#i was looking at you too 👁️👁️ it was nice to talk for a bit 🥰 she had rly pretty gold n pearl earrings n beautiful curls ♡⁠
kuromi-hoemie · 6 months
hehe a pretty girl came up to me and basically told me i was the baddest bitch in the cafe on my lunch earlier (❁´◡`❁) ♡⁠
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daistea · 5 months
Laios, Mithrun, and Kabru x Reader Headcanons
Word Count: 1,483
Falling In Love With You & Relationship Headcanons
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
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It takes a little while for Laios to realize the truth of his feelings, to be honest. He doesn’t have much experience with romance, and actually not much interest in it either, so he sees you as a really good beloved friend. 
He falls in love without realizing and spends quite a while having no clue that he’s in love. Everybody else knows how he feels and are impatiently waiting and watching for him to realize it too.
Laios thinks of you often. Between the pages of monster doodles and notes are very badly drawn doodles of you. (He’s made you a monster-sona, it's very cool, but he's too nervous to show you.)
Laios says the sweetest things without realizing they’re sweet. He’ll always tell you that you look nice. He’ll always make sure you’re well fed. He’ll always make sure you’re safe.
He spends a lot of time around you. A lot. He’s like your shadow, or a puppy at your heels.
He only realizes how he feels after a big event, such as you dying in the dungeon, getting hurt, etc… 
But even then, he’s not really sure what to do with himself. He starts to get more nervous and pulls away a little bit, but his actions with you also become more weighty and serious. His touches are more meaningful, he looks you in the eyes deeply often when he’s talking to you, he tends to put a hand on your back to lead you through the dungeon (though he gets flustered when he does that.) Laios basically starts trying to put more thought into how he acts around you, trying to be cooler or more charming, but this isn’t very sustainable because he’s not being himself anymore. This is probably fixed by someone in the party telling him to stop, or by yourself.
Laios is a clingy partner. He’s very touchy and unashamed about it. He doesn’t realize he’s touching you half the time, it’s just habit. He’s the type to absently draw circles on your thigh or hand. 
He isn’t particularly jealous, mainly because he doesn’t realize it when people are flirting with you unless they outright say it. Then he’s just worried about you, and how you feel. He can be protective though, he just doesn’t really know what to do if it’s a human threatening you. 
Buy this man a bouquet of flowers once and he’ll start thinking about marriage. He likes affection from you. 
Laios’s love languages? All of it. Every type. Gift giving and physical touch are big for him though.
You ask Laios for a baby and he just thinks for a minute… His cheeks are a little pink as he asks, “What kind?” Preferably human, you say. He tries to hide his disappointment but agrees nonetheless. 
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Kabru is immediately aware of what’s happening with himself. The very moment he hears you laugh and thinks to himself, “Wow, what a pretty sound…” He’s like haha hold up! No. 
Kabru is a charmer and knows how to handle people. I believe he’s been in very light, casual relationships before, but nothing serious. At first, he’d assume his feelings for you are light, like usual. Nothing to be concerned about. 
He starts getting the urge to dissect your thoughts and put each of them into little jars for him to inspect. He does not say this out loud and tries not to show it, but he stares a lot. 👁️👁️
His feelings for you quickly become a chess game that he’s determined to win. Unfortunately, you’re eating the pieces when he’s not looking. 
He worms his way into your life very subtly. One moment, he’s asking you how you feel about the weather, the next moment he’s urging you to spill your childhood trauma. It’s only when he takes a step back and asks himself, “Why do I care so much?” that he realizes how serious of a situation this is. 
Of course, Kabru cares about a lot of people. He likes to know things. But this is different. He wants to know every little detail about you simply for his good pleasure. Sure, he files it all away into neatly organized cabinets in his mind, but he has no intent to use that information for anything but your happiness. 
For example: Kabru will most definitely remember that offhand comment you made about preferring a certain table at that one restaurant you visited three years ago. He’ll make sure you get that table. He knows exactly what you’ll order too. 
When he’s wrong about you, though, it baffles but simultaneously charms him. 
You people-watch together. He can probably read lips, and he tells you what the people around you are saying. 
He needs to keep you away from the dungeon. Not because of anything you did, but because he might go a little mad if he doesn’t at least try to keep you away from that lifestyle. 
Kabru is chivalrous and kind. He kisses your knuckles a lot, like a gentleman. He puts his hand on the small of your back. He fixes your hair if it’s messed up. He isn’t much for pda, but it’s obvious you two are a couple with the way he often whispers to you, catches your eye, and smiles at you. 
He’s a blanket hog. He doesn’t mean to be, but he is. 
Jealousy isn’t a big thing with Kabru. Sure, he feels it, but he stays calm and will simply wrap an arm around your shoulder and start a conversation with the person flirting with you. He’ll end up actually making their acquaintance and have a relatively okay conversation. He's still jealous, but distracted enough for it to not consume him. 
Kabru's love languages are acts of service and physical touch.
You ask Kabru for a baby and he just laughs. He thinks you’re joking. After a moment, it sets in that you’re not joking and he gets flustered.
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Mithrun is vaguely aware of what’s happening when he’s falling in love, it just doesn’t seem like something he needs to acknowledge, think about, or act on. He’s wrong. 
To be honest, he doesn’t believe he’s capable of romantic love. He’s wrong.
It starts out very subtly. Mithrun starts to take more notice of the little things about you; the color of your hair in the sun, the color of your eyes, how your voice sticks in the back of his brain and refuses to leave. Mithrun knows what this means, but he doesn’t really care at the moment.
Then, it starts getting more intense. Without meaning to, he notices the shape of your lips, the feeling of your skin, the sound of your footsteps… 
This is when he starts getting a little curious. Is this a desire the demon missed within him? Is this a new desire forming? Huh.
Pre-ending Mithrun chooses to ignore it because what’s the point? This results in some irritation for him, longing looks(he doesn’t look longing on the outside, but it’s there on the inside. What everybody else sees is just... a slight look of determination on his face. He has no idea he's making that face either nor does he really care.) and unexplained protective tendencies that shock the canaries and, occasionally, himself.
Post-ending Mithrun chooses to dig deeper because this is a desire forming and he wants to hang onto every tiny molecule of desire he possesses with all of his strength. This results in soft touches at every opportunity he has, willingness to do whatever you ask, and his constant presence with no discernible explanation. 
Are you dating? Nobody quite knows, not even you. 
Mithrun was naturally jealous and possessive before The Incident. He doesn’t get like that again until you come along, and then it’s like his old self wakes up a little. Just a little. He doesn’t make scenes or get emotional over it, but he will calmly walk up to somebody that’s flirting with you, touch their shoulder, then teleport them away from you.
 If someone asks what you are to him, he simply says, “Mine,” or “Does it matter?” with a straight face.
He can be seen frequently wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his head on top of yours if you’re shorter, or on your shoulder if you’re taller. 
On occasion, he will be caught with a small smile as he holds you. It’s rare, but it happens. What’s he thinking at those moments? No one knows. 
The canaries are incredibly nosy— aside from Pattadol— about your relationship, and Mithrun has no qualms about answering their invasive questions. 
Mithrun’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch. You’re the only one he likes touching. He doesn’t say I Love You often but he will definitely lean on you a lot and protect you even if you don’t need it. 
You ask for a baby and he calmly says, "Give me a week... What color do you want?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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erose-this-name · 5 months
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Kabru is such a brilliantly written character, one of the best in Dungeon Meshi (which is a high bar as it is, most of the main cast are similarly genius). 
His thing is that he is very friendly and nice confident and maxed out his charisma stat, but is also kinda ambitious and manipulative. But not in an overtly malicious way. Which kinda scares me.
The most impressive thing about him, writing wise, is that it’s all show-don’t-tell. He very frequently uses his charm and empathy and understanding of how people think in really clever ways.
We’re often walked through his thought process of how he does these social deductions. We’re never told he’s scarily charismatic, besides other characters reacting to him being scarily charismatic.
Kabru is a natural-born leader and social engineer with superlative skills in both, which makes him the perfect foil for Laios, who’s too autistic and unambitious that he’s not even the de facto leader of his own party that he’s the official leader of. He’s so bad at leadership that his party just, sort of, doesn’t have a leader. They just kinda argue and do stuff.
What’s also neat, and perfectly inline with Meshi’s general theme of clever and logical subversions of fantasy tropes, is that Kabru’s character design in no way clues us in on this fundamental character trait of his.
He’s sort of a human fighter / knight archetype, which in the language of fantasy RPGs is a class most would associate with being a white bread jock, chivalrousness optional.
(Laios subverts the same trope in the same way. It’s really funny that the walking exposition dump of the group looks like the character creator default preset spec’d as the most generic class available.)
If Kabru was a bard or noble and Laios a wizard, their character traits would be far less interesting
Even better is that we would expect someone who looks like Laios to have Kabru’s personality, and vice versa. Their character designs are flipped; the confident super charismatic leader is a short wide-eyed twink, while the slightly naive and very autistic monster enthusiast is a tall conventionally attractive Aryan lookin’ mf.
(see what I mean by Kabru being such a good foil for Laios?? No wonder everyone ships them, they’re perfect for each other!)
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Yet, their designs also work for them. Kabru just has a face that’s easy to talk to, his piercing blue eyes and curly hair gives him a false sense of naïveté, while his iconic 👁️👁️ expression hints that there’s actually quite a bit going on inside his head. Meanwhile, Laios believably looks like someone who doesn’t know what hair conditioner is. His armor’s collar gorget thing is also pretty dorky.
You can’t trust people like that (I mean overly charismatic people with a manipulative streak, not blue-eyed twinks) because you can’t know what their real motives are. You can’t know they aren’t pretending, you can’t know they aren’t trying to or haven’t already manipulated you. How could you? When he has so much more social intelligence than you do, average socially awkward Tumblr user? He’s touched all the grass!
In episode 16 (spoilers, btw) Kabru finally meets Laios’s party, who he’s been trying to find and fight for the better part of the season, and he just decides that no confrontation is necessary. Like, immediately upon meeting the guy. Just from how Laios looked at him. He figures that since Laios didn’t seem to recognize him, they either have never met meaning he has the wrong guy, or Laios forgot meaning he didn’t think it’d be a big deal, meaning the treasure was a trap or something. Which is pretty in line with Kabru’s established ability to always roll nat 20s for every charisma and deductive reasoning check, so cool.
But he doesn’t even seem curious about which of those cases is true. (He might be interested to find out some of the treasure wasn’t dangerous, but accidentally got thrown off a bridge). Much to Rin’s dismay, he’d rather just not bring it up because that could upset the leader of the party he might be working with for the foreseeable future.
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Actions speak louder than words. So, all we really learn in this scene is that Kabru’s goals and M.O. can change on a dime, and that he values reputation and political capital more than money and vengeance. More than his own party’s desire for those things. Not only is he someone with a silver tongue, but he knows its value and is determined to use it at every opportunity.
Kabru and his party might not be very good at fighting or surviving in the dungeon, in fact their frequent TPKs are a running gag. But, he also doesn’t need to be when he can just manipulate Laios’ and Shuro’s much more proficient parties into helping him.
So far, Kabru seems like the most likely one to become king of the dungeon or whatever the mcguffin is. He is the only protagonist so far who has said that’s an actual goal of his. He’s said that he doesn’t think someone like Laios who isn’t a born leader should get it.
In fact, Kabru seems to have very strong opinions on what kinds of people should be allowed to adventure in the dungeon, evidenced by the fact that he murdered an entire party over it, justified or not. Kabru seems to think that Kabru is such a leader, and he’s probably right about that, but what kind of leader? 
What would Kabru do with that kind of power if he gets it? Because I’m not sure. All I know is that he is the kind of person with the ability to use real political power to its full potential. For good, or for very, very bad.
I’m not saying that Kabru is evil or that he’s secretly gonna be the surprise villain. I dunno, I haven’t read the manga. He could just be a nice guy that’s just, like, is like that. Everything he’s done could be justified by the explanations he’s given. He actually reminds me a lot of one of my IRL friends, and I’d trust him with my life.
