if to say "sure."
The two of you were now on your way to your house, it was not that far but not that close either. The rain steadily poured on the umbrella, the sound was oddly satisfying. You watched as cars and their blinking lights pass by and other people walking to and fro with their own umbrellas. "Don't you just love the sound and feel of rain?" You asked randomly. The boy just watched you as if he was processing the question. "Yes, it is quite relaxing. I suppose that's why people like when it rains at night so they can fall asleep better." You perked up, "I agree with that logic because it always works for me! I fall asleep like that!" You snapped your fingers as you said the last bit, it got a chuckle out of him. "Me too. Its like nature's own asmr."
The boy spaced out a bit. "Yeah its so cool, right?" Your question went unanswered and you had to snap him back to reality, "Are you a daydreamer?" He looked at you, "Sort of.. I was just listening to the rain, it sounds a bit like music, don't you think?" You listened closely to the rain to figure out what he was talking about. "Yeah you're right! It does kinda sound like music." You both chatted and talked more about  nature and the rain as you walked to your home. The boy spoke up as you entered your neighbourhood, "Where exactly is your house now?" You replied, "Just around the corner." The small Japanese styled house which was quite similar to the others in the area appeared in your sight as you spoke.
Once you reached the door step, you turned around and bowed respectfully. Both of you stared silently at each other a bit, that's when you ran up, hugged him and pulled away. "Thank you again, I still would have been stuck in the rain if you hadn't helped me!" The boy was taken back, his face looked a bit red but he also bowed. "You're welcome..." He managed say even though he was still kinda shocked. "I guess this is goodbye." You said with a pinch of sadness, although you just met him, it would have been nice to atleast know his name or get his number, he seemed fun. "Maybe not, you never know." The boy shrugged. "Yeah true." You both smiled and said your goodbyes as you watched him walk away and proceed to enter your home.
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lostindarkclouds · 1 year
Alastor his s/o as a vampire elf like creature who is unbelievably beautiful and charming that captures so many people’s heart. Many people falls in love with them. S/o was beautiful(or handsome lol) that makes people go crazy for them. However, despite Alastor wasn’t interested in romance until he sees his s/o. S/o looks like they came out of fictional world but they are precious as well. (Wow, this sounds like a fairy tale, or so dreamy)
In fact, I have been building similar scenarios in my head for a long time and now I am very happy when I come across such a request.I intend to write this request in several different ways and in several parts.
🩸Alastor x Reader Fanfiction🩸
Alastor distinguishes very well which gossip is valuable and which is hollow.He couldn't help but listen when the rumors started to spread and you were being recognized by the demons.He was curious about you, but it was a very small moment. He had already forgotten about this gossip. Until he met You... It was a hot day in hell. There were very few people on the street due to the heat, but places like cafes or entertainment venues were full as usual.
Alastor loves to sunbathe. The sound of light-heeled shoes echoes in the empty streets. He has a loud song on his lips that he is not afraid to sing.He moves freely and sings with a happy face, but his feet carefully step towards his target and his eyes look around with judgmental eyes.
A richly flavored, sweet scent fills Alastor's nose.Being a cannibal after falling into Hell gave Alastor's some traits.
He can smell the sweet fresh meat. It's healthy and soft, yet so full and firm.
This is a slightly less tech town of the pride ring. It looks like a small resort close to the lake, but it is full of dangers.The majority of the people are cannibals and this is quite common. Demon slaughter and thefts are now a daily occurrence. Yes, this is Alastor's territory. Alastor doesn't run this place and he can play by the rules as often as he wants, but everyone knows how to behave in the radio devil's territory.
There is a new face among the ladies he greets every day. A man standing next to Rosie...
The moment Alastor meets his eyes, he is speechless.
"Good morning Mr Alastor"
Alastor hears the ladies' voices and greets them.Alastor's eyes look at the man in front of him with many emotions. He filters it thoroughly and evaluates it over and over again.
Alastor had never seen anything so unique before.
The man's sapphire-like blue eyes stare at the Alastor with no malice.His pale white skin looks unreal. And his long ice blue hair hangs down his waist. The man smiles and his long canines are exposed.The man greets Alastor with Rosie.
Alastor doesn't know how to name this image. His heart clenches and it's the first time he's been this quiet.
he stops looking at him when he realizes that the ladies stop chattering among themselves and focus on him.
"Good morning ladies!" Alastor greets the ladies with his carefully tuned charming voice and looks at Rosie. "Good morning Rosie..." A rose appears in Alastor's hand and Alastor hands it to Rosie.
Rosie takes the rose, and as soon as Rosie takes it, the rose disappears. “It's rare to see you these days, Alastor! There's nothing but roses you leave for me occasionally.I've invited you for coffee many times.' Rosie waves her hand indifferently. "Anyway, it's good to see you, good sir!"
