#i was like why am i waking up at 4 am panicking
satosugu-come-back · 12 days
is it casual now? (gojo x fem!reader)
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got this idea from listening to “casual” by chappell roan (i’m sensing a pattern here)
cw: angsty angst, was it casual when-, reader gravely injured, gojo panicking, realizing his feelings, blood, violence, and love confessions
a/n: feedback is appreciated!!
it had been a month since gojo satoru spent the night in y/n's room. he hadn't meant to, but he really craved some company after a particularly troublesome mission. not that it was difficult, but he always liked being around her after coming back from mission.
it was roughly around 4 am when he knocked on her door. he was half expecting her to be fast asleep, to be met with silence as he stood in the hallway. just as he decided to go back to his room, the door knob jostled, and her door opened.
"satoru...?" she whispered tiredly.
satoru felt bad waking her up, but he also couldn't help the way she looked at that moment: hair slightly messy, in her pj's, sleep lines on her cheeks.
she's adorable, he thought.
satoru sheepishly scratched his head. "sorry to bother you, y/n. but, would you mind if i spent the night with you? i had trouble falling asleep."
"oh, yeah of course. i had trouble sleeping too. come on in." she opened the door wider for him to walk in.
y/n let him in without a second thought. that was what satoru admired about her: no matter what it was, she was always ready and willing to help others, even if it came at her expense. satoru couldn't help it. it just came so naturally for her, like it was her body's natural instinct.
but he didn't want to let his admiration be known. he knew the dangers of being a jujutsu sorcerer: it wouldn't be fair to either of them. so he decided they would just remain friends.
friends that sleep in the same bed when they have trouble sleeping. totally platonic.
when y/n let him into her dorm, she settled back into her bed, and raised the covers for satoru to slip into. it was particularly cold that night, so he gladly welcomed the warmth of her covers. her bed smelled like vanilla, a scent that never failed to ease him. maybe it was because y/n also smelled like vanilla that he found it easy to be himself around her.
as he settled into her bed, he found that y/n was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. it seemed like the both of them may not be going to bed anytime soon. so they laid there for a while, until y/n broke the silence.
"how come you couldn't sleep, sato?"
"...i had a rough mission today."
y/n understood instantly. some missions were harder than others, even for the school's top sorcerer. it was more the mental toll that they had to worry about sometimes. getting rid of the curses may be easy, but the stress and results that comes from these missions are not for the faint of heart.
while lying down next to her, satoru wanted to hold her. she looked too much like the young girl where his mission was. the girl he failed to save. that was why he couldn't sleep. the look in that girl's eyes were so similar to y/n's, that he could see them even now, with the moonlight shining through her windows.
at that moment, satoru realized that he didn't want anything to happen to y/n. of course, in their line of work, it was hard to avoid getting hurt. injuries are the norm for sorcerers. but satoru wanted to avoid losing y/n. he wanted to avoid feeling the dead weight of someone he failed to save. he would rather die than feel her blood on his hands.
he barely registered the hands on his body, slowly curling around it.
she was hugging him.
and he didn't stop her.
instead, he gravitated towards her, craving her warmth in the chilly dorm. if he could, he would stay here forever. no more curses, no more worrying about someone dying. just pure bliss together.
but that's not possible.
not in this life.
as much as satoru loved this, he didn't want this to go further. he decided that this was the furthest it would go. they would comfort each other when needed. that's all.
that's all, he thought, as his fingers intertwined with hers under the covers.
that was the best sleep he's had in months.
after that night, satoru kept his distance from y/n. he's already lost someone close to him, so if he could keep her away, maybe she would be safer.
he would keep her safe that way.
it was late at night when yuji called him in a panic.
"gojo-sensei, you gotta get here, quick! there's too many of them, she can't hold them off!"
satoru stilled. "who's she? who's with you?" he was hoping it wasn't who he thought. he's begging its not.
"it's y/n sensei! we can't hold them off forever!"
after obtaining the location, satoru instantly teleported there. he would not let anything happen to them. he will get there in time and get rid of the curses that were causing y/n trouble.
when he arrived, he could barely believe his eyes.
y/n was barely standing, trying to shield innocent civilians from multiple grade 1 curses that were closing in on them. she was getting weaker.
her legs were struggling to support her weight, and the blood dripping from her head didn't help in stabilizing herself. she's readying her curse technique, and satoru immediately recognized the hand gesture.
"hah? what kind of hand gesture is that?"
"it's only to be used in really dire situations. it takes a real toll on me, but as long as i have enough energy, it will be able to take care of even grade 1 curses. maybe even special grades! as long as i'm relatively okay physically, my body will be able to withstand the force it will put on me."
"well that's dumb."
"eh? how come??"
"because your strong enough. you won't need to use that because you would have beaten those curses' asses into the ground."
"well, like i said, only for dire situations."
this was a dire situation. he remembers what she said about this technique of hers: if her body is still intact, she would be able to withstand the force and eliminate nearby curses.
but y/n was not relatively okay. she was on the verge of passing out. she was going to die if she used it.
satoru immediately sprung into action. he began to make his way through the lower grade curses, trying to make quick work of this and get to y/n in time.
there were more curses than he realized, and he was getting irritated at how many there were. they just seemed to be appearing out of nowhere. yuji and the others were also held up by the number of curses. he dealt with it, of course, but the more curses between him and y/n meant that time was running out before she unleashes her technique.
time ran out.
the grade 1 curses rushed at y/n, forcing her to activate her power prematurely, before she was able to ground herself properly. her body was instantly under great stress, but she pushed through, blood spurting from her mouth, nose, and ears as she evaporated the nearby curses with her energy.
she was giving her all to protect the civilians behind her.
by the time satoru reached her, y/n had collapsed. the pool of blood was growing from beneath her.
her body was near lifeless. she wasn't kidding about it being a last resort. satoru saw the young girl from his previous mission. the young girl that bled out in his arms, begging to make the pain stop, begging to see her mom again, begging for the light not to go out.
he gently lifted her into his arms, her warm blood coating his hands and uniform.
"wake up, y/n! please, don't go-"
he was frantic. the blood on his hands were making him sick. he never wanted this.
he never wanted to feel her blood on his hands. but now, she's bleeding out in his arms, just like the young girl. he leaned over and put his ear near her mouth, trying to sense any kind of life from her.
"breathe, please-"
a shallow breath. she was breathing. barely, but it was there.
satoru cradled her face, looking for any other signs of life from her. his hands were shaking. he's breathing hard. he can't think straight. satoru barely registered his three students yelling for y/n as he held her, carefully lifting her from the ground.
"you're going to be okay, y/n. shoko is going to fix you right up- and-and then you'll be good as new."
satoru put his forehead against hers. it was then when he realized he was crying. his tears were wetting the girl's face, mixing in with the blood already running down her face. even with all the blood, satoru thought she was the most beautiful person in the world. and he hated those curses that did this to her.
if y/n didn't eliminate those curses herself, satoru would have beat them up over and over again until there was nothing left. no cursed powers. just pure brute force. he would've wanted the satisfaction of the curses struggling underneath him. all because they dared to lay their filthy hands on y/n.
he whispered into her hair, which still smelled like vanilla, even with the metallic stench in the air.
"please, please, don't leave me. i'm so sorry."
satoru thought he was going to die. holding her now, he realized that he didn't want to live in a world where y/n wasn't in it. all that crap he thought about keeping his distance was immediately thrown away. he wanted to keep her in his arms, shielding her from any kind of hurt, any kind of pain.
he wanted to hold her under the covers again, finding relief and comfort in each others warmth. he wanted to feel her, love her, grow old together. he wanted to cherish her, kiss her lips, her cheeks, her neck- just love her. hold her so she won't go away.
looking down at y/n, he feared that future was slipping away from him right then and there. he felt like he was dying with her.
"don't leave me here alone. i can't do this without you."
satoru places a kiss on y/n's forehead, as tender as he could as his lips shook against her skin.
"i can't bear living in a world where you don't exist."
a/n: here we go again with my sad thoughts :((( anywho thank you for reading, and any feedback is very much appreciated!! got lots of angsty ideas in store hehehehehehehe
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cerastes · 2 months
Apparently Ptilopsis has excellent combat skills. While this could be about her medical arts, do you think she downloaded kungfu?
I asked this guy I know at RI HR about it and he tells me it's because when they were running her through the battery of tests, her examiner was Blaze, who was particularly pumped up that day.
Without thinking too much about it, she swung really hard, but in a Mister Magoo-esque twist, Ptilopsis' narcolepsy kicked in and she fainted just at the time the punch would've hit her, dodging it perfectly, before waking up. This got Blaze even more pumped, and instead of controlling herself, she got very excited at this promising newcomer with an unlikely physique, exclaiming "are you sure you are applying to be a Medic?" before rushing her with all she had.
Ptilopsis, who lost consciousness, had no idea what was going on, but by a stroke of downright devilish odds, her narcolepsy started machinegunning, making Joyce perfectly dodge all Blaze's swipes, straights, and roundhouses with eerily perfect timing and stringless doll-like movements. In one final hail mary attack, Blaze put everything into a haymaker that could shatter reinforced steel, but Ptilopsis fell limp into Blanky Position, and Blaze tripped with Ptilopsis' body, being sent flying Broly style through 4 walls, knocked out instantly.
When Ptilopsis woke up, Flint was practically worshipping her, Ifrit was hyping the hell out of her, and many more challengers were lining up as Silence panicked to explain that the Fist of Mister Magoo is not a real martial art and that this all had a logical if unlikely explanation. Ptilopsis, gathering enough context of what was going on, said "Affirmative, I am the Ultimate Fighting Machine. To test yourself against me is to meet the end of your road."
When asked why she said that and complicated matters more, she simply said "Calculations suggested that it'd be humorous to do so at that moment."
Reportedly, Saria almost had a heart attack later when she learned that Ptilopsis defeated Blaze. My guy at HR told me.
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rainybubbles · 1 year
How do you accidentally confess to COD men ?
Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, Gaz, König, Alex, Price
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written)
S O A P :
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-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-Let's start over and try to understand this, shall we?
-Well, you were a nurse working on a military base.
-When all the doctors asked you to wake up at 3 AM, you knew something had happened. You ran to the infirmary and saw Soap.
-He was heavily injured.
-Your heart skipped a beat.
-You and Soap had known each other since his enlistment.
- You were just an apprentice nurse, and he was a cadet. He always burnt something, and you were there to look after him, even when he accidentally burnt the ass of his sergeant.
-You had a crush on him since that time, but you decided a long time ago not to act on it.
- Soap was clearly not interested in you, and he had gone out with a lot of people.
-You can definitely say you're not his type at all, and you like your bond the way it is.
-But now, seeing him like this, it was different. Your heart was overwhelmed, and your mouth spoke before you could filter what you said.
-"I can't lose you, Soap. Shit, you're important to me," you say while crying.
-"...I'm flattered, but can you focus on fixing my leg first?" he says.
-You blinked awkwardly.
-"Yes, I'm sorry. I'm not ethical at all. You need help, and I'm talking nonsense."
-You helped the doctors and quickly went outside when you finished, in order to think about what had just happened.
-"Shit, it was so awkward. I really thought we were in a movie or something," you said, angry at yourself.
-"Well, honestly, it was fun to see you like that. I mean, it could have been the climax of a movie if Ghost had started to play the violin, and a slow-mo started on your face," a voice joked.
-You turned around and saw Soap.
-"You're supposed to lay down. You can't walk."
-"What can I say? Seeing you make miracles," he says with a smirk.
-You sighed and walked towards him, offering your arms to lead him to a bed. He smiled.
-"I'm sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have said that," you said.
-"But you mean it?"
-"That's not the point. It was not the moment, and I know the answer. It was just cringe."
-"...damn, loving me is cringe?" Soap said teasing you.
-"That's- you know that's not what I mean."
-"Yes, I know. I feel the same, by the way."
-"But you..."
-"It's been three months, I realize. I know it's longer for you."
-"You noticed," you realized, all these years thinking you were good at hiding it were in fact obvious to him.
-"Yes, but you decided not to tell anything, so I never acted on it. But I...I feel the same now, and you almost confessed, so can you give me a chance?"
-"You mean when you can take me on a date and not bleed to death?" you said, looking at his injuries.
-"Yes," he chuckled.
-"Okay," you whispered, scared that it was a dream.
-"Okay," he repeated with a smile.
G H O S T :
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-"WHAT DO I DO NOW ?!" you screamed and looked at your friend.
-"Just...explain to him."
-"Oh yeah and how do you explain why I send him a fucking eggplant emoji at 4 AM without anything ?" you screamed panicked
-"Tell him the truth." your friend casually says.
-"He won't believe me. Like 'hey I sent you this emoji not because I want to fuck you, but because my brother sent me a lot of memes with eggplant so every night we sent this emoji to each other laughing. And I made a mistake and sent this to you, not him. Nobody does that. He won't believe me." you sigh."Oh fuck, he rode the text."
-"Well...he's your crush no ? I mean you talk about him often so if anything happens it could be good."
-"Yes he is, but I don't want to confess, not now. Fuck, I only met him like three times and only thanks to Soap. We're just acquaintance. I only have his number because I'm Soap's emergency contact."
-"And now he thinks you want to fuck him." your friends resumes
-"Thanks for your help." you say sarcastically."Shit he's writing, what would he say ?"
-"Well I bet on a peach emoji."
-You looked at your friend and showed them your middle finger.
-"What if I make things awkward and-"
-"You are always awkward."your friend interrupts you.
-"...thanks for your support." you said ironically.
-"I mean the worst is that he says no and when you'll meet again the only thing he remembers will be this fucking emoji. That's fine."your friend says.
-"No. I don't want to be the eggplant emoji in his mind."
-"It's too late."
-A ring interrupted your conversation.
-"It's him." you said looking at your notification.
-"And ?"
-"He sent a comma."
-"A comma?" your friend asks lost
-"what does it mean ?"
-"I DON'T KNOW ! Does it mean he stops to breathe, or I should breathe or-"
-"Or he made a mistake and typed wrong."
-"No, he's good with his hands."
-"I don't want to know how you know that." your friend says looking at you
-"...I wasn't implying anything weird. He's a fucking military." you answered.
-"Ok. So what do you do ?"
-"I could send a comma too ?"
-"Yay revise your punctuations with Y/N and Ghost." your friend says ironically.
-"I...oh fuck, he sent another text."
-"And ?" your friend asks
-"Does the eggplant be used to convey a desire to meet me or is it some weird shit like Soap does usually,"you read out loud his text
-"he texts like a grandpa." your friend comments
-"Fuck you." you say.
-"Calm down, I'm just saying the truth. You should answer it's because you want him."
-"No way, I told you we're acquaintances. I have a crush yes, but we don't know each other well and I-"
-Another text from him.
-"Because it's okay in both cases." he texted you.
-"Oh fuck." you say with your eyes widen.
-"You can say that again !" your friend laughs.
A L E J A N D R O :
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-Being a soldier means living in a community. And even if sometimes you're lucky and have your own little room, it's obviously not a hotel.
-So when Alejandro was doing a patrol to check everyone was asleep, he didn't expect to overhear you.
- But it was normal, the walls were thin and he could hear Rudy's snore from here.
-So yes, he heard you talking in your sleep.
-Except it was a fever dream you were having, and it was his name you were whispering.
-He froze.
-He didn't want to intrude, so he stepped back, but it was too late.
- He heard you clearly because of those thin walls.
-The next morning, when all his soldiers were eating together and you were present he couldn't stop looking at you. He didn't know what to do.
-He was not a moron, and he didn't want to confront you about that, but keeping this silent was also horrible.
-"Everything is good, Ale?" Rudy asks.
-"...I overheard something."
-"Let me guess, two soldiers making out? It's like the fourth time this week. Are they rabbits or what?" Rudy sighs at the new cadets.
-"No, it was not two soldiers," Alejandro answers.
-"Oh." Rudy realizes, "oh. Well...it's also common to do it solo. Why are you making this a big deal?"
-"Because they say my name."
-Rudy chokes on his bread and starts laughing.
-"Why do you find this funny?" Alejandro whispers angrily.
-"Because you seem all flustered. You're usually a smooth talker, but you seem so shy about it. It's not the first time a soldier has a crush on you, Alejandro."
-"I know, but it's different."
-"And why is it different?"
-"It's them."
-Rudy smirks.
-"I see."
-"But I can't say I overheard them, but I want to tell them I feel the same. How do I do this when all I could think when I see them is this memory?"
-"Be honest, you don't know how to lie. You're an honest man, Alejandro."
-"You're right, I have to tell them," Alejandro says. He's brave, he can do that.
-"They're coming, good luck," Rudy says and winks.
-You sit at your usual place, greeting everyone, and look at Alejandro.
-"Is everything okay?" you ask him when you notice his expression.
-"I overheard you," he says blankly out of nowhere.
"...can you be more clear, because I have no idea what you're talking about?" you say lost.