But, I can’t help but feel a distinct sense of unease whenever he’s on-screen. I try not to trust confident natural-born leaders like him right out of the gate. I don’t like that our instinct as humans is to blindly follow them without thinking about it.
Tyrants and psychopaths also use confidence and charm and a friendly demeanor to make people think they’re a good guy, while manipulating everyone into thinking their self-serving actions are altruistic. Benevolent, confident, skilled leaders do exist. But there exists many more snakes wearing their skin. Wolves rarely bother with sheep’s clothing, they dress as shepherds and sheepdogs.
Anyway, my point is that I think it’s kinda neat that it’s possible to overthink this much about a character whose probably just a nice guy that is the mirror opposite of an autistic person. Writing that kind of ambiguity is hard, and employing it in this way is inspired.
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wolfiesmoon · 8 months
Hiiii! (I hope this is the place to make requests aaaaa haven’t done this in a W H I L E) but can I request pocky challenge headcanons for Floyd, Vil, and Idia? :)
Hope you’re having a great week and I love your writing :D
the way i freaked out over receiving this omg i'm so happy u like my writing😭😭😭
i love pocky challenge fics and you really fed me with the characters you chose since I have like 3467346826428 vil and idia drafts i can't get into rn. also we already know how my brain is rotting over floyd the eel boy at the moment
ALSO ALSO ALSO you aren't dating yet in these!! you're still just friends (but not for long😈)
(@kairiscorner i borrowed ur idea of picking out what flavour would fit them to add a little spice, I hope u don't mind!)
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☾⋆⁺₊ Floyd Leech + Pocky Colorful
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he gets really excited when you pull out the box of pockies 😆i mean, sharing food with you????? that's, like, the third best thing he can do with you!
and these pockies look rlly funny too, what does "colorful" even taste like? He's kinda in a mood to find out 😌
and gets even MORE excited when you mention the challenge!!!!
I mean, kissing AND sharing food with you?! he calls that a win for sure 😤😤😤😤
you're rlly surprised at how casual he is about it considering you just challenged him to try and kiss you essentially
but okay, i guess it is kinda Floydcore to just casually agree to a pocky game with no blushing or getting flustered (i suppose this means he likes you back??? what a mystery he is...)
you laugh to yourself at the silly grin on his face as u pull out a pocky and place one end into your mouth, leaning towards him to let him take the other end
he does so and you close your eyes, feeling kinda giddy all of a sudden
but you can still feel his downturned peepers staring a hole into you, curious to see every facial movement and reaction you may have👁️👁️
he must be really excited then!! (even if you feel extremely unsettled rn)
you slowly bite down on the stick, getting nervous. you can definitely hear him crunching on it too...
you can feel his breath, your noses bump for a moment and you think "THIS IS IT THIS IS IT THIS IS IT"
but then you hear a *snap* and the pocky falls out of your mouth... what just happened?
"I bit into it a bit too hard..." You open your eyes to see Floyd pouting like a toddler who was told he can't have candy
"It's okay, we can do it again!" you take out another pocky stick, placing the end in your mouth and looking at him expectantly
must be hard having such sharp teeth sometimes💔
"Now I don't feel like it anymore." Floyd huffed, getting up and walking away💀
That little... you still love him anyway tho🤷🏻
☾⋆⁺₊ Vil Schoenheit + Apple Yogurt Pocky
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initially, he'd refuse since pockies are sweets and he needs to watch his sugar if he wants to keep his model figure and his clear skin
but he supposes sugar is nice to enjoy every once in a while (especially if he gets to share it with you)
but THEN you ask him if he's ever heard of the pocky challenge before😈
"I have heard of it in passing but I don't know what is actually is, why?" he raises an eyebrow, recalling some comments from his fans talking about it after the Pocky commercial he was in
"Becauuuuse, I think you should do it with me." you blink at him innocently before going on to explain the rules and seeing his eyes widen 😌
"So, what you're saying is... If neither of us back out, we kiss?"
You actually expected him to turn you down immediately and chew you out for even making the suggestion since you're just friends but this certainly took a turn for the better
"Precisely." you smirked
"Just so you know, I'm not one to back out once I set my mind onto something." he smirked back at you, taking out a pocky stick from the box and placing it in front of your mouth for you to bite onto
the stick slowly begins to get smaller as your lips inch closer to his and you grip the couch you're currently sat on nervously
You take another bite and suddenly feel his lips on yours🤭
"Oh? This is an interesting flavour~"
wait... you recognise that voice😨
"ROOK?!" the two of you separated and yelled at the same time, then turned your heads to see Rook casually enjoying your Pocky beside you
"Did you both enjoy the flavour as well?" Rook smiled innocently at you, taking out another one from the box
Vil pinched the bridge of his nose, mumbling something under his breath while you just sat there in shock🧍🏻
☾⋆⁺₊ Idia Shroud + Sakura Pocky
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being the candy enjoyer that he is, he would never turn down free pocky (especially not his favourite... which speaking of, how did you know that one is his favourite?)
(ortho supplied you with that information)
however, his smile dropped when you started talking about the challenge all of a sudden
and he became all red instead🤭
"You got all that?" you asked, waving the pocky stick in front of his face with an innocent smile
"D-Do I- Do I...."
babe, he cannot form a sentence right now, much less process anything you just told him. you cannot POSSIBLY expect him to give you a clear answer right now🙄
"Oh, do you not wanna do it? That's fine." you get up, ready to leave (you're doing this on purpose, manipulation is key😈)
but no, seriously, you weren't going to make him do anything he was uncomfortable with, and you kinda expected a reaction like this anyways😭
"N-No, No, I want to..." he grabs onto your sleeve awkwardly, literally shaking from embarrasment
you're actually kinda worried, will he even survive till the whole kiss part?
No time like the present to find out, you suppose
you place the pocky in your mouth, waiting for him to bite into the other end. he does and immediately screws his eyes shut, WAAAY too embarrased to look at you
the distance between the two of you slowly closes but when there's just a bit of the pocky stick left he lets go and immediately runs away, hair slightly red at the ends😫
"Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god...." he whispers to himself over and over, thinking about how he almost kissed you just now
atleast he got to eat his favourite flavour...????
"Did it fail?" Ortho came out of his hiding spot and you nodded, pouting slighly☹️
"That's plan G crossed off the list. You wrote down '7 minutes in heaven' for plan H. Though I do not know what that is, I will assist you in any way I can."
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base0h · 1 year
If you were in the hospital
a/n - I’m in the hospital so this is absolutely perfect 💪 kinda self indulgent sorry
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, sick reader, modern au, I bully kidd even when I’m sick (don’t worry I’m not too sick to bully him)
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- this asshole wouldn’t fit through the damn doorway 💀 and he would be the person the other patients were complaining about
- “Um. Nurse? There’s this red haired guy who threatened to kill me earlier?” -random innocent person
- jokes aside, he would stay with you and get you whatever you need. Aggressively.
- “Hey Kidd, I need some water.”
- “Kidd! Ask nicely-!”
- poor you 😭
- he would try and sleep with you on the bed but his fat ass can’t fit 💀 bro is too big for that
- he would also invite killer if that’s ok with you, killer is a better caretaker than him obviously
- he would be helping the nurses politely and making sure you were comfortable
- Kidd would literally threaten the doctor to come and check on you or else he’d kill his family 😭😭😭😭 pls save this doctor
- when the room gets super quiet, he’d ask the literal most random ass questions so it doesn’t get awkward but it gets more awkward after he asks them
- “Does your ass itch? Mine does.”
- “WTF KIDD?!”
- 💀💀💀💀
- He snores really loud so you’re probably not going to sleep very well, but knowing he’s there with you is comforting at least
- bro wakes up the other patients in other rooms 💀
- if Kidd is there, killer’s there too- they’re inseparable and also Kidd would die if killer and you weren’t there trying to keep this dumbass alive
- killer would be telling Kidd to shut up every five seconds as he should
- all in all, a 0/10 hospital experience, but a 10/10 emotional support experience 👍
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- let’s just say this time, he’s not your doctor
- trust me, he’d be there before you even arrive in the ambulance 💀 he has everything you need
- changes of clothes, your favorite blankets, water bottles, stuffed animals, movies, literally everything
- he’d be the one who’s talking with the nurses and telling them what to do 😭 the poor doctor became his subordinate
- it got kind of annoying, but he asks a TON of questions almost every minute or so
- “Are you feeling nauseated?”
- “Dizzy?”
- “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
- “What’s your name, and where are you right now?”
- yeah he’s just worried, go along with it
- he’s the type of guy to literally never leave and just stare at you the entire time, it’s creepy
- “Law, you staring at me is not helping.”
- “I- wha-?! Fine. I’m just worried y/n.”
- “Okok! Sorry- you can stare at me- don’t sulk and turn emo in the corner!”
- “I’m not EMO!”
- “Yeah you kinda are.”
- Law is the definition of emo 💀 he can’t lie about it, and he can’t hide it, it’s just natural
- even if you don’t want to, he’s going to help you walk around the hospital room, just to keep the blood flow going
- he knows that even though you’re not supposed to move around a lot, walking a little bit is good
- law will not sleep at all- he will continue to stare at you as you sleep, it’s creepy 😭
- literally law: 👁️ _ 👁️
- it’s amazing how you were able to sleep with him staring through your soul, I commend you for that
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- my man is THE WORST when it comes to you getting sick
- he looks everything up on google and gets the worst results
- “S/o has a horrible stomachache.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- “S/o feels dizzy.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- oml poor ace 😭
- he rushed you to the ER, and almost crashed into 80 cars on the way 💀
- trust me, they moved out of the way
- the doctors hate him because he thinks you have some crazy disease when in reality you just have a really bad flu
- “I’m telling you! It’s appendicitis!”
- “Sir- it’s the flu- please calm down.”
- “I’M CALM.”
- no he’s not 😭
- very confused by the machines
- “Ace. It’s an IV. It’s so I don’t get dehydrated.”
- called sabo and started freaking out to him 💀
- “Ace I’m sure y/n is not dying. Calm down.”
- you sure abt that ace?
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- I can confirm that he is never calm when it comes to your health and safety
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- he wouldn’t know what to do, but he’d follow you and stay with you for the entire time, so don’t worry about that
- he’s like law, and would stare at you literally every second that you’re there
- “Zoro you don’t have to stare.”
- “I dunno- what if you start having a stroke?!”
- my guy doesn’t know that you’re not an old, senile elderly person 💀
- he would fall asleep on you while holding your hand, since he’s been so worried, it kind of exhausts him
- it’s adorable though
- he snores, but it’s cute that he fell asleep holding your hand just tight enough to let you know he’s there with you 💜
- if you ever needed help getting some water, a heat pack for your stomach, or literally anything? He’s got you covered
- but if he has to leave your room for it he might not come back. Ever.
- as you were watching tv about some crash a couple miles away, you saw a green haired guy in the background that looked oddly familiar
- he seemed to be buying a water from a vending machine
- when he turned around you almost broke the tv remote in half
- “ZORO?!”
- nah this idiot 💀 y/n I suggest you put some kind of leash on him
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a/n - zoro needs to eat the gps gps no mi 😭
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tarrynightss · 2 years
𝒫𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝓈𝑒𝓍 𝓌/ 𝒬𝓊𝒶𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐿𝓎𝓁𝑒
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Pairing: Miles Quaritch x fem!recom!reader x Lyle Wainfleet
Warnings: SMUT, phone sex (duh), dirty talk, fingering, voyeurism maybe since someone is listening to two people doing stuff
Summary: you hadn’t seen your lover in over a week now, and when you finally get to speak to him on the phone things quickly become heated. That wouldn’t be that odd, if it wasn’t for his friend being in the same room, especially when he starts lending a hand.
A/N: I dedicate this one to the amazing @nin3kyuu because she put the phone sex idea out there 👁️👁️
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Music booms from the gym’s stereos as the Recoms work hard to maintain their physique, fangs flashing as they lift weights. It’s not needed as much now that they are Avatars, but old habits die hard, and their fingers itch to stay in action. You, Lyle, Z-dog, and Mansk are currently still going at it, the last two challenging each other to bench more and more weight, yelling every time they manage to raise the ridiculously heavy bar into the air. 