Alastor smiles more and looks first at Rosie, then at the man.
"I see you're pretty busy too."
"Oh yes." Rosie smiles diabolically. "This is Y/N. He's my new model.
"It's a pretty good piece, isn't it?" Rosie makes a whispering sound, but everyone can hear it.The ladies laugh and look at Y/N. Y/N looks a little annoyed but still smiling and looking happy.
Is he aware that his cheek is red?
Alastor smiles at this image. Your cheeks are red and your pointed elf-like ears stick out from your hair.
Alastor knows very well what Rosie is doing.His dear friend has found a good toy and wants to share it for a good return.
You look so innocent and divine.He still doesn't know how in hell such a thing is possible.The demons here are ugly creatures, representing their sins. They took on an animal-like appearance. But you look like a fairy. Like the fairies in the books her mother always reads before she goes to sleep at night.
It's weird for Alastor to say that... You're so charming.
It looks like no one has gotten their teeth into you yet. Maybe these ladies really liked you.You should have known that in hell you can't really be friends with anyone.You should be thankful you didn't fall for scumbags like Valentino and Vox.
This crazy deer will take good care of you.
I must say Y/N won't be such an easy bite. I hope it will be a satisfying story. I didn't give up until what's next. Don't forget to warn me for my spelling mistakes.
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So I just finished Good Omens recently and I have a couple things to say and my family and friends are so done with my rants about different movies and TV shows.
1: Holy shit that was a good show! I honestly didn't expect much from the show but holy shit it blew me away with how good it was. It was comedic and I found myself laughing so much and it was so beautifully written the characters are just top tier amazing and wow what I'd give to just continuously rewatch it as if it's my first time watching it.
2: I watched supernatural and I thought wow never gonna find another show like this. One that brings me joy and sadness then I found this fucking wonderful amazing show! AND it made me even more sad like what the fuck how do I keep coming across shows that cause me so much fucking pain. Also can we talk about the parallels between the two shows. Oh look two characters working together to stop the end of the world one a demon and one's an angel, counting Dean a demon solely for this post plus demon Dean did exist, both are oh so obviously in love with each other but neither will admit it, most of the angels are dicks and we all hate metatron, there's a demon named Crowley and many more. I mean look at the similarities between Dean and Crowley. Both are in love with their angel best friend, both are absolutely in love with their car, love classic rock, both are some sassy bitches, both don't want to show their emotions but are big softies, and are both the better looking person in the couple (in my opinion). Then look at the similarities between Aziraphale and Crowley. Both are angels in trench coats who are in love with their best friend, they are manipulated, complicated, traumatized, beautiful angels, both have trouble understanding (some) human expressions, and both struggle with their loyalty to heaven. Also, is it just me or does the first like 10 seconds of End Titles- the one that got left in the car from Good Omens kinda sound like it could be a beginning to a Supernatural opening credits or is it just me?
3: My God David Tennant is FINE like I've seen his face sometimes haven't really seen him in much and was like ok yeah he's attractive and moved on. But then I saw him in this and I'm like wow now I get what everyone's talking about. Like just ahhh this man is fucking attractive! I'm honestly ashamed of myself for taking so long to realize.
4: So TikTok in all its wonderfulness blessed/cursed me with a bunch of Good Omens content the day after I finished watching good Omens. Including a looooooooot of people cosplaying as Crowley. And may I just say the people who cosplay him are fine as fuck! I mean it's really hard to dress up as Crowley and not look attractive I mean Crowley is a style icon. But holy shit the people are so fucking good looking like I just can't. My sexuality does a nose dive off the empire state building when looking at them. I was talking to a friend about it and she said it's a case of wanting to be with them or be them and I disagree. I want to be with them all. Just holy shit you want to look good dress like Crowley you'll look fantastic.
5: The effect this show has had on my life is insane. I have been obsessed with listening to Queen since I finished the show. Which I'm not complaining about at all they were my favorite and still are my favorite band before I even watched the show. I have barely listened to something that wasn't Queen or songs from the show since I binge watched the show. I'm listening to another one bites the dust while typing this. Once again not complaining. Also, did anyone else want to dye their hair like Crowley's when they finished the show? Cause I do. I have been blonde my whole life and never wanted to change it and now I want it red. And I need to know if I'm alone in this or not to determine how alarmed I should be.
6: They had no right making the relationship of Crowley and Aziraphale they way they did. First they made them friends who obviously were in love with each other but hid it then they give us them acting basically as a married couple being so fucking adorable and me just wanting the type of love they have for them to give us that ending of season two! I'm not gonna lie if my dad wasn't up and calmed me down I either would've spontaneously combusted from my literally shaking anger or went on a spree. Not sure what type of spree but a spree of some kind.