-"Last night, I was checking if everyone was asleep and I overheard you saying my name in a feverish dream."
-You raise your eyebrows and smirk.
-"Is that so?"
-He notices the smirk.
-"Why are you smirking?"
-"Because I was on cleaning duty this night; it's Mina who was in my room."
-"Yes. I guess you have to talk to her," you say.
-"You're right. Sorry, I didn't know."
-"That's okay, but if I may ask, what were you planning to do after telling me this?" you tease him.
He notices your playful tone and smirks back.
-"That you don't need to dream, you can have me in real life."
-"Smooth, really smooth, Alejandro."
He smiles.
-"So it's a yes?"
-"Yes, but you still have to talk to Mina. I wasn't joking; it was her in my room last night."
G A Z :
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-It was a night mission.
-You were waiting with the 141 for the order to go.
-It's been hours since you were waiting, and you knew after this mission you probably couldn't see the 141 again.
-Because you were in a different unit, and your collaboration was only for this mission.
-So you knew it was probably the moment to shoot your shot with Gaz.
-You inhale and go to his figure lying in the dark.
- "Gaz, I know we get along with each other. I can't count how many nights we spent just talking to each other on the base or even how many times we laugh together.I...I'm interested in you in more of a friend way. I know it's horrible to say that now, but afterward, it will be too late. So yeah." You say.
-You only hear silence as the figure doesn't move.
-You feel your heart aching.
-Shit, is he rejecting you in silence without saying anything?
-You look at the ground.
-"I think you should activate your vision nocturne, soldier. Gaz is at your right."
-Shit, shit, shit.
- You open your eyes wide.
-You...you just confessed to Price thinking it was fucking Gaz.
-"Shit, I'm so so so sorry. I didn't mean that obviously. I-"
-"Calm down, soldier. And go talk to him. We still have time here, but look at who you're talking to." Price teases you.
-You nod and walk towards Gaz ashamed.
- "Are you okay?" Gaz asks.
-"I just made the worst mistake of my life."
-"What did you say? Did you say to Price he had a nice ass or what?" Gaz jokes to light up the mood.
- You stay silent.
-Gaz opens his mouth. "No, you-"
-"It wasn't his ass. But yeah, I basically confessed to him, because I mistook him for someone else. ?Because obviously in the dark without night vision you can't see anything."
-Gaz laughs.
-"Stop laughing, it's horrible. I'm the worst, he probably will report me."
-"No, he knew it wasn't for him, didn't he ?"
- "Yes, but it...I'm feeling so ashamed."
-"With who do you think mistake him for?" Gaz asks.
-"I don't answer that question. I have made enough confessions for today."
-"Come on, tell me."
-"Let me guess then."
-"We're only five here, I don't want to let you guess."
-"Gaz, I said no."
-"Because if it's him, I don't think he-"
-"You. It was you." You say to shut him up. "Happy, now?"
-He stays silent. You look at him.
-"Yes," he says, smiling. "Even though I'm jealous that Price got the whole speech, it felt like I'm only having the crumbs." He teases you.
-"Shut up," you smile.
-"But I'm happy, I feel the same."
-"Good, because I have enough rejection for today."
-"Ohhhh, Price's rejection is not a good experience?" He jokes.
-"I could never again look at him in the eyes," you say.
K Ö N I G :
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-"I thought you were just getting to know him," Soap says.
-"Yes. And that's why I was doing."
-"So could you explain how König ended up with his vest burnt if you were just talking ?" Gaz says skeptical.
-"I...well I was lighting the vanilla candle and he was here, with his eyes and I-"
-"You were checking him out and didn't pay attention to the matchstick, isn't it ?" Soap asks.
-"I was absorbed by his eyes ! They're like so beautiful and he was so close, I-"
-"You burnt his vest." Gaz says.
-"Thanks for the reminder, Gaz. I know now my chances are ruined with him. Shit. The worst is that I can't tell him why I accidentally burnt his vest, so now he thinks I hate him."
-"Well you could find an excuse." Soap says.
-"What excuse could explain a burnt vest, Mr. explosion ?" you asked.
-"You wanted to test if his vest was fireproof." Soap tried
-"..." you said.
-"..." Gaz said.
-Soap sighed.
-"Ok it's not a good one. But I'm trying to help, okay ?"
-"I have to tell him the truth. I don't want him to think I hate him. He's so gentle with us."
-"He's here. Go !" Gaz said as he pushed you.
-You opened your eyes wide. You didn't expect you would have to do that so soon.
-You walked anxiously towards him.
-When he saw you, he stepped back a little.
-It hurt you, but it was fair after the incident.
-"Hey, König, I- I wanted to explain what happened."
-He looked at you and just nodded, waiting for your explanation.
-"In fact I burnt your vest because I was admiring your eyes.I was gazing at you. And I didn't concentrate at all on the candle and I let the matchstick fall. I'm sorry."
-He opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say.
-"I- you were gazing at me ?"
-"Yes, I find you beautiful. But it's not an excuse for what happened. I should have paid more attention to the candle" you said honestly.
-"Thanks for the compliment and the apology"
-"I hope that you don't have any grudges, or you don't think I hate you. I wanted to make it clear."
-"Oh no, well, I know it was an accident. You seem..." he stopped himself to find the right word to described how much you were screaming and scared "terrified ?"
-"Yes." you confirmed.
-"So I knew it was not intentional, but I didn't understand why. But now I know."
-"Cool, so we're okay ?" you asked.
-"You don't want to know ?"
-"Know what ?"
-"If I find you beautiful too ? If I'm gazing at you sometimes ?"
-"Oh, no. I mean I didn't expect anything, so don't feel pressured or anything and-"
-"Because I do." he interrupts you.
-"So if I ask you on a date ?"
-"Cool, cool, cool," you said anxiously but happy
-"Tonight ?" he asked.
-"YES ! I mean, yes of course."
-He smiled under his mask and left. You walked back to Soap and Gaz.
-"So ?" Gaz asked.
-"I have a date."
-"WHAT ?" Gaz said.
-You laughed. You didn't know why, but you definitely knew you were lucky he said yes.
A L E X :
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-You were a barista at a coffee shop. You were taking Alex's order as usual, since he was a regular when your colleague interrupted you.
-"I prepared the order of the regular hottie you were talking about."
-You looked up at Alex.
-You looked at your colleague.
-He opened his eyes wide.
-"Oh shit" your colleague said.
-"I'm sorry Alex." You said, "This one is on the house and the next time my colleague will serve you. Sorry again." You gave him his coffee and left in the backs now not only your chances were ruined, but you could be possibly fired.
-Shit, it was unprofessional to talk with your colleagues about your crushes on some clients.
-But this was worst because the said client knew that now.
-He knew he was the hottie.
-"Hey", your colleague said after few minutes "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."
-"That's okay you couldn't guess he was here. In fact you could because it was his order, but yeah..."
-"But I'm happy."
-"Happy ?" you said a little angry by his remarks now.
-"He let you that." he said giving you a paper.
-"What..." you took the paper and saw a number :"glad to be called a hottie by a hottie, call me."
-"oh wow"
-"It's like a romantic movie !"
-"Absolutely not."
-"YESSSSSSSS" your colleague teased you.
-"I'm just glad to not be fired right now."
P R I C E :
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-You were an interpreter. During a long, boring brief, you were chatting with Gaz.
-"Nikolai, Lasswell, Price. Kiss, marry, kill," he says.
-"Lasswell is married, Gaz." you answer.
-"Then Ghost."
-"I kill Nikolai."
-"You dare to kill him!" Gaz says shocked.
-"I mean, I like him. He's a good guy, but I don't know him well. So yes, kill him, kiss Ghost, and marry Price."
-"Your judgment is so biased," Gaz says laughing.
-"You only marry Price because you like him."
-"Yeah, that's the point of the game. It's based on preferences, Gaz," you say.
-He smiles.
-"You don't deny what I say."
-"It's because that's obvious, I have a thing for him. Plus, everybody knows Price is like the perfect husband material."
-"Hmm, thanks for your comment," a voice says.
-You and Gaz look at each other.
-The whole room is staring at you.
-Lasswell points the microphone at your right, which is still on.
-"Fuck," you say and your voice echoes throughout the room.
-"Sorry about that," Gaz says, and he switches off the microphone.
-"We are so dead," Gaz says.
-"I am so dead, you mean. I'm surprised if they don't replace me with another interpreter at the end of the day."
-The meeting ends, but as Gaz and you are leaving, you hear Price calling you.
-You hesitate but walk towards him.
-"You know what I'm about to say."
-"Yes, Sir, it was inappropriate, and we should have paid attention to the brief. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. As you can guess, my goal was not to let this slip," you answer.
-Price nods.
-"Good. You can leave."
-You leave the room.
-You thought it was the end, Price clearly rejects you.
-Yet a few weeks later, when the mission ended, Price approached you.
-You were sitting at the bar with the 141 celebrating the success.
-"So you're not working with us anymore," he said.
-"Yeah, that's the end of my mission." You answered, smiling.
-"So it's not inappropriate if I ask you on a date?"
-"A date? Wait, you-"
-"I keep my work and personal life separated."
-"Shit, so if you didn't say anything, it was because we were colleagues."
-"And because it was fun to see you defeated," he chuckles.
-"You're mean." You laugh. "But that's a yes."
If you want more my Call of Duty masterlist : here
My masterlist : here
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taeminsung · 1 year
♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── exist..
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pairing || bang chan x reader
summary || all he wanted to do was protect you, if only for a moment.
genre/s || fluff. hurt. comfort.
mina’s notes || been feeling some sort of way and just needed some channie comfort lately. please enjoy ♡ 
Quietly Chan crept through the front door of his dorm. The last time he looked at a clock, the time read our 3:42 am, which meant everyone in the dorm was, or should be, asleep with the day they had. As he moved as silently as he could, a bright sticky note on the wall before the hall to the bedrooms caused him to pause and read it over. ‘You did great today’, the note read in your handwriting. Without realizing it, a smile crept across his face. Of course, you’d leave a note here for the other members to see too. It was one of the many reasons he knew that the members loved you and you loved them. You found ways to take care of them without them ever asking you to. A small laugh escaped his lips as he remembered when Felix said that while Chan is officially dating you, it felt like they all got a partner too. Notes like this popped up from time to time, always making him wonder who was in on it with you. Continuing his journey to his much-needed bed, his thoughts drifted to how he could repay the favor this time.
Entering his room, he didn’t expect to see a silhouette sitting in the middle of his dark room. Love? He called out softly, trying not to scare you with the way he was sneaking around his own home. The silent response was enough to tell him something was off, well that, and the fact you were sitting up in his bed well after what had to be 4 am now. Had he missed an important date? Was he supposed to be somewhere today and accidentally stood you up? Is everything ok with yours and his families? A million questions came crashing into his mind before he visibly shook it off and walked towards where you were sitting, eyes taking in the way his sweatshirt extended into sweater paws over your hands, and the way the hood was just low enough to cover your face. In an instant he panicked on the inside, trying to run down all the possible reasons for this. Did you have a nightmare and wake up to an empty room?
Carefully, he sat on the edge of the bed, gaging your reaction, before scouting further into it and in front of you when you didn’t protest his initial action. As if he was trying not to break the most expensive glass piece he had ever interacted with, he reached out to take one of your paws into him, noting how wet the ends felt. His chest began to ache as he gingerly pulled you into him tucking your face into the crook of his neck, fingers gently moving up and down your back. Words formed in his mind before disappearing before he could open his mouth. Time felt like it was passing too quickly, and he couldn’t get a single word out to comfort you, all he could do was hold you close to him. Trying to back track on all your conversations lately to try to get a clue as to what may have happened, he breath hitched when you finally spoke. I feel like... silence filled the pause, Chan just wanting to urge you to continue. I feel like, a little bit like I’ve failed, you whispered after the long minutes of him holding you close. Part of him wanted to ask why but he knew that if he spoke at this moment, you’d never want to finish the thoughts that were clearly begging to be let you. I’m watching everyone around me succeed at their dreams, your breath fanned against his neck as your spoke, and I feel like I’m stuck.
In that moment, he felt like the dark had come alive and was trying to take you away from him. Pressing his lips together, his eyes shifted to the ceiling, eyes catching the last few glow-in-the-dark stars you had put on his ceiling one night when all he wanted to do was go stargazing with you. I… I don’t know what to do anymore. I just feel like I’m existing and not living, you finished with fresh tears wetting the collar of his shirt. All too well did he know this pain that you were feeling. The feeling of simply existing, rather than feeling like you were in control and living your life. Yet he knew that there wasn’t much that he could do in the form of words for you, so he settled for letting your words echo around in his mind. As your arms wrapped around his waist, he pulled his attention off the ceiling and instead to the side of your head. When your fingers dug into his shirt and face burrowed deeper into his neck with a body shaking sob, he understands that while he had a million things to tell you, mostly the reasons why he was so proud of you, he let his hands put pressure on your back, pulling you somehow even closer to him. You needed to feel grounded in this life. Slowly, he started to adjust the both of you so that instead of sitting in the bed, you were laying on your side, face still protected in the space you had called home so many times before.
All he wanted to do was dive into your brain and chase the demons, monsters, and darkness that haunted you on days like this out. His chest felt constricted as his fingers danced across your back, knowing that you didn’t want to break any further. How long had you been in this room like this? Hours? The day? Desperately he wanted to tell you that you weren’t a failure and were on your own journey in this life, one that deceiving looks like someone else’s but had its own twist and turns for you. The dreams you were longing for were going to come to you eventually, but you just needed to wait a little longer. Something he had experienced firsthand. Yet, he knows that those words would do nothing for you tonight and instead settled for being the tether that kept you grounded. Soon he felt your breaths start to even out, encaged in his arms, a small piece of his chest swelled knowing he was at least able to get you to sleep off a little bit of this. Perhaps in the morning, some of the darkness will have been lightened. Pressing a long kiss into your hair, he made a mental note to make tomorrow filled with things that made you happy, that caused his favorite smile to grace your face. He would shower you with all the love he could possibly give.
from mina with love ♡ ˚⁎⁺˳ ── thank you for reading! ♡ requests are open.
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You Keep Me Hangin' On - Steve Harrington
A/N: sooo, apparently it worked 😂😂😂 thank you to everyone who voted, I might keep this up since it helps me focus on a specific story😊 I mixed three different requests here so I really hope it makes sense, this one is mostly angsty but I am planning on a part two, so let me know what you think  
Requests - dawninparis​ asked: is this how you request something? i don’t know i’m a bit new to all this 😳 anyway i saw you were accepting st request so i was thinking maybe steve and reader are in an established relationship but with all the stuff happening in s4 and reader not being aware of all the supernatural stuff she gets jealous of all the time he spends with nancy and the fact he is hiding everything from you just to protect you and just basically a lot of angst (bc i like to suffer) and ending however u like even tho my heart is easily broken with sad endings 
- Anonymous asked: I would like to request a Steve story that takes place in season 4 where him and reader are dating already. Reader has noticed how awkward he has been around Nancy and vice versa. How they’ve been talking a lot more (good thing Eddie was there to keep them company😉). [full request here]  
- Anonymous asked: Hello babes, I'm not sure if you want to write this but may I request for a Steve Harrington angst to fluff fic? Haha! I just want to torture myself again with all these angsty stories. Somewhere around, reader is pining for steve and thought that she have a chance with steve but the latter thought that maybe he's still not over nancy. Reader felt hurt / embarassed by this and decided to date someone else, when she did steve realizes that she's the one that his heart has been longing for the whole time and not nancy. Thanks
Warnings: pretty angsty and Steve is kind of an asshole but also a jealous asshole xD and Jason (he deserves his own warning) let me know if I missed anything 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :) gif isn’t mine :D  
You Keep Me Hangin’ On
Set me free why don't you, babe Get out my life why don't you, babe 'Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on
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You had known for a long time now. You had just, for some reason, held on to a stupid little hope that kept you hanging to this stupid little crush. Although it wasn't that little. And that voice in your head that kept you hanging sounded an awful lot like Robin insisting that Steve felt the same way you did.
You tried to believe her. You really did. Steve was very caring and affectionate towards you. You remembered the first time you drove him home, drunk, and he asked you to stay with him. And you did. And he said it felt nice to not wake up alone. And then, it became a natural thing between the two of you. He would call you whenever he needed you. And you would call him whenever you needed him. And he showed up. He always showed up. Which made you believe Robin when she said he felt the same way you did. But neither of you spoke about it. You hugged. You kissed. You did more than kiss. You couldn't imagine your life without him. But you weren't entirely sure if he could do the same. You feared that he could. He could live without you.
And right now, it was more evident than ever. You instantly dove into the water when he was pulled back into the lake. You pulled the bats off him and fought them with whatever you could find before Nancy, Robin, and Eddie also appeared to help. You were about to help him stop the bleeding right before Nancy ripped off the bottom of her blouse and started patching him up. And you saw it. You saw the way Steve looked at her.
"You're bleeding" you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Eddie by your side.