You throw punches at Lyle, the loud sound of your gloves hitting leather resounding every time you hit the boxing pads covering his hands. 
“That’s it, come on!” he encourages with a grin. 
As a field medic you were a bit softer than them, but your new body allowed you to push limits you never thought possible. 
“Low!” you shout and Lyle follows, squatting as he holds the pads out sturdily. 
You kick against them with a huff and he nods in approval at the sheer force of the blow. Working out is a nice distraction from the fact that you haven’t seen your lover in a week, Quaritch having gone out on a mission with Lopez and Ja. It made you feel antsy, rarely having been gone from his side ever since the two of you woke up.  
When you glance at Lyle’s face, he winks, boldly staring up at your lean form. He has never hid his attraction to you, gaze wandering and tone flirty when he found the opportunity. You look like an absolute snack to him at the moment, your hair pulled back into a singular braid and your body clad in tight gym clothing, exposing your gleaning legs and midriff. 
A smirk crosses your face, flattered by his affections. “Pay attention corporal or you might find yourself with a bloody lip.”
His tongue swipes out over his bottom lip. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Your long braid swings as you continue your workout with a chuckle, Z-dog groaning somewhere in the background as she almost crushes herself with weights. 
After a few more minutes, Lyle’s ears suddenly twitch up and he gestures for you to stop, quickly pulling the pads off of his hands. You cock your head to the side as you watch him fish his phone out of his pants pocket, having managed to hear it ring over the loud music and shouting. 
“Yhellow,” he says as he accepts the call. 
You cock your head to the side as you listen, trying to catch who’s on the other end. As soon as the voice speaks both you and Lyle smile. 
“Oh colonel!” 
You practically tear the boxing gloves off of your hands as you move closer to Lyle, your golden eyes twinkling in excitement. Quaritch must be trying to explain something on the other end because Lyle squints as he struggles to make sense of it, Z-dog chatter laughing and screaming at Mansk as the bar finally falls down onto his chest, the Recom unable to lift it any longer. 
“Okay- okay hold on, can’t hear shit here,” Lyle mumbles.
Your ears fold back in disappointment as he walks towards the door. You want to talk to Quaritch too! The damn man hasn’t called you at all so far. 
With quick steps you follow Lyle out of the gym and back to his room, your colleague humming and nodding in acknowledgment to whatever is being said to him. He rolls his eyes when you slip in behind him before he can close the door but says nothing about it. 
You sit down on his bed, tail impatiently tapping down on it as you watch him. From what you hear Quaritch is reporting back to him how the mission has gone so far, counting on Lyle to make the report he sent in sound better to general Ardmore than it does on paper.
“Yup, yeah, got it,” Lyle assures him before glancing over at you. “Yeah she’s here actually, we were working out-“
As soon as Quaritch drops your name you jump up, almost snatching the phone out of Lyle’s hand. “I want to talk to him.” 
Lyle looks amused at your reaction and chuckles as he allows you to take the phone. “Alright then.”
You can’t hide your excitement as you greet Quaritch, the other end silent for a moment before you finally hear his voice. 
“Hey there, sweetheart.”
You grin as you turn away slightly from Lyle. “How come you haven’t called me yet, huh?”
Quaritch chuckles, his voice sounding even lower through the phone. “Not the best connection out here. You know I would’ve called you days ago otherwise.”
“Hhmm… alright,” you say, attempting to hide how pleased you truly are. It’s crazy how giddy just his voice makes you. 
“So you were working out?” he asks and you glance briefly towards Lyle as you reply a quick yeah. 
“Ain’t it a bit late to be doing that?” 
“Probably,” you answer, the evening having already passed and most sane people having chosen to seek out their beds. You bite your lip. “I just have to tire myself out some other way now you’re not here. Can’t sleep otherwise.”
It goes silent before you hear him exhale with a slight groan. “Is that so?”
You were well aware of the implication you had just dropped, but played it off innocently. “Yeah, I miss you.”
“I miss you too, sweetheart,” he says and you hear rustling on the other side as he readjusts his position. “Do you feel tired enough now?”
You shake your head unconsciously as if Miles can see you. “No, not at all.”
“Hhmm,” he hums before the tone of his voice shifts. “Need to get fucked first, don’t you?”
You gasp and turn your back completely on Lyle, taking some steps away from him. Some thinly veiled teasing was one thing, but this? It caught you off guard. 
Miles chuckles at the scandalized little sound you made. “Don’t act coy now, sweetheart, we both know you wanted to rile me up. Now I can’t stop thinking about stuffing that pretty pussy of yours until you pass out.” 
“Miles!” you hiss quietly. “He will hear, I-”.
“-he won’t,” Miles lies. “Just focus on me. Do you hear my zipper?”
You do, the sound followed by more rustling. “Y-yes.”
“That’s because I just took my cock out. It’s all nice and hard for you just from hearing you say you miss me,” he groans to punctuate his statement and your core clenches around nothing at the sound. “Can’t wait to feel your lips around it again.”
Fuck. You could practically hear the smug grin in his voice, so smooth and beckoning you in to go along with this. You don’t even dare to glance towards Lyle to check if he has caught on, standing in the corner of his room with the phone tightly pressed to your ear. 
“I want that too,” you reply shyly, your cheeks feeling heated at just those four words. 
More groans fall from Miles’s lips on the other end. “Come on, sweetheart, you can do better than that. Tell me, were you wearing that tiny top of yours to the gym, huh?”
You look down at your sports top. “Yeah, that purple one you like.” 
Apparently that was the right answer, your lover gasping slightly as he strokes himself to the thought. 
“Perfect,” he breathes out heavily. “Your tits look so good in that one. Want to cum all over them again.”
You can feel your arousal growing with every dirty word that leaves his mouth, rubbing your legs together just a bit.
“I wish I had you with me right now, feel so empty,” you whisper and bite at your lip to prevent yourself from making any other sounds.
You swear you can hear some wet noises in the background as Miles jerks off, his voice strained with lust. “I know, baby, you need someone to take care of that eager little cunt for you, don’t you? Dirty girl.”
A whimper slips past your lips despite your best efforts.
He chuckles breathlessly. “Well, tell me.”
You curl even more into yourself with the phone as you continue trying to hide what’s going on. “I- I do. It doesn’t feel the same when I do it myself, doesn’t feel as good.”
“Hhmm,” he groans in acknowledgment, a few more wet slaps being heard before he falls silent. He gathers his breath. “Get Lyle back on the phone.”
Your eyes snap open wide. “Huh?!”
“You heard me, get Lyle back on the phone sweetheart, now, and don’t you dare leave,” he orders, sending your mind racing. 
Was he going to give Lyle some excuse so you could borrow his phone and scatter off to your room? Was he going to just say bye and pretend nothing happened? Your cheeks feel like they’re on fire as you slowly turn around to face Lyle. His big eyes travel over your body with a clear hunger, the bulge in his sports pants practically unmissable. Oh, he heard everything alright. 
You don’t say a word as you hand him the phone, considering disobeying Quaritch and running off to go hide while you can. But you just can’t. You are loyal to him to the highest degree, and so you sit down on the bed as you try not to inwardly scream. You don’t even want to listen to whatever Miles is saying on the other end of the call, zoning out till Lyle speaks up. 
“Alright, you’re the boss.”
When you glance up at him, he approaches you with a smirk and hands you back the phone. For a moment you think that Miles truly has given him some excuse, but things were never that simple around here. 
As soon as you say hey, Miles shocks you with his words. 
“Take off your pants and underwear.”
You swallow as your eyes dart from an eager Lyle back down to your lap. “I’m sorry?”
“You are hearing that right, sweetheart. Take it off and get on the bed, I’m making sure you’re well taken care of,” Quaritch purrs. “Nothing crazy, you’re still mine, but I wouldn’t want you to overwork those pretty little fingers of yours trying to get yourself off.” 
Your heart almost jumps out of your throat and your heat rises at the prospect. You would be a liar if you said your mind had never gone there, with Lyle’s affections always having been so clear, but you had never thought Miles would allow something like that. 
“You mean, he’s going to-“ you start before your sentence trails off together with your courage, biting at your lip. 
“Finger you? Yes,” Quaritch helps you out with a chuckle. “I’ll be telling him what to do. All that is asked of you is to lay back against him and listen to my voice. Listen to me stroke my cock to the sound of your pussy getting fingered.”
How could you ever say no to this man? His words are like honey to you, irresistible and sweet. You look up at Lyle who now has one hand on his crotch, palming his erection through his pants to relieve some pressure. 
You swallow, sweet tingles running towards your core at the sight. “Alright.”
Miles releases a shaky breath on the other end. “Good girl. Now, put me on speaker and undress yourself.”
Your legs feel shaky with excitement as you stand up, Lyle watching you with a victorious smirk. You put Miles on speaker and lay the phone down on the bed, his soft pants instantly pouring through it. You keep your back to Lyle as you undress your bottoms, a sharp inhale being heard from the man when you slide your panties down. His hand strokes over your ass when you’ve stepped out of your clothing. Never in a million years had he thought he would actually get to see this. 
“Get on the bed, Lyle,” Miles groans, somehow sensing that he’s stalling. 
Lyle’s hand squeezes your ass before he obeys with a wink, still clothed as he sits down in his bunk. His legs are apart and he pulls you to sit between them, your back leaning against his chest. You squirm in need as you feel his hot breath fan against the back of your ear, whimpering softly. 
“Tell me what you’re doing,” Miles orders. 
Lyle reaches over to lay the phone between your parted legs, smirking as your gaze meets his. “We’re in position now, she’s on my lap.”
“Good,” Miles inhales deeply. “Get your hand under her shirt and play with her nipples.”
Lyle’s hand is quick to find your exposed waist, sliding his big hand up till it delves under the elastic of your sports top. Your nipples are already hard, pleasant little shivers running down your body at every press of his body against yours. His bulge rubs against your back as his fingers find your nipples, moans slipping from your lips when he teasingly rubs over them.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Miles encourages you, lightly grinding his teeth as he tries not to be too loud while stroking his cock. “Moan for me. Say my name.”
You fulfill his wish as Lyle pinches your nipples, crying out. “Miles!” 
Your lust filled mind has no time to waste on wondering if Lyle minded you calling out another man’s name while he touches you, but judging from the desperate grinding into your back you shouldn’t be too worried.
“Miles,” you mewl again as Lyle continues rolling and pinching your nipples between his fingers, pressing a kiss against the shell of your ear. “Feels so good. Need your cock so bad.”
Your lover groans on the other end of the call. God you really do wish he was here to fuck you. 
“Want me to stretch that cunt of yours out, huh? Pull you onto my fat cock till you can do nothing but scream?”
A stream of yeses leaves your mouth as Lyle’s fingers continue building your arousal up, feeling your own wetness starting to drip from your cunt. He groans and bites lightly into your ear as your moans work him up even more. Your tail wraps eagerly around one of his thighs. 
“Please, please touch me,” you say, the words both meant for Quaritch and Lyle, making eye contact with the latter. “I need to feel it inside me.”
Lyle thinks he might have a heart attack as you look at him so sweetly, your delicious lips parted as you pant. If the colonel wouldn’t make sure to kill him for good, he would’ve risked bending you over and taking you then and there. 
Slick sounds come from the phone as Miles grunts his approval. “Do as she asks, but don’t put your fingers in yet. I want to hear how wet that pussy is for me when you rub it.”
You watch as one of Lyle’s hands leaves your breasts, traveling down your body slowly till it’s cupping your mound. Fuck, if there’s one thing you love about these Avatar bodies it’s the sheer size of them, even at your own staggering height Lyle’s hand covers your whole cunt. 
Slowly, he rubs two fingers through your folds, parting them and groaning as the wetness between them slickens his fingers. With the phone laying between your legs Miles can hear every little wet noise produced from the movements. You know it always gets him going to hear the effect he has on you, and so you make sure to confirm it verbally as well. 
“I’m so wet for you, Miles,” you purr, grabbing onto one of Lyle’s arms for support as he starts rubbing you more eagerly. “Want you to stretch me out.”
You moan and buck your hips forward as his fingers ghost over your clit, eager to have more friction there. Miles’s breath stutters as you hear him fuck hard into his own fist, enjoying the show more than he ever thought possible. 