7: How all of you wonderful people didn't riot or harm Neil Gaiman is beyond me. First when season 1 ended y'all had to wait 2 years to even get a green light that there was gonna be a season 2 and then another 2 for it to finally come out. And then for the season final of season 2 to happen where then you had to wait even longer for season 3 to be greenlight is just you all have a greater will power than me. I'm coming into this with two seasons and a third confirmed so a round of applause to y'all. And now I completely understand why I kept hearing people say they hated Neil Gaiman and stuff like that.
And finally on a somewhat unrelated note I'm planning to watch Doctor who since I'm about to finish another show where can I find it and what order do I watch it in? I've heard many different answers on the order.
Thanks everyone for coming to my rant y'all are wonderful and everyone have a wonderful day!<3
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caramelmochacrow · 16 days
other people can do this idc but what og song(s) made you fall in love w each dj unit in d4? like, what song made you go "oh this unit IS good."
will go in unit order of L!H!G!! w explanations on why/how:
hapiara - trance tours it took me a WHILE to properly take a liking to hapiara (sorry). jsyk i didn't start w the anime so i didn't have that connection w them when i started playing. trance tours was one of the songs i just went "ehh fuck it sure i'll play it for fun" and then got blown away by the guitar and their vocals in there. i love guitar.
peaky - stormy link LISTEN. LISTEN. it isn't because of yuk.aeso but when i heard that beginning part w the synths it hooked me in so bad. i was so used to the ~130 bpm and 180-185 peaky songs i didn't listen to the other ones at the time. big bang and electric countdown were nice but to me they didn't click w me until stormy link. it was different to the usual peaky songs and it sort of dragged me in.
photon - akatsuki (fruits mix) and wonder wonder trip it's a tie tbh bc i actually didn't start properly listening to photon until after i watched anime?? lmao? akatsuki fruit mix showed me a taste of the non-dance photon songs. it gave me a floaty feeling and i loved it a lot?? wonder wonder trip on the other hand made me feel excited and like i was going on a trip (wowwwww) w friends lol. kinda tho sad at the same time bc i lost connection w my friends and p much had no one (wow that got serious anyway--)
m4 - boom boom shake it sound like a edm filipino christmas song remix. this song made me realize "wow these girls are siiiick" and made me love merm4id a lot more. lol. m4 is actually the unit that had a genre i was used to the most so,,, yea thats it tbh idk what to tell you. also the hard level chart scared me when i first started playing and it stuck w me.
rondo - prayer[s] and calendula WELL DUH IT'S THESE ONES. calendula and its lyrics spoke to me a lot at the time when i was Going Through It and prayer[s] was just sick as fuck ok? i felt like ascending and leaving the hell hole i was in at the time w both songs.
lyrilily - pining for the moon this song is actually the reason i kept playing d4dj. genuinely. i love this song so much, it's one of my top favorite lyrilily songs. it's so playful, chill, upbeat and happy. similar to rondo, it made me forget i was kinda not having a good time mentally. pining for the moon makes me relax a lot and im thankful for this song existing bc i wouldve have never fallen in love w d4dj..
call of artemis - do the dive ofc i count them duh. reminds me of old dance music so of course i love coa, raychell's vocals never disappoint me.
unichord - synchronicity call me basic or whatever but i genuinely loved synchronicity when i first heard it, even if it wasn't that popular when it first released. i sang the beginning part A LOT for weeks. lol.
abyssmare - raindrops and then now or never it took me a while to like them yeah GO AHEAD AND KILL ME IDC-- raindrops was the song that made me go "ok.... maybe theyre alright" and made me tolerate abyssmare's music and now or never is genuinely my most favorite abyssmare song. i love its vibe. that song cemented to me that abyssmare is one of my favorites. (aka all of them)
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (7/23/2024) Episode: Reaching For The Stars
When Peachy reached the Plumbob Pictures offices, he immediately understood why Theo’s upcoming paternity leave was such a big deal for him.
The studio exec smiled and waved, apologizing for not getting up to greet his guest. Heavily pregnant, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, right leg propped up on one of the guest chairs and sporting a large walking boot.
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“Thanks for coming in,” Theo said as he pushed a thick contract across the desk to Peachy. “My guys just got this little monster smashed together to cover your requests. We put the audience ratings required to produce your ongoing show idea, and for you to retain creative control, right there at the front. Then we’ve got the detailed guidelines for live shows capped off with all our usual legal boilerplate.”
As Peachy skimmed through the document, making sure he was happy with the key points, Theo continued in a more conversational tone. “You know, in a way, this is really your fault. Not the previous act cancelling, of course, but the pregnancy that made it harder for me to vet replacements quickly.”
Peachy glanced up with a dubious expression as Theo went on: ”I realized when I watched your set at the baby shower. I’d heard some of it before.”