"Huh?" you asked, confused.
"Your arm" he pointed out. "It's bleeding" he repeated and you looked down to see that he was right. You hadn't even noticed. You were bleeding. Badly.
"Holy shit!" you panicked a little, not really knowing what to do.
"Here" he said, gently grabbing your hand and taking the black bandana out of his back pocket.
"Oh, I don't want to stain your bandana. I know that's your favorite one" you told him, not really noticing the smile that appeared on his face when you did.
"Don't be ridiculous, princess. It's just a piece of fabric" he insisted, grabbing your hand and cleaning your wound gently. You lifted your head from your arm to watch Eddie as he worked on tightening his bandana around you. You found yourself smiling a little at how careful he was being. He did not seem like the loud, careless guy you always saw in school. "How's that? Is it too tight?" he asked, worriedly.
"N-no. That's perfect" you smiled. "Thank you, Eddie" you told him.
"You know, it was pretty badass, w-what you did" he chuckled.
"It was?" you asked, feeling a little nervous for some reason. You never really thought of yourself as badass enough to get that credit from Eddie Munson, who you considered to be one of the most badass people you knew.
"Yeah, I mean, jumping in the lake and fighting those bats. That was metal, princess" he smirked.
"You also jumped in the lake and fought those bats, Eddie" you reminded him.
"Yeah, but after all of you ladies did" he insisted.
"Well, you still did" you told him. "And that says a lot" you smiled.
"So, uh" Eddie cleared his throat, pulling away from you a little. "This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?"
"Yeah, pretty much" you nodded.
"Wait, watch out for the vines" Nancy said as Robin started walking around. "It's all a hive mind" she explained.
"It's all a what?" Robin asked.
"All the creepy crawlies around here" you told her. "They're, like, one or something" you told her. "Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat" you instructed. "You're stepping on Vecna" you finished.
"Shit" Eddie said, next to you.
"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asked.
"As far as I understand it, yeah" Steve said.
"So, theoretically, we could go to the police station and steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate" Robin suggested.
"I highly doubt the Hawkins PD has grenades, Robin" you told her. "But guns, yeah, sure."
"Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns" Nancy added and everyone looked at her. "I have guns in my bedroom" she shrugged.
"You, Nancy Wheeler" Eddie started. "...have guns, plural, in your bedroom?"
"Full of surprises, isn't she?" Robin asked, excitedly.
"A Russian Makarov and a revolver" Nancy explained.
"Yeah, you almost shot me with that one" Steve said.
"You almost deserved it" Nancy smirked back at him.
You tried to hide your upset expression but Eddie seemed to notice before he threw his jean vest at Steve and he glared back at him a little.
"For your modesty, dude" he said, making Steve roll his eyes before putting it on.
"Hey, are you okay?" Steve asked, walking closer to you.
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile.
"Did you hurt yourself?" he questioned, looking at your arm.
"Yeah, but don't worry. Eddie fixed it" you told him.
"Oh" Steve said, not entirely loving that part. "O-okay" he sighed.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a scratch" he said, trying to make you laugh.
You barely smiled before you followed Eddie and Robin who were climbing on trees and rocks, careful not to step on the vines. When Robin accidentally stepped on a vine, the five of you felt the Earth moving under you when an earthquake happened. Your instinct almost made you run to Steve, but you saw he quickly grabbed Nancy, who was closer to him, and he pulled her to his side. You couldn't even register the whole thing before you felt two arms grabbing you and making you fall to the ground with him as you felt Eddie's arms tighten around you.
"Holy shit!" you heard Robin, not so far from you.
"So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me" Eddie said.
"Yeah, me too" you said, feeling your cheeks burn a little at how close you were to the metalhead and not noticing a pair of eyes glaring your way. "Uh- um" you cleared your throat. "Thanks" you smiled shyly.
"Don't mention it, princess" he said, helping you up.
As the five of you walked to the Wheeler's house, Steve could barely register what Nancy was telling him. His eyes were glued to Robin, you, and Eddie walking ahead of them. Specifically between you and Eddie Munson. He noticed he was trying to make you laugh because he could see the worried look on your face. And the worst part was that he was succeeding. He didn't like the feeling he got whenever you laughed at something Eddie Munson said. He didn't like that you had his bandana on your arm. He didn't like that he was walking a little too close to you and the worst part was when he saw his hand trying to reach for yours.
"Uh, yeah, Nance, hold on a second" he said, not even trying to understand what she was talking about as he ran over to the trio in front of him.
"Hey, Eddie" Steve said, catching up with you. "Uh, could I... talk to you?" he asked, making Eddie look at you a little confused. You simply shrugged and Robin pulled you away to go join Nancy instead, leaving the two boys behind.
"What's up, Harrington?"
"Hey, man. Uh... Listen, I just, uh... I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there" he smiled.
"Shit. You saved your own ass, man" Eddie told him. "I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there!"
"When you took a bite out of that bat. Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage" he explained as Steve looked at him confused.
"I don't-"
"You know? Doesn't matter" he shrugged. "It's very metal, what you did. That's all I'm saying" he told him.
"Thanks" Steve smiled.
"Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact" he explained.
"Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah" Eddie nodded.
"Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kinda annoying, to be honest" he mocked Steve. "I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve" he smirked. "I guess I couldn't accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way" he chuckled. "That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine" he explained, making Steve laugh and roll his eyes a little. "Still super jealous as hell, by the way. Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh... normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that's what I've learned about myself this week" he muttered the last part.
"Give yourself a break, man" Steve insisted.
"See? The only reason I came in here was 'cause those ladies came in straight after you. Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind" he explained. "But, your girl, right there" Eddie said, pointing at you, walking ahead of them. "She didn't waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in" he told Steve as they stopped walking for a moment and Steve looked at you while you walked with Robin. "Now, I don't know what's going on or what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would not take her for granted, man. 'Cause that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen" he told her. "And if you let her go, someone else might not be so stupid" he informed him.
"Are you talking about... someone in specific?" Steve asked, glaring a little at him.
"Maybe" Eddie shrugged, patting his back. "I'm just saying, Harrington. Don't be the douche I always thought you were" he said before he walked away from Steve.
As soon as you all got to Nancy's place, she, Robin, and Eddie started making their way upstairs. You were about to follow them when Steve gently pulled you back.
"Hey" Steve said, smiling nervously at you, a few steps down. "Uh- I just... um, I wanted to ask if uh-" he said, running a hand through his hair as he always did when he was nervous. "If w-we're okay? I mean, are you- uh are you feeling okay?"
"Are you?" you asked, a little confused.
"No- yeah, uh I'm fine" he sighed. "I just wanted to check if you were also... fine?"
"I'm fine" you said with a firm smile before you turned around and you tried going upstairs but Steve stopped you again.
"It's just um... you got hurt" he said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb as he looked at the bandana wrapped around your arm.
"So did you" you told him. "And I think yours is... much worse" you said, looking at Nancy's blouse wrapped around him.
"No, it's fine" he insisted.
"Great. So, you're fine. I'm fine. We're both..." you sighed. "Just fine" you said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, frowning.
"Uh- nothing" you quickly said. "We should... get up there-"
"No, what did you mean by that?"
"Steve, this isn't the time or the place-"
"But you're upset!"
"No, I'm not, I just told you, everything is fine!" you insisted.
"Really? So, if everything is fine, why are you spending so much time with Munson?" Steve asked, accusingly.
"Ohh, you noticed that? I figured you'd be too busy with Nancy to even pay attention to anyone else!" you replied.
"Wait, is that what this is about?"
"No! I didn't mean to ugh-! Just... forget about it, okay? We have bigger things to-"
"Shhh!" he shushed you, holding up his finger.
"Um, excuse me?"
"Did you hear that?" he asked, looking the other way and walking away from you.
"Hear what?"
"Henderson!" he said, walking around the empty room.
"Well, it finally happened. He snapped" you muttered under your breath.
"What's going on?" Nancy asked, walking over to you with Robin, and Eddie.
"I don't know. He thinks he can hear Dustin-"
"I don't think! I can hear him! HENDERSON!"
And then, you heard it.
"Oh, my God! DUSTIN!"
"There has to be a way for them to hear us!" Eddie insisted as the five of you tried to look around the room.
"Wasn't there a way that Will communicated with Joyce when he was here?" Steve asked you, pointing his flashlight at the light in the middle of the living room.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yes, Robin, for the fifteenth time, I'm okay" you replied as you two tried to grab anything you could use at the War Zone.
"It's just that you and Steve have barely spoken since-"
"Since he decided to stay back at the UpsideDown because Nancy was cursed by Vecna and he now refuses to leave her side?" you snapped a little. "Sorry" you sighed. "There's just... a lot going on right now" you told her.
"I know that, but... well, you and Eddie on the other hand-"
"What?" you asked, confused.
"Come on, you can't tell me that there's nothing there-" she chuckled.
"There's literally nothing there" you laughed. "I don't think Eddie likes me that way" you rolled your eyes.
"Do you like him that way?" she asked, curiously.
"N-no" you said, nervously. "I don't know. Like I said, there's too much going on right now. And Eddie has been nice to me. He's always nice to me and... I don't know this isn't the time to focus on stupid guys, okay?"
"Love, it's never the time to focus on stupid boys" she laughed, making you laugh a little too but she quickly stopped when she spotted Vickie on the other side of the War Zone with her boyfriend.
"Rob" you said, feeling sorry and placing your hand on her arm.
"Have you ever felt like someone just ripped out your heart?" she asked, looking back at you.
You smiled sadly at her and then looked past her. "Yeah, I... have an idea" you said silently and she followed your stare to see Steve laughing with Nancy at something she had said. "Aw, well that's fun for me" you smiled, sarcastically. "I'm gonna go over there, okay?" you quickly said, walking away from Robin as she rolled her eyes and walked over to Steve, punching his arm.
"Ouch! What the hell, Buckley?!"
"Well, I wouldn't expect to find you here" you turned around hearing that dreadful voice.
"J-Jason" you said, nervously. "Yeah, well, it's just... scary times" you smiled. "Uh- I'm... sorry about Chrissy" you told him.
"Want my advice?" he asked, getting closer to you. "Shotguns are not good for much of anything past killing small birds" he said. "I mean, they got power, sure, but not much range" he said, as you stepped backwards, creating space between the two of you but he got even closer. "And that's just gonna force you into close-range combat, then someone can just grab that barrel like this..." he said, grabbing the weapon from you. "...and redirect it" he said, smiling, making you feel uneasy. "Well, you look nervous" he chuckled.
"Uh -like I said" you tried to smile. "Scary times" you told him. "Could you let go, please?"
"She said 'let go'" you heard Steve behind you and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Harrington" he said, letting go of the gun. "Didn't see you there" he said, stepping away.
"Well, now you do so..." Steve said, nodding his head so he would take the hint.
"Lovely seeing you" Jason said, before turning to look back at you.
"Hey, you okay-?"
"We need to go, now" you said, grabbing his hand.
"But nothing" you said, pulling him with you. "Eddie's outside" you whispered.
"Right" Steve muttered a bit upset. Munson.
"Hey" you were snapped out of your thoughts when Eddie sat down on the grass, next to you.
"Hi" you smiled.
"So... I guess this is a dumb question but... how are you feeling?"
"Funny, I was just going to ask you the same thing" you smiled.
"Me? I'm having the time of my life, princess. Are you kidding me? We're about to go to the UpsideDown and fight for our lives, really... it's where I pictured my life at this point, he chuckled, making you laugh a little.
"You know, you don't have to do this, Eddie" you insisted.
"Are you trying to rob me of my hero arc, princess?" he said, making you laugh, which you didn't know how was possible with how anxious you were feeling. "I was just going to tell you the same thing" he told you.
"It's just... you've been through a lot in like... what, 48 hours?"
"Yeah, it's been intense but... well, you being here kinda makes it better" he admitted.
"It does?" you asked, feeling your cheeks burn.
"Yeah" he insisted. "I mean, if... it were up to me, I wouldn't want the situation of us hanging out to be in a creepy world fighting this... monster but... I guess it's pretty badass" he chuckled.
"Well, if it involves you I would assume it would have to be badass" you smiled, making him blush a little. "So... if it were up to you... what would the situation be? U-us hanging out?"
"Well- uh-"
"Hey, Munson!" Steve said, suddenly appearing and interrupting the two of you. "Um... Henderson's asking for you" he said.
"Um- sure" Eddie said, looking back at you. "Sorry, princess. Raincheck?"
"Sure" you smiled as he got up and he helped you up too. "See you in a bit" you told him before Steve replaced his place.
"What was that?"
"What was what?" you asked, confused.
"You and Munson?"
"We were just talking" you shrugged.
"Is there something going on between the two of you?"
"What? What are you talking about, Steve?"
"I just find it interesting that every time I look at you he just happens to be there" he said, glaring at you a little.
"Well, maybe we were just talking about our part of the plan, since you made me stay back with him and Dustin!"
"I knew you were upset about that! Nancy and I just decided this was the best way to make the teams!"
"Oh, what a lovely coincidence that you get to go with Nancy!"
"And Robin!" he added. "Why does that make you so upset? Because you don't get to come and physically kill Vecna with us? I need you to stay back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"Why? Because you don't trust me as much as Nancy!? You don't-" you stopped yourself before you could say 'You don't love me as much as you love Nancy'.
"Nancy knows what she's doing!"
"Oh, and I don't? We were all down there, Steve! And in case you didn't notice, I was the first one to jump when you were dragged back into that lake! Not Nancy! I am just as capable as she is-!"
"I didn't say you weren't but I just..." he sighed, running a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I need you to stay back with Dustin and Eddie okay?"
"Fine!" you said, reluctantly. "I can't do this anymore Steve" you sighed.
"Sweetheart, I know it'll be hard, but we have this plan and-"
"No, not that! This!" you said pointing at him and yourself. "I am tired of just being your option when Nancy is not around!"
"That's not true and this isn't the time to-"
"Right... it's never the time" you sighed.
"Well, not when we're about to go face Vecna in the fucking UpsideDown!"
"You're going to face Vecna with Nancy and Robin! I'm staying back with Eddie and Dustin!"
"That's not how it is!"
"Yes, it is! That's the plan that you two came up with! Together!"
"Look, what do you want from me? It made more sense this way!"
"Just admit that you still have feelings for Nancy and be done with it so I can just... I don't know, move on!"
"M-move on? From us?"
"There is no us, Steve! Is there?"
"Why would you say that?"
"I don't know, Steve! I'm tired! I'm tired and I can't do this anymore! It's not fair!"
"Ugh! I'm not trying to make you feel like this on purpose! I don't have feelings for Nancy, okay? Why does everyone think that I still have feelings for Nancy?"
"Oh, really? Everyone thinks so? So, I'm not the only one then!" you said, feeling your heart starting to break.
"No! I didn't mean it like that! Nancy is my friend! Okay! That is it! I care about her and I don't want her to die!"
"Nobody wants her to die, Steve! But you keep following her around like a lost puppy-!"
"How would you even know since you decided to stay with Munson every chance you get?! I can't believe you're being this dramatic over Nancy. SHE'S MY FRIEND!" he snapped. "Look, I don't want to fight with you, we are all on edge, and... I just... I need to do this, and I need you to stay with Dustin and Munson!"
"I don't want to fight with you either, Steve, and I know this is probably the worst possible time, I just-"
"Hey, guys!" Dustin shouted, interrupting you. "Time to go!"
Steve sighed, tiredly and looked back at you, not really knowing what else to say, so you did.
"You know what? You're right, we have more important things to deal with right now" you smiled with tears in your eyes and you placed your hand on his arm. You were about to follow Dustin but Steve pulled you back, pulling your hand.
"Listen, I care about Nancy, yes. Of course, I do. But, I swear, she's just my friend" he told you. "And I care about you too. I do, a lot" he said, nervously. But something wasn't letting you believe him anymore.
"As a friend?" you asked, with your voice breaking a little.
"It's... complicated" he said, making your heart break into little pieces. "And I swear we'll talk about it, after this, I just-" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Something was telling you that he would never love you as he did Nancy. That little voice was becoming louder than Robin's telling you he loved you just as you loved him. And you felt your eyes watering. And you knew he could see it, but he didn't say anything. Because you knew time was running out and you had to follow Dustin. So you just smiled sadly at Steve and cupped his cheek with your hand.
"I love you, Steve" you whispered, having the strangest feeling in your heart that this may be the only chance you would get to tell him this, so you kissed his cheek. Like you always did and you gave him the saddest smile Steve had ever seen on someone. "And I really hope you get her back someday."