“That’s my girl,” he says and a smile pulls at your lips. “Give corporal Wainfleet a kiss and I’m sure he’ll reward you.”
You turn your head to the side, lust-filled eyes looking at Lyle expectantly before he leans in. His mouth is hot and eager on yours, his tongue instantly slipping past your lips. This might be his only chance at this, and so he intends to enjoy it to the fullest. 
His fingers find your clit and you moan into his mouth as he rubs tight circles over it. It feels so good, your legs squirming from the pleasure that every stroke brings forth. He enjoys kissing you for a moment longer before pulling back, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips and a purplish blush dusting your cheeks. It’s enough to almost make him cum in his pants. 
You lean your head against Lyle’s shoulders as he pleasures you, moans and tiny cries of Miles’s name leaving your mouth. 
“Feels so good,” you pant, the sweet familiar tension in your abdomen rising. “I’m getting close.”
“Put -fuckk- put your fingers inside her,” Miles orders, his voice shaky and muffled groans interrupted his sentence. 
Lyle more than happily obliges, making you groan in disappointment when his fingers abandon your clit to drift lower. Your mood doesn’t last long, back arching when the corporal slides two of his fingers into you. They’re not as thick as Miles’s, but they are longer, making you see stars when he curls them deep inside you.
“M-miles,” you whimper, your grip on Lyle’s arm tightening. You want to hear Miles’s voice, want to hear him say how well you are doing.
Your pussy squelches as Lyle thrusts his fingers into you, not holding back at all now that he got the greenlight. His strokes are fast but deliberate, seeking out whichever spot makes you writhe against him the hardest. 
“Tell me how many fingers you are taking, sweetheart,” Miles chokes out through the phone. 
“T-two,” you answer, almost having to glance down for confirmation but finding your position to be too comfortable. 
Lyle still nibbles and kisses at your twitching ear now and then, his fangs scraping past the sensitive flesh teasingly, his own breathing rapid.
Miles tsks at your answer. “Only two for a slut like you? Nah. Put another in her Corporal, she can take it.”
Your friend obeys and your eyes snap closed in pleasure as another finger slides into your hot cunt, your walls stretching deliciously around him. 
“Yeahhh, that’s it,” Miles lets out a drawn out groan. “Can hear you fucking taking it.”
You had completely forgotten about the hand still on your breast until Lyle pinches your nipple, the sensation making you clench around him. Your brain can barely form a thought anymore as he fingerfucks you, panting wildly as you feel that same tension from earlier rebuilding. 
After a few more strokes of his fingers your cries get even louder, peaking both of the men’s interest. 
“Tell me when you’re gonna cum,” Miles tells you, judging from the way he sounds not far behind you. 
You are quite the sight to Lyle as your body trembles under his touch, his own cock now so hard it’s almost painful. He rubs it against your back more eagerly, pushing you back against him with the hand on your chest. Something about the added lewdness of getting grinded on by a man while your boyfriend’s moans pour from the phone sets you over the edge, screaming it out to Miles as your walls spasm around Lyle’s fingers. 
“That’s it, good girl. Did so well, sweetheart.”
You barely register Miles’s voice as your orgasm washes over you, Lyle’s fingers continuing to stroke that sweet spot inside you throughout it. 
“Just a little more, -aahh- need to cum too. Want you to tell me what I should do to you when I’m back,” Miles’s speech sounds slurred as he approaches his orgasm. 
It’s hard to string any words together as Lyle continues fucking you on his fingers, your cunt still throbbing from your orgasm, but you manage to let your thoughts flow freely. “Want you to pin me against the wall -ah!- and fuck me from behind. Want you to take me till I’m sore and filled with your cum! -Fuck, ahh- Please, Miles!” 
That’s enough for him, groaning loudly into the phone as he spills his release into his own hand, imagining it's your tight heat instead. “F-fuck, sweetheart.”
The speed of Lyle’s fingers wind down until he’s still inside you, more sloppy kisses pressed against the back of your ear and the side of your face as you pant.
Miles has to gather himself for a moment, taking deep breaths before he speaks again. “A-alright, take them out.”
You whimper as Lyle’s fingers leave your cunt, almost a little disappointed that this is where it ends. When he moves them past you you see how much of your arousal is coating his fingers, but he doesn’t seem to mind, sticking them into his mouth without hesitation. He groans as he licks them clean. 
The only thing that manages to rip your eyes away from the sight is Miles’s voice as he calls your name. 
“Unless he is neutered, I’m guessing our friend there has found himself in a real pickle right about now,” Miles says, his cocky smile recognizable in his voice.
You lean forward slightly and look back at Lyle, eyes traveling over his body until you reach the bulge in his pants. The material is about as stretched as it could be, a small wet patch staining where the head of his cock is pressed up against it. “Quite.” 
Miles chuckles breathily through the phone. “Relieve him, but just with your hands. Don’t want your mouth to go anywhere near him except if it’s for a kiss.”
Lyle’s eyes go wide as you grab the phone, a wicked smile playing at your lips as you fully turn around to face him. You inch closer till your lips touch his, the way you kiss him in such a teasing, soft manner making him groan low in his throat. You hold the phone next to your face, giggling. 
“Yes, sir.”
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in1-nutshell · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’re accepting requests or not right now or not so if you’re busy or requests are closed you can ignore this sorry for the trouble.
But if you are accepting requests I have a fun lil idea with a bot buddy with a chihuahua alt mode, or is a Predacon that’s like a chihuahua, and this could be in the Transformers Prime universe or the Transformers Animated universe, or whichever of the Transformers universes you think will suit lil chihuahua buddy, all up to you! I hope you have a nice week and things are going well with you! 👁️〰️👁️👍✨
Ooooooh! Never seen a chihuahua bot yet, so let do this!
I randomly picked the continuity for this one along with its characters.
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy with an alt mode of a Chihuahua with Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Thrash
SFW, Platonic, Cybertroanian reader
Buddy knew their alt mode wasn’t the most common.
They meant to scan an electric scooter, but they accidentally scanned the small dog that walked in front of it.
Sure, it took some getting used but Buddy made it work. Buddy mainly hung out in the GHOST bases since they could exactly go out on patrol in more populated places.
Being the teams medic and having fiery outbursts from time to time is quite a combination to have.
Optimus Prime
Buddy was one of Prime’s longest team members.
They greatly supported him in building new relations with the humans once Megatron surrendered.
As acting medic for now (where is Ratchet) Buddy had their servos occupied with Prime and the rest of the Cybertronains living on Earth.
Buddy wielding Optimus new patch job.
“I swear Prime… You must be more careful! What were you thinking when you decided to go up against Soundwave and the mini’s, at once!”--Buddy
“All is fine—”--Optimus
“Oh no, you don’t get to give me that speech again! What do you think Ratchet would do if he heard about this?”--Buddy
“… The wrenches?”--Optimus
“The wrenches. Now hold still.”--Buddy
When Optimus brings Buddy out for patrol, Buddy is in his trailer waiting till it’s okay to come out.
Being a smaller bot, Buddy helps the Prime when things are a bit too small for him to grasp.
If Buddy’s temper gets a bit out of hand, the Prime will simply pick them up and tuck them in his arms.
“Prime! Let me go!”--Buddy
“Not now.”--Optimus
“Let me go!”--Buddy
“Would you prefer to have Megatron handle you?”--Optimus
“I feel like I should feel offended.”—Megatron
He just hopes now that Buddy doesn’t find out about Bumblebee or the Terrans yet. They have a reputation of coming off as overprotective, especially of younger bots.
Buddy going through Teletran -1’s data base trying to look for more of Ratchet’s doctor notes.
Finds file named Terrans.
“What’s a Terran?”--Buddy
Buddy looks and finds out about the Terrans, the Maltos home, and Bumblebee.
“What! When did he come out of hiding! When did we get sparklings!”--Buddy
Buddy ran out the base to go see the sparklings themselves.
Meanwhile with Optimus…
“Something just happened.”--Optimus
“What do you mean Prime.”--Megatron
“I feel as if I made a mistake. A terrible mistake…”--Optimus
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Older sibling and little sibling relationship.
Guess who the oldest.
Buddy was one of the last bots he saw before he went into hiding.
Due to strict communication lines, Buddy and Bee couldn’t talk the entire time.
When Buddy caught wind that Bumblebee was in the area, teaching these ‘Terrans’ and had the audacity to not say hello?
Buddy was already out the door.
“Have you seen Buddy? They are usually in the console room, but they aren’t there.”--Optimus
“Strange. Lets check the CCT footage.”--Megatron
Video showing Buddy in their alt mode running out of one of the bases entrances and out into the woods.
“…”—Megatron and Optimus
Transforming noises intensifies.
Bee was outside with Thrash and Mo that morning. He wanted to do a one-on-one training lesson with them seeing as they were having trouble keeping up with the others.
Meanwhile in the Maltos house.
“Today we are going to learn about how to dodge.”--Bumblebee
“Umm. I think the word your looking for is ‘dodge’.--Mo
“No ‘dog’!”--Thrash
Buddy jumping on Bumblebee’s helm making him yelp and fall down.
“Is that a chihuahua?”--Mo
“Robo chihuahua!”--Thrash
Buddy looks at Terrans and kids then smacks Bee in the horns.
Through the yelling and all Bumblebee managed to pry Buddy off his face plate to give them a proper hug.
Buddy, while they were still miffed about the whole situation, couldn’t deny their friend a hug.
It truly had been such a long time without communication and they both just missed each other.
“Aww! Bumblebee has a dog!”--Mo
“Excuse me?”--Buddy
“Thrash, Mo this is Buddy. No they are not my pet, they are a good friend of mine.”--Bumblebee
“A friend that you forgot to message when you’d be back.”--Buddy
“Listen I was busy!”--Bumblebee
“You didn’t tell me about the sparklings! Put me down I want to take a look!”--Buddy
“Don’t pull a Prime on me Bumblebee!”--Buddy
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Thrash was so excited to see Buddy.
Buddy is smaller than Twitch!
Buddy is going into nurse mode trying to check if Thrash and Mo are okay.
Some things are said that make Buddy consider contacting Ratchet for help.
“All right everything seems goo—By the heights of Vos!”--Buddy
“Where’s your energon levels? How are you even standing?!”--Buddy
“Buddy! There don’t run on energon!”--Bumblebee
“Yeah, we drink cave water.”--Thrash
“… cave water”--Buddy
“Its kind of a long story.”--Mo
“And I will hear about this in a bit. Now, Thrash make sure you stretch those joints a bit more often. Mo—”--Buddy
“You scanned Mo?”--Thrash
“You scanned me?”--Mo
“Yes, we’ve been partnering up with humans for a while now, thought it would be beneficial to study a bit about them. Anyways, Mo you might want to start eating more greens.”--Buddy
“Hahaha! Guess your going to have to eat Robbie’s greens to make up for it.”--Thrash
Bumblebee mouthing ‘No’ to Thrash.
“Yeah! He’s my brother! He is with our other sibling in the dug out right now.”--Mo
“More humans?”--Buddy
“Mom, Dad and Robbie are humans. Twitch, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, and Nightshade are Terrans like me!”--Thrash
“Umm, Buddy?”--Thrash
Buddy faints.
After nearly having a spark attack, Buddy decides to talk to them for a bit after Bumblebee suddenly had to step aside for a second to pick up his comms.
Talking to the two was a breath of fresh air for Buddy. Instead of focusing on logistical things and worrying about supplies, Buddy just got to answer simpler questions with the kids.
Buddy has already made a silent vow to protect these two and the other kids they have yet to meet.
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sulfies · 4 months
How mad do you think the ancestors would get if they started getting frisky with Desmond and he started bleeding one of the others!
Like if Altaïr just got Desmond's shirt off but now Desmond's eyes are gold and he has Ezio's fucking grin
How do you think they would react to this? Would they be jealous or interested? Anyway hope you're having a good day!