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Peachy listened with polite interest as the smooth executive described hearing his classic monologue on the experience of “Active Paternity” as a boy.
He couldn’t be sure how much of the story might just be a top tier salesman building a strong emotional connection, but it sounded sincere. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that his famous act had inspired other young men who eventually decided to become fathers through science themselves.
One reason he’d kept refining the bit and similar skits on the humorous ups and downs of when manliness meets pregnancy and parenthood was to leave a legacy, a little more trail beaten through the forest of toxic masculinity for the fathers who came after him. 
He signed the contract with a flourish. “All right, its showtime! I’d say wish me luck, but it looks like you’ve got “Break A Leg” covered for me already.”
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Peachy had been nervous the afternoon he'd performed for his agent and the crew at Limelight, but that was nothing compared to this! 
He made his way into the wings, stopping at a full-length mirror leaning against the wall near a rack of costumes to strike the silly superman pose that had helped bolster his confidence the evening before that pivotal dinner at Jack's place. Superman could be super pear shaped if he wanted. 
Now as ready as he'd ever be Peachy continued on, pasting on his brightest smile and waving his hands in the air as he grabbed the mic, prepared to wow the crowd like never before. On fire with his high-flying ideas of leaving a mark and with a bunch of new material to release, he felt electrified.
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Hours later, with laughter and applause still ringing in his ears from hamming it up through the encore and closing credits, Peachy plopped back down in front of Theo. With his face feeling almost like the smile was stuck there, he told the exec: “Well, I sure did it, I just hope I didn’t overdo it!”
Theo typed away on his computer and sent a relieved smile back across the desk. “Early feedback is really positive, so it looks like your mini-series plan is a go.” He awkwardly shifted his booted leg back down from the other chair and under him, wincing. “Boy, I could really do without this issue.”
Peachy nodded sympathetically, the other sim’s situation being all too familiar. “I hear you; I ended up with a stress fracture in my last trimester. It gets better very quickly once you ‘lighten your load’ if you know what I mean. Well, assuming you have help with the baby so you can stay off it.”
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“Oh yes! They’re a lifesaver already.” Theo patted his huge belly. “Can’t hardly reach anything below my little girl right now; can’t even put on the boot without help. Not a fracture fortunately, but a pothole I didn’t see left me with a bad sprain and mobility somewhat worse than a beached whale.”
He checked his computer again and whistled. “These ratings just keep climbing. I hope you’re ready for the big time".
Grinning from ear to ear Peachy nodded. Getting up to head home he replied, “You bet I am, and just in time too – any later and you would have had to summon me from the ever after! I’ll call you about next steps tomorrow afternoon, after a little celebration with my family.“
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By the time he got home Peachy found the house quiet. On his way to find his wife he ran into his son. He was well aware Luigi was by no means his biggest fan, but even his boy offered him a hug by way of congratulations, thrilled for his success. 
Wishing him goodnight Peachy headed toward the sound of the television, excited to share his news with Valentina and plan the celebration of his second climb to the top of a career ladder.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
You ever start reading a fic and halfway through realize the tags were incredibly misleading? Bc I was just reading an MCU fic tagged "Team Please-for-the-love-of-god-talk-to-each-other" or something similar, and I was like "oh so this is a middle-ground kinda fic. Usually I prefer straight-up Team Tony fics, but I can deal with this😊". So I happily started reading, but then it turned out that in the fic Tony "hadn't read" the Accords before the airport battle, and they had sneaked in clauses that dictated life imprisonment in the Raft for anyone who fit the superhero criteria and didn't sign them, locator cuffs for anyone who did sign them, and even experimentation on the mutants/superhumans???? People were blaming Tony for the whole ordeal left right and center, even Tony himself, and if they weren't blaming him they were insinuating he had to set aside his "pride" and apologize to Team Cap in order to "fix things". Then Tony had to practically beg Steve to forgive him for "not listening" in Siberia in order to get his help to rescue Peter, who was taken to the Raft and had also joined Team Cap's POV about the Accords. And in the middle of all that, as if that wasn't enough, someone actually tells Tony to get over the murder of his parents bc "thousands of others also have dead parents, big deal"??? That fic was blatantly anti-Tony and pro-Team Cap, to the point that I had to stop reading less than halfway through.