To Be Continued
[Part 2] 
A/N: sooo, I am definitely not evil enough to just leave it there :D this is definitely going to have a part two... so let me know what you think xD (and also, who you think she should stay with) 
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linaxk · 1 year
sleepy moans
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— simon “ghost riley w reader
“wake up, stupid girl.” the grumpy voice pulled you out of your sleep, feeling a heavy weight making the comfortable hotel mattress dip. you open your eyes to see those dark intimidating eyes glare back at your sleep clouded ones. that chain of his dangling around caused by his movements would have send you into a trance if you weren’t weakly giving in to your body’s need to sleep. your face scrunching up in confusion, you sigh loudly and throw your arms open, closing your eyes, trying to ignore whatever was going on and fall back asleep.
you felt the big man shake you slightly, tugging at the sheets covering your half unconscious body. “i said wake up, you don’t ever listen.” he squinted his eyes at you, trying to show you his annoyance, but that being ignore because of your state. “fuck.. what is it..” you mumble, your arm crossing over your eyes to shield you from the night light just beside your head.
“why the fuck are you calling my name in your sleep.” his tone was more like that of a statement than a question. regardless he wanted an explanation and a good one at that. at first he thought something might’ve happened to you, thinking you woke up in the night, feeling sick or whatnot. the next moment he hears the tone of your voice change into a breathy, higher pitched moan. he almost shot up in his bed, sitting there watching your frame trying to figure out if you were actually asleep.
“what the fuck?” he hissed. getting up, grabbing his mask off the night stand and pulling it over his face, walking over to you. he sat on your bed for a few minutes, still watching you, shifting under the bed sheets, calling out his same out again, three, four and then the fifth time. oh fuck.
he flicked on the light, attempting to wake you. “i wasn’t.. i didn’t say anything. nothing.”
“don’t play dumb, girl. i heard you. what. was. it.” you couldn’t tell wether he was offended or was actually desperate to hear you say that you were moaning his name in your sleep, because he was in your tiny cock desperate brain and appeared in your dream, pounding you into the sheets that conveniently smelled like his strong cologne and the smell of cigarettes clinging to his tight fitting shirt.
you internally panicked, which he noticed, seeing that you shivered, your thighs clenching together under the thin white bed sheet. a smirk placed itself on his lips, harshly grabbing your thigh, watching the white fabric cling around your plush thigh. “nothing! it was just a bad dream!”
you couldn’t have scientifically possible sunk even more into the mattress as he crawled on top of you, his big legs caging your thighs under him. supporting himself on his knees and one of his hands grabbing the headboard. “ouch. that hurt.”
he knew exactly what you dreamed about, playing it off as a silly nightmare or bad dream was laughable. he was gonna force it out of you, 4 am at midnight and he didn’t care at all what the consequences of his actions were going to be. he licked his lips under the mask, thinking of a way to seem oblivious and make you admit your darkest secrets to him.
“tell me or you’re not going to sleep tonight, trust me. i’ll make sure of it, [name].” he refrained from letting out a groan when he saw you try to pull the sheets higher to cover up your flushed face.
“i was just a dream! i’m sorry, lieutenant.” you gasped when his hand traveled to your waist, his thumb playing with the waistband of your frilly little pyjama shorts. he gazed at your body, reaching your eyes and staying there, trying to make you nervous with his intense stare.
“are you sure it was just a normal dream? hmm? that’s all? i won’t be mad if it was.. a different kind of dream. just.. tell me.” you took shaky breaths, your eyes wandering everywhere but to his frame, which was hard to miss.
“just.. you were in my dream. that’s- that’s why i called your name.” you took a deep breath, trying to remain calm and figure out what he was trying to do to you. he blinked at you, “what was i doing in your dream? you were practically moaning my name.” you almost did now too, his firm grip getting a little stronger on your waist, his thumb tracing circles on your soft skin, before he slid it over to your lower belly, putting a little pressure on it.
“you- you weren’t doing anything.. like that..” oh he was. and you wished for it to come true without having to press your palms together and pray to any imaginable god out there, because right now you didn’t move a single muscle. except the one all the way down, in between your thighs, your cunt clenching around nothing, soaking up the material that was covering you, even though you really didn’t have any control over it.
“i don’t believe you. you’re shaking, stuttering and your clenching your thighs together. you had a wet dream about me, didn’t you?” your eyes widened, shocked at how easy it was for him to ask that, wondering if he forgot that you were partners in a possibly deadly mission.
“ghost.. i can’t say-
“i like you calling me that even more than my actual name. mhh, falling off your pretty lips like a whisper.” he tugged away the sheets completely, pulling you lower by your legs, making you lay flat on your back. you couldn’t help put pull up your legs and close them together, your hands trying to grab hold of the sheets below your body.
“ghost, we can- ah, fuck!” you were cut off, he truthfully never cared about the rules, he only cared about what you wanted and now that you had so easily shown him what that was, it was easy for him to give it to you. he wanted it just as much, even more than you.
“there’s nothing we can’t do if you want to. just tell me what you want me to do..” he wanted to so badlyto break you, make you sweat, make you stumble over your words and eventually make you cry out in pleasure.
“nghh, fuck.. want you to.. make me feel good.” you could bet on it, that was his plan, not just since tonight, but since the second he laid eyes on you. “mhh.. that’s what i’ll do, i’ll promise you that.” he chuckled.
“[name].. describe it.” he said, his eyes followed his hands that were roaming all over your body. pinching and caressing, his hand sliding under your oversized shirt, letting out a groan when he felt your bare tits, your nipples peeking up when he took them in between his fingers.
spitting out the words was so hard, as if you had to register each letter and send a signal to your brain to have the words travel to your vocal cords. “d-describe? what do you- ah! mhh.. what do you mean?” your facial expression was so incredible to look at, the frustration that was tugging your eyebrows down, your half lidded eyes and your mouth hanging open adding the desperation that lit his insides on fire.
“tell me what i did to you in the dream. tell me, everything. every detail.” he was surprised at how much he was able to keep his composure, forcing himself to wait until he was allowed to rip everything off you and fuck you mercilessly into the hotel mattress, forgetting about why you were even here in the first place.
your looked up at him, your eyes glossy, trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down. “you were.. kissing me.. all over.” you watched his face to see his reaction, but he wasted no time and immediately crashed his lips on yours, he should’ve done this so much earlier, he moaned weakly, the feeling of your lips connecting was even more intimate than you could have ever imagined. nobody has ever even nearly made you feel like this by a “simple” kiss. his kiss made you hungry, greedy for him.
he pulled away, attacking your neck and making you throw your head back, gasping when he nipped at your collarbone. you tried to remember exactly what he did in your dream, only vaguely recalling how he went down on you, so you removed your shorts, revealing there was nothing underneath. “fuck. were you not ashamed? i was sleeping just a few feet away from you..” his erection was very clearly on display, not hard to miss in the grey sweatpants he was wearing, twitching when he was thinking about how many times you purposely didn’t wear anything at all under your pyjamas. the choice of clothing so easy to ride up and expose you at any time. god..
“ghost.. do you.. want to taste?” you asked, his surprised expression turning into a challenging one, his voice was even deeper than usual, breathy and full of lust. “is this what happened next?” he whispered into your ear, moving down and positioning his head in between your thighs when you nodded your head.
he took a second to admire your perfect pussy. the smell already intoxicating him, he grabbed your thighs and pulled you closer in, flattening his tongue on your clit, twitching his tongue purposely. he pulled back, taking his big fingers and gathering your arousal, smearing it all over your cunt. exactly like in the dream, he went for it, like it was a trophy he won. starting slowly, but good god, he was putting in all his effort, to make you feel like nobody ever has. your eyes teared up, his mouth and hands both making you feel heaven. his thumb circling over your clit and his other hand on your thigh, squeezing whenever you were close to let you know not to come.
“ ‘m sorry, baby, but the first time you’re gonna cum is on my cock.”
he knew how desperate you were, moaning his name, tugging your hair, whining whenever he denied you your orgasm. he wanted you on the edge, for as long as he could control himself.
“s-simon.. please. wanna cum.. please, let me.” you were going to beg as much as you could, mumbling and babbling none sense until he was going to give you your so deserved orgasm.
the second he heard his real name roll of your trembling lips he changed his mind, taking back what he said earlier and ready to fuck you until you forget about everything other than him and his cock. he took a deep breath, to make sure this is really what you asked for. he took your hand and put it on his clothed erection, “want this, baby? is this what you dreamed about?” you frantically nodded your head, closing your eyes, “yes!! want it more than anything!!”
he pulled down his sweats and boxers, not bothering to take them off, an evil grin infested his face when he saw the way you moaned when you saw the sheer size of him. “is it going to fit, s-simon?” you asked, more turned on by the fact that he was possibly too big than anxious about it.
“i’ll make it fit, don’t you worry, i’ll give you every inch.” he spoke confidently, there was nothing in the world he was more sure about than this moment.
you both moaned, making eye contact when he lined himself up and slowly shoved himself inside your cunt. if he didn’t care any less, he would have came inside you right then and there. your tight walls already squeezing him, clenching down on his cock. he stopped his movements, to make sure you were okay, because in a few minutes he wasn’t going to hold back on you, giving in to his needs and his pent up desire for you. “does it feel good, baby? you want me to keep going? want me to fuck you, hmm?”
you couldn’t have made it more obvious, moaning, whimpering, dragging your nails down his back, ready to rip his shirt off. “yes!! please!! n-need nothing more!!”
he tore off his mask, his dirty blonde hair is the first thing you notice, the first time he willingly showed you his face, full on display. “s-so pretty..” you managed to mumble compliments as he started moving, faster and harder by the second, your compliments and the sounds you made only fuelling him more. he was groaning, taking deep shaky breaths, your legs tangled around his waist, he held you by your own waist, his big arms so gentle as to not give you bruises.
in a matter of a few moments you were already fucked out, not being able to control your body, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, spitting out curse words and moaning his name, completely speechless and cock drunk. he pulled out of you when you clenched down on him, not letting you cum, doing it several times until he saw the tears roll down your cheeks, begging him to let you cum.
“you wanna cum on my cock, baby? mhh, you deserve it, go on. make a mess.” he immediately felt you let go and let yourself clench around him, the squeezing and the sounds you were making causing his own orgasm. you was about to ask-
“cum inside me, please..!!”
he didn’t hold back, coating your insides with his cum, sloppily fucking into your poor cunt, practically bullying your hole, until he came down from his high.
he slowly pulled out of you, moaning all the while, locking your lips and cupping your cheek. moving to your side, kissing your neck, “was i as good as i was in the dream?”
he already knew the answer, but he was going to hear you say it. “better.” your voice was battered, your chest heaving and your eyes closing by themselves.
he felt the urge to tell you how he felt about you, but once he took a deep breath and opened his mouth to talk, he noticed that you fell dead asleep.
he closed his own eyes too, falling asleep, he was going to worry about it tomorrow.
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june-pop · 1 year
Nightly Troubles
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Idol!Riki X Nonidol!Reader
Warning: angst, comfort. Nightmares, crying, Riki is lowkey having a panic attack
My first time really writing a fic like this. It’s not perfect but I tried so don’t hate it too much😅
As you lay in bed you can hear the light tapping of rain hitting the window and the sound of thunder outside. But that isn’t what woke you up. It was the absence of warmth that was supposed to be next to you. He was supposed to be laying next to you. So why was he sitting at the end of the bed staring out the window?
You rub at your eyes to try and get rid of the tiredness you felt. “Ki?” You can see him lift his head up a bit at the sound of your voice. You turn to check the time on your digital clock and it reads 4:32 AM. “What are you doing up so early?” you question.
At this point you’re crawling on the bed towards him and position yourself to sit to his left. Despite that he doesn’t look at you. In fact it seems as though he was trying to avoid looking your way. But you could see it, you could see the way his eyes are watery. You could see the dark circles under his eyes. The way his button lip slightly quivered until he bit down on on it.
He lets out a breathe and finally says “sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up. You should go back to sleep though”. This isn’t like him, is what you thought. Instead of listening, you slip your hand into his, “Riki, baby how long have you’ve been up?” You asked the trembling boy.
Silence is all that follows your question. It pains you to see him like this, but you need to know why. “Riki speak to me, please” you pleaded to him. After a few more moments he finally manages to mutter out “since 2 I think…”. Your eyes widen in realization. He’s been sitting here. For over 2 hours…
“I just keep having these nightmares” he continues, now squeezing your hand a little tighter. “They’re different every time. One night it’s about me continuously failing at something and another night suddenly everyone hates me and t-tonight it’s just” at this point he’s shedding full on tears and can barely continue talking.
You position yourself on your knees on the bed next to him and pull his head towards you. He wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head in your neck just full on sobbing. You rested your head on top of his and kept rubbing his back.
“Shhhh it’s okay, it’s not real. That will never happen I promise you” you stammered out, your own tears threatening to fall as you watch your boyfriend fall apart in your arms.
“This one felt so real. They were so real” He cried. “ M-my family- there was- something happened, I-I don’t know” He was panicking, having trouble breathing in between his words. You moved so his face was in your hands and staring into each others eyes. “Shhh hold on ki, breathe, I need you to breathe for me. Just like this, okay” He followed your breathing pattern which helped a bit. “There’s no need to rush, everything’s fine” you tried to comfort him.
“My si-sisters” he hiccuped, “no one knows what happened. My parents were responsive b-but no one knew about my s-sisters” Riki’s breathing was starting to quicken again. “Hey hey look at me, everything is fine. It was a dream Riki. Your family is fine. Your sisters are perfectly safe. I promise you everything is okay”. This whole thing was breaking your heart. Seeing your lover panic at the thought that something happened to his family.
You pulled his trembling figure back into a hug, placing kisses on his head. One hand rubbing up and down his back with the other hand playing with his hair. It was always something that seemed to calm him down. It worked after a few minutes. His breathing slowed and he wasn’t holding onto your waist as tightly as before.
His head rested on your chest and the only thing to let you know that he was still awake was the sniffles and hiccups he let out. You checked the clock on the nightstand and the time read 5:25 AM. “Y/N….” Riki whispered. “Yes love?” You spoke out to him. His grip on you tightened slightly. “Thank you.” After he said that you let a few tears slip down your face. “Anytime Ki, but please. Wake me up the next time this happens. Promise me you’ll wake me up”
There’s silence after that, you start to wonder if he fell asleep. Until you here him croak out “Okay, I promise”, you let out a sigh in relief. “Come on let’s lay back in the bed, it’s still early”
Without protest he follows you back into position on the bed only this time you lay on your back with him laying his head in your chest wrapping his arms around your waist. You place small kisses on his head and start massaging his scalp.
“Promise you won’t leave before I wake up” Riki whispers to you. Hearing his voice all shaky and weak makes you want to cry but you hold it in for him. “I promise Ki”. He smiles and you can feel him relax. “I love you so much..” is the last thing you hear him say before he falls into a deep slumber.
“ I love you too, more than you know” you say as you find yourself closing your eyes and falling asleep.
Hope you guys enjoyed this was my first time writing something like this so it’s definitely not the best at all😅
Don’t worry the next morning you made sure to call his mom and have him talk to them and catch up with his sisters as a way to reassure him that they were fine.
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kiarastromboli · 6 months
Teach me 6 (Chris Sturniolo x y/n)
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Part.1 Part.2 Part.3 Part.4 Part.5
Warning: Smut content, don’t like it = don’t read it :) dom!reader & sub!chris (soft)
Summary: After spending the night with Chris, y/n finds herself in a dilemma when she wakes up to realize that neither of them woke up on time, and she finds herself in an even more awkward situation when her mother starts knocking on the door to talk to her.
Note: Okay, it's been a while since I've been away. I've written quite a bit in the meantime, and I might potentially post a lot of stuff. I'm not sure yet if I'm really back, but feel free to leave requests if you feel like it. I'll write them with pleasure.
When I woke up this morning, it felt like I had just emerged from a dream. I was at peace, and for once, I had slept really well.
As I opened my eyes, I discovered Chris's arms around me. I panicked for a moment before remembering what had happened the night before.
So that's why I had slept so well...
Grabbing my phone from beside me, I panicked again, but this time upon seeing the time. It was 10 in the morning. My dad was probably already at work, but my mom was definitely at home. Thankfully, I had locked the door last night; otherwise, she would have walked in and seen Chris in my bed, which would have been a disaster.
The problem now was getting Chris out of my house, especially knowing that my mom was awake this time. It's not like when Chris sneaks into my room at night while my mom is asleep. She's awake now, and believe me, this woman has ears everywhere. If Chris makes even the slightest noise while leaving through my window, it's over for us.
I sat up, not really sure what to do. Chris was deeply asleep, and I didn't want to disturb him, but I didn't really have a choice. If I don't leave my room before noon, my mom will really start to worry. She knows I'm not the type to wake up so late usually.
"Chris!!!" I whispered, shaking him to try to wake him up.
"Mmmh," he simply responded, still half asleep.
"Chris, wake up, you need to leave!" I whispered a little louder, feeling panicked.
"Mmmh, just 2 more minutes," he said without opening his eyes, and I groaned at his response.
"It's 10 am, Chris, you need to leave before my mom—" Before I could finish my sentence, I was interrupted by my mother knocking on the door and trying to open it.
"Y/n? Are you awake? Who are you talking to? Open up, I need to tell you something," she said from behind the door.