Ur mind is so huge🫣 thats such a good idea ughhh
While their main bae is Desmond They also are into eachother so they would fuck but they just like being w Desmond mainly, and getting to be with the others is like a nice bonus. So they do all date eachother but If Desmond wasnt into and ok w it they wouldnt care about becoming more that close friends idk if that makes sense. So non of them would ever get a bad reaction to a bleed of another but they prob would stop the first time just to make sure Desmond's ok with it as well outside of a bleed. (ı need to make a relationship chart lmao)
Altaïr would be into it 100% prob would have fun with it tricking Ezio!bleed into it being a dream just to get more reactions or teasing him a lot like "what would people say, Mentoré having a wet dream about the brotherhoods greatest"
Connor!bleed would get him going too because seeing Desmond be more shy ,be impressed when Altaïr throws him around bc he isnt actually built like Connor would be fun. Basically he would enjoy Connor!bleed acting less experianced, blushing like crazy, hiding his face since Altaïr gets to pull old tricks he knows Desmond likes and see different reactions as if its the first time
I think with Altaïr!Bleed would be the only one to make him jelous and feel weird just bc he knows how annoying/smug he can be lol and both would fight a bit on who does what or if they even do anything till probobly Bleed!Altaïr would go "try everything once" lol I can see Bleed!Altaïr even maybe not letting Altaïr touch as he talks like "sucks to be you I get to be in Desmonds Skin feel everything he feels"
Altaïr!bleed gets him going also and he likes bickering with a more smug Desmond who is meaner to him and ofc roughhousing. He would def talk about it to Altaïr to annoy him "do you also react that way when I do-"
Connor!Bleed again he is very into a silent, more threathening but shy Desmond that he has to put more work into. Probobly the eye contact 👁️👁️ Connor!bleed does gets to him a lot and effects him more than he lets on. He also enjoys imagining how Connor would look if he did the same lol. He would also Enjoy Connor!bleed forgetting Desmonds actual strenght and tryng to pull his hands to hide his face only for them to not move under Ezio
Ezio!Bleed he is 1000% into it and has the most fun lmaoo not even a question. they just both look at eachother in "oh this is going to be fun~" and the whole hideout has to wear earplugs
Connor probobly would be the most hesitant and vary of em all, the bleeds would have to make the first move or convince.
Altaïr!bleed scares him in a good way lol, kinda takes the pressure away from him and he enjoys how much more outspoken Des is "do that, dont do this" and he also does enjoy the teasing he gets a bit.
Ezio!bleed would make him blush like crazy and prob he would hide his face 90% of the time bc of the dirtytalk if Ezio let him (he doesnt ofc)
Connor!bleed... I think Connor would be weirded out and would take a few times of it happening for him and the bleed to even be like "lets try if we like it" maybe outside the bleed Desmond has to go "go have fun, If you cant trust yourself who else"
Once both got over their shyness Connor would prob learn a lot about himself lmaoo and maybe is like "maybe I should be more vocal during it hmm" or just enjoy a more silent quiet relaxed fun? But tbh probobly most of the time Connor would just turn it into a cuddling and small touches session.
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freeuselandonorris · 1 month
bringing this to your ask box in case others are gasping for this like i am: PLEASE WHEN did mondayverse oscar and lando first tell each other they loved each other? 'fall in love again and again' has SLAYED ME 😭🧡
ahhhh this is SUCH a cute q!! 🥹
okay SO the first time oscar says it and the first time lando says it are not the same lmao. the first time OSCAR says it is hinted at the end of fall in love again and again (eta i don't mean that i mean fulfill me up like a prophecy!! getting my own fic titles confused lmao christ), when he says he has something to tell lando. in my head it's quite awkward and stilted, and oscar doesn't really say it properly, like he says "i'm feeling more strongly for you than i ever have for anyone else before, i feel like i could be falling in love with you" or something similar, and the mean little goblin that lives in lando's brain is of course like "well he didn't actually SAY IT so you better not fuckin say it back in case you've wildly misunderstood cos then you'll look like an idiot".
and a few days later oscar is like. ah. shit. fucked that one up, didn't i. so he's sort of extra nice to lando for a bit and tries to be like I Will Show Him With My Acts of Service because of who he is as a person. but then eventually he's like ok! i need to just do it! and then he chooses some completely inappropriate moment like when they're...idk waiting for an interview to start or when lando's just made them late for a meeting because he insisted on spending half of lunch picking all the edamame beans out of his poké bowl or something. and it just sort of flops out of his mouth and sits there all sweaty and awkward and oscar's dying inside while lando looks at him like 👁️👄👁️ but THEN lando just blinks quite a lot and goes "oh. love you too" in a VERY gruff no-of-COURSE-i'm-not-choked-up-what-are-you-talking-about voice.
thanks i needed to think about something nice after writing HORRIFIC ANGST all day lmao 😭
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greypetrel · 3 months
Hiii 👁️👄👁️💜 Maybe: 🎄 spirits follow everywhere i go - or alternatively:🎄 oh, you fool, there are rules
Hello! Bet you forgot you sent me this, uh? 💜
WELL, it's here! After much consideration because I love the album that contains both these songs, I thought that the Yawning Grave just yelled Morrigan. A minor possible spoiler for the Arbor Wilds/What Pride Has Wrought but well. I'm not explaining whys and hows anyway.
Tis the prompt list
Oh you fool, there are rules.
[ Morrigan x Female Mahariel | 3.692 words | No trigger warnings - Hurt/comfort ]
I tried to warn you when you were a child I told you not to get lost in the wild I sent you omens and all kinds of signs I taught you melodies, poems, and rhymes Oh, you fool, there are rules, I am coming for you (You can run, but you can't escape) Darkness brings evil things, oh, the reckoning begins (You will open the yawning grave)
Morrigan didn’t stall long in Skyhold, after Corypheus was defeated.
She had done what she must. That was it. She never meant to stay much longer.
She was grateful for Aisling, for her concerned expression as she told her that she would have tried to help her if she only had let her. Tried to fix whatever was done to her at the Well. Morrigan knew guilt when she saw it. It resonated deeply in her heart, and she was at the same time grateful and repulsed. It only made her want to run.
Run from that castle, run from another series of mistakes, run from companionship and friendship she still doubted she deserved.
Old books and ruins were much safer companions. They never talked back.
She wanted to believe the Inquisitor, be sure that everything could be fixed, that if they put their mind to it, they could have found a solution. Freed her from the cage of a past that wasn’t her own alone anymore, once again. She really did.
She wasn’t fool enough to actually do it.
Aisling knew not the extent of the magic that had been bestowed upon her. The extent of the control it could exert, how much she felt it deep in her bones, like the loose strings of a puppet. She knew, painstakingly well, for all the voices of the Well whispered it into her ears, that as talented as Lavellan was, as undoubtedly bright and creative with magic, she wasn’t powerful enough to break that spell.
None of her people was. No one else was, anymore. Save for… but he had vanished after the battle.
She thanked Aisling, told her words of comfort she didn’t feel, and of trust that in spite of herself she couldn’t convince herself not to mean. She at least owed her a nice goodbye. Kieran hugged her tight, and the elf stalled, caressing his hair and recommending him to listen to his mother. She whispered something in his ear, which made the boy giggle. Morrigan smiled: it happened much more rarely these days.
And before the first light of days could tinge the sky in pinks and lilacs, she took her son’s hand and left the fortress.
“You don’t have to do that.”
Leliana had waited for her, just outside the first outpost, before the descent to the valley.
She knew she didn’t have to go. She knew it well that right now, Skyhold was probably one of the safest places in Thedas. A place run by a person who knew her, knew partially the extent of what she did, could help her should something awry happen, should the Well decide to take full control of her. A person that loved Kieran and, she knew, would have gone out of her way to keep him safe and bring his mother back.
But she missed her.
She missed her and that choice of old, the separation, seemed now the biggest in a long list of mistakes she made. She had gained the knowledge she craved, and for what?
“I miss her.” She just told Leliana, too tired, to battered up to bite back something.
Leliana nodded, smiled in a knowing way that brought back memories, made her look like the young person she once was, and stirred some irritation.
“It was plenty of time you did.”
“Don’t tell the idiot.”
“Oh, I’m saving this bit of information for a special occasion, worry not.”
“If you hear from her…”
“You’ll hear first.” Leliana smiled. “You always hear first from her. You know it, yes?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” She sneered, the pang to her heart finally enough in bringing some old bite back. “I wouldn’t dare implying I know more than the next Divine.”
“It’s been nice to meet you again, Morrigan.” She looked down, and smiled at Kieran. “To meet you both. Come say hi if you are in Val Royeaux.”
She travelled south for a couple of days, just to mislead any possible person who followed her.
And then, she headed straight to Amaranthine.
Nathaniel welcomed her warmly and ruffled Kieran’s hair, complimenting on how much he had grown.
Morrigan saw him frowning as the boy answered with a smile that was there for politeness, but didn’t offer any explanation to the fact. She couldn’t, not now. Not with him first.
“Is she here?”
“No.” He sighed. “Still Maker knows where. The last letter came from the Anderfels, but it was five months ago.” A pause, he looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Of course.
It was no surprise, after all: when she came to bid her goodbye in Orlais, Alyra had said she would have been gone for a while, and that communications would have been difficult. She had built a net of spies, but it wasn’t so widespread as to reach desolate places. In the Anderfels, Morrigan knew she had a handful of people in Weisshaupt, but nothing more. And, she couldn’t risk getting found or tracked.
Hoping she would have been there, waiting to magically fix her mess, had been childish and stupid. She wasn’t living in a fairy tale, she was no Vassilissa, as much as she had liked to pretend she was, as a child. As much as Alyra had made her feel like that. Such mishaps had already happened: the first time she reached her in Vigil’s Keep, Alyra had been in Denerim, impossibilitated to move before a week. They had managed three days together. Nothing more, and it wasn’t the only time they had missed each other. It was foolish to hope things could go differently.
“Very well. Can we stay the night, before leaving again?”
Kieran looked at her, snapping his head quickly with a face of disappointment. Morrigan knew perfectly well what he was about to say, and shook her head at him.
The room was found, and there were not many things left to do save opening the window, get a fire going, and bring their bags there, their cloaks to be washed. The same room she had occupied every time she had visited, finding it in the same level of readiness to be occupied.
She observed a dapple of sun shining over the white of the fresh linens. The air smelled like clean, as clean a that place -the whole castle actually- was. Kieran shook Nathaniel’s hand, very politely, and Morrigan wished him a nice afternoon and thanked him for his hospitality. He scoffed the formalities, but hesitated on the door before leaving. He turned towards her.
“She left orders, you know.” He told her, with a smile. “You both can stay for as long as you wish. Not a word of your presence will leave the walls, she described in no lack of details what will happen to snitches to all the recruits and the staff.”
“It sounds like mamae.” Kieran convened.
“The recruits still have nightmares.”
Morrigan joined the other two laughing at that, in spite of the glomp in her throat that rose knowing that Alyra had, in fact, thought of her. Of them both. She clutched one hand in the other and told Nathaniel that she would have thought about it, when Kieran asked her if they could stay.
“Just until mamae is back. Please, mother.”
The room was warm and comfortable, and no servant batted an eye when she asked for dinner to be brought in her room, leaving Kieran to go dine with the others in the great hall. She just walked him there, watched him taking place on a bench close to Nathaniel and in front of Velanna, answering politely to the question the others asked him. Smiling.
Some normality, at long last, or whatever normality she could ever hope to offer him.
The image only made the glomp in her throat grow.
And the glomp grew further when, back in her room, the servant returned with her favourite dish.
“Lady Warden-Commander left a list of what you and your son like to eat, my lady. Just in case.” The old woman smiled, sympathetically. “If you have other preferences, please let me know.”
Morrigan closed the door behind the maid, thanking her, and with all the dignity she had left, walked to the bed and sat down, elegant as a queen.
And then she let go, falling heavily back on the bed. It was fresh and plush: a room well taken care of, as if she was expected. Alyra left orders. Alyra said to the cook what to prepare her.
She wished she never went through that eluvian, all those years ago.
What god to pray for Mahariel to come back to her safe and sound and please, come back soon, she didn’t know anymore, but she was tired. Bone-deep tired.
Maybe she could rest. For some days, at least.