Like, I don't begrudge anyone who likes Team Cap fics, to each their own, but what part of that sounded like Team "They're All Equally At Fault"????? That was one of the most decidedly pro-Team Cap fics I've ever seen in my life. I'm BEGGING people to please for the love of god TAG TEAM CAP FICS AS SUCH, IT'S SUCH A BIG SQUICK FOR ME I HAD ACTUAL SHUDDERS I HATED IT NO NO NO STOP I CAN'T TAKE IT IT FELT LIKE VICTIM BLAMING IT'S TOO MUCH FOR ME
Sorry for the rant but I just- it hit me so hard, it made me feel awful for some reason, I had to tell someone who might understand
Oh oh wow yeah I fuckin hate when shit like that happens because at a certain point you're kind of like "not trying to be a bitch about it but I do feel like this mistagging was done at least semi on purpose??" and then you feel kind of paranoid and stupid about thinking it's that deep but you just can't help it???
But yeah I've run up on mistagged stuff like that before too and I hate it even if I understand how it can happen.
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accirax · 16 days
Last few greetings before the season ends, LET'S GOOOOOO!!!!
https://youtu.be/p31yYs7l1nY?si=gN1kUQkGTJ2kjufW (Yup. Yup. I can see why Aiden fell for him. I mean not that there weren't other obvious reasons before but.. My God those low notes-! 😳💘🙈)
https://youtu.be/BOOezXQgLTc?si=fWax5lo8nbXHgbxH (Well I still haven't forgiven Ellie but I guess I should be happy that at least Lake has, or whatever. 😒)
https://youtu.be/dXjo_zBpDoc?si=riEGte_iJ5Yk7JzK (so he did find out about Ellie's trick in ep6)
https://youtu.be/I-tATYsGDyo?si=6ypPY8GCXfrA1icJ (Loved this one~ 😄)
yay!!! let's see if i can actually knock these out before the episode airs, this time.
wow, what a beautiful outfit! and i love the spotlight effect, too; whoever animated this greeting clearly had fun doing so. i should really listen to more Olivia Rodrigo. pretty much every song of hers i've heard snippets of sounds like a banger, i just don't listen to straight up pop that often.
Yup. Yup. I can see why Aiden fell for him. I mean not that there weren't other obvious reasons before but.. My God those low notes-! 😳💘🙈
okay, i swear when i said what i said about Olivia Rodrigo i didn't know that a Nico Collins song was going to come on next! i actually do know a couple of Nico Collins songs (Borderline, Hate Me, and Our Way Out), and i think James did a lovely rendition. it's fun that Aiden and James now both have white princely outfits, even if Aiden's is more royal while James' is admittedly a prom king fit. "God, I love my voice!" made me laugh out loud. what an icon.
Well I still haven't forgiven Ellie but I guess I should be happy that at least Lake has, or whatever. 😒
it's interesting to me that Lake expresses worries that staying in the game longer might have made her a worse person too, given that that's the moral Ellie wound up learning this season. i guess Lake is just the master of seeing herself in Season 1's most morally gray contestants. i'd say it was a redhead connection, but even in greetings i've never seen Jake with fully red hair.
oh, so Lake does canonically live with Rosa now! i thought she might've just been visiting Rosa on vacation or something. that's a pretty big move, to go from living in Germany with your family to living in Mexico with someone you only met a few weeks ago, but Lake's family sucks and Rosa is awesome, so i understand where Lake is coming from.
so he did find out about Ellie's trick in ep6
so, actually, looking at the comments section on the greeting...
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the trick that Tom was referring to was actually the one that Alec and Fiore came up with in Season 1, to have Ellie lie to Jake to tear Tom and Jake apart. i actually hadn't realized myself that Jake had been told that Tom had a boyfriend other than him twice, in s1 and DCAS. if i had a nickel...
anyways, Tom's outfit is super cute! i like how it's still predominantly blue, like he was still on the Cyan team but he tried to sneak over and pretend to be Magenta instead.
WOAH, English Tom and Spanish Tom sound way more similar than i'd realized. i couldn't even tell at first when the English greeting switched to the Spanish one. his new hairstyle is very interesting, and very idol-esque. i wonder if the patches on his jacket have any meaning other than looking nice.
Loved this one~ 😄
that power scream was so funny. i know that people were (lovingly) making fun of Raitix with how hard he went on the wolf howl in the Patron name readings after he was eliminated, so i wonder if making him yell was at all inspired by that. also, i don't think i've ever heard anyone describe what Goku is wearing as "classy" before. between this and the My Hero Academia knowledge, Alec seems to be shaping up as a secret anime nerd.
"slander Jake? that's way too easy, where do i even start?" giant Fiore does sound like a gag that the show would pull that's very in-character. i wonder who in the heroes alliance would have been the best at taking her down, if you imagine that Fiore came back instead of Connor. maybe Ally, if she could stretch up close to Fiore's height? or, i guess if Aiden could, like, run through the meat of Fiore's leg like he ran through Alec's entire body, he could incapacitate her pretty easily. Aiden is kinda OP.