I froze in place, and Chris opened his eyes, looking at me. He was about to say something, but I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.
"Just give me a moment, Mom, I just woke up!" I shouted, pointing to my wardrobe for Chris to hide in.
Chris looked at me, frightened, shaking his head. I shot him a threatening look, pointing to the wardrobe again.
He sighed before getting up to hide in my wardrobe. Meanwhile, I approached the door and waited for him to be well hidden before opening the door for my mother.
"Who were you talking to?" she asked, scanning my room.
"Julia!" I said, clearing my throat and running my hand through my hair. "Um, she asked me to come see her today," I added, trying to seem less suspicious.
My mother looked at me strangely before rolling her eyes. "Listen, y/n, I think we need to have a discussion, you and I," she said.
"Um, about what?" I said, not really sure what she was referring to.
"About yesterday," she replied, and I realized at that moment that I had completely forgotten about that incident in the panic.
"Oh... um, yeah, I don't know, can we talk about it later?" I said, more calmly this time.
"I'm sorry for making you feel that way, y/n, that wasn't my intention," she admitted, and I widened my eyes in surprise at what she had just said.
"Your father and I have always put pressure on you, that's true, and we clearly haven't been the best with you," she added.
"But you're wrong about one thing; you said that I hated the person you truly were, and that's not true, my angel. I don't hate you, far from it, and it breaks my heart that you think that way," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I think I just wanted to protect you from everything I couldn't protect myself from, and I was wrong. I realize now, seeing what it did to you," she continued, sitting down on my bed.
"You know, your father and I had you very young, too young even, and it was difficult for us. We just wanted to give you a better life, but I think we were scared seeing you grow up and make the same mistakes we did in some places," she said, and I also felt tears welling up.
"And I realize how dumb it was, y/n, you're not the baby you were anymore, and it breaks my heart to see you grow up, but I think we need to stop overprotecting you, your father and I, because what you need most right now is freedom," she said, hugging me.
"We love you more than anything, know that. Your father may be tougher than me in some aspects, but I'll make him understand that all of this needs to stop. You're becoming a real woman, and we can't interfere with your choices anymore like when you were just a little girl," she added, and I left her arms, looking at her with a smile.
"Thank you, Mom," I said, wiping away my tears.
"And I don't want you to hide anything from me. I want to be there for you, I want to make amends and show you that I'm sorry," she added, taking my hands.
"Okay, no more secrets then," I said, chuckling through my tears.
"No more secrets," she said, smiling.
"And I'm sorry about your boyfriend at the time, Christian, right?" she asked.
"Christopher," I corrected her, laughing.
"Yes, that's it. I'm sorry, but you know your father and what he thinks of boyfriends. However, if you happen to cross paths with a new man, you can tell me. I won't tell your father; it'll be our little secret," she said playfully, pinching my cheek, and I chuckled.
"Actually, there's no new man. It's still Chris," I confessed, smiling.
"So, you really loved him?" she asked, caressing my cheek, and I nodded.
"I'm sorry if what we did ruined your relationship, honey," she said sincerely.
"Well, actually... okay, we said no more secrets, right?" I asked.
She nodded, looking a bit confused.
"Promise me you won't get mad?" I asked, looking her in the eyes.
"Um, okay, but where are you going with this?" she said, puzzled.
I bit my lip for a moment to suppress a laugh.
"He's in the wardrobe," I said, glancing at the wardrobe.
"You've got to be kidding me," she said, rolling her eyes, and I laughed, nodding.
"Y/n!" she exclaimed, rushing to the wardrobe to open it and coming face to face with Chris.
"Hey, you said you wouldn't get mad!" I pointed out, walking towards them, and burst into laughter at Chris's red face.
"Um, h-hello, ma'am," he stammered, clearing his throat.
My mom turned to me, trying to keep a serious face, but she couldn't help but laugh herself.
"You can come out, I won't bite," she said to Chris, who hadn't moved an inch.
He stepped out of the wardrobe, and my mom headed towards the door of my room before turning back to us.
"I'll make breakfast, Chris. I suggest you put on a shirt and join us for a meal this morning if you want to make a better impression than that!" she said before leaving the room.
I turned to Chris and burst into laughter again.
"Why did you do that, y/n, you're completely crazy!" he said, approaching me before grabbing me around the waist and lifting me up, laughing.
When he set me down, we looked each other in the eyes, our laughter slowly fading.
"You should've seen the look on your face," I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and chuckling.
"Shut up, you traitor," he said before kissing me.
Instinctively, I took a step back when it happened.
"Sorry," he immediately apologized.
"Um, we should go downstairs, I'm starving," I said, laughing nervously.
"Yeah, you go ahead, I'll join you in a moment," he said, looking a bit embarrassed.
I nodded, biting my lip, before leaving my room.
What does that mean?
I mean, things seem to be getting better; Mom knows, she won't tell Dad.
And Chris and I, we've found each other again; everything is supposed to be better now that we're friends.
But why is it so hard to just be friends with him?
I felt bad for stepping back when he kissed me, but even though things are getting better, the problem remains the same.
At the end of the vacation, I go back to the other side of the country to resume my studies.
And the thing is, I can't just drop everything for a guy; it would be so irresponsible, and, truth be told, I quite like my life over there.
But if I'm there, it'll be without him, and being without him hurts.
And it's even more frustrating now that I know he and I have a chance again.
So what do I do? Stay in Boston with Chris and live the story we've always dreamed of having? Or go back to the other side of the country, continue the studies that I'm so passionate about, and reclaim my life away from all my problems?
Oh my God, I'm probably going to have to make the hardest choice of my life, and I only have a few weeks left to decide. How am I going to do it??
"Pancakes?" my mom asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Um, yeah, thanks," I replied, grabbing a pancake and putting it on my plate.
"Is everything okay?" she asked, noticing how lost I looked.
I was about to answer when Chris joined us at the table.
"It smells really good, Mrs. y/l/n," he said, all smiles.
"And you haven't even tasted it yet!" she chuckled.
The rest of the meal, I was there without being there.
I watched Chris and my mom getting to know each other, and it seemed to be going well, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to have to do.
On one hand, I could stay with the man I love, and who knows, maybe we'll spend our lives together; maybe he's the one, at least that's what I hope.
On the other hand, I continue my studies, and with the grades I have, there's a good chance I could push my degrees further and eventually have the job of my dreams.
The thing is, I can't have both at the same time, and I feel like by choosing just one of the two, I'll be sad to miss out on the opportunity that the other one represents.
This moment should have been enjoyable; I should have been enjoying it with my mom and the boy I love, and instead, I'm questioning my whole life.
"Well, it looks like everyone's finished eating," my mom said, once again pulling me out of my thoughts.
"That was really delicious, Mrs. y/l/n," Chris said, smiling.
"Oh, you know at this point you can call me by my name since i'm your mother-in-law ," she said, laughing.
Chris turned to look at me.
"Oh um," I said hesitantly, looking at Chris and then at my mom.
"We're not—" I started timidly.
"We're just friends for now," Chris continued, seeing that I was struggling, and I smiled at him timidly.
"Oh, sorry, I thought—anyway, I don't know what you two have planned for today, but your dad will be back soon, y/n, so I suggest you don't linger around too long," she said, smiling.
"Yeah, I'll head back before my parents wonder where I've been," Chris said, smiling back.
"I'll walk you out if you want; I could use a little walk," I said to him.
He smiled at me before getting up, and we went upstairs to shower separately.
Once out of the shower and dressed, I went back to my room to join Chris and put on my shoes.
"Are you okay, y/n?" Chris asked, watching me sit on the edge of the bed to put on my shoes.
I looked up at him without saying anything for a moment; I didn't know if I should tell him or not.
"Um yeah, yeah, I'm fine, why?" I said, trying to play it cool so he wouldn't worry.
"I don't know, you seem a bit distant since I kissed you earlier," he replied simply.
I looked at him, mouth slightly open, trying to find something to say, but nothing came out.
"I'm sorry for kissing you earlier, it really didn't mean anything. I know we're supposed to be friends now, but I didn't think and I promise it won't happen again," he added, seeing that I wasn't responding.
"No worries, it was just a meaningless kiss; I was just thrown off by the conversation I had with mom earlier, that's all," I lied, smiling.
"Are you sure?" he asked me.
"Yeah," I said with a weak smile.
"Anyway, I've put on my shoes; we can go now!" I said, getting up, and he followed.
The road to his house was quite silent, to be honest; neither of us really dared to speak. I think we simply didn't know what to think about this whole situation.
Once we arrived at his place, we stopped, and he turned to me.
"Listen, y/n, I lied; it wasn't just a kiss that meant nothing. It was more than I could handle; I really want to be with you, and I don't want to rush you, far from it, believe me, but look, I feel like things are getting better, and I want us to try. I need—" he began to ramble before I cut him off and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to kiss him.
For me too, it was more than I could handle.
And screw it, maybe for once I can put my problems off until tomorrow and just enjoy the present moment.
I have absolutely no idea what to choose for my future, but what I do know is that right now, I'm dying to be with him.
I didn't want to hold back anymore; this was probably one of the last times I had the chance to do this, so I might as well go all in.
Chris took a step back, completely lost, as he looked at me.
And without saying a word, he reconnected our lips in an even more passionate kiss.
"Friends, huh?" he said with a smirk, pulling away from our lips for a few seconds.
"Shut up," I told him, crashing my lips back onto his, hungry for more.
My hands were tangled in his hair, and his were pressed against my hips.
Our bodies were pressed against each other, and our kiss only deepened, becoming even hotter.
"We should go in," he said, separating our lips and licking his own.
"Mhm," I said, nodding my head, too hungry to respond to him.
We entered the house, lucky that his parents weren't there, but his brothers were.
We briefly passed Nick in the kitchen.
"Oh, hi y/n, I didn't expect to see you here. What are you doing?" he asked, smiling.
Before I had the chance to respond, Chris started talking, "She's here to help me with something I've been meaning to do for weeks. We don't have time to chat. Bye," he said quickly, grabbing my wrist and leading me to his room, leaving Nick looking confused.
I chuckled when he opened the door, and he grabbed me by the waist to kiss me again before closing the door behind us.
He led us straight to his bed; we didn't need to talk to understand each other. From the moment we kissed outside his house, we both knew where it was going to lead us.
But this time, I felt more confident. I wanted to take control, although I didn't really know where this sudden change was coming from.
I parted our lips to swiftly remove his t-shirt, and before he could say anything, I went for the zipper of his pants.
"What are you doing, y/n?" he said, smiling against my lips when I started to remove his pants.
"Shhh," I said, pushing him onto the bed once he was only in his boxers.
He looked up at me, initially confused, but then his gaze turned more sensual.
I couldn't help but smile, seeing him sitting there before me, looking at me with such a submissive gaze. It was something different, but I liked it.
He placed his hands on my hips, attempting to remove my pants before I stepped back, shaking my head.
"Keep your hands to yourself," I said with a smirk.
"Come on, y/n, don't play like that," he said, running his tongue over his teeth.
"Play like what?" I asked, removing my pants while keeping eye contact with him.
He didn't respond and simply looked at me, mouth agape.
"What's wrong, baby, cat got your tongue?" I teased, removing my top, leaving me only in a bra and panties in front of him.
"Babe don’t—" he said, trying to sit up, but before he could, I pressed down on his shoulders with my hands, pushing him back onto the mattress.
"Be a good boy and stay still for me," I whispered in his ear.
He looked at me with a surprised expression in his eyes, swallowing hard. He seemed stressed but still incredibly excited by what I was doing.
We had rarely had the opportunity to discuss it, but I knew that Chris had mostly been dominant in bed, whether with me or with other girls.
I knelt in front of him, running my hand along the elastic of his boxers to remove them, and he helped by lifting his hips.
I could feel his breathing quicken and the tension build as I began to place kisses along his lower abdomen and thighs without touching the place where he needed me most.
"Y/n, please," he pleaded weakly, unable to bear being teased any longer.
I smiled against his skin before lifting my eyes to look at him while taking him into my mouth.
I could feel his entire body shudder at the sensation of my tongue on him. He threw his head back, and I continued to suck him, applying pressure with my tongue.
The only sounds in the room at that moment were the sighs and moans of pleasure coming from Chris's mouth.
He tried to run his hand through my hair, but I grabbed it and pressed it against the mattress.
"Oh god—fuck, baby, I'm not gonna last long," he groaned, signaling for me to stop, but I continued.
I even picked up the pace, running my free hand over his chest.
His breathing quickened, and his muscles tensed. I could feel his cock twitching in my mouth.
"Mmph, y/n," he groaned one last time before releasing everything into my mouth.
I swallowed before lifting my head to look at him. He had a completely dazed expression, but I wanted more.
So, I straddled him and kissed him again, which seemed to catch him by surprise judging by the way he jumped slightly when I did so.
His hands gripped my waist as I started rolling my hips against his.
"Fuck—" he began to say before I cut him off by shushing him.
"You wouldn't want your brothers to hear how good I'm making you feel, hmm?" I whispered to him before redirecting my lips to his neck this time.
"I'll fuck you so hard if you keep playing like this with me princess," he said through gritted teeth before I sat up and pushed him back so he was lying beneath me.
"Odd, because you don't really seem to have the upper hand right now, sweetheart," I replied with a smirk before removing my bra.
He tried to raise his hands to touch my chest, but I grabbed them and pinned them above his head, chuckling, before trailing kisses across his face.
"You're going to make me cum again without even touching me if you keep this up, y/n," he said, sounding almost frustrated.
"Maybe if you act like a good boy, I'll touch you," I said, resuming my movements against his erection.
"Please, I need you so bad," he groaned, frustrated that I wasn't giving him more.
"Say you'll be a good boy," I ordered him before kissing his neck again.
"Please, I'll be a good boy, just fuck me," he pleaded as I quickened my movements.
"So impatient," I chuckled before shifting to remove my panties.
"Sit against the headboard," I commanded, and he obeyed without hesitation.
I then straddled him, placing my hands on his shoulders.
He placed his hands on my waist, but I removed them immediately, observing his confused expression. "You'll touch me when I give you permission. Put your hands behind your back," I said with a smirk.
"But—" he began before I cut him off, placing my finger on his lips.
"You said you'd behave like a good boy," I reminded him, whispering in his ear as I rolled my hips against his once more.
He simply moaned, throwing his head back before doing as I had asked and placing his hands behind his back.
"Good boy," I praised him with a smile before seizing his member and aligning it with my entrance.
I was already extremely wet from everything we had done before, so it wasn't very difficult for me to accommodate him.
Although it took me a while to adjust to his size once he was fully buried inside me.
I let out a small moan, dropping my head into the crook of his neck at the stretching sensation it gave me.
"Is it too much for you, baby?" he said mischievously to provoke me, with a smirk on his face.
I raised my head to look him in the eyes, biting my lip, and started riding him. "No, but if you keep this up, it'll soon be too much for you, baby" I threatened, gripping his chin between my fingers.
Something changed from that moment on. Chris let himself go a little more, and the more I bounced on him, the louder he got. We reached a point where even his neighbors could have heard.
"Chris, you really need to stop making so much noise; we're going to get caught, fuck," I said, almost unable to hold back my moans as I felt the knot slowly forming in my lower abdomen.
"I—god—I can't," he said, rolling his eyes before letting his head fall back.
"You look so good just like that, all for me my sweet boy," I confessed, placing one of my hands on my breast.
"I'm gonna cum," he said, lifting his gaze to meet mine.
"Hold it back for me baby," I told him, speeding up the movement.
"Fuck," he said, groaning and watching my breasts bounce in front of his eyes.
"You’re such a good boy look at you," I complimented him, running my hand over his cheek.
"Let me touch you, please, y/n," he begged, almost desperate at this point.
"Go ahead," I simply said, smiling, and the next moment his hands came to grasp my breasts, my waist, my hips.
"You're so perfect for me," he said this time, pushing me to the edge, and I could feel that he himself was struggling to hold back given how he gripped my hips and moaned.
His moans only grew louder at this point.
"Chris, I’m so close, but you really need to make less noise," I said, almost breathless.
Nothing was working anymore; he was completely lost in his own pleasure. His hips had started moving back and forth to meet mine.
I felt like I was losing my mind, and I think he felt that too. In a moment of lucidity, I grabbed the first thing I could find on the bed and shoved it into his mouth to muffle his moans.
It happened to be my panties, the missing piece for him to lose control and come inside me.
And I didn't miss a beat; within seconds, I reached my orgasm right above him.
"Holy shit," Chris exclaimed, pulling my panties out of his mouth.
I let my head fall against his shoulder, saying, "I can't feel my legs anymore," and he chuckled at my remark.
We stayed there for a moment, catching our breath, both of us covered in sweat as if we had just run a fucking marathon.
"If I could marry you right now, I would," he said, caressing the sides of my body, making me shiver.
"Let me at least take a shower first," I said, chuckling.