Kieran would benefit from a familiar place to cope with the lack of part of his soul. Faces he knew and who loved him to help him through the change.
Yes, she decided. They both would use some rest.
For some days, at least.
If that was yet another mistake, at least Kieran would have been happy about this one.
She ignored the voices telling her to go.
The days became weeks. And months.
Morrigan thought they were past hospitality, but looking better she realized both her and Kieran were a part of the Keep. Expected and wanted. Kieran had his spot in the Library, and everyone in the Keep, Wardens and not, automatically started to teach him whatever knowledge they possessed as if the child was a part of their environment too.
It wasn’t Skyhold, with the Inquisitor and Lord Pavus struggling to cut a free hour for lessons in busy schedules. No, here he was welcomed and expected during activities, at very regular timings Morrigan knew were something Alyra had started in the Keep. Everything happened at a precise time, as she would have wanted.
Her absence was a presence in itself, and it was soothing. It relaxed her, and the boy as well.
Kieran still cried because at night he felt the air too silent, and often crawled in her bed, to be soothed with a hug. He was growing old for that, Morrigan knew, and yet she had not in her to shun him away, nor to scold him because it was unbecoming for a young man his age to seek his mother when he had a nightmare.
No, she hugged him tight and caressed his hair until he felt asleep against her shoulder, like she did when he was but a baby. Everything felt more bearable, more worth it, when she held him like so, alive and breathing and free.
She missed him tenderly when he was a baby, those days. She soothed him and soothed herself as well.
She missed tenderly the exact look Alyra made when she first saw him: she had melted down, the usual air of harshness crumbling in something tender and marvelled. She never looked smitten, not with her and not with Alistair. She had looked so with Kieran. She had smiled, and poked the baby’s nose with such delicate tenderness that Morrigan had burst in tears.
“If you haven’t heard from her… But I’ve written her, too. Told her you’re here.” Nathaniel said, one day when she asked again whether he had news or not. “You know her safe spots, she’s gonna return as soon as she’ll read the letters.”
“Is she?”
He sighed, deeply, stopping to look at the Wardens training in the courtyard, at Velanna crouching in front of Kieran to correct his grip on the staff. Everything went on like normal, like one would expect. A clockwork fortress that stood its ground, brought to discipline by a missing Commander and kept so by her lieutenant. Nathaniel looked that much older, and it wasn’t just the Blight paling his skin, starting to paint his black hair in grey at the temples. Command didn’t really suit him: he could do it, he had been grown for it. It was clear as day, knowing him, that he didn’t like it.
“I hope she is.” He answered, tone lowering. “What are we going to do if she isn’t?”
Morrigan considered. She didn’t want to, but it’s been seven months since the last time anyone had any news from Mahariel. The whispers in her ears told her nothing useful: tales and whispers of Deep Roads, and creatures slain, something stirring, deep down. The possibility that it was too much, even for Alyra, was concrete. More than concrete.
But she knew perfectly well what she would have answered.
“We stop being stupid about it and go on.”
He laughed, bitterly, and couldn’t but agree with her.
They went on, but Morrigan still didn’t feel like leaving, even if everything told her she should not stay any longer, she was being stupid about it, waiting for a person that would have never come back.
She once thought that her plans wouldn’t have allowed her to stay more than a handful of months in one place, but as per now, she wasn’t sure what were her plans anymore.
So, she just listened to the voices from the Well, concentrated on them and tried to interpret them.
Maybe it was wishful thinking, but all she could devise was one word.
It seemed a fitting excuse to be stupid about it and listen.
Something was  on the bed, crawled into her arms.
She sighed and shifted, still more than a half asleep, she shifted her arms on the figure, rested her chin more comfortably on the head, thinking it was Kieran.
“Another nightmare?”
“He had one, but he’s asleep, right now.”
It was enough to make Morrigan jolt awake, every trace of sleep instantly gone. She snapped her fingers and a ball of fire started in the air, balanced on the palm of her hand to illuminate the rest of her bed.
Red hair, glinting orange and golden in the firelight, carefully braided in an intricate motive to stay out of her face. A practical style, a travelling one. Dark tattoos marking her brow, making her features less minute and delicate than they were. Beside her eyes, usually, but tonight those eyes were mellower than their usual.
“You’re-” There were at least ten thoughts in her head, but the whispers were loud and insisting, hissing about alarms and danger and wrongness, and she grew distracted. “Am I still dreaming?”
It was all that she managed to spit.
Alyra Mahariel, the Warden-Commander, the Hero of Ferelden, survivor of yet another mission everyone with some brain would have deemed impossible, frowned at her. She rose on one elbow, the shoulder of her nightsuit daintly slipping off a shoulder. Muscly, but less than Morrigan remembered. She looked thinner, more ghastly, the bags under her eyes were darker and her cheeks looked hollow, and the Witch knew it wasn’t just the light. If all, the light masked how more grey-ish her skin had gotten.
“it depends.” Alyra extended a hand, hesitating just a moment, just to see a nod from the other, before cupping Morrigan’s cheek. “Is it a good dream?”
A thumb caressed Morrigan’s cheekbone with tenderness, the pressure barely perceptible. The elf slid forward, very slowly and carefully as if she was afraid of startling a wild animal. Her face grew closer, her lips parted, but still she stopped at but a breath space from a kiss. She brushed her lips with her own, and waited for the other to consent. As she had done from the start, inviting but never pressing.
It made the glomp in Morrigan’s throat only bigger, as she realized that it was really Alyra, not an impostor. Her breath on her lips, the gentle pressure of her hand on her cheek were not a dream. The whispers were more pressing, insisting on the verge of deafening: they spoke of decay and death and wrongness, and danger. Morrigan had seen her slice so many throats, kill enough people in cold blood to say the Well was wrong.
But that wasn’t the whole of it.
The Well knew many things, but the Well didn’t know everything. Not the care in which she cupped her face, not the love in which she still waited for Morrigan to take the first step, without forcing her or making her feel trapped or pressured. That little choice she gave her, knowing how important it was for her.
She waited in Amaranthine for 7 months, and for 7 months she endured and kept strong, hid under the carpet all the negative.
Only then, 7 months after Corypheus had been slain, 9 since she drank from the Well and lost her freedom yet again, in front of that little tenderness, Morrigan allowed herself to cry.
She folded forward, and the fact that she was met with a solid shoulder and arms that held her, made her cry more. She circled the other woman’s bust and held her with all she had in her. She didn’t remember the last time she cried like that, so loud and intensely. She held Alyra like she would have disappeared again if she let go, and squeezed her past the point of comfort. She had missed her, missed her so much that the voices in her head felt more distant, more quiet.
“What happened?”
She asked her, tenderly combing her hair with her fingers -stiffer than her usual, Morrigan didn’t want to know whether she was just tired or her mission had failed and the Blight was starting to get hold of her. She couldn’t face it, now. As the elf patiently waited for an answer. Morrigan felt the deep, satisfied sigh, her frame melting against hers, as if she too hadn’t relaxed in ages and was waiting for it.
“I-” She started, but the words died in her throat. She didn’t want to know, but she had to. She needed at least one thing to go right, in the grand scheme of things. “… Did you succeed?”
She didn’t need to specify in which exactly. And she hated the whiny tone the question came out from her mouth with. It was pitiful and pathetic, and she wasn’t a person who begged. She could care later, tho.
“Avernus has it. A last round of control.” Alyra answered, her arms holding her tighter. “… I have the Cure.”
Morrigan started crying again, fat tears surging instantly to her eyes, as some weight she didn’t realise she was carrying lifted from her shoulder. Alyra disentangled from the hug, still as quick and agile as ten years ago in her prime, and moved to cup her cheeks and delicately pull her head so she was looking in her eyes. Her eyes were shiny too, and she looked tired. Bone-deep tired. But less stoney than she had seen her ever since she first met their son. She pushed forward and gently nuzzled her nose with her own, stopping as usual but a breath away from her lips. Morrigan, this time, didn’t hesitate: she filled the distance and kissed her, her taste all so familiar and soothing. Finally, after three years.
“What happened to you?” She broke the kiss, but didn’t stray far, delicately kissing tears away from her cheeks. “You’ve missed me before, but you haven’t ever cried like so. Not even when I told you I couldn’t follow you through your mirror.”
Morrigan sighed, pressing forward until her face drowned in the crook of the other’s neck. Alyra shifted, urging her to lie down after a while that they hadn’t moved. Her back ached, she said: she had ridden fast and hard all day, and they weren’t all that young anymore.
She settled them under the covers, tugging the hem on Morrigan’s shoulder with just one hand. The other arm held her close all throughout, as if she knew she needed to be this close, hear her steady heartbeat under her ear, when she moved.
Satisfied, she settled more comfortably around the witch, holding Morrigan as she kept combing her hair with her fingers, absent-mindedly. Tracing circles on her skin. Pressing a kiss where she could, every now and then. On her cheek, jaw, neck and shoulder. She even started to humm a song: a familiar tune she had sung to Kieran every time she was there to tuck him to sleep.
Three years since they last saw each other.
Morrigan could have written more, or could have travelled to meet her. She could have travelled with her, even. She could have stayed in Amaranthine, 10 years ago when they met for the first time after the Blight. Alyra couldn’t move, but Morrigan could have stayed. She wondered what could have been, if she had. Kieran growing up happy with people he could have called family.
She could have done so many things more for the woman in her arms, the woman she loved.
And yet, as cruel and ruthless and unforgiving as her fame said, Alyra Mahariel never put an ounce of blame on her. She was crying, so Alyra held her and soothed her until tears stopped.
She wondered if she would have done the same knowing what she did at the Well of Sorrow. Knowing that she took the Well away from two Dalish. The Well and the voices whispered she was theirs, that the illusion that she belonged with her was just that. She belonged to them, now. It was foolish to hope anything else. Such was the price she paid.
Bile rose in her throat, the thought of losing her love unbearable and anguishing.
But once again, she had to know.
Hunger for knowledge was what would have brought her demise, ultimately. And it was better now than later, she thought. Even if it was the most terrifying thing she had ever done.
Her hands fisted in the cotton of her shirt, a silent plea not to go, to stay where she was. Four words that weighted like the whole castle slowly creeped out of her lips.
“I made a mistake.”
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starshapedpetals · 9 months
posting anxiety be damned, i’m talking about the new line.
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I AM FROTHING FROM THE MOUTH !!!!!! i love the colors & the theme overall so much thank you rejet for the feast 🙏 everyone looks amazing, but i’m gonna focus on my favs because i’m violent & need to scream about them real quick
everytime azusa mukami dresses like this i lose a bit more of my sanity. KEEP IT UP 😵‍💫😮‍💨 the fucking gender in this???? i’m so envious 💔 he looks so good i’m ASHJSJSKAK. i’m fucking in love. time to renew my vows-
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you don’t understand i’m about to eat kanato. he’s so pretty he’s so pretty he’s so pretty PLEASE GOD. the pose, the outfit, the colors look so stunning on him oml we’re renewing our vows too-
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REIJI SAKAMAKI THE MAN YOU ARE. THOSE COLORS ON HIM 💞💞💞💞💞 the pose, the expression, the clothing 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 it’s time i propose💍🙏 please please please
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CARLA 💘💘💘💘💘 he’s so pretty oml. i love him in this pose. i love it so dearly you don’t understand. wow it’s looking like a great day for another proposal 💍🙏
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KOU 💘💘💘 he looks so pretty & cute 🥺 i love him in these colors. i love him in this vest. this suit is so flattering on him 💘💘💘 💥 omg i just dropped something??? 💍 omg where’d that come from???
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fuck this suit looks so good on him. these color are so pretty on him??? his hair color looks so gorgeous paired with it imo. 💥💍 OMG WHERE DO THESE RINGS KEEP COMING FROM??