Oh! Forgot one more -
i... did not realize that Ashley was friends with Tess or Ellie, but, you go girl. she does seem to have the ability to be friends with anyone. i was wondering if, as an artist, Tess would pick something more along the lines of illusions or being able to bring anything she drew to life, but being a healer totally fits with her sweet personality. maybe she could have helped Ally and Connor after Yul, Grett, and Gabby got to them.
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skayafair · 17 days
The brainworms be brainworming
Note: I want to chat about junoverse! Hit me up if you do too!
It's funny how I expected to ship the hell out of the main pairing just to end up utterly inenterested :D
It's amusing and gives Juno a good character developement, but mostly it's just corroding. Also by all accounts Nureyev should have been the type of character who is usually interesting to me, but mostly I couldn't care less and was slightly annoyed in s5 (made sense tho, so not complaining). And I don't understand why he kept showing up in Juno's life and even offered to run away together just to do his worst to try and disappear for good when things started looking up and settling for them, the whole Dark Matters ordeal notwithstanding. Did he try to shake Juno off because he became scared that his feelings got too real for comfort and he couldn't just "file them away" anymore? Would he have abandoned Juno on some faraway planet if Juno didn't change his mind and actually went with him?
Maybe my attitude was partly why I was so delighted by the ending, except for the fact that it simply made the most sense and the stories rarely go this route in order not to upset the fanbase. Personally I'd have said Nureyev to get lost after the 2nd disappearance but luckily for Peter Juno has a different approach. And their relationship might have not gotten through to me, but I really liked how it was developed: I'm on aroace spectrum and "love from the first sight" sounds ridiculous to me. Attraction, I can believe in, love - nah, this thing's built over time and looots of effort. And that's what they've been doing over the seasons - building it. Juno's resolution - "if you can do this, we'll be together, someday in future, if you can't - I guess we just aren't compatible", his acceptance of the fact made me very glad to hear had to undergo a similar realization in the past. Do I need to say that to me the person behind that door in the last seconds of the episode was NOT Nureyev. Too early.
On a different note, what I wasn't satisfied with was Sasha's plotline. It feels unfinished. I kept expecting it to get its resolution as well, to make me sympathize with her (not justify her actions tho), and I guess Nightmare was supposed to be it, but she just confused me instead. I still don't understand what exactly this whole case meant. Why did she look exactly like young Sasha to Juno but like Juno - to Mick?
I mean... the way Sasha was erasing herself from existance just for Agent W to be the only one left, and with how often neometh was mentioned - and the super-drug they pumped Jet with? - I thought Slip would come into the picture too somehow. It seemed like there was a joint overarching plot for these two lines, but they ended up completely unrelated. And Juno said he needed to reflect on Sasha and understand her even after they shook the DM off of their tail, but I don't think this was developed? Idk. And what with all the hints of "you don't know what I've been through" from Sasha? Did I miss the elaboration? It just feels like her plot line was planned but scrapped at some point.
I've started to listen again since ep 1 and realized I don't enjoy the podcast as much as the 1st time until the Aurinkos come into the picture. All the previous episodes were good, don't get me wrong, - just not as interesting to me personally. So after a few episodes I skipped right to the middle of season 2 and wow. I didn't realize Jet to be THIS hilarious the first time! Now the actual fun begins <3
And since I've already started - Juno was very funny and sooo coherent back in the desert. "Leave me be! I'll die but at least I'll do this by my own will!.. oh shit this guy looks scary and like he'll kill me if I don't shut up right now, ok fine". Aw <3
I think this is the first time when I can actually remember how unreliable and overdramatic our narrator is, take his descriptions of any situations with a grain of salt and not even be annoyed at this :D
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byrdnight · 4 months
"Wow, this place looks boring.”,a petite girl, of nine years old, blurted out; her cropped raven colored hair flowing in her face from the slight breeze. She seems tired, but also content, staring into this new towns’ blue sky as she steps out a small car.
Carefully lunging out the small car, a green Mercury, was a young woman, 21 years of age, slowly moving to the petite girls’ side. The woman let out a whispered sigh, as if relieved, and spoke in a calm low tone,”Yeah it may look boring, but it's safe. The safest place I could find. We won’t have to worry about anything bad or dangerous happening here. Hell, it's in the middle of nowhere! She bounded out, putting more emphasis on her words, What could happen here?”
The younger huffed out a chuckle as she heard her older sister's question.she smiled as she thought, well, anything. She rotated her almost sickly-thin body to face her older sister better.”You kidding? This whole scenario is like a horror movie waiting to happen!”, she laughed out, gesturing her thumb to the brightly colored town.