I was about to get up when he grabbed my hips to stop me. "Nope, stay here."
I looked at him with a small smile, and he kissed me.
And right at that moment, it hit me again.
I was probably going to have to leave the other side of the country in a few weeks...
"Are you okay?" he asked, seeing my expression suddenly change.
It took everything in me to keep my tears from falling, but I wasn't ready to talk to him about it. I was afraid he would only make my decision more complicated once I did.
"Yeah, everything's fine. What could go wrong? Look at us," I said, my eyes shimmering.
What could go wrong? Look at us. Two lost souls hoping that one day the stars will align so they can find each other again.
Maybe inevitably, our two hearts were meant to never find peace together.
Taglist: @chrisloyalgf @christopherscamopants @blahbel668 @thematthewlover @mattsturnioloarchive @carolinalikesthings @bernardsgf @whicked-hazlatwhore @hearts4chris @mattybsbitch @sara2233445
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torahoes · 3 months
(IDOLiSH7) Haruka Isumi - An Idol's Daily Life Rabbit Chat: Part 1 - "kome up with"
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Please note that I am not a professional translator. If you come across any mistakes, feel free to let me know and I will make the necessary corrections.
Haruka Isumi: Takanashi-san, good work today.
Haruka Isumi: Are you with Yotsuba right now? He hasn't read my text on Rabbit Chat yet
Tsumugi Takanashi: Isumi-san, good work today!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'm not with him at the moment. He's currently doing a magazine photoshoot with Iori-san, so he might not be able to check Rabbit Chat for a while...!
Haruka Isumi: Ah
Haruka Isumi: So that's why Izumi hasn't read my text either
Tsumugi Takanashi: Was there something you wanted to tell them?
Haruka Isumi: I accidentally took Yotsuba's vocabulary book home with me, and I was wondering what to do. We have a test coming up, so I should probably return it soon
Tsumugi Takanashi: Ah! The English vocabulary test, right? I heard you all studied together for it after school.
Haruka Isumi: Yup. Yotsuba was panicking, so I helped him make the vocabulary book
Haruka Isumi: But the fact that he hasn't noticed it's with me tells me he didn't try to review it yesterday lmao
Tsumugi Takanashi: He mentioned this morning that he gave in to his temptation to watch a TV show and couldn't study… > <
Tsumugi Takanashi: Should I inform him about the vocabulary book?
Haruka Isumi: Nah, it's fine. He'll probably read it after the shoot
Haruka Isumi: I did think of taking it to the dorm right now if it was urgent since I have some free time
Haruka Isumi: But I'll just give it to him at school tomorrow
Tsumugi Takanashi: Sorry for the trouble and thank you!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: By the way, Yotsuba misspelled a word lmao
Haruka Isumi: "kome up with"
Haruka Isumi: So funny
Tsumugi Takanashi: "come" turned into "kome"... > <
Haruka Isumi: And to top it off, he drew a character next to it that looks like a rice grain [1] lmaoo
Haruka Isumi: It's kinda got a relaxed face
Tsumugi Takanashi: Tamaki-san is good at drawing!
Tsumugi Takanashi: He's always doodling King Pudding sketches in the corners of his scripts; they're adorable...!
Tsumugi Takanashi:
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Haruka Isumi: Yeah, he is pretty good
Haruka Isumi: Though everything he draws is kinda round.
Haruka Isumi: I'll write down the correct spelling next to the rice grain
Tsumugi Takanashi: Thank you very much!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Speaking of which, I heard your seats recently changed, and now you're sitting closer to each other.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I also heard you always wake up Tamaki-san when he's sleeping during class while you're distributing handouts...!
Haruka Isumi: Seriously, that guy falls asleep during class all the time
Haruka Isumi: Especially on days when we have classical literature in the fifth period; he's out cold
Tsumugi Takanashi: I wonder if it's because he gets sleepy after having lunch... > <
Haruka Isumi: That's probably part of it, but our classical literature teacher is a sweet old lady who speaks super softly
Haruka Isumi: I get drowsy too, so I understand
Tsumugi Takanashi: When a teacher has a soothing way of speaking, it does make you sleepy...
Haruka Isumi: What did you used to do when you were sleepy during class, Takanashi-san?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I would intentionally drop my eraser and pick it up, just to stretch my body a bit...!
Haruka Isumi: What if it rolled in a weird direction? Wouldn't that make you stand out more
Tsumugi Takanashi: There's a trick to making it roll to a good spot!
Haruka Isumi: What? lmaoo what kind of trick is that lol
Haruka Isumi: But yeah, moving around does help wake you up. I also do stuff like taking off my jacket or rolling up my sleeves to cool down
Tsumugi Takanashi: It must be even more exhausting for you all, considering you also have work… > <
Haruka Isumi: But if you're going to school anyway, it's better to just listen to the classes so you don't have to do any reviewing later. Plus, it saves you from last-minute studying before tests
Tsumugi Takanashi: That's impressive, especially with how busy you are!
Tsumugi Takanashi: I heard you occasionally even pack your own lunchbox.
Haruka Isumi: Yotsuba and Izumi talk about stuff like that too, huh? Lol. Only sometimes, when I don't have work
Haruka Isumi: I just pack what my grandma's already cooked or use frozen food, so it's not that big of a deal
Tsumugi Takanashi: That's more than enough...!
Haruka Isumi: It'd be nice if I could quickly whip up something with whatever's in the fridge
Haruka Isumi: But I don't have that kind of repertoire at all
Tsumugi Takanashi: Would you like me to recommend a recipe app?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I use it too, and it's very convenient because it suggests meals based on the ingredients you have in your fridge!
Haruka Isumi: There's an app like that!?
Haruka Isumi: I kinda want to check it out
Tsumugi Takanashi: I'll send you the link later!
End of Part 1.
[1] Tamaki made a drawing of a rice grain because "kome" (米) means rice in Japanese.
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woneuntonzz · 8 months
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what's it like to love ? 𓇢𓆸
anton lee x afab!reader (part 2/5)
• part 1
• part 3
• part 4
• part 5
warning/s: cussing!
genre: fluff -`♡´- highschool love
word count: 2.8k words!!
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ description: student athlete!anton x studious class officer!reader | you swore to yourself, to you friends and even to your parents “I'm not one to easily fall.” and you thought you were that tough, not until him of course. [note!!: hiii i'd just like to quickly say that this is my first ever post ever and i'm still a bit insecure with my writing, and english is not my first language so bare with me now 🙏 open for any forms of feedback please do take note that i will take longer to update/respond to anything because of school, thank you!!! ]
[Day 1]
A new day has come to greet you, but just like yesterday, you were once again lacking a few hours of sleep. You had your eyes closed, but you kept thinking about the endless possible scenarios that await you the next day. You were embarrassed to admit it, but you brought yourself to school with much anticipation, cause he had something to prove after all. 
When you got to school, you were expecting the same, empty and quiet classroom that always greeted you in the morning —being the first to arrive in your class all the time. When you unlocked the door however, you were instead met with Anton sitting in front of your desk with his back facing you. 
He turned to look at you and you were able to take a glimpse of why he was there and what he might be doing.
In front of him, resting on top of your desk, is a notebook and a few pieces of paper. You could see a blurry view of numbers, variables and equations.
“I just thought I should teach you the math lesson you missed last time —oh, and, good morning.” you smile at the shy little wave that followed his soothing voice.
“Good morning.” being your first time speaking since waking up this morning, your voice came out a little more mellow.
And it made Anton melt in his seat. He averted his eyes from you after realizing that you were looking right into his eyes just as how he looked into yours. He felt the blood rushing up to his cheeks as you got to your seat and sat down across from him. His eyes wandered all over your face. Somehow you seemed a lot more angelic under the early morning sunlight that lit up the classroom.
Anton tutored you all morning. There were times when you wouldn't understand what he's saying, partly because he's speaking a lot softer the whole time, and mostly because you were just that slow. You would lean in a bit and so would he, repeating what you claimed to not understand. Your faces eventually got close enough that you felt each other's breathing. It'd be a lie to say that Anton was not panicking on the inside, he definitely was, and you could tell.
He was pointing and writing with shaky hands and would stutter more than your fingers could count. Not only that, but you could see the tint on his cheeks. 
“D-did I say something funny?” he asked after hearing you chuckle.
“No, no. Sorry, it's just, I never knew you were into make up.” the look on Anton's face reflected his confusion.
“I am?” you bursted out laughing which only made him smile, face as hot as the day.
“Nice blush.” That's when he hurriedly hid his face in his hands. “Hey, hey, it's alright, I'm not judging.”
“I know, I —I'm just really extra self-conscious around you.” his voice was muffled by his hands pressed against his face.
Though you two were not able to notice, some of your classmates were paying great attention to the two of you, especially Anton's friends. They tried giving teasing looks towards Anton but failing to get a reaction or any signs of acknowledgement. You were right in front of him, talking, laughing, and listening to him teach you, why would he turn his attention to anyone else? He's been waiting for this moment ever since the first time he was made aware of his liking for you. 
“Is this… for me?” you asked hesitantly when he placed a cheese bread and canned coffee on your desk.
“Yeah —I just wasn't sure if you'd like it—”
“You're kidding.”
Anton slowly shook his head. “No?...”
“I always get these at the convenience store before going to school. I just don't have the energy to stop by there everyday anymore.” your voice shifted to a somber tone as you stared at the pillowy cheese bread which triggered Anton's worry for a bit until you spoke again. “Thank you! These are honestly my faves. I should really be more productive now. I need coffee so bad but I'm becoming too lazy these days to get some so I can't help but snooze around all day.”
Anton watched as you rambled on about how tiring school is, at this point, he had already finished teaching you and class was about to start in 10 minutes, but he was still there. At some point you stopped talking and he had his chin propped on his hand just staring at you, the whole scene was like one of the dramas you've watched before. The bell rang seconds later, and only then would Anton break out of his trance, being obliged to go back to his seat.
At lunch time, you remained seated on your seat, you were assigned by your teacher to collect and organize the activity sheets and bring it to her by lunch, and so you got started as soon as the clock hit 12:30. 
“Can I help you?” you look up immediately, and there he was, standing beside your seat. 
“Oh, you don't have to. Go have lunch.” you could still feel his presence towering over your seated figure.
It took him a minute to speak again. “I wanna have lunch with you, if that's okay.”
“Oh, yeah. But this might take a little longer—”
“Just continue, I'll be waiting for you right here.” he dragged a nearby chair next to yours and just sat there. 
You fumbled a bit, feeling his stare. You thought maybe it's just a feeling, you thought even if he liked you, you shouldn't assume things so easily. 
Anton watched as your hands delicately glided over the papers you were handling. He smiled to himself seeing the pout forming on your lips as you arranged the papers in alphabetical order of your classmate's surnames. He saw you misplace his paper, placing him before someone who's last name starts with 'h'.
“Hong goes before me. Sorry I just noticed that.” His voice was very low and subtle, almost a whisper.
“Oh, okay. Thanks.” you hurriedly fixed the arrangement and continued with the rest.
You were able to finish before the 10-minute mark, Anton had offered to accompany you to the teacher's lounge to pass the papers.
Right after, you two went to the cafeteria walking alongside each other. The both of you were quiet, one was more nervous than the other, and when you both reached the cafeteria, Sohee and Xen's surprised eyes caught your attention right away. The couple grinned, exchanging looks. 
You walked behind Anton and lightly pushed him to the food queue. “Let's get some food, I'm so hungry.”
He was caught off guard with your action but maintained his composure as you continued to push him to the food queue. 
After getting your food, your attention was immediately called by Sohee. “Y/n-Ton! sit with us!”
Your eyebrows were knitted, while also holding in a laugh with how cringey Sohee's ship name for you and Anton is. Meanwhile, the tall figure that was walking with you towards Xen and Sohee was smiling the entire time, embracing the color in his cheeks that he always struggled hiding. 
The moment the two of you sat down, the pair sitting from across started firing at you with questions.
“What were you two doing in the classroom?” Sohee started.
“You two were in there for a while huh?” Xen was quick to add to Sohee's probing. 
You started to continuously tap the table with the end of your spoon. “I was fixing up our class' activity papers!”
“Yeah? and Anton?” Xen's gaze went from you to Anton.
The beat that vibrated throughout the table you occupied stopped, enclosing your spoon with your grip holding it still and up sturdy. You looked over to Anton, only turning your head slightly, just enough to see his rosy face.
“Oh, I was just —you know. Waiting… for her.” after the last words that fell from his mouth, he looked over to you, right into your eyes.
You quickly looked away after a very short while, afraid that the feeling you caught from his shy but sweet gesture will start showing through your face.
The remainder of lunch time went on with the two of you exchanging glances from time to time while the couple in front of you kept babbling on and bickering a little, you occasionally joining in on the conversation. 
The rest of the day was like the usual, but you felt a bit more… willing —willing to let a little loose with taking notes, willing to let yourself be distracted with the design imprinted on your 4 year-old mechanical pencil, willing to stare at your teacher with nothing but passive listening —willingly choosing to briefly meet eyes with Anton from time to time. 
You never saw Anton the same way he supposedly saw you. To you he was just that one guy in class, and sure, he wasn't as noisy or as annoying as the other guys in your class; his friends, but you were certain that he wasn't worth your attention. But then here you are, giving him the focus you had always reserved for class. Was it because he kissed you? No. It was just a stupid peck, kind of childish too. —you thought to yourself. But then you recalled the feeling, it was irresistible. You've never considered yourself as the 'in-denial' type of person, but now you couldn't even hold back the thought. What if Sohee and Xen didn't arrive to put a stop to the strong desire radiating from the both of you? The longing desire to come back for more.
You sighed and closed your eyes. You fixed yourself up to a poise state, finally focusing in class. 
Anton eyed you the entire time your mind was going in a whirl. He wanted to know what you were thinking about, but he knew he was still far from getting there. However, like in every swimming tournament he's competed in, he's determined to give it his all.
————— ୨୧ —————
You sat at the edge of your bed, just staring at your shoes. You were still in your school uniform, thinking about how Anton had chased you down the hallway just before you stepped out the classroom to give you another pack of cheese bread. 
“I won't be around tomorrow for training, but I'll message you! If that's fine with you.” 
You had no idea why you felt so down to hear that from him. It wasn't like he's the only one you knew in school, you had quite a handful of friends, and your classmates were pretty fond of you too. 
You rubbed the sides of your shoes against each other, your head hanging low as you felt your eyes get heavier and heavier. You stood up from your bed after taking a quick glance at the clock that read 7:08pm. You stood up, turning around to face your bed. You went around to get your pajamas at your towel, then your phone that soundlessly rested on your bed lit up. You were able to immediately make up the brachiosaurus emoji from a distance. You held your phone in your hand, staring at the notification of Anton's message on your lockscreen. You sighed. You had stuck a mental note to your brain ages ago, no matter what, choose yourself before choosing others.
You got over the fleeting excitement that rushed over you. You waited for your phone to turn itself off before placing it back down to where it was and heading to the bathroom. Your trip to the bathroom, though would've usually taken you about an hour to get out of, ended quicker than you thought. The next thing you know, you were laying on your stomach, elbows pressed on the mattress, phone in hand. You opened Line as fast as you could blink. 
A low chuckle escapes your throat as your feet kick themselves up into the air.
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Anton is wide awake as soon as he feels his phone vibrate in his hands. He had been waiting for your response. He was laying flat on his back with one of his hands resting on his chest, and the other holding his phone, extended to the other end of the bed. For a good minute he thought you might never reply, or worse, you might message him dry. But his apprehensions were refuted once he received your replies. 
Once he did see your message though, he was unable to contain a small laugh, painting a permanent smile on his face, the same smile he always wore whenever he thought about you.
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Contrary to how you appeared in chat, you were all smiles, kicking your feet up into the air like a child. 
Even with his whimsy message, you couldn't help but expect something. You didn't want to be so sure of exactly what it is you were expecting, but your eyes were heavily fixated on your phone screen so much so that anyone who saw you at the moment might think you were trying to burn out your vision.
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Anton bit his lip, growing more and more anxious as the time ran, and so he fumbled around quickly following his last message with a rather pathetic attempt to sweep everything under the rug.
Anton bit his lip a bit harder at your response, chuckling and blushing so hard that If anyone ever saw him like this he would self-isolate forever and create his own post-apocalyptic reality.
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You just felt so genuinely happy, so touched that he invited you to watch him swim. Technically, anyone could walk in and watch him without his invitation or not much as asking him, but you just felt so special. For once, you felt wanted. He wanted you to be there for him. Notwithstanding his cheesy pick-up line, your body never lies, and your cheeks are enough to tell you Anton's got you again. 
Usually you would subside these feelings with eccentric responses, but this time, you couldn't 
Anton grew a bit worried when you were taking a while to respond. He didn't know whether his sappiness had a bad or good effect on you, heck, he wasn't sure if it did anything at all. Worse case scenario is you would leave him on read.
His smile would only grow wider at your response.