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is it just me or does shuu’s head placement seem weird? maybe it’s because i can’t see his neck showing, but aside from that, HE’S SO PRETTY !!! 💥💍 omg what’s with me today???? 👁️👁️🙏
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laito has his hair styled like that again !!!!! 💞💞💞💞 he’s so cute. i love his pose so much. the tongue sticking out he’s so cute i’ll kiss him 💘 everyone looks so good in this line fr
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quick notes about the others because i have a bit to say:
istg i’m always living for kino in these lines 😭 he’s always giving so much. i love. why is ruki spreading his legs like that? 😭 despite that he does look pretty. yuma with ribbon !!!!!!! i repeat, yuma with a ribbon in his hair again !!!! subaru looks cutie & i’m glad we can see the back design of the tailcoat !! the colors look really nice on shin imo !!
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nyaitsu-writes · 2 years
consider: 33 + natsume 👁️👁️❤️
dearest anon this prompt has been living rent free in my mind since april. april. i wrote it just as you sent it but i've been struggling with the ending part but it's done! at last! ohhh to cuddle softly with natsume..... (〃▽〃)
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✧ natsume + 33: soft kisses while cuddling in bed ✧
Natsume isn’t someone to let his guards down easily, always paying attention to his surroundings, to the people around him and their expressions. So seeing that same Natsume so openly relaxed as he holds you between his arms is a blessing on its own. Eyes closed and a soft breathing, he looks defenseless and soft while cuddling together in bed.
There’s something so charming about lazy afternoons resting together that you can’t help but smile, pressing a soft kiss against his forehead.
“...what? You’ve been staring so much…” His words come as a bit of a slurred mess, sleepy ambers snapping open as soon as you let your gaze wander on him for longer than expected. Natsume’s hands are still nicely clutched to your waist, keeping you close to him even when he’s not fully awake.
“How did you know I was looking?” you ask, propping yourself on an elbow to stare even more intently into Natsume’s half-asleep face, careful not to move too far. He does a similar gesture to rolling his eyes, which would have had more of an effect on you had he not been interrupted by his own yawn.
“I know. That’s it.” He shuffles back in place, pulling the covers back again. “Plus, didn’t you say you were tired? That’s the reason I accepted to sleep with you in the first place, so…”
Eyeing you still half-asleep boyfriend, you smile to yourself, “Hm-hmm. Yeah, I am. actually, I’m a bit cold too, mind helping with that?”
Natsume raises an eyebrow but, much to your own delight, gently pulls you closer into his chest. He always plays this game of looking over so slightly annoyed at your petitions for cuddles, even though he always complies at the very end. But it’s either his sleepy state or an unexpected crave for cuddles, judging by how he presses a single kiss on the top of your head.
“If you’re feeling clingy then just say so.”
You smile. “I am the clingy one? Are you sure? Me?” A soft whisper as you poke his cheek. And so he gives you the look. The ‘I feel personally attacked by that remark you just made and I will make you pay back tenfold’ look, where he scrunches up his nose just the slightest bit and furrows his brows in annoyance. And there’s this little hmp sound coming from his lips before he becomes the one poking your cheeks.
“You’re much cuter when you’re not talking, you know? For someone complaining about being all sleepy, you surely are noisy.” There’s a slight pause as his hands reach for the back of your neck, pulling you back to his chest. “Shut up or I’ll make you.”
You make a conscious effort to try and hide your own chuckle, pressing your face against his chest. It isn’t much of a threat when he looks like that, messy locks of red and white sprawled in every direction. Twirling his hair between your fingers, you grin, “Then make me”.
Natsume clicks his tongue in a delightful mix of irritation and what can only be referred as enjoyment before he takes your lips between his own. Kissing softly as you reach closer to his face, melting in the sweetest kiss that lasts just long enough for you to run slightly out of breath. He stares at your slightly flushed face, his free hand cupping your cheek so gently it would have been the cutest situation, had Natsume not been grinning just as much as you were a few minutes ago.
“So much cuter when you’re not complaining, really,” he says, as if to mess with you a bit more before you press your head against his chest. Hmp. Mean as only he can be! But you hug him once again and Natsume goes back to resting his head on top of yours, slowly playing with your hair and pressing soft kisses against your head every so often. He sure likes laying down like this, not like he would do so much as openly admitting it. Yet his gentle touches and his soft kisses show more, so much more than he can confess with words…
155 notes · View notes
nikatyler · 18 days
Zeph 1.0 ✨
Surprise. I wanna archive my very first bg3 run over here also, because it's pain in the ass to revisit it on twitter. I didn't quite live tweet this one, but I tweeted it a bunch too. The usual applies, spoilers are inevitable*, do with that what you want, and as per usual, if you haven't played this game yet: Go. Play. It. NOW. 😡
*but also this one is wayyyy less spoilery than my livetweeting of later runs haha
So let's go back to the beginning, March 7. Little Nika had no idea she's about to unleash her greatest hyperfixation since her Winx Club days.
I'm feeling like. Proper shy about this game 💀 It's just a game these people are fake no need to feel shy you'll hurt no one's feelings dammit
(it's still installing btw, because apparently my internet hates me today of all days)
Still about 80 minutes to go 💀 my own stupid ass anxiety will kill me before that
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friends i'm too shy to click the play button
See this is why I have zero friends because I'm too intimidated to even open a game with people who DON'T ACTUALLY EXIST alright alright i'll go do it you know i want to and i know i want to but i'm gonna sit here blushing like a fool the entire time
I also need to yell before I do a new thing
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I'm in
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Being a complicated asexual means I have no ducking idea if I want it or not Eh we're going with it
Yes I suppose this will now be the live thread of my initial thoughts and shenanigans, welcome welcome, or use that cute little mute button if you don't care ✨
I can already tell I'll have only two facial expressions playing this game: 👁️👄👁️ and 👁️🫦👁️
That was some fucked up asmr right there in the beginning. 10/10
Fuck it whomst do we create now chat Do we do it Do I do that thing we talked about
I'm overwhelmed by the amount of ways I could go about this, I think I'll create a random character at first and then when I play some other time I'll bring my boi in when I know better what to do and how 🫣
Girl help I don't know what kind of character I want to play with
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As someone who dropped out of university I kinda feel like I need to have this hair 💀
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them need a name (idk why i said it like that but i'm keeping it my brain is mush ok)
aintnoway it's been 15 minutes and i still haven't picked a name, am i possibly overthinking this? does anyone get the vibe that i'm overthinking this because i certainly feel like there may be a chance that i'm overthinking this
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I'm still playing I just have nothing to say, I'm learning, and I'm waiting to meet you know who
Here we go 😗
Had dinner irl and I feel like I should take a break but so far I'm loving this! I'm a bit dumb but eh we'll get there. Would love to try out the multiplayer at some point (but don't count on it, I say that now and then I'll be too anxious to play with you 💀)
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I just realized my guy Zeph (they/them) looks like a yassified Ladislaus the Posthumous and idk what to do with that information
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here's a slightly better look at my guy. do i need to say i'd die for them
babes the minecraft hole will be abandoned for another game i'm afraid
That little thingy that tells you the character approves will ruin my life. Pathological people-pleaser reporting for duty 🫡
Y'all weren't lying this game is addicting
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i'm so fucking weak already he just lays there like that and i fgjklsdfsjkljdsf thoughts i will not handle this game well
i'm so schoolgirl with a crush coded at the moment it's so embarrassing
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I haven't played bg3 since before lunch
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Midnight and I still haven't played it's been like almost 12 hours at this point I'm completely normal abt this
I'm too tired but I want to play but it would be a bad idea but I mean I'm dumb at this game anyway so what's the harm but I don't want to mess up but ok bed first ig
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did someone ask for homemade niche memes that only apply to me
(he would get it though)
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wait that picture is even funnier than i intended for it to be bc like this happened canonically in the nsb legacy, he burned because i was too busy doing something else
I killed my character 💀 whoopsie it's reload time sorry bud
Teehee won a battle and knew what I was doing most of the time, maybe I'm getting better at this
I'll go put some lasagna in the oven and continue playing
Chanting "eat shit, eat shit, eat shit" in a very squeaky voice every time an enemy goes down
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all too well you say?? wind in my hair i was there i remember it all too well?? did you leave your scarf at his sister's house???
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lemme tell you how to make my simple bi ass happy
i'm bi first and people pleaser second. or vice versa. dunno
Oh yissss the bite scene here we go :3
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oh don't you worry i will so be on my vigilante shit for you
Not to be weird again but this game is unlocking emotions I didn't know I had
You know how I thought I was getting better 💀 yeah nvm it's reload after reload today 💀
Oop I'm already on 14 hours 🫢
Okay I'm gonna play for just like five minutes and then go to bed If I'm still online at 2am you're allowed to yell at me
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lord save me I said five minutes
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I'm showing great restraint right now
Oh something is happening ohhh something is happening can my laptop catch up and stop lagging pls
You know it's gonna be so jover for me and I'm gonna be so beyond saving when I start putting together detailed information about my boi Zeph
(they/them btw, I call them boi or bud but in a nonbinary way)
Also can't decide what Zeph is short for. Was their deadname Joseph and they kept just half of it? Is their full first name Zephyros or something? What's their full full name? See it starts with little things like this but give me an hour and I'll have their full history 💀
Big spiders...big fucking spiders ;----;
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fuck that's not the best screenshot i could've taken 💀 I PANICKED OKAY
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live nika reaction
Why do I get the feeling *everybody* wants to have fun with me
i didn't click it yet guys i'm 💀💀💀
so do i torture myself and leave it to tomorrow or do i go back in the game now? 👀
Fuck it let's go asexuality leaving my body as we speak
Oh boy
👁️👄👁️ gnight
My sibling: *sends me a picture of their blorbo* Me: THAT'S NEAT, ALSO I F🤭CKED MY BLORBO YESTERDAY
And yes, those are our first messages today. No "good morning, have a nice day", more like "so this fictional man dammit", straight to the point 😌
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Asking the real questions (abt their blorbo)
Having an Annabeth Chase in Mark of Athena moment (and I don't mean that I'm doing something smart, I mean there's spiders)
FUCK YEAHHHHH WE WON (and almost died) (and in Zeph's case literally died) (but we're so back) (seriously though why do I always manage to kill just my character) (this was the worst battle I hate spiders I hate spiders so much)
I'm still shaking 😭
Having a real dummy day, besides the spider fight I'm not doing well 💀
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nvm we got the pwetty book, it only took me like an hour to get here, it's fine😂
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the blood, i like it 😌😏
Oop I've got over 24 hours in the game already 🤭
btw I don't think I ever told you, my savefile name is "girl help"
Also I just quickly hopped in again now but I didn't really do much, I'm too tired to think at this point, I'll probably go to bed soon. I thought I figured something but nah not really and then I accidentally crashed the game oops 💀 my bad
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bi panic intensifies
Something about me forgetting there could be traps and letting Zeph run straight through them over and over again…no wonder they're always on the verge of death 😭🤣
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um yeah i guess we weren't supposed to do that huh 💀
Don't worry, I reloaded 💀
I miss my boi Zeph I wish I could be playing rn
They are so getting a backstory and like actual development once I get more into the lore and everything, just watch. And then we'll come full circle and I'll create them in ts4
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we are here
sorry not sorry but also occasionally i'm too self aware so i will be sorry but most of the time i will just not be sorry. sorry about that. but actually not sorry. sorry --
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
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a bit of both- I was too scared to go off anon cuz I would've been embarrassed if I was wrong 😭
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They INVENTED divorce. You get it.
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And I DONT MIND YOUR THOUGHRS ARE SO SILLY!! pls invitation to come back on stage and scream about the guys ever 🥺
ksjdlfdsklfj I Understand 🙏 i hope it is ok that i took this message as an excuse to Continue Going Wild
head empty only tiny guy doodles now
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while i was doodling i remembered ruggie and silver both have a vignette with jade where Food Is Involved... im obsessed w/the one where jade gives his mushrooms to the cafeteria bc azul and floyd banished them, and silver has them the next day and is like This Is The Best Risotto Ive Ever Had In My Life. and jades just watching him like 👁️👁️ and theres the one where ruggie accidentally takes jades ingredients and is like OH SHIT DONT KILL ME here i'll teach you a cool recipe!!!! i love how often these boys bond over food actually.... ruggie helped kalim cook in another vignette... jade and kalim talked about tea [and then jade died bc kalim uses too much sugar LOL]
more rambling and screen shots i have to go bonkers or i will die
oh my god and the second tsum event. theres the cutest little rythmatic of jamil kalim floyd and azul in the kitchen with tsums 😭😭😭 i want the second years to have a potluck........