The elder snorted and swayed her head down to stare at the girl, and with a cheeky smirk purred,”Oh really? What's the gimmick? Town of cultists, cannibals or ghosts?” The smaller playfully pondered, turning and contorting her face into a thinking position similar to a cartoon. A devious smile swished from left to right on the canvas of the girls’ face,”Y’know they could be cannibals, she paused to set her eyes on the town again, the population is really low...how’dya think it got that way? The damn cannibals ate everybody! Do you think it's a family? I've seen a movie like that.” she could hear her older sister tsk and sputter as she spoke her last sentence. She let out a sigh, here it comes. She felt a minute slap on her shoulder.”Oh please Eris, you watch too many horror movies! That kinda stuff doesn't happen in real life, well, much.” Eris summoned a single elated Ha from the bed of her throat. The elder quickly raised her arm in authority and pointed at Eris sternly. “And another thing, you shouldn't be cussing,girly! I don't want these townspeople thinking I’m raising you wrong or something. I want them to think i’m a good guardian.” As she spoke, her tone eased.almost seeming nervous underneath her relatively calm exterior. Eris listened, she was always a good listener, clutching to details. She could she the details in her sisters face as she spoke, stern then cautious. She knew her sister had fears of others looking at them in a bad light, seeing. the worst of them and taking her away from her sister. Neither of them wanted that, especially after her older sister fought her her so hard in court. After the custody battle they thought it was best to move and start over, finally be somewhere stable and safe. She snaps out of her thoughts with a few blinks,
Eyes fixing back on her sisters face. A small consoling smile comes across hers. She folded out her arms and placed her hands solfly on her sisters shoulders,” hey, don't worry, ok? We’ll be fine. You're a good sister and a plenty good guardian. Lemme put it this way, I’d rather have you as a guardian than anybody else. You're good for me.”Eris lent her sister a worried smile and her elder chuckled.”You sound too smart to be a nine year old, thanks for the comfort ‘ya brat.” She ruffled Eris’ short messy hair, only making it more so, but Eris didnt seem to mind.Eris beamed, standing upright and very matter-of-factly, she gloated,” you're welc - hey! Am not!”She scrunched up her face and pouted, puffing up her cheeks and glaring up at her sister. Her guardian tried holding in laughter with the tip of her fingers.”Hey, maybe I was wrong, you do act like a nine year old. A pouty one,” she mused.
“Am not!”The tiny terror bauled out. But, just as she spoke, she froze in realization. She was acting exactly as in the way she said she wasn't. She closed her eyes,”ok...maybe a little. But still!” Her sister just snickered,” yeah, yeah kid. She sauntered behind them towards the car. C'mon, let's meet this mayor guy I talked to on the phone and get the keyes to our new house.”
Eris perked up and peered back at her sister cranking up the car. She spun around tightly, and almost bouncing into the car. As the eldest heard the backseat door close hard with a thud she glanced in to the rearveiw mirror.”Ey! Seatbelts.” Her charge rolled her eyes and buckled up,” yeah, yeah mom.” When the eldest heard the belt snap into place.cliktch.She knew it was ok to start driving into town.
“It looks even more fake up close.”
“What!”,the younger snaps, sarcastically and sharply.
“No matter how fake this place looks, we are living here. So you're gonna have to get used to it. You and me both.” Eris smacked her lips, adjusting herself in her seat” yeah I know, I guess this places’ aesthetic just bugs me.”She heard her sister at the wheel, huffing in asmusement by what she said.Then she felt the car slowing, jolting and bouncing by the sudden change of speed. Eris was going to ask what was wrong but then her older sister piped up abruptly.”Woah, I think that's the guy. Uhm, the Mayor? I think thats our new house he’s in front of too.”Intrigued, Eris sat up and squished her cheek into the window. Widening her eyes in hopes to better see the man mentioned by her sister. As the vehicle came to a stop, she did.
A small man, about 5’5”, with a stocky build and a tan brown suit was standing patiently in front of a two story house at the edge of the neighborhood. He was an older man middle-aged at least with grey hair but none on the top of his head. Eris suspected he may be a worrier. He seems happy, like he doesn't have a care in the world. He seems content, and has a very comforting smile on his light brown face. Eris hummed in her throat,” he seems like he means well. Nice.”she trailed off into thought. Her older sister took notice of that, usually it meant her charge was thinking too much about too many things and couldn't hold a conversation. She furrowed her brow a bit as she unbuckled, or it meant that her little sister was doting on the past. Remembering bad people, especially the bad men of her life before the move. Unconsciously reminding herself of the pain she felt not too long ago. It ultimately means shes uncertain. Afraid. She decided to speak up to break her sister out of her analytical haze. She knew her little one was analyzing the man. Trying to find a flaw. A vice. Yeah, she’d speak up and spare the man her sisters gaze.”Well kid, let's get on with it, yeah?” She sighed, as if she was holding her breathe prior. Eris turned away from the window to look at her sister in the front seat,” huh? Ye-yeah. Let's do this thing, get it over with and all that.” As they both clicked the handles on the car doors her older sister huffed.