At this point, for you, somehow you just didn't want to give in just yet. If Anton was a book, you have only read two pages, and that's the title page and the table of contents. And so you quickly got over mutual tension being encapsulated in your phone screens. 
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Anton's smile drooped down, but was instantly replaced with a straight wide line paired with bulging eyes. His friends had always jokingly told him he was cute, teasing him all the time, him never hearing the end of it. He just was never able to tell when it's just teasing and when it's just a genuine compliment.
He suddenly lost his ability to be able to come up with quick and masked replies.
It was true. You thought if he had to make your heart flutter, why not do the same for him?
As if you aren't enough to make his heart jump out of his chest.
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You had to take a breather. You thought you were being crazy, feeling so moved by the bare minimum. They're all just words, for all you know there might be no real thoughts behind them at all.
You released a breathy titter, moving yourself to a more comfortable position as you felt like this conversation wasn't ending just yet. You didn't want it to.
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Anton was very observant, when it came to you at least. He couldn't miss a single thing about you that's wide open for him to write in his personal journal he had created in his mind, one that he made only for you.
When you made your ant joke, Anton let out a “pfft!” suppressing the laughter threatening to escape his mouth. He pursed his lips, beaming with adoration even with how corny and unfunny you were.
You couldn't help but bite your bottom lip when he calls you adorable, hiding yourself under the covers as you squirm your legs around like a child throwing tantrums.
You thought you were being way too ridiculous, feeling as if your reaction was unjust.
“what am I winning?”
my heart lol —you quickly erased what you had previously typed on your keyboard. You pressed your palm against your cheek, squishing it until you were able to regain your sanity.
Whilst Anton was waiting for your reply, his heartbeat increased significantly and he feared he might just collapse.
The conversation ended after a while and it left Anton smiling as he turned off his phone. He felt a bit ashamed to expect more from you, that he would be able to catch a glimpse of how he made you feel, but this was just the beginning. 
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
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anonymousdisco · 25 days
How’d I get Isikiad into Yandere Obey Me Chapter Seven-The Meeting
Why in the Devildom had Lord Diavolo called me to the castle so late at night? He knows I’m usually busy with paperwork at this time. I approached the castle gates via flying since Lord Diavolo had told me it was urgent. I stopped just before them and landed carefully where Barbatos was waiting for me. He had a scowl on his face as he looked at me.
“The Young Master has been waiting inside his throne room.” He escorted me inside showing me the way even though I knew the castle like the back of my hand by now.
“What’s wrong, Barbatos? Usually you don’t look so… disturbed. Has something happened?” Despite my worry I managed to keep a professional tone. Clearly this wasn’t a friendly meeting. One of my brothers must have displeased Lord Diavolo since clearly I couldn’t have done anything wrong.
“You’ll find out momentarily.” He knocked on the throne rooms grand doors and they opened. “Young Master, I have escorted Lucifer as requested.”
“Enter.” Diavolo’s voiced echoed throughout the throne room as he sat there flaring at me from his throne. Anger seethed clearly in his expression. “What are you waiting for, Lucifer. Kneel.”
What in the Devildom was happening?! He hadn’t asked me to kneel since Infirst pleaded loyalty to him. Just what did my brother do?! Despite my pride disliking it I kneeled carefully gazing at him. “You requested my presence My Lord?”
“You dare look me in my eyes after I found out what you’ve done, Lucifer. There’s a difference between pride, and a death wish.” His golden eyes glowered at me as a knelt there shocked at his words and tone. I had done something wrong?
I dropped my gaze immediately as worry and panick filled me. I struggled to remain composed as I replied. “My apologies My Lord. That was careless of me.”
“Careless? Was it as careless as your duties as an older brother? Do you even know what goes on in your own home? The home I gifted to you in a time of need. Yet you sully it with you and your brothers actions!” His grip tightened on the thrones armrests as he bit out his words. I had never seen him so openly enraged before.
“May I ask what we have done? It will be rectified immediately, My Lord. I apologize for our transgressions.” I lowered my head further to show remorse to him. I could feel it in my bones that one misstep and the brother I secretly held dear would be harmed. After all they had been through I couldn’t lead them to misery yet again.
Lord Diavolo became still. I could feel the heat of his gaze burn harder. “Your asking me… what. You’ve. Done. As if you don’t know…?” His voice came out quiet and deadly like a predator stalking its prey. I felt a shiver go down my spine. Never in my years of friendship with him had he made me so scared.
The room darkened as the castle responded to his mood. Clearly even the castle was angered by my words. I had never regretted the sentience of the castle more than I did now. I answered hesitantly. “Yes, My Lord.”
A laugh rang out. One that sounded cold and sarcastic. “Look me in my eyes and tell me something Lucifer. Tell me honestly that you care properly for all of your younger siblings. And that none have been neglected by you.”
I felt confused and scared but I looked up anyways from where I knelt and spoke slowly. “I care properly for all my younger siblings, and none of them have been neglected by me.”
“Your telling the truth. You actually believe what you're saying. I can’t imagine how you can truelly believe such a thing given all I’ve come to realize.” He snapped his fingers and papers landed before me accompanied by pictures. “Read it. Now.”
I picked up the first paper. It was a personally written schedule for somebody.
To do Today:
4:00 am- wake up and make sure the kitchen has enough ingredients fpr breakfast
4:20 am- get ready for the day and eat before anyone else in the house wakes up
5:00 am-stay in room and study till it’s time to leave so none of your brothers are made upset by your appearance 
5:30 am- leave for the school
6:00 am- sort documents for the student council and put any ideas into the anonymous box so that they actually get heard later
6:45 am- straighten library in the school so brother Satan can enjoy it without anger later
7:20 am- study till class is going to start
8:30 am- attend first half of school diligently Lucifer has enough to deal with without you having a teacher call him about misbehaving 
11:45 am- lunch and study don’t go home for lunch eat under the bleachers what you packed instead since Beel loses his appetite around you and it isn’t fair to make everyone uncomfortable 
12:15 pm- back to class
4:30 pm- wait an hour amd study before going home so none of your brothers are inconvenienced by your presence on the walk home
5:45 pm- sneak into the kitchen and grab some dinner before the person cooking for the night can notice and get angry that your there
6:10 pm- get ready for the night and ignore the sounds of everyone having dinner there’s no use crying or being sad about it
6:45 pm- study till bed no staying awake to study after dawn again you might end up passing out in school like last time
Whoever this belonged to clearly was one of my sibling. But who held such a awfully packed schedule…? Wait… the only one that never eats with everyone else is… (Y/N). She’s… passed out in school!? And she stays up so late? This isn’t okay at all. As the youngest she should be relaxing and being a kid. Wait, is she still a child? How old even is she?
I grabbed at every paper of information I could find. All this information of her daily struggles that I ignored. My pride fell as tears pricked my eyes. “What have… we all done to her?” Disbelief was in my tone as I whispered that. I felt Lord Diavolo’s hand on my shoulder as he look at me with comfort.
“I didn’t want to be so stern with you. But I had to make you realize this is not okay. She’ll be an adult soon. She can’t even take care of herself properly yet, and she’s already desperately searching for a way to work and move out to avoid inconveniencing you.” His hand gripped mine as he helped me up. “Help me help her. She’s too delicate of a flower to be left to take care of herself.”
“Your right as always, Lord Diavolo. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.” I swallowed my pride knowing that my family was more important than my pride was. “I would be grateful for your help.”
“Always old friend.” He nodded at Barbatos who opened a door leading into my office at the House of Lamination.” I exited the castle through it and stared at my desk covered in work. I knew I should be getting back to it but instead I exited my office and paused in the hall. Where should I even go to get there?
I wondered aimlessly throughout the house opening doors at random quietly till I found what I was looking for. Unlike the rest of the house this area was quiet and looked uninhabited. But inside the room it was cozy even though it was a bit too small for my liking. 
There were fairy lights strung up along the wall in a pale silver color. There was also a small desk and chair tucked off to the side that had school work on it. There was also a dresser next to it. And in the back corner was a bed. I walked quietly to it and there she was.
It stung to look at her and be reminded of our loss. But she lost a sister too. Not just us, but we made her pay for it by ignoring her. She used to be so young and small following us around like a little duck. I used to call her that until the fall. All of us did. Lilith was the one who started it. When was the last time I tucked her in, and read her a story?
I gently took the textbook out of her sleeping hands and set it on her desk. I also took off her glasses gently before brushing some hair out of her face. She shifted in her sleep for a moment as I held my breath hoping she wouldn’t wake up. She sleeps so little as it is already. Even less than Levi does.
When she settled I looked at her carefully. Taking in how her features had change over the years. I squinted slightly in the darkness and noticed something dark under her nose. I touched it carefully with my finger and realized it was blood. Worry filled me as I grabbed my handkerchief and dabbed it away carefully. She clearly had a nosebleed at some point and didn’t take care of it properly. I would have to scold her later when she wakes up to make sure she comes to me next time.
I stroked her hair and noticed that she looked as though she had been crying. Guilt filled my heart again for not doing this sooner.
She was clearly too delicate to handle things on her own. From now on I would do what I should have from the start. As I got up to leave her hand clinched to my sleeve in her sleep as her face grew worried. She mumble incoherently so I leaned closer to her her. “Don’t leave me again Big Brother. Please…” She mumbled out in her sleep. She was having a nightmare of being left alone by us.
My face fell as I removed my sleeve from her grip making her whimper in her sleep. I removed my jacket and shoes before carefully climbing in her bed without waking her and holding her soothingly like I used to hold all my siblings when they had a nightmare back in the Celestial Realm.
Soon as I was settled she snuggled close in her sleep till she was comfortable in my arms. I shifted into my demon form so my wings could keep her warm while she slept. I use them to cover her carefully since her blanket was too thin for my liking. I’d get her something better tomorrow morning. I should take her with me for some bonding. Maybe get her to trust me again but by bit as her caregiver and older brother. Would she call me her Big Bubba again like she used to when she was little? Pride filled my heart at the idea and I puffed up my feathers due to it. Of course she would as soon as she trusts me again. No one can be a better big brother than me since I’m the best there is.
I fell asleep just like that holding my little sister tightly in comfort.
Diavolo’s Pov:
“I’m still pissed but atleast he came to his senses. What does the future look like Barbatos?” I asked as I swirled my demonous in my office now.
He responded carefully in his reply. “It appears there errands together tomorrow will arise some issues that he’ll handle accordingly. Of course he’ll be in need a pardon for his actions. As will some of his brothers. But I do believe it will work out perfectly and that this is needed. Two birds, one stone.”
“Good. Keep an eye on tomorrow and make sure everything is perfect. She’s too sweet to deal with such things on her own. Although she is quite smart. Just look at her student council suggestion.” I gestured at the envelope from this morning on the desk.
Barbatos read it carefully eyebrows rising in shock. “Young Master, were you not entertaining such an idea already? After all it’s almost finished and just needs announcing.”
“Yes, but great minds think alike. She even had a written request to the celestial realm ready that was even better than the one we wrote. I sent that one instead with my signature added after hers.” I laughed quietly. “For once she’ll get credit for her work.”
Barbatos smiled at that calmly. “That is most excellent Young Master. Shall I ready your chambers for the night?”
“Yes it’s time I retire for the night. The rest of my work can wait until morning. Remind me tomorrow to draft a invitation letter the the Lords meeting as well as a tittle bestowing certificate.”
Barbatos bowed and left a I finished my demonous. What a busy day it had been.
~Affection: 35% he loves all his younger siblings and is very protective so it’s no surprise if his affection for you rises rapidly. Who knows if mammon will stay his favorite for long…?
“Lilith Ms have been a dear younger sister to us but we had no right to take out her loss on our other younger sister. To do such a thing to a child is horrible. What would Lilith think of such behavior?
~Relation- Protective Older Brother Senses Activated
~Danger Level- Yellow (HeY DoN’t YOu tHinK yOu ShOuLD SLoW DoWn aNd Be MoRE cArFUll…?)
~Affection: 33% you so much as breathe and he thinks it’s adorable probably gonna end up with cuteness aggression not gonna lie
“How in the Devildom did she manage to come up with such a well thought out proposal on her own good enough to send to the celestial realm? Tomorrow will be interesting to watch. I can’t wait to step in. Maybe she’ll develop a silly little crush on me. That’d be so cute!”
~Relation: In denial about his feelings being more than kinship basically the boyfriend you both don’t know you have yet
~Danger Level: Yellow (YoU REalLy ShOUldnT MesS ARoUnD wItH tHis OnE. I’d aDvIsE yOU to EscApe thE OmNiPreSenT BeInG’s lItTle WaGEr wHilE YoU STill CAn.)
~Affection: 30% almost a parental feeling is starting to develop now are you getting adopted before Luke does lol Barbatos can’t escape adopting other peoples children left and right
“What I saw for tomorrow shall be useful. And it seems the young master is developing a little crush. I should nurture that feeling in him. After all she seems smart enough to become queen, and then I can serve her forever.”
Relation: Considering Adoption, you should probably run
~Danger Level: Yellow (YoU ShOUld havE liStEneD tO ME SoOnEr. It’S pRoBAblE tOo LAte NOw tHat He’S iNtErEStEd. JUSt RemEmBEr I trIEd to HElP YoU.)
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thespidersabdomen · 3 months
Shared Sleeping Bag (Machi x Reader)
Another excerpt smut piece from my full story
Prompt: Sis and Machi share a sleeping bag, and when Sis wakes up late night and finds their legs entangled with each others, ends up waking Machi with her actions. Pairing: Machi Komacine x Fem!Reader Word Count: 1.3k TW: fem!reader, lesbian sex, hip grinding, finger sucking, nipple stimulation, semi-public setting, smut below the cut
“Shh…” She removed her finger from your mouth and repositioned it behind your ear, to cradle your head, closing the already small gap between you two in a heated kiss that was a few seconds long. When she pulled away, you took a breath you didn’t know you needed, 
“I just- Why did you- Why would you-? H-Huh?” Your head was swimming with questions, though your thoughts were interrupted by her fingers moving to unbutton the dress shirt Feitan had previously lended you. 
“W-Wait, what are you doing? We’re in the hallway!” You try to put your hands on hers to gently halt her movements, though she doesn't. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine…” 
She unbuttons the final one and gently slips the top off your shoulders, the cold of the hallway causing your nipples to perk up. She wordlessly cups your tits and gently fondles them, before leaning her head down and taking one nipple into her mouth and sucking, swirling her tongue around it and pinching the other, rolling and twisting it between her middle and forefinger. You can feel the cold air on the wet spot beginning to form on your panties. That, along with Machi’s actions, cause you to let out a light moan and she flicks her gaze up at you. You bit your lip, closing your eyes, and letting your head rest on the wall, and she looked back down and continued. Suddenly, you both heard steps coming up the stairs. You panicked, though Machi stayed level headed and calm,
“Lift your arms,” You quickly followed her instructions, and she shoved your nightgown onto you, to ensure your top half was covered. Soon, the owners of the footsteps turn the corner, laughing together. It’s Nobunaga and Uvogin, after a few steps, they notice you and Machi… You’re propped up by the wall behind you, slightly panting, your face flushed a deep red, and hair slightly tangled from friction of it against the wall, your legs are slightly spread, with Machi between them, she was in a pajama dress that looked just like yours, but in purple, her lips look slightly swollen, and are glossy from her own saliva. To sum up their thoughts, it looked like yall were making out at the very least . Uvo blinks a few times, then turns around to head back down the stairs, while Nobunaga stays standing there for a bit longer, holding eye contact with Machi, and from your perspective, had an unreadable expression. You watched the two, stare each other down with bug eyes of your own, blinking slowly and infrequently. Nobunaga ended up losing the little staring competition, saying nothing but a “tch,” before turning around and walking away, leaving a smirk on Machi’s face and she looks back at you, 
“So…” You fidget with your fingers, your hands joined between you two. “Should we head back into the room with the girls?” You ask, trying to keep the near silence from being awkward, 
“Sure… You're sleeping with me tonight.” She said it to ask, though it came out more like a statement, 
“Sounds good to me, I don't have a sleeping bag, so that works.” Machi backed away from you to give herself room to stand up, then she did. Once she took a few steps towards the door, you stood up too, following her in. The rest of the night was filled with the smell of toluene, the watching of movies, and the sound of snoring, until all four of y’all had fallen asleep for a while. That is, until you woke up randomly at around 4 am, stirring a bit, causing the sleeping Machi next to you to stir a bit. You noticed this and freezed immediately, not wanting to wake her, but the position you were in was sort of compromising… The longer you stayed like that, the harder the feeling was to ignore. You were both lying in her sleeping bag, that had just enough space for you to fit, but not a lot for movement. During your sleep, your legs had gotten entangled with hers, her knee was stationed between your thighs, pressing up against your now throbbing clit. It must’ve been there a while now, or at least long enough to have your body reacting when it usually wouldn’t. You decided you’ll just close your eyes and go back to sleep, waking her up wouldn’t be worth it, however that plan was short lived. 