ALSO i love in the first volume of the twst anthology, chapter 13 where it basically turns into the second years coming together and trying to help silver stay awake and hanging out EXCEPT THE FISH ARE NNNNOT INVITED!!! or like. theyre just not in that story fdslkjfds and jamil just shows up at the end..
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why did he do that. he was talking about riddle and they literally got riddle involved bc ruggie suggested it but here's the thing!!! silver is the one that needed notes bc he fell asleep. kalim joined up and was like lets study together and have a feast!! so ruggies like oh hell yea im in it for the food. why did he decide riddle needed to be there 🤔 i mean maybe he did actually want to study and/or didnt wanna be the one suckered into leading the study session LOL but. i think it kinda just looks like he wants to hang out with riddle jflsjeklkj like he literally later says "but im here for the feast" so WHY did you get RULES ABIDING RIDDLE involved HMMM??? watching you ruggie bucchi.
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theyre literally SO cute i LOVE the anthology mangas SO MUCH and i really wish they'd make a third one!!!
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god i actually. forgot a lot about this one LOL there's a lot of cute moments w/them 😭
ALSO now that im at my computer i could search better and i FOUND THE POST where i talked endlessly about riddle/floyd. i still stand by all of that. and theres cute anthology moments in there too.
third year divorce jumpscare while im in the anthologies
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i love them theyre so fucking funny. also why are there So Many Times in game where vil basically says "yeah leona is extremely physically attractive HOWEVER his personality sucks and i hate him." like okay. why do you have to keep telling us that leona has a "pretty face" or "only good for his looks" or whatever it is he says fjsdkljekl. that's nice vil.
pushing them back out of the way back to the second years
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and trey. im still trapped in the anthologies since thats whats in front of me klfjlewjsdfjkls god the way this one takes place after jamils meltdown and hes like "omg trey senpai....... and jade 😒........" Get His Ass sdfdsfg god i dont have a screenshot rn but another top 10 moments of twst for me that made me cry laughing was when i was reading cater's union bday card and jamil asks him that interview question "which dorm would you pick if you werent in heartslabyul" and god the TIMING with cater saying octavinelle INSTANTLY making jamil SCOWL IN DISAPPROVAL at the SHEER MENTION OF THE FISH BITCH DORM is SO funny to me. EW. GROSS. DISGUSTING!!! i so badly want riddle and jamil to bond over their mutual fish hading sjdklfe theyre SO FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
and yet in masquerade event. jamil bullies azul. azul buillies him back. they DANCE TOGETHER IN BOTH OF THE RHYTHM GAMES. theyre DUO PARTNERS to azuls ssr. riddle and jamil compliment [more or less LOL] azul's singing performance at the end. i think once or twice riddle and jamil also share a few 😑😑 moments over azul... being azul jdkslfjkdsljf and it's EVERYTHING TO ME it was so validating bc i think those three should hang out forever.
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
But also your tags on my analysis,,, 👁️👁️
I have Since Shifted on things a little bit after making that post, because I've seen others point things out, as well as noticed differences myself.
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There's speculation right now that the man in blue in the top picture and the man with his back to the camera in the bottom picture are the same person. And the current speculation I've seen right now is that it's fucking Hornigold.
But I also wouldn't be surprised if it's like, some other sort of threat too? Like some sort of British Admiral or someone else out to get the lot of them? Or maybe they're entirely different people shdjks BUT I'M LEANING TOWARDS THERE BEING SOME SORT OF CONNECTION,,,
Because like, the Wee John shot comes right before Ed's barrel shot. So I'm like 👀👀👀
I was so ~*~swept up~*~ by the beauty that is Wee John in drag in that first shot that I didn't really pay attention to the surroundings. If you look closely, it doesn't really look that much like a party anymore, but some sort of hostage situation/attack. Or maybe it WAS a party, but then whoever the hell that is crashed it.
Because Wee John's hands seem to be bound, someone appears to be tied to the mast, Roach looks like he's having a Bad Time in the foreground, etc etc.
And I THINK it's the Revenge? So like, they were partying, and then chaos ensued, or something along those lines.
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Ed looks desperate, man. And the lighting and his costume/makeup all match up. And because he's wearing the fucking pearls, and has his hair back, and doesn't have his makeup on, this makes me think that ALL of this is in the latter half of the season.
His desperation also makes me think that whoever the fuck THAT is captured/did something bad to Stede. Like maybe...
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Whatever led to him screaming like THIS. ((I know there's a high possibility it could be something funny like a crab getting a little 🍆🦀 or something equivalent. BUT ALSO, WASN'T A TORTURER CAST?????))
Anyway, TLDR, they were trying to have a nice party, whoever the fuck that is crashed it and fucked with the crew and/or did something horrible with Stede, and Ed is fucking PISSED ABOUT IT.
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((dude if that is the case, and like, they haven't fully made up, yet ed goes absolutely INSANE trying to protect stede??? that's one of my favorite tropes so i'll be in the Ground hope you know that))
anyway kiss kiss smooch smooch rolling into my grave <3
JODI JODI YAAAAAAY I ALWAYS LOVE LOVE LOVE WHEN YOURE IN MY INBOX!!!! it means i’m in for a good time! and MY GOD did you deliver!!!
i’m obsessed with this theory! i think you’re right - this very well could be Hornigold, which would explain Ed’s desperation and unease. It would also explain the barrel situation. “He treated us like dogs — worse than dogs.” Maybe this is finally his chance to get back at this prick.
In terms of the party on the Revenge:
Talent show? 👁️👁️
Maybe they’re finally doing what they were going to before everything went to shit. It would explain Wee John in drag! Maybe Hornigold seizes the The Revenge midway through? This also means that this could happen post reunion, which explains the pearls and the hair tied back.
I can’t recall if it was a torture or an executioner that was cast! Does anyone have that info hiding anywhere? You could be right about that too Jodi! Hornigold’s taken Stede captive and Ed has to get him back even if they haven’t made up yet, or something along those lines.
WAIT! What if the beach gunfighting scene is them returning to each other after all that?
If I think about this any more I’m going to die 😌👍 this response was not nearly as coherent as what you’ve presented here, but we’ve been in the clown car together since the start so I’m starting to think we could communicate telepathically at this point.
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dreamtydraw · 5 months
Glub Glub
HAHA I’ve made it back home to my fishbowl!!! And guess what~ I played through all of your games! (I finished at.. 2 AM fishy time… I’m very sleepy lmao) I have oh so many thoughts about them all… >:) Ramble incoming! Apologies for the atrociously long ask and grammatical errors-
I played the games in order of release so first up was Night Shift, which was such a fun and quick play!! I loved how it sorta just throws you into this confusing supernatural world and is just like “You’re stuck in a time loop, good luck!”. I tend to go into video games expecting them to be super difficult for me, especially when they involve choice, so at the start I was listening to Françoise’s instructions like a hawk 👁️👁️, the atmosphere of the game was so cool too, the little inconsistencies in logic was so cool to watch unfold (I vividly remember reading the bit where the MC picks up the axe and flipping out cause “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE THAT!! THE GAME SAID DON’T DO THAT YOU IDIOT!!”) I forget the actual word for it but the entire setting really gave of the feeling of being in a huge place that’s typically filled with people but is for some reason deserted.. well except for Sam. Speaking of! Sammy’s fun I loved them! I was so intrigued as to what their whole deal was, like how did they get there? Why are they there? Whats up with them and Françoise and the whole “Deary” thing?? Overall it was such a short but sweet experience and a very nice introduction into the Paranormal Club world
Next was Apple Bag! I was actually originally going to play this last cause of its open ending, but I figured since it came out directly after Nightshift, I might as well just play it right then and there. This was also tons of fun! I actually really liked the MC’s personality a lot, I dunno why but their dialogue and thoughts were just fun to read through. I played through the mystery strangers route (I swear to god their name was said somewhere but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was) and it was a good time! I love their design a whole lot and it was funny seeing them get introduced as this terrifying menacing stranger to chill and sleepy customer, funnily enough when the MC kept describing them as really scary I was pretty confused as to why, then I realized that I kinda tend to act a lot like the stranger when I’m going out sooooo.. no wonder I didn’t find them all too spooky. The mystery of the literal apple bag and Sammy’s disappearance was also really fun to see, I wonder if it’s talking about Nightshift? Idk, I’m not a theory making expert so who knows! I’m just eager to watch the story unfold!
Next up Tulipe! The creation of this game was when I really first started seeing your Paranormal Club stuff so needless to say I was really excited to finally play it, and boy was I not disappointed!! Getting to see Achik in action was so so nice considering he’s the one that really got me into Paranormal Club. The game overall just had this constant feeling of fleeting bittersweetness? If that makes sense? And I mean that in a good way, I loved how the story (when doing the good endings) were sweet overall but kind of had this melancholic tint to it that I couldn’t ignore, kinda reminded me of my time playing blooming panic if that makes sense. I played through every single ending cause they were easy and quick enough to get and every single one of them was great! The good ending where you tell Achik the truth about why you approached him was, predictably, my favourite ending, I actually liked how you don’t really become besties by the end of it and remain as friends who are close but ultimately aren’t ever gonna deepen the relationship. The other good ending was also very nice but man did I feel awful telling Achik I only pursued him for his looks, it made me feel so bad I for the poor guy. And getting the bad endings? Man. Being generally mean in games already makes me feel terrible, so in Tulipe where I flat out have to use manipulation and spike someone’s drink???? YIKES. All I have to say to that is thank god I can consider it wildly non canon! (I didn’t know where to say it, but Achik’s sunglasses make me giggle, they look so goofy in a good way!)
And lastly, I played 21 Questions…. *sob* Clem… love of my life… I finally got to be with you like I always dreamt!!!! Yeah, jokes aside as you can probably tell Clem’s become my #1 fav of Paranormal Club. He’s just so cute and lovable and relatable! I could rant about my love for them for hours. I adored how down to earth the story and its characters were, and my heart goes out to everyone on the dev team for breathing so much life into the game. Clem and Aurore are such fun characters to watch interact and I never doubted for a second that they were best friends! The duo also really remind me of myself and people I know irl so I was like “Yeah I’d fit right in with these too if they were real” the whole time. Speaking of relatability, boy did Clem’s vent scene hit so hard- it feels weird to say but I just adored how depressing that scene was, not to get personal but Clem’s entire vent just reminded me exactly of myself, like I’ve had the exact thoughts that they had, so the entire time I was ugly sobbing right there with Clem, it felt nice, cathartic too. I always really appreciate any piece of media that’s able to do that, so Clem’s kinda become pretty special to my heart <3
Every single one of these games was an absolute delight to play through, they’re all filled with so much love and care that I can’t help but admire each and every one of them. I hope you and everyone you’ve worked with on your games are proud of what you’ve made and know that they’re all such amazing experiences :) Whenever you decide to make your next project (after a nice and healthy break), know that your fish anon will be right here in my fishbowl ready to support you!
And with that I must take my leave and turn in for the night, I’m so ready to knock out. Goodnight!
First off… OH MY GOD
Your ask has been screened and sent to the other teams member + added to my personal gallery to remember because oh my 😭😭😭
I can’t put words on how much this ask feels to me, like, this is the reason i want to make art it’s for people to enjoy but i always doubt myself and like having point blank long comments about enjoying the biggest projects i worked on in my life so far is like- so important to me thanks you so much fish anon thank you !!! ( this is all i’ll be seing when i goes to sleep )
I’m really glad you liked the game, even nighshift ! This games is in my standard bad and i aim to remake it one day but i’m glad you add fun.
Answering some of the questions :
Yes Sam from nighshift and Sam from apple bag are the same person ! That why you meet erinna in both game. The events also happen at the same période.
The stranger’s name is Leila and they go by they/them.
The canon ending of tulipe is the first good ending :}
I will be taking a break as a dev yeah disidod need some rest.
Hope you’re also resting well !!!
Tons of love fish anon and again multiples thank you for not only playing my games but taking the time to writte all of this. It warms my heart and i’m grateful for your message. ❤️
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