“Don't worry sis, she paused for a few seconds then spike up again,I promise life won't be a hassle here. No rampant drug use. No dangers. We’ll be safe. And you'll finally feel okay.”
Hope you all like this! I wrote this in 2018 so I doubt it's up to my writing par now but I am hopeful I might continue it this weekend!! If doors have an OC so I hope that's not a deterrent or anything. But we get to the cabin characters soon:)
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fff777 · 5 months
reaction to dream vs dream with mark and jisung!
ever since their mix and max performance and behind the scenes video, i've been paying more attention to these two. i'm really starting to notice in what ways jisung and mark are really so similar. i was rereading my old reaction post to their mix and max behind the scenes stuff and they were saying how mark was basically jisung a few years in the future and now i realize it's because the two of them think and feel the same way. anyway, i'm just really glad that jisung has a hyung like mark that he can look up to. and while they don't have the typical leader/maknae relationship that i see in other groups, i think they do have a special relationship and mark would love the opportunity to bond more with jisung :3
anyway, on with the video!
jisung showing off his extremely injured feet right off the bat. this really is dream feet era
mark snuck over to spy on jisung and had the gall to be like "don't look!"
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jisung: what a weirdo
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mark, looking at jisung's 'injured' feet: what happened to you? jisung: i ran here jisung: to find you of course mark would love something like that
jisung was trying to think of ideas for his last questions and mark was like "well let me tell you what i wrote" and jisung was like "??? no spoilers please? nvm i'll just think of a question on my own" these two guys are messes lmao
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mark's new idea: czennie vs czennie in this case, a mark biased fan vs a jisung biased fan
showing off his new phone case to the world. pretty sure this is something you do on bubble and not on. your variety show lmao
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jisung: why does it feel like we've done dream vs dream before? mark: it's because of mix & max!
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side note, jisung is such a long boy that his feet keep getting cut off at the bottom of the screen
jisung's first question was what song his family liked the most in dream( )scape
LOL so jisung said that his family was iffy after listening to the demos, but after listening to the nct dream versions, they loved that particular song. mark guess smoothie, because his parents were like that too. i keep saying this but mark and jisung are kind of the same person sometimes XD
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mark's question was what he wears around his neck when he goes to sleep. honestly i was going to guess rosary but jisung's guessing actual sleep-related stuff.
the answer ended up being a towel ^^;; pretty normal lmfao. i was the weird one.
jisung saying smoothie so many times that it started to sound like other words ^^;;
jeno sent a message to the group chat saying the name of the song should be someorie (cow's head)
mark's second question was what did jisung do recently that touched mark's heart. jisung was amazed because he wrote a similar question ^^;; jisung is mark's mini-me
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the two most perpetually serious dreamies getting serious
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LOL mark was so sure jisung wouldn't get it right and jisung got it right on the first try X'D
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as always they don't go into detail at all ^^;; but it seems like they had a really serious conversation and mark was inspired by jisung's care to the team
the way mark was like this isn't a matter of your poor handwriting, i think it's actually your korean
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wow, a SECOND question that the two of them both asked. MARK AND JISUNG ARE THE SAME PERSON!!!!
jisung liked his part with chenle in unknown :3
mark loves jisung's dedication and perseverance in wanting to do well in smoothie <3
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LOL mark reenacting jisung when jisung was proud of doing well on recording smoothie! in mark's mind, jisung is still a little cutie <3
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jisung taking mark for a ride as he listed every single song on dream( )scape XD
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oh man...if mark gets into philosophy he and jisung really be the same person lol
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mark's been reading a page before going to sleep (y) healthy habit
oh wow. but i feel like mark likes this healthy discourse. i think he likes that jisung has his own thoughts and isn't afraid to voice them.
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LOL jisung explaining that both of them used to disagree with haechan and thus the two of them used to agree often.
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aww so jisung liked it when he and mark were on the same team so mark would help him as they tried to argue for their ideas
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LOL third question that is more or less very similar. WHAT DID I SAY?! what did i say about them?!
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yeahhhh like i think mark likes there to be healthy discussion in the group, and it's especially comforting when someone as timid as jisung feels confident voicing his concerns
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lol mark gets annoyed that jisung changes his mind a lot
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ahhh i love that jisung knows what mark means. like he can probably think of a situation where this happened and now he understands what mark is thinking.
lmaooo arguing about whether they're done questions X'D
aww dream vs dream is now officially over
yo ream ^^;;
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aww....i'm starting to love marksung's dynamic a lot. it really feels like...they're catching up but in the emotional sense? especially the questions about what bothered them about the other during promotions. it's like...them really understanding each other and learning from each other in what ways they can be stronger both for themselves for the team. this is like group therapy lol. anyway, loved this!
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