You figured you could just rock your hips slightly, if she woke up, you could just say you toss and turn in your sleep, because who doesn't? You buck your hips up slightly and let out a satisfied sigh from the much needed friction. You pull back and feel Machi stirring beneath you, and you clasp your hand over your mouth to mute a moan. You check to see if she’s awake and once you concluded that she wasn’t, you continue with your slow movements, though after a minute or so, they soon weren’t enough. You closed your eyes and grabbed the hem of your nightgown, and let out a shaky breath that soon turned into a surprised moan, from Machi lifting and grinding her knee up into you. You look up to see Machi’s eyes, half-lidded, and a tired smirk lacing her lips. 
“Shh… You don’t wanna wake up the others do you?” She moved her hand to cup over yours, and briskly drug her knee downward so you're stationed higher on her thigh, and she grabbed the side of your hip that’s facing upwards and began moving you quickly back and forth against her. Your back arched up into her, and your mouth opened a bit wider. She took it as an opportunity to slip her middle and index fingers into your mouth, 
“Suck.” A single command that came from her, but you obeyed immediately. It seemed to quiet you better than just her hand over your mouth, but you couldn’t help the little noises you were making, which she found cute. Her pace sped up and you felt the familiar feeling of bliss in your stomach bubbling up inside you. A few more drags of your hips and you were squeezing your eyes shut, and biting down onto her fingers to muffle your moans, though at the cost of breaking her skin, and making a few drops worth of her blood seep into your mouth. She was just about as satisfied as you were, she knew this technically didn’t count for the bet, (knowing Nobu, he’d pull every ‘technicality’ possible out of his ass to say it didn’t count) but she still was proud, that she’d drew you to orgasm from her own doing. 
She reached her hand up to some of the hair that was sticking to your forehead, and swiped it away from your face, to join with the rest of your hair. 
“Turn around” Another simple order, which you again quickly followed, though you didn’t quite understand it. ‘Does she not wanna see my face? Was it because I just bussed on her leg…? Hopefully not; Wait no, she helped, she pretty much caused it, did i do something wrong? Oh no, what if this ruined our relationshi-’ Your thoughts were cut short by the feeling of two warm arms snaking around your waist from behind, and her scooting closer behind you, introducing you to her body heat. It’s comforting, despite the close proximity. It’s not a smothering heat, but instead an inviting one that you could bask in for days and stay drowsy. You swear it drains your energy in the best possible way. Machi traced small circles on your tummy with her fingers, and that with the addition of post-orgasm exhaustion had you out in mere seconds, with her falling into sleep directly after you.
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mymelodymia · 1 year
"Powers?" Dad!tony stark x daughter!reader
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*this is set back in 2012, after the battle of NY, reader is 12 here*
Summary: you are exposed to an alien liquid, causing in you getting powers.
Warnings: infection, alien stuff,
you were looking for your dad when you wandered into the lab in search for him, you saw Bruce studying some blue alien liquid when you asked him where your father was.
"Hey bruce, you know where my dad is?"
"No, i haven't seen him at all today"
"Mm" with that, you gave up, figuring he was going to come into the lab at some point. You started to try to repair you dads suit.
"Ow!" You winced in pain having cut yourself on accident,
Bruce was adding something to the liquid when he asked you to back up slightly, not wanting to accidentally hurt you, he put 4 drops in the liquid and it immediately started foaming violently, bruce tried covering the liquid with the lid to the container, he successfully got the lid on, till it burst.
It covered the table you and bruce were working on, including your Injury, bruce was completely protected from any harm from the liquid, you on the other hand were not, you were wearing a big t-shirt and sweats.
It started burning immediately, and bruce noticed this and panicked, trying to get it off of you. Given the fact that it was practically deadly. But it had already entered your blood stream, you soon felt light headed and passed out, bruce catching you,
"Jarvis get tony!" Bruce yelled out heading to the medbay, "on it sir"
Tony was laying on the couch resting and watching TV when jarvis notified him
"mr stark dr banner has told me to tell you to head into the medbey immediately"
"Y/N has been exposed to a harmful substance and is currently unconscious" with that tony ran to the medbey as fast as he could. Upon seeing bruce hooking you up to wires broke his heart into a million pieces.
"What happened, is she okay?"
"I think, for now."
"What happened?" Tony asked a second time, growing impatient
"Y/N came into the lab and started repairing your suit and the substance exploded and it got in through a cut on her arm," bruce explained to tony with a serious tone.
Tony sat down next to you, feeling himself overwhelming, eyes downcast overthinking everything.
'She's gonna die'
'What am i gonna do'
'What if she doesn't wake up'
His racing thoughts were Interrupted by bruce, "calm down tony she's gonna be fine"
"Oh god, what am i gonna do" tony muttered to himself, scared was an understatement, terrified? You were his everything, his whole world, losing you would be like losing a part of himself. Now the only thing he could do was wait.
It had been 3 days before Your eyelids fluttered before opening them fully, you looked around yourself, turning your head to the left you saw your father walking in with a cup of coffee, he looked as if he had just woken up, upon making eye contact with you, he immediately set down his drink on a small table to his right, jogging over to you, he gripped both of your shoulders,
"Hey baby, you feeling ok?" Tony asked with uncertainty
"Yeah, what happened?" That's when tony explained the same thing bruce said to him, that you were exposed to the liquid bruce was studying through the cut on your arm,
then bruce walked in, also looking like he just woke up, "shes awake?"
"Wait what do you mean shes awake" you asked growing confused,
"I thought i just blacked out"
"You've been out for 3 days hun" he dropped this information so casually that it made you become more confused then before
"Wha- ah, Huh!?"
Bruce and tony both chuckled at your sudden confusion, tony took you in his arms and kissed your forehead gently, bruce came forward to come and draw blood from the arm that got hit, It looked like you had a small infection but that was the least of yalls concerns.
A/N: I will make a part 2 soon, I just didn't want a super long fic, you know? <333
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goldribboncottage · 10 months
Hazel Callahan Fanfiction Part 4
“Hazel. Hazel!” You whisper-shout to the folded up girl sleeping in your room. 
She moans and ignores you, readjusting to make herself more comfortable. 
“Haaaazeelll. Wake up! Why are you in my room?” 
“Sleeping” comes out more as ‘seepy’ and while adorable, you really need her to wake up. So you do what any rational person would and swiftly pull her blanket off. 
“Why! Why why! Give my blanket back. I am so nice I do not deserve this. Back.” She opens one eye and somehow folds herself even smaller into the chair. “I’m awake I’m awake gimme blanket.” 
You roll your eyes and give the blanket back to her. She finally opens her eyes to look at you. 
She looks like a bunny when she says  “G’Morning Y/N” and shows off her dimples and two front teeth. 
“Good morning Hazel” You can’t help but giggle “What on earth are you doing in my room?” You knelt down next to the chair and looked up at her. 
“Alcohol poisoning, asphyxiation, general unpleasantness. I couldn’t leave you. Did you take your medicine? I put it on the nightstand with some water for when you woke up.” She finally sits up and points it out. 
“Yeah, yeah I did. Thank you for taking care of me. That’s really sweet.” 
She waves it off “It’s nothing. I’d do it for any of my friends.” 
“Still. We’ve only just met. How can I thank you? Do you want breakfast? What do you want? I can make you anything. I just got chocolate chips! We can have pancakes. Or I can make a frittata. Whatever you want! I’m a really good breakfast maker.” You stand up and hold your hand out for her to grab. She’s hesitant but lets you pull her up. 
“Pancakes. Pancakes are good. What kind of chocolate chips? Is my mom still on that low sugar shit?” She stretches. It couldn’t have been comfortable sleeping in a chair.
“No, Hazel. These are /my/ chocolate chips. They’re just nestlé milk chocolate. I put them in like, everything.”
“My kind of woman” Your heart flutters at the compliment before she revises “Or person. I haven’t asked your pronouns. I’m she/they.”
“She/her. Thank you for asking. I’ll go get started on breakfast. The twins are at swim class. You go clean up. Coffee?” You say as you head towards the door. 
“I like sweet! Black coffee is evil on my tongue.” She enters your shared bathroom and you laugh. What a weirdo. 
Breakfast was nice, if somewhat quiet. You weren’t quite hungover, but definitely couldn’t handle alcohol as well in your mid-twenties as you could at twenty one. Hazel debriefed you on your karaoke adventures, the subsequent falling off the bar, and how she tucked you in after. 
“Oh geez. I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you? That’s. Not typical for me. I really only drink when I go out, it’s just been a while. Are you okay? Seriously, did I hurt you at all? Do you have a concussion?” You put your hand on her forehead like a mom checking for a fever. 
She takes your hand with both of hers and puts it in her lap. “Y/N. You’re my sisters’ nanny. Not mine, remember?” You can feel her playing with your fingers but are too scared to look. You just keep contact with her blue eyes. “I’m okay. It was silly. I haven’t gone out in a long time either. My college isn’t really like that. I had fun.” She looks down, and you do too. 
Okay, you were fully holding hands. No other way about it. You both look up and smile at each other. Something felt like a spark. Was it the intimacy of sleeping in the same room? The closeness of last night? Whatever it was, you couldn’t stop looking at each other. It felt like Something. 
You held her hands tighter and put your other one on top. She was all dimples and deep blue eyes. The morning sun was like a halo behind her. Your eyes couldn’t help but dart to her lips. They looked so plush, kissable. You felt yourself leaning in 
“Hazel! Where are you?” You hear Mrs. Webster shout from the foyer. 
Hazel looks panicked, dropping your hands and jumping up “Kitchen!” 
She rushes out of the room. So much for Something. 
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tanjiromenon · 2 years
hopelessly devoted.
(sora x reader)
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warnings: panic attacks, sora being the sweetest dork in all the world, NOT proofread!!
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“how lucky am i..?” sora murmured, a hand tracing down your cheek with utmost care and gentleness. he revelled in the glow the moonlight gave you as it touched your skin, almost as if it were flowing over you like a silk blanket, as odd as it sounded. the calmness of the moment was interrupted by your light snoring coming to a stop, and the sound of a tired hum escaping you.
stirring ever so slightly, the keyblade wielder felt your breathing quicken ever so slightly, until you opened your eyes - most gracefully, might he add. with a yawn and a small stretch, your eyes landed on sora, who was still peering down at you, with a soft smile on his face. “enjoy your nap, sleepy head?” he mused with a tilt of his head.
feeling the weight of your head leaving his lap, sora watched as you sat upright, yawning again before facing him. “yeah, it was peaceful.”
“well, i’m glad! i’ll be your pillow any day, if you need it!” sora grinned from ear to ear, holding his thumb up as you giggled softly, letting out the most beautiful of sounds.
god, he was totally and utterly smitten with you and everything you do.
“thanks, sora!”
looking over up to the sky, your eyes landed on the all too familiar sunset that graced the town , yet the small smile that decorated your face dropped upon realising that you had been in a state of slumber, and turned back to sora, bewildered. “how-“ groaning and dragging a hand over your face, you sighed. “..how long have i been asleep?”
fearing the worst, your mind raced as you thought about what punishment you’d get from xemnas now that you’ve slacked off from the job. what do you do now? how bad will the punishment be? is sora going to get hurt? oh god... why didn’t he wake you up? why did he let you slee-
your partner shrunk ever so slightly under your questioning glare, and a hand rose to his neck as he rubbed it; letting out a laugh to help ease the tension between you both. “i just- didn’t want to wake you; you looked so peaceful!”
no response.
“4 or 5 hours, give or take?” his awkward grin did little to calm your rising panic, however, and he rushed to grab your shoulders, rubbing down to your arms while tilting his head in front of yours, keeping eye contact with a concerned expression. “hey! hey, tell me what’s on your mind, love.”
the growing fear continued to rise as you tried to spit out what you wanted to say, though it only came out as a mixture of panicked sounds.
sora frowned, raising his hand up to your chin; and feeling you flinch under the touch of his thumb and his index finger. turning your head to face his again, his frown continued to grow as he saw the way your eyes were squeezed shut. “open your eyes, y/n, it’s okay. no one’s gonna hurt you.” and with that, you pried your eyes open to look at sora.
his smile brought you back to a sense of calmness. “there we go.” he chuckled as he caressed your face with his hand, wiping a tear that you didn’t know escaped your eyes.
“you’re safe when i’m here, y/n.”
admittedly, the comment from sora brought up a spike of shame from within you. you hated being treated like a damsel in distress. you really did. “thank you, sora.”
you heard another small chuckle escape him. “i’m here for you, you know? any day you need me, i’ll be here.”
“i keep forgetting i’m not a part of the organisation anymore, i just get worried sometimes, that’s all..” sora hummed in understanding, smiling at you softly before placing his forehead against yours; closing his eyes as he stroked your face on either side with his hands, as he hummed to you a tune reserved only for you; one that always brought you comfort.
feeling the movement of your face accommodate the shyest of smiles, sora pulled back to look at you.
oh, he would do anything for you if it meant he got to see you smile.
“you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid my eyes on, y/n..” his eyes searched yours, almost as if he was gazing into your soul.
wiping the snot from your nose and sniffing, you began to laugh. “snot and all?”
sora grinned as he placed a chaste kiss to your lips. a silent promise to himself to stay hopelessly devoted to you for the rest of his life.
“snot and all.”
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kanataka-san · 2 years
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5<- ur here
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Everything was quiet if it wasn't for three steady breaths mixed together.
The first one to wake up was Jacob, noticing the heat difference in the air and the light up room he wondered how long he was aleep, searching for any cloock, he tried not to move too much.
| 6:30 am | -------------------------------------------------------
So they were asleep for about 7 hours since the power was gone and it was the best sleep he got since all the trubles with Bella for the past year.
Gazing down at the girl and noticing her holding the material of the borrowed shirt of the vampire he wore in her small fist made Jacob smile, then his eyes moved to the boy studying his features, long dark lashes, dark eybrows, small freckles on his sightly rosy cheeks barely visible with the sparkling skin but when you look closely you'll see them there, the relaxed explession and the bluish color of his lips-
But it was so hot here?
Why were they blue?
Feeling movement and Renesme steering up awake the wolfshifter got worrried if she got sick as well and he missed the symptoms but as she turned to face him she was all smiley and didn't look "bad".
"Sleep well?"
Rubbing her eyes she answered the question."Yes, whats wrong with (Y/N)? Is he feeling bad?"
Both turned to the vampire, his expression got even worse than a minute before- for sure it wasn't good-.
Deciding to wake him up and check whats going on Jacob lightly shook him awake a bit panicked not knowing what to expect.
Slowly opening his eyes (Y/N)s orbs meet the chocolate brown ones. If it wasn't for the fevered state (H/C) haired boy was in Jacob would still be staring at the dreamy look on the boys face.
"You're burning up."
"Yea, I can feel it."
"How can I help? Can I help somehow, since you're-" shaking his head (Y/N) moved the covers up to his nose to nuzzle in them while Renesme let go of her part to help her new friend get the material quicker.
"It will pass soon, I just need to get warmer."
"Are you sure?-"
"It's not the first time. Go make her something to eat, the kitchen is yours just be carefoul."
Not wanting to argue with a sick person both of the "intruders" went to the other room to make food.
While they "trashed the kitchen" Jacob made sure to watch over both Renesme and (Y/N), little girl even volunteered to check the older ones temperature and play the doctor even tho the two of the adults knew it was pointless since vampires werent humans and they reacted differently especially the sick one right now.
Niether of them wanted to break the fun for her so they stayed silent letting her do whatever- it wasn't hurting anybody so why stop?
After the food was ready Renesme wanted to feed (Y/N) but thankfully Jacob talked her out of it. The warm meal seemed to help.
(Y/N)s skin got more "natural" color as well as his lips.
Standing across the small coffe table wolfshifter started collecting the dirty plates. "So, what made you get sick?"
"Yesterday evening, I went out for her without any coat on- cold and wind aren't really my favourite weather and thats the reason. As I told you- I'm weak, just the weather itself can make me go in state like today."
Seeing it first hand, Jacob understood why (Y/N) was so stubborn at keeping his word to not get involved with anything too "dangerous" for him, especially Volturis.
He himself was strong and wasn't alone, his pack had his back but not (Y/N).
The vampire was alone, he didn't have anybody.
He was alone in this part of the forest, nobody to talk to- so vulnerable.
It must be difficoult to trust someone after thats been broken by people you had known for years- just in couple of weeks.
So much things floated inside Jacobs head that he had trouble to choose what to say first.
A hand on his arm brought him back to reality, finally noticing his shallow breathing, trying to relax.
Wolfshifters ears caught a steady heartbeating sound.
Slow circles moving on the back of his wrist made him concentrate on the motion,
Brown orbs moved up the plane hand, forearm, shoulder, neck and finally focused on the vampires calm face- his eyes, warm understanding eyes.
"I think I lost you for a second there."
(Y/N) couldnt help but chuckle at the look Jacob gave him, but, it was a nice sound to hear.